#I answered the phone didn't I? XD
urbandokkalfar · 1 year
If you gotta call a business and ask if they're open on a holiday please for the love of fuck, ask if they have an item in stock or carry a brand instead of asking are YoU oPeN??
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ducknotinarow · 8 months
2k3 Raph 2k12 Casey - #
send me “#” for cell phone headcanons about our muses including:  
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"Man thought this was all over with tired of ya being up in my business here. Whatever jus' the other Casey anyway. Definitely gave my Casey a run for his money when it comes to bein' a whackjob of course. He might have even less brain cells than my Casey dose and 'hats scary. I don't envy mini Raph one bit on havin' ta basically handle 'em."
 - what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone             'Nut Case'        
"Like I said 'his kid majorly got some screws lose in that head of his. Must taken way more hits to the head. Mini Raoh told me he got a metal plate in his head once when the guy complained about his head hurting, yeah I buy it. So seemed a fitting name sides it would gotten well awkward if I didn' make sure his name was different from Casey's in my phone. They end up next to each other...and I aint always that aware most times when I'm texting Casey. Bad enough the nut case hit me up with a look...and we don't gotta add fuel to the fire there. I know my self so I know mini Raph wouldn't take that well at all."
- what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone
[Image description]  clearly out up on the roof tops, from the look of city lights in the background. You can just about make out the sight of Casey and mini Raph in the background of the photo. The picture cropped so it centered on to the other Casey instead. Dawning his 'gear' the face paint and all. As they seem too be just gazing out there's something about the express he's wear as his hand is positioned to pull down the hockey mask he doubled up on the skull motif he seems to be working with here. Or so to cover his face before Casey or his own Raph notice the expression on his face.          
"Wanna know what blows my mind more 'han the fact there are all these other worlds an' such? 'hat in a whole other world, where Case an' I seem ta meet in a whole different way have a whole different relationship nearly even. 'hat Casey is still Casey." Raph states Looking at the photo himself. "When I met my Casey, think he got to a good point of keepin' stuff to himself. Nut Case? I don' think he's learned to do 'hat yet..hope he never dose. I dunno think it's funny this kid to me is far from being anythin' 'ike my Casey yet I can tell from this look alone how much he misses home. I can tell he's acttin' cool under the situation but that look? he worried. Dunno if it's cause i'm Raph I jus' know that junk or if cause he Casey though."              
- what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone      
A bad Idea by Michelle Creber                  
You can think that I’m insane But I'm not backing down again Find myself, fulfill my fate Hello, hello
Standing on the edge I'll claim The world will not forget my name Cause I don’t wanna hear you when you say Hello? It's a bad i- Hello? It's a bad idea
   "Yeah I really think 'his kids insane but when has a Casey I know ever been sane and have a good idea even?" Theres still a faint smile to his beak when he makes this remark despite his own words though. "Eh Kid might be a nut, and out there even compared to my own Casey, but eh what can I say crazy hot heads who don't back down easy if at all? Eh I got soft spot I guess for 'hat kind person. Sides 'his kid is real good with 'hat hockey stick of his when he ain't fuckin' around maybe he will make a name of his one day. In whatever way 'hat ends up bein' we'll see."
 - my muse’s last text to your muse
[text] Tell that jack as of a boy friend of mine if he don' fuckin' answer my call in the next five mintues it aint dragons that are getting thier ass beat tonight!
(sent from 12 raphs phone)
[text] he mini Raph distracted helping out my bro Don
[text] might be a while till he can answer ya u-u
[text] the fuck are these face things? 0-0
[text] ya know you an can still got dragon hunting if ya up for it
[text] i'll be there either way so if ya wanna just meet me at the usual spot Case and I showed ya two
[text] see ya kid, mini me really got his hands full with ya
[text] nah i think ya good for him actually, course I can tell
[text] if ya ever need help speaking Raph? well ya got my number
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simpforrooster · 3 months
exactly what i was texting her.
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robert 'bob' floyd x f! reader
summary: your first date with bob.
a/n: my first bob fic just for you anon! i won't lie, it was hard to tap into bob's sweetness. i wanted them to banter sooooo badly xD
phoenix has been begging you to meet her new weapon systems operator.
no. that isn't quite it.
she's been trying to set you up with him.
you don't know anything about the man other than his callsign. which is bob.
hanging around naval aviators all your life, you figured one day you'd go on a date with one of them. you just assumed he would have a cooler callsign than bob.
maybe something like snake, or the infamous maverick. a girl can dream right?
phoenix finally wore you down, and you're waiting outside a small diner for this infamous bob.
"wow, phoenix didn't do you any justice. you're beautiful." you hear to your left. a man in navy issue glasses and sandy hair smiles, slightly awkwardly, at you.
"i'm robert, or bob," he chuckles, reaching out a hand to you.
bob was the most perfect call sign for this man.
sweetness exudes off bob immediately putting you at ease, and you praise phoenix for being so resilient in this pairing.
"phoenix has told me all about you," he tells you, a hand on the small of your back, leading you into the diner. the two of you find a place in the back corner, away from loud customers.
it doesn't escape you that phoenix hadn't told you a thing about bob, except for his name. "i want you to form your own judgment!" she'd said.
bob slide into the booth across from you and fed you another nervous smile. "i'm sorry. i'm normally not this nervous."
"it's okay, i'm pretty nervous too," you tell him, reaching across the table to lay your hand on his arm. his cheeks pinkened, and yours followed, as your hand must have done that on its own. you return your hand to lap quickly.
as the night progresses, you and bob have fallen into a comfortable rapport. the way you've fallen into step with him, and at the speed surprises you. it's not that you've been closed off entirely to dating, it was just something that you hadn't focused on too much.
now, it seems like you can't remember what it was like before you met this quirky, sweet aviator.
at some point in the evening, bob has abandoned the seat across from you, favoring sharing the seat with you. you sit, your back to the wall, fully giving your attention to him.
bob reaches for your hand, confidence having replaced the earlier apprehension. for a few moments, he plays with your hand in his while the two of you continue talking.
"for the happy couple. on the house," your waitress interrupts your story, placing a piece of apple pie and ice cream on your table. "the two of you are just too sweet."
you and bob share a secret smile. you slide a little closer to him in the booth and his hand causally falls around your shoulder. the two of you share the dessert, and soon after, your being kicked out the diner so they can close up.
standing in the cool evening air while bob pays, you pull your phone out to text phoenix.
"i hope you're telling her the date was perfect and you can't wait to see me again," he tells you over your shoulder. when you turn your head, his mouth is right there. he drops his gaze to your mouth, silently asking if it's okay to kiss you. you answer him by closing the gap between the two of you.
his hands fall to your waist, and he spins your body around to pull you into him.
"as a matter of fact, that is exactly what i was texting her."
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adventuringblind · 1 year
Two Things to Celebrate
Oscar Piastri x Reader
Genre: fluffyyyyyyy
Summary: Reader gets sick during the race weekend. When she comes to congratulate Oscar on his race the next day, he finds out there is more to celebrate than just a good result.
Warnings: talks of sickness and pregnancy. Mentions of sex. Not proofread... *Snape impression* obviously.
Request: Yes, I'm here for it, I didn't know I needed this in my life until now. Also, requests are open. Specifically for Max, Charles, Lando, Oscar, and possibly Danny Ricc.
Notes: written in second. This is out of my comfort zone.... much better at writing angsty things me thinks XD
Comments, likes, and reblogs are always appreciated!
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Oscar is the gentleman that everyone expects him to be. He opens the door for you. Buys you flowers on random occasions. He had pratically given you the role of passenger princess (not that you protested).
You, on the other hand, got the privilege of knowing that he is not always a gentleman. The side of Oscar that was only for those close to him.
He doesn't like showing his more vulnerable emotions to everyone. Lando, who had recently gotten close to Oscar, was shocked when he started yelling in frustration.
You knew there needed to be some reprive for him. The season had started off terribly. Often leaving Oscar in shambles after races.
He'd be calm for that camera. Always trying to find the positives of the weekend. Then found himself breaking down at home.
You hated seeing him like that.
Depending on the mood, you would simply listen and run your fingers through his hair. Other times, you distracted him with a nice meal and a movie of some sort.
When he was angry, though, you found yourself letting him use your body for reprieve. Letting out his pent up frustration and adrenaline from frustrating weekends became part of the routine during the season. Sometimes getting so frustrated with his results that you let him have his way with you for hours.
You two didn't think much of it. The sex was great, and the aftercare care even better. The thought of a second form of contraception not crossing either of your minds. You were on the pill and thought it would be enough.
That's probably the reason you got yourself here.
You were in Silverstone with Oscar. Both of you keep your fingers crossed that the car upgrades work as well for him as they did for Lando. It was killing you waiting for Q3 to start.
Maybe it was anxiety for Oscar, but you hadn’t been feeling the best for a few weeks now. You’d assumed it was just because of everything going on. Today seemed to worse then any other. The nausea becoming increasingly overwhelming.
Drinking water was only helping the pain so much. You needed it though. You are determined to watch Oscar finish. It was his first time getting into Q3 and you wanted to be ready and cheering with him when he came back. Whether he was tenth or not didn’t matter, he’s driving brilliantly which is always something to be excited about.
Then the feeling caught up to you. Quickly having to excuse yourself and find the nearest restroom. Only to to feel the water you had been drinking burning up your throat.
The feeling didn’t stop either. Your body deciding to continue ridding itself of whatever was in your stomach. Meaning that you spent the rest of Q3 locked in the restroom. Forced to watch from your phone.
You burst into tears when Oscar qualified third. Sobbing like a maniac over how proud of him you are. The suddenness of it making you keel over again.
Oscar got back to the garage as fast as possible. He couldn’t wait to find you thank you for having so match faith in him. Maybe he would take for a nice dinner to celebrate.
When he got there, however, you were nowhere to be seen. He knows you wouldn’t just leave without saying something, but where would you have gone?
He finally started asking anyone who would have been with in the garage with you. Eventually getting his answer.
He approached the bathroom door and knocked gently.
“Are you alright, love” Oscar wasn’t sure what had happened so he tried to keep his voice calm.
“It’s not locked I don’t thing.” He heard you rasp from the other side. Immediately he tried the handle to find that it is indeed not locked. He pushes the door open revealing your body barely able to hold itself up agains the wall. You were trying to stand on shaky legs but smiling excitedly and him nonetheless less.
You were grateful when Oscar came to help up upright. “I’m so proud of you.” You sobbed.
Oscars mix of emotions overwhelmed him. He had questions and concern for your well being but was smiling and embracing with joy.
Finally coming down from the high, he is able to address the current situation. His eyes scanned over you body and face. Particularly noting how your eyes are puffy and your cheeks shiny from tears. “Are you ok.” He finally managed to get out.
“Yes, I’m just not feeling the greatest. I think I might of picked something up.” Your throat still hurt from dry heaving leaving your voice broken.
Oscar move you to the side of him so he could help you walk out. “Lets get you home then.”
“But don’t you want to celebrate?”
“We can do that at home, in bed with tea to help you get well.”
Oscar bid farewell to the team. Telling Zak that it was urgent he get you home.
Being the gentleman he is, Oscar got you changed and into bed. He then decided soft foods were necessary incase you got sick again.
“Aren’t you worried you’ll get sick also?” You ask.
Oscar just smiles and crawls into bed with you. “And give up a cozy movie night? Never.”
You wonder for a moment how you got so lucky. Almost crying again at the thought. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there to celebrate with you.”
Oscar whips his head around to look at you. An exaggerated look of shock plastered on his face. “Don’t you dare apologize for getting sick because you know it’s out of your control.” He pulls you into him and threads his fingers through your hair. “I do think you should go to the doctors in the morning though.” He admits.
Night came and went to quickly. Hating that you and Oscar had to say goodbye and go your separate ways. You’d taken his advice and decided to see a doctor just in case it was something more serious since you’d not been feeling well for a long while now.
A month ago you’d contracted an infection and had to be put on antibiotics. It was miserable but you thought you were on the mend. Seems you were mistaken.
The waiting was killing you. It had taken so long that you had to call Oscar to wish him luck then watching the race from your phone. It hurt you because you have a feeling it’s going to go amazing for him.
Finally after some tests, the doctor came in with the results.
“Congratulations,” she smiled. “You’re pregnant!”
Your fall falls open in shock. How did this happen? We’re you ready for this? You and Oscar had mentioned kids in the future but would he be ok with now? Your mind reels with emotion. Tears again in the verge of spilling. “How?” Was the only question you managed to get out.
“Well birth control doesn’t always work, and you had an infection recently correct?” She asks. You nod your head in response, slightly confused at the correlation. “Antibiotics negate the effects of birth control.” She explains.
Realization settles into your stomach. How could you not have know that? You mentally smack yourself for being stupid.
You thank the doctor and quickly get into your car. There is still time before the race ends and you’re determined to be there.
The drive goes by in a blur, listening to the race going as you drove. Getting slightly frustrated with the unlucky safety car but happy that Oscar was still up in fourth.
You finally got parked and practically sprinted to the McLaren garage. Just in time for the last few minutes. Everyone cheering wildly at the boys placing second and fourth.
When Oscar was finally able to get back to the garage after doing some interviews, he was not expecting to have you jumping into his arms.
He spins you in the air as you two embrace each other. “I’m so proud of you.” You smile at him. He only hugs you tighter and mumbles like ‘thank you’s into your skin.
When he sets you down, he looks relived. “Good news from the doctor then?” His eyebrows lift in curiosity.
“More like interesting news.” You immediately find that it’s much harder to tell him then you thought. Playing with the sleeves on your shirt instead of looking at him.
Oscar is immediately filled with concern again at your sudden change of emotion. “Whatever it is love, we’ll get through it.” He cradles you face in his hands. Gently coaxing you into communicating with him.
You inhale deeply, steeling yourself for whatever reaction he might have. “I’m pregnant.”
You find his eyes and search for any sign of anger or disappointment. Only to be met with an ear to ear grin. “I’m gonna be a dad?!”
Oscar picks you up and spins you again. “I guess we have more then one thing to celebrate tonight!” He shouts. The rest of the garage now staring at the two lovebirds. “I have to tell Lando. He’s going to be thrilled.”
You giggle at the relationship between the two boys. They’d gotten so close through all the struggles this season. Thankfully it didn’t take you long to find him. Not like it was that hard considering he is wearing neon yellow.
Oscar almost tackles him into a hug. Lando laughing at him, not having see this side of the Australian yet. “What’s going on with you.” He laughs. “The adrenaline getting to your head?”
Oscar makes a quick recovery and catches his breath. “I have to tell you something.” His smile so large it might come off his face. “We’re expecting.”
Lando stares between you two for a moment. Processing what he just heard. Before finally he shouts in happiness for you. “Oh my gosh this is amazing!” He smiles and throws his hand up. “I call being the godfather. I called it first so you can’t say no.”
You laugh at his antics. Both boys now coming back to you with cheery words.
As you and Oscar went home that night, you realize just how much you love each other. It might not have been what either of you planned, but neither of you would have it any other way.
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cod-z · 7 months
What Could've Been
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Sadness is pouring onto me and one of the people I'm following answered a question and just said that if Price gets a canon wife, it'll break them... I- same? Like with all 141- and the others, like they're my boys...
Probably will re-write it (it was a bit rushed/is rushed)
TW: Angst/No Comfort, Mentions of being kidnapped, Ex-Poly Relationship (if you squint your eyes enough)
| One-shots |
Reblog & Likes are appreciated 🥀
Standing at the doors of the base that hid from society yet near to it that you watch, your team, your friends, your boys leave the through the doors and into their cars, half getting lifts and exiting the base. You lean against the door frame as you watch them show their cards to the guards, your hand clenching the frame tighter as they drive off into different directions, a small smile plastering your face as you heart clenches it pain and jealousy.
How you envy...
How you envy the people that they've married.
How you envy the mothers that had birthed their children.
How you envy their partners that stays with them... forever.
You leave door frame, a single, warm tear roll down your cheek as your smile flatters as you walk through the barracks, heading towards the offices of your team, peeking into their now empty rooms and reminiscing the special moments you had shared with each of them.
You heart aches.
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You enter the office of Price.
It had changed over the years that you had gone missing, kidnapped by a cartel.
You entered his room with the spares keys, grazing your hands against the dark oak of his desk, tracing the small nooks and crannies, the dents, the small burnt circles from his cigars, rounding the table until your stood behind it. Taking his scent that seemed to have fade already even when he had just left with the others, you solemnly give a small smile as you look at a picture frame.
You and the squad, gathered with Los Vaqueros, smiling like idiots before you all parted ways.
That was the last you had seen them before everything had went to a spiral.
You touch the edge of the frame before seeing another one next to it, it was a picture of Price, his wife and his little girl, Vivian. Your heart clenched tightly in your chest as you bite back a sob, eyeing the picture, seeing his gentle, reassuring smile that he held towards you all your time in 141. His arm wrapping around his wife's waist while she carried their... his daughter with a bright smile. All of them smiling at you as if mocking you of what could have been.
That could've... should've been you.
You looked down at his... your, desk.
Blinking away the tears, your visions clears as only the frame of your old team sat in front of you, you clocked your eyes around the room seeing your things in there rather than Price's. Right.
It's been 3 years since they have retired to their families, you grab out your phone and checked your social media, scrolling through their posts, carefully trying not to accidentally like any of them. Checking your messages and personal direct messages, you have yet to read or reply, completely cutting them off ever since they had told you what had happened.
What could've been...
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Laughs echoed round the table in the bar as you tell a joke, even getting Simon to give a deep chuckle from his chest.
Price patting your back while giving you that charming smile he always held towards you four, making you feel proud that you had made them happy within your presence and humour that you don't pay attention to what Price had to say or Soap's flirtation towards you.
You just smile at your team, your boys.
Yeah, your boys, you thought to yourself, always will be.
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A/N: Bit rushed, just didn't want to cry is all XD
Divider Credit(s): @saradika
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honeybubblebeeeeee · 9 months
Breaking Up Slowly || Gojo Satoru x fem!reader
Gojo had broken up with you, for his own reasons but he still couldn’t stay away from you.
Part 2
You may read this and be like huh not realistic but i am writing this bec i was in this situation and it still got me messed up XD smut/hurt no comfort ://// (oral giving/receiving, penetration, creampie, nothing crazy) bad at writing smut bear with me
(also send requests! i appreciate them they help smmmm with writers block <3)
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Your relationship with Satoru wasn’t ever a negative one. You two were compatible in all aspects. Your relationship was healthy. Until it wasn’t.
“I don’t understand! Just tell me what I did!” Tears were overflowing from your eyes as Satoru just stood at the door, a bag of his clothes over his shoulder. He couldn’t look at you even thought he was the one that ended things.
“It’s not you. I just don’t want a relationship anymore.” He looked to his feet and shifted uncomfortably.
You stared in disbelief. You had done nothing but give him everything. Anything he needed, you gave. You didn’t make a big deal when he was gone a long time and wouldn’t even answer his phone. You didn’t make a scene even when he was around and still needed space. You understood his job was hard. You didn't get mad at him when you hadn't seen him for weeks and when you finally did he didn't want to spend time with you.
“But why? Am I too much? Did I do something? Did I not do something?” You overthought every moment in an instant. You two had always talked when something was wrong. This is the first time there has been an issue and it wasn’t spoken about.
“No. I told you it’s not you. I just don’t want to be in a relationship. I have other things to focus on.” His blindfold masked any emotion that could be behind his eyes. It wasn’t often he wore it around you. So this felt like a punishment.
Taking in a breath you asked the hard question. “Are you seeing someone else?”
His head snapped to you and he took a step towards you but stopped himself from advancing further. “What? No. Of course not. I still want to be friends with you. I want to help you when you need it and….. and if you want we can still be, ya know, intimate.”
You scoffed at him. “You want nothing to do with me but you still want to have sex with me.”
Satoru sighed. “I still want you around. I just don’t want a relationship.”
Your heart felt like it was snapping in two. “Go. Get out.”
Satoru held out a hand. “Look Y/N, I-“
“Just go Gojo.” A flash of hurt crossed his face at your refusal to even use his name. He merely nodded at you and left.
. . .
A few days had gone by. Gojo had not spoken to you. You considered blocking his contact but it hurt too much. Part of you wanted him to take it back. To say he didn’t mean it and to come back. However part of you felt better with him gone. True feelings of how lonely you actually felt around him had risen to the surface now that you weren’t blinded by your love for him.
You were making your way to a hiking trail nearby your house when your phone started to ring. Pulling it out of your pocket, Gojo’s face lit up the screen. It felt like your heart was breaking all over again.
You considered not answering it but as the last ring started you accepted the call.
“Hey! I just had to tell you this so I’m out with Yuji right. We were walking through the market and this curse comes out of nowhere. Sukuna and Yuji switch and apparently Sukuna knew the curse.” Gojo ranted on about whatever predicament he had been in. You were too stunned to say anything but oh, okay and force a laugh where it seemed appropriate. “So yeah I just thought it was so funny I had to call you to tell you.”
“Um yeah that is pretty funny.” Your mind spun. Did you imagine him breaking up with you?
“Anyway sorry to interrupt if you were busy. I just really wanted to tell you.” He sounded as if not a single aspect of this seemed wrong.
“I uh no. I wasn’t busy. I was just going to the trail by my apartment for a walk.” Through all his talking you had made it out of your apartment and almost to the trail.
“Oh really? I’m pretty close to there. I’ll come with you. I wouldn’t mind a walk. See you in a sec.” And with that he hung up.
You gaped at your phone. You almost wanted to call him back just to scream at him. You shook your head and kept walking, maybe he wouldn't be able to find you.
Just as you entered the trail, Gojo came up behind you. He smiled and waved, his dark sunglasses on. "Hey! It's nice out today huh?" You swallowed harshly and forced a smile at him. You walked in silence for a little while, Gojo's phone ringing broke the silence. "Oh sorry let me answer this." He walked away answering his phone, you stood there still in shock of how to even react to this entire situation. He was your ex-boyfriend now. So why was he acting like nothing ever happened?
He hung up and walked back towards you. "I have to go sorry but I'll catch up with you later?" He waved to you and made his way back in the direction you had both come from. You raised your hand weakly to wave to him.
. . .
A few weeks had gone by. Gojo hadn't spoken to you much. A few 'hey' and 'how are you' texts but they never went past a couple messages. Ironically it was him that was leaving you on read even though it was him who was texting you first. You hadn't physically seen him since that day in the woods.
It was late in the evening. You weren't tired but you didn't feel like doing anything in particular. In cases like this you resorted to weird hobbies at unconventional times, like baking at 11:00 pm. You had made a few batches of double chocolate chips cookies. One that had been your favourite and Gojo's. The man had a ridiculous sweet tooth and had always begged you to make them. You rarely had time to bake. It was one of those things you took for granted and regretted. If you had more time would he have stayed? Is that one of the reasons why he left?
Unsure what possessed you in the moment but you went for your phone and snapped a picture. Then sent it to him.
You: (Pic) i finally had time to make some more Gojo: ....are those the double chocolate chip ones that always stay super soft???!!! You: maybe Gojo: this physically pains me
You smiled at his silliness. You wanted to punch yourself for what you were about to do.
You: you could come by and have some i can even put some in a container for you to take home
He read the message and a few minutes had gone by. You cursed yourself. Gojo was your ex. Gojo broke up with you and here you were inviting him over cookies late at night. Smart. Real smart. You sighed ready to bask in your melancholy as your phone rang. Gojo was calling. You shouldn't answer right away right? Don't want to seem desperate... right?
"I'm outside, buzz me in?"
You gaped for a moment before coming back to reality. "Oh right." You hung up and walked towards the pad by your front door, pressing the button, allowing him to enter the building. After a few minutes a knock sounded at the front door and of course you opened it to reveal Gojo. He had his black circle sunglasses on.
"Oh uh come in." Stepping out of the way to let him enter. Gojo slipped off his shoes and made his was to the kitchen. You shut the door quickly and followed him. He was practically drooling over the cookies. "Did you want a glass of milk or something?"
He turned to you. "Yeah but don't worry I'll get it. You sit."
You nodded as you leaned against the counter while he munched down the cookies in front of you. "These are so good. You always make the best treats." He leaned against the opposite counter across from you.
You two were really only an arms length apart from each other. You could reach over and pull off his glasses without even moving too much. "I'm glad you like them."
Gojo picked up another one. "You want one?"
"Sure" You shrugged and moved to reach for it but he moved faster and held it to you lips. You took a soft and tentative bite out of it. His sunglasses covered anything his eyes would reveal. He moved it away for a moment before feeding you the rest of it, then leaning back and simply watching you.
He took a shuddering breath before standing straight. "Did you see that movie sequel that came out? We used to watch the first one all the time." He moved over to your living room and plopped himself on the couch. You followed behind him, sitting on the farthest side from him. "Yeah... I haven't had any way to watch it though."
He smiled boyishly. "I downloaded it." He took a few minutes plugging something into the tv, where he pulled it out of you were not sure.
You sat separately as the movie started. Gojo paused it and looked to you. "Do you want popcorn?"
"Uh, yeah sure" You got up to move, but he ushered you to stay put.
"No, no I got it. Don't worry." He sauntered off to the kitchen. I guess on the plus side he knew where everything was. After a few minutes he came back, a large bowl of popcorn in hand. He sat more in the middle of the couch now. The bowl taking up the only space remaining between. Gojo slipped off his glasses placing them on his head.
The movie resumed. Both of you slowly ate at the popcorn while watching. Your hands brushed periodically and it made your skin heat. Occasionally you snuck glances at him. His soft frosty locks, his white eyelashes fluttering as he blinked. You could just barely see the crystal blue of his eyes.
You looked away quickly before he could notice but at some points you could just barely see him turning to you in your peripheral and not turning back right away. Sure, he could be looking past you but you doubted it.
The popcorn had been devoured. It was one of your favourite snacks and you knew he knew that. He placed the empty bowl on the table and subtly moved closer to you. You pulled your legs up in front of you, your feet facing him.
Your toes brushed the side of his legs. Even that little bit of contact almost had you begging for him. Mentally you scolded yourself. Swiftly, he scooped his arm under your legs and stretched them across his lap. "You can stretch out, it's a long movie." Gojo looked to you, a soft smile playing on his lips. His blue eyes dipped to your lips, your neck before snapping back up and then returning to the movie.
You swallowed sharply before looking back to the tv. Was it hot in here? You felt hot.
Gojo settled his hands atop your legs and leaned more into the couch. His fingers playing with the fabric of your pants absentmindedly as he watched on. You shivered slightly at the touch. "You cold?"
Coughing to cover your stutter, "Oh uh yeah a little." Actually your body was on fire and your heart was racing but you didn't stop him from reaching over and grabbing the throw blanket that rested on the side of the couch. Gojo strategically threw it over you both. You thought this would give you more of a barrier between you to stop his incessant touching that you were not going to out right say no to.
However to your horror or your relief his hands stayed under the blanket and continued his movements. You could feel him testing how far you would let him go. His hand rubbed up and down your shins, massaging softly. Could he hear the pounding in your chest?
Slowly the area he occupied increased, his hand running up your thigh, squeezing after a random amount of strokes. Could he feel you squeeze your thighs together every time he did? You were fidgeting. Flexing and wriggling your feet. Your hands busily picked at your shirt under the blanket.
Gojo's hand slowed and stopped. You took in a deep breath. Maybe his torment had stopped but you hated that it did. He readjusted your legs to move from sitting by his knees, to right in his lap. One hand moved to rest just above your hip and the other stayed, making taunting circles on your thigh. You forgot you were staring when he turned and looked at you. "You okay?"
"Uhuh." Swallowing you turned back to the movie. A few minutes passed. His hand on the thigh kept making taunting delicious circles while the other slowly started to move back and fourth.
You hated this, how he broke your heart, acted like nothing happened and then came over here like he still had some sort of say over your body. What you hated more was that your body didn't hate it, that you couldn't stop him. You could feel the slickness collecting between your legs. The way your body begged for his touch.
The circles above your hip had started out on top of your shirt. At some point that you hadn't noticed his thumb had slipped underneath and was toying with the skin right above your waistband. You adjusted your legs, he halted for a moment letting you move. You brushed the need that had developed in his pants. His face pinched at the contact, his chest rising and falling heavily.
As you settled, Gojo returned to his current occupation. The movie still played, you didn't even know what was happening. You pulled your legs away and stood up. The blanket falling, your eyes catching his hardness but you quickly looked away. "I um just need some water. Would you like anything?"
He spread his arms along the back of the couch, not even remotely embarrassed of his length pushing through his pants. "No, I'm okay. Thank you." You nodded quickly and moved to the kitchen. He continued watching the movie.
Grabbing a glass and a straw, some ice and some cold water you sat back onto the couch. What had possessed you to sit right next to him, under his arm? He threw the blanket back over you, draping your legs over his, while the arm behind the couch wrapped around you and he slipped his hand into your waistband.
You could feel his fingers running up and down the skin of your hip, if he moved anymore to the side he would have a handful of your ass.
Shakily, you sipped on your water, the ice clinking grabbed his attention. Gojo's crystal blue eyes looked down on you and you hated the way it made your core tighten.
"Thirsty?" You held the straw towards him in offering. Watching as his mouth found the straw, sucking softly, his throat bobbing as he swallowed. God, you have never wanted to be a straw so bad. What was wrong with you? He let it go, water droplets on his lips. "Thank you."
A shaky hand reached up and wiped the water from hip lip with your thumb. You hesitated right over his mouth. His lips parting, his warmth breath caressing your skin. Without hesitation he kissed the tip of your thumb, taking back the water droplets, the moisture wetting his already soft pink lips.
You let out a shuttering breath, his hands gripped you. One free hand grabbed your glass and set it on the table. You couldn't stop yourself from staring at his lips, against your better judgement your hands snakes around his neck, tangling your fingers into his white locks.
Gojo licked his lips, eyeing yours. "Can I kiss you princess?" Words failed you, so you settled for nodding your head. You wanted him bad. It was wrong but it didn't matter.
He hesitated at first then in record speed gripped the back of your head and pulled you into him. You couldn't even stay you didn't also pull him towards you. You clashed in a frenzy of lips, teeth and tongue.
Tugging at his hair caused delicious moans to leave his mouth and you swallowed them greedily. You nipped at his lip and he opened easily allowing you to slip your tongue past his lips. He pulled away for a breath. Both you of gasping, chests rising and falling rapidly. The way you had looked, eyes blown, hair a mess, lips puffy, must have triggered something primal in him. He latched onto your neck biting, nipping and sucking down to your collar bones and across. You knew he was leaving red angry marks but you had no intention of stopping him.
He couldn’t take it much longer. His hard throbbing length ground into you and it only made your core flare with need. Almost as if sensing it, Gojo picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist and walking you to the bedroom. In that time it became a personal mission to leave just as many red marks on him as you were sure he left on you.
He deposited you on the bed, his glasses thrown to the side and his shirt discarded on the floor. Gojo grabbed you by the thighs and pulled you to the edge of the bed, slipping off your shorts and underwear in record timing.
"Wait, Toru I-" He stopped and looked up as you sat up and moved away a bit. A wave of disappointment crossed his face. "Do you not want to?"
"No, I do I just.." He grabbed you again, pulling you back down. "Then lay down baby and let me taste you yeah?"
His kissed up the inside of your thighs, nipping and sucking as he went. Small gasps left you lips and you looked down to see him already watching you. As he approached your center, you both stared at each other. His tongue licked a slow strip. "Mmmm... I missed the way you tasted. So sweet." You could not control the soft moans that left you lips as he slowed licked and sucked your clit. You writhed under him, to stop you from moving away he wrapped an arm around your waist, gripping your thighs.
With his other hand, he teased a finger along your opening. "You're so wet for me baby, fuck." Whining you gripped his locks, pulling his face back towards you. Gojo chuckled at your neediness. His long index finger slowly pushed into you as he sucked harshly on your clit.
"Toru, i- fuck" Your breaths were heavy as your chest heaved. His movements continued, his pace increased as he brought you closer and closer to the edge. "Toru, I'm so close, I- I can't-"
"Come for me princess, I wanna taste you, it's okay baby" Gojo continued his assault as he pulled you over the edge and let you ride his face as you rode out your high. Your body relaxed, eyes closed as his touch disappeared. You were too strung out to even really think.
He moved around the room but you didn't pay attention to him. You were so relaxed now you could have slept. Probably better than you had since he had left.
Satoru grabbed the back of your head and pulled you up to your knees on the edge of the bed. His cock on your lips, pre cum dripping out as you took him in. "Ugh fuck baby" His hand on the back of your head encouraged your movements as his length hit the back of your throat.
He did not give you time in between thrusts, relentlessly fucking your face until you were a drooling mess upon him.
Gojo pulled out with a pop and leaned down to bring his face to your level. "You look so good with my cock in your mouth princess. Did you miss my cock?" You couldn't say much, your brain clearly was not working so you nodded at him. His blue eyes were wide with desire as he smashed his lips against yours and pulled away abruptly.
"Turn around. I want to fuck you from behind. I love the way you look when I'm deep inside you from this angle." With slow movements you turned around, he grabbed your thighs to pull your knees right to the edge. Your reflection in the mirror on the other side of the room stared back at you.
His cock caressed your folds as he pressed down on your back making you arch into position. "Look at me." Your eyes snapped to his in the mirror. Slowly he pushed into you. Groaning as he did. Holding still once he was fully seated.
"Fuck~ you're so wet, your pussy is gripping my dick so hard it almost hurts. I can tell you missed me inside you." Both of you shuddered as he slowly pulled out to the tip and slammed back in.
Your nails dug into the blanket, soft moans leaving you both as his paced increased. One hand gripping your hip and the other pushing you down, keeping you in position as he slammed into you relentlessly. "I'm going to come baby, you feel too good I can't stop..."
His thrusts became stuttered as he pushed into you with one last thrust. Bending over you as you both panted heavily. Gojo kissed along your shoulder, across your back and down your other shoulder while still being seated inside of you. After a few moments he reached for the towel and set it underneath you, wincing as he pulled out and left you in a pool of your own mess while he cleaned himself off.
Your brain was still jumbled as your sat on the towel, before you even could come to your senses he was already dressed. His white locks a sweaty mess upon his head, his black sunglasses covering his eyes.
"Oh, you're leaving?" You couldn't stop the disappointment from entangling with your voice.
"Uh... yeah. I can't stay so." Gojo kissed the top of your head and went for the bedroom door. "I'm free later in the week. We can hang out again if you like. I'll text you." Before you could usher a response he left, closing the door behind him.
Tears welled and fell and quiet whimpers turned into full sobs as you sat in the mess of the both of you. You hated yourself for giving into him, for letting him touch you and be inside you again but what you hated more was that you knew he would be over again and you knew you couldn't bring yourself to say no.
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lozchi · 1 year
Taehoon Seong proposing to you(-ish) Headcanons~
A/N: I love him so much I have a whole Pinterest board of him and an album on my phone and he's set as my wallpaper and AND ANDDD DMSBFIANNDANDJ. Pairing: Taehoon Seong x GN!reader Themes: Fluff, fluff, I love fluff. Marriage, proposal, fluffffff Grgrgrghhh
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-I have a feeling if he were to ever propose to you, instead of "Will you marry me?" He'll say "You will marry me."
-Like, bro already knows your answer anyway and wouldn't ask if he didn't think you'd agree.
-Pop the "question"? It's a demand.
-He'll be anything but romantic, but he means well. Do you really expect this nutjob to say a cheesy and heartfelt speech while clinging onto your hand while he kneels on the ground?
-If he did indeed pop the question, he'll still spare the sentiments or be completely awkward that he didn't say anything else afterwards.
-Then starts contemplating whether he should add more because you deserve better.
-But doesn't afterwards when he sees you're satisfied.
-Damn that look on your face tells him he's made the right decision.
-He'll just kiss you and do those touchy shit because physical touch is his love language anyway.
-He'll most definitely do it at the most unexpected times just to catch you off guard.
-Instead of going to romantic places or doing it on your anniversary, he'll do it when you're just chillin' or something.
-Either you just cuddling with him as he plays with your hair.
-Or playing Tekken, duh.
-Imagine him just opening the box and putting it near your face after you got mercilessly beaten up a round ago.
-If he wants to make it extra special, he'll probably propose in the dojo. XD
-Makes sure that Hansu isn't around though, otherwise it adds awkwardness.
-He will not propose when he thinks you don't want to.
-Discussed the idea of marriage at one point in your lives just so both of you would be comfortable.
-Married or not, he'll be fine with either.
-As long as you're with him in the end, that's all that matters.
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dropthedemiurge · 8 months
Love for Love's Sake | Messages you didn't notice #4-5
Compiling whole posts about each episode takes more time but since we're getting finale tomorrow(?) and I didn't notice any other details that weren't explained in Ep 5, I decided to just quickly translate messages that Myungha shows on his phone up until Episode 5 (from Unknown number and also chatting with Yeowoon) ^^
// Previous messages translation + other language moments here //
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(Yeowoon in his tsundere era) [YW: Don't come to see me (at race)] [MH: Oh? Then I can come to see you at your practice?] [Let me know what time is your competition~] [Yeowoon-ah, u busy?] [Have you eaten?] [File sent: Image (1)] [File sent: Image (2)] (what did he sent?! we never knew!) (Yeowoon keeps not responding) [Yewoon-ah, listen...] [I have an urgent situation!!!!] (MH rewrote it and sent without !!!) [Yewoon-ah why are you not answering me] [Yewoon-ah it's an emergency] [it's a crisis;;;] [it's a national crisis!!!]
Myungha used like 4 different words for 'emergency', boy was so desperate to keep in touch with his bias xD (These are messages from ep 3-4)
Then there was a "see you later, it takes 1 hour to get to the island" and "i went to the orientation with coach, see you tomorrow", to which Myungha responded with "ah, okay, got it, be safe and see you tomorrow" =)
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The messages from an unknown number (see previous posts, link above, for the first message)
[Are you getting along with your friends? If you fight, Santa won't bring you any gifts] [I broke a vase that was a gift from you. Can it be repaired?] [In May, there is Children's Day, Parents' Day, there is even Teacher's Day but there is no Day when I can meet you] [I was passing by and saw a bracelet that you used to wear long time ago. It reminded me of you. I wonder if you still wear that bracelet.] [I broke a vase that was a gift from you. Can it be repaired?] (second time)
And here I revoke my theory that these are messages from the Author sunbae, the first texts felt like comments but then they feel more like someone's longing thoughts. Hmmm! What are they? Anyone?
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But also the translation in the episode confuses me because the 'why do you dress like that?' is shown when there is a 'bracelet' message, but I can't understand how it can be translated this differently.
Myungha keeps thinking these are messages that are sent by mistake, and I can definitely understand why. I'm dying to know the meaning (but I loved the Santa message lol)
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yuna542 · 1 year
Connected (OT8 x reader)
Part 7<-
Part 8
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Pairing: Chan x reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst
Warnings: 18+, Smut, under 18 DNI!, Suggestive Themes, Swearing, unprotected sex (just don‘t), daddy kink, praising, pet names
Word Count: 3.8k
(Had to reupload this part, cause Tumblr wouldn’t let me edit it)
Note: Here you go, you thirsty little creatures! God I love my readers xD hope you like my twisted little fantasies. I love reading all your comments and requests. Also suddenly I‘m married to several people because of this story. So thank you… I guess ~much love!
On your first day of your new job as the personal manager of Stray Kids, you didn't expect to be standing in front of the man you made out with last night in a club. But it soon becomes clear that the Stray Kids don't just want you as their manager.
Will this passionate arrangement end your career?
"Did you see that, hyung? That asshole just wanted to get into her pants!", Seungmin snapped as Mr. Jang left the room.
You were still packing up your things and waiting for someone to pick you up to be taken outside. As soon as you had been alone, Seungmin had jumped up and his suppressed anger had just poured out of his eyes.
"It's okay, guys. He will fund your project and that's the most important thing", you dismissed it and shoved your Ipad into your bag. You were just tired and disgusted. But you had reached your goal and that's what you were here for.
Briefly, you looked at the card in your hand, which had the rich man's number on it. But before you could put it into your bag, Chan snatched it out of your hand.
"No way! We'll get the money anyway. You won't sell yourself for it!", he said, and now the friendly mask fell. You only now noticed how angry he really was.
His hand was clenched into a fist and his jawline twitched tensely as he had to restrain himself from smashing any of the ugly decorations in the room into a thousand pieces. Chan was incredibly intimidating when he was angry, you just realised.
"Maybe he really just wants to drink coffee and talk about business", you tried to calm him down, but Chan shook his head and his eyes shot lightning bolts. That protective side to them both made your heart flutter.
"Didn't you see him staring at your tits the whole time? He wants you naked in his bed, nothing else", Chan spat out and you couldn't help but stare at him. His muscles tensed dangerously under his shirt as he tore up the card and threw it emphatically into the trash can right next to the desk. He was incredibly sexy when he was angry, and that realisation was a bit strange.
Seungmin also ran a tense hand through his hair and growled: "That fucker... I would have loved to punch that asshole in the face when he stared at you so greedily."
"Let's just get out of here", you said, now that you were getting heated by their protective presence. The way the guys cared about you was way too attractive and you automatically imagined Seungmin choking your neck with his bare hands instead of the back of the chair and immediately your knees went weak.
On the way back, Seungmin's hand was on your thigh again, only this time not gently and lovingly. His grip was harsh and he grabbed your inner thigh so tightly throughout the ride that it made you dizzy.
Only when you got out of the Uber you could breathe a sigh of relief. His fingers had left red marks on your leg. as well as a burning sensation in your lower abdomen.
Just as you walked through the entrance of the JYP building, you got a call from one of the company's executives.
Nervously, you answered the phone and indicated to the guys with a wave to go ahead without you.
"Good afternoon, Ms. Y/L/N. We already heard that the conversation with Mr. Jang went very well."
The older woman's voice was unfamiliar to you, but you knew exactly who she was. Mrs. Chung was a very big deal at JYP and mainly handled the hiring and matters of the staff, as well as all social media matters.
„Yes. He even plans to fund more projects as well", you said, stopping in front of the elevator so you could speak in peace.
"That sounds like a big success. Very good! But I'm actually calling about something else. Could you come to my office on floor three?"
Your heart slipped into your pants and you nodded until you remembered that she couldn't see you.
„I'm already in the building. I'm on my way", you said and by then she had hung up.
You went up to the third floor, your heart pounding, unable to imagine what she wanted to discuss with you.
In front of the office you took a deep breath and knocked. Immediately you were called in and the woman, who reminded you strongly of a librarian with her kind eyes and pinned up hair, smiled delightedly.
So it couldn't be anything too bad, could it?
After a brief greeting, she offered you to sit down. She closed the laptop that was in front of her and folded her arms on the table. Then she pushed her black glasses on her head and said:
"Have you settled in well with us yet?"
"Yes. I really like it a lot."
"That's nice. I hear you're a great asset to Stray Kids. There haven't been any problems since you've been here."
„I try my best!", you assured her, almost bursting with curiosity by now.
"Were there many problems before?", you asked curiously and she chuckled slightly.
You know the boys by now. So far no one has been able to tame them...“
She sighed like an overworked mother and shook her head.
"I saw that you're a talented dancer and have done a stream about that with Hyunjin“, she began then and you restlessly kneaded your hands in your lap.
"I'm very sorry if I wasn't allowed to do that... We thought the fans would like it."
Quickly, Mrs. Chung waved a hand in the air as if to scare away the misunderstanding like an insect.
"Oh it did! We had four times the number of viewers and got many new followers in addition just because of the stream. Also the little private moments in the videos and vlogs that go viral between you and the guys inspires speculation. That polarizes and brings attention. It's beneficial for JYP and Stray Kids as long as it doesn't get too much."
The last sentence was accompanied by a warning look and you pressed your lips together.
Of course, they were going to use the attention you brought them. Obviously, it was your luck that the fans reacted so positively to you and shipped you with the guys rather than hating you.
"But that's not the point at all. Bang Chan approached us with a request and we decided to give you a platform."
Completely irritated, you clawed at the tabletop.
"You are allowed to upload streams or dance covers as part of JYP and Stray Kids, if you want to. It's really important to us to promote talent."
She pulled out a sheet of paper and placed it in front of you with a pen. It had your name written on it, and it was actually an employment contract. You could hardly believe your luck. This had always been your dream.
What had Chan done now? How did he know that you always wanted to share your talent with the world? This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
"If you sign the contract, we'll cover all the costs for future projects."
You were starting to feel stupid for all the questions, but it was too surreal to believe.
"The fans want to see more of you. So we're giving it to them. JYP gets 30 percent of the revenue, and in exchange you get to publish through the official channel, as well as your own JYP Instagram account that we give you. What you do with that is up to you. However, it must not affect your work as the manager of Stray Kids.“
Now you were speechless.
"Are we agreed?", she asked with an amused smile.
"Yes, thank you very much. I don't even know what to say", you said, unable to suppress the wide smile.
"Don't thank us. Bang Chan brought it up to us and pointed out what an advantage you would be to JYP entertainment if you were allowed to show your face. And of course your skills."
This man always managed to surprise you. Without further ado, you signed the contract and clarified a few more questions. You would receive access to your account in the next few days and if you wanted to release a dance cover, you simply had to send the video to Mrs. Chung and she would publish it on the official JYP Entertainment YouTube channel.
Completely flabbergasted, you walked out of the room and without another thought, your legs carried you to Chans studio. Your heart almost burst with joy and you pushed the door open without knocking.
You couldn't wait, you had to see him and thank him. Actually, you had no idea what you were about to do. Your mind went blank and you just wanted to see his face.
Alarmed, he jumped up from his chair. He was working on a beat again and looked at you in amazement when you just came rushing into the room.
"Y/N? Are you all right?", he asked, unable to get another word out as you had already thrown yourself at him. He stumbled back a few steps as he caught you, but then held you tightly as you pressed your lips wildly to his.
The kiss was messy and you pulled his body closer to yours. Immediately his hands were on your hips and even though you completely surprised him, he kissed you back with the same intensity.
Your hands wandered into his hair, running through his curls and tugging lightly on them. His cinnamon-y smell mixed with his spicy cologne completely filled your perception and you immediately wanted more.
When you broke away from him, he looked at you like a deer in headlights.
"What was that for?", he asked with a puzzled look on his face, not letting go of you.
You clasped your hands in his neck and he warmed as you looked at him through your thick lashes with those sparkling eyes.
"I just went to Mrs Chung.... Why are you always so damn nice to me?", you asked desperately, pressing your body against his.
You could feel his strong torso against your chest and wanted to explore each of his muscles with your fingers.
He enjoyed your body heat and casually let his fingers brush over the thin fabric of your dress.
"Because you deserve it."
"Channie this has always been my dream. To dance and show it to the world.... How did you know?"
An embarrassed laugh escaped him, and his dimples charmed you all over again.
"Hyunjin told me how good you are at dancing, Felix and Jeongin came up with the idea. I just made it happen."
You realized once again how lucky you were to have gotten this job. To meet the boys who made your life so much better.
He dreamily examined your body and enjoyed how you trembled under his touch.
All day long he had wanted to tear your dress off and when the rich asshole had stared at you so lustfully, he would have loved to fuck you on his desk in front of his eyes so that the guy would understand who owned you and what he would never get.
These extreme thoughts had surprised him himself, but when you were around, he just couldn't help himself.
"I want to show you how grateful I am", you suddenly said then, pulling him closer by his belt.
Chan watched your expression as you seductively bit your lower lip and undid his belt buckle. It was too much for him.
Your dress hugged your breasts perfectly and your pretty face, with intense eyes gave him the rest. Before he could stop you, you pressed your lips on his again, sliding your tongue into his mouth and he jumped at it like a needy puppy.
Your fingers undid the buttons of his shirt so quickly that he exhaled loudly as your cool fingers suddenly stroked his bare abs.
He hadn't expected you to be so boisterous and dominant, and it only fueled his lust for you even more.
While you slowly slide to your knees, you spread kisses all over his firm abs and his skin tasted addicting. It tasted deliciously sweet and savory at the same time.
Immediately he threw his head back and enjoyed every touch of your full lips on his skin. When he managed to look at you again, something exploded in his head.
You on your knees, in that tight dress, looking at him through your thick lashes with that greedy look on your pretty face, made his length in his pants become painfully hard and by now he couldn't stand the friction against the fabric of his pants.
"Really? Here? With me?", escaped him and you smiled such a beautiful smile that he had to control himself not to bend you over his table immediately.
"As the leader, you have the right to claim me first."
'I'm the first of us?", he asked with a calm rasp, in his voice. You nodded and stuck your fingers in his waistband.
"The first to fuck me. I want you to be."
That sentence with your soft voice was enough to make his impatience win.
"Shit, babe I can't wait", he hissed as you pulled down his pants.
He grabbed you by the sides to drag you back up to him. Even though he would have loved to feel your lips around his hard cock, by now he was sure he wouldn't last that long.
He lifted you onto the edge of the table with ease. He pushed your legs apart and pulled you closer again by your face before kissing you.
The kiss was more sensual and deeper than anything you had experienced before and you melted in his firm grip.
He slid your dress over your hips and then took it off completely. Briefly, he took a few seconds to just look at you.
"Fuck... You're so fucking beautiful."
His voice deepened with each word and the excitement in his eyes gave you goosebumps.
Immediately he kissed your neck, sucked on it and cupped your breasts with his big hands until you whimpered with desire.
He looked up at you and put a hand on the clasp of your bra.
"May I?"
You nodded, your head already spinning and he was still the respectful gentleman. With a tight smile from him, your bra landed somewhere in the room and he took one of your nipples into his mouth.
He kneaded your other breast until you couldn't take it anymore and rubbed your soaked core against the bulge in his boxers.
He let his fingers brush over the wet spot in your panties and expelled his hot breath against your skin.
"You're going to keep that pretty mouth shut. Understood? Otherwise we will be caught."
He pulled back, looking at you nod furiously.
You were still at the company and if you would get caught, you would probably loose your job and Chan would be in big trouble.
Unfortunately that risk made it even more exiting.
He turned you around, pushed carelessly his holy laptop and the recording equipment away and bent you over his desk in one swift motion. Slowly he circled your clothed clit with his thumb, what made you whimper underneath him.
"Fuck you're so soaked...“
He grabbed the flesh of your asscheek with one hand and pushed his thumb even harder onto your clit.
Immediately you moaned and arched your back.
"What did I say?", he questioned, covering your mouth with one hand and bluntly pulled your panties to the side pumping his finger into you making you gasp against his hand. Electric shocks pierced your body with each reentry of his finger.
"Already this loud with just a finger? How am I going to fuck you?", he groaned into your ear.
His raspy voice sent chills down your spine, you've never seen this side of him before. So dark and dominant. It made you even more aroused.
"Channie, please...", you whimpered with your fingernails digging into his desk.
"Do you want me to fuck you, babygirl? Say it!"
His demanding tone made you squirm and you pushed your throbbing core at him.
"Yes, please. Fuck me, Channie!"
"Good girl", he smiled, as he ripped down your panties to the ground.
He lined himself up behind you to enter you. Teasingly he slid his tip along your folds and you rubbed yourself against him. With one hand he pushed you down to the table and the other hand grabbed your hips, as he moaned, pushing himself in:
"Fuck you're tight."
You gasped, as he stretched you out and clenched your teeth, as he didn't slow down while pushing his length into you.
Because at this point there is no doubt about it. Chan doesn't just have Big Dick Energy. Oh he is big.
So big that you almost fainted. And he knew exactly how you would feel it all.
After he managed to bury himself entirely into your pussy, he began to shove himself into you. After a few thrusts, that made you feel like he would rip you apart, the sensation was feeling more pleasure than pain, although he slid every time deeper inside you.
He soon speeded up his pace, hitting all your sweet spots making you pornographically moan.
The room was filled with the sounds of your whimpers, his growls, and the slapping of skin, as he pushed your hip with each thrust rougher against him and fucked you hard against his desk.
You could see your reflection in the dark screen of his computer and almost blushed because of the fucked out expression on your face.
He carried on fucking you senseless from behind and didn't stop a second. You moaned his name several times, which made him slam even harder into your wet core.
You whined, as your body began to tense around him.
"Are you going to cum?", he asked grabbing your arms and pushing them behind you to hold your wrists with just one hand fiercely pressed against your back.
"Not yet!", he ordered, as he managed to fuck even deeper inside you. Without your hands you were completely at his mercy and your eyes rolled to the back of your head, as you tried to stop yourself from coming.
"Channie, please... I can't... You're so big...“
Slowly tears were welling up in your eyes and oh he loved your desperate begging.
"Please. Daddy."
The words escaped you with a sob unaware and released by Chans dominant behaviour.
"Holy fuck...", he let out and you obviously found a secret trigger that made him go feral. Grabbing your hands tighter he slammed into you and pushed you up the table. He watched your boobs bounce with every move.
"You want to cum for daddy, babygirl?", he growled at you.
"Yes", you cried.
"Daddy, please! Let me come!"
Just as you thought, that was enough to push him over the edge.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum."
His thrusts became sloppier, dick twitching inside you.
"Come with me, baby!", he let out before he spilled himself inside you. And you did. Your orgasm washed over you like a tsunami and left you with trembling legs and faltering breath.
As you both came down from your high, he pulled himself out of you and turned you around, to lift you on the table again. He grabbed a tissue box and cleaned you and himself up.
"Are you okay?", he asked and the sweet and charming Chan was back. You had now idea what just happened.
Exhausted you could only nod and Chan smiled softly as he gave you a sweet kiss on the lips and gently wiped the tears from your cheeks with his thumb.
"Your fucked out face is so pretty", he teased and pulled you into his arms until he was sitting in his chair again, you on his lap, stroking your back affectionately.
You locked at him with a wondering smile.
"Never thought you would be so dirty... Daddy", you teased him.
"Hah", he chuckled and wrapped his big arms tighter around your body.
"Just a little."
Oh after what you just experienced, he wasn't just a little dirty. That boy had a kink that you wouldn't have expected. And of course he fucked you better than anyone before.
Later that day, after you've gotten dressed again and slipped into your office like nothing ever happened, Chan joined the others in the dance studio to practice the choreography.
He was the last one and started to sit down on the floor next to Lee Know to follow his example and stretch.
Jeongin and Hyunjin were already standing in front of the mirror going through the first steps, while Han, Seungmin and Changbin sat on the couch, talking quietly and waiting until they could finally start.
Felix came over to Chan and offered to help him and so they stretched together, Felix pushing Chan's legs apart with his.
"Why are you so late? We wanted to start an hour ago", Hyunjin asked and Chan tried to avoid eye contact and focus on the pain in his legs so as not to give himself away immediately.
The conversation between Han and Seungmin fell silent and Chan only said:
"I had something else to do.“
Then Han and Changbin suddenly giggled and poked each other as if they were sharing a naughty secret.
"Oh you definitely had something to do!", said Han with a grin. The others all looked at him now.
"It definitely sounded from outside the door like that too!", added Changbin and both giggled again.
That's when Chan slowly realized it. He remembered the message from Han on his phone, where he had written to him that he would not come to the studio beforehand.
The message came while he was busy fucking you from behind, so he didn't think much of it.
As Chan still stared in confusion, Changbin began to moan in a high-pitched voice:
"Daddy, please! Oh, fuck me daddy!"
Han immediately joined in by slapping his hand on his thigh to imitate the sound and also repeating the naughty words Chan had heard from you only minutes before.
"Chan fucked Y/N in the studio?", shouted Hyunjin and by now Han and Changbin were holding their stomachs laughing as Chan buried his face in his hands and shook his head.
The others also smirked and couldn't help but tease their leader as well.
As Han slowly regained his breath, he explained:
„We went to pick up Chan, and just as we were standing right outside the door, that's when we heard how hard he was really working.“
The sarcasm was unmistakable and Felix now had to hold a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing out loud.
Even Jeongin couldn't help but annoy Chan:
„The walls are probably not as soundproof as we thought.“
"I didn't know you were into that kind of stuff, Hyung", Seungmin chuckled and Lee Know joined in with an evil grin:
"Or should we call you daddy now too? Would you like that, hyung?"
By now his face was burning and he just wanted to run away.
"Can we just start practicing? Please?", Chan asked sheepishly, and they did.
However, not without teasing him about it all evening.
->Part 9
© Yuna542 — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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@poisonivy21 @elizalabs3 @chartrucewhore @smutlemononeshot @hgema @bookwyrm28 @gemini-demon @jeongchaos @jihanlovic @comingupwithacoolnameishard @marked-unknown @yuhjoeyuh @bakedlilgoonie @itstorimf @toomuchtellyneck @ana-stasssiaaa @galaxypox @n034sy @amara-mars @purple-belle @amararosesblog @tori719 @rindomo @freakinthesheets-excelexcel @niaalove @crazyllamasurfer @luunaruwu @jenseok17 @mariegalea @kimseungminsprincess @julciaqwerty @officialshania @whore4stucky9104 @foxinnie8 @i-dont-know-me-either @sirenthalia @uno7 @jeonnginns @mixling-blog @httpsmultifandom @hyunlixwife @eastleighsblog @tzalethhwang @queenofdragons12 @fixation-dump @midsoulz @emmxxsworld @scarletrosesposts @sugahannie @jinniespuppy
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hashiruchan · 2 months
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Walter walks sleepily to Integra's room and wakes her up to hand her the heavy phone that didn't stop ringing (The same Walter who was in pajamas in my previous drawing xD) she reluctantly answers the phone
Integra: …Alucard, is it 4 am what do you want? Alucard: oh yes, I was having one of my enthusiastic night walks when suddenly…
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nothing-tolose · 5 months
All Because I Liked A Girl.
Part 2.
Warning: death threats, panic attack (?), lmk if i missed anything!
A/N: still kinda short anyway but yeah here it is. english isn't my first language so pls pls i hope u guys can understand t____t love u guys sm xoxo
Part 1.
🇵🇸 Daily click.
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You keep your phone on screen after you saw those comments on school's blog. You couldn't tell what's happening right now, too many comments made you so hard to search the problem. You bring that thing to everywhere; kitchen, living room, porch, or even to the bathroom.
It's been two hours since you woke up and you haven't showered yet. You were too focused on your school's blog. You sit on your dining chair with a cup of water in front of you, fingers still scrolling and searching.
'Why there's so much bad comments towards me? Why do people keep mentioning Ellie and Anne in between my name?'
You keep asking the same question in your head. You have no idea. Because, oh really, what the fuck is happening right now? You didn't even do anything wrong before!
And you stopped scrolling when you saw Anne's post.
11 hours ago
oh.. i think.. people should be know about a girl who just stole someone's girlfriend, yeah? been hiding this for months but i guess today is the right time to tell you all. aaanddd this isn't about a gossip at all since it was happened to me:)
i would never understand why did she still can smile so brightly after she stole my gf, oops, i mean.. my ex. sorry my bad ;(
there's no girls supporting girls when the one have NO SHAME 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
anyway, have a good night everyone! <3
You froze. You figured out that her post was the problem of all those bad comments, and that post finally answered your curiosity.
Who doesn't know about Anne, though? Everyone knew her as an 'IT GIRL' or something like that on your school. She was dated with Ellie back then and broke up 5 months ago. Everyone always praising her like she's the perfect one, no one could replace her. Good grades, good looking, good personality. Oh, she got them all.
You were confused. It was 5 months ago, you started talking with Ellie 3 months ago, and started dating with her a month after that. There's a little big gap between their relationship with yours, right? Why did she bring up about that and saying that you stole Ellie?
Did she really talking about you? Or you were just overanalyzing? Absolutely not. She haven't been in relationship after her break up with Ellie. If the post wasn't about you and Ellie, then who?
People in her comments section were shading you and even mentioning YOUR NAME.
I THINK I KNOW WHO ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT :0 her name starts with * right?
@annel1se-torres replied
@brachhiosoreuzz girl i know you're smart but shh 🤫
i fucking agree w you anne, no girls supporting girls when the one have NOOO SHAAAMEEE FOR STEALING SOMEONE'S GIRLFRIEND!
lmfao, she's ugly tho why did ellie accept her to be her girlfriend? ugh she's not worthy to be compared with you, girl
ugly bitch always steal everything
she should be dead fr i don't care what anyone says
@dont-lookat-m33 replied
@plhrmc hey delete that, you're going too far
are you sure that she stole ellie from you? i mean, they started dating like around three months after your break up. think again, anne. im on your side if they were dating a week after the break up. she's already getting a death threat because of your post. not everything should be about you though.
@77-s18 replied
@dont-lookat-m33 guys it's her!!! use your real account you loser XD
You shouldn't have seen those comments, you should've just see the post. Those comments were worst than the first you saw before. The way Anne replied their comments, and didn't even care about the others. What's her actual problem with you? You both were never interacting before. All you know is Anne's post was absolutely a lie because you didn't even care abour her or thinking about her when you talking to Ellie for the first time until you dating with her.
It was your first time getting really really bad comments and death threats. You were definitely scared. Firstly they said they'll spit on you on Monday morning if you show up, and now they wishing you dead.
You can't stop scrolling and reading the comments, it gets worse. God, they made you scared to death. Your body starts to shaking, your hands too. You hold your tears.
Your phone buzzed when you were about to see more comments on Anne's post. Lauren calls you again.
"Hey, I just found the–"
"Lau, I.." You couldn't talk, words suddenly disappeared. Lauren can hear your breath, and you were panting. "I saw those comments. They–"
Lauren went silent, she took a deep breath, "Would you close the blog right now? Please?" Now she sounds more softer than the last call you had with her.
You nod slightly.
You swear to God, you can't hold your tears anymore. You were too scared, scared of what will happen next. What if they really spit on you? What if they give you a disgusting stare on you? And what if—
Then you cried.
You hear Lauren's voice from the call, "I'll be there in five minutes. Just sit there where you are and don't go to somewhere else." And she hang up.
Of course you're not going to anywhere. Your feet were limp, you couldn't do anything except crying.
Your phone screen was on, you can see the notifications on the screen there.
messages request from ssalxxxx
god i really hope you the worst
she's dating with you because she just wanted to make anne jealous
poor girl
messages request from qwrtxxxx
ellie was never happy with you and anne is better than you, girlie
i'll be waiting for your funeral 💘
You shut your eyes, you don't want to see it. But hey, remember that curiosity killed the cat.
messages from els <33
babe are you okay??
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taglist: @backedbeansh
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popp1nstaxr · 1 year
Okay, okay, I was reading some stuff and I thought: "don't they realize that a female reader never gets her period?" and here it is, a txt type of boyfriend BUT he reacts to when you are in those days of course 🙏🏻🙏🏻
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Content: Well, obviously fem! reader, colic, maybe you mention blood xd and well, it's not really much jsjs
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# period !!
Choi Soobin:
Soobin aaaa Soob would definitely be a sweetheart 😭😭 I would always be with you and even if I don't fully understand how you feel, I would try, I would always be attentive to you and if you need something, he may even worry more if you have very strong cramps, enough to take you to the doctor and confirm if Is that really normal or not.
You were completely covered in the bed you shared with him, he had please asked for a day off because he really wanted to take care of you that day, he didn't understand it but he knew that sometimes it could hurt a lot thanks to what his older sister had told him ( Yes, Soob has an older sister and I definitely called her to ask what she could do to help you) "Do you need anything honey? Is it in a lot of pain? Are you okay? Is the bed comfortable?" you laughed softly and nodded "It's okay, Bin. I'm fine, stop worrying" Soobin sat next to you on the bed and hugged you "But-" you kissed his lips to reassure him "I'm fine, I won't die from it" you clarified and you chuckled when he made a sound of surprise and took out his cell phone, showing you something he had been looking for "I investigated, you've been here for three days now and Google says that if you lose more blood than normal it can give you anemia :(" I explain with concern, you laughed a little "Soob, I'm fine" you said again, even so, it wasn't enough to leave him alone.
Choi YeonJun:
YeonJun would be VERY attentive, to the point of harassing a bit, but it's okay because he only cares that you're okay at that moment, although of course, he wouldn't be as paranoid as Soobin, but he would surely call you all day to check that you're calm.
"How are you darling?" YeonJun asked on the other side of the line, you looked around you, seeing all the change clothes, the excess towels, the stuffed animals, the chocolates, fruits and more things that YeonJun had bought for you before leaving and laughed a little. "I'm fine, believe me, nothing's happening" you spoke and you heard him sigh in relief "I'm glad to hear that... oh, love, I'll be home soon, okay? I'll call you in a few more hours" and cut it off, you laughed a little, and you continued cooking in peace, when not even a minute passed and your phone rang again, your boyfriend YeonJun calling again, you laughed low and answered "are you sure you're okay? you don't want something? I can buy it, there's a store here" you laughed low and denied, again stating that nothing happens, really, it was already the eleventh time I called you that day.
Choi BeomGyu:
BeomGyu would say that he is a little, just a little calmer than the other two, he would be with you all day, following you and accompanying you everywhere you need, he would be more in charge of caressing you, pampering you, because he knows that somehow or other You are more sensitive than normal and would not like to see you cry over something he did accidentally, it would feel terrible.
You've been crying for hours, the end of that movie really hurt you more than expected, Beomgyu was just by your side, consoling you and pampering you "it's okay love, I know, it's quite sad, the puppy was very good and I didn't deserve that ending" he said softly as he caressed your back "I know, let's go buy some sweets, you talked about craving something like that, what do you say?" he spoke and left a tender kiss on your forehead, smiling lovingly at you "Y-yes, yes, okay" you murmured and sniffled, he smiled and kissed your kisses tenderly before wiping your tears with his fingers and taking your hand to They both leave the apartment.
Kang Taehyun:
Taehyun, Taehyun is Taehyun jsjs he would be the only one who would leave you alone, he knows it's something hormonal and natural to the body so he doesn't worry too much, yes, he would definitely buy you some to make you feel good, chocolates or see what don't lack wipes, sometimes I would call you, but I wouldn't be as harassing as YeonJun, definitely the calmest.
"How was today love?" you asked as soon as Taehyun arrived, he went straight to your side and hugged you from behind, kissing your neck gently "fine, how are you love?" He asked as he moved away from you, going towards the living room and taking you with him "fine" you answered, he nodded and handed you a bag "I brought you some things, you know, towels and stuff, sorry if there are a lot of them I didn't know which ones to buy and I I asked the manager, she recommended those... oh, there's also chocolate, just in case" he explained and smiled at you, you smiled in the same way "thank you love" he kissed your cheek, really, you adored your boyfriend.
Huening Kai:
Kai is very cute, he would surely lend you his stuffed animals so that you feel accompanied when he is not there 😭😭😭 Although, at first it would be a little difficult for him to know what's wrong with you, it's not that he's innocent, he just thinks that's "something for women" but if you need help with something he'll be very willing to help you <3
"I brought you this love" he spoke smiling as he handed you a small sweet, you smiled "thank you love" you spoke and a small grimace crossed your face at a stitch of your cramps, Kai immediately went over to hug you and pat your back " It's okay, love, do you want any pills? I think that alleviates the pain" I spoke smiling and you nodded, I kissed the crown of your head and I handed you a stuffed animal "so that it warms you while it hurts less, according to what I read" you smiled and you agreed, he immediately went in search of the pill that he thought he could use.
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thedragonqueen1998 · 5 months
Today at work i got insanly inspired to write and once i got off work, i immidiently went on my phone to type it out. XD I just finished a 3 hour long writing ses(had a 15 minute food break in the middle). ^^ Probably just gonna forever gonna be a wip thing, but it was fun and i'm kinda proud of it. Despite it being rough in some parts, mostly because i wanted to rush to the 2nd half and i didn't wanna get stuck, i'm happy to share it. ^^
It's a kinda long, so i'm gonna add a Read more line to not fill your dash with text. Also, first time trying formatting out! XD
So, originally this post was just gonna be a "i actually wrote something! Look!" thing, just showing of some work i did, but after writing the reason why i wrote a line a certain way, it went into something very sad and kinda dark, so if you don't wanna read about death, a light mention of suicidal thought and grief... just stop after What even is my life.
Idk why i wrote it, but it took alot of effort and it feels... important to me, i guess. Part of processing and such. So, yeah. Read at your discretion. Thank you for your time. 💜
Ezio had many regrets in his long life. Not being there when his father and brothers were arrested. Of not being there more for his sister and mother. Of not trying to be together with Cristina. Not being able to save her. Or being able to save Uncle Mario and Monteriggioni. But biggest of all, not having spent more time with his family before the execution.
He had love, but didn't cherish it. Didn't truly feel it and took it for granted. But unlike so many others, Ezio could take those regrets and change them. Thanks to Desmond.
When he walked into the Library, he thought he might get an answer or two in return for many more. He truly didn't expect that calling out Desmonds name while the Apple bathed the walls in gold would result in it being answered by the being himself.
The being looked like a man, clad in a white light, eminating from a strange device under his right arm. His face looked like an exact replica of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's face, though his build was closer to his. Broad shoulders hidden underneath a strange hooded white doublet and long legs wearing strange tight fitted pants made from a material he did not recognise. Even the scar was the same as his! Was Ezio made in the image of the one he was the Prophet for? Was Altaïr the herald? All questions Ezio wondered, but not knowing if Desmond was like Minerva or not, he dared not waste any questions if the beings patient was thin.
But first: "Are you Desmond?" He had to know, have it confirmed, even if the being appeared after the name was called.
"Ezio? Is this the Library? Am i seriously bleeding while dying!?" Desmond was looking around at the empty tomb, before his eyes returned upon Ezio.
"Yes, this is Altaïr's library. You are bleeding? I do not see any blood and you are dying!? Is there anything i can do to help you? Please, my lord. Tell me what i need to do to save you." Ezio was desperate to know his purpose and if all his life lead to this moment, where he could save Desmonds life, he would fulfill it.
"There's nothing you can do. I am dying semi willingly and even if this is some Animus infused death hallucination, it is nice having my last moments with you, even if your not really here. I am so sorry i couldn't answer any of your questions or try to save you from losing everything. You never deserved any of it. In the end it didn't really even matter. I am sorry you wasted your time chasing riddles and ghosts." He looked so grieve struck while saying it and the look Desmond had while gazing down onto Ezio could only be described as lovingly.
"What do you mean? Could you have saved my uncle!? My father and brothers!? Why didn't you if you do not think i deserved it! I have served the Brotherhood almost my entire life, sacrificed so much trying to find out what Minerva meant and now your telling me that it was all for nothing!? If you think i wasted my time then give it back!"
Desmonds eye's widen before softly smiling and saying: "Your right, you wasted your time and sacrificed too much for nothing. Let's change that."
Before Ezio knew it, the world went white and he knew nothing more.
When Ezio awoke, it was to a bed he hadn't seen in almost 40 years. His childhood bed and his room. He couldn't believe it. He was given a second chance. To live his life. To right wrongs. To save his family! To think going to the Library would result in this!
At the thought of the Library, Ezio suddenly remembered Sofia. To have forgotten her and even abandoned her without a second thought left Ezio feeling guilty. Would she wait outside the Library before realising he would never come back? Or because he is now in the past, a past where he intends to change the future, would she never meet him? Never exist? The thought of her hurt, but like so many others, Ezio knew that him being in her life would have risked hers. Even if she knew and accepted it, it is still better if she never got the chance to know him and inevitibly suffer because of it. Same with Cristina. Though he could now choose her, he knew that despite the many mistakes in his life, the Brotherhood was not one of them and his refusal to properly let her go killed her. Letting that life affect her once again was too cruel. It was for the better to just let her go.
Federico nudged him with his elbow. "Brother, what has you thinking so hard you look like you bit into something bitter?"
"Nothing much, just wondering what i should get." Ezio smiled and laughed. He was currently out with his family on a trip the market. The last time around, he had decided to sneak off to spend some time with a girl he didn't even remember the name of anymore instead of spending time with his loved ones, to his great shame and regret. This was the last thing his family had done together outside of dinners before the execution in 3 days. That he missed out on it was one of his biggest regrets, but Desmond let him change it.
That Ezio might never truly understand or know what or who Desmond is, how he watched him in the Vault or even what Minerva's people and the Pieces of Eden truly were will forever haunt him, but the trade to see his family again and to even be able to save them is a fair trade. He can go his life wondering these questions and maybe try to find them now that he will have more time, thanks to already knowing the Templars plans and who will be an enemy or ally.
He felt a finger poke him inbetween his eyebrows.
"There you go again Brother. Thinking too hard! Be careful or you might hurt yourself." Federico teased before yelping and then laughing when Ezio pushed him.
"Please don't start fighting now sons." Their father said before turning back to the stall owner to continue discussing what wares to buy and the prices.
"Sorry Father!" Ezio said before giving his brother a teasing look that promised this was not over.
Ezio remembered this day well enough. Not to remember the woman he decided to chase, but enough to know that when his family had been at the market a horse had run wild there and according to Claudia, nearly trampled her down in the confusion.
He was a bit sceptical to believe it was as close as she had made it out to be, but he knew horses much better now than he did before. After years of riding them to and from places in the chase for his targets, he knew that having one running towards you in a blind panic could scare anyone. Even though he knew to be wary of them and treat them with respecy during his original childhood, he didn't truly get how these gentle beings could be as scary as his sister had made the poor creature out to be.
According to his family, it had been a war horse, bloodied, running around in a blind panic, probably scared from a skirmish. Being chased by guards hadn't helped and eventually the guards got a good shot at it and put it down.
Ezio wanted to save his sister years of fearing horses, so he kept an eye and a ear out for any signs that the animal was on it's way.
There. A scream. Everyone stopped and looked around for the source. The source was still hidden by the crowds, but in the distance you could start seeing people moving away from something coming this way and the screams were getting closer.
Ezio breathed and slipped into his Second Sight, the Eagle Vision, as he now knew Altaïr had called it. Or more accuratly, Eagle Sense. With the years, his constant use and need for it had changed his Sight. It had become much stronger, letting him see farther, expanded his hearing, to let him hear his enemies heartbeat and even know what moves they were going to make. Even let him know where his enemies was going to go on a patrol route.
It truly was a gift and now he would use it to try and predict where the animal would go, as to lead his sister and family away from the danger. Then he saw it. The shine of something important. Something that glowed as strongly as the Apple of Eden had. The horse.
There was much about his Gift he could not explain. He had tried, but it is much like explaining sight to a blind person. Why things he didn't even know about could glow gold and lead him to the answer. Why allies glowed blue and enemies red, nor how he could tell friend from foe and now. His Sight told him, with the same intuition as telling friend from foe, that this horse was Desmond.
How is Desmond here? Why? Did he lie about dying? Or was certain death only a large chance that Desmond beat? Ezio supposed it did not matter. If he lets events play as they had before, Desmond would be struck down by an arrow within minutes. Oh, maybe Desmond had tried to prevent his father and brothers demise, but was struck down in the attempt? Though, why choose to do it as a rampaging horse? Either way, Desmond was clearly panicking, almost upon him now. If Ezio could not calm him down, his death was guaranteed.
But how? Ezio has just seconds now to plan a way to stop him before he is trampled down.
Then, he finally realises, that among the bright gold he shines, he also glowes blue. Such a deep colour which he has only seen in the greatest friends or closest family and he knows, Desmond would never harm him. The look of pure love on Desmonds face made more sense now.
So Ezio decides to not move and simple raise up his hands, as if to pet the horse.
Desmond was in pain. He knew that Juno lied about his death being quick and painless, but god, why did it have to hurt so much!? During his hallucination, it wasn't nearly so bad! And can't forget the weird nightmare he's having ontop of it. He's a goddamned horse on some battlefield. He was rearing up when the nightmare started, neighing as his rider was shot and killed by an arrow.
There's so much blood. The smell strikes fear in his heart. There's so much red. He slips into Eagle Vision and there's even more red. Not a spec of blue. A sword slides against the armor he is wearing and the screech of metal is too much. He bolts.
He needs to run. Away from the monsters with sharp sticks. Away from the smell of blood and death. Away from the shadows hiding hunters. They follow him. They chase him for a long time.
He is getting so tired.
He needs to get back to the barn. His owner would make everything alright. He would croon soft noises he did not understand, but the tone was soft and gentle. He would give him a treat while brushing him down after a hard days work.
He did ride him into scary battles he did not understand, but afterwards he would wash and groom him extra thoroughly, while feeding him the best apples, crooning more sounds in a happy tone. He would repeat one of the few sounds he understood, which meant "him" and "pay attention to me".
But he wasn't on his back anymore and he didn't hear his voice. Just the loud, scary noises of more men in the shiny hard thing. They had the pointy sticks too and tried to take the things dangling from his mouth. Only his owner can touch that! Only he is to be trusted with them.
Running is getting harder, there is large, straight hills in the way and the path is narrower with many strangers in it.
There is still so much red. He can still smell the blood, feel it clotting his fur. Too much red!
Suddenly there's blue in front of him. He knows blue means ally. Though why and how this person is blue confuses him. But he is Blue and running him over is not good, but why is he standing there!? Does he not see the red!? Smell it!? Does he not understand we need to run!?
That single word pierces the fog of fear and wild panic that has flooded Desmonds mind. Ezio is in front of him, hand already gripping the reigns while the other rests on his muzzle.
"There we go Desmond, everything is alright."
Desmond still feels phantom threads of fear, but with Ezio's calming blue glow and his voice saying gentle reassurances, it feels far away.
Now with his mind fully human and not driven by horse instincts or memories, the question becomes: How and why the fuck is he a horse in 15th century Italy with Ezio!?
What even is his life.
So, a couple parts i'm stupidly happy about is the "He had love, but didn't cherish it. Didn't truly feel it and took it for granted." part. This, as you can probably tell was inspired by the famous quote "When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it. And I had love, but I did not feel it."
I believe Ezio didn't fully understand liberty until he tried to live a peaceful life with Sofia and realised he would always fear Templars taking revenge on his family and time, because the knowledge that he would never see his children grow up to adults had never been a concern before he met Sofia. He probably thought he wouldn't have a family at all.
But love. Love he would understand what he missed. He would understand it just days after he lost his father and brothers. Those moments you missed out on. Of opportunities to spend time that you squandered away. Time you will never get back, because in real life we don't have time travel.
And now i understand it. Before the end of the last year, i was like Ezio before the loss. Before i lost my grandparents only a few weeks apart.
Those opportunities to spend time was rare and thankfully i took most of them, but i still squandered it away by not actually spending time with them. I just visited and hid away in my room, wasting the time by sitting on the phone.
I will forever regret that because ny memory is shit and besides a few childhood ones, i have no memories of them. I still remember their voices, they were pretty distinct thankfully, but how long until i forget that.
It hurts and as someone who is afraid of death and it's finality, such a reminder that time and love is finite is soulcrushing. It is only recently that i have truly started to think of my grandparents and i guess try to process the fact they are gone forever.
When we first got the news that my grandpa had died, i was even more glued to my phone, not wanting to acknowledge what was happening. I also didn't wanna sleep and only got some when i passed out from exhaustion. We even went to the doctor to get time of work and some sleep medication i didn't dare end up taking.
I even had thoughts of just taking all the pills and just sleeping, to get away from the pain forever. But i'm thankfully too much of a coward, so it just stayed thoughts. I'm doing much better now and as i mentioned, i think i'm starting to process the fact that they are gone.
So, yeah. This post went in a direction i didn't expect. But it feels important and maybe in a few years i can look back at this post and see a snapshot of who i was and reflect on who i am now. So, here's to the future me and anyone else who needs to hear it:
I hope things are going well and if they're not... well, things get better. They always do. You're loved and even if your loved ones are gone, they live on in you. You will carry that love with you, for the rest of your life. 💜
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pepsiboyy · 6 months
beyond the contract - part 4
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P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8
pairing: matt sturniolo x reader summary: where the sturniolo triplets are part of an organization known as the eclipse alliance, matt has constantly failed to pull through with pulling the trigger on a target. fed up, their boss gives matt one last chance, where he is sent to northside high school to get some answers out of a girl. warnings: cursing, mentions of drugs and a lot of mafia shit??, some smooches rahh author's note: HI FRIENDS!!! lots of important context in this chapter, i hope it's a good one <3 back to reader pov next chapter!! some fun sibling banter too yayyy also yes i Did delete this chapter on accident after LITERALLY FINISHING IT. :D WC: 2024 (lol xd) lowercase intentional !!
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i couldn't help but allow my gaze to linger across matt's features as he kept his eyes on the road, a hand on the wheel and the other on his own leg.
matt seemed to pick up on this as he turned to face me, his eyebrows furrowed. "what's your deal?" he smiled.
"where are you taking me?" i questioned.
matt and i were having our first date today. it had been about a week since he asked me that night at the pond.
"uhh, well.." matt trailed off. "i don't like crazy stuff, i could only think of more chill stuff, so…" he trailed off.
"soo..?" i continued for him and smiled as he shot me a joking death glare.
"we're going to an art museum?" he stated, but it was more of a question as he turned to me for half a second and back at the road.
i gasped and clasped my hands together. "i've never really been to one!" i chuckled as i looked out the window at the trees passing by.
matt just smiled softly to himself as he continued to drive. he really hadn't been to one either, but he knew that wherever you two went, it would be a fun time.
"where's matt?" chris called to nick from the kitchen.
nick was laying against their couch, his eyes glued to his phone. while they had a lot to do, he needed the break more than anything. he scrolled through his phone as he let out a deep sigh. "i don't know, chris, he's probably out getting tutored. or his dick sucked or something."
"ew, nick," chris muttered as he opened the fridge and grabbed a pepsi, moving to take a seat on the couch as well. "gross."
they sat in silence for a few moments before chris cleared his throat and turned to nick. "i talked with the coordinator the other day," he breathed, and nick immediately dropped his phone and gave chris his full attention. he nodded his head at him with wide eyes as if to say, 'go on.' chris let out a deep sigh as he messed with his hair. "it.. didn't really go well. we need to break the news to matt soon. or else.." he trailed off.
"or else what?" nick muttered, before he sat up from his previous laying down position to look at chris. "what, chris?" he repeated, shifting to be directly in front of the younger's face.
chris immediately shoved him out from in front of him. "no need to be so close, god," he muttered before he shrugged. "he said he'd complete the mission himself." he stated.
nick blinked a few times before he let out a deep sigh. he leaned back against the couch as they both stared at the ceiling.
"nick… how did we get into this situation?" he questioned, almost as a whisper as he turned to the oldest triplet. "to be completely honest, i don't really know why we're doing this all. i just want to be with my brothers. but it doesn't make sense to me. why are we killing people, why are we kicking up dirt on people and.. why are we getting each other involved so severely? we both know matt wants nothing to do with it, and i'm not entirely sure i want to be involved either." he trailed off, and nick simply listened to him.
"it's… a long story." he stated softly, but his eyes closed.
"i have time." chris stated firmly, sitting up to listen to nick.
"okay well, are you gonna interrupt me every five seconds? that'll make this five hours longer than it needs to be." nick spat, but chris only cracked a smile.
"no, just get to it kid," he responded as he took a sip of his pepsi.
nick took a deep breath before starting. "well, as you know, the eclipse alliance prioritizes discipline, order within ranks, and most of all, loyalty. the alliance was established decades ago amongst a few teenagers who seeked power, wealth and control. they got this tightly knit group and developed a hierarchy structure. with their goal to expand their influence, the alliance grew rapidly. this caused them to expand to various legal enterprises including smuggling, extortion, drug trafficking, and money laundering-"
"nick, stop with the big words, bro. i understood maybe half of what you just said." chris stated blankly, but he was clearly interested in the topic.
nick rolled his eyes and took a deep breath before continuing. "anyways. we got involved with eclipse alliance because.. well.. we had financial struggles growing up," nick stated bluntly, shrugging as he stared into space in front of him. considering they lived from ten onward without parents, nick took initiative at a young age to try and keep him and his brothers stable. "since around when i had joined eclipse alliance, black veil operations emerged as a challenger to us. their logo is a silhouette of a woman with a veil and a growing flame behind it." nick stopped to take a soft breath before continuing. "they were fueled by the desire to trial their dominance and establish themselves as a rival power." nick took a deep breath as he looked at chris, who was listening closely. "while eclipse alli-"
nick cringed at chris, who let out probably the most disgusting burp known to man. "can you fucking listen?" he spat, and chris immediately threw his hands up and pointed at his pepsi. after a few moments, nick continued. "while eclipse alliance prioritizes hierarchy, order and loyalty, black veil operations takes a more decentralized approach to their operations. they're known for their cunning tactics, flexibility, and willingness to exploit weakness within their rivals, which is us." chris nodded along. "they're determined to undermine the eclipse alliance's power and expand their own influence by using any means necessary."
chris stared at nick and slowly nodded before blinking a few times. "i see. i guess." he thought for a few moments before he shrugged. "i don't know, i think people need to let go of grudges."
nick chuckled and stood up. "what i'm saying. but i did what i could to get us to where we are today. even if it means risking my life, or.. ours, now." he shrugged.
chris nodded and smiled. "thanks for explaining to me, nick."
no pov.
the sun had began to set, and matt was now driving home with y/n in his car. when he pulled up in front of your house and noticed the empty driveway, he cocked an eyebrow. "business trip?"
you smiled and nodded to him, shrugging as you began to get out of the car.
matt quickly followed and got out with you.
your first date was great. matt felt like he had an amazing time with you. he loved the way your hand felt in his, like they perfectly molded together. but now it was time for matt's plan to end the night. he smiled at you as he bit his lip, expression clearly nervous.
you seemed to quickly pick up on this and spoke up, "you okay? what's got you so nervous?" she questioned, and matt internally cursed at himself.
"i uhh. got you something? but don't be weird about it." he breathed as he watched you stare blankly at him. fuck, he felt so shy. this was the worst moment to start kicking himself in the ass. "can you uhh.. turn around?" he chuckled nervously when you looked at him confused before you obeyed and turned around, moving your hands over your eyes.
matt bit his lip as he pulled a few things out from his car.
"y- you can turn around now," he stammered.
you did just that, and upon turning around, your jaw dropped.
matt had a small posterboard with "PROM?" written on it, and a bouquet of flowers in one hand that held the sign while his other just held it tightly.
"you're such a dork," you whispered as you smiled and stepped towards him, carefully taking the bouquet of flowers to relieve him of awkwardly holding them with the poster.
"i know you really wanted to go to prom, and… i don't, but. if it'll make you happy," he trailed off, and tried to bite back a smile as he watched you smile in awe at him.
"i'd love to." you responded.
matt smiled warmly at you. his heart was racing. to get answers out of this girl, did he need to ask her to prom? no. but did he really, genuinely care about this girl and what she truly wanted? yes.
they stared at each other for a few moments as matt put his arms down, letting the sign sit at his feet. he hadn't even realized how close together you guys were now, standing between his car and the curb.
you both smiled at each other, you faces both a shade of pink.
how could this girl have any ties with black veil operations, matt thought to himself. she was an innocent girl, a beautiful innocent girl. a sweetheart. his internal dialogue rambled, but it immediately came to a halt when he felt your lips press against his.
his eyes widened for a moment before they fluttered shut and he felt his hands subconsciously move to your waist.
when you pulled away, matt stared at you for a few moments, his eyes wide, and yours were just as wide.
just as you were about to apologize for the action, matt gently squeezed your hand.
"wanna come inside for a bit?" you asked, and matt felt his stomach turn.
chris groaned as he turned to the clock beside him. matt was supposed to be home an hour ago. he sighed as he set his headset down and carefully picked up his phone, pulling up matt's contact and shooting him a text.
hey wya??
matt allowed a soft groan to leave him upon feeling a hand of yours run up his side and gently along his back.
'wanna come inside for a bit' led to you both against your living room couch with matt on top of you.
matt gently ran a hand down your side and tucked it under the hem of your shirt, his cheeks burning pink as he stopped.
the way you smiled against his lips and parted your own softly gave him enough permission to gently tuck his fingers under the hem.
matt couldn't help but glance down at the now exposed skin under your shirt before an inked spot on your skin caught his eye. he immediately halted and turned to the decorated skin, his entire expression falling.
"what's wrong..?" you questioned, sitting up slightly.
"what is this?" matt was pale. he looked up at you, his entire demeanor changing.
you smiled nervously as you looked away. "ahh, i don't know.. i've had it since i was like twelve." you chuckled, but your smile faltered when you looked up at matt.
matt let in a deep breath as he stood up and checked his phone. 12:37am.
"fuck, i promised chris i'd play fortnite with him." matt chuckled as he shoved his phone in his pocket.
"are you okay?" you questioned, scrambling to your feet and straightening out your disheveled clothes and hair.
matt smiled reassuringly at you and nodded, walking to the door. after walking outside, he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips that lasted for a few seconds before he pulled away and hugged you tightly. "thank you for today, i had an amazing time." he whispered against your ear.
you nodded softly and hugged him back.
as matt began to walk to his car, he smiled brightly at you and waved. he got in his car and started it, driving away once you re-entered your house. he drove down the street before he pulled over and buried his face in his hands. the only thing he could think of what the inked skin just above your pelvis.
a silhouette of a woman with a veil and a growing flame behind it.
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taglist;; @star-saturn-xx @sturniolo-girl @p1xieswrld @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @sweetbabydoe @iloveneilperry
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doodlebat33 · 1 year
Ok so if we’re doing monkey king modern times, what is his first reactions to seeing iPhones, technology, and TV! I feel like he’ll be an grandpa first time seeing the modern technology lol XD
Oh, you can believe he'd be so thrown off!
Y/n pulls out their tablet and Monkey King looks at the strange metal-plated rectangle. He hovers over their shoulder and flicks his tail in curiosity as the black screen changes to some scenery.
"I thought you said that you can't do magic. What is that?"
Y/n smiles and confirms that they can't, but, they explain how time has advanced equipment and tell him it's a tablet.
Monkey King snickers a bit and shakes his head. "Yeah no, that's not a tablet. Tablets are long rocks with writing and they can't change color." Monkey King squints at the tablet with the utmost skepticism.
There would be a lot of close calls (hehe) whenever Y/n's phone rings and Monkey tries to find out where the sound is coming from. Y/n would find the phone, answer the call, and slip it into their pocket.
"What the heck was that?! A bit of a warning next time!? You didn't tell me tablets could be so small, and loud."
Y/n apologizes and shows Monkey the phone. They explain to him what it is and how it functions.
"Soooo, you talk into it and it can send a message to someone else with a phone too? And you don't have to send it anywhere, you can just sit here and it'll fly your voice to the other person?"
Y/n nods and shrugs a bit at Monkey's imaginative way of phrasing how it works.
"How is that not magic?! Show me!"
Y/n takes Monkey King to the kitchen and on the wall is an old landline phone. They tap the screen of their phone and put it up to their ear. A few seconds later, Monkey jumps at the sound of the landline ringing and instinctively pulls out his staff, pointing it to the retro phone. Y/n giggles a bit and gently pushes the end of the staff down. They pick up the phone and hold it to their ear to demonstrate how it works. They give the phone to Monkey and he does as instructed.
Y/n says hello and Monkey's eyes go wide with excitement. They have a back-and-forth conversation for a while about how the phone works and the old stories Y/n has about using the landline. As Monkey talks to Y/n, he paces back and forth and eventually gets a bit tangled up in the phone cord. he cracks a smile at Y/n.
"A little help?"
If the time period were earlier, Monkey would DEFINITELY be the kind of person to carry a mobile landline, yapping on the couch with the curly wire twirling around his finger
I should draw that sometime...
Monkey king x reader Masterpost
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lionlena · 1 year
1. New job, new problems... (PedroPascalxreader) - one shot
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Ok, so here's the first one shot of: one shots week. As I wrote, I was inspired by my problems, but don't take everything literally, because of course I changed some things, but generally yes, my new co-workers are mean bitches. But I've come to terms with it. At least instead of talking to them, I write ff xD
Summary: co-workers at your new job treat you badly. You try to hide it from your boyfriend, but even from a distance Pedro senses that something is wrong.
Warnings: little sad but later fluff and loving, caring Pedro
This can be considered as a continuation: ♡Just let it go…
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You were happy when you got a new job where you made more money. No matter how many times Pedro told that you could have his money. You felt bad about it and wanted to prove to him that you weren't with him for the money.
However, you soon found out that your new job was a nightmare. And it wasn't the job itself, because it was easy and fun for you. Your co-workers were the problem. You ended up in a three-person team consisting of all women, and you felt their hostility from the very beginning. They had trouble giving you the simplest of information, like where the bathroom is. They responded with annoyance to your every question. But you thought they'd get used to you over time. You were polite and tried to have little chats with them, but it was not effective because they ignored you. With each passing day, you felt worse and worse, and as if your misfortune wasn't enough, Pedro flew to the set in Morocco.
You sighed heavily as you sat alone at a table during your lunch break. You've been scrolling through the photos fans have taken of your boyfriend. It always made you feel a little better and made you forget everything for a moment. Your boyfriend looked pleased, though you could see he was tired. You wanted so much to hug him and make sure he was taking care of himself.
Of course, Pedro wanted you to go with him. At least for a few days, but you couldn't take free time from your new job so quickly. Another minus.
And of course, every time you spoke to him, you said everything was fine. You didn't want to worry him. You knew he should be focused on a movie set.
You were just looking at a photo of Pedro wearing a white t-shirt that was visibly wet at the bottom. You smiled and started to wonder what your beloved had done. Knowing him, he probably spilled something on himself. Pedro was so clumsy sometimes. But you loved it about him. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't even notice your co-workers walking past you. Their sudden giggles made you jump and almost drop your phone.
"Seriously Y/N," Jane said. "You'd better focus on your job, not on dreaming about some actor who doesn't even know you exist."
You had to bite your tongue not to say that unlike her, you work instead of filing your nails half the day.
"I don't know what these girls see in him," Michele said.
You perfectly saw how a few days earlier she was drooling at the monitor when she was reading an article about your boyfriend.
Before you could answer anything, they walked away laughing like crazy.
When you talked to Pedro in the evening, you could hardly keep your composure. He asked you several times if you were okay.
"Honey, you really do sound kind of weird," he said sadly.
"I'm really fine... I've had a busy day today and I think I'm having a migraine."
"My poor baby," he cooed. "Maybe you should lie down."
"That's what I'll do."
"Do you want me to talk to you on the phone until you fall asleep?"
You wanted to cry. Your boyfriend was so sweet and caring.
"Yes," you whispered.
You only felt worse for the next few days. Even during lunch, you didn't look at pictures with Pedro because your co-workers always sat at the table next to you. You were sure those bitches did it on purpose. It was ridiculous and you felt like you were in high school.
You started wondering if you should just start going out to some restaurant for lunch. You would have less time then, but you would gain peace of mind. Suddenly you heard some commotion behind you.
"Is that him? It's impossible," Michele murmured.
You turned around and your heart leaped. You couldn't believe your eyes. A smiling Pedro was walking towards you with a small bouquet of your favorite flowers. You couldn't take it any longer and ran over to him. He welcomed you with open arms and hugged you tightly. You pulled away from him after a while, to look into his eyes. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the silly faces of these three bitches.
"What are you doing here?" you choked out.
"Did you really think I wouldn't sense something was wrong?" He stroked your cheek gently. "I'm back only for two days, but I hope it's enough."
You nodded and murmured, "I still have a few hours left at work."
"I know, but I couldn't wait to see you. I'll pick you up in the car so you don't have to take the subway back and we'll spend a wonderful evening together."
You blushed involuntarily, and he chuckled and whispered in your ear, "Yeah, I'm thinking about that too."
You shook your head and groaned as you realized you had to get back to work. You kissed Pedro on goodbye.
Suddenly your co-workers wanted to talk to you, but this time you ignored them. It was really sweet revenge.
Pedro has come for you as promised. On the way, he picked up food from your favorite restaurant. At home, he lit the candles and asked, "Dinner first, or bath first?"
You looked at him lovingly. "Dinner."
After you ate, he prepared an aromatic, warm bath for you. The tub was big enough for both of you to fit comfortably. You sat between his legs and rested your head on his chest. His big hands traced patterns on your breasts and belly. You finally felt relaxed. You closed your eyes and sighed heavily. You felt Pedro kiss you on the head. "My love, can you tell me what's been making you so sad lately?"
You nodded and squeezed his hand tightly. Though you tried to be calm, your voice trembled a few times as you told him about your job and how your co-workers treated you.
Pedro listened to you carefully, and at the end of your story, he hugged you tightly and kissed your shoulder.
"I'm so sorry babe. These stupid women should be glad to be working with someone as great as you." He placed a kiss on your shoulder again. "I know we've talked about this before, but you don't have to work. You know that. Why do I need money if I can't make the people I love happy?"
You smiled and squeezed his arm. "I know baby. But I want to go back there and watch those bitches die of jealousy because I have the most amazing and handsome boyfriend in the world."
Pedro chuckled and hugged you tighter. "Can this most amazing and handsome boy take you to bed and enjoy your body?"
"Yes!" you squeaked.
A week later, your boss appreciated your work and decided to transfer you to a new, more experienced team. Your new co-workers turned out to be very friendly and communicative. Enjoyed your job again. Though it was nice knowing you had a great boyfriend thanks to whom you don't have to work. And you don't have to worry about money.
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Taglist: @creedslove
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