disruptxrr · 10 months
cant believe i’m taller than u this information has made my day thank u
oh so you want me to send you death threats too? is that it? thanks for letting me know
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minniepetals · 3 years
Rose & Thorns: 10
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— summary: a lone rose, a little broken, until Jungkook came along and the two of you saved each other. and in doing so, Jungkook showed you a world where he shared with his six other mates.
— pairing: dragon!bts x reader
— genre: angst / slight fluff / poly!au / fantasy!au / dragon!au
— word count: 8.0k
— warnings: none
╰ part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10
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You stood in the hall of the castle on the left of Namjoon while Hoseok stood on his right, faces grim and serious as you could feel all eyes on you with the intriguing fact that a Keeper was in their clan, a Keeper the clans haven’t had since hundreds of years ago. None of them were alive to live through the years when the first Keeper had been chosen so to know that another Keeper was made was quite fascinating to them, you were sure.
But you could also tell that some dragons still doubted your loyalty, knowing fully well how many of them did not have good histories with your kind. But you weren’t going to let them faze you. Namjoon often reminded you to look confident no matter how much they may scare you. After all, looking small and vulnerable in front of the dragons would only give them more doubt and you knew you had to gain their trust and show them that you were capable of being a Keeper more than anything.
As the steps of the leader of the Southern Clan began to echo into the room and the whispering voices died down, Namjoon took his respective bow with you and Hoseok automatically following along, heads lowered in respect as you stared at the floor below you.
It was nerve wracking being in a room full of dragons you had never seen before but you knew you had to remain strong.
“Prince Namjoon.” Surprisingly the voice was light and friendly as the prince spoke your leader’s name. He rose upon the call of his name with you and Hoseok following and could see the kind smile prince Daesung was giving him. “Welcome to our Clan.”
“Thank you,” Namjoon gave him a short nod before his gaze fell to Hoseok.
“Prince Hoseok.”
“Your highness.”
“And,” he turned his head your way and the moment his eyes met yours, you could see the way his eyes widened a little, falling silent at the sight of you with a delicate hand coming up to cover his mouth. “Oh my,” he whispered in a small gasp, blinking one moment before breaking into a bright smile that practically lit up the entire room and the next thing you knew he had rushed in front of you with his hands grabbing ahold of yours, squeezing it tight. “You didn’t tell me she was so adorable!” The prince squealed with delight, surprising you with a sudden embrace that caught you off guard and your eyes were quick to dart to your dragons with a flustered expression plastered onto your face.
The way their eyes darkened slightly almost brought shivers down your spine.
“Human girls are the cutest thing ever! I can’t believe I’m finally meeting one in real life!! Tell me!” He backed away just enough to face you again as you could feel yourself blushing at how close he was. “Keeper of the Dragons, what is your name, dear one?”
“U-uh,” you stuttered, feeling slightly uncomfortable by the close proximity but knowing not to be rude in his presence, “Y..Y/N.”
You thought his eyes had lit up even more. “What a pretty name! You’re so—”
“Okay, that’s enough,” Hoseok quickly stepped in to grab you by the shoulder and pulled you back to his arms with a displeased look on his face. “Prince Daesung. Whether she is a human or not, you must remember that our Keeper is still a lady.”
“Oh my.” Totally ignoring Hoseok’s warnings, prince Daesung could only wiggle more with excitement as his eyes returned to you again. “I know jealousy when I see it and I must say, to woo the seven princes of the East Clan is quite a bold move of yours, precious Y/N.”
“Huh?” You began to panic as your hands came up to wave with denial. “No, I-I didn’t—”
“Not that I’m saying it’s a bad thing. I would do the same if I had the pretty looks you do. How’d they find such an adorable face such as yourself? Or did you find them first? I’m sure these possessive dragons stole you away to make you fall in love with them, didn’t they?”
“W-wait! They didn’t—”
“Prince Daesung, stop teasing the little one already.” Namjoon let out a tired sigh.
“I can’t help it!” The prince chortled with a sly grin. “She’s even more pretty when she blushes so easily like that.”
You could see his followers looking away or hanging their heads in shame at their prince’s words and you realized that you were totally baited by the South Clan’s leader, making you even more embarrassed than before.
As if reading your thoughts, Hoseok gave you a squeeze. “Don’t worry. Prince Daesung likes to spew nonsense so don’t take him too seriously.”
Offended, prince Daesung gave out a dramatic gasp. “Rude!”
“Forgive me for the impolite behavior of my dear brother.” You turned at the sound of the voice that was laced with poised to find a young lady a few feet taller than you. She had her head bowed with a hand rested against her heart, showing both grace and a dignified manner and you could tell almost immediately who she was after learning a few things about the South Clan. “Are you alright, milady?” Princess Soyeon asked with a slight concern as she addressed you.
“Yes, your highness,” you told her with a small smile, a bit taken back by how different the two siblings were.
She returned the smile with her own before turning to her brother with a displeased glare. “Not only is Y/N a lady but she is also the sole Keeper of the Dragons. You cannot disrespect the lady like that.”
Her scolding made prince Daesung look away with a pout. “You cannot expect me to ignore the cute.”
“Would you like to feel the wrath of our neighboring princes as well?”
Though the prince did not respond to that as he refused to meet his sister’s glare, you cocked your head slightly to the side with confusion upon her words. “Wrath?”
Princess Soyeon looked back at you with softer eyes and a faint smile as she eyed your two princes. “Us dragons are very possessive creatures. If anyone tries to touch our treasures, it may turn into conflicts. They may not look like it but I am sure prince Namjoon and prince Hoseok weren’t exactly fond of my brother touching you.”
You looked over your shoulder at the two of them who stood tall behind you and found Namjoon meeting your eyes with a slight raise to his brow almost as if confirming the assumption of the princess, making your cheeks warm up again.
“Again, please forgive my brother. I will make sure he does not do anything to offend you again.”
“Ah, it…” you shook your head with a smile, “it’s alright.”
“Now then,” with a sudden clap echoing into the large room, prince Daesung began to dismiss the members of his clan. “You’ve gotten a good look at our dear Keeper and see that she is a beautiful lady and anyone beautiful is worth trusting so—”
“Our relationship with the Eastern Clan is clear enough to show that we have no reason to mistrust them,” princess Soyeon stated in a loud, clear voice as she totally ignored the voice of her brother who responded with a glare of his own. But even though she had interrupted him, he let her go on to address the crowd. “We all know that the only way a human can become a Keeper is through the will of our own ancestors and we know never to question their decisions. If they have chosen Y/N as the new Keeper of the Dragons then that is the decision that we must accept. If anyone has any problem with that, know that you will be going against our own ancestors.”
Her voice, so poised and filled with charisma, was enough to let her warriors know that she wasn’t going to tolerate anyone that would go against having you as their Keeper and for that, you felt so thankful to the princess.
Once the room finally cleared away and all that was left were the five of you along with a few trusted warriors of the Southern Clan, you knew it was all business now.
“Your highnesses,” Namjoon began and it was enough to let the princess understand what he wanted to discuss.
She turned to follow her brother as she spoke and the rest of you followed along to their steps. “I am sure you must be wanting to discuss the agreement between the three clans upon accepting the Keeper.”
“That’s correct,” he gave a firm nod.
You walked beside Hoseok, silently listening in as your nerves began to reappear once again. You knew it wasn’t going to be easy even if the South Clan seemed friendly but you hoped things would work out well in the end.
“The other clans may not be as lenient but we do not plan on using Y/N for all of the wars that will be fought in the future,” she was quick to assure. “Whether she is a Keeper or not, we will not lay so low as to use someone outside of our clan as a tool in order to fight our wars.”
“Besides,” chiming in, you met the eyes of the prince as he looked over his shoulder for a brief moment and sent you a smirk, “who would want to send a beautiful lady into the battlegrounds?” He turned back again, sounding a little more exasperated this time. “However, we all know prince Hyungwoo and prince Seojoon aren’t going to be as kind as us.”
As the door to a room opened up, you all walked into their meeting hall and immediately took your seats in order to continue discussing.
“The princes of the North and West know not to reject a Keeper but you must be prepared for what challenges they will have you facing.”
You tilted your head slightly to the side at princess Soyeon. “Challenges?”
“To see how powerful you can be.”
“They won’t do anything unethical now will they?” Hoseok frowned.
“If they realize the little one has joined your little circle of lovers then perhaps they will take not offending you more into account,” prince Daesung opined with a light shrug. “But the two of them are quite unpredictable, especially prince Hyungwoo of the North, so it’s best to keep your guard up. Prince Seojoon is rational but it’s hard to please that man.” He propped his elbow upon the grand table, resting his chin onto his hand as he looked at you with sympathetic eyes. “Be careful, dear Y/N, dragons can be quite prideful and if someone comes in to threaten their position in this little game of ours, it can get a little nasty.”
You could feel a shiver running down your spine but it fell away too soon as you felt Hoseok’s hand suddenly holding yours. When you turned your head towards him, he graced you with a kind smile. “There’s no need to be afraid, we’ll be right there with you,” he whispered softly, allowing your heart to relax again.
“Major wars do not occur very often,” princess Soyeon added truthfully, “and if they do, we often deal with it on our own with our own dragons. But if there is ever an emergency that forces us to seek help, I hope that you will allow us to call for you.”
“Of course,” you gave her a firm nod with a determined gaze. “I will be prepared for the day I am asked to help fight the wars.”
She returned the nod just as firmly before letting herself relax just for a moment to spare you a small smile. “Thank you, Keeper, and thank you princes of the East for finding her.”
It was their unquestioned trust in you that made you believe in yourself more.
“What are you thinking about?”
The prince had allowed your stay in the South as the sun was already beginning to set by the time the meeting was over and as you sat on the grand bed prepared for you and your princes, Namjoon took a seat beside you after changing into proper sleepwear, wondering why you looked so distant all on your own.
You didn’t want to bother them with your concerns so you shook your head lightly with a faint smile thrown his way to try and ease the tension that hadn’t faded from the moment the three of you left the Eastern mountains.
“Right now it feels just right to take up prince Daesung’s offer to stay here a while longer and postpone our travel plans for the West and North, doesn’t it? I know you’re anxious,” Hoseok said with a wry smile as he went on to sit beside you on your other side.
“But,” Namjoon took ahold of your hand and placed it on top of his palm where it rested upon his lap, and began to rub small circles on the back of your hand as a way of comfort, “I know you miss the others and cannot wait to go home.”
How was it that they knew you so well? You could still recall those moments when they couldn’t trust a word you said and had treated you poorly but looking at them at this moment, you could find nothing but love in their eyes and that alone warmed your cold, anxious heart.
“It hasn’t even been a day,” you lamented as your eyes cast down to the gentle hands that were still caressing yours. “I miss them so much.”
“You’re right,” Hoseok said in a soft manner as he thought back to that morning the three of you took your leave and placed an arm over your shoulders with a small squeeze. “It isn’t often we go our separate ways outside of our lands.”
“Mhm,” Namjoon said, nodding. “There are some of us who haven't even seen the world outside our own lands despite being princes.”
Your eyes widened a bit at the revelation. “No way. Who?”
“Jimin and Taehyung.”
“Why is that?”
“Jimin looks after our prisoners, as you know, so it really doesn’t matter much to him because he’s sadly almost always in the dungeons. As for Taehyung, the younger one has to look after the little ones so he doesn’t get out much either,” explained Hoseok. It made sense, you should have known of those facts before they even told you but it still made it sad to be able to hear of the two of them being stuck in the clan everyday.
“So what are the occasions when traveling outside our lands?” You asked them.
Namjoon gave you a small grin. “Well for one, meetings like these. But I have meetings with the clan leaders every full moon. Usually Yoongi will accompany me on those nights. That’s why some days we go missing and are nowhere to be found inside the clan. Seokjin travels if he needs to find special herbs or wishes to learn more about plants and remedies that don't exist on our lands.”
“Those are what he calls his errands,” Hoseok said almost in a whisper as he sent you a wink, causing your mouth to form into a little circle at the epiphany.
“That’s why he takes so long and sometimes comes back so late? I would have loved to accompany him on those journeys.”
They both shared a chuckle.
“You’ve had some bad encounters when leaving the clan, I’m sure hyung only left you out for your sake,” Hoseok explained gently as he stroked your hair before proceeding on. “Jungkook and I sometimes have to do secret patrols that take place outside our lands. Only a very few of us know of that though. They’re sort of like secret investigations to get information on whether a smaller clan will be wanting to rise against us or not in order to prepare for or avoid any future wars.”
“But as you can see, we’ve managed to avoid war for a long time now.”
“Though it doesn’t guarantee the fact that we won’t be going to war again at all.”
As you stared down at your lap, the distressed look on your face made the mood drop as your two princes shared a look of understanding, knowing exactly what you are worried about.
Namjoon lightly squeezed the hand that he held onto as he began to speak again. “I know I cannot promise you that there will be no wars in the future and that even if there is a war that does not concern our clan, you may be called in to be involved as Keeper, but I can promise you that you will never be alone.”
You looked up at him with sad eyes just thinking about the wars that you all would have to face in order to protect your own people.
But Namjoon did not back away from your fear and held onto a gentle smile. “Perhaps it may not be enough to just tell you that you will not be alone but I speak for all of the dragons in our clan when I say this, Y/N. Whether it is a war fought for our own lands or a war you will be called into as Keeper for the other clans, our dragons will be right behind you guarding you at all sides. As a follower, as a friend, as a lover, and as dragons of the Eastern Clan. We are here for you.”
Upon those words that were given unto you, you knew that you could trust them with your life just as you trusted the two of them. It had been a long journey from the moment you and Jungkook escaped your old village and flew into their clan. Many things happened but as time changed, so did their hearts. You were a trusted keeper now, a human your clan believed in without a doubt so it was your turn to put your faith in them.
The journey beyond was still long but you knew you’d be alright as long as they were by your side.
“I love you,” you confessed and their eyes softened.
You were held in between the two of them, huddled so close, making you feel safe and sound and that alone allowed you to believe that everything would be alright.
“Greetings to the prince of the Western Clan.”
The air felt thicker, more tense than it was during that moment where you stood tall in front of the Southern Clan. The Western Clan was not as friendly looking as the Southern Clan but you knew that they valued law and order so although a part of you was filled with anxiety standing before the prince, you also understood that prince Seojoon wasn’t going to be someone who would judge someone that easily just because of their descendants.
“Greetings to the princes of the Eastern Clan,” he returned the formal bow, face as expressionless and as stoic as you’d been warned about. When he turned to look your way, you couldn’t tell what was on his mind. All you knew was that what he saw before him was a simple human girl claiming to be the Keeper of the Dragons.
What did he think of you? Perhaps in his eyes you looked like a frail, weak, human girl who should have never associated herself with the dragons.
It was hard being tested back in the Eastern Clan itself when you first arrived. Many of the dragons hated you at the time but you never let it get to you and tried your best to do what your heart had told you to do. Whether the dragons would accept you or not, you just had to continue doing the job you were meant to do with a golden heart.
If you show weakness, if you let their words and judgement hurt you, you would only look like someone who was not worthy of the Keeper title and that was something you knew you absolutely could not do. You couldn’t taint the reputation of the Eastern Clan, you couldn’t let the other clans shame them. If Namjoon gave you that title because he believed in you and the dragon ancestors accepted you then you had to live up to all of their expectations no matter how unclear the journey before you may lie.
When you greeted the eyes of prince Seojoon whose face revealed no sign of anything, a part of you was still afraid. But you kept your head held up high and perhaps because of that strong facade, his expression did not harden when he met your eyes.
“Keeper.” His voice was rather normal. No tone of disgust, no amount of hatred bleeding through the tip of his tongue. He greeted you as if you were an equal with a short bow and a small nod of acknowledgement.
Perhaps it wouldn’t be seen as something special but you knew and many of the dragons knew that that itself meant that prince Seojoon wasn’t going to reject you as the Keeper.
“Seojoon.” At the call of his name falling out of Namjoon’s lips, the Western prince returned his focus back on the leader of the Eastern Clan.
For a moment all was quiet and tense as the two of them stared at one another as if sending telepathic messages to each other with looks alone. You stood there beside Hoseok, waiting for one of them to break the long silence but it seemed as if none of the two were willing to do so.
You didn’t know much about the history between the two princes nor understood much of what their relationship was but what you did know was that between the two leaders of the Eastern and Western Clan, though they may have once fought from time to time long before Jungkook was captured by your former village, the two of them had this silent mutual respect for one another.
And perhaps that was one of the reasons why prince Seojoon was willing to be the one to break first.
“I was surprised when I received your letter, Namjoon,” he began without so much of a blink in his eyes. “Out of all the crown princes who have taken their positions on the thrones, I never thought you out of the four of us would choose to trust a human and grant them the title of a Keeper. In fact, I always believed you to be the last one to ever be willing.”
Standing tall and proud with no sign of remorse, Namjoon spoke with the same resolve. “It is true that my actions were indeed unexpected but my decisions were not made solely on feelings alone.”
“You are not one to easily trust a human,” the Western prince acknowledged, “so I will trust in the decision you have made. The ancestors have, as it seems, deemed her worthy of the position. However, that does not mean I will blindly put my faith in someone I do not know. Until the Keeper can prove her worth, I will be on the neutral side on neither accepting nor refusing the new Eastern Clan member.”
Prove your worth.
He wanted you to prove your worth as a Keeper in order to accept you as someone needed in the dragan clans. You weren’t sure how to do that, you weren’t even sure how you were going to be someone of good help to the four major clans. Namjoon believed in you and so did the other six, but at the moment their support did not mean much until you could find the strength within yourself to accept the role.
Prince Seojoon was right, you had to prove your worth. But not just for the clans but for your own self as well.
The past years have always treated you horribly, a human woman who had no place anywhere with no purpose in life. Now that you were given such a high honor and set at the center of the dragons, the new profound responsibilities could only make you feel as if you were just another outcast again.
Your princes believed in you and they’d go through any lengths to make sure you were safe and protected. They gave you a place in their clan, cared for you, and made sure everything was alright. It was time to stop hiding in their shadows and prove that you were indeed worthy of such an honorable title and be the one to protect instead.
You were a Keeper now. There was no time to dwindle and convince yourself otherwise.
Seeing the resolve in your eyes rather than shrinking in fear and hiding behind the princes of the Eastern Clan, prince Seojoon was a bit taken back by your strong gaze.
But...it wasn’t a look that he did not exactly hate.
Not bad, he thought, and hid the small look of approval behind his cold exterior.
“Your highness.”
Prince Seojoon stopped walking and turned slowly to find the Keeper who had not spoken even once during his audience with the Eastern Clan’s arrival. You bowed before him in a formal and elegant way, a voice too gentle and soft for a supposed warrior who would eventually have to be used in upcoming battles with the dragons, but he allowed himself not to judge someone based on the exteriors alone.
“What is it, Keeper?”
At least he was calling you by your title, you thought, and let out a hidden sigh before facing the prince with a dignified stance.
“I understand that the relationship between humans and dragons is not a strong one, but I also do not conceive of you as one who would wrongfully judge others based on the fact that I am human alone.”
“You do not, huh?” He replied with the same seriousness as you have written on your face.
“Forgive me if I am overstepping my boundaries but prince Namjoon himself has told me that you are one who sees the person before him as what they are as you see before your eyes. Neither past, race, gender, nor what they were born as will sway your mind into thinking otherwise.”
“And what are you to do with that information?”
You held your head high and met his eyes without falter, keeping in mind the words Namjoon had warned you about with how prince Seojoon did not like it when one spoke about proving oneself while cowering before his eyes. “If me proving my worth to the dragons is all that you want from me, then I will do all that I can to become a warrior that is worthy to everyone. I hope that someday you can faithfully put your trust in me as Keeper of the Dragons.”
Prince Seojoon took a moment to reply, the silence between the two of you lingering while you refused to back down upon his hard gaze otherwise he would never take your words seriously.
After a short while, he finally gave you a firm nod. “I trust that you will keep your words.”
“Yes, your highness.”
With that, the prince watched you walk away while he stood there, beginning to understand just a little bit of why the princes of the East have decided to keep you by their sides.
A brave soul, kind and gentle, but unaware of the power you held as a Keeper. One day you’d find your strength and courage walking into future wars that would call for you.
Like a rose who had yet to make use of her thorns.
“What are you worried about, hm? I’m pretty sure you just passed his test.”
“Test?” Your head was quick to perk up upon Namjoon’s words though those eyes of yours were still filled with an unspoken anxiety that kept weighing down your shoulders. “What are you talking about, Namjoon?”
“Seojoon isn’t as cruel as he portrays, he’s just a bit strict and serious when it comes to the future of the dragons.”
“You would know, you’re just like him,” Hoseok commented as a side remark, causing the leader to roll his eyes while you let out a small chuckle.
Hearing that, Namjoon’s brows furrowed as he sent you a pout. “You agree?”
There he was, a prince who was always seen as a strict leader to all, showing you a cute pout. “Well you were quite hard on me when I first walked into the clan,” you reminded the prince, causing him to let out a dry laugh.
“Right,” he cringed, not entirely liking the images of those memories walking into his head. Those days weren’t the greatest and they regretted it more than you could ever imagine but telling you those thoughts would only bring more weight on your shoulders and that was something they absolutely couldn’t do. So rather than dwelling on the negative thoughts, he approached the subject with a light tone. “If someone like me can be swayed into trusting a human once again, then Seojoon would have no problem following my footsteps.”
“Mhm,” agreed Hoseok, “Prince Seojoon is rational when it comes to judging people.”
“All you have to do is be yourself. He likes authenticity more than anything so you have no problem there.”
“I’m just,” you let out a soft sigh as you went on to hug yourself, head falling to the floor, eyes dropping with worry, “how do I prove my worth when I can’t even master my abilities as a Keeper yet?”
You felt arms wrapping themselves around you in a gentle manner, holding you close to his chest, and a soft kiss pressed to the crown of your head. “Wielding ones’ power takes time and patience but I know this, and Hoseok and the other five back at home know this.” He looked down into your eyes with a strong gaze of confidence and encouragement, meeting those anxious ones headstrong. “You can do it, Y/N. If you can turn your back on the village that was supposed to be your past, present, and future but failed you, if you can turn a blind eye on myths and legends about hideous monsters like us, if you can lend your strength towards the one that was meant to be your prisoner, rescue him, and still stay in a clan full of dragons that openly showed their distaste in you. If you can be framed for someone else’s wrongdoing, get locked up in the dungeons for months, then survive a fall off a high cliff with someone who didn’t even appreciate you and injuries all over your body...My love, you can do absolutely anything.”
“I mean look at yourself, pretty girl.” Taking your hand to pull you away from Namjoon, Hoseok held your hand in the air to twirl you around right there in the middle of the guest room. “Beautiful hands,” he pressed a kiss to back of your hand, “beautiful hair,” taking a few strands of your hair, he pressed a kiss to them, “beautiful forehead,” kisses to your forehead, “beautiful brows,” to your brows, “beautiful eyes,” two upon each eye, “beautiful nose,” to the tip of your nose, “beautiful lips,” he grinned at the sight of your cheeks blushing red and delivered a chaste kiss to them. “And a beautiful heart.”
He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in close and pressed a kiss to the right of your chest before simply resting his chin atop your shoulder.
“On top of that you’re so strong,” Namjoon stated and held you from behind, his chin resting on your opposite shoulder with you wrapped in between their arms. “If there is anyone I can trust with the title of a Keeper, it’s you. Because that is your worth. You’re beautiful and kind and so, so strong.”
“We believe in you more than anything, little one. If you can do all those things and still keep your head up and face everything with a strong mind, you are worth more than anyone as the Keeper of the Dragons.”
“You’re going to be alright. You’re going to fail from time to time but you’ll keep at it without giving up hope because that’s what you’re best at doing. When everyone else has given up hope, you’re right there to smile through the rocky road and continue on without complaint.”
“And through it all, you won’t be alone.” With a kiss on your right cheek and a kiss to your left cheek, they whispered a promise that they’d never break. “We’ll be right here next to you.”
“So rely on us too, okay?” Namjoon said as he pressed another kiss to your temple. “We’re right here for you.”
“Welcome, princes of the Eastern Clan, and,” you could feel the Northern Prince’s eyes on you though you didn’t dare to look up unless he had given you permission to do so. With a light tone that hid a certain secret you couldn’t quite put a finger on, the prince greeted you. “Keeper of the Dragons, it is an honor to finally meet you.”
“The honor is mine, your highness,” you returned the formal words with a head still lowered before him.
“Now, now, we don’t have to act too formal with one another,” prince Hyungwoo spoke in an easygoing tone as he gave a small clap. “We are comrades who are inevitably meant to fight alongside each other, aren’t we?” He held a hand before you and when you looked up to meet the gaze of the Northern Prince, you could see the lopsided grin he had greeted you with, a feeling not going too well with you but how could you show rudeness to a prince of the four?
From your peripheral vision, you could see Namjoon and Hoseok who watched with the same caution and wariness but even they couldn’t do much being as you were in the territory of the Northern Clan. A cold, hard place in the snowy mountains.
Possessive or not, it was common courtesy.
So you let your hand fall into the prince’s palm. “Yes, your highness,” you said and with a satisfied twinkle in his eyes, he gave you a kiss atop the back of your hand.
“Your beauty is one that can defeat the enemies itself, Keeper. Tell me, what is your name?”
“My name is Y/N, your highness.”
“Y/N,” he repeated the name slowly along his tongue, waiting for a moment before letting your hand go and looking up to you with a small smirk curled along the corner of his lips, “can you wield a blade?”
Your brows furrowed. “What?”
“The dragons of the Eastern Clan are one of the best warriors who control both the skies and the land, notorious for being an undefeated clan who refuses to lose to even the smallest wars. Now that they’ve gained a Keeper in their possession, they only grow stronger.” The prince gave one small look towards Namjoon and Hoseok before resting his gaze on you again. “But the Keeper does not only belong to the Eastern Clan, now does she? So tell me, dear Y/N, in a world where dragons are fighting for power just as any human kingdom would, what skills do you have to offer us protection and victory in a battlefield that may cost the lives of many?”
You knew what he was trying to say, that the position you were given and the wars that were to come was not a child’s play. It was all serious business where each one of you would walk into the battlegrounds not knowing who would live and who would survive. Being a Keeper did not guarantee safety nor victory of the wars. It meant protecting the dragons and bringing them back home alive.
“Prince Hyungwoo, the Keeper was only made recently,” Hoseok tried to save you but the Northern prince wasn’t having it.
“All the more reasons to get her ready for such dangerous events. You can’t tell me you aren’t worried just because you have a Keeper by your side now, can you?” He asked, raising a brow at the two Eastern princes. “No. It is because she is the Keeper that makes you worried more than anything. Am I wrong?” Upon the silent response that he received, the prince went on. “I won’t go against the words of our ancestors, they have accepted our dear Y/N after all, but she wouldn’t be useful if we don’t put her to good use.”
A tool.
You could tell that was all the prince of the Northern Clan thought of you as. And not just him but many other dragons who did not know of you as Y/N but as the Keeper of the dragons. You were going to be made a pawn in their wars.
“Since it seems as if the Keeper does not have any particular skills just yet, why don’t we test a theory out?” He snapped his finger, looking right back at you and bringing shivers down your spine as you knew something good wasn’t going to come out of his mouth. “They say the Keeper is at their strongest when placed in a very emotional state of mind.”
“What are you trying to say?” The anger rising in Namjoon flashed in his eyes as he watched prince Hyungwoo but the prince chose to simply ignore his concerns, eyes holding yours with a sly grin.
“What causes your ire, dear Y/N?” He asked you so casually as if speaking about the weather. “What makes you so livid and upset that you can’t seem to control your own emotions? Think of something very unpleasant.” He inched forward your way, dangerous eyes staring straight into your soul. “Is it when a man you barely know of touches you and makes you uncomfortable?” He grabbed ahold of your wrist, a touch different from when he held your hand for a greeting.
You winced slightly, biting back your tongue in order to hide how uncomfortable you were as the images of Jinyoung flashed before you.
“Prince Hyungwoo,” Hoseok growled a low warning as both of your princes stepped up behind you.
But he didn’t let go. “Hmm, you don’t look like someone who would get angry for the sake of yourself. You look like you would explode if something were to happen to the ones you cared most about.”
You couldn’t hear a single thing he was saying with the tight grip on your wrist. The only thing you could see was Jinyoung, the man who only looked at you when you were finally made useful because you managed to tame a dragon. The love he claimed he had for you wasn’t love. He just wanted to use you, having no other reason behind his infatuation for you.
Just like your former village.
You were just a tool for them as you would become one for the dragons.
“Let her go,” Namjoon demanded in a low snarl as he placed a tight grip on Prince Hyunwoo’s shoulder. Only then did the prince realize the state you were in and released his hold on you.
You couldn’t meet his gaze any longer but you held your head up, lips pressed into a thin line as the expression on your face refused to give into the fear your mind wanted you to walk into.
Hoseok wrapped a hand around your shoulder and took a step back so that he could create more distance between you and the prince.
Even then you didn’t feel good.
In a Clan where strangers stared at you as if you didn’t belong, in a Clan that only hoped to use you as a tool, you were reminded once again of your place in the world.
Jinyoung, your former village, and the dragons.
The whole world was really against you, weren’t they? Because when you think you’ve finally found happiness, it tries to take that away from you.
Hoseok stood there beside the open door that led into the guest room where the three of you would reside while Namjoon held a meeting with prince Hyungwoo, and watched with a silent gaze as you sat on a chair, eyes staring at your hands with thoughts running all over your mind.
Despite how brave you were in front of prince Hyungwoo, behind that font he knew how anxious and afraid you were. He could see it from where he stood now, watching you sit there all alone, finally letting your guard down but with a mind filled with anxious thoughts.
You were a brave soul, the sweetest kind he had ever met, and seeing such an expression on your face made him want to make it all alright again.
So he stepped into the room, closing the door slowly behind him to not make any abrupt noises which would startle you and walked towards your way.
Sliding a hand upon your shoulder, he felt you jumping slightly at the sudden touch.
“Sorry, I scared you, didn’t I?” Hoseok first apologized with a rueful smile. The last thing he wanted was to make you even more anxious.
But the way your expression softened at just the sight of him and how you breathed out the slightest relief of “Hoseok” made him at ease again. He made his way around to kneel before you and took your hands to caress them both with a gentle smile to help ease your own worries that kept circling your thoughts. Your eyes followed him silently, comforted at just his presence alone.
“Roses are really beautiful, you know that?”
The hairs of your brows creased in between as you met his gaze. “Hoseok?”
Yet he continued. “They bloom in the most magnificent ways, fluttering their petals open, blushing in the most prettiest shades of red. However, although they are known to be one of the most beautiful flowers, a rose doesn’t just offer itself as a pretty flower. It has its thorns to protect it from harm. Some thorns may be harmless, while some are really sharp and more dangerous than others. It’s like a pretty little thing such as yourself building bushes out of bushes made of thorns to keep yourself from harming others and others harming you. The rose likes to stand there, far from others, and smiling prettily as if everything is alright, while inside it’s slowly wilting away and just wants a hand that would willingly give it sunlight and water without fearing her thorns.”
Now I’m not saying that the thorns are always a bad thing. They can be good when facing harmful creatures that wish to simply pluck it and steal it for themselves, eventually hurting the little rose because they wouldn’t know how to care for it. But there are times when the wall of thorns can fall out of control. There are times when those thorns can harm the little rose. But do you know what’s so fascinating about these thorns? They only exist because the rose allows them to. Some thorns can get out of control, but once it’s tamed and nurtured and the rose can face it each day until it no longer fears those thorns, they can become one of the most powerful allies the rose can use.”
What I’m saying is,” Hoseok held your hands tighter against his own, giving it a gentle squeeze while never taking his eyes off you, “these little thoughts of yours can become your greatest ally or your worst enemy. It is all up to how you wish to face them. The world can be really scary, and I know that because I was one of those scary things that you had to face to get to where you are now. But just as your world can shift with just one sincere heart, you can do that all over again. Sincerity was what got us to see your blooming petals and soon all dragons that exist will see that too. Though,” he narrowed his eyes, “you have to be careful otherwise they’ll try to steal you away.”
“As if that would ever happen,” you told him with a shake of your head and a bitter smile.
“What do you mean?” He asked as he gave you a light squeeze. “You’re beautiful, Y/N, anyone would be lucky to have you.”
“I know what you mean, Hoseok, but I…” You looked away, eyes shaking as you could feel the tears coming. “I don’t want to be seen as just...that. I don’t want to be seen as just Y/N, Keeper of the Dragons, as a human, as a human girl who managed to become an important figure to the dragons and is now...and is now someone who can be used to win battles.” You took your hand from Hoseok to hold your face, hiding the tears that fell from your eyes the more your voice shook. “I know it’s selfish of me but I don’t want to be used as a tool. I don’t want to be seen as someone who’s far greater or far lesser than everyone else. I want to be seen as an equal, as an ally. I don’t want to be a weapon. I’m so scared, Hoseok.”
The sight of your tears, the soft cries and soft whimpers that left your lips made Hoseok’s heart ache when you finally decided to break down and tell him the things that had been going on inside your head.
Back then when you were in front of prince Hyungwoo, the way he held your wrist probably reminded you of how cruel and forceful Jinyoung had been towards you. Though he himself hadn’t ever witnessed the cruelty from both Jinyoung and the village you grew up in, he was sure the memories only served you as a horrible reminder of what you were to those people.
Hoseok wrapped his arms around you and in just a split second, your cries grew louder as you leaned against him, eventually getting too weak to hold yourself up on your own so you fell into his arms and the two of you sat there on the carpet floor.
“It isn’t selfish to want something for yourself, Y/N,” he said in such a soft tone as he held you close and tight. “Just because you are the Keeper does not mean you have to belong to everyone. You belong to your own self. Not me, not the Eastern Clan, not the dragons. You belong to you and no one should feel as if they can use you for their own benefits.”
“You have a duty to hold as a Keeper, yes,” Hoseok nods, cutting you off gently, “but just because the Keeper’s job is to protect everyone, it does not mean that you are to be used as a tool. My love, I know the world hasn’t been fair to you but you have us now. You're not alone. Whatever you wish to do, we’re with you. Me, Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook. If it seems as if the world is not on your side, know that we are. I believe in you, Y/N. It’s okay to be afraid and it’s okay to lean on others when things aren’t going the way you hope for it to go. No matter what, you are you, and no one can take that away from you.”
“Hoseok..” You called his name.
“What is it?” Hoseok gently asked.
“I want to go home.”
The raw broken tone in your voice made his heart ache and although there were still a few days to go and the sun had yet to set, how could Hoseok ever say no when you’ve finally voiced out a selfish wish for the first time?
“Okay.” So he said, giving you a nod and a soft kiss to the crown of your head. “We’ll go home.”
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fairy-writes · 3 years
Hola 👋☺️
I hopped on you acc and saw ur matchups open so may i ask for one ? 🥺.
Im so sorry its gonna be long so bear 🐻 with me.
May i ask for KNY, OPM and JUJUSTU KAISEN matchup please?
Im 5'2", short black boy cut hair, dark choco eyes,i have myopia and wear glasses,im chubby too, my style is anything that complements my body also looks cute.
I dont have a favorite food but i absolutely despises sweets(or anything that contains sugar or milk). But i love Spicy 🔥 foods. I love lofi/reverb/slowed version of songs.
Coming to main points, I LOVE THE SKY, CLOUDS, STARS, MOONS,WIND AND BIRDS. I feed bout 50-70 pigeons everyday(they are the local pigeons of ny neighborhood) its a sight to behold, most of my neighbors have recorded it.
In a relationship i am th biggest supporter of my partner, I'll alway be there for them no matter what situation I'll be in. I really want a guy who is super sweet and kawaii but strong and responsible underneath but won't show that. Going on dates twice a week, CaRinG and ProTeCtiVe. He'll be the sun 🌞 and ill be the moon 🌙. Any kind of date is fine with me. Love language is Quality Time and words of affirmation. Im okay with holding hands and forehead kissing (too much sappy?). StArGaZiNg. The kind of guy to buy all ice cream flavour for you bcus u said u crave one but didn't mention the flavour. The kind who knows you're in a bad mood by hearing you voice. The kind to show up at your school or college to pick you up. The kind to cheer for you when you're giving a presentation or receiving a prize.
I apologize for it being so long (ಥ╭╮ಥ). No rush take your time. I can understand writing matchups and hcs takes a lot time to think it through cuz i used to own a tmnt matchup blog too. So don't worry ☺️ 😉 ill be here.
Hello lovely! I hope you like your matchups! Unfortunately, I couldn’t remember whether you wanted male or female, so I hope this is okay! This will probably be the one and only OPM matchup I do. I’m just not familiar enough with the characters to do multiple matchups.
Demon Slayer Matchup: I pair you with… Rengoku Kyojuro!
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Rengoku is taller than you at 5’9 ½,” and he loves your glasses! He is always complimenting you and your sense of style too! He’s also a massive fan of spicy foods, so the two of you bond over going out to find the spiciest bowls of udon you can!
The two of you spend a lot of time outdoors together. Rengoku particularly likes sunrises and likes to wake up early (or stay up late, depending on when he works) to watch it every morning! He also thinks it’s fascinating that you feed so many pigeons every single day!
Rengoku is your biggest supporter, so the two of you are both balls of sunshine supporting each other! Sanemi refuses to look your way when the two of you are together because you are too much for him to handle (really, he’s just jealous he doesn’t have a S/O). His love language is likely physical touch and words of affirmation. He loves to hold your hand in public to make sure you don’t get lost and loves to tell you how much he loves you!
One Punch Man Matchup: I pair you with… Genos!
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(sorry if he doesn’t exactly match, there are not many options in OPM, and I’m an anime-only person)
Genos is a whopping 5’10” and loves you with every fiber of his being! More than he loves learning from Saitama, and that’s saying something! He doesn’t have a preference for food. He’s a cyborg, after all (can he even eat? idk).
One thing Genos loves to do is scoop you up and hold you on his back piggyback style and give your rides so you can fly through the clouds and the sky since you love them so much! He also helps you feed your pigeons every day without fail. He likes the simplicity and monotony of it.
He loves that you are such a big supporter of him and his hero work! He tries to keep you out of his hero work as much as possible for your safety, but over time, he slowly lets you in. His ideal date is just staying in and cuddling with a movie and popcorn over going out to a fancy restaurant. He just likes keeping you safe!
Jujutsu Kaisen Matchup: I pair you with… Yuji Itadori!
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(this is a platonic matchup since Itaori is under 18)
Itadori is the shortest out of the three matchups at 5’8”! He has more of a sweet tooth than you do but loves all food! I mean, if he can handle eating fingers, I don’t imagine he’s too picky about what else he eats. So go and hang out at fun food joints and order tons of spicy food! He’s also down for a challenge so find spicy food challenges to take him to!
The two of you spend a lot of time outside. Whether that’s going on jogs (which Itadori loves) or just cloud watching (which sounds more your speed), it’s okay with him! He’ll also happily help you feed your pigeons and even names all 50-70 of them! Can he keep them straight? Nope. But does he try? You bet he does!
Even though you two aren’t dating, you still support Itadori in everything he does! You support him in his endeavors to find all of Sukuna’s fingers and in his schoolwork! He isn’t the most responsible; he’s actually a bit airheaded. But he tries his best! Overall, 10/10 would recommend this boy as your best friend!
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leviaju · 5 years
obey me! hc heights / how the boys would react to you being shorter + taller than them
i recognize that the council has made a decision, but given that it’s a stupid decision, i’ve elected to ignore it
okay peeps so here’s the thing, i am a tall. because i am a tall, i also wish for the boys to be t a l l. because i am incredibly biased. i will only give the weak excuse that it’s because they’re demons and i can do what i want, and what i want is for them to be t a l l .
annnNNYways theyre under the cut from tallest to shortest
i don’t think anyone’s surprised here
probably about 6’6 or 6’7 (198-201cm)
b i g b o i
he’s. tall.
credits it completely to the amount of nutrients he consumes on such a regular basis
he doesn’t care really care about your height too much in comparison to him, he loves u with the entirety of his heart either way
if you’re smaller than him (which u most likely are, this boy is a tree), he will no doubt find you just. the cutest. he loves leaning down to kiss the top of your head or to hug you. will definitely pick you up any chance he gets just to carry you.
he loves being able to use himself as a shield and just. hide you completely behind him, especially if your scared or nervous or anxious because of someone/something
if you’re his height or taller, he just. absolutely loves to cuddle with you. he will tangle his legs with yours and just. pretzel around you. your limbs are so long and he’s finally smaller than someone so he will revel in it as much as possible. he llloovveesss your arms and legs.
also not a huge surprise
like?? 6’5 (196cm)
he is tall. and graceful. and beautiful. and elegant.
if you’re shorter than him, he will definitely use your head or shoulder as an arm rest. even if you’re the exact same height as him, he’ll insist your shorter and use you as an arm rest. you can’t stop him.
if your taller than him, this boy will
w o r s h i p
your legs
any intimate moment you have
he loves your thighs especially
your legs are just so long and attractive oh geEZ
other than that, he doesn’t act much differently based on your height
this clingy little shit likes you for you, simple as that
like 6’4 (193cm)
he a tall boy like his twin (but not as tall. doesn’t get as much nutrients bc he sleep)
i don’t have much of a reason for this other than the fact that like,,,
if you’re shorter than him, he’d be trying to get comfy with you in your bed before eventually giving up because yOUR BED IS SO SMALL WHY CANT HE FIT—
he just
picks you up and brings you to his room, where his bed is huge and he can stretch out all he wants with you
you could be the same height as beel, but belphie refuses to be little spoon. you could be ten feet tall and he’d still big spoon. he likes feeling like he’s protecting you when you sleep
also because he’s so used to cuddling with his pillows when he sleeps it just feels natural
around 6’3.5 (192cm)
i also don’t have much reason for this other than the fact that he’s a gangly nerd
he isn’t actually a gangly nerd (but he is)
awkward with his body sometimes, like his limbs are too long for him on occasion
loves height differences
probably due to anime because one character is always shorter than the other
he will feel like a protagonist whenever he’s next to you if he’s taller than you
will lose his mind if you raise yourself onto your toes/pull him down in order to kiss him
if you’re his height or taller, honestly at first he’s gonna be a bit :/ about it bc what about his aniME HEIGHT DIFFERENCE—
but when he realizes he has feelings for you, that stops mattering
absolutely loves resting his head on your shoulder when the two of you are playing games (but he can’t do it that often, he gets too flustered and can’t think)
if you wanna win a game of smash, put your arm around him and pull him close. he will ERROR 404
6’1 (185cm)
for no other reason than i’m biased as hell
also he’s a model so i guess i can use that as an excuse—
even though he’s relatively short compared to the rest of his brothers (like beel holy shit—) he’s still really tall.
his ego will inflate tenfold if he is taller than you
even if you’re the same height, he’ll still insist you’re shorter
“here puny human, let THE great mammon reach this thing on the top shelf for you!”
“mammon i can literally reach it myself, i don’t need—“
lowkey loves it if you pull him down by his tie to kiss him
although he will be flustered for a good amount of time afterwards unless he’s in a Specific Mood
if you’re taller than him, he will very much be blushing mess
easily flustered, loves looking up at you, somehow clingier than usual
will try to do the pull-you-down-by-the-collab thing, but accidentally slam his head into your nose and never attempt it ever again
he’s mortified
somewhere around 5’11 or 6’0 (180-183cm)
he insists that he’s “the perfect height for any lover ;)”
he’d say that no matter what height he is though
honestly could not give less of a damn about how tall you are compared to him
he treats you the exact same
because he loves you, and that’s the only thing that matters to him, really
you could be purple and it wouldn’t change how he feels about you
you can pry (relatively) short satan from my cold, dead hands
5’9 (175cm)
he’s not even too short, but he gets the shit taken out of him by his brothers all the time for being the shortest out of them
has a height complex
if you’re shorter than him he will absolutely 100% be smug about it
he is a little shit
will constantly note how tiny you are compared to him, will kiss the top of your head any chance he gets while the two of you are alone together
it’s a huge ego thing for him
if you’re taller than him, honestly he’s gonna he kinda put-off at first
not to any fault of your own, it’s because of his insecurity
kind of a “goddamnit i thought humans were supposed to be small, this is bullshit, i thought i’d finALLY BE TALLER THAN SOMEONE—“
so please don’t mention his height when the two of you hang out he gets very upset and pouty
for the first little bit at least
he warms up to you the more he gets to know you however, and his height complex really stops mattering when it comes to you
still likes to feel taller than you though
will stand above you when you’re sitting
or fix his posture when you enter the room
he’ll kiss your forehead and rest your head on his chest when the two of you are in bed
and if he’s really shaken by something, one of the only things that efficiently calms him down is you holding him
maybe having a partner that’s taller than him isn’t that bad
diavolo - 6’6 (198cm)
simeon - 6’2 (188cm)
barbatos and solomon - 5’10 (178cm)
luke - idk how kids are supposed to be like 4’9 (145cm) ??????
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i am very much enjoying my vague void! it's currently blasting hozier at full volume and that's almost louder than my internal screaming (don't worry, everything is fine, i just saw a spider)
i've never once in my life have followed a recipe correctly. all of my measurements are completely random and whatever happens happens. it is no longer in my hands. whatever eldritch entities exist take the wheel. and i absolutely refuse to spell anything in english without autocorrect because y'all have way too many double letters and random vowel placement
thank you! sadly, i won't have a break right now, because we just had christmas vacations, but the start of the new semester is always pretty chill. and you're absolutely right, i should take up necromancy! the snow and the cold will add to my mysterious vibes. i just need to get a big black cape with a hood to complete the aesthetic
i definitely picture everything above 5'6 feet as the same height. 5'7 and 6'2? the exact same thing. no difference here
how is morepork a real bird name. it's just... more pork? but the bird is magnificent. i completely approve of your first order as bird queen, not that you need approval from mere peasants like me, but it's a great order. ohhh salps look really cool, and it does look a lot like it! when you said boob implant i thought of mermaids and them using salps as boob implants but then i realised wait wouldn't jellyfish be better for that? because of their shape? ignoring their little leggies they're quite boob shaped, no? and then i realised that i was thinking about mermaids and alive boob implants... if i had to think it, you have to read it. i'm sorry
i was sold before but now i'm even more sure that i want to hire you. and I'll make sure to have lactose free cheese for the backflips (unless you want the lactose version? i'm not judging). will the biting of ankles cost extra?
that sounds like a brilliant set-up for a horror movie where they kill off all the children one by one. it's absolutely horrifying. if something like that would've happened to me i would've most likely just passed out. whatever happens afterwards is not my problem. and now i really don't want to know what the hell your leg was caught on because that seems like knowledge that would get me killed
ah so you're a fellow dirt eater? according to my mom my favourite thing to do outside when i was a little kid used to be eating sand. just shovelling handfuls of it into my mouth and crying when my mom made me spit it out. which i refuse to believe. if there are no photos it didn't happen
you warm climate people are starting to make me think that i'm better adjusted to the cold than i thought i am! it's either that or our buildings are better heated. i definitely don't know if anyone else calls hot water bottled hotties but i like it so from now on i'm using it
that's so cute! i was clearly a way more selfish child because when i found any amount of money i just kept it and bought candy as soon as i could. i clearly couldn't save money then and i can't now. we have stores like that (or i'm assuming that they're like that solely based on how they sell lollies) and they used to be my favourite thing because you could get so many lollies for such a small price!! and my mom even used to let me order for myself sometimes so i always felt like a very big girl jsjshsbsjk
also the fact that i can't send pictures on anon is a crime (yes i know why and it's good that that's not possible because can you imagine anons being able to send pictures? oh no is all i have to say about it) but anyways. because i have this one super cursed photo that reminded me of you and now i can't share it :((
duuuuude, sick void bro. sounds like a vibing void. I feel like I haven’t seen a spider in awhile. Other than daddy long legs. But they’re chill. They mind their own business. 
I nearly always follow recipes exactly. My mum is like oh cook this for about 7 minutes? Yeah sure. I’ll take a wild guess. I’m like they say exactly 7 minutes so I’ll set a timer for 7 minutes and start a stopwatch so if it does seem to need more than 7 I can keep an eye on the extra time and be aware of exactly how long it takes me for next time. Other people are like oh let's see I have [lists 5-10 things in their fridge], hmm...oh I know what I could make with that! I’m like I have beans in my freezer because one recipe required them and no other recipes I know how to make do so what am I supposed to do with these now,,, this is stressful,,, basically I barely know how to cook and recipes are the only things saving me in that area. That is entirely fair. Except for the fuck duck, and murder is not the word you want surely, situations, it’s pretty helpful.
Ohhh I see. At least the start is chill! For a little! Before your entire situation spirals out of hand and you’re behind in every class and it’s taken you a whole day to read 10 pages and you’re exhausted and it’s only week 2. Just me? ok. fair. anyway. I want a cloak so bad. One of my uni friends tempted me to class because she said she was wearing a cloak so my depressed ass honest to god dragged myself out of bed and to said class just to see it. It was worth it. They’re incredible. Everyone should own a big cloak for the aesthetic.
I’m glad it isn’t just me hahaha. I can visualise my own height in feet but everything else is just the same size that is a vague amount taller than me, mentally.
It’s also known as the ruru. But the name morepork amuses me. It’s named after the call it makes haha. It does sound like it’s asking for more pork if you know to listen for that. thank u for ur approval, it means a lot, turns out becoming bird queen didn’t ACTUALLY get rid of my anxiety disorder weirdly enough so validation is great! lmaooo. What if the jellyfish stung them tho? At least salps wouldn’t do you dirty like that. The mermaids would just look like there are hundreds of bugs crawling around in their boobs, flesh shifting as they float around. Which is a vibe. If you’re into that. Jellyfish WOULD make a more solid, single, implant, some of them are definitely boob shaped. But that’s kinda boring no one’s gonna be traumatised by that. Salps on the other hand...yeah, that sight will DEFINITELY traumatise someone.
To be PERFECTLY honest I haven’t done a backflip in years but for lactose-free cheese? Dude. I’ll be going back to training. Gonna be the best backflip you’ve ever seen. As long as it’s not Tasty cheese I am content, but lactose free IS better. The biting of ankles will not cost extra, it is a pleasure to be allowed to do that.
Oh it absolutely would be. It’d be very funny if it reached the wider world bc people would probably be like ok but who would send kids into the bush like that,, it’s an odd concept. meanwhile everyone who grew up in nz is gonna be like y’all, you’re not gonna fuckin BELIEVE what i experienced growing up, it’s real dude. On one hand, I feel like murdering kids in a movie is questionable, on the other hand, It exists, so maybe people would be down for it. I feel like it’d be a good concept even if it wasn’t murdery tho. Like psychological horror? I’m not sure if I’m using that category correctly I don’t watch much horror. A kid following the rope but then being shifted into a different horror dimension but they never take the blindfold off because their teachers said not to and they’d probably have to let go of the rope to do it...I feel like this could work super well as a short film. The viewers see everything. The child just knows something is off and no one is coming when they call for help. I am so down for this. I also do not want to know what my leg was caught on. Some things I am better off not knowing.
yes! I am a fellow dirt eater! We had a sandpit at home (that’s a little bold. It was a large plastic shell that my parents filled with sand. technically a sandpit. but not fancy sdflsdkfsdf) but I don’t think I ever tried to eat it. Then again, I possibly did and just don’t remember because there’s no photo evidence of that one. I’d have to ask my parents sdfhsjdfs, I would however fully believe them if they said yes. it’s very characteristic of me. I don’t doubt it for a second. muuuum that’s my emotional support sand don’t make me spit it out smh the disrespect these days.
Oh I’m absolutely terrible even by most people’s standards around here when it comes to cold and hot temperatures. I remember sitting in the sun in my school shirt and school jersey in summer on a blazing day like it’s a bit chilly, isn’t it? Meanwhile my friends were in the shade absolutely dying from the heat. Likewise in winter I’d be shivering, teeth chattering, dying with my long sleeve thermal, my school shirt, my school jersey, my school jacket, my longs, warm socks and sneakers and gloves and school scarf while ppl would be walking around in a shirt and shorts like it’s a bit warm this winter huh? my body didn’t learn how to thermoregulate and it shows. But yeah NZ does also have a reputation for shittily insulated buildings and such. It shows. skhdfsfs if it’s not common use maybe don’t say can i have a hotty to someone without context but otherwise go ahead lmao. it’s a fun shortened version.
I was typically a very good saver, to the point where my extended family started gifting me gift cards and vouchers for Christmas and my birthday because if they just gave me money I’d put it in my bank account to save towards uni once I hit like, 12 years old. Which I think was a smart move. But apparently, I’m supposed to buy myself ‘something nice’ with it. I think I’m still an okay saver but I’m not as strict anymore. I’m aware of how much I can spare and I’m not just like you can never get anything for yourself ever, so I do get lil things for myself sometimes. oooo yay! At least you know what I mean. But yes. They were the gold mine for lollies. Absolutely terrific stores. My mum would be like hey lindsey how about you order? And I’d be like mother, I am 7 years old and I have an undiagnosed anxiety disorder everyone assumes is child shyness why would you think I would want to do that. Instead I will whisper my choices to you. After therapy tho I felt pretty rad for picking my own lollies by myself. I was like 13 at that point but sdfkjhsdf listen I got there in the end.
sdfkjsdfkjhsdf I like that a cursed photo reminded you of me. That’s all I need to hear. Tumblr said no anon dick pics but they also said no anon cursed photos either,,, very sad. for the latter part. the first part thank god. If I could turn on photos on anon I absolutely would just to see this but I don’t think I can :(
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barb610 · 4 years
@earthquakeofideas​ asked - pls may my lonely ass have a ship 🥺 i’m a girl w brown hair + blue eyes, glasses, and im kinda thicc and short. i rly like all things horror even tho i’m a huge chicken. i love to draw, and i also love indie music, and fashion. i’m also a vegetarian :-) i love reptiles and dogs. also, i’m a very empathetic person uwu! thank u bro 💕💗🥺🥰
Of course you can!  I am so sorry that this took so, so long!  Remote learning had really messed up my schedule (not that I really had one to begin with).  
I ship you with... 
Horace Somnusson!
I know this might sound strange, and I know that he is one of the younger wards of the loop, but let’s just assume that he’s a few years older!  I got a little carried away, so there’s a LOT of stuff under the cut
So you work at a small family owned boutique in a no-name town in Florida, it was one of those “My friend’s aunt who knows this lady, who’s sister-in-law owns this” kinda things
On one particular day, business was very slow, so you decided to listen to your own music through your earbuds instead of whatever trending pop music was playing over the intercom of the boutique today
You’re jamming out, folding some nice sweater, and hanging up dress on the “Sale! 10% Off” rack, so you don’t notice the bunch of people that walk in
You finally realize that they had walked into the store when you get a tap on your shoulder
You turn around to see a beautiful blond boy with impeccable fashion sense
I’d like to think that Horace gets quite a bit taller as he gets older so he’d kind of be staring down at you 
Hi miss!  Do you happen to have this dress shirt in a smaller size?  Wonderful blouse you have on there, truly quality craftsmanship.  Maybe a medium?  Or do you have any slimmer styles?
You were in awe of the style he had and the fact he had an elegant British accent, something very unusual for no-name town in Florida
Most guys that came in here were sent in by their girlfriend or wife with a picture of what they needed
This guy wore beautiful leather oxfords, exquisitely tailored slacks, and a button up that was probably nicer than a lot of the shirts in here
You had to look up at him to see his face (and he had a pretty nice one)
Oh, yeah, we actually have a few slimmer ones, they’re behind that display over there.
Responding to him makes you realize the group of people he’s with
There’s another boy older than the one you just helped, and one other boy that looks around the same age, he had almost cartoon-like bags under his eyes
There were two girls, one practically had fire in here eyes and one wore a quite tomboy outfit
Thanks, love!
“Love?” You thought to yourself, who calls someone they just met “Love”?  Is it a British thing?
You watched him walk over to the other side of the store and later helped him and his friends check out at the counter
You had an interesting conversation about cashmere versus alpaca wool while him and his friends payed for the clothes they picked out
The rest of the day, you kept the strange interaction in the back of your mind, wishing you had gotten his name
Once you had finished up closing the shop, you walked out, holding your sketchbook along with your other belongings and began locking the front door of the boutique
There was the sound of expensive shoes slapping against the pavement, but you didn’t think of it because there was always a bunch of rich kids running around this neighborhood
You turned around, only to see the boy from earlier running towards you and slam into you sending your sketchbook flying, papers floating in the air
They settled in the ground revealing your drawings of outfits and cute little reptiles
Oh my, oh dear, I am so sorry, so unbelievably sorry.  Let me help you pick these up, love
“Love? again?” you thought
He bent down and started to gather the pages that were strewn out all over the sidewalk
As the boy helped you pick up your sketches, he began to admire your sketches
These are quite superb!  I love this chameleon you have here!
You weren’t too sure on how to respond, you don’t even know why he ran into you in the first place!  Let alone his name!
Oh, you must be confused a bit on why I ran into you like a madman.  I truly am sorry, I was trying to get here before you closed the shop because, well, this must sound absurd, but I wanted to get your name.  I’m Horace by the way.  I just wanted to talk to you a bit more.
You were a little shocked, but you introduced yourself and the rest is history
You two started going out on the town as friends and it quickly evolved into something else
It wasn’t a surprise when he asked you to go on a real date with him
After a wonderfully planned date, he was walking you home when you both noticed that you were being followed
Millard, I know that you’re following us!  Please come out of the bushes so I can introduce you to her.  I figured this was going to happen sooner than later.  
When nothing stepped out of the bushes even though you heard the sound of rustling leaves
Horace introduced you to Millard, briefly going over the fact that he was invisible, something that seemed a lot more important to you than Horace apparently
I suppose I should explain the rest to you now shouldn’t I?
He took you to a large expensive house on the other side of town, where you were introduced to the rest of the gang
He explained the peculiardom to you, and told you what he could do
You were a little skeptical at first, but quickly realized that he wasn’t joking around
You guys were hanging out at your place when he fell asleep on the couch
This was after a mutual agreement to stop a horror film you guys were watching because of the antagonists’ mutated animal that would have given you both nightmares if you continued
At first Horace was just squirming a bit
Then he started to whimper and cry out for someone that you didn’t know
But you really understood what he was talking about when he shot up from the couch, eyes wide open and glossed over, not really focusing on anything
Oceans will rise to claim what was stolen from them, ashes will fall from the skies to punish the destructive, cities will burn in the name of greed,  after the fog lifts the only remnants will be of those who tried, we will be no longer, six-legged wings will devour us in the end
When he first started talking his voice sounded almost dreamy, but by the time he finished, he was shouting, his limbs flying everywhere, it was as if he was in physical pain, but it was only a dream
As soon as he stopped spewing out apocalyptic riddles, he slipped back into a restless sleep
You were so freaked out that you didn’t let him sleep for long, you woke him up and asked him what that whole thing was about
He told you that he didn’t remember anything he saw or said, and the ones he can’t remember barely every come true
You trusted Horace, so you relaxed and decided to put that horror film you stopped
It took a few scenes to remember why you had shut it off in the first place
Horace started taking a lot of naps at your place, he usually didn’t get a lot of sleep when he went to bed at night due to his visions
You weren’t aware how little sleep he was getting, oh the wonders of concealer 
Sleeping somewhere else didn’t stop the visions of seeing people he didn’t even know get in car accidents, get shot in a back ally, and many other worse things
He wanted to sleep wherever you were because when he would wake up in a cold sweat, he didn’t want to have to explain what he saw to Miss P, or answer Millard’s endless questions, or have to endure Enoch’s rude comments
He wanted to be with you
You would be there for him, if he wanted to talk, you would listen, if he wanted to just sit and think, you would be right next to him
He’d absolutely love your glasses!
He’d love picking out new frames with you
He’d search the whole store to find the perfect pair
And Horace would love to go shopping with you because let’s be real here, Horace is the only peculiar with any fashion sense whatsoever
Do you know happy he would be to have a conversation about fashion with someone who knows what he’s talking about
He would totally buy you outfits at completely random times for absolutely no reason
I just saw this and I knew that you would look spectacular in it, even though you look spectacular in everything under the sky, love
Did I mention that he calls you “love” all the time?
Well, he does and refuses to call you anything else
He has you in his phone (assuming he gets one when he’s out of the loop) as Love
Just Love
When he finds out that you’re vegetarian, he goes on a vegetarian kick himself
He learns a bunch of vegetarian recipes to cook for you guys
And the dishes he cooks taste so  g o o d
Horace totally revamps his own diet to match yours and is the most supportive boyfriend ever
Enoch makes fun of him a lot for it
Horace is would be an amazing boyfriend
I didn’t realize how long I made this!! I hope that you like them and I am so sorry that it took me so long to get to this!  I hope that it was worth the wait!
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crackimagines · 5 years
White Day In the Blue (FE: Three Houses Short Fic)
Marianne x Ashe
Winter weather finally arrives at Garreg Mach, and Marianne is not ready for it in the slightest. However, Ashe refuses to let his girlfriend freeze.
Sequel to this post!
I just thought of this on a whim and I HAD TO WRITE IT
The first thing Marianne noticed when she stepped outside was how cold it was. She started shivering, not expecting the weather to shift so suddenly. 
Being from the Alliance, she wasn’t used to such extreme temperature drops. However, she tried not paying it any mind, grabbing a blanket to take to the stables.
It was by no means freezing in there, but it would be a little chilly at the very least. Marianne was not going to let Dorte catch a cold due to her neglect.
“Ah, this feels fantastic!” Ashe said, stepping out of his room and right into the cold air. It was a welcome feeling, a sign that he could truly relax in this beautiful weather.
Though, only students from the Holy Kingdom seemed to agree, everyone else was freezing their tails off. 
It made him laugh, realizing that the others weren’t used to this weather. He wondered if Marianne would like to spend some time outside with him.
...Though now that he thought about it, she was from the Alliance. She would probably freeze if a gust of wind blew across her skin. Ashe took in the weather for a few more moments before grabbing a very large scarf, and headed out.
Marianne stepped out of the stables after putting the blanket on Dorte’s back. It would at the very least let him be warmer. She didn’t really think about keeping a blanket for herself, Dorte was more important than...
“No...don’t think that, Marianne...” She said to herself.
Whenever she and Ashe spent time together, he made an effort to say things like “Think better of yourself!” or “Don’t say something horrible like that about yourself!”.
They had only been dating for a Moon and a half, but she was grateful that she had decided to go into this relationship with him. It was...refreshing to have fun, even though she-...
She sighed loudly.
A moon and a half had passed and she still couldn’t get out of this mindset. This was going to take a lot of work, wasn’t it? 
She wiped her nose and noticed how cold her hands were. She should probably head back inside to get warm.
(Ashe) “Oh, Marianne! I thought you’d be here!”
...Nevermind, a warm place had just come to her.
She turned around to see Ashe wearing a scarf, waving his hand at her.
(Marianne) “Ashe...!”
Even though her smile was small, it still melted Ashe’s heart when he saw it. That was a sight that he’d hope that would never go away.
...Though, the smile didn’t melt the blistering cold that was starting to set in.
(Ashe) “Oh, how are you doing with this weather? I’m quite used to it since it was pretty cold where I lived!”
(Marianne) “Um...N-Not that great. I don’t really like the cold-”
It was then Ashe realized that she was only wearing her normal uniform, not at all dressed for the weather.
(Ashe) “Oh, no wonder! You see when the weather is like this it means that-”
Marianne felt a snowflake drop onto her nose, and she held out her hand, starting to see snow drop.
(Marianne) “Snow...? I’ve never seen it before!...Achoo!”
(Ashe) “H-Hang on, let’s get you warmed up!”
She felt her hands be taken by Ashe’s, and he started putting gloves on her.
(Ashe) “Let’s head to my room, granted it’s not going to be much warmer, hah!”
She nodded, and the both of them quickly jogged to the dormitories, and Ashe closed the door behind him.
Marianne was still shivering, which made sense. 
(Ashe) She might as well have been wearing nothing in this kind of weather...G-GAH?! WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT THAT?! T-THIS IS NOT THE TIME AND PLACE-
(Marianne) “Achoo! I-I’m sorry...”
Ashe snapped out of his own confusion, and had Marianne sit down on his couch.
(Ashe) “Here we go!”
He took off his jacket and gave it to her, which she put it on quickly. Marianne already felt the difference being in his jacket.
...This jacket smelled...nice. 
(Marianne) It smells like...food? Yeah, all sorts of spices and cooking ingredients...Hehe, Ashe smells nice...HUH? WHY DID I THINK OF IT LIKE THAT?!
Ashe sat down rubbing his hands together, trying to get warm.
(Marianne) “Oh, I thought you were used to this weather.”
(Ashe) “Hah, that’s what I thought too...”
Marianne felt guilty about taking his jacket, so she thought of the best way to fix this situation.
(Marianne) “Here, how about we um...s-share the jacket?”
(Ashe) “Share? How do we do that?”
(Marianne) “W-Well...”
Marianne started blushing before Ashe’s eyes popped open.
The most they had done together was hold hands and hug. They couldn’t bring themselves to...well, cuddle. It’s not that they didn’t want to but they were just painfully shy to initiate it themselves.
(Marianne) “S-Sorry, forget I said anyt-”
(Ashe) “No, it’s a good idea! It’s just that um...are you okay with that?”
Marianne wanted to say that Ashe would be the only one she’d be comfortable getting that close with but she was too busy trying to get her heart under control.
Instead, she nodded quietly. 
(Ashe) “Um...A-Alright.”
Marianne took off the jacket and wrapped it around the both of them. There was an awkward gap between them so Marianne cleared her throat and moved closer.
(Marianne) “E-Excuse me!”
They sat awkwardly before they both took a deep breath, trying to relax.
Ashe was beginning to calm down until she rested her head against his. Marianne was a bit taller than him, so Ashe felt her entire body starting to lean against his.
(Marianne) “U-Um...your heart is beating really fast. A-Are you sure you’re okay with this?”
(Ashe) “O-Oh, I didn’t realize...! Um...Sorry, hah, I’m just not used to being this close to someone but...I um...I really like this.”
Marianne’s eyes started to feel a little heavy, wrapping her arms around his like a pillow.
(Marianne) giggle “Me....Me too...”
She smiled as she felt Ashe’s warmth and scent envelop her.
Ashe’s heart raced fast when she grabbed his arm, and even faster when she heard her giggle. After a moment of silence, he said her name.
(Ashe) “...Marianne?”
...No response. She was softly breathing as she held tightly onto him.
(Ashe) “Oh, you fell asleep...”
Ashe couldn’t help but smile as well. He felt a little tired as well, the cold from the outside and the heat from his jacket and Marianne were blending in wonderfully, and closed his eyes as well.
Ashe was resting on Marianne’s head while hers was resting on his shoulders.
Both her arms wrapped around Ashe’s arm, while he used his free hand to hold Marianne’s.
they also accidentally woke up late for class, but Byleth forgave them, realizing what had happened. That was too sweet to interrupt.
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I have an prompt, you don’t have to do it. Shinsou and Monoma tickle fight and by tickle fight I mean shinsou getting absolutely wrecked while weakly trying to fight back (even though he loves it and never says stop) because monoma isn’t all that ticklish. You’ll only get light chuckles outta him. But before the wrecking he very gentle and teasy, making shinsou a giggly mess
Having Friends
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Neito Monoma, Hioshi Shinso
A/N: Much like Shoto, I spell Shinso without the “u”, just a heads up. 
Description: In order to strengthen their friendship, Monoma decides to test out a bit of information he heard from a certain Pikachu, on Shinso. 
Friendship was something truly inevitable at U.A. First Bakugou with Kirishima, then Todoroki with Midoriya, and now Shinso with Kaminari. But like the other two, the brainwasher found himself with more than one person trying to be his friend. At first, Hitoshi was a bit wary of the 1-B nut, but he soon found the guy to be…. Tolerable? More tolerable than Pikachu but less tolerable than the monkey. Regardless, he was someone that Shinso could see was trying to gain his trust, but for what? Yes, he seemed openly friendly like Kaminari was, but Monoma normally went off on tangents about making 1-B the superior class. Was he planning on gaining Shinso’s trust just to use his quirk? He could still do some damage in his five minute time spree. 
But if that was the case, wouldn’t he just take it? Maybe he wanted to use it more than once, and this was the “easiest” way. Or… perhaps Shinso was reading too much into this rather than paying attention to the male sitting beside him on the common room couch. The last one seemed to be correct as a poke brought him from his thoughts. Looking over to his so called friend, purple eyes widened slightly. 
The other had his… weird smirk on. He wasn’t wearing the calm and normal face he’d been around the taller for the last month. Oh no, did he just steal his quirk?! “Hmmm,” was his only reply as the finger dragged up and down his thinly clothed side. What the? 
In case the other had stolen his quirk, Shinso would refuse to ask what he was doing. Rather, he pushed the hand away and looked at the blonde with confused eyes. “I didn’t realize you were ticklish, Hitoshi.” Huh? 
But Hitoshi still wasn’t speaking. How strang- wait. The blonde snorted a bit. “Relax, I didn’t take your quirk. I was just testing a rumor is all.” A rumor? “What rumor?” That was easy. The blonde shrugged before poking more at the taller’s side. “Oh, just one a little 1-A loser told me.” 
Denki! So much of a “best friend”. If he wasn’t trying to bite back giggles and swatt at the offending hands, Shinso would be a bit angry. “Tha-ah-t s-ho-o?” He tried to sound normal as he spoke. “Honestly Shinso, trying to pretend your not sensitive to touch? 
“As if you didn’t already give it away?” Monoma “tsked” with a face filled with amusement. “S-Shhaut up!” A hand finally moved up to cover the betraying mouth as the other still tried to fight of the now wiggling fingers. Shinso was breaking, and breaking fast. 
“Hey, this is actually rather fun! I’m kind of glad that short circuit can’t keep his mouth shut.” That kind of upset the taller. “Dhahahon’t chahahall hahaim thahaht! Sthahahaop, ah! C-Crhahahp!” 
Neito smiled a bit more, ignoring the defense for Kaminari. “Well, aren’t we ticklish, hm? Your stomach seems worse than your sides!” This was getting a bit creepy. 
“Dhahahon’t behehe weheheird!” Was he? Monoma stopped for a moment before sitting himself in Shinso’s lap. “I don’t see what’s so weird about a bonding exercise. After all, we’re friends, are we not?” Shinso shook his head. “D-Don’t describe what your doing though! Or your…. Discoveries.” 
So he was being shy? “Don’t be shy about it. It’s just some innocent,” he was cut off by a hiss. “Don’t say it. Just… stop being strange.” Strange, huh?” Laughter poured softly from the other once more as the blonde leaned closer, testing out new territories. “Honestly, to think someone with a quirk such as yours could have such an adorable weakness. It’s rather strange, don’t you think?”
Strange? What was strange was this dork was just tickling him and acting like it was something that would bring them closer. Like it was something that was okay! But…. Shinso wasn’t stopping him, maybe that was why. He hadn't said stop, he hadn’t used his quirk or anything like it, he’s just…. Let him. 
“Hm, where else will take down the mighty hero? How about… under here?!” Monoma moved closer to his friend's ear to whisper. The tone made Shinso blush, wanting to cover his face desperately. But Neito was making that rather difficult. “Shhahahahaut uhahah-,” he was stopped by a finger meeting his lips. 
The laughter tried to cease as Hisothsi tried to stop, what was this guy’s game? “No, that’s rude. This however, is fine.” He moved back to the stomach, this time with more preassure. A snort-like squeal left the taller’s mouth as he bucked about. “O-Ohohoh nahahaho! Nahahahahahah, I-I chahahahn’t!” The poor boy was cupping his own face as he tried to control his body movements. 
Sure, Kaminari had been getting him used to much physical touches, but he’d still become so flustered that it made it nearly impossible to hold still. “Shahaho wheheheird!” How hurtful, or not. Neito rolled his eyes before moving the night shirt up more. “Am I? Or is the fact that you like this making their weird to you?” 
Shnso’s legs came up as he tried to wiggle away. “I dhahahao nahahahaaot! EEK! Crhahahahahahaha!” He couldn’t form words at the moment. A finger traced around his navel earning squeals, gasps, snorts, and hiccupy laughter. Honestly, it was all rather meleadous to Neido’s ears. He smiled fondly at the other before dipping into the navel, earning a louder scream and a limping friend.  
“Giving in so so,” the shorted teased as he was practically whispering against Shinso’s ear. The purple haired male’s face was turning into a deeper pink as he tried to stop his hands from stopping the other. “Shahahut up!” But of course, the other didn’t. “I wonder if your lower body is just as sensitive.” Oh no. No, no, no, no! Shinso shook his head. “Dhahaon’t even!”
The sensation let up briefly as the shorter’s lips were practically against Hitoshi’s ear. The taller couldn’t deny the copy cat’s voice wasn’t soothing or charming but…. It was still quite flustering. “Oh, so it is more sensitive. How about a game, hm?” A game? With…. This? Shinso honestly had lacked a bit of affection as a child so he was rather confused. 
Yes, this was a form of bonding but how could a game be made of it? Normally Kaminari just tickled him until he fought back. Wait, that’s it! Monoma jumped in surprise from hands tweaking at his hips. A smirk grew on the brethlessmale’s face as he looked up at his “tormentor”. 
“Game, huh?” The smirk quickly feel after a small chuckle escaped. Neito sat back on the other with hardly any reaction. “Oh, fighting back now, huh?” The blonde gave a shrug before putting his hands behind his head. “Go right ahead.” Why was he just letting him? What was he planning? Shinso did so, cautiously. 
Sure, Monoma chuckled and snorted here and there and he always had a s mile from the sensation on his face, but he was hardly laughing, squirming, or trying to get away! “What? Why aren’t you more animated? Your normally crazily bouncing around!” The other rolled his eyes and stopped the hands at the possible insult. “I’m not that ticklish Hitoshi. That’s what that means.” 
Oh no. A smirk crawled back onto the other’s face. “But it appears your wildly.” Shinso’s blush returned quickly as he quickly tried to escape. He knocked Monoma to the floor by mistake before falling face first onto the couch himself. The blonde wasn’t going down that easily! He pinned the other despite the squirming and light pushes. 
“If you didn’t want me too, you’d be fighting more… and saying stop.” He had a point, but Shinso couldn't bare to face it. He curled up more, refusing to allow the other to see his face. However, a new weight on his butt would soon say otherwise. “Come on Hitoshi, just admit you like this.” What?! He did not! 
“What gives you that idea?!” The male struggled a bit more before shrieking and falling forward into the couch cushion. His thighs were being pinched and squeezed at, leaving him a hysterical mess. He shook his head before finally picking it up, out of the pillow. “Okay, okay!” The new spot was a bit much at the moment. 
“Okay what,” the other asked as he moved down to the backs of the knees. “I lahahahahicke thahahais! Too much!” The blonde stopped as soon as the last words left his friend’s mouth. He got up to check on the other and give him some space. “You alright?” Shinso was panting softly, face bright red from teasing and admitting a small secret. 
Purple eyes narrowed before hands went after the other’s tighs, causing him to fall back onto the coffee table with an “oof”. “Ow,” the blonde grumbled before hearing a small snort. “Excuse me.” Oh shit. “Oh you deserved that.” He moved forward to push him back more, but quickly found himself back at the other’s mercy. Maybe having friends wouldn’t be so bad.
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malereader-inserts · 5 years
Fandom: Gotham Pairing: Oswald Cobblepot x Male!Reader Summary: If I fall short, if I break rank It's a bloodsport, but I understand, I am all yours, I am unmanned. I'm on all fours, willingly damned. Word Count: 2,079 Request:��“for a Gotham request: finally confessing to Oswald for the first time after working close to him for a while, maybe victor encouraging the reader on to do so because he's watched him swoon over the crimelord for a while.” A?n: I wrote this the night before because I’m not currently drunk af as I post this so enjoyyyyyyy
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You sat on the bar stool, your elbows leaning against the bar with the right hand holding a glass of whiskey and the other hand resting against your upper right arm. You stare at the rack of alcoholic beverages against the wall, sitting in the empty Iceberg Club. You sighed as you gently placed your glass down and ran that hand through your hair.
Your hands rested against the bar, you’ve been quiet for the past few days.
Oswald had noticed your sudden standoffish behaviour, truth be told he was getting exhausted with your longing sighs and tired looks. He just couldn’t put a finger what has caused you to feel so moody. 
So, somehow, he was not surprised to see you moping around at the bar. 
He chuckles to himself, limping his way towards you, carefully trying not to bang his cane against the floor as he silently sits next to you. You give him a side eye before turning to look down at your drink, PIcking up the glass and taking a sip. 
“Hello, friend.”
Friend, how much that word had disgraced you. The reason why you’ve been mopy is the fact that you were trying to get rid of your growing crush on your friend. The man you’ve been working with for so long, the man who had promoted you to be is second in command. 
Victor teases you, the way you silently admire Oswald in his little outburst and rants. Victor points out your loving eyes and longing stares at Oswald. Your compliments that seem way to invasive but flies over Oswald’s head (truth be told he wasn’t that tall so most of the things you say go over his head.)
You grunted in response, tipping your glass at his direction before gulping down the last of your drink.
“You’re not going to leave now, are you?” Oswald asked, his lips thinning, annoyed that you weren’t responding in the way he wanted.
You cast a glance, you hold it for a moment before flickering back to the neon lights. Sighing, you lean over the bar, grabbing another glass for Oswald and a fresh unopen bottle of whiskey. 
He watches you twist the cap and pouring in each glass before placing the bottle between you and Oswald, not one moment you had spoken to him. 
The more you try to distance yourself from Oswald, he just kept coming. You were a pathetic idiot pining over him, whilst he sends heart eyes to Ed Nygma you did the same with him.
Truth be told, you loved him. Although he isn’t perfect, as nothing can be, his imperfections don’t detract from how much you love him. In fact, you love him so much that you are willing to wait through anything negative to be able to love him.
Only Victor could see how progressively bad your pining became. 
Oswald watches you down another glass and as you were about to tip the bottle for another glass. Oswald grabs your wrist, you looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
“(Y/n),” Oswald’s tone was deep as you stared at him silently.
He had not noticed how your eyes wandered to admire his face, how your face became very hot that Oswald was gripping your wrist. He hadn’t noticed how you got distracted almost immediately.
“You’re going to drink yourself dead.”
“It’s only my fourth glass,” You mumbled as you put down the bottle, “What do you want?”
“Not hostility,” Oswald snaps at you, “What’s got you like this, I can’t even remember when’s the last time you smiled.”
Three weeks ago, Oswald counted the days. He, too, was pining for you. Victor had been scoffing himself into a sore throat as he was witnessing you two pine for each other. Oswald had always valued your opinion, always asked for your input even it was minuscule. 
Oswald had been giving you the same longing stares, even tried to confess to his feels for you but you had to dash out in cleaning up a mess in one of the districts before the GCPD caught on. You hadn’t even noticed how Oswald loved walking by your side, he felt safer by you and he loved seeing how much taller you were compared to him.
He was only 5″8 and you were taller, he wondered how he could perfectly fit into your arms, your chin on top of his head as you bring him close to you. 
Your love for each other was a bloodsport. 
Unknownst to each other how you would endlessly do things for them, how you both would shed blood on Gotham’s ground. You were willing to stain your hands red for him if he asked. He was willing to put a bullet in someone’s head if you just said the word.
Oswald was selfish, he could never love someone - Ed said it himself.
“None of your business,” You grumbled as you refuse to look at him, before getting violently turned around as Oswald grips your shoulder to spin your bar stool to face him.
“You’re being an ass,” Oswald seethes, “Get over whatever, you’re being childish and I don’t need your moodiness effecting me.”
“I’ll try, Oswald,” You sarcastically commented as Oswald tensed his jaw, you had to stop yourself from looking embarrassed.
Suddenly your phone started to buzz, you retrieve it out of your inside pocket and find Victor sending multiple texts.
“Looks like I have a problem to fix,” You hummed sliding off the bar stool, Oswald grips your wrist, “Yes?”
“No, you’re staying here until you tell me what’s got you so moody!”
“I have things to do, Os, don’t you have someone else to entertain you?”
You snatched your wrist away from him, you watched his green eyes harden at your snappy attitude, you could tell you were pushing his buttons if you weren’t you - he would have most likely have murdered you here.
“Don’t make me do something I’d regret.”
“Regret isn’t in your nature.” You retaliate back, your face too close for comfort but Oswald hadn’t had the pleasure to see your face up close and when you leaned back, he wanted to pull you closer.
“Emotions are my weakness, so I’ve been told,” Oswald commented, you shrug as you check your gun and started to make your way out of the club.
“My loyalty is mine.”
Oswald didn’t know what to think when you left him alone, not once in the years you have known each other and worked together had you argued or spat words in a distasteful manner. He knows what you’re capable of and what he was capable of.
Though, he does wonder what is going on in the funny little brain of yours.
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“You’ve got it bad, man,” Victor commented as the two of your walk through Gotham with a milkshake in hand, walking back to the club.
Both of your covered in blood after you and Victor angrily took out some of Falcone’s capos that were hiding underground. Victor was busy slurping on his drink as you rolled your eyes.
“I know, that’s why I’m ignoring him until I don’t have to feel anymore.”
“How’s that going for you?”
“Terribly,” You commented, your shoulders deflate, “Once I think I’m over it, he comes back into the room with his stupid little cane and his charming fucking smile. God, have you seen how his eyes light u- You don’t care do you?”
“That is the fifth rant of the week about you gushing over our boss,” Victor informed you, “It’s only Tuesday.”
“Thanks for making me ten times great about myself,” You grumbled, “Might go to a strip joint or a gay bar.”
“Hey, you promised you’d take me to a gay bar, maybe us two good pals go out tonight?” Victor asked, excitedly, bumping shoulders with you as you chuckle whilst you sipped your milkshake.
“I’m not getting drunk with you, V, last time that happened we trashed a GCPD car,” You opened the door to the Iceberg Lounge, it was empty other than the frozen Ed statue.
“Still, it was a great time, didn’t you bed someone that night too?”
You two continued to walk into the back of the Lounge, entering where Oswald had his office and a “staff room” if you could consider that. Most often not, you, Ivy and the two Victors hung around mostly. You send Victor an unhappy look as you meet Ivy sitting with a magazine in her hand and Oswald pacing back and forth in the room. Victor Fries chilling.
“Still, you owe me a night out,” Victor says as you two enter the room, the three occupants looking at you two. 
“I’m not taking you to a gay bar tonight,” You rolled your eyes, hoping you don’t meet Oswald’s stare, “Another night.”
Victor looked triumph before patting you on the shoulder, leaning close to your ear to whisper, “Just confess your feelings, you idiot, before I do it for you.”
You scoffed as you stare at Oswald, he stares at you for a moment before promptly ranting. You had missed how his lips trembled with jealousy at how close Victor was to you. You missed how his foot was tapping, impatient with you.
Though amidst in his rant and plotting, he missed how you look vaguely amused, he missed how your eyes sparkled and for once you hadn’t looked so bummed down.
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“Aren’t you so clever with your schemes and your plots.”
Oswald’s voice echoed through the empty lounge, you looked up from your laptop at the bar and sighed, you had been avoiding him like clockwork, you knew it would soon catch up with you.
“Schemes and plots are the same thing,” You responded coolly before returning your attention on your laptop.
He slinks himself in the bar stool next to you, “You’ve been avoiding me.”
“Perhaps I am,” You responded, “What will you accuse me this time?”
“Spying on me and my endeavours,” Oswald started to list, “Betraying me, telling others about my plans, you’re avoiding me because of guilt, so if you confess now - I might let you live.”
You looked up from your keyboard, your fingers hovering above them before turning to look at him spinning your stool to turn your whole body to him. Due to this, he was taken aback. 
“Loyalty is my weakness, Oswald,” You hummed, “I told you that.”
“I’m starting to wonder if it really is.”
“I’m not avoiding you out of guilt, it’s something else.”
“Well, what is it? It’s affecting our relationship, I can’t lose the man who’s been by my side since I started with Fish.”
You stare at him, conflicted what to say, in your head, it was telling you to make up a story like your family died or you were recently broken up over. But, your heart was telling you to confess, he was right here and he was worried about your state of mind.
Just confess your feelings, you idiot, before I do it for you
Victor’s voice echos in your head, you bit your lip and stare at him. You knew what to do, heart over head.
You sighed, your shoulders deflate, “I...I love you, and not in a brotherly way since we’ve been working together for years but as in I have fallen in love with-”
You were suddenly cut off when you felt his lips pressed against yours. Your eyes widen before promptly shutting your eyes too. Melting at his warmth, melting into the passion in this feverish kiss. How he had gripped your tie to pull you closer. When parting, you slowly open to see his bright eyes shining at you, a small smile creeping up on his lips.
“I-” You breathed out, his hand still gripping against your tie.
“I love you too, silly man,” Oswald breaths out, engulfing the look of shock and storing it for later.
You two sat there in silence before your phone started to buzz. You lean back, and took out your phone, scoffing and throwing it on the table.
“Who is it?” Oswald asked, watching you turn to face him.
“Oh, what does he want?”
“He wanted to know if I fessed up,” You admitted, leaning closer to him as Oswald chuckles, “I guess I owe dinner.”
“Yeah, tonight at seven, we have a lot to catch up with me being moping for the past month.”
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red-sterling · 5 years
thanks for answering!! i hope you don't mind if i send more charas...how about green and/or lillie?
fhgjkfdg aw yea thank u!! hopefully this doesn’t publish before i’m done typing lol
also this definitely needs a readmore bc i got emotional abt Green oops
favorite thing about them
first of all: the fact that Green canonically has a rivals to best friends arc with Red fills me with so much joy and YES they are on their alolan honeymoon you cannot convince me otherwise
okay like. gen 1 Green just perfectly encompasses what it’s like to be a ten year old in a way? like ofc he’s written like a kid bc he is a kid, but i feel like the writing on him just feels so genuine as compared to some of the other 10 yr old rivals you get in other regions. even though he’s kinda a brat at the start, he kinda eases up a bit as you go along your journey and starts giving you progressively nicer/more praise-y end lines when you beat him (going from “i picked the wrong pokémon!” to “so, you are ready for boss rocket!”) but still retains this childlike rivalry and competitiveness and i love that about him
and like. fucking beating him at the Indigo League still completely breaks my heart because even after he did become the champion at age 10 the first thing that happens is you beat him and Prof Oak just yells at him for being bad at things and like. ow. 
this is why i headcanon that Red actually took awhile longer to get to Green like please. please give my boy a chance to be happy and proud
also Red was caught up with Team Rocket anyway so i imagine he must’ve fallen a little behind at some point? anyway
the development on him across regions is so choice!!! he’s so much more mellow and even kinda melancholic when you find him in gsc/hgss, like he’s calmed down over a few years and he obviously misses Red so much but like, it’s clear that Red is kinda the reason Green does settle down and he seems to have worked on his character and become a nicer person - and he still has that sassy flair to him! he’s just got that gradual slope from asshole rival to kinda aloof gym leader to friendly/sassy battle legend and aaaaa i love my boy so MUCH
also huge point: he’s so fucking driven??? he’s got the most drive and the most passion for battles/pokémon in general out of all the rivals i feel. he’s only closely matched by Silver, but Silver seems to be more aggressive than passionate, and somewhat out of necessity too (like, Giovanni abandoned him what was he to do), whereas Green just really like. he genuinely just cares so much about battles and about pokémon in general! he literally calls you in hgss and just rants about how many different kinds of pokémon there are in the world!!!
also in Alola he’s like???? just so sweet?????? he congratulates you and is like hey you’re really strong lets battle like!!!!!!!!! supportive boy!!!!! he has come so far over so many generations and i cry
also on Four Island when you play frlg he legitimately says “Be smelling ya!” when he leaves and how do you not love this idiot
least favorite thing about them
i mean. while i get that you beat Green right after he becomes the champion in the kanto games i feel like there should’ve been more pomp and circumstance for him and i’ll never forgive gamefreak for giving this boy his dream, then making you rip it away from him, and then watching his own gramps yell at him for fucking up like. again it’s that drive, i get why Red keeps such good pace w Green but i just feel like he worked so hard and he deserved so much better than that
also while i’m very biased towards him bc Big Emotions, i feel like if i knew this boy irl who was constantly i’m so great and you’re a loser i would probably punch him eventually lmao. in theory it’s kinda endearing but as a real person that’d be grating 
favorite line
on one hand, “smell ya later” is so fucking iconic, but on the other - 
“I’m Blue. Man, this guy called Red brought me down in a heartbeat. I haven’t seen him in a long time…I wonder where he is and what he’s up to… Come to think of it, you look a little bit like Red. Yeah, you do. Just…Just a little bit. Whatever…”
my namelessshipping heart
for long elaborate headcanon reasons, i see him as being a good brotp with Kris - i headcanon her as also being really driven the way Green is, but more quiet about it, she’s kinda a good balance to him and they probably do pokemon research together. i also feel like she kept him sane while Red was still missing/before they found him on a fuckin mountain
do i really need to tell you that i’m 100% namelessshipping
like they perfectly balance each other. Green has all this energy and all this spunk and Red is just like… so opposite of him y'know? he’s quiet and he’s more measured in his behavior i feel, he doesn’t really rush into things as much, and yet they both really just took Kanto by storm when they were kids, and i like how they have this foil dynamic and are both still so successful? they’re so different and they complement each other in that way, and they both find success in their own ways
like one of the reasons i hate that Green’s championship gets undersold so much is that he did beat you to the punch, and he has been one step ahead of you, and there’s so much passion there and it’s so loud - and yet you as Red are just as driven, you take down Team Rocket, you’re always right on his tail, so close but not quite there, you’re the only one who can keep up with him and you’re the only one he cares enough about to slow down for
so like. idk with even all my headcanons about namelessshipping aside (and i can infodump those another day lol), i feel like the in-game representation of them just works. they just work so well together, they balance each other without ever holding each other back, and there’s something really beautiful about that in a relationship y'know
…..i feel bad abt not putting as much infodump about isshushipping now but oh well
i don’t really have a notp with him? i kinda like. i basically just do namelessshipping, but i don’t get a visceral eugh when i see other ships with him, just kinda a well it’s not nameless so i’ll be on my way. idek what other ships w him are popular?? i’ve been in nameless hell since 2012 so 
random headcanon
while Red is still living on Mount Silver, Green is not coping well with having him so far away, and so Green massively overworks himself to the point that he keeps just not being in his gym sometimes bc he’s bouncing between the gym, training multiple teams, pokémon research, and ofc going to visit Red whenever he can. this leads him to be kinda temperamental after he’s been working on 2 hours of sleep a day for like a week until he just has an emotional meltdown and crashes, and then he gets right back into it because he has no self preservation
…….. nicer headcanon; Red can only cook two (2) foods, so Green cooks all the food for them when they move in together. he has attempted to teach Red how to cook, but Red pretends not to understand so Green will keep making him food. Green knows Red is faking it and doesn’t call him out bc he thinks it’s cute
unpopular opinion
look i’ve played through classic red version a few times and when i say he wasn’t that much of a jerk, i do genuinely mean he was not that much of a jerk. he’s like ten. ten year olds are just Like That. i guess this isn’t too unpopular anymore but it was Back In The Day and in some parts of the fandom he’s still seen as a jerk and like Bro He Is Ten In RGB/FRLG cut him some slack
also genuinely unpopular - Green is taller than Red. i know namelessshipping has fallen into the bara Red and twink Green trope but i refuse to let go of tall Green/short Red fuckin fight me why dont you
song i associate with them
a lot of the Pray For The Wicked album by Panic! at the Disco gives me Green vibes, more for the sound than for lyrics necessarily, but for some reason Roaring 20s just like. has the sound of Green to me. it’s somewhere between flamboyant pride and underlying insecurity that i think really encapsulates Green (or at least his subtext)
favorite picture of them
i genuinely love his let’s go concept art he’s such a sweet good boy?? 
and for the life of me i cannot find the op source on this but this is my fave pic of Green/namelessshipping in general that i’ve had saved since like 2012 maybe???
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yeah if anyone can help me source that i’d appreciate it bc reverse image search only brings me to pinterest and random wattpad links :/
update: source seems to be the artist くる (pixiv id=982894) on pixiv, even though the original post got taken down (ty anon!)
favorite thing about them
by now i guess you know im a sucker for character development, but i think they did a really good job with her!! i feel like her turn is a bit more in moments than it is with Green, who gradually evolves (lol) over the course of Kanto/all the gens overall. you see more discrete moments where Lillie starts to shift and gain confidence in herself and i am so proud of her ???? like the way she gets excited when she sees Olivia doin’ her z-move stuff, she starts buying her own clothes and getting ahead of you, etc etc
and like, she still has moments where she’s scared, there’s still some fundamental Lillie in there yknow? you don’t lose any of that softness that characterizes Lillie, she just like… she gets better, she develops without losing her Lillie vibe and i love that abt her. she overcomes a lot of the shit she had to deal with when she was stuck with Lusamine, she stands up to Lusamine eventually, and ghfdkjsg gah she’s a sweet gorl i love and appreciate her
also like. the writing on her backstory is so subtle in-universe. like yeah she literally looks like Lusamine’s daughter and you see her in the opening cutscene leaving Aether, but as the protagonist - like as Selene lets say, there’s little hints about where Lillie came from, and if you suspend your disbelief and put yourself in the pc’s shoes, there’s subtly to her character arc that i like 
also like. when she changes her outfit and starts being more protagonist-y, like more confident and kinda bubbly instead of shy??? love that shit it’s so cute can i have custody of this child pls
least favorite thing about them
i like. sometimes feel like she’s too soft of a character for me to really get into? like i love her and Hau, they’re sweet good friends, but i tend to personally gravitate towards characters that create a little more tension (ie Green and N)
(though on that note, Hau can be kinda savage. he just calls Faba out and sarcastically calls Gladion “a ray of sunshine” at some point i think?? Lillie is just very tender and i will support her forever, but i think that also makes her almost too soft to keep me fixated on her yknow. it’s not even a flaw in her character but just not something i fawn over as much)
favorite line
“I’m so glad I got to meet everyone. I’m so glad I got to meet you.”
like that ending kills me but that line almost feels like. I Feel That So Much like i feel so happy to have met all these new characters and to have played these games, and i feel like some of the player’s energy and enjoyment of the game is channeled into this last line of hers 
probably her and Hau?? idk, i don’t have a specific brotp for her but i like her just hangin around w the other Alola kids, so like her, Hau, Gladion, and the protag kids. they’d raise hell together and Lillie continues to be the only one with some impulse control
(Gladion also has some impulse control but keeps getting annoyed by Hau and so he gets dragged into their nonsense anyway)
Selene and Lillie is. Good. idk what the ship name is but it’s canon
i dont even know if people ship her with Gladion but incest is a big no-no in my house
random headcanon
when she goes to Kanto, i bet she’d pick Bulbasaur as a starter if she was given the opportunity - and if not, she’d probably catch a wild Vulpix 
unpopular opinion
idk if have any unpopular opinions for her?? 
song i associate with them
i have no reason to associate this with her but the Rainy Day theme from acgc just. has a vibe about it. i think a lot of ac music feels like it suits her
favorite picture of them
i found this art of her through a lofi remix of her theme awhile back and it’s so pleasing to look at? her hair is nice and the colors are so warm n happy gjhkfdgf
if you read this far, congratulations!!! and i’m sorry
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jungflowers · 6 years
ocean waves // f o u r (taekook au)
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masterlist << || >>
genre: College! AU/ light angst
pairing: taekook/vkook
word count: 2,268
read it on AO3 here!
summary:  Taekook AU in which Taehyung, an aspiring writer and professional cynic, learns from the mysterious stranger outside his cafe window that life is more than letters on a page
A/N: trying to run a fan account off of a side blog is officially the hardest thing I’ve done oof. Thanks for reading and don’t be afraid to leave any advice or comments! My message box is always open
“So I woke up soaking wet and in shock all because of that petty little demon,” Jimin ranted to Taehyung as he swiftly worked around the counter during his morning shift. “Do you know how terrifying it is to feel ice down your back first thing in the morning?”
“No, not really. Hopefully I never will,” Tae responded, amused at the whiny tone the barista’s voice had taken on. Jimin had been the victim of a revenge prank from his roomate, which had put a bit of a damper
Taehyung sat at the table closest to the store counter on a cloudy Thursday morning, enjoying the company of his new friend as he frantically attempted to finish the homework he had procrastinated. Ever since meeting the week before, the two had comfortably slipped into the habit of hanging out every morning at the coffee shop before walking to their Econ class. Taehyung liked Jimin despite the fact that he still barely knew him. He talked a lot, sure, but he never had a dull thing to say and never minded that Taehyung didn't speak as much as he did. In the few short days that they had known each other, Taehyung had learned a lot about the giggly mocha haired barista. He was from Busan, had a younger brother that looked like a carbon copy of him, left home and moved to Seoul when he was 16 to go to a performing arts school, and was now majoring in dance. Despite being a dancer for almost 10 years, he was one of the most clumsy people Taehyung had ever met. He tripped over his own feet on an hourly basis, like he still wasn't used to having legs. "It's because you made me laugh," he would whine, giggling infectiously. "I can't see when I laugh." He told him about his roomate, who he had met his sophomore year through a sketchy app for college students too broke to afford their own house. He played pranks on him regularly just to make sure that he wasn't a serial killer. He may have been the complete opposite of him- an extroverted, energetic manifestation of caffeine itself- but Taehyung had to admit that spending mornings with Jimin felt way better than spending them alone.
“I mean, sure, I hid his towel. And sure, we had guests over. But in my defense, it was in the laundry. I was doing him a favor. It just happened to be at a particularly inconvenient time. But tell me, what do I gain from a bucket of ice water put on my pillow and tied to my arm when he knows damn well I move around in my sleep?”
“The man doesn’t play games,” Tae sipped his tea, putting in a weak effort at editing his latest creative writing assignment.
“Hi, what can I get you?” Jimin’s demeanor took a 180° turn as he attended to the latest customer.
“Hey, can I have a caramel machiatto?” An eerily familiar voice ordered. Taehyung turned his attention toward the counter and immediately, his breath caught. As he turned around, the doe eyed stranger’s face lit up with recognition.
“Hey,” he smiled, walking a few steps closer.
“Camera boy,” Taehyung nodded, an awkward attempt to play it cool.
“How’s it going?”
“It’s going,” he sighed. “You?”
“Same here,” Taehyung smiled nervously in response.
The boy nodded, the short conversation seeming to end on that note until he piped up once more. “I never did get your name, did I?”
“N-no, you didn’t,” he choked out, caught off guard. “It’s Taehyung.”
“Jungkook,” he held out his hand. Taehyung shook it cautiously, trying to ignore the sparks that flew through him the instant his fingers made contact with the no-longer-stranger’s surprisingly soft skin.
“I’ll see you around, I hope?”
All Taehyung could do was smile enthusiastically in agreement, his voice rendered useless.
“Oh, and check the city magazine this week.” He grinned. “You might find something you’ll like.” He watched as the boy left, following the same white shirt and ripped jeans until he was no more than a mere blur in the distance.
“Oh my god,” Jimin’s eyes were wide in unexplained surprise, his mouth pulled into a larger, more blinding grin than usual.
“What? Did something happen?”
“It’s you,” he laughed heartily. “You have a crush, don’t you?”
“On who?” He played dumb, putting on his best, most confused face.
“On who?” Jimin mocked. “Camera boy? You act all standoffish and tough all the time, but you like him enough to give him a nickname.”
“Oh, him?” Taehyung scoffed, continuing the act. “I barely even know him.”
“But you want to, don’t you?” Jimin giggled, thoroughly entertained.”
“I don’t have a crush on him,” He concluded seriously, pushing up his glasses to the bridge of his nose and continuing to work, seemingly unbothered by his friend’s antics. Jimin emitted a final burst of laughter, but dropped the topic, seeming to believe his words.
They spent the next few minutes in silence, both focused on their work. Jimin took orders at lightning speed, and Taehyung managed to finish editing his assignment fairly quickly, mostly motivated by nervous energy.
“What type of camera does he have?” Jimin asked casually.
“Canon Rebel,” Taehyung replied, too quickly for his own good. Jimin’s suspicious stare tormented him until he finally cracked.
“Fine!" he sighed, throwing up his hands in surrender. "I might have the tiniest, microscopic interest in him. Not a crush. Just an interest.”
"An interest, sure." he scoffed as he emerged from behind the counter and wrapped his arms around the boy, smothering him. “My little Taetae is growing up! Look at you, showing your feelings and shit.” 
“I'm still taller than you,” he mumbled through Jimin's sweater. "And I don't have feelings. They're gross."
Jimin bit his lip to hold back a huge smile with a hint of something mischievous in it. That couldn’t mean anything good.
“Stop it. Stop thinking right now.”
“I know how you can pay me back for saving your life last week.”
“Didn’t you say-”
“Let’s pretend I didn’t,” he replied quickly. “Let me help you get together with him.”
“What makes you think I want to initiate a conversation with a virtual stranger?”
“If you keep watching him that hard every time he comes in here, you’re gonna need new glasses,” he playfully nudged his golden frames.
“No. Never. A thousand times no.”
Jimin smiled even bigger, staring deep into Taehyung’s soul.
“No.” He said stronger, refusing to be swindeled into a dangerous arrangement.
Defeated, Jimin pouted all the way back to the counter. Taehyung turned his attention back to his homework, pulling out his calculus binder. As he tapped rapidly at the buttons on his calculator, he heard a loud sigh from a few feet away. Ignoring it, he returned back to his work, scribbling the answers down on his worksheet. Then another loud sigh. Taehyung rolled his eyes, shooting a pointed stare in the barista’s direction. Not even a minute later came another sigh, so loud and mournful that it caught the attention of some of the customers nearby. 
“I’ll think about it, okay?” Taehyung had reached the peak of stress, throwing his pencil down and pleading with the boy. “I’ll think about it.”
Jimin’s face brightened into a satisfied smirk, relieving the other boy. He yelled something to the workers in the back room before untying his apron and hanging it up by one of the shelves and grabbing his backpack.
“Let’s go to class, lover boy.” He teased, pinching Taehyung’s cheeks as he scrambled to keep up with him. He didn’t tell anyone—he barely even admit it to himself, but he spent the rest of that day trying to beat back the sparks that shot through him whenever he remembered that morning.
“What’s your favorite flower?”
“My what?”
“Favorite flower,” Taehyung repeated. “What is it?”
“Why?” Namjoon laughed at the strange question. “Are you going to buy me flowers?”
“Not if you don’t tell me what your favorite flower is.” Taehyung joked. “Come on, hyung. It’s for my stupid writing class. Help a brother out.”
Taehyung had done remarkably better on his last two chemistry tests thanks to Namjoon’s amazing brain. The change was so drastic that he had actually begun to understand the material on his own, meaning that their tutoring sessions had shifted into study dates with an occasional question here or there. Taehyung had insisted on paying the boy for his help, but Namjoon strongly declined the offer, suggesting instead that Taehyung continue to help him in the studio, which he was more than happy to do. Of course, Namjoon’s idea of help was really just watching him bob his head self consciously to the music and listening to his mediocre feedback. “You’re like a lucky charm,” he claimed. “The last time I finished a song while you were there, my teacher complimented me on it in class. It was a fucking miracle.”
Now it was Taehyung’s turn yet again to ask for advice.
“What’s the topic today, Shakespeare?” He leaned forward to peak at Taehyung’s blank screen.
“‘Write a story from the perspective of a flower.’" he read the prompt. "How am I supposed to write a 200 word piece on something that doesn’t even move?”
“Hm,” Namjoon bit lightly on the end of his pencil as he contemplated the idea. “What kind of flower? Like, a garden flower or a vase flower?”
“The flower kind.” Taehyung replied dryly.
Namjoon ignored his sarcasm and finally answered his question.
“I like wildflowers, I guess. Anything you just find growing by it’s own outside, without a garden. Write about those.”
Taehyung nodded, thinking for a minute before acting on the first inkling of an idea that popped into his head, exhausted with trying to overthink every essay he wrote. He typed carelessly and furiously, causing Namjoon to look up from his book every couple minutes in concern. The words flowed quickly and dangerously, now that he refused to censor himself. In 15 minutes he was finished, handing it apprehensively to Namjoon to read.
 “Somewhere in the forest, a wildflower turns its petals to the sun for the first time. For the first time, it dares to uncurl it’s young limbs and bloom. For the first time, it is able to relax. Wildflowers do not have to be told that they are beautiful, like the roses of the garden or the morning glories that peek out from bushes every so often. Wildflowers are born knowing so, without any human to tell them. Wildflowers do not wait to be watered. They do not stand to be coaxed from their buds for the sake of profit. They provide for themselves and they bloom on their own time. But like any good flower, they are plucked from the ground, torn from their roots and thrown in a vase of water. Their once strong, confident petals will learn to wither away, and they will learn to bleed silently, so as not to corrupt their beauty. Like any good flower, they will not last, and the beauty that held their chins up with pride will be their demise.”
 “You came up with this,” he cocked his head from side to side, completely examining the words on the screen in front of him. “In 7 minutes?”
“It’s a rough draft,” he explained.
“I’ve never heard you write like this.”
Namjoon scrolled through the file, skimming it a second time. “It’s usually so... happy.”
“Yeah? Well, it was a lie.” The words that he had sighed came out before he realized what he had said, regaining consciousness only when he felt Namjoon’s concerned glare analyzing him. He didn’t bother asking the question that should have come next, because he already knew the answer that he would receive. Instead, he said,
“You’re coming to Hoseok’s party. End of discussion.”
Taehyung opened his mouth to attempt a response, managing to squeak out a surprised, “Why?”
“Because,” Namjoon began, closing his book and beginning to pack his things into his backpack. “I’m not letting you grow old and bitter alone in your apartment all year. You’re stressed. I can see it. I can hear it in your writing and your voice. Just look-” He pulled out his phone and stuck the camera lens in his face, a click sounding as Taehyung frowned in confusion. He turned the screen toward him, revealing a rather grumpy looking photo of the boy, enhanced with gray eye circles and tossled hair that further proved Namjoon’s point.
“You look like you need a hug. Now get up, we’re going to your house.”
“What- now?”
“The party is at 8. In 3 hours.” He stood up from the table, forcing Taehyung to follow his lead.
“How am I supposed to mentally prepare myself for a party that’s 3 hours away?” He grumbled.
“You’re not.” He replied. “That’s why I’m helping you.”
As Taehyung reluctantly threw his things into his messenger bag, he swallowed bitterly, his throat dry from something akin to dread. “Does this mean I should throw away the story? W-was it that bad?”
“Are you kidding me? It’s the best thing you’ve ever written, which is saying a lot. I’m not worried about your writing. I’m worried about you.” He gave him a softer smile, dimples accenting the corners of his mouth, that put him at ease. “Now come on, we've got work to do.” he said as he dragged Taehyung toward the exit, draping an arm around him all the way.
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markfthearts · 6 years
thank you @oksws for tagging me to do the 85 questions tag! 💘🌬💙🌸
rules: answer these 85 questions about yourself and tag 20 people.
1). drink - water...i literally don’t drink anything else (except coffee lmao)
2). phone - iphone 6s...yeeth
3). text message - “girl be quiet” to a boy i don’t want to talk to 
4). song you listened to - party favors by tinashe ft young thug
5). time you cried - like 15 minutes ago lmao!
6). dated someone - yeah haha hard to believe 
7). kissed someone and regretted it - nope!
8). been cheated on - no 
9). lost someone special - haven’t we all?
10). been depressed - yeah! 🤠
11). gotten drunk and thrown up - nah lmao i already look like mr. krabs i refuse to let myself get shitfaced and become even uglier ajkjsdk
fav colors
12). periwinkle 
13). whatever the color of a baja blast from taco bell is
14). black/white (they go hand in hand imho)
in the last year have you...
15). made new friends - yes!! i love them dearly!! 💕
16). fallen out of love - yeah and thank god.
17). laughed until you cried - LITERALLY LAST NIGHT BECAUSE OF THIS 
18). found out someone was talking about you - yeah...
19). met someone who changed you - yes!! 
20). found out who your friends are - yeah...all 3 of them :^}
21). kissed someone on your facebook list - i’m running out of ways to say yes (yes)
22). how many of your facebook friends do you know irl? - all of them tf 
23). do you have any pets? - i have two cats who i’d do anything for
24). do you want to change your name? - idk tbh because my name is kinda boring but what else could it be?
25). what did you do for you last birthday? - took an exam :/
26). what time did you wake up today? - 6:58 am
27). what were you doing at midnight last night? - i was making a playlist!! 
28). what is something you can’t wait for? - to finish uni! won’t be for a while tho :/
29). what are you listening to right now? - skejsen by molo
30). have you ever talked to a person named tom? - yeah in like 5th grade...he was nice.
31). something that gets on my nerves? - hearing people chew and just mouth sounds in general like i actually go full fucking spartan 
32). most visited website - youtube!
33). hair color - reddish brown 
34). long or short hair? - uhh...depends. my hair is like...just past my shoulders or so?
35). do you have a crush on someone? - nope!
36). what do you like about yourself? - HA.
37). want any piercings? - yeah! i wish i had my ears pierced but i’m actually the biggest bitch.
38). blood type - idk...i think o?
39). nicknames - i don’t have any smh people don’t even refer to me by my own dam name 
40). relationship status - single! 
41). zodiac - pisces sun! uwu
42). pronouns - she/her
43). fave tv shows - f.r.i.e.n.d.s
44). tattoos - i don’t have any nor do i want any atm!
45). right or left handed - right
46). ever had surgery? - yeah i had my wisdom teeth taken out
47). piercings - as previously stated, i have zero.
48). sports - horseback riding and tennis!
49). vacation - i’d love to visit iceland and southeast asia!
50). trainers - 👟
more general 
51). eating? - nothing it’s 12 am
52). drinking? - nothing its 12 am 
53). i’m about to watch? - nothing its 12 am 
54). waiting for? - not to be fuckin weird but i don’t even know
55). want? - to speak as many languages as possible and visit as many places as i can
56). get married? - perhaps 👀
57). career? - anything that allows me to travel and lets me utilize my language skills!
which is better?
58). hugs or kisses - ZONT ask me this i could write two essays on why i love both
59). lips or eyes - uh eyes perhaps
60). shorter or taller - in what context...i’m short as fuck i wish i was taller 
61). older or younger - than who...(if u mean like...in a relationship...i find it more reassuring to be younger)
62). nice arms or stomach - i think i should have either of the two before i comment asdjkjk
63). hookup or relationship - relationship! 
64). troublemaker or hesitant - neither of them are necessarily a good thing tbh...
have you ever...
65). kissed a stranger? - no
66). drank hard liquor? - yeah haha
67). lost glasses - no...i don’t wear glasses
68). turned someone down? - in 7th grade i still feel so bad jake if ur reading this i’m sorry
69). sex on the first date? - i...no
70). broken someone’s heart? - not that i know of
71). had your heart broken? - yeah.
72). been arrested? - no bitch i don’t go outside
73). cried when someone died? - of course
74). fallen for a friend? - yes
do you believe in...
75). yourself? - LMAO
76). miracles? - to an extent!
77). love at first sight? - eh...in certain cases but for the most part nej
78). santa claus? - no my mom threw the presents at me instead of setting them up like santa would
79). kissing on the first date? - i personally wouldn’t because i get nervous asksjd
80). angels? - yes mark lee
81). best friends name? - geraldine! 🌟
82). eye color - brown
83). fav movie - tbh idk. perhaps seven with morgan freeman and brad pitt?
84). fav actor - i really haven’t thought about it tbh there isn’t one person who’s performances i like enough to consider my favorite
85). fav thing to do when bored? - listen to and create music! 
i’ll tag randomly from my notifs if that’s okay, but don’t feel obligated to do this!! @hoseokbabie @angelicleefelix @sunshinepjs @wholesomejeno @neosity and anyone else who would like to do this!! sorry if you guys have already been tagged! 
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smolgreenboi · 6 years
Bbterra (duh! XD)
>u>!!!!! mmmm
send a ship & I will answer….
bbterra || gar/tara (gatara? lmao)
who is a night owl.
i think i can actually give a solid answer with this ship, with the answer being: gar–even though it can still be sorta situational with him. 
i can see tara’s mental/biological clock (???) kind of being in tune with the rise and set of the sun due to her being constantly on the move throughout a good chunk of her life–including living in like? caves and stuff?? if i remember correctly???–so she’s used to rising with the sun and going to bed with it as well since traveling in the wilderness after dark, especially during a new moon, can be challenging. it’s just kind of a habit that she’s never actively tried to break. she might try to stay up with him while he’s playing a game or watching a movie but passes out not too long into it and gar just kinda lets her drool on his shoulder. 
who is a morning person.
following my thoughts above, tara’s most likely the morning person out of the two. groggy some days, fully awake other days. gar tends to be in a “sleep hangover” regardless of how much sleep he got or the events of the previous day, and the only times he can count as an early riser or morning person are on mornings where he went to bed feeling unsafe. 
are they cuddlers.
oh my god yes and it’s disgusting. not literally but like. these two dweebs. i imagine in a lot of ways they’re both kind of touch-starved (i know gar is) so whenever they’re sitting around with each other, they’re touching in SOME WAY. whether it’s sitting side by side, just close enough so their arms are touching, or holding hands while sitting together/walking somewhere, maybe chilling on the couch and tara’s leaning back with just her calves draped over gar’s lap while they’re playing a game, the list goes on. they are cuddlers. literally no doubt.
who is the big spoon.
i think it alternates, kind of depending on the night, the events of the day and if someone is acting as the “comfort” to the other’s “hurt”, if that makes sense. 
i dunno what your future headcanons are for tara’s height (so ignore this if i’m way off) but i can’t see gar ever outgrowing her. she’s a few inches taller than him by the time they both stop growing. this has no effect on the spooning but whatever. 
but yeah, i think it alternates and might even change as the night rolls on and their sleeping positions shift and stuff. no definite answer, here.
who is the little spoon.
see above!
what is their favourite sleeping position.
i don’t think they have a favorite sleeping position, per say, but i think the one they usually fall into or wind up in (subconsciously or otherwise) would be with gar hugging tara from behind with his head/face resting in either the curve of her neck or just between her shoulder blades. usually the latter, though, because he can hear her heartbeat and finds that soothing. there’s also a 95% chance he’s holding one of tara’s hands, too. 
who steals all the blankets.
… i dunno. i’m going to say tara, though. 
they’re both people who are used to sleeping without blankets due to their pasts and experiences, but i see tara as more on the opportunist side and if gar doesn’t make a move to nab the blankets and she wants them, she will. gar will let her burrito herself and just grow some fur or turn into something with a thick coat or lots of blubber. 
what they wear to bed.
as mentioned, gar always wears a minimum of a t-shirt and boxers to bed. sometimes a hoodie when it’s cold. never socks. 
i can see tara wearing something similar, though sometimes it’s one of gar’s t-shirts, and she also enjoys wearing socks. especially long ones or really thick ones. she’s tried convincing gar to start wearing socks by means of getting a running start down a long corridor, sliding and SLAMMING INTO HIM LIKE A BOWLING BALL TO PINS but it hasn’t worked yet. although she might be wearing him down. >->
also, y’all might want to move this to another floor because raven’s getting tired of hearing gar suddenly shriek at the top of his lungs closely followed by a crash and then noxious laughter. 
who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt.
gar gets stupid flustered and bashful whenever tara casually puts on one of his t-shirts and sometimes he’ll wear one of tara’s older/more beat up t-shirts if he’s about to do an activity that makes a mess (painting, gardening, working with an animal, etc) and she’s told him she doesn’t mind him making it dirtier. 
and if you think gar’s never shamelessly worn one of her crop-tops while they were out on the city or at the beach, you’re mistaken, my friend.
who falls asleep mid-conversation.
tara. as mentioned, gar more or less has to actively make the decision to fall asleep (unless he’s literally about to collapse from extreme exhaustion), so it’s highly unlikely he’ll ever pass out mid-conversation. 
they’re probably lying around talking about random stuff, jumping from subject to subject like a spider on a web and suddenly she just stops responding and he turns his head to see she’s snoring. 
who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares.
i imagine they both do. i don’t know to what extent tara’s past horrors go into (i know her country gave her and her brother their powers but idk how… traumatic that process would have been) but based off how she behaves prior to learning to control them, i can guess she’s been the cause of some crap. and gar’s been through… *rolls out 84 mile long list* … a lot… so. 
yeah. these two. nightmares aren’t scarce. and i think they’re both hypocrites because they’d both want to help the other process them but, when it comes to their own demons, refuse to talk about it. 
who accidentally punched the other in their sleep.
i know i’ve said this with each of these but, like, it’s a legit issue, specifically due to his time “in the custody” of eddie and bates. they’d grab him out of his sleep on nights they were drunk or just generally pissed off, so it’s basically burned into his brain that if he’s suddenly grabbed while sleeping to punch, kick or scratch the hand/arm that’s got him. he doesn’t really think enough to check who it is who’s making contact with him. 
so, i’m sure he’s punched, kicked or scratched her at least once. then proceeded to spend the rest of the night sleeping on the floor or on the couch regardless of her assurances and stuff. he feels like utter trash, apologizes profusely while helping her doctor it up and is antsy about falling asleep around her for a short time. 
who can’t keep their hands to themselves.
again, i don’t think either of them fall into this in it’s most extreme/literal sense. moreso see my answer to “are they cuddlers?” and that should sum it up just fine. 
who said “I love you” first.
i think this is situational. though, most likely, would probably be gar, as he might blurt it out during a moment of complete joy and bliss and then fall into a panic when he realizes he did it randomly and it was awkward and unplanned and oh god oh no what will she think of me–i’m such aN IDIOT SHE DESERVES TO HEAR IT IN A MORE ROMANTIC SETTING WHY AM   I  L I K E THIS 
who would have the other’s picture as their phone background.
tbh i can totally see them being those FREAKING DORKS who have the same or matching phone backgrounds?? like, either they both have the same picture of them at the beach/park as their phone backgrounds OR they have a picture of each other doing the same activity. 
like, tara’s phone background is a picture of gar posing next to a ditto they found on Pokemon Go and gar’s phone background is a picture of tara posing next to an onix. 
someone please stop them.
who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror.
there is literally a trail of sticky notes all over this freaking mirror with a full-fledged adventure of an ongoing conversation that momentarily turned into a pokemon battle that turned into a debate about who would win in a fight (dwayne the rock johnson or godzilla) that turned into tons of positive quotes and phrases that turned into a conversation about what would happen if it was safe to consume lava lamp goo and you discovered you could glow in the dark and, my god, this mirror is a mess. it’s pointless, now, aside from being used as a sticky note surface. there is no mirror, here, only multi-colored chaos. 
who buys the other cheesy gifts.
i know i keep saying this but gar would 100% buy tara random gifts because they made him think of her and he just couldn’t resist the idea of making her smile, so there you go. as usual, they’re spread out so she doesn’t worry about him dumping money all over her but… he can’t be stopped, you guys, he wants to give his loved ones ALL THE NICE THINGS….
who initiated the first kiss.
*takes a long, hard stare at Betrayal as i feel my soul leave my body* 
… i’m going to say tara because we can’t see gar’s face (even though he’s leaning in) and her eyes are closed, AND also because gar is kind of hesitant about being the instigator in these situations most of the time. … though the first official kiss may have been more of a nervous peck on the lips than a legit kiss, then there’s the awkward “omg you kissed me” couple of seconds where they both kind of panic about it but then after they calm down and realize it’s okay and that the feeling is mutual and they both want it, the second ‘first kiss’ is equally mutual and clumsy and awkward but WHO CARES TBH. 
who kisses the other awake in the morning.
again, i think it’s less kissing the other awake and more giving each other a gentle kiss on the forehead or cheek or temple regardless of if the gesture rouses the other. they both do this, but it’s more often tara since gar’s the one who sleeps in regularly. 
who starts tickle fights.
… i don’t know WHY but i’ve always headcanoned that tara isn’t ticklish at all–whereas gar IS–so when she tries to start a tickle fight and he attempts to retaliate there’s like this awkward couple of seconds where GAR USED TICKLE RIBS… … … IT’S NOT VERY EFFECTIVE and they’re both kind of like
who asks who if they can join the other in the shower.
tara most likely is the one to ask first, though it’s… very hesitant and awkward due to her having trouble asking if she can join him without DIRECTLY asking, if that makes any sense. and then he gets flustered and she gets flustered and everything’s awkward until they both just blurt “OKAY!!” at the same time and, GUESS WE’RE DOING THIS NOW.
on that note there’s, like… nothing sexual about their showers basically ever.
shared showers are spent singing bad pop-songs into their shampoo bottles, washing each other’s hair, washing each other’s injuries if needed, arguing/debating theories on whatever TV show they’re currently watching or game they’re playing, ooooor with tara pretending to be the lady from the grudge and deathrattling as her hair consumes gar while he re-inacts basically every scream in an old black and white horror movie. 
… christ, you’re both losers. 
who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch.
they both would!!!! it alternates on availability and stuff, but they both would absolutely do this and surprise each other with their favorite lunches. 
who was nervous and shy on the first date.
i think they BOTH were, but i’d place money that gar is actively displaying his nerves/shyness while tara’s at least somewhat better at keeping her cool/keeping her nerves mostly contained, although there are glimpses of her bashful side when gar does or says something endearing or sincere. 
who kills/takes out the spiders.
the first time this happens, tara is legit about to just CRUSH it with the nearest blunt object but gar literally throws himself into the line of fire and ends up getting smacked over the head with a dictionary all in the name of saving a tiny wolf spider. 
after that, he starts teaching/helping tara learn how to carefully catch them in some tuba-wear and where to best release them outdoors. she hasn’t killed a spider since. 
who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk.
as previously mentioned, gar refuses to drink alcohol. so, IF you think tara is one who would drink to the point of getting tipsy or drunk, it’d most likely be her. 
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beaconsardis · 3 years
The Last Kyber Crystal
After the mutiny on The Night Wind, Fordsy and I pack our bags -- well, pack my bags, and strike out on our own. Siom Lech, for all of his failings and frustrations, took care of his crew. In the six years I was on his crew, I didn't have to spend a credit that I didn't want to. He fed us, armed us, and would occasionally dress us. I am walking away from him with a very cozy some of money in the bank.
I buy a ship. Nothing special, nothing to brag about. Just a little junker, an old Imperial scout ship. I'm not looking for anything fancy, just something that can get me from one side of the galaxy to the other quickly. The sales droid is programmed with an overly enthusiastic personality and insists the ship needs a name.
A ship's name should speak to its place in the galaxy. It should speak of its purpose. It should be created, crafted with intention and care -- not at the insistence of pushy sales droid.
Mom wouldn't let me name the animals she bought. They were to be slaughtered and served to our patrons. If I named them, I'd get attached to them and wouldn't want to sauté them. I have no intention of keeping this ship. It's only here for, what I hope is, a very short chapter of my life.
But the droid won't process my credits until I give it a name so I half-heartedly put two words together. "Star . . . grazer."
"Stargrazer," repeats the droid. "Very good. May she serve you well, always taking you where you want to go, arriving in exactly the amount of pieces you want to arrive in."
"Why would I ever want to arrive anywhere in anything other than one piece?"
"I do not pretend to understand humans," the droid says, its tone chipper and overly enthusiastic. "Happy journeys!"
I place Oh Lin's holocron on the control console and I tell her my plan.
"I am going to finish fixing your lightsaber. When I found it, the emitter was broken and the crystal was shattered. I have fixed the emitter."
"Now all you require is a kyber crystal," Oh Lin nods understandingly. "I am afraid I cannot help you with that."
"Didn't you say you found your kyber crystal on Ilum?" I'm doing my pre-flight checks, shooting glances at the hologram of the Jedi Peacekeeper.
"Yes. Padawans and younglings are often taken to the caves of Ilum for to find a kyber crystal of their own." There's a touch of melancholy to her voice. "There, Professor Huyang would guide them in the creation of their lightsaber."
"Right, so-"
Oh Lin interrupts me, which she is not prone to do. "I will not be able to guide you to the caves. Nor will I be able to help you find a kyber crystal beyond what I have already told you. If the Force wills it, you will be shown the way and your crystal will call to you."
Fordsy plots our course and we're off.
It's been nearly four years since I found Oh Lin's holocron and lightsaber. For four years I've sat at the glowing, flickering feet of the Jedi, listening and asking questions. My understanding of the Force, and who I am, has grown in ways I never could have imagined. I've done everything I can to repair the lightsaber, and I think I very nearly have it, but kyber crystals aren't sold at markets. I've also not had the time or ability to venture off on my own to find one -- until today.
We drop out of hyperspace over Ilum. It's a large, ice-covered planet. What isn't covered in ice is covered in snow. A few rocky mountain ranges can be seen from orbit, but the marble is mostly a cloudy mix of whites. A big, thick gouge wrapping around its equator.
I let out a low whistle. It's clearly not a naturally formed chasm. It yawns open like a gaping wound.
"According to records," Fordsy reports, "after the fall of the Old Republic, the Galactic Empire occupied the planet and excavated it for its vast supply of crystalline -- the kyber crystals."
"Why?" I wonder aloud.
"The crystals were what powered the Death Stars' weapons."
I chill goes down my spine.
"The overmining of Ilum caused its core to crack open into the canyon you see before you now."
"Well," I take control of the ship, "let's see if they left us any."
I close my eyes. I listen. I wait. I feel the current of the Force and I surrender myself to its flow. In the vague distance, I can hear the servos inside of Fordsy whirring. I can tell he's looking back and forth between me and the windscreen. I keep our ship in the Force's soft tide, flying us over the frozen wastelands and forests. The Force is pulling me somewhere. I begin to feel it pool. It swirls and pulls me down.
Only then do I open my eyes. The Force has brought me to edge of a forest and the foot of a mountain. I spot a clearing and set down.
I knew we were headed for Ilum. I knew Ilum is an ice cube masquerading as a planet. One would think I would prepare for this by packing warm, winter clothes. I did not.
I fasten my duster shut and step down into the snow. I may as well not be wearing a jacket for how quickly and completely the cold cuts through me. The wind is sharp and unrelenting.
"Do you feel that?"
"You know I cannot." Fordsy replies, exasperated. "I am, however, equipped with a thermal scanner and thermometer, if you'd like to know-"
"No, no." My hands are tucked into my armpits to stave off frostbite. I don't know if it's actually cold enough for frostbite. I have almost no experience with snow. What I do know is, "this doesn't feel natural."
"What do you mean?"
"It feels like," I squint, "like the planet doesn't want us here."
"There is no recorded evidence," Fordsy pauses to admit, "that I have found, to suggest the planet is sentient."
"No," I correct myself, "it's not the planet . . . it's something else. A presence, a . . ." I smile as I realize, "Force."
It's lurking beneath the surface and behind the wind. It's hurt, wounded. Something bad, something wicked, has happened here. It wants me to leave. It's pushing me and I am tempted to listen to it. But then something small reaches out. Something tiny, something hopeful.
I have to block out the noise. I have to ignore the cold. I have to tune my senses to it and nothing else.
There's a pulse, a heartbeat. Each one microscopically smaller than the last. It's here, it wants to be seen, but it's dying.
It's not coming from the mountains or the caves, it's coming from the forest. I turn towards the trees. I cannot understand how they live in this climate. They're skeletal and dark, without a single leaf on them. And yet, I can feel the Force flowing through them. They live.
The snow crunches beneath my feet as I weave through the forest. The wind can't quite reach me here, but it's trying. An occasional gust stabs with an unseen icicle.
"I know this is important to you," Fordsy says from behind, "but how much further are we going to go? My joints are freezing over and I can't imagine you'll make it much longer."
I know he's right but I refuse to admit it. I'm supposed to be here. I know I am. I've been called here, pulled here. I can't turn back. I can't leave. Or maybe I'm just fooling myself. Maybe I want this so badly that I've convinced myself of this fantasy. I'm about to say something when I see something.
There's something in the woods. I can barely see its shape through the fine fog the snow has created. It's moving slowly, purposefully. Each step is a struggle, though. It's shaking and wobbling.
"Hey!" I call. "Hey you!"
It stops and turns, its movement jittery. It's a droid, a humanoid droid. It stands at a slouch and looks like the next stiff breeze is going to knock it over. Its yellow eyes iris, as if to squint, as it tries to focus on me. It moves like an old man, waving me away as it turns back to its path.
I trudge through the snow; catching up to it isn't hard. "Hey," I say again, "do you think you could help me?"
"No," says the droid, "probably not." Its voice is old and tinny, creaking in a way that makes me think a voice can gather rust. "Can't imagine what . . . what . . ." The droid straightens up to stand taller. "Can't imagine what . . ." Its head swivels around in a complete circle. "Can't remember where . . ."
"Its on its last cycle," Fordsy says. "Show it some kindness and shut it down, so it can stop whirring and worrying and finally rest."
If the droid heard Fordsy, it makes no indication of it. The faded yellow droid is more even more hunched over as it marches away from us. "Follow me," it says weakly, "let's get you out of the cold."
Fordsy doesn't want to, but something pushes me forward. I follow in the droid's footsteps. He leads us to a -- I'm not sure the word for it -- if it were a forest, I would say it's a clearing. But it's at the foot of the mountain, a natural semi-circle where the mountain didn't form and the rocks didn't fall. It doesn't stop the snow from falling on us, but it protects us from the wind.
This is where this droid has been living. There's a power generator between two rocks and a couple other pieces of equipment -- I spot a scanner -- strewn about the rocky enclave.
Enclave? Is that the word I'm looking for? Or is it conclave? No. You can have a conclave in an enclave but an enclave is not a conclave.
"So what brings you here?" The droid sits down. It plucks a cord up out of the snow, brushes it off, and inserts it into an open panel on its chest. Behind us, the power generator whirrs to life.
"I'm looking for a kyber crystal."
"Well you're too late," the droid says sadly. "The Emperor . . . may he rust in pieces . . . has already gutted the planet . . . nary a crystal left."
"Oh," I feel myself slump. Disappointment chokes me as I try to breathe. I try to see a way around this. I try to imagine another route to completing my lightsaber. But right now, all I can see is this immovable rock wall.
"What do you need a kyber crystal for?" The droid turns curiously. "Not much call for those these days."
I reach into my long coat and unclip the lightsaber from my belt. The lightsaber shines as I hold it out. Even on this overcast day, it reflects the sun, dancing silver and gold prisms across the snow. The droid sits up straight, as if activated for the first time.
"Where did you get that," the droid asks. "I know that lightsaber. That is not your lightsaber. That lightsaber belongs to the great Jedi Peacekeeper Oh Lin."
"What?" If I hadn't been sitting, I would have stumbled back. "How do you know that?"
"I know every lightsaber I helped craft." The droid takes the lightsaber from me. It deftly disassembles it, inspecting every part and every mechanism as it does. Finding the kyber chamber empty, the droid nods and reassembles the saber.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"I might be asking you the same question," the droid returns.
"I asked first."
"I am Huyang," the droid says, "and for over a thousand generations I helped padawans and younglings on their way to becoming Jedi Knights. Together, we would find their crystals and together we would build their lightsaber. I remember this lightsaber. I remember when Oh Lin came to me, just a wee thing. She was full of wonder and curiosity. It's no wonder her crystal was blue." The droid turns its attention back to me. "And so I ask you again: How did you come by this?"
I tell Huyang my story. I hold nothing back. I start from the beginning, with the strange feelings I would get as a child and how they led me to Oh Lin's destroyed starship. I tell him about the holocron and how I fixed the lightsaber. Huyang nods along, listening intently.
"So you are a Jedi in the making . . ." Huyang says, "but with no formal training and no teacher. A lightsaber is a very dangerous thing in unskilled hands."
"But," the droid holds up a hand, "it is not my place to judge who the Force chooses. And if the Force brought you here and to me, then it is for a reason."
I suddenly realize the droid has four arms, the two in the front most humanoids have, and then two smaller ones high on its back that fold in on themselves. One of those smaller hands plucks something out of a compartment in the droid's back and hands it to Huyang's right, front hand.
"If the Force wants you to have this," Huyang holds up a small, dark sliver of a crystal. "Then it is yours. But! It is useless, just another shiny rock, if you can't awaken it."
The droid places the dark crystal in my hand. It's lighter than I was expecting. "Awaken it?"
I can hear the smile in Huyang's voice. This is all the help I'm going to get. The professor here might have helped thousands of generations before me, but the last couple of decades have made the droid wary.
I roll the kyber crystal in the palm of my hand. I feel its smoothness and its sharp edges. I feel its potential.
I feel its life.
I've never felt a rock like this before. Rocks are connected to the Force, but I've never felt one that seems to be emanating the Force. Its inside it, desperate to break free, but need someone to reach in and pull it out.
I see the crystal in my mind. I search its every surface, feeling for cracks or weaknesses, anything to let me inside. I see something else. I see a stalactite made of ice. I feel a warm current of air swirl around it. A single drop of water forms at the tip of the stalactite. It grows larger and larger until it can no longer hold on. It falls, breaking the surface of a pond below, sending ripples spreading out over the entire body of water.
"Ah," I hear.
I open my eyes, not realizing I had closed them. The crystal is no longer dark, its heart no longer muddy. It glows and shines in my hand a vibrant yellow.
"I wondered whose kyber crystal I was carrying," Huyang says. "Turns out its yours. And yellow? That's a color you don't see every day."
"What does that mean?" I ask.
"That's for you to decide." Huyang says. "Every lightsaber is unique and gains something of a reputation and legacy of its own."
I slide the crystal into the hilt of my lightsaber. I flip the switch. I've fiddled with the switch thousands of times, often unconsciously moving it back and forth between the on and off position as I've sat there, fidgeting. This is the first time, though, turning on my lightsaber it worked.
With a snap-hiss, a yellow blade slides out of the hilt and for the second time in my life, I feel as though I have finally found where I belong.
The blade hums and then sizzles as snowflakes fall on it.
"Use it well," Huyan says, "the Force is with you. Listen to it and it will never lead you astray."
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kirishwima · 7 years
# 31 ! For klance please
#31: That was an order.
Here ya go!
(From these prompts)
“Lance, I said no!”
“And I’m telling you this won’t work! We can’t take an entire fleet one by one, we need Voltron!”
“Voltron will put us in a more vulnerable position. We need to fight them independently until there’s no other choice.”
“Keith just listen to me for once-“
“I said no Lance. That was an order.”
Lance felt the breath get stuck in his throat at the words, so bitterly thrown over their Lions’ intercoms.
Was this how Keith wanted to lead? Was this how being the paladin of the Black Lion would go?
He swallowed his words, bit back the venom hiding beneath his teeth and sighed, mumbling a fine. This wasn’t the place to argue, and Keith wasn’t in the headspace to calmly talk to at that moment, and neither was Lance. 
The entire team had a long, long fight ahead of them.
With a sigh, Lance pulled at the Red Lion’s controls, joining back in the fight with the hopes of victory in the back of his head.
They came back to the castle hours later, bruises and fatigue littering their entire beings.
He felt Hunk’s pat on his back, congratulating him for a good job as he left the briefing room  to get some rest, Pidge close behind him.
Allura stopped for a minute, smiling sympathetically at Lance before she too excused herself to go get some rest before she’d have to meet up with Coran and Keith to plan another course of action.
Lance stayed in place, waiting for the last remaining paladin to come through the hangar’s doors and into the room.
Soon enough Keith walked in, his hair tousled from the armour’s helmet that was now resting in his hands, the darkness under his eyes a telltale sign of his restlessness.
“Not now Lance.”
“If not now then when? Can we just talk for a minute?” Lance persisted, coming to stand in front of Keith.
He didn’t want to fight him, not this time. Hell, he never really wanted to fight with Keith, not when they had that ‘rivalry’ going on, and especially not now that they’d become friends, now that the sight of Keith made Lance’s heart flutter with a feeling he refused to address.
But Keith was a wreck ever since he became the Black Paladin. He tried to lead like Shiro did, not realising that he’s not Shiro, that he didn’t have to be him.
Lance wanted to be a friend. A shoulder for Keith to support himself on.
“Look, what happened out there-I get it, you had your own ideas about what we should do, and you’re the leader now, but-“
“There’s no but! I did what I thought was right, and we won.”
“By a narrow margin! Keith I’m not-I’m not bitter or whatever you may think I am but you need to just take more things into consideration when we’re out there; Shiro-“
“Shiro isn’t here! He’s not our leader right now! I am, even if I never wanted to-“
“I know, what I’m trying to say is that you don’t have to try and be Shiro-“
“ I’m not! Look, if you don’t like the way I lead then just-just find some other team to join or whatever.”
Lance paused, his eyes widening at Keith’s words, mouth agape.
Keith seemed to register his words a minute too late, his expression soon mirroring Lance’s.
They looked to each other for a minute longer, before Lance ducked his head, the beginnings of a bitter smile on his lips.
“Is that so.” he mumbled, turning promptly on his heels and all but running out of the room, a moment too late for Keith’s extended hand to reach him.
******It was hours later that Keith found Lance.He was sitting cross legged in the control room, the map of the entire known universe Allura used whenever they planned strategies activated and filling the entire room with a luminescent green glow, the projections of star clusters and widely different shaped galaxies scattered all around.And in the middle of it all was Lance, his hands cusping one of the projected galaxies with a tender care, like one would hold a newborn child.Keith took stepped through the stars and planets, coming to a halt besides Lance and sitting down, not daring to meet Lance’s gaze.He doesn’t have to ask what galaxy Lance was just looking at.“What, am I not allowed to be here too now? Are you gonna order me to get out?” Lance’s voice is hoarse, red rimming the sides of his eyes.“Lance..” Keith started, uncertain of what to say, of where to start.“No, it’s cool. I know I don’t offer much to the team anyway. Just, find another person to pilot Red and I’ll be on my way.”That gave Keith pause, finally turning to look at Lance, noticing the way his shoulders stiffened and his jaw clenched.“Lance-what are you talking about? Who ever said that?”
“Please, as if you need to say it. I /know okay, I see how talented and smart everyone on this team is is and then you got me-“
“No!” “-and I just don’t cut it. And now with Shiro gone you need the best of the best on the team if we even want  to stand a chance.”
“And you are that. Lance look at me. Please, look at me.”
Lance reluctantly did, his bottom lip clenched between his teeth, the fight against the tears in his eyes heartbreaking to see.
Keith sighed, lowering his gaze.
“I’m…I’m sorry for what I said. I was frustrated and upset, and completely out of line. I..I didn’t mean it, but I shouldn’t have said it.”
“You can just say you mean it, it’s fine-“
“But I didn’t mean it! God Lance, do you hear what you’re saying? You mean so much to this team, hell, I’ve never seen anyone take as accurate shots as you do with your bayard, and Red chose you. You, no one else.”
Lance snorted.
“She didn’t really have much of an option.”
“She wouldn’t have chosen you as a last measure. Don’t forget I’ve piloted her, I know her. And I know she has a pride of steel and a temper from hell and back.”
Lance winced at the words, bringing a hand to rub his temple.
“Yeah uh, I just felt her growl so she’s probably not happy you just said that.”
“She’s just angry that I’m saying the truth. Can’t guarantee she won’t throw a temper tantrum at you later though”, Keith snickered, earning him a sly kick in the shin from Lance.
“Yeah anyway” Keith continued, after he was sure Lance wouldn’t try and tackle him, “she’s not..she would never let you in if she didn’t believe in you.”
“I..I don’t know.”
“Look, when the Black lion chose me, what did you say? You say it made it’s choice and I should respect it, didn’t you?”
“Yeah but that was different!”
“Was it? Red made a choice, and I respect it. You should too.”
Lance gave a short huff but remained quiet, his gaze focusing back to the glowing galactic map instead.
He put a lazy finger onto the galaxy in front of him, twirling it around with a somber look.
“We’re…we’re really far away aren’t we.”
Keith nodded.
“Do you think we’ll ever go back?”
Keith took a moment to look towards Lance, meeting his eye.
He could say yes. He could say Lance would be able to see his family again, feel the rain and sunshine on his skin.
But he also knew Lance deserved honesty, more so than comfort.
“I don’t know. We’re so far away and fighting a war that’s spiralling out of control. We..I just hope we make it.”
“Do you want to? Do you want to go back?”
Keith thought of his shack, of the trinkets and photographs stocked in shelves and boxes, his bike that was probably left to decay outside the cave they first found Blue in. He looked down to his hands, remembering that purple glow on his skin that haunted him ever since.
“I do. Maybe not right now, but once I’ve found answers, found myself…I do.”
That seemed to be enough for Lance, who stood up with a huff, clapping his hands and closing the map with it, the green glow gone, the Milky Way disappearing along with it as the usual white light filled the room again.
“We’ll make it. We’ll go back. We’re going to win this, kick Lotor’s and whomever else’s ass we need to kick, and then we can all have some long vacation by the beach. My nieces would definitely love to braid your hair once they meet you.”
Keith raised an eyebrow at that, feeling his lips tug into a gentle smile.
“And I’d love to meet them too then.”
Lance’s mouth opened and closed multiple times yet said nothing, not even as Keith got up and put a hand to Lance’s shoulder.
“Please remember I mean it though, This team wouldn’t be the same without you.”
“I-yeah-yes. Okay.”
Keith dropped his hand from Lance’s shoulder as he turned to leave, surprised when he felt a warmth tug on his wrist.
He turned around, taking note of how the tip of Lance’s nose reddened, his eyes blinking and looking anywhere but Keith’s face.
“Um, you’re forgiven. For being a stubborn mullet. And uhm, thanks.”
Keith tugged his wrist free, choosing to instead interlace his fingers with Lance’s as he turned to face the taller boy, an action he’d later on proceed to overthink of and feel his cheeks fluster at the mere memory.
“Anytime” he grinned, bringing Lance in for what was the first, and definitely not the last hug Keith  would ever initiate.
If they both lingered in the touch a moment longer, well, then that was just for them to know.
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m0onbean · 7 years
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category: floof, angst
pairing: sanha X reader
warnings: an angsty but cute sanha
note: omg i'm so so so sorry for delaying this request i hate myself so much i hope you didn't wait too long <3
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"Which one should I get?"
You held up two different dresses and held it to your body. Sanha rolled his eyes, "Both of them look great. Choose the cheaper one."
Pouting, you put both of them back on the rack regretfully. "I want the one that looks BETTER though. I brought you here to help me."
Sanha groaned and rubbed his eyes sleepily, "Why me? You have other friends too."
You widened your eyes and placed your hand on your chest dramatically, "Are you saying that you don't want to spend time with me?"
"No I'm just- Ok fine the one on your right is better."
Giving him a cheesy smile, you placed the dress in his arms and continued to browse the store. As the pile of clothing grew taller and taller in Sanha's arms, you chattered to him about different things going on in your life. He listened carefully and passionately commented, and occasionally grunted when you can feel your anger. You were grateful for that.
Sanha was your best best friend. Throughout your problematic life, you never once found your friendship with Sanha to have any issues at all. Both of you were pretty chill people that hung out a lot, thus leading to an unproblematic friendship.
Finally, you were done shopping and you and Sanha walked out the store, both lugging bags of clothing in hand. "Thanks for helping me Sanha. You're my best friend." You gave him a cheeky wink.
He gave you a sarcastic smile in return, "Of course, anything for Princess (Y/N)."
"Uh, excuse me?" a gentle voice spoke up.
The both of you turned around and was met with a short lady who looked lost. Her eyes were confused and she was nervously tugging at her shirt. "Do you know where I can find the clothing store here?"
You pointed towards where you both came from and the lady happily thanked you two.
"Thank you so much." she grinned thankfully. "By the way, you two are a really cute couple."
Before you could correct her, she had already left and was heading towards the store on her own. You awkwardly scratched your head and turned around to Sanha, "Why do people always think we're a couple?"
Sanha had an unreadable look on his face as he looked away from you. "I wonder why..." he mumbled under his breath
On the drive home, you told Sanha about some conspiracy theories you thought were interesting online. As you rambled about them continuously, you realized that he wasn't really paying too much attention.
"Sanha?" you nudged his shoulder carefully. His eyes stayed glued on the road as he gripped his fingers on the wheel tightly. "Yeah?"
"Were you paying attention?"
"Half paying attention. I need to make sure we don't die on the road." he grunted.
You rolled your eyes at his sarcasm, "Why do you sound so mad? If something is bothering you, why don't you speak up?"
He sighed heavily and pulled in your driveway, "We're here."
Scrunching your eyebrows, you took the shopping bags and got off the car. Sanha followed behind you to your door with bags lugged in his hands. When the both of you reached the doorway, an uneasy atmosphere filled the air and you were tempted to say something about it.
"Are... you okay?" You placed the bags onto the floor so you could give Sanha your whole attention.
"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" he asked in a bored tone.
"Sanha..." you punched his shoulder playfully in attempt to bring his silly side out. "This isn't like you... Are you mad about having to tag along with my shopping adventures?"
He ran his hand through his hair in frustaration. It seemed like he was holding in something that he wanted to say, so you grabbed his face and directed it so it could face yours.
Flustered, a bright pink tint rose on his cheeks. His brown eyes widened to its full extent as he kept silent, suddenly alarmed at your abrupt actions. It was cute, you had to admit.
"Sanha, you are my best friend. We can tell eachother anything, right?" you cautiously asked.
He flinched and took your hands off of his face in a rush. After taking deep breaths to himself, he finally turned towards you and spoke up. "You're always calling me your best friend. It's so fucking annoying," he spat.
Startled, you blinked blankly at him. His expression was solemn and exhausted, as if he just told you something that was difficult to overcome. In concern, you tried to reach for his face so you could comfort him. To no avail, he refused your contact and looked away.
"Sanha, are you not my friend?" you innocently asked as your face fell.
"Do you only see me as your friend?"
The question hung in the air as you stared at him in disbelief. Was he questioning how you saw him? To you, he was just your best friend. Not once have you really considered him as a boyfriend candidate, or anything more than just merely a companion.
"Yes?" you answered cluelessly.
Pain washed over his face visibly as he ruffled his hair in frustration once again. He shut his eyes closed and inhaled and exhaled, as if he was hyperventilating. Alarm echoed in your brain.
"Sanha, I-"
You were interrupted when he suddenly started dashing off. His long legs carried him across the street as he kept on sprinting farther and farther away. Although you were of course surprised, you wasted no time in chasing after him. You weren't going to lose a best friend.
Your legs responded themselves, for you started to chase him desperately. "Sanha!" you called out, in hopes that he would stop for you. Unfortunately, he kept on running, leaving you in the dust.
Just when you were about to call his name out again, your foot suddenly misplaced itself and you found yourself flopping to the cement floor. Your body collapsed onto the ground and you felt a burning sting on your knee, causing you to wince in pain.
The loud and rapid steps of his were ceased as they then turned into timid footsteps that approached you slowly, "(Y/N)... are you... okay?"
"Yeah, I think I just scratched my knee," you mumbled and tried to sit up. Sanha examined your knee and gave you a concerned stare.
"Are you okay? Can you stand up?"
Chuckling, you waved him off. "It's just a scratch, don't- OW!"
As you tried to stand up, your legs decided to give up on you and you were met with the ground again. Sanha yelped and immediately scooped you up from the ground.
"Don't worry my ass..." he murmured as he carried you in bridal style.
You whimpered helplessly, "I'm fine.." Sanha responded by crooking his eyebrow at the large scratch on your knee which was now oozing red liquid.
He managed to carry you all the way back to your house and lightly placed you on the couch. You scoffed at how careful he was being as if you broke an arm. Sanha rushed out the room and came back with a bandaid and antibiotic ointment in hand.
You watched as he kneeled down in front of the couch and ordered you to show the injury. It was a normal sized scratch, but some blood was leaking out. He scolded you and started to gently add the medication.
His eyes flickered to your face constantly, checking to see if he was hurting you or not.
"It doesn't sting," you reassured him, leading him to continue quickly. As this happened, you focused on his nimble hands and how focused he appeared. When did he become so attractive?
"Sanha..." you hesitantly called out.
He hummed to show he was listening while ripping the band-aid box open.
"About earlier..." you nibbled on your lip nervously.
"Continue." he ordered while still focused on opening the band-aids.
"I-I'm sorry if I hurt you. I-uh-want to talk about it."
"What's there to talk about?" he said in a salty way. It made you flinch, but you continued anyways.
"I mean... you ran off like that... and I didn't know what I did wrong and I know there's something I did so please tell me because I don't want you to be mad at me and like I'm sort of scared that you hate me now and I'm just really sorry because you deserve better than that and I understand if after this you want to stop being friends I mean I'll be sad but I will definitely be aware that it's your choice and I shouldn't be in power of your choices and yeah I may cry but I don't know can we work things out at least?" you rambled rapidly, spewing out whatever thoughts you caged inside.
He heaved heavily and finished placing the band aid carefully on your cut. "Yeah, you're right."
You raised your eyebrows expectantly. Sanha's face looked up to face yours in what seemed like an eternity.
"Let's not be friends anymore."
An arrow shot through your chest at his words. You were most defintely expecting that answer, but it still hurt you hearing him say it himself. You swallowed the lump in your throat, "U-uh okay. If it makes you happy."
Your head hung low as you fidgeted by rubbing your fingers together at the hem of your shirt.
"Thanks for helping me," you politely bowed. As you stood up to leave the scene and run back to your room, you were halted with a grab on your wrist. Looking back down, you saw Sanha's brown beagle eyes looking up to you, filled with amusement.
"I don't want to be friends. Let's be a couple instead."
You screamed. "W-What?"
He chucked beautifully (ohmygod his voice is actually really nice how haven't you noticed) and reached for your face gently. Your face was so heated up that you could fry an egg on there and it'd boil itself.
Sanha's stare burned into your eyes as you felt him approaching your face closer... and closer...
"AH!" you screamed and fell back onto the couch's cushions. Your heart was racing so ridiculously fast that you had to take deep, long breaths. After you settled down, your angry mode turned on.
Grabbing the nearest pillow, you whacked Sanha's butt with it. "Why. Did. You. Do. That." You hit him at each space between the words.
"You're so cute (Y/N)." he giggled while trying to avoid your wrath.
Again, your face turned as pink as a strawberry thus leading you to put more power and force into the whacks. "You're not even being discreet about your feelings anymore!" you scolded.
"Now that you know, expect me to act like this more often," he sang while playing tug-of-war with the pillow in your hand.
"What will get you to stop?" you whined while tugging on the weapon as hard as you could.
"A kiss on my cheek!" he doesn't hesitate to answer while pointing to his cheek and looking up at you adorably.
"Ugh!" you exclaimed and ended up just letting him take the pillow. "If that makes you stop."
Sanha's laughter suddenly dissolved into the air. His expression turned into a perplxed one. "Wait... w-what?"
Before he could register what just happened, your lips were already pressing against his soft, baby-like cheek. As you pulled away quickly, you pretended to act confident about it (when in fact you were yelling at yourself for doing that.)
"Y-yeah! S-so you better stop!" You humphed while crossing your arms over your chest.
Sanha snapped out of his daze and looked at you in shock. "WHY'D YOU DO THAT!" he scolded and smacked you with the same pillow.
"H-hey! You teased me too!" you retorted and widened your eyes at him.
"I'm so embarrased!" he whined and buried his face in his legs.
You sighed at your childish friend(?) and tried shaking his shoulders. "So now, have we agreed to stop teasing eachother or flustering eachother?"
He whined in response and looked back up at you. "Give me another kiss and I'll deicide."
You groaned.
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