#I am a few points away from a vacation at the hotel
m1ckeyb3rry · 4 months
hi mira can i pls req a sae x reader and it’s like falling in love with someone. like you know that feeling when you’re really getting to know someone and it sounds like a soft song
i love uu take care x
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Synopsis: Thanks to a chance encounter on the beach, you spend your vacation trying to apologize to the famous soccer player you inadvertently offended. Unfortunately, Sae Itoshi has other plans.
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Event Masterlist
Pairing: Sae x Reader
Chapter Word Count: 11.6k
Content Warnings: love at first sight, fluff, humor, teasing as a love language, sae does not understand emotions or relationships but he’s rich asf, reader has a little brother and loves eating, meet-cutes, summer romance, SEAGULLS
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A/N: although sae is a difficult character for me to get a hold of, i ended up having fun with this LMAO as i’m sure you can tell by the massive word count 😭 i hope he’s not horribly ooc or anything and that this is kind of what you were looking for anon!! tysm for requesting and ily too <3
Additional: part of my 500 follower event! see the event description and rules to make a request of your own.
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You tried to evaluate the series of choices you had made which had led to you lying atop a boy with green eyes and sand smeared across his cheeks, a blank expression on his face despite the way you were literally sprawled over him.
First: your family had decided to spend your summer vacation in Spain. This was innocuous and broad enough, considering how large the country was, so you concluded that your brother’s desire to practice his rudimentary Spanish in a more realistic setting than his high school classroom could not be blamed for your plight.
Second: your father had gotten a great deal on rooms in a luxury beachfront hotel. He was like a bloodhound when it came to haggling and discounts, so it wasn’t a surprise that you were staying in such a nice place for a relatively cheap price — and with a complimentary breakfast every morning, too! Anyways, the hotel had its own private pool that you could’ve been lounging around beside, so that probably wasn’t the cause, either.
Third: your mother had told you that the beach within walking distance of the hotel was famous for its smooth waters and pale sand. You had to visit at least once, according to her and every other travel guide written about the region, but since no one had wanted to go with you, you had decided to go alone, bringing a book, a bottle of sunscreen, and a blanket with you, throwing a dress on over your swimsuit and preparing yourself to spend the entire day soaking in the sun’s rays. This was definitely a contributor to your current predicament, although considering the miles of beach that stretched out in both directions as far as the eye could see where you could’ve been instead of right there, it wasn’t the sole factor.
Fourth: you had thought you would get hungry at some point and had had the foresight to bring a sandwich with you. That was definitely the reason. If only you hadn’t been so concerned with your stomach! If only you had just sucked it up and made the trek back to the hotel upon feeling peckish instead of being so lazy and planning ahead, you wouldn’t be in this situation.
“Can you get off of me?” the boy groaned.
“I am so sorry!” you said, scrambling to your feet and offering him your hand. He did not take it, standing on his own and doing his best to wipe the sand from his face. Then he shook his head like a dog, shaking out the grittiness from his soft hair. “I’m really sorry. I was just running so fast, and I was so worried about my sandwich that I didn’t notice you were there until it was too late!”
“Sandwich?” he said. A few paces away, a seagull landed, the remnants of your lunch held in its beak. You and the boy watched as it tilted its head back, swallowing the last few bites before cawing at you in satisfaction.
“You pig!” you shouted, pointing at it, the boy beside you temporarily forgotten as you fumed over the loss. It cocked its head at you. “That was mine!”
“Ah,” the boy said. “Your sandwich.”
The seagull hopped towards you, like it was teasing you or something, and you screeched before diving at it. Satisfied with the mischief it had caused and the food it had stolen, as well as with making a fool out of you, the seagull took wing, flying well out of reach and leaving you facedown on the ground, your stomach grumbling sadly and emptily.
A foot nudged against your rib cage. “Hey. Sandwich girl. You’re not concussed, are you?”
Being referred to as sandwich girl was so humiliating that you were instantly pushing yourself into a sitting position, folding your arms across your chest as you gazed up at the boy, who still wore that same unimpressed expression from when you had barreled into him.
“No,” you said.
“That’s great,” he said, though he did not sound particularly concerned nor relieved. “Mind elaborating a bit more on why you ran me over? You could’ve seriously injured me, and then you would’ve been in a bunch of trouble.”
“You would’ve been in a bunch of trouble,” you mocked, making your voice high and smarmy. “Jeez, what are you, some kind of celebrity or something? I ran you over because I was taking a break from reading my book, and I realized that I was hungry. Well, luckily, I had brought a sandwich along with me, so it wasn’t a huge deal. I was just about ready to dig in, when that fat pig of a bird swooped down and stole it right out of my hands! The gall! The shamelessness! It was definitely laughing at me, and I can’t stand anyone who laughs at me, so naturally I took off in pursuit, and, uh, that’s how I ended up crashing into you. Though you really should’ve been paying more attention, too. What’s so fascinating about the horizon that you just blocked out the rest of the world for it?”
“I like looking at the ocean,” he said. “But, wait. What do you mean, some kind of celebrity? Don’t you know who I am?”
You gave him a once-over. He was tall, though not impressively so, and definitely well-muscled. His hair was a warm shade, and his green eyes were framed with long eyelashes that fluttered every time he blinked. A pair of sunglasses was perched atop the crown of his head, and the top few buttons of his white shirt were undone, lending him a breezy appearance.
“You’re not handsome enough to be an actor, so that can’t be it,” you said, chewing on your lower lip in thought. “Plus, I’ve seen a bunch of movies, and I’m pretty sure you haven’t been in any of them, so if you were in the film industry, you’d be a D-lister at best, and there’s no way you’d want to flex that kind of status.”
He furrowed his brow, the first hint of a different expression than the one he had kept for the entirety of your very brief acquaintance. “What?”
“What else are people famous for?” you said. “Oh! Are you a singer or something? Were you in that one boy band from a few years ago? I’m sorry, I was too busy having a ‘not-like-other-girls’ phase when they were popular, so I never got into them. I’m over the phase now, if you were wondering, but that would be why I didn’t recognize you.”
“You are amazingly off the mark,” he said.
“I am? I’m kind of out of ideas at this point, though. Can I have a hint or something?” you said.
“Do you watch soccer?” he said. You made a face.
“Hell no,” you said. His eye twitched, so you hurried to elaborate. “My little brother is obsessed with it, so by law, I’m required to hate everything related to the sport. Do you have any siblings? You’d get it if you did.”
“Ask your brother about Sae Itoshi,” he said.
“Okay,” you said, drafting a text to your brother and sending it when you had deemed it to be a perfect blend of uninterested and cool while also underscoring the urgency of the request. “So, your name’s Sae Itoshi? I’m Y/N L/N! I’m not a celebrity, though. If you text anyone and ask them about me, they’ll probably be pretty confused.”
“Yeah, I got that impression,” he said. Your phone vibrated in your hand, and when you looked at the notification, you saw that it was from your brother.
uglier sibling: no shit i know about sae itoshi. he’s that one super talented midfielder on re al. he’s dad and i’s fav player atm.
You gulped, glancing up at Sae before returning to your phone.
me: lol wtf is re al.
uglier sibling: it’s madrid’s team lmfaooo dumbass how do you not know that
uglier sibling: actually wait why are u even asking lol
uglier sibling: did u meet him or something
me: funny story actually!
uglier sibling: WHAT
uglier sibling: y/n are u with sae itoshi rn.
uglier sibling: y/n answer pls
uglier sibling: can you at least get his autograph for me or smth???
Pretending like you were still texting your brother, you typed the name Sae Itoshi into your phone’s search engine. The photos that came up matched the boy in front of you, and the news articles made your heart pound. He actually was a celebrity, and furthermore, his earlier arrogance was deserved. If you had somehow injured such a famous player and put him out of commission for the season, then you really would’ve been done for. It hadn’t been an exaggerated sense of self-importance but an honest evaluation of himself.
“Ahem,” you said, feigning a cough to appear dignified and mature. “It seems like you are a pretty well-known soccer player, Mr. Itoshi.”
“It seems like I am,” he said.
“My brother and dad are big fans, apparently,” you said.
“Good thing you didn’t take me out permanently, then, or I’m sure they would’ve been pretty disappointed,” he said.
You cringed. “I’m sorry again.”
“Whatever. I won’t hold it against you; all’s well that ends well, after all,” he said.
“I feel really bad, though,” you said, rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly. “Is there any way I can make it up to you?”
“You didn’t do anything, so there’s nothing to make up for,” he said.
“Not true! I knocked you over and said you’re not handsome!” you said. “I’d say that warrants some kind of recompense.”
“It’ll warrant more recompense if you keep saying it,” he said.
“You agree that you deserve payment, then? Great! Um…how about I…buy you lunch?” you said, the insistent pangs of your stomach reminding you that you still hadn’t eaten.
“Is food the only thing you can think about?” he said.
“For your information, it is not, but I haven’t eaten since the morning, so I’m hungry,” you said.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” he said. “It’s okay. I’m not interested, and just so you know, I’ve been asked out by plenty of girls, but by far, this has been the lamest attempt.”
You supposed, looking back, that it did seem like that was your end goal. But, of course, it had been nothing of the sort; you were just planning on going to eat yourself and thought that you might as well kill two birds with one stone. It was just your luck that he had twisted your words into such a request, though! How were you supposed to maneuver yourself out of this position? If you denied it furiously, then it would seem like you were just ashamed at getting caught, but if you didn’t say anything, then it would be akin to agreeing with his accusation.
There was only one way out of it, and even though you were usually opposed to lying, and even more opposed to bullying others, it was the only thing you could think of. So, bowing your head, you clasped your hands together in front of your heart.
“I’m sorry, but you’re not my type, Mr. Itoshi,” you said. “Like I said, you’re really not that handsome. Also, I’m into tall guys.”
That was how you found yourself sitting across from Sae Itoshi in a private booth at a fancy restaurant, your hands trembling as you read over the menu items and their associated prices.
“I’m in the mood for steak,” Sae said, stroking his chin and setting down his menu, interlacing his fingers and raising his eyebrows at you. “What about you?”
“Steak is a dinner item, don’t you think?” you said, your head spinning at the fact that he had picked the most expensive thing that was served at the entire establishment. “It’s lunchtime.”
“I’m an athlete,” he said seriously. “I need a lot of protein in all of my meals. Especially because I’m so short. It’s important for me to build muscle, don’t you agree? How else will I manage to compete with the taller, better-looking players?”
“Steak it is,” you said with a faux smile. “As for me, I’ll just get crackers.”
“Crackers? What kind of lunch is that?” he said.
“An affordable one,” you muttered under your breath.
“What?” he said.
“Nothing!” you said. “It’s nothing. I just really like crackers.”
He gave you an odd look. “Alright.”
You waved the waiter over. He had been hovering around your table for the past few minutes, and as soon as he saw you beckoning him, he sprinted to your side, fumbling with his pen and notepad before reaching you and bowing.
“Sae Itoshi, sir! I’m sorry to interrupt your date, but I just wanted to say that I’m a huge fan of yours. If — if it’s not too much trouble, could I have your autograph?” he said.
Sae sighed, a long-suffering and irritable sigh. “Just take our order first. I’ll give it to you after we’ve eaten.”
“Oh, my apologies,” the waiter said. “What would you like?”
“I’ll have the steak, and I also want this sandwich, but omit the tomatoes, please,” he said, pointing at the menu items he wanted.
“Got it,” the waiter said. “What about you, miss?”
“Just the crackers,” you said. The waiter paused, but when you did not say anything more, he giggled nervously.
“Would you, uh, like some cheese with those?” he said.
“Nope,” you said. “I’m really the biggest fan of plain crackers. That’s all I want.”
“Sure, miss, if that’s what you’d like,” he said. “So, one steak, one sandwich, and a plate of crackers?”
“That’s right,” Sae said, hardly looking up from his phone when he did so. It was only once the waiter had run off to place your orders that he put the device away, resting his elbows against the table, setting his chin in his hands and giving you a bored look. “Why are you glaring at me?”
“Steak and a sandwich, really?” you said.
“A conversation with you was more than enough to increase my appetite,” he said. “Forget about that. This is the part where you ask me questions about myself and I pretend like I am interested enough to answer them.”
“Why would I do that?” you said, rolling your eyes at him. “Actually, I’m pretty sure your answer to that question will be something that makes me even more annoyed than I already am, so don’t bother. What’s your favorite movie?”
“You’re not going to ask me about soccer?” he said. “It’s Taxi Driver, by the way.”
“I don’t know that much about soccer, so what would I even ask? Based on what I’ve seen from the matches my brother and dad watch, it’s just a bunch of sweaty guys kicking around a ball and pretending like they’re dying whenever another player happens to look at them the wrong way,” you said. “Oh, actually, I am curious about that. How many of those injuries are real? Have you ever faked getting hurt?”
“Almost none of them,” he said. “Generally, players will overreact for the sake of entertainment and the possibility of the opposition receiving yellow cards. I’ve never needed to do anything like that, and I never want to, because it looks stupid. Also, soccer is more than that mediocre description you just gave me.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say,” you said. “Man kick ball. Ball go in net. Man happy. That’s the extent of it.”
“Women play soccer, too,” he said.
“It’s the same concept there, but with women instead of men. Not the argument you thought it was,” you said.
“I can’t believe you actually dislike soccer,” he said.
There was definitely some irony in the fact that you couldn’t care less about his chosen sport, and yet you were the one who had somehow finagled your way into eating with him — even if you were the one who was paying. There were so many people who’d do anything to be in your place, but to you, it was a begrudging chore that you were only performing because you felt obligated to. Mentally, you had already marked the entire encounter down as something that you’d laugh about to your friends later; a fun story you’d tell at parties, but little else.
“Like I told you earlier, I’m the older sister. If I didn’t rag on my brother’s interests, then I couldn’t claim that title in any way that mattered,” you said. Sae’s eyes flicked down to the ground.
“You should be nice to your brother when you can,” he said.
“Are you some kind of an only child or saint, then? There’s no way you’re saying that if you have a normal relationship with any possible siblings,” you said.
“I have a little brother,” he said. “Our relationship is okay. I haven’t seen him in a while, though.”
“Long distance?” you said, reaching over to pat him on the hand sympathetically. “That’s the worst. I miss my friends and my pets already, and I’m only here for vacation.”
He snatched his hand away. “You make it sound like we’re dating or something. It’s alright. I’m sure it’ll be the same as it was whenever I go back.”
“True, it’s not like he can dump you and find a new brother who’s both better and more conveniently located than you are. He’s kind of stuck with you forever,” you said.
“Enough about my brother,” he said. “Let’s talk about something else.”
“Okay,” you said. “What TV shows do you watch when you’re bored?”
The two of you continued on in that mindless manner until your food arrived. Your mood, which had steadily been rising as Sae proved himself to be, if nothing else, a willing conversationalist, rapidly plummeted as the waiter set the steak and sandwich in front of Sae and the crackers in front of you.
“Enjoy your meal,” the waiter said.
“I’m sure one of us will,” you said, picking up a cracker and biting into it rebelliously. Sae began to cut his steak into small pieces, using his fork to demurely place the meat on his tongue, doing nothing to disguise the indulgence of eating such a wonderfully prepared meal while you were stuck with crackers.
“What a shame,” Sae said when he was about halfway through his steak. You hadn’t spoken since the food had come, mostly because you were too busy fervently hoping that he would choke and you would somehow be awarded a free meal as an apology on the restaurant’s part, so you jumped at the sound of his voice cutting through the silence. “My eyes were bigger than my stomach. I don’t think I’ll be able to eat that sandwich after all.”
“We should send it back, then,” you said.
“What sort of place do you think this is?” he said. “It’s already been ordered, so it’s ours now.”
“Are you serious?” you said. “What now? I’ll have to pay for something that you didn’t even eat!”
“You’ll just have to have it,” he said.
“Me?” you said, already salivating at the delectable sandwich, the bread which was taunting you. Come, it seemed to be calling out to you. Eat me. You know you want to. “I guess that’s a sensible prospect. Someone’s going to have to take it.”
“Someone will,” he agreed, sliding the plate across the table and stealing a cracker for his troubles. “It might as well be you. My coach will be pretty upset if I get stomach cramps next season because I overate too much on my off time. I’d have to tell him that it was your fault, and then you’d have all of Re Al after you, and you don’t want that. They’re relentless.”
Your fingers inched towards the sandwich. “I definitely don’t. That sounds scary.”
“It would be amusing,” he said. “A waste of resources, though. They might cut my salary to make up for it. ”
“Then the only solution is for me to eat this sandwich,” you said.
“Essentially,” he said. You gave in, taking an enormous bite of the tantalizing sandwich and exhaling in delight. It really was as good as the exorbitant price tag claimed it would be, and although you would never buy such a thing for yourself, you found that you were a little more grateful for the series of events that had led you to be in this position now that your stomach was finally being greeted with something substantial.
“It’s good,” you said, your words muffled by the napkin you held in front of your mouth as you finished chewing. “I can kind of get why they charge so much now. It’s still way more than any sandwich should ever cost, ever, but…I kinda get it. Is your food good, too?”
“It is,” he said.
“Alright!” you said, giving him a double thumbs up. “Then you can consider this a worthy apology! Let’s finish eating and be done with the entire mess.”
“Hm? But how can it be a worthy apology when I’m the one who paid for everything? To me, that doesn’t sound like an apology at all,” he said. You froze, your mouth wide open, the sandwich still halfway to your mouth and drooping in your hands. Sae looked at you, still expressionless, though if you really focused, you would’ve noticed something like mirth dancing in his irises.
“What do you mean?” you said. He unlocked his phone and showed you his screen.
“You can pay by app here,” he said. “I did it as soon as we were done ordering. I was going to tell you after you ordered what you wanted for yourself, but I wasn’t expecting you to be so frugal that you’d really only order crackers!”
“But — but I was supposed to pay! To apologize for—”
“You don’t have to say it,” Sae said sourly, cutting you off. “Believe me, I remember exactly what you have to apologize for, and I’m not going to forget. I just paid this time because I was feeling generous, but you still owe me.”
It was a little suspicious, but you didn’t have any reason to accuse him of anything, so you only narrowed your eyes at him. Taking another bite of your sandwich, you mulled over the latest reveal. He was paying for the entire lunch? You still owed him? You could manipulate that in your favor, then.
“Tomorrow morning, I’ll pay for your breakfast,” you said. “The hotel I’m staying at has complimentary breakfast for guests, but outsiders can eat for a certain fee. I’ll pay for your entrance, and then we can be even.”
“Sure,” he said. “I eat breakfast early, though.”
“How early?” you said.
“I have a snack at 7:00 a.m., before I go for my morning run, and then I eat a proper meal afterwards,” he said.
“Oh!” you said. “Any chance you could not do that?”
“It’s part of my training regimen,” he said. “How about you pay for my food and come on my run with me?”
“I hate running,” you said.
“You’re apologizing. It’s supposed to be an agonizing process,” he said. “You’ve called me short and ugly at least three separate times already, not to mention the entire slamming into me ordeal. It’s really the least you can do.”
“7:00 it is,” you said, though you were fighting back tears at the mere thought of getting up so early while on vacation. “Give me your phone.”
“No way,” he said, holding the phone away from you while you tried to swipe at it. “What are you going to do, post something embarrassing on my social media accounts?”
“Why would I do that?” you said. “I was going to text myself so I had your number and could send you my location for tomorrow.”
“Or you could tell me which hotel you’re staying at now, and then my phone is entirely removed from the equation,” he suggested.
“Do you think I remember the name?” you said. “That’s a rhetorical question, by the way. I don’t.”
He handed you his phone with an aggravated huff. “Fine. Don’t abuse the privilege. I only give important people my contact information.”
“Woah, you really are stingy,” you said, scrolling through his contacts list. All of them either had the designation of work attached to their profiles, or they were clearly members of Sae’s family.
Clicking on the plus sign in the corner, you created a new contact for yourself, typing in your number and giving yourself the name Y/N L/N — sandwich. It fit the naming conventions he had going on, and if it weren’t for the reminder that you were the so-called ‘sandwich girl’, you doubted he would remember who you were in the first place.
“Of course I am. Imagine I gave every crazy fan I met my number. I’d have a million stalkers before you could say Re Al,”he said.
“I’m not a crazy fan. To clarify, I’m not a fan in the first place,” you said, texting yourself from his number before taking out your own phone and responding to the message with a thumbs up.
“Correct, which is why you get my number,” he said.
“I feel so honored,” you said dryly. “Actually, you know what? I would feel honored, if it weren’t for the fact that you’re only giving it to me because you want to wake me up at an unholy hour and make me run with you before paying for your breakfast.”
“Would you rather pay for this meal?” he said, showing you the receipt he had been emailed. Your eyes widened, and then you shook your head rapidly.
“Nope! See you tomorrow!”
The next morning, you tiptoed around the hotel room as you got ready, trying your best not to wake your mother up. She, and the rest of your family, had been up late last night, going out for dinner and dessert well past your bedtime. Far too embarrassed to tell them the realreason you were going to sleep early, you had said you were sick and went to bed as soon as the sun set.
Angrily gnawing on a granola bar from your mother’s emergency stash, you stomped down the spiraling hotel staircase, your eyes still bleary as you texted your family group chat that you were going out for a morning walk but would be back for breakfast.
Sae Itoshi was waiting for you in the lobby, doing some weird stretching routine that involved pressing his foot against the wall and leaning over it. You watched him, bemused, wondering which muscles he was trying to stretch before giving up and deciding it was probably one of those pro moves that you were too uninterested and unathletic for.
“Oh, you’re here,” he said. “Good morning.”
“Good morning,” you said, giving him another one of the granola bars you had taken from your mother’s backpack. “Sorry, it’s sort of smushed. It’s been in a backpack for the last few days.”
He pinched the wrapper between his forefinger and thumb, looking at the granola bar with a disgusted expression. You didn’t think it was thategregious, but according to Sae, it must have been all but an offense against humanity, as he tossed it into the trash can within seconds of having it within his grasp.
“I already ate my snack,” he said.
“Why did you throw that away? I could’ve eaten it!” you said.
“That thing had probably melted and reformed at least twice. It was most definitely radioactive. I did you a favor, so you should say thank you,” he said.
“Thank you, Mr. Itoshi, for protecting me from the horrors of a slightly misshapen granola bar. I’m sure that, by throwing away that still edible brick of deliciousness, you have done me a great service. Possibly, you have even saved my life. I am eternally grateful,” you said.
He snorted. “You’re terrible at groveling. No wonder you have to do all of this ridiculous stuff to apologize to me instead of just saying sorry and moving on like a normal person.”
“Look, it’s a product of my upbringing,” you said. He finished stretching and headed out of the door; you followed after him with a smile at the hotel concierge, who seemed surprised to watch you go — whether it was the hour or your company, you weren’t sure. “Whenever my parents did something to upset me, they never apologized. They just came to my room with a bowl of fruit they had cut for me.”
“At least you got fruit,” he said. “My parents just told me to go practice soccer until I had cooled off.”
“Wow, really? That’s hardcore,” you said. Sae began to jog, and you did the same, though it was closer to a run for you than anything. “Did you just kick around the ball until you were less mad?”
“Pretty much,” he said.
“How horrible,” you said.
“Eh, it’s fine. It was a good way to get my anger out, and it had the added benefit of making me better at the sport, so it was pretty constructive overall,” he said.
“I still can’t imagine it,” you said, shaking your head. “What’s it like, being a professional athlete? Your entire life revolves around a game. What about when you can’t play anymore? When you’re too old, or if you get injured?”
His upper lip curled. “Do you want that to happen or something? Why are you speaking it into existence?”
“Not the injury part, but everyone grows old. You can’t stop that,” you said.
“I’ll play for as long as I can, and then I’ll coach for longer,” he said. “After that, I’ll retire and make sure my kids follow in my footsteps. Athletes make a lot of money, so I luckily won’t ever have to worry much about my finances.”
“What if your kids don’t want to play soccer?” you said. He actually sneered this time, the expression at home on his cold face.
“What else would they do with themselves? If they don’t want to play soccer, or if they have no talent at it, then they’re definitely not my children in the first place,” he said.
“Hm, maybe cooking? What if they want to be a chef?” you said.
“Then I’d wonder how your kids snuck into my house,” he said. You gasped, though it was as much for breath as it was out of offense.
“Stop it! You just happened to catch me at a hungry time!” you said.
“Sure,” he said.
“Just entertain the hypothetical that you really did somehow father children that were into cooking instead of soccer. How would you react?” you said.
“I would put them up for adoption,” he said.
“Seriously?” you said.
“No, obviously not,” he said. “What kind of person do you think I am? Why did you actually find that to be within the realm of possibility?”
“I think you’re some kind of soccer fiend. Who knows how dedicated you are to the cause?” you said.
“Not that dedicated,” he said. “I’d be disappointed if my kids can’t play soccer, and our relationship would probably be a bit distant, as I don’t know much about anything else, but I wouldn’t disown them.”
“You don’t know much about anything besides soccer? That’s a little sad,” you said.
“Kind of,” he said.
“Do you wish you knew about other things?” you said.
“Everyone has something they specialize in. It’s not uncommon for someone to know a lot about one thing and only a little about others,” he said. “My ‘thing’ is soccer. If it wasn’t that, then it’d be something else, so if I was in the business of wishing, I’d always be unsatisfied.”
You were already panting for breath when Sae picked up the pace, though he had not so much as broken a sweat yet. He glanced at you out of the corner of his eye, taking in your obvious struggles, and then he made the decision to not slow down at all.
“I get it,” you said. “You’ll face no judgment from me.”
“Like I would care if you did judge me,” he said. “You’re already dying, and we haven’t even started running yet.”
“This isn’t running?” you said. “What the hell? How much faster can you even go?”
“If you think that this is anywhere near the pace of an average soccer match, then I don’t even know where to begin with you,” he said.
“You look slower on TV!”
“What, so you think I’m slow, too?”
You and Sae returned to the hotel in markedly different conditions. He wasn’t even warm, still appearing to be perfectly put together and entirely perspiration-free, smelling faintly like body soap and cologne. On the other hand, you were still trying to regain your wits about you, leaning on his shoulder so that you did not fall over from exhaustion.
“This is embarrassing for you,” he informed you as you walked towards the breakfast area.
“You’re a professional athlete and I’m a normal girl! It would be embarrassing for you if I could keep up!” you argued weakly.
“That would be true, if I wasn’t going easy on you,” he said, pulling out a chair for you and helping you into it, brushing his arm off when he was sure you were seated. “I’m going to go to the bathroom. Be right back.”
“Have fun,” you said, resting your head in your hands, already knowing what you wanted to get. “We can walk through the buffet together. I’ll take the time to recover.”
“You do that,” he said.
While he was gone, you opened your phone, catching up on all of the texts in the family group chat that you hadn’t been able to read while you were attempting to run with Sae.
me: going for a morning walk but i’ll be back for breakfast
me: just wanted to let you all know so you weren’t worried!
uglier sibling: yeah nobody was worried LMFAO
mom: Hope you’re feeling better, honey!
dad: Make sure you’re back before 10. That’s when the complimentary breakfast ends, and we’re not paying for overpriced toast with jam.
uglier sibling: i still can’t believe u went for a morning walk
uglier sibling: like
uglier sibling: since when do u voluntarily wake up in the mornings at all let alone leave ur bed LET ALONE TAKE A WALK
uglier sibling: bitches will meet sae itoshi one time and suddenly they’re fitness influencers or wtvr
uglier sibling: btw i’m still mad that u didn’t get his autograph or a photo with him or anything
uglier sibling: i bet u made it up
uglier sibling: LIAR. FRAUD. HACK.
mom: Honey, leave your sister alone. Why would she make something like that up? 
dad: Your mother is right. Y/N doesn’t even know who Sae Itoshi is.
So it was a typical conversation, then. You hadn’t missed much; just your brother being salty and your parents showing some care for your well-being, as well as your father worrying for his wallet like he was prone to do. You didn’t even bother responding, just liking your father’s two messages and then putting your phone away.
“Y/N, you’re back already? What good timing!” your father called out to you from the entrance to the hotel restaurant. The world slowed as you turned to see the rest of your family walking into the restaurant, dressed in their typical touristy outfits. Your mother waved at you, and your brother faked gagging.
“Wow, you look like shit,” he said. “The fuck kinda morning walk were you on?”
“Gross, it’s you,” you said. “Go away! I’m busy.”
“You don’t even have any food with you,” he pointed out. “Can I sit with you? The parents are way too chipper in the mornings.”
“No!” you said.
“But there’s an empty seat at your table. Are you saving it for someone?” he said.
“Yes,” you said, wishing that for once they would’ve all slept in instead of getting here at the exact time that you and Sae had.
“No, you’re not,” he said.
“Come on, you two, let’s sit together and have a family breakfast!” your father said, motioning you and your brother over from where he and your mother had settled at a four-person table. Your brother gave you a pleading look.
“I’ll owe you forever,” he said. “I’ll grind on all of your video games for you the entire plane ride home!”
“I’m not lying, dude, I actually am sitting with someone. Now fuck off and leave me alone!” you hissed.
“Who?” he said, crossing his arms. “Your imaginary friend? Or your imaginary boyfriend!”
“Excuse me? Sorry, I was sitting there. Do you mind—?”
The most comical expression you had ever seen flashed over your brother’s face just then. It was horror mixed with incredulity mixed with extreme confusion. He turned slowly, his jaw dropping as he made eye contact with Sae Itoshi, whose dry countenance and perfect posture were as off-putting as ever.
“What?” your brother said. “What is going on?”
Sae sat opposite you. “This hotel has the most confusing first floor layout I’ve ever encountered. It took me ages just to find the bathroom.”
“There’s signs. Can you not read?” you said. He stared at you dully.
“I can read. I just happened not to look up at them,” he said.
“If I didn’t want to pay for even more food, I’d make another short joke, but I shall refrain,” you said.
“That was cutting it close,” he said.
“Y/N. My beautiful, amazing, wonderful older sister,” your brother said.
“Yes?” you said, preparing yourself for the incoming explosion. “Also, that’s not what you were calling me in the group chat earlier, was it?”
“Is that Sae Itoshi?” he said.
“Liar, fraud, hack, was that what it was?” you said. “Run along, loser. Maybe if you were nicer to me, I’d let you sit with us.”
Your brother opened his mouth to argue, but then, like he had remembered he was standing in front of his idol, he hung his head and trudged off, scuffing his toes against the floor as he did and giving you a betrayed look over his shoulder.
“That’s your little brother?” Sae said.
“Yup,” you said. “Your self-proclaimed biggest fan.”
“And you made him go sit with your parents instead of talking to me? You’re super mean, big sister,” Sae said.
“He wouldn’t shut up if I let him stay here, and considering the goal of this is for you to eat and then leave me alone for the rest of my vacation, that would not be conducive,” you said.
“I see,” he said. “I didn’t realize that was the goal.”
“Isn’t it yours, as well? I’m sure you’d like to enjoy yourself on your time off from soccer,” you said.
“Who says I’m not enjoying myself?” he said. You furrowed your brow at him.
“You’ve had the same expression on your face every time we’ve spoken,” you pointed out, lowering your eyelids and pursing your lips in an imitation of his resting mien. “Like this. It’s totally amphibious.”
“Amphibious?” he repeated. “What does that even mean?”
“You don’t know what amphibious means? Man, when you said you only focused on soccer, I didn’t think it was this bad!” you said.
“I know what amphibious means! I just don’t see how the word applies,” he said.
“Oh, right. Well, you kind of look like the frog emoji,” you said. “Sorry, I could’ve been clearer. That’s my bad.”
“Were you dropped on the head as a baby? I’m asking this from a place of concern, not anger,” Sae said. “It’s because you say so many nonsensical things. After all, I look nothing like the frog emoji.”
“Sure, and people tell me I look like a famous actress,” you said.
“Really?” he said.
“No, I thought we were both saying things that aren’t true,” you said.
“I think you look like a famous actress,” he said. “There. Now we’re both saying things that are true.”
“Well done, Mr. Itoshi! That was clever,” you said, knowing when to concede.
“Thank you,” he said. “Let’s go get our food now. If you die of starvation on my watch, it’ll be a major scandal for Re Al.”
“Your manager must love you,” you said. “So conscientious of your public image.”
“Nope, he’s usually pretty pissed at me,” he said as the two of you got in the buffet line.
“What for?” you said.
“Contrary to what you think, I’m pretty unconcerned with my public image. I’m a soccer player, not some kind of philanthropist or actor or whatever,” he said. “What does it matter if I offend people? My value is in playing well, not being friendly or kind.”
“No one ever accused you of being either of those two,” you said, spreading butter and jam over your toast. “You’re not that bad, though.”
“You’re not that bad, either,” he said. “At least, you’re better company than my manager.”
“I’ll take it as a compliment,” you said. He scoffed.
“You have low standards,” he said.
“Yours are lower,” you said.
“Very mature response.”
Sae was a pretty agreeable breakfast partner. He wasn’t as impossibly cheerful as your parents, who generally drove you crazy with their talkativeness so early in the day, but he also wasn’t as silent and closed off as your brother, who was prone to snapping at others until he had finished at least half of his meal. As with lunch yesterday, it was almost an enjoyable experience, right up until you remembered whose card he was eating on.
“Where are you going?” he said when your plates had been cleared and you had pushed yourself to your feet. He followed after you as you made your way to the hostess’s station, ignoring the whispers that echoed behind the two of you.
“To pay for you to be here, duh,” you said, fishing around in your purse for your wallet. “I know you’re famous and all, but that doesn’t mean you get to eat for free. In fact, that was kind of the point of the meal.”
“I already paid for myself, so you can go and sit back down with your family if you’d like,” he said.
“What? When?” you said.
“I wouldn’t spend that long in a bathroom,” he said. “Not a public one.”
“You little—! Now what?” you said.
“Now you have to see me tomorrow,” he said. “Bye. I’ll pick you up for dinner, so make sure to wear something nice, and bring your credit card. It’s your treat.”
He walked off with a jaunty wave, leaving you standing there, confounded by the development. He had paid for himself again? What was the point of making you take him places if he was just going to cough up the cash himself anyways?
“Psst. Y/N,” your brother said. You weren’t sure when or where he had appeared, but it remained that he was suddenly tapping you on the shoulder and whispering in your ear. “Does Sae Itoshi have a crush on you? If so, please ask if he can get tickets for dad and I to attend his next game.”
“What?” you said, a shockwave running through your entire body at the mere thought of Sae having a crush on you. It was so juvenile and cliched as to be out of Sae’s character entirely. “No! I just owe him.”
“For what?” your brother said.
“I ran into him, called him ugly, and said that he was short,” you said. “Indirectly, of course, but it still happened. I was supposed to buy him lunch yesterday as an apology, but then he ended up paying for us both, and then today, I went on a run with him, and I was going to pay for him to have breakfast here, but guess what?”
“He paid for himself?” your brother said.
“He paid for — yeah, how did you know?” you said.
“There weren’t that many ways the story could’ve gone. Also, I overheard you guys talking,” he said.
“Creep,” you said.
“Weirdo,” he said.
“Freak,” you said.
“Stupid,” he said. “I bet he has a crush on you.”
“Why would he? We have zero common interests, and I’ve mostly only insulted him in our very short time knowing one another,” you said.
“Maybe he’s into that. Some guys are. My one friend is — actually, I’m not exposing him like that,” he said.
“Thank you, because I really didn’t want to know,” you said.
“Anyways, where I was going with that is some guys like girls who humble them a bit. Especially someone like Sae Itoshi; he’s probably so used to people falling all over themselves to get his attention that it’s nice for him to hang out with someone who’s too oblivious to care about that kind of stuff,” he said.
“People like you?” you said. “I told him you were his biggest fan, just so you know.”
“Why would you do that?” your brother said, his eyes bugging out and his mouth forming a pained grimace. “He probably thinks I’m a nerd now!”
“You do it to yourself, buddy,” you said. “Let’s go. It looks like the parents want us to go sit with them. Think you can handle it?”
“After learning that my hero has a crush on my sister and, furthermore, probably thinks of me as some kind of dweeb, I can handle anything,” he said.
The entire day, you pondered your brother’s words. Did Sae have a crush on you? Running through his actions and every conversation you both had ever had led you to think that he did not. It didn’t seem like he liked you very much in even a platonic sense, so how could anyone begin to think he liked you romantically? It was just tolerance for the sake of his pride, that was all.
And you definitely didn’t like him. He was emotionless and conceited and teased you far too often. What did it matter that he was somewhat attractive? He had a terrible personality, and you bet that if more of his fans knew what he was like, he wouldn’t have any to begin with.
No wonder Sae’s manager hated him. He was probably a jerk to his poor employees, too.
“We’re thinking of going here for dinner tonight,” your father said the next day. “Look, their reviews are pretty high, and their prices aren’t crazy. What does everyone think?”
“I’m fine with anything,” your mother said.
“Same here,” your brother said.
“Y/N?” your father said. You were about to respond when your own phone buzzed. You knew exactly who it was texting you, and you sighed as you opened it.
sae itoshi (dumb haircut): I will be there in one hour.
sae itoshi (dumb haircut): You better not have forgotten about our plans for tonight.
sae itoshi (dumb haircut): I made a reservation, so I’ll really be mad if you stand me up.
sae itoshi (dumb haircut): Especially because you’re paying.
sae itoshi (dumb haircut): Okay.
“I can’t,” you said.
“Why not? Are you on some new diet or something? They should have vegetarian options, so that won’t be a problem,” your father said. “We can look at their menu beforehand if you prefer, and if you really don’t like anything, then we can find somewhere else.”
“I already have plans,” you said, your lower lip jutting out childishly. “Not that I want to! But I made a promise.”
“You already have plans? What’s that supposed to mean?” your mother said.
“I’m having dinner with someone,” you said.
“Ooh, how exciting! With who?” she said.
“I bet I can guess!” your brother sang.
“Enough out of you!” you said, kicking him in the back of the leg. He doubled over, though that did not stop him from smirking at you.
“Y/N and Sae, sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” he said.
“You’re going out with Sae Itoshi?” your father said. “You should’ve just said so! That’s perfectly alright, honey. Actually, he’s the one man I’m not upset about you dating!”
“We are not dating!” you said. “It’s a more transactional relationship than that. No feelings involved. It’s just me apologizing to him.”
“Are you close enough to him to get an autograph for your brother and I?” your dad said.
“Um.” You thought about it. Would Sae give you an autograph for them? You weren’t sure. There was a chance he would, but there was also a high chance he would not. “I dunno. I can ask.”
“You’ll ask for dad, but not for me? Wow, I see how it is,” your brother said.
“Yeah, because you’re annoying!” you said. “Ugh. I have to get ready now. He’ll be here to get me in an hour. Have fun at dinner, all of you. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers.”
“You have fun as well,” your mother said. “Make sure not to bring any money with you. Gentlemen should always pay on the first date.”
“I’ll be sure to tell him that,” you said, giving up on explaining things to your family for the sake of your sanity.
Sae was aggressively punctual. Exactly an hour after he had texted you, a shiny black car was pulling up in the valet lane, and a tall, bald man in a suit was opening the door for you. You climbed in awkwardly, finding Sae to be sitting on the other side, gazing out of the window pensively.
“Hello,” you said, smoothing your dress and buckling your seatbelt. “You have a driver?”
“Of course I do,” he said. “I usually walk places when I’m on vacation, but this restaurant is kind of far, so I thought it’d be more prudent to have the driver take us.”
“I see,” you said. “Thank you, driver, sir.”
The driver hummed in acknowledgement but did not say anything else. You supposed he probably wasn’t used to talking with his passengers; you doubted Sae ever spoke to him much.
“It’s been so hot out recently,” Sae said stiffly.
“That’s what happens during the summer, yes,” you said.
“That’s true,” he said.
“You’re right, though,” you said. “It has been hot.”
“Super hot,” he said.
“Yes,” you said. “Super hot.”
That must’ve been why there was a slight redness to his cheeks. There was definitely no other reason. And there wasn’t any other reason for why you felt uncomfortably warm, shifting in your seat to dissipate the feeling in your stomach. It was the temperature. That was all.
Given the trend, you really should have anticipated it when Sae paid for your dinner while you were freshening up in the bathroom, but you really had not seen it coming in the slightest. He scrunched up his face when you argued, simply telling you that he would see you tomorrow before dropping you back off at your hotel, the receipt in your hand, his flourishing signature scrawled across the back.
“For your brother,” he had said, handing it to you before you could even ask him for his autograph. “You said he was a fan, right? I’ll get him a better one later, but for now, this should do.”
You spent every day of the rest of that vacation with Sae Itoshi. Some days, you would accompany him on a morning walk — he had softened to slowing his pace, so that he was only barely jogging instead of the full on run that he had forced you into that first time — and on others, the two of you would have some meal or another together. The common theme was that, if there was money involved, he would take care of it. Without question, without hesitation, he always slapped your hand back and pulled out his own credit card, telling you that now you both had to meet again, and the next time you really would be the one paying, or else he’d never be able to forgive you for your terrible behavior.
Your parents and brother complained about it at first, as your new friendship with Sae — could it be considered a friendship, or was it something else? — meant you did not see them much on what was supposed to be a family vacation.
You brought it up with Sae, and he responded with something about how it wouldn’t have been a problem at all if you weren’t such a freeloader and actually paid for him, like you were supposed to. This resulted in a lighthearted squabble between you both, which in turn made you forget your family’s whining, and as well you should have. You could take a million more vacations with them, but you’d likely never get a chance to hang out with Sae Itoshi again, so why wouldn’t you take advantage of it when you could?
Sae didn’t forget, though. He sent you back from dinner the next evening with a soccer ball he had won in one of his games, his signature and a note of gratitude scribbled on it in black marker.
Thank you for letting me borrow your daughter and sister from you while you’re on your trip. I really appreciate it, even if she doesn’t know anything about soccer. — Sae Itoshi
They stopped complaining after that. The ball became your brother’s most prized possession, and every day, your father would tell you how happy he was that you had made such a considerate friend.
“And you know, if you ever want to date him,” he’d say, elbowing you in the side with an obnoxious wink. “We wouldn’t be opposed!”
Your mother was in the same boat. “He really cares about you, I think. Enough that he gave your family something so precious just because he thought we didn’t like him. You could do a lot worse than that.”
“Plus, he’s rich and famous!” your brother would chime in without fail. “Double win!”
“You guys are all nuts,” you’d tell them, shaking your head to disguise how pleased the thought of dating Sae made you.
It could never happen. Like your brother was so happy to remind you, he was rich and famous, an athlete that was adored worldwide and played for the best soccer club in history. He could have any girl he wanted, so why would he ever choose you? You and he were from two different planes of existence. Maybe you could pretend for a little bit that you weren’t, but the date for your eventual departure from Spain was drawing closer and closer, and that day meant the certain end of the fever dream that was your closeness with Sae.
You had been prepared from the start for it to finish in this way. You would go home and tell all of your friends about your trip, how you had spent almost every day with the famous soccer player Sae Itoshi, how he had given you his phone number and made you go on runs with him, how together, you and him had eaten lunch and dinner and breakfast and several meals that you were convinced he had just made up to have an excuse to buy food for the two of you — brunch, linner, midnight snacks and third desserts.
There were other things that you wouldn’t tell them, too, things that Sae had not necessarily said to you in confidence but which you sensed were held close to his heart and which you would therefore hold close to yours. His little brother was named Rin, and they had the same eyes, though Rin’s were quicker to water and perpetually had hair falling into them. He still watched the same shows he used to when he was very small, because they reminded him of his parents’ home. He thought that a person’s athletic potential could be determined by the shape of their butt, but he tended to avoid looking as a form of respect for others.
“That’s a pretty cool skill, Sae! What do you think my athletic potential is?” you had asked when he had revealed that last fact.
“If it’s possible for a person to have negative potential, then that’s about what yours is. If it’s not, then you’re definitely at a zero,” he had responded.
“You didn’t even look,” you had said, shoving a French fry into his mouth as punishment. He hated French fries for how unhealthy they were, and you had half-expected him to lecture you about fats and oils and salts, but instead, he had dutifully chewed and swallowed without any theatrics.
“Don’t need to, and don’t plan to,” he had said, and that was that. “I’ve already seen you run, and that told me all I needed to know about your athletic skills. Or, in this case, your lack thereof.”
If you took his words at face value, then you would’ve thought he truly hated you. He never missed a chance to make fun of you, and you were the same way — certainly, anyone who overheard your conversations would’ve been convinced that you and he were bitter enemies. But that was because they didn’t see the way he always positioned himself on the sidewalk so that he was between you and the oncoming traffic. They didn’t see the way he’d pull out your chair and only pretend to frown when you’d thank him for it. They didn’t see the way his ears would turn pink if you dared to smile in his direction or, heaven forbid, agreed with what he was saying instead of arguing, as was your go-to.
No, you were pretty confident that Sae Itoshi did not hate you. It was just that soccer was his thing and all other areas were beyond him, areas which included such fields as emotional awareness and sensitivity.
Maybe you might tell the friends you were particularly close to about that. Sae Itoshi treated me pretty well, you’d say, with grand, sweeping hand motions to emphasize the point. As well as he knew how to, which was well enough for me. If I ever get a boyfriend, they’ll have a lot to live up to. Seems kind of unfair to whatever poor schmuck gets stuck with the task, don’t you think? Considering the two of us never even dated…
“I'm going home tomorrow morning,” you said. The sun was setting, and the two of you were walking along the same stretch of beach that you had first met at. “I finished packing all of my things before dinner. It’s surreal, almost. I feel like an entirely different person now, compared to when I came here.”
“Is that so?” he said, the corners of his lips twitching slightly. “I wonder why.”
“Did you just smile?” you said. Immediately, he scowled.
“No way,” he said. “I’d never smile because of something you said.”
“Uh-huh, uh-huh, you definitely smiled. I made you smile! I made you smile! I made you smile!” you said, poking him in the cheek repeatedly. Sae’s expressions were so subtle that it was easy to overlook them before they had vanished, but there was no overlooking what you had just seen. He had definitely smiled at you, or at least he had been about to.
“Stop poking me,” he grumbled.
“No,” you said, poking him again. “Only if you smile again.”
“Hell no,” he said. You poked his cheek again. “Y/N. Stop it.”
“Will you miss me?” you said.
“Not if you don’t quit that!” he said, grabbing your wrist when you prepared to poke him again. Heat rose to your cheeks at the way his thumb rested against your pulse, and when he realized he was holding your hand so familiarly, his own cheeks flushed. “No. I won’t.”
“I’ll miss you,” you said, digging your feet into the sand, turning out to the sea because you couldn’t stand to look at him when you were being so vulnerable. “I’ll tell everyone I know about you, of course, but it won’t be the same. Something funny will happen, and I’ll think to myself, oh, Sae would’ve snorted at that — but not laughed, because you don’t laugh. Or I’ll order shitty French fries, and it’ll remind me of how much you’d scold me for eating them. You’d say something like, those are basically heart attacks in a box, and then you’d pour a bottle of salted kombucha down my throat to cleanse my system.”
Somewhere in the distance, a seagull squawked, reminding you of the fateful encounter from so long ago. You wished you could go back and get to know Sae all over again. You wished you could ask him the same questions and not know the answers, so that you were surprised when he told them to you. You wished you could argue with him for a little bit longer. You wished that, one more time, you could imply he was short and ugly and slow and a thousand other rude adjectives, even if he was really none of those things, none of them at all.
“I’m going to ask you one last question, okay?” you said. “Please think over your answer carefully. It’s important.”
“Okay,” he said, uncharacteristically gently. “I’ll really consider it well.”
“What’s your favorite animal?” you said.
“Seagulls,” he said immediately, directly contradicting his solemn oath. You laughed at this, burying your face in your hands to hide the hitch in your throat.
“You traitor,” you said. “You know all about the feud between seagulls and I, and yet you’re still claiming they’re your favorites?”
“They always have been,” he said. “I like migratory birds, how they don’t stay in one place but are always moving around. It must be such a blissful life.”
“But it’s probably pretty lonely, too,” you said. “They don’t have anywhere to call home.”
“I like lonely things,” he said. “That’s why the end of the summer is my favorite season.”
“Hm,” you said. “Then, if I tell you that I’ll be lonely once I leave here, will you like me, too?”
He looked at you, but you stared resolutely ahead, your gaze trained on the horizon, the way his had been on the day you had run into him. It was such a kiddish question, and internally, you were beating yourself up for asking it, but deep down, you wanted to know, so you did not move to retract it.
“Well, I like seagulls for a different reason now,” he said.
So that was your answer, then. The waves crashed against the shore, and a balmy wind blew through your hair and clothes, carrying the light scent of Sae’s cologne to your nose, the same one he had worn for as long as you could remember.
“I understand,” you said.
“These days, it’s a specific seagull I’m fond of, actually,” he said.
“Huh? Like a breed or something?” you said.
“No, just one bird in particular,” he said. “It did me a really huge favor recently.”
“What are you talking about? You always say that you suspect I was dropped on the head as a baby, but between the two of us, I think the one that was dropped was you,” you said, the fraying ends of your rejected feelings driving you to irascibility.
“A while ago, I was standing on the beach, feeling pretty annoyed with the world — as usual,” he said. “I had had to run from the paparazzi in order to go on this vacation without being bothered, you know, and I honestly was starting to question if I’d ever be seen as a normal person. I get that the only thing I’m good at is soccer, but it’s pretty tiring to be thought of as a guy who kicks balls around and nothing more.”
Unbidden, you inhaled sharply, because the story was starting to sound familiar. Spinning on your heel, you were met with the sight of Sae smiling shyly, peering down at you through his unfairly long eyelashes.
“That seagull must’ve known how I was feeling. There’s no other explanation for it all. It must’ve known how I was feeling, and somehow, it managed to find the one person in the entire world that saw me as something other than that. Do you know what it did next? It stole that person’s sandwich, and it led her right to me,” he said.
“Are you talking about me?” you said.
“How many people do you think have called me a short, ugly, D-list celebrity instead of asking for my autograph upon meeting me?” he said.
“Probably not very many,” you said. He chuckled.
“Probably not any,” he said. You rested your forehead against his shoulder.
“Probably not,” you said. He stroked your hair, though his motions were like a marionette’s — he was not very used to this type of relationship, after all. But he was trying his best, and you found that to be far more endearing than any suave gestures might’ve been.
“I know you have to go soon, so I was planning on not saying anything,” he said. “What would be the point? I figured this was just a summer fling for you. But then you had to go and be all sentimental, and I had to say something.”
“I’m glad you did,” you said. “It would’ve been worse if I had returned home without knowing at all. Where do we go from here, though?”
“Where do we go from here? Let me think. Well, I’ll ask you to be my girlfriend,” he said. “And you’ll say yes, because who would ever reject me? Then we’ll talk on the phone every day, and you can send me photos of things you find funny, and I’ll have a sixth sense for when you’re eating French fries and I’ll send you strongly worded texts in reprimand. You’ll fly over to watch my matches whenever possible, and when I’m on my next break, I’ll come visit you and meet your family and friends properly.”
“Getting a little presumptuous, aren’t we? What if I say no?” you said.
“Will you?” he said.
“Not sure. How about you ask and find out?” you said.
“If you’re going to say no, then I don’t want to,” he said. You stuck your tongue out at him.
“I can’t be with a man who’s afraid of rejection. It was nice knowing you, Sae,” you said. “See you around. Hope you lose the Champions League.”
“Wait! I’m not afraid of rejection,” he said. “Y/N, will you be my girlfriend? Officially, I mean.”
“Yes, of course,” you said. “But you’re going to have to buy my plane tickets if you want me to watch you. Even with frequent flier miles, I doubt I can afford coming to see you that often.”
“Consider it done,” he said. You grinned at him.
“You know, if you’re my boyfriend, then you’re going to have to keep paying for our dates, as well. My mother said that’s the gentlemanly thing for you to do,” you said.
“Right, I was expecting that,” he said. “Don’t you think there’s a reason why I haven’t let you buy anything yet?”
“Then how am I ever supposed to apologize to you for the circumstances of our first meeting? I mean, I was pretty harsh,” you said.
“That’s true,” he said. “Let me think.”
“Mhm,” you said. “I know that that’s out of your comfort zone, so I’ll give you a minute.”
“I have an idea,” he said, though it was accompanied by a slight glare at your jab.
“What is it?” you said.
“Close your eyes,” he said. You obliged, squeezing them shut, though not without widening your feet into the defensive stance he had demonstrated to you on the day he had attempted to teach you basic soccer skills.
“What are you going to do, tackle me or something? I’m using the position you taught me, but please be gentle, you’re way more muscular than—!”
You were cut off by him pressing his lips to yours. It was a soft kiss, gentle and light, like feathers in the air or water against the sand, and he pulled away before you could really react or reciprocate. He had left you wanting, and you knew he knew that, because there was a smugness to his voice when he spoke next.
“Apology accepted,” he said as you blinked at him in shock, your mind still lagging well behind your body. “Now we’re even.”
“Hold on,” you said. “I’m suddenly feeling very repentant and remorseful. Are you quite sure you forgive me with just that?”
He laughed. It was such a lovely sound, his laugh, and you would’ve told him so if you weren’t afraid that he’d stop when you pointed it out.
“Maybe not,” he said. “You might have to apologize a bit more.”
“That sounds doable,” you said. “Yeah, I might be able to work that in. It’ll be agonizing, but a wise man once told me that that’s just the nature of apologizing, so it’s the least I can do, right?”
“Oh, shut up,” he said, holding your face in his hands and leaning in. You did the same, your eyes closing all on their own as you sought out the connection he had deprived you of earlier.
As the sun set over the horizon and the seagulls settled in for the night, he kissed you again.
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mama2bears · 21 days
No Christmas Vacation - Part 1
Pairings: Tyler Owens/Reader
Summary: You and Tyler are dating. He takes you for a romantic get away for Christmas, but will the weather interfere with your plans?
Warnings: None yet.
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“Good morning, beautiful.” Tyler kisses your neck softly.
“Do we have to get up now?” you muttered rolling over to face him.
“Yeah, remember, today is the day that I am taking you on our Christmas vacation.”
With that, you smiled, sitting up in bed. Tyler had told you a few weeks ago that he wanted to take you away for Christmas. Ever since then, you had tried to get him to tell you where, but he wouldn't budge. He only told you to pack for cold. It didn't matter where you went, you were looking forward to the trip. You were looking forward to getting away for a few days.
“I made you breakfast in bed before we get started.” he said, reaching over to the nightstand and handing you a tray with pancakes, sausage, and coffee.
“That smells amazing, Ty.” You award him with a tender kiss. You met Tyler three years ago when you moved to Arkansas to follow a career in meteorology and storm chasing. Your first thought was that Tyler Owens was a cocky, reckless redneck who only wanted to be a YouTube star. It didn't take you long though to see the tender side of this cowboy tornado wrangler. He was the guy running into debris to find dogs, playing ball with a child in mist of total destruction. Tyler was both tough and tender.
“So, are you going to tell me where we are going yet?”
“Nope.” he grinned.
“How will I know if we have everything packed we need? What if it's warm? Is it going to snow? We aren't going to be chasing tornadoes, are we?” you groaned. It was two days before Christmas and while it wasn't exactly common to have tornadoes in the winter, it certainly wasn't impossible. You loved storm chasing as much as Tyler did, but not on Christmas.
“Well, we didn't pack for every season, but I think cold weather clothes will be all we need. I don't plan on any tornadoes either.”
“Well, at least you can tell me if we are driving or flying.” you said between bites of your pancake.
“Flying.” Tyler answered “...in a plane.” he added.
“No? Really? And here I thought you were superman.” you grinned.
“Maybe I am.” he winked at you.
After breakfast was over, Tyler took your tray, “I'll get our suitcases in the truck and load the dishwasher.” he offered, giving you time to take a shower and get dressed.
* * * * *
“You know, I am going to kinda miss our Christmas tree and decorations.” you say, making one more check on the door to make sure it locked and alarm set before walking to the truck. Tyler opens the door for you, “Does the hotel have a Christmas tree?” you ask getting in.
“Something like that.” he grinned.
It only took you about half an hour to get to the airport, but with the holiday crowd all traveling it took hours to get though security. Finally you make it though the airport check point and are loading the plane. Tyler still hasn't told you where you were going, but you knew you would find out soon enough.
“Welcome aboard.” a flight attendant was saying. You listened to the normal safety measures to take and then finally, “We'll be arriving in Oneida Wisconsin in about two hours. We expect fair weather.”
“Oneida Wisconsin?” you question. “What's there?”
“Well...” Tyler said sitting back in his seat, “Oneida is just the closest airport to fly into. I'll have a rental car waiting for us and then we're driving up to White Lake. We have a little secluded cabin on the lake for the next week.”
“Ty..that sounds amazing!” you squeeze his hand a little tighter as the plane takes off.
“Still nervous about flying?” he asked.
“30,000 feet is a long way to fall if something goes wrong.” you mutter.
A few hours later the plane landed safely and Tyler had collected the suitcases from the luggage claim area and was now loading it in the rental car, which wasn't a car, but a Dodge Ram truck. He always had to have a Dodge, even on vacation.
You were flipping though the radio station when you stopped on a weather report, “and we are expecting a White Christmas this year. White Lake is expected to get up to five inches of snow.”
“Did you know about this?” you asked.
Right now the day was sunny and warm...well, at least 75 and humid was warm for Wisconsin in middle of December.
“Not until yesterday, I didn't. They just started calling for snow.” he smiled, “But the cabin is going to be stock with everything we need. It even has a hot tub and fireplace.”Do you wanna build a snow man? Come on let's go and play...” Tyler started singing, making you laugh.
“This is going to be the perfect weekend.” you smile, staring out the window as the houses gave way to tall forest.
“Yes...yes it is.” Tyler smile, patting the small box that was in his jacket pocket.
“We're here.” he said turning down a small dirt road which ran for a few miles though the woods. Finally, a small wooden cabin perched on a lake came into view. A dock went out from the front yard and a small boat was tied to the dock.
As Tyler parked, you could see the cabin's porch had garland and Christmas lights wrapped around it, there was also Christmas lights running down the dock and a wreath was hung on the door and every window.
Tyler carried the bags to the cabin and entered the code that was given to him for the lock, opening the door.
“It's beautiful Ty,” you pull him into a hug. It was a one story one bedroom cabin. The living room had a brown leather sofa facing a fire place with a big screen TV hung above it. In the corner was a tall tree all decorated, completed with a star on top. The fresh smell of pine filled the room.
“Merry Christmas Darling,” Tyler kissed you softly, then picked up the bags, heading towards the bedroom, then stops in the door way, “Hey, Darling...come here.” he smiles, dropping the bags on the floor and pulls you into a long, slow, deep kiss.
“What did I do to deserve that?” you asked, eyes dancing with excitement.
He kisses you again and points up, to the mistletoe hang above the doorway. “Rules are rules...gotta kiss every time we pass though the door.”
“So, cowboy, what do you have planned for us first?” you grin.
“Well..since today is so warm, I thought maybe we could take the boat out?” he offered and paused, looking towards the bed, “unless you had something else in mind.”
“Oh..tempting, very tempting.” you kissed him, and lead him back towards the living room, “However, I think I'll choose take the boat out, but when we come back.” she winked, “Well, let's just see what happens.”
Tyler went into the kitchen to find that the cabin owner had stalked it well, as agreed, including a chilled bottle of wine. He fixed some sandwiches and grabbed the wine and a couple of glasses, checking his pocket again to make sure the little box was still there. He put the food and wine in a wicker basket, grabbed a blanket off of the sofa, “Ready” he asked, almost unable to contain his excitement.
You laugh at him, following him out the door, “What is so exciting about a boat ride?” you ask. The way he was acting you would have thought that he was chasing a F5 tornado.
“Come on, you'll see!” he was practically skipping down the dock and you couldn't help but laugh. One thing about Tyler Owens was that he had a way of making your heart soar. When you were with him, you were carefree. He had a way of showing you joy in every moment.
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Am I the Asshole for taking my SIL to an anime convention?
My (42M) SIL (29F) has autism and was living with my MIL until she suddenly passed away from heart failure back in 2022. My wife (40F) and I both knew SIL likes to cosplay and go to conventions. Figuring that’s something she and MIL did together, I decided to tell her I want to take her to an anime convention the following year. We chose one that worked out for all of us, timeline wise, along with the costs of transportation, hotel, etc.
Now, this may be a controversial opinion, but I hate anime; nearly all of it is hypersexualized (aside from one, which I’ll get into in a moment). It makes me cringe that my oldest daughter (13F) loves anime, and that that’s all she ever wants to watch. Personally, I feel she’s getting too old for cartoons, but since I also have two younger children, I let it slide.
Prior to actually leaving for con, SIL had sent emails of videos and blogs all about attending anime conventions. Clearly eager to prepare us. She also had outbursts over all sorts of things and lashed out at us on multiple occasions; her emails were often filled with negativity, and simmering rage. In between all of this, we had her relocate to an apartment closer to us.
Anyway, SIL, my daughter, and I go to the airport, we get to the hotel and check-in. We explored the city for a few hours. Now, before all of this, SIL claims she has a “low heat tolerance”, and complained the entire time whenever we walked from Point A to Point B; yes, the city the con was at has good transit and yes I insisted we walk anyway. It’s good exercise! This led to her throwing a fit when we reached a museum I really wanted to check out. We took an Uber back to the hotel and I don’t hear from her again until the next day when we met up to have lunch.
She’s cosplaying a character I don’t recognize and doesn’t tell me anything about them when I asked; it was clearly supposed to be a boy character, though.
Next day, I got a text from SIL; she unexpectedly got her period. Great. Since she asked, I run and get her some pads, only to have to wait an hour in line. Also great. She’s cosplaying another character I don’t recognize. Some magical creature or a doll of some kind. Anyway, us three go into one of the viewing rooms to screen this anime SIL was insistent on showing us. Some Sherlock thing. My daughter likes it, and I’ll admit, I enjoyed it too; I think it is very kid friendly.
Last day, once again, I don’t see or hear from SIL until we meet up in the hotel lobby waiting for our ride to the airport. Seems she had a good time though. She was dressed as one of the kids from that hero anime my daughter likes. She also bought my daughter an axolotl plush (her favorite animal). Going through security was hell; SIL had the nerve to have an attitude the whole time (again later claiming she was overheated and cranky from her period). After we got home she claimed she was never traveling anywhere with me again.
In the days following, she returned the luggage my wife had leant her, having booby trapped it with a photo with the glass broken. Then informs me that her account was overdrawn (I would have gladly paid for more than I did, if she hadn’t been so bitchy).
When we went to her apartment to discuss this, she made the same claims: that she was tired and cranky from the heat, made worse from her period, that I was stressing her out half the time, but that she was grateful despite that because when her mom died, anime conventions were the first thing she was ready to give up.
She also claimed the photo she broke was taken the same year she first attempted to take her own life, and that triggered a panic attack on top of the meltdown she had after returning home.
And the kicker: apparently her mother barely spent any time at conventions, and only sometimes tagged along because she “wanted a vacation”.
Now she claims that I -I repeat I- ruined that Sherlock anime for her. And now is planning to attend a few more cons…Alone.
So what say you? Am I the Asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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httpsdana · 29 days
hey i love your work so much! hopefully your taking in requests! so pau cubarsi x fem reader. can reader be lamine’s twin sister or any player’s younger sister? tyy
prompt: 56, 65,71
something along the lines of reader has a nightmare and is in a hotel with all the barca players and their family/wags. her neighbour is pau and somehow lamine finds out. but not too much angst when lamine finds out. hopefully this makes sense tyyy
Comfort~Pau Cubarsi
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*pictures are from Pinterest*
idk why my fics are not getting likes like before :( anyways i hope you enjoy this one @mxryxmfooty <3
request from here
master list
players/drivers I write for
56-"mate, that's my sister!"
65-"I am sorry for waking you like a child, but I believe I just had a nightmare."
71-"stay with me tonight."
The barca team had a match away from home, and after that match they would have a small vacation.
So most of the players had brought their families with them, sleeping in separate rooms because of the rules the coach has put.
y/n, being Lamine's twin sister, had arrived with him to the hotel. None of her family members travelled with her so she would enjoy her vacation with her brother and his friends.
She was looking forward to having fun, especially with her boyfriend, Pau, who was her brother's closest mate. Lamine didn't know about the two dating, but they wanted to keep it a secret for a while before telling him.
*Time Skip*
Dark. All she could see was pure darkness. Until she heard a voice behind her. She slowly turned around, only for something to jump out on her, she was pushed back falling more into darkness.
y/n wakes up with a start, her heart pounding in her chest, and takes a few deep breaths to calm herself down. As she looks around the dimly lit room, she notices the familiar surroundings of the hotel.
Her hands were shaking, as she got up quickly and turned on the lights. Suddenly she felt vulnerable in her her room. She hugged Pau's hoodie, that she was wearing, closer to her body.
She paused momentarily, her thoughts tangled up as she thought what she was going to do. She knew she couldn't sleep alone anymore, so she let out a sigh opening the door of her room and walking down the hallway.
She made sure no one from the team's staff saw her, before she knocked on Pau's door. She hugged herself tightly, waiting for him.
After a while, he opened the door. His hair messy and eyes barely open. When he saw her face expressions, his looks shifted to worry.
"is everything okay princess?" his soft voice said.
"I am sorry for waking you like a child, but I believe I just had a nightmare." she said, her voice low as her arms tightened around her body
Pau smiled sadly at her, pulling her in his room.
"how about you stay with me tonight?" he mumbled, making her smile
"if that doesn't get you in trouble?" she asked
"no one has to know" he closed the door behind them, pulling her onto his bed
His arms wrapped around her cold body, pulling her closer to his warm one. They laid in silence, Pau occasionally pressing kisses on the top of her head.
"are you in this room alone?" she asked, knowing that they usually share with another player
"Lamine was with me. but he went to Fermin's room to play Fifa and he texted me saying he's gonna sleep there. so don't worry" he reassured her, making her snuggle deeper into his chest
"are you gonna tell me about the nightmare?" he asked. She let out a sigh, shaking her head.
"I'm just so tired and I want to sleep next to you" she mumbled into his chest.
He hummed, kissing her temple. Their moment was interrupted by the door of the room opening. y/n jumped out of Pau's arms as she saw Lamine standing there, looking at them with shock on his face
"mate, that's my sister!" he said, pointing at me while looking at Pau
"Lamine please. can you hear what we have to say" y/n said, exhaustion evident in her voice.
Lamine noticed her tiredness, so he nodded and sat down on his bed next to Pau's
"We're dating. we have been for a few months. But we wanted to see if we would progress before telling you, so your friendship doesn't end because of me. I'm sorry if you're mad but we really were gonna tell you soon" she said, while Lamine nodded his head.
"I'm glad you were honest with me now, though i would've preferred to know sooner. I'm happy for you two" he smiled, making both of them smile
"you said you're sleeping at Fermin's though?" Pau said, making Lamine actually remember why he came
"oh yes, I just wanted to grab my charger. don't worry in giving you two your privacy" he winked, making them chuckle.
He grabbed his charger and said good night before leaving the room.
y/n let out a sigh and buried her head in Pau's neck. She pressed few soft kisses on his neck, before speaking.
"that aged well. I'm happy he didn't get mad" she said, not removing her face from his neck
"me too. that could've been way worse" he chuckled.
y/n removed her face from his neck, looking into his gorgeous green eyes. She smiled at him, leaning down and connecting their lips.
When she pulled away, Pau gave her his charming toothy smile.
"I love you Pau. good night" she said, resting her head back on his chest
"I love you more y/n. good night baby" he whispered, pressing a few kisses on her forehead.
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faghubby · 7 months
Hubby's new cock
" wow Paul your so big" Amy laughed as she stroked the toy we had bought at the adult boutique a few hours ago. My own dick bobbing below it was dwarfed by the size. Amy and I had role played different senerios one of my favorite was watching her flirt with other men. Watching them lust after her made me want her even more. She had teased me about sleeping with them. Recently she had increased teasing me. Now on vacation without the kids, she had laughed when she dragged me into the sex shop this afternoon. When she saw the strapon at first she was confused. When she saw it was for a man to wear having a spot for my penis and balls to fit thru it. She bought it on the spot with an evil grin. Now wearing it I climbed on top of her.
"Yes, fuck me with the big cock" she moaned as I rubbed it against her engorged lips. I went so allowing her to adjust to the girth of the toy. It drove her wild. Soon she was moaning and bucking.
"Fuck me, yes fuck me with your big cock" she screamed, I worried the people in the next room would hear. Amy came with such force as I withdrew the toy from her she kissed me. And pulled me down next to her. She grasped my dick and stroked me.
"He fucked me so good with his big cock baby, I am to sore for you" she teased I came quickly. We cuddled and quickly fell asleep. I woke still wearing the toy. Amy was on top of me riding it. I watched her face twist in extasy as she bounced up and down on the toy. Making herself cum she collapsed on top of me.
"This is the best thing we have ever bought" she told me. As she got up and headed to the shower not noticing my throbbing erection. I removed the harness and joined her in the shower. I washed her. Then she washed me. She used the soap to stroke and tease me.
"It seems so tiny" she told me. "What do you say to only the big toy gets to be inside me till we go home?" She asked.
"Well I guess as long as " I was saying when she smiled as I came all over her leg. For the next four days she had me wear the toy to fuck her. Three or four times a day. She always came harder and faster then I had ever seen.
"I can't imagine how good it would feel if it was real" Amy told me one night. She started to give me a handjob she did this everynight before bed now.
"You don't have to" I told her.
"Don't you want to cum?" She asked sitting up.
"I can wait" I replied
"Wait for what?" She replied
"Till you know" I said
"Till what, it grows?" She giggled
"Till we get home" I told her.
OH, okay" Amy smiled.
The next morning Amy had me wear the toy under my clothes.
"Never know when I might need you to fuck me" she told me.
"Do you like walking around with a big cock in your pants?" She teased
"It is a bit awkward" I told her
"Think of all the men who do it every day" she said rubbing my new found bulge. As we wandered thru a town site seeing. She pulled me into an alley. She had my toy cock out in seconds and bent over some dirty broken cart. I fucked her hard and fast in this dirty smelly alley.
"That's how real men would fuck me, when ever and where ever they wished. Amy spent the rest of the day openly flirting with every man she saw.
"I want his cock" she would tell me after we walked away. She did this over and over. Or would ask." Do you think he has a big cock" pointing to random men on the street
"I don't know maybe" I would comment.
"Well bigger then yours, maybe not as big as this one though" she would answer stroking the toy in my pants.
This was all driving me crazy, but at the same time I found it so erotic.
I wanted her so bad. We got back to the hotel. I tried to iniate sex.
"No, you said you could wait" she told me. As she pulled out the toy from my pants and stroked it. She dropped and started to suck on the toy.
"Don't you wish you had a big cock so I would suck you like this" Amy said then went back to sucking the toy. This drove me even more crazy as I watched her deep throat and gag on the toy. Before she stopped and went to get dressed for dinner. I started to jerk off as I watched her get undressed.
"Stop that, you said you wanted to wait. So non of that" Amy said smacking my ass. My dick jumped when she did. I took a cold shower.
Amy was wearing a simple sun dress to go to dinner. Just before we left she flashed me showing me she wore no panties. She noticed my discomfort as we got in the elevator.
"This is so much fun" she teased smacking my ass again. This time I let out a low moan when she did.
"Paul are you okay" she laughed "don't make a mess in your pants" we sat in the corner of the restaurant. Amy sat very close. She took my hand and slid it under her dress. I teased and fingered her as we ordered.
"I bet the waiter has a big cock he could fuck me with" Amy teased nibbling on my ear. "Ask him if he would fuck your wife for you" she teased. I so wanted to cum. He waiter returned and placed our drinks.
"Would you be interested in fucking my wife?" I blurted out to him. I don't know who was more shocked the waiter or Amy. The waiter recovered first.
"It would be an honor" he said Amy still sitting there mouth open reached out and rubbed his crotch. She watched me as she did it. She then handed the room key to the waiter. He went to help some other people.
"Are you sure about this?" Amy asked very seriously.
"Yes" I said with lust in my throat. We ate dinner, Amy and Bill the waiter discussed meeting in the room after 11 when he got off. Amy and I went back to the room. Where she took a long bath and made herself ready for Bill.
"You can watch, I like you to watch if you want to. But no touching. Actually no touching yourself either" Amy told me making sure I was clear on the rules.
Bill arrived 5 minutes after 11 and instantly took charge. He grabbed Amy and kissed her deeply his hands roaming all over her body. Amy looked over at me. I just there and watched. Amy dropped to her knees and pulled out Bill's cock. He was hard, uncircumcised and at least 2 inches bigger then me. Amy teased and sucked his cock watching me.
"I don't know why you want me to fuck her but man she can suck cock" Bill said to me.
"Because he to small to please me" Amy told him stopping for a moment. bill pulled her to her feet. And removed her tiny lace panties she had worn for him. He made sure I had a good view as he drove his cock deep into Amy with one thrust . She gasped but was so excited it slid in easy. I watched fighting the urge to touch myself as Bill fucked Amy. There was no passion, it was pure lust on both of their parts.
Bill tried to pull out.
"No cum inside me,I am on the pill. Fill me up" Amy told him. He thrust deep one last time and pumped his seed inside my wife. Bill then casually got up dressed and left.
"Did you like that?" Amy asked as she approached I could see his cum running down her thigh. She ran her hand thru my hair then cupped my cheek. I moaned as I came in my pants. Amy looked confused for a moment then smiled as the wet spot appeared thru my jeans.
"Definitely have to do that again soon" she laughed and went to get cleaned up.
"I think I need to get fucked again, why don't you put on your new cock" she called from the bathroom. I stripped and tried to clean myself up. As I slipped on the harness. Knowing we had opened a new chapter in out marriage.
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damiansgoodgirll · 1 year
Can you do a angst about Kylian maybe he cheated on his wife when she is pregnant (or not) and then she leaves him, but after she forgives him after so many attempts of trying get back to her, with a happy ending
changed it a bit because i hate cheating so no happy ending for this one :))
kylian mbappè x reader
tw : cheating, a lot of angst sorry
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5 years
you were six months pregnant and you and kylian were thrilled about the arrival of your first baby. you’ve been wanting a family for so long and when you started trying for a baby if felt like the universe wasn’t on your side.
now, two years later, you were finally pregnant and full of joy. everyone around you kept telling you how full of life you were, you were glowing and people noticed it.
the first few months were hell. you couldn’t keep food down, even the smell of morning breakfast made you nauseous and frustrated. kylian did everything he could to help you. he would hold your hair if you needed to throw up, he would cuddle you afterwards and helped you stay hydrated.
around the third month your belly started to show, you started to feel the baby growing. kylian talked every night to your growing belly, he couldn’t wait to meet them.
fourth and fifth months were easier. you still felt nauseous and your whole body began to hurt, your back was hurting, your feet, your growing boobs, your hands, sometimes even your nose. but to you, everything was worth it.
now you just entered your sixth month and because of pregnancy, hormones and summer you couldn’t stop sweating. you were always a complete mess. not even cold showers and ac could help you.
kylian knew how much uncomfortable you were and he decided to make you relax with a little vacation in miami. not the coldest place on earth, it was completely the opposite but your hotel had a spa, indoor pool and a perfect way to the beach. it was everything you could ask for.
the week passed and you were so grateful that kylian made you forget about all of your problems. he was invited to some party in the hamptons, almost like he was part of the elite and of course he wanted to go. he asked you to join him but honestly you couldn’t wait to go home and lay in bed all week. your body started to hurt again and you needed some rest. of course kylian understood your point of view so he went to the hamptons while you went straight back home.
you called him when you landed back in paris and he texted you right before the party. everything was normal, until it wasn’t.
you woke up the day after, it probably was still night in america so you waited to call kylian. due to your growing belly you couldn’t find any comfortable position in bed so you woke up pretty early and laid on the couch watching some tv.
when it was around 9 am you got tired, you went from watching the news to watching friends to watching crime shows. the only person you needed was kylian but at the moment he was on the other side of the world partying and probably getting drunk.
you ignored your phone all morning so you were surprised when you saw that your best friend called you 10 times.
it was lunch time and you were starting to eat when you decided to open your phone. it was blowing.
14 missed calls from kylian.
10 missed calls from your best friend.
4 missed calls from kylian’s brother ethan.
you saw people kept mentioning you on twitter and instagram so curiosity got the best of you and went straight to the socials.
you wish you didn’t do it.
leaked pictures of kylian kissing another woman. his hands all over her body. on her ass too. a video of kylian and this random girl hidden in the corner making out.
you felt like throwing up but this time wasn’t because of the pregnancy.
people started messaging you, saying how sorry they were for you, that you and the baby didn’t deserve it.
the baby.
he cheated on you, his soon-to-be wife, while you were carrying his baby.
he decided to throw away five years for what?
right when your mind was spinning and full of thoughts that kylian’s name appeared once again on your phone. he was calling you again. this time you answered, you knew you had to confront him once he got back home.
“oh thank god you answered…” he said from the other side of the phone.
“do you need something?” you asked, your voice emotionless. he knew you saw the pictures. and the video.
“listen, i’m coming back home right now, i’m at the airport…i’m so sorry, you have no idea…i’m so ashamed” he confessed. you knew he was crying but you couldn’t care less.
you turned your phone off without answering him. you knew you had like 6 or 7 hours before he got back home, so, with the help of your best friend, you started packing everything, from your clothes to the make up and books.
the moment you saw how empty his room looked without your things you broke down crying. you started realising that the man you loved for all these years really cheated on you.
you broke down once again, this time when you were in the nursery because having a family and growing this kid with love was all you wished for.
your best friend comforted you and helped you packing. while you were at home waiting for kylian, she got all of your stuff back to your old apartment. it wasn’t as nice as kylian’s, but it was big enough for you to be growing your baby.
sat on the sofa and watching the eiffel tower shining, you heard the front door opening and what you saw was a very broken and suffering kylian.
he needed so suffer.
“baby…i…” he started talking but you stopped him.
“y/n…not baby, my name’s y/n”
“i’m so sorry mon amour, i - i don’t know what happened…” he started explaining and you let him, you already knew that no matter what he said you were not going to forgive him “i guess i was just drunk and caught up in the moment…i know it’s not an excuse but i really have none…i’m so so sorry for doing this to you, you didn’t deserve it…”
“we didn’t deserve it…” you said laying a hand on your belly “i don’t give a fuck if you were drunk or not, you cheated on me! kylian this is unforgivable, don’t give a shit if you’re the father of my baby…i don’t wanna see you or hear you ever again” you said standing up from the couch.
“what-you can’t be serious…no, no i can’t lose you y/n, you’re everything for me, you and the baby…i love you both so much…”
“i’m deadass serious mbappè” you tried to keep a serious tone but you broke down when you started seeing that woman around kylian’s body in your mind “i’ve loved you for all of these years kylian, i still love you but right now i can’t even stay in the same room as you…you make me sick, in less than three months our baby will be here and - and i can’t even stand to see your face” you cried “i gave you everything! kylian, how could you do this to me? to us?”
“i know i have no excuses…i’m just so sorry, i can’t even say how much sorry i am…”
“i don’t care how sorry you are” you sobbed “i really don’t…you just broke everything we had, this, our family…”
“don’t say this please…” kylian walked towards you but you stopped him. he wanted to punch himself, he wanted to scream and cry, he wanted to hold you and wipe your tears away but he knew he fucked up really bad.
“i already packed my things…i won’t be living here, i can’t even stand to see your face right now…”
“no, you can’t leave me y/n please…i love you so much, i fucked up i know but i’ll work for your forgiveness, i’ll make it up to you” he cried. he knew it was over. he lost.
“i really don’t care…” you said. exhausted.
“don’t do this please…don’t break our family apart”
“you did it kylian the moment you kissed that girl, and i know that it wasn’t only a kiss, i know you fucked her, the look you had in the video…i know that look pretty good…you’re the one to blame…you’ll be hearing from my lawyer” you said before leaving his apartment.
kylian broke you in so many ways you couldn’t even explain but your baby deserved to have a father, you just didn’t want to be a part of it.
his mom and his family helped you during the last months of pregnancy, he tried to call you so many times that you had to block him.
you didn’t want him inside the room when you were giving birth. your mom was there, his mom was there too and that was all the support you needed.
you began to think about how it would have been if he never cheated on you, how your baby would have two beautiful parents that loved each others but now your child was stuck with two parents who kept fighting and couldn’t see each others.
all because kylian couldn’t keep his dick in his pants.
part 2
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bewitchedfeathers · 4 months
Dust and Cold - Sick V/ox and Allergic Al/astor (Rad/iostatic)
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Authors notes: (Credit to my RP partner for some of the Alastor’s sneeze spellings! Thanks darling!)
I imagine the Z's in their sneezes are static sounds. I hope you enjoy!
“Well at least I wasn’t taken down by the common…cuh…heh'iiKSCHH! eh'TSCHhu! heh'iiiiZZSCHHUEE,” he lowered the handkerchief from his face enough that he could dab carefully underneath his pink tinged nose, “the common cold.” He leaned back in his high backed chair and tried to look unaffected.
“Yeah dust allergies are much more dignified,” Vox retorted from the couch opposite Alastor, voice gravelly and rough from his illness.
“I am not allergic to anything. It is merely abominably dusty in h-here with Niffty on vacation,” He finished with a pointed look to Charlie who had just appeared in the doorway.
“She works so hard for the hotel! She deserved that vacation and it was so good of you to give it to her,” she said with a bright encouraging smile that did nothing to raise the dour energy in the room. “And its only for another two days.”
“Hear that Al, you’ll only have to…hahhh…have to….Hahhh’AZZzshuhh…hh’EZzSHUHHh…SNF have to deal with your terrible dust allergies for two more days,” Vox snarked back between sneezing into his fist. He grabbed a few tissues from the box tucked next to him where he was sprawled and cleaned himself up.
“I don’t have allergies,” Alastor sniffed primly, which immediately set him sneezing again. “Hih-IkkTshiuew…hh’hih’ITZZzzShiew. Snf. Surely other members of the hotel are similarly affected. In fact your cold is probably being worsened just by being here and it’d be better for you to leave.”
Charlie froze and looked awkwardly away from Alastor at the mention of others being effected by the dust. A sure sign that Alastor was alone in his sensitivity to dust, whether he admitted it existed or not. 
Vox rolled his eyes, unphased by Alastor’s snarliness. He turned towards his shoulder, away from Charlie, to muffle a coughing fit. It dragged on for a minute sounding rough and forceful, and leaving Vox panting in the aftermath.
“Oh Vox, did you need anything?” Charlie asked, face full of sympathetic concern.
“We’re fine,” Alastor said pointedly (Vox might say possessively). Charlie ignored him and waited for Vox to respond but he waved off her concern with a hand. 
“I’m alright. If I need anything Alastor can summon it for me,” He said with a smug grin to Alastor like he knew the radio demon wouldn’t refute it.
“Only because you are too pitiful to take care of yourself, dear,” Alastor said gazing down his nose at Vox.
Vox’s antennas sparked as he glared at Alastor. “You’re such an asshole.You can never -” he paused to cough before continuing, voice ragged, “-admit to having feelings or something as benign as allergies, even in the happy-Hah’TZZSHHuh.. fucking hotel,” Vox responded snippily.
Alastor’s antlers grew slightly larger as the sound of static filled the room. “It’s the Hazbin Hotel and I don’t have any such weaknesses as…ah-hah…Hih’IKZzZkshiew…” Abruptly the room fell quiet and the heavy feeling of violence disappated as Alastor’s head jolted down into his kerchief. “Hih’IKZZshiew…IKT-zZzzshew….Hih’ih’ihhhh’ZSHIEWW…”
“Gesundheit, Al,” Vox offered placidly, letting the argument go for the moment. 
Alastor blew his nose and then replaced his kerchief with a fresh one with a flick of his fingers tinged green with magic. “Pardon me,” he murmured demurely while he shot Vox a look daring him to say anything.
Vox was distracted by another fit of coughing that he did his best to muffle into his elbow. “Fuck, this is getting ridiculous. Hhh..n-not ahh-again…” he groaned as he slowly built up to another sneeze.
As Vox's eyes fell shut, Alastor's gaze turned slightly softer, tinged with concern. But when Charlie caught it and opened her mouth to comment Alastor shot her a blood curdling look backed by the shriek of microphone feedback. Charlie settled for smiling encouragingly at him instead. 
“Hhhh…hh’huhhh…fuh-fucking heh….hell…” Vox shed a few sneezy tears as the tickle in his sinuses continued to tease him. Alastor noticed Charlie watching Vox succumb to his cold symptoms and felt a need for no one else to see Vox like this. 
“Goodnight, Charlie,” Alastor said pointedly with a glance at the open door, followed by a trio of itchy sounding stifled sneezes. “Hih’TZzsht-IZZshxt-IZZZhew. Pardon me.”
“Gesundheit. Ah, right,” she nodded taking the hint with good humor, “Good night, Alastor. Goodnight, Vox. I hope you're both feeling better in the morning.” She left with a final wave just as Vox launched into a fit of sneezes. Alastor locked the door behind her with a wave of his hand, before turning his attention back to his sick companion.
“Good…huh…goodnight…Huhhh’hhh…HUHhhh’IZZZJSHHHOO…hh’Huh’UhZZZSHHHuhh…hhhhh…hhih…Heh’EIIZZZSHHHeww….” Vox groaned and began mopping himself up, going through quite a few tissues in the process. Alastor grimaced at the pile when Vox was finished and disappeared them with a wave of shadow.
“Gesundheit, dear. Quite the cuhhh-snf cold you managed to catch there,” Alastor commented as he dabbed at his nose. “Would you care for some tea?” 
“Thadks, Al. Tea sou’ds good,” Vox said tiredly, shivering a bit even with a throw blanket wrapped around his shoulders. 
Alastor summoned another blanket, in his favored red tones, over Vox's legs. And then snapped hot tea into existence for each of them. 
Vox huddled over the tea as if trying to soak up its warmth. He took a sip and gave a pleased hum as he found it was made just how he liked it. Then he shot Alastor a grateful little grin. 
“It's perfect, Al. Thadk you.”
“Its nothing, dear. But you're welcome,” Alastor responded, voice fond and expression gone soft around the edges.
A few minutes passed before Alastor’s breath caught and Alastor’s shadow grabbed the cup from him just in time as he started sneezing. The fit bent him forward with each sneeze, his hair falling into his face and ears pressed back.
“Hhh’hih-hihh-hehIKSH’ieww… Eh’TSHHiew..Hnn— KSH! Kshue! Hehh’HEHH?! EIISHHUE!” Alastor gave a staticky groan and dabbed at his red rimmed eyes. “Pardon mbe, dear,” he murmured before blowing his nose to clear out the sound of congestion.
“Holy shit, Alastor, Gesundheit,” Vox said, eyes still a little wide at the ferocity of Alastor’s fit.
“Thank you, dear,” Alastor said straightening his hair and jacket and reclaiming his tea. After which he pretended that nothing had happened, and Vox was tired enough not to tease him about it.
Over the course of Alastor drinking his tea Vox’s gaze grew rheumy and his face flushed in reflection to his rising temperature. Alastor began darting glances at him, Vox for once oblivious to the attention.
“Feeling alright, my dear?” He asked when Vox had stopped drinking from his tea cup for several minutes.
“Hm?” He looked over at Alastor blearily.
Alastor’s smile dipped at the corners, Vox never missed what he said. “How are you feeling, Vox?” 
“Tired…Hhhh’HDZsshhuh-Heh’SHuhh..” He sneezed openly down towards his lap and electric sparks danced across his visible skin. Alastor’s eyes went wide with a mix of alarm and concern. “Gesundheit, darling,” he murmured as he set his own empty tea cup aside.
He stood up and carefully took Vox’s tea and set it aside as well. “Then you should rest, my dear. You’re running a fever.” He adjusted pillows and eased the loose and compliant Vox back until he was fully laying down and tucked in. Once he had Vox’s long limbs tucked underneath the blankets he gave the media demon’s shoulder a pat. 
“Get some sleep, you’ll feel better in the morning.” He stood to return to his chair when Vox let out a staticky whine and rasped, “Don’t leave…”
Alastor sighed softly and sat back down. “I’ll be here when you wake, my dear,” he reassured as Vox’s stuffy breathing grew heavier with sleep.
(And then Alastor stifled his sneezes into silence so as to not wake Vox for however many hours. (And probably catches Vox’s cold))
The End
Fun Headcanons that came from writing this:
+ Alastor only uses Vox's name when he's irritated or worried
+ Alastor is protective of Vox when he's vulnerable and doesn't like anyone seeing Vox in moments of helplessness (also doesn't want anyone seeing him soft on Vox)
+ If Alastor summons something for Vox its often with designs and colors that represent Alastor, he likes seeing Vox marked as his in some small way
[Fic Masterlist]
Let me know if you enjoyed and feel free to give me prompts for Haz/bin or Hell/uva! (Anon is on!)
(Also I think for every comment I've received I've written about 300 words - so feel free to get me writing!)
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mousy-nona · 6 months
I didn't send the initial prompt so I hope this is allowed, but could I request a followup to the story where Lucifer gets addicted to Alastor's blood? One where he finally gets that taste he's been so desperately craving, whether through charm or persistence or a trade of some sort?
Part 1 here.
Lucifer tried everything. He tried meditation. He tried stuffing his face with so much cake his waistband grew three sizes (he later transfigured it away, so no one would ask him Concerned Questions). He even went on vacation to the Lust Ring for a while, but there were only so many sex jokes a person could take before they started seeing penises and boobs everywhere.
The whole time he was there, he kept thinking about the forbidden fruit coursing through Alastor’s veins. And when he was done lusting after Alastor’s blood, he would think about Alastor in general. Alastor would hate this, he thought, bored out of his mind while a cow devil was milked dry in front of him. Alastor would hate that, he thought, as Ozzie and his partner treated him to a very graphic display of affection that left his face redder than a tomato. When Ozzie started rolling out the really premium shows, Lucifer decided it was high time for him to go.
By that time, the obsession had grown to the point where he was nearly deafened by it, the constant refrain of AlastorthisAlastorthatAlastorAlastorAlastor –
Then he stepped out of his golden portal, and a tall figure sitting in an armchair by the fire turned around and the voice went silent.
Alastor barely looked up, too busy petting KeeKee and looking like the world’s best Bond villain to give him the time of day. 
“Ah, you’re back.”
When had that radio static started sounding like home? “Did y’all miss me?” He glanced around, deflating a little at the empty sitting room. “Where is everyone?”
“Busy with any number of far more important matters, I’m sure,” Alastor drawled. 
“It’s good to see you too, asshole,” Lucifer grumbled. The brief moment of homecoming faded, replaced by that permanent feeling of annoyance that he always felt around Alastor. He had started stomping upstairs when the shadows by the top of the stairs shifted, crinkled. Then Alastor was there, blocking his way. 
“I see your Majesty has his tiny knickers in a twist,” he commented, as if that wasn’t a totally inappropriate to say to the biblical source of all evil. 
Lucifer’s jaw nearly dropped to the floor. “Excuse me?” 
“I wouldn’t bother trying to deny it if I were you,” Alastor mentioned. “That would be quite an insult to my intelligence. You’ve been in a foul mood for weeks. The whole hotel has noticed it. You’ve been dragging that silly cane all over the place, something you only do when you're upset.” A flash of green lit up Alastor’s wide smile. He looked positively ghoulish, but Lucifer was still stuck on his comment about his cane. I drag it when I’m sad? Since when? And why did he notice? “If it’s bothering you so much, why not share the load?”
“You want me to…tell you my problems? What is this, storytime?” Lucifer scoffed. 
“Perhaps I could lend you my assistance,” he purred. “For a price, of course.” 
Lucifer rolled his eyes. “Now you’re insulting my intelligence.” With a flick of his hand, another portal appeared on the stairs, blocking Alastor from view. The demon was oddly perceptive. He didn’t want him to see just how close he was to falling to his knees and blubbering yes please just a sip, just one more taste. 
(Lillith had always called him a drama queen. Maybe she’d had a point.)
The portal didn’t block the sound of Alastor’s voice, more’s the pity. “Is this about the little scratch you gave me a few weeks ago?” 
Lucifer stilled. The portal wavered, guttered, and went out, leaving the two of them staring at each other.
“How–?” He stammered. 
Alastor’s grin was triumphant. “How many times must I say it? Never underestimate my intelligence. So am I correct?”
Lucifer didn’t respond, which was answer enough. Alastor sniffed. 
“In that case, I believe I have an answer to your problems.” 
What? Was he offering what Lucifer thought he was offering? “And what could that possibly be?”
“Quid pro quo, my dear. You get some of my blood, and I get some of yours.” 
“Fine,” Lucifer gestured him over impatiently. “Come here and bite me –” 
“Not like that.” 
Alastor raised a small glass vial. His smile would have made a crocodile jealous. “I told you, just a little bit of blood. I never said to drink.” 
Alastor eyes flashed into dials and the darkness was split by a lazer of green, then red – a literal red flag. The biggest STOP HERE, DO NOT PASS GO, DO NOT COLLECT $200 Lucifer had ever seen. 
But his mouth was so dry. He could barely think past how large his tongue had grown. Besides, he was the king of hell. The original sin. What harm could it do to let Alastor have a little bit of his blood? 
A lot, the rational part of his brain whispered. This is Alastor we’re talking about. But the rational part of his brain had grown rather quiet around the Crusades, and he’d lost a good chunk of it by World War II. 
Charlie said he was reckless. She didn’t know the half of it. 
“Fine,” Lucifer said. “But you only get to take my blood once. And I can drink from you when I want.”
Alastor thought for a moment, then his lips moved. 
The word disappeared in the cra-a-ack of green lightning that struck around them like fireworks. He started to roll up his sleeves, but Lucifer was too quick for him. He flew up the steps and smashed into Alastor with such force he sent them spiraling into the wall. Alastor gasped, but before he could protest, Lucifer had torn the fabric of his shirt and slashed a deep groove into the cool skin of his neck. 
Finally, that sweet blood flowed onto his tongue. He moaned, his lids fluttering as he drank greedily. Big mouthfuls at a time. 
Sin. Death. Apples. Smoke and sugar. The taste was indescribable, and in that moment, Lucifer thought he could have promised Alastor his whole kingdom, and it would have been a fair trade. 
Alastor, for his part, stayed dutifully still, even when Lucifer licked off the blood that had splattered onto Alastor’s collarbone and the tip of his chin, unwilling to let even a drop of it go to waste.
It took a while, but Lucifer finally leaned back with a groan, his lips smeared with blood like it was cherry chapstick. 
“Satisfied?” Alastor muttered. Lucifer made an incoherent sound of joy. 
“Good. I am as well.” Alastor raised a completely full vial of golden blood. When had he taken it? “I believe it was a satisfactory deal for both parties.”
Then he smiled in a way that made Lucifer's skin prickle. 
Heavenly Father, what have I done? 
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usmsgutterson · 11 months
I think I might have fallen in love- realization fics! Fics with this prompt can be the realization of anything--a characters imminent death, the moment wherein someone realizes they've been betrayed, or they can be super fluffy and detail the moment a character realizes they're in love, the moment where they realize they can see a future with the reader--perhaps one that entails settling down or one that involves leaving the past behind--, the moment where they realize that they want to marry them! Anything goes with this prompt, and I'll write 1-5k words using it!
OKAY- what about nikolai x reader. and it's where he realizes he wants to marry her. maybe r thinks of a solution to some matter of state and he watches in awe how she handles the questions and gets the other's attention. and he's just like "yep. i'm gonna make her my bride" or something like that :)
Motion- N.L x fem! reader
okay, hi! This came out a bit later than I meant for it to--I decided a few weeks ago to plan out a duology to try to complete during NaNoWriMo and that took up a lot of my headspace, where trying to make sure my mental health was on track and I was breathing in something other than stale apartment air took up the rest of it. However, I am so sorry for how late this is coming out regardless!
On another note, my requests close next friday! They close at 11:30 pm AST (which is around 7:30 PST) and hopefully, what remains of my requests will be done by that point. Fall event requests are open until the second and my holiday event will come out sometime between the 24th of November and the 1st of December.
Fic type- fluff
Warnings- none
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You and Nikolai were sitting in a meeting, debating with the Grisha triumvirate and several other relevant court members who sat in on Ravkas ever growing list of issues. You'd thrummed your way from matters of inter-palace discontent through matters of civilian discontent and you were up to matters of state.
Nikolai was getting bored watching everyone bicker, each of them trying to stop one another from getting a word in, but you looked as though you'd just gotten started. Nikolai could've sworn you were smirking slightly as you watched Zoya snap at a general, ready to throw a gust of wind at him--one so powerful that it knocked him through the meeting room wall--and barely managing to restrain herself. You looked as though, despite the fact that you weren't Grisha, you were ready to do the same thing.
Genya looked ready to tailor someone into a very ugly version of themself and David simply looked as though he wanted to go back to his work, like he was mad at the fact of his obligations as a member of the triumvirate for pulling him away from it.
"And before you start, Novikov," you started. Nikolai turned his attention to you, smile on his face. "Let me talk my way through this, yeah? You start talking and you might find yourself unable to fill your britches because you simply don't know enough. It's not a matter of the people--it's a matter of the funds we're able to allocate to the cities. If we can allocate enough to cities both big and small then we're setting ourselves up for an economic boom that starts at the big cities, moves to the small ones. It moves to the towns, and from the towns it moves back to us."
"How do you expect Ravka of all places to be able to do such a thing?" Novikov asks, bushy eyebrows furrowed at your suggestion.
"We can get tourists in," you said. "Ravka is broke--that is absolutely not a surprise to anyone in this room. However, to appeal to those who can only afford to take one vacation a year we advertise the cities. The ones with good-quality but still cheap hotels, honest working parents and saintstales as old as the country itself."
"And what of the rich folks?" David asked. "I mean--we can't advertise Ravka for tourism without aiming somewhere that will actually make a difference one trip on, can we?"
"Palace tours," you said. "The Grand Palace--we can make it a tourist spot Friday through Monday, twelve hours, with options for individual touring, group touring, or guided versions of the same. I'll be a bloody guide if I need to, but I know that there are people somewhere who are passionate about Ravkas history to be willing to volunteer their time."
'And how long is this going to take to pay off our debts?" Novikov asked. "I mean--nobody will go for it if it takes us longer than a decade."
"If it takes us longer than a decade, the youngest of us in the room have a chance at seeing it in the last year or two before we hit forty," Genya said. "Nikolai is twenty-four at the current, which means it would take sixteen years if it were to be such a strenuous plan."
"It's not," You said. "Tours of the palace will take two hours going at a slow pace if my walks of the Grand Palace are to have proved anything. If we get six volunteers, then that's one to cover every tour everyday. Ticket prices can be set at 20 coin for a general admission, 10 for children and fifteen for seniors. Max the group allowance at groups of ten and that ranges from 100-200 coin just off the gate. Take that and multiply it by six, and we have 600-1200 coin going back into the coffers of those to whom Ravka is indebted. It'll be volunteer based because the saints know we cannot afford to pay the guides but I would do a twelve hour workday just to prove that my idea is the right move."
"And what benefits could we offer in place of wages?"
"A hot meal when shifts are done, a room at the Little Palace and food by an irrefutable line of direction. We could also put them on palace staffing lists officially so they'd at least be making the minimum wage, but I think that such would constitute as fraudulent somewhere."
Nikolai was deep in thought when you brought up that last point, but with one squeeze from your hand he was back to reality.
"If they would be willing to take a room in the Little Palace for the duration of time during which tours take place, then it wouldn't violate any laws--they'd be working within the palaces, allowing their placement onto the palace staff."
"What is your estimate on how long it would take?" Novikov asked. "On how long the combination of marketing the cities and the palace tours would take to pay off our debts and refill the war treasury?"
Nikolai had been looking at you how he always did--like you were the love of his life. As he watched you answer what both of you had hoped tto be Novikovs last question, he came to a realization.
"A minimum of five years," you said. "And that is with the tours going all year round. If we could have the tours going daily it would probably still be the same such estimate--we're more than one million kruge in debt with Kerch, double that with Novyi Zem, Novikov. The process for clearing Ravka of it's debts is not something that will be instantaneous unless you're willing to sell your home and give the funds to the cause? According to reports I've seen, your home could have us reasonably jumped forward if you sell it for it's maximum monetary value?"
Nikolai could see it right in front of him--two years from then, a ceremony. Watching you walk down the isle, a coronation where you were crowned as queen. A life as your husband, a life with you as his wife.
He glanced at the ring finger on his left hand--it was looking awfully bare, but if you said yes when Nikolai proposed, which he decided he would do right then, it would not look bare for the rest of his life.
"All in favor?" Nikolai asks, giving your hand a squeeze as the thought solidifies itself fully in his mind.
I am going to make her my bride.
Everyone, including a rather embarrassed Novikov, said "I" and you grinned victoriously.
Your plan was barely in motion, but it was starting to gain traction still. As Nikolai pressed a kiss to your cheekbone and the two of you moved to leave the meeting room, the same could be said of his.
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marie-swriting · 1 year
I Like San Francisco - Kate Bishop
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Marvel Masterlist
Romance Masterlist
Summary : You're in San Francisco with your best friend Kate and she made it her personal challenge to make you fall in love with the city.
Warnings : fluff, mutual pining, maybe some grammatical mistakes as English is not my first language, tell me if you see some or if I missed any warnings.
Word count : 2k
French version
Song inspiration : Used To This by Camila Cabello
You slowly open your eyes, the daylight preventing you from staying in the arms of Morpheus. Turning your head, you look at Kate tenderly. Her lips are parted, light snores are coming out of them. You think she’s cute. You’ll never tell her that.
You’ve been in love with her since your teenage years and you’ve always managed to ignore your feelings, you even dated other people. However, your feelings came back in an instant when your last relationship ended. You’ve been struggling for a month to not show it. You’ve been friends for too long, it’d be strange to confess your feelings now and you don’t know if you’d be able to get used to this new change in your relationship so you admire her in silence.
You completely turn yourself towards your best friend to have a better look of her face. Kate seems to have felt you because a few seconds later, her face is in front of yours, a strand of hair falling on her. Kate’s nose scrunches a bit, being tickled by the hairs. Still asleep, she tries to move her head, hoping to take away what’s bothering her in vain. You hold back a laugh before taking the strand of hair away. At the same time, you’re putting it back behind her ear, Kate slowly opens her eyes. Your hand finds its way back to your side, fearing you might have woken her up. You stay still until Kate completely opens her eyes and guilt takes over your body.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up. Your hair was bothering you so I wanted to help you.”
“Don’t worry. What time is it ?” she asks with a sleepy voice that could make you swoon.
“Nine am.”
“We should get up then.” Kate exclaims, leaving the bed.
“What ? Why ? We’re on vacation.” you sigh, putting your pillow on your head.
“We’re in San Francisco for only five days. You didn’t seriously think we’d stay in the hotel room doing nothing ?” she questions, taking your pillow.
“Huh, actually, I did. I’ve never liked San Francisco so-”
“You don’t like San Francisco ? You’re kidding me ?” Kate cuts you off, shocked.
“There’s nothing special here.” you affirm, shrugging.
“Why did you book this trip then ?”
“Because my ex absolutely wanted to come here and I wanted to please her. I mean, that was before she dumped me a month ago ‘cause ‘actually, she never loved me that much’.” you explain, irritated because of your ex, Sarah.
“It’s not a reason to not enjoy it ! You’re with your best friend in a new city and I know what we’re going to do, I did some research. You’ll see, by the end of our trip, you’ll be in love with San Francisco.”
“Is that a challenge ?”
“You could say that.” Kate smiles.
“Good luck.”
“Come on ! Get your cute little ass up from that bed and go shower.” she orders, hitting you with the pillow. “I’m gonna plan our itinerary for today.”
You laugh before giving her a salute and standing up. Kate points to the bathroom with her hand and not without groaning, you go get ready after taking your stuff.
Once you’re both ready, you take one of San Francisco’s famous cable cars to discover the city quickly before exploring different areas. During your ride, Kate is sitting next to the window and she’s looking at the landscape with amazement. At first, you don’t pay attention until she takes your hand and shows you the typical city’s houses. The sensation of her hand in yours gives you butterflies. It’s not the first time she’s doing this but now it’s different. Your feelings are stronger so this touch is both nice and weird. It means more than friendship. 
Kate reads some passages from a touristic book, hoping you’ll be interested in it and you listen to her, technically you’re more captivated by the sound of her voice rather than the information.
When you think you’ve stayed long enough in the cable car, you go to Pier 39. Kate drags you to the place where you can see Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge from afar before going where you can find sea lions. As soon as you see them, you have to admit this city is becoming more interesting. Kate tries to get closer to one of them and panics at the last minute when a sea lion moves and she runs to you. You laugh at her actions. You take a few pictures and continue to visit a bit more until it’s late.
The next days are quite similar. You’re discovering the city and Kate tries to find something that could make you like the city by any means. She finally manages the fourth day. That day, she brings you to the Beat Museum. You love this literary movement and the authors from it. Seeing the storefront of the museum, you turn to Kate who has a proud smile on her face.
“So, is there still nothing special in San Francisco ?” she questions rhetorically.
“You’re on the right path. I gotta admit, this museum is one of the only reasons why I had accepted to come here.”
“I knew it ! Come on, let’s go in there.” she says, locking her arm in yours. 
In the museum, you’re totally mesmerised. For once, you’re the one giving information to Kate who listens with joy. She asks you a lot of questions and you answer every one of them, even the most basic one. You even add some fun facts you’ve discovered over the years. Before leaving, you go to the gift shop and buy Lonesome Traveller. You know almost every Jack Kerouac’s works but you don’t own them all. You’ve mostly read them on your Kindle and coming to the museum is the perfect excuse to buy the physical copy of this particular book.
That night, you go eat at the restaurant not too far away from the hotel. On the way, you start reading the book out loud so Kate can discover the story. For your pleasure, she gets interested in it right away and she is sad when she realises you’ve arrived at the restaurant, wanting to know what happens next. You promise her to keep reading it to her later.
The ambiance in the place is relaxed thanks to the karaoke night. You laugh at the different groups of people singing while being extravagant. Whilst you’re eating, you sometimes sing with the people on the stage from your chairs. Your best friend has officially organised this day perfectly. 
Once you’ve finished eating, you don’t go home straight away, instead you prefer to keep watching people doing karaoke. An hour later, Kate turns her head to you with a big smile on her face. No need to think too hard to know what she has in mind.
“Kate, no.” you laugh.
“Come on ! We know no one, we don’t care if we sing badly. Besides, we’re here to have fun.” she tries to convince you with puppy dog eyes.
“You better choose a good song !”
“Yes !” she exclaims, victorious before standing up.
When she comes back, she tells you there are two groups of people before you. Kate refuses to give you the name of the song she’s chosen, wanting to keep the surprise. You have several ideas in mind of what she could’ve asked for. Normally, Kate spit it out quickly if you insist long enough and you do her forlorn puppy look, however when it’s a surprise which is happening in a few minutes or hours, she can resist. When you’re called, Kate takes your arm and brings you to the stage.
The first notes of Lay All Your Love On Me start and you stare at her laughing. Of course, she chose this song ! Mamma Mia ! is your favorite movie and you know all the songs like the back of your hand and you even created your own choreography when you were kids getting the inspiration from the ones in the movies.
Kate starts singing and you patiently wait, your mic in hand. Kate moves on the stage without looking where she’s walking. The moment she sings ‘I beg of you’, she focuses on you. Seeing her about to fall, you catch her on time meanwhile her voice is unstable on the last note she is supposed to hold. You start singing the chorus, keeping your hand on her arm to prevent another accident. You continue your part of the song, laughing at Kate’s antics. When she sings the chorus, Kate gets closer to you and puts her hand on your cheeks, singing dramatically. You try to hide your discomfort, seeing her near you, like every time you get to that part of the song. At that moment, you’d like to kiss her but you hold yourself back ; you spin her, hoping to create a small space between you two.
You keep having fun until the song ends. Like the other participants, you’re applauded while you’re going back to your table. You stay for a bit longer before going back to the hotel, tiredness getting stronger.
The last day, you visit more calmly, having already done the most famous spots, except the Golden Gate Bridge. You’ve saved San Francisco's famous bridge for last, wanting to admire it during the sunset.
Luckily, there aren't a lot of people with you. You find a bench to stare at it peacefully. Waiting for the sunset, you keep reading Lonesome Traveller to Kate, her head on your knees while you’re stroking her hair. When she gives you a sign it’s time, you put your book in your bag and Kate sits down correctly. You watch the sun going down in the sky silently, Kate’s hand has found its way back to yours in the meantime. Whilst you’re lost in your thoughts, your best friend’s voice brings you back to reality. 
“So have I successfully managed to change your mind ? Do you like the city ?”
“Good try but no. There are some interesting things but I’m still not convinced.” you admit with a smile.
“One day, I will make you change your mind !”
“Is that a threat ?”
“A promise.” Kate corrects, squeezing your hand lightly.
You stay silent again only this time, you’re not admiring the sky but Kate. Feeling your heart going faster, you try to calm yourself down. You keep staring at her before speaking again.
“Thanks for coming with me, by the way.”
“You know I’m always happy to spend time with you.”
“And thank you for not saying ‘I told you so’.”, you add, making her frown. “Don’t lie, you’ve been dreaming of saying it to me since Sarah dumped me. You were always saying she’d break my heart and I didn’t listen to you.”
“I didn’t tell you that because you were already suffering enough. You needed my support, not me bringing you down even more. One day, you’ll find someone who deserves you, I’m sure of it.”
“Yeah.” you say, not convinced.
“Maybe you’ve even already found her.” Kate suggests with a soft voice.
Your confused look on Kate, you’re not sure you’ve understood what she’s implying. You’re scared you're reading in between the lines too much. Kate gets closer to you while giving you the time to move backwards if you want to. You don’t move and she takes this as a good sign. Delicately, she presses her lips on yours. At first, you don’t react, surprised. Kate breaks the kiss, her cheeks red from embarrassment. 
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have kissed you. It was weird.” she stutters, avoiding your gaze.
“No, I could get used to this.”
You take her hand, catching her attention. Her eyes go from your locked fingers to your face and finally to your lips. You break the space between you two and lean in to kiss her. Kate responds to the kiss instantly. You put your free hand on her neck and Kate puts her on your cheeks, deepening the kiss. You keep kissing each other, the sunset on the Golden Gate Bridge long forgotten. Once you’re out of air, you break the kiss and keep your face near to hers with a light smile.
“On second thought, I think I like San Francisco.”
Kate’s smile gets bigger at your sentence before she puts her lips back on yours, allowing both of you to get used to this new change in your relationship.
Marvel Masterlist
Romance Masterlist
{This is my side blog so I'll be answering comments under the username @marie-sworld}
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aughby · 22 days
Fated in Tokyo
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Tokyo's skyline was painted in shades of pink and orange as the sun set. On my final day of vacation in Japan, I was immersed in the vibrancy of the city as I strolled through Shibuya's winding streets. I was completely engrossed in the vivid storefronts, the busy crowd, and the aroma of street food—until that unsettling sensation began to seep in.
I initially wrote it off as a figment of my imagination brought on by my new surroundings. However, as I moved onto a different street, I caught a glimpse of a figure who consistently trailed me by a short distance. My heart started beating faster. I made an effort to ignore him by skipping through the crowd, but he persisted and never took his eyes off of me.
I considered hiding at a store, but what if he saw me going in? I needed someone to get him to reconsider. I didn't know anyone here, though. At that point, I spotted him.
He was standing outside a tiny convenience store, casually glancing at his phone. He had a tall stature, broad shoulders, and an athletic physique. He was wearing jeans and a hoodie for casual wear. In some way, his presence was comforting, and before I realized it, I was heading directly in his direction.
"Hey! Apologies for being late!" I yelled, trying to seem casual with my voice strained. I stepped closer, my heart racing as I raised my gaze in a pleading manner.
He looked up, confused, a look of perplexity lighting across his face. I murmured, "Please, pretend to be my boyfriend. Someone is following me," as I rapidly leaned in.
In an instant, his look changed from confusion to concern. He put his phone in his pocket, put an arm around my shoulders, and said nothing. "There you are," he replied, his genuine smile distracting me from the danger just a little bit. "I was starting to get worried."
The man was staring at us, hesitant to look at me now that I knew I wasn't alone myself. Akihiro, the person I had approached, gripped me more firmly and led the way down the street. With a soft yet forceful tone, he said, "Let's get you home," as though we were a real couple.
His presence was very comfortable and protective as we strolled together. Even though my heart was still racing, I felt a little bit safer having him by my side. I dared to look over my shoulder and noticed the man eventually avert his gaze and grow disinterested.
I sighed with relief as soon as we were a few blocks away. I looked up at Akihiro and murmured, "Thank you so much." "I didn’t know what else to do."
With his arm still around my shoulders, he grinned down at me. "I’m glad I could help. Are you alright?"
"I am now, because of you," I answered, attempting to control my breathing. "I’m sorry for putting you in that situation."
His expression softened as he shrugged. "It’s no trouble. I’m just glad you’re safe."
We strolled on, the initial anxiety gradually dissipating as we spoke. When he identified himself as Akihiro Yamauchi, it made sense to me right away. 
"Wait, Akihiro Yamauchi? As in, the volleyball player?"
A little ashamed, he laughed. "Yeah, that’s me. You know about volleyball?"
"A little," I grinned and said. "I didn’t recognize you right away."
As we strolled, our talk flowed naturally. I was quite aback by how humble he seemed, even with his notoriety. He briefly discussed his career, his life in Japan, and the difficulties juggling it all. I talked a little about my travels, how I got to Japan, and how much I had grown to love the nation.
I experienced an odd spectrum of feelings as we got closer to my hotel. Gratitude for Akihiro's kindness, relief that the ordeal was ended, and something more—a curiosity, a bond that appeared to have formed between us in those brief minutes—were also felt.
However, something attracted my attention, as I was ready to thank him once again and bid him farewell. The man from earlier was reflected in the hotel's glass door, observing us from across the street.
My throat tightened, and I sensed Akihiro getting uncomfortable next to me. He had also witnessed him. He began, "Is that..." but I immediately nodded, my anxiety rising once again.
"That's him", I said in a scarcely audible whisper.
Akihiro's demeanor became more guarded as his defensive mechanisms took over. He didn't think twice. "Shall we enter?" he replied, leading me through the hotel's doors. We crossed the hallway quickly and made our way to the elevator. The doors shut behind us, and I experienced a surge of relief that was mixed with anxiety.
Akihiro asked in a low, serious voice, "What's going on?"
"I'm not sure," I feigned ignorance. "He’s been following me for blocks. I thought we’d lost him."
Akihiro's jaw became tense. He firmly declared, "You're not staying alone tonight." "It’s too dangerous."
Startled by his unexpected intensity, I blink. However, he added, "No arguments," in a tone that refrained from discussion. "You can stay at my place. I’ll make sure you’re safe."
I was hesitant because it seemed weird to go to the house of a stranger—a well-known stranger, no less. However, as I gazed into Akihiro's eyes, all I saw was sincere worry. I slowly nodded. "Okay. Thank you."
After stepping out of the elevator on a different floor, Akihiro hurried to a rear entrance and called a cab. Though the tension was evident during the quiet trip to his apartment, his presence provided solace in the odd and foreign city that felt so foreign at that moment.
When we did go to his place, Akihiro showed me around his simple but hospitable flat. He said, "You can have the bedroom." "I’ll stay out here on the couch."
I gave a headshake. "I don’t want to put you out like that."
He smiled slightly at me. "It’s no trouble. Really."
The night went by slowly. My mind kept reliving the events of the day, so I barely got any sleep. The only thing that made me feel better was knowing that Akihiro was only watching from the other room.
After having a straightforward meal of toast and coffee the following morning, Akihiro was more at ease, but his worry about me had not diminished. "I think we should go to the police," he said.
I agreed that it was the appropriate thing to do and nodded. We filed a report at the police station all day. Despite their assurances that they would look into it, I could see Akihiro wasn't happy. Throughout the whole thing, he stayed by my side.
When nightfall arrived, I was thankful but also worn out. It seemed like I was saying "thank you, Akihiro" a hundred times. "I don’t know what I would have done without you."
Warm eyes, he grinned. "I’m just glad I was there."
I realized that I didn't want to say goodbye just yet as we stood outside the police station with the city humming all around us. Even in the midst of everything that had transpired, there was something about Akihiro—his kindness, power, and quiet confidence—that gave me a sense of security.
I said, sounding more hesitant than I had meant to, "Would you... like to grab dinner?"
After a brief moment of surprise, his smile expanded. "I’d like that."
We laughed, told stories, and eventually forgot the dread that had brought us together at a small, quaint café tucked away in a quiet area of the city. It felt like a fresh start by the time we strolled back to his flat, with the streets serene and quiet.
We swapped phone numbers, agreeing to stay in touch as I was getting ready to leave Tokyo the next day. I couldn't help but wonder where this unforeseen relationship with Akihiro would go as my jet took off.
I knew for sure that my trip to Japan had taken a different turn than I had anticipated, and not only because of the danger I had encountered. The reason for it was the individual who entered my life at the ideal time, transforming my dread into friendship and possibly more.
Even though it had been months since that tragic night in Tokyo, I could still remember my interaction with Akihiro Yamauchi. Over time, our chats became more frequent and relaxed as we stayed in touch through messages and occasional video calls. Making a connection with someone who was like him—a professional athlete leading a life very dissimilar from mine—was strange.
Going through my emails one day, I came upon an unexpected announcement. Akihiro Yamauchi was one of the players that would be visiting my country as part of an exhibition match for the national volleyball team. A beat skipped in my heart. I questioned whether he was keeping it a secret or whether he was simply too busy to break the news since he hadn't made any mention of it.
I was nervous and excited at the same time as I bought a ticket for the game. When the big day finally came, I was inside a jam-packed stadium where spectators were enthusiastically supporting their teams. I looked around the court, trying to find Akihiro among the players getting warmed up, but he was nowhere to be found.
My eyes were fixed on the action as soon as the match started. The level of talent, athleticism, and intensity exhibited was captivating. Then, when the teams alternated, I at last saw him: Akihiro, who stood taller than most of the other players and commanded attention with his presence. I found myself cheering more than anyone else in the crowd as he moved with a fascinating grace and strength.
I saw Akihiro staring toward the fans during plays as the game went on, almost as if he were searching for someone. My heart pounded. Is he trying to find me? I waved in the hopes that he would notice me, but I wasn't sure whether he would see me with all of the supporters.
Then that occurred during a timeout. Akihiro fixed his gaze on mine. His look was one of surprise and bewilderment for a little moment. But suddenly a big, sincere smile spread across his face, one that even reached his eyes and made my heart skip a beat. He raised his hand in a slight gesture, and I returned the wave, unable to contain my smile. 
The game continued, but immediately a unique bond had been rekindled between us. Akihiro performed brilliantly, playing with a fresh lease on life. His confidence skyrocketed as he looked up at me after every point. Knowing that he wasn't only playing for the game but also for us made me cheer even harder.
The crowd exploded in applause after the game ended, with the visiting team having achieved a hard-fought victory. I stayed in my seat and observed the players congratulating and shaking hands with one another. Once more, Akihiro's eyes met mine, and this time, he gestured for me to proceed to the side exit.
I moved through the crowd, eagerness thumping my heart. He was waiting there, still in his uniform, sweat dripping down his brow, when I got to the exit. As I got closer, he smiled—that same kind, comforting smile I'd initially seen in Tokyo.
"You made it," Aki said, in a tone that was both happy and surprised.
I couldn't contain my excitement as I answered, "I wouldn't have missed it for the world." "You were amazing out there."
Laughing, he ran a hand through his hair. "I had some pretty great motivation," he stated, maintaining eye contact with me the entire time.
The sound of the stadium faded as we stood there for a time, just absorbing one another. At last, he moved in closer, his face becoming more kind. He uttered in a low voice, "I'm really glad you came." "It’s been a long time since Tokyo."
"Too long," I said, feeling our separation shorten with each exchange of words.
After a brief moment of hesitation, Akihiro reached out and softly grasped my hand. "Listen, I know we’ve been keeping in touch, but... seeing you here, it feels like something’s been missing. I want to spend more time with you, really get to know you better. What do you think?"
I gave him a tight squeeze in return as my heart grew heavy with emotion. "I’d like that, too."
We strolled around the city for the remainder of the evening, chatting and having fun. We had the impression that we were continuing from where we had left off in Tokyo. And as the evening went on, I couldn't help but believe that people were brought together by fate in an odd way.
In the end, our connection was inspired by something more substantial and genuine than just a random encounter. And I realized that this was only the start of a new chapter in our lives as we walked hand in hand through the streets.
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softiecaro · 2 years
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summary: Inez think that Mick was too gorgeous to be real and every time she looked at him she felt like was going to die. Mick wondered why she always ignored him.
pairing: Mick Schumacher x Inez (reporter!reader)
words: 4K
warning: Some swear words, a lot of angst. Also, English is not my native language, so any spelling or writing error is the fault of the translator hehe.
notes: The lyrics of the song are in italics, and these are not in the same order of the song, so i put excerpts that may have some connection with the situations that I am narrating.
Inez Santana is a journalist by profession, who started out uploading videos to tiktok about motorsports and making podcasts about it. Thanks to the success that she had on this podcast, she was given the opportunity to start working for Formula 2 years ago. Despite not having been around for as long as some of her colleagues, she is well liked by the people in the teams and the paddock in general, even by the fans. 
She formed a strong friendship with Esteban Ocon when she signed a short contract for a few months to do some communications work for the Alpine team. When that contract ended, they continued to hang out constantly, even spending a few vacations together. 
She is known for her sweetness and kindness with everyone, for how she talks to people and puts all her attention on them as if they were the only thing that mattered, she made them feel loved. Of course, this happened with everyone except the 23-year-old German driver, Mick Schumacher. 
It's not because she hates him. Quite the contrary. She thinks he is too gorgeous and his presence makes her so nervous that she prefers to ignore him. Every time she can get away from being in the same room with him, she does. Of course, she can't escape her obligations at work and the interviews that she sometimes has to do with Mick after a career. 
Inez, Esteban and Lance were walking through the paddock one morning as they greeted everyone along the way. They were laughing at something the French one said, and by mistake, the girl dropped her coffee cup on the floor right in front of the Haas team space, which luckily was not full. 
They laughed even louder, which caught Mick's attention, who came out to see what was going on. 
—Damn Esteban, look what you made me do.—She joked, still laughing as she stood looking at the mess she made.
—Hey, don't blame me. 
—Hey guys, what happened here?— Mick approached them with an amused smile on his lips. They greeted each other with the typical fist salute that men give each other.
 Her smile automatically disappeared when she heard his voice. Posture uncomfortably straight, lips set in a line, she looked everywhere but at him, except at his ocean blue eyes. If she looked at them, she felt that it would be the end of him. 
—Just Inez being Inez.— Lance says humorously, putting his arm around her shoulders. 
—Are you okay?— Mick asks. She looks at the floor, looks at Esteban and then looks over Mick's shoulder at something, continuing his work of avoiding his eyes. 
—Yes.— She simply says. 
—If you want I can bring you a new coffee.—The blond tells her as he points to Hass's space.— You know, free coffee. 
—No thanks, I have to go.
“You're so gorgeous. I can't say anything to your face 'cause look at your face. And I'm so furious at you for making me feel this way. But what can I say? You're gorgeous”. 
Have you read those cliché stories where the main character gets locked with her love interest in an elevator for a period of time, they kiss, then someone pulls them out of the elevator and they walk out completely in love? That was what happened to Inez, except for the kissing part of it, of course. 
The cars that take the communications people from the hotel to the paddock left at 7:30 a.m. It was 5 minutes before the time limit and Inez was on the 20th floor waiting for the elevator which was taking too long. 
—Come on, please, quickly.— she whispered anxiously as she saw that the elevator was finally approaching her floor.
When the gates opened, Inez couldn't believe how much bad luck she had (or good luck?). Mick was inside in his blue Haas team uniform, who also hadn't noticed the girl's presence since he was too busy texting. 
She quickly entered and went to press the button for the first floor, but seeing that it was already selected, she left her hand in the air. 
Inez looked at the boy out of the corner of her eye, still typing on his phone with a visibly frown. Inez wanted to say hello, but nothing came out of her mouth. So she just looked at a fixed point of the elevator as she held her breath hoping to arrive at her destination soon. 
She suddenly felt the lights on the buttons start to flicker and she approached it curiously. Then, the main light that illuminates there began to blink. She turned around, facing Mick on the opposite side of the elevator, but he still didn't notice anything. 
—Mick?— A whisper of hers barely left her. The blond raised his head automatically and looked at her with those ocean blue eyes just a millisecond before the place went completely dark. 
Neither of them said anything, analyzing the situation. 
—I'm here, Mick.— She answered fearfully as she hugged herself. 
The next thing that happened was the elevator made a loud noise that caused Inez to gasp in surprise. She suddenly felt a pair of icy hands touch her face in delicate touches, to which she cringed.
—Here you are.—Now he was touching her shoulders as if looking for something specific, then went down her arms slowly until he reached her hands. His touches were so delicate, as if she was going to break. He gave her chills. 
—Hey, are you okay?—She gave a little startled cry at his touch and her closeness, a sound that Mick took as a sort of nod to his question. His hands felt so soft and perfect on her.
“And you should think about the consequence of you touching my hand in a darkened room."
—Let me call someone on the team.— So he unlocked his phone and the light from it lit up his face. 
—Don't be scared, I can feel your heart beating so fast. Try to calm down, we'll be fine.—Now he had pulled his hands away from her and stood beside her, feeling his left side against her right side.
—It can't be, I don't have a signal. 
—What?—She exclaimed, turning in his direction.
—I was joking, sorry. I've always seen that happen in the movies.— He laughed a little as he dialed a number. 
Inez started to reply but before she could think of anything to say to him, Mick spoke again. 
—Kevin? Hi, you're not going to believe this but I'm stuck in the hotel elevator.
She stirred in her place and suddenly remembered the car that was supposed to take her. She took her phone and looked at the time. It marked 7:45. The car had already left without her. 
—No, I'm not alone, I'm with Inez. Yes, Esteban's best friend.— She felt Mick say the last thing with a different tone that caught her attention.— Uh-huh, yes. OK thank you. See you mate. 
Inez sends a message to her boss explaining the situation and saying that she will unfortunately be late, hoping that he will believe that she got stuck in the elevator, although it sounds a bit false.
Maybe Esteban hasn't left yet and she can go with him to the paddock in his car, so to make sure, she texted him too to ask if he's already gone. 
—Hey, don't worry, it won't take long for them to come for us.— Mick told her softly when he saw the girl's worried face. 
—It's not that.— She locks her phone so the place is bathed in darkness again. 
—What happen? 
—Nothing.— As soon as her word left her mouth, and in an unkind tone, she regretted it. 
Silence again. 
The closeness of his to her sides disappeared as he moved away from her. 
—Why do you hate me?
Inez's heart sank. He thought she hated him? Silence again. She didn't know what to say. 
—Mick, I don't hate you. 
—Then why are you always like this with me?
—What do you mean? 
—Whenever I'm getting close, you run away. Plus you never look me in the eye. You're always ignoring me and... 
Suddenly a voice from the elevator speaker startled them both. 
—Guys, we're about to get you out. The elevator will make a small jerky movement. Don't be scared, it's part of the process. 
Only a couple of minutes later, in which neither of them had said anything else, the elevator doors were being forced open and two big men could be seen through the small space on the other side. Behind them, some familiar faces of some people from the teams, including Lance and Esteban, who were laughing. 
—You first.— Mick told her. So Inez quickly made her way out of the small space with help from the men. Then Mick came out. 
—I can't believe you got locked in an elevator.— Lance was still laughing at the situation. 
—How long were you in there?
—Like 30 minutes.— Mick replied. 
—30 minutes?! And what did you do during all that time? 
—Nothing dude. I have to go, see you.— Mick smiled at the three without showing his teeth and left. 
—Inez?— Esteban spoke to the girl after seeing her in a kind of trance.— Are you okay?
—Yes, I'm perfect. Why?
—You're red as a tomato, are you sure nothing happened in there? You know you can trust us, come on. 
—I swear to you. Now come on please, my boss is going to kill me. 
On a Saturday after a race, Inez is preparing for the press round with the drivers. She had already interviewed Carlos Sainz, Lando Norris and now she was with Esteban. 
—And moving on to the next race, what do you think about Hungary? 
—Yeah, I can't wait. Great memories of course from last year. So hopefully we can fight in full force.— He simply answered.
—That's all Esteban, thanks. See you.— They finally say good-bye, but as the French boy was walking away, he whispered something to Inez that didn't help her for what lay ahead of her.
—Mick is next.— Followed by a wink. 
Just hearing his name made her stomach turn. She then saw him slip from the previous reporter until they were face to face. He gave her a toothless smile and her blue eyes met his. 
"Ocean blue eyes looking in mine, I feel like I might sink and drown and die."
She was silent for a few seconds until she reacted when noticed the expectation on the face of Mick and his communications assistant. 
—M-mick, we saw that the race had some problems, sorry about that. Because in some way, you were unfortunately a victim of the crash between Lance Stroll and Fernando Alonso. How much was your race compromise by accident damage?
“Did I say everything too quickly? Why is he looking at me like that? Do I have something in my teeth? After the rain of thoughts that attacked her, she felt the blood begin to pool on her cheeks, and felt the temperature rise even more when she watched as Mick lapped her lips with his tongue. 
—Yeah, there was quite a bit of unfortunate damage that affected some specific areas of the car.— As he began to speak, he leaned slowly between the grid that separated them and Inez tried to appear as if that movement didn't affect her. As if having him so close to her didn't make her heart burst.— Obviously it was something that got out of hand but I think that, looking on the positive side, at least we were in a good position to give the team points. 
—And speaking of the performance of the vehicles, what do you think are their strengths and weaknesses and do you think they will be able to continue on a good path with this one?
—Yeah, I mean I don't see any reason why it shouldn't. I think our car. And we are aware that there is a constant battle with teams like Alpha Tauri, Aston Martin and Alfa Romeo. So all we care about is finishing the races and collecting as many points as possible in the coming weekends after the holidays.— He finishes with a smile. 
—Thanks for your time Mick, rest and have a nice vacation. 
—Thanks Inez, see you around. Goodbye.— Giving her one last look and a characteristic German smile, he walked off in the direction of the next reporter. 
Inez. Inez. Inez. Inez. Inez. Inez. Why did his name sound so nice when it came from his lips?
That same night someone organized a party because after this race there would be a short vacation before returning to the tracks. It would be a lie to say that Inez hated parties, because she didn't. But she really wasn't a big fan of crowds, so this was what always discouraged her from going. Both Esteban and Lance tried to convince her to go but they couldn't. 
She preferred to stay in her hotel room watching some romantic comedy movie on netflix. She changed into comfortable clothes, made herself some hot tea, and lay back in the comfort of her bed. 
Before the movie started, she took a picture for her Instagram stories and then put her phone aside and played the movie. The sound of the notifications caught her attention so checking the phone she saw responses from some fans, from Lance, from some people she knew from the paddock, but what mattered most to her was Mick. 
“Guess I'll just stumble on home to my cats, alone. Unless you wanna come along." 
@mickschumacher won't you come to the party? 
@inez.santana nope :( 
Immediately the three dots appeared in the chat indicating that Mick was typing, only to disappear later. She then blocks her phone but was left waiting for her reply message. The ring rings again, she picks up the phone, but it wasn't Mick. 
@landonorris GURLLLLL are you really going to lay down and not come to the party? 
@inez.santada BOYYYY, yes
@landonorris sent an audio note “Come on Inez, how dare you miss out on the best party of your life? DJ Lando will liven up the place. I'm still at the hotel, so I'm not going to let you stay here alone with yourself. Tell me your room number and I'll pick you up in 20 minutes, see you muac” 
Inez was left thinking. Maybe she should just give him on seen and he´d never find her room, but he probably ask Esteban and Lando would come banging on her door until she came out. 
@inez.santana 621 floor 10. 
She quickly got up from her bed leaving her computer on the desk along with her tea. “I'll come back for you” she thought looking at her drink. Then, in record time, she dressed in white cloth pants, a bright green top and boots. "Yes, this will be fine." 
A little makeup, a little shadow on her eyes, mascara and matte lipstick on her lips. She grabbed a purse and had minutes to spare before Lando showed up at her door.
—I thought you wouldn't come out.— He said when Inez opened the door for him. 
—I thought about ignoring you, but then I figured that one way or another you would know my room number and you would be knocking on my door desperately all night, so… 
—You guessed right.— Lando laughed as they both got into the elevator. On the way to the party they were both talking about random things and laughing. When they arrived, Lando opened the door to hus car and helped her out. Then they came in laughing with their arms crossed. 
—Lando, there you are! Get up here.— Someone yelled at him. Lando looked at Inez and she nodded so he knew she was going to be okay. 
—Go, I'll look for Esteban. 
So he gave her a little hug and walked away. Inez's mind said that she would search for her best friend Esteban in the crowd, but her heart began to search for Mick. She can't find him, and in fact for some reason she can't find any familiar faces. So she just walks over to the bar, orders a drink and sits there. 
From Inez to Estie bestie: Heyyyy! Guess what, Lando brought me to the fucking party. Where the fuck are you? I can not find you :( 
Then she put away her phone again, took a drink as she continued to scan the room. Until she saw him and her heart stopped like it always did when she saw him. But this time it was different, now he is with a girl. They are both sitting across the room talking. Mick said something to the girl while he pointed to the crowd, seconds later Esteban appeared on the shot and sat next to the unknown woman, leaving her in the middle of it. 
“If you've got a girlfriend, I'm jealous of her. But if you're single that's honestly worse 'cause you're so gorgeous it actually hurts (Honey, it hurts)”. 
Inez wanted to go, but she couldn't, she didn't want to, not with Mick and that girl there. But then Esteban checked his phone and automatically started looking for his best friend in the crowd. Until he saw her and began to beckon her to see him. She pretended she didn't see him, so the French one got up and went to look for her. 
—Inez! I've been waving to you for a while. Come on, we're over there with Mick and Emma. 
Inez wanted to ask her who Emma was and why she was with Mick, but she kept quiet. 
—I'll be there in a moment, I'm fine here. 
—Something wrong? I'm staying here with you, no problem sweetheart. 
—No, please go. I'm going in a minute.
Esteban looked at her doubtfully, then she gave him a smile and pushed his shoulder in a friendly way to unconcern him. 
—Okay, we'll wait for you there.— She took one last glance in the blonde's direction only to meet his gaze already on her. He smiled at her and waved, but she ignored him, took the last of her drink, got up and went out to the terrace of the place. 
From Mick's perspective, he felt his heart break more and more at the attitudes she held about him. He constantly questioned his own actions, wondering if he had ever done something wrong that upset her.
—Where are you going bro?— Esteban asked Mick when he saw him get up. 
—I'm going to get some air, I'll be right back.— Mick was adamant about her goal, clear things up and for her to tell him why she hates him. 
—Hello.— Inez jumped in shock. She didn't need to turn around to know who he was because she recognized that voice anywhere.— I thought you told me you weren't coming.
—I know, I didn't come of my own free will. Lando made me. 
Finally she dared to turn to look at him and gave him a small smile. 
—Can I sit with you? 
—Sure.— She replied immediately. 
They didn't speak for what seemed like an eternity. Both looking towards the horizon. But both wanting to look at each other. 
—I understand if you don't want to talk about this, but that day when we got stuck in the elevator, I felt like the conversation was on hold. Because it is a topic that is very important to me and I need to know the answer, if there really is one… 
—Oh, that. Do you want to know why I'm ignoring you?— Suddenly she felt a wave of confidence. Maybe it was the alcohol… or desperation. 
—Hmm…— Mick nodded. 
It took Inez a while to collect her thoughts to see what she wanted to say to the boy next to her. With so many thoughts in her head she became dizzy and felt like she was going to pass out. 
—I ignore you because…because you're so kind and respectful and caring and generous and funny, and you're so damn gorgeous that I can't even look at your face, because look at your face.— She finally blurted out, regretting it the second she was done. That was like the vomit that her heart needed to release. 
—What? So…so you don't hate me? 
—No fucking hell Mick, I'm in love with you and I'm ignoring you because you make me so nervous.
Only the music from the party and Inez's heart breaking into a thousand pieces could be heard. 
—Look at me. 
—Please look at me. 
Inez knew what was coming now. Mick was so nice that he would probably give her some compliments like how she's beautiful and smart but he didn't reciprocate that feeling. He would ask her to start being friends, probably. 
Already emotionally prepared, she turned to see him, trying to hide her nervousness and the tears that asked to come out of her eyes. She tried, but she couldn't hold his blue gaze for more than 2 seconds, turning to her own hands as she played with them.
Mick raised her head taking her chin gently so that she looked into his eyes again. 
—What would happen if I told you that I'm in love with you?
—What are you talking about? 
—I said what I said, what would happen?
—I wouldn't believe you.
—But it's true.
Inez hadn't realized the closeness between them and her breath caught in her throat. 
—Mick…— She said barely.
—Can I kiss you?— He whispered inches from her lips, still with his hand on her chin. 
"Ok, I'm going to pass out right now." she thought. 
She licks her lips and looks into his eyes, and swore it were even more beautiful up close. As if his eyes could illuminate the dark place they were in at the moment. 
—Do you want to kiss me?— She asks, still not believing what was happening to her. 
—Yes, do you want to?— Now he had shifted his hand from her chin to her jaw. 
—I do.— That was all it took for Mick to close the space between them. 
At first it was just a chaste kiss on her lips, to test the waters. Seeking to affirm something, she put her hands on his chest and squeezed his shirt as if wanting to bring him closer to her. 
It was then that he lowered her hands to her waist and found hers again on his lips in a relaxed movement, full of love that they had hidden for far too long. 
She could easily have melted in Mick's arms and she was glad they were sitting because her now-jelly legs would probably have betrayed her. With her arms also made of jelly, she reached for Mick's neck and her hands buried themselves in his blond hair pulling him closer to her, as if that were possible. 
Leaving his left hand on her waist, Mick ran his right hand up her arm as well, leaving a trail of fire all the way to her head to smooth out some strands that were bothering the kiss, and then continued. stroking his head lovingly. 
When they felt that it was too much, both separated from the kiss, still with their hands on the other. 
Inez didn't want to open her eyes, she didn't want to wake up from this perfect dream she was in. She thought that she had actually ignored Lando and stayed in his hotel room, had fallen asleep and now she was having a wonderful dream with Mick. 
But finally she relented and met the ocean blue eyes that always took her breath away. It hadn't been a dream, Mick had really kissed her. 
—In case it wasn't clear to you, I'm in love with you too.
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yourimagines · 8 months
hiii! can you please write something for Sean Strickland you two have been best friends for a long time because you were the only one who understood him as a kid. and one day he gets super cuddly and says he likes you?
soo mainly fluff 🤍
if not that's fine have a nice day!
Sure, I like writing fluffy stuff
My best friend
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*English is not my first language I apologise
* Triggers: Swearing and Fluff
Sean and I went on a small holiday, he wanted to go out after his loss. “Come on y/n, there are puffer fish down here.” He pointed to the water as I was lying down on the boat, trying to catch some sun. “You can go, I’ll stay here.” He shook his head. “Ah come on, it’s fun.” I opened my eyes, he was sitting there, his gear on, waiting for me. “Sean they are poisonous.” He shrugged his shoulders. “It’s not that bad, come on.” He playfully slapped my leg. “Ouch…okay I’m going but only with you together.” He nods and throws me my gear. “Sure, here put that on and let’s go.”
I swam back to the surface and grabbed the rope from the boat. “I’m tired.” I said as I wiped the water off my face. Sean appeared next to me, a huge smile on his face. “That was cool.” He was chilling around in the water, loosely leaning his shoulder against the boat. “Yeah..” I tried to pull myself up but I failed, sliding back into the water. “Ugh, I’m so tired.” Sean laughs and swims closer to me. “Let me help you.” He grabbed my hips and pushes me up, I grabbed the boat and pulled myself up with his help. I slowly slide back into the boat. “I feel like a fish.” I said tiredly, sean chuckles and swims a bit around the boat, trying to see the pufferfish again.
Sean joined me a few minutes later and sat down next to me. “You hungry?” He asks as he grabs our cool bar. “Yes I am.” He opens it and gives me a drink and a sandwich. “Here you go.” I smiled and took it from him. “Thank you.” I opened my drink and took a sip. “This is good.” I say as Sean gets comfortable next to me. Our knees were slightly touching and so were our shoulders. He was still covered in droplets of water but he’s warm. “You like our mini vacation?” I nodded as I took a bite from my sandwich. Sean took the hint that I was hungry and started to eat as well, we both eat in silence and enjoyed our time together.
“Sean? Can you help me?” I was holding my sunscreen bottle, Sean sat on the edge of the boat, his feet were in the water. “Sure, come here.” I smiled and sat next to him. “Your back?” “Yes please.” The cold sunscreen hit my skin and I gasped. “That’s cold.” He gently started to rub the sunscreen on my back. “You need to watch out, your skin is starting to get red.” His hands moved from my shoulders slowly down to my waist, he stops and slowly moves his hands to the front and pulls me closer, like he was hugging me from behind. “You’re done?” I softly asked him, he immediately lets go of me and moves a bit away. “Yes I’m done.” I turned around and saw he was looking at the water. “Thank you Sean.” I got up and lay down on my back, secretly watching Sean swimming around. ‘This feels so wrong, he’s my best friend…’
“Let’s go back to the hotel, you are getting a sunburn if we stay out here.” He got in the boat and started the engine. “You sure? We can stay if you want.” I already had my sundress on, trying to cover some of my skin up as my back was already burned. “No we go back love.” ‘Love.’ I shyly smiled and sat down next to him. He was focused on driving us back to shore as I was staring at him. His face, the stitched up eye, some light bruises under his eyes, his neck, his broad shoulders and his chest. ‘He only sees me as his best friend…’
Sean POV
She was getting sunburned, her back was red and so was her face. ‘Idiot, you supposed to watch out for her…’ I looked briefly next to me, she was looking at the water, looking so beautiful. The way her hair flowed through the wind, the sun hit her skin…just beautiful. ‘Forget it man, she only sees you as her best friend.’ I looked back and saw we were back. “We’re back.” I stopped the engine and got up, getting the boat tightened up and grabbed our supplies. She was waiting for me to help her out of the boat as the step was too big for her to take. I placed our stuff down and reached my hand out to her. “Let me help you.” She grabs my hand and pulls herself up, I helped her out and pulled her on purpose a bit, causing her to bump into my chest. “I’m sorry..” she giggles softly. “It’s okay, I rather have you fall on me than here on the ground.” She starts to giggle even more and grabs some of our stuff. “That’s true mr Strickland but I rather don’t fall at all.” ‘This woman is unbelievable.’ “Are you coming or what?” She was waiting for me as she stood there, with our stuff. “Let me carry that.” I grabbed our cooler as she already started to walk back to our hotel.
“I’m so burnt, it hurts.” She was sitting on the toilet seat, rubbing her legs in with some cream. “Is it that bad?” I asked as I slowly entered the bathroom, her legs were slightly red so was her face. “It’s not that bad, I’ve seen worse.” She gave me an annoyed look. “Okay I’m sorry.” I held my hands up in surrender. “Just help me out.” She stands up and turns her back to me. “Just rub this on my back.” She gave me the cream and slid her dress a bit down, her back was a bit more burnt but not too bad. I gently placed some cream on her back and just like with the sunscreen she gasps. I placed the cream down and gently rubbed it in her skin. “Sean…please be careful. It hurts.” She says in a soft, pleading voice. “Of course.” My hands went over her shoulders, to her lower back. I moved my hands back to her shoulders and started to massage them carefully, her head fell back against my shoulder and I moved my face next to hers. “You like this?” I whispered into her ear. “Yes…” she breaths out. I massaged her a bit more and she started to feel a bit sleepy. “You tired love?” She nods and looks at me with a sweet smile on her face. “You are absolutely the best.” I smiled and she got up, getting ready to lay down and relax after a whole day swimming.
She was lying in our bed, reading her book after I gave her that small shoulder massage. “Sean?” I looked at her and nodded. “Do you want a shoulder massage?” She looked at me with her beautiful pleading eyes, looking so innocent but also dangerous. “Sure.” I got up from the chair I was sitting in and sat down on the edge of the bed. She moves up and sits on her knees behind me. “I’m going to use that cream for your skin as well.” She sounded excited so I let her do her little thing. “Sure thing love.” I felt her putting on the cold cream on my shoulders and her smaller hands started to rub it into my skin. “How are you always so warm?” I shrugged and tried to focus on something else as I felt my pants started to tighten. ‘Fuck…she’s got me.’ “You like this?” Her hands moved between my shoulder blades. “Yeah it’s okay.” ‘Don’t do anything stupid.’
Y/N pov
I gave him a small massage and after that we both lay down on our bed. He was laying close to me, his hand was tracing my arm. “Do you like spending time with me?” He asks quietly. “Yes of course, why wouldn’t I?” He shrugs and stays quiet. “I like this, I like being with you Sean.” I gave him a sincere smile and he carefully moves closer, wrapping his arms around me. My heart was beating like a crazy maniac. “I like being with you as well.” He whispers as he gently wiped some hair out of my face. “But as my best friend or more…?” I asked with a hint of shyness lying in my voice. “Can I show you?” His eyes flickered briefly down to my lips. “Yes you can.” His hands gently held my chin and he moved closer, pressing a soft kiss on my lips. My heart exploded and my stomach was filled with butterflies. “I hope this answers your question.” I nodded and softly kissed him back. His hands grabbed my waist and he pulls me into his chest. “You’re so beautiful.” He says as he hugs me tightly. “Thank you handsome.” I felt him chuckle and he kissed my head. “You sure you want to be with me?” I nodded and wrapped my arms around him. “Yes I’m sure and besides we know each other already for ages, best friend..” I teased him a little bit and he playfully poked my side. “You can’t be my best friend anymore if you get a new title…my love.” We both laughed at his cringey response. “Okay okay, that was a bit cringe…” “yes it was.” He playfully hides his face in my neck as we both burst out laughing. “Since when a-are you so romantic.” I joked, he looks up with a big smile on his face. “I don’t now but I don’t like it.” I giggled and pecked his nose. “It’s cute.” He blushes and shook his head. “Nah I’m not cute, I’m a fucking animal man.” I lay my head on his chest and traced his scars. “A honey badger, cute but dangerous.” He kissed my head and rubbed my arms. “Whatever you say love, whatever you say.”
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I want to go to Ohio next April to view the total solar eclipse, but I haven't booked a hotel yet because I haven't finalized my itinerary. This was a mistake, because every single hotel in the city I was planning to visit is already booked solid. I wouldn't be surprised if every hotel in the path of totality is booked. I'll have to look for one a few hours away.
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Columbus and Cincinnati are probably booked up, so maybe I'll try Louisville or Lexington down in Kentucky, or Detroit up in Michigan. Or maybe I should avoid big cities all together and look for a hotel in a small town instead.
Before I finalize anything, I want to know if any of my mutuals are planning on coming out for the eclipse. I've been banking on Ohio this whole time because it's a straight shot up the I-75 from where I'll be at, and I wanted to visit the Armstrong Air and Space Museum in Wapakoneta (Neil's childhood home, directly in the path of totality), but I'm willing to travel anywhere in the path
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Mutuals, if you guys live in or near this grey band or are planning to travel there on April 8, 2024, let me know if you want to meet up. I was planning a big road trip up from Florida, with tentative stops at amusement parks along the way (Six Flags Over Georgia, Dollywood, King's Island, maybe Cedar Point or Hersheypark because I don't know the next time I'll be up north, so I may as well cast a wide net).
My car can fit four comfortably (and I do mean comfortably, it's big, lots of leg room), five max, so if anyone wants to fly out I can pick you up and we can carpool/caravan.
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This is my tentative route from Gainesville on up, but I'm willing to deviate. I could take the I-10 west to Texas instead, or I could overshoot the path and meet up in Detroit or Chicago or as far out as St Louis.
It doesn't matter where I end up just so long as it's in the path of totality; come hell or high water I am going to see this eclipse.
DM me if you want to join in!
If enough people are interested, I'll set up a discord server so we can all talk together and finalize our plans by committee. I'll leave this pinned until August 1st, and if there are no takers I'll go with my original plan; head out in late March, hit up Six Flags, visit the Smokeys for a couple days, mull around in Kentucky or Ohio until the eclipse, afterwards maybe head east to Pennsylvania, maybe visit some Civil War sites, maybe visit some relatives in the DC area, definitely hit up Dollywood on the way back (besides the eclipse, the theme parks are my main focus; hitting Six Flags and Dollywood both on the way up would be exhausting, so one up and one down works perfect)
This is a major undertaking, a trip of a lifetime for me, so I want to make it special. Spending a week with friends would be nice, before, during or after the eclipse, whatever boats your float.
Once I know who all I'm dealing with, then I'll start booking rooms and buying tickets. I want to explore, I want to see the country, I want to have a real tourist vacation experience (I've been on the customer service end of things for too long, I need a break).
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23: Concrete Jungle
A/N: Time skip because I make the rules here. Sexual content. APRIL
"Are you ready for this?"
I was trembling, my hands ice cold as I gazed out the window and watched a plane take off down the runway a ways away. The fear of flying overseas was plaguing me, my stomach twisting and turning uncomfortably. I've never flown before, nevermind the fact that I was about to be suspended in the air for over 15 hours.
"You'll be fine," Noah places a comforting hand on my back, rubbing it in slow circles. "Just sleep the whole time, and it'll be over before you know it." I sighed and looked over at him, plastering a fake smile on my face and nodded. He cocks his head in the direction of the line in front of us, urging me forward. I picked up my carry-on, nodding to myself again and closed the space between me and the last person in the line.
I observed the gate attendant's overly cheery smile as she scanned each passport and ticket handed to her, and it wasn't the least bit comforting for me. When we stepped up to her, I shoved Noah in front of me, making him go first as if that would make any sort of difference in easing my apprehension.
I was frozen in place after I was scanned in, watching Noah slowly descend the darkened tunnel towards the plane. He turns when he notices I'm not beside him and halts, an amused smirk spreading on his face. "Come on," he waves me on, chuckling. I take a deep breath and catch up to him, following him down to our seats. I let him take the window seat, knowing that the uncertainty of what was below the clouds would make my anxiety worse if that's what I had to stare at the entirety of the flight.
He places his hand on my bouncing leg, giving my thigh a reassuring squeeze. "You'll be fine," he says again. "I don't like flying either, but I promise there's nothing to be afraid of." I huffed and rested my head on his shoulder. "What if we crash?" "Then we all die," he answers, my head rising and falling as he shrugs. I glare up at him and he laughs, "What? Can't be afraid of anything if we all die quickly." "Noah, you are not helping!" He presses a kiss to the top of my head, chuckling. "Sorry, I'll shut up." "Yeah, why don't you do that?" I rolled my eyes, but found myself smiling shortly after.
I have never been more thankful in my life for the ground underneath my feet than I am right now. I'm sure Noah was, too—I tried my absolute best to catch some sleep, but every time there was any sort of turbulence I would jump out of my skin and cling onto him. I felt extremely guilty about it, having woken him up a few times, to the point where I was tempted to order a vodka soda the next time the flight attendant rolled by just to calm my nerves.
I took control of my urges though; having Noah by my side helped me breathe a little easier. Not to mention, having me slip up right before a vacation wouldn't exactly be the best way of starting it.
"I'm sorry for waking you so much," I say as we made our way into our hotel room. He drops his luggage and gives me a sheepish smile. "It's alright, I get it," he sighs and plops down on the bed. It was very apparent how exhausted Noah was from my constant disturbances, noting that his eyes were abnormally dark and his smile was not reaching them. I frown to myself and walk up to him, standing between his legs. "No, you're exhausted because of me," I say, bringing his head to my chest and kneading my fingers in his hair. He wraps his arms around my waist and hums, nuzzling his face against me. “It’ll all be worth the lack of sleep in the end,” he mumbles. I roll my eyes. “If you say so,” I murmur, and continued massaging my fingertips in his hair, “I just feel bad.” “Trust me, it will be. Don't feel bad,” he reiterates as he runs his hands up the back of my shirt.
He chuckles when I shudder at the sudden touch, him trailing his fingers up and down my spine. He picks his head up from my chest and looks at me, an inkling of a smirk playing at his lips. His crooked smile grows when I arch my back away from his hands, now tickling my lower back. “Will you stop that?” I laugh. “What? I’m not doing anything,” he defends himself, humor laced in his voice. I rolled my eyes again, “You’re tickling me, jerk.” “Fine,” he moves his hands to my face, cupping my cheeks. “Is this better?” He pulls me into a kiss before I have a chance to say anything. I smile against his lips, wrapping my arms around his neck. “Better,” I mumble against his mouth.
He nips my bottom lip as he trails his hands back down my sides, slipping his tongue in my mouth in the process. Our tongues meet, slowly dancing around as his hands stop at my hips, his thumbs sliding underneath my shirt again. He rubs my hipbones delicately, and I let out a tiny mewl before he breaks our kiss.
He smirks, “Sit on my face.” I furrow my brows at his unpredicted words, flabbergasted. “What? Noah, I thought—” “Shh,” he hushes me, gliding his fingers to the button of my jeans. “I said sit. On. My. Face.” Heat rushes to the pit of my stomach at his words, the demand and seduction in his voice rendering me speechless.
He unbuttoned my pants and pulls them down to my mid thigh, locking eyes with me as he hooks a finger in the waistband of my panties. He tugs them down slowly, having them meet with my jeans before he runs his fingers through my wetness. I moan out when he lazily circles around my clit, my eyes fluttering shut. He chuckles, sliding two fingers inside of me and curling them without any sense of urgency. He moves them within me agonizingly slow, teasing me, knowing damn well that I wanted more.
I whine when he removes his hand, and I open my eyes to him sucking on the fingers that were just inside me. Another wave of heat runs through me watching him do this, his eyes enticing and dark with seduction. “Come sit,” he says lowly, lowering himself onto his back. I shimmy out of my bottoms, and my mouth goes dry with apprehension of climbing on top of him—I’ve never done this before. “Don’t be shy,” he beckons me towards him, a devious smile on his face. I swallow and clamber on top of him, halting in front of his face. “What if I smother you?” He palms my ass and guides me forward. “You won’t, love.” “How are you gonna breathe?” “I’m a big boy, Olivia. I’ll figure out a way to breathe,” he insists, and I give in and lower myself down.
He wastes no time at all and pads his tongue against my clit; I gasp to the feeling. He grips my thighs aggressively, holding me to him as he ran his tongue skillfully through my folds. He moans as he devours me, sending a vibration through me while I whimper, my legs beginning to shake as I struggle to keep myself up. “You taste so good,” I hear him mumble.
I gasped again when he plunges his fingers inside me, thrusting them in time to the flick of his tongue. “Fuck, Noah,” I groaned, my hips instinctively gyrating to his rhythm as I climbed towards my climax. I hear him hum as he takes my bud into his mouth and sucks, driving his fingers inside me harder. My legs were trembling, the coil in my belly winding so tight that it could let go any second. “Noah, I’m gonna…” “Then come,” he growls underneath me, palming my thigh harder with his free hand to keep me secure.
I cursed and moaned loudly, my body burning white hot as he tipped me over the edge, continuously curling his fingers in the right way as he lapped up my orgasm. I crumpled forward and brace myself with my hands, unable to sit up straight any longer from his tongue dragging out my climax, my body quaking. He doesn’t stop until I begged him to, finally releasing his hold on my leg to let me roll off his face and onto the mattress. He repositions, immediately kissing me while I panted, trying to catch the breath that he just knocked out of me.
“Noah,” I breathe out, chuckling. “What the hell was that about? I thought you were tired.” He shrugs, then scoops me into his arms, resting my head on his chest. “You felt bad, so I made you feel good.” He presses a kiss to the top of my head, and I feel his lips curl into a smile. I nuzzle my head against him and sigh, my eyes falling shut. “You most certainly did,” I murmur. I feel a laugh vibrate in his chest as he runs a hand through my hair delicately. “Good, now let’s both get some sleep. We’ve got a busy day ahead of us tomorrow.”
Shouldering my bag full of snacks and drinks, I hopped off the train and trailed after Noah. He takes my hand in his, glancing down at the map in his possession and guides me to the right, starting our trek to the Fushimi Inari Shrine. It was early enough that we beat the crowd of other visitors, just like some locals had suggested, so it was a quiet 10-minute walk to the first gate.
As we passed through the archway, my head was on a swivel as I took in the surroundings, appreciating the beauty of the architect and vegetation flanking both sides. "Just wait, it gets better," Noah gains my attention just as we pass through the second gate. I smiled at him, giddy with anticipation of what was to come.
The surrounding area opened up, and there stood a beautiful building, its pillars and overhangs painted in the same reddish-orange color as the two gates we passed prior. We ascended the staircase made of stone towards the entrance, where at the very top were two fox statues on either side of it. Both foxes adorned a red bib and held something in their mouths, their aggressive expressions indicating they were most likely protecting the building.
While we learned that the building was the main hall for the Inari Shrine, called a houden, we also found out that the foxes were messengers of Inari. These foxes, or kitsunes, are very common for these shrines, and would be placed about the entirety of the trip up the mountain.
Venturing a little further, we were met by two paths that were lined with a multitude of arches that mimicked the ones when we first entered, but much smaller. This was called Senbon Torii, translating to "thousands of torii gates", which checked out considering the number of gates that were straddling over the paths. Either trail would lead you to the top of the mountain; we blindly chose the one on the right and started our journey up.
As we made our way through, you could see there was intricate Japanese writing carved into the back of each post on the gates. Even though I couldn't read it, I still found the contrast of the black against the vermilion to be beautiful. I couldn't help the smile forming on my face as I took it all in.
We walked for about 45 minutes or so, finding an opening after the torii that held a rest area and shops. “How about we take a break and have a quick bite, and maybe head back down?” Noah asks, motioning towards a bench that was shaded by trees. “Sure,” I grinned, slipping the pack off my shoulder and taking a seat. "Got something else planned?" He plops down next to me, digging out a vitamin water and a bag of chips, and nods. "You're not afraid of ghosts, are you?" I laugh and steal a chip from his freshly opened bag, shaking my head. "No, why?" "You may or may not see some where I'm bringing you next, that's all," he replies with his mouth full. I rolled my eyes at him, playfully shoving him in the shoulder. "Oh, stoppit. There won't be any ghosts, ya goof."
It was a little later in the evening as we made it to the next spot, the sun beginning to set behind the curtain of emerald before us. My jaw nearly hit the floor as we made our way through the dense forest of bamboo, amazed at the sheer size of the stocks. They had to have stood 100 feet tall, making me the size of an ant compared to them. I looked over at Noah to compare his size to the trees, only to find him holding his phone up at me.
I felt the heat rise to my cheeks, not expecting a candid photo to be taken of me; I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and averted my gaze to the ground bashfully. "Well, at least I kind of got you smiling," he mumbles and puts his phone down, still in his hand. "I wasn't expecting a picture, I'm sorry," I let out an airy laugh. "I'll smile for the next one." "I was trying to get your genuine reaction, but that works too," he shrugs and angles his phone towards me again. "Ready?" I threw my arms out above my head and smiled big, earning a chuckle from him as he snaps a picture. "You're too cute," he says as he walks up to me and drapes an arm over my shoulders. I wrap my arm around his waist and giggle as he gives me a kiss on the top of my head, continuing through the forest.
With the sun making its way closer to the horizon, golden rays streamed through what little space the trees had to offer as they swayed in the wind. There had been lights strung along the brush walls of the path, illuminating our way through as the forest whispered their songs to us. It was extraordinary, otherworldly, magical...my brain could never conjure up a dream like this, and I was more than blessed to get to experience this with Noah.
I pulled him into a tight hug, nuzzling my face into his chest, "Thank you for this, Noah. This has been so amazing." "I take it you're enjoying your time out of the concrete jungle and in a real jungle?" I nod. "Good. But the vacation has only begun, Liv. There is so much more to come," he whispers and picks my head up by my chin. I see the glimmer in his eyes as he smiles down at me, adoration written in his features. He palms my cheek in his large hand and gives me a firm kiss. "Just you wait," he mumbles against my mouth before capturing my lips again.
I sighed harshly as I closed one of my suitcases, zipping it shut. Today was the second-to-last day of our trip, and the dread of going home and back to reality loomed over me. I was having the best time of my life exploring Japan—from all the sightseeing to trying all the traditional food we came across. I wasn't ready to let it go.
"Hey, there's no time for pouting," Noah says as he comes up behind me and gives me a comforting rub on my back. I rest my head on his chest and huffed. "I don't wanna leave," I whined. "No whining, either." Annoyed, I elbowed him in the stomach lightly, having him expel a soft 'oof', followed by a laugh. "C'mon, Liv. We've got the whole day ahead of us, let's make the best of it, okay?"
I simply nodded and made my way over to the bed where I had a few outfit options laid out. I picked up a plain T-shirt and started to undress before Noah put his hand on my arm and guided the shirt back onto the bed. "What? Don't like what I picked?" He smirks, shaking his head lightly. "No, no, it's fine. I just thought maybe you'd wanna finally wear that dress you brought for—" "For the cherry blossoms?!" I clapped as I bounced with excitement. He laughs and nods, "Yes, love, for the cherry blossoms. I figured I'd save the best for last." I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a quick kiss before I scurried off to dig the dress out from my suitcase.
The dress wasn't anything spectacular; it was a white sundress that stopped just above my knees in the front and met my ankles in the back. It was littered with the same pink flowers that we were about to witness an abundance of, so I deemed it fit.
"Does it look alright? Is it too much?" I asked, turning to Noah, who yet again had his phone pointed towards me. I rolled my eyes and flipped him off this time, laughing shortly after. "It's perfect, just like—" "Do not say 'perfect like you'," I cut him off. "I was gonna say 'perfect like me', actually," he pops a hand on his hip and snickers. I shake my head at him. "I cannot with you." "I'd be offended if I didn't know that was a lie," he retorts with a wink. "Let's get going, shall we?"
A few hours later, I was trailing after Noah as he ascended a hill that was supposed to allow us a breathtaking view of the Chidorigafuchi Moat with less foot traffic. He received this tip from a merchant at a café that had enticed us with their sakura lemonade, and so far, it seemed to check out since we only passed a few other people on our way up.
When we were maybe 10 feet from the top, Noah suddenly sprinted ahead and turned towards me, bringing his phone out once again. I groaned, "Will you stop taking so many pictures of me?" He puts his phone back in his pocket and pouts, folding his arms over his chest. I cleared the distance between us and wrapped my arms around him. "No pouting," I tease, mimicking him from earlier today. "Let me take one more picture, and I promise I'll stop taking candids of you." I rolled my eyes and released my hold on him. "Fine, but can I enjoy the view first?" "What do ya mean? The view's right here," he smirks, pointing both his thumbs at his chest. He barks out a laugh when I simply glare up at him, then waves his arm in a grand fashion. "By all means, Liv, soak it all in."
When I finally turned my attention away from Noah, I found myself breathless as I took in the view. Flanking both sides of the moat below us were dozens upon dozens of cherry blossom trees. Towards the right, a few of their branches hung low above the shimmering river, letting their petals snowball onto the surface. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought the water was pink. The layer of petals masked the true color of the moat—it took a rowboat leisurely cutting through to break the illusion of the miscolored water.
I continued to watch the trees dance, the wind carrying the blossoms in an endless shower as Noah sidles up beside me, taking my hand in his. I gazed up at him and grinned—the sun accentuated the chocolate notes in his eyes as he brandished a soft smile, his hair blowing delicately in the breeze. I wasn’t sure what sight I enjoyed more; him, or the tranquil scene down below. I rested my head against his upper arm and sighed peacefully, just enjoying the moment for what it was.
“Can I get that picture of you, now?” Noah’s velvety voice breaks the silence. I shook my head and chuckled, “You promise this is the last one?” “I promise, but you’re gonna have to pose a certain way for this one.” I shoot him a quizzical look, but agree, nonetheless. “Okay, so here’s what you’re gonna do,” he starts, repositioning me by my shoulders so that I was now standing with my back to him. “Take my hand, and make it look like you’re guiding me down to the trees.” I do as he says, reaching back to take his hand blindly, and took a step forward to hopefully give him the image he was envisioning. “Like this?” I asked, looking over my shoulder at him. “Yes, perfect—it’s like you’re dragging me into an adventure. Now, look forward, Liv.” “Have you been taking courses from Bryan or something?” I laugh before looking straight ahead. He chuckles, “Yeah, something like that.”
A few moments passed before I realized that he had let go of my hand, my arm swinging back down to my side. “Did you get the picture?” I asked, keeping my body still in case he was trying to take another shot—he doesn’t say anything. “Noah?” I turned around to see what he was doing when he still didn’t respond to me. I was expecting him to be standing directly behind me, holding his camera in my face to get the ‘perfect candid shot’, but that wasn’t the case.
He was kneeling down on one knee.
|Chapter 24|
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north-blue-hearts · 1 year
Family Practice
CisFem Reader x Trafalgar Law
CW: sex, language, violence
Summary: Modern Mafia-coded AU starts in last semester of College
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Chapter 12: Tattoo
You lean against Law in the shower. “My leeeeeegs.” You faux cry, feeling a chuckle rumble through his chest.
“I’m not going to apologize.” He says holding you up as he begins to wash you.
Your face flushes. “I can do that, I -.”
“Let me.” He says, gold eyes looking down at you.
“S-sure.” You look away and let him move you around and brace you as he cleans you in the large hotel shower. The water and the room are warm, and the soaps smell nice. Law is cleaning you up functionally, and gently, trying to keep either of you from getting riled up again.
“Haa, I lost.” You sigh as he kneels to wash your legs.
“You did.”
“You know what your wish is, or are you planning to save it for a rainy day?” You question with a grin, tousling his wet hair gently.
“I know what it is.” He says simply. “I can tell you now,” he adds, sensing your curiosity bubbling up. “But you don’t have to fulfill it right now… or, well, at all if it makes you uncomfortable.”
“I can’t imagine you asking me for something I’d be unwilling to-.”
“I want,” he says, cutting you off as he stands up and looks into your eyes. “To design a tattoo for you.”
You open your mouth, but you aren’t sure what to say. There’s something in his eyes that makes you pause a little. You want to say yes, but you want to know why, and that is answered before you can ask.
“I just,” he runs a hand over your lotus tattoo, and the scar under it, his eyes shifting downward for a moment. You told him how you were stabbed, how you nearly died. He would’ve quickly put two and two together. “Want you to have something,” he pauses, lips pursed, ears red, trying to find a word that isn’t too much. “Better.”
“… Y-you’d have to stick with me for it to be, uh, better.” You say after a moment, looking away as your face goes beet red. “Already looking that far ahead, eh?”
You’re trying to sound flippant, but even if you could control your tone, your face is betraying you. Your heart is beating itself into a frenzy in your chest and you’re sure he can either see it or hear it at this point.
“I’m not scaring you away, am I?” He asks, leaning close and pinning you almost hesitantly against the shower wall.
“N-No, you’re not.” You admit, glancing over at him before the look in his eyes makes you look away. “I’m not that easy to scare.”
“Mm,” he agrees softly, turning your face toward him and leaning down, brushing his lips over yours lightly before kissing you.
“Grad-,” you start before swallowing and returning his gaze. “Graduation. I’ll get it for graduation, so design something good, P-Pre-Med.”
He smiles, grunting softly before kissing your forehead. “Of course.”
. . . . .
You slept tangled up in one another’s arms, waking up the next morning to a face full of heart-shaped chest tattoo. The steady shift of his shoulders as he slept was relaxing. You were kind of surprised to know that he slept so well in the first place. As far as you knew he was a very typical strung-out Med Student with too much to do and too few hours to do it in. You’d even spent a couple days trying to help him get caught up on things so he could actually take a vacation during break.
You decided it wouldn’t be bad to wake up to a view like this more often than not. You roll over carefully, getting ready to slip out of the bed without disturbing him, when two long arms reach out and pull you back into his chest. You squeak a little, and move to chide him when there’s a soft mumble in your ear.
“That’s what the word sings,” he murmurs incoherently. “Everything you say… is a song, (Y/N).”
You can feel the heat rushing to your face. He mutters something else about dancing before the sounds fall back into the soft steady rhythm of his sleeping. You’re trying to keep your own breathing steady, worried that your heart is going to wake him up if you’re not careful.
You lay there for long minutes, part of you wanting to will the passage of time to go by faster so that you can be done with college, part of you wanting it to go as slowly as possible so you could stay right here. For hours. For days.
After a few more minutes you let out a contented sigh and leaned into him, bringing one of his hands up to your lips and kissing the tips of his fingers.
“Law.” You say softly, continuing to kiss his fingers. “Dr. Trafalgar Law,” you say a little loudly, nipping your teeth along his finger as your kisses worked toward his palm. “Pre-Med.” You say a little more forcefully, but all you get in return is a grunt as he pulls his hand free and renews his iron hug.
You laugh a little. “Alright, I’m going to start calling you absolutely terrible nicknames until you let me go, Poodle Butt.” You say, feeling his fingers twitch. “Unlicensed Heart Thief.” You declare with a laugh as he reaches up and pinches your cheek. “Pickle!” You declare triumphantly.
“Yeah,” you turn to look at him, one half-lidded golden eye looking back at you. “You always have that sour look on your face. So, Pickle.” You gasp and your face lights up.  “Oh, Lemon, cause your eyes are – no, wait, too many other meanings… Dr. Scowl.”
“Get out of bed, you brat.” He grumbles shoving you away a little.
You’re nearly cackling as you turn and get onto your knees. He’s turned over and pulled the blankets back up when you pounce overtop the covers and hear him grunt beneath you.
“C’mon I need a good nickname for you once you graduate.” You say, feeling him shift under you as he turns onto his and nearly glares at you from under the covers.
“What other meanings does ‘Lemon’ have?” He asks, the sleep finally falling away from his voice as he begrudgingly wakes.
You smile in a way that causes his eyes to narrow. “Look up Sora X, like the letter, Germa lemon, look at the images. You’ll understand.” You pat his shoulder through the covers and slip off the bed. “I’m going to brush my teeth and get dressed.”
“… I’m going to regret this.” You hear him grumble as you step into the bathroom.
“Nah, you like learning new things,” you say as evenly as you can manage before locking yourself into the bathroom.
You get most of your clothes on and are halfway through brushing your teeth when you can hear Law swear from the other side of the wall. You’re giggling softly, trying not to give yourself away as you finish brushing your teeth. When you turn the water off you hear an odd sound at the door before the bathroom lock pops and the door opens.
“You’re not the only one that can pick locks.” He growls from the other side of the wall.
“Aww, making a point while still protecting my delicate sensibilities.” You tease, opening the door further. “I just finished brushing my teeth, I’m not doing anything super priv-hmmpf!” Law steps inside, hand around your head, the other around your waist, pulling you into a rough kiss. Your shirt was still in your hands, but you set it down on the counter and returned the gesture.
Moaning softly from the kiss, you squeak a bit as Law turns you around, facing you toward the bathroom mirror and looking at you in the reflection. He holds your face with one hand, pressing his index into your mouth, pressing on your tongue a little as his other hand slips past the waistband of your pants. His gaze holds you for a second before he whispers into your ear.
“You earned this,” he growls softly as his fingers tease your clit. “Make sure you watch.”
You can’t stop the red that rushes into your face, or the awkward panting moans that escape you, stifled by the fingers holding your tongue down and your mouth open. Your hands are on the counter to keep yourself on your feet. Law’s gaze finds you’re a few times between teasing kisses slipping along your shoulder and down your back.
It’s embarrassing to be effectively trapped like this in the bright bathroom lighting, watching everything in the mirror. You don’t know what he would do if you looked away, and you didn’t feel like testing it right now. You never let someone boss you around like this, but the feel of his fingers, the tone of his voice, the confidence in his grip – you found yourself willing to put up with a lot, if only those eyes would keep looking at you like that.
Your legs start to tremble, even braced against the counter the building pleasure was making your body shiver.
“-Aw,” you try to say his name. You didn’t want to grit your teeth against the building pleasure and bite his fingers on accident.
Before you can really worry about that, he stops, pulling his hands out from your mouth and pants, kissing your cheek, and then he turns you to look at him directly. Your mind’s a little hazy from the pleasure that’s slowly starting to fade, but those eyes have your complete attention.
“Don’t you dare finish yourself off.” He says coolly before leaning in and kissing you as you give him a frustrated grunt. “At least not until I tell you to.” Breaking off the kiss he gives you a wink before he goes to get dressed himself.
“Oi, that’s just cold.” You grumble, your voice half-laughing.
“You made me see Sora/Germa porn.” He growls back. “I’m being nice.”
“Mmm, it’s not my fault your delicate sensibilities had been so well protected, Pre-Med.” You say as you pull your shirt on and step out into the main part of the hotel room. Law’s only got some jeans on and his boots, and you cover your face with your hand, swearing softly.
“Frustration.” You answer, keeping your face covered. “How do you look hotter with more clothes on?”
“… It would make the rest of the semester easier on you if I walked around in nothing but boxers?” He teases.
“I think you’d get mobbed.” You answer, laughing. “And… I’ll survive.” You admit, smiling at him as he pulls his shirt on.
“The question is, since we go back to being college students with priorities when we leave here, where’s the line?” He asks, stepping toward you.
Law reaches out, running his fingers over yours. “Can I touch you? Hug you?” He leans in as he continues to ask his questions, his voice dropping softly. “Whisper in your ear and steal kisses from your lips?”
“Haaa-youuuuu will have to ask me that tomorrow.” You say, slipping away from him a step or two. “I cannot answer that with a clear head right now.”
He smiles at you before the two of you finish packing up and check out of the hotel room. Your conversation switches to talking about the workout schedule, and post-graduation things. Law’s going to stay at Pop’s estate for a couple of months while he gets settled into the Metro. Pop’s is already getting some locations reviewed for possible use as a clinic.
There were also a few different residences lined up for you to check out once you graduate. Pops was staying true to his word and wasn’t going to do anything financially for you, since that was where you wanted to know if you could make it or not; but letting him do some of the leg work was an acceptable compromise.
You might not be blood or Family, but you were still family in practice at least.
Law drives you back to your apartment and walks you to your door.
“Such a gentleman.” You say it teasingly, but you don’t want him to leave either. “There’s still daylight left, Pre-Med, wanna come in?”
“I want to, yes, but I have to get back.” He slips an arm around your waist and kisses your cheek. “I’ll call later, so be a good girl until then.” He says softly before turning and walking away.
You can’t even think of anything to say in response, and step inside your apartment, shutting the door behind you. Taking in a deep breath you sigh into the empty room and kick your shoes off as you shake your head a little. You had it bad.
You milled about your apartment for most of the rest of the day. Tidying up here and there, taking stock of what you had, getting your things ready for the start of class the next day. Your mind kept wandering, however, and you had to keep banishing thoughts from your head while you worked.
Just move in with him.
Just confess.
Don’t worry about waiting, just go for it.
Regret doing or saying too much, don’t regret not doing or saying enough.
Now wasn’t the time to make those decisions. Your emotions were still on a high from earlier, and you probably needed a solid week to really mull things over. Especially with the distraction of classes and other priorities. You were going to have to remember to thank Sabo for teaching you how to process logically no matter your actual mental state.
You flick on the TV as the sun begins to set, more for some soft light in the apartment, and less for anything you actually mean to watch. Before you can settle in your phone starts ringing and you look over to see that it’s Law.
“Hey Pre-Med,” you say with a smile on your lips.
“(Y/N),” he says, and the tone of his voice practically reaches through the phone to caress your cheek. “I hope you were a good girl today.”
“If I was a… a, yeah.” You feel your face flush, remembering the whole punishment from this morning. “I was.”
For some reason it was more embarrassing over the phone than face to face.
“Then you should be rewarded.” His voice is husky, and you imagine he’s waiting for you to catch up. “You can use your fingers, or your toys, but I want to hear your sweet voice when you cum.”
The demand sends a jolt through you, and you gasp involuntarily, covering your mouth a split second too late to stop it.
“Sounds like it won’t take much, whatever you decide.” Law teases.
It was unfair that he could talk in that tone. It was unfair that the phone seemed to amplify the effect, putting that soft and demanding voice straight into your ear like this. You’re moving into your bedroom and grabbing a vibrator before you lay across your bed.
You slip it under the waistband of your pants, not even taking the time to take anything off. There’s a sweet sound pried from your lips as the vibrator hits your clit.
“Mm, almost sounds like you spent the whole day on edge.” He muses.
“I was – anh – doin’ okay until I heard your voice.” You admit.
“My voice, huh? Or are you imagining that I’m there? Whispering in your ear, watching you pleasure yourself in the reflection of the mirror.” He prompts you, and you can hear effort in his own voice, though he’s hiding it well beneath the moans escaping you.
“Th-that’s not fair!” You gasp. It’s a struggle to hold onto the phone, but his words are practically manifesting him into your room.
“Just think of my kisses traveling down your shoulder as I watch every quiver of your lip.” He pauses long enough to let sounds fall from your lips. “Drinking in every shuddering gasp.” You’re nearly whimpering and a little alarmed at how close you are. “Cry for me, my good girl.”
The command sinks into you as your toes curl and your legs tense. The vibrator pushes the orgasm through you, and you can hear murmured words from the other end of the phone, a soft lament that you’re not there for him to cum on you. He whispers soft praises for the sweet sounds coming from you, talking to you evenly until you come down from your rushed high.
“Y-you’re a menace,” you gasp after a moment, a nervous laugh bubbling up in you. “I had thought I was completely calmed down – and then you do that! With a phone call.” You sink into your covers, letting your legs dangle over the edge.
“It was… a little more intense than I expected.” He says after a slight pause. “I didn’t want you to wait, but I wanted to hear you.”
You chuckle a little, exhaustion sneaking up on you. “I never thought I’d have phone sex.”
“Hard no going forward?” He asks.
“Mm, no. No, I was wondering if I could fill up your voicemail someday.” You say, a devious smiling playing at your lips and slipping into your tone.
“… haaa, that’s not fair.”
You laugh. “I have to leave you with that thought,” you say, a smile in your voice. “Someone’s wore me out today and I think I’m going to turn in early.”
“Rest well. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He says quietly.
Neither one of you make a move to hang up for a long moment before you finally murmur a soft goodbye, ending the call and laying sprawled out on your bed for another.
“Oh boy.” You murmur to the air. “You got it bad, girl.”
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