lookingforkas · 5 months
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lomlompurim · 27 days
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Life is awfully hard rn so I made some serotonin for myself, mom omega Binghe I love you so much
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anu-piyakya97 · 4 days
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oh lawrd if i could just take one bite, like just one very big nom 😭
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welcometogrouchland · 7 months
I love Steph's origin as told in the Secret Origins 80 page giant- I just overall think it strengthens her character by giving her a lot of pathos and adding to her heroism (which isn't something writers were focused on in her actual intro in detective comics #647 since she was just meant to act as a plot device back then) BUT there is one tiny detail in it i will begrudge, and that is the portrayal of her having a minor love at first sight moment for tim
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Secret origins 80 page giant, ID in alt
(or well, technically this was their second meeting in that story (the brick was the first) so...love at second sight?)
Mostly because Stephanie showed no interest in her introduction and only showed romantic feelings towards Tim AFTER this moment here:
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Robin (1993) #4, ID in alt
Straight up the progression here goes:
The adventure in 'tec where they first meet -> Tim investigating the same crime scene as Steph -> she beats him up not knowing it's him at first, apologizes but says he shouldn't have scared her -> he remembers her/the moniker she goes by -> they talk about plot for a few pages -> Stephanie starts flirting
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Robin (1993) #4, ID in alt
Which...is so fascinating to me and says so much about Stephanie. She highlights the fact that Tim "remembered" her. Like. Steph. Girl. This is our bar? It's sweet but kind of speaks to how much Stephanie is ignored at home/how little and sporadically she's shown interacting with her peers (and rarely ever the same kids twice). Her idea of peak romance is just...being on someone's mind even when you're not there.
Kind of also adds layers to Steph's proclivity towards jealousy later on, a manifestation of her insecurity and loneliness (though don't get it twisted, she's not written this way bc Dixon and co think it's an interesting character flaw, they wrote it bc they think it's an inherent character flaw of (particularly young) women/girls, which is very apparent in how he approaches Ariana's character as well from what I've read)
Also the fact that Steph becomes so smitten for Tim almost immediately after this is (a few issues later she aggressively flirts with him during AN ACTIVE HOSTAGE SITUATION. WHERE SHE'S THE HOSTAGE) again is kind of a mixture of kind of funny and sad. One boy is nice to her once and she's fully ready to wife him. Girl you are deranged (affectionate) (concerned)
#ramblings of a lunatic#dc comics#stephanie brown#tim drake#timsteph#meta#< ??? ig#robin 1993#made this post and forgot to finish. saved it in drafts. saw posts that annoyed me. proceeded to finish it#the subset of fans who think they're doing a righteous feminism by giving steph more flaws than she has in canon...headaches#yes flawed female characters are important representation no i dont think you projecting chuck dixons conservative values onto her-#-is doing her character a great favour. if so you need to commit to the bit and make tim a stone cold nark /j#sorry okay im done vaguing. there's real things going on in the world that matter. the bad take is the mind killer etc etc#anyway the zero to 100 progression of early timsteph is fascinating. on the one hand i know it's mostly a product of its time#both in terms of portrayals of romance (esp teen romance) and partially of women and girls by dixon (not extremely boy obsessed-#-but there's a. dark shadow of the boy crazy trope. a gentle whiff of it in the air. just a little)#but bc this aspect isn't blatantly/egregiously author bias i choose to analyse it#i could also analyse how steph in general is portrayed as liking guys she can't/shouldn't have a little#(her crush on the much older detective in bg2009 and also tim a little bit w/ the secret identity thing)#(but that's a whole other discussion. also that aspect of the romance in bg2009 is. also a little sexistly motivated-#-and also dropped part way through to an extent so like..not exactly ripe for analysis)#ANYWHO i love you Steph <3 you're unwell and yet so adorable and compelling Steph <3
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tathrin · 1 year
An Elvish Lure
Somebody said “using yourself as bait” and my brain spat this disconnected snippet out, so: enjoy a scene in which the Three Hunters try an alternate plan by which to catch-up with the orcs and free Merry and Pippin.
"No," Gimli said.
"No," he said again, shaking his head hard enough to make the braids of his beard slap against his shoulders. "No, absolutely not."
"Gimli," Aragorn tried again, "this plan is our best chance to—"
"I said no!" Gimli roared. "I will not have it! Aragorn, I will not!"
It was not Aragorn who answered him. "Gimli, be calm." 
Gimli squeezed his eyes shut at that voice, as though he could shut-out the words as easily as he did the sight of the narrow, beardless lips from which they had issues; that golden head; those mithril-bright eyes. Fingers as long and spindly as bare twigs closed on his shoulder, their grip tight enough that he could feel it even through his shirt of mail.
"This is our best chance to save Merry and Pippin," Legolas said. "Perhaps our only chance. Gimli, I am not afraid—"
"Can I not be afraid for you, then?" Gimli asked wildly, grabbing those long fingers and holding them tight. He looked up at Legolas, then very quickly closed his eyes again. He pressed the archer's captured hand to his cheek and held it there, as though he might hold the elf back from this reckless plan as easily. "Orcs hate elves so much, Legolas…"
"That is why it has a chance of working," Legolas said. He sounded so unbearably calm, his woodland accent giving his speech the lilting cant of birdsong. He had sounded so strange to Gimli's ears, once. When had that fair voice stopped sounding strange?
"And if it does?" Gimli retorted. His grip on Legolas's hand tightened. "When it does? What then, Legolas?"
Legolas's narrow shoulders lifted in a shrug. "Then we will fight them."
"Then you will fight them, all alone, until we can come to your aid," Gimli corrected him. "Legolas…" His voice failed him and he had to clear his throat twice before he could force the words out. "Legolas, what if we come too late?"
"It is a risk I am prepared to face," Legolas said simply. "And at any rate, Gimli, I do not believe you will. I have more faith in you and Aragorn both than to let myself fear that I will have to face all the orcs alone. And besides!" he continued with a sudden, fey laugh. "Should it not be the orcs who should fear to face my blade and bow? I slew many of their fellows at Amon Hen, and I will slay many more in these sweet green fields if they will but do me the favor of coming within range of my arrows!"
Gimli looked up at the laughing elf in sad, silent horror.
"We will not have to hide ourselves so far away from Legolas that he will be alone for long," Aragorn said, stepping forward to lay his hand on Gimli's other shoulder, the one that did not burn yet with the memory of Legolas's touch upon his mail. "Orcs are keen of smell, but their eyes are not so sharp in daylight, and their ears will have a hard time hearing anything over the thunder of their own feet upon these plains. Besides, Gimli, we have the cloaks given us by the Lady of Lórien; was it not said that they would help to hide us from unfriendly eyes?"
"It was," Gimli agreed heavily. "But these orcs are fast. And what if they have archers among them?"
"What of it?" Legolas shrugged again, scoffing. "I do not fear crude orcish arrows."
"A crude arrow can kill as readily as a finely-wrought one," Gimli reminded him.
Legolas tossed his head, his golden braids rippling in the dawn. "Only if they strike their target."
Gimli gaped at him in exasperation. "Legolas—"
"No, Gimli, I do not ask you to like this plan, but please. Are we not friends now?" Legolas dropped abruptly to his knees in the soft grass, a position which put his eyes nearly on the same level as the dwarf's. It was Legolas who looked up at him now, his pale eyes glittering as sharply as a sword. "Then please, my friend, cast aside your doubts. Trust me to do this."
"I do trust you, Legolas," Gimli responded automatically. "I do not doubt you. But—"
"Then it is settled." Legolas made to stand, to turn away, but Gimli caught him by the arm and held him still.
"But," Gimli said, his voice a stony growl, "I do not like the idea of you making yourself bait for orcs."
Legolas swiveled on his heels, elvish grace keeping him upright despite the sharp tug of a strong dwarven arm yanking him off balance, and stared up at Gimli. The smile he gave the dwarf was small and fleeting, and there was a heavy sadness in the curve of it that reminded Gimli, suddenly and painfully, of the grey woods of Lothlórien.
"I do not say that I like it either, Gimli," Legolas said softly. "But we cannot outrun the orcs. If they cannot be made to pause their march, they will vanish into Isengard with Merry and Pippin and all chance of saving our friends will be lost." He pressed his free hand to Gimli's cheek and gently stroked the downy hairs there. "I would risk a thousand such dangers for the chance to stop that foul fate from befalling those dear young Hobbits—and I know you would, too, Gimli."
Gimli swallowed, but the aching lump in his throat did not dissipate. "Legolas…"
"The fact that the orcs left the field of battle while the three of us yet lived worries my heart greatly," Aragorn said. His voice, too, was quiet, but a dark tension thrummed through his words like the warning rumble of stone on the brink of a cave-in. "That they put their need to carry away their captives over their desire for slaughter and torment…that worries me, Gimli. Worries me greatly."
Aragorn did not have the keen eyes of the elves, but his sharp grey gaze rose over the plains nonetheless and he stared off into the distance as though staring at the shadows of that terrible band of orcs nonetheless. "I do not know if even this will cause them to turn aside from their path…but if anything will entice them to delay their task, it will be the chance to make sport of a lone and injured elf."
"And so I shall play the bait," Legolas said, before he sprang to his feet, the movement too fast this time for Gimli to stop. He looked down and offered Gimli a fleeting, knifblade smile and declared, "And we Three Hunters will see if we can draw the hunt to us!"
Gimli should have cheered; the words were spoken in the sort of tone that rallied hearts and lifted spirits blazing into battle. But all Gimli could see in his mind was the terrible sight of Legolas left standing all alone, waiting for the orcs to come and find him while his friends hid and watched from safety.
"Peace." Elvish fingers pressed against Gimli's lips, stopping his words but not his fears. "Give me this chance, Gimli, and I will turn your doubts aside."
"I do not doubt you—" Gimli started to say again, his voice thick and strangled with the heavy feelings of his heart, but Legolas was already springing away, up the short and stony hillock. Gimli watched him go, his steps as light and swift as the flutter of butterfly wings.
"I do not doubt you, Legolas," he said, the words spoken now in a whisper so low that even elvish ears might struggle to hear them now. "But I fear for you."
Aragorn's hand closed on his shoulder again, warm and steady and lacking the silver-fire touch of Legolas's smooth brown skin. "Come," he said softly. "Let us get under cover, Gimli."
Gimli allowed himself to be drawn away, but his feet scuffed heavily on the uneven grass as he turned to stare behind him at the silhouette of Legolas standing tall and thin against the dawn, pale cloak and golden hair streaming out behind him. He made a fine target for arches up there, Gimli thought sourly; a fine target indeed.
Legolas drew his white knife, and Gimli turned away. He knew that the scent of elvish blood would be needed to draw the orcs' attention; knew further that only with the wind blowing strong and swift towards their quarry did this mad plan have any chance of success, and so he cursed the breeze. Had it only died or shifted, Aragorn and Legolas would have been forced to give up this chance; would have had no choice but to simply run instead, run until they dropped perhaps and even yet fail—but run together, rather than risking Legolas's life alone.
Gimli could not bear to watch Legolas take his blade to his own arm, spill his own blood, to lend verisimilitude to his role as bait; yet he fancied he could hear the sharp glide of knife over skin nonetheless, and he squeezed his eyes shut tight and let Aragorn lead him, stumbling, to the hollow in which they would hide together while Legolas stood out there, tempting danger, alone.
They huddled in their grey cloaks, hands on weapons and breath in their throats, and waited.
And then—and then Legolas screamed.
Gimli started upright, his own breath drawing in for an answering cry of rage and vengeance, but Aragorn grabbed his arms and held him fast. "No, Gimli!" he hissed, hauling the dwarf down bodily back into the small depression in the earth. "No, he is not hurt. This is the lure, Gimli! This is the plan. Be still!"
Gimli let himself be drawn back despite the thundering of his heart against his ribs. He pressed one bare palm against the earth, trying to draw strength from the touch of stone against his skin; trying to find the endurance for which the dwarves were so renowned. But he could not stop trembling; could not stop hearing the echoes of that terrible shrill scream inside his ears.
"I have never heard such a cry, Aragorn," he whispered.
Aragorn's grip on his arm tightened. "I have," he said. His voice was low, almost haunted in the shadows of their hiding-hole. "I am sure Legolas has as well, for his people have long fought the Shadow in Mirkwood—and," Aragorn added, swallowing hard as though against some terrible memory, "he could not have sounded so convincing, if he did not know the sound of an elf in torment."
Gimli's gut twisted and he bit his lip hard enough that he tasted a coppery spill of blood across his tongue. "I would that he did not know it," Gimli said hoarsely. He glared up at Aragorn and added in a sharp voice, "I would even more that he should never experience it himself."
"We are not far," Aragorn insisted. "If the orcs take the bait, we will know it; we are near enough to help. He will not stand alone."
"Not for long," Gimli muttered, "but perhaps for long enough." He held his axe very tightly and wished for a whole host of doughty dwarven warriors at his side—or better, at Legolas's side.
Another cry rose, more warbling than the first piercing shriek; more plaintive, like the screamer was weakening.
Gimli's grip on the haft of his axe tightened until his hand ached. "Aragorn…"
"He is not hurt, Gimli."
"Not yet."
Aragorn had no answer for that.
They sat in silence, straining their ears for the pounding thunder of orcish feet upon the earth; waiting to discover if the enemy would take the bait.
Waiting to learn if the three of them would live through it, if they did.
{read more gimleaf stories here}
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ladychandraofthemoone · 5 months
Some old narrow gauge Nia doodles I’ve done over the past month, Nia’s livery was inspired by 🌺mrterrier673🌺 on Twitter
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Saw some edits of Nia with glasses and I fell in love we need more engines with accessories
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Some pannier shaped siblings, they met pre-msr days (they didn’t come in the same time)but were very happy to reunite with one another in the msr then in the Skarloey Railway 😊☺️
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Their sibling friendship/relationship is like alastor and Rosie or Mary and jack, Nia didn’t care about Stanley’s “jinx” and defended him whenever he got bullied, she’s one of the very few folks who can make Stanley genuinely happy and do things like singing much to his colleagues surprise (also livery inspiration for one another♥️❤️🧡💜💛🖤)
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rainbowtransform · 5 months
We need to gatekeep d20
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taniushka12 · 10 months
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collection of screenshots i took while revisiting control after playing alan wake 👁👁
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heynhay · 1 year
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you do not want to do that OP I promise
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lokh · 4 months
i havent played strive in so long. it turns out i only have one achievement that i havent gotten
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josecariohca · 3 months
inverted suits is insane like could u be less made for each other please. thanks 😭
like??????? is this a joke???? is hima joking with this??????? from the sunglasses to the suits to the loud as fuck ties????????? was this on purpose???????? hima im outside your door i need to TALK TO YOU
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proxissima · 1 year
Over and Done With
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An excerpt from All but One by @aconstantstateofbladerunner... aka the fic with the rawest non-villain version of All Might I've personally had the pleasure of reading so far.
All for One’s ugly mug gazed confidently out the mansion’s floor-to-ceiling window like the untouchable god he thought he was for far too long.  Then he turned around, and sealed his fate.  The greatest villain Japan had ever known’s skull was no tougher than the glass Toshinori burst through compared to the raw force of One for All. 
He went flying, but steadied himself mid-air with some quirk.  “S-so,” he hacked.  “You must be the new pe-“
Toshinori caught the monster’s chin with a right hook.  Then he grabbed with the left. 
He crushed the jaw until it was practically liquid, then yanked what was left clean off.  All for One screamed, raw and unfiltered. 
An energy pulse pushed Toshinori back.  Some lackeys tried to come at him.  Toshinori backhanded a windblast that imbedded them in the walls.
All for One attempted hover away down the hall.  Every piece of glass in the room shattered with the force of Toshinori’s leap.  He went for the neck.  The bastard under his bloodied hands hacked fire and bile.  Shapes and shadows of a quirk danced at the corners of Toshinori’s vision.  Another slam into the floor cut it off.  He grabbed his hair-
Curly.  Dark.  No!
He grabbed a handful of his hair and yanked it off before digging the same fist deeper into his brains.  The marble floor cratered.  A sudden electrical shock loosened Toshinori’s grip just enough for All for One to force-jump away.  But he didn’t get far.  Toshinori was on him before he could even stumble.  He slammed his heel into the beast’s back; his spine snapped like a twig.  Gurgled wails almost drowned out the satisfying sound.
The floor collapsed and they fell into a kitchen.  More lackeys.  More hurricane-force winds.
All for One managed to flip himself over somewhat in the meantime.  He hurled some sort of metal spine.  Toshinori slapped it to the side.  A flurry of smaller spikes was blown away with a snap of his fingers.  He leapt over a fissure in the ground like he was jumping a puddle.  And he landed on the bastard’s knees.
Then Toshinori paused.  Ice crept into his veins.  Here was the man whose existence tormented him almost all his life. 
The orchestrator behind thousands upon thousands of torturous crimes against humanity.
Head deflated.
The man who murdered my mother.
One eye dangling from its socket.
But there, under his remaining eye, was something Toshinori hadn’t ever noticed in their encounters.  Few and faded, but undeniably there.  Freckles.
The father of the greatest light of my life…
Toshinori hit him harder.  What was left of a face disappeared behind two falling fists.  He pulled back.  The walls around them were starting to melt.  All for One dug his nails into Toshinori’s costume while his skin spasmed, desperately trying to activate the right quirk.  Displaced teeth poked out of a gurgling bloody mass.  He hit him again.  And again.  And again.
All for One stopped swinging his arms at some point.  Toshinori wasn’t falling for that again.  His heel plunged into the monster’s chest, squishing and crunching organs beneath.  He didn’t let up until he was sloshing in a puddle.  Even then, it wasn’t over until all was still. 
So he waited, hovering over what was only a corpse in theory.  Long enough that blood on his face that wasn’t his cooled and crusted.  It was over far before Toshinori accepted it.  He couldn’t accept it.  It happened too fast.  There was a whole strategy ready to go.  He was going to trick him.  Use One for All in one part of his body at a time like Izuku did.  But the bastard just wouldn’t move.  No way it would be that easy.
And yet…
The investigators had to scrape up what was left into a bin. 
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kat-theglitch · 2 years
*peeks thru curtains* is the coast clear...?
Oh? It is? The chapter has been out long enough?... Okay good! Let me just *drops fanart*
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The fic is Never Do That Again by @discowing-suit
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placesyoucallhome · 1 year
Happy Summer to Q'ruhka. May the gorgeous cat get plenty of sun and beach time. He is worth it.
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Well being worth it might be a stretch, he will take the sun and beach!
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stardust-sunset · 1 month
brodus grantimus making me cry. enough is enough. stop it. (i’m listening to the outsiders)
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medicinemane · 1 month
It's amazing how quickly you can make someone turn on your company by making a stupid and insulting move
Force me to go through the front door and scan my card when I have backdoor business that never needed a card before (what? ...I was going to somehow... sneak in and... purchase things with a borrowed card? ...which I totally can't do from the front door after scanning it?)
Or like... twitterify your layout right after your users give you a bunch of money just cause they like you, and then refuse to walk it back
...or all the other things companies do that just kinda piss people off and then they refuse to acknowledge maybe it sucks and is stupid cause "hey, the customers didn't leave"... yeah... yet
#legit; as small as it is it gives me a hint at the direction things will head and that costco will get more and more anti consumer#and I'm in minutes going from an 'I love costco; it's how I afford to eat; go get a cheap pizza'#to 'you know costco is kinda frustrating and annoying and I don't trust their ceo... I'm not sure if it's worth your time and money'#like look back and; tumblr search willing; you'll find posts of me singing costco's praises; literal free advertising#cause while it's not right for everyone; man is it so much cheaper than places like walmart#but... I legit don't know if I can recommend it anymore#for one thing; when I signed up I just spotted the members desk; walked in the backdoor up to the desk; and gave them money#now... what? you gotta ask permission? I feel like there's a chilling effect on wanting to join... at least for my socially anxious ass#and again; I just whiff this as like when games companies add DRM that breaks the game... for people who actually pay for it#they're making me suffer a pain in the ass for no reason cause someone might not be giving them money#and now that person never will give them money... and frankly... if they don't pay the membership but spend $500 how much did you lose?#but like I said; I feel it in the air; that costco will start doing more and more anti consumer stuff#...do I think it's a good idea to join up when they're gonna slowly start turning this corner?#I mentioned that quote by the founder about killing them if they raise the price of the hotdog#but... the fact the founder felt the need to say that to begin with told me something#kinda gotten the impression that the ceo is greedy as hell and wants to drain the consumer (so... a normal ceo)#and this just smacks of netflix/disney#oh... did you hear about disney killing someone with a food allergy despite being told about it multiple times like when the dish arrived?#and now disney is trying to forced arbitrate cause they had a disney+ trial in 2019#you hear about that one? cause that's a real news story; I'll find you an article if you don't believe it#anyway; this smacks of cracking down on password sharing to make up for hypothetical lost revenue#and let me tell you... if I could switch to pirating my groceries I would; I would download eggs#so this doesn't change costco fundamentally; but it does make it feel more hostile and like it doesn't trust me#it makes things feel more adversarial instead of like a partnership where they get me good prices on good things and I give money#and I just wouldn't be surprised if they start doing more things I don't like#things that make things worse... things like raising prices to increase their profit#...makes me want to... work on figuring out how to make everything myself since no company is trustworthy#they'll all turn on you in the end; the moment the wrong person takes charge they'll start to metastasis#towards the cancer of infinite profits#not saying don't go to costco... I'm saying don't get attached if you do; I think they're ready to do what every company does these days
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