aberrantmind · 2 years
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my god
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non-un-topo · 9 months
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What if... we killed each other and fell in love....... but also we were both trans 😳
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epicqtefail · 3 months
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*covered in blood and dirt* I did my best at drawing in the lovely @autiacorart's gorgeous style!
ever since i saw your Connor with his sparkly eyes and luscious curly hollywood heartthrob forelock, i've had the mightiest urge to have a go at drawing him!! very ambitious of me, but damn, was it a fun (if very difficult lol) challenge :''D
Thank you so much for doing this challenge with me and for sharing your stunning work with this community. Your artistic flexibility knows no bounds with the way you pull on our heartstrings, make us laugh, and awe us with some of the most badass artwork i've ever seen <3 <3 <3
Also, this was me trying to attempt the lineart the first time (had a great time with it though :''D)
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daffi-990 · 2 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday 🏙️
Tagged by @diazsdimples & @tizniz. Make sure to check out what they shared today! (and maybe send James a virtual hug or a stupid punny joke? He’s been sick for 3 weeks and I’m sure he could use some cheering up 😘)
I have been wanting so desperately to write the past few days but a cold has my sinuses putting so much pressure on my head I feel like it’s going to explode, plus it’s school holidays and it’s been raining so I’ve got two very energetic kids with cabin fever running around causing mayhem 😅.
BUT! I did manage to write a little something for LA Lonely so yay (even though it may not be great, at least it’s words)
Pre snippet here
Buck is woken up by the shrill sound of a phone ringing. The bed jostles, Buck letting out an annoyed grumble as the warm body that is wrapped around him disappears. There is a kiss pressed to his naked shoulder, a whispered apology and then the rustling of the blankets as the person leaves the bed, answering the phone with a quiet hello.
Rolling over to check the time, Buck’s surprised to see that it’s almost 9. Usually his body clock wakes him up at 7am everyday, whether he stayed up late or not, so sleep-ins are a rare thing. He rolls onto his back, groaning as he stretches his arms up above his head. There’s a slight ache in his ass but it’s a reminder of the fantastic sex he had last night and honestly, Buck doesn’t mind the discomfort.
He hears footsteps on the stairs, the wood creaking slightly and then the most attractive man Buck has ever laid eyes on is standing at the foot of his bed wearing nothing but underwear and a soft apologetic smile that has Buck’s tummy swooping.
The man’s name is Eddie, Buck remembers. And remember he should because he was moaning it loud enough last night.
Eddie has a phone pressed between his ear and shoulder as he picks up his jeans and begins to awkwardly shimmy them up his legs. “I told you, I overslept. But I’m getting ready now and can be there in —” he looks down at his wrist and frowns, his eyes sweeping over the discarded clothes on the floor before zeroing in on Buck’s second nightstand where a clunky watch sits. Eddie grabs the watch, quickly checking the time before he begins strapping it on. “I can be there in 20 minutes, 15 if the traffic is good.”
Buck feels a pang in his chest and then instantly chastises himself. This was just another hookup, a one night stand —nothing more than that. He was foolish to think that what he felt last night with Eddie was anything real. It was just the hormones.
Eddie may have stayed, but that was probably because he was hoping to get lucky again this morning. Or like Buck, he slept in and didn’t get a chance to sneak out before Buck woke up.
No pressure tagging: @hippolotamus @puppyboybuckley @spotsandsocks @lover-of-mine @loserdiaz @wikiangela @athenagranted @thewolvesof1998 @exhuastedpigeon @monsterrae1 @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @evanbegins @goforkinard @rainbow-nerdss @theotherbuckley @try-set-me-on-fire @dangerpronebuddie @disasterbuckdiaz @devirnis @donationwayne @shitouttabuck @sunshinediaz @princessfbi @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @fortheloveofbuddie @giddyupbuck @homerforsure @hoodie-buck @honestlydarkprincess @jesuisici33 @king-buckley @captain-hen @bekkachaos @bigfootsmom @ladydorian05 @nmcggg @mellaithwen @missmagooglie and as always, anyone else who wants to share something -> consider this your official tag
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beefcakekinard · 19 days
much has been made about tommy seeing buck in an apron, cooking together, etc BUT have we considered the possibility that buck goes full clipboard while he's cooking? i think he'd be the type of person with rigorous mise en place, who will put you to chopping vegetables if you ask to help but relentlessly criticize your knife skills, who will kill you for sticking your finger in the bowl to grab a taste of what's being made... all of which tommy regards with a loving mix of annoyance and endearment
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quinn-pop · 2 months
yet another oc that only exists because i wanted to write something very specific
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(middle is a little older, hence her scar healing. i like to think she gets a glass eye at some point)
anyway this is mira! (they/she) since that wip is almost 20k words and counting i won’t give away too much but long story short she’s the result of meta going “one last time, i promise” and adopting yet another kid
also galaxia kinda indirectly picked the name :)
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i’ve mentioned before that i headcanon that pretty much all astrals are autistic and this is just kinda an extension of that. whereas meta tends to suppress his emotions and conform to others, mira…doesn’t. she gets uncomfortable and upset and lashes out at people easily, and working through their emotions is no small task.
the main reason i chose to write them that way was for the sake of narrative but i’ve grown attached to it because there’s a lot of ideas there i’d like to explore. stuff about navigating emotions and relationships when existing is so suffocatingly uncomfortable. it’s not something i could center around Kirby himself, but i think it makes sense with a post character development meta knight.
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they are very loved (omg oldee cameo???)
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kirby was definitely very excited to have younger siblings after being used to being the youngest in the room for so long!! (with the like. one and only exception being gooey.) he’s super affectionate with both of them and wants to have a close relationship one day, but for now mira is pretty unappreciative of that fact lol. they don’t like being pestered for hugs
everyone else is okay tho
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(i know that’s hard to read. oops. “obvious bite marks”. siblings being siblings.)
mira also has a very love/hate relationship with the egg kid, being so close in age they kinda Have to get along but in typical sibling nature they also fight a lot. sure it’s probably rough for a while but i think in the end they’d be good buddies. maybe not as close as Kirby and Bandee but still.
anyway i have a lot of thoughts and am very busy but. i’m really enjoying writing about all this lately it’s been fun ^^
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ywpd-translations · 8 months
Ride 745: At the window seat
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Pag 1
1: The last
2 / 3: 200m!!
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Pag 2
1: 150m!!
2: Sugimoto is still ahead!! Danchiku is behind!!
6: There are
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Pag 3
1: 100m left!!
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Pag 4
1: Issa.... are you watching, Issa
2: I've always been timid
3: I always pushed your back with all my strength
4: And then watched you being all frolic
5: I was satisfied
Piece of cake!
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Pag 5
1: When I was little, during school trips, on the bus
2: I won the window sit
I got it!!
3: I enjoyed looking at how the scenery changed outside the window
Oh, there are cows!!
4: The window seat is super nice!
But I was pushed by my friend
Neh, Danchiku, let's swap seats! Come on, Danchiku
6: Okay
I gave up my seat
7: In the end
Amazing! What's that tower?
8: our seats stayed like the whole time
9: People also often cut the line in front of me
Sorry, Danchiku!
No, but the line....
Ah, you're so nice, Danchiku, so nice!!
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Pag 6
1: After that, the girls scolded me, too
You're too nice, Danchiku!
Yes, yes
At times like that, you need to flat-out reject them!
Yeah, you're a guy after all
Yeah... you're right... indeed....
2: It bothers us, you know
Is it... my fault...?
3: Is it me....
4: I also yielded with bicycles
Move, slowpoke!!
5: “Move”.....
Ye... yes
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Pag 7
1: If you don't want to win, then don't run in races!!
3: Riding was fun, so I started running with bikes, but
4: Indeed....
Want to win.... huh
5: I'm nervous....
I was even late for the start the other day
And I couldn't move forward.....
6: I guess I'll cancel my entry on the next race, then....
I thought I should stop
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Pag 8
1: Oi, you
2: At that time....
Ah- ah
My bad....
3: I was thinking while walking... and since the street is narrow
You want me to give way!?
4: Even though I was just walking on the side of the road
5: No
6: You don't have to give up anything
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Pag 9
1: Huh
2: You said “my bad”, but you're not at fault
3: I heard there's a guy who goes to the same school as me and who ride bicycles
A guy who runs seriously and practices properly!!
4: I'm looking for that guy
Looking for....
5: He called out to me so self-importantly
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Pag 10
1: That guy was Kaburagi Issa!!
Team up with me, and let's become the best in Japan!!
2: The strongest local club team here is called “Team SS”
First, let's join it and train!!
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Pag 11
1: That guy was saying things that made no sense, but he had said the two things I wanted to hear the most at that time
2: “You don't have to give up anything”....
“You're not at fault”......
3: So, too suddenly and without really understanding, I said yes
Huh.... yes
Alright, it's decided
4: Danchiku!? It's an unusual name, and that's important!!
It's important?
'cause it sounds kinda cool!!
5: I still think it wasn't a mistake
What a weird guy....
6: Because Issa never stole my window seat
7: And didn't cut the line in front of me
Waa Danchiku, I'm so behind you!
Lucky you, dammit
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Pag 12
1: And with an overwhelming accuracy, he gave me instructions to move forward!!
Here, Danchiku, move forward!!
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Pag 13
1: It's SS!!
Kaburagi from SS is jumping forward!!
Danchiku is pulling him, that's bad!!
2: Let's win this race!!
5: That's why I always dreamed of making you “frolic”
6: I pulled you, and you took the finish line
7: That was enough for me
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Pag 14
1: But then, after he joined Sohoku, Issa started to say those things
2: Now!! You're next!! Get stronger!!
3: I had no confidence
….. yeah
I wasn't selected for the Inter High during our first year
4: And even when I was chosen for the “Minegayama” race during fall
5: Don't worry, you can win
6: Even though Issa cheered for me, I doubted myself
7: Practiced hard, I ran on Minegayama, and somehow I won
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Pag 15
1: But right after that, my condition got bad
3: As expected..... right....
Alone, I convinced myself I didn't have what it takes
4: I didn't rely on my heart
It was probably small enough to fit in the palm of my hand
5: I read so many books, trying to make it bigger
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Pag 16
1: You can do it, don't worry, you have me with you
I can't wait for the Inter High...!!
You're making so many grains of rice fly around
2: Hahaha
3: When the training camp started, Touji-san gave me a new bike
4: And I became your buddy
5: There's something I noticed
Let's make a special technique
You can do it now!!
7: Ah....
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Pag 17
1: I remember something I read in a book
2: “Four things necessary for a person who wants to build up self-confidence”
3: “Find the amazing within you”
“Praise yourself for it”
“Don't deny it”
“Keep polishing it”
4: These are ideals... there's no way anyone can do it
6: I want to meet someone like that, bring them to me...
I thought so, and so that time I put down the book
7: But
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Pag 18
1: He was there, right in front of my eyes!!
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Pag 19
1: It's been right in front of my eyes the whole time!!
2: The guy who finds the “amazing” in himself, who praises himself for it, and never denies it!!
3: I realized I've been with him for many years!!
4: So I feel like I'm starting to see the process to gain confidence in myself, Issa!!
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Pag 20
1: Please look at me, Issa
I'll go to the Inter High!!
2: To prove that my heart is getting bigger, little by little
3: And to make you, who believed in me, even more frolic!!
5: Danchiku is shouting!!
6: He accelerated again!!
7: I'll become much stronger!!
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Pag 21
1: Garuaaa!!
2: 50m left!!
They're neck and neck!!
(Thank you @monkeyingaround for beta-ing this chapter!! <33)
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queerofthedagger · 1 year
Seeing good writers like you talk about that you hate your writing makes me feel awful ngl
Oof anon, you've got a lot to unpack there and while I'm generally going to assume good faith here, Imma start this off by saying that this is my blog, and you're very welcome (genuinely, not meant as snark) to block tags or unfollow me if things I say upset you this much.
Because the thing is, me whining in tags will not tell you the full story, and it's mostly for my own sake, and cuts the whole matter much shorter than it actually is. When I say "good god I hate everything I'm currently writing," I don't actually mean that my writing objectively sucks.
I know, rationally, that it doesn't. I know that I have a lot of room to grow and get better, but I also know that I've already learnt a lot and that I'm overall a decent writer. I know all that.
Writer's block is a little bitch, though. When I say 'God, I hate everything I'm currently writing,' what I actually mean is: my mental health has been a bitch and makes me struggle. Or, imposter syndrome is kicking my ass. Or, I'm stressed in X other areas of my life and it manifests in being too harsh on myself. Or, I'm currently about to make some developmental progress-jump in my writing skills, but I'm not quite there yet, so I can kind of see what I'd like to do better but can't quite execute it yet. Which are only the most likely four options, not accounting for various other things my brain gremlins could be doing. None of those are like, things I'll put in a tag ramble when I'm basically whining to myself because like, I know what I mean, and also, as much as I rationally know my writing isn't actually shit, sometimes it helps to be a dramatic lil bitch fainting over my couch about it until I get fed up with my own dramatics.
It's not a qualitative statement. But also, that aside, if I may give you one single piece of advice amongst all this navel-gazing: the best thing, and i mean the absolute best thing, you can do for yourself if you want to not hate your writing? Stop comparing yourself to other writers. I know that gets thrown around a lot, and I know it sounds so much easier than it is, but it also really is the only way to stop tearing yourself apart constantly (instead of, you know, every once in a while due to aforementioned possible other reasons). Like, ultimately, the only way to become better is to keep writing. It's never a completed process either. It's kind of nice, actually, even if it's also annoying as all fuck every once in a while.
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theoscout · 8 months
🧱you can already walk for hours without getting tired!
🧱what else are you going to fucking spend your time doing? :D walking????
🧱you're so disconnected from reality that you aren't even bothered when reality STARTS BREAKING! :D
🧱run in ONE DIRECTION forever and get to act out ALL YOUR WILDEST DAYDREAMS without EVER needing to pace in circles!
🧱an IMMERSIVE but NON DISTRACTING environment that you can improvise your daydream around!
🧱no one will hear you scream :)
🧱or laugh. or shout. or whisper. or sing. or any other noise that you want to make when you're dreaming
🧱no one's around to distract you from the longest dreams you'll ever have
🧱sure there's entities to worry about but who cares, AT LEAST THEY CAN BE SOLVED BY RUNNING AWAY!! unlike your dwindling life :)
🧱open spaces!! empty spaces!!! run around fast and don't wave between furniture!! there is no furniture!!!!!! you are free to go where you want!
🧱'you are alone' is a thing that you'll be happy aboutttt
🧱if you're an introvert you'd be fucking UNSTOPPABLE
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blee-bleep · 10 months
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so what if i go insane and draw diakko as these panels
#so like we know how akko probably has low self-esteem post chariot reveal right#like she went all this way only to find out everything she knew was a fraud#but still powers thru lona and sorta has semi-self deprecating thoughts like kana has occasionally#diana doesnt comfort her and they get into a fight and it turns into this#*twirls hair* so like i just wanna make them suffer~#diana is so hellbent on repressing her feelings that inadvertently plummets akko's own self esteem#but akko's own source of comfort of self is that diana considers her a friend and rival but then diana avoids her and starts dating andrew#and akko's own sense of self gets WORSE and she doesnt find much to comfort#knowing it was all for naught because what she thought she had in her was just stolen long ago#like sure she saved magic and all but like it was surely traumatic for her#so wants something to confide in that no it wasnt a mistake#BUT THEN DIANA just doesnt interact with her anymore#and she tries her hardest to befriend her again after their rocky start and thought diana would be ok but then#uh oh diana catches feelings and stays away and akko's heart just breaks when diana does anything and everything to avoid her#akko after diana pushes her to the ground: do you... really hate me that much?#“youre right im still so stupid diana im sorry i wont talk to you again”#and diana just sits there in the rain like shinji on the chair LOL#diakko#aqukana#lwa#onk#little witch academia#oshi no ko#diana cavendish#akko kagari#hoshino aqua#arima kana#*eats this panels like peter eating burger meme* exquisite angst *gets food poisoning*
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jasontoddenthusiastt · 5 months
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The New Titans #55 (1989)
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Batman (2010-) #641
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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016-) #6
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Batman and Red Hood (2011-) #20
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Batman (2016-) #138
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They sure do bAT&Tman. They sure as hell do.
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Yet Jason never thought this way about you.
#Don’t you dare kill them with a simple headshot Jason! I have to keep them alive so I can torment them until they wished they were dead#they’ll never use their hands again. this is the superior way#and you should follow in my footsteps as any self-respecting non-criminal vigilante would in order to keep your conscience squeaky clean#also how dare you not be more understanding of the fact that I completely betrayed your trust#and threw your unhealable trauma in your face and shamelessly admitted to it#after I slit your throat in front of the murderer responsible for that same trauma while he laughed in your face a few years back#god you are a terrible son u are so selfish everything I ever said about you while u were dead was true ur being such a burden rn#also I just love how in batman 640 Bruce was going around interrogating Ollie and Clark (ppl who died + came back)#to find a *~rational~* explanation for how Jason was even here#instead of yk. just being glad your child is alive#and when Damian died he does all this shit to Jason to figure *how to* bring Dami back#after he burned his artwork the same way he emptied out Jason’s room#god you flaming turd of a father never change#the fact that lobdell boiled down Jason’s reasoning to ‘he’s the bad guy and you’re the good guy Jason’#already shows we’re starting off on the wrong foot but#Jason coming back to Bruce in every new comic and saying the same ‘I tried it your way. or sucks’ thing is so silly because#it*#he already learned that decades ago#all the way back in batman 424 lol#you’re just. making him. look like an idiot. but yk what maybe that’s still better than the self-deprecating diversion bs#that’s actually convincing more people ‘yay Jason want redemption this is revolutionary & has definitely never been done a billion times b4#and is a step in the *right* direction’#my post
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turtlecleric · 1 month
Hey cleric? Random ahh thought but you got recommended to me
What should I expect?
Hello dear! Oh. Ummmm.
1) Being insane about Symphony. I'm deeply, deeply unwell over it.
2) Very short fics (if you'd even call them that) and imagines that sometimes occur multiple times a day but more often are very spread out
3) A fair amount of dark (?) content, including non con/dub con, somno, yandere behavior, and anything and everything angsty (mind the warnings, tread carefully)
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voidscreamns · 1 year
#i dont think i’ve talked my nonverbal!Diluc hc on here yet#but i keep seeing posts abt disability/chronjcally ill/neurodivergent hcs for genshin characters so here’s one from me#idk i feel like after That Night™️ and being on the run from the Fatui/working with a secret organization#diluc not just learns the ‘value’ of keeping secrets and staying quiet but also internalizes his guilt and trauma of saying smth that could#hurt people#it started with him telling Kaeya that he’s not a Ragnvindr anymore and then is exacerbated by his 3-4 Year Fatui Murder Rampage thru Teyvat#and with all ghat trauma and self-deprecation and paranoia he just. stops talking.#he picks up sign language in Fontaine and still writes but at some point he just stops talking and never speaks again#when he comes back to Mondstadt it was hard to adjust to for both him and the people around him#Kaeya initially assumes that Diluc just refuses to talk to him until he later hears gossip abt how no one has ever heard him speak since he#came back. he goes to Adelinde and/or Elzer abt it and they tell him that they neve even hear Diluc so much as hum or grunt#afterwards everyone changes up real fast— Kaeya and Venti drinking at the bar and seemingly just talking at Diluc but they’re always#observing his reactions and body language even when they’re drunk#Jean tries her best to be patient but she has a hard time reading him bc he’s changed so much in the time he’s been gone#Adelinde & Elzer and the winery staff are the most communicative he’s with— Diluc is far more likely to write with them to communicate#at some point Diluc has a business meeting with some rich dude from Fontaine or smth#Kaeya walks in bc he has an actual important mission thinf to discuss and he sees Diluc and this Fontaine dude and the dude’s wife#moving their hands so fast and with all kinds of gestured and stuff#and it’s the first time Kaeya sees Diluc look so EXPRESSIVE— he’s frowning and raising his eyebrows and mouthing words and all this#and Kaeya just goes ‘what’#turns out the Fontainian dude is deaf and both him and his hearing wife know sign; she helps interpret this to kaeya for the dude and Diluc#and Kaeya is like ‘oh okay’ and goes to the kitchen like ‘i’ll just wait here till yall are finished’#and he sees Adelinde and Elzer there with stoic faces and they just. stand there in quiet for so long.#Kaeya finally says ‘…..so. sign language huh’ and Adelinde and Elzer have the most pained looks on their faces#later that week Diluc finds like everyone around suddenly doing basic signs with him#he later learns that the winery has ordered a shitton of signing books from Fontaine and are trying to learn#+ Kaeya and Jean too with help from Lisa bc like dont you know learning several languages is a requirement for graduation from the Akademiya#soon the use of sign starts spreading in Mondstadt— there might be some small communities where they have their own native sign but it’s not#as standardized nor widely known as it is in Fontaine#this is getting really long so I’ll stop here but yeah. nonverbal Diluc who signs fjskdjs
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ratguy-nico · 26 days
My first commission is officially over, I should open a champagne but I don't drink so this will have to do
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nicoscheer · 7 months
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Do you want to discover what bands @mileskane listens to while ironing his shirts? Then listen to this episode of the music podcast @kendedital with the nicest and funniest guy in the music business!
We had a blast! 🫶🏽
"I'm willing to play anywhere. Even now, if I were offered a gig at the pub across the street, l'd take it. I simply love playing. If you asked, I'd play right this moment. I just love playing, I'm not arsed. It's what it's all about." X
Miles when being asked about AM’s new sound:
mk: "you gotta respect it, you know, like, that's me bro, i'm always gonna have his back, you know what i mean? yeah and i respect for a big band to follow their gut. that's what al does and you gotta respect it whether you like it or not. it's kind of what all great artists do."
interviewer: "like it's cool that you kinda... you want to fucking do it so you do
mk: "yeah, man, that's me boy. if he wants to sing french or sing nigerian, i'm gonna have his back, you know what i mean?"
🫶🏽🫶🏽🥹🥹🥺my boys
Like I hate it that he’s always asked bout AM and TLSP cause he’s promotion his solo tour but this is 😘
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So you’re telling me they are literally promoting Miles and Liam djing with a Tlsp pic 😭😭🫠🥺
Imagine if Alex were you just casually show up behind that DJ booth
with his bosom friend Alex Turner
At Crammerock we saw him strolling backstage. We decided to put on our naughty shoes and ask him. He turned out to be very amable and he was immediately enthusiastic about our concept,
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So, you set out on your own
You shut up shop, you're leavin' home
You feel no need to settle down
In the crippled crook of your earth bound town
And you've been down this road before
Which is not to say you're bored
Or that you shouldn't want for more
It's just your expectations should be lower
There must be somethin' more than this
More than ideal homes or domestic bliss
What is there left for you to do
'Cause you've seen the future and it's nothin' new
And you've been down this road before
Which is not to say you're bored
Or that you shouldn't want for more
It's just your expectations should be lower, should be lower
And you've been down this road before
Which is not to say you're bored
Or that you shouldn't want for more
It's just your expectations should be lower, should be lower
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Apparently wasn’t happy with the text placement so had to repost it 🤣🤣🥹
His eyebrow slit and bear looking fucking clean
Also I hate everybody who lives close to Gent or Sheffield
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Miles last night with chef Tom brown and Jay Forrester at the opening of Tom’s new oyster bar (pearly queen shoreditch/ where Tom and friends repeatedly posted that the logo outside is the new bat signal 🤨y’know like miles guitarist said that the mirrorball is their bat signal) (also the fact that Tom reposted the pic of them via puppetspaces ig)
The pictures of Miles with Tom and Jay
So proud of him selling out within less than two hours
Miles helping Tom with taste testing
I love that as soon Chef Tom Brown is involved everybody starts using Miles’ music; here a custom knife made for TB using troubled son
A nice recap of the opening night, the way Miles disappears in that hug with Tom is 🥹🥹🥹
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locallygrowndaikon · 16 days
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Did I draw them right? This is how the story went, right?
(just started reading today, on like... chapter 11 or smth)
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