#I don't think there's going to be any rhyme or reason to the art I post on here sorry lmao
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totally and completely platonic embrace while you tenderly heal your totally and completely platonic partner's head wound that you're super not worried about at all, no big deal it's fine it's cool (Fleur (pink hair) belongs to @theriversarebroken)
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jinwoosungs · 1 month
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jinwoo sung x isekai’d!fem.reader
{ you think your days are uneventful | and no one ever thinks about you… }
you had no rhyme or reason, not even a mere explanation, as to how this was possible.
you found yourself in the fictional world of solo leveling; a world that you adored with all your heart.
back in the real world...
you recall spending hours of your days binge reading the chapters of the manwha on your phone, falling in love with the amazing art style and the action sequences. it was embarrassing for you to admit, but in the midst of you reading the comic, you ended up developing quite the crush on the main protagonist, sung jinwoo.
of course, you were well aware of how he already had a canon love interest, but a part of you truly didn't care. when your emotions became too much for you to handle, that was when you would constantly search for any inserts pertaining to him, drowning yourself in such wonderful daydreams while saving each and every story you came across within the safety of your phone.
and when solo leveling's mobile game was announced-
you were the first to sign up for it immediately. once the game had launched globally for you to enjoy, you quickly dove into the game while doing your best to care for jinwoo. sure, there were some hiccups along the way, and you accidentally made him 'die' on some occasions, but still, you allowed your love for jinwoo to push you forward.
you spent some of your money on purchasing better items and weapons for jinwoo, slowly leveling up jinwoo in a more safe and efficient manner. and while you were simply enjoying the game, the last you you remember was working on grinding up jinwoo's level before falling asleep within the comfort of your bed-
only to find yourself in an unknown bedroom within an unfamiliar apartment. a gasp escapes from your lips when you look down at your hands, realizing that they looked... more colorful and bright-
almost as if you had been drawn and colored in.
a sudden knock heard on your door breaks you out of your thoughts, trailing your eyes to see your mother opening the door for you, "morning sweetheart, it's time to get up and go to classes!"
you were shocked to see that it was actually your mother who greets you with a sweet smile on her face. she was dressed in soft clothes consisting of a sweater and jeans with her arms crossed over her chest, waiting for you to get up.
"mom, i- where are we right now?"
she frowns upon hearing your question, "what do you mean? we're in seoul, your father got promoted as a hunter and was transferred to the korean hunter's association branch, remember?"
your mind was spinning. there was no way in hell this was real! your parents were both regular office workers. you had never once seen your dad with any combative abilities-
were you dreaming?
had your daydreams pertaining to solo leveling's world made you hallucinate this much?
as if sensing your confusion and discomfort, your mother goes inside your room and settles herself on your bed, reaching out a hand to you as she brushed back your hair. "honey, are you alright?"
you swallow thickly and tried to even out your breathing. "i-i'm fine! but uhm... just to double check... do you and i have any... abilities?"
your mother shakes her head and continues to gently brush back your hair. "no, we are normal civilians, but don't worry! your father will protect us..." she meets your gaze and asks in a warm and concerned manner, "did you wish to skip classes for the day? i'm sure your professors won't mind as much, since you are a university student."
you shake your head at the offer, actually feeling quite eager to explore the world of your beloved webcomic. "no mom, it's okay! i just had a strange dream... and was a little confused, that's all."
she gives you another bright smile before leaning in to press a kiss against your hair. "alright then, i'll make some breakfast for you, and you can head out to your classes afterwards."
she finally leaves you alone then, heading back out into the kitchen as you bolted out of bed to look at your reflection in the mirror. your features remained the same, yet now that you were 'drawn' into the art style of solo leveling, you knew that you were much prettier than usual.
gone were the acne scars and blemishes, and despite your figure remaining the same, you felt quite confident in it. as you touch at your face, admiring the bright quality of your eyes, you couldn't help but sigh to yourself.
"i may look better, but i still don't think i'm a match for cha hae-in."
despite how you could feel your heart pounding with excitement and anticipation at the thought of meeting sung jinwoo someday, you knew better than to get your hopes up. after all, he must have had his second awakening already and was simply doing raids and attending meetings and conferences throughout the world (as per the plot). you knew that his romance with cha hae-in would start to blossom soon, and you didn't wish to acknowledge or even be a witness to it.
in this world, even though i love it so much and would LOVE to be a badass hunter or a healer, i'm still just a civilian.
you continue admiring yourself in the mirror with an almost wistful expression. "maybe it's a blessing that i am a civilian and jinwoo is a hunter..."
that way, i don't have to meet him; i can save myself the heartache and forever remain out of his personal orbit.
you hear your mom calling out to you to come get ready and come to eat breakfast, breaking you out of your reveries as you walked out of your bedroom with a newfound eagerness.
{ ... }
jinwoo was simply settled within his office, looking over some reports when the system showed him a new notification. he frowns at the translucent screen, hands reaching up to tap at it.
YES / NO ? ]
he could feel his eyes flash purple in response, filled to the brim with concern at the thought of a brand new threat that appeared in his world.
"yes." was his simple answer, eyes becoming glued to the screen as he waited for what the system would show him-
only to feel a bit dumbfounded upon seeing a young woman walking out of her apartment. she was dressed casually with a bag slung over her shoulder, clearly a student as she made her way to the station.
"system, what makes this woman an anomaly?" he asks it casually, waiting for yet another reply. within seconds, a new screen was seen.
this message made jinwoo's eyes go wide, his anger quickly being replaced by curiosity. "and how are you certain she's from a different universe?"
jinwoo was intrigued now, hands remaining folded against his desk as his glowing, purple eyes continue to watch the woman go on with her day.
interesting... very interesting indeed.
{ ... }
even though you were simply making your way to class, you were honestly having so much fun. even though you technically haven't been out exploring seoul before, it was like you were running on autopilot, with your legs having no issue taking you to the university you attended.
there was a strange sense of familiarity that washes over you, and it almost felt like you were a character that was meant to be within solo leveling's world-
upon arriving at your university, you greet the two girls that you assumed were meant to be your friends, joining them before and after classes as you managed to enjoy lunch with them. during your classes, you were pleasantly surprised to find that you could understand the textbooks and the professor's written notes as you copied them diligently within your own notebook.
with your classes completed later that afternoon, you decided to spend some time exploring the city, basking in the beauty of the late afternoon while enjoying the sunset. as you stopped in the middle of the sidewalk while admiring the warmth of the setting sun, your phone began to ring with an incoming call from your mother.
picking it up on the second ring, you answer, "hello? hey mom, what's up?"
"you're finished for the day, right? do you mind coming home so that you can help me prepare dinner?"
"of course. i'll see you soon. i love you, mom!"
you hear her laughter on the other end. "i love you, too. stay safe, and come home soon!"
after hanging up the call, you walk with your head held high and a bounce in your step.
even knowing the dangers that were to come-
(the monarch's invasion settled within the heart of this city)-
you held no anxiety or fear because jinwoo would ultimately take care of the war, protecting everyone and everything that lived on this earth while taking on the burden all on his own.
{ ... }
jinwoo had been watching the young woman for quite a few weeks now, and he was fascinated by her carefree and happy nature.
had those who came from a different universe always remained this happy?
even when she was simply doing mundane things like...
attending classes,
helping her mother cook,
eating dinner with her parents the moment her father came home,
and simply studying-
jinwoo couldn't look away.
it was like her finding joy with the simple things in life was like a beacon of light to him. she had an inner beauty that called out to jinwoo, and he found himself desperate to know more about her.
i should meet her soon... and place a shadow soldier on her.
he swipes away at the system's screen the moment he sees her get into bed. knowing that she had class the next day, jinwoo decides to make some time to meet her once and for all.
{ ... }
"oh my god, is that who i think it is?!" one of your friends was heard crying out to you, hanging on to your arm in a tight manner as she stops you from crossing the gate.
"hm? what are you talking about?" you ask with a yawn.
"it's him! the latest s-rank hunter, sung jinwoo!" your other friend was practically freaking out, too, eyes going wide as a dreamy expression crosses her features.
of course, how could you forget? in this world, powerful hunters were viewed and treated like celebrities. as you strained to look toward the gates, you saw that it was indeed jinwoo settled near the gates. he was dressed in his usual coat and suit with what looked like a bouquet of flowers in his hand.
strange, does cha hae-in attend this university, too?
you thought to yourself, even though you were 100% certain that she only worked as a hunter-
but why else would jinwoo be here with a bouquet of flowers?
"you guys go ahead and meet him." you slowly back away from your friends, adjusting your bag as you looked toward the other gate of your university, "i just know that he is going to have a whole group of fans flocking to him, and i don't want to be late. i made plans with my parents." you lie through your teeth before making a dash away from the gate, not even bothering to reply to your friend's protests.
you were determined to never meet with jinwoo-
after all, you didn't want to even fall any more in love with him than you already were-
especially when knowing that he had always belonged to someone else.
however, in the midst of you running away, you were unaware of a pair of glowing, purple eyes that followed your every movement.
{ ... }
she's avoiding me...
jinwoo finds himself back home, barely touching the dinner his mother had prepared for him. his chopsticks kept picking at the rice, eating it a single grain at a time while deep in thought.
"oppa, if you keep going at that pace, you'll be stuck here forever." jinah teases him between bites of her own food, "seriously, what's up with you?"
not even jinah's teasing could break him out of his intrusive thoughts, earning a concerned look from his mother. "jinah, could you give me a moment to talk to your brother?"
she rolls her eyes playfully, but ultimately listens to her, standing from her seat with her bowl of rice and side dishes in hand, giving them some privacy. unable to find his appetite, jinwoo puts down his bowl and pushes it away from him. feeling her touch as she reaches across the table toward him, his chin was suddenly being held by his mother, her own dark eyes filled with concern for him.
"what's wrong, my love?"
he swallows thickly, trying to hide how he was feeling. "nothing is wrong..."
because she was his mother, he should have known better than to lie. "you're heartbroken."
jinwoo stiffens completely when he hears her words. "n-not exactly when she... ah... she doesn't know that i exist. or rather... she doesn't even wish to acknowledge me."
his mother remains silent for a few beats before letting out a soft laughter. "well, perhaps the young lady is a bit intimidated by you, jinwoo."
he could feel his eyes going wide upon hearing her words, feeling shy when she kept on laughing, "in fact, you remind me of your father. when i first met him, i was filled with such joy and love at the mere sight of him. yet... because i had never felt such a powerful sense of love before, i tended to shy away from him a bit."
his mother continues to speak with her eyes closed, "but despite my distance, your father was persistent. he never once gave up on me, always sending me sweet gifts and taking me out on fun little dates. it was through his kindness alone that he had captured my heart completely, getting rid of my doubts since i knew that he was the one for me."
jinwoo smiled at his mother, allowing her to bask in her memories with a hint of sadness felt within his heart.
"so, what are you suggesting that i do then?"
his mother finally opens her eyes before giving him a wide grin, "if she means that much to you, then you need to capture her heart... turn whatever anxieties she has for you into something softer and warmer... like love. you are your father's son, and i know that you not only inherited his appearance, but his tenacity as well..."
he could feel his heart grow lighter in response to her words, now being filled with a newfound courage. letting out a light chuckle when he stands from his seat, coming towards his mother so that he could press a kiss against her hair.
"thanks mom... for the advice. i know exactly what i need to do now."
{ ... }
ever since you first caught sight of jinwoo lingering outside of your university, you had been extra cautious of your surroundings. sure, you were well aware that he had the power to keep track of you through inserting his soldiers within your shadow-
but if you were nowhere near his periphery, then he could not insert them into your shadow, therefore, making it unable for him to watch you fully.
so in your head, there was no way jinwoo could possibly keep track of you.
about a month had passed since you and your friends saw jinwoo, and ever since then, you didn't see him (thank the rulers above). since you were much more relaxed right now, completely convinced that jinwoo being close to your campus was a mere coincidence. and who knows? maybe that was the chosen meeting place he and hae-in had agreed on.
wishing to enjoy your saturday, you finish eating breakfast with your parents before telling them about your plans of enjoying the city. of course, they let you do as you pleased while making you promise them to be home by 9pm at the latest. sealing your promise with them, you grab your bag that held your phone and wallet before leaving your apartment.
the weather was so nice, and you could feel the gentle wind coursing through your hair, making you let out a happy sigh. you stop walking and take a moment to enjoy the weather. "i knew it was a good idea to come out of the house."
"about time."
you freeze upon hearing a deep chuckle settled a few feet away from you, making your eyes go wide as you saw what appeared to be shadowy wisps forming before you.
you were left gaping when jinwoo reveals himself from the shadows, giving you a smug expression.
"did you think you could hide from me forever?" amusement was seen shining within his grey eyes, appearing as bright as silver with the way the sun was seen against them. you were caught off guard, whispering to him in a shocked manner, "you wasted your shadow exchange for this?"
jinwoo's eyes were tilted upwards in question, "oh, so you know a lot about me then?"
he ignores your flustered expression, coming closer to you as he held your chin tightly with one of his hands. he forces you to look at him, a look of annoyance with a hint of anger shimmering within his now glowing, purple eyes.
"why have you been avoiding me?"
his question comes out as strained, and you had no clear answer to give him without spilling your own secrets.
because i'm not from this world?
because i'm half in love with you due to the fact that you're my comfort character?
because i don't want to see you falling for cha hae-in and feel hurt and envious at the same time?
yet none of those words fall from your parted lips, and you couldn't stop yourself from meeting his gaze with a pout. seeing your expression, he sighs and immediately lets go of your chin. running a hand through his hair, he appears disappointed in himself when he meets your gaze again.
"i'm sorry, i was supposed to treat you gently..." jinwoo apologizes to you before taking a hold of your hand. "come on, let me take you out on a proper date."
by now, your mind was spinning, sputtering out weak protests as you could feel the heat against your cheeks. were you dreaming again? was this actually happening?
did your fantasies just come to life?
still caught in a daze, you and jinwoo had been walking for quite some time when he finally stopped at what looked like an amusement park. you look behind you to double check yourself, taking note that the skies were still perfect and sunny-
not at all swallowed up by a looming, purple gate.
a knowing smile crosses your features when jinwoo purchases tickets for you and him to go into the park, making you bask in the sweet scents of cakes, candies, with a hint of buttery popcorn. of course, thanks to his status as an s-rank hunter, he was allowed entry with you within mere minutes.
as you both walk into the amusement park, the crowd of people that once lingered quickly parted ways, their excited whispers could be heard while jinwoo kept your hand held tightly within his.
"no way, it's hunter sung jinwoo!"
"who's that with him?"
"i don't believe she's a hunter..."
"hunter sung with a regular civilian? wow, that's unheard of."
you felt your anxieties beginning to mount when jinwoo suddenly gave your hand a squeeze.
"just ignore them and don't even worry about it." jinwoo's smile manages to captivate you, and you had to look away from him (unless you wished for your heart to burst from the confines of your chest!)
why didn't you go with hae-in instead, like you were supposed to?
you didn't allow your jealousy to ruin this seemingly perfect moment with him, deciding to ask instead, "why did you want to go here with me?"
jinwoo shrugs while looking straight ahead. "i've always wanted to try and go here once... while taking a chance to get to know you better."
you blink up at him, detecting what he was hinting in his voice.
had he been watching you after all?
did he know that you weren't meant to be here-
is that why he held an interest in you?
because you weren't normal-
because you were an anomaly?
"do you want to get on that ride first?" jinwoo breaks through your thoughts, making you look up to see one of the rollercoasters. with a smile, you knew that you would enjoy each and every ride more so than cha hae-in ever could since you were still a mere civilian. such cheap thrills were still very much entertaining to you.
"yes! if it's at all possible, i'd like to ride everything at least once!" you tell him with a wide smile, squeezing his hand in response when he smiles down at you.
"sure, let's go on every ride, then."
so you spent the next several hours getting on each and every ride. while jinwoo maintained a blank expression, you raised your arms up and continued to yell with joy and happiness. each ride filled you with an exhilaration you hadn't felt in a long time. 
and with jinwoo follwing you every step of the way, you only felt your happiness increase.
after tiring yourself out with all the rides, jinwoo buys you lunch consisting of a cheeseburger meal. you look over at him, seeing him sipping at his soda while not even eating. between bites of your burger, you asked him why he didn't get anything to eat.
in response to your question, jinwoo simply rests his cheek against the palm of his hand. "i'm not hungry... because seeing your happiness and smile is enough to fill me."
your eyes go wide, not expecting jinwoo to say such a thing to you. as your heart began to race in response, you saw jinwoo looking away from you with a blush and a grin. he remains quiet, allowing you to finish your meal when he suddenly asks, "i know you're probably tired from all those rides, but... do you think you can handle one last ride with me?"
your breathing becomes labored then, heart already beginning to skip beats when you realized what was going to happen next...
{ ... }
your screams could be heard as you practically cling to jinwoo while riding on kaisel's back. as the shadow monarch kept laughing at your terrified screams, you were doing all that you could to keep from puking up your lunch!
the wyvern's wings seemed to cut through the skies, picking up speed at jinwoo's commands as you held on to him in an even tighter manner. after what felt like an eternity, kaisel began to slow down its flight, landing in the midst of a forested area while jinwoo carried you down its back.
jinwoo lands against the plush grass with you still in his embrace, still giving you an innocent smile while admiring your scowling face.
he calls out your name in between his laughter, "are you alright?"
you shake your head and fought back the dizziness coupled along with the contents of your food felt swirling in your stomach. "n-no... that was practically maniacal of you, sung jinwoo."
jinwoo's laughter becomes louder now, still keeping you in his arms when he tells you with a hint of arrogance. "consider this as payback for purposely ignoring me for so long."
his words only makes the nausea get worse, filling you with anxiety when he continues to walk even deeper into the forest, not stopping until he reached a clearing that you were all too familiar with.
your heart clenched with pain at the memory of hae-in with jinwoo at this exact location, watching as a shooting star was seen decorating the night sky.
yet, with you still in his embrace, the scene was a little different.
jinwoo settles himself against the grass, placing you on his lap with his arms wrapped around you. he presses your back against his chest with a hum, never once looking away from the skies while keeping you close to him.
your heart was still racing painfully, but you struggled to find the right words to even say to him. and as you were stewing in your thoughts, you knew you had to tell him the truth.
"do you realize that i am not originally part of your universe?"
jinwoo doesn't look away from the skies, only letting out another hum as his grin seemed to widen in response to your question. "of course i know... but don't worry. it doesn't matter to me where you're from... as long as you agree to be mine from now on."
your mouth turns dry at his answer, making you turn around to face him, "w-what? how can it not matter to you? i...i tried so hard not to get in the way of your life, b-because you deserved to be happy with cha hae-in..."
he meets your gaze then, eyes glowing purple once more, "you thought that was best for me?"
your throat clenches painfully and you look away from him, only managing a nod in response.
"...is that why you were so dead set on avoiding me?"
you shut your eyes and let out a shaky "yes, i didn't want to fall even more in love with you... knowing that you belonged to her originally."
"don't be ridiculous... i am my own person and can very much choose who i wish to be with." jinwoo reassures you in between bouts of his laughter, tightening his hold on you before continuing, "i've said it before, and i'll say it again, it doesn't matter to me where you came from."
he shifts the way he held you just then, turning you around so that you were now fully facing him, with your hands against his shoulders. your face was getting hotter by the minute, and from the way jinwoo was holding you in place, you couldn't even look away from him.
"when the system alerted me to your presence, i thought that you were a threat... but the more i observed you, i came to admire you..."
shutting his eyes, you felt jinwoo gently delving his fingers into your hair before continuing, "i was honestly so mesmerized by your presence... and i kept thinking to myself... 'how are you able to be so happy all the time? how are you so filled with love for your family and friends? why did you exude so much light...?'"
jinwoo opens his eyes once more, now framing at your face with his two hands, "you being in my universe was the best thing that ever happened to me... and you being here makes me happy, do you understand?"
your whisper of his name was all you could manage when he suddenly tightens his arms around you, bringing your head down closer to his when he perfectly slots his lips with yours, kissing you with a passion you had never once felt before as you basked in this moment with him...
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a.n. - ahhhh i'm so happy at how this came out! i've wanted to do a story like this for a while, and i hope that you readers have enjoyed it as well 🥹
edit: i'm trying to make this appear in the tags, so i'm sorry if this is a double post to you! 😭
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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tswaney17 · 17 days
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@elriel-month | Death's Fanged Beast
This is... well, it's porn. Nothing more. And before y'all come for me, let me note that I am NOT religious. I have no real foundation for any sort of religious/catholic background. This story is just a bunch of randomly used religious expressions strung together with no rhyme or reason. If this is not your cup of tea, don't read it. It was a wild idea I mentioned years ago that's finally come to pass.
Dedicated to the lovely @elainsweetcobalt for reasons. 😘
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​​​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
Please let me know what you think about this update. I love getting your feedback. Constructive criticism is always welcome. 💕
Trigger warnings: NSFW - explicit, goes against religious beliefs, just overall not for the faint of heart.
Word Count: 2,265
This fic will be posted on AO3 only. Read the beginning below or click here to head to AO3.
Father Azriel knew exactly who entered the confessional booth even with the privacy screen between them. The delicate scent of jasmine and honey followed her into the tiny chamber, invading his mind. Any ability to be impartial was destroyed right then and there.
Elain Archeron was sin itself.
Lust on legs.
She made him want to break his vow of celibacy; had taken to fisting himself in sin late at night from the image of her kneeling on the steps of his altar.
It was his personal form of torment. Seeing her every blessed Sunday in the front row of his church, always in a sundress that made his mouth water. And always, always wearing that delicate, golden cross neckless just around the base of her elegant throat.
He was in Hell.
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Remember, sharing is caring! Please reblog if you liked the fic. It helps spread my work and I truly appreciate it. 💕
While I have moved most of my fics to AO3 only, I am still going to utilize a tag list here on Tumblr. This as a permanent solution and may change in the future. For notifications, you can follow and subscribe to my fanfic account where I will be reblogging updates and snippets only. You can also find me on ao3. If you would like to be added to my tag list, please leave a comment on this post.
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
Some tags seem to not want to link, which could be related to your visibility settings. Sorry about that!
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distant--shadow · 2 months
I don’t know how to reconcile my love for Imodna and my fear that they’re going to not be end game… which is causing me a fear of purchasing artworks. Do you have any advice?
I’m afraid I’ll do it, hang it, love it and be completely heartbroken and want/need to take it down. OR, they do end up together, I don’t buy the art and then the art won’t be available that long down the line. I have stress and fear..
Sorry if this is dumb
hey there! first off, it ain't dumb. I know I freak out a little bit at the reality of when this campaign will be over, and I was the same with c2, jester was my character of all time and I had been watching live since the first episode aired, it's a lot of time to spend with a character/characters and real understandable to feel that way. it's always bittersweet, but life moves on
and I guess that's it, you have to enjoy what you enjoy whilst you have it. this is a show that's a lot like life, in that your favourite character could easily die one week without much rhyme or reason, no scripted foreshadowed build up. so give yourself to enjoying that thing whilst its here, share that enjoyment with others, and know that in the future there won't be an empty void - there will be something else.
speaking from the point of view of an artist, yeah, of course I think any of us would really appreciate the support, it's rough times, and once again, i can say from experience it's real nice to have that artwork there to see whilst you care about it. enriched environment and all that. and it's hard to say who's enthusiasm will stay, whether the couple is still together in canon or not, or once the show is over. I'm not someone who dabbles in more than one fandom at a time and this is the most I've committed myself to one, personally, but also personally, I'm a slutty aromantic so like whilst I do really care for imodna as a ship and all of that, it's kinda always been Imogen first for me. a whole lot of us were invested in them as a couple before it happened, I'm sure a lot of us would have been invested in it regardless, and we can still love what we were given either way. I love the story of it, I think for me the bump in the road makes it even more interesting, and something we haven't really been given by a CR romance during the campaign before (maybe we had in c1 idk I didn't watch it)
also, getting personal again, I'm also old enough to be of a generation where there wasn't a lot of queer rep. there was a lot of settling for subtle glances and heavy subtext. what we've had already has been so good, I really enjoy it, I love that we're already passed a time of like, well we don't have a lot of queer rep so everything we do has to be all lawful good alligned flowers and smiles and basically rebranded heteronormative fairytale romance but with coming-out grief, it's so far from beauyasha baybeeeee endgame and honestly for me that's perfect. these two have always had great charisma acting together and I love the layers and complexities we get from these two particular characters working out being in a romantic relationship with the burdens they carry, those years they had together before the campaign started and all of that ground we can play with, how they saved eachother...
have fun, try not to stress about being legitimised by others, enjoy your corners of fandom and fic and art and meta and interactions and your own conclusions and attractions and relations. take all the joy you can from the little things in life. make them as big as you want them to be.
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watermelonsloth · 10 months
The Boruto Designs for the Rookie 9 Make No Sense
(Note: I'm not mentioning the blank period designs because that's a post all on it's own.)
A lot of people have complained about the designs of Naruto's generation in Boruto and I can't blame them(I actually agree with most of the criticisms made), but the number one problem I have with them I haven't found voiced. That problem is that they have no rhyme or reason behind them.
I don't think that Naruto was the pinnacle of character design or fashion in anime or anything, but I did like it for one big reason. All of the designs made sense for the characters. To me all of the Naruto character designs come across as in-character because, not only do they fit the personalities of the characters, the changes in the designs(specifically between Part 1 and Shippuden) feel like the natural progression of their designs.
The designs fall into one of two categories: more mature versions of their last designs(for the characters that have changed during the time-skip outside of getting more mature) and significant changes(for the characters who did change during the time-skip, usually in response to the Sasuke Retrieval arc).
The more mature ones include Naruto(he got longer pants, a new headband, and shoes, and started wearing black), Hinata(she lost the fur, got more color and new shoes, and grew her hair), Shino(got more jackets and color), Shikamaru(continued to look more like a chunin), Ino(lost most of the bandages and arm things, and got elbow and knee protection), TenTen(getting longer sleeves and new shoes, and simplifying her color pallet), Rock Lee(got a chunin vest and lost his headband), and, I'd argue, Neji(swapped the color beige for white, got longer sleeves and a skirt, and lost all of the bandages). Every aspect of their designs can be chalked up to Kishimoto's art style simplifying or adjustments that make the characters look more mature or protected. When you put their old and new designs next to each other, they're the natural progression of their last outfit(and a beautiful example of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"). Hell, if you know the characters well enough, you can probably imagine their thought process while they were out shopping(Hinata being embarrassed to still wear fur lining as a chunin, Shikamaru being tired of fighting to get his chunin vest over his jacket, etc.).
The significant changes match the characters who most needed a jump in practicality and probably went through character arcs related to taking their career more seriously. Sakura's outfit in Part 1 was cute but it was fashion over function. In Shippuden, she kept her hair short to avoid it being grabbed again, shortened her skirt for better mobility, changed her color pallet to look more mature, and got boots(with a heel, but it's low enough to be passable), elbow pads, and gloves for better protection. She's planning to seriously help Naruto find Sasuke and fight off the Akatsuki and her outfit reflects that. Sasuke has a very different outfit in Shippuden to reflect both his drastically different fighting style and his connection to Orochimaru. Kiba(changing into a more protective leather outfit) and Choji(wearing straight up armor and growing his hair out to better match his teammates) also fall under here and it's most likely in response to nearly dying on the Sasuke retrieval mission.
I'm not going over them, but the other members of the cast(if they even got a new look) also follow this trend.
The Boruto designs break this trend and give us worse designs because of it. At least that's the case for the rookie nine. Outside of the rookie nine, the trend continues and any complaints I have come down to personal preference. This time, their designs fall into three categories: salvageable, time moves forward and their clothes move back, and what the fuck?
The salvageable ones are Naruto and Ino. I can understand giving Naruto more black and shortening his hair to make him look older, I just think it could've been better and needs a second draft. Ino is fine just plain(something made worse by her being the most fashionista-like member of the Konoha 12). I'd say it also needs a second draft, but it doesn't. The anime just needs to start using her design in the Boruto manga(I know it's kind of hard to see since we don't get any panels showing it off, but it looks good from what I can tell).
The time moves forward and their clothes move back ones I have an easy to guess problem with. Kiba and Choji's outfits resemble their Part 1 designs much more than their Shippuden designs. Kiba lost the leather and Choji lost the armor despite both of them still being active shinobi. Instead of progressing, they regressed for some reason. Choji also cut his hair shorter. If they really wanted to give him a different haircut(because they insist on much of the cast having different hair), why not tie his hair into a ponytail to better match his teammates?
(I'm gonna give Sakura her own section since I have a lot to say.)
Remember when I explained how Sakura's more practical outfit in Shippuden denoted character growth? Well, that all went out the window. First, I have two nitpicks that I think add to the problem, but would probably be fine otherwise. 1. She's now wearing heels that not only remind me more of Tsunade than herself, but they also look bad for working in a hospital, let alone going on missions. 2. She chose to start parting her hair differently because... of reasons. This was literally the first thing I noticed about her design. I know this sounds super minor, but changes like these do impact character design and recognizability. However, the main problem is how many awkward call backs there are to her first design. The attaching part of her top is curved, the tail of her top(I don't know what else to call it) falls to her knees again, the Chinese elements of her top, and the white lining. In some ways, her design is actually worse. Not only is she wearing loose looking heels, but she's also wearing tight-fitting, non elastic pants. Why doesn't she dress like a ninja anymore??? What possible reason could there be for any of this??? I'd also like to bring your attention to her wearing make-up and jewelry. I like hyper-feminine characters. I especially like hyper-feminine characters that are also badasses. I don't think it's good character design to add hyper-feminine elements to the design of a character that has an entire moment dedicated to how their insecurity and resulting focus on their ability to live up to female expectations distracts them from their job and goals.
The what the fuck designs I have the most problems with. I'll do my best to keep my complaints to a reasonable length because I could do a full rant on all of them.
Shino is the easiest to explain. He lost the layers of jackets associated with his clan, he completely changed his hair, and he replaced his sunglasses with a weird thing around his head(I don't know what to call it). At first I was gonna say he more resembles his Part 1 design, but it doesn't resemble any of his designs. He looks like an entirely different character and I have no idea why Kishimoto changed him so much, let alone Shino's motivation in-story. Did they think he looked more like a teacher this way?
I don't even know what to say for Shikamaru. I can only assume that they said "We should give him a goatee like his dad" and then they gave up. He's wearing a black jumpsuit with a beige-ish green-ish jacket and brown gloves. I couldn't tell you why and I doubt Kishimoto could either. Why are his colors completely different from all his other designs? Why is he suddenly interested in wearing jumpsuits every day? Why is he wearing a necklace with a circle hanging from it(it's too big to be a wedding ring and Temari isn't wearing one(or any ring for that matter))? Why is he wearing gloves if he never goes on missions?
Technically, Hinata has three designs(one for the epilogue, one for the anime, and one for the Boruto manga), but all of my complaints are for the one used in the anime so that's what I'm gonna talk about. First, why is her design so busy? The art style used for the Naruto series has been getting progressively simple throughout its run time, so why does her design have so many unnecessary elements? Her hooded sweater is lined, she has three layers, her outfit consists of five different colors, and there's a little thing hanging off of her sweater. I know these all sound minor, but none of the other adults get this detailed. If anything, the others have designs that are too simple. The only exception, kind of, is Sasuke, but Sasuke is always covering his layers with a plain black cloak. Also, keep in mind, Hinata only has this problem with her anime design, her other designs are much more simple. Wouldn't it make more sense for the anime to use one of the simpler and better looking designs? Second, was there any thought put into her design elements? Her design looks so different from her Shippuden one that I feel like it would be a waste of time to list those differences. Just look at the two, they look completely different. If I had to guess, the only thought that went into her design was "how do we make Hinata look like a mom?" Which is a shame, because they should've been asking "how do we make Hinata look like an older Hinata?"
Last, we have Sasuke. Where do I even begin with Sasuke? Why is he suddenly wearing what looks like a button-up shirt and vest into battle? Why is there so much detail in his design if it's all gonna be covered by a cloak anyways? Why does he have two belts? Why is his hair brushed downwards? But, most importantly, why doesn't he look like Sasuke? It's not like the Shino situation where he looks so different he might as well be a different character, I can tell it's Sasuke, but he doesn't dress like he used to at all. He's the one character that it would've made sense to dress him like a more mature version of his Part 1 outfit and then they chose the worst characters for that instead. He doesn't even resemble his parents or Itachi at all. He doesn't resemble his clan at all. Nothing's really "wrong" with the design. It's not infuriatingly impractical or ugly and it only needs a few tweaks at worst. But it's probably one of my, if not my number one, least favorite Boruto design. It doesn't look anything like the character it's for and there's no in-story reason why that is.
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redgoldblue · 5 months
Fic Writing Review 2023 🌈
tagged by @itwoodbeprefect - i have also been thinking about this so thank you for taking the initiative!
tagging @faorism @gallantrejoinder if you'd care to do this in any form (including as writing/art review)!
Words and Fics (on ao3) 📚
words posted: 52,220, apparently. Which is actually... basically last year's but minus 10k because I didn't do H50 Big Bang this year, because med school. most things in my life now can be stated as 'because med school'. (actually I just realised I didn't do it last year either, but that was because I was already finishing a 10k H50 fic. so my point stands)
fics posted: either 6 or 29, depending on whether one counts the advent calendar as one fic or 24. plus 3 posted only on Tumblr.
first fic: love don't treat you like that (babe, I'm letting you know) (H50). on the NINTH of january, apparently. i've already lost my first-fic-of-the-year contest to last year, unless i unexpectedly finish something today.
last fic: Advent Calendar 2023 / ...Zaph Kilkane, the pre-eminent climate scientist of the 22nd century...
Ships and Fandoms ⚓
would you believe I literally did not repeat a fandom this year, outside of the advent calendar. and this year's AC had the most fandoms since 2019.
Hawaii Five-0 (McDanno)
NCIS: LA (Sallen)
Starsky & Hutch (S/H)
House MD (Hilson)
MASH (Punnihawk)
and then AC-only ones:
Star Trek (Spirk)
The Man From UNCLE (Napollya)
911 (Buddie)
Due South (i don't know ship names. are there ship names? Fraser/RayK)
Good Omens (Azcrow)
Leverage (thiefsome)
Almost Paradise (Ernesto/Alex. alesto. i'm coining it)
Top 5 Fics by Kudos 🏆
I mean, I have 6 posted fics that can be kudosed separately.
love don't treat you like that (babe, I'm letting you know) (H50)
When You're Loving Me (That's When I'm Loving You) (NCIS: LA)
Advent Calendar 2023 (see above. nine fandoms)
my powers of expression and thoughts so sublime / could never do you justice in reason or rhyme (House MD)
Finding A Cure In You (S&H)
Top 5 Favorite Fics 💖
okay, I'm going to count distinct chapters of the advent calendar for this. in no particular order and subject to mood change:
When You're Loving Me (That's When I'm Loving You) (NCIS: LA) - I cited this as a contender for my favourite fic I've written a couple months ago, so obviously it has to go in the year's. what can i say, fake dating is an immaculate trope, and this also all came onto the page very easily which is always vaguely miraculous.
there you go pulling me right back in (H50) - sometimes vague prompts i've had down for ages write up as something that's. fine, but a bit clunky, and I just have to move on bc it's the advent calendar and a new fic each day. sometimes I start writing them and they spring into life with joyous delight. or in this case, uninhibited grumpiness and love.
singing yesterday's songs wishing i could be with you tonight (MASH) - the one that didn't make it into the top 5 kudosed, I assume partially due to being locked and partially due to being a serious tone, not terribly shippy, and Peg POV. But I've had some version or other of it for a long time, it's one of those stories I'm genuinely proud of, and I was glad to finally post it.
Totally Normal (Due South) - it's fun. it was fun. I was slightly nervous about it, because the only prior Due South thing I'd written was Dief POV and this was Fraser and RayK POV and the first time writing either of those, but it turns out watching + liveblogging four and two seasons, respectively, of a character in four months is. enough to cement their voices in my head. it was unexpectedly easy and also. fun.
Festive Spice (MUNCLE) - i just think it epitomises the advent calendar. in the words of coolbreezemage, 'yesssss bake cakes and kiss your partner'.
Finding A Cure In You (S&H) - this doesn't make it to the above list due to the fact that I haven't actually managed to reread it since I posted it. but just for the amount of time I spent with it, how different it is to my usual M.O. of writing, and the weird way I wrote it (entirely in the notes app, with almost zero rereading while writing), I have to somehow mention it.
A Thousand Words / To Be Spared (Good Omens) - I don't know if they're favourite but I do think they're good. and the format of to be spared was pleasingly experimental and i think it worked.
Fandom Fic Events 🤝
also the Starsky & Hutch SHarecon zine! which the zine still holds copyright on, but will be posted in April.
Projects for 2024 👀
mmm gonna sort this differently and also ramble
Ones that will definitely be finished in 2024 and if they aren't you have free rein to come to my house and tie me to a chair come November: MUNCLE wip, The Unwitting Truth Affair/The Honesty Affair, I haven't actually decided which title yet;
Starsky & Hutch, the still-unnamed Huggy & Pete wip.
Ones I have both hope and some amount of faith will be finished in 2024 and if they aren't you have free rein to come into my inbox and harass me about them: Hawaii Five-0 wip, Much Ado About Something (*salutes squares*);
other Hawaii Five-0 wip, state of disrepair. yes, I'm manifesting state of disrepair 2024. probably november/december 2024, but i'm manifesting it anyway;
Leverage wip, all that I want is a kind heart to haunt
Ones I would like to be finished in 2024, and if my brain decides it likes them might be, but all you have free rein for is to politely ask me about them once per business month: Hawaii Five-0 cath/steve/danny pwp, Wait A Minute Let Me Take You There;
horny S&H wip, Previews Of Your Body Driving Me Insane;
S&H Vanessa coda, so cordial / so rotten (don't ask me);
Good Omens wip, love won't you be as you've always been
Ones I don't expect to finish in 2024 but would like to get some words down in: angsty S&H wip, Relentless As The Rain;
ridiculous undercover H50 wip, Four Seasons of Love;
other ridiculous H50 wip, The Irritating, Annoying, Infuriating, (Effective) Seduction Techniques of One Steven J. McGarrett;
SPN ..wip? depending on the time limit on 'progress'?, Smells Like Turpentine.
vague thoughts: i'd like to write a full-length (for whatever value of that. the AC ones actually were full-length, especially the second one, but what I really mean is AC-independent) due south fic. they're very weird and i enjoyed writing them, and I'd also like to write something with RayV in it. maybe if I successfully inspired @itwoodbeprefect to write new ds, when she does that it will inspire me to write something, and we can set up a ping-pong game. no, wait, that's mixing fandoms.
I expect more MUNCLE fic. this one's already 3.5k and rocketing along, and i'm only two-thirds of the way through season 1. what form that will take i don't know at this stage but we'll see.
....i was discussing the vague concept of house/h50 crossover fic with squares literally yesterday and on the one hand I haven't written a crossover since 2014 and also don't want that to be my legacy, but on the other hand i think there is at least a 50% chance it's going to stick in the back of my brain and keep niggling.
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aulel-process · 10 months
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Going down memory lane now! Memories from when I studied abroad in Germany... this was the first time I was exposed to interesting geometries in an architecture class. At the time, I didn't know how to use CAD software, so I couldn't draw a digital 3D cube. My only contribution was glueing well labeled pieces together, but I did not know how to design anything close to these shapes. The third image was from a prior year and I played no role in. Beautiful inspiration though.
When I returned home, I took an architecture class which was my favorite of all time. I learned how to make irregular geometry in Rhino and how to lasercut and build my models which resulted in:
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But I was just discovering 3D software so my geometries were chaotic without controlled structure or sometimes even rhyme or reason haha.
This geometry was an evolution towards more structure (the base geometry is regular and the surface tessellation is regular in the sense that every layer is offset by equal amounts rather than random offsets):
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At the time, what attracted me to architecture was strange geometry. If I saw an irregular shape that I wasn't immediately sure how to create, I saw it as a technical challenge. The more unsure I was about how to create a geometry, the more fascinating it became to me (see my old tumblr collection of architecture stuffs: https://ecoarch.tumblr.com/)... but this also blinded me to a different approach to architecture which was the beauty in a thoughtful composition made of "simple" geometry.
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Architecture by Khoa Vu
This is possibly one of the most beautiful pieces I've ever seen. It doesn't use wild curves or irregular shapes. To technically recreate it from drawings is straightforward. To design it though, I don't think I would be able to.
I do sometimes have tunnel vision... which is if I'm dead set on something I want to make (I'm in my era of weird shapes), then it can be hard to budge me until I feel I have satisfied whichever current urge consumes me... and then suddenly one day a new urge (naked anime characters) emerges and wahoo, off a go into a new direction. I do hope to continue explorations of geometry in the future and to also fuse them with my anime characters... all this is to say... there are many approaches, styles, traditions, dogmas, cultures inside of art... each do play by their own "rules" and I do believe that mastery of the technical objective aspects of a method is important (one can get the anatomy of a body objectively wrong)... but once the objective techniques are mastered, the creative expressive side of "style" is up to the artist to create... if there might be any point to learning the rules of any tradition, it would be to one day write your own "rules"... every movement, modernity, postmodernity, the renaissance, romanticism... they were all invented by someone... ok back to naked anime characters woo
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subukunojess · 10 months
DJTober 2023: A Monthly Fan Creation Challenge
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Introducing, a new Fan Art/Fan Fiction Challenge for the Month of October 2023!
Links: Archive of Our Own and Spotify Playlist.
I always like monthly fanfiction and fan art challenges in certain months that create new work and get the creative flow going. So I decided I wanted to make my own challenge that anyone could join.
Information and Text version of Prompts under the cut:
So what is DJTober? It is a challenge where you can draw or write based on random songs and verses as the daily prompts. I picked the name because it was different and I think Songtober was already taken. You can either post fan art or write fanfic or create a gif or anything that you feel like creating! Will this be a thing? Who knows? Will I make a side blog for this? It depends. Either way, I'm going to try this challenge myself and share it with others.
A couple of things to note:
In order for me to see your work on your platform (either Tumblr or AO3), please use the tags: #DJTober and #DJTober2023.
You can write a one-shot or multiple chapters, one fandom or multiple, and dark/whump/NSFW are allowed as well. Just make sure to tag appropriately and be mindful of triggers/content warnings.
Having said that, I do not allow things like pedophilia or similar in the works. I will immediately remove it and/or take drastic measures if need be.
Your fic can either be inspired by the song itself or by the suggested verse in the picture, or a different lyric of your choice. You can even have someone say the lyric in a quote. Your fic does not have to be a songfic.
You do not have to go in order of the list and you can start as early or late as you want. Just be aware that the collection that is opened now will remain unmoderated until the end of the first week of November.
Without further ado, here are the prompts:
Life's no fun without a good scare. (This Is Halloween from Nightmare Before Christmas)
2) All of your time spent keeps us alive. (Larger Than Life by Backstreet Boys)
3) Think of it as my desire for you. (Chant from Hadestown)
4) Tell me you love me in private. (Montero (Call Me By Your Name) by Lil Nas X)
5) I'm wearing my heart like a crown, pretending that you're still around. (The Great Pretender by The Platters)
6) I'm far renowned in the underground and you can't take that from me. (Land of the Dead by Voltaire)
7) Because you're mine. (I Put A Spell On You, either Screamin' Jay Hawkins or the Hocus Pocus version)
8) No one else takes care of me. (Independent Women, pt 1 by Destiny's Child)
9) Just what to do. Help them to help you. (The Pitiful Children from Be More Chill)
10) Talk so pretty, but your heart got teeth. (Teeth by 5 Seconds of Summer)
11) Go ahead and kick it up a notch if your life is at a level too low. (Kick It Up A Notch from Starkid's Starship)
12) Don't have the heart to live in the fast lane. (Worthless from The Brave Little Toaster)
13) And no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike. (Thriller by Michael Jackson)
14) May your feet serve you well and the rest be sent to Hell. (Let's Kill Tonight by Panic! At The Disco)
15) This plant is talking to you. (Sominex/Suppertime II from Little Shop of Horrors)
16) Your beauty never ever scared me. (Mary on a Cross by Ghost)
17) Music and passion were always the fashion at the Copa. Don't fall in love. (Copacabana by Barry Manilow)
18) Part of life's eternal rhyme. (Mother Earth and Father Time from Charlotte's Web)
19) You can't reason with a headless man. (The Headless Horseman, any version)
20) With a taste of poison paradise. (Toxic by Britney Spears)
21) Ain't it the sweetest noises in town, that beautiful sound? (That Beautiful Sound from Beetlejuice the Musical)
22) What you gon' do when there's blood in the water? (Blood // Water by grandson)
23) Because a caricature is all they know. (Candle Queen by Ghost and Pals)
24) If you stay close to me in my dreams tonight. (Dreams to Dream from American Tail: Fieval Goes West)
25) Don't ever laugh as a hearse goes by. (The Hearse Song, any version)
26) We're hand to hand, chest to chest, and now, we're face to face. (Don't Stop the Music by Rihanna)
27) Would you please send directions on how I can get where you are? (T.E.A.M./The Baseball Game from You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown)
28) Sip the gossip, drink til you choke. (Gossip by Maneskin)
29) So sweet. So cold. So fair. (St. James Infirmary by Cab Calloway)
30) Every day, I'll take you higher and I'll never let you fall. (Let Me Be Your Wings from Thumbelina)
31) Writer's Choice/Request/Free Space (You can either choose a favorite song of your own, request a song on your blog for others to suggest, or use this as a free space/day to write whatever you want).
If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact me. Please reblog to spread the word!
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fletchfeathers · 2 months
hi hello!
i'm brendon, or breb to friends! i'm a nonbinary transmasc/tiding of magpies from the UK, and i'm very gay for @/danniiiyyyl, my favourite grumpy werewolf 🩵
there's no real rhyme or reason to my blog, it's just my magpie nest of things i think are cool and/or funny. i try to keep things vaguely tagged but sometimes i forget pls don't yell at me. i'm also one of those assholes who will reblog like 47855885 things in one go, do not expect a queue, there is no god here and the only person with any amount of control over this shit has Heavy ADHD
my fandoms/interests change like the weather (see above) but the constants you can usually expect are birds, cool art, ttrpgs and OCs, and shitposts galore. i'm also an artist and tattoo apprentice, so i'll sometimes be posting my art here - if you just want to see my art without all the random bullshit in between, you can head on over to @sketchfeathers for that!
also, this blog doesn't often delve into the explicit outside of shitposts, but i wouldn't call it suitable for minors either. i can't really stop you hanging out if you're determined enough - i've been a teenager online, i get it - but this is your disclaimer that this blog isn't curated to be minor-friendly in any respect and that's not likely to change :')
anyway i think that's all the important stuff so. thanks for stopping by!
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animehouse-moe · 2 years
Bocchi The Rock! 10: The Right Notes
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The creativity of Bocchi The Rock is absolutely incredible, but the visionaries behind its application are entirely separate. It's one thing to come up with crazy ideas and toss them in wherever, I'm pretty sure mostly any staff could go off the rails with any of their productions. What makes Keiichirou Saitou and his team's creativity different though, is how it's applied. It's not crazy for the sake of crazy. It's reality bending at the whim of the characters, and an under the surface approach that blends in with its surroundings effortlessly. It's not free-form expression or something without rhyme or reason, it's carefully calculated and understood material like a puzzle piece slotting into place perfectly.
And make no mistake, this isn't some abstract art puzzle. Saitou and everyone else is putting together an image, an experience, and not one that's meant to be trippy or subjective. They are, undoubtedly, following the story of the socially anxious girl as she moves forward with her band. And that's what this episode sells you on, and what every other story focused episode does for that matter.
I mean yeah, you can get the crazy vibes of stuff like the psychedelic song from this episode, which really was an amazing performance. But look past that surface.
Listen not only to the song, but what Bocchi is really saying. Her commentary is spot on and can even help you appreciate the music more. The very present and strong bass, but still only supportive. Or the very fun but well put together guitar. Or even the irregular beat from the drum that underpins it all and sells that vibe.
So of course, there's countless things that Bocchi The Rock does incredibly well, but you have to notice the effort placed on the music too. And Saitou and co. make sure you can't neglect it. They tone things down, they mellow it out, they do the minimum to sell you on those moments creatively, and let reality do the talking.
And you might be thinking, 'Wait? Those visuals aren't reality though?', and to that I say, they're Bocchi's reality. It's her experience with the music more than anything, and I think it's wonderful. It's a mind-bending experience and Bocchi experiences it as that. It's still the same her, standing in the same place she always was, making the same face.
It's... intoxicating. It's direction that sells the moment in its purest sense. Something that puts you in a trance, something that empties your mind of thought, leaving you to experience the music and moment to the highest degree. It's a dream, a shifted reality that they handle perfectly. Not even just in terms of visually, but the feel that it gives you. Those hands desperately reaching out not in excitement or hype as they cheer, but like they're reaching out for something they indescribably desire, something that they need more than anything else in that moment. Those hands trying to inch even just a little closer to reaching what it is they ache for.
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And still, the episode is not stylistically boring. They give up very little to sell viewers on the reality of the moment. There's still those bursts of random creativity, but at the episode's foundation there still remains strong creative decisions. Hell, they even make use of real elements again, but it feels so normal you don't really think anything of it.
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Saitou's favorite trick of faceless characters appears in force this episode still, and the aggressive camera angles remain too. Hell, even the composition of the scenes continues to be really layered with hardly everything being on the same plane.
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So yeah, we'll all rave and excitedly talk for ages about the creative aspects of Bocchi, but these types of episodes impress me just as much with what they do. They strip it down to the bare minimum, to exactly what they need to get the point across of the content, and it's still amazing. It feels no different, it's not slower or less "fun". Bocchi The Rock remains Bocchi The Rock from start to finish, episode in episode out.
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mellythedork · 5 months
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How in the ever-loving gourd has it been ten years? Time is an illusion that I stopped seeing ages ago.
10 years ago, at the tail end of 2013, I had a huge, friendship-ending fight that shattered me. In an attempt to keep myself together, I hid behind a character and wrote the most self-indulgent crossover fic I'd ever concocted. After 5 years, 2 rewrites, too many OCs to count, magic mechanics I didn't think through, and conversations with my former best friend about what had happened, I finally let that fic rest. I knew that if I tried to continue it, I'd never move on, as the very basis of it was focused on that fight.
But it was still such a colossal part of my life. 5 years to spend on a project is no laughing matter, and it felt like it was the only trustworthy constant as I struggled to make my way through everything going on around me. It invaded RPs with friends and basically everything I did...and that wasn't always a good thing. It was a coping mechanism that went too far, but I still cherished it so much.
Things never got anywhere near back to how they had been before that fight. But I learned a lot about myself and how to better handle problems I hadn't realized I was creating. I feel like being forced to think about it while writing the original Mooniverse helped me come to terms with it and move on--which was, of course, the intention all along! But it came to a point where I knew it had to end.
There was never any rhyme or reason to that fic, in any version of it. I wrote it purely to have fun and go wild. It's so odd looking back at the chapters now; I keep laughing at how things went without direction. But it was pure and adorable and I'll always look back at it fondly...beyond the cringing at how much I shoved it in my friends' faces.
For…I was going to say over a year, but I feel like 2 would be more accurate. For about 2 years now, I've struggled to create anything. Both art and writing have felt impossible. I burned out on most of my personal projects without realizing it until last month, but that realization took a weight off of me. And without that weight, as I realized the anniversary that was coming up, I was able to create something on nothing but a whim and enjoy it again.
My art block certainly isn't gone, and nothing about this is what I'd consider perfect. It's not even finished. But I set the sketch as my goal, trying to keep the pressure low, in hopes that I'd be able to post it at all. I do want to touch it up and finish it one day, but I'm not going to worry about that now.
I have been a bit inspired, though! I want to do more things like this. Like the original Mooniverse Melodia and the final one standing side by side here, I want to pull together more OCs with such connections and growth and see how far they've come. I don't know how much of that I'll accomplish, but it's been fun to think about for sure.
I hope everyone's holidays have gone well and that your plans for the new year are fulfilling. I think this year is going to go a lot better for me than the last.
From left to right we have: The original Annie along with the final Annie (Of course they'd be friends!)
The final Melodia (with slight modifications to her outfit in order to make a bit more sense; ditto to her bangs. Seriously, what was I thinking when I made that mess?? lol)
The middle-ground Moon (as I no longer have the design for the original, but wanted to include her)
The final Hope (in one of her alternate outfits)
The original Melodia (I didn't think I had any references left of her, but after about 2 hours of searching, I gave up only to stumble upon one by chance the next day. Sure was a surprise!)
And finally the middle-ground Myasu (just think of her & Moon as representing the first rewrite!)
-- I knew most of my art problems were from my difficulty and dislike of drawing bodies, so to make this possible at all, I used a base.
I also very much referenced the original image, the hair of Love Live and Idolmaster characters, and self-made bases from Shugo Chara, both due to time constraints and to keep my sanity. I'm very out of practice and didn't want to get so frustrated I abandoned the drawing altogether.
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knowlesian · 2 years
ok, it doesn't look like anyone else asked, but i do want to know what your favorite jokes are (other than the genius crystal one)!!
A MILLION YEARS LATER and while i am drinking starbucks i have none to share, etc etc etc jokes.
and speaking of jokes (what a transition robert evans eat your heart out, shoutout to any other behind the bastards fans) here's another favorite on the list, since i've covered a couple since you sent this as i am wildly behind on asks, oops.
this time it's frenchie's response to stede trying to get everybody to say they'll talk it through as a crew.
(i feel like i read an interview with joel where he said that line was ad-lib, but i also might be entirely misremembering that. if i am not just making that up, as a writer sidenote i love how a lot of the improv moments seem to be done in the style of 'here's the basic thing going on, we will give you space on set to come up with the funniest version of it' nods from the writers. when you've got a cast like this let 'em rip, etc.)
frenchie has this cool thing going on where he's capable of both realistic codeswitching and what i am forced to call narrative codeswitching (mostly because i don't know what else to call it). if we attack things from the lens where ed and his crew switched metaphorical canons from gritty pirate drama to muppets, frenchie is the one who realizes that and asks ed if they're about to die instead of muppeting out about how cool it is that Thee Blackbeard is on their ship.
(in a fun beat since they're the other member of the crew ed keeps around, jim also identifies the potential of non-comedy stabbing but doesn't say anything about it until later, when frenchie has gone back into muppet mode and is nailing his sleeve to the deck.)
so: in order to codeswitch, you have to know how to speak your audience's language and hear what isn't being said. codeswitching is most often talked about in terms of literal language, but it doesn't stop there. behavior and piecing together what's going on behind the scenes nobody talks about are also part of it, because if you want to fit in you have to do what's expected of you; and in order to do that consistently, you have to understand what's expected of you.
whiiiich gets me to the actual joke and why it's even funnier coming from frenchie. because stede may tell other people to talk it through as a crew, but that's never his first move. stede tends to spill his guts when he's pushed into it; sometimes because somebody else went first, sometimes because intense circumstances and/or emotions overwhelm his instinct to lock everything down and insist he's fine.
stede does not talk it through as a crew. stede does backflips more than once to avoid talking things through with a variety of people over the season. stede bottles things up.
which is exactly what frenchie suggests stede wants them to do.
i should add that joel's delivery is great because this whole cast ringers all the way down, every goddamn person, but i'm obsessed with the way that takes a fun joke into a moment of telling us a lot about who frenchie is and what he's capable of, before we know anything else about him other than 'has a lute'.
he may not remember the rhyme, but he does know how to look past what people say to what they actually mean when that becomes necessary.
there's also a fun layer there where in-world we know frenchie learned the fine art of fancy people and their massive aggression because he was around them in a service capacity, so there's an in-world logic reason he is able to real world codeswitch between the world of Real Piracy and the world of aristocracy and think on his feet that echoes the thematic stuff working with the same theme on a more galaxy brain level.
i like this show a loooooot, the end.
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semper-legens · 9 months
124. Hollow, by B Catling
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Owned: No, library Page count: 254 My summary: Saint Christopher is a dog-headed man. So begins a journey through a hellish landscape, as mercenaries transport a saint to a secluded monastery. Within, a young monk who has lost his voice to the last saint searches for truth under the tutelage of his mentor. In the nearby village, a woman missing her imprisoned son starts a revolution that nobody expected. And when chaos breaks, nobody will come out smelling of roses... My rating: 2.5/5 My commentary:
Ugh. Time and again I keep getting burned by books that looked cool but were ultimately kind of boring. I know, it's my fault, I shouldn't pick up a book purely because it has a great cover and the summary sounds interesting. (Then again, what else am I meant to go on here?) And so it is with this book, something that had so much promise and potential but was ultimately just…nothing. I don't care about it. It's been a couple days since I finished it and I am legitimately struggling to remember anything about the story. It just…bored me.
First of all, this book had a general air of pretentiousness that I really didn't like. It's all about Hieronymous Bosch paintings, and surreal, devilish beings coming to life. But it's also about prejudice and fear, and how fear can harm people in real life. And also, about religion. But it never seemed to be about any of these things enough to make a proper impact. Any commentary that was being made was washed away in a tide of obscurity, and also of the fact that the characters kept talking about Bosch every five minutes, as though the author really wanted to remind us what his inspiration was. I get that it was going for surreal, but there's a fine line between surreal and just obscure for its own sake, and I feel like this book very much fell into the latter category.
And then there's just the little things that annoyed me. Like, the mercenaries kept referring to each other using 'thee' and 'thou', except they were misusing it in really glaring and obvious ways. No, it's not 'thou is', it's 'thou art'. 'Thou' and 'you' are interchangeable in a sentence, so 'you are' becomes 'thou art'. And there didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason as to why they'd be using one over the other. It wasn't to imply familiarity, I'm guessing, because characters would use 'thee' and 'you' for the same person in the same sentence. Was it just meant to sound old-timey, with no research put into how the words were actually historically used? Because that's the only explanation I can think of. And I know, this is making a lot out of what is ultimately a tiny part of the narrative, but it's this lack of attention to detail that really bugs me. If you're going to use a narrative device, at least have the decency to research it and use it well. Otherwise you end up with…this.
Overall, the story and characters just didn't grip me. It was an ugly world, filled with grotesque people, and I never really felt I had enough of a reason to care about what was happening or if any of the characters achieved their goals. I'd give this one a miss.
Next, back into the world of comics, as a young girl becomes sidekick to a Villain.
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septembersghost · 1 year
Yesterday I listened to fine line from top to bottom to celebrate her birthday and I am once again pissed at grammys for snubbing her. Like FL was one of the best albums in 2019-20 and it deserved a nomination for AOTY(we know nothing could beat folklore but FL deserved to be on the list). I don't know how it only got 1 Grammy like........a lot of people found solace in her and she deserved big 4 nominations .
our vibes are so aligned, i listened to it from top to bottom yesterday too! many of the songs are really never out of rotation, but it had been a bit since i'd listened to the album all the way through, and yet again i was struck by what a brilliant record it is. just perfectly crafted from top to bottom; depicts a whole emotional journey; meaningful/insightful lyricism along with the complete bops; rich, quirky, interesting instrumentation/production (the glockenspiel in golden! the submarine and the bass in adore you! the horns in ws! the gospel choir in lights up! the harmonies in cherry! the piano line in falling! the cello in tbsl and when he blows out the match! the dulcimer he learned to play for canyon moon! i could go on!); impeccable vocals. my mom and i were talking about falling and how affecting it still is last week (and how beautiful, especially on headphones), and honestly it's true of fine line as a whole. to begin with golden, which is actual sunshine captured in music, to close with fine line being such a powerful track, both aching and cathartic. the way we'll be alright ended up carrying so many of us.
something i noticed looking at some posts/tweets for fine line yesterday was exactly what you said - so many people found solace in that record, it's like it created a safe, comforting place for us to go and spend some time when the world was heavy. as much as i can't imagine getting through 2020 without folklore, i can't without fine line either (and fine line was already really important to me, even at the end of 2019, the events of 2020 just added depth to that). folklore is a masterpiece and changed the trajectory of taylor's career in some ways, and it's so defining as a piece of art and culture, but that doesn't lessen fine line's worth! i genuinely love hs3 and find it a joy to listen to, but there's something so special and meaningful in fine line. i totally agree it merited more recognition. as his career grows, i wonder if it will be re-evaluated with time, like red has been for taylor (even before red tv). (it's a little wild that its grammy award came for arguably the weakest song on the record, even though it was the most popular. and i am by no means against watermelon sugar, i love it, but! the album is much more than that). the grammys are inexplicable and very political at times, and there's not necessarily rhyme or reason to what they decide is "deserving," as cool as it is to see our faves be nominated/win, the ultimate arbiters of how valuable any music is comes down to what it meant and continues to mean to us. that's the thing i think harry is aware of too, and why he celebrates it with us (the album is yours, i am yours; i love you every day, but especially today; pink and blue forever!), because he realizes how dear it is and that it was a real light amidst a lot of uncertainty and darkness. i'll never forget that.
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decepticon-nerd · 1 year
hello hi hi
i just really want to say that even though you're a transformers focused blog transformers isnt the only thing you reblog,, you reblog things from other fandoms too, as well as some other funny little things and topics that are really interesting,, and i just want to say thank you so much for doing that you singlehandely have transformed my dashboard into something not completed filled with the two fandoms im in because to be honest i don't want to look at the same two topics 24/7,, you give my dashboard some fun and variety,, plus i know some people are too scared to reblog certain things if it doesn't pertain to their blog's overall theme but im glad you do the exact opposite of that
genuinely thank you so much i wish there were more people like you
keep being awesome :)
This blog was made for that exact purpose, actually. I've got one blog dedicated to my art, one blog dedicated to stuff I and others write (which is seldom used), and one blog that is filled with art tips like poses, hands, clothes studies, etc.
I knew I was gonna go nuts reblogging stuff, and go ham I did.
This blog is where I reblog artwork from any fandoms I'm in (Transformers and FNaF, currently) or that I like in general (LOZ, Pokémon, etc). I also reblog memes, shitposts, anything that tickles my fancy, really.
I didn't want the copious amount of stuff I reblog to drown my art or art tips to a point where I and others can't see them. I've hit the reblog limit a couple times, actually, just going nuts in my For You page.
My theme is Chaos and Destruction, I guess? I'm really bringing a Chaos vibe with what I reblog. There is no rhyme or reason, there is only The Blog™
That's the long way of saying thank you, I think. I'm always worried I reblog too much stuff, or too random of stuff, and that others will find it annoying. In the end I decided I'm just gonna have fun with what I reblog.
Your ask made me smile, so again, a genuine thank you.
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joviantwelve · 1 year
World Building Wednesday (if it’s not too late!): What’s the entertainment scene like in XYZ? Phantom’s making art, but is there specific corporate art she’s pushing against/ other protest art that she’s in conversation with?
It's never too late! Honestly I love getting OC/story asks any day any time, I just use Wednesday as an excuse...(I'm pretty sure I'm the only person that even does WBW??? Is it even a thing anymore?? Was it ever a thing or did I just cling to it after first hearing about it however many years ago?! ANyway)
Since this is my...."zone where I interpret my thoughts and feelings about current events in a satirical fictional way" kinda story...I kinda...wanna go after influencers? Lmao? I haven't thought too much about other artist characters specifically, but I was planning some privileged influencer background characters that would sort of commentate on plot things as they happened, from their safe cushy distance. The catgirl and bird lady here.
They're meant to contrast PHANTOM specifically, because they're also queer and trans and even furries and whatever, exhibiting body mods like fashion trends. They have a big social media presence but it's all vapid promotional shit; this is a world where you can do whatever you like with your body...if you have the cash.
But still, I don't think PHANTOM like, targets them or anything. She just hates them. Lmao. XYZoul is more the type to hack a stream or whatnot, but who knows what THEIR rhyme or reason is...
In terms of hypotheticals, though, I think PHANTOM would be frustrated with artists that go full nihilistic and passive, just navel gazing and being fake deep. The folks with the smarts to recognize that things are Wrong about this world, but they just sort of...surrender to thinking it can't be changed. She doesn't really want sad consolation, she wants a fight to the death.
In terms of what C3 is doing...I'm not sure if there's specific art, per se, but I'm sure they've set up some sort of marketing scheme for the new places in the city that were once outer villages, which C3 bulldozed and gentrified. That's a very personal topic for her, so I'm sure she's the first one to vandalize any promotional material for it.
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