#I don’t have Twitter could someone do the fandoms favor of asking how long it’s been since the merge to the creators 😭
jalluzas-ferney · 10 months
I’m super confused because why does it say in the Ninjago wiki that It’s only been one year since the merge but in the series Nya says it’s been yearS . Years PLURAL. Plus Sora and Arin seem to have clearly aged up a lot cuz in the flashbacks Arins much shorter meaning he’s probably not even a teen and same goes for Sora. Like between their flashbacks of when the merge first happened they look pretty different. But for some reason they’re saying it’s been one year only? That makes no sense 😭
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miraculouscontent · 2 years
Anonymous asked:
What are your thoughts on Marinette being "one of [Adrien's] closest friends"? To be fair, at least he didn't sideline Nino.
Anonymous asked:
Adrien accepts 100% the idea that ladybug is marinette in both CB and Ephemeral unlike Marinette who doubts her own feelings for Adrichat. Do you think it is proof that he is already in love with her as Ferisae said a few days ago on twitter?
I’ve heard a lot of garbage in the span of this show, but this right here is the biggest pile of trash there is.
Marinette is one of Adrien’s closest friends? Freaking where.
Where was Adrien in “Chameleon” when Lila was very blatantly manipulating the class against Marinette? Oh right, in the background and doing any talking to Lila in secret. Same with “Ladybug,” because despite being all “as long as you and I know” at the start of Season 3, he certainly didn’t inform Marinette of how things were going with Lila after he convinced her to get Marinette back in school.
Adrien loves Marinette? Where.
Hell, even after he knows her identity, where’s the big moment when he’s Ephemeral where he at least breaks through mentally enough to--oh, I don’t know--try to catch her or run after her after she gets tossed to the side like a ragdoll? But instead, it’s just an empty apology that means absolutely nothing when we’ve had multiple people in this season break through their akumatizations to the point of deakumatizing themselves.
And here’s the big question, by the way...
If Marinette is such a close friend, if Adrien loves her so much, if this isn’t just him immediately claiming to love her specifically because she’s Ladybug...
Where is Adrien going out of his way to spend time with Marinette in literally the entire series, not even as lovers but at least as friends?
Not because he was asked to, not because it was part of a competition, not because he lied about it so he could get his actual friend a date, not because they happened to be at the same place, not because she happened to get roped into his shenanigans not because he needed a damn FAVOR from her, and certainly not because someone else had orchestrated it.
What, her birthday, where we didn’t even get to see them hanging out or having fun together? "Troublemaker” where he invited her to a photoshoot, which not only would’ve been off-screen if anything happened at all, but he’d done it because she was a fan (not a friend) and they wouldn’t actually be able to hang out since he’d be busy - you know - having the photoshoot. “Chameleon” where he sat next to her only as some sort of “reward” for letting Lila continue lying to everyone?
Yeah, no. I’m being told that Adrien - who has video calls with Wayhem and was only stopped from hanging out casually with Nino because of The Owl’s antics - considers Marinette one of his closest friends?
I’m being told that Chat “Ladybug, pay attention to me, let’s go out for ice cream, do you want to go somewhere, we should hang out” Noir is in love with Marinette “has to throw literally all of hers and everyone else’s effort to spend any amount of time with Adrien” Dupain-Cheng?
No, absolutely not.
The show does not get to put Marinette through all of that and then just have Adrien be like, “oh, Marinette? she was one of my closest friends!! :) :) :)”
It’s the same thing as the supposed “soft looks” that love square stans go nuts over. It’s low-effort bait that can be easily forgotten next episode if the show chooses to do so. There’s no bonding, no conversation, no chemistry, it’s just an animator giving the character bedroom eyes so the fandom can fill in the dialog-less gap with, “OMG HE’S IN LOVE!!”
No risk, all of the reward. People hear Adrien call Marinette “one of his closest friends” and all of the love square shippers’ clutch their heart from the sheer about of nothing but lip service.
The words are as hollow and empty as Adrien’s thick skull, and I roll my eyes every time I have to explain this (I know you guys are smart, don’t worry) because stans are apparently so starved for content that they’ll droll over Adrien so much as acknowledging Marinette’s existence without stopping to question anything.
In essence, if the show wants to tell me that Adrien is in love with Marinette - not even that, just that he sees her as at least a friend - then it can start by having him show it instead of just say it whenever it’s convenient for the plot.
Not by “““soft looks,”““ not by “““shy giggles,”““ not by “here’s this memory loss episode where he fell for her when she was literally the only person he knew,” and never ever by, “well, she’s Ladybug, so--”
No. The show can either give actual validity to its endgame ship or own up to the fact that its wasting everyone’s time and are writing things how they are for the sake of their own laziness in addition to tormenting their main character.
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ryoceann · 3 years
Hi. Itk here. Believe me, don't, doesn't matter. Thought I'd drop (after you summoned ha) by given the chaos and try to enlighten the ones who choose to believe me, as much as I'm capable of.
The first thing I wanna say is: stop trying to figure out their relationship. You most likely never will. Fans are stuck on both extremes, when the actuality of it is far more in the middle (perhaps even up or down and all around ha). It's complex and strange and not at all "normal" (as normal as they could be, anyways).
It's not as simple as "oh they're just a closeted couple who engage in bearding and have kids and behind closed doors they're just a regular, old married couple and a big, happy rainbow family".
Doesn't sound like itk info, believe me, I get that but observing the fandom I'd say it almost is because most fans simply hang on extreme simplistic ideas of what their relationship is.
Second thing I'd like to say and unfortunately seems like it's not at all obvious but: do not believe anything they share publicly. Not saying they're lying compulsively, but they are public figures and they have a lot at stake to just casually drop the actual truth of any given situation.
Just don't. The same salt you have regarding itks, have towards them. It'd do you some good...Believe me. Unless you are involved in the entertainment or political life, you cannot even begin to fathom what it's really like, the level of manipulation, falsehood and well, overall deviation of it. It's quite disturbing tbh. So just always take whatever's said and shown with a good amount of salt. With public people hardly anything is accidental or casual.
I think the most prominent question now is...Why? Why would they do something like that? Regardless if you have the ingenuity to believe the little scene they made or not...Still, the question lingers.
With my level of "in the knowness" I cannot for sure say the real reason, yet from the pieces I've collected so far, seems to be a multiple gain scheme. It was a high risk, they were well aware, and it paid out in the way they were expecting, minus small bumps here and there. But overall it seemed to have worked in their favor. How in the hell, one would ask?
Believe me, I used my best sneaky capabilities to find out exactly why but they were smart enough to keep this one locked tight, minus a few loose lips. And from those all I've heard was that "whatever the purpose was, it worked out".
As weird as it may sound to the innocent mind, it's actually not at all, given that even leaked nudes are not at all leaked or accidental, and those tend to (at least in the past) get immense amount of backlash. It's not the first time famous folks fake a fight, surely won't be the last.
A lot goes into public image, it's not black and white as "well but it looked bad on Jensen", "it looked bad on the prequel", etc. You'd be surprised as how little this truly matters given the level of manipulation they are able to pull on the public. And well, even with them...It happens all the time. Both made mistakes far worse than just "not telling my bestie about my new project" and fans would eventually let that go and put them back on the pedestal.
So just remember, always: not in the industry? then don't judge anything because you simply do not understand how it works.
Another piece of itk information I can give besides "this was planned and it worked" is: they are fine. From what I've heard they are not fighting over it or going through anything more dramatic than what they usually have been going through ever since they met haha.
So just sit back and chill out. Breathe, read fanfiction and remember that we will never truly get answers, because even what comes out of their mouths are most of the time carefully thought out and directed to have a specific meaning and effect (why do you think Jared mumbles and rambles so much?).
Another interesting piece of itk: you know how they always say they never fight? Even though that sounds insanely hard to believe even if they were just friends because who knows someone for that long and is constantly together and never fights? Unlikely, right? Yes, as obvious as that was. But unfortunately a lot of you seem to believe that, given the level of shock you had for this little twitter feud (as fake as it was). Yeah. They fight. A lot.
They fight as much as individuals in their situation would. Like I said, not at all what most people absentmindedly seem to think it is. They go through a lot. Way more than anyone who isn't in a similar situation would understand. It's messy, although they try their best to make it simpler in the ways they can.
On top of being in a very complex situation, they both have strong personalities and one of them is quite hard to "pin down". So altercations happen a lot, but they know how to deal, and they are exceptionally good at making sure that doesn't interfere in their work (oh well, at least not any work that doesn't benefit from intense emotional exchanges, anyways 😉...chemistry isn't something random, you know? haha).
I find it quite...interesting (to put it nicely) that a lot of hats easily believe they are a couple that lies constantly about almost every aspect of their lives, yet, they cannot believe they would fake a social media narrative. It makes no sense whatsoever.
It'd do you all good to be a little less tendentious and look at them as, you know...Humans? They are not what they seem to be, just as you guys also take in different versions of yourselves in different situations, they do too. And don't be so hopelessly naive to actually believe they see fans as "hashtag family". This is their work. And as grateful as they are for supporters, they certainly do not consider them family. To the point of never lying and trusting you with their life.
I'm sure they love their fans, but come on, saying they would never lie because that's mean to fans is just beyond naive. They've been doing it all along and oh, another interesting info? They don't think they're doing anything wrong.
Yeah, sounds weird, you'd think they'd feel guilty. But again, unless you were media trained, you'd never get it.
From years now if there's one consistent info I've gotten was this: they don't feel obligated to tell you anything. They believe they are doing "what they are supposed to do, the right thing for everyone involved".
So. Yeah. And hell, they are right about not being obligated to say anything about anything, I guess.
Well, I hope that was helpful or at least entertaining. It's hard to share info without accidentally making it obvious who I am for the lurkers (sure you guys were well aware that they lurk around the fandom). But it's safe because as long as I don't provide evidence, I'm fine. Just walking a thin line between sharing and not sharing something too specific that would be easy fir them to know who has that info and although they can't do anything against itks, they can manage to cut us off somehow and I enjoy having access lol, so that'd be a bummer.
Anyways, take itks and J2 themselves with a ton of salt haha! You are lovely, btw, you seem very kind and I enjoy your blog very much! much love!
itk anon everything you said was <333 and i agree with like almost all of it. very nice analysis and ask thank you ! i don't always believe everything j2 put out but the whole stunt being a false narrative just seems wrong so idk what to make of it. regardless i myself can sometimes get carried away in my star-struck love of j2. and i am a tinhat so well :) and now they look to be really good and taking a break from here was well worth it <3
''You are lovely, btw, you seem very kind and I enjoy your blog very much! much love!'' i love u so much hope u have a great day !
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bookofmirth · 3 years
Hello! This is a bit different from your usual gwynriel/elucien asks, so I hope you don’t mind, but it’s something that’s been bothering me lately and I wonder if anyone else has noticed.
I’m not sure if it’s because if the upsurge in popularity of acotar on tiktok/twitter with a younger audience reading it, or if I’ve just been lucky and not noticed it before, but I’ve seen so many Tamlin stans coming out of the woodwork and it honestly bothers me.
I definitely do agree that Tamlin is a complex character and of course, it’s fine that people are interested in him (I really don’t care about him, but to each their own)! But lately there have been so many people in the fandom arguing that he’s a victim of PTSD who deserves better, often villainizing Feyre/Lucien because of this.
I‘ve seen takes that Feyre was gaslighting Tamlin when she told him she was happy with Rhys because Rhys still had the whole night court persona going on?? And that Lucien and Feyre were a horrible support system because they wouldn’t stand up to him (completely ignoring that when they did Tamlin … ya know … physically hurt both of them)? And that somehow Feyre spying in the Spring Court in ACOWAR was also abusive and manipulative towards Tamlin?
I just genuinely don’t understand where all of this is coming from. I try to be critical of SJM’s writing because I understand that it can be flawed, especially since I have problems with how Feysand was written after ACOWAR, Azriel’s issues with women, the IC’s treatment of Nesta, etc. But I just can’t seem to get behind these interpretations and I’m not sure if I’m just missing something (or ‘biased’ by Feyre’s POV as some claim).
Wooooooo boy, so I didn't know that this was a thing happening but lemme break down how wrong these people are with some of these arguments! This is going to get long.
(I definitely don't mind, I appreciate any ask that's not just about ship wars!)
So I'm going to lay out the claims people are making and talk about them one at a time.
Tamlin has PTSD:
Probably yes. In the beginning of acomaf, Feyre mentions that he has trouble sleeping, just like she does, and I believe he gets up at night, and this is when their relationship really deteriorates. I can't say for sure what he was experiencing, but it seems like he had a lot of anxiety and fears left over from Amarantha and watching Feyre die. The things he was experiencing emotionally are 1000% understandable and valid, even if it wasn't diagnosable PTSD.
But you know who else likely has PTSD? Lucien and Feyre.
Say it with me everyone: emotions do not always justify behaviors.
Feyre is gaslighting Tamlin:
Hell fucking no.
People need to learn what gaslighting is. Gaslighting is not just "lying". Gaslighting is not "disagreeing". Gaslighting is a very specific tactic used to make someone question their memory, their reality, to twist the truth.
Rhys definitely had a persona. That was a calculated decision. But when Feyre tells Tamlin that she is happy, she is not lying at all. Her telling Tamlin that she is happy has nothing to do with whatever lies or manipulations that Rhys did in the past. Why? Because even if Rhys was a super asshole dark dude, Feyre saying she is happy with him is still the truth. Feyre isn't lying, let alone gaslighting Tamlin, that idea is completely laughable.
The only way that people could say that Feyre is gaslighting Tamlin is to say that she is responsible for Rhysand's Dark persona, that she is the one who created it with the intention of making people question what they thought was true. Which she isn't. That isn't even the reason that Rhys created the persona. He created it to obscure the truth in the first place.
And even his persona isn't gaslighting? He isn't trying to make people question their reality. He isn't trying to make people question themselves. He is trying to make himself look scary. And so when he drops that persona, he is telling the truth. He isn't gaslighting people, he is saying "hey I wasn't being honest before but now I am".
And i think that's a big, big difference that people are failing to understand. Gaslighting is about trying to change other people's reality. Rhys's persona was about him. Feyre saying she was happy was about her. Neither of those things were about trying to make people feel like they were crazy.
So there has to be this reality. Let's say Rhys was spotted being menacing. Person A is like "hey, you look scary!" And he's like "noice, my evil plan is working." Then later on Rhys is like "hey you know what, I wasn't being honest before, I'm actually a Super Cool Dude." Person A might be confused for a minute because what they thought was true wasn't true, but they'll get there.
If it were gaslighting, on the other hand, it would go more like: Rhys: *is nice*. Person A: "hey, I thought you were scary though?" Rhys: "nah, that was my good twin, Rhysnaldo. I've never been nice a day in my life. You must be confused." Person A: *questioning everything they thought they just witnessed".
So yeah anyway, people gotta stop using that term if they don't know what it means.
Feyre manipulating Tamlin:
Personally, I agree with the argument that she manipulated Tamlin in the beginning of acowar. I don't think that's even a matter of interpretation, she went to Spring with the intention of burning shit down.
Feyre was not abusive towards Tamlin. She knew his weaknesses and exploited them. I don't care that she did that to him, I think that she deserved a bit of vengeance. However, personally I cannot stand the fact that in doing so she caused a lot of collateral damage and did not gaf. Deal with your abusive ex however you need to, Feyre. Don't knowingly, intentionally bring harm to other people in doing so.
Feyre and Lucien failing as a support system:
Feyre literally saved Tamlin's life by killing and dying for him. Lucien was also tortured by Amarantha because of Tamlin. Neither of them broke and betrayed him. They were incredibly loyal to him throughout acotar. Even now, when Lucien is being emotionally and physically abused by Tamlin, Lucien is still trying to work with him, make sure he is fed, make sure he doesn't completely lose his humanity fae-ness. Lucien is the only reason that the Spring Court hasn't completely collapsed while Tamlin wallows in his beasty feelings.
Any time that either Feyre or Lucien try to stand up to Tamlin, he gets manipulative and abusive. He emotionally manipulates Feyre into feeling guilty for wanting to be able to defend herself. He emotionally abuses Feyre by making her afraid of his anger and afraid of how he will react to anything that she says or does. He glares or shouts down anything the Lucien says.
Also, Tamlin is a High Lord! They can only do so much when it comes to standing up to him.
For real, Feyre and Lucien did literally everything that they possibly could in order to try to support Tamlin, and much of that was to their own detriment. In trying to support Tamlin, they got emotional and physical abuse in return. So no, fuck that. Being supportive does not mean we have to put up with abuse.
Being biased in Feyre's favor:
We are not biased by Feyre's POV in the sense that she is trying to mislead the reader, but we are limited by her POV because she doesn't know everything. She tells us the truth as she knows it. That is very different from a narrator who is intentionally trying to hide things or lie or mislead.
But even if we were biased by Feyre's POV, so fucking what??? Is it so wrong to take the side of a victim of abuse? Why do we need to try so hard to understand Tamlin's side? People can do that, of course, I have myself, especially later on in the story. In acofas I started to feel sorry for him. I've been mad at how Rhys treated him in acofas. But the idea of being biased in Feyre's favor means that we would have to question her, in some way, when she recounts the story of her abuse. That's disgusting, to me. What reason do we have to think she isn't telling her story truthfully?
We might naturally have more empathy towards Feyre because we heard the story from her POV, but again - why is that a bad thing? To hear a story from the victim of abuse and feel empathy for them??? Call me crazy but that's not a problem. I'm going to empathize with Feyre, and I'm going to believe Mor (and Rhys, and Lucien). The end.
A final word
Just something you said in the last paragraph struck me, in regards to Azriel's view of women and how the IC treats Nesta: those are not thing to criticize in sjm's writing, I think. Just because Tamlin is abusive doesn't mean that sjm shouldn't have written him that way, ya know? If there are inconsistencies in characterization or a lack of understanding of abusive dynamics or alcohol abuse or something like that, those are things we can criticize in her writing. But characters do uncomfy things, that's supposed to happen.
What I'm trying to say is that there is a difference between criticizing a character's actions, and criticizing the way they have been written. Pretty much everything above falls under the realm of "analyzing a character or story", not criticizing the author.
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sunflowerspectre · 3 years
Hellfire and Ectoblasts
For @cleanlenins
Title: Hellfire and Ectoblasts Fandom: Danny Phantom x Lucifer Summary:  The devil works hard, but Vladimir Masters works harder. When Vladimir Master dabbles in dealing favors to others to get his way - much easier than constantly possessing everyone - Lucifer Morningstar has a few choice words for the business tycoon. Rating: T for cursing (multiple uses of the F word, mentions of drug abuse) Final Word Count: 5005 Ft. Uncle/Redeemed Vlad AU
Read on A03 Read on FF
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Los Angeles is new territory, despite all the places Vladimir Masters has traveled. He has drunk martinis in the sands of Bahamas, made deals in Cancun, and has a passport larger than most politicians. He has even traveled further into the Ghost Zone than most of the fully ghosts there.
Yet the city of angels has always eluded him, or rather he eluded it. It never quite appealed to him, with the oddities and gaudy casinos. It felt almost beneath him and it has, honestly,  never been on his priority list - at least, not until now.
Business is business and Vlad Masters will always go where business is; even if it is in a city like Los Angeles. Even if it is with an admittedly annoying sixteen year old teenager for a long extended amount of time.
Honestly, what was he thinking when he wanted Daniel as a son? He should have gone after Jasmine, he begrudges. At least she knew when to be quiet.
“Are we there yet?”
Vlad feels his eyebrow twitch, a vein throbbing in his neck. Daniel Fenton has the nerve to look at him with large innocent, doe eyes as if that is not the hundredth time he has asked that question in the past hour.
His somewhat nephew had jumped on the chance to go to LA with him; he would have been more suspicious of Daniel’s intention if not for the fact that the space shuttle endeavor will be within one quick bus ride from their hotel. As challenging, and even powerful, as Daniel can be - he is very much an open book that has been quite easy to read.
Danny opens his mouth, as if to ask that infuriating question again, but is stopped short by a small ecto blast. The ectoplasm effectively sticks against his mouth and despite the way he claws it, it refuses to budge. He settles for crossing his arms in a huff with a narrow glare. He idly considers it for a moment before a middle finger raises in contempt.
“Curse at me all you want, Daniel, but I refuse to listen to that infernal question the entire trip.”
Danny’s body language makes it clear that he is mocking him. Vlad waits until his fit is over before removing the ecto blast. Danny, huffing about being cut-off, leans back into the seat of the private jet. When he glances out the window, catching glimpses of clouds, he can not help but think wistfully how much better it would be to be flying Airline Danny. Jets, private or otherwise, are too confining now that he knows what it feels like to touch clouds.
He bets that the skies of Los Angeles is beautiful up close. He absently wonders if he gets far away enough to the nearby desert if he will be able to get a good view of the stars. The Orion constellation, not to mention a few planets like Venus and even Saturn, should be more visible here than it would be in Amity Park. He wonders if he flies high enough if he can get a good picture with a smartphone.
“Why are you going to LA anyway? Don’t you have enough money that you don’t need to be blowing it at casinos? Or is that the whole point?”
He barely even spares Vlad a glance through the corner of his eyes, arms crossed lazily against his chest as his cheek presses against the cool glass of the window. While being with Vlad is not the worst thing in the world - at least not anymore - he can not help but wish he would’ve been able to bring Sam and Tucker along. He imagines that they would be thrilled to go somewhere that’s not the Nasty Burger. At the very least, they would be better conversationalists.
Well, I guess it’s at least fun to mess with him, Danny thinks wistfully, a more devious smile on his face. If anything, it is a great way to pass the time. Messing with Vlad has always been a treasure, but now with little repercussions, at least nothing that compares to the way he used to threaten to kill his dad, it is like the entire world is his oyster.
“You can never have enough money, young badger.”
Danny coughs something into his elbow that sounds suspiciously like ‘ eat the rich’.  His eyes watch Vlad carefully with feign innocence, as if he never said anything at all. His elbow hides the large shit-eating grin threatening to break on his face.
Vlad makes a point to ignore the comment, continuing easily, “Since our - my -”
He struggles to find the right word, fumbling a bit with a strained look on his face. Mentions of the past have always been hard to bring up when he is, honestly, doing his best to move forward from it. He feels strained at the mere mention of how he behaved beforehand, somewhat even embarrassed by the things he tried to pull. He cannot be thankful enough that the Fentons, including even Daniel, have even given him this second chance. The young badger’s trust is not an easy thing to earn.
“ Your redemption arc,” Danny offers somewhat helpfully.
While not fond of the term, Vlad has to admit that he cannot think of a better phrase.
He accepts the term Danny offers with clenched teeth, “-and as such, possession has become quite unfavorable . I have taken up doing business the old-fashioned way.”
Danny turns to face him. His innocently blinking eyes do not fool anyone with the gleam of mischief shining brightly in them.
“-Legal suits and proper paperwork?”
Vlad snaps at him suddenly, a vein throbbing in his forehead as he regrets taking off the ecto-gag.
“Oh will you - stop that?”
The outburst sends Danny reeling  into a laughing fit, clenching his sides tightly.
Danny’s smartass comments cost him; though, in his opinion, it was absolutely worth it. To his dismay, Vlad drags him along through the city of angels instead of leaving him at the hotel. He claimed he needed to meet a new potential business partner. He gave an entire speech of how it would be good for him to learn how the business world works, but Danny can only recall maybe the first few sentences of said speech. Vlad even went as far as stuffing Danny into the most uncomfortable expensive clothes that he could find. Honestly, couldn’t the man at least get comfy expensive clothes? Gucci makes sweat suits. He makes a mental note to send some links to Gucci sweat suits to Vlad later.
Comfy or not, he still would have preferred to have just headed straight to the space shuttle endeavor. At least then, he would be in ghost form most of the time anyway. It would have been a ten - maybe fifteen - minute flight himself from their hotel room; he even promised Vlad that he would stay invisible the whole time and not touch anything he was not supposed to. A promise that was hard to give since oh man did he want to touch the shuttle just to say he touched something that was in space. He even begged his uncle. Slipped in a few mentions of how his mom would be so happy if he was able to go and get pictures.
He almost got him too, but alas, his efforts were in vain. Instead, he is stuck in a limo. It is not a bad thing in and of itself, but even a luxurious car feels suffocating when you want to be somewhere else.
He eyes the protesters lining up on certain streets. Sam would have loved it here. He keeps track of all of the ‘trendy’ vegan cafes he spots along the way for future reference; he even spots a few goth-centric stores. He snaps a few pictures, sending them over their group chat. He follows them up with pictures of pictures of every BBQ stand he finds for Tucker’s sake.
Sam: Still with the ex-villain?
Danny snorts, scooting away from Vlad as much as he could before snapping a picture of his unsuspecting ex-arch nemesis. Vlad visibly sighs, the exhaustion showing on his face as he does not even bother to look at Danny anymore.
Tucker: Someone looks like he’s having a great time
Danny: He’s with me, of course he’s having a  great time. I’m a joy to be around. An absolute blast.
Tucker: Isn’t every party you’ve gone to nowadays a bit - dead?
Danny audibly groans at the bad attempt at puns, sending a quick message of how puns are his thing; it’s his whole shtick.  But like all group chats do, the conversation grows dead pretty fast.
He is already growing bored again after having sent all the memes he could find ( and how dare they not laugh react at them) . He settles for rolling the window up and down obsessively, occasionally even sticking his head through it. When that adrenaline rush is short-lived, he ends up leaning against the door while obnoxiously clicking the window button repeatedly until Vlad is forced to ask the limo driver to put on the child lock. He considers the idea of just phasing his head through the window, but as weird as LA is, he thinks even that would be a stretch.
He could just phase away entirely. After all, the limo is not ghost proof. Vlad even got rid of most of his more outrageous contraptions and traps so he knows that the seat will not suddenly grow restraints if he tries to get up from it. He wonders if the oddity shop that they passed is still open? He did promise everyone souvenirs and the weirder the better (as is the whole point with souvenirs).
But he also promised his mom that he would get along.
Besides, Vlad said he would pay for lunch when they are done and they passed the most delicious looking burger place.
After what feels like forever, watching all the places he wants to go but can’t right now like a sad puppy begging for the window to be let down, the limo finally pulls up in front of a nightclub. LUX. Danny raises a brow. He may not be the smartest out of his family, but dead languages are his specialty. He glances to Vlad, wondering if he should be more concerned about his pseudo-uncle doing business here. Any nightclub named after light that looks this shady can not be good.
He is also pretty sure that he just saw a drug deal around the corner and some of the people in line already look under the influence of something .
“Am I even allowed here,” Danny questions, pausing a moment to count on his fingers, as they exit the limo. “I’m only like - sixteen? I am a literal child. ”
Vlad continues walking as if he does not hear Danny’s voice grating on behind him. Somehow, the teenager has a voice that seems to stick out like a sore thumb against the boom of the music coming out from the club’s doors.
“You are not a child, Daniel,” Vlad finally acknowledges.
“Uh the law would disagree, sir,” Danny waves a finger after him, “I am a minor.”
The sun is already starting to set, which means the club is steadily filling up; a majority of people are still out in long lines outside of the club’s door. He glances at them briefly, if in a bit of curiosity at the club wear. He blushes wildly at some of the more out-there club wear and focuses quickly on the fact that Vlad is steadily getting ahead of him.
“We are not here for drinking, Daniel,” Vlad’s voice comes out a bit exasperated as he fixes his tie. He eyes the people in line with a bit of disdain, but otherwise ignores them.
Vlad continues on past the lines, not acknowledging the way that some of them call after him. He keeps his hands in his pockets as he gets closer to the crowd; Danny realizes that it likely has something to do with the high possibility of getting pick-pocketed. After all, Vlad does not exactly blend in, but neither does Danny in the suit that Vlad forced him in.
Danny is close in tow as they head straight for the bouncer at the door.
If Vlad was not so used to the way that Maddie could ( has and absolutely will) beat him, he would have been more surprised at the woman at the club’s door. The choice being a bit abnormal in the job. Her intimidating presence is enough to make most of the more pushy people at the front second-guess themselves. A few of the people who dare to test the boundary of the velvet rope quickly change their mind as she just glances at them. Danny’s first thought is how much Sam would like the bouncer. The entire leather outfit is just something that feels like she would like, compared with how tough the woman seems to be. If the woman didn’t scare him so much, he would have tried to take a picture.
His second thought, however, is how off she feels. The closer he gets to her, the more his core vibrates deeply in his chest. As if it is trying to transform and get him out of there, like an animal’s instincts to a predator. Run. RUN. RUN. He digs his heels into the ground and refuses to listen to his gut. He refuses to let his gut determine what he thinks about someone, or how he acts on them. He learned the hard way to control that impulse.
Besides, she does not seem that dangerous - he thinks? He glances to the knives strapped to her thigh and the mean look in her eyes. Mostly. But his ghost sense has never gone off. That means that possession is off the table - so is her being a ghost. But he has never felt his core vibrate this way, in such a paralyzing instinctual fear. The only thing that comes close is when he faced Pariah.
Danny is sure that Vlad notices it too, he is way too smart not to. Vlad’s expressionless face does not give a single thing away, staring straight on even as the woman looks him over closely, a sneer on her face. Something about the way she bares her teeth feels more like a threat, as if she is prepared to rip your throat out herself at any given moment. The worst part is that it feels like that is something she is very much capable of doing. She gets startlingly close to Vlad’s face, sniffing him. He refuses to flinch and let this woman know how much she intimidates him.
He seems to pass whatever test she was giving him. Finally she just snorts, taking the card that he offers her. Danny only catches a glimpse of the red and  gold lining against black with some sort of name written on it. He barely sees the flash of some sort of horned symbol on the edge. Just who is Vlad doing business with anyway?
Whatever the card is, it works. She backs off, crossing her arms against her chest as she moves out of the way of the door to let them through. The glare she gives some of the people at the front of the line scares them out of even thinking about shoving their way in through the open door.
Danny sticks close to Vlad’s side this time, feeling the urge to get as far away as he can from the woman. He is not sure if she will stop him. He would love to get out of this situation with Vlad, but he would hate that it meant staying anywhere near the woman. The wild beating of his core is getting worse and it feels like he can’t breath.
He is unsure if he can handle being around her much longer with his core acting up like this. He feels like he is this close to a heart attack.
“You smell weird, but whatever. He’s inside.”
He smells weird, Danny wonders how she can smell anything especially when all he can smell is all the people around them not wearing deodorant. He tries his best to brush it off as some sort of intimidating tactic. But when Danny passes by the woman, she leans forward, visibly sniffing him as well.
“Sorry it’s my - uh - aftershave,” Danny’s panicked lie confuses even him as he just waves at the woman as he enters the club, finally taking a deep breath in as the door shuts behind him.
Still thoroughly weirded out by whatever that was, something that does not improve when he’s suddenly surrounded by drunks and loud blaring music, he sticks abnormally close to Vlad. The people surrounding them are too drunk to notice when he phases through the elbows that are just too close to him or the shoulders that almost bump into him. Vlad looks back at him briefly, a ghost of a smile on his face, before he turns attention to the crowd.
“Whatcha looking for? The bar? Drugs? A confessional?” Danny asks as they finally reach a section that gives them some elbow room. He brushes off imaginary dirt, and not so imaginary something , off of his shoulders.
“My business partner,” Vlad answers curtly, eyes still scanning the crowd. He knows what he’s looking for, despite not having met the man before.
When Lucifer Morningstar reached out to him, insisting that they meet in person to discuss business, Vlad almost brushed him off. However, a combination of the man’s obsession with the devil and the fact that Lucifer Morningstar’s very identity doesn’t go back any further than a few years intrigued him. How does a man who legally has only been around for a few years get so ahead in the business world? More importantly, who is he really?
“What does he look like, maybe I can help.” Danny offers, looking over the crowd as if he would suddenly be able to who they are looking for.
“It is our first business meeting, I’m afraid, but if he looks anything like his photos, you can’t miss him.”
That gets Danny’s attention. He swerves suddenly on Vlad, jutting his hands out to form a T, his fingers press against his palm, “Whoa, time out! You brought me to a business meeting with someone you never met before? How do you even know the guy’s like, I don’t know, a ghost hunter?”
“You're a paranoid teenager, young badger.” Vlad’s voice is dry with a lack of amusement, “I’ll have you know that I reach all my partners quite well. Lucifer Morningstar is nothing more than a lunatic, however he is quite popular with our mutual partners.”
“ Lucifer,” Danny harshly whispers, his voice only half-way kidding, “Don’t tell me you actually made a deal with the devil?”
Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise him if Vlad did - if such a thing is really possible - but it would put a strain on their now alliance. Vlad’s about to retort, likely something along the lines of you’re being ridiculous Daniel, but he gets cut off prematurely by another voice.
“Well not yet, but let’s see if that changes today, shall we?”
A particularly British voice gets their attention as a man in a well fitted suit, looking vastly more comfortable in it than Danny is, struts their way. Despite looking like every other business man he’s seen, the man doesn’t feel like the usual stuffy suit type. He feels dangerously charismatic, with an easy smile on his face and a magnetic pull that makes it difficult to turn their attention away from him. He has a few beautiful women, and at least one man, at his side. He whispers something that Danny wishes he didn’t hear, to each of them before they regretfully leave his side.
“You must be Vladimir Masters.” The tone of voice is not a compliment, coming off more mocking, “Look at you, a bit older than I expected, but ultimately age is never an issue. Provided you’re at least an adult.”
The sultry look that the apparent Lucifer Morningstar has as he looks Vlad up and down appreciatively reminds Danny too much of how Vlad used to look at his mom. He starts to feel sick to his stomach, gagging exaggeratingly in the background as he tries his best to ignore the way his core has returned to vibrating, thumping hard against his chest.
Whatever the woman at the door was, Lucifer Morningstar must be at least the same thing - or something close to it - to make his core react the same way. He should be more concerned over it, but he glances toward Vlad. He looks stony as ever, the only sign of discomfort being a vein beginning to throb on his neck. Ah, so he does notice.  
He doesn’t seem surprised either.  Danny wonders if this is some sort of test again, to see what he will do and how he will react. Especially in front of an unknown factor. Shit. Danny curses when he realizes that’s why Vlad brought him along in the first place and then curses again - more directed at Vlad himself this time - for Vlad being as cryptic and vague as Clockwork.
 I just wanted to see the endeavor, Danny bemoans as the man ushers Vlad (and by extension, Danny) to a clear booth. Taking Vlad’s lead, Danny acts more confident this time around, trying his best to act like every inch of his being isn’t screaming to run.
“Drinks,” Lucifer offers, seeming comfortable in the booth with his arms stretched out wide against the edge of the seat across from Danny and Vlad. While Vlad accepts the offer, ordering a simple old fashion, Danny speaks up with a cheeky grin.
“I’ll have a coke on the rocks,” Danny orders, showing a lot of teeth in his grin as he gives finger guns, of all things. After a pause, he adds on, “Not shaken nor stirred, please.”
Vlad’s exasperated sigh is barely audible as he breathes out through his nose. At the very least, he should be glad that Danny is acting normal - as awkward and tiring as normal is.
“I must admit Mr. Morningstar, I was a bit surprised to receive your invitation,” Vlad speaks easily. He politely sips at his drink, but otherwise leaves it untouched, more focused on the conversation. He tries to not let his eye twitch when he hears Danny suck up his coke through a straw.
Lucifer looks at Danny in amusement, seemingly unoffended by the teenager’s manners (a small blessing). Unlike Vlad, Lucifer doesn’t shy away from his own drink, downing it easily. He orders a few more at one of the ladies passing by, followed by flirtatious compliments that make her giggle and once again, makes Danny wish that he couldn’t hear what was being said.
“Well how could I not invite a man such as yourself, Vladimir,” Lucifer’s voice is exaggerated, almost strained, “Or is it Vlad? Vladdy?”
Vlad does twitch at that and Lucifer grins, “Vladdy it is. Better than douchebag, I suppose.”
Danny snorts at the sudden word, laughing hard enough that he barely stops the coke from pouring out of his nose. He takes in a deep breath, wiping at his face with a cocktail napkin as his nose burns from the soda.
“I prefer to use the term fruit loop,” Danny speaks up helpfully.
Lucifer seems delighted at this information, his eyes lighting up in glee as Vlad visibly sinks into the seat.
“ Fruit loop,” Lucifer repeats gleefully, “Lacks a bit in curse words for my liking but fruit loop it is!”
“You can always say fucking fruit loop,” Danny offers as if he is still being helpful, the grin on his face more genuine, “Or fruit by the fucking loop?”
Lucifer’s laugh is infectious, his eyes gleaming as Danny joins him in laughter at Vlad’s expense. For a moment, the two continue back and forth before Vlad is forced to intervene; the vein is his neck is more noticeably throbbing at this point.
“Mr. Morningstar,” Vlad cuts in, his voice stern, “What exactly was the point of the invitation, if I may? I hope it wasn’t to just call me outrageous names.”
Lucifer nonchalantly waves off Vlad’s growing ire, “Oh no, I invited you over for much more than just that. Favors, you will find, are my  specialty. One could say it’s my whole business. I grant favors and I do not take kindly to others who sneak up on my business and steal it away.”
There’s a flash of something in Lucifer’s eyes. Something dangerous. As brief as it is, it’s enough to make Danny’s core hum against his chest, his hand grips his knee tightly. His eyes flicker to Vlad and as much as the older man is trying to hide it, Danny can tell that he’s just as suddenly bothered by whatever that was.
“It’s the point of the matter, you know,” Lucifer continues, “Steal my business, shame on me, steal my shtick, shame on you.”
He downs another glass and grabs something off a platter as someone passes by. It looks suspiciously like a joint. He lights it up without a second thought; Danny tries his best to act like he doesn’t know what it is as Vlad eyes him through the corner of his eyes.
“Word is that you, Vladimir Masters, have been sneaking around granting favors to a chosen few. I don’t know how you grant said favors, I don’t particularly care. But I do wish you would stop.”
The dangerous aura that’s thick in the air is heavy, but the realization that Vlad has still been up to shady business is heavier. Danny slumps into the seat, leaning forward with a heavy sigh.
“So you have been up to shady shit,” Danny mumbles under his breath as he absently stirs the straw in what has to be his third glass of coke.
“If you don’t stop,” Lucifer continues, “I’m afraid I’ll have to make you stop. If Mazikeen does not get to you first.”
He gestures his thumb toward the woman that was outside the door; she hovers nearby as if she knows exactly what they’re talking about. The grin on her face is malicious, bordering on feral as she twirls a knife across her knuckles without breaking eye contact. That woman is intimidating, Danny swallows thickly, but grins wildly at Lucifer.
“Oh he’ll stop,” Danny reassures the man before Vlad can even get a word in. There’s an edge to his words; a very clear message underlying his words. “Otherwise I’ll make him stop myself.”
A flash of ectoplasmic green swirls across his eyes. Vlad, not quite intimidated by a sixteen year old still going through puberty, simply mumbles under his breath, oh stop with the ‘scary’ eyes, Daniel, honestly. Lucifer catches the moment, eying them both with interest as he relaxes into the chair. He makes a motion with his hand and suddenly the woman - Mazikeen - isn’t there anymore; Danny isn’t sure where she went, if he should be worried about it, or if it was a sign of good faith.
“ You are a very interesting child,” Lucifer says, “At first I thought you two may have been one of mine, but that’s not really the case is it?”
Danny isn’t sure what one of mine really means; he doesn’t really want to know either. The way Lucifer says it feels off, as if he’s not concerned by it or that they would have been in worse trouble if they had in fact been one of his (whatever that means). Vlad recovers fast, eying Lucifer with narrowed eyes.
“Just what is it that you’re inferring, Mr. Morningstar?”
“Why, that you’re not human, of course!”
He says it as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world, a large grin stretched on his face as he finishes off the suspicious joint, making a point to blow the smoke away from them. It may have been a trick of the light, or even just a magic trick, but Danny swears that the smoke formed some sort of devilish face. Complete with the horns and all.
Danny’s grin falters as he watches Lucifer closely.
F-uck-ing typical. At this rate, he will never get to see the endeavor or any other of California’s space museums. Why can’t he have just one normal road trip for once? No circus ringleader, no reality altering devices, no ghosts, and no ghost hunters. He just wants to get a selfie with a space shuttle, order as much hotel food as he can off of Vlad’s card, and then crash. Maybe even go to the Griffith Observatory. Fly to the Hollywood sign. Sneak into a Disney park and take a selfie on top of Cinderella’s castle. Just a normal trip (with a few added advantages to being a half-ghost boy). Now, he has to instead worry about some devil-obsessed (but definitely weird and maybe not human at all) club owner finding out his secret.
This is exactly what Danny told Vlad; meeting someone you don’t know is just a risk. At the very least, Lucifer doesn’t look like a ghost hunter. He definitely doesn’t fit the M.O. of a Guys In White agent. There could be other agencies out there though, other people who want to hunt them down. Who knows, maybe whatever this guy really is likes to eat ghosts or hunt them for sport. This is exactly what he was concerned about. Now, his secret, and Vlad’s secret too he supposes, could be blown all because Vlad had to go make a shady business deal.
Danny turns to Vlad, not even bothering to whisper as his voice cuts through the loud music.
“I told you so.”
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lilydalexf · 3 years
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Old School X is a project interviewing X-Files fanfic authors who were posting fic during the original run of the show. New interviews are posted every Tuesday.
Interview with Rae
Rae has 16 stories at Gossamer. If you like MSR, you should go check them out, including (but not limited to) the fun-titled, banter-filled The Cat, an Espresso and a Bag of Sunflower Seeds. Big thanks to Rae for doing this interview.
Does it surprise you that people are still interested in reading your X-Files fanfics and others that were posted during the original run of the show (1993-2002)?
It surprises me that anyone reads my fanfic at all, let alone they are reading it 20 years after I wrote it!
But in the same vein, I am still actively reading xfiles fanfic and I tend to read the older fics, or new fics by authors I recognize or remember from back in the day. I cannot explain this lack of rationale. 🤷
What do you think of when you think about your X-Files fandom experience? What did you take away from it?
I had a great experience with the X-Files fandom! I made some fantastic friends - many even attended my wedding! I didn't really get involved in the dramas that went on. I was aware of it, but really, I just wanted to discuss my show with people that loved it like I did and read the fic, so I ignored all the other static.
Social media didn't really exist during the show's original run. How were you most involved with the X-Files online (atxc, message board, email mailing list, etc.)?
Mainly message boards. AOL chat rooms, Yahoo groups, etc. We would all sign on after the episode aired and chat about it. Deconstruct it. And then we started traveling to meet each other and the real fun began!
What did you take away from your experience with X-Files fic or with the fandom in general?
It was definitely a growing experience. It forced me to step outside my comfort zone a little bit. Traveling to NYC, LA and Chicago to meet people just to fangirl with. Meeting Gillian and getting a picture with her - it was wild.
Different shared experiences that "real life" family and friends just didn't understand. It was fun and exciting.
What was it that got you hooked on the X-Files as a show?
So I came to the show late in the game. I was sick, lying in bed channel surfing and caught the last 5 minutes of Fight the Future and immediately wanted to know why this woman was sitting in the snow holding onto this man. I spent the summer recording episodes on FX during the week and watching them all weekend and was somehow able to pretty much catch up on the first 6 seasons in time for the 7th season premiere.
What got you involved with X-Files fanfic?
In my quest to know all the things that summer before the 7th season, I discovered AOL chat rooms that led me to different discussions on the show in general and at one point, a link was posted to whatever fanfic was hot that minute and I was instantly hooked.
What is your relationship like now to X-Files fandom?
I often feel like a wallflower at a party. I'm on the fringe, looking in to see what's going on. I don't bother anyone and most people don't even know I'm there. Every now and then I'll send feedback on a story, or I might even participate in a random discussion, but I feel it's a little more difficult these days without the chatrooms and discussion boards. Following people on tumblr or twitter and trying to engage in those platforms is more awkward since it feels so much more personal. It's like I'm intruding on someone's personal space.  Or having to scroll through non-fandom stuff to find the fic. The message boards were a more even playing field I guess? It's hard to explain.
When I'm hardcore searching for something...anything to read, I'll refer to "The Classics" list. There are still many on there I haven't read.
I miss ephemeral.
Were you involved with any fandoms after the X-Files? If so, what was it like compared to X-Files?
No. No other characters have ever interested me beyond the story we're given within the confines of the show/movie/book like Mulder and Scully did. My friends would dive into Harry Potter or Marvel or (fill in the blank with anything) and I would try to get excited, but there's nothing.
Who are some of your favorite fictional characters? Why?
Well, Scully because she's so bad-ass. She's always so certain of her convictions. We don't see her second-guess herself often.
Anne of Green Gables because against all odds, she still sees the beauty in everything.
Jo in Little Women because she is just so tenacious. She knows what she wants.
Hermione in Harry Potter. She knows the most important thing she'll do is help Harry and there is value in that, so she gives it all she's got.
Do you ever still watch The X-Files or think about Mulder and Scully?
I do. A couple of years after the original run was over, I lost a dear friend (met because of XF) and then later I had my first baby and life just got busy in a very different way so I fell out of the fandom and just dropped all of it.
And then there was the revival. I waited until all episodes aired and then binge-watched them. And I did the same with season 11, but waited about 6 mos after it aired to watch it, rewatching the whole series from the beginning, first.
But now I turn it on a few times a week while I'm folding laundry or making dinner or some other chore. It's nice to have it on in the background because I don't have to pay close attention because I know what's going to happen. I've actually watched the whole series a few times this way.
Do you ever still read X-Files fic? Fic in another fandom?
I still read XF fic. It's still my favorite thing to read. I am always looking for the next great fic to lose myself in. Back in the day, I would read any pairing, any genre...I was game for anything, as long as it was XF fic. I'm a little more choosy, now, but only because my free-time is more limited. I only want to read MSR and I'm not at all interested in revival fics.
Do you have any favorite X-Files fanfic stories or authors?
I am partial to the novel-length AU and canon-divergent stories.  I love everything by Prufrock's Love and Bonetree. I have read Paracelsus, A Moment in the Sun and the Goshen/Secret World series countless times. Journal 1999 and Journal 2000 by MD1016, The Mastodon Diaries by akaJake, Blinded by White Light by Dashak, Deliverance From Evil by Char Chaffin and Tess.
I could go on all day.
My absolute favorite story is Arizona Highways by Fialka.
I am partial to Scully angst. And the Emily storyline just kills me, so when authors take those elements and write a kick-ass story, I am there for it.
What is your favorite of your own fics, X-Files and/or otherwise?
How awful is it that I had to look up my fics to answer this question? I don't know that I have a favorite. That's like asking a mother which child she favors. Maybe One of the Damned.
Do you think you'll ever write another X-Files story? Or dust off and post an oldie that for whatever reason never made it online?
I won't say never, but I don't think so. I've tried to start one or two with some ideas I've had, but I haven't gotten far with them.
Do you still write fic now? Or other creative work?
No. I don't even have time to read as often as I would like to.
Where do you get ideas for stories?
Usually what if scenarios - I try to work out different ways the story could go in my head. I would usually have the guts of the story written in my head before I typed the first word.
What's the story behind your pen name?
There was already a well-known Rachel posting fic when I got started, so I just decided to go with a nickname - Rae.
Do your friends and family know about your fic and, if so, what have been their reactions?
My husband is crazy supportive and tries to convince me to write again All. The. Time. I never hid my XF obsession from anyone, but I don't think I told many people about my writing.
Is there a place online (tumblr, twitter, AO3, etc.) where people can find you and/or your stories now?
I am on tumblr and twitter, but like I said above, I don't really post. All of my stories are at Gossamer.
(Posted by Lilydale on February 9, 2021)
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Please Mami
*Anthony Ramos x Reader
*Request: ‘Anonymous asked: Can you do an Anthony Ramos x reader where he begs like mars in She’s gotta have it??. Yknow, that cute little “please mami, please mami, mami mami please, por favor?” Lmao there’s a vid on YouTube for reference if you don’t know what I’m talking about (Mars Blackmon || Anthony Ramos)’
*Warnings: References to not-PG times, minor argument. Let me know if I missed anything.
*A/N: Okay I’m back from my little break, thanks to everyone for understanding. Also welcome to the resurgence of the Hamilton fandom. (This was gonna be a smut one but I have a different prompt thing I wanna use for my first smut fic and I’m thinking it’s gonna be with Bucky Barnes but lemme know if you guys have any suggestions for who it should be with.)
My Ko-Fi if you want to support my writing
When Anthony got the role of Mars, you were overjoyed for him. The goofy character really fit your boyfriend, and when you actually sat down to watch the show with him, you were immensely proud of him. The downside of watching the show with him right next to you was that Anthony immediately noticed your reactions to everything. You were laying on the couch with Anthony behind you, his arm lazily draped over your middle, when he first said those lines that would become a fan favorite.
“Please mami. Please mami. Mami mami please. Por favor,” Mars was telling Nola on the tv in front of you. You couldn’t help your reaction, tensing a little at the pleading but teasing tone he took on. There was just something about it that you couldn’t quite place, and of course Anthony noticed it.
“What’s up, baby?” Anthony asked, pressing a kiss to your cheek, then another to your neck. A shiver of anticipation ran through your body, even though the actions were mostly innocent. You tried to laugh it off, turning your head so you could look at him better.
“It’s nothing, let me watch the show,” you said, focusing on keeping your voice steady. If Anthony figured out what was going on, you’d never hear the end of it. You turned back to the tv, hoping that would be the end of it.
“C’mon, tell me,” Anthony whined, now pressing his face into the side of your neck. “What’s got you so tense? Please, Mami?”
There was no hiding the pause you took then, and Anthony definitely noticed. He sat back a little, trying to catch your eye, but you kept your stare at the tv. “Shut up,” you finally muttered, trying to ignore the heat in your face.
You were trying to avoid Anthony’s gaze, and when you chanced a glance from the corner of your eye, you could see the small grin on his face. “So that’s what’s up?” Anthony immediately teased, eyes lighting up at the new information.
“I said shut up,” you groaned.
“Don’t be embarrassed, baby. At least you got turned on by me and not someone else.” Of course that’s what he would focus on. Now that he had something against you, you knew he’d use it sooner or later. 
“Please let’s never talk about this again,” you practically begged. Anthony shook his head, and by the grin on his face, you knew he would bring it up again eventually.
“Fine, I’ll leave you alone for now.” Anthony pressed his face back into the side of your neck. You could feel his little smile again and it took everything in you not to swat at him. “I‘m warning you, I do that little begging thing a couple other times so if you can control yourself.”
“That’s not leaving me alone,” you whined. Anthony started peppering kisses to your face, and it didn’t take long for you to dissolve into laughter. The second he saw you weren’t actually mad at him, Anthony pressed his lips against yours, drawing you into a sweet kiss. You broke it after a couple seconds, just looking at Anthony with a small smile before you spoke again. “C’mon, lemme watch the show.”
You were right. Once it became obvious Anthony had something over you, he began using it to his advantage pretty much any chance he got. He wanted you to go to an event that you didn’t really feel like going to? He did the little begging thing, and then you were off getting ready to go meet up with the others. Anthony came home late from the studio when the two of you had plans for a night in? He begged a little, and you quickly forgot why you were upset. If Anthony was in any sort of trouble with you, all it took was two words: “Please mami.”
There was one night that you were determined you weren’t going to give in to him, no matter how attractive you found that little begging thing. Before you left for work that morning, you asked Anthony to do three things before he left for the studio later: turn on the heater (just enough so the apartment wouldn’t be freezing when you got back), run the dishwasher (that you loaded with the exception of the plate and cup he was using when you left), and fold the laundry that was in the basket. You unlocked the door to your apartment, and instead of a nice rush of warmth meeting you, the apartment felt the same temperature as it was outside. Strike one.
You kept your coat on, going to turn on the heater. You were going to keep your coat on until it got warm enough, which should not have happened. Looking around the apartment, you hoped the heater was the only thing Anthony had forgotten about. You put your bag down on the sofa before going to the kitchen. You were going to grab a cup from the dishwasher when you noticed the light wasn’t turned on. There was supposed to be a white light on to let you know the dishes were done, but since Anthony didn’t run the dishwasher, there was no light. You looked in the sink and sure enough, there were the dishes he used in the morning. Strike two.
The apartment was finally starting to warm up so you took off your coat, deciding to forgo getting water. You went to the room, hoping Anthony had at least folded the clothes you asked him to. Apparently that was too much to hope for when you saw the basket at the foot of your bed. Strike three. A groan just seemed to rip itself out of you, but you didn’t have the patience to actually deal with it. You grabbed one of Anthony’s hoodies from the laundry basket and just went to go shower.
Standing under the hot water, you tried to organize your thoughts. You’d asked Anthony to do a few things before he left for the studio that day, of which he did none. You knew Anthony worked a lot on his music, and it wasn’t necessarily easy work, but you worked too, and you still did housework that needed to be done. You never really asked Anthony to do much around the apartment, so when you asked him to do things, you expected them to get done. It was perfectly reasonable for you to be upset, and you weren’t going to give in to him so easily.
When Anthony got home, he found you in bed, working on your laptop in just his hoodie (from what he could see). He smiled at the sight, a warmth blooming in him at the sight of you. “Hey, baby. How was work?”
You looked up from your laptop, looking back at the screen before you answered him. “It was alright. I had to stay a little late but it wasn’t too bad.”
Anthony was a little confused at your short answer. Normally by now you’d be in some story about your coworkers, and even though he didn’t really understand your office dynamics, he always liked hearing the stories. He sat at the foot of the bed, reaching for your hand. When you pulled it back from him, he knew something was wrong. “What’s up? Did something happen at work?”
“No, work was fine. My issue happened when I got home,” you said, looking at him once again. You could practically see his thought process as he tried to remember what he did. Once it hit him, he turned to you with the most apologetic look.
“I forgot to do what you asked me to,” Anthony said. “Baby, I’m so sorry. I was writing something new and just lost track of time, then I was running late to the studio-”
You put up your hand to stop his rambling. “Anthony, I don’t need excuses right now. I didn’t ask you to do much. The only thing that would have taken a little while is the laundry. I know you work a lot, but I do too and I still do things that need to be done.”
“I know, baby, please forgive me? Please, mami?” Anthony was looking up at you with those damn puppy dog eyes and you were this close to giving in. But no, you needed to stand your ground, even if it was just this once.
“And that! You always do that when you even think I’m mad at you. Like yeah, it’s attractive, but you can’t just do that every time you’re in the slightest bit of trouble,” you argued, even though you kept your voice soft. This wasn’t really something you felt the need to yell about, you just needed Anthony to know. Anthony nodded, not wanting to say anything just yet.
“Yeah, I get you. I’m sorry, baby. I know you do a lot around here and I gotta help out more. I’m gonna go shower, wait up for me?” Anthony asked, standing up. You nodded, and Anthony gave you a soft smile before leaving the room. You closed your laptop and placed it on the nightstand, not sure if you were actually willing to wait for him or if you just wanted to go to sleep. It took a few seconds of internal debate before you finally just laid in bed, looking through Twitter as you waited for Anthony.
The day’s events caught up to you as you laid in bed, your entire body filling with exhaustion as you scrolled on your phone. Just as you were a second away from dropping your phone on your face, Anthony came back in the room. As soon as you saw him, you put down your phone. You’d fulfilled your promise, now you were okay to go to sleep. You heard Anthony saying something as you were already drifting off, but you didn’t have enough energy to focus on what he said. The light turned off, and then you felt the weight of his arm around you, pulling you close to him as you fell asleep.
At some point in the night, you woke up for a few seconds as Anthony left the bed. You remembered saying some gibberish in your half-asleep state and Anthony laughing before telling you to go back to sleep. The next time you woke up, the sun was streaming in through your window, but the bed beside you was still cold. You patted the bed as if Anthony would magically appear if you managed to reach far enough, but after a couple seconds you gave up and decided to go looking for him in the apartment. As far as you knew, the both of you had the day off and had no plans, so Anthony should still be home.
When you walked out of the bedroom, you could already tell something was different. It took you a second, but then you realized one of your cleaning candles was lit - the candles you only lit after completely cleaning the apartment. You didn’t think much of it - after all, Anthony didn’t really know the difference between your cleaning candles and your normal candles - but when you got to the living room, you saw why it was lit.
Anthony was in the kitchen, putting food on two plates. From where you were standing, you couldn’t see any dishes on the stove or on the counter. Even more than Anthony apparently doing the dishes as he cooked, you saw that the kitchen and living room were completely cleaned, which you were supposed to do that day. “Babe, what time did you wake up?” You asked.
Anthony jumped slightly at your voice, immediately pouting when he looked up and you were standing pretty much in front of him. “You weren’t supposed to be awake yet. I was gonna bring you breakfast in bed.”
“Sorry I ruined your surprise.” You wanted to laugh, but you could tell Anthony probably wouldn’t want to hear that. “But really, what time did you wake up?”
“I dunno, like five? I couldn’t really sleep because I know I let you down, so I wanted to do something for you,” he explained, rubbing the back of his neck. “I didn’t want you mad at me, especially since this is the first day in a while we can just chill.”
You closed the little distance between the two of you, wrapping your arms around his waist as you looked up at him. “I wasn’t mad-“ Anthony narrowed his eyes the second you said that- “okay, so I was a little mad. I just need you to do the small things when I ask you to, all right?”
“Of course, and I swear Imma get better at it. I mean, I live here too, you shouldn’t be the one doing all the housework.” Anthony wrapped his arms around your waist, forcing you to move yours around his neck. The two of you just stood like that for a minute, looking at each other and enjoying the feeling of being in the other’s arms. Anthony was the one to break the silence. “Do you forgive me?”
You had to bite back your smile at the look on his face, he was like a little kid who got caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to. “I dunno, it was hell waiting for the apartment to warm up when I got home,” you decided to tease him instead.
“Aw come on, baby, I’m sorry. Forgive me? Please, mami? Please, mami? Mami mami please. Por favoooorrr,” Anthony whined, stretching out the last word. You couldn’t help the burst of giggles at his antics, only getting worse once he began pressing kisses all over your face. “Please, mami?”
“Okay, okay, I give,” you laughed. “And not just because you did that.”
“Nah, yeah, I didn’t think that’d be the reason.” Anthony beamed down at you. You had a second before Anthony suddenly picked you up, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist. Once he was sure he wasn’t going to drop you, he pressed a sound kiss to your lips. You quickly found yourself lost in the kiss, barely registering the fact that Anthony was walking.
“Babe, the food you made’s gonna get cold,” you broke the kiss to say once you realized he was walking to the bedroom.
“That’s fine,” he muttered, kissing your neck. A shiver ran through you, and you knew you were about two seconds from completely giving in to him. It would be just in time too, considering you were already in your bedroom. “Please, mami?”
And there it was. “Alright, but don’t complain when the food doesn’t taste as good.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
Permanent Tag List: @treatallwithkindness
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imbellarosa · 4 years
Hiii! I was wondering if you read fanfic?? And if so, what are your fav tropes/works??
Hi!!!! I read A LOT of fic from A LOT of fandoms! My fav tropes are either flat comedy or enemies to friends to lovers or friends to lovers or something like that! I only read happy endings, but I don’t mind some angst in the middle. Idk what fandom you’re looking for so I’m gonna give you a list of some of my all time favs from EVERY fandom, and I’ll add one that I’ve written!
Walk That Mile by purpledaisy- 150k words 1D enemies to friends to lovers road trip AU across the US for a fun, banter-y time with some real communication issues that really get resolved well. People always say that a rom com should have a good answer for “why can’t they be together NOW?” And this one does it really well! No real angst, and a lot of fun. 
Have Love, Will Travel by @kingsofeverything - 97k words 1D YouTubers on a roadtrip AU! If you liked the first one on this list, you’re gonna love this one too! Sweet and long and full of the memories you would make on a road trip. Lots of laughs with this one, and I wish I could see the “Have Road, Will Travel” video series irl! 
Tell Me Now, Tell Me Now by @vanillabeanniall - 55k words 1D Miraculous Ladybug AU but you don’t need to watch the show to ADORE it - I know that I sure do!! Funny and sweet and SUPER ironic, with superheroes and Paris mixed in and great characters! Who wouldn’t love it?
So Let’s Cross the Lines We’ve Lost by thecoloursneverfade - 165k words 1D friends to enemies to friends to lovers uni AU that was one of the first that I read in the fandom and really made me fall in love! Good friends, some angst, hard convos that lead to real growth, and lots of really great characters. This feels real, for a lack of a better word, and is always compelling. 
Ain’t That A Kick in the Head by keysmashlesbian, wreckingtomlinson (karasunonolibero) - 23k words 1D comedy AU ft. football player!Louis, Disaster gay!Harry, memes, frogs, head dives, Blue Coolattas (whatever those are), and a very sassy Red Robin waitress named Fiona. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve read it, and I always laugh, and I always find something new to fall in love with. 
Leave it To the Breeze by @hattalove - 82k words 1D GBBO AU. This one feels like a warm hug. It’s gentle, fun, has great characters, believable angst, has you rooting for more than one of the characters to win, and is also hilarious, somehow. I’ve read this fic over and over and over, and I especially do it when I have time before a new season of GBBO. Also, have snacks!! It makes me hungry
The Section by bananaheathen - 11k words 1D Uni AU with grad student TAs, sophomore undergrads, art classes, movie analysis, and final essays as methods of seduction. Also, nicknames, nude models, a Halloween party, and absolutely shameless flirting. I loved it, and laughed the whole way through. 
I’ve Heard it Both Ways by @adoredontour - 26k words 1D Psych AU. I love this one. I love the fic, I love psych, I love the author. I’ve read most of her works, but this one has such a special place in my heart. Go read it!! 
Play it All Night Long by janine_tangerine - 43k words SPN radio AU with DJ!Dean and bartender!Cas, with music, annoying coworkers, sassy siblings, and lots of love. WHOAH WHATS THIS A LIVEJOURNAL FIC??? I know but I read this ages ago, and it has music EMBEDDED WITHIN THE FIC! It was my first introduction to Bob Dylan, who remains one of my favorite artists of all time. 
Crossroads State by Mercy - 51k words SPN slice of life AU with Mechanic!Dean, Teacher!Cas, Law Student!Sam, and lovely lovely moments. All sweet, some tension, but no real angst. I read this forever ago, and still come back and back and back to it. 
Peace and Good Luck to All Men by KismetJeska - 31k words SPN College Au. DO YOU MEAN THE BEST CHRISTMAS FIC EVER OF ALL TIME??? I read this on the first day of December every year, and it makes me laugh every time. Cas falls in love with his sister’s boyfriend, Gabe and Luke are in a seduction competition, Michael is tired of everyone, and Dean doesn’t know what hit him. 
For All You Young Hockey Players, Pay Attention by @thursdaysfallenangel - 144k words SPN enemies to lovers hockey AU. Just. Please go read this. Gorgeous and still one of the best fics in the whole fandom, imo. Cas is the new transfer on Dean’s team, and Dean doesn’t like change. 
The Complete Works of Emmanuel Allen by @violue - 54k words SPN small town AU ft. writer!Cas and local business owner!Dean. Dean meets his favorite author, but does not know it’s him. Shenanigans ensue, with a lovely warm feel. Dean builds a mausoleum and owns cats and lives in the woods. Cas needs a change of scene. Sam thinks everyone needs some more company. 
The Mirror by cloudyjenn - 25k words SPN parallel universe AU. This was one of the first fics I ever read, and I still love it. Dean touches an enchanted mirror and travels through universes in search of an answer to a question he hasn’t asked. Full of love, family, and companionship. 
Asunder by rageprufrock - 24k words SPN AU with Social worker!Dean, Doctor!Cas, Sober!Sam, and RUBY!!! Ugh I love this fic for Ruby alone. This one is more bittersweet. Dean hasn’t spoken to Sam in years due to his struggles with addiction. Sam, now sober, is getting married, and has invited him. Dean can’t face his family alone. 
But It’s a Good Refrain by lady_ragnell - 23k words Merlin Radio AU! Merlin has an anonymous gossip radio show, and someone calls in to put Arthur on blast! Morgana is a fan, Arthur is not amused, and a sort of enemies to lovers thing occurs. Just lovely, and it makes me laugh every time. 
And Like the Cycle of the Year, We Begin Again by @katherynefromphilly - 208k words Merlin canon compliant. This is the Season 6 we should have had. If you’re at all into this fandom, go read it - it’s still an all time fav for me. Hundreds of years later, Arthur walks out of the lake. Merlin has been waiting. 
Give The Dragon a Chili by @supercalvin - 47k words Merlin magical AU based on the story in New Zealand of the cat stealing someone’s underwear. Merlin’s dragon is sort of a thief. 
Fundamental Imperfection by Starlingthefool - 12k words Merlin famous author AU. Arthur likes Dickens. Merlin does not. They get into it on a panel, and twitter stan wars ensue. And enemies to friends to lovers where literary arguments are an expression of love, and stories are magical. 
The Student Prince by FayJay - 145k words Merlin Uni AU. What a classic!! It’s a magical realism royal enemies to friends to lovers AU ft. a dragon in the walls, a lovely gay soc, Gwen as a Muggle, and some really great characters and moments. Do yourself a favor and go read this one. 
Call it Love by @dalek-in-heels - 30k words Merlin RPF. UGH THIS ONE!!! Okay 1.) the author is one of my best friends, and she’s amazing! 2.) lovely fic that takes place at the end of Merlin, and still has one of my all-time favorite misunderstandings in fic ever. “Yogurty Heart” is my favorite way to say I love you. 
If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things by @watsonshoneybee - 35k words Sherlock AU canon compliant through season 3. This one is sad, but the title is taken off of one of my favorite books, and the writing is gorgeous - as is the characterization. Happy ending, though! I promise! So the journey is all worth it! 
In All of the Lives We Are by @dalek-in-heels - 20k words The Magicians canon compliant through the first half of season 3. Sarah does it again and writes one of the best fics I’ve ever read. Art as therapy, a sweet love story in more than one universe, and finding the will to keep going through the worst days. The writers of the actual show should have read this fic and put it on the screen. This is my canon. 
A Happy Ending? Sure Enough by me (imbellarosa) - 8k words The Magicians canon compliant up to season 4. This is the only one of mine I’m putting on the list, because I still really like this one! You need some context, but not much? Idk, just if you want to see how *I* write! 
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foureoreos · 4 years
The fandom doesn’t seem to like the female characters as much as the male ones. I think it’s because the males are part of everyone’s favorite ships and we tend to care more about those characters more idk. So many people even dread seeing new female characters because they’re scared of the canon heterosexual relationships that follow. I’m really uncomfortable with how the fans react to the female characters in favor of their gay ships... is that like weird?
This is a good ask!
But I don’t think “ships” are the reason that everyone tends to flip out about the female characters in this show.
I love female leads. But here’s for starters...
I can’t find any of them relatable because:
A) The handful of female characters we do get on the show hardly ever show up so it’s hard to get a grasp of what their personality is like. i.e. Skylor.
B) When they do show up they’re either: written very poorly, bland, aggressive, or just don’t last very long.
So far, my favorite ones have been Pixal, Faith, Mystake, and Harumi, and quite possibly Akita. Racer Seven was cool too but she only showed up for maybe 1 or 2 episodes? Akita? Only a season. Faith? A season and just a wee bit of MoTO. Mystake died in Hunted. Harumi? Two seasons actually, then died, but came back as an avatar in Prime Empire! Also, she’s a villain, and my analysis here is mostly around the protagonists.
Pixal’s actually gotten good development. She’s definitely grown on me. And I love that she can still be feminine and badass. She’s caring, shows human emotions, sassy, and smart. And although Pixal is a part of the group, the writers don’t write her as a main character. Unfortunately. Which I pointed out to show that she also doesn't get as much screen time as... drum roll please... Nya!
And that, folks, is the reason why I had an entire Twitter thread with someone about why I care about how her character is written and represented. And why I diss on her so much. Because she’s the main “poster girl” that every little girl watching is supposed to look up to since, let’s face it, everyone else is waiting in the wings (lol, Tangled fans did you catch that reference?). But, let’s also acknowledge how most of the little girls who were watching are probably already grown up now. Like me :) And I could go deeper into why I pick apart Nya like that, but we won’t do that on this post.
Anyhoo, that’s still no excuse to write a female character poorly.
Now, when *she* arrives...
Everyone dreads when a new female character is introduced into the show because the show tends to have a reputation of writing them off first as a love interest to one of the ninja. Not even after getting to know them first, just the second they’re right there in the show.
Jay immediately went after Nya the second he heard Kai mention that they were saving his sister. So, a girl.
Zane instantly sparked some kind of romantic attraction with Pixal. However, I still kinda play around with the fact that they’re both just robots? So it was kind of the “robot love” scenario.
Kai instantly fell head over heels for Skylor the second she turned around.
Lloyd had his eyes on Harumi the second he laid eyes on her.
It’s not just bad writing, but it’s also very annoying. And it’s also almost always annoying because it’s a boy falling for a girl. Which is seen quite often. Repetitively. The reason we all shake our heads at it is because it feels like the ninja only like girls. We just want representation, that’s all.
And the writer’s can’t even write good relationships for the sake of the show. Then again, they can’t even write the female characters well on the show too. Maybe you’d think they’d need a female writer or two on board.
Now this part, I had a conversation on twitter several hours ago about this. About why the fandom excuses and likes the boys more than the girls.
I think it’s because:
A) They’re more interesting and the dynamic they have with one another is very fun.
B) There are the fans who see them as “pure innocent beans who could never do anything wrong” and when they do do something wrong, it’s simply excused. Of course, not everyone does that. But I’ve seen the people who do. I made a tweet acknowledging Jay in S6 today and the comments I got proved my point.
C) It’s so common for us to excuse the male characters in media when they do something wrong or out of bounds, but pick on the girls for doing something completely outrageous when maybe, it wasn’t so bad? It’s not right, but you can’t ignore it.
But for me in particular, I just think the gals in this show are poorly written.
And now about ships...
Number one: if the ship is all you care about, as in, the only thing that exists in the show for you, so you disregard the story and the other characters, okay. See you later.
I love my ships, like, absolutely adore bruiseshipping. But I also love the concept, and the characters, and the story. It’s why I began watching the show in the first place. And I care about how the show is treated and how the writing is.
Number two: the people who hate a character simply because it gets in the way of their ship can also beat it. That’s... absolutely no reason to dislike and/or put down a character.
I don’t like Nya, and I don’t like ja/ya, but neither have anything to do with me liking bruiseshipping. The reasons are completely separate. I don’t like Nya and ja/ya because they aren’t written well. Period.
And I hate that some people in this fandom assume that. I’ve interacted with some people on Twitter who automatically accused me of dissing on Nya just because I like bruiseshipping. And it made me... sad. Honestly.
So, nah, it’s not weird that you’re uncomfortable about it. It shouldn’t be like that in the first place.
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shinidamachu · 4 years
Neighbor Crush (The Thread)
Summary: modern AU, anyone? This was heavily inspired by a twitter thread I read a while ago, about a guy who developed a major crush on his neighbor’s voice and, with his roommate’s help, managed to ask him out.
Word Count: 2.015  Genre: fluff  Fandom: InuYasha  Pairing: Inukag  Format: oneshot  AO3 Link: 🌹  Fanfic.Net Link: 🌹
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“I’m home!”
The abrupt sound of Miroku throwing his keys and briefcase at the table made InuYasha jump on his sit. It was a rare thing to do, taking him by surprise that way.
Unfortunately, Miroku knew so.
“You’re eavesdropping her again, aren’t you?”
It was hard to say what pissed InuYasha off the most: that Miroku had startled him, that he got caught in the act or the infuriating smugness in the bastard’s tone.
“Mind ya business.”
Ignoring his temper, Miroku went to their refrigerator and returned with a loosened tie and a couple of beers. He handed one to InuYasha and sat beside him on the couch.
“Come on, this is getting ridiculous. You have been obsessing over this girl for what? Three weeks, now? Just go downstairs, knock on her door and ask her out.”
Miroku took a long sip of his Heineken, as if rewarding himself for giving the world’s greatest advice. InuYasha wished he would choke on it.
“I’m not knocking on her door and asking her out, dipshit! We have no idea what the girl looks like!”
“Then do us both a favor and go find out!”
To be totally honest, her appearance was what mattered the least about this girl, although he couldn’t deny his curiosity.
Her voice.
It was her voice that started it all.
For two years he had been sharing this little apartment with Miroku and for two years it had been easy for them to ignore each resident of the building without a second thought. InuYasha was in no way a social guy and even though Miroku had a weak spot for the ladies, he had vowed not to get involved with a neighbor, ever.
“Location, location, location.” InuYasha remembered Miroku explaining once. “It’s simultaneously the best pro and the worst con. I’d rather not risk it, it could get pretty ugly.”
Knowing his tendency to hit and run, it was probably the smartest call.
And life went on as usual.
Until InuYasha heard her voice.
It was exceptionally loud. That was the very first thing he noticed. The second thing was that he incredibly didn’t mind at all. There was a sincerity tone to it that was ever present. Almost as if physically unable to lie. Sweet. Gentle. Smooth. But not in a generic way. He could download it into his GPS and drive forever. Her laughter had over him the same effect of sunbeams reaching out the untouched ground of a frozen forest and when she talks too low, something primal and urgent wakes inside him, letting him dying to know what his name would sound like between her whispers.
Then it became less about how and more about what she talked.
Her name was Kagome. She was in her twenties and had just graduated from pedagogy school. Three weeks ago, she had moved in with the girl who lived precisely in the apartment below theirs to save money as she adapted to the new job of substitute teacher. She had a cat named Buyo, couldn’t swear for the life of her, sang a lot, a bit clumsy, definitely a half full kind of person... Single, as far as he could tell.
Kagome had the most hilarious stories, most of them starring her little brother, her grandpa or her friends. He was especially fond of the ones in which she tried to be nice and it ended up blowing on her face spectacularly. Her heart was too big for her own good.
On the floor below, the girl in question left what InuYasha assumed was her kitchen and walked to the living room, turning the TV on. Even now, when the current conversation was supposed to be his focus, he found himself painfully aware of her moviments.
Miroku didn’t have to know any of that.
“That’s insane.”
“Why? How is that insane?”
“Hi, I’m InuYasha, your upstairs neighbor. You don’t know me, but I’ve been listening to everything you say or sing in your apartment since the day you moved in. Often on purpose, like a creepy person. Anyway, wanna have dinner sometime?”
“Lose the ‘creepy’ part and you’ll be fine.”
“Drop it, it ain’t happening.”
“Well, at least you recognize your obsession. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recover.”
“You’re my problem,” he mumbled.
“Wrong, my friend. I’m the solution. You just gotta listen to me.”
“Yeah, don’t count on it.” Miroku laughed. “So how was work?”
“You’re changing the subject.”
“Damn straight I am.”
They made small talk and drank for a while, then Miroku pulled out his phone to check his notifications and InuYasha searched Netflix for an action movie they haven’t seen yet. The girl was binge-watching a sitcom. A good one, judging by the way her laughter reached his ears every now and then.
He smiled.
In moments like these, it was crazy tempting to walk down the stairs and go for it, but InuYasha wouldn’t dare. He was perfectly fine just hearing her life from a safe distance so they couldn’t hurt each other, because this is what love inevitably leads to — and that was assuming she wouldn’t reject his advances, in the first place.
Might as well save them both some pain.
“So what do you say? Shall we eat ramen for the third time in a row or order some pizza? InuYasha?”
But he wasn’t listening. In the apartment below, a door opened. Her roommate, Sango, had arrived.
“Hey!” Replied Kagome. “I hope you’re hungry, ‘cause I just made lasagna.”
“And I hope you’re thirsty, ‘cause I just bought Tequila.”
“Tough day, huh?”
“Tough week.”
“You bet.”
The girls turned the blender on.
The balcony was their favorite spot to chat. It was also where the acoustic sounded better. To the point even human ears could catch the words.
One look at InuYasha and Miroku realized what it meant.
“Is she going to the balcony?” He asked, but didn’t wait for an answer.
InuYasha ran, intercepting Miroku just in time. One hand securely covering his friend’s mouth, the other holding him still. They were now in their own balcony.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
There was an attempt to speak, but it came off muttered. Even so, InuYasha refused to budge his hand. Until Miroku licked it. “Ugh!”
“What does it look like?” He questioned while InuYasha compulsively wiped his hand on his jeans. “I’m being your wingman.”
“I don’t need a wingman and will you shut up, already?” His whispered, angry. Miroku was ready to deliver a cunning comeback when the blender stopped and the girls stepped into the balcony.
“So I had to break up with Kuranosuke today.”
“Break up? I thought you guys were friends with benefits or whatever.”
“YES! WE WERE! THANK YOU! Now could you please be a lamb and go tell him that? Maybe I didn’t make myself clear the first four hundred times! Oh, stop laughing!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Go on.”
“It was a nightmare! The whole week he kept sending flowers and Valentine’s Day cards to the precinct. It’s not even february!”
“I’m surprised you didn’t get him arrested.”
“Believe me, I was this close. It’s hard enough getting their respect, you know? Being a female cop and all. He wasn’t helping.”
“I know. But hey! Someday you’ll find the guy for you. Someone who’ll understand how much your job means. I’m serious! You will!”
“Nope. That’s it for me. I’m done with men.”
“Funny, I’m in the opposite vibe.”
“Really? Now that’s interesting.”
“It’s just… I haven’t dated anyone since Koga.”
“Damn, you’re right! I haven’t realized it.”
“You know what? You should set me up with someone.”
Miroku playfully punched InuYasha’s shoulder, getting his attention. “That’s your chance,” he mouthed. The half demon shook his head.
“Hmmm… Wouldn’t Ayumi, Yuka and What’s-Her-Name be a better option for that? I’m usually cuffing most guys I meet.”
“Eri. And no way! They would just set me up with Hojo.”
“Right! And why won’t you date him, again?”
“Because he’s my friend!”
“He is cute.”
“A cute friend.”
“He likes you.”
“Not my fault.”
“Fine. I’ll d—”
Mortified, InuYasha watched Miroku make a fool of himself. Like in a movie, his body seemed to forget how to react.
“Hi!” Greeted Sango. “I’m sorry. Were we being too loud? We’ll keep it down.”
“No, it’s okay, the walls are really thin. Listen… I have this friend. And he’s really into your friend’s voice. I was wondering if she would be interest in going on a date with him.”
“What?” Kagome let out a shaken giggle.
“Is this for real?”
“Yes! I gotta go, but check his Instagram out. It’s @InuYashaTaisho.”
Apparently very pleased with himself, Miroku walked inside.
“You’re a dead man!”
“What do you think?” Kagome asked, while InuYasha chased Miroku around the apartment.
“It can’t hurt to give a look,” Answered Sango.
“Five years from now, when the two of you get married, you’ll be thanking me for this.” Miroku dodged the pillow InuYasha threw on his direction.
“Don’t ya worry. Imma make sure to write this on your tombstone.”
“Wha—Wow! This is him? What are you gonna do?”
InuYasha threw another pillow. Miroku caught it in the air. He was cornered on the wall and nothing could save him now.
Bzzt! Bzzzt!
Impertinently, his phone choose that exact minute to vibrate. InuYasha fished it off his back pocket and the notification took his breath away.
Kagome Higurashi started following you.
“Is that her?”
InuYasha ignored him. The only important thing was the dark haired beauty smiling brightly on his screen. Her eyes were big and warm, framed by extremely long black lashes. She had adorable bangs and sharped cheeks. The perfect shape of her lips rivaled those from a greek statue and they seemed to be painted in a natural shade of pink in almost every picture. Except when they were burning red.
He couldn’t have put a better face to the voice if he tried.
Scrolling down her feed, InuYasha continued to connect the features he didn’t know with the names he did. Sango. Her mom. Sota. Buyo. Her grandfather.
“Let me see!” Miroku ran to his side and hang on his shoulder like a parrot, whistling in approval as InuYasha went on. “Woah, wait, wait, wait! Who is that?”
“That’s Sango, the girl you just embarrassed me and yourself in front of.” He followed Kagome back.
“I think I’m in love.”
InuYasha glared at him.
“Don’t even think about it.”
“He followed me back!”
“Oh, it’s going down!” Sango laughed.
“Watch me.” Defied Miroku.
“What the fuck happened to the ‘not dating neighbors’ rule?”
“If four years of law school taught me something was that every rule has its exceptions. In this case, the exception is the absurd level of hotness of said neighbor.”
“On a second thought, go ahead and date her. It’s about time someone put you in jail.”
Miroku smirked.
“Should I say hello?”
“Definitely!” Encouraged Sango. “Don’t schedule anything until I check him for bad precedents, though.”
“You’re such a cop.”
Bzzt! Bzzzt!
Hi! I’m sorry about my friend. He thinks ‘boundaries’ is an indie band.
She chuckled.
“Don’t you have a pizza to order?” InuYasha faced him, eyebrows raised. Miroku narrowed his eyes and left.
“This isn’t over.”
That’s okay. So... you’re a dog demon. I’m assuming this is how you can hear us down here?
Actually I’m half demon, which means I’m only half responsible for invading your privacy. The other half is on you for being so damn loud.
Excuse me?! I thought you liked my loud personality! Wasn’t that the whole point?
To be fair, what I liked was your killer cover of Livin’ On A Prayer.
OH MY GOD! I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU HEARD THAT! Okay. This isn’t fair. You’ve been listening to my voice since I moved in, but I have no idea what yours sound like.
The next text he sent her was his phone number.
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A/N: it’s been a while, yes? Tell me if you guys enjoyed this one. Fluff is not really my thing. Let me know if I can interest you in a Part II of them dating and send me sugestions of where they could go, if you want to. If I liked them better than the ideas I have in mind, I might end up writing it (is not a priority, though).
Also, I want to dedicate this piece to @xfangheartx​. Thank you for always being a sweetheart.
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lapinbunwrites · 3 years
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Title: Somber Snowfall
Ratings: G
Warnings: None
Fandom: Fire Emblem Fates
Relationship: M!Corrin/Silas
Additional Characters: Xander
Word Count: 1,402
Ao3 Link
From behind the pillars Corrin attempted to suppress his giggles as he looked for the knights around the castle. When the ghost was clear, he ran all the way to his room, letting his laughs spill from his mouth. After he quickly changed, he peered behind from behind his door to see if Jakob, Flora, Felicia, Gunter, or any of the knights were around. He let out a sigh of relief as he ran out of his room through the long hallway. As he ran through the hallway, he was fairly lucky that he wasn't running into anyone, especially his siblings. That last thing he needed was Xander scolding him for sneaking out of the castle or Camilla crying or guilt tripping him about it and saying that she was a terrible sister for letting it happen.
A big smile appeared on his face as he reached a door that lead him outside. A bigger smile grew on his face when he saw the snow falling to the ground. Corrin laughed as he ran through the pathway, making his way towards the city. Walking through the city, it was quiet with a few people roaming the streets. He constantly wondered around in a circle, trying to find his friend's Silas' house. When he stopped to think, he was where he began.
"Think Corrin, think," he whined. He closed his eyes and held his breath. He let out a loud sigh a few seconds later. "Ah! I just have to go straight!"
Corrin ran straight through the city, making his way to the countryside and stopping when he got to the little village. He walked up to the first house he saw, knocking on the door. His heart sank when he realized it wasn't Silas' house. He ran from the house until he got to an ally and taking a moment to catch his breath. Corrin scrunched up his face letting tears stroll down his face, feeling them stick to his face. In the distance he could hear a familiar voice. He looked over, seeing that it was Silas. Corrin wiped his face, trying to leave no trace of him crying.
"Silas," he yelled, latching onto him.
"Ah," Silas screamed. "Corrin! What are you doing here?"
"To play with you," he laughed, tugging him into the snow. "Come play with me!"
"It's cold outside and I want to be warm," Silas whined.
"Please," Corrin pouted. "We can make a snowman!"
Silas sighed and relented. "Okay."
Corrin smiled tugging him further into the village. Silas laughed as Corrin started to piling the snow together. He worked with him, making the snow into more of a ball.
"How are we going to make the other two parts," Silas asked, finishing the bottom half.
"What if we do what we did with the bottom part, stack it!" Corrin suggested. He grabbed the snow, placing it on top of the first ball. "Like that!"
"Oh! Right," Silas laughed.
The two grabbed snow and placed whatever they cold on the top. While Corrin was putting the last minute touches, Silas ran back to his house to grab a few items. Corrin placed some twigs in the sides of the snowman. When Silas came back, he stood on his tip-toes and let out little whines.
'Corrin, help me out," he cried out.
"Okay!" Corrin did his best to lift Silas up but he ended up falling on top of Corrin. "Oof, I'm sorry."
"Please don't do that again," Silas stood up and wiped the snow off of him. "Why don't you sit on your hands and knees."
Corrin nodded and did exactlly that and Silas stood on his back. He smiled as he placed the hat and carrot on the snowman.
"Hurray up! You're heavy," Corrin yelled.
"Sorry, sorry," Silas apologized, placing the buttons on lower body.
Corrin cried as he saw the finished snowman. Parts of it were falling off.
In a frantic state, Silas grabbed the fallen part of the snow that fell off, molding it into a ball, and threw it at Corrin.
"Why did you do that! Those were his brains," Corrin cried.
"B-Because you, you were crying and I thou-thought a snow-snowball fight would cheer you up," Silas began to cry.
Seeing his friend in distress, Corrin breathed in and breathed out. With his now clear head and no tears to cry, he picked up some snow and threw it at Silas.
"Ah," he yelled. "What was that for?!"
"T-To make you happy!"
In his frustration, Silas retaliated and threw another snowball at Corrin.
Corrin began to make silly face to see laugh and smile. He let out a laugh himself when it worked.
Silas threw more snow at him and avoided eye contact with him. "Stop it, your faces are embarrassing."
"But you're laughing! You're not crying anymore," Corrin chuckled.
"Hehehe," Silas blushed.
Corrin picked up more snow and threw it back at him. Before Silas could the favor, Corrin ran away from him, trying to hide. It was futile as Silas found him and hit him. Corrin laughed as he had his turn to run and hide. They went back and forth until more children joined them. When they ran out of places to hide, they fell down by the snowman they built.
"Hehehe," Corrin laughed.
"Hehehe," Silas laughed along. "Hey Corrin?"
"Do you think I can come visit you at your home?" Silas asked, moving around to face him.
"My big bro Xander says you can't," Corrin sighed, turning to face Silas.
He whined as he sat up, crossing his legs. "Awe! Why not?"
"Because you could get hurt," Corrin mirrored him. "Xander says if you walk into the castle, people will take you and put you some place where they hurt you!"
"Hmph. I still don't believe you. I don't think you are a prince at all," Silas pouted. "And I don't think that will ever happen!"
"I don't know, Camilla told me stories, very bad stories about this stuff," Corrin sighed as he laid back on the ground.
"Hmph." Silas did the same thing as him. He slowly reached for Corrin's hand and tightly held on.
"Look! A shooting star!" Corrin turned over to grab Silas' hand and closing his eyes. "Make a wish!"
Silas nodded, turning over and placing his other hand on top of his.
The two whispered there wishes together. After the wish, Corrin walked Silas back home and on the way home, he could hear footsteps in the distance. He could also hear someone faintly call his name.
"Corrin!" Xander called out. "Corrin!"
Corrin moved his head around, trying to figure out where the sound coming from.
"I think it's coming from there," Silas said, pointing north.
He squinted his eyes, seeing his brother in the distance. He waved him down until Xander stopped close to him and his friend.
"There you are Little Prince," Xander huffed. He got off of his horse to embrace Corrin. "Good, you're safe!"
"I am," he said, pushing Xander off of him, "fine."
"I'm glad!" Xander looked behind him to see Corrin's friend clutching tightly on to him and shaking. "Oh, who are you?"
"I-I am Si-Silas," he said, moving more behind Corrin.
"Thank you for watching my little brother," Xander patted Silas' head.
Silas gave him a soft smile.
Xander reached out to him and sighed when Silas backed away. "As my thanks, allow me to escort you home," he said, letting out a little sigh.
Silas squirmed around, backing away.
"We insist!" Corrin chimed in.
"Mmm, okay," Silas agreed, his voice shaking.
Xander faintly smiled, picking them both up, allowing them to sit on his horse. Silas nervously guided Xander back to his home.
"Well," Corrin smiled, "this is goodbye! I'll come visit you again!"
"Yeah," Silas said, getting off of Xander's horse. "Next time, bring lots of snacks!"
"Of course!" Corrin waved goodbye as his brother mounted his horse. He waved him goodbye until he could no longer see his friend.
"Corrin," Xander said in a low tone.
"Yes," he asked, turning to face him.
"You are no longer allowed to see him," he said, clutching tightly onto the reigns.
"Hehehe, you're really funny, Xander," Corrin laughed as he messed with his clothes.
"I don't joke, Corrin," Xander doubled down.
Corrin sighed, turning around and placed his hand on the saddle. "Of course. I understand.”
Ahh, here is my gift to Mahnatii (on Twitter) for their @nagamas gift! Happy holiday's! I hope you were able to enjoy the festivities, whether you were able to spend it with your friends and family or stuck at home! Out of all the prompts you have listed, I wrote for Corrin and Silas. I hope you enjoy the fic!
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onisiondrama · 4 years
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(Note: I’m not repeating stories he’s told before and just putting them in parenthesis. I have a lot more videos to go until I’m caught up so that would save me a lot of time. If he gives details I never heard from him before, I will type those.)
“Should I Get A Divorce?” Speaks,  Oct 6, 2020
- This video is weird. He’s trying to make himself seem smart and insightful about marriage because his marriage is “successful”, while most people complain about their marriage. - There’s one part where he says people don’t understand you don’t have to be lied to or cheated on in a relationship. Which is pretty ironic coming from him. He shows a clip of an upset wife asking her husband what he’s doing with a woman in a bedroom. The husband and the woman are getting dressed. The husband keeps asking “Who?” “What?”, pretending the woman isn’t there. Later he shows more of the clip where the wife is still questing him. He keeps pretending he doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She looks in the bedroom again and the woman is gone. The wife looks confused. Love that gaslighting. Just like when Jamsey boi cheats. “I didn’t cheat. It was the other person who cheated on you, my spouse” “You said I can’t have oral or vaginal sex with your friend. You didn’t say anything about anal.” - In another part he says there are people who constantly complain about their s/o and they hide away in a man cave.. he says this while in his garage man cave. 😑 Which we know he spends most of his time in. Like, way longer than normal working hours.  - He says he used to look angry in his old Speaks videos because of his marriage at the time. That’s total crap. He only shows clips from videos where he used his old militant persona for videos like his anti-meat videos. He made plenty of mushy Speaks videos talking about how happy he was with Skye back then too. 🙄 - I think he made this video during his short guru / advise phase.
“gotta say goodbye for a little bit” Speaks, October 8, 2020
- Tells his viewers they can listen to this video without watching it if they like to listen to people talk, like Kai used to do. [This is definitely meant to be another guru / advise type video. I can tell by his tone.] - Says he’s married to Kai for almost 8 years. (How Kai found James story) Says he married a fan and had children with them. He says they now have an awesome dynamic, but he knocks on wood because people who are together 18 years still get divorces. Says you never know, things can suddenly fall apart. - Says it’s cool because at the time he didn’t listen to social standards. Kai was 17 at the time, but lied about his age. Most people would have said don’t go for the relationship because Kai lied and the age gap, even though it was legal. He listened to the law and his heart and now he’s in the happiest marriage of his life. - “F society.” If he listened to society, he wouldn’t know where he’d be or what relationship he’d be in. Says you have to follow the legal system or your life is ruined. - Says he was an air force cop at one point because he believed in justice. He doesn’t think he wanted to shoot people, but he excelled in the cop program. He says he met Magic Johnson in the cafeteria at Lackland Air Force Base. He barely knew who Magic Johnson was, but he thought it was cool a famous basketball player was there. James asked him if he could take a picture and he said yes. He says he took a picture of him like a reporter and not a selfie. He still regrets that. - Says he wants to talk about the future of this channel. Some people appreciate he’s been uploading every day, but he wants to focus on sites that aren’t shadow banning people or algorithmically demoting people. He feels like Youtube is king in letting negative opinions prevail, even if it’s invalid. If the engagement shows people are mad at you, Youtube used to go the harsh truth route. He says that was nice. He says he once made a fake meltdown video in response to a video Leafy made about him. He says it’s fun for him to make fake meltdowns. - He says he and Kai took a quiz today and found out Kai’s IQ is 136 and his is 129, so Kai is smarter than him. - After the meltdown videos, Youtube algorithm didn’t favor him as much. He says maybe it was because he said they were fake. - He says he has been thinking about websites and how they treat users. Says Twitter is one the best because they don’t care about what your opinion is. They just care about their rules. Says if people don’t like you on other sites, they will shadow-ban you and you’re done for. He says his reaction video to Leafy’s video got 1/6th the views Leafy did, so there was a bleed over of traffic. Now when someone says something negative about you, YouTube will only promote videos that agree with that narrative. Says if you only want to hear negative stuff about Joe Biden, you’ll only see negative stuff. He says it’s financially productive, but it’s not ethically productive.
[I just want to pause here and vent a second. Yes, James fell out of the YouTube algorithm, but he’s had plenty of chances to sweep back into it. Like when he was getting tons of views on those fake meltdown videos in January. The reason those viewers didn’t stay is because there is nothing good for them to watch. His Speaks videos are boring, long, rambling messes. He repeats himself, contradicts himself, talks about the same topics over and over. These videos are mind-numbingly boring. His comedy videos are extremely outdated. The characters, topics, and humor he uses are not going to get him anywhere anymore. Like is the Death Note fandom really that strong in 2020? That anime came out 14 years ago for Christ sake. His music is not particularly good or interesting. On top of all this, his reputation is complete garbage.
People just don’t want to watch Onision. If the algorithm tried promoting his Speaks videos, I guarantee most people are actively choosing not to click on his videos. The non-subscribers that do click probably regret it. He’s made ZERO effort into making interesting or engaging content. He’s ONLY been making Speaks content that either fuels his ego or defends himself using the same old arguments he’s used 100+ times before. He’s got to be in some kind of deep denial if he thinks his Youtube views are down because of the algorithm. 
There used to be a saying that whenever Onision’s fans grow out of him, there will always be a crop of young teens that start watching him. That’s not happening anymore. It’s not cool for the alt / loner kids to watch edgy Youtube videos anymore.]
- Says people only want to hear things they agree with, people want to take what he says out of context, blah, blah. I’m only 1/4th of the way through this damn video. - He asks why he’s busting his butt when there’s no chance for him to prevail on Youtube or anywhere. He says he’s on TikTok, OnlyFans, Twitch. [This video was from before his partnership was taken away on Twitch.] He says those are slightly less problematic because they are driven by human beings and not drama. - He says when you see him posting less to Youtube in the future, you’ll understand why. He says he wants to wait you guys out, 2 years, 20 years. (He tried to call out Shane story.) He says he had to wait a year or two until people admitted he was right about Shane. He says he has conflicting feeling about Shane because they had a personal friendship. Says Shane told him they were friends. - He says you guys seem to drive your narrative and agendas by emotion rather than science and facts. He can’t reason with them unless he picked a greater evil and wages war on that. You would have to join forces with him because the enemy of my enemy is my friend. He says he wouldn’t do that because he’s not interested in being a professional wrestler and making fake drama. - In time you will feel passionately about other things. You don’t actually care about anyone involved because none of you are consuming yourself with anything that is not pop culture. You’re only interested in things other people are pretending to care about. None of you would care if someone found three bodies in a basement. If they were not celebrities you wouldn’t care. You only want justice for things that will get you attention. - If someone builds their whole platform about anti-person they might get bored and become anti-you. That’s why you don’t want to be friends with dramatic people. - He says he was dramatic about things, but that’s because he did care about those things. He wasn’t talking about 3 bodies in the basement either. - Says a long time ago when a celebrity died, he pointed out 30 people were murdered and washed ashore in another country. No one was talking about it because they probably didn’t hear about it. Nobody actually cares about human lives. If you did, every second that a human dies you’d be tweeting about it. - (Sarah blackmail story.) He says in a number of words Sarah said she wouldn’t ruin his life if she slept with him, then went back on it. [Wow. He really morphed his original story. It used to be: One time she jokingly said she could ruin our lives. Later we wanted her to sign an NDA and she said only if she gets something out of it, meaning sex. James said it was “good vibes” that day and he perceived that as her being kinky. She also said it was just a joke in the “proof” clip he always uses. They signed the NDA, then James pressured / tricked Kai into having sex with himself and Sarah. Then Sarah later came back and he decided they should have anal while Kai was out of town because Kai didn’t say no genital to butt. He only said no genital to genital and no genital to mouth before he left.] He says he decided to no longer sleep with Sarah because it was toxic and he decided he would rather be ruined than be with Sarah. [I have a theory he stopped sleeping with Sarah because he was afraid of Kai finding out. If he was truly afraid of Sarah ruining his life, why did he make those videos about weed smokers and BPD that would piss her off? She didn’t speak about their relationship publicly until he started bashing her through those videos.] Says Sarah went ahead and ruined his life and you fell for it. - He keeps mentioning Joe Rogan. - He says others have said he built an empire, uploaded thousands of videos. He gave so much of his life entertaining people and making them laugh. It was so important to him. He changed a lot of lives for the better. Says if you look on Twitter before the drama, you’ll see a lot of people thanking him. Says he was a positive influence to millions of people. That’s a fact. It all came crumbling down because people lied. They’re all criminals he kicked out of his life. He tries to play hero and he was only right with Kai. Kai wasn’t playing victim, he was on his way to college to be a surgeon. Once he was in the process of having kids, he lost the taste to be in a surgery room. Instead he got a bachelor’s in psychology. Kai’s diagnosis of James is aspects of narcissism, but says he doesn’t meet the qualifications to be a full blown narcissist. - He is investing a lot of time in people who don’t listen and don’t appreciate his content. Social media is a drug that tries to take up as much of your time as possible to make advertisers money. He doesn't create content that lies to you or brainwashing you into thinking your opinion is valid. He doesn’t pander to you to make money. Says when he says he’s one of the most honest people on Youtube, the bar is low. OnisionSpeaks is snake poison because snakes don’t survive on this channel. They aren’t going to have a voice that isn’t questioned. Most snakes on Youtube don’t even know how to activate charities on their channels. - Says he had a conversation with Kai about someone who said they vote for the economy over people. Humans are divided between helping their neighbor and helping themselves. - Says he was never taken to court because he never did anything. He’s still posting to places that he thinks is beneficial to himself and his family. Why would he stop because people have a bad idea of him? You shouldn’t alter your life just because people have an opinion of you. If you quit it makes you look guilty. If you quit you’re either guilty or incapable of dealing with it. He says he’s used to dealing with abuse since he began social media. - He wants to create content and help people and make them laugh. He wants to be socially capable and experienced. His ambitions are aligned with what he’s doing. - He says he can’t forgive his father if what people say about him is true. Everyone else he can forgive. If you are at odds with him, he doesn’t have any hate for you. He understands people can hear the wrong narrative and make mistakes. Says we are both imperfect people and have gone through different things. Says if we went through the same experiences, we’d think the same. Says we aren’t so different.  - Says he’s going away and he hopes you watch all his videos so you’ll know a little bit about who he is instead of listening to what Youtube manipulates you into watching. Says his advise is to quit social media. He wouldn’t quit because he’s passionate about it.
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purrincess-chat · 5 years
About Felix
So, I haven’t seen anyone talk about this, and, mind you, I don’t go that deep into the fandom anymore, but still. This is kind of salty, though more at Thomas than the show itself? Because I saw this episode for exactly what it was long before it even aired just from the title alone based on things Thomas has said in the past, and the tldr I guess is that Thomas made this episode to boast about Adrien being the better love interest choice and to prove himself right. I’ll explain.
Since the dawn of this show’s existence, people have been asking Thomas about Felix. Now, I wasn’t around in the PV days, but I’ve seen and heard through the grapevine that Felix from the PV version got a lot of hype in fandom, and really both he and Bridgette (PV Marinette) did. People speculating about him and the show in general and just all sorts of things. And when they decided to scrap that concept and go in a new direction, people often asked questions about it. I remember even when I came into the fandom (around the end of s1 right as Volpina/Origins was airing) that people asked Thomas repeatedly about Felix on Twitter. Why did they change over to Adrien? Would we ever see Felix in canon? And it all boiled down to Thomas stating that Felix was a “bad concept” that they axed in favor of Adrien because they didn’t see how Marinette could fall in love with someone like him. So they went with Adrien instead. 
Now, over the years people never really shut up about Felix, and Thomas got pretty annoyed by it. He has always held to it that Adrien was the “better” choice in the matter, and that Felix was a bad concept that would never see the light of day. Of course, we now know that to be untrue which Thomas has even said that he purposefully lied about somethings to keep them secret, so whatever on that front, but from the moment that I saw Felix as an episode title, I had a sneaking suspicion about what Thomas’ intention was with that episode, and the synopsis all but more or less confirmed it for me. 
Thomas got so fed up with fans asking about Felix that he really wrote a wholeass episode that included him, but he made him such a dick on purpose so that people would be like oh, you were right. He is bad, and as much as I enjoy the scene with Ladybug punching him for not taking no for an answer, I can see through it as Thomas lifting Adrien up because Ladybug literally says “Adrien would never.” Which is something that Thomas himself has said on Twitter when someone sent him an edit of Adrien with Ladybug in that exact position pressed against a wall, and Thomas was like Adrien wouldn’t do that he’s a gentleman/perfect/blah blah blah. He’s said before that he made Chloe/Lila “the worst things he could think of,” and now he came out here and made Felix the opposite of Adrien and horrible so that Adrien looks better by comparison. Some fans sent him that edit, and he went hmm? Adrien would never, so let’s make Felix do that because it’s icky and bad and this will prove how much better Adrien is. Mmm yes. 
This whole episode was an ego stroke for Thomas to “prove” what a better choice Adrien was as a love interest so that the Felix fans would shut up. I saw that going in, and lo and behold, that’s what it was. I wasn’t surprised, and I even chuckled sardonically about it because Thomas is so petty that he literally did that to shade fans of his show. It’s probably known that I don’t particularly care for him. I don’t think he or any creator should be harassed, but like I don’t exactly think he’s not an asshole, and this episode just made me roll my eyes because I can see the ego stroking happening. But whatever. S3 is wrapped, and I have a lot of fic to write.
If you were a Felix fan, and canon Felix ain’t your jam then I suggest ignoring him and sticking to whatever version of PV Felix you like to use because canon Felix was only inserted so Thomas could pat himself on the back for making Adrien. And that’s not even Adrien salt because I like Adrien, I do, but I just roll my eyes at a creator shading his fanbase because he got annoyed. 
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inanna-arianna · 4 years
Another meta on Lan Xichen I did not want to write
Never once does the novel state that LXC was romantically even interested in JGY. And here is why the people who ship JGY and LXC are the most tedious, annoying and delusional part of not just MDZS but MXTX works in general.
It’s their insidious and tenacious twisting of information and pushing of their headcanons as legitimate narrative. The best example of this is the wiki page for MDZS outside of tumblr. Twitter is not as infested as tumblr is. Twitter favors NieLan pairing, it would seem. But those who ship NieLan do not try to pass their ship as canon nor do they shove it down everyone’s throats. Ship all you want, but once you start adding your headcanons to profile pages that are supposed to be an objective analysis of the character profiles and source materials, that is where you become a delusional menace.
Author even went as far as to state that the only gay couple in the novel is WangXian. Why would she be coy? Why would she hide? She has written novels with more than one homosexual couples before.
To the delusional shippers LXC has gone into seclusion to repent for the killing of JGY. They even twist his seclusion to such a level that they insidiously add LXC seclusion to be the same as his father’s. Even adding it to the list of clearly romantic acts of passion such as here:
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this is sadly just one of many pages they infected
I don’t think people give LXC’s dimwitted naivety the full credit it deserves. I get it, people are fond of his character. He is one of my favorite characters also. But he is not benign.
His idiocy has come with a terrible price.
Siege of Burial mounds? Against a broken man and a group of farmers who were non-combative? The siege came to their doors. WWX had the right to raise the dead to defend them. Ultimately, had LXC been a competent clan leader and had his clan stood for what they say they do: righteousness and justice, WWX would not have been as desperate as to resort to such horrible cultivation practices. Had the Lan clan been what they pride themselves at being, they would have stood on Wei Wuxian’s side. And don’t try to oversimplify it. I’m not talking just about the siege. I’m talking about the build up to it as well. But Wei Wuxian stood alone. He stood alone at the path where they failed to assassinate him. He stood alone at Nevernight. He stood alone at the siege. But the snow white boots of the righteous Lan clan, stomped the skulls of old women and frail men.
Nie Mingjue’s death is on LXC’s hands more than JGY. You don’t blame a tiger for being a tiger. It does what it was made to do. Nie Mingjue trusted Lan Xichen. Painfully so. And it cost him his life. It was LXC constantly making excuses for JGY and shielding him from criticism and consequences that allowed him to get away with all the evil he has done for so, so very long. JGY carefully and meticulously build the image Lan Xichen had of him. I don’t deny that LXC was a victim of JGY. Perhaps the most tragic victim. But it does not absolve him of his crimes and playing a part. Weather out of his dimwitted naivety or moral cowardliness, does not matter. JGY needed Lan Xichen. He needed him to be his moral guarantor, his warranty, his shield and advocate. He used LXC’s impeccable reputation as a shield. He needed LXC to vouch for him.
That is why he never mistreated Lan Xichen.
But it’s not exactly true, right? I don’t doubt that JGY in this cruelty and arrogance and lust for power truly believed that he never mistreated LXC. But that is just not true. Weather the suffering of the person Lan Xichen loved most in the world, his own brother. Or by having LXC be his unwitting accomplice in his crimes. Nie Huaisang used LXC to deliver a final blow to JGY. But JGY was a villain. JGY’s fans want to condemn Nie Huaisang for that one act but gleefully ignore just how much damage JGY has done to LXC by using him to further his own ambitions. A man that now has to live with the consequences of his naivety and blindness.
Lan Xichen spending time in seclusion is coming to terms with what he has allowed to happen by continuously absolving JGY of his crimes and willfully turning a blind eye to his wrongdoings. Do people seriously believe that a man who is the head of a clan that prides itself on righteousness and intolerance of all evil is going into mourning for the death of a villain than rather to repent for being the guarantor that allowed the said villain to go unchallenged for so long? That his reputation was used as a cover that allowed a murderer to go unpunished.
Before those shippers try to point out how LXC was hiding JGY’s crimes and avoiding reveling them out of romantic interest: Don’t try it. LXC was naïve and non-confrontational on all fronts. He stood by and watched the mistreatment of Wen civilians, elderly and disabled and even children. His greatest love is his brother, yet despite being the head of the clan he stood by and watched his brother be viciously beaten and scared for life. Even refusing to know why his gentle and kind mother would murder someone is part of his refusal to even think and dwell on things that displease or hurt him. He is an incredibly passive and lethargic person.
Even his demeanor, gentle smile and voice are a shield against aggression. Author herself has stated that when drunk his voice becomes more booming, deeper. It’s a common tactic to defuse aggression. He puts on a submissive stance. Gentle voice and smile, non-aggressive and non-threatening gestures. But even he snaps from time to time. Like he did with WWX. But ultimately he is someone who avoids confrontation and pushes all that is too hurtful for him to think about out of his mind. Even if it is his own mother and her pitiful destiny, even if it is the brutal beating of his own bother. So no, he was not hiding JGY crimes out of love or romantic interest.
Do not forget, when confronted with the facts: he sided against JGY. Immediately. He sided with his brother. He sided with the man who is possibly the only man in the world that he hates (or as close to hate as LXC can muster). LWJ one mistake in his own eyes. He helped them gather evidence against JGY. He hid WWX in Cloud Recesses at great personal risk fully knowing that he was gathering evidence against JGY. He revoked JGY’s access to Cloud Recesses as soon as suspicions rose.
My point is: Ship whatever you want to ship. But don’t insert your headcanons or shipping fantasies into source material or profile pages that are supposed to be objective. Why have I decided to go off this time? Well, I have, so far got 4 people to look into the MDZS fandom and 3 of them were very much confused as to why they could not find a single reference to JGY and LXC “epic romance”. And asked me about it. Every time it was them reading wiki pages maliciously edited by JGY/LXC delusional shippers. I’m not going off at normal shippers. I understand the appeal. Many people like to ship the victim and his/her abuser. Just look at the people who ship Xiao Xingchen and Xue Yang. Not that I would ever ship those. But I’m not here to ship-shame. Just for mercy’s sake stop shoving your ship down our throats or try to pass it off as canon. It’s not.
I hate writing metas on LXC. I love his character. I truly do. I relate to him more than many other MXTX characters. He is deeply flawed. A bit dimwitted, lethargic, non-confrontational, but he is well meaning, benevolent, and generous. Whenever I have to write about him I have to unpack things I don’t particularly enjoy pointing out. See, why his character appeals to me. I don’t like thinking about those things so I push them out of my mind. And so I apologies for grammatical errors, to begin with I was short on time. But once again I was irritated into writing a meta on this subject. So I combined many of my metas and rants into this mess.
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irisrecs · 4 years
buzzfeed unsolved fanfiction recommendations
This is all Ryan/Shane— so don’t like, don’t read.
PSA: I am not in any way stating that Ryan and Shane from Buzzfeed Unsolved and Watcher are together, or that I want them to be together; this is for entertainment use only. I urge you to not contact them or @ them on twitter or instagram making comments about their relationship, as they are humans just like the rest of us. Some things are none of our business!
This is a masterlist of my favourite fanfictions in this fandom! Thanks to @gigaledom for cheering me on. Never thought I was going to do more RPF, but here I am.
Under 10k
and i’m puffing my chest, getting red in the face by pissedofsandwich- 6k, Teen
Summary: "Zack's going to be there?" Shane asks, masking his... whatever it is he's feeling in his chest, with nonchalance.
Ryan blinks. "Yes?"
Well, never mind dancing with the fucking sun. He’s Icarus, wings melted and falling face-first into the asphalt.
Or: Shane is definitely not at all jealous of how close Zack and Ryan are getting during the making of Sports Conspiracies. Except that he is.
My notes: They’re both so jealous of each other and so bad at communication. Thank goodness they have their friends to help them out! Really funny and entertaining!
lay your demons at the door by abovetheruins— 7k, Teen and Up
Summary: Ryan had been so careful. For months he had learned to train his face into a semblance of normalcy every time a spirit got too close or he was overwhelmed with some indiscernible emotion on location. He had learned to channel his fear into something more manageable, something entertaining enough for the cameras but not so severe that anyone would be able to tell he wasn’t just jumping at shadows or groaning floorboards anymore.
Shane wasn’t supposed to find out. He wasn't supposed to know.
My Notes: The Seer!Ryan AU that I wasn’t expecting to like so much. A lot of pining and caring! Shane with a lovely ending!
First Impressions by luxbuhree— 9k, Mature
Summary: The chance to work with and sit next to THE Shane Madej was one of the things Ryan was looking forward to, now that he's starting his first day in BuzzFeed. But while he was expecting a charming and friendly guy, he was instead met with someone who couldn't care any less.
Will the case of why Shane hates Ryan remain unsolved?
My notes: In which Shane is really bad at feelings and Ryan has the hots for a certain person who pins him against walls. Awesome ending.
a short history of almost something by cooliohoolio— 6k, No Warnings
Summary: "I think I'll wait another year."
Shane's in love with Ryan, and will get around to telling him. One of these days.
My notes: A lovely short high school! AU with mutual pining. They’re best friends ahhh
only happy accidents by barnes— 8k, Explicit
Summary: In hindsight, Shane is too old to have thought that friends with benefits was something that the two of them would be able to pull off. He’s had friends with benefits before that worked beautifully, but they were not with people whose jobs were tied up in his own, whose friendships were as closely interwoven into Shane’s everyday life as Ryan’s is. He’d thought these were the very things that could keep it from getting weird, because they were such good buddies, Ryan would be solidly cemented as his pal that nothing could shift him.
This was a miscalculation, on Shane’s part.
My Notes: I’m not usually a fan of friends with benefits to lovers, but this had so much mutual pining and fluff that I enjoyed it so much! A must-read.
Gurl, Imma Marry You (ryan is a mess) by orphan_account— 2k, General Audiences
Summary: Ryan is perpetually doing dumb things. Starting a ghost show? Dumb. Going to demon houses? Dumb. Talking to ghosts? Dumb.
But those are all new dumb things. Ryan's known he wants to marry Shane forever. That is an incredibly old dumb thing.
My notes: Really cute and fluffy and I love it so much. It’s a kind of read-to-make-yourself-feel-better kind of fic!
Por Favor, Sweetheart by carrieonfighting— 8k, Teen and Up
Summary: Two dorks raise a baby and don't even realise they're doing it together until it's too late
Alternatively, Ryan Bergara is Trying His Best Thanks
My notes: Normally not a raising-a-child-fic person, but holy smokes this was written so well and the fluff! the domesticity i-
Pushing All Your Buttons by beethechange— 9k, Explicit
Summary: Ryan and Shane get stuck in an elevator at Buzzfeed HQ. There is tension. They relieve the tension. That’s it, that’s the fic.
My notes: I was literally able to see the tension floating off my laptop in front of my face, it was so palpable.
Under 20k
like you want to be loved by poetdameron— 16k, Teen and Up
Summary: "Settle down with me", Shane says without thinking and as Ryan looks at him with wide open eyes, all he can think of it's how many of Ryan's secrets he knows, how Ryan likes his coffee, and the fact that he has loved him since the moment Ryan first looked up at him and smiled.
My notes: The PINING and CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT and ANGST my god. Really well written and lovely happy ending.
ships that pass in the night by beethechange— 20k, Explicit
Summary: The more Ryan thinks about it, the more he thinks he just needs to return the favor, that’s all. And then it’ll be done, like it was meant to be done weeks ago, and they can both move on for real.
It’s not that he wants to. It’s that he won’t be able to stop thinking about it until he evens the score. He has to restore balance to the Force or order to the universe, or—or whatever. It’s a karma thing.
“I think you have to let me jerk you off,” Ryan tells Shane one night. They’re working late, alone in the Watcher office, one of many such late nights these days.
“Wh—here?” Shane asks. He looks around, baffled, like he’ll have been magically transported somewhere else. “Have to?” And then: “Let you?”
My notes: haha what if I dare you to jerk me off dude haha don’t be a chicken
Do you not know how love works? by leylines— 12k, No Rating
Summary: “Fuck you, man,” Ryan growled, rubbing his tailbone where he landed on when he fell down just moments ago.
“I’m pretty sure that’s what Devon already thinks we’re doing,” Shane said cheerfully, not at all sounding bothered by the thought.
“Oh shut up, dude.”
My notes: One of my favourite things in this cold, dark universe is when two characters are dating but they don’t know it but everyone else does. This is so hilarious and warms my dead heart
Full-Court Press by beethechange— 12k, Explicit
Summary: To be clear, these are not tactics Ryan would recommend. Being an athleisure-obsessed pervert, and lying, and clothes-sabotage: these are not things he’s proud of.
But they have undeniably worked.
Shane’s standing next to him in the hotel lobby while Devon checks them all out of their rooms, and he's wearing a sleeveless purple Lakers jersey and the world’s softest, clingiest sweatpants. It’s so exactly as Ryan pictured it, so precisely in line with his fantasies, that he has to pinch himself.
My notes: Really hot and funny and p i n i n g
may your days be merry and bright by bodhirookes— 19k, General Audiences
Summary: “Your turn, Ry Ry.”
Ryan looks down to find only one piece of paper remaining. “Wow, so much selection to choose from.”
“No time for your negativity, Scrooge. Your Secret Santa deserves a better attitude.”
Ryan sticks his tongue out, but takes the slip of paper. He’s loudly yelling Give me Jen, please please please give me Jen as he unfolds it, but he’s too busy begging for her to be truly prepared for what he ends up getting:
A simple but damning SHANE in Andrew’s scribbly handwriting.
Or, Ryan gets Shane for Secret Santa and has a subsequent breakdown about what to get him
Notes: This is so sweet and cute and I would die for both of them. A lovely classic christmas fic!
want you in my room by beethechange— 13k, Explicit
Summary: As they watch, Tall Guy takes his beanie off, revealing a mess of thick, shiny brown hair. He runs his hand through it to shake out the hat hair and Ryan feels like he’s stuck in an Herbal Essences commercial, except he’s the one making inappropriate lustful noises.
Ryan adjusts his snapback, determined. He is, after all, wearing his very finest basketball shorts, without even a single hole at the hem, and the knowledge puts an extra spring in his step.
“I’m gonna climb that dude like a tree,” he tells Curly.
My notes: Just really dumb, cute pining in a wonderful frat boy/nerd college AU!
Long boys
Muscles Better and Nerves More by beethechange— 26k, Explicit
Summary: “I’m serious,” Ryan says. “Don’t go fucking up my body. I want that shit back in the same condition I left it.”
“The same condition—Ryan. I’m not spending hours in a gym every day so you don’t lose muscle mass.”
“I want you to treat my body with the respect you would a national park. Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories.”
A certain meddling Voodoo Queen of New Orleans thinks Ryan and Shane need some new perspective on life. After an inadvisable ritual deposits Ryan in Shane’s body, and Shane in Ryan’s, the ghoulboys pursue some soul-searching and self-discovery to put things right. Sometimes in a sexy way.
My notes: This is so sexy and in character! A freaky friday kinda scenario where they only switch back when they pull their figurative heads out of their asses. So wonderful.
Dreams to be daring for by allonsy_gabriel— 24k, General Audiences
Summary: On May 11, 2018, Eleanora Rose Austin was born in Chicago, Illinois.
On May 20, 2018, Shane Alexander Madej agreed to act as the godfather to his best friend from college's daughter.
On October 26, 2018, Olivia and Michael Austin were victims of a mugging gone sideways.
On October 29, 2018, Shane Madej found himself in the possession of one real, actual, human child.
My notes: Accidental Baby Acquisition is now my favourite trope because of this fic. The fact that they’re already acting like a couple with the baby before they actually become one is sooo beautiful,,, give it a read im begging you
Fifty Shades of Gold by beethechange— 21k, Explicit
Summary: Shane tires of doing the same bits over and over. He tires of telling the same stories until they all, him and Ryan and the fans, have every beat memorized. Whenever Ryan pulls out his Ricky Goldsworth impression, ah yes, that old chestnut, Shane plays along only begrudgingly. He’s bored.
That’s his official position: he’s over Ricky Goldsworth.
Shane’s unofficial position, regrettably, is that he’d rather be under Ricky Goldsworth.
My notes: Shane’s got the hots for Ricky Goldsworth and that’s the TEA. Lots of sexual tension and cute and unsure! Ryan!
Precious metals by StrikerEureka— 73k, Mature
Summary: Ryan and Shane have been moving around something that is coming to a head between them. After a car accident, on the way to an investigation, Ryan slowly starts to become suspicious that Shane might not be what he seems. He realizes, though, that he just might not care.
Shane sits forward suddenly. “Hey, pull over up here.”
Ryan follows the instruction without questioning it, which probably says something about either his willingness to listen to Shane or his sanity. Maybe both; they go hand in hand. He puts on his blinker, even though they haven’t seen another car in a couple of minutes, and pulls off onto the shoulder.
“Are you gonna puke or something?” he asks, putting the car into park, as Shane takes off his seatbelt with one hand and tugs off his Ray Bans with the other.
“You better hope not,” he murmurs as he leans over the center console and kisses Ryan solidly on the mouth.
My notes: My favourite Demon!Shane AU ever! Really sweet and loads of tension and pining... must-read.
darling it’s a faded notion by varnes— 28k, Explicit
Summary: The sun is too bright and Ryan’s whole body is alight with something that is eating him all the way up from the inside out, but he keeps his eyes open and he makes himself look, and he tells himself that once he finds Shane, he’ll think about it. Once he finds Shane, they’ll make a plan. Once he finds Shane, and only then, he’ll let himself have the thought he’s been swallowing down like bile since he came to: that they didn’t fall.
They were pushed.
OR: Ryan and Shane get cursed by a ghost, and now they can't be not-touching. It's ... not great.
My notes: They get cursed and have to be touching all the time!! and they’re pining so hard y’all like what more could one want
Bed-warm Hands and the Ghost of Elvis by MiraclesofPaul— 21k, Teen and Up
Summary: They get used to sharing a bed while filming the show. Ryan's just trying not to let his feelings get in the way.
So Ryan tells himself he’s going to ride out whatever it is they’ve fallen into, but he’ll bow out gracefully when the time comes. He can just enjoy the now.
My notes: They share a bed!!! And their hearts!! so much lack of communication, it’s wonderful
Hope that someone will enjoy these fics that I did so very much! If you want more buzzfeed unsolved fics let me know because i’ve read sooo much fanfiction...
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krreader · 5 years
BTS scenario (Hogwarts!AU) → them as your teachers.
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pairing: hogwarts teacher!bts x student!reader (mostly platonic) fandom: bts warnings: non idol!au ; hogwarts!au ; hints at student x teacher relationship genre: fluff ; crack word count: 2670+
a/n: AHHHHHHHHHH I loved this request so much, I hope you like it reading it as much as I loved writing it!
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kim seokjin
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Jin was a man that liked most of his students, if not all.
Sure, there were the few that hated coming to this class, teaching those was no fun, but then again, there were people like you. 
People that reminded him why he loved teaching Herbology so much.
“What are you still doing here?” Jin chuckled a little at how startled you looked, almost like you were caught doing something forbidden.. unless, “Are you doing something that you shouldn't be doing, (Y/N)?”
“What? No!” you quickly got up, shaking your head and bowing, “I'm sorry Mister Kim, I know I shouldn't be in here but.. that book you gave me a while back.. I read something about Niffler's Fancy. How no witch or wizard has studied it yet..”
“You.. have Niffler's Fancy? How did you get a hold of that?” Jin immediately put down his bag and approached the table, the plant lying on top of it.
“It's been in my family for quite some time, but none of them care much about Herbology, so they don’t even really know what it is. I figured instead of letting it die eventually, I might as well make some good use out of it and study it. It's part of the Potion of All Potential, after all, but nobody knows what else it could do.”
Jin sat down next to you with a small smile now forming on his face, “I knew I wasn't wrong when I said you might become the most renowned researcher one day. The fact that you're studying this at your age just proves me that I was correct.”
You became a little shy, your eyes falling back on the plant, “I could use some help though. I don't want to ruin it..”
“You wouldn't, but..-” Jin now grinned, “I'd be a fool if I let the opportunity pass to study a Niffler's Fancy,” he rolled up his sleeve, “Let's get to work then before someone finds us and gets us in trouble for working so late.”
min yoongi
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Yoongi was usually the first one in class.. the first one to play the piano.
But when he wandered the halls of Hogwarts, wanting to go to the Music classroom, he stopped when he heard the sounds of a piano echoing through the hallway.
His footsteps were light, not wanting to disturb whomever that was playing.
And when he opened the door and saw who it was, he smiled.
“Are you just going to stand there or are you going to come in?” you asked eventually with a grin, lifting your head to look at him, but continued to play.
“You know that students aren't allowed to wander Hogwarts this early in the morning, right?”
“Because you're such a saint, right Mister Min?” you bit your lip, chuckling a little at when he blushed.
“We promised we wouldn't talk about that.”
“I didn't say a thing, did I?” you got up, grabbing your bag, “Anyways, I need to finish some homework before class starts anyways, just wanted to get your attention before doing so.”
But when you wanted to pass him, Yoongi quickly grabbed your arm, “Don't think I favor you because of what happened between us. You're talented, (Y/N). And I don't want your talent to go to waste after Hogwarts.”
“I know. I'm still thankful for the opportunities you’re giving me. And trust me, the first person I will thank when I win my first award will be you,” you chuckled, “I'll miss you, though.”
“Well.. maybe you'll see me after you graduate..”
“Is that a promise?”
Yoongi just winked at you, before he sat down on the piano stool that you had just sat on and began playing.
And you left with a smile.
jung hoseok
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Most people in Hoseok's class were either half bloods or pure bloods. Not that he'd care, he was glad to see that so many people were interested in Muggle Studies, despite their blood status.
At first he had been afraid that their sole reason for coming here was to mock Muggles, but it seemed as if after the war, the views of pure bloods on Muggles had changed drastically.
Despite this, his favorite student was one.
Because you were Muggle born. Both of your parents were Muggles, for some reason, maybe an aunt or uncle having had powers, you weren't.
So Hoseok liked having you in his class, because he knew whatever question he got that he could not answer, you could.
“I just don't understand why people do it,” a student asked, Hoseok immediately turning his head to look at you.
“Any insights on that, Miss (Y/L/N)?”
“Well, the same reason that people use beauty spells,” you shrugged, “The muggles don't have that, though, so Botox is their only option. They think it'll make them look young and beautiful like certain spells can, but 80% of the time it will only ruin the beauty they already have. Trust me, if some of them knew of our world, they would do anything to get a hold of a witch or wizard to perform a little magic on their faces. My aunt, for example.. she looked like a hag after her surgery, not going to lie, she would have done anything for me if she knew of my skills and knew I could help her out,” the entire class laughed, including Hoseok, “She thought going to a country to get injections for less money than in her own was a good idea. She came back looking like Goblin.”
That made them laugh even more.
“Alright, children. That's all for today. Don't forget to read pages 320 till 323 for our next class,” he waited until most were out of the class, then he approached you, “You really should think about my offer, (Y/N).”
“Your offer of me studying teaching after I'm done with Hogwarts?”
“You would be perfect for this subject. You have a gift.. you know so much and you know how to handle people. This class wouldn't be as interesting if it didn't have you in it.”
It meant a lot to you that he had so much faith in you.
You smiled a little, “I'll think about it. Thank you, Mister Jung.”
You had to admit.. teaching at Hogwarts one day.. it did sound nice.
kim namjoon
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The reason that Namjoon liked you so much was because you didn't just believe everything he told you. You questioned him, more often than not.
And while other teachers hated this kind of behavior from you, he actually quite appreciated it. He liked having feedback, having someone to have discussions with and, to be fair, you were never rude, so there was no reason why he shouldn't discuss certain things with you. It was a challenge that he liked and actually wanted.
However, because he knew that not every student liked to hear an hour long discussion between you and him, him and you usually waited until the class was over, for the sake of the others.
“I do understand where you're coming from,” you said while putting away your books, Namjoon leaning against his desk with a small smile, “I'm just saying that I think your mindset on this is narrow minded.”
“How so?”
“You think like a teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts.”
“That's.. because I am the teacher for that subject.”
“Which is great,” finally you got up and shouldered your bag, “But I think sometimes you need to think out of your comfort zone. There's a reason I'm taking so many courses this year, it's because I see a connection between these subjects that most others don't. Defense Against the Dark Arts is great, I think it will be really helpful, but there are just certain.. things out there, that you can't harm with a simple spell. I think that if you really want to be safe, you need to know that sometimes it's not a spell, but a potion that will save you. That sometimes, it's not staying, but flying away that will not get you killed. That sometimes, enemies don't have to be enemies if you know how to handle them.”
Namjoon's mouth began to form a smile, lowering his head a little, but nodding.
“Thank you for your insights, (Y/N). I will.. keep it in mind.”
Even if you were done with Hogwarts, he doubted he could ever forget you and your view on the world. You helped him become a better teacher.. maybe even a better man. And he appreciated that more than he could ever say.
park jimin
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Park Jimin was one of the best teachers that Hogwarts had to offer.
He liked what he was teaching and you could feel that. That's probably why everyone liked going to his classes so much.
“Alright then.. what do you guys want to do today?”
Several hands shot up in the air, yours wasn't one of them.
That's why he called on you. He liked to include everyone, always wanted to make sure that nobody felt like they were left behind.
“(Y/N).. tell me.. any ideas?”
“I uhm.. I don't.. well.. maybe..-” you cleared your throat when he smiled encouragingly at you, “Maybe we could finally talk about Human Transfiguration?”
The entire class gasped, their eyes turning wide and then all of their heads turned back to Mister Park.
It was true, he had promised to teach them Human Transfiguration this year, mostly because he was required to do so, but it was one of the hardest things a wizard or witch could learn.. he wasn't sure if the class was ready yet.
“You're eager for that, hm? Do you think you could do it?”
You took up all your courage and spoke loud and clearly: “Yes.”
Jimin liked that. He liked how you wanted to try something new, even if it was hard. That you were willing to put in a lot of effort to learn it.
“Alright then.. let's start with Human Transfiguration.”
The entire class cheered.
And it was all thanks to you. Or to Mister Park.. for always knowing who needed a little push to be the class hero.
kim taehyung
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“(Y/N)?” Taehyung was surprised when he saw you standing in his office, “What are you doing here?”
“I need your opinion,” you sat down before he could even close the door.
That's how close you and him had gotten. You were at ease with him and he didn't mind that at all.
“On what?”
“My parents they.. made me an offer. They said that because I like magical creatures so much, they got in contact with someone who traded with them. And that person currently has three that he'd be willing to sell. My parents want me to choose which one I want and then, of course, also take care of. But I don't know which one would be best suited for me. I want to be compatible with the creature. I don't want to just care for it, I want to form a bond with it.”
See, that's why you were Taehyung's favorite student. Ever since you came to his Care of Magical Creatures class, he knew that these creatures were more to you.. that you felt for them. That when they felt pain, you did too. That when they felt happiness, you did too.
“I'm glad your parents are giving you that opportunity,” he grinned, sitting down behind his desk, “So which options do you have?”
“All three of them are still babies, said they were abandoned and need a new home. One of them is a phoenix, the other one a Niffler and the third one is a Bowtruckle.”
“Hm,” Taehyung narrowed his eyes at you, then he sat up straighter, “(Y/N).. the thing with you is that I know you are capable of handling all three of them. The phoenix would be a wonderful addition to your life, the Niffler would be a challenge that you’d manage and the Bowtruckle would be a friend for life.”
“My parents don't have the money for all three of them.. they said I could only choose one.”
Taehyung thought for a long time, then he got up, “I'm sorry, (Y/N). I can't help you with that decision. But I know that, no matter which creature it will be, you will take wonderful care of them.”
You were disappointed that day. You had thought he'd be willing to help you, but apparently you had been wrong.
It was only a month later on your birthday when you had told your parents to just pick any because you couldn't decide, that you realized Mister Kim had a lot more faith in you than you would have expected.
“All three of them?” you stared at the baby creatures with wide eyes, then looked at your parents.
“Don't look at us, we only wanted to buy one, but then we met one of your teachers. He said that you had a gift and that it shouldn't go to waste. Bought all three of them and told us to tell you happy birthday.”
You wanted to cry from how happy you were that day.
You would never forget what this man had done for you.
jeon jeongguk
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Jeon Jeongguk was a Quidditch player before he became a Flying teacher.
So many had been disappointed when he had announced leaving his team to teach at Hogwarts, but his students were more than happy that he had replaced the old teacher.
At least now Flying lessons were fun.
Well, for most of you.
Not for you, though.
“Why did you give me detention? I didn't even do anything,” you complained when you had to meet Mister Jeon outside, your broom in your hand.
“That's exactly why you have detention. Because you didn't do anything,” he grabbed your broom and put it down on the floor, “I know that the reason you don't like flying is because you're afraid of it.”
“What?” you snorted, “As if.”
But it was true.
The first year you’ve had an accident with your broom, ever since then, you hated it.
Jeongguk knew that. And he wanted you to get over that fear. Help you surpass it.
He got on his broom, but didn't fly. He just looked at you.
“Well, what are you waiting for? Get on.”
“What? No! No way!”
“This won't be some Aladdin romance if that's what you're worried about.”
“In your dreams. You're not that handsome,” you got on, mostly to prove him wrong.
Jeongguk made sure your hands were wrapped around him, then he chuckled, “Keep telling yourself that. Maybe you'll believe it one day.”
And then he flew.
You screamed, pressing your face into his back and not looking down or anywhere else, confirming what he had said before about your fears.
When you flew, it was always bumpy and you were always scared of falling. But Jeongguk had been flying for most of his life. He knew how to do it and how to do it well. It wasn’t as bad.. it was actually kind of.. nice.
“Overcoming your fears is one of the hardest things to do, (Y/N). I don't want to punish you, I just want you to be able to pass your exams. If you don't want to fly after them, then that's completely up to you. But if you don't fly for your exams, you won't be able to leave Hogwarts.”
You bit down on your lower lip, carefully opening your eyes, but once you saw how high up you already were, you grabbed his shirt tighter.
“Maybe I want to stay here..”
“Ah, sweetheart. Things would never work between us.”
He wanted to make you feel at ease and he managed. You laughed, gently pinched his skin beneath his shirt.
“Keep telling yourself that. Maybe you'll believe it one day,” you mocked, using the same voice he had used earlier.
He made it his mission to take away your fears.
And it took a while but ultimately.. he did.
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