#I care a lot actually
skwistokwarrior · 1 month
i'm being so deadass i cannot comprehend how they didn't make grimmons canon. longest queerbait in tv show history goes to....
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whats-this-mustelid · 10 months
I just think that 'animals are living intelligent creatures that have feelings and deserve to be respected' and 'when done properly farming is beneficial to both people and animals and there's nothing wrong with raising and killing animals for food, clothing, and other products' are concepts that very much can and should coexist
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thepixelatedcactus · 7 months
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flying the original character artist flag with pride
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lemonbubble · 2 years
seeing that "achievement unlocked, survived tumblr porn ban" post being reblogged by people who LITERALLY RETURNED FROM TWITTER AFTER HEARING THE NEWS
YOU did not "survive the porn ban", you ran away!! you abandoned your blog for twitter, and now you come crawling back and act like you've been here the entire time????? THIS IS STOLEN VALOR
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leverage is so fucking funny. man manages to find the most mentally ill and neurodivergent group of thieves on the market + an even more mentally ill guy whose literal job description was trying to chase all of them, and forces them into a found family speed-run by trying to blow them all up. they lowkey stage a full fucking country wide coup and are like eh 🤷 just another wednesday. this might be a fun place to vacation tho i guess. sophie shows up to her own funeral twice. they're so good at convincing people of their shit that they make a guy's body start reacting to an illness he doesn't have because it isn't real. go completely out on a limb and basically hand this one guy a new password for his computer so they can get into it and he goes with it. parker and hardison have straight up just "fake it 'till you make it"d into the fbi without even attempting to cover their tracks beyond just These Two Guys. half their clients never asked to be their clients and don't know they're their clients, and the other half are random people who find them who fuckin knows how, meanwhile no government agency can track them down without selling their soul to sterling. they make a point to have a dramatic scene w a Big Bad Shadowy Government Guy who doesn't actually get caught or brought to justice or anything telling them he's going to hunt them all down, and in any other show this would probably earn at least a minor arc later on but he literally never shows up again. an entire season finale hinged on a cake and a bunch of clams. they accidentally made eliot a celebrity not once, not twice, but three times. parker blew up her foster parents' house when she was like. nine. and it's hardly a footnote. hardison is just casually an artistic prodigy but it's only ever brought up for the most background of background gags. eliot's biggest beef with parker and hardison for like two and a half seasons is that they won't stop making weird food with lasers and refuse to realize they can't make a decent beer to save their lives. sophie's immediate response to being shot is to call her shooter a wanker. there's a character who has literally killed a man with a mop and they had the audacity to only put her in one episode.
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lazylittledragon · 2 months
i refuse to believe that boycotting is hard. my favourite thing in the world is ordering maccies after a late night at work/a concert/getting drunk. yes i do miss it sometimes. but the other night i ordered from a small place near my house instead and it was the most orgasmic burger i've ever had in my life. i very rarely say this but fucking suck it up people are DEAD
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I’ve been cross referencing the day I picked up Dazai manga panels and how he’s described in the fifteen light novel and I’m going crazy.
In the light novel he’s described as lanky a lot, and he’s definitely supposed to be a very skinny stereotypical teenage boy with messy hair and stuff. But when you look at the day I picked up Dazai he’s also just so
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Like look at the baby. He’s so little. Obviously we all know that he’s very unhealthy in the mafia and in general. But it is hurting me in ways I cannot explain to see it so plainly.
also he’s supposed to be sixteen in the day I picked up Dazai - which means that he’s probably been getting even worse as he gets older. Considering he’s consistently described as tall and menacing in the narration and by other characters. At 16 he’s probably 100 lbs soaking wet.
(it’s also sort of funny that Mori is so scared of him. I think if you kicked him hard enough all of his bones would break.)
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twisted-deal · 3 months
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you know it's bad when even Ace has to cut back on his mischief
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nibbelraz · 6 months
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A writer and His number one fan hater
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freelanceplatypus · 3 months
Dungeon Meshi modern au where both Laois and Falin are food vloggers. Laois is always travelling to remote areas and cultures to try the most "extreme" foods and bring them to light. He's known as the guy who will drink blood and slam a still wriggling bug just to comment on it's nutty flavor. Meanwhile Falin is visiting long-standing eateries and sharing the stories behind local cuisine.
Nobody actually puts together they're siblings (in part due to wildly different viewerbases) until Falin in one video mentions how she enjoys eating insects and the comment section is full of folks asking her to "collab with the bug guy". Her very next video is her and Laois smiling infront of a mukbang style platter of insects and she introduces him as her brother.
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uncanny-tranny · 10 months
To any disabled person undergoing tests to find What's Wrong: I hope your results come back the way you hope and that you receive the help you need. I hope you are not denied care, I hope you are taken seriously even after this, and I hope that you will be taken care of compassionately
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mueritos · 4 months
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prince sidon makes a discovery about height differences....
(my link is trans here but feel free to imagine him as cis!)
patreon | itch.io
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tshortik · 9 months
I love you messy artstyle i love you visible brush strokes I love you textures and rough edges I love you imperfections I love you roughness and colour blobs I love you scratchy sketches and bold stylisation and dirt and imperfections I love you ugly and raw emotion!!!!! ❤️
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saturnsocoolioyep · 7 months
In the same vein as "I've been taking my medication for long enough that I haven't experienced any symptoms in a while, I must not need to take it anymore! (Spoiler alert: the meds are why you haven't had symptoms)" I present to you a similarly clownish thought process- "I haven't experienced that trigger in a long time, maybe I was just exaggerating how bad it was and it'll be fine to engage with this! (Spoiler alert: take a fucking guess babes)"
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braisedhoney · 6 months
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well wishes from the void
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purplesound · 7 months
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happy birthday to the best genshin dad and husband <3
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