#I could not possibly eat what Young-Woo eats and she could not possibly eat what I eat
iloivar · 10 months
This post contains spoilers for The Extraordinary Attorney Woo.
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I recently watched The Extraordinary Attorney Woo, and after a few days I finally figured out what I liked so much about it.
Y’know, besides it being really nice to see a love interest who, despite their ups and downs, is never an asshole.
I mean, I don’t know how autistic people feel about the show. I am sure some like the rep and some hate it for a variety of reasons, and you should listen to what they have to say about it.
But for me, it was exciting to see someone in a show who has restrictive sensory sensitivities that limit what she eats and how she eats it, and — For Once — it is not presented as a character who is picky because they are a spoiled brat or a fussy uptight stick in the mud. This is a character that struggles to eat certain things and it is simply a part of her greater array of character traits.
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Even though I am not autistic, and I do not share many of Young-Woo’s other traits, I can see myself in that character. I, too, simply do not eat certain things (although my palate is broader than hers and very different), and I, too, feel awkward in certain social situations where eating and drinking particular things is expected. And it certainly is not about being spoiled or fussy. What a breath of fresh air.
That scene when she told her dad the ham tasted funny and he said to eat it anyway, and after she left he turned around and found all the ham picked out of her gimbap and left behind in an X on her plate —So relatable.
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emthimofnight · 1 month
So how would your fankids react to someone proclaiming their love to them? Asking for a friend🙏🏻
And for scientific purposes ofc
Stellar: Very flustered and wondering if it is a joke. She's never been confessed to before and wouldn't know how to respond! She might make an excuse to leave to avoid embarrassing herself further. 😂
Camellia: Has been confessed to numerous times and knows how to deal with it with dignity. She is very aloof with men and is quick to nip any attraction to her in the bud. She would be far more flustered if a pretty girl confessed to her, though!
Thistle: His sister is the one always having suitors chase her around, so he would be DELIGHTED to have someone confess to him!! Being the young prince, he is often overlooked or overshadowed. He's quite the romantic at heart and often dreams of what his future partner might be like!
Jasper: He'd be very amused and would love the attention. He's a total playboy, so he eats shit like that up! If he found the person attractive, he might even entertain a date or two to see if they click. No promises for anything long-term, though!
Jade: Very chill. Would thank the confessor for the sentiment and would even go on a date with them if prompted. Kind of unintentionally a heartbreaker because she treats everyone with the same level of interest. It is very hard to tell if she likes someone more than the usual amount, or if that is just how she is!
Calico: Would be quite touched that someone had feelings for them, and would certainly try to reciprocate, if possible. They recognize how hard it is to put yourself out there and would do their best to give the person a chance!
Mirage: Oh, man. Good luck to anyone brave enough to confess to this jackass. He'd probably just say, "You have good taste," accept the flowers or chocolates and walk off. 💀 I think the only way someone would be successful in wooing Mirage is if they were someone that managed to get close to him first.
Serene: VERY FLUSTERED. Would turn red as a beet and try to hide her face. She might accidentally send the confessor flying with telekinesis, which would make her want to sink into the ground and disappear. 😂
Void: He would smirk and accept whatever offering of affection given, his eyes lacking any real light in them. He just assumes it is natural for someone to be attracted to him and cannot imagine any other specimen being able to compete with him. He believes it is logical to desire someone powerful as a mate, and who out there is better than he? That being said, whether he actually reciprocates is entirely determined by what he could get out of the person confessing.
Andromeda: Absolutely gobsmacked. She would have no idea how to react! She would be both happy to be receiving such attention, and horrified because she has no idea how to respond. She might end up sending the person confessing to her flying just to get out of the situation. That being said, she is a lesbian, and while she might enjoy having that kind of attention regardless of gender, she would only ever reciprocate those feelings to another woman.
Polarity: He would think that the person confessing to him was somehow put up to it or trying to prank him. If he was convinced the person was serious, he would be a floundering mess. Like, "Are you sure?" and "ME? You really want ME?". Once he got over the hurdle of his own self-esteem, he'd be really happy someone wanted him that way, regardless if he reciprocated those feelings or not.
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soulntes · 1 year
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this is something the mother wasn't prepared for what eywa plans for her and her son. a demon who perished his sins and errors, is back in the form of the people that persuades under the eye of eywa and wants to learn the way of the people.
ingyen believes this is what the great mother guided her to help a lost soul, a man who's stuck on who he truly wants to be into what he decides to become. his choice and how he approaches himself in this new body and life will influence his future.
just like jake sully, there is something within this man that eywa sees to test if he truly will embrace her in his heart and spirit.
this will not be an easy journey for her and seykxel but she won't question eywa in her plans so she will do her best in teaching this man on what it truly is to be a na'vi. the lifestyle, their culture, their spiritual connection with everything in the forest and their mother, how they hunt, fight, eat, survive on their own, and anything that she lived through..
that man and his lost friends would go through as well to prove their determination in being na'vi.
since they have passed through the eye of eywa, she brought them to her for a pass on her knowledge into these demons for a preparation to prove themselves to become one of the people.
whatever was planned didn't go exactly as accordingly when she returned to camp, running after the demon to beat him to a pulp with his ridiculous play.
she was seething with rage as the demon kept that awfully smirk on his face when his other demon friends caught the whole interaction with the wrong interpretation of getting under her nerves of teasing her. they all whistled and wiggled their visible eyebrows at their colonel's way to influence his charms on the omatikaya woman.
ingyen knows their nasty tactics to try persuading her in anything they think of under the palm of their five fingered hands. it wasn't going to being wooed and fall into the trap of seduction of a demon. she growls at this yanking the dead animal away from his grip to prepare it for her son.
she sees her son sitting alone a little far from the avatars with his knife in hand to help out his mother. "seykxel, srung oe hawl ayoeng wutso." seykxel, help me prepare our meal. she asks her son for help and he smiles at her at the thought of finally having their meal together.
sure they were stuck with a bunch of strangers in the forest but this is something he won't complain about because he has his mother and dinner he thought he'd never have again.
miles watch every action the mother and the boy make with their daggers meanwhile the recoms check their equipment for their first night out in the forest. he distinguish how they bond with conversion in na'vi as if they were in their own little bubble, not caring a damn thing, what or who's next to them. he made his way towards the pair and with the twitch of the na'vi woman's ears tells her of sounds everyone makes.
ingyen turns to the demon, distress at him for wanting to beware of them in case of escape. miles just observes what she was doing in peeling off the skin, separating the bones and whatever she got rid of he thinks weren't good for the kid.
he's aware that she definitely cares for the boy in every possible way and would anything to keep him safe and healthy. he grew up into a built young man who could handle anything on his own like he did against the general and the machine he fought his mind against.
by the focus of all this, she intimidated his squad and himself, under her sharp blade with her killer gaze. her feline like hisses and strength impressed the colonel of her composure in that kind alarming situation.
the young mother takes a deep breath looking back into the eyes of miles, feeling his watching their every move and utters "what is it, demon?! can't you see i am focusing on giving my son his food?" she spits her venomous tongue towards his unfazed demeanor.
miles devilishly grins at her tigress personality, "nothing, sweet mama. i like how you speak english but i love it when you curse me out in na'vi, brings out the fire in you."
the comment gets her riled up more and spider senses a possible attraction towards his mother causing to hiss at the man, "don't think about it, bro. that's my mother you're talking about." ingyen calms her son, patting his untamed hair, making a mental note before he rests to take care of it.
it's diverting enough witnessing human quaritch's son react in a way towards someone who he perceives as his mother. their relationship goes farther than what he imagines.
what the twenty year old recom's main principle is get through spider, gaining his trust and slowly build a stable bond with interactive learning so he'd get ingyen's attention of willingly letting himself be at her mercy and she lets her rough guard down.
"take it easy tiger, i'm just sayin'. so let's begin a little on what we're going to learn for tomorrow, introductions first." miles suggests to ingyen who kept peeling the skin by bits, storing it for some other use with her blank face, "i have better idea. let's do it in na'vi, i want to hear of what you know, makes learning more easier to teach, and i want to know what your skills would be better in for survival." the mother states seeing the recom's stiff a little but keep their composure professional.
"alright, how do you want to do it, sweet heart?" miles asks her. she pats the ground, ushering the group to sit in front of her and seykxel. all them do what they're told as spider washes and scrubs off the remaining meat on the skin.
ingyen cuts the meat into bits to share amongst themselves, if she's going to teach them well enough as a na'vi, sharing is a part of their culture to hear and talk within themselves so she's seeking this opportunity as a lesson.
"i start to introduce myself. oe lu ingyen te tskaha mo'at'ite." she starts speaking quickly on her full name which got every recom gape, not understanding a word she said.
miles could only figure out her name and 'i' that his tail swishes in bothersome, "sorry but can you go slower? some of us don't got a clue what you just said, princess."
ingyen groans, "i guess i should start telling you simple words. skxawngs." she insults them at the end as she places each piece on a stick to cook over the fire the demons set up.
everyone observe her quick multitasking in cooking the meat that is starting to smell different but appetizing and wrapping a couple of what looked like small beans or plants into big leaves.
the food she made is becoming more and more mouthwatering with the stuff she sprinkled on that is tempting to eat for miles and the others. it's something new and different from what the rda were feeding them.
he counted the pieces and leaf wraps knowing she's done sufficient for his squad. how considerate of her. he thought.
ingyen asks the help of her son in holding a bigger leaf as she places one steaming leaf warp at a time to cool down. spider licks his lips ready to devour her food, the rda food they served wasn't appetizing and filling because he's used to this kind of meal that he threw whatever they offered away from him.
"the way i introduced myself is simple. well only if you hear correctly with those little crop ears you demons have." the recoms touch their ears seeing the difference with hers that are more like a german shepherd from their memories. theirs were like dobermans. she continues, "the way i say about myself 'i' is 'oe'. a long o and a short e sound with what i learned in school years ago. am 'lu' that creates two words. 'i am', 'oe lu'. now comes the hard part for you, repeat it after i go over one by one. if i don't hear it correctly.. i simply hit you on the head because you learn fast or stay behind." ingyen reaches over to hit quaritch's forehead in showing how their punishment would look like.
his ear flick back and his tail swishes annoyed on how he's the prime example of their experience with a na'vi born on pandora.
"from you to you," she points to miles first then comes lyle, zdog, fike, mansk, prager, and lastly brown, "repeat after me."
her first victim is miles sitting with his legs criss cross and hunched, resting his chin on his fist; checking spider's mother head to toe on her body language. to him, he wasn't gonna lie that for a na'vi woman born in the forest, she's an attractive lady. her slender body and elongated waist with blue patterned skin filled with minimal scars, tightly braided hair that fit her facial structure and her golden eyes staring into his...
miles was so lost in his thoughts that he felt her hand hitting his forehead with a slap. his eyes blink rapidly, disoriented as he looks over at her unpleased frown and yellow eyes pierce into his "what?"
ingyen's facial expression change. ear slicks back, tail swooshes in a maddening way, her knife moving quickly each cut she makes with a cruel eye contact that got him shivering in his boots. she goes over to grab him by the ear, pulling him close to her, "you did not repeat what i said, skxawng!"
"whoa! that definitely hurts, relax there mamas. in my defense i got distracted." he defends himself, holding her fingers gripping on like they were a second from ripping his ear off.
"what distraction could possibly be more important than learning you useless man!?"
miles's cheeky grin grew on his face, smirking as he softly tells her in a attempt to woo her a little, "well you darling. you are quite dashing for no man incapable of resisting a gorgeous woman like yourself."
the comment from his mouth got her to stop his punishment, trying to gather what he just said. his vile mouth spewing whatever came to mind is truly one of a kind.
yes she's considered a beautiful woman back in her village, along with her sisters, with strong suitors putting their efforts to promise her in providing and love her as she should but no man was able to survive if they continued after she rejects them. with the women, she kindly lets them down.
until now with this demon's foul mouth, his inappropriate sentences to get her off track on her doing for the great mother. this demon's rebirth changes everything.
ingyen pushes him back without a hiss at his advances, "you are incompetent and insane, demon! i will return to ask you again and be ready or you won't get a share." putting her foot down and in his place, she looks to lyle who's preparing himself so he wouldn't get treatment his colonel got.
the rest of his team were snickering at the interaction but spider glared daggers at him with how his mom is handling quaritch with patience and ignoring his childish acts.
the kid settles himself next to him to teach what was easy to repeat so they can eat as soon as possible. spider was hungry and nothing will make him desperate other than not eating his mother's food.
miles still chuckling at her interaction as he holds his burning ear, "your momma has spunk, kid. is she always like this?"
spider's mannerisms speak volume when he crosses his arms, "not if you keep doing what you're doing, you're going to end up with her dagger in your heart."
and miles keeps up with the same joking attitude, "oh a heartbreaker she is, isn't she?" spider shows his disgust the man makes about his own mother.
during the process of learning a simple introduction, the food already set to eat so ingyen started to show how they were going to be eaten. she wasn't going to tell them what it contained in the food until someone asks just for the fun of it.
she grabs a handful of leaf wraps, first handing ons to her son, patiently waiting with an empty stomach, "dinner is ready. now to get your share, i want all of you repeat what little we practice from the last demon to the first. we start with you brown." he for sure got it down trying his best pronouncing it as best as he could.
as a reward, he got his food and comes another recom's turn. everyone's excitement to taste what smelled so delicious is hardly to resist in waiting for the rest getting their share.
lastly the devil from hell himself faces her in focusing to not hesitate putting his all in his introduction. ingyen holds onto his leaf wrap waiting for him to speak, "oe lu' miles te quaritch kehe fko'ite." i am miles quaritch no one's son.
the woman sighs in relief, handing him his part immediately, "nì'i'a! fipo vrrtep tsun plltxe! awnga yom set!" finally! this demon can speak! we eat now!
with the colonel completing his first proper introduction ingyen shows them how they unravel the leaf wrap, revealing what seems cooked insects.
they didn't care how strange and brown they look, they just devoured to their fills content and the taste of sweetness on their tongue is something unusual but good despite it being steamed.
it's so different than the rda's human food of a flavor so bland from when they were humans. to what little they remember.
of course the one who had to ask about the insect is the demon who talks with his mouth full of it, "this is delicious mamas. what is it?" her striped eyebrow arches and questions his curiosity, "are you sure you want to know? if i tell you and you do not eat, i will kill you in your sleep."
he moans by its rich taste that sends him to heaven, "positive darling."
she smirks, "it is teylu or best known to demons, beetle larvae." those words hault the recoms for a second and swallow what was good down their throats to process what they've eaten.
zdog shrugs it off and finishes her portion, "who cares. i love how it tastes, you keep making these and i'm a happy woman at your service, my lady."
spider butts in with a happy smile and a mouthful of cuisine that he enjoyed his whole life, "mom always does the best meals out there and i got to enjoy each of them so if you want her to share, you gotta put in the work and be on her good side especially you!" he points at miles as he dives in again.
ingyen tenderly placed an alleviating hand on seykxel's head the compliments he gave of her cooking. her son enjoyed everything they did and ate together with his cheeks stuffed with food, it filled her heart with joy and confidence in trying her best to give the best life he deserves.
"lucky for everyone, this teylu is our main source of protein for our body, giving us the nutrients we need so i advice you in eating every last bit." ingyen tells them looking towards miles direction more importantly if he decides to not finish his food, who throws his hand in defense at her remark and eats all of his food before she punished him again.
he watches his team communicate within them about their memories since they woken up and the mother chewing the last bit of teylu, she passed around the last course of their meal.
the hexapede.
"this is yerik. the meat helps omatikaya grow muscle where we need it most and the proper balance of protein to our stomach. helps us stay strong and full throughout our days of tasks. i added ovumshroom to give it taste." she explains eating off of her son's hand, offering meanwhile she sat behind him to fix his knotted hair.
she apologized to seykxel going through each strand, feeling him wince under the process, "ma'itan, oe lu' ngaytxoa tsal lu tsan'ul. pänu oe. kawkrr kä kxamlä leyn nga, ma'eveng."
my son i am sorry it will be better. i promise. you never have to go through that again my child.
he brushed it off as nothing, "kehe sngum, txur tsamsiyu. hufwa fmi tsawng oe, säfyep vrrtep nìltsan."
not to worry, strong warrior. i handled the demons well although their attempts breaking me. ingyen hugs her son tightly trying her best in not breaking down in front of everyone who could use him against her to manipulate.
"lì'upe len?" what happened?
spider hesitates on telling her, glancing at miles for a second watching them carefully at a distance. his mother waited for his confession, staring as if trying to discover the thoughts racing through his mind from what the demons put him through.
he takes a deep breath before looking back at his mother's concern expression feeling invulnerable, choosing to be honest and tell the truth of what occured. "vrrtep yem oe stxong'u, pung re'o kop vitra, fmi'ke peng lawk lena'vi ulte tsyeyk'soaia.
the demons put me in a strange thing, hurt my head and soul, trying not tell them about the people and jake's family.
his voice slightly cracks reliving the trauma that would be carried of the terrorizing the demons done and this will not sit right for the na'vi mother. she curse under her breath, turning her deadly stare at the demon, instructing his squad to rest for the night as he keeps watch, wanting to slice his neck but spider notice in time to hold his mom's hand into calming her.
"po tarep oe tìrey, tìftang si zevakx kop tìng skxom alìm."
he saved my life, stop their torture and given me a chance away from them.
the way her son pleads her in sparing his life because he saved his which ingyen gives into the decision.
"i will talk with the demon, you have nothing to worry but sleep a good rest for tomorrow my son. i will be here now." she consoles him, petting his neatly done hair with new beads that goes with his bow he brought with her. she takes out a made travel hammock out, made of the same thread their swaynivi, so he'd sleep more comfortably on top the trees. just how they adventure the forest beginning of eclipse to enjoy the stars as a family. family hammock
speak of the devil, miles stops them thinking they were planning ahead of their escape, "hold on, princess. can't have you in the trees if you're planning on running?"
ingyen huffs in response continuing on setting up their travel hammock, "we sleep in the trees to avoid confrontation against an animal who's territorial if they catch us. it's best to avoid than be squashed under a strum beast's foot. you wouldn't know because you're not from here."
he bit his lip thinking she was right.. even if they passed under the immune system of the planet, there was so much to learn and their teacher is the key in discovering what resources and how they survive a single night in the forest.
full of mysteries yet to solved when their beloved eywa also carries a great burden of balancing the way of life. this got the colonel thinking about the purpose of his rebirth and the way his body responds in times ever since his arrival here, opened his mind more about everything he witnessed and felt about the kid raised by a na'vi woman.
his awaken caused people in the rda depict him as the cruel, military trained, and professional colonel miles rick quaritch who never displayed a single shred of compassion towards the wild life or learn to live with a different species; living by a code of destruction those crossing his path to show his dominance. looking down upon who he deemed savages that want to protect their entire life.
now.. with him opening his eyes, the fear of memories installed into his body caused him to panic at first.. then he remembers the voices of the fallen soldiers. his fallen soldiers led to their doom. the sins in their pasts, they came back not only with the knowledge of those in the past, also the bodies of the ones they hated most gives them a chance to redeem the mistake of doubting the strength of the betrayal.
counting with the head aches and dreams he's been having since the human quaritch grew an immune hate toward the na'vi for him to be attracted to one like jake sully. never knowing how her face looks and who she is because she's just there.. it made him think about who he truly is.
is he the colonel miles quaritch because of the man years ago who died, failed to complete the mission left behind what was their last resort in coming back?
or is he.. who is he?
maybe it's all in his head?
your head is fine kid. learn this savage and get our revenge.
miles turns to look over his shoulder as if someone was speaking directly into his pointy ears, a prickle of breath down on his neck like it was watching his every move that his heart accelerated a bit. this kind of worried ingyen noticing the demon spaced in his own thoughts and troubles he was facing and how he reacted if an entity or spirit was standing behind him.
more than what he is, she made her to the ground and silently walks her way in front of him. with her hate on this man doesn't change what was bothering him, got her cautious of what he challenges ahead.
her hands creeps gently in the night forest with little critters chirping and croaking their voices, places it on his strong bicep. miles gasps lowly at the sudden contact but relaxed seeing it was the woman checking on him with concern written on her face even with her stern look.
"you seem to be challenging something deep in your heart and soul that doesn't match to what you're feeling." ingyen's tender word of advice snaps him out of the state, "you have much to learn about our great mother and what she plans for you so i suggest to ease your mind as much as you can when you're in forest. open everything within you to learn the way of na'vi."
her words hit like hard stones in his heart. again.. she was right but he'd never admit because his mission is to hunt down and kill jake sully. within his soul he wants to hold the hand of someone showing concern and noticed his strange behavior yet he went against it.
"tomorrow we'll prepare camp on trees.. also be up the same time as us because teaching starts bright and early. we'll be sleeping on the ground for tonight, sweetheart. don't worry your pretty head about me." with that miles turns heel to his squad and inform them on their side missions.
miles quaritch doesn't given into someone's compassion, let alone a na'vi woman far different between them. with a body of a young na'vi and the knowledge of the fifty year old military and leadership is a huge help on completing his mission, he shouldn't let himself on low guard to become exactly like jake sully.
ingyen was left there standing, watching him retreat to his own circle with his heavy burden that he can't confess the truth of what was on his mind.
she knows he was born from grief and raised in little time of hate but she gives him time to adjust what is new to him until he is fully ready and prove himself a child of eywa when he truly wants to be.
each to their own space, ingyen and miles slept in their own comfort of pressure to plan their lives on working with each other but gain themselves what they're truly there for. the sake of the mission for earth. the sake of her regaining her son and go back home with her people. now comes with an altercation that can change their purpose.
miles watches the stars under the purple forest to ease himself in peace and ingyen embraces her son close to her heart and safely in her arms, pecking his head and sings his lullaby.
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eclipse ended as the forest of pandora starts to wake up the same time with ingyen. she untangles herself from her son's tight hold to check her surroundings, there were the demons still asleep with the roll of her eyes of how punctual they are after their leader ordered her to do so.
by starting this new experience of being their teacher, she has to wake up the leader since he has the power to motivate the rest of his team. ingyen pecks her son's head and creases his hair before landing on the soft ground, she walks to the huddled group; snoring and turning in their spot, her foot pats the back of miles to wake him.
but miles didn't budge and she did the same gesture again.. still no response. growing tired of waiting for this fool to the point of punishing him as a child by grabbing at the base of his tail and pull him.
miles' eyes jerk wide open from the pain he felt, barely comprehending on why is this crazy woman began tugging his tail like she's competing in a game of a tug war.
"jesus christ, mama. what a way to wake up someone who loves the tigress in you but this is just torture!" he grunts trying to grip the plants in saving his tail from being ripped off but she kept going. she had an immense strength.
"you skxawng! you tell me to get up early but you are still asleep. you are leader of the demons so act like it, be an example for your friends to learn na'vi!" she shouts back, letting go of his tail while scolding him of his laziness.
"i cannot believe i have to teach a child, barely able to get up early! seykxel is a child but knows better than this idiot on his ass complaining about his tail!" her muttering doesn't go unknown for miles cursing him out in english, "i'm right here sweetheart, you don't gotta insult a poor man putting his life on the line in protecting your kid." he responds with a smirk but immediately froze on the spot by her speed, now standing face to face with him.
when did she get here so fast?
her nose scrunches in anger barely containing any self control to tear this demon apart, limb for limb and feed it to the wild animals. she points at him, "you are the reason why seykxel is in a tough spot, the children you took hostage do not deserve that so now you suffer with the consequence of me, demon." her voice sounded so tough in her low tone as she deals the situation.
"who's sey kel?" he asks.
"seykxel! say it right, demon! children do not deserve to be involved in things of us, adults, so i will take as many chances to punish you because you are like a baby. making noise, don't know what to do."
she was vicious, thinking that she'll intentionally want to make learning difficult for him so he'd get through his thick skull so she could get every opportunity to hit him as discipline.
her scrunched up nose when she's upset, matching her unpleased glare staring deep into his which got him amused plenty of times that he's purposely doing it multiple times just to see her ears flatten back and tail flick at his actions.
his stupid smile that ignites her hate even more that's directly to her.
"then teach me and i will learn. i won't promise anything that'll get you on your bad side, my love." a cheeky grin turning into a smirk as he looks into her angry eyes, if only a single look could kill instantly.
this was it. it's over.
ingyen scoffs, what seemed the hundredth time in two days, coming up a way to teach her new demon students and show them it is not a child's game.
and she got an idea.
"you and me, we go to learn basic na'vi words by using the forest so you have to leave your weapons. bring only your knife. we'll be back by the time the rest awake." she suggests fighting the urge to confidently show off her intelligence.
miles chuckles emptying out his pockets and guns to leave near by his comrades, "trying to get me alone to murder me. don't threaten me with a good time, darling." she shakes her head at the constant names he gives, "better zip that mouth if you want to survive and i am not whatever you call me."
"then come here and shut me up properly mama." he lastly said following the woman into forest with her usual stern face now decorated in a deep shade of purple.
"alright where are we, darling?" he says out of breath, barely able to complete his sentence from running through the forest. this is not anything like the training they have back at the rda or the training he remembers from his memories.
yes, he's ran miles and handled any tough challenge of obstacles but this kind of exercise he was getting out of not to be left behind the woman since she seems less tired and composed of her breathing.
"deep in the forest, near a waterfall where we see almost the entire forest. now, when i teach you each thing or anything of part of our body, you say it back in na'vi. that is all. i will go over this with your demon friends as well so through our journey we speak more and then we go onto the next lesson once i see you are fit on what's best for you." she sits at the edge of a cliff ready to begin and miles sits way too close in front of her that their faces are inches from touching, she stares at him, "i get it sweetheart but you don't gotta keep calling me a demon. the names miles, love."
with is outstretched hand for her to shake but she slaps it away, "i call you what i call you since you do the same. what words do you want to begin with, demon?" he thought about it whether to start at basics with animals or colors or environment since he's far from asking on the topic of jake sully or the balance of life as what she calls it.
"let's start with body parts." pointing at her eyes she responds, "okay, eyes are nari."
"nari." he repeats and she praises with a slight nod.
"ear is mikyun."
"that's it, demon. i'll repeat this two more times then i will test you if your memory gets it." ingyen is at a state of a teacher teaching a child to speak for the first time, only is he a grown man who saved her son's life but the sole reason he was kidnapped. she's going to make it harder the more cocky he gets to learn a valuable lesson.
"so far it's easy, don't go soft on me when we're alone." with his signature smile she gags, throwing her whole empathy away.
during their lessons ingyen kept repeating, giving him a chance to memorize it more to get use to the different tongues of sounds in the words. both of them in the middle of the forest grew more greener and vibrant shades of blue the more they interact even if it was a lesson. miles senses the environment more tolerable and peace, the eclipse disappearing welcoming the bright light which illuminates the water with a crystal like stream and a far he sees animals appearing to do their thing in the wild.
his body relaxes under the shade of the trees, repeating the different sounds in his head and touching the soil under his fingertips as a coping mechanism for his focus.
she notices how he was improving a bit trying to make it sound how she said it.
now comes the test.
she points her fingers to every part on her face like her eyes.
"nari." miles says focusing well in each word and properly repeating to her. he also takes in every detail of her face in it's relaxed state under the ray of light, peaking through the tree.
next were nose, mouth, and hands at the same time.
"ontu is nose. kxa, mouth. and hand, tsyokx."
"that is good for a beginner, demon. i think we should head back my son is waiting for me." she rises from her spot with the man following, stretching his limbs.
"well can't wait for more lessons from my gorgeous teacher on our alone time. you think we skip the lessons next time and tell me if you are single for a date, my darling." he jokingly says ready to put his arms up in case he has to guard himself.
what he left open defenseless was his tail again that swishes in excitement until he felt her holding it tightly in her hands, "learn to respect me, demon. i am no one's as long as my son is around."
"so i gotta ask the kid for approval first? i wonder how much men you rejected because of spider." he laughs but winces at her pulling.
ingyen signals her head to head back. she thought about what the demon said about rejecting so many suitors who were great men and women as mates because of her son.
not to blame him but in a way she thought about his feelings and what he thought first ever since she took him in, she didn't want him to suffer of being not loved by her possible mate. as a mother she left all of that behind so her son can be free whoever he wants to become and have so much love.
as soon they arrive, spider and the recoms were awake and cleaning up their mess before their day ahead. spider notices her mother, running up to hug her and sticking his tongue out at quaritch.
"oh my sweet seykxel. i apologize for not being there with you, i had to teach the demons ahead of what lies in their journey." she kneels to his level checking his mask to see if everything's alright. spider smiles knowing he wasn't dreaming reuniting with his mom but the last thing he needed was the man with her, coming out of the woods.
the thoughts in his head of the shit he said to her to get on her nerves and constant reminders to focus. he stook his tongue out at him hugging his mother tightly.
miles arches his eyebrow at his childish act, "kid, that wasn't nice. you know i can tell on you with your mother."
"what's it to you? you're the one insufferable here." he did it again and ingyen said nothing just giggling at seykxel's instincts to answer back.
her giggle is a new sound to the ears of the demon. miles will remember to bother the kid to receive such a wonderful emotion to tease her even further when they're alone again.
"blue one, iron sky. send your report." the general's voice in his ear piece in contact of the situation. pressing the button on his throat comm to send his status, "iron sky, blue one. we are at the same spot yesterday only we ran into something valuable. or someone i should mention."
"inform, blue one."
"it's the kid's mother. a na'vi woman who raised him as a baby. we already made a deal with the na'vi of teaching us our way through the forest. i'll advise in if anything more high valuable for the mission." miles says watching her and spider smiling as they talk.
"you better know what you're doing colonel. iron sky will come for pick up in ten days top with the hostages, whatever problems or news there are, call it in."
"yes, general." the conversation ends.
once he and his team head back to bridgehead city, he'll have to report the mother and child to stay together and with him on their side missions in the forest. a single mistake can ruin the operation because with spider reunited with his mom means anything can happen in a second if he's mishandled.
he will have to talk with her about joining them to the rda, no choice in rejecting it since spider has a tracker chip in his mask and he won't be able to survive without it.
as another day begins their training and lessons start by their own na'vi teacher and her son to show them the lifestyle of their people on survival and skills to depend on in the forest.
all of them will go through tests and passages that she will choose whether they succeed or not.
miles hopes on developing a stable relationship with the woman and appear friendly so he'd get information about jake sully but for now he's gonna have to wait a few days so he's enjoying what will be his entertainment in this forest full of dangers.
to be an absolute nuisance to ingyen.
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@skinmittensgoblin @eternallyvenus @winxschester @perseny @cleverzonkwombatsludge @reallysparklychaos @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @liyahsocorro @violet-19999 @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @ratchetprime211 @analuw @alexandra-001 @grimistangel
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i-bring-crack · 10 months
Plague Monarch! Cha Hae-In AU
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(I have a lot of thoughts about her zombie control and bugs in general)
At a young age she was very timid so she didn't get along well with other kids or had a lot of strong friends in her life.
She often just passed her time catching butterflies and looking a ant burrows. The little workers fascinated her a lot.
Her mother owned a flower shop and she tended to take care of some honeybees in their backyard. Cha having lived with those bees often had her hands full of them and named the queen Arsha.
When she sprined her ankle during a race, she couldn't run a lot, but liked to be more outside than inside, so her best next destination was to walk around the forest near her home. It felt tranquil and she got to carry a lot more bugs. Sometimes she even let them crawl on her arms, hands and face.
After her mother was admitted to a hospital due to her illness, the Eternal Sleep, she couldn't keep earning a lot of money by being a third rate athlete, and she felt a new power had awaken in her body, so the next best thing she got was to become a Hunter.
Of course, her life wasn't really all that lucky. She got the lowest rank from all Hunters. E rank. With a power level of 15.
It was truly a miserable existence for her during the past 3 years.
She felt as tiny as bug, sometimes even literally as she had to resort to tricks, biting and nail clawing her way out of her situations.
Three years had passed and she already passed the nickname of "The Bug Hunter" due to her her being so weak that she could easily be squashed like a Bug. But also like a Bug she managed to survive despite all the odds.
Insignificant, and yet always crawling on for survival.
But eventually, her luck had run out.
... or maybe it hadn't
D Rank Arc:
The dungeon was filled with giant bugs only found possibly in Red Gates, or maybe something worse.
Whatever this place was, she defiantly saw it as a sanctuary of sorts for all kinds of huge insects whose bodies where made from plants and tiny other bugs compiling bigger corpses.
It was due to her knowledge about insects in general that she even managed to get so far before she was finally struck down by a Bee.
However she still didn't want to die, and in her last moments, she started eating them. (Hahaha SL R refrence)
Her body slowly consuming every single bug until she could no longer go on, yet at that point she had succeeded the trial predestined to her from the start.
[The One Who Became Many]
[Status window]
Name: Cha Hae-In
Level: 1
Class: None
Title: None
HP: 100
MP: 10
Tiredness: 0
Strength: 10
Stamina: 10
Agility: 10
Intelligence: 10
Perception: 10
(Available points to distribute: 0)
Passive skills: - (Unknown) Lv. Max
Active skills: - Sprint Lv.1
"Guess I'm starting from zero huh..."
Her first day was extremely confusing, the chief Woo Jin-Cheol from the surveillance division had retold the story of her being the only survivor in a deserted place, with no injuries whatsoever except for the huge wound around her heart, that no matter how hard they tried to heal, it kept still showing up. But it wasn't of any big deal either since she still survived from that. Then he asks if she reawakened, they measure her, and no, she hasn't. Thus the two assosiation members leave as fast as they came.
Cha didn't get a punishment because she thought "well everything is already weird, and I haven't had a proper workout in a long time so..."
Workout Arc!
A prerequisite to good bodies is the requirement for great workouts that enable the player to reach the very limits of her body and even surpass them!
Of course since Hae-In had already trained as an Athelete before, most of the workouts that changed daily [Endurance, Resistance, Jumps, Cardio, etc—] would be a piece of cake for her to go through.
What were the hardest parts of the daily quest where in fact, the extra dungeon that she would go through every day to test if her workout had done her favors.
Haein tended to be very embarrassed when talking to Miss Choi Yoora about why she always came covered in goo of sorts. And why she smelled so bad.
[You have killed 'Arbogenius Mantis' ]
[You have obtained: The Arbogenious Claw!]
It was bigger than what she expected, a sword made from one of the strongest claws of the monster she faced.
Huh. Guess she now has to start learning swordsmanship.
Lizards Arc!
A few changes are made from the original story obviously, for one she doesn't enter a C rank dungeon yet, especially when the enlistment was too sketchy. Later on Cha, as she is watering her plants suddenly gets called from the assosiation that they need another member ASAP because one Hunter hasn't assisted today.
So she goes and eventually meets up with new people that she feels she has heard from before, although she can't pinpoint from where.
Lee Ju-Hee is the first to talk to her, she is nice and sweet and has a very strong aroma, far stronger than the others.
When she gets close is when Haein notices that her nose has developed far more than before. At first she would often be around low rank hunters and their smell could only be picked up if she got close enough to them. Even then the smell would be as awful as someone who hasn't showered.
Now, respectfully she felt the smell of the B rank healer was like getting close to a trashcan.
'Oh god. And if I'm going to level up more, doesn't that mean I'll have to be around Hunters that smell worse???'
These powers really were to good to be true!!
Apart from the new finding, she also got to meet a swordsman Song Chi-Yul who could help her train.
And she got to level up more by fighting the dungeon boss.
Overall a normal raid with normal people and some false ranker totally not noticing her skills are way too over the top for someone who is a simple E rank.
False Ranker Match Arc!
Over the time Cha had sustained quite the popularity in the negative way, so when she was suddenly sees as more powerful than before, the eyes seemed to shift quickly with curiosity.
The strongest moment where this happened was when a false ranker had appeared in front of her and challenged her to reveal her true status.
This false ranker was none other than Nam Chae Young, an E rank Archer hidding her true potential. Fortunately it was far less than Hae-In who had just reached the strenght of a top C ranker. Nam Chae Young offers her to help Haein hide her identity if she lets Nam live and Cha is... tempted. Nam hasn't done anything bad at all but she still is a false ranker, so she asks why she is hiding her true potential and Nam replies that it's easy money for someone to enter low rank dungeons while also having the stenght enough to beat a few goblins. And if she were to awaken as a C rank she would be put into more dangerous raids which is not what she really wants to sign up for.
But, if Cha is strong, stupidly strong enough to even fight her one on one, have skills like sprint, healing and posion on her and still get rid of the monsters around them without loosing much HP (lies she needed to replenish her HP with those bottles quite a lot) thennn, they can just make a few fake raids and both of them will get what they want.
Cha hae in will get her animosity and be able to level up inside dungeons without any problems
And Nam will be able to make quick bucks by gathering the 'strike squad'she needs, since we'll, she has quite a lot of friends for being so strong.
(And Cha may be a bit irritated that she does need her help, but hey as long as she can keep her mouth shut, no problemo)
Job Change Arc!
It takes quite a lot of side quests and dungeons before Cha finally achieves Level 50.
The event suddenly happened as she was still training with Chi Yul. The old man almost managed to strike her weak spot due to Haein being distracted by the screen, making Juhee and him worry a bit.
She couldn't tell them the truth so Cha texted Nam to help her get out of the situation and creating a perfect excuse in the process ("all that lying to the assosiation really works for something!" "Unnie... =_=")
Juhee understood and said that she will wait for her until tomorrow then, since Juhee will be leaving then in the airport.
In the meantime Haein was to finish the quest In less than a day.
As she enter she found herself in a.... normal house.
Well this was confusing.
Walking through it she realized this was her old home, with everyone gone and every single plant that she and her mother had cared for completely dried and dead.
Cha followed her gut feeling to go outside of the house where the Bee colony she used to care for once lived.
There it was, the first monster and the strongest she had ever seen before:
[Queen Bee Arsha]
Hah... So an old friend.
After much trouble she managed to kill Arsha, her body composed of thousands of bees was the worst kind of enemy that Cha had ever thought to face. Had she not remembered how a Queen bee looked like and killed it, then she would have died from trying to kill every single bee.
First came her fight in a tropical zone, a huge forest where all kinds of bugs and poison lurked withing.
No matter how much she tried to stab them and kill them, they always came back. And if she sliced them in half they will grow more.
[Eat them]
[Devour them]
[Devour your enemies.]
[Become stronger with their blood.]
The memories of the double dungeon cane back, seeing as this was the only answer that she could think of, Cha began to eat the heart of each bug until her body was at its limit and the venom was paralizing her entire body.
[You can only grow so far by being human]
[You aren't the only one who wants to live]
[You aren't the only one who will crawl for scraps in order to survive]
[They called you a cockroach for outlasting Death]
[They called you a parasite for the sake of letting your mother live another day]
[They called you a bug for being so weak.]
[So, are you now? Are you really as weak as they all say?]
[Or don't you want to prove them wrong once and for all?]
And then
[Penalty quest]
[Good Luck]
For four hours she had to survive against a new wave of monsters now, but these weaker than her. These were big and had many points were she could strike.
And she was small, she was fragile, a single punch— nein, scratch could instantly kill her.
[Skill: Poison activated!]
[Skill: Hunger activated!]
But she was going to survive this one.
Extra content!
Woo Jin-Cheol: I need to asks a few questions for your rank re evaluation. First: what class are you?
Cha Hae-In: *looks at status window* umm Parasite??
Woo Jin-Cheol:... what
Cha Hae-In: wait no, Plague Monarch.
Woo Jin-Cheol:...
Cha Hae-In: *looks at the detox skill and her HP bottles* Just put healer.
Beru: *Bites*
Cha Hae-In: *Bites back*
The entire Korean team: ????
*Cha Hae-In being called a bug*
Queresha: That one. That one. I want that one.
*Antares may just be sulking in the back who knows*
Cha Hae In and her beautiful army of Bugs~~
The way she brings them out is actually quite nasty, but efficient! By drawing blood from herlsef! (You see she is technically one with her bugs now, the ones she eats, so to summon them she has to like, let her blood fall and thus bugs come out of said blood/or are made from that)
So for most of the story Cha has to get quite beaten up before her power fully appears.
In her first S rank Dungeon, the Winter Kingdom, she managed to earn a pair of wings.
While fighting Arsha she got [Queen's Control] which was technically like Ruler's Touch but she would eventually learn to handle it in a more versatile way that let her grab on to more than two things from far away.
This is technically withing the Canon SL minus the change of Haein. So at some point she does meet the Shadow Monarch who is... working as a miner? In the Hunter’s guild??Guild???
The system is asking to not interact with the other players as much but like, what could go wrong? So Cha tries to catch his attention after lunch and — Yo why is he going to the boss dungeon???
If she didn't catch him in time the whole dungeon would have gone into chaos, so Cha decides to go tomorrow to the raid.
Who wants to a porter?
Both raise their hand.
They make a paper rock sissor game and Jinwoo wins.
Ah so long leveling up her bugs—
Not 5 minutes later and she can already feel some disaster is about to start due to the smell of the gate becoming more strong. She calls upon Chief Woo saying if she has permittion to go.
"Miss Cha it is important you do not get involved with him."
He doesn't want another S rank fight in the middle of nowhere. He just dealt with two already.
With the Wings Haein got she was able to almost be everywhere at the speed of light and fly anywhere she wanted.
She flew to Busan to meet Juhee,
then to where her mother was to bring her the water of the Echo spring forest, sadly it needs the demon bloods king.
(And jinwoo also needs the Echo spring water.)
and she even flew to Jeju to meet the ants :D
What the heck they are able to fly too?!?!
Jeju island goes... well? I mean she didn't expect she had to fight both humans and ants in one day. Goto was planning to kill them, and Haein had to suffer some Ant King trying to take her throne away from her. Not that she will ever let him.
But she had to keep fighting these two until Jinwoo finally came, defeated the with Hae-In’s help and the Koreans as well as the Japanese were able to live.
But how?
[Skill: Parasite Worm is activated]
Essentially the Japanese that died, haein managed to cure their corpses of any injuries with some generation abilities, and then with the help of the Parasite worms, she could brainwash them to do whatever she wanted.
One of these things where for the worms to give them back some sort of consciousness and keep acting like normal people until Haein needed their help.
(Unlike the summoning from her blood, these ones will just use the host they inhabit to personally do whatever task they need. They are basically just zombies but don't look the part. They dont even know it themselves at times ~)
In the whole exchange JinWoo was horrified.
Beru got his personality by absorbing Cha's blood since he bit her. Due to her regeneration she was fine but Jinwoo didn't like hearing that at all.
If Queresha is being honest, she never wanted a successor, she just wanted and needed a vessel. She still needs it too. But this one right here seems to be very strong in her own way. Her tenacity reminds her to when she was a small bug too, the weakest of her kind able to rise to this extent.
And she can't help but be proud that her vessel has come so far.
But at some point she has to choose.
[The Double Dungeon is calling you again. To where it all started.]
[Can you devour the Monarch whole this time?]
[Or will this be your deathbed?]
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heich0e · 3 months
liv…. i eat up your dialogue EVERY TIME like a crazy person.. if you post smth for someone i dont go here for, i read it just because 🤍 i 🤍 love 🤍 your 🤍 writing 🤍 but that being said……. i must know the details of the canonverse levi wip you posted. what did erwin do! what was levi and r’s relationship! how!!!!
if you're genuinely interested, i really don't mind telling u what the plot is because i will quite literally never post it. it was the first fic i ever wrote for any anime, and i hadn't even gotten very far into the actual show at the point of writing—so while some aspects are (tenuously) canon-compliant, there are also many very clear ways in which it is not.
so, to reduce that terrible levi x reader fic (it's so bad and i MEAN that!!) down to its barest bones, start to finish:
at the point where the fic opens, reader is a young, low-ranking soldier in the survey corps on her way to mitras with levi and erwin to attend a small gala being hosted by a very wealthy family that they're petitioning (effectively wooing) to provide funding for the corps
the reason reader is asked to come along is because she comes from a very good family in mitras and is connected to the "high society" folk—though never explicitly stated, erwin very much intends to use her and her social graces as a sort of poster child and mouthpiece for the corps, in hopes that she can charm ppl and help them gain favour to accomplish their goal
all things considered, reader was very privileged growing up and had as comfortable/luxurious of a life as anyone (at least anyone in paradis) could possibly hope to have. her family is aristocracy/noble and comes from a long line of "wealth." her father is a doctor who consults with the military in a high ranking capacity—though he's never actively been a soldier, and it's largely just a cushy job where he doesn't do much actual grunt work, just gets consulted on things and sits on boards or whatever
reader graduated from school and enlisted in the military when she came of age—to the shock and horror of her family (especially her mother) and their noble peers. but she felt an impetus to do something with her life that wasn't just sit around docilely and look pretty until eventually her father handed her over to an advantageous husband and she went from daughter to wife and surely then eventually mother—while never actually having any agency or choice for herself
because reader was well-educated from childhood, she did well academically at the cadet academy, and because she grew up in a comfortable home she is physically very competent as well (though truthfully her skill as a soldier is often very OP and cringey to read back now... but it was my first fic! sue me!)
levi and reader don't interact much in the corps (as he's not her squad leader) but when they do they're constantly at odds—he thinks less of her as a result of her silver spoon upbringing, and while she doesn't dislike him, per se, she definitely resents his treatment of her
on the trip to mitras (alongside a very uncomfortable homecoming to her estranged family's home with two men who are effectively her bosses) they attend the gala/banquet and it's revealed that the family hosting it is the most wealthy in mitras (save for the royal family, though they're sort of unofficially considered the second-in-command) who reader is very familiar with—they have a son her age, and a few daughters slightly younger, who she grew up close to (i made all these characters up btw.... first fic liv was rly going wild)
the son from this family was always sort of sweet on reader growing up, and they have a vaguely romantic history in their teens (before reader enlisted.) reader very quickly surmises that she was brought along (or at the very least is able) to possibly sway the son in their favour, as the eldest and heir to this family's fortune, who would in turn convince the father to support the corps
the son (his name is adam btw. if anyone cares? lmao) is actually very sweet, and earnestly cares for her. he's just blinded by his own affluence to a lot of realities—like most extremely wealthy people are
reader is a good soldier and she's cunning, and she knows that what she's doing is ethically/morally questionable but in the interest of the greater good she goes along with some flirtation/manipulation for the cause
the story progresses and reader continues her work in the military, but the heir from this family is clearly infatuated with her and he (and his father/family by extension) begin implicating themselves more heavily with the military as an excuse to see her/spend time with her/etc though of course it's all under the guise of official business
so it's like the life she fled is bleeding into the one she built for herself, and it's stark juxtaposition becomes very clear in those instances where they overlap and she's forced to juggle them both
she just wants to be a soldier and do good. erwin is (in so many words) pressuring her to do her part and keep up the charade. levi is watching this all unfold from the wings and starts to feel some genuine sympathy for her
lots of very dramatic things happen, yadda yadda yadda. levi grows less hostile over time, and reader becomes closer to him. she's always respected him and that grows into something mutual. there's a lot of unspoken tension brewing between them
it's revealed that reader threw her cadet exam results so that she wouldn't be in the top of her class, and therefore couldn't become an MP and had to join either the garrison or the scouts. she did it intentionally (erwin knew and used this to his advantage) so that her family wouldn't be able to force her back to mitras. when levi realizes what erwin did/knew and how he used it to his own advantage it really upsets him, because he's basically pimping reader out for the betterment of the survey corps. this is the first time you really see levi get angry about the way she's being used (and you can infer in this moment that he maybe cares about her a bit)
more dramatic stuff happens!
the story culminates in the reveal that the son is planning to ask for reader's hand in marriage. her own family has already agreed. part of the financial agreement the powerful family has made with the survey corps is that reader will effectively be retired once she marries (and transferred to a clerical role with the MPs. desk work, basically. fake work, for all intents and purposes, because the position was made up just for her)
reader goes to erwin, understandably extremely distraught when she finds out, and begs him to stop it from happening. she doesn't really care about getting married, but she doesn't want to leave the scouts. he effectively (though not explicitly/in these particular words) implies that maybe if she fucks her "fiance" he'll be more open to compromise and let her stay in the corps
she does it, but unsurprisingly loverboy is not about to let the woman he's obsessed with (who he has now officially boned lmao) go back to risking her life every day in the military, and it's almost immediately revealed that her plan didn't work at all
(erwin pretty much knew the whole time it wasn't going to work. bastard.)
reader feels betrayed and helpless. she goes to levi the night before she's set to leave—who basically is like "uhhhh i told you so??" upon finding out what's happened—and they end up sleeping together anyway in a very emotionally fraught and vulnerable moment
she leaves the next day
a timeskip happens. turns out that the ENTIRETY of the wealthy family was killed in the attack in mitras (like between annie and eren's titans i think? don't remember what season that is. a lot of ppl get smooshed in a church. they were there.)
but reader had already been married into the family. she wasn't in the church and inherited the entirety of their wealth as the sole surviving family member.
she was also.... pregnant :) (of course she was! this fic hits every trope and bad fanfic cliche! maybe it's twins!)
levi is back in mitras years (??) later (listen.... i didn't know where the hell the canon storyline of this manga was going at the time so FORGIVE ME for the fact that obviously this is not canon compliant l m a o)
reader has become sort of a recluse since everything happened in mitras, but having inherited the wealth she's become a key figure politically and particularly with respect to the military because of her influence as a donor.
levi tracks her down to this surprisingly humble property on the outskirts of town.
there's a little boy playing in the yard. no more than four or five. he has dark hair and slate grey eyes. levi looks at this child and sees his mother's face.
the little boy speaks to him but levi is (understandably) very confused and disoriented. reader comes outside and is shocked to see levi there. like she's seeing a ghost.
reader tells the little boy to come to her and scoops him up in her arms, and she quietly reminds him (his name is Teddy btw... short for Theodore) that he's not supposed to talk to strangers.
and Teddy leans in real close and says "but mama... he has your wings" because Levi is wearing his survey corps uniform with the insignia on them. you've kept your own patch (a parting gift from erwin when he sold you off... how thoughtful) and treasure it.
all of which is to say that basically Levi is the kid's father, but because reader was already married when her pregnancy was discovered and the timeline still checked out—so no one ever questioned the paternity (especially because she was a WIDOW by the time she gave birth.)
teddy is now the "legitimate" heir to the entire fortune that was left by reader's husband/his family, but until he comes of age it's reader's to manage, so she can provide a safe home for him to grow up in—though notably removed from the society that she was raised in.
it's heavily implied (though not actually confessed) that reader and levi have been in love with each other for all these years, and there's a kind of optimism about what future is ahead for them now that their paths have crossed again. (present day canon-knowing liv is laughing at this part in particular.)
the end.
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naivesilver · 11 months
wish I could send you a good ask about an AU of an AU but every single scenario I think of keeps ending up super sad for one reason or another. I'll keep working on that. For now, as a more generic ask, some headcanons about thousand problems AU where the curse doesn't happen? (aka. wish realm!AU) If you fancy it?
DO I FANCY IT, SHE ASKS of course I fancy it!!!!!!! My babies all grown up and Emma flabbergasted!!!!!!!!!! 💗💗💗💗💗
So, to make things clear: the premise is akin to that of the Wish Realm, canon Emma gets stuck there and Regina goes to rescue her, except this time it's not just Pinocchio but the whole gang as adults with *gasp* A JOB? Let's see...
Lampwick survived his ordeals and somehow reconnected with Pinocchio when they were younger, and then after Geppetto died like in canon WR he convinced Pinocchio to travel the land (by boat, if I have my way and he is still raised by dwarves after a fashion) and along the way they picked up the rest of the group where they were scattered around various kingdoms;
technically they're merchants (Eugene is their budget man) but they also end up doing increasingly odder stuff wherever they go. Pierrot is still convinced he can crack it as a renowned musician and will play his lute for money (or to woo people). Twinkle has a sword. Don't question it, she's security detail;
Twinkle btw was raised in Agrabah because Sylvester and Igor thought it would be the safest place and Igor still had family there. She therefore is fluent in multiple languages and dresses more in Eastern fashion, with airy, flowing clothes, bright tones and sometimes headpieces;
while they were swinging by her parts Pierrot def tried to propose marriage to the lady Olympia but rumour has it she has refused EVERY suitor since her teenage years (also her dad isn't impressed by Pierrot's ownings) (also also while they were fucking that up Olympia's sister Coppelia pledged herself to Eugene and still sends him invaluable tips about trading. She's already planning the wedding and he's smitten);
when plot begins they've just docked back home which is why Emma (whose WR memories KNOW Pinocchio has returned) still suggests they go to him for help. IRL!Robin is still alive so Regina is not trying to drag Wish!Robin along but he still goes with them because he's looking for his young son who disappeared earlier (Lampwick found him. He really said IS NOBODY GONNA CLAIM THIS and rescued this lost child without waiting for an answer);
when reunions ensue Regina is STUNNED because these bitches aren't KIDS anymore, Roland has gained four new uncles and an auntie (Robin and Lampwick had a very disgruntled conversation but the baby was eating honey sweets the whole time he doesn't give a shit), and they all had to make a hasty escape by sea because technically it still looks like they're helping the Evil Queen do shit. Emma lowkey just wants to go home;
(shut up it said 5+ headcanons I can do what I want) Leona isn't dead btw she's super old and just never remarried (: they meet her when they swing by her village port, they think she's quite nice because when they help her carry the product home she tends to offer them fresh pastries;
Daria can be a fairytale lawyer if she wants to. Gatekeep gaslight girlboss. Mignon can be Pierrot's travelling bard rival for the same reason. Hansel and Gretel possibly never came out of that forest. Grace is...getting by (she hasn't seen her dad in decades) (she's older than he was when he left) (sometimes she wonders if he's even alive anymore)
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elderflowergin · 2 years
Some thoughts about Extraordinary Attorney Woo, episode 5:-
I know we dislike Kwon Min-woo, but he was not wrong for much of this episode. (I mean, he can eat it for that phone call on the basketball court, but it seems like he did; he can also eat it for taking credit for Young-woo's work in preparing the witness).
But he's not wrong when he says that when you decide you trust a client's story and you take them on, you do not get to decide halfway that the story's not good enough for you. The professional responsibility is to provide the best representation you can under the circumstances.
There's a variety of rules around this profession - e.g. cab rank rule, where you take a client as they are and do not have the privilege of picking "the best"; privilege and confidentiality; giving the most robust representation possible to the most odious people because they are your client. They serve necessary purposes.
One thing ethics doesn't cover conventionally - not that I've seen anyway - is how these rights and responsibilities translate to today's power structures. A lawyer today doesn't hang a shingle out her door and represent a variety of her neighbours in rent disputes or egress into land; today they do litigation or insolvency or cross-border transactions - specific areas of corporate work. Hanbada's clients are not typically individuals; they're major corporations. That's where "the best" go, and it's relatively easy to divorce yourself from concerns of justice or fairness in these silos.
Keeping a client's secret when he's standing trial for theft is very different from an in-house lawyer hiding miles of documentation that could prove liability for a major environmental crime, but they're using the same words when they describe their actions. We instinctively understand when confidentiality is mentioned - yes, we should be able to talk to a lawyer freely; but it was also used by lawyers to keep scores of women from speaking out about abuse and harassment.
Did he really abuse you? Did he really chase you down a hotel hallway and hold you down? I do not know. As Kwon Min-woo says: I can't know what was true and false. That is not my job. That's not a lawyer's job; it's for a judge to decide. You have the advantage of legal representation, someone who will tell you this sum of money is the best we can do for your alleged trauma. That's how it is. A variety of rules so people can say they did their jobs in the most ethical manner possible, if not in a way that squares with the common human understanding of justice.
As it turns out, this injunction had a collateral, very shitty purpose; it delayed things long enough for the client to sign on major contracts. It's not even illegal; it's an awful thing to do, but there it is - the law as a tool of subjugation. What do you do when the rules are helping all the wrong people, to resource-guzzling corporations who are exploiting them to maximise profits?
The Jung Geum-jas and Oh Soo-jaes of the world would have approached this differently. This is how the world operates, and I'm going to ascend these power structures until I have some agency not to take on unethical clients. I'll build my capital and power, and defer the question of ethics till then. That's what women do to prove themselves in a closed-off, man's world.
But this is not Young-woo's trajectory. There's no waiting for a future, for Young-woo it's right before her eyes, and she feels a keen urgency to do the right thing. I wondered at first if this was related to her neurodivergence, but I think the show does a very neat job of showing that it's just who she is as a person. She responds to injustice, she's fair-minded; her father, too, is similarly principled and fair-minded, almost to the point of Young-woo's detriment in his opinion. There's no detangling or separating Young-woo's autism from everything else that makes her who she is.
We start out this episode with Attorney Woo Young-woo trying to figure out how people lie. Geurami gives her a rundown of common tells; even Jun-ho helps her with some basic tricks that he learned. She even learns to apply some of these when she meets with her client's technical manager. There's a moment when the manager looks at her and says - are you sure the other lawyers approved this? Let me call Attorney Kwon - even though she's fully qualified and right there. She's the smartest person in the room and she stumbles. She knows the most useful answer for the client (a witness for this hearing cannot be charged with perjury); she knows the right answer too (he's a liar). And in that moment, she lies to herself and goes for the expedient answer, even though everything in her rebels against it, and Jun-ho can tell.
It's then sweetly bitter that Attorney Woo - who needs her friends to teach her how to read people, who has to do this additional work just to keep up with the other lawyers who take this ability for granted - cannot lie to herself, not for long. The rules may be good enough for Kwon Min-woo, but not for her.
If the rules aren't good enough for her, can she still be a lawyer? I don't see what else she should do. She's known this since she was a child, it's held her together, it made her speak. She of all people was meant for it. The show practically dares the Kwon Min-woos to say Woo Young-woo doesn't belong to their world. He can complain and resent all he wants - I don't think he can truly say she doesn't belong. (He can't help it; he sees how she plays the fraternal feud from the previous episode and he admires it, despite his numerous dissatisfactions around Young-woo).
I don't know where they'll take this from here. There's some sense of Young-woo as a tool for the best law firms, a wild card, but ultimately I feel it goes back to something @rain-hat wisely pointed out - maybe the law is her tool, hers to do what she will with it, and that's the weight of being different, I think, but it would hurt Woo Young-woo to be not be different. Big transformations are sexy, but some systems will take longer than others to change. It's incumbent upon those who can to move the needle every day, in every small way possible. I hope that's what the letter on Young-woo's wall reminds her, every day.
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natasha-in-space · 2 years
Mystictober Day 1 - favourite character/first date
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Unknown/cmc Natasha Stakh (Mint Eye ver.)
Author's note: Woo! I more or less recovered from my flu, so albeit super late, I'm excited to get to work on my wips again ^^
Natasha stared at a huge mountain of ice cream with a variety of toppings, syrups, and decorations that reminded her of a Christmas tree or a careless drawing of a small child with its bright design. To say that all her preconceptions about the taste preferences of her boss crumbled to dust is to say nothing at all.
She could only gawk in genuine bewilderment at the gigantic dessert and the young man enthusiastically gobbling it up with no care in the world, paying absolutely no mind to her intense gaze. Rather, his interest was entirely focused on the specific person at the other end of the cafe, chatting away fervently with their friends over fresh cups of coffee.
Well, this is turning out to be a very fascinating scouting mission, there's no doubt about that.
After weeks of careful study and selection, Unknown finally approved on their future target, whose goal would be to stay in their Savior's former apartment and collect useful information on the RFA without their knowledge. However, before proceeding with the execution of their plan, they had to make sure that the decision being made was indeed perfect and that nothing could threaten the safety of their eternal paradise.
And so, here they are, roughly speaking, practically stalking this unfortunate soul at every twist and turn, monitoring any aspects of their daily life that may be useful to them in the future.
Going inside the cafe and having a bite to eat was her idea from the very beginning, given they had not eaten anything since early morning, and the alluring smell of freshly baked pastries and hot coffee coming from the doors of the establishment made her stomach growl so loudly that Unknown began to angrily grumble at her from his seat behind the wheel of an inconspicuous car. Fortunately, the Savior has given them a certain budget for all sorts of possible needs that may arise during their trip, and... why not take advantage of the rare opportunity to eat something other than the usual menu of Magenta, right? Plus, this way, they will be able to observe the target at a much closer distance, all while not drawing too much attention to themselves.
That is, except for her boss's eccentric attire, of course. Not to mention his fussy attitude due to his hunger which he stubbornly refused to acknowledge.
And although he realized that she was only trying to beg him for food in this roundabout way, after pondering over her offer for a couple of minutes, he reluctantly agreed, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her towards the cafe before she could say a word.
"For someone who's been buzzing my ears off about how she's supposedly starving, you're suspiciously unenthusiastic."
She twitched, suddenly realizing that she had been staring at him without any shame all this time, her mouth almost gaping.
Unknown arched an eyebrow in silent question, stuffing yet another portion of mint chocolate chip ice cream into his mouth, which... to be honest, looked quite comical when compared to the general menacing aura that he tried to exude with his whole appearance.
She choked out, awkwardly clearing her throat and looking around, suddenly very aware of how public this place really is.
"...Ice cream doesn't quite fit the bill for a full meal, if I'm not mistaken, boss."
She murmured as she lazily scooped up an area of vanilla ice cream topped with strawberry syrup, before lifting it to her lips to taste the sweetness radiating on her tongue.
He huffed, crossing his legs and grabbing a particularly large raspberry from the top of the dessert.
"Tough luck, assistant, I'm not your chef - I'm your boss. So it seems like you have no choice but to listen to me... What a shame."
Cheeky bastard!
Natasha narrowed her eyes in clear annoyance, observing the sly smirk forming on his lips as he carelessly tossed a berry into his mouth with a cocky gleam sparkling in his piercing eyes. And just like that, he returned to his engrossing task of spying on their unfortunate victim as if nothing has ever happened. She sighed, clenching both hands into fists and gathering all of her self-control together so as to withhold her immense desire to bark back right in his face. They cannot attract unneeded attention to themselves, and he used this fact to his advantage, openly mocking her and not even trying to hide it.
She should have expected that he wasn't planning to just treat her to a delicious dinner out of the goodness of his heart.
And yet, the greedy rumbling of her stomach made her groan in shame and, having accepted her defeat, reach out for another portion of fresh ice cream. At least, it indeed tastes very impressive - much, much better than those samples that were stored back in Magenta. And mint ice cream was never really her favorite to begin with. In addition, Unknown very rarely shared his favorite dessert with her, preferring to leave her candy bars and occasional candies from his personal 'storage'.
Well, two can play this game. If he plans on getting a reaction out of her - he got another thing coming.
So, she shifted all of her focus to the cold dessert in front of her and continued quietly enjoying the pleasant sweetness on her lips, not putting up a fight. Contrary to his expectations, she was not making a fuss in the slightest. And, if initially, he stubbornly refused to be distracted from his task, after some time of relative silence between them, his puzzled gaze stealthily darted in her direction, immediately turning back, as if nothing had happened in the first place. If it weren't for her careful observation of his every move right now, she wouldn't even notice this momentary movement from him.
To his failure, however, she saw through his indifferent facade, and now it was her turn to take matters into her own hands.
So, pretending that she was simply reaching out for yet another portion of sweet ice cream, she moved her leg under the table just enough to gently push his knee with her own, immediately moving back and putting on an act of this collision being just an unfortunate accident and nothing more. Unknown shuddered, this time giving her a rather irritated look without trying to hide it. This was a clear warning to her. However, she only shrugged nonchalantly, chewing on a tart blueberry with a pleased expression forming on her face.
"It's not my fault you refuse to just move our 'dinner' to the middle of the table, boss. Or do you want to feed me?"
Natasha rested her chin on her palm as her face broke into a cunning grin, comparable only to that of the Cheshire cat himself. Oh yes, she was shamelessly teasing him, taking advantage of their public setting, just as he had done to her mere moments earlier.
Of course, she would pay for it later - she understood that very well. No matter how much she played on his nerves, at the end of the day, it was he who held the most power over her, and she was completely helpless against this one simple fact. But like hell she will let him treat her like this without putting up a fight in the process!
A low growl came from his throat, like some kind of threat of the danger she was putting herself into by such careless behavior. Too bad for him, she pretended not to hear that distinct sound and continued pushing through, without a single sign of doubt in her elegant posture. She looked like a sly cat, planning on pushing a valuable object off the table right in front of her owner without any second thoughts.
"You're walking a very. thin. line. idiot."
He had to lower his voice to a low hiss, and she couldn't help but rejoice at the realization that she had successfully turned the tables on him. Normally, he would have already cornered her by now, towering over her and doing everything to show her who was really playing the strings here. However, right now, if he, let's say, tried grabbing her by the wrist, he would attract excessive attention to himself in an instant, which he understood perfectly.
Oh, she got him good. Looks like Unknown does not enjoy the taste of his own medicine. How charming.
She giggled, playfully arching an eyebrow and sliding her foot under the table yet again, this time hooking it under his own. He twitched, clasping his fingers on the surface of the table until his knuckles turned white, all while burning holes into her with an angry scowl on his face. If stares could kill, she'd probably be dead right where she was sitting in one second flat.
"Come now, don't act so grumpy on our first date. I might feel hurt, you know?"
She was only playing around, and yet, a pale blush creeped out on her cheeks as she purred out her sweet taunts, pursing her lips in a small fake pout.
He grimaced, crossing his arms across his chest and huffing in clear amusement.
" 'Date?' Is that what you think this is, princess?"
By this point, both of them had long since forgotten about their 'mission', too engrossed in this imaginary game of wits between themselves.
Natasha tucked a long lock of hair behind her ear in false bashfulness, fluttering her lashes up at him. Her voice dropped to a sweet murmur.
"Well, you can't blame me, right? Here we are, sitting across from each other in a cozy little cafe, sharing a huge ice cream. I'm pretty sure this one is meant for couples to share, considering its design."
This time, he was the one choking on his words and glancing around in bewilderment. She had to fight back a fit of laughter that was bubbling up in her chest. Of course, he had no idea about such nuances of the 'outside world - it's kind of adorable how he sincerely intended to enjoy this huge ice cream meant for two from the very beginning all by himself.
Before she could continue her sugary torture, however, they were both interrupted by a movement to the side, where MC was hugging their friends goodbye and packing up their things.
Well, this was fun while it lasted.
Their eyes followed their target as they both remained in somewhat awkward silence now, with half-finished ice cream slowly melting away in the middle. Before he could open his mouth to argue though, she waved him off, giving him a genuinely apologetic smile.
"C'mon, I can ask them to pack it up for us to-go. It's the least I can do for riling you up like that. And sorry. For teasing you, I mean. I promise I'm not going to wine if you decide to punish me this time. I totally deserve it."
She chuckled as she rose from her seat after him. However, before she could turn on her heels to walk towards the counter again, he stepped forward, grabbing her hands and tugging her closer to him.
Completely taken by surprise, she gasped, stumbling helplessly against his chest and looking up at him with a pair of dumbfounded mint eyes. She didn't expect him to do something like that in public! Nevertheless, to her utter distress, he leaned to the shell of her ear, sending small currents of warm air over the sensitive skin of her neck, which made her involuntarily tremble under his spell.
"Oh, you don't get to play coy with me now, pet. You made your intentions crystal clear to me, don't you agree on that? I'll show you what a true date with me looks like, just like you wanted... It's too late for you to back away now, so don't even think about escaping. You reap what you sow, greedy princess. It's about time for you to learn this simple lesson."
His husky undertone sent shivers down her spine, making her legs turn into jelly underneath her.
Oh... This is bad.
He snickered softly, clearly very amused with her flustered reaction, which did not help her vulnerable position at all.
But, this game was not over just yet.
Before he could step away and claim victory for himself, she leaned into him, fighting against the embarrassment bubbling up in her stomach, lacing their fingers together and rising on her tiptoes to get even closer.
"Well, give me all you got then, boss. But, since I'm a greedy princess now, I might as well try to have my cake and eat it too... So don't expect me to back down easily."
It seems this 'date' has gotten more and more bizarre with each minute passing by.
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Bye bye Miss American Pie
Skippy, I feel it is possibly the beginning of the end for Madame, her disgusting family of origin and the endless roll out of 'associated persons'.  If not, I guarantee it will be the end of the BRF who really have been swimming in the wokeness for a while.
I wonder if TM Jr will be asked to stop using 'Royal' in his insta hashtags, or if his repulsive gansta wannabe son Tyler's 'Royally Grown' cannabis products will be shut down. Both have appeared on TV shows since the gathering of unhappy people and Tyler Dooley was actually in London while the wedding was on.  Then there is Samantha and her disappearing and reappearing acts of not much substance.  She still gets paid, no matter what rubbish she spills out of her mouth. For a bunch of ugly, untalented people they sure have managed to cash in on the BRF.
The associated persons list is just as bad, the bakers, the dressmakers and the latest since jewellery designer Jennifer Meyers got the boot - the ring makers who have used the picture of Madame shushing the Tindall/Phillips kids as an advertisement for their ugly pinky rings.
Let's not forget Eugenie, just as well she's 'moving to Portugal' before the poop hits the fan.  I have a load of pics of E from her American friend's insta page.  Shame the friend has recently locked her page, the heat must be on and far more pressing than the usual attention seeking antics.  Their mutual friends are Edward Enninful, Ben Skervin and of course Markus Anderson.  Funny how Madame has had pics and headlines with all of them, then they just seem to fade away once the purpose has been served.  Eugenie really isn't very bright and is of the same mould as Harry.  Plenty of pics of her at SoHo House too.
My favourite pic though, and it has been posted here before, is the key to the associated persons and what is really going on with regard to the Club that  Madame is a member of - Markus Anderson as his glorious alter ego 'Lady A' posing on a bed with the Gucci models (which is another story in regard to where these models come from, their ages, their 'initiation rituals', and the fact many of them are young boys modelling women's clothes - allegedly).  I wonder if the Gucci model that posted the Lady A photo on their account was punished, as the photo was taken down and the account locked.
It seems old mate Nachos has dovetailed nicely into the story too.  For someone who likes to portray a modest background (as all these associated people do) he ended up filthy rich (as they all do). He's from Argentina and Madame did her 'internship' in Argentina, they both have birthdays on the 4th (like Lilibucks and Obama), Nachos targeted Harry to play polo in America in 2009 because he is royal and rich, Nachos was a model for Ralph Lauren and Madame first turned up at Wimbledon head to toe in Ralph Lauren to watch Serena, Nachos has been on the Ellen show and thinks she is the best human in the world much like he thinks Harry and Madame are, he's been on Oprah and it just goes on and on.  I have the receipts and my point is Madame and Nachos must have a lot in common to talk about.  Nachos was also a St Regis hotels ambassador when he was wooing Harry - the St Regis hotels owned by the Astor family. 
Amazing effort by a poor boy from Argentina to get where he is today and really reminds me of the effort made by the poor little 'black' girl who could only afford to eat at Sizzler.
Interesting…thank you❤️❤️❤️❤️
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thousand autumns donghua, episode 7~
things are not looking great for shen qiao. first he's betrayed by his shidi, then he's accosted by this old man who wants to bang him, now he's left his old sect behind... rip bby 😔 the old man is enjoying his sorry state a bit TOO much lol WHAT HOW DID HE MAKE THAT FLOWER EXPLODE??? HOLY SHIT HE MADE PETALS INTO A FLOWER AND THEN BROKE IT??? THATS SO COOL??? oh uhhhh there's something about a ring, good and evil, and clearing out mt xuandu or sth idk *shrug* yws: A-QIAO I HEARD U HAVE THAT GAY THOUGHT. SHARE IT A-QIAO. SHARE UR GAY THOUGHTS WITH ME. >:) now the old man and shen qiao are on a date. let's see if shen qiao will be allowed to drink without coughing or eat without fighting anyone :D damn nicholas cage is LOOSE in the jianghu, i can't believe he's just going round taking ppl's faces…….off ;A; ITS HARD TO CONCENTRATE WHEN SO MANY PPL TALK AT ONCE, AND THE SUBTITLES SHOW ME THE DIALOGUE FOR BOTH. PLS ....aaaaaand it's no dinner for shen qiao. AGAIN. smh 😩 oh god he's being a menace again. the old man, not nicholas cage. although nicholas cage also being a menace too somewhere out there is certainly possible, idk yws: oh?? ur gonna go ''''practise'''' alone in ur room??? when u could ''''practise'''' with ME instead???? >;DDD shen qiao: u are being kind of annoying :/ a lot of yws's dialogue are just hums of varying tones to express varying amounts of disdain and horny. i respect that shen qiao constantly being dismissed bc of his appearance is both frustrating and hilarious. esp when he gets the chance to LAY THE SMACKDOWN on his bullies 💪😤 WOO FIGHT SCENE! HELL YEAH! GO SHEN QIAO!!! SHOW THAT XIAOZI WHAT'S UP!!! oh!! he apologised! what a nice young man, he learnt a lesson! good for him! i take back what i said, ur not a brat 😊 DAMN RIGHT BEING NICE IS NOT BEING A PUSHOVER. THANK U FOR SAYING SO!! LISTEN TO SHEN QIAO, HE'S CORRECT!! gasp!! it's MY SON!! YU SHENGYAN!!! (see i remembered his name this time. all on my own. i'm LEARNING y'all) oh my gOD THAT FREAK WANTS HIS FACE!! LET GO OF MY SON'S FACE U MONSTER!! huo xijing: here is ur friend's face lol. i did u a favour, can i have urs too?? lol yws: ONLY I MAY KILL YU SHENGYAN AND PEEL OFF HIS FA--did u just. did u just call me old WHY IS EVERYONE OBSESSED WITH HOW HOT SHEN QIAO IS??? i mean they're right BUT THEY ALL KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT, IT'S SO STRANGE???? hxj: ooh a pretty boy, i'll take his face instead! :D sq: no :/ oh jesus who's this now?? too many new friends at once, im overwhelmed, im so confused ;A; AH!! yuan xiuxiu!! she's a LADY SECT LEADER??? i didn't know they had those!!! oh but the poor thing hasn't even got any shoes, how sad smh 😔 somebody fetch her a pair of slippers or something, this is so sad omg 😔 yxx: tee hee, im seductive and pretty~ yws: back off, tart, im gay >:( awww shen qiao wants to avenge that poor tortured lass ;A; he's such a good man, i really like him a lot ;A; i love how huo xijing is willing to literally peel faces off of human skulls, but the SECONDsomebody had him at a disadvantage, it's 'uuuuwww shen-laoshi, have mercyyy on meeeee uwu' GOT EM!!! GOOD ONE SHEN QIAO!!! U SHOWED HIM SHEN QIAO!!! 💪😤 yxx: how dare u kill my pet murderer??! *attacks the sick man* yws: BACK OFF BITCH, HE'S MINE D:< AWW HE'S HE'S MAKING SURE SHEN QIAO IS OK??? THAT'S SO CUTE????? the old man doesn't know it yet, but he's totally gonna fall in love for real and he's gonna be MISERABLE and im gonna laugh SO HARD >:D i look forward to ur suffering, yan wushi!! 😄
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forjustice · 19 days
There is now a bunch of little Wooper statues everywhere. Or were they?
No they were definitely alive, as they became a chorus of excited "woo-pahs" all around Volo.
Oh--what a sweet delight! Timebending powers could carry such a huge risk every time they were used, but leave it to Celebi to demonstrate the best possible use of them. Ever since he unlocked his past life as a Kitzoro he hasn't been used to Pokémon approaching him so freely--but perhaps this is a stroke of luck, or Celebi has taken the time to ensure these ones would be friendly. A reward, maybe, for the fact that he's so outspoken about the judicious use of abilities such as timeline retconning due to the horrors his father inflicted on him with it? Either way, he should thank Celebi for it.
Three of his young descendants are playing nearby in the field, chasing each other among the bushes--an Afro-Latina Yumean girl named Dulce, a Shenhuanese-Yumean girl named Tovah, and a Galarian-Yumean boy named Islwyn. He beckons them over to see.
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"Come here, come here~" he says, bending down to the Woopers' level and sitting on the ground. "It's time for a Grandpa Volo history lesson!"
Dulce and Tovah come sprinting over as soon as they see the Woopers, Dulce's Afro bouncing with her eagerness; Volo gives them a little "ah ah ah, be gentle" and both, being good girls, slow immediately. Meanwhile, the blue-haired Islwyn is more cautious; shy and sensitive and withdrawn, the noise makes him hesitate at first.
"Come on," Tovah says, beckoning to him with Volo. "They're so cute, aren't they?"
"Indeed they are. Why don't you come and get to know them?"
The children approach respectfully, holding out Poké Treats to the travelers in time. The Woopers closest to them enthusiastically toddle over and start eating out of their hands.
"Okay, so can anyone tell me what these Pokémon are?" Volo asks.
"Mudkip…?" Islwyn questions.
Dulce's hand shoots in the air.
"They're Woopers!" she shouts enthusiastically.
"You are correct! You've been studying this world well," he says, impressed she should be the first to recognize them when she spends most of her time in a world without Pokémon. "Now, can anyone tell me what kind of Woopers they are?"
The children are silent at first, but then Islwyn raises his hand a little uncertainly.
"I'm thinking…Orre," he says. "They look like rocks, and there are a lot of rocks there."
Tovah shakes her head.
"They look like statues carved in some of the Eastern regions," she observes thoughtfully. "They look a bit like some of the statues we have, but not quite. So maybe I'm guessing they're from…Kitakami?"
"I don't know. I swear I saw some statues looking exactly like this when Mommy and Daddy took me to Johto," Dulce says. "That puts them in…Tohjo maybe? If it's not there, Hisui. Grampa knows all about all the old Pokémon in Hisui."
"Right again, Dulce. They are Woopers from historical Tohjo."
Islwyn looks down, embarrassed. He's the oldest one there--eight years old whereas his companions are four and six--but he feels like he knows nothing compared to them.
"Now," Volo says, "I'm going to let you all use some of your Aura sensing abilities. Can anyone tell me what typing they are?"
The children close their eyes. Instantly telling the type of an unknown Pokémon is something that comes naturally to Volo, but it's something that has to be trained in his descendants--and that's what things like this are for. Finally, Islwyn raises his hand and mumbles something.
"Yes, what is it?" Volo says gently.
"Rock and Water," he says a little more loudly, stimming with the hem of his shirt. Then he looks down. He doesn't think of himself as particularly intelligent. "But I'm probably wrong again."
"No, you did an excellent job!" Volo says, ruffling Islwyn's hair. "Tohjoese Wooper are a Rock and Water type ancestral Pokémon. They are often found near large and deep water, or rivers like this one--" he gestures to the river next to them--"and their evolution is called Knollsire. Upon evolution, they grow bigger, and their tails resemble stone slabs with writing. These tails can be used to hold evil spirits."
"I have a question," Dulce says. "If an evil spirit gets trapped in a Knollsire's tail, can it come back out?"
"I would presume not. Why?"
"Well, you see, back home there's a bully at school and I was thinking if I had a Knollsire I could have it trap some spirits and then--"
Volo chuckles and shakes his head.
"I'm not legally allowed to encourage this behavior. But if you decide to do it anyway, I heard nothing." He winks.
"They're very friendly," Tovah giggles as her Wooper hops into her lap. "I guess they really like people?"
"Absolutely they do!" Volo says. "These Wooper love observing humans and human life so they can learn everything about us. Knollsire are even known for using their bodies to make bridges across rivers so humans can cross!"
He turns to Islwyn and Dulce, whose Woopers have started to fetch them stones from the riverbank.
"Is this…normal?" Islwyn says, as he stacks the rocks between his legs.
"Oh yes. It's one of their most notable behaviors. They've seen humans building houses and figured out stones are important, so they like giving humans pebbles. The bigger they are, the more they like you~"
Islwyn smiles as he sees the Wooper give him a rock the size of his fist. Dulce flashes a similarly sized rock and teasingly says, "Mine is bigger."
"Now, it's getting late. The last thing before we go home--" he has to remove some of the Woopers who are clambering all over him--"Can anyone tell me what became of Tohjoese Woopers, and why they aren't around today? Hint: Erosion."
The children turn and murmur amongst themselves, trying to figure out the answer. At last, Dulce looks up.
"Did they all just…Erode away?"
"You're almost there," Volo says. "There certainly was erosion…Of a sort."
More murmuring as they try to find the answer. The two girls seem a little stuck. But Islwyn looks down at his Wooper and closes his eyes again, reaching out with his Aura sensing to see what, if anything, about the Woopers could possibly have changed. He picks up plenty of Rock-type Aura in his, but there's something else there. The Aura itself is like a sediment about to shift and disperse…
Suddenly his hand shoots up.
"Oh! Oh! I know!" he says, the words rushing out of him as he speaks too fast. "They eroded into Ground-types!"
"You got that with your Aura sensing, didn't you?" Volo is positively beaming with pride. "They didn’t erode as much as breed into Ground-types, but same basic principle. You get an extra ice cream mochi after dinner for that one, Islwyn. Don't look down on yourself--you really do have a gift."
The little boy's shy face breaks into a giant smile and he jumps up and down happily before the girls hug him, sharing in his triumph.
When Volo beckons the children home, they take each of their Woopers into their loving arms, and the rest follow behind their grandfather. Today is such a beautiful day--full of joy and learning, a beautiful sweet miracle, and a word of comfort and praise that will be remembered for years to come.
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theaufanartist · 3 years
“𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘱 𝘴𝘱𝘢𝘮𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘪𝘥𝘪𝘰𝘵!”
“𝘊𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯-𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘪𝘥𝘪𝘰𝘵.”
Jung Woo Young💖
“Where are you now?”you ask, hearing some shuffling on the other side of the phone.
“I’m actually leaving class now,”you hear your boyfriend say, “will take mostly twenty minutes to reach, I guess.”
“Oh,”you say, legs bouncing impatiently, “can’t you arrive a bit sooner?”
“Baby, just hang on a bit,”he says, “I need to submit this one assignment and then I’ll come over soon, I promise.”
“Woo,”you whine, dragging his name, making him chuckle, “faster!”
“That’s what she said,”he says, making you roll your eyes, and you could hear his hyena laughter.
“You’re turning into Michael Scott,”you say, as you hear him chuckle, “I need my Jim back!”
“Hey, Jim’s still in there baby,”he says, making you laugh, “I’ll be there as fast as possible, okay?”
“Okay,”you say, voice small, making Woo clutch his heart on how adorable you were, “bring me chocolates on your way, please?”
“Of course, bub,”he says, “you don’t need to say please for that. I was about to get some for you anyways,”he says, making you smile.
“Come fast,”you say, making him giggle.
“I’ve submitted my assignment, now I’m gonna leave. See you soon, bub,”he says.
“See you soon; bye!”you say, both hanging up the call.
You were on your periods and the cramps were painful. You skipped college today and decided to stay in your shared apartment with your boyfriend Woo Young. You were bored to death, as there was nothing to do. Not a single good channel on TV. So, you decided to scroll through Instagram, seeing cute animal videos, lifting your mood slightly. You get a Snapchat notification from your boyfriend, seeing that you’ve seen none of them since morning. So, you open them and play them all. You receive one more.
You smile, thinking it was so endearing. But the smile turns into a frown as you receive a series of snap, the recent being that he was on his way.
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“What the hell Woo!”
“What?”You hear his voice on the call, and you think that you could hear his voice eerily close as well.
“𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘱 𝘴𝘱𝘢𝘮𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘪𝘥𝘪𝘰𝘵!”
“𝘊𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯-𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘪𝘥𝘪𝘰𝘵.”
You hear the jingle of keys, indicating the arrival of your sweetheart. Throwing his bag on the chair on the side of the sofa, he sits next to you, making you crawl up to him.
“Hey,”you say, making him place his chin on top of your head, not before kissing your hair.
“Hey you,”he says, pulling you closer, “still hurting your tum-tum?”
“It’s a bit better,”you mumble, “where are my chocolates?”
“They are in the bag,”he says, “I thought my cuddles were enough?”
“They are, but I love those confectionaries more,”you say, looking up at him, trying to sport the best puppy eyes, possible.
“You little vixen,”he chuckles, taking out a small chocolate bar from his jacket, giving it to you, “take this.”
You take it from him, happy. Unwrapping it, you break it into half, placing the other half in front of his mouth.
“Am I seeing this right? You giving me chocolate? Who are you, and what did you do to my girlfriend!”
“Time’s running,” you sing song before he smiles, taking the sweet in his mouth. You eat the other half happily, snuggling closer to him. This was comfort. Your comfort. This felt like home. Although he was loud, wild and you had your fair share of arguments, you were lucky to have an amazing and considerate boyfriend like him. He always made sure to keep you comfortable and on your toes, which made you quirky and you loved it. You loved this. You loved him. And he did too. But you couldn’t feel much peace-
“Since you’re being so affectionate, how about a kiss-”
“Don’t push it,”you say in a warning tone, nibbling on the chocolate piece.
“And there she is.”
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badlucksav · 2 years
Do you have any Linko headcanons (Both SFW and NSFW)?
This is still a rather new pairing for me, so I’m still sort of figuring out all my headcanons and how I think they’d be, but here’s what I’ve got so far:
They like privacy. Mako and Lin don’t tell anyone about their relationship for several months, one because they don’t want to be judged (she’s old enough to be his mother, for crying out loud! And he’s so young, what could she possibly see in him?), for two because of the conflict of interest with him being her subordinate (I like to think when they do go public, he ends up going into private security permanently, and doing what he did when he was guarding Wu), and for three, because they don’t want to deal with their friends. Really. Imagine Korra and Tenzin’s reactions, and then Bolin’s, Kai’s, etc. I can see why they stay private.
And having a private relationship has a lot of bonuses. There’s not as much outside influence. There’s no double dates. Neither of them are very extroverted, so they can just hole up in each other’s apartment, turn the radio on, and relax as they drink wine (or beer, probably) while Mako cooks dinner (yes, I think Mako is an efficient cook, but not a chef by any means).
When they do go “public”, they just tell their friends at first. There’s surprise, confusion, and a lot of questions, but also acceptance (after Tenzin nearly has an aneurysm). When the rest of the city finds out, there’s a few weeks where they’re the talk of the town, but without any drama to plague their relationship, they soon fall back into obscurity, just how they like it. Mako does, however, join a private security company at this point.
Anyway I’m getting rambly and I haven’t even touched NSFW yet, so here’s some short and sweet HCs:
Mako cooks better than Lin. He actually likes it, and for their one year anniversary Lin gifts him cooking lessons from the chef at Kwong’s Cuisine.
Lin likes being at his apartment more than hers because his place just feels more homey
Mako commissions Huan for a bouquet of metal flowers that he gives to Lin. She loves them.
Mako rubs her feet almost every night after work. He’s one of the only people she’s allowed to touch her feet.
Now for the NSFW 😈
Their relationship starts off as just sex. They’ve both been in relationships that ended badly, and they don’t want to deal with the drama and heartache. But after months of sleeping together, they grow feelings, and one thing leads to another and then…they start dating.
Lin takes charge in the bedroom. It works out well for both of them, because Lin needs to feel in control while Mako needs to let go of his control. They both love bondage, toys, and even some role play (Lin likes being a cop arresting a criminal, and that criminal offers the cop a favor to get off…😉).
Mako loves worshipping Lin. He loves kissing every inch of her body before he eats her out. Lin has never had a lover who does that as well as he does. She also loves sucking his cock, and Mako has definitely never had anyone do it as well as she does.
While they’re into kinky sex, sometimes they also just like to have some soft lovemaking. Candles, music, rose petals, sweet nothing whispered in ears. Mako is a total romantic, and deep down, so is Lin, and she really loves being wooed by him.
These were a lot of fun to talk about. Feel free to send me more asks!
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reaction to SIMPLEMAN
A day late but that's what happens when good subs aren't out until the next day, and you're busy that day. This episode is so sweet and wholesome that it was worth it, for sure. I'm still not sure which one is Ella and which one is Etta. They're always addressed together so I just don't know, but I'd like to. ;-; (Note: Looked it up on Wikia, the one in pink with seafoam earrings is Etta, the one in seafoam and pink earrings is Ella) See Nino knows. Nino's concerned about Marinette babysitting three kids already. He lives with one all the time, times that by 4 and WOO that's crazy. Sweet of her to want to ensure her best friend has some time to relax with her boyfriend. Oh. OH those poor Kwami! Especially Fluff and her ears being pulled like a game of tug-of-war! I can see it now, Fluff now traumatized by young kids. So if Alix ever has any in the future, they better grow up knowing about Fluff right away or she's in for a horror show. PV TRAILER AND MUSIC! I'm such a fan of the music and the PV that when my sister told me about it, it made me even more excited for this episode than I already was. And I was very excited already! Manon: So? Aren't you going to answer it? She knows what's up. So Adrien's calling asking Marinette to help sew on a wing? Because nobody else there can do it? I dunno, sounds kind of sus to me, Adrien. Are you sure you're not using that as an excuse just to see your "friend"?
Marinette's biggest problem is thinking so far ahead in her brain that when she goes to speak, she's either way far ahead of herself or gets everything mixed up as it comes out of her mouth. If she just lived in the moment and didn't plan (which being Ladybug that's probably very hard not to do outside the costume), she'd be able to do this and overcome that fear of rejection as well. She seems to have that part fairly taken care though. When Gina said she was in China to learn Kung Fu and met a girl that reminded her of Marinette, instantly thought about Fei. How could it not be her? Rolland gets asked to babysit, immediately is like "Let's do something fun and dangerous!" Tom must have had an interesting childhood with Rolland and Gina. o.o Clearly Rolland doesn't realize who the heroes are based on. Or just completely forgot he met them when Bakerix. xD Adrien's so sweet with Marinette, even if he can't understand a single thing she says. That's adorable. But a really good way to thank her could've been "Would you stay and watch the photoshoot, and then maybe we could go do something fun/get something to eat after?" BOOM. Problems solved. But I have a feeling this may come back later, and maybe that would turn out better. Marinette's grandparents tend to give Hawk Moth/Shadowmoth the most sass and trouble in comparison to other Parisians. XD Rolland is so sweet to these kids, and they are so caring towards him. It's so wholesome! Just think: if that helicopter wasn't crashing behind her, she would've screamed she loved Adrien. So close. Simpleman is the chillest akuma. Being all "Hey kids, even though I'm akumatized, let's go out into the city!" and the kids are like "Yeah, okay. Hey let's get ice cream!"
Him protecting them from all the flying pizza boxes that guy was throwing around everywhere was super sweet too. LB and CN: Things are complicated. So we should find Shadow Moth directly. Let's run around the city screaming for him to come find us so we can fight him! I seriously think if Chat Noir or Ladybug brought up the fact that their identities made things complicated, they would've revealed themselves right then and there. LOL at the old school fighting and them behaving like young children xD "NO!" "I'm NaNa, ClaCla is no longer with NaNa! Paris is really messy! BuggyBug, KittyKity, help us!" Oh this is going to be so hilarious in the English dub with the voice actress who also voices Nathalie. XDDD A bouncy ball is very complicated for Ladybug. That a literal 5 year old can figure out. Wow this villain's power sure did a number on her. xD I find it all the more stressful actually, that Chat Noir and Ladybug can remember what they were doing the whole time they were affected by the akuma. That means if Marinette said she loved him, or they revealed their identities, there would be no going back or being able to make an excuse for it. Can we just talk about how those kids could understand that the reason he wants things to be simple and is upset that the world is so different, is because it scares him and he doesn't think he's capable of learning and changing with the world? A majority of adults these days can't even take two seconds to try to understand someone else's situation(s) before judging and being outright nasty people towards them. Yet these kids were able to do so. And a lot of kids actually are like they are in real life. Some may see this as an episode just for kids to appreciate, but there's a lot in here that's aimed at adults, too. Adults need reminders and these lessons just as much, if not more so than young kids. It's adults that lose their way and needed to be reminded of it, as they have a greater immediate impact on the world. I've seen so many people judge Rolland, make assumptions about him which is almost always the very worst things they could think of. But this episode shows how caring and willing to learn and understand he really is, he was just hiding behind his fear of change and not being able to keep up with it. Some lessons in this episode for the adult viewers are: -You're never too old to learn, get over your fears, try new things, become a better person, and see things through new eyes. -Don't over-complicate or overthink, but don't be lazy and think keeping everything simple will actually in reality be the answer, sometimes it can make things worse! -Kids tend to see the world as things are, not what they think it should be, or believing they're the center of the universe like adults tend to do. -Being wise means knowing that regardless of your field, educational background, age, or lived experiences, you don't know everything, there is always more for you to learn about everything out there. The kids in this show are quite wise, as they know that there is so much they don't know and how they treat learning new things. They also know how adults tend to understand, or act like they understand everything, so we as adults aren't used to it when we don't and react negatively to that because it scares us when we don't know. In that way, this episode was very brilliant! Also that hug at the end, oh you can bet these kids are going to want to go visit Grandpa Rolland, and honestly I'd love to see bits of them here and there, their bonds are adorable and they've changed his life in such a positive way. Also the pure Ladynoir without another hero or Alya or any kind of upsetting situation was honestly such a breath of fresh air! Maybe not the kind of Ladynoir people wanted, but it made me happy. Marinette acknowledged her problem is she's scared of Adrien rejecting her. First step is admitting it! Can't blame her for not being able to do what she wanted, she only just realized the issue after all. It's going to take a little time now to work on it! Is it just me, or
does it seem Adrien's almost trying not to laugh when she was messing up and then asked if he liked fishing? XD Maybe it was the actors tone with the facial expression but it seemed that way! But the way he just watches her run away and does that adorable little chuckle... Oh Adrien, we really need you to start realizing why you keep doing that. "She (Ladybug) reminds me of your grandmother and you know what? You look exactly like her (Ladybug)." Well. Oop. He's onto you! Apparently Rolland isn't blind, as not a single character suspected her from her personality or appearance to be Ladybug so far. Even Adrien only began piecing it together due to circumstances (and his own personal wish that Marinette is LB, you can't convince me otherwise this isn't true). This is going to come back later, possibly Dearest Family? Overall such a good episode with a lot of things in it, if you decide to watch without high expectations or biases. After all the angst lately, it was certainly needed as a nice change of pace.
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woundedheartwithin · 3 years
You know what I wanna read?
Kazumasa and Lord Shimura being rowdy teenagers, getting on their fathers’ nerves and getting into trouble
Their friendship and all their adventures together
Kazumasa meeting Chiyoko and being absolutely smitten with her, and she’s just super not impressed with him or his station
Kazumasa doing everything he can to woo her and just, no matter what he does, she just teases him and walks away. None of the tales of his exploits impress her, and he’s beside himself upset because this beautiful, amazing woman won’t give him the time of day
The moment Chiyoko learns that Kazumasa is not just a warrior, interested in his sword and little else, and she finally starts to see him for who he really is
Chiyoko discovering how sentimental Kazumasa is, how gentle he can be. Discovering that he spends hours grooming his horse, telling him stories as he braids his mane
Chiyoko discovering that Kazumasa is not only as powerful as a storm, but as wild as one too, and being utterly thrilled by him
The two of them galloping bareback through a forest lit by fireflies, pushing their horses into Lake Omi and shrieking as the water erupts all around them, tumbling from their mounts and laughing and splashing one another
Shimura covering for his sister when their father asks where she is, why she missed this meeting or that party, because she keeps sneaking out to see the young samurai who has finally caught her attention
Shimura promising his friend that he’ll keep their affair a secret from the jito, and getting into a whole lot of trouble doing it because he loves them both so much
Shimura so happy to watch his best friend and his dear sister fall crazy in love, rooting for them and encouraging them and just being their biggest cheerleader
Kazumasa scared as hell to ask Chiyoko to marry him, and even more afraid to ask her father for permission
Shimura ready to fight his father on Kazumasa and Chiyoko’s behalf, and his father revealing that he’d not only known, he’d never once disapproved (and being very disappointed that his children had so little faith in him)
Yuriko helping Chiyoko prepare for their wedding, and telling her how beautiful she looks, and how lucky Kazumasa is to have her
Their wedding, and how scared they both are right until they see each other, and then everything just fades into the background
Chiyoko finding out she’s pregnant, and Kazumasa just sweeping her off her feet and kissing her until they’re both dizzy with it
Kazumasa not wanting to leave Chiyoko’s side throughout her pregnancy. So concerned with what she eats and how much activity she does, and being so careful around her that finally she scolds him and reminds him that she’s not going to break if he touches her
Chiyoko giving birth and telling her husband that they are naming the little boy Jin, and Kazumasa not even questioning her
Chiyoko giving Kazumasa their tiny infant son to hold for the first time, and Kazumasa being both completely terrified that he might accidentally hurt the child, and so giddy and enchanted by the baby that he can’t think straight
Chiyoko watching her little family, laughing when little Jin smacks his father in the face and shrieks with delight, and Kazumasa just standing there stunned before bursting into laughter too
The few years of absolute bliss as they raise their child together. All the milestones they reach and celebrate. Teaching Jin to write and play the flute and ride a horse. Learning all the ways that the little boy is like his mother, all the ways he’s like his father
Kazumasa fiercely protecting his family against raiders or Yarikawa rebels, and immediately breaking down into tears once it’s over, overwhelmed by the mere thought that he could have lost either of them
The first signs of Chiyoko’s illness, and Kazumasa doting on her hand and foot, almost annoying with how attentive he is, but so gentle and worried and sweet that Chiyoko finds herself falling deeper and deeper in love with him again and again, and not understanding how that’s even possible
Kazumasa staying up all night just holding Chiyoko as she sleeps, so scared that she’s fading away that he can’t even breathe, so he listens to her and follows her lead as she breathes deep and even and slow
Chiyoko waking up against Kazumasa’s chest, his arms wrapped tight around her, a concerned pout on his face when she looks up into it, and she just reaches up to touch his cheek and smiles, deciding to let him sleep just a little longer
I want to read about them before all the tragedy and heartache. I want to get to know Kazumasa before he had to grow up and raise his only child all alone, without the love of his life and without her guidance. I want to know Chiyoko in her own words, rather than those of a boy who didn’t get nearly enough time with her
I want to know the woman who wrote her husband a love poem, and I want to know the man who carried that poem everywhere he went
But I don’t want to fucking write it 😭😭😭 when are we gonna be able to just upload our brains into a word document????
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teeztheflag · 3 years
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I c h  h a b e  e i n e n  P l a n ! (I have a plan!)
⋆ pairing: demon!yeo sang x reader x demon!seong hwa(poly!ateez)
⋆ genre: demon au, suggestive, crack, smut
⋆ warnings: self-consciousness, flirting, smut, emotional self, sexual teasing, Yeo Sang comes up with a dumb plan
⋆ words: 2,200
a/n: I hope you like it anon! <3 / no proof read! will do tomorrow 
⋆  „Just showing you what you’re missing on.“
„The guys are right. It would literally be the best for all of us.“ Yeo Sang pops a blueberry into his mouth and frowns in thought. Hearing a chuckle from behind he smiles mischievously at his older brother and sends him a questioning look.
Seong Hwa prepares some snacks into bowls and looks over to the young demon before speaking up. „I don’t know - I mean... earlier you have been the first to say that you are against it... so what changed?“
Yeo Sang sighs and leans on the kitchen counter to eye him. „If I think about it again it makes sense. I mean if we were to talk with her and not San and Woo Young.“
Seong Hwa grins while taking the bowls and makes his way into the big living room of their mansion followed by Yeo Sang.
„Yeah, let’s just ask her. But I am one hundred percent sure she’s going to say no. She’s not ready and if I look at ourselves we aren’t, too.“
„Is there the right time to be ready? We are all craving for proximity and touch... we are mates.“
„I didn’t know I would ever hear this from our Yeo Sang‘ie! Our (y/n) really has her effect on you.“ He laughs out heartly and Yeo Sang pushes the oldest a little bit to hide his embarrassment. Before he can say anything the ring bells and his heart beat quickens at the arrivement of their mate.
You’re standing in front of the door making a little dance - the dance when you have to pee quickly. When the door opens you run straight to the toilet ignoring Seong Hwa who stood there with opened arms waiting for a hug that was much needed after the whole two days he didn’t see you.
He pouts and closes the door with a smile when he realizes you ran to the toilet but grimaces when Yeo Sang grins at him.
„What? Don’t forget about your plan playboy and then we will see who’s laughing!“ Yeo Sang‘s eyes turn dark at his words and something itches inside him.
After you finished your gaze turns to the mirror to examine your look and suddenly you feel a little bit insecure again. You didn’t look pretty good today thanks to the exams you took the last weeks. Exhausted living of coffee and the lack of sleep wasn’t good for anyone’s well being.
You shyly went into the living room looking around to see Yeo Sang already snuggled into the couch under a blanket. „Hello, (y/n).“ Without giving you a glance or anything you decide to put your things on the ground for staying over the night and pout because of the lack of recognition by the boy.
Maybe it’s for the best you look like shit...
You mutter a small ‚hi‘ and flinch when Seong Hwa comes up behind you and engulfs you into a strong embrace using the chance to hide his face into the crook of your neck. You feel your body freezing up at his touch and the warm breath on your neck.
After a few seconds you start trying to wiggle out of his arms but he only fastens his hold on you and a breathless chuckle leaves the demon. „Where do you think you’re going, mate?“
„I - I just want to sit down and start with the movie...“ Great, you’re stuttering now.
„Mh? It’s only 7 we have all the time. The boys won’t be back until 11.“
„It’s Sanghwa time!“ Yeo Sang cheers up from the couch and of course he listened intently to your and Seong Hwa‘s interaction while scrolling through the movies.
You unintentionally roll with your eyes and finally escape the cave of arms that trapped you. „I didn’t know it was only us today. Where are the crackheads?“ Yeo Sang opens the blanket for you but stops midway seeing your clothes.
„Don’t you have anything more comfortable to wear?“
„What do you mean? It’s a jeans and a top it’s ok...“ Yeo Sang frowns and looks at Seong Hwa for a short moment before he vanishes out of the room probably bringing something to wear for you.
After arguing with Yeo Sang about the genre of the movie Seong Hwa comes back with a hoodie from his closet and a loose jogger. You raise your eyebrows at the choice and are clearly confused when Yeo Sang speaks up. „You know, if you had clothes here it would be much easier. You’re practically living here anyway.“
Seong Hwa hides his smile at the first attempt of his younger brother and finally chuckles when you completely ignore him and take the clothes to change in the bathroom.
Trying to sit at the end miserably fails when Seong Hwa is quick to lift you up easily putting you between the two boys. You know it doesn’t make any sense to argue over it and you’re also quickly silenced about the movie when the oldest starts to feed you with candy and other delicious snacks.
Minutes after you really find yourself enjoying the two being so close to you although the clothes don’t help with your self confidence today... Sparkles suddenly ignite on your skin when you feel Yeo Sang leaning down to your side while his nose brushes your ear and then your chin.
You feel like paralyzed and curse at yourself for always acting like a shy teen when the demons started to get all cozy with you. Also it was an experience to have the attention of not only one love interest but eight. Although it only has been the three of you right now you were sure of one thing - getting attention of one of your mates was beyond everything you believed a love could give. It was mesmerizing and left you blissful to no end.
The butterflies in your stomach always came up in those situations making it hard for you to control your breathing - or even your whole self. You didn’t trust yourself. The urge to slowly build a connection and find out about the bond wasn’t the easiest when more of the boys couldn’t hold themselves back in your environment.
You’re pulled out of your thoughts when Yeo Sang places a hesitating kiss on your shoulder and Seong Hwa firmly placing his palm on your thigh.
„You smell wonderful...“ Yeo Sang is sure his orbs already turned into a devilish red by now and he suppresses his need to turn you around to kiss your delicate lips. Like earlier he gets into Seong Hwa‘s head seeing much more conflicting thoughts than his own - mixed with the plot of the movie and questions about it he could never come up with.
His unnatural abilities make it possible for the demon to hear your quickened heartbeat but he tries not to look into your thoughts. Although no one would ever know he did it Yeo Sang swore to himself to respect people and their minds - from time to time. (With his brothers it was another subject...)
„Seong Hwa, I have an idea... and by seeing your unholy thoughts I am convinced you will be much more than alright with it.“ A sinister smirk plays on his lips and while you just relax a little bit because Yeo Sang stopped his soothing touches on you the evening turns into something you didn’t expect.
„I - we, wanted to ask you something.“
„Okay?“ Your gaze is still trained on the tv not paying much attention to Yeo Sang. „What would you say about moving in with us - I know that our relationship is still a little bit... fresh, but, for us it would only make sense.“
This catches your attention indeed. You turn your head to both sides seeing Seong Hwa‘s and Yeo Sang‘s impassive face while the two study your reaction carefully.
„Nope.“ You pop the ,p‘ slightly and lean back much more into the cushions trying to hide away so you couldn’t see their reactions.
„Mh, okay...“ They really just gave up? But it was Seong Hwa and Yeo Sang you were talking about. The most respective guys to you. If it was for some of the others you would probably be bend over now and -
The movie goes on and after actually thinking the subject was over Yeo Sang stands up to go to the toilet for a moment leaving you and the cuddling Seong Hwa alone on the big couch.
His palm was still placed neatly and protectively on your thigh when you suddenly feel it moving up to your flower zone. You gulp at the goosebumps forming on your skin and stop yourself from pushing his hand away - because - it definitely felt way too good and although you wouldn’t admit it you desired for some love and their touches.
Seong Hwa‘s dark eyes lingered on your face and with his other hand he started to caress your face up to your lips. Your eyes felt heavy and slowly you closed them intensifying your senses to his lustful motions. His index stopped at your clit and with the lightest push a chuckle leaves him fascinated by the little moan your mouth just escaped.
You feel ashamed and your eyes open but Seong Hwa is quick to lay you down on the couch putting pressure on your abdomen to soothe you. „Relax, baby.“
His eyes and the usual smile stayed in your mind when you commit to his will and lay back to let him do how he wants. Your hands quickly find their way into his soft hair and naturally you lift your lower body for him to take off your joggers.
You panick a little bit when you feel him also pulling down your slip with the movement but can’t stop him when your arms are jerked back carefully. Yeo Sang is grinning at you from the top while locating your wrists above your head.
Time seems to fly by while Seong Hwa is eating you out like a bee zipping lusciously from his favorite flower. Your moans are music to his ears and while you cannot stop yourself from complete falling for the demons by enjoying the pleasure and relaxation they are giving you way too much you feel yourself heating up you can feel the knot in your belly tighten by any second.
„I - ah, I think I am going to...“ Suddenly the boys let go of you leaving you thirsty for the satisfaction. Your eyes shoot open immediately feeling betrayed but much more angry and horny than ever. Never did anyone of them do this to you - well, Yun Ho liked to play this game but not Seong Hwa and Yeo Sang. They were the sweetest, most caring and „assholes!“
Seeing the shit eating grin of Seong Hwa and also arrogant eyes of Yeo Sang make your blood boil. You feel exposed and vulnerable while they are fully closed having all the control over you and you hate it. Nah, it’s hot... but you don’t know what they are the fuck up to right now.
Without anyone saying anything you make a move to pull up the joggers disappointment clearly written all of your face. Yeo Sang and Seong Hwa stand up to watch you making eye contact in between. You sit on the couch in front of them sulking over the event not wanting to look up to them.
„Do you want to embarrass me or what is this about?“
Yeo Sang leans down and with his pointy lifts up your chin to catch your gaze and lock it with a knowing look.
„Just showing you what you’re missing on.“
Again a bubble of anger builds up in you and you stand up to grimace at the two. „You’re really dickheads! You’re playing with me!“ The both start to chuckle a little bit but quickly stop when they see your eyes watering and your hands turn into fists.
Maybe Yeo Sang‘s plan was a little bit too much for your emotional self today?
Seong Hwa‘s quick to relating it, too, and tries to reach out for his mate to console and apologize.
„Oh (y/n), I am sorry it was a bad idea - “
„I - I just need a moment.“ Quickly following you and telling your name a much bigger problem is about to come when the door suddenly opens presenting all the other boys with the sight of you being all teary and red in the face.
More tears flow down your cheeks and you descend the stairs with quick steps while the others watch the show confused and worried.
„What the hell happened with her?“ Jong Ho speaks up anger already written over his face at the thought something‘s up with his mate.
„I made a plan so Seong Hwa went down on her and - “
„Was it that bad?“ San asks mischievously into the round quickly getting the message of the others it was the wrong question right now.
Hong Joong sighs when a big argument starts hearing your little sobs from upstairs knowing you had some hard weeks behind you and being extra soft at the moment... they better come up with something good to get you out of the bubble.
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