#I can't wait to get back to my girl Scarlet
Breaking Down The Comics: Under the Mask
Moon Knight, Issue 20: Cut Adrift off the Coast of America
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LOOK AT THIS COVER. I laugh every time I see it. It reminds me of like, Night on Bald Mountain when the devil creature is over the city and about to do his evil things. I feel like the past two covers for this run are just the artist (Bill) going, “I don’t know… Moon Knight in various poses of angst?” For no reason! 
Anyways… Let’s finish this run! 
So we left off with Marc finding plans for Nimrod to attack Manhattan and Marlene being undercover as his personal bodyguard. 
Now, up to this point, Moon Knight has been abroad. This whole run has been him retracing steps and places Marc has worked. 
I've noticed that in the original comics, any time Moon Knight had to travel out of the country, Marc Spector is the one in charge. 
He is well traveled and he has contacts all over. If there's a country, Marc has most likely been there being paid to be a bad guy. 
Perhaps Jake doesn't feel comfortable traveling. His home is New York and always has been. He found his identity there and his friends. 
Steven will sometimes travel, if it involves luxury, but usually once they leave the hotel Marc takes over. 
Now, we are finally heading back to New York. 
Which, oddly enough, Marc never feels at home on American Soil. He'll show up for a fight or two, but perhaps he just doesn't feel like he has a home there. He did, after all, leave his home in a hurry after a fight with his father. America is something Marc left behind. 
We see Moon Knight with scuba gear on... and still wearing his cape I might add... trying to reassure his contact that "Spector and I will take care of it." 
He notes that while he has faith in the plan, "our real strong suit is playing it by ear." 
This is true. Moon Knight is amazing at winging it. When things go to shit, he just goes. Which is probably for the best because a lot of his plans tend to go to shit. He's...He's not good at thinking things through. (Especially Marc). 
Streglov (the government contact) mentions that he really doesn't like the fact that Marc is emotionally at risk in this mission. Not just for revenge, but also that Marlene is involved. 
Moon Knight quips that "I didn't like anything about this operation, Streglov, but we're stuck with it." 
Once in full scuba attire: 
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(WHAT ARe YOU WEARING MOON KNIGHT. That cape can’t be easy to swim in. Is that breathing respirator OVER YOUR MASK?! Are you….wh…. The depths this man will go to to keep his mask on…) 
As Moon Knight goes for a swim at night in full outfit... 
"Sure cold down here this time of night. Gives me the chills... Chills to match the goose bumps I got when Streglov mentioned Spector. Didn't like his tone of voice. Almost as if he was embarrassed to refer to Spector as a separate man. Guess I'd better face the grim possibility --Streglov may be catching on that Spector and I are one in the same man." 
Hmmm... Now, in the last issue, we had no issues with identity. Marc was undercover and comfortable not being himself. Moon Knight was an easy guise to slip into. 
He is grappling with 'secret identity' right now. He doesn't like the idea that people know who is under the Moon Knight mask. 
But also, he doesn't like the idea that people see the man under the mask as Marc Spector. 
He's so uncomfortable being known as Marc that he would go to great lengths to keep the guise up that they are different people. 
Which, in this particular circumstance, it IS silly. They are on a boat. It's assumed Marc got on the boat and now Moon Knight is there going on the mission saying that Marc sent him to do it and to trust him. 
There's a certain level of self delusion going on in which he wants everyone to believe that Marc is still on the boat. Perhaps that he wants to believe that Marc is still on the boat. 
In Moon Knight's eyes, Marc has very little place on this mission and he would rather everyone just play along. 
So it looks like the terrorist plan is to put four oil tankers out in the water in key locations, purge the oil, letting the gas build up until a spark sets the whole thing off in an explosion. 
Nimrod is on one of the tankers. He plans to blow his tanker and send a signal to the others to blow their own. The pressurized explosion form the built up gas will be devastating and then the oil in the water will catch fire, encircling the island in a raging fire inferno. 
Moon Knight is to get on Nimrod’s tanker, cut a hole in the hull and release the gas to prevent the explosion. He will then stop Nimrod, preventing him from signaling the other tankers, giving other teams time to take them out. 
A convoluted plan on both ends. 
Would the ship blow up? Yes. Science has proven that this is what caused some famous explosion at some point (I'm not looking up which boat it was. It was in port and the built up gas caused a devastating explosion that wiped out the whole town, but if you know it then kudos to you). 
Are there better ways to do this? YES. JFC yes. Just put a bomb on the boat. Why is he going so over the top? Why is the only method of preventing the explosion cutting a hole to let the gas vent? What about all the oil in the water that is polluting and causing a fire hazard? And with that much gas build up, ANY spark could set off an explosion. What if it goes off before you’re ready?!
Convoluted plan aside... Moon Knight gets on the tanker, now in search of Nimrod himself. 
Moon Knight is now lamenting that he needs to keep control of his emotions. "I've got to control myself... Avoid hasty judgements... Keep myself from thinking about it..." 
Good luck with that buddy. Hasty judgments should be your middle name. 
Back with Nimrod, we see Marlene still playing bodyguard. 
Nimrod is doing his bad guy rant about how Moon Knight destroyed his base. He rants about how he's a one man army and will take down the city no matter what it takes. 
As Moon Knight makes his way through the tanker, taking out bad guys, he reminds himself that he's not doing this just because of Marlene. 
As Moon Knight busts into Nimrod's room, Nimrod shoves Marlene forward, demanding that she attack him. 
Luckily, the two other lady bodyguards jump in and attack first. 
Oh! And here we see our hero once more face on the floor in a helpless position. 
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Back at Grant mansion: Hey! We haven't seen this place in a while! 
Frenchie has taken Jake's cab back to the mansion to GET TO THE CHOPPER. 
Back on the tanker, Moon Knight wakes up in a very Bond-like situation. 
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I do appreciate that each time we look at Nimrod after this while Moon Knight is tied up, Nimrod is upside down. It’s a fun touch in perspective. 
Nimrod gloats a moment then moves to unmask Moon Knight. 
Back in the day, secret identities were pretty sacred. All heroes who wore masks kept their identity pretty tightly locked down (Notable exceptions to those that wore masks: Tony Stark who can't stop telling people who he is and Captain America who no longer has the ability to just be Steve Rogers). 
In current times, Moon Knight really stopped caring and ever since Civil War (don't get me started on that Marvel Event), the only one who really keeps his identity is Spider-Man. And that really depends on what Spider-verse you live in. 
So back in the day, Moon Knight kept his identity a secret unless you were in his close circle of friends. 
This really worked well for Steven Grant, who needed to maintain his social standing to get into high class crowds. It also helped Jake keep his own personal life and let him work the underground. 
When it came to Marc, it really didn't matter. Marc didn't really have a normal life anymore. 
Not to mention the only people that knew who Marc Spector even was were probably those that had come up against him as a Mercenary. 
So Nimrod is momentarily shocked then laughs about how he now has both his nemeses helplessly held captive. 
He leaves Moon Knight helpless and we get...this...view....
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Um... Anyways... 
Moon Knight realizes that the crescent darts are still on his belt, being mistaken for decoration! 
So he wriggles around till one pops off and falls towards his restrained hands. He misses quite a few of them. 
Of course on the last dart, he finally catches it. 
Now he just has to saw through the rope restraints. 
Back up top, Nimrod is relaxing with his three bodyguards. They doze and Marlene finally gets a chance to slip away. 
Just as she is about to leave the room, one of the other bodyguards wakes up. 
Marlene assures her that she's just going out for fresh air, but the guard is suspicious She wakes up Nimrod. 
Marlene finds an escaped Moon Knight and they team up together to start taking out the guards. 
The hapless lackies all taken care of, they return to look for Nimrod, only to walk into a trap! 
Nimrod makes a run for the detonator to blow the other ships. Marlene tells Moon Knight to go. She'll deal with the other two ladies. 
We get several pages of Marlene in an out and out brawl with the other two ladies (all three are in bikini uniforms, but not drawn softly. Bill gave them good muscle definition for the time.) To the credit of the writing team/artist team, it's not a cat fight. They use martial arts, punch, and hit one another with chairs and things. 
Marlene makes nice work of the other two and wins the fight. 
Meanwhile, Moon Knight is up against Nimrod and his Arsenal of weaponry. 
Moon Knight is hit by a grenade and once again....
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He sure does spend a lot of time down there. 
Dizzy from the hit, he stares down the barrol of a gun and remembers his friend being gunned down right in front of him. 
"A memory of Ben Abramov, his oldest friend, jerking from the impact of a sniper's bullet... Twisting slowly through pain towards a last fall into a darkness called death..." 
He acts and kicks the gun at the lat moment, causing it to discharge into Nimrod's face. 
"And another memory, also snarling... Nimrod Strange crushing Marlene to his chest, smearing his lips over hers..." 
Moon Knight jumps up, enraged. 
"You've killed my friend and soiled my woman, Madman!" 
He attacks the disoriented man, punching and coming at him head on despite bullet fire. 
When the fire becomes too intense, he falls back to get the high ground. 
Nimrod makes a last desperate run for the detonator and Moon Knight tackles him. 
Moon Knight takes a blow to the head that leaves him in his favorite position on the floor. 
We get a really nice page here and you really have to admire the art, the layout, and the tension. This is just a fantastic page! 
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He knocks out Nimrod before he can push down on the detonator! 
And now we get a bit of our nit and gritty man showing his emotions. 
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MK: Marlene...I...That last gesture...It was stupid. I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me.
Marlene: Hush, Steven. If such a gesture can ever by earned, you did tonight.
He cuts the detonator and calls for Frenchie to be picked up. He leaves Nimrod on the boat and rushes to inform the agents waiting that the mission is a success. 
Moon Knight laments that Nimrod knows who he is and will most likely tell everyone who he really is. 
Just as he's about to confess to everyone that he and Marc Spector are the same person, Nimrod wakes up and manages to set off the bomb. 
His ship blows, taking out everyone still on it. 
Thankfully, the other ships have been disabled and taken out before they too can blow. 
"You were saying?" 
"Oh, nothing. Just that Spector and I are a good team. He does the undercover work and I'm the visible one up front." 
Hmmmm. Very true. Very visible. 
Back in Jerusalem... At the home of widow Anna Abramov, she receives a message. 
"Anna- Ben's work finished --Spector." 
She crumbles the letter and weeps silently. 
"Then she sips some tea and wraps herself against the chill, and for a time she is quiet, and she is still, and she is alone... An hour from now the tears will start again...and last until dawn." 
END ISSUE and end to Nimrod Strange. 
This was a long run of Just Marc Spector in his element. 
We got to see a lot of Marc’s skills and the things he did before Moon Knight and what gave him the ability to put on the mask and be as brutal and effective as he is. 
It also showcased Marlene in good light and we even got a lot of Frenchie action. 
As for the bad guy, he seemed like he was supposed to be bigger than he was. He boasted a LOT about his abilities, his firepower, and being unstoppable. But he just hit behind his goons for hire, his bodyguards, and his weaponry. He really just didn’t strike me as a big top tier villain. 
And maybe that was some of the point. A single guy with power and an idea that managed to gather people together to try to do terrible things and hurt a lot of people. 
This was a very run run, especially traveling to Israel and going against the elite three. The story and imagery in that one was amazing. 
Honestly, it was pretty amazing to just focus on Marc. So that makes up for the fact that the villain was just utterly detestable, and not in a fun hate the villain sort of way. 
We also got to see him be utterly pissed and petty, culminating in spitting on Nimrod, then instantly feeling shame that someone saw him. I think that sums up Marc pretty nicely. It isn't often he gets to spit on a terrorist who enjoys killing and hurting people. But then he feels shame that he let his emotions out. Oh Marc, stop being a bottle of suppressed emotions.
It ends in a way that a lot of Moon Knight comics tended to end back in the 80s: A sad and lonely note. Though they won and get to go home, there is still the Widow who is alone and will always be alone. 
Marc sends her the note, but Marc can slip back down into his safe mask of nothing and doesn’t have to think about her anymore. His friend is dead, and it’s another name added to his list of people he failed and watched die. 
What did you guys think of this run? Thumbs up or down for the bad guy? 
I think what’s really exciting after this and seeing Marc work, is knowing where it’s all culminating in at the end of the first big 1980s run of Moon Knight. 
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megameatymatt · 2 months
dad!matt and dad!chris is all i want in life
A Day with Dad - Chris Sturniolo
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Summary: Chris is left at home with his two daughters
TW!: none really
Requested?: yes
A/N: feedback, interaction, and requests are appreciated! ( im also very sorry if this sucks i don't read a lot of dad!chris or matt fics😭)
You and Chris have finally started building the family you've dreamed of for so long. You have two daughters: Avery who has just turned 4, and Scarlet who is 1 year old. You and Chris couldn't be happier living this life, but Chris noticed you've started to become more tired and tense, so during summer break, when the kids were home. He planned a day out full of activities for you and your friends.
It was 8:30 in the morning and you were leaving the house to get to the Breakfast place Chris put in a reservation for. "I'll see you soon," you say as you grab your house keys. "Have fun baby" Chris says as he grabs your chin and kisses you. "I'm gonna miss my girls," You say thinking of their cute chubby little faces. "They'll be with the fun parent, they won't miss you one bit," Chris says with a sense of pride. You roll you're eyes and laugh. "Whatever, Chris, I love you." "I love you more baby", and with that, you're stepping into the car and driving off. Chris waits outside until the car has fully left his sight before heading back inside.
As soon as he steps inside, he hears crying. "Scarlet" He mutters under his breath before running up the stairs and into the girls' room. He turns on the light and lifts Scarlet out of her crib. As soon as she's in his arms, she quiets down.
"Good morning sunshine, how are you?" Chris' presence wakes up his second daughter Avery. "Daddy!" Avery squeaks, wrapping her arms around Chris's leg. "Hey, bunny. You're pretty happy today!" He says, setting Scarlet back down in her crib. "Ok girls, Mommy went out today so guess what? You're gonna be spending the day with the best dad in the world," He says pointing both his fingers towards him. The girls cheer and Chris laughs. "Let's start by making some chocolate chip pancakes!"
It didn't go as planned. Chris ended up burning the pancakes. So now the 3 of them sit in the Mc. Donald's drive-thru picking out items from the breakfast menu. "I can't believe we are having Mc. Donalds for breakfast, this is the best day ever!" Avery says, waving her arms in the air. "Technically, they're breakfast foods so it's healthy. Also please don't tell your mother" Avery laughs as Chris picks up the food from the window and drives back home.
It's 4:40 in the afternoon. Chris got Scarlet to take her nap, and somehow he ended up sitting in front of Avery while she braids his hair into pigtails. "Done!" she says, grinning ear to ear as she hands Chris a mirror. "Wow sunshine, I look amazing," Chris says holding back a laugh.
"Now tell me, what would you like for dinner?" Chris asks handing her back the mirror. "Pizza, pizza, pizza!" Avery says jumping around. Chris sighs, "You sure you don't want something healthier sweetie?" Chris asks. "Healthy food sucks," Avery says crossing her arms. Chris lets out a chuckle. "How bout' we get pasta instead, huh sweetie. We've had a little too much fast food don't you think?" "with meatballs?" Avery asked. "With as many meatballs as you like princess," Chris says as he tickles Avery. Almost right after, Chris hears Scarlet cry again.
It's 11:30 and Chris and Avery have fallen asleep on the couch. Scarlet is in her crib, and Moana still playing on the TV. Keys jangle at the door before it finally unlocks. You walk into the living room and see Chris and and Avery snuggled up on the couch asleep, you smile and pull out your phone to take a picture. You tap Chris on the shoulder and he jolts up, then falls back down when he realizes it's just you. "hey baby, you're back" he says, flashing you a tired smile. "I am. How'd it go" "Let's just say i'm the favourite now" You laugh before taking a closer look at him. "What the hell happened to your hair?"
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dhorrl · 10 months
Conquering No Nut November
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Content/Trigger Warning: Um... edging, overstimulating, spanking, praise/degradation, a lot of cussing, some CNC vibes if you squint, maybe some more, you've been warned.
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Katsuki had always prided himself on his self-control. He believed that he could conquer any challenge that came his way, whether it was in his training as a hero or in his personal life.
So when Eijiro and Denki suggested the infamous 'No Nut November' challenge, he scoffed at the idea. It was just another silly trend, and it couldn't be that hard.
The first few days were easy. Katsuki was used to pushing himself to the limit, and denying himself pleasure was just another challenge to conquer.
But as the days went by, he struggled more than he ever thought he would. It wasn't like he enjoyed denying himself pleasure, it was agonizing. Everywhere he looked, there seemed to be reminders of what he couldn't have.
And you...you seemed to take great pleasure in teasing him. You would wear his oversized t-shirts or your Dynamight-themed pajama pants around the house, purposely brushing against him as you passed by. You would even crawl into bed with him at night, whispering dirty words in his ear and sending shivers down his spine.
Katsuki's leg bounced furiously as he anxiously watched the seconds tick by on his phone, his eyes darting between you and the clock. You were sound asleep next to him, unaware of the restless beast lying beside you.
As the clock struck midnight, Katsuki shook you awake with a sudden force, causing you to jolt up in shock. "What the hell, Katsuki? I have work tomorrow," you groaned, rubbing your bleary eyes. You noticed the predatory gleam in his eyes and laughed, a mistake you would later regret.
With a vicious grin, Katsuki leaned down and whispered in your ear, "I already called your boss and told him you won't be in tomorrow." Your eyes widened; you knew you were fucked right then and there.
Katsuki pinned your wrists above your head with one hand while using his body to hold you down. You could feel the weight and strength of his muscles as they pressed against yours, sending tingles through your body.
"You're gonna make up for every second I spent waiting for tonight, princess. And if you try to close those pretty thighs of yours, I swear I'll tie you up and make you regret for it," he growled, his voice low and menacing. "Now, are you gonna be a good girl?" His scarlet eyes held a fierceness that left no room for argument.
The sudden change in Katsuki's demeanor startled you, but it also made your thighs clench. He had always been dominant and possessive, but this was on a whole other level. Your body couldn't deny its response as wetness pooled between your legs at his commanding presence.
With a shaky breath, you nodded in agreement. Katsuki chuckled darkly, pleased with your submission, before trailing kisses down your neck and toward your chest.
In a swift motion, he tore through your shirt and exposed your bare breasts, his pupils dilating as he took in every detail before lowering his head to take one of your nipples into his mouth. He sucked greedily while his free hand massaged and pinched the other one. You gasped, arching your back to him. Katsuki gave a low growl of satisfaction before switching sides and lavishing the same attention onto the other breast.
While his tongue was at work, he moved his hand down between your legs. He shoved your panties to the side, his fingers teasing around your entrance before sliding inside of you without warning. Your back arched further as he started pumping them in and out of you at a steady pace.
"That's it, get yourself so fuckin' wet for me. Can't wait to bury my dick inside your sweet, dripping pussy," his sat back on his haunches, his eyes glued to your slick folds as they sucked in his thick fingers.
"Fuck..." You muttered under your breath as Katsuki worked his magic inside of you. You could feel yourself getting closer and closer to release already. Katsuki usually loved this part, watching you fall apart under him, but instead, he pulled his fingers out of you and slid his black boxers off before positioning himself between your legs.
"Here's how this is gonna go. You don't get to come until I say so, no matter how much you beg," his was voice a husky whisper that was almost terrifying. "Every complaint, every tear, I'm just gonna make it harder for you. I'm going to edge you to fuckin' oblivion. And if you think the furniture's gonna survive the night, well, you're in for a rough surprise. Say it; tell me you understand."
He gave you a stern look before leaning down and capturing your lips again, pulling at it aggressively with his teeth. You nodded your head, and despite everything, you both knew this was what you had wanted all along, to push him over the edge into a frenzy. "I'm sorry, I'll be good... I promise I won't cum..."
With your promise hanging in the hair, he thrusts into you with a force that rattles the bed frame, the first of many blows to come, his hips moving against yours slowly at first but gradually picking up speed as he buries himself deep inside of you.
"Shit! Those fuckheads were right, this is gonna get intense as fuck." He pushes your thighs further apart, watching the way your cunt swallows his cock. "You're gonna get it as hard as you can handle, and then some."
He pulled back almost all the way, before slamming into you again and again, feeling the pressure building hard and fast; thirty days of starving for your touch had finally reaching its peak. His nails dug into the flesh of your hips, his whole body tensing as he shot hot ropes of cum inside you, his eyes going cross at the first of many releases.
"Look what you fuckin' do to me," he grunts, his hips never stopping their movements. "Making me cum like some fuckin' virgin."
You cried out under him, trying to hold back your own orgasm despite his relentless thrusts. But you couldn't resist as he pushed you to the edge, tears streaming down your face as you screamed and apologized. Your body betrayed you, tightening around him.
"I'm sorry, no. I'm sorry, I'm cumming... fuck, fuck, fuck!" Your orgasm washing over you despite his demand. Through it all, his eyes burned with a dangerous mix of emotions - rage, satisfaction, and possessiveness.
"You little—" Katsuki's growl rumbles from deep within his chest as he feels your inner walls contract around him. "I told you not to cum," he hisses, his voice laced with a dangerous edge.
Yet, he can't help the depraved satisfaction that courses through him at your disobedience. Your body's betrayal is his ultimate triumph. He doesn't relent, not even for a moment.
With a fierce grip, he pulls you up against him, his lips crashing against yours in a kiss that's more teeth and dominance than tenderness. He devours your moans, swallows your apologies, and when he finally pulls back, a string of saliva connects your panting mouths.
Katsuki bares his teeth into a feral grin, one that is as equally scary as it is arousing. He flips you onto your stomach roughly, your face pressed into the mattress as he pulls your hips up, leaving you exposed and vulnerable. Without warning, his hand comes down hard on your ass, leaving a stinging imprint that quickly turns into a welt. You bite back a sob, knowing that the marks will be there for days.
"You gotta pay for it, princess," he swears, his voice dripping with a dark promise. "You're gonna be so fucked out, you won't even remember what it was like to not feel me inside you."
He thrusts back into you with a renewed hunger, his punishing rhythm designed to be your punishment. Each slam of his hips against your thick ass is a testament to his unyielding dominance.
"Are you sorry now, huh? Are you?" He punctuates each word with a forceful thrust, ensuring you feel the weight of your mistake. His hands grip your hips to reminds you who's in control.
"You're gonna be begging me to let you cum again, and next time, you'll wait for my permission. We clear?" Katsuki's voice cuts through the haze of pleasure and pain, demanding your compliance even as he continues the onslaught that promises to leave you wrecked, raw, and utterly at his mercy.
"You're mine. All fucking mine."
His eyes are filled with fire as he watches you struggle beneath him, your body writhing in a delicious agony of guilty pleasure and frustration. Katsuki's grunts and groans fill the room, a symphony of raw desire that highlights every motion.
The sound of his skin slapping against yours mingled with the wet squelch of his cum mixed with your juices, is a carnal melody that speaks to the animalistic show. "Hear that, babe? Your pussy's so fuckin' greedy for me. It's been starved, and now its devouring me whole."
At least in this position, you thought, he wasn't hitting your now sensitive clit, the cluster of nerves pulsing and aching. Your pussy, however, clutches onto his cock, as if it didn't want to let him go.
"Don't fuckin' tighten up like that without permission," he hissed through his teeth. His hand finds your ass again, another sharp smack resonating through the room, the pain mingling with the pleasure in a heady cocktail that threatens to overwhelm your senses.
"You're gonna learn to follow orders," he breathes out, his breaths coming in ragged bursts as he continues to batter into you. "You're gonna learn the hard way, and you're gonna fuckin' love every second of it."
He snakes a hand around to find your clit, his fingers teasing the swollen nub with a cruel gentleness. He circles it, applying just enough pressure to have you teetering on the edge again, purposefully making his orders nearly impossible.
"Feel that, ya' little shit? That's what you get for being such a tease," he sneers, his words cutting through the fog of your lust. "You're not cumming until I say. You can beg, but you're not getting it. Not yet."
You nearly lost it right there, bordering right on the ledge and gripping the sheets until your knuckles were white when you felt him pull out, flipping you around again and yanking you from the bed.
His hands cupped your ass as he lifted you up and pushed you against the dresser before sliding into you again. The dresser creaks under the assault, the wood splintering with each savage thrust. Katsuki is a force of nature, unstoppable and wild, his grip on your body unyielding as he drives you against the failing furniture.
Your back is pressed against the dresser's cool surface, the hardware digging into your skin like a searing brand. Katsuki's lips find your neck, shoulder, and any skin within reach as he marks you with his teeth and tongue.
With a final, brutal thrust, the dresser gives way, cracked beneath them in a racket of splintering wood. Unfazed, Katsuki easily supports you as he pushes you until your back is against the wall.
"You're doing good, real good," he grunted, his own restraint wavering as he felt the familiar coil of his own climax building within him again. "But remember, you don't get to come. I need to hear you beg for it like your fuckin' life depends on it."
As Katsuki's cock hits that perfect spot, you become a blabbering mess, unable to form coherent thoughts, your entire body tingling as you feel something hitting you, an orgasm like you've never had. Your eyes roll back in your skull, drool dripping down your chin, pleading with him.
"Please, please, Katsuki! I'm so sorry! Let me cum, please, baby. I'm sorry I was mean, but please let me cum," you plead, desperate for permission to let go.
"That's my good girl," he praises, a perverse tenderness lacing his voice even as he fucks into you, unrelenting. "You finally get it, don't you? This is where you belong, under me, taken, and thoroughly fucked."
His broad hands splay over your ass cheeks as he holds you, his arms barely straining under your weight. He feels your body tremble, he can taste the tension in the air.
"You wanna cum so bad, huh? You think you've earned it?" Katsuki taunts, his grip on you tightening as he feels you on the brink.
"Fine. Cum. But when you do, you better scream my name so loud, everyone in this fucking building hears you."
He delivers a few more punishing thrusts before you tip over, watching you unravel, your orgasm tearing through you with the force of a tempest. He joins you in release, his own orgasm roaring through him, a torrent of heat and possession as he marks you from the inside once more.
Even as the waves of your orgasm subside, Katsuki doesn't stop. His stamina is relentless, and he's already hardening inside you again, ready to continue the night's carnage.
He walks back to the bed, throws you across the edge, and slides back into your cunt, his grip unyielding as he continues to claim you, over and over, an endless cycle of pleasure and domination.
Your body trembles and writhes beneath him, your skin slick with a sheen of sweat as he fucks you. Your voice echoes off the walls as you beg for more, for him to take you harder and deeper. He grunts in approval, his grip on your thighs tightening, all his focused on the grip of your slick pussy on his cock.
"Fuck... pussy feels so goddamn good. Was made just for my dick."
The room smells of sex and sweat, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh filling the air. His cock is thick and slick inside of you, hitting all the right spots and sending waves of pleasure through your body. The bed creaks and groans under the pressure, but neither of you care.
As another wave of pleasure crashes over you, he pulls out and pumps his hand up and down his length, his hot cum spilling across your chest in thick spurts.
Breathless and sweaty, he gazed down at you with satisfaction as his cum dripped down your breasts. He leaned down to lick some of it off your skin before trailing kisses down your stomach. "You're so gorgeous," he murmured, his lips hovering over the heat between your legs. With a mischievous grin, he thrust his tongue out and began to lap at your sensitive clit.
"Katsuki! It's too much!" you moaned, but he growled against your flushed skin. He didn't care that you were overwhelmed and covered in his sweat and cum; it only made him want you more.
"I don't give a damn," he said huskily, "I love how you taste. It drives me crazy."
His nails leave red marks on your skin as he keeps you from squirming away, determined to make you come undone beneath him. And when he feels you start to tighten around him, he doubles his efforts, pulling your hips flush with his face and alternating between sucking on your clit and thrusting his tongue into your entrance.
"You wanted to come, so I'm making you come," he purred, his voice dripping with desire. "All over my face, babe, right fucking now!"
He buries his face deeper inside you, using every trick in his arsenal to bring you to the edge of bliss before finally pushing you over it with expert precision. You cry out his name as you come undone, your body shaking and heart racing as he works you like a finely tuned instrument.
Just as you start to come down from your high, he pulls away and looks up at you with a satisfied smirk, relishing in the sight of your glistening skin and glazed eyes.
"You ready for more, babe?" he asks, his tone deceptively gentle as he begins to position you again, his intentions anything but tender. "Cause I've got plenty left for you."
He showed no signs of slowing down as his hands and lips worship at the alter of your body. This was what it meant to be owned by Katsuki, to give yourself over completely to his every desire and whim.
And in this moment, that's exactly where you wanted to be. Completely and utterly his.
Hours later, the room is a war zone of broken furniture and scattered clothes, proof of your untamed debaucheries. Katsuki lies beside you, his breathing slowly evening out as he comes down from the adrenaline high. The sheen of sweat on his muscular form glistens in the early morning sun, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips despite the exhaustion that threatens to pull him under.
You lie next to him, your hand reaching over to lace with his. Your body is slick and the scent of sex hangs heavy in the room. "Katsuki, babe... Not that I didn't enjoy every second of that, but don't ever do 'No Nut November' again. I don't think my birth control can stand up to the amount of cum you just loaded into me."
His chest rumbles with a low, raspy chuckle at your words, and he turns his head to look at you with a mixture of fondness and smugness. His blonde hair is mussed from your earlier activities, and the sheets are tangled around your bodies. "Yeah, no kidding. That was some next-level shit," he admits, a hint of pride laced within his exhaustion. "But it was worth every fuckin' second."
Katsuki slips out of bed, his naked form moving gracefully as he grabs a towel and a warm, wet washcloth. Despite the roughness of your earlier endeavors, his touch is gentle now as he wipes the sweat and remnants of your lovemaking from your skin with a tenderness that belies his usual demeanor.
He carefully presses the damp cloth to your flushed skin and cleans you up, making sure to get every inch of you. His touch lingers on your thighs, stomach, and breasts, gently tracing over the red and purple marks blooming across your skin. "You did good, princess. Took everything I dished out and then some," he says with affection in his voice. "You're fuckin' incredible, you know that?"
He leans down to press a soft kiss against your lips before fetching a glass of water and bringing it to your mouth. His red eyes are attentive, watching you for any sign of discomfort or need.
"Drink up, princess," he coos as the cool liquid soothes your dry throat, "I know your ass needs it after that." His red eyes are fixed on you, making sure you're okay after such an intense session. "I love you," he whispers before pressing another kiss to your forehead and snuggling into bed with you.
"We're not doing that no-nut bullshit again. You're too much of a tease and I'm too much of a beast to hold back for that long," he smirks, pulling you close into his check. As your bodies lie entwined in the aftermath of carnal destruction, his chin rests gently atop your head and his love surrounds you like a protective cocoon.
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writerpeach · 2 years
Undressing Room
Kang Hyewon x m!reader
word count- 7.8k+
⚠ smut, oral, tit-fucking, anal, that dress
read on AO3
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"Isn't it…a little too tight?" 
“The dress? Or you? Because either way, the answer is no."
Making Hyewon blush was always too easy. Whether it was a simple joke, a compliment on her outfit, or a comment that put her innocence to the test, she could never hide her shyness. And this time was no exception.
"Hey! You're such a pervert. Doesn't it show too much? I feel like you can see everything.” That wasn’t wasn’t too far from the truth. Hyewon wore an off-shoulder blue dress that was the definition of form-fitting—like it had been made specifically for her. Her stylist knew what she was doing. 
"I fail to see how that's a problem, Hyem.” 
The smile on your face couldn’t be wider as you watched Hyewon look at herself in the mirror in the waiting room. “But you know what would make that dress look better?" 
"Don't you dare say it would look better on the floor,” she said, glaring daggers at you. 
Hyewon read you like a book. "What? I would never—" 
"Uh-huh. I know you too well, perv.” You gave Hyewon a discreet glance before your arms wrapped around her slim waist, and you kissed the side of her neck, inhaling her sweet perfume. 
“Then you should know when you wear something like this, it's hard to keep my hands off you."
Once again—too easy. It was like you were tallying how many times you could make her flustered, how many times you could make those adorable cheeks a shade of rosy scarlet. "But we can't right now. Someone could call for me at any moment.” 
Patience was not your strongest trait. But whenever you were with Hyewon, you would wait until the sun rose back up, and then some. You'd gone to these types of events before, and it was always the same type of endless waiting. “We have plenty of time. Don’t these things take forever?" 
Hyewon sighed and sank back into your touch, as you maintained a strong grasp on her waist, continued to kiss her neck, and snaked your hands a bit higher. You couldn’t help but notice her dress offered the easiest access—all it would take was one little tug. 
"But I don't want us to be in the middle of something when they do call me. I'm nervous!" Hyewon pouted when she turned around, and you were blessed with the most gorgeous girl you’d laid your eyes on. 
“You’re going to do great,” you reassured when you met her gaze, and caressed her cheek. “You’re the camera’s best friend, and they’ll fall head over heels for you, Kang Hyewon. You're the perfect woman, and everyone here is lucky enough to be able to bask in your beauty."
“Thank you. That really helps a lot,” she said, as her voice stayed soft and quiet while she gave a peck on your lips. Returning the kiss, your voice sank to a whisper, and a mischievous grin shot across your features.
“But I know a good way to get rid of those nerves…”
You didn’t need to say anything else, because Hyewon knew what you meant—even if it made her blush for the umpteenth time as she buried her face in her palms. "Always one thing with you! So naughty…”
"Not always. But when you look so delicious, who could blame me for being so hungry?” you asked, as you grinned even wider before returning to kiss those silky soft lips. Hyewon let out a short giggle, spun around, and looked at herself in the mirror again.
"I guess I can't. I do look really good in it,” Hyewon said, running fingers through her hair. “I’ve never worn something so revealing. It makes me feel nervous, but at the same time a little—”
"Turned on?" you answered for her and kissed each of her bare shoulders while you watched her reflection in the mirror.
"Well, maybe a little...” 
"And you called me the perv?" 
“That's because you are,” she said, and spun around to throw a playful punch to one shoulder. “This dress makes me feel like everyone is going to be staring at me. But I like that. I love the attention."
"I'm staring at you right now, Hyem. I couldn’t stop if I tried."
"You’re always staring, pervert. Even when I'm not wearing any makeup and I'm in my pajamas. But won't it make you jealous with all those eyes on me?” 
"No, not really. They can drool all they want, but Hyewon is all mine. Only I get to see what's underneath that dress."
"I’m not all yours, you’re all mine, remember?” Hyewon said, before she rested her head on your shoulder and took a moment of hesitation. 
“So…wouldn't you like to see what's under this dress?" 
The question made her giggle, which brought out your own laughter at the sudden influx of confidence. But there was nothing more you desired, no better wish that you wanted granted. "What happened to we can't right now?”
Before answering, Hyewon took a quick breather, like she already forgot those exact words said earlier. "Do what? I'm just offering you a little sneak peek. If you don't want it, I completely understand..."
"I didn’t say that. Of course I want it, you fucking tease."
Hyewon's little, innocent smile grew into a larger one, full of delight at your impatience. "I thought so. Now take a seat, so I can show you how good this dress looks on the floor."
Gesturing towards the large white couch, you sat down on the cushions, becoming as comfy as you could while your attention remained laser-focused straight ahead. So as you patiently waited for Hyewon to undress with bated breath, you kept an ear out for lingering footsteps that might spoil the fun. While Hyewon keeping you waiting wasn't unusual, the amount of time that had passed was almost to the point where you felt compelled to get out of your seat. 
"Do you need help?"
Hyewon shook her head, looking first like a deer caught in headlights until her expression changed into something less serious. "No, I'm good. The zipper got caught on something for a sec, but I got it. There we go."
And just like that, the pretty blue dress that defined Hyewon’s insane curves fell to the floor, confirming in fact, that it did look better that way. You were really staring now, because while she looked stunning in that fancy discarded dress, she looked much better in her underwear. Hyewon exuded confidence, her modelesque body proudly standing with hands on her deadly hips, and a cocky, sexy smirk swept over her features.
It was utterly unfair for someone to have a killer body like that, but even as her ample breasts tempted you to lose your focus in between that deep cleavage, it grew impossible to find a spot where your eyes could fixate. 
"Holy shit, Hyem,” you said, as you lifted your jaw off the floor, drowning in lust when your gaze drifted to Hyewon's tight, exposed body. “Black looks so damn good on you. Your tits look fantastic in that bra." 
When she walked closer to you, Hyewon halted inches from your position, and leaned over to let your eyes feast on a closer glimpse of her breasts. "Thank you, you're so sweet. But just wait until you see the back."   
You were engrossed in Hyewon's ample cleavage to the point where you forgot where you were, that you were still in a public building and not your own bedroom, and took a quick glance towards the door.
"Did we lock the door?"
"I don't know, did we? Who cares?" Hyewon responded with a smug look, no longer concerned as she had been.
"We wouldn't want someone to walk in on you giving me a strip show…"
"Well, it wouldn't be the first time." 
"That was so embarrassing, having to explain that to Eunbi."
"But it worked out in the end, didn't it? And you got to see us both naked for the first time. I should give Eunbi unnie a call." 
"Hyem, you're stalling,” you said, growing more impatient by the second. 
"Oh, am I? Did you want me to turn around and show you my ass? I'm wearing the new thong you bought me. I guess I should show you how it looks."
"I only tease because you like it.” Hyewon generously turned around to give you what you'd been craving for and bent over to show off that magnificent ass before parking it on your lap. Your mind went blank, only filled with depraved thoughts of what you wanted to do to her. 
"Do I?" you questioned, as you gawked at the view of Hyewon’s plentiful backside and the small thong wedged between her cheeks that her plump ass devoured.
"Of course you do, perv. You love it when I make you wait to see me naked. And when I sit on your lap and grind my ass on you like this."
It was almost embarrassing how quickly your pants tightened when Hyewon grabbed your thighs for stability and gyrated her hips. Even through your pants, you could tell how soft those scrumptious buttcheeks were, and they caused a massive bulge in your pants that only Hyewon could be responsible for.
"I do love when you tease me…and I love this tight ass even more. This beautiful ass. Fuck, Hyem. How does your ass keep getting bigger?" 
Hyewon didn't stop rubbing her curvy ass against your clothed erection as she sandwiched it perfectly between her cheeks. Every gyration made your cock throb hard against the frustrating fabric of your pants.
"Because I work hard to make it bigger. For you, and for me. So I can show it off in those tight jeans you love me wearing." There was nothing more you could be thankful for. You couldn't wait any longer to get your hands on Hyewon, so after sliding your eager hands up her tight abdomen, you grabbed both plump buttcheeks, and squeezed until your hands were full of soft, heavenly flesh.
"I think I'm in love with it."
Hyewon giggled as you kneaded her beautiful rear to your heart's content, unable to resist giving it a generous slap. "I don't blame you. I do have a rather nice ass."
"I think I want you to suffocate me with it.” You eagerly pulled your shirt over your head, and watched Hyewon gawk over your chest in the mirror the same way you were staring at her ass. 
“Good, because I think I want to suffocate you with it.” Looking back over her shoulder, Hyewon shared the same glint in her eye as she departed your lap, giving you enough room to lie down flat on the couch, your head positioned just below the headrest. Hyewon then straddled your waist, putting her big tits flush against your chest, and started to kiss your body, leaving lip prints all over your bare skin.
“I hope they never call for me,” Hyewon said, as her long fingers played with strands of your hair, tangling herself up in them before she planted gentle kisses on your collarbones and your neck. She leaned forward to nibble your earlobe with her teeth, sending tingles throughout your body.
“Me too. Now come bring that fat ass over here and sit it on my face."
“I’d love to,” she responded with an eager smile, and within seconds, she positioned herself above your head, a hovering squat with her cheeks prepared to meet your face. From this point of view, you could see everything—the shape of those inviting pussy lips, toned creamy thighs, and a round, shapely ass that had no equal. 
“I love to sit on your face. Your adorable face. Your cute, loveable, perfect face. Are you ready?"
Before you could answer, you grasped Hyewon’s hips, and pulled down her ass to smother your face with. 
“I guess that answers that…” This was the true definition of heaven—a beautiful girl with her weight down on you, and the aromatic scent of her arousal seeping through her panties. And for the moment, you were content being her cushion, content to see nothing but those buttcheeks that filled your view. 
“God, I love this ass so much. It's fucking perfect. I just want to live underneath these soft, pillowy cheeks. Forever."
Hyewon couldn’t help but laugh. She loved hearing your words of praise and loved how obsessed you were with her body. “Can you even breathe?" 
"No. But I don't want to. You're supposed to suffocate me. Isn’t that what I asked for?” 
"But if you pass out, you can't fuck me." 
That was just a risk you would have to take. Almost a bigger risk than what you were already doing. "Who said I was going to fuck you? You said this was just a sneak peek."
"I did, but—"
"But now you're dripping wet. I can feel it through your panties."
Embarrassment embraced her cheeks once more. "S-sorry, I can't help it. You know what happens when I ride your face."
"There's no need to be sorry. But then—maybe I should help you out. Maybe I should do this—" 
With that, you pulled her thong to the side, and gave her pretty pink slit a long, slow lick. As you tasted the sweet essence that filled your mouth, Hyewon squirmed on top of you, but you held her in place, and took another taste of her sweet pussy, gathering up the slick nectar waiting for you. 
“Oh god, fuck—” she moaned loudly while you turned the tables and teased her swollen clit, tongue flicking against it to draw out more pure pleasure. You held those plump cheeks pressed firmly on your face, then sucked on her clit, for just long enough to grant a modicum of pleasure, earning more moans, more tasty juices that you lapped up as she rocked on your face. 
“You're so wet, Hyem. Your gorgeous little cunt wanted my tongue this badly?”
She hesitated—answering only in erotic moans for the next few moments as you worked your tongue between her messy folds and slurped her juices clean. "Y-yes, fuck yes. I needed this. I needed this so bad.  God, that tongue feels so, so good. Just tease my clit like that—mmm, fuck, just like that."
"God, Hyem, your pussy tastes so good, I just wanna eat you out for hours. We could skip this event. I'll bring you back to our place just to devour you all night. I’ll keep making you cum on my face over and over…" 
To prove your point, your slurps became louder, while your tongue explored every inch of dripping flesh, moving past the point of teasing. 
“Fuck, that would be amazing, oh fuck—right there, keep sucking that clit. But we can’t, I’d get in so much trouble—fuck, fuck, oh my god—your tongue is amazing, don’t stop, don’t—” 
“That’s a shame. Because I could just rail you in the kitchen. Then the bathroom, the living room, the laundry room, maybe even the bedroom eventually, until the sheets get so messy we’d have to get rid of them, and neither of us can walk.” 
“Oh god…I need that more than anything. Just finish inside me in every single room. Then you can cover my tits, my tummy, and my entire body in your hot loads. I’d drain you so many times…” 
“We can’t forget about your face, I’d paint your gorgeous face so many times. You just look so pretty with my thick cum dripping down your face, don’t you?”
“Ah fuuck, you’re making me so wet just thinking about that. I need your cock. Please, can I whip out your enormous cock, so I can suck you off and make you feel as good as you’re making me?”
“You don’t have to ask. Anything you want is yours, Hyem.” So while you kept your tongue buried in her cunt, Hyewon unfastened your pants and slid them down to your knees with your boxers. She seized your throbbing length and furiously stroked it, then puckered her lips to kiss your swollen tip a numerous amount of times, before she teased your length with her wet tongue. 
You let out a breathy moan when Hyewon licked every inch of hard flesh, her tongue frantically moving up and down, and left a trail of saliva on your shaft. She teased your balls, flicked against each one, then cupped them when she returned to your swollen cockhead, and parted her lips with it as it disappeared into her wet, hungry mouth. 
“Oh god, Hyem. That’s so fucking good,” you moaned, as she gently sucked on your tip, and the softest lips imaginable around your cock slurped loudly when Hyewon worked her magic on your hard cock. Eager for more, she pushed her lips further, while her talented mouth swallowed up more dick to suck, desperate for it all. 
So while that hot, hungry mouth sucked on your cock, and her tongue danced across your shaft, you returned the favor. With the same amount of fervor, you feasted on her pussy and suckled on her clit,  tonguing her leaking hole to spill more nectar onto your chin, nearly competing with Hyewon to provide equal parts of pleasure. 
“Fuck, that mouth feels so good, Hyem. You’re making me throb so much, I just need you to take it down your throat, all the way down.” 
Without any hesitation she obliged, and played with your balls, giving them a gentle squeeze while she sucked you deeply, all the way down to your base with ease. 
Hyewon obeyed without hesitation and swallowed you whole, all the way down to your base with ease, taking every last inch, nose flush to your stomach. She played with your tender balls while she held you in her tight throat, and gently squeezed them, caressed them to offer extra stimulation as you tongue her delicious cunt, eager to maintain the mutual goal of pleasing each other. 
“You eat me out so well, I just love how your tongue feels inside me, fuck,” Hyewon said, as she became more insane with bliss by the moment. “I love when you lick my pussy while I drool over this amazing cock. It tastes so good, so, so fucking good, I just want to suck your delicious cock forever. It just makes me so wet when I see how much saliva your cock is covered in. I’m getting so close, I just need, oh fuck—”
When the tip of your wet finger teased Hyewon’s asshole, you hit the jackpot, and garnered even louder, needier moans from Hyewon. It was far too simple to turn her into a mess. With your tongue buried in her cunt, that same finger continued to circle around her puckered hole, daring to slip inside, but withdrew at the last second. 
“Oh my god, please. Just a little more—that finger teasing my asshole is gonna make me cum. I’m so close, please, just wrap your lips around my clit while you finger my ass. Please don’t stop, don’t stop, please don’t fucking stop—” 
You couldn’t ignore her desperate pleas, so after wetting your finger some more, you slipped it all the way inside her tight asshole as your lips went to town on her throbbing clit. After all, you wanted Hyewon to cum, and had no reason to prolong your teasing. You wanted her to cum until her legs shook, and would do anything in your power to achieve that. 
Not letting up, your lips mercilessly slurped and slurped on her swollen nub, and you fingered her tight back entrance. Meanwhile, Hyewon equally slurped on your length, and with every passing moment, you felt your face grow wetter and wetter, welcoming more of her sweet honey. More and more, her delicate movements became frantic, and her sweet moans became more out of control as her limits were being tested. 
“Hyem, I want you to cum. I want you to squeeze my head with your thighs, I need to feel them tremble and shake. You can do that, can’t you? Cum for me, Hyem.”
It took very little time, with how your finger pumped in her ass, and your lips assaulted her clit, but finally—Hyewon reached the moment of bliss. The sheer force of her orgasm sent loud screams of ecstasy that echoed along the walls. Her juices spilled like a waterfall that coated your lips, chin, and everywhere else, while her body shook violently, suffocating your face with her trembling thighs as expected. You licked her through every explosive moment, and after her orgasm subsided, she collapsed onto your body, panting heavily, with just enough energy to stroke your cock while you cleaned her thighs up, not letting a drop go to waste.
“H-holy shit, I came so hard. You made me cum so hard…” The little aftershocks of her climax continued to fire off as you caressed her thighs, while her intense high began to dissipate. Still basking in satisfaction, Hyewon carefully lifted her ass from your Hyewon-covered face, which left you with fleeting disappointment when she rose to her feet, finished removing her panties, and tossed them in a random corner. 
With your hands now free and no longer caressing her, you sat up slowly and lamented the loss of her warm cheeks against your face. You looked at Hyewon, her lustful gaze too much to ignore, as she dropped to her knees and tugged off your pants and underwear. Her delicate hands stroked your naked thighs, and kissed the inside of each one while she gazed longingly. 
“Now, are you ready to fuck me?” 
Even when her climax faded, her craving didn’t, so you gave a singular nod as she reached behind her back to unfasten her bra. “Yes, Hyem. Anything you want is yours.” 
Your eyes widened with anticipation when Hyewon lowered one strap, then the other, and tossed it to the ground to let gravity deal with it. Drunk on lust, your eyes wandered her exposed body, and those delicious freed breasts were a blessing, a gift from the gods that you couldn’t avert your gaze from. 
Hyewon’s flawless figure was easily the best thing you had laid your eyes on, every curve perfectly detailed, each luscious inch of naked skin the true definition of beauty. And you couldn’t decide to tether your focus on her massive tits, that gorgeous shaved pussy, or her lusciously long legs, so for now, you settled on her devastatingly beautiful face. 
“Stop staring for once.” Hyewon giggled, and took your hands in hers, before she placed them on her full breasts that you immediately squeezed, reveling in their weight and softness. Not staring was not an option when this woman was so favored with the body of a goddess. 
The roundness of her soft, supple breasts, combined with the creaminess of her skin, and beautiful taut nipples, every feature made up the very definition of perfection. Every feature filled your fingers when you squeezed Hyewon’s tits, so sensitive to your touch when you played with them, fondled them, and pressed them together, which made them bounce and bounce. 
“I know what you want,” Hyewon said, and you sank back into the couch without your eyes moving from her hanging tits that kept your arousal levels at maximum. “So sit back and relax.” 
Relaxing was the easiest command you could follow. Hyewon moved hair off the side of her neck before she returned to delicately stroking your cock, spitting on it several times until it glistened. She kept lubricating your shaft, and utilized her abundant saliva to also do so between the delectable valley of her breasts. After making sure your gaze was focused on what she was about to do, Hyewon grabbed your cock, slipped it into her silky cleavage, and trapped it in that wonderful flesh. 
“Oh fuck,” you moaned, and you wished you could freeze time. Hyewon wrapped her tits around your cock, and nothing compared to it. Nothing made you want to savor the sensations of her soft breasts more than when they enveloped every inch of your length, and she started to slide her chest up and down, creating pleasurable, unforgettable friction. 
“Fuck, that feels so good, Hyem. Those big tits feel so amazing around my cock.”  
Nothing made Hyewon smile more when you began to match her pace, desperately thrusting into her abundant cleavage as she kept them contained around your shaft, refusing to let you slip out. 
“And I love the way your hard cock feels between my tits. I want you to keep moaning for me. I love hearing how needy and desperate you get.”
Hyewon’s tits were immaculate. Full and heavy, with the prettiest nipples that you were lucky enough to suck on a daily occasion, lucky enough to rest on those soft mounds while you drifted to sleep, lucky enough to be smothered with when she was in that type of mood. 
You didn’t let your eyes stray from the way your cock disappeared between Hyewon’s supple tits, only looking up for an instant to meet her lustful gaze while her cleavage kept your shaft captive. Never would you get tired of this, not when every titfuck Hyewon offered felt different from the one before. Those amazing breasts massaged your length, added undeniable pleasure, and made you throb with every pump whenever she cupped her tits together tighter. 
“You like that? You like fucking these tits?” Hyewon asked, using her fingers to help stroke your cock, while your glistening precum stained her chest. Without a doubt you did, but you were too caught up in the moment to respond, and only used your breathless moans to answer while your cock continued to plunge between her warm heavenly cleavage as you descended into madness. You could fuck those beautiful tits forever, the constant pressure and slippery friction a well of bliss that you never wanted to end.
“I know you do, but I don’t want you to cum yet…but you’ll cum soon if I don’t stop, won’t you? You’ll explode between these perfect tits if I keep squeezing your throbbing cock with them?”
“Y-yea, I’m gonna cum soon. I’m gonna cum if you keep doing that. You can stop.” 
It was both a blessing and a curse. While you wouldn’t mind finishing in between Hyewon’s huge tits and painting that gorgeous face white—you hadn’t tasted the main course yet. So mercifully, she halted her movements to keep the growing pressure at bay and let your cock slip from her tits, but not without a few slaps on them, always one to tease to the last possible moment by rubbing her swollen nipples with your pulsating shaft. 
“Your cock needs to be inside me. I need to feel this inside me. Right now,” she said, gripping your cock with slow, gentle strokes, trying her hardest to prolong your pleasure.
“Then you better get up here and ride it.” 
Without delay, Hyewon climbed back on your lap, and swung each of her creamy thighs so they wrapped around your waist. Her movements had a swiftness to them, eager to keep the train of pleasure going as she kissed you, lips pressed to yours like there was no time left in the world. 
"I'm going to ride the fuck out of you," Hyewon said, her tone something between confident and smug, those wide, stunning eyes brimming with lust.
“Yeah? You think you can handle me? With how quickly I made you cum on my tongue earlier?” you asked, while your hands started to wander her body again, tracing her curves as you met her sultry gaze. Hyewon didn’t bat an eye as she leaned in to kiss you, lips swiping against your teeth, as if she demanded control. 
“That was just to ease the nerves, like you said.” With a steady clench on your shaft, she pushed her hips closer to you and lifted herself up, lining you up between her spread legs, eyes bright and ready. “Or did you already forget how you couldn’t handle my tits around your cock and begged me to stop before you blew your load too soon?” 
Hyewon took a pause to let words sink in—but they were barely a light jab. Returning her kisses with a much more aggressive array of your own, you shoved your tongue in her mouth, trying to take away some of that bravado. “That was just for your own sake. You think I’m gonna let you go out there without a load inside you?” 
“Just don’t cum too fast this time. I want to enjoy fucking you.” 
The heat from Hyewon’s spread legs spread mere inches above your shaft, and slowly, taking her time, she lowered herself onto your cock whether you were ready or not. Moaning in unison, Hyewon took the tip of your shaft into her, head thrown back in pleasure, eyes closed as warmth blanketed your shaft. Despite her abundant wetness, it took her hips some extra effort before she could take more of you, that overwhelming tightness the only barrier to stretch herself out. 
“Ah shit, Hyem. Your pussy feels so good. So fucking wet, so fucking tight,” you said, nearly out of breath at the slippery flesh that surrounded your shaft, yet not even past the halfway point. More shallow movements followed her gyrating hips, and not-so-subtle moans before you could feel more of her greedy pussy swallowing you up. Hyewon tried to fuck herself deeper, insatiable for more as every impale she took moved her closer to the promised land. 
The back and forth and one-upmanship was all but gone, replaced by an excess of lust while Hyewon tried to work more of your length into her. Her walls smothered you with slick warmth, and a harsh grip that suffocated every inch that slid inside that impossibly tight entrance. 
“You want me deep? You want me to ride your thick cock balls fucking deep?” she asked, as her tight gripping walls demanded more and more. 
“Do you even have to ask? You’re going to bounce on this dick until you cream all over me. You can do that for me, Hyem, can’t you? Take every inch of my cock.” 
And with that, Hyewon slammed herself down to the hilt until your cock was fully buried within her delectable hot cavern, with hands firmly on your shoulders. Her head fell down to kiss your lips again, that sweet taste lingering before she began to move—you then relinquished all control when she pumped her hips up and down in a relentless rhythm. A familiar, yet unpredictable pace, mixed with swaying hips, and ceaseless moans that you basked in while you kept your hands attached to her waist, watching the way her perfect breasts bounced and bounced with every fluid motion her delicious body made. 
“Oh god, that cock is so fucking big inside me, so hard. You’re stretching my insides out so much.” 
You could never get enough of seeing Hyewon like this, completely consumed with lust, and an overwhelming desire to take all of you, with the same look in her eyes that meant she wanted to devour all of you. 
After every bounce she took against your crotch, your shaft glistened more. You wanted to sit back and watch the show, so you let Hyewon do all the work, controlling the speed until it increased faster and faster, and her insatiable hunger took over while her magnificent tits jiggled in your face.
Hyewon stayed true to her words and rode you harder than she had before, those meaty thighs crashing against your own as she kept her cunt filled with your cock. Her hips expended more energy, pumping more feverishly, as her insides became warmer and wetter, eliciting more prolonged moans from both of you. 
“You ride me so well, Hyem, fuck. You like my cock that much? You like fucking yourself on it?” 
“Do you even have to ask?” she mocked. “I always love riding you. Your cock is so amazing, fuck—I just love feeling so full like this. I love feeling how your huge cock throbs inside me.” Soon, her breathing became erratic, and she let out heavy gasps, loud pants, deep breaths that heaved her chest with every pop of her hips. 
As the intensity grew, sweat trickled down both your bodies, and Hyewon tested the limits of what you could endure. The slapping of skin grew louder, loud enough to be heard outside the door, and the way Hyewon clamped around your cock, almost painfully tight, made your cock swell and throb and endless amount. 
But nothing would make you want her to derail the euphoria train, or slow down those careless bounces her plentiful ass took on your crotch. Not that Hyewon would stop until she came on your cock, leaving your body lost in a tidal wave of sensations. Those hypnotic tits were the only thing that could distract you from the immense, hot tightness that engulfed your cock, so you captured them mid-bounce and groped them, and gave them your whole attention. 
Once again, you teased Hyewon by flicking her hard nipples with your tongue, switching between biting and licking the sensitive buds, before suckling hard on one breast, then the other, alternating between the two while giving the other a squeeze, and didn’t let them go neglected for any length of time.
“Ah shit! Fucking suck those tits,” she urged, and you complied with eagerness, feasting on her juicy swollen tits until her nipples with drowned in your saliva. Her hips went into overdrive, and she impaled herself on your cock with such force that you had to fight the urge to explode inside her, desperate to keep your focus on sucking her taut, delicious nipples. 
“Holy fuck, I’m so close, I’m so fucking close,” Hyewon gasped as she took you into her warm depths and grabbed your face to press you deep into her sweaty cleavage, smothering you with her voluptuous breasts. “Fuuuuck, you’re gonna make me cum again. I’m gonna cum on your cock!” 
It was with great pleasure that you found yourself in a compromised position where you could barely breathe, let alone speak. Not that you would ever complain about being mashed up against Hyewon’s sweaty breasts as she drew closer and closer to climax. 
She wasn’t holding anything back now.
With your face buried in those immaculate tits, you could hear her loud, heavy breaths while her fingers tugged at your hair, and juices oozed down your cock, dripping down to your balls. Keeping up the breakneck pace, Hyewon used every ounce of power left in those wide hips, until she finally shattered beneath you, and moaned in your ears when she came. Her walls fluttered and turned into a vice grip to suffocate your cock with the tightest clench humanly possible, spilling juices out like a waterfall, as her body shuddered with every explosive pulsation. 
The fireworks lasted for quite some time, and you felt Hyewon's legs violently quivering from the aftershocks, her body following along. 
Eventually, her body settled down. When you were finally released from her deadly clutches, her messy juices smeared your crotch with the remnants of her orgasm, desperate to wring out every ounce of pleasure. Her hips gyrated one last round, nectar leaking down between her thighs and clung onto whatever surface underneath that was in her path.
Resting her head against your shoulder, Hyewon panted and fought to catch her breath. She slowly looked up, eyes glazed over with sweat dripping on her brow, as every exhausted muscle in her body came to a halt. “So good, you always make me cum so fucking hard...”
You didn’t say anything and only stroked her hair, then licked a stripe of sweat from her neck while you listened to the gasps and tired pants she made, eyes glued to her heaving chest. 
“I need you to cum too,” Hyewon urged, that effervescent smile you missed returning to her glowing features. “You said you were gonna leave a load in me.”
A smirk formed across your lips. “I didn’t forget, I intend on doing that. But it won’t be in your pussy.” 
Hyewon’s expression mirrored yours, as you snaked your hands around her toned, slender waist and grabbed two handfuls of her plump, inviting cheeks. “I want my cum to drip out of this.” 
"Well, come get your wish then," Hyewon cooed softly, as she ran her tongue over your lips. So once she slowly detached herself from your cock, your wet cock plopped against your stomach when she lifted herself up. She walked across the room to one of the countertops and pulled something from her purse.
“It’s a good thing I always carry lube in my purse. Never know when my little pervert is gonna need it.” After that remark, she handed the small bottle to you, and it was up to you to do the rest. 
“That’s my girl. Always prepared.”
“You want me from behind?” Hyewon asked, reading your mind. You both knew the answer to that.
Hyewon returned to the couch, facing the wall with knees pressed into the seat cushions, with her hands grasping the sofa's back. When she bent over deeply, those sexy legs spread wide on instinct, and you lined up behind her, perfectly positioned to see that tight, beautiful ass in all its splendor.
“Come pound this ass. That’s what you wanted, isn’t it?” she asked, looking back, like it wasn’t the only thing you had on your mind the entire time. To further entice you, Hyewon bent her ass over deeper and let her body do all the talking. Every deadly curve of her irresistible body would be enough to make you lose control on its own, so you couldn’t help but kiss her smooth, naked back while you opened the bottle of lube and began to prepare her. 
Your mouth moved down her spine, peppering a trail of kisses on her bare flesh as one lubed finger swirled inside her incredibly tight asshole, and spread the slick liquid while both teasing and trying to open her up a little. “You ready? You ready for me to pound this?” 
“I’m always ready,” Hyewon answered with both her lips and her eyes. Before you got started, you rubbed your hardened shaft between those pillowy buttcheeks, and the softness of her delicate creamy flesh made you even more impatient. After you coated your cock in a thick layer of lube, you nudged your swollen tip against her puckered hole, prepared to finish out the trifecta of bliss. You already felt her warm mouth and her wet pussy, so this was the cherry on top, the sweetest dessert after an already satisfying meal. 
You could hear Hyewon take a deep breath, so you did the same, and with one smooth stroke, you plunged into her tight, tight asshole. Another deep breath, and you tried to push in deeper while Hyewon arched her back with a look of encouragement. With some incredible effort, the tip of your shaft disappeared into her snug back entrance, and you let out a sigh of relief—both because it felt so damn good and so damn tight that it almost hurt. 
“Fuck, Hyem, that asshole is so tight. I can barely fit this cock in it.” Your hands held her hips, and you tried your hardest to work yourself into that hot ring of muscle that slowly welcomed you in. 
“You can do it. Come on, open me up, fuck my tight ass. I need to feel every inch of you in me.” 
There was no better encouragement than that. Once her muscles had relaxed, you started to thrust forward, and drove your cock into Hyewon’s plump ass, her pretty moans filling the room with each stroke. Little by little, it became easier to achieve deeper, more satisfying thrusts, with your thick cock pumping into her ass with ease, letting you savor the feel of how goddamn tight she was. 
“Fuck, just like that. Fuck that ass. Fuck that ass like you own it. Because you do, it’s all yours.” 
There was nothing better than those lewd words coming from Hyewon that encouraged you to fuck her in the ass. The secure grip you held on her hips tightened, just like the warmth you felt yourself casually slamming into, until you established a pace you enjoyed and pounded away at her perfect ass. 
“God, Hyem—” you were very nearly out of breath at the pleasure that invaded your body. “Your tight asshole makes me feel so good. You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do this.” 
And it was well worth the wait. Increasing your efforts, you drove deeper into Hyewon’s ass, and she took your harder thrusts effortlessly while your hips were relentless. You couldn’t believe how tight Hyewon still was, even after another long stretch of your dick hammering in and out of her clenching asshole. It was impossible to ignore the compulsion to slap those enticing cheeks that rippled whenever they met your hips, and that was exactly what you did, and spanked Hyewon several times until her cheeks turned a delectable shade of red. 
“More. Please—more,” Hyewon pleaded, her voice laced with desperation as you kept the harsh slaps going on her silky, soft cheeks that matched the rhythm of your timed repeated thrusts. “Please keep fucking me in the ass with that cock. Don’t stop, fuck me harder, fuck—you feel so good inside me. You’re stretching my tiny little asshole so well.”
Those frantic cries and pleas made your hips oblige, so you moved with much more urgency, desperately pounding away much harder than before. 
Rather emphatically, you buried the entire length of your cock inside her asshole to deliver a fresh onslaught of thrusts. Each rocking thrust sent her into another bout of pleasurable convulsions, and the harsh sounds of flesh made both of you scream out in pleasure.
“Fuck, this ass is so perfect. So fucking tight, this fat ass makes my cock feel so good. I’m going to pound your tight fucking ass until I explode.” Leaning forward, you kissed Hyewon behind the ear while you pumped in and out of her impossibly snug hole. With every reckless thrust, you were losing more control—your carnal desires threatened to take over, but you continued fucking her mercilessly while her mouth hung agape to let out cries of pleasure. 
“That feels so good. Keep fucking my ass, just keep fucking me until you cum. I want that load deep inside me.” Hyewon had never laid out a better invitation. 
Such a level of intensity wasn't sustainable—even as your sweaty bodies crashed together and begged for more. But for as long as you could, you would savor the tightness of this beautiful ass, even when the unfaltering pace put a countdown to your anal enjoyment. “Fuck, Hyewon. I can’t last much longer.” 
“Good, because I’ve been waiting for your load. If anything, I’m surprised you’ve lasted this long. Between fucking my tits and this pussy, you’ve really got this stamina thing figured out.” 
You heard her words, but they hardly registered. The only thing you paid attention to was the rhythmic beat of your thrusts, and the sounds of hot flesh against hot flesh, as you approached the point of no return. The point where you could finally give Hyewon what she deserved. 
“You’re going to cum in me finally?” Hyewon asked, as she felt the constant twitches your cock made with every forceful plunge. You couldn’t hold back anymore, and held her sweaty body tight, as you made one more pass to wring out every ounce of pleasure into that tight asshole that planned on milking your cock, claiming the bounty of your seed. 
“Yeah, Hyem. I’m gonna fucking cum. You’ve been waiting, right? For me to fill you up? I’m gonna give it all to you, gonna fill your tight ass to the brim until this cum leaks out of you.” 
“About time.” 
One more kiss to her back, and then you dragged your tongue upwards, yearning to taste as much of Hyewon as possible. Your body tensed up, and with one final thrust, you buried your head in the crook of her neck and shot your long-awaited load deep inside her asshole. When you filled Hyewon with cum, you felt an immediate surge of orgasmic relief that kept you pumping, and kept you emptying your balls into that hot, demanding tightness that wanted every drop to be drained. 
“Empty it all, empty those balls inside me, keep filling me, fill me with all your hot cum.” 
Only her voice could make you cum even harder, your orgasm extending when you heard Hyewon’s honeyed words, pleading and begging for more. But even after you had given everything you had, you  continued to pump into her round, shapely butt to disperse your thick load inside her, desperate to keep the pleasure going for as long as your body would let you. 
Utterly depleted, you stayed inside Hyewon, and matched the tempo of her heavy breaths, unwilling to leave the surrounding warmth that you wanted to live in. With your face nuzzled against her shoulder, Hyewon turned her head so her lips could meet yours in a tired, tender, loving kiss, full of gratitude and desire. “Thank you...it feels so warm, so thick…your cum feels so good inside me.”
“Anytime,” you muttered, letting tired syllables from your mouth as you got lost in the luscious taste of Hyewon’s lips, still sheathed inside. You rested against her sweaty body, knowing you would eventually have to retreat from her asshole that still gripped your shaft tightly, but you wanted to savor every second. 
One more kiss, one more long, satisfying kiss, with neither of you willing to let go, but then in the middle of it all—you heard someone knock at the door. Panic immediately filled your veins. You had both forgotten this wasn’t just to serve your collective lust, but to pass the time. 
“Kang Hyewon! We’re ready for you. Kang Hyewon?” 
“Shit,” Hyewon whispered, while your dick still remained inside her tight hole. “Ah, yes! I’m here. Just a minute, please. I had to fix my dress, I’ll be out in a moment!” 
“Nice save.” 
“Shut up! Get your cock out of me and go hide in that closet. I’ll get dressed and deal with them.” 
“I’ll see you after the event, pervert.” As soon as your bodies detached, your pearly cum leaked from Hyewon’s wrecked, gaped hole, and it was a pity there wasn’t enough time to enjoy the sight of it. You scurried to grab your clothes and swung the closet doors open, stepping in bare-assed without a second thought. 
Moments later, you heard the sound of a door being shut, and then silence filled the room. Hopefully, that meant no one else would enter the room to take notice of the mess left on the couch, or the smell of sex that permeated the air. How long you would be stuck in the closet, naked, you weren’t sure. But you would ride that euphoric high until Hyewon’s return, until you could get your hands on her body once more and repeat the process, albeit in the privacy of your own home. 
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cyborgartalchemist2 · 3 months
Imagine being so fucking aggressive about a ship you make jokes about Magneto and that very groomer scene from X-Men 97 that just... excuse the behavior? Because that doesn't sound very progressive in my opinion. Like yeah... rape culture in relationships just permeats fucking shipping but lets do nothing to argue against it. Lets make jokes that perpetuate the behavior and excuse men taking advantage of women.
To me having Magneto take advantage of a much younger mutant under his tutelage because she's desperate for physical connection and he's the only one she can touch is meant to showcase A) how Gambit contrasts Magneto and B) remind us that Magneto is never above using mutants for his own gains.
If this were reality most people would be calling Magneto a groomer and worse. We know Rogue was still a teen when Mystique took her in. We know that she's been an X-man for a few years. So Magneto was patient enough to wait until she turned 18?
Historically he hasn't done well with his love life. Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver's mom left him without telling him he fathered children because she was scared of him! (I'm only going on TAS and 97 here since this is an adaptation.) So where in the high heavens does everyome think he would be good for Rogue?
I don't care about the 'better than Remy' arguments because that's not the point! The point of who you ship Rogue with should be about if it's a relationship that is good for her! Is she their equal? Does she get treated with respect? Magneto looked at the Genosha council and without asking Rogue said "I'll lead but only if this woman I am trying to get back is my queen". LIKE DOES THAT EVEN SOUND MATURE? Magneto shows up, sees Gambit and Rogue being even mildly affectionate and starts pulling asshole moves on Rogue. And the narrative did nothing to make Rogue stand up for herself (which she would have) she should have told Erik "I'm a big girl I can get my own sugar for my coffee." She is shown numerous times to remind everyone she is no one's 'territory'.
Also wish to address the fact that making Rogue x Magneto comes with a 'sex is the only thing that matters!' Flavor that is exactly what so many of us are tired of in shipping. When did shipping stop being about the drama of a couple fighting against a narrative that pushes them apart or about finding love in the most unconventional of places, like alien hunting? And become solely about how nasty they can fuck? Seriously?
AND it's so blandly hetero it's not even funny. Because honestly the ways in which a couple can experience pleasure that don't involve traditional p in v penetration is vast and wild and there are enough types of gear and costumes and the like to facilitate that between Rogue and Gambit. Because that's all the argument has to stand on, is which man can fulfill her sexual needs. WHICH SHE HERSELF REALIZED WASN'T ENOUGH. She kisses Erik and goes "nope they're ain't any sparks there. This isn't going to be fulfilling ever."
Not to mention the fact that I can't genuinely see Magneto offering to die for Rogue. Sorry that grandstanding in Genosha was not the same. It was barely a heroic move... he still didn't save the Morlocks he promised to protect... he still failed. He couldn't save Leech and he couldn't stop the Sentinel either. Because yeah Magneto attempted to save Rogue and Gambit, but he did nothing to save the Morlocks at his side and he also survived without taking out the giant killer robot... but Gambit? Gambit said fuck it, gonna take this motherfucker to hell with me. He stopped Rogue from facing the sentinel so he could. And he actually stopped it. All on his own. Because that's what an x-man would do. Sure Magneto protectdd two people but sacrificed the morlocks yet again...
Has Gambit always been great with Rogue? No, but that was the 90s and now look at how he handles shit? Comics writing has grown. It was a lot more heternormative and still had lots of rape culture hold overs in it.
Look at the episode when Cody shows up. He uses Rogue's connection to him from the past and then puts her in a situation that almost takes away her humanity. Her powers, which was what lured her into this trap in the first place, saved her from a man taking advantage of her. And the one time Gambit (in TAS) takes advantage of her, Morph in her form, told him to come and get some from her first. (So while he should have paused and woke Rogue up before kissing her, he had what he thought was an invitation.)
Gambit takes Rogue's decision to rule Genosha with Magneto incredibly well. He doesn't get mad, he doesn't call Rogue names, he doesn't do anyhting to hurt Rogue the way she is hurting him. He accepts it like a gentleman. Unlike Magneto who pursued Rogue's affections in unhealthy ways.
So uh... yeah that's my fucking rant.
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serxinns · 8 months
Scarlet which reader x Yandere mha extras: Badass darling
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Requested by @roxanndrummond
(the reader has to be gn cause the scarlet which readerismeant to be gn for everyone)
Context: You and ur classmates were fighting a bunch of villains until you were surrounded by ca group of villains but you took them down with ease by going HAM on their asses doing swift kicks and punches to the nose doing your Kudo moves you learn from youth
•Your class is beyond AMAZED at this discovery the girls were squealing while the some of the boys were just cheering you on and Iida is best-selling at you to be careful and lecturing you about not being reckless
•Bakugo was yelling at you insults and compliments at the same time like "YEA NICE ONE DUMBASS" feeling very proud while Kirishima is just rambling about how many you are to the group Mina and Denki are hugging each other cheering for you to go go go and sero is silently watching in amazed
•Tsuyu is a bit worried don't get her wrong you are an amazing fighter in training and when it comes to the battlefield but she can't help but feel nervous so she asks Iida if he can come with him to slowly you down iida is just lecturing and complimenting you about not being reckless while secretly just fangirling about how amazing you are but won't ever admit it todoroki is just looking like he was watching those pro heroes fight the bad guys Ochako is like "Hell yeah kick ass mode!" and decided to join u as well floating the other villains towards you whole to make it easier for u to get to them!
•Jirou is also cheering at you with her first in the air saying "I believe in you y/n san!" while drilling two other villains' heads with her ear cords things (idk what they're called) Aoyama is just hyping you up saying "YASSSSSS" while blasting villains with his laser while Sato is planning what type of cake he should make for you while fighting the villains, Koda is worried that you might get hurt so he sends in some dangerous and protective animals just in case of things get nasty hakagure is just waving her arms cheering
•Keigo is just looking at you like a proud father he's so gonna brag about this to Aizawa when they get back while Miriko is just jumping around cheering and yelling repeating saying "THATS MY KID THATS MY FUCKING KID RIGHT THERE" showing off her fans about you they were so proud of you they couldn't wait to coddle you with love after this and your classmates just can't wait to celebrate it and cherish it meanless to say they're extremely proud of you
You panted checking to see if you defeated all the villains you looked around to see that all the villains were either on the floor with bruised-up bodies or broken machines you destroyed while fighting them suddenly your classmates started to tackle you cheering for you and holding you up you felt like you were in a crowd wave ton and tons of praises while you're just looking at them wondering wtf is going on Miriko is just holding you jumping you around in her arms while hawks ruffled you and tokoyami's head saying that he was both proud of you
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Biggest Fans (E.O)
Fem!Writer!Reader x Elizabeth Olsen
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Summary: It was a casual lunch day out for you and Lizzie until the unexpected thing happens.
Warning: None. I'm just feeding you with fluff story. :D
A/n: Hello! It's me with another fluff fic! Thank you for your patience. I'm trying my best to write more and give you more contents. Also, this might be the last time I will post with the taglist. I'm planning on making a library side blog. I will update you once It's ready. Anyways, happy reading!
P.S: The italic prints means texting convo in this fic. The bold print means their thoughts.
Main Masterlist
“Hello. I really love your writing.” was how it all started. A friendly message you got but you never knew that it will lead to something unexplainable with such all good feelings you can’t describe. A message that led to other more messages between you and this girl. Before you know it, you talk to her 24/7 for almost a year. Flirtatious messages with various sweet pet names exchanges happen a lot between you two. Is it a friendship? It sure did start from that point. Is it more than that? You don’t know. All you know, you can’t hold back a smile every time you get a message from her through your writing blog apps. You always wait for her messages. The second you wake up, you will go to the apps to text her good morning and sometimes you would find that she beat you and left the morning text before you.
Liz, that’s her name. As much as you want to see her pictures or hear her voice through a phone call, you respect her request to wait until she feels comfortable to do so. You both agreed to not talk or ask anything personal just yet. Despite all that, both of you never run out of things to talk about which is what you love about her.
You hear your text notification from your phone and your heartbeat doubling in speed instantly. You knew who it was and as usual, you are smiling reading anything she texts you.
*Ding* Lizzie's phone informs her another message replies. She laughs a little and then smiles the whole time while she's typing her turn in the conversation.
Scarlet sees it from the corner of her eyes while she is checking out the restaurant's menu but she can't help herself to ask, "Is that from your writer girlfriend?” She teases Lizzie.
“Huh? What? No, she’s not my girlfriend.” The younger actress realizes Scar’s teasing question and denies it instantly. A blush shows up on her cheek obviously.
“Well, you both have been talking all this time. You have been all smiling every time you text with her. Wait, how long have you been talking with each other?”
“Well, you told me about this whole fanfiction writing blog stuff like around june last year i think?” The brunette answers.
“That’s almost a year! Wow and she still doesn’t know who you are? Or at least your voice? Does she know that you are from Los Angeles? She seems pretty patient about that."
"Uh yes. I gotta admit, she has been understanding about it very much. Sometimes I feel that it's unfair to her because I have heard her voice on the voice notes she left me. She sounds really cute. And, yes. She knows that I'm from here just like her." Lizzie expresses her thoughts and doesn't realize that another smile curves on her face.
"Aww. That's cute! You like her, don't you?" The blonde actress asks as she wiggles her eyebrows teasing her best friend once more.
Lizzie laughs and covers her face in embarrassment. "Who wouldn't like a nice sweet funny girl that you can talk to about everything 24/7?" 
“Haha! I knew you like her!”
“Uh maybe we should order some food now, the waitress has been asking us twice, Scar.” Lizzie looks at the menu to avoid eye contact and to not let the topic go further.
“It wasn’t my fault, you were the one who kept forgetting to see what you want because you are busy texting with your girlfriend.” Scarlet teased and soft crimson shades slowly show up on Lizzie’s face.
“Oh look, Liz! She just posted a new fic. Ouh, I wonder what it is about now.” A mix of excitement and curiosity floats around her as she playfully makes a little dance move with her shoulders.
“Oh, she posted it earlier than she planned, that's good. It’s a Wanda story. She told me the idea, it’s about—-” before Lizzie can finish her words, Scarlet interrupts her.
“Nope. nope. Nope.. No spoilers please. I’m gonna read it later.” Scarlet raises her index fingers as her stop sign.
Lizzie laughs at her antics. “Okay, okay. All I’m gonna say is, it’s a really good plot. You’ll like it.”
The girls order their food and spend some time catching up.
“Have you eaten lunch yet, sweetie?
“Not yet. I was too lazy to get out of my apartment but since you keep reminding me to eat something, I am getting lunch now. 😁"
"Are you going to cook something?"
"No. I'm just gonna go to this restaurant I love. I'll be right back, darling. I'll text you when I get there, love. 😘"
"Okay, talk soon. 😘"
Even just the short conversation makes you and Lizzie feel like you are on cloud nine, drunk with happiness.
Some fans sometimes come to them for pictures or autographs but both Marvel actresses were enjoying their lunch and their leisure time together until one message from you popped up. Lizzie's eyes widened, her stomach turned and her heart dropped after she read what you sent her.
"Oh my god! Oh my god! Liz! You will not believe who I see right now! Elizabeth Olsen!! I see her at the restaurant I'm at now. She is so gorgeous. She's with Scarlet Johansson right now."
"Oh my god. Shit. Scar, she's here." Lizzie exclaimed in whispers, trying her best to keep calm and look around casually so it wouldn't look obvious.
"Huh? What happened? Who's here?" The Black Widow cast asks in surprise and confusion at the same time.
"Y/n. She's here!" She whispers.
"What? How did you know?" Scarlet pitched out another question as she kept her head straight looking at Lizzie.
"She sent me this." Lizzie lets Scarlet read your message.
Then another message popped up.
"I really want to come up to her and say hi."
"Gosh, now she's gonna come here and say hi." Panic starts to scream a little in Lizzie's tone and she shows her phone to Scar again.
"You don't know what she looks like, right?" Scarlet asks.
"No. I don't know that she is a huge fan of.. you know, me." Lizzie taps her fingers rapidly and nervously.
"Well, d'uh, Lizzie? She writes fics about you and Wanda." The blonde laughs a little and shakes her head.
"Oh yeah. Yeah. You are right. My brain just can't think—" Lizzie tries to respond but gets interrupted. "Straight?" Scar finishes her words in a teasing smirk.
Lizzie rolls her eyes and holds her smile knowing what Scarlet really meant. A fan comes and asks for a selfie with them.
As soon as the girl leaves, Lizzie asks Scarlet in a whisper, "Do you think it was her?"
"Well, I don't know, Liz. Oh text her and ask if she decides to come to Lizzie" Scarlet pitches the idea as she forms an air quote on Lizzie's name.
The now nervous younger Olsen sister follows the suggested idea and texts you.
"So, did you decide to go say hi to her?"
A few minutes passed and she hasn't got any reply from you. Then another fan politely interrupts the silence.
Lizzie doesn't realize that she stares at the girl a little longer while her mind wonders if it's you until Scarlet nudges her elbow and she continues talking friendly then takes another selfie with their favorite MCU casts.
The more fans come to them, the more it drives her mind all over the place and keeps guessing which one was you. Her curiosity makes her ask each fan their name, just in case it was you. Anticipation is killing her by now and she decided to text you again.
"Babe? Are you okay? How was it?"
Silence was still what she got. "Why hasn't she replied yet?" She asks herself with a little frustration as she keeps checking on her phone for your reply.
"Well, if she already came to you then what would you do?" Scarlet questioned the brunette.
“I don’t know.” Lizzie shows her thinking looks as she mindlessly bites her nails. Then her phone brings her back out of her daze. “Oh! That must be her.” She talks to herself as she undoubtedly checks her phone.
A Surprised facial expression appears as she sees your message with a picture of her that you took from afar earlier.
“Look how beautiful she is. I saw that she was very sweet to her fans. I think I'm not going to come up to her. I feel bad that she doesn't have her privacy to have her lunch, people keep coming to her. I’m just gonna finish my food and maybe go home after that.”
Lizzie tries to look as calm as she can as she wonders where you are sitting from the view of her picture you took then looks back to check the picture again and avert her eyes around. “Scar, don't look around, I don't want to look obvious that we are wondering which one is her but here, look what Y/n texted me.”
As soon as Scar saw the pictures and read the message, she almost couldn’t help herself to turn her head to where you possibly were but Lizzie stops her.
“Aw she’s so sweet and thoughtful.” The blonde comments. “So, if she’s not coming to see you, what are you going to do now Liz? She added.
“I don’t know. I’ve been thinking of asking her if she wants to meet up or at least have a video call. Should I try to come and have a spontaneous meet up with her here right now? She said she’s leaving soon.” Lizzie rants out her thoughts as she casually searches around that might give a clue which one is you.
A full minute of silence from Lizzie as Scar waits for the answer of her question. The brunette finally breaks her silence. “Uhm.. I don’t know. Uh, I… I’m gonna go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back, Scar.” but being friends with Lizzie since she joined Marvel makes Scarlet know her pretty well like the back of her own hand.
Scarlet gently grabs Lizzie’s arm to quickly stop her from getting up. “Wait, wait, wait Liz. I know you. You are not going to the bathroom, you are going to find her, aren’t you?” The blonde actress guessed in a teasing tone and smiled.
No words come out of her lips but a little smirk forms and that’s all Scarlet needs as an answer then she lets go her hand off Lizzie’s arm. “Well, good luck. Have fun on your first date with your girlfriend. Text me if you want me to wait or not.” Scarlet cheers her and wiggle her eyebrows.
With that, Lizzie walks away to find you.
Unfortunately, today is a pretty busy day at the restaurant. After a few steps away from her table towards the direction she guessed where you are at, most tables are occupied. Her eyes look for a woman she thinks looks like your age and any other clue that can help her.
At first she looks for a woman who is on her phone but she realizes it won’t help. Most people are on their phone these days. Then she remembers that you posted a story earlier, her mind instantly thinks that you have your laptop with you on your table right now while having your lunch. It helps her narrow down her obstacles to find you after she sees some women has their laptop with them.
She tries to be as casual as she can. Some pairs of eyes recognize her and some don’t or perhaps they are just trying not to stare at her. She then texts you again, a subtle question that won’t be too obvious that she wants to know if you are still there or not.
“How’s your food babe? Are you still having your lunch?”
A few minutes of silence, none of your replies come to her inbox. “Dang it! She probably turns her phone on vibrate mode again.” she thought to herself, knowing your habit.
Meanwhile, you are trying to prevent yourself from staring at your idol from far away so you are focused on writing your new romantic fic, you can’t keep Liz out of your mind. All those sweet touchy ideas and stories you wrote were inspired by her or your conversations with her. It even sometimes makes you smile. You miss her today but you know her plan for today, spending time with her best friend so you try to let her “girls day out” time.
As you get distracted by your own feelings of missing her, you can’t help yourself and you grab your phone to text her only to find out you missed her text.
You quickly reply.
“Sorry, sweetheart, I didn’t see your message. My phone was on vibrate. Yes, I’m still here, but I’m done with my lunch and just waiting for my check. I hope you are having a great time with your best friend. I can’t wait to chat with you again. I miss you.”
Just like that, your message definitely dropped a bomb of jumbled feelings on her. She reads it in awe, her heart feels light and she feels giddy when she reads that you miss her yet she is now alarmed that her time is running out and she needs to pick up her pace to find you. Like a cherry on top, the nervousness gradually grew over the other mixed up feelings.
She directs her eyes from one table to another table as she walks. She starts to feel more anxious that she would miss the chance to meet you, her mind rapidly thinks.
Her fingers start to get cold, her heart beats race but a final resort of thought jumps into her mind.
She takes a deep breath. “Fuck it.” She mumbles and she opens the apps on her phone then calls you and her eyes are ready to spot you whenever you pick up her calls. “Come on, y/n. Pick up the phone.” she mumbles once more with full of hope.
The waiter drops off your bill. While you are checking on it, you notice that your phone vibrates.
Your stomach does somersaults and your heart cheers with such thrill, you swear you could hear it. Despite all that, you are nervous. You stare at your phone screen for a good few seconds, questions bouncing around in your head as you tap your finger on the table nervously.
Why is she calling me? Is this an accidental call? Should I answer it? What if I got speechless?
Lizzie hears you answer the call on the other end of the line. Her eyes jump from one person to another and her heart skips a beat when she finally spots you. She knows it was you as soon as she sees you has the phone with your left hand.. “H–hello? Liz?” She can hear your highly strung voice and her feet lead her to your table slowly.
“H-hi y/n. Yes, it’s me Liz.” her timorous voice wrapped in excitement makes its way to be heard.
“Uh-it’s so nice to finally hear your voice. I-I’m sorry, I didn’t know that you were gonna call. I wasn’t prepared.” you let out a nervous laugh.
“Oh yeah, I’m sorry. I didn’t tell you first I was gonna call. I got your text. I miss you too. So, I decided to call you. So are you leaving soon?” Lizzie can’t stop smiling while she talks to you.
“Uh yeah, pretty soon. I just got my bill. Are you still having lunch with your best friend? Where are you now?” you ask curiously. You start to calm down from your sudden nervousness.
“Aaw, you are leaving? I think it would be a great idea if you stay a little longer.” She ignores your question yet pitches out an idea that caught you in confusion.
Of course you asked “And why is that?” followed by a little laugh. All you can think is how cute she sounds. You always think that she is cute but to think that her voice melts your heart this easily? No, you never thought of that. Or perhaps you fell for her, so hard.
“Because I’m right here.” She answers enthusiastically. Lizzie tries to take her exhilaration down a notch to avoid attention from people surroundings.
“Wait, what? You–you are here? What did you—” you stop your words as soon as you feel a presence in front of you. From the corner of your eyes, you can see someone standing and you quickly look up to see who it is. “---mean?” you finally finished the word you were gonna say in a very low voice. You felt like you just got struck by lightning. Your eyes refuse to blink, your mouth is slightly open. You are stunned, or you can even say that you are frozen like an ice sculpture. You are shocked and confused why in the world the most beautiful woman, the woman you idolized so much, is standing right in front of you, smiling and her green eyes sparkling in happiness looking at you.
“Uh–I–uh-W-wait–Liz..hold on..Lizzie Olsen is standing right in front of me and you just told me that you are here. So..does it mean–” you stupidly still hold your phone against your ear and talk on the phone.
Lizzie lets out a cute laugh and thinks how cute you look. “Hello, I really love your writing." She intentionally said the same exact words with her first message to you through the phone.
Her intention to prove to you that the Liz who you have been talking to this whole time and her are the same person worked. You swiftly connect the dots and are convinced by the truth. “Oh…OH!!! Oh my god! Liz? Lizzie? I have been talking to you this whole time?” You yell in a whisper, trying to suppress your popping elations. Your skin slowly turns red.
She laughs a little louder at your reaction but she tries to calm you down as she leans to you a little and whisper “Y/n, shusshh. We wouldn’t want to attract more attention than we already have right now.” She puts her index finger on her smiling lips.
“Oh, yeah yeah. Sorry.” you take a deep breath and exhale them out. “Okay, okay. I’m good.. I–I’m good. Uh–” you ramble.
“Can I join you?” she asks softly.
“Yes, of course. Please have a seat.”
"So this is the blind date we have been talking about?" The iconic laugh of hers follows right after her teasing question.
"Well, it's more surprising, unplanned and spontaneous than I thought it would be but y-yes of course! This is it.. this the blind date." You awkwardly yet subtly try to fix your look in front of her.
Oh that smile, those green eyes and even her perfume have successfully turn your brain into a mush.
You are hypnotized by the ethereal views in front of you and you are lost in your thoughts. You still can’t believe you have been talking to her this whole time, romantically to each other. The one and only gorgeous Elizabeth Olsen has been telling you that she loves everything you write and everything about you.
Both of you have been the biggest fans to each other this whole time and nothing can beat that.
A/n: Welp, that's it for today. Let me know what you think and I hope you like it. Reblog and comments are highly appreciated. Follow me for more. See you in next!
Taglist: @madamevirgo @musicinourlips @unstable-sapphic-hoe @fanboy7794 @chloe7076 @b0mbdotc0m @trikruismybitch @ichala @californianwhiterabbit @honey-sweet-hiraeth @imfuckinggenius @sxfwap @chaekhan @daenerys713 @luvmcgrath @stupidsapphicsstuff @pattypavo @stonemags @frvny @franfineashell @heyyoweveryone @ygtft-chen @yaaskasey @sweeet-likeeee-cinnamonn @paumxmff @dopeyouth @beaniejennie @ineedafinghug @idkwhatimwriting @lucydiibi @mainly-rebloging-fics-i-like @gloriousfoxruins @grxvitye @mcubreakdown101 @aos22 @wandanatstan @paulawand @yeeterthekeeper @femalehomosexual666 @snowdrop1026 @modernmonalisa @nothingisrealanyway @idamaemann @sweeterlust @royalityofmultifandom @playboysaleen @peabrain112 @gwhaley127 @harleyswanda @bodhi-j @darth-rain @cristin-rjd
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oizysian · 7 months
All Eyes on Me masterlist
Word count: 1k
I crept back into the hotel room as quietly as I could, sneaking into the little kitchenette so I could put the sandwich I bought for Brie away. As I was putting the bag into the small fridge, I heard something behind me. I spun around, ready to fight - or flee, really - and came face to face with Brie, who had her phone out and was smirking.
"Jesus, you scared me half to death." I let out a sigh of relief at the sight of her.
"I see that." She peeked over my shoulder and her eyes lit up. "Is that for me?"
"Yeah." I breathed, turning around and grabbing it before handing it over to her. "I hope you like it. I wasn't sure what to get so I just got something simple."
"I'll eat almost anything. I'm like a human garbage disposal."
I looked her up and down as she put her phone on the counter and dug around inside the bag.
"Where does it all go, though? You're all muscle."
"I work out a lot." She said, her face stuffed with the sandwich I had gotten for her.
I shook my head, chuckling at her, when I noticed her phone was unlocked and there was a picture on the screen.
"What's that?" I pointed to it and she let out a soft hum of questioning before her eyes followed my own to her phone.
"An iPhone."
"The picture, smart ass." I reached out and took it, my jaw dropping at what I was seeing.
"Surprise, I guess." She spoke between bites.
"This ... this isn't good. This looks not good, Brie."
It was a photo of Elizabeth and myself at lunch. We really looked like we were enjoying ourselves but it also looked like a date. We were sitting rather close and she was very animated; very touchy and it seemed as though we were more than friendly.
And they figured out who I was. Oh no.
"Your chat is gonna have a field day with you, babes."
"They're gonna eat me alive." I groaned, placing her phone back down on the counter.
"I can't wait to see that." She smiled, scarfing down the rest of her sandwich.
"Brie, this isn't funny. This looks like ..."
"A date?" She offered and I nodded pathetically. "It's obvious it's not a date - she's married. She would be a fool to go out on a date in public."
"We know it wasn't a date, but look how close we're sitting. Oh gosh." I rubbed my hand over my face before looking up at Brie again, who was still smiling.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"You're about to blow up, baby."
"Huh?" What was she talking about?
"You were just seen out with one of Marvel's biggest stars."
"You're one of Marvel's biggest stars." I softly reminded her.
"Yes, but she's a star right now. 'Multiverse of Madness' is a hit, Scarlet Witch is bigger now than she's ever been before - and you just had lunch with her."
My eyes widened in realization at what she was saying, shaking my head desperately in denial.
"No, no, I-I'm not -!"
"You're an influencer now! Get out there and influence!"
"Brie, I don't want this responsibility. I'm just a streamer. I sit in my room and play video games, that's it."
"You're more than that now." She grabbed me gently by the shoulders. "You can do great things. That charity stream was just the beginning. Use this publicity to do all the things you wanted to do."
"You make it sound like I should use her popularity for my own gain."
"I didn't say that." But the look in her eyes said differently. "No matter where you go from here, I know I can't wait to watch your next stream where your chat goes absolutely apeshit."
I groaned, momentarily forgetting about how they would all react. They knew about my crush on Elizabeth, but seeing me with her was a completely different story.
"I'm afraid to stream now."
"They're gonna be happy for you." She said, her smirk almost hiding a hint of emotion in her eyes, her voice laced with a slight bitterness I didn't understand. "They're gonna be proud of you for finally landing your dream girl."
"I didn't land anything." I pulled away from her and walked over to one of the chairs at the small table, sitting down in it. "I don't even know why this conversation is a thing - we're just friends. We're all just friends!"
A flash of hurt colored her face before she snapped back to the present and crossed her arms over her chest.
"Maybe so," she leaned against the counter. "But I still say you get what you can out of this."
"She's my friend. I'm not gonna do that."
She shrugged, her shoulders dropping with relaxation.
"Enough of this Lizzie talk. Let's go for a swim in the pool."
"I don't really feel like swimming." I grumbled when my phone went off, indicating I got a text.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked to see who messaged me - Lizzie.
"What'd she say?" Brie asked, apparently realizing who it was at the look on my face.
"She said she's sorry."
"That's it?"
I shot Brie a look before returning my attention to my phone, typing out a response to her quickly. No, that hadn't been all. She hoped that this incident wouldn't affect our friendship and she asked if she could see me again before I left so she could apologize in person.
"So no pool?"
I sighed and looked up at her.
"Brie, I don't even have a bathing suit."
"So go out in your undies. It's the same thing."
"Elizabeth is coming to talk to me in person." I finally spoke, my eyes glued to my shoes.
It was quiet for a moment before Brie spoke again.
"Tell her to bring her bathing suit then, 'cos we're going swimming."
@oh-thats-cute @marvelwomen-simp
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winchester-books · 2 years
Adrenaline Rush
BASED ON - obx
CHARACTERS - jj x reader
WARNINGS - lang, cannon lvl violence
SUMMARY - a fight breaks out on the beach and y/n accidentally winds up in the middle and comes out with a dislocated shoulder. jj (reluctantly) is the one who has to help.
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“John B- please,” you hurried after your brother as he stormed across the beach, indifferent to the groups of people he was breaking up in the process, “It’s not that big of a deal, alright? I’m fine-”
His face was scarlet as he turned on his heel to face you, “Not that big of a deal?” He scoffed, running a hand down his face, “You’re funny if you think I’m gonna let Kelce say that shit about you and not go kick his ass,”
“It’s not worth it-” You groaned as he turned, ignoring you as he resumed his trek towards unsuspecting Kook who was deep in conversation with some girl. “Dammit John B, please!” But your words were useless and your brother was furious.
“Kelce!” John B snapped, tugging him by the shoulder so the boy would face him, “So you've been spreading rumors about my sister, huh?” He barely finished his sentence before laying one into Kelce’s cheek and sending him stumbling back.
You winced, just waiting for shit to hit the fan as the rest of the beach registered the fight that was about to start.
John B was reeling back, aiming another punch toward Kelce, but before he could, Topper was in front of him, yelling in his face and shoving him back. Rafe quickly appeared- never one to miss out on a fight. And JJ and Pope were not far behind.
Rafe swung first- and hard. John B hit the sand and JJ lunged at his best friend's attacker, slamming Rafe into the ground. Pope went after Topper as John B struggled to pick himself up before going for Kelce once again.
You watched in horror, the forming crowd goading the boys on as the fight got bloodier by the minute.
“Alright, that's enough, stop it!” Kie screamed, but unsurprisingly her demands meant nothing.
“John B, that’s enough!” you joined in, wanting to end this before someone really got hurt or the cops got called, “JJ!” You stepped closer, trying to grab JJ by the arm and pull him away from Rafe.
Big mistake.
Rafe had managed to gain the upper hand, shouldering JJ and sending him flying backward into the sand, taking you down with him in the process.
You groaned as JJ landed directly on top of you, crushing your shoulder.
“Y/N!” John B and Pope stopped fighting at the sound of Kie screaming your name.
Even Rafe and Topper paused as the crowd gasped and JJ rolled off of you, "Shit... " JJ breathed, hair falling in his face as he looked down at you, "Y/N, I'm so sorry, are you alright?"
Kie and Sarah managed to disperse most of the crowd- even her kook brother and his best friends. You were positive Sarah threatened something along the lines of telling Ward about Rafe's behavior.
You winced, inhaling sharply when you sat up at the throbbing pain in your shoulder. One glance at it had your stomach rolling when you realized it was most definitely not okay.
"It looks like its dislocated-"
"Yeah, no shit, Pope," you grimaced the intense pain making your temper short, "Someone's gotta pop it back in place,"
"Y/N" Kie shook her head, brows furrowing, "I don't think that's a good idea, we should take you to a hospital. Have a professional do it,"
"John B and I have had enough run-ins with DCF for a lifetime since Big John disappeared. I don't exactly think a hospital trip is gonna go well for me," you deadpanned.
"Oh God, I can't watch this," Sarah looked pale, "John B, come on. Let's go get you some ice for your face," Sarah grabbed his hand and pulled him along.
"You gonna be okay?" John B winced slightly as he spoke, head clearly pounding just from the looks of it.
You nodded.
"Yeah, I'm out," Pope agreed, following close behind. Kie nodded, also looking a little ghastly at the sight of your shoulder.
"JJ," you groaned, "Grab my elbow please,"
"Woah- woah," JJ's eyes widened and he shook his head, "No way- I don't know how to do that-"
"You're the reason it's popped out, so grab my freaking shoulder and help me fix it," you snapped.
"Y/N, seriously, I can't-"
"JJ, don't be a bitch, just shut up and help,"
You yelped when one of his hands grabbed your elbow and the other was placed on your back.
"Ah, sorry, sorry!" JJ grimaced at your sound of pain but you only shook your head.
"It's fine," you breathed, "Let's just get this over with, please. Alright, on the count of three,"
He cut you off before you could even start counting, "Y/N I really don't think I can do this... I mean there has got to be someone who is more qualified-,"
"JJ! PLEASE," you seethed, "I get you don't want to, but I'm kind of in excruciating pain right now,"
He swallowed, "Okay, okay. I can do this," he spoke under his breath, talking himself up as you started counting.
"One..." You closed your eyes, taking a shaky breath and closing your eyes as you braced yourself, "Two... Thr-"
"No-no, no, no... I'm sorry I can't-"
"It's just your arm is like hanging all weird right now, and it's just psyching me out- like really I'm kinda freaking out over here," he babbled, clearly panicking, "And I'm trying I really am but I just can't even look at it right now- sorry I'm sure it's hurting and I'm trying but like, god I'm scared. I don't know I need like some kind of adrenaline rush or something,"
Suddenly he slapped himself across the face, "Shit, that didn't work,"
"My God, Maybank, your a wreck," you rolled your eyes, grabbing his shirt collar with you good hand and pulling his lips into yours.
His eyes widened in shock, seemingly forgetting he was still holding your bad arm because he shifted, setting it back into place with a loud pop that had you pulling away with a pained groan.
You let yourself fall back into the sand, breathing heavily as the pain slowly subsided.
"Oh god," JJ finally found his words again, "I'm so sorry- are you okay??"
"Never better," you heaved, "Thank you,"
He helped you sit up slowly, careful not to get anywhere near your shoulder, "You sure you're alright?"
You nodded, "Yeah, it feels a lot better now,"
He grinned, "You know, that adrenaline really did the trick... I think I could use some more-"
You smacked his shoulder, "Yeah, nice try Maybank."
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 20 days
(I actually think TTPD is full of so many parallels to older work that I could like, quote the entire album.)
Do it (inserts image of Kermit the frog wearing a black cloak)
Jokes aside, I’d love to read what parallels you found with her older work
OK well now that you’ve put me on the spot, I can’t actually think of them that freely 😂
This isn’t going to be exhaustive, nor particularly accurate I guess, but maybe more like… similarities? (Man, I’m gonna fumble the ball here.)
This is kind of out of left field, but from the very first listen, for instance, But Daddy I Love Him reminded me of Love Story. I joked on release night that But Daddy was just the unfiltered version of Love Story; the girl is the Scarlet Letter because she’s the loud, mouthy heathen who’s been caught with her dress unbuttoned iykwim. The girl in LS feels misunderstood, is infatuated with this boy, begs to run away with him away from the prying eyes and judgment… Which is exactly what the narrator in BDILH feels too, except more explicitly. The girl in LS is demure and mindful, the one in BDILH gives zero fucks. Which is reflective of Taylor’s own evolution in her relationship to her public image, I feel: she strove to be a perfect role model never putting a foot wrong in her younger days, but the whole point of TTPD is that she is done listening to anyone else’s opinions on how she lives her life. In LS, the boy talks to her dad and pulls out a ring, and in BDILH, no one else is invited to that wedding after everything she’s learned. For all we’ve talked about how one of the major themes of TTPD is about reclaiming her youth, I think it’s kind of genius that BDILH, intentionally or not, plays on the song that launched her megastardom as a teenager and gives it a grown-up bite.
This is maybe less parallels and more just a continuation of a story, but I think one of the obvious ones is You’re Losing Me and So Long, London. One of the immediate callbacks is the thread from “I can’t find a pulse, my heart won’t start anymore” to “I stopped CPR, after all it’s no use.” YLM comes at a crisis point, the make or break moment of the relationship, and SLL is the aftermath reflecting on that. Her stopping the CPR after that moment in YLM is what leads to the dissolution of the relationship and the reflection in SLL.
The rest of the two songs mirror each other so painfully well. “Do I throw out everything we built or keep it?” To “You say I abandoned the ship, but I was going down with it.” “How can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dying?” To “You swore that you loved me, but where were the clues?” “I know my pain is such an imposition” to “Just how low did you think I'd go before I'd self-implode?” “How long could we be a sad song 'til we were too far gone to bring back to life?” To “So how much sad did you think I had, did you think I had in me? How much tragedy?” “I wouldn’t marry me either” to “I died on the altar waiting for the proof.”
And I think the one that really brings it full circle is the evolution from “My face was gray, but you wouldn't admit that we were sick,” to “And I'm just getting color back into my face, I'm just mad as hell cause I loved this place.” In YLM she’s dying a slow death at her partner’s ignorance (unintentional or willful) of the crisis she’s in, and in SLL, the decision to leave has brought her back to life, even if she mourns everything she had to give up to get there. To go from sitting in the room that was once lit with what they loved to sitting in the dark mulling this life-changing decision, to reflecting on the moment of “warm sun” in her life that this relationship will ultimately end up being in her memories (but just that: a memory, not a life) is really nuanced, and really shows how it’s the end of a chapter but not the end of the book.
Another parallel that is so powerful is between The Manuscript and, among others, All Too Well, but really so much of her work from her younger days, as well as the ATW music video. This is maybe cheating because it’s not like a 1:1 parallel, but just the way that The Manuscript reframes so much of her older work and experiences is illuminating. The way in ATW the early memories are wistful, feel like home, etc., and you can feel the warmth radiate through the music and the lyrics, but the slightly unsettling melody of The Manuscript highlights the unease in which that situation actually occurred. To go from sweet disposition and wide-eyed gazes heading out of town to be together, to realizing a decade later that that might have been less romance and more manipulation? What a gut punch.
Similarly, when you think about “nights when you made me your own” in the context of “He said that if the sex was half as good as the conversation was, soon they'd be pushin' strollers,” you really feel how her youthful naivety about their relationship was heavily influenced by the way this person laid it on thick. Like, all these years later, she wasn’t wrong to feel like this thing was serious, or for being so bewildered when it ended. It’s just that what she failed to realize at the time is that what she took as a promise, he intended as foreplay. Then the way the bridge of The Manuscript reveals what is presumably the shooting of the ATW video, where she comes to the realization of just what she went through and how she’s been able to use it to make her art and heal? That’s beautiful.
There are soooooooooo many more, but I’d be here all day, and similarly, I can’t think of any off the top of my head.
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g4yforethan · 1 year
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pairing: pietro maximoff x male!reader
summary: reader is injured during the battle of sokovia and pietro does everything to make sure they are okay
warnings: blood, violence, cursing!
being a superhero wasn't easy in the least. you had just become a superhero after learning that a robot wanted to destroy earth and the entire human population. the avengers needed to put a stop to him and asked you and your friends to join them. your friends, wanda and pietro maximoff, grew up alongside you in a orphanage after all of your guy's parents had been killed during a bombing caused by tony stark. after joining groups protesting against tony stark, the three of you volunteered for HYDRA. you all thought you were going to save and change the world. after learning that nearly every volunteer had been killed by the experiment, you hesitated but wanda insisted you do it. after hours of waiting, it was your turn. you went up and touched it. it was the mind stone. it pulled you in and hypnotized you with it's power. you fainted and woke up in your bed. "wanda, y/n finally woke up!" it was pietro. he was sitting at the side of your bed, waiting and hoping that you would wake up as soon as possible. he gave you a hug that felt like forever. you appreciated it. "we thought you had died! what do you feel? do you feel any different?!"
you got up from your bed and tried to walk. you fell straight to the floor. pietro grabbed you and laid you back on the bed. you looked at him as he stared at you and all of a sudden, you heard his thoughts. "i'm so glad he's okay. i wish i could tell him everything." that is what you heard from him. "is everything okay y/n? why are you giving me that face?" you stopped reading his mind and didn't know what to say. "oh um i'm sorry pietro! i was just zoning out." he gives you a smile and goes over to talk to wanda. later that night, you talked to wanda about each other's powers. "i don't know. i think i've been able to read people's minds. i mean that's all i know for now. what about you?" you ask wanda. "i've been able to read minds as well. i've also been able to lift things with my mind as well. speaking of minds, i've been able to read both you and pietro's mind. just don't tell him." you cringed in embarrassment as all you've been thinking about for the past 5 hours is just pietro. only pietro. "oh god wanda what do you know?" "oh nothing. let's just say i think a few people have a crush on each other." you couldn't catch at what she was trying to say. you were confused. "what i'm saying is that i think pietro has a crush on you and vice versa." you jumped up and screamed in delight. you always thought pietro didn't like guys as he always flirted with girls but after what wanda told you, you couldn't believe what she was saying. "you just can't say to him that i told you or that i read his mind okay? let things happen naturally." you agreed and gave her a hug before going to bed.
fast forward a year later, the three of you are now fighting alongside the avengers. you now were able to project energy bolts that emitted the color purple, wanda as well where as her energy bolts emitted the color scarlet red, and pietro ran at superhuman speed. you were in the middle fo the battefield, knocking down ultron bots, guiding innocent civilians to safety when all of a sudden, you are thrown 30 feet back. an explosion was felt. your ears ring so loud, you thought you would be deaf. you couldn't move and blood ran down your body mainly from your head. "Y/N! wanda i'm going to go get him!" pietro yells as he races over to where you were. "y/n, please stay with me!" you were beginning to lose consciousness but could hear everything pietro was saying to you. "i love you y/n. i love you more than you could ever know. just please don't leave me." he starts to cry and holds you in his arm as tony calls for a jet to take you back to the avengers tower.
at the hospital inside the tower, pietro goes with you to make sure you're okay in recovery. after two days, you wake up and see pietro sitting in a chair right next to you. his eyes looked like he hadn't gotten sleep in days. he sees you open your eyes and gets up to see you. "y/n, you're awake?" "hi pietro. how long have i been out?" "it's been about 2 days. you were hit and we all thought we lost you but thank god you're okay." you try to sit up but you still feel weak and in pain. pietro notices this and asks you to wait until you feel better to stand. "you know. i kinda heard what you said before i passed out." "what do you mean?" "i heard you say that you...loved me." you start to notice his face turn red. "uhh i mean you know i um-" "it's okay pietro i mean i've known for a while now." "HOW?! who told?! was it wanda?" "i can read people's minds pietro. i know a good amount. but i love you too..." you move towards him and give him a kiss on the lips. he starts to puts his hands on your face as you do on his shoulders. you two kiss for a few minutes before pulling out. "wow-uh- i really wish you were back to 100% so we could do more than just kiss." you laugh at his comment. "oh get over here pretty boy." you give him another kiss and kiss on his neck. after kissing, he plays with your hair and starts to caress your face. you start to fall back asleep to rest from your injuries. "i love you baby boy." he whispers to you before leaving to let you rest.
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lizzieislife94x · 8 months
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Shes Ours (w.m)
Requested <3
Don't be fooled by the title haha she's ours means wanda/scarlet witch hahasorry 😅 
Requests are open babes 😘 I have a feeling this is gonna be a long one Idon't know if this can be classed as a little dark maybe but all the same enjoy Set right after Westview
Wandas POV:
I fly off into the sky as I take one look back at the place that I could have called home westview I decided to head back to new York to lay low.
I've been here for a week and everytime I close my eyes I dream of the man i once loved and place I called home for a short period of time I can't stay here I need to get out of this place I head towards LA once I finally get there later that night I head to a cute little hotel as I walk in sluggishly hood over my head as I wait by the reception after a few minutes the most beautiful woman I've ever seen walks out with a huge smile on her face "hey my names y/n how can I help you is it a room for one or are you waiting on someone" her voice is perfect I clear my throat and smile alittle for the first time in whlie "yeah just a room for one please" she does her thing on the computer before grabbing a key card and swiping it "here you go ma'am hope you enjoy your stay we do have a bar right through there its open till 3am" she smiles handing me the card I can't help but stare at here she has me feeling stuff I've never felt before I take the key and head straight to the bar to find it empty I look around a little confused looking for the bartender "um hey is anyone serving" I say out loud before I know it the girl from reception comes running in a little clumsy making me giggle "I'm so sorry I had to deal with someone booking a room but what can I get you" she says a little out of breath making me feel things "make her ours" I hear echoing in my head I ignore it and order a white wine as we start to chat after an hour we've done nothing but laugh and get to know eachother "so y/n how old are you" I say as I take a sip of my drink as she leans on the counter getting closer to me "I'm 28 wanda how about you cutie how old are you" omg she's definitely flirting "make her ours" I intenerly yell "stop it" I quickly return my attention to y/n "I'm 29" I say sweetly as I smile at her "you know what y/n youre really fucking sexy" I say with a smirk as she bites her lip "thank you so are you wanda" we spend another few hours talking before I decided to head upstairs. 
The next day a wake up and groan as the lights hit my eyes I get up and go shower and get ready and head downstairs to get food fuck I hope y/ns here I make my way downstairs and I'm instantly greeted with a smiling y/n "morning sunshine" she greets as I blush a little "hey I was hoping you'd be here I was wondering if you wanted to come on a date with me this Friday" I say confidently as she blushes "oh my god yes and I have Friday off" I smile as we swap info before I check out I make quick work of getting a beautiful apartment set up having powers is a blessing sometimes makes something like getting an apartment sorted in a few hours possible I quickly settle in and smile god why does she have me smiling like this "because she's perfect and she's ours" I shake my head "yeah she is but she isn't ours she only agreed to a date" I say to my other self.
I'm in the middle of making brownies as my phones dings 
Mine😈: Hey are we still on for tonight?x 
I smile and reply quickly
Me:Yeah definitely I'll pick you up at 8 sweetheart 😘 
I put my phone down and go about my day before it's time to shower and get ready before I know it it's 7:45pm and I'm sitting in my car outside her house, she comes rushing out and I can't keep my eyes off her the dress she's wearing is so short and tight fuck "hey gorgeous" I say as she gets in with a huge grin "hey wanda" she says as I lean forward kissing her cheek.
2 weeks later
I'm currently hanging with y/n watching some movie she wanted to I think it's finally time to ask her to be my girlfriend "so uh y/n can I ask you something" I say as she turns to me cupping my cheek "of course" I smile and lean into her touch "I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend" she smiles wide as she jumps into my lap crashing our lips together "yes yes yes a thousand times yess" she says between kisses causing me to smile pulling her closer.
14 months later
I've been dating y/n for a little over a year and its been amazing everytime I look at her I just wanna make her mine forever I feel her slowly waking up snapping me out of my thoughts "mmh morning baby" she says in her perfect sleepy voice I lean down and kiss her head "morning princess sleep well?" She cuddles up to me "mmh perfect with you beside me" we spent an hour laying in bed cuddling before heading down to make breakfast my eyes glued to her pantie covered ass fuck I can't wait till the day I get to take her completely we've not had sex yet but I'm happy waiting for her but fuck me im gonna rock her world "babyyyyyy" I'm snapped out my thoughts by a giggling y/n "bacon and eggs ok for you baby" I smile and nod as she cooks us breakfast it's her day off so we get to hang out all day which I love.
"OK so next movie is finding nemo" she says excitedly I smirk at her and lay on the couch "I just ordered pizza babe" I say with a smile "fuck I gotta pee" I say jumping up running up to the bathroom once I lock the door the scarlet witch comes crashing in my head "make her ours claim her mark her as ours" I shake my head "she doesn't belong to anyone" I hear her laughing at me "she is and will always be ours claim her imagine her screaming your name or filling her and making a baby in that perfect little tummy" I bite my lip as her words sink in "claim her take her for us" my mind wanders as I start to picture her with a bump carrying my baby a moan leaves my lips as I smirk something snapping inside me I quickly head back downstairs "hey baby you ok" her sweet voice says as I get back on the couch "I'm good honey" we spend the next hour watching the movie my mind thinking of her naked and spread screaming my name then carrying my baby I can't contain myself anymore so I rest my hand higher on her thigh moving closer to her pussy as I feel her breathing increase "w..what are you doing" she says I get up and pin her to the couch as my hands roam her body my lips crushing her lips I feel her moan into my mouth as I groap her tits something taking over completely "fuck" she moans letting me know she likes it she stares into my eyes lust consuming her "what do you want wanda" she pants as my hands rub her thighs "I want you y/n I want to make you mine claim you forever I want to make you scream my name as you forget yours" I say honestly as she starts to rip my clothes off making me giggle I follow her lead taking her clothes off in the matter of seconds we're both naked I lay her down and kiss my way to her stomach sucking and biting everywhere marking her as she moans "wa..wanda I.. I've never done it before" I smirk and bite her stomach as I look up at her "don't you worry I'll take full control my sweet girl" I groan as I spread her legs kissing my way to her cunt "fuck baby" she squirms as my lips ghost over her clit I groan at her scent as I take a deep breath I quickly wrap my lips around her clit and suck gently suddenly I feel my other half trying to break through before I know it she'stook over. 
Scarlet Witch POV:
I suck her clit harder lust consuming me as I slowly start to push my fingers inside her I hear her hiss and i smirk letting her clit go "the pain will pass in a minute my sweet girl just relax" I start to thrust my fingers faster as loud moans slip from her lips I feel her walls squeeze my fingers as I rubher clit "let go my precious girl" I moan as my accent slips out after a few thrusts I feel her juices soaking my hand "mhhh such a good girl baby my good girl" I quickly flick my wrists as a dick appears on my waist I smirk and flip her over as my hands roam her back and ass I spread her legs as I guid the dick inside her and moan surprised at the feeling it feels so real I bite my lip as I watch my dick stretching her cunt open "fuck baby such a good girl for me taking my dick so well princess fuck I wish you could see the way my dick is stretching your cunt" she moans drooling all over the couch she starts to push back into my dick taking over the thrusts I lean back and moan watching her sink on my dick I grip her hips as I take over the thrusts slamming deeper and harder inside her "gonna fill that pretty little cunt princess make you mine forever" I feel the orgasm approach as I continue to pound into her loud screams leaving her lips "mmmh such a little cock slut" she whimpers and turns to look at me "on...only for you I'm yours baby" as those words leave her mouth I can't help but explode deep inside her I feel the cum spilling from my dick and filling her as I continue slowly thrusting as imagines of her pregnant cloud my mind.
Y/ns POV:
I wake up in the morning my body a little sore but suddenly smile as I see wanda naked with her arms over my stomach "I'm all yours" I whisperas I gently kiss her head before I know what happens there's a hologram like version of wanda but she looks powerful I'm so confused "y/n it's OK im the scarlet witch im the other half of wanda I'm not going to hurt you I would never hurt what's ours I just need to explain last night I took over when lust consumed both me and wanda and I feel terrible none of us want to hurt you and I feel I might have been to rough" I can't help but smile and look between them both "you didn't I'm OK I loved it and I love wanda which means I love you" she smiles at me and I feel my heart melt "that's what I'm trying to say since we met you something changed we knew you where our soul mate" as the words leave her mouth she disappeared as wanda starts to wake up "mmmmh morning my beautiful baby" she says pulling me on top of her naked body I smile and kiss her "I know the scarlet witch took over she explained it to me" I say while kissing her lips as she looks into my eyes both us smiling.
we spent the day in bed enjoying every inch of eachother. 
1 month later
I wake up feeling horrible again I've been sick for 2 weeks now and my period is late I picked a test up last night at the store just incase I sluggishly walk into the bathroom as I grab the test and pee on it I set it aside and clean myself as I get up and wash my face after a few minutes I look at the test in shock it's positive suddenly I feel over come with joy fuck how am I going to tell wanda will she hate me will she leave me oh god I call my friend and ask her to make me a baby grow that says congratulations you're going to be a mommy along with a cute little Teddy, later that day she brings them over gift wrapped and i hug her tight "thank you so much jules you're a life saver" we catch up for a bit before she has to leave I check my phone and see its almost 7pm meaning wanda is on her way I feel my palms sweating as the door closes "uh wanda can you come here please" she comes in with a smile and kisses me "hey beautiful" I take a deep breath and hold her hand as I grab the gift bags and hand her them "what's this beautiful" I feel my nerves take over "just open it please" after what feels like forever I hear her gasp as she looks at me tears in her eyes "your pregnant baby?" I look at her and feel my own tears as we both cry with joy and hold eachother tight. 
10 years later
Y/ns POV: 
I've been married to wands for 6 years now and together for 10 amazing years she has my heart I love waking up to her every morning I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the pitter patter of tiny feet running into our room followed by giggles "mama! Mommy!" Our 3 youngest yell jumping on the bed ontop of wanda waking her up our oldest comes in shortly after with a smile on her face she looks so much like her mama "morning babies" I say as they all climb into bed with us this right here is my whole world and i wouldnt change a thing.  
AN: ok I know this isn't that great but I tried there was so much info I had to try and fit in for the request so if it feels rushed I'm sorry I apologise but I tried I also had to cram it down to under 3k words I didn't want it to be super long please don't hate me haha but I will have the last request posted in a few hours and hopefully will be a little better stay hydrated babes drink water!
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The Scarlet Witch (CH 2)
Mattheo Riddle X Fem OC/Reader
Word Count: 1854
Warnings: Mild language, violence, graphic content, blood, angst, fluff, smut…
Prompt: Y/n Maximoff, a witch who can perform wandless magic transfers to Hogwarts. She makes friends and foes, all the while love seems to be in the air even though she wasn’t expecting it. There is highs and lows in this love story, with unexpected twists and turns and maybe even heartbreak.
Faceclaim: Wanda Maximoff/Elizabeth Olsen/Scarlet Witch
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I was silent, following behind Pansy as she looked for the guys. She squeals when she sees Draco who was with the guys in the courtyard under a tree. Mattheo was smoking, leaning against the side of the tree. I stay rooted to my spot that was a little ways off from them.
I look at the Astronomy tower and decide that maybe I could go there. I tense as my wrist is grabbed and I look over to see a first year girl.
"Please. I want to go home." She pleads as tears well in her eyes.
"Let me show you something." I murmur.
I watch the red tendrils between my fingers before I gently tap her temple. I watch as she smiles widely, her eyes dazed as she takes in the different memories I sent to show her. She turns to me and hugs me.
I tense, freezing as my arms stay up out of awkwardness before I slowly hug her back. She pulls away, thanking me before she skips away. I wait till I know she's gone before brushing myself off. I straighten the front of my outfit before I feel eyes on me.
I look around before my eyes meet Mattheo's. He was watching me and I quirk a brow before turning away from him and striding towards the Astronomy tower.
I wasn't quite sure how to feel about this school. They weren't ready for me. I didn't struggle with casting one of their spells.
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I think...I think I had finally settled into Hogwarts. It had been nearly four months, and it's been...interesting. I had nowhere to go for Christmas and neither did Mattheo. He didn't want to go home to where his father was. I couldn't blame him.
"I guess I'll see you guys when I get back." Draco sighs.
He too dreaded going home to his father. He was eager to see his mother, but I couldn't blame him. I had a brief meeting with Narcissa and she is quite splendid when her wretched husband wasn't around. She lives in fear when he is there. It's heartbreaking.
Draco does some “bro” hug with Mattheo before coming to me and hugging me. I’ve gotten better about hugs too in the past four months. Who would’ve thought?
"Try and make the most of it." I say, returning the hug.
"You as well. And try to stay out of trouble." He teases and I chuckle, rolling my eyes as we pull apart.
"No promises." I say.
It was sad everyone was going home. I know it was just for holidays. I kind of wished I was like them. I wanted to have a home to go home too. I wanted to have a family to go to. But, instead I was an orphan myself.
"Mattheo? Y/N? Why are you guys still here?" Pansy asks as she comes back out with her bags.
"Oh...we are staying here for the holidays." I say quietly.
"I didn't want to go back to my father." Mattheo mutters.
"And you?" Pansy asks, looking at me and I frown.
"I...I don't have any family." I say quietly, looking down at my hands.
"Alright, we have to hurry. But, both of you go pack a bag. You guys are coming with me for the holidays." She says.
"What? No, I can't do that to you Pansy. It's so last minute and I don't want to intrude on your holidays." I say.
"Shut up and pack a bag. My mom and I will enjoy having more people with us. She'll be excited. Now hurry! We don't want to miss the train." She says.
Mattheo and I head to our dorms and throw together bags before we meet her back in the common room. She smiles at us before leading the way.
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"Are we almost there?" I ask, looking out the train window again anxiously.
"Relax, Y/N. That's the fourth time you've asked in the past fifteen minutes." She says, laughing softly.
"Have you never been on a train before?" Mattheo asks confused.
"No." I say.
"Then how did you get to Hogwarts?" Pansy asks confused.
"I made a portal. Portals are easier than these...trains." I grumble, poking the window.
"Hey, it's not that bad. You get to hang out with us." Pansy teases.
"Your right. I do appreciate your guys' company. But, I've never traveled by train before so it is a bit distracting." I admit.
"It's okay, love. Just relax." Mattheo says mindlessly, focused on his sketchbook.
Pansy wiggles her eyebrows and I stick my tongue out at her causing her to laugh. I put my middle finger up, glaring at her as Mattheo looks between us confused.
"Excuse me, Scarlet Witch?" A small voice says.
I look over confused to see a first year. A Hufflepuff to be exact. They hold out a package with shaky hands.
"He told me to give this to you, your Christmas present he said. I didn't want too, but he said he'd hurt my sister." He says.
"Who?" I ask, taking the package.
"You know who." He says before scurrying off.
I look at the package as Mattheo clenches his jaw. Pansy seemed shocked and I pulled the envelope off the top of the page and pull out the small card.
Dearest Y/N,
Your parents were my loyalist followers until they fell in love. I knew when your mother fell pregnant that you'd be a powerful witch. I could sense it. I knew you'd be a Slytherin. A Pureblood Slytherin who can perform wandless magic. So powerful indeed. Your parents betrayed me when you were born. However, I'm giving you a chance to redeem the Maximoff name...to be my follower.
-The Dark Lord
"He's pathetic. Ignore him. I'll handle this, love. I'm sorry." Mattheo says, glaring at the card I held.
"Mattheo, don't. I don't want you ending up hurt. I'll just ignore it and if he's persistent, I'll handle it. He's right, I am powerful. I'm not being cocky or arrogant, but none of you know half the power I possess." I say.
I look at the box before I open it and my heart falls as I pull out a picture of my mother and father. There were their wands and their wedding bands. Then a picture with me. I grab the last picture, my hand shaking. They were dead. Mattheo snatches it from my hand as I grab the last letter.
If you wish to live, then you'll join me. Otherwise, you'll end up just like your parents.
"Y/N..." Pansy says sympathetically.
My eyes go red as I focus on the letter. Everything goes black and I look around to see him. I was in his head. He turns towards me quickly, glaring.
"Get out of my head." He snaps.
"Do not threaten me. You do not know who you are messing with. I will ruin you. You have my word." I snap.
"Oh, you have the same fire as your mother. Unfortunately, she was too much of a coward to end it." He says, laughing.
"My mother saw the good in everyone. And she saw something in you. She saw that there was still a human in there. There was still someone there that just wanted to save the world even if it wasn't the right way. She still saw a bit of Tom Riddle you heartless, bastard! I’m my mother, I'm my father and I am me. And I can damn well end it." I snap.
I blink and shake my head, as I come back to reality. My magic completely ruined the letter and I look at Pansy who looked shocked like Mattheo.
"You spoke in parseltongue." Pansy says.
"And to whom?" Mattheo asks.
"Your father. I don't appreciate his dry threats." I say.
"Y/N...please do not think this is some joke. I know my father and that is far from a dry threat. He means it." Mattheo says.
"Mattheo, I understand it's a threat and I understand he means it. However, I say it's a dry threat because I'll quite literally end him when I see him. He killed my parents. Then had the audacity to reach out to me. To threaten me. So, I sent him a message. I made him feel threatened and vulnerable. Maybe he'll second guess ever reaching out to me." I say.
Mattheo didn’t look so sure, but he nodded slowly. He looked at his fist that had the crumpled picture of my dead parents.
“I’m sorry…I…I’m sorry for what he did.” He says quietly.
“Mattheo, you…you don’t need to apologize. You had no part in this. This was your fathers doing.” I say.
“Many people say I’m my father. Unfortunately, being his son means I need to help clean up his wrong-doings.” He mutters.
“You aren’t your father Mattheo. You both may share the same last name, but that means nothing.” I say.
“How do you know I’m not him?” He snaps, glaring at me and I smile.
“You just apologized for something that didn’t even involve you, Mattheo. Your father…he would never do that. He hates to admit when he’s in the wrong. And I honestly don’t think he thinks he is wrong. But, you know it’s wrong for what he did. You’ve acknowledged it’s wrong and it never even involved you. This happened a long, long time ago.” I say.
Pansy was silent, a small smile on her lips as she listened. Okay, so maybe I am saying the right thing. He didn’t look like he knew how to respond and I give him a smile.
I grab his clenched fist and grab the picture, watching as red tendrils go towards it before the picture dissipates. I let a slow sigh out, feeling a lot better.
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thestalkerbunny · 2 months
If you got any more serial killers oc I would give them death game powers.
Oh let me share some of my little SCAMPS.
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Sue. E is a sort of Carrie-esque slasher, instead of just getting blood dumped on her-she had a whole pig head shoved on her head. Her name is a pun on Sooey, which is the noise you make to call a pig.
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Calvin Black is also known as Prom King; he was a queer teen who was voted Prom King and then brutally murdered by the Prom Queen's infuriated boyfriend and his crew thinking Calvin's plan was to fuck the Prom Queen. He comes back as an undead revenant hell bent on revenge for his brutalization and torture. Calvin Black is just the masculine form of 'Carrie White' (I like the movie Carrie.)
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Ephriam is a relatively harmless slasher. He lives on a pig farm with his parents and a violent accident involving a shot gun is what destroyed his face and ancient power on the property near the woods made him akin to a Shape-a semi-immortal,borderline mute creature with supernatural strength. He accidently wanders onto a porn film shoot and is persumed to be the 'hung talent' they were waiting for. No. He's just the local farmer's son who is very eager and amicable. He's a reference to Vincent from House of Wax and Bubba from Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
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Mortimer isn't a slasher himself. But he is a happy accomplice to one as well as the enabler. His girlfriend is the sack faced Jackie who essentially is a homeless girl who welds a supernatural talking blade called Slashy that has passed hands of hundreds of 'Jacks' in history. Mortimer is her eager enabler, supporter, and number one fanboy.
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I tragically have no proper art of Undead Ted because I can't settle on a design for him. But he's a Camp Ground slasher. He was once the grounds keeper of a Summer Camp and was well beloved until while trying to intervene on some councilors horrifically abusing a camper resulted in his death and his body being hidden on the property. Now he's violently hunting them down now the summer camp has reopened.
A new one that came up tonight is a Model whose face was corroded by toxic skin care products and as a result, she goes around killing people and harvesting their skin to give herself DIY skin grafts and her named is Scarlet; she's a reference to female rage movies as well as Patrick Bateman. No art of her yet. Maybe later.
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Imagine mean mommy!Wanda putting clit sensitizer gel on you only to not even touch you the entire night.
Sometimes Wanda just gets the urge to be watched she loves having your desperate eyes on her. So one day she decides she’s going to tie you to a chair and touch herself right in front of you. To make it more interesting she decided to use clit sensitizer gel. Slowly undressing you and kissing all over your neck. She puts some liquid onto her fingers, you’re thinking it’s lube, then slowly spreads it all over your pussy. Really focusing on your clit making your breath catch in your throat. “Sit down in the chair for me, puppy” as soon as you sit down her magic wraps around your wrist making you unable to move. She kisses your cheek and walks to your shared closet. She leaves you sitting there for about five minutes when you start to feel the throb. “Wanda, why do I feel so hot” she comes out of the closet with a vibrator and dildo. “First you know that’s not my name right now, baby. Second don’t worry your pretty little head. I just put something on your precious pussy to make it feel extra good.” A whimper escapes your through and she goes to lay down on the bed. “Now just watch, my little puppy. Watch how good you make me feel just by keeping your eyes on me.”
I love the idea of gel like that omg... does that like actually exist?
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"Be a good girl for me, okay?"
Wanda is walking towards you, a bottle of what looks like lube in her hands. You can't quite make out the words on the bottle, since Wanda insisted on only turning on a single lamp tonight, but immediately forget about it as soon as her lips meet yours.
Her lips feel like a slice of heaven, soft and insistent against yours, and you find yourself leaning into it as you strain against the scarlet wisps holding you to the chair.
With a slight chuckle, Wanda pulls away and watches you try and chase her lips, your own swollen and slightly parted. When your wide, pleading eyes meet hers, she almost feels bad for what she has planned for you. Almost.
"Mommy's had a hard day, sweetheart." She begins, running her hands over your collarbones and down your chest, tweaking your stiff nipples briefly. "I need you to behave for me tonight, alright?"
You try to respond, but your words come out as more of a moan as her lips latch onto your neck. Its overwhelming in the best way, her teeth harsh against your skin as her fingers gently make their way towards your dripping center. You feel her fingers coated with whatever was in the bottle, and she smears it across your entrance, paying special attention to your clit.
Then, as soon as her fingers started, they stopped. You tried to suppress the whine that tore from your throat, wanting to be on your best behavior. Wanda smiled at you, pecking your lips softly before telling you she'd be right back.
"Be a good puppy, mommy's going to get some toys."
You wait. Shifting slightly, you press your lips together as you feel a throbbing ache appear between your legs. You knew you were turned on, you started dripping the second you so much as thought about Wanda, but this was different. This was much more intense, and you felt your body heating up as you tried to roll your hips against the chair, needing to relieve some of the pressure between your thighs.
By the time Wanda reappears, you're panting, straining against her scarlet tendrils restraining you. She takes one look at your pleading eyes, and smiles widely.
"Do you like the gel, puppy?" Her voice is sugary sweet, and you groan as you remember the online order she'd placed a few days ago. You hadn't expected the sensitivity gel to arrive as quickly as it did, and you kick yourself for forgetting the purchase you'd made together.
Wanda sees the realization and resignation in your eyes, and nods slowly as you mutter, "I feel really hot, Wanda. This is really intense."
You watch as she raises a single eyebrow, before turning away and making her way towards the bed. That's when you see the dildo and vibrator she'd brought back with her, and you groan.
"You don't like my treat for you? We ordered it just for you, darling." Wanda strips out of her robe, and you've never wanted to touch someone more. She relaxes against the headboard, turning the vibrator on and bringing it to the glistening heat between her legs. "And that's not my name."
You whimper, suddenly having the urge to run your tongue over every inch of her skin as her hips jerk against the vibrator. "I'm sorry, mommy. Please, let me help?"
She lets out a sort of huff mixed with a moan, her eyes locked on yours as she brings the dildo towards her pussy. "No, puppy. You get to watch mommy and make her feel good, you know how much I love having your eyes on me."
You can only pray that she has mercy on you as you watch her fuck herself, your own arousal dripping onto the chair below you. The ache between your legs only increasing as you watch. You follow her instructions, never looking away or closing your eyes.
She cums for the first time. You watch.
You don't think you could ever tear your eyes away from her. Wanda and her soft hair and smooth skin and beautiful eyes and melodic voice and and and.
You keep watching.
Thank you so much, I love ur little thoughts in my inbox!!! @forgottenblank
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patroclustyro · 5 months
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Mirael gets jealous seeing how you treated Cassedee, your possible newest student.
tags: angst, gender neutral merlin! reader
word count: <1000
After the long conversation you had with Cassedee about idolizing Merlin and her thesis, you return to the main square of Holistone, you give an affirmative nod to Valen who pours you an empty glass of beer. As you make your way to his table, your peripheral vision encounters the scarlet sorceress, and there is something strange in her gaze, something that your soul felt and knew, but you weren't able to.
And how could you? You had forgotten about her whole existence.
It's strange, there's an eagerness that makes your body want to enter this personal orbit of hers, but your mind doesn't understand the reason for this need, you understand that things between you are peculiar, on her side there is indeed a relationship, but for you... you wonder if there's something there beyond the same thing you feel for all those new companions around you, nothing but companionship and gratitude.
In any case, whether you like it or not, you remain static in the middle of the road, standing still without looking directly at her, but you both know that your mind is on the situation, and without much self-control, you head towards her.
— Are you planning to stay here? — your voice went a little low at first, you sound like you're still in puberty, she didn't seem to notice or at least didn't find it that funny enough to comment.
— I never planned to leave... not since I found out about your disappearance.
Mirael doesn't look you in the eye, she seems too focused on removing the cuticles from her wine-red nails, but you notice the difference in her tone, there's something unsaid there.
— If you plan to teach again, I advise you to be honest with the girl.
— Are you talking about Cassadee?
“Is she jealous?” There's a weird part of you that gets intrigued by her reaction.
— So you do plan on teaching her.
— I didn't say that.
— I am not saying it's a bad idea, but think a little more before you accept the job, she may not be able to deal with the real academic you.
— I'm not the same, Mirael.
— I know.
You regretted your words when you heard how pitiful her tone was, but you couldn't give her the answers and history she wished for, you weren't the same, you wouldn't be able to get back what you once were.
— When you leave?
— I am just waiting for Lorsan to finish the deal with the boat.
— Dark Forest it's then.
She breaks eye contact again, following the wind, seeing how the leaves almost touch her feet in the ground. The Sorcerer take a deep breath before hesitantly moving her eyes to you.
— Do you miss your memories? Do you long to discover what you've lost and left behind?
You didn't answer, not to make a mockery of Mirael's words, but simply because you didn't know what to say. Ever since you lost your memories, you've been in conflict after conflict, there's been no room for thoughts about yourself, perhaps, unconsciously you're running away from that? Tirelessly going out of your way to help others in order to discover a bit of yourself, but Merlin's true essence may always be a blank book for everyone.
— You can read every conflict and people’s problems with such a facility, but you know… you can't try to know them just to know yourself, you won't find the answers you look for in somebody else's eyes.
— But it's what you are trying to do, isn't it Mirael?
She laughs with your answer, you can't sense, not even a little bit, of real feelings in her voice.
— I never wanted to find you for such shallow reasons, Magister Merlin. I know myself, I may not understand my purpose yet, but I can see what I am.
— Well, but I admit, I was such a fool, wandering around this world without knowledge of where I truly belong…With a hope that I would find the answer in you.
You wouldn't know how she felt, you had forgotten everyone and everything after all, it's not as if you had chosen to erase her from your mind, but you understood the remorse and felt that there was nothing that could be done or said that would take the weight off your back and her pain, your heart and soul could yearn for the glory days of the pair, the ones when you compared her to beautiful things while your eyes were enchanted by the view of the river, when sharing your knowledge and her presence were all you could care about, when the great Merlin fought for Mirael's education and presence in the spaces you frequented.
These were special days, days that you now only remember through Chippy's mouth, diary entries and the confused feelings of your conscience, but they were also days that would never come again. You could miss it and Mirael could miss it, but you both knew that now, the only thing that could bring you back together would be nostalgia.
You weren't able to say anything back, she just gave you a half smile and turned back to watch the leaves as you engaged in a conversation with an excited Lorsan.
And as the night set and the boat set sail to the Dark Forest, not only you, but everyone in Holistone were able to hear the single firework that was sent into the dark sky, you felt you knew from the exact place it came, a place where you can stop by to see the river and hear the birds, where the Merlin used to feel at peace.
Everyone was able to see and hear the firework, but you… you were the only one able to feel the meaning.
It turns out that Merlin's first really impressive spell was to forget someone so important.
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