#I didn't choose the con life the con life chose me
muikyow · 1 year
, another anon. im sorry if u don’t accept requests, but can I request muichiro in the afterlife, having to choose whether to follow his brother and his parents or y/n? could you do both options and the thoughts he would have when he chose that option? of course the pros and cons of that option as well.
Muichiro reuniting with the Reader in life-after-death
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A/N: It took me a while to understand, I hope I didn't take too long
Warnings: English errors, Slight distress??? (Idk, lol), Gn Reader???
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- He will probably be amazed by your presence... his face shows confusion and surprise
- At the first moment he starts crying saying it was his fault you were there, he cried fat tears and often sobbed while losing forgiveness
- He will hold your hand and squeeze it..he didn't want to condemn you to death too
- Muichiro looked at Yuichiro .. he has to decide between you...
Okay; if Muichiro chose his family
- Muichiro simply keeps his head down and walks away from you... saying that his family was waiting for you too
- He didn't want to walk away from you, but he had no choice...
- ....When Muichiro's reincarnation meets yours...Muichiro's reincarnation is confused, why does he feel this pain in his chest? Why does he feel pity, sadness when he looks at you if he doesn't even know you?
....Okay; if Muichiro chose you -...He seems sad to leave his family, but he can't let you go alone, he wants to be with you...
-...He hugged you and said that in the next life he will protect you better...
-...Tokito chose to just move forward with you, he preferred not to look back, but he cried at having to leave his family
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the-wisteria-house · 2 years
The Arrangement (Rengoku x reader) - Chapter 4
Your and Shinjuro's argument has been interrupted by Senjuro, who has been listening in for an unknown amount of time. How will you and the Rengoku Patriarch react to the boy's interface, and more importantly how will you act around each other going on from here?
"Father... (Y/N), Please stop fighting..." A small voice whispered quietly; one could almost miss it with the wind. Shinjurou's enraged features morphed into a look of suprise, as his attention turned from you to his youngest son. Shame began to weigh heavy on your shoulders, what are you doing? Why were you arguing with your future father-in-law and in front of Senjuro no less? You looked at the boy whose blond head was peeking at you from behind the shoji door meekly. The boy shouldn't have had to hear this...
"Senjuro... I'm sorry. How much did you hear?" You ask gently anger having dissipated at the sight of the boy. Senjuro couldn't help but flinch at the guilt the swam in your eyes. It wasn't his intention to upset you further, he just didn't want you to face his father's unadulterated rage.
"Not much." the boy hesitated clearly lying but no one chose to voice this, opting instead to change the subject.
"Why don't we all head inside?" You only received a grunt of agreement from Shinjurou, who roughly pushed past you into the house. You found yourself having to fight off throwing a violent glare his way, keeping his youngest son's presence in mind.
"(Y/N)-San, are you alright?" You looked at the boy with mild surprise apone realizing he'd stayed with you on the porch instead of following his father inside.
"Yes, yes, I'm alright. I'm sorry you shouldn't have had to hear me and your father fight." You put your hands on his shoulder with a light squeeze, hoping to convey the sincerity behind your words.
You felt that heavy feeling of guilt weight lift off your shoulders when the young boy gave you a small understanding smile, "It's alright (y/n)-San, I forgive you. I understand that Father can be hard to deal with at times. He wasn't always like this.... or at least that's what Aniue says." The boy looked almost unsure of himself as he added that last bit. You were so astounded by the boy's kindness towards you - a stranger, that it took you a moment to gather your thoughts and find your voice.
"Your compassion... I- don't ever lose that, okay? It'll take you far in life." You couldn't help but let out a light-hearted chuckle as the boy blushed and looked away shyly, before quickly nodding, "Let's head inside. We can look through those books for a recipe to make. How does that sound?" You walk towards the door before looking back at Senjuro, who was smiling from ear to ear, "That sounds fantastic!"
"Hmmmm, found anything yet, Senjuro?" You glanced at the flaming locked boy curiously. You'd gotten out your recipe book and allowed the boy to flip through it to see if anything caught his eye, but he seemed to be having a hard time choosing as he flipped back and forth throughout the pages with a concentrated look.
"They're so many great options! I'm having a hard time choosing only one." The boy let out a sigh of disappointment as his golden orbs continued to scan the text, and his young mind weighed the pros and cons of each recipe.  
"Well, we can always make more later. Why don't we start with something simple?"
"Why don't we make mochi?" Senjuro quickly stood with a smile as he pointed to what you assumed was one of the mochi recipes. 
"I like how you think, kid, any particular flavor in mind?" You listen closely and nodded as the boy eagerly explained all the different ideas he had in mind, as you looked through the cabinets. 
"Okay, so we'll need to go into town to get the ingredients for that, then?" You ask as you look through the sparse cabinets that seem only to hold rice, flour, and a few condiments. You dead panned how had you not realized how sparse the cabinets were this morning? 
"Yes, I haven't had the chance to stop at the market, so we're out of a few things." The boy nodded simply in conformation. 
"No worries, let me just go grab my change purse, and we can go." You go to stand before being interrupted by Senjuro who stood Infront of.
"Wait (y/n)! I can wake Father and ask for money, so you don't have to use your money - it'll only take a moment. " The boy waved his hands in front of him quickly.
You couldn't help but be slightly humored by the boys' reaction, "There's no need to wake your father. It was my idea for us to bake something anyway."
Your calm voice helped soothe the young blonds pounding heart before he found himself asking, "Are you sure?" 
"Positive, now go get ready!" You shooed the hesitant tween down the hall before heading to clean up the cookbooks that were messily scattered around the sitting area.
You were honestly grateful for the young boys' company. You were unsure of what you would have done if he wasn't here. (Most likely lock yourself away in your room and avoid the Rengoku Patriarch like the plague.)
"(Y/n), I'm ready." The young boys' sudden presences made you flinch. Where you really so wrapped up in your thoughts that you hadn't heard his entrance into the room?
"Oh, I didn't see you there, Senjuro. I'll go get the money then we'll be ready to go."
You went to grab the money needed along with a cloth bag to carry the items you were planning to purchase, "I think that's everything I need." you said to no one in particular as you got yourself situated.  
You made your way into the dimly lit corridor before turning around to shut the door behind you, but you pause as the sound of objects falling followed by a string of curses sounded as if it was coming from the room at the end of the hall... Shinjuro's room.
You stood there for a moment, contemplating between going to see if something was wrong, or just leaving and acting as if you heard nothing... You had just gotten into an argument in the man, and he sounded rather angry at the moment. Would he really want you bothering him, but then again, what if he needed help or even someone to talk to? You took a step forward, but a smaller hand grasping your arm stopped you, "Big brother told you not to bother father, right?"
You nodded slowly, not looking in Senjuros' direction and only straight ahead to the man in questions door. The boy then let out a sigh before letting go of your arm, "I know you're just concerned, but Father can have a temper...it's better to leave him be during moments like this..."
Your finally turned and took in the boy's sad smile, "I think I can understand that..."
As senjuro looked into your eyes, he could see the honestly behind your words, the pain that marked your being. He couldn't help but wonder why such a kind person like you held pain? He couldn't find an answer, as much as he wished he could.
It may not have shown in how you carried yourself, but it pained you not to reach out and help the man, just like how you could never help her... 'No, no- God (y/n)! This isn't the time to do this. Why are you thinking about her now?' You shook your head trying to rid your mind of the wretched woman before speaking.' "Let's head out, Senjuro. I have everything we need." You began walking towards the entrance of the flame estate, hoping that by putting distance between you and the Rengoku Patriarch, it'd be easier to get your mind on more pleasant topics.
"I'll need you to lead the way to the market, I'm not familiar with the area yet." You looked to your young companion who agreed. 
"Sure, I don't mind at all!" The young boy began to lead the two of you down the large street as you made pleasant conversation.
"The market isn't usually busy at this time, so we should be able to find everything we need without too much of a hassle." You hummed and nodded your head in response as the marketplace came into view.
It was surprisingly large, far larger than the one that belonged to the little town you grew up in. It also appeared to have a large array of products that ranged from food to accessories like jewelry.
"The stand that sells flour is this way." The youngest Rengoku chirped as you both navigated your way through the streets of the square before he suddenly froze in his tracks almost making you bump into him, "Wait, I want to stop here really quick!" Senjuro grabbed your hand and pulled you towards a colorful stand that seemed to sell art supplies.
As you approached the stand with your young companion, you noticed how the older woman who was in charge of the stands face lit up as you neared, "Ah, Rengoku-Kun, is that you!? It's been too long dearly! I've missed my favorite customer! We're about to get that shipment of origami paper in, I know you've been looking forward to it!"
"Ah, Toshi-San, that's good to hear! I'm sorry I haven't been by recently. I've been rather busy lately; I would have come by to see you sooner if I was given the chance!" Said Senjuro, with a very flustered appearance as he shyly rubbed the back of his neck, "This is my friend (L/N)- San, I'm showing her around town. " He cleverly changed the conversation when he noticed the older womans dark orbs appraising you.
"Well, any friend of Rengoku-Kuns is a friend of mine! So, you're new in town, Aye?" A friendly smile spread across her aged face giving her a youthful glow.
"I am. I got here last night." You replied with little expression in your voice, though woman hardly seemed to mind this, if anything it amplified her curiosity. 
"Oh, I see! What brings you to our town? Just passing through or settling down to stay?" While you knew the question itself should have been a simple one to answer, the honest answer could have been anything but simple. 
"I'm getting married." You tried to keep your responses short, wanting to change the subject as quickly as possible, without seeming rude... you didn't want to think about how you didn't have a choice but to be here, right when you were just starting to feel comfortable.
The woman gasped before clapping her hands together in a silent cheer, "That's wonderful news! You must be so excited! Who's the lucky man, I may know him?"
In that moment, you wanted to take one of the paint knives on her table and ram it into your skull repeatedly at the irony, but refrained from doing so, as you didn't want to traumatize sweet Senjuro who was standing next to you still grasping your callused hand.
It wasn't that you didn't like Rengoku-San. He'd been nothing but kind to you since you'd met, you had no reason to hate him, but you really didn't know what to make of the situation. Only 48 hours ago did you learn you were going to marry him, you had to leave your old life behind, and now you're living with him? It was a lot to take in.
You take a deep breath and kept your expression schooled, knowing the woman in front of you had no way of knowing the complex situation you found yourself in.
"I'm engaged to Senjuro's older brother Kyojuro. He's currently away on important business, which is why Senjuro is showing me around in his stead." You found yourself saying a moment later, your calm and almost detached demeanor greatly contrasting the elder womans kind and open personality.
The woman seemed rather surprised at hearing of your engagement as she let out a small gasp and her eyes widened, "You're marrying Rengoku Kyojuro? I'd never thought I'd see the day where he'd settle down! The ladies will be upset when word gets out that he's no longer available." She off handedly added with a humored chuckle.
'Ladies?' Your mind could help but question before it hit you - of course, he had others interested in courting him, it wasn't as if he were an unattractive by any means, and then you pair that with his polite nature, how hadn't you thought of any of this before now?! Hell, you wouldn't have been surprised if he had someone he was interested in as well. Guilt began to fill you, 'Here I am wrecking everything... He could have been with whoever he wished if it wasn't for you (Y/n).'
"(Y/n), are you alright?" Senjuro's voice thankfully drew you from your unpleasant thoughts.
"Yes, I'm quite all right." You reassured quickly before the art supplies before you caught your attention once more. Toshi-San seemed to have a wide variety of supplies to choose from. Though the pencil set is what caught your attention. The labeling on it seemed to be in an unfamiliar dialect. The green colored tin reminded you of another pencil set you had owned as a girl. It had the same forest green tone and muddy brown labeling.
Your father had ended up saving an artist on one of his missions, and the artist had gifted him a pencil set to show her gratitude. He later gave to you said set because he noticed your interest in the arts, "It's a nice set, from France, I think? It'd be a shame to let it go to waste. I know you'll use it more than me." You remembered him saying when you asked if he was sure he wanted to give it to you, even at a young age you could tell the set wasn't for an amateur.
You were later heartbroken when your mother had taken it away from you after your father vanished, but now, before you, was a near identical set. It felt almost as if the fates had decided to show you some kindness after all.
You found yourself reaching out and flipping the price tag over only to pause once you saw the price. Your father hadn't been joking when he said they were expensive...
"Ah, those are imported from Europe." The lady chirped once she saw you looking at the price.
"Yes, they're from France, right? I think I've seen a similar set before." You let go of the tag as the lady smiled and nodded.
"I believe you're correct. If you want it, it's yours. Consider it a welcoming gift." Your head quickly shot up to look at the woman in disbelief.
"Thank you for the kind offer, but I have to refuse! I'm sure this set cost you a pretty penny. There's no way I could accept such an expensive gift." You wave your hands in front of you in refusal.
"Are you sure dear? It's really not that big of a deal it's used set anyway." You reassured and thanked the older woman for her generosity and ended up buying a medium-sized sketch book. 
"Well, it was nice meeting you (L/n)-San. Don't be a stranger now." Toshi-San gave you a kind smile as she handed you your change.
"Same to you. Have a great rest of your day. " You waved before walking off with Senjuro to continue the rest of your shopping.
It didn't take you long to gather everything you needed with Senjuros' help.
"Can you think of anything else we need?" You watch as the young boy looks up in thought.
"No, I think we got everything (y/n)!" You hum in reply before spotting a Kakigori stand. Senjuro seemed to follow your line of sight, "Oh, shaved ice! That's one of my favorite treats!" He cheered with enthusiasm practically radiating off of him.
You soon found yourself walking towards the stand, leaving the blond confused.
"Come on, Senny-boy, we're getting shaved ice." You turn around just in time to see the boy's face light up, and while you didn't show it (or so you thought-) you felt yourself starting to grow a soft spot for this young boy. Maybe it was because he was so friendly, or maybe because you saw a small part of yourself in him? You weren't for sure, but you supposed it didn't really matter.
As you ate your shaved ice, your mind drifted to the events that occurred earlier that day. You knew you couldn't avoid the Rengoku Patriarch forever, so the only other option was to apologize to the man, and while the idea of doing such a thing wounded your pride slightly you knew it had to be done.
"How do you like your shaved ice, Sen?" You look at the boys shaved ice, which seemed to already be nearly gone.
"It's really good! You made the right call having us stop here." You couldn't help the small smile that graced your lips, "Well if you'd like another, just let me know."
"Thank you, but I think one will be enough for me. I don't want to spoil my lunch." The boy said politely, as you nodded in agreement and continued to eat your sweet treat in a comfortable silence.
"Hey, (Y/n) can I ask you a question?" Senjuro asks after a few moments of silence.
"Yea, what's up, kid?" You glance at the boy who seems a little unsure of if he should proceed. Thought it seems after a few moments he'd decided to just ask.
"Not to be disrespectful, but why did you buy a sketch book if you don't have anything to draw with?"
You blunck and gave the boy an unreadable deadpan before you looked up in thought, "You know, Senjuro, that's a good question.... I don't know why I bought the book."
Silence hung between the two of you for a few moments before the youngest Rengoku gave you an odd look, "(Y/n) you confuse me..." you continued to stare at eachother for a few moments.
"I confuse me too." Senjuro snorted upon hearing this, and you smiled before playfully ruffling the boy's flame like hair.
"(Y/N), stop! You'll mess up my hair!" The boy wined while trying to swat your hand away. You eventually relented with a small laugh that Senjuro shared, showing you he didn't really mind. As you both took the final few bites of your icy treats, you noticed how more people began to fill the market and agreed to start heading back to the estate before more people filled the square.
The walk back was filled with light-hearted chatter as you discussed your ideas for dinner that night, what Senjuro wanted to do before dinner, and as you neared the house, the conversation topic switched to his elder brother, "Your brother loves sweet potatoes, right? Why don't we make some for him when he gets back?" Senjuro nodded at this before looking up in thought, "He does indeed... You know, before becoming a slayer, Aniue used to make baked sweet potatoes for dinner every night. I don't know how he can love them as much as he does after eating them so often?" You felt your chest tighten at the implications behind that statement that Senjuro himself didn't seem to realize.
'His innocence...'
"You can never eat too many sweet potatoes." You found yourself saying with a small laugh as you opened the shoji door, 'Must be preserved.'
You stepped through the doorway face absent of a smile as you made eye contact with the Rengoku Patriarch who was eyeing your bags.
"You went to the market?" His gruff voice broke through the silence.
"Yes, we left an hour or so ago." You move to the kitchen to put away the groceries you'd purchased without giving the man a second glance.
"Did you get any sake?" Shinjuro asked as he followed behind you into the kitchen.
"No, I didn't realize you wanted me to get any. Say, would you mind helping me put this all away?" The man seemed caught off guard by your request but wordlessly complied none the less.
"What would you like me to do (Y/N)?" The soft voice of the youngest Rengoku had your previously expressionless face shift into one with a soft smile.
"Hmmmmm, why don't you figure out what you want for lunch? You then can tell me, and we'll make it." The boy seemed confused at you not giving him an actual task, but excited as he ran off to look through the cookbooks.
"He behaved well for you?" Shinjuro suddenly asked as you both finished putting away the last of the groceries.
"Yes, he was wonderful, he showed me around town. He's a sweet boy. You should be proud; he'll be a fine man one day." You said with sincerity, as you shut the cabinet.
The man only grunted in response before shutting the doors of the cabinet after placing the last of his items on the top shelf. He went to walk away before something made him pause. You were confused when you saw his eyes narrow on the leather-bound book you'd purchased.
"You draw?" The man said as his unreadable gaze shifted towards you.
You were confused about why he cared, but responded none the less, "Yes, I haven't in a while, but I'm thinking about picking it back up now." 
The man only nodded before making his way out of the kitchen, but before he exited, he paused again, and without looking back, he asked, "How about calligraphy?"
"I wanted to, but the amount of ink needed to learn and do it was too expensive for my family to afford." You replied softy, trying to understand the enigma before you. You didn't understand why the man was taking a sudden interest in your hobbies when he'd seemed ready to take your head off earlier, 'Maybe he's trying to be polite after earlier?' If this was the case, you didn't see the harm in humoring his curiosity. 
The man stepped into the hallway, but not before letting out a grunt and a short, "I see."
As he walked away, you only had one thought, 'He's truly a confusing person to understand.'
You weren't left alone for long when Senjuro soon stepped into the room with a recipe card in hand, "(Y/n), we should make Nikujaga! What do you think?" (Meat and potato soup) The boy handed you the recipe and awaited your response as you looked over the card carefully.
"Well, we have everything we need, and there's a slight chill in the air, so I don't see why not."
You couldn't help the defeated sigh that escaped you as you looked out upon the shadowy terrain of the Rengoku estate. You'd long since finished cooking lunch, and most recently, dinner.
The Patriarch of the Rengoku family hadn't joined you and Senjuro for either meal. You didn't know whether to feel saddened that he wouldn't join his youngest son, or relieved that you didn't have to worry about irritating the short-tempered man further than you already had that day.
You needed time to think things over, which is what led you here, sitting on the Engawa staring into the koi pond with only the sound of crickets and your thoughts keeping you company. 'I still don't understand why I'm here. I know it's to marry Rengoku-San, but why me? There are surly more eligible women that Rengoku-Sama could have chosen for his son.' You didn't understand why Shinjuro wanted you specifically. You had nothing to offer, and he'd never seen you before. He may have been a drunk, but he wasn't stupid; He must have known that any high-class courtesan with training in the arts would have happily married his son, and have had far more to offer, but he chose you- a poor tea house worker with hardly a yen to your name, and no other redeemable qualities? You weren't stupid either. There was something you didn't know, so what was that man hiding, and how were you going to figure it out?
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Kyojuro didn't know why he was here and not back in his room at the inn he had bought for the night sleeping soundly. He had finished this mission rather quickly and was given orders to leave for another mission at first light, but the thought of you, his father, demon slaying, and his future weighed heavy on his shoulders, so he found himself here instead.
Kyojuro's attention was drawn from his thoughts, and the stary reflections that painted the river to the flamboyant sound of laughter coming from his left. Was that who he thought it was?
"Rengoku! How flashy seeing you here, by friend! I'm guessing you had a mission in the area?" The man said with his usual dramatic flair.
Rengoku didn't need to look at the figure to know who that voice belonged to, "Hello Uzui, I wasn't expecting to see you here. Not that I'm complaining, it's always good to be in company of a friend." Rengoku turned to look at said man with his signature smile, which was returned before Tengen invited himself to sit with Rengoku at the river's edge. Rengoku glanced at Tengen noticing the absence of his uniform along with the absence of his wives, "The girls are not with you?"
The question, that was more of a statement was returned with a nod, "They aren't, the last mission was quite taxing, so I asked them to stay home and take it easy while I went to take care of misalliance things." Tengen paused before slapping the flame-haired man on the back, "So are you gonna tell me why there's an unflashy aura surrounding you, or you going to keep asking me about my beautiful wives? I mean, you won't hear me complain if the latter is the route you choose." The taller piller laughed at his own joke, which had Rengoku chuckling, "There we go- so what's up? I don't think I've ever seen you so troubled, it doesn't suit you."
The flame-haired looked ahead for a few moments, trying to formulate his thoughts. "Your marriage to your wives' were arranged, right? How did you feel when you were told to marry them?"
Tengen was a little surprised at the seemingly out of nowhere question, but wanted to see where the Flame Hashira was going with this, "Yes they were, well with Hinatsuru and Makio. Suma approached me first. I was originally meant to marry her sister. I had known Makio and Hinatsuru prior, so I was delighted to be marrying such capable women, and Suma had a unique charm, so I had no complaints there." The man explained before turning slightly, "Why do you ask?"
"I'm getting married. My father arranged it without my knowledge." Kyojuro said flatly, and Tengen hummed in understandment. 
"Ah, okay, it makes sense why you're upset. Do you know why he arranged the marriage? It's weird that he would spring it on you just like that."
The Hashira only shook his head, "No, he said to continue the family legacy, but I don't think that's the truth, or at least not the full truth. He's said himself that demon slaying is useless and that there's no point. Why would he out of the blue want me to continue the legacy? Why would he care? None of it adds up Tengen."
The two men then made eye contact and it seemed they came to the same conclusion. 
"Your father is definitely hiding something. How are you going to figure out what?"
"Indeed. I can't ask him out right. I think I could try and talk to (Y/N), though I think we're in pretty much the same boat in the knowledge department." The flame haired man looked down at the flowing water of the river below with a shake of his head.
Despite how unsure he felt in that moment, Kyojuro knew talking to you first was the start of solving what was being hidden from him.
Alright, were almost done with the 'Set Up Arc' of the story. Then we'll be getting into the juicy stuff! Just one or two more chapters. Fun fact: Toshi-San was originally going to be a middle-aged, unnamed man with a bar styled mustache who sold potatoes, but I just couldn't get the feel for his character. So, i changed it to an elderly woman who sold art supplies, as it fit better with a small plot point, I have planned in the future. edited: 8/4/23
Tashio Era Secret
Senjuro: Uhhhh, what am I meant to do?
Author-Chan(me): Idk-Just tell the reader a rumor or fun fact, I need to make up for not posting in forever!
Senjuro: Oh- uh, okay. Ummmm, I heard that Toshi-San had been a match maker in Tokyo before she became a vendor here in town.
Author-Chan(me): Wait seriously?!
Senjuro: Yea! She came here to live with her son during her retirement and decided to open up a stand. She's ran it since before Kyojuro was my age.
Author-Chan(me): Wow that is awesome!
Senjuro:Mhmm! Are we going to do this after every chapter now?
Author-Chan(me): Yep, you and other characters will! I might pop in from time to time!
Senjuro: I can't wait!
Author-Chan(me): I'm glad you're excited! And that was our Taisho-era secret. I wonder if Y/n and Kyojuro will be able to work together to find what Shinjuro is hiding? We'll just have to wait till next chapter to find out.
Last part
next part
@tengensimppp @peony-darling @lauraagrace
(Let me know if you want to be added or if I forgot your name!)
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I think the only one I like out of those Secrets is Ivan singing heavy metal lullabies to his little sister.
Ya know what I have the list pulled up so I can go over them and give my opinions real quick!
1.) "When Alix was a child, she was given a rabbit as a gift... from her future self!" - Kinda cute. Hope she at least like, warned her dad somehow because dropping a pet on a child is a bad time.
2.) "Juleka's song: "Even if nothing is decided, nothing as solid as stone, everything can burn up and then we are alone... So love life, eternity."" - this is just the lyrics to what she sang as a record in Migration. On brand for her though.
3.) "Nino's headphones were given to him by his favorite DJ after a concert. That's why he always carries them with him!" - that's cute!!
4.) "Nathaniel naturally has chestnut brown hair. His hair is dyed by Alix." - Brunette!Nath is cursed so this isn't canon to me but it's a fun tidbit in theory!
5.) "Ivan sings heavy metal lullabies to his little sister. And she seems to like them a lot." - Adorable!!! I'm debating on yeeting into HC/LL because I always planned on him being an only child.
6.) "Sabrina's best friend before Chloé was Cléo." - Naur Cléo!!! No seriously whomst the FUCK-
7.) "André sells his ice cream at locations where famous French films were shot." - Fair enough. It works in the sense of always being able to find him.
8.) "Miss Bustier was once a student of Mr. Damoclès and once pinned a fish on his back as an April Fool's joke!" - This one's cute I love it! This one should come with an anecdote for the foreign audience that the French have a fish-themed April Fool's Day and this is a common prank for children. Doesn't make it less fun!
9.) This one was a 'sketch from Marinette' rather than a fact, and was an image of a dress. It's a pretty basic but cute dress.
10.) "Sass's favorite food is a tofu" - why??? Why is the Snake's tofu?? What happened to the fridge magnets with the gummy worm snack? Granted that didn't make the most sense either but the consistency.
11.) "Marinette wears her 2 pigtails in memory of a very good friend from school who is sadly no longer at her school." - In theory this is cute but I hate nearly everything about Socqueline's existence.
12.) "Adrien's full name is Adrien Émile Gabriel Donatien Athanase Agreste." - the absolute fucking EGO from his parents to have two of his middle names be their names.
13.) "Since Plagg adores cheese, especially Camembert, Adrien had to convince Nathalie that he is obsessed with Camembert." - Absolute fucking hilarious.
14.) "Gabriel's real name is Gabi Grassette" - I actually hate this. I hate this so much. Like it's inconsequential in the long run and it makes sense but GOD I hate it for some reason.
15.) "Kim actually has two surnames namely "Ature" and "Lê Chiến", then after their marriage both of his fathers each kept their surname." - this would be cuter if I didn't know it was a retcon of a retcon. It was originally "Lê Chiến", then they changed it to "Ature", and then they got backlash for it. But hey two dads now if only htey'll show up on screen! (this may end up in HC/LL? Debating).
16.) "What if Lila's biggest lie so far was that her name wasn't Lila?" - so on principal I hate this whole superspy con artist plot, but this is fucking hilarious.
17.) "The real name of The Gorilla is Placide I.T." - I think I already dunked on this enough.
18.) "Alya has received various Chinese treatments from Master Fu. So, he almost chose Alya over Marinette... to be Ladybug!" - I hate this one actually. Like not that I don't like LB!Alya! But she's new to Paris but has somehow received various treatments from Fu? Yet on the other hand Fu knew her very well and could've easily mentored her, but he decided to go out and choose some rando???? the fuck???
19.) "As a child, Marinette dreamed of tailoring a hat for the Eiffel Tower to protect it from snow. And from then on, all she wanted to do was be a fashion designer!" - That's really cute I love it so much!!!
20.) "Zoé's best friend in the New York City was Jessica Keynes." - I hate this. I hate this so much. This makes Jess look like such a shitty friend.
21.) "Kagami has drawn a manga about her childhood in Japan but she hasn't dared to publish it yet." - Adorable, actually!
22.) "Rose and Prince Ali stayed in touch after they first met and have become really good friends." - We knew ofc but it's glad to have it confirmed!
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scarysanctuary · 11 months
"Izzy wasn't used to further Ed's plotline" Then why did they kill him at all? An alternate version could have been for Izzy to get shot, Ed's worried he's going to die, so they both start apologizing and have their reconciliation, but Izzy manages to survive, and they still go their separate ways, starting a new chapter for both of them. So why did they kill him? For Ed to start anew his past with Izzy, and Blackbeard, had to be wrapped up nicely, feelings sorted out, and they did that, but they chose to kill him because they were done with him at that point, David said as much in interviews that he didn't serve a purpose anymore. It's clear as day that Izzy's main worth, in the eyes of the writers at least, was to cause conflict when needed, to enrich the story with certain tropes and themes, he was the bitchy ex wife father figure, lol, to Ed. Izzy was never an actual person that they had an end goal for, he didn't get to live out the rest of his life because his life's story was meant to be as Ed's sidekick all along, and not much else. Which, when i hear David say he loves Izzy, i mean yeah, i believe that he believes that, its not like i think he's lying, but i honestly don't think its possible to love Izzy and then make the kinds of choices he did. I don't think most, if any, Izzy fans would choose to kill Izzy to begin with, and those few that would, certainly wouldn't have done it in this manner, much less at this time in his life's journey. There's a chance that he loves Izzy from a writer/director's point of view and has an appreciation for Con's ability to bring the character to life, but that's very different from how the rest of us love him. The fact so many of us feel betrayed, and even confused by this ending, shows me there's a real disconnect on what we mean when we say we love Izzy, we wanted him to have a happy ending, because we love him, and yet bafflingly, David thought his ending was happy, yeah, maybe for Stede and Ed, which just kind of proves my point for me.
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changingplumbob · 8 months
Random Ramblings
If this is somehow even more long winded than I normally am (yeah it's long), it's because I'm going through an IBS flare up that is kicking my butt.
BUT I wanted to get my thoughts out about some of my content warnings, because I'm very tired and have been shoving the same one in front of my Reece/Samir parts even if they might not reflect that particular part because I'm too tired to judge how spicy warrants a spice warning.
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Where to start... If you haven't figured it out, all my grown sims are currently woohoo positive, as in they do not think that how much woohoo a sim does or does not have dictates how "good" a person is. Why? Because whoever made sex synonymous with shame is stupid and has ruined many a life (it was probably a dude, no offense dudes out there).
While I don't currently have any sims that are asexual, not all my sims feel the same about woohoo.
For example Charlie and Kaori would choose a good chat over woohoo most times. Not because they don't love each other, or are averse to woohoo, but because that's who they are together. Most days they tire themselves out as athletes and prefer to relax together
Cassandra and Rahul on the other hand love to have woohoo, particularly unprotected, three kids and still not done
Keira, who rolled the soulmate aspiration, chose to wait before she had woohoo. Her high school girlfriend (Morgan Fryes) cheated on her because she wouldn't woohoo. Even after meeting Marta (her now fiance) she wanted to wait until she felt comfortable being vulnerable around her.
Then of course we have my superstar Joey who is aromantic but allosexual (a mod did that, I didn't choose it). As soon as he became a YA he got a fwb. His philosophy is basically, oh she identifies as she? Can I hit it? I love you Joey that's why I call you a slut
Normally I just chuck up a sim spice warning if there are some screenshots taken during woohoo. Me being me, I don't feel like including pixel private parts in my published posts. Kudos to all you who do, it's just not my style. It's also rare that I'll write about anything that happens during a woohoo session, mostly I'll just write some foreplay then say it happened. That said, I do like to chuck in innuendo here and there if it feels like something my sims would say (any other writers feel like they know exactly what their sims would say at times?). I'm also not in a hurry to be classified as a mature blog, purely because that doesn't fit like 95% of my gameplay. Yes, I use wicked whims for my gameplay, but that doesn't mean I'm going to show you Luna being a lowkey pillow princess... shut up brain you can't just say that
Finally, on to my babies Reece and Samir. If there are spectrum's they are at the extreme end (also in my country the age of consent is 16 so any hijinks they get up before Reece turns 18 isn't percieved as illegal here). They both enjoy woohoo, like a lot a lot. Probably didn't help that there rotation had love day in it but they both also have high woohoo drives. They were flirty most of the time, so what would they do in that state? Sweet talk each other of course.
Now, if you weren't aware and you probably weren't cause it's been ages since their last rotation Reece and Samir also have a dynamic my other sims don't. Although on reflection Bob and Eliza have it as well, just to a lesser extent. Reece, chatterbox ego that he is, is a submissive. Samir, who barely says more than a sentence to anyone but Reece, is a dominant. When together they'll often lean into these roles, using both innuendo and statements of things their partner does that they're in to. Some people would probably label things that even use those words as mature, but it's a dynamic that exists people.
Now their chapter isn't me suddenly switching to speaking in 100% innuendo, but it has more than my average writing, at least for the first half you'll understand later if you read hence the sim spice warning. Looking back on it the chapter does not contain any screenshots mid woohoo, but the dialogue makes me want to put a disclosure above the cut, since I'm still not sure of all the rules around here, and my IBS is making it hard to focus right now.
Woohoo talk done? It's done! That's what she said... shut up brain, we're not twelve!
The other warning is about sim death. No one dies in the chapter but it deals with figuring out what happened to Samir's birth parents. Previously it's been established they were killed when he was 5 but the chapter and my Samir flashback pov short bit that I am low key proud of does involve mention of blood, death, dying etc. Me being me, I do not include any screenshots of dead, dying or seriously bleeding sims, it's not my aesthetic (don't act as though you don't love playing Until Dawn, the Quarry and The Dark Pictures Anthology which is full of gore... okay yes but gore does make me queasy for the most part, could never ever watch a saw film) and things aren't described in explicit detail. But death is death and grief is complex. It can hit you at unexpected times in unexpected ways.
So why am I bothering to put content warnings at all? Still sounds pretty tame. Yeah, probably, but as mentioned, I still don't know all the rules around here. Plus I would choose for someone to not read my story and avoid seeing something that upset them, than have someone grieving a loss see my dead sims bodies on their dash because I tagged it Sims4 every time. So if you see a content warning on my post, it most often just means viewer discretion advised. Not that you'll click and get flashed by my sims.
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iris-sistibly · 2 months
The Targ Talk: House of the Dragon S2
Season finale commentary & overall thoughts:
Tyland Lannister going on a wrestling match, and well...bedding Lohar's wives will never not be funny. Dude really went above and beyond to secure a naval force that would fight the Velaryon fleet. If he doesn't get a raise for this, I don't know anymore.
With Rhaenyra gaining the upper hand, and Aemond becoming more psycho, Aegon doesn't really have the choice but escape. But with the number of women he had taken, he deserves to have his cock explode like a sausage on a spit. This is an indication that he can longer sire another male heir, unless of course he slept with Helaena the night before he got toasted, and the latter ends up getting pregnant with Maelor. This would make Aemond's claim to the throne stronger...or he could name Jaehaera his heiress which would be so ironic and hypocritical considering that the greens usurped Rhaenyra's throne in the first place because they do not want a woman to rule.
Ulf showing signs of greed and entitlement and Jace putting him in his place is so satisfying. This is one of the cons that I don't know if Rhaenyra had thought carefully. In Ulf's mind, if a bastard like Jace can be named crown prince, and have all these privileges, why can't he? What makes Jace so special that he has everything while other bastards like him were left to fend for themselves? Rhaenyra making them knights is not going to be enough for someone like Ulf, and if Rhaenyra isn't vigilant he will not only betray her, but will use Silverwing to his advantage. You might think, Rhaenyra would still have more Dragons right? She still has Vermithor (if Hugh does not betray her in the show), Seasmoke, Syrax and (finally) Caraxes plus Vermax, Moondancer, and if Rhaena succeeds they'll also have Sheepstealer. The greens are still at a disadvantage with only Vhagar, Silverwing and Tessarion. But this will again put her decision-making into question by her council since she was the one who hired more bastard dragonriders. Also having more dragons didn't stop Jace, Joffrey and Daemon from dying.
The Haunting of Harrenhal finally ends with Daemon having this whole ass vision about the song of ice and fire, Daenerys Targaryen being the one from the prophecy, and she came from Rhaenyra (and his) line. Him finally understanding why Viserys chose his daughter to ascend the throne, and Daemon rallying an entire army for his wife which is cute btw I love that Daemyra is back to being a team now. But let's not forget how horrible the screenwriters were for fucking up Dany's story in Game of Thrones, for me the show ended with Daenerys coming back to Dragonstone, the last two seasons were shit.
So...Helaena can not only have visions, but she's also capable of appearing in someone else's vision which makes her power a lot more interesting. Also I love the fact that she didn't gave in to Aemond's demands and told straight to his face that he was gonna die. I really do hope that we'll get to see more of Helaena's magic, I want her to take Jaehaera (and Morghul), ride on Dreamfyre and find a place or people who could help her hone her power, a peaceful life may also do. But judging from her conversation with Alicent, she might also end up staying for she knew that no matter what she does, she couldn't change her fate.
The final cut in this episode is so far the dumbest I have seen. Rhaenyra choosing to take a chill pill in a desperate attempt to convince Alicent to end this senseless war was...a waste of time no matter how good Rhaenyra's intentions were. Alicent only realizing how fucked up her sons were all this time after she was thrown out of council is just...I don't even know what to say anymore. I thought of Alicent turning her back against her sons but I didn't expect her to actually do it. But this scene just doesn't make sense. Here's why:
If Rhaenyra really wanted to take back what was rightfully hers, she must get rid or punish every single one of the opposing side. Her wanting Aegon executed, but letting Alicent go is so stupid. Alicent was the one who fed poison to her sons' minds, she was part of the greens' scheme to put Aegon to the throne who by the way didn't even want it in the first place, and now Alicent is throwing him under the bus AND Rhaenyra is letting her off the hook just because she admitted her mistakes and "helped" Rhaenyra with a plan to take King's Landing from Aemond and the greens? Has the latter forgotten that she lost a daughter and a son because of what the greens did?
What the fuck is this bullshit?
I just find it hard to believe that Alicent would give up Aegon just like that. It's like creating something and when you make a mistake, it turns out really bad you throw it away and move on. Were the writers even fully aware at how ridiculous this is? Some Alicent stans say that she cared for her children and she tried her best to be a mother, well then...look at her now. Some may even argue that she was a mere tool, okay, but her children were also pawns to this game weren't they? If Aegon is to be executed, then so should she and the rest of the greens especially Crispy and fucking Otto Hightower. If she wants to set things right so badly, then she should also be facing Rhaenyra's punishment. Not just Aegon or Aemond.
Rhaenyra should have at least held Alicent hostage and imprison her, that would have been more realistic than letting her go because she was a former friend *face palms* Ewan Mitchell said in an interview that Alicent was Aemond's kryptonite, then that would have been an opportunity for Rhaenyra to use her against Aemond. Alas, she wasted it. You know what's fucking annoying? This never-ending cycle of misunderstanding. Because if Rhaenyra finds out that Aegon escaped, she'd think that Alicent lied to her, that the queen dowager went to Dragonstone to talk to her and buy Aegon some time to get the fuck out of King's Landing and Rhaenyra is going to get angry, and the tragedy goes on.
Perhaps they came up with that idea to have some sort of comparison with their younger selves. Rhaenyra being able to do whatever she wants while Alicent is being chained by her duties that she never asked for. Now it's the other way around. In addition, if Aegon learns of his mother's betrayal it could also fuel his anger which will make him ruthless next season but...it's still so disappointing.
I never got to say this, but Simon Strong is THE man of the season.
Caraxes cheering up as soon as he saw Syrax and Seasmoke will always be cute.
Overall thoughts: This season is rather underwhelming. Everything else is on point except the storytelling, is this better than season 1? No. Though I love that there are more dragons now and I absolutely love Helaena more this season. I also love that there are more Jace and Baela scenes...before the Battle of the Gullet which I feel like season 3 is gonna kick off with a heart wrenching episode.
Did I enjoy watching it? Hm...the exhilarating part was the battle between Rhaenys, Aegon and Aemond but other than that, it's just meh. My least favorite season so far.
P.S. Tessarion and Daeron are the other greens I stan, they better be worth the wait.
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improvised-finish · 3 months
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Come be my teacher, teach me everything about you...
In another life, Lehon'a goes to study the music and cultures of the world in Sharlayan as a youth, and meets two other young students at the Studium who she befriends in short order. The three of them are rarely seen apart outside of classes; maybe a romance is brewing alongside their research?
So this is an AU I've had rattling around in my brain since Polyship week, and unfortunately because that week was also con prep for Fanime, I didn't get a chance to work on it then. It got put on the shelf, and then I realized that if I didn't take these now, I wasn't sure when crimes™ would return and if they did, whether I would still have access to the forum robes for this idea, so it was now or never. I actually managed to bang this one out pretty quickly, and I'm really happy with it, especially Lehon'a's hairstyle, which I honestly have fallen a bit in love with? I did it partly to differentiate this from the "normal" universe but also to show that in this AU, she transitioned/fantasia'd but chose to keep her hair long, and this is how she styled it in a more formal environment. Eagle-eyed viewers will also note Y'shtola & G'raha with old eyes & hairstyles; that's because I imagine this being when all 3 of them are a bit younger and they don't end up doing the things that lead to those physical changes. As for the meat of this AU... it's still very loose and a work in progress. For my own sake I've left the Archon marks on G'raha and Y'shtola because I'm lazy and don't want to recreate them without the marks or mod them out, so maybe they choose to continue living there after becoming Archons as kind of a research base for all the different work they're doing? I dunno. Maybe I'll flesh it out a bit more soon.
Also, I will not apologize for the cheesy K-pop song choice; it's the perfect kind of song for this extremely domestic fluff-fest of an AU. Sue me.
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nova--spark · 8 months
Please tell us HOW is the sweet precious Alba supposed to get together with Frost? HOW??
The same way my other ocs, Radix and Cloudsinger got together. Chaotically.
Also, meddling of a Prime.
So, when Frost was first assigned guard duty at the Archives as punishment, she was sent specifically to work in Alba's section.
Alba had always been the one they piled work onto, and with her usual happy rambles, or sunny disposition, they thought 'this will be further punishment/here, so we don't have to deal with both of them'.
As such, Frost initially hated Alba, because here was this archivist, who seemed so naive, and would ramble endlessly without stopping sometimes.
It was annoying.
She tries to tune her out several times, and she was further apalled in seeing how Alba was such a fantastic flyer, able to make quick turns, dives and dodges with the constantly moving Archives [In my continuity, the Archives are in nonstop motion.] that she surely would have been a great combat flyer, especially with such silent wings!
But she chose to log data every day instead?
How pitiful. And it would only get worse, when both were sent on a research and recovery trip to a colony outside of Cybertron's galaxy. After all, this new promotion to researcher meant Alba needed a bodyguard and well...Frost did need to continue her punishment.
On this trip, Frost threatened Albanoct, making it very clear she was not her friend, and that the only reason she did not end her, is because she was waiting for this punishment to be over.
Alba was frighteningly quiet the rest of the trip, rarely going on her rambles anymore and...
When inevitably, while trying to recover and fix the colony's archives, they were targeted by a small group of Cons, Alba was more scared of Frost's threats days before than of the Cons.
Frozen in fear, Alba only watched as Frost dealt with the cons with ferocity, but ended up heavily damaged in the end.
Frost just wanted her agony to end, and Alba, though terrified, patched her up regardless, despite Frost's protests.
In her own words:
"You were punished with being my guard. And I know you hate it, I know you'd rather kill me if it didn't extend your sentence, but I would rather you live to see the end of your sentence,"
So, Frost stopped struggling, and just allowed Alba to work. When Alba was finished, she thought she heard a faint voice say thank you.
But then again, Frost was committed to her vow of silence.
Frost would later on apologize, and admit that...she did enjoy Alba's rambles. It quieted the rage that had followed her for so long.
So, from then on, they became more amicable with each other. Things did not last perfectly forever, as with time, Frost's punishment was supposed to end.
Thing was, Alba had found a loophole. It had been an order from a higher power within the Archives, the highest of all, that had assigned Frostclaw as Alba's bodyguard on their research trip.
And the orders of a living Prime could not be superseded by anyone.
Which made it all the more devastating when the order was rescinded by Alpha Trion himself. Meaning Frostclaw had to leave, and there was no loop hole this time, no bylaw, no trick Alba could find to have her stay.
Alba, distraught and feeling betrayed, called out Alpha Trion as 'a coward' to have sent Frost away like this. And unexpectedly, Alba's quill, a lesser copy of Alpha Trion's [to be explained at another time if y'all are curious], would choose that moment to come to life.
Guiding Alba down forgotten paths, Alba would come to face the Scribe of the 13, and he would scold her, for hiding rather than standing up as she should have.
Because when moments like this happened, she couldn't just rely on others to hide behind or to look only for answers in the Archives.
When Alba left the archives, she had a new plan in the end, of how to prevent Frost leaving.
Frost and her clan were on the brink of boarding when, under the guise of last goodbyes, Alba spoke up and made it clear, Frost was not bound by her guard duty, nor her punishment anymore. Meaning, she could of her own volition, leave freely from Clan Claw as things stood.
"Frostclaw's punishment is over, and as is her orders yes. But that also means, she no longer needs to abide by your rules, and I don't need to either, as I am not of your clan. So you will let her stay here. She will stay with me. Because it would look quite terrible to record that your dear clan, has lost not one, but two heir apparents to the clan , who ran away, or were forced into a position that made them miserable "
This display of cleverness did result in the Clan Head threatening the slaughter of the Archives, to all those inside. Of which the Scribe of the 13 was present for, and not exactly one to allow his work to be disturbed by such threats of violence.
In the end, Frost was allowed to stay, her Clan leaving with their tails tucked between their legs, and Alba and Frost just happy to not be torn apart by anyone else.
Frost's vow of silence still stood, but, with some minor modification. Now, in the presence of only herself and Alba, she could speak in peace, because with Alba, her rage was calmed.
Like I said, Chaotic Love story
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gonkaccino · 1 month
Woo, finished streaming Life is Strange 1 for a friend ahead of schedule, giving us some breathing room for True Colors before Double Exposure comes out, and boy that an interesting experience. In a good way, of course.
When the game originally released back in 2015, I was a moody 22-year-old being rapidly aged by working in retail. My choices were made with little to no hesitation and even less deliberation. My mind was made up, my perspective unchanged by any new or altered context given with the release of each episode. The decisions I made were the only ones I could've made.
Similarly, when I played with my mom a few years later, there was little to no hesitation. She was in her late 40s, her sense of self solidly in place; her beliefs could not be shaken by a game foe young adults. Her performance was different enough for me to be surprised, but her unwavering faith in her choices made it clear where I had gotten my own stubbornness from. While interesting from a personal perspective, it was, ultimately, not noteworthy.
Then we reach my buddy, a guy from the opposite side of the planet. He ended up making more or less the same choices I did, yes, but the how is what made it so intriguing -- where I chose on pure instinct, he refused to make even the smallest decision without weighing the pros and cons first. Hell, he spent a solid ten minutes on the euthanasia bit in episode 4, if not longer, due to the gutwrenching reality of assisted dying and the ethical dilemma of asking a friend or relative to execute such wishes -- and then he fucking begged me to rewind it! Because it was an awful situation to be put in! Where my mom and I had chosen swiftly and carried on, he grappled with the morality of time travel and the horrible consequences it has on everyone involved! It was like this for nearly every important choice, an incredible experience of putting more thought into the story than Dontnod ever dreamed of.
Which is why the ending was so funny. After everything, when the time came, bae vs bay, this guy knew off the bat what he was going to choose. He still deliberated, as we discussed the nature of Max's powers and the effect it had on reality, but his choice was already made. The game had established quite thoroughly that the timelines persisted regardless of Max -- that our decision was not of altering time, but of which timeline Max would exist in (though Dontnod obviously didn't take this into account; those dumb motherfuckers thought they were writing an oh-so-clever trolley problem). With that in mind, his opinion was that the only correct choice was bae. To choose bay would be to run away from reality; to kill Chloe was to pretend to be making a personal sacrifice while consciously abandoning everything and everyone Max had hurt to get to that point. To pretend that this was a trolley problem would be cowardice, and after all of this, why would Max be a coward?
All in all, very nice to see a fresh perspective on LiS1, really looking forward to seeing how/if Double Exposure will cause further fragmentation between player experiences and if Deck Nine will understand how fucked it is to make us do multi-timeline drifting. I will be mad if they refuse to address the ethics of timeline hopping, but True Colors made a big deal about how it's bad to decide what's right for other people, so I think we can trust them on that front.
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Scarborough Ahoy! (1994 Short Film)- Day 4 Watching Con's Filmography
Live posting. All I know is this is sad(don't know why), short, and that Con is good (and queer) in it. Watching it in 480p, so we'll see.
Warnings for: Suicidal Ideation, full body nudity.
Also, the movies description describes Con as the 'Gay Guy' and 'Barmaid'. So 'Con' and 'Barmaid' is what I'm calling them. I'll specify Con the Actor.
Casually kicking a one-night stand out; GET IT GIRL. Didn't expect that level of nudity, but here we are.
CONNNN! He's slightly older in this one compared to Dancing, and I already don't feel wigged out.
Con's semi-startled look at 'used to get laid all the time'. Me too, babe, me too.
As a person who hates booze, the bar scene made me physically nauseous.
Con, being a bro, and making sure she was alright. Love that for him. She needs a friend.
HAHAHA Hell yeah, stick up for yourself Con, he's queer, and the guy getting you a coffee.
God, gender fucking envy. And coat envy, that thing looks warm as shit. I missed when my hair was that length(Con's). Shame I need to be more feminine presenting where I live.
DAMN. I wish I was that confident in my driving. She backed up with SPEED.
HELL YEAH, TRIP TO FIND MEN BABY! God, I know England isn't affordable to anyone, especially foreigners, but god its nice to be able to drive that in a day and actually go somewhere
Con, stop wearing my dream wardrobe. I want that fucking sweater.
OH MY GOD. This is real ally behavior, compete to see who gets more guys
Synchronize watches! The confidence into immediate, oh shit, how the fuck do i do this on both their faces is great.
Santa, fuck off.
(Con making out with a guy)Now. How the fuck haven't I seen gifs of this. tumblr, I'm surprised you weren't hornier.
SHE CHOSE SANTA. Mam, have some self-respect. I hope he is at least a gentle lover? Laughing as he goes down on you probably isn't great.
AWWW. The way they watched out for each other after getting laid. Happily just walking down the road. Oh my god, help her up. BRO, GET THE FUCK UP OFF THE ROAD.
He straight up said 'boyfriend'. Damn, love short indie films.
24? Fuck him babe, old my ass
Okay, I thought Con was going to say his guy died, not cheated. I'm trained too well in modern......OHH SHIT, whelp (he killed himself)
Babes, please learn to love yourselves.
I Love that they coordinate outfits, either accidentally or not. They are the crew. Hell yeah, the ass-grabbing! Get sailor ass.
Now, mushy peas seems like hell. Actual worse thing on earth
'What's brought this on, catholic guilt?' Mood
'Feels great, sometimes not so great'
'What about love, then.' Awww babe
What game are they playing with all those colors, looks fun as shit. CON LOOKS SO HAPPY. LET THIS MAN PLAY HAPPY PEOPLE. He just fucking giggled, god damn it.
This seems like a nice road trip to mentally reset life for a bit.
Guys, if they're being passively suicidal, then at least they've got each other. See, they pushed and they still wanted to live. Cute shit.
Sexuality being fluid! Great to see this, especially for the 90s.
Love the respecting of boundaries; they both really needed to talk before moving forward. Great shit. It's probably her feeling guilty for 'tempting a gay' but... That feels depressing, so fluidity I will choose.
"Well, you can fix it; you did a course in auto mechanics, didn't you." Hahahaha
GAY EARING ON THE DRIVER. I love that Con's getting as much action as he is.
Nice of her to give them space, ally behavior
EXCUSE ME MAM, LET HIM FUCK. RUDE. Stand up for yourself CON! They're just friends. If she wanted more, she needs to communicate that. He's pulling his own and trying to reach out to find a middle ground cause he knows she's angry. I love that he comforts her even though he has every right to escalate this into a fight.
Awww, she saved him the head puzzle piece. Love that he smacked it down. His fucking grin.
THE LITTLE SHUFFLE DANCE. Also, this fucker is stealing my wardrobe again.
OH MY GOD WALTZING. I LOVE IT. Bitch, this is the most romantic thing I've ever seen. THE CINDERELLA SONG! AWWWWWWW. I love them. Bro has to understand how many mixed signals he's sending out here.
Going to the dockyard doesn't end happily in these sorts of films.
He's having thoughts and needs to fuck them out. Fair, she's gorgeous.
At least she realized pretty early that he was out too late.
(Con is revealed beaten up and bloody)SHITTTTTTT Well, that's a head wound. Scuffed hands. Okay, good, I thought he fucking died.
DON'T FUCKING LEAVE YOU JACKASS. I've read dozens of fanfic like this. DOZENS
Con's Characters Sexuality Discussion: There are two options here. He's 'gay' as described in the film's synopsis or more fluid in a modern sense. Again, he's willing to fuck her, and clearly cares for her. Who knows if he was 'pushing his limits' and this is why she turned him down. The I love you could be romantic/sexual love, or the love of a friend. Both readings are perfectly valid by the text. The short film ends here to not answer the question and keep it ambiguous.
I'm flipping between this movie being about their friendship and finding someone to be comfortable with, or two people used to having one night stands falling in love. You know what. Both are right! (As a queer who says I love you to my straight friends. Calls them beautiful and does all of the shit Con does here, yeah, the waters are murky, who said you alone need to filter it to solve the art)
I can see a happy ending where they grow to be close friends for the rest of their lives, or just making it a probably short-lived relationship. They're both young and impulsive and need to work on themselves a bit before getting serious, but I hope they can keep this little corner of the world safe.
Cinematography(7/10): Fun! About what to expect from a short film. Nonintrusive editing.
Actors besides Con (8/10): I LOVED THE BARMAID. God, she's so fucking sweet and just needs someone in her corner. She's fun, cocky, and bullheaded in a way that fit's with Con's character. I loved their friendship. I love that she's worried about that and doesn't want to push boundaries. I wish this was a longer movie, I want to see them learning to love themselves and having each other there. Everyone else was unmemorable.
CON! The Actor 10/10: He seems more comfortable in this role than in Dancing. It makes him a more likeable character. Likely due to the size of the project, and experience. He seems like he's found his groove here, and I wish we got to see more of it. Seeing him actually flirt was a joy. Again, personally, I think the 'I love you' could be from a gay 'bff' perspective or he genuinely loves her. I love that they just feel safe with each other which is clearly what they need. Love con's look, dialogue, and everything about how he held himself. He seemed like he really opened up to her verses how Con's character acted at the beginning of the movie. That can be really hard to pull off
Story 9/10: Really fucking fun. Sweet, they both felt stuck in a rut and finally made a friend that understood them. The dialogue/writing is so fucking inspiring as I try to write fun dialogue.
REWATCHABILITY: I would say that compared to the downers I watched yesterday, this overtakes Vengeance. It helps that it's so short.
9/10. I hate giving perfect 10s when I haven't seen everything, but god is this so close. I can totally see myself giving this a retroactive 10. Writing this overview I felt like I was balancing on a tight rope trying to 'figure out' the right ending. But that's kind of the point. The relationship they build is a comfort in a shitty world, and it's fucking beautiful.
I know people said it was sad, but I found it really hopeful? They're still living their shitty lives, but they're not alone anymore.
NEXT! Still plan on Cucumber, 3 steps to heaven for weird Con, and whatever I feel in the moment. Rewatching Blood brothers today with the Brother, so wish me luck.
(I linked some people who commented last post, thanks for the comments as always!)
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goingtolebanon · 5 months
nobody's perfect all the time, however some have every little word dissected by many and intent projected upon them, usually unfairly. i couldn't imagine my every move being under a microscope like that! even as a queer person i'm not always a fantastic example, and part of that is unlearning old behaviours. i think it's also easy to judge from a 2024 perspective when you've basically been raised differently by online societal standards, versus being older and personally experiencing the before.
i don't think it's dissecting every little word to say that i'm not 100% on board with a straight public figure saying homophobic slurs to a crowd at a con he chose to participate in. i also think i addressed the "before" pretty clearly in my first post. i get that he experienced this firsthand. i also think it's every person's responsibility to continue to question things as they get older. to a certain extent, it's also a fandom's responsibility to not uncritically uphold a real guy as an ally.
it kind of seems like we're at an impasse. i do totally respect and empathise with where you're coming from. i also think that "he's human" means that it's also okay to critique someone. i don't think i'm doing this in an intensely negative or personal way. i'm not calling misha collins mean names, i'm not saying i hate him, i'm not saying he's annoying or whatever. i just don't love how he approaches his relationship with the queer community some of the time.
i know it's easy to lump in people who disagree with you as people who hate the person they're critiquing, but i actually think it's important to speak about someone's actions in a nuanced way because they are an actual person and to view them as such. misha seems to me like someone who is trying really hard to be supportive of the queer community and i think that is noble. i also think that he needs to be more mindful of that approach and that people need to stop enabling him when he does things that have the potential to cause actual harm to people. however, i don't think he has bad intent like you seem to be implying, and i don't think i implied that in either of my previous posts either.
do i think misha collins is (at least trying to be) a decent person? yes. do i think he has several extremely harmful takes on issues such as the ongoing palestinian genocide? yes. do i think he has been through a lot in his personal life in the past few years? yes absolutely. do i also think he should be more thoughtful about how he presents himself in situations he is literally choosing to be in? also yes. do i think he needs to speak on every issue? no! and i sometimes wish he wouldn't! i understand your empathy about public figures but again, he literally chooses to speak on these things. he's a complicated person and we are all complicated people. i'm not cancelling the guy for christ's sake i'm just saying i didn't like that he said a couple slurs 😭
i'm going to stop responding to these, at least at the length that i have been, but i do hope you have a good night (assuming these are all the same anon) and that you consider what i've said here.
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treadmilltreats · 11 months
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It doesn't matter why they cheat, it's not about you.
Since I started writing this blog I have gotten a huge response on my post's. I am truly grateful that this gift God gave me has touched so many people. Sometimes I get letters asking for advice. I don't know why since I am no Ann Landers, I fall on my face more than anyone I know. I make bad decisions and I definitely have picked the wrong men so when they ask, I am incredibly touched that they would want my opinion. The reason I write this is to inspire others to do what they didn't think they could do and getting these letters touch my soul, I am truly touched so thank you.
This last week alone 3 women reached out to me about a cheating boyfriend, husband, or lover. They all wanted to know what they did wrong, why they didn't see the signs and what I did to get past my situation, that I so publicly went through.
Again, I am not a love expert but this is what I shared with them.
1- First of all, it's not about you.
You can be the best wife or girlfriend. You can keep yourself beautiful, have your home spotless, cook like a chef and supply his every need in the bedroom and yet he will still cheat.
This is an ego thing for him, it has nothing to do with you. He doesn't feel like a real man inside and constantly needs to feel like the big man on campus over and over again. No matter how much you feed his ego, he needs to feel it from others.
Maybe he's a con man like my ex, and this is his job, to con women for his own gain. Maybe he likes the thrill of being close to the edge of getting caught, whatever the sick reason is none of them have to do with you! These are his issues not yours! Do not beat yourself up!
2- There are signs.
Yes, they are, yet you chose not to see them.
You poo poo them away, you make excuses for them. Yes, 1+1 doesn't add up to 2 yet here you are making excuses…well you know he has 2 jobs..He is a good man...insert bullshit excuse here.
Maybe you were blindsided but if you look back with clear eyes there were things that didn't sit right. That was your intuition, listen to it, it works trust me on this.
3- How did I get over it?
This is huge, huge, it's all about your self worth, what are you worth? Do you love yourself? How much? Is it okay to let someone do this to you? The answer is no! You need to love yourself enough to know that you are a smart, beautiful, kind and sweet woman. To know that any other man would be lucky to have you, that he would cherish the ground you walk on. This man is just not the right one.
You deserve to be treated like the Queen you are and NOTHING LESS!!
Hear me, nothing less!! There are plenty of fish in the sea. Why hold on to one that is a snake, beat up, and obviously defected.
Throw his ass back and keep fishing until you get that prize, that award winning one. He's out there. You know how I know that there are good men out there? Because we are good women and we are out there, so there has to be some good men out there.
Know that it's okay to be alone, God so many of us are afraid to be alone, but you need to treasure this time. Learn who you are, what you want, and what you like. Expand your interests, learn something new, try new things, meet new people. Know that you are okay being by yourself and will not settle for a man that isn't going to treat you right.
Yes it will be hard.... you will cry, you will question everything. You will curse and get mad but then you must choose to go on. Learn the lesson, forgive.
Yes, I said forgive not for him but for you. Let go of the hate and give it to your higher power or whatever that may be and move on.
You have just learned the most valuable lesson of your life, you have learned what your self worth is worth.
You learned that you will never again be treated that way again, that you would rather be alone than to sell your soul for a fancy bag, flowers or a warm body in your bed.
You know who you are and that one day you will thank him for making you this strong woman you will become.
So today my friends, remember this has nothing to do with you, this is a lesson and either you can learn from it or you can repeat the same mistake.
The choice is yours...The choice has always been yours to be the change you want to see.
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This last summer I was at comic con and during the cosplay competition I was chosen for the half time show: a dance battle. There were 5 of us and we each chose a number that went with a song on the DJ's playlist. When it was my turn I chose something random like 42 or something and my turn started. Mambo Number 5 started playing and I went HARD dancing to that! I had the time of my life.
You know how people always want to make things poetic and have meaning? Well that's what I'm doing here.
Looking back on it out of the like 70 songs we could have chosen I ended up choosing one with my deadname in it. It's not a name i hear in a lot of popular songs so it's a lil out of the ordinary. The poetic-ness I found was that after using my chosen name for like 3 years my deadname doesn't bother me as much anymore in other contexts. Of course I cringe when I have to read out the name of a customer for their order if it's my deadname, but you know. I had one of the best nights of my life and the song that helped that along contained my deadname and I didn't care that it did.
Idk if this makes sense but I think its something cool to think about.
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winter-daffodils · 2 days
on trying again and letting go
It was a random night when you discovered this little old blog. It was filled with the musings of a hopeless romantic teenager exploring life, love and heartaches. I remember telling you how writing about a boy in that blog would eventually lead to us falling apart, like I was jinxed — you were the first boy I didn't write (until today) and yet, we still fell apart. This tells me a lot about us, we were doomed from the beginning and fated to meet but never to last.
So here I am penning my first and last post about you. I have no hopes of you stumbling in my blog again, I didn't even think I'd write again but I have so much hurt I don't know where to fit it anymore so I run to the only safe space I know. And if by some twisted fate you do find this, I hope you do not take it against me, after all, it was me who didn't have a choice except to accept everything.
We first talked on the 27th of February, I remember how awkward I was I couldn't even turn my camera on but we instantly clicked and I felt comfortable talking to you — one of the few pros on my list: how easy it was to talk to you and how you made me win when it matters. But the pros and cons list suddenly found an imbalance, in a matter of months the list of cons grew, while the pros decreased little by little. Yet I stayed, I was willing to settle because I liked you or if I am bold enough, I could even say I loved you. It wasn't an easy choice to stay and I was an indecisive girl but I chose you...over and over again.
But would I choose you again? Probably not. You made your choice too and it felt like the easiest one you had to make. I tried to fight, find a way to make it work, begged the universe again if they could intervene, but when I did, all I got was anger from your text messages (when you can barely text when we were still together) so I stopped fighting. I betrayed myself long enough so it's time to finally let go — after all, they say the final act of love is letting go.
Our time apart has made me realize that exhausting myself and wearing myself thin would not make you see my worth — I tried, I endured but all I gained were calls when it's convenient, messages when you needed to boost your ego, and conditional love based on the things I can give that you deem worthy. I realized the hard way that the torture you sold for love is not a challenge for me to prove myself even more, you just really didn't like me enough.
Sometimes I still think, "If I hadn't answered that phone call, would things be different?" It would be that's for sure, but that doesn't mean it would be better. So I took it as God's sign that I'm just not meant to stay here because I can't keep loving someone who made me feel in constant survival mode just so I can keep him, or someone makes me constantly confused about where I stand in this life, and I can't keep loving someone who does not mind punishing me with the silent treatment and gives me crumbs of affection just to keep me wanting for more. It took me a while to realize this but then I remembered that I am the love of my life (and you are a man, unfortunately) and I am too full of love to settle for half a heart.
I thought this was anger I was feeling until I realized, it was grief. I was mourning for the version of you I created in my head, for the plans we made, promises you gave and the could have beens if you only held on a little longer. I am grieving because there are still days I would wonder if you actually liked me, then find myself crying when I realize you didn't because if you did maybe you would care about my feelings more, text me when I asked you to, reassure me when I needed it, and maybe you would find a way to see me instead of giving me endless excuses as to why you can't make it. Though I still grieve and think of you from time to time, you won't hear from me again because what's dead should remain dead and buried.
I don't want to wish you ill but I hope it haunts you forever — how you fumbled the girl who only wanted to feel like she wasn't hard to love. But hey, is it because I asked for too little that you think I didn't deserve much at all?
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Happy STS! Are any of your OCs in fandom? Do they write fanfic, create fanart, make AMVs, or do they just enjoy?
Aww thank you for the ask! Sorry it took me a bit to answer--I was a little stumped😂 If my OCs are anything like me, the short answer is YES! But then I really started to dig into it and wondering what media would exist in my different stories and how my OCs would gravitate toward them😅
In my Heirs of Tenebris trilogy, I feel like MCs Nyla and Xander would be casual fans. They're too busy adventuring to really go through the motions of interacting with media. That said, I feel like Nyla would really love live theatre!
One of my antagonists (I call him my "beautifully tragic" character lol), Cedric would be a fanboy. He's always been introverted and I know he enjoys reading, so it wouldn't be a stretch for him to get really involved in fandom if social media existed in this world and he didn't isolate himself from the entire world. Cedric would definitely write fanfic tho and now I wanna give him friends to nerd out with.
(I got really into this😅😎🙌)
I could totally see Merry and Edwin getting super involved if they were in our world. Heck, maybe in a few years, Tenebris will see a fandom boom (that was the other reason why this took me so long to answer😂 I was starting to think about different stories and things that could exist in their world aside from Hell's Eyes). The pair of them would be hitting up cons and loading up on merch/memorabilia and attending panels. Merry would definitely produce fanart and AMVs. Edwin's more lowkey and would 100% get involved in discourse because he knows all the facts and will pull evidence from canon to back up his opinions/theories/etc. (He's an academic. He didn't choose the discourse life, it chose him 🤣)
In my backburner WIP (aka BPM/the superhero fiction WIP), in general fandom exists as we know it. So yeah people follow and collect merch of their favorite supes and cons/media exist as we know them too (with the addition of actual superheroes attending for community outreach programs (and the fame), so that's neat)!
I definitely see Jason being a fanboy and engaging with fanfic/fanart but maybe not producing any himself. Lottie isn't big on fandoms, but I feel like her siblings are. Definitely Bren. Bren would cosplay. Like I feel that in my soul, for sure, Bren would cosplay🥳 I'm not sure about the rest of the BPM crew, but I know with every fiber of my being Jason would be such a fanboy lol
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maximuswolf · 2 months
I know posts about learning life lessons from games are a bit cliche but The Witcher 1 genuinely enlightened me and taught me an invaluable a life lesson that I've been lacking for my whole life. If you have similar stories feel free to share.
I know posts about learning life lessons from games are a bit cliche, but The Witcher 1 genuinely enlightened me and taught me an invaluable a life lesson that I've been lacking for my whole life. If you have similar stories, feel free to share. Hi.I'm u/Askin_real_Questions and I'm chronically indecisive.It's fucked me up in every single aspect of my life over the past 32 years. I've walked away from opportunities rather than having to make a choice in my personal, professional and lovelife due to to this indecisiveness.This even reflected how I played vidogames. In thousands of hours of skyrim, I not once went with the imperials because if I dont know what im missing then its not that bad. In thousands of hours of Fallout 4, Not once did I fully side with a single faction and eliminated the rest. I fucking hated having to make those kinds of decisions in videogames.I recently picked up the witcher and witcher 2 from the summer sale, because I wanted to experience the full story. What I wasn't ready for, was how the game forces you to make a HUGE decision, which would Drastically impact the next 30 - 50 hours of how you finish the game, as well as the witcher 2 because your save carries over. Now, normally I'd choose the bitch way out and look up in depth guides on what exactly are the consequences, pros and cons of each decision.Not this time though.Because of the pacing of this game, and with the help of a good couple of beers while playing through this section, Over the course of 6 to 10 hours of game time, you are met with MULTIPLE NPCs (scroll to 5:07:17 if it doesnt start there) literally telling you that you have to take a stand and that you cannot keep being indecisive (or in a nicer way "Neutral"). You are forced to take note of what is happening around you. The link I posted was just one of many.Eventually I decided that for once in my life I'm gonna make the choice. Yes, some shit happened that I wasn't expecting that made me go "damn, I chose wrong". But a lot of other stuff happened that was awesome and I would have missed out on if I didn't make this choice. And you know what? I realized that if I were given a third, neutral "Indecisive" option, I would have missed out on both of these awesome paths! Because sometimes you need to make a big decision if you want to see big results. If shit goes your way, great! if it doesn't, it is what it is.I repeat. It is what it is. I've had to make peace with not always being able to control the outcome of things, sometimes that means regret, other times it doesn't. And that's the hardest part I had to learn.If you've made it this far past this wall of text, I thank you for hearing me out. And if you didn't, that's cool too. I just needed to get this out into the world.TLDR: Spent my whole life missing out on opportunities because of my own indecisiveness. In the end, no bold revelation, or even grand epiphany pulled me out of it. But some very basic 16/17 year old videogame.Edit just for fun: As a testament to my indecisiveness, Witcher 1 doesn't overwrite your quicksaves, it created a new one each time. I logged a total of around 1400 quicksaves throughout the whole of witcher 1 enhanced edition. Most of them for freaking dialogue options. The game would come close to lagging out when I tried to load a save, so I had to delete them in batches when they came close to 300. Submitted July 31, 2024 at 08:43AM by Askin_Real_Questions https://ift.tt/YymLiVW via /r/gaming
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