pastafossa · 2 months
Wish me luck!
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a-lilypad · 3 months
i ran my fingers through your hair and i thanked god to touch the flame
He looked near feral. Like he was going to consume Regulus whole. Lay him out on a platter and feast on his flesh, ripping him apart piece by piece with his teeth and make sure to eat every last morsel, leaving nothing to waste.
Regulus would let him.
I've finally posted my omegaverse oneshot! I'm so so excited to share it, I hope u enjoy <3
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puppet-boys-writing · 2 months
hii wally!!! 🐈can I request some fluff with baby boy thunderhoof and fem reader (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧. she lives in this cabin in a field and he just so happens to see her everyday (while on his patrol for energon) until he musters enough courage to talk (with a tough ol demeanor) but turns into a hot mess
hope this isn't too complicated 😭
The Cabin In A Field
➵Author: HI!! I hope you enjoy!! I liked writing this, even if my brain kinda fuzzed out towards the end!
➵Character(s): Thunderhoof
➵Type: fluff
➵Relationship: platonic. Thunderhoof got a crush
➵Reader Type: she/her, human
➵Summary: Thunderhoof passes (Y/N) everyday on his patrols, never stopping to talk to her. He finally gets the courage and tries to keep his cool
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Everyday Thunderhoof passes by the quaint little cabin, out in the open field, with the human femme at the same time each day. She’s always sitting there on the porch swing outside. The human always waves at him as he passes the cabin, zero fear evident on her face. He never returns the wave, just huffs and continues on his way, deciding the patrol was far more important. He doesn’t want Steeljaw on his aft about this.
Today was seemingly no different. As he nears the cabin he sees her there, swinging absentmindedly on the porch swing. She seemed bored as she was swinging, but upon spotting the giant mech, she visibly brightened and waves to Thunderhoof. However, instead of just continuing on with his patrol as usual, he stops and stares at the human.
The mech grumbles to himself for a moment before deciding he has nothing to lose and heads over to where the human sits. Her eyes widen in surprise for a moment before she waves, with much more excitement this time. Thunderhoof rolls his optics but crouches in front of the human.
“Wow!” the human gasps, staring at Thunderhoof in awe. “You’re much bigger up close!” She stands up from the porch swing, holding her hand out to touch the giant but stops when his optics narrow at her.
“Ayo, show a little respect here, squishy.” Thunderhoof almost feels bad with the way she drops her arm and pouts. He makes a motion towards himself, “I’m Thunderhoof, see? I ain’t somebody y’should be messin’ with, y’hear?”
“Well, Thunderhoof, I’m (Y/N)!” She holds her hand up once more, this time for a handshake. “I’m real excited to finally meet you! It’s not everyday you get to meet a giant robot!”
Thunderhoof considers, before pushing her hand down with a digit. She’s soft, he thinks. But he pushes that thought aside with a huff, “Cybertronian.”
“Pardon?” (Y/N) gives a polite smile, albeit looking a bit confused.
“Cybertronian. ‘S what I am.” He averts his gaze, trying to keep his cool and tough demeanor. “I ain’t a ‘giant robot’, I’m Cybertronian.”
“Oh! Okay. Okay, got it!” She moves forward and gives the giant mech a pat on his knee. “Thank you for informing me. I’d rather not offend you!” Thunderhoof turns a glare at her but it falters at her smile and her soft touch on him. He can practically feel his spark trying to beat its way out of its chamber. How dare a human make him feel this way. 
(Y/N) keeps her hand on his knee, but her head tilts at the obvious battle going on inside the mech’s processor. “Thunderhoof?” she speaks so softly, worried. “Did I say something wrong?”
Thunderhoof grumbles and gives a halfhearted glare to the human. “Y’better take yer hand off me, squishy, before I squish you. It’s what you humans are good for, afterall.” The mech huffs
(Y/N) takes her hand off Thunderhoof, raising both in defense. “Alright, alright! Boundaries, I get it.” She smiles softly at him, “I just wanted to make sure you were okay!”
The large mech stares at her, processor racing, before he stands up and crosses his arms. “Why aren’t’cha scared, human? I could easily squish you under pede.” He growls at her, trying to appear threatening. 
She shrugs, “There’s not much excitement out here. Besides, if you wanted to squish me, I’m sure you would’ve done it already!” She grins up at him, hands on her hips now.
Thunderhoof scoffs, trying to find a comeback, before simply grumbling as he can’t find one. He drops to sitting, causing (Y/N) to wobble from the rumble of him landing on the ground. Once she stabilizes, she has a cheshire grin, “I’m right, huh? You don’t have the heart to squish me!”
He glares at her, his faceplates flushing a light blue. “You better keep yer trap shut before I change my mind.” She shrugs, moving back to sit on the porch swing once more.
She seems more than content to sit in silence with Thunderhoof, using her foot to make the porch swing rock. Thunderhoof watches her as she picks up the book that was sitting next to her to read. His glare softens just a bit, faceplates still flushed.
Perhaps he can sit here for a while longer. Steeljaw can wait.
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junniieesbby · 1 month
Ummmmm face reveal? 🤭
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hitomisuzuya · 1 month
Guys, guys, it's like 3am for me but I wanted to pop in and say:
I am gonna do it. I am gonna write for Aventurine. I'm very, very nervous😭 I don't even feel like I deserve to write for him. But then again, I felt that way about writing for Scara.
I have seen a lot of gifs about how Aventurine would be good at oral, and I can't get it out my head either. That's the route I am going to go I think, it's a comfortable theme for a first time write.
I am gonna be up for awhile longer, so this may or may not pop up in the next few hours.
Again, I am very nervous😭
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foxy-kitsune · 2 months
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venusfalling · 2 years
That Good
summary: Dick shows you just how much he appreciates you. Fluff and smut and light banter.
warnings: smut (oral, PIV),,, uh that’s it I think, it’s not that spicy really
notes: This is just a snippet of a larger universe where Dick moves back to Gotham after Bruce dies to take care of his younger siblings and protect the city. Reader is a metahuman with teleportation and light based powers.
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          “What’s all this?” You ask, looking at the rose petals on the bathroom floor and in the tub, candles were lit along the counter, and light blue bubbles covered the water. Dick is right behind you, arms hugging you as he nuzzled your neck.
           “You’ve done so much for me lately, for the whole family, that I figured it was time to do something for you. Something to help you relax,” You turn to face him, giving him a slow, long kiss before pulling away.
           “Thank you,” you whispers sincerely, “this is lovely.” His hands, which had been wrapped around her waist only moments before were slowly creeping down her back, playing with the waistband of her pants.
           “Well come on then, sunshine. You can’t wear this into the bath,” he says, making a point to snap the waistband. He starts kissing her neck and pulling your shirt up and oh it’s going to be one of those nights. He is slow, deliberate with every move and kissing every inch of revealed skin as he pulls off first your blouse and then your jeans.
          You groan at his slow pace, “I thought you were supposed to be helping me relax, not teasing me relentlessly.”
           He picks you up roughly, placing you on the granite counter. “I’m in charge tonight,” he smiles, kissing his way back up to your lips, “And tonight, I want you so drunk off of me that you won’t be able to think of anything other than how good you feel.” You shiver at his words, excitement and anticipation dripping off of you. He kisses you deeply, and you’re so caught off guard, so distracted by the taste of him that you don’t even notice that he had unclasped your bra until he was tugging it off of your shoulders and moving his lips down… down… down… and “fuck,” you moans out. He can hear your heart beating rapidly and bites playfully just above your breast.
           “Stopped thinking yet?” he teases, but you can see the effect this is all having on him. You pull him closer by the loops in his jeans.
           “I think you’ll have to try a little harder than that Dickie,” you cut off any retort of his with a hard kiss, biting his bottom lip. You break the kiss to pull off his shirt and begin to unbutton his jeans when he catches your wrists in one of his hands. Damn vigilantes.
           “Not yet, sunshine. You first,” he says, pulling you back down to her feet. Before you have a chance to question it, he is on his knees, and if that’s not the prettiest sight you’ve ever seen, you’re not sure what is. He pulls of the last piece of clothing you have left, sliding the straps down from the hips, kissing the brand scarred into your right hip, then pulling ever so slowly further down. With more speed than you expected from him at this point, he hooks your left leg over his shoulder and makes a line up the inside of your thigh with his tongue. He holds onto your right hip and grips your left thigh, keeping you open to him. There used to be a time when you were so shy and nervous, you would have never let him do this, but now? Now, you were worse than him. Once your trust in him was cemented, it was you who would take charge and make him blush in the bedroom. Him commanding you here was a… welcomed change.
          You nearly come undone when he finally begins to kiss the spot you’ve been waiting for, and he knows you can’t take much more. He picks up the pace. You hold tightly onto the counter with one hand and pull lightly at his hair with the other, your standing leg starting to shake. The moan you let out when you  finish would be embarrassing if anyone else could hear. You hoped that the bathroom in Dick’s bedroom was soundproofed, which, knowing this family, it probably was. The light above the sink flickers and Dick notices a faint glow at your fingertips.
         You’re hot and breathless, the short hairs around your face sticking to your skin, and you don’t even realize that Dick has placed you back onto the bathroom counter. The cold granite cooling your hot skin.
          “Ready for that bath?” he nudges your nose with his, teasing you just a bit because he knows he’s gotten what he’s wanted, but your thoughts finally catch up to you, and before he can pick you up again and place you in the bathtub, you’ve got a hand down his boxers and the touch makes his hips stutter.
          “Want you first,” you says between breaths. And who was he to deny you that? The force with which his hips meet yours is enough to shake the mirror on the wall. One of the candles, of the few that remain lit, topples over and Dick catches it just in time, not once breaking his concentration or rhythm. The lights do more than flicker when you come. The filaments completely burn themselves out, fracturing the glass on the bulbs. Dick is not far behind and once you’ve both come down from that euphoric high, you look up towards where the bulbs should be in the dark bathroom. Dick laughs first.
          “That good, huh?”
          “Shut up,” you laugh back. Giving him another kiss, “I promise I’ll replace them myself this time. I don’t want to have to explain this one to Alfred.”
          He pulls himself away, sighing, “I’m going to go find a lighter to relight some of these candles.”
          “Don’t worry about it,” you say. You reach over to one of the nearest candles, “You might want to cover your eyes,” you warns. The small glow at your fingertips turns into a blinding white light, a heat passes through the room, and when Dick opens his eyes again, every candle in the bathroom is lit. He eyes you carefully.
          You answer before he can even ask, “The autoignition point of cotton wicks is well within the range of heat my light can produce.”
          “After all these years, you are still full of surprises,” he says. He doesn’t want to ruin the moment with his series of questions, you are supposed to be relaxing after all.
          The water sloshes around as Dick gets in behind you, you lean back against his chest. The water is a bit colder now, but you fix it with a glow from your hand. The light shines on your right hip, and Dick glides his fingers over the scar there, a mistake he wishes he could have saved you from.
          He kisses your shoulder and neck then asks, “Have you ever thought of getting it removed?” It’s barely a whisper.
          You sigh, “No. It’s not pretty, but it’s a good reminder.”
          You turn to look at him and he gives you a quick kiss to show that he understands. You can feel the smile on his lips, “Everything about you is pretty.”
          You sit in comfortable silence as the water cools again. “Ready to shower off and go to bed?” he asks when he thinks you’re relaxed enough to sleep.
          “Oh, I’m not done with you yet, lover boy.” You turn in the bath, and begin to tease Dick with gentle touches in the areas you know are sensitive, leaving marks and kisses all along his neck and chest. He may be the possessive one, but you enjoyed marking him just as much.
          Once he is thoroughly teased, you pull him back to your bedroom, shoving him playfully onto the bed and straddling his hips. You kiss down his chest again, giving small kisses and licks before wrapping your lips around him. The way his hips buck up into your mouth, the way he’s holding tightly onto the sheets, and those pretty sounds that he’s making just encourage you.
          “Fuck, sunshine, I’m gonna—” he groans with frustration when you pull your lips away.
          You crawl back up the bed, “This is payback for torturing me earlier.”
          “Now that was just cruel.”
          “I can be more cruel if you like.”
          He tightens his hold on your hips and flips you around, so that he’s on top of you now. You laugh at the movement, but the laugh cuts into a moan as Dick slides between your legs with a too gentle touch on a very sensitive area. “Guess I haven’t teased you enough, if you still think you’re in charge tonight.”
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noa-nightingale · 2 years
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“a little tied up at the moment, but still eagerly awaiting the Puppet History season finale, TODAY at 12pm PST” (via Ryan Bergara’s twitter)
Did I mention already how much I love this guy? <3
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One Shot Time!
I am nearly ready to run the One Shot and I am in need of players!
This will be a single session. I'm not sure how long it will take to complete but I would say to expect at least an hour+.
The session will include:
A single Dungeon that is 10 floors and a Boss fight at the end
Very little RPing
Discussion over the system/mechanics
If you are interested, please join the Discord and look in the #Announcements channel for the sign up form!
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justablah56 · 4 months
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advluv4life · 2 months
So, it's been roughly a year and a half... but here is Chapter 16 of Lily! I did not forget about it and I still intend on finishing it.
I wanted to post this on Atsushi's birthday...that didn't happen- but it's here now, so I hope people still like it.
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kitnita · 25 days
i am going to have So Much fun watching the rockies game i am physically at. however i am going to have so much fun while also having the stars game pulled up on my phone the whole time because i cannot chill.
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scaewolf · 3 months
AO3 finally sent me the link
Time to start posting 🙏
Ngl I am a little worried about posting Fanfiction for the first time in 8 years
But I guess one has to start somewhere.
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Happy New Year everyone, I hope 2023 will bring you good news and happy memories!
Looking back at 2022, it was a real 5/10, average meh year, and I spent the latter half unemployed and a little untethered mentally. But I’m entering 2023 in a much better place and with a job so fingers crossed for a better year! And I hope the same for all of you :D
2022 was also the year I discovered Stray Kids. These talented dorks have kept me smiling and bopping since I found them and I am very grateful for that!
I also want to thank the wonderful people that inhabit stayblr who are the chillest, most supportive fandom I have ever been part of, whether you’re a cc or you're here to vibe and reblog you guys all rock!
 @cheekyquokka - @changbeens - @agibbangs - @juiceofmoons - @strayklds - @snug-gyu - @winterfloral - @geniaparadox - @babychicklix - @hanjisoonie - @starliightchan - @skz-films - @jinniebit - @chogiwow - @whats-2minus1 - @bbyquokka - @shmalll - @sstarryoong - @khairemisthios - @mybodyfails - @yang-innie - @minzbins - @njaems - @nevoono - @hyunebear - @stay-a-nctzen - @skzfaker - @seonghwaminho - @quokki - @jerirose - @neudeskz - @chanrizard - @theanxiousopossum - @chanstopher - @yonglixx - @seungs - @marked-unknown - @seungmoes - @shorelinnes - @brianbangs - @lixblr - @foxbroart - @hanjesungs - @stray-but-okay - @yangjeongin - @jizung - @hyunsung - @jjsungie - @cherry-heartss - @missyedits
tumblr won’t let me add more tags but if you are here in stayblr have a big hug from me!
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raccooncityriots · 28 days
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I don’t do a lot of fanart, so it’s a little ironic the three fanart things are my favorites of everything I’m selling at the con this weekend lol
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livefastdriveyoung · 3 months
Y'all, the nervous dread I have in my stomach every time I think about the fact that Logan's contract is up and probably contingent on points in the double digits or at least eight, and by a certain race too.
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