#I am scared that this will make me have too high of expectations n I'll be disappointed
warmspice · 2 years
Hi hello the world is beautiful and I love u !
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oepionie · 2 years
Synopsis: Yuuken interrogates some of the boys on the campus about their special someone. Hearing their loving ramblings on you was certainly not what he expected.
Tags: Self-Indulgent, Fluff, Angst if you squint really hard, Reader is not Yuu, Tweels are a bit...too mad in love, I brainrotted so hard, You're Malleus' fiancee, Malleus doesn't know how to tell a joke someone help him
Cw. Riddle's Mother, Overworking, Hospitalizations, Poor living conditions, Illness, Bullying, Allusions to violence, Marriage, Tad bit of possesive behavior, Description of stabbing
WordCount: 2k+ | 💌Masterlist
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About: Riddle's Rose
"Rose? I see you've met that troublesome intern at the library. That's a nickname. Their name is (Y/N) and yes, they are my partner." "A-Ah? I'm so direct? Well, you asked me a question! Though...I would prefer that this discussion end here. I prefer to keep my relationship with them private.”
Chat: Childhood Memories
“Ever since we were young, (Y/N) was quite rebellious. The complete opposite of me as a child, really. They were always sneaking off during the night and coming over to visit me. Mother...didn't approve of them and often screamed in their face. I was quite terrified she would scare them away, though that didn't stop them at all. Haha, I think they got even more persistent afterwards. I am truly glad I met them.”
Personal Story: To the Hospital
“Again...? I see. Thank you, Trey. Hmph, I'll have to schedule another visit once more."
> "Riddle? What's wrong?"
"Ah, Yuuken—It's Rose. They've gotten admitted to the hospital...again. (Y/N) is quite impulsive and tends to bite off more than they can chew. On more than occasion, like now, I would find out about their hospital admissions via Trey days or even weeks after."
>"Aren't you dating? Why aren't they telling you?"
"They claim that they withhold the information from me out of concern for my workload or out of fear of being a burden. Though that is—a sentiment I don't understand. Nothing is more important to me than their health."
About: The Photo In His Wallet
"Where is it?! Man, I'm so fucked if I lost it—Oh?! Oi, Yuuken! That wallet's mine! Man, thanks a lot. I really would've been screwed over if it weren't for you." "Eh? The photo? Shishishishi curious, aren't cha? Hmmm...how 'bout this? You get me a steaming hot meat bun and I'll give you a story time about them."
Chat: A Hopeful Future
"My studies? Course I take them seriously! That's what's gonna' put food on the table one day. Plus, I wanna' give (Y/N) the life they deserve—What'd I mean? Well, if I'm going to be their husband, I want 'em to live comfortably. It's not like we need anythin' luxurious, anyways. As long as we're together and there's enough food to go by, it's going to be all right."
Personal Story: In Sickness and In Health
"....that's good to hear. Please look after 'em, granny. Love ya." The call ends and Ruggie sighs. "That's the best news I've received since."
"Guh-?! Man! What's with you and sneaking up on me!? Yeah yeah—you heard right...news. Granny just called me to talk about (Y/N), their health is looking up. Tell ya' what, I knew that deal with Azul was worth it. I managed to snag some medicine and send it home."
>"Oh? Medicine?"
"Yeah. Ever since my first year of high school, they were sick and bedridden. (Y/N)'s parents don't have enough money for a doctor, so there's not much they can do. Of course, I'm out here doin' my best to help too."
"I really...I really wanna see them up and runnin' again. Hey, who knows—maybe we'll get to make flower crowns for the village kids again...together."
About: An Interrogation
"Yuuken, you’ve met (Y/N), I hear. Well, as their partner, it's only right that I ask you about it. I assume you don't mind. So, what is your opinion of them? Nothing short of perfection, I hope."
"Hm? You think they're nice? Good then."
Chat: Busy Octoboss
"With all the deals, my maintenance of my academic ranking, and my position as Monstro Lounge's manager, my workload is quite substantial compared to most. And, I regret to say that it does get in the way of my personal life, including quality time with my lover. It tears at my heart, yet I cherish how they're so understanding and patient. Still, sometimes I can't help but think I am undeserving of them..."
Personal Story: Deep Sea Bonds
"My childhood is not something that I appreciate or want to remember. Yet, despite everything I've been through, I do think it is pleasant to look back on the days when I met them. You see, (Y/N) was bullied too. They were just like me, relentlessly bad mouthed and hurt by the kids around us. However, they never failed to greet me every day with a bright smile on their face."
>"What a sunny person."
"They'd also always have the courage and bravery to stand up for me, often taking the brunt of the bullying. I wish I could say I did the same for them...but I was far too cowardly back then..."
>"Wow. You two must be really close, then."
"Of course. They've been through a lot.Which is exactly why I won't allow anyone to speak ill of them anymore." Azul pauses, smiling slyly. "Say, Yuuken. You'll tell me if anyone casts aspersions on my Angelfish, won't you?"
About: A Helping Hand
"Hm? What's that? Ah, you’ve met my darling pearl. I see. I do notice how you’ve been frequenting Monstro Lounge lately…Have you perhaps acquired a romantic interest towards them? No? Hehe, Alright." "Now, to answer your question, yes, that is right; (Y/N) routinely comes over to visit and aid me in my Mountain Treks. I couldn't be more grateful for their assistance."
Chat: The Pearl Ring
"Oya? I see you're curious about the ring I've been crafting. Well, it's for (Y/N). You see, in merfolk culture, we create handcrafted jewelry to serve as a courting gift. This is one of many ornaments I plan on giving them. Though, this one is...particularly unique. Ah, well...(Y/N) Leech does have a nice ring to it, does it not?"
Personal Story: A Jaded Reaction
"Oya? (Y/N) is spending the night at Ramshackle? Whatever reason for?"
>"Grim wanted to have a game night."
"Ah. I see. How...lovely. What's that? My smile is frightening you? Oho, now is it? Hehe, my deepest apologies. We eels tend to be quite...protective. I so anticipate you to take good care of them. And fret not, as long as you keep them away from any harm, no disputes shall arise."
>"Uh...and if something happened?"
"What if something happened...? Well, I'm sure you wouldn't mind being hunted down the face of the earth, tied up, and pulled down to the deepest pits of the blue ocean, where no one can hear your anguished cries for help...Would you?" 
"Just joking. I would never do that."
About: A Sea Walnut
"(Y/N)? Aha~~~ You've heard of my little sea walnut? They're so adorable and squishy, yanno!—Is there a problem? If you got a problem with 'em, I'll squeeze you." "Oh? Not scared at all, huh? Ehe~ You sure are ballsy. Tread carefully now, shrimpy~!"
About: Ocean Currents
"Whenever a strong ocean current comes, sea walnut always huddles close to me and grabs my arm. They've always been afraid of being blasted away."
"They used to do that a lot when we were kids, but it never gets old. Hehe~ Sometimes, I lead them to places where the waves are strong, jus' so they can cling onto me! It's so funny to see 'em get afraid and scramble after me when I move too far away. "
Personal Story: Shark Attack
"Hmm~? Oh, what're these bite marks? Rad, aren't they? I got them after fighting a buncha' sharks."
>"Sharks?! Why would you do that?"
"To get these. It's shark teeth. Our anniversary is comin' up, and Jade suggested that I should make some jewelry for them. It's a merfolk courting thing. Azul 'n Jade told me to get them pearls, but I thought that was boring. So, I'm making one with shark teeth instead! Isn't that cool~?"
>"I-I guess, but what happened to the sharks?"
"Ugh. None of them were a fun hunt. The entire hoard swam away so fast. Can you believe it???… I’m not the typa eel who would let my prey get away that easily, though. And it’s not like I had anything better to do. Ehehe! There were so many of those sharks swarming around, but I managed to squeeze them all! Well, it was worth it in the end cuz I got what I wanted. I'll do anythin' for my little sea walnut~"
About: A Hearty Meal
“What am i doing? Well, I'm making some Roast Chicken with Sumac Flatbread. Oh? Who's (Y/N)? Ah, Kalim must have told you, huh. (Y/N) is my partner. They are truly wonderful."
"For example—Though I like to think I'm skilled at disguising my true feelings, the moment I go to see them, they already know what I'm thinking. They have a keen sense of intuition and always seem to know what I need and when I need it. Truly, I'm grateful for such a caring—Ah, I'm sorry. I was rambling again."
Chat: Snake-Eyed Envy
"I can't dispute that a lot of people back home are vying for their affection.That bothers me at times. As Kalim's babysitter-ehem, retainer, I don't have enough time to check in on them every day...However, as cheesy as it sounds, I have yet to meet someone who is as smitten with (Y/N) as I am."
Personal Story: World Left Unsaid
"I soon understood that I was more than the circumstances of my birth, all thanks to (Y/N). In fact, My bond with Kalim has become stronger and more genuine thanks to them. I...realized my hatred for Kalim was just my desire for my circumstances to be different...I didn't hate him at all. Without (Y/N), I would never have understood it."
>"They must be very important to you, Jamil."
"Absolutely. I was terrified that I might lose them after my overblot. But to my surprise, they stayed with me. Naturally, it hurt them, but they were really compassionate towards me and about how much I had to go through."
>"Do they know of what you feel?"
"I...I don't think (Y/N) realizes just how much I cherish them. I don't think now's the right time for that though. I've hurt them too much and I still have a long way to go before I fix things."
About: He's Engaged?!
"I am, indeed, betrothed. Heh. Why are you looking so bewildered, Child of Man? If I'm going to be a king someday, it only makes sense that I would need someone to reign alongside me, no? At first glance, (Y/N) may seem aloof, but as you get to know them more, you'll see that they are actually incredibly lovely and warm."
"You never thought I was one for romance? My, my... What a bold statement, you best learn how to hold your tongue. Have you considered that I could use lightning to smite you where you stand?...Now, now—That was a joke. You don't have to cower in fear."
Chat: Safe And Sound
"My precious treasure tells me that I tend to get protective at times. Though can you really fault a lover for wanting to protect the one who is most important to them in this cruel, ruthless world. One where others will not hesitate to turn on you?"
Personal Story: The Art Of War
"I am actually the first of my lineage to wed someone who is not a noble. You see, (Y/N) is a knight-in-training. And, as you can probably guess, they served as my retainer. To see them at work was truly a magnificent sight to witness. They command attention and radiate strength. While I had always admired them, I could not bring myself to express my true feelings to them. Until...that night."
>"That night?"
"Yes. On the evening of Silver's 16th birthday, someone had rushed at me with a dagger in hand. (Y/N) was the first to respond and took the hit for me...The sound of their screams as the knife tore through their flesh was truly...horrifying."
>"That's horrible! What happened to the guy?"
"Worry not, he was taken care of accordingly....If there is anything I’ve learned from Lilia's many teachings, it’s that the worst calamities that befall an army arise from hesitation. To avoid further offensives, one must deal with and eliminate adversaries as soon as possible. Don't you think so?"
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Taglist: @keedas @spadecentral @crypticbibliophile @pastellepastary @cassidycampfire @cocomollo @poisonioushearts @anonima-2 @kawaiipotatoghost @ramvuda @sweeneyblue1 @the-lost-anime-dad @chuuchuudreams @taruruchi
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doctorreid187 · 2 months
No body descriptions used - A/N: I hope this is what you asked for, if not I am sorry
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It had been two weeks since the fight that had put Miguel Diaz in a coma. West Valley High School buzzed with stories of triumphs and defeats, but for Y/N, time seemed to have slowed to a crawl. She sat on the bleachers of the school's football field, clutching a small, white stick in her trembling hands. The two pink lines were unmistakable. She was pregnant.
Her thoughts whirled as she tried to make sense of it all. Miguel, her boyfriend, the love of her life, was the first person who came to mind. They had shared so many dreams and plans for the future, but neither of them had expected this so soon. Y/N knew she had to tell him, but how?
The next day, she found Miguel in the dojo, focused and intense as he practiced his moves. He had been training harder than ever for the next tournament. She watched him for a moment, marveling at his dedication, before summoning the courage to approach him.
"Miguel," she called softly, catching his attention. He turned to her, his face breaking into a warm smile.
"Hey, Y/N! What’s up?" He walked over, towel draped around his neck.
"I need to talk to you," she said, her voice shaking slightly. "It's important."
Miguel's smile faded as he noticed the seriousness in her eyes. "Okay, let's sit down."
They sat on the bench, and Y/N took a deep breath. "Miguel, I... I found out something yesterday. And it's really big."
He reached for her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Whatever it is, we'll face it together."
She looked into his eyes, drawing strength from his confidence. "I'm pregnant, Miguel."
The words hung in the air, and Miguel's eyes widened in shock. "You're... pregnant?" he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper.
Y/N nodded, tears brimming in her eyes. "I know it's unexpected, and I know we didn't plan for this. But I wanted you to know."
Miguel sat in stunned silence for a moment, his mind racing. Then, he pulled her into a tight embrace. "We're going to be okay, Y/N. We'll figure this out together."
As the week went by, they started discussing their options, their future, and how they would make things work. They were both scared, but their love for each other gave them the strength to face the challenges ahead.
Then came the day of the big fight. Miguel had been tense all morning, but he tried to put on a brave face for Y/N. "I'll be okay," he promised her, kissing her forehead. "Just stay strong for me, okay?"
Y/N watched the match from the sidelines, her heart pounding with every move Miguel made. The fight was brutal, and the tension was unbearable. When Miguel landed a particularly hard hit, Y/N winced, praying silently for his safety.
But then, it happened. A fierce kick from his opponent sent Miguel crashing to the ground, his head hitting the floor with a sickening thud. Y/N screamed, rushing to his side as chaos erupted around them.
"Miguel! Miguel, wake up!" she cried, cradling his head in her lap. He didn't respond, his eyes closed and his body limp.
The paramedics arrived, pushing Y/N aside as they worked to stabilize him. Tears streamed down her face as she watched them carry Miguel away on a stretcher, her heart breaking with each step they took.
Hours later, Y/N sat in the hospital waiting room, surrounded by friends and family. Her hands rested protectively over her stomach as she silently prayed for Miguel's recovery. The doctor finally emerged, looking grave.
"He's in a coma," the doctor said, and the room fell silent. "We're doing everything we can, but it's too soon to tell when or if he'll wake up."
Y/N felt a crushing weight settle over her. She looked down at her stomach, whispering a silent promise to their unborn child. "We're going to be okay, Miguel. We'll wait for you. We'll stay strong for you."
As days turned into weeks, Y/N visited Miguel every day, talking to him, holding his hand, and telling him about their baby. She believed, with all her heart, that he could hear her, and that he would come back to them.
Then, two weeks after the accident, something miraculous happened. Y/N was sitting beside Miguel, holding his hand and talking softly about their plans for the future, when she felt a slight squeeze.
"Miguel?" she whispered, hope blooming in her chest.
His eyelids fluttered, and he slowly opened his eyes. "Y/N?" he croaked, his voice weak but unmistakably his.
Tears of joy streamed down her face as she leaned in, kissing his forehead. "You're awake! Oh my God, Miguel, you're awake!"
The doctors rushed in, checking his vitals and making sure he was stable. Y/N stood back, her heart soaring with relief and happiness. Miguel was back, and they had a future to look forward to.
Months later, as they settled into their new routine, Y/N went into labor. Miguel was by her side, holding her hand and offering words of encouragement. After hours of labor, their daughter, Charlotte, was born. She was perfect, with a tuft of dark hair and bright, curious eyes.
Miguel held their newborn daughter, tears of joy in his eyes. "She's beautiful, Y/N," he whispered.
Y/N smiled, exhausted but happy. "We did it, Miguel. We're a family."
As they looked at their daughter, they knew that despite the challenges they had faced, their love and determination had brought them to this moment. They were ready to face whatever the future held, together.
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empress-simps · 1 year
Danger Meter [3]
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■Pairings: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader
■Pronouns: She/Her Fem!Reader
■Warnings: Language, also probably some medical inaccuracies
■Genre: Soulmate Au! Angst and Fluff
■Synopsis: Your soulmate rarely seems to be out of the High risk zone according to your mark, which makes you worry.Oh well— you already know the same goes for him.
》 Masterlist 》 Bradley's Masterlist
》 Previous 》 Next
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"Is she alright?"
"Lieutenant L/n is very lucky. She only sustained a few bruises, and a gash on her face. We would like to keep her overnight so we can continue to monitor her."
"I see... Thank you, doctor."
"The pleasure is all mine. I'll get going now, Lieutenant."
You heard the voices talking back and forth stop as you slowly tried to open your eyes— immediately shutting it as the bright flourescent light from the ceiling temporary blinded you.
"Where.. Am.. I?"
You could feel your throat was dry and your voice came out hoarse, cracking at the end.
"Y/n! Y/n! Can you hear me?"
Scrunching your brows, you snapped. "Can you stop shouting? I'm not deaf, statefarm. I'm surprised you got into heaven too." Your voice coming out softer than what you intent to be. You slowly opened your eyes again as you tried to adjust to the brightness of the room.
Hangman sighed, quite relieved. "Glad you're still the same. You're not dead, you're in the hospital. Also, excuse me?"
"You're excused."
"And here I was, about to grab you some water so you can properly talk." He scoffed, you looked at him and cracked a small, playful smile. "Do be a dear and get me one, Seresin."
Hangman grumbled but still complied, you took a long sip from the straw as he assisted you. "Thanks, Hangman. I appreciate it."
He flashes you with his signature smile, "Anytime, Crash. Just don't pull shit like that again." You rolled your eyes.
"I'm serious, all of us were about to have a heart attack."
"Sorry 'bout that." You took a second to scan the room for any sign of your best friend. "Where's Bob?" You asked, curious on where he is.
"He passed out."
"I know. He'll be here soon." As soon as Hangman said that, a knock was heard along with 'Are you sure this is where she is?' Most likely from Bob.
You chuckled, "Yeah Robby, this is my room. Come on in." You heard the doorknob turn and there he was, your bestfriend who was not pleased as he scanned your current state. Hangman excused himself as he got called by Coyote.
Pheonix raised an eyebrow at you as she, and surprisingly Rooster entered your room, following Bob. "You and Bagman? Since when?"
You looked at her incredulously. "What? We're not together."
"Then why is he in your room?"
"Oh I don't know, let me guess— he's probably checking on me since I'm his wingman?" You asked sarcastically while Bob fretted over you like a mother hen.
"Hey Rooster, how are you?"
You cracked a small smile as you greeted your crush fellow naval aviator. Rooster smiled back, "Shouldm't I be the one asking you that, Crash?" He chuckled, resulting in you to blush and laugh. "Well, I think you already know I feel like shit."
"But you don't look like one."
"Tell that to me when I don't have this gauze on my cheek." You chuckled, trying not to let him see you flustered at his compliment.
Bob and Pheonix shared a knowing look to each other, which went unnoticed to you and Rooster .
"We were worried about you, Y/n/n." You heard Bob say. Turning to him, you sighed. "Sorry, Robby. I was quite scared myself too, I thought it was the end of me." You looked down at your hands. Noticing how the room changed into a more serious atmosphere.
"I probably scared my soulmate half to death too." You joked as Bob shaked his head. "I think you did."
Rooster perked up, you and Bob aren't soulmates?
As stupid as it sounds, he tried his best to look for your wrist secretly. Trying to see your mark. What he didn't expect was he felt his mark pulse when he saw yours.
He took a step back. What in the world? Why does he feel his mark pulse?
"Rooster? You okay?" Pheonix asked, taking note of his sudden change in demeanor. You and Bob looked to Rooster, seemingly confused.
"U-uh yeah, I just— I remembered I need to talk to Maverick about something." He mumbled as he took another step back before turning and leaving the room.
Bob could already sense the hurt and dissappointment rolling off you in waves. Pheonix furrowed her brows
"What is up with him?"
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Rooster knew that was the most pathetic excuse he has given in his entire life.
Not only was it a half-baked plan, his body language gave it away. Hell he didn't even know why he told he'd be talking with Maverick, when he knows that they know there's a tension between them two.
He found himself walking into hard deck, going straight to the bar. Not paying attention to Penny and Maverick flirting across him.
"Bradshaw." He heard an all too familiar southern voice called out. Bradley turned to look around and saw Hangman from the table, a knowing smile on his face.
Rooster already know how this is going to go.
"Hangman." He mumbled, turning back his attention to the bar about to order a drink.
"You know, a little bird told me what happened while y'all were listening to us on the radio earlier." Hangman said, slowly coming over to where Rooster's at.
"And I heard something.. strange." Jake smiled, circling around Rooster as if he was a predator. Rooster looked at him, "I don't want to hear any of your bullshit, Hangman."
"Oh, don't worry Bradshaw. I won't take up too much of your time. I just wanna.. ask something." Jake said, an unknown glint present in his eyes. Without even letting Bradley speak, he continued.
"Your mark turned dark red to black. Didn't it, Bradshaw?"
Rooster felt his body went rigid as he heard those words uttered out by Hangman. He looked at the smirking blonde with anger slowly consuming him.
He heard Hangman laugh, "Don't even try denying it, Bradshaw. You already gave it away."
Bradley looked at him, eyes seething in anger. "What is it to you, Hangman?" The Texan boy hummed, "Well because I know who you suspect your soulmate is."
"That is none of ypur concern-"
"Oh but it is, especially if it's about her." Hangman's expression turned serious, as he stared down his fellow naval aviator.
Bradley looked at him, "I don't even know who you're referring to-"
"Crash. Don't fucking deny it, Bradshaw. I know you think she's your soulmate."
Rooster balled up his fists, every ounce of his being trying not to punch Hangman. Out of the corner of his eye, Coyote, Fanboy, and Payback slowly started to gather around him and Hangman, readying themselves in case a fight breaks out.
"What if she is? What are you gonna do about it?" Rooster challenged, standing up from his seat as he came closer to Hangman, not breaking their stare.
Hangman smirked, "I'll make sure you won't even lay a finger on her to find out."
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Taglis [Closed] : @auszimbo @twsssmlmaa
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loakstahni · 3 months
Sweater weather
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Warnings ⚠: bad reactions to an injury/scars, upset, rejectment, the guy Litx liks is kinda a ass tbh, slight hints at making out.
Word count: 809
Na'Vi translations: Awa'atlu - metkeyina village, marui - woven homes built over thr water, Tam, Tam - it's ok, it's ok, Mawey - be calm, ma'itan - my son.
A/N: I had an idea to write a fic with a song in the fic, I'm pretty sure has been done though-😅
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And all I am is a man
I want the world in my hands
I hate the beach
But I stand in California with my toes in the sand.
Ever since Litx and his family came to Awa'atlu he had found another male interesting, he didn't dare show his whole face to this male, the 19 year old was scared that the Na'Vi he fancied would be scared off because of his face.
Use the sleeves of my sweater
Let's have an adventure
Head in the clouds but my gravity centered
Litx had grown close to the metkayina male, they would often go on walks along the beach, weave bracelets and necklaces for each other and sometimes even just sit and talk until the sun set.
Touch my neck and I'll touch yours
You in those little high waisted shorts, oh
Litx felt a rush of heat spread to his face as he kissed the other male, his hands desperately grabbing at his arms as he felt the male grip his hip and jaw.
He hadn't expected this walk to turn into this, to turn into hot, needy kisses, grabby hands and needy sounds from both his mouth and the other male's.
Oh, he knows what I think about
And what I think about
One love, two mouths
One love, one house
No shirt, no blouse
Just us, you find out
Nothing that I wouldn't wanna tell you about, no
Litx groans softly, dropping his head back into the ground as the male presses hot kisses to his neck and jaw.
Brushing away the hair covering the right side of his face and that's when he froze.
'Cause it's too cold
For you here
And now, so let me hold
Both your hands in the holes of my sweater
Litx quickly lifts his head up, trying to cover the right side of his face as the metkayina quickly backed away, his eyes wide.
"Please-" Litx mumbles out, watching as he turns around and heads out of sight.
And if I may just take your breath away
I don't mind if there's not much to say
Sometimes the silence guides a mind
To move to a place so far away
The goosebumps start to raise
The minute that my left hand meets your waist
And then I watch your face
Put my finger on your tongue 'cause you love to taste, yeah
Litx huffs out a shaky breath, pressing his head in between his knees, tears burning in the corners of his eyes.
These hearts adore, everyone the other beats hardest for
Inside this place is warm
Outside it starts to pour
Coming down
It had started to downpour when Litx drug himself back home, tail tucked between his legs and ears tucked under his hair.
Litx shrugged off his mother and father's words, not bothering to talk with them, or answer the one hundred questions they had started asking the second he stepped into marui.
One love, two mouths
One love, one house
No shirt, no blouse
Just us, you find out
Nothing that I wouldn't wanna tell you about, no, no, no
Litx plops into his hammock, not bothering to dry his wet and cold skin. 
'Cause it's too cold
For you here
And now, so let me hold
Both your hands in the holes of my sweater
Tears soaked Litx's pillow, his body shaking roughly as he grips onto his blanket, he sat up after a moment, ripping off the woven choker and bracelets gifted to him by the other Na'Vi, throwing them onto the floor with a strained sob.
'Cause it's too cold
For you here
And now, so let me hold
Both your hands in the holes of my sweater
Both Neytiri and Jake push aside the curtain separating Litx's sleeping room from the main room of the marui, Neytiri gently sitting on the edge of his hammock and soothing her gentle hands over his head and down his back while Jake stood beside the hammock. 
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa
Jake gently rubs the back of Litx's neck, gently leaning down to press a few gentle kisses to the top of his head. "Tam, Tam.. Mawey, ma'itan.." Jake coos softly, deep, husky voice calming Litx.
'Cause it's too cold
For you here
And now, so let me hold
Both your hands in the holes of my sweater
"He was no good, you are perfect." Neytiri said gently, soothing her hands over his braids. 
It's too cold
For you here
And now, let me hold
Both your hands in the holes of my sweater
Jake leans down once more, pressing a kiss to Litx's scarred cheek as he dozes off. 
And it's too cold, it's too cold
The holes of my sweater..
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griots-tales · 2 years
Having a shitty valentines day. Just left an abuser and am a now single lesbian. Honestly just wish Ramonda would be able to make my valentines day amazing with like a super romantic date and stuff
Well she could in an AU... I don't know you so I could get some stuff wrong, but I'll try <3
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You wiped your tears for the last time today, leaving your office after an extended shift you took just to take your mind off them. The Wakandan Outreach Center was more silent now that the night had fallen. The front desk lady noticed your red eyes and kindly offered you a whole red velvet muffin.
"Don't worry, I've had enough..." She grinned and reassured you as you smiled in return and thanked her. It smelled great, so you stuffed it into your mouth as you walked out of the glass entrance.
But you regretted that almost instantly when you ran into her: Queen Ramonda stood casually on the sidewalk in regular clothes, but still looking regal as ever.
You choked on the cake as you tried to chew it down quickly, prompting her to come and slap your back, making you spit out the whole thing onto the asphalt. You blushed furiously in embarrassment, but Ramonda only chuckled softly.
"I'll get you another, dear... are you okay?"
"Y-Yeah..." You sighed "I just wasn't expecting you to... be here..."
"Do you have other plans this evening?"
"Wh- uh no! not at all, in fact-" You paused, wiping your chin. "I did, but I'm just- done with them. Today was horrible." You blurted it out. You didn't know why, but she always made you feels safe enough to do so.
She nodded in understanding. "Why don't you tell me about it, (Y/N)? And get some cake?"
As soon as you nodded, a shiny black Lexus appeared around the bend of the road and stopped in front of the entrance. You could see the perfectly curved silhouette of the driver's bald head.
You had known the Queen personally for about a month now, as you had been selected to oversee the personal logistics of her visits in your country. She was much more beautiful to look at up close, and an even more beautiful and strong person. The two of you grew close by either chance or fate, but either way, she was starting to become more than an acquaintance.
Whatever luxury you could have been used to in your life before this, it did not compare to what you saw in that car. But far more than the leather seats and the holographic displays, you savored the company of your long term crush, the Queen of Wakanda.
"Well, what happened?" She inquired, stepping out of the car at a famous local elite bakery. You picked a table as you started explaining to her how you had been abused by your partner and had just found the courage to leave them. You were much better off without them, but the breakup had certainly affected you and Valentine's Day, which was important to you, was ruined this year.
Your cake arrived by the time you finished your story.
"Oh, my.... Thank you, your high-"
Ramonda cut you a glance.
"I mean, Ramonda..." You smiled.
"To a better life ahead." She smiled back and raised a slice of red velvet cake from the platter like a drink.
"Cheers!" you giggled and dug into the sweet juicy depths of it. She noticed the Queen's eyes lingering a little on you before she dug in too.
"So yeah, " You concluded. "I wish people weren't such shit."
Ramonda nodded. "Partners can be disappointing sometimes, but you deserve better."
"You've had an experience?"
"Yes..." She raised her eyebrows as she reminisced. " While I appreciate him for changing his behavior for me and our kids... my husband did horrible things. When we got into a relationship, he cheated with what felt like every woman in Wakanda with me after he promised to never do it. And for years I let him hurt me. I thought he grew as a person later, but he was still abusive to his brother's side of the family and hid it from me because he was scared of me."
"How does someone feel like cheating on you?" you ask in genuine bewilderment.
Ramonda chuckled. " I don't know, but in some ways it helped me get over his death."
You smiled and nodded. "I'm sorry, though... that couldn't have been easy..."
She reached out and held your hand. "It wasn't. That's why I wanna make sure you're okay..."
You wrapped your fingers around hers. "But... why do you care so much? Not in a bad way, but I don't know many world leaders who take event managers to bakeries on like, Valentine's Day..."
You said the last two words very softly and avoided Ramonda's eyes. Her fingers were warm in yours as you could no longer deny it. Smooth ass Queen took you out on a date without you even realizing it.
"You're not just any event manager to me, (Y/N) Inhliziyo yami ishaya kancane mangizwa izwi lakho."
You had no idea what she just said despite learning Xhosa, because you couldn't even remember you own name...but it sounded like a honeycomb being parted.
In seconds she had you melting in your place, fiddling with the candy hearts that came with the cake. You shyly glanced at her through your lashes as she smirked at you. You noticed how she had put her hair in ringlets, just the way you had suggested when you had met her a few weeks earlier.
Your heart was beating faster and faster as she lifted the hand she was holding and softly kissed it on your knuckles.
"Happy Valentines...(Y/N)"
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yiminsuu · 2 years
Your Goddess (2/3)
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Pairing: Dream/Morpheus x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, bit of violence, mutual pining, reader never experienced love, arranged marriage, depression, forbidden love, our king is bad at love too (give him some slack), mentions of Calliope.
Author’s Note: It was really hard to come up with something for this chapter. Also, if you don’t like my description of angels that’s your problem.
↳ Part 1 | Part 3
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It won't be the end of my journeys to the human realm, yet there is sorrow in me I cannot comprehend. When my head no longer was consumed by clouds, I thought of all the possible outcomes of this union: I would no longer be able to stay alone, and my soon-to-be husband will decide on whoever I can watch over.
The weddings in Paradise are as special as a new star being born, not all angels are family at this point, and we do not cross paths with lower or high-ranking beings, but... I didn't expect a Seraphim to accept this marriage. Now, I am more scared than ever. 
"Are you ready?" My brother asked as he sat next to me, resting an arm over my shoulder gently. I don't say a word and glance around the apartment. "(Y/N), if you do not want this... Just say so, and we'll speak with father."
"You heard our siblings, they are afraid Morpheus will take my divinity away. They are ordering me to do this." He didn't look happy, not one bit. My brother always loved his freedom, and also wants others to savor it, but the rules they give us... It's killing us. It is a shame we have no other way. "Either way, this Seraphim they keep speaking about, everyone says he's kind and righteous. I'll be fine."
"But you'll break down, just like that night! We angels can't only exist for humanity, I refuse to believe that...! Listen to me!" I turned to him and we stared at each other, tears were beginning to show in his eyes. "I will call Morpheus, and we will get this to the council--"
"NO!!" With my outburst, my wings spread and the windows cracked, whatever was in the living that was made of glass was shattered in a second. I inhaled and furrowed my brows, my form recoiling until my back hit the nearest wall. I swear to God, I have never seen my brother so afraid. "Sister... Your wings..." My eyes widened like plates when I realized many of my feathers were changing to black, and I sobbed. "This marriage..." I clenched my fists. "Will happen!"
"You are blind...! You don't want this! (Y/N)!" I flew away from that forsaken place, but not long after I had to land and catch some air, thankfully, there was no human around. The place was a beautiful field of flowers, nature embraced me...
However, nothing stopped the feeling of hatred.
It swallowed my heart, and darkness consumed me as I fell.
I was aware he was watching me. I didn't let him make me a dream, or a nightmare, I don't want a thing from him, I reject him, and will continue to do so until the end of life itself. "STOP!" I shouted and woke from the numbness, and hugged myself before caressing my blackened feathers slowly, my fingertips trembling. Automatically, my wings shielded me from the king, who was staring at my back.
"Your wings... What has happened?" He muttered while walking toward me, and I detect something in his tone. "(Y/N)." He's angered.
"I beg you...! D-Don't touch me...!" The king stayed quiet, much to my relief. I'm unable to understand why this is happening to me, all I've done is follow our Father's laws and commit to taking care of the humans. I sighed deeply. "Since I was born I've been taught that my existence is connected to this realm... And it's all I've ever known. The smile of children, people loving each other, the first cry of newborns." My chuckle was full of bitterness. "Those moments are for what I exist... And you are ruining that." This time I do glance at him, and his lips part slightly. "I know how much you have lost, Morpheus, but-- Why would you ruin my life when you have enough people to go back to?"
"Calliope." A tear ran down my cheek when Dream mentioned her, so sweetly. "She called me because she needed my help. I would never let her suffer the same fate as me." This is exactly why I can't forget about you, no matter how hard you try to hide your heart, I'll always be able to see deep inside it. I hate it.
"What about me? Why would you let me sin??" When Dream stares at me like this, so heartbroken, I want to take every word back, but my mind says not to. "I have my reasons, (Y/N)." He simply says and I shake my head as I stood, stepping slowly toward him. "Because of you... I am banished from this realm for 1000 years. Because of you, I have to marry the strongest angel under Father. You did this to me... I thought we were friends..."
Both of us don't say anything as we stared at each other's eyes, deliberately closer than before. "We are not friends." I pursed my lips at his words, more tears staining my cheeks. "We've never been." Dream's hands come to my face, his thumbs cleaning my tears away. His own eyes were teary as he looked for more words, but nothing would come out of his lips. "You are cruel..." I whispered. 
This touch, HIS touch burns something in my chest, but it burns so deliciously I don't want the king to turn away. He holds me close, locking away any possibility of escaping and our noses come into contact, feeling his breath on my lips. My halo shines brightly as the sun, and my wings seemed to resuscitate from the darkness. The kiss was delightful, sugar-coated with the sweetest feeling my heart ever felt. 
"My angel... I..."
I surrender to him. To my king. My dream.
Alas, fate is unjust. "It wasn't meant to happen... I'm sorry..." I muttered brokenly. Morpheus reached for me one last time, but I had already vanished, and from far away I watched him break down as Death and his raven came to his aid.
In Paradise, I'm surrounded by my family and fellow angels of every ranking. As if I've just murdered someone, I am given the most heinous looks a prisoner would be ashamed of getting, however, I cannot care less. If this is the price for feeling love then I prefer to be dead.
Without Dream, I am nothing.
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redheadspark · 2 years
Can you do Number 12&31 with Azriel please 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
A/N: Hello! I would LOVE to do thus request for you! Thank you for the request, anon!
Summary: The last thing you expected to happen was to get lost in a cornmaze. Thankfully, your mate has a good sense of direction.
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Warnings: Just some fluff :D
12. Lost in a Corn Maze
31.  “I don’t scare that easi– AHH”
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"This cannot be the right way, Az,"
"Of course it is!"
"I thought we already went this way.....didn't we?"
All your mate could do was chuckle as he guided the pair of you, making your mind go a bit crazy since you could have sworn you came this way before. Did you? Why do this path look familiar?
Who thought of putting in a cornmazwe in the first place?
Velaris was throwing an Autumn festival, a celebration of the victory over the massive battle against King Hybern. High Lord Rhysand believed that the town, let alone most of Night Court, deserved to have a festival and some relief from all it had to endure with the battle and assaults on the city. With the help of his High Lady Feyre, they threw a massive festival for all the citizens of Velaris, inviting those far and wide who wished to not only see the city, but to celebrate as well.
There was plenty to do and the festival lasted a whole week. Massive tents filled with food and drink, games for the younger children to play and win prizes, and mass amounts of shopping and trading amongst the traders and locals who were masters in their crafts. Painted created masterpieces along the riverbend, florists arranged Autumn bouquets both big and small, and musicians played songs and ballads near the rolling hills.
It felt like magic the entire week, and one of the attractions was a cornmaze.
Massive in size and height, it was a massive hit amongst the daring and intrigued. Plenty of people got lost within minutes, but thankfully the maze was enchanted to help those who were in for far too long and guide them out with ease. Azriel thought it would be a good idea to go in together, knowing fully well your sense of direction was not the best. You knew he wasn't wrong, getting lost was a normal thing for you. So when he suggested to go in on the third day of the festival, you gave him a shocked look.
"Don't worry, my dear. I'll guide us," he reassured you.
So you were walking together, hand in hand and turning corners as the sun was slowly starting to set over the city of Velaris. You shivered a bit, clinging into Azriel and hoping that he did know where he was going. Azriel, as always, remained cool and calm. Yet the corn was taller than he was, the tip of his wings barely over the top of the maze.
"I can't believe how calm you are in this huge maze," you said in a grumbled,Azriel moving you to the left and going down a new path without a second thought, "You know the routes in here, don't you?"
"Are you accusing me of cheating?" He asked coyly, a smirk on his lips as you gave him a playful scowl, "I am offended that my own mate would think such a thing. The scandal of it all, you not believing in the Spymaster of Night Court--"
"Oh har har," You scoffed at him, his grin not leaving his face as he then both turn to the right, "Honestly though, we shouldn't be int here once it's dark out here,"
"Are you scared?" He asked, sounding a bit more genuine but mostly in a playful tone, "I say this with love, darling, but you are a bit of a scardy cat,"
"I don’t scare that easi– AHH” You shrieked, seeing Cassian pop out from around the corner, towering over the pair of you with his wings out and a bellow on his lungs. You jumped, right into Azriel's arms as he huffed at Cassian, giving him a glare as Cassian roared in laughter. He landed back on his feet, seeing you shiver a bit as Azriel was holding you close. You felt like your heartbeat was in your throat and your skin was on pins and needles, the last thing you wanted was to be scared in a corn maze were you were already on your last nerve.
"Very classy, Cas. I take it that's your job in this maze, to scare?" Azriel asked, not in hate but in annoyance. Cassian was still laughing, his hands on his lower belly as he almost keeled over.
"No, I just knew you two were going to be in here and she's not one for the jump scares. I had to give it a go, it's too easy with her," Cassian said in a joke, gesturing to you as you glared at him. You were about to say something else when Azriel came to your defense.
"I'm sure your mate would be happy to hear you scaring her best friend with glee after she specifically told you to mind your own," Azriel said in a challenging tone, Cassian's laugh went away in an instant with the mention of Nesta. Azriel raised a brow, "Should we ask her?"
As if on cue, you heard one loud voice from outside the maze, menacing and almost deadly.
Nesta, and she didn't sound happy.
"Gotta go!" Cassian said in a rids, shooting up in the sky with his wings and flying out of sight. You thanked the Mother that Nesta was looking out for you, although her mate was far too playful for your liking at times. Once it was the pair of you again, Azriel looked down at you in his arms, rubbing your arms with his massive fingers and kissing your hair.
"You okay?" He asked, you gulping and nodding your head as Azriel sighed, "Cassian, as much as I love him as a brother, can be a bit childish at times. And he knows better too,"
"Nesta will sort him out," You grumbled, Azriel chuckling as you looked up at him with wide eyes, "Please tell me we're close to being done with this maze?"
"I know where to go," He reassured you calmly, giving you one ore squeeze along your ams as you started walking again, "Once we get out of this maze, I'll treat you to some warm spirits at Rita's and a hot bath back at the townhouse,"
"Sounds wonderful," You replied without hesitation. You could only rely on Azriel in a simple corn maze to calm your nerves and make the fears go away. Azriel would never hesitate in helping you and bringing you joy, even in a simple corn maze.
"Let's get you out of here then. Maybe we can catch the tale end of Nesta scolding her mate,"
You giggled, walking on with Azriel and feeling a bit lighter with the notion of the Illyrian Army Commander being ridiculed by his ferocious mate.
What a sight that will be.
The End
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Fall Prompt Round Two
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under-sedationnn · 3 years
the arcana: main six reacting to injured! reader
anonymous: Could u do m6 reacting to mc coming home injured? I want some hurt/comfort >:))
Warnings: talk of being injured, blood. if that bothers you or tiggers you in anyway, please scroll away! i want this to be a safe place, only :)
thanks for the request anon!! i hope you enjoy!! <3 requests for the kissing prompts and physical affection prompts are STILL OPEN. please send them in with the character of your choice (which could be any character from any series i write for) and i will create an imagine!! thanks and happy reading!!
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- tries his very very best to stay calm
- you can see panic bubbling under the surface
- faust is on high alert
- slithers around your shoulders and squeezes you for a hug
- "friend! hurt!"
- doesn't immediately ask what happened, just gets you to a comfortable place to be cleaned up
- then, and only then, will he brave to ask what happened to you
- or who did this to you
- wipes the blood from your skin with very gentle swipes
- winces when you wince, and apologizes profoundly
- "Y/n, how did this happen? i thought you were just taking a quick trip to the market."
- "i fell in the market, tripped over a stone"
- "and nobody helped you?"
- in this case he's disappointed with the bystanders, but does not become angry
- in a situation where someone hurt you?
- oh god
- "Y/n, how did this happen? i thought you were just taking a quick trip to the market."
- "yeah, well, somebody had their eye on the same apple i picked up. somehow, though, they managed to push me to the ground and steal it from my hands."
- i don't even think he would know what to say
- and asra is not really the type to march out into the streets of vesuvia and seek to challenge the one who hurt you
- but he would certainly hold a grudge against whoever it was if he did find out
- and would feel absolutely awful about letting you get hurt
- his mind would race about the possibility of losing you again
- because he simply can't handle it
- and what if that person had been particularly violent or malicious? what if you had been taken??
- you'd have to comfort the hell out of him to make sure he knows that you're okay
- "asra, hey, i'm fine! i can handle myself, you know that"
- "you're right, and i know you're right. it's just hard"
- "it's still hard for me, too. the market still makes me a little nervous and i got caught a little off guard, is all"
- that would make him feel better
- would finish patching up your wounds and would make sure to bring you to julian the next day if they were too bad for him to fix or needed stitches
- would also create a special brew to help with the pain and ease you to sleep
- "why don't i go down to the market tomorrow?"
- "why? so when you pick a fight over apples, i can pay you back for all of this high quality medical treatment?"
- "well of course, surely you didn't expect all this tender love and care to be free" *wink*
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- panicked doctor mode enabled
- immediately begins checking you over, asking questions
- something tells me it would be a head injury of some sort
- "oh darling, what happe- you're bleeding!"
- "julian, i'm okay! it's just a little scratch"
- "no no no you might need stitches, come sit down. i'll go get my kit!"
- there's really no use in arguing
- he has cold ass hands, so he tries to warm them up before he begins suturing the wound
- tries to be gentle, and his expert hands move quickly without any snagging
- "so, how did this happen?"
- his voice is literally trembling
- "well, i was in the clinic grabbing the list of ingredients we need for our next grocery trip and there was a puddle of... something on the floor. i slipped and hit my head on the corner of your desk"
- immediately thinks it's his fault
- like "oh shit i should have cleaned better that could have killed y/n and then what would i have done-"
- doesn't necessarily voice this, but you can tell by the silence that follows that he's feeling really guilty
- would kneel for you, head on your knees
- "y/n, i am so sorry"
- "juli, it's really okay, i should have watched where i was going"
- "i'll make sure to clean better from now on, okay?"
- would guard you throughout the night in case of concussion
- nurse juli <3
- but let's say someone had put their hands on you
- would patch you up the same way, and apologize profusely for not being there with you
- tuck you into bed and fetch mazelinka to keep an eye on you throughout the night incase of a concussion
- would most definitely be self destructive and seek that mf out
- maybe not successfully, but would try his hardest
- "i'll be back in the morning, get some rest"
- "I can find them myself if I want to, you know"
- embarrassed blush
- because he KNOWS you can take care of yourself
- "of course, but right now you're hurt. as your partner, i will do what must be done on your behalf darling"
- probably shows up the following morning with battle scars of his own
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- the guards found you in the garden, passed out in the maze
- blood trickled down your arm, a large gash marking your bicep
- ran you up to the palace and immediately to the medical wing
- them]n nadia gets word
- the calm, collected queen act disappears
- abandons anything she's doing, anybody she's talking to
- "we will finish this at a different time, i have more important matters to attend to"
- she is so worried and it's honestly adorable
- very much giving "where tf are they?" energy
- god i love her so much
- anyways um
- asks the nurses over and over what happened, if you're okay, etc.
- watches the physicians and nurses like a hawk as they clean the wound and suture the cut
- and they're so intimidated lmao they never come face to face with her literally ever
- brushes your hair back from your face as they do so
- holds your hands
- would demand that you be brought to her sleeping chamber
- so that's where you wake up! how cute
- she's laying beside you, her brows furrowed
- maybe even her eyes are a little hazy
- "y/n, sweetheart, do you remember what happened?"
- patiently waits for your answer, you're still a little groggy
- you were either attacked by an animal and passed out from the fright
- or you were attacked by an armed person and was knocked out
- either way, the guards are on it
- nadia isn't letting whoever or whatever did this get away without a fight
- the palace is meant to be a safe haven for you
- for the both of you
- "well, don't you worry, we'll take care of that"
- you try to sit up but she won't let you
- "oh no, you must stay down, y/n. you are possibly concussed from the fall"
- "oh okay, sorry"
- "is there anything i can get you?"
- the countess of vesuvia, serving you in your time of need
- "just some water would be nice"
- "of course, i'll have some brought up right away"
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- i literally feel like he would just start crying straight up
- cause like he has some problems anyway
- he big sad boi
- and you coming home to the hut bleeding from a gash in the arch of your foot is not helping
- picks you and carries you to the bed without a word
- just starts examining the cut
- inanna is also very concerned
- she licks the blood from the cut, she's trying to be helpful
- meanwhile muriel is stumbling around the hut looking for anything to stop the bleeding, disinfect it, bandage it, anything
- but he's not the best about keeping that stuff in stock
- keeps looking back at you with worry in his eyes
- he doesn't know what to do
- "muriel, let me see if i can contact asra. maybe he or julian can bring me a salve. i'm pretty sure i'm gonna need stitches"
- low-key makes him feel worse
- cause he feels like he's unable to care for you and keep your safe
- even tho this was just an accident
- he's breathing really fast, his anxiety creeping
- agrees anyway, but goes to get them himself
- "i'll be back soon, just keep this piece of cloth pressed against it"
- cause you're bleeding like a lot
- inanna stays behind
- he returns very quickly with julian in tow, though he doesn't look happy about it
- leaves the hut without another word
- julian gets to work immediately
- "so, you cut your foot i see"
- smartass.
- "yeah, muriel always tells me to put on shoes when i walk in the woods but i love to feel the grass beneath my feet"
- julian chuckled at this
- "and i'm assuming you, what, stepped on a rock?"
- "...yeah, sliced it right open"
- after julian is done cleaning up the cut, he tells you to just stay off of it for a while and make sure it doesn't get infected
- once he's gone, muriel trudges back into the hut
- "muriel, baby, it was just a cut it's not a big deal"
- but his eyes look hurt, and you beckon him toward the bed
- "hey," your hands on his cheeks, "i'm okay, really"
- "sorry, i just got scared. blood is still a trigger for me and since you got hurt in my woods, i felt like it was my fault"
- "muriel, of course it wasn't your fault"
- he really needed a hug
- after this instance, he made sure to keep medical supplies in the hut and you promised to try and wear shoes in the woods more often than not
- "i'll try my best to be more careful. deal?"
- sweet lil smile
- "deal."
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- "oh my god, y/n, what the hell happened??"
- you were tending the garden
- without her supervision
- and the garden sheers might have sliced into the palm of your hand
- deep
- brings you over to the sink and runs water over the cut, covering it with a towel when the dripping blood had been washed away
- girl is on the move
- cause she knows what to do! love that
- low-key a main reason why julian managed to live as long as he has
- pepi is curiously perched atop one of the counters, peering down
- finds her personal first aid kit she had stashed in the bathroom
- guides you over to sit on the counter while she tries to figure out what to do
- "damn, you really cut yourself, y/n"
- "sorry! i think i just got a little carried away"
- she giggles at that, though she is still worried about the fact that it won't stop bleeding
- gently wraps the cut in gauze and adheres it together
- places a kiss to your fingertips
- "all done! no more gardening for you!"
- "hey, why not?"
- "well you don't want that cut to open back up again and again, do you?"
- "no"
- "alright then," she smiled, moving to put away the first aid kit again, "and we're going up to the palace medical wing first thing tomorrow morning to make sure it's not infected"
- eye roll
- "yes ma'am" you mocked
- even though you know it's just because she loves you
- "but since you got hurt, you want me to bake you some cookies?"
- "only if you let me eat the dough!"
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- good god do i love this man
- but he is so self-absorbed it's actually insane
- and I feel like he wouldn't even notice at first
- cause he's too focused on himself
- gazing into the mirror without a care in the world when you walked in
- "y/n, thank goodness you're home, how do you feel about these pants?"
- you just hobbled to the nearest seat, hand resting over the gash on your knee
- mercedes and melchior were lazing across a rug at the base of his mirror, their attention set on you
- "u-um, yeah, they look good"
- literally just trying not to bleed out, over here
- "good? oh really, now, y/n don't they look amazing?"
- "yes, they look ama- ow, damnit"
- then he turned around
- immediate shock and worry! oh no oh no y/n is hurt!
- mercedes and melchior walked over first, whining as they took in the cut, brushing around the edges
- lucio raced over, squatting down in front of you, and began examining the cut
- "hey, hey, what happened?"
- "i accidentally tripped on my walk in the garden and scraped my knee on the cobblestone"
- he was lightly touching around the cut, gauging how sensitive it was
- when you flinched he stopped, looking into your eyes with a soft "sorry"
- "i think i need to go to the palace infirmary"
- "oh there's no need, i can take care of you!"
- you were not convinced he could take care of you, at least not well
- "uh, lucio, are you sure?"
- he looked slightly offended, at that
- "you know, y/n, i did fight in battles at one point. i have not only tended to my own wounds, but the wounds of others, as well"
- you giggled at the thought
- "much to your protest, though, i'm sure"
- he moved to the small cabinet of medical supplies in the ensuite to your bedroom, returning to your side with it in hand
- "at points, but i don't mind helping you in the slightest"
- for all of his antics, his soft side was enough to make you fall in love all over again
- and although i know he would take care of you in literally any situation, i can't say for certainty that he would stick around and place nurse lucio for long if a person had hurt you
- attacked you
- much like nadia, the guards would be sent out without a second thought, lucio leading the pack in the search for you aggressor
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twinkleimagines · 3 years
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30 request challenge (Sorry i know i've been lacking on this list)
WArning : none other than language!
You and Rafe find out you’re expecting.
( also the photos that are not of Rafe are not mine, they were found through google search so if they just happen to be yours let me know and I’ll give credit !
"Here baby" Rafe replied as he handed you a cold wash cloth and a bottle of water as you wiped the splashed up vomit off of your face.
"God this shit sucks" You breathed out, flopping down on the cold tile floor in Rafe's bathroom.
"You must have food poisoning or something" He responded, propping himself against the sink.
"I don't know babe i feel like shit. And like i keep cramping like i'm on my-" You froze, your eyes widening as you stopped talking.
"Like what?" Rafe asked, noticing your silence.
"Oh no" you breathed out to yourself, your hands making their way to your face.
"Y/n what" Rafe questioned, becoming annoyed of your silence. You looked up at him slowly, afraid of his response from what you were about to tell him.
" I uhm, I'm late" you said softly. Rafe's brows furrowed together in confusion as he didn't truly understand the comment you had made.
"For what?" He asked still oblivious.
"M-my period" You breathed out. "I didn't think about it until just now. " Rafe shook his head.
"There's no way. we've been careful every single time." Rafe scoffed out, not wanting to believe the possibility of you being pregnant. You shook your head though in denial.
"Remember at Topper's party last month? We were too drunk to remember to use any protection. " You replied. which was the truth. You honestly couldn't remember if Rafe had used a condom that night, everything was a blur.
"No no i used one Y/n i know i did" He spat out, beginning to pace across the bathroom.
"Look let's just go get a test to make sure" you offered before standing yourself up. Rafe shook his head as if he was disappointed before walking out the door to the car, you following shortly behind.
The ride was quiet. Any time you tried to mention the possibility of you actually being pregnant , Rafe would only cut you off - ignoring your words. You could tell he was scared. I mean you were too, you both were just freshly adults, haven't even finished your summer after high school graduation. Rafe was weeks away from being able to work with his father with the family business, and you were about to start college and begin your own career. A baby would do nothing but hold you both back.
"Here" Rafe said handing you the box with the test inside. You sighed heavily, your eyes roaming the box the whole time quietly as you rode back to Rafe's place the anticipation of what the test was going to reveal to you was unreal.
"I'll be out in a second" You responded before shutting the door. Rafe leaned his back against the door, his thumb in his mouth, him chewing on it, which was something he did when he was nervous. He looked over towards the door as he heard you gasp softly.
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"Y/n?" he asked , shifting his whole body towards the door.
you couldn't believe it.
'POSITIVE' was all it read back. The word you absolutely did not want it to read back. You felt the tears begin to pool in your eyes as you looked up a the door, hearing the knock coming from Rafe.
"Y/n what does it say?" He asked quickly losing his patience. you sighed heavily before walking towards the door. Rafe stepped back giving you room to walk out of the door stopping as he noticed your eyes were red ad watery.
" No" He groaned , taking a step back. You furrowed your brows at him in confusion. Rafe didn't need you to tell him what was the result from the test, he could tell by the look on your face.
"No!" he spat out. "You can't be pregnant" He exclaimed, taking another step away from you.
You scoffed in disbelief. "Well i am Rafe" You responded before holding up the positive pregnancy test.
"Well" He responded, taking a second before speaking again. "It cant be mine. I've been careful. It's not mine. I know it's not" He assured, shaking his head.
Your jaw flew open, completely shocked at Rafe's comment.
"You're fucking kidding me" you argued, looking at him in disgust.
"I've never cheated Rafe, it's your fucking baby okay!" you yelled out in tears.
Rafe looked away from you, pacing back and forth while running his hands through his hair.
"You need to go" He said, his voice low.
"Excuse me?" You asked, cocking your head to the side.
"I said you need to fucking go Y/n" He yelled. You stood in shock, tears falling from your cheeks down to your shirt.
"Fine" You spat out before walking towards your bag before making your way out. You hadn't made it fully out of the house before you heard Rafe screaming and throwing objects in his room. You began sobbing as you made it outside to your car, Rafe's sister Sarah and father both looking at you in confusion as they walked towards the front door .
"Y/n!" Sarah called out but you ignored her call, running towards the car.
It had been over a week since you had found out you were pregnant. Unfortunately , Rafe had completely ignored you. He wouldn't answer your phone nor your texts. You had decided to keep the baby despite not being prepared. But you didn't want to be alone, you wanted Rafe to be apart of yours and the babies life, but that wouldn't be able to happen if he didn't talk to you.
"Where you going sweetheart?" Your mom asked as she sat on the couch, watching you walk towards your front door.
"I was going to go to Rafe's mom" You responded looking over at her .
"HA" Your dad scoffed shaking his head.
"Rafe doesn't deserve you or the baby y/n let him go. he's pathetic" your dad spat out.
Your parents were the first ones to find out about the baby. And once they heard how Rafe reacted not only were they angry for him knocking you up, but your father wanted to knock him out for saying what he did. But they both knew you were an adult and the decision was ultimately yours.
"Dad" You responded , giving him a look.
"whatever " he huffed, waving his hand in the air. You rolled your eyes before walking back outside, getting into your car.
"Is he here?" You asked Rose as she stood with the gardener, telling them exactly how she wanted her bushes to be trimmed.
"He hasn't been here in a week" She responded shrugging her shoulders. You knew Rose was never a big fan of Rafe, and with you being his girlfriend it was obvious she didn't particularly care for you either.
"Well do you know where i could find him?" you asked crossing your arms over your chest.
"There's no telling. Rafe's probably high off his gore, no telling whose house" She said before walking away from you. You sighed heavily before thinking back to her comment.
Rafe probably was high, but that would narrow down where all you could look. You quickly got back in the car, making your way to the only person you could think of, Barry.
To your luck, Barry was outside doing yard work already but you hadnt had any sight of Rafe anywhere.
"Y/n!" Barry yelled out, walking towards you.
"I know who youre looking for" he laughed out as he walked up to you.
"So he's here?" You asked, crossing your arms.
"Yeah came here bout a week ago, been acting like a baby bout some shit. couldn't get him to leave so he's just been crashing in the camper. " he replied pointing over towards the camper next to Barry's trailer.
"Mind if I go?" You asked pointing towards the camper.
"Have at it, maybe he'll go home" Barry responded shaking his head. you made your way to the camper, only to see Rafe passed out on the sofa. you sighed heavily, relieved at the fact that if Rafe was high like you thought, he definitely wouldn’t be sleeping.
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“ Rafe” you spoke out softly, attempting to wake him. Rafe didn’t budge though so you called out his name again.
“ Rafe” you spoke, a little louder this time. Rafe moved some this time, blinking his eyes open.
“ y/n?” He responded , his voice groggy .
“ hey” you responded before sitting down next to him.
“ what are you doing here” he asked sitting up , running his hand through his rough hair.
“ well I mean.. you haven’t spoken to me in a week” you responded, fiddling with your keys in your hand. He shook his head sighing heavily before taking a sip of the open soda on the table next to you.
Rafe stayed quiet causing you to roll your eyes in disbelief.
“ Rafe look” you said standing up, looking down towards him. “ I’m pregnant okay. And it’s yours I know it’s yours okay . And I refuse to do this alone. We both made this baby Rafe “ you argued.
“ do I look like I’m in any shape to be a father ??” He yelled back out, throwing his hands up.
“ Rafe I’m not ready to be a mom either but we’ve got 9 months to get our shit together because the baby is coming whether we like it or not! “ Rafe looked up at you, nothing but stress in his eyes, them still being red from him recently being asleep.
“ I know okay y/n” he breathed out. “ I just don’t know what to do . I don’t know how I’m going to get through this”
“ together” you responded sitting back down next To him. “ that’s the only option we have . We’re going to get through this together okay?” You replied softly. Rafe looked over at you with a sly smile.
“ I’m so sorry for how I talked to you. You didn’t deserve that. It took us both to make the baby “ he responded. You nodded, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“ you were panicking , I get it” you assured. “ but that can’t happen again ok?” Rafe nodded his head in agreement, looking down at his lap as he thought back to the harsh words he had said to you.
“ I have my first appointment tomorrow. “ you spoke, grinning at him.
“ yeah ? “ he asked looking over at you.
“ yeah doctors say I'm almost 8 weeks so I'm far along enough that I can get an ultra sound. “ you beamed. Rafe's eyes widened while he grinned.
“ so we can see the baby?” He asked . You simply nodded before he placed his hands on your cheek, pulling you in for a kiss .
“ I'm nervous “ Rafe said to his father who stood next to him while you him and Rafe waited outside the hospital door.
“ it’s going to be okay son. You’re going to be a great dad. Better than I ever was “ Ward said to him, placing his hand on his shoulders.
“ guys! She’s ready to push!” Sarah shouted from the door.
Ward only simply nodded before urging Rafe to go back into the delivery room with you.
Rafe’s eyes began to fill with tears as he looked over at you, your legs propped up , nothing but fear written on your face .
“ hey hey - it’s going to be okay , alright? I’m right here “ Rafe responded placing his hand on your sweaty forehead.
“ it hurts so bad” you cried out, your chest heaving up and down as you felt an enormous amount of pressure on your lower abdominal area.
“ okay honey that’s another contraction I’m gonna need you to give me a big push !” The doctor instructed .
“ okay princess you got this “ Rafe breathed out , looking across the bed to his sister Sarah who helped hold your legs up.
You quickly took in a deep breath before holding it in while you pushed as hard as you could, the doctor counting down from 10 to 1 as you pushed. Rafe whispered sweet nothing into your ear as you finally breathed back in.
‘ you’re doing so great’
‘ you’re so beautiful’
‘ I’m so proud of you’
‘ you got this baby ‘
‘ I love you so much’
“ okay we can see the head!” The doctor beamed in the middle of you pushing again. Sarah gasped as she saw a head of dark brown hair beginning to come out. Rafe glanced down , seeing his babies head begin to slowly push out.
“ oh my god” he breathed out, feeling himself getting light headed .
“ Rafe? You okay?” You asked, as you waited for the next contraction. He looked over at you, sweat dripping down the side of his face as his face was pale, his eyes red and watery. Rafe gulped loudly before nodding his head.
“ don’t worry bout me princess “ he said attempting to laugh off the queasy feeling he was getting. He kept his eyes focused on you , watching as your face scrunched up and turned red as you began to push once again, this time screams leaving your mouth as you felt a horrible burning so dark on as the babies finally slid out, it’s shoulders attempting to come out.
“ come on y/n just one more big push ! You got this” the doctor yelled out as she prepped herself ready to grab the baby. The other nurses stood by ready to help clean you and the baby up as you screamed out, finally feeling the baby come out.
“ GOD!” You cried out as you finally felt relief from the burning and stretching your body was just enduring .
“ oh my god” Rafe breathed out to himself as he stared at the baby with wide eyes .
“ congratulations, it’s a girl” the doctor replied before placing the baby on your chest, hearing it cry for the first time.
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You looked over at Sarah, her hands covering her mouth as she let out uncontrollable sobs from seeing the baby laid on your chest.
“ hi baby” you cried out, tears falling.
“ oh my gosh” Rafe whispered softly as the baby looked in your direction, it’s crying calming down. “ she’s recognized your voice “ he responded, a few tears falling from his face .
“ would you like to cut the chord?” The doctor asked looking Rafe's direction. He glanced at you for approval before looking at the doctor nodding. You stared down at your precious baby, her big blue eyes looking back at you. Rafe reached up with this scissors , his hands trembling with nerves before he snipped the green umbilical chord.
"Rafe" You called out softly. Rafe quickly looked over to you, placing his hand on your head wiping the hair strands away from your forehead.
"Yes princess" He responded with teary eyes.
"She has your eyes" You beamed looking up at Rafe. Rafe looked down at the baby, the baby girl looking back up at him.
At that moment, Rafe knew his whole life was about to change. There were no more drugs, or fighting. All he could think about was you and the baby at this point. He only wanted to do right by you two from here on out, his own family.
"God I love my girls so much " He spoke out softly, his voice trembling as he held in the sobs he wanted to let out. You grinned before he placed his lips on yours and then the baby's head.
"I love you Rafe"
Hope you guys liked! ✨Feedback, like, and a reblog is always appreciated!✨
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sexyandcringe · 3 years
When you are scared of needles, but need to get your vaccine
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Warnings: needles
Content: fluff, comfort
A/n: Am getting ma vaccine today and I'm scaaaared. Not of the needle but of the side effects kebdjd.
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You didn't really want him to know that you are scared of needles because you didn't want him to see you as a cry baby, so you just acted like it was no big deal when you talked about it and he really didn't notice anything, but when you finally parked the car in front of the hospital, Sakusa could see the anxiety in your eyes and the visible tremble of your lips.
"Are you okay?" he asked. You really didn't want to let him know that you were scared, but you figured that he would find out eventually when you will be getting your shot, so you just admitted your fear in defeat. "Actually.. Um, I'm just- just a lil scared of needles" you try to pull a smile but your furrowed eyebrows show other emotions. He was surprised indeed, you didn't look particularly scared when you left your house.
"It's no big deal, you won't even notice the pain if you just look at me", he tries to reassure you, but that doesn't make your fear dissappear, obviously. You nod with sigh and get out of the car.
Sakusa can notice how your steps are hesitant, as if you are ready to run away in any minute now. "You are being overdramatic Y/N, I also got my shot and it really doesn't hurt". You were already scared of needles and your boyfriend talking to you like that didn't help, so you snapped: "Omi. You may be a professional volleyball player who is used to physical pain, but I am not." You pouted like a child, making Sakusa chuckle. "Alright alright, I'm sorry." He hugs you, patting your head lightly. "I'm here with you" and he really is.
He holds your hands tightly while you get the shot, you looking him in the eyes and being mesmerized by his two beautiful moles on the forehead. You realize that the needle is already out of your skin , the pain you expected wasn't even there.
You smile at the nurse and then turn to your boyfriend. "Thank you Omi."
Bonus: he still had to babysit you when you got a fever as a side effect.
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When you tell him that you are actually scared of needles, he laughs out loud. You look offended and pout, so he apologizes, but his smile tells you that he really isn't sorry. "You don't hafta worry babe, I'll be there with ya, yeah?" you nod silently and get ready to go to the hospital. Atsumu holds your hand and doesn't let it go, his smile is so reassuring that honestly you forgot what did you even come here for.
The nurse looks kind and gentle, so you sigh in relief, without realizing that you were tense all this time. But unexpectedly, when the nurse pulls out the syringe, she doesn't look that kind and gentle anymore, making you glance over Atsumu, as if he could do something for you, maybe he could give you the shot instead. Nah, that's gonna be even worse, your dumbass of a boyfriend would definetly miss the right vein and would stab your skin at least 10 times.
When the nurse grabs your arm, you instinctively squeeze Atsumu's hand with yours. He let's you do it, like the supportive boyfriend he is. Even start rubbing circles with his thumb to distract you and it works, because you can't really feel any pain when you are looking into his honey eyes and wide grin.
He looks so pretty. He always have been, but today he makes your heart beat faster than usual, maybe because you don't often see him in the serious-protective-boyfriend mode, or maybe it's because you want to distract yourself so bad that you end up admiring his features.
"All done" the nurse's voice makes you a flinch a little, you were too lost in Atsumu's eyes.
When you get back in the car, his grin becomes wider. "You're such a simp".
Bonus: He didn't really get much side effects so he panicked when you had a high fever and couldn't get out of your bed, so he asked Osamu to make you nice dishes and cuddled you to sleep.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
Noona, Do You Not Like Younger Men? (Choi San+Jung Wooyoung)
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Pairing: Choi San× Milf! Reader (Female)× Jung Wooyoung
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Idol AU.
Summary: Maybe going over to pester their favorite manager during her vacation wasn't such a bad idea, especially if it ends up with them getting what they always fantasized about every night.
Word Count: 4.2+K
Warnings: Age differences (still within legal boundaries), breast play including titty fucking (yeah I'm aware some of us don't have huge tits, I'm part of that squad but we can dream ok?) fingering, m+f+m threesome, ass grinding, spanking, degradation.
Taglist: @little-precious-baby @galaxteez @multidreams-and-desires @yunhofingers @yunhoiseyecandy @deja-vux @daniblogs164 @brie02 @couchpotatoaniki @a-soft-hornytiny
Y/N's eyes squinted at the two younger males who casually showed up at her home, uninvited and already letting themselves in as if they owned the place.
"Hi Noona. Did you miss us?" The older one of the two squished her cheeks together, earning him a slap on his wrist, which he did not appreciate.
"Aww Noona, now look what you've done. You made him sad." The other male pointed to the other's pout.
"Choi San and Jung Wooyoung, just what the hell do you think you're doing here?" She crossed her arms over her chest.
"Isn't it obvious? We came to keep you company!" San cheerfully exclaimed.
"We know you missed us so we decided to come over and spend time with our favorite manager." Wooyoung added as he went over to try and cling an arm around the older woman, but she brushed his hand away.
"Ok, in case you guys didn't know, I'm on vacation, a well needed vacation from my manager duties. Specifically from you two! You little brats who constantly give me migraines and high blood pressure. I got this vacation to get away from you both!"
The boys were taken aback by her outburst, looking back and forth between each other and then returned their faces back to her. Their somber and disappointed expressionism soon bursted out in laughter, confusing the woman in front of them.
"Oh Noona! You're so funny." San giggled.
"We know you love and adore us so much. And you're happy that we came to keep you company!" Against her will, and more since she was outnumbered, she let Wooyoung and San each take one of her arm and drag her over to the living room where they sat her down and started arranging the space so they could have a small movie day. Y/N let out slow and deep breaths as she tried not to lose her patience and just let the boys run around her house as they started putting the snacks they brought with them into bowls. She could hear them muttering angrily to each other from the kitchen, no doubt telling each other to be careful less they accidentally broke one of her plates. In less than 10 minutes, they had about  7 or 8 different bowls full of different snacks, ranging from crispy chips, to sour gummy worms and even different types of sweet chocolates.
"We even got mochi ice cream! Would you like some?" Wooyoung enthusiastically shoved the case that contained assorted flavors of the icy dessert.
Knowing she might as well enjoy the gluttonous snacks while she could, Y/N skimmed her hand over them and picked out one of the mint chocolate mochis and stuffed it in her mouth. Unbeknownst to her, the man on her right was staring at her with a wide smile as she ate the ice cream. When she noticed, she gave him a puzzled look and scooted further away from him.
"You chose the mint chocolate flavor." He giddily stated.
"Yes....any problem with that?" She questioned.
San emitted happy squeals at that.
"I love mint chocolate flavor too! Don't you see Noona? This further proves that were soulmates and destined to be together!"
Without even asking or warning, he snuggled himself against her, an arm around her waist as he used her chest as a makeshift pillow. Coming back from the kitchen, Wooyoung glared at San when he saw how close he was with their manager.
"Hey! No fair. Don't hog Noona up for yourself. We promised to share!" He quickly jumped on the other side and tried to tangle himself around her, proving to be difficult when San was pushing him away. Y/N ended up being pulled and tugged from both sides as the boys fought amongst themselves for her. Fed up with their antics, she reached her hands over and smacked both of their thighs sharply, making them retreat away from her less they suffered more physical pain from her.
"I want both of you to stay at least an arm's length away from me if you're planning to stay here and watch a movie. And absolutely under no circumstances do I want either of your mouths opening to sputter nonsense and annoy me further...Got it?!"
Both of the idols scooted to either ends of the couch, each grabbing a nearby cushion to keep them company and to protect them in case they furthered irritated their off duty manager. Y/N took a deep breath as she rubbed the side of her temples, letting the boys pick out which movie they wanted to watch. She probably wouldn't even enjoy the movie with the two rascals nearby, she thought to herself. Wooyoung and San settled for a cute looking movie, both of them hoping that the fluffy contents would soften up Y/N so they could cuddle up next to her once more. The woman however cringed when she saw the title.
"Ugh. Wake me up when whatever chick flick you chose is over." She settled back onto the couch, her eyes already closing.
"Aww come on Noona, give it a try. You might even like it." San suggested.
"Romantic movies have never been my type." She mumbled out, her hand reaching out to take some of the popcorn on the table to stuff in her mouth.
The movie played out exactly as she expected it to. Nothing short of all the typical cliches and stereotypes portrayed on every single romantic comedy made in existence. The boys would often look back at her every few minutes, their faces getting more and more discouraged when their manager didn't seem to be enjoying their company. It seemed that their plan to get close to her backfired as she was currently resting her chin on her palms, dozing off slowly while not paying one bit of attention on the screen in front of her.
"Told you to pick a scary movie." San complained to his friend.
"Your chicken ass can't even handle them." Wooyoung side eyed him.
"Yeah, but jump scares serve as an excuse to hug the person next to you." He tilted his head over to Y/N.
"Nice move, saying your plan out loud for her to hear. You dumbass."
Taking the pillow he had, San chucked it at Wooyoung, knocking the snacks he was currently eating onto the floor. Grabbing the pillow, he made move to throw it once more, but Y/N held a hand up.
"Throw that cushion and I will choke you Jung Wooyoung."
The warned boy immediately sat the cushion back down, setting his hands down on his lap.
"Please do...."
Y/N's half lidded eyes sprung wide open when she heard his whisper. Slowly she turned her head at him, of course Wooyoung noticed out of the corner of his eye and swallowed harshly. He didn't think she was paying attention enough to hear him, but she was. Wooyoung soon felt flushed as she eyed him with an indiscernible stare, trying desperately to focus his attention on the movie in front of him but the heavy weight of her stare kept burning through him. Seeing as he wasn't going to say or do anything else, Y/N decided it would be fun to tease him like he'd often tease her. Sliding on top of him, to the surprise of not only Wooyoung but his friend on the other side, Y/N hummed softly as her fingers ran up his chest.
"Please do what Wooyoung? Choke you? Is that what you want? Want my hand wrapped around that pretty of neck of yours?"
The flustered male shuddered when her fingers encapsulated over the front of his neck, lightly applying pressure against his Adam's apple with her palm.
"Oh someone likes this a little too much." She chuckled as she subtly rolled her hips on his tent that formed as soon as she touched him.
"Please Noona.." Wooyoung squirmed underneath her body, hips trying to grind up against hers.
"I barely did anything and you're already begging for me. You're an even bigger whore than I thought you were." She let out an annoyed 'tsk' as she slowly began to get off his lap.
When Wooyoung felt her detaching herself, his hands came out to clasp her waist, keeping her firmly planted on his lap.
"Yes I am, I'm such a whore for you Noona. But please don't leave me here like this." He whined at her, looking completely pitiful as his hands desperately tried to keep her from moving. Y/N reached a hand out to toss some of the hair away from his forehead, her mind already working on ways to play around with the young male. Noticing that his eyes kept falling towards her chest, she suddenly got an idea.
"You like my breasts Wooyoungie?"
Her question caught him off guard, eyes widening, looking like a deer caught in headlights, especially after she called him by his nickname. He was beyond flustered, unable to look up at his manager anymore.
"I asked you a question Wooyoungie and I expect an answer or else I'll leave you hanging there and make you watch as I play with Sannie instead."
The forgotten male beside them became excited at hearing her words, his hand rubbing against his inner thigh, slowly creeping up to the bulge in his pants. Tilting his chin up to look at her, Y/N repeated her question once more, expecting him to reply as it was his last chance.
"Y-yes. I like your breasts very much Noona." He finally admitted.
Satisfied at getting an answer, Y/N pulled away from Wooyoung so she could start removing her shirt, both boys watching her without batting an eyelash. When her bra dropped on the floor, they both stared in awe at her voluptuous chest, mouths agape and nearly drooling at the sight.
"Fuck, they're just-wow." San chimed in, tongue wetting the center of his lips.
"You like them too Sannie? I always thought you were more of an ass guy." She commented with a knowing smile, recalling all the times he'd come up behind her and greet her with a pat on her bum.
"Oh hell yeah I am, but I'd never say no to an opportunity to suck on a pretty pair of tits." He acknowledged with no hesitation.
"Is that so? Well then."
Prying Wooyoung's hands off her, Y/N sat herself back in between the boys, hands cupping both of her breasts to gently massage them in her palms, fingers tweaking at her nipples which were slowly getting fully erect. The two men at her sides watched with hungry eyes, only imagining how soft and tender her breasts must feel, both wanting to replace her hands with their own. Unbeknownst to them, they were about to get a better offer.
"There's one for each of you my loves, so go ahead. Put your pretty mouths on them and suck on them. And maybe if you do good enough, I'll play more with you guys."
Wooyoung and San simultaneously looked at one another, both wondering if they heard her correctly or it was another perverted thought their mind played on them. Realizing it was not, San was the first one to be bold as he cupped the breast nearest to him and brought it up to his lips, where he proceeded to coat the areola with spit before he latching onto it.
"So you're more of a dirty boy, aren't you Sannie?" She mused at him, fingers brushing some of the bangs on his face.
San only responded by lifting his eyes momentarily to shoot a wink her way before indulging back in his task of suckling on her tit. Y/N turned her attention to Wooyoung, who was still nervously sitting there in a pliant manner. She beckoned for him to come closer.
"Wooyoungie, my other breast feels lonely."
Getting the hint, Wooyoung lowered himself and practically squished his face into her fleshy mound. As expected, he was very vocal, spewing out lewd sounds as he harshly sucked on her nipple, bringing in as much of her as he could possibly put in his mouth. Y/N laid her head back on the top of the couch, mouth drawing out heavy breaths and pants as she relaxed and enjoyed the sensation of the the younger male's mouths on her breasts, their tongues and teeth eagerly swirling and nibbling on her sensitive flesh. She noticed how both of them had completely different patterns. Whereas San's suckling was less intense, it was definitely more sloppy, spit dribbling down his chin and down her chest from all the insane movements his tongue worked on her nipple, each of them clearly focused on bringing her as much pleasure as possible. Wooyoung was definitely more intense and full of eagerness, but each swirl of his tongue or nibbling on her skin was less meditated and more like he was simply enjoying to taste the older woman, playing around with her breast as if it was a toy for him to fondle and tease as he pleased. Not that she minded, she loved being used as a toy by them both.
She became so lost in the feeling of their mouths on her body that she didn't notice the hands that had traveled in between her thighs until she felt them prying them open in an effort to slide her shorts and underwear down. She became somewhat self conscious when they managed to tear the rest of her clothing off, her legs closing tightly. Tapping a finger on her knee, San pulled off her nipple to say:
"Spread your legs for us and let us see that soaking cunt of yours."
Wooyoung was just as shocked as she was at his informal and vulgar words, but it certainly served to arouse her even more. Getting talked down to by someone younger than her..... it was definitely something. Giving him what he, and probably also his friend, wanted, she opened up her legs. Putting aside her gorgeous breasts for the meantime, the 2 pairs of eyes peered down at the sight below them, their Noona's folds glistening just for them and because of them, her tiny bud aching to be touched by their fingers. Signaling to his friend, San dipped his fingers down, swirling them around her clit before pressing down on it.
"Oh she's needy Wooyoung, I can feel it throbbing against my finger." San smirked as he lightly rubbed against her clit.
"Is our pretty Noona in need of our fingers? Does she want to get stuffed with them?" Wooyoung muttered against her ear, lips quick to muffle the moan that responded to his question. It was a sweet and tender kiss that was interrupted by San who tilted her chin towards him so that he could kiss her as well.
"Don't worry Noona. We'll make sure you're full and satisfied."
Y/N gasped as she felt both of their fingers slowly insert themselves into her slick and wet walls. Nudging to each other, their fingers started moving to and fro, eyes watching closely each facial expression that took over her features, reveling in the blissful sighs that were spilling out of her lips. Y/N couldn't keep herself from clenching tightly around their fingers, mesmerized by the sight of both of them fingering her tight little hole.
"Are you enjoying this Noona? Like having your tight pussy fucked by Sannie's finger and mine?" Wooyoung giggled, pushing his finger deeper into her, knuckles pressing against her mound which had her shuddering.
"Yes she is Wooyoungie, look at how much tighter she's becoming."
With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he looked at Wooyoung.
"Maybe we should stretch her out even further. Don't you think?" He suggested, to which Wooyoung agreed to with a grin.
With a sharp inhale, Y/N released a whimper when 2 extra fingers intruded into her intimate region, stretching her further. The pace with which they were thrusting their fingers into her increased, each of the boys jamming their fingers at different timings, making sure that their tips touched the hood of her sex, grazing that sweet spot of hers. Y/N was a whining and moaning mess. The boys were not giving her any chance to relax, when one set of fingers was pulling out of her, the other set was pushing back in, continuing its abuse on her g-spot. She felt her thighs starting to trembling, her lower stomach building up her climax by the second. Even with the 4 fingers parting her wide open, she was starting to squeeze around them, wrapping them up in a blanket of heat that would soon coat them with her release.
"Are you gonna cum Noona? Cum on Sannie's and my fingers?" Wooyoung cooed as he drove his fingers faster into her to help her reach her orgasm faster.
Y/N could only manage to nod slightly, eyes shutting tight, unable to register anything else save for the slippery and squealching sounds that came from between her thighs. She didn't feel San press his lips against her ear until his low voice spoke in that sexy satoori accent of his.
"Cum for us Noona. Cum all over us."
With his encouragement, she tipped over the edge, crying out loudly as her release started streaming down her body and onto their hands, dripping even down to their wrists. The boys were kind enough to continue filling her hole with their fingers, helping her ride out her orgasm until she came down from her high.
"Shit. Look at all the mess you made on us. Such a dirty dirty Noona." San taunted as he forced her to look down at their cum covered hands, which they both brought up to lick clean right in front of her.
"And you taste so delicious." Wooyoung added with star struck eyes.
Cupping both of their chins, she placed a peck on each of their lips.
"Thank you for that my darling boys, you made Noona feel amazing. It's only right Noona makes you both feel just as good."
Not forgetting about the throbbing needs in their pants, she ordered them to strip in front of her, an order they were eager to comply with. Through clumsy fumbling, a pile of clothes was added to the previously discarded garments from the woman in front of them. Y/N couldn't hide the satisfaction on her face as she gazed at their erect cocks, standing proudly, waiting to be touched and played with.
"Well I suspected my boys were big, but even the reality is nothing like what I imagined." The men flushed at her words, flattered by the knowledge that she had indeed thought about them in that way before.
"Wooyoungie, lie down right here." She patted the space next to her.
Following her instructions, Wooyoung placed himself where she wanted him, displaying himself out to her. Hovering above him, Y/N kissed along his defined abs, getting dangerously close to the tip of his cock, exciting him while the member behind them envied their close proximity. Y/N pulled her face away right before her lips could touch his head.
"As much as I'd love to suck your pretty little cock, I think there's something you'll enjoy even more babyboy."
The pet name followed by the image of her breasts enveloping his shaft between them was enough to drive Wooyoung wild as he realized what she had in mind.
"Oh fuck Noona- yes please." He was anxious about having her warm tits hug around his length and fuck him until they were coated in his cum.
"I knew you'd love the idea."
Glancing back at the neglected male, Y/N motioned for him to come over.
"And I have an idea for you too my precious Sannie. Since you seem to like my ass so much, how about you stuff that cock of yours in my cheeks and fuck yourself on them?"
San's eyes bulged out, his dick twitching when he heard those words. It was such an erotic, kinky and naughty idea and he was all up for it.
"Shit- fuck yeah." He wasted no time as he straddled Y/N's behind, slapping his cock on each of her asscheeks before prying them apart and laying his shaft in between them.
"Fuck yourself as you want Sannie and try to keep up with Wooyoung and I." She challenged him, which he was more than willing to take up.
Spitting down on Wooyoung's cock and her tits to properly lubricate them, she sandwiched his shaft in her pillowy and soft flesh before rubbing her tits up and down on him. Wooyoung was releasing gasp after gasp the more he felt and saw his member disappear and reappear from his Noona's glorious valley. Meanwhile behind her, San busied himself as he started rutting his cock against the firm but tender skin of her ass, groaning and grunting as he took advantage of the green light she gave him to go as hard as he wanted. Each time he slammed his hips up into her, he basked in the visual of her plump ass cheeks rippling with each of his thrusts.
"Oh God." San exclaimed, one hand coming down to strike one of Y/N's cheeks, causing her to jolt forward in surprise, her stiff nipples rubbing against Wooyoung's shaft.
"Shit! San- be gentle with Noona." He whined, his eyes still focused on the silky sensation of Y/N's boobs hugging him.
"It's ok Wooyoung. I know Noona liked it. She likes it rough. Watch."
Raising his hand once more, it came back down to spank the same spot he had previously hit, a light pink hue starting to appear on her skin. Y/N tried and failed to contain a whimpered moan from her lips, spit dripping out and falling on Wooyoung's tip.
"Shit Noona, are you really into freaky shit?" He asked in astonishment.
"She's literally letting two younger guys fuck her tits and ass, how much more reassurance do you need?" San pointed out as he squeezed at her ass, riding her backside with more intensity.
"She's just a dirty kinky whore, allowing us to use her body this way. And then she's gonna let us cover her in our cum cause she's that slutty."
Y/N groaned at his words, her tongue poking out to lick at Wooyoung's slit each time it peeked out through the valley of her enormous tits.
"Fuck to paint Noona's tits with my cum-" Wooyoung hissed, teeth tugging at his bottom lip.
"You wanna do that for me? Cum on my big boobs baby boy?" She chuckled when she felt Wooyoung's cock twitch against her skin.
He couldn't answer her as another one of San's slaps along with his frenzied grinding thrusted her forward, making her and the boy below her exclaim in surprise.
"You're not cumming without me. You better hold it." San warned through gritted teeth, nails digging into her flesh as he violently rammed his cock between her fleshy and plump folds.
Y/N looked down at poor Wooyoung's face, looking so distraught as he fought hard not to cum right then and there. Leaning down, Y/N gave his tip a few kitten licks before resuming to squish her breasts on his length.
"It's ok Wooyoungie. San forgets his not in charge here. I am. So cum for me baby boy. Cum all over your Noona's tits." She softly said to him.
With shuddering whines and whimpers, Wooyoung threw his head back, eyebrows furrowed as thick streams of cum erupt from his tip, his orgasmic bliss so overwhelming, lasting longer due to Y/N continuing to rapidly push up and down his cock, milking him out of the last drop of cum he had left in his body.
"That's it. That's my good little boy, keep cumming just like that." She praised him, watching with excitement as his seed plastered itself on the top of her cleavage, some of it even splashing onto her cheeks and chin.
"That's so fucking hot- Oh my God-"
After watching the scene play out in front of him, San felt a familiar tightness in his balls, his tip starting to swell up. Before he could even register it, he was already pumping his own cum all over Y/N's ass and lower back, sputtering out incoherent words as he did so. He ended up collapsing on the couch, energy completed drained after all that, same as his friend who was still laying still on the other side. Meanwhile Y/N grabbed the box of tissues that was on the coffee table and pulled a few of them out so she could clean herself and the boys up. Starting with Wooyoung, she wiped in between his thighs, picking up the remainder of whatever was left of his cum before turning to San and cleaning up his body as well. Once both of the boys were cleaned up, she grabbed a couple more tissues to use on herself. She was distracted when she heard both of them start giggling out of nowhere.
"What's so funny?" She asked them, looking at San and then at Wooyoung, both of them donning a suspicious smile.
"So Noona does like younger men..."
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sadlysoulx · 3 years
–Haikyuu characters playing 7 minutes in heaven with you
(W/ Oikawa & Ushijima)
(w/ drawings :))
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Hiiiiiiiiii<3 Sorry if I haven't post in a while. Something happened in our family, and so. . . Yeah, I can't post the past few days. But here is an apology give for all of you😔❤️
⚠️Warning⚠️: Crappy drawings
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You rolled your eyes. What did you expect, silence throughout the 7 minutes?
It's Matsukawa and Hanamaki in that closet.
Ofcourse, they would bang the closet with their hands and moan out loud purposely.
Annoying really.
Iwaizumi was there fighting with Oikawa to let them out of the closet, saying that his parents might hear them from downstairs and he would be the one to get scolded. However, Oikawa was enjoying all of this.
7 minutes was up and Oikawa opened the closet.
Hanamaki and Matsukawa pretended that their legs were sore, so they stumbled across the room.
They plopped down on the each side of you, giggling to themselves.
"Y'all are bad actors," Your rolled your eyes. "Dramatic,"
Hanamaki and Matsukawa snorted.
Oikawa excitedly picked a paper from the bowl, flapping it open to reveal the name.
"Y/N," He announced, showing the paper to everyone.
You shrugged, acting unbothered.
"I hope it's Oikawa," Hanamaki whispered.
"If it isn't Oikawa, I would literally throw the both of you in that closet," Matsukawa added.
You ignored the boys and waited for Oikawa to announce another name.
"And her partner would be. . ." Oikawa picked another name from the bowl and flipped it open. He gasped, jumping on the spot.
"IT'S ME!"
Matsukawa and Hanamaki bursted into laughter. They high fived each other, on the top of your head since you were sitting at the middle of them.
"C'mon, my lady," Oikawa winked at you, opening the closet, waiting for you to go inside.
Matsukawa and Hanamaki howled like wolves and Oikawa gave them a flying kiss. Iwaizumi
Your world immediately went black.
Oikawa's confidence immediately drained him.
You blushed, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine.
"D-don't worry, I'll protect you from the m-monsters that lurk in this closet,"
Oikawa felt that he stepped in something.
You sucked in air through your teeth. "That was my foot, Oikawa,"
"Shit! I'm sorry!" He immediately apologized.
You sighed. Oikawa can be a play boy but he won't be. He always embarrassed himself when he tries to flirt with a person.
"It's fine, Oikawa-san,"
Two minutes roughly passed by and it was only filled by silence. There was only an occasional grunt from Oikawa whenever he bumped his head against the top of the closet.
Somehow, Oikawa got his confidence back in just a split-second. He switched into a seductive boy as quick as flipping a light switch.i
"Hey Y/N," He place this hand on the wall your leaning on, just above your shoulder. "Do you know what people do when they're in a situation like this?"
He raised your chin with his pointer finger.
"They kiss," Oikawa leaned in. "They make out,"
Your heart pounded against your chest and he softly swipe his thumb across your lips.
Oikawa leaned in closer, his minty breath tickling your senses. Just then, he realized what he was doing and he stepped back and leaned in his own side of wall, stuttering.
"I'm— I– Shit! I'M SO SORRY!" Oikawa looked around but your eyes. You could still see him shaking due to the small amount of light that peeked through the tiny gap in the closet.
You sighed. You were sick and tired of him flirting out of the blue and suddenly stopping thinking you won't like it.
You stepped closer to him. Pressing a hand on his collarbones, you slowly dragged it down his clothed toned chest and then dragging your hand on his pants.
You hooked your finger on those belt slots and then tugged him forward, making him whimper and weaken his knees.
You rolled your eyes. "Such an idiot,"
Your grabbed his collar and tugged him down, you pressed your lips fully against his.
Oikawa stiffened, before whining and pulling you closer. Feeling braver, you sneakily slipped your tongue in.
The brunette opened his mouth, giving more access, tongues swirled lovingly and he melted in your touch. Smugly, you pushed him off and Oikawa gasped.
"HEY!" Oikawa frowned, crossing his arms. "We're not done yet!"
He stepped closer to you, his ego shooting up when you kissed him. "Can you give me another one, love?"
Blushing, you gently pushed him off again. "As much as I want to, we can't. Time is almost over,"
As if on cue, the door swung open, revealing Iwaizumi, squinting at the both of you suspiciously.
Oikawa held on your waist and kissed your temple, making everyone gasp.
"Be mine," He whispered in your ear.
Oikawa walked away and out the door, smiling softly to himself.
You smiled, he already knows what's your answer.
Ofcourse, Oikawa. I'll be yours.
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You giggled to yourself as you watch Semi and Shirabu get out of the closet, frowning but a deep blush flushed on their faces.
"How did it go?!" Tendou immediately interrogated.
Semi and Shirabu huffed, looking away from each other. "Bad," They said together.
Tendou snickered behind his hand, "I'm pretty sure if they get along in the first place, they would fuck,"
Before the two could curse, Tendou dug his hands in the bowl and picked up two pieces of paper.
"OH! How great! It's Y/N and our Miracle boy!"
The crowd cheered as your eyes widened. "Wait what—?"
Tendou grabbed the back of your collar and pulled you up. He happily pushed you in the old closet and you groaned in pain when you bump your head at the wood.
"Tendou-san—" A large built body stumbled into you and you were immediately enveloped in warmth as the person gently gripped your arms.
Ushjima pulled back, a flustered expression on his face.
"I'm really sorry about that, Y/N-chan," he grumbled.
He was once pressed again against you when Tendou pushed him in, closing the door and the small space darkening.
"Sorry again. . ." Ushjima quietly said, pulling his hands off you. Silence filled the musty closet, and the both of you stood at the other side against the wall, not exchanging a single word to each other.
"Are alright there?" Ushijima asked and you saw his shadow reaching up and scratching his nape.
You smiled. "Yes I am, thanks for asking,"
Silence filled again and seconds passed by, a heavy feeling sat at the bottom of your stomach making you nervous. Ushjima sat down on the floor, his legs pressed up against his chest not wanting to take your space.
You hummed in response, looking up once again at his mascular shadowy figure.
"Can I tell you something?"
There was a few momments of silence. You saw him turn away to stare at the door of the closet.
"Thank you for being a manager, Y/N, out team has become much more better with you," He silent said.
You smiled. "That's nothing Ushjima-san, I love being here, it feels like home,"
In the dark you could see Ushijima's shadowy figure look up.
"And I wanted to add that," A pause. "That over the time, I actually developed feelings for you,"
Your eyes widened and you choked on air.
Well that was unexpected.
"I know that you see me as part of the team, so I kept my feelings aside. But then, Tendou told me to confess to you," there was something distant about Ushjima's tone of voice. "I tried being a much more better man. . . Just for you," He said, his voice now merely a whisper.
You blinked in the dark. Your heart clenching when you finally realized he is being insecure.
"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable with my confession," Ushjima mumbled, his voice noticibly shaky. "I'm sorry,"
There was a ruffle as Ushijima slid down the wall and sat down. In the next few moments of silence, you were contemplating on what to do next.
Gaining some confidence, you slid down on your knees, facing Ushjima.
"You don't need to apologise, Ushijima-san," You softly said. "Because I like you too,"
"You do?"
You softly laughed. "Yeah,"
You leaned in, taking his soft cheeks in your hands. "I'm going to kiss you. Is that okay?"
Ushjima nodded frantically. Smiling, you pressed a kiss to his forehead and then to his lips. You gave out a giggle before pressing your lips fully to his.
The man below you gave out a groan, raising his hands up to keep place on your hips, running it up and down. He kept you closer, the pace of the kiss increasing.
Wet noises filled the small closet, it's not that both of you care, just as long as the both of you were close. Ushjima places one hand on the back of your thigh, bringing you closer and making you straddle him.
Soon, tongues were involved. A shaky hand went up to the back of your head pulling you closer, and at this position, your tounge went deeper to explore the mouth of Ushjima.
The both of you pulled back, pressing your foreheads together.
"I love you," you mumbled, running a hand through his dark green hair.
Ushjima shyly kissed the edge of your lips.
"I love you more," he paused. "Can you be mine?"
A giggle escape your lips. "Ofcourse,"
You were about to kiss again when a voice spoke up.
"Wow, congratulations guys,"
You and Ushjima slightly jumped and turned to the door, just to see Tendou peeking in between the door crack.
"I'm proud of you guys," he smiled.
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Follow me in Wattpad.
Guys I'm scared, I think I have covid.
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hispipsqueak · 3 years
Sweet Dreams
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(Obey Me) Belphegor x F!Reader NSFW
Summary: Late night texts lead to a spicy adventure in the attic. Who said night time was for sleeping?
WC: 1.8K
TW: Hard Dom Belphie, humiliation, degradation, name-calling, pillow humping, facial, dacryphilia, spit, demon dick anatomy
A/N: Hello! Here’s some mean Belphie to flutter your hearts. I love dom Belphie and while I do think he can be a soft sweetie, I CLEARLY love me some mean boys. Hope you like it! As always, likes and reblogs are heckin’ appreciated!
3:42 A.M.
Your D.D.D buzzed, waking you up. Cracking an eye open, you opened the message, ready to curse Mammon out if he and Asmo were drunk texting you again.
Typical Belphie. How do you even respond to that? You closed your eyes again. Maybe if he texted more than one word you would –
“I know you’re awake, MC”
You rolled your eyes. 
“What’s up Belphie? It’s 3 AM by the way. You of all people should be asleep right now.”
His response was immediate.
“Can’t sleep. Come to the attic.”
Your bed was so warm and comfortable. And he wanted you to walk all the way to the attic? He really was insane.
Another text came in.
You groaned, pulling yourself away from the soft comforter and pillows. Normally, you would have just ignored him until he fell asleep but you were a sucker for soft Belphie, the side he rarely showed anyone but Beel and you. With Beel being out for a tournament, you knew he was probably struggling with being alone.
You silently crept to the attic, knowing the brothers would throw a fit if they knew you were sneaking into Belphie’s room at night.
You knocked quietly on the heavy attic door and Belphie opened it with a sleepy smirk. His navy hair was tousled and he looked so smug for getting you to come to his room in the middle of the night. Stupid handsome bastard.
“I’m here Belph. What do you want?”, you yawned. He tugged you in the room, locking the door behind you.
 You laid in his bed, pulling his cow print pillow to your chest as you tried to get comfortable, expecting him to curl up next to you to sleep. A few moments passed and you peeked over at him, still standing by the door staring at you.
You weren’t planning on seeing anyone in the middle of the night so you were just wearing a pair of tiny pink shorts and a tank top. You felt his eyes roaming over your skin, and you pulled the sheets around you.
“Don’t tell me you just brought me here because you’re horny.” You muttered, glaring at him. You weren’t opposed to hooking up but playing the soft, lonely demon card? 
He grinned, and you felt a shiver run down your spine.
“What if I did? You gonna complain about it, little human?” He murmured, moving so he was standing in front of you. You had to crane your neck to look in his eyes and you had a feeling he relished looking down on you like this. 
You couldn’t deny you were turned on. Belphie had a way of commanding the situation when you were alone and though he appeared to be the sarcastic sleepy brother, you knew behind closed doors he would have you on your knees, begging for him.
But, you were still kind of pissed at being woken up. So, you decided to tease him.
“Belphie, I’m sleeeeeepy. I came here to sleep.” You whined, making a show of turning around and cuddling his pillow. You knew your shorts were riding up on your thighs, hugging the curves of your ass and you wrapped your leg around the pillow.
“Better bite the pillow.” He said quickly before smacking your ass, HARD. You yelped, shoving the pillow over your mouth so as to not wake anyone.
“Belphie, what the fuck?!” You angrily whisper-shouted at him, as your body wiggled in an attempt to soothe the stinging pain. He laughed, and tugged you around so you were facing him.
“Keep acting like a brat. I can do this all night.” His amethyst eyes glinted sadistically. You pouted, but stayed quiet.
“You gonna behave?” He asked, tilting your chin so you looked up at him. Fuck, you looked so good like this. You were feisty and fiery, a general pain in the ass all the time, so knowing he could make you submit to him stroked his ego immensely. 
You nodded, still pouting and he chuckled.
Immediately, your mouth opened and he let a glob of spit fall from his mouth on your tongue. You opened your mouth to show him your tongue for approval. He gave a short nod and you swallowed.
“Good little human.”
You rolled your eyes, though you couldn't keep from pressing your thighs together. As much as you wanted to pretend you were in control, you were playing a game with a literal demon. 
"I can smell your arousal. Fuck, I'm amazed my brothers haven't come up here since you're dripping like a whore. Just because I spit in your mouth?" Belphie taunted. Your eyes narrowed and you bit your lip, before looking away.
He gripped your hair, tugging it tightly. His eyes bore into your soul.
"You wanna act like a brat? I had plans to fuck you till you cried from pleasure. And yet, you seem to just want to be punished." 
He looked at the pillow that you had left tangled in his bedsheets, the pillow you had stretched your body over, taunting him. A wicked idea formed in his mind.
"You know what happens to brats like you?" He asked, yanking you to the floor. You looked up at him questioningly, a little scared but very turned on.
"Answer me, slutty human."
"N-no...I don't know." You said tentatively. He chuckled darkly.
"Naughty little brats don't get to cum on my cock. Fuck, naughty little brats may not get to cum at all."
You let out a whine, frustrated at this turn of events.
"You wanna cum? Get on your knees. Maybe if you do a good job, I'll take pity on your pathetic slutty pussy."
He pulled his cock out, slapping it against your cheek as he laughed. His cock was long and ridged, with a flared tip. Demon cocks, unlike human's, were made to fuck and breed, and you were spoiled having spent so long in the Devildom.
You parted your lips, as he slapped his member on your drooling tongue, before taking it deep into your mouth. His hands tangled in your hair as he fucked your face.
"Fuck, that's it slut. Take me down your throat. Just like that." 
Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes as you forced more of him down. Your jaw already ached but you kept your mouth wide, struggling not to gag on his length as his heavy balls smacked your chin. You squeezed your legs together, hoping he would take pity on you.
"Poor little human, desperate to get off. You want to ride my cock?" He asked, pulling you off his cock harshly. Strings of saliva connected the two of you. You gasped, gulping air down as you nodded.
He grabbed the pillow from the bed and threw it at you.
"Too bad. Use this. Put on a good show, and maybe I’ll fuck you.”
Your face burned with embarrassment.
“You can’t be serious.” You looked up at him. He moved his face right in front of yours, so close you could feel his warm breath on your cheek as he squeezed your face, so tightly it hurt.
“Wanna find out?”
He let go of your cheeks and shoved you back to the floor. Your eyes watered with embarrassment, shame, and yet you were so fucking turned on, you knew you would be leaving a wet patch on his pillow.
You straddled the body pillow and the slight friction of the pillow against your cunt made you whimper. You squeezed the pillow tightly between your thighs, slowly riding it, pathetic mewls falling from your mouth. You closed your eyes, trying to pretend you were in your room and not being scrutinized by the sadistic seventh-born.
“Eyes on me whore. And don’t you dare think about cumming without permission.” He smirked. You looked up at him as tears spilled down your cheeks. You wanted so badly to grind yourself on the pillow until you creamed all over it but you knew he would find more humiliating ways to torment you if you dared.
“Take off your shirt. Don’t know why the fuck you’re wearing it anyway. You’re just a fucktoy for me to use. Isn’t that right, little human?” He laughed as he sat back in a chair, watching you perform for him. He slowly palmed his cock as you pulled off your tank top, the cold air causing your nipples to harden.
“Pinch them, show me how much of a slut you are. Show me why I should even bother with you.” His hand tightened on his cock.
You wrapped your legs around the pillow tighter to hold it in just the right spot as you tugged and pinched at your breasts. Your soft moans filled the room and you knew you couldn’t last much longer like this.
“Please Belphie, c-can’t hold it in...please fuck me.” You sobbed out, your muscles tensing as you rubbed your clit against the black and white fabric. You could feel the wetness of the pillow against your thighs and knowing that your slick would be embedded in it turned you on even more.
“You can beg better than that, can’t you slut?” Belphie chuckled again, but you could see his grip tightened around the base of his cock and he was jerking himself off faster. 
“Fuck...please, please let me cum. Want to cum for you, want to be your slutty fucktoy. Wanna be good for you.” You cried, biting your lip so hard you could taste blood.
“Cum.” he panted out.
Your eyes rolled back as you gushed around the soaking pillow. Your legs were squeezing it so tightly you knew you would be sore tomorrow, and you drooled out a mixture of curses and Belphie’s name as you came down from your high.
Suddenly Belphie let out a low groan and your face was hit with an explosion of warm, sticky cum. You slammed your eyes shut as he pumped load after load onto your skin. His seed spilled down your chin and dripped over your breasts.
‘Fuck, fuck MC. Fuck, I’m sorry!” Belphie breathed out, half laughing while attempting to catch his breath. You leaned back on the bed, trying to avoid getting it in your eye.
“You’re such an ass Belphie.” You whined, pouting as he cleaned you up with a towel.
After cleaning up, the two of you lay back in the bed, his head nuzzled into your chest. You ran your fingers through his dark hair humming softly.
“Hey MC.” He whispered.
“Hey yourself.” You whispered back.
The room was silent and you thought he fell asleep finally. You closed your eyes. Finally, his voice broke the calm silence.
“My pillow is gonna smell like you FOREVER.”
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Relationship Headcanons
↦ Character(s): Hakkai Shiba x fem!reader
↦ Rating/Warning: No rating though there are some light mentions of abuse (if you have read the manga you are aware of what I am talking about, I’m not going very deep into it though it literally just mentions it), mentions of anxiety attacks (no detail though), fluff, not proof read
↦ Word count: 1.8k (longer than planned, sections are bolded)
↦ Your Momo’s Receipt: Hello~ I’m post yet another TR headcanon and this was requested by the lovely @strawbub I hope this doesn’t disappoint, it did get longer than planned but I enjoyed writing it. I'll prob do a part two that's more of a scenario based on your first date or something since I didn't go into it here. Please note: for those of you who don’t know my blog is currently under construction, meaning I will not be updating my masterlist for the time being.
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So how did you guys meet, well mostly because of Yuzuha,
One day in like elementary you’re walking home and you see this super pretty middle school girl just like yelling at this small group of guys
The guys end up running off just because they don’t wanna deal with her or the attention she's drawn to them
Behind her was a boy, taller than her but obviously younger. You didn’t assume they knew eachother though.
The boy and yuzuha began walking in opposite directions because one was going home while the other was going to pick up something like groceries
You’re so entranced by how she stood up to them yet she’s a girl who was far smaller and you end up catching up to her, almost stepping on her heels
You end up absent mindedly following her into the grocery store and eventually she just freezes, turns, and stare directly at you
Your eyes widen since you must’ve been staring and she just goes “may I ask why you’re following me?” And you explain how cool she was earlier. She invites you over for dinner (esp since her older brother won’t be home) and figured it’d be good for Hakkai to meet someone his age
You end up going over but Hakkai didn’t come down to eat so you never actually got to meet him, though from then on you would see Yuzuha every so often, visit every other weekend or so
But no matter how often you came over the next few months, you never once met hakkai,
That was until you both reached the end of your middle school education and we’re about to begin high school
You had gone over because you were going to borrow an old work book from Yuzuha, and when you go to knock on the door the door opens before your closed fist could hit it, instead hitting a firm chest
You blush and quickly apologize but the person in front of you doesn’t move at all, doesn’t say anything and almost looks like they drifted into space with their dead stare
You assume this is yuzuha’s older brother because you’ve also never met him and you immediately turn to walk away but Yuzuha calls over hakkai’s shoulder
“Y/N-Chan! You just got here where are you going?” This was def not yuzuha’s older brother. There’s no way she’d be that happy with him around; oh my god. Realization hit, the guy who you hit (though it was more of a tap) was hakkai.
The hakkai you had only caught a glimpse of in yuzuha’s photos, never talked to or actually seen in person despite going to the same school and living in the same neighborhood
He must hate you. That’s why he avoids you. That’s def why - is what you think
Yuzuha drags hakkai back inside and invites you in; you sit down with them in the living room and watch hakkai visibly relax now that he’s inside his house, his own space, with a pillow behind him and a blanket covering his lower half, he almost curls up into it as he continues to avoid your stare
“Hi hakkai…Kun? Im L/N Y/N” you say and you see his face dead pan once again
Yuzuha can be heard laughing from the kitchen as she comes back in.
She leans over and begins explaining that hakkai literally just freezes with any interaction between him and girls who aren’t in his family
You nod, thinking maybe it’s an anxiety thing? Which is the case with you, but only because he’s been watching you since you’ve come over (not in a creepy way) wanting to and working the courage up to talk to you
The 5th or so time you came over after that encounter he was inches away from introducing himself before the house phone rang causing everyone to kind of “wake up” in a sense
Every time since then he gets closer and closer but isn’t able to say anything; he even realizes he has a crush on you.
The way you sit when you do homework and how cute you look when you’re focused.
How your forehead scrunches up when you’re trying to figure something out and you end up just sitting back with a small huff followed by yuzuha’s signature laughter.
It’s also a huge thing that you get along with Yuzuha.
So enough with first meeting time for the confession.
He ends up confessing accidentally. He didn’t know you were coming over to begin with so he was flustered out of his mind. And how was he supposed to know you hadn’t actually fallen asleep and you could hear him over the tv
The tv was more white noise than anything and the day was hot since it was the middle of summer causing the window to be open and the sound of soft wind and small birds to drift in; this was the hot that makes you tired so you were all sprawled out of just sitting in a daze
So while resting your head on the table you’re dozing in and out but then you hear hakkai begin to speak, something he never really did around you
Now did you and hakkai text? Yes. Did it take him an hour to reply because his brain would explode when you replied to him? Yes. But was it a start to communication? Also a yes.
You hear him say your name quietly before he moved closer, you can feel his gaze on your features
“I like you” is all he says. Simple and sweet. But you sit there in shock, trying not to blush so he’ll have no idea you heard him but he can tell because your forehead scrunches
You heard him and are focused on if you should reply or not. And he knows that.
You open your eyes and just look up at him, he’s closer than expected. His hand close to yours on the floor and he reaches over and grabs it lightly. Hoping you’ll also return the gesture by holding his hand instead of leaving your hand limp inside his.
And you do, thank goodness, and Hakkai almost mentally can’t handle it.
Once you start dating it’s more so just hanging out at his house or yours; however he talks a bit more and you text a lot more. He’s gotten better at replying. It usually takes him like 15 minutes now
He’s kinda stressed about your relationship but not due to anything you or him did
He’s stressed because of the mentality his older brother gave him
Is he even allowed to be this happy?
He finally has someone thats small enough and naive enough that he can protect you; compared to constantly being protected it’s a sudden, strong, yet good change for him
He’s touch s t a r v e d
Yes Yuzuha shows affection; but he stopped accepting her hugs when he was around 8 just because he physically wasn’t able to handle it due to his bruises and such
But with you, even with his bruises and all you take care of him. Able to coax him into using medicines and toning down the physical violence (that he can control himself)
He also finds it super soothing when you lightly brush over his scars (especially those that his brother gave him), it helps him believe that scars are only physical and can fade with help
One thing that stresses him out the most is trying to hide you from his brother. Any time you leave something at the house its easy to pass it off as yuzuha's but when it comes to things like photos he has with you, he can't hang them up, show them off, or have them as his phone Lock Screen, etc. because he just really doesn't want his brother to know and target you since he'll then know that you're his weakness (aside from yuzuha as well)
Sometimes won't explain why he can't hang out and has legit pushed you out of his house before at the last minute notice of his brother coming home
Will always make sure you get home safe though, usually by having Yuzuha go with you since then she can just say you're a friend from school
Your parents love him, though they were a bit hesitant it became a "you always have a place to stay" because they learned about their family situation from you and yuzuha. So expect him to spend the night when he's too scared to deal with his brother. Same with yuzuha. (yes I know this isn't yuzuha head canons but its hard to write for him without mentioning her when they're so close)
We're talking three person sleep overs. Yuzuha and you of course share the bed and Hakkai takes some time to even set foot in your room much less sleep on a mattress that's on the floor
He has a small heart attack every time he comes into your room because he's overwhelmed with everything, he's never been so comfortable and it makes him feel restless. Like he's never and I mean n e v e r been less stressed and slept better than when he does so in your room
The smell, the colors, just being surrounded by you is something that completely changes his mood
Once showed up after he fought with his brother, tears in his eyes and clothes a bit tattered and you just pulled him to your room, and sat down with him.
You laid on your bed with him laying down onto of you, head on your chest as you rubbed his head and only said a few words "its not your fault"
He ends up crying so hard he falls asleep and gets dehydrated and you have to make him drink a bunch of water when he finally wakes up.
super fucking careful w you
almost annoyingly so, but you're understanding
He knows that he might be taking things frustratingly slow but he knows that since you understand and know his history that you can help him get through it
Your first time you think you'll have to call it off because he's shaking so bad
"baby... are you sure it won't hurt you?" he keeps asking.
pretty sure that's the longest its ever taken him to finish because he was so anxious
despite being so slow and hesitant, late he isn't too scared to get a bit rougher
but im not talking anything crazy im talking like he's willing to pull your hair a bit or nip a bit harder at your neck.
Please never ask him to do anything like degrade you or some type of harsh physical rough shit, he can't
like literally im 99% sure that if you ask him to choke you or something he will pass out because of the anxiety attack he would have at even the thought.
in short with nsfw though he is sweet boy. He's a switch through and through. Loves when you take care of everything because then he doesn't have to be scared of hurting you.
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ichigoromi · 3 years
𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐈𝐓 | 𝐌𝐒𝐁𝐘 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧 | 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧
Okay, yeah, I just want to put that out because I've seen some of my acquaintances or heard stories going through some traumatic shit because they weren't ready but were forced to go through it.
Pairing (s): MSBY Four — Bokuto Koutarou, Hinata Shoyo, Miya Atsumu and Sakusa Kiyoomi x fem! reader, all characters are aged up!
Genre: romance, fluff
Warning (s): mentions of sex, pre-marital sex, suggestive themes, toxic friends, peer pressure, sexual assault not suitable for 18 and under. 18 and under DNI.
a/n - not going to lie; I always feel uncomfy while writing kissing or seggs scenes because I have no idea how it feels. Do people really suck their partner's tongue while making out? I have tons of questions, but my irl friends are like me, we have no knowledge abt kissing...
Bokuto Koutarou
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Bokuto is your first boyfriend, and he is your first for everything.
He is always patient and never rushes you.
You two always do things at your pace because he doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable.
But, you know that sooner or later, you two would have sex.
And the thought of it scares you.
You were brought up in a traditional and conservative family; sex was never really mentioned.
Most of your friends are experienced and often give you advice on how to do it.
Some of your 'friends' told you that he will leave you if you don't have sex with him soon.
You're an insecure individual, so hearing those, you can't help but feel obligated to have sex with him soon.
Bokuto has a high EQ, and he easily noticed that you were feeling upset.
Since you didn't want to worry him, you reassure him that you were okay.
After three years of dating, was he going to leave you because you two couldn't have sex because of you?
Bokuto pulls you onto his lap, and you gently loop your arms around his neck to bring him closer to you. You kissed him back with as much passion as he was, and he sneaks his hands underneath your shirt to massage your stomach gently.
You softly moaned when he slips his tongue into yours, and he playfully sucks on it.
He stops kissing your lips and slowly kisses his way down to your neck, and sucks on your collarbones, leaving light love bites on them. Your breath hitched when you felt him cupping your breast; you immediately pushed his hands away.
At first, Bokuto felt a bit taken back by your reaction, then he saw your glassy eyes.
"Hey, what's wrong? You can tell me." He tries to touch you, but you shook your head.
"I'm not ready...I don't want to do this, Kou. Are you going to leave me?" Bokuto was confused; why the hell would you come to a conclusion that ridiculous just because you didn't want to have sex with him?
He cups your face and makes you face him.
"Babe, it's okay if you're not ready. We don't have to do this if you don't want to. We can stop. I'll never leave you. Was it those friends of yours again? Dump them. If my baby doesn't want to have sex, then we shall not. We shall do it when you're ready, okay? Don't feel pressured by them; we do this at our pace. Now, do you want to watch a movie and cuddle?" You meekly nodded your head, and he kisses your forehead and on the lips.
Bokuto went back to the room and came back with a big fleece blanket.
"Virgin or not, I will always love you. Don't listen to the rubbish they are talking about. If you wanna have sex, we can do it. As long you are comfortable, that is all I want. Don't blame yourself, okay?" He flicked your forehead when he noticed your sad pout.
He set up the TV and dims the lights in the living room. You sat in his lap, and he wraps the blanket around the two of you as the movie starts playing.
"Kou, I love you. Thank you for being so understanding." You thanked him and kisses his cheek.
"I love you too." Bokuto pulls you closer and kisses the top of your head.
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Miya Atsumu
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Atsumu loves you a lot.
You were the first girlfriend he has brought home to his parents, and Osamu approves of you.
It seems like he has found his match. His fans were glad to see him in a relationship where he is genuinely happy.
Before Atsumu, you dated a couple of guys, and it was all bad experiences.
Your first boyfriend forced you to give your virginity to him, and he was older, so you thought that was what you're supposed to do in a relationship.
The second guy just took advantage of your vulnerability and exploit you in the worst possible ways.
You met Atsumu while working as a pilates instructor, and their's team trainer introduced you to him.
And you two have been dating for about two years after knowing for about a year.
Sex...you two did talk about it, but you were just not ready to do it after all the traumatic experiences.
And, he was okay with it.
You felt bad because sometimes you can hear him touching himself, yet you can't help him with his needs.
"Tsumu, let's do it." You climb into his lap and captures his lips into yours. He was surprised, but nonetheless, he loves kissing you. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to him.
His hands crept up to your inner thighs, and he starts massaging your thighs.
You felt a bit squirmish and slight discomfort, but you ignored it and starts kissing down his neck, leaving love bites, and you helped him removed his shirt.
Atsumu knows you well, and he noticed your expression. Even though it was subtle, he noticed how you were slightly uncomfortable and when he touches you, you flinched by reflex.
All the small actions that you unconsciously do make him realised that you were forcing yourself to do.
"Hey, we don't have to do it if you're not ready. You don't have to force yourself." Hearing him say that, you broke down in tears.
He holds you securely and pats your back in a comforting manner as you cry.
Even though you wanted to do it, he sensed that you were uncomfortable and decided to stop you. He noticed that you were not ready and immediately stopped and comforted you; it made you realise that he is not like your exes.
"Babe, we can do it when you're ready to do it. No need to rush yourself; I can wait. I'm not going to leave just because we are not having sex." He comforted you and nodded your head.
You lifted up your head, and his heart ached at the sight of your tear-stained cheeks.
"I'm sorry for not being able to things like a normal couple. I just thought that you might leave me if we don't have sex..." He shook his head and cups your face in his hands.
"I can wait as long as you are ready to do it. I'm not going to leave you just because we can't have sex. If I have any urges, I'll just touch myself or something. I want you to feel that you are safe with me and under no pressure. If you don't want to have sex, we don't have to. Is that clear?" He stroke your cheeks gently.
"Thank you for being so patient. I just feel-" Atsumu shuts you up by kissing you on the lips.
"No more feeling bad in this house! Let's watch your favourite show and order takeout, okay?" He was desperately trying to comfort you.
"Okay, I'll stop feeling bad. I love you." You leaned in to kiss his lips.
"I love you too. Now, I'll go get you one of my hoodies and we can cuddle more after I go calm myself down. See you in a bit!" He pecks your lips and rushed off to the bathroom.
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Hinata Shōyō
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He may look innocent, but Hinata probably has more experience than you.
But this guy has tons of patience when it comes to you.
You knew him since young since he was a neighbour of yours.
After graduating high school, you two reconnected and started dating shortly.
So, you two have been dating for three years, and there has never been a dull moment with him.
However, your friends ask about your sex life, but the two of you literally did nothing. The most you guys did was make out.
It's not you guys are super pure or innocent; you two felt there wasn't a need to have sex.
But how long can he last without having sex?
So you decided to ask him directly about it.
The two of you were just chilling on the sofa after dinner. You snuggled against him, and he wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer to him. When you two entered into the relationship, you guys promised each other to always be open.
Communication was the key to a stable relationship, and it was bugging you.
"Babe, are you okay without having sex? We've been going out for three years, and we never had sex. I just want to know your opinion about it." It was direct, and he never expects to have this kind of talk with you.
He thinks for a moment and hugs you tighter.
"Well, I am fine without it since I've been so busy training. I just want to spend time with you, sex or no sex; I love being around you. And, it's your body too. When you are ready, you can just tell me. No need to rush." He kisses your cheeks, and you nodded your head.
"Okay, I just want to know. You know, because my friends are talking about how sex is the one factor keeping their man. What about you?" You poked his cheeks, and he pouts.
"I'm not that horny! Anyways, I love coming home to your cooking and how you decorate our apartment and our dates! Not all relationships are like that...Or perhaps, you are the horny one in this relationship?" He scooted over from you and gasped.
You rolled your eyes at his dramatic self.
"You are the horny one! I caught you doing it in the bathroom!"
"You did it too! You left your dildo by the bathroom counter!"
The two of you burst out laughing at each other.
"Alright, we can do it whenever you are ready. Wait, we are going to miss the show! Turn on the TV!"
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Sakusa Kiyoomi
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Both of you are pretty direct in your relationship since you guys prioritise communication.
The talk of sex never really come up in your conversation.
You two have not moved in together yet but are looking at potential places to move in together.
Your parents were happy to hear you two were finally getting your own place after dating for five years and are engaged now.
Both of you rarely have the time to meet since you both are busy, but Sundays are meant for dates.
Your friends are shocked to hear that you and Sakusa never have sex throughout your relationship, not even once.
Maybe you two could just keep in your pants 👀.
Obviously, you two almost did it, but both of you stopped each other before it went further.
Sakusa himself has a lot of restraint but sometimes, seeing you in his shirt and cooking in his kitchen really turns him on.
He stood up from the sofa and approached you from the back. You jumped slightly when he wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned his chin on your shoulder.
"Wait a bit; good food takes time to cook. You can have some strawberries if you're hungry. My uncle sent some from his farm." He was not looking for some strawberries.
Sakusa softly kisses the nape of your neck; you accidentally let out a moan when he sucks on your sensitive spot. His naughty hands slyly sneak under your shirt and touch your stomach, leaving feathery touches below your bra.
He never stops kissing your neck, and you knew this might end up in the bedroom if you don't stop him and no dinner for you two.
"Kiyoomi, stop. I'm not ready yet." You told him firmly, and he stops immediately.
You turn down the stove and turns around to face him. He looked away, feeling guilty that he lost his rationality when he saw you in his shirt.
"Hey, don't feel bad. I stopped you, didn't I? That's all that matter." He lets out a deep sigh and pulls you into his embrace.
"I'm sorry. Seeing you in my shirt, I lost my rationality. You look so damn hot in it." He confessed, and you burst out laughing.
Sakusa frowned and cups your face to make you look at him.
"Fine, I won't laugh but get those strawberries and get out of the kitchen." You loop your arms around his neck to bring him down to your height for a kiss.
He lets you go and got the strawberries to the living room but his eyes were admiring your back as you return back to cooking.
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I'm so happy that I have finished writing this! Hope you all enjoyed this! Thank you for reading!
Stay safe and healthy!
With love,
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