#I Support the Strike
gwydionmisha · 1 year
I Support the Strike.
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n-evermores · 11 months
Man do I miss Alden Parker 😭
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letstalkbeautyuk · 2 years
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Hearing that our wonderful Nurses & NHS workers are not getting the salaries they need in order to live makes us very, very sad. we have added a few badges to the shop, to show that you support their right to strike action! https://buff.ly/3DVcKAY
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I’m so fucking glad because what HBO Max did was attrocious (I’d strike too if I was forced to animated 20000000000000 episodes of Teen Titans Go)
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siriuslythatbitch · 2 years
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Alrighty boys, girls, and gentlethems, I guess it's time for me to make my stance abundantly clear. I fully endorse and will be participating in No Post November. Now I am aware I am a baby author and likely my lack of posting won't be noticed, but it is the principle of this all. This strike is about more than just depriving those who have hurt others of content. It is more than any one author or ship. This strike is about banding together as a community to say enough is e-fucking-nough. We are tired of seeing people hurt by others. We are done with the death threats. We will no longer tolerate authors being shit on for their content by ungrateful readers. We cannot and will not sit back and watch as people providing free fucking content are abused. This goes for the entirety of the Marauders fandom. Whether you write Jegulus or not, I implore you to take part and spread awareness for No Post November. We have to stand together and show those who would abuse us that this is not going to be tolerated anymore. Because this won't stop at the Jegulus fandom. It will spread like the hate filled disease it is until in infects us all. To those of you saying you need to write for you mental health GREAT! I and many other authors do the same. No one and I repeat NO ONE is saying you cannot write during this time. In fact I encourage you too strongly. We are saying don't post. Share things with your close friends if you need to, but do not release it to the general public. Let them see how deafening silence can be when there is no one left to create. If you NEED to post, I encourage you to examine that. Your mental health SHOULD NOT be linked to kudos, likes, or comments. If you are doing this for that there is something wrong and dangerous going on. Your writing is worth more. YOU are worth more. You matter. Please, please, please want more for yourself than a life dependent on others for validation. You are enough, and I sincerely want you to take that to heart. This strike effects us all, so please do the right thing. Don't post. If you are part of a fest let the fest be the only thing that promotes it, or ask for an option to move yours to December. Do what you can for yourself and this fandom we all love so much.
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auressea · 1 year
tumblr's official response to the Clown Ad
(I have an ad blocker- I don't NEED to pay tumblr). I paid for ad-free browsing because I want to support the site which I have made my on-line home for over 10 years. they made some positive changes this past year--until August I was hopeful...
Then they blocked my access with a Clown on my dash. An AD! Advertising a TV show during an actors/writers Strike...
so I wrote an official complaint- demanding a refund of my Ad-Free subscription:
Sep 3, 2023, 12:56 PM EDT
hullo- i have an active paid subscription to Ad Free Browsing. last week for several days - a large ad (for a netflix show??!) was placed OVER the right side of my dash and account info. I could not access the "next" button to move through my previous dashboard pages. additionally- the ad was visually Disturbing, and clicking it by accident caused changes to my dash that I did not want or ask for. I'm visually impaired and These changes to the background made it impossible to use the site. I had to use an external browser extension to find and disable this element. DESPITE HAVING PAID YOU TO NOT SEE ADS. THIS is unacceptable. I would like a refund of my ad free subscription.
This is the official message:
Hey there, Thanks for reaching out and sharing your feedback. What you're seeing is a Tumblr takeover in partnership with Netflix's One Piece. An Ad-Free subscription doesn't prevent you from seeing occasional Tumblr takeovers or other special editorial content. There is some more infomation about this here under the section "Promotional Content":  https://help.tumblr.com/hc/en-us/articles/4418605293975-Ad-Free-Browsing#promotional-content The One Piece takeover is wrapping up soon, so you should soon see your dashboard return to normal.  We've always been up front about Ad-Free excluding Tumblr takeovers and editorial content, so this wouldn't constitute a breech of any agreement, and we're not able to offer any pro-rated refunds on annual Ad-Free subscriptions. However, we appreciate you sharing your feedback with us, and we're taking the feedback received during this promotion into consideration to help inform our decisions about how Ad-Free should work in the future. So we really appreciate you reaching out and sharing your thoughts!  I hope you have a nice week, and thanks for being a part of Tumblr.
Kellie Tumblr Staff + Tumblr User
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josiebelladonna · 1 year
there’s one big silver lining to come out of the writer’s strike and that’s no snl for the perceivable future. i’d be lying if i didn’t say the last five, six seasons just blow.
skits have been very hit-and-miss, music ranges from mediocre to just not very good (there have been some awesome acts, but not often enough, though), and the political skits have gotten so tiresome, too. the trump skits were great at first but now it’s like, god, this horse is dead, stop already. like, there’s a reason why i can’t hardly remember any jokes or anything from the last several seasons: the writing just hasn’t been good. hopefully, once the strike is over, things can improve. they can get paid better and they don’t have the existential threat of ai lingering over them. it happened in 2007 when the strike then wrapped up: tv was awful for two years but i remember in 2009-2010-ish, things started getting good again, like really good. for example, i remember the renaissance of cartoons then (anyone remember a little show called “adventure time?”)
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mohammedaldeeb · 2 months
⏰ 🚨 attention please🙏🚨
I am Dr. Mohammed Aldeeb,🩸💉 a dedicated specialist in emergency medical care from the Gaza Strip.
💊 🩺🩹
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For years, I poured my heart and soul into my work at Al-Shifa Hospital, striving to be a doctor of great repute,
caring for the wounded and the ill with compassion and skill.💉🩹
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the devastation of war disrupted our lives and prevented us from serving our patients at Al-Shifa Hospital😣💔,
forcing me to leave my cherished home and the familiar walls of the hospital that had become my second home, a place of comfort, peace, and beautiful memories of my work.😔
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As I left behind the echoes of laughter and camaraderie with my colleagues, patients, and friends,😰
I embarked on a painful journey southward. I bid farewell to the streets where I grew up, the corners I sought refuge in😥😭💔, and the colleagues who felt like family.
Memories of my formative years and the countless lives I touched during my tenure at Al-Shifa 😣and other medical facilities, such as Friends of the Patient Hospital and the Indonesian Hospital, overwhelmed me as I struggled to come to terms with the upheaval.😔😥
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Despite the adversities that besieged me,
I held fast to my dream of becoming a successful doctor. 😀😁✌💚
I was fortunate enough to study medicine at Al-Azhar University, from which I graduated and later served as a teaching assistant, imparting knowledge to aspiring medical students with unwavering dedication. 😀🙏🖤
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The idea of specializing in internal medicine drew me back to Al-Shifa Hospital, but sadly,
the brutal war destroyed it, shattering my hopes.In the midst of the chaos and destruction brought by war🥺😣💔
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I sustained multiple injuries and narrowly escaped with my life. 🥺
The sanctuary of my home, a place of peace and beautiful memories, was completely destroyed, leaving my family and me impoverished and homeless. 😣💔😰
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Yet, amidst the ruins, a glimmer of hope persists as I continue my work at Al-Aqsa Hospital😀, extending a helping hand to those in need without expecting anything in return. I draw strength from the humanity and love instilled in me by my teachers and mentors during my years of education and service.✌😁❤
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Today, we find ourselves taking refuge in a humble tent, ⛺ 😭😣💔
stripped of our possessions and livelihoods. The loss of my job, my home, and some of my loved ones is a heavy burden to bear. 😢
Nevertheless, I refuse to succumb to despair, holding on to the belief that brighter days lie ahead.
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With a heavy heart, I reach out to you🥺🙏💚
dear reader, seeking your assistance in securing safe passage for myself and my family from the chaos and brutality of war in Gaza. 🥺🙏🇵🇸🍉💔🖤💛💝
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With your kindness and generosity🥺, I hope to reclaim the path to achieving my medical career, 🩺💉🩸
becoming a specialist in internal medicine, and returning to help my people.
This would enable me to provide care for my loved ones and contribute to the healing of our wounded nation.Your compassionate aid would mean the world to me and my family.🥺🙏❤🇵🇸✌
Please note that our campaign is vetted
Thanks @90-ghost ... link vetted
Thanks @el-shab-hussein ...link vetted
Thanks @mangocheesecakes ...link vetted
Thanks @horrorhorizon...link vetted
Thanks @nabulsi (number 212)
With gratitude and hope,💜💙
Dr. Mohammed AldeebGaza Strip
WhatsApp: 00972599095244
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writergeekrhw · 1 year
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I made another thing.
With apologies to Neil Gaiman.
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montanabohemian · 1 year
if i see a single one of you pissed that your faves canceled an event or a con appearance because they're striking for fair wages then imma come for you in your sleep 🔪🔪🔪
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(direct that fury where it belongs: AMPTP and the execs)
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abnerkrill · 1 year
i hope everyone knows that the last wga strike was ~100 days and it's a pretty common phenomenon for strike support to tank after a month or two when it feels like it's dragging on and some writers and talk show hosts are crossing picket lines and trying to "return" to "normal" because of people's livelihoods etc when they're really just scabs. sure hope that we keep that in mind and are prepared for the long haul and aren't just in it while it's convenient for us <3
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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the-party-bus · 1 year
“Wait, there are people blaming the writers?”
Are you surprised? Fandoms have become notorious anti-writer spaces. Studios love you guys. They can cut the budgets, cut the number of writers, cut the wages of the writers, and you guys always blame the writers. “The writers ruined the show!” It’s never “the studios ruined the show.”
I hate to break it to you: more than half the shows you complain were “ruined by the writers”, were ruined by the studios. Studios cut the scenes and arcs you were excited for. Studios cut the budget of the show, or even raise the budget of the show and force a “bigger, louder, bolder” tone on shows that were unexpected hits (this is where we get “the Netflix look” on every show post-Stranger Things and Queen’s Gambit).
You guys do not do your research. Half your fanfics are tagged with bad faith digs at the writers, when a few searches would reveal how strapped that show was and how poorly the writers were treated. Writers are being given a 10 weeks to write 10 episodes. How are good arcs and scenes supposed to happen under that time limit, with a max of only four writers?
Tumblr, the self-proclaimed “pro-union, pro-worker, pro-artist” site is also a major fandom site. You guys rarely practice good faith consumer etiquette for television and film writers, because your fandom salt always turns you against writers. And studios love you for it.
Yeah, individual writers do create bad writing from time to time. But so do painters, chefs, and musicians. Directors and actors sometimes refuse to film certain scenes or follow a show’s projected style and arc, and the writers always get the crap for a bad performance or a poorly directed episode. This isn’t to blame actors or directors; it’s to point out that you guys have one villain, and it’s always the writers. You guys never give writers the same grace you give animators, designers, directors, actors, composers, and editors.
Studios love you every time you say “the writers ruined the show.” Every single popular fandom is guilty of this. View any of the “why did the writers cut this scene, they hate my characters” talk when leaked scenes hit the internet. Writers barely get paid for what they do write. You think they’re writing scenes and then happily throwing them in the shredder? You guys just eat the talk that studios put out. Always have.
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 1 year
Production houses: but if the writers stay on strike we can't guarantee the future safety of your favorite shows 🥺🥺😭😭
Viewers who 1, have already lost their favorite shows because they were cancelled in spite of good ratings and good reviews or 2, have stopped watching new content entirely until the entire series has aired and concluded as a result of so many good shows getting cancelled on cliffhangers and thus leaving said viewers unable to gain closure with those characters and with a hollow viewing experience, so they've begun a, watching older shows they know came to a planned conclusion or b, revisiting their old favorites and enjoying the nostalgia or c, reading new books or fanfic instead: YOU ALREADY CAN'T GUARANTEE THE FUTURE OF OUR SHOWS SO GET FUCKING WRECKED AND PAY WRITERS WHAT THEY DESERVE!
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francheskalaraz · 1 year
As i child actor in theatre, I was pay with "thank yous" and "i hope that you get a carreer out of this, when you work your body and mind to hell and back". At the time, I obviously didn't care, because I just wanted to act, and i didn't comprehend the entirety of what the "Entertainment industry" is-was. As i grow up, I realized that I love writing, at first just non-sense stuff, things that at the time i thought they were amazing and ground-breaking, but I always believed that writing was liberating but extremely hard, because you need to make sense of what you're writing, you need to make the jokes and phrases come out at the right time. It's your responsibility that your characters have a good development, that if you write about a culture or something like that, you have to be respectful and keep the roots and essence of that culture. When you write you're over-demanding because you're always thinking "this could be better" or "I'm not doing justice to what I want to tell".
Directors wouldn't be half of what they are if it weren't for the actors, and actors wouldn't have a story to tell if it weren't for the writers. Everything is born from the writers in this industry.
The big film studios wouldn't be at the top if it weren't for the editors, the special effects people, and so on. This industry is a chain, and we all depend on each other. For someone to tell you that they worked 18 hours, and not be paid a decent minimum wage, is abhorrent. Not everyone in this industry is rich, in fact, most actors and writers need to have other jobs to make ends meet. This is not the hunger games, where the best and the one who sacrifices the most wins. People should not have to sacrifice their families, lives, mental health, leave their cities and countries for a minimum wage. And film studios need to recognise that they started from scratch, and that they grew out of an idea thanks to writers, actors, audiovisuals, etc.
Artificial intelligence is a great tool for human development, but we cannot let it replace everything we do and will do. The essence of cinema is the ability to tell stories, and for them to reach deep inside us. And that is only the work that actors, writers, and directors can do. Let's not forget that.
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🇵🇸 “How can I help Palestine? I’m a minor.” GREAT QUESTION! 🍉
1. Wear Palestine colours! Red, white and green. Don’t have those colours? That’s okay! Paint your nails that colour, dye your hair, wear pins, makeup, anything! (Just make sure you don’t purchase anything.)
2. DONT PURCHASE ANYTHING! Eat food at home, if your parents offer you food from places like McDonald’s or Starbucks say you’d rather eat at home.
3. So you can’t skip school? That’s okay. Make all your school projects about Palestine or with Palestine colours. Got an art project? Great! Draw Palestine colours.
4. If you have a good/great relationship with your family/siblings tell them about Palestine. Don’t? That’s okay, tell your friends if you can.
5. Place stickers and write free Palestine on things.
6. If you’re religious pray for Palestine.
7. Learn Arabic or engage with Arabic culture! This is a great way to show support.
8. Donate if you have money/can. I know some kids maybe could, some find dealing with money stressful or are poor. It’s okay if you can’t.
9. Join riots if you can! I recommend you go with a friend or an adult.
10. Post on social media about Palestine if you can.
However there’s still ways to riot even as a kid.
Don’t give in. Our protests matter as much as adult’s do.
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