#I could write an essay on this
foone · 5 months
You're allowed to rest.
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sunglassesmish · 3 months
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the fact that bobby thought it might be one of his last conversations with buck and he used that opportunity to comment on how he has changed in the last seven years and basically saying he’s proud of who he’s become - and then noticing buck’s packed bag and immediately thinking he was going to see tommy. and then saying that tommy is a good person (which he would know because he knew him before he even knew buck) and to say outright that that he’s good for him.
it just means so much for the guy who’s been giving buck advice regarding his relationships for these years and who buck considers to be like a father to him - to see that buck is in one that he’s happy and comfortable enough in that he notes it's a positive thing that he hasn’t needed to talk to bobby about it….
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aleclighttwd · 3 months
Kevin was silent for an endless minute, then said, "You should be Court."
Kevin saw Neil’s tape from Millport — a tape that displayed him playing a position he began learning that year which he “dumbed” down as to not look suspicious — and he saw potential. Kevin looked at Neil and saw greatness and this was before he knew he was Nathaniel. Kevin saw Neil play and knew that was a star in the making. Kevin, who spent his entire life trapped being second, sacrificing his skills and potential to appease Riko, saw Neil and knew that potential, that vehement passion for Exy, should not be wasted. When Kevin saw Neil play, he saw the game his mother had created from nothing — he saw the very purpose of her life displayed on a kid who only ever had a sport to call his own. I believe this is the same thing that Kevin sees when he watches the Trojans: Exy played as it was intended, as the legacy that was Kaleigh Day — Kevin’s mother and the only memory he has of her.
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funkybarnes · 1 year
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girlsharting · 6 months
do we all agree that lokius was heavily implied or am i the most delusional person on the planet
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livelaughliushen · 1 year
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I hate when people write svsss off as “the funny one” when it has some of the best satirical commentary’s I’ve ever seen in a novel. There’s so many layers to scum villain and so many ways to interpret it, it’s everything from a lighthearted romantic comedy to a cosmic horror story and everything in between. There’s so much nuance and depth but people so easily write it off as either “problematic” or “not that serious” and it makes me so angry. Idk justice for scum villain
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cryptidcr3ature · 8 months
Playing red dead: Heehee Charles loves bison and cares about animals. So silly-
My brain: Charles is more likely that mad because his mom taught him the importance of bison to his tribe, and he really treasures the memory of his mother because she was senselessly taken, killed and god knows what else. She was the glue that held his family together, and he never claimed his father was mean or cruel, just sad and drunk after his mom was taken. Just like his mother, those men killed and left something so important to his history to rot and not only that, blamed it on his people too. Charles had no way of stopping the army when he was a kid, but he could save the bison.
Charles didn’t see it as just bison, but his mother’s legacy being shot and left for dead. The “stoic and silent” Charles Smith pushes Taima, a workhorse faster than any other horse breed (I’ve done this mission usually with the Arabians or the black standardbred) to confront the poachers. This is the only time we see Charles making rash, emotional decisions. He raised his voice, shot a man out of passion, and was genuinely upset if you don’t kill the other poacher. It doesn’t hurt your relationship with Charles because the usual and sensible part understands that by not killing that man, his family gets to keep its father.
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skullsemi · 8 months
what do you think Mortimer and Minnie’s relationship was like before they broke up?
Considering how they work WAY better as friends than romantic lovers and how Mortimer was kinda worse in the past
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uh yeah not the greatest
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locowolf · 11 months
i wish the more popular theory was when micah became a rat and not if there’s a second rat.
of course he started working as a mole for the pinkertons when he returned from guarma, but was he ratting to the o’driscolls before that? if so, when did that start? before the game, during chapter 1, or after? was he in cahoots with anyone else?
related to that idea, what were his intentions when he joined the gang? was it always to steal dutch’s money, or did he think to steal it later in the game? did he sabotage the blackwater ferry job? were all of his reckless plans done to destroy the gang and/or steal dutch’s money? where does he sleep at night?
the game gives us a great character to analyze and theorize about yet people only focus on a second rat :(
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bluffempire · 23 days
grace chasity has ocd because i have ocd and i say so!
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eternaldarknessstuff · 9 months
Did episode 3 of the PJO change a lot of things? Yes. Do I really enjoy the direction it took though? Also yes.
This is really just a brain dump post episode, and it does have spoilers for later on in the books!
I think a theme that the show is really playing into in a way that the books didn’t as much is choice. Percy chose Annabeth despite not really having a reason to. Annabeth chose not to take the easy way out and protect Percy. Percy chose not to take the easy way out and protect Grover and Annabeth.
But despite all this, there’s also a lack of choice. I can’t remember annabeths exact words, but in the woods she tells Percy that they have no choice. They were born demigods, they have to do what they are told.
And Percy refuses to be put in that box. He is angry and scared but he makes the decision to stick with his friends, to save his mom, ultimately to save Olympus.
And now I’m thinking about his decision to give Luke the dagger in the end. And how Percy’s fatal flaw is loyalty. He is always going to chose his friends, always going to chose to help people. And so is Annabeth and so is Grover. All three of them are choosing to be kind, to do good, to help people.
And the theme of choice too with everything else. Of these children being trapped in this impossible situation where time and time again absent neglectful (sometimes outright abusive — Clarisse flinching away from Ares) parents are forcing their children to go on quests for them.
And also the fact that the gods need their kids! Their kids don’t really need the gods. But the gods need their kids. We see this with Mr. D asking for wine. The gods are so limited in their power, and they need their kids to do much of anything.
Also the idea of fate being so heavy in the books. With the oracle and prophecy’s that are guaranteed to happen and characters who can see into the future, choice isn’t something to be taken for granted.
This also I think feeds into Luke and Percy being perfect foils for each other. Both are angry at the gods. Both feel slighted by their fathers, both have a mother who they love and loves them who was hurt by their fathers. Percy so easily could have fallen down Luke’s path, if the situation had been just a bit different. If sally had wound up making endless blue cookies in a little house all by herself without much rational thought left, and it was Poseidon’s fault, Percy would absolutely have waged war. It’s chance as much as choice and fate that’s guiding these kids.
As Medusa said, “We are not our parents until we chose to be.”
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writergracethepanda · 4 months
One of my favorite literary tropes is when a character tries so hard to prevent a prophecy that they tragically fulfill its terms and it comes true.
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yes-im-a-simpp · 7 months
Im so weird for the Jason and Dick's bonding. (as bro for me) (no judgment ship who you must lmao)
Like them being so different, having such a complicated history, omg that's everything to me.
I'm genuinely obsessed with the idea of them laughing together at a joke no one else understood during family dinner. Just them chocking on their food while everyone's just like 'didn't they hate each other three minutes ago' like they're so precious.
Jason being the oldest of Dick's younger siblings, makes talking to him about his problems easier, and Dick never giving up on Jason make him understand that his big BRO truly cares.
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Being a woman is inherently monstrous and I think we as a society should lean more into that
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courttwoknee · 2 months
The silt verses ending just continues on that life is not black and white. It’s not good or evil. No one in the story is a good person. No one really saves the day like the heroes in most stories. There is no perfect ending that summarizes everything and that’s how the theme has been throughout the story.
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formulaheart · 11 months
something something benvolio and horatio are the same in being the peacemakers of the story and yet the only living victims of great tragedy something something
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