#I bet he’s going to cave island
earlymorningfoxhunt · 29 days
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Freak On a Leash
I fucking love right Darkthur so much, I've been rotating these guys in my brain for the past week. Hes wonderful, I want him dead, here's my ramblings about em:
Arthurs horribly fucked up, hes not jazzed about killing but he sees it as a tool in his arsenal + it helps that he kinda enjoys the blood lust
John gets his arm amputated because of an infection/ it being mangled and dubbed too far gone by doctors, neither can protest in their comatose state. John is half awake even with anesthesia so he feels when they start sawing through flesh and bone. his coma period is much more horrific, with Lilly being the only thing to anchor him to hope. Arthur waking up feels like a godsend.
John can still feel the residual limb and can slightly move the elbow around. when he gains control of arthurs right leg, theres a learning curve to walk, tho they adjusted after having to sprint around the island caves.
Dreamlands is where they begin to bond/Arthur sees him as a person and John feels like more than an a voice in his head. its a stained relationship but they realize they still care about each other after they escape the pits.
Arthur invokes the "do you trust me" as they reach the plateau, John says yes
Arthur hold up the dagger to his chest
"i have your fucking heart"
Hastur is flabbergasted and almost impressed that this hobbled man he threw in the pits still has fire in him.
John is freaking the fuck out.
Arthur is using both of them as a hostage to negotiate 100% of what they want. "John will be mine, you will return us home, your stupid fucking cult will leave us alone, and you will rot in the dreamlands half the king you once were. you will lose to a mortal or die along with your better half."
"you're bluffing. would you really trade your life for this parasite? Arthur Lester, you're smarter than this."
Arthur doesn't break eye contact when he plunges the dagger into his chest.
the kings tendrils fly towards him with a guttural screech.
all forward momentum stops with the weapon, less than an inch from Hasturs fluttering heart. blood pumps down his tattered dress shirt with only a sharp inhale and twitching eye to indicate pain.
a smile dusts his face "is this really time for games, king?"
"how does it feel to be beneath someone you consider lesser? I bet it stings" Hastur growls and arthur twists the knife "down boy"
"John do you really want to stay with this freak?"
John, vaguely pissed off "my dick has lead me places i wouldn't go with a gun"
kiy: oo get it white boy
john: do NOT get it white boy
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babyrdie · 2 months
I completely understand why people ignore the version of the myth in which Helen is Achilles' wife in Leuke, but there's a certain potential in imagining Patroclus, Achilles, and Helen interacting in Leuke!
Oh yeah, I think they'd totally be like that "I'm a knife" meme. It would be an interesting dynamic, to say the least. I can imagine a whole scene lol
Helen: Okay, I'm really tired of new husbands for now. When I was a kid, Theseus kidnapped me. And then later I married my husband Menelaus. And then I was in Troy with Paris, and when Paris died Deiphobus married me. And now this? I thought I'd be in Elysium, not here. I still don't even understand why you got a special island!
Patroclus: Well, I can temporarily sleep on the floor or something. It's not like the servant accommodations in Phthia were excellent, I can handle the floor. Achilles, don't give me that look, I'm obviously talking about accommodations before you intervene!
Achilles: You won't sleep on the floor.
Patroclus: Are you implying we should let Queen Helen sleep on the floor? I don't think Zeus would be happy with the news that his daughter was given to Leuke only to be treated like that.
Achilles: I didn't say anything about she sleeping on the floor, that obviously would be a stupid idea. I can sleep on the floor!
Patroclus: Even when we were camping in Troy you were always much more demanding than me. You would never happily sleep on the floor with the bed option.
Achilles: Well, I was the one who was raised in Pelion, not you! I spent years of my life sleeping in a cave in the middle of the forest, I guarantee you...
Helen: or… no one sleeps on the floor, everyone sleeps on the bed!
Patroclus: ...
Achilles: ...
Patroclus: Queen, none of us are small. How are we going to make a decent separation between you and us?
Helen: Just don't separate, I don't need you to put some pillows between us. I said I didn't want a new husband for now, I didn't say I would die if I had to be the big spoon with Achilles!
Achilles: What makes you think you'd be my big spoon??? You're tall, but not taller than me!
Helen: Menoitiades doesn't look like a little spoon. If he's not the little spoon, then it's you!
Achilles: I want you to know I can cuddle my man!
Helen: Okay, sorry sir I-can-cuddle-my-man. I understand you're the big spoon!
Achilles: I'm a knife!
Patroclus: He's usually the little spoon.
Achilles: My Prince???
Patroclus: I didn't spend years of my life having to get used to your fluffy hair in my face for you to deny me that recognition!
Helen: ....
Achilles: ...
Helen: Aristos Achaion...
Achilles: Hey, you talk like you're not Menelaus big spoon! A big man with a beard like him!
Helen: How do you know that???
Achilles: I didn't know, but now I have confirmation!
Helen: Menoitiades??? Did you guys bet people's sleeping position when you were in the army or what??? I thought you guys were focused on getting me back!
Patroclus: Queen, it's a bit predictable…
Helen: ...
Helen: He likes to be hugged, okay?! Agamemnon spoiled him while they were growing up! Their life was difficult! I'm sure if Agamemnon wasn't so focused on proving himself Clytemnestra would be his big spoon!
Achilles: Didn't she kill him? When I was in Elysium, before Leuke was created, Agamemnon complained a lot about it.
Helen: …
Patroclus: He was really irritated, Queen. You had to see him when Odysseus talked to him. Not dead, Odysseus was alive, by the way. He came because…you know what? It's a long story.
Helen: She was a really good sister, okay? Even Penelope, who was always discreet, loved her! ! When Penelope wasn't there, my sister was really patient with the way I made mistakes all the time while we were learning to weave! It's just that we're a bit of a different family!
Achilles: Hey, relax! It's fine, she was great sister!
Helen: Yeah, she was!
Patroclus: ...
Achilles: Honey, what is that look…
Patroclus: Queen, did you know that Achilles can weave too?
Helen: Wh...
Achilles: MAN!
Etc etc hehehe just them being silly
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judesmoonbeauty · 9 days
i love your theories on jude’s route and also your analysis of his words (the wedding event??? omg <3) so now i’m super curious to hear what your theories are in regards to him entering a relationship with kate 👀 like what would a confession of jude look like? or rather an acceptance of kate’s confession / her feelings? because i keep thinking of this one bond level chapter where kate told him she dreamt that jude said "i love you" and he just straight up said "wasn’t me. why are dreaming about other men" lmao and all the story events are either sorta pre-relationship or in-relationship. so how do you think the transition would look like? out of everyone jude truly seems like his own category haha and might stand out the most in comparison to the other main routes! the way he shows his love and care is always hidden behind other words so with him reading between the lines is so important… idk but i’d love to hear your thoughts!
Mild Spoilers from Events & Sexual content - MDNI
As usual, this is just for fun, we can't be dogmatic.
First, thanks for the ask, and I’m glad that you enjoyed my previous posts! I love this question, and sorry for the delay in responding, but I wanted to give it proper thought.
To start, I think it’s going to be a rough transition. Um, I feel like Jude is going to do everything he possibly can (no matter how crooked it is), to send Kate back home. I just feel the need to be prepared for A LOT of arguing between them at least in the first few chapters of their relationship.
Often times in his events (especially earlier ones), Jude is described as being cold, dispassionate. The Valentine’s Day CE -KissXXX- is an excellent example of this. So, I think he is definitely going to have a thick wall up, and I don’t expect him to be kind to her in any way.
I feel like there will be sexual intimacy between them, I don’t know how early on in the route, but I suspect that the first encounters will lack actual sentiment and emotional attachment. The island lust story is indicative of that (to me at least), they are together physically, but it’s more or less just to fill this sense of longing that they both have.
I can imagine a scenario where Jude says something spiteful and teasing to her about being “played” with by him, but she wouldn’t be able to handle it, and she’d be like, “Oh, wanna bet?” Cue the R18 scene. Then of course, the ending will have that emotional attachment when they are actually together….I’m hoping.
Now, in regards to who confesses to whom:
I could be SO wrong about this, but I really don’t see Jude confessing to Kate first. I’d love to see it, but knowing how much he goes through in his events (from intentionally sending her to an incorrect location for a mission, to trying to scare her into giving up), I doubt he’ll outright confess his feelings.
Of course, Jude’s Kate will have none of that.
It wouldn’t be surprising to me that Kate would confess to Jude first. His anniversary SE is what makes me think this. I’ve mentioned it somewhere before, but Kate tells Jude that they should just stick together because it’s too late. She reasons that she can’t ever return to a normal life anyway because people associate her with him now, and he gives in and signs her continuation contract.
Of a similar nature, I think she will tell him that they should stick together, of course with the bonus that she loves him.
I think that Jude will cave into the feelings that he’s been denying the entire time, and respond to Kate the way his VA - Kaito - said he would in an interview about Jude pre-game release:
“’The line, “If ya ever plan on runnin’ from me, ya better kill me first. ‘Cause if ya don’t, I ain’t lettin’ ya go till you’ve turned to nothin’ but bone and dust.’” This line really captures the depth of his love for the heroine, and how at that point, only death could keep him away from her. It felt like he was confessing to her that it was all or nothing, that he was putting his life in her hands.’”
Will we ever hear the word’s “I love you,” from Jude in the main story? Maybe, if Kate is on the verge of death, and he says "I love you" when he’s terrified that she might die, and doesn't want there to be any regrets??? Or perhaps in a future event after his main story???
I think his above line, coupled with his actions, will shine upon just how much he loves his beloved, Kate. As usual, it’ll be fun to see just how off the mark I am when his route hits.
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sainzfilm · 2 years
💌 christmas cards - lewis hamilton 💌
summary: spending christmas in the hamilton household was always fun, especially when it comes to planning surprises for your children. but, what if you have a surprise for him under the tree?
taglist: @svechyaho @squderia @idkiwantchocolatee @koufaxx @melonunicornbby @myescapefromthislife @slut-era @estevries @sidcrosbyspuck @barzysreputation @verclercswiftie @mick2mercedes @mehrmonga
check out my winter wonderland celebration!
Looking over at your shoulder, you smiled to yourself as you watched your husband fix the gifts under the tree, “I’m surprised the twins and Lucas didn’t have wishlists this year.”
“I bet because we’re awesome parents,” Lewis teased, walking over to you and kissing your temple, “I’m sure they’ll like the Disneyland tickets we’re getting them.”
“You know Amelia and Jamie are probably going to beg for a puppy,” You replied, pulling the cookies out of the oven, “Then you’re going to have a hard time saying no.”
Sitting on the kitchen island, Lewis scoffed and rolled his eyes playfully, “Me? Tsk, I can say no to them easily.”
“Oh really now, Mr. Hamilton?” You raised an eyebrow, grabbing a plate off the rack and transferring the cookies on it, “How about…all the instances they asked for something and you caved?”
Shrugging, Lewis grinned and reached over to snatch a cookie and munching on it, “Okay fine, maybe I do have a weak spot for my girls.”
“Now go wake the kids up,” You dusted your hands off, setting the food on the table, “It’s nearly midnight, keeping up traditions.”
Lewis nodded, jumping off the island and jogging up the stairs to wake the kids in their room. Letting out a deep breath, you sat on the couch and stared at the pictures hanging on the wall. Perfect husband, perfect life, perfect family – how could you ever ask for more?
As the children ran down the stairs, Amelia squealed and climbed on your lap, “Are we going to open presents now, mommy?”
“Not yet, love,” You laughed, wrapping your arms around her, “It’s only 11:45 pm.”
Lucas sat on the floor, cuddling Roscoe and frowned, “That’s only 15 minutes to go! Can’t we open our presents now?”
“What mommy says, we do,” Lewis chuckled, walking in with Jamie in his arms and sitting down on the couch across you, “Plus, I’m sure it’s worth the wait.”
“What’d you get us?” Amelia asked, playing with your fingers, “Did we get a puppy?”
“That’s for me and daddy to know,” You teased, side-eyeing Lewis and turning back to your 3-year-old, “Plus, we already have Roscoe, love.”
Roscoe barked, walking over to you and nuzzling your hand. As the clock chimed midnight, Lewis gave the four of you a big hug, “Merry Christmas, Hamiltons.”
“Merry Christmas, honey,” You smiled, giving him a quick peck and kissing the top of your children’s heads, “Merry Christmas, my darlings!”
Lewis laughed as the children immediately ran to the tree, scavenging for the presents that had their names on it. You stood beside your husband, leaning to his side and hummed happily, “We’re so lucky, aren’t we?”
“Luckiest man in the world to have you and our kids,” Lewis mumbled, resting his chin on the top of your head, “Best present I could ever get.”
Amelia gasped as she opened a present beside Jamie, taking out a pair of Mickey ears, “We’re going to Disneyland?!”
“Mhm, we’re also staying at the hotel,” You smiled, sitting amongst your children, “Are you guys happy?”
Lucas nodded eagerly, wearing the Darth Vader helmet, “I wanna go on all the Star Wars rides!”
“Me too, Lucas!” Jamie exclaimed, opening more presents and gasping, “A squishmallow!”
As Lewis and Lucas pretended to be Jedis with their lightsabers, Amelia tilted her head to the side and crawled under the tree and pulled out a white envelope with her father’s name scribbled on it.
“Daddy, look at this,” She muttered, standing up and tugging at her father’s pajamas, “It has your name on it!”
Lewis looked down at his youngest child and saw the white envelope in her hands, he set the lightsaber down and kneeled to her height, “What’s that, sweetpea?”
“I don’t know, daddy,” She shrugged, “I saw it under the tree! It must be from Santa!”
Pulling Jamie in your lap, you smiled to yourself and opened more presents with your daughter, “Looks like you aren’t too old for Santa, honey.”
“Oh please, I might be his favorite,” Lewis teased and sat down beside Amelia, taking the envelope from her hands, “I wonder what this is.”
As Lewis opened the envelope, he raised an eyebrow in confusion and pulled out a Christmas card from it, “Santa’s running low on gifts.”
“Maybe, it’s a gift card, daddy,” Lucas suggested, unboxing his Mercedes LEGO set, “Or sports coupons! Maybe we can play tennis then!”
Lewis chuckled, ruffling up his son’s hair, “You know I’ll take you to play tennis anytime you want to, bud.”
Turning his attention back to the card in his hand, Lewis opened it and whispered, “Merry Christmas to the best dad in the world. Honey, I think got a mistake here…six stockings, but we’re only five?”
You shrugged, handing him another card with a small smile, “Santa forgot to place this inside that envelope.”
Lewis chuckled softly, taking it from you and opening it to see an ultrasound picture attached in the middle, reading it softly, “We’re having a baby?”
“A baby girl,” You smiled brightly, nodding in response, “You’re going to be a dad again.”
As Lewis couldn’t help the big smile spreading on his face, he pulled you in for a hug and kissed you repeatedly on the cheek, “You don’t know how happy this makes me.”
“I’m surprised Toto didn’t even spill the beans,” You chuckled, hugging him back tightly, “Susie accompanied me to the check-ups.”
“Daddy, what’d you get!” Jamie exclaimed, squeezing in between the two of you, “What’s in your hand!”
“It’s a present for all of us, baby,” Lewis pulled away from you, smiling down at his daughter, “You’re going to be a big sister.”
Eliciting gasps from Lucas and Amelia, they immediately dropped their presents and cheered, jumping up and down with Roscoe barking alongside them, “A baby sister! We’re going to have a baby sister!”
Lewis sighed happily and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, kissing your temple, “Best Christmas ever.”
Hugging him tightly, you smiled and admired the way your children were giggling happily with Roscoe joining in with them, “You mean best family ever?”
“Best in the absolute planet,” Lewis replied with a bright smile on his face, “I definitely won in life.”
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My redneck neighbor Doug watches 'The Bad Batch': 'The Harbinger'
Yup, as we all know, Doug unlocked a HUGE character with Asajj Ventress, who is apparently an embittered ex-Navy wife lurking somewhere in the depths of the Florida Panhandle and not a reborn Jedi goth chick.
CW: You will learn more about this poor ex wife of John then you will ever deem fit. Be warned.
All images taken from here: https://www.cap-that.com/starwars/the-bad-batch/309
Episode 9, “John’s-Ex-Wife: The Revenge”
Daddy Warcrimes does what a daddy in need of a mommy will do, and is going to pick up women by the dockside. Wonder if they take cash or not. 
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And here’s Julio to remind him to wrap it before he snaps it, ya know? Good bro, when has Julio done anything wrong, love him. Maybe Julio laid his pipe in Space Louisiana last week, who knows if the mantis had a sister who had bills to pay and Terrebonne Parish don’t have a lot of jobs but has a lot of lonely people and, where were we? 
Why is it all foggy here now? We in Maine now? 
Well, Mutant Jimmers is doing work, as the kids say now, tracking down the junkies hiding out in the caves. I can’t blame Mutant Jimmers or the junkies, they gotta do their smack and doing it in the park ain’t good. I wonder who makes the meth on the island? It ain’t Church Lady, she’s too busy working and having fun in the snow with her beau, Sassy-Park-Ranger*.
Awwww shit it’s not space junkies, it’s worse! It’s JOHN’S-EX-WIFE! Of course she’s hiding her Ford pickup in a cave, the other one got booted outside of Pensacola after she banged the neighborhood granddad and he called the cops after she stole his TV. 
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(the last shot John saw before he left for the rig that one time)
God damn, she’s wearing the same outfit you wear to work, Meat Muffin! Do you think she writes papers and yells at people on the phone like you do too?
Well John’s-Ex-Wife hasn’t changed, first thing she starts doing is fighting and bitching at everyone for not paying their bills on time. I hated that damn woman but I’ll say this much, she was organized. But that’s how the Devil is. Not organized to not cheat on John with every sailor in Pensacola and the neighborhood granddad but nobody’s perfect I guess. 
Well, she’s going to test Little Orphan Blondie by making her do yoga on the beach while her brothers watch. Doing dumb shit in public to be different, yup, that’s John’s-Ex-Wife for you. Surprised Daddy Warcrimes hasn’t capped her and her bleached hair yet. 
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Oh! Now she sent Little Orphan Blondie on an errand leaving the boys behind in a dark room with her. How much do you wanna bet there’s gonna be a train and Thomas the Tank Engine ain’t involved? God, it was a miracle John never ended up with the clap. His ex wife really was the bike of Escambia County. 
And there’s a fight. Woo! John’s-Ex-Wife’s history as a bartender is coming on through! Girlfriend can handle her own–and here’s the lightsaber! WOAH! I don’t want her to kick my boy’s butts but damn girl, git ‘er done! 
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Also why don’t they all just pile on her, why are they waiting, this ain’t ballroom dancing boys! Toaster Strudel and Rex would NEVER.  
Well, Little Orphan Blondie’s back and seems to like John’s-Ex-Wife for some reason. God damn it, Little Orphan Blondie, you’re a rube and I ain’t happy about it. At least Church Lady got you sushi and hit on your idiot brother who didn’t deserve her. 
Little Orphan Blondie’s no Jedi, whatever. But nothing brings the family together like deep sea fishing, even more then going off into the snow and punching each other in front of the trailer! 
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Off John’s-Ex-Wife and Little Orphan Blondie go while the dads do a lil bit of peepin. Except Daddy Warcrimes who knows a thing or two and keeps a gun tailed her. Yeah, Daddy Warcrimes! 
Oh! What’s this? Ain’t this the shit from Aquaman? Are they gonna get jumped by sea aliens until Aquaman throws flashlights at them?** 
Nope! It’s that thing from Pirates of the Caribbean! Where’s Johnny Depp and his dreadlocks?! They’re firing up the HMS Search Warrant to do a rescue and…woah. Woah. What’s Johns-Ex-Wife doing here? The force? She can do all that shit but she can’t keep her marriage, oh Johns-Ex-Wife.  
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Look at Daddy Warcrimes being a gentleman and helping the ladies onto their stolen work truck. Most ladies get upset when a creepy old man with a gun hoists them into a windowless van but not Johns-Ex-Wife. Trust me. 
Johns-Ex-Wife warns them and then flings off, as she is wont to do. Why do I feel the next episode is going to be the DEA raiding Space Florida? I bet she’s a snitch for the government, calling it now!
*=Doug will never get off the Phee/Mayday train. I tried. I failed. I’m sorry, internet. 
**=I THINK Doug means the Trench from the movie. The Trench Scene | Aquaman [4k, IMAX] - YouTube
For my Doug fans! @eyecandyeoz @cdblake1565 @sued134 @megmca @skellymom @yeehawgeek @amalthiaph and anyone else!
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hey-august · 4 months
As Time Passes (1 of 7)
(Fic tag)
Story Description: A story without a plot or real ending, just a window into moments of time. A glimpse of two threads that twist and turn throughout the years - sometimes winding together, sometimes drifting away - as each story is woven.
Warnings: Buggy x Mermaid!Reader, female reader, some profanity eventually, kinda angsty. This was written more for my own enjoyment and to try something different, so it's not very polished.
WC: ~400
Tag list: @lostfirefly (tagging just in case - @rorywritesjunk @ane5e, let me know if you want me to continue tagging you!)
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🐚 Dear diary, pirates are stupid. There’s a huge ship with a pirate flag at the island. The skull had a giant mustache. It wasn’t near the cave and I thought it was OK to swim there. I was WRONG. There were two boys in the cave and they saw me. They asked if I knew where the mermaid treasure was. I don’t even know what mermaid treasure is. One of the boys had red hair and the other one had a red nose. He didn’t like it when I pointed that out. They asked if I wanted to play with them. We had swimming races and I kept winning hahaha. The boy with the red nose pulled my hair to stop me from winning. He pulled my hair!! He’s a cheater and I hate him. It wasn’t fun anymore so I left. I hope they’re gone tomorrow.
🏴‍☠️ Shanks and I met a mermaid today. She swims really fast and Shanks laughed at me because I kept losing but he’s a loser too. A big dumb loser. I wish I could swim better than a mermaid so he wouldn’t laugh at me.
🐚 Dear diary, the pirate ship is still here and the red-nose boy was in the cave again. I was going to swim away but he looked upset. He said sorry for pulling my hair. I guess I forgive him. He said his name is Buggy. He asked if I would teach him how to swim better. I wasn’t sure what to do, but we swam a lot and called it practice. I hope it made him feel better.
🏴‍☠️ We’re leaving this island soon. I wish we could stay longer. The mermaid is showing me tricks and I can hold my breath for even longer now. She laughs a lot and says it’s because I’m funny. Which is true. I think we’re friends but I don’t know. Would it be weird to ask? What would I even say? Shanks doesn’t have any pretty mermaid friends. I bet he would be super jealous of me.
🐚 Dear diary, Buggy said his ship is leaving tomorrow and we won’t be able to play anymore. I think he was sad. I feel sad too. I told him that my family moves a lot and maybe we’ll see each other again. I think that made him feel better because then he said we definitely will. I hope so.
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alzelao3 · 1 year
Since you asked for ideas on the whole outsider perspective thing on Kobylu I imagine the others would make joking comments on it? Like not out right meant to be rude or anything like that it’s purely just them finding the situation funny
They would! They have a betting pool on who's gonna confess first, and none of them win, because neither luffy or koby confess. Luffy just decides they're dating, and calls him his boyfriend in front of some other pirate/marine and Koby goes: "oh. yay :)" bc he's used to luffy's bullshit, lol.
The crew don't find out until like. one month after that incident and it's bc luffy gives koby his strawhat and Koby kisses Luffy on the cheek in the return and everyone in the room (except for robin bc she's a queen) has to reboot their brains.
BEFORE Luffy knows abt Koby's feelings, I imagine nami and usopp would make jokes like: "Yeah right. Koby will confess before we get out of this stupid cave." when luffy's not around. Koby won't admit he finds it at least a little funny. I love it when the coward duo is kinda mean <3
The crew conveniently leave the two of them alone so Koby can confess, but Luffy decides to drag Koby to the dirtiest unromantic places and Koby's too busy swooning to remember his confession. The excuses get more and more ridiculous as time goes on, and usopp even stops saying "I have can't go to this island disease" bc the crew is TIREDD of these homosexuals
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wr3nns · 15 days
So my roommate and I are quarantined together because we both got COVID together, and I convinced them to listen to the entirety of Epic: the Musical (which, if you didn't know, is a musical retelling of the Odyssey and is full of absolutely GORGEOUS music made by extremely skilled peoples, but it is a retelling of the Odyssey so it gets dark and sad sometimes). They then did so in one sitting, and I wrote down their comments for the entire time because we were stuck together and they had a lot to say. (Don't worry, they gave permission for me to post this to "the forums" because the people would like it, even though I didn't ask to. Great fun, this roommate.)
(I think it's worth noting that I've gotten into the habit of saying "like the musical?" whenever they say "epic", which is quite frequently. We happen to be the pinnacle of humor.)
If you still haven't listened to Epic, go do that and then come back here (it's only a little under 2 hours as of writing this!). The following contains spoilers up through the Wisdom Saga and Hold Them Down (which has not been released yet but there are clips, and I hope that's the actual title but I don't know).
Final warning! Go listen to it if you haven't! You can find it on YouTube and Spotify, probably other places as well but those are the ones I know of.
Heads up for strong language. My roommate swears.
"Full speed ahead = this guy loves his wife"
"Fire but no smoke???? Guys do NOT go to that island"
"Bro do not go to the cave. Bro, they're going to the cave, fucking idiots."
"Bruhhhh… all his men are getting hit by the club! Dumbass. That's why you don't go into the fucking cave."
"Broooo… these guys are DEFINITELY gonna open the bag! I mean cuz there are like four other parts… so there's no way they make it home."
"Bruh… fucking idiots… opening the bag!"
"Yoooo, Poseidon just showed up!"
"Wouldn't you like is FIREEEE"
"Brooo… this guy's gonna cheat on his wife with a nymph."
"Bro this guy's cheatin' on his wife! This guy's cheatin' on his wife! Guys! This guy's cheatin' on his wife!"
"Mmmm… is he gonna cheat on his wife? I feel like it's implied that he's gonna cheat on his wife. Because that's what happened in the book, he had sex with everybody. Then he got home and got mad at his wife. But HE'S the slut!"
"Oh he's not cheating on his wife."
"Bruh… he lowkey wants to cheat on his wife. He kinda wants to cheat on his wife! Okay, whatever."
"Oh, well the prophet is dead. Oh shit they gotta go to the underworld!"
"Uh oh it's the underworld time! Wait I'm almost at the Monster Energy song."
"Oh shit 558 men died because of this guy? Oh it's all his dead men being like, what the hell."
"BRUHHH HIS MOM DIED??? Goddamn. Bruh his mom died while he was gone, that's so sad!"
"Come on… come on… monster! Yes!"
"Whatever. No longer you is taking 3 million years to end, hurry up!"
They made this instead of listening to the song and had to go back to actually hear it:
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"Well now he's gonna be evil for real because everyone's telling him ruthlessness is mercy. And he's like, well if everyone's telling me to do it."
"Ooh thunder saga, I bet it's Zeus. Epic Zeus moment!"
"Wait he has a daughter? I thought he had a son. Oh I bet it's an evil siren thing."
"Bro he's getting tricked, his ass is getting tricked!"
"This guy's… this guy's crazy. This guy's getting tricked! It's not Penelope!"
"Oh he knew that, he knew it. Whatever. Whatever. Okay. It's so fucking emo."
"Haha he doesn't have a daughter. I remembered."
"Bruh, everyone's mad at him for missing his wife. You'd let your men die to see your wife? Um, why don't you just survive? Skill issue."
"Oh my god fucking dumbass killed the cow. Idiot idiot idiot. Apollo's gonna get your fucking ass. Dude! These guys keep killing cattle that don't belong to them."
"Ooh this is awesome. Odysseus has to choose between his own life and his men. I feel like he's gonna choose his own life. Because they all suck and they're fucking stupid."
"Oooh, who is he gonna choose, I feel like he's gonna choose himself! Because his crew is all fucking stupid!"
"(gasp) he picked himself! Because he loves his wife so much!"
"Oh it's his son or whatever."
"Everyone wants to fuck his mom!"
"Don't call her a tramp."
"Awesome Athena moment."
"No, Athena! Don't blame yourself for Odysseus being a piece of shit. He kinda did that to himself."
"Is it mean to think his son is kind of annoying?"
"I just like Athena when she's being kind of mean. Like I don't care that she's being nice right now."
"Bruh! Oh my god he just keeps getting trapped. Stupid."
"Everyone wants Odysseus. I feel like it would be more interesting if he cheated on his wife."
"I guess it would be too much like Hamilton if he cheated on his wife."
"Bro he's gonna kill himself!"
"That's so annoying. If he's just gonna kill himself after killing all his men… I don't know…"
"Oh Aphrodite's voice is so epic."
"Oh they just made him not cheat on his wife so that Hera would like him!"
"That was fire! That was pretty epic!"
Bonus, re: Telemachus Me: "Be nice to him!" Them: "I'll probably like him more after they try to kill him. You can write that one down too."
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katyspersonal · 3 months
Today's SoTE adventures! Hoooo boy that was awesome!! Too bad I have to interrupt to cook food and stuff but
1) So, I continued going down the road through Mausoleum where I defeated Rakshasa yesterday! But first attempted to snipe the hyppo enemies with a greatbow.. Barely reduced their health because I had whole 8 arrows and 4 of them only served to attract them to snipeable distance 🤡 I'll get them later..... :/
2) I ended up going all the way down! And it was a combo string of me thinking one thing but it was another!! So my objective was to get to that mysterious missing spot on the map. I went all the way down on a small island and saw catacombs, assuming I went to the wrong place because it is caves or mines that can lead to another location entirely, not catacombs! Then I went there in that very dark catacomb and as soon as I saw Fulgurbloom and a big talisman I assumed it was yet another Death catacomb that'd be mirroring previous two but no! Light puzzles and no Death. THEN I assumed 'there is no way the boss is anything but Knight of Death' but NO!!!
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And as if that was all not enough, turned out that WAS an actual way to the new location!! I got that right 😎
3) I however apparently missed at least two secrets in that catacomb.. I saw the ladder that I didn't know how to access, and I didn't understand the deal with an item where that big shooting Imp was. All I got was this:
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Guess I'll have to watch tutorial or ask my friends like the annoying completions jerk that I am x)
4) Soooo I ran into this message when I wanted to hop on the boulder:
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I saw a screenshot of this before but didn't know the context!
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Meanwhile, I was looking around and thinking that the fire cracks layout was looking a LOT like Frenzied Flame. Damn, I feel like that was what scared Torrent since he pretty much burns alive in FF ending and JUST SO I DON'T HAVE ANY DOUBTS LEFT GODDAMN RATS THAT DEAL FRENZY ATTACKED ME LET'S GOOOOOO (or not ffgghfgg)
5) So on my way further there, I defeated a pretty annoying invader, just barely, and.......
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Gfhgyyggyuyb I already cried a bitter tear of being Seen @ Undestood when Miyazaki managed to squeeze his trademark loathing for those who commit atrocities under belief in their sainthood in a talisman Queelign dropped, but this too.. Like yeah, I can absolutely confirm that being hunted as "heretic" by your own is the most insanity-inducing thing. I have seen what it did with another person, I have experienced this too and honestly I can't be bitter about lolrandom ship choice with Radahn or whatever on Miyazaki's side as long as he sneaks addressing this kind of stuff in his works. He actually GETS it.. This very specific grievance with human species in general that I don't see acknowledged on this level anywhere else. I feel seen ;-;
6) Also the map too!
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I am going to make a wild prediction that Midra and the boys were also unfairly slandered like heretics and so the despair festered to the point of him (?) being contacted by the Three Fingers the same way Marika was contacted by the Two Fingers after her own tragedy 🤔 Listen it is not like I've had everything spoiled, I am just trying to guess! Lol I bet that the Hornsent clerics/saints/inquisitors/whatever are now looking at this land being tormented by Frenzy and go like "well see how much Midra overreacted, it was a good call to bully him :т" like you know, in the classic fashion of witch hunters completely missing the fact that they've created their own enemy. Dipshits.
(Ok sorry for getting too emotional on this bit, those three of you who followed my blog for a long time probably know why I am so occupied with this topic -_- Granted, Miyazaki already did the topic with the Nomads so maybe now he will try an alternative route and have people in this place being actually guilty? I'll see!)
7) There were strangely places on the corner of the map where rain started and ended quick, without any reason xd
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I wonder why it is like this? Probably a mapping bug but it feels for me as though something is protecting this land from completely burning this way! Based if intentional!
8) Not gonna lie, I've gotten a little nervous when I've picked this thing:
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Winter Lantern? oMgggg LiKe iN bLooDbOrNe IS THIS A BB REFERENCE 👀 cfhkgjhuh
Okay, but so pattern looked familiar and I suddenly remembered a creature I've seen in a trailer o_o So yeah, I just knew it was not going to be a huge pain in the ass soon 🙄
9) And I fucking died lol gfbgg
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Honestly I don't know if I am mistaken, but I don't recall seeing a healthbar of this thing! It seems like all hits had no effects so maybe I did something wrong, I don't know.. I'll figure out what to do later I guess
So yes, not too much progress but a lot of emotions! One of the biggest "holy shit I love this DLC" moments so far after that pretty hard battle!
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skyward-floored · 3 months
this is your invitation to yap about TOTK
- hero-of-the-wolf
And I will yap!
First of all watching Zelda geek out under the castle was the best, she was so giddy by the time she figured out the murals and everything, and Link was just nodding along like “I only half know what you’re saying but I love hearing you infodump”. Plus the stuff about her always being told “the tunnels under the castle are forbidden” like girl you’re telling me NOBODY went down there?? Highly unlikely. I don’t buy it.
The lore in this game is already driving me nuts. There’s people from the sky but they’re not skyloftians. They founded hyrule even though the skyloftians did that but also the inprisoning war is in there somewhere which makes NO sense because it seemed like in twilight princess it had nothing to do with the founding of hyrule, and what’s all this about Rauru being the first king? Excuse me? Did nintendo just soft reset everything because I don’t like that—
I’m holding out hope that more will be explained. And it will make more sense. Maybe. (I’m not very positive lol)
Zelda gets an amber relic but it’s white and shiny instead! Neato! Obviously this is important since more with it shows up later. I don’t totally know what yet though... I’m suspicious.
also I didn’t know the corpse would talk. that was terrifying actually. listening to him crack as he shifted around was! Horrible!!
I’ve screamed about the hand grabbing thing back when the trailers came out but hwwwwaaauuugghghhg. He tried so hard to save her and she fell anyway hhhhhhhhhhh. Link my poor son.
WHY DOES POOR LINK KEEP WAKING UP UNDERGROUND IN HIS UNDERWEAR WITH NO CLUE WHAT’S GOING ON. Once was weird enough but twice??? this poor man. And he doesn’t even have the questionable luxury of memory loss this time, you know that boy is worrying his head off about Zelda. And his arm. Ow.
Nothing funnier than hearing a disembodied voice be like “sorry, I couldn’t save your arm so I just gave you mine.” Sir.
The sky islands are so pretty. I saw one of those weird hairy ostrich things and for about two seconds went LOFTWING?? but alas. it was not so. I like all the animals up there, though I have to wonder how there weren’t issues with in-breeding, and how several species are identical to ones on the surface despite being separated for literal thousands of years.... I’m probably thinking about it too hard.
The robot guys are so cute, and the noises they make are pretty too. They look kinda like geckos to me :) though the enemy ones are mean. At least I stole a flamethrower from the one guy.
Rauru: dang it my arm is too weak to go through the door. Sorry bro. Fortunately there’s these shrines—
Link: *flashbacking to the Great plateau* say no more.
Koroks again... oof man. At least the little quest things you do with them get you two. Helping them is fun, plus they’re so weighed down by their bags their legs just wiggle in the air ahaha they’re like beetles who got stuck upside down. They’re so cute.
Of all the things I expected going into this the giant blupee frog was not one of them. Whuh. Cursed blupee? Blupee that ate too much? Something?? Hrmmmm. I bet you’ll have to give the little blupee pendant things to Satori or something. Or somebody on Satori mountain.
The glow flowers (who’s name’s I forget) are soooo pretty. I love how there’s caves in this game, it’s so fun to climb around in them :D except when there’s a like-like because eeeeuuugghhgg. I didn’t think anyone could make a like-like grosser than it already was and yet here we are. EW. kill it kill it kill it—
Bird gliders are SO FUN
All of the abilities are fun but I like rewind a lot because it’s so simple. It’s like, fun because it’s less complicated? Idk it’s just neat. Plus Zelda gave it to us so it’s special :3 or her echo did. Or something. I’m suspicious.
Okay. Glowey spot. Broken master sword. Chiming and Fi’s theme (waaaaaah). Put the sword in the glow and it looks like we rewind and Zelda takes it. THEREFORE Zelda must have been yeeted to the past by that weird rock she picked up, and I hate nintendo because SERIOUSLY TIME TRAVEL AGAIN???
I already have a headache trying to make this fit into my understanding of Zelda games. *shakes fist*
Okay Zelda talked to us at least, that’s good, now we’re getting somewhere. Surface time babey!!!!
Trying to orient myself after I fell was so confusing and it took me a solid half an hour to figure out where I should maybe go and then Skye reminded me there was a glowey marker on my map telling me where to go lollll
Also I caught a horse and there were shenanigans involved in getting him to a stable but I did eventually register him (his name is Lucas after Lost’s dad but also I just like the name). And pony points are the best thing I’ve ever heard of <333 mad you still can’t pet the dogs though. LAME.
Lookout Landing is amazing. It’s so great. The music is catchy and they’re all so organized and rebuilding and Hyrule in general just seems so much more thriving now and I’m so proud of Link and Zelda waaaaaaaaaugh
Also everyone being so worried about Link (or straight-up not recognizing him lol) was sweet, I love how relieved people were to see him again.
PURAH’S OLD(er) AND IT KINDA HAS ME SHOOK. Her assistant is real sweet though, Josha I think? Nice kid. I don’t know if she’s eleven or sixteen or some other age entirely, but nice kid.
Just realized this is getting very very long. I didn’t do a ton else except pop up to the castle (creepy and unsettling with no guardians trying to kill me) and see Zelda appear then disappear (very weird and I’m suspicious again) so I’ll stop here. Ohhh also I popped down to the depths, but I didn’t do too much under there either. Just crept around and caught some bugs and killed some monsters (weird-looking monsters) and took a picture of a statue.
So endeth the thoughts of peggy on totk. For now lol.
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freya-howlett · 1 year
So, now that I finished totk, I'd like to share my insight of the game overall with y'all. Fight me or agree with me, I'd like to know other people's opinions
The soundtrack is amazing. Zelda has always been about awesome music and this is not the exception. The soundtrack plays exactly what the environment was to convey. You're exploring the sky islands? The music is then calm. You're in the depths? the music will help you shit yourself. Going even more down, looking for Ganondorf? coolest music ever, full of mystery.
World exploring. I feel like this time totk forces you to explore the world, in botw you could directly go to Ganon and beat the shit out of him with a stick, but definitely not here at all. You find yourself needing bombs so you'll have to look for caves, then you need Sundelion, so you have to go to the sky. In a certain way, I hated that for the first days because I was trying to finish the game as soon as I could, but now I appreciate it.
We have our first disabled Link! At least until the end. It was nice to see him different for once. It'd be cool if he had stayed that way.
World development. In botw, you have this whole piece of land that's mostly monsters and ruins, but in totk things have changed after the calamity disappeared. We have more people around who're in contact with each other. The places don't seem as lonely as before and even people help Link. And, did you notice there's less trees? It's a nice detail, since there's new buildings made of wood everywhere.
Fusing mechanic. Tbh, I didn't love Fuse at first, but then realized how useful it can be.
Link's clothing. There's more clothes available bc they used the botw DLC clothing, which is cool! And the new designs are... slutty.
Zelink. No one can tell me otherwise. All the signs are there, bitches!!!!
Overall, it doesn't feel like a sequel. And I hated that. Nintendo keeps giving preference towards new players and in this case, it's not worth it. I dare to declare that at least 80% of people who purchased totk played botw and knew exactly what they were getting. This especially has to do with the point below.
There's no mention of the Champions at all, the Sheikah technology is missing, and where tf are the Divine Beasts?? I get that, yeah, maybe the Champions shouldn't be thaaaaaat important anymore, yet what about everything else? Where's my Sheika Slate????????
We were promised a dark game and this isn't it, not at all. Maybe I'm tripping? But I remember clearly on the first years of development people mentioning this game would be dark like Majora's, and going back to the first two trailers I could actually see it was kinda the case. However, with the last trailer, I made a bet that they probs rejected the idea and I was right. I'd like to have something like Majora someday again.
The introduction of a new race out of nowhere. The zonai.... they weren't my piece of cake at first. It seems cheap for me, I'm not sure. I don't know if they intended to introduce something, anything, from them since botw but ended up scraping the idea, but overall the whole experience I have of them from both games is that they took the zonai out of their asses and were like "yup, we got this!"
The end was TOO happy. Like I mentioned before, I'd rather Link have his arm cut. Purah can make another one if Rauru really wanted his arm so bad. Zelda transforming back was okay, but what I didn't really get was why did Sonia and Rauru didn't turn her back before????? They instead waited until Link fought his ass hard, lol.
I hated that Zelda was thanking ME at the end instead of Link. Don't look at me, bitch, look at your boyfriend! This has to do with this other post of mine about how Nintendo can't let go of Link being an avatar despite they themselves providing depth to his character.
I may edit this longer but rn I'm out of ideas and I'm at work, lol.
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hinatastinygiant · 11 months
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4 | Aztec Gold
Pairing: Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Pirate's Treasure Masterlist
"What does it say?" Bakugou asks, his tone calmer as he takes a step closer to you to show you the new markings on the map.
What you see are four symbols, drawings of four different pictures.
The first is a ship with billowing sails and a skull-and-crossbones flag, signifying the legendary pirate ship, you explain to him as you point it out.
The second is a locked treasure chest, suggesting something hidden or protected.
The third, a depiction of a cave entrance partially obscured by vegetation and shadows, conveying the concept of a secret or hidden location.
Lastly, a representation of the sun at its peak on the summer solstice day, symbolizing the specific and rare event required to unearth the treasure.
Somehow, this old map knows exactly where the Captain's treasure is hidden. You look at the captain, and your eyes meet. A spark flashes between you, and your heart skips a beat.
"So, what's the meaning of the code?" he asks you.
"A pirate ship, a locked treasure, a cave entrance, and a sunny day. It's as simple as that," you answer him. "I'm willing to bet on the summer solstice, that's when we should find the treasure."
"But how will we know where to look?" he continues to question.
"We'll just need to figure out what part of the island this map is referencing," you state confidently.
"But this island is huge. We don't have time for that," he grunts, becoming agitated again.
"I'm sorry, do you have a better idea?"
"Well, no, but-"
"Then let's start looking. It's the only way."
With that, the Captain turns on his heel, heading back toward the ship. You follow closely behind, hoping your guess is right. But before you can get back, a group of unshaven men jump out before the two of you.
"Thieves," Bakugou grinds his teeth.
"We've come for the treasure," the apparent leader, a tall, broad man, says, his eyes darting to the map in Bakugou's hand. "Show us where it is!"
"Do you really think I'll just let you make off with what's rightfully mine?" Bakugou sneers.
"I think you have no choice," the man threatens as he nods to something behind you. Then, before you can even react, a knife is placed at your throat. You gasp and look at the map in the Captain's hand. If you don't get your hands on it, he'll surely let these strangers kill you.
"Give us the map," the thief demands.
"Never," Bakugou spits.
"Then we'll kill her," the leader threatens as one of his lackeys holds the knife closer to your neck.
"You'll never find it without the map," Bakugou says, taking a step toward the leader.
Just as tensions escalate to a dangerous level, Bakugou's fiery resolve takes over. In one swift movement, he pulls out your knife and lunges at the thieves with an intensity that catches them off guard. With some seriously good precision, he slits the throat of the man holding you hostage, knocking the weapon to the ground.
Before the others can react, Bakugou has disarmed and killed all three remaining men. As the bodies fall, the last man standing, their leader, grabs his weapon and aims it at the Captain's heart.
You stumble back, your heart pounding. He just saved your life at the cost of his own. You've never seen anyone fight like that, and you're stunned at the sight.
"I-I'll kill you!" the leader shouts.
"Go on, pull the trigger then. Put me out of my misery," the Captain groans as your foot knocks against the knife that was previously at your throat.
"Gladly," the thief snarls, ready to fire.
You have no idea what's coming over you, but as you watch him about to shoot, you grab the knife and throw it as hard as you can, aiming for the head of the thief.
The blade buries itself into his skull, and his arm falls to the side as he crumples to the ground. You stand frozen, your eyes wide as you realize what just happened.
You didn't know you had that in you.
As the dust settles and the threat is neutralized, you fall to your knees, shaken by the close call. Bakugou, his anger momentarily replaced by concern, rushes to your side, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder.
"Hey, are you okay?" he asks.
You can't speak, you just nod slowly, taking a moment to process what just happened.
"I had no idea you could do that" he grumbles as he extends his hand.
"Neither did I," you confess as you take his hand and stand back up.
"You saved my life," he says, still shocked himself.
"Don't mention it," you reply with an attempt at a smile. "I've never killed someone before."
"You'll get used to it," he tries to comfort you, but it does little to ease the nausea welling up inside you.
"I hope not," you whisper. "I think I'm going to be sick."
"Take a minute, Princess. Catch your breath."
"God, you've got to stop calling me that. It only makes me feel worse."
"Fine, what's your name then?" he asks, clearly annoyed.
"Oh," you hum softly, looking up at him. Had you really not told him your name before now? "It's Y/N. L/N Y/N."
"Okay, well, now that we've introduced ourselves, let's get moving. We've wasted enough time already."
You nod, your head still swimming from the earlier excitement. This isn't your first time on an adventure, but you've never come face-to-face with death like this before.
You follow Bakugou's lead as he continues his march toward the ship, your thoughts racing with questions and doubts. You're not sure how all of this is going to go down, but one thing's for certain; things are only going to get more complicated from here on out.
Taglist: @nemisimp @boopjuice
Pirate's Treasure Masterlist
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totkdaily · 6 months
Day 79: Sky-Hopping
The shrine in the West Necluda Archipelago takes some time as well. It's mid-morning before I'm done and can carry on to the tower. 
I do stop off at one more island, but to be fair there are fairies there, and I am in desperate need.
The tower opens fine, but the console is broken. From the nearby well there's a distant call for help. I bet it's the engineer. 
I find Elmerson - and, yep, he's set off some kind of trap down here. I go looking for the other entrance and find a completely different thing - another secret hideaway and journal by Chef Aurie Taamu.
I head back up to the surface, and this time find Elmerson's cave. 
Popla Foothills Excavation Site. Has the survey team been here? I free Elmerson from the strange tunnel and collect the treasure he left behind - then meet him back at the tower. Apparently humidity broke the tower, but he's fixed it now. These towers do feel a little janky - almost all of them have been broken when I've arrived. 
I launch through a stormy sky, up through the clouds and into a late sunset.
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This area of the map covers some of Faron - and that huge maelstrom sitting above it. It's always been a place prone to storms - I remember the lighting that used to plague the region. Is this more of the same, or something greater? 
I see a geoglyph on the hillside by Lake Hylia. Is it a helmet? A gravestone?
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I start the long glide over towards it. 
Oh, Goddess. There's a huge monster on the Hylian Bridge. It looks like another of those three-headed dragons - this one breathes fire.
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I manage to glide high enough that it doesn't spot me, but I don't have the stamina to glide all the way to the geoglyph and have to drop down on the large sunken island on the lake. There used to be a shrine there - its a sinkhole now, a gateway to the Depths. 
I hop across the remaining islands back to land, to the geoglyph.
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toreii · 1 year
Lost in the Book with Stitch part 15
Disclaimer: This is a fan translation. I apologize for any mistakes. I’m by no means fluent in Japanese, but I try my best. Please, support the official translation when it comes out. Be kind and friendly, and feel free to support me by donating a ko-fi if you’d like. Link is in my description!
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Uninhabited Island - Tropical Forest
Riddle: “Alright. Let’s go find a better campsite than last night.”
Floyd: “Even if it’s another campsite, at best, it’s another cave, or shade of a tree, right?”
Floyd: “Then, why not build a house that we like?”
Grim/Riddle/Jack: “BUILD A HOUSE!?”
Grim: “Well, I rather have a proper house than a cave…do you know how to build a house?”
Floyd: “It’s just combining the trees around here appropriately. Who knows.”
Floyd: “If you use logs as pillars and lean them against each other, it will look like a house.”
Floyd: “Whether it collapses or not is a high stakes bet~. That’s okay, right?”
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Riddle: “That can’t be right, they’re not building blocks.”
Jack: “It’s better to be sleep deprived and bit by mosquitoes than to sleep in a house that will collapse soon.”
“Certainly so.”
“I don’t like mosquitoes.”
Grim: “I don’t like being crushed under a log, or bit by mosquitoes!”
Floyd: “Huh~? Everyone is complaining a lot. What’s the matter? If you have a better idea, tell me.”
Riddle: “Hmm. A proper facility where we’re not bitten by mosquitoes, and something we can build…that’s it!”
Riddle: “Certainly. There may be a point in what Floyd says.”
Jack: “Eh? You mean laying under logs?”
Riddle: “No way. It’s about using the logs.”
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Riddle: “As Floyd said, we can make logs out of trees all around us. Then, we can build a ‘log house’.”
Riddle: “There’s no need to stand pillars upright. A log house is made by stacking logs horizontal to make walls.”
Riddle: “It’s easier to place them horizontally than vertically, right? Of course, this won’t be an easy task…”
Riddle: “The structure is simpler than other buildings, and even amateurs like us might be able to do something with magic.”
Jack: “A log house? Come to think of it, I’ve seen them in my hometown, too…”
Jack: “But, I had no idea they were made like that. Riddle-senpai is knowledgable.”
Riddle: “I’m going to summer camp, soon. I heard I was staying in a log house, and grew concerned about the structure, so I did a little research.”
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Floyd: “Aah, Goldfishy, that’s great!”
Riddle: “W-What? Even if you praise me, I’m not thrilled.”
Floyd: “No, no, really. I didn’t know land dwellers had houses like that. As expected of Goldfishy.”
Riddle: “What rare honesty…haha, hahaha!”
Riddle: “It’s only natural that I’m the housewarden of Heartslabyul, based on the spirit of the Queen of Hearts!”
Jack: “He looks really happy…”
Grim: “The Queen of Hearts and log houses have nothing in common.”
Floyd: “I see, I see. That’s great.”
Floyd: “Well, even if we don’t know the structure of the house, Stitch will make anything as long as we have the right materials.”
Floyd: “Rather than putting logs together by following our example, he’ll build a proper house. That smug look is hilarious.”
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Riddle: “Then why did you tell me to do it properly!”
Jack: “Of course……Stitch’s abilities had slipped my mind.”
Jack: “You jerk, you’ve been thinking about that from the beginning, haven’t you? It’s been an outrageous lie that it was one or other.”
Jack: “He’s just messing with us. Riddle-senpai, if you snap, you’ll play right into his hand!”
Riddle: “Grr…rrrrgh…!”
Floyd: “‘Kay. Let’s start collecting materials.”
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Floyd: “It’s not fun doing this normally, so let’s compete to see who can get the most logs.”
Floyd: “It’s a punishment game to all who lose.”
“Punishment game is a bit…”
“Competition is a bit…”
Floyd: “No. Shrimpy-chan has to participate. Okay, start!”
*Floyd runs off*
Riddle: “AH, FLOYD! WAIT!”
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Jack: “Damn…he started cutting the trees. We need to hurry up, and collect the materials!”
To be continued…
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shirohige-pirates · 1 year
Birds of a Feather
CisFem Reader x Marco
CW: Violence, blood, language, adult themes and scenes.
Summary: Life has not been kind to you. After a string of bad relationships, you're a little jaded and a little depressed in all honestly. The worst day of your life seems to be the turning point, but the roller coaster ride that follows could either throw you soaring free, or have you caged forever?
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Chapter 3: Coffee
Yawning you take another drink of coffee and stretch. It was just before lunch and you felt relieved to be back at work. You’d caved and let Kid drive you into work, but you’d been adamant about finding your own ride home.
Going over the numbers again was going to require a break first, and you wanted to get out and stretch your legs. It was beautiful outside today, if not a little cold, but it was autumn, and Lvneel was an island that experienced all the seasons. None of them were extreme, however, which made it a nice place to live.
Putting on your coat you walk through the rows of cubicles, stopping briefly by an office. “Bon-chan,” you say, causing the dark-haired man to look up from his work at you. “I’m going to step out for lunch, want me to bring anything back?”
“Non,” he says after a moment’s consideration. “Ivan-sama is bringing me something, but thank you Miss (Y/N) for asking.”
You smile. “Of course, Bon-bon. Is Buggy fed and watered too?”
“I’m not a plant!” Buggy grumbles, his head popping up over the wall of a cubical.
“Some sort of exotic pet then?” You prompt and watch his face go red. “Buggy – do you need me to bring anything back?”
“… A flashy coffee.”
“Coffee is not food.”
“I had a burrito earlier, I don’t need food. I need coffee.” He grumbles disappearing back behind the cube wall.
“Aye, aye.” You answer, with a wave of your hand.
Heading out of the office building you made your way over to the nearby café. It was late enough the lunch rush was over, and early enough that nothing baked that morning was going to be stale. Heading in you grab one of the bento boxes from the stand and walk up to order.
“Black coffee, and the lunch.” You set the box up on the counter as the blonde behind the counter smiles. “How goes, Sanji?”
“Every day is improved when a beauty like you graces my shop, (Y/N)-chan.” He says with that same easy smile. Sanji was happily married, and his flirting was always more like flowery complimenting. You’d met his husband a few times. A very stern man with mossy green hair and resting murder face.
Zoro was a good person though, and they were both adorable toward one another when they didn’t think anyone was paying attention. They were friends with people who were friends with Kid and Killer, so you knew them well enough even if you didn’t hang out much directly anymore.
You smile in return. “I bet. I’ll need a decaf Flashy coffee when I leave, can I just pay for it now?”
“Of course,” he says, punching in the complicated drink Buggy enjoyed. “Decaf today, huh? Did he do something bad?”
You laugh a little. “His head came up over the cubicle when I asked him what he needed. He usually only detaches like that when he’s already stressed.”
“Ah, alright. You’re all set. I’ll get that drink going once you’re done, so don’t feel rushed.”
“Thank you, Sanji.”
You sit down at one of the empty tables and dig into the meal. The best thing about Sanji was his cooking as far as you were concerned. It wasn’t just that his food was delicious, but it was always exactly what you needed. The price was good too, especially for a place located in one of the busier parts of the city.
You nearly choked when you looked up just in time to catch Marco’s gaze as he came into the café. He was in scrubs, his lab coat, and a jacket over that. He gives you a smile as he walks up to the counter.
“Sanji, how are you today?”
“Not bad, doc, how’re the patients?” Sanji asks.
“Better behaved than most of the staff.” Marco jokes. “Ah, it’ll be two black coffees, a macchiato, an iced decaf and a green tea for today, yoi.”
“Sure thing, I’ll get that going for you.” Sanji says, ringing up the order.
“Flying solo today?”
“Robin-chan took care of the lunch rush single-handedly.” Sanji says, beaming. “The moss head will be in later and Duval will be in before the dinner rush starts.”
Marco laughs. “Alright then.”
Sanji gets to work with the drink orders and Marco comes over to your table.
“Spare a few moments to keep an old man company?” He requests, and you put a hand out toward a chair.
“Old man, huh?” You question, giving him a soft smile.
“Ancient.” He says, smiling in return. “You look like you’re doing a lot better today, yoi.”
You nod. “Decidedly. I slept last night and my coffee wasn’t crunchy this morning.” You admit giving him a genuine smile. “Any luck with the Pittie?”
He shakes his head. “She’s not chipped, and so far the only active missing requests are for brunettes and blondes. No one, sadly, is looking for a beautiful blue girl.”
“… Will she be okay if I don’t take her?” You ask, worry on your face. “I know how people can be with that breed.”
Marco’s brows raise a little, and he smiles. “Ah, she’s the darling of the hospital already, yoi. If you don’t take her I’m sure someone on my staff will. If you have time, you should come by tomorrow. There’s a small bit of paperwork to do and I’m sure the patient would love to show her appreciation, yoi.”
You smile. “I had planned to pull a long shift today specifically to leave early tomorrow so I could come by.”
“Good, that’ll leave us plenty of time for dinner afterward.” He says, leaning on his hand and regarding you with an easy smile.
He’s relaxed from his words down to his posture. His eyes are hooded, and his voice is even. There’s no bravado, no bluster, but the confidence is there. The first time he brought up dinner it was a distraction, the second time it was teasing, but this time there’s a seriousness to his offer. A weight that wasn’t there before.
Your eyes go to your drink and you lift it to your lips slowly, unable to meet that gaze as you respond. “Do you really want to take me to dinner?”
“Mm,” he hums affirmatively. “You made quite the impression, yoi.”
You almost choke on your coffee, setting it down as you laugh. “I nearly threw up on you, that is certainly an impression.” You look at him, and the smile on his face causes you to press your lips together and look away. It was easier to be around Kid when he was in one of his moods, than it was to match that smile.
You chew your lip and fidget a little, mulling over the offer, and letting your own smile show through as he sat quietly and left you to your pondering.
“Do I get to ride in that car again?” You question. Your face is turned away a little, but you’re looking him in the eyes.
“That car?” He repeats, his smile widening a little. “I see it made an impression, yoi.”
“It’s a custom silver blue paint job for starters, and even a stock 1972 Mercedes 300 SEL would make an impression. Those fabric seats aren’t stock either, and for an ancient car, it didn’t have a spot of rust, so you’ve either restored it a time or two, or taken flawless care of it.” You rattle off, taking a few more bites of your lunch and when you’re done you look up to see Marco smiling at you in a way that makes your heart skip.
“What?” You barely even really ask the question, caught like a deer in headlights.
“Don’t worry about it,” he answers smoothly, looking away and glancing out to the street. “Since it’s the only car I have,” he continues, looking back at you. “Then can I take that as a yes?”
“No place fancy.” You counter.
“I’ll even wear my scrubs.” He offers.
“I want to look under the hood.”
“I get to pay the entire tab.”
You narrow your eyes a little and then smile. “Alright, fair.”
“Oi, doc, order’s set.” Sanji calls from the counter.
“Excuse me,” Marco says, getting up and going over to the counter. He picks up a 6-part carrier with sugar, creamer and straws in the empty pocket. “Thank you Sanji.”
“Of course.” Sanji replies with a smile.
“It’s been a pleasure, miss (Y/N),” Marco offers, walking by your table before he leaves. “I look forward to tomorrow.”
Your self-assurance abandons you in record time and you look away with a small, muttered, “me too.” As he leaves.
It takes you a few minutes to return to your meal, and you can feel Sanji’s eyes boring a hole into the back of your head. You don’t even spare him a clipped “What?” because you know it’ll prompt him to dive face first into his usual romanticism, and a lot harder than usual.
It was just dinner. Dinner with him in his scrubs. It wasn’t going to be anything. It wasn’t. There was no need for you to sit here and think about how it would be nice for it to be more. No reason to think that being busy at work meant you’d use your time together at home efficiently.
At home?!
You put your face in your hands to try and drive your snowballing thought away. You nearly threw up on him, and here you are picking out curtains and thinking about the quiet moments.
You hadn’t even had any loud moments.
You had been covered in blood and vomit, you hadn’t even touched the man’s hand.
He had seen you at your absolute worst, or close enough to it, and was actively looking to spend more time with you. That was worth a lot. Worth enough that maybe you could shove your recent cynicism aside and at least enjoy yourself.
“(Y/N)?” Sanji questions, hand on your shoulder and you nearly leap out of your skin. “Sorry. I was calling for a couple minutes, I was worried you were having some kind of seizure.”
“Haaa, maybe.” You sigh a little. “Is that Buggy’s disaster decaf?” You prompt, pointing at the drink in his hand.
“Indeed.” He says with a smile. “If it’s going to be a long night I can send the idiot moss head over with a spare coffee for you?”
You snort. “You married the guy, don’t call him that.” You grin, standing up and taking the coffee.
“It is said with love, Miss (Y/N)-chan, I promise.” He assures you, beaming a smile that backs up his words.
“Alright, alright, and yes. That’d be fantastic. He can send a text and I’ll come down to the front doors. If I’m done before nine I’ll shoot you a text.”
“How’re you getting home that late?”
“Bon-bon’s going to be late today too, and I imagine Buggy’s going to stay over just by virtue of being a worrisome little shit.” You explain. “I was planning on ordering a Bubble Ride, but if they’re still around I’ll grab a ride home with one of them.”
“Alright,” Sanji pulls a cigarette from his front pocket and follows you outside. “Be sure to call Jaggy if you need to.” He insists, lighting the cigarette and taking a drag. “Don’t let that pride get in your way.”
You salute and give him a wink. “Aye, aye.”
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kerubimcrepin · 7 months
Episode 41 - The Sword of Nine Tails
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Anyway, I think that, this is a yet another instance of Kerubim trying to install, within Joris, a love for merchantship. And by god, it's working.
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Joris knows him well. Cute. :)
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Joris just screamed "THE SWORD IS FAKE?!" as loud as he could and is now watching the ensuing chaos with a satisfied little smile. Will his reign of evil ever be stopped? I genuinely think he loves this. Just like an adult, he only pretends to be normal. He knows what he did. He loves it and approves too. <3
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He LOVES it when people clap for Kerubim almost as much as the man himself does... He truly is god's strongest Kerubim apologism warrior.
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The text at the bottom is unreadable for me, besides the stray "L", "D", "U", and "C", but at the top it is "LEGENDES"
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I bet primitive ecaflips pack bonded with bow meows or something.
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Even though Lanceforge weren't yet a thing in the lore during this time, my gut reaction to this cave and that name is "IS THIS THE EVIL ISLAND FROM CIRE MOMORE?!?!?" and then I just start coughing up blood.
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I hauve Post-"Cire Momore Webtoon" Stress Disorder.
And guys, you want to read that comic, for free, on allskreen, soooooooooooooooo bad. Haha. This isn't analysis this is me telling you to go read this comic.
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Imagine being in love with an ecaflip person, but having an allergy to their fur. Wouldn't that be fucked. Wouldn't that be hellish.
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I love how that section nonchalantly transitions to show Kerubim buying this sword.
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Handwriting is very hard to parse in this series.
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Truly, the flash frame of all time.
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Ruining other people's entire day is a good job well done.
14 notes · View notes