dhampir-dyke · 1 year
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h0neysp1ce · 23 days
Sorry if this is weird but please can I request some headcanons with Kaveh, Alhaitham and Diluc (Also if you don't write Diluc, Tighnari is good instead) where the Reader has extremely painful period cramps, like to the point where they need to vomit and can't move 🙏
Not at all! here you go 💚🫶
˚୨୧⋆。˚  Summary: ↑ How does he take care of his s/o when they have very bad cramps?
Characters: Kaveh, Alhaitham, Diluc, Tighnari Tags: Established Relationship (all Separate) Fluff?? Constellation: Head canons Warning(s): Mentions of Period symptoms, nothing graphic reader can be read as gender neutral or Female (Had no clue which one to put so I put both) ˚୨୧⋆。˚ 
A/N: I tried my best, apologies if Diluc's and Tighnari's Parts are shorter, and hopefully I went into enough detail as you asked , also I hope I titled it in the most un akward way possible, This was my first time writing something like this so I hope its not to bad ^^"
sorta Proof read (will edit later)
Word Count: 1243
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• ゚ 。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• ゚ 。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• ゚ 。゚•┈。゚•┈꒰ა
Kαʋҽԋ 🎨
This man is worried about you the moment you start not feeling great.
There's no need to feel embarrassed or ashamed; he understands that this is something you go through.
It’s nothing new, really. You've been open with him about your cramps being bad, and he understands that.
The first time this happened, it freaked him out because he thought something was wrong with you until you told him what it was, and he calmed down.
Kaveh: "Alright, I'm back with the heating pad and snacks."
You: "Kaveh, aren’t you supposed to be out working with a client today?"
Kaveh: "Oh no, I canceled all my work for today. I’m not leaving you alone and unattended."
You: "KAVEH!!? No, don’t worry about me. You should worry about your work. I know it's stressful and—"
Kaveh: "No, you're more important right now. Please, let me take care of you."
If you end up getting sick, like feeling like you’re about to vomit at any moment, he’ll be there with you, holding your hair back if you're actively getting sick, rubbing circles into your back, and staying with you in the bathroom until you feel better and can get back to bed.
Knowing that you can’t move much in this state, he'll take it upon himself to get you things. Want food? He’ll make you some. Want cuddles? He’ll gladly cuddle you.
He’ll have medicine ready for you along with a glass of water and a heating pad.
This man pampers you 100%.
It pains him to see you hurting and not feeling your best. You won’t see it, but he tends to have a frown on his face when you're hurting. He’s doing everything he can, but he can’t take your pain away completely, and it makes him sad.
He’d take away the pain and discomfort from you if he could.
Most of the time is spent cuddling. It doesn’t matter to him; whatever makes you most comfortable and relieves at least some of your pain is what matters to him.
He’ll kiss your face all over, along with some hand kisses, giving positive affirmations that you’re going to get through it, that it’s going to be okay, that you’re very strong, and that it’s only temporary.
His voice goes soft when talking to you, running a hand gently through your hair. He’ll be looking at you often, always asking if you're alright or if you need anything.
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• ゚ 。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• ゚ 。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈�� ゚ 。゚•┈。゚•┈꒰ა
Aʅԋαιƚԋαɱ 📚
He’s read plenty of books to know what you’re going through and the best treatments for it.
He knows what it is without even having to ask you, as you’re wrapped around the toilet suffering.
He’ll sit with you and wait until you feel slightly well enough to get back to resting.
He will be honest with you and say that he doesn’t mind or care; there’s no shame or embarrassment. It’s a normal thing you go through.
If you let him, he’ll use his hands to place them on your abdomen. He has warm hands, and he’ll keep them there if it helps relieve the pain and discomfort, even just a little bit.
He’ll pull off his cape and put it on you if that helps comfort you in some way.
If you’re lying down, he’ll make sure to pull you closer. Usually, he doesn’t like being so close, but he’s doing this for you because he cares.
You: "Alhaitham, am I burdening you?"
Alhaitham: "I've told you multiple times already that you’re not a burden. You just need help and assistance right now, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Now go back to sleep." (says this while reading a book)
He’ll carry you or pick you up and take you places since moving by yourself is a no-go.
He’ll be reading a book while you lay with him. In reality, he’s keeping an eye on you, not reading a page of that book, just pretending.
This man would take the pain away from you in a heartbeat if he could.
He’ll be with you the entire time through this tough period.
He’ll make sure you take your medicine every few hours as directed.
In a modern AU, he’d likely turn on a movie or something for you, and you two would stay in bed mostly. He’ll also get you anything you need, don’t worry.
He’s still able to do his job remotely from home as the Akademiya's Grand Scribe. What, did you think this man was going to work while you weren’t feeling your best? Nope! He’s going to take care of you because that’s what partners do.
Even if he shows little affection normally, he’ll make sure to give you some during this time.
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• ゚ 。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• ゚ 。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• ゚ 。゚•┈。゚•┈꒰ა
Dιʅυƈ 🍷
He’s more than aware when he wakes up and finds you not up, as you’re usually up before him.
He’ll ask you, and when you confirm his suspicions, he’ll grab some things (food, whatever you want if you just ask him).
He’ll also make a quick trip to the Tavern and have someone take over for him for a couple of days since he’s going to focus on you right now.
If you allow him, he’ll heat up his hands with his Pryo Vision and place them on your abdomen to ease your cramps slightly. If you’re feeling sick at any point, just tap on him or signal him, and he’ll make sure you get to the bathroom.
He’ll always take one of your hands, pepper kisses all over, and look at you while the two of you are in bed as you relax.
This man is a gentleman (all the men are gentlemen).
Your well-being is a main priority for him.
He’ll shower you with affection and pamper you lots.
He’ll always talk with you and explain that if you need anything at all, just tell him. It’s no bother nor burden. He’ll always assure you that you’re his partner and that he cares about you, giving plenty of reassurance if you need it.
All his duties will be resumed once you’re feeling better completely, so don’t worry about him being behind or anything. He still manages things remotely from Dawn Winery.
Diluc: "Please do tell me if you need anything, anything at all."
You: "Of course I will, Diluc. I love you."
Diluc: "Love you too."
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• ゚ 。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• ゚ 。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• ゚ 。゚•┈。゚•┈꒰ა
Tιɠԋɳαɾι 🌻
He’ll brew up some tea or have you drink a glass of water first when you confirm with him that it’s that time.
He has plenty of medicine and herbs on hand to ease your cramps and maybe the nausea caused by them.
He’ll let you have snacks but will also make sure you have balanced meals, going for the healthy approach.
Don’t be afraid of your mood changes or swings; he understands. He’s not going to be mad if you end up snapping at him.
He’ll try to limit his job as a Forest Ranger so he can keep an eye on you and take care of you.
The first time it happened, he thought you’d come down with some sort of sickness until you told him what was happening. He understood and went out of his way to help you (though he did end up going on a ten-minute ramble about what you already knew and didn’t need to hear).
If you have back pain, he’ll rub your back for you. If you’re feeling any other discomfort, he’ll do whatever he can to help.
He also tends to give you face kisses and affection. He’s a cuddle person and doesn’t mind you being clingy (none of the men mind you being clingy).
Tighnari: "Now remember what I told you, [Name]?"
You: "Tighnari, we’ve been over this five times already." sigh
Tighnari: "I just need to make sure you’re retaining the information."
You: "This is going to take a while."
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• ゚ 。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• ゚ 。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• ゚ 。゚•┈。゚•┈꒰ა
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notsocheezy · 2 months
V-Day - The First Twenty-Four Hours
Guess who's got two thumbs and no penis? That's right, this girlish-shaped thing!
My "the surgery" went off without a hitch! And it couldn't have happened at a weirder time. The news has been absolutely wild this week, hasn't it? Mass Windows system outages, Biden dropping out of the presidential race... probably some other stuff... I'll be honest, I'm a little woozy from the Oxycodone, so a lot of the past week escapes me at the moment. But let me tell you all about the first day. I still remember most of that.
I arrived at the hospital at about 5AM yesterday, and they had me wipe down with CHG wipes even though I'd just taken a CHG shower. I guess they like to be safe. But it leaves a residue that isn't the most pleasant thing in the world. It's kind of like when you step out of the ocean and the salt dries onto your skin in a fine, well-seasoned flaky layer.
After that, they gave me a morphine injection into my spinal fluid, which according to the pain management guy, reduces the overall necessary intake of opiates/opioids (what is the difference between those anyway?). So far that seems to be very true. My new bits don't hurt in the slightest even now, after the injection has worn off.
On the other hand, though, there has been excruciating pain in my chest and shoulders. You see, this was a laparoscopic surgery performed with a fancy robot - the DaVinci XI - and they had to pump me full of CO2 so they'd have room to work. That's right folks - I'm carbonated. And they didn't just give me one new hole, but an additional five incisions on my abdomen, which also don't really hurt but damn are they itchy. It turns out though, being a human balloon is a really bad experience. If I'd had an inflation kink before, this would probably have killed it in its tracks.
When I woke up in Recovery, I was at 10/10 on the pain scale. It was truly miserable. They had to inject me with Fentanyl (Ooooooh, scary!) just so I could breathe. Once they did, though, I was fine. That is, until they moved me onto the bed in my room several hours later. Now the pain comes and goes, but I'm on pills for that.
Other than the chest pain, the most uncomfortable thing is the catheter. It constantly feels like I've just gotten back from a long road trip without pit stops, or the credits just rolled on an IMAX screening of Oppenheimer (I saw that twice, by the way). I have to pee so damn bad, but I'm just kinda... always peeing. Very weird. Nice not to have to get up, but I'm not even really allowed to get up. Which is a shame, because I'm told moving around will help the CO2, ahem, escape. Via the most obvious channel, of course.
On that note, I was on a liquid diet until about an hour ago, and now I've got an omelet and some oatmeal that they forgot to put sugar or salt in. They really want to get my guts up and running again - they gave me a laxative and a stool softener. But I'm nervous about getting up from the bed. I've got more wires attached to me than my PC at home, so I'll need to unhook everything to get to the bathroom.
Anyway, other than being misgendered a concerning amount of times by people who should be able to read the word "vaginoplasty" on my chart, everyone has been very kind. I thought I'd be more scared and depressed being left in the hospital by myself, with all my loved ones hours away, but I've been able to make friends with the nurses.
If you're on the fence about getting this done because you're scared of the recovery process, don't worry. I'm only a day in and I'm doing just fine. Electrolysis was significantly more painful down there than this is. Can't speak for more traditional methods, but the robot is damn good. I, for one, welcome our new robotic sex-change overlords.
Anyway, stay tuned for more. I'm here all week.
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umm, i've always been too shy to ask for a request for my favorite orv character, but i guess it's now or never i think. If it's not too much trouble, could you make a yandere yoo joonghyuk x regressor reader? (I've never seen someone write a yandere yjh And I always thought yjh has a lot of material to cover if he was a yandere, it can be any kind of scenario or headcanons of what a yandere yoo joonghyuk would be like for his reader/s/o, I hope that this could be understood because I'm not very good at English and I'm still practicing. ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙( my first language its Spanish maybe it's for that 😭, sorry if this request sounds weird or something) (btw reader can be fem or gn I don't mind (ノ´∀`*)
awh im so happy you got the courage to request hehe your english is amazing!! <33
yandere yjh x regressor reader
Yjh's pov
Regressing over and over again... tiring...so tiring. But you by my side with our memories, we'll be able to get through this together. Oh how i love you so. I can't imaging life without you. Please don't leave me. You cant leave me.
Your pov
I open my eyes to see the train again. I'm tired of this all.
[kill one or more living organisms]
i stared at the blue screen blankly. Why me? My eyes dulled at the sight of everyone panicking. you should all be hoping you die soon, the future holds only living hell. i hung my head low. That man...That wretched man. why must he come to me? A pipe was swung at my head as a passenger tried to kill me. It hurt. a lot. but what hurt more was knowing that he would always find me. I closed my eyes.
[you have died]
I open my eyes to see the train again. I suppose dying on the train isn't too bad.
[kill one or more living organisms]
A pipe was swung at my head as a passenger tried to kill me.
[you have died]
I open my eyes to see the train again. This is nice. my new home. Without him. I wonder how he must feel.
[you have died]
[you have died]
[you have died]
[you have died]
..............[you have died]
.............[you have died]
.........[you have died]
..............[you have died]
............[you have died]..........[you have died].........[you have died]
I open my eyes to see the train again. But. Its different. Someone's shadow covers my body. I look up to find the man who gave me hell.
"You shouldn't have done all that. Do you know what I've had to do to regress to you?" A tightening grip on my wrist. It seems those days, weeks, months, regressing in the first scenario are over. My gaze meets his. I feel fear for the first time in a while. This man...is a man of few words. He speaks through actions. These actions are violence.
He sighed. "Will you fucking reply? I'm not talking to a brick wall here am i?" I stare at him blankly. I see. He's grown increasingly less patient. What can you really expect from a man like him. "Sorry." Now that i am in his view, I must not make him mad. Of course im scared but...i'm used to this behavior of his. somewhat similar to a child of sorts. "Sorry? Is that what you fucking call this?" He grabbed a fist full of my hair. I wince in pain. "I-I missed you love." That always gets him. He let go of my hair and hugged me. "I'm sorry [name]...you made me do this."
"Yes this is my fault. I'm sorry." A stab though his abdomen wounded him. I watched as he died. If only i could do this every times. Passing the first scenario and the constellation sponsor, i focused on rallying the allies he once had.
anna croft. i liked her. after all, an enemy of an enemy is a friend. but now i am well aware that she'd sacrifice me too if it meant achieving her goal. I must play my cards well.
ah. it seems i have fainted. i look out he window. is this the infamous demon realm? A man strides through the door.
No..it cant be! I-I killed him! Fuck! did something go wrong? "Are you feeling better dear? it was troubling to turn you into a demon but it was definitely worth it." He smiled sickeningly sweetly at me. Demon? What-What does he mean by that? I felt the top of my head but in place of where some hair should be was a pair of horns instead. "What did you do to me?.." I started to cry. I though- I thought i had escaped him! That I could be free and happy once more. Why? What went wrong?
"Ah you must be concerned of my well being! How kind of you to do so after stabbing me." I noticed the cold heavy metal chains that were connected to the bed frame. He slowly un chained the bed and chained it to himself.
I became...some sort of pet of his. Asmodeus, the demon king, was certainly amused. Turns out he had helped the vile creature in coming back to life rather than regressing. And for some reason, I couldn't die.
"I love you, [name]." He kissed my forehead goodnight. "See how happy we are? why did you want to stop me? stop us? I hope you have reflected on yourself..." He smiled at me, petting my head softly.
This really is hell.
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axailslink · 2 years
HI I LOVE YOUR WRITING COULD YOU WRITE (if you have the ideas, the time and are comfortable with) SHURI X READER but reader is on her period but she gets super bad cramps on the first day? anyways like a fluffy comfort one shot? keep up the great work!! <3
Let Me Help
Shuri x FEM reader
Tumblr media
Summary: The pain of period cramps will forever strike you worst than any punch to the stomach. Shuri offers help.
Your head lays on the cold glass lab table as you hold on your stomach and whisper curses "Bast's sake please stop hurting just for a bit I have to work...just for a bit" the sharp pains continues to rattle about in your lower stomach as you gently grab at the table. Shuri takes notice of this and walks over to the table and leans down to your height "you should go home" you turn and look at her "no I have work to do and if I don't do it who will?" You can see her eyes prancing back and forth with thought before she answers "I will I'll take over you just go home there's no way you can work in pain you've already had like three pain pills." You look at her confused for a moment "you counting the pills I take?" She pauses for a moment realizing how weird that might have sounded "just looking out for you but I promise I got it from here let me take you home you should try and get some sleep instead" even with Shuri's persistent gaze you shake your head no "I can't I can't put all my work on you princess I hate leaving a mess for others to clean I can do it." Shuri finally has had enough of convincing before she comes face to face with you "how much work have you done in the past hour?" You stumble to find the words "I've uhm..." Scared she might be a little disappointed in you you stray from your answer and nod "I'll go home yeah I'll go home" she nods "c'mon" she gently pulls you up and you're stuck in place when she wraps her arm around your waist her grip strong but gentle at the same time. "Oh you don't have to come I mean my house is a mess and I can walk my legs work perfectly just like my mouth and eyes and uhm..." You realize you're rambling and stare at her which she returns before smiling flashing you with that pretty smile of hers.
"I want to help, you really don't look all too well. Your face is flushed and you're annoyed let me help please. Plus I'm sure I know some things we could try to calm those cramps down." I know some things I'd like to try oh goodness the hormones are everywhere right now they've got you thinking things you shouldn't be thinking at all. "I really can handle my own princess" Shuri groans and lets you go as soon as her hand leaves your side you groan as the feeling of nervousness leaves you and is replaced with the piercing. You wish you could tell her to put it back where it was but you smile at her and leave the lab as quickly as possible. It's got to be the hormones making you act like this making you feral or are you finally realizing how she makes you feel?
You sit in bed practically dying with the pain as it shoots through your lower abdomen, back and somehow your ass it's like God personally came down to punish you and it doesn't help that your breasts are sore. you've been sleeping for the last two hours and now that you've woken up it's like immediate pain back to back the heating pad is not doing its job and you feel so nauseous yeah this has to be some sick punishment. you had already thrown up once but you were sure if you moved too fast it could surely happen again so you just sat unmoving in the middle of the bed as if moving an inch could provoke the cramps. The sudden sounds of knocking on the door have you groaning whoever it was could come back at a later time because this was definitely not the best time. "Go away!" you shout as you hold your stomach the knocks continue and you mumble curses to yourself as you slowly and carefully get up you waddle to the door and yank it open "what do you want?" you immediately want to swallow your words as you see princess Shui standing with a bag in hand "oh princess?" she smiles awkwardly and motions her head towards the door "can I come in? I just got done with my work for the day and yours we managed to find out who tried to steal the vibranium and uhm... I'm rambling I must get that from you y/n" she chuckles as you stare at her then the bag she has in hand. "Can I come in? you never gave an answer" you nod and step away from the door so that she can enter before closing and locking the door you waddle up the stairs and back into your room as you hold your stomach you can't help but hear Shuri snickering to herself and it interests you. "what's so funny" Shuri covers her face "excuse my language but you're walking like you have something up your ass" you look back at her as your hand finds your hip "quite the opposite princess I have something up my pussy if you don't have anything that can help please stop bothering me." She places her hand on her chest and laughs "so hostile luckily for you beautiful I got a lot of things" you smile at her words not being able to keep your happiness at bay "beautiful?" she nods "yeah beautiful do you have a problem with me telling you the truth?" you approach your bed and say nothing she places the bag by your leg and starts to pull out containers and more "you about to experiment on me or something?" she laughs and glances at you "no but if you'd like me to I wouldn't mind." Is she flirting with you? The princess of Wakanda is surely flirting with you or you should definitely clean your ears and thoughts you have to be looking way too much into what she is saying. "Most reasons for very bad cramps are bad eating habits on your cycle you're really picky you eat nothing but dollar store ramen and snacks-" "you know my eating habits?" Shuri smiles at you as she hands you a container of cut-up watermelon, strawberries, and whole raspberries "yes I do you're picky it's kind of hard not to notice. I got some chamomile tea warm beverages help me so maybe it'll help you there is one more thing but I need your consent." you glance her up and down suspiciously "a massage I usually get mines professionally done but I don't like the thought of some stranger touching my friend" you nod slowly before putting two and two together "oh you want to do it?" she nods "nothing inappropriate just some gentle massaging." The thought of her long slender fingers rubbing down your frame fills your mind with too many dirt thoughts to count but you reply as your usual flirty self "you tryna find a reason to feel me up?" she laughs and grabs your hand "no if I wanted to feel you up all I would have to do is ask the smell of the oils might help your body relax is all or you could do it the old fashioned way." you look at her with a facial expression full of curiosity "have an orgasm I hear it works best" you shake your head and roll your eyes sometimes her childish side comes out it's like a jumpscare honestly.
you, of course, agree to the massage I mean c'mon who would say no to this? No one so here you are laying on your stomach sweats pulled just below your waist bra tossed somewhere else on the bed. "you're tense am I making you nervous?" you shake your head no "no it's fine just never thought I'd be in this predicament" she laughs as she sits beside you on the bed "hey love pick a scent lavender or peppermint" you're so glad she can't see your face right now because you're smiling so widely to yourself "love" goodness gracious she is being too nice today. "Peppermint just get this over with I want to sleep" more like get this over with you talking to me is making me panic and I'm trying to restrain myself from kissing you. you feel her hands slide up your back slowly causing shivers to travel down your spine her hands feel like heaven as she gently massages your shoulders down to your back and onto your waist her hands linger for a moment. "Shuri Bast's sake your hands feel amazing" she continues "you should be eating that fruit" she points out and you huff "you can't just let me enjoy myself?" she smiles and you swear you feel her kiss the middle of your back "you haven't said anything about cramping in a minute I'm guessing this is working?" you honestly hadn't thought about the cramps because you were way too worried about Shuri's hands on your lower back. "you make me forget everything I don't know anyone else who takes the time out of their day to come and help ease my cramps you're a God send honestly. I'm grateful for you," you sit up and come face to face with her not worrying about being topless or about your bloated tummy. "your shirt I could grab that for y-" you stop her panicked speaking by grabbing her face and gently pressing your lips to hers "don't worry about it thank you I am so blind of course I would find out you're attracted me on the one week I can't express just how attracted I am to you." Shuri smiles and grabs your hand from her face gently caressing it "that's cocky" you nod "maybe but I can tell I'm not wrong.
A/n: This got a bit long...I do but I hope this works up to your request I happened to make Shuri and reader friends to lovers wasn't going to but that's just the way it ended. This is unedited don't have time for that work takes up most of that time. If this did not meet your needs I will gladly rewrite it at a later date.
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druidshollow · 9 months
ive been getting weird pains through my chest and body for a couple hours now but im gonna continue to ignore it. i think. really huets though. sometimes i just get weird pain like this tho? it almost feels like cramps moving through my chest and my abdomen but especially my chest. its not usually this bad and usually goes away much faster though
at first i thought id been binding too long cuz it was only in the side of my chest but now its happening everywhere and ive had my binder off for a while so idk. my poor organs though fucking owwww
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 11 months
20 Questions
I would like to thank @thenicestthingiveseen for the ta
How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 9 whole fics on that website
2. What's your total AO3 words count?
A whole whopping 29,110
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Only Harry Potter. I don't know what other fandom I would write for tbh
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Loves a Game, Wanna Play?
up on a roof with a school girl crush
i wrote a poem (you say what a mind)
Island Breeze with the Lights Down Low
the road not taken looks real good now
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I usually do! I love commenting and having conversations with fanfic authors, so I try to respond. Sometimes I read a comment and struggle to really form my feelings into words because I am so overwhelmed that anyone is liking my stuff enough to comment!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably the road not taken... because it ends when the death eaters interupt fleur and bill's wedding
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
up on a roof... ends with their second kiss and i love that for them
8. Do you get hate on fics?
you have to write popular fics to get hate i think
9. Do you write smut. If so what kind?
i do. the kind of smut i write is smut between harry potter and ginny weasley. sometimes they are step siblings in this scenerio.
here is a snippet of chapter 2 of trust him like a brother i intended to write more of last night
Harry cleared his throat at the invitation. "No, I just, er, realized that your mum was awake and leaving the house at the same time we were, you know," Harry's voice trailed off.
"Fucking?" Ginny finished for him, opening just one eye to give him a sharp look. "Your tongue has entered my vagina and you can't say the word fuck?"
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I do not. but i have this weird falling asleep story that i fix season 7 of the 100 by sending bellamy to hogwarts during dh and helps the da because that would still make more sense than whatever the hell the writers wrote
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
YES ACTUALLY. So this is not my first fanfic account. I had one at the bright age of 12, and I wrote a better than revenge fic for ginny based on cho chang, and then SOMEONE STOLE IT! IT WAS SO BAD? WHY WOULD SOMEONE STEAL THAT?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I have not
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Hinny <3
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
The one where Harry and Ginny get stuck in a time loop at grimauld during ootp. It is bad, and I don't want to take the effort to fix it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
That is a great question, someone please tell me
17. What are your writing weaknesses?'
I struggle with making my writing sound pretty. Adding detail that paints an image and not so literal. Because most days this is what my writing looks like.
*** is a 71 year old male with a past medical history of HTN, HLD, CHF, GI bleed and a recent hospitalization for PE and is now on eliquis who is presenting to the hospital for significant, persistent epigastric pain. He has had this pain before and it was present during his prior hospitalization. The staff at his nursing home noticed that he was in more pain, so he was brought via EMS to the ED. The pain is primarily in the upper abdomen, specifically the epigastric and LUQ, worsened with palpation, and improved with pain medication.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I struggle with English enough
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
god rest my soul I can already tell you that would've could've should've will be my most listened to song this year and I just love looking into the relationship between Tom and Ginny
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gayboymanifesto · 1 year
first post!! ive never really blogged before so this is exciting but I really just want a place to scream into the ether and tal about whatever I want.... I used to keep a journal but id only write in it every three months or so and I haven't written in it in at least a year and I'm afraid to read it now.... anyway
as sophomore year has began for me I have been experiencing a lot of emotions (which isn't entirely out of the norm but at the same time it is) and I never really open up to people so I want somewhere to talk about things rather than bottling it up since im no longer in therapy
omfg grammarly is smothering my entire text page
anyway! homecoming was tonight and it was a disaster!!! well not entirely but I thoroughly did not enjoy it.... I got to the before at O's house* and I didn't want to talk to anyone when I got this like sharp pain in my abdomen and my first thought was like..... oh fuck I have appendicitis! which is so scary and annoying bc I'm going to ALL THINGS GO tomorrow and I wouldn't be able to attend if I had fucking appendicitis.. so I sat around for a little and then I sat in the car for a but, then my mom took me home where I had so much fucking diahreahha... like there was actual liquid coming out of my ass.. idk why but I think it was the combination of all the coffee nd shit I had and then the food plus my nerves. I made it back in time before we left and then we went to the dance where it was just so fucking bad like I hate dances so much I cant even rlly get into that but I had so many awkward interactions.
then we went to paiges and it was chill at first until people started getting drinks out, and HP wouldn't give me a drink... which is like whatever but she had said before that she would. I don't want to act like she was obligated too bc that. bitchy but in the moment it was annoying, I don't blame her it was js confusing... then I venmod O again, who I had decided before that I wasn't even speaking to for reasons that I said I would write about later... and she kept avoiding me which isn't out of character for her lately and then later when I told her again that I nemod her she acted like she hadnt ever told me she was gonna give me a drink and sent the money back at least. HR also told me she would give me a drink but she was SO FUCKING WEIRD ab it too like she always is. Anyway everybody at that party was being annoying as fuck and it was also just bad... and I know I'm not above these parties, I'm literally so irrelevant but I'm still aware of how ass that was.. I went home afterward I don't think anybody gaf. Im trying not to sound like super selfish or unaware of how dumb I sound rn but like I'm tired af and I'm just writing to express how I feel I'm not trying to say anyone in this case is morally in the wrong I'm just upset so shut the fuck up if future me is like omggg I was so annoying why was I complaining about that
I wish I had different friends but I know mine are the best I can do and that I'm lucky to have them and I like them all as people but most of them treat me like shit or a joke and I just don't want to deal with that
I just wish I was drunk idk I think ill be an alchoholic at some point idgafffff anything to not deal
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*nts make a name list for reference
0 notes
dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Stray Kids Reaction || Didn’t Know That You Were Pregnant [Request]
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It was supposed to be a relaxing day out with the rest of the boys, going for a walk around the Han River and taking photographs with Hyunjin but your stomach was beginning to cramp and you were having back pains. 
"Maybe you should sit down," Minho said as he noticed how slow you were walking behind them, panting out of breath you walked over to some of the benches beside a fence and sat down. 
"Here," Felix called out as he rushed to your side and gave you a bottle of water, Chan glanced over at you smiling weakly as he noticed how sick you looked. The fact that you'd been sick for most of the week was starting to worry him but you pushed it aside as nothing more than a sickness bug that would pass sooner or later.
"Maybe we should call it a day, you look worse than you did yesterday," Jisung said in a worried tone he didn't mean for it to sound mean but he was worried about you, as were the other boys. Jisung's eyes kept looking between you and Chan as he walked over to your side but you let out a yelp in pain, at first, you thought you'd dropped the bottle of water that Felix had handed to you but then you felt pain radiate up your back and around your abdomen,
"Gross, Y/n needs to control her bladder." Minho laughed as he saw the pool of fluid by your feet and assumed you had wet yourself but that was when Chan's face ran pale and he began to calculate in his head. 
"I-I think my water broke," You mumbled as you looked over at Chan, he was piecing everything together over the last nine months, you'd gained weight, you'd been suck more often not to mention the weird cravings you'd been getting. 
"Holy shit." You yelled out as you struggled to get up from the bench, holding onto your stomach where there was barely even a bump. 
"I'm going to be an uncle?!" Jeongin screamed out loudly enough that the lady that was working the hot chocolate stand looked up to see what the fuss was about. Chan took your hand in his, walking with you towards the car so they could get you to a hospital but all of the boys were freaking out more than the two of you, yelling about how they weren't prepared and nothing was ready since you had no idea you were pregnant. 
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You always thought those who claimed not to know that they were pregnant were being dramatic but now you knew first hand that they weren't. Sitting on the maternity ward with your sleeping daughter in your arms while Minho sat beside you on the bed just watching her sleeping. You had been home when you felt a bad pain spreading over your body, you figured it was nothing until it got to the point you couldn't focus on anything but the pain and headed to the doctor. 
"I can't believe you created another human." Changbin muttered as he walked into the room with a look of surprise on his face,
"Neither can we," You laughed as you laid your head on Minho's shoulder still remembering the look of shock on his face he had when you told him that you were going to have a baby. It was as if someone had drained all the colour out of him and for a few moments you thought he was going to pass out but he took it well and spent hours shopping for everything you were going to need online and having it delivered to your apartment that you shared together.
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"Where have you been I've been calling all day?!" You yelled out as you stood in the doorway of one of the studios, Changbin was chilling with Jisung and Chan while he claimed he was working. 
"What's wrong? Is something wrong?" You groaned at his nagging questioning and looked down at your stomach, the bump was starting to bother you but you put that down to weight loss until about an hour ago when you felt something move inside of you followed by a gushing of water to your feet. 
"I'm in labour, so if you answered your phone I wouldn't have had to drive all the way here instead of a hospital," All three of the boys started to laugh with one another thinking it was some kind of prank but as soon as Changbin saw the seriousness on your face his smile fell to the floor. 
"You're really-"
"And I'm going to be dad-"
"Not if you don't get me to a fucking doctor!" You yelled out as another contraction hit you, bending over in pain as you tried not to fall to the floor in a puddle of tears from the pain that you were experiencing. 
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"Besides a little weight gain, there had been no other indication that you could have been pregnant?" A nurse asked as she looked at you at Hyunjin, the two of you had been surprised by home birth. You'd gotten up in the middle of the night to use the toilet only to realise you weren't in need of the toilet but a doctor. The two of you ended up delivering your daughter on the bathroom floor over the phone to nurses and an ambulance team that had been stuck on the roads. 
"No, I didn't even know I could. I was on the pill and we were using condoms." You mumbled as you glanced down at your sleeping daughter who was strong considering you hadn't been taking prenatal care or going for regular checkups, it was a miracle she was delivered as well as she was and as healthy as she was. 
"Well, the hospital will provide you with a crib and some emergency supplies but you will need to do some shopping soon." She began writing everything up that you would need, Hyunjin was already so taken with your daughter he could hardly take his eyes off her.
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As soon as the water hit the ground you knew you hadn't accidentally wet yourself and Chan knew from the look of it that it wasn't piss that had come out of you. 
"Y/n!?" Jisung yelled out as panic washed over his face, he was sweating as he rushed over to you, sitting you down on the sofa in the dorms as he began yelling out for someone to call an ambulance. 
"Relax, she's in labour," Chan said calmly as he watched the two of you but that did nothing to settle you, both you and Jisung turned to him with wide eyes, 
"SHE'S PREGNANT!?" You screamed out together as the boys around you began to laugh, Chan shook his head at you before looking around. 
"Felix call an ambulance, Seungmin get a blanket and Minho pack up some clothes for Y/n." The whole time Chan barked out orders Jisung was doing his best to coach you through the pain, giving you breathing techniques he'd seen in all of the movies and TV shows where people were giving birth.
"We're going to be parents." He whispered over and over again as if he was trying to convince himself that it was true and it wasn't some kind of dream that he seemed to be having. 
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Felix brought you to the hospital as soon as you said that you were in so much pain you couldn't get out of bed, doctors were running tests on you while you sat in a hospital bed crying into a pillow. 
"Mr Lee, Miss Y/l/n?" You glanced over at the door to see a set of doctors all rushing around outside the door, getting something ready while another came to speak to you. 
"It appears that you're pregnant, in fact, you're currently in labour." You started laughing at the male doctor thinking it was some kind of joke but when you noticed he wasn't laughing you stopped and sat up in the bed. 
"I'm what?" Felix's hand wrapped around yours as he tightly squeezed your hand, come to think of it there was a high possibility that you were pregnant but the two of you had been careful and used protection all of the time. 
"I would assume this is a shock but we need to check to see how far along you are in your contractions," A female doctor came into the room and began introducing herself while you and Felix stared at one another dumbfounded about how this could have happened and when. 
"Would you like to stay in the room?" The mid-wife asked Felix who turned to leave but you gripped onto his shirt pulling him closer to the bed, 
"We're in this together, don't even think about walking out of that door." You warned him as the doctor began to see if you were ready to push or not, 
"Almost there, I would say another hour or two at the most," She smiled looking up at you both as you worriedly looked at one another how you were going to break the news to everyone since you had no idea you had been pregnant in the first place.
"I need to call my mum," Felix stuttered as he looked at you, you nodded your head looking around for your phone. 
"I need to tell my family." You bit down on your lip not knowing if you were excited, worried or scared or if it was a mixture of all of those emotions at once. 
"I would make some arrangements quickly," The doctor teased before leaving the room, you turned to Felix wondering where to start with the conversation.
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"I'm telling you that there is nothing wrong with me, I just feel sick." You grumbled to Seungmin who was pacing around the room a nurse had placed you in, he'd insisting on taking you to see someone as soon as you started to feel sick and dizzy that morning and now you had been waiting around for hours. 
"The tests have all finally came back, we wanted to make sure it was 100% positive before we came in here," The same nurse that had admitted you explained as she held a clipboard to her chest with a worried expression on her face, 
"When you came in we asked if there was a chance of pregnancy and you said no-"
"Because there isn't, I'm on the pill and we use protection," You told her as she continued to give you a worried look, that was when she began showing you all of the tests that they had done to prove to you that you were eight months pregnant and in early labour which was why you were sick and in so much pain. 
"I-I'm pregnant?" You stuttered out staring from the charts to her face as Seungmin sat down on the chair beside your bed, 
"But we were careful," He mumbled as he looked at you, 
"Not all contraceptives are 100% effective, some are just 99.9% you're the lucky, 00.01% That gets pregnant," You knew she was trying to make you feel better but it only made it worse as you thought about how the baby had nothing waiting at home for them when you eventually got home. 
"I'll get the boys, they'll become builders for the day." Seungmin mumbled as he began to call Chan on his phone frantically. 
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Jeongin laughed down the phone when you told him you were sitting on the maternity ward of a hospital delivering his baby but as soon as he didn't hear you laughing a chill ran through him.
"You're joking right?" You groaned at him through the phone, rolling your head back against the bed as another contraction hit you making you scream out louder than the rest before it.
"Why would I joke about pushing a watermelon out of something the size of a pea!?" You yelled out down the phone to him while the midwife flinched from beside you wondering how you had been clueless about the pregnancy in the first place. It wasn't as though you were trying to get pregnant you were only together for two years, he was still young and how was JYP going to react to him getting a son or a daughter. 
"Please come to the hospital innie, I'm scared," Your voice cracked as you began to cry but Jeongin was already on the way, getting Minho to drive him as fast as he could so he could be by your side by the time his son or daughter came into the world.
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Tagline: @taestannie​ @acciocriativity​ @mwitsmejk​ @minholuvs​ @sw33tnight​ @kneel-begyourpardon​
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honey-lemonz · 3 years
Kokushibou [Satisfied smut]
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Xmale reader
Warning! Sexual Content!
Includes: stress sex, fight then fuck, koku being a bratty bottom, biting,blowjob, marking, multiple orgasms ,multiple rounds, over stimulation,  dirty talk, fighting during sex, degradation (heavly). Hiding, slapping, spitng, and a spite fuck. Goodness..Enjoy!
Kokushibou pushed the archer against the wall as both were fighting.
For almost 7 hours.
(M/n) or the archer was happily living on his land and was fine but. The dam fake Samurai had other plans to upset that. Like attacking him. Gods they hated each other..
To the point it was not comical.. no no.
Sexual almost.
Two strong men grunting and groaning, one with blood all over him..for being the one with more hits. Sweat on their bodies and one with his hair arrayed. Kokushibou was losing it.
Internally and externally.
Internally he could not understand why he was feeling slightly aroused in battle, especially with this fucker. The archer demon named Yasumebu (M/n). A demon he hates because he reminds him of his late twin.
Someone who is superior and most likely would be superior to him.
He felt his cock trying to poke in his hakama pants. His kimono was sticking to the sides on his body as he was forced on to the ground. Yasumebe was about to prepare an arrow until..
Kokushibou moved his leg to reveal he was aroused but no on purpose or on invitation. But (m/n) was the only other demon around who could have done this to him. To him it was weird. He froze the arrow and squinted at the Samurai.
He but his foot on Kokushibou's growing hard on and moved it without any sign of being gently. 
Kokushibou groaned and hissed at him. About half of his eyes, the three on the left pinched shut. It was not out of pain but only pleasure. This made Yasumebe..disgusted to say the least.
But also he wanted to kill the upper rank for what he had done...but torture is always a better cause.
"Look at you..you pervert. Getting aroused with me in a fight you picked..how promiscuous..really are that much of a bastard you need a dick in you to make you feel whole?"
He moved his foot more vigorously, it made the upper rank squeak but not moan. No! He will never get any sign of pleasure from him. "I-I am not, aany an c-can get aroused. Never for oor from you-"
"Oh cut the bullshit you bastard. You attack me in my home and demand I die so you an be the best? Or is it jealousy? Jealous of me to the point you want me to fuck you? Make you a proud man with my cock stuffed into all your slutty holes?"
Kokushibou's six eyes widen. He dropped his sword from the feeling. What feeling is this? He asked himself. Demons cannot blush or anything but he could feel his ears burn and his cock ache and throb.
He hated him to the point it turned him on? Is that possible? No.
He hated Yoriichi but they were brothers and that is just wrong...but this dam archer..
Before he realized his mistake of thinking to deep, he got an arrow into his wrist and an arrow shot his sword far away from him.
"Well took you too long to answer the question so it is a yes, isn't it? Gods, I hate you but I always give whores like you a chance. By now you'd probably be satisfied sucking a cock and dying. The great upper rank one? Such a fucking slut.."
The arrow glued his wrist together so he could not move em, he could make another sword but he had to concentrate to do that.  He needed his full energy to do it but his energy was focused on..him..the archer and how he needed t̶o̶ ̶k̶i̶l̶l̶ him.
The archer pulled Kokushibou by his hair next to a stool, he was gracious or caring about it.  He hated him and as did he.
But goodness did he remember how they fought. How strong he looked and how much strength it goes into an arrow. Not that he thought the sport was worth this time, oh never. But him...it made his condition worse. His cock was probably leaking streams of precum.
"Must you fight, I am helping you. Trust me I do not want a whore like you anyways, a good one can shut up and take it..you..most likely are a brat or bitch about it.."
Kokushibou hearing this moved his combined wrist up to scratch the shit out of his arms like a fucking cat.
"Goodness if you want to mark me already! Dam, such a needy bastard...beat how many times you sucked your masters cock all these years...most likely didn't make you choke or gag for the hell of it..but now worries like defeat and death.."
He brought his up to his face. Both were around the same height, so it worked. But Kokushibou was now on a bedding and he was looking up at him. So he felt smaller. He hated it. But it aroused him.
Hate what pleasures you. But between you and I..is not the first he gotten aroused at the thought..
"I make sure to be the one to make it your first.. now if you bite he I cut you cock off too. Got it?"
Hell to Yasumebe it was an excuse to just make him feel a better or worse pain.
"Tsk, as ever I would do as you ask yo-"
He got fucking bitched slapped in the face. "Now I'm going to say this again. You were the one who got to be a perv right? You can suck your masters cock for all of eternity then you can suck a real mans one and not a cowards. Something you need to do. Bite me and you can burn in the sun with my cum all over and inside you. Now be a good brat and suck."
He stood above him with a tight grip on his head and hair. (M/n)'s own cock was out and the marvel it was had the upper rank's mouth salivating.
He just stared at it, like it was something new to him. "What you never seen another mans dick before? Always ready to ride and suck one for you life, so be the slutty brat you are and do what you know best. Go one you need help is my cock to big for your mouth? The one you use to pledge and talk shit? "
In his head he muttered, probably eat it too.
Kokushibou opened his mouth to rebuttal..dumb move. A thick and long length was shoved down deep into his throat. Making his gag on spit and the length. H opened his lower eyes to see not even all of it was in his mouth. The hell?
(M/n) hissed and moved his hips back and forth, he was fucking his face. "Good little slut, do what you know best bastard. Then maybe I can fuck your other hole, maybe even be nice and let you cum.:
Kokushibou groaned on his cock and moved tied wrist to get a grip and move on his own accord, but no avail. His own cock was in need of help. His mind was erasing with how much pleasure would come if he would get fucked like a whore.
Which he is.
His tongue lapped at the lip and it moved in and out his throat. He was pumping his cock with his hands at the same momentum. So feverish and so tempting, it make slick warm between his thighs. His ass flexed at the homewreacking feeling.
His large cock pushing in and out of his made him close two sets of his eyes and let where his true ones stay open. (M/n) hissed and pushed his head all the way to the hilt of his cock and made his stay there. Groaning as Kokushibou's mouth filled with an ocean of cum he swallowed.
The taste wasn't as bad as he imagined. His cock spurted some ropes of cum but he knew with how his luck was playing it would not be the first time tonight. He was allowed to breathe and swallow the rest. 
(M/n) looked down at him, his eyes were glossy and he was gasping for air.."Goodness you really are that bad.."
Kokushibou didn't care about his pride or his will, or even the envy. He felt hatred and pleasure. He needed to feel more, it was so addicting. It was like a slow burn he loved. The fire in the pit of his stomach burned for more. To be full , imagining that amount of cum stuffing his tight entrance or making his abdomen bulge..
To be breeded like a mating whore for him..
(M/n) pushed the Samurai to the side of the bedding and for him to be on his front. Ass up, he pulled the rest of his clothing off him. He would often scratch him or put marks he knew he could heal over..if he was concentrated enough.
His plump ass had goosebumps as his breath glazed across it. No kissing rather biting. He bite down on his ass. "For such a plump ass, you and kiss a lot of it aye? Sluts like you can be so troublesome but in the end.."
H sat up and got close to Kokushibou's ear. He moved his already messy and disheveled hair. His lapped his ear lobe and bite down to make it bleed.
"All of you are just bratty whores who need to be taught their place..." Two fingers were pushed into his slicked up entrance and they clung onto (M/n)'s fingers like glue. Kokushibou moaned out curses as he slumped down. He turned his head to the side to he the rest of his.
It felt too dam good. His fingers were so close to his prostate and so close to making his mind wipe to pure ecstasy and pleasure, even if he wasn't at it already. He moaned out without a care in the world. Asking no begging for more. It made (m/n) want to torture him more..
They did hate each other, but to one it was just funny.
"M-more, please fuck me more gods..please..fu-fu~ck.." he cursed as he spread his legs wider to make his fingers go deeper to touch or even at least brush his prostate.
His eyes were closed except the true ones, the only one he could keep open. Upper rank one was glossy and also looked like a bunch of whores eyes. He bucked his hips when his own forgotten and needy cock was slowly getting pumped.
"Wait- WAI- no ahh~" As soon as he pumped his length and pushed deeper into his hole, feeling for his prostate. He came again onto the bedding. He gasped loudly and slumped over. Kokushibou's cock twitched but was still erect.
"Well, what was it you were saying bastard? Or were you too busy cumming like a little whore to even finish? Hmm well it guess my cock can satisfy your perverted self, disgusting."
He spat on his gasping hole and moved his fingers out. The amount of slick or cum on his fingers made him laugh at the pathetic state of the upper rank. "Wow, such a slut for all this? Wonder how easy it is to break your ass and see you go silly."
He yanked almost his hips back up to his waist, Kokushibou swallowed thickly at what was about to happen. (M/n) stroke himself and placed the tip of his cock on Kokushibou's gaping whole.
"One more thing pervert.."
He leaned forward to upper rank one, Kokushibou felt his chilling breath on his ear. All his eyes widen as his cock slowly pushed into him. 
He whispered:
"I win slut.."
He slammed his cock into him, pushing harshly onto his prostate and making the upper rank yelp and moan loudly. He almost screamed, (M/n) gave him no time to adjust. Rather he fucked him ruthlessly. He used his hair and yanked it, making him look at the ceiling and also to feel himself hit deeper and deeper.
Kokusibou was babbling about more and more. Or how he hated him. Just either 'fuck me' or 'i hate you'. The archer demon did not care. He was a slutty pervert who got what he wanted. A good cock with a good fuck.
"Such a tight- little slutty whole..gods, im going to loosen it up for you and make sure no one couuld fuck you like I- ah~could..you'd like that Kokushibou? To be a slut and ask others to fill you with their cocks like I do?"
He thrusted faster and harder, Kokushibo's prostate was abused and he felt himself cum again and again. Due to his unlimited stamina and would be fine. But he was feeling drained, he felt so fucking stupid. He was getting fucked stupid even more.
(M/n) hissed when Kokushibou tightened around him, he groaned and growled as he shot thick ropes of cum into his ass. Filling him over his opacity and making his abdomen stretch to accommodate to the amount. 
All his eyes, closed with tear stains. Kokushibo's head was let go and he fell straight into the bedding. (M/n) looked at him and didn't bat an eye to spit on his face. His lower half was with filled with cum or covered in it. He cleaned himself and took his arrow out of his wrist and gathered the rest.
He looked one more time at the upper rank. The most feared of them all, looking like a slut in heat. He pulled the hair that would have been a neat pony tail but now is just out and disheveled. He made him look him in his eye.
"See now upper rank? Such a pathetic fighter and warrior, you did do one thing. Your were a decent fuck, not the best but decent." he patted his head and walked out the destroyed house.
Soon it was lit on fire. To destroy what ever was left.
Kokushibou luckily got away and out of the suns fury. But he did hate the archer demon with all he had, and envy him so much. But fuck... he sighed as he stroked his cock from the memory.
"He was right.."
His licked away the cum from his ass as he pulled away his fingers and from his hand. His cock throbbed at the dull feeling. The lackluster feeling inside him only his enemy gave him.
"I am such a whore for yasumebe.."
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h2bakugou · 3 years
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『 𝗵𝟮𝗯𝗮𝗸𝘂𝗴𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗱𝗮𝗿𝗸 』 ✦  𝗮𝗴𝗲𝗱 𝘂𝗽 𝟭𝟴+ 𝗮𝘂 ; 𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗿𝗸𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗮𝘂 ; 𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗢𝗥𝗦 𝗗𝗡𝗜
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𝐈𝐕. 𝗯𝗮𝗸𝘂𝘀𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗱 ✦ 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘀-𝗼𝗻 𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴
𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 ; between you and izuku’s relationship, sex was always something to touch on later, both literally and figuratively. so when you go to your closest guy friends seeking advice on how to please your boyfriend, they give you much more of hands on lesson than you had expected.
𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 ; katsuki bakugou, eijiro kirishima, denki kaminari, hanta sero x reader
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ; 18+, smut, swearing, porn with plot/little plot, cheating, dub-con, virgin!reader, virginity stealing, oral (male and female receiving), overstimulation, orgasm denial, thigh fucking, cum play, spit play, spanking, fingering, bukkake, orgy, split roasting, biting, mentions of porn, partial revenge sex, sub/dom dynamics, praise kink, degradation, masturbation, double penetration, recording
𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 ; this came to me on a whim, i really needed to just get this out of my head. i’ve been in a weird headspace and this prompt just kinda came up and stuck with me. apologies for any spelling/writing errors, this piece was not proofread!!
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 ; 6.7k
✦  𝗻𝘀𝗳𝘄 𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝘂𝘁 ✦
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Wanting to be the perfect girlfriend for your ever so lovely boyfriend was becoming more of a challenge. Izuku was an angel, and heaven-sent. He was as sweet as he could be. And you loved him for all that he did for you.
Helping you study for your college classes, taking you on cute picnic dates to watch the sunset. 
You were lucky to have a guy like him. But having a perfect guy like him meant you could also lose him. And you didn’t want that at all.
The two of you had never dabbled much into sex and all of its activities. There was the time you’d grinded against his lap, or made out while he jerked off under you, but you’d never done anything with him, just like he’d never done anything with you.
You were both nervous, but you wanted your first time together to be something special. Something you could both cherish. You wanted it to be perfect for him. 
Since porn was the last place you wanted to take advice from, you swallowed your nerves and bit the bullet, asking your best group of guy friends if you could hang out at their flat for a bit.
And of course, in the group chat, you were all in together, they welcomed you over with open arms.
You settled on their couch instantly recognizing the neutral grey walls as your second home when you weren’t pacing around your own flat. 
“So what’s up girlie?” Kaminari asks, already laying his head in your lap like usual.
“I have a really big favor to ask you all.” You stare worryingly at the floor, just past Kaminari’s head.
“What is it? You know we’re here to help.” Kirishima chimes in, honestly expecting some bad news.
“Don’t tell me that shithead Deku’s causing problems.” Bakugou grunts from his spot beside you on the couch.
“No, no. It does have to deal with Deku, but er...” You pause, swallowing the lump of nerves in your throat before spitting it out.
“We keep having these sexual moments, and I just wanna please him but I don’t know where to start so I thought I would ask you guys what feels good for men.” You suddenly feel as if the world has caved in, your frame much smaller than anyone else’s in the room.
As if a lightbulb had flicked on simultaneously in the male’s heads, they all gathered around you.
“Well, I know for a start, I like it when they look at me when they blow me. Makes me feel in control.” Kaminari grins.
“Yeah it’s the only time you’re in control.” Sero jokes. Kaminari slaps the ravenette and rolls off of your lap, sitting up beside you.
“So you want to have sex with Izuku finally?” Kirishima asks. You nod sheepishly, still embarrassed to be so open about your sex life, or lack of one, with some of your best friends.
“Have you ever had sex before?” Bakugou asks bluntly. Your silence speaks volumes as the four men around you all seem to get the same idea yet again.
“We can give you some tips!” Kirishima’s words aren’t supposed to have a double meaning, but in a matter of seconds, Bakugou’s standing right in front of you, gazing down at you with lust-filled eyes.
“Take my belt off.” He speaks clearly.
“W-wait you guys are just supposed to teach me-”
“We are. Hands-on teaching seems to show the most progress does it not?” Kaminari butts in, his hands creeping up on your sides, dipping under your arms to undo the buttons on your blouse.
“We’re gonna help you understand what feels good for us! We can teach you better this way, so pay close attention.” Sero stood behind Bakugou, slinging his arm over Bakugou’s shoulder.
“If this is gonna help, I guess it won’t be too bad.” You mumble, your timid hands reaching for Bakugou’s belt.
“Look at me.” Bakugou’s voice ushers for your gaze. Your eyes travel up his clothed chest to his crimson eyes.
“Good girl.” Bakugou grinned, watching as your eyes widened.
“Bet stupid Deku doesn’t praise you.” Bakugou huffs. Your hands eventually undo his belt and now you stare at his abdomen. Bakugou tugs his shirt off over his head, revealing his toned chest. 
You’re in awe.
“Izuku doesn’t look like that.” You think out loud, figuratively drooling over your best friend. Bakugou feels a strong sense of pride as he glances at Kaminari, who’s finally able to tug your shirt off and reveal those pretty tits he’s beat his dick to at night.
Photos of you in swimsuits, or teasing clips you’d posted to your instagram stories late at night in a bra or some sort of revealing top while you hung out with your girlfriends, Denki kept them all in a hidden folder and let out embarrassing moans when his hand jerked his cock at them.
“So pretty.” Kaminari mumbles, biting your shoulder as he unclamps your bra, finally seeing them in person, unobscured.
“Deku’s so fucking lucky.” Kaminari hisses, grabbing them roughly, kneading them in his hands harshly.
You whine, whether in pain or pleasure is unsure, the feeling of Kaminari’s hands kneading your tits like their just dough is making your cunt throb. And it suddenly feels so much hotter in the room when your eyes widen at the size of Kaminari’s bulge as you glance over at him.
“Does he touch you like this?” Kaminari whispers, his fingers twisting your nipples, tugging them between his thumb and forefinger as the rest of his hand continues to cup and massage your breasts.
“N-No. He’s never touched me.” You whine, your head hanging on your shoulders, embarrassed to be so turned on by this. This was wrong-
“Get my cock out. It’s time for you to learn how to suck someone off.” Bakugou places his hand on the back of your head and yanks your hair back, forcing you to look at him.
“Go on, or you won’t like when I do it myself. I’ll use your throat like a fleshlight.” Bakugou’s voice drops, watching as your hands find their way back to his pants.
“How come he gets to get blown first?” Kirishima mumbled to Sero, the pair gradually undoing their own pants, slowly palming over their clothed erections.
“Because I hate Deku the most.” Bakugou grunts.
“Oh fuck.” You curse, staring at Bakugou’s cock in awe. 
“I’ve never seen one in person before...” You babble, completely shocked by the pure length and girth of the cock that’s twitching in front of you. Bright pink cockhead, with a prominent vein on the underside, he’s fucking huge. And for a second you wonder if you can even open your mouth wide enough to take even the head of him in your mouth.
But you get your answer soon enough.
“So innocent.” Sero’s ashamedly turned on by your innocence. The way you stared at Bakugou’s cock like it was the only thing in the room was enough to make him excited. He wanted to steal every moment from you. He wanted to ruin you.
“Open your mouth. Tongue out.” Bakugou instructs. You do as you say and you can see Bakugou visibly tense. His shoulders relax as he grips the base of his cock and slaps the head of it on your tongue.
“Rule number one. No teeth. Ever.” Bakugou makes this rule very evident as he taps his dick against your tongue.
“If it’s too much, tap me three times.” Bakugou says in a slightly gentler tone, almost as if he knew you were going to need to tap out. 
“Well, it’s not gonna suck itself.” Bakugou huffs, smirking down at you. You try to think straight but nothing’s working. You search in the dirtiest parts of your brain, trying to remember all the magazines you’d seen telling you how to suck a guy to make him cum, but as you took Bakugou’s cock into your mouth, just past the tip, your jaw was already starting to ache.
Kaminari’s hands had traveled down to your shorts, teasing your bare skin as he slid his fingers under the waistband of your panties.
“Holy fuck.” Bakugou murmured, glancing back at Kirishima and Sero, who had now whipped their cocks out, stroking them while their pants sat pooled around their ankles.
“Is she good?” Sero asks, glancing over Bakugou to look down at you. You were clearly struggling, your hands resting in your lap awkwardly, not sure of where or what to do with them.
“Here, get on your knees down here.” Bakugou pulls his cock from your past your lips with a small ‘pop’ sound, his strong arms tugging you down off the couch, leaving Kaminari alone up there.
He quickly hops down too, sitting down behind you, taking the chance to play with your tits some more, biting and kissing your neck and shoulder.
Sero and Kirishima stand on opposite sides, now trapping you between all four males, one on each side of you.
You gaze at Sero’s cock. It was long, and lean, a significant curve set his apart from Bakugou’s. It was a bit thinner but still looked like it could do some serious damage.
Kirishima, on the other hand, seemed to outweigh them both. His cock was fat and hung along with the biggest balls you’ve ever seen-note you’ve seen three pairs so far.
It was thick, long, and veiny. And you were scared. If you could barely fit Bakugou’s in your mouth, you knew for a fact his wouldn’t fit at all.
“Such a needy little thing, aren’t ‘cha?” Kirishima teased as your hands daintily reached up to stroke Sero and Kirishima’s cocks. Something you’d seen in a porno once, where a girl was in a position similar to yours.
“Where’d you learn that one?” Kaminari teases, licking your shoulder.
“P-porn.” You stutter out.
“Oh.” Sero laughs.
“What a dirty girl you are.” Kirishima’s hips thrust forward, allowing your hand to complete the first stroke from the tip to the base.
You lean forward and take Bakugou’s cock back into your mouth, staring up at him as he grunts. His hands find their way to your hair, forcing you to take his length.
So much for going in slow and easy.
You’re sure you see the heavens for a moment. Your vision blurs with tears as Bakugou’s cock hits the back of your throat. Your hands stop moving on Sero and Kirishima’s cocks as you take a moment to adjust.
You mewl, your voice reverberating against Bakugou’s cock, the vibrations sending chills down his spine. He takes control, using your mouth as his own personal fucktoy.
And you were completely helpless. Besides the tears on your lashes and the ache in your jaw, your hands returned to jerking off the men beside you, your eyes still set on staring up at Bakugou as he smirked pridefully at you.
And then you felt it. Kaminari’s hands had slid down into your panties, his fingers just barely ghosted over your clit before you forced yourself down to the base of Bakugou’s cock, your hips jerking from the sensation alone.
“Woah there.” Kaminari pulled his hands out, giggling.
“Someone’s never felt that before.” He teases. You tap Bakugou’s leg three times and he pulls out, almost disappointed.
“Are you alright?” 
“Does it feel good to be touched down there?” You ask your hands reaching to remove your shorts.
“I think you’re talking to the wrong crowd for that.” Kirishima jokes. 
“Dumbass. Of course, it feels good. Don’t tell me you’ve never-”
“No! No! I’ve tried I could just never, make myself...” 
“Oh my god.” Kirishima and Sero give each other an almost pitiful stare.
“And Deku’s never pushed sex so I always thought something was wrong with me. What if I can’t cum? How can I please him if I can’t-”
“Hey. Why don’t we help you out? Clearly touching you there evoked some sort of reaction, why don’t you relax and let me see if I can work something out of you.” Kaminari offers, rubbing your sides. You nod shyly. 
Spreading your legs similarly, your movements are slow and timid as if you're scared to make a wrong move. Kaminari glances up to the others as they quickly picked up, Bakugou kneeling down to help remove your shorts and panties, which had a small damp spot, one Bakugou didn’t miss.
“You’re already soaking your panties. You’re enjoying this.” Bakugou retorted, staring in awe of your glistening cunt, one his childhood best friend had claimed before him.
It ate away at Bakugou daily. Seeing the two of you walk to classes together, or whenever you’d post snaps of you laying on his chest after he fell asleep during a movie night.
Or the way he’d call you baby in front of all your friends. It pissed Bakugou off. He was in love with you.
But oh was Bakugou going to take this chance by its reigns. He was going to show you exactly what you were missing being with that stupid nerd.
And even more so. Bakugou was going to take your virginity away from you, and away from the guy who you clearly thought was going to.
“Damn Deku really is lucky.” Sero whispered, his eyes locked tight onto your dripping cunt. It was beautiful. Sero had his fair share of one-night stands, and hookups, but he’d never seen one that looked like yours. God, it was captivating. He wanted to feel your tight, plush walls hugging his cock as he fucked into you from behind.
And then there was Kirishima, who stared in awe as well. His eyes wandered your naked body and wondered if you were truly the same girl going out with Deku. 
Part of you being in a standing relationship was so enticing. Kirishima was nothing short of respectful, but wanting to destroy any sort of expectations you had for your first time with Deku sent his brain and cock into overdrive.
And there you were, legs sprawled out, cunt dripping your essence onto the soft carpeted floors, your back pressed into Denki's chest as his fingers reached down and spread your pussy apart.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you felt like you were going to implode. Your senses were heightened, and the slightest touch between your thighs made you squirm. Denki chuckled as the other males salivated over you, picking their jaws off the floor was the next step.
"Go on, why don't you find her clit." Bakugou crossed his arms over his chest with an evil grin.
"Oh shut the fuck up." Kaminari's fingers moved from the lips of your cunt to the hardened bud, and with one tiny little touch, you let out an embarrassing whine. Denki grinned as he moved his fingers in a slow circular motion over your clit, watching how you quickly clamped your legs together.
"Awe no, let them see just how good I am with my fingers." Kaminari cooed in your ear, using one hand to pry your legs back open, Sero bending down and grabbing the other, forcing them apart. You whined in pleasure as his fingers worked wonders against your clit, your back arching against his chest. 
"Denki!" You cried out, feeling something building up inside of you. Kaminari grinned but Bakugou wasn't having it.
"Oi, enough. I wanna cum down her throat." Bakugou grunted, yanking you up to your feet from your forearm.
"Sit on his face and suck my cock, slut." Bakugou spat, your eyes widening. You nodded, glancing back at Kaminari who was already moving for you to do so. You were nervous, feeling awful for sitting on his face, but you didn't regret a thing when you felt Kaminari's tongue swipe through your folds. 
The cold steel of his tongue piercing made you shiver as his tongue flicked across your clit making you whine. 
"'m ready." You choked out, glancing at Bakugou.
"Us first." Sero stepped in, gripping the base of his cock, tapping it against your lips, similarly to how Bakugou had done. Kirishima stepped up and nudged his cockhead against Sero's, the two unphased by it.
"I-I can't take both-"
"So take turns." Bakugou said bluntly. You glanced up at Sero and Kirishima, worryingly trying to take Kirishima's cock into your mouth first. You made it just barely past the tip of his fat cock, before you realized your attempt was futile. You brought a hand up to help, stroking the base of his cock while your mouth worked past the tip. Your free hand returned to jerk Sero off, your ego racing as you heard his own grunts of pleasure.
"She's a quick learner." Kirishima grins, his hand resting on your head as he guides you gently to take more of his cock into your mouth. Kirishima is saddened when you stop and switch to try and do the same for Sero.
Halfway through the transition, Kaminari's tongue prods through your entrance, making you stop. Your shoulders tense up and you freeze, quickly hunching over, grinding your cunt against Kaminari's mouth, the tips of his nose brushing against your clit.
"Fuck!" You cry, feeling yourself lose control. Your mind turns white for a moment, and all the pleasure begins to hurt as you want to leap off of Kaminari's tongue. But his strong arms wrapped around your thighs holding you in place stop you from doing so.
"It-it hurts! Please." You pant, your lips parted as you mewl against his face.
"He fucking did it. He made her cum." Sero groaned. Your head shot up, staring at the ravenette.
"T-that was-"
"A female orgasm? Yeah. Felt weird and tingly, and when he kept going it hurt. Fun huh." Sero grins. 
"Dude, let her explain it." Kirishima sighs. 
"It felt good. Really good. I've never felt anything like that before." You go to continue your job of blowing Sero, but he stops you. 
"Let's take this to Bakugou's room." Sero smirks. 
You're on your feet in a matter of seconds until the boys toss you onto Bakugou's cozy bed, the one you've crashed on multiple times while he was away or while he slept on the couch.
This time, Sero was quick to take control of the situation, ushering you to the edge of the bed where your head hung off. Sero smiled down at you, tapping his cock against your lips again as you eventually opened it for him. Before sliding it in, Sero leaned down and spit into your mouth, cutting any possible complaints off by shoving his cock down your throat.
"Fuck." Sero dragged out, watching as Kirishima took the opportunity to plant himself between your thighs, his tongue diving into your cunt. Your moans were silenced by Sero's cock as he fucked your throat raw. Kaminari was the only one who hadn't been inside your throat. But he was doing just fine, teasing himself with his hand, forcing himself to stop every time he felt like cumming at the sight of you being used by his friends.
"She tastes so good. Want more." Kirishima muttered against your cunt, using one hand to spread you open as his tongue wrecked your clit, his other hand dipped a single finger inside your tight entrance.
"She's so fucking tight." Kirishima commented, rubbing his middle finger along your folds, his knuckle just barely grazing the fleshy walls of your hole.
"I bet." Bakugou muttered.
"Can I fuck her thighs?" Kaminari asked, eyes bright with excitement. It was something he'd dreamt about doing. Feeling your plush thighs squeeze his cock, all while gripping handfuls of your tits, cumming on your tummy. It was a thought he could get off to over and over again.
"Shit. Gonna cum!" Sero groaned, sliding his cock past your lips once more, his cock twitching as he shot his hot load down your throat.
The next few seconds were fuzzy. Sero pulled out and shot up, cum leaking from past your lips. You couldn't swallow it. Shamefully spitting up, feeling horrible, it dropped onto your stomach and began to leak and make a mess.
"Awe, poor thing. Never had anyone cum in your pretty mouth before huh?" Sero patted your head, tilting it back so you could look up at him. Your lips were glossy and glistening with spit and cum, but your eyes were watery.
"Sorry! I-"
"Don't apologize. I should've just cum all over this pretty face instead." He smirked, leaning down, pressing a rough kiss to your lips. Kirishima decides to add another finger, and you're gone, moaning into Sero's mouth, hands gripping the sheets with enough force to turn your knuckles white.
Your thighs clamp over Kirishima's ears, and you find yourself grinding against his tongue and fingers, back arching off of the mattress. Bakugou just stands in awe, whipping out his phone to record the whole scene.
"Alright let Kaminari have his fuckin' turn." Bakugou groans, tugging Kirishima away, watching how your legs twitch as you cum for the second time. You're so sensitive and you don't know why. For the first time, after Sero pulls away, you see Kaminari's cock.
It's a little larger than average. It's pretty and slightly fatter at the head than at the base, and much like Sero's, as a pretty curve in it. Kaminari is eager to sandwich his cock between your thighs, watching how he smiles as he leans down to paw at your tits.
Just as he slides through your thighs, you feel the friction of his cock glide against your cunt, and suddenly you're awakened to yet another new feeling. Your back falls flat against the mattress again, your eyes floating back up to Sero who hovers over you. You go to reach for his cock but he shakes his head and yanks Kirishima over to his spot.
"Be a good girl for Kirishima, he likes to fuck pretty little mouths like yours." Sero grins evilly. You stare at the monster cock above your lips and you hesitate. How does he fucking live with a cock like this? Your cunt throbs just looking at it. You can imagine it buried in your cunt, your legs shaking as you cum over and over again on it.
Kaminari panted as moaned as his cock fucked your thighs, his hands still kneading your tits as Kirishima forced his cock down your throat, this time much slower than Bakugou or Sero had done. Your jaw ached in a much more intense pain. But you squeezed your eyes shut, ignoring it.
"That's it, take my fucking cock down your throat like the stupid little fucktoy you are." Kirishima degraded you. You let your hand travel down between your legs, forcing it to your cunt while not disrupting Kaminari's pleasure.
"Aw look, she wants to cum again." Kaminari quickly snatches your frisky hand back up, slowing his ministrations and slowing the friction of his cock grinding against your cunt.
Kaminari and the rest of the men hear your failed attempt at a whine as you struggle with Kirishima's cock in your mouth. Kaminari's hips move slowly and smoothly, humping your thighs like a needy pup.
Pining your hands to the mattress as he grinds his cock between your thighs, Kaminari lets out a huff before pulling himself away from you.
Kaminari groans and slinks over to Bakugou, whispering something in his ear which only elicits a smirk on his lips. Bakugou passes the word onto Sero who passes it onto Kirishima like a game of telephone.
Suddenly Kirishima's drawing his cock from your mouth and Bakugou's tugging you up.
"Get on your knees." Bakugou instructs, forcing your face down into the mattress, hiking your ass up into the air. Bakugou's palm comes down against your ass, the sound echoing in the full room. You whine into the sheets as he does it again, this time letting his hands grip your cheeks, spreading you apart.
"God, you're fucking dripping." Bakugou's not worried about the mess you've made smearing Sero's cum over his sheets, he'll have to wash them after what's going to happen.
Bakugou leans down into his mattress, tasting you for the first time. You clench the sheets between your hands, mewling in pleasure as his tongue flicks across your clit and scoops up your juices, most of it dribbling down his chin. He's eating you out like he'd been starved. You're cumming in a matter of seconds as he continues.
"'s too much! Please!" You cry out, your cunt aching in overstimulation. Kaminari had denied you once, and it didn't take much for the need to cum to overtake you.
"Gonna have to fuckin' punish you for that. Did I say you could cum, bitch?" Bakugou pulls away, spanking you once more.
"N-no!" You cry.
"'m sorry!" You apologize, hoping your efforts would spare you humiliation. But oh how wrong you were.
A searing pain rips through you as Bakugou's cock pushes past your entrance. Your eyes squeeze shut and your mouth hangs open, a small cry ripping through your throat.
"It hurts!" You cry. Suddenly, the searing pain stops. Bakugou has pulled out, sighing as he moves onto the bed, waving for the guys to join.
Bakugou guides you down onto his cock, however, this time it's more like sitting on his lap. He's propped against his headboard, and you ease down as best as you can. It hurts, but Kirishima and Sero coddle you, kissing on your neck and chest, leaving Kaminari to suck on your nipples, flicking his tongue across your the hardened buds.
Bakugou bottoms out inside of you and all you can feel is the stretch. It hurts, more than anything you've ever felt. It's overwhelming and you can't think at all. Bakugou doesn't move. He rests inside you until you give a weary moan.
"Better?" He asks softly.
"Y-yeah." Your arms sling over the shoulders of the redhead and ravenette attacking your shoulders and neck with kisses and bites.
Bakugou's hands rest on your hips and help you up and down as you begin to bounce on his cock, the tip nudging against a spongey spot inside you, forcing moans to spew from you like a shook-up soda.
"Her moans are so fuckin' dirty." Kirishima speaks against your skin, sinking a hand down to your cunt, his fingers beginning to work at your clit, making you spew even lewder sounds as your moans turn to mewls and cries of pleasure.
"Who knew she could moan like that?" Kaminari laughed, palming at your breasts. You feel embarrassed, letting these men rip you to shreds while trying to learn.
It then dawns on you how you'd ended up in this predicament in the first place. You came here willing to learn, hoping to bring back something to help Izuku, but you'd completely blanked. You couldn't really remember anything they'd taught you, or if they'd taught you anything at all. Once you sucked Bakugou's cock, it'd all happened so fast.
Sitting on Denki's face, stuffing your face full of Kirishima and Sero's cock, cumming on Bakugou's tongue while being face down on his bed. It was all a strange feeling.
And now as your mind began to turn blank, vision clouding from pleasure, you realized you were fixing to cum again, this time from Bakugou's cock. All your pain had melted away-though a dull ache still remained in your abdomen, and turned to pleasure. You were cumming.
You. Were cumming.
Bakugou had taken your virginity.
And Bakugou had come to the same conclusion. As your cunt squeezed and pulsed against his aching cock, so desperately wanting to spill his load inside you and see you plump with his kid, claiming you for his own, stealing you away from that stupid fucking nerd you were with, he realized he had been the one in the end to claim you, and your virginity.
It was a sick and twisted sense of pride, to really think he had any say-so over your body. But there was something so devilishly hot to say that he'd been your first.
"Bakugou!" You cried out, your nails digging into the skin of Kirishima and Sero. Bakugou's cock continued to thrust into you.
"Yeah take my fuckin' cock. Take it you fuckin' whore. Gonna fuck you until you're braindead." Bakugou muttered, reaching a hand up to grip your throat, forcing your back against his chest.
"I wanna see you full of Kirishima's cock. Think you could take it? He'd rip you apart." Bakugou grinned, setting his friend up next. You shook your head against his hand on your throat.
"It's too big!" You cried, hoping that he'd listen to you. But he didn't. Instead, you found yourself back on the mattress, this time on your hands and knees. Weakly you kept yourself upright as Kirishima positioned at your entrance,
"Gonna use you like the little cocksleeve you are." Kirishima chuckles, watching as you squirm as the tip grazes your tight hole. Your cunt is dripping, every little touch seems to make you whine, and you can't tell if you've peed yourself or if you're just that wet. You think the former would be less embarrassing, but you decide to just stop thinking about it, and instead, you thank your body for all the natural lubrication it's making for Kirishima's cock.
Kaminari takes your mouth, sliding his cock inside and finally getting to feel what everyone else had. You can't speak, you can barely make any sounds with how raw they've fucked your throat. And you're painfully aware that they hadn't even bothered to slap on a condom. Not that you'd minded, they'd shown you time and time again that they were clean, and you were happy they'd taken the steps to have safe sex with any partner they had.
Kirishima's fingers leave bruises on your hips, gripping you with force. He sheathes himself inside you and you swear you feel yourself ripping in half.
It's so much, all at one time.
"Holy shit she fucking took you all." Bakugou says shocked, almost as if that was something to be proud of.
"He sent a chick to the ER. That phone call was awful." Sero teases the redhead for one of his mishaps.
"I didn't purposely hurt her! I was just trying to have fun, didn't think my cock was capable of tearing her fuckin' vagina." Kirishima feels a bit awkward talking about a terrible sex story while he's plowing into you, especially since you're too cockdrunk to even realize what's happening.
"Would you two shut up?" Kaminari's grabbing a fistful of your hair as he tilts your head back, sliding his cock down your throat, smiling down at you.
"You're doing such a good job. So fuckin' cute swallowing my cock like that." Kaminari praises. His praises make you feel warm and fuzzy, and you think for a moment, this is what it's like to be loved. But then images of Deku cross your mind. And your gaze drops, and you feel ashamed. You feel dirty.
You repeat to yourself that this is just a learning experience and nothing more. You'd never do this because you weren't satisfied in your relationship. No. You were doing this for Deku. You wanted to show him you knew what you were doing. You wanted to show him he could fuck your throat and make you cum with his tongue.
Kirishima grunted, his cock stretching even further, reminding you of the pain Bakugou had put you through the first time he'd entered you. It burned, but it became tolerable after a while.
"Shit, she's so fuckin' tight. Wanna cum inside." Kirishima groans. Your ears perk up at his words. You want to tell him no, but you can't. You don't. He pulls out before he gets the chance to and you're relieved.
"Sero, your turn." Kirishima trades places with Sero who was stroking his cock watching you get dicked down on both ends. Sero's cock takes you down an undiscovered path.
It seems every time he slides into you, his cock nudges against that spot inside you, making you cry in pleasure as Kaminari swaps places with Bakugou, his cock rammed down your throat once more.
Things become blurry, and all you remember is cumming again and again. When Sero nears his climax, he swaps places with Kaminari and Kirishima takes his chance to fuck your throat.
Kaminari's pace is different from Kirishima, Sero, and Bakugou's. He has no restraint. He fucks you fast, and hard, sending your body forward with each heavy thrust. He might be a bit smaller compared to the males, but he surely makes up for it.
"Out of everyone here, Kaminari has the most experience." Sero chimes in, patting his shoulder while he huffs, pounding into you until you're cumming around his cock, your milky white juices leaking out everywhere.
"She's making such a mess. How pitiful. So how fucked out are you, gorgeous?" Sero asks, watching as Kirishima pulls his cock out from your mouth, drool and saliva dripping past your lips as you choke out a moan.
"Feels-s so good." You babble, your head hangs on your shoulder as you bury it into the mattress, moaning as Kaminari fucks you into yet another orgasm. His stamina is incredible considering you thought he was still new to sex. Sorry Kami.
"She's fuckin' out of it jesus christ." Bakugou mumbles, pulling Kaminari out from between your cunt. Bakugou flips you onto your back and stares at you in amazement. Your legs are shaking and you're still making noise, whining about how you want more and how empty you feel.
"Please, fill me up." You whine, staring at the boys.
"With a face like that, how could we resist?" Kirishima grins, slapping Sero on the ass. Sero rolls his eyes and joins you on the bed.
"Think you can take two at once gorgeous?" Sero coos, laying down beside you, ushering you to lay on top of him. Your mouth drops open as you lower yourself onto him and lay back, watching as Bakugou saunters around to the front. He grins as he lines his cock up at your entrance, just barely pushing his tip inside.
"Kirishima stretched her out good for us to use her like the little whore she is. God, she's so fucking good at this I almost don't wanna give her back." Sero whines against your back, kissing your bare skin as Kaminari watches in amazement as Bakugou sinks his cockhead inside your already full cunt.
"So full. Want your cocks inside me." You manage to blurt out as Bakugou grips your thighs, shoving his cock into your stuffed pussy. It wouldn't fit all the way, but it threw you over the edge.
"Maybe she needs that filthy mouth of hers full of cock again." Kirishima's hand strokes his cock, eyeing Kaminari. Kaminari eagerly hops onto the bed, his knees hitting against Sero's arm as he taps his cock on your lips.
"Come on angel, wrap those pretty lips around my dick." Kaminari smiles, watching as your mouth lolled open. Sero's arms wrapped around your tummy, holding you against him as he fucked up into you, his cock rubbing against Bakugou's inside of you, both cocks rubbing against your walls, making you feel insanely good.
Kirishima was not going to let this moment go to waste. Snatching Bakugou's phone, he began to record, calling you a slut for them.
"Look at this cockdrunk whore. Stuffed full of three fuckin' cocks." Kirishima laughed, holding the phone near your pussy, making sure to record how Bakugou and Sero abused your cunt.
"What would Deku do if he got this nasty little clip huh? Bet he'd call you a slut. Watching his friends fuck your little virgin cunt until you're braindead." Kirishima grinned as he moved and set the phone up to continue recording for the rest of the session.
"Wanna fuckin' fill you up." Bakugou grunted.
"Teach that nerd a fuckin' lesson about how to fuck a woman." He continued.
"She's making such a mess, look at that pretty pussy. So sloppy." Kaminari moaned as your tongue swirled around the head of his cock, trying your best to take him into your mouth. The angle was a bit awkward but you managed, eventually pulling him into your mouth.
"God let's hurry this up, I can't take much more of her cunt squeezing me." Sero huffed into your back. He was going to cum again if he kept going. He wanted to fill you up like everyone else did, but he wanted to see his cum all over your pretty face.
Bakugou pulled out first leaving Sero alone inside you. You let out a strangled moan as Bakugou tapped his cock against your sensitive clit, your cries no longer silenced by Kaminari's cock since he too had pulled his cock from your mouth.
"Get down on the floor, on your knees." Bakugou instructed. Hazily you lifted yourself from Sero's cock, slightly amused by the moan he let out as he slid out of you. You stumbled onto the floor, sitting patiently on your knees as they gathered around you, this time smushing themselves to all have a view of you in the front.
"Can't wait to see you covered in cum." Kaminari spoiled the surprise, his hand jerking his cock. You stared up at Bakugou. Leaning in you licked the tip of his cock, watching as his eyes rolled back. You took turns swapping between the males until they were all helping you out, stroking their cocks at fast paces until Bakugou came.
Hot ropes of cum stuck to your face and chest as Kaminari came second, Sero third, and Kirishima fourth. It dribbled down your chin as you stared up at them, each of them smiling proudly at you.
"So fuckin' slutty. Look at her, so fucked out." Sero said breathily. They all rushed to grab their phones, snapping pictures of you covered in their cum. You just sat quietly, staring up at them as your chest heaved, your cunt throbbing.
"So what'd you learn?" Bakugou leans down, a handful of your hair holding your head back so he could look into your eyes.
"I-I like being stuffed full of cock." You babbled. Your cheeks were stained with his cum.
"Whose cock?" Bakugou's eyes narrowed.
"Yours." You parted your lips, still miraculously trying to catch your breath.
"Good girl." Bakugou praised. The other boys gathered around you, leaning down with towels to help clean you up.
It took about fifteen minutes to clean you up entirely, but afterward, they helped dress you and treated you to some dinner. You were nothing but smiles the entire time.
Before you left their apartment, Bakugou pulled you aside.
"Record your time with Deku so we can give you another lesson." He whispered into your ear, an evil smirk on his lips. You pulled away from him shyly, nodding.
"Thank you for teaching me." You thanked the men as you walked toward the door, an obvious limp in your step.
"Do you need a ride home angel?" Sero asks, ready to hop in his car and drive you over to your shared apartment with Deku.
"I think I'll be okay. I drove here anyway." You giggle. Sero smiles and glances at the others. Visions of your face covered in cum plague Sero's thoughts and he wants to slam you against the front door and fuck you all over again.
The same image is running through everyone's head as they stare at you as you leave, wanting you to stay. But it's too late when the door shuts and they're left alone as if nothing had happened.
"What happened doesn't leave this fuckin' apartment." Bakugou states, trudging off down to his room to put his freshly washed sheets on the bed.
When you arrive home, Deku's happy to see you. He doesn't question where you'd been, he knew you were with the boys hanging out. He smiles when you kiss him, and he's nothing but unaware of what had gone down.
He doesn't know about the cocks that had been stuffed inside your cunt, or a spot or two of dried cum that the towel might've missed that you'll clean up in the shower soon. He doesn't know about how dirty your mouth got and how it was filled with his friend's cocks only hours earlier.
He cuddles you sincerely until your hand begins to wander, palming him through his boxers.
"I'm ready." You smile sweetly, ready to put all that you had learned to the test.
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✦ 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 ✦
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chifuyusfingers · 3 years
Dad! JJK boys reaction to your baby kicking for the first time.
Letting out a cry of pain from the weird feeling, you woke up from your sleep, sitting up heavily breathing, you clutched your arms around your pregnant belly softly not to hurt the baby. Hugging it and cooling down your breathing, trying to comprehend what has just happened.
Many paranoic thoughts filling your mind. Is something wrong? Did something happen to the baby? Thinking about the worst scenarios, another one of those weird tumbling motions occurred in your swollen belly. Bending down to place your ear on the top of your belly of 5 months, you caressed it, trying to feel the twitches again.
Looking to the side, you placed your hands on your sleeping husband gojo, gently shaking him to wake him up.
His sleepy eyes slowly opening, trying to get used to the darkness in the room. Mhm, what is it, baby? Did something happen? Why did you wake me up for?“ hardly understandable mumbles left his mouth as he laid in his place, not moving a bit, still not woken up.
"Toru, I think that… the baby just kicked.“ swiftly sitting up after those words came out of your mouth, his widened eyes in shock. "Really? Did the baby kick? Oh my-"
Gojo did the same thing as you did, laying his head on your belly, his hands wrapping around your bottom, trying to feel anything. And as the baby kicked again, your belly moving softly under his head.
Gojo almost jumped out of his place in amazement as he felt that. "Oh holy Y/N, that was- -your belly just moved, I felt it. Oh my God your baby just moved.“
Tugging up your top to expose your baby bump, he planted kisses on it, still astonished from the new feeling of a baby moving inside your body. "My baby? It’s your baby too, it’s our baby and it moved, Toru.“
You both giggled at the new feeling, it all felt so real, now that you could really feel your baby. "Come on, let’s get back to sleep, you have to rest.“
Going back to sleep, he spooned you from behind, his arm embracing you close to him, caressing your baby bump until you fell asleep again.
"Y/N do you know where is the bottle of the vinegar?“ Yuji shouted for you to hear, rummaging all over the kitchen, trying to find the liquid he was looking for.
You were laying on the couch, resting with a book in your hands, since any excessive movement made your pregnant body tired.
One eye on the pages of the book, the second one looking out for your husband Yuji who was cooking you two a meal, making sure he didn’t hurt himself or mess something up.
Even though Yuji was a good cook, he was a bit clumsy so occasional cuts on his fingers weren’t that occasional. Suddenly a dull pain hit your belly, causing you to cry in pain, wrapping your arms around your swollen belly.
As Yuji heard your painful whimpers, he dropped the knife he was holding, cutting his finger slightly, but that wasn’t what he cared for, immediately running over to you.
"Y/N Are you okay? What’s going on? Is there something wrong?“ kneeling in front of you, letting his hands fall onto your knees. Your head lowered down, trying to overcome the pain that hit your ribs and abdomen.
" I don’t- don’t know, it just suddenly started to hurt so much.“ his worried expression turned into a soft one in a blink of an eye. " Isn’t it… our baby kicking?“
Getting the pieces of information that flowed through your brain together, you realised that Yuji might have a point.
"Aww Y/N, I’m so sorry for what our baby is putting through, come on lay down, I’m gonna bandage my finger, and I’ll give you a massage, maybe it’ll relieve stress, what do you think?“ nodding you laid down, still not over the pain your baby just gave you.
Yuji ran back to the kitchen for a second, rummaging over the boxes of medicaments and this type of stuff, trying to find a plaster to wrap his finger in before going back to you and sitting on the couch. He laid your head on his lap, his hands massaging your stiff shoulders in circular motions while singing to you, trying to help you relax.
The weekend always meant Megumi well-deserved rest. Usually, the two of you spent a weekend together in bed, lazily cuddling and watching series you abandoned throughout the week. Today was not any different.
Laying in the bed under piles of comforter, you nuzzled your back into Megumi’s chest, letting out small mewls at how comfortable his presence was. Ever since you got pregnant, Megumi treated you like the most fragile crystal vase in this world.
His arm wrapped around your baby bump protectively, the other arm laid under your head. Watching the characters move on the screen of your notebook, your attention fully captivated.
You were on the edge, almost not breathing from the unexpected plot twist, when your swollen belly twitched lightly. Frowning your eyebrows at the weird feeling, it was as if butterflies were flying in your stomach.
But the nervous twitches did not stop, yet, they only intensified. You remembered an article you read a month ago, about how to distinguish when a baby kicks or moves. Concentrating more on the feeling, it was the same as described in the article.
Turning around to look at Megumi, his eyes closed as he was probably napping. Shaking his shoulders to wake him up, he opened his sleepy eyes. " Megumi“ humming tiredly, he tried hard not to knock out, but listen to what you had to say.
" I think our baby moved“ His no longer sleepy eyes opened widely, looking at you with excitement. "Really? How does it feel? Oh I can’t even imagine it, let me touch.“
His loosened grip around your belly now tightened, his hand roaming all over your belly, trying to feel anything. "But I don’t feel anything Y/N.“ he looked at you sadly, for not being able to feel his child kick.
"It’s because the baby stopped moving, Megumi I’ll tell you the next time it moves.“ He nodded dejectedly and laid back down, holding you close to him as you two resumed the series while waiting patiently for your baby to move.
"That’s him, that’s the guy. The guy with the black hat is the killer!“ shouted gojo as the aforementioned character of the movie you were watching appeared on the screen.
" I swear try to do this once again and you’ll be the one left out when we have the next movie night.“
Switching between the channels you turned the TV off and decided to rather talk together since nothing watchable was on. You listened to the men who was talking about his next week’s schedule.
Laughing at some of the sarcastic remarks your husband Nanami made, you comfortably positioned yourself on Nanami’s laps, his strong arms keeping you close and wrapping around your baby bump protectively.
It was as if your baby reacted to the feeling of his dad’s hands when you felt some weird twitches and tumbles. Shrugging your eyebrows at the weird feelings you supposed was the baby kicking, you lightly bent forward, your fingers circling over your bump, occasionally poking it to get another reaction from the baby.
"Is something wrong, Y/N?“ queried your husband Nanami, catching the attention of gojo, who stopped in his convo, instead diverting his attention to you.
"-I think our baby moved…“ as soon as the words left your mouth, gojo jumped out from his seat, coming over to you and immediately placing his hands on your belly out of curiosity, leaving you and Nanami speechless as the men tried to feel your baby moving.
"Get your hands off my wife’s bump, you’re irrelevant right now. Her dad should be the first one to feel her kick, her uncle is further in the line. Make your own child.“
Having to deal with pregnancy was hard, but having to deal with pregnancy when your partner couldn’t be present all the time, was even harder.
When you got pregnant Getou made sure to be there for you as much as he could.
Coming out of your shared bedroom, you yawned, still not completely woken up from your night sleep. Picking some milk out of the fridge to cook oats in, you made yourself oatmeal with fruit and a cup of coffee to eat for breakfast.
Digging your spoon into the bowl, you couldn’t get yourself to have a bite. Your stomach feeling somehow heavy. It wasn’t like the morning nausea you had in the first trimester, it was just a bad feeling as if someone was squeezing your stomach.
You at least drank the coffee as you sat down on the couch in your living room, turning the TV on to listen to watch some news. You caressed your baby bump out of a habit, it was almost like a routine, every morning when you and Getou watched the news, he’d always caress your belly.
Sipping on your coffee, you felt a sharp kick to your ribs and stomach, spilling the coffee all over your clothes. You shrugged your eyebrows, mouth wide opened as you tried to hold back your tears from the sharp and tingling pain.
"I’ve been carrying you for over 5 months and this is how you repay me with your first kick?“ Saying playfully to your baby even though you knew it can’t hear you, you couldn’t help but smile at the precious feeling of your baby kicking even though it was painful.
'I should probably say this to Getou, he’d be happy to know that our baby kicks’ you said to yourself as you picked your phone and dialled his phone number, hoping that he’d be able to pick up.
"Good morning love.“ you subconsciously smiled at his sweet voice as he called you the pet name he often used.
"Getou, our prince kicked me. It hurts like hell, he’s a strong boy, he must be taking after his daddy.“ you could feel the regret in his voice at not being able to be there when your baby kicked for the first time.
"Really?I’m so sorry that I couldn’t be there when he kicked for the first time, wait for me I’m home soon“
Chopping some pepper bells, onions and tomatoes, you put the aforementioned vegetables into a pot, pouring a bit of oil and letting it roast on a low heat as you poured some vegetable broth onto it afterwards.
Looking up to see your partner Toji enter the kitchen with no t-shirt, his sweatpants long hanging as he rubbed his sleepy eyes, from having to wake up after coming home late.
"Good morning. “ He smiled at you beamingly, brushing his hair with his fingers and pouring himself a glass of water. "Good morning, babe. I’m so tired, my muscles stiffened as I slept, I must be getting old.“
Laughing playfully at his remark you resumed your previous activity of cooking, pouring some seasoning into the pot.
The sleepy figure of your partner Toji, disappeared from your sight as he got behind you, his long limbs wrapping around your waist as he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck, whining out of the comfort.
"Toji we can cuddle later, I have to finish cooking, okay?“ He groaned in disagreement not moving a bit as his grip tightened around your '5-month old’ baby bump, running his fingers over the material of your top.
You were so engaged in cutting tofu, that you didn’t pay any attention to the feelings in your lower belly. Sensing some tingling, you brushed it off, thinking it was only Toji's fingertips trying to tingle you to make you stop doing your actions.
"What was it?“ Letting out a quiet 'what do you mean’ you continued not taking your eyes off the cutting board. "Your belly moved.“ Turning over to look at him, you raised your eyebrows, not getting any of his words. "It didn’t move.“
"It did Y/N, I felt it.“ Letting out a small chuckle you turned back. "Toji, I’m not going to stop and cuddle you, this attempt to make me stop is hopeless.“ as you cut the food, you suddenly felt a movement in your lower stomach.
"Wait, what, it really moved. Woah, it must be our little girl.“ tears fell down your cheeks at the new feeling, happiness overflowing your veins. "See? I wasn’t lying!“
"What can I get for you?“ asked the young waiter dressed in a uniform with the logo of the café you were in.
"She’s pregnant and she shouldn’t drink much caffeine, so one strawberry and one watermelon lemonade.“ ordered your husband Inumaki, before you could even open your mouth to say something.
Turning to face his caring and lovely smile, you pouted at him, for not giving you a chance to order something yourself.
"You know I can order for myself? And I didn’t have any caffeine in a week, so I could at least have an iced latte.“ He shrugged his shoulders, as he gazed around the café.
"It’s not about the caffeine right now. Do you remember? We had our first date here and drank the same thing, I just wanted to recall the memories.“ You smiled as you replayed those reminiscences in your mind.
"Who would’ve thought that a bundle of joy will come out of the single date, I can’t express how happy I am. I still remember that day, I was so nervous and embarrassed myself so many times that I thought you would’ve never wanted to go out with me again, yet you did.“ you smiled at his remarks, thinking about how he almost tripped on his own foot from how nervous he was.
"I did. And there wasn’t a time when I regretted, going out with you was the best choice of my life.“
As the waiter was approaching you with the lemonades, you felt fluttering movements occur in your lower abdomen. Onum noticed the grimace on your face as you lightly hugged yourself, but waited until the waiter left.
"Is something wrong Y/N?“ You looked up to meet his worried face. "I don’t know, there is a weird fluttering feeling in my stomach and it’s just… weird.“ You answered as you took a sip of your tasty lemonade, his gaze softening.
"Y/N, it must be our baby, he started kicking, don’t you think?“
Heya earthlings! I hope y'all are doing well~ And I was quite busy these days because of my damn exams, so I wasn't able to answer your requests but now that I'm here, I'd make sure to do it.
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silky-stories · 3 years
If you can or want to of course, could you do pico, ruv and garcello reacting to you having scars? From anything (s$lfh@rm, surgery , fights, etc) thank you!❤️
Sure thing! I ended up having the scars be from fights, hope you like it! :D
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S/O With Scars Headcanons {Pico, Ruv & Garcello}
Genre: Fluff
Words: 1313
Disclaimer/s: Mentions and descriptions of scars, mentions of fighting, swearing, hints at talk about trauma
Notes: This was yet another reminder that I’m not very good at writing for Ruv—
Pico’s probably one of the most understanding and relatable people in the world when it comes to having scars
As someone who’s earned quite a few scars of his own, he definitely fits that criteria
(Seriously, with all the things this man has been through he’s practically collecting them like pokemon cards)
However, that didn’t dissuade his immediate concern when he saw your scars for the first time
He saw them for the first time when you were getting changed and he was in the room
(Nothing nasty, he didn’t see anything ya weirdos-)
When you took off your shirt, his usual reaction to say something playfully flirty was stamped out quickly when he noticed the long strips of paled and sunken skin that ran up your arms, crossed over your abdomen
He went so quiet that you actually got worried for a minute
He hastily reassured you when you asked if they were grossing him out
“Nononono! ‘s just, ah... hope that ya didn’t... didn’t go through too much gettin’ those...”
You knew about his past at that point, and the reasoning behind his statement and silence became apparent instantly
Once you told him that you were actually just a badass and used to get in fights a lot (or still do-) he feels much better
Maybe a little irked that someone would do that much damage to you that it would leave permanent marks, but much better nonetheless
After that he’s always jumping at the opportunity to see them
If you two are cuddling he’ll run his fingertips across them and trace them as he rants about how cool he thinks you are
Please tell him the stories of how you got them if you’re comfortable with that, he wants to marvel over how awesome you are
“Damn, he cut ya that bad an’ ya still beat his ass? That’s metal as fuck.”
Later into your relationship he might share as well, but it’ll be a lot less of a badass story-time session and more of a “I haven’t been able to open up this intensely to someone in years but I love and trust you so I want you to know” kind of thing
He’s pleased that he can show his scars around you, both physical and mental, and not feel judged
Ruv has got a couple scars from the job he used to have, but they’re all quite minor and he doesn’t really care about them
To him they’re just a byproduct of his past, that’s it
Just a reminder of what he used to do that only he gets to see, all of his scars usually being covered by his clothing
It was odd when he saw your scars for the first time though
His initial reaction was... pretty much nothing actually
Your shirt had gotten dirty while the two of you were hanging out alone and you had pulled it off to change without thinking
He stared at your back and the pale lines that littered it with the same monotone stare he usually carried
That is until you looked back to stare back at him, he quickly looked away after that, muttering a concise apology
You didn’t even realize that he had thought anything of it until he brought it up ten or so minutes later
“What are they from?”
Your tilted head and puzzled expression told him that you didn’t understand, so he took your arm and ran a finger along a visible scar, now out in the open with the t-shirt you were wearing
“Did someone... try to..?”
You were quick to tell him that it was fine and explain what they were actually from when you noticed the dark gaze his eyes held
He was surprised to hear that you had received them by kicking people’s asses in fights, but he found himself actually kind of amused
You were weird, of course you got them from something weird like that
(...the good kind of weird though, the kind of weird-good that would make somebody want to date someone as intimidating as him)
He’d probably want to hear about the stories as well, but there wouldn’t really be any hyping you up, mostly just silent listening as he allows his hands to wander, tracing scars as he goes
Eventually he’d get more used to it though, just like everything in your relationship
“...what about this one..?”
He wouldn’t show you his scars on purpose because he wouldn’t feel any need to, they are what they are, but he wouldn’t try to hide them
He never mentions it but he kind of hopes that you get his help if you’re ever in another fight
He trusts your capability and he (secretly) does think that the scars look cool, but he’d prefer that you don’t have to go through pain to get them
He doesn’t really have many scars, just a couple that he’s acquired from the standard *insert dumb thing done during childhood* kind of scars
He honestly thinks that scars are pretty cool as long as they’re not associated with anything traumatic
They’re proof of strength and overcoming hardship, and that’s rad
He saw your scars for the first time when you two decided to go for a swim together in a small lake he knew
It was summer, it was hot, and he knew that the lake was secluded and not too many people knew about it, making it perfect for a little getaway together to beat the heat
When he noticed the ribbons of lighter skin that indented your arms and legs, he wasn’t sure what to think at first
Like Pico, he was immediately kind of concerned, wanting to subtly make sure that they weren’t because of any sort of traumatic or dangerous experience that you had to go through
“Hey, feel free to tell me if it’s none of my business, but...”
He doesn’t want to pry into something that’s none of his business, but if there’s something that he needs to be concerned about mentioning for your sake, he wants to know
Once you tell him about the fights that you would partake in (and usually win) though, he’s definitely interested in hearing all he can
He wants to hear about all the people that had their asses handed to them whenever you decided to walk onto the scene
He wants to hear about your triumphs and losses, tracing around each scar as you go into detail about how you got it and how long it took to heal and what it felt like
“He snuck a knife in? Geez, I’m kinda glad that you roughed him up as much as you did.”
He’s intrigued and, as someone who just loves hearing you talk (especially about things you’re passionate about), he can’t get enough
He always asking if it hurts before he makes contact with one, knowing from research that scars can sometimes hurt even after they’ve healed
Actually, he asks before touching any of them at all times, he never wants to make you feel uncomfortable
He’s perfectly fine with you seeing his scars, he makes it more of a joke whenever you see them though since he doesn’t really have a sick story to tell
“You see this? Seesaw, 1999.”
It’s his mental scars that he opens up to you about
He’s got some baggage, and he’d never dump it all on you if you weren’t open to it, but he really appreciates having someone that’s willing to listen, and will repay that tenfold
That aside though, expect him to flaunt you if you’re comfortable with it
He’ll totally brag to people about having a badass partner that could beat them up if they wanted to
(He’s only half-joking)
In summary, you’re super cool and he makes sure to remind you of it regularly
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itskotka · 3 years
i’ll be cleaning up bottles with you on new year’s day
peter parker x reader
tom!peter parker x reader
summary: you’re alone on new year’s eve. that is, until your best friend in a certain spandex suit knocks on your window with an injury and a smile
w/c: 1.1 k
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It was supposed to be a normal night.
Well, as normal as it could get for New Year’s eve without a job or party to go to. You sat in your room alone, clock nearing 11:45. You never were too excited for the new year; every year dragged on like the last and nothing special happened on New Year’s for you anyway. Nobody to kiss, no places to go or people to see.
This year was supposed to be different - just like you say every year. You thought you might try something new or finally find yourself a loving partner. But it was the same every time, so why would this one be different?
Oh, you know why. Because you finally gained the courage to ask Peter to come over for New Year’s eve. But you never actually asked after he made a comment about the crime rate being crazy when everyone’s out past midnight. So instead, you sat alone, listening to the special on TV on low volume.
A sudden knock on your window made you jump. There was Peter, mask still on, sitting at your fire escape. You made your way over to open it, trying to contain your happiness that he showed up. The air was cold as it hit your skin, and Peter was panting heavily. As soon as he came in and took his mask off, you knew something was wrong. His face was pale white and he was wincing in what you could only assume was pain.
“What’s wrong?” Instead of answering with words, he began taking off the rest of his suit. “What’re you-“ You stammered before noticing a giant gash across his abdomen. His legs trembled and he fell onto your bed. “Peter.”
“S-sorry, I’m totally bleeding all over your bed,” he apologized. You resisted the urge to slap him.
“That’s what you’re concerned about? My sheets? Yeah okay, that’s logical.” He smiled that goofy smile of his and closed his eyes.
“Do you think you could… get your first aid kit out? Please?” You rolled your eyes. He cut you off again before you could respond. “I can bandage it myself, it’s not that bad. I only came here because I’m staying with Tony this weekend and God knows you can sneak past him injured-“
“I can bandage it for you and you don’t have to explain yourself. I’m fine with you being here, you know that, right?” It wasn’t the first time he came knocking at your window at weird hours of the night. You let him in every time, no matter the case. You were best friends, so of course, you would do anything for him. And maybe you wanted to be more than that, and maybe that was okay.
“Yeah. Okay,” Peter agreed. You hurried to your bathroom cabinet and pulled out a first aid kit. You had accumulated many of these, purely because of Peter. “Thank you, you really shouldn’t have to do this,” he said when you returned.
“I want to, okay? Enough with saying sorry.” You grabbed a bottle of whatever alcohol you could find and sat down beside him. “I’m out of antiseptic.” He sat up and reached for the bottle, opening it with ease. He took a swig first and handed it back to you.
“Thanks for the drink.” You laughed, taking a swig also.
“This isn’t even the good stuff. Hold still.” You pressed on the wound with a towel until the bleeding stopped. Pouring the alcohol on it, Peter seethed. “You’re a superhero and this stings?”
“Let me be weak. I’ve had a long day.”
“You didn’t even tell me what happened.” He groaned while you continued to dress the injury.
“Got cut with a knife. It all happened so fast, can’t say I really remember the details. Just your average mugging.”
“That’s not normal, you know,” you joked.
“Well, my life’s anything but normal anyway.”
“Yeah, I know the feeling.” Expecting a joking reaction, you looked to his face. Instead, he sobered, not meeting your eyes. “Don’t say it.”
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, “I wish I hadn’t ever put you in this position.” You frowned.
“I’m sorry too. You shouldn’t have to feel this way.” You stopped and found yourself reaching for his hand. He intertwined your fingers between his as if it was the most natural thing he could do. “But I promise you, you’re not a burden to me or anybody else.”
“I just don’t want to hurt anybody.” You nodded in understanding.
“I know. You’ve really gotta be more careful though. I don’t wanna see you hurt either.” He paused, eyes trailing down to his feet. “I’m sorr-“
“No, you’re right.” He made eye contact and shook his head. “I’ll be more careful. I promise.”
“Are we making New Year’s resolutions now?” He laughed quietly.
“I guess so.” Despite not wanting to, you dropped his hand and went back to work on his cut. He cringed a few more times in pain. “That stings, you know?”
“I bet it does.” You finished wrapping it and placed a hand on his chest. “I’m done.” He looked up at you, relaxing back into your bed. Your breath hitched as the unspoken feeling between you two grew.
“Thank you.” You smiled softly. “For everything.”
“I was actually going to invite you over tonight, but I didn’t. So it kinda worked out that you showed up anyway,” you admitted. The TV, still humming in the background, announced cheerfully that there were 30 seconds until midnight. Your heart fluttered.
“Why didn’t you ask?”
“I figured you’d be busy with patrolling tonight.” He awkwardly laughed and you stared at him in confusion.
“I’d prefer to be here.” He bit back his smile and his face reddened. “Less danger, obviously.”
“Obviously, of course.” The celebrity on the television started chanting the final 10-second countdown. Peter glanced at you meekly before slipping his hand back in yours. “What’s that for?” You teased as he blushed.
“Sorry, I-“ He tried to take it back but you squeezed his hand tightly.
“I was just teasing you.”
“Right.” He paused in the silence. “You’re my best friend,” he said quietly.
A strange expression crossed his face. He inched closer to you.
Your heart pounded inside your chest and a wave of nervous excitement washed over you.
Before you could react, Peter’s lips collided with yours. You kissed him back, smiling, as his hands traveled to your hair. The moment was real, and it was perfect.
“Happy New Year’s to you too,” you said as you pulled away. He laid his head down.
“Did you- Is this what you want?” You squeezed his hand again and grinned.
“Yes. If you couldn’t tell, I like you. A lot. And I have for awhile.” You laid next to him in comfortable silence, hands still interlocked. You took your free hand and ran it through his messy curls - something you’ve wanted to do for months.
“Yes really.” Peter smiled and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. You leaned into his touch with ease.
“What a way to celebrate, huh?”
“The best way.”
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purityoflust · 3 years
The Smile [Jeff The Killer X Victim!Reader] [PART 2]
Jeff the killer X Victim!
WARNING: Yandere. That's it. Yandere.
I finally decided how I would write part 2 to The Smile, which is my first and most popular post on my account so far. Anyone new who has come to read this, check out my other posts as well if you'd like. I'll post more like this. I also have a Quotev account with more fanfictions.
9/12/20, 3/4 days after the top part: God, AFTER SO LONG, I FINALLY DID IT! Took me days! I'm so sorry if this is a bit lazy, it is a tiny bit rushed by the end but how would you guys feel about a detailed part 3? I'll probably go as far as a part 3 or part 4 for the final part.
The vibrations in your brain felt warm and numbing - almost like when you have a horrible migraine and you can finally feel it subsiding with your eyes closed and your fingers gently holding down onto your eyelids as if you're holding your eyes into place to prevent them from bursting out of your skull. Upon waking up you can feel cold air settling into your skin. You haven't been awake 3 minutes and you already know what you're resting on; an extremely uncomfortable metal table. You've only seen them in movies but this was real.
The sound of a singsong voice just slightly echoing through what seemed like a moderately empty room. You groaned softly as you turned your head to your right, very slowly opening your eyes. Your vision blurred in and out, which, you wanted to rub to clear it out but as you went to lift your wrists, you felt pressure around them.
Something was holding your arms down. This catches your attention, blinking multiple times while turning your head back up straight and attempting to sit up. You were hardly successful with that, struggling while grunting under your breath to pull your hands from under what seemed to be a thick rope. As you pulled harder, you sucked in your stomach out of habit before immediately coming to a halt and choking up in pain.
This whole time you were ignoring the voice that was singing eerily nearby, "You and me, always forever~"
The voice was of a male. Scratchy, shaky. Familiar.
You could feel a string of your heart pop out of place as your breath stopped. That's when you knew something was wrong, but it just doesn't add up. You gulp while your eyeballs vigorously glance around to see where the source was coming from, only to see a figure in a corner. It was doubled over and it was sitting down on a simple wooden chair. Doubling over a...table? An average male figure, nothing unique. Although, the clothing style was unusual. At least what was on the clothes. He wore a fluffy white hoodie and what seemed to be black pants and black-and-white converse. The problem wasn't the outfit, no. His hoodie was spotted and had patterns upon patterns of darkened and more fresh-looking blood splatter. He had long black hair down to his shoulders. And luckily, his back was facing you.
You were dumbfounded. How did you get here, why are you restrained, and why is there a blood covered man near you? Is that even blood? Maybe it's paint or a design? Some people do wear clothes that have different kinds of blood splatter designs on them. Hm. Or he's an actual murderer about to gut you like a fish.
You wanted to speak. You wanted to speak so badly but you just couldn't. As you parted your lips, your throat went dry while your gaze stayed locked onto the bloody male that sat before you. The singing made you shiver as you tried so hard to remember where you could have heard or seen him. Why can't you remember?
The male then turned around to look at you. His singing had come to a gentle halt. Your mouth closed as he did so, your throat going completely dry and your whole body feeling like an ice cube. You were greeted with cold blue eyes. They looked hungry and bloodthirsty, yet they held a warm affection as they looked into your traumatized eyes. It was almost comforting until you saw the rest of his face. His skin was snow white and his lips looked dry. That's when more attention is drawn to his lower jaw. He's smiling. Too big for a normal person.
That's when you realize. He has a large smile carved into his cheeks going from ear to ear while his own lips were curled within a smile as well. And that's when it hits you.
And it hits you hard.
The memories of hours prior start brutally crashing into you, flooding back into your numb brain. All of the realization replaced itself with agonizing anxiety, your heart starting to race at speeds that felt impossible. You could pass out, but something inside you kept you awake. Something about him and about this whole situation was making you dizzy. The male slowly stands and turns his body all the way to face you. He seemed deranged, yet, he had a very relaxed stance and body language.
Uncomfortable silence loomed in the air.
He kept staring at you before slowly taking steps forward. You watch him carefully as your head feels like it's spinning, which you could notice your vision blurring a little bit here and there. The silence is suddenly disturbed with the male speaking up again, choking up in giggles. "Oh my sweet Y/N, you're awake~" He cooed, now standing over you. He leaned himself down and reached his hand to your cheek, gently brushing your skin with his surprisingly soft thumb. He leaned his face closer to yours. The smell of booze, blood, & smoke overwhelmed your nostrils. Yet it didn't seem to bother you that much.
His touch almost kind of made you feel...at ease. Your heart slowed itself and your breathing went back to pace. You felt fine, somewhat, but something in your stomach was still sore. The more you stare at him, the more memories come flooding back. The more memories flooding back, the easier you fit the puzzles together.
"M-my...stomach..--" You stutter out painfully.
In response to this, the male turned his head over to your abdomen and gently rested his other hand onto your bandaged stomach, applying very gentle pressure on it as to not hurt you. It was still slightly painful, causing you to groan under your breath.
"Oh, this...I'm sorry, my sweet butterfly. I had to make sure you wouldn't get away, and you didn't! Don't worry, Jack patched you up, so you'll be just fine!"
You remember now. You remember it all. The chase, your friend, the salty kiss before what you thought was your demise.
You naturally wondered as well; who's Jack?
"Wh-.." You weakly force air out of your throat again to speak, "why am I..tied-?"
"Oh, so you wouldn't be able to get away. I knew you would run away, or struggles, so I had to make sure you wouldn't do that!"
He was right. You would run away and struggle to get out of whatever the hell kind of place you're in. Well, knowing what he looks like. He DID stab you, after all. Who knows what this sicko wants.
He lifts his hand from your stomach and turns back to you, gently placing both of his hands at each side of your face. "You're so beautiful, Y/N. So sweet and so innocent. I couldn't keep letting the others eat you up like candy. You're mine and only mine. I need to protect you."
"Wh-who- are you?" You weren't really all too scared for some strange reason now. You were pretty calm. Probably from all of the energy this is draining.
"His name is Jeff." A deep and gruff voice cuts in.
The both of you turn your heads to the door of the room where a tall figure in all black stood. He was about 6"4 wearing heavy boots, black jeans, and a black hoodie. His hair was a dark brown though while he wore a mask. The mask was a dark blue with black goo oozing from the eyesockets. He was pretty intimidating even just by standing idly like a character waiting to be loaded in.
"And I'm Jack." He continued, "I'm the one who took care of your wound."
Jack stepped closer, soon standing at the other side of the table. He stood at the left as Jeff stood at the right.
"He wouldn't stop insisting I help."
You just blink, unknowing of what to respond with. He pursed his lips under his dark mask, in his own thought for a moment while staring down at you. You seemed calm enough, and your still pretty fresh injury was gonna hold you back anyway.
"[P]-[Pronoun]'s gonna-!" He attempts to blurt out, only to be stopped by you.
"I won't."
You were untied at your wrists and ankles, allowing yourself to pull your legs up and rest your feet at the top of the table, propping your knees up. It made your stomach feel weird, but it felt kind of nose and felt like it was easing the pain. You wrapped your arms around your knees, looking around the room more. "What is this place?" You ask.
"It's a medical room."
"Huh.." You shrug it off. Your anxiety levels had died down and the more you actually think about it, this isn't the worst thing that's happened. Your life has been pretty fucked up and you have damaged relationships everywhere. Honestly, being around new people and being far away from others sounds not too bad right now. Not like anyone would care anyway.
The next few hours, you're introduced to everyone else at the Mansion. They've been so...unique and honestly, you're surprised some people and beings like them even exist. They were all equally surprised with how little fear you showed.
You actually got along with most of them.
The others have taken a liking to you and hope you hang around longer. Alone in the living room, you, Jeff, Jack, and others sit at the couches and chairs in the living room, chatting away and getting to know them as they get to know you.
You feel Jeff wrap his arms around you and place a gentle kiss on your forehead, making your heart skip a beat.
You found out Jeff has been stalking you for months at a time. Watching your every move, eliminating anyone in the way. Huh, no wonder so many people in your life kept disappearing. You...couldn't bring yourself to be upset or scared, let alone even sad. You felt kind of at ease.
And far from uncomfortable. Someone loved you. Maybe more than they should, but they love you.
You didn't even feel upset at the fact Jeff had murdered that friend earlier. I mean, you just met the guy, so he wasn't even a 'friend'? So you paid no mind to it.
If anything, you really liked the thrill of someone being obsessed with you. A serial killer being so infatuated with you. He could be so protective of you and get rid of anyone you asked him to! There's is an advantage here. You knew he could snap and probably kill you intentionally or unintentionally, but you didn't mind. You really had no one else, technically speaking. No one that really cared. Not as much as he did.
Maybe he isn't so bad.
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cherryatiny · 3 years
𝐃𝐚𝐝! 𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳: 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐤𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞
𝐺𝐼𝐹𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒, 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝑔𝑜𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑜𝑤𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑠
⩥ 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠
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Letting out a cry of pain from the weird feeling, you woke up from your sleep, sitting up heavily breathing, you clutched your arms around your pregnancy belly softly not to hurt the baby. Hugging it and cooling down your breathing, trying to comprehend what has just happened.
Many paranoic thoughts filling your mind. Is something wrong? Did something happen to the baby? Thinking about the worst scenarios, another one of those weird tumbling motions occurred in your swollen belly. Bending down to place your ear on the top of your belly of 5 months, you caressed it, trying to feel the twitches again.
Looking to the side, you placed your hands on your sleeping husband Hongjoong, gently shaking him to wake him up.
His sleepy eyes slowly opening, trying to get used to the darkness in the room. „Mhm, what is it, baby? Did something happen? Why did you wake me up for?“ hardly understandable mumbles left his mouth as he laid in his place, not moving a bit, still not woken up.
„Joongie, I think that... the baby just kicked.“ swiftly sitting up after those words came out of your mouth, his widened eyes in shock. „Really? Did the baby kick? Oh my-“
Hongjoong did the same thing as you did, laying his head on your belly, his hands wrapping around your bottom, trying to feel anything. And as the baby kicked again, your belly moving softly under his head.
Hongjoong almost jumped out of his place in amazement as he felt that. „Oh my Y/N, that was-your belly just moved, I felt it. Oh my God your baby just moved.“
Tugging up your top to expose your baby bump, he planted kisses on it, still astonished from the new feeling of a baby moving inside your body. „My baby? It's your baby too, it's our baby and it moved, Joongie.“
You both giggled cutely at the new feeling, it all felt so real, now that you could really feel your baby. „Come on, let's get back to sleep, you have to rest.“
Going back to sleep, he spooned you from behind, his arm embracing you close to him, caressing your baby bump until you fell asleep again.
⩥ 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐒𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐰𝐚
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„Y/N do you know where is the bottle with caraway seeds?“ Seonghwa shouted for you to hear, rummaging all over the kitchen, trying to find the seasoning he was looking for.
You were laying on the couch, resting with a book in your hands, since any excessive movement made your pregnant body tired. One eye on the flavescent pages of the book, the second one looking out for your husband Seonghwa who was cooking you two a meal, making sure he didn't hurt himself or mess something up.
Even though Seonghwa was a great cook, he was a bit clumsy so occasional cuts on his fingers weren't that occasional. Suddenly a dull pain hit your belly, causing you to cry in pain, wrapping your arms around your swollen belly.
As Seonghwa heard your painful whimpers, he dropped the knife he was holding, cutting his finger, but that wasn't what he cared for, immediately running over to you.
„Ah fuck it- Princess! Are you okay? What's happening? Is there something wrong?“ kneeling in front of you, letting his hands fall onto your knees. Your head lowered down, trying to overcome the pain that hit your ribs and abdomen.
„Ah, I don't- don't know, it just suddenly started to hurt so much. As if you hit my ribs with a bat.“ his worried expression turned into a soft one in a blink of an eye. „Isn't it... our baby kicking?“
Getting the pieces of information that flowed through your brain together, you realised that Seonghwa might have a point.
„Aww Y/N, I'm so sorry for what our baby is putting through, come on lay down, I'm gonna bandage my finger, and I'll give you a massage, maybe it'll relieve stress, what do you think?“ nodding you laid down, still not over the pain your baby just gave you.
Seonghwa ran back to the kitchen for a second, rummaging over the boxes of medicaments and this type of stuff, trying to find a plaster to wrap his finger in before going back to you and sitting on the couch. He laid your head on his lap, his hands massaging your stiff shoulders in circular motions while singing to you, trying to help you relax.
⩥ 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨
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The weekend always meant Yunho's well-deserved rest. Usually, the two of you spent a weekend together in bed, lazily cuddling and watching series you abandoned throughout the week. Today was not any different.
Laying in the bed under piles of comforter, you nuzzled your back into Yunho's chest, letting out small mewls at how comfortable his presence was. Ever since you got pregnant, Yunho treated you like the most fragile crystal vase in this world.
His arm wrapped around your baby bump protectively, the other arm laid under your head. Watching the characters move on the screen of your notebook, your attention fully captivated.
You were on the edge, almost not breathing from the unexpected plot twist, when your swollen belly twitched lightly. Frowning your eyebrows at the weird feeling, it was as if butterflies were flying in your stomach.
But the nervous twitches did not stop, yet, they only intensified. You remembered an article you read a month ago, about how to distinguish when a baby kicks or moves. Concentrating more on the feeling, it was the same as described in the article.
Turning around to look at Yunho, his eyes closed as he was probably napping. Shaking his shoulders to wake him up, he opened his sleepy eyes. „Yunho...“ humming tiredly, he tried hard not to knock out, but listen to what you had to say.
„Remember the article? I think our baby moved...“ His no longer sleepy eyes opened widely, looking at you with excitement. „Really? How does it feel? Oh I can't even imagine it, let me touch.“
His loosened grip around your belly now tightened, his hand roaming all over your belly, trying to feel anything. „But I don't feel anything Y/N.“ pouting at you sadly, from not being able to feel his child kick.
„It's because the baby stopped moving, Yuyu. I'll tell you the next time it moves.“ He nodded dejectedly and laid back down, holding you close to him as you two resumed the series while waiting patiently for your baby to move again.
⩥ 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐠
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„That's him, that's the guy. The guy with the black hat is the killer!“ shouted Wooyoung as the aforementioned character of the movie you were watching appeared on the screen.
„Oh my fucking god Wooyoung, I swear I'm gonna sew your mouth one day, try to do this once again and you'll be the one left out when we have the next movie night.“
The boys started scolding Wooyoung as he once again spoiled the movie you were watching, some of them throwing pillows at him.
Switching between the channels you turned the TV off and decided to rather talk together since nothing watchable was on. You listened to the eight men that were discussing their next week's schedule.
Laughing at some of the sarcastic remarks your husband Yeosang made, you comfortably positioned yourself on Yeosang's laps, his strong arms keeping you close and wrapping around your baby bump protectively.
It was as if your baby reacted to the feeling of his dad's hands when you felt some weird twitches and tumbles. Shrugging your eyebrows at the weird feelings you supposed was the baby kicking, you lightly bent forward, your fingers circling over your bump, occasionally poking it to get another reaction from the baby.
„Is something wrong, Y/N?“ queried your husband Yeosang, catching the attention of the others, who stopped in their convo, instead diverting their attention to you.
„I-I think our baby moved...“ as soon as the words left your mouth, all of the boys jumped out from their seat, coming over to you and immediately placing their hands on your belly out of curiosity, leaving you and Yeosang speechless as the 7 men tried to feel your baby moving.
„Oh my god, guys I feel it kicking.“ San immediately scoffed at his words, responding sassily. „Shut up Wooyoung, you don't feel anything, you made that up because you just want to be the first one to feel our little niece move.“
„Get your hands off my wife's bump, you're irrelevant right now. Her dad should be the first one to feel her kick, her uncles are further in the line. Make your own child.“
⩥ 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐒𝐚𝐧
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Having to deal with pregnancy was hard, but having to deal with pregnancy when your partner couldn't be present all the time, was even harder. Many would've thought that having an idol husband must be a dream come true - a life out of fanfiction.
But at the same time, you have to deal with an exhausted man who has a packed schedule and hardly any free time. After the two of you got married, San and his group adjusted their schedule to have more time, after all, all the members weren't that young anymore and they also had their own lives.
When you got pregnant San made sure to be there for you as much as he could, it wasn't a comeback season so it was possible. However he was shooting for a drama he was supposed to play a lead role in, so he left for a 'job trip' for two weeks since they were shooting in Jeju Island.
Coming out of your shared bedroom, you yawned, still not completely woken up from your night sleep. Picking some milk out of the fridge to cook oats in, you made yourself oatmeal with fruit and a cup of coffee to eat for breakfast.
Digging your spoon into the bowl, you couldn't get yourself to have a bite. Your stomach feeling somehow heavy. It wasn't like the morning nausea you had in the first trimester, it was just a bad feeling as if someone was squeezing your stomach.
You at least drank the coffee as you sat down on the couch in your living room, turning the TV on to listen to watch some news. You caressed your baby bump out of a habit, it was almost like a routine, every morning when you and San watched the news, he'd always caress your belly.
Sipping on your coffee, you felt a sharp kick to your ribs and stomach, spilling the coffee all over your clothes. You shrugged your eyebrows, mouth wide opened as you tried to hold back your tears from the sharp and tingling pain.
„Ah, I've been carrying you for over 5 months and this is how you repay me with your first kick?“ Saying playfully to your baby even though you knew it can't hear you, you couldn't help but smile at the precious feeling of your baby kicking even though it was painful.
'I should probably say this to San, he'd be happy to know that our baby kicks' you said to yourself as you picked your phone and dialled his phone number, hoping that you won't interrupt anything and he'd be able to pick up.
„Good morning princess.“ you subconsciously smiled at his sweet voice as he called you the pet name he often used.
„Sannie, our prince kicked me. It hurts like hell, he's a strong boy, he must be taking after his daddy.“ you could feel the regret in his voice at not being able to be there when your baby kicked for the first time.
„Waah really? Ah I'm so sorry that I couldn't be there when he kicked for the first time, wait for me I'm home in 3 days.“
⩥ 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐢
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Chopping some pepper bells, onions and tomatoes, you put the aforementioned vegetables into a pot, pouring a bit of oil and letting it roast on a low heat as you poured some vegetable broth onto it afterwards.
Looking up to see your partner Mingi enter the kitchen with no t-shirt, his sweatpants long hanging as he rubbed his sleepy eyes, from having to wake up after coming home late after his practice.
„Good morning sleepyhead.“ He smiled at you beamingly, brushing his hair with his fingers and pouring himself a glass of water. „Good morning, babe. Woah, I'm so tired, my muscles stiffened as I slept, I must be getting old.“
Laughing playfully at his remark you resumed your previous activity of cooking, pouring some seasoning into the pot.
The sleepy figure of your partner Mingi, disappeared from your sight as he got behind you, his long limbs wrapping around your waist as he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck, whining out of the comfort.
„Mingi we can cuddle later, I have to finish cooking, okay?“ He groaned in disagreement not moving a bit as his grip tightened around your '4-month old' baby bump, running his fingers over the material of your tank-top.
You were so engaged in cutting tofu, that you didn't pay any attention to the feelings in your lower belly. Sensing some tingling, you brushed it off, thinking it was only Mingi's fingertips trying to tingle you to make you stop doing your actions.
„What was it?“ Letting out a quiet 'what do you mean' you continued not taking your eyes off the cutting board. „Your belly moved.“ Turning over to look at him, you raised your eyebrows, not getting any of his words. „It didn't move.“
„It did Y/N, I felt it.“ Letting out a small chuckle you turned back. „Mingi, I'm not going to stop and cuddle you, this attempt to make me stop is hopeless.“ as you cut the food, you suddenly felt a movement in your lower stomach.
„Wait, oh my, it really moved. Woah, it must be our little princess.“ tears fell down your cheeks at the new feeling, happiness overflowing your veins. „See? I wasn't lying!“
⩥ 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠
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Standing in backstage, you watched from behind as your husband Wooyoung performed their newest comeback's title song on the music show stage.
Swaying his hips and letting out soft angelic sounds off his mouth. Finishing it off as an ending fairy with his serious but hot pose. Bowing respectfully to the cameramen and staff, sweaty figures of the members left the stage as they returned to the backstage, breathing heavily from the dynamic choreography.
„You were amazing guys, as always.“ You exclaimed as they neared you, grateful smiles on their faces. Wooyoung took your hand on his way and you followed him to their changing room.
„Uhm, I'll wait for you outside while you change.“ you stated as you sat on the metal bench that was in front of the changing room. Running your hand up and down your visible baby bump, you closed your eyes, just trying to think peacefully about anything that came up to your mind.
A gentle thud in your womb breaking you out of your concentrated state. You focused on your swollen belly, thoughts running all over your mind. Could it be your son? Not paying attention to the sound of the door opening you still thought about the uncanny feeling.
Since it was your first pregnancy, how were you supposed to distinguish between those feelings?
„Y/N, I'm done, let's go, Yunho is paying for dinner.“ Looking up at his smiling you focused on his deep hazel eyes with little sparkles in them. „Youngie, I think our baby kicked...“
A really loud 'woah' left his mouth along with some cheerful squeals, alerting all the people in the hallways.
„Really? Did our son really kick? Don't play your jokes on me. We'll have to celebrate then, come on, give me your backpack and I'll treat you the best meal of your life.“
„You? Didn't you say Yunho is the one who's paying?“ you remarked playfully in the mood to tease him for every detail he says. „That's just a bare detail, come one honey.“
⩥ 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨
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„What can I get for you?“ asked the young waiter dressed in a uniform with the logo of the café you were in.
„She's pregnant and she shouldn't drink much caffeine, so one strawberry and one watermelon lemonade.“ ordered your husband Jongho, before you could even open your mouth to say something.
Turning to face his caring and lovely smile, you pouted at him, for not giving you a chance to order something yourself.
„You know I can order for myself? And I didn't have any caffeine in a week, so I could at least have an iced latte.“ He shrugged his shoulders, as he gazed around the café.
„It's not about the caffeine right now. Do you remember? We had our first date here and drank the same thing, I just wanted to recall the memories.“ You smiled as you replayed those reminiscences in your mind.
„Who would've thought that a bundle of joy will come out of the single date, I can't express how happy I am. I still remember that day, I was so nervous and embarrassed myself so many times that I thought you would've never wanted to go out with me again, yet you did.“ you smiled at his remarks, thinking about how he almost tripped on his own foot from how nervous he was.
„I did. And there wasn't a time when I regretted, going out with you was the best choice of my life.“
As the waiter was approaching you with the lemonades, you felt fluttering movements occur in your lower abdomen. Jongho noticed the grimace on your face as you lightly hugged yourself, but waited until the waiter left.
„Is something wrong Y/N?“ You looked up to meet his worried face. „I- I don't know, there is a weird fluttering feeling in my stomach and it's just... weird.“ You answered as you took a sip of your tasty lemonade, his gaze softening.
„Y/N, it must be our baby, he started kicking, don't you think?“
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