#I am getting to the next request :)
tenowls · 1 year
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So, I’m awkward with actual humans. It’s not paranoia about my hacked governor module, and it’s not them; it’s me. I know I’m a horrifying murderbot, and they know it, and it makes both of us nervous, which makes me even more nervous. Also, if I’m not in the armor then it’s because I’m wounded and one of my organic parts may fall off and plop on the floor at any moment and no one wants to see that.
one last fancomic to finish off the year, from asr this time!!
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cryptidkey · 2 months
a sigma doodle maybe?
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So glad someone requested him because I literally draw him all day all night whenever I have the chance
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angelsarrm · 8 months
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if you want a taste of terror, take patrick to the prom! 💐🔪
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vaggieslefteye · 18 days
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ANGEL DUST & CHERRI BOMB | ʙᴇꜱᴛɪᴇꜱ ꜰᴏʀ (ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀ)ʟɪꜰᴇ
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cerise-on-top · 3 months
Nikolai with a s/o who always has a hand on his chest? With consent ofc, and it’s always to feel his heartbeat. I think of this all the time and it’s always super cute in my head.
Hello! That is pretty cute!
Nikolai Always with Reader’s Hand on His Chest
Nikolai is a pretty laid back and chill sort of man, so he usually doesn’t mind you putting your hand over his heart. Maybe not while you’re walking, though, he doesn’t want you to trip. It’s very sweet to him: You wanna make sure that he’s alive? That he’s still with you? That his heart is still beating? Trust me, not even death could take him away from you. He’d dig his way out of his grave after killing the reaper with his bare hands himself. You can always put your hand over his chest while you’re at home together, though. It’s nice to feel you. After a while it would be reassuring to him as well, feeling that you’re there, that you’re with him. He thinks it’s sweet that you always want to be touching him, because if it was up to you he’d do the same thing with you. After some time, once he’s realized that you’re always touching him whenever you can, he tries to get into positions that facilitate you touching him a bit. Usually lies on his back when you’re cuddling so you have full access to him. Can and will fall asleep like that, but will also want to hold you back. Will also put his hand over your heart as well so he can “get back at you”. In reality, feeling your heartbeat is also just nice and reassuring to him. However, he sometimes might lie on your chest in order to hear it as well, something like it lulls him to sleep, after all. You can put your hand over his chest in public as well, though, he doesn’t particularly mind cuddling in public either. There’s a good chance you’ll be nicely clothed, though, so you won’t feel his heartbeat unless you slip your hand under his clothes. You can do that, he doesn’t care about strangers staring in public. However, once it’s time to continue walking around, release him. You can continue your antics once you’ve found another nice bench to sit on.
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whereismyhat5678 · 5 months
hugs? ... HUGS. *proceeds to pick peppino up (since she's, like- 2 ft taller than him) and hug him* (here's a bonus drawing bc your art is so cute and how ya draw peppino makes mah heart go:💞💕 AAAAAAAAAA-💕💞)
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(There were more asks but I couldn’t fit you all in I’m sorry!! 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️)
*Cracks knuckles*
Okay- Let’s get ready for this one- ✍️
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I can’t fit all the asks in THERE ARE SO MANY OF YOU-
I mean respect wanting to hug the Italien man BUT OMG- 😂
(Was it at least funny?- I hope I didn’t disappoint you guys- I HAVE SOME SINCE NOVEMBER CRHIST!- I’M SO SORRY- 🙏🙏🙏)
And to those who also left compliments in the asks I have to say thank you so much for it!!
(I currently can’t fit any pictures in here so A CRAZY ANOUNT OF HEARTS WILL DO-)
Everyone on you guys are so sweet!! I can’t believe you guys look at my silly goofy art I just- AAAHHHGH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU‼️‼️‼️💕💗💖💞✨💕💗💞✨💕💕💖💞✨💕💗💖✨💕💗💞
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codecicle · 5 months
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Have voted for flippa (ofc), can I mayhaps have a chibo doodle
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he can't believe they're BOTH undead and transgender. pretty n1fty c01nc1d3nc3!! ^_%
‼️ vote for either flippa or grizzly in the transmcytshowdown and send proof to get a little doodle of your request ‼️
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hypogryffin · 8 months
how do u draw so much so fast
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ask-thearchivists · 4 months
(the same with riddles)
*sees The Collector reaction to the Giraffes*
Why did you became so concerned about the Giraffes? Did they intrigued you?
There's a lot of curious animals, one per example is the Platypus, it has the head of a bird, body of a beaver, it has fins like a sea-lion, tail of a beaver, they are mammals but lay eggs and has poison.
There's also the horse shoe crab, who's blood are blue, because it has more oxygen in their bodie's construction, and many curious and scary abyssal creatures, like: the angler fish, the fang tooth, the vampire squid, the giant isopod ,giant crabs, ugly and scary abyssal fishes and the majestic giant squid and the colossal squid.
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The Collector: Earth animals are so interesting! Luz showed me a meme that called a cat "the nefarious anglerfish" and it was really funny. I want a platypus really bad because they're sooo cool but Camilla said I shouldn't take animals without permission.
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jamjuice04 · 3 months
I saw ur tk hc's on Sensei Garmadon
now we just need somethin' on him and Wu literally just wrecking Lloyd.
Can do!
It had been a very quiet day at Garmadon’s monastery. With the all current threats taken care of, there wasn’t much for Garmadon to do aside from teach classes, keep his monastery in order, and keep his mind clear. And all of those things had been done.
Peace could be boring, Garmadon reflected, from where he was on his third walk around his grounds today. And while he would never forget how treasured peace was, boredom was a foe of its own. Luckily, he had a son to spend time with.
It wasn’t hard to find Lloyd. He didn’t leave the monastery very often after what had happened to Zane. He was taking the loss the best out of all his brothers, but it was still a marked difference from when he had been traveling all over Ninjago just a few months ago. His son was in the training room, running through exercises that he had learned yesterday.
“Good morning, son. Care for a sparring match?” Garmadon asked, setting his staff and shoes to the side.
“Sure,” Lloyd said. He rolled his shoulders. “No powers, right?”
“Take mercy on your old father,” Garmadon chuckled. “Give me a fair chance.”
Lloyd grinned back. “Sure. Try not to throw out your back.”
“Oho, so that’s how it’s going to be?” Garmadon circled his son, settling into a loose fighting stance.
“You said it first,” Lloyd said with a shrug. He lunged, sending a flurry of punches at his father’s face and ribs, and then dropped low to try and sweep his feet out from underneath him.
Garmadon blocked every blow, hopped over his leg, and sent him sprawling with a gentle cuff on the head. “Too slow.”
Lloyd sprang back to his feet, pressing another attack. This time it was a series of kicks, but he stayed in constant motion, spinning and dodging and ducking to avoid any retaliation from Garmadon. Again, his father blocked every one, but this time, Lloyd was able to block Garmadon’s blows as well. They began to go back and forth, chasing each other across the mat.
“I see you’ve been working on your footwork,” Garmadon said, blocking an elbow from Lloyd and driving him back with a knee.
Lloyd batted his leg away, trying to get him off balance. “Along with everything else. That all you got?” When his father grinned sharply, he knew he’d made a mistake. Garmadon caught his next punch and slung him to the ground, pouncing on him before he could recover.
“Dad?” Lloyd giggled nervously, trying to wriggle away. He was pretty sure he already knew what this was about. “I thought we were sparring.”
“Sparring, training; it’s basically the same thing,” Garmadon said, cracking his knuckles.
“I don’t think this is training,” Lloyd said, catching his hands when he began to lower them.
“On the contrary, my dear boy,” Garmadon said. “Think of it as endurance training. This is a terrible weakness of yours. If a villain were to ever exploit it, you would be done for. I cannot in good conscience, as both a father and a teacher, allow you to go out into the world unprepared.”
“Dad, noHOHO!” Lloyd’s words were abruptly cut off by a loud squeak as his father batted his hands to the side and began to squeeze his sides.
“See? Weakening already,” Garmadon said, clicking his tongue. His fingers were working their way up Lloyd’s ribs, digging gently into his skin.“That’s no good. I think we should play an endurance game.”
“Nohoho!” Lloyd squealed, pulling his arms in and trying to turn over onto his side.
Garmadon merely extracted a hand to spider along the back of his ribs. “But you’re having fun!” He stopped abruptly, catching Lloyd’s wrists and hauling them away from his sides. “Here’s the challenge. I’m going to let your arms go - stop laughing - and if you keep them up for thirty seconds, you may go. If not, we start over.”
“Are you sure you’re not still evil?” Lloyd giggled, wrapping his arms around himself. He made no real effort to escape.
“Forty seconds, just for that comment.”
Garmadon leaned over him, grinning. “Arms up, son.” Lloyd considered his options for a few seconds, and then slowly folded his arms behind his head. His father struck quickly and without warning, tickling his sides. The Green Ninja’s arms crashed down immediately.
“I wahasn’t reheheady! Not fahahair!”
“Fair? Your enemies won’t be fair,” Garmadon chuckled, focusing his attack on Lloyd’s belly. His son curled in, laughter pitching up. “Your enemies will be ruthless and cruel.”
“Dahahad!” Lloyd tried to turn onto his side, grabbing at his hands. His laughter got significantly louder when Garmadon clawed gently at his stomach, pulling him closer so he couldn’t escape.
“What is going on in here?”
Garmadon looked back, noticing his brother standing in the doorway. “Good morning, brother!” He dragged Lloyd into his lap, walking his fingers up his son’s ribs.
“Good morning,” Wu said, raising an eyebrow. “Training?”
“Hehehehelp!” Lloyd cried, drowning out any response Garmadon could have given. He was grinning widely, pressing back against his father’s chest to try and escape his hands. “He’s killing mehehehe!”
Wu set his staff to the side and approached. “Don’t do anything rash, brother,” Garmadon said, grinning slightly. He stopped tickling Lloyd, but his hands didn’t move from his son’s ribs. Lloyd made no attempt to escape either. Wu sat down next to them, eyeing Garmadon warily.
“So what exactly is going on here?”
“Endurance training,” Garmadon said, settling his chin on Lloyd’s head. “If I had remembered to use this technique, I probably could have beaten your students.”
“You have a point,” Wu said, nodding.
“What?” Lloyd said, eyes widening.
“However, I think I should even the odds a bit.”
“Try me,” Garmadon challenged, straightening up slightly.
Wu merely smiled and waved a hand. “Relax, brother. That’s not what I meant.” He reached out, poking Lloyd in the side. “Are you paying attention, nephew? This is important information.”
“Yes! I’m listening!” Lloyd yelped, batting at his hand.
“If you want to know how to beat my brother in a fight, you must first learn where his weaknesses are.” Without warning, Wu began squeezing Lloyd’s sides. The Green Ninja squeaked, immediately bursting into laughter and trying to wriggle away. “His sides are his worst spot,” Wu explained. His fingers darted to Lloyd’s stomach, causing him to squeal. “His stomach is also quite bad.”
“You’re on thin ice, brother,” Garmadon threatened playfully, spidering his fingers over Lloyd’s neck and ears.
“I am merely contributing to your lesson,” Wu said almost innocently. His fingers climbed Lloyd’s ribs, digging gently into the bone. “His ribs are also quite ticklish. From there his sensitivity usually drops. Seeing as you are no match for either of us, I would recommend attacking him with strength in numbers, and to go for his worst spots first. Understand?”
Lloyd’s only response was near hysterical laughter. He couldn’t curl up to push away his uncle’s hands without exposing his neck and ears to his father. “You’re going to have to speak up, son,” Garmadon chuckled.
“Understood!” Lloyd yelped, trying in vain to roll onto his stomach. “Uncle Wu, plehehehease!”
“His tolerance really is low,” Wu said, tapping his fingers on Lloyd’s stomach. Garmadon nodded, doing his best to look genuinely concerned. It was hard to do when he couldn’t stop grinning.
“Whahaha- what about the others,” Lloyd giggled, trying to grab Wu’s hand.
His uncle paused to let him breathe, tilting his head. “Are they as bad as you?”
“For sure,” Lloyd said nervously, giggles increasing as Garmadon slowly walked his fingers down his arms toward his sides.
“They shouldn’t miss out on this learning opportunity,” Garmadon said. His fingers stopped next to Lloyd’s sides. “But you won’t tell them, will you? After all, they need to be prepared for a surprise attack.”
“My lips as sealed,” Lloyd said, nervous laughter becoming near frantic.
Garmadon hummed, thinking and looked at his brother. Wu nodded after a few seconds, and patted Lloyd’s stomach. “Thank you for the recommendation, nephew. But understand that your tolerance needs to be brought up.”
“Yep, completely understand,” Lloyd said, slowly turning onto his side and away from their hands. “Later though, right?”
“Later,” Garmadon agreed. “But this is only the beginning.” He grinned mischievously at Wu. “Tell me when you’re ready to start.”
“I will,” Wu said. “You should finish training normally so they don’t suspect anything. I’ll be back after breakfast.”
After Wu left the room, Garmadon rolled Lloyd back onto his back, leaning down to examine him. “Still alive?”
“Yep,” Lloyd said. He was still smiling.
Garmadon ruffled his hair. “Good. Do you want to go get breakfast?”
“Absolutely,” Lloyd said. Garmadon offered him a hand, and they headed for the kitchen.
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wundrousarts · 5 months
Mini Silverborn Countdown
If you’ve been around for a few years, you’ve seen me vaguely mention a “Silverborn Countdown Challenge” several times. It’s been delayed and changed as many times as the book itself, lol.
If anyone wants sort of a low-stakes, very chill and spaced out version of this ye olde never tackled challenge to complete in the next year before Silverborn, I propose what I’m doing:
Every 3 months leading up to the initial release, I am creating one thing based on each of the books.
January — Nevermoor
April — Wundersmith
July — Hollowpox
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averlym · 1 year
4 on the angst list with Araleyn please I need them to suffer
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4 : "but it's my fault, right?" (prompt list here)
#<blinks> very gently implied angst i suppose. usually everyone makes anne suffer so for a change#here's catherine struggling with the idea that if she hadn't been so stubborn about divorce-#maybe it would have been more okay for henry to divorce anne instead of. yknow. chopping her head off.#gently implied angst with the. well. i hurt this person i care about. unintentionally. but still. hence also the historical counterparts bg#... i feel like this isn't suffering (italicised for emphasis) but unfortunately? i am in a more melancholy mood#and also coming to conclusion that whump isnt really my taste.. so quite literally you'd have to pay me to draw it .. dfdsghjkl comms open#anyways yeah i think the most you'll get from my own stuff is <reference to beheading> <mentioned death> <abstract reds that might be blood#six the musical#six the musical fanart#anne boleyn#catherine of aragon#pssst drew anne extra pretty bc coa pov. if you get what i mean.#oh that got off tangent. but also tldr; requests mean free art!! (also idm if you ask for specific things. like your own aus. just to put#that out there)#but also requests: 1. up to my creative freedom and discretion so you probs won't get exactly what you want + 2. no time limit so#can take literal years to reply to.#so ig ? if you have specific things in mind. that you want me to draw. commissions would be better for you if you'll pay!#but if you don't have the money i'm also. lowkey willing to draw for free.. stick it in the inbox .. there's just no guarantee you'll get it#within the next year.. or at all! but you may as well try your luck o.O#(this plan is terrible for business but because for a very long time i was unable to buy anything online. i sympathise greatly ig)
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ghostinthegallery · 10 months
Time to overthink the Silent King!
Aw yeah, @angoryt got their request in first, so sure. Szarekh—second coolest necron centerpiece model—is up to be psychoanalyzed by me, a rando on the internet.
Szarekh is interesting for a lot of reasons, and a lot of that stems from how mysterious he is. He's relatively new to the game as it were and he has basically no story appearances because GW hates xenos and also me. Still we have some things to go on...
So what do we know? He was the one that made the deal with the Deceiver (who tbf was not called the Deceiver at the time) to turn the necrontyr into the necrons we know and love today. He had full control of everything single necron via command protocols, but he surrendered that power after the War in Heaven. He ordered the Great Sleep. He entered a self imposed exile and now has returned because he saw something out in the universe that he deemed a great enough threat to return (it's the Tyranids put a pin in that).
He may or may not have met Sanguinias. He may or may not have a plan to reverse biotransference. He has a thing for pylons. That's about all we get.
I see a character here that tried to be a good king. In many ways he was, but he failed in the most catastrophic way. Every single action he's taken has been an attempt to protect his empire and his people and all of them backfired. Biotransference was... biotransference. The Great Sleep caused so many dynasties to be lost to planetary death, scavengers, and madness. And the galaxy they are waking up to is arguably even worse than the one they hibernated to escape. Even Szarekh's attempt to atone for his mistakes by exiling himself left a power vacuum that the triarchy couldn't fully fill. The necrons are completely fractured, their empire is significantly weaker as a result, and it's partially because of Szarekh's choice.
But he still isn't giving up. Despite being haunted by his failures, he's still trying to unite his people and save them from the mistakes he's made. He's trying to protect the whole galaxy from the Tyranids, even though he and the other necrons could just let them devour everything and move on. Tyranids avoid necrons and tombworlds because they have no biomass. Szarekh doesn't have to fight them, but he chooses to because he believes that if he doesn't, he can never reverse biotransference. The necrons will just die a slow death to entropy and Szarekh will have a front row seat to watch the decay of everything he loved.
He's motivated by profound guilt and desire to protect his people, but it constantly ends in tragedy. Do I think this makes him a "good" person? No, not really. He's deeply shrewd and manipulative. He used Dante's and the other Blood Angels love and grief for Sanguinias to essentially turn them into bait for his fight with some Tyranids. Szarekh survived necron court politics for millennia, he doesn't f*ck around.
Note, Szarekh didn't just show up and try to take over immediately. He built up support, a new court, he allied with everyone's favorite robot murder scientist Illuminor Szeras. The guy isn't an idiot. He made a lot of wrong choices, but those choices came from good intentions rather than incompetence.
It's infuriating GW isn't doing more with Szarekh as a character. He's a tragic king! Loved and hated by his own empire with equal intensity. He should at least have one novel where he features (if not multiple). If they want to maintain the mystery around him (which is fair) make him an antagonist for someone like Imotekh or even Dante, Lion, or Guilliman if they insist of featuring the Imperium. Do some uneasy alliances. Get the aeldar in here! Szarekh also shows just how dangerous and terrifying the tyranids are, which is great if GW wants tyranids to be the Big Bad of 10th. You want some extra horror attached to the space bugs? Just give a hint of what Szarekh saw out in the universe that terrified him enough to break a 65 million year exile.
Szarekh is a walking Shakespearean tragedy with a sick model, and I hope he gets more love in the lore.
If you like how I think about characters l, read my AO3 nonsense. Leave a comment, I live for those.
Next on the list: Anrakyr the Traveler! As requested by @fobosfear
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mspaint-flower · 1 year
pls draw the silly goober flower being headpatyed I lov her so much I think about her every day I scream about her at school in peoples faces it’s insane
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she appreciates it she's just a little shy 👉👈
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5eraphim · 1 year
may i please have something with spy and his s/o who has stockholm syndrome and has been broken down enough that they feel the need to always be touching him? treating him as a king! constantly kissing any spot on him, wanting to leave marks on spy so people know hes claimed, nonstop praising him and stroking his ego, maybe s/o wants to scent mark him ♡ thank you!!
I love you so much right now. I am sending a psychic beam of pure love and kisses directly into your skull. This is just,,, exactly the kind of request I've been waiting for (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ I'm not 100% sure if you wanted a oneshot or headcanons, but for purely selfish reasons, I'm answering with a oneshot <3 hope you enjoy!
Summary: Cuddling with Spy at night, and feeling a perfect kind of bliss from the knowledge you two are exactly where you're meant to be.
Character: Spy 🐍 (Team Fortress 2)
Rating: M (MINORS DNI)
Content Warnings: yandere, mind break, Stockholm Syndrome, servant/master dynamics, denial/edging, sexual massage, possessive behavior
Word Count: 2.8k
(Song Inspo: Chapel, Nicole Dollanganger)
"I was reading my destiny inside your eyes without knowing it." Franz Kafka, Letters to Milena
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LAST EDITED- 4/18/2023
Earlier that day, you welcomed your beloved home. Unfortunately, much later than usual, apparently preoccupied with some kind of inescapable work issue. By the time he returned home, the full moon had illuminated the inky-black sky, and a pleasant evening chill settled motionless all around, ending the sun's humid, suffocating summer heat for the day. Crickets chirped in the long grass surrounding the small cabin you and your lover shared, surrounded by the forest and far away from any prying eyes. When you heard the screen door creak open, Spy entered, quietly locking the door behind him, stepping out of his dress shoes and neatly tucking them beside it. Greeting him with a kiss and helping him to slip out of his work clothes, you welcomed him home. Taking note to be extra soft and loving, seeing how thoroughly exhausted he appeared.
Sharing a cup of tea together was a long-standing ritual between the two of you. It was your job to brew and serve the tea while Spy waited patiently. You remembered how pleased Spy looked the first time you managed to prepare the tea exactly to suit his tastes. And how proud you felt, knowing you were likely one of the only people he trusted enough to accept food from. Spy liked to sip his drink while unwinding from his long day, while you would sit and keep him company. Sometimes with chatter, other times quiet and content enough to enjoy a little time together.
Tonight Spy requested you to draw him a bath during the late-night chat, a task you accepted most graciously. He was always so generous to share the tub with you, so long as you would help wash. Or, as he liked to say, "Earn your spot beside him."
While you didn't remember much of life before you met Spy, you did recall the first time he offered to share the bath with you. Long past when he first brought you here to live, and by that point, your resilience began to break down, and it was harder and harder to ignore how badly you wanted to give in and accept his affections. You weren't trying to escape or harm him anymore, no longer because of threat or punishment, but rather an unexplainable yearning for Spy. It wasn't love, not yet, but a means to quell the discontentment you couldn't shake apart from Spy; he completed you.
Your body settled between his long legs, your back to his chest. This was the first time you saw him naked, and it felt bizarrely enticing when he told you how he wanted to see you the same way. The water felt so warm, and you could've melted right there as he used his bare hands to glide soap and suds over your wet skin, covering your body with bubbles and warm water. And for the first time, you didn't shy away from his touch when his fingertips skimmed your thighs and lingered so lightly at your chest, his fingers growing bolder. You allowed your head to lull back and lean against Spy's body, your eyes fluttering shut. Moaning breathily under his touch. Spy hummed as he continued to work, caressing every inch of your body, comforted by the feeling of your body completely relaxed against his. For the first time, you allowed yourself to let your guard down. And by God, did it feel good.
It all felt so long ago, though living in isolation made keeping up with time impossible. But you remember how nice it was to let yourself give in and begin to accept Spy's charms and sensuality. For a while, you tried to remain resilient and faithful to yourself, to only embrace him when sharing a bath, but once Spy caused this fracture in your defenses, he knew it was only a matter of time before you folded. No much longer did you bother lying to yourself. Pretending you didn't love the feeling of hot water washing over you, Spy's touch getting bolder when he could tell you were no longer trying to push him away. He told you how proud he was to see you at ease like this, how he knew you'd be much more comfortable after you'd removed your layers of clothing and gave him a chance. How now it made sense why you were always so high-strung and wound up under all those clothes, you were far better off living this. His voice and hands were hypnotic, pulling you deeper and deeper into this new peaceful state of mind. You didn't even protest when he pulled you into his bed that night.
Tonight went quite similar. By now, you were far more used to taking Spy's orders and were responsible for stripping down yourself and helping undress him, folding the clothes neatly on the countertop before you were allowed to enter the bath. He referred you to lay between his legs, being so kind to help wash you before himself, knowing this was your favorite spot. The motions are familiar but in a comforting way. The feeling of a trusted routine to help unwind at the end of such a taxing day.
Neither of you dressed after the bath, deciding to dry off and hop into bed. All the lights were off, but you could still see around the bedroom clearly enough with the moon's light shining into the bedroom. You tried to fall asleep, but feeling restless, you couldn't quite find sleep. Instead, your mind wandered to the sensation of your beloved Spy curled beside you in bed. Spy always looked so beautiful when he was asleep, his face relaxed, breathing so gentle, he looked like a living marble Adonis. Nothing less than perfection in your eyes. He slept on his back while you were curled up on your side facing him, head resting on his chest.
You nuzzled your head into his chest, snuggling a little closer. The feeling of Spy's hand gently stroking your head gave you a small jolt of surprise, as you thought Spy was already asleep. "You're awake?"
His eyes were still shut when he answered. "You've been fidgeting beside me all night. No one could sleep through that." You bit your lip nervously, feeling a light stab of guilt for this. "I'm so sorry about that. I didn't even realize."
Spy leaned down to kiss your head, " You're alright, but I wonder, were you trying to get my attention? Is there something you want from me now that it's so late at night?"
You flushed a little, "No, it was an accident! I'm just- I mean, I'm sorry I woke you up."
Spy cracked the eye oven looking down on you. "How about a back rub to make up for it, then? You've always been so good at those." You couldn't help but feel bubbly inside from his praise, and with a quiet "yes sir," you climbed up over him. Spy rolling onto his stomach now, arms under the pillow he rested his head on while you straddled his lower back.
As gently as you could, you ran your hands over the skin on his back, initiating the skin-to-skin contact delicately, still unable to shake your initial guilt for waking him up in the first place. His body felt so soft and clean after the bath. His back accumulated tremendous scar tissue over the years, and your heart ached to think about Spy away on his own where you couldn't protect him. The pain was all the worse as you knew, deep down, this was how it had to be. You wished you had some kind of magic touch to heal the scars for good or to take on the wounds yourself. Unfortunately, the best you could do now was run your soothing touch over the blemished area. Though you'd never admit this to him, you always thought Spy's scar tissue was sexy, making his already charming physique even more alluring.
Using steady, well-practiced hands, you began to apply more pressure to the massage, knowing where he usually held tension and where to target to have him moaning and sighing in relief. Starting high, around his shoulder blades, before moving your hands up and down his body, leaving no area untended. Your fingers work hard to draw out his tension and ease his pain. In the low light, you could see Spy relaxing into your touch a little more, and you felt an erotic jolt of excitement as you heard him beginning to let off gentle, breathy moans as you worked.
Your eyes drift shut when you feel his hand against your outer thigh. The light touch against your upper leg was innocent enough, but you were aroused all the same, moaning through clenched teeth, tensing up. You were caught off-guard and felt goosebumps prickling across your arms and legs. But you didn't take this as your cue to stop. Instead, you began to massage him deeper, moving with more force but remaining as slow and sensual as possible. Thumbs digging into the tissue of his lower back, fingers rubbing little circles, occasionally using your palms and knuckles to grind even harder.
You didn't even realize how far your mind had drifted when you felt his fingernails brushing against your thigh. Then, when you felt his hand stroke higher than expected, you flinched inward, hissing sharply. It wasn't until after you discovered when you curled your hands into tight fists in shock did you realize you accidentally scratched your nails against his skin. Leaving a few puffy scratches over his shoulder blades where your hands were. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry- it was an accident!"
It was impossible to stop your hands from shaking as you pulled them into your chest in shame upon a braising Spy's precious skin. It wasn't much of an abrasion, just a few red stretch marks along his back, the longest of which was about the length of a pinky finger, with a few tiny beads of blood. Still, you felt awful for what you'd done all the same. You were about to climb down and fetch the first aid kit from the bathroom when before you could move, you heard Spy's voice. "Did you draw blood?" He didn't sound mad, rather neutral, actually, but you were wracked with guilt all the same.
"I did; I'm so sorry! Let me get you patched up."
"No, I want you to lick it up."
His words stopped you dead in your tracks. "Is he being serious?" you wondered, and for a moment, you felt frozen in place, unable to decide if he seriously wanted you to do what you were told or if he was being sarcastic. Though this didn't last long, he tilted his head back a little. From his position lying on his stomach on the bed, he could only move so much, but in the low lighting in the room, you could swear you could just barely catch the light of the moon in his eyes.
"Go on, do as you're told, and clean up your mess."
You were genuinely comforted to see he wasn't upset with you, though it didn't entirely absolve you of the guilt of your actions. If this was what he wanted, it was your job to deliver. You planted both hands on the bed as you scooted down to lay above him on your elbows. Now your head was just over the tiny wound, and even up close, you could see the scratch wasn't anything worse than a cat's scratch, and if you were honest, there was a chilling excitement you felt. Something about being ordered to kiss the wound felt so intimate. Your eyes closed as you leaned down closer, your tongue rolling out just enough to swipe up the tiny beads of blood before returning to your mouth. You felt the taste of copper follow the blood into your mouth, lingering for just a second as you swallowed the warm substance. Feeling bolder, you lightly kissed the sensitive area you'd left a scar, but it wasn't enough. You wanted more, to caress his flesh with your lips, kissing your love tenderly to show your reverence. Spy shifted a little under you, rolling from his stomach to his side as you moved to accommodate him.
He hummed softly to himself constantly as you kissed your way from his shoulder blades to the side of his neck. You could feel his pulse below your mouth, all too aware of how he clearly enjoyed feeling your lips against the thin, sensitive flesh. He used a gentle but firm hand to cup the side of your face, guiding your lips to meet his as you sighed into the kiss.
It wasn't long before his tongue was in your mouth, and you were back on top, the two of you moving as one as he rolled to his back, you taking this as an invitation to go back to straddling his torso. The kiss felt so passionate and sensual, and you could not stop yourself from lightly grinding your lower body against his, desperate for any friction between your legs. You moaned into the kiss when you felt his fingertips feeling up the sides of your body. You wanted desperately to move his hands from the sides of your hips to between, but you also didn't want the pleasant shivers his touch brought about to stop. It was impossible to hold yourself back. Spy deepened the kiss, lips sliding against your own as you returned the affection. His touch, gentler than yours, had you feeling so hot, bothered, and almost painfully wet. Your hands worked through his hair, winding it around your fingers, pulling slightly as he teased your body, but just as you were about to start rolling your hips, Spy pulled away, removing his fingers from your body. Spy looked up at your confused expression with a coy grin.
"It's getting late. Why do we settle down for the night?"
"Can't we go a little longer?"
"Maybe tomorrow night."
Your head dropped in disappointment. "Please, just a minute longer, I- God Spy, I'm so wet, I need you so bad it hurts!"
Your pain only amused the man as he chuckled softly, his hand smoothing back your hair, "If you love me, you'll do as you're told." It hurt, but he was right, as usual, and with a half-hearted "yes sir," you peeled away from him, moving to lay on your side facing him. While Spy didn't move from his back, waiting for you to cuddle up closer, no doubt feeling your body trembling with the effort it took to remain still.
"You're being good for me, right? You aren't touching yourself, are you?"
Shaking your head, no, Spy pulled you a little closer to him. Kissing the top of your head while you lay against his lithe body. "Very good. Your hands are only to serve me, not yourself."
This man was a sadist, wrapping himself tightly around you while speaking in that low-breathy murmur that gave you chills, feeling his warm breath fanning your overheated body and skin. It drove you mad in the best way imaginable.
You could swear you felt sweat begin to bead along your back with the effort it took to obey his command. Feeling his warm skin against yours, the softness of the blankets, his natural aroma overwhelming your mind, not to mention the already uncomfortable burning felt between your legs, you wanted so badly to climb back over him and relieve the awful tension, but you wouldn't dare. Spy's approval and praise meant the world to you, and disobeying him to satisfy your carnal desires would be unthinkable. Spy's breathing began to deepen and slow, and you felt his arm around your shoulders starting to slacken as he drifted off to sleep. And you took great comfort in knowing you were about to settle down for the night, sleeping in the embrace of your reason for living.
Perhaps your beloved Spy was no longer a person to you, and your love for him transformed him into something beyond human. Now he was the light of your life, the only one who made you feel alive. As you felt his arms wrapped around your body, his warm body curled up behind you, his body heat warming you and the bed's blankets, the heat making you want to nestle up even closer, to feel every inch of your beloved's perfect body wrapped around yours, as protective of you as you were to him. And with God as your witness, you swore, you would protect him until the day you died.
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isfjmel-phleg · 3 months
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