haver-of-wives · 1 year
tommy no. don’t think like that. this is not your fault okay. this server has gone through a lot, yes, but if you didn’t join then think of all the good things that wouldn’t have happened.
this isn’t your fault, tommy.
i want to believe that but. allthat shit he did to try adn get my discs, and then the fuckin Attachment Vault or whatever, that was all to control me. and I know he destroyed L'manberg to teachme a lesson. when we were up on the obsidian grid itwas like. he said it without sayign it yknow. adn he said our story wuold never be over and I'm just Too Fun and just. whatif he never stops until i giveup. what if keeps hurtign people until i do. what if he never wuoldve done anyof it if we never met
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Its easy to pretend
when you are in pain
Its easy to smile
when things go wrong
Its easy to giveup
When things are not in your favor
But to give up on myself
I still needs courage
Whenever i think of
Running away from my pain
It makes me think of suicide
Leads me to plan
How far i can go this time
Beyond my imagination
Wishing it to be real this time
Hoping to end this forever
This anxiety attacks are
Not less than a noose
Tightening around my neck
Making it difficult to breathe
Making me suffocated
Making it hard to live
Making me want to commit suicide
But i hate to leave the ones i love
As i don't want to hurt them
Wonder if they will be able to survive
The loss of me in their lives
Or will I be forgotten easily
Just like a breeze
I know everyone will move on
Slowly you will forget me
You will stop talking about me
My memories will fade away
I will be replaced
With someone else
So why not to do this
And end up everything
Go away forever
As i will be forgotton soon.
The pain in your heart will vanish
I promise that it will be healed slowly
Without my memories
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presidentbungus · 3 years
day 2 - Clothes Swap
pyro/scout one, because I’ve been really into the ship lately lmao. hope you can detect the giveup. this one did NOT come out easily. enjoy anyway. read also on ao3
One day Pyro comes out to the rec room and plunks down on the couch next to Scout and they’re wearing a white T-shirt over their suit for some reason, and it’s definitely not their size, and Scout sees the mustard stain he got last week on hotdog night right there on the collar where he left it and he socks ‘em in the shoulder.
“That’s my shirt,” he says, and he almost adds ‘jackass’ but it he’s not actually really mad about it at all.
Pyro looks at him, does that thing where they tilt their head and really stinkin’ cute and also really frickin’ annoying—“yours,” they sign, then “I know”.
“Well why do you have it?”
“I like—“ they pause for a little bit to think—“your smell. It’s good. And comfy.”
Scout crosses his arms, because he doesn’t really know how else to reply to this.
“Do you not like it? I don’t want to—“
“It just ain’t fair,” Scout blurts, and he huffs ‘n puffs ‘n tries to figure out how to word this. “I mean, I got all these clothes for you to steal from me and what do you got? Nothin’ but the esbesto suit! Seems like, uh, whatever the term. I-inequal dischange.”
“What?” This is audible through the mask. “Are you okay?”
“I’m sick of havin’ to pick up all the slack around here. It’s about time I get something of yours I can wear around and be all romantic and shit.”
Here, Pyro looks around the room, sees only Heavy napping in the corner (and, knowing him, he prob’ly wouldn’t wake up if Soldier somehow got his hands on a bugle), and they hook their thumb under the mask, lifting it up just enough that he can see a little chin pocked with scars and he tries to will himself to stop blushing. “I mean, I don’t think you’ll like it much, but…”
“Don’t care. Didn’t ask. Show me.”
“You asked for it.” Then the mask snaps back down, Pyro does a dramatic shrug just to make sure he sees it, and they grab him by the hand and start leading him towards their room.
“Hey, Scoutie. Nice unicorn suit.”
Scout’s really, really freakin’ hot. In the way where he feels like he’s burning to death, he isn’t really at the peak of sexiness at the moment, but he sticks his tongue out at Demo anyway and throws a can of Bonk at him and it hits him square in the nose and he doesn’t seem to notice.
“I’m freakin’ magical,” Scout says, for good measure, and he stomps over to the doorway. It sure does smell like Pyro, he’ll give it that. Like ash and smoke and a little somethin’ weirdly sweet. It’s kind of terrible, but it reminds him of nights in the ashpit drawing and making fun of the other guys and sometimes sittin’ in the bottom bunk all squished up right by each other tracing over the scars on their face with his thumb and—and all that. He hopes Demo can’t see him blushing. “I bet you wish you were me right about now,” he says, mainly just for himself. “You got no idea.”
Demo seems to be half-asleep anyway, but he says: “You go do that, Scoutie.”
“Shut up.” Someone might be running a hose directly into his armpits. “I’m gonna go find Pyro,” he mumbles.
“Have fun.”
“You bet I freakin’ will.”
(He does.)
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etirabys · 6 years
garbage brain. says GIVE UP in a walgreens. there’s nothing to GIVE UP on! I’m not on any errand. I’m just reading the names of various ointments. But brain wants to crumple in the baby lotion aisle and GIVE UP. Tsunami of fatigue and defeat and everything totally meaningless, but with no target more significant than the motivation to choose between a paper towel roll costing $2.29 vs $2.99. STOP & GIVE UP when I am not even doing anything to give up on. ee gee. Lie in bed and try to give up. But nothing to give up on – lying in bed is already giveup, no more up to give. Maximal stop while still being conscious, can’t stop more.
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Rain, Art and Life
Rainy days used to be really peaceful. Nowadays they're just depressing somehow. Have you ever felt a certain way about something and then later on felt differently about it? I guess it's all about perspective, huh?
We all seem to change as life takes us on its journey. Faces that made you smile, nowadays just make you turn away. Music that once inspired you and made you jump in excitement now just sounds bland and boring. Art that spoke to you once, now just looks like squiggly lines and paint on canvas.
However, there seems to be some part of you that hasn't changed. Sometimes you hardly remember about this part of you. It's a very subtle realization and needs a little introspection to really unearth it, I guess. But it's there nevertheless, and that "you" really hasnt gone anywhere. A strain of being that never stopped being.
Today, I was trying to write a song. And I decided that I wouldn't quit, no matter how much I start hating whatever I composed just 10 minutes after I've written it. And yet, here I am, guitar and book kept aside, just lying on the bed, writing this.
I call this micro-giving-up. I guess for introverted (not completely, like 60%) over-thinkers like me, sometimes deciding to do something can be really stressful when it doesn't yield you any satisfactory results. Especially sometimes when deciding to do something takes a lot of energy out of you and a lot of effort. So sometimes, I just give up for a day. Or for however long I need to recover. But I can only do this because I'm so sure that I won't completely give up.
When I was little, I think I read parts of 'My Experiments with Truth' by Mahatma Gandhi, and I don't know if I read this there but I remember a quote that goes something like "Even if you fail a 100 times, try again." Ever since then, I've always been ready to pick myself up after a failure and try again.
So these micro-giveups seem to be useful because they allow you the peace of mind of giving up, for as long as you need it, until you recover and can get back to it.
Anyway this post doesn't have any specific direction. I just wanted to write, because I felt like it.
Rainly days are depressing, it just feels like the world is crying for the entire day.
Thanks for going through my random musings, if you did.
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theunlikableartist · 4 years
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I don’t want to go on, it feels like everything I did was a mistake....
Every echo of those memories that I fucked up, lingers in my head, telling me that I should stop.
#giveup #givingup #depression #can’tdothisanymore #makeitstop #imtired #3amthoughts #hurts #don’twanttothisanymore #anxiety #nobodygivesashit
Art credit: Zamora webcomic
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babyawacs · 4 years
#questionforall @nato @otan @sputnikint @munsecconf did russia giveup its place inthe modern world becau se it wanted its own realm of influence andor disintegrated simply this is no t an attack but a hardlight where and if a mistake happened the west didnt want or couldnt integrate them anyfurther  but duetothe hi gh oilprice and some domestic oligarchy control structure someofit got stabilised and modernised this clearl y stopped  after the embargo now it plays hard a weak set of cards between china giant under pressure and destabilised disintegrating west due to inability to reform its domestic security structure so that the popu lation can accept it this is a matter of time as the only other outcome is bloodyrevolution mess unthinka ble daytime  russias ability to benefit fromthat is somewhat limited as it can not act on the instability ofthe west,as all institution which handle state affair s affect those things russia could enact  greetings ////  itisobvious the russians see turkey as p artofnato and go hard against their proxy for the belarus game ******** does t he west  really need belarus the answer is the ex soviet republics disintegrate d foremost away from hopeless inferior abandoned to where the modern world is. the west itmaybe a strategic misjudgement that the west causes the east expansion ******** idontknow en ough about dirty networks but they game dirty for profit and power and noneofthis i s overthere none whatsoever I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTA NK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
#questionforall @nato @otan @sputnikint @munsecconf
did russia giveup its place inthe modern world because it wanted its own realm of influence andor disintegrated simply
this is not an attack but a hardlight where and if a mistake happened
the west didnt want or couldnt integrate them anyfurther
but duetothe high oilprice and some domestic oligarchy control structure someofit got stabilised and…
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Your Brain is Repeating What You Were Told
My Experience of a Panic Attack In The Only Words I Have Until I Lose Track of My Brain and Give In 
You’re driving along the road that leads you home and you know the way. Music hums in the background, some pop song you’ve come to love despite yourself, and you’re drumming your hands on the steering wheel to the beats you know best. The day was long but not tiresome, and tomorrow you’ll do it again.
As you flick on the turn signal to enter your apartment’s parking lot, your heart starts thudding. It feels like a hand banging on the inside of your chest, pressing and compressing, like a prisoner trying to break free. You feel it again and again.
Nothing has changed. The music’s still playing and you’re still driving. But your heart is saying something is wrong. Your head feels too light and you start to jitter your fingers instead of drumming with the music. Something is wrong.
You find the closest parking space and pull your car in, slamming into park as you look around the parking lot for the source of the thudding. The keys jingle as you shake while you walk toward your door. It’s sometime after 10 pm and no one else is outside. You can hear your upstairs neighbor, though the words are unclear.
The pushing on your chest gets worse as you press your key to your door and turn the handle. The metal is cool as you press down, your now-damp hands sticking so slightly to it. It’s dark and quiet aside from the heat that’s running right now. Your dog comes to greet you, but you can’t seem to stop to look down at her. She weaves around you a few times before going back and settling into the dark apartment.
You push aside all thoughts but unzipping your coat, pulling the zipper down in fingers that don’t want to settle. You thrash the coat onto the chair in your living room and walk.
Walk down the hallway and into the bathroom.
Feel the counter for a moment and walk back to the living room.
Feet through the carpet and into the kitchen.
Grab the fridge handle and turn away without opening.
Back to the living room and down the hallway.
Into the bedroom and back out.
No lights are on and you keep it that way. Soon you settle into the worn pattern you’ve created in the last few months of your marching from front door to the end of the hallway. Thisisallyourfault. Back and forth, ten steps each way. You bring your hand to your mouth, bite at your fingertips and lower it back down, run your fingers along the rough texture of the painted wall.
Your lungs are begging for air. You try to pull in breaths to satisfy them, do something right for them, but it’s like the air won’t come. You breathe in harder, slam your fist against your thigh as you walk back and forth. Youcan’tevendothisright.
Your legs start to shake Giveup as you lift them, no longer interested in walking. You try to keep going, keep your body moving with your brain. Youareamonster.
Your legs slow and you falter, let your knees bend to the floor and pull yourself into the tightest ball you can manage. Giveup.Giveup.Giveup. You try to clasp your hands together but the fingers are still shaking. Hands drift from hand to face to thighs to face to arm to floor, never stopping.
You see the chair in front of you. You know it’s blue even though it’s dark. It’sallyourfault. You want to reach out, grab the blanket from the chair, but the hands won’t listen. You cannot move.
The body is rocking. You try to make yourself smaller. The hands keep moving. Everythingiswrongandyou’retheonetoblame. You try to slow something but the body and the hands and the lungs aren’t listening. Youdon’tdeserveanythinggood. You feel the thudding in your chest again, a scream from inside of you as Youareamonster you try to slow something, but nothing wants to listen.
The darkness is getting darker around you. Giveup.Giveup.Giveup. The heat shuts off and you are left with Youareafailure silence.
You feel tears on your cheeks. The hands keep moving, your mouth bites down on the nails. The lungs heave for air Youdon’tdeserveanythinggood you can’t find. The body rocks. The body rocks. Youhurteveryoneyoulove. Youareaburden. The hands are moving. The body rocks. Youcan’tdoanythingright. Youshouldjustgiveup. You try to pull at the carpet but the hands won’t listen.
You Noonecares close the eyes you know are yours and let Youaretheproblem the lungs keep heaving as tears It’sallyourfault fall hot. Giveup.
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itsalanbaby · 5 years
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💢Bury it I won't let you bury it I won't let you smother it I won't let you murder it Our time is running out And our time is running out You can't push it underground We can't stop it screaming out I wanted freedom But I'm restricted I tried to give you up But I'm addicted Now that you know I'm trapped Sense of elation You'll never dream of breaking this fixation You will squeeze the life out of me🖕🏼 . . . #squeeze #freedom #restricted #trapped #run #time #out #you #didnt #apologize #to #me #remember #that #giveup #push #free #like #love #like4likes #likeforlikes #likeforfollow #likeforfollow #friend #false #fake #lier #sad #angry #follow #instagood . . . I always dream of you, my beautiful... Now I'm so disappointed. 💔 (en Trapped) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8P6QzLH93Hy545iY_yOK3qKKLlIx5nnja4kVw0/?igshid=fpdll62ffeyu
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tikatralala · 6 years
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Inspiration As a kid growing up i've been thaught to be religious. I've been thaught to always lookup to Rasulullah. I pray dhuha 4 rakaats everyday, i do fasting every Monday and Thursday, i do pre dawn sunnah prayer, i do help the weak, i do smile, i do honest and down to earth. But it's been along time, i start to stop doing some of those good deeds. Not because i am becoming less religious person, but i realize as i grow adult i'm not as white blank paper anymore. It's just not as easy to write and draw on it as before. My paper has become a dirty paper. But, as human being i refuse to giveup. I refuse to stay dirty as i am. I want to be a good person, i want to bring my family to jannah, i want to be proud of myself at the end of the day. I don't want to be regretful. Just like in surah Alashr. But it's still hard tho. So i remember what Mom said when i was in elementary school, i talk to her about my friends dirty acts, my teacher's bad deeds, and i remember vividly what my Mom was saying, "You know when other people doing bad things, you feel disgusted and you can't change it. All you have to do is being thankful, because they help you remember not to do the same." I was like, okay. So Mom doesn't like me talking about other people's bad side. And my mom continues, "How do you think, you are being thankful. What will you do?" i was blank. "what will you do is, you cover them up. You don't spread their bad side, you don't talk to other people about them doing bad things, doing sin, why, because you are being thankful to them." "You know, who cover up his brother in dunya, Allah will coverup for him in hereafter." I was like what?! But i understand it now. I understand it fully, what my gracious mom saying. But do you tho? Should i retell it in Indonesian? Comment down below 🙏🏻 To be continued >>>> @30haribercerita #30haribercerita #ceritatika #storytelling #katarsistika #30hbc1019 #hutangnulis #iamback https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs13zd2lUR0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6gb8q6gujafd
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sarahburness · 6 years
8 Good Reasons Why You Suck At Life
Most of us want the same things- having a great life, enjoying freedom and flexibility in your days, and truly being fulfilled by what you do.
In reality, however, very few of us actually do. Most of us will spend our time here going through the motions of a well-balanced life and die with too many regrets to count.
And although this post may come off as a tad negative, its purpose is to serve you a much needed wake up call.
You and I don’t need to suck at life. We can and should be great and do great things. We should live a life of abundance and prosperity and it’s within our grasp to have it.
Before you can achieve that, however, it’s important for you to know the top reasons why you tend to suck at life.
You are an a$$hole
If you’re a person who walks around with no filter, offending people, being rude, selfish, and/or obnoxious, then you, my friend, are an asshole.
Sure, being an asshole has its advantages (if you can call them that). Being able to take rejection from the opposite sex and not caring at all about what people think can be construed as positive things.
But in general, if you’re an asshole, you suck.
You suck because you have a blatant disregard for people’s feelings. Talking loudly in a movie theater, not letting the person with one item go ahead of you at the grocery store, and swearing in front of small children are all symptoms.
The solution: Don’t do those things.
You are a cynic
Don’t you hate when you say something or anything and someone refutes it?
Finding fault at every opportunity and seeing all the negatives makes you a cynic. People don’t enjoy being around you because you believe everything and everybody is out to get you.
The solution: Do you best to be a more positive person and learn to find the good in people. It’s there if you look.
You suck away people’s energy
Are you the person who everyone avoids when they see your number on caller ID?
It’s because they know you are going to drain their energy and energy is a highly valuable commodity. Let’s face it, we are all tired much of the time and this has a lot to do with the fact that the average diet consists of energy sucking foods. With more than 30% of the world’s population are almost completely sedentary, energy is hard to come by.
The solution: Try to listen more and talk less. Stand up straight, talk clearly, and give good eye contact. Being negative in everything you say and do turns people off quickly and you don’t need fewer friends.
You are defined by your dead-end job
Millions upon millions of people drag their butts out of bed each morning in order to go to a meaningless and unfulfilling job. It’s a really sad fact that more than 70% of the U.S. population is not engaged or inspired at work.
But what’s even sadder is when those people allow their jobs to define them. Even though you may dislike your job, you allow it to dictate how you live your life. Just because you may have an unimportant job or role, it does not mean that you aren’t important.
The solution: Take a step back and understand that if you left your job tomorrow, you are the exact same person. Your job is just somewhere you go for 8 hours a day.
You are a taker
Most people are giving by nature. They want to help others and they’ll offer a hand to someone in need without thinking twice.
And some of you are not. A taker is only interested in one thing; themselves. Regardless of who is impacted and to what extend is unimportant. It’s self-serving at its worst and opportunism at its best.
The solution: You need a humanity check. Go volunteer at a homeless shelter. Spend an afternoon at a hospice center. Visit a 4 year old with cancer in the hospital. Then you just might realize the value of giving.
You value money over relationships
This is a trap that can cause you a great deal of loneliness. Money will come and go, but true relationships are permanent.
Chasing money is a race you cannot win. Sure, you may have the ability to travel, buy nice things, save for retirement and those are all worthy things. But when it takes precedence over quality relationships with people, it can become a detriment to your quality of life.
The solution: Give. Start giving your money away. I don’t mean a lot of it, but get in the practice of giving. You may have a fear of failure causing you to place such a high importance of having an abundance of money.
You think the world owes you something
Let’s one thing straight, the world does not owe nor will it give you anything. You have to take it if you want it. Walking around with a sense of indignation will only serve to hurt you and your chances of success.
Our society is breeding a crop of people with a unjust sense of entitlement who are lazy and downright narcissistic.
The solution: Hard work. Stop sitting back waiting for things to happen because you think you deserve them. Get after it, bust your ass, and make it happen for yourself. Not only will you get better results, but you will feel much better about it as well.
You have settled for an average existence
This is, by far, the saddest of all the things on this list. This is when you have settled for what has been given to you in life. You no longer work towards anything because you believe it’s never going to get better.
This is nothing but fear in the form of hopelessness and it has no merit. There is no reason you cannot have the life you want. None.
The solution: You need a wake-up call. You need to break free from your daily grind for a short time and do something that lights you up inside. Finding that fire may serve as the catalyst to changing your life and living with more passion and happiness.
Stop Sucking At Life
Take a few moments to evaluate your life. Be brutally honest with yourself. It’s an extremely challenging thing to do but necessary in order to really identify your weaknesses. That’s the only way you can work on improving them.
Your life cannot and will not get better without hard work, dedication, and perseverance. So, what are you waiting for?
The post 8 Good Reasons Why You Suck At Life appeared first on Dumb Little Man.
from Dumb Little Man https://www.dumblittleman.com/8-good-reasons-suck-life/
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dpaintslife-blog · 6 years
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It’s all in your head. Who are you? Who do you want to be? We #manifest our own #reality. I’m going to be a #motivationalspeaker. Now that I know that and #believe it with all of my heart, every step I make will be headed in that #direction. It’s not hocus pocus BS. It’s actually very simple. I will now start #speaking and #motivating.... I will sign up for a few seminars to be a guest #speaker . Do some #podcasts , #listen to all the other #lifecoaches and #motivators. Get my own #lifecoach and keep #listening / #learning for years to come while I #practice . If at any point I #giveup I will #fail . But, I will never stop. Like the terminator. Slow and steady. Maybe not even slow. I could be more like T2... Liquifying and sneaking through every crack. I won’t even need to step through open doors... 😆. I believe in myself. #Passion , #obsession , #wisdom , #listening , #tenacity , #spirituality and #charisma will be vessels. It’s #funny , in order to become a professional #speaker you must first become a #professional #listener. How ironic. #Darrick_paints_life #beyourself#believeinyourself #knowthetruth#thetruthwillsetyoufree#paintersofinstagram#spokane (at Spokane, Washington)
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justgiie · 7 years
I feel like a robot
I can't show my true feelings and emotions. And if I told them I want to giveup in everything, people seems to reason out on the ff:
- You are just a millenial
- You're on a adjustment period still
- You're life is perfect. Great job, good company, you are even running and joining 10KM shit, you have a lot of friends and been partying and hanging out. Unlike other people who are same age as yours.
- You are earning
- You are now independent. We are proud.
But this isnt what I want. I feel like I'm doing all this shit because people expect me to be. They have this idea of me you're cool, you're fun to be around and yes I am but I do those happy jolly stuff coz I want people around me to have fun and to laugh.
But everytime I went home and alone, I realized that I did not do something for myself. Don't get me wrong, its fullfilling for me to see those cheerfull faces. It's like an achievement and I love them but I also love myself.
I have friends who randomly messages me and shares whatever heartache or life problem they have and I am overwhelmed with the kind of trust that they are giving. In return, I stay with them and talk to them as much as I have time. Coz, hey I know the feeling and I know what to do .. I am not going to give them some cliche advice like ..
- Everything happends for a reason
- Dont be sad
- You will be fine
You are a fucking human being and you are entitled on your own feelings!
If you feel depressed! For fuck sake go seek help! If you find people who were close to you that dont bother with your situation. Go find a fucking doctor! SAVE YOURSELF! AT LEAST THIS TIME. Lets stop being in the denial stage. You dont know whats gonna happend next.
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jwoods717-blog · 7 years
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In life you will have ups but that means you will have more downs. Now does that mean you stop trying? NO IT DOES NOT! It means you keep pushing and wanting more! That should push you and make you even more determined to reach your goal and even surpass your first goal! You should NEVER stop or give up! FAILURE is from someone who doesn't try! Success comes from someone who isn't one to GIVEUP! FAILURE IS NEVER AN OPTION! You must strive for more and work hard enough to be successful! I BELIEVE THAT ANYONE CAN BE SUCCESSFUL IN THIS WORLD! Join me on my journey to success! . ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⬇️Official Business Snapchat⬇️
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🎥Joshua woods 📩[email protected] ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #fit #fitness #motivation #fitnessmotivation #lifegoals #lifeisntyourfriend #bodybuildingmotivation #body #bodybuilding #lift #gym #bhadcasanova #gymlife #shredded #shred #shredz #1upnutrition #levelup #ileveleduptwice #lifestyle #life #ifbb #mensphysique #muscle #muscles #igfitness #aesthetic #training #dedicated (at Los Angeles, California)
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A Letter to a Friend: How to Overcome Doubt and Discouragement
This article was republished from WhiteRaimentEvangelismFaith.blogspot.com. By John Foll, written between 8/11/2017 and 8/13/2017. © Copyright 2017 John Foll Dear Friend: I see you have had a lot of trouble since you became a Christian. You have had great trouble and were wondering why God wasn’t helping you. You haven’t had an easy life, and the enemy of humanity has been greatly troubling you and trying to put you down, and to steal your new life away from you. You don’t know why you can’t have an easier time, and not have so many problems. I would like to tell you about my special friend whom you are starting to get to know. His name is Jesus. He knows what you are going through, the problems you inherited, and knows the battles that you are fighting. But He has won the battle for you at the cross and has been given all power and authority. Matthew 28:18. Just let Him fight your battles for you and rest in His strength. He is pleading on your behalf to the Father. Sometimes you have felt like you were ready to give up. Are you ready to give up yet? Then let God take care of you. Then allow Him to save you from your doubts and fears. Are you ready to let Him do this? Believe it or not your life will get better when you totally give up, and fall into the loving hands of God. Giving up is not such a bad thing, if you will just rest totally in God’s love. In fact, giving up is the best thing you could ever do! Providing you trust in God totally. There is no room for doubts or fears when you give up and fall into His hands! When you fall into His loving hands, He will then take care of you, no more fear. Gather up the fragments that remain of the good things and blessings God has given you. John 6:12. Don’t talk through your doubts, fears and mistakes, or the mistakes of others. Don’t dwell on them either. If you mention them aloud your ears hear them, reinforcing them in your brain. Don’t gather up all of your problems, doubts and fears and dwell on them or present them to others. Instead, gather up what Jesus and His Father have done for you, and do not lose any of these blessings. Think about what God has done for you, and the joy you felt when you were baptized and gave your heart to the Lord. Think about how far God has taken you from where you were, and the battles He has helped you to win! Think of all the changes for the better that God has helped you to do. Think about all the blessings you have received, and all the knowledge about God and the truth that you have acquired. Instead of thinking of all of your troubles, trials and fears, think about what God wants to do for you and for all the blessings He is giving you and wants to give you. Gather all of these up and thank Him for it! Gather up all of these and praise Him to others of what He has done for you. The antidote to doubt is to praise God and thank Him for all of His marvelous works. How do you get rid of doubt or discouragement you may ask? You must get faith. How? Do what Paul declares here: “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17 KJV. Where does faith come from? It comes from hearing. Hearing what? The word of God. What does it mean to hear the word of God? It means to read it, listen to it, receive it into your heart, and to do it by His grace. It means you don’t turn away from what God is telling you to do in the Bible. Is it really that simple to get faith? Is it really that simple to get rid of doubt? Yes! It really is that simple! There is power in the word of God. When God spoke and said, ‘Let there be light’, there was light. Genesis 1:3. And for each day of the week when God spoke and said something, His word created what He said. Genesis chapter 1. So how do you get faith? By hearing the words of God that He speaks, believing them and doing them. In God’s word is contained the power to perform what He asks, this is how you get faith. But how this and how that? Stop asking how and start hearing His voice. Stop asking how, and start reading His word and believing. Stop asking how, and start really listening to His word and desire to keep it. I know that you want to keep His word, but listening to His word is the secret to how you can get rid of doubt and discouragement and to have faith! The power to get rid of all your doubts are contained in His words. It is impossible for God to lie, therefore we have a strong encouragement to take hold of the hope set before us. Hebrews 6:18. If you want to be happy and get rid of doubt study the many precious promises of God for you to claim, and ask Him to help you meet their requirements so that they become yours. Peter says, “Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.” 2 Peter 1:4 KJV. Peter ought to know about these things since he had walked and talked with Jesus, and been changed by His love. He had denied His Savior when Jesus was arrested and taken away to the priest’s house where Jesus was being accused, but Jesus forgave him. Luke 22:54-62. After the cross Jesus told him to feed His lambs, letting him know that he had been forgiven. John 21:15. Peter died as an overcomer. He personally knew of Jesus saving grace, and the many precious promises for the believer. Peter had had such a change from his impetuous and bragging nature before the cross, to the kind and humble evangelist, taking care of Jesus’ sheep. If Jesus can help the apostle Peter, He can help you too. Keep reading and studying the faith building stories throughout the Bible and make them your own. These stories can be your life story in some ways too, did you know that? When you read these exciting stories of people who were faithful to God and served Him with joy and delight, this story of faithfulness can be yours too. The life of the faithful person in the Bible days doesn’t have to be something you just read about, it can be your story too! If you would want to take part in God’s plan of Salvation, He would be delighted to share a peace of the kingdom with you (Luke 12:32). When you give yourself to God, and hear His word and receive it into your heart, this will produce faith in your heart and help you get rid of doubt, because this is the power of God! Just believe it. It is not really as hard as many people want to make it, it is really quite easy! How can that be true? People say that it is hard. But it is not only hard, it is impossible for anyone to become a new creature, which is to live a righteous life, by themselves. But it is easy when you let God, who is mighty to save, do it for you! It is hard and impossible for you to do it, but easy if you let God do it for you. Continue to yield yourself to your Heavenly Father, until you yield completely. Obey Him in all things; pray for the ability of obeying Him all the way. When this happens you will be given great joy, which will help you to win this battle against discouragement and doubt. When this happens you will know that He loves you and that your salvation is secure with Him, because you kept confessing your sins and have received His Spirit, who will help keep you from falling. And then your whole life will change for the better, and you will devote yourself to Him, the one you love. The conclusion my dear friend: Great and marvelous are the works of God! Make Him your focus, and give Him the praise of your voice and heart, and receive great joy in your heart, then you will not worry about discouragement anymore, because God will be your fortress and your strength, and enable you to become an overcomer. 
“And I saw something like a sea of glass mixed with fire, and those who had been victorious over the beast and his image and the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass, holding harps of God. And they sang the song of Moses, the bond-servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, ‘Great and marvelous are Your works, O Lord God, the Almighty; Righteous and true are Your ways, King of the nations! Who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy; For ALL THE NATIONS WILL COME AND WORSHIP BEFORE YOU, FOR YOUR RIGHTEOUS ACTS HAVE BEEN REVEALED.’” Revelation 15:2-4 NASB.
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#Doubt #Discouragement #Overcomer #Christian #GiveUp #Faith #Trust #Believe #God #NoFear #Blessings #Fight #Hearing #Impossible #Lie #Hope #Yield #Obey #Confess #Love
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"How many times can one heart be broken until it refuses to be reopened. So much hurt inside that no matter how sweet the words the heart just wants to hide. Do I not deserve to be happy like everyone else around me? Smiling faces ,couples melting from each other's gazes. Yet here I am all alone going from man to man like a bowling ball. When do I stay stop lock it all up? It hurts to much to think what is wrong with me that all I seem to attract are creeps. I used to think happiness was as simple as wishing upon a star. Now I realize that no matter how much you dream some things are just not meant to be. " #poem #love #heartbroken #Sad #pain #giveup #copyrighted #nofilter I chose this picture because right now all I want to do is be at the Western wall wailing.
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