xmaruu11 · 1 year
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burnthoneydrops · 4 months
Paper Flowers (b.b. x fem!reader)
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pairing: benedict bridgerton x fem!reader
word count: 2k
warnings: classism, anxious/slightly insecure reader, use of "young lady" and feminine descriptors
a/n: the second part of Language of Flowers is here! Thank you so much for all the love on the first part and I hope you enjoy the second one just as much! I set it up to have more parts in the future so if anyone is interested in that, let me know!!
The eyes of the ton were as insufferable as ever. One would have thought that a lady in simpler attire would attract less attention than those in large adornments or hair pieces, but today appeared the opposite indeed. Sure, when you were personally delivering large floral orders to people’s estates, you had eyes on you, but you could ignore them then. Then, you knew you would not be in their line of vision for long and you could rest assured with the guarantee that no one would remember past that moment. Now, however, now you were out walking in your simple attire with a lord. A lord of one of the most illustrious families no less. You had tried to convince Benedict to take the less occupied back roads, but he insisted that his desired destination would be faster reached should you take the main road. Not wanting to make a scene in public, you were left to be made a spectacle. 
The looks you were receiving were not lost on Benedict, but he chose to keep his head up high, nodding and smiling when someone was about to pull an ugly face. Perhaps the ton were weary as to why someone of his status was walking with a working class young lady, but frankly, he was too happy that he had gotten you on this walk in the first place to even consider how wild it might appear on the surface. He nearly reached out to grab your hand when he saw the Cowpers were approaching from the modiste, but realised just in time how much worse the physical affection might be and refrained, choosing to wipe some imaginary dust off of his trousers instead. 
“Something else will catch their attention by morning, do not fret,” he whispered with his head tilted in your direction but looking over your head rather than at you in an effort to look less obvious. 
You had been so caught up in the whirlwind of emotions that were entrapped in him appearing at the shop and your parents sending you away that you had not had the time to think about presentation at all. You had heard girls lamenting to each other about their lacklustre presentations to the Queen and you could imagine that it felt something similar to this. All eyes on you, no one truly seeing you, yet everyone so quick to make a passing judgement. 
“Had I cared about the opinions of others, I would not have asked for your time. But I am here because I care not about them, but about you. Keep your head high, we are almost there,” Benedict whispered once again. While his words were nice, they did little to soothe your anxiety. Nonetheless, you raised your chin up higher, realising you had been staring at the cobblestone more than what was in front of you. You soon found yourself quickly approaching a luscious green field that left you wondering how Benedict had ever found it. It was much closer to the shops than his estate, and with the ton spending most of their months in the country, you questioned how his discovery of this place might have come about. “We have arrived,” Benedict commented with a small smile on his face, waving his arm out to the side in demonstration. 
“However did you find this place?” You questioned. 
“Being a child in a clan of eight means a lot of time to make daring escapes during family shopping trips,” he smiles, mischievous as you ever saw. The smile gives the impression that he looked back on those memories fondly, as you did with memories of you and your sisters. Maybe you had never had big family shopping trips into town, but the moral of the story lies in the bonds strengthened with those you were with. You started to believe you might have more in common than you previously imagined. 
“I figured we could sit and admire the view. Talk for a little, if it suits you,” Benedict looked over at you, gesturing to a place clear of any wandering eyes where you could lean against the sturdy tree trunk and watch the breeze create waves over the pond. 
“It suits me very well,” you nodded, a small smile etching its way onto your face as he sat down first, offering his hand as to assist you in doing the same. 
“I’d say the way the sun hits suits you very nicely as well,” he complimented, “you’re practically glowing”. 
“A fan of flattery are we Mr. Bridgerton?” you asked, teasingly but trying not to show it. 
“Only when I feel it necessary”. 
Though you were promised conversation, Benedict did not want to force it, so the two of you sat in silence, taking in the sights and sounds of this hidden paradise. The silence was not uncomfortable, mind you, but rather a space in which the two of you could gather all of your thoughts. The grass waved to and fro in the light breeze, catching glimmers of sunlight in every direction. It looked as though someone had sprinkled fairy dust and every sparkle was destined to catch your eye. The tree you were leaning on had a small hole in the trunk, and you quickly caught two squirrels dashing in and out of it, dancing on the tree branches above you. 
“This place is-” “I wanted to ask-” you realised you had started speaking at the same time. You nodded at Benedict, silently urging him to continue first. 
“I wanted to ask why you were so adamant about disliking me upon our first visit”. 
You paused. You knew this question was going to appear sooner or later and yet you did not have a precise answer. Not one that felt worthy enough of your anger anyway. It was not unlike you to get an idea stuck in your head and run with it, so unchanging that you had to apologise many a time to family members for such unwavering anger. It always felt silly a few days later, as it did now, to have held onto an unsupported emotion for so long, but you liked admitting your faults just as much as you liked giving Benedict the time of day when you first met. Surely your idea was not so drastic this time, as you had met many men of the ton and of the working class who held women in low regard, instantly annoying you, but you also knew that this time you were angered more because of his brother than because of him. You had just happened to meet him first. 
You decided it would be easier to just tell Benedict as such, and he sat there quietly during your entire speech. He did not interrupt, did not interject, did not even look away while you were explaining. It made you feel even sillier that he was listening so attentively to a situation you grew more and more embarrassed about. Ending your spiel, you placed your head in your hands, leaning your elbows against your knees as to become as small as possible. Benedict was quick to remedy this, gently grabbing your wrist and pulling your arm away from your face. He looked at you with a goofy smile before reaching for an inner pocket in his jacket. 
“So your problem lies not with me, but with my brother?” 
“I do not believe I actually have a problem with any of you. Not a reasonable one anyway; I was merely already agitated and the situation you laid before me sounded so similar to ones I had heard before that I clumped you all together. This is not to dismiss the derogatory nature that men in the ton and of the working class have I just-” 
“I believe I understand,” Benedict cut you off, but only so you would not have to repeat your feelings in order to feel that you had explained them properly. “Now that we are at least a little on the same page, I did not want you to think that I had left you out of my gifting endeavours entirely,” he pulled something out of his inner pocket and you immediately noticed a delicate pale pink ribbon tying little cards together. “I couldn’t entirely fight the urge  to gift flowers, even though you work with them constantly, so I figured some longer lasting ones might be nicer”. He handed you the stack of cards and you gingerly unwrapped the bow from the front in order to get a better look. Now it was Benedict’s turn to become embarrassed, as he feared you may not like or appreciate them. You came from a family of florists, of course it was a low blow to gift you something related to your trade. This was a terrible idea and he should have never- 
“These are…beautiful,” you sighed, shifting through the cards with soft eyes. He had painted multiple flowers with their meanings listed under them in the fashion of miniatures. They were incredibly detailed and gorgeous that you could not imagine the amount of effort it took not only for him to create each flower but find their meaning as well. “You are an artist, I take it”. 
“Do not be modest Mr. Bridgerton. If this is dabbling I would love to see what your proper art looks like,” you smiled up at him and felt all worry about his gift choices melt away. You liked them and that is all that mattered. 
“My mother is quite well versed in the language of flowers, so I figured I would use what talent I have for you”. 
“My little sister, Abigail, keeps our flower book on her shelf so it is quite nice that now I can have one of my own. No matter how versed one might be, there is always the fear that one might forget, so these will prove quite useful I think.” 
Everything was going perfectly in Benedict’s mind. You liked his gift, you enjoyed the space you were in, you were smiling. You carefully tied the cards back together with the pale ribbon, turning them over and over again in your hand as if you couldn’t believe someone had taken the time to gift you such a thing. In truth you couldn’t; your family were certainly not the wealthiest in England, so gifts were small or hard to come by. They only really happened during holidays and birthdays, but half the time you ended up sharing with your sisters. Not that you were complaining, you loved your sisters dearly and were grateful for anything you received, but being able to have something to call your own was magical. 
A quick glance at Benedict’s pocket watch caused the whole scene to come crashing down, however, as he jumped up and informed you that he was late for a family event. You urged him to go, thanking him for the gift and the time, assuming this would be the end of your time together indefinitely. Benedict seemed to have other ideas. 
“There is a party. Two nights from now and I would love if you would come with me”. 
“Should you not be worried about bringing me?” 
“Whatever for?” Your question seemed lost on him. 
“Bringing someone of a lower status to a ton party would surely cause scandal, would it not?” 
“No, see, this is a party where everyone is invited. All types of people mingling together for an evening, doing whatever the night calls them to do. It is truly wonderful and it would be even more wonderful if you would attend. It would be after shop hours, so you would not have to worry about leaving your family to fend for themselves,” he teased and you laughed, “and I could come pick you up, make sure you arrive safely and all”. 
“If you are sure,” to which Benedict nodded enthusiastically, “then I suppose I shall”. 
His smile grew wide as he lightly grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it before starting the walk in the opposite direction back towards Mayfair. You were still wary of what had taken place, and the promise you just made, but you supposed if one of you was certain enough about it that it would be fine. Or at least you hoped.
people who asked to be tagged: @easybrainrot34, @imgondeletedis, @sublimepenguinpeach-blog
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forever-rogue · 1 year
Not kissing steve because Mike made a comment about how too much pda is gross and the poor guy is so confused and lost and desperate to kiss you and he asks you sadly whats wrong and tries to fix it. (With lots of make up kisses and steve not caring what Mike says)
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AN | No, but I love this idea, especially Mike being a lil shit 🥺
Warnings | Language
Pairing | Steve x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2.7k
Masterlist | Steve, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Steve Harrington was an affectionate person. He always and more than likely always would be. It was one of the many things that you loved about him; he wasn’t afraid to be outwardly touchy and feely and never missed an opportunity to kiss or hug you, to hold your hand, or just be near you. And you would never, ever, turn down anything from him, even if it was just a simple in passing. 
You never thought much about it, letting it just happen. You were sure that his affections were nothing out of hand but that all changed one afternoon, thanks to Mike Wheeler. The lot of you were at the fair, currently standing in line for some random fried food stand. Steve was standing behind you, an arm wrapped around your waist and chin resting on your shoulder. You loved the feeling of him being all over you especially as he pressed lazy kisses to your warm, sunkissed skin. 
It wasn’t until you were next in line that Steve let go of you, turning to order for both of you. Mike scoffed and shook his head. You looked at him, raising an eyebrow, “what’s wrong, Mike?”
“You guys are so gross,” he groaned, rolling his eyes dramatically, “you’re always all over each other, just calm down. We get it. You’re madly in love with each other, great, fantastic.”
“Mike,” Dustin smacked his friend, as Max and Lucas were completely oblivious, “maybe you should calm down. Don’t be so jealous. Get over it.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Mike flipped him off, “I forgot - if Suzy was here, the two of you would be equally disgusting.”
“Maybe you should stop being such a jerk-”
“Boys,” you crossed your arms over your chest and shook your head at the kids, “maybe we can all stop being so…over dramatic? It’s all good, okay? We’ll try and tone it down and Mike, you can get the stick out of your ass.”
Mike scowled deeply and Dustin brought into a fit of giggles. He might have called you out, but you had to get him back. 
But  - it was a promise that you intended to keep, but it still managed to bring a small pout to your lips as you looked over at Steve. Ugh. He was so ridiculously handsome, but so easy and effortless and it made your heart swoon. He turned back to you, arms filled with fried goodness and a big smile on his face. You walked over to him, taking a few things in order to free up his hands. 
“Looks disgustingly delicious,” you grinned, “good choices, love.”
Steve nodded happily before leaning over to try and press a kiss to your cheek. You turned your head and quickly dodged the kiss, not saying anything but leaving him with a confused little look on his face, “angel-”
“Come on,” you looped your arm through his and started to lead him to one of the nearby picnic tables. You decided not to mention anything of what Mike had said to Steve, figuring that it would work itself out. Maybe if you toned it down for a few weeks he would eventually take the hint and stop being so outwardly PDA-friendly.
Steve, meanwhile, was trying not to read into anything, more so trying not to freak out at the fact that you had rebuked his kiss. It was the first time you had ever turned down a kiss. But he was sure that it was not something that would keep happening. Right? Right. You were his girl, his honey, his baby, his angel, and you’d never stop loving him. Or so he hoped. Maybe you - no. He was not going to panic or worry too much - it was just one kiss. It would all be fine.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
But…it turned out to be more than just one little time. 
You’d started to pull more and more out of being physically affectionate with him. At least in public - behind closed doors things were the same as ever. If anything, you were almost more touchy and lovely when it was just the two of you. It just confused Steve. He was used to being so open with you all the time. 
“Hey honey,” Steve’s face lit up as soon as he spotted you walking into his backyard. You looked more gorgeous than anyone should have been allowed to, and caused some sinful thoughts to run through his head. He had to take a moment to compose himself, trying hard not to…well, get hard. You were wearing a cute little pink polka dot two piece, and he couldn’t wait to be alone and rip it off you. The little bow holding it together in the front of your cleavage was practically taunting him; you were like a present waiting to be unwrapped, “you look gorgeous.”
“Hi Stevie,” you smiled softly at your boyfriend, admiring him in his trunks, so much of his warm, golden skin on display. You loved all of his freckles and couldn’t wait to map them all out later with your mouth, “you look good too, handsome.”
He practically melted under your praise as you reached over and took it hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. You were fashionably late - you could thank your coworkers for that - and the last one there. But you were happy to see your friends. You knew that Steve was looking at you expectantly, waiting for you to kiss him, or letting yourself be kissed by him. If he hadn’t been so attuned to you, or paid as close attention as he did, he would have missed the way you looked around nervously.
“Everything alright?” there was a note of concern in his voice as you looked back at him and shook your head, “you seem…”
Off. Different. Not wanting to touch me.
“‘m alright,” you promised and for the briefest of seconds, you reached up and touched his cheek, “do you need a hand with the food or anything?”
“No,” he shook his head lightly, disappointed but also not pushing the fact that you didn’t kiss him, “I’ve got it. Just relax and enjoy yourself, angel. Y-you’re still planning on staying tonight, right?”
“Of course,” you insisted happily, “wouldn’t miss a night with you, my love.”
“Good,” he nodded, almost more to himself than anything. He swallowed the nervous lump in his throat, “I’m glad. I love it when you’re here. I love spending any time with you.”
“Me too,” you smiled sweetly. You grinned when you saw Robin and Nancy excitedly waving you over. You gave Steve a small shrug as if to say what can you do before heading over to him. He’d half expected a kiss but there was no such luck.
A deep, pretty little pout settled on his features as he watched you go. It was not lost on Eddie, who definitely teased him about him for the rest of the afternoon. All he wanted was a little kiss. Was that too much to ask for?!
-─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
And so it continued on, and it almost became normal that you weren’t going to let him be any sort of physically affectionate with you. It was slowly starting to wear on him; he loved you, adored you behind words, but he really just wanted to touch you. It wasn’t even anything inherently sexual, it was the sheer intimacy of being close to you and getting to feel the gentle delicateness of your soft skin on his, or to be blessed with the grace of your lips. 
But now, as the gang hung out at Phyllis’ diner, taking up two booths between you guys and the younger kids. You were next to Steve, as per usual….but you were sitting next to him as one would sit next to a friend, not a lover. You were normally tucked up into his side, thigh pressed against his, hands entwined or your head on his shoulder as you stole sweet, syrupy kisses from each other.
This evening, however, you simply sat next to him, keeping a little bit of distance between your bodies. He didn’t even try to argue or even mention it, instead taking it for what it was. You were spending the night at his place, as you did weekends, and he decided that he was going to ask you about what - or hadn’t - been going on lately. He was your boyfriend, your partner, you should have been able to tell him anything. And clearly right now, there was something going on. Steve was determined to get to the root of it…if nothing else, he wanted to make sure that you were okay. 
-─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Stevie,” you sighed his name softly as you flopped onto his warm, comfy bed. There was a big smile on your face as you stretched out and burrowed your face into his pillow, “this might be my favorite spot in the entire world.”
“You look like you belong there,” he agreed softly as he sat down on the edge of the bed, reaching over and gently tugging on the hem of your dress. You often wore sweet little dresses, and they always managed to drive him crazy. It was something so simple but so innocently sinful, “you do belong there.”
“That’s because I belong to you,” you reached for his hand and gently tugged him towards you. He obliged your silent request, not wasting a moment before crawling next to you, laying down, his head just across the pillow from yours. You couldn’t help but reach over, touching his freckles with the tips of your fingers, “I love you, Steve Harrington.”
His entire being softened, big brown eyes gentle as he watched you. He swallowed thickly before taking your hand and pressing a kiss to your palm. He listened to the way you softly inhaled at the feeling of his lips on your skin. A quiet fell over the two of you, as he ghosted his fingers along your features. 
“Can I ask you something?”
“You can ask me anything,” you giggled lightly, “you’re the only one that gets to ask me anything, my love. What can I do for you?”
“Are we…are we okay?” he whispered so softly that you almost didn’t hear him. A frown tugged down the corners of your mouth as you tried to figure out where he could have gotten the slightest inkling that things weren’t okay.
“Of course we are,” you insisted, nodding your head fervently, “where did you get the idea that we weren’t?”
“I just…things have been different,” he pointed out and Steve could tell by the way your face fell that you knew exactly what he was talking about. You swallowed thickly but shook your head, “you can tell me anything. You know that - anything.”
“Nothing is…” you stopped yourself, unable to lie to him. You shifted so you were sitting up and Steve mirrored your gesture and sat there facing you. You sighed before hanging your head, “it….it was Mike.” 
“Mike?” he repeated in shock as you simply nodded at him, “what the hell did he do?”
“Nothing bad,” you put your hand on his arm and shook your head, trying to dispel any negative thoughts, “back at the fair, he made a few comments about PDA and basically…us. Us being too touchy and feely and open in public. He thought it was gross and I…I dunno it just kind of stuck with me.”
“That’s what…” he couldn’t help the small laugh that bubbled up as he shook his head, somewhere between amusement and annoyance, “you’ve avoided kissing me or letting me touch you in public because of the kid?!”
“When you say it like that…” you met his eye and couldn’t help but laugh too. It hadn’t seemed so irrational and weird at the time. Now it really seemed silly, “it didn’t seem bad at the time!”
“Baby, you’ve been practically killing me,” your boyfriend groaned playfully as you just shrugged sheepishly, “you wouldn’t even let me hold your hand! You denied me my kisses! I thought I might die.”
“Stevie,” you were both laughing now. His large hands found purchase on your waist as he pulled you into his lap. You made a small sound that went straight to his heart as you wrapped your arms around his neck, “you’re so dramatic!”
“Baby, baby, baby,” he pressed his forehead against yours, “tell me it wasn’t hard to keep your hands off me.”
You couldn’t even lie or argue, instead giving in by softly pressing your lips against his. He practically sighed into your touch as he melted, kissing you just as softly and reverently. You pulled back, gently carding a hand through his hair, lightly scratching at his scalp, “it was hard for me too.”
“Then let’s stop,” he suggested coquettishly, “and never not touch each other again. Whaddaya say, angel?”
“Yes,” you laid back against his pillow and pulled him on top of you, “and now, my love, please, please, please touch me. All over, as much as you want, but don’t ever stop.”
“I can do that,” he was practically melting as you stole some soft kisses from him, “I love you so much.”
“I love you, Steve,” you grinned, “now please touch me!”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You were the last to arrive at the game at the Wheelers’ house, having no one to blame but yourself. You’d taken too long getting ready, and lost track of time. But you looked very pretty, thank you very much, so it was all worth it. You let yourself into the Wheeler home, hearing the excited chatter and laughter from your friends. 
“Hello!” you greeted excitedly as you walked inside, met with happy waves…and then almost tackled by your overly enthusiastic boyfriend. He wrapped you up in a tight hug, twirling you around before kissing you softly. You beamed at the boy, wondering why on earth you’d ever willingly rejected this display of affection before.
“My angel,” he whispered against your lips, so soft and gentle, “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too,” you promised, “and it’s only been like…twelve hours.”
“Doesn’t matter,” his hand found the side of your neck, his thumb gently brushing along your soft skin, “I’d miss you even if it was only an hour.”
“Ugh, stop being so perfect,” you playfully groaned. But you meant it - Steve really was a wonderful man, golden hearted and loving and you couldn’t imagine life without him, “if I loved you anymore, I’d probably explode from love and happiness and sweetness.”
���It’s just because I love you,” he pecked your lips before you both heard a loud throat clear from the living room. You pulled apart and turned to find Mike Wheeler standing there and looking between the two of you. He shook his head, but you could see that a small smile was playing on his features. 
“If you lovebirds are done, we’re about to start monopoly!” he motioned with his head for the two of you to join the rest of them. He paused for a moment, “it’s still disgusting! But it’s kind of cute how in love the two of you are.”
And with that, the boy turned around to join the others as you laughed quietly. Steve’s cheeks were a pretty pastel pink as he cleared his throat, “you’re in love with me, huh?”
“Duh, Stevie,” you grinned, “are you in love with me?”
“Duh,” he teased softly as he took your hand in his and you were practically glowing, “more than you’ll ever know, angel.”
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callsign-novara · 8 months
Valeria Garza HC's
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Hii so this is my first post on tumblr, and I know this..probably won't be the the best but we'll see 💋
☆content warnings: violence, foul language, Valeria garza (she needs a warning herself...that I'm gonna ignore.), NSFW, SFW, No use of y/n☆
•When you and Valeria meet she treats you like any other Cartel member, she's cold, tough, ruthless and pushes you to your limits. What truely makes her attracted to you is your willingness to do anything and everything to keep this cartel safe.
•it would take years for Valeria to actually trust you, and even then she would only act like a friend or a lenient boss. She'd let you get away with things she'd normally wouldn't let others get away with. (EX, being late, not doing exactly what she says to a t, bothering her while working, etc)
•Valeria probably has a deep routed homophobia towards herself because of her time in the Army and how she was raised. When she first figures out she's inlove with you, she denies it, ignores it and you, and tries her best to not fall further dor you...but there's something in your eyes, in your devotion to her that makes you impossible to resist.
•she also has misogynistic thoughts towards herself. Because of her time in the Army she doesn't think she could ever be femme and feels that she would be considered weak if she was dem presenting. She's trying to ease those thoughts out by painting her nails.
•When Valeria finally comes to terms that she's inlove with you she'll outright tell you straight up. Demanding, Asking you out directly.
•If you say yes, be prepared to be taken out to the fanciest diner, and being spoiled rotten.
•if you say no, however, well...then they won't find you or your remains.
•It takes her alot of time for her to say 'I love you' but when she does it makes you cry with how domestic it is. You both are sitting on the couch, her arms around you cuddling while watching your favorite TV show and you're starting to fall asleep. She'll smile at you, glad to have someone as loyal and sweet as you and she softly press kisses on your face and she'll whisper an 'I love you' thinking you were asleep.
•Valeria wast keen of giving physical affection until she met you- that's when she started dealing with it, loving it. Her main loge Languages are Gift giving and Acts of service. She loves to give you home made gifts, or pretty expensive thing for you even if you don't ask for it. She also loves making you tea, coffee, fresh juice, smooties and homemade meals for tourists when she knows you had a hard day. She'll massage your shoulders and kiss away your frustrations and give you anything you could ever desire.
•The first time is..unexpected. it's definitely in her office. She'd have a long, frustrating day,, and she'll call you to her office and dismiss her gaurds and men. She'll pull you into her lap and rest her hands on your plush thighs, kissing up your neck. She'll rile you up until you're silently pleading her for more.
*corruption kink to the fullest. You still have your V-card? She'll ruin you for anyone else because you're hers. And her little play thing should only want her, no?
•eats you out like she's a starved voman. Worships you in bed like you worship her in work...unless your bad. The loves wat hing would squirm and cry under her and beg for more and more until it's too much and you beg her to stop and stop.
•has a mommy kink.
•If you're a brat, you're in for a long night. She'll push you to the edge but won't let you finish until your fucked dumb and can only let out sweet broken whimpers of what sounds like her name, and pleas for more.
So this was my first post, I'm sorry if it's not the best! I prefer WLW stories and will mostly be focusing on that on this page but if requested I will do a collective HC where the boys are in it of whatever Fandom requests. Feel free to request some in the comments and I'll ltry my best. ♡♡ thank you all so much for reading if any of you see this!
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planetxiao · 2 years
Can you do Xiao, venti, and scaramouche, x reader who loves holding hands and hugs? Thank you!
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꠵ PAIRINGS; venti ; xiao ; scaramouche/wanderer x reader.
꠵ GENRE; fluff, headcanons.
꠵ NOTES; you’ve picked some of my favorite boys so i got very excited to write this hehe. thank you for the request!!
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You’ve definitely met your match. Venti’s main love language is physical touch so he is usually holding or touching you in some way or another already; it doesn’t matter if you’re in public or not, Venti just wants to have you close. So, for him to gradually discover that you also love having him within your grasp made him all the more head over heels for you.
Venti will never turn down one of your hugs or kisses, no matter the place. Nothing brings him more comfort than having your body heat pressed flush against his. He could write— he has written— ballads about the beautiful beat of your heart; how entrancing you smell; the silk of your skin, just to name a few of his muses.
He finds it absolutely adorable when you link pinkies with him. Sometimes it can feel more intimate than actually taking his hand into yours. It remains a tiny reminder to you both that you’re there with each other in every way the wind blows. It’s often, though, that when you do intertwine your fingers, Venti will raise your knuckles to his lips to place a tender kiss, and then plant a matching one on your lips.
Xiao is foreign to physical intimacy. Many long years of his life driven by a single mission has left him quite starved of touch. That is, until you came along. The first time you had reached for his hand, he felt the air disappear from his lungs. He instinctively moved his hand away, warning you, again, that he could harm you with his touch. You didn’t relent. Instead, you reached again, and this time he allowed you to. It was as if he really, desperately, wanted to be proven wrong. And, he was. You simply smiled at him and uttered comforting words that pulsed in his brain.
From then on, you had always indulged him with your affections. He finds it surprising how you always seem to know what exactly he needs in that moment; even more so, that it happens to be your touch. Having you within his arms removes the weight from his shoulders. He knows he’s able to relax— even just for a moment— when he feels your hand slide into his. He yearns for your touch so much, it is truly the oddest desire he’s felt in his heart.
He is well aware of the way his skin burns from your lingering touch, how his heart stutters when your fingers intertwine with his, the tingling sensation he feels with one of your gentle kisses. He’s unsure how you could make him feel so much; it’s like you’ve somehow bound him to you, wrapping him up in the red thread of fate. But, he revels in your love as if he has found the most bountiful treasures in all of Teyvat. To Xiao, he had.
He likes it more than he cares to admit. Scaramouche’s love and care comes in the form of teasing comments, cocky smirks, and flicks to the forehead; the cards he was dealt in his life didn’t really allow for him to learn the other types of affection. Through time, and through you, he is able to discover them slowly. So, at first, when you hugged him, he stiffened up quite a bit.
He doesn’t turn away your generous affections, but it takes a bit of time for him to reciprocate. Just expect a teasing jab at you from him, it’s how he tries to hide how flustered your touch makes him. Though, he may slip in the whisper of a soft sentiment not meant for you to hear.
Scaramouche is more private with intimacy, so trying to hold his hand or hug him in public may not go the way you hope. However, that is not to say he doesn’t value your tender care for him. Behind closed doors, he relishes in it. As he grows used to it, he’ll melt into your arms so easily. Scaramouche has found a home within your hold, and though he does not voice it, he wouldn’t trade it for any amount of mora or treasure in the world.
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꠵ TAGLIST; @sonder-paradise @snowbits @fiannee
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bleuczennie · 1 year
park jisung scenario bcs im so jisung deprived okay IMAGINE; jisung as the type of boyfriend with physical touch as love language. he loves to kiss you, cheeks, nose, forehead, neck??? name it all! imagine him kissing while sniffing your cheeks because he adores you so much even when you’re just talking about random stuff and his hands??? he always have to touch you; need to feel your presence! so whenever you’re laying and doing nothing, his hands would creep under your boobs or even your boobs?? bcs apparently he also has titties kink!! playing with it and you’re just so used to it bcs what park jisung wants, park jisung gets. okay bye i love him so much your honor 🥹
jisung is soooo the cuddly and clingy type of boyfriend, in the most adorable way. he’s grown so accustomed to your warmth and affection that he needs to be touching you somehow, anyhow to truly feel at peace.
currently he’s got you sat in between his legs, back flushed against his chest as he leans back against the headboard of your very generously sized bed. king sized because, why not? a movie plays softly in the background, randomized banter being shared between the main characters as jisung clutches you impossibly closer. the large air diffuser inaudibly whizzing at the corner of the room, filling the space with a sweet lavender scent as you relax in his embrace.
you go on and on about your busy day working at your new job, munching on a new plate of chocolate covered strawberries that jisung had made for you earlier and de-stressing as his nimble fingers knead your body in various spots. his head is buried in your neck, breathing in your scent in between short nods and responses to your storytelling. he is filled with content, knowing just how much you adore the delectable treat especially when he makes it.
jisung’s large hands continue to rub your stomach, paying extra attention to the little pudge that sits comfortably at the bottom of your abdomen. his other hand travels up under your shirt mischievously, enveloping a free boob securely in the palm of his hand.
this doesn’t really take you by surprise, because you’re well aware of jisung’s little fixation on your breasts. no matter the size, jisung loves them so much and never misses a chance to hold them.
you halt your story anyways, turning your head slightly to playfully glare at him through the corners of your eyes. he raises his head up from your neck and grins at you from ear to ear like a child, planting a big kiss on your cheek. his kiss lingers before he plants another one closer to your ear, trailing kisses higher and higher on your face till he reaches your hair, inhaling a the sweet scent of you before he plants a kiss directly on your hair. you erupt in a fit of giggles, wriggling in his hold as you fight the tickling sensation of his soft lips on your face and his hands on your body.
“continue the story, angel” he murmurs, his deep voice coaxing you to quiet your laughter. you lean back onto his chest, and with a deep breath you fall back into your story. the smile never leaves your lips though, the apples of your cheeks burning from the constant smile that graces your face. you stuff another strawberry in your mouth as jisung’s hands continue it’s ministrations on your body.
you let them rest there like you always do; whatever ji wants, you’re more than willing to let him have.
i hope you like this anonny 💘
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bigolclownman11037 · 7 months
Acht/Dedf1sh X GN!Reader Fluff Alphabet
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Pretty green octopus :D
A - Affection(How Do They Show Affection/Love Language?)
They show their love through quality time and words of affirmations. They love being near you. You both could be doing completely different things in the same room and they would be content. They also love complimenting you and telling you how much you mean to them. They prefer to be shown affection through words of affirmations and acts of service. They love hearing you praise them. They also like when you do things for them, making breakfast, doing their laundry, running a bath for them after a long day. little things like that just make them melt.
B - Beautiful(What Do They Find The Most Beautiful About Their S/O?)
They would admire your intelligence and your strength if your physically strong.
C - Comfort(How Do They Comfort Their S/O?)
Their not that good at comforting with words but they can listen and give advice.
D - Domestic(Do They Like Housework And Being At Home?)
Their fine doing housework. its not something they particularly like or dislike.
E - End(How They End Things With Their S/O?)
They would be quick to end things if they realized it wasnt working out or someone was losing feelings. They would be pretty upset to end things but ultimately know its for the best.
F - Family(Do They Wanna Start A Family With Their S/O?)
They arent big on kids. If you wanted to raise a child with them then they wouldnt mind(and they would also be a pretty good parent) but they would prefer a pet or something easier to take care of.
G - Goofy(How Serious Are They In A Relationship?)
Their pretty chill and laidback with their partner and just in general. They can be serious at times but thats rare.
H - Healthy(How Healthy Is A Relationship With Them?)
Very healthy. Its rare you even have arguments with them. and when you do its small and resolved quickly.
I - Insecurites(What Are They Insecure About In A Relationship?)
I dont think they would have any big insecurites. Like i said, the relationship is really healthy.
J - Jealousy(Do They Get Jealous Easily?)
Not really. They wont get jealous of friends unless its clear that the friend likes you. They also might get upset if someone flirts with you but they know you would never reciprocate.
K - Kisses(Their First Kiss, How They Kiss, How Much They Kiss Their S/O, Anything Kiss Related.)
They love kisses. They adore kissing you everywhere but their favorite place is your forehead. Your first kiss was right after you both confirmed you were dating. They simply couldnt wait any longer to kiss you. Their kisses are soft but passionate. They dont ever wanna stop kissing you!
L - Love(Who Says I Love You First?)
Them. Acht is a very blunt person. If their falling in love with you, they will be quick to say it.
M - Melt(What Does Their S/O Do That Makes Them Melt?)
Being told you love them. They loveee being told how much you love them.
N - Nicknames(Their Nicknames For Their S/O?)
Usually just says your name. They only use pet names when they feel affectionate.
O - Obstacles(How To They React To Obstacles In Your Relationship?)
Their good at handling problems. They will try their best to work through it with you.
P - PDA(Are They Public About Your Love?)
They make it clear your dating, but dont like showing that much affection in public.
Q - Quality Time(How Much Time Do They Spend With Their S/O?)
Like i said, quality time is their main love language. They adore you and want to spend all their freetime with you.
R - Ring(Do They Want To Put A Ring On It?)
After a couple years, maybe. Its not really something they think about until you both talk about it. They wont hesitate to propose if they know you wanna get married.
S - Soft(How Soft And Sweet Are They?)
Their pretty sweet to their partner. They give lots of love.
T - Trust(How Important Is Trust In Your Relationship. How Much Trust Is There?)
They need to trust you a lot to even wanna be your friend. They trust you with everything and that trust is mutual.
U - Upset(What Upsets Them In A Relationship?)
Dishonesty. They want you to know you can tell them anything. Lying to them makes them feel like you dont trust them anymore.
V - Valentine(What Do They Do For Their S/O On Valentines Day?)
They dont do much. They'll get you some gifts and chocolates but not much else. They see valentines day as a pointless holiday tbh.
W - Words(Are They Good At Expressing Themselves Through Words?)
Kinda. Their good at giving compliments and advice but not good at expressing emotions.
X - Xoxo(How Romantic Are They?)
Not the most romantic but they can be sometimes. If you like romantic gestures, they will try and do more for you.
Y - Yawn(How Do They Get When Their Sleepy?)
They get more affectionate than usual. They kiss you a lot normally but now its doubled.
Z - Zwhat The Fuck(I Literally Dont Know Any Words That Start With Z???)
Their favorite fruit is oranges.
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writingmia · 1 year
percy jackson/heroes of olympus love languages headcanons
In honour of the teaser trailer and the show release date, I have relapsed into my Percy Jackson addiction, so here are some of my headcanons for the characters and their love languages.
Authors Note: This are my personal headcanons for my interpretation of the characters, but I'd love to have a discussion if you disagree with me. I have tried my best to avoid putting physical touch as the main love language of any character, not because I find it less valid than others, but because I see a fair amount of mistyping with physical touch, since majority of people in love tends to want to have physical contact with their partner. Finally, these are non-specific, so you can apply them either for ships or as imagines with you and the characters.
English isn't my first language, so please beware.
Warnings: none
Percy Jackson: quality time/words of affirmation Percy's love languages were influenced by Sally Jackson herself, and the way she raised Percy. He didn't get to spend a lot of time with his mother, the one person he cared about the most, for in the first years of his life, so it became natural for him to treasure every second he had with her. This continued on when he found out he was a half-blood, especially with the dangers that come with the job and the constant knowledge that he or the people he cared about might not make it to tomorrow. Spending time with the people he cares about, no matter what they're doing, is one of the main ways he shows his love. Furthermore, he is very vocal with his affection towards his loved ones. He isn't scared to verbalize his appreciation for them, to praise them for their achievements or to verbally reassure them, much like Sally did for him growing up
Leo Valdez: acts of service/gifts When Leo cares about someone, he takes care of them almost subconsciously. He doesn't really think about the fact that he constantly does small things for the people he cares about - it comes naturally. He knows their favourite snacks so he can always have them at hand, he fixes their weapons or devices or whatever needs fixing without them needing to ask. On an equal level with that, he is also constantly making little gifts for his loved ones to make their life easier. A new weapon with the perfect balance for them? He made it immediately after hearing their weapon was causing them issues. He finds out what their favourite flower is? He's giving them a small bouquet of them, made from scrap metal he found lying around and just fiddled with without even thinking about it. He just wants to make the life of the people around him easier and he'll go to great lengths to do that
Annabeth Chase: quality time/acts of service Annabeth is a busy woman. She's always in a rush, always has a project to work on, a duty to fulfill, a place to be and people to please. So the way her loved ones know how much she cares about them is because she manages to find time to spend with them. They might not even be doing anything important, just sitting by the lake or in their cabin, not even speaking to one another, with Annabeth consumed by another project or a book, but she has found the time to go and be with that person. Even more, if she stops something she undoubtedly has to do, just to help out a person she cares about with a task or something else that gives them trouble, that is someone she is ready to die for. If you're anyone else and you try to bother Annabeth Chase, you can bet you'll end with a knife in the throat or, somehow worse, with the worst death glare you have ever experienced
Hazel Levesque: physical touch I find Hazel with a love language physical touch a fascinating concept because of the way she was raised. When she was a child, things were a lot more conservative, so casual touching isn't something that was implemented often. Still to this day, Hazel would sometimes get flustered or uncomfortable by PDA, so the fact that she shows affection to people by finding small reasons to touch them is something so special to me. Whether it would be a pat on the back after a job well done, casually grabbing a person's arm while telling a story to keep them engaged or sitting thigh to thigh when it's not strictly necessary, Hazel would find these little excuses to hold contact with her loved ones for just a bit longer, and while in the beginning she was very unsure of that, with time she had grown more confident and comfortable in showing affection
Those are my headcanons for now. Please feel free to share yours in the comments, I would love a discussion! If you want me to post more headcanons I have for the characters, or if you want me to do the love languages they live to receive, please let me know!
All from me for tonight, - mia
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ivaspinoza · 5 months
Does a writer love to write?
Oh, to be a writer! A poet, an artist. What a blessing — or a curse? I said this before, as a joke, that "writers are cursed to write, no matter what" happens or how long it takes between intervals. Writers will write. They might struggle, mostly inside their own heads, but they will write. And they will feel accomplished for doing that.
During my block time, I used to try and try to write, not because I had to, but because I couldn't help but to keep trying and writing the weirdest words, absolutely nonsense shit — until one day, I went back on track. Not writing was never an option. I tried to give up this, many times when I was at a bad place mentally. I felt that I wasn't a writer because I wasn't writing, but this only led me to this previously shared conclusion I keep as a mantra:
"I do not write because I want to be a writer, I write because I am one."
Some people will lick an artist's shoes and treat them as their saviour. This is the same type of people who might think having a degree makes them automatically smart, that every doctor knows what they are doing, and that artists are somehow a superior class of people. I was talking with my beloved @goodluckclove about it today (the main reason I'm writing this), about how being an Artist, or a Writer, is just another job, like being a Teacher, a Baker, a Parent, a CEO or a Janitor. Some artists will even tell you they had no "talent" at all, they just decided to commit and learn. I can draw and I always tell people that it is pure muscle memory. Just practice. Just commit.
But there is also that sparkle, that inspiration, that epiphany, right? That thing that art causes. What makes some works of art shine and hit you with eternal impact? Just practice? This is a long, deep, crazy, boring, infinite debate, but to me the answer is simple.
It's the soul.
That's why AI will never be able to do it. The soul carries memory, information, patterns, feelings, mysteries, and language (unspoken, holy, different languages, that we don't know much about). Some works are technically fantastic but soulless. Some are full of soul, but lack skill. However, the soul is always a part of it, as it is for a doctor when their soul shakes in grief after putting everything they had in for a 72-hour surgery just to lose their patient. Everything goes through the soul. Have you met a soulless doctor? I have.
What about a teacher helping a student to overcome their difficulties? A mother in a 72-hour labour to deliver her baby, with a father who didn't leave her side? Parents that actually take their time and energy to raise conscious, cared for and loved human beings? When a CEO thinks of what is best for the team, and comes up with a brilliant idea, instead of just caring about money? When a janitor makes a place clean and tidy for others, instead of neglecting it? It is not the job itself that is important, but the motivation, the intention, and the heart behind it. That is what makes it valuable.
Our trades will always affect the ones around us. Human nature is deeply connected to the desire to be useful and serve. Not to be stuck at this point forever, but to me, a big reason for so much pain and depression in the modern world is how self-centred our culture pushes us to be. "All about me"! Too much thinking in your head will make you crazy (I would know). But when we are useful, we find peace and rest from ourselves, we connect, and we are in reality, grounded in the present.
Will you love it every time? Nope. Not naturally. But do we have to hate it?
As an artist, poetess, writer, I can tell you that I didn't always love to do it. Sometimes, it was painful. Sometimes, it brings me physical discomfort or it can be disturbing because of my own limitations and issues — the artist himself is in his work (I will die on this hill, because of the soul). But I don't believe and I won't ever advocate for the tortured artist figure, for the "I hate being a poet", although I can't think I ever got these words from any poet.
"I hate making art!" "I hate my kids!" "I hate to live!"
I think it's time to wake up to the levels of desensitisation we have come to. These contemporary times unfold in absolute glorification of evil as if everything painful and ugly was "more artistic". We don't have to avoid hard themes and make it taboo out of them, but we do need a counterbalance. We also need responsibility and honesty when choosing our themes and our artistic or literary approach. And we do need to stop hating things all the time. We need a mature creative world.
It is easier and faster to break than it is to build. It's easier to hurt than to heal. Look around. We have almost nothing left to "break" at this point. I'm in search of beauty again. Out with lanterns. The beauty in you and in me. Not for the glorification of the artist, or of the art itself, but for the Love that keeps me going, that designed me for a particular job, and that I plan to execute in love.
"Let all you do be done in love", it's written. But because I know Love is not only feeling, even when I don't feel like doing it, I will go back into Love, into humility, and do it to the best of my strength. I will do it so that when I have the opportunity to serve someone by it, they feel love. We put our soul into it, and it's not an aesthetic, not a fancy ethereal trend; there is no need for applause. I will do it like that because in that doing is the reward itself, not in the praise or the prize.
All is vanity. Love is the reward.
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hello-nichya-here · 3 months
I know you've said acts of service/words of affirmation are their love languages, but do you think physical affection would be important for Zucest as well? What about Andy and LeyLey?
Oh sure, both these kids need a hug, we saw how clingy Zuko got with Mai once they were dating, and we know how, ahem, touchy Azula was in the bedroom scene.
But again, because of Ozai, their main of showing love is trying to please the people they care about, and they desperately need to HEAR said people thank them, appreciate what they're doing, and saying the actual words "I love you."
As for Andrew and Ashey, canon itself shows that being physically affectionate is important for them (and not just because the pent up sexual attraction needs a way out, and because it is a way to be possessive over each other, and because Ashley will go nuts over literally any display of affection from Andrew).
They get all up in each other's personal space all the time, Andrew KNOWS he can calm her down just by giving her physical affection and even has the instinct to do so when she's upset, and he even pretends to be having nightmares so he has an excuse to share her bed and cuddle with her. Even in the Decay Route there's A LOT of unnecessary touching, "hugging" and caressing, not to mention them being so close it looks like they're gonna kiss.
But I do think the thing that they both crave the most, especially Ashley, is quality time - which is why the three month quarantine was the WORST thing their mom could have done if she did not want her kids to end up fucking.
Ashley's been neglected to an insane degree, with Andrew, who had to raise himself, being stuck as her parental figure, on top of being her older sibling and her only friend. You can only get Burial Route if you make Ashley embrace the fact that Andrew is her whole world and that she wants him to be her boyfriend.
Even though the quarantine was slowly killing them through starvation, Ashley didn't want to leave - sure, she's frail and in constant agony, but at least she's with Andy and he now has no one but LeyLey. It is her codependent, possessive wet-dream come to life, and she doesn't care that she's literally dying because of it.
Andrew isn't much better either. Sure, he wants to go out of their home, but he doesn't want to split up. He canonically starts missing Ashley after being away from her for just five minutes. We are explicitly told that he doesn't care he'll never see his girlfriend again AND that he wanted her to dress up like Ashley anyway - on the same scene in which she's confronting him about always cancelling on her to go be with his sister.
When he discovers that they accidentally killed Nina, the main concern on his mind is the fact that an innocent girl died because of him, or that he might get sent away to prison or at best some psychiatric hospital. The main thing on his mind is "Guys and girls don't go to the same prison, THEY'RE GONNA TAKE YOU AWAY FROM ME!"
If their mom wanted to get rid of them so bad, she should have just found a way to quarentine them separately. I think a few days, if that, is all it would take for them to go insane and kill themselves.
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Cuddling with Peter B headcanons/ficlet
INFO: sfw, gender neutral reader, this will also probably get corny like the Miguel post on the same topic, implied to be a romantic relationship but could be any close relationship. This is gonna be a Peter B X gender neutral horror movie fan reader. Also I’m not sorry for the mildly cursed screenshot I chose of him for this.
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Peter B. Parker is perhaps the most cuddly man in the multiverse. Fucking loves physical affection (it’s one of his main love languages).
He’s incredibly warm. It’s a comfortable warmth but there’s a lot of it. Am I talking about body warmth or emotional warmth? Yes.
Peter is also absolutely the sort of guy to just plop down on you if you’re laying down, provided you’re not holding anything breakable.
Whether it be a close friendship or a romantic relationship or whatever, Peter would be embarrassed to ask if you could cuddle with him at the beginning of it, but would definitely start asking a lot more once he gets more comfy (like, at least three times a week unless you specifically ask him not to).
Because I forgot to add this with Miguel’s cuddle post, fic is under the cut.
It was a particularly chilly Autumn day, maybe sometime mid to late October. The two of you both had the day off of work, and it was a particularly quiet day for Peter in terms of spider-man stuff. You’d spent the day together doing typical Autumn activities like going to the pumpkin patch and going on hayrides.
Pretty much a perfect Autumn day by all accounts.
You and Peter strolled back in to your shared apartment, both holding a coffee even though it was 6pm. Peter kicked off his shoes at the doorway and you followed suit.
“We should watch TV.” Peter suggested as he hung his coat up on the rack.
“What were you thinking?” You asked. You sat down on the couch as you spoke, and Peter joined you pretty much immediately.
“A scary movie, maybe.” Peter grinned. He switched the TV on and set his coffee on the table in front of you.
“You’ll get scared easily.” You raised your eyebrows in a smile.
“That’s the point of a scary movie.”
“Fair enough. Better than Hallmark, I guess.”
After a few minutes of searching, you and Peter couldn’t find anything on regular TV, so Peter went to Netflix. You quickly found The Ritual, a movie you saw years ago. You’d almost forgotten about it. He clicked on it so confidently, but you knew how scary the movie was.
“You sure? That one is especially scary.” You informed Peter.
“It’ll be fine.” Peter laughed.
“Okay.” You rolled your eyes but you were smiling.
An hour later, Peter was scared out of his mind. Every time something even remotely scary came on screen, he grabbed your shirt in fear. You just sighed and wrapped your arms around him.
“Come here, you dork.” You mumbled as you pulled Peter closer. Immediately, he got a ridiculous smile on his face.
“This is much better.” He said contently, his face pressed up against your chest.
“Did you… put on a horror movie as an excuse to cuddle me?”
“Maybe.” Peter sounded proud of himself. You rolled your eyes and buried your face in his hair.
“You know you could have just asked, right?” You muttered.
“I know, but it’s more fun this way.”
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french-unknown · 1 year
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑: nami 𝐂/𝐖: fluff, domestic 𝐖/𝐂: 2.2k+
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𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐋𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐄𝐓 𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐛𝐲 @𝐭𝐡𝐞-𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭-𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐲𝐞
How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?
She is quite affectionate towards you, especially with physical contact. She enjoys being physically close with you and won't hesitate to show you affection in public, whether by holding your hand, wrapping her arm around yours, or kissing you.
Her main love language remains the giving of gifts of all kinds. She likes to give you physical proof of her love so that you can have tangible objects to remind you how much she cares about you or your times together.
What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?
Don't think she'll have any remorse for scamming you
Navigator by day, image consultant by night
Hope to have spare neurons because punches to the head will rain
You met on Thriller Bark. More precisely, she first met your shadow in the body of one of Doctor Hogback's zombies. Indeed, you were with Laura when she was looking for Nami in order to kill her for having stolen her lover. After many adventures where Nami ended up getting closer to your zombie self and the warthog zombie, you were killed by Absalom. Saddened by your death, she was surprised when, before her departure, she found your human self with the human Laura in the Rolling Pirates crew. Your human self immediately got along as well with the Straw Hat Pirates (and Nami) as your zombie self did, so you left your old crew to go to sea with them.
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SOURCE | IMDb - S1 E339
Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?
She's completely okay with that. However, she still needs her space. She is an independent woman who grew up on her own and who, although she greatly appreciates the cuddles she was deprived of growing up, also likes having her moments alone.
Like a cat, she tolerates you more or less well when you come to her, but it's mainly her who chooses if she's in the mood to receive your attention. So you sometimes find yourself with a cuddly Nami who comes and sits on your lap or, other times, she gives you the cold shoulder because it's not the right moment for her.
Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?
She agrees to settle down but not before fulfilling her dream.
Moreover, rather than settling down with you, it's above all the prospect of creating her own family that makes her dream. Like Bell-mère, she would like to take in orphaned children later in order to raise them like her adoptive mother did. She sincerely wishes to be able to give them as much love and determination as she received when she was younger, with the aim of honoring her mother.
If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?
She wouldn't want to be in the wrong role so she would tend to become horrible to you with the intention that you would be the one to break up with her.
She would forget your birthdays, set you up on dates and never come or she would purposely make you jealous. Her attention to you will become almost zero and, if you try to talk to her about the problem, she will deny it outright. She won't feel particularly proud or ashamed of acting like this, she just doesn't want to be the person who gives you "breakup victim" status at her expense.
How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?
She's okay with that. She loves you and flirting with others is only a means to an end so why not marry you?
However, expect to find her from time to time without her wedding ring on her finger. She will not hesitate to take it off so she can seduce her targets and not let them slip through her fingers just because she is already married.
How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?
Surprisingly, she is one of the least physically gentle of the crew. She's the only one who won't hesitate for a single second to punch you or give you dramatic slaps to make her point. However, these are just one-shots that always have valid justification. 
Emotionally, however, she is one of the nicest. She is very attentive to your feelings and will be very interested in your mental well-being.
Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?
She enjoys hugs when she's in the mood, and it happens very regularly. Her hugs are generally quite light and are mainly used to relax her or just for fun but, if she becomes more melancholy thinking of Bell-mère, Nojiko or Cocoyasi for example, they will be a real source of comfort for her.
Then expect to find yourself with a Nami wrapped around you who will refuse to let go of you until she feels a little better. And that means preventing you from doing your daily tasks.
How fast do they say the L-word?
It takes a while. However, once she really trusts you and feels secure enough in your relationship, she will tell you. Not often, unfortunately, but at key moments.
How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?
She can get jealous quite easily but she won't let you know right away.
If she thinks someone is paying too much attention to you for her liking and you don't seem to be cooling them down quickly, she will first try to take your attention away from them. She will then insert herself into the conversation before offering you to extend it further, just the two of you, by accompanying her to do the first activity that comes to her mind. But, if you don't pick up the signals, goodbye to you because she will become colder than the 5th level of Impel Down. You'll get the cold shoulder for weeks and it's not your excuses that will change much.
What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?
Her favorite place to kiss you is on your cheeks.
Strangely, she enjoys kissing you there when you're already cuddling. You're already in her arms so it's easy for her to bring your face back towards her while placing her lips against your cheek before pulling away and sinking deeper into the hug. This fairly domestic side pleases her quite well.
How are they around children?
She defends children tooth and nail like a mother lioness.
For her family, she will imitate as best she can the behavior that Bell-mère had towards her and Nojiko. She will want to be strong, pass on her values to them (you will not kill, but stealing is okay), and above all, never make them doubt her love. She will protect them with her life if she has to.
How are mornings spent with them?
It's sweet.
She will tend to like to stay in bed with you a little longer to cuddle and go back to sleep, so she prefers that you both sleep in her bed in her room. It's the place where she's most comfortable and, besides, Robin usually gets out as soon as she's awake to leave the room for the two of you to wake up in peace.
How are nights spent with them?
She is relatively quiet apart from a few changes of position during the night. However, she also doesn't snore or move around excessively, so it's okay.
You just have to be careful that she doesn't take up all the space by placing herself in the middle of the bed throughout the night. It sometimes happens to her to monopolize it and end up pushing you towards the edges if she is not in your arms or you in hers.
When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?
At first she wouldn't say anything. You will learn from the Straw Hat Pirates that she had been in Arlong's crew after they took her childhood village and its inhabitants hostage. And also that it was they who had saved her by defeating Arlang and his group. She didn't care if others talked to you about it.
After a certain point though, when she will truly trusts you, she will become an open book. She will tell you about her childhood, her thoughts and her worries. You will become one of her main supports in her life and an attentive ear.
How easily angered are they?
It's not just her attacks that go at lightning speed!
How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?
She is very observant and will always pay close attention to what you say or do.
So, she remembers a lot of facts about you and will be the kind of person who can differentiate all the people in your life before the Straw Hat Pirates and how they would be related to you. At first, it would make you doubt yourself about how much you talk about yourself or if you repeat yourself so that she knows so much but, very quickly, you will realize that it is simply that she puts a point of honor into always knowing more about you.
What is their favorite moment in your relationship?
She was working on a map in the library when she realized that she was almost out of her favorite ink that she used to color her compass rose. She regretted this color, which had become her favorite shade of orange, because it was difficult to find due to the fact that it was made from a crushed root only found at a certain time of the year on a handful of West Blue Islands.
Over the weeks that followed, she could only watch helplessly as her bottle emptied. This shade was not essential and had mostly been a fad of the moment. This time however, she decided to buy some cheap orange ink that she would find on the next island.
But one fine morning, as she sat behind her desk, she saw a new glass jar among the old ones. She recognized her favorite shade at first glance but, not believing her eyes, she dipped her pen in it anyway before drawing a line on a blank sheet of paper. It was the right shade. She then noticed that the gift was accompanied by a little note from you.
Happy, she smiles.
How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?
She love you but, unless you are seriously injured or unable to fight and then she will not hesitate for a second to defend you, otherwise you will be her human shield. She’s not part of the Weakling Trio for nothing!
So she likes it when you protect her during fights or in dangerous situations in general.
How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?
She would make a lot of effort for your relationship whether it be for dates, anniversaries or even gifts. She makes a point of finding objects or activities that you will like or that are best suited to you. She will also make an effort at everyday tasks.
On the other hand, this means that she also expects a lot from you. Don't expect her to accept half-planned dates, anniversaries celebrated at 11:50 p.m., or general and basic gifts. She wants your attentions to be as thorough, incredible and personalized as what she would have done for you.
𝐔 = 𝐔𝐆��𝐘
What would be some bad habits of theirs?
The importance of money in her life is immense. And that’s an understatement!
Where she could be nice in real life, money makes her take on another personality that is much less attractive or pleasant. She will become more opportunistic, shameless, and unpredictable, even if it means embarrassing you. During your adventures, you will see her accepting the stupidest bets just in order to win more money even though you know full well that she has tons of it. You also don't approve of the abusive debt that certain members of the crew have towards her.
And, even though you know she would give her money if it saved one of her friends, you still remain very bothered by this obsession.
How concerned are they with their looks?
The attention she pays to her looks is just insane: she's a fashionista and she doesn't hide it! Each time you arrive on a new island with boutiques, she will take you around them with her—welcome to your role as a mule—in order to find new treasures to expand her wardrobe.
However, when it comes to dressing, only her opinion counts. She always appreciates your compliments on her outfits but they are secondary because she only dresses for her personal happiness.
Would they feel incomplete without you?
No. She will most certainly miss you a lot but she will never feel incomplete because of another human being.
A random headcanon for them
✧ She was walking past a jewelry store one day when she noticed two assorted rings that looked particularly beautiful in the window.
✧ She bought them without even thinking about it and then found herself with the couple's jewelry. She gave you one.
✧ She realized that day that, for some reason unknown even to her, she had a real weakness for couples accessories. She may have liked the fact that you had something in common but she's still not very sure.
What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?
She refuses to be with someone who doesn't care about their appearance. She agrees that not everyone necessarily loves clothes and fashion as much as she does, but she is uncompromising about taking care of their image. There is no way she will be with someone who has poor hygiene, like Zoro, or who doesn't look neat (proper and clean haircut, neat nails, clean clothes without holes in public, etc.).
Another little paradox she has is that she will be very annoyed that you spend money on yourself (food, clothes, fun) but at the same time she will greatly appreciate you spending money on her (dates or gifts). This leads to somewhat awkward situations when you want to surprise her and therefore have to ask her for money before setting foot on land. At the time, you will be treated with a darker look than the Yami Yami no Mi's user (Dark-Dark Fruit) and yet, the moment you surprise her, she will be over the moon.
What is a sleep habits of theirs?
She tends, if you don't cuddle up at night, to gradually settle in the middle of the bed and steal the blanket.
At first, she will go quietly to her side but she will end up falling asleep and therefore moving towards the center of the bed while at the same time pushing you to the end of your side. You had already fallen off the mattress in the middle of the night and woke up, completely disoriented, only to realize that she had stolen the entire place and the duvet.
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @iheartamora @bontensh0e @opchara @idsmash717 @lys-ada @xomingyu @dozcan123 @anotherproblemsos
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Even more Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji headcannons because I can't stop thinking about these characters for two seconds!!!!
- Grell's multilingual (English, Russian, French, Japanese, BSL, and Morse Code)
- William has at the very least a basic understanding of most languages that Grell speaks
- Grell and Ronald talk shit about people in the office and gossip in BSL so most people don't understand what they're saying
- Undertaker visited the Phantomhive manor almost daily before the tragedy. He misses sitting around with his family while watching the twins play
- Two of the lockets on Undertaker's belt are dedicated to Vincent and Rachel
- Lizzy remembers that Undertaker is hers and Ciel's grandfather and she doesn't understand why he pretends to not be related to him
- Lizzy cries a lot at night because she misses how her family was before the tragedy, she's so childish because she misses when she was a child and everything was alright
- Ciel's actually quite close with Finny, as he's his main caretaker when Ciel's having an episode. Finny knows more about Ciel's backstory than any other mortal and Ciel has grown to see Finny as a kind of older brother
-Bard treats the other servants like his children, even though Mey-Rin is old enough to have been his younger sister. Bard finds comfort in the family he has and he loves them all deeply
-Alois made Claude start killing people at the manor so that he could take to Grell more. Over time, she became somewhat of a mother to Alois and visited without him having to kill people to see her. She eventually helped Alois realize that he deserves people around him who care more than Claude and they go on little mother/son dates. The two love their bond because Grell gets the child she's always wanted and Alois gets the parent he's always needed
- Grell occasionally brings Alois to work. William hates this, but he secretly admires how good of a mother Grell is. He sometimes catches himself thinking about raising Alois with her
- Ronald moved in with Grell to spend more time together and they have to constantly dismiss dating rumors
- The reapers all have mourning lockets dedicated to Eric and Alan, none of them have ever really recovered from their deaths
- Grell's family was originally from Russia, that's why she's fluent in Russian, William learned so that he could talk to her properly when Grell first arrived in dispatch
- (Tw) Grell dealt with csa in her time as a human to "fix her". Whenever she has a hard time with her body because of this or dysphoria, Ronald will get William to go with him and help Grell distract herself from the problem or let her cry with someone. Grell always feels a lot better after her crying sessions with them
- Othello has experimented with a lot of things in order to help Grell feminize herself
- Snake gets really insecure about his scales. Whenever Grell is over at the manor, she sneaks off with him to about their struggles with fitting in, the two are actually really close because of their shared experiences with poor treatment from others
- William is really good at baking and often bribes Grell into work with the sweets he makes. He actually gives them to her as a way to show affection, hence why almost everything is heart shaped, Grell's starting to catch on
- William has to be physically forced to stay home when he's sick because he's so dedicated to his work
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lokisprettygirl · 1 year
Lose me to Love you (Loki x Female Reader) (AU) (18+)
Read Chapter 30 here / Series Masterlist
Chapter 31
Summary: Loki and you wants to leave the past behind and move forward but your shared past would never allow you to do that.
Trigger Warning: 18+, Mention of torture and psychological trauma, discussion of mental health, Smutty smut, degradation, unprotected sex, Description of rape and assault, panic attack, violence against women, Extreme dark themes, Sexual abuse, physical abuse, public sex, Rough violent sex, 18+, Steamy stuff, age difference ,Rough language, mention of suicide, talk of virginity and slut shaming, manipulative behaviour, mention of trauma, smut, toxic relationship between main characters. Dark themes, cult stuff
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"Look to the right" you heard the photographer so you tilted your head to the right. Loki was watching your every little move and it made you feel so warm. And wet.
He smiled as your eyes met with him, he knew what he was doing, he knew how he affected you and he still couldn't stop giving you the bedroom eyes.
"Hiii" he heard a woman's voice next to him so he turned his head, she looked around his age and she was checking him out from top to bottom "Do you model?" She asked him so he looked at her curiously.
"If the pay is alright..yes"
"Cool..So you have your portfolio on you?"
"I have a few photos on my phone"
"Great, show me"
"Excuse me!! Who are you?" He raised his brow as he questioned.
"I'm Celia, I work for Suroze agency" She raised her hand forward so he grabbed it to give it a professional handshake. He passed her the phone and she was impressed by the pictures so she asked him for an official meeting and they agreed upon a date.
"Sooo you're her agent if I'm not wrong?" She asked him and he nodded.
"Do you have anything for her?" He asked her.
"Her??? Oh noo, she's not ummm the model type" his jaw clenched immediately as she answered him.
"She's fucking amazing"
"She's your Client ofcourse you're supposed to say it, I get it you know" she chuckled as she winked at him and it only made him angrier. He couldn't bear the smug look on her face. All these years he had tried so hard to never allow anyone to put you down in anyways, whether it was regarding your talent as an actor or your overall looks, you were beautiful but this industry was rottened and unfortunately once in a while he indeed bumped into such people.
"She's good, she knows what she's doing and she does it well"
"Blahhh I'd say she should stick to acting" she smiled at him and it only managed to infuriate him further.
You saw him having a conversation with an attractive modelesque looking blonde but you had no idea what they were talking about. He did seem a little upset though.
"Are you free after this?" She asked him so he snickered, when he moved to LA he was a bit taken by the ladies here, it's not that he didn't fuck people in New York but it didn't happen so quickly there. Some women here seemed too forward and he wasn't in the position to judge them but he was definitely judging this one, he was just pissed at the way she had tried to insult you slyly.
"No I'm going home with …her" he gestured towards you with the tilt of his head.
"Umm you guys?? Woww.. gotta say that's hella unprofessional" she looked at him with a disgusted look on her face.
"So is wanting to fuck the model you were just trying to book for your agency" that was enough to make her upset and she told him that she'd see him at the meeting before she left.
Once you both reached back home you noticed that he seemed a little upset and that was bothering you.
"Something wrong?" You asked him as you took your usual spot which was him on the couch and you on top of his lap. He shook his head at first but after much insistence he told you about the agency and the offer, he also told you the reason why he was in such a sullen mood.
It made you smile for some reason, just him being so upset that some random woman didn't think of you as model material and that it bothered him so much was endearing. If you didn't know him this well you'd grab his cheeks and give it a harsh squeeze.
"You know not everyone has to like me or the way I look right?" Your arms wrapped around his neck and his eyes met with yours.
"Why would anyone not like you?" He asked you and you felt a whirlpool of emotions running through you, he had no idea how sweet he was to you sometimes.
"You didn't like me like up until a few months ago" you chuckled so he cupped your cheeks. You were just joking but it went over his head.
"I have always liked you more than I ever wanted to like you darling" your eyes teared up as he said that so you kissed him softly.
"Was she flirting with you?"
"Maybe yes, maybe not" he smiled
"Well I'll just have to keep an eye on her at the shoot then" he chuckled as you said that.
"You want me to do this?"
"We do need the money daddy" you mumbled amidst the kisses so he hummed before he decided to unveil that he had a joint savings account on both of your names.
"I wasn't planning to tell you this anytime soon but i do have an emergency runaway fund saved for us, in case you ever wanted to just get the fuck out of this city and move to a village or something, far away from here, just me and you" you pulled away to look at him, the money wasn't just for that purpose, he wanted to leave you with something if he was to die for whatever reasons, death was the only thing that could have taken him away from you but he wasn't unprepared for that possibility.
"Maybe someday we can? We have time right?" You asked him so he tucked your hair strands behind the ears, making you relish in the touch then he kissed your forehead.
"We have all the time in the world sweetheart. I'll fulfill all your dreams i promise"
The next day you both met with Celia and she seemed infuriating but you both needed this job. You also met up with Jane and discussed how you both wanted this documentary to be made, you didn't want to put anything out there that you would regret later in life. You wanted to ask her about Thor but it felt weird, she didn't even know that he was Thor or that he suffered the same hell that you both did. She did seem upset though, you couldn't help but wonder if meeting him again resurfaced those old feelings she might have had for him or maybe she never moved on, it's not as if you knew her personally.
You wanted to go see Thor so Loki drove you there and you were met with his smug face but as soon as you mentioned Jane the smugness was gone in a flash.
"You loved her didn't you?" you asked him and he glared at you. Loki just sat down on the couch and watched the interaction occurring between you two, he didn't want to interfere in the matter.
"Love is bullshit"
"That's what Loki used to say too"
Thor looked at Loki as you said that.
"It is not… bullshit" Loki said to him, you could tell he was feeling awkward.
"Well what do you want me to do starling?" Thor crossed his arms as he questioned.
"Just talk to her, maybe she..ummm maybe she's the one for you"
"She doesn't even know who I am"
"That won't matter"
"It will, she'll try to use me for that docu- bullcrap like she's doing with you two" he huffed, he was getting more and more upset with every passing moment.
"You can't be certain of that Thor"
"I do .. I know her, she's all about films and money, how do you think she knew about you y/n? Who do you think told her about you? Ever thought of that?" He raised his voice so you took a step back and Loki immediately got up to grab your hand and pulled you closer to him.
"Lower your voice alright? She's just trying to help.. you told her about her didn't you?"
Loki asked him and your eyes teared up.
"That was…before we.. I can't undo it alright? But she jumped on the chance didn't she? That's what she'd do with me as well, i don't want to spend all my life in a fucking prison"
He turned around and stormed into one of the rooms to calm down. That day when you saw her looking so heartbroken you didn't think she'd ever use him like that if she knew his truth but then you couldn't have been sure.
Loki turned you towards him and cupped your cheeks to make you look at him, his thumbs grazed over your skin gently.
"You okay baby?" He asked you softly so you got on your tiptoes and wrapped your arms around his neck to hug him.
"He can't go on like this forever, he needs someone"
"I know, just give him time okay? I'll go talk to him" You nodded as he said that. He wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you off the floor, it made you giggle in response, the sound warmed his heart. He couldn't even bear the sad look on your face any longer, not even for a second.
He did talk to Thor and was able to convince him to see Jane once and see what she wanted from him, he wanted his brother to take a leap of faith just like he did.
You both stayed there for the night, your body felt so tired from the day so it was easier to fall asleep, however his mind wasn't so kind to him tonight, there were a few things he didn't want to remember in life but once in a while all those memories came back to haunt him.
He was having a nightmare, it was about Jennifer, he was sixteen at the time and so was she, he was supposed to take her virginity before they would sacrifice her, he had no other choice but to do it.
It hurt a lot because she was so innocent, much like you, her mother brought her here, she didn't want to be a part of any of this but she had no choice either. After the sex Odin had asked him to take her to his room and keep her locked in there, they were supposed to sacrifice her the next day.
Loki couldn't have allowed that to happen, at least not on his watch, he heard her sobs all night long so right before the dawn he got her out of the binds and gave her a knife, he asked her to stab him in the back and he gave her the directions to find a way into the city through the woods but she was so young, he didn't even know if she made it out alive. The next day he was punished for being so weak that he couldn't even keep a girl under control, Clint, James and his other puppets looked for her in the woods and James told Odin that he had found her and killed her accidentally because she was struggling so much.
Later that night Loki tried to go find her body in the woods, he wanted to wallow and beg for forgiveness but he didn't find her. Maybe they buried her somewhere else, maybe an animal got to her but he had always blamed himself for allowing her to die.
When he woke up he was drenched in his own sweat, he turned to look at you and you were still asleep so he slowly got out of your embrace and made his way to the bathroom to take a shower, sleep was the last thing on his mind right now.
As he stood under the cold water he tried to calm himself down, just knowing that those monsters who ruined so many lives were still out there made him so angry, a part of him never wanted to face them again, he wanted to stay as far as possible, he wanted to take you somewhere safe but then he knew he'd be looking over his shoulders all his life, wondering when those people would turn up to ruin the life he wanted to build with his sweet girl.
As he came out, you were awake and had the lights turned on, you always awakened whenever you didn't feel him around you. His body was dripping wet and he had a towel wrapped around his waist.
"Why did you shower?"
"Was feeling hot" he answered as he pulled the briefs over his legs.
"Lower the temperature then" you told him and he hummed in response "Nightmare?" He looked at you as you questioned him. He ripped the towel off his waist and walked towards the bed where you were already sitting on the edge so he sat down next to you.
You placed a soft kiss on his shoulder blades before you climbed on top of him.
"I'm here" you whispered in his ears and his hold around your waist tightened. He felt vulnerable and weak, he abhorred feeling that way because it always made him feel unmanly.
You lowered him down on the bed slowly and you could tell he was a bit restricted but for some reason he still allowed you to do it. He didn't deny it or stopped you in any way.
"What are you doing?" He chuckled but his eyes were filled with tears.
"Nothing, I just want to love you"
"You're going to fuck me?" He questioned you immediately as you said that.
"Do you want me to?" You asked while you brought his right hand up and kissed each of the fingertips individually.
"Nooooo" his voice came out in a broken whisper so you looked at him.
"What do you want me to do?" As the tears escaped the corner of his eyes you wiped them away before they could hit the bedsheet underneath him.
"Kiss me" his voice was meek and it hurt you, it hurt to know that he felt so afraid asking for something so pure and innocuous. You leaned down and cupped his cheeks, you gave him a few chaste pecks before your lips planted firmly on his.
"I love youuuuuuu" you whispered against his mouth and it made him moan in response, he sounded so pretty and you wanted to tell him that but you didn't want to push him away, he was trying to allow you to be affectionate with him and you didn't want to do anything that would take it away from him.
"I don't want you to kiss anyone else ever again..I want this all to myself" he mumbled so you pulled away slightly.
"I wasn't going to do it anywayssss"
"You would if you have to..you know..for work" he argued
"I won't..I won't kiss anyone but you" his fingers tucked the strands of hair behind your ears that kept falling on his face.
"I promise"
"Now I feel like a jerk darling"
"You don't have to, I wouldn't want you to kiss anyone else either..it's so intimate and sacred. I wouldn't ever want to share you like that so I'm glad you feel the same way about me" he cupped your cheeks and pulled you closer to kiss you again. Your words made him feel better, just the thought of you being with someone like this made his heart ache, he wanted to be the only one to receive all this affection you had to offer.
You sat up taking him along with you, you held onto him as tightly as you could while you kissed every inch of his face then you moved onto his neck and then his shoulders, your fingers ran over the scars on his back in a gentle manner. Then you slowly laid him down again to worship every inch of him because if anyone deserved to feel that way then it was him. He couldn't help but hum everytime your lips touched a new surface on his skin.
He felt vulnerable and weak but he didn't hate feeling that way, not in that moment, he enjoyed it indeed.
He never thought he'd see a day where he'd have someone love him like this, accept him with all his evil and just be there for him. He never thought that someday he'd be willing to have a woman on top of him love him so tenderly and he definitely didn't think that he'd be so willing to spend a whole night like this without it ending into sex.
He didn't think he was capable of giving or receiving such pure love but yet here he was.
Next day on the way back he really just wanted to get back home with you, he really wanted to give you everything you'd ever need in life but he knew that his past and those evil people would always threaten the paradise he was trying to build with you, his fear solidified as his car broke down in the middle of nowhere, it shouldn't have, he knew it didn't happen naturally.
"Text Steve that we are in danger.. Thor as well" Your eyes teared up as he said that.
"Do it sweetheart.. please" he looked at you, pleading with his eyes so you immediately texted both of them. Once you were done he grabbed your phone and hid it under the seat of the car so at least Steve would be able to trace the location.
His fears weren't baseless because as soon as he stepped out he was shot by two men, you didn't even have the time to blink or process what had just happened.
All you remembered was seeing Odin's face before you blacked out.
@annoyingsweetsstranger @whylokiissocute @loki-s-wife @fraoid3 @siggytumbles @crzyplantladyvibes @stupidthoughtsinwriting @vickie5446 @wheredafandomat @mcufan72 @xxntiimulti @loz-3 @dishahaldar @mcdesij @scram1326 @elthreetimes @army24--7 @sinsandguilt @holotacopeely @blog-the-lilly @disneyismyworldforever @bunny24sstuff @kats72 @somewiseguy @asgardianprincess1050 @multifandom-world8 @loki-laufeyson-1054 @daddylokisqueen @lulubelle814 @huntress-artemiss @itsybitchylittlewitchy @rogerrhqpsody @praq123
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ametrictonofaudacity · 7 months
Yay matchups! So hello I hope you’re doing alright and feel free to take your time on this one :)
So my name is Lune, and please make sure it’s platonic. I’m aroace and agender, I’m 17 turning 18 (in a few weeks actually I’m pretty excited), I enjoy skating gaming drawing and playing piano (I’m trying to learn guitar). I should definitely mention that I’m autistic and have adhd, although you aren’t expected to do too much research for me, just keep in mind when going out or when I’m with too many people I end up being difficult, this also means I’m a little picky with the clothes I buy as the food I eat. As for my personality it really depends on the atmosphere and how long I’ve known someone but naturally when we just meet I’m extremely awkward, I don’t go out of my way to greet or talk to people, I usually hide or talk to anyone else in the room, plus I might find an excuse to leave early because of how low my social battery is. When I’m a little closer I’ll start being physically affectionate, of course if the friend allows it, not too much though, but it’ll still be noticeable. Speaking about physical affection that’s one of my main love languages, I am the type of friend to hug or kiss my friends on the forehead, if they’re comfortable of course! Additionally I tend to stim too much, I have a hard time controlling my vocal chords so I might appear like I’m yelling, and sometimes, if I’m in an extremely good mood, I’ll feel like I’m high off of happiness. I know I’m not high but it’s the best way to put it,y cheeks turn red I get all giddy and giggly, I run around the room, I like touching stuff with textures rub my face on it and spin around, it’s just pure hyperactivity. I already mentioned this but since I have a small social battery I might need a lot of space? Like me time. Otherwise things get too overwhelming and I shut down, I might cry even. Me time can vary depending on how long I’ve spent outside the house, like if I spent a few days with someone 3-4. I probably wouldn’t make any plans for another week and a few days. The last thing I feel like I should mention is im a little sensitive, I might not exactly cry but I’ll get hurt by a lot of things.
If this is important at all, which I doubt, but I’m raised in the Middle East, I speak Arabic and I did immigrate to North America.
Anyway that’s it thank you for your time
Hi!! Sorry this took me so long, I may or may not have gone into a depressive episode lmfao. Also I really like your name! Without further ado, here ya go! I am also autistic and ADHD, so we're twinning lmao
I match you with Clark Kent!
When the two of you meet, admittedly, it's a little awkward. Clark was used to being quiet, unassuming Clark Kent, and as you mentioned, you don't go out of your way to engage with new people. And Clark wouldn't want to pressure you, he can see how uncomfortable you are, and he understands that some people just didn't like strangers, simply because they were strangers.
But then the two of you keep meeting, and gradually, you start growing more comfortable around him. Part of this is due to Bruce, who he had gotten used to stealing away when the other hero got too uncomfortable in a situation, and had unintentionally taught him how to spot when someone's social battery was getting low, even if they were forcing themselves not to show it in any obvious ways. So he would guide you away with a comforting hand on your shoulder, and make quiet excuses for you, saying how he needed you to help him with this or that thing, how he was very sorry but it just couldn't wait. If you needed to be alone, in order to recharge your social battery before the next bit of interaction, he would run interference, making sure you had time to recuperate. Half the time he just sicced Jon on them, because his son would also be very fond of you and look up to you as an older sibling, even if he realizes he's your sibling before Clark realizes he's your Dad.
As for sensory issues and being a picky eater or being picky in regards to clothes, Clark has so much experience in this you have no idea. Even if his own children didn't struggle with textures, which they do with both Conner and Jon being ADHD which they inherited from him, he struggled a lot with textures as a kid himself. Granted, part of it was due to super senses overwhelming him before he had gotten his invulnerability, but still. Sensory overload is hell, and he is aware of it. He goes out of his way to try and memorize what textures you enjoy, and which ones you don't like.
I think the first time he realizes how fond he is of you, and that you are absolutely his kid, is the first time you openly show excitement and enthusiasm in front of him. I could see Conner teaching you guitar, or maybe the two of you playing together with you playing the piano while Conner plays the guitar and this man is just- big feelings. Big feelings he has no idea what to do with because those are his kids and he loves them so much he thinks he might die from how strong it is.
He absolutely gets you blankets with texture you like too, and various stim toys. He may accidentally steal one, though, be warned.
I honestly see him as being the sort of person to try and learn more about where you were raised. Does this mean he will be trying to learn Arabic? Yes. Is he very good at it at first? No. Does he have a best friend who's son is more than willing to insult him if it meant he got better at speaking Arabic? Yes, even if Damian could afford to be a little less mean about it.
Another good thing is that Clark is pretty much the ideal for if you feel you cry or get upset easy. He's able to actually communicate his emotions, unlike some (*cough* Batman *cough*) and he knows how to make himself seem less intimidating.
All in all, cool dad. Even as a platonic yandere, he would be pretty chill, although there's more kidnapping involved
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planet-crait · 1 day
Episode 12!
I’m surprised Hazel reads romance novels given how young she is but the OG show also had romance so I guess it’s inline their (still not a fan of romance for such young kids but whatever) and it seems fishboy from the intro will finally show up!!
Aww they have a book club that’s cute. Lolz oh Hazel i understand the intense need to talk about your favorite things but let your friends be surprised come on!
Wait kids have dances so young? My first dance wasn’t until like middle school. Oh I get why that wouldn’t be fun for Hazel, being the only single person with all your friends being on dates sucks. Most dances me and my friends threw “anti” dances so we just hung out and watched Disney movies lolz. It was great. I am surprised though they didn’t tell Hazel they planned on going it just seemed I don’t know nice to let her know they had dates? Oh poor Kev, what did he do to be rejected so hard. And why would he be Hazels only option?
Oh huh not quite what I expected but makes sense lolz. Oh yeah okay for once they acknowledge Cosmo and Wanda should be hiding but actually have a good explanation for why they don’t. And it makes sense honestly but Hazel don’t tell him he’s a fictional character that might break him.
Uh Cosmo did you eat the bowl? Okay uh moving on. I think it’s cute Kennueth doesn’t understand coming slang it makes sense and is a funny moment. Wait why did he have to go to Fairy world to get an outfit? If they’re just magicing clothes on him. But awww he’s so sweet helping her dance.
Oh no poor Dev. He’s mean but no one deserves to be physically attacked. He’s a kid he says mean things but I wouldn’t want to see him like physically hurt. But why does he think Dev is duck worth? I don’t see the resemblance at all.
Oh that’s kind of cute Devs a fan of the same series Hazel is. Too bad he’s so mean and in denial but maybe this could help start them being kinder to each other? It’s clear Dev wants to be closer with Hazel with how obsessed he can get with her but doesn’t have the tools to like know how to go about befriending someone. Undoubtedly it’s a side affect of how his dad raised him. I know we don’t know yet he treats Dev so poorly but I know so it’s definitely affecting how I’m viewing him.
Lolz even the principle reads it? Not surprising she enjoys the villain most. Theirs nothing wrong with that of course people can freely enjoy the characters they like but this seems like a shorthand to further show how “bad” the principle is because “look she likes the bad guy so that makes her bad”. Liking a character doesn’t mean you condone their actions, their are lots of reasons people like “evil” characters weather it’s you enjoy seeing a person be unapologetically evil or like their backstory or how they got to where they are or think they work as a good foil for the main character. There isn’t a right or wrong way to enjoy a story as long as you aren’t being a jerk to people with what they like about the story.
Uh sorry I’ll get off of my soapbox lolz. Oh Hazel that was kind of mean. I get why she feels the way she does but like your friends wanted to go the the dance and you’re not being a good friend either.
Lolz oh Hazel I feel the pain of a prequel not being made in a language you can’t read lolz. Aww Dev getting all emotional with being forgiven and thinking duckworth would like it oh. (Does this play at all into maybe Dev not feeling loved or cared about by his dad?) oh dang it I want more Dev stuff lolz. I am so impatient.
Awww I like that they all apologized and all realized they made mistakes. It’s good to see when a more complex situation allows everyone to be wrong and not just one person. Wait are they just leaving him there? He literally didn’t do anything wrong.
Oh uh. Huh I thought they were going with the love of friends is just as strong as romantic love but uh I guess not. Poor guy. Oh. Uh. Oh. Well RIP I guess. That got dark fast.
Wait Hazel TODAY was weird but not the day your hair became SENTIENT?? This is too weird for you?? THIS? Like overall given the other episodes this is not nearly as weird as other stuff lolz.
Overall I really enjoyed this episode and didn’t have anything that stuck out to me. The wish and how it came about made sense, the episode was cute. And maybe Hazel and Dev can find common ground? Maybe? Probably not but I can wish lolz.
WAIT WAIT WAIT DO DUCKWORTH AND KENNUETH DATE? THEY SAID TRUE LOVE DO WE HAVE SOME REAL GAY REP HERE?? Okay the wiki doesn’t clear up anything but ima pretend they do lolz.
Onto the next one!!
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