#I don’t wanna bore anybody lol
misc-obeyme · 3 months
Finally started my OG reread & wow I forgot how much Levi rambles about TSL in the first lesson. It’s adorable.
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He kept going but I got tired of taking screenshots lol. Look how happy he is. And then he gets all serious.
But I have a question. Actually I have two questions.
Levi says Christopher Peugeot is a human. When does he find out that it’s Simeon? I can’t remember, but I’m sure I’ll find it as I keep going.
Also do you think Simeon chose the name of a car company on purpose? Or was it more like he decided to use a French last name & didn’t know about the cars? And if he was trying to be French why not use Christophe??
Okay that was like four questions. Most likely there is no such deeper meaning but the curiosity is strong in me lol.
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prettyflyforawhitelie · 3 months
I love your Husk pieces! He's my favorite =^.^= I wanna hug the shit out of him 😆
If you have time, could you do one where Charlie planned a movie night for "bonding" lol and the reader ends up falling asleep on Husk? Everyone ships them and encourages him to confess to her? So much fluff please! Thanks hon! ^.^
A/N: This is so adorable!! Love this! I hope you enjoy! XD
Pairing: Husk x fem!Reader
“Until I Smile at You” - Husk x Reader
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After living at the Hazbin Hotel for a while, Charlie’s “trust exercises” had become less of an annoying nuisance and simply a part of daily life. Actually, they were kind of refreshing and - dare you say - fun! They ranged from trust falls and share circles to your personal favorite - movie night. Movie night happened once a week and every week the person who chose the movie rotated. This week was supposed to be Angel’s turn, but ever since he chose his movie to be the most graphic porn anybody had ever had the displeasure of seeing, he was banned from choosing the movies. Instead of Angel, the group decided to let Alastor choose. He was always a marvel, as his movies ranged from silent films to disgustingly gorey horror movies. Tonight, however, he picked a noir detective film that he enjoyed while he was still alive (not before endlessly complaining about how radio is the superior media form, though).
One thing that nobody could stand about Alastor’s movies was how much he talked during them. I guess it's because he's so used to working in radio that he cannot comprehend that maybe, just maybe, not everybody wants to hear his voice all the time. He would either explain every little detail about the leading actors or talk about a living memory that he associated with the specific scene.  This night, though, Alastor seemed so enamored by the movie that he was completely silent. You were sitting on the couch with Alastor, Angel, and Husk, and found your eyes getting slightly heavier with every passing minute. The combination of the dark room, boring movie, and precious silence was just what you needed to drift into a peaceful slumber. Slowly resting your head and body on the irresistibly soft and warm cat demon beside you, your consciousness fades in and out until your mind is finally met with sleep.
The second Husk felt your head meet his shoulder in a gentle embrace, he froze. He had only ever imagined this happening, and was nowhere near prepared for it to actually happen tonight. Despite his hard and tough facade, Husk craved nothing more than soft affection, and knowing that you trusted him enough to not disturb your slumber flattered him. He remained completely still (so as not to wake you) for more than an hour until the movie finished. Charlie, using the remote to find another movie, said, 
“Thank you guys for spending tonight with me! This was amazing! I think I’m going to put on another movie, if anybody wants to stay down here, but you’re welcome to go upstairs and go to slee-'' she is cut off when she turns around to see you asleep on Husk, practically beaming with joy. “AWWWWW-” she is cut off by Husk’s “Shh!”, partially because he is embarrassed but also because he doesn’t want you to wake up in embarrassment. This caused everybody’s attention to turn to the two of you, not quite as surprised as Charlie.
“I mean, are we shocked? He’s been fawning over Y/N ever since she moved in. Don’t shame the poor guy…” Angel says in a mocking tone.
Everyone’s eyes slightly divert, not wanting to completely show that Husk’s attraction to Y/N is anything short of obvious.
“Shut the fuck up, man” Husk replies. 
“I’m not saying that she’s told me that she likes you back… buuuuut you should definitely just tell her. Trust me.” Charlie says, literally gleaming with excitement. 
Hearing this, Husk’s insides flip, his internal monologue running wild.
‘Did she- does she- could Y/N actually like someone like me? She’s just so… perfect. I don’t deserve her. But - let’s just - don’t get your hopes up, man. This could just be Charlie being Charlie, saying shit to make people leave their comfort zones or something.’
“Alright idiots, let’s not wake her up.” he says, sighing and gently picking you up. 
“I hear a single word about this tomorrow, and I’ll kill ya.�� he says, while quietly walking to your room. 
He rolls his eyes while listening to Angel making fun of him and Charlie trying earnestly to defend you guys, saying something along the lines of “But this is how Vaggie and I started to fall in love!”
Opening your door as quietly as possible, he gently places you down on your bed. Covering you with blankets, he turns to leave until he hears your soft voice call to him:
“Was all that stuff they said about you true?”
Shit. You heard? Should he deny it? Pretend he didn’t even hear you?
Deny it is.
“The stuff that Charlie and Angel said… about you liking me. Is that true?” you ask.
“I don’t know what kind of dream you were having, but everyone was dead silent during the movie, because, yknow, bonding time or whatever.”
He was avoiding your gaze until now, hoping that you would just accept the lie and go back to sleep. Instead, when he looked at you, he was met with your disbelieving face staring right back at him. 
“Mhm.” you say sarcastically. 
Moments of awkward silence lead to Husk trying to make a quick escape, muttering goodnight and walking to your door. He’s halfway out of the doorway when he hears your voice again.
“It’s a shame, I was hoping that what they were saying was true.” you say teasingly, just loud enough for him to come back into the room.
“What did you say?” he asks.
“Oh, nothing” you reply, smugly. 
“Don’t do that.” he says, clearly intrigued but trying to seem annoyed. 
“Do what?” you say, teasingly.
“Satan, just tell me what you said. I don’t like playing games.” he says.
“Oh, but, clearly you do, if you’ve been ‘fawning’ over me since the day I've walked in,  yet.. said nothing.”
He looks - embarrassed. Almost hurt. 
“Fine, yeah, I like you. No need to rub it in and be an asshole about it, I know you don’t like me.”
You look at his diverting eyes and immediately regret your teasing tone.
“Oh, Husk, I wasn’t making fun of you, I was just being stupid. Come here.” you say, patting the spot next to you on the bed. 
He sits next to you, looking confused.
“Here.” you say, while holding his hands in yours. 
“Listen. I wasn’t trying to embarrass you. I’m sorry if it came across that way. I mean, obviously I like you too. Was it not clear?” you giggle. 
Husk’s eyes widened in shock.
“What- I mea- You like me? Why?” he blurts out.
“Why? Come on, don’t be dumb. You’re the funniest person I know, you’re always willing to listen to me, and you’ve never once turned me away when I needed help. And, you're truly handsome, but that’s just a bonus. You’ve made being trapped in Hell actually enjoyable, which is something that you should be proud of. I wake up everyday excited to see you, to talk to you. I just wish you would've told me that you liked me sooner (and yourself)” you say.
Husk’s eyes are glued on you like you’re the last thing he’ll ever see, like he has to memorize your every feature before he blinks. He has never been more enamored with anybody before. 
In lack of a better response, all he can blurt out is, “Thank you!?”
You giggle, a slight blush creeping up your face. 
“And you are clearly tired. How about you sleep in here tonight? We can cuddle, or talk, or just sit with each other.” you ask.
“That - That sounds great.” he says, truly letting his guard down for the first time in years. As he lays next to you, finally becoming truly comfortable, he swears that he can see a white, fuzzy hand holding a phone by the slightly-ajar door.
“Angel, if that’s you by that door right now, you’re gonna want to run.”
You can hear the spider’s screams of “I GOT IT GUYS! THE FULL VIDEO!! AHAHAHAHA!” as Husk reluctantly leaves the bed.
“Excuse me,” he says, “I’m gonna go take care of this. I’ll be back.”
As he leaves, you start to realize how you got from the couch to the bed in the first place. Smiling to yourself, you savor the fact that, though you were condemned to eternal damnation, these people that you have found could not have created a better heaven for you.
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sillyblues · 1 year
I kinda wanna see Ronal-Tonowari-Reader dynamic as parents to Ao'nung and Tsireya now
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ notes: i am writing this instead of studying for my finals which is in 2 days. is it worth failing school? hahahahaha umm—
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You three are responsible so you don’t try for babies when Tonowari hasn’t earned his position as Metkayina’s Olo’eyktan or Ronal with the position as Tsahik or you as the Karyu. I’m not saying you haven’t done any steamy stuff before this bc that would be boring but you do and you just play safe ykwim?
So when you three have done that, you get pregnant first. Like all the hunger and need from the pain the whole miscommunication fiasco thing is poured into most love-making sessions and when you try to have babies, it gets more intense. Months later, you gave birth to Ao’nung.
From his birth, he cried hard and loud, letting the clan know of his arrival to the world. And when you cradled him to your chest for the first time, his tiny little fingers grip a finger of yours hard. He turns purple and his frown is deep as he cried and you chuckle at how beautiful your first baby boy. You had a feeling he would become a warrior.
Ronal got pregnant next and she gives birth to Tsireya. When she comes out, she cried softly but calms down as soon as she is swayed and her head rests on Ronal’s chest. She snored softly, completely different from her brother’s birth and you chuckle once more. You had a feeling she would become a healer or a teacher. Or maybe both.
You were correct. Ao’nung takes after Ronal so much and Tsireya with you as well that there is a running joke that maybe the Great Mother had misplaced them in your bellies.
When they were both children, Ao’nung smiles but not as much as he frowns or scowls. He was quiet most of the time, only laughing and opening up with his family. Like Ronal, this made him grow with a lack of friends, unlike Tsireya. But each day and night, you make sure he is loved and let him learn how to manage emotions and get along with others at his own pace.
Naturally, he grew frustrated sometimes and threw a fit. The first time he said words he didn’t mean to you, Ronal had a talk with him personally and made him apologize to you with tears and a hug with you so tight. Ronal understands him better than anybody else so they bond in silence.
Tsireya was naturally curious. It is in her nature to ask a lot of questions and learn more about the life that surrounds the clan, the Great Mother. Ronal teaches her as the Tsahik but Tsireya is a very sensitive child and you are more soft and gentle than Ronal, so she prefers learning from you. You two could talk all day without rest and you wouldn’t get tired of it.
Tonowari is just… there.
Nah lmao I’m just kidding, Tonowari is like the middle ground. He is the parent that the children look up to. Ao’nung wants to be as strong and a great warrior as him and Tsireya admires him just because. But Tonowari is also stern when he feels is necessary. There were (and will be) times that Ao’nung and Ronal disobey what you tell them because you spoil them too much like going out of the Clan’s water territory or too deep into the jungle of the other islands. Tonowari disciplines them as what a parent should do and kids cry yk and you’re like half glaring at him in the back, your tail is thumping the mat of your pod and there is a dark aura around you. He is forced to let them go early to lessen your anger on him and you immediately smother them with kisses and hug them tight.
Ronal understands the need to discipline them but she doesn’t want to risk your anger lol so she just looks away when Tonowari begs her to help him ease your anger. She just pats her sobbing children and tells them not to do it again and might go on about how they are just looking out for their safety.
You sleep with the children and might let Ronal in too if you’re not that in a bad mood. Tonowari totally sleeps by himself when he makes the kids cry.
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series-taglist: (tumblr won't let me tag some blogs so if you changed your username, please lmk!) @totesnothere04 @ducks118 @narutoboi @yeosxxx @fanboyluvr @ladylovegood-69 @northsoulss @thatfictionalwh0re @ghostlyworld @toodaloo432 @lovefromjazzy @greendino7 @neteyamforlife @vermilionzombie @vxncxntt @adaiasafira @tsuteysyawntu @mooniequeen @eywas-heir @arminsgfloll @dev1lm4n @myh3artttt @thehoneymushroomhealer @delightcandlelight @shadowmoonlight0604 @dae-dreamer @buttercup-beeee @ms5m1th @cryingwhilereading @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @manumanulau @ssc7514 @loveofvernonslife @cheolattes @bobaopal @riahpickle-blog
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margarrivergod · 3 months
I’m bored so i’m here to recommend some of the brain rotting fics i’ve read recently(all on ao3):
A Dolls House by Abyss_In_Wonderland_likes_sexy_cannibals
Rating: M
Warnings: NA
Description: “Chuuya and Dazai get trapped inside of an ability made sigil. Now there's a creepy lady telling them that in order to get out they need to complete five tests. If they don’t pass they’ll just stay there forever or die, but no biggie, right?”
this is a high favorite of mine, the author does a PHENOMENAL job at characterizing the characters, plus the story is *chefs kiss*🤌🏼 i pray that they’ll write more skk fics in the future!!
the liars house by burgundytshirt
Rating: M
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Description: “Dazai, Chuuya, and four others are trapped in a cursed house where you cannot lie—each time you lie, you lose an organ. In seven stages, they are asked deeply personal questions that need to be answered in order to escape. Welcome to The Liar’s House.”
Dare I say this is one of my favorite, if not my favorite, skk fanfic?!? Like holy shit this is SO GOOD! This is a translation of the original, which is in mandarin, but it’s 12/10 regardless!!
Thank You For The Venom by xoTsundoku
Rating: E
Warnings: Underage, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Description: Mu Qing is guarded and hollow after losing his mother but he's content in his darkness until he moves in with the Fengs, and a light pierces his comfortable solitude in the form of his soon-to-be stepbrother. Two people who can never be together fall in love.
There’s a tag that’s reads “pseudo incest” and idkw but i found it to be the funniest shit lmaoo. But in all hknestly I REALLY like this fic. I still reading it currently but i’m bulldozing through it. I also believe the author does an amazing job at characterization while tying them into a modern au
Bad Intentions by bizzybee
Rating: E
Warnings: NA
Description: “Despite their hatred for each other, renowned cook Feng Xin and first-timer Mu Qing co-judge an amateur cooking show with a strong following on social media. As filming wraps up, Feng Xin is set to go on an international tour for the release of his debut cookbook. Their public relations coordinators team up to devise a plan that will not only jumpstart sales of Feng Xin’s book, but also boost Mu Qing’s rising fame and satiate the thirst of their shared fans: They will accompany each other on the book tour. Together. As a couple for the cameras. Whether they'll kill or kiss each other first is anybody’s guess.”
This is the first fengqing fic I’ve completed and it will forever hold my heart it’s SO GOOD! My emotionally cknstipated boys thrown into a cooking au!
if you can’t summon the flames directly from hell, store bought is fine by buthgoth (GremlinGirl)
Rating: E
Warnings: NA
Description: “Shi Qingxuan gets more than he bargained for when he steals a candlestick from a mysterious magic shop's private collection. A haunted apartment may be the least of his concerns, however. The demon he awakened is ancient and hungry, and it seems Shi Qingxuan might be his new obsession.”
Have I mentioned how obsessed I am with butchgoth’s work?… YES! this is the first fic of theirs that i’ve read and one of my faves. If your a beefleef stan then PLS read this fic plus their others!
as if by destiny by debwriting
Rating: M
Warnings: NA
Descriptions: “Hua Cheng stumbles upon the mysterious Midnight Cafe. He enters for a much-needed meal, and stays for the enigmatic owner, Xie Lian.”
A cute hualian coffee shop au with a twist!
Back to Bite One by diamond bruise
Rating: E
Warnings: NA
Description: “or, lwj, wwx and a couple of lan disciples get stuck in a haunted manor”
this one is cute and a tad angsty (like i wanna ram my head in the wall cause y’all r dense lol) but nothing too serious imo
RAWR! is I Love You in dinosaur by FireAwayy
Rating: E
Warnings: NA
Description: “Xue Yang has spent a life running only to find himself as an animal wrangler at Jurassic Park. He spends his time managing previously extinct monsters, and loving every second of it. Until Xiao Xingchen shows up.”
i love this author i love this fic i love this author i love this fic i love this author i love this fic!!!! if i couldn’t make that clear enough
Furry Porn Costs Extra by Fireaway
Rating: E
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Description: “Lan Xichen is the CEO of one of the richest companies in the world. He's efficent, savvy, and altogether bored. Lan Wangji is a ruthlessly efficient police officer with the highest moral code of anyone who had ever donned the uniform. Jiang Cheng is living day to day, getting by with his art. And when that doesn't work, robbing people blind. Wei Wuxian is the thief who hides behind a guileless smile and his uncanny ability to simply vanish when needed. What happens when their lives intertwine with one another? Will they find the answers they're looking for, or will they end up losing more than they ever bargained for?”
If i didn’t make it clear enough this author writes lovely fics! this is my fav Xicheng fic to date, it has its serious plot plus the humor is spot on (there is no actual furry porn)
Thicker Than Water by athena_crikey
Rating: M
Warnings: NA
Descriptions: “A disaster, is Lan Zhan’s first impression as the bike squeals to a halt on the far side of Song Lan’s car. The man riding it – and he’s tall, and lanky, and sure-footed – hops off and locks it to the car’s back door. The back door of a police vehicle. He pulls his helmet off to reveal long, sweat-soaked hair with a shaggy undercut, bright grey eyes, and a smile that launches like an arrow straight through Lan Zhan’s chest. No, he thinks, watching this trainwreck of a man shimmy between the narrow space dividing Song Lan’s back bumper and the next car’s hood like he’s doing some kind of dance step. Absolutely not.”
I absolutely ADORE athena crikey and her work- ALL OF IT!! this one in particular is one of my favs- here we have a modern cultivation au with my fav neurodivergent duo
Every River, Every Stream by athena_crikey
Rating: E
Warnings: NA
Description: “Wei Ying, rookie architect and chronically unable to prioritize his love life, in a moment of madness turns out to be tested for compatibility with famous new entertainer Lan Zhan, struggling with the after-effects of chemo. Unexpectedly matched with a man on a very different career trajectory, he's presented with a litany of unappealing choices. Oh, and also love.”
Another work by dear ole athena. This was the first fic I’ve read of hers and it will forever be a strong favorite.
Post Mortem by Cataclysmic_Calamity
Rating: E
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Descriptions: “Life is a horror movie sometimes. You ignore all the warning signs. You end up standing there in the final scene, covered in blood, contemplating your life choices. Wei Ying is used to that. But it’s harder when you’re in love with your best friend.”
If you guys are heavy into the tgcf or mdzs fandom than you’ll know exactly who this author, Evie, is. She wrote NPAB and The Soul Remains, along with a bunch of other beautiful fics. BUT MY GOD THIS ONE!!! I never see anyone talk about Post Mortem and I will proudly say this is my fav Wangxian fic, and one of my favorite fics period. The story is wonderful, characters r well written, beautifully paced, plot is to die for(lol). She’s an amazing author all in all so check her work out if you haven’t!!
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buckybabieboy · 2 years
cg!bucky being insecure about his arm
so the little!reader buys magnets and decorates them along his arm and says "look daddy! now you see what i see!" 🥹🥹
Now You See What I See <3 <3
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���️TW: daddy!caregiver!bucky, fem!little!reader, Bucky calls reader ‘Kitten’, cuteness😭.
☁️Summary: cg!daddy!bucky is insecure about his arm, so you buy magnets at the beach to make him feel better.
📝A/N: This is sooo cute babie🥹!! I really hope you like what I did with it! I don’t usually write little!reader fics but I really like this suggestion lol. Pls keep the requests coming guys I love doing them :) (I hope it’s okay that I put she/her pronouns. Feel free to replace those with anything you’d like)
“Y/n, kitten wake up.”
You wake up to a pair of beautiful big turquoise eyes, staring down at you sweetly. Bucky has his flesh hand cupping your cheek and stroking it lightly with his thumb.
“Da-Dada, still tired..” you mumble as you lean into your daddy’s touch.
“But we’re going to the beach today, kitten. It’s gonna be so much fun!” Bucky responds, voice enthusiastic. He kisses you on the forehead and you sit up slowly and rub your eyes, trying to wake yourself up.
“Can you be a big girl and wash up for me?”
You nod your head yes and squeal, wanting to prove that you’re a big girl. After you wash up and get dressed in your beach clothes, you see Bucky standing in front of the mirror, examining his arm intently. He notices you, and gives you another warm and vibrant smile.
“Wanna choose out Daddy’s outfits?” Bucky asks as he turns around in the mirror, inspecting his outfit. In the corner of the mirror, he sees how wide your eyes got as you let out another squeal of excitement.
“Yeeaaah!” You exclaim as you dash to the closet. You search for some shirts that you think will make him looks sexy, but are also comfortable enough for the beach.
You return with 6 selections in your hands, all of them being short sleeved, button down shirts.
“These are my favorite ones daddy!” You exclaim as you lay them all out on the bed for him to see.
“I also picked out some shorts f’you and-” you look up to see Bucky’s face. You expected him to be as excited as you were, but instead his expression was blank.
“Y-you don’t like what I chose f’you?” You ask, hoping that you didn’t disappoint your daddy. You look down at the shirts, trying to figure out what was wrong with your selections.
“It’s not that, baby. It’s just I can’t show my arm out in public.” Bucky responds as he moves his fingers in front you.
“But your arm’s so cool, daddy.. why wouldn’t you want anybody to see it?”
Your eyes stay locked on his fingers as you watch them extract and retract in awe.
“Well not everybody thinks that, darling.” Bucky says in a soft tone.
You look up at his eyes, down at his arm, and up at his eyes again. You give him a wide eyed and confused look, because you couldn’t think of one reason why anybody would think his arm wasn’t cool.
Bucky takes the shirts you picked out for him and places them back as they were in the closet. He picks out the same-old boring long sleeve shirts and places them in his bag.
“Let’s go, baby.”
You nod your head and grab his hand as you head to the car. He buckles you up in your seat and you guys head to the beach.
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“Daddy, look at the waves! I can’t wait to get in!” You giggle as you jump up in down.
“Go ahead, baby. I’ll be watching you from here.”
You frown at Bucky’s words. His facial expression was hard to read again, which frustrated you a lot.
“Get in with me! Don’t wanna go in without my Daddy.” You grumble as you try to tug at the bottom of his shirt.
“What did I say earlier, kitten? Daddy doesn’t want to show his arm, okay?”
Bucky’s tone was stern and you didn’t like it. What could you do to show him how cool his arm was? To show him what you see?
“Daddy, I have to use the bathroom. Im gonna be a big girl and go by myself! ‘Kay bye!” You say quickly, not even giving him a chance to respond.
Instead of going to the bathroom, you ran to the gift shop which was right next to it. You found these cool magnets, which were sure to make Bucky feel good about his arm. Some are waves, some are the sun, and you even found Captain America’s shield! You quickly pay for them and run back to the beach, the bag of magnets in your hand.
“Where’d you run off too, baby?” Bucky asks as he watches you approach him.
You giggle in response as you sit down on the sand. He follows suit and watches you as you take the sun magnet from the plastic bag. You grab his vibranium arm, and roll up his sleeve. You feel him try to to pull away, but you don’t let him.
“Daddy, let me see it…” Your tone was soft and innocent. He hesitated for a moment, but he finally gave into you. You put the sun magnet on his upper arm. Then you put the beach magnet under that one, and the Captain America magnet under that one. You put a few others on his shoulder, and when you’re finally done you smile at your work. You hoped that he liked his newly decorated arm, because you decorated it with allll your love.
“Look daddy! Now you see what I see!” You smile at him. The biggest and purest smile that he loves so much. Bucky looks down at his arm, and he laughs at how silly and adorable it looks. It has you written all over it, which makes him even more happy.
“I love you, baby. So, so, so, much.” Bucky said as he looked at you like you were the most precious thing in the entire world. He smiles before kissing you softly on the lips.
“I love you the mostest, daddy!” You smile back at him and tug on his shirt.
“Wanna swim with me?” You asked with a hopeful tone.
Bucky nods his head and takes off his shirt.
“Of course, kitten.”
You squeal at his response, excited and happy that you made your Daddy feel better. You run into the crashing waves and turn around to see Bucky, and his cool vibranium arm that you love so much.
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jovrien · 2 months
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The Tortured Poets Department is a total snooze fest that I skipped every song except Fortnight and loml 🤭 istfg it sounded so lazy and uninspired. I love every song on Folklore and Evermore so I don’t understand why I totally hate TTPD it’s like it just sounds like a playlist of a seaside restaurant and the year was 1995 and you’re bored you just wanna go home but your parents are still talking shit that don’t interest you..and the drive home is long and winding and it’s raining but the sky is partly blue and you’re so bored you just wanna disappear and lose consciousness.. It’s giving that kind of vibe lol I may have publicly declared on Instagram that I am no longer a Swiftie but I will always be a fan of her wonderful body of work since Red up to Midnights.
Not that anybody gives a fuck about what I think but this is my tumblr and I’m writing shit for my future self eme so here’s a list of my #1 favorite song from her every album (no country album but I do love White Horse haha)
Red - State of Grace
1989 - You are in Love
Reputation - Call it What You Want
Lover - Daylight
Folklore - Peace (the No-skip Album! Damn this is so hard but I gotta pick a number one favorite)
Evermore- Happiness
Midnights - Hits Different
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catindabag · 1 year
TBOSAS on Crack short take (35)
Felix: Can we all just sit down for a minute? I’m getting kinda nervous.
Androcles: Calm down, Class Pres. We’re just meeting our Tributes.
Clemensia: Yeah. Just treat it like a weird family reunion with a bunch of strangers.
Felix: Don’t say that word! Family reunions are the bane of my existence!😭
Androcles: Your statement’s not helping at all, Clemmie.
Dennis: Yo, guys, are we still going to sing ✨Gem of Panem✨ in front of the Tributes?
Festus: Lol. I hope not. I don’t even remember a word.
Coryo: Can we sing a different song, Class Pres? Our National Anthem might bore them to death.
Felix: Honestly, I forgot about that. Does anybody have a copy? How about you, Andie?
Androcles: Don’t look at me! I only brought popcorn for the show.
Lysistrata: Sharing is caring, Andie~.😊🔪
Coryo: Can we just choose a banned song that our class already knows how to sing?
Apollo: Like what?
Coryo: I don’t know. But it has to be upbeat and catchy-
Dennis: Like “Everytime We Touch” by Cascada?
Sejanus: How about Barbie Girl?😀
Coryo: Yeah! Barbie Girl sounds pretty good, Babe.
Hilarius: I want Barbie Girl too!
Diana: “Everytime We Touch” it is!
Coryo: But Barbie-
Felix: Fine. We can perform Lady Cascada’s iconic song instead.
Apollo: Nice one, Class Pres.
Sejanus: Barbie-
Diana: No.
Hilarius: Barbie Girl!😫
Diana: No!!
Prof.Sickle: *walks in* Children, why are you still standing there like idiots?! Fix your skirts and have some dignity today!
Festus: Can we eat first-
Prof.Sickle: Don’t even think of embarrassing me today, Creed! I’m gunning for that sweet sweet raise!
Urban: Like Highbottom would ever give someone a raise-
Prof.Sickle: Shut it, Turban.
Urban: It’s Urban.
Prof.Sickle: Whatever. The Tributes are here.
Felix: Everyone, get in position!
Treech: *walks in* Wow. This place looks pretty impressive.
Circ: Yeah. Not bad for Capitol idiots.
Teslee: How did they even install so many big ass TV screens inside this hall?
Marcus: Just to be clear, I’m not Marcus today.
Lucy Gray: Where are the cameras? I’m ready for my close-up!😎
Felix: Welcome, Tributes to Heavensbee Hall-
Arachne: Just start the music already, Class Pres!
Felix: Fine! *plays Everytime We Touch*
Androcles: *dramatically grabs the mic* 🎶I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me, I still feel your touch in my dreams🎶
Persephone: *Pretends to beg* 🎶Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why, Without you, it's hard to survive🎶
Sejanus: *winks and freestyles to Coryo* 🎶Cause every time we touch, I get this feeling, And every time we kiss, I swear I could fly🎶
Coryo: *embarrassed AF, but synchronizes with Sejanus* 🎶Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last, Need you by my side🎶
Felix: *Charleston dances to the front* 🎶Cause every time we touch, I feel this static, And every time we kiss, I reach for the sky🎶
Festus: *jumps and points at Coral* 🎶Can't you hear my heart beat so, I can't let you go, Want you in my life🎶
*Synchronized Shuffle Dancing Ensues*
Jessup: Why are they singing?!
Coral: Those dance moves though!🤣
Marcus: Can’t I have one normal day?!
Lucy Gray: Shhhh! I wanna watch them dance!
Prof.Sickle: Lol. I’m recording this.
Lucky: You know we’re broadcasting this LIVE on TV, right?
Lysistrata: *kicks her way to the front* 🎶Your arms are my castle, Your heart is my sky, They wipe away tears that I cry🎶
Vipsania: *Pretends to cry* 🎶The good and the bad times, We've been through them all, You make me rise when I fall🎶
Gaius: *Backflips for no reason*
Diana: *Slides to the front* 🎶Cause every time we touch, I get this feeling, And every time we kiss, I swear I can fly🎶
Florus: *Points at a random Peacekeeper* 🎶Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last, Need you by my side🎶
Casca: *Runs in* Who the f*ck allowed them to sing?!😱
Prof.Sickle: I thought this was your idea.😏
Treech: Is this even part of the program?
Lucy Gray: Shut it, Treech! We’re getting to the good part!
Hilarius: *Moonwalks to the front* 🎶Cause every time we touch, I feel this static, And every time we kiss, I reach for the sky🎶
Livia: *Diva mode* 🎶Can't you hear my heart beat so, I can't let you go, Want you in my life🎶
Felix: *Stops music* So what do you think?😀
Reaper: Is it too late to drive back to the zoo?!😫
Facet: Do another one!
Circ: Was that recorded?!
Lucy Gray: Can somebody give me a copy of their performance?🥺
Coral: I hope my District saw that!
Lucky: I think all of Panem saw that.
Marcus: You don’t say.😒
Casca: Goodbye, farewell, my pristine reputation!😭🔪
Teslee: Can they sing ✨Barbie Girl✨ next?😀
32 notes · View notes
coolpeopleonlyexist · 3 months
I think i know you.
Emily Davis x Jessica Riley!Tattoo artist
A lil bit of smut lol
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Emily sat on the tattoo chair sighing as the pain of the needle sunk into her thigh "God fucking-" emily bites down on her lip looking to the artist to strike up a small conversation to distract her.
Its only been up to 10 minutes though it felt like an eternity "Is it always this- gah!- painful?" emily lets out a grunt as she looks down to the blonde woman working on her thigh, she has never even looked up to emily even once nor rose her head whenever a coworker said something. She just hummed and went back to work so emily just chalked it up to her being very deticated to her work. Though she was definitely sure she recognized the top of the womans head odd place to recognize.
Emily was getting bored, her phone died on the way to the tattoo shop and she didn’t have anybody so might as well make small talk with a random stranger "Ever had somebody so whiney? maybe even worse?" the girl nods but nothing comes out of her mouth.
Emily lets out a frustrated sigh "Hello? Im speaking to you." the girl doesn’t respond, emily stares down at the top of the girls head "Hey, i don’t wanna sound like a creep but..i think i know you." emily sees the girl freeze, pulling away "No, you don’t." emily stares at her with her mouth agape as that was the first time she spoke to her, this entire session!
Emily glares at her "So this is the first time you talk to me, huh." the girl doesn't respond making her ball up her fists in annoyance, shes pretty sure she heard the girl snicker but clear up her throat when emilys hand twitches "Sorry." the girl whispers.
Emily looks down at her head again, blonde hair with dark roots. She definitely knew this woman from somewhere but where?
Emily catches her face as soon as she got up and when the girl realizes her mistake she turns quickly to the counter. Emily stares at the woman as she gets up to pay her.
Emily sighs "Its unprofessional to not make eye contact with customers." emily says as she grabs her wallet to hand her the money, and finally the girl looks up at her.
And thats when it hit her, it was that girl.
Emily moaned holding onto the blonde womens head that was inbetween her thighs, the girl groaned as emily tugged on her hair to bring her closer "Faster- plea- Oh fuck." emily threw her head back "God- Your so fucking- GOOD!-at this." emily whined as the girl pulled back to look up at her "The best, right?" emily nodded "Yeah, yup whatever just- Finish." emily whimpered when the blonde swiped her tongue on her clit "Stop teasing mee- Jess." emily bit down hard onto her bottom lip.
"Oh fuck- im close i-im close." jess pulled away again "Fuck- i hate edging." emily whined as she dug her nails into jess's hair. "Just a bit longer gorgeous." emily sighed as jess came back up to plant kisses on the brunettes neck "Just a bit longer, i wanna keep this in my memory." emily looked at her with blurry eyes trying to stop the tears from coming out so her mascara doesn’t smudge.
"Fuck you." jess smirks as she kissed the corner of her mouth and then went back down "We are gonna get caught if you keep this going." Jess laughed making emily shiver "Let them watch, babe." emily let out a moan at that.
"Oh, its you again." emily smirks at the woman but she still didn’t look up "The jig is up, i already recognize you sweetie." emily chuckles as the woman looks up at her with her cheeks a very red "What was your name again?" emily looks around in her memory "Hm, was it jasmine, jessie, jennifer?" the girl shakes her head "Jessica." emily rolls her eyes "close enough." jessica sighs "Just pay-" emily takes out a pen and a piece of paper, writing on it.
"Here, both for you. Jess." emily winks at her "Text me, i'd love to see you again." jessicas face begins to burn as she watches emily sway away "Jesus, shes so fine." jess licks her lips looking down at the piece of paper.
"901-631-548** Call me.♡
Jess giggles as she places the piece of paper into her pocket "Yup, definitely gonna call her."
7 notes · View notes
Chapter Twenty: The Lonely Hearts Club
Summary: You and Steve hang out alone for the first time in a while, and your friendship becomes a little more… complicated. (Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader, 7.7k words)
Warnings: Things get kinda ~spicy~ towards the end but nothing too crazy lol. Bit of angst also.
A/N: This is the last chapter for ST3! Onto season 4 next - which means a lot more of Eddie, and a lot more angst 😈 also, here’s the link to the Tears for Fears album they listen to in this chapter, in case you wanna play it while you read!
Tags: @dessxoxsworld @blackbirddaredevil23
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August 23rd, 1985
“Oh my god, Steve. How many times are you going to play this stupid record?!” Robin whined from the passenger seat of Steve’s car. 
For the thousandth time that summer, Steve had snuck his Tears for Fears cassette into the stereo and pressed play. It came out months ago, but he was still obsessed with it. Plus he enjoyed pissing you and Robin off. 
“Hey, if you don’t like my music selections, then you can find your own ride, okay?!” He yelled back defensively, cranking the music up louder as an act of protest. 
You were sitting in the back, shaking your head at them with a smirk as you took a sip of the soda you had just gotten from the drive-thru. The three of you were bored that night, and couldn’t think of anything better to do besides getting fast food for dinner and going for a nighttime drive. 
“Thank god I’m almost home,” Robin groaned with an eye roll.
“Yeah, you’re welcome by the way. You know, for driving you literally everywhere,” He grumbled.
“Oh, come on. We all know you love it,” She said as she unbuckled her seatbelt. “What would you even do without us?” 
He didn’t respond to this because he knew she was right and he hated it. She smirked at him knowingly and got out after he put the car in park, slamming the door behind her. 
“Hey! Take it easy!” He rolled down the window and yelled at her. She waved her hand back at him dismissively.
“Yeah, yeah. Bye, Stevie! Bye, Y/N! See you tomorrow!”
“Bye, Robin!” You called back as she skipped up to her house. Then Steve raised his head to look at you in his rearview.
“You coming up?” He asked, patting the passenger seat. You nodded after taking another sip of your drink, then climbed up and ungracefully wriggled your way into the seat beside him instead of opting to get out of the car and back in. You accidentally bumped his elbow and apologized as he rubbed it.
“Ow! Geez, watch it. You spill that in here, you’re paying to clean my car.”
“God, you’re obsessed,” You complained, taking the lid off to show him that you had finished the rest of it so he wouldn’t have to worry anymore.
“How many times do I have to remind you two that without this car we’d all be stranded with no transportation? It’s a miracle my parents even let me drive it still.”
“Okay, I’m sorry! I’ll be careful.”
“Thank you. That’s all I ask.”
He put the car in drive and pulled back out onto the road towards your house. The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a while before Everybody Wants to Rule the World started playing, and you closed your eyes with a contented hum.
“Don’t tell Robin, but no matter how many times you play this song, I’m never gonna get sick of it,” You admitted. 
“I knew it,” He chuckled at you. “How can anybody not love it?”
“In all fairness to her, I think she did like it before you played it about a billion times.”
He scoffed at this, shaking his head dismissively before reluctantly agreeing that you were right. 
“Okay, fine. But you don’t mind?”
“No,” You said, your eyes still closed happily. “I don’t mind.”
It was the perfect song for a perfect summer night spent with friends. You wished that autumn would never have to come. You could ride around town with Steve and Robin doing absolutely nothing for the rest of your life.
You rolled down the window and stuck your head out, letting the wind blow your hair around your face. Then you twisted in your seat so that your face was pointed towards the sky, and you looked up at the stars. They were remarkably still as the rest of the world sped around you. It made you dizzy, but you couldn’t help yourself. It was too pretty. 
You thought you heard Steve’s voice but couldn’t make it out over the wind in your ears, so you pulled yourself back in and tried to smooth out your unruly hair.
“Did you say something?” You asked him. He smiled at you, shaking his head in amusement. 
“I said, if you keep sticking your head out the window like that, it’s probably gonna get sliced off by a tree branch or something.”
“Wow, very nice,” You chuckled. “Thanks for that. I was just trying to see the sky.”
“Predictable is preventable. The stars are really pretty tonight, though. I know a good stargazing spot. We should go sometime.”
You paused for a second, unsure of what to say. 
That sounded… romantic.
“Uh, you know, with Robin, too,” He quickly added. 
Was Steve Harrington suddenly bashful? You couldn’t contain the smile that began to spread on your face. It sounded kind of nice, actually. Peaceful. 
“We could go now, if you want to. I wouldn’t mind a little stargazing tonight.”
He hesitated to respond, suddenly seeming reluctant to go. 
“Actually… I don’t know. We probably shouldn’t. It’s private property. We could get caught.”
“That’s okay,” You shrugged. “Sounds like a fun adventure to me.”
He looked slightly surprised to hear this, but also pleased. He hadn’t expected you to be okay with breaking the law. It did make you nervous, but you also really wanted a chance to catch up with him, just the two of you. You thought it might be nice to get some one-on-one time to get him to talk about how he was doing with everything that had happened. 
“Well, alright then,” He agreed. “But before I turn around I feel like I should warn you, the place I’m thinking of is Sattler’s Quarry.”
You scrunched up your face at him.
“Sattler’s Quarry? Like, where they pulled Will’s fake body out of the lake? You think it’s pretty there?”
“Uh, yup,” He laughed. “That’s the place. I started hanging out there way before all the government cover-up shit happened. Still wanna go?”
You paused to think about it, then nodded. You couldn’t help your curiosity. 
“Alright then,” He sighed, then put on his turn signal to turn around. “Let’s go.”
When you pulled up about ten minutes later and Steve turned off his headlights, you understood immediately why he liked to go there. It was insanely scenic.
“You wanna get out and look?” He asked you. You shook your head and leaned back into your seat. 
“Nah. I… I wanna listen to the music,” You admitted reluctantly, knowing full well how pleased with himself he would be after hearing it. You snuck a peek at him out of the corner of your eyes and he had a smirk on his face, just as you had expected. 
“Don’t say it,” You warned him.
He put his hands up defensively. 
“Wasn’t gonna.”
You both got comfortable, and you let out a satisfied sigh. 
“You were right. This view is insane.”
“Told you,” He chuckled. “Pretty enough to paint. Or draw.”
“Hm. Yeah. Don’t remind me. I’ve been a terrible artist lately. Just haven’t been inspired.”
“Well, I’m sure you’ll find something soon.”
You nodded, but you weren’t so sure. The truth was that what you had experienced in July had left you blocked off. You needed to be able to daydream to make art, and with a reality as insane and terrifying as yours, you were finding it hard to escape it.
“Speaking of which…” Steve said, interrupting your thoughts. “I really wish I could have seen your stuff at the senior art exhibition.”
You snapped your head towards him in shock. You weren’t expecting that. 
“I… didn’t know you knew about that,” You said quietly. 
“Yeah, no thanks to you,” He teased. “Why didn’t you invite me?”
“I don’t know… I didn’t think you’d be interested.”
He furrowed his eyebrows at you.
“Why would you think that?”
“I wasn’t sure how close we were. I didn’t wanna be weird.”
“Inviting me to see your art, which you’re planning on making a living off of someday, would have been weird?”
“No, it’s not that. It’s…” You trailed off, rubbing your eyebrow anxiously. You didn’t want to tell him the truth, but there was no better explanation you could give him. You inhaled a deep breath and let it out slowly as you prepared yourself to be vulnerable with him. 
“Steve, if you had said you were busy, it would have absolutely crushed me. That’s why. You were my only friend at the time. At least, my only friend my age. It was a lot of pressure.”
He lowered his eyes, trying to comprehend this. 
“Oh… I didn’t realize. But, for the record… even if I did have plans… I would have cancelled them to be there.”
You lowered your head in shame. You felt like a jerk.
“I’m sorry. I should have invited you. I was just a coward.”
He could sense that you felt guilty, and immediately changed his demeanor to make you feel better about it, giving you a smile. 
“It’s okay. I’ll get another chance someday, when you become a big shot artist in New York.”
“Yeah. Right,” You scoffed, shaking your head. “I don’t think I’m ever getting out of this town now.”
“Why?” He asked, shocked by this admission. The last time you talked about it, you were still feeling confident about getting out of Hawkins. But that was before the gate reopened. 
“Steve, how can I leave after everything we’ve been through? What if it happens again?”
He hesitated, then shook his head at you.
“Maybe that’s exactly why you should leave,” He murmured. 
“If it was just me, I would. But I can’t leave you guys.”
A strange look came over his face when you said this. You were having trouble figuring out what it meant. Maybe he was feeling the same way, but didn’t want to admit it to you. 
“Well… that’s really selfless of you. But we’d be okay. You don’t have to worry about us. You should do what you need to do.”
You let your head fall back against the headrest of your seat in frustration. As you stared at the night sky reflecting in the water, you felt every emotion you had been holding in all summer bubbling up to the surface. Maybe now was a good time to confess, while it was just you, Steve, and the stars. 
“Can I tell you something?” You whispered. 
“Of course.”
You heard the squeak of his leather seat as he turned his body to face you. 
“On the Fourth of July, when I ran into you guys at the theater…” You trailed off, then willed yourself to look over at him. He laid his head against his headrest, too, watching you patiently as you gained the courage to continue. “I… I was trying to get away. I watched that disgusting monster almost eat Nancy at the hospital the night before, and it scared the shit out of me. I used work as an excuse to try to get out of fighting it. I don’t ever wanna be that person again. If I go to New York, I’m worried it’ll just be the same thing. That I’ll be running from my parents and this town and my stupid problems. And I don’t want to run away anymore. From anything.”
He let out a deep sigh when you finished speaking, as if he felt every word with his whole chest. 
“You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself,” He murmured. “You stayed and fought when we needed you. That’s what matters.”
You studied his expression. You could tell that he really did understand the way you were feeling by the way he was looking at you, and you wanted to know more. 
“Do you… do you ever have nightmares? About the monsters?” You asked him. He snorted and turned his body back to face the windshield again, staring out at the quarry as he spoke to you. 
“Oh yeah. Are you kidding? All the time. Demogorgons, mind flayers, evil Russian soldiers. You name it… I’ve woken up in a cold sweat over it.”
He said this lightheartedly, but you knew the weight of it was heavier than he was letting on.
“I can’t believe you were drugged and tortured by Russians.”
“Believe it. I still get headaches from the shiner those bastards gave me.”
“I’m sorry,” You said with a wince. 
“It’s okay. Dustin told you I got a good shot in first though, right? That I knocked one of them out? Because I need that to be on record.”
“Yes, don’t worry. He was very proud.”
Dustin had excitedly gone over the entire ordeal of how Steve knocked out a Russian guard and won a fight for the first time in his life, but you remembered seeing Steve’s face from across the room. He had a look of pure exhaustion that you had never seen before. It still haunted you. No matter how much he tried to play it off like it was a fun adventure, what he had been through took a heavy toll on him. Physically and emotionally. 
“Seriously though. I’m sorry you had to go through that, Steve,” You said quietly, knowing instantly that he wouldn’t accept it. 
“Eh,” He brushed it off, as predicted. “Guess I should have listened to you, right? Shouldn’t have meddled in their business.”
You sat up in your chair, shaking your head profusely. 
“No way. If you hadn’t, we wouldn’t have beaten the Mind Flayer.”
He smirked at you. 
“So you’re saying that I should never listen to you ever again?”
You rolled your eyes and fell back against your seat, crossing your arms indignantly. 
“Okay, don’t push it, Harrington.”
You both smiled at each other, and then his fell when something new seemed to cross his mind. You braced yourself. 
“How have you been doing with everything though? With Hopper and…Billy?”
Ah. The inevitable question. You clenched your teeth as you tried to think of the least concerning way to answer it. 
“It’s been hard,” You admitted. “I mean, the worst part is watching Joyce go through that pain again. I could tell how much they cared about each other, every time he visited her at the general store. She’s been through so much shit. I think she wants to move away, which I completely understand, but I worry about what that will do to Will. And El, too, Jesus. That poor girl. It’s just so unfair. Hopper was a really good man.”
“He was,” Steve chimed in with a sigh, nodding patiently as he waited for you to continue your rant.  
“And Billy… I mean, you know how I felt about him. And I know how you feel about him, too. But I never wanted him die. Especially like that. Especially in front of Max. I know she hated him, too, but… she grew up with him. And seeing that at her age… she’s been really brave but I know it’s messing her up inside.”
“Yeah,” He agreed. “I mean, I wanted to kill him myself for what he did to us last year. But that was just…brutal.”
“I know. I just wanna be there for Max the best I can. I haven’t been able to get her to talk about it, but maybe that’s what she needs. I don’t know.”
Steve stayed quiet as you finally trailed off, watching you, and you turned your head to try to see what he was thinking. 
“What?” You asked him when you couldn’t figure him out. 
“It’s really kind of you to be so worried about everybody else right now. Not that I’m surprised.”
“Well… of, of course.” You stammered. “I mean, I’m sure it’s much harder on them than it is on me.”
“But I asked how you were doing. I know you had a hard time when we first found out about the Russians. I just wanna make sure you’re okay now. You said it messed Max up seeing Billy die, but what about you? It couldn’t have been easy for you either, seeing that up close.”
You blinked at him. He was figuring you out, and you didn’t like it. The original plan was to get him to open up to you, and there you were, pouring your guts out to him. You had said far too much. 
“I’m… okay. And you?” 
“Okay,” He echoed with a nod. It was clear from your deflection back onto him that you didn’t want to talk about yourself anymore, so he changed the subject instead of fighting you further on it. “You know, I probably wouldn’t have befriended Robin if we hadn’t been subjected to torture together,” He said. 
You snorted, unable to stop yourself. 
“Wow, did you just turn something negative into a positive? Are you ill?”
“Ha ha,” He said dryly. 
“I’m sorry. You’re right. That’s a good way to look at it.”
“That’s the way I feel about you, too, you know,” He added, looking you in the eye. It made your cheeks flush. “I’m glad you stumbled into the junkyard that night and almost got eaten by demodogs with all of us, even though I’m sure you regret it by now.”
“I don’t,” You said quickly. “How could I? We wouldn’t be sitting here right now if I hadn’t shown up that night. I wouldn’t have gotten to know all of you. And what a shitty life that would be.”
You smiled at each other, and then he let out a chuckle. 
“Wow. You’re insane.”
“I know,” You nodded, a pleased smile on your face. “But so are you.”
There was a quiet moment where the two of you stared at each other, then Steve’s attention was captured by the next song starting up on his car stereo. He let out a little gasp of excitement and his hand reached for the volume knob.
“Fuck, this is a good one,” He mumbled, and you laughed at him. He started bobbing his head, and then suddenly began belting out the lyrics to Head Over Heels so loudly that it made you jump. Your eyes widened as you watched him, his face all scrunched up as he sang passionately, but very, very badly.
“See, insane! Told you!” You shouted at him and pushed on his shoulder, trying to get him to quiet down. He took the hint and stopped singing, grinning at you. 
“I can’t help it. It’s too perfect. This song is like… my life story,” He chuckled self-deprecatingly. 
“Yeah, rejected twice in one year? That is pretty harsh,” You teased him with a laugh, then immediately squeezed your lips shut, eyes wide as you realized that you weren’t supposed to know about the second time with Robin. He eyed you and you knew that the jig was already up, but you avoided eye contact with him anyways.
“Hm?” You said, feigning innocence. 
“Did Robin tell you about our conversation in the bathroom?” He asked, an eyebrow raised. You scratched the back of your neck uncomfortably. 
“Uh…yeah. She may have mentioned something about that,” You admitted sheepishly. 
“I knew it. She told you I confessed my love for her, like an idiot? That I actually thought she was into me?”
“Maybe…” You tried to hold back a laugh, and he folded his arms on top of the steering wheel and let his head fall into them in embarrassment. “I’m sorry! I’m not laughing at you, I just feel bad.”
“Please. I bet you guys had a real good laugh about it. Typical Harrington, right? Completely oblivious,” He mumbled into his arms.
“No, Steve, it wasn’t like that! I swear. She only told me because I was asking her if there was anything going on between the two of you.”
“Well, obviously there’s not,” He grumbled. 
“Obviously,” You repeated with a snort.
He raised his head and squinted skeptically at this response. 
“Did she mention… anything else? Any, uh… reasons why we don’t have anything romantic between us?”
“You mean because she’s gay?”
His eyes widened at you before your mouth turned up in a smile. Then he let out a breath of relief and relaxed back into his seat. This was one secret he was overjoyed that you now knew about, and that you were as accepting of as he was. 
“She told you.”
You nodded with the smile still on your face, sharing in his happiness.
“Good. I’m glad.”
“Me too. I’m happy she had you to confide in, though, before I knew. You’re a really good friend, Steve. To both of us.”
He hadn’t been expecting you to say that. He scratched his head and turned away from you bashfully. 
“Eh. Well… I try my best.”
You grinned at his embarrassment, then it faded when you thought about how he might actually be feeling behind the humor. 
“Are you…do you actually want to be with her though? I mean, those feelings don’t just go away when you find out you don’t have a chance.”
You hoped it wasn’t obvious to him that you were speaking from experience. It didn’t take him very long to decide on an answer.
“No. I think I was just hearing Dustin’s stupid voice in the back of my head telling me we were perfect for each other.”
“Ha!” You chortled. “He said that? Guess I’m not surprised. He is kind of obsessed with her.”
“Yeah. You know… he said the same thing about you when we first started hanging out again.”
Your eyebrows raised. No matter how many times people talked about you and Steve like this, it never failed to surprise you.
“Yeah. The night we all watched Star Wars together and you got up to get popcorn from the kitchen, he leaned over to me and whispered, ‘Now’s your chance. Make a move. Just pretend we’re not here.’”
“What?!” You snorted loudly.
“It’s true, I swear.”
“Well, what did you say?”
“What do you think I said? I said, ‘Absolutely not, weirdo.’ Like I would ever try to make a move on someone while hanging out with a bunch of thirteen-year-olds.” 
“Oh my god, that kid is nuts,” You snickered. 
“I know. He brought it up again another time and I just told him that you had a thing for someone else to shut him up for good. Don’t worry, though, I refused to go into the specifics.”
You processed this, then took a second to contemplate whether or not you should share what Robin had said about the two of you as well. You eventually decided that it was safe. 
“Robin actually said something to me, too, when I was asking her about you two. While you guys were in the restroom and you were trying to confess your feelings for her, she thought you were talking about me instead of her at first.”
His eyes widened, confirming your suspicions that Robin had failed to share that with him.
“Really? That’s… weird. What did you say to that?”
“That it was ridiculous,” You shrugged. He nodded back at you, suspiciously quiet. He was probably trying to remember what he said that would make her think that. 
You cleared your throat, interrupting the uncomfortable silence.
“Come to think of it, Max and Nancy also assumed we were dating,” You giggled. 
“Jesus,” He said, throwing his hands up in the air melodramatically. “Can’t a guy and girl just be friends?”
“Apparently not,” You laughed. “But, I mean, everybody at school thought we were a couple, too. It’s nothing new.”
“Yeah, but, none of those other people actually knew us, so their opinions don’t matter.”
You tilted your head at him.
“So you think we should be listening to our friends? Is that what you’re saying?” You teased.
“I, I mean… theoretically,” He stammered nervously.
“Yeah. Theoretically, their opinions are the only ones we should focus on. For any number of…things.”
“Uh huh. Right,” You chuckled, amused by how flustered he was. 
He had a strange look on his face again, and you almost prodded him to speak before he beat you to it. 
“Did Nancy… did she seem jealous?” He asked tentatively. 
You blinked at him in surprise. You weren’t expecting that question.
“Uh… I don’t think so. She said she would be okay with it if we were together. Why? Do you want her to be jealous?”
“I don’t know… maybe,” He confessed quietly.
“I think she was mostly just worried that you hated her.”
His eyes widened in shock.
“What? That’s crazy.”
“I know. Don’t worry, I set her straight.”
“Oh. Thanks.”
He went quiet again after a small sigh, once again thinking about something that you were dying to know about. You figured you may as well jump right to the chase with the tough questions.
“Do you… think you still love her? I know it was really hard for you, getting over her.”
His face scrunched up as he stared out his windshield, agitated that you were making him think about her again. 
“…No. I don’t think I do anymore. What about Eddie? You still in love with him?”
You narrowed your eyes at him. This was an expert deflection on his part. 
“Oh, great. You remembered that, huh?” You groaned, avoiding answering the question. If he could dance around the truth, you could, too. 
“Of course I remember,” He scoffed. “I actually forgot to tell you, I saw him at the mall back in July. So if you still want my help getting that date with him, I’m available. God knows I don’t have anything else going on.”
You sighed with exasperation, closing your eyes and letting your head fall back against the seat again. 
“About that… I didn’t wanna tell you because I was kind of embarrassed, but he showed up with a date while I was working at the theater, and it was incredibly awkward. So that’s a no go.”
“Shit,” He said with a pitying grimace. “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“It’s okay. It wasn’t meant to be, I guess,” You shrugged.
“God, we’re hopeless, aren’t we?”
“The Lonely Hearts Club,” You muttered without thinking, remembering how Robin had described the three of you when she spent the night earlier that month. 
“The what?” He asked you, an eyebrow raised curiously. With all the time the three of you spent together, you had forgotten that he wasn’t actually there for that conversation. 
“Uh… it’s just something Robin said a while ago. That we’re like The Lonely Hearts Club. Just three lost causes keeping each other company.”
“Huh,” He chuckled. “Yeah, I guess she’s right.”
You both fell quiet, and then he interrupted it with another laugh as he rubbed his bottom lip with his thumb, as if he had come to some kind of ridiculous realization.
“What?” You asked him.
“Nothing. Just… honestly, it’d probably be easier if we really did just date like everybody expects us to.”
You stared at him as he continued to laugh at the idea of this. 
“Don’t worry, I’m just joking. I know you’d never be into me,” He added dismissively.
You kept staring at him, and your cheeks began to burn red as you remembered a past version of yourself that was, in fact, very into him. Now it was his turn to try to figure out what was on your mind.
You thought about changing the subject, but apparently this was already a night of confessions, so you rolled with it. What was one more deep, dark secret anyways?
“Do you remember when you asked why Carol would think I wanted you to ask me out in the eighth grade?”
“It’s because I had a massive crush on you the entire time we were friends and she knew it.”
He didn’t react. He just looked like a deer in headlights. You squirmed in your seat anxiously at his unwavering gaze.
“You’re joking,” He finally said with a completely straight face.
“No. I swear, I thought you knew until you asked me that. It was so obvious. Plus, I assumed Carol would have told you.”
“I, I mean… she did,” He stuttered, “The summer after seventh grade. But I just assumed she was being an asshole. Making fun of me.”
“Well, she was. But it was also true.”
“Holy shit.”
He straightened up against the back of his seat, staring into space with his mouth agape. You hadn’t expected this reaction. You assumed he would just tease you. Then you realized that he had said he thought that Carol was making fun of him, not you.
“Wait, why would Carol be making fun of you?”
He closed his eyes and swallowed nervously, then turned his head towards you. 
“Uh… because… I sort of had a massive crush on you, too. I didn’t tell anybody, but I just assumed she figured it out. I actually kind of thought that was why you stopped wanting to hang out with me. Because you found out, too, and got freaked out.”
Now your mouth was hanging open, absolutely stupefied. 
“Okay, now you’re joking,” You protested, convinced that he was truly messing with you.
“I’m not. I swear to god,” He said with a stunned laugh.
“Holy shit.”
“Yeah. Holy shit.”
You stared at each other again, and then you turned away to lean back against your seat, looking up at the stars as you contemplated this. You wondered how different life would have been if you had both been honest with each other about your feelings. 
“I wonder what would have happened if we found out sooner,” Steve said, as if he read your mind. 
You snapped your head back towards him, slightly taken aback that he had the courage to say this aloud. His eyes were studying your face, and you swore he was looking right at your lips. You realized suddenly that with all your talk about your friends trying to push the two of you together, he never made it clear that he disagreed with them. You didn’t know how to feel anymore. 
“Me too,” You said quietly, unable to resist eyeing his mouth as well. The wounds he had sustained from the Russian soldiers left a little scar across his bottom lip, and you had the sudden urge to reach out and stroke it. To comfort him in a way you hadn’t thought to before. 
“You know…” He said, interrupting your thoughts and bringing your attention back to reality. “When we were at that graduation party and I offered to kiss you…I wasn’t really joking. I actually always imagined I’d be your first kiss.”
At first, you were too stunned to even react to this. If it wasn’t clear before, it certainly was now: he wanted to kiss you. The cassette began to play its outro - a slow, hauntingly beautiful tune - and in that moment of pure insanity, you felt like you owed it to your younger self to see it through. 
Honestly, it just felt really good to be wanted. And Steve really wanted you. That was pretty clear when you lurched forward quickly and pecked him awkwardly on the lips, eyes wide as you pulled away and realized what you’d done, and he pulled you back in to keep it going. 
All of your anxious thoughts melted away the longer his lips were against yours. He was safe, and familiar, and a really, really good kisser. It felt like you were thirteen again, getting a fresh start. All of your insecurities from the past five years didn’t seem to matter suddenly. Nothing did. Not the Upside Down, not the fact that your friendship would be forever changed, not even Eddie. You were completely swept away. 
It surprised both of you how quickly you attempted to take control. You struggled to position yourself in his lap in the driver’s seat, banging your knee on the steering wheel and muttering an agitated, “Ow.” 
“Careful, Bruiser,” He teased, laughing at you before moving his seat back in a swift motion that made you gasp and fall into him. “Better?” He helped you to steady yourself, swiping a strand of your hair behind your ear. 
He was looking into your eyes as if the question he really wanted to ask was, ‘is this okay?’ You responded by leaning down to kiss him again. Your brain was screaming at you to stop, but every single glance and touch from him made you want to keep going. 
You were fully straddling his waist now, your thighs wrapped tightly around him. His hands traveled from your hips to your back, ghosting the hem of your top respectfully, and you reached to push them up the back of it. His fingertips brushing over your bare skin gave you goosebumps. 
You couldn’t believe that you had waited this long to kiss someone like this. It felt so good that you never wanted it to stop. 
You arched your back more, pressing harder into him and making him let out a noise that sent a tingle up your spine. His hands slid down your backside to your thighs and up to your waist again, then he rested his forehead against yours before pulling away again to look up at you, his fingertips fidgeting with the button of your shorts. You could tell that he was looking for permission to take things a step further. You pondered it for a minute as you looked down at him. His pupils were huge with lust, but the expression on his face was surprisingly tender. Trying to resist wasn’t an option. You could practically feel yourself melting into him already. You wanted to feel more. Needed to after all the time you’d spent waiting for something exactly like this to happen. You nodded to let him know that it was okay, putting your hand over his as he worked to undo your button. Then at the same moment you bent down for another soft kiss, you heard a loud clacking noise against the window. You both jumped and shouted in fear, then pulled away from each other in shock to see a bright light shining through the glass. You tried to block it from blinding you with your hand, and Steve moved his body in front of yours to shield you as you separated yourself from him. 
You could only make out the reflection off of the rims of a pair of glasses. It was officer Callahan. 
“Fuck,” Steve muttered under his breath. “Alright, let’s go kids! Out of the car,” Callahan yelled, tapping the window again. 
You looked at Steve with a panicked expression as you made yourself decent.
“It’s okay, just let me handle it,” He reassured you.
He opened the car door and helped you out. Callahan rolled his eyes when he saw Steve.
“Harrington? You again? Really? How many times have I told you to stay away from here? It’s private property and it’s dangerous.”
“I’m sorry, sir. We just came here for the view, honest.”
“Right. Is that what you and the other girls I’ve caught you in your car with were doing, too? Enjoying the view?”
You raised your eyebrows. He had brought other girls here?
You glared at Steve as he looked back at you with shame. He opened his mouth to speak, but you interrupted him.
“It was my idea, officer. He warned me we could get in trouble but I convinced him to come anyways.”
“You really expect me to believe that?” He scoffed.
“Don’t get me wrong, he’s an idiot. But it really was my idea this time. I swear.” 
Callahan hesitated, putting his hands on his hips.
“Alright, fine. But this is the final warning. I mean it this time, Harrington. You too…” He trailed off when he realized he had no idea who you were. 
“Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Right. Whatever. I catch you here again and you’re spending a night in lock-up. Now get out of here.”
Callahan got back into his car and Steve turned to you to try to talk again. You held up your hand to silence him.
“Save it,” You snapped, and walked to the passenger side of the car. “Take me home. Now.”
You were both quiet for a long time on the way to your house. You felt Steve looking at you, but you kept your eyes on the trees passing by. 
You couldn’t stop thinking about his lips on yours, his hands on your bare skin under your shirt, and what would have happened if you hadn’t been interrupted. You closed your eyes to try to silence your brain. “You didn’t have to tell him it was your idea,” Steve finally said. “But thanks.”
You didn’t reply.
“Y/N… I think we need to talk about what happened.”
You rolled your eyes and turned towards him.
“Okay. Let’s talk. When was the last time you brought a girl there?”
He sighed, gripping the steering wheel tightly to brace himself for an argument.
“After prom,” He admitted through clenched teeth.
You remembered how you sat home alone on your prom night. You were suddenly filled with rage at the thought of him in the back of his car with another girl while you cried yourself to sleep that night. And so, so stupid that you didn’t think anything of the spot in the first place. Of course he brought girls there. Was he planning this as soon as he suggested going there? Did he even really care about you, or was he just using you? Was that story about him having a crush on you even true? You felt like you couldn’t trust him anymore. 
“I can’t believe I fell for that shit,” You muttered angrily.
“What shit?” He asked defensively. 
“‘Oh, you know, Robin and Dustin think we would be soooo good together. Isn’t that so stupid? How wrong are they?’ You used reverse psychology on me so I would want to make out with you, just because you’re… you’re… horny!”
“Oh my god, please. Thats not even true!”
“So you weren’t just horny?”
“Please stop saying horny! And no! That’s not what happened. I mean, I don’t really know what happened. But I certainly didn’t have some, some master plan to get in your pants.”
“Ugh, gross, don’t say it like that…” You mumbled, hiding your face in your hands. He literally had tried to get in your pants. 
“Well, that’s what you were thinking, right?”
You turned and rested your forehead against the cool window. 
“God, I’m so stupid,” You whispered.
“You’re not stupid,” He said quickly, trying to keep your from spiraling inward. “I’m stupid, remember? This was my fault.”
You turned to him and shook your head at his attempt to be the martyr. 
“That was my first kiss, Steve. My first…everything.”
“Not… everything…” He tried to joke. You glared at him to let him know that none of this was a laughing matter. 
“You know what I mean,” You snapped. 
“I know. I’m sorry, okay?”
You pressed your fingertips into the bridge of your nose as if you were silently praying, begging for god to beam you up and out of that car as soon as possible. 
“Can we just…pretend it didn’t happen?” You squeaked, your voice cracking. 
He stiffened, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed and set his jaw. 
“If that’s what you want.”
You rolled your eyes at him impatiently.
“Well, what do you want?”
“I… I don’t know.”
“Exactly. You don’t know,” You huffed, throwing your hands up. “You need to figure out your shit, Harrington.”
“Well, obviously, I’m trying to…”
“You wanna know what I think?”
“I think you’ve been making it perfectly clear what you think already…”
“I think you can’t tell the difference between platonic love and romantic love,” You interrupted his grumbling. "Just because I’m a girl and you care about me, that doesn’t mean you’re attracted to me.”
He narrowed his eyes at the road, refusing to look directly at you. 
“I think I know when I’m attracted to somebody. That’s never been a problem for me. Attraction is not the issue here.”
“Oh, really? Because a month ago you thought you were falling in love with Robin. Robin!”
“Okay, well that was just a fluke.”
“So, what? Are you attracted to me then? Or was this a fluke, too?”
He paused from this rapid fire back and forth to run a hand through his hair as he thought about it, then propped his elbow up against his window and rested his hand against his cheek while he steered with one hand. It was clear that he was exhausted, but you weren’t ready to let up yet. 
“I don’t know…” He admitted exasperatedly. “I mean, yeah. Obviously. I guess. I must be. I kissed you back, didn’t I?”
“Goddammit, Steve,” You hissed through clenched teeth. 
“I’m sorry, I’m trying my best to be honest!” He raised his voice at you, lifting his head out of his hand so he could gesture with it in frustration. 
“Well can you try a little harder, please? Because I’m seriously confused here and you’re really pissing me off.”
He snapped his head around to look at you for the first time since you’d started your argument, his expression hardening with aggravation that he couldn’t hold back anymore. 
“You’re confused?! You’re the one that kissed me first!” He yelled. 
“Oh, spare me!” You spat back. “As if your eyes weren’t begging me to, and you didn’t just try to shove your hands down my-”
“You know what, fine,” He interrupted you loudly, waving a hand in the air to silence you. “I told you it was my fault. I’m a douchebag! I’m sorry. I don’t wanna talk about this anymore.”
After a long pause, when you began to feel your anger simmer down, you took a deep breath and made sure your voice was at a lower, less ferocious volume when you spoke again. 
He rolled his eyes, but couldn’t resist responding in an equally quieter but more frazzled tone. 
“I’m sorry. It’s not your fault.”
“Well, it’s not your fault, either,” He shrugged, his eyes glued to the road. 
“I know. Look, we’re not thirteen anymore. You don’t actually like me, Steve. Maybe you did when we were kids, but we’re different people now. We’re friends. You’re just lonely, and trying to cope with what happened.”
He scoffed at this explanation of his side of things, then tried to play it off like he didn’t. 
“Okay, well, what about you? Why did you kiss me then?”
“For the same reasons. It was a good distraction, and you made me feel safe for a minute. And also because… I can’t have who I really want.”
He fell silent, the only sound in the car the soft hum of the engine and his fingers tapping anxiously against his steering wheel. Then he sighed deeply. 
“You really want to just forget about this then?”
He looked over at you, and you nodded slowly. 
“Yeah. I think I do. Don’t you?”
He gave you a small half smile, then returned his gaze to the road. 
“Sure I do.”
You crossed your arms over your torso and relaxed back into your seat, watching out the window for the rest of the ride. The stars really were pretty. Too bad the two of you didn’t really do any actual stargazing. 
When he pulled up to your house and put the car in park, you hesitated before unbuckling your seatbelt, waiting for him to speak. But he stayed quiet, eyes lowered as you gathered your things. You sighed as you opened the car door and got out, making sure to pay close attention to how gently you closed the door so he wouldn’t have another reason to be angry with you. You began to walk away when you heard him roll down the window. 
“Hey!” He called, and you spun around to face him. 
“I’ll… see you tomorrow?”
He was straining to meet your eye line as you stood over him in front of the window, his brown eyes big like a sad puppy. 
“Yeah, Steve. I’ll see you tomorrow,” You assured him with a forced smile, then gave him a little wave before leaving him to walk up to your house. 
You snuck a peek at him through the crack in your door before you closed it behind you. His head was hung low as he clutched the steering wheel with both of his hands tightly, then when he composed himself he started his car up again and drove off. You shut the door and let your forehead fall against it. 
‘See you tomorrow.’
You both knew the words were a lie as soon as they left your lips, but it felt better to pretend. As much as you may try to forget, you knew it wouldn’t work. 
You had just had your first kiss (and then some) with Steve Harrington. Not Eddie, like you’d been planning since you were fourteen. Steve. Your best friend, Steve. How were you supposed to forget that? How were you supposed to hang out with him again like nothing had happened? You couldn’t. Even if you kept it between the two of you… and Officer Callahan. 
Jesus Christ. 
Your summer escapades with Steve and Robin may have already been coming to an end, but the events that transpired that night were the final nail in the coffin. The summertime bliss was officially gone.
You banged your forehead against the door a little too hard, then muttered, “Ouch,” as you rubbed it with your hand and trudged up the stairs to your bedroom. Maybe it wasn’t possible in the long run, but for the night, you would have to do your best to pretend that nothing happened so you could try to get some sleep for once. 
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coffinsister · 7 months
Jokes on you I literally love being invested in the drama of random YouTubers I don’t know - spill 👀👀👀
Anon you don't know what you just freaking unleashed onto the world
I gotta spill the freaking tea, but under read more, cuz this got hella long.
But okay, for context, this is about Minecraft Content Creators:: Dream and Tommyinnit mostly, but it's also about another Mexican YouTuber called Quackity
Basically, a super long time ago already actually, Dream announced he was making a new Minecraft server, after the DSMP tragically passed away o7 that was gonna be called the USMP (I'm pretty sure it standed for United SMP but no clue honestly.)
And the exciting new feature about this USMP was going to be this real time translator, so content creators from all over the world could play together (Side thought: I don't think the translations were actually that good either way lol they were machine translated lol)
But literally like that Same night, Quackity announced that actually he was making his own server, the QSMP that had that exact same feature
So they basically kinda fought back and forth over who actually had ownership over the idea or who ripped off who, and while the YouTubers themselves didn't really do much, beyond being way too public about it, but like honestly, what's the Minecraft sphere without incredibly levels of parasociality involved.)
The fanbase was completely deranged over it tho, because you know, Stans gotta be Stans.
A lot of people got doxed, and stalked, literally putting trackers on people's cars, a lot of racism (Hi, hello, that happened to me) just a shitshow overall.
I wanna say that even though I stopped liking Dream ages ago Dream Stans get the worst possible treatment from everybody, just idk, people feel very entitled to mistreating anybody with a ":)" on their bio.
At the end, it finally died down, and then, Tommyinnit, most annoying man on Earth.
Made an ohhh politically incorrect video that was just fake edgy and kinda boring, where at the end he called Dream, basically a crybaby manchild who was gonna get killed by Tommy's LARP Dad Philza Minecraft.
Dream found out, got passive aggressive on Twitter, Tommy doubled down, and then like a stream later, he was being whiny and sighing ,and apparently watching DNF edits of Dream's, new at the time, LP.
Which kinda gave off the message that he really sacrificed a years long friendship to try to get into an SMP that his bestie Tubbo made it into before him
And which he never will, because the QSMP is a very deeply controlled space, with almost no super young content creators, and Tommy's first DSMP video was him literally breaking the only rules of that the server had, so yeah, that's never happening.
(And then, his mom went online to defend him, like boy the way I'm immediately killing myself if that ever happens to me, plus the dream stans discussing with this woman over her son, literally most annoying people in the world.)
And today, Dream made a (In my opinion, super boring) stream just showing the USMP, and talking a bit about Tommy and Quackity.
He kinda implies that the reason the USMP will never see the light of day is because of that drama, but like, that man has never once pushed through on any of his proyects, that SMP was doomed to fail from the very beginning.
I must clarify tho, that my annoyance with Tommy isn't the fact that he dissed Dream. I just freaking don't like the guy, he literally built his entire career on being a mysoginistic lowkey lesbophobic annoying brat.
Kinda sucks that Tommy is the one making the biggest mcyt related videos at the current time, solely because he's got the resources and the connections for it, literally the best part of his channel is being a host for other content creators to be funny and shine.
I still love Quackity tho, he can hit it for free any day of the week, and that's on God
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cage-cat-yt · 2 years
hey it’s valentine lol i just don’t want ppl seeing my old blog lol. do u have any headcanons for all the dummies u may wanna share? i love hearing ppls weird or out of character hcs for them <3 it’s so fun seeing what people come up with
Hi Val!! ^^ and after 10 days I got my headcanons written! If anybody wants to see more headcanons from me just let me know the fandom and characters:)
I'm gonna start with how I characterize these guys, because I notice from person to person it can vary a little to moderate amounts.
Slappy is a maniacal 3'00" puppet who, even though he seems to be good at planning out his deeds at first glance, is in reality more similar to a child acting out. Plus, he's VERY impulsive compared to the other dummies, pulling his pranks on a whim and hoping they work, and when they do, gets a kick outta them!
Unlike his younger brother, Wally Wood is more patient and less like a child acting out and more just "provoke me and I break you". This doesn't change that his tactics of suffering isn't easy, it's just as bad-if not worse- as Slappy's. Though 80% of the time, he'll just be minding his own business, being in his own little world reading catcher and the rye. Though he's very antisocial (in multiple aspects) he can somewhat socialize with people without freaking them out, but it's inevitable for him to say something that might come off as horrific or insensitive, since he doesn't catch onto some social cues with those kind of things.
Dennis is very childish and naive compared to the rest of the puppets, enjoying activities that are perceived to be childish, and having the open loving ideals that an innocent child might have. He's very easily distracted, struggling to pay attention to one thing for long periods of time unless it hooks his attention and gets him excited, which can come as a problem at times since he'll get fidgety and antsy when bored.
Rocky in many ways is the parent of the group. He's serious, doesn't talk too much, and very much an introvert. But he questions everything and everyone's intentions around him since his first encounter with Slappy, not wanting to fall into the same trap of working for an awful person. But despite it, when he does work for someone, he does what they say with little questioning at first. But if his trust is broken he'll make sure hell breaks loose in some way, that be towards the person specifically or just their surroundings.
Now onto ✨the headcanons✨
Slappy and Mr Wood's relationship is like two children trying to one up the other. They bicker, argue, and are willing to get physical with the fighting. But as much as they might treat each other as rivals, they still have each other's backs to protect and defend each other.
Bilingual Mr Wood, he can speak English and French. Why? I felt like it.
If it wasn't very obvious in my description for Dennis' personality, I headcanon him having ADHD. Obviously the description was just a quick surface level look, but if I ever touch on this subject in writing I'll do my best to make it realistic, probably ask one of my besties and cousin with adhd how I should characterize it too for safe measures to not get it incorrect.
Music tastes because I'm a band nerd! First, though Rocky isn't vocal about it, he's a big metal music fan, KoRn being his favorite. Slappy is a fan of "pumped up kicks syndrome" music, which means any music that has like a happy melody and music to it, but when you look listen to the lyrics or meaning it takes a much darker meaning. Examples of this would be Pumped up kicks by Foster the people, My ordinary life by Living Tombstone, every other 21 pilots song, and When doves cry by Prince). Wally and Dennis aren't big music people, but Wally enjoys some grunge/alternative while Dennis enjoys love songs from around 50s-80s (more chill type, not too metal on the music).
Biromantic Ace Slappy, AroAce Rocky, Demiromantic Ace Dennis, and Straight Token Wally.
When they trying to get movie tonight together it never works.. Slappy is an intense enjoyer of horror, mainly psychological but will do any type. But Dennis has a preference for family friendly films and is spooked by horror. But Wally hates most family films and isn't scared by horror, so his preference is for realistic drama, especially if it's a commentary on parts of society. But Rocky isn't super interested in watching some movie about a dysfunctional depressing family, no, he's an action man, get this man some like John Wick or Terminator and he'll have a grand old time. But atlas, none of them can agree on a genre, so movie nights are usually just arguing among 3 of the dummies and Dennis covering his ears.
Slappy is a theater kid, you will not change my mind. He is waiting for the moment he can break into a musical number and feel no shame or remorse.
I love the idea that Slappy and Dennis have like a positive older brother - younger brother relationship, Slappy sticking up if Dennis ever gets harassed, showing him the ropes to his trickery, and Dennis looking up to Slappy, trying his best to not get distracted. But even when he does get sidetracked, Slappy's real cool about it.
Idk if this makes much sense but I'm put it anyway- since me and another user hc Rocky taking a lotta naps, I'm pretty dead set that he'd be a pretty heavy sleeper. So heavy to where even if Wally and Slappy are having a yelling match about something unimportant, he just, won't notice? Lol, I probably sound crazy but c'est la vie
Dennis tried learning the trombone one, but didn't make it too far before losing interest.
If you read these, thank you for taking the time from your day to!! I put far too much effort on this, but I'm totally down to doing this in the future ^^ anyway, remember to hydrate and I hope you have a good day :)
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dumbass-forever · 1 year
Hi everyone, nobody’s probably gonna see this but I’m bored so why not make it!
So I’m new to tumblr and have no idea how it actually works tbh lol
Anyways here’s a bit abt me
-I’m in middle school (American system except I don’t even live there) so yeah I’m younger than probably everyone on this app cuz I have the feeling everyone here is like 19 but who cares
- bcs I’m the youngest sibling of like 20 year olds and I skipped a year in school I always hung out with ppl who are way older than me so I’m more mature than the average middle schooler and it’s not just smth I say abt myself so seriously it’s not fake literally everyone tells me that and not like ‘OmG yOu’Re SoO MatUrE’ they say it in a serious way so don’t treat me like a kid pls it’s annoying
-I love anime, kdrama, K-pop (only listen to gg’s and like a few songs maybe from bg’s don’t come at me cuz I don’t want war but I don’t listen to bts), drawing and just music in common but yo I might be thinking I’m obsessed with the first 3 things in like an obsessive way but seriously I’m not and it’s not bcs I watch those that I wanna be East Asian so pls don’t judge me based on that
- I’m the youngest sibling of four girls (I’m also a girl btw) which sucks in my family and if my sister finds this I’m doomed but hey I already am (partially bcs they do know I listen to K-pop and she’ll hate me when she know so I hope she doesn’t see this lol) (this is just for my sister so if you’re not her you can skip this ☺️ yo dude don’t disown me or smth for that it’s just songs and it’s on my fyp so what do you expect from me to ignore it anyways literally none of your business and I WILL hit you like you hit me if you get mad at me)
-I’m Muslim so for all the other Muslims Ramadan Mubarak but a month early
I honestly have no idea what else to say abt myself but if anything comes up I’ll just add it later
As I said I don’t think ppl will actually see this but if anyone does and someone gives me hate just know that I rlly don’t care abt it
Also if anybody cares to do so can somebody explain this app for me like can I save things like on Pinterest or do I just wat h the post and like? Also very important this sentence is made when I clicked on the pencil thingy after posting this, how do I make a new post cuz I don’t see the button for that? I probably sound very dumb rn but who cares you’re right I am. Things like that I guess!
Hope everyone has a nice day!
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simplylove101 · 1 year
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2023 Horror Challenge: [1/?]
↳“I don't wanna hurt anybody.”
“Famous last words.” Bones and All (2022) dir. Luca Guadagnino
Plot: The love story of a pair of young cannibals who flee together on a road trip across the country and develop feelings for each other along the way.
Starring: Taylor Russell, Timothée Chalamet, Michael Stuhlbarg, André Holland, Chloë Sevigny, David Gordon Green, Jessica Harper, Jake Horowitz & Mark Rylance
New year means the start of a new horror challenge for me since I officially changed the rules for it last year. I watched this weeks ago but am finally making a post since I’ve already watched 3 other horror movies in 2023 so far and don’t wanna already get behind with my watches. Anyway, this was interesting. lol It’s considered a horror romance so it counts towards the challenge I felt. The pacing probably makes it not seem like one though. That’d be a complaint by me I think with it being on the slower side. My work friends said they hated this movie because of that reasoning and I get it. Luca Guadagnino goes for that naturalistic vibe that is definitely not for everybody, myself sometimes included cuz it can get boring. I feel like the cinematography and the acting were both key factors why it did work for me tho. Visually it was wonderful to see. Taylor and Timothée had this nice, weird chemistry that was fascinating to watch. The side characters were also great, notably both Michael Stuhlbarg and Mark Rylance, who are always good, playing quirky characters. Ultimately, I wanted to like it more than I did but I don’t think it was a bad start to the challenge. Could have been better, could have been worse. And that’s all I have to say I think. lol
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iwadori · 3 years
Oh my God, I just saw your angst iwa fic with the pregnant reader and then looked for more fics on your blog and I fell in love with it???❤❤ + ayeee another demon slayer lover here 😭can I maybe be an emoji anon?:"D I would love to chat with you but a little bit to shy
And I hope its also okay if I request something: Can you maybe do Tendou and Iwaizumi making the reader insecure? ( maybe where the reader gets jealous/ insecure because some fangirls are flirting with them and they say something like "maybe you are to insecure/jealoue" and they are scared that they will leave them?)
Hope you have a great day <3
When they make you insecure PT 4/ Dating your brothers teammate PT3
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When they make you insecure:
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four Part Five Part six
Dating your brothers teammate:
Part One Part Two Part Three
Word Count: 2.1K
Genre: angst,fluff
Authors Note: Thank you so much for liking my other works, and OF COURSE you can message me/be a continous anonymous ask. BTW if anybody wants to privately message me just to talk or whatever or ask me questions on my asks they can!! And IK this wasn’t technically what you asked for but I hope this is good enough <3 (I will most likely do Iwaizumi in the next part) by the way this is NOT proofread (so expect mistakes)
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You and tendou have been talking since you were in your first year and his second.
So you weren’t officially dating.
He was interested in what the second ushijima would be like.
You were just like your brother, sharp and stoic but great in everything you do and it seemed that Tendou took a liking to that.
You entered your brother's dorm room in the hopes of finding Tendou, but unluckily it was just Ushijima reading his magazines. “He’s not in here,” he said before you could even ask about your crush's whereabouts.  
As you were about to leave the room, Ushijima asked you to sit down for a moment so he could to you “yess toshi?” you said already bored.
“Are you and Tendou dating?” he asked
“Umm I-” You didn’t really know what to say, since you and Tendou haven’t officially put a label on things (as much as you wanted him too.) “Not really dating per se, just going through the motions...i guess” you said with uncertainty.
“Going through the motions?” Ushijima questioned more to himself then to you.  
“Don’t worry about it Toshi” you say ruffling his hair
“I’m just checking to make sure you’re okay Y/N” he said seriously “Oh and by the way when you and Tendou are about to have se-”
“La La La La La” you say putting your fingers in your ears “I do not need a sex-ed lesson from you nii-san" you swiftly leave the room a tad bit grossed out.
“Oh and by the way Tendou is probably in Eita’s and Kenjirou’s room.” he calls.
You excitedly skip over to Semi’s and Shirabu’s room happy to see your boyfriend ‘friend.’ Walking to the door, before you open it, you hear Tendou talking to Semi and Shirabu and the conversation topic seems to be about you.  
“How are things going with Y/N Tendou” Semi asked “You’re practically dating now. Right?”
“Well Semi-sem, I wouldn’t say that...” Tendou said, making you furry your eyebrows in confusion. “Y/N is a bit, you know... what’s the right word” he thinks, “Boring.”
You step back abit from the door, shocked. ‘Boring?’ How were you boring... You were hurt. Especially since you’ve heard the insult of you being boring your whole life, you knew that you took after your brother in most aspects but that didn’t make neither you or your brother boring. You’ve even have voiced that specific insecurity (about you being boring) where Tendou always assured you that you were the most interesting person he’s ever met.
You went back into Ushijima’s room since it was the closest place and you knew you could always go to your brother whenever you were upset or just in need of someone to listen to you rant about anything. Upon your entering, Ushijima looks up at you and before he could ask what was wrong you wrapped your arms around him and just burst out crying. Awkwardly, Ushijima pats your back not really knowing what to do. He waits for you to calm down before asking you “What’s wrong Y/N?”
“h-he called me boring...” you cried again slightly, “I heard him talking with Semi and Shirabu”
“Well I don’t think you a boring, not at all Y/N” he said handing you a tissue so that you can wipe your eyes and blow your nose “Do you need me to talk with him?”
“No!” You exclaimed “Don’t talk to him...I’ll handle it.” You knew that him and Tendou talking wouldn’t turn out right, because you weren’t even dating in the first place and Ushijima would definitely deep the situation more then needs be.  
“Ushiwaka I brought some snacks for us” said a cheerful sounding Tendou entering the room. His voice faltered when he saw a teary eyed you wrapped up in her brothers arm. “Y/N-chan are you alright?”  
“Yeah I’m fine” you respond dryly “Well I’ll be going...thanks Toshi”  
You leave the room not looking Tendou in the eye leaving him confused. He thought you would be happy to see him, although he knew you weren’t officially ‘together’ or whatever so he didn’t get why you seemed mad.
“Hey Ushiwaka, what’s wrong with Y/N” he asked  
“She said I am not allowed to discuss it with you.” Ushijima replied flipping through his magazine
‘So there is a problem..’ Tendou thought trying to think of things that could spur up your problem with him.
When you were heading to your room, you bumped into Semi and Shirabu who seemed to be heading towards your brother. “Hey Y/N” they greeted simultaneously
“hi guys..” you said sniffling  
They could see that you were sad and didn’t want to pry, so in an attempt to make you feel better Semi said “One of our friends, I think someone from Karasuno is having a party do you wanna come with us.” Just then, a lightbulb went off in your head and you thought of the best idea to really show Tendou you aren’t boring and you can also make your ‘boy’ friend jealous at the same time.
You immediately perk up and smile at the boys surprising them, “Sure, I'd love to go pick me up at 8?” you ask making them nod as you rush back to your dorm room to find something to wear.  
After basically emptying your wardrobe, you find something to wear (a little black dress to be precise) you couldn’t deny that you were hot in general but right now in this dress there was no dispute about how beautiful you are.
Semi knocks on your door right at 8pm, his eyes widening seeing how you look. You gave him a knowing smirk making the tips of his ears go red, “should we be going now...?” you ask as he was stood there frozen staring at you,
“Uhm yeah sure” he said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck feeling a little bit embarrassed.
Entering the party, a lot of eyes were on both you and Semi in jealousy and in want. You were both the most attractive ‘couple’ in the room and it was obvious that you both knew that. Tendou was already there sitting in the corner of the room with the rest of the Shiratorizawa boys, he had of bit of anger brewing in the pit of his stomach at the sight of you on Semi’s arm.
“Semi! My twin, welcome to the party!” Yelled a boy who looked kind of like Semi, making Semi roll his eyes
“Hi, I’m Sugawara but you can just call me suga” he says to you extending his hand “and you are...”
“Oh Hi! I’m Ushijima Y/N” you replied back giving his hand a shake
“I see, Ushiwaka’s little sister...cute” he says smiling in your face “Well I’ve got to now and make sure certain teammates of mine aren’t blowing up my house or anything so talk to you soon”
“You do kind of look the same Semi” you say to him teasingly
“Oh, shut up Y/N” he says jokingly making you laugh pretty loudly putting your arm on his bicep (forearm I don’t know the body part lol.) You look over to Tendou and you could tell he was getting bothered by your interaction with Semi making it even more enjoyable to you.
“Semi, do you wanna dance?” you ask batting your eyelashes at him, throwing him off. “Um okay.”
You were being a bit wild with your movements whilst dancing with Semi (since you’re obviously not the usual party-goer) but you were enjoying yourself nevertheless.  
“Are you okay Y/N?” Semi asks you  
“Yeah why wouldn’t I be” you respond
“Um...it’s just that you’ve been a bit weird tonight and I’ve seen the staring matches you and Tendou have been having” he says “Is everything alright with both of you?”
He leads you over to somewhere more private so that you could properly talk, “So what's been going on with the two of you.”
“You should know more than me Semi” you sigh “You were there when he called me boring”
“I don’t think he meant it th-” he starts  
“I don’t care what he meant to be honest, I just wanted to prove to him more so prove to myself that I’m not boring. Cause I don’t think I am.” you say
“You’re not Y/N” he says looking at you “Of course you aren’t.”
“I guess so... it doesn’t even matter I shouldn’t even be so upset, since me and Tendou aren’t actually dating.” you mumbled looking away
“Tendou really likes you Y/N” he says turning your body so you’re so looking at him “He talks about you all the time, since he thinks you’re amazing.”
You’re now staring into each other's eyes “And that’s because you are amazing Y/N” his words make you smile and look down slightly. Maybe it was just because you were both in the heat of the moment, but Semi lips up your chin so you’re both directly in front of each other and you then subconsciously lean into his face closing your eyes (with him doing the same.) And just as your lips were about to touch you hear a,
“What the fuck is happening here!” you look to your left and see both Tendou and Ushijima. With Tendou having his mouth agape and Ushijima having his usual monotone expression on. Tendou rushes over to you and grips your arm pulling your arm up, making you wince slightly and him lessening his grip on you. He pulls you into the bathroom and sits you down on the toilet (the lid is closed) and he leans against the sink.
“What’s your problem with me Y/N” he says sounding pretty fed up.
“Nothing...I don’t see why you care … It’s not like we’re dating or anything” you say mumbling the last part.
“Oh so that’s your problem!” he exclaims, kind of happy that he cracked the code on why you were mad at him.
“No my problem is that you think Im boring” you whine  
“Boring... I don’t think I ever sai-” he pauses realizing what you were referring too “Oh you heard me when I was with Semi-sem and Shirapoo... we thought we heard someone outside”
You sat there with a bored expression on your face waiting for an explanation, “I never said you were boring, well I did. But I assume you miss what I really said was ‘Boring. No that’s also the wrong word too she’s blunt it’s like I’m talking to a girl version of Ushijima sometimes it’s spooky.... but besides that, I really like her’ that’s what I said”
Oh, ‘I guess that makes sense,’ you think... because you were shocked that Tendou would call you boring in the first place so it makes more sense that he didn’t even fully mean that and you just didn’t hear the full thing.
“Oh” you say, looking down feeling a bit embarrassed  
"I really like you Y/N... and I know you’ve been waiting on me to ask you to be my girlfriend and I’m sorry for not doing it sooner, I just didn’t think we needed a label since we both knew what we were” he says kneeling down to be at your eye level “But obviously when I saw you dancing and flirting with Semi I realised what I gotta do... so Y/N Ushijima my ‘miracle girl’ will you be my girlfriend”  
“Of course,” you say giving him a hug  
“Oh, and Y/N...” he starts “were you really about to kiss semi” he asks in a jokey way “you would’ve been left with a permanent scowl left on your face” making you laugh.
After spending quite some time in the bathroom with Tendou, you finally leave and see Ushijima just standing outside patiently waiting.  
“Umm Toshi-nii what are you doing?” you ask  
“Just making sure you’re okay Y/N.” he says looking at both you and Tendou and then your hands that are holding each other's “Ahh I see you two are now boyfriend and girlfriend”
“Yes indeed we are Ushiwaka, I finally asked her!” Tendou replied
“Oh that’s good.” Ushijima nods at both at you as you start walking off to return to the party “Also Tendou, when you and Y/N have se-”
“Gosh Toshi, stop with the sex talk” you say putting your hands on your ears making Tendou laugh.
You and Tendou have so much fun in your relationship, always enjoying the time you spend together. There were no big problems with you two, besides minor arguments but if there ever was a problem you could always go to your big brother who had the best advice to give whether it was on relationships, plants or sex.
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yelena-bellova · 3 years
Safe Haven: tfatws!Bucky Barnes x fem!reader - Chapter Three
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chapter two - Chapter Three: Ceasefire - chapter four
Series Masterlist
Plot: Bucky, Sam and Y/n visit Baltimore and unearth a long kept, heartbreaking secret. Bucky and Y/n’s tension comes to a head when they meet with Dr. Raynor.
Word Count: 7.3k
Warnings: spoilers for episode. 2, angst, language, racial undertones, racial profiling, PTSD, mention of torture, mention of suicide, fluffy angst, Walker is an asshole and Y/n is a bad bitch, the start of the slow burn 🔥
A/N: This shit was heavy to write because of the subject matter so hopefully the fluff towards the end makes up for all the angst I’m about to put you through lol. Honestly, it’s so hard to write this series not having the ending of the show yet 😂 Like I’m trying to build this and I know where I need it to go but it all depends on the show. This week’s episode was 👀 and I’m already drafting in my head. Anyways, enjoy!
Military craft bathrooms, I had found out, were not an ideal place to apply makeup.
I had woken up in the early morning hours stiff, achy and with a deep purple bruise on my cheek. I’d done my best to conceal it as to not attract attention wherever Bucky was taking us, but I wasn’t a magician.
Sam and I had yet to speak about me going home, but the tense exchange we’d shared before I passed out still hung over us. It wasn’t like we’d never fought, but the reasoning had never been over one of our lives being endangered. I didn’t want to leave him, but it was futile to argue the point.
The neighborhood that we were passing through didn’t look all that different from New Orleans. Bucky still had yet to tell us who we were here to see, only that it was important that Sam met him. I was done asking questions and trailed behind them on the sidewalk, my hands shoved in my jacket pockets and my head hung in defeat. I’d tried to do the superhero thing and failed miserably.
“Hey, it’s Black Falcon! What’s up?” “It’s just Falcon, kid,” Sam replied to the boy sat in front of a chain-linked fence with his friend.
“No, no, my daddy told me it’s Black Falcon,” the kid insisted. 
Sam stopped in front of them, “Is it because I’m black and I’m the Falcon?” “Well, technically, I mean, yes,” he shrugged. “So are you, like, Black Kid?” The kid’s friend burst into laughter and Sam did the same, “I got him, right?”
“Whatever, man…” the kid sat down, I was just about to pass him when he stopped me, “Are you a superhero too?” Sam stopped and looked back at me, his lips pressed in a thin frown. His eyes were sympathetic but I wasn’t in any mood to discuss my unsuccessful attempt to enter his world. I gave a sad smile to the kid, “No, I’m not.” I patted his shoulder and left, Sam chose to walk with me instead of ahead of me.
Bucky was already on the house’s front porch when we climbed the stairs, he banged on the door marked with a ‘No Trespassing’ sign. We waited a few seconds before it opened to reveal a boy, 16 or 17 maybe.
“We’re here to see Isaiah,” Bucky said. “Nobody named Isaiah live here,” the teen replied.
“Look, we just want to talk to him,” Bucky gently pushed.
“You must not hear what I just said, you ain’t getting in this house. Ya’ll can leave now.” Bucky dropped his head and shut his eyes, looking as if what he was about to say pained him. “Tell him the guy from the bar in Goyang is here,” his voice dropped, “He’s gonna know what that means.”
The boy’s eyes bounced between the three of us before backing away from the door, “All right, wait here.” “Nice kid,” Sam commented once he was gone, “How do you know this guy?” “I used to, we had a skirmish during the Korean War,” Bucky explained. The screened door opened once again to reveal the teen, “Today’s your lucky day. He said he wanna see for himself.”
Bucky led the way inside followed by Sam and I. Where the living room met the dining room was where a tall, grey haired black man stood. “Isaiah,” Bucky greeted him as we stepped inside. “Look at you,” Isaiah said, taking cautious steps toward Bucky. “This is, uh, Sam. Sam, this is Isaiah,” Bucky raised his hand toward the man, “He was a hero. One of the ones that HYDRA feared the most, like Steve. We met in ’51.”
“If by met, you mean I whupped your ass, then, yeah,” Isaiah interrupted to correct Bucky’s inaccurate storytelling. “We heard whispers he was on the peninsula, but everyone they sent after him, never came back. So the U.S. military dropped me behind the line to go deal with him,” he spat the last part of the sentence. “I took half that metal arm in that fight in Goyang, but I see he’s managed to grow it back. I just wanted to see if he got the arm back or if he’d come to kill me.” I watched over Sam’s shoulder as Bucky shook his head. “I’m not a killer anymore,” his voice hitched slightly.
“You think you can wake up one day and decide who you wanna be? It doesn’t work like that,” Isaiah’s voice hardened, “Well, maybe it does for folks like you.” There was a pause as Bucky collected himself before we got to the heart of the matter, “Isaiah, the reason we’re here is because there’s more of you and me out there.” 
“You and me…” Isaiah seethed, his eyes boring into Bucky.
“And we need to know how…” “I’m not gonna talk about it anymore,” Isaiah growled before picking up a metal tin and flinging it across the room. Sam threw an arm out to shield me but the tin lodged itself in the wooden paneling of the walls. With that power at his age, Isaiah was undoubtably a Super Soldier. 
He took deliberate steps toward us till he stood only a foot away from Bucky. “You know what they did to me for being a hero? They put my ass in jail,” Isaiah’s voice broke, the traumatic memories were hitting him as he spoke, “For thirty years. People running tests, taking my blood, coming into my cell. Even your people weren’t done with me.” “Isaiah…” Sam said carefully.
“Get out of my house!” Sam and I startled at the sudden noise, but I didn’t fault Isaiah for his reaction. My heart broke for him in fact. Tears had welled in my eyes as he told us fragments of his life, my hand slipped to my mouth to prevent my sobs from escaping. Bucky turned away first, leading me out as Isaiah’s presumed grandson did the same to Sam. He pushed ahead of us both, every emotion possible playing out on his face.
“Sam…” Bucky began as we descended the front steps of the house.
“Why didn’t you tell me about Isaiah? How could nobody bring him up?” Sam angrily pointed a finger towards Bucky, who remained quiet as the three of us walked down the middle of the road. “I asked you a question, Bucky.” “I know…” “Steve didn’t know about him?” Sam asked.
“He didn’t, I didn’t tell him,” Bucky answered, his eyes never leaving the ground.
“How could you not tell him?” I exclaimed, my tears still tracing abstract patterns down my cheeks, “If there were anybody to tell, it would have been him!” “So you’re telling me,” Sam stopped walking and pointed back to Isaiah’s house, “That there was a black Super Soldier decades ago and nobody knew about it?” 
Before Bucky got the chance to answer, the siren on a nearby police car sounded off. Two officers pulled up and exited the vehicle, “Hey.” “What’s up, man?” Sam said.
“Is there a problem here?” one asked, focusing on Sam.
“No, we’re just talking,” he answered, gesturing between the three of us. “We’re fine,” Bucky answered, visibly put out by the interruption.
“Really, we’re fine,” I shakily spoke up, wiping my palms under my wet eyes.
The officers didn’t accept our answers, instead coming closer towards Sam. “Can I see your ID?”
“I don’t have ID, why?”
“Okay, sir,” the officer held up his hands, “Just calm down.” “I am calm,” Sam responded, I could see the anger bubbling below his surface, “What do you want? We’re just standing here talking.” Bucky gestured towards the policemen, “Just give him your ID so we can leave.” The tears I was fighting so hard to control couldn’t be stopped as I watched the scene play out. “No,” Sam protested, “I’m not giving him shit, we’re just talking.” “Officers, there’s nothing going on,” I insisted, sniffling as I tried to speak. “Ma’am,” one of the men approached me, holding his hands out carefully as if to shield me from Sam, “If this man is making you uncomfortable in any way-“ “He’s my brother,” I sidestepped away from the cop, “You’re the only ones making us feel uncomfortable.” “He’s not bothering either of us, do you know who this is?” Bucky gestured towards Sam, I came to stand between both of them and placed a protective hand on Sam’s shoulder. If anything was going down, I was going down with him.
The cop that had briefly stepped away to his car came back and whispered something into his co-worker’s ear. His jaw dropped as he looked Sam over again, this time with a much less aggressive stare. “I am so sorry, Mr Wilson,” the bastard had the audacity to chuckle, “I didn’t recognize you without the goggles. I’m really, really sorry about this.” A second police car came down the street and stopped in front of us. The officers told us to wait as they hurried to try and clean up their mistake. It didn’t matter, the damage had already been done. Neighbors and people passing by were stood outside houses and on the sidewalk watching the scene unfold. And there stood Sam, the leading role of a story these men had written and forced him into. I’d never felt more helpless in that moment when I realized that had he not been recognized, there wouldn’t have been anything I could’ve done to save him.
“I didn’t…I didn’t tell anybody because he had already been through enough,” Bucky said quietly, reeling us back to our original point of conversation.
“Mr. Barnes,” the officer who had tried to cage me from Sam approached Bucky, “There’s a warrant out for your arrest.” “Look, the president pardoned him for all that,” Sam said. “Not for that. You missed your court-mandated therapy. It’s like missing a check-in with your PO. I’m sorry, Mr. Barnes, you’re under arrest.” Resigned was the only word I could think of to describe Bucky’s expression. He willingly followed and allowed them to handcuff him, quickly shaking his head at us as if to apologize for the ridiculousness as he got into the car. The worst part was I knew that if Sam or I were stupid enough to speak up, the consequences would be far worse than our reluctant cooperation. The car drove off, carrying Bucky and all his demons he hadn’t told his therapist about this week.
Sam and I remained frozen in the street, playing the last five minutes back in our heads. In a little house in a corner of Baltimore sat a war torn, wrongfully imprisoned, black Super Soldier who hadn’t had the suddenly privileged lifestyle Steve Rogers had. Isaiah had been beaten down, experimented on and abused for almost half of his life. The samples that had been taken from his body against his will had been used to create the Super Soldiers we’d met, ones that were out for blood. “Let’s get out of here,” Sam muttered, putting a hand on my back and pulling me into his side protectively. I snuck one last glance at Isaiah’s home, praying that whatever time he had left on earth was spent in the peace he deserved.
We hitched a cab ride to the downtown police station and were informed at the front desk that Bucky was being released. His therapist was flying in from New York to come and meet with him.
Sam and I sat in the uncomfortable chairs of the waiting area, him on his phone and me zoning out on the wall. The ‘what ifs’ of our confrontation with the police were still swirling around in my head, each one more brutal than the last.
“I’m not leaving,” I blurted out, “After this, I’m not leaving you guys.” Sam sighed and switched off his phone, “I’m not gonna argue this again with you. I’m keeping you safe, I don’t care whether you like it or not.” “Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m feeling,” I turned to him, my eyes watery and my fidgeting fists clenched in my lap. “I’m not going home just so I can sit from a safe distance and worry whether or not you’re gonna die at the hands of some cop who feels brave. Or a bunch of Super Soldiers with a grudge against the world,” I forced the lump building in my throat down, “I’m not going to leave and wait for your body to come back in a casket. The only way I’m going home is if you’re with me.” His lips parted like he was about to say something before deciding against it. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking, but I could see that my speech had affected him. He pulled me into him, my head laying on his shoulder and his arm around my neck. I had worried for my brother’s life when he was first in the service, even more when he first became an Avenger. But that fear couldn’t compare to the kind I felt when the cops disregard each of his truths. I sniffled as I rested against him, trying hard not to imagine a world where Sam Wilson wasn’t by my side.
“Sam,” a women approached us, “I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m Dr. Raynor, James’ therapist.” We rose and Sam shook her hand, “So nice to meet you.” “Y/n Y/l/n,” I introduced myself as she extended the same greeting, “Thank you for getting Bucky out.”
“That was not me,” she smiled politely.
“Christina!” a nearby voice shouted, “It’s great to see you again.” 
When bulls see the color red, it angers them to the point that they’ll charge toward it in a fit of rage. My reaction to seeing John Walker in the red white and blue suit was one of a similar caliber.
“You gotta be kidding me,” I grumbled, covering my face with my palm. 
“You know him?” Sam asked in disbelief. “Yeah, we did some field ops back in the day,” Dr. Raynor answered.
Walker strutted towards us, “I heard you were working with Bucky so I thought I’d step in. Bucky’s not gonna be following a strict schedule any longer.” 
“We haven’t finished our work,” she asserted, “Who authorized this?” Walker held up two hands and aimed them at his arrogant self. “He’s too valuable of an asset to have tied up. Just do whatever you got to do with him, then send him off to me. Got some unfinished business, him and I,” he pointed to me and Sam, “You guys too. I’ll be outside.”
He marched back out through the door he’d come through and if we hadn’t been in a police station, I might have reeled him back in with my energy to inform him of just how low of a chance there was that we’d ever take an order from him. But if we had to go through him to spring Bucky, I’d bite my tongue for his sake.
“James,” Dr. Raynor turned, addressing Bucky who was now leaned up against the nearby counter, “Condition of your release, session now,” she looked over her shoulder towards us, “You too, Sam, Y/n.” Sam was quick to decline for us both, “That’s okay, we’ll be out here-“ “That wasn’t a request.”
Judging by the unenthusiastic glare we were getting from Bucky, he wasn’t any more excited than we were. “The sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can leave,” I said to Sam, taking the initiative and following Dr. Raynor, once again with the men in my tow.
“What exactly is your relationship with James, Miss Y/l/n?” Dr. Raynor asked as she slowed her pace to match mine. “I don’t have a relationship with him,” I answered plainly, “I only met him yesterday. We got our asses kicked in Munich together.”
We were led into an interrogation room, just as cold and bleak as the ones I’d seen on tv. There were two chairs on each side of the table awaiting us. “Since I’m here primarily to speak with James and Sam, Y/n,” Dr. Raynor removed her coat and placed it on the back of her seat, “You can observe alongside me. You two on that end.” A simple thing as even sitting next to one another seemed like too big an ask for Sam and Bucky. The two of them looked like kids sent to the principal’s office as they begrudgingly sat down. I for one was looking forward to watching them sort out whatever beef they had that I had gotten tangled up in.
“So,” Dr. Raynor set her notebook down on the table, “Who would like to start?” “All right, look, Dr. Raynor?” Sam began, “I get it, why you want me to talk to Freaky Magoo over here. But I’m 100% fine.” Sam’s fatal mistake was darting his eyes over to me before looking back at her. I already knew he was lying, but his tell confirmed it.
“It is my job to make sure that you’re okay,” Dr. Raynor addressed Bucky, “And so, yeah, this may be slightly unprofessional but it’s the only way that I can see if you’re getting over whatever’s eating at you.” 
“This is ridiculous,” Sam rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I agree,” Bucky shook his head.
“This is the first time they’ve agreed on anything for the past twenty four hours,” I spoke up, leaning back in my seat to watch the show unfold.
“See? We’re making progress already,” Dr. Raynor said, “So, who wants to go first?”
“No volunteers? Wow, how surprising…” she remarked, “Okay, we’re going to do an exercise. It’s something I use with couples when they are trying to figure out what kind of life they wanna build together. Are you familiar with the miracle question?”
“Absolutely not,” Bucky answered. 
“Of course not,” Sam’s voice overlapped with Bucky’s.
“Okay, it goes like this. Suppose that while you’re sleeping, a miracle occurs. When you wake up, what is something that you would like to see that would make your life better?’
Bucky suddenly became chatty, “In my miracle, um, he would…he would talk less.”
“Exactly what I was gonna say,” Sam replied, “Isn’t that ironic?”
“You guys are leaving me with no choice,” Dr. Raynor shrugged, “It’s time for the soul-gazing exercise.” “I like this better,” Bucky perkily pointed a finger towards his shrink.
Sam chuckled quietly to himself, “He’s gonna love this.” “Yeah, I’m ready.” “This is right up your alley…” Dr. Raynor motioned for them to rotate, ”Turn around, face each other.” “You should really enjoy this,” Sam said acidly. 
“I’m going to,” Bucky said with a sarcastic smile, the only one I’d seen him wear. “Let’s do it,” he said happily as Sam moved to face him, “Let’s stare. This is a good exercise, thanks Doc.” “Alright, get close,” Dr. Raynor instructed, they scooted slightly towards one another, “Come on, get closer.” With their knees touching, any further would put them much closer than either of them would ever want. “Which way do you want to go?” Bucky asked, “Right or left?” “Why are your legs open?” Sam asked impatiently, “You know what? Fine, here, you happy now?” He used Bucky’s chair to pull him forward so they legs were locked together.
“That’s a little close,” Bucky said loudly, adjusting in his seat. Sam nodded in agreement, “It’s very close, that’s what you wanted, right?” 
I couldn’t hold in my laughter anymore, causing both of them to shoot daggers at me. “Is this fun for you?” Sam snapped, gesturing towards their touching thighs. “Very,” I grinned unapologetically.
“Guys,” Dr. Raynor held up a hand to silence us all, “Now, look at each other. You need to look at each other in the eyes,” they obeyed and lifted their eyes to meet, “There, you see? That wasn’t so hard.” The stares they wore intensified, “Wait, what are you doing?” Dr. Raynor asked, “Are you having a staring contest?” Sam adjusting his eyebrows was her answer, she leaned over the table and snapped her fingers. “Just blink! All right, James, why does Sam aggravate you?” Bucky turned to his therapist with as close to a real smile as I’d seen on him when she cut him off, “And don’t say something childish.” His head lolled to the side in defeat, his pink tongue came out to wet his lips as he thought over his answer. “Why did you give up that shield?” “Why are you making such a big deal over something that has nothing to do with you?” Sam shot back.
“Steve believed in you, he trusted you. He gave you that shield for a reason,” Bucky’s emotions were starting to seep out, “That shield, that is- that is everything he stood for. That is his legacy. He gave you that shield and you threw it away like it was nothing.” “Shut up…” Sam muttered.
“So maybe he was wrong about you. And if he was wrong about you, then he was wrong about me.”
The way that Bucky’s voice had quivered at the end was telling of just how deep the wound ran. But Sam’s forgoing of the shield was backed by reasons that Bucky could never wrap his mind around.
“You finished?” Sam spoke up, when Bucky said yes, he continued, “All right, good. Maybe this is something you or Steve will never understand. But can you accept that I did what I thought was right?”
This was the issue that made the heavy silence we were sitting in all the more complicated. Both men were valid in their feelings, but there would be no resolve for either of them. Steve was gone, Walker carried the shield and Bucky and Sam were trying their best to navigate a new world.
Sam scoffed, burying the emotions that I knew he was trying to hide from. “You know what, Doc? I don’t have time for this. We have some real serious shit going on. So how about this? I will squash it right now. We go deal with that, and when we’re done, we both can go on separate long vacations and never see each other again.” My eyes widened at how quickly the conversation had escalated. “I like that,” Bucky agreed.
“Great. Well, let’s get to work,” Sam turned to Dr. Raynor, “Thanks, Doc, for making it weird. I feel much better,” he turned to Bucky, “I’ll see you outside.” With a slap to his shoulder, he rose from his seat and was out the door in seconds. There was so much left unresolved that didn’t sit well with me. As Bucky went to stand up, I did too. “Actually, Doctor,” I walked around to table to take Sam’s empty seat, “I’d like to say a few things.” Bucky annoyedly fell back down into his chair and shook his head in irritation. I didn’t particularly care that he didn’t want to speak with me, all he had to do was listen. “I know you and Steve were best friends and I know how much he means to you. But I can’t sit here and watch you berate my brother relentlessly over the fact that he didn’t take up that mantle. It’s easy for someone like Steve to be Captain America without any pushback, but Sam?” I pointed to the closed door, “It’s a whole ‘other ballgame. And while Steve would never have fully understood it, he would have made an effort to. And he wouldn’t be pressuring Sam like you are. You need to drop this and you need to drop it now.” “Let’s get one thing straight,” his razor sharp jaw ticked in anger, “You don’t get to talk about Steve like you knew him or like you understand anything about our friendship. You never met him, you don’t get to speak for him.” He could have never known what button he had just pressed, but my reaction wouldn’t have changed even if he had. I sat up straighter in my chair, my steely eyes boring into him. “I didn’t know Steve? Well, then I guess it was a different Steve Rogers that Sam introduced me to when I came to visit him in D.C. And it must have been a different Steve Rogers that I visited at the Avengers compound when I helped Sam move in,” I leaned forward, the dam in my eyes threatening to break, “It must have been a different Steve Rogers that I ran to when people all around me started turning to dust.”
It was pouring rain outside the Avengers compound, the piles of dust that had rested on the ground having long since been washed away. Y/n stormed across the front lawn of the compound to the entrance, she had driven straight through for 20 hours from Delacroix to upstate New York. Getting past security hadn’t been hard once she had said who she needed to speak to and who it regarded.
Her boots squeaked across the floor as she marched through the compound, she’d only been once but she still remembered her way around. She navigated through hallways until she’d found the main room, she only recognized one of the figures that stood hunched over a table in deep discussion. At the sound of her entrance, each one of them turned around. “Y/n…” Steve said in shock, a relieved sigh spilling from his lips, “You’re okay.” “He’s here, right?” she trembled, “He’s in his room or the kitchen? Steve, tell me he’s here.” When Steve didn’t answer and ducked his head, Y/n pushed harder. “Tell me he’s here, Steve.” He looked back up, finally meeting her eyes. “I can’t do that.”
Y/n let the last bit of strength she had slip through her fingers as her soaked form dropped to the floor. Steve was quick to hold her, offering what little comfort he could, knowing that he wasn’t the person she wanted to see most in the world. She sobbed in his arms, the first step in the long process of mourning her brother.
Steve made a true effort to keep in contact with Y/n over the next five years. He flew down to New Orleans to visit every couple months or he offered to fly Y/n up to New York. About two years post Blip were when financial struggles really started to hit Sarah and Y/n’s business and Y/n had to decline each kind offer to meet him on his turf. When she explained why, Steve showed up on her doorstep two days later, ready to stay for the week and help out however he could. It wasn’t hard to see why Sam had bonded so deeply with Steve, he had just as big a heart as her brother.
The day that Sarah and Y/n received the joyous call from Sam that he was back from the dead was the best day of their lives. Y/n called Steve immediately after to tell him the news and thank him for whatever part she had guessed he’d played in reuniting their family. Her calls kept going to voicemail. After Sam’s reunion with his sisters and nephews, he took Y/n aside and handed her an envelope. Inside it was a letter from Steve explaining that he wouldn’t be returning after the restoration of the population. He wished her a good life with her family and that he had valued her friendship and kindness towards him. As brokenhearted as Y/n had been over the loss of her friend, when Sam told her the true reason behind Steve’s sudden disappearance, she was overjoyed that Steve had gotten somebody he loved back too.
Steve Rogers was there for Y/n in some of her darkest hours. They had bonded deeply, their friendship a single ray of light in their then darkened world. To see his shield paraded around by someone who didn’t embody the same qualities and values that he did hurt more than she let on. The world may have accepted John Walker, but he’d never be Captain America in Y/n’s eyes.
I had somehow made it through my retelling of my time with Steve without completely breaking down. A river of silent tears streamed down my cheeks but my voice held firm. 
Bucky’s harsh stare had diminished significantly the longer I spoke. His plush lips were parted in surprise, words I didn’t care to hear hanging off of them.
“I don’t ever want to hear that I didn’t know Steve Rogers,” my voice threatened to break finally, “You’re not the only one who wants to protect his legacy.” Dr. Raynor had remained so silent while I talked, I’d forgotten she was there until she offered me a tissue. I hastily wiped my cheeks, ducking away from Bucky’s gaze. “Thank you, Doctor,” I said softly as I stood up, “This has been really helpful.” I wrapped my arms tight around my torso and exited the room as quick as I could, making a beeline for the lobby to find Sam. When he spotted me, he stood to attention. “What’s wrong? What happened?” “Nothing,” I shook my head, “I just want to get out of here.” He placed a protective hand on my shoulder as he watched me sniffle the last of my tears away. Bucky joined us seconds later, I couldn’t look directly at him after bearing so much of myself to him. The three of us left the police station in a now familiar silence, each deep in thought about what we’d revealed. 
“Well, I feel better,” Sam said as we stepped out into the cool evening air. “I feel awful,” Bucky grumbled.
A siren whooping caught our attention, I wished it hadn’t. There stood Lemar Hoskins and John Walker, waving at us and calling us over. The three of us reluctantly made our way towards them. “Look, if we divide ourselves, we don’t stand a chance, you guys know that.”
Sam rolled his eyes and humored him, “So what do you got?”
“Well, the leader’s name’s Karli Morgenthau,” Walker explained, “We’ve been targeting civilians who’ve been helping Karli move from place to place.” “They geotagged a location, then scrambled the signal,” Hoskins interjected, “But our satellites have found their symbol popping up in various displaced communities all across Central and Eastern Europe.” 
“We think she’s taking the medicine she just stole to one of these camps,” Walker finished.
“Well, there are hundreds of those all over the planet since The Blip,” Bucky spoke up across from me, “So I guess you’ll have to look real hard.” Walker smiled, “Good thing I have 20/20 vision, huh?” “Where is she now, Walker? Do you know?” Bucky asked. “No, we don’t know, Bucky,” his voiced raised, highlighting his frustrations, “It’s only a matter of time before we find out.” If I knew anything about Bucky by now, it was that he had no issue with provoking people. “Things are really intense for you, aren’t they, Walker?” I clapped my hands together once, “Okay, if this keeps going, someone’s probably gonna end up back in there behind bars so let’s just settle down.” “Look, Walker’s right,” Sam stepped forward, “It is imperative that we find them and stop them. But you guys have rules of engagement and all kind of authorizations you have to get. We’re free agents. We’re more flexible. So it wouldn’t make sense for us to work with you.”
We didn’t make it further than a three steps when Walker spoke up again. “Miss Y/l/n,” I stopped walking at his call, “You’re an enhanced individual, right?” “I’m what they call a mutant,” I spun on my heels to face him, “But to simplify it, sure, I’m enhanced.” Walker raised a condescending eyebrow, “Are you familiar with the Sokovian Accords?”
My spine stiffened, he was trying to blackmail me without actually saying the words. I was far too familiar with the accords and the ramifications they’d had on the Avengers. They’d sent Steve and Sam on the run for two years. “I think I’ve heard of them, yeah,” I smiled humorlessly. “It clearly states that any enhanced individuals who haven’t signed are not authorized to participate in any national or international conflicts or any missions run by private organizations such as the Avengers,” he gestured towards Sam, “You’re running with an Avenger, aren’t you?” A mirthless chuckle fell from my mouth as I watched him try and intimidate me. “Look, Craptain America,” I took slow and calculated steps towards him, “You can order your partner around or the soldiers that look up to you, but don’t think for one second that you can threaten me and try to pull the same shit the government did with Wanda Maximoff. I’m not going to be told who I can and cannot help.” Walker looked down at me menacingly, resembling a little boy who hadn’t gotten his way. “A word of advice then,” he said, eyes flicking between Sam, Bucky and I, “Stay the hell out of my way.” The juxtaposition between him and Steve had never been more apparent. Here he was daring to threaten me with incarceration followed by an ominous warning when it hadn’t worked. Bucky, Sam and I waited until him and Hoskins had left before heading our own way. “‘Craptain America?’” Sam echoed, slinging an arm around my neck, “I don’t think I’ve ever been prouder of you.” “It was a low blow,” I admitted with a contradictory smirk.
“Someone needed to say it,” Bucky chimed in, hesitantly looking over to me before quickly averting his gaze back to the sidewalk.
“Do I need to be worried that he threatened me with the accords? Are Sarah and I going to have S.H.I.E.L.D showing up on our door or something?” I asked.
“I think he’s just trying to intimidate you, but…” Sam inhaled wearily, “But I’d rather keep you here with us, just to be safe. If anybody were to come, we could protect you.” My smile grew as I looked up at Sam, the parameters of how to keep me safe had changed in my favor. I was almost grateful Walker had threatened me. “I can stay?” “Stop looking so happy about it,” Sam dropped his arm from around me, “This isn’t going to be easy,” he looked to our left to Bucky, “So what are you thinking?”
“Well, I know what we have to do,” he answered, if he had reservations about me sticking around, he was kind enough not to mention them. “When Isaiah said “my people…””
“Oh, don’t take that to heart. That’s not what he meant.”
“No, he meant HYDRA, HYDRA used to be my people.”
Sam thought the answer over for a second, decoding it. “Not a chance,” he scoffed.
“Walker doesn’t have any leads,” Bucky shrugged.
“I know where you’re going with this, no.” “He knows all of HYDRA’s secrets. Don’t you remember Siberia?” “Wait, you’re not talking about…” I sought out Bucky’s eyes that were still dodging mine. I didn’t need a history lesson on who he was referring to. “No. Not him. He’s crazy.” “We don’t exactly have a lot of other options,” Bucky said as if that was justification for what he wanted to do. “So you’re just gonna go sit in a room with this guy?” Sam asked. Bucky hesitated, searching for a more sophisticated answer. “Y-yes.” I may have been allowed to stay, but I knew that I wasn’t experienced enough yet to argue on their level. They knew when and how to make the difficult calls, they could operate in a grey area with little to no issues. All I could do was sit back, be taken along for the ride and tolerate any passengers who got in along the way.
“Okay, then,” Sam finally concurred, “We’re gonna go see Zemo.”
I couldn’t sleep.
We were back on the jet speeding back to Germany, this time with an even more sinister problem at hand. I had wanted to come along, I just hadn’t guessed that the reason I’d be allowed to stay would be because of a threat to my safety. All because of my powers. This was the reason why my father had been hellbent on keeping them a secret. I felt in a way that I’d failed him, that somewhere in the afterlife he was disappointed in me for telling the truth, even if I’d done it for the right reasons. Sam was conked out next to me, I envied his military training to get quick sleep wherever he could. I personally felt like I’d injected caffeine into my veins back in Maryland and hadn’t been able to come down since.
“Can’t sleep?” Bucky asked from where he laid on the floor, I thought he’d been unconscious the whole time.
“Can’t imagine why,” I dryly chuckled, “We’re only flying cross country to sit down and meet with one of the world’s most dangerous criminals. Why the floor?” “Oh,” he’d sat up and was looking back down at his lousy makeshift bed, his jacket balled up as a pillow and an itchy blanket, “It’s, uh, hard to explain.”
After a few seconds of near uncomfortable silence, he pushed himself up and made his way to where I sat. I tucked my legs under me to make room for his burly body. He was big enough that with all the space I’d tried to give him, my knees still brushed against his thick thigh. He sighed loudly, giving voice to the divide that if we’d have gone our separate ways, as planned, wouldn’t have mattered. Now that we were going to be working together, we couldn’t ignore what had been said in that interrogation room.
“Listen, about what…happened,” his face contorted in a mild cringe as he played the scene back in his head, “I’m sorry, for what I said.” “You didn’t know,” I offered, picking at a loose thread on my jacket, “I don’t talk about Steve a whole lot except with Sam.” “Still, I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that,” Bucky continued, folding his hands in his lap. “I’ve been rude since we met and that’s not okay. Especially when all you’ve done is try and help.”
“Don’t beat yourself up about it,” I leaned my head against the back of my seat, “No permanent damage done.” His thumbs danced together, his brows were knitted in concentration as he prepared to speak. “Can I, uh, ask you about your powers?”
I twisted so that I could properly face him, “Ask away.” “How did they happen?” “I was born with them, actually. I’ve got this thing called the X-gene, it’s supposed to manifest at puberty but for me it activated when I was really young,” I ran a hand through my hair, “Imagine being five years old and having blue come out of your fingers when you were reaching for a juice box.” A miracle occurred and Bucky’s lips actually quirked up in a half smile. It encouraged me to keep talking. “My mom wanted to take me to this school for kids like me but my dad forbade it. He kept saying that it was too dangerous and that somebody could find me. It was like he didn’t realize that it was a refuge for people with powers, not a hunting ground,” I paused, flashing back to arguments between my parents of which one of them actually knew what was best for me. “So instead, I just taught myself how to control them. There were a couple incidents but other than that, I’ve kept them under lock and key for a long time.”
Bucky had remained still and fascinated as I spoke, switching between watching my eyes and my lips. Suddenly it felt like nothing had ever gone on between us. We were just fellow soldiers or co-workers having a conversation outside of work.
“What do they think now? Your parents?” he asked, the ease of the moment slipping away with a simple question. He couldn’t have known the minefield he was stepping into.
“My mom doesn’t know yet that I told Sam,” I sighed deeply, inhaling strength and exhaling bad memories, “And my dad killed himself when I was a kid.” “Oh,” Bucky’s eyebrows lifted, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pried into-“
“No, no, it’s fine…” I waved him off, “Whether I want it to be or not, it’s a part of me. He was in the service and when he returned, he was diagnosed with severe PTSD. I was so young when he came home that I don’t really have any memories of him before it happened. He had all the classic symptoms; flashbacks, nightmares, paranoia, fits of anger, at some point he even stopped believing that he was a good father and husband,” I tear slipped down my cheek, “That was around the time it happened. We tried for so long to help him but the trauma consumed him. Every day he was just doing his best to survive himself.” I glanced up at Bucky to find that his eyes were just as watery as mine. It hadn’t dawned on me that I was telling him everything that he already knew about what happened when someone returned from war. He was living it out right now. 
“I’m not trying to strike any nerves but…in that session tonight, I saw how much you were holding in. With Sam, with me…” I started, praying I wasn’t going to end up pushing him further away, “I’ve seen what bottling things up and isolating yourself can do to a person and it’s a hell I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. I know you don’t trust me yet but…if you ever do need somebody to talk to…I can’t understand your experiences, but I can recognize some of it.” Bucky truly looked lost, like he’d never been in the position of receiving such an offer. His face, usually so hardened, had softened so much he was almost unrecognizable. And yet there was still some barrier, some pain weaved between the hope and vulnerability that kept him from receiving my kindness with open arms. In the session, the pain I had seen in his eyes reminded me so desperately of that in my father’s eyes. If I didn’t try to help him, that look would haunt me for a long time.
“Thank you,” he finally said, his voice raspy enough to make me shiver. We sat there in the dark, both our walls we’d built around ourselves starting to crumble as we chipped away at one another. There was some feeling I couldn’t put a name to that had settled over us. The eyes that I’d avoided all day were now all I could focus on, digging into the deep blue pools and feeling like I could lay down my sword there. If we were going to get through this mission, we needed to be friends at least and I felt confidant we were on the path.
Bucky eventually cleared his throat, shaking me from my thoughts that he was at the center of. “We’re gonna be to Berlin soon, you should get some sleep.”
Internally, I smiled at the familiarity, it was almost word for word what he’d told me the other night. Only now the hostility had been dropped.
“You need it too,” I replied as he rose and made his way across the plane, “Goodnight, Barnes.” I curled up in a ball near Sam’s feet, praying he didn’t kick me in his sleep. I had just shut my eyes to try when a voice spoke up, “Bucky.”
“Hmm?” I opened one eye to see him lay back down on the floor, attempting to get comfortable.
“Call me Bucky.”
I pursed my lips slightly to decrease the size of my smile, I wasn’t the only one laying down their weapons. “Alright. Goodnight, Bucky.”
A/N: There’s something so powerful about name dropping Wanda Maximoff and Y/n having been besties with Steve Rogers lol. Hope you all enjoy, let me know what you thought or if you’d like to be tagged! 
Safe Haven taglist: @tanyaherondale​ @wanniiieeee​ @asoftie4bucky​ @edencherries​ @i-reblog-fics-i-like​ @ttalisa​ @gcfty @withyoutilltheendofthismess​ @rinaispunk​ @weirdowithnobeardo​ @felicityofbakerstreet​ @godlypotterwhodiaries​ @eternalharry​ @voguesir​ @mizz-kraziii​ @okayline​ @smellmymisunderstoodfluff @wanderin-stories​ @nicklet94 @intricate-melody​ @aesthethickks​ @stumbleonmywords​ @simplybarnes​ @21bruhs​ @lostinwonderland314​ @superbookishhufflepuff​
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shirtlessfelix · 3 years
can i request ghostfelix?? where ghostface realizes he takes a liking for felix and they start getting all cutesy and shit ^^
Yes!!! My beloveds <3 Got carried away with this one lol, very dialogue-heavy. Hope you like it!
Not So Subtle
1071 words
Felix was bored.
Hours had gone by without an interesting trial, each one ending far too quickly. Really, it felt like everybody was getting more and more sick of the realm as time went on, and they were starting to find less and less ways to keep it satisfying.
Again, Felix was spooked by Danny Johnson, and again he was pulled off of a generator. He should have been trying to get out of his hold, but he remained perfectly still, perfectly silent so Danny could hook him easily and get it over with.
Instead of that, however, Danny stood with Felix in front of the hook, walking around with him, turning in small circles—he wondered if Danny was bored as well. "What's wrong with you?" he asked. "Don't say you died on me already."
Felix told him, "I'm over this shit," accent coming through heavier in his frustration.
"Over what, are you tired of me?" That one earned Danny a weak punch in his side which made him laugh. "Whatever, tough guy. I'll leave you alone." He carried Felix back to the generator and went to harass the other survivors, only a little hurt that Felix didn't feel like entertaining him.
And that was that...
Until the next trial he saw Felix in the snow and decided to stay away from him, but Danny still found himself looking in his direction. He didn't want to let Felix out of his sight, and stalking was in his blood, so he didn't feel the least bit bad about it. The negative came when he stared for too long, and Felix would figure out he was watching.
After the third or fourth time he was startled by the Entity's clue, Felix called out, "You're a creep, you know that?" and stood still, waiting for Danny's response or for him to come crawling from the shadows. To his surprise, Danny managed to get right behind him, scaring him half to death like he did best. "Fucking—"
"Sorry, sorry," Danny said, raising his hands in surrender with his knife nowhere to be found. "Calm down, it's in my pocket."
"Why is it in your pocket?"
"Because I don't want to kill you," Danny said simply. "I thought you'd be a little more happy to hear that."
"You've just been watching me the whole time, haven't you? I guess it's better than being stabbed."
"No! No. Actually, I scared the shit out of your girlfriend, I'll have you know."
"My girlfriend. What girlfriend?"
"That chick over there"—Danny pointed behind him—"she's not your girlfriend?" Felix shook his head. "Boyfriend then?" Felix flushed pink.
"Okay, screw you," he said and started to walk off, but Danny ran after him hiding a smile behind his mask.
"What, I'm sorry! I'm sorry."
"No, asshole, I'm not—" Felix paused, far too embarrassed to keep talking, and he wished he had a mask.
"You're not what?"
"You really are the worst, you know that?" Danny tilted his head, trying to get Felix to open up a little. He wondered if he'd just cracked the reason Felix was being so uptight about everything lately. "No one's that lonely."
"What do you mean? You're cute." Danny immediately regretted saying so, but Felix's sheepishness actually showed, so clearly he wasn't the only one he was making things worse for.
"I liked you better when you didn't talk."
"You don't think I'm cute?"
"How—" Danny caved in and lifted his mask, revealing that his face was just as flushed as Felix's was, eyebrows raised expectantly. Felix had to admit that he was cute, but he hated to think so. "My standards must be really low." Danny laughed, and his smile made Felix smile just a little bit.
"Gotcha," Danny teased before picking Felix up again and carrying him off somewhere. He struggled this time.
"I can walk myself!"
"No, no, this is more fun. Besides..." Danny brought him inside the shack and put him on his feet again, but didn't move his hands from Felix's waist. "I can be smooth if I want to be," he smiled, and Felix tried (failed) to hold back a chuckle.
He put his hand over Danny's, only wanting to move it from his side to take his glove off and find out how his skin felt. Danny's hand was clammy from being in a glove for so long, but it was warm and felt good against his freezing fingertips. "Too bad you didn't wear yours," Danny told him, and Felix shrugged. Danny took his other glove off and gave it to him to wear.
"You're lucky I'm cold."
"And what does that mean, hm?" Felix looked Danny in the eye for a moment before stepping closer and putting his arms around his waist, Danny's snaking over his shoulders in a warm embrace. They stood like that for a while, relaxing into each other and forgetting about what they're in a trial for anyway.
Felix sighed. "I haven't hugged anybody in so long."
"I know," Danny said. "Me neither... this is nice." Felix smiled into his shoulder and tightened his hold, their bodies pressing together and warming each other up. Danny let his hand slide up to the back of Felix's neck, massaging circles into it that relaxed Felix even more before his fingers poked into his hair.
"That feels good."
Neither of them realized how long they'd been standing there until one of the exit gates wailed in the distance, and the other survivors had gone on without Felix. They figured he'd been killed early into the trial and that Danny was having more gruesome fun with him. Felix didn't care how long he would be there; he didn't want to leave.
Danny asked, "Wanna get out of here?"
"Not really."
"Well, I do." Felix was disheartened until he continued. "Let's meet in the woods, yeah? It'd be less cold." That made him smile again.
"Sure. Here," he said, starting to take the gloves off before Danny stopped him.
"Keep them. I'll get new ones anyway. Come on, I see the hatch over there."
So, Danny walked with his arm around Felix's waist, pulling him in close, bringing him to the open hatch that howled as it beckoned Felix to jump into it. Danny kissed his cheek before he left, a warmth in his heart that he'd never felt before in his life. It was a lovely sensation.
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