pilot-boi · 12 days
What are everyone’s favourite cereals in RRAYENNBOW? And you can include Qrow and mercury if you want to
And I SHALL include them
Ruby: Special K. She doesn’t actually have that much of a sweet tooth, and she’s gotta stay fit. Plus it has strawberries and turns the milk pink
Weiss: Doesn’t really eat cereal (coffee or death) but if she has to choose, probably Chex. She just thinks they’re neat
Blake: Gonna go with Honey Bunches of Oats. First of all, bees. Second of all, they remind her of the good times on the road with granola bars and what not
Yang: Kix. I know she’s the punch girl, but come on. Tell me she wouldn’t love Kix. Wish I had more to say about this one, but I just feel it in my bones
Jaune: Used to be Pumpkin Pete’s, but then ya know. Also he never really liked it that much, he just wanted the hoodie really badly. So i don’t know why but i really see him liking Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Pyrrha: Life (jkjk) Health nut that she is, it’s not one of the super sugary ones. But it’s also not like… bran flakes. Unironically think she’d really love Honey Nut Cheerios
Nora: Fucking Sugar Blast Supremes or something, let’s be real. She hoards the cereals from Halloween time, Count Chocula, and Boo Berry, and Frankenberry. Just the most synthetic shit you’ve ever seen
Ren: Raisin Bran. Because he’s a monster. He actually really likes it, but he hates the texture of the raisins in the milk, so he painstakingly removes every raisin, eats all the cereal, and then eats all the raisins
Oscar: He didn’t get a lot of cereal brands out on the farm, lots of morning oatmeal and eggs and whatnot. But once he made it to the big city, he absolutely fell in love with Froot Loops. And yes, he gets teased relentlessly for liking the most kiddy cereal ever
Emerald: Think she’d really like Apple Cinnamon Cheerios. Or just normal Cheerios. In milk, or just plain, she loves those things. They were cheap to buy (or steal) so they were one of the few cereals she actually had
Mercury: Reese’s Puffs. With his dad, it was only healthy food, or nothing at all. But he’d see the commercials on TV. So after killing Marcus, I kid you not, Mercury ate nothing but Reese’s Puffs for like a week. And then he was sick. But it was worth it. And yes, he knows the entire rap
Qrow: Again, like Weiss, coffee or death. But I feel like he’d also like Honey Nut Cheerios. I really don’t know why, they’re so un-Qrow. But maybe that’s exactly why he’d like them
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g-on-ef · 2 months
Goddess of Loneliness ideas
Not sure yet if I will write GoL I'm tempted so imma just dump some ideas I have and see where it goes ^^
After coming back from the states Maya is isolated from everyone
Annika becomes a little mean spirited towards her and reminds everyone she always knew Maya was an awful person and she wasn't even surprised that Maya betrayed her family
Maya doesn't say anything but is hurt that her brother and Killian don't defend her and if anything Killian adds fuel to the fire
Gareth does however by reminding Annika she betrayed her family by dating the fucker that stabbed her brother almost got Nikolai killed and almost drove her to suicide
That did not end well with Jeremy as he defensed his sister
Gareth deciding they're being unfair to Maya remins everyone that their own partners have done some shitty things to them and they were quick to forgive them but can't do the same for Maya
It ends in a huge fight between him and Killian which had Jeremy and Niko separating them before it can escalate to something worst
Mia throws a comment how Maya is still ruining their family by pitting them against each other as she Niko and Kill leave
Gareth tries to sooth her but she decides to leave to go somewhere else
What no one knows is Maya has her own little cottage where she goes to escape
Maya writes in her diary and cries of being alone
She tries to talk to her mom who ignores her her dad who claims he's busy but she knows he's not
She tries to talk to Illya but all he does is yells at her calls her selfish and throws a traumatic event that happened to her back to her face making her feel worse than she already did
Trigger warning mention of eating disorder and self harm
Three weeks have passed and Maya has been a mess
Her eating disorder is back as she overhears Annika and the rest of the Elite girls talking badly of her Mia included
She gorges down on food till her stomach is full and vomits it out
She's done this before as her punishing herself so she does it again
She use to burn herself
She goes back to that habbit
Brandon catches her doing it
He approaches her but Maya dismisses him and tries to leave
Bran doesn't leave and threatens to tell Nikolai what she is doing
Maya says she doesn't care if he knows since she's not important to him and never was
No one knows this but Maya has a beautiful voice and sings beautifully she's also a huge anime nerd bigger than Cecily
She's also a talented anime artist
She's done commissions and has made a shit tone of money from it
Hell one of her drawings is hanging proudly on Cecilys walls but Cecily doesn't know it was Maya that drew it
Maya is a swifty and an army and part of the beyhive
In order she loves Jimin Yoongi Jin Hobi Namjoon Taehyung and Jungkook
Okay her list is always changing but Yoongi and Jimin are always on top
She owns rare merch and keeps in her little cottage
Annika, Ava, Glyn, and a reluctant Cecily and Mia think she deserved to be punished so they along with Killian tore up her posters she had at the mansion along with her Taylor Swift Viynal and Beyonce shirt that was a limited run and merch she had
When she went to her room she saw the state it was and felt like crying
The merch didn't mean a lot since she had bought it in double but it still hurt that someone ruined things she bought with her own money
She quietly packed everything and threw it away
Bran saw her room destroyed and helped her clean it
Maya didn't say anything she just picked up her things and threw them out
She was grateful she kept her sign merch, the rare photocards, and everything important to her in her cottage
Bran tried to talk to her but she ignored him
Bran was getting worried and didn't want her to hurt herself
He never told Niko but he was worried for her
He asked her if she wanted to hang out with him
Maya didn't say yes or no so Bran dragged her with him to go for some coffee
Maya didn't understand why Bran was being nice to her
Bran told her it's because no one should feel so low
Maya reminded him what she did to mia
Bran reminds her what his family did to hers
Maya smiles a little and it's the first time she actually did
She and Bran start hanging out more
The two bond and Maya can safely say she made a friend
Bran can say the same
Mia isn't happy and neither is Lan
Niko is conflicted
Maya brings him to her cottage and shows him her drawings
Bran is honored to be the first on here as well as the one she trusted with her drawings
Maya is happy
Well not for long
Maya is reminded once again of the pain she caused and how she'll ruin Brandon
She's tired of the constant harassment
The constant pain
Lan especially threatens her along with Eli Killian and Creighton
Having enough Maya runs away
She leaves a drawing for Bran and only Bran and leaves
She heads to California to start a new life
She doubts anyone will notice she's missing
She destroys her phone and anything that can trace her and leaves
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cityandking · 7 months
heartbreak, hide, nightmare, torture for dai, minah and bran!
thanks babe // not-so-nice oc asks
heartbreak: Have they ever had a relationship that ended badly? Experienced some other kind of heartbreak? What happened?
DAI — I guess izzy counts? he definitely experienced heartbreak with their falling out, and with the persistent cold shoulder she's given him ever since. but at the same time, there's a part of him that insists he wasn't entirely in the wrong. ...I was gonna say that inoculates him against the worst of the hurt, but actually I don't think that's true. mostly it just makes things complicated and weird MINAH — yeah her relationship with her highschool boyfriend childhood sweetheart ended pretty abruptly after her dad died. tbh her dad's death was the actual heartbreak; it just cascaded into a series of secondary hurts. worse than the breakup itself was the disillusion with everything she'd imagined her life would be. fortunately she found the orchestra BRAN — she's definitely parted with a few exes on bad terms, but most of her relationships aren't deep or serious enough to merit proper heartbreak (plus Bran is typically the heartbreaker, not the heartbroken) . there were probably one or two bad endings really early on, even before she left home. obviously, though, her biggest heartbreak was her mom's death. it was just so slow and all-encompassing and she kept waiting for the time to soften the break and it never did.
hide: What does your OC hide? Why do they hide it?
DAI — I was about to be like "well he doesn't hide things he's just private etc etc" but tbh where does one draw the line? he likes to keep his unkind and ungracious thoughts to himself (mostly). he also hides his fear when he can; there are people relying on him and he doesn't want to be unable to support them. it's not a super conscious thing, but he definitely tucks parts of himself away if he thinks they'll make things harder for other people MINAH — wouldn't you like to know weather boy BRAN — her fears! her anxieties! the way sometimes she forgets how to breathe and it's like the ocean is in her lungs and she's drowning! she's striving to become a thing of myth and legend; she doesn't want to be tangled up in her mortal and human failures and weaknesses
nightmare: What does your OC have nightmares about? How do they deal with their nightmares? Do they tell people, or keep it to themself?
DAI — the abyss (new), the void (-1), failing his loved ones and being complicit in their deaths (-1). in the past he was a "lie in the dark and wait for the fear to pass to go back to sleep" kind of guy, but lately he's been a "get up in the middle of the night because sleep isn't coming" kind of guy. I don't think he goes out of his way to hide that he has nightmares, but he definitely doesn't share the content (tho he might if pressed) MINAH — her dad's death. her mom's death. the dark. being alone. being trapped. being chased. the archdemon. the joining. the blight. she likes working late nights because they wipe her out and help her sleep a little better. she's pretty good at getting back to sleep after a bad dream, but not always—some nights and some dreams are worse than others. she absolutely goes out of her way to hide her nightmares from others (if it weren't for everyone waking up with their archdemon dreams she wouldn't have outwardly acknowledged it) BRAN — bran doesn't have nightmares too often, but when she does they tend to be weird and disjointed vibes(tm) and not any one specific thing. she'll take some air if she's too spooked to sleep. or if she's got a bedfellow who might also be up at odd hours of the night, she's not opposed to sweating out the bad dreams. she doesn't talk about them much because there usually isn't much to talk about; her dreams rarely point to one nightmare-causing thing
torture: Has your OC ever been tortured? Would your OC ever torture someone else?
DAI — aww dai was the one I was thinking about when I wrote that question. he hasn't been tortured (does the abyss count?) but he would definitely torture someone else if he had to. what does "if he had to" mean? hard to say right now but he absolutely has that edge of measured, precise, careful violence in him and the certainty of his own rightness to pursue it. MINAH — no, and also no* (*I think minah could run an interrogation super well but she's squeamish and doesn't want to be in any way a participant in that kind of measured, pre-mediated violence. she's the honey trap, the carrot. she can't be the stick.) BRAN — canon bran has not been tortured and— hm. she'd always rather catch her flies with honey, but I do think there could be a situation (her crew being in danger, for example) where she might turn to carefully-applied hurt to get results. mostly I'm just not sure how much she'd trust that? she's definitely seen some torture in her time—she tries to keep her business square, but it doesn't always work out that way—and in her experience, hurt people say whatever they need to say to stop hurting. (dark au bran has been tortured and also done torturing, and will fulfill her obligations with great precision and skill. I think star wars au bran is also a both/and kinda girlie, though I don't have any specifics down at the moment. if she had to break fingers to track down a member of her crew (looking at you sabine) she absolutely would.)
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ascendandt · 1 year
really long explanation of my song choices under the cut
- its the cycles. the tragedy that is and was and will be happening. the removal from the scene and simultaneous desperation
- lyrical repitition yeah. timeloop
- "and michael you would fall" you WOULD. implied repition and inevitability. ya its like gan 👍👍
- "off again we go, another seed to sow, another part to keep in proper order, what have i begun, a getaway undone, i have seen the signs and i ignored them"
- ⬆️ HELLO? TIMELOOP. meticulous tweaking of circumstances to get gan not evil. i have seen the signs (of the impossibility of changing fate. and also of him in the first before having moral complexity) and i ignored them!!!!!
- "you turn away and around, ive been coming down" its a bit. its a bit that you might see your shadow... iykyk
- youre everywhere to me... its gan. hes hes everywhere
- everywhere you came an left you came in the name of love! and left a wake of happiness and tenderness and SWEET CONFLICT.... it is always tortured :( link is so good natured but um well. its not going right. he still holds reductive morality that wont actually save anyone
- "you come on down but you dont come down" - its the way link keeps coming back to this guy this GUY HE LOVES to save him but he never gets at the root of it he never. comes down to why gan does what he does ever.
- also works as a sorrows (part 5 of b+f) gan perspective 👍 unrequited love baby
- ok i actually have very little justification for this. but its verry sorrows esque to me. sorry
- oh except "but ive been anywhere an its not what i want... i wanna be still with you". its them to me.
- what more can i say... the isolation. the seperation
- in sorrows ganondorf if left literally all alone on a shipwreck for days to months Several times, and is also hopelessly in love with link. for context.
- "i dont need the world to see that ive been the best i can be... but i dont think i can stand to be where you dont see me" - its literally him. he really only has link in his life, and he is doing all his evil-magic suppression in isolation FOR HIM.
- ⬆️ oh also somewhat a post-fear no more link. haha. he greives rajo his son and rajo his brother a lot. all this timeloop bullshit is for him after all... in defiance of fate and the gods snd everything. he MISSES HIM MORE THAN ANYTHING one might say.
- hes everything to link👍 gives him purpose
- LET ME GIVE MY LIFE TO YOU. LET ME DIE IN YOUR ARMS.... the devotion and it all. yeah
- this is particularly a song for fear no more rajo. the weird father son dynamic they got here is so fucked
- rajo feels inadequate he feels evil and ALSO smothered by link his dad. because link is trying to save him from being evil right. so hes both expecting him to act badly and need saving and ALSO be good. its fucked
- oh and also deeply estranged by society due to being raised in hyrule abd very much Not being hylian.
- like the lyrics refer to feeling inadequate and lost alone. people (in this case link and (joker voice) SOCIETY) expecting bad things from him... he wants support from his dad but its still very complicated WHATEVER...
- its um. hes just like jim treasureplanet.ok whatever
- by contrast. a link song.... nobody knows you and neither do i...
- the farmer jim in the lyrics is corfo cepolla to me (he is a farmer who link comes back to several times across timelines for advice and help raising ganondorf as a baby. hes cool guy).
- "he may imagine you heard and he knew... you wouldnt hear what he might have known" <- despite it all link really fails to take to heart what needs to be learned from the cepollas. HES A VERY ONE TRACK MIND GUY... like a scarecrow!
- song is about an enigma of a guy right. why does he do what he does. is he even aware. only the wind knows... its very him.
- also the birds the crows. they are fate somewhat. he drives them away by nature of what he does but the line "igniting a spark in [the crows'] minds so they circle and fly" feels like they are driven to return anyway. very much a theme in the story, like evil still arises whether in ganondorf or not. you cant save everyone always
- link greiving his lost brother/son/friend ...
- in the silence it became so very clear that you had long since disappeared...i cursed myself at bring suprised that it didnt play like it did in my mind
- ⬆️ he keeps fucking dying. despite all the time nonsense rajo cant come back and you cant erase the losses of former timelines
- the "history books forgot about us" and the "we coukdnt bring the cloumns down" is very sorrows to me. they loved each other and it still wasnt enough to CHANGE anything because he still died by links hand and the timeline was still reset.
- the uh. hair length thing is actually pretty important because 1. its a cultural thing to have gans hair long. 2. rajo cut off all his hair before he killed himself in fear no more (momentous Fucking occasion). and link feels ratherrr responsible for that. the hair cutting is a betrayal. and in the times where link raises him in the hylian fashion and cuts his hair its like. uprooting his whole life and for what? NOTHING to change. wawawawa
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lifblogs · 4 years
Things That Happened In Victorious That I Think About Way Too Often
The candy in Cat’s bra
Beck has handcuffs and handcuffed Jade to a table
The multiple times Jade says she likes pain
Tori getting kidnaped by a gaslighting abuser and then we never saw what happened
Tori’s mom cheating on her dad with his co-worker Gary
Cat waxing off Jade’s eyebrows
Tori breaking both her arms
Legit, everyone almost dying in an RV from dehydration and overheating
Cat partying with four random guys at the beach
Jade trying to take Tori out to the desert and kill her
Cat burning down a celebrity’s house
Sikowitz letting Trina into Hollywood Arts because he was high during her audition
Sinjin breaking into Jade’s house
Jade shaving Cat’s head during study hall after trying to kill her in Sikowitz’s class
All the random times people kiss Robbie
Rex trying to kill Trina and Robbie having to cover it up for him
Beck and Andre pretending to kill Robbie with a tea kettle
Robbie and Andre hurting their crotches so badly they could barely walk
“How does a person go from an A to a D?” “Happened to me in eighth grade.”
“I bet that jingled his bells.”
Beck just straight-up caressing Tori’s face in front of Jade
Jade giving Beck a can of lemonade for his birthday
Beck protecting Cat during an earthquake
“Are you... a vegan?”
Andre being a pregnant marathon runner
Tori and the New York accent and raisin bran
“I offer you... a challenge!” “What challenge?” “Who wants to have a sleepover at my house?” “I do! What, none of you want to see where this lunatic lives?”
Robbie having makeup (I fully support him 3000%)
A girl trying to chew Beck’s gum for him
Cat taking her gum out of her mouth, and giving it to Robbie, and him chewing it
The gay vibes
Sinjin getting his face stuck in a vending machine
Tori tying Trina up, duct taping her mouth shut, and leaving her on the counter
All of them getting arrested in a foreign country that was going through a civil war
Jade sleeping through a bombing
Jade killing a lizard with her teeth
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madamebaggio · 4 years
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A Family Crisis
The Stark Family was great: they were caring, brave, kind... And nosy as hell.
Sansa has no idea of how this started... But she is happy Jon is there with her.
Jon Snow loved the Starks like they were his family, and they might was well be, since his real parents could never be bothered by his existence.
He had met Robb Stark in first grade. At the time, Jon was a quiet brooding kid, who kept most to himself and Robb was the exact opposite: he was the center of attention, a beautiful child, full of life, a little devil that could charm anyone.
Jon never truly understood how they had become friends. Robb just shoved himself in Jon’s life for whatever reason and declared they were going to become best friends, and so they had, because Robb always got what he wanted.
Robb brought home Jon to his house one day and he met the family. The Starks looked –to Jon –like a perfect family back then. He was welcomed to the house and he never felt warmer in his whole life.
Eventually Ned and Catelyn –Papa and Mama Stark, as Theon called them –figured out the problems Jon had at his own place: a father that came and went as he pleased and a mother consumed completely by thoughts of herself.
Jon didn’t like to think his parents were bad people. They were just… Bad parents. He didn’t want anyone’s pity, much less the Starks.
Eventually he learned that they didn’t pity him, they cared about him, and that was such a foreigner concept to him.
He became a part of the family. He was there when Catelyn had Bran and after Rickon, he taught Arya how to ride a bike, helped Sansa to study for her Math tests, because she hated them all. He was there when Bran suffered the accident and lost the movements of his legs.
When Ned brought the Malamutes for his kids, Jon was surprised to find that there was one for him as well. Ned said he knew his mother wouldn’t allow him to keep it at their place, but the puppy could stay there. Jon was in his junior year by then, and the Starks generosity kept surprising and humbling him.
Of course, as a big and united family, the Starks tended to be nosy as fuck. They felt a deep need to know what was going on in everybody’s lives all the time. Who the kids were dating, where were they going, what time they would be back.
It was impossible to keep a secret in that house and everybody felt entitled to know the details of the other’s lives, because, fuck it, they were a family!
Jon had never cared about it all, because it made him feel like he was part of the family. He felt like he was cared for.
Right now… He was rethinking that.
“Care to explain?”
Jon looked at Sansa, but she had her eyes fixed on Robb. “This is none of your business!” She snapped.
“None of my business?” Robb screeched. “Since when are you two dating?” He demanded.
Sansa and Jon traded looks. This was fucking ridiculous.
“Robb…” Jeyne, Robb’s fiancé, called gently. “They’re both adults. They can date, you know?”
Arya, who was sitting on top of the counter –Catelyn would die if she saw something like that –huffed. “Did you seriously call us here just ‘cause they’re fucking?”
“Oh God.” Sansa pressed the bridge of her nose, while Jeyne let out an “Arya!”, full of indignation.
“I’m sure the kids know what that means.” The other Stark girl shrugged, gesturing with her head to Bran and Rickon.
“Hey!” Rickon protested. “I’m not a child!”
The best part of this freak show was that –since it was the week of Christmas –the whole Stark clan was back home; so this spectacle was sold out.
“Can we focus?” Robb snapped.
“No!” Sansa got up, clearly tired of this whole circus. “You’re being ridiculous, Robb. We’re just dating, for fuck’s sake.”
“Wow…” Arya drawled, clearly not helping the whole situation. “So it’s official and all? I thought you guys were just…”
“Arya!” Jon threw the girl a look. She was like an annoying little sister to him, but right now she was being way too annoying.
She just grinned at him.
“Maybe we shouldn’t be here arguing over this.” Bran offered carefully. “It’s their business.”
Sansa turned immediately to the boy. “Thank you, Bran!” She threw her hands up. “It’s our business.” She pointed at Jon. “I have no idea why you got a family meeting and invited Theon along.”
“Are you kidding?” Theon asked from his position by the door. “This is better than a TV show.”
Jon gave him a look that made very clear that he should shut the fuck up.
“I’m your older brother and it’s my duty to make sure you’re okay.” Robb insisted, crossing his arms. “For all that I know you guys have secretly dating for years!”
Sansa wanted to hit her brother in the head with something heavy. Repeatedly.
“Robb, we haven’t.” Jon sighed, obviously getting weary of this conversation.        
“I was never close to Jon, remember?” Sansa pointed out. “We just started getting closer in the last year, because of the whole Harry disaster.”
Arya made a face at the name and Bran gave a sympathetic smile to his older sister. Sansa walked back to where Jon was, sat by his side and picked his hand.
She was the one that had wanted to wait more to tell her family. She knew they were going to blow this out of proportion, it was their thing and it was freaking annoying.
“Nothing had ever happened until three weeks ago.” Jon assured Robb.
Apparently it was the wrong thing to say. “Wait a second!” Robb narrowed his eyes at them. “I thought you said you guys have been together for two weeks.”
“Shit…” Jon murmured, realizing it had been a bad idea.
Sansa didn’t help at all by blushing. “Well, officially together, yeah. But…” She cleared her throat. “Stuff happened before that.”
Robb turned to Jon. “I’m going to kill you!” He declared.
“Robb!” Jeyne exclaimed.
“Robb, chill the fuck out.” Arya asked coming down from the counter. “Gods, stop the drama.” She rolled her eyes.
“You’re blowing this out of proportion.” Bran offered.
“I… I’m…” Robb sputtered.
Arya ignored him and turned to the couple. “So, when are you telling the parents?”
“We were going to tell everyone tomorrow at dinner.” Sansa sighed. “But Theon had to go and tell on us.”
“Hey!” The man in question put his hands up. “Not my fault you two decided to kiss in front of the house.”
“Dad and mom are going to be happy.” Rickon offered. “They like Jon.”
Jon smiled at the boy.
“You all like Jon.” Sansa remembered her family. “Robb is just being difficult.”
Seeing that he had no support, Robb sighed. He ran his hand through his hair and then gave Sansa a considering look. “Are you happy?” He asked.
“Ridiculously so.” She replied with a smile.
“Is he treating you well?” Robb insisted.
Sansa wanted to ask Robb if he had ever seen Jon treat anyone badly, but she kind of got his problem. He was her brother, he had always been protective. He was trying to conciliate the role of big brother with the fact that his best friend was the one dating his sister.
“He treats me like I’m precious, Robb.” She answered instead.
Jon picked her hand and kissed the back of it. “That’s ‘cause you are.” He spoke soflty.
Sansa turned to him, a sunny smile on her face.
“Gods, you two are gross.” Arya groaned. “Are you satisfied, Robb?”
Everybody turned to look at the eldest Stark. “Yeah.” He finally grumbled. “As long as he treats her well.”
“You know I will, Robb.” Jon spoke, his voice solemn.
“Yeah, I know.” Robb conceded.
There was a moment of silence, until Arya announced that she was done with the drama. She left the kitchen bickering with Theon; Bran and Rickon went after them. Jeyne kissed Robb’s cheek, whispered something to him and gave a smile to the new couple before going too.
Sansa gave Jon a relieved look, before getting up and walking to Robb.
“Robb.” She called gently. “It means a lot to us that you’re okay with this.”
Robb groaned before pulling her in a hug. “Sorry for being a prick at first. I just want you to be happy.”
“I am. Trust me.” She murmured against his chest.
He kissed her forehead, the looked at Jon, without letting her go. “Hey, Snow.”
“Yes?” Jon asked hesitantly.
“Take care of her or I kill you.” Then he grinned. “And welcome to the family. Again.”
Jon and Sansa traded smiles. He was glad to be here.
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doof-doofblog · 4 years
"I'm Asking You To Think About It!"
Thursday 24th September 2020
Hi there folks! I'll be posting two posts today, I want to make sure that I'm caught up just as much as you guys are. So the first post, I will be focusing on Thursday's episode and then Friday's episode will follow! Thank you for being patient with me and I hope you're all enjoying my posts!
What a brilliant start to the episode on Thursday, Phil is seen in the Minute Mart debating whether to buy a face mask, I mean - I agree £8 for a face mask is a ridiculous price, especially when I know places that charge less. But of course, this is a soap. Also can I just say how lovely it is to see Honey! We've not seen her for such a long time, I think the last time we saw her, properly - didn't she leave to get help or get control of her eating disorder? If anyone can remember otherwise, please feel free to message me and inform me?! Phil and Honey are marking small talk regarding the masks as Isaac walks in, he also picks up a mask and makes the joke of it being used in a bank robbery. Of course, Phil stares at him - AS IF he's just used those words to describe a face mask!! Of all bloody things! I mean, obviously Isaac is has no idea about Phil's past so he clearly think he's made a harmless joke, if only he'd knew! As Isaac leaves, Jack then appears, on the phone to clearly someone who works with the police, Jack just happens to mention the Mitchell name to the person on the phone and Phil's ears are burning as he listens in on Jack's conversation. Does Jack also know why Ben has been released? Does he know that the police are going to be after Phil?!
In the laundrette, Sharon is once again leaning on Linda's shoulder. She informs her that Linda's advice backfired and Ian actually called her bluff. Linda is shocked but also feels for her friend as she reveals that she doesn't know what to do. She states that if she stays in the Vic, things will only get worse, and yet if she leaves, she has no where else to go. Sharon is really stuck at the minute, will Linda be able to find a way to help her friend in need? Will she possibly suggest Sharon moving in with her and Mick, just until she can find somewhere of her own? Who knows?
At the school, Isaac is doing his job as a teacher and observing the children, Amy waves goodbye to her brother as he rushes in, then saying "Good Morning" to Isaac. She asks him politely to look after her younger brother, as she walks away, Denise approaches him and checks with him once again to keep his distance from Amy, just in case her crush on him seems to escalate. Isaac really seems unfazed by Amy's crush, but I think Denise is right to warn him. He informs her that he's going to take a step back from tutoring her but that'll be the start, if anything else happens I'm sure he'll act fast.
Meanwhile, at the Mitchell household - Ben, Callum and Phil are all sat around together in the living room. Ben is feeling happy and ready to celebrate his being released. Although, Phil cannot seem to keep himself together, he can't understand why Ben is wanting to celebrate. Phil knows something isn't right, and he can't sit and do nothing while the police could possibly be watching his every move. He starts taking the blame out on Ben, for grassing up Danny in the first place - potentially if he hadn't of done that in the first place, Phil wouldn't be worrying for his life right now. Phil mentions how long it's taken for them to build up the Mitchell name, he worries now that word will get out about Ben being a grass, and their name will taking a falling dip. Ben then confronts his Dad, telling him how many times they've had to rebuild their reputation after every time Phil has made a mistake. Callum suddenly comes in between the argument, telling Phil that he's wrong! Both Phil and Ben want to know what Callum means by that, what does he know? He tells them that Danny wanted to drop the case and the police weren't willing to him go for the sake of Ben. He informs Phil that Danny is a bigger catch, he is the one the police want, he suggests to him that they lay low for a while, because if they can't get their hands on Danny, then they will come looking for Phil.
After their encounter earlier in the week, Mitch and Kheerat have met up once again. Kheerat informs Mitch that he doted on Chantelle, he had fallen for her and he thought the world of her. Mitch is silent as Kheerat tells him everything, he explains how close they had gotten over lockdown. He suggests it's such a coincidence that she suddenly passes away the night she's planning on running away with Kheerat. He knows something isn't right, he knows that somehow, someway, Gray is involved in her death. He brings up the possibility - what if Gray found out about them running away together? They possibly had a row and things went badly wrong? Mitch looks as if he can't take in what Kheerat is saying. But he also states that why also would he have her memory box? If Gray hadn't have done anything, perhaps he would've had the box, perhaps he wouldn't be chatting with Mitch and perhaps Chantelle wouldn't be dead. He explains that Chantelle cancelled their plans at the last minute, why would she do that?! She was ready to go and she sounded happy when she told him she wanted to be with him, why would she then change her mind? Also the voice message she left him, she sounded different - like something wasn't right. He tells Mitch that if there isn't any doubt in his mind that something isn't right, then he will drop the suspicion and leave it alone, for Chantelle's sake. But you can see Mitch's brain working, I think he completely agrees with Kheerat, something isn't adding up!
Meanwhile, in the Square, Callum is meeting with DI Thompson again. He is visibly guilt-stricken after giving up Phil to the police. His boss tries his best to persuade him that he's done the right thing. So why does he feel so bad about it all? His boss tells them that they're the good guys and they have won! But Callum makes the valid point that in this current situation, there are no winners! No one is going to be happy about the outcome. Callum has betrayed his boyfriend and he is going to have to suffer the consequences of his actions. While Callum is having this conversation with his boss, Phil has once again gotten his advice from is lawyer, Ritchie. She informs him that just by Callum's role in the police, there is no way he could've got hold of the information he gave Phil, she reveals that he's been lied to, and it's plain to see that he already knows.
In the bar, Max and Linda have decided to go for a drink, after Max's encounter with Ian, it looks like he could do with a stiff one! Max is still waiting for Ian to give him his money back, Ian is just making excuse after excuse and Max is slowly losing his patience. Linda is making small talk before she asks him if the restaurant is doing okay, she puts two and two together and explains to Max that Ian has been making Sharon doing all sorts of crazy jobs in the Vic so she can push for cash. She asks whether Ian isn't in any trouble. It's then that Max reveals to her that he ended up selling his half of the restaurant over to Ian, just so Rainie couldn't get hold of his money from the outcome of their divorce. Linda has clicked - did Ian pay for the Vic with Max's share of the restaurant money? She knows! She's figured it out! Ooooo I hope she'll have some plan up her sleeve, I do hope she'll confide in Max and inform him of what she's thinking.
In another family home we've not seen for a while, the Branning household, Jack is trying to persuade Isaac to carry on tutoring his daughter. He claims she has really progressed since he's been helping her. (Of course us viewers know why!) ... Amy is listening to the conversation, Isaac apologises for not being able to teach her anymore. When he reveals his excuse for no longer being able to tutor her is because he's seeing someone, you can see Amy look deeply hurt, she's sat at the table looking very miserable. Jack tells her not to worry but she doesn't respond and continues to look upset.
At the Vic, Stacey is still trying make amends to her Mum. She is begging for forgiveness, asking whether she can buy her Mum a drink. Jean declines her offer and says she'll get her own. Stacey really doesn't know what else to do, she's convinced her Mum hates her and is never going to forgive her. Kat then informs Stacey that while she's been absent - Jean has lost so much! She's had to battle cancer on her own, she's had to burry Daniel, the man she ended up falling in love with, and now also Kat has also given Cherry back to Hayley. Jean must've felt so alone this year, I think it's then that Stacey realises how much her Mum must have needed her while she was away. How is she going to be able to make it up to her? Suddenly Suki walks in, acknowledging Jean, she rolls her eyes and looks away. Stacey hasn't met the Panesar family yet, so she turns to Kat and asks what that eye roll was all about. Kat also explains that that is something else she's missed. Is Kat going to reveal everything?
Back at the Mitchell's, Callum comes in to find Phil sat in the living room, waiting for him. Callum asks where Ben is but Phil isn't wanting any chit-chat. He instantly tells Callum to tell him the truth, he knows something isn't right. He gives him one last chance to tell him the truth and not to blow it. Callum is backed into a corner, does he tell him the truth .... No! He makes up ANOTHER lie, he tells Phil instead that he caught his boss dipping into cash nearly every time they did a job, and Callum wasn't going to let it go. He fibs and says that he would grass his boss up on every single thing that he's done unless he'd get rid of the CCTV of Ben and let him go. Phil is listening to this story, taking everything in. I'm unsure whether he's convinced Callum is telling the truth, or whether he thinks he is still lying to him. Suddenly Ben walks in, none the wiser, happy to see his Dad and boyfriend together. Callum leaves the room, leaving Phil with his thoughts. Callum looks devastated as he's had to lie for a second time to his boyfriend's Dad. I think he's digging himself a deeper and deeper hole that's going to be hard for him to get out of.
Back at the Vic, Kat fills in all the details of Suki lying about having cancer to Stacey. Jean is sat across the Vic, staring at Suki. Stacey is ready to stand up for her Mum and put Suki in her place. Suki makes a snide comment, insulting both Jean and Stacey. Stacey laughs in her face and threatens her, if she ever bothers her Mum again, she will come for her. Jean sees the commotion and begs Stacey to leave things alone, Stacey snatches Suki's drink out of hand, ready to lash it over her, but Jean stops her in the path, she begs Stacey to stop and says in a soft voice "You're too late to fight my battles for me, Stace!" I think Stacey realises it takes more than just fighting the bad guys to help make amends to her Mum. Upstairs in the Vic, Sharon is seen on the phone, has Linda informed her of Ian's involvement with Max?! Ian can be seen playing on his laptop, as Sharon enters the room he stills speaks to her like a piece of dirt on his shoe. She informs him that she is staying, she tells him that he had better start trying her with the respect she deservers, otherwise she'll tell Max about the money he owes him, and then Max will deal with him. Ian's face is in pure shock! Finally he is the one who is backed into a corner, he now has no choice but to give Max his money back, whether he finds it or not!
At the Taylor household, Mitch is looking through Chantelle's memory box, from what looks like, also downing a bottle of vodka. Karen walks in and realises what he's looking at. Mitch reveals to her what Kheerat had told him, Karen can believe a word that is coming out of his mouth. For a moment, you feel like Mitch has got it, and he's right! Understandably, they're both grieving and coming to terms with her death, but Karen refuses to hear a bad word said about Gray. She claims that Chantelle loved him, she turns the whole thing round to a different scenario, what if Kheerat couldn't accept that Chantelle didn't love him back? What if he killed her?! Mitch's eyes grow big! Is THAT why he had her memory box?! Is Mitch now going to confront Kheerat and blame him for Chantelle's death?! Is Gray going to end up getting away with murder?! As Mitch leaves the room, Karen is left sobbing.
The final scene of this episode, Callum once again walks in on Phil in the kitchen, back at Mitchell's. This scene really left me feeling "Wow!" - Phil more or less opens up to Callum, admitting that he was wrong about him. He describes the fact that they appear to be working on the same side of the fence. Phil makes Callum a proposition, if he'll give him information about the police, so that they'll be one step ahead, maybe they'll be able to find a way of stopping Ben from getting into trouble. I think this is a huge step for Callum, after what he's just done - dobbing Phil into the police, this could be a chance to make things right. Phil could perhaps escape arrest and Ben wouldn't have to lose his Dad or his boyfriend? Surely this could be a win-win situation?! I hope, for Ben's sake, Callum agrees and begins to work with Phil! He even called him "Family!" That is MASSIVE compliment coming from Phil! Callum surely can't say "No"? I hope he'll do the right thing!
Hope you enjoyed this blog post everyone! I'll be back very shortly with Friday's episode! Love you all xXx
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kibastray · 5 years
BNHA Fic list:
So I have a lot of ideas for BNHA and I know that some of them would be better off in other peoples hands. If anyone wants to work on them @ or PM me if a fic sounds like it is your cup of tea. 
Ash Phoenix: newest idea. (want to work on some more to figure out if I want to keep it or not) The fic comes from the idea; Can other quirks meld together to form something powerful like OFA? So I gave Izuku a fire/resurrection quirk fused him with Toga, and created The Best Vigilante. Bedlam and Fighting Bedlam: Older idea. (not for sale) This is a pair of fics that are the renegade and paragon version of the same universe. After a large inheritance from his dad’s death Izuku’s family moves and becomes friends with the Yaoyorozus (Izuku is like Sherlock Holmes and Bruce Lee rolled into one) Fighting Bedlam: is the Paragon option. Izuku and momo are great friends and view each other as siblings. They do everything together, such as getting Momo’s gay ass to admit she likes her rocker class mate. to being an unstoppable duo.  Bedlam: is the renegade option. Momo’s parents help out the Midoriyas in the same way as Fighting Bedlam does. However when Izuku and Momo get close her parents say that she can’t get close to a quirkless child. In defiance she and Izuku become Robin Hood-esk villain/vigilantes becoming known as Red/Green hood respectively.  Brain Over Bran: older idea. (free to use) This fic follows the idea of what if Izuku got recognized for his brilliance from the many Hero Forums he visits. Izuku gets to be Nezu’s successor (Izuku becomes the man behind the screen) Epitaph: older idea (free to use) Izuku has the worst combination of his parents quirks. Everyone thinks it is just taking heat from things. But is actually the ability to steal peoples life force or soul. (this idea has a very tragic “I want to be a hero” and “I fear my own power” that could be made into something great) Eri’s Big Brother: Posted before (Free to use) Izuku is picked up by the Yakuza early on in life. he grows up much the same way Eri did. and when she comes into his life he acts as her older brother and saving her from most of the worst experiments. Eri escapes about the same time as cannon BNHA starts and is under Aizawa’s protection at the start of the year. (good for a nice gut punch of feels) Nomu(working title): posted before (willing to share this idea)  Izuku jumps that day but is saved by a dark portal. A year of experiments and tests later he is at the USJ but not as a hero. (A bakugou POV fic for the most part, as Izuku is kinda like the hulk a bit) In the Name of LOV: (Free to use) Izuku is part of the League. Photogenic and maybe a little psychotic Izuku addresses the world in videos saying that him and his friends are villains because they ‘Lov’ the world so much.(Izuku is a sweet&charismatic kid who sees heroes as a problem because all society cares about is strong/flashy quirks) Yakuza (working title): Fun idea, no idea on how to run it (Willing to work with someone)  Izuku is the son of a Mob boss. Convinces the heroes that he is there to help, while getting back at a germaphobe for killing his father years ago. (Izuku has power, how to use it, and isn’t afraid to. Hero society is just like the underworld, it is just brighter and less likely to end in murder) Persona (working title): (not for sale) Izuku takes Bakugou’s advice and finds the quirk that was waiting for him. Death for this greeny only means he can come back with something new. watch as Bakugou, All Might, and UA reap what they sow when Izuku shows them exactly what happens when they cross him (angsty, Persona3-5 inspired, A civil war, and taking UAs’ rank as top hero school sounded like fun) Sheep’s Wool and Wolves Fangs: (Free to use) Is Izuku an angle or a demon? Everyone who sees him sees the shine of heaven. Those like Bakugou who have seen what lay behind that kind mask know he is nothing short of a demon playing human. (Izuku lacks empathy/morality, and sees play things where humans should be. He will manipulate everyone he can just to see what happens) Spirit Chaser: would love to do this myself but lack the skill (Free to use) Izuku is a shrine priest/priestess. The world of heroes and spirits collide with Izuku at the epicenter. Quirks mean little when your faith and mantras are just as amazing. (used all the priest/priestess powers from other anime/manga to come up with his powers and made a pretty OP quirkless teen who can seal spirits, cure villains of hatred, and fight along side the best heroes) Task Force (working title): (willing to share this idea) Quirkless Izuku and others like him are a SWAT/police force to be reckoned with. Izuku is a SWAT member that keep an eye on both villains and heroes alike. He and his team are the hammer that deals with the problems that arise. (Lawful Good does not always mean Lawful Nice.) Web Weaver’s Betrothed: (not for sale)  Idea came about from two writing prompts; 1. “What is so dangerous about the forest” and 2. My answer to all the Spiderman crossover fics. This fic is ambitious as it combines BNHA, Spiderman, and Yokai together. (Izuku is spiderman, but his own spiderman. and I add forest spirits in for fun) What’s in a name?: This has a  renegade and paragon version. (not sure if I want to keep or work with others on. it is my first fic idea for BNHA) Names are pretty apt for what quirks people have now-a-days. Izuku is no different. His quirk is as green as you can get. (OP Izuku, who can claim the title of Fair King or King of the Forest pretty easily) Paragon: Izuku is a kid with a powerful quirk that transcends previous quirk types. Watch this little hero work his hardest to get the title he has longed for. (a nice fic, with Izuku/Bakugou friendship) Renegade: Only a few know Izuku. No one would guess that he is the ‘Fairy King’ that has saved countless kids from harm these last ten years. (an accident puts Izuku into a coma. that won’t stop his heroic spirit from doing what he was born to do. Toga gets to go to UA, Shoto gets to be a normal kid, and Bakugou might get his butt kicked by the army of people that Izuku has helped) When Sun Rays Die: IDK if I can even make/give away this fic idea (Not for sell because IDK if I can rightfully give it away) This idea is based of “All according to Keikaku” comic that someone made. The idea follows Izuku and the gang helping Eri dealing with her problems by acting them out. Only she has a quirk flare up and when Izuku tries to help. Both kids get sent back in their own pasts. (How badly will knowing the future change the past?) Soul Resonance (working title): Most resent idea (Defiantly not for sell) Based off of Arrow Ace Studios own BNHA x Soul Eater fic. Izuku is quirkless. But it wont stop others willing to help him achieve his goals. A story of Meisters, weapons, witches, heroes, and villains. (I am gonna have fun with this. ^m^ So many fun ways to crossover the two, watch as I stumble my way figuring through it all) 
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chid-sen-gan-blog · 5 years
My Thoughts on GoT 8.01 (“Winterfell”)
So, this is late, but I watched S8, E1 (”Winterfell”) with my Dad and Brother and had some thoughts (these thoughts are from my first time viewing it, but I was too insecure to post them until a magnificent mutual of mine suggested it).
Spoilers, but the warning might be irrelevant by now. Featuring running commentary from my family because they’re amazing.
So, maybe I’m alone, but I’m not that fond of the new opening. Sorry, it just looks cheaper to me than the old one somehow, even though I read somewhere that more money was spent on it
That child climbing a tree gave my entire family and I some serious Bran/Arya nostalgia, as did that Baratheon theme
Arya’s little smile when she saw Jon half filled me with joy, and also half broke my heart. So much has happened since they last saw eachother. So fricking much
Arya looking at the Hound in a parallel to S1, E1 has been found
Non-verbal Gendrya is life
Oh, yay, an obligatory manhood joke to start off the season. Ugh. You know, I’m really tired of them at this point.
So......... can somebody remind me why Tyrion is even here anymore? And how he became the least interesting remaining Lannister by far?
Missandei and Grey Worm’s little “wow, they hate us” look is honestly the best thing. To quote my Brother: “Finally, two people that can take a hint”
Dany is upset at people not kissing her boots - shocker. Look, sweetie, it’s been a rough couple of years for the Northerners. Not to mention the last time they had a Targ in power he burned their liege lord and had his heir strangled. And that Targ was your father. So no duh they’re skeptical 
Yeeeeeeaaaaah... I don’t think giving a good portion of the people you’ve supposedly come to “save” heart attacks with your WMD children is the best way to establish you’re a “great” ruler
(And the camera lingered on said smirk, hmmm, wonder why...)
Just a little over ten minutes into the episode and I’ve already reached new levels of Dany hatred
Entrance to the Winterfell courtyard parallel to S1, E1 spotted 
Jon riding in and seeing Bran is making me cry. Like, the last time he was riding towards a family member was with Rickon, the only “sibling” (aside from Sansa) he thought he had left - only for Rickon to die moments before he reached him. And here’s Bran, his “brother” who he thought was dead up until recently, sitting there alive and (mostly) well, and I just... *sobs uncontrollably*
Compare and contrast how happy Jon is to see Bran vs. how “who cares?” he was when finding out he was alive in S7 and tell me that political!Jon isn’t real. Tell me
... I thought we were supposed to get non-robo-Bran this season, but, so far, I don’t see it
My Dad is honestly cheering because Bran’s looking at Dany all creepily. He’s just thrilled someone’s giving her some variation of the stink-eye
That Jon and Sansa hug is not the same one that was released, and I’m a little disappointed. Let Jon give bear hugs to his entire family 2k19
Sansa/Ned parallels from S1, E1 and I’m loving it
Dany is literally the embodiment of all her stans who thought she and Sansa would be besties and braid eachother’s hair. Sansa is the rest of us who knew better
Bran cutting straight to the point adds years to my life
Sansa running things is my aesthetic
Dany seriously didn’t sit down till Ned Umber called her “my queen” and I’m rolling my eyes. So what if I’m too critical? I’m bitter
I love Jon getting called out if political!Jon isn’t real, but I’m honestly tired of Lyanna Mormont at this point. Sorry, unpopular opinion
......................... is it just me, or has Tyrion become a lot less smart in recent seasons? 
Wait until they find out who burnt the loot train * snicker snicker*
Sansa asks practical questions. Dany replies with an answer that basically gives the green light for eating innocent civilians. But, sure, Sansa’s a jerk
My Dad doesn’t even like Sansa and he’s scoffing that Dany couldn’t hold a candle to her when it comes to ruling
Yep, Tyrion’s become a lot less smart. I was right
Bran being creepy is actually great when it’s directed towards Dany and her team 
Awwwwwww... Jon and Arya. Don’t screw this up for me, please...
Parellel to Ned/Catelyn in the Godswood in S1, E1, I believe
Seriously, Jon is ecstatic to see his little “sister”. Don’t tell me he would’ve reacted with nonchalance to the news of her being alive if political!Jon isn’t true. Don’t even dare
Am I the only one who’s a little heartbroken that Jon is actually surprised that Arya still had Needle?
So....... I think that “Sansa thinks she’s smarter then everyone” comment was supposed to be an awkward joke. So therefore, I’m not going to get angry
Yeah, Jon, don’t forget. I believe in you
I imagine everyone’s probably going to be really angry with Jon, but I kind of feel badly for him. He seems so insecure about everything in this episode. If the parentage reveal happens here, too, I’m a little worried how he’ll take it
My Brother pointed out that Jon’s homecoming in this episode kind of mirrors Jaime’s in S4 and I’m honestly living for it
I missed Cersei. I really did
I missed Yara, I really did
I didn’t miss Euron, not a bit
Wow, the Red Keep feels so lonely and I think that’s the vibe the showrunners were going for. Kudos if it was
Cersei seriously has some of the best lines and Lena Headey is brilliant in her delivery
Euron... yeah. Dude needs help
Oh, so that’s what happened to Ed Sheeran and co. Time to get started on my “I See Fire” tribute
Little parallel to Tyrion in the brothel with Bronn from S1, E1
“Which girl?” Poor Bronn in a world without modern medicine
Um, excuse me, but if you even think of using that crossbow I’ll make sure that Ser Bronn of the Blackwater becomes black and blue
Someone get Cersei her elephants
Okay, so what’s up with the pregnancy? Was it a hoax, or something else...?
THEON!!! Finally stepping up! Finally!
So... anyone else thinking that Yara believes Dany sent Theon to rescue her and that’s why she’s still loyal to this dragon brat?
Tyrion is on and I’m ignoring him.
Davos nooooooooooooo. No marriages!!!
I see you, Varys. I see you showrunners. Nothing lasts, indeed... *laughs evilly*
Aw, what happened to Dany and Sansa braiding eachother’s hair again?
I’m angry at Jon for not defending Sansa. Really. But how much could he actually have done without spelling potential doom for the North? Littlefinger didn’t have dragons. Dany does.
........... the dragons are barely eating? Barely? And just how many Northerners could those 29 goats and sheep have fed?
“Um, Dany, giving Jon a dragon might be the dumbest thing you’ve done yet” - My Wonderful Dad
“And that’s saying something” - My Wonderful Brother
Wow, Dany doesn’t give two cents about Jon’s consent. Shocking
Wow, Dany doesn’t give two cents about Rhaegal’s consent. Actually shocking 
So... if no one knows how to ride a dragon until they do and you’ve already ridden one so therefore know, give the guy some pointers
Haha you might die. Isn’t that adorable?! *sarcasm sarcasm*
That boy kept his eyes open, honey. That’s not a good thing.
Drogon and Bran should have a staring contest. My money’s on Bran
(scratch that, my money’s on Jaime and Brienne whenever they see eachother)
Ugh. How many manhood jokes are we going to have before this season’s over?!?!
So... the Hound and Arya’s reunion was kind of underwhelming, imo
Gendrya awwwwww.
Ooh, new weapon. Wonder what it does.
“You don’t know any other rich girls” - Arya // “And with you around he never will.” - My Wonderful Dad 
Interesting point my Brother made about Lord Glover always being that guy never wanting to join the fight
Oh, Jon. If political!Jon is true, then stop handling this all on your own. Heck, even if it’s not. Your family is strong as steel. Trust them
Not sure if it’s intentional, but this scene kind of brings to mind shades of Ned and Catelyn in S1, E1 when discussing Ned becoming Hand of the King
Sansa is not helping those vibes. Oh, boy
“Why does everyone who claims Dany will be a good queen sound less like they believe it and more like they’re trying to convince themselves it’s true?” - My Wonderful Brother
Oh, shoot. Is this the Tarly reveal? I don’t think an “it was necessary” is going to work this time...
WOW. She didn’t even try to explain her actions. This somehow makes it far worse for me...
Jorah looking guiltier is actually unsettling
You made Sam cry, Dany. The gloves are off. You’re officially irredeemable in my books
Um, has no one wheeled Bran in yet? Like, he’s just been sitting there?
“Waiting for an old friend”? Is it Jaime? It’s got to be Jaime. Wonder if they’ll save the reunion for the end because more parallels
Jon looks so tired all the time in this episode, even with his family. Even if political!Jon isn’t real, Dany certainly isn’t doing him any wonders. And if you say she is, you’re not really watching the show
Awwww, Jon and Sam together again! And Jon is just as happy to see him as his “siblings”! My heart...
“So, are we ever going to find out if Little Sam’s alright, or...?” - My Wonderful Dad
Jon’s reaction to the burning of Sam’s dad and brother is kind of weak, but I”m hoping we get some more of his wrath directed at the source of this fiasco (Dany)
No, Jon. You and Dany aren’t alike in any way. Case and point - how you’ve been talking about how titles don’t matter every two seconds of this episode, while she was about to threaten your “sister” for not “respecting” her. See the difference, sweetie?   
Um... it probably would’ve been better to lead with Ned’s wasn’t your father than Lyanna’s your mom, but other than that, you’re doing great, Sam
A man from the south tells his northern best friend with a man-bun some game-changing news in a crypt. Sam-Jon, Robert-Ned parallel from S1, E1 achieved
I’m going to take  a moment to appreciate how Kit subtly incorporated and conveyed each of the five stages of grief in this scene
“It’s treason”/”It’s the truth”. I mean, maybe it’s just me, but Jon seems almost terrified to hear this news. Which tells me he’s well-aware of how Dany could react to it. Which tells me he’s not as daft as he’s letting on. 
“You gave up your crown to save your people. Would she do the same?” Sam knows what’s up and I love him all the more for it
“No, no she wouldn’t” - My Wonderful Dad, Brother, and Less-Wonderful I all at the same time in response to Sam’s query
The score in the back, “Winter is Here”, when “Truth” might’ve been a more ironic, dramatic option - like with the last reveal. Hmmm. I see you, Ramin Djawadi. I see you
Edd! Beric! Tormund! Still stand by the idea that at least one of you should’ve died for emotional weight, but I’m glad to see you.
Okay. The blue eyes joke got a chuckle out of me, I admit
Child nailed at their torso thanks to white walkers parallel to S1, E1 achieved
Ned Umber opening his eyes seriously made me jump and I was expecting it
Child who is actually is a white walker nailed at their torso by white walkers parallel to S1, E1 achieved
And now I’m deaf. Thanks, Ned Umber
“Hey, don’t you think that creepy art piece kind of resembles the Targ sigil?” - My Wonderful Brother before the piece was set on fire
“Hey, now it really does.” - My Wonderful Brother after the piece was set one fire 
A rider riding into town and I think I know who it is...
JAIME!!!!!!! *has meltdown because he’s my second favorite character, okay?*
My Wonderful Dad and Brother are just as hyped as I am. Bless them.
Jaime taking off headwear and looking around Winterfell parallel to S1, E1 spotted
Is it just me, or does he actually look happy to be there? I mean, you’d think he’d be more uncertain...
Oh, there’s the uncertainty
Jaime and Bran ending off the episode on a cliffhanger parallel to S1, E1 unlocked
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bettsfic · 5 years
wip list
i’m hoping that by listing out all the things i want to finish, i will actually finish them. unfortunately this new job is still kicking my ass and i am exhausted all of the time + annual summer writers’ block + self-esteem through the floor = not very creatively productive. 
if there’s a number in a bracket beside the fic, that’s my top 5 priority list/potential posting order. i’ve stalled out on a lot of these because they’re rare pairs and i’m not confident anyone will read them, which sometimes bums me out when i feel like i spend too much time on something/end up liking it a lot.
this list doesn’t include ofic, which is a much, much longer list.
>75% done
[3] retrieval (the rain, martin/simone), 4k -- post-canon angst fic in which martin is tasked to go back into the zone and rescue the remaining survivors. needs probably a complete rewrite, but all the plot pieces are there.
[4] a long way (game of thrones, jaime/myrcella), 14k -- canon-divergent fic in which cersei dies and jaime has to escort myrcella to winterfell to marry bran. just needs the last couple scenes and a final read-thru.
ace of spades (star wars, kylux), 62k -- modern au in which ben and hux are bffs to lovers. i started this in 2016 and then grad school got in the way and i haven’t picked it up again. i’m hoping episode ix gives me some inspiration to complete it.
~50% done
daisy chains (the 100, octavia/marcus), 14k -- modern au in which marcus is octavia’s step dad and she’s in love with him, side order of blakecest. i started this fic over a year ago and a lot of the aesthetic turned into training wheels, but it’s still its own story and i’ve been wanting so badly to finish it. 
new girl (the 100, octavia/jasper), 4k -- high school au in which jasper and octavia start dating, but bellamy is annoying about it. unfinished km fill.
hacker au (the 100, bellarke), 2k -- modern au in which clarke is a porn addict and bellamy uses russian spyware to watch her get off. unfinished km fill. 
just started but shows promise
[5] dares (the 100, bellarke), 2k -- modern au in which bellamy and clarke are step siblings spending their final summer together. i was given this prompt during my last prompt spree and i never finished it.
[1] vigilance (the 100, bellarke), 3k -- modern au in which bellamy and clarke are patients in an 8-week therapy program. just prompted a couple days ago. hoping to have it finished today.
not started
[2] tbd (the secret history, henry/richard) -- canon fic in which henry watches richard masturbate while talking about fucking camilla. prompted by @drawsaurus. i plan to start writing it after i post vigilance.
in the blood (the 100, bellamy/octavia) -- prequel to in the water. this one has been on my list to write for over a year. it was my very first fic idea for the fandom, and i think that’s why i haven’t written it yet. it’s so perfect in my head.
cruel intentions au (game of thrones, braime) -- 90s au based on cruel intentions. originally this was prompted for bellarke but it works so much better with braime. i’m not sure if i’ll end up writing this one because it seems like a lot of work, but i’m dying for more braime in my life.
eoe sequel (harry potter, albus/draco) -- the next installment of A Very Thorough History in which scorpius makes erised on the DL and albus finds out. maybe i’ll start this one in winter?
abandoned :(
only sharing to show how many ideas just don’t end up working, or turn into something else. i’m only going back to 2016 on this, up to ace of spades. i’ve abandoned a lot of fics prior to that, but since then i’ve gotten slightly better at completing stuff/figuring out quickly whether something will work out.
secrets to a successful sale (the 100, bellarke), 4k -- modern au in which clarke is trying to sell her house and bellamy is her handyman. abandoned because a lot of the themes are moving to vigilance and i have no idea how to end it.
storms (the 100, bellarke), 5k -- modern au in which clarke and octavia are best friends, and clarke has a crush on bellamy. abandoned because it later merged with daisy chains and turned into training wheels.
the ring (the 100, bellarke), 2k -- canon fic in which clarke lived on the ring for six years instead of bellamy. abandoned because i do not have the patience for longform canon fic, and i feel like this premise has probably already been written better than i could do.
virgin bellamy (the 100, bellarke), 4k -- canon divergent fic in which wanheda is a sex worker who gives bellamy the girlfriend experience. abandoned because it got way out of hand and someone ended up doing a very similar km fill.
river sequel (the 100, bellarke), 2k -- sequel to run me like a river. abandoned because a girl can only write so many noncon piss fics before she gets a reputation. also i don’t like writing pwp sequels.
within cells interlinked (blade runner 2049, joi/k), 3k -- canon divergent au in which joi is turned into a 7 series and is unwittingly k’s prison guard, but she thinks they’re married, as a means of imprisoning/torturing k. abandoned because it was too goddamn plotty, even though i think it has so much potential, and i really did want to finish it :(((
there’s a total of 125k unposted words here, but tbh this helped a lot to write. i thought i had a way longer list and had abandoned a lot more. i’m hoping to post the top five in the next few weeks to help push through my writers’ block. 
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
#10 for the ask game, let's say for couple of shows you watch, you decide which ones
Thanks for asking, this is a really intersting one! :3
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
Huuuh, okay, lemme go through the shows I’m currently watching, see what I come up with. *tilts head*
Avengers Assemble: The current Black Panther’s Quest. But let me clarify: I don’t dislike the story of this arc itself; I dislike how it’s so awkwardly placed as an arc within Avengers Assemble. This should have been a spin-off, not a whole entire season’s arc of an Avengers show, considering the show has never given the individual Avengers huge standalone arcs like this before. As the plot for its own show this would be an amazing arc, but considering the show it’s on it’s... completely hijacking the show and that does bother me because when I watch an Avengers cartoon, I kind of want to see the Avengers in it, all of them, not just one? Just give him a spin-off, additionally to a real proper all-Avengers focused season of Avengers Assemble. It really ain’t that hard.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: I am... absolutely startled to read that most of the fandom seems to dislike season 7 the most?? When in fact season 5 was the worst. The storyline of Dawn was so bad. Not just the retconning in of Sudden Little Sister and just how unlikable the character herself is, but also that the offered out wasn’t used. Just kill off Dawn in the end, use her as the key she is so this obnoxious character doesn’t have to be carried over to the next season, but nope, instead Buffy dies for her. IT was so dumb and so annoying and I find the overly religious story-arcs - whatever the religion - really creepy...
Doctor Who: I really disliked Clara’s post-resolution arc. She was such a good character and I really-really liked her and then the Impossible Girl was finally resolved... and she stayed. That was when she should have left. But that whole nonsense with Danny and how spiteful Clara turned toward the Doctor then and she still stayed around. Usually, this show cuts characters out too early, but in Clara’s case, she overstayed her welcome and the arc they forced there was just really not fun to watch...
Game of Thrones: I am mainly watching it for Dany’s arc, though also the Lannisters and Arya interest me. The others, not so much, but the worst arc is most definitely Bran. I just... care so little about him and what he’s up to, to the point that the one season where he wasn’t in it, I didn’t even notice he was missing. Only that then the next season, he was suddenly back and I was like “oooh... eeeh...”. He’s so boring and bad, I could do without him; the show has so much going on already.
My Little Pony: That last season. The story arc of the kids. This show is very distinctively about the Mane Six. And it was already stretching my patience when it went all about Starlight Glimmer, but now this attempt at making it about a next gen and their whole Elements of Harmony story arc? It was just... not interesting? There are enough established characters to focus on, even beyond the Mane Six. More about their families, more focus on the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Spike, heck the background ponies like Octavia. Those kids...? I just... really did not care about them, I don’t remember a single name of theirs. The kids could have been used to further the Mane Six’s plotlines, as mentee and giving each a bond with one of the Mane Six. But this entirely separate own plot for those six new characters... was just not what I was interested in, not after seven whole years and seasons of caring about the Mane Six. Seriously, they could have had the Cutie Mark Crusaders make new friends and focus more on them as the next generation, but introducing fully unrelated, new characters... did not make me care...
Once Upon a Time: This might surprise some, but it’s actually not the Fr0zen arc, because that... at the very least... did a rather okay job at trying to fix the massive plotholes in the movie. I can appreciate that. It ain’t the soft-reboot either considering I refuse to watch that; can’t judge what I haven’t actually seen. I really disliked 5A the most; the whole Dark Emma nonsense and just how emo she was, I also really hate the storytelling tool of “here have a shocking now and let’s unravel it all in flashbacks”, that was so tiresome to watch. I dislike how King Arthur, the King Arthur, was turned into a fucking villain and how unnecessarily dramatic it was.
One Piece: Fishman Island Arc. It used to be Skypiea, but honestly I just dislike Shirahoshi so much. I find her brand of character absolutely nerve-grading. There was not really anything happening in the arc, it pretty much felt like a filler arc even though it was a major one. Waste of time.
Riverdale: The... damn how do I decide? This show started off so good as a fun murder mystery with intriguing characters. Haven’t seen season 3 yet so can only judge the first two. But Betty’s father suddenly turning serial killer was just such a horrendously over the top and unnecessary plot?? Veronica’s dad being a mastermind criminal had at least been set up from the get-go and even Jughead’s dad being the head of a gang and honestly was anyone surprised Cheryl’s mom would send her to conversion therapy? Okay, okay, I will buy all of that. But Betty’s father doing the serial killer bullshit was just way too much and unnecessary and just bad.
Shadowhunters: The addiction arc. It was the worst to watch for me so far. For one, because I am hard against drugs and really dislike addiction and drug arcs in general, but for another because it was just so badly written. That Isabelle, a brilliant scientist with a brain, would just cheerfully agree to take this risky drug from Aldertree to begin with, the utter lack of motivation as to why Aldertree would deliberately get her addicted to drugs aside from it being convenient for drama, then just how Raphael was completely reduced to a tool to further Isabelle’s plot and we did not treat him like a character facing addiction himself. It was so bad.
Stranger Things: The “let’s hide Eleven in my cabin and start to have secrets!”-arc? The reason I really loved the first season was because it was very up-front and open. No unnecessary miscommunication. So to then, in the second season force this miscommunication between characters who had already developed trust with each other... it was so cringeworthy. Eleven hiding from the boys, the sheriff not talking to them either. There was absolutely no reason to it aside from padding the runtime of the season. And that’s what defines a bad plotline; if it serves no actual purpose and has no grounding foundation, no reason behind it aside from “plot required it”.
Suits: The removal of one of their main characters?? This show? Literally? Has? Two? Main? Characters? And only one of them is the actual lead that separates this show from every other lawyer show. And... then... they remove him? The entire season leading up to that had such a good arc that was setting a separation between Mike and his girlfriend up because there were problems and there was distrust and they grew apart so much and I figured “Okay well the actress is getting married to a literal prince and leaving the show so they’re going to make them break up, huh?” and then in the last second, they decide to kit this and make Mike move away with her? I haven’t seen the new season yet but I... really can’t imagine it working out...
Teen Wolf: I feel like I should say 6B, but... I seem to hate that so much that my brain actually managed to forget it? And that’s... rare, but it happens occasionally. When something is really very bad and awful, my brain manages to forget about it. I clearly remember Jackson and Ethan making out and the whole FBI!Stiles thing and that it was about A Nazi, but... what the Nazi did and what actually happened and what, aside from the Nazi, I hated so much about that half-season... I can not for the life of me remember. Thank the gods. So I gotta go with 3A, because the True Alpha arc was the biggest bullshit. Don’t break your mythology. Don’t. Just don’t. Suddenly, a pack can be made up of all-alphas? How? The other alphas shoulda fall into being betas after joining Deucalion?? They should have become omegas after killing their pack because by definition they had no pack anymore?? They should not have gotten more powerful for killing their own pack? It made absolutely no sense at all and completely contradicted the lore this show had set up so far? And that Scott was somehow a ~True Alpha~... I still don’t see what the fuck’s so special about that if it doesn’t come with actual natural leadership abilities, which it should if you are a true and thus natural alpha, aka leader?? It was dumb and forced and you could taste the “Oh shit we want The Main Character to become alpha but we accidentally created a world where you can only become alpha by killing and of course can we not have The Main Character kill anyone!!!”... So dumb. So stupid. Do not like.
Wynonna Earp: THE BIBLE NONSENSE. This show started out so strong. And there was absolutely no reason to pull a sudden Bible on it. Bulshar could have just stayed his own OC demon self and this show could have kept its own mythology, but to suddenly make him the snake from the Garden Eden? To suddenly involve angels? Season 3′s Bible arc was just so absolutely unnecessary.
Salty Ask List
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summerseachild · 5 years
Summersea’s GoT Season 6 Tumblr Spoiled First Time Watch 2019: Part 1
So I was going to rename this a “hatewatch” now that I’ve gotten to a whole season I hadn’t seen before, but let’s be honest. If you’ve seen me reblogging things from later seasons, it was never going to be that. There are things that I knew I was going to enjoy VERY MUCH, and I wasn’t wrong. There were also things that, if I let them, would have had me frothing a the mouth in rage. 
But then I reminded myself that I’m vacationing in Castle Not Giving a Shit while I watch the back half of the show, and things were much better after that. I’ve mostly left my in the moment reaction except where I’d had too much wine to be coherent.
Season 6
Hot on the heels of season 5 i still have a third of a bottle of Chardonnay left let’s DO THIS
1. Lol it’s still in the credits so they continue to pretend like they care about Dorne????
2. Ghost howling 😢😢😢
3. So Davos went straight from staning one dour person to another... he has a type.
4. Some dude in the night’s watch re Melisandre: who’s she? Davos: oh just some lady Who spat a shadow out of her vag once LETS TRUST HER
5. Wow Olly aged a lot over the past five minutes since he killed Jon!
6. Edd please don’t die here. I don’t remember how you go but don’t let it be here
7. Boo hoo poor little psychopath lost his gf. No one cares, Ramsay. Myranda deserved what she got AND SO WILL YOU
8. My soul left my body like three times during that chase scene where Theon and Sansa are running from the Bolton men. POOR COLD BBS
12. Also go Theon killing that dude
14. Give me the AU where Theon lives and stays at Winterfell because he wants to be near her and they understand each other and Brienne is in her Queensgiard I AM NOT ASKING MUCH
15. Meanwhile in other trauma hi Cersei
17. So... that scene with Jaime and Cersei where they talked about seeing Joanna’s dead body and she... Doesn’t blame him??? For Myrcella? Like I thought she would??? And she tells him about the prophecy??? And they hug??? Yeah that’s in contention for my fav Lannister twin scene ever? Top five at the very least. (And another member of the “Jaime writes his siblings’ dialogue” club.)
18. For all of his false kindness and gentleness the High Sparrow is just as bad as any of them, and When I’m not seething with anger I can appreciate how nuanced Jonathan Pryce’s performance is.
19. Wtf Ellaria and Tyene murdering Doran.
20. OMG TRYSTANE and I call Sand Snake Character Assassination here they are just SO BITCHY and without honor and the Dorneish are SO HONOR OBSESSED ugh why I hate it Also was that Myrcellas ship? Are there two bitchy Sand snakes just chilling in king’s landing now?? 
21. Tyrion and Varys among the people is kind of fascinating. Also what’s up with that Red Priest? Another who thinks the lord of light chose Dany?
22. Oh no the ships... Varys and Tyrion running TOWARD trouble says a lot about them.
23. Did the showrunners... forget Jorah would know the word Khalasar? Why would he say horde?
24. At least the Khals believe Dany is Drogo’s widow?
25. Ok so the waif is fascinating and her movements are just so... Succinct. A++ physical acting or whatever the word is.
26. Whoa that’s Melisandre without the necklace?? Cool story bro but why did she choose then to take it off? What does that tell us about her as a character or her powers? Just wanted to show some crone boobs? IDEK that was a weird ending.
1. The trailer reminds us that BRAN IS IN THIS SHOW
2. Remember this kid? He’s a Stark! He’s VERY IMPORTANT! He’s GONNA BE KING, but he wasn’t in all of season 5. He matters WE PROMISE.
3. The older generation of Starklings!!! I would be lying if I didn’t say seeing Lyanna and Brandon and Ned and Benejen And Nan and bb Hodor didn’t give me a LOT of feelings. (Also Bloodraven is the Worst Ghost of Christmas Past Ever.)
4. Cross fandom wish: I want to see Hodor, Groot, and Rocket have a conversation where everyone understands every word.
5. So... Meera and Summer have been hunting so that they all stay alive, right?? Otherwise WHAT ARE THEY EATING
6. Ok I take back what I said about them only having the Children once, but that was WEAK. “Help Bran, Meera. Because I said so and I’m a creepy magical person whose motivations are unclear”
7. YEAAAAAH WUN WUN SMASH THOSE TRAITORS. Good on you too Edd for taking charge.
8. Ugh every bar has one like that asshole talking about Cersei. And I don’t think he’s long for this world
10. Why would Tommen keep Cersei away from Myrcella’s funeral. OH GODS HE WAS TRYING TO PROTECT HER.
11. Ugh Jaime is tired of keeping vigil over his dead family members GIVE HIM A BREAK
12. Also Jaime promising never to let Cersei be in a cell again while he’s there AAAAHHH YES 🦁 ❤️
13. There’s nothing more dangerous than a fanatic who fears nothing, Jaime. But him threatening the High Sparrow was made of sex.
14. SEVEN HELLS did Tommen just give Cersei the idea to blow up the sept
15. Dany’s council meeting in absentia is kind of neat. I was wondering how those crazy kids were doing. 
17. Tyrion being like “please DO NOT EAT THE ALLIES (me)” to Viserion and Rhaegal is amazing
18. Viserion is all ME TOO LET ME GO HERE’S THE CHAIN SMALL HUMAN when he shows Tyrion his neck.
19. That was a rough test Jaqen
20. Yes Ramsay please march North I dare you
21. Roose KNOWS what Ramsay is and tries to steer him out of it but I don’t think he truly understands how deep the crazy goes
22. HOLY SHIT RAMSAY JUST STABBED HIS DAD and everyone either is too scared of Ramsay to do anything about it or was in on it. LOOKING AT YOU KARSTARK ASSHOLE
23. Oh Walda you sweet trusting soul he is going to feed you and your baby to those dogs isn’t he. I DON’T like being right. Have I mentioned that?
24. Brienne recognizing Sansa’s choices were hard ❤️❤️
25. Ugh Theon talking about all the things he’s done and Sansa hugging him anyway aaaaah my soul
26. It’s hard to hear someone else say they forgive you you when you don’t think you deserve forgiveness, and he’s definitely not ready to hear it from Jon. (But he’s ready to hear it from Sansa because of what they’ve been through together? I like that explanation and I’m sticking to it.)
27. Oh right Pyke exists the show doesn’t remember that unless it’s convenient.
29. Ok at least Yara cares about her people and we get to see it.
30. OMG Euron? He’s the one who kills Balon?
31. ...and he’s kind of got delusions of Grandeur? “I am the drowned god” wtf sir.
32. Gotta admit Iron Islands burial customs are kinda neat
33. We get the Kingsmoot? I’m listening, show... you’re on notice but I’m listening.
34. Depressed Melisandre is depressed. Wait... has she never done the raising from the dead thing? SEVEN HELLS SHE HASN’T.
35. A pep talk from Davos might snap me out of my crisis of faith too.
36. Thoros can do this in the language of Westeros, but I guess if Valyrian works for you...
37. I love Tormund peacing out of the room with Mostly Dead Jon like “I have had enough of this south of the wall bullshit”
38. Did Melisandre reach the lord of lights answering machine and it took him a while to get back? “If you would like to leave a resurrection request for R’hllor, please press one...”
39. Ghost’s eyes open AND SO DO JON’S hey bro
1. He liiiives! Poor Jon... what did you see while you were gone I wonder?
2. Oh jeez it was nothing. At least he has the most comforting sensible person in this series to help him through.
3. I like that Jon gets to come downstairs and HUG TWO OF HIS FRIENDS and none of the nights watch or the wildlings bat an eye or seem to think less of him for it. LET MEN HUG. 
4. Oh jeez Sam’s taking Gilly and the baby to Horn Hill? Do we get to meet his mom? (No one cares about Randylll but I think we might get to meet him too?)
6. Wait is Gilly pregnant again?
7. That is the Tower of Joy and I AM NOT READY
9. Sword of the morning indeed WHAT A BADASS (somewhere in my soul Jaime is waving an “Arthur Dayne Rocks” banner) there’s no way Ned could have won that fight without help and now Bran knows that??? I don’t really have anything interesting to say here I just love the idea of a kid getting to see the truth of a family story that’s radically different from what he thought he knew.
11. Oh right Dany is about to meet all of the other widows of the Khals this could be cool but knowing d and d it won’t be because it would involve treating WoC with nuance.
12. Not impressed so far.
13. So this girl Varys is meeting with is in league with the Sons of the Harpy? Good my memory is intact.
14. all this with Varys actually TRYING to take care of Meereen is fun...
15. Tyrion being like OMG I AM BORED PLZ TALK ABOUT SOMETHING to Grey Worm and Missandei is the most him thing ever. I feel you Bro. He’s a people person deep down and just wants to be friends so badly.
16. Qyburn with all of Varys’ little birds and making kids’ abusive parents disappear is PRECIOUS.
17. Don’t poke the Mountain, Jaime
18. LANNISTER MUSICAL CHAIRS PART 2 also Jaime is ON THE SMALL COUNCIL NOW??? Who gave book!Cersei three wishes??? Him actually being in her corner and working with her as a team must be like a wish come true...
19. “Grand Maester Pycelle would you sanction that starement?” 😂 Lena’s delivery of that line made me laugh so hard we had to rewind to hear the dialogue.
20. No no don’t leave the three of them together they’ll plan murder. Well, Cersei and Jaime will. Gregor will nod.
21. Tommen confronting the high sparrow fascinated me. He has some of the I WILL KILL YOU family traits on display here but it’s understandable given what his family has gone through at the high sparrows hand. I’d be threatening murder too if I were him.
22. What are you playing at mr high Sparrow? Because I don’t trust you farther than I can throw you, and I don’t even have a good arm.
23. The Hound was not on her list any more 😢 that whole scene with Arya recounting her life and learning to fight blind is NEAT.
24. Wait faceless men are immune to the poison in the water?? Cool.
25. Is that supposed to be Greatjon Umber’s son who refuses Jon? What an ass.
26. My wife adds, “THESE LOSERS are the people Sansa is supposed to be queen of?”
27. OH SHIT OSHA AND RICKON AND SHAGGYDOG HOW DID THAT EVEN HAPPEN? (Please let Sansa Find out who did that and who helped and give them what they deserve... there’s no way anyone took down that wolf alone.) I HATE THAT WE ARE NEVER GOING TO GET CLOSURE ON THAT PROBABLY.
28. Oh shit Jon has to hang the traitors that’s gonna be hard on him.
29. At least Alliser is consistent.
30. Jon did what he had to do... just like Ned in the first ep.
31. Wait WHAT did you just hang those men and then LEAVE? Isn’t leaving just as damaging to the order as killing the lord commander? That seemed overly quick and weird but ok????
32. Guess Jon was the Oathbreaker.
1. If anyone deserved an I JUST DIED crisis, it’s Jon. Also, the vows say, “it will not end until my death...” so technically...
2. Brienne got them up to the Wall QUICK. She is nothing if not efficient.
3. Sansa and Jon are like, “so... how cool are we going to play this? NOT COOL AT ALL LETS HUG” so sweet.
4. “Where will WE go?” Yes stay together Starklings because family is important certainly don’t scatter to the four winds or anything 🙄
5. I kind of love that Sansa’s the one who insists on taking back Winterfell and is all “help me or not I’m doing it”
6. I’m Brienne of Tarth and I HAVE A LONG FUCKING MEMORY. Wait... wrong show. (She DOES, though...) 
7. Wow Petyr lying about Sansa being forced to Marry Ramsay... he’s playing the lords of the Vale like a fiddle.
8. That’s a lovely bird he got Robin. What a pretty boy.
9. Missandei staring daggers at Tyrion is Excellent Content. The “Tyrion tries to be a little more diplomatic but this involves dealing with slavers” problem is... a bit oversimplified, but at least they’re addressing it? Still not great. 
10. Jorah and Daario are off on a secret mission and I cant stop hearing the Galavant song.
11. The older widow of the Dosh Khaleen is more interesting than the show will let her be.
12. Is that Lazareen widow Dutch from Killjoys? IT IS!!!!
13. Guess what high Sparrow NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR SELF RIGHTEOUS CONVERSION STORY LEAST OF ALL ME (guess who has some issues with organized religion it’s meeeee)
14. Way to act your heart out, though, Jonathan Pryce.
15. So idk if I’ve made a big deal about this but I’m SUPER QUEER and seeing Loras broken like that made my heart stop for a second.
16. “Not setting off” fanatics, huh Pycelle? I think Cersei has other ideas 😈 🔥
18. Cersei and Jaime trying to get Olenna and Kevan on their side against the High Sparrow is... smarter than I thought it was going to be when they walked into that room. They had a united front, they were clearly working together... WHAT IS THIS I LIKE IT
19. Theon looks like a ghost of himself. :( And Pyke looks all creepy.
20. Jeez Yarra go easy on your little brother his psyche still has cracks in it. I guess it’s understandable that she’s pissed given the failed rescue and the timing of his arrival. I kept just waiting for him to say “I want to be home,” when she yelled WHAT DO YOU WANT but he didn’t and that makes me sad. (Home should have been Winterfell or wherever Sansa was just saying.)
21. Oh Osha don’t try it... shit. Well, you tried
22. And Tormund’s epic crush on Brienne begiiiiiins
24. Sansa insisting on reading the rest of the letter from Ramsay is... made of steel. I’m here for her being the driving force behind this attempted rescue.
25. I didn’t realize that so many Dothraki knew about how Dany lost the baby and Drogo.
26. DID DANY JUST KILL ALL OF THE KHALS? Girl knows how to make an entrance? The optics here are sooooo problematic but she looks DAMNED impressive the plan in and of itself is sound - gets rid of the men who don’t respect her and shows herself to be indestructible in one power move...
1. Is it just me or are d and d writing more and more episodes themselves?
2. Sansa has had enough of Littlefinger’s bullshit. Making him face up to what HE LEFT HER TO WHEN HE MARRIED HER TO RAMSAY AND ABANDONED HER YES GOOD.
3. When he says “did he cut you” and Sansa talking about Ramsay not caring as long as she could give him an heir... does that mean what I think it does? FGM? I hate that I even wonder. (Still not sure about this, but I don’t put it past them to imply something horrific like that and then not come back to it.)
4. The more I see the waif fight, the cooler she gets.
5. Faceless men founded Braavos? Right I KNEW that.
6. Ok the play is fun... complete with sound effects. So interesting to see what people in Braavos think of everything that happened.
7. So... I would Lady Crane’s voice anywhere. Hi Phryne!
8. Oh wow look at all the CotF
9. THEY MADE THE WHITE WALKERS I did not know that and for YEARS before this season came out we had an au idea where that was true and I AM SCREAMING
11. Yara’s speech was lovely, Theon supporting her was sweet, but Yara shouldn’t have needed a dude’s support to get that reaction from the crowd. She’s been on Pyke and being badass ALL HER LIFE. That being said, I like to think Yara would have been Queen in this version of things if Euron hadn’t showed up. What a Dick.
12. How does Euron go from wanting to marry Dany to allying with Cersei? I guess I’m about to find out.
13. Damphair knows cpr, idiot showrunners. don’t just let Euron lie there.
14. YES GET AWAY YARA AND THEON AND... a lot of the fleet? Good on them.
15. Jorah trying to leave Dany and her not letting him and commanding him to find a cure aaaahhhhh my feelings 😢
16. In the real world Tyrion would have been a great campaign manager.
17. If they wanted someone local... why get a red priestess from Volantis? Is this supposed to be the same woman? Do any of the people of Meereen even follow the faith of R’Hollor?
18. Varys having no time for the red faith’s bullshit is SO GOOD. It’s ok Varys you’re probably the most famous eunuch in the world right now. And whoop de doo a sorceress knows a story about a sorcerer it’s a small magical world don’t let her cow you.
19. ...whatcha doing, Bran???
20. Well that’s not creepy at all. Soooo many wights. Were there only... four white walkers including the night king? I’m so confused.
21. “The Umbers gave Rickon to Ramsay they can hang” YES SANSA
22. Why did she lie about getting info from Petyr? (And GOOD ON BRIENNE calling her on it)
23. Brienne calling Jon “a bit brooding” is the most hilarious thing ever. Somewhere Jaime Lannister is laughing his ass off. 
24. Yes wolfy clothes for everyone.
25. Awww Edd forgetting he’s acting lord commander is hilarious.
27. Why are the children and the white walkers on opposite sides? Are these just about rogue CotF? EXPLAIN SHOW EXPLAIN
28. Cool visuals though... the night king walking through that fire was AWESOME.
29. Rickard LOOKS like a stark in that flashback.
30. RIP Bloodraven... glad you didn’t have to see how pointless all of this was.
31. Wait wait plain old wights can KILL THE CHILDREN? Dumb.
32. SUMMER NO I AM NOT OK WITH ANY OF THIS not Leaf either she’s a nice little tree person even if her motivations are unclear.
33. So Bran warging into Hodor in the present and in the past at the same time is what messed him up? Or something about the time folding and Bran BEING THERE?
34. That was upsetting as fuck about Hodor and I AM SAD EVEN THOUGH I KNEW IT WAS COMING
And... tumblr won’t let me post the whole thing. I had A LOT to say about some later episodes. Remember when I was going to keep this to three bullet points for each episode? Yeah me neither. 
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janiedean · 6 years
I've seen some people say that after Theon gets captured and tortured by Ramsay he starts to "romanticize" his relationship with Robb so he can cling to something good, even though Robb was never that affectionate or understanding with Theon. Thoughts?
.... is this a new development I missed when I was away?
anyway, tldr: 100% complete bullshit.
long answer: I don’t have the hassle to look for quotes so please let me quote myself from a meta I wrote in the dawn of times when s2 was airing which was about how you can see in the text that robb REALLY loved theon forreal, I’ll just quote you the relevant parts but if you wanna read the entire thing the link’s there:
Point in case the first: regardless of what some people who don’t pay attention to this plot line think, Theon *did* actually care about Robb a whole damn lot and the fact that he sided with his dad was more of personal betrayal of *Robb* rather than the whole betraying the Starks thing - which doesn’t make any sense whatsoever since he owed them as a family exactly zilch. Point the second: Robb *did* actually care about Theon equally. Point the third, and that’s what I would actually like to talk about since it’s a side I rarely see discussed: while we all see/get Theon’s side of things aka ‘Robb was the only person who ever cared about him for real during his entire stay at Winterfell and arguably the only one who ever cared about him openly except his mother until that point pretty much’, there’s also Robb’s side of things, which is where I want to blather about under the read more: everyone - seriously, *everyone* - got on his case about it. Meaning: Robb is the exception to the whole 'don’t get attached to him in case his dad fucks up’ deal, but if you look at it from his POV, he really must have liked Theon a lot, because it’s not just that he’s the only one, it’s that if you pay attention everyone frowns upon it or thinks he’s being a complete idiot to actually trust Theon for real. And it’s arguably something that must have happened for the entire time Theon was at Winterfell.
Never mind that this is what Theon had to say about his general treatment (and the *gentling* I suppose):
Lord Eddard had tried to play the father from time to time, but to Theon he had always remained the man who’d brought blood and fire to Pyke and taken him from his home. As a boy, he had lived in fear of Stark’s stern face and great dark sword. His wife was, if anything, even more distant and suspicious.
As if ten years in Winterfell could make a Stark. Lord Eddard had raised him among his own children, but Theon had never been one of them. The whole castle, from Lady Stark to the lowliest kitchen scullion, knew he was hostage to his father’s good behavior, and treated him accordingly. Even the bastard Jon Snow had been accorded more honor than he had.
What a party. Except that he always says that Robb is like a brother, that he had affection for him, that as far as he cares he can rule the Riverlands while he rules Winterfell (… okay Theon okay *facepalms*) until he actually thinks he should have died with him. Never mind that Robb actually knew how shit worked in the Iron Islands so it means they actually talked about it and so on. Thing is: Robb kept on with it for ten years and never faltered once in thinking his judgment was sound until he thought that Theon had killed his brothers (which didn’t happen anyway) when everyone and their relatives gave him shit for it. If Maester Luwin told Bran *that* thing above, he probably has told Robb as well, and most probably he had been discouraged from it more than once, and he still kept on not caring.
^^^ now THAT above is from acok, not adwd. if theon’s thinking he has a CERTAIN AFFECTION for robb in acok, then he’s not romanticizing shit. anyway, going ahead, I was analyzing the woods scene which EVERYONE likes to quote as the reason why robb doesn’t REALLY like theon, I’m skipping on the first half but the point I wanted to make was:
Bran openly dislikes Theon and doesn’t get why Robb likes to hang out with him, when discussing serious matters he tells Robb as straight as it gets without actually putting it in blunt terms that he’s an idiot for wanting to listen to Theon and call the banners, when Theon says that there’s a chance Ned could die he gets screamed at even if Theon’s nineteen and Bran is eight, and tbh he hadn’t even been saying it mockingly - now, I get that if you’re eight you’re going to react like that, but the guy also didn’t tell you anything that Robb hadn’t been trying to say was a chance earlier - and when Theon tries to make his point (albeit not too nicely but that’s him for you) Bran is like ‘well my parents listened to the person you don’t care for so you’re obviously wrong’ and Robb has to actually *insist* and justify himself because he takes everyone’s opinion - Theon’s included - into account. Now, if Jon had been there instead of Theon and he had said to call the banners, would that have gotten that reaction and most of all, would Robb have had to freaking justify himself to his eight year old brother for listening to someone older than him for that matter? I kinda doubt it. But like, if you have to justify yourself to, repeating again, your *eight-year old brother* when you’re a) his eldest, b) his lord, c) in charge as far as everyone is concerned, how much do you think he’s done that already? Robb also seems pretty tired overall, and who’d blame him - that’s not even the first or last time in the books he justifies himself for liking Theon.
(Theon’s take about it to his dad:
“ He heeds me, yes. I ’ve hunted with him, trained with him, shared meat and mead with him, warred at his side. I have earned his trust. He looks on me as an older brother, he -”
speaks for itself I think.)
Anyway, five pages later some wildlings kidnap Bran and they threaten to kill him if anyone moves, and the situation is solved when Theon fires an arrow at the one holding him thus enabling everyone to take action and also saving Bran’s life. And what happens? Robb lashes out at him because if anything got wrong in there Bran could have died. My very humble opinion is that he took it out on Theon because he was worked up already and he felt like he had to show to everyone that he actually didn’t forget that Theon was supposed to not be his bff, but that’s where things go pear-shaped. Theon’s opinion of that drama:
[Dagmer] gave me more smiles than my father and Eddard Stark together. Even Robb… he ought to have won a smile the day he’d saved Bran from that wildling, but instead he’d gotten a scolding, as if he were some cook who’d burned the stew.
Like. Theon is legitimately fucking hurt about that and he *still* is hung-up about it A WHOLE FUCKING LOT after it happened. It’s probably been at least some months in between then and him thinking *that*, and he’s still hurt about it - talk about the depth of psychological damage going on here if *that* was something he couldn’t bring himself to forget, but let’s go on. Theon didn’t expect it from *him*. Like, even Robb, as if Robb was the only person he didn’t want that treatment from.
Except, let’s go a moment to that lovely exchange Robb and Cat have in ACOK when she tells him he shouldn’t send Theon to the Iron Islands:
“Theon’s fought bravely for us. I told you how he saved Bran from those wildlings in the wolfswood. If the Lannisters won’t make peace, I’ll have need of Lord Greyjoy’s longships.” “You’ll have them sooner if you keep his son as hostage.” “He’s been a hostage half his life.” “For good reason,” Catelyn said. “Balon Greyjoy is not a man to be trusted. He wore a crown himself, remember, if only for a season. He may aspire to wear one again.” Robb stood. “I will not grudge him that. If I’m King in the North, let him be King of the Iron Islands, if that’s his desire. I’ll give him a crown gladly, so long as he helps us bring down the Lannisters.” “Robb-” “I’m sending Theon. Good day, Mother. Grey Wind, come.” Robb walked off briskly, the direwolf padding beside him.
Now, I’m 100% sure that Robb never *told* Theon that because otherwise Theon wouldn’t have been thinking Robb just scolded him for that, which - seriously Robb WHY WOULDN’T YOU *facepalms again* -, but let’s just look at it for a minute. Robb tells Cat that Theon is trustworthy because he saved Bran’s life, so he *does* know that he was unfair to him, and he does consider it the way Theon hoped he would have. Never mind that he’s also the only one who points out that maybe the guy is tired of being a hostage and that he gets how bad it i s. Never mind also that this conversation is all kind of heartbreakingly ironic because Robb is right about Theon wanting the best for the both of them and Cat is right about it being a bad idea because it backfires, but at the same time Cat was 100% wrong about Balon giving them a fleet if he kept Theon hostage (he didn’t give a shit) and Robb was wrong about sending *Theon* there because of course it’d have ended up badly if Balon didn’t accept the plan. But anyway, if you look at it, Robb, who does love his mother *and* keeps her counsel in high regard *and* wouldn’t disrespect her ever, pretty much cuts Cat short as if he’s just fucking entirely done with this conversation and doesn’t want to hear about that anymore. Why? Most probably because he’s just the umpteenth time when he trusts Theon to do something and someone else (anyone) tells him it’s a bad idea without a) knowing Theon, b) knowing the reasons why Robb trusts him, c) even entertaining for a moment the notion that Robb might be right. Never mind that this entire deal is 100% more tragic because Theon ends up betraying Robb and takes the whole Bran incident into account when it was actually one of the reasons why Robb was so sure he was trustworthy on top of having known him for ten years.
And regardless of all the above, he does send Theon after all even if he probably was the only one thinking it was a good idea. This idiot liked Theon so much that not only he was so close with him that he was more of a brother to him than any son born of Balon’s loins, but he also was so in spite of the fact that he probably spent most of his life (actually he’s known Theon for ten years and he was five when they met so do the maths, it’s 2/3rds of someone’s life) being told that he shouldn’t. Even from his own actual brothers/mother for that matter. Like good fucking grief Theon thinks he got it all wrong and he should have died with him because that’s how much Robb mattered, and about that, I highly doubt that Theon was the one making friends first considering what he has to say about everyone else in WF. Can we just take a moment to appreciate the fact that Robb never let his judgment waver until the WF mess (and even after then he didn’t want Theon to be tortured) even if he was discouraged from keeping Theon in high regard constantly, as if he should have no reason to do it just because everyone else judged him on the basis of his family name first? I feel like this is a thing that gets overlooked a lot, and while obviously Robb never had the same issues as Theon and surely he had an easier life I just think it’s really important to their relationship that he kept on getting shit for it and he still never really cared. And it also speaks volumes that when Theon has actually, y'know, found himself again in ADWD it kind of happens when he realizes he should have been with Robb, he doesn’t say something like 'I wish we could have talked it out’ or 'I wish I hadn’t taken WF’ or anything of the kind. He thinks that he should have  died at the fucking Red Wedding aka died of the worst death you could come up with because that was where he was supposed to be. But no, let’s assume that he betrayed him just because he thought he could and it was no big deal or that Robb had it easy when he was like a brother to him instead - uhm, NOPE.
what I’m fishing at here is that saying theon romanticizes robb’s rship with him is highly in contrast with anything the text suggests on that point because actually robb’s relationship with him is the one constant he has that ties him to his previous life (he says robb’s name more than his own in his first three adwd chapters but X°DDD) and guess what it never happens with asha or his mom or anyone else. he puts two and two together about what he has done wrong and where he should have been THINKING ABOUT ROBB, and guess what realizing that he should have been with him is what unblocks him and pushes him to do better and save jeyne. and again, wanting to die at the red wedding is not romanticizing anything because no one with half a brain would want to die at the red wedding since it’s not... a quick or painless of short death. like, it’s DYING IN A MASSACRE NO ONE WANTS THAT XDDD also if you read bran’s povs he complains about all the time robb spends with theon every other moment and jon does go like ‘meh why does robb even like him’ and so on, and catelyn is like ROBB YOUR FRIENDSHIP CHOICES ARE TERRIBLE and nvm ned. like. also:
"So long as Theon Greyjoy sits in your father's seat with your brothers' blood on his hands, these other foes must wait," Catelyn told her son. "Your first duty is to defend your own people, win back Winterfell, and hang Theon in a crow's cage to die slowly. Or else put off that crown for good, Robb, for men will know that you are no true king at all." From the way Robb looked at her, she could tell that it had been a long while since anyone had dared speak to him so bluntly. "When they told me Winterfell had fallen, I wanted to go north at once," he said, with a hint of defensiveness. "I wanted to free Bran and Rickon, but I thought . . . I never dreamed that Theon could harm them, truly. If I had . . .""It is too late for ifs, and too late for rescues," Catelyn said. "All that remains is vengeance."
"I cannot speak to that. There is much confusion in any war. Many false reports. All I can tell you is that my nephews claim it was this bastard son of Bolton's who saved the women of Winterfell, and the little ones. They are safe at the Dreadfort now, all those who remain.""Theon," Robb said suddenly. "What happened to Theon Greyjoy? Was he slain?"Lame Lothar spread his hands. "That I cannot say, Your Grace. Walder and Walder made no mention of his fate. Perhaps Lord Bolton might know, if he has had word from this son of his."
This is a cold man, Catelyn realized, not for the first time."Did Ramsay mention Theon Greyjoy?" Robb demanded. "Was he slain as well, or did he flee?"Roose Bolton removed a ragged strip of leather from the pouch at his belt. "My son sent this with his letter."
Part of Catelyn wanted to clutch the grisly trophy to her heart, but she made herself resist. "Put it away. Please.""Flaying Theon will not bring my brothers back," Robb said. "I want his head, not his skin.""He is Balon Greyjoy's only living son," Lord Bolton said softly, as if they had forgotten, "and now rightful King of the Iron Islands. A captive king has great value as a hostage."
I mean. guys. IT’S TEXTUAL. if your bff conquers your castle and you don’t immediately go take it back because YOU WOULDN’T DREAM HE’D HARM YOUR SIBLINGS (and you’re actually right but nvm) then you really did trust that person or do trust them still. so: there’s no single shred of text that robb actually didn’t care about theon or didn’t love him actually all the contrary, thanks for coming to my ted talk XD
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jellyberon · 5 years
Untitled Unfinished demon story
(That I might still be working on IDK)
Hope you enjoy my shit writing
He picked himself up from the dust covered ground and spat out the blood that had pooled in his mouth
“No matter how many times you knock me down” he grunted “I’ll get back up”
The demon chuckled and started to walk forward
“Hmm, I never knew killing you would be so much fun Vlad” the demon growled
Vlad shrugged off his jacket and spat again before drawing his sword. The moment the blade left it’s sheath, the air around it grew cold and a faint white light was emitted from the hilt
“Heh, the fun’s only just started” Vlad said calmly.
Vlad swung his sword twords the demons neck, but his attack was easily deflected by the demons tough scales. He kept trying to attack, occasionally getting a slash or a stab in but suffering more wounds than he himself was dealing.
“Why won’t you fight me properly?!” The demon shouted “What happened to the great Vlad, the king of the underworld?!”
The demon swiped at Vlad, tearing the flesh of his left arm and sending him flying into a nearby wall which promptly crumbled.
Vlad slowly stood to his feet, almost crying out in pain as he did.
He glanced down at his arm and took a deep breath
“I lived among the humans...I learned empathy and what it was like to be more than a merciless killing machine” he said, addressing the demon
“I cast off my old form and joined them! And now, 100 years later the angels and demons bring their war here!” He started shouting at the advancing beast
“And now...IM GOING TO PROTECT MY HOME!” With one swift movement he brought the sword down on his left arm and screamed in pain as instead of blood rushing from the wound, an inky black substance spewed from it, forming a limb similar to that of the demons.
“Now we’re talking!” The demon yelled as he swung at vlad again
Vlad raised the new limb and blocked the attack with such force that the attacking demon was sent back a few feet. Seeing this as his chance he leapt forward with his sword raised and pierced the demons heart.
As the demon lay their dead, vlad dropped to his knees. He heard a voice that seemed close
“Vlad! Vlad are you okay?!” The voice said
“In...here” vlad called back weakly
A person entered the room and gasped when they saw vlad
“Jesus christ! Are you okay?! Is it dead”
“Yes and no respectfully”
The person ran to Vlad’s side
“I’ve got them to safety” they said
“Good...please protect them, protect my son” Vlad wispered
The person nodded. They could feel Vlad’s life force fading away.
They took the blade that Vlad had used and strapped it to their back
“When the time is right I’ll gift this blade to your son Vlad. The warrior of the humans will need it...even if he doesn’t realise that yet”
The bike roared to life, it’s engine humming loudly as it’s owner grasped the throttle.
“Dude, where are you?! We’ve got the gear at the venue” a message read on his watch
“On my way” he quickly typed before speeding off down an empty road.
It took him ten minutes to get their but he still made it early...well early for him anyway. He ran inside, throwing his helmet and jacket into the changing room before he found the person who sent the message.
“Orion! Where were you?” He said
“Hey man, sorry I had to grab some new picks and lost track of time”
“Okay well you’re here now, are you ready?” He asked orion
“Yeah-wait one sec!” Orion said, he quickly reached into his vest and pulled out a necklace
“Okay now Im ready, lets go Jake”
“Lets go”
Orion walked onto the stage with Jake and the crowd cheered. They joined the rest of the band and Orion walked to the front, grabbing the microphone
“We are the princes of darkness! Are you ready to rock?!”
The crowd cheered again
Orion slicked his white hair back and grabbed the guitar at his feet
“Okay! Then how about an older song! This is: New wave Rampage!”
The drummer started to count down and the band started playing.
“You left your finger prints on my door frame, and broken glass in my kitchen!” Orion sang
“So I sent the glass to you, covered in blood, a faded memory of what we once had, you were just a fad!”
The crowd started to join in
“But now Im stood on the edge of infinity, the new age abyss. This song is a new wave rampage, thats lead with an iron fist!!”
Orion swung his guitar around as the song went into the chorus when suddenly shots could be heard. A swarm of people ran into the venu, all carrying weapons of varying size and power.
“We’re here for the prince Orion!” One of them yelled.
Jake walked over to me and whispered “did you plan this?”
I shook my head as a member of the crowd walked over, when suddenly he was attacked with a bat.
Orion leapt off of the stage, guitar in hand, and walked over to them. Jake followed suit
“Guys, guys. Im Orion, but you just attacked someone so im going to have to ask you to wait right here while we get security!” He said loudly
“They’re all dead” the bat wielding one replied
“Im...wait, what?” He said, his face paling rapidly
Jake stoped dead in his tracks and pulled out his phone to dial the police and an ambulance when people started to walk over to him whilst raising their weapons
“Jake..get everyone out, take them backstage to the emergency exit” Orion said, trying to sound calm
The other two band members had started to lead people away through the stage
Orion turned to the group and said loudly “what do you want?”
“Your head” they all replied before walking towards him
Orion started to back up, and began to softly chant words
“ORION RUN!” He heard Jake say from behind him, before an overhead speaker went sailing over head amongst the group.
Orion broke into a sprint and grabbed jakes arm as he did
“My bike!” Orion yelled “I know somewhere thats safe”
Jake nodded and managed to match Orion's pace.
“You can’t escape the demons forever Orion, Son of Vlad!”
Orions blood turned to ice but managed to get on the bike with Jake
Jake was shouting at him to start the engine which he was trying to do, the group were advancing quickly but Orion managed to get the engine running and quickly took off
It took a while but they managed to make it to an old warehouse that Orion owned.
They pulled up out front and ran inside, closing and locking the door behind themselves
Jake was freaking out, trying to call anyone he could but no one would answer
Orion did the same, but he was able to get an answer
“Mom! Mom are you there?!”
“Orion...n...time to...alk...meet me....brans house!”
The line went dead
Orion went quiet for a moment.
“Jake” he said loudly
“What man, whats the plan” Jake replied. Just then a pounding came at the door
Orion jumped and looked at Jake “we need to leave, something bad is happening! Find something that could be used as a weapon”
Jake nodded and ran around, looking for a weapon for the two of them as Orion did the same. But the moment Orion turned his back, the sound of metal tearing could be heard.
Orion's head snapped to look at the new threat, and was met with a scaled beast that stood over 8feet tall
“Son of Vlad!” It’s voice boomed “the prince or darkness, come to die!” It charged towards him
Orion spun on the souls of his boots and ran towards Jake
“Jake run!” He screamed “Get to the bike!”
Orion watched as Jake, who was clutching a large length or chain and a metal pole, started running for the bike
Orion quickly went into a slide and rolled to the side, managing to escape the grasp of the beast. He heard the bike revving it the distance which was followed up by Jake yelling in anger
Orion scrambled to his feet and ran towards Jake, and saw that he was fighting off three people who were all chanting Orion's name.
Orion leapt into the fray, swinging his now badly scraped guitar into the skull of one of the trio, Jake pushed away the other two and pulled Orion on to the bike “go, now!” Jake yelled
Orion didn’t need to be told twice, and quickly set off with Jake holding onto his waist with his hands and the chain
“Do you have any idea what’s happening?!” Jake yelled
“No, but my mom should!”
“Why the fuck would she know?!”
“Okay, Jake. She’s a witch, magic is real and apparently so are fucking demons!”
“Magic...demons....people wanting you dead...what the fuck is next?!”
“Look I don’t know but I guess now you’re part of it!”
Jake looked back and screamed, the demons and literally thousands of people were chasing after them, and were slowly gaining on them.
Orion sped up and started taking sharper corners in order to lose them
“Where are we going?!” Jake yelled again
“To my uncle Bramns”
“You mean-“
“Yes! The guy who wears a cape everywhere!”
“Okay...why were they calling you son of vlad?! Who’s Vlad?!”
“....My dad! No idea what happened to him! But this is most likely his fault!”
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dis-easedfairy · 6 years
Impulsive Decision Pt.7
Female Path | Male Path
Chapter 7: Neon Lights
Warnings!: Kidnapping | Swearing
Genre: Poly!au, angst, fluff, eventual smut, yandere!au
Pairings: BTS x Reader / Kim Taehyung x Reader / Kim Seokjin x Reader / Jung Hoseok x Reader / OC x Reader / Park Jimin x Reader / Min Yoongi x Reader (just a lil)
Word Count: 7,004
Summary: F/n is the owner of a very wealthy and successful company, Barnanby Inc. F/n attends a BTS show. They make a very impulsive decision to show a loophole in BTS’s security and end up kidnapping BTS and 2 girls. In a fit of panic F/n stashes BTS and the girls in a very luxurious bunker for the time being, but F/n’s world slowly starts to crumble the longer the boys are out of the public’s eye.
A/N: I know this took a while! It was meant to be very different from the Male Path (both story and personality) and that meant no copy+paste+edit, I had to actually write a completely different part and have it end somewhat similar so my bad. If you have any feedback, suggestions or questions, feel free to tell me anon or not! (this goes for any of my another work too) Thank you for reading and waiting!
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The next morning I woke up, sat up and stretched, meaning Tae was no longer in the bed with me. I got up and tried to find my pants, which I assumed Tae or one someone was holding them hostage.
I let out a deep sigh and went to open the door to go out into the hallway, only to have the door open from the other side. I stepped back with a small ‘oh, sorry’ falling from my lips.  I soon came face to face with Jimin, a small smile on his face when he saw I was surprised to see him.
“Good morning! I got you breakfast.” Jimin smiled at my obvious shyness.
“Thank you, Jimin.” I sat on the bed, trying to cover my legs with the blanket.
Jimin only smiled, seeing me try to cover up, “I think Tae gave your clothes to Jin to wash.”
Jimin put the plates on the table that we left there for lunch today and went to what I assumed was Tae’s dresser. He searched for a bit and pulled out a shirt and sweatpants. He handed them to me and faced the wall.
“ Thank you, Jimin,” I said shyly as I pulled off the hoodie from my overheated body and tossed it on the bed, I pulled on the shirt and sweatpants AND sighed in relief.
“You can turn around now.” I informed him, slipping off the bed to the floor.
“So, you and Seongmi?” Jimin asked, his voice was in a tone I couldn’t pinpoint as he sat beside me.
“Umm, I don’t know. I don’t even know if I like girls, I’ve confused for a long time, that’s all.” I tried to put my feelings into words in my head, but failed to do so.
“She has a thing for you, she’s been flirting and dropping a lot of hints.”
“I’m aware, I saw the way she looked at me when I pulled away from the hug, I don’t want to lead her on thinking that I could be in a relationship with her, only for her to get heartbroken if I realize I’m not attracted to women.”
Jimin only nodded in understanding. I looked over to the plates Jimin came in with. It was kimchi jeon, I was familiar with it, it was a savory pancake with kimchi in it, however, there was a small bowl on top of it, it looked like eggs, but a little different.
“What’s this?” I asked, poking the egg with my spoon.
“Gyeran-jjim. It’s steamed egg.” Jimin explained, beginning to eat.
The egg was almost like a big extra fluffy egg and I didn’t mind, not one bit. after a few minutes of silence, Jimin spoke up.
“So, does your family know about the bunker?”
“Not really, I started making this after my dad died. I only tell only people who need to know, like my accountant or Jason when I decide to go rogue. I usually make up an excuse for not being at my apartment, this is my safe space.” I poked at my food.
Jimin only nodded. I hadn’t worked on any character designs. I’d do that after breakfast.
“I’m sorry.” Jimin broke me from my thoughts.
“Huh? Why? What happened? If you broke something, that’s okay, I don’t have a lot of sentimental things down here anyway.” I took a bite of my kimchi jeon.
“No. I’m sorry I thought differently of you.” He looked so sad, I didn’t understand why.
“I understand why you thought of me that way. I kidnapped you. You’re famous. You have threats every day, Jimin, I understand.” I assured him, giving his thigh a quick pat and tried to think of designs again.
“What are you thinking about?” Jimin put more food in his mouth.
“Barnaby designs.” I answered truthfully.
“Jin’s right, you are a workaholic.” I giggled.
“No, it’s just, I’ve been just working for so long that it’s all I do know. I had Jason to talk to, but most of the time I would rather work than party.”
“Is Jason a party animal?” Jimin questioned.
“He used to be. I’ve known him for a long time, but after the age of 16 he hung out with people who partied and I mourned my father, I wanted to push forward into the future and he wanted to enjoy his youth, I wasn’t mad at him for it, if I was normal I would want the same. Around a year or two ago, he got into trouble. I helped him out by hiring him at my company, I made him a director. He’s still a little bit of a party animal but he has in under control and knows when to stop. ” I explained, then took a bite of steamed eggs.
“...What kind of trouble?”
I shrugged, “I dunno, he just said he hit a rough patch so I helped. Maybe he’ll tell you.” I lied.
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I worked on my sketch as Jimin casually drew, sitting across from me at the dining room table as Jin and Tae were battling over a game of Mario Kart while Hobi laughed at them from the couch.
“Hyung, you should come here.” Jungkook’s voice came from Jimin’s phone that was set on the table.
Without taking his eyes off his masterpiece he pressed the button on the screen, “I’m a little busy right now.”
“Please? It’s important. I’m in the gym” Jimin sighed.
“Fine, I’m on my way.” Jimin answered and stood.
“I’ll be back, F/n.” Jimin mumbled and left through the door behind me that lead to the gym.
I focused on my work, not glancing up as Tae shouted that Jin was a cheater. Someone sat next to me, I thought it was Hobi since he was moving between sitting beside me and on the couch for the past few minutes.
“Maybe I’m wrong, but I always thought Jin was the kind of person to like move your hand or something while playing then pretend like he never touched you when he wins.” I voiced, still not looking up.
“Why is it that I can actually see that happening?” A higher pitched voice asked.
My head snapped to look at Seongmi. I laughed nervously.
“Sorry, Seongmi, I thought you were Hobi.”
“He has nice legs so you get a pass. What are you working on?” She asked, her hand starting to move to Jimin’s sketch pad.
Please, Hobi has nice everything.
I quickly grabbed her wondering hand in fear of Jimin’s work being smudged and ruined. I placed her hand on her lap and went back to coloring in my work, making sure to watch the table in case her wondering hands got too close to Jimin’s work for my liking.
“Just coloring in my work for character design.” I answered simply.
“Those markers look so professional.” She awed.
“Uh, we have a big supply of them for the animators? I’d figured they’d seem normal to you now.”
She shook her head, “I never got to see them at work before, I was always doing everything else but animate.”
That seemed odd but I smiled, sliding my sketchpad over to her and handing her the marker.
“Have fun.” Her eyes widened and she shook her head.
“I don’t want to ruin your work.”
“It’s fine, go for it! I’ve drawn Barnaby so many times its muscle memory. If you mess up I can just draw another.” I assured.
She began to color in the drawing and I leaned closer. She smelled like chocolate frosting. Why did she smell like frosting? Now I wanted frosting. I stood up and walked to the fridge and then started rummaging through the cabinets when I couldn’t find what I was looking for.
“Need help?” Seongmi asked.
I shook my head. I found a box of bran cereal and looked at it suspiciously. I don’t fuck with bran cereal so why is it here?? I grabbed the box angrily and turned eyed it. There was a note stuck to the back.
If you keep eating frosting like you had a bad break up, you’re going to have a heart attack, eat something healthy for once.
“This motherfucker.” I said under my breath.
“He said you’d react that way, word for word.” Seongmi laughed.
I moved to the table and got my phone, unlocking it and opening the walkie-talkie app. I found Jason and held down the button.
“You trick ass snake, where the fuck is my frosting?”
“There is perfectly edible bran cereal for you.” I could hear him trying not to laugh.
“Fuck the cereal I want my frosting.”
“You had cookie dough frosting, F/n. That’s like making something unhealthy more unhealthy.”
“I don’t remember asking for your opinion. Give. It. Back.”
“I don’t have it. I threw it all away in a random dumpster.”
“Isn’t that illegal?”
“I don’t care! I’m a rebel. Fuck yo frostin’.”
“Bitch got me cryin’ in the club.” I fake sniffled.
“I don’t care, bye F/n.”
I sat beside Seongmi with a sad plop.
“Aww, poor F/n-ie.” She cooed, running her hand through my hair.
Uh, what? I got her hand and set it back on the table. I didn’t fully trust her actions, even though I so badly wanted her to take care of me, I didn’t think it was a good idea deep down. I got up and went to Hobi on the couch. I jumped on the seat next to Hobi, he was leaned back, throw pillow to his chest, legs spread in a completely relaxed state that was oddly sexual.
“Hobi? Do you know where the vault key is? I want frosting.” I whined.
Hobi chuckled, “Jin Hyung, F/n wants the vault key because she wants frosting.”
“Frosting? We haven’t even had lunch yet, F/n.” Jin wasn’t fazed by my whining.
“Please, Jin Oppa?” I pressed, trying to give him puppy eyes.
Tae and Hobi dramatically clutched their chests at the action. Jin tried not to smile, but I saw it.
“No, F/n.”
“I’ll help with dinner!” He was starting to break.
“I’ll give you a kiss...” I added shyly.
Jin let out a noise of defeat and dug in his pocket for the key.
“You help with dinner and I get a kiss when you get your frosting, okay?” I nodded to his terms.
“Words, F/n.” Omfg his voice was soft but his tone...
“Yes, Jin Oppa.” Jin smiled and handed me the key.
I jumped up, happy that I won. I gave Jin and Tae a quick kiss on the cheek and tried to do the same with Hobi, only he turned his face last minute and gave my lips a peck. I felt like my soul was going to leave my body.
Hobi laughed and put his hands on my upper arms as I hid my face in my hands.
“Get your frosting and don’t stay out too long, okay.” I nodded to Hobi’s words.
“Good girl.” Hobi moved my hair out my face and I quickly made my way to the kitchen to grab my keys.
I saw Seongmi move out the corner of my eye and made it to the table just in time to stop her from trying to touch Jimin’s work again. She pouted.
“Just one look.”
“As a fellow artist, you should know how we feel about people peeping at unfinished work.”
“I don’t mind if anyone sees my unfinished work.”
“I do, you never know, Jimin might.”
“Jimin might what?” Jimin asked, coming from the hall.
“Might not like someone looking at your ‘unfinished’ work.” Seongmi rolled her eyes.
Jimin took the sketchpad from me, a thankful smile on his face.
“I’m on my way to get frosting, need anything?” I asked Jimin.
He shook his head, “Be back for dinner, okay?”
...Was...Was that a command?
“Okay, Jimin.”
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Once I arrived at the store I got a few containers of frosting and paid. I decided to go check on the store that shipped my neon sign and have several more picked out and delivered to the bunker. The day was warm but it had been raining off and on, for some reason rain made me want coffee. So I went to a coffee shop that Jason had been begging me to go to and ordered my drink. I sat down in the cozy cafe to wait for my order.
I texted called Jason to tell him about my visit to his coffee shop.
“F/n! I, uh actually was about to call you...”
“Really? Anyway, I’m at that coffee shop you said to go to! Also, you won’t believe what just happened with Hobi just now!” I smiled as I saw the barista bringing my coffee.
“F/n, actually I need to tell you something.” Jason’s voice seemed so glum as I thanked the barista.
“If it’s bad, pile it on, I’m numb to bad news now.” I sipped my cappuccino.
“I’m back!” The voice wasn’t Jason’s.
I didn’t recognize it at first, that was until Jason spoke up.
“Just hear him out, F/n. I’m sure we can all be friends like be-”
“I don’t want that. Jason, I love you like a brother, honestly, I do, but you don’t seem to understand how much I don’t care about him or what he has to say. He needs a job? Give him one. He needs money? Give it to him and send him on his way. I love you, but if you bring him anywhere near me, I will not hesitate to push you away too.” I hung up, coffee now too bitter to enjoy.
I closed that problem long ago and wasn’t planning on going back to it. I decided to pull out the walkie-talkie app.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“If Jason goes over, make sure he’s alone before you let him in.”
“...Is there something you need to tell us?” No.
“Just make sure he’s alone, okay?”
“Is everything okay.”
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After lunch with the boys, I headed to the entrance room and tried to hang up fairy lights, which was my next task in the bunker before the boys arrived here. I stood on the bed, trying to reach up to secure the strand on the hooks in the wall. I heard the double doors slide open and closed.
“Warm white?” I heard a deep voice ask.
“Yeah, this was intended to be kinda cozy room for binge-watching Netflix and Crunchyroll. ” I explained without looking.
I felt the bed shift from him getting on and standing behind me. Tae gently got the lights from me and reached forward, hooking them effortlessly.
“I wish I was tall now.” I sighed sadly, making Tae laugh.
“You don’t need to be tall. I’ll do everything for you.”
I turned to face him. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me close.
“So I heard Seongmi tried to flirt you today.” He raised one hand to cup my face.
“Yeah, I don’t know though, she seems...off?” I frowned.
Tae leaned forward, placing a kiss on my cheek and moving my hair away from my neck.
“I heard you called Jin ‘Oppa’ too.” His breath tickled my neck.
“Um I d-I mean yes, but it was because I wanted frosting.” I stammered, nervously trying to explain.
“Jimin told me he loved your shyness this morning when he got you my clothes to wear.” He said against my neck.
I swallowed thickly as my face felt like it was scorching.
“Hobi kissed you too, this morning I mean. The guys cooed about how adorable you were.” His hands slid to my hips.
He sprinkled light kisses on my neck and collarbone.
“Lay down.” He commanded softly.
I obeyed, laying flat on the bed trying to predict what he was planning on doing. Tae put his knees on either side of my thighs then leaned forward, both his hands pressed to the bed on the sides of my head. He soon wasn’t satisfied with that position and opened my legs with one of his knees. He lowered himself even closer, fitting himself perfectly between my legs. It was both heaven and hell.
A part of me thought it was just as innocent as the other times we’ve cuddled, but the more rational part of me knew that this was far from innocent and that was his intention.
“Do the others know?” His voice dropped an octave or two.
“Know what?” I breathed, trying not to make it obvious that my heart was beating too hard to the point that it was audible.
Tae’s hands slid from the bed to the side of my neck, “That I’m your new favorite. You said so, remember?” His voice sounded nonchalant I knew he could feel my heartbeat now.
“I haven’t told anyone,” I admitted.
Tae chortled, “I’ll be happy to let them know. I’m sure Seongmi is just dying to know. ” Before I could reply he placed a small kiss on my chin, to my jaw then made his way to my neck.
His lips found a spot and kissed it before attaching his lips and starting to suck. His hands began to explore, feeling my stomach and sides. I whimpered softly as he began to kiss, bite and even lick at the spot. My fingers knotted in his hair, wanting his body closer. He pulled away earning a whine of disapproval from me.  
“Just as long as you remember who’s your favorite.” My eyes widened once I finally understood what he did.
“I just unintentionally sold you, my soul, didn’t I?” I breathed.
He only gave me a giggle as he got off of me. I stared at the ceiling. Well, this just got more interesting.
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   I helped Jin with dinner and the others helped set up. I saw Suga and Hobi whispering to each other as I mixed the lemonade.
“N/n? Do you have any spare notebooks?” Hobi asked, making Suga shoot him a look.
“They’re in the office. There are at least nine in there, help yourselves. This bunker is as much yours as it is mine. Also, if you need anything at all write it on the list or ask Jason.” I smiled, setting the lemonade on the table.
“But make sure Jason is alone before you let him in.” Hobi added quickly.
“Yeah, remind me to order the most expensive pizza in Seoul and have it delivered to him by the way.” I sighed, making Jin laugh.
“Why, what did he do?” Jimin asked as Jungkook took a seat beside him.
“He just doesn’t understand that some memories need to be let go. ” I sighed, taking my seat between Jin and Hobi.
“You need to talk?” Jin asked softly.
“No, let’s just eat dinner. I’m sure everyone is starving.” I deflected, passing the gamja jorim to Hobi.
It was just RM and Suga talking, seeming to bounce music ideas back in forth, making sure to include Hobi. Jimin and Tae were talking about one of the game cabinets and Jungkook made sure to join.
I felt a hand on my thigh and looked up to see Jin’s eyes on mine.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Jin asked soothingly, hand rubbing my thigh.
“Don’t worry about it, Jason just... Needs to leave things alone, nothing big, Jin.” I lied, playing with the food on my plate.
Jin frowned, “You can tell me everything when you’re ready, Sweetheart.” He leaned forward, pressing his lips to my forehead.
“Wait, why is F/n sitting between Hoseok Hyung and Jin Hyung?” Taehyung suddenly questioned.
I shrugged my shoulders, “The space was free and I sat beside you and Jimin at lunch, Tae.” I rolled my eyes.
“But N/n-ieee~” Jimin whined.
“Yah, she’ll sit by two you later.” Hobi laughed.
“Why are you both so clingy?” Jin sighed with a shake of his head as he went to get more mandu.
“Possessive is the word you’re looking for.” Suga added, mouth full.
He looked uninterested in the topic, but the way RM and Jungkook looked at him said a completely different story.
“We’re not possessive.” Jimin said a little too seriously.
“Taehyungie is.” Hobi teased.
Tae only shrugged, continuing to eat.
“This is where I change the subject! SO I plan on littering the house with neon signs. I ordered a few for almost every room in the house and three for the Dance Studio, that should be delivered tonight or tomorrow.” I smiled, getting a dumpling the taking a drink of lemonade.
“What do they say?” Hobi asked excitedly.
“I got a blue one that says ‘Sweet Dreams’, a pink one that says ‘inspire’, and a green one that says ‘Everything you need is inside you’, I liked the font and color so I got it.” I shrugged.
“What about the other ones?” Jin asked, keeping his hand on my thigh as he ate.
“The other ones are for the kitchen, laundry room, the library, the gaming room, and gym. I was thinking of getting the lighting strips so I can decorate the hallways but I felt like my order was too big already. ” I explained before taking a bite of mandu.
“You should order them after we set up the others, Darling.” Jin said smoothly as I almost choked on my food at the pet name.
Taehyung shot Jin a look as well as Jimin. I heard Suga choke a bit as well. Hobi began to laugh at Tae and Jimin’s reactions. I think it was the first time Jin called me by a pet name loud enough for everyone to hear.
Jin was very much unfazed by the boys’ staring, eating and rubbing my thigh, not at all affected. So unaffected to the point of him grabbing the leg of my chair and pulling me closer. Silence came to the room. The rest of dinner was relatively quiet besides RM and Hobi talking and Jin adding something to it every once and awhile.
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After dinner, I helped Jin wash dishes and we worked in silence for a bit.
“Taehyung and Jimin can be a little clingy. They get jealous easy, so I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable, they just need to know you’re not just theirs.” Jin explained to me in one breath.
“No! It’s fine, I was just surprised is all.” I waved him off, making him smile.
“Maybe a little warning next time though, Suga and I almost choked.” I giggled, handing him a plate to rinse.
“Yoongi? Why would he almost...?” He trailed off, looking at the dish in his hand.
“So the neon sign for the kitchen says ‘Pizza Planet’ is that okay?” I tried to change the subject.
His eyes tore from the dish to look up at me. He gave me a small smile and nod. More silence.
“Oh! I almost forgot!” I jumped, putting down the plate I was scrubbing and wiping my hand on a dishtowel.
I cupped his face and turned Jin’s face to mine and quickly pressed my lips to his. He wrapped on arm around my waist, keeping mind of his wet hand. I broke the quick kiss but Jin went back for another. His lips moved against mine with a small groan from him. He broke the kiss, half-lidded eyes, and small smile.
“Thank you, Sweetheart.” He whispered, keeping me close.
“I promised you a kiss, Jin.” I smiled, happy I was able to shift his mood.
He shut off the water and wrapped his other hand around me. He frowned and used his fingers to stretch out the neck of my shirt. He made a noise of disapproval.
“I told you they were clingy. I’m assuming Taehyung did this since Jimin was with Jungkook all day.” It wasn’t a question but I nodded, face heating up as I looked down.
Jin lifted my chin up, a reassuring smile on his face, “Don’t worry, Sweetheart, I’m not mad at you, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about either, Darling.”
“Earth to, F/n?” I heard Jason’s voice come from my phone.
I snatched my phone out my pocket, “Fuck you, I’m having a moment with my Jinnie and there is no way in hell you’re ruining it!” I heard Jason sigh at my remark.
“I brought your packages.” Jason complained.
Jin pressed the button to respond, “Leave them there, you’re in trouble.” Jin laughed.
“I know, but I’m alone and I wanted to talk anyway.”
“No. I’m mad at you, I told you I didn’t even want to hear his voice. Just thinking about it makes me angry, just leave the boxes, I’ll get them later, goodnight, Jason.” I held the power button on my phone and tossed it on the counter.
“I’ll bring the boxes in. I’ll have Taehyung and Jimin set the lights up, I’ll finish the dishes, Sweetheart, just head to bed, you have a busy day tomorrow.” Jin smiled, rubbing my arms.
As if on cue Jimin walked out from the hallway, pillow in hand, wearing one of my oversized hoodies and basketball shorts, Tae followed behind, in the same attire, only different colors.
“Time for bed, Jagi!” Jimin cutely stated, walking past us in the kitchen to the entrance room with the big bed.
Jagi? Jimin and I haven’t even ta-
Jin cut my thoughts off my exposing the hickey on my neck once more.
“Taehyung, why this noticeable? Are you aware she has work!? She doesn’t even have makeup down here! She’s a CEO, not just a regular person you went to school with!” Jin scolded the younger.
“OKAY, I’m going to bed!” I gave Jin a quick kiss on the cheek and ran to the entrance room, not wanting to be part of the argument that was about to happen.
I closed the door behind me. Jimin was pulling the covers back a rearranging everything on the bed.
“I’m, uh, going to change.” I informed him awkwardly, grabbing a few things from the duffle bag by the pillar and going to the bathroom.
While changing I couldn’t help but feel like Jimin was up to something. We haven’t exactly done anything romantic or said much about it. So him calling me ‘Jagi’ got to me. The fact that he’s been kind of clingy gets to me too. Just the other day he couldn’t be in the same room as me.
The only thing Jimin and I have done is talk at meals and about drawing. I don’t even think he’s shown an interest in me. The whole thing gave me a bad vibe.
I took a deep breath as I stepped into the bedroom. I could hear the muffled argument between Jin and Tae, Jimin was laying on the bed, he looked up from his phone and seemed to zone out.
“Hyung?...Jimin?....” I could hear Jungkook’s voice through the phone.
“Uh...Jimin? Jungkook is, uh, trying to talk to you...” I trailed off awkwardly, looking off at the wall as his gaze was fixed on me.
“JIMIN-SI!” I heard making me almost snort.
My hand flew to my mouth as Jimin’s eyes shifted to stare at the phone in disbelief.
“Ah! Really? I told you to stop calling me that!” Jimin protested, making me giggle.
“I’m...going to sleep, you should too...Goodnight, Jungkook-ah.” Jimin tossed his phone to the side and patted the bed beside him, all while keeping eye contact with me.
I looked over at the double doors, hoping Jin and Tae’s argument ended and Tae would come in. I looked back over to Jimin and he frowned.
“What’s wrong, Jagi?” That pet name again.
“...How does Jin, Hobi, and Tae feel about you calling me that?” I questioned hesitantly.
He let out the breath he was holding in and smiled, running his hand through his hair, “That’s all, Princess? I already talked to them while you were out getting frosting! We’re all okay.” He seemed to relax more now that he clarified, I, however, didn’t.
“...We never...did anything romantic...So why the sudden interest?” I asked, unsure of how he’d react.
Jimin was still a mystery to me. I had to be cautious.
His frown returned, “Why do you keep asking me that? Did you ask the others the same question?”
“The others didn’t hold a knife to my back and give me a death glare every time I walked into a room.”
Jimin took a deep breath, “Again, I’m sorry. I was sure you were insane. I thought you were going to do something so disgusting and horrible to us all. I defended Linza’s actions because she was just as scared as me and she seemed trustworthy at first. She got more and more out of line and when I’d try to talk to her about it, she’d snap and ask if I wanted to get brainwashed and hurt like Taehyung or Jin. Hobi just...stood silent and when he finally approached you, he stopped talking to her, he always looked happier. That day Linza tried to... I knew that I was on the wrong side of things, that I was the bad one. After you came home that morning after... I finally decided you didn’t deserve to be looked at that way. You’re kind, you’re mature, you’re funny, you actually care about how we’re feeling. I’m sorry. I want to start over, can we, F/n?”
I frowned, “No.” I saw the color drain from his face.
“You watched my boobs deflate and I can’t forgive you.” He let out an adorable laugh, his eyes filling with hope.
“I understand. We don’t have to start over. If I get in that bed and you pull a knife out, I’ll have a hissy fit.” I giggled, climbing into the bed.
Jimin quickly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me down to lay beside him. His face nuzzled into my shoulder.
“No knives or deflated boobs here, Princess.” He whispered, keeping me as close as he could.
“YAH! NO CUDDLING UNTIL I JOIN!” Tae shouted, pulling open the door, making a very interesting reaction happen between Jimin and I.
Kind of like Hobi, Jimin wanted to cling to me, but I wanted to jump and run. So what ended up happening was I jumped back and Jimin’s arms wrapped around my thighs and his face was pressed against my lower abdomen. I felt Jimin’s face heat up as mine did.
Tae just threw his pillow on the bed and jumped behind me. Tae wrapping his arm around my ribcage and pulling me to his chest, dragging Jimin with me.
“Why are you laying like that, Jimin? You should lay down right.” Tae teased, making Jimin look up and glare.
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I woke up feeling overheated and suffocated. I was on my side but Tae’s chest was against my face and Jimin’s arm was wrapped around me, face pressed against my arm. I slowly began to slide myself to the lower part of the bed, so Tae would move off of me and wrap around Jimin, thinking it was me. The plan worked and once I got to their knees I sat up and felt the cool air in the room hit me.
I let out a deep sigh, I knew there was no way I would be able to sleep, so I looked over at the boxes with the neon signs and figured why not. I slid the boxes as quietly as I could out the room. I grabbed a few beers and small bags of chips and moved down the hall to the Dance Studio as quiet as possible. The last thing I wanted was Jin popping up out of nowhere and yelling at me to get rest and wait for Jimin and Tae to set up the signs instead.
I played music not too loud and set up the neon lights. I made sure all four were mounted and working before I moved to get a beer and a bag of chips.
I needed this. Music and relaxation. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back.
“Nice setup.” I opened my eyes to look over at the figure at the door.
I grabbed a beer and extended it out the figure, I was friendly enough to share, even if I wasn’t sure who it was. The lights illuminated Suga’s face as he stepped into the room, closing the door, accepting the beer and sitting a distance from me.
“Sorry if I woke you up.” I smiled sadly.
“You didn’t. I couldn’t sleep.” He stated as he opened the beer.
“Same.” I sympathized as I gave him an unopened bag of chips and closed my eyes once more.
“What do you plan on doing after all this?” He asked.
“I hear New York is nice this time of year.”
“I’m serious.” He frowned.
“I’m going to prison, Suga.” I sighed.
“If you weren’t?”
“That’s impos-”
“Humor me.”
I sighed and thought deeply.
“I would be in the same place I am to everyone else who doesn’t know you’re all here. A CEO at my father’s company. I would branch to video games then move to snacks and beverages. I’m not sure if I’d get married because I’m a shut-in, I like to just disappear and not tell anyone because I don’t need to or want to, but who knows. My whole life I wanted to make my dad happy the same way he would make me happy. At work I’m not feared, I’m respected and understood, just like him. I’d keep going on the path I was on. Who knows, maybe I’ll do something risky, something stupid before I die to have me remembered.” I turned to Suga, “Sorry if you expected me to say I would travel the world or settle down and have kids.”
Suga looked like he was thinking, he then nodded like he understood, “I respect the honesty.”
“I’m assuming Jin taking the vault key has something to do with the fact that you’re all still here?” I asked, taking a drink of my beer.
“It was five to four vote. Jimin made his mind up about you after he almost fought you. You’re correct, Jin got the vault key, Taehyung got the dial code before anyone could read it and Jimin got your phone; Well, what was left of it. Jin never let go of the key, Taehyung never let us know the code, and Jimin never told us what he found on the phone no matter how many times any of us asked. He didn’t even tell Hoseok, Jin or Taehyung.”
“I’m sorry to hear.”
“It almost scares me how honestly sorry you look.”
“Because I am. I still believe you all should be free and I take responsibility for my actions, but Jin, wants the vault door key and I’m sure Taehyung hid the code in some obscure place.”
“So how did everything go down after dinner? You all seem...Mixed.” I smiled at his choice of words.
“My relationship with Taehyung, Seokjin, and Hoseok is complicated and confusing, and Seongmi has been trying to flirt with me, now Jimin is calling me ‘jagi’ and I’m sure Seokjin is a thousand percent done with Tae being ‘clingy’.”
“So I’m assuming they all took the role of ‘boyfriend’ recently?”
I groaned at how complicated this was all getting, “When I was in my slump, Taehyung kissed me. Then Seokjin, then Hoseok. They didn’t explain anything afterward or bring it up... But today just, after they saw Seongmi flirting with me they flipped on a dime. Hoseok kissed me, Taehyung gave me a hickey, Seokjin tried to put Taehyung and Jimin in their place, Jimin started with the pet name and shared the bed with Taehyung and I because I’m sure Taehyung is still jealous. It’s a mess.”
“I see the hickey. It’s pretty visible.”
“It’s just getting more and more complicated, honestly.”
“...I bet New York sounds a lot nicer right now.” I giggled.
“You’re no help.”
“Just do what makes you happy.”
“My mom said I shouldn’t eat a hundred McDonalds chicken nuggets because heart problems run in the family. ” Suga almost spit out his beer.
“Only a hundred?” He teased.
“Well, I’m thinking realistically, I’m gonna want fries as well…” Suga finally smiled.
“Thank you for the notebooks, Hoseok took the green ones, but I expected that. They’re pretty thick and you have nice pens just laying around.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, what were you writing with before?”
“Well, I praise you, because every time I try to write on napkins they tear.” Suga leaned closer and held his hands out like he was going to explain.
“You see, the trick i-”
“F/n? Why did you leave the bed? How long were you gone?” A sleepy voice cut off Suga.
Suga and I looked over to see Jimin. Jimin’s face was flushed and his hair was a fluffy mess, I’m assuming he suffered Tae’s cuddle wrath, he must have gotten overheated too since...
Oh dear lord, is Park Jimin only wearing my black Barnaby hoodie and briefs??
I started choking on my beer. Suga began to openly chuckle at my misfortune.
“She couldn’t sleep, she’s been in here for 40 minutes.” Suga answered for me.
“Did Hyung help you set up the lights?” Jimin yawned.
“Nope, she did it all herself, despite Jin’s protesting.”
“Bro, what the fuck?” I gave Suga a sideways glance.
“I’m so excited to see them lit up. I’ll see them in the morning m’kay? Let’s go to bed now, F/n.” Jimin rubbed his eyes, holding his hand out for me to take.
Jimin obviously wasn’t aware of his surroundings. I looked over at Suga, almost like I was asking him if this was a good idea.
“You better go, he won’t leave until you do,” Suga warned.
“Enjoy the chips and beer.” I grunted as I stood up.
“With pleasure.” Suga said as I took Jimin’s hand and he and led me out the studio.
Jimin led me across the bunker to the entrance room and climbed on the extra-large bed. Jimin literally shoved Tae to the side and patted the spot beside him. I giggled. Jimin had gotten in the middle of the bed and wanted me to lay on the opposite side of Taehyung. Jimin wanted to block me off from Tae. I climbed in the bed anyway and accepted the spot. Jimin pulled the blanket over us both and wrapped his arms around me, snuggling me close. His face nuzzled into the back and side of my neck as he hummed.
“We should do this with all the boys…I’m closer though, m’kay?” I giggled and relaxed more into his chest.
“Oh my, is Park Jimin possessive by any chance?” I teased, I could feel the heat go to his face.
“How did the lights turn out?” He asked in a sleepy voice.
“I’m astonished you didn’t see when you went in the studio earlier to steal me from Suga.”
“I was half asleep and going to the bathroom to wash my face to cool down when I heard your voice. I wanted to cuddle you. I didn’t see anything,” He whined in complaint.
I giggled, turning so my face was in his chest and my arms around him, “Well now you have to wait until I decide to let you go.”
“That’s not fair!”
“Be careful what you wish for!”
“I wish you’d call me ‘Chim’, everyone else stopped calling me that because we were all fighting.”
I frowned, knowing I was the reason they were fighting.
“I’ll call you whatever you want, Chim. Let’s sleep now, ‘kay?” Jimin nodded and got more comfortable.
“Good night, F/n.”
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I woke up again, but this time it was to the sound of muffled talking. I couldn’t make out who was talking or what it was about. The bed was empty so maybe I was hearing the boys talking while eating breakfast. I sat up and stretched just in time for the bathroom door to open, Hobi stepping out, towel drying his hair. He saw I was sitting up and he beamed.
“Good morning, Sunshine!” He greeted, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“I can’t have the same name as you, Hobi.” I giggled, moving to help dry his hair.
“Hmmm, how about ‘Angel’ or ‘Cutie’?” He looked like he was really thinking it through as I took over drying his hair.
“Did you like the lights?” I asked softly, trying to be careful with his hair.
“Yes! You said you ordered more, right? I bet they’ll look great.”
“Any specific colors? Don’t say green because it’s your favorite color either.” I smiled.
“Maybe a purple or red. Why neon lights by the way?”
“Uh, I used to live in Tokyo a while back, right next to Akihabara, so I’d see the lights every day. I just like it is all.” I shrugged.
“Your phone was going off earlier by the way.” He informed me.
“I don’t think I have to do anything today? It’s Tuesday right?”
“It’s Wednesday!” He stated, shaking his head cutely.
“Well shit. I think I have to pick up my nephew later today.”
“Your nephew? What’s his name?”
“Jeonghun. Funny story, my sister was going to name him Jaeseong, after our father, but I called dibs.” I laughed, using the towel to dry off his neck.
“How many kids do you want?” I felt myself freeze at the question.
Well damn. I had no idea. Realistically I couldn’t have kids any time soon because of work and now... prison, but I never stopped and thought about it.
“Honestly, I don’t know. I do want kids though.” There were a few moments of silence as I began to dry his hair again.
“Four kids sound nice, two boys, two girls.” Hobi suggested.
“That...actually does sound nice, pretty even.” I smiled.
“I knew you’d think so.”
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pardonmymannerssir · 6 years
happiness throws a shower of sparks (Part Two)
Part two (AO3 Link)
(Can find part one here: AO3 Link)
Warnings: Mention of past abuse; PTSD symptoms
Rating: Mature
Sansa takes to sleeping in his bed every night, curled into his side with her hand pressed against his chest, but little else changes.
No, everything is the same despite Jon’s entire world turning upside down.
Mornings are always a bit awkward, as he angles her ass away from his crotch, having succumbed to the weakness of his desires in his sleep. She’s so soft and warm and sweet that it’s impossible to keep his body from reacting to hers, and some nights he can’t sleep, trying to master the animal inside him that’s dying to taste her, touch her, anything.
He doesn’t want to frighten her. Would rather die than scare her or make her uncomfortable. So he drinks more coffee and accepts the ribbing the guys give him at work for his new ‘girl’ keeping him up at night. It would be much worse if they knew the truth, the bastards.
He is constantly reminding himself not to stare at her, but honest to God he can’t help it. She’s so fucking pretty it might kill him as she wanders barefoot through his apartment in a simple summer dress, humming to herself as she sweeps. Her hair is tied back into a haphazard tail, pieces escaping and sticking to the damp curves of her neck. He’d like to kiss her there, where the graceful arch of her neck meets her slender shoulder, and taste the salt of her sweat, follow a trail down- he squeezes his eyes shut, sinking lower into the couch, and drives the images away before they have a chance to overwhelm him.
It’s nearly summer in the city and the humidity is already bordering on insufferable.
“Let’s go to the pier,” he says before consciously deciding to speak. He needs to get out of the apartment before he combusts. She turns, wiping her hand across her brow and beams at him, making his knees turn to jelly.
“Okay, let me get my shoes.”
Navy Pier is a tourist trap but Sansa, who has seen very little of the city despite living with him for half a year, is clearly thrilled. She drags him to almost every both and onto every ride. He can’t even feign reluctance, content to follow her wherever she might lead him and trying to ignore the implications of the sentiment. He’s never seen her so happy. There’s new life in her eyes and her skin glows in the carnival lights. He can’t take his eyes off her as she leads him by the hand.
The sun is setting when they board the Ferris wheel and he’s getting hungry but thinks he’d probably be willing to starve if it meant a few more moments in her presence. Fuck, he’s in so deep he can’t even see the surface anymore.
She’s quiet as the ride begins to move. She’d been rather chatty all afternoon, more so than she had been since she’d shown up at his door what feels like a lifetime ago, but there’s a contemplative look on her face now as they sway above the glittering waters of the bay. The setting sun sets her hair on fire and not even the cheesiness of the sentiment can ruin the reality of it. His chest burns looking at her and he has to clench his hands on his knees to stop himself from reaching out and doing something stupid like tucking fluttering strands of hair behind her ear, or taking her small hand in his, or drawing her to his side where he can try and shield her from all the world-
She catches his eye and he blushes, but she smiles and it’s a soft, intimate thing that does all sorts of things to his stomach. He has to look away, feeling very much like teenage-Jon as opposed to lived-through-a-war-and-risks-his-life-at-least-once-a-week-Jon.
The ride stops and they dangle there, caught in amber and fire above the water, the city alive and ever moving beyond their warm little bubble.
“I don’t know how to thank you,” she says at last, a cool breeze nearly snatching the words away from him.
He shakes his head. “It’s fine. It’s been fun-“
She silences him with hand on his and he turns to find she’s crying, tears catching the light and gleaming brightly. “No, Jon. Thank you, for everything. I don’t-I can’t express how much it means to me.”
He reaches out and grips the handle of their little cart, trying to master his frenzied emotions. He wants to kiss her so badly in that moment it’s a physical pain.
“Please,” he half begs. “Don’t. I wish-I would do anything-If I could I would-” he can’t find the right words to tell her he’d set the world on fire to punish everyone who’s ever hurt her.
She chuckles a little, tears still dancing in her eyes, and he has to huff out a laugh.
“I’m sorry, I’ve never known the right thing to say, but you know that,” he gives a self-deprecating laugh, embarrassed. She must remember how awkward he was in high school, how he’d stuttered and stumbled every time she’d spoken to him or even looked his way.
He’s surprised to see her face fall and she looks ashamed as she turns to stare out across the water blindly.
“You were always wonderful, Jon. Always kind and thoughtful, helping Robb get out of trouble or babysitting Rickon and Bran when the rest of us were too busy,” her gaze darts back to his, an almost endless sea of regret clear in her eyes. “You’ve always been the best of us, I was just too stupid to see it. I’ve always been so goddamn stupid.”
“Sansa, you’re not stupid-” he reaches for her hand, resting near his on the restraining bar, but she slides it away and she won’t meet his eye.
“Yes I am Jon, I am so, so stupid.” She draws in a trembling breath, blinking back tears as the breeze tosses their hair. “Joffrey hit me the first time on our wedding night,” she says, voice hard and brittle like shards of glass, “but the worst part is, he was terrible to me long before that. It’s easier to see now, all the subtle ways he tore me down, but I knew it then too. The things he wanted me to do... The way he spoke to me in front of his friends when no adults were around…it was all there, and I just ignored them. Some of it was shame, having to admit that our marriage was a mistake, but most of it was weakness and stupidity. I kept thinking it would get better… that I would get better, or be better somehow so he would stop hurting me… but it only ever got worse.”
Jon’s heart is loud in his ears, a furious terrible roar. He’s only felt this way once before in his life; when he’d found Ygritte’s body inside a burning building, unresponsive and lifeless.
It’s like a dam has been broken and Sansa can’t seem to stop herself, the horrible truth spilling from her lips, tearing at his soul. He had known something was wrong with Joffrey. He’d heard rumors about the way he liked to talk to and treat girls and he’d ignored them. They had all ignored them. God, he’d been such a coward.
“T-The night I came to your door, we’d flown to LA for some charity ball and we met a m-man, some prospective business partner,” tears well in her eyes at the memory and slip down her colorless cheeks. “His name is Ramsey Bolton, and he came to our hotel room after the party. Joffrey made me… he made me do things,” her voice hitches and she’s breathing hard, “A-And when I tried to stop it he let Ramsey hurt me… he hurt me so much I thought I would die. I wanted to die, but I couldn’t… I thought of Arya, of Robb, and mom and dad, a-and when they finally left me alone to go get drunk at the hotel bar I-I ran. I drew out enough money for a plane ticket and I ran.” She looks up and she’s trembling so hard the cart is swaying. “I ran to you because… I used to think of you, Jon. I thought of you all the time really. The way you’d once looked at me before I understood what it meant and how you were always so kind to me and I’ve never regretted anything as much as I regret not being with you when I had the chance.”
His heart is a tattered ruin in his chest, his mind a mess of violence, fury, and tenderness. He chooses tenderness as he reaches for her, taking her face in both his hands and brushing the tears away, drawing her toward him till her forehead touches his. He chooses tenderness for her, because its what she needs from him in that moment, but someday... someday he might choose violence.
“Sansa…” he murmurs. There are no words for how sorry he is, for how much her pain stabs through him like a physical wound, throbbing in his gut, making him sick. “Sansa, I would do anything for you,” he says at last, distantly aware the ride has started moving again. “Anything.”
She draws in a harsh breath that seems to rattle through her and into him and something delicate and fragile blooms between them. “Then kiss me, Jon, please kiss me.”
He’s never been more willing to fulfill a request.
He catches her mouth with his, leashing his turbulent emotions and brushing her lips gently, once, twice, before sinking into the temptation of her warmth. She sighs and melts into him, the tension leaving her in physical waves as she presses her hands to his where they hold her gently prisoner, sliding shyly down his arms and gripping his shoulders. She tastes like home, like humid summers and frozen winters, like Christmas mornings with everyone laughing and smiling, like cool summer nights when the fireflies first come out and the moon is full. Kissing her makes him feel absolved. Absolved from the horror of a war he’d been stupid to fight and of the loss of the only other woman he’s ever loved or cared for.
He pulls away before he loses all control and she studies him in the breathless aftermath, flushed pink, lips moist and slightly swollen. Her slow smile, like warm summer honey, draws an answering one from him and then they’re both chuckling at the improbability of it all.
They exit the Ferris wheel hand in hand and it feels like being reborn.
More memories float to the surface, unbidden.
Sansa and Arya fighting over the best blanket for movie night, dissolving into laughter and a one sided wrestling match. Sansa laughing so hard she’s crying as Arya pins her down with a triumphant shout before Robb tackles her to the ground.
Sansa baking a friend a cake in the kitchen his senior year, covered in flour and chocolate, a mixing bowl balanced on her hip as she frowns over a cook book. There’s a smear of chocolate near the corner of her mouth and Jon has to leave the room, the house actually, before he does something stupid like lick it away.
Sansa furious with Arya over something he doesn’t remember, both of them shouting, her face alive with fury, cheeks bright and eyes flashing.
Robb mussing her hair and her indignant squeak. They all laugh when she dumps her glass of ice water over his head and laugh harder as he chases her around the yard as she squeals.
Thirteen year old Sansa taking his hand at his mother’s funeral, her small fingers, tight on his, the only thing grounding him to reality as part of his heart is lowered forever into the cold, frozen ground.
Later that night they assess each other in the darkness of his apartment, laying side by side in his bed, both ragged shades of the children they’d been. They are face to face, noses inches apart. Her breath is sweet and gentle, her lips a constant temptation, but her eyes hold him fast, bright as polished silver in the dark. They’d eaten a quiet dinner on the pier, not uncomfortable, exactly, just new and frail, a fresh brightness between them that could be snuffed out with a single wrong word, a single look, a clumsy touch.  
But cocooned in darkness, the insecurities and uncertainties dissolve into nothing. To Jon, it seems if they are the only two people left in all the world.
“I’ll kill him,” he says at last, a secret in the dark, one he means with every fiber of his being. He’s killed people before, more than he’d ever like to think of, more than he’d ever like to admit to her, and he’d found no joy in it, only darkness and self-loathing, but this… this he is sure he’d enjoy. He knows how to hurt people, he could make it last. “I’ll kill them both.”
Steel, sharp and deadly, flashes in her eyes and her pupils dilate and her breathing grows ragged. Her fingers clench, sharp as daggers into his shoulders.
“No, Jon,” she breathes, tilting toward him like a tower crumbling. “No… if he ever touches me again. I will kill him.”
He groans, electricity clawing through his veins, and kisses her the way he’s dreamed of kissing her nearly half his life; first as a boy with almost no experience and then as a broken, desperate man with little to offer but himself and whatever comfort he can provide.
There is comfort in the way she draws herself to him, the way she presses her hands into his hair, but there is also want, a desperate, almost mindless desire, as if he’s not the only one who’s dreamed of something more. He hadn’t realized how alone he was, how cold he’d become, until Sansa had shown up at his door.
She tugs on his hair and he nips at her full lower lip with a growl he can’t suppress and suddenly it’s a mess of limbs and hands and the rough melody of their irregular breathing. She so damn sweet he can’t taste her enough, can’t touch her enough, and it feels like he’ll never be close enough to her. It’s a kind of madness, kissing Sansa Stark, like death by slow, delicious degrees.
He reaches for her breast, close to being consumed with need, and she stiffens a little, breath catching sharply in her throat, and he swallows, reigning himself in, and moves his hand away. He gentles their kiss, guides her back from the precipice, and tries to tell her with lips and hands that he’ll never hurt her. Never take from her anything she isn’t willing to give.  
Slowly. He has to go slowly.
He smooths down her hair and kisses her forehead, each eye, and the tip of her nose. He can feel her heart racing against his chest and he draws her to him.
“Shh,” he murmurs, almost mindlessly, “I’ve got you.”
She wraps her arms around him and squeezes him tight, pressing tentative kisses along his jaw and throat. They fall asleep like that, entangled and warm with the promise of the future.
He wakes to her lips on his and it’s easily the sweetest thing he’s ever experienced, he keeps his eyes closed, wanting to make the moment last. She’s all warmth and softness as his hand smooths down the curve of her side, up the ridges of her spine, and tangles in the fragrant fall of her hair. It’s like a baptism, caught in dazzling sunlight, washing away the darkness of the night before and turning it into something sweet. She smiles against his mouth and he responds in kind, chuckling in the back of his throat. God, he’s never felt like this before.
He expects the specter of Ygritte to diminish his fledgling joy, to remind him of all he’s lost, instead he only feels an endless well of warmth and… encouragement. She would have wanted him to be happy, would have wanted him to find joy and comfort where he could.
“You have to go to work,” Sansa reminds him, trailing fire along his jaw with the moist heat of her parted lips, “and so do I.” He shivers, fingers digging into her hip. He’s already painfully hard beneath the blankets.
He groans, half in want and half in reluctance. “I’ll call in,” he says, voice rough with sleep, and cracks an eye open only to be half blinded by the sun gleaming offer her tousled hair. She nips at his chin.
“I happen to know you don’t have any more time off,” she tells him, pulling back and stealing his breath away with a brilliant, unabashed smile that holds so much pure joy in it he can hardly breathe. He’s certain no one has ever looked at him the way Sansa is looking at him now, as if the sun rises and sets with him. Her t-shirt is slipping down one shoulder, revealing the curve of one pert breast and the sunlight has turned her skin into honey and cream, he’d do anything to taste her, touch her, anything to make her moan and whimper-
“You’re killing me,” he tells her honestly, his hands spanning her slight waist and he rubs his thumbs along the tantalizing strip of bare skin above her pajama pants, watching as her eyes darken and she bites her lip. “I hope you know that.”
She rubs her nose along the side of his and steals another quick kiss before rolling out of his grasp with a devious laugh. “The sooner you leave the sooner you can come home,” she says in an almost sing-song, bouncing out of bed, and gliding into the kitchen to get coffee started. Jon sits up, content to watch her, but she gives him a meaningful look and he dutifully gets up and heads for the shower.
She’s dressed when he gets out of the shower, towel drying his hair, still shirtless. A calculated move on his part that is entirely worth any sense of embarrassment he might have had as Sansa stops mid stir, hand hovering over her coffee cup, and stares at him with wide eyes. He’d carefully avoided going shirtless since she’d taken up residence on his couch and doubly so when she’d crept into his bed. He’s thinking now that that might have been a mistake.
She reads his expression and laughs, color rising high in her cheeks.
“You’re such a tease, Jon Snow,” she says and it’s his turn to blush. She steps forward, and slides a tentative hand down his chest and there’s no suppressing the shiver of pleasure that sweeps over him. “I like it…” she whispers, eyes half lidded and Jon drops his towel and sweeps her into a deep kiss.
He makes it to work… eventually.
Sansa’s smiles, the real ones, always start in her eyes. This one is no different. “Why, Jon Snow, are you asking me on a date?”
It’s ridiculous that this makes him blush, but it does, it definitely does. He’s holding flowers out to her in an awkward half bow, still dressed in his uniform, and he can tell she’s enjoying his embarrassment. He doesn’t mind looking stupid, not if it makes her smile like that.
“Uh, yes?”
She laughs and takes pity on him, sweeping up the flowers he’d bought at the corner store near the station –the guys had given him a lot of shit about it too- and pressing her face into them, inhaling deeply.
“Well, in that case, yes,” she tells him, that devious twinkle back in her eyes. It’s contagious, her playfulness, and he tries to catch her in his arms, but she dances away.
“No, nope! You’ll only distract me and I need to get ready. I have a date, after all.”
He huffs and it only makes her laugh again.
Sansa snatches something out of her closet and disappears into the bathroom, flowers still in hand and bare feet flashing on the faded linoleum. Jon pulls himself together and quickly changes into his best pair of jeans, shoving his feet into his favorite black boots, and tugs a faded V-neck t-shirt over his head, one that Tormund always gave him shit for. Tormund thought wearing a shirt without a half-naked woman or some obscure beer company on it was dressing up so Jon usually ignored his fashion advice.
Jon tends to keep his hair long, partially out of laziness, and partially because Ygritte had once told him it made him look dashing, and he runs a quick comb through the curls with a bit of product. He considers shaving, studying his reflection in the mirror over his dresser, and decides against it just as Sansa exits the bathroom. His heart nearly stops, as he watches her move toward him through the mirror.
She’s wearing a vintage looking red dress that presses her breasts upward enticingly, and it hugs her waist and flares out prettily at her hips to create a full skirt effect. She’s still barefoot, but her long legs gleam in the yellow bathroom light, the dress swaying as she walks with a natural grace that’d hypnotized him as a teenager and is no less mesmerizing as a man. She’s left her hair down mostly, tying back the top half into something messy and casual that makes him want to run his fingers through it. There’s a bit of makeup around her eyes and her lips gleam with something, maybe lip gloss –Jon is hardly an expert with it comes to cosmetics- but she looks wonderful and that’s really all that matters.
She bites her lip again, studying him through the mirror in turn, and her eyes tell him she likes what she sees, which does all kinds of ridiculous things to his stomach. She giggles and wraps her arms around him, pressing her forehead to his back.
“This is crazy,” she murmurs, warming a spot on his spine through his shirt and he turns to pull her to him. Christ, she smells like heaven and feels like sin.
“Yeah, insane.” He agrees and she pulls back to study his face. “But I don’t mind if you don’t.”
She shakes her head and bites her lip, “No, I don’t think I mind at all.”
Sansa moans loudly as she takes an impressive bite of chocolate cheesecake and Jon chuckles, trying to ignore how the sound plays havoc with the more carnally focused parts of his brain.  
Sansa only moans again around a mouth full of cake. Jon grabs a bite for himself, well aware of how great Nettie’s cheesecake is –best in Chicago, in his humble opinion- but nearly moans himself as flavor explodes on his tongue. Then he nearly moans for an entirely different reason as Sansa dips her finger into a bit of chocolate and sucks it thoroughly off her finger.
She feels his stare and opens her eyes with a smirk, slowly sliding her finger out of her mouth. Jon has to grip the edge of the table for support.
“Killing me,” he murmurs, making her giggle, “You’re definitely trying to kill me.”
She hums at him and brushes her foot along his calf beneath the checkered table cloth. Jon reaches down and grabs her ankle gently, startling her a little, and props her foot on his knee. Maintaining eye contact, he slides his hand along the smooth curve of her calf and up the back of her knee. He feels her tremble and watches with deeps satisfaction as her eyelashes flutter and she swallows thickly.
“Anything else dears?” Nettie asks, appearing at the side of their table and nearly making Jon jump out of his skin. There’s a knowing look in her wise eyes as Jon’s knees slam up against the table and Sansa’s foot slides to the floor.
Sansa laughs brightly, but her cheeks are nearly as red as her dress.
Jon clears his throat, “Uh, no, I uh, think we’re ready for our check.”
Nettie puts a wrinkled hand on one wide hip and gives him a stern scowl. “You know very well you don’t pay when you eat here, Jon Snow. I wouldn’t have a restaurant if it wasn’t for you and you insult me by asking.”
Jon rubs at the back of his neck, embarrassed, but there’s a fond warmth in Sansa’s eyes that tempers his pride.
“I-uh, I’m sorry?”
“Damn right you are,” Nettie says, but gives him a wink and a smile to let him know he’s forgiven.
Moments later they step into the humid night air and Sansa takes his hand. It’s ridiculous how such a simple thing can make his heart race.
“That was delicious,” she tells him with a satisfied sigh. “Now where?”
Jon considers for a moment, glancing about him for inspiration.
“We could… walk around the lake a bit, there’s a pretty path around the block,” he feels stupid, not thinking past dinner, but she gives him a knowing and affectionate look.
“Sounds perfect to me,” she says and leans into his side.
Fuck it, he thinks, tossing aside all pretense, and wraps an arm around her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head for good measure.
They’re halfway down the street when Sansa stops and drifts toward the open door of a little country bar. Music and the smell of cigarettes and beer wafts out onto the sidewalk. “I love this song!” she tells him with a backward glance and a small smile, “I haven’t heard it in years.” There’s a wistful, sad sot of longing in her voice that brings him quickly to her side. She wraps her arms around herself and sways a little as a country song he vaguely recognizes -country isn't really his thing- plays.
Jon girds his metaphorical loins, takes her hand, and pulls her inside.
“Jon, what-”
He quickly positions them out on the dance floor, attempting to remember the steps Ygritte had barely managed to teach him the few times they’d gone dancing -and he'd definitely been drunk- and pulls her into his arms.
Such pure joy is glittering in her eyes when he finally dares to look at her that he falters, feeling foolish. “I’m a terrible dancer,” he warns.
Her smile is blinding, buoying his wavering confidence as he eyes the couples around them. “Don’t worry, I’ll lead.”
And she does, guiding him through the steps as she sings along in a clear, bell like voice that warms him to his toes. He’s certain he’ll never forget the way she looks right now; spinning away from him in a twirl of crimson skirts, hair fanning out around her, and the promise of a brighter future in her smile.
The song fades into something slower and the lights on the dance floor dim as the couples either drift into the bar or draw closer together. Jon clears his throat and, with as much confidence as he can muster, drags Sansa up against his chest. She smiles knowingly and reaches up, latching her arms around his neck and resting her head on his shoulder, breath warm on his neck. He smooths his hands down her back, overwhelmed by her suddenly, by the intensity of his feelings for her, and settles his hands on her hips. He wonders absently what Robb would think of them, and chuckles at the certainty he would have hated it… before eventually coming around.
“What?” Sansa asks, pulling away just enough to look at him.
He shakes his head feeling foolish, but her eyes implore him so he says, “Just thinking of Robb, what he would have said about me and you… you know, uh-”
“Jon,” she says, gaze lowering, darting away to look out across the dance floor. “I… this isn’t some kind of… rebound for me. This isn’t what I wanted o-or expected coming to you the way I did… but,” she inhales deeply and forces her eyes back to his. “But whatever this is between us… it’s real… maybe the only real thing in my fucked up life. A-And I don’t know how you feel but-”
Jon shakes his head, heart in his throat, “Sansa, I’ve been half in love with you since I was twelve years old, you know that, don’t you?”
Tears well and she bites down a smile and nods. “Yes… yes I do know that. I don’t deserve it, I don’t-“
He silences her with a kiss, swaying with her on the dance floor, holding her safe in his arms. She pulls away, but doesn’t go far, pressing her forehead to his.
“Take me home, Jon.”
They’re both laughing as Sansa drags him into the apartment, stumbling as she fuses her lips to his and Jon only barely manages to catch them on the edge of the table.
He kicks the door shut behind them and, on impulse, lifts her off her feet and sets her on the tabletop, smoothing his hands up her legs and pressing his tongue past her parted lips. She squeaks and then sighs into his mouth as he settles between her thighs. He can feel the warmth of her through his jeans and he can’t help but press the growing length of his dick against her in a languid grind.
Sansa moans and her head falls back, the long line of her throat exposed to his eager lips. Her skin is salty and sweet on his tongue as he follows the line of one tendon and then bites at her pulse point, sending a shockwave of sensation down her body that reverberates through him. She clutches at him desperately, and he knows she’s inexperienced, that she’s unsure and insecure. That there are demons and devils lingering in the shadows of her heart, just like his. So he forces himself to slow, to pull back and take her face in his hands, waiting for her hazy eyes to focus on his.
He doesn’t want her to be afraid.
“Nothing you don’t want, Sansa,” he tells her. “Tell me to stop and I’ll stop, no matter what. I swear. Do you trust me?”
She’s teary eyed again but she nods and drags him back to her, answering with a kiss, with the slide of her tongue into his mouth, and the arch of her back as he presses into her like a man in search of air.
The world goes hazy on him. Everything takes on a dream like quality as he helps her out of her dress. Tracing each new patch of skin with a reverence that he can't seem to help as he tugs the zipper down, and she’s trembling and whimpering between his hands, a living flame as he palms her breasts and tugs gently at her nipples. She makes him feel weak, like he should kneel at her feet and kiss the ground she walks on… but strong too, like he could take on the world so long as she’s with him. It’s heady and intoxicating and he’s as lost as she is when they make it to the bed, half falling into the sheets, laughing and smiling... then moaning and sighing.
She takes her time exploring him. Tracing his scars and kissing the ones she finds. She uses mouth and hands, sweetly bold and innocent until he has to drag her up and kiss her before she undoes him completely. When he finally –finally- slips a hand between her legs and feels the damp heat there he moans into her mouth.
“Trust me?” he asks, voice an utter ruin. He can see the uncertainty in her eyes as he explores her folds with gentle fingers.
“Yes, Jon, I trust you,” she murmurs, clutching his shoulders, and Jon slowly slides first one then two fingers inside her, going slack jawed as her eyes roll back and she arches on a keening moan. He groans in response, head falling to her shoulder as he tries to reign himself in, fucking her gently with his hand as she writhes against him, feet tangling in the sheets.
He’s nearly mad with desire when she comes around his fingers, her cunt fluttering and clenching and he could swear he’s dying as she pants his name with desperate little mewls. He whispers all kinds of filthy nonsense into her ear as she rides her orgasm and holds onto him so hard he’s certain he'll have little half moon bruises on his back and shoulders.
She comes back to herself slowly, eyelids fluttering as he draws his fingers from her, making her tremble.
"Okay?" he asks and her smile is radiant.
"More than okay," she whispers back, and he groans in surprise and acute pleasure as she grabs his dick and pumps once, twice, three times experimentally.
"Sansa," he moans, arching helplessly into her touch, "We don't- you don't."
"Shhh," she says against his lips. "Trust me."
She presses him onto his back and straddles his hips. She's framed in moonlight and the warmth of the kitchen light; swathed in silver and gold, and she's the loveliest thing he's ever seen, flushed with her orgasm, hair a mess, trembling as she settles and slowly begins to lower herself onto him. Jon hisses as the wet heat of her draws him to the brink of madness, but he forces his eyes open, watching through his lashes as she bites her lip and arches. Watches as his dick disappears inside her slow inch by inch, whispering her name like a benediction; or a plea for mercy, maybe. When he's filled her completely she falls to his chest, trembling, and he draws her close.
"Tell me, Jon," she begs as he holds himself utterly still, using every ounce of his self control. God, she's so tight and wet, so fucking perfect. "Tell me."
"I love you, Sansa," he says, nudging her face to his, and kisses her with everything he wishes he knew how to say. Every stupid romantic thing she deserves to hear and which he's completely incapable of articulating.
She moves against him, unpracticed, but eager, driven by sensation. Jon catches her hips and helps her find her rhythm. She's a fast learner, and soon he's utterly at her mercy. He's not going to last long. He wants to make her come again, feel her tighten around him, but it's been too long and he's wanted her so much...he can feel his hold slipping with every grinding roll of her hips.
"Sansa," he grounds out, clutching at her like a dying man, "I won't last, I-"
She kisses him into silence and it's sloppy and filthy and she's so perfect- "Come for me, Jon, please, come for me."
That's all it takes.
Jon grabs her hips, driving into her hard as the tension in his balls tightens and coils in on itself before it bursts in a shower of sparks and he's all but chanting her name.
She's kissing his chest and running a hand through his hair as he comes down, breathing hard, certain he's had a heart attack. When he can move, he helps her roll to his side and draws her in close.
"Okay?" he asks as their breathing slows, smoothing her hair away from her damp face.
She hums in sleepy contentment, snuggling into his chest. "Perfect," she tells him, echoing his thoughts, and presses another kiss where his heartbeat has begun to steady. Jon doesn't think he's ever felt so content... so right in his life. He squeezes her tightly and, before he knows it, he drifts to sleep.
Jon has a nightmare that night for the first time since Sansa came back into his life. Gunfire rains down, buildings explode in the distance, and there are screams tearing through the night. A child cries, wailing like the world is ending, and Jon thinks it is. Wishes it would. There’s blood on his hands, so much blood on his hands.
He wakes sweating and gasping and knows down to the marrow of his bones that he’s alone.
There’s a note on her pillow and he grasps it in fingers that tremble.
I haven’t loved you as long, maybe, but I should have. I should have.
But I can’t keep running from my problems and I certainly can’t drag them into your life. You’ve suffered enough. I need to sort some things out for myself, I have to or I will never be free of it all. This isn’t good bye… I don’t expect anything from you, I hope you can believe me. Trust me, like I trust you. I’ll come back, once everything is settled, once I have my life back, and I’ll be yours if you want me. Body and soul.
I love you, Jon.
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