#I enjoy the game my grandmother is just a pain
authorred · 6 months
Doctor's Orders | Part 1 | Li Shen/Zayne x fem!Reader | Love and Deepspace |
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Preface: As someone who chronically ignores her cardiologist's orders, what happens when that backfires on you worse than normal? Recovering from a life-threatening run-in with a wanderer, it's up to your doctor to put you back together.
This is entirely self-indulgent bc I love this man and this game is so pretty for no reason????? Download that shit (not sponsored, they're just my husbands fr)
Part 2
Warning(s): Mentions of bodily injuries, blood, near-death experience, SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER 5!
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You didn’t mean to stumble into another fight—it literally came to you. The aether core in your heart has begun to act up, resulting in you short of breath and lightheaded upon any sort of physical exertion. Your heart rate would increase dramatically in compensation which in turn made your evol act up—it was a shit show. Because of that Doctor Zayne firmly instructed you to rest until the core in your heart settled so tests could be run to determine the stability.
You wish you could’ve followed his orders—and you were, very well—but a wyrmlord’s protofield suddenly appeared around your apartment, trapping everyone and you inside of it. Xavier was gone, and you were the only Hunter stronger enough to fight it; you did everything in your power to ensure no one would get hurt. The Wanderer was strong, and you knew if you went full out your evol could get out of control—not to mention the core in your heart would act up, and you'd go into cardiac arrest.
You look around yourself to the frightened people huddling together as a feeble way to protect themselves from the monstrous metaflux monster. If you weren’t here they’d all be dead within seconds. You made an oath, and you will honor it until all life leaves your body.
Drawing your sword, you slide your hand down the smooth, sharp blade. Tendrils of black coil out and wrap and wind in the air. I’m sorry, Zayne. Please don’t kill me for this. The wyrmlord flies at you and you encase yourself in a layer of darkness, of which it absorbs the impact. You spin the sword between your arms for momentum before stabbing it through the shield, and the darkness follows. It pierces into the wanderer, leaving it to cry out in pain. It's not a difficult fight—this is rather easy for you—well, it would be if your heart wasn't an issue. You're not fighting at 100% capacity. Right now, you're at 67%.
The wyrmlord lets out a shriek before sending spikes of stone and ice to come up from under you. You're forced to move, dashing to the side quickly. One of the spikes nicked you on the outside of your knee, sending it buckling. You trip to your hands and knees but force yourself to keep moving out of the range of the wanderer. With your back essentially turned to it, it takes that opportunity to break from your shadows to lunge at you.
~ There is no such thing as a break at Akso Hospital--not for Zayne, that is. The head of Cardiology, chief cardiac surgeon, and one of the most gifted doctors of his generation has little time to relax, other than what time is granted to him. Though, he seems to enjoy the business of his life. It's not often he complains about his packed schedule and lack of vacation time. He stays professional at all times, never letting his personal feelings mix with his professional ones. He treats all his patients with patience and respect but very rarely is he emotionally involved. The last person he felt personally involved in was your grandmother.
However, he wasn't sure if he could keep his personal feelings out of this particular situation. He heard the paging of a patient being wheeled into the ED but he wasn't the one paged. Walking down one of the many corridors connecting to the ED he caught a glimpse of the person being hauled to the OR and he does a double take. His feet stay rooted to the floor but his eyes stare at the parade of nurses and techs following the gurney. Is that. . .
There is no way for him to confirm it yet--he wasn't the one called for the case. Not able to stick in one place for a long time he forces himself to look away and finish walking to his destination, body feeling light and dizzy. Something inside of him told him to call you—something wasn't right, and he needed to be sure one way or another. When he got to a relatively quiet area, he took out his phone and navigated to your contact under his favorites. The line rang for an agonizingly long time until it finally went to voice mail, of which your voice delicately greeted him with a, 'Sup bitch, I'm either busy or dead. Say what you want now or say it to my gravestone, it depends'. Zayne slowly lowered the phone from his ear—you're supposed to be resting, there's no reason as to why you shouldn't be answering your phone. You always answer him when he calls or texts.
The pit in his stomach sinks deeper into his gut and doubt gnaws at him. Could the person that was just wheeled in for emergency surgery really be you? He'll have to wait until the OR is finished or wait until he's paged. He wishes to the gods it's not you, and if it is, he wishes you'll pull through whatever is wrong.
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roomsofangel · 6 months
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synopsis you hated christmas. simple. this year was no different, the only thing changing was the scenery when you decide to let your older brother, yunho convince you to visit your grandmother who neither of you had met but hoped it would do some good. everything was still the same — writer’s block, the winter loneliness, the way yunho won’t stop singing jingle bell rock, yeah, everything was the same. at least, until a certain blonde haired boy made it his mission to melt your iced heart.
warnings none really!
wc 980
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a/n as this work goes on, the more it shows there’s multiple storylines! growing pains in a way is also growing out of the past, trauma, and healing and these guys are definitely going to be in for a bumpy ride they avoided for a long time.
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“the winter festival is coming up,” you heard yunho mentioned while he stood in front of the kitchen sink beside you, towel drying the dishes you passed to him after soaping and scrubbing them clean enough and rinsing. you hummed in acknowledgment, nodding along while he continued, “you wanna go?”
and you could hear the hope in his voice, meeting the little glance he gave you from the corner of his eye as if he was ready to convince you. “uhh.. what day is it gonna be on?” you asked, trying to find an excuse but yunho shook his head. “we’re going, okay? please, i want us to enjoy christmas this time.” he set down the plate, along with the towel and exhaled, turning his head to look at you.
chewing on your bottom lip, you focused your attention and gaze on washing the plate you had. “i know you never liked it and i appreciate you trying recently but… i want us to do something big, i want pictures and smiles..” yunho continued, his voice soft as he spoke to you
you could feel your muscles tense, especially your shoulders while you absentmindedly scrubbed harder, unaware of the steam from the heated water that started to flow. and it seemed yunho didn’t either, still focused on having you hear him out, sighing. “ever since mom—“
your hands twitch at the mention, cutting him off with the sound of the glass plate shattering when you heard those words and the hot water jolting you, stumbling you back. “shit! yn—“ yunho gasped, quickly turning off the water and moving you our of the way as you stared for a moment, processing what happened
“get me a broom.” he told you and you didn’t say anything, only swallowing and nodding.
blinking a few times, you took a few more steps back in a stumble, bumping into the wall before you went down the hall to get the broom while you heard yunho’s soft little whispers of concern for you
yunho didn’t let you out of his sight the rest of the day, and you couldn’t blame him. the two of you sat on the couch, yunho attempting to beat another mario level while you scrolled through your phone before a knock on the front door was heard
head lifting, yunho paused his game, “who could that be? did grandma say she was expecting anyone?” he asked you and you shrugged, “i don’t know.”
exhaling a breath, yunho pushed himself off the couch, “just a second!” he called out, going to open the door where he saw yeosang on the other side when he opened it.
“oh! yeosang, hey!” he greeted with a bright smile, yeosang nodding first in acknowledgment with a little bow, “hi yunho, is yn home?”
yunho raised a brow for second, tilting his head and glancing to meet your gaze from on the couch then back to yeosang, “yeah! we were just sitting around, come in.” he ushered the brunette inside who accepted the invitation and fixed the beanie on his head, stepping in where he met your curious gaze
“hi yeosang,” you mumbled softly to greet him and his lips curled up a little to form a small smile, “hi yn.”
then he turned to yunho, “is it okay if i steal her for an hour or two?”
you were surprised, no one has asked you to hang out before without yunho — much less ask yunho himself, and you could see yunho was also holding the same feeling with his round eyes and head tilt. “oh! uh.. yeah, what are you guys gonna do?” yunho asked
and yeosang turned to you to answer this, “what do you wanna do? my treat.”
you were speechless for a moment, mouth slightly open as if you wanted to say something but no words followed suit, “i..” you wanted to melt into the couch, stomach in knots. “i’m okay with anything.”
when you got into yeosang’s car, the smell of vanilla engulfed you along with the pinch of smoke, you wondered if yeosang smoked. he didn’t seem like the type to do so in your opinion, but what did you know? you got comfortable in the passengers seat, glancing at his backseat that had a backpack and a few other little things scattered but it wasn’t too messy, if anything even that seemed to be… organized in a way
yeosang cleared his throat, “i’m sorry if i took you by surprise.” he spoke, his car keys in the ignition as he started the car. “i didn’t get to talk to you much last night.” he mumbled while he turned on the radio, turning the volume up slightly before pulling out of your driveway
and it was true, when san had arrived last night, most of your attention unintentionally shifted and focused onto him. it wasn’t on purpose, you tried to defend in your head. but this was your first time having friends that were only your friends, were you doing something wrong? “i’m sorry, yeosang, i must have got lost in everything.” you whispered while glancing down at your lap where your hands resided, your fingers toying with your bracelets
“no, it’s not your fault.” he was quick to reassure, shaking his head as he kept his attention on the road. after a minute of silence, he spoke again, “how do you know san?”
brows furrowing, you pressed your lips together in thought. “i met him at the store, but he stays across the street.” you told him, nodding after, “he’s really sweet! i think you two would get along.” you smiled
“yeah, i’m sure.” yeosang replied, wetting his lips as he continued looking at the road, your gaze focusing more on the window to look outside
and not on the way his hands gripped the wheel and his jaw clenched
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m0chisenpai · 11 months
But You, Are Mine
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Game of Thrones
Oberyn Martell x back!reader x Ellaria Sand
Part of the Marie Antoinette series. You don't need to read the other parts but if you'd like more background I'd suggest reading some of the other imagines before this one.
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Oberyn loved his son. Of course he loved each and every one of his daughters, but a part of him could not help but yearn for a son. And so as you pressed his first son to your flushed and heaving chest he felt his own heave as Ellaria hugged herself behind him. 
"A son..." Oberyn sat himself beside your body. He pressed kiss after kiss to the side of your face, thanking you, praising you.
"You did amazing my love, so amazing. Bearing my child is a gift I could never repay."
Your tired smile was all you could offer as your arms held your first born, your son to your chest as the midwives made work of cleaning you and your babe.
When you first found yourself to be with a child you were beyond furious. You begged the midwife to check again, you’d been careful for years, you were young. Grandmother taught you to not let a single drop taint your womb lest it was legitimate that could bring favor to your house name. And you had too much life ahead of you! But alas the women once more told you that you were with child. You’d miss your flowering twice. It was a telltale sign.
You were calm, too calm as you stood and walked down the stony walls. Maids looked upon your stoic face in concern as they were so used to your joyous greetings. Your gaze was blank, so cold that whispers began to spread among the palace that very day. Your hand carefully grazed the hidden dagger within your dresses, sliding it beneath your sleeve. 
And as you turned the corner you saw the one who cursed you greet you most joyously in your shared chamber.
Oberyn found out when you had taken your most prized gift and pressed it to his throat, cursing him to the gods. Yet despite this predicament he held the most joyous smile with the sharp weapon just inches from putting an end to him. 
Ellaria managed to talk you down, her gentle hand curling around the fist and lowered the slim dagger. She understood your anger was truly the pain of loss, you were becoming a woman. And it was painful. She held you in her arms watching as the anger morphed itself into bitter pain, into sadness that drenched your cheeks with bitter tears that she wiped away.
She would try to bring it up in conversations. She offered to send word to your mother about the newborn, you waved it off. You would fall into silence, or spit out a short response. It was as though the thread between the three of you was being pulled tight.
You refused to speak to Oberyn. He first found it to be part of that quick temper he fell in love with. But slowly it festered. Unforgiveness planted seeds which blossomed into a garden of silent hatred. You would mumble to yourself in the mirror, to your stomach at times. He heard you curse it, his little snake. That’s when the thread snapped. The day you cursed the babe back from whence it came. 
“It has done nothing against you to earn you bitter hatred!”
“I never wanted it! I never wanted this burden Oberyn! What do you know? You merely plant seeds, but do you know the burden of a mother? My mother told me stories! The pains, the aches, the near death.” You hissed each word. “You’ve damned me and I hate you both!” 
“Take your words back” Oberyn’s voice is hoarse. He could care less about your hatred towards him, but his babe? He refused to allow the child into a world without a mother to love. Your lips pressed tight as your fist shook, and Ellaria wrapped her arms around her lover.
“Let us go Oberyn, give her time to breathe…please.” She begs, her eyes are tired as she guides him out the room, her gaze staples upon your broken resolve before the doors shut, much like your heart. 
You and Oberyn found yourselves in a period of silence. When it was time to break fast, enjoy a mid day meal, Ellaria would notice the stiff tension between the two of you. At this point you had just barely begun to show. You hid your bump like it was a dirty secret, like you were ashamed. Your favorite dresses are replaced with ones much looser. You felt disgusting. Your diamonds, and jewels no longer held the shine to them. 
It was a day where Oberyn was needed to attend to his duties, Ellaria was to accompany you. And as she went to your dressing quarters she saw you crumbled to the ground, surrounded by your gowns. Your jewelry scattered as you blubbered incoherently. 
It broke her heart. Because after she watched you quickly fix yourself and whisper harshly to your reflection as you dabbed at your eyes. She watched you pick up broken pieces, and it made her ill as she sat upon your bed waiting for you. When you stepped out you jumped at Ellaria sitting on your bed. “How are you flower?”
And she felt her eyes water as the mask smiled and breathed out, “well.”
Slowly you found yourself sleeping in your personal chambers apart from Ellaria and Oberyn. His heart tore in two. He had forgotten what it was like without your form. He missed how you’d tug the sheets to yourself on the more chilly nights. Or how Ellaria managed to always hold you to her chest and massage your head till your slow breaths lulled him to sleep. 
You were at the stage of aching. You could no longer run after the girls in the gardens. You couldn’t keep your meals down, Oberyn nearly broke down your door hearing your whimpers and curses in your bed chamber as you heaved. One of the midwives would sit beside your side, dabbing at your damp head with cold towels, messaging your back and belly with oils.
They’d deliver updates to Oberyn daily, the babes was healthy, it was fine as was the mother. How she was moving a bit more, keeping some food down. A sad smile found its way to his face when she informed the prince how she adored cherries. You would sneak bowls of them in your rooms and the servants would find bowls filled with stems and seeds. 
So now he makes sure every morning you awaken to a bowl beside your chaise.
“Ellaria,” he never sounded so broken in his life, “have I truly cursed her. My precious rose.” 
She can only wrap him into her arms and kiss his tears away. “No my love.”
A trip, just you and Ellaria. Oberyn bid his paramour a safe travel, he said the same to you, but you kept your eyes ahead, hands folded beneath your aching stomach. The villa was set atop a hill. You remember Oberyn bringing you to see it. As you walked along the beaches you saw it just barely in the distance andi inquired who was to live there and he revealed the gorgeous second home to be your own. 
It felt incomplete without him there. 
You sat on the beach beside watching the girls dance about in the waters. Ellaria picked up Loreza twirling her in her arms eliciting a gleeful cry of joy that in turn made you smile. They asked if you would join, but you declined. You were tired and your feet were in pain. 
The sun slowly began to set and the girls sat upon their own blankets eating whatever pastries and meats the villas cooks provide in woven baskets. You managed to hold down a few berries, sipping on cool water.
“My love,” Ellaria stood looking down at you. Your eyes gazed down at her hand which she offered to you. “The water should be much cooler now.” Her arm draped around your back in support that eased some of the pains. She matched your slow steps not once rushing you, and when the gentle waves hit your feet you let out a small groan. 
It felt like heaven surrounded you as you waded in more, pulling your skirts up to avoid getting them drenched. Ellaria smiled from beside you as your eyes stared out to the golden sun. Your eyes looked down as you stepped onto something hard and smooth.
“Mama! Auntie Y/N! Look!”
“For the baby.” 
You smiled down at the little one taking the small pouch of shells. “I am sure the little one will love them”
The storm had blown past. You and Oberyn work slowly day by day to build back the relationship you had. Apologies are exchanged. Affection returns slowly but surely. And by the time your water has broken, you cling to Oberyn and push through hours of painful labor demanding he stay by your side.
“Have you thought of a name?”
“No, not yet. I think that’s a gift Oberyn is worthy of.”
“Oh my love..." Ellaria cooed softly as she sat beside Oberyn, her hands brushing your curls off your damp forehead. Her nimble fingers smoothed back the baby's soft curls. He was so quiet, so beautiful. A beautiful combination of yourself and Oberyn. 
Oberyn begged to name him and who were you to withhold it. And so now as he takes the bundle of life swaddled in the softest of blankets in Dorne. His eyes scrunched tight, silent gurgles that pull at his heart. He rbrings his son to his face to place a kiss upon his forehead.
"Orion, my first and beloved son" Oberyn breathes.
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thepictureofjune · 5 months
The Tortured Poets Department of schloss einstein ; the anthology
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part 1 here and now we continue except the nitpicking gets more crazy the closer you look.
Enjoy :]
The Black Dog - Ava Eilers (Staffel 27 post 1065)
I am someone who until recent events You shared your secrets with And your location, you forgot to turn it off And so I watch as you walk Into some bar called The Black Dog And pierce new holes in my heart You forgot to turn it off And it hits me I just don't understand how you don't miss me
So Ava revealed that Patrick actually really hurt her and to this day, it still seems to be something that drifts them apart yet Patrick seems like he doesn’t know anything about it, perhaps doesn’t even see it as a big thing. Yet to Ava, this was everything. (written pre 1067 btw)
imgonnagetyouback - Leon und Simon (Staffel 27 post 1066 u 1067)
Whether I'm gonna be your wife or Gonna smash up your bike, I haven't decided yet But I'm gonna get you back Whether I'm gonna curse you out or Take you back to my house, I haven't decidеd yet But I'm gonna get you back I, I hear thе whispers in your eyes I'll make you wanna think twice You'll find that you were never not mine Small talk, big love, act like I don't care what you did I'm an Aston Martin that you steered straight into the ditch Then ran and hid
this is mostly here for shigs and giggles and bcs we got a Limon l-word bomb before we got Nolin so yeah
How did it end? - Noah Temel (Staffel 27) 
And so a touch that was my birthright became foreign Come one, come all It's happenin' again The empathetic hunger descends We'll tell no one Except all of our friends We must know How did it end? (...) Say it once again with feeling How the death rattle breathing Silenced as the soul was leaving The deflation of our dreaming Leaving me bereft and reeling My beloved ghost and me Sitting in a tree D-Y-I-N-G It's happenin' again How did it end? I can't pretend like I understand How did it end?
To me, this is Noah being an outsider in the divorce of his parents, being just a child as his parents kept fighting, kept moving on and throughout all of this, he has no idea why it is happening nor how it came to an end like that.
So High School - Marlon und Nesrin (Staffel 27) 
I feel so high school every time I look at you I wanna find you in a crowd just to hide from you And in a blink of a crinklin' eye I'm sinkin', our fingers entwined Cheeks pink in the twinkling lights Tell me 'bout the first time you saw me (...) Are you gonna marry, kiss or kill me? It's just a game, but really I'm bettin' on all three for us two (...) Truth, dare, spin bottles You know how to ball, I know Aristotle
Don’t think I need to explain this one. 
I Hate It Here - Maxi Zielenski (Staffel 27) 
I hate it here so I will go to secret gardens in my mind People need a key to get to, the only one is mine I read about it in a book when I was a precocious child No mid-sized city hopes and small-town fears I'm there most of the year 'cause I hate it here I hate it here Nostalgia is a mind's trick If I'd been there, I'd hate it (...) I'm lonely, but I'm good I'm bitter, but I swear I'm fine I'll save all my romanticism for my inner life  and I'll get lost on purpose
Okay I think we’re all aware that Maxi probably hates every place she is in. Her home felt foreign and now at the school, the only reason she is there in the first place is her grandmothers treasure and it is said that as soon as that’s gone, she wants nothing more than to leave. 
thank you aIMee - Joel Lucas (Staffel 26 u 27)
And then she wrotе headlines In the local paper, laughing at each baby step I'd take And it was always the same searing pain But I prayed that, one day, I could say All that time you were throwin' punches, I was buildin' somethin' And I couldn't wait to show you it was real Screamed, "Fuck you, Aimee" to the night sky as the blood was gushin' But I can't forget the way you made me heal Everyone knows that my mother is a saintly woman But she used to say she wished that you were dead I pushed each boulder up the hill Your words are still just ringing in my head, ringing in my head I built a legacy that you can’t undo
We meet Joel as someone who would rather have success than friends, who doesn’t seem to care for other people but who also is sad whenever things don’t work out for him. Makes you wonder why, no? Why that kid came to the school not caring if he made friends. Why he always felt like an outsider in every social intersection with everyone he ever talked to. How such a kid went from not caring about other people to doing everything he could to keep his best friend. (need to get started on that joel analysis already I have too many thoughts about him)
The Prophecy - Mikka Lund-Mayr (Staffel 26 u 27)
Change the prophecy Don't want money Just someone who wants my company Let it once be me Who do I have to speak to About if they can redo the prophecy? Cards on thе table Mine play out like fools in a fablе Oh, it was sinking in Slow is the quicksand Poison blood from the wound of the pricked hand (...) And I sound like an infant Feeling like the very last drops of an ink pen A greater woman stays cool But I howl like a wolf at the moon And I look unstable Gathered with a coven 'round a sorceress' table A greater woman has faith But even statues crumble if they're made to wait I'm so afraid I sealed my fate No sign of soulmates I'm just a paperweight in shades of greige Spending my last coin so someone will tell me it'll be okay
Mikka is canonically lonely if I may remind you of that. He doesn’t have his best friend anymore and somehow even when he tries to become friends with Reena again, it doesn’t really seem to last all that long (also because the writers literally forgot about him but yeah). All he has is his inventions. 
The Bolter - Simon Reuter (Staffel 27) 
By all accounts, she almost drowned When she was six in frigid water And I can confirm she made A curious child, ever reviled By everyone except her own father With a quite bewitching face Splendidly selfish, charmingly helpless Excellent fun 'til you get to know her Then she runs like it's a race Behind her back, her best mates laughed And they nicknamed her "The Bolter" (...) She's been many places with Men of many faces First, they're off to the races And she's laughing, drawin' aces But none of it is changin' That the chariot is waitin' Hearts are hers for the breakin' There's escape in escaping
Simon is wasted potential on all accounts because you’re really going to tell me he is proud and fine and happy with all the trophies he wins? That there isn’t mayhaps the need to always succeed because it’s what is expected of him? And he seems like he likes every girl at the entire school but cannot pull any of them simply because? Not because maybe he is trying to find the one that makes sense, the one girl that maybe makes him feel a little better about himself, because love is supposed to reveal our true selves and Simon has always been someone else his entire life? 
(i’m trying to give him the depth that the writers failed to bcs wdym he is just some guy who likes sports and girls?) (update nach 1066: nvm I think they really just gonna leave him with being everyones no.1 nuisance)
Robin - Chiara Dorn (Staffel 24 und alle danach eig auch)
Buried down deep And out of your reach The secret we all vowed To keep it from you in sweetness (...) You got the dragonflies above your bed You have a favorite spot on the swing set You have no room in your dreams for regrets The time will arrive for the cruel and the mean You'll learn to bounce back just like your trampoline But now we'll curtail your curiosity In sweetness
This song references a lot of childish demeanor or behavior that is only known for children, trying to keep the illusion of innocence alive for someone who is too sweet to learn about all the cruelties of the world. For me, this is Chiara.
And we're done. (and now we can get back to over-analyzing kids that aren't actually sad but could very well be!)
— june🪐
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kimbap-r0ll · 1 year
Hello hello! If it’s all good with you, would you be okay writing Idia, Lilia, Malleus, and Cater with a fem s/o who has lip piercings? Specifically a lower vertical labret and angel fangs if that’s okay?
Hi, thank you for the ask! I personally don't know much about lip piercings but I hope you enjoy nonetheless!
Idia, Lilia, Malleus, Cater with a fem!s/o with lip piercings
He thinks it's really cool, like if he could have the courage to try them he would
Wonders if it's painful at all. It might've felt a little weird when you first got them, but you tell him that it's not that bad after you get used to it.
I feel like he wouldn't think too much about it since to him it reminds him of video game characters he likes a lot. He'll just compliment you on it, probably say that you look super cool, and then be too shy to say anything else
If you want to, he might get you some lip piercings as a gift on your birthday! He doesn't know what would look the best on you, so he ends up buying the most obscure thing and honestly it's one of your favorites now haha
He also thinks it's really cool, especially because he's someone who's dabbled in piercings before change my mind
He likes the angel fangs the most for some reason, maybe it's because he's a bit of a bat and it reminds him of himself haha
He probably tries to get some himself if you happen to know a good piercing place nearby in the downtown area of the island the school's on. Sebek and Silver might be surprised at Lilia's change in appearance but to you it's just something he would do
Definitely likes the angel fangs a little too much, might make the piercings an excuse to kiss you or brush his thumb over your lips haha
He knew about piercings but never got any himself because he never had the time. Also his grandmother was like "you already have fangs you don't need more" (I think he has them?)
Probably thinks the piercings look super cute on you. Sure it might've seemed a bit intimidating to some students at first, but to him it just looked fit for you
The angel fangs! He's similar to Lilia in that he really likes it because it reminds him of faes like himself haha. Might also make it an excuse to kiss you and tease you about it if you get flustered
Overall he's pretty chill about it as well, just thinks it's a cool part of you
Rad. Thinks it's super cool as well mainly because he wants to take pictures with you in different piercing styles but also because he's part of the school's pop music club and you fit the style
He definitely thinks you should have more stage presence if you're also in the music club. You have no idea how much Cater flipped out when he saw you with the piercings for the first time, he was basically like "wow you are so slayy"
He probably knows some good piercing brands or styles so he might get you some as a gift on special occasions. He likes seeing you try different styles on as well
Not sure if he'll get piercings himself, but he'll really want to try some after you show him how cool you look with them. He likes the vertical labret the most, but the angel fangs also look really cute
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sophiedoe2010 · 6 months
How I would react in my head if you said you like, as in romantically, these twisted wonderland characters.
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Either you enjoy being told that you look uglier than him all the time. I DO NOT CARE if you're like oh but he can change." NOOO, STOP IT. YOU HAVE DADDY ISSUES!
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THIS IS A GRANDPA BRO!! you like old men????!!.....me to I see you're grandmother and I be going crazy🥴🦶
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Mommy/daddy issues, bro...☠️ you need a hug??... but honestly, you must really like short kings, and I feel for this man sometimes.
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You're cool, but you are into some wild things, dud. I think you need to just...ton it down a little, dud, but other than that honestly You're either really fun to be around or you're just cool that way, ya know
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Either you're really socially awkward, or you don't stop yapping....you also may get annoyed its slight messes, but it really depends on the person you are or the mood you're in that day
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I guess I'm okay with it because he's my favorite character too, but in a romantic way, ehhhhh, sure. Why not, I guess, but honestly, you're either extremely fruity or you really like pretty boys and short kings....or you're really short and more aggressive then he is, haha
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You watch too much anime or play really weird dating games...or you extremely socially awkward when it comes to sharing your hobbies if not...I honestly think you don't like this man...YOU'RE LYING TO YOU'RE SELF BECAUSE YOU FEEL BAD FOR HIM!
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You're into some WIRD TOME FULLERY...all I have to say is there's 2 Types of yall number 1 you're not too bad but like I said you like weird things which kinda make you seem bad but you're not actually that bad or number 2 you need to stay sun Meters away from me....
These 2 dummys AKA Jade and floyd
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Okay, it really depends on which one you like the most because if it's Jade, you're a little on the crazy side, but you can be pretty okay... but you can be a little tiny bit annoying, BUT IF YOU LIKE FLOYD STAY AWAY FROM ME AT ALL TIMES! And I have my resins! You probably like pain in a really, really wired way
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Stay away from the school area or i'ma call 911😐....
No really....
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stillsolo · 7 months
GET TO KNOW THE MUN. respond to the prompts out of character !
what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? oh, where do i even begin?  well, i suppose i should start with how long sw has been in my life.  ANH was the first movie my mother ever saw when she visited the USA; she saw it with my grandmother ( and subsequently developed a massive crush on harrison, so indiana jones became a huge part of my childhood too lol ).  for this reason, my mother introduced my brother and I to sw when we were actual babies.  then, when the prequels came out, it’s all me and my brother consumed.  from the movies themselves to the original clone wars cartoon to the PS2 games to the novels/book series.  we watched it on a tiny portable player for every trip, and every time my relatives needed us to go away to let the adults talk lol.  it also helped our comprehension of english so much. i can’t recall a time in which sw hasn’t been present in my life! before i joined the tumblr swrpc, i kept to myself in the prequels community, wrote fanfic, and rped anakin on skype.  he’s always been a character that hit a little too close to home in one too many ways.  the main parallel i have with him (that doesn’t relate to his mental issues haha) is his love/devotion/attachment to his mother.  it’s difficult for me to explain without getting into the aspects of my culture (孝順 / filial piety), but in short, i am cantonese; if my mother asked me for my thumb tomorrow, i would give her my arm today.  anakin’s love for his mother, his determination to free her from slavery at an early age, was very touching.  EPII has been memed to oblivion, yes, but the pain i feel when anakin doesn’t get to hear his mother tell him she loves him one last time before she dies, and knowing that it haunts him for the rest of his life (eu), makes me want to throw myself out a window lmao  i have an extremely close relationship with my parents; this sort of pain is absolutely gutting for someone like me. anyway, when i joined the tumblr swrpc, writing han solo was never the plan.  i originally wanted to write luke but ended up changing my mind at the last second.  I’d written well over a dozen fics with han at that point, but was nowhere near confident, so i thought of it as more of an experiment. guess that doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, because if you really think about it, since the day i started writing him in fics, he hasn’t stopped butting into my brain.  in fact, he’s been harassing me ever since—to the point that i even switched from writing luke to him… lol given my upbringing and my mother’s love for him, han has always been my childhood hero, as well as my brother’s.  our dad was our han solo.  the nostalgic and familial associations run so deep, it’s difficult to articulate.  we share many traits, right down to his universally agreed-upon zodiac sign (sagittarius); i know han solo like the back of my hand—and it’s probably because i wanted to be just like him when i grew up.
is there anything you don’t like to write? character death.  if i have to say another, it’s when people conflate harrison with the character he plays and then decides to address that in a thread.  harrison was a ladies man back in the 80s, and that’s fine, but that doesn’t mean the same for han.  i hate seeing the conflation between the two.  not sure if this happens as often anymore, but there was a time when fics/threads/even han rpers would lean into it, by default, thus totally destroying his character in my eyes.  i mean, write it as a storyline, that’s cool and fine, but infidelity has never been inherently part of his character.  i will die on this fucking hill.
is there anything you really enjoy writing? most unpopular opinion ever: action sequences.  critical situations, fast paced action, thriller scenes featuring immediate, life-threatening circumstances.  i love writing that which exhibits a sense of urgency and tension, with sprinklings of emotional depth and contemplative introspective moments.  scenes with internal conflict combined with aforementioned external events.  even evading enemy forces, sustaining minor/major injuries, dressing wounds.  dunno why those are always the most fun to me.  aside from that?  romance/romantic angst.  i’ve had many writing partners over the years, and each one thought they could outdo me in writing romantic angst.  sometimes, the psychosomatic pain of heartbreak isn’t far from feeling like you’ve lost a limb in battle.
how do you come up with headcanons? by being the most annoying, meticulous person ever.  i’m extremely detail oriented; when i see incongruities in my own work, i perish.  so, when i come up with headcanons, i have to consider all factors that may affect the outcome of whatever question i’ve posed in my mind and feel the need to justify my choices, for whatever reason, by tying it back to XYZ.  my headcanons must align with my muse’s personality, their environment from childhood to adulthood, their current circumstances, and if it’s an AU, how it mirrors canon events.  canon/eu is everything imo, because they are their own choices; it’s what shaped them into the character we know them as.  ofc, this is my process and opinion, so make of that what you will.
do you write in silence or do you play music? no music, no tv.  sometimes people talking is too much for me.  i have adhd and my medication only helps so much.  i will absolutely start writing down the conversation or lyrics playing in the background lol
do you plan your replies or wing them? plotting vs planning replies is different to me.  plotting gives me a foundation, but it can’t be too confining.  to plan a reply is to block out each moment.  if you trap me, i will always deviate; so i wing everything, even when i have a foundation.
do you enjoy shipping? yes, absolutely!  i’m not sure why people tend to assume otherwise, but i’m more open to it than people think.  i’ve never cared about who you write, if they’re in the sw franchise, or even what era of sw etc etc  never given a shit about what people think; if our muses click, they click.  honestly, some of the best ships i’ve had with han, as in the most enjoyable and enlightening of his character, have been ‘crack ships’.
what’s your alias/name? vin, vince, vincent.  vincent van hoe.  trash bin vin.
age? 27!
birthday? dec 2!
favorite color? silver.  if that’s not a color to you, then blue.
favorite song? you can’t expect me to… well, ‘in your eyes’ by the weeknd has been up there for a long time.
last movie you watched? star wars: the clone wars (2008)
last show you watched? … the clone wars lol
last song you listened to? billie jean - MJ.
favorite food? my mother’s 番茄炒蛋 ( egg and tomato stir fry ), unagi, freshly baked breads, fresh fruit …
favorite season? i get mostly tropical weather, but i love a cold winter.
do you have a tumblr best friend? unfortunately, so many people have left the site over the years, but i'm grateful to call these people some of the closest friends i have in the rpc: @techniiciian @desiccation @vibraea @rcvanchist @sgterso @voxcrystallis
tagged : @debelltio thank you for thinking of me!! tagging : if you're still reading this, i tag you!
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pixel-bloom · 5 months
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OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
Thanks for the tag @natolesims!!!
1. What uncommon/common fear do they have?
he has extreme anxiety and hates what people might think of him
2. Do they have any pet peeves?
chronic lateness. he hates waiting around for someone.
3. What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
"intellectual" books (is what his sisters call them), old figurines, composition books filled with thoughts
4. What do they notice first in a person?
Their voice, he's usually too nervous to look at people straight in the eyes.
5. On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Maybe a 5. He's no stranger to gym soreness, so he's used to pain here and there.
6. Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Flight! In fact, he'll make a run for it even before pressure starts. Can't be stressed about a situation if you leave it before it gets stressful!
7. Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
He has a mid-size family; two siblings, some aunts and uncles here and there. He loves his family and considers them his only friends. He's happy with that fact! They're the coolest people he knows--Mom is a lawyer, Dad builds furniture from scratch, sisters are artistic, his aunt is a musician/artist, and his uncles..uh they're kinda freeloaders in the city. Every kid's dream future 😎
8. What animal represents them best?
Hmmm that's a tough one. I'd love to say a grasshopper (haha) but let's go with a cheetah. Yeah I know you're thinking cool and collected, but cheetahs are actually SUPER anxious, expend a lot of energy with a task, and prefer to be alone. Also, he can run hella fast.
9. What is a smell that they dislike?
Burnt pancakes. Yuck.
10. Have they broken any bones?
No, he's pretty cautious. He's definitely gotten cuts and bruises galore though.
11. How would a stranger likely describe them?
Quiet (almost invisible) and soft-spoken. Just a kid that sits in the back of the class. He comes to school, then leaves. People would likely forget he was there.
12. Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
100% a morning bird. His parents are up at the crack of dawn and he's made it habit to get up early.
13. What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
hate - artificial banana
love - matcha. mmmmm bitter.
14. Do they have any hobbies?
He's been told to write things down in notebooks (therapy) but he doesn't necessarily enjoy it--it's just something he does to regulate his emotions. He likes to watch bad movies, read old poetry, and hit the gym.
15. Boom, surprise birthday party!How do they react to surprises?
He hates surprises. If it's just his family, he won't be too upset. He'll put on a happy face and participate in any party things. If there's randos invited, he'll force himself to stay but he'll eventually wander back to his room. His parents have learned to not throw him parties.
16. Do they like to wear jewelry?
Somewhat. His sister is always trying to get him to pierce his face, but he sticks to his grandmother's necklace. He's thought about wearing rings, but he doesn't feel like he fits that vibe.
17. Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Pretty neat for a teenage boy. Not the best but you could make it out. He tried to learn cursive to copy the script he sees in old poetry books, but got frustrated.
18. What are two emotions they feel the most?
Anxious & Embarrassed.
19. Do they have a favorite fabric?
Flannel. It's comfortable.
20. What kind of accent do they have?
If we were comparing him to everyone else...a normal American accent. Maybe one with a low inflection/tone. tbh only Theo has an accent in my game lmao
I'd love to see an OC deep dive from @payte, @potential-fate, @mosneakers, @sparkiekong, @ashubii, & @nitrozem ✨
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pascaloverx · 2 months
Forbidden Romance
Summary: You are in love with Prince Thor. He will soon be King and is hosting a ball between Kingdoms so he can find his future bride. Unfortunately, the Kingdom of Asgard is not ready to accept the Chief of the Royal Guard as the new Queen.
Warnings: inappropriate language, use of violence and adult content in the future of fanfic. some characters belong to the Marvel universe and others were created by the author.
Author's note: The end of this fanfic so dear to me has arrived. Thank you for your attention and enjoy the reading ❤
chapter fourteen
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Final Chapter
Your third daughter has just been born. After hours of hearing that you needed to push harder or just a little more, you gave birth to your third daughter. As painful as her birth was, it was extremely necessary. One year after the truce and the birth of Thor's illegitimate child, who is being raised by Steve, the Asgardian Council decided it would be good to suggest the marriage of your first daughter to King Steve's first son. The problem is that no one knows they are half-siblings. So you argued that your daughter should marry someone who is not an heir to the throne of another kingdom. Thus, you convinced them that you could give birth to a Princess who could marry Steve's son. By coincidence, you had to produce another illegitimate child to save this situation. You wouldn't let your daughter marry her half-brother, even if she didn't know about it. Thor was essentially forced to accept that you would have an affair with someone to have a third daughter. And so, you resumed your secret relationship with Steve because, honestly, there was no other man with whom you wanted to have a child.
"Sven and Thyra, behave yourselves. Your sister has just been born, and she needs a lot of love and quiet right now," you whisper as you hold your tiny daughter wrapped in a small blanket. Your two older children, now six years old, run around you as you stand, gently rocking your newborn.
"Mommy, how do you know what the baby needs? She doesn't even talk," your son Sven says smartly. You hold your baby with one arm and gently run your hand over your son's head with the other.
"Sven, Mommy already taught us that we have to call her Your Majesty to practice," Thyra says, nudging Sven's arm. You look at her, feeling proud of how much your daughter is growing into a great queen.
"My loves, I want you to know that Mommy loves you. Now get ready to go play with Prince Keegan. King Steve is about to arrive with your sister's fiancé. Go get dressed and treat him well." You kiss each of your children's foreheads as you watch them happily go to get ready. Your newborn makes a small crying sound as she starts to wake up, and you gently rock her.
"She looks like you," your husband says as he sneaks into the room. You turn to look at him while your youngest daughter falls asleep in your arms once again.
"You're saying that because the other option is that she looks like Steve. But she does really look like me. And Thyra is looking more and more like you. I think each parent got a mini version of themselves. This little one here is my mini version. By the way, would you like to have the honor of naming the newest Princess of Asgard?" you whisper as you rest your head on Thor's chest, who is standing behind you.
"If I may, I would like to name our daughter the Legitimate Princess of Asgard, Frigga. Named in honor of her late grandmother, Queen Frigga. I'm sure my mother would be happy to know her granddaughter bears her name," Thor says, kissing your cheek. You feel happy that, at least now, he seems to be on your side. You both understand that his involvement with Jane and yours with Steve might actually be better for the continuation of your marriage. He had a son with Jane named Keegan, and this child made him understand what it’s like to be a father to someone he cannot claim as his own. So, he is trying not to have conflicts with Steve. The truce between Kyrax and Asgard is going smoothly.
"I know your mother's passing was difficult, but our daughter will carry her name as a tribute. And I'm relieved that you're accepting Sven and this baby as your children. I think we can finally be a family, even if a very different one." You say, gently kissing Thor on the lips. At least he is trying to be a good father and a good king.
"Saying that before you go to meet your lover is definitely very provocative," Thor laughs as you both pull away.
"I'm going to show our daughter to her other father. It's only fair. Besides, Keegan and Jane will be here. You need to make peace with the mother of your other child and spend time with him, even if he doesn't know you're his father," you say gently, trying to be rational. Over time, you realized you needed to find a way to stay connected with both parents of your children, even if it upsets them both.
"I think you should go. I'll be right behind you. Steve is in the garden," Thor says as he gently strokes little Frigga's forehead. She gives a slight smile while still sleeping. You turn and leave the room with Frigga in your arms. You walk to the garden, finding Steve playing with the children. He is actually spinning Thyra in the air while Sven and Keegan run around him. They seem to be having a lot of fun. As you approach, Steve gently sets Thyra down and lets the children play, slowly walking towards you.
"We managed to create a perfect future bride for Keegan, King Steve. Do you feel proud of that?" you whisper to him provocatively. He smiles as he watches Frigga sleep in your arms. You pass Frigga to Steve so he can hold the baby you made together. Frigga and Sven are the most beautiful work you and Steve have ever done.
"I feel proud to make beautiful babies with you. I want to do even more in the future." Steve speaks in your ear and you lightly slap his arm. How absurd it would be to imagine having more children.
"I'm sorry to tell you that Frigga will be my last child. I will not be carrying any more babies. If you want more children, talk to your wife and see if she wants them." You speak while holding little Frigga's hand. Steve smiles but seems to understand that you are serious.
"Jane has no interest in sleeping with me. I respect her for that. But I'm pleased for the children I have." He kisses the cheek of the baby in his lap and then you lay your head lightly on his shoulder.
"No marriage is easy but at least you have me. I'm going to try to make this crazy family of ours work." You say giving Steve a kiss and then you both admire the baby and the children. And that was the end of your story, married to King Thor while having an affair with King Steve. Creating the future heirs of Asgard and Kyrax and finally having the influence you deserve. This ending is certainly not perfect, after all both of your children's parents are idiots at many times, but you're the fucking Queen of Asgard. You will be able to deal with any problem and raise your children to be the best royals possible.
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reading update: july 2023
I don't have a cool and witty opening for this one. I read a fuck of a lot of books this month and I want to tell you about them LET'S GO
Black Water Sister (Zen Cho, 2021) - Black Water Sister has a very fun premise: a closeted lesbian and unemployed recent graduate moves back to Malaysia with her parents and is already having a bad enough time when she starts hearing the voice of her dead grandmother, who turns out to have been deeply involved in supernatural organized crime. our hapless protagonist becomes a medium against her will, and has to navigate to world of Malaysian spirits and superstition to lay her grandma to rest. unfortunately the actual style of the story wasn't more me; although definitely adult fiction, the prose is breezy in a way I affiliate strongly with YA, which is not to my personal taste but is still so hashtag valid. if you're one of the countless people trying to make that jump from YA to adult fiction and you like queer urban fantasy then Black Water Sister might be a great fit for you, although I should provide a warning for a pretty surprisingly graphic near-rape in the book's climax that really took me by surprise in a story that's otherwise pretty zany in its violence.
The Bride Test (Helen Hoang, 2019) - I think I said last month that Alexis Hall's A Lady for a Duke was the best so far of the romance-novel-every-month scheme I'm trying to pull off this year. the Bride Test has pretty swiftly displaced it; have I finally discovered the really good romance novels? (worry not; I know what I'm reading for August and my hopes are. low.) our two protagonists, Mỹ/Esme (her chosen American/English name) and Khai, are both genuinely charming and are pretty strong characters independent of each other, which cannot be said for A Lot of romance protags. despite the absolute insanity of how they met (yes, Khai's mother went to Vietnam and offered, uneducated a poor single mother a tourist visa in exchange for trying to seduce her autistic son. yes, that's shady. don't think about it too hard) and Esme waiting until WAY too late in the game to reveal the existence of HER LIVING HUMAN CHILD, I liked this book a lot. it's silly and heartfelt and I had fun; what else do you need? 5/5 eggplant emojis.
Giovanni's Room (James Baldwin, 1956) - there's probably nothing I can say about Giovanni's Room that I could say that someone smarter and gayer hasn't already said, but god. it really is breathtaking. I so often see this book talked about as a gay tragedy, and honestly that feels like almost too glib of a description. it's a really meticulous dissection of white male masculinity and the claustrophobic constraints there of, and our narrator's claustrophobic fear of divesting himself from the power that he's entitled to by virtue of being a white American man perceived as a heterosexual. this man would rather live in repressed misery for his entire life than risk being like those effeminate faggots at the gay club, but spoiler alert! being miserable doesn't make you better than your fellow fags; it just means you're miserable AND a fag. sharp and painful and so so so smart. also I'm going to summon @zaricats because I was supposed to tell you what I thought about this book. oops!
Lone Women (Victor LaValle, 2023) - okay so listen. did I just say Black Water Sister wasn't really for me because of the simplistic prose? yes. did I really enjoy the very sparse, straightforward style of Lone Women? also yes. leave me alone, I contain contradictions. anyway, Lone Women is a ripping piece of historical fiction spliced with supernatural secrets, based on LaValle's research into 19th century Black women homesteaders who made their lives in Montana. LaValle opens on a scene of irresistible intrigue - Adelaide Henry, lone woman, sets out for Montana with a mysteriously heavy trunk after burning down her family's California farm with her parents' mutilated corpses inside. and boy, does it escalate from there! it's a story about isolation and community and the people who are failed by so-called close knit small towns, and the ways in which vulnerable people band together to protect one another. it also makes the compelling point that maybe, just maybe, the real monsters were your local transphobe and her husband's lynch mob all along.
Black Disability Politics (Sami Schalk, 2022) - what a cool book! Schalk's argument begins with the idea that Black disability politics are distinct from predominantly white mainstream disability politics, and are therefore often overlooked in conversation, activism, and academia. Schalk analyzes the historical work of the Black Panthers and the National Black Women's Health Project to showcase what she describes as Black disability politics in action. in Schalk's conception, Black disability politics take a much more holistic approach to disability, conceptualizing as just one form (and, frequently, as a result of) of oppression tangled up with a myriad of others that cannot be meaningfully addressed when they're treated as separate issues. the book concludes in interviews with contemporary Black disability activists and organizers that shed light on ways in which the wider movement is often unwelcoming to folks of color, and an exhortation from Schalk for readers to continue the conversation well beyond the confines of the book. in a killer show of praxis, the entire book has been made available to read in PDF form, and I strongly recommend giving it a look!
The River of Silver (S.A. Chakraborty, 2022) - mentally I am kicking myself a little for waiting so long to read this continuation of my beloved Daevabad trilogy, because it did take me a minute to get back into the swing and mythology of the world and that did make me feel unpleasantly like I wasn't appreciating these character-focused short stories as much as I could be. but even having said that - man! fuck I love the world of Daevabad, and I adore these characters so much. getting to see them again, even briefly, was a delight, and I am once again congratulating Nahri and Ali on being the invention of heterosexual romance. (also, on a related note, but I ADORE the way Chakraborty writes her characters having crushes. they crush SO hard and it's very sweet. these books are such big drama all the way down.)
Men We Reaped (Jesmyn Ward, 2013) - an absolute powerhouse of a memoir, and devastating the whole way down. in Men We Reaped Ward attempts to make sense of a series of tragedies that befell her community when five young Black men - beginning with Ward's younger brother - died between 2000 and 2004. the word 'unflinching' is hopelessly played out, but it's difficult to figure out how to describe the head-on way Ward explores each young man's life and ultimate end and her own upbringing. the men in Ward's history - her brother, the friends she lost, her father and other male relatives - are never idealized; their demons, miseries, infidelities, addictions, and violence are placed on full display. but Ward is also insistent on displaying these men with dignity, compassion, empathy; showing them at their best and, most importantly, as men who were loved and deserved better than the violence that poverty and racism wrought on them. it's a furious memoir, one that will leave you mourning too.
Nimona (ND Stevenson, 2015) - did I only read this so I can make more informed complaints if/when I end up watching the netflix movie with my wife? YES. but listen, it wasn't JUST petty hater behavior. Nimona is just really good, and I think I got a lot more out of it this time around that I did when I first read it years ago. this comic is wild and unfettered and so spectacularly weird; I wish more things felt the way Nimona does. I also with more things starred small girls begging to kill cops and stage a violent overthrow of the government, that rules hard. also man I love Ballister, he's SUCH a good protagonist. he's curmudgeonly, he's deeply principled, he's held a grudge for years, he's paternal, he's even gay. what a guy!
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moonchildreads · 9 months
so last year my always wonderful and dearly beloved @duquesademiel tagged me in a game that said i had to list three things i was proud of in 2022, and i've been thinking about that a lot so here's three things i was proud of in 2023!
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i started posting my fics here and on ao3! this was a big thing for me because it was the first time in my life i took my craft seriously and gave it the love and respect it deserves, and i've been really enjoying it! i feel like i know myself better as a writer and as a person, and i've been able to explore a lot of topics i was interested in through my writing and purge some demons in the process. (if you're curious about it, you can read all 147.3k words of my eddie munson fic here, i'm almost done with chapter 24 and will be updating soon!)
i made new friends! i'm a fairly shy person, even if i'm a friendly bunny (i'm still friends with the same group of people since i was six!!! that's over two decades of friendship!!!) so imagine my surprise when i found a new group of friends here that i talk to on a daily basis, that i get to share my life with, and that claim to??? love me??? is this real life??? so shoutout to my spice gorls, and thank you for making this year so much fun and full of love. and while we are at it, shoutout to my q&d besties who i got to hug and kiss and laugh with for a few days during the winter holidays. my heart is much bigger, fuller and healthier because i have you in my life. i'll tag you all below hehe
i grew as a person. still in therapy, just like last year, but i made a lot of progress! 2023 was one of the toughest years of my life, i lost my two grandmothers and it shook my foundations deeply because i am who i am mostly thanks to the women that have raised me, but even when faced with the utmost pain and grief i've ever experienced, i still consider 2023 as a year of growth and profound happiness. my grief may never leave me, but i've found out that i am strong enough to carry it, to let it mold me and, most importantly, to let it soften me. i feel like i love more wholeheartedly and unabashedly now, and i am aware of how finite life is and just how much i want to be here. 2022 bunny would be amazed at how much 2023 bunny wanted to keep living, and that's the thing i'm most proud of and that i'm carrying with me into the new year.
we made it, 2024. let's fucking go <3
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tagging the people that made my year so much more worth living so they can share the things they're proud of too:
my dragons: @duquesademiel, my loveliest merryweather; @justahappycloud, my adorable flora; @gutterratt, my wonderful fauna; and @so-inlove-with-the-wrongworld, my literal soulmate. i love you all deeply, madly, truly, and i can't wait until we're reunited under the same roof singing miranda! songs like our lives depend on it again.
my spice gorls: @queenimmadolla, my showstopping vivi; @potatobeanpie, my bravest maisie; @oneforthemunny, my most chaotic evie; and @munsonology, my first ever friend on tumblr and my partner in only-child-related crimes. thank you for letting me talk my shit until your ears bleed and for making me laugh so much my tummy starts hurting. i hope i made you as happy as you made me this year.
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fadeintocase · 2 years
Was reading a thing about how Homestuck was a coming of age story for people growing up entirely on the internet and that it was one of the earliest stories to do so.
One detail I think that people miss about it is how in that era, early Homestuck seemingly unwittingly was dripping with its roots in the sheltered suburbanite domination of online culture pre-2010. Not just with the memes, but with the demographic assumptions. That the initial characters are all spoiled brats from beginning to end.
It begins in a way that is meant to be relatable and comfortable to upper middle class kids in the mid 00s, back when that was most of the only demographic that had the privilege of having their own computer in their own room.
It creates a setting in which these kids in well-off families are not just isolating themselves, where there is supposedly this otherworldly emptiness to the world around them that keeps them isolated, and where the privilege of their situations are like underplayed, seen as an annoyance or an obstacle. Dave and Jade have especially fantastical living situations, but John lives in a big generic suburb and Rose lives in a contemporary architecture mansion. It doesn't allow for uncomfy questions like "do they have friends at school?" because a deeper pain point for kids who lived on the internet back then is that no, they didn't, and never tried to. "is there anything material this character is lacking" in the beginning, no, they are surrounded by basically everything they enjoy. And "how did their family afford all that?" tends to be answered with "in a way that annoys me, ugh", which in my recollection was also the default attitude of spoiled brat suburbanite kids i knew in school.
And it creates that world as a default appropriate for that spoiled suburbanite demographic in that era, where like, obviously if you're on the internet all the time, your family is probably rich. Obviously if you're on the internet all the time, it's because the outside world is bleak and hostile to you in comparison. You don't mind the crazy wealth or the means to isolate away with everything around you that you want or need. Don't mind that. Think about how sad you are that you're on your computer all the time. Make that the bleak atmosphere you're trying to escape.
And make it so that when you're in a world that is supposed to be challenging you, you still have the means to make enough in-world money and surround yourself with everything you want. And every character gets this ability right away, and that sense of suburbanite material spoiled comfort is never challenged. Watching people die and facing heroic decisions are more fathomable in this story of coming of age challenges than having less than your privileged childhood provided you.
In a world a decade later where everyone and their grandmother in all walks of life from all continents has roughly equal ease of access to the internet, that fandom grew desperate to reinterpret the characters because they felt too bland and generic.
And that's because they were. They were based on a very nilla wafer type of existence that was all there visibly WAS on the internet at the time they were created. That's why the game is called Sburb. They were created to be relatable to the most suburbanitis-laden kids of its time. Alternia explores more kinds of status and living situations and how those ppl interact with online communities. However, the story doesn't seem to be sending up tropes about suburbanite existence, it seems to avoid pointing out it's obvious hallmarks to be more comfortable to a sheltered, suburbanite audience. As self aware as it got, I don't think it displays much of a will to question one's own ideas of default.
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sentenceme-leni · 4 months
Day 64. Monday. Minimum 1 sentence.
Pinocchio squealed in high-pitched laughter as Belle caught him and twirled him around.
"Now you are it!" Their guest told Guepetto's boy, letting him free before turning around and setting off back across the gardens.
"Not fair!" Pinocchio cried out. "You have longer legs."
"And a heavier dress," Belle yelled back, still laughing. "Just run and you'll catch me."
From a distance, Red watched the pair.
Officially, she was out to enjoy the sunshine, smell the flowers and take a break from the endless little details that popped up when the new queen took a husband.
Unofficially, a vigilant eye had to be kept over the young brunette.
No one had expected the Dark One to respond in the affirmative to the wedding invitation. Powerful sorcerers made the guest list only as a token to reassure them that a kingdom wanted peace.
When the Spinner had sent back a message announcing he would send a one-person envoy, everyone had been shocked.
There had been rumors about the Dark One socializing more often. That a chatelaine now ruled in the Dark Castle when her master was gone. That the Dealer had traded beauty potions, or magic lessons, or safety from other monsters, for the right to a woman's bed. Neighboring kingdoms carried tales of a beauty paraded about on the Dark One's arm. Snow White wouldn't be the first monarch to be pressed into welcoming an unknown to her court.
That the woman in question was a bright-eyed, cheerful thing had only added to the general surprise.
"Looking at her," Red said thoughtfully, "no one could tell she's been shut in that gloomy castle for years."
At her side, Granny huffed. "Not for lack of rescue attempts."
After the announcement of her visit, men had approached Prince James, warning him not to mention freedom to the Dark One's pet. They spoke of losing days as a crawling pest on the grounds, and of painful rolling down the mountain. One or two had even spoken in the name of comrades who never returned from their attempt to take her back home.
Outside royal hearing, Red's sharp ears had picked on the less polite epithets used against the young woman.
Bitch. Because she said no.
Whore. Because she wouldn't come with them.
Stupid. Because she sent them away.
Red found it impossible to reconcile those descriptions with the actual woman.
"Do you believe what they say about her?"
Granny scoffed. "Which version? The disappointed knights, bemoaning feeling useless? Or Princess Abigail, who speaks of her in glowing terms?" Then she shrugged. "Not that it matters. She may be a saint or a demon; all that counts is that she's staying with Rumpelstiltskin and does as he bids."
Red bit her lip at the sound of the Spinner's name, but knew better than to chastise her grandmother. If the Dark One decided to answer that summon, it would be on his own head.
Granny was likely to take a bite off before he even said a word.
Laughter echoed around the garden. Pinocchio's was loud and enthusiastic.
"I doubt the Dealer told her to play with a little boy."
Granny pressed her lips in a stubborn line. "That boy was blessed by Reul Ghorm Herself. Who knows what that means among sorcerers." Put like that, Red had to concede that it looked suspicious. "I'm not taking my eye off him until that woman is gone."
Common sense said her grandmother was right.
Red still itched to join the game anyway
The End
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feathered-serpents · 1 year
pssst... i am thirsting for more angrboda headcanons, is this the place? 👀🕵🏽 you got any for me today pal?
Hello! So! This has been in my ask box for a while and I've been thinking about how to answer it... I don't think these are exactly headcanons and more just an analysis of her character and where I think/hope it'll go... might not be exactly what you asked for but I hope you enjoy!
I think Angrboda has a lot of unprocessed trauma and grief that I DESPERATELY want to see her actually process.
Her life has been hard, VERY hard, and it's easy to forget that because she's so nurturing, kind, and funny but she has NOT had an easy lot. Angrboda knows that too, and she knows how unfair it is, but she uses "You can't change fate" as a shield from the pain all that brings
You can see this in the game. She's very gentle with Atreus 90% of the time, but when it comes to anything prophecy related, she's suddenly very harsh. The way she almost screams "This is the only way things turn out! The sooner you accept that the better!" at Atreus when he's obviously devastated over his father's predicted death tells me that she holds onto that view of fate desperately. It HAS to be true because if it isn't then she didn't have to live like this, her parents didn't need to die, and her grandmother didn't need to lose herself. That is just too painful to face
But... she's going to have to because Atreus was right. Atreus really did save his father, he averted fate. She's started taking some steps in that direction, and that's good! Her saying "I've decided to figure out the ending myself" is the first step on this journey she's going to go on, and it's going to be a hard journey
I don't think she's ready to face the painful part yet, but, I think it won't be long until it hits her. I want so desperately for her to have a moment sometime in the near future where it all just... hits her at once. Atreus was right which means... none of it had to happen. Her father could have done something to avert his fate, and if he had just tried...
I want her to think back to that last conversation with her father, where he said he was sorry he couldn't protect her, that she would have to grow up alone, and I want her to be angry. Especially if she hears Atreus and Kratos' line "Don't be sorry, be better." She thinks back to that moment when her dad chose not to be better, just to be sorry
And because I'm me I want this to happen with Atreus present. Especially after Atreus and Kratos have a moment and something just breaks in her. She runs off and when Atreus finds her she's clearly devastated, and when she finally talks she says something like "I see how hard you and your dad try... my father never tried that hard. I don't- I think that means I wasn't worth it."
And well... let me know if you want that 1500+ word fic because I'm a hair's breadth from writing it, but for now, I'm sure you can fill in the blanks.
I just want her to GRIEVE I want her to let herself feel everything she's forbidden herself from feeling, and I want her to have the support of Atreus and his family while she does it.
I love her SO MUCH and I want her to FINALLY be treated and loved in the way she deserves to be
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boreal-sea · 7 months
So I like playing Sims 4 Decades/Legacy challenges, where basically you start in 1890 and try to get to modern day. There's a bunch of rules, but I enjoy making it as hard as possible.
My last attempt ended tragically, and I wanna share it with y'all.
It started off promisingly: the two founders arrived as winter rolled in, and though the first winter was brutal with only a tent and some seeds, they managed to scrounge up enough money and food to make it through. The two original Brisbys had a son (Moses) and several daughters (who went off and got married). Moses successfully married a woman named Helen and he and his wife had already given birth to their first child, a daughter named Iris. Helen was pregnant with their second child.
With the onset of winter I did a death roll for everyone to simulate winter illnesses. It didn't go well, and that was the start of the end.
Who was living on the farm as this dark winter closed in:
Grandpa Brisby
Grandma Brisby
Moses Brisby (eldest son)
Helen Brisby (Moses' wife, pregnant)
Iris Brisby (Moses and Helen's eldest child)
As winter took hold, Grandmother Brisby and her son, Moses Birsby both died of illness (aka they failed their death rolls).
In midwinter, Helen gave birth - a son (Fletcher), an heir for the Brisby family. Helen survived the birth.
Grandfather Brisby died naturally of old age as winter came to a close.
As spring arrived, Helen was alone with a newborn and a toddler, several chickens, a cat, and a cow, all depending on her. She was struggling. She was constantly tired and filthy, her enjoyment of life was at zero, the animals were doing poorly, and she needed help. So, she managed to find herself a new husband. Darrin Quentin stepped up to the role of father and everyone was doing very well. As spring rolled into summer Iris aged up into a child, Fletcher aged into a toddler and began to eat solid food, and Helen became pregnant with Darrin's child.
(I play that women who are breastfeeding can't get pregnant. IRL this is not a perfect form of birth control but it does work fairly well).
Now, one thing I've taken from the harder rules is that if I notice the Sims exhibiting symptoms of illness (dizzy head, etc), I do a death roll.
Helen went out to the bee hive - it had been neglected over the winter. She'd never cared for the bees, but there were mites and plenty of honey to collect, so it needed tending. She wore the beekeeper suit just in case. However, as she was walking away from the beehive, she got dizzy... and I had to roll. She failed the roll, and she died while carrying Darrin's child. I imagine this story-wise as she died from an allergic reaction to a bee that stung her as she was taking off the bee suit.
Now Darrin was alone on the farm, and he was actually managing fairly well because Iris was now a child and could help with most of the farm chores, leaving him to do his best in his grief to raise Fletcher... Until Darrin got sick, too. And with a bad roll, he died as well - perhaps from grief. And the game ended because there were no more adults on the lot.
Fun observation: I use MCCC (MC Command Center) to do deaths, because getting a cow plant is a pain in the ass. I was able to see something interesting when I clicked on Helen to set her her to die. The Sims 4 sets pregnant sims to "immortal" while they're pregnant. I gather this means things like fire, repeated lightning strikes, hunger, etc, cannot kill them while they're pregnant. MCCC can still kill them, obviously, it was just a fascinating observation.
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galathogwarts · 1 year
The Stars Will Always Shine Here ✰ Chapter 1: Back at Hogwarts ✰
Also on ao3
Chapters Masterlist
Summary: After the events of fifth year, you missed your friends in Hogwarts. You were excited to see them all back, not having to roam the castle all alone. You thought after last year, the rest should be easy. Well … not necessarily. Between nightmares that are hunting you through the nights and the fear of unrequited love from your best friend Sebastian, there are also goblins planning to bring you down and secrets that awaits to be discovered. But you have now something you did not have at the beginning of last year, a strong and loving group of friends who would do anything to make sure you survive this year.
Hey everyone :) welcome to my very first fanfic. Im so excited to share it with you all! So I could not wait to finish it completely before publishing it so hopefully it should be okay. A few quick notes before reading:
Major spoilers for Hogwarts legacy, if you have not completed the game and don’t want to be spoiled continue with cautious.
English is not my main language. I really really wanted to write beautifully and creatively but it is hard to do in my own language, let alone in English. So this won’t have the most engaging or well written story, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
This story will contain all kind of plots. The first chapters are heavily focused on character relationship, especially Sebastian and MC. It might be a little slow until we get to the juicy parts.
I’ve changed some stuff from the main plot, like Sebastian killing his uncle.
Please please please give me feedback! If there is something I can do to make the story better I would love to hear it.
that’s all for now! Enjoy :)
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
You felt your legs trembling with excitement as you walked towards the kitchens. It felt as if you were going mad, but you have been thinking about this very day since the beginning of summer.
Today is the day, you thought. The day you will finally see all of your friends back at Hogwarts.
You met some of them during the summer. You spent some weekends at Poppy and her grandmother’s place. Poppy’s grandmother was a nice grey-haired woman who liked telling you stories about a variety of magical beasts. You will forever cherish the cold summer evenings, with her and poppy sitting with cups of hot chocolate under a blanket on the floral sofas. The fire in the fireplace crackled in the background while Poppy’s grandmother told you stories about Unicorns, Puffskeins, Hippogriffs, and Graphorns.
You also joined Adelaide and her uncle a few times, each visit you met them at a different place like Maureween Lake and Poidsear Coast. Sometimes you would camp at different sites, and Adelaide and you would stay up late lying on the grass watching the stars.
You even met Natty before her trip to Uganda, though she had been reluctant to go there since the memories were too painful, she agreed at last. You had a fun day at Hogsmeade, drinking butterbeer and talking endlessly about previous adventures and future ones. After that evening you hugged and cried, declaring you will miss each other ‘very much so’.
But there was a trio you did not have the pleasure of meeting this summer. Oh, how you missed the soft eyes under the light brown fringe, and the kind words Anne has written to you all summer. You also missed the pale boy with the light hair who even though could not see, was the most observant guy you ever had the pleasure of knowing. And oh, how you missed the freckled boy with the playful smile. You missed his brown-eyed gaze, looking at them intently when he spoke. You missed his little gestures that showed he cared about his friends. Just thinking about him made your heart skip a thousand beats.
They have been somewhere with Anne, Sebastian’s great attempt of mending things back with her. Thanks to you, by the end of last year Anne agreed to try to reconcile with Sebastian and work on things, which was what they were doing this summer. Ominis joined them as he was also in the need of reconciliation with Sebastian, though with him it was easier. You did exchange owls with him, and Sebastian sent you postcards from different places he traveled to. But you missed their faces, their voice, their presence.
You reached the entrance of the kitchen, your trail of thoughts cut off.
“Good morning, everyone!” You said cheerily as you entered the kitchen, trying to suppress the feelings of longing to see your friends again. A few house-elves smiled at you and mumbled good morning, while others shot you suspicious looks. House elves did not really trust wizards. You could not blame them, of course. They have been taught to blindly obey their owner’s commands and did not know kindness from wizard-kind.
“You look surprisingly happy today.” Said Laxton, the head house elf. He was shorter than the others, and white short hair covered his head. When you started to come to the kitchen as summer started, he was nice to you. You had to prove yourself to the other house elves but you knew without his approval nobody would even look at you. You appreciated Laxton’s trust, and in return your brought him foraging goods you found in your adventures.
He was a kind house elf who listened to your stories while you helped the elves cook. At first, they declined any attempt of help you offered, but you convinced them cooking soothed you, and it let you do something in this big empty castle. Laxton let you help, and you exchanged stories. You about your friends, and he about his dream to travel around the world one day and taste all kinds of food.
But now, he was staring at you with his big eyes, a smile on his lips. He put a plate in front of you as you sat down.
“I told you I can fetch myself my very own breakfast!” you exclaimed. You knew it is stupid, as for the entirety of last year you ate the food they cooked. But you did not want them serving you when you were here all alone. Besides, now that you had befriended them you felt quite uncomfortable being served by them.
“I know. But today is a special occasion. Are you excited to see all of your friends being back here?” He asked, going back to prepare some things for the evening feast.
You nodded and took a bite from the food, a smile crawling on your face.
Laxton smiled too. “I believe you are excited about seeing a particular boy?”
You suddenly felt your face warming up, and were sure your cheeks were turning red. “W-what?”
“You know, the Sallow boy. The one you spent all last year with, and the one you haven’t quit talking about the entire summer.”
“I-I did not!” You declared. But you did, and knew it very well. Sebastian Sallow has been hunting your thoughts for a very long time now. You fancied him, very much so to be honest, but knew nothing can happen between you two. He probably considers you as a friend and nothing more.
Laxton just smirked “if you insist. Now finish eating and get ready, your friends shall be here before you know it.”
“Sorry, all taken.”
After hearing the door being shut, Ominis sighed. “Sebastian, you cannot banish all first-year students from sitting here.”
Sebastian, who has been spreading on his seat, head under his hands against the window, just smiled to himself. “Sure I can! It is my privilege as a sixth year.”
“No, Sebastian, You don't have a privilege.”
“Oh, but I do.” he argued.
Ominis shook his head in disappointment. “If y/n was here, she would have put you in place.”
The atmosphere changed at the mention of your name, and Sebastian lost all the playful spirit he had seconds ago. His heart skipped a bit. Actually many beats. He has been yearning to see you all summer, but he knew you couldn’t come to visit them. You had not even know where they were, and Sebastian was not going to tell you either. Merlin, he missed you so much. He missed hearing your voice, seeing your bright big smile, your good-humored spirit, the wrinkle around your eyes when she laughed, and your-
Stop it, Sebastian. He thought to himself. Do not cross that line.
But Merlin knows how badly he wanted to.
“You are doing this again.” hummed Ominis.
“Doing what?” Asked Sebastian, his brow furrowed.
“Whenever I mention her name, you go silent for a while.”
Sebastian felt a blush appearing on his cheeks, thanking god Ominis can’t see it. “No, I’m not.”
“Yes, you are.”
“No, I just don’t have what to say.”
“Really? The Sebastian Sallow doesn’t have anything to say?”
Sebastian sighed. “I am a man of a few words.”
“Ha!” snorted Ominis.
“I guess I just …” Sebastian felt suddenly shy, a feeling that was very unfamiliar to him. He knew for sure a red color climbed up his cheeks, and he was glad Ominis could not see it. That thought was not much of a comfort though, as he remembered Ominis does not need to look at him to know how he feels.
Why he reacted this way, though? He guessed it was just the fact he hasn’t seen you for months.
“Sebastian Sallow is lost for words. Never thought I would see the day.” Said Ominis, and Sebastian chuckled.
Ominis smiled. “I heard that. It was unintentional.”
“Sure it was.” said Sebastian unbelievably.
“You miss her too, don’t you?”
Sebastian instinctively nodded. Then he said “Yes, I do. Very much in fact.”
“Why exactly didn’t we tell her where we were this summer? And what we have been doing? I mean, she helped you reconcile with Anne last year.”
“I know, and that’s why.” Said Sebastian.
“I don’t follow.”
Sebastian sighed. “She has been engaging in my mess all of last year. And not just mine, any other Buffoon who needed help, she just couldn’t say no. I knew if we get her in she would stress herself out to help us. She just lost professor Fig and she needed a break.”
“Shouldn’t it be her decision? I mean, I am inclined to agreeing with you. But perhaps we should have left the decision for her to make.”
Sebastian scoffed. “I promised myself this year I would keep her safe.”
Ominis smiled. “When will you tell her?”
“I just told you, I’m not-”
“Not about this, about the other thing.”
“What other thing?” Asked confused Sebastian.
“That you are completely and madly in love with her.”
Sebastian was taken aback. He scanned the surrounding before he returned his stare to Ominis who sat in front of him, a sly smile on his face. “I am not-“
“Save it.” Said Ominis lifting a hand up. “You are convincing neither me nor yourself.”
He was right, Sebastian knew that. But he didn’t allow himself to feel this way, not after everything he had put you through. You should be with someone better than him, kinder than him, even if that thought made him feel like dying. But damn, it was hard not to feel that way. Every time you smiled at him, or called him ‘Seb’, he felt his heart skipping a beat without him wanting to.
He was both excited and terrified of seeing you again. And the more the train sped up towards the castle, the latter feeling took over the first.
The day went by so slowly. You kept moving your gaze to the ticking clock but it felt as if it wasn’t moving at all. Maybe it was the anticipation that made time moves like someone casted Arresto Momentum on it.
At last, the evening finally crept by and you heard the carriages bringing the students towards the castle. You were already in the great hall, waiting to welcome your friends.
And finally, after a few moments there they were. You saw Poppy and Adelaide talking and laughing, but they stopped when they saw you. They ran towards you and you wrapped them both into a hug.
“I missed you, girls!” You said to your dorm roommates, who were your true friends since last year. The room felt so empty without them, and the nights were so much more boring without your late-night talking. You were so excited to not wake up to an empty room the next morning, or fall asleep to the sound of complete silence.
“We missed you too!” Said poppy.
“So so much!” Added Adelaide.
You let go of the hug and looked at your friends. “It was really boring here without you.”
Adelaide smiled. “It was boring without you too. I was so excited when you came to spend the weekend with me and my uncle. He is still very fond of you since you saved him last year.”
You blushed. “It was nothing.”
“It was not nothing. And I’m so grateful for your help. But why didn’t you come to stay with us for the whole summer? I told you, you are more than welcome.”
You smiled shyly. Truth be told, you did not want to feel like a burden, like a lost girl who has nowhere to be. No parents, no mentor … No, don’t think about Professor fig. You said to yourself the thing you told yourself all summer long. It was too painful.
“I know, and I’m thankful. But Hogwarts feels like a home to me.”
“Well, my grandmother was very happy you came to visit us too. And you know you will always have a home at our place.” Said Poppy and squeezed your hand.
You teared up. “Come on, girls. I swore to myself I wouldn’t be a crybaby today.”
“Oh, did you now? Making promises you can not keep?” Said a voice from behind Poppy. You froze in motion, scared to move your gaze toward the person who was speaking. You did at last, and saw a familiar smile, messy oak hair and a pair of brown eyes looking at her playfully. Oh, I could stare at his eyes all day. You felt your heart beating strongly against your chest. You could not resist the urge, and let your legs lead you to where he was standing, and when you reached him, you slid your hands around his waist pulling him into a hug.
You laid your head on his shoulder, as you couldn’t stop the tears from coming. You were yearning to feel the comfort of his warmth, the welcomeness his arms offered you quite a lot of times last year. He hesitated for a moment before he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer. He definitely grew taller this summer, and more muscular.
“I missed you.” You said with barley a whisper.
He gulped. “Me too, crybaby.”
You released him from the hug and hit his arm jokingly. “Shut it, I’m being emotional over here.”
He held his arm as if actually hurt, but smiled at you.
You looked to his left and saw Ominis, and then started to whale again. You wrapped your arms around him and cried “Ominis! I missed you too!”
After a minute, Sebastian started to peel off your hands from around Ominis. “Hey now, don’t choke him. We do want him to make it to the seventh year.”
“I missed you guys so much!” You exclaimed and brought your hands together.
“We did too.” Ominis smiled at you.
“I’m starting to forget why...” Joked Sebastian.
You hit his arm again, playfully.
“Ouch! You became strong.”
She smiled. “I had some training last year.”
Sebastian couldn’t help himself. All of the talking and convincing he did all summer went out of the window when he saw you, and when you wrapped your arms around him.
Oh, how he missed your smile, the smell of the meadow you had from spending time in the forest. You also smelled like Vanilla, which he guessed was from the time you spent in the kitchen during the summer as you mentioned in one owl. Ominis was right. He hated the fact that he was, but he can’t deny it. He was absolutely, completely, and madly in love with you.
“How is Anne?” You asked, bringing him back to reality with a tender voice. “We exchanged owls for a bit this summer but I didn’t want to bother her too much.”
“You didn’t. She was actually ecstatic whenever she got an owl from you.” Said Sebastian. “She is good, as much as possible.”
You nodded. “I’m sorry I couldn’t help you find-“
“I told you,” Sebastian stopped you. “Don’t apologize, you have done more than enough.”
You nodded but he could see you were not convinced. He was right though, you had done more than enough. You got yourself involved in dark magic, which you were repelled by and tried so hard to stay away from. You hated dark magic, but you did anything for him, including believing in him that he would make the right decision in the end.
And he let you down. Only thanks to you, things did not go downhill completely.
“Well, I’m excited to start the new year!” You said smiling. “The castle felt so empty without any of my friends.”
“I knew you would miss me.” Said a voice and Garreth Weasley appeared a moment later.
That guy. Thought Sebastian. He had to watch you and him whispering and giggling in potions class all of last year. It was unbearable. He felt like Garreth casually flirted with you, as he himself did, which scared him more since he did it because he had feelings for you. He suspected Garreth had feelings as well, but he hoped with every ounce of his body he was wrong.
“Garreth!” You exclaimed, a little too enthusiastically if you ask him, and wrapped your arms around him too.
Garreth smiled and returned your hug. “Missed you, potion partner.”
She smiled after she broke the hug. “Me too.”
Don’t be jealous, Sebastian, he told himself. You don’t have the right to.
But Merlin, it was stronger than him. His emotions always were.
“Any hugs left for me?” Said Natty.
You gasped and a moment later hugged her tight. “Natty I missed you! I haven’t seen you all summer! How was your trip?”
“Very fun, and very interesting. I missed all of you though.”
“We did too! Come on, Poppy and Adelaide are over there, they would be so happy to see you.” You said and took Natty by the hand towards the two Hufflepuff girls.
“So, Sebastian,” said Garreth. “I heard you are Slytherin’s seeker this year too.”
“I am. And the best one if may I add.”
“Don’t be too cocky now. I am the captain of Gryffindor, and sorry to tell you, but we will have no mercy for you. This year the cup shall belong to Gryffindor.”
Sebastian smiled. “In your dreams, Weasley.”
“My dreams often come true, Sallow.”
“Alright everyone!” Said the principal. “Take your sits by the table, the sorting ceremony will start soon.”
Later that night, you sat on your bed while brushing yout hair. Poppy folded some of her clothes and sorted them into different piles while Adelaide laid down in hers, fiddling with her wand.
“I’m so happy you girls are here, it was quiet without you.”
“We are happy too!” Said poppy, smiling. “I missed you girls, and this place.”
“So y/n, speaking of our late-night talks, how are things going with Sebastian Sallow?” Asked Adelaide.
You blushed. You remembered the way you talked about him last year, and the night you finally admitted to her roommates you have a crush on the Slytherin boy.
“There is nothing going, really.”
“Why not?” Said Poppy, pouting. “I’m pretty sure he returns your feelings.“
“Well, I’m not. Not really. And he is busy with his sister I just don’t want to add more to his plate.”
“We just want you to be happy.” Said Adelaide.
You smiled. “I know. And I am. Those feelings will probably go away.”
“If you say so.” Said Poppy, unconvinced.
“They have to.” You whispered so low, only she could hear.
You didn’t know when you fell asleep, but you woke up to the sound of Adelaide’s and Poppy’s voices.
“Are you okay?” Asks Poppy nervously.
Adelaide started patting your brow with a towel. “My poor girl, you are sweating.”
“What happened?”
“You started mumbling and then crying,” when Adelaide said it, you instinctively moved your hand to your cheeks, feeling a wet trail of tears. “And you sounded terrified.”
You sighed. “They are back.”
“What?” asked Poppy, a confused look on her face.
“Since professor Fig died, I have been having nightmares. They were absent for a while now, but it seems they have returned.”
“Nightmares?” Asked Poppy, shocked.
“Don’t worry, at least this time I don’t remember them. Most of the time they are so vivid, they burn in my head.”
“Blimey! It … sounds dreadful, y/n.” Said poppy.
“Oh, well … just one of the numerous side effects I guess.” She was frustrated, but did not want to keep the girls up for too long. They did not look as if they were going to let it go so smoothly, though.
“y/n, you have to do something about those.” Said Adelaide, sitting beside you and petting your back.
“Don’t worry,” you smiled at your friends. “I shall go to the hospital wing tomorrow. Perhaps the nurse will have a fix for me.”
“Okay.” nodded Poppy. “Can we do anything else for you? for the moment being?”
You just shook your head. “No, thank you though. Let’s all just go to sleep and try and get some rest.”
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Hope you enjoyed it! Chapter 2 coming very soon because Chapter 1 is the weakest I have written and I'm excited about the next one <3
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