#I don't know how to self-care
ohmygenz-ie · 7 months
I'm sending everyone who sees this some mad gender euphoria. It should arrive within 3-5 business days. If there is an issue with the status of your gender euphoria... uhmmm yeah I'm sorry idk how to fix that but I send hugs and well wishes
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dreadark · 5 months
that ivan loves till is the most obvious thing about them
but. does ivan know that…?
the ivan that regards his own feelings as shallow, the ivan that learned how emotions are expressed only from copying others… does he even know that the love he’s felt for so long is love? probably not. and part of the reason is the one he loves himself
because the easiest example he has of love is till's feelings to mizi. till outright calls it love, and ivan watches him so much he has to be aware of this and till’s love to mizi is totally unselfish, right. he doesn’t seem to actually want much from her—just that she's still there and still "mizi"
but ivan can't be satisfied with just watching he… wants. ivan wants till’s attention, till’s affection—
surely this selfish wanting can’t be love
...no wonder he was never able to express his feelings straightforwardly when he belittles them so much but he can’t stand not having anything either, so he does… whatever he does instead to get any scraps of attention he can, from someone he's convinced doesn't care about him at all only showing affection when till can't see it, right until he knows he's going to die
but ivan's feelings for till are all he still has of himself... to think of them as shallow...
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I've seen this translated as "I should've been kinder" to him (till) or to her (sua)
but really, the one he should've been kinder to was himself
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solarpunkani · 1 year
"Oh no, someone's attracted to the aesthetics of my -punk movement but doesn't know the praxis and history behind it like I do--"
OK. Tell them. Make it a teaching moment. Everyone who's in your movement learned the background from somewhere at some point, maybe this is that point for that person. Give them a jumping off point that they can dive into later.
"Oh but I shouldn't be responsible for teaching baby -punks about the history and the how-tos and--"
OK. Then don't tell them. You don't have to be responsible for teaching people with a budding interest in your group the ins and outs and how-tos. That's fair and valid! It can be a lot of work. Someone else will handle it
"But I'm annoyed that they would try to claim to be part of/be interested in my community without knowing all the details that I know after being in it for months/years/decades, they're dumb, they're posers, they're--"
OK. Then don't engage with them, if it's that bad. Maybe someone else will come around and tell them the history, maybe they'll pick it up on their own, maybe they'll just enjoy the fashion elements for awhile.
"But they shouldn't claim to be part of the -punk community if they don't know the--"
I feel like we have a few options here. People can either talk to them, share the history, share the values, share the praxis. Or they can just chase off anyone who even thinks about dipping a toe in their community, and then wonder why it's dying off later down the line.
I dunno, maybe I'm too naive and patient or whatever. But if people are entering your -punk spaces without knowing The Rundown of what you feel they need to know, maybe being nice about it and informing people instead of immediately assuming stupidity and malicious intent could help you make a new friend. Even the loudest voices in a space had to learn from somewhere, and not everyone has the luxury of being in the space as the History was Happening--whether it's an age thing or a not being aware of the space thing. Or maybe I just don't see what the big deal is behind people hating people who like the aesthetic of something and don't know the behind the scenes history about it yet.
Because I believe in the word 'yet.' No one comes into this world knowing everything about everything, and we're all constantly learning new things. I'm not gonna degrade someone and call them a poser for not knowing what I know. Because if it were me, interested in a scene but getting chased out and called a poser? I wouldn't hit the books and study up, I'd go 'that fuckin sucks, those people sucked' and then avoid anyone and anything having to do with it.
So chase people off and call them posers if you want. But if your community starts dwindling, don't be fucking shocked.
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dennisboobs · 10 months
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7x10 // How Mac Got Fat
↳ Charlie & Dennis + getting high together
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akirathedramaqueen · 1 month
You know what I love about this show so much?
The kindness. The understanding. The redemption.
And that's in the setting of fucking Hell. The irony.
The characters are deeply flawed. They make a lot of mistakes. They fuck up even trying to fix things.
But they are trying. They have a lot of virtues, too, even though they don't see them themselves. They slowly but surely process their problems. They work around their trauma and the conditions they were raised in, deeply affected by it, hurting but still powering through, learning, and developing.
Although we are far from the end of these characters' journey, the SpindleHorse team does an amazing job of making these characters sympathetic, believable, and real. They give you the information and the opportunity to understand how complicated things are, how both sides of the conflict can be understood and blamed at the same time.
And the main thing? The forgiveness and redemption. You want these characters to do better, to be better, of course. But you also want them to be loved, despite the fact that what they did was obviously wrong.
You, as the viewer, already forgive them, and you just want them to forgive themselves. To allow themselves to be loved.
When I watched the show and saw them making the same mistakes I did, some horrible things I wouldn’t forgive myself for and struggled with for years, I suddenly understood the struggle. I empathized with them. I wanted to give them a hug. I wanted to comfort them and promise that things would get better and encourage them to give it one more try, one more talk. I wanted to scold them for self-loathing because I know all too well the kinds of dark places it can lead you to sometimes.
And then the thought comes to mind, "Can I afford a bit of this empathy for myself too? Just allow myself to live with the fuckup and allow myself to be human?"
It didn't fix me. But it eased my turmoil and taught me to understand it better. It taught me some empathy, too, and I thought I was the one with the emotional ingelligence of a nightstand. Well, I still kinda am, but at least I learned to listen to people sometimes.
I just want to thank the whole team who worked on Helluva Boss for all the self-reflections I experienced with their creation.
Thank you.
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chloecherrysip · 1 year
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I don't know where I'm from. My earliest memory is arriving. I was so lucky they found me! They took me in, raised me like one of their own, and when I was ready, they made me their princess.
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pyreneese · 28 days
Alright, everyone else is doing this so I'll give it a try lol. But these are things that I've thought about/want and have struggled to do.
200 notes and I'll keep my room clean (something I struggle with)
400 notes and I'll regularly go to the gym
600 notes and I'll make a new recipe at least once a week.
800 notes and I'll finish my fanfic wips
1,000 notes and I'll finish my original novel.
10,000 notes and I'll look for a therapist
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cerise-on-top · 5 months
Before I start writing for the day I just wanna get something off my chest:
Due to personal reasons I can't stop thinking about reader, who got his very first binder, and showing it off to Gaz. Just the sheer euphoria of having a flat chest and having Gaz support you, calling you a handsome young man. And, like the good boyfriend he is, he'd give you tips on how to bind safely so that you won't get hurt. Seeing you this happy takes him back to the good old times as well and he'd suggest going clothes shopping with you as well. Either that or he'd let you wear some of his clothes, if you're comfortable with it. Just to see you confident in yourself, he'd share just about anything with you. His clothes, his shampoo, his deodorant. The happier you are, the happier he is. You're the best boyfriend he could have ever wished for and he'll remind you of that fact very often. You deserve to know just how awesome of a guy you are.
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johnslittlespoon · 2 months
Buck showing up to visit Bucky at collage and suddenly all whole campus is talking about that freshman with the scary older biker boyfriend
Stop It I'm Going To Start Biting Things 👍🏻
in my Head, john starts spending every weekend at gale's since during the week they're both busy with classes/work respectively... so yk surely instead of taking the bus every time, gale's in the area occasionally to pick him up from campus and give him a ride...
lol john gets jealous when he comes out of class the first time this happens and finds a group of giggly college girls hanging around gale while gale politely chats and waits for him on his bike, but john can't do shit about it in public bc yk. gays. in 2005.
so when they get back to gale's he makes sure to leave his mark(s+++), bossily pushing gale down onto the couch and crawling into his lap and attaching his lips to his neck, all cranky and mouthy about "they were ready to jump your bones, gale" and gale stifling a laugh because as if that's not exactly what john did the moment the door closed behind the two of them. he finds his impatient possessive grumpy puppy endlessly endearing and sweet <3
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mrtreefingersart · 2 years
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I needed a break from being sentient and when I came to I’d scribbled out half of these. Sometimes, drawing a giant cat-alien and his repressed ex-imp boyfriend is a form of self care.
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lisondraws · 1 year
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The Interlude. A renowned and reclusive playwright pays a visit backstage.
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juniperleafdelivery · 7 months
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aq2003 · 23 days
like i'm trying to find the words to explain why i found don juan in soho to be so profound and interesting but all i'm coming up with is "they stabbed dj in the dick and when he comes back up to do the curtain call you can see the blood on his pants 10/10 attention to detail and commitment to the bit"
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fromtheseventhhell · 8 months
Arya stans don't want Arya to serve Sansa? Dany stans don't want Dany to be villainess to Sansa Disney princess? That means they are evil mean Sansa haters
Literally 🙄. If we discuss Arya or Dany as their own characters without adding a fifteen-paragraph disclaimer about how that will affect Sansa, her fans run with it and call it "hate". We're being so mean and misogynistic because we *check notes* don't think the entire story revolves around her
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scammydoesstuff · 28 days
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Been a minute since I've been able to draw or even post anything. And that's cuz I've been busy af with a job that's been slowly killing me for the last 8 months. But it's all good; I'm actually leaving that shithole at the end of the week. Yay! Maybe that means I can open up commissions again since I'll actually have time for them? Who's to say...
Anyway! Had a rough weekend at Fan Expo Chicago last week, and I've kinda had this in mind to draw ever since my disappointing interaction with Neil Newbon. He was very nice, but it felt pretty clear that he only really cared about Astarion. And, like, to a degree I get it? Astarion seems like a cool character that means a lot to a lot of people, but to act like no one cares anymore about Resident Evil Village cuz it's an "older game" (his words, not mine), kinda killed my mood for the weekend. Not to mention coming back with COVID. That was also a bummer...
*I* still love Heisenberg, at least. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. ❤️‍🩹
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carrie-tate · 5 months
As always, a spontaneous post, but I don’t know, maybe someone needs to read this.
For all those people who follow my blog, or just see this post in their feed, and who may be having difficulties now in terms of mental health. My Dears, know that I mentally support each of you. It doesn’t matter what the cause of this condition may be, whether it is a diagnosis or simply a loss of strength due to life circumstances. You will overcome everything and cope with everything, be it the daily routine and self-care or temporary difficulties in life.
You can do anything, even if you can only cope with a small part of what is happening in your life right now. These small steps are the most valuable and are where the path to a solution begins. And I'm sure you can do everything.
Appreciate and take care of yourself, cause each of you is important, my dears ♡
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