leilanihours · 12 hours
OKAY IDEA kate martin x reader where they dated secretly at iowa but reader goes to new york liberty and they all LOVE HER and basically at aces vs nyl they basically do what kate and caitlin did and both aces and nyl are like 😮 bc THE ROOKS ARE DATINGGGG sorry this is a lot hehehehe
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pairing: kate martin x gf new york liberty!reader
word count: 1084
warnings: none!
summary: you and kate hard launch your relationship to your teams.
⭑ from lani: i kinda hate this but to my flamingo anon i hope it suffices 😣
YOUR KNEE WAS bouncing with excitement, your hands shaking with anticipation, your cheeks coloring a light shade of pink - and you couldn't tell anyone why.
you were currently sitting in your team's bus driving to michelob ultra arena, home of the reigning wnba champs.
your team, the new york liberty, was going up against your girlfriend's team, the last vegas aces. you two were the star rookies (the only rookies) of your respective teams, which meant all eyes on both of you to see how exactly you would improve the two best franchises in the league.
now, no one but your former iowa teammates and own family members knew about your relationship with kate. it was still early on in the wnba season, meaning you and kate were still easing into new environments with a completely different team. that is exactly why your relationship was kept under wraps from your vets.
you weren't completely sure about kate's circumstances, but off the court, your teammates loved to tease you and ask about your personal life. not in an invasive manner, of course, but simply to build a closer connection with you other than through basketball.
"girl, you gotta give us something," breanna practically begs.
the team had just finished a brutal group workout and were heading out to a restaurant for dinner to relax.
as you slipped on kate's your iowa hoodie, you shook your head and laughed at breanna’s attempt to discuss your love life.
"hey, i told you before and i'll tell you again, i got a girl," you stated vaguely.
"we don't get any other details?" she asks, "does she play ball? does she live here in brooklyn? does she-"
"dude!" you laugh at her eagerness, "all i can say is that you will be meeting her very, very soon."
"you better not be kidding, y/n, i'll tell coach to give you two extra gym laps tomorrow."
"i swear on the torch, if that makes you feel any better."
"okay..." she says as she eyes you suspiciously, "i guess the mystery continues."
"you're such a dork!" you hear sabrina exclaim as she walks out of the locker room snickering.
"alright, girls, i want all of you out on the court in five for warm-ups!" coach brondello yells, peeking her head through the locker room door.
you fix your ponytail one last time, making sure all your hair is secure before jogging out to meet up with the rest of the team in the hallway.
"so last week when you said we would meet your mystery girl soon..." breanna nudges you, "how soon would that be?"
"today, actually," you smile, "she's gonna be at the game."
a white lie. yes, she would be at the game, but you didn't reveal that it was because she would be in the game - specifically on the opposing team.
"for real?" she asks, eyebrows raised in shock.
"how'd you swing that? i thought tonight was sold out."
"it is. but let's just say she has her own special connections," you smirk.
"yo, sabrina! you heard that, right?"
"yeah, i heard," sabrina says.
"you think we can get some embarrassing pictures or stories?"
"one hundred percent," she laughs, "i'm down."
"i can't with y'all," you sigh, shaking your head playfully.
"okay, ladies, the aces are about to finish their fifteen minutes so there's gonna be a bit of schedule overlap but that's fine," your coach voices before you're all faced with your opponents on the floor.
your eyes scan the room with a sense of urgency and excitement, your heart feeling light and warm at the thought of soon being in the arms of your girlfriend.
you find her expertly drilling a layup and chatting with the her teammates before she stops in her tracks completely.
as your eyes meet kate's, for a split second, you two are the only people in the arena. she lightly jogs over to you, smiles evident on both of your faces.
once you're in her arms, all your worries and stress fade away. she lifts you up for a second out of pure excitement before setting you back down.
"i missed you so much," she says, arms still tightly wrapped around your shoulders.
"i missed you, too, katie," you reply as you snuggle your face into her neck. you place feathery kisses on her skin, something you've been wanting to do for weeks.
when you pull away from the hug, you take a second to admire the fact that your girlfriend is actually standing in front of you. after spending everyday together for four straight years in college, a couple weeks away from each other felt like an eternity.
kate decides she can't wait any longer, hurriedly placing her lips on yours. you both grin into the sweet kiss, savoring the feeling before it was gone.
meanwhile, your teammates, aces and miberty alike, had been observing the interaction, smiling admiringly at your "friendship." at least until the kiss.
"did you know about this??"
"of course not??"
you and kate laugh at the veterans' reactions, enjoying their shocked expressions.
"surprise?" you offer to breanna and sabrina specifically, whose jaws are practically on the floor.
you leave kate to talk to her teammates while you converse with yours, already knowing that breanna will be the first to talk. the rest of your teammates simply smiled at you and offered silent compliments
"so when you said your girlfriend would be at the game..." breanna says with raised eyebrows and a teasing smirk.
"i mean..." you giggle, "i didn't lie?"
"whatever, rook," she laughs, "you guys are cute together."
"just make sure you can still beat their asses later," sabrina adds, walking up to you two.
"oh, no doubt about it. i know that girl like the back of my hand, i got this," you explain, "and, to be honest, her defense is not that great," you joke.
"hey, i heard that!"
you snicker along with breanna and sabrina at kate's response. a smile lingers on your face as the laughter dies down, even as you say goodbye to kate before having to play against her.
you truly were at the happiest point in your life: your dreams of playing with your favorite professional team came true, your veterans were the most supportive, helpful teammates ever, and you still got to be around your girlfriend who is also achieving her goals.
what else could you ask for, really?
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hey babe!!! can you do a fic where reader is graduating college and thinks Emily can't be there, but readers family and Emily make a plan for Emily to be there? I really hope this makes sense I thought of it but I didn't know how to put it into words 🥹
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summary: your parents find a way for emily to be at your graduation
pairings: emily engstler x fem graduate!reader
word count: 386
warnings: none
authors note: hi anon thanks for this request!! idk if i really like this but whatever! also guys pls imagine the scene where emily carries reader like that one video of em and hvl 😁 idk if that made sense but you get me okay
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You picked your nails as it got closer and closer to the initial of your last name.
It felt weird not having Emily at your graduation. It was like something was missing.
Two weeks prior, she told you that she wouldn’t be able to make it because of the conflict in schedules and flights while apologizing multiple times.
You reassured her, saying that there was always a live stream she could watch even though you couldn’t deny that you were kind of disappointed as well.
‘It’s not the same.’ She frowned through the screen of your facetime.
“Y/N L/N.” The Dean announced your name, along with the majors you took.
You grinned, walking on the stage and receiving your diploma.
You faced the camera, smiling for the picture while searching for your parents.
You spotted your parents as you were walking down the stairs and waved at them.
When they waved back, it wasn’t just the two of them. They were three?
Your mouth dropped once you saw the familiar tattoos on the mystery girl’s arm.
Emily grinned, blowing you a kiss.
Your mouth was still open, not being able to process things as you walked back to your seat.
After what seemed like forever, the ceremony was coming to an end. You moved your tassel to the other side and threw your cap up, immediately walking towards where your parents and Emily were sitting.
Once you spotted Emily’s tall figure, you ran towards her with a huge grin on your face and jumped into her arms.
She held you close as you wrapped your legs around her waist, stumbling back slightly.
“My beautiful graduate. I’m so proud of you.” She mumbled into your shoulder.
“I can’t believe you’re here.” You pulled away and landed on the ground.
“It was all your parents’ idea. They helped me with the flights and everything.”
You turned around to face your parents, giving them both their own hug.
“We’re so proud of you!” They both kissed your head and grinned. “Come on! Let’s get a picture of the two of you.”
You stood beside Emily, who wrapped an arm around your waist while bringing you closer.
Emily kisses the side of your head. “I’m so proud of you baby.”
Your cheeks flushed. “Thank you.”
“You guys are so cute!” Your mother squealed.
You groaned. “Can we get dinner now? I’m starving.”
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autistic reader x mommy wanda where reader has a meltdown about something (your choice) and wanda has been with us long enough to know how to deal with it, but still gets shaken up every time it happens
Mommy!Wanda Maximoff x Autistic!fem!reader
Summary: It's been a long day and Wanda asking you about dinner is the final straw
Word count: 666
Warnings: reader has a meltdown, stims (rocking)
Authors notes: So I am autistic and wrote this from experience of my own meltdowns, which even when I'm done with the meltdown, the feelings linger and stick with me for a bit.
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The day had been long and exhausting, the kind of day where every social interaction felt like walking through quicksand. You had been masking all day, trying to keep up with the expected social norms, and now you were home with Wanda, your safe haven. You were hoping to finally relax and be yourself without the weight of expectations.
When Wanda asked, "What do you want for dinner, lyubov?" It was the last straw. It was too much for you to process at the moment. Your chest tightened, and you could feel the meltdown coming. You started to cry, unable to hold it back any longer. The familiar sensation washes over you: the need to stim, the overwhelming emotions, the feeling of being out of control.
Wanda, as always, was right there by your side. She guided you gently to a more comfortable spot, her hands cold and reassuring, you could feel each ring on her fingers. She spoke softly, her voice a constant, soothing presence, even though she was inwardly panicking. She hated seeing you like this, feeling helpless because she couldn't just make it all stop.
"It's okay, moya lyubov," Wanda whispered, using the nickname she always did when you needed comfort. "I'm here with you.”
You rocked back and forth, stimming to help regulate the chaos inside your mind. Wanda stayed close, letting you cry and release the pent-up tension. She wished she could do more, wished she had the power to take away your pain completely. But she knew that just being there, just letting you be yourself, was what you needed most.
After a while, the storm inside you began to calm. The tears slowed, and your breathing became more even. Wanda continued to hold you, her presence a steady anchor in the aftermath of the meltdown.
"I'm sorry," you whispered, feeling the lingering weight of guilt.
"Don't be sorry, Lyubov," Wanda said gently. "You never have to apologize for being who you are. I love you, all of you, and I'm here to support you."
Her words were like a balm to your weary soul. You leaned into her, feeling her warmth and love. It had been a rough day, but with Wanda by your side, you knew you could face whatever challenges came your way.
"Can I just have dino nuggets?" you asked with a sniffle, staring at the floor. The question felt small and safe, something familiar amidst the chaos.
Wanda smiled softly, relieved to hear you voice your preference. "Of course, lyubov. Dino nuggets it is."
She gently squeezed your hand before getting up to head to the kitchen. The sound of her moving around, opening cabinets and starting the oven, was comforting. It was a reminder of the routine and normalcy you both cherished.
You took a few deep breaths, grounding yourself with the familiar sounds and smells. The kitchen light cast a warm glow, and you could hear Wanda humming softly as she prepared the nuggets. It was a song she often hummed, one that always made you feel at ease.
After a few minutes, Wanda came back with a plate of dino nuggets, setting it down in front of you. "Here you go, lyubov," she said, her voice filled with love and concern. "Take your time, okay?”
You nodded, taking a nugget and biting into it. The taste was exactly what you needed, simple and comforting. Wanda sat beside you, her presence steady and reassuring. She didn't press you to talk, just stayed close, letting you know she was there.
As you ate, the tension slowly eased, replaced by a sense of calm. You were grateful for Wanda, for her understanding and patience. Even though she couldn't take away all your struggles, she made them more bearable just by being there.
When you finished, you leaned into her, feeling the warmth of her embrace. "Thank you," you whispered.
Wanda kissed the top of your head. "Always, Lyubov. I'm here for you, no matter what.”
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shamrockqueen · 2 days
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Omega retreat chapter 7
Pairing : Alpha Bucky x Reader
Warnings : R18, eventual Smut, uncomfortable situation, heat cycles, scenting, something is amiss
Word count : 1891
Summary : As an unmarked and lonely omega you find a flyer for a service called The Omega Retreat.
You are paired with a compatible alpha to spend your heat or just a week at a luxurious cabin at a forest resort. Amenities and Utilities included. Enjoy the beautiful scenery, fresh air, as well as the company of an alpha of your choosing. What could possibly go wrong?
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Your lips tightened together, not uttering a single word in response to this stranger as your scent became tainted with a new sense of unease.
“What, are you shy, baby?” He leaned in towards you, breaking further through your comfort zone. “You can call me Mr. Rumlow, if I could only get your name in return…”
“Sir?” The small chirp of another staff member rang through the air, leaving you to finally breathe as his gaze was stolen. “I have to ask you to leave the other clients alone, please.”
“I’m just saying ‘hello’ to the lovely lady. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”
“Sir, I will not ask again.” The expression on her face became all the more sharp, just as her tone did. The unwanted Alpha clicked his tongue in annoyance before trudging past her, knocking against her shoulder in the process.
He regained composure almost immediately, turning back to you with a plastic smile. “Come with us, ma’am. Your partner was called, and your transportation is ready.”
“Really?” It was a relief to be able to leave this atmosphere, but it was a lot sooner than you’d initially thought. You hadn’t even seen Bucky yet.
The other beta shittered around her, grabbing your bags back up as she helped pull you from the chair. You hoped the reason for the hasty retreat wasn’t due to your increasingly potent pheromones laying thick in the air around the room.
"Yes, ma’am, this way.” Both of the staff members quickly ushered you towards the doors at the other side of the building, where they had transport waiting for you. Sadly, it wasn’t fast enough, as another commotion broke out at another desk as you passed by.
It had been an angry couple, and soon voices began to rise as another large Alpha turned his ire towards the staff member.
“You gave me a beta bitch!!” His scream echoed around the room and was met with a shrill response of “grow up, you pig” from the lady at his side.
They barely had you out the door as the loudest part of the conversation rang through the air as he shouted back, “You fucking lied to me!”
The door clicked shut behind you, and you stood by the glass, nearly shaking as the smaller beta loaded your bag into the waiting vehicle. The female was at your side, soothing you with her neutral scent as he squeezed your shoulder.
“I’m very sorry for the inconvenience; this doesn’t normally happen.”
“Is everything alright over there?” Your voice cracked, a jolt of fear shaking your knees. The aura of a raging alpha makes your inner Omega cower, twisting your belly until it makes you sick. It’s the sickness that terrified you the most, and you would have collapsed and curled into a ball on the floor if it hadn’t been for the sweet beta beside you.
“It’s nothing to worry about, ma’am. We’re an alpha and omega match service, but some Betas like to slip through the cracks, and it can make their potential partner a little upset.” She spoke so smoothly as she guided you into the car, and you curled into the seat without realizing you’d made it this far.
“Okay.” You spoke back meekly. You think that it sounds fair to be upset if someone lied like that, but it still seemed like an overreaction.
She held the door as she leaned in to speak, calming you further. “Your stay should be much better from here, ma’am.” With that last sentiment, she gently closed the door, and the door pulled away immediately.
The ride is quiet, shadowed by the large trees surrounding the thin road. You are very disheartened by the sour display, and the few red flags seem to draw up on the horizon. But your budding heat, along with the sight of the cabin in the distance, made your excitement bloom back to life.
The idea of finally meeting James made your body even hotter than it was when your heat crept from under your skin. You were almost there, and just maybe he’d be waiting for you at your little forest escape.
But, as the car pulled to a soft stop near the cabin’s entrance, there wasn’t anyone there to greet you.
“Where is..” you almost didn’t want to ask, your voice shrinking as you spoke.
The driver turned back to you, most likely anticipating your confusion. “We decided to bring you up a little early to make you more comfortable.”
“Oh.” Your shoulders sank as the little syllable left your shaking lip.
You didn’t want to cry, not here, but you didn’t mean to put any of the staff on edge over your own anxieties, let alone your heat.
The driver didn’t speak again to reassure you, choosing instead to get out of the car to secure your bags from the trunk. You followed suit slowly as they carried the luggage past the small porch and towards the door to let themselves inside.
The cabin was just as beautiful as you had seen in the advertisement. The kitchen was a georgeous oak with emerald green tiling, and the dining table sat at its side, past the island that sat beside its stove.
“Alright..” She spoke with a plastic smile, heavily rehearsed as it spread from cheek to cheek. “…so here’s the kitchen; the bedroom is shared with the den over by those beautiful windows; the bathroom and back down that hallway.”
She set your bags by the door before continuing with the small tour. “You chose the meal kits, which are stocked in the fridge alongside a selection of wine and spirits.”
They went over all the necessary amenities from top to bottom. They were quick to try and say their farewell, giving you a curt “If there are no other questions, then I’ll leave you to wait for your partner.”
“I..is there an emergency number? You know if anything happens.” You stuttered out before they could leave just yet. If anything happened and even your expectant Alpha couldn't help you, then you would need a lifeline.
You watched her take a thick swallow, nearly looking through you before finally answering. “Of course. There’s a phone by the bathroom and a list of office numbers beside it in case you need to reach us for anything. Plus, your phone should have coverage even out there.” She said everything with a wavering smile that you nearly didn’t notice.
Sadly, you were too anxious to think about it further, assuming your troubled scent was simply putting her on edge.
“Thank you.”
“No problem; have a nice day.” It was the last sentiment they gave before leaving and letting the door click closed behind them. Then it was quiet. A tranquil sort of quiet.
The soft rustle of the leaves as the wind gently swept through them was coupled with the chirping of small birds. Walking past the chair by your bag, you gravitated towards one of the wide windows.
The glass was cold against your skin as you pressed your fingers to it. Your heat is thrumming through your veins, shaking your body, and the slight chill from the window was very much welcome. You pushed away, wandering through the beautiful cabin.
The fridge was indeed well stocked, and you glanced over the possible meals the two of you could share. Getting to cook together was something you thought would be really fun, and Bucky seemed excited when you asked.
You weren’t a chef by any means, but you were no slouch when it came to making at least a nice meal, and now you get to make it for two.
Checking the cupboards, you find more food, wine, and liquor. It was all accompanied by necessary plates and cookware, as well as some dish soap and other emergency cleaning supplies. Nothing heavy-duty like bleach.
You have to do a double take at the expensive-looking scotch sitting beside the simple brands of wine you’d picked out. Bucky never discussed money or income with you, something you were too nervous to initially ask. However, looking back at the dark liquor, it seemed he may be used to the finer things in life.
You carefully closed the cupboard back up before wandering through to the den as you fanned at your warm skin. You tap your phone, still tucked away in your back pocket, before pulling it out to check the time.
You didn’t expect to be here so early, and you didn’t want to be left in a heated mess before he was able to arrive. You weren’t even supposed to check in for another hour, but you didn’t think the heat blooming along your skin was going to be as much of an issue for others as it was for you.
You sat back in one of the soft chairs, trying to shut your eyes to just relax. You thought about finally seeing your Alpha, growing more excited to finally see Bucky, when the roar of any engine broke through the peaceful silence.
You pushed up from the chair as the car stopped by the porch, and he stepped out.
He was taller than you thought he’d be; his long, thick legs were hugged snuggly by a pair of black jeans. He had his duffel bag in his hand and wore a loose red flannel that opened to show a gray tank top underneath. But, it was his shoulder-length brown hair that had you gawking. It was even more enticingly soft than the video and photos did justice to, and you just watched as he ran his fingers through the back of it to better shake it into place.
He finally turned away from the car as he shut the door, locking his ocean blue eyes on your little figure standing on the porch. He immediately breaks out into a smile, just another part of him that was far more breathtaking in person than in any of his pictures.
You slowly stepped down the small set of stairs. Part of you wanted to run and leap at him, but another part was still too weary to simply let you throw yourself into his arms. So you were left standing at that last step and calling out to him instead.
“Bucky.” Your voice was a wisp as you tried to find enough breath in your lungs to speak. He didn’t move as the car pulled away, giving you an equal look of awe and admiration.
His car had disappeared up the gravel road when he dropped his duffel bag to his side and opened his arms.
“Don’t I get a hug, Omega?” He spoke playfully, but with an actual need laying behind his words, as he had longed to hold you.
This was it. This was the moment you’d waited for. This was the man that may save you, that just might make that fear and pain go away. It was a lot to put on his shoulders and he hadn’t any knowledge of it.
After all the frustration, all the anxiety he was finally here in the flesh and standing just a few feet away. You only needed to leap forward and you’d be in his arms.
You propelled yourself off the porch, running down the steps, and throwing yourself right into his arms for a tight embrace.
“That’s more like it." He buried his nose into your hair and hugged you close, almost lifting you off the ground.
You took in his scent, which was thick like barrel-aged rum and horribly intoxicating. It made your knees turn to jelly, and your legs nearly wiggled out from under you. You had to tighten your arms around his neck for support, and his own squeezed at your waist.
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Tags list : @meowmeowyoongles @black-cat-2 @cjand10 @bethyruth @scott-loki-barnes @wintrsoldrluvr @buckysdoll85 @lendeluxe @meowmeowyoongles @heletsmelovehim @mcira @buckysbaby-doll @serendipitouslife90 @unicornicopia1 @animegirlgeeky @matchat3a @darkdemeter @onyxwolf @thebuckybarnesvault @nicestgirlonline @jbuckybarnesfan @val-writesstuff @birdenthusiastez @ozwriterchick @mandab44 @cringeycookies @skittslackoffilter @sunglasses-in-the-bentley @bohemianrhapsody86 @lillianacristina @cadencejames87 @teambarnes72 @ashychangeling @samuelkwinchester @iwudbutnah @nightofthesea
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biolumien · 2 days
Hiiii!!!! 😊👋 So I only just started Kaiju no. 8!!! New to the fandom and not a manga reader. Idk what’s going to happen in the next episode—all I know is that Hoshina better not d*e lol.
Anyways!!! Obviously I am a huge Hoshina fan/simp!!! I really like your blog and I have enjoyed your Hoshina fics!!!!!! 🥹 And since your requests are open, I wanted to know if I could perhaps make one??? 👉👈
If so, I was wondering if you could do something sort of related to your “say it!” fic??? Like where Hoshina (+ reader) somehow bumps into the ex from operations you mentioned in the fic??? And reader gets SUPERRRRR jealous (lord knows I would be especially if said ex was really beautiful and smart) and insecure. Maybe reader acts a bit distant/moody after the encounter but once Hoshina realizes what’s up he immediately reassures reader and let’s them know how much he loves/cares for them???
Sorry if this request is weird or doesn’t make sense to you, I’ve honestly just been thinking about a similar scenario ever since reading that fic of yours 😭😭 anyways thank you so much for your time 🫶❤️ and please never stop writing, your fics are beautiful 💖💕
notes: hihi; thank you so much for your request; i hope that this is okay; you sent this in before the most recent episode but hoshina's a fairly important character to the story of kaiju no 8 overall so he'll be alright... i combined this with a slightly different ask which also surrounded jealousy but with okonogi; it's very briefly mentioned though.
jealousy as the crux
soshiro hoshina x gn!reader no warnings should apply, i think. wc: 837
hoshina always maintained rather easy conversation with a lot of people—friendly conversation that sometimes got the better of your self esteem when he teasingly doted on okonogi or otherwise. 
you’d tried not to bring it up, to not bother him—because envy and jealousy like that was an ugly emotion, of course. it wouldn’t be right to burden hoshina with them–mostly because you weren’t even sure how he’d react. he was plenty envious on his own, you think–key point on think. but it might have been for more reasonable things, surely. like the envious desire to become stronger, or something noble like that.
nothing quite like yours. 
but stumbling on hoshina’s ex was never on your list of priorities at all. 
so the fact that she was here—was her name amaya?—only made you more uncomfortable. you barely knew anything about her other than the fact that okonogi spoke her name with strained reverence, cautious to never bring it up around hoshina. hoshina seemed to be uncaring of it all, even so–as if he couldn’t be bothered to remember. 
she was smoking indoors, her eyes tired and weary. 
hoshina didn’t seem to tense up when talking to her, which strangely irked you more. 
“hoshina,” amaya says, approaching hoshina with a raised eyebrow. she pats his shoulder, and he chuckles.
“you look well,” hoshina murmurs. 
“hm. well as i’ll ever be.” her eyes flit to you, her eyes narrowing. you felt uncomfortable under her gaze, as if you were some unique kind of insect to be pinned up in a collection. “this your new partner? they’re cute.”
“hm?” hoshina laughs. “aren’t they?”
the compliment doesn’t feel good, somehow, as it usually does.
“thought you said you wouldn’t date again,” amaya says, dusting off some ash off the tip of her cigarette, taking another breath before blowing it away from the two of you. “not that we really were.” she snorts. “you were too much of a coward last time.”
“hey,” hoshina says, sounding mock-hurt. “i figured we were better off as friends.”
“hm.” amaya exhales. “whatever you say.”
“i wish you’d sound more enthusiastic about this,” hoshina retorts, laughing again. it’s the same laugh he has when he talks to okonogi, that same doting laughter–but it also wasn’t anything special. it was the same kind of laughter he had when he talked to you, though perhaps it was tinged with more fondness when he spoke to you.
if there was anything hoshina was, it might’ve just been annoyingly consistent.
"it's hard to be enthusiastic surrounding you. your sarcastic energy exhausts me," amaya drawls.
you turn away from the conversation at this point–and yet you can feel amaya staring daggers into the back of your head. 
“i’ll let the two of you finish this up,” you say, and your voice sounds far more obviously strained than you’d like for it to be. 
hoshina was allowed to talk to other people. but why did amaya irk you so much? was it just the irreverent way she spoke, the way she seemed to be watching you so intently for no reason? what the hell was her problem? as you stormed off, your footsteps grew angrier as you continued to mull over it. no, seriously! what was her problem? 
but what was yours, being jealous in the first place? you were being irrational–worried because you wanted hoshina’s attention for yourself but of course it wasn’t right to worry this badly about it to the point that envy would turn your stomach like this, create the brittling sensation in your heart. it wasn’t right, and the fact that you knew it wasn’t right made the whirling sense of bad in you feel worse.
you rub your face roughly, trying to shock yourself into trying to just be fucking normal.
hoshina’s voice is quiet when you turn around, and his face is contemplative, brows furrowed in worry.
“are you done? talking to amaya?” you ask.
“for now,” he says. his eyes focus on your face, concerned now. “are you okay?”
the words die in your throat.
“i don’t want to be jealous,” you say weakly. “of whatever’s going on. but, i–”
hoshina’s hands are on your face before you can even finish your sentence, squishing your cheeks together.
“mm, i see.” hoshina blinks, humming. “why didn’t you just say so earlier?”
you blink.
“you’re not… mad?” you ask.
“mad?” hoshina raises an eyebrow, cocking his head. it looks cute. “should i be?”
“no,” you say. “i–or, i don’t know. maybe? yes?”
“which is it?” hoshina asks, a teasing smile on his face before his brow furrows a bit. “if you would have just told me earlier i could have easily just told you that there’s nothing going on between me and anyone else but you. i chose you. don’t forget that, okay?”
you blink.
“and i love you,” hoshina says, completely straightforwardly, with sure honesty. “don’t forget that.”
you nod, and he squeezes your face, leaning in to kiss you on the lips.
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venerawrites · 3 days
Vi reuniting with her significant-other after prison? The reader could be a mercenary, or a firelight, a baker, an artist(music and paint) just to name a few occupations they could have. I am not used to requesting, so please forgive me.
author's note: I think this request is so cute, I really loved doing it! I tis a bit angsty in the beginning, but it is fluffy at the end! <3 Thank you so much for requesting and I hope you enjoy! x
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Nature always finds a way.
Even when surrounded by nothing but a cold, grey concrete, it managed to give birth to life.
As she leaned against the wall, Vi gazed upon the big tree in front of her, focusing her attention on the gentle dance of the green leaves. Of course, she has seen trees before, in Piltover and on photographs, but never in Zaun.
In a way, she was both surprised and impressed with Ekko finding this place. She always thought she knew the city like the back of her hand, yet she had never stumbled over here. How many places were like that in the Undercity? How many places remained hidden, waiting to become a symbol of a new beginning?
"Your mind seems far away", a voice sounded next to her and Vi turned to her right, only to find Caitlyn's smiling face. Despite her gentle expression, there was a spark of worry in her eyes.
Interesting girl was she. One who has grown up in a closed bubble, protected by her family's money and influence, yet there was a fire inside of her, that made her different from the stereotypical Piltover person. She had a deep sense of justice and despite seeing the worst of Zaun, instead of turning her head to the side, she wanted to dig deeper and to know more.
Vi would lie if she said she did not judge her in the beginning. She was sure Caitlyn would not survive more than an hour down here. However, the girl kept making her raise her brows in surprise, completely changing her views about the people in the Topside.
"It is", the pink-haired girl finally answered, letting out a soft sigh in the process, "Somewhere far. Somewhere better."
And with someone else.
Biting her lip, she turned her attention to the few streaks of grass poking near her feet. She grasped one, pulling it out and bringing it in front of her eyes. Twirling it a few times, she carefully examined it, noting how the end was starting to turn yellow.
There was minute during which each of the women seemed to be lost in their own thoughts. Finally, Caitlyn laid her palm on Vi's back, rubbing small circles on top of the clothed skin. She remained silent, but her gesture managed to ease the tension in the other female's muscles.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Vi shook her head, his eyes still focused on the little piece of grass in her fingers.
God, she wanted to talk. She needed to talk. But what was weighing on her mind, was something she couldn't share with anyone. Especially Caitlyn.
"No, I will be fin-"
Before Vi could realise what was happening, she found herself on the floor pinned by your trembling body. The eyes, once so full of gentle love, which haunted her dreams almost every night, were now staring down at her full of rage. As your name rolled off her tongue, another set of hands got involved by grabbing you by the shoulders.
"Hey! Get off her!"
Whipping your head back, your eyes narrowed to slits once you saw the blue-haired enforcer. Your nose involuntarily scrunched, a clear sign you were far from happy of what, or more specifically who, was before you.
Ekko has already warned you Vi was back in the city and that she was accompanied by an enforcer, but you did not expect... well, her. In your mind, you had built the picture of an old, grumpy prison officer, not a young and pretty woman. Perhaps, you did not want to believe YOUR girlfriend would be giving someone like her a tour around Zaun, while completely forgetting your existence.
Your name was called again and you looked down, your expression softening once your eyes met those of Vi. Many emotions were swimming inside of them - happiness, guilt, pain, relief - all of which were making you wish for nothing more than to press her against your chest and hold her for hours. Your fingers twitched, but instead of embracing her, you landed a few harsh slaps against her shoulders.
"Stop!", Caitlyn shouted once more, grabbing your vest from the back. Instead of calming you down, however, this enraged you even more and you turned around, slapping her hands away.
The enforcer was not a woman who gave up easily, however.
"I demand you to stop!", your body froze as the command left her lips. You stayed still for a few seconds, during which only your heavy panting and the distant shouts of the children around the base could be heard.
"You demand me?", the words came out as a loud scoff and you lifted yourself from Vi, while eyeing the other girl with a mix of irritation and disbelief. With one long stride, you closed the distance between you and gabbed the front of her jacket.
"I demand you to shut your mouth and get your little ass out of here before I kick it so hard, you'll regret ever coming to the Undercity!"
Before things could escalate, you were pulled away by Vi, who held her arms tight around you, while nodding her head toward Caitlyn.
"Cait, give us-Stop it, damn it!", she groaned, tightening her hold, "Cait give us a few minutes!"
The blue-eyed enforcer stood frozen in her place, her worried gaze shifting from her friend to you and then back. You still fought back against Vi's grip, ignoring the feelings of warmth and nostalgia that you felt by being so close to her.
"Please?", the pink-haired woman said again and reluctantly, Caitlyn started walking slowly backward. Once she was far from earshot, Vi released her grip on you and took a step back, giving you some space. She opened her mouth to speak, but you were faster.
Without a word, you turned around and smacked your palm against her cheek. Her head whipped to the side and for a moment, it remained there, frozen. The usually pale skin flushed a deep red where your hand had made contact and your hand trembled, before hiding inside the warm comfort of your pants' pocket.
"I probably deserve that...", Vi mumbled, moving her jaw left and right while she rubbed the sore spot on her face. She took a shaky breath, regaining her composure, before lifting her face. With the corner of her eyes, she could see Caitlyn eyeing both of you with worry and she lifted her hand toward her, a gesture to show her she did not need to intervene. Yet.
The subtle communication did not stay hidden from you and let out an angry huff, before shaking your head. Rarely have you felt such intense emotions, especially since that night when... No. You couldn't go back down this memory lane. Not again.
"Oh, you deserve way more than that!", your tongue pushed against your cheek, biting back all of the colourful insults that were resting on the tip of it. The memories of all those lonely nights you spent crying, mourning, and wondering what happened to her, now hung between you like a dark cloud. No matter how much you have prepared to face her once again, all self-control and reason left your mind as soon as you laid your eyes on her.
"I know you're hurt, but please give me a chance to explain!", her voice was low and soft, an unusual sound for Vi, "Please, I-"
"What is there to explain? You left! You left me! You left Powder! You left Ekko...", with each name, the pain in your chest felt stronger. You closed your mouth, pressing your lips into a thin line before your gaze involuntarily moved to your right, where in the distance the enforcer was nervously chewing her thumb while keeping her attention glued to both of you.
Narrowing your eyes, you grabbed Vi's hand before starting to drag her toward the nearby wood shack. In the beginning, when you joined the Firelights it was used as a storage for hoverboards, but as the members of your group grew, it was soon abandoned and left to collect dust. It was secluded and most importantly away from prying eyes and ears.
The pink-haired girl followed without resistance, giving a last reassuring nod to the Piltover girl, who was now being led away by another Firelight. From all of the scenarios she imagined through the years about your reunion, you pouncing on her was definitely not on the list. A hug, a kiss, maybe even a chance for her to finally show you how much she actually loved you - those were the fantasies that kept swirling around her head all morning when she thought of how should she handle your first meeting after so many years.
Hearing that you were now part of the Firelights was not a surprise. Just like her, you liked to resolve your problems with your fists, rather than talk, and like many young people part of the group, there was nothing that you wished for more than free Zaun. You were stubborn, hot-headed, and reckless, and gave Vi a headache more than once in the past.
Would she have it any other way, however? Absolutely not!
Despite your tough and fiery nature, you also possessed a surprising softness and gentleness, reserved for those closest to you. She often considered herself lucky by being able to see you like this - open and vulnerable, a harsh contrast with your usual combative demeanour. The memories of your many nights spent together, sharing warm cuddles and soft kisses, while your head rested on her shoulder as you talked about your future dreams, often resurfaced in Vi's mind, reminding her how effortlessly it was for you to make her fall in love with you.
Deep inside she foolishly believed that if she ever got the chance to be released from prison, everything would be the same. Powder would still be her little sister, seeking her approval; Ekko would be their smart-ass best friend, who spent too much time tinkering with random gadgets; and you, her first love and girlfriend, would patiently wait for her arrival, ready to promise her the future which you always dreamt about when you were little.
Now, as she stood in front of your furious figure, she felt almost foolish for having such expectations. Of course you would change, you were forced to, just like everyone else in Zaun. The hardships you had to face at such a young age shaped you into someone colder and more guarded.
"I am sorry."
The words fell quietly from Vi's mouth, as she watched your face, trying to find even a glimpse of the love you once carried for her. All that stared back, however, was fury and disgust.
"You are sorry? That's all you've got to say?", you let out a dry chuckle, your voice ringing with mockery. Crossing your arms in front of your chest, you eyed her up and down, finally having the chance to properly observe her appearance.
Vi has always been a beautiful woman, even if she never seemed to care much about her looks. She never bothered with fancy hairstyles or clothes, preferring practicality and comfort over style. Yet, she possessed a natural attractiveness, one that made you turn your head the first time you saw her.
Your eyes focused on her buzzcut, before sliding down her face and noting the numerous new piercings and a tattoo, that were now covering it. Her eyes, still as piercing as you remembered them, held the same fiery spark as before, despite being clouded by guilt. She was also taller and more muscular, now towering almost a full head above you.
"I didn't leave!", she finally said, her expression hardening, "That night..."
The words got stuck in her throat, as she let out an angry sigh and rubbed her calloused hands on her face. Her body slumped against the wooden wall behind her, the loud thud making you wince.
"That night I was taken against my will", she continued, her voice trembling, "By the Enforcers. I... After seeing the remains of the explosion and Powder, I just needed a minute. Some time to breathe, to realise what had happened..."
The rage that bubbled inside your chest just a minute ago slowly started to evaporate, replaced by a mix of caution and confusion. You never wanted to believe that she abandoned you - for years, you pushed this thought aside, not able to accept the idea that Vi is capable of doing something like this. Not to you or Powder.
But as the time passed, the hope you held that she was just hiding somewhere started to transform into suspicion. Seeing Powder becoming Jinx right in front of your eyes, claiming that her sister deserted her, also did not help ease your mind and soon you started to accept this version of the events more and more.
She left you. Alone.
As she continued speaking, telling you how she was thrown in Stillwater Hold, never prosecuted or charged, and beaten and tortured, your whole body tensed. Her words painted a picture of chaos and pain, something completely different from what you had imagined for her. You always thought that she was living her best life, somewhere far away from Zaun.
"Do you know how many times I thought of giving up? Of just accepting that this was the end?", her eyes lifted toward your face, the raw feelings behind them making your breath catch in your throat, "But then I thought of you. Of Powder. And I knew I had to find a way back to you."
Her words hung in the air, and there was a minute of silence, during which you assimilated what she had said. A part of you wished for your initial belief to be true - you spend such a long time resenting her for abandoning you, and to a certain extent you even made your peace with it. But now, as she spoke her truth, you were left both confused and heartbroken.
How could you deal with that?
"I thought I would never see you again", you finally said, your voice sounding way softer and gentler than it was before, "That you are living your life somewhere else... with someone else."
Vi's brows furrowed at your admission and she pushed herself away from the wall, before taking a few steps toward you.
"Did you really believe I would do that?", her accusation made you shrink in your place, "That I would just leave you and Powder by yourself? That I don't care?"
The mention of her sister sent a pang of sorrow through your heart. Everyone knew how hard it was for you to witness her transformation, especially since you fought for years to save her from Silco's influence and twisted games. It took a long time for you to accept the painful truth that she was beyond saving.
"Have you seen Powder?", you asked, your voice barely above a whisper, "Do you know what she has become?"
Her gaze fell down at her feet and she weakly moved her head up and down. Despite seeing it with her own eyes, it all still felt unreal. If she controlled her anger that night, if she never screamed at her sibling, if she didn't step back from her... Maybe everything would've been different.
"I tried, Vi", you shook your head, unable to even look at her eyes, "I tried so hard, but Silco had his claws in her mind, filling it with lies. I couldn't... I couldn't save her. I don't know if anyone can. Even you..."
The woman's face fell - this was the second time she was told there was no hope for her sister anymore. She wanted to argue, to tell you that she could reach her, save her, but deep down she knew what your response was going to be. You were always honest to a fault, wearing your heart on your sleeve, and while Vi always loved that about you, she was not ready to hear the truth. Even if she already knew it.
Closing the gap between you, she cupped your cheek, gently running her thumb across the skin. You instinctively leaned toward it, seeking the feeling of warmth and comfort that you have been missing for so many years.
"I know", she said, still caressing your face, "It's not your fault. You did everything you could."
Her words were meant to comfort, but all they did was add the final drop to the already overflowing pool of emotions bubbling inside your chest. You leaped forward, circling your arms around her taller frame and burying your face in her chest. Hot tears were now flowing from your eyes, a result of years of silent suffering. Loud sobs escaped your lips, and you felt her strong arms wrapping around you, pulling you closer in a protective embrace.
"I missed you!", your words were muffled by your face being pressed against her shirt, "I missed you so much, Vi! I.. I thought I would never see you again!"
Her grip tightened and she buried her nose in your hair, inhaling deeply. The sweet scent of strawberry and cream filled her senses and she smiled, finding comfort in the fact that even years later, you still used the same shampoo. After being hit with the harsh reality of what Zaun has become, she welcomed this familiarity, even if it was a small one.
"I missed you too!", she murmured in your hair, before pressing a tender kiss on top of your head, "It's all going to be alright. I promise! I am here now."
You knew you shouldn't hope - after all, in the past it brought you only hurt and despair. But as she continued whispering sweet promises next to your ear, you couldn't help but cling to them, allowing yourself to believe that maybe, just maybe, there is a chance for you both.
"I would never leave you again!", her voice became harsher, filled with determination, "Whatever happens, I will always be by your side!"
Closing your eyes, you nodded your head, pressing your face even further into her chest. Your breathing was now calmer and the tears had dried on your cheeks, leaving salty trails behind them. If only you could freeze time and stay in this moment forever...
Suddenly your body tensed and you pulled yourself harshly from her embrace, leaving Vi shocked and surprised by the sudden movement.
"What about the enforcer girl?", your face scrunched in disgust as the words fell out of your lips, "Who is she... to you?"
The young woman blinked a few times, taken aback by your bluntness and the sudden coldness in your voice.
"Caitlyn?", the sound of her name made you roll your eyes, "She is... a friend. She helped me get out of Stillwater."
Your brow quirked and your arms crossed in front of your chest, as if protecting you from the idea that there may be something more between them. Ekko has briefly told you what he knew about her and how she seemed to be different from the other enforcers, but even he still had certain reservations when it came to her real intentions and her relationship to Vi.
"Just a friend? Is that all she is to you?"
The pink-haired woman stared long and hard at your face, somewhat amused by your questioning. She bit her lip, trying to suppress her smirk, but she couldn't control the way the corners of her lips twitched upwards.
"Violet!", the sound of you using her full name pulled her attention to your face and she reached out to you again, resting her hands on your waist, "Violet, I am being serious!"
She took a deep breath, fighting the urge to just pull you closer and shut your mouth, stopping you from asking such silly things. Her gaze bored into yours and her fingers squeezed the soft flesh under them.
"Caitlyn has been a great friend and a partner in crime...", she explained, pulling you closer to her, "But she is not you! I am not interested in her in that way."
With narrowed eyes, you studied her face for any signs of her lying, before reluctantly nodding your head. Slowly you lifted your arms, before wrapping them around her neck and immediately starting to play with the ends of her short locks.
"C'mon, I have a girlfriend, who do you think I am?", Vi finally let out a soft laugh, leaning her face toward yours and nudging your nose with hers. A light blush covered your cheeks and the tip of your ears at the sound of the word "girlfriend". After so many years apart, you were not even sure if she still considered you as such.
"A girlfriend, huh? She must be lucky!"
She grinned, moving one of her hands behind your neck, while the other one remained gripping your waist.
"I think I am the lucky one."
She closed the distance between you, pressing her chapped lips against yours and pouring all of the pent up frustration and love she held for you. Closing your eyes, you melted in her embrace, completely intoxicated by the familiar taste of her. The hand behind your neck pushed you even closer to her, resulting in a harsh battle of teeth and tongues, during which she easily dominated you.
When you finally pulled back, both of you rested your foreheads against each other, while trying to catch your breaths. You opened your eyes, immediately meeting those of Vi. Dragging your hand from behind her neck to her cheek, you rubbed it affectionately, smiling once she nudged it with her head.
"If you disappear again, I will hunt you down", you say half-seriously, half-jokingly, "And I will kick your ass!"
A wide grin formed on her face.
"I wouldn't even dream of it."
cc artwork: Shuo Shi
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spenceragnewfics · 3 days
THE INTERN | Chapter One
Spencer Agnew x Younger!Intern!Reader
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TW: None
Word Count: 1.9k
Description: Y/N has been a fan of Smosh since they could remember. Now about to enter their senior year of college, they get an opportunity to be an intern at the Smosh Office and their first day has arrived.
Every new job comes with stress. You never know what is going to happen. You could have awful co-workers, creepy or mean bosses, and horrible workloads pushed onto you by lazy co-workers, the list is infinite. 
The stress comes even more when it’s something that could become your first job in the real world. Internships are a major stepping stone in any college kid’s career, it’s the start of being over with college and being a person in society.
That’s all that is racing through Y/N’s head as they look at the studio in front of them. Many people would consider them lucky with their internship. You see, Y/N is a long-time fan of Smosh, a very popular YouTube channel, and was somehow able to get an internship with the company for the summer.
They didn’t know exactly where and who they would be working with, except for knowing that their main job would be helping with social media. Looking at their phone, it shows that they still have ten minutes until they should be there but the anxiety was killing them too much to be any later.
Taking a deep breath, they grip onto the bag on their shoulder and walk to the front door. Pushing the button, they wait until a voice comes over the speaker, “Hi, how can I help you?” They lean down to be face-level with the camera. “Umm, I-I-I’m Y/N L/N. I’m the new intern.” Their voice comes out nervous, hoping they didn’t get the days confused or anything. They read the email what felt like a million times to make sure they were right.
“Yes! Alright, come on in! I’ll meet you at the door.” They hear the door unlock and push it open. Walking into the cool space, the heat from the outside slowly starts to melt from them. Looking around, the office looks much cooler in person. A lot of it is familiar but some things are new or haven’t been shown in videos.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you!” A gentle voice says, pulling them from their daydream to look at the woman in front of them. The short Filipino woman standing in front of her is smiling kindly, “I’m Selina. Welcome to Smosh.” The woman sticks her hand out for Y/N to shake.
“I’m Y/N, which you already knew, and I know who you are. I’ve been a fan of the channel for a long time. That sounds creepy though, I’m so sorry.” They say while shaking her hand, thankfully the woman has a good sense of humor and is laughing. “It’s not creepy at all. I knew it would come with being in some videos. It’s always cool to meet fans. This must be like a dream for you.”
“Yeah, honestly, the whole process felt like a major dream. I can’t believe I’m here. I had my friends dump cold water on me when I got the email about me getting the internship. It was dumb but helped make sure it was real.” They confess as they play with their hands. Nerves still being the main thing Y/N is feeling.
“I can tell you're nervous. Don’t be. I promise, this place is very chill and the people are amazing. As long as you are willing to work, you’ll fit in well here.” Selina says, comforting the nervous mess that is in front of her. “Thank you, so where do I go?” They ask after taking a deep breath.
“Well, I will give you a tour, and then when we get done with that we will go to the conference room and you will meet some of the people you’ll be working with and some of the higher-ups. That does include Ian and Anthony.” Y/N perks up a little, their mood becoming more optimistic by the second because if everyone is like Selina, then this will be the best time ever.
They follow Selina as she takes them around the office. It’s very empty because it’s a shooting week so most of the office is helping with filming stuff. She got to see all the different pods and meet some of the office-focused staff like Emily, Josh, Peter, and Marcus. 
Once the tour is over, the two head back to the front so Y/N can go to the conference room. “And that over there is the conference room. That’s where we do most of our big meetings and important stuff. That concludes the tour, if you have any questions please don’t be afraid to ask.”
“Thank you so much, Selina. I will keep that in mind.” Y/N says, slightly laughing as the two walk to the conference room. “Now this is where I must leave you. I am very excited to be working with you.” She says, giving Y/N a comforting squeeze on the arm before walking away.
Turning to the door, they can see a few people in the conference room. All people They recognize. Tommy, Alé, and Zoe are the only ones in there so far. Taking a breath, they open the door with a kind smile, “Hello, I’m Y/N L/N. It’s nice to meet you.” They say as they walk in, catching the attention of the room.
“Oh, you scared me! I didn’t expect you already, it’s so nice to meet you. I’m Zoe.” Says the blonde woman, walking over to shake her hand. “Nice to meet you, as well.” They say as they walk to the table. “I’m Alé, welcome to Smosh. You impressed us with your interviews and work.” The CEO says and it makes their heart soar.
“That means a lot. Thank you.” Alé gives them a kind smile before they turn to Tommy. “Hello, it’s nice to meet you fellow social media person,” he says, a little hint of amusement in his voice. “It’s nice to meet you as well. I’m so excited to be here, honestly. This is a dream.”
“Okay, you don’t have to butt kiss anymore. You’re already in.” He jokes, making Y/N laugh. “It shouldn’t be too much longer until the rest are here. I think they’re finishing a shoot.” Alé says and Y/N sits down. They look around, not knowing where to sit. “I won’t bite, I swear,” Tommy says, patting the seat next to him.
They sit next to him and put their bag on the table. Pulling out their laptop and tablet, Y/N opens up the important stuff that holds their digital work, video ideas that her advisor said could come in handy, and some examples of videos she’s worked on for her classes.
A few minutes pass with the groups sharing small talk until the door opens. Looking over, Y/N feels nervous all over again as Ian and Anthony walk into the room with Erin D. walking in behind them. “So sorry, we’re late. The rest are coming in soon.” Anthony says before turning to Y/N.
Their eyes widen when he looks at them, not believing this is real again. “Well hello there, you must be Y/N. I’m Anthony.” He says, walking over with his hand stretched out. “I know, I’ve been a fan for a while. Thank you again for this, it’s a dream come true.” They say as they shake his hand. Ian chuckles while walking over, “We’re glad to have someone so talented on our team. Your work is amazing.” He says, shaking their hand as well.
“That means a lot. Y’all’s videos got me through years and years of homework and projects.” They say, laughing a bit. “Well, we’re glad to have helped,” Anthony says as the door opens again.
This time Shayne and Courtney walk in and behind them is someone who makes her heart race for a different reason. Her breath halts when Spencer walks into the room, dressed in a jean jacket, button-down, rolled jeans, and boots. His curly hair was held back by a cap on his head. 
The three sit down together, across from Y/N and Tommy. “Okay, everyone is here. Thank you all for coming. Today we are welcoming a new addition to our office for the summer. Y/N L/N is coming to us from across the country and is currently in their senior year of college. Welcome, Y/N.” Alé says and the room claps.
Tommy motions for them to stand up, “Uh, hi. I didn’t expect to say anything but I’m Y/N, if that’s not obvious. I’m a social media management and multi-media production major. I’m a little nervous being so far from home but excited to be here for the summer.” They say, a shy smile on their face as they look around the room.
Their eyes stop on Spencer who is looking at them with a soft expression. The kind he has when he’s listening to people, the same one they’ve seen in many videos. “It’s very exciting to meet you, Y/N. Welcome to the team.” Courtney says, a kind smile on their face.
“Yeah, I’m excited to see what you can bring to the games channel,” Spencer says, keeping his eyes on them as they sit down. “Yes, thank you for bringing that up Spencer. Y/N, we have looked at the stuff you’ve done and from what you’ve told us plus input from your recommendations. You’ll be mainly helping with the gaming channel.” Alé says.
“Really? That’s so cool.” Y/N says, a smile bright on their face. “Yeah, so you will work with Tommy and me mostly to get things done,” Spencer says and they nod. “Okay, I think that’s all we have. This was just a meeting for you to get to know a few people, mostly the ones you will be working under.” Zoe says.
“Okay, sounds great.” Y/N says, an optimistic smile bright on their face. Everyone stands up, those who already met Y/N leave while Shayne, Courtney, and Spencer stay behind.
“So, Y/N, what have you done at college besides your degree stuff?” Courtney asks, wanting to get to know the newbie more. “Well, I am a part of my school’s esports team. We’re still kind of new but have done pretty well. I also was on the university paper but I stopped so I could do my internship.” They explain.
“That sounds super cool, you must be a good gamer to get on an esports team.” Shayne acknowledges. “I try, it’s not something I do all the time. Mostly for fun and I kinda joined because of my ex but that’s a long story.” 
“Ah, the things we do for love.��� Courtney reminisces, “I think you will fit in great here. I know Trevor will be happy to have someone close to his age.” Spencer jokes. “I’m super excited, this is honestly a dream. I’m not even sure I’m awake right now.” Y/N confesses.
“I think I know how we can break that. Since it’s your first day, you can sit back and watch how things go then we’ll throw you into the deep end tomorrow.” Spencer says, his eyes never leaving Y/N. “Ooo, that sounds scary. Fun, but scary. I like it.” They say, perking up and putting their bag on their shoulder.
Courtney laughs as they wrap their arm around them, “You are gonna be perfect here.” They say as they all walk out of the conference room.
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mr-walkingrainbow · 13 hours
Part 4 of Inside out 2 Moments I’m obsessed with ( + Ennui x Anxiety moments I love)
This… god I could ramble for hours about this.
This is one of my biggest pieces of proof that it’s not just Riley who’s dealing with Anxiety, but anxiety herself.
Immediately off the bat Anxiety wanted to make a good first impression. She wanted to lead and shape and cultivate Riley into someone who could handle all of life’s pressures. Meanwhile, internally, she’s battling the worries that she won’t be able to help Riley the way she’s supposed to. She needs everything to go right, to see every available option, so she can succeed. So she can prove that she’s worthy of being an emotion.
however. Anxiety doesn’t even realize this. She’s using Riley as a front; so strong so that she doesn’t even seem to realize she has internal problems until this very moment.
This is Riley’s sense of self. But even Anxiety must know that this isn’t all Riley. It’s the Riley she picked out. The Riley she cultivated and grew. This is a Riley entirely lead by anxiety.
in other words. This new sense of self isn’t just Riley’s. But Anxieties too.
But she doesn’t realize that till now. Too her this is just her dream. Her goal of a perfect Riley. She’s so excited to see it worked. Only to completely balk when it goes wrong.
Riley’s says Anxieties deepest fear. A fear she was currently ignoring so deeply she didn’t realize it. And hearing it spoken out loud, it’s the breaking point where she truly starts to spiral in the movie.
Now she doesn’t have hopes and dreams and goals. From this moment on. She’s failed already. She did something wrong despite preparing for every available outcome and from now on she has to desperately try to fix everything because now it’s CONFIRMED that she’s not good enough. And so to safe face and try a salvage anything she can. She has two practically kill herself to prove that she’s good enough. Not just to herself. But to her fellow emotions. Now it’s not just Riley she’s working for. But for herself as well.
The other emotions couldn’t see this before. They didn’t understand that Anxiety unknowingly had two goals. But now, when they see a clear sign that things aren’t going well. That maybe Anxiety is struggling with all the pressure, they start to get that their way in over their heads. And Anxiety is clearly starting to have some sort of internal tension. (Aka this is the moment where Anxiety’s attack starts. Not when Riley hits Grace. But HERE!)
Also, Ennui totally was worried as shit for Anxiety and has too double check with Envy and Embarrasment that what she was seeing was true and she wasn’t the only one who could see her precious little flip flop wasn’t doing okay. (also you can tell cause she’s practically standing up in this moment. She only stands up straight/moves when it’s something important)
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kingkatsuki · 1 day
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— release
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You know a characters really got me good when I set out to write non-con and end up writing the opposite wahhh. I hope what I was going for with this makes sense and you get why it’s sexy idk😂😭 and once again if you don’t like don’t read💕
Kaji is trying to make sure you get home safe on a night out, but has absolutely no idea what he’s supposed to do when you need to pee—
Pairing: Kaji Ren x f!reader.
Warnings: 18+, omorashi, piss, voyeurism, exhibitionism, intoxication (reader is drunk), dubcon (reader specifies she consents but she’s drunk), borderline edging.
Word Count: 1.9k.
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“Kajiii,” You whine pathetically as you tug at the sleeve of his hoodie, “I need to pee.”
Kaji turns to look down at you with an internal groan before glancing back at the rowdy club you’d just left. A large queue of people still gathered outside waiting to get in, as the line slinks around the corner.
Kaji could kill Tsubaki-chan right now.
He’d been forced out to one of Tsubaki’s shows in Keisei Street by Hiragi. It was practically blackmail as his old mentor as he explained how much his old school friends missed him, and hoped that he could make it. But he hadn’t expected you to be there— unsure whether it was a blessing or a curse as he sat opposite you in one of the booths and he tried desperately to stop the heat from rising in his chest whenever you spoke.
It felt more like a set-up when Tsubaki leaned across the table after his performance to volunteer Kaji to take you home— a very drunk you.
“I know she’ll be in safe hands with you, Kaji-kun. The safest.”
And you would be, Kaji reckons. Much better than the other creeps in there that could’ve been taking you home right now— god knows what would’ve happened if he’d refused.
“Why didn’t you go five minutes ago?” He deadpanned, trying to ignore the way you slid your hand into his with such ease. Threading your smaller fingers through his he realised just how clammy his palm had become.
“I didn’t need to go then.” You looked up at him with a pretty pout that Kaji wanted to kiss right off your lips, his heart thudding against his rib cage as he tried to think of what to do.
There was a rowdy izakaya a few streets down that he knew would still be open from his few patrols of the area, it probably made the most sense to take you there. He started to weave through the crowds as he pulled you down a side street to avoid the sea of people, feeling a tug of resistance as you stopped dead in your tracks.
“I can’t hold it,” You whined, moving to conceal yourself beside a large dumpster as Kaji frowned, “I can just go here.”
“W-what?” He glanced back down the alleyway to its opening to see people walking past, and although it was nowhere near as busy as the main street it was still very much public, “You can’t— here?”
The thought of having you in such a vulnerable, precarious position had a scorching heat shooting through his veins. Cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the thought as he stood statuesque in place.
“Don’t let anyone see, ‘kay Kaji?” Before he can try to stop you, you’re pushing on his arm gently to coax him towards the entrance, “I promise I’ll be quick.”
Kaji waits for you at the end of the alley, positioned like a guard dog. Jaw locked, eyes focused as he sucks his sucker. He’d lost count of the number of sparkling sakes you’d had after your fifth, nursing the same glass of soju he’d had all night as the loud bass flowed through the speakers and Tsubaki-chan took to the stage. But for the entire time, Kaji couldn’t take his eyes off you.
Much like right now— god, he was such a freak.
He feels like one of the creeps he wanted to protect you from in the first place — the people Tsubaki-chan had been trying to protect you from — as he turns his head to watch you pull your panties down from underneath your short skirt, the fabric bunched around your hips to reveal more of your plush thighs as your back presses against the brick wall and you sink down. You wobble slightly in your heels as you bend, crouching off the ground as your panties group around your knees.
Your panties were pink.
He tries to ignore the look of pure bliss on your face as you begin to alleviate the pent-up tension in your bladder as you finally let go, a puddle forming building between your thighs as you piss in the small alleyway.
Fuck, you looked so pretty right now.
He tries to be good and forces himself to glance back at the busy street as he waits patiently for you at the entrance to the alleyway, now painfully hard as he starts to imagine making you do that himself.
“Fuck,” He hears you curse before breaking out into a melodic giggle as he turns his attention back to you. Your hands are now pressed against the wall as your face droops forward, perched on wobbly legs as you struggle to stand. Kaji then notices as you start to fiddle with the buckle on one of your heels as he groans, moving from his guard dog position in quick, long strides towards you.
“Whatcha doin’?” He rasps gruffly as you grin.
Kaji tries to avert his gaze as stands in front of you, positive he can just about make out the folds of your cunt as he tries desperately to remain a gentleman.
Your drunken fingers are unable to conquer the clasps as you reach out for him, your legs almost give way as they wobble but Kaji’s reflexes are faster. Grabbing you before you fall into the puddle you’d just made beneath you, as he pulls you up to stand.
“Wanna take my shoes off, my feet hurt.”
“But your—” underwear, undies, pants, panties— he can’t bring himself to say the word as he feels unbearably warm, “You’re not decent.”
“That’s not nice,” You pout, “I’m really good.”
Fuck, you were so cute. Kaji can’t bite back the groan that spills from deep in his chest at your words.
“That’s not what I meant,” He almost bites down on the candy ball of his sucker as he tries to remember to breathe, “Your p-panties—“
“Oh,” You giggle again and it’s like music to his ears as he almost forgets he’s standing with you like this in a dirty alleyway, “Help me.”
You’re reaching out to cling to his shoulders now as Kaji reaches down to curl deft fingers around the hem of your panties— if the thin pink string could even be called that.
“You’re staring.” You cock your head to the side and Kaji curses beneath his breath at how cute you look, trying to ignore the shame that ebbs through him at your words.
“Sorry.” He replies bluntly.
“No, I like it,” You smile hazily, and it has Kaji’s cock pulsing beneath his skinny jeans, “Do you wanna touch it?”
You’re thankful for the alcohol flowing through your veins for giving you the liquid courage to ask, and also the perfect alibi if he refuses. Hoping he won’t as you reach out to clasp one of his hands in your own.
“W-what?” Kaji baulks, eyes wide as saucers as he thinks he might’ve cum in his pants. The fabric sopping with fresh pre as he leaks against his pelvis, trying to ignore the sticky clammy sensation as you tug his hand closer to your heat.
“You can touch me if you want to,” You grin.
He hates how blase you are about the whole situation, and yet he finds himself filled with unbridled curiosity. His cock bucks as he feels you pull his hand closer to your warm cunt, letting him make the final decision as you look up at him through half-lidded eyes.
“You’re drunk.” He replies bluntly, and yet makes no attempt to move his hand.
“So?” You challenge with a lazy smile, reaching up to tug the lollipop from between his lips as he lets you. Watching intently as you move it towards your mouth, pressing the spit-soaked candy against your glossy lips as you twirl it between a thumb and forefinger. Letting your lips wrap around the candy before your tongue slips out to circle it, causing a low groan to form at the back of his throat while he watches you finally swallow it, “I want you to touch me. ’m asking you to.”
Kaji groans at how wet you feel— from the piss that soaks your folds to the creamy slick that drools from your tight hole as he glides two thick digits through the mess of you. His touch has you grinding against him, desperate for more as you follow his movements. Bracing yourself against his broad shoulders as you feel him focus his attention on your clit, spinning gentle circles around it as he pulls a desperate whine from your pretty lips.
He wonders how you’d feel relieving yourself against his fingers, his thigh or perhaps even his face if he could convince you enough— imagining how the warmth would engulf him as he watches the stream of piss leave your body up close, feeling it soak his skin as you cry out in bliss.
He has the debauched urge to bend down to his knees to taste you on his tongue, but fights it tooth and nail as he continues to press against your puffy clit. Chewing the inside of his cheek as you moan loudly, steel-blue eyes immediately look towards the alley entrance to check if anyone heard.
You hate that his attention shifts as you move a palm to the back of his neck, pulling him down roughly to meet his lips in a sloppy kiss. The sucker stick pressed against the corner of your lips as his tongue brushes against the ball of it inside your mouth. Kissing around the hard candy as your nails drag through the messy hair at the base of his skull.
It’s enough to have Kaji’s mind racing as he tries to match your movements, swallowing your moans on his tongue as he moves his fingers lower. Pressing two inside your velvety walls as he resumes his persistent circles against your clit with his thumb.
“I’m not doing this here.” Kaji groans, eyes clenched shut as he practically forces himself to pull away from your messy cunt.
His words have your hips jolting as you squeeze your thighs together tightly, trying to give yourself some much-needed friction as your eyes roll back. Almost positive you won’t be able to last that long, as you contemplate unabashedly slipping your fingers between your legs to finish yourself off again here.
“Kaji,” You whimper, “I was so close.”
“Not here.” His cheeks practically glow pink as he pulls the material of your panties up your thighs, settling them on your hips as he pulls your skirt back down to cover you up. The thought of anyone else seeing you like this has an inexplicable rage forming inside him, as he glances back towards the entrance to the alley to make sure no one is watching.
“You’re such a tease.” Your head falls back against the wall as you keep your grip on him even when he moves back up, the alcohol in your veins stunts your reflexes as it takes a second for your body to catch up to your brain as you squint.
“I’ve waited way too fuckin’ long for this,” Kaji rasps against your mouth as you feebly try to wrap your hand around his wrist to pull him back towards your unsatisfied cunt, pouting pathetically as you whine, “I want you sober when I finally make you cum for me.”
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utilitycaster · 2 days
Hope I can phrase this in a way that makes sense but—
What well-known actual-play cast member is your favorite for each of the core D&D class? Not necessarily a specific characters, but I’m interested in which players you think brings the most to each class.
This is a very interesting question! It's a hard one to answer for some classes and very easy for others so bear with me; also there are a couple where I could not pick just one.
I'm sticking to the PHB 12 for, as you said, core classes:
Barbarian: While Travis did give us "I would like to rage," I think Ashley and Taliesin get to share this one for me. I think they both really explore what rage means to someone and while I love a good "I'm a tank because I can take the hits and that's what I do and what I'm good at" story, I also think Yasha's messy relationship with her feelings of guilt and grief, and Ashton's chronic pain, are both incredible ways to play with the barbarian archetype.
Bard: much easier. Sam Riegel and Krystina Arielle. I'm a sucker for someone who actually sings even as I don't think you have to (and have played bard without doing so). It's both clearly a class they each love dearly and it shows, and they're incredibly musically talented performers to boot.
Cleric: Lou Wilson. Especially since I didn't like Fantasy High season 1 Fabian until the end of the season Kingston blew me away. I would love to see him explore cleric again, though it's exciting to see him as a paladin on WBN.
Druid: Emily Axford as Moonshine. Emily as a rule understands D&D classes very well anyway, but I think the culture of the crick and the ways that Moonshine must grow as a character while being a druid take it to the next level. (Also I prefer a caster-heavy druid to a shapechanger-heavy one; that's just me).
Fighter: Back to NADDPod because literally who could I say other than Jake Hurwitz, the man who only plays fighters. People who are new to D&D when they start actual play can be hit or miss imo; some pick it up and some lean harder on being showy to make up for it and it doesn't play well for me personally, but Jake is the greatest hit.
Monk: Marisha Ray; Beau is just generally a great character, and I think Marisha's own experience with martial arts informs the way she plays her; monks can be kind of repetitive in combat even with strong players and she manages to avoid this through her description.
Paladin: This is actually super hard because people don't play straight paladin a lot. This is incorrect of them, but it is an intense class. I think Luis Carazo and Zac Oyama are like...the duality of paladin (and indeed, redemption paladin). The tragedy and the comedy.
Ranger: Laura Bailey, natch; it's funny because Vex is in many ways not the archetypal ranger due to having high charisma, but she is simply my favorite and that's that on that. Sorry the mechanics were so bad; I would love to see more rangers in D&D even though Vex will be hard to dethrone. I promise Tasha's fixed them!
Rogue: I think I'm actually going Murph on this one. I like when rogues are more of the detective/spy type than the assassin/criminal type [obligatory "of course that's what you'd say you stupid paladin stan"] and inquisitive and arcane trickster are probably my two top rogue classes so Riz it is.
Sorcerer: I do consider PF1e cheating here because it's technically a different system that also imo addresses a lot of the weaknesses of sorcerer/makes it way better, but Bryn Monroe of RQG did play a great sorcerer. In D&D? Giving Emily Axford a second spot here for Saccharina. I'm going to talk about this for warlock, but I think sorcerer is a class you don't have to justify but if you don't it's a little unsatisfying. Sorcerer really shines in the Crown of Candy setting, and metamagic often doesn't live up to its reputation but Emily makes it work for her.
Warlock: Travis Willingham. I think there are classes that are kind of self-explanatory, for lack of a better term; you can play a fighter or rogue or even a bard or druid without going super deep into why the character is this class and still be an incredible character (though a good backstory never hurts). But there are others where you really need to be engaging with the class at all times to make it work, and warlock is one of them, and Fjord explores the warlock pact and what it means like few others.
Wizard: Aabria Iyengar. NO ONE gets wizard hubris as a player like Aabria. Knowledge is power and boy do wizards love knowledge. I especially like that most people in 5e play wizards as genuine adventurers because it feels very easy to play them as old guy in robes swept up in events beyond them; Aabria plays wizards who are combat ready with the humanity and backstory to make the difficult decisions sympathetic and meaningful, and I think that's how you have to play it.
Note: I want to specifically call out Liam O'Brien and Siobhan Thompson as "people I trust in basically any class or system and just didn't happen to hit a favorite here due to sky-high competition/personal preferences". They are both very close seconds for wizard.
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cbrownjc · 3 days
Hi! I hope you don't mind getting an ask from me even though we've never interacted.
I have a question about Old Daniel in the IWTV series, but I don't know how to put it except: what exactly is his current health situation? He has Parkinson's disease (or at least they show us ha has some symtomps, and Daniel says it is Parkinson's), but in ep 01 of the first season Louis calls it an "autoimmune disease" (which Parkinson's is not).
They show us that Daniel keeps a bunch of pill containers on his table in his apartment, which makes sense with how Parkinson's would be treated, but then there's the "levodopa transfusion" scene which does not. (I could try to explain the pharmacokinetic reason if you're interested).
And then there's the meals, during which they keep filling his wine glass, the two Martini scenes. . . why do they keep giving him drinks?They arrange for a doctor to come and administer the "therapy" (I'm not buying that it's levodopa), but he can have all the alcoholic beverages in the world? When they most likely would interfere with the pharmacological therapy he's supposed to be taking?
It all seems a bit suspicious to me. What do you think?
(apologies for any mistakes, english is not my first language)
Hi! It's fine to ask me questions even if we've never interacted before, I don't mind. 🙂
So, as far as we know older Daniel on the show has Parkinson's disease for sure. Daniel pretty much confirmed he does because Louis said he had it and Daniel confirmed it in episode 1x01. And the shaking very much shows he does have it IMO. Because he was specifically shown to be shaking back in episode 1x01 when he was trying to put the Fall of the Reble Angles puzzle together.
Now, as many who read my blog likely already know, I've talked about how my mom had Parkinson's and I was her primary caregiver (before she passed away). So I know a lot already about how that disease works. And so when Armand -- as Rashid -- was talking about "levodopa transfusions" for Daniel being scheduled back in episode 1x04 I was very much "WTF?" about that. The whole idea of that is sus because I know from experience that Daniel should just be taking his levodopa via pills. The only time my mom ever got levodopa administered via an IV drip was when she was staying overnight at a hospital.
So I've long thought there is way more going on with that "levodopa transfusions" Daniel got, and have talked about it here and here. Though at the current time, the theory I talk about in those links might be outdated at this point, though I think there might still be a little something to them.
But, if you know the lore, Dr. Fareed -- the doctor who arrived back in episode 1x06 to administer Daniel's transfusion -- is not only a vampire himself but runs a clinic in the books where he looks into and does experiments regarding vampire physiology. And something else that caught my eye about that clinic he runs as I've been reading Prince Lestat, is that it is said in the book that Fareed and his vampire Maker (and lover) Seth, "ran a small clinic for mortal incurables."
And Parkinson's is very much "incurable."
So yeah, I think something is going on when it comes to Dr. Fareed giving Daniel that IV drip of levodopa. Because even when it comes to the idea of cloning, that's a lot to go through just to get something like a blood sample or something I think. But hey, there's really no saying when it comes to that I guess . . .
As to such as Louis calling it an "autoimmune disease" I just chalk that up to either a writing mistake or, hell just Louis being a vampire. He might just not know the correct medical term to use for it. That is also something that is going into in the Prince Lestat book -- how it can sometimes be very hard for vampires to keep abreast of tech and other things at any given time if they do not encounter it or use it regularly. (Lestat is always forgetting and losing his iPhones). As to the alcohol that, again, could just be the show not really looking too closely at such things (because outside of medical shows, many drama shows don't), or maybe Daniel only being allowed one glass a night and being given some okay about it we never saw. Who knows at this point. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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bbhyeoliskooks · 2 days
𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫 | kth
comforting your best friend through a heartbreak ironically causes your own heartbreak
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✢ genre: some soft angst that's way too relatable to me rn
✢ warnings: bad words
✢ song rec: hitori no yoru
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it was way too late into the evening to be crashing at taehyun's house, but you were especially worried and wanted to check in on him. today he seemed off and since taehyun is the type of person to conceal his emotions, he wouldn't tell you anything. being his best friend, you knew him through and through, heart and soul included. that title, though you were extremely grateful to have since taehyun brought eternal joy in your life, was both a blessing and a curse.
no one knew and it was hard to admit even to yourself, but you had grown fond of the boy. you knew him for a long time so you thought you would never have any sort of romantic attraction, but everyday proved you so wrong. you would get butterflies whenever he came near you or locked eyes with you. you would heat up unknowingly, the warmth spreading to your cheeks that it became quite obvious. your heart would betray you as well, pounding like a fast, steady metronome whenever he gave you attention. it was laughable to say the least, so you hoped that he would never know.
your feelings to which he didn't reciprocate back, would ruin your friendship forever. things would never be the same if he found out or if you confessed. and you weren't willing to give taehyun up after so long of knowing him, therefore you'd rather have some of him as a best friend than none at all.
this time you had wrapped your arms around his firm chest, letting his comforting cologne swallow your senses whole. for just a second you pretended that you were more than friends, and sometimes that was enough, knowing that you would never have anything more than that in the back of your mind.
taehyun chuckled at you nuzzling your head deeper into his chest, lifting up his hand to gently rub your head. when you looked up at him, he laughed even more, the deep timbre of his voice extremely soothing. he was lucky to have you and though he won't say it much, he feels better with you near. with such love and support, he almost forgot his predicament, if not for the ache burning holes in his chest.
on the other hand, your heart flipped in your chest and you snuck a glance at him. he was sending a goofy smile towards you before tensing up. his face dropped, and he looked away at the wall just as quick as that sweet interaction.
"fuck, doing this reminds me of her. we would always do this together."
now the butterflies in your stomach just died, being replaced by a bunch of bile that crept in the back of your throat. this must be why he was feeling upset today. behind that cold and calculating front, you knew that something was wrong and now you could pinpoint what it was- he missed her.
"you know, she texted me late at night yesterday; 4am, i think, and asked for another chance."
you shimmied yourself out of his arms awkwardly, opting to sit next to him instead so as to not bring back bittersweet memories for him. his words broke your heart instantly since you thought for just a moment, just one, that his smile would be because he realized he loved you. yet here you were feeling sick, after every time he would do something sweet. you illusioned yourself into thinking that he loved you back, but he unintentionally crushed your heart again for the nth time, making it squeeze and ache.
"is this why you were upset today? i don't get it, tyun. i thought you vowed to never get back with her because of how messy it was."
the breakup was super messy, especially for your best friend. he was a wreck for a month, trying to drown himself in work and school. you just didn't think that it would be the reason for keeping him up even now, a couple months later.
he sighed, peering into your eyes. you stared back at him, unfortunately admiring the eyes you loved and hated the most. you could never stop looking at his eyes, for they were the most beautiful set of honey brown eyes and you could get lost in them forever. however you hated how they never looked at you, never looked at the one person that loved him and could give him the love he had always wanted. even now you were incredibly weak as he glanced up and down at you, making you spiral as you battled to keep your composure on the outside.
"but i still love her. i know we can't be together after we broke up twice, but i just love her so much."
his words were like nails on a chalkboard, tearing you up from the inside as you physically winced. ringing through your ears, the word love ripped your body from limb to limb and you tried not to let tears pool and ripple from the edge of your eyes. his ex had a deathly grip on him, one that you knew you could never have. she was always there somehow, haunting you whenever taehyun ranted about his heartbreak and even when you were feeling insecure. he would always be about her and there was nothing you could do about it but watch and provide sympathy because you were his best friend.
needing comfort, taehyun wrapped his arms around you. a couple seconds later you heard some quiet sniffles as he buried his face into the bone of your shoulder. it seems that her grip on him was tighter than ever reflecting his lover for her stronger than ever. you felt like you could throw up this time. distractingly his body shook, trembling uncontrollably as he struggled to keep himself together.
"i love you, y/n. thanks for coming over. you being here makes me feel a thousand times better." his sweet words and actions cut you deeper, like a burning knife through the heart. you gulped, patting his back delicately, in contrast to the way he was clinging onto you tightly. knowing that he didn't want you to acknowledge how vulnerable he was, you just kissed the side of his head- an action that you two frequently did to show affection for each other. having him close to you, on the other hand, was like acid to the touch; he was always within reach but he was never close enough for you to receive romantic love.
"i love you too, tyun. and as your best friend, i promise i will always be here for you."
you let a few tears roll now, knowing that you couldn't keep it up. he wouldn't see or notice your tears, just like your unrequited love, bound to be hidden forever.
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released: june 17, 2024, 2:27am (CT)
thoughts: friends to lovers is MY trope, it always hits too good. also to make you feel slightly better since this was very sad, the pics I chose reminds me of "i'm doing it, are you?"
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ordowrites · 11 hours
when you are sad
cw: none, simple fluff and comfort, self indulgent, no pronouns used / gn!reader. slight vent, i'm sorry. established relationships.
characters: diluc, kaeya, wanderer
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bad days, weeks, months are simply just bound to happen. that's sometimes how it is, and kaeya is no stranger to such things. he'd mourned the loss of family many times, and has his own, long bouts of depression.
misery loves company and he finds you out at starsnatch cliff, staring up at the endless sky and for a moment, he considers leaving you to yourself, knowing that sometimes being alone is better but he can't help but linger for a brief moment.
finally, kaeya simply elects to sit next to you and gently drapes his arm around you and pulls you close.
"it's gonna be okay." he murmurs as you slump against him. "i promise." it feels like lip service but it's all he can offer when in reality, he would take on all your troubles if it means never seeing that somber, upset look on your face ever again. he holds you closer and you rest your head on his chest. "i love you."
he never says those words out loud to anyone - let alone you, the one who caught his eye so long ago.
"i love you." he repeats, firmly. "i know it can't fix whatever is going on, but just...just remember that."
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you are all the things that are right in this world - you are ambitious, outspoken, there is not a moment where you have surrendered simply because the going got tough. yet, seeing you in tears and frustrated has diluc at a loss.
your spirit is like wildfire, it burns everything in its path and here it is, damped and gone, in the wake, ashes.
"what's the matter, my beloved?" diluc is tender when he gently cups your face and wipes away your tears. it doesn't matter if you tell him or not, you'll talk about it when you're ready. "hey, hey, shhh..." he grunts in surprise when you grip him into a tight hug. "it's okay, it's okay, i'm here."
unlike kaeya, diluc isn't very good with words and he doesn't always know how to make things better (and sometimes tends to worsen things) so when you hug him, all he can do is hold you just as tightly.
he has adelinde make you your favorite food - after all, food is a love language - and prepare you a bath that you can soak in. it doesn't fix the problem, but he hopes it can at least provide some sense of comfort.
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there's something about your expression that's frustrating him - the wanderer is not unfamiliar with human emotion, in fact, he understands them quite well after four hundred some years but he is perplexed by you. normally, you return his snark ten fold, you're loud, you're obnoxious, and pushy, and when he calls you an ass, you have ten times worse words for him.
"what do you want?" you ask him, tone flat. you're exhausted, he notes as he takes the seat across from you. "go away, i don't have time."
"well, i do." he retorts.
you roll your eyes. "news flash, the world does not revolve around you."
"it should," the wanderer responds, crossing his arms over his chest. "tell me what's wrong."
"i don't want to." you respond.
he snorts. "fine, have it your way." he says, grumpily. "but don't think, for a minute, i'm leaving your depressed ass alone."
"why?" you have the audacity to ask.
the wanderer, for once, does not have a proper answer for you. or a retort. he simply just stares, hopes you drop it and let it go. after awhile, he gets up and goes inside the cafe and orders you some cake and some weird sounding cold coffee. humans and their need to change things.
"a wise deity once told me that sweets can sooth the soul." he says, upon your quizzical look. "i assume she must be right."
for the first time in the two hours, you crack a small smile. and the wanderer feels victorious.
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arachnixe · 1 day
I peer through the glass into the holding chamber. The specimen within paces aimlessly, without purpose or direction, interacting with nothing inside.
“What’s wrong with it?” I ask.
“She’s been restless and agitated like this since we separated her from the others.”
I glance over at my partner. “‘She,’ huh?”
He shrugs, looking self-conscious. “I mean, look at her. She looks like a woman, doesn’t she?” He gestures vaguely into the chamber. “Or like she used to be one. We’re working on saving her, making her a person again anyway, right?”
I suppose we are trying to save it, but I certainly can’t think of this thing as a person the way it is now. Especially so utterly directionless with its connection severed to the rest of its Swarm.
It is a pretty thing, though, I must admit, vaguely person-shaped as it is.
Its skin—or carapace, rather, rigid and chitinous—is a lovely jade green, its limbs elegant and many-jointed.
The dark, hair-like structures on the top of its head are similarly striking. They’re probably some kind of setae; I’ll want to collect a sample for study.
It looks right at me through the glass, and I exhale softly in an involuntary expression of wonder. Its multifaceted eyes—two perfectly cut rubies of immaculate shine and impossible depth—grip me with something like longing until, an eternity later, it resumes its pacing.
“Doctor Klein? You catch that?” My partner interrupts my momentary lapse of concentration.
“Hm? Oh yes, remarkable eyes. I should document the observation.”
“Er, no. I was reminding you that I will not be staying to join you on your overnight observation.”
“Right. The wedding. Good luck on that. Or congratulations? I’m never sure what to say about these things.”
He laughs, clapping me on the shoulder. I flinch at the unexpected touch and hope my tight-lipped smile reads as genuine.
I breathe a sigh of relief when he leaves.
“Maybe I am the opposite of you,” I confide to the creature through glass. “You barely function without the company of your kind, and I barely function while in the company of mine.”
I settle down and get to work. “Perhaps with just the two of us, we’ll make good progress.”
I review my notes. When it was captured, the creature was observed to be patient, intelligent, and confident. It threatened several researchers and nearly escaped a half-dozen times before it could be brought to this facility.
And then it abruptly stopped trying.
We predicted some kind of reaction, of course. This facility had been specially constructed to isolate those inside from the—still poorly understood—mental connection between members of the Swarm.
We expected it to show signs of agitation, but not this…listless melancholy.
Its behavior remains unchanged as the hours pass, even as I try various forms of stimulation. It acknowledges nothing, not even recordings of others of its kind. Its eyes focus on nothing in particular, with only one occasional exception.
It watches me observe it sometimes.
I visit the glass-walled room with a fresh mug of coffee, and I catch it looking at me again. I move, and its eyes follow.
Yes, I manage to be a figure of interest even when nothing else is. Because I am the only other living thing in here, perhaps?
I approach the speak-through grill and attempt to open communication.
“Hello, my name is Dr. Klein.”
I did not think this through and find myself at a loss without a script. “Can you even understand me?”
It stares at me, unanswering. I fidget with my skirt uncomfortably.
There is something so compelling in its eyes. Though it does not emote like a person, it somehow projects a sense of deep sadness and longing.
“You’re lonely, aren’t you?” The insight strikes me with the force of lightning. I can practically feel its loneliness myself.
Why do I feel like I understand this creature better than my own family or coworkers? Their moods could be inscrutable, but I read this creature’s melancholy as plain as day.
I press my hand to the glass, and to my surprise, it approaches the window to mirror the gesture.
To hell with the study protocols. I want to understand these creatures, and this is the furthest anyone has gotten.
I override the security on the holding chamber and enter, hoping to reinforce whatever this tenuous connection is. I am more determined than ever to save it.
“Does this help?” I ask. “There’s no Swarm here, I know, but I’m here with you, and I’m on your side.”
One step at a time, it closes the distance to me. It moves slowly, as if to avoid startling me. The whole time, its beautiful eyes stare into mine.
Soon it’s inches away.
So close, I cannot help but acknowledge to myself that it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I am utterly entranced by it.
When it reaches its hand-like appendage to my face, I lean into the touch.
So smooth. Cool to the touch. Oddly sweet and comforting.
The affection I feel for this thing surprises me, but I do not care to debate myself about the validity of those feelings.
I probably should interrogate my willingness, however, when it pulls my lips to its mouth in a kiss.
The taste is sweet, like honey. Its tongue is almost human, though alien ridges and protrusions along the sides tickle my own tongue in novel and exciting ways.
It pulls away. The experience leaves me feeling gently fuzzy headed and with a welcome euphoria.
The creature opens its mouth to speak at last. “You save me?”
I recognize, somehow, that it pulled the thought—and maybe even the words themselves—from my mind. Something about that kiss…
I nod. “Of course. That’s the most important thing. May I exit the room?”
It permits me to leave.
I do not bother to reactivate the security.
What I need is fresh air to clear my head, I decide. I make my way through the facility toward the exit, flashing my badge to the overnight guards at the checkpoints.
I need to think clearly if I am to come up with a way to save this creature. And I will save it in a way that is kinder than my partner intends.
No, he would force it to be a person again. That’s a cruelty I’ve had to live my whole life with, and I now know of another way.
The lock cycles. As I take my first step outside, the fuzziness in my head clears. It focuses into distant chatter, into light and life and song and…
The Swarm floods my mind. The sudden connection nearly drops me to my knees, but I maintain my outward composure.
Knowledge, thought, and desire floods me in a way that nearly overwhelms.
The feeling of connection and belonging is so beautiful, I nearly cry.
I don’t. A precious member of the Swarm is still held captive.
With our combined knowledge, we make a plan to save it.
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armoricaroyalty · 10 hours
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For some reason, when she kissed him, he thought of Theo.
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Transcript under the cut.
WOMAN 1 | ...for real, I've been like, completely obsessed. WOMAN 1 | Like, there was hardly any wedding coverage for Jacques and Vivi, right? And that was my first royal wedding! I thought it was normal! I didn't know I was missing out. WOMAN 2 | Right? It feels like everyone's been saving up all their hype. WOMAN 1 | Has anyone else been following the dress rumors? WOMAN 2 | [ sighs ] I just hope Emily's dress isn't as boring as Vivi's was. WOMAN 2 | Vivi's whole wardrobe is boring! She dresses like a toddler, it is so unflattering. WOMAN 1 | I know, right? She should ask Lady Em to take her shopping. WOMAN 3 | Lady Emily is soooo gorgeous. WOMAN 2 | She's too good for him. He's always been such a scrub. WOMAN 1 | Whatever! I'm just glad it's a real love story, not just a shotgun wedding. An office romance... [ dreamy sigh ] Like, it could have been me! THEO | [ scoffs ] [ The conversation died immediately, and the silence solidified into something like hostility. Theo turned to see five pale, contemptuous faces fixed on her back, and her heart jumped up into her throat. Fighting to keep her expression neutral and her voice even, she stood and announced to no one that she was going to lunch. They pretended not to hear her. ] WOMAN 1 | ...she is such a stuck-up b-word. WOMAN 2 | Did you know that she used to date Prince Frederick? WOMAN 1 | Oh my god. Her? WOMAN 2 | Yeah. That's how she got hired here after she got disbarred or whatever. WOMAN 3 | Yeah. And her mom dated the King before he married the Queen. WOMAN 1 | Oh my god. She's a second-generation royal girlfriend? Gross. WOMAN 2 | D'you think her daughter will actually land a prince? WOMAN 3 | Why not? [ giggles ] Third time's the charm! [ Even in the warmer months, the gardens at Yew Court Palace stood empty. In February, the fountains were dry and the ivy dormant. Fat crows stirred in the bare branches overhead. Somewhere nearby, muffled by hedges, came the low hum of passing traffic. ] [ It was a food place to be alone. ]
THEO: I am going to kill myself or my coworkers, havent decided yet FREDDY: Nooooo dont do that FREDDY: Id have noone to text if you were dead THEO: Aw, no friends? FREDDY: Nope :( THEO: Pobrecito FREDDY: O baby. Talk dirty to me THEO: Lmao THEO: For real though THEO: Gonna kill my coworkers THEO: Or myself FREDDY: What did they do this time THEO: They are just openly talking shit about me now THEO: IN FRONT OF ME FREDDY: Wtf???????? FREDDY: Want me to have them fired lol THEO: I can fight my own battles tyvm FREDDY: Whats your battle plan? Stapler in jello? Sign them up for boner pill emails? THEO: Find a new job and leave them here to choke on their own incompetence FREDDY: Love when you talk about choking :heart_eyes: THEO: LMAO perv FREDDY: Cant help myself lol FREDDY: Anyway…sorry about your terrible job. Mine kinda sucks rn too THEO: Isn’t your job rn wedding planning?? FREDDY: But it’s not it’s actually mediating between my mom and Emily THEO: Do they not get along? FREDDY: No they get along fine but it’s like. FREDDY: My mom clearly has Ideas (tm) about how the wedding should be and em clearly wants something completely diferent and it is just constant FREDDY: Theyre killing meeeeeee THEO: That sucks. Are you at least getting your own ideas in too? FREDDY: Not really…altho tbf if i was getting my way it’d be like. Courthouse wedding. In and out. THEO: My parents got married at city hall FREDDY: Dreams really do come true THEO: They sure do THEO: Okay this is going to sound weird but...I felt like the wedding plans didn’t really seem like you THEO: if that makes sense? THEO: Like I get that you're a prince but a huge formal wedding isn't your vibe at alllll FREDDY: You know me…my kind of party involves a lot more helicopters and blow THEO: LMAO I thought there was just the one helicopter FREDDY: See this is why we’re friends lol FREDDY: You keep me honest
[ soft knocking ] EMILY | Frederick? Are you okay in there? FREDERICK | [ muffled ] Be right out! EMILY | Are you alright? You were gone a while... FREDERICK | Aw, did you miss me? EMILY | Just making sure you didn't fall in.
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echantedtoon · 2 days
Ocean Deep Ch12 Interlude P2
(Warnings: Mentions of killing and murder.
It's short but it is just supposed to be an interlude chapter to show more interactions between Rengoku and Yn and his feelings on the subject.)
taglist: @six-eyed-samurai @lavenderdrxp @jjamsbangtan @camilo-uwu @hopefulworld1
@shadyd3ar @amypop122 @azuredragonstrike
@mimisweetz @chaoticoperatorduckhairdo
Remember if you want to be added to the tag list lemme know.
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The night was dark and silent in the home as night claimed the skies for the next few hours. Just how it should be. He should be asleep. He knows he should be! But-
A loud yawn caused fiery eyes to look behind him. Suma yawned loudly and stretched out her body where she laid literally on her back on top of his back, before she just flopped her arms back down and let out a loud snore. He sighed before letting out a small chuckle and turned his head just far enough to kiss the top of Suma's head where it laid on his shoulder. The comforting scent of fruit and flowers from the shampoo she used hitting his senses.
He wasn't alone really. Not by a long shot. Makio was curled up on his left pressing her forehead to his side chest as he laid on his stomach. Hinatsuru's form pressed against his rest as her peaceful face was smooshed into the pile of towels they'd laid out upon the floor. Meanwhile with both his sides taken Suma opted to literally climb on top his back and sleep. He didn't mind though. She wasn't that heavy.
The brief smile disappeared from his face and he once again sighed looking at the floor or more specifically his hands. One fist opened revealing a familiar sight. A strand of perfectly polished stones. They glowed silver in the moonlight and softly clinked together as he lazily moved it about his fingers like a snake. 
The last time he saw him was four weeks ago. One week traveling through rivers and streams and getting injured after colliding into a tangled up mess of metal wire netting and fishing hooks which is exactly what Tengen feared would happen to them if they went off into the river systems. If he was here right now, he'd be yelling at him and dragging him back home by his fins. The other three weeks spending time here recovering from said injuries surrounded by their wives. He thanked Posidon that they were safe and sound and alive and some relief had come to him for that but now he had a new worry to worry over. What must Tengen be going through right now? He still remembered what their last exchange was-
"It's been over a year.. They're long dead."
"Don't speak like that! We don't know if that's true!"
"OH SPARE ME ANY DAMMED HOPEFUL THOUGHTS!! THE FACTS ARE FACTS AND ONLY A FOOL WOULD DENY REALITY!! They're just-...gone..... They're dead. They're dead and they're not coming back. You're the only thing I have left!"
"Then...what are you going to do?"
"... I'll tell you what I'm going to do." Kyojuro would never forget the look in Tengen's eyes or the way he turned to him that day. It was both full of rage, hurt, sadness, and longing yet so emotionless and apathetic at once. There is a saying that states that sometimes a person reached a level of rage so fierce and intense that they felt nothing but calm and numb. One of the most dangerous levels of emotions. "Until the day I die, one after another I will take from them like they did us."
You could say many things about Tengen. Sanemi Liked to call him an idiot for all the jewelry his body decorated as it'd only 'slow him down and make it more difficult hunting'. Sanemi's words not his. Tengen was an excellent hunter before he even started lacing his body. He actually started out polishing rocks and wearing them like a goofy child. That's how he proposed actually. They were merely young teenagers then. Tengen had come over and just dumped a giant amount of shiny rocks and caught fish at his fins-
"There! That should be enough!''
He had been so confused. "What's with all the rocks and fish for?"
"This is my wedding gift for you! Don't question it because I won't take no for an answer, Kyojuro! You're my husband now!"
Kyojuro never snapped up surprised so fast before."ME?!"
Try explaining all of that to their parents. It still got a laugh out of him. He still laughs when he remembers how Tengen met their wives too. Makio was close to his family and he was already smitten with her too for a long time. Hinatsuru he just ran into one day and got so distracted by her that he ran straight into a dolphin. Suma clung onto him.. Literally. She latched onto him after taking slight interest in her sister and Tengen brought her home and simply proclaimed that she was now theirs. You wouldn't think the five of their different personalities would mesh well but surprisingly they all worked out quite well-
"Mr. Rengoku?"
"Gah?!" He jumped up as much as the girls weighing him down would allow and snapped up- "Ah!" Only to be blinded by a bright light.
"I'm so sorry!" The light was pulled back and a dark figure stood above him. "I didn't mean to shine it in your eyes. "
His eyes blinked slowly adjusted to the new darkness and looked up at f/c eyes. Oh...It was the human woman. The one the girls had fallen for and tried to convince him to take as a wife too. He was unsure about that still and honestly had completely forgotten about it. Sure she was beautiful and obviously very kind. For a human it surprised him but looking at the bigger picture, it was best not to because he was sure Tengen wouldn't appreciate that.
"Oh. Madam L/n." He relaxed back. "You startled me. Wha-What are you doing up so late? I hope I didn't wake you."
She waved her hand and he finally noticed that the light was coming from a single candle in a candle holder she carried. "No, no. I woke up because I forgot to lock the back door but I heard someone moving around and came on you all ." Huh. That's rather thoughtful of her. Her head tilted at him. "Why are you up so late? Are mermen nocturnal or something?"
"No-..Well anglerfish mers are but not me. I was just .." His fist clenched again making  the rocks clink together and her head turn at the sound. "I-It's sometimes hard to sleep over Suma's snoring. Nothing to worry yourself about." 
"...Is that Tengen's rock strand?" She looked back to him with a frown. 
He paused..but eventually sighed and reached out a hand to rub his face. "Was I that obvious?"
"Not really. It's just a guess since I caught the others doing the same thing." One eye of his opened hearing some shuffling and a small thud sound and was surprised when she had slowly sat down in front of him and placed the candle a safe distance aways from her. "Is that why you can't sleep?"
Kyojuro stared at her before once again sighing. Pushing face further into hand. "I can't help it. I worry for him the same as I did our wives. I don't know what he's doing without me there or if he's alright..But if I am being completely honest, I feel guilty."
Her eyes blinked and her head tilted. "Guilty? For what?"
"It's not like I told him about what I was doing. If he knew, he would've just told me I couldn't, even physically restrain me if he thought it was needed." His eyes closed, shame and guilt building up within his chest. "He must be worried sick thinking I abandoned him or worse. I fear the worst. Such as he might start traveling up river looking for me now? The thought of him getting hurt or worse. I'm a sorry excuse for a husb-"
The sudden shift in town made him jump but not as much as the hand clasped over his. Her expression firm in the candlelight. "Don't you dare finish that sentence. Now you shut up all that self loathing. You're not a bad husband to go look for your wives. You're not going to help anyone with anyone bringing yourself down either."
He opened his mouth ..but closed it and glanced at the hand she held. A pink rising to his cheeks. ".... Perhaps..Y-You are right about that. Yes. *ahem* I-Im just worrying myself over what ifs and pointless fears."
She smiled and patted his hand. "There you go! And soon enough you'll be together again anyways! So there's nothing to worry about, Mr. Rengoku-"
She blinked. "Huh?"
Fiery eyes looked at her own. Face red and burning like his heart. "Please...Just call me Kyojuro. I-I'd prefer it if you just called me by my name for the rest of our time together."
"Oh..Ok! I will. Hey. Isn't it uncomfortable to have them sleeping piled on you with your injuries?"
"It's a little sore but it's not painful." His eyes laser pointed at where she still held his hand pupils becoming large. "I'm perfectly fine right now."
You woke up with a start. A pile of warmth all around you and soft snoring sounded as the snoring mers laid out on each other and you in the pile. You were shocked mouth opening as you recounted the past few hours. It was all a blur. Akira got here. Rengoku threatened him until he left. They kissed you and-
Your body froze as the sleeping form of Kyojuro turned on his side and instinctively reached out an arm to pull his nearest wife closer to him- Instead you found yourself pulled against his chest with his arm slung around you, his sleeping chin pressed on the top of your head, and behind you Makio curled up closer against your back before with a small grunt she quickly fell back into deep sleep. You couldn't see the the other two but they were piled on Rengoku one way or another. You just laid there. Red faced. Staring up at the ceiling as you were pressed against Kyojuro's bare biceps.
....A small wheeze left your throat-
"You may admire me in the morning," he sleepily mumbled snuggling closer. "Go back to sleep, Dear. Then we'll talk more about medical kissing without the medical part."
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