#I am so excited to be making progress on a multichapter fic again
ectogeo-rebubbles · 9 months
I need everyone to know that I am currently having a great time working on my sloanshir (but really garashir) soulmate AU wip that is both a horror and a romcom 🥰💖💕
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angst-in-space · 23 days
august '24 writing progress
words written: 23.3k
most words written in a day: 1,570
least words written in a day: 57
yearly total: 102.5k
projects worked on:
ya sci-fi book rewrites
ya sci-fi book revision notes
edited and posted the soukoku oneshot!
bsd regency au
works published in august:
take the dark (and carve me out a home) (bsd/soukoku)
august goals
f-finish ya sci-fi book rewrites?? for real this time?? 🥹
keep up with goal of approx. 1k per day for 40k in 42 days challenge
edit (maybe post?) skk oneshot
make some progress on bsd regency au
maybeeee update one of my other multichap fics that i haven’t updated in a long time?
perhaps work on some other fic?
september goals:
grits my teeth... finish ya sci-fi book rewrites...
finish reverse outline / revision notes for ya sci-fi book
meet 40k in 42 days challenge goal
continue working on bsd regency au, maybe try to get through ch 2??
update one of my multichap fics
work on other fic maybe?
got a lot done this month! once again did not finish my book rewrites as i hoped, but i did make a good dent in it AND I ONLY HAVE TWO CHAPTERS LEFT!!! i already started a sort of reverse-outline and revision plan for my next draft... so i'm hoping during september i can finally finish the current draft and maybe finish outlining my plan for the next draft.
i wrote about 8k of the bsd regency au so far and have almost finished chapter 1 (may need to split it in two but... we'll see lol). having a lot of fun with it so far and definitely gonna continue it in september. maybe i will try to reach the end of chapter 2? or at least write most of it?? i should also maybe figure out how many chapters it's gonna be, haha.
speaking of bsd, i posted my first bsd/soukoku fic!! and have received some nice comments on it so far, which makes me so happy. :') excited to share more writing in this fandom!
i have a few other multichapter fics i keep meaning to update so i'd like to update at least one of those this month! i also have some other fic wips i want to continue, if i have time.
oh yeah i also plan on continuing to work towards the 40k in 42 days goal! i did pretty well during august and am at about 22k currently (more than halfway woohoo!) i have about two more weeks left so hopefully i can still make it!!
it's gonna be a busy month cuz i'll be traveling and going to my sister's wedding + a music festival but that's not til the last two weeks of the month so i will try to do as much as i can before then.
looking forward to another month of writing, and happy september to you all!!! 💖
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disdaidal · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (except me because obvs I have done it). Spread the self-love ❤
D'aww thank you hun! I'm not sure I can answer with five because all my favorite fics written by me don't even exist on the internet anymore. 🙊 But I can always try~
To the Moon and Back is something I'm currently working on and very excited about. It's a multichapter Final Fantasy 7 fic, Cloud/Zack, omegaverse, rated E etc.
Since it's my very first FF7 fic as well as my first published omegaverse fic ever, I was initially quite nervous to even start writing it let alone publish it. It has three published chapters on ao3, all of which have gotten positive feedback so far (and subs, I see ya <3), which obviously inspires me a lot. I'm already having lots of ideas for future chapters and also few good ideas how I'm going to end it, something which doesn't always happen to me (I just go with the flow, most of time). The story also has some non-traditional omegaverse elements because well, omegas and alphas don't always have to be so stereotypical, I think, and... truthfully... I just had a mighty craving for some sloppy bottom/omega!Zack the fandom is feeding me absolute crumbs in that sense and seems to think cloud's dick is just a pretty accessory XD I'm feeling like I can actually make my own rules here and it feels pretty damn good right now.
A Touch of Cinnamon, Gallahir/Witcher. Roommates, Friends to Lovers, multichapter, rated E. I answered in another tag game already why this story was such a passion project for me last autumn, but yeah. It was inspired by OneofWeb's Buttercup Tattoo series (some really nice works there <3), and I genuinely enjoyed writing and planning it. Like I also mentioned before, it's still a work in progress but never say never. :D
There Must Be An Angel (Playing With My Heart), Harringrove/Stranger Things, Homelessness/Guardian Angels, multichapter, rated E.
How this story originally got its inspiration, well... once upon a time I watched a Japanese gay porn movie with a plot (gasp) and uhh, I might've expanded on that a little bit. *hides* Sadly the story only has one chapter that's been lying in wait for almost two years now, but... I am still thinking about it sometimes. I really liked the original idea (:P) and I still like the following story idea that I came up with, so hmm. Maybe if I get inspired to write something for this ship again, I could be tempted to continue this.
As for other two... I used to write plenty of rps bandfic back in the day and that one AU one-shot (or was it two-shot? anyway) I wrote somewhere around late 2008 I think, got a little bit smutty, a little bit 'problematic' as well, and man... what can I say, I still like that one. A lot, actually. The ship I wrote that fic for wasn't super popular in that band either but didn't matter to me.
And the fifth? One of my future works perhaps? :D
As for tagging... I already tagged a few people in previous tag games and I don't know how many of you actually care about doing these things, so... feel free to take this from me if you see this and want to do this. <3
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quickspinner · 2 years
I just realized that Beautiful Dreams hasn't been updated since 2020, and it's not in your WIP updates anymore. Are you still planning to finish that one? I know it's been a while. I love all of your works, and I just reread what there is of that one.
The short answer is that I don't consider it abandoned, I do still intend to finish it, but I'm not actively working on it right now. I have hopes for the fall, when all my offspring-related obligations will be grouped together instead of spread over the whole day. Hopefully I should have more consecutive hours of free time.
All my excuses are under the cut 😂
2020 derailed everything. Beautiful Dreams is a bit emotionally heavy and I found that really hard to deal with in 2020. I also made the mistake (?) of posting Killer Combo while I was still working on it, and it turns out I really can't handle working/updating two multichapter projects at once. KC was lighter and therefore easier to work on so it got finished first. From there it was just one thing after another, some of them (many of them) self-inflicted and some health or family related. But as of right now, I have a bunch of unfinished fics that were either gifts or exchange pieces for friends and I really want to finish those, all of which (except apparently Indelible which got much, much, muchmuchmuch bigger than I expected when I started posting it) first. I want to finish Indelible and Guard My Heart, which are the two most complicated/intensive stories I have on the go, before I even think about getting back into Beautiful Dreams. BD just takes up too much mental space to share with those fics and still make any progress. Live With It and The Magic of You shouldn't be nearly so much work to finish so hopefully I can make some progress on those in between the big stuff and they won't be an impediment to getting back to BD.
Right now I have so little writing time that I've been focusing almost exclusively on Indelible. The end, while maybe not exactly near, is in sight on that one and I am extremely ready to check it off the list. 😆
So that's where we are at the moment. You never know what could change, but for now, don't expect updates to BD until Indelible and Guard My Heart are finished. I am doing the LBSC exchange this year, but having learned my lesson with GMH (which I have only managed to leave unfinished this long because @livrever is a dear friend and graciously patient) I'll definitely be doing something I can accomplish by the deadline. Other than that, I don't plan to commit to anything else until the published WIPs are done. That doesn't mean there will be no fics other than that in the meantime. I'll probably do another birthday big bang type thing, for example. No commitments to other people though until the current commitments are settled! Again, I have some hope for the fall that schedules will be more in my favor, but who knows what else might have happened by then. 🤪
Beautiful Dreams has always been a passion project I was really excited about and I would be devastated not to finish it, so I'm not admitting defeat yet. It helps to know people still care about it, so thanks for letting me know you still enjoy it!
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idleglowingpixels · 11 months
I Started Typing A Regular Post When Oops It Turned Into An Update Post (Mainly about MH-AU & XXY)
Just spent the last couple hours give-or-take on completing Cleo's profile, which I'm excited to be releasing later today! Her post is scheduled to release around noon EDT (I scheduled Lagoona's and it made things a lot easier to post her at a reasonable hour so I'm doing that from now on cause OH MY GOD :'D). She will be the last in the current set of character designs/bios I have prepared.
I have one teensy tiny more MH-AU goodie for Halloween before I get back to XXY full-time (dw I have been working on it in the background, progress has just been super slow cause I'm trying to finish the fic's outline). I will still be working on the MH-AU, don't get me wrong, just not as my top priority cause my PPG followers have been patient enough with me for more XXY content. I do plan on making another series of character design/bios, this time focusing on the mansters since they actually serve a purpose in the fics other than "the boyfriend" (Sorry they didn't do too much in a majority of the movies okay, I love them in the webisodes tho!). And once Cleo's post drops, I'll make a masterpost for the MH-AU since there's enough out now that I feel it necessary; keeps all the lore organized and junk. I'll have it linked in my general masterpost for quick access should anyone need it for reference. If they are updated at all later on, I'll make a post about it.
My current oneshot WIPs for the MH-AU are: - My equivalent to G1's New Ghoul @ School (tbh I might just use that name cause it's so iconic and I can't really come up with anything better lol), which might end up becoming a SMALL multichapter should it require that (3-6 Chapters max). There's a lot that goes on in Frankie's first week, more than the original series of mishaps unfortunately (poor Frankie :'D), and it also sets up a lot of stuff prior to the first week of school for them that I think is super important to their character. - Taking A Lycan To New Salem (Working Title), a short story about one of Clawdeen's human-side escapades gone wrong. (I want to talk about this one SO BAD but alas, it'll have to wait til I finish the fic. I'm already 1k words into it!) And I have several more in mind that I can't wait to write and share. Until then, I'll keep you guys posted!
(Random side note: I had no idea how many of these characters were gonna have a criminal record like holy shit dgfhgsddfg)
I've been in a super artsy mood so if I can manage to actually complete a sketch of the team, I really wanna post a drawing of XXY as a whole (I tend to ditch my sketches after 1-2 characters are drawn q-q). I also really wanna draw the "Normie Trio/3" as I call them, consisting of Robin, Mitch and Mike. I eventually wanna draw more characters that get redesigns from age, alterations in the case of the reboot villains, and such, but I think I just needed to get into the art mood again cause now I actually plan to do these things! :D
Also, while progress has been slow, I'm gonna assume from my current status that I'll be able to complete XXY's next batch probably around the end of this year, to be released in January. I'm so sorry to delay its release to January, but please understand I am really passionate about this story and wanna make it the best (and most fun) I can make it. And I'm not gonna go out and say "hey this is exactly how many chapters there'll be," but I might end up making about 70 chapters total including all the intermission/MultiPOV chapters, but that remains to be seen.
I do have good news for you guys, however; considering where the story is headed, I've realized I'm gonna need to throw in another intermission chapter at the end of this batch, with a new character's POV! They haven't shown up yet, and won't until that chapter, but believe me when I say I am VERY VERY excited to write it and I really love this character. The chapter name for them is super appropriate too lol.
While I'm here I'm gonna drop the chapter titles, as they don't really reveal anything. The previous theme was weather patterns, focusing on the coming and going of rain and shine. This one's flowers!
Chapter 8 - Gladiolus Chapter 9 - Hyacinth Chapter 10 - Spearmint Chapter 11 - Coriander Chapter 12 - Hibiscus Chapter 13 - Violet Chapter 14 - Jasmine Tobacco
Hope all the little tidbits I shared hold you guys over and get you excited for the coming months. Thanks as always for your patience!
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violintrees · 2 years
Fanfic Writer Appreciation Week
Day 2:
Gen -
The Cotton Candy Incident by @cdarkheartzero - A lot of the IZ cast, Post Florpus, OCs, Multichapter, In Progress
Delightful, fun, intense, well done fic with a lot of good twists and turns and great OCs. Also comes with a bunch of amazing art by the author! Very excited to see where things go next.
Gift of Peace by spaceliquid - The Banner Saga, Post Canon, Three shot
LOOK I finished all 3 long ass Banner Saga games in like 4 days, the story SLAPS & there are so few fics. This author gave EXACTLY what I wanted several times but this is my fav. Its such a sweet and wonderful epilogue. Game spoilers in the tags if you want some context.
Domestic -
Trust Me by Anon - Zadf/r, so much fluff, One shot
DELIGHTFUL short one shot by a mutual who is no longer online. And yes it is set in a hotel which is not exactly domestic but also its my list so I do what I want. Consensual Pak removal and taking care of your partner. So soft.
Smeet Army AU by @palenoface - Zadf to Zadr, Zadr Smeets, READ THE TAGS OF EACH FIC, There are some explicit, but I am still linking to it, Fic Series, In Progress
This series is not all domestic stuff, but again I recommend the entire thing. GREAT disaster domestic family life. Everyone is some flavor of neurodivergent or disabled in this house but they all CARE so much and it SO GOOD. The Zadr is also delightful and goes through a lot of development. Fantastic read.
Pre Canon -
Tales from the Irken empire (and also some other planets) by @myrskytuuli - Tallest Miyuki, Tallests Red and Purple, Zim and Dib, Prof Membrane, Lard Nar, In Progress
Not all pre-canon but again I highly recommend this whole series. I love how this author writes the Irken empire. It feels very alive and takes things from our world while making them fit in this one. I also highly recommend their other IZ fic for similar reasons, though it is Zadr and explicit. Excellent stuff.
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
Title: A Tale of Two Slaves (3/17)
Summary:  “Soulmates don’t exist. Fate doesn’t exist. Everything is a choice.” At that moment, Levi could only watch as she made the choice for him.“
Reincarnation AU. Levi remembers everything from their past life. Hange doesn’t.
Note: This has been sitting on my computer untouched for a while, along with the timeline I prepared for a multichapter fic. Will probs go back to it soon. Feedback is very much appreciated.
Other Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Link to cross-postings: AO3
The forms were so painfully boring, Levi almost regretted agreeing to meet Moblit. One of the few things, if not the only thing, stopping him from backing out of the study then and there, was the hope it could give him an excuse to see her again. He planned to ease himself into the process of meeting her, not wanting to make a complete fool or a complete stalker of himself.
There was the option to ask for her number. The option to ask for her schedule. Or he could maybe just scan through enough pages on google to find some hint as to what the hell she does, where she goes and where he could possibly “accidentally” meet her. The last option had proved ineffective, Levi spent a good few hours a day doing just that. Just in case maybe, the links he found through google do change.
The sheer embarrassment and conflicted feelings that came with having delusion drive his actions, had Levi worse off than before. Although the nightmares that left him in pain in the mornings had become few and far between, he could not help but think that possibly the reason why was because he barely got any sleep anymore, kept awake by his brain trying to process that relationship he had with Hange and the story that was made known to him.
His five hours a night had dwindled into three when classes started. His brain having no time to process the dreams during classes and training, Levi found himself taking up more time lying awake in bed, building the world his dreams were telling him about and how Hange fit into all of it.    
The lack of sleep caught up to him particularly when he was sifting through the pages of waivers and information sheets in the coffee shop near campus at nine in the morning. The words started to blur into blobs and Levi became aware of how much he hated Calibri as a font, a small issue in the grand scheme of things. Lacking sleep and utterly frustrated at his lack of progress though, Levi was finding many reasons not to read them.
He eventually gave up, instead checking box after box after box. “When do you need this?” Levi asked Moblit who sat in front of him.
“As soon as possible… But I really recommend you read ---”
“Well, how much time are you gonna give me to read?”
“I don’t have any classes today so I’m pretty much free the whole day.”
“Same.” He felt the venom in his tone particularly resonate and a part of him regretted it as he said it. That day was particularly special. He had no class. With their coach out on a meeting with other schools to discuss the tournaments and line ups this year, he had given the players a day off. Levi pretty much had that whole day to himself yet, he still went to the trouble of dressing up just to meet Moblit only to find out he’d be going through pages worth of documents while half awake. “I’ll just get a cup of coffee.”
Levi was already halfway out of seat when Moblit took out his wallet.  
“Let me pay for it.” Moblit handed Levi a few bills. He had an apologetic look on his face as if he did understand the inconvenience the study would cause anyone. The look Moblit gave him suddenly made Levi self conscious about the tone he had been answering Moblit with since a while ago.
Levi took the money with a small nod of thanks. It was free coffee after all and he did not have much leeway given his monthly allowance.
When Levi got back to their table black coffee in one hand, he could see that Moblit had reorganized the papers, the uncompleted page sitting neatly on top. He had also opened the sandwich he had bought half an hour ago and was eating it already
“Before I forget, did you bring Hange’s keychain?” Moblit asked in between bites.
“Ah, I forgot about that.” Levi kept his tone emotionless for fear of having his guilt take over him. In fact, he never did forget about the keychain. It sat on the side table next to his bed, a glimmer of hope that that morning in the track wouldn't be the last time he saw her.
“Maybe I could come back to your dorm with you and get it after this?”
“Oh yeah, I forgot. I’m not going straight to the dorm. I have plans after this.” A blatant lie. Levi rarely forgot plans.
Levi made a show of going through his phone as he sat down. “Sorry, I didn’t check my calendar this morning. It looks like I have to work on my own stuff for my thesis with my groupmates.” Seniors did not have as many classes as lowerclassmen so the excuse for classes probably would not have worked. As Levi also was aware, the weight of the responsibility lost by only having two classes a week was replaced with the weight of the expectation of creating their own research to add to the body of knowledge in their major.
“How long is your meeting? Maybe I could stop by...” Moblit looked unsure about his own suggestion as if he too understood too the importance of thesis for any senior.
“I dunno. It’s our first meeting and it’s pretty important since we still don’t have much planned.” At that moment, Levi thanked the heavens for his course. He was taking an interdisciplinary track so people had the option to do their thesis by group or individually. His choice of his classes had made it so that he had to do his thesis individually. Moblit did not need to know that much though.
The magic word “thesis” eventually did work in the conversation between the two seniors and finally, Moblit had dropped his shoulders in defeat. “Sorry if I’m being a little pushy. I guess that keychain is just pretty important to me too. I was the one who gave it to her.”  
Levi studied the face of Moblit as they talked. Molit did not have the most memorable face so Levi had not figured it out at first glance. As he allowed himself a few seconds to focus on his features and match it to those in his dream, he realized that Moblit was the same soldier who was constantly following Hange in his dreams. “You two must be close,” Levi said. Hange and I were close too.
"We're childhood friends.”
Levi found himself envying Moblit’s place in Hange’s life. Not wanting to engage that thought though, he instead decided to digress into something more positive for him. “So you'd know why she seemed pretty enthusiastic about her thesis.”
“She’s just passionate and gets a little too excited at times.” Moblit gave an embarrassed smile from what could have been second hand embarrassment. “I really hope you didn’t end up hating her. She really wanted to get to know you.”
“Oh really?” Then why doesn’t she. Levi added to himself.
“She’s been studying athletes since we were in high school. One of our friends was actually the subject of our final thesis for high school and Hange won best research with her. She wanted to move on to studying more high level athletes and she was talking non stop about the possibility of working with an athlete here. Then when we were scouting around for athletes to possibly study, she started showing me a lot of videos of you. She could talk non stop about your form, the height you achieved, your body control. I guess that was until you guys ended up meeting...” Moblit looked like he was aware of the weight of that statement and had tried to lighten the mood with a light laugh.
Levi rearranged that last sentence in his head. Until she met me.
Moblit had trailed off from there and Levi wondered how what kind of face he was making for Moblit to realize he had felt guilty about it.
Moblit gave Levi a consoling look. “She seems to be progressing well with Elijah though.”
For a second, Levi could not fathom how Moblit got the idea that that sentence could console him. In fact, just knowing that Hange had gotten over him so fast, had his chest knotting up.
On the outside though, he made sure to raise his eyebrows and nod, to look at least a little surprised and interested. “How’s her research so far?”
Moblit shook his head in amazement. “She's working at a much faster pace than I am. After what happened with you, it’s pretty admirable she bounced back so fast.”
“I don’t hate her. I could work with her if she really wants to.”
“God, this makes me think I should have started earlier." Moblit rested his forehead on his palm. "Your suggestion might be hard... Last time I checked, she was neck deep in her research with Elijah already.”
Even as a senior, there were places on campus Levi had never visited. All of his classes were clustered in one small area of the campus.  The track he would rush to train in would be just a five minute walk away, his dorm a fifteen minute walk or a five minute bike.
He never had any reason to visit the other side which housed the science students and the laboratories. Possibly, one of the reasons why he had never met Hange until that day in the track.
It was a ten minute walk from his dormitory, in a completely different direction from his buildings and the track. He decided to abandon his bike for the more flexible option of walking. He did not know if they had have any place to park a bike nor how long he would be there. More importantly, he wanted the freedom of slowing his pace without considering the traffic as he took in the unfamiliar scenery.
Third floor. Fritz Hall.
In fact, he did not need the directions to the biology department. He could have easily asked anyone among the students there. The more important information was the room number and the laboratory name.
He clutched the keychain in his pocket and  took the stairs two at a time arriving into a narrow corridor that stretched into both directions.
Thesis labs. Or that was how Mobilit described them. Each biology professor managed a laboratory for students. There were those who focused on internal medicine, those who focused on epidemiology. In each of those rooms was an office and a lab for senior students doing research under the guidance of a professor of a similar specialty.
If he wanted to find Hange, the office was their best chance. Room 301. It would be at one of the ends of the corridors. He only had to figure out the order of the numbers and from there, walk towards the end of the hall. He gripped the handle of the door and pushed it down, only pushing slightly at the door to open a crack wide enough to peek in.
“May I help you?”
“You’re Erwin Smith…” Just like with Hange, Levi had quickly picked up the name as he saw him.
“Yes I am. Nice to meet you.” Erwin did not look surprised to see that someone had named him by face. That was enough of a hint for Levi to realize that that man was probably their professor on top of how he dressed and how he carried himself.
“I’m looking for Hange Zoe.” Levi decided at that moment not to lie. He was sure he could find a reason to justify wanting to give it directly to Hange. He did not want to consider it at that moment. He just wanted to see her.
“She has class now but you can wait for her inside the lab." He gave Levi a onceover. You must be Elijah then.”
Levi gave a subtle nod, hoping Erwin would at least not take that as a full yes later on. At that point in time, he just wanted to minimize the questions he might need to answer. HIs heart was beating hard and his mind was racing. He had gone behind Moblit’s back, taking note of the schedule shared to him and picking a time where Moblit would not be in the office. Pretense and lies were nothing new to Levi but the presence of Erwin in the room particularly made Levi feel dirty for going through all that just to meet one person. With Erwin in front of him, for the first time he felt guilty lying.
"It's obvious from your build that you've been jumping and running your whole life. I hope you could give Hange some good data. All she’s been talking about was this study since I agreed to take her in."
“What’s her research about?” Was she enjoying working with Elijah so far? Was she happy? There were too many things Levi had wanted to ask but he found himself treading along the narrow path of things only Elijah would have known.
Erwin looked at him questioningly. “She wants to do a case study. I expected she’d at least tell you that much.” He shook his head and smiled. “She always had trouble explaining science jargon to the average person.”
Levi wanted to kick himself. Erwin at least answered his own question on any suspicion he might have about Levi (or Elijah.)
“Elijah, do me a favor and ask her yourself. I’d rather Hange also learned how to communicate science to the average person.” Erwin tapped Levi on the shoulder. “Make yourself at home. NIfa’s in the laboratory right now so she can keep you company. You can also use the computer while waiting.”
Levi only noticed the book bag Erwin was holding to his side as he looked back at him. He could not help but feel a bout of disappointment as he saw the professor walk away. It felt like there was still a lot to learn from him.
Levi entered the laboratory to find a woman with auburn hair hunched over a microscope. “Where’s Erwin going?” He asked.
“Erwin?” Nifa looked up from her  “Doctor Smith you mean?”
Nifa. That’s her name. Oddly, Levi did not need to ask for her name either.
Nifa only confirmed it a second later after chastising him for calling Erwin his first name. ‘Doctor Smith did not roll out of Levi’s tongue as well as Erwin. The most Levi could hope for was he never faced a situation where he had to call him by name again. A long shot if he ended up working with Hange or Moblit. At the same time, a worry he did not want to occupy himself with again.
“Hange’s class ends at two so you’re gonna have to wait an extra thirty minutes. You can use the computer over there to pass the time.”
Levi looked down at his phone to see only one bar on the upper right.
“Yeah, problems about being stationed at the corner of the building. No signal. And the wifi is only strong enough for a laptop.” Nifa gestured at her own laptop next to the microscope.
Levi walked towards the computer. It was an older model but it looked well loved. He only had to click on his mouse for the screen to boot up to the home screen with some desktop background which looked like some campaign for underprivileged kids and untapped potentials.
He clicked on the google chrome icon. The option to restore pages from a previous session popped up. He had considered completely ignoring it but he considered it might be someone’s precious browsing history and instead decided to leave it on and to just open an incognito instead for his own personal browsing
He was ready to open one up when he saw the tabs that had opened up in front of him.
Ackerman bags gold, Miller silver in the Collegiate Cup.
Levi looked to the profile on the right to see that it was Hange’s Google profile logged into the account. She was researching him?
That small glimmer of what could have been happiness dissipated as soon as Levi figured out the pattern of the articles.
It wasn’t about him.
High Jump Superstar Miller breaks record in high school meet.
Miller commits to Paradis University.
College sophomore Miller bags gold in Horizontal Jump Event.
It was torture looking through the multiple tabs that reopened. As painful as it was, he still  wanted to confirm if Hange really was ‘neck deep’ in her research. The bookmarked pages, he also decided to take a peek at had confirmed his fear. There were fifty if not a hundred tabs with article titles mentioning that one athlete.
Levi found himself closing the tabs as he went through them, a small rebellion to the reality in front of him. Hange probably bookmarked them if she needed them anyway. He stopped as he came across a Youtube video towards the end of the string of tabs.
WATCH: College Junior Ackerman beats both personal and national record for the High Jump Category.
Rookie Ackerman bags gold in the Regional Cup with record breaking height.
Levi recognized those tournaments. Those were his best jumps, one of them the most recent one he had performed, only earlier that year.
Watching the videos with the commentary felt surreal. In the interviews, he was the one answering the questions but somehow, Levi felt like he was still learning something new from the version of himself of the screen. He never did pay too much attention during interviews, only asking the questions when asked in the manner Coach Greg had directed him too.
Not wanting to confuse himself any longer with what seemed like another out of body experience, he focused again on Hange’s Gmail account which was logged into Youtube. Just to make sure his conclusion had been real. She was still watching his videos.
She had committed to working with Elijah. Why?  
“Miller was slated to be the new superstar in Paradis University with a vertical jump of 8 centimeters  and a promising record height differential of 40 centimeters.”
Levi jumped as he heard someone talk behind him. How long has she been there? It was her voice. Yet at the same time, it was too uncharacteristically serious he did not want to believe it was her. As Levi slowly looked behind me, she only continued to talk.
“But then four years ago, Coach Gregory Rivers scouts a new kid from a small town five hours away from the city. The kid had potential. Enough potential to maybe play backup to Elijah Miller. Levi Ackerman with a vertical leap of 76 centimeters and a record height differential of 37 centimeters.”
“Elijah Miller had a higher overall record. Mike Zacharias and Nanaba Briete too." Mike Zacharias and Nanaba Briete . Those were the two athletes who had cooperated with Hange's study back in high school. Levi had made sure to read her old research, in case he would have to use them to convince her to reconsider him.
“Your numbers in high school weren’t groundbreaking. Unless we consider that you’re 157 centimeters tall." The wonder was back in her voice, completely replacing what he realized was the scientist in her talking. "You did not have the height but you had remarkable control, the core strength, the leg power and the flexibility to fly over the bar even when you’re so close to it. That was what Gregory Rivers saw in you when he scouted you for Paradis University. What he didn't expect was for you to outshine Miller or even the seniors."
Hange came up behind him and grabbed the mouse. As Levi watched her go through the bookmarks, he realized if he had scrolled further, he would have seen more bookmarks.
Rookie Ackerman bags gold in the Regional Cup.
Super rookie carries Paradis to nationals.
She clicked one of the bookmarks and played the the video that came up. Levi could only watch silently as the Levi on the screen ran towards the bar, and propelled himself through the air. His vertical was definitely much higher than 37 centimeters at that point. In college though, no one in his team was counting anymore. The importance was he got through every jump without ever touching the bar.
"I wanna know Levi. From a nobody from a no name school, how did your height differential increase twofold. More importantly, how is it that you've not failed a single jump since you entered university? It's amazing. The amount of balance, core strength and body control to keep your body flexible enough not to hit the bar. The amount of leg strength needed to jump that high. You really must be superhuman.”
“I’m not.” Regretfully, Levi’s denial was enough for Hange to snap out of her state of what seemed like euphoria.
Hange put her hand to her mouth. "Sorry, I talked too much." With that, she resisted the closeness and was once again a meter away just standing awkwardly behind him. "I guess I should go back to work. Did Moblit tell you what time he'll be coming?"
"Moblit's not coming today."
"Oh... Can I help you with something?" Once again, Hange was watching her words and her movements with him. That was not the Hange from his dreams. The Hange that had introduced herself the first time they had met on the track. It pained Levi to see her like that and he wanted to make it right.
Levi had prepared himself for possible interactions when he read through Hange's old works. At that moment, Levi took control of his feelings. " I came here because I wanted to ask if you'd be willing to consider." He kept his words as careful as Hange's were with him. "I read your case study on Nanaba Briete and Mike Zacharius. And I thought I could probably provide you with similar data, maybe better data. Let me jump for you."
"No. I wanna jump for you." Levi did not know what Hange had planned to say. At that point, he did not want to give her any doubts to build on.
This time I'm not going to lose you. A voice inside him said. It disappeared soon after and Levi wondered when he had he lost her.
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themerriweathermage · 4 years
Author Interview
I was tagged by @sleepswithvillains . I’ve never been tagged much before so this is kind of new for me, but I love it! Tag me all the time! Also you did it again, where I got the Tumblr notification like right as I went to bed, but my sleep schedule is so wack right now.
Tagging: @guardianofrivendell @moriamithril @sunflower1000 and really whoever wants to do it. Drop me a tag if you decide to do it because I definitely want to see what you have to say!
I have a lot of unfinished fics and not a lot of published works in comparison. 
1. Name: The Merriweather Mage (Tumblr)/ RinzlersGhost (AO3)
2. Fandoms: LOTR/The Hobbit, The Witcher (TV), SWTOR/Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, Twilight, Underworld (though I’m not active in most of them unless I’m hyper-fixating)
3. Where you post: AO3, Tumblr, and I have an inactive FF.NET account
4. Most popular oneshot: People seem to have a real affinity for Meleth-nin/My Love. I actually hated writing it, because I was in such a bad place after receiving news that my childhood dog had died, but I don’t hate the fic itself.
5. Most popular multichapter: Every Kitten Has Claws which is a Geralt X Druid Fem!Reader. 25 Kudos, 3 bookmarks, 517 hits. Followed by Turuhalme in the Greenwood which is Thranduil X Fem!Reader. 9 Kudos, 1 bookmark, 270 hits. Both contain 18+ Content.
6. Actual worst part of writing: I legitimately hate writing fight scenes. I’m horrible at them and most of my fics contain some sort of fight scene obnoxiously enough. Although the best advice I ever saw on here was to keep your fight scenes short because not very many people are interested in a long drawn out detailed fight scene. 
7. Favorite story you wrote: Bards & Beans Coffee Co. Elrond X Fem!Reader. Was the first time I’d ever written anything in the second person. I based it off of a dream I had about meeting Elrond in a coffee shop. I planned it, wrote it, and posted it in the span of four days. It’s basically as if Middle Earth exists on the other side of meridian locks, and it’s set during the War of the Ring but with some of the characters from the Hobbit so the timelines are pretty pushed together. Your side of the meridian locks has a Earth that is basically a continuous strip of land that varies from high-tech futuristic ports all the way down to medieval ports. Basically the farther North you go, the more high tech and futuristic the land becomes. Quite a shock for those who would have never been to the other side of the locks. 18+ Content.
8. Story you were nervous to post: Most likely all of them. Any of my Twilight work though, I always hesitate about publishing. Sometimes it’s because the stories are close to my heart, but I also know that the fandom can be rabid. Most of the interactions I’ve ever had with Twilight blogs are fine, but there’s a lot of discourse about Twilight right now, and while I appreciate that most people are in the right (the issue with the Quileute tribe, the Cullen’s as villains, Jasper and the Confederacy, the actual legitimacy of the Volturi as a ruling body, etc), this is actually one of the reasons I left the fandom from a writing/following POV. (There are many, many things that are wrong with Twilight and not from a literature point of view. For example, Meyers took a real life Native American tribe and treated them highly unfairly in the books, to the point of calling them dogs which isn’t very fair at all, and they have received no compensation for being used and they are risk in the place they live in now. If you have some time and money, I would recommend checking out the Quileute Move to Higher Ground project.)
9. How you choose your titles: For story titles, I like to choose the main theme or a main phrase that is used. For chapter titles, I either don’t title or I will chose something that is a main part of the chapter.
10. Complete works: Out of the 21 works I have on AO3, 18 of them are completed, although one is an open ended and may be reopened after I get some of the larger works out of my way. As for fics in general that I haven’t published or have published on other platforms, there is 2 of 5 complete works on FF.NET. Some of those stories I will be pulling and deleting. The two complete works will be migrating to AO3.
11. Incomplete works: Actively: Sadril-nin/My Loyal One, A Hunter’s Circlet, and Beauty in Brokenness (unpublished for now). I have a few other inactive LOTR/The Hobbit based fics that I might try to finish after the main two are finished. Inactive: Literally too many to count. I mean, when I wrote my goodbye to the Twilight fandom, I said that I had been writing for the fandom for nearly nine years. I have so many unfinished Twilight fics, well over 100.
12. Do you outline: Not usually. I’m at the point with Sadril-nin right now where I’m literally following a map of Middle Earth and cataloguing the journey across the map, so I guess that could be considered an outline. Mostly if I’m writing for LOTR/The Hobbit, I want to follow the timeline of progression for the story that’s already been written. I do have a little bit of leeway in that gap between The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings though.
13. Coming soon ideas, maybe? I’ve been giving you a taste of Beauty in Brokenness. I do intend to publish it, but it’s a constant struggle to rework it. I have ideas that I want to cement in the story that don’t always come out the way I want them to, so I am consistently reworking parts of it all the time. I will also be rewriting (eventually) Crown of Thorns, which is Pirates of the Caribbean fanfic, Lord Beckett X Siren!OFC. I also appreciate the idea of Nestadion X Centaur Fem!Reader, but instead of being a centaur all the time, you’re actually a shifter who can turn into a centaur. Really confuses a warrior elf to see what amounts to a small human carrying this massive two handed sword around and calling him “princess” all the time.
14. Ask me anything: Is there anything you miss in fanfic? In comparison to the actual book/movie? Not really. I appreciate the original works, but I recognize that they can be flawed and so can their authors/writers. Which is why fanfic is so appealing-- everyone has a different spin on the original; everyone has a different take on the characters, everyone writes differently, and that’s the fascinating part to me. The only downside, of course with any fanfic, is the fandom and it can be hit or miss with people. It is what it is, and the liberty of fanfic is that not everyone is going to like or enjoy your works, and the same goes for your tastes. Are there right or wrong opinions? I don’t know; I’ve both read and written some morally ambiguous fics, and some I would like to forget that I very much haven’t.
15. Best writing traits: Same as the worst writing traits. I’m a sucker for detail. I love it. I want my readers to see it like I do. When I read books or play D&D or play video games, I see it like I’m in a movie. When I write, I want you to see it like you’re on set and the cameras are rolling and you are perfectly prepared. I want you to feel like you are in the story, which is why my oneshots turn into series, and my multi-chapter fics turn into novel length stories. I find it obnoxious at times, because I feel like I can’t ever turn it off, but by the feedback I get, some of y’all really enjoy it, so let’s get this show on the road.
16. Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: Uhhhh, let me go browse my WIP folder. I’ve put quite a bit of research into rewriting Crown of Thorns and making it slightly more historically accurate. I know that there will be a Part 2 to Sadril-nin, because I’m not going to time skip a seventy/eighty year gap between the timelines of The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. And I really don’t want to submit y’all to this absolutely massive story all jam-packed into one fic. Other than that, I’m also sitting on Through Hellfire and High Waters, which is another Elrond X Reader fic that follows the premise of a modern/medieval world all smashed into one. The Queen of Eryn Galen also needs a proper ending and to be published, a Thranduil X OFC fic; this one will also have a Part 2.
17. Spicy Tangential Opinion: I don’t care if my writing makes the characters out of character. I try to tag that if I can, but let’s be real here. Either I’m writing a character that originally has a limited backstory and a very real chance at an open-ended future, or I didn’t like the canon character and I’m rejecting that reality and replacing it with my own. Does it mean that I don’t or am refusing to recognize character flaws? No, and that’s the beauty of fanfic. You can do whatever you want. You might get hate for it or you might not. For example, I am a fan of Severus Snape (RIP Alan Rickman). Does his character have flaws? Yes. Do I like the way he was canonically written? No. Are his actions justifiable? Hell no. Is that going to stop me from being a fan? Again, no. He is arguably one of the most disagreed upon character of that series. I don’t see a need to defend why I write him the way I do. I don’t see a need to defend him in discourse, and I’m certainly not going to be hateful about it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion about it. Yes, there was probably some underlying intent when the character was written. I’m not here (unless you’re specifically asking my opinion on it) I’m not here to read in between the lines with characters like Snape. I do not care enough to lose friends over opinions like that.
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swarmkeepers · 4 years
fic writer interview
tagged by: @myclericalromance and @nonbinarywithaknife, two writers (and friends) whom i admire so much, thank you!! <3
name: you can call me sola! mordredmanor on here, SolaSola on ao3
fandoms: it’s full speed ahead dimension 20 rn but i’ve written for ngozi ukazu’s omg check please! and e. jade lomax’s beanstalk trilogy in the past! both of them are still unfinished oops and maybe someday if i can actually think of ideas i will finish them but i have fallen in far too deep with d20
where you post: fics are all on ao3 and i try to crosspost tumblr meta there if it starts to approximate fic! i don’t post full fics on tumblr though
most popular oneshot: far and away a soft and heavy weight (i never really know what makes a fic “popular” but it has the most hits, kudos, and bookmarks so this one is pretty easy lol), which makes me happy because i still adore it, literally just 5k of gorgug and zelda sharing hoodies that’s it 
most popular multi-chapter: only one d20 multichapter lol so it’s almost by default actualize (the first attack) my d20bb fic! gorgug/zelda/ragh mutual pining/shenanigans/groupchat textfic during a game of assassins
fics you were nervous to post: my bb fic might qualify, but i think by the time i got to posting i was more relieved/excited for ppl to finally get to read it than nervous, though i was definitely nervous in the week running up as i scrambled to finish it. genuinely, though, i think i’m most nervous to post gift fics like slow fall / otherworldly leap and nightcap (just fall in the bed) bc i never know if i’ve written something the recipient will like!!
how do you choose your titles: rule number one is it’s gotta be three or four words MINIMUM and all lowercase that’s just how it’s gotta be but otherwise i love a good quote from the source material or a song lyric. bonus points if there’s a parenthetical somewhere or the lyric crosses a line break
do you outline: i don’t think anyone would call it an outline but i do do notes before i start writing anything! usually it’s little snatches of dialogue or what will eventually become the summary or a numbered list from 1 to 6 if it’s a 5+1. i did have a longer outline for my bb fic but my artist partner + beta could tell you that there were three separate outlines as i started cutting stuff out lol
favorite story i’ve written so far: stream this is me trying it was so cathartic to write, seven maidens rights!
complete: all of them :D (for d20 anyway) i have learned from previous fandoms that i am not to be trusted with multichap fics
in progress: none :D again i truly cannot be trusted with an update schedule or multichaps
coming soon: i think i’m gonna let myself chill for a while after d20bb and d20december exchange which were truly so fun BUT i do have a couple of wips in the folder including a 5+1 rickyesther, some brainstorming abt transracial adoptee/diaspora!gorgug whom i adore dearly (and who my d20december gift has made me newly excited about!), and of course more seven maidens/zelda thoughts! i gotta say though, the fics i love the most are the ones i spent less than 24 hours on that just come to me spontaneously, so maybe an ep of tuc2 soon will inspire something :D
prompts: oh my god yes please my inbox is always open, and i think i’m gonna try to reblog more prompt memes + work on some if new ones come through the tuc prompt meme in 2021! i love doing prompts they are always welcome!
tagging: i’m not 100% sure who hasn’t been tagged already but please please feel free to do this meme and say i tagged you if you want! i’ll tag @supercantaloupe @aelwynrights @lizznotliz @frill-shark
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jekkiefan · 4 years
Author Interview Tag
Tagged by @drama-queen-supreme Sorry you keep getting tagged in these writing things. Though if you ever wanted to pick up writing again I’d be willing to beta read.
Name: Mady (but ya’ll can call me JekkieFan)
Fandom(s): too many, but I’m currently obsessed with The Glass Scientists/Jekyll and Hyde/Gothic literature, Good Omens, Undertale, and Over the Garden Wall. Also Razia’s Shadow has been living in my head rent free for a few years.
Where you post: On ao3 mostly, but sometimes on tumblr
Most popular oneshot: “In Which Chocolates Are Given” is my most popular one shot. It’s a Good Omens fic of that deleted scene when Crowley gives Aziraphale boxed chocolate.
Most popular multichapter fic: “Let Our Walls Cave In” another Good Omens fic. This was for the GOmens Holiday Swap in 2019. I had SO MUCH fun writing it!
Favorite story you’ve written so far: Well, I’d have to say that it’s the script for my webcomic The Tale of Corsinby. But this interview seems to be fanfiction focused. I’d have to say either “Let Our Walls Cave In” or one of my Grillster fics “Orbiting the Sun”
Fic you were nervous to post: “Out of My Depth” for sure. This fic is part of a series, and I was so worried about the fic being as good as the one before it. The stress really got to me when I was writing the second half of the fic.
How you choose your titles: Lately I just figure out the theme, or reoccurring visuals. Then just kinda make that the title??? Though for a while I just used song lyrics lol
Do you outline?: Yes, but very poor outlines! I don’t usually stick with them either. Unless it’s for a prompt.
Complete: Yes! Well... except for that fic *has middle school flashbacks*
In progress: I have no fics in the works at the moment. But I am still writing my webcomic TToC
Coming Soon/Not yet started: This one Glass Scientists/Wizard of Oz AU I’ve been itching for write the final draft for five years now.
Do you accept prompts?: Yep! Might take me a while to write it, but I can do little oneshots
Upcoming work that you’re most excited about: Does The Tale of Corsinby count? Like it’s out now, but I’m super excited about it! But fic-wise I guess I’m looking forward to that Glass Scientists/Wizard of Oz AU
Tagging the following people: @drbibliophile @lordkingsmith @raevenlywrites @aeris-blue and @dietraumerei
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springmagpies · 4 years
author interview tag
Thank you so much for the tag @agentofship​ and @sunalsolove​!!!
Name: Maggie/springmagpies
Fandom(s): Agents of SHIELD mostly!
Where you post:  AO3
Most popular oneshot: Sand, Sun, and Family Fun. It’s a fic set a few years after the AoS finale with everyone having a team reunion with all of their kids! I wrote it because I needed some fluff after the finale and it seems like other people did too!
Most popular multichapter fic: The New Girl. It’s my Fitzsimmons, Jemma, Fitz, Mack, and Hunter Brotp fic! It’s also my first fic on Ao3 and my longest fic so I think that also has something to do with it. It is also one of the fics I am the most proud of. It was literally years in the making and my pride and joy.
Favorite story you’ve written so far: Either The New Girl or any of the fics from my A Distraction From Math series. I also have a soft spot in my heart for I Never Saw You Coming, my FS childhood friends to lovers fic!
Fic you were nervous to post: Literally all of them. Every single one. I think my angstier fics I tend to be a bit more nervous about because they are rarer for me to write and post. Like The Tragic Demise of Mr. Grant Ward or The Future is Often Out of Context.
How you choose your titles: I have no clue actually 😂. Some of them are a given because their based off a show or something and then others just sort of come to me. That sounds really lame, but it’s true.
Do you outline?: Sometimes? Kind of? I will go into a fic with a basic summary paragraph, but I only rarely do detailed outlines and I tend to only do those if it’s a longer fic. Shorter fics like one shots I will go into blind at times.
Complete AO3
In progress: So many. Here’s the list.
Melinda May’s School for Gifted Young Ghouls
Jemma Enchanted
A Pirate’s Life For Me
Ten Feet Away, an Office AU
It’s In The Details, a CSI AU
The Bus (Coffee Shop AU)
Lost and Found
Golden Love Behind the Silver Screen Series
Coming soon/not yet started: Again, this is a long list, so I’ll just mention one! I have a FitzDaisy Brotp Framework AU that’s basically what if Fitz had gone into the Framework with Daisy instead of Jemma. I’m really excited about it!
Do you accept prompts?: Yes! Of course!
Upcoming work that you’re most excited about: I am really excited about my CSI AU!!! It’s been a long time in the making and I can’t wait to share it!
I don’t know who as already done this, so if you haven’t I am tagging you!
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third-rail-vip · 4 years
fic writer interview
Tagged by @adventuresofmeghatron
I’m late so you’ve probably already done this but tagging:  @laurelsofhighever  @tanaleth  @asaara-writes  @allisondraste  @pchberrytea  @red-hot-chili-tiefling
Thank you for tagging me!  Sorry it’s taken me forever, my imposter syndrome has been laughing loudly in my face at the idea of being considered a ‘writer’.  Please, come in, sit down and have a look see at my complete lack of process or general idea of what’s going on :) 
Name:  Ginger
Fandoms:  Fallout 4 currently.  Dragon Age a while back.
Where you post:  I put all my full fics on AO3 and if it’s a shorter one then I post the whole thing here on tumblr too.  If it’s giant then I post a snippet here with a link to AO3.
Most Popular One-shot:  Based on kudos The Wanderers - yeah i’m surprised too.  It was my first venture back into writing after taking time out and it was a whole new fandom and a game I was new to.  It was a fun silly little exercise in me learning my new otp and working out their fairly early days dynamic.
By comments, it’s Complicated.  I’d had that one in mind for a while before writing it (probably why it took 4 rewrites before it felt how I wanted it to).  It’s a good bit of post-feral encounter wound tending and hurt/comfort with some feels starting up (or becoming harder to deny).
Most Popular Multichap:  I don’t have any multichapter fics any more.  Once upon a time I had a Dragon Age Origins one.  I’m not good at the commitment of multichapter.  I made it 14 chapters into that one and it took me so long to drag myself out of Lothering I took it out back and shot it.
My Fallout one shots are part of an ongoing series - Then I Met You - which is a series of snapshots of Ivy and MacCready relationship (it’s still in pre-relationship stages right now).  It’s mostly character driven rather than main plot driven, but it does fit within the fallout 4 canon with some backstory and timeline canon divergence.
Favourite story you’ve written so far:  You know what, it’s my least popular Fallout one, but I have a soft spot for Blood & Rain.  It’s the second one I wrote and it’s Ivy’s pov with a hint at her pre-war life (she’s a non-canon origin sole survivor).  I got to indulge myself in writing descriptions and some action - my old faves from when I used to write (pew pew is way harder to write than stab stab).  It’s also got a really important bonding moment between Ivy and MacCready.
Fic you were nervous to post:  Every damn one.  Sharing anything you’ve made really is putting a little piece of your heart out on a platter for everyone to see and waiting to see what will happen to it.   I guess The Wanderers was extra nerve wracking because it was the first thing I wrote after telling myself I’d never go back to writing, it was kind of a make or break experiment.  Blood & Rain because of the potentially triggering material, hoping I’d touched personal subjects with enough sensitivity but also still telling the story I needed to.  
How do you choose your titles:  hahahaha WELL, I finish faffing with the main story in AO3 and then am outraged that I’m expected to have a name ready before I can post it.  Honestly though, I’ve no formula.  They all have working titles in google docs which tend to be either a vague description of what’s happening, or a song title/lyric that’s running through my head while I write.  Like, the current fic I’m working on is ‘mass pike pt 2’ which is a useless title since the part 1 was actually called Gunners & Grudges.  And I won’t know until posting day what I’m going to call it.  
I did put some serious thought into a title for my series - Then I Met You.  I was cycling through song lyrics or things that might be a general vibe for them but settled back on one line from MacCready’s final affinity chat, “then I met you”. And it just fit so well.  Meeting each other is a turning point for both of them; whether you just look at it as making a friend in the wasteland, or finding some direction after drifting for too long, or there finally being a glimmer of hope after a long time in the dark (this all counts for both of them), something changed when they met.  
Do you outline:  Sort of.  I have a massive ‘fallout notes’ document where i just jot down whenever i have an idea of something i want to write, or just random bits of dialogue that spring into my mind (that may never see the light of day again).  From there, if I want to expand them I tend to bullet point with plot ideas, more dialogue, key backstory or important things I want to cover.  I tend to have multiple fics I’m doing this with at once and I bounce between them depending on where my mind has drifted off to that day.  By the time I actually come to write something, I tend to have a lot of notes to work from, in fact quite often I have to cut back on all the ideas I wanted to cram in and some things get slotted back into the giant fallout doc for future reference.
Complete:  I only have one shots, so technically they’re all complete and can be read, for the most part, individually without you needing to have read the others.  They will make sense, there might just be some context from previous one shots in there.
In progress:  Then I Met You is an ongoing series for my Mac x Ivy one shots.
Prompts?:  I do put prompt list out there for Mac x Ivy when my brain isn’t cooperating and I feel like a need a little extra inspiration.  For the current series I’m hoarding them and working them into the context one shots I have planned.  Pretty much all my Dragon Age Origins one shots over on AO3 were prompt fills.
Upcoming work you’re most excited about:  Ugh guys we’re getting close to them getting together territory and boy do I wish my brain was being cooperative so I could get these couple of stories in between down on the page and could start working in earnest on those ones.  There’s a lazy morning in bed after a big party fic I’m really looking forward to writing (I’m looking forward to both tbh) - any excuse to explore stories behind scars and tattoos and I’m there for it.  I’m even getting a commission from the amazing @tarberrymentats  for it *discord wiggle*, so yeah, I’m excited about getting to that one!
Anyway thank you for reading my ramblings x
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mysunfreckle · 4 years
Tagged by @starkey 💕
Name: Freckle/Sunfreckle/Mysunfreckle
Fandoms: That I’ve published fic for? Les Mis, Jane Austen, Hades, Undertale, Sherlock, The Adventure Zone (Balance, Amnesty and Graduation), Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines.
(I have written fic for other stuff, but since I’ve always kept it to myself and never interacted with other fans, I don’t count that as the full fandom experience.)
Where you post: AO3, Tumblr, formerly also on FF.net, which I never deleted.
Most Popular One-shot: ...a smut fic
Most Popular Multichap: Happy Family, a fluffy canon continuation for Undertale. It is by far the most popular thing on my AO3 both in kudos and hits. And while I am painfully aware of how much better most of my other writing is, it does pretty much embody what I want to put into the world and it was my first, bewildering introduction to ‘proper fandom’.
Favorite story you’ve written so far: Oh I have no idea. I’m still very proud of Coffee and Faerie Cakes / Les Conte de Café for Les Mis. But also of Fullerton Parsonage, a Henry Tilney POV retelling of Northanger Abbey. Those are not the ones I go back to reread though, so...yeah I don’t know.
Fic you were nervous to post: In the beginning I was nervous about all, nowadays not so much. I remember that I was very nervous about 16 Lies and Counting, because I felt like I was diverging from fanon and I was afraid that would get negative reactions (it didn’t). My poor sister had to listen to me whine about it incessantly. 
How do you choose your titles: I usually try to get a reference to something said or done in the story. Or something meta. If that doesn’t work I usually end up at alliteration.
Do you outline: I usually write rather short pieces and if I outline those, that means I am Forcing It. Multichapter stuff I usually do outline a bit, but as vaguely as possible. My stories tend to be character-driven, not plot-driven and the more I plan the more I suffer
Complete: About 75? Most of them from a particularly escapist period in my life
In progress: I planned a TAZ Balance fic with my sister that I’d love to finish but...not happening. I have one original short story that has all the elements to be great, but again, not happening. I stared a VtM LA by Night fic that is also not happening. And I have a Hades fic that may be getting there.
Coming soon/not yet started: I recently planned and outlined a queer regency romance that has since, as predicted above, done nothing but make me suffer
Prompts?: I adore prompts. A lot of my non-fandom urban fantasy drabbles on @laurasimonsdaughter come from prompts and at the height of my Les Mis days fluffy prompts were my bread and butter <3
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: I’m afraid excitement and energy are exactly what is lacking. Sure would be great if my regency girls actually got to touch gloved hands though
I will tag: @fishandchipsandvinegar but also for podfic and @burntblackfeathers but definitely including original writing!
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winryofresembool · 4 years
Caleo Uni AU: Things We Lost In the Fire ch 1
Summary: Calypso starts studying at a new university, but to her annoyance her new flatmate is a loud mouthed mechanic who also likes to sneak his dog in whenever. But as she learns to know him better, she realizes they might have more in common than what she first thought. Eventually, even the darkest secrets come out...
A/N: So, here it is! My second multichapter fic! I've been reading a lot of Caleo fics on ffn and it occurred to me that there are too few au:s of these two, and somehow this idea just started forming in my head. A huge shoutout to @criis55 for helping me brainstorm and beta this fic, you have definitely played a BIG role in that ♥
You should expect flatmates Caleo who first don't exactly like each other (much like in canon), but they learn to respect and love each other with time. The first chapters are gonna be rather light but things will get darker as the story progresses.
I currently have 7 chapters finished for this fic, with a lot more to come, so for a time being I can promise weekly updates. If I have to change that in the future, I will let you guys know! But now, enjoy, and please, please, let me know what you think because I feel it's especially important to keep me motivated with a multichapter fic!
Words: 1786
genre: this chapter is pretty ‘general’ (fluff and hurt/comfort in the future)
warnings: none (in this ch)
Next chapter
‘Finally. My own home.’
Calypso exhaled sharply as she put her suitcase down. She took in her surroundings; it was a small student flat for two with two bedrooms and a shared living room/kitchen and bathroom, but to her that small, simple place meant freedom. For too many years she had struggled to get freed from her parents’ strict supervision, and now she had finally done it. A brand new town, a new place to live, new university, new flatma…
“Don’t worry amigo, I’ll be right back!” she heard a voice say from the room that had already been claimed. Before she had time to react, a young man with curly black hair, elfish ears, and… no shirt came into view. Before she turned her eyes away, she couldn’t help but notice that even though the boy was short (not much taller than her despite her being only a bit over 160 cm) and kind of scrawny, his arms looked strong, like he had done a lot of heavy lifting. She didn’t have a lot of time to dwell on these facts, though, before he acknowledged her presence:
“Wh-whoa, hi! Sorry, I wasn’t expecting anyone to be here!”
He folded his arms over his chest, trying to cover his torso a bit with his arms, a dirty shirt bundled in one of his hands, but other than that he seemed fairly unbothered by his current outfit (or lack thereof).
“Uh, yeah, I just came in,” Calypso muttered, looking down. “I suppose you’re my new flatmate.”
“Oh, right! I am! I was wondering when someone would move in. I’m Leo. Leo Valdez.” The boy grinned widely as he extended his free hand for her to shake, which made her even more flustered, but she still took it.
“You can call me Calypso,” she said with as calm voice as she could manage, forcing her eyes to focus her on his face and pulling her hand back.
“That’s… an unusual name. It’s like the music style!” he answered, tapping his forehead with his fingers as he tried to remember something. “Or… that nymph or whatever she was in the Greek mythology…”
“Yeah, I’ve been hearing that a lot.” Calypso rolled her eyes, calming down thanks to a familiar topic. “Ironically, I’m a history major and I’ve been studying the Greek mythology a lot, so I’m definitely aware of that myth. As a matter of fact, I’ve always found her a pretty relatable character. She was simply a victim of circumstances…”
Leo seemed a bit taken aback by her challenging tone, not daring to ask what she meant by her last comment.
“I haven’t really thought about it that much,” he shrugged. “Always been more interested in the mechanical side of things.”
“I figured as much,” she said, the annoyance winning in her and making her take a judging eye on his form, now noticing for example plenty of scars (almost like healed burn marks?) and oil smudges from something he had been fixing on his bare skin. “How do you know about that story anyway?” she asked out of curiosity. From her experience, not many boys of her age immediately drew the connection between her name and the Greek mythology.
“My old baby sitter was loca about that stuff. Instead of telling me about Goldilocks and three bears, she told me bedtime stories about Odysseus,” Leo answered. Calypso was slightly disappointed. Of course he had had someone else tell that story to him instead of him being genuinely interested…
“Right. Makes sense,” she said.
Ignoring Calypso’s tone, Leo decided to try another topic: “I think I hear a hint of accent in your voice. Not from here?”
“No. I’m originally from Greece, if you must know,” Calypso answered coolly.
“Hey, what’s with that tone?” Leo had finally had enough, and he narrowed his eyes. Calypso noticed “I only asked because I’m part Mexican so I’m bilingual too. Spanish is my first language.” “I see. And about my tone, you must be overthinking it,” Calypso claimed, but there was still an edge in her voice that Leo couldn’t ignore.
“What’s the matter with… ugh. Never mind.” He raised his arms in defeat. “I tell you what. I have things to do now, but when you’re ready to talk about the rules of this household or whatever, you can find me in my room.” He opened the bathroom door, dropped the dirty shirt into a laundry basket and grabbed a clean one before pulling it on. Then he disappeared into his room as fast as he had appeared from there.
When Calypso was alone, she sighed, overwhelmed by the meeting. She hadn’t meant to be so rude but something about that Leo guy irked her (maybe it was the way he talked, the kind of cocky attitude or the fire in his eyes that told her he was ready for a challenge) and… if she was honest, she had wished her new roommate was a girl instead. Back when she still had lived at home, she had been in a couple of relationships where things had gone very wrong, yet she also had an unfortunate habit of getting crushes rather easily… and then this guy had shown up that way, not even minding that he was shirtless in the company of a girl he didn’t know.
Trying to shake the image out of her head, she finally opened the door to her new room and moved her luggage there. There was already a bed there, along with an empty bookshelf and a closet for the clothes. However, the previous user of the room had informed the caretakers that the desk that belonged to the room was in a bad shape and they hadn’t brought a new one yet so Calypso had volunteered to bring her own. She would probably have to ask Leo to help her carry it, because it wasn’t like she knew a lot of other people here yet, and he had seemed pretty strong…
Groaning at herself (‘you will NOT get a crush on a new flatmate. Especially not someone so annoying’), Calypso put her clothes from the suitcase into the closet and then braced herself to meet Leo again. After taking a deep breath, she knocked on his door and waited for it to open. Again, the boy told someone ‘wait there’ before he opened the door, this time with a slight frown on his face.
“Yes?” he asked.
Twitching her hands, Calypso stammered: “Umm… Can we forget about the earlier for a bit? I… I should carry my desk from my car to my room but obviously I can’t do it on my own and I came here alone so… I kinda need help with that. Can you help me?”
Leo’s expression softened, a crooked smile spreading on his face instead.
“Oh! Sure, I’ll help.”
“Thanks. Do you have time now?”
“Yep, I was just hanging out with…” he hesitated, “um, with a certain mechanical project I’m building. Let’s go then.”
“You were talking to your project?” Calypso asked with disbelief as the new flatmates were walking towards her car.
“You heard that?” Leo asked, looking a bit embarrassed. “Well, some people talk to flowers, how is that any different?” he replied defensively.
“Well, for one, flowers are actually alive,” Calypso, who loved gardening and had brought several plants with her to the new apartment as well, stated.
“You wouldn’t believe how alive some machines can feel…” Leo muttered, more to himself than to her. But then they were already at Calypso’s car so they dropped the topic as they tried to decide how they were going to carry the desk inside.
The carrying part went fine, mostly in silence. The desk wasn’t too heavy or wide so they got it into their flat’s common area without issues. But as Leo waited while Calypso went back to get more of her things inside, the door to his room (that he had left unlocked for a moment) suddenly swung open and he had no time to react to what was about to happen.
“Festus! No!”
A huge German shepherd appeared, very excited to get out of his prison and running and jumping back and forth in the space that had just opened up for him. Not realizing his own weight, he jumped on Calypso’s desk to get Leo’s full attention. The flimsy desk couldn’t handle the impact, the top board splitting into two pieces, and in the process the dog’s tail also whipped the sole flower resting on the desk on the ground, so when Calypso returned back into the room she found quite a chaos in front of her.
“What… happened?” was all she could say, her hand resting on the left side of her chest near her heart. Then she spotted the dog, who looked kind of ashamed if that was possible, and quickly turned to his owner with fiery eyes.
Usually Leo would have made a joke in a situation like this, but Calypso looked way too scary for him to attempt that. “I’m sorry… I… tried to keep him inside my room but somehow he escaped and…”
“You’re not even supposed to have pets here!” Calypso shouted.
“He’s just visiting for a couple of days! I didn’t know you were coming, I would have asked you if you’re allergic if I had…”
“I’m not! But that’s not the point! The point is that your dog broke the only piece of furniture that I brought here and also ruined my favorite flower that I’ve been growing for years!” She pointed at the shattered flowerpot on the ground.
“I can fix the top of the desk!” Leo offered quickly. “That’s an easy job, I just get a new board and…”
“Right now I just want you out of my sight so I can clean this,” Calypso growled, gesturing towards the mess on the floor. “And make sure that thing won’t go near my things again.”
“Are you telling me to leave my own place?” It was Leo’s turn to get mad. “I have the same right to be here as you do!”
“I just meant that stay out of my way while I take care of this. Just… go to your room or something,” she said defiantly.
“C’mon, Festus,” Leo told his dog, taking his harness from his room. “Let’s go for a walk. Miss Sunshine clearly doesn’t want our help so why bother.”
When the two were gone, Calypso sat down on the couch in the common room and buried her head into her hands. This was not how she had wanted her first day in her new place to go.
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darkpoisonouslove · 4 years
3 and 17❤
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
Okay, so this is a sex scene from the fifth part of the Bleeding Hearts series aka the one with the Trix which somehow swerved from torture right back to romance. That installment is supposed to be the final one but it is also going to have to be a multichapter and I so do not have the time, patience or energy for it. So far I only have four scenes from it and this one is the only one I've written so I am going to share it because I don't know if I will ever write the whole fic.
Context is that Griffin and Valtor made a deal involving the Trix (but I will not spoil that because it's from part 4 which I still intend to write even if I will have to do it years from now) and she is his partner again. They even sleep in the same bed (on pretext that he's watching her to make sure she won't escape but she can't because of her witches that are still trapped in CT even if Valtor freed them from his mind control) and they do end up having not so angry sex sometimes quite often.
Oral sex and cum on face (and hair).
Griffin's heart caught in her throat at the sight of Valtor's peaceful expression that was the first thing to greet her after she turned in bed and opened her eyes. Seeing him sleeping next to her so open and vulnerable was a thing of her fantasies not only because of the seventeen years of frozen hearts and burning wounds between them, but also because of the nightmares he'd been having every night when they'd first started sharing a bed again. It might have been the unnatural stillness of his body complementing the distress contorting his face into a nightmare for both of them that had tugged on her heartstrings or it might have been the shivers running down her own spine and shaking her hands until the only thing left on her fingertips was more discomfort to affect him with if she touched him. The dreams - or perhaps they were pieces of reality stuck in his mind and tearing it apart - subsided with time, however, until they were nothing more than distant memories left for dead in the past. Just like their love she had to let go and not fish out of the depths of their hearts.
Her fingers moved of their own accord lured in by the tenderness he wouldn't let her have while he was awake and she only caught them an inch away from his face. It was futile, really, like most of her independent actions were at this point with his magic getting in her way instead of clearing her path to victory. She would have to pull the closeness he'd given her inadvertently out of her own reach the moment she pulled him out of his sleep but she had no choice. Not if she wanted her students to keep having one.
The Tower had been what had seen her awake, alerting her of the movement in its core. Valtor had never snatched control of it away from her, though maybe he couldn't have when it had no mind and just a Heart he couldn't put his mark on. To differ from the Trix, who'd been under the Tower's protection for years, he was definitely an intruder and would have faced undeniable resistance. He might have considered it unnecessary effort to sway the Heart but that left her still connected to it and feeling every shift in the castle, including her students' plan.
The young witches refused to stay inactive and watch passively as Valtor conquered more and more spells with her help while he didn't even let her speak to them. It was their pride and hers they were protecting in their attempts to break into the library and the vault of secret spells to find some magic that would take him down but it all came at the price of testing Valtor's non-existent patience. She didn't have the power to influence his decisions anymore, only to fuel his rage even more, so she had to take a different approach and use the Tower to communicate her advice to stay away to them. Only problem was that Valtor would sense the magic she'd need to put in the veins of Cloud Tower to carry her message to her girls and tipping him off about their plan was exactly what she wanted to avoid. She needed a distraction she could very well be incapable of being anymore but she had to try for her girls. They were doing their best for her.
Griffin leaned in to kiss Valtor's neck and pressed herself against him in an insistent demand for his attention. The softness of his skin against her lips was more startling than the weight of his arm wrapped around her waist when she woke up in the middle of the night and his body pushing into her prompted by the shiver that ran through him was like hot water scalding her nerves.
Focusing on what she was doing and not on his actions was becoming progressively harder as his hands found her waist announcing loudly that he was awake and his hunger was too. He pulled her even closer into the stiffness of his erection against her hip leaving her on the verge of gasping with the acute feeling of being wanted by him again. Sex between them was becoming a regular occurrence, yet she still wasn't used to him stating his desire for her so bluntly after the rejection he'd seen in her betrayal.
She tore herself away from his neck, his excited pulse in her mouth being too overwhelming to the logical part of her brain that was the only thing keeping her from getting lost now that it wasn't fantasies but his being in her hands. She was still left face to face with him, though, which she would've wanted to avoid as his gaze was too keen to not dissect any emotion spilling in the shine of her eyes.
"What's gotten into you today?" Valtor's drowsiness couldn't drown out the curiosity sparkling in his eyes like light reflecting from ice even if it was slightly dulled by the confusion he was fighting to push in his words since he could renounce those. It was usually him who initiated intimacy to make use of their deal and punish her with what she'd thrown away in her departure from the Coven. While she never pushed him away - doing the smart thing had already pulled him out of her embrace once and for all - she grasped at what little control over herself she hadn't surrendered to him just as desperately as she was clutching at him. She couldn't give him everything if he didn't want it.
Griffin ignored the sting in her heart and slid her hand down his body to take a hold of what he was giving her. "Nothing yet," she teased as her fingers closed around his erection and she moved to kiss him again, capturing his lips to keep him from sinking his teeth in the lies she was telling herself and tearing them apart with her as collateral. The heat of his skin brushing against her thigh seared the truth in her body to leave her unable to close her eyes to it even when she couldn't keep them open thanks to his fingers spreading their caresses over more of her sensitive flesh.
Valtor's hand tangled into her hair and he pulled her away from himself and the thoughts in her head leaving her out of breath, her heart pounding. From fear or excitement, she couldn’t really tell. It was more or less the same these days, pleasure mixing with pain - and wasn’t that just their thing? - as he was always in her head and she was all in his hands where she’d put herself again, with his fingerprints all over her skin and brain, and she didn’t even wish to push him away. She loved seeing him in her bed where her being was the only thing he could wreck, and with pleasure. It was a victory she could accept giving him, for it didn’t cause any suffering. Maybe just a little, but she could live with it.
"Perhaps it's time to fix that," he held her gaze as if to push the ice of it among the molten gold of her irises and let her melt all over him to chase any remaining imprint of the frost of Omega. He didn't miss to push his hips into her hand and let her feel him better as if she didn't already feel too much. She should've never let him touch her like that again but it was the only way to come in touch with their old selves, with the lovers who'd trusted each other to get naked and honest without shame or regrets - painfully ironic next to the greater purpose her eagerness was currently serving. And no matter what she said, she'd missed the confident and smug grin pulling his lips into the compelling argument she needed to let him tug on her hair once more, guiding her whole body to where he wanted her.
She allowed him the power over her the one time that it wasn't threatening. He wanted her honoring the desire he'd admitted, leaving himself more exposed to her than he was after she magicked away the clothes separating her from the softness of his body leaving nothing to keep her away. He was all hers.
She didn't waste time - she couldn't even pin her hastiness on the energy she'd smuggled into the veins of Cloud Tower now that she was done - and took him in her mouth to have his grip on her hair tightening. As if he was afraid she could use the opportunity to slip away while he had his eyes closed and submerged himself in the sensations of her wet mouth enveloping his cock and her tongue stroking over the tender flesh to draw out sounds and movements he couldn't contain. He was so soft when he was hard for her with the shaky breaths coming from his parted lips and the twitches of his cock between hers.
He held all her focus even though his own was slipping through his fingers despite the firm grip he had on both the sheets and her tresses. His hips bucked outside of his control making her gag and choke, yet the irritation in her throat only gathered her concentration on keeping him right where she could feel every inch of his being. There was nothing he could hide with the bliss filling him to the point of overflowing and flooding her with the expressions of his desire. Just the sound of his moans had every cell in her body vibrating with life.
Her tongue drew out breathy compliments and praises that had her pulling away to take a breath and steady her heart. Her head was already spinning with his implicit admission of the efforts he was putting in collecting his mind enough to form words to give her pounding in her ears. She could listen to his strained voice all day even if he toppled into the incoherence she was pushing on him as she pressed her tongue against the right spots and sucked everything else out of his mindscape. He was past the point of denying what they'd had in the past and she was floating like a weightless star in the sensations of having him so soft and scattered in her hands once again.
He was stroking her hair and groaning her name while she took him deep inside herself and the reciprocated vulnerability was carving inside her chest to fill it with a cosmic ache. That one wasn't pain, though. It was a need so vicious that finally sating it to have it let go of her left her with marks that hurt. Like she'd been cornered between the jaws of a vise - or two icebergs - and needed some time for the bruises to fade. The pain didn't register through the view that Valtor's blissful expression was and his weakened fingers still threaded loosely through her purple strands.
Valtor shifted, letting go of the sheets to have both hands closing in her hair. He pulled her head down and pushed his whole length into her throat as if to fill every last part of her with himself and she'd be insane to resist that.
She grabbed at his arms instead to hold on to him and the moment as long as possible. His cock was throbbing in her mouth ready to spill his orgasm down her throat right as she choked again but Valtor pulled out, leaving her empty and hungry for his pleasure and their connection, and came all over her face.
Griffin managed to close her eyes to protect them but some of his cum landed in her still open mouth and she could feel it clinging to her hair as well. She'd have to shower but his purposeful carelessness was pushed away by the screaming of her taste buds. She'd forgotten the taste of him after all these years of just vague sensory memories and overwhelming nostalgia. Feeling it again would have required him to let her too close but now the flavor was all over her tongue and mind again nourishing her desire for more of him and acting like poison to everything else that dared demand a fraction of her attention or energy.
"That certainly was up there amongst ways to wake up," Valtor's voice had her eyes snapping open. His breathing had normalized enough to let him speak and she couldn't help but mourn the lost opportunity to see him breathless from her ministrations. "Though, I still have no idea what prompted any of it," his tone was teasing and light but still tripped the alarm wires in her head leaving her almost wincing at the blaring of the sirens her mind was powering now that the warmth of Valtor's body wasn't drowning it out.
"Looking a gift dragon in the mouth now?" Griffin gave him a wide grin that was sure to channel his attention to her lips if her words hadn't done that already.
"I am only interested in your mouth," Valtor's fingers were under her chin making sure her eyes were on the devouring impulse in his, "and whether I can expect more surprises like that." His fire flashed in his irises as if to jump on her and swallow her.
"We'll see." Griffin smirked at him before wiping his cum off her cheek and licking her fingers clean, concentrating on the flavor that was free of any raging suspicions that could be fueling his interest and not on the flip her stomach made. It would be too much to have to question her own bodily reactions and the reasons behind them so she left herself to the ease of the sexual atmosphere they'd created. That always came effortlessly with them.
"Better make the most of it then," Valtor faked contemplation only for a second and pulled her into a kiss to take her breath in exchange for the weakness he'd given her.
17. Do you think readers perceive your work - or you - differently to you? What do you think would surprise your readers about your writing or your motivations?
To be fair, I have no idea how my readers perceive me (or my work for that matter aside from the fact that they like it which I have gathered from all the lovely reviews). So feel free, everyone, to drop by an tell me how you perceive me and what I do! That said, I will try to list a few things that I don't think people could have picked up from reading my stuff.
To start with the one that is the most obvious imo, I LIVE for feedback about my fics or just fangirling about them. It is literally what sustains my soul. I cannot tell you how often I reread comments on my work because I just love hearing that people like it. I mostly stopped reminding people (in the beginning of my stories) that I would appreciate hearing their thoughts because I know that feeling pressured to comment sucks (and I don't want to seem desperate even though I kind of am) but I really, really, really appreciate comments. Any kind of comment, really, but if you come squealing/screaming at me about my stories and which parts are your favorite, I will love you for the rest of my life! And not just the stories I have completed. You can ask questions and talk to me about any of the stories I have mentioned and I will die of happy. I've been told I can come off as intimidating but you could never get on my bad side by being interested in my works (unless you start pushing me to update which is about the only thing I do not vibe with when it comes to talking about my fics).
Kinda related to that last part, I am actually a very shy person and that is why I may seem unapproachable or rude. I am horrible at starting conversations which is why I mostly avoid that. But I always appreciate hearing someone's thoughts on my works or discussing fandom stuff. So, please, don't be intimidated by me and all my bitching. That is only reserved for people it can't hurt (aka writers of the shows I am watching that will never hear of my opinions on their work).
Based on the speed with which I write, readers might think that this is easy for me but, believe me, it is not. Sometimes the words are like bricks you're using to build a neat wall and sometimes it's like throwing pasta at tiles and hoping something sticks. Despite how many works I produce, I do have difficulties with almost each and every one of them but I am motivated to push through by the validation of posting desire to see them finished. The last few days especially I have been having doubts about the very point of writing. I have been feeling like it's useless, but then another idea captures my mind and I am riding the wave again. It is daunting. It is tiring. Sometimes it is even ungrateful. But it is also rewarding and, for me at least, not a choice but a calling. I could not choose not to write because I have a physical reaction against not writing in a couple of days. It is therapeutic and cathartic even when it gets on my nerves. It is inspiring to see a world built out of your own mind, with your own words. It is creation and that leaves a sense of fulfillment that outweighs any struggle that has left you feeling like you're losing your mind (and I have had quite a few of those situations).
Another thing I would like my readers to understand is that I write what speaks to me. And I don't mean it in terms of ships I will take or tropes I will write or anything remotely permanent and long-term. I have some feelings and based on them I decide on what I will be working today. It is the reason why some fics end up abandoned for months. The way I see it, the story needs me to finish it but I don't need it at the moment (or it is too close to home aka what happened to the Client List AU). It can be frustrating to an outsider to this process. Hell, it's frustrating to me at least a third of the time. But that is the way it is. I have no plan for tackling WIPs and even if I do, I will end up not following it for sure. However, if you have sent me something - some request - know that I have not forgotten or ignored it. I am just not vibing with it at the moment but it is on my list of things to get written. Sometimes ideas just don't happen when we want them to and need more time to develop. I have to give them that time. Forcing them, even if possible, will not do me or the idea any favors.
I hope all of this makes sense. I have tried to put my peculiarities as eloquently as possible. Perhaps there is something more that I am forgetting but that's what I can think of atm.
Thanks for the ask!
Send me meta asks
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unliikelylovers · 4 years
author interview tag!!
thank you @beepboopbitch and @nonbinary-crafter-aang for tagging me!! <3
Name: kit / katarahairloopies on here / leoperidot on ao3
Fandom(s): overwhelmingly atla. i have been in other fandoms than atla, i've only written for two other ones though, one was one (1) harry potter one-shot like two years ago, and the other one was newsies the musical in middle school yes, i know
Where you post: ao3 !!
Most popular oneshot: it’s a long, long way to ba sing se by far (like, almost three times as popular as my next most popular fic) which honestly? i have mixed feelings about! i wrote this in the early summer before i was really involved in the atla tumblr fandom, and it’s very different from most of what i write now. mostly because it’s about zuko (which is 100% why it’s so popular compared to my other stuff) who, while i love him, i don’t really write that much about anymore. many other people have spilled much more ink over him. also, it just has a very different feel to the rest of my fic, which i can’t quite explain but like. i mean am i proud of it? yes. if i could choose, would i pick that fic to be my most popular? definitely not!
Most popular multichapter fic: i don’t have any multichapter fic still up on my account!
Favorite story you’ve written so far: i’m gonna go with and the stars, too, they tell of spring mostly bc wlw <3 and also i think i did some really pretty writing here, and it’s nice to have something that is not actively, desperately sad she said, working on the saddest fics imaginable
Fic you were nervous to post: wind comes up (etc) (we gotta stop with the parenthetical song lyrics ao3 title industrial complex these titles are too damn long) mostly bc it was for bakoda week, but wasn’t very bakoda, and also it felt tonally kind of strange for a fanfic, and the major relationship (friendship) of it was something that didn’t even exist as a tag on ao3, so. but i’m happy with the response it got! it’s not the most popular of my fics, but all of the comments are lovely and i think people enjoyed it <3
How you choose your titles: completely arbitrarily, and not well! honestly, a lot of the titles of my fics are chosen in a panic as i’m posting and i remember that i have to put a title
Do you outline? nope! not even a little bit! i’m working on a novel right now, and the process of writing it--outlining, putting all the pieces together--is like i’m trying to assemble a jigsaw puzzle where there are an infinite number of possible solutions, none of which exactly match what you thought you were making. it’s its own kind of fun and rewarding experience, but it’s not what i’m writing fanfic to do. i write fanfic because a little scene pops into my head with the characters i already know and love, and i want to paint it. (and also because i get compliments when i post it)
Complete: i mean, everything i’ve posted on ao3 lol
In progress: currently, actively, i’m working on 
a modern au with yue and sokka that will be very sad 
a fic where the “i gotta pee” kid from the first episode is bato’s nephew, that is also very sad
a ficlet for one of the prompts i got for my 800 followers celebration that is, again, very sad
a fic about sokka getting post-traumatic nightmares which is--you guessed it!--very sad
a little ficlet with grandmas kanna, hama, and yugoda, and baby waterbender katara (in an au where the swt fought off the fire nation and was not genocided, kanna and yugoda escaped the nwt together, and hakoda has 3 lesbian moms), which is actually not at all sad!!
Coming soon/not yet started: well, i have probably 20+ fic requests to get thru after the above, so those. then i have some scattered ideas -- mailee college radio au, some sort of followup to my yueki fic, a fic where zuko abolishes the fn monarchy, a fic about hakoda, chit sang, haru, teo, and the duke during the time between their separation from the gaang and the comet -- but honestly? who knows if any of that will ever be written
Do you accept prompts? not atm! also, absolutely no promises on when i’m gonna get around to the ones that people sent in because i am a college student with probable adhd and i am doing this for fun!! i love when people send me things to write, but i also need to make it clear that the goblin in my brain who controls what i write and when i write it answers to nothing, not me, not my college schedule, not god himself. so.
Upcoming work that you’re most excited about: the yue and sokka modern au fic is probably the thing i’m most excited to come out with!! i love them quite a lot, and i can’t wait to tear out your hearts <3
tagging @meteor-sword @koala-otter @kdmcolorfulmagic @lazypigeon and anyone else who would like to! also, no pressure if i tagged you <3
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