#I can’t escape them oh my god save me please /j
starjane312 · 1 year
Kit Tanthalos x OC
Big Masterlist
Chapter 11
We start walking through the Forest. When we see the others with Ballentine, Weapons Drawn. I start running. 
B: Hold on. Someone just concisely recap everything we missed.
Nobody answers.
J: No ? Okay, we’ll have a go. Ballentine’s lost his mind.
B: And he’s trying to kidnap Elora on that Horse.
Ba: Stay out of this Boorman, you too Jane.
Boorman shoulders his sword. I lift my Axe.
B: We can’t.
K: Back in your Scabbards, boys.
Ba: I have to Take her.
K: Oh, I want you to. I really do. But maybe we should discuss this first.
W: He doesn’t serve Tir Asleen anymore. Do you commander ?
I lower my axe but stay on guard.
S: I don’t give a mule’s soft wispy bits who he Serves. She’s with us and he’s outnumbered Six to one.
G: I don’t know how much I can contribute here, Silas.
J: Five and a half to One. Happy now ?
Ba: Who said I’m alone.
He lowers his helmet. Boorman pushes me behind him and Fights of Merrick. I go and Help Kit. Keene knocks her onto the Floor. I quickly Push him back and try attacking him. But if it wasn’t for a smoke Bomb I would have been Dead and if it wasn’t for Jade Kit would’ve been dead too.
G: Elora !
I help Kit up and look her Up and Down.
K: I’m fine.
G: They got her.
We quickly pack everything up and off we are.
W: If we catch them by Sundown we can get her back. Ride on Ahead.
We nod. I look at Boorman. He nods. Me and Jade get the Horse tracks. Kit and Boorman catch up with us. When we see a Big cloud gathering we stop and wait for the Others. We hear a Woman's voice.
J: Graydon can you translate ?
He nods.
G: The stars align, the Door is open. The sphere Turns, a God is awoken. Extinguish the flame, snuff out the Light and exile the Child to the Thirteenth Night.
W: Ah, so you speak cursed Pnakotic ?
G: They’re gonna kill her. Aren’t they ?
W: No if they Killed her, her spirit would endure, be Reborn. But if they Banish her, they can Imprison her soul for all Eternity. It’s what Bavmorda was trying to do when I stopped her. The Crone Knows we’re following.
I grab Kit’s hand. She lightly squeezes it.
B: And what exactly is in there ?
W: A noxious twilight veil. A swirling vortex of Rage and Madness there’s no escape from. Come on there’s not a moment to lose.
We quickly keep Riding on. But of course, a Wheel of the Carriage breaks.
J: Are you shitting me ? Now ?!
B: I think it’s Broken.
J: Oh Really ? Didn’t notice that ! How’d you guess that Wonder pants?!
He looks at me annoyed.
S: I can Mend it. Then you guys just lift up the Wagon and I’ll slip it back on.
Graydon lets out a nervous laugh.
B: Seriously ?
I look up at the sky. I’m scared to death of thunder.
B: You can’t just, uh, levitate it or Something ?
W: No … No.
B: Ok … Ok. It’s really good having a sorcerer on this Quest.
J: Ok can we just speed this up Please ?
Kit looks at me.
K: We should ride ahead.
W: If we let her, the Crone will use this Storm to Separate and weaken us. We have to stay together.
Kit walks to the Wagon. 
K: I’m gonna go get water.
J: Definitely not alone.
I get up and walk to her. She takes my hand and I take a deep breath.
K: You ok ?
J: No but I’ll live through it.
We go to the river. I hear footsteps. It’s Jade.
Ja: Whatever it is, just say it.
K: We’re not gonna catch up to them.
J: And even if we do what happens then ?
K: They’re turning into … Monsters.
J: Look, we’re Sorry but if there’s a chance that we have to kill them, we …
K: We can’t hesitate.
Jade looks as us Offended.
Ja: I didn’t hesitate. I was trying to save you.
K: I don’t need saving Jade. I don’t need it from you or from Jane. I can take care of myself, Okay?
Ja: No, you can’t Kit. You can’t.
K: Every time we spar, I beat you. Both of you.
Ja: I ...
Jade sighs. I slowly shake my head. Not now. Not here. But she ignores me.
K: What ?
Confused Kit looks between us.
K: You’re saying … You let me win.
Ashamed I look to the Floor.
K: Why would you do that ?
Ja: Because, Kit, Your Mother …
K: She ordered you to be my Friend.
J: No.
Ja: She just asked us to train with you.
J: But only in the Beginning. Then we did it cause we liked it.
Ja: We never thought that you would be fighting for your Life.
K: That's why you're so fixated on protecting me ?
She looks at me.
J: No. Kit. You have to understand …
She walks past us.
J: Kit.
A thunderclaps and I flinch. A tear running down my Face.
Ja. Kit wait.
K: No, it’s okay. I … I’m just glad you told me. 
She walks past us. Another Thunderclaps and again I flinch.
J: This could not have gone worse ? Could it ?
Tears run down my Face. Jade takes my arm.
Ja: You ok ?
J: No. Kit probably hates us and it’s thundering. I feel like dying.
We walk towards the Wagon. Halfway there Moon comes to me.
J: It’s ok Mooney.
He kneels in front of me, and I get up. Jade takes the lead and walks to the Wagon. When we arrive, Moon stops by the Wagon. I lay my Forehead against his neck. The others saddle up. Boorman looks at me.
B: Still ?
I nod.
J: Never went away.
We keep riding until there is a split road. We stop. I again lay my head against Moon. My nerves are on the edge.
B: Yep, it’s definitely left. No doubt about it.
S: Left ? Left will take us through Pitiless pass. I don’t think the wagon will make it.
B: Course it will. That’s fine craftsmanship. And Pitiless pass, I mean, while I’ll admit is an unfortunate name it’s actually a perfectly lovely nice pass. Which goes by, might I add a cosy little inn called The slaughtered Lamb. Kind of a Home for me and my old Partner. It’s got everything you could want, you know, in an inn.
S: No, what about the other way ? Through Capella Pastures into Voluptuous Vale.
G: I mean that does sound Nicer.
B: Yeah, It also takes longer.
S: No, it doesn’t 
B: Does too.
S: No, it doesn’t
B: It does too !
S: No, it doesn’t. I will cut you.
W: Hey. In case you hadn’t noticed a Portal between dimensions is opening and when they reach it, Elora will be lost.
Suddenly Willow screams.
Ja: What ? What’s wrong ?
W: I’m fine 
S: You okay ? He’s fine.
We all look at them.
B: We spilt up. Cover more Ground. You guys take the safe long route and I’ll head up to the slaughtered Lamb. See if I can find the Help we really need.
Kit looks at Jade.
K: Alright. You, Jane and Graydon go with them through Capella Pastures. I’ll go with Boorman through the pass. Then we’ll met up at that Vale of Boobs or whatever.
I look at her.
J: Yeah, there’s no way in hell. I will come with you. I know you can’t stand me right now but I won’t. That Clear ?
K: I can take care of myself.
J: Yes, I know. 
I start Riding. Boorman behind me. I look back to see Kit also riding after us. 
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beckface · 2 years
“You seem surprised?”
“I mean, I wasn’t expecting someone to come out of the blue and save me like that!”
“Well, I’m an aspiring superhero! It’s kinda my job to save people! Er, at least it will be once I figure out how to actually become a superhero. In the meantime lets get you home sir!”
“You really don’t have to-“
“Nonsense, I can fly! It’ll be easy, besides we don’t want you to accidentally trip over the edge of the cliff again! Don’t worry about it though, I can be clumsy too. What were you even doing up here in the middle of the night anyways?”
“… aspiring superhero you say? I think I might be able to help you with that.”
can’t stop thinking of
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bucks-metal-arm19 · 3 years
Nightmares and Love-Making
Paring: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Daddy kink, talk of nightmares, cursing, voyeurism, dirty talk, face sitting, squirting, slight praise kink, slight degradation, unprotected sex, let me know if I missed anything! 
18+ only!
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: Welcome to my first Bucky Barnes one-shot! This stems from the fact that I couldn't find the smut I wanted so I just wrote it myself. I hope you like it! As always, it isn't looked over so all mistakes are my own :)
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You caught him at a bad time- in the middle of what seemed to be a horrific nightmare as he slept on his makeshift bed on the floor. You knew he couldn't sleep in his normal bed in his normal bedroom, and you knew that the king-sized mattress was still adorned with the solid black fabric set you had gotten for him as his first official birthday present. He told you, one night as the two of you escaped to the roof of Stark tower, that the bed made him feel like he was getting swallowed alive. He was used to sleeping on a solid floor, with the thinnest blanket one could find and so that's what he did at his own home. home- he was still getting used to even having a home. 
“Buck? Bucky, wake up! It’s a dream, just a dream! JAMES, WAKE UP!” You hollered, having dropped your stuff at the door and running to collapse on your knees next to the man as you urged him to wake up. 
“Wh-what? J-just a dream?” He had finally quit shaking, and became coherent enough to realize that he was no longer at the HYDRA base, and was, in fact, in his own apartment with you holding him close to your chest. 
“Yes, just a dream. I promise, you’re okay.” His fingers were clutching the arm you had draped across his midsection and you knew that his vibranium fingers would be leaving imprints on your skin for you to wear for the coming week. 
“I thought...I thought...they had taken you. Hurt you. And I couldn't stop them. Could hear you screaming for me and I was powerless to fight all of them off. I couldn't...I couldn't save you.” He was sobbing, moans of a broken man being screamed into your skin as he clutched you like a lifeline. Your heart broke as you held him, quietly cooing and stroking his hair as you waited for him to come back to you. 
It didn't happen though; instead, his body steeled in a form of mental resolve and suddenly you were under him. Your back was laid flat against the cold wood of the floor and your hands were pinned above your head. You didn't even have time to gasp audibly as he nudged your thighs apart and settled between them so that they had to wrap around his waist. You wanted to fear him, could feel your mind racing to find ways to get out from his grasp, but you were curious to see what would happen with this new side of Bucky. Almost feral with the way that he was panting, eyes darker than coal as he stared you down like you were his prey. 
“You will not be taken from me, you are mine. Do you hear me? No one will ever take you from me.” Bucky’s voice had dropped ten octaves between words, and you would be lying if you said that it did not make your heart skip a beat in anticipation. 
“I’m yours, Buck. Forever.” You promised, licking your lips that had suddenly become dry. 
“Say it again.” He growled, deep in his chest, as he leaned down to nuzzle against your collarbone and breathe in your scent. 
Your head fell back in submission, allowing him to press feather-light kisses and bruising bites against your throat as you murmured, “I’m yours, Bucky Barnes. Always.” 
“Yes, you are, sweetheart.” He had you flipped to your stomach in a second, with your arms still above your head.
“What are you gonna do to me, Buck?” You whispered, but you knew that he could hear you. 
“I’m going to ruin you, princess. Gonna absolutely fuckin’ ravish you until the only words you know are ‘please’ and ‘daddy.’ Gonna make you cum on my cock until you're crying, oversensitive, and begging me to stop. But you’re a good girl, my good girl, and you’ll take all of it until I fill you full of my cum. Then I’m going to run you a warm bath in my tub and I’m going to take care of you. Nurse your aches and lotion your bruises and then cradle you in my arms as we both drift to sleep. Does that sound good to you?” You can hear the cheekiness in his tone, but it’s laced with authority and you knew better than to deny him. Besides, everything he just said sounded wonderful and so you nodded your agreement. 
“Words, princess. Use them.” He ordered, the grip on your wrists tightening in warning. 
“Yes, Daddy.” You obliged, and the dark chuckle that erupted from his throat held a sinful promise. 
“Wonderful.” That old-time drawl curled around the single word and suddenly you were resting on your elbows with your ass in the air. 
Your stomach clenched and you could feel your pussy pulsate as arousal began to collect in your panties. Buck was still draped over your back, and he was rubbing his growing erection over the fabric of his cotton sweats while he contemplated what he wanted to do to you first. It was only a moment, but the single beat of a second was all he needed before he had your jeans around your ankles and had settled on his back between your spread thighs. 
“What are yo-” you began to question, but the words were cut off as each of his ten fingers wrapped around hips and he yanked you down so that his mouth and nose were buried within your cloth-covered cunt. 
You heard him take a deep inhale through his nose and he let out the filthiest, bone-melting groan that you had ever heard him utter. Your nipples pebbled instantly beneath your lace bra and your eyes fluttered closed as you heard him chuckle once more. 
“God, you smell fuckin’ delicious, kitten. All wet and warm, just for me.” His nose nudged against your swollen clit as he licked a broad stripe up over your slit once and then again before using his teeth to yank the sodden fabric to the side so he could taste you properly. 
A shudder wracked through your body from the crown of your head to the tips of your toes as he continued his licks, collecting all of your wetness on his tongue and fucking his tongue into your leaking hole as his nose connected to rub up against your sensitive clit. 
“Oh fuck, Bucky. Christ.” You whined, rocking your hips against his face without meaning to but the way he was gripping your hips and tugging you closer told you that he didn't mind the possibility of suffocation. 
“Can't wait to be buried inside this tight, sweet cunt.” Buck snarled, using the hold he had on you to flip you onto your back. He thought ahead- as always- and made sure that your head would be safe as it fell against his pile of pillows on the floor. 
“Then bury yourself, Daddy. Fuck me.” You husked out, pupils blown wide in lust and adoration as you continued to fuck yourself onto his tongue. 
“Not yet, doll. Want you to cum on my face first. Damn near suffocate between these gorgeous thighs.” He ordered, eyes blazing as he gazed at you from between your legs. 
“Okay, Daddy.” You nodded, fingers clutching and clawing at your still-covered tits while you chased the high building inside your body. 
White-hot heat began radiating from your fingers first, and then your limbs, and then from every inch of your body as you threw yourself over the edge of your orgasm and came undone as you rode Buck’s face like it was the best thing you had ever experienced. And it was- each orgasm he gave you always outdid the last. 
“You’re so beautiful when you come, kitten. But you’re not done yet.” Buck finally managed to say as he untangled himself from your jeans and clenching thighs so he was standing before you in all of his glory. 
“Are you gonna fuck me now, Daddy? Gonna use your cock and fill me up so I can help you forget all your worries?” You grinned up at him, still panting as you came down from your first orgasm of the night.
“Yes, princess. I am.” His tone held no malice, and his eyes were watching you with lustful enjoyment as he mentally cataloged the image of you like this to his brain. 
“Then fuck me, already.” You taunted, leaning up just enough to yank your shirt over your head and then followed it with your bralette so you were finally bare beneath him. 
“You don't make the orders, you take them. Do NOT forget that.” The mirth that had overtaken him left suddenly and he was back on you in a second, sweats gone as he pinned you to the floor with no exertion given on his part. 
“Yes, Daddy.” You nodded, grinning as if you had won the lottery as your legs wrapped around Bucky’s waist once more. 
“Now you’re gonna take my cock, kitten. It’s what you wanted, right?” He was back to nosing against your neck, as if the past ten minutes had not just occurred. 
“If you think you can do it.” You taunted once more, ankles digging into the skin right above the base of his spine so you could rut against him like a dog in heat, absolutely no shame in your body as you used him for the friction you needed to get off. 
“Is that how you want to play it? Fine.” He shrugged, as if you had just spoken about the weather, but the single motion he used had you back on your hands and knees in an instant. 
“I don't think I can do it.” Buck began to speak as he kicked your legs apart once more, metal hand pressing down on the small of your back so the arch you held deepened and you were presented to him like an offering. 
“I know I can.” And he slid inside you to the hilt, a single thrust that glided through your folds like butter and all thanks to the spit and arousal he created as he had eaten you out like his last meal. 
Your mind blanked in an instant and a groan ripped out of your throat that sounded foreign to your own ears but sounded like the best kind of music to Bucky. You collapsed to your elbows, head falling to rest against the single blanket that Buck slept with when you weren't here. 
“Ah, ah- no, you don't.” Bucky tutted between his teeth, flesh hand reaching forward to grab a fistful of your hair and wrap it around his fingers before pulling back so you were back onto your hands and could watch him through the mirror that sat adjacent from you. 
“Look at you, kitten. Covered in hickies and bruises and panting like a whore in heat. And yet, you’re taking my cock so well. So fuckin’ tight and WARM, just like the first time we had sex. Your pretty pussy, stretching around my thick cock as I fuck you into oblivion. Absolutely ravishing.” Bucky always got mouthy when he was lost in your shared passion, and it did things to you that you couldn't explain. 
“Keep your eyes on me while I make you fall apart.” He ordered, using the grip he had on your hip and the hold he had of your hair to fuck you like his life depended on it. 
“Yes, Sarge.” You grinned wickedly as you saw his lips turn up into a leer, knowing full-well what that name did to him. 
“Call me that again.” Bucky growled, letting go over your hair so he could lean forward over your frame to get a hand between your thighs to rub against your still swollen, sensitive clit. 
“Make me cum, Sergeant Barnes. Please.” You tacked on the last word for good measure, already feeling the familiar tendrils of heat curl around your lips and rush through your veins as he pounded into you with wild abandon. 
The clack clack clacking that his dog tags made against his chest after every move simply spurred him on, as if he was racing them for every thrust he made into your pussy, claiming it as his own. As if you ever even thought to let another man near it. He’d kill them before they even thought that they had a chance with you, and you both knew it. More often than not, he forgets that he’s even wearing them, but he knew that they were a kink of yours and he thanked every god he could think of that he wears them when he’s got you begging underneath him. Begging to cum, begging for harder, begging for faster, begging for Daddy to make her forget her own name while he buries himself inside her. Begging to be used and degraded and taunted and shown off like a prize that only he gets to win. Every moment of every minute of every day, from the moment they met until the end of time. And he loved every single damn second of it.
He was grunting, groaning, panting, cursing every word under the Sun as he rubbed tight circles into your wet clit while he sheathed himself inside you over and over and ov-, “FUCK!”
You came without warning, the damn bursting inside your pussy as you fell to your elbows once more while absolutely drenching his cock as you squirted for the first time. Shudders were wracking your body as you cursed and moaned and whined out Bucky’s name, vision turning black as you lost all sense of time during your orgasm. Your cunt turned into a vice on Bucky’s cock and it made him see God as he gave you one, two, three strokes before burying himself deep inside you and cumming in thick ropes across your hot, tight walls. 
He fell on top of you, losing all muscle usage as pleasure roared through his body like he had never experienced before. He had enough sense to cushion you from the force of his body, but that was all he could offer as he rode out the waves of the most intense orgasm of his life. You managed to come to your senses first, and gently pulled away from Bucky so he could begin to come to his own bearings. 
“That was...that was...wow.” You mumbled, vision still blurry as you threatened to pass out from too much mental and physical stimulus all at once. 
“Well, it’s not begging but it is a nice Segway. Ready for that bath?” Bucky was able to stitch together a coherent sentence faster than you thought he would and you couldn't help but laugh in both amusement and amazement that this wonderful man was all yours. Even if he did fuck you senseless. Literally. 
“I love you, Bucky Barnes. Always.”
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kosmosguk · 4 years
Bloody Artistry (M) ~🥀
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pairing: celeb! kim taehyung x journalist! reader; minor pairings: jungkook x reader, coworker jimin x reader (platonic)
Word Count: 8K
Summary: when the scrutiny of fame becomes too much, perfect kim taehyung finds his peace within a lavish bathroom located two blocks away from the nearest club, a corpse in the bed with him. the fans have never questioned his behavior, not when his company is much too good at cleaning up his mess to not have done it before, but when a reporter with too many questions threatens to break the peace he’s established, he finds himself in a tango with the devil that he can’t bring himself to want to break.
[Warnings: MURDER, death, literally Taehyung being a sick bastard 25/8 (but only in fiction), company corruption, violence, yandere themes, mentions of noncon smut (intoxication, mentions of being drugged, fingering), blackmail, obsession, stalking. EVERYTHING that happens in this fic is FICTION; plz don’t go busting nuts for serial killers]
A/N: Thank you to yoongissugarmommy for requesting this! Part 1 of a short series starring Taehyung. Was going to do smth similar to Lineage with him, but this has been staying in my drafts for too long (like i wrote most of this before I even wrote Lineage, which is why my writing for part of this is a bit different from my current one), and I feel like going a bit modern now to take a break from Lineage (taking a bit to write pt. 4 just because it’s the end of the main story). Thank you for 2.9k followers! We’re only less than 50 away from 3K which is so wild to think about; kisses and hugs to everyone who’s supported my work! 
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“Today, in the studio, we have our nation’s golden boy, the first love of all of our viewers: Kim Taehyung. Everyone, please clap your hands for him!’’
The MC turned to grin at the audience as the audience cheered loudly; her glossy black hair swept down and framed her face delicately in perfect shiny strands. The lipstick that coated her unnaturally wide smile was a deep shade of red, stark against her pale white skin. Dressed in her primly pressed suit, she looked lovely, like a blooming rose, but as she turned to face the guest star, his presence seemed to easily outshine her own.
“Thank you for having me. It’s an honor to have an interview here and have an opportunity to see all of my lovely fans,’’ Taehyung’s deep voice rang out as he smiled in his heart-swooning way, flashing pure-white teeth handsomely in a carefully maintained and practiced way that made all the fans, both in the studio and watching from beyond a screen, unable to resist letting out shrieks and screams.
“Now, Taehyung-ssi, with a record-breaking album that topped the charts as soon as it came out and a modelling gig that sells out magazines faster than before, how does it feel to have really made it? It must stress you out. Any tips on how to relax?’’
Taehyung leaned back slightly in his seat, his smile flashing coy for a brief second before settling into a rehearsed contemplative expression. He shrugged his shoulders, letting them drop out, as he made a soft hmm noise.
“How I relax? It’s not that big of a deal, really, but that’s an interesting question to ask, noona,’’ Taehyung widened his eyes slightly, looking ever so much like the golden boy persona he had stickered upon his reputation,’’ When I’m really, really stressed, I like to play with Tannie, my dog, and eats lots of yummy food that my mom sends to me when I get stressed. Also, my manager Namjoon is a good person to talk to when I’m really stressed; he always knows what to do and say.’’ Taehyung tapped the tip of his nose lightly, scrunching his face in an expression that made fans coo in adoration. “I also like to think of my fans and read all the letters they’ve sent me. I saved all of my letters from my beloved fans since my debut, and I like looking through them.’’
“Hey, Kim Namjoon, fucking hurry up,” Taehyung hissed into the cellphone pressed against his flawless cheek,” My shoes are going to get stained at this point. You know blood is a pain to properly get out of letter.’’
“Were you at least careful this time? We don’t want rumors getting out,” Namjoon’s voice crackled over the receiver, barely a hint of emotion in his voice. The beeping and honking of cars on his side of the phone call signaled the rush his manager was making towards his location.
Taehyung huffed in agitation, clicking his tongue sharply in annoyance as he skimmed his nails for any trace of dried blood. “Oh, come on, you think I really even care at this point? With the way the company takes care of everything, you’d think perfect ol’ me was…well perfect. But still, aren’t you guys way too good at this job? 7 girls and not even a peek from the public. Who else do you do this for, huh? Suga-sunbae? J-hope-sunbae?”
There was no reply. Taehyung threw his gaze over to the practically mangled body. Too bad, he thought to himself, she was really pretty this time. Red lipstick, silky black hair, wanted to become better acquainted with such a famous celebrity after her little interview, the whole fanatic spiel tied with a pretty bow of the title of an mc. She would’ve never thought that she’d go from being a bed-warmer to being so cold.
“I must be right then, huh? Suga-sunbae I can see, but J-Hope-sunbae…’’ Taehyung whistled lowly under his breath. “I thought you’d at least deny that. It’s the bright ones you gotta watch out for.’’
A dial noise was the only response. Did…Did this bastard hang up on him? Taehyung grimaced before three knocks rang on the door of the hotel suite, a signal from his asshole manager that Namjoon had finally arrived. Taehyung rolled back his shoulders, his joints crackling a little, and made sure all of his jewelry was perfectly back in place before he opened the door.
As Namjoon shuffled in with some of the staff members, Taehyung clasped his silver watch around his wrist with a soft click. He rolled his neck, trying to get the stiffness out of it, and exposed purple marks and bruises from the bites the now dead girl had given him when they had been fucking earlier.
Finally, his headache was gone.
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You chugged down a cup of stale coffee and wiped the dribble of liquid that escaped the corner of your mouth as you clicked off some article about a newbie mc receiving slander after rumors of her making moves on a popular idol was exposed and disappearing to avoid the backlash. Squinting at your screen with dry eyes, you pursed your lips and snapped the laptop shut, pushing the device away from you in an agitated huff.
“Wbat’s got you in the gutters, huh? Let me guess…,’’ Park Jimin, your desk mate, rolled his chair over to your side, his glasses askew on his nose,” Ah, your favorite celebrity go into a dating scandal? Let me think, who was it that recently go into a scandal… Oh, is it that pretty boy from a new idol group?’’
You gave him the stink-eye, and your sigh this time was even louder.
“You’d think there’d be something more…interesting going with these celebrities that we could get our hands on. Too much money, lots of stress, yet no story that’ll really seize the audience by surprise, and don’t you dare say a dating scandal would do it. Boss’s been on my case for the whole week on writing an article to shock the audience and wants me to release a major headliner story in two weeks, or that asshole’ll fire me. Damn it, Kim Seokjin!” you hissed out before slamming your forehead onto the desk.
“Man, be careful with your volume; if he hears your tone, he’ll chew you out for another hour that you could be using to research. Boss Kim is picky like that with everyone because our company’s a small piece of seaweed in a system dominated by crustaceous predators.” Jimin poked you in the side jokingly, his plush lips spread in a wide smile that lit up his exhausted face. “Just think really hard; use that big brain of yours and focus on a celebrity. Come on, no one’s perfect, even that one super famous idol Kim Taehyung must have some flaws, so don’t sweat it.”
“That golden boy? Man, the whole nation’s pussy-whipped for him. He couldn’t possibly be anything bu—,’’ you sharply inhaled before pushing your seat back and rapidly swiveling to face Jimin,’’ Park. Fucking. Jimin. Oh my God, you’re a fucking genius! A whole career with not even a speck of dirt… Come on, even pure-faced idol Soyeon was caught with a scandal last month. There must be something on the nation’s golden boy!’’
Jimin’s eyes widened in surprise with your sudden outburst, and he opened his mouth to speak. “Be careful about the way you go when you try to fish out info on him. His company’s security isn’t something easy to get through, and not a single celeb from that company has gotten into a single scandal. No reporters been able to get any dirt from them…”
“Which means that…there’s something sketchy happening. Jimin, Jimin, have I told you I’m in love with you?’’
You turned around quickly in your chair, spinning in glee. Jimin dropped his mouth open to sputter something, and his cheeks were tinging red, but you weren’t looking at or even listening to Jimin at hat point, having already cracked open your laptop to furiously type Kim Taehyung into Naver. This was it! Your big break! Your motivation sky-rocketed, and you felt the first rush of energy that wasn’t fueled by some caffeinated drink in a long while.
Two hours later, you were ready to throw up.
All of the results were sickeningly the same bullshit, as what was expected for someone as beloved by the nation as Kim Taehyung was. You couldn’t fathom the amount of fancams and magazine spreads of him posing on some brown leather sofa and fact pieces—hell, you even knew what kind of socks the man liked—that you had spent the past hours scrolling through.
Realizing that the office was nearly empty, and that the sky was dimming into a dark hue, you were about to shut down your laptop and call it a long fucking day when a tweet on someone’s SNS caught your eye.
@truth-teller: kim taehyung? nation’s golden boy? are you all really sure about that nonsense?
The tweet was spammed with angered replies, so many that the thread seemed to stretch on for at least a mile, but your interest was piqued. This was the first word of slander you had ever witnessed against Taehyung. You quickly pounded out a message to the account.
@name_01: hey, I saw your tweet about taehyung! Do you perhaps have any more information on him? I find him suspicious too.
You tapped send and waited with bated breath for a reply. Minutes crept by, and you were about to turn off your phone and head out of work when you noticed three dots pop up, dancing before disappearing.
@truth-teller: you fr? I had to suspend my acc because of all the spam I got. No one’s believed me on it, but I have proof
You chewed on your lip. What if this was a joke, and you were just wasting your time on some internet troll with too much time on their hands. It seemed like you were taking too long to reply because another message popped up.
@truth-teller: if you don’t believe me then that’s fine. I don’t have to waste my time
@name_01: WAIT! Sorry, it took me a second to comprehend this information… Please tell me more.
You were worried that the account wouldn’t reply anymore, and that you had ruined your opportunity before the three dots popped up again and another message was sent.
@truth-teller: ok, if you want to find out more let’s move to a better messaging platform, just in case my acc gets suspended by more fans. here’s my number: xxx-xxx-xxxx
It was a gamble to send some stranger on the internet your number, but at this point, you were too desperate to really give a damn. There was a story just out of the reach of your fingertips; you would be a fool to deny the carrot on a stick you were being provided.
@name-01: okay, I’ll message you.
Name: hey! Truth-teller right? This is me from the messages
JK: yeah that’s me. I prefer JK when I’m not on sns tho
Name: I’m (y/n). I don’t mean to sound like I’m hurrying you, but I want to hear what you have to say about Taehyung.
JK: lol r u a reporter or smth? Real bossy of you keke
You sucked in a breath. Should you reveal that?
Name: haha would it be bad if I said I was?
There was no response for the next 15 minutes. Exhaling a long sigh, you decided that you should at least maneuver your way home; the office had been cleared out completely during your conversation with this JK, and you couldn’t help the creeps that the emptiness gave you. If anything, the walk back to your place would give you some outlet for the nervous energy radiating throughout you. You were nearly at the door of your apartment when your phone vibrated in your pocket, signaling a message.
JK: just checking. Makes sense that you’re one though. It’d be nice if you could break this story out, but I hope you trust me enough after I tell you what I know
You clicked the door shut behind you, your eyebrows creased as you stared at your phone screen.
Name: don’t worry. I trust you!
You dropped your bag down onto the sofa before throwing your body onto the seat. The three dots under JK’s name popped up for several minutes before disappearing. In the place of the three dots, a long message had been typed out.
JK: I didn’t really think much of taehyung when I first heard about him since he’s the nation’s golden boy or whatever bs title they call him nowadays, but my sister’s friend was a big fan of him. she went out with my sister and they met him in some shady club in gangnam. my sister’s friend got to talk to him exclusively and my sister got separated from her and got a text from her friend saying that she had smth come up and she already went home. she tried to contact her friend the day after, but she got a text back saying that her friend wasn’t feeling well. my sister’s friend was “best friends’’ with her but she didn’t contact my sister again until a week later saying she got a job opportunity overseas and already was about to board on the plane because it was important she got there fast. my sister’s friend didn’t contact her again like she dropped off the face of the earth
You pursed your lips in contemplation as you tapped out a message back, your nails clicking against the screen.
Name: ?? Are you sure that isn’t a coincidence?
JK: yeah, I thought so too but it was rly sus that my sister’s friend who had known my sister for 12 years to suddenly go overseas for a job opportunity without telling her at all. and when my sister tried to get new contact info from her friend there was no reply. but I got curious and since I do some computer work for my job i wanted to see if I could track the ip address of her phone but there was nothing. her last previous ip was all the way back in gangnam and my sister’s friend lived in incheon. that was a red flag so I decided to go talk to the landlord at my sister’s friend’s old apartment and the landlord said he didn’t see her come back since before that night but woke up to a fully paid lease and the apartment cleared out 
You squinted your eyes at the screen, unable to properly process the information that this so-called JK had just given you. Chewing on your lip, you closed your eyes briefly before opening them back up and typing back a message.
Name: anything else? Sorry…just seems a bit far-fetched.
JK: think whatever then. I have to go to work now
Right when JK’s message popped up, another message pinged on your cell. You refused to let yourself ponder more on JK’s last message as you clicked on your friend’s text notification.
Platonic LOML <3: BAE, R U FREE TONIGHT? I’m lonely n want someone to come with me to this club— ik you’re not into clubs but pretty please
You were about to reply with a refusal when JK’s words came up to your mind again. You didn’t know why, but there was a sharp feeling in your gut that told you that you couldn’t miss this opportunity Call it silly intuition or some coincidental fabrication spurned by your mind, but that feeling persisted until you typed out a reply to your friend.
Name: okay fine. Come over in 30.
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Taehyung swirled the liquid in his glass, watching the deep burgundy of the wine stain the glass a soft pink. His head was hurting again, and the new medication he had been taking for them on advice of the company didn’t work.
He scanned the dim, musty club, watching the pulsating lights cloak the dancing bodies in sallow shades of pale yellow. This club was a downgrade from his previous celebrity-exclusive club that he had gone to the previous week, but his manager had told him that if he really wanted peace, he should choose an area where no one would really know him.
Taehyung knew the real reason why his manager had insisted on this. Deaths of other celebrities were much harder to cover up after all.
Pity he actually followed his manager’s advice for once. The wine in here, despite the bougie price tag, was complete shit and provided him a slight buzz at best. And there was no one who really caught his eye out of the crowd of people. As he was about to get up from his seat and leave the club for somewhere with better—he contemplated going back to that celebrity club just to fuck with his company—pickings, he caught sight of someone entering the club.
You looked absolutely gorgeous, swathed in a black shift that you kept fighting to keep over your ass—and god, was it a plump ass too, the kind that made Taehyung’s cock hard in his tight black pants—with hair framing your face in a breathtaking way that showed glimpses of sparkling jewelry. Your friend, some chick with dyed green hair that Taehyung didn’t bother paying attention to, was clinging onto your arm, dragging you near the dance floor.
Taehyung knew.
He couldn’t take his eyes off you.
His head seemed to clear from the mind-numbing throb it always had when he spent too much time without another victim to take his aggression out of. Feeling the cool metal of the blade he always had tucked near his body, Taehyung sat back down in his seat, a playful smile perking at the edges of his lips. Funny enough, the blood thirst that never seemed to properly leave him was gone from his mind, an occurrence that was as rare as the pills the company liked shoving down his throat actually working for once.
You maneuvered your way over to the bar, to him, your friend pouting as she noticed you leaving before melting away into the crowd of grinding bodies. Taehyung swore then and there that the attraction between you and him was absolutely magnetic, with the way you seemed to pull the other towards one another.
He watched as you ordered some pretty-colored martini, adorably scrunching your face as the burn of alcohol coated your tongue and hit the back of your throat with a singe.
Maybe, Taehyung though to himself as he propped his chin lazily on his palm, he should really start listening to his manager more often.
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Your mind was in a haze, and you didn’t even notice the man next to you until he was nearly pressed to your side, barely leaving a gap of space between the two of you.
You glanced at him, your tipsy mind suddenly sobering up as you realized who the man sitting next to you was. Kim Taehyung? What the fuck was he doing here?
“Another drink for a pretty lady?” Taehyung’s teeth showed as he charmingly flashed an award-winning coquettish smile at you, his already extremely handsome features seeming to increase in beauty from the grin.
You remembered JK’s words and a chill ran up your spine. God, his messages didn’t seem so implausible now, did they? Goosebumps rose up on your skin, freezing you to the bar table. Were…Were you his next victim?
You swallowed dryly as you tried to calm your racing heartbeat. The side of you that was a reckless journalist wanted to take a nosedive at the headliner just out of reach, but the rational side of you knew that leap of faith had a much bigger chance of you ending up disappearing off for a new job opportunity overseas, as Taehyung’s company would have it. You couldn’t write a good story if you were dead, after all.
“Thank you, but I can pay for my own drinks,’’ your lips twitched slightly as you forced them into a hopefully convincing gentle smile, refusing his offer softly before moving your body casually a few inches away from him,” Having drinks bought by strangers isn’t really my thing.”
Your smile must’ve looked a hell of a lot less nervous than you actually felt and a lot more convincing too because Taehyung’s shoulders, which had previously been winded like he was a predator getting ready to pounce on prey, seemed to relax at your words.
There was a dark gleam in his eyes when he again invaded your personal space and pushed his body near yours. He leaned in and whispered softly into your ears, his voice clear despite the early 2010s hits blaring from the speakers by the dance floor.
“If you’re scared of strangers, why don’t we get to know each other a bit?’’
Your fake smile grew stiff on your face. You felt like you were going to hurl the convenience store meal of ramen that you had scarfed before coming to the club all over the bar and Taehyung’s expensive luxury bran clothes. You could feel a sense of dread in your bones, the kind a prey animal would feel as a predator focused its carnivorous attention on them.
You forced a fake laugh, trying to drive the message that you were just not interested to Taehyung as loud and clear as you could manage.
“No thanks; I have enough people I’m close to. If you’ll excuse me, I think I’ve left my friend alone for far too long on the dance floor.”
You pushed yourself off the bar table, flashing a strained polite smile before you headed over the dance floor, trying to keep your pace slow and steady instead of breaking out into the outright run you wanted to do.
Taehyung inhaled the linger scent of your perfume, a natural smell that sweetly layered itself over the damp musky air of the club. His eyes, even as you tried to focus on the pounding music and forget the fear embedded deeply in your gut, never seemed to leave your form. Even when you burrowed yourself deeply into the crowd away from his view, you could still feel it.
You found yourself painfully sober after that encounter, trying to look normal in front of your friend for the rest of the night that seemed to painstakingly drag on for eternity. Even when you had the short 2-minute walk from the cab you took to your front door, you didn’t stop looking over your shoulder, still feeling the chill that came with the thought of Taehyung’s gaze. When you got inside your home, the bubbling nausea in your stomach took control over you, and you ended up heaving your dinner down the toilet.
When you managed to somewhat pull yourself together, you typed out a quick message with practically shaking fingers to the only one you could think of in that moment would understand what you were feeling, You stared at your unsent message before hastily pressing send.Name: I didn’t know who to talk to, but I saw Taehyung at the club today. I think you’re right about what you said about Taehyung.
Name: I didn’t know who to talk to, but I saw Taehyung at the club today. I think you’re right about what you said about Taehyung.
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You barely managed to fall asleep that night, and your eyes painfully ached when you peeled your eyelids open, hurriedly grabbing your phone and turning it on to check your messages.
JK: what happened? Sry for late response. Job keeps me busy all night
Your fingers flew over the keyboard as you typed out your message, furrowing your eyebrows in concentration as you tried to relay the events of your night in hopefully comprehensible words.
Name: I went with my friend to some sketchy club idk what area at this point but I went to the bar and I felt someone come up to me ?? I turned and realized it was Taehyung, and he offered to buy me a drink but I declined. Makes me sick how I could’ve been his next victim, so I tried to leave and go back to where there was more ppl in the club, But I can’t stop thinking about the look in his eyes. There was something sickening in them, I couldn’t put my finger on it.
JK didn’t respond for a bit, and you exhaled a trembling breath when his message popped up.
JK: be careful. Im glad you managed to get away
Name: I’m scared. I didn’t know what to do, but hopefully I’ll never see him again once I get this scoop out.
JK: stay safe. Thx for telling me. Text me if anything else happens.
You let out a shaky breath before clicking your phone off, your nerves still rattled but slightly more calmed down after talking with JK. You had to get ready for work, but at this rate, you weren’t even sure how you would be able to get through the day. Maybe you should take a sick day? No, you couldn’t.
The elevator dinged closed behind you as you stepped out of it into the office. As you were about to take a seat at your desk, your boss rushed out of his office, relief, something he never showed to you, evident on his expression once he caught sight of you.
“(Y/n)! Come into my office; I have an important job for you,’’ your boss ushered you into his office without another word, practically pushing a baffled you into the room frantically,” You know the company that manages Kim Taehyung? They reached out and agreed to an exclusive one-on-one interview with Kim Taehyung only, and only, if you agreed to the interview.”
You stiffened, your body frozen as you tried to process the words your boss had just spoken. Your brain seemed to be running a marathon as you computed the words your boss said, and you could only meekly respond with a limp,” Why me? Can’t somebody…Can’t someone else take over? Boss…you know I’m not that experienced.”
Boss Kim barely paid any attention to your words as he rested a hand on your shoulder with a confident look on his face.
“Then, use this opportunity to get more experience. You want to show the world that you’re a journalist by getting a scoop? Then take this interview! You know the company never agrees to exclusive one-on-one interviews unless they’re all staged, but there wasn’t even talk of this being staged at all. If you can use this opportunity and get something big, won’t this be your biggest step towards a great journalist career?’’ your boss exclaimed,’’ If you back out, another chance like this won’t come again!”
As much of an asshole Boss Kim was sometimes, you could find the logic in his words. Besides, it must be a coincidence that Kim Taehyung wanted you specifically to give him an interview; maybe he wanted a newbie, so they wouldn’t have much experience trying to fish out personal details and twist his words.
That’s right. There was no way he even remembered what you looked like. You guys interacted for, what, a solid 2 minutes last night. And if you did this interview right, you could use it as a building block as evidence for the headliner you intended to release with what JK had told you.
You exhaled, nodding your head firmly.
“I will. I’ll take this interview.”
Boss Kim’s face brightened, making him look much more like the stereotypical handsome CEO character found in dramas. Since he always looked exhausted and stressed out, he always seemed more intimidating, an aura that seemed to scare off any thoughts about how gorgeous he actually was. You had to admit: your heart did flutter a bit at his face.
“Excellent! He’s waiting in the meeting room right now! You only need, what, six hours to prepare, right?”
Fuck, you take back that heart flutter. Boss Kim was an asshole.
“S-Sir,’’ you sputtered,” I can’t…’’
Before you even finished your words, Boss Kim was already ushering you back out of the office.
“I believe in you! You got this!”
He closed the door behind you. You swallowed back the mouthful of swears you wanted to spew before scrambling towards your desk.
You weren’t prepared, but you knew you would do anything for a scoop.
Exactly 6 hours and seventeen seconds later, you were primly seated in front of Kim Taehyung.
The seats were annoyingly too close, and you cursed Boss Kim in your heart, knowing that the reason why the chairs were placed in such an unprofessional manner was because Boss Kim wanted to create the perfect intimate setting for no cost. If you tried to extend your legs, you’d end up smacking them straight into Taehyung’s legs.  
You, although disgruntled, had to admit that there was a reason why so many major brands wanted him as their model. He was handsome under the shitty lighting of the musty club last night, but here, with his hair and makeup carefully done despite the fluorescent lighting of the room, he was every synonym of the word beautiful combined into one person.
Blond strands of his hair brushed his chiseled features, and his eyes, curved attractively and framed with delicate long wisps of eyelashes, was intensely focused on your face. He looked ever like a marble statue, carved with attention and detail to be the most perfect specimen artistry could ever create. But he wasn’t perfect; that was what you knew. And that would also be what would you get just one step ahead of him.
You swept a piece of hair and tucked it behind an ear as you scanned your hastily scribbled notes. His eyes clung to that movement, as if he was mesmerized by your every action, and you peeked a look through your lashes. Your eyes met, and you forced a stiff smile.
“Kim Taehyung-ssi,’’ you rolled your shoulders back into a proper posture, gingerly extending a hand out for him to take,” Good morning. It’s an honor to be able to do an interview with you.”
The edges of his lips tilted upward, and there was a playful glint in his eyes as his previous fiercely predatory state melted into the façade he put up in front of the public. He reached out and took your hand, throwing you off guard as he leaned in and pressed a tender kiss on the back of your hand.
“Likewise, it’s an honor to have an interview with you, (Y/n).’’
Yuck, you were going to have to wash your hands later. Anyways, what kind of person even kissed the back of people’s hands nowadays? This was the 21st century for fuck’s sake. You somehow kept your grimace to yourself.
You nervously laughed as you practically yanked your hand back out of his grasp. You casually wiped the back of your hand on the fabric of your skirt, disguising the movement as simply brushing off dust. Taehyung’s eyes didn’t leave any of your movements, and he laughed a little as he realized just what you were doing.
Oh, you were so interesting. You weren’t like the rest of them, the fans that threw themselves at him adoringly; hell, he was sure you weren’t even a fan. He was entranced. When he was close to you, the headaches seemed to fade; he didn’t want to drown himself in another body when he was with you. He didn’t want to kill when he was with you.
You ignored his burning gaze, breezing through the beginning parts of the interview. Finally, you reached the part that you had been anxiously preparing for.
“So, I heard that you’re trying out a new actor role. As a model and an artist and now an actor, we have to admit that your talents are incredibly versatile, Kim Taehyung-ssi.’’ You continued speaking. “Could you tell us a little more about this role?’’
“You flatter me too much, (Y/n).’’ He purposefully had left any formalities to the wind in this interview, a move that made you want to grind your teeth. “Yes, I was offered one of the leading roles in a new thriller movie. I’ll be acting as one of the charismatic but complex characters. I hope to show you and all of my fans a new side to Kim Taehyung.”
“Ah, a new side,’’ you nodded lightly,” Your new role as a charismatic serial killer who targets his admirers is certainly what many would call…complex. How do you go about preparing for such a twisted role?”
“Hmm…,’’ Taehyung’s lips curled up menacingly for a brief moment before fading away into a breezy smile,’’ It’s quite difficult to immerse myself into a role in which I have limited experience in, so I like to read through the script and make a map of what the character is like. What motivates him; what makes him so…complex, as you called it. I pretend to be like the character. How do I make myself think like him? That’s the question I like to try to find an answer to.”
“Ah, this is simply my personal opinion, but to truly play the character requires some true life experience…Is it possible that you’ve ever done anything similar to what the character has done in real life?”
A pin seemed to drop in that very moment from the silence that crowded the room. Everyone in the room froze and stared at you, their glances less than pleasant. You bore it all as you stared intently into his eyes. Slip up, you prayed, do something that will make you slip up. There was not even a brief soft sound in the 10 seconds that it took for Taehyung to respond.
He was rigid, the smile plastered on his face barely fading. Come on, you begged, expose yourself just a bit.
“Your response is lagging for just a bit, Kim Taehyung-ssi. It makes you seem guilty just a bit, doesn’t it?’’
He snapped out of it right then and there.
“I was simply contemplating my response. Your impatience is something not so befitting of a formal interview. To answer your question, isn’t a role just a role at the end of the day? If you think about it, I’m not the only person to have played a role like this. Many actors and actresses have done so without any thought of relating it to their real life. After all, a role is simply an imaginary self.”
You both stared into each other’s eyes, and you felt the gazes of other people around you burn into you.
You settled on a retreat. It was fine; this interview was just the first building block. You laughed lightly, throwing off the previous tense silence easily.
“Of course! We wouldn’t expect nothing but, right? We hope to see your talent truly shine through in this new role!’’
The tenseness in the room seemed to slip away right then, and the deathly gazes on you flitted away, like they were never there in the first place.
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You let out a sigh as you left the interview room. God, that was terrifying, but you knew that you had to do what you had just previously done. What you had just done asserted the theory that you had. His company was hiding something about him, and that something was nothing less than downright horrific.
JK, you thought to yourself, I’m going to expose this story, just you wait.
“You weren’t just going to leave, huh?’’
You heard a familiar voice speak behind you, and you quickly spun around.
“Kim Taehyung-ssi,’’ you forced out of your throat,’’ I believed you had already left.”
“I was going to, but I wanted to speak to you about the interview. The company rarely lets me do interviews, so it was really refreshing to have one done with you. We worked so well together, and I would like to thank you for the pleasant experience you had given me with dinner. You must be starving, right?’’
You had been starving earlier, but one word from Taehyung left your stomach churning in nausea.
“No!’’ your voice was a bit too loud, so you hastily softened it,’’ No, that’s not necessary. You don’t need to thank me.”
Taehyung took steps closer to you, and you unconsciously took a step back. Noticing your movements, he looked at you and flashed a grin that might’ve looked harmless to others but outright menacing to you.
“Are you scared of me?’’ his voice was almost like a purr. You fought back a shiver, straightening your back and looking him straight in the eyes.
“No,’’ you stabilized your voice, keeping a waver out of it,” Why would I be scared of you? You’re not some higher being than me just because you’re a celebrity. You’re human, after all. But, as you can see, I have work to do, so I will have to politely decline your offer.”
“You can have the rest of the day off.”
You spun around on your heels, your gaze colliding with Boss Kim’s. When did he arrive?
“Sir! Boss! No, if I skipped out on work, I’d be a burden to everyone. Besides, I—,’’ your voice was cut off by another voice.
“It’d be good to establish a positive relationship between your company and ours. Your boss would usually be the one to go to a dinner, but I believe he already has plans. Any work you were unable to fulfill today will be taken care of.”
The voice seemed to chill you to the bone. You turned to make eyes with a man. Was he…Taehyung’s manager? Although he was handsome, the kind of handsome that was comparable with Taehyung’s, something about him churned your stomach. While Taehyung was like a predator waiting to pounce on his prey, the man behind this voice was already sinking his teeth into the neck, wringing out the… You snapped out of your thoughts.
Snap out of it, you mentally scolded yourself.  
“How about it?’’ Taehyung’s manager coldly smiled, his tone like glaciers.
You opened your mouth to try to refute, but with the burning gaze from your boss, you could only dip your head in a bow, your voice low.
“Thank you for the offer. I accept.”
They couldn’t kill you, right? It’d be too obvious.
You followed them out, and when you passed by Boss Kim, you made a panicked glance at him. What greeted you made you halt briefly in your pace.
When Boss Kim made eye contact with you, he patted your shoulder in what should’ve been reassurance. His lips spread out in a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“Don’t disappoint me, hmm?’’
His words, spoken low and steady, left a chill in your veins as you kept walking, and the sliding doors of the elevator dinged close behind you, effectively trapping you with Taehyung and his manager.
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You somehow made it out of the elevator and through the tense car ride alive. Now, you were seated next to Taehyung himself in the private room of a restaurant. Smoke rose from the grill, briefly obscuring your view of his manager from across you.
You tried to think positively of the situation. If Taehyung was drunk, maybe he’d slip up, but…you made a furtive glance at his manager from across the grill, slightly jolting when your eyes collided with his own. The fear that nearly overcame you made you nauseous.
“A drink?”
Taehyung’s voice broke the tense silence, and you turned to see him already raising his glass. You stiffly smiled, barely managing to keep the nervous twitch out of the curves of your lips.
“I don’t drink.”
“It’s impolite to decline a friendly offer. Come on, a toast to a wonderful…partnership.” Taehyung chuckled, raising his glass, as he leaned his chin onto the propped palm of his hand,” And we wouldn’t want a bad start to it.”
You were panicking by now, but you could imagine what Boss Kim would say if Taehyung’s company pulled out because of something so miniscule. You couldn’t afford to lose your job, not with the way you had fought tooth and nail to get your position; you wouldn’t last a month without your job or the meager protection it gave you.
You made your decision, a decision you would’ve done anything else but avoid, and tilted the glass up, clinking it against Taehyung’s glass. Turning away, you made it look like you were lightly sipping the drink, but you only allowed the liquid to slightly wet your lips. You set down the still-full glass and smiled pleasantly.
“I can only drink this much. Anymore, and I would experience terrible side effects.”
Taehyung didn’t seem even irked by your feeble attempt at pretending; instead, his eyes filled with amusement. He didn’t stop staring at you, and the threatening vibe of it caused you to unconsciously delve into your habit of gripping your glass of water and drinking it in an attempt to calm your nerves.
You placed the empty glass back down before resuming anxiously picking at your food. A pair of chopsticks—specifically Taehyung’s chopsticks—placed a piece of barbecued meat on your bowl of rice.
“Not feeling hungry? You need to eat. Skipping meals is bad for your health,’’ Taehyung beamed as he watched you carefully pick up the piece of meat and eat it. It would’ve been delicious any other time, but the churning in your gut made it taste like sand in your mouth. You dryly swallowed it.
“I’m heading to the restroom.”
You heard Taehyung’s manager speak in his flat tone, and you threw a skittish glance at him as he stood up and walked out of the private room, closing the door with a soft click behind him.
“Ah, now that that nuisance is out of the way, why don’t we talk more?’’ Taehyung’s tone was playful, and you flinched as he leaned closer to you, his breath brushing against the outer shell of your ear.
“Kim Taehyung-ssi,’’ you gritted the name through your teeth,” Please respect my personal space.”
He laughed lowly before he dropped a hand on your thigh. You were about to make a move to push him away, but your body suddenly felt tired, like you weren’t quite in control anymore.
“Come on, do what I say, and your little news company will do so much better. Your boss didn’t tell you this, but your company’s going bankrupt. One peep from me, and your company will rise in ranking, but I can only do that if I’m in a…happy mood.”
Taehyung pressed even closer to you, his nose against the curve of your neck as he inhaled your scent deeply in. His hands moved from his side and he ripped open the buttons of your shirt, groping your bra-covered tits. You let out an incoherent mumble in response, trying to flimsily kick at him.
Where was the waiter? Why was his manager taking so long? They planned this!
Disgust and heat coiled in your gut, but you were too dizzy to move. Something…that bastard…Did he spike your water? You were too careless, fuck. Taehyung moved one hand to tilt your chin up before his lips met yours. Despite how sloppy of a kiss it was, you could tell he was experienced, practically tasting every inner crevice of your soft mouth with his tongue, and you should’ve continued to be revolted, but whatever pill in your system had you melting into his mouth.
Taehyung seemed to sense the turmoil and conflict in you and the soft give of your will, and that seemed to make him even braver. He slid a hand up your skirt, his touch hot even through the fabric of your stockings, and you let out a startled moan against his lips, drool dribbling down the corners of your mouth. He pulled back, and you could barely see through the teary haze of your eyes. It had been too long since the last time you had a good fuck. You just wanted to be touched…wanted to be fucked so hard his cock would press against your womb.  
“I just want to see you let go a bit, baby,’’ there was the triumph of domination in his voice. The sober part of you wanted to rebel, wanted to push and scream and kick him away, but you weren’t sober, weren’t clear-minded. Your legs spread as if begging for more of his touch.
He ripped his fingers through your stocking, and the material easily gave way underneath his strength. You could feel the damp spot on your panties, growing as he rubbed his fingertips against your drooling pussy. You shivered slightly in delirious pleasure as his finger rolled over your throbbing clit.  
“Mmph!’’ you let out a sound as he pushed your soaked panties to the side and pushed his fingers deep into your pussy. You couldn’t object, not when your pussy was stretching with a spine-tingling ache around his fingers, and especially not when he begin to set a teasing pace. He pushed his fingers in, and you shut your eyes in shame as your moans grew louder.
Your toes curled as his movements grew faster, reaching deep into you, and you were so, so close. Oh my god you could feel…and you were cumming hard. Your walls shivered and twitched around his still moving fingers, and you murmured a dazed plea as he finally stilled and pulled his fingers out. You, still twitching from how hard you came earlier, were ashamed to see the way his fingers glistened with the remnants of your arousal and orgasm.
The sound of his pants being unclasped drew you out of your drugged state. No, he wasn’t going to…Come on, snap out of it, snap out of it.
He drew back closer again, and you sucked in a breath, trying to push through your daze. He leaned in. You managed to bring your arms up to the table, grabbing the nearest object that you could reach. Your trembling fingers closed around your nearly empty water glass, and you took it, raising it and smashing it as hard as you could over his head. Water, ice cubes, and glass shards struck as the glass broke. Taehyung, not expecting the blow, had a temporary moment of weakness, and you managed to push him off you.
You shoved yourself up onto shaky legs, wrapping the ripped blouse around your weakened body, and forced yourself into a run outside of the room. The hallway of the restaurant around the private rooms was empty, devoid of any person. You frantically looked over your shoulder, relieved that you didn’t see him coming after you. This was a public place, though it was late at night, and you knew Taehyung wouldn’t risk his perfect reputation. But still, you remembered his manager was still out there.
You couldn’t let them kill you…You had to survive! You broke into a blind run, ignoring the strange looks and the calls you got from the restaurant’s staff as you pushed out of the restaurant into the street. You kept running despite the dizziness of your mind, and you could barely see what was in front of you before…You crashed into someone, slamming into their body so hard that you were sent sprawling to the ground.
“Please…,’’ you choked out, your voice strangled, crying out a desperate plea as you grabbed onto their clothes,’’ Please help me.”
Your mind was dizzy, splotches of colors splattering your blurry vision. Your body had overexerted yourself, and you prayed that you wouldn’t end up a dead body on the news as your grip around the clothes went lip, and you collapsed into the road. Through the buzzing of your ears, you could hear a startled voice call out, feel a firm touch grab your shoulders and try to shake you awake. Some strange hope rose in you; maybe…maybe…?
You murmured desperately one last mumble, your words barely making sense, as you spiraled into unconsciousness.  
“JK…please help me.”
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A/N: if you want to be added to the taglist for the next part, reply with a  ❤️. If you enjoyed the story, please leave a comment or a detailed review below <3
Next work will be a fic for Jungkook’s upcoming birthday. Poll will be released soon for what kind of plot it should have! 
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laurenairay · 3 years
2) “You’ve been avoiding me, why?” with Jacob Markstrom please!🖤
Here you go @danglesnipecelly – thank you for letting me borrow your man! 😘
This is the last of my prompt list blurbs so I hope you’ve all enjoyed them!
“You’ve been avoiding me, why?”
Drinking always had repercussions. You knew that, not even because you were no longer young and naïve. Sure, your tolerance had gotten better over the years, but the amount of time you went out partying had decreased in turn, so it all balanced out. And by that, it means that casual drinks were absolutely fine, but one big night out would knock you off your feet.
And now, one of your newest friendships was suffering because of your dumb actions.
Three weeks ago was Elias’s birthday. Annica had invited you as you were one of their neighbours and you’d grown quite close with her over the past couple of years since she and Elias had moved to Calgary. Through them, you’d met Jacob this year…and you knew the moment that you saw him that you were in trouble. No-one should be that tall, that handsome, and that sweet – it just wasn’t fair. Luckily you’d managed to keep your heart eyes to yourself (although you had a feeling that Annica had her suspicions) as well as keeping your cool around him…until the party three weeks ago.
You’d managed to make excuses to avoid group gatherings, only meeting with Annica when it was just the two of you, but she had begged you to come to the casual party Elias was throwing at their place tonight, and you hadn’t found it in your heart to tell her no, even though you were dreading facing the man you’d made a fool of yourself in front of.
It had only taken 30 minutes before you found yourself cornered by Jacob in the kitchen.
“Finally, I thought I’d never get you alone,”
You cursed under your breath before looking up at the Swedish giant with a nervous smile, making Jacob frown slightly, before his face smoothed out.
“You’ve been avoiding me, why?” Jacob asked softly.
Was there any point in lying?
Probably not.
It’s not like he didn’t know…
“Because I made an absolute tit out of myself last time I saw you?” you offered, smiling wearily.
Jacob laughed, making you wince, but he just shook his head.
“That’s why you’ve turned into a ghost? I thought I’d done something wrong!” Jacob mused.
Oh god no, that was the furthest thing from the truth.
“You were wonderful. It was me who was a dumb drunk mess,” you grumbled, face flaring with heat.
“You were not the drunkest person there – so far from it. And you weren’t a mess…you were cute,” he insisted.
Cute? No, he didn’t mean it like that. You sent him an unimpressed look but he just grinned back at you. Where to even start?
Even just thinking about the events of the night three weeks ago made you cringe so hard. The evening had started well, don’t get you wrong. You’d worn a cute flowery dress and put your hair up in a pretty braid, with a little light make-up to finish off the look. Annica had greeted you with a big hug and a large glass of white wine…and that’s where the night went downhill.
In short, you’d gotten absolutely smashed on white wine with Annica.
Wine drunk was a different level – while you knew that you definitely weren’t the only very drunk person that night, everything you’d done…ugh. Not okay.
“What do you remember from the night?” Jacob asked, smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“Everything, unfortunately,” you grumbled.
“It can’t all have been bad,” he teased.
Hah. That’s what he thought.
You admit, it started slowly. A bottle of wine shared between you and Annica got you started on karaoke (who brought the machine with them, you had no idea), with a whole queue of people continuing after you.
Then came the second bottle of wine – when you’d finished that, a lot of other people were drunk too. Elias himself was so drunk that he fell off the sofa laughing at something that Noah had said. And instead of helping him up, you and Annica had sat behind him and braided his hair, each of you having a spare hairband around your wrist to secure the two messy braids (and you were certain Jacob himself had taken a few photos of the braiding session).
You knew you’d eaten after then. And drank some water too. But that didn’t stop you from getting drunk-teary as Milan’s wife showed you the cutest new photos of her kids (they were just so cute!). Drunk-teary, like seriously. Thankfully you hadn’t full-on cried but that was bad enough. Annica had saved you from that…by dragging you into the kitchen and pouring you another glass of wine.
This devolved into the two of you going back and forth, telling each other you’re so pretty, no you’re so pretty, until Elias and Jacob stopped just watching in amusement and interrupted the love fest, with Elias taking Annica outside into the backyard for some fresh air, Jacob just getting you some more water.
As you recounted it all to Jacob, the smile on his face only grew.
“None of that was bad! I told you so – you were happy drunk and no-one thought bad of you, I promise,”
“I wish I could believe you,” you sighed.
“Anyone that remembered anything, which was very few people because vodka was flowing heavily, only thought it was cute and funny, I swear,” Jacob grinned.
The way that he kept insisting, the way that he kept repeating that you hadn’t made a fool of yourself, gave you a spark of hope. Maybe?
Then his face went serious, making your stomach fill with butterflies.
“And do you remember what you said to me?” Jacob asked softly.
You swallowed heavily. There it was. How could you not? It was why you’d been avoiding him.
“Yeah, I do,”
When he’d gotten you the water in the kitchen, you’d told him he was the most handsome man you’d ever met. With the biggest drunkest smile on your face. You wish you had Annica’s memory-loss bliss, but unfortunately the memory was seared into your brain. You could only thank your fairy godmother that instead of doing anything even more stupid, you’d just skipped off to find your friend afterwards.
But being here with him now, knowing in your gut that he remembered everything too, that gave you the heaviest feeling in the pit of your stomach.
“You said I was handsome. The most handsome guy you’d ever met,” he said.
Almost word for word. Wow. Fantastic. Just what you needed. Even just hearing the words said out loud again sent another hot rush of embarrassment flooding through your body, and it was all you could do not to shudder.
“Yeah I’m well aware. Can you just forget it, please?” you sighed.
But Jacob shook his head, confusing you. What? “Why would I want to forget?” he asked, frowning.
“Please, J, it’s embarrassing as hell and I’d like to still be able to show my face around here,” you pleaded.
Why was he being like this?
But then he stepped closer to you, impossibly closer, one hand rising to cup your face. You inhaled sharply as his thumb stroked over your cheekbone, unable to look away from his beautiful blue eyes.
“Why would I want to forget the most beautiful woman I know, telling me that I’m the most handsome guy?” he said seriously, towering over you in a way that took your breath away.
“You can’t just say that,” you murmured, feeling helpless, but in no way that you wanted to be rescued.
“I mean it. I’m not just saying it either. I wish I told you sooner,” he said firmly.
“Jacob…” you whispered.
You trailed off, unsure of what to say. Did he mean it? Did he really mean it? Jacob saw the uncertainty mixing with hope on your face, and licked his bottom lip nervously. The thumb that had been stroking over your cheek brushed over your bottom lip, making you gasp.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked quietly.
Even though the two of you were in public, in the open kitchen, it felt like you were in your own little world. You were completely consumed by him.
“Yes,” was all you could whisper in reply.
Jacob wasted no time in leaning his head down to press his lips to yours. You couldn’t help but whimper as he kissed you firmly, no hesitation, no nerves, just kissed you over and over and over until your head was spinning.
And then he broke away, making you gasp for breath, heart racing even more at the intensity in his eyes, the wet shine on his lips.
“I’ve wanted to kiss you for so long,” he murmured.
You just clutched at his shirt, your knees feeling weak, words escaping you. He’s wanted to kiss you? Was this really happening? Jacob could see how overwhelmed you were, his eyes desperately searching yours for any sign of discomfort, but he found only surprise. So he took a deep breath to settle his nerves.
“Let me take you out on a date. Let me show you how beautiful I think you are,” Jacob asked softly, smiling hopefully.
The smile that spread across your lips felt ridiculous, but you couldn’t stop it. “I would love that,” you replied, smiling shyly.
Jacob just grinned before ducking his head to kiss you again, his hands travelling down your body to clutch at your waist as your hands slid up around his neck. This all felt like such a dream, a wonderful impossible dream. But there was no way you could’ve imagined the way his body felt pressing up against yours, or the way his tongue sent shivers down your spine. This was better than any fantasy, and you couldn’t wait to see how it played out.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
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“I got this one,” Alec yelled over his shoulder and ran after the demon.
Being the Consul involved a lot of desk work. While Alec did appreciate getting to stay at home with Magnus and the kids…
Well, he was a Shadowhunter after all.
He had kind of missed this. The patrols. The adrenaline.
Most of all, fighting with Jace.
So, when Jace had asked him to join him on patrol, Alec had jumped on the opportunity.
But now of course he was regretting it a little bit.
When Alec had said he wanted to kick some demon ass, he had been hoping for a dozen at most.
Not this.
They had fought almost double that so far and there was many more on the way.
Jace used to call himself a chick-magnet long time ago. But in actuality, his parabatai was a demon-magnet.
Wherever Jace went, they just seemed to hang out in hoards.
They had strategized to find the greator demon that was sending out the little minions. Alec had followed one while Jace followed another. It got darker and darker with every step until Alec found himself drowning in the night. Maybe he had wondered into a cave or something.
He quickly activated his night vision rune. But it didn’t help.
This wasn’t a cave. This was magic. Demonic magic.
“Alec!” he heard Jace yell. “Can you see anything?”
“No!” Alec yelled back.
Jace sounded like he was both close and miles away.
“This is some sort of trick,” Alec said.
“Yeah, no shit,” Jace yelled back. “Let’s get out of here.”
It was then Alec heard a low chuckle.
There was something eerily familiar about it. It sounded like someone he recognized – almost.
They were still plunged in darkness, but somehow Alec noticed a figure emerge. He pointed his bow at the man.
It looked like a man. Tall. Lean. Well built. Strong.
Oh god. Surely not another prince of hell. Haven’t they had enough of those things?
The closer it got, the faster Alec’s heart started to beat.
He knew he should run. But he didn’t.
The presence felt both like a threat and an ally at the same time.
Alec didn't want to hesitate any longer. He let the arrow fly.
The figure pulled out a bow out of nowhere and let his own arrow fly. It was like watching lightening. The figure’s arrow clashed with his own and burst into dust.
“Nice shot,” the figure said as it approached him. “Next time don’t hesitate so much. It can get you killed.”
“Jace!” Alec shouted.
But there was no response.
“Who are you?” Alec yelled at the figure.
He didn’t know why we was yelling. But it seemed like the right thing to do. His shirt was soaking in sweat, his fingers trembling slightly.
“It’s me,” the voice said.
As the figure closer, a small gasp escaped Alec’s mouth. He would recognize the figure anywhere.
Even in the depths of such darkness.
“Or should I say, it’s you.”
Alec took a step back.
It was him.
It was Alec. In shadowhunter gear. His hair out of place. His bow and quiver hanging on his side.
It was Alec and it wasn’t.
Despite all the similarities, Alec knew it wasn’t him.
This one seemed…empty.
Or full.
He didn’t know.
But what gave him away was his fingers - And the lack of his favorite and only piece of jewelry.
There was no wedding band.
“Stay back, you son of a bitch,” Alec didn’t hesitate this time.
“Is that anyway to talk about our mother?” other Alec chuckled.
“This is some sort of demonic trick,” Alec said, mostly to himself.
“Duh,” Other Alec rolled his eyes, the gesture intimately familiar.
Alec let another arrow fly but again – he just wasn’t fast enough.
It was almost as if the Other Alec knew what he was going to do.
“Of course, I know what you’re going to do,” Other Alec said. “I’m you, aren’t I?”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
“I know what you’re thinking too,” Other Alec pointed out. “Right now, you’re thinking if Jace is okay.”
Alec held up his bow again even though it was pointless.
“He is okay,” Other Alec waved him off. “He has his own nightmare to deal with.”
“You’re Baku,” Alec said, feeling slightly triumphant. “Eater of dreams. Greator Demon of Nightmares.”
“Well, technically, I’m Alec Lightwood,” the demon shrugged. “Consul in Exile.”
“Alec Lightwood-Bane,” he corrected out of habit.
“Of course,” Other Alec put up his hands, his bare fingers making him more and more worried.
“What is this supposed to be?” Alec demanded. “A nightmare? I’m not scared of you.”
“Aren’t you?” Other Alec cocked his head. “You are your greatest fear, Alec.”
“Bullshit,” Alec spit. “I’m not afraid of myself. Not anymore.”
“Are we sure about that?” Other Alec asked again.
“Yes,” Alec snapped. “I can’t hurt myself anymore.”
“Well,” Other Alec shrugged. “You can still hurt others.”
Alec stared.
It was like the demon had shot him with an arrow. Right in the chest. 
“I know you, remember?” Other Alec grinned. “I’ve seen your dreams. Your nightmares.”
“You know nothing!” Alec yelled and let another arrow fly.
Useless. Other Alec dodged it effortlessly.
“How many people should keep getting hurt, Alec?” his own voiced asked himself. “How many people should get hurt because of your incomptency?”
His throat felt dry. His head ached.
He heard the questions from Other Alec who was in front of him.
But he heard them echo inside his head too. Like he was thinking these thoughts right now.
As if he had been thinking them forever.
“I’m not incompetent!” Alec said through gritted teeth.
“Say that to Max,” Other Alec sneered.
Alec’s heart clenched.
“Or Dad,” Other Alec whispered.
And then it broke.
“I-I tried,” Alec stammered. “I tried to save them.”
“You weren’t even there,” Other Alec accused.
“Stop it!” Alec let another arrow fly.
“You know, it’s ironic that they named you Alexander,” Other Alec chuckled. “When have you ever protected anyone? All you’ve done is hurt people.”
“Shut up!” Alec yelled.
“You tried to hurt Clary because you were angry and jealous. You did hurt Magnus because you were angry and jealous. You tried to kill Camille. You did kill Meliorn. So, who’s next?”
“I’ve changed,” Alec argued, he didn’t know why. “I’ve grown.”
“Growing into a sorry excuse of a man,” the demon laughed. “Now they’ve made you Consul. What a great opportunity to let your entire race down!”
“I won’t!” Alec yelled, even though he had had already had nightmares about this very thing. “I won’t let them down. They chose me!”
“Oh please,” Other Alec rolled his eyes. “No one would have even considered you if it wasn’t for Jace. He felt sorry for you because you never get the spotlight. And everyone who voted for you did it because they felt sorry for you because you lost dad. It was a pity vote.”
“Get out of my head!” Alec screamed. “You don’t know me. You don’t know anything.”
“On contrary,” Other Alec grinned. “I know you better than anyone.”
“Bullshit,” Alec said again.
“I’m your greatest fear, Alec,” the other man said.
“Because your cocky and rude?” Alec demanded, gaining his confidence back. “I don’t think so.”
“Because of this,” Other Alec raised his empty hand.
Alec swallowed.
“I would never remove my ring!” he said, his voice hoarse. “Never.”
“Aw,” Other Alec said. “Not even if Magnus asked you to give it back?”
The confidence that was slowly building inside him felt apart like a wave crashing into land.
“That’s right,” the man said. “He took it back. He took rafe. He left.”
“Magnus would never,” Alec said, clutching his own wedding ring.
The other Alec just grinned.
“Rafe,” Alec said suddenly. “You said he took Rafe. What happened to Max?”
Stop it. This isn’t real! But Alec couldn’t listen to that voice. Just the one before him.
“That name is cursed,” Other Alec said sadly. “Or maybe it’s just you. You’re not good enough to protect anyone.”
“Max is fine,” Alec told himself. “Max is okay. He is in the institute.”
“Not for long,” the Other Alec said in a sing song voice. “You will get him killed too. He will die. Alone and afraid. Just like your brother.”
Alec leaped at himself, but the figure simply disappeared and appeared in a different spot.
“Touched a nerve, huh?” Other Alec chuckled. “I wonder why.”
“Shut. The. Fuck. Up.” Alec let arrow after arrow fly.
“Useless,” Other Alec chuckled. “Don’t know why I’m surprised.”
“You will not touch my family!” Alec pointed an arrow. He’d stab the fucking thing to death if he had to. “Do you hear me?”
“I would never!” Other Alec sounded offended. “But can’t say the same for you though.”
“I will never hurt my family,” Alec replied, his voice getting lower and lower.
“You already have,” Other Alec pointed out. “Giving up immortality? Wow. What a slap in the face for Magnus. You know he could have had anyone, right?”
“We made the decision together!” Alec yelled. “Magnus wanted this too!”
“Of course he did, you selfish prick!” Other Alec yelled back. “He did because you did! It’s what you wanted. Because of your precious parabatai.”
“But J-Jace-” Alec stammered.
“You know,” Other Alec’s voice turned into a husky whisper, like he was sharing a secret. “Magnus knows. He has always known you would choose Jace over him.”
“This is just a dream,” Alec whispered to himself desperately. “Just a dream.”
“How about what happened in Thule?” Other Alec asked. “Was that just a dream too?”
Alec gasped.
“Never thought you’d have it in you,” Other Alec whistled. “You’re savage.”
“It wasn’t me!” Alec yelled.
“Wasn’t it?” the other man shrugged.
“All this talk about loving one man and changing the world for him and yet you killed him him with your own hands,” Other Alec shook his head in disappointment. “Magnus deserved better.”
“Don’t talk about Magnus like you know him!” Alec snapped.
“Oh fine. But I do know you, Alec Lightwood,” Other Alec moved closer. “I know your future. You might keep him happy now. But you will be his suffering. You will be his Bane.”
Images of Magnus flashed before his eyes. Magnus coping with his loss. Magnus not coping so well.
“Please,” Alec almost begged. “What do you want from me?”
“Nothing at all,” the figure moved back. “I just wanted to talk.”
“You’re not gonna kill me?” Alec asked.
“What’s the fun in that?” Other Alec asked. “I’d rather keep you alive and watch you suffer.
“Get out,” Alec ordered, even though he knew he had no power.
“So sensitive,” Other Alec chuckled. “Fine. I’ll go for now. You better watch out, Alec Lightwood. Bad things are coming.”
“You stay away from, Magnus!” Alec yelled. 
“I could say the same to you,” Other Alec pouted. “Leave him. For his sake. For the sake of your childr-.”
“If you touch my kids-”
“I won’t,” Other Alec raised his hands. “But can’t say the same about their grandfather however.”
“Stay out of my head,” Alec hissed.
“No promises,” the demon of nightmares winked.
Alec felt the darkness slowly dissipate. His heartbeat getting stronger.
The shivers on his arms were just going down when he heard the voice in ear one last time.
“Oh, one last thing,” his own voice whispered. “Give my regards to Izzy.”
Alec’s body shuddered at that and he fell on his knees.
“Hey. Hey. Hey,” Jace was already by his side. “You okay?”
Alec just nodded, still trying to get back to reality.
“Dude, I’d take an army of raveners over this any day,” Jace said, looking rattled in a long time. “This shit was creepy as hell.”
“What did you see?” Alec asked.
“Some psycho version of myself. He kept talking about killing Clary,” Jace laughed, even though Alec sensed the nervousness in his voice. “As if that’s ever gonna happen.”
Alec nodded and slowly got up.
“What did you see?” Jace asked.
Alec thought of Other Alec.
The one without the ring. The one he knew would haunt his dreams every night from now on.
“Spiders,” he said. “Just stupid spiders.”
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faerienextdoor · 3 years
general relationship hcs with (some) pastas
Fair warning, I'm using and hinting at mine and my friends’ writing for these creeps :) enjoy  also as soon as i figure out how to open an ask box, I’ll be accepting requests
- oh where to start with this absolute himbo
- he melts around you. like he's your bitch, and you're his.
- he's the type of boyfriend that takes you out in the snow and shoves a handful down the back of your jacket, and laughs until you shove snow in his face
- it is snow war
- it ends with you cuddling him, wrapped in a blanket and content in front of the burning fire he got started just for you <3
- but he also has some weird... habits.
- drinks pickle juice.
- gets his hand stuck in the jar.
- looks at you like 🥺 until you sigh and help him. for the fifteenth time.
- he can cook some basic breakfast foods, and happily breaks out a cookbook to prepare you something as a surprise or to learn something with you!!
- baking with him would be a mess. he forgets flour goes everywhere and now you both look like you took a bath in cocaine
- but the cupcakes are mediocre at best. they aren't absolute garbage, so... cupcake points!
- he worries about how hoodie treats you. he doesn't remember anything when he regains control, but you've reassured him hoodie is just fine.
- and he is
- hoodie is like a rottweiler or a doberman.
- protective. intimidating. energetic.
- but also a giant fucking baby.
- this large ass man lumbers over and drops to his knees. places his chin on your lap and stares at you from the fabric of his mask until you stop what you're doing and stroke his head awkwardly
- you could swear he does those happy grumbled a rottie does.
- hoodie is silent but shows he loves you just as much as brian does. He strokes your hair silently, even places a kiss to the crown of your head as you sink into his beefy arms.
- he smells nice too. surprisingly.
- but that raises the question: if hoodie showers, does he shower with that damn thing on?
- you won't get an answer if you were to ask.
- brian introduces you to his grandma julia. and she dotes on you.
- the immortal old lady remarks that you’re the best s/o brian has brought to her yet.
- a lumberjack man with biceps like a fucking tree trunk
- how'd you land him? give me your secrets (/j)
- he's such a love bug. a tired stressed love bug.
- he finds /every/ excuse to have physical contact with you. it's like a little touch from you reassures him that you're real. you're like a dream to him.
- he's the best for cuddles. He holds you to his chest
- and you get special access to his moobs
- and he gently strokes your head, traces shapes into your back, etc. it's a special intimate moment each time.
- my man's is italian-american but can't cook to save his fucken life
- he always gets your favorite microwave meals though!! he never forgets.
- not feeling good? dw baby he's making it for you <33 shitty low tier bean and cheese burrito coming up
- slowly he learns the basics and surprises you with lunch or even dinner if you're lucky!!
- he loves you so much. and wants you to feel it and know it. all the time.
- god where to start with this bitch
- he's not jeff levels of bad ofc, but he's silent and... weird. creepy, some may say. he doesn't mean to be.
- and he's a hard ass. far more strict than tim.
- he follows you around like a giant fucken puppy and will spook you by grabbing you abruptly and holding you tightly
- you can't escape him. he really utilizes his physical strength
- he loves lifting you up and just... holding you. or carrying you off.
- protective and overbearing.
- but tim keeps him under control.
- he wouldn't want to lose you like he lost his last wife.
- you find pictures of a woman laying around and a small girl that bears a striking resemblance to her and tim.
- tim goes quiet and questioned but eventually caves and tells you about his family
- or what he used to have
- his wife died and his daughter disappeared.
- it broke him and you're all he has left now
- constantly needs your affection in return to his own
- pls love him
- why the fuck would you date him
- he's the absolute worst in so many aspects. But he genuinely tries for you.
- even if his gifts are shitty, it's nice to know he thoughts of you, right? even if it's a half dead flower or a rib torn from a deer caraccas.
- but you get the butt end of his shithead antics. ranch bath, specifically. he smelt like spoiled milk for a week after and you had to cuddle that fucker.
- and don't get me started on mayo bath
- but he still loves finding himself in your arms. or finding you in his. he's demanding affection wise, and will yank you into him for some cuddles. whether you like it or not.
- he isn't one for a lot of pet names, but calls you curse words or "sweetheart" in polish.
- and you get to see the side of him that only shows when he breaks down.
(bit of angst)
- he misses his family and the life he used to have. he'll reminisce what it was like in poland with his mom and family with you, and you sometimes swear you can see his brown eyes gloss over at the memory of her.
- he never talks about his dad, you've noticed.
- don't ask.
- he brushes off heavy conversations with some dumb quip ("wanna see my renegade?")
- he sucks at cooking. god awful at it. but he really tries for you. manages a bowl of oat meal that's edible.
- but he overloads it with sugar and for some reason, salt.
- he's confused. he thinks that's normal (it isn't)
- his idea of a date is napping with you. or rather, forcing you into nap time.
- I mean it when I say this man is strong in a weird fucken way. latches onto you with that iron grip and you won't be able to leave for at least a few hours.
- ethereal wlw woman.
- could break you with her heels. or a flutter of what eyelashes she has.
- you're lucky to have her, and she's just as lucky to have you!
- she's sweet and charming. very smooth and takes good care of you.
- her love language is a mix of physical touch and acts of service.
- she'll cuddle you all night, and then make you breakfast in the morning.
- she loves showering with you when she's comfy enough around you! it's super intimate and she washes your hair.
- massages the soap into your hair, suds spilling down your neck and back as her fingers scrub circles into your scalp.
- it's heaven on earth. such a domestic life.
- it'll take a while for her to settle enough in the relationship for you to see her without her mask
- you make her feel so loved and wanted
- secure, even.
- she's protective but not controlling or overbearing. shes that type of girlfriend that's just a worrywart and relaxes as soon as you're curled up in her arms. you fit there perfectly, too. like you belong there.
- which you do. at least in her mind
- she has such a gentle touch and hold on you. like she's afraid you'll combust in her arms if she holds you too tightly.
- she loves stroking your hair and having you nap
- using her tiddies as a pillow 👌
- she needs affirmation from you when it comes to her scars.
- she thinks that jeff ruined her. permanently marking her once spotless body.
- and she thinks you'll hate her or find her disgusting.
- that's why she freezes if/when you gently slip off her mask.
- she stares at you with those teary green eyes. then leans in and kisses you
- you make all of her worries disappear.
- she's also financially comfortable, but not really rich (on that topic: eat the rich)
- she spoils you every chance she gets. gifts, a nice dinner date, you name it
- she almost spoils you as much as she does her cat Emory
- little shit has the sparkliest fucken collar and acts like he's the shit
- he's your fur baby too now
- oh my god this disaster of an art boi
- he's convinced he's the luckiest man in the world (and he might as well be!!)
- he obviously wouldn't have been the one to confess. but it was really obvious by how he painted and drew you constantly, that some feeling for you was lodged into his beating heart.
- he treats you like the finest china. with the most care a man can manage.
- he's the definition of clingy and affectionate from the very start.
- he curls around your sleeping form perfectly when y'all cuddle.
- his hand dances in your hair, soothing you into a dreamless sleep each night without fail.
- he has a magic touch and a gentle voice.
- and he cherishes you so fucken much. (like a simp /j)
- he shies away from kisses at first, but will hold your hand and melts if you hold his face in them!!!
- he's greek, and often speaks sweet things to you in it. he's so comfortable around you that he speaks in his native language to you. that's an accomplishment.
- he loves when you baby him. helen loves being cradled and loved.
- taking a nap with his head on your chest also hits different. he's so in love with you
- he's afraid of losing you. who wouldn't be? you're amazing and you love /him/ of all people
- he thinks very negatively of himself. please scold him for self deprecating.
- he always worries he'll wake up and you'll be gone.
- so he holds you extra close at night. and follows you around when you leave for any reason. Trails behind you like a lost puppy in need of a gentle kiss.
- which, is what he essentially is
- and also: pls steal his sweater and wear it. he'll cry over how cute you are.
214 notes · View notes
whereisten · 4 years
Valentine Boy
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Preview | Part 3 | Part 4
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You’ve been dating College Student!Jaehyun for a few months now. He’s unbelievably sweet, smart, oh..and very handsome. Best of all, he gives you the best love you’ve ever had. He’s the love of your life and you can’t see anything going wrong as your relationship sails smoothly..that is..until you discover his biggest secret. He’s been hiding the fact that he’s a camboy and you start to wonder..Is Jaehyun as sweet and honest as you think he is?
Pairing: female reader X college student and camboy!Jaehyun
Genre: Smut, Angst, fluff
Word Count: 4.1K
Warnings: cursing, alcohol mention, cheating, deception, manipulation, gaslighting. Dry humping, car sex, protected sex.
A/N: hellooooo thank you everyone for your immense support on this fic, I hope you enjoy this preview, I haven’t proofread it but I will later!! Also, I am working on the tag list right now, if you would like to be added, pls send a message/ask or reply to this! The rest of Part 3 will be up very soon❤️❤️❤️❤️
The sunlight couldn’t be any brighter as its rays peaked through the slim blinds and onto your bed. You grumble a little bit when you feel the heat on your arm. You turn over slowly, your body still aching from the night before. But you’re able to reach out and tap the fluffy white blanket next to you.
“J-Jaehyun?” You say, peering out through one eye to see your brown haired boyfriend.
But you don’t see him. 
As your senses awaken, you hear the tapping of keys in the living room.
“In here, babe!” Jaehyun yells out.
You smile when you hear his sweet voice and lay back down in the bed. “Oh my God, I can't feel my legs.” You chuckle.
“Ahh..sweetheart..I didn’t even go that hard on you..” he trots into the bedroom with a cup of coffee.
“Here..I’m working on a paper that’s due tomorrow, but I’m almost finished.” He places the cup down on the dresser beside you before ruffling your hair with his fingers.
He looks delectable with no shirt on and just boxers. His hair is still messy too, with his soft hair falling into his forehead limply.
You clutch the blanket to your naked chest and smile widely. “Thanks, baby..how do I look?”
“Hmmm..” Jaehyun tilts his head and smirks. “Like someone pulled your hair a few times last night..”
You chuckle a less than sexy laugh, but lick your lips as you remembered the way he pinned you against the bed just a few hours ago.
You sit up on the bed and place a finger into the waistband of his boxer shorts, tugging it teasingly as your eyes lock.
“I miss having my hair pulled…”
He bites his bottom lip and sighs as he watches your daring eyes below him. A low groan escapes his perfect lips.
“Mmm..baby, I wish we could..but I have to finish this assignment..” 
You pout and withdraw your finger. “Okay.” 
“I’ll make it up to you later baby, it’s our last day in Bali..we’ll go to the beach one last time and do whatever you want to do.”
He holds your chin and rubs his thumb on it.
You smile.
“Okay, my smart baby, get back to work!”
Jaehyun gives your forehead a light kiss and leaves.
“Professors that assign homework to do during spring break don’t make any sense!” You yell out and fall back into the bed.
Jaehyun only laughs and sits back on the couch with his laptop.
After about two hours, Jaehyun finally finishes his work and walks back to the room.
He plops down into the bed and places his iPad in the center.
You put your phone down and turn to him.
“Wanna watch some Tik Toks with me?” He gives you a cheesy smile.
“Of course! You look like you could use some decompressing..”
You rub your hand on his hair and smooth it out of his face.
He takes the move as an opportunity to kiss your wrist.
“Hey!” You laugh at the ticklish feeling and move your hand.
The two of you watch many, way too many, videos well into the afternoon. But losing track of time with the one you loved the most was okay.
You and Jaehyun laughed together as you laid on his chest and scrolled through his ‘for you page’. You’d look up at his face every now and then just to watch him laugh. His eyes crinkling into thin lines and his dimples becoming deeper than any of the earth’s trenches. The warmth from his chest when something made him echo our thunderous laughs and the way his fingers drew small circles onto your naked back. He made everything feel right in that moment. Your spring break with Jaehyun was working out to be one of the best vacations you’d ever had. You never wanted it to end.
“Alright...I think it’s time we head to the beach..” you run your eyes.
“Yeah..but remember when you said you missed having your hair pulled?” Jaehyun’s raspy voice entered your ear.
You put your hand onto his chest and looked into his eyes.
“That was a while ago, Mr. I-am-a-devoted-student.”
Jaehyun pouted. “Hey..don’t be so harsh, sweetheart...does the offer still stand?” He places his thumb onto your lips, running over it slowly.
You open your mouth slightly then stick your tongue out. You lick over the top of his thumb while looking into his eyes.
Jaehyun’s breath hitches. He swallows hard as he watches you take the rest of his thumb into your mouth and past your gorgeous lips.
You lift your head up and place the iPad to the side. You then crawl over his lap and straddle him.
You bite your lips as you feel his hardening member strain against his boxers. The thin fabric of it being the only thing separating your bare opening from his aching manhood.
He immediately places his hands on your thighs and relaxes into the bed.
You move forward and backward slowly, too slowly.
Your hands are resting on his toned chest as he struggles to breathe normally.
He pushes up into your body more, trying to stay at your pace but finding it difficult as your beautiful body moves above him. You’re like an angel. Even with disheveled hair and smudged makeup, you’re the most beautiful person he's ever seen.
“Ahh..baby..” Jaehyun licks his lips. “You’re beautiful..so beautiful.”
Jaehyun is fully hard now and reaches into his shorts to pull his dick out. But you hold his wrist and shake your head.
“Not yet..” 
You whimper, your entire body trembling as you tease him, your folds now dripping from the steady movement. You swivel your hips and grind down onto him a little harder.
Jaehyun groans just as you lean down to kiss him. The taste of alcohol and coffee on his tongue sends a rush through your head. 
“Baby..please..I wanna feel you..” Jaehyun looks into your eyes as you pull away from the kiss. He tightens his grip on your thighs.
You give a half smile then lean down to his ear and whisper. “You can feel me..after you shower..”
Jaehyun pouts.
“You smell like alcohol, babe.” You plop down onto the bed beside him and laugh.
He sighs loudly and turns over to you. “Why do you do this to me?”
You run your hands through his hair. “Get washed up baby, we can’t spend our last day here inside!”
Jaehyun hurries into the shower as you laugh.
You hear the water start to run in the shower and get up to get your outfit for the day together. But as you arise from the bed, you see a notification pop up on Jaehyun’s IPad.
It’s a text message.
From someone named ‘R’.
It was nice seeing you last night ;)
Your brows furrow. Who could this be? Who of Jaehyun’s friends had a name that started with R? And why wouldn’t he just save their real name? How could he have seen this person last night when you were both at the club together? This person had to be texting the wrong number.
Another text comes in..it’s from the same person.
Can't wait til you get back..
You stare blankly at the IPad, trying to remain calm as you read through these mysterious and yet flirty messages. Or were you over exaggerating? Maybe this person was just a classmate working on a project with Jaehyun, maybe it was just someone from your university that just so happened to be in Bali for Spring Break like you guys were, because Bali is a popular destination for college kids, right?
But why were you looking at his IPad anyway? You should’ve respected his privacy, but you had your suspicions still. You just couldn’t push them away, could you?
Another text..
I’m gonna make up for it when you get back, Jaehyun, gonna show you..
“Everything alright?” Jaehyun’s low voice speaks out from behind you. He’s so close, you feel his warm breath hit the back of your neck.
You swallow hard and turn to him. You didn’t hear the water stop or even his light steps. Did he know that you were reading his texts?
He stared into your eyes intensely then shifted his attention back to his screen on the bed. You stepped in front of it and smiled.
“Y-yeah..everything’s fine..I just..I got kinda dizzy when I stood up too fast.” You chuckled but Jaehyun only gave you a small smile.
“Are you okay now?” 
“Yeah! I’m fine!”
Jaehyun forces a wider smile and nods. “Good! I was wondering if you wanted to shower with me..we’ll save on water. It’ll be good for the Earth.” He raised his eyebrows and winks.
You smile and join him for a shower, forcing the many thoughts you had away. You don’t want to ruin the vacation as Jaehyun had accused you of doing the night before during your little “fight.” You want it to be a good time for both of you, so you continue on and go to the beach.
‘R’ could’ve simply been a classmate or friend of Jaehyun. You shouldn’t overthink it, there had to be an explanation. While walking on the beach together with your hand in his, you try to think of your moments together. Sweet and tender moments of laughter like this morning, or when he held you bridal style when you first went to the hotel. Or when he surprised you with a large bouquet of flowers while you were in class and risked getting scolded by the professor.
That was the Jaehyun you knew. There was nothing to worry about with him. He loved you and proved it many times, so why did you feel this unshakable tremble in your chest that screamed ‘danger’?
[Two Weeks Later]
Back in class, you tried hard to focus on the lessons, but something still upset you.
“I’m gonna make up for it when you get back.” What did that mean? And what else did that person text.
But then, you rubbed your eyes and looked back at the screen. 
You thought about Jaehyun’s sweet smile and how he loved you during your break together. You smiled to yourself and remembered when he told you he misses you whenever he is at work.
The person next to you then took out their container of strawberries and popped the cover off. The sweet smell filled your nostrils and made you exhale. You could really use some refreshing fruit from Bali right now.
That’s it! You could visit Jaehyun at work and drop off a basket of fruits from the market. It was time that you spoiled him for once. He’s given you so much already, it’s the least you could do. You smile to yourself as you imagine the grin that would cover his face once you surprised him.
Luckily, you remember the name of the place that he works at even though he mentioned it only once in the past and never again.
You show up to the prestigious building with your best dress shirt and office skirt on. You wanted to look professional as it was a very serious work place. You just hope that you came late enough to deliver these fruits and not upset the manager.
The woman at the front desk looks intimidating, but you put on your brightest smile.
“Hi, excuse me, I’m looking for Jaehyun. I think he’s working right now.” you give a small smile to the older blonde haired lady with a silk Versace handkerchief tied around her neck.
She gives you a small smile and nods, “I’m sorry dear, but there’s no employee here by that name.”
“Oh..um, could you look again? I’m sure he’s just not showing up in the system, but he’s working until 5 today.”
She sighs then takes a look at her screen. “Hmmm..nope! No one here by that name, sweetheart. Are you sure you’re not thinking of ‘Johnny’?”
“No-no it’s Jaehyun...Um there may be a misunderstanding or something..” you blink rapidly.
She shakes her head and turns the computer screen to you.
“See...here’s the schedule for next week..”
You scroll through the names.
“Normally, I wouldn’t show this to anyone...” she whispers, but you’re too focused on finding his name to listen.
You continue scrolling until you get to the bottom.
Jaehyun’s name isn’t there on the list of employees..
It didn’t make any sense. Your grip on the basket starts to weaken. You can feel a small crack in your beautiful world start to spread.
Jaehyun was lying to you..all this time. This wasn’t even his workplace.
You step back as she turns her screen back to face her.
You look at the floor and fight back tears.
“Dear...are you okay?” 
“Y-yeah, I’m fine.” But you really weren’t. You couldn’t fight back the tears anymore. The floor below you became decorated with one, then two then three teardrops.
“Here.” You wipe your eyes and hand the fruit basket to the lady at the desk.
She looks puzzled. 
“Sweetheart..” she starts.
“Please!! Just take it!..I’m sorry for wasting your time..” you turn and leave the fruit basket on the front desk.
There were too many thoughts running through your mind. You walked heavily, with fury running through your veins and clenched fists.
How could he take you for a fool like this? How could he lie to you? Was he spending time with ‘R’ whenever he said he was “working?”
But you would confront Jaehyun, you would get answers when you met up for dinner. You had to know the truth and let him know that whatever game he was playing was over.
[Later That Night]
You meet up with Jaehyun at your favorite restaurant.
You wait for him outside and when you see him walk over you stare blankly.
“Hey, baby!” Jaehyun gives you a bright smile as he trots over. Maybe he didn’t see your frown, or wet, red eyes..maybe he didn’t notice your voice crack before you swallowed hard.
“We need to talk.” You look up at him once he stands over you, his bright smile fading slowly and his grip on the strap of his backpack tightening.
“You’ve been lying to me, where have you been?”
You say sternly, your lips pursed as Jaehyun stands tall in front of you now.
“What are you talking about?” He gives you a confused look.
“Cut the bullshit, Jaehyun, I went to your “job” to bring a gift because I’m a nice girlfriend, but to my surprise you weren’t there. And you know what the icing on the cake is? You’re never fucking there, you don’t work there Jaehyun! And don’t you dare lie to me with some dumb excuse, don’t insult my intelligence! Because the nice lady at the front desk even showed me the schedule and guess whose name was on it? Taeil’s but not yours!” Your voice raises, but there is no one outside to hear.
Jaehyun’s mouth opens and you see a slight panic in his eyes. “Y/n..you can’t be serious.. Why are you getting upset with me? That lady is new! She doesn’t even know how to operate the employee system properly yet! I’ve only seen her once.”
You scoff. “Oh God, here we go..”
“Y/n! I wouldn’t lie to you okay?”
“Then why aren’t you on the schedule and everyone else is?! Did she just delete your name completely?”
“My name isn’t on the schedule for next week because I asked for time off..after all we’ve been through..”
He shakes his head and turns away.
“Don’t give me that, Jaehyun! We just had spring break, why would you need to take time off?”
“Because my dad fucking hates me, okay?!! He keeps putting pressure on me because I’m failing my fucking business classes. They aren’t easy, none of this shit is easy, especially when it comes to being his only son! He’s going to stop paying for my classes if I don’t get pre-selected for the business school by the end of this term, so yeah I need a fucking break!”
He turns back to you once you remain quiet after his outburst. “Listen..I’m sorry..I’m sorry, I’m just stressed out...I should’ve told you I was gonna take time off, but I don’t understand why you are making me feel guilty about this?..”
You feel an immense pain in your heart. You feel guilt, confusion. You had accused Jaehyun without considering his personal issues at home. From the very beginning, he told you just how demanding and controlling his father was. He told you that he loved painting and creating art and hated that he would have to take over his father’s position in a big company one day.
It was something he struggled with constantly. The tug of war between being who he is expected to be and being who he truly wants to be.
“I’m sorry, forget I said anything.” You say quietly now.
“Trust me...please just trust me, I’m not hiding anything, I need you to understand that if we are going to make this work.” Jaehyun steps towards you and places his hands on your arms.
You look away.
“Unless..you don’t love me..do you want to end things? I try so hard, but it isn’t enough is it?” Jaehyun looks at you through teary eyes.
You shake your head and look back at him with furrowed brows. “Jaehyun..”
“No. It’s okay, let’s just end it since you don’t trust me.” Jaehyun says.
“Jaehyun, no, I love you and I’m sorry. It’s my fault for blowing up at you. But I love you so much..I just wanted to surprise you.” You break down into a sob before he takes you into his arms and holds you close.
“Shhh...it’s okay..I’m sorry too..” he kisses your forehead. You look up at him and kiss his lips. 
The two of you stand there for a moment, embracing each other lovingly, enjoying the proximity of your bodies and the way they fit perfectly together.
Jaehyun pulls away and looks into your eyes. “Are you hungry?”
You shake your head. “Not really.”
He chuckles. “Me neither. Let’s get out of here.”
He takes your hand and leads you to his car. He then drives and parks in an empty parking lot.
A soft song plays in the background as you begin to kiss again.
Jaehyun’s tongue traces over your bottom lip, you turn your head and run your hand down his chest, your delicate touch sending shivers up his spine.
Your hand travels all the way done to his jeans, then rubs his bulge. He fidgets and moans into your mouth.
“Needy.” *kiss*
“Girl.” *kiss*
Jaehyun growls.
You laugh out, but continue to press onto the growing tent.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you.” You whisper.
“It was kinda hot.” Jaehyun kisses your neck and pulls your leg over his lap.
“I was thinking of how I would punish you for it..how I’d shut you up.”
You climb over the center console and onto his lap, his arm around your waist as he helps you.
He pushes the seat back and puts his hands behind his head.
“No teasing this time, baby.” 
You nod, quickly unbuttoning your shirt. The cold night air hits your chest but the warmth in the car quickly comforts it. 
Jaehyun then pulls your bra down, your breasts popping out from it and bouncing gently.
He leans forward to palm both nipples, watching you as you bite your lips and moan quietly. The stars shining on your skin through the sunroof. 
He licks one of your nipples and listens to you cry out.
Your head falling back as he flattens his tongue against your heated skin once more.
He looks up at you through his lashes then sucks your nipple. 
“Jaehyun..that feels so good.”
He hums and sucks as you move back and forth on his lap. His bulge presses against your underwear as your skirt slides up your thighs.
He zips his jean down. You watch his length spring out, the tip red and dripping with pre cum. You could orgasm from the sight alone.
You leave your skirt on but shimmy out of your panties.
He then pulls out a condom and glides it down onto himself.
“Come here..” Jaehyun calls to you then lays back down on the seat. You lower yourself slowly, thankful for your own essence that allows him to enter you easily.
“Fuck.” You mutter once he fills you up completely, you feel every ridge of every vein run against your silky walls. For some reason, he feels bigger than usual. 
You move up and down and swivel your hips. His dick glides into you easily now, your wet entrance happily greeting it each time. He looks so hot below you. His jaw clenched and his abs flexing under his white t-shirt.
Jaehyun watches you through low eyes. He doesn’t smile, but he doesn’t frown. It’s a blank face, it’s almost like he’s not really there with you.
Truth is, Jaehyun was thinking about how close he was to being caught. You went to his workplace and discovered the truth. He was able to cover it up quickly but he made you feel bad in the process. A part of him truly regretted lying to you. But he knew one day he would find a way to explain it all to you and he knew you would forgive him because you love him.
Your whimpers grow louder as you approach your climax, but Jaehyun is nowhere near his. You bounce up and down faster, hissing as you take in sharp breaths and closing your eyes as you clench.
He stares at you again and thinks of how precious you are to him. Your face is beautiful even as your mouth falls open into loud moans and your eyes shut tightly. Your jawline and neck sparkle not only with sweat, but the reflection of the stars above you.
Your womanhood feels amazing around him as it always does. He rubs your clit to push you further along.
“You can do it, baby, cum for me.” His deep voice echos.
The car is filled with lewd sounds of skin on skin and your cries.
“J-Jaehyun..” your name falls from his lips. He watches your perky nipples. He palms one with his other hand then pumps your breast.
You cum hard not long after. Curse words leave your lips as you fall apart on him. He continues to push into you, even as you clench uncontrollably around him.
He grips your waist and slams you down onto him, your tight pussy providing sensational vibrations to his cock.
“Ahh..that’s it, sweetheart.” Jaehyun grunts
“Baby!” Your eyes fly open. You are so sensitive and on the brink of passing out from your intense orgasm but he doesn’t stop to let you recover.
He pushes into you hard from below, you breathe heavily and look up at the sky as tears fall from your eyes.
“This pussy is mine right?”
Jaehyun growls.
“Y-yes…yes.” Your head is empty as he continues to fuck into your body from below.
He then cums and stares at your body above him, so beautiful, so perfect.
You lay on top of him for a moment. He holds you against him in his arms.
“I’m sorry..” he whispers then kisses your ear.
“I’m sorry, too.” You whisper back.
A few minutes later, you get into the passenger seat and let Jaehyun drive you home.
However, he has to make a stop at the gas station to fill up.
When he goes inside to pay the cashier, you grab his phone.
You tried to think of the security code. What could it have been? You tried his birthday, but it didn’t work, you tried several other basic combinations like ‘1,2,3,4’ or ‘9,8,7,6’ they didn’t work.
Jaehyun was still inside, but you only had one more try before his phone would lock  itself for a few minutes.
You thought for a minute then tried one final code..your birthday. And it worked.
You quickly went to your contact name on his phone and selected “share my location with this contact.” This way, if you ever needed to get to him, you would know exactly where he is.
The idea sounded crazy to you, but a part of you still felt unsure about everything. You wanted to bring up the text messages you saw, but you knew that would make him upset again. He’d ask why you invaded his privacy. So instead, you decide to have his location turned on for you to see...just in case.
Jaehyun gets back in the car and you’ve already placed his phone back in the cup holder.
“Let’s get out of here..” he gives you a wide smile and winks.
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kaylorrehabcenter · 3 years
Rating Every Song on Fearless Based on How Gay it is
Hello friends! I still have a few song analyses in the pipeline (and one on Lover the album) but today in honor of Fearless (Taylor’s Edition) being announced and Love Story being released in a few hours I thought I’d do something fun to celebrate!
And you know what? Fuck my usual disclaimer, I am the word of god here. Try and change my mind about any of these. I dare you. (I kid I kid this isn’t that serious and you’re free to disagree <3)
1. Fearless 15/10
Everything about this song is so fucking gay oh my god. This isn’t a fruit, this is a whole ass edible arrangement. As a small rural town Gay (my hometown has a population of less that 4,000 and where I’m living now has a population of 2,500) this uh. Hits.
“And I don't know how it gets better than this/You take my hand and drag me head first, fearless”
The idea of falling in love with someone who makes you less afraid of your homophobic small town…….it’s getting to me.
“My hands shake, I'm not usually this way but/You pull me in and I'm a little more brave/It's the first kiss, it's flawless, really something/It's fearless”
This is making me emotional, I'll be honest. I see so much of my friends and my experience in high school in this song. 
This quote I found on genius is from when the album was released on BMR’s website.
“When I wrote ‘Fearless,’ I wasn’t dating anyone. I wasn’t even in the beginning stages of dating anybody. I really was all by myself out on tour and I got this idea for a song about the best first date. I think sometimes when you’re writing love songs, you don’t write them about what you’re going through at the moment, you write about what you wish you had. So, this song is about the best first date I haven’t had yet.”
This just screams baby Tay writing gay folklore to me, about the gay stories she wish she had. Notice how there are no pronouns in this song??? Fruity I’m telling you.
All that to say. I’m crying because the linear note says “I loved you before I met you” and I want to go listen to Long Story Short and cry now.
2. Fifteen 1/10
Objectively pretty straight as she’s singing about her and Abigail’s dating boys in HS. And Taylor got with a senior guy. Good for her I suppose.
Unless he was one of the shitty ones in which case.
“This is life before you know who you're gonna be”
This however, is a cute line and the whole song makes me warm and nostalgic. You can also hear her crying after the line “and Abigail gave everything she had to a boy who changed his mind” which makes me emo and I’m sure will take on new depth after Abigail’s divorce and hurt me even more.
Other highlights that make me sob include.
“When all you wanted was to be wanted/Wish you could go back and tell yourself what you know now/Back then I swore I was gonna marry him someday/But I realized some bigger dreams of mine”
Bigger dreams of hers indeed :’)
(Also how can you say she’s a gold star lesbian when this song exists. She was obviously dating boys in high school and even if you think she’s a lesbian. Comp het is a hell of a drug kids.)
3. Love Story 8/10
Tried to change the ending indeed.
This is THE Taylor Swift song, and maybe it’s the nostalgia talking but damn I still love it. Written because she wanted to change the ending of Romeo and Juliet (how anyone likes RandJ enough to want to rewrite I have no clue.) and/or because her parents didn’t approve of a guy she was seeing. (according to genius, it would’ve been too early for Joe J so it could possibly be Boys Like Girls frontman, his image did clash with hers and they did release some cute songs together. However if you want my take it’s probably folklore about Emily, take for what you will)
This song has very oft gay vibes with the ‘They don’t approve of our love angle!’ but uses male pronouns so points redacted for that. HOWEVER this is a very early use of ~the male perspective~ in Taylor’s songs and for that it deserves all the love.
“ So I sneak out to the garden to see you/We keep quiet, 'cause we're dead if they knew/So close your eyes/Escape this town for a little while”
More rural town angst!!!
Nothing gets me more than rural town angst.
“Romeo, save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel/This love is difficult, but it's real”
Originally the lyric was “this love is different”. Granted I do not remember the source, i’s just lore implanted into my brain, but make of that what you will.
“"Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone/I love you, and that's all I really know/I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress/It's a love story, baby, just say "Yes"”
Marry me Juliet from the male perspective :)
Also worth noting. This is Karlie’s (and Kim K’s lmao) favorite Taylor song which. While basic as hell. Makes this cover sad as hell to this former Kaylor. (thanks @swiftgron-get-married for the tears <3)
Also not to make this about a man AGAIN but the secret message is “Some day I’ll find this” AND SHE DID IM CRYING.
4. Hey Stephen 1/10
The one thing Camilla Cabello and I have in common is loving this song, so I have to live with that for the rest of my life.
This song is very painfully straight.
How can you think this woman is a gold star lesbian.
The only noteworthy thing is that this is one of the few songs she confirms who it’s about. The secret message is “Love and Theft” which is the name of a country music duo who went on to open her Fearless tour. Which, does make me side eye this song a little bit.
Still a cute song.
“Hey Stephen, boy, you might have me believing/I don't always have to be alone”
5. White Horse 1/10
Oh look. It’s track five. 
You know maybe this is just me being a bitch but in my ranking of track fives this is. Pretty low. Maybe on the bottom.
Like I don’t have a lot to say about it. 
She’s going through it over a guy. He was a cheating dickweazel. 
“'Cause I'm not your princess, this ain't a fairytale/I'm gonna find someone someday/Who might actually treat me well”
“Try and catch me now, oh/It's too late/To catch me now”
These lines hit though!!
And she found Joe!! Who treats her well!!!! And she isn’t the princess, she’s the prince who dropped her sword and knocked on her door!!! But this time if they come for them she’s ready!!!
Yes I will make every song about Long Story Short <3
6. You Belong With Me 5/10
Ah yes. The other THE Taylor Swift song.
You know. If I went to a high school with a cheerleading squad. And I had a crush on a cheerleader. I would blast this song. So for that it gets a 5/10. Otherwise. Fairly straight and fairly iconic.
7. Breathe 8/10
Well. We know this one is about a woman. (Emily Poe for those not in the know. Ha. A rhyme!) That alone has an 8/10. And it’s the first time she has a featured artist so bonus points for that!
It was nominated for a Grammy and it fucking lost to Jason Mraz. When’s the last time you thought about Jason Mraz.
I will not have Kaylor feels on a fucking Fearless song but damn is it VERY easy.
“Never a clean break, no one here to save me/You're the only thing I know like the back of my hand”
“It's 2 A.M, feeling like I just lost a friend/Hope you know it's not easy, easy for me”
Also this bridge? Goes off. HIGHLY underrated. 
8. Tell Me Why 3/10
You know. Maybe this album isn’t as gay as I once thought.
This song does bop though, not as good as her other angry songs on this album. But I can vibe with this you know. Why are you being an asshole mysterious man.
“You could write a book on how to ruin someone's perfect day”
This has to be one of baby Tay’s best burns. Damn. 
“Why do you have to make me feel small/So you can feel whole inside?/Why do you have to put down my dreams/So you're the only thing on my mind?”
Men ain’t shit kids. However, bonus points for the shade. 
9. You’re not Sorry 1/10
Ok, ok. Maybe this was a foolish endeavor.
Because yet again we have a very straight song. A good song. That was on Taylor’s episode of CSI. But oh dear. Very straight. Gets a measly one point. We started this post off so very very gay but damn. We seem to be nearing the end on a very straight note.
10. The Way I Loved You 20/10
Hey Remember what I said about this album being very straight.
Is this a comphet album or am I projecting.
This is one of my favorite baby gay Taylor songs. Her masterful use of pronouns (he is sensible! And so incredible! And all my single friends are jealous! But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain, when it was two am and I was cursing your name!) makes the other person she’s singing about completely vague, while we know she isn’t happy with whichever guy she’s dating.
Mayhaps an early reaction to PRomances?
Either way this song is so good, truly an underrated gay gem I mean. Look at it.
“Breaking down and coming undone/It's a roller coaster kind of rush/And I never knew I could feel that much/And that's the way I loved you”
AND THE BRIDGE. Do all of her gay songs just have kickass bridges?
“He can't see the smile I'm faking/And my heart's not breaking/'Cause I'm not feeling anything at all/And you were wild and crazy/Just so frustrating/Intoxicating, complicated/Got away by some mistake and now…”
Damn. I’m imaging this with 2020 vocals and fucking ascending.
Also please watch the live performance of it from the Fearless tour. It’s such a damn shame this got cut from the movie and some woman in the front row is wearing a cowboy hat. Everyone is holding up those cameras everyone had to have before smartphones. Taylor is being endearing. It’s a good time.
11. Forever and Always 6/10
Bonus points for the ~drama~ of it all. Added last minute to the album? The iconic throwing of the chair in live performances?? All of it very dramatique and for that we stan.
Still pretty straight.
Also Joe Jonas responded to the song and why do I find his response so damn funny. “It’s part of being a musician, I guess. You write songs about each other.”
This is another song where the idea of Taylor’s grown up vocals on this is………..whew
12. The Best Day 0/10
This gets zero points because it’s about her literal mom.
Still makes me cry.
God bless Andrea Swift indeed
13. Change 13/10
We start the official tracklist with a gay song. We end it with a gay song.
We will ignore that it was originally written for Scott and BMR and instead induct it into the hall of gay pride anthems, as it should be. 
“We're getting stronger now, finding things they never found/They might be bigger but we're faster and never scared/You can walk away, say we don't need this/But there's something in your eyes says we can beat this”
“This revolution, the time will come/For us to finally win/And we'll sing hallelujah, we'll sing hallelujah”
The music video is cringe though lol
14. Jump then Fall 10/10
This song is gay because I choose it to be. <3
Like. Picture baby Taylor writing this song and playing it on her guitar to a girl she has a crush on telling her that she’ll protect her and they’ll be safe and in love and happy together. Gah, maybe I’m ~projecting~ but this sweet ass song always gets me and is EASILY in my top five Taylor songs. Super underrated and hecking cute. 
“We're on the phone and without a warning/I realize your laugh is the best sound/I have ever heard”
Like. Look at this shit.
“I watch you talk, you didn't notice/I hear the words but all I can think is/We should be together”
Tell me this is about the first time you get a crush on a girl and she’s your best friend and she’s amazing and beautiful and you realize you kinda want to kiss her and you hope she wants to kiss you too.
“I had time to think it oh, over/And all I can say is come closer/Take a deep breath and jump then fall into me”
And she’s the Romeo who's going to protect her!!!!! She’s the knight in shining armor in this song and I love that for her??
“The bottom's gonna drop out from under our feet/I'll catch you, I'll catch you/When people say things that bring you to your knees/I'll catch you/The time is gonna come when you're so mad you could cry/But I'll hold you through the night until you smile”
I won’t divulge into full on analysis here because. This is what this post is about but PLEASE listen to this song more. It’s such a gay little gem.
15. Untouchable 9/10
How does she make a cover sound gay.
It sounds so gay.
“You got to come on, come on, say that we'll be together/Come on, come on, little taste of heaven”
16. Forever and Always Piano Version 1/10
This song gets 1/10 because I don’t like it. There. I said it.
17. Come in With the Rain 3/10
I can see why this is a bonus track. It doesn’t hit me as much as the other songs on the album.
But damn if I don’t want to scream sing this one driving down a high way.
18. Superstar 7/10
You can’t tell me this song is about a man. I simply won’t entertain the idea.
You cannot prove to me that this song is about a man. There is not a male pronoun in sight. 
19. The Other Side of the Door 6/10
Is this song about having a fight about being in the closet? Probably not. Will my gay little brain make it about that? Yep!
And that, funky little queer pals, is my gay rating of every Fearless song. Like and subscribe, #t3atmidnight
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everybodyscupoftea · 4 years
the tramp stamp
frat jj x reader
Tumblr media
i’m drunk because the leafs lost, but i wrote this and i think it’s very important (it’s unedited) 
this is dedicated to @moldisgoodforyou​ because technically this was her idea (consensual content theft).
hannah! i hope i did this justice for you :)
(warnings: drinking, cursing, tattoos)
After the big intramural win, JJ and his teammates decided to hit downtown. You and the girlfriends got a table while the boys went straight to the bar for a round. JJ brought you back a vodka soda and slung an arm over your shoulder, “Baby, how’s it feel being the league’s leading scorer’s girl.”
You leaned into him and smirked, “I don’t know, what’s the benefit I’m getting out of it?”
His hand wandered a little, “Oh, sweetheart, I think you know.”
Laughing, you pinched his side, “Yeah, we’ll see how you’re feeling by the time we leave.”
“Dance?” he asked, leading you to the center of the dance floor without actually waiting for your answer.
Dreams and Nightmares by Meek Mill blasted through the dark club and JJ started bouncing, clearly worked up with adrenaline and alcohol. You could smell the tequila on his breath as he screamed along, face close to yours. It should’ve been gross, but you were feeling the vodka enough to just feel endeared by it.
You finally escaped when the heat got too much and you could feel the sweat on your neck. Some of the other girls were still at the table when you got back, all watching the boys celebrating. One of them nudged you as you sat down, fanning your face, “Imagine if they were pros.”
With a laugh you told her, “I’m not sure I could survive a cup win.”
JJ went back and forth between the bar and the dance floor for a while before stumbling back over to you. Mostly sober, you were able to stay on your feet when he leaned most of his weight into you. He slurred out, “Baby, where ya been?”
“Been right here, J. Where you been?”
“Vibin. You’ve seen me on the dance floor, huh?”
“Yeah I have.”
“Good, dancing for you, sweetheart.”
You laughed, “Damn, can’t believe I get all this for free.”
He planted a sloppy kiss on what was supposed to be your lips, but he miscalculated and actually hit your chin. Pulling back, he frowned and muttered, “Fuck,” before trying again, with a little more success.
You took pity and tilted his chin up a little bit to meet your lips like normal. JJ tried to deepen the kiss, but you kept it tame. Pressing slightly on his chest, you told him, “We’re in public, babe, I’m not near drunk enough for exhibitionism.”
“But I love you, and we won” he whined, leaning in again.
Pushing him away with two fingers on his lips, you frowned, “Take that shit back, I refuse to have you tell me you love me the first time with fucking Sicko Mode playing in the background.”
“No takesies backsies,” he told you with a giggle, kissing your fingertips.
“JJ,” you groaned, stepping away.
“Woah, save that for the bedroom, sweetheart.”
“God I hate you sometimes.”
He winked and shook his head, “No you don’t. You haven’t said it yet, but I know you love me.”
“Oh yeah, that full of yourself, huh?”
“You look at me with happy eyes.”
You stifled a laugh, “Happy eyes?”
“Yeah, you don’t look at anyone else the same way, so I know you love me.”
That was so not the environment you wanted to have that conversation in, so you just hugged him in attempt to stop him from continuing, and it worked. He melted into you a little bit before pulling away, “Home?”
You nodded, “Let’s go home, baby.”
After calling an uber and waiting on the sidewalk, JJ finally turned to you, “Hey, what do you think about matching tattoos?”
You shrugged, “I’d think about it. Could be fun if we had the long-term discussion.”
“Fuck yeah,” JJ cheered, throwing his hands up just as the uber arrived.
Suppressing a laugh, you pulled him into the SUV. He followed easily and the driver started the short route to your apartment. You had a hankering for some strawberries, which you knew you had in the fridge, so you didn’t really pay attention to whatever JJ was doing next to you.
You didn’t have to help JJ up the stairs, shockingly, but when you got into your apartment, it was like he couldn’t stand straight.
“Babe, you want some water?”
He followed you to your room, not answering, and you turned around to look at him as he tried to collapse onto your bed. Unfortunately for him and your downstairs neighbors, he missed and hit the floor hard. You stifled a laugh and he pouted at you from the floor.
“You missed,” you told him, holding out a cup of water. He took it and almost dumped it down his shirt immediately, and you sighed, going to get a paper towel for him. By the time you got back, he was standing, holding the cup away from him, shirt totally soaked.
He grinned, “Hey, I’m going with some friends to smoke some weed, can I come back around 2?”
With a sigh, you nodded, “Yeah, I’ll be up, be safe, yeah?”
And with one last hug, he was gone. You straightened up your room, changed into your pajamas, and started a movie on your laptop that would last you until about 2 a.m. Somewhere during the movie, you fell asleep and sometime later, woke up to banging on your door.
Stumbling to your feet from your bed, you checked the time. 6:30 a.m. JJ was leaned against your door frame, clearly fucked up, wearing different clothes than the night before. You rubbed your eyes a few times before letting him in. He looked at you, put a hand on your shoulder, and said, “Baby, I’m still so fucked up.”
You led him to the couch, and he collapsed on it. Confident that he was still breathing, you went back to your bed and fell asleep.
By the time you woke up, at 10, JJ was still passed out. Some of your friends had texted you asking about brunch, so you wrote out a short note in case JJ were to wake up while you were gone. He barely shifted when you walked out and tripped over the TV table, so you were pretty sure he’d still barely be conscious when you got back home.
When you got back, he was still out, just like you predicted. You decided to get some homework while he was out. Sitting on your bed, door cracked so you could see if he moved, you started working on a paper for your Ethics class.
JJ finally started to move, so you walked out to be there when he woke up. He’d likely be pretty confused. You glanced over him once and did a double take at the glimpse of ink you saw under his shirt. A little hesitantly, you shoved his shirt up, only to see something that looked a little familiar inked onto his lower back.
Your loud laughter woke JJ up completely and he squinted at you, trying to figure out what the fuck you were laughing at. Sitting down before you fell over, you ran your hand through his hair. He squinted and rasped out, “Morning, mamas.”
“It’s 3 p.m. JJ.”
You kept stroking his hair and smiled at him, “Got a tattoo last night, hon?”
He tried pushing himself into an upright position before giving up and slumping further into the couch, “I can’t remember.” Glancing down, he did a double take at his shirt, “Is this mine?”
Shrugging, you pulled at the t-shirt, “I’m not sure, but you didn’t leave in this.”
“Fuck, what happened last night?”
“I don’t know, but you told me you’d be back at 2 a.m., and I didn’t see you until 6:30.”
“What day is it?”
And that one even you had to think about, “Saturday afternoon,” you told him after a few seconds.
“Damn, sorry, sweetheart.”
“You’re good, J. I went to brunch and brought home some leftovers; you want some?”
“Actually yeah,” he shifted and you were immediately reminded of the new ink. JJ pushed himself all the way up and stretched, arms going over his head. You glanced around him, and sure enough, your initials, right at the top of his waistband.
“Hey, hon?” you asked, trying to find the best way to broach the subject.
JJ yawned, jaw clicking with how wide his mouth opened, before responding with a questioning hum.
“What about new ink?”
He shrugged, body going a little limp and you gripped the front of his jeans, trying to get him to turn around. JJ leered at you a little and you rolled your eyes until he finally turned and you were able to pull his shirt up to get a good look.
“Baby,” he started, “I do love you, and I faintly remember our conversation. Even though I was fucked up, I meant it.”
“Oh, I believe you,” you told him, lightly tracing the raised ink before taking a quick picture of it.
“Good,” he said, turning back around to kiss you.
You pushed his face away, “You’re not getting close to me without a toothbrush, sweetcheeks.”
JJ grumbled a little bit before going to the bathroom. As soon as you heard the sink start, you sent him the picture. It was obvious when he saw it because you heard a choking noise and a loud ‘what the fuck’ before he came stumbling out of your bathroom.
He looked at you a little panicked, “Is this real?”
You laughed, “Sure looks like. How’s it feel having a tramp stamp of my initials, dumbass.”
“Your dumbass,” he responded with a wink.
“Fuck, I guess so,” you responded, before holding out one of his shirts you had in your drawers, “please put on this shirt, I’m tired of seeing you in Pike letters.”
“Pike?!” he exclaimed, almost choking on the toothbrush, and you burst into laughter.
Before he could go into a full panic, you interrupted, “It’s a joke, baby. But for real, that shirt smells like weed, let me wash it.”
He tugged it off with a sheepish smile, “I love you?”
“Is that a question?”
“I don’t know, are you open to hearing it today?” he asked, a little sarcastically.
“I love you too,” you told him, pressing a kiss to his cheek, “finish brushing your teeth, baby.”
“Yes ma’am,” he responded with a wink.
tagging: @girlsru1eboysdroo1​ @socialwriter​ @diverdcwn​ @stfukie​ @peypip​ @simpin4jj​
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ennui-gt · 3 years
Here it is. A Piece Of Borrower Content Written Entirely In Stream Of Consciousness:
AN: so this is incomplete and very…needs revisions to the timeline to incorporate some things I added later! It’s the original universe that Mira’s from! I edited it like Slightly to just change Ross’s name to Ross (if u see Max anywhere that’s his old one I just felt like changing it so that’s just him but different. Anyway) Everything's under the readmore tab, cheers!
The Library Fairy:
Basic Plot (Chrono, comic starts from human perspective abt the ‘legend of the library fairy’ ig maybe. Nothing here is permanent cept the characterization)
Part A
1- Mira is borrower currently chillin in a college library
2- She lives off of the cafe on the second floor nd reads lots and lots of stuff about everything when the upper floors close (lower floor open 24/7 but upper floors r vacant p much after 12:00 AM)
3- she starts getting increasingly curious about human stuff cos she’s literate nd books r pry neat
4- it starts one night when she spots an unattended notebook and a half eaten blueberry muffin, nd it’s 12:30 so nobody’s coming back in atm (it’s the 80s so no laptops for the plebians quite yet)
5- so she goes ‘welp’ nd takes part of the muffin, then sees the work on the page and goes ‘hmmmm this is incorrect’ so she helps our and leaves notes here n there to point the kid in the right direction and puts down some book refs for further study bcos at this point she’s been there for 2 years and she knows where most things are
6- she stays behind to see if the human comes back for it, hidden in a hidey hole near the desk
7- human comes in, sees notebook, practically melts w relief nd stuffs it in his bag
8- next day human comes back nd leaves nother notebook and a cookie, along w a hidden camera
9- Mira goes ‘o boy, this a trap, innit’
10- Mira then decides ‘eh whatever I haven’t had contact w anyone in years now so I might as well’
11- she steals the camera film nd leaves a lil scrap of paper saying ‘nice try ;)’ on it
12- student comes back, sees paper, goes ‘dammit’, then leaves note addressed to the ‘library fairy’ and another cookie, as well as more of their work for her to help with
13- bout a decade goes by and now the “Library Fairy” is an urban myth, it’s currently 2003 so she’s also wound up on the school’s unofficial Wikipedia page under ‘local cryptids’
14- most library employees know of her but they don’t go looking out of fear stemming from superstitions bout her, somehow the legend grew from ‘can’t be photographed’ to ‘a student once saw her and died that day’
15- there’s now a small shrine devoted to her where ppl bring offerings hoping to get good grades in return, sometimes they will leave papers for her to proofread nd stuff
16- new prof (named Alexei) finds online article thinks he Knows What’s Up bcos he had a borrower friend as a kid, but they left when borrower’s fam found out about them knowing each other
17- he leaves note wedged in one of her secret entrances behind outlet, asking if she can meet w him at some point
18- Mira, already In it, goes ‘Okay. Alright. This has gone on for long enough. Time to go and never return’ but ofc she’s curious as all hell and like she decides she will at least honor the guy’s request for a convo b4 she goes, but on her terms and w/o speaking face 2 face
19- they Talk in the library after hours, bcos he paid off the janitor to let him stay after hours nd most of the student employees recognize him as a prof nd leave him alone
20- they talk again for every subsequent night
21- she uhhhh finally decides to reveal herself nd prays that her hunch was right nd he won’t try to grab her or anything
22- he doesn’t but she’s nervous so she winds up gettin caught in her own climbing rope like idiot, is now dangling from ceiling in tangled mess
23- he stifles chuckle nd she says smthn sarcastic
24- he moves closer and offers to untangle her
25- she’s like ‘please’
26- so he do, but her grip on the rope slips nd he has to catch her
26- so now she’s in his hand and he just sets her down and now he’s a bumbling embarrassed mess bcos he said he wasn’t going to hold her and he just did and o dear pls forgib him
28- nd she’s like ‘dude u just saved my life it’s fine ur fine chill’
29- internally she’s going HOLY FUCK AAAAAAA but externally, her human’s already worked up enough as it is so she’s gotta b the level headed one
29.5- after a while they both kinda get used to each other more, he gets tenure, they celebrate, some more stuff happens, Aleksei got married (not to Mira, Mira hasn’t actually rly thought about being in a relationship w anyone cos she’s laser focused on gaining as much knowledge as possible)
30- eventually Alexei’s like ‘hey so I’m dean of faculty for the biotech branch now uhhhh would u like actual job teaching students? Cos, uh, you can do it remotely thru online lectures n stuff, no in person interaction, and I uh was just kinda wondering—‘
31- she’s like ‘yes. Yes!!! LET ME HELP PEOPLE OFFICIALLY KINDA’
32- so now she’s a professor, and has revealed her Secret a few times here n there to a number of the faculty, nd she has recorded her own findings in a personal journal
33- ‘humans will treat u like a human if they think ur human first. The kids call it ‘catfishing’’
34- enter Ross, an mall goth who accidentally tripped headfirst into a premed program
35- Mira’s favorite field of study is bio so naturally she’s his prof for a majority of his classes
36- being the good boy that he is, he now knows Mira’s secret. There is an Entire Chapter on him finding out and legit just continuing their conversation as if everything was normal bcos he thought that was how he was supposed to handle the situation
37- then she says ‘u can ask questions, u know’ he’s like OH THANK FUCK CAUSE I HAVE SEVEN HUNDRED OF THOSE
38- and now he kinda knows what to look for in terms of ‘do borrowers live here check yes or no’
39-in his apartment, the answer is yes and he mistakenly kinda stumbles upon the mom one night when he wakes up in the middle of the night for Snack and opts to pretend like its not happening. Unfortunately the thing she was trying 2 borrow (piece of crumb cake for Son Boy’s birthday) is the thing he wants 2 eat so he’s like “uh. ‘Scuse me, ma’am.” and he peels back the saran wrap on the other side of the plate, takes piece, nd then leaves some there for her
40-so now the woman is like ‘welp guess it time 2 Leave’
.1- she and husband Talk
.2-they decide it best 2 go
.3-theyre Packing
.4-lil bab Ellie confused
.5-hawk attacke
.6-cut to Ross
41- Ross also happens to work at a bar and he goes outside for a break
43- he finds smal child—smol smal—on the sidewalk and said child is missing an arm, nd has lost a lot of blood, so he’s uhhhhh Losing It highkey
43.5-parents r nowhere 2 b seen, but the hawk is nearby and circling. Ross gets an idea of what just happened
44- he up and leaves work, thankfully his apartment is above the shop so he jumps up the fire escape w the child and
45- he make tourniquet
46- he calls Mira nd asks her 2 come over to ASAP. he’s A Mess at this point
47- it is Very touch and go, kid needs blood, Mira is the only viable donor so she’s just gotta pray that the blood type is fine and won’t kill him
48- and then eventually they manage 2 stave infection thru antibiotics properly dosed to his size, Mira does Math and Prays basically
49- ‘bout a month in, kid wakes up
50- kid doesn’t rember much since he’s only 3
51- hes v scared of Ross at first but over time he gets used 2 the human
52- kid (elliot) starts 2 call Ross ‘dad’ after a while
53- Ross: *internal screaming but in a good way*
54- the end kinda for now
Part 2
A- New Borrowers In The Building
—three of em. paranoid dad, mom, nd daughter that’s Elliot’s age so he’s pumped
B- Elliot offers them a place 2 stay briefly
C- he knows by now bout like, how borrowers don’t typically interact w humans and Auntie Mira’s a bit of a weird case so he just doesn’t tell em bout his dad being the human
D- the kid finds out first nd doesn’t tell the parents, but they figure it out later kinda and think that it’s a ‘o god he’s being kept as a pet’ sitch so they’re >:| abt it
E- they move out and try to take Elliot w them (by force bcos they think he’s brainwashed) but he escapes and makes it to Ross, who’s like “uhhhhhh”
F- and the mom come out the hole near the counter n starts yelling at Ross, who is…kinda used to it since Mira brings in ppl who need help from time 2 time and they typically don’t react well when they’re lucid enough to understand what’s going on. He’s just not used to being questioned about his own kid
H- and he’s like “r…raising him???”
I- and Ellie steps up and he’s like “this is my dad. I decided he was my dad when I was three. He’s being a good parent”
J- and Ross is like “yeah what he said. I’m a good parent.”
K- Ross is riding that high til the end of fucking time but like back to the story at hand
L- this is when the husband comes out nd is like “lissen. wifey. ily but that is a very big human and he hasn’t grabbed us yet so let’s count our blessings and gtfo”
M- but she’s like “uh no we stay until I’m sure Elliot is Safe and fucking Sound”
N- so they stay for dinner nd stick around a little longer.
O- Val (the kid) gets closer 2 Elliot and also Ross a bit
P- Mira shows once or twice, first time she shows up they’re like “oh god it’s the crazy doctor lady this all makes sense now” (bcos Mira does check up on as many borrower families as possible in her free time so word has got around by now Of her, and the number by which to contact her in case her services r needed)
Q- After a month or so, then they decide to leave bcos they’re like “look we get that ur son is ur son and he only has one arm and in our profession that is kind of a death sentence but we can’t have our kid getting used to dealing w humans who know about our existence” so they go and leave on a kind of sour note bcos Ellie can do anything he wants to do just as well as any other borrower Thank You Very Much and Ross is ready to fite anyone who thinks otherwise
R- Elliot starts trying 2 b more independent, basically from now on he’s like ‘I can do everything my Damn Self Thanks’
S- but uh he does it to a point where he’s going out of the way to endanger himself
T- so they get into a fite about it and ross Yells and Elliot is like ‘kthxbye’
U- and the boi just. Fuckin bolts. Runs Away. Ross is a Mess, he starts smoking again (he quit cold turkey the day he took Elliot in) to curb the depression, he’s jus. Not doin good, worried that his son is dead and the last time they talked it’d ended badly
V- FREEDOM!!!1! Except Ellie doesn’t kno how to take care of himself so it’s a rough month or so and then he runs into some other borrowers livin in their own town in the wild ig, chillin, being hella independent, and he’s like “uh yes ofc I will join u, I was w my dad for a while but.........” he neither confirms nor denies that his dad’s dead but everyone kinda just assumes.
Part 3
W-anyway a year goes by and then the borrower group gets hit hard w some kind of sickness ig. Elliot gets it too he’s basically incapacitated n drifting in and out of lucidity. So. They contact the weird crazy doctor lady who hangs around humans, a.k.a. Mira, and she’s like “oh. fuck. I know this kid.” bcos she does, u kno, and she jus treats em all for their ailment and shows them how to make antibiotic poultice thing in case smthn like it happens again. Mold. Penicillin is basically what it is
X-she and Elliot hav a Chat (Mira basically yells at him a lot) once he’s fixed up and he decides he’s gonna visit his dad but he makes it very clear that he is a Grown Up (he’s not, he’s literally sixteen), and he is living on his own now
Y- he agrees to stay for a week tho since he misses his home a lot tbh and Ross is just. Over the fucking moon to know he’s ALIVE, he’s not gonna fuck up their relationship by insisting that he stay. Or like, by keeping him ofc he would never
Z- unfortunately the borrower community put two and two together and figured out his dad’s human so they have his stuff packed up when he gets back w mira, who’s ready to go the fuck off on them
End 1:
-Ellie is living at Ross’s place atm and hopeful about the future basically. He eventually will go off on his own but he’ll keep in contact w his dad and stuff
Part C.5
55- few yrs later
56- elliot is Adult now he does adult borrower stuff
57- he moves out
58- finds nice borrower gf (her name’s Tess)
59- doesn’t tell her about his dad being human but talks about his dad a LOT
60- so when she asks to meet said father he’s just like “uh. Maybe we don’t do that actually”
61- and she’s like “y tho”
62- and he’s like “bcos”
63- anyway she decides to look into it cos she knows he goes to see his dad nd keep in touch but his dad is allegedly “a recluse who lives in the big scary human’s walls to avoid other ppl”
64- which is. Not true in the slightest tbqh he’s def not an introvert he’s just a workaholic and he Is the big scary human
65- anywho they run into Val and her wife and she’s like “how’s Ross been?” And Elliot is acting Very Suspish so she, being Smart, calls it immediately and is like “oh shit u haven’t told her yet have u”
66- Tess: “told me what”
67- Val: “El’s dad is a human, bro.”
68- Tess: “I’m sorry?”
69- this results in a Big Fight and they separate for like, a month. Elliot blames Val bcos he’s being irrational and doesn’t wanna admit to the fact that lying to his girlfriend for over a year was Real Bad Actually, but over time he’s like ‘yeah it’s my fault sry for snapping at u’ cos he works thru his emotions n stuff
70- Eventually gf comes back cos she’s like “ok so. I understand why you lied to me about your dad. It was a dick move but I do get it and I still care about you a lot. I would like. To meet him.”
80- this is a lie she does not want to meet him she is doing this bcos she does not want to lose Elliot and that outweighs the fear of his dad
81- so they go to meet him but she’s just kinda. Behind the wall at first like “that’s a crazy big human this is crazy ur crazy it’s time to gO”
82- Val is also there bcos she hasn’t seen Ross in a while
83- they eventually coax her out of hiding
84- and by that I mean Val picks her up and drags her out into the open by force bcos she basically freezes up the second she catches sight of Ross and Val’s like “u didn’t come all this way for nothing, bich”
85- they have a Painfully Awkward First Meeting, Tess is trying her best but oh god he’s just too fucking. Larg. Ellie ur dad too big
86- tbh tho the ice kinda breaks after Ellie and Ross get into a fight over smthn stupid (im thinking Elliot grumbles bout Ross’s hair being unruly and he’s worried that mira’s using it like a personal storage system again and Ross is like “I’ve been keeping better track of that actually” and then like a little line of paper clips and a few hand-bound notebooks tied together w some string fall out of his fucking mane and he’s like “I can explain”
87- “dad you can’t keep letting her use your hair like a fucking NEST”
88- Tess is laughing now cos god damn this was not what she was expecting
89- that’s it the end it ends w Tess laughing at them being idiots good times r had by all
Uhhhh that’s it so far. I have More but it’s kinda jumbled rn and I need to fit stuff in places. Anyway.
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marcykinsmaki · 3 years
The despair disease request anon, yes the reader has the despair disease, sorry if the original ask was kinda vague :( thank you! Also I love your writing!
hi hi!!! thank you so much, i’m glad you like it! even though this is my second piece, i really enjoy that people are so enamored with it already. thank you guys for being patient and here it is!!
Kazuichi Souda x Reader.
Words: 2,267 (medium)
CW: 90% of this pierce is in the hospital, mentions of hospital equipment, DANGANRONPA 2 CHAPTER 3 SPOILERS, flirting at inappropriate times, suggestive moments
Rating: Teen 
[Your POV]
You felt horrible. Your body ached, your temperature was a high 102 degrees, a migraine raged in your head. You weren’t sure what happened, feeling just fine before you went to sleep and by the next morning you could barely get out of bed without some help. That would have been fine if every word out of your mouth didn’t come out some degree of seductive or flirty. Of course, you didn’t think those things, but your body just forced it out like that. You tried to apologize, but it just came out all wrong. Everyone was looking at you weird all morning. You were brought to the diner by Sonia that morning, complimenting her looks and personality the entire way there. Thankfully, she was understanding that you weren’t feeling yourself. A few others arrived looking and feeling just as sickly as you are, all with different ‘symptoms’. Monokuma suddenly appeared, giving us our next motive.
“The Despair Disease!” He announced, looking among you all.
“The what?” Hajime squinted. Monokuma bore his sharp teeth.
“The Despair Disease! A disease carried around by  little bugs that carry certain…. Side effects. Well, good luck! And be careful, wash your hands, you filthy teenagers!” The bear snickered before disappearing. You almost fell down, Kazuichi, who is your crush of all things, quickly scooping you up before you could hit the floor.
“Woah there, Y/N, you almost hit your head on the table! Are you alright?” He didn’t seem worried to catch the disease, looking down to you. You took a deep breath, before a smirk grows onto your face.
“Oh my, have you come to save your royalty in distress?~” You look deeply into Kazuichi’s eyes, swearing you almost saw the embarrassment in his eyes. He quickly set you down.
“H-hey, how about we slow down a bit…” Kazuichi laughs awkwardly, looking desperately to Mikan.
“R-right, we should g-go now, before they g-get worse!” Mikan nods, everyone helping assist everyone who has been affected to the hospital two islands away. Kazuichi helps you, since you’re closest, and you can see him dreading the trip. You don’t blame him. You were quiet, reserved, kept to yourself and stayed out of people’s ways. But now you’re a huge flirt who can’t keep to themselves. You felt really bad, your heart is racing and you’re sweating beyond belief and that just makes it worse.
“Kazuichi, darling, you should stay in my room with me!~ I get so lonely, and I think I’ll need your company.. It’s what you deserve after you saved me.” You coo into his ear. He groans, biting his lip a little.
“Do you really need me to? I-it was no trouble-”
“God, Kaz, just stay with me, pretty please? I’d die if you didn’t!” You call out loudly, people looking back to you two, Kazuichi’s cheeks flushing over.
“Alright, alright! J-just stop yelling, people are looking!” He shakes his head, causing you to giggle softly.
You all eventually make it to the hospital, Kazuichi setting you down on the hospital bed and Mikan quickly handing you a change of clothes, Kazuichi turning to leave before you hook onto his shirt with your finger.
“Now where are you going, handsome?” You look onto him with a flirtatious gaze.
“Uh, o-out of the room so you can change?” He gasps as he falls back onto the bed, looking up to you.
“You can just turn around, I don’t mind.” You smile. He shakes his head, quickly making a bee line for the door. Your heart aches with sympathy for him, definitely needing to make up for this later.
“You’re not well right now, Y/N, I need to keep my distance anyway!” He calls out, before he finally leaves the room and slams the door behind him.
[Kazuichi’s POV]
I pant as I finally escape them. Geeze, what a workout.. It’s a damn marathon to run around flirting back with them. And I got to carry them… b-but I need to calm down, before they get well again and never talk to me again! Y/N is so nice to me, they hang out with me and listens when I speak to them! I try my best to treat them as nicely as I can, but every time I look into their eyes they make me swoon... everyone calls me obsessed but I’m just admiring them! Plus, I’d totally stop if they asked. But what am I gonna do? I can’t keep up this facade for long, they’ll totally notice!
I turn back to the room after a minute, knocking on the door.
“Y-Y/N? Are you done yet?”
“One sec!” They call out, spending a few moments to myself before they open the door and look at me, their legs shaking, but seemingly ignoring it as they lean against the doorframe. “Hello, Kazuichi~ You may come in now-” They began to fall again, quickly going to save them before they hit the floor again, shouting out a little before I get them into my arms again. Thank God I’ve been putting a little more elbow grease into my work lately, have they noticed I’ve been working out?
“You have to be more careful, Y/N, you’re still sick!” I sigh, bringing them to their bed. “I-I’ll go get Mikan, you stay here. P-please.” I kinda beg them. I don’t want them falling again. I feel them grab onto my shirt again. They pout up at me, they look even worse.. They’re sweating really bad! I grab onto their hand, and we both blush. I peel their hand from my shirt. “Please.” They sigh, nodding, still pouting. I smile, nodding down at them and turning to go get Mikan.
[Your POV]
You still feel horrid. Kazuichi has refused to come by your side, and you’ve flirted up a storm with Mikan, which she could only blush and say thank you, offering a few things that you thankfully declined, quickly and silently reminding her that you’re still sick and most likely don’t mean it. Oh, crap, you forgot Kazuichi probably thinks that, too.. Oh well, there go your chances. You’re alone, eating a cup of jello before you hear a knock on the door.
“Come in~” You speak up enough to let whoever’s behind the door hear you. You reach your hand up to cough into your elbow. You were getting better today, your fever down to 101. The door creaks open, Kazuichi stepping in and poking his face in. Your smile widens. “Don’t be shy, I don’t bite.” You wink. When will this be over.
“Right, t-thanks, Y/N. I kinda wanted to talk to you, actually.” He grabs a chair, sitting next to you. You look down to him with curiosity. “Uh, you don’t mean the things you say, right? L-like, this is all part of the illness you have?”
“Well of course it’s genuine, Kaz, why would I lie to you?~” Well, you weren’t wrong, in a way. You did like him, but you weren’t this flirty. It’s more like a truth-telling disease than a flirting disease.
“Ugh, I’m so stupid, I know you’re only saying this stuff because you’re sick.” Kazuichi groans, looking down to his lap. You reach down, taking one of his hands.
“How about, we go out sometime?” You lean in towards him. He looks up with an even deeper blush, lips wobbling.
“R-really?” His eyes kinda light up. You feel super embarrassed. You’re not ready to go this far, but apparently your illness is. Oh well, why not? It’s already on the table, just go on with it. What’s the worst that could happen?
“We could go and take a walk on the beach once I’m out of here~” You turn over a bit. Your body ached. Your throat was sore from coughing all night. Kazuichi looks hopeful.
“Wow, that’d be great, Y/N. So get better soon, o-okay?!” He stands up with his hands on his hips in a sort of hero pose, which makes you giggle. It was genuinely cute.
“I will. Don’t worry, baby~” You coo up at him. He looks back down with a blush as pink as his hair. He nods.
You wake up the next morning, your condition significantly improving. Your headache is gone, your body aches have gone down, your body temp is at a normal 98.5. Still have a bit of a stomach ache, but nothing a few tums can’t fix. Mikan shuffles out as she’s done with your daily examination, and a few minutes later, the body discovery chime goes off. You sigh, watching the screen in the corner of your room play through Monokuma speaking to you and hearing the same dreadful, tension building announcement sound through the air. You push yourself up slowly and redress yourself, going to go join everyone in the music venue. You tear up a bit seeing Ibuki laying on the stage and Hiyoko propped up against the pole, joining everyone in the investigation. You join Kazuichi as a silent ‘I’m better’ and stay back to your reclused self.
The trial passed and the execution almost flies by. Everything was blurry when it got like this. It was terrifying, though, how the rest of us could have died as well from the same person who swore to make us better. We silently think about if the body discovery would have been for us, but I didn’t spend too much time on it. You return to your cottage, only to hear a knock at your door. You grunt, dragging yourself to the door and opening it. You were met with vibrance, your heart thrumming with nervousness.
“H-hey, Y/N, sorry for bothering you so late.. But can we do that thing?” We both stood in silence for a minute. A blush was brought to both of our cheeks. “N-not saying that you have to! I’m just r-really excited that you want to hang out!” He waves his hands in front of him. It makes me giggle.
“That was a genuine statement, Kaz, don’t worry. I would love to.” You said this… easier than you thought you would. This was crazy. This is crazy. Oh well, there’s no going back and this was your chance. He held an arm out excitedly, and you take it anxiously, closing the door behind you and walking off to the beach. You almost shook with nerves. You two exchange small talk until you get there.
You arrive at the beach, you both taking off your shoes and carrying them as you approached the soft and increasing sound of the crashing waves as they settled on the shore. The twinkling of the stars and bright light of the shining moon casting its bright rays onto the beautiful scene. It’s breathtaking, but if walls could talk, the beach would lose its worth. You two quietly stand in front of the ocean, watching the water.
“Thank you for doing this with me, Y/N.” Kazuichi mutters quietly. You notice him looking at you, returning it with a small smile.
“Of course. I know the Despair Disease really threw me off, which I am very sorry if I made you uncomfortable, but…” You drifted off with your words. He quirked a brow.
“... I have something to tell you.” You turn completely towards him. Body facing him and everything. Your heart thrums again, reminding you of your anxiety. You shove it down for now. “I am terrified of how this will end. If we’ll be walking out of here hand in hand, if that’s even possible.”
“Hey! Don’t be saying stuff like that-”
“What I mean is,” You interrupt him. “, I need to tell you this, before it’s too late. I love you, Kazuichi Souda.” You look at him deeply into his eyes. He looks relieved. 
“I love you, too Y/N. I know saying I love you this early is really fast, but ever since I met you, I knew you were the one for me. And you actually gave me the time of day unlike everyone else. I can be myself around you.” He nods. Your blush from earlier returns, as if it’s never left.
“I… feel the same. You don’t egg me to speak or be included in conversation. You can tell when I don’t feel like it, and just respect my boundaries. I didn’t catch right away, but eventually I just fell.” You shrug. It also baffled you how open you were being right away, but the Despair Disease make you worse than this, so it didn’t really matter. He’s opening up, too, so you’ve gotten a vibe that you both enjoy on the table.
“Can I kiss you?” He suddenly spurts. Your eyes widen. You aren’t  sure what to do, but it’d be hypocritical if you didn’t follow through with your whole ‘confession before tragedy’ narrative.
“Yes.” And that sealed the deal. His surprisingly soft lips were onto yours, his hands slowly snaking on your hips. He was reluctant about his hands, but yours slowly guided his to stay there. You could feel his slightly rougher hands, tracing across his physical efforts as proof of his Ultimate. He smiles into the kiss, and you do as well. A soft breeze blows through the gentle warmth of the summer night heat. The stars and moon feel brighter before, almost as hot as the sun itself. He slowly dipped you, one of your knees bending so your foot relaxes onto the soft sand. 
Maybe having the Despair Disease wasn’t that bad after all.
edit 1: i wanted to mention that the reason i chose the point of view/style of writing i did for the reader is because it’s what made sense to me. it was starting out as a description but i like it to be a “surprise” until you read it fully. i felt like the jolt would be too sudden from that “you/your” style to a “i/me”. so yeah just wanted to say that
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skiesofthesketchy · 4 years
85 with jj please? hahah i love. congrats again!!
thanks dude! :) i hope you like this one
1k celebration blurbs
Tumblr media
gif by unknown
85. That is the last time I’m climbing out of your window. I almost died!
You were dying. Well, it sure felt like it, as you clutched your stomach and curled up onto the floor, laughing your ass off. 
“I’m okay!” your boyfriend shouted from outside your window. “Thanks for asking.” 
You tried to muffle your giggles, standing up and leaning out of the window. “Shhh! My parents might hear you!” You did feel a little bad, but it was mostly hilarious, and your bright grin lit up your whole face. You watched as JJ pouted, rolling his shoulders to alleviate some of the pain. The poor boy just fell out of a two-story window. 
“I’m sorry for laughing J,” you choked back another giggle. “Are you okay?”
“Fine,” he grumbled. “But that is the last time I’m climbing out of your window. I almost died!” That fall hurt like a motherfucker, but he was playing it off well. You were still laughing, and JJ put on a smile. He couldn’t be that upset, not when your laugh was so dang cute. You were about to blow him a kiss and tell him to get out of here, but the front door of your house suddenly opened accompanied by your dad’s loud voice.
“What the hell was that?” Your eyes widened, and JJ’s did too. Your parents would lose their shit if they found out a boy had been sneaking into your room, or out for that matter. Even it if was JJ, who they seemed to like. You stayed frozen as JJ prepared to bolt, but your dad had already seen him. “JJ, is that you?”
A sheepish laugh left the boy's lips as he scratched the back of his neck. “Uh, yes, sir. How’s it going?” God, he was uncomfortable and didn’t know at all what to do. You wanted to go and save him from this situation, but you were just as scared about what your dad might do if he found out JJ had been in your room at this late hour. It was almost midnight.
“Honey, what was that noise?” Oh great. Now your mom was standing outside as well. “Oh, JJ! What a surprise.” You slapped your hand to your forehead, and your mother suddenly glanced up at your window. “Y/N... what is going on here?” 
You had no idea what to say, but your mouth worked on it’s own accord. “Uh, JJ was just stopping by to say hi.” JJ nodded in agreement, putting a hand on his shoulder to massage his aching muscles. 
It seemed your dad already knew what had happened. “Y/N, did you push this poor boy out of your window?” he asked in amusement, humor in his tone.
“What? No!” You were still nervous about getting in trouble, but you started laughing again at the mention of JJ’s fall, which wasn’t your fault, for the record. But damn, was it funny. 
Your mom’s jaw dropped as realization hit her. “Did you really fall from that height?!” she asked JJ. Your boyfriend was a good liar, but at this moment, he couldn’t find the words. He was scared shitless that your parents would be pissed and never let you see him again. Your mom worriedly approached the blonde, putting her hands on his shoulders as she assessed him for injuries. “Oh my god, are you alright?”
JJ was blushing, but nodded. “Yeah, I’m okay.” 
“Y/N, where are your manners?” your mom scolded you, shooting you a look of disappointment from down below. “Climbing in and out of your window is dangerous! Oh, you poor thing,” she added, looking back to JJ. 
“I’m alright, really. And I am so, so sorry. It won’t happen again. I promise.” He was nervous as hell, trying to say the right thing so that you guys wouldn’t get in trouble. 
“Yeah, it won’t be happening again,” your dad spoke up, firmly. You held your breath, watching the scene unfold as JJ looked down in shame, lips closed tight. “From now on, use the front door, son.” 
What? You were surprised to say the least, and your boyfriend looked just the same. Neither of you knew how to react. “Seriously, Y/N. I can’t believe you pushed your boyfriend out of the window,” your dad teased. 
“I didn’t push him!” you yelled back. “He fell!” Was your dad really joking about this? You thought for sure he’d be fuming. 
Your parents ignored you, but you could see JJ smirk at you, loving that your parents were taking his side. “Come on, JJ. That fall must’ve hurt. I’ll get you some ice and some ibuprofen,” your mom said, ushering the boy into your house. JJ gave you another look, almost in disbelief at how chill your parents were being. 
“Yeah, come on, son. Let’s get you a drink too. I’m sorry for my daughter, she can be quite rude.” 
“Dad!” you whined.
“It’s okay,” JJ chuckled as they headed up the porch steps. “I’m used to it.”
“Ugh, shut up, J!” You heard JJ and your parents laugh as they came inside. You hurried down the stairs, grinning and bubbling with happiness at the fact that your parents really liked your boyfriend. Enough to invite him in for a drink after they caught him escaping from your room. The scene you walked in on in the kitchen made your chest warm. JJ was sitting at the table while your dad opened up two beers for them, your mom coming around to your boyfriend and asking where he was hurt. JJ said he was fine, but thanked your mom for being concerned about him. You waltzed up to him, rubbing his back soothingly. “Are you okay, baby?”
He smiled at you, wrapping an arm around your waist. “Nothing a kiss can’t fix.” You rolled your eyes, pushing yourself away from him. He was being cheesy, but you also weren’t comfortable showing affection in front of your family. It surprised you when your parents both laughed at you guys. 
“I think he deserves it, Y/N. You did push him out of a window for christ’s sake,” your mom giggled, your dad and JJ joining in. 
“For the last time, I didn’t push him!” you pouted. 
“Sure...” your dad replied, taking your mom with him out of the room to give you guys some space. 
“Your parents love me,” JJ smirked, wrapping his arms around you again. 
You glared playfully at him. “Lucky bastard.” He smiled and pulled you in for a kiss. You found yourself laughing against his lips, and he pulled away in question. “That was so fucking funny. At least you really won’t have to climb through my window anymore.” You didn’t realize it, but JJ was happier than ever at the thought of being completely accepted in your house. He didn’t have to sneak around anymore. 
“Thank god,” he said, before kissing you again. 
all works tags: @caseyabel28 @karleeluv @voguesir @niya-savage @anonymousbbbb
obx tags: @sportygal55 @jazbarnes05 @rafej-cambanks @lovelogan @lannxyz @falling-perfectly @thisismynerdyself @mattelblake @justanotherbooklover @hemmingsness @little-miss-rebel3 @shreckluver7 @joshy-obx @stefmenk @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @niamhobrien @queenofthepouges @dontjinx-it @pink-meringues @outerbnx-stiles @bricksatanakinswindow
jj tags: @kaylinfayezink @lannxyz @unfortunatekiwitrash @shy-1234 @bijleegiregi @cheshirecat107 @yami5525  @folkloverr @dracoswhore007  
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t4twolfstar · 3 years
Pearl Jam songs as the marauders' story
listen here
explanations under read more
Red Mosquito - Remus is bit by Greyback
two steps ahead of him, punctures in your neck…/ Hoverin' just above your bed... (2x)/ I was bitten...must have been the devil…/ He was just paying me…/ A little visit, reminding me of his presence…
Jeremy - most of the song, Sirius
Okay so we’re going to look at the verses not the refrain for this one bc (TW su*) this song is based on an actual boy who diy died in front of his class so like no we’re not relating to that part but the “Clearly I remember/ Pickin’ on the boy/ Seemed a harmless little fuck/ But we unleashed the lion….Daddy didn't give affection, no/And the boy was something that mommy wouldn't wear”
Daughter - Sirius at home
Trans sirius in an abusive household………. “Mother reads aloud, child tries to understand it/Tries to make her proud/ The shades go down, it's in her head/ Painted room, can't deny that something's wrong/ Don’t call me daughter, not fit to”
Leash - Sirius and Remus’ toxic codependent love and then yelling at the establishment/people who say they’re too young going too deep too hard too fast
“Troubled souls unite/ We got ourselves tonight, oh/ I am fuel you are friends we got the means to make amends/ I am lost I'm no guide but I'm by your side/ I am right by your side….We will find a way we will find our place/ Drop the leash drop the leash/Get outta' my fuckin' face”
Why Go? - Sirius becoming disenchanted w his family
Trans Sirius too of course. She seems to be stronger/ But what they want/ Her to be is weak/ She could play pretend/ She could join the game, boy/ She could be another clone….don’t come visit/mother/ why go home?
Blood - Sirius’ family trying to make him into something he’s not
Spin me round/ Roll me over/ Fucking circus/ Stab it down/ One way needle/ Pulled so slowly/ Drains and spills/ Soaks the pages/ Fills their sponges/ It’s my blood/ It’s my blood
WMA - basically about all the big pureblood families that can get away w anything
“He won the lottery when he was born/ Took his mothers white breast to his tongue/ Do no wrong so clean cut/ Dirty his hands, it comes right off” (tw for song: police, implied police violence)
Do the Evolution - Sirius ranting abt/mocking his family
Admire me, admire my home/ Admire my son, he's my clone…./ I'll do what I want but irresponsibly/ It’s evolution, baby/ I’m a thief, I'm a liar/ There’s my church, I sing in the choir:/ (Hallelujah, hallelujah)
Bushleaguer - abt the aristocracy etc
This song is literally about George bush lmao but I love it abt the upper class
“Born on third, thinks he got a triple…./The aristocrat choir sings, "what's the ruckus?”/ The haves have not a clue/ The immenseness of suffering”
Mind your manners - You guessed it - Sirius rejecting his family
I've got an unfortunate feelin’/ I've been beaten down/I feel I don't believe/ And now the truth is coming out/ What they've taken is more than a vow/ They’ve taken your innocence/ And then they throw them on a burning fire/ All along they're sayin’/ Mind your manners
My father’s son - SIRIUS
I am my father's son,/ Yeah, too bad he was a psychopath and now I'm the next in line, , dear mother, yes, surely she's a work of art,…/Can I get a reprieve?/ This gene pool dark and deep…./Now father you're dead and gone and I'm finally free to be me,/ Thanks for all your dark gifts for which I've got no sympathy,/ I’m living in a walled-up place in the bounds of 5th symphony
Yellow Ledbetter - Sirius
Okay so 97% of the the lyrics are indecipherable when Eddie sings them but you can hear I don’t wanna stay
Go - Regulus to Sirius as he’s trying to leave
(Abuse tw) So sorry about this one yall …… .but yes I think this is regulus finally realizing that he shouldn’t have let things get so bad at home (Sirius blames him for not stepping in even tho he’s a child there’s nuance here etc) and he’s begging Sirius not to leave him here “Oh please don't go out on me don't go out on me now/ Never acted up before don't go on me now/ I swear I never took it for granted just thought of it now/ Suppose I abused you just passing it on….I pulled the covers over him shoulda' pulled the alarm/ Turned to my nemesis…Please don't go on me/ Don’t go on me/ Don’t go on me/ Don’t go on me/ please”
Rearviewmirror - Sirius running away
(Tw abuse) Time to emancipate/ I guess it was the beatings made me wise….Forced to endure/ What I could not forgive/ I seem to look away/ Wounds in the mirror waved/ It wasn't my surface most defiled
Can’t Keep - Sirius running away from home
I want to shake/ I want to wind out/ I want to leave/ This mind and shout/ I’ve lived/ All this life/ Like an ocean/ In disguise/ I don't live for ever/ You can't keep/ Me here
Hail, Hail - Remus and Sirius’ codependent strong love
A how I love you till the day I die...ah and beyond…/ are we going to the same place? If so, can I come?/ It’s egg rollin' thick and heavy...all the past we carry…
Release - Remus thinking about his dad
Remus’ dad is so full of guilt for his hand in remus’ transformations that he extracted himself from remus’ life. Remus laments here, “Oh, dear dad/ Can you see me now?/ I am myself/ Like you somehow” “I'll hold the pain/Release me” he’d would rather have a dad, guilt and all, here, than the self appointed absence but since you left me with the absence and grief and loss of it, at least release me from it, loosen your grip so I can move on.
Present Tense - Sirius and Remus talking probably laying in the forbidden forest assuaging one another’s beliefs of the gnarled beasts they think they are
BUGS - prob remus when he turns before the boys know
Bugs on my ceiling/ Crowded the floor/ Standing sitting kneeling…/ A few block the door/ And now the question’s:/ Do I kill them?/ Become their friend?/ Do I eat them?/ Do I join them?/ I’ll just stop now/ I’ll become naked/ And with the...I'll become one
Who you are - probably James at remus when he thinks he’s a big monster
Who are we?/ Who we are./ What’s your part? Who you are / You are who you are.
Save you - GOD THIS SONGG okay this is probably James @ Sirius when home life is bad and also Sirius @ Remus and also Remus @ Sirius it’s all of them @ all of them
Gonna save you fucker, not gonna lose you/ Feeling cocky and strong, can't let you go,/ Too important to me/ Too important to us, we'd be lost without you/ Baby, let yourself fall, I'm right below you now/ And fuck me if I say something you don't want to hear/ And fuck if you only hear what you want to hear/ Fuck me if I care, but I'm not leaving here/ You helped me when I was down, I'll help when you're down/ Why are you hitting yourself, c'mon hit me instead
Life Wasted - Sirius @ Reg re: leaving
I escaped it, a life wasted./ I’m never going back again…./ You're always saying you're too weak to be Strong./ You’re harder on yourself than just about Anyone/ Why swim the channel just to get this far?/ Halfway there, why would you turn around?
Severed Hand - Reg joins the death eaters
Big man stands behind an open door/ Said, leave your lady on the cement floor./ Got some kicks, want to take a ride?/ I said, yeah!/ Oh please understand I just need, my friend,/ A way a way a way home
Brain of J. - Reg and Sirius arguing after he joins the death eaters
The whole world will be different soon/ The whole world will be relieving/ You, you've been taught/ We’d been the same, now they got you in line/ Stand behind the stripes/ There will be order, so give it a good mind…./And by name/ The name they gave me/ The name I'm letting go
Deep - Regulus knows he’s in too deep
This is Regulus knowing he’s in too deep, Voldemort and the death eaters are such bad fucking people and he’s in too deep now (massive tw for this song for drugs and se*ual violence)
“Ponders his Maker, ponders his will/ in too deep/ can’t touch the bottom”
Pilate - Remus abt Sirius ;0)
Like Pilate I have a dog/ (Obeys listens kisses loves)/ Walks me out of town/ Still one's a crowd/ Making angels in the dirt/ Looking up looking all around
You Are - in love 🥰
Love is a tower/ Of strength to me/ I am the shoreline/ But you're the sea
Red Bar - the war begins
War, I’m crazy/ War I’m crazy I’m war the song is also a lil goofy so it’s maybe just like going crazy being so in it that it’s funny now
It’s the war and everyone knows today could be their last day and tensions are running high in relationships and they love each other so much and need each other but snap at one another nonetheless
What the fuck is this world running to?/ You didn't leave a message/ At least I could have learned your voice one last time/ Daily minefield, this could be my time by you/ Would you hit me? Would you hit me?/ Hear my name, take a good look/ This could be the day/ Hold my hand, walk beside me
Thin Air - babes in love
There's a light, when my baby's in my arms,/ There’s a light, when the window shades are drawn…/ And I know she's reached my heart, in thin air.
All or None - More war time songs soz
Here's the selfless confession/ Leading me back to war/ Can we help that our destinations/ Are the ones we've been before?/ I still try to run on/ But it's all or none
Parting Ways - Lily @ James during the war
She knows their future's burning/ But she can smile just the same, same/ And though her mood is fine today/ There’s a fear they'll soon be parting ways
Love Boat Caption - Sirius/Remus, Lily/James, etc etc. during the war
Love boat captain/ Take the reigns and steer us towards the clear, here/ It’s already been sung, but it can't be said enough/ All you need is loveIt's an art to live with pain/ Mix the light into grey/ Lost nine friends we'll never know/ Two years ago today/ And if our lives became too long/ Would it add to our regret?…./Hold me and make it the truthThat when all is lost, there will be you
Evacuation - going into hiding
Lukin- Lily and James have to go into hiding
(Tw st*lking mention in explanation, gun mention in song) The song was written by Eddie when he was being stalked and he had to bring himself and his wife to a friend’s house for safety.
In Hiding - Lily and James are in hiding and enter Peter
No way in or out/ I turned and walked the hallways/ And pulled the curtains down…./I swallow the truth to keep from lying/ i'm no longer overwhelmed and it seems so simple now/ Yeah, it's funny how things change so much/ It’s all state of mind
Once - Peter Pettigrew betraying the marauders
Literally about someone committing a mass murder. “Once upon a time I could control myself.” “Mimic whats insane.”
Around the Bend - I'm so sorry ummm but Lily to Harry on Halloween 💀
I am wishing you a well…./ I hold your head deep in my arms/ My fingertips, they close your eyes/ Off you dream, my little child/ There’s a sun around the bend/ Please forgive me, won't you, dear?/ Please forgive and let me share with you, around the bend/ You’re an angel when you sleep/ How I want your soul to keep, on and on around the bend
Garden - Sirius being taken to Azkaban
He’s just taking his fate as it comes to him.
The direction of the eye/ So misleading/ The defection of the soul/ Nauseously quick/I will walk, with my hands bound/ I will walk, with my face blood/ I will walk, with my shadow flag/ Into your garden/ Garden of stone
sung from the pov of an incarcerated person waiting for life to begin again
BUGS - Sirius in Azkaban (yes I already said this abt remus but idc)
Bugs on my ceiling/ Crowded the floor/ Standing sitting kneeling…/ A few block the door/ And now the question’s:/ Do I kill them?/ Become their friend?/ Do I eat them?/ Do I join them?/ I’ll just stop now/ I’ll become naked/ And with the...I'll become one
Black - Remus lamenting about Sirius’ perceived deception
Remembering their love and how now so many of his memories are tainted (by) black and that all of this has changed him fundamentally (star imagery, “black”, “tattooed everything”)
Indifference - Sirius in grimmauld place, sirius in Azkaban
Sirius taking his home life in stride until he can leave, taking Azkaban in stride bc it doesn’t matter any way bc he believes he deserve it anyway
“Pretend I'm free to roam/ I will make my way/ Through one more day in hell/ How much difference does it make?/ How much difference does it make?/ I will hold the candle/ Till it burns up my arm/ Oh, I'll keep takin' punches/ Until their will grows tired/ Oh, I will stare the sun down/ Until my eyes go blind/ Hey, I won't change direction/ And I won't change my mind/ How much difference does it make?/ How much difference does it make?/ I’ll swallow poison, until I grow immune/ I will scream my lungs out till it fills this room”
Alive - Remus post ’81
Eddie originally wrote the song as a lament - why did I live when he didn’t? Why am I still alive?
“Is something wrong she said, of course there is, you’re still alive she said, but do I deserve to be?”
Animal - Remus after ’81 when he needs to transform alone
Feat. A throwback to being turned (so tw: abd*ction) “Torture from you to me, yeah/Abducted from the street/I'd rather be with an animal”
Nothingman - Sirius and Remus after ’81
Once divided nothing left to subtract/ Some words when spoken can't be taken back/ Walks on his own with thoughts he can't help thinking/ Future’s above but in the past he's slow and sinking…./ She once believed in every story he had to tell/ One day she stiffened took the other side/ Empty stares from each corner of a shared prison cell/ One just escapes one's left inside the well
Smile - Remus @ the marauders (except it’s after ’81 and he just thinks of them fondly)
Don't it make you smile?/ I miss you already/ I miss you always/ I miss you already/ I miss you all day/ This is how I feel/ Three crooked hearts swirls all around/ Don’t it make you smile?
In my tree - remus abt sirius after ’81
I remember him, yeah…/ I swore I knew everything, oh yeah…/ They say knowledge is a dream, yeah…/ He's growing up just like me, yeah…
Light Years - Remus abt Sirius
But now you're gone, I haven't figured out why/ I’ve come up with riddles and jokes about war/ I’ve figured out numbers and what they're for/ I’ve understood feelings and I've understood words/ But how could you be taken away?/ Back pages and days alone that could have been spent/ Together, but we were miles apart Every inch between us becomes light years now
I’m open - Remus!!!! Post ’81
After spending half his life searching he still felt as blank/ As the ceiling at which he stared/ He is alive but feels absolutely nothing/ So is he?/ When he was six he believed that the moon overhead followed him/…..So this is what it's like to be an adult/ If he only knew now what he knew then
Thumbing my Way - Remus post ’81 again blah blah ikik
I can't be free with what's locked inside of me/ If there was a key you took it in your hand/ There’s no wrong or right but I'm sure there's good and bad/ The questions linger overhead
Rats - we know how remus like to soliloquize …. This is him waxing poetic about how fucking horrible Peter is
The song itself is kind of listing the many ills of humankind saying how rats don’t compare to people bc they don’t do all this. But Peter isnt really a rat. He’s a man and oppresses like a man and betrays like a man and takes like a man.
“Drink the blood of their so-called best friend….They don't scurry when something bigger comes their way….Don't take what's not theirs“
Oceans - Sirius escaping Azkaban
Hold on to the thread/ The currents will shift, glide me towards/ You know something's left/ And we're all allowed to dream of the next…..The sea will rise/ Please stand by the shore/ I will be there once more
Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town - Sirius after Azkaban
200004309248% sirius returning from 12 years isolated. He doesn’t really recognize most things. Remus wouldn’t recognize him. He’s different. Changed by being unchanged. He couldn’t grow and learn and morph and become. He stagnated yet decayed. But he’s back and he recognizes your skin and your breath. He’s back.
Off He Goes - Sirius is a Sagittarius in the first half, second half is post PoA
Know a man his face seemed pulled and tense/ Like he's riding on a motorbike in the strongest winds/ So I approach with tact/ Suggest that he should relax/ But he's always movin' much too fast/ Said he'll see me on the flip side/ On this trip he's taken for a ride…./ And now I rub my eyes for he has returned/ Seems my preconceptions are what should have been burned/ For he still smiles and he's still strong/ Nothing’s changed, but the surrounding bullshit, that has grown/ And now he's home, and we're laughing, like we always did/ My same old, same old friend/ Until a quarter-to-ten
All Those Yesterdays - and cue the bath scene, remus washes his lost love
Don't you think you oughta rest?/ Don’t you think you oughta lay you head down?/ You don't think there's time to stop/ There’s time enough for you to lay your head down tonight tonight/ Let it wash away/ All those yesterdays
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viastro · 4 years
lowkey | xu minghao
ミ★ synopsis: in which you’ve been pining after your fellow dance member, xu minghao, and he helps teach you the choreo one night.
ミ★ genre: mainly just humor, some fluff, y/n is a dummy, minghao is a softy
ミ★ warnings: none!
ミ★ word count: 3,648
ミ★ pairings: minghao x female reader
ミ★ notes: hi!! it’s been awhile uhh, i think i’ll be writing a lot more since i’m quite literally self quarantined. don’t hold me to that tho cause i’m a shithead when it comes to writing 🙈
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You know, you weren’t that big of a fan of dancing when you were a child. The first day your mom brought you to your ballet class, you started crying because they wouldn’t give you the big, pink, fluffy tutu. As soon as the class ended you told your parents you were never dancing again, but look at you now. You’re 21 and you are still, in fact, dancing. To make it even better, you’re dancing different genres and are also now part of the dance team at Seoul University.
While you’ve obviously grown to have a love for the art, your parents still like to tease you and copy the way you used to cry about not wanting to go to dance. The most popular quotes they mock you with are, “Wahh! You can’t make me go to ballet! I’m not even the Sugar Plum fairy, this isn’t fair!” as well as the very special, “I’m not a dancer, for I, am The Rock.” (You had a The Rock obsession, so what?) Even then, you let them have their fun because you were truly a nightmare to get into the studio as a child. The three of you made the conscious decision to only j​oke about it together and to ​never ​bring it up to your dance team.
Especially since the guy you’ve been pining over for a good year is part of the dance team. In fact, he’s one of the aces of the team. There’s four of them: Soonyoung, Chan, Junhui, and last but definitely ​not the man of your dreams, ​Xu Minghao. The Uni students like to refer to them as the Four Aces, A4 for short. They’re practically Gods at the University, all the freshmen have a crush on them whether they want to admit it or not. Whenever the big showcase comes up the four of them are a subunit and have their own choreo. It’s pretty epic.
You’re rather close to Soonyoung and Chan since they help you out after practice is over so you can touch up on choreo. Soonyoung’s usually the one you go to to ask for help considering he’s the one who comes up with the choreographies half the time.
“Okay but y/n, make sure to make that move sharper. It shouldn’t be that soft, it has to be aggressive. Yeah, like that!” Soonyoung tells you with a big smile once you correct it. You grin, pushing your bangs off your sweaty forehead. You glance over at the clock to see that it’s 12 am already.
“Let’s continue on Monday, Soonyoung. It’s already really late.” You tell him and he looks up at the clock, shock now displayed over his features. “Holy shit. I didn’t even realize it’s already midnight.” He mutters, making his way over to his bag to pack up his stuff.
“Time flies when you’re with a cool gal like me.” You joke.
Soonyoung looks up and stares at you, no emotion on his face. The room is in pure silence.
“You are hilarious.” Soonyoung says blankly after a beat and you throw your sweat towel at him. He lets out a giggle, dodging said sweat towel. You chug the last of the water in your bottle, before tossing it into your bag. You throw your gym bag over your shoulder and pick up the sweat towel you threw at Soonyoung.
“You’re lucky this bitch didn’t land on your face. It would’ve been a tragedy.” You tell him with a smile, going in for a high five.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll see you later y/n!” You wave bye and head out the door.
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“UghhhHHHH!” You screech into your pillow, kicking the bed with your feet at the same time. Seungcheol stares at you as you have a mental breakdown from the chair by your bedroom window. You lift your head up to suck in some more air before slamming your face back down into the pillow to scream some more.
“Y/N... please... I just wanted some ramen.” Seungcheol begs from the chair, flipping himself so that his head is hanging from the end of the seat where your ass is supposed to be. You lift your head up, shooting him the scariest death glare you can muster. He squeaks, closing his eyes and turning away.
“Haha.... Just kidding... go ahead...”
You turn over in bed, now staring at your ceiling. You recall the previous events of your day that has led up to this exact moment of internal self ​LOATHING​.
“Soonyoung, can you come look at this?” You call from the floor of the dance studio, he turns and jogs on over you after telling Jun and Minghao to wait a minute. Minghao stares at you and you glance down at the IPad right away. ​Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god.
“What’s up?” Soonyoung asks as he plops down beside you, back against the mirrors. You show him the competition list, and he lets out a sigh. “God.” He mutters, turning off the IPad and pushing it to the side.
“Guys, we’re competing against Mayhem.” Soonyoung announces to the group and almost everyone groans. Well, pretty much everyone except Wheein. She ends up choking on her water mid-sip and leaves the studio in a coughing fit.
“Literally why. I swear, they have something against us. Not even kidding, they literally wanna eat our ASS!” Jun yells and Minghao pats him on the back. You put your head into your hands, closing your eyes as you realize how much harder Soonyoung and Chan are gonna push the group to make sure we get another win.
So basically Mayhem are your biggest competitor, but they have a vengeance against your group specifically. You’re not sure whether it was because of the time you accidentally walked in on one of their lead dancers using the restroom because she didn’t lock the door, or the time Chan ate the last chocolate donut in the rehearsal room. Either way, they’ve made it their ultimate life goal to beat you guys in every competition.
Too bad they haven’t been able to do that.
“As long as we work harder, it’ll all work out in the end. Everyone, get in formations.” Soonyoung announces, clapping his hands. Everyone makes their way to the middle of the dance studio, but you sit there and pout.
“Y/N, c’mere.” Chan calls over, shooting you one of his dazzling smiles and making a grabby hand towards you. You sigh, unable to say no to one of the cutest men alive.
Guess I'll die.
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“Y/N, hit that move harder! Good!” Soonyoung yells as he watches you practice in the mirror. You feel your cheeks get warm after he calls you out in front of the rest of the team.
In fact, you were so embarrassed by the constructive criticism that when it was time to change the formation you accidentally tripped over Minghao’s foot, aka the foot of the guy you’ve had a crush on for the past two years haha !
This causes you to fall forward, about to plummet your face into the hardwood floor, only for Minghao to quickly step forward and wrap his arm around your waist, spinning you around, basically saving you from a lot of physical pain. It was, indeed, one of the biggest cliches you’ve ever been through in your 21 years of living, but did that stop your heart from beating out of your chest when you were looking into Minghao’s eyes? No. :D.
“Are you okay?” He asks breathlessly and you try to find your voice so that you can answer and not look like a buffoon. Alas, you cannot escape from who you truly are. ​A buffoon. ​You end up squeaking out a “yes.” and twirl yourself out of his grasp, only to trip over your own two feet so he reaches out and steadies you once again.
“Welcome back.” Minghao jokes at the fact that you’re in his grasp once again and you squeak once more, jumping away from him.
It’s only then that you realize the rest of the team is just gawking at you two. Well, except the rest of the A4. Their facial expressions range between a look of surprise and mischief. Minghao begins to take notice of the silence in the room and ends up coughing into his arm to break it. Everyone starts acting normal to avoid getting on Minghao’s bad side.
“Well.. let’s run it from the top shall we?” Chan says as he casts a smirk in your direction. You stick your tongue out at him and he chuckles, heading over to restart the song. You glance up into the mirror and notice Minghao’s eyes on you, and he gives you a sly grin.
Oh good god.
“So.. what you’re telling me is that you not only embarrassed yourself in front of your dance team, but also in front of the guy you’ve been pining after for the past what, year?” Seungcheol asks. You nod your head slowly, and he has half the mind to giggle slightly.
“Motherfucker why are you LAUGHING at my MISFORTUNE!!” You yell, throwing your pillow at his face. Seungcheol dodges the pillow while laughing at your outburst.
Frowning you mutter in tiny font, “It’s actually been two years.”
“I have an idea.” You glance up at Seungcheol with a slight hopeful expression on your face.
“What if... you just talk to him?!” You are now frowning at Seungcheol.
“Are you crazy? After our four years of friendship you think ​I’m​ going to talk to the person I’m secretly in love with?! Absolutely insane, love. That would never work anyways, I’ll just admire him from a distance like I usually do.” You explain, sitting up in bed.
Seungcheol stares at you for a moment. Your eyebrows are furrowed as you pout down at your folded hands. Your hair is a mess from slamming your head down onto your pillow for at least ten minutes. You may have passed out for a minute due to that but that’s a secret we’ll never tell. He cocks his head to the side, now thinking about how dumb you are. What you apparently don’t know is that Seungcheol is close friends with A4. He’s heard Minghao complain about how shy he is towards you, and how he just wants “to hold her hand sometimes, maybe even a hug and kiss on the forehead. Perhaps even... a kiss on the lips.”
But I’ll just let her suffer. ​Seungcheol thinks to himself.
“Whatever you say y/n. I’m gonna start making some ramen ​myself​ now since you seem to not wanna get out of bed. Came over for us to have a ramen bonding study session only for it to end up with you being stubborn and threatening to murder me with a hanger. I hate it here. This is Seungcheolphobic.” Seungcheol complains under his breath as he gets up and steps out of your bedroom. You glare at his back, laying back down so that you’re once again staring up at your white ceiling. You grab your white pillow beside you and hold it up, imagining that it’s Minghao.
“​Hi. M​y name’s Minghao, I have nice black hair with pretty brown eyes and a beautiful smile. Not only am I tall, lean and fashionable, but I’m also a multi-talented man. I like to volunteer at the animal shelter for funsies and I have a part time job at a dance studio teaching little kids how to dance. Fuck YOU Minghao. Perfect ass bitch. Literally being my dream man I HATE it here.” You mutter to yourself as you glare at your pillow you’re holding above you.
You scoff, throwing the pillow onto the floor and turning over in bed, now staring out the window. The scent of ramen goes through your nose and you find your tummy beginning to rumble. You hear a new sizzle as you assume Seungcheol is making you both eggs. You sigh, getting up from bed.
“Wallow in self pity later. Have fun with your bestie now.”
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“Y/N!” You glance up from your phone to see Chan standing in front of you with a knowing smile that has you feeling a bit nervous. “What...”
“So the incident that happened on Monday-”
“Oh hell no! We aren’t talking about this.” You shut him down real quick, standing up to walk to the other side of the practice room. Chan giggles and reaches out to grab your arm, stopping you from running away to safety.
“Channie! I don’t wanna talk about it please!” You whine and he laughs even more, patting your shoulder to calm you down.
“Alright, alright. I just wanted to let you know that Soonyoung and I have to go to a seminar tonight so we won’t be able to help you later with the choreo.” He tells you regretfully and you raise an eyebrow, heartbeat quickening a bit.
“Then why are you here? Who’s gonna teach me-”
“Chan?” You pause as you hear that familiar voice.
Oh... my god....
“Hi Minghao, I’m just letting Y/N know that you’ll be helping her out tonight since Soonnie and I are busy.” Chan says, and flashes you a sly smile. You almost reach out and choke him but he pulls away.
“Have fun y/n!” He sings and walks out the door, leaving you and... ​him ​alone. You glance up at Minghao as he sets down his bag, taking his hat off along with it. Your eyes widen once he looks over at you and you glance down.
“How often do you do these late night practices with Soonyoung and Chan?” He asks, taking off his windbreaker as well and you feel yourself ​break out into a sweat.
“Um, every week. Soonyoung started helping me once he walked in at like 2 am only to find me practicing for our first showcase in freshman year. It’s been our thing since then, Chan joined in on our late night practices when he was a freshman as well.” You explain, putting your hair up into a low ponytail. He nods with a satisfied look on his face, heading over to plug his phone into the aux.
“What are you struggling on? Is it the part before the change in formation?” Minghao asks and you almost throw yourself off a cliff once the vision of Minghao holding you from last week pops into your mind. He turns to look at you once he notices how you’ve become silent, “I just thought because of what happened on Monday that you were struggling with that-”
“No, no I totally understand why. By the way, I’m so sorry for uh.. falling... on you...” You mutter quietly and he shakes his head, waving his hand as if to say, no biggie!
“But yeah, that one is kind of hard because the formation change is one that we don’t do often, ya know?” You answer and he nods. “Yeah I totally get that, don’t worry.” He responds and you find yourself staring at his black hair, which now covers his eyes a bit.
He’s the only guy who can make a mullet look good, you think to yourself. He glances up at you and gestures for you to go to the middle of the dance floor, to which you comply.
“Alright, so let me play the part right before the formation changes so that I can see you do it. Then we can work on what I see you struggling on and fix it.” You nod. It didn’t hit you until now that the guy you’ve been pining over is going to watch you dance by yourself, analyzing your every move to see what mistake you’d make. Now that it’s hit you, you think you’re gonna shit yourself.
Minghao gives you a thumbs up in the mirror and starts the music. Once you notice the part coming you glance up in the mirror, feeling your stage persona take over and the nerves ease away. Minghao watches you turn from the shy, timid person he knows, to a confident and talented woman as you dance. The change has him in awe as he watches you wink in the mirror when you hit a move nicely. He sees you fumble a bit shortly after before catching yourself, continuing to perform as if it never occurred. He pauses the music once you go to your spot in the formation, and you catch your breath.
“You’re really fantastic at what you do, I could see your stage presence come out and it was really uh, attractive, ​to see. I noticed the technicality error, and it’s really small so don’t worry. I’ll just run through it with you.” Minghao explains and you nod, feeling your face heat up when he compliments you. What you don’t notice is that Minghao’s full on blushing right now from his slip up, but he turns away before you can take notice of it.
“So you need to watch your footing here, because you fumbled a bit during this part,” Minghao performs the specific move where your feet cross over before going into a spin. His movements are similar to water, usually so soft and gentle but later become sharp, similar to an ocean wave crashing onto the shore.
“Try that.” He tells you after he specifies what made you slip up and you nod. Getting into position, you redo what he did and he smiles, clapping his hands.
“Nice! Okay now,” He does the small body roll and you bite the inside of your cheek, cursing to yourself. You stare at his face, noticing the small furrow to his brow as he puffs up his chest for the next move. Minghao glances up into your eyes as he does this and pauses. Warmth floods your face as he seemingly stops teaching you. ​She’s so pretty, Minghao thinks to himself as he watches you for a moment. He runs a hand through his hair, breaking the eye contact as he glances down at the shiny wood floor.
“Is there something on my face?” He mutters and you break out of your spell, shaking your head profusely.
“No! No, sorry I just...” You panic, fingers fumbling together as you try and come up with a response that doesn’t mention how handsome he is and how much you wanna run your fingers through his hair.
“You just what?” Minghao asks, cocking his head to the side as he watches you internally freak the fuck out.
“I just... I really think you’re an amazing dancer and you’re really handsome but it’s so much more than that. You’re so passionate and good at what you do, but I’m really intimidated by you and I’ve been crushingonyouforyears so being in a room alone with you is really nerve-wracking.” You quickly explain. He freezes, staring at you with wide eyes. You also quite literally pause.
“I... am so sorry. I’m going to go. You don’t have to like me back, I’m so sorry!” You apologize profusely, tears threatening to spill out of your eyes as you start to back up towards your bag. He reaches out and gently takes a hold of your wrist, pulling you to him in a hug. You freeze in his embrace, and he nuzzles his head into your neck.
“Don’t go. I like you too, y/n.” He mutters quietly.
And this. This is when you start sobbing.
You fall to your knees, covering your face with your hands as you ugly sob right in front of the guy who you no longer have to pine after. He’s staring at you helplessly as you cry into your hands about the fact that you thought your crush was hopeless for years, and how you never expected this to happen.
“I-I’m so sorry. I’ve been really e-emotionally unstable, ​hiccup, r​ecently for no reason. This is like, the best day of my, ​hiccup, l​ife.” You explain through your tears and Minghao lets out one of his cute little giggles that sends you over the edge once again. You let out a loud sob and he giggles again, pulling you to him in a hug and rubbing small circles on your back.
“That’s okay, we can keep it a secret from everyone that you sobbed after I confessed to you.” He tells you soothingly and you hit his arm softly, making him chuckle at you.
“How are you so calm right now?” You complain, pulling back ​regretfully f​ rom the hug and looking up at him with tear tracks running down your face, along with a bit of snot. ​How cute, h​e thinks to himself. He reaches over to his bag from the floor and grabs his towel, wiping away your snot and tears.
“I’m quite literally shitting bricks right now from happiness, but I’m just not showing it because I didn’t want to overwhelm you.” Minghao explains and you bite the inside of your cheek. You glance back up at him and he gives you a small smile, reaching up and patting your head.
“You wanna get back to the choreo?” He asks you and you shrug, wiping your cheek with the back of your hand. Crying made you tired.
“Can we just hug for a bit more?” You ask and he smiles, pulling you back into his warm embrace. You sigh contentedly, nuzzling your head into his shoulder. You both stay like that for a while, letting the recent events settle into your thrumming hearts.
“Does this mean we’re... boyfriend and girlfriend...” (👉👈) Minghao asks shyly, breaking the comfortable silence. Giggling, you reply, “I believe so Minghao.”
He squeezes you even tighter, nuzzling his head further into the crook of your neck.
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writerofshit · 4 years
1 with the lads (michael/gavin/jeremy) please!
(This is less things you said at 1 am and more the lads being fools at 1 am. Id like to think they're one in the same.)
1. Things you said at 1 am
"If you two idiots don't shut the fuck up I'm out of this relationship." Michael's voice floats back to them in a hiss.
"Michael-" Jeremy begins, not sure how he's going to defend the quiet argument they'd been having.
"Micool!" Gavin whispers, almost simultaneously.
"You be quiet, you're not helping." Jeremy says with a firm poke between Gavin's shoulder blades. To be fair, Gavin is blaming this all on Jeremy, which is ludicrous.
"Jack is gonna fuckin kill us." Michael says grimly.
It's a very late Monday night, and the lads are sneaking into the penthouse because they're teenagers again, apparently. The unfortunate part is that somehow, despite being three grown men and successful criminals, they don't have one key among them. They'd attempted to get in via window, but that had proven to be a flawed plan.
"Jack'll be annoyed but just roll her eyes at us. Fiona is gonna murder us if we wake her up." Jeremy says. He's crossing his fingers that she wears earplugs to bed or something. They're making their way back down the fire escape, and somehow he'd wound up in the back.
"Nah, Fiona would never hurt me! We're Team Chungə!" Gavin glances back at him, a bright smile on his face.
"You need to be part of Team Shut The Fuck Up." Michael is in front, climbing down yet another ladder.
"Michael that's not a real team."
"It would be if you would just-"
"Shut the fuck up?" Jeremy supplies, voice dissolving into a quiet giggle at the end. He's trying his best not to lose his cool up here. Heights are not exactly his favorite thing.
"Fuckin thank you, J. You know what, you get to stay." They're about halfway down, and it's not getting any easier.
"You guys are the worst boyfriends ever." Gavin says, and the pout in his voice is clear.
They lapse into a comfortable quiet, just following one another down ladder after ladder. That none of them, there members of the most notorious crew in the city, can't figure out how to pick the lock is astounding. That they couldn't even remember a key might be worse.
"We should've just called Matt, he's probably still up." Gavin says just as they're reaching the third story.
Michael stops just short of the ladder, Gavin and Jeremy stumbling into him immediately. He turns back to stare at Gavin. "Why the fuck didn't you say that when were at the front fuckin door?"
"I didn't think about it til we were already trying the window!"
"Gavin." Jeremy reaches up, puts a hand on his shoulder. "You know I love you more than life itself, and I think you have a lot of moments of brilliant clarity-"
"I don't like that you're already backpedaling." Gavin interrupts, voice doubtful.
"But you do realize Matt also could've opened the fucking window, right?"
There's a moment of silence, save for the general noise of Los Santos. Gavin breaks into an embarrassed smile. "Oh. Yeah he probably could have."
"Fuckin oh!" Michael turns back to the ladder, but Jeremy catches the exasperated smile he has. "Idiot." He mutters fondly.
They troop down the rest of the way without incident, and Jeremy calls Matt when they're back in the elevator. There's a bit of grumbling from Matt's end, something about not understanding "how three grown ass men don't have a single key between them." Regardless of his aggravation, he lets them in and the three morons head to Michael's room.
"At least I thought of Matt eventually." Gavin is saying as he launches himself to the middle of the bed. "Jeremy was ready to break down the damn door!"
"Kicking in and breaking down are two very different things, Gav." Jeremy wants it to be clear, just in case Trevor or Geoff should ever catch wind of what almost happened. He settles himself between Gavin and the wall, as per usual.
"Equally dumb though." Michael laughs. He pauses in front of the dresser. "Uh guys?" He starts laughing again. "I have some fucked up news."
"What?" Jeremy asks, kicking off his jeans. Maybe he should've gotten undressed before he laid down, but alas. There's a quiet moment before it dawns on him. "Michael no."
Michael turns around slowly. He's struggling to get the words out between giggles. "So, remember the other day when I stuck my key in my wallet for safe keeping?"
"Michael!." Jeremy cannot believe this has happened.
"Oh my god!" Gavin says, in what can only be described as a quiet shriek. He rolls toward Jeremy, burying his face in his chest. Just before he makes contact, Jeremy can see tears in his eyes from laughter. "We're so stupid." He mumbles.
"We- we really do belong together, don't we?" Jeremy says, hooking an arm around Gavins waist.
"We almost make one responsible adult." Michael says before clicking off the light and slipping into bed beside Gavin.
"Almost." Jeremy echoes.
"We're not quite there, but if one of us remembered shit? Man, we'd be unstoppable." Michael says with a laugh.
There's a bit of shuffling as they all get comfortable, blankets moved up and down until they're all happy with it. Michael curls himself around Gavin's other side, and they all breathe a sigh of quiet contentment. After a few moments, Jeremy is nearly asleep.
Gavin breaks the quiet one last time. "Guys?" 
"Yeah Gav?" Jeremy keeps his voice pitched low, unsure if Michael is out yet.
"We're dumb."
Jeremy only chuckles, pressing a gentle kiss to Gavin's forehead. Truer words have never been spoken. At least they have fun.
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