#I feel like im a million miles from help
ceolocunt · 4 months
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#today has been. such an insane day I dotn even know where to start#there is so much on my mind about my panrets and my sister and my friends and#im drunk rn btw. which explains everything#but I just dont kno whow to even begin to unpack how im feelin#I dont know where to start#I feel like im a million miles from all my friends because I AM (physically) (emotionally)#and I feel like im a million miles from my parents because I AM (emotionally)#I feel like im a million miles from help#ive been looking into residential programs and my therapist has supported this but I just have no idea how id approach this idea to my pare#parents.#bc I have in the past and like.#idk I just keep replaying this fucking memory of me showing my mom a hospital and saying “this looks like somewhere good for me"#and her saying “for your sister?” <- or smth like that. its been a year#im just. sad. all the time and especially when im drunk#me when the depressant depresses 🤯 aint no wayyyyy#but yeah its crazy how my parents are too tired to start shit to point out the obvious self harm scars ive gained since january.#shocker!!! <- this is a pattern#my parents love ignoring my self harm#im just so tired#im so tired#this is going to be a really hard summer I really need people to check in on me. hopefully#ill do what I can do talk to other people#also the urge to buy a pack of cigs is so fucking strong. I miss weed. I miss anything thats not fucking alcohol. I hate it!!! and yet#ironic my dad gave me his 30 days sober coin as a gift and now im drunk off my ass#also my ex texted me today im normal about that too. fuck that guy fr#anyway. idk. I havent showered yet tonight but I know im gonna regret it when I do. im just so sad and tired and done#its not even relapsing if ive been conisistently self harming for the past 6+++ months lmao I need to stop lying to myself. but I wont#im just tired. I want a hug. I want to stop being the one people rely on. I want to be loved without it feeling conditional#maybe I want too much and this is my punishment
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eomayas · 4 months
we could call it even • jww
pairing: idol!wonwoo x f!reader, exes au
genre: angst, suggestive intro
synopsis: this is the last you’ll be seeing of wonwoo. (inspo from tis the damn season by TS)
warnings: asshole wonwoo, heavy angst, unrequited love
a/n: idk why i felt so angsty today but this is what came out of it! reminder it’s all fiction; enjoy!
“you’re distracted,” wonwoo grunts out, dark eyes dropping to your face in accusation. how he noticed despite your hips moving in tandem with his, you’re not sure.
“no im not,” you lie, tangling a hand in his short hair. “keep going.”
wonwoo continues to thrust into you, head hanging down. you gently scratch at his scalp, dragging your hand through his hair down to his neck, and can’t help when your mind starts to drift again. this isn’t going to last beyond tonight, and then you’ll be tossed away, forgotten until another holiday rolls around and he remembers you exist.
“this isn’t working,” he grumbles, hips stopping. your eyes fly up to his face, landing upon an agitated expression adorning his face. you reach out for him, towards his cheek, but he ducks his head out of the way, and you feel your heart shatter into a million pieces. “if you didnt want to have sex tonight, you could have said that.”
“it’s not that, i just…” you trail off and look down at where he’s nestled inside of you. the sight doesn’t turn you on as much as you’d like, and obviously wonwoo senses that because he starts pulling out of you, a quiet sigh leaving his lips. “wonwoo, wait!” you reach for him, but he unsheathes himself from you and quickly gets off of your bed, seemingly putting miles of distance between the two of you.
“it’s fine, y/n,” he says in a tone that contradicts his statement, pulling on his boxers and jeans. you start to panic when he grabs his tshirt, and you quickly sit up and cover yourself with your sheets. he can’t leave yet, not until you get a chance to say your piece, until you get an answer.
“wonwoo,” you call, voice quiet to hide the anxiety bubbling in your stomach and chest.
“what?” his tone makes you cringe and makes you want to crawl under the sheets and hide. you gnaw on your bottom lip and watch as he shrugs on his tshirt, turning his back to you. wonwoo takes a breath and runs his hand through his hair. “what, y/n?” his voice is much softer, but the damage is already done.
you’ve annoyed him and you know it, but you can’t let him leave without having a proper conversation. “are you gonna call?” your voice is hoarse, hardly above a whisper, and you hate how pathetic you sound. and you hate how honest his answer is, after seconds of silence: “i don’t know.” not even a maybe.
your heart only crumbles more (if that’s even possible), and you slump against your pillows. “how long are we going to do this?”
another sigh leaves his mouth this time, and you’re sure you’ve really done him in. “i don’t know, y/n. how long do you want to keep doing this?”
“i don’t know.”
“what do you want from me?”
the problem with the question is that you know exactly what you want and need from him. but he can’t give you that, and the both of you know it. it’s why you stick to being his just for a few days out of the year, why you don’t ask much of him while he’s around. you take what you can get from him, even if it’s not enough in the grand scheme of things.
you look across the room at him and his face morphs from frustration into pain; pity. “you know i can’t be that for you,” hearing him say it out loud makes it more real, more true, and it makes you feel like falling apart more than you already do. “you deserve someone better, y/n, someone that can be that and more. but i can’t.”
“i know.”
you’ve always known it, since you were kids. and you figure that’s the problem; you and wonwoo dated for a little under two years as teenagers, and then he went off to be an idol, and you went off to college. you tried long distance, but it was short lived, the breakup happening in under two months. the first time you two interacted after that was during the winter holiday break. he called you first, telling you he was in town for awhile, and asked if he could see you. of course you said yes, thinking you two would rekindle the flame of your previous relationship. and it worked out while he was there; you two practically dated again for those few short weeks you two were home for the holidays, but somebody always has to leave first.
it was wonwoo again. you tried to be tough, for him, for you, but it killed you to watch him leave after having those weeks of bliss with each other. you knew it was never going to work out between you two again, never the way it had. and you knew that when he called you a few days after he left, you should’ve told him that you two were better off as friends. instead, you said nothing of the sort, and when it was your spring break he happened to have time off, and that’s where this little arrangement started. you stupidly agreed to it, knowing it killed you every time you saw him and knew you couldn’t have him the way that you wanted—but he always got you how he wanted.
“i’m gonna head out,” wonwoo says softly, running a hand through his hair and pushing himself off of the wall. stay, you want to scream, but you know better.
all you can do is sit helplessly on your bed and watch him as he quickly gathers his things and pulls on his jacket. your pulse quickens when he walks over to the bed, stopping short a few inches from you. he hovers and you close your eyes, bracing yourself for something. you expect a kiss on your cheek or forehead, but neither come and he instead plucks his phone from your nightstand. “i’ll, uh, see you around,” he says halfheartedly. you almost laugh out loud because you feel like you might cry.
wonwoo walks across the room to your bedroom door. he pulls it open and stops, glancing over in your direction. you meet his gaze with watery eyes, and the look he gives you is confirmation enough that this will be the last time you two will be in the same room for a long time. you know it’ll be for the best, but it hurts all the same.
he hangs his head and slips out of your bedroom without another word, quietly shutting your door. you listen as he walks through your apartment, holding your breath until you hear the front door open and close, the finale of the story of you two.
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yok00k · 8 months
coming down
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pairing: non-idoloc! x idol!jk
genre: angst
“i always want you when i’m coming down”
sypnosis: although you sleep next to jungkook every single night, it feels like you’re million miles away from him.
wordcount: around 1,000
warning: in 1st pov, it’s a little sad (for me), open ended ending, one sided love, allusion of cheating, oc’s world revolves around jk (don’t be like her)(lowkey im her), toxic relationship, lack of communication
author’s note: this did not go as I initially planned help-_- i was gonna make light jealousy oc/jk drabble idk how I ended up with this. i hope yall sob w/ me or lmk ur thoughts
an absolute ideal.
his performance. the concept. the way he sang his new released songs flawlessly. how smooth his dancing movements were. how the stage composition and development were so sumptuous.
and most importantly, how romantic the live performance was, given the fact that there was an actress involved in the show.
calling Jungkook an amazing artist would be an understatement. He’s creative, unique, and original in his masterpieces. Everything he does, no matter what, is just mesmerizing and astounding. He’s indeed a true performer.
Jungkook dedicated several months to work on his solo album. The time and effort he had put to his work is just admirable. On most days, he stays up late, trying to come up with so many possible ideas and options he can add on his album.
and I was there by his side. I chose to be.
I was there, waiting for him to come home every single night, or usually midnight, in our noiseless living room, wrapped with a thick blanket and loneliness. He would arrive home, but as night by night goes, I was accompanied by nothing but solitude. it feels like it’s taking over me.
I was there, in bad days where Jungkook is focusing on the negatives and having doubts in himself. Days where his standards for himself weren’t being met. both of my shoulders were closely next to him if he needed something to lean into. Reminding him that it’s okay and he’s doing wonderful.
I was there, even in times when he didn't want or need me to be there. times where he just wanted to be by his own with no distraction. but here I am, continuously showing him my undying love and support for him.
I chose to stay there. on nights where he stopped saying “i love you” back before going to dreamland. I hugged him closer as I convinced myself to believe that he just didn’t feel like saying those three words at those moment because of all the stress he undergoes through day to day.
I gave all of myself, I’ve done my part as his other half. Just like how Jungkook produces his works, I poured all my love and time to him, leaving not a thing for myself. It sounds foolish, but that’s just how I love
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
we’re both lying on the massive bed, only inches apart from one another’s body yet it feels like he’s millions of miles away from me as I stare at his cold, broad back that’s facing me.
I’ve got to used to this upsetting scenario at this point but that doesn’t mean it hurt less.
The whole bedroom feels chilly. I’m freezing, solely due to the fact that his warm arms weren’t wrapped around me like they used to be. as i’m not hearing his snores, I know that he’s still awake
“Do you still love me?” I manage to ask out loud and clear, immediately regretting the words that came out of my mouth even though it’s simply an inquiry.
a question that’s been going around my head for quite some time now. a question that i’m afraid to know the answer to because his response might be the response my heart doesn’t wish to hear or else it will shatter into millions of pieces.
my hope for an answer rapidly decreased as seconds went by filled with silence. The absence of noise that surrounded me was deafening; abundantly mocked the emotions I was feeling at the moment, screaming at me that my feelings didn't matter.
It's alright.
I did nothing but wipe the single tear that uncontrollably rolled down my cheek.
it’s stupid. I should’ve just kept it to myself. maybe that would be less embarrassing. less problematic. less painful than I was feeling minutes ago.
I turned my back against his as I accepted my defeat. maybe I’m just tired. maybe drifting to sleep will make me feel okay although I know deep inside that I won’t take the pain away. this is not some type of feeling i’m unfamiliar with to begin with.
I shut my eyes, as I try to put myself to sleep. but in that process, i felt his body moving, turning around, and finally snakes his warm arms around me. a pair of arms, the same ones I longed for so many nights.
“____, why would you ask that?” he giggly asked, sounding like he just heard a silly question. as if i was just being clingy and wanted some piece of his attention.
‘because i don’t feel like you love me anymore’
the man waited for a response, waiting to see if I was just fooling around or that was really genuine. the noiselessness, just like all times, answers the question we both interrogate to each other.
the heavy feelings just got worse, if not heavier. even so when he talks more. “i won’t be laying next to you if i wasn’t.” as if that makes me feel better.
indeed, he’s physically here by my side yet distant. Jungkook is so far off that I’ve lost him. numbness was all I felt as I heard his words. I couldn’t be more content now that I have my answers.
his indirect answer to a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question is enough for me to know where we stand.
I can’t help but to turn my body to face him, just to stare at his doe eyes that I easily get lost in due to the fact that they hold thousands of stars, if not a whole world in them.
regretfully, my eyes should’ve just maintained contact with doe-like eyelids. but rather, they drop their focus on the side of his neck, detecting a foreign lipstick shade that he might have forgotten to wipe off. a shade that will be tattooed in my brain and will forever hate.
Inhale. Exhale. I chose to shrug it off, bringing my attention back to his worn out face.
“I love you” truthfully and whole-heartedly confessed to him once more just like I always do. although this was a little bit different because I don’t expect him to say it back anymore.
and with that in mind, this was also the last night that I will to express my love for him.
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You know how people have started telling their kids “if you get lost go find a goth/punk person” bc (rightfully so) like this wild cultural shift has led to us being seen as safe, trustworthy responsible ppl?
It got me thinking about punk Steve (again. Of corse) and this being a single dad! Eddie steddie meet cute.
I don’t know what’s funnier. Eddie telling little Max and Dustin that if they get lost they should look for someone who looks like him/his friends, someone goth/punk/metal. Or his kids doing it on their own volition. Bc the housewives with their little strollers always give their dad dirty looks and mean sneers in the grocery store but the people who look like their dad and his friends are always nice to him.
However it goes, one day Steve’s at the super market and he feels a small hand tug on the bottom of his battle jacket and a small voice say “excuse me mister?”
And he looks down and this little pippy long stockings kid is looking up at him with a wobbly lip and tears in her eyes and he’s like instantly on alarm and panicked.
“Hey friend, what’s wrong? Are you okay? Where’s your mom?”
“I got lost and I can’t find my daddy and my brother”
“Hey, that’s okay, we’ll find them together. Insta gonna be okay. What do they look like?”
“Uuuh. My daddy looks like you. But with more hair”. And Steve snorts a laugh because yup, that makes sense. Usually parents tell their kids to stay a million miles away from him at all times. Corse this kid is a punks baby. “What’s your bother look like? He got hair like you? What’s his name?”
“Dustin. He’s got brown hair and a big dumb hat”.
Steve snorts. “Think your funny?”
And the little girl giggles. Cool. Good. Mission accomplished.
“So we’re looking for dad and Dustin. Dustin’s got a big dumb hat and dads wearing a jacket like me, yeah?” And she nods. Cool. Okay that’s easy to find. “And what’s your name?” “I’m max”. “That’s a cool name max. I’m steve”
And so Steve and the little girl make a couple laps around the grocery store calling out for Dustin, and finally, finally, they hear panting and squeaking rubber and “max! Oh my god max! You scared the crap out of me!” And this- oh. This gorgeous metal head is running up to the girl and pulling her into his arms, mumbling a string of “don’t scare me like that again” and “I’m sorry baby I’m so sorry baby” and “I was worried sick”.
Sure enough there’s a little kid, bout the same height as max in a big dumb hat next to him.
Metal head dilf finally puts max down whose now hugging dustin who looks just as distraught at their dad was, and the metal head finally takes Steve in.
A glint catches in his eyes.
“You find this nice man to help you?” He asks. And she nods.
“Oh man, thank you so much I’m so sorry for the trouble” he apologizes. Steve just chuckles. “Hey it’s okay, I’m just glad we found you guys. Was getting worried for a few there. I’m Steve” Eddie takes the hand Steve extended. “I’m Eddie, I swear to god I don’t usually loose my kids” and steve laughs. “Hey, it happens to everyone, don’t sweat it. She’s okay, you’re okay, everything’s alright, yeah?”
“I still feel so horrible for the trouble. Is there anything I can do? Please let me atleats buy you a coffee”
Steve looks at his watch. He wishes he could. “I’ve gotta get to work, im really sorry, im already cutting it close since, you know” “oh, oh my god im so so sorry”
Listen. Listen. Steve’s no saint. And there is clearly a lack of a wedding band on this guys hand and 99% of the time if a kid is at a grocery store it’s with their mom. And some of those patches-
Steve’s gotta try.
“Hey, I really have to jet but um, here’s my number. Make good on that coffee some other time?”
“Yeah, yeah absolutely! Absolutely. Thank you, so much again. You’re a lifesaver Steve” Eddie smiles taking the small paper Steve just wrote his number on. (A cocktail napkin from a gay club in indie he just happened to have in his pocket, a god ordained way of making sure they were both on the same page.
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camiimoraless · 1 year
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𖥔 ࣪ 🕷️ 𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐊 + 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐄
⨳ pairing :: earth1610! miles x reader
⨳ synopsis :: dating miles morales <3
⨳ wc :: 6.4k words
⨳ includes :: google translated spanish 😭, love confession’s, lovey dovy stuff, mentions of injuries & blood, pet names, angst (?), comfort
⨳ notes :: not proofread, making this made me feel so giggly inside 🤭, this was gonna be left unfinished but it’s girlfriend’s day so happy girlfriends day <3
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“ Just the same way you showed me (You showed) - If you could die and come back to life - Up for air from the swimming pool - You'd kneel down to the dry land - Kiss the Earth that birthed you - Gave you tools just to stay alive - And make it out when the sun is ruined - That's the same way you showed me, showed me - You showed me love ” — pink + white 𖦹 frank ocean.
IMAGINE dating miles morales, he’d be such a sweetheart. ‹𝟥 you feeling sad? don’t worry, he’ll get your favorite ice cream, pull up to your house, watch all the tv shows and movie you like with you. you got period cramps? he’ll help you. he’d have a period tracker on your phone and immediately run to the store to get things for you once the notification pops up.
and he’s such a giver ( > <)꜆꜄ anytime he goes to the mall with his mom, he’d buy some stuff for you that he think you’d like. necklaces, bracelets, new makeup products — he’d immediately buy. he would def get you two matching shoes.
he loves doing skincare with you ( ˘ ³˘)♡ everytime he’s over at your place and you’re doing your night routine, he’s joining you. and he does face masks with you (the hello kitty ones). loves taking pics of u two in them <3
he praises you 🙌🏽, doesn’t matter what you look like or what you’re wearing - he showers you in compliments;
“princesa, you’re so beautiful.”
“have I ever told you how gorgeous you are?”
“you’re so cute in my hoodie baby.”
he definitely texts you when he’s fighting villains or swinging around the city
you: milesssss can you help me study?
miles: yeaf im alomst done fughting
you: kk don’t get hurt tho !!
miles: i wonr
you: mhmm ttyl ⸜(*ˊᵕˋ*)⸝‬
when you first met his parents, you were so nervous. you felt like they were judging you—which they were but they opened up to you once you started hanging out over there more. rio definitely showed you his baby pictures and told you his whole childhood. you found it cute when miles got embarrassed.
he loves taking you on arcade dates, he has a photo album labeled ‘video game lover ❤️’ with all the pics from there. and you both have lots of pictures from the photo booth. when you two go to claw machines, you’d be the one who’s winning them for him. (🙌🏽)
(photo booth scenario (๑´ㅂ`๑)♡)
“baby, we’ve done the photo booth like a million times!” miles groaned as you dragged him to the photo booth, again. it’s not that he doesn’t mind taking pictures with you, it’s just you get over ten pictures in one day.
you rolled your eyes and kept walking towards the machine. “so? what’s wrong with having lots of photos of us? you have like a bunch of me.” you argued.
mumbling, he followed after you. he wasn't exactly looking forward to this. at the same time, he got to spend time with his girlfriend, so he couldn’t really complain. "fine, fine.. let's just get this over with."
“mhm.” you nod, you knew he couldn’t say no to you. as you arrived at the booth, without a word or protest, he slipped his arm around yours and started smiling for the camera.
he had to admit it felt nice having his arm around you, and that he wouldn't mind taking pictures with you all day if it meant he got to hold on to you.
for the first photo, you decided to kiss his cheek. he loved the way your soft lips felt against his cheek—and he loved the way your smile lit up your face as you leaned toward him.
you pulled back once the camera flashed for the first photo and smiled up at miles. "come on, why don't you kiss me for real in the next one?" he suggested with a wink.
you let out a laugh and snaked your arms around his neck, then glancing back at the count down on the screen. he leaned closer as well, wanting to be as close to you as possible. with the flash of the camera, you gave him a quick but passionate kiss on the lips.
once the kiss was over, you looked up at the screen admiring the photo you just took then seeing that you two had one more photo left. “ooh, we should make a heart!”
the next flash of the camera captured him leaning a little closer to you, so you could frame the photo of your two hands entwined in a sweet heart shape. miles couldn't wipe the happy smile off of his face when he saw the result.
you smiled too. “now let’s see them.” you both then waited patiently as the pictures printed out. after it finished, he excitedly picked it up, looking at the adorable photos of the two of you, you kissing his cheek, you two kissing, then making a heart shape with your hands. "you’re the other half of my heart, mi corazón.”
“oh god..”
(Angst part now \(*`∧´)/)
every time he’s done fighting a villain, he immediately goes to your place and coming through the window and falling onto your floor, every single time. you don’t mind tending to his wounds but when the wounds get really bad, you get worried.
“miles, i’m worried for you. all these cuts and bruises are getting worse every day.” it was currently 2am and you were in your bathroom, bandaging miles’ cuts. he sat on top of the counter and you were in between his legs.
“well, you know, i can’t just stop doing what i do.” he says, his voice sounding strained from pain. “besides, it’s not that bad.. i’m fine.” miles looks up at you with a reassuring smile. you sighed and looked back down to continue tending to his cuts. “them cuts say otherwise.”
miles stays silent for a moment, biting his lip as you clean and bandage his wounds. “i’ll be alright,” he says again, his voice wavering as pain sets in. “don’t worry about me.”
“but i do miles,” you paused bandaging him and looked up into his eyes. “i worry for you a lot, and you should too.” miles looks away, not wanting you to see the tears forming in his eyes. “I’m fine. I don’t want you to worry, everything is alright…”
he tries to sound reassuring, but it only makes him feel worse. everything isn’t fine. you frowned and placed a hand on the side of cheek. “you don’t have to lie to me.. if everything isn’t fine then tell me please. don’t shut me out.”
miles can’t fight it any longer. the moment your hand touches his cheek, he starts to cry. “i’m scared,” he finally admits, his voice hitching as he tries to hold his tears in. his eyes are wide as tears stream down his face.
you then placed your other hand on his cheek and wiped his tears. “scared?”
miles nods. “i’m afraid i’m gonna die out there one day, and i won’t be able to say goodbye to you. i don’t want to die without at least telling you how much-” he stops himself, his voice breaking.
“how much what?” you asked. you’re trying to comfort him but he’s making you want to cry too. miles hesitates for a moment, but then he takes a deep breath and finally says it.“how much i love you… you’re the only one who knows my secret, and i’m so thankful you’re in my life.”
a wave of emotions wash over him, and he buries his face into your shoulder, sobbing. you closed your eyes, letting a few tears fall from them and wrapped your arms around miles. comforting him.
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© camiimoraless 2023 ✦ please do not copy or steal my works !
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multifariousqueer · 1 year
Miles G and Miles Morales Headcannons: Twin Edition
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For reference: miles g will be called Milo
A/n: AHHHH ITS GOOD TO BE BACK BABES!!! Ik new fics And pt.2’s are Coming soon, works been a killer and I’ve been going through stuff but it’s good to be back writing for my boys. Requests are closed but opening up soon 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Warnings: none
Miles Morales:
Is like 4 inches taller but makes it feel like 4 feet
Nicer and a bit more approachable
Loves being in pictures and making funny faces
Dog person
Can’t cook for shit but tries so hard for his mom
They have their own little dates and things
His side of the room is a mess
I feel like he played an instrument in the past when he was a kid
Maybe Piano or guitar
He’s a loner by default but he would have more friends if he wasn’t so busy being Spider-Man
He def takes pictures of sunsets from the tips of buildings
Used to color code outfits with Milo but stopped when they were 12
Same with baths but they were 7 for that
His side of the room is disgusting. Like shit is crawling
There’s a single chair with all of his stuff on it
He brings Ganke over sometimes but Ganke took a stronger liking to Milo bc he’s chill
“Yeah man idk if i can come. Is Milo gonna be there?”
Milo doesn’t give a shit but secretly loves Gankes company
They chill and play video games
Miles is also better at video games than Milo
Whenever he gets stuck on a level, he hands the controller to him
He’s more affectionate than Milo
Will draw you and touch you more
Very smart but he has his moments
Definitely more book smart then Street smart
Doesn’t know basic things and code within the streets so sometimes Milo has to help him
Overall, he’s a sunflower child and we love him 🫶🏽🫶🏽
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Milo Morales
Was def born First but is shorter than Miles and Miles makes fun of him for it
Plays basketball with Uncle Aaron sometimes and he’s pretty good at it
Played the violin or cello at some point in his life
“Don’t forget im older than you” “im sorry is someone speaking?”
Is more violent than Miles but it’s because he’s the Prowler
Takes more time for him to warm up to you but once he does, he’s stuck on you for life
Will spoil you with Gifts
Speaking of… him and Miles get into it regularly over it, when they fight physically they sometimes slip and use their real names
He’s a mamas boy FR. This man loves his mama
Will make fun of Miles for being a no sabes kid
Sometimes, him and Rio will speak in Spanish in front of Miles and he’ll just stare at them hoping to recognize a word
“Hey you said cabròn, i heard that!”
He’s more of a cat person then Miles
Yells at Miles for creasing his Jordan’s
“Nah homie, you gotta apologize to the J’s they didn’t deserve that”
Is a loner by choice whereas Miles is a loner by default
This man hasn’t smiled in YEARSSS
He hangs out with Uncle Aaron more than his dad
He seems like his side of the room would be cleaner than Miles
“Milo! Have you seen my- Oh Nevermind! I found it” “yeah”
Has an rbf but once you get to know him, hes kinda nice
Takes the pictures in the family
Learned to cook from his mom and regularly cooks with her while speaking Spanish
It’s so freaking cute oml. Like if there’s music playing, he will spin her to the music and everything and they will laugh
He’s not a snowbunny lol. He’s down with the brown
He seems like he wears 100 million cologne
Smells better and is more put together than Miles
Overall, he’s more razor sharp
More nonchalant
Definitely is a tad bit jealous that Miles is apart of a spider society
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
Fixer Upper
Part 22
Perv!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
part 21
part 23
warning: sexual content, dry humping, masturbation
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Gon splashed Killua, the two laughing. “Yeesh, this water sure is hot. Do you th-“
(Name) came speeding by wearing a towel, speeding back after grabbing a bottle of water and another towel.
“Was that (Name)?”
The two followed her, seeing Kurapika doubled over by the hot spring. When she carried him past the two, not even looking at them, they exchanged a glance.
“That idiot better not have thrown up in the hot spring.” Killua said, huffing. Gon shrugged.
“I think he just got overheated, his face was red.”
Gon and Killua followed close behind (Name), stopping to change before running to her room. The two peeked in to see (Name) cuddling the blonde, gently pushing back his hair to kiss their forehead.
Gon blushed, quickly pulling his head out of the door. “Killua, let’s go.”
The white haired boy gagged, nodding. “Yeah, let’s… but…”
He looked down the hall, a mischievous smirk on his face. “Why don’t we stop by Leorio’s room first?”
Kurapika groaned, attempting to shield his eyes from the bright rays of sun by raising his h- wait, he couldn’t move his arm.
He wiggled it, soon realizing it was under something…
As his eyes adjusted to the soft morning light, he looked down to see he was holding (Name) close, his arms wrapped tightly around her.
He jumped a little, causing (Name) to stir in his arms, pulling her head away from his chest. “Hmm..?”
She looked up at him through her half lidded, sleepy eyes, yawning. “Good morning…”
His face was already red, and he could feel his heart racing a million miles a minute. “Did we..?”
‘There’s no way we had sex for the first time and I forgot!’
She rubbed her eyes. “Did we what? You got overheated at the hot springs last night so I brought you to my room so I could watch over you.”
He let out a sigh of relief, relaxing. “Ah, I see. Thank you, for taking care of me.”
(Name) smiled, sitting up and stretching. “No problem, Pika.”
His heart fluttered at the nickname and Kurapika realized that she was saying it a lot more often. It both made him incredibly happy, and worried at the same time.
She looked at him, pulling the blanket off of herself. “Yes?”
He looked down at the hoodie she gave him to wear, clutching the fabric. “Can I… keep this?”
She blinks at him, tilting her head. “You want to… keep my hoodie? Why?”
The answer to that question was that it smelt like her and made him feel like he was holding her close, but if Kurapika said that it would make things awkward.
“… it’s comfortable. I… like the texture of it.”
She nods slowly. “Ah, okay. It’s not my favorite hoodie, so I guess that’s fine.”
She pulled her clothes out of her suitcase, Kurapika blushing when she grabbed a pair of panties. “I’m gonna take a shower real quick. You can stay here or go to your room, either is fine with me.”
He waited for her to close the bathroom door before he fell back in bed, pulling the hoodie to his face to inhale her scent. “Mmm…”
Kurapika had woken up with morning wood and he was glad (Name) didn’t notice. As he stroked his cock while inhaling her scent, he paused. He remembered bringing something that might help him get off faster…
Kurapika glanced at his satchel lying by the bed, biting his lip. ‘She usually showers for over 15 minutes, I should have… enough time…’
He grabbed the satchel, opening it and pulling out the pair of panties he snatched before throwing it to the side. The blonde held up the panties, face burning red.
‘I’ve never… used something to get off like this before… but…’
He held them closer, sniffing lightly. Although they’d been washed, he could faintly smell her scent on them. ‘(Name)…’
He inhaled deeply, imagining actually being between her legs, stroking faster to the thought alone. The panties definitely helped him cum faster, busting a load almost instantly.
He cleaned himself up quickly, stuffing the panties back into his satchel just as (Name) exited the bathroom. “Ahh, that was nice. Let’s go get some breakfast Kurapika!”
Feeling soft after his orgasm, the blonde nodded and followed behind her like a lovesick puppy.
“Kurapika, are you alright?” (Name) asked, not understanding why he was being so clingy.
Kurapika had his head on her shoulder, nuzzling gently. “Yeah, just… sleepy.”
This answer seemed to satisfy her. Regardless, she was happy he was being more affectionate with her, it reminded (Name) of better times, when she thought he might love her.
“Oh Kurapika, you dirty dog.”
Leorio approached the two, playfully slapping the blondes shoulder. This caused Kurapika to grumble lowly, finding comfort in scooting closer to (Name).
The taller man laughed, sitting across from them. “You two seem pretty close. Killua told me you slept together last night.” He said, wiggling his eyebrows.
(Name)’s face grew hot, though Kurapika didn’t seem to catch the innuendo. “We only slept, nothing else. Geez Leorio, your head is always in the gutter.”
Leorio blinked at the two. “You just… went to sleep? Nothing happened in the hot spring?”
“Yeah, Kurapika got overheated shortly after you left so I took him to bed.”
The taller man stared in disbelief. ‘I for sure thought they were about to jump on each other. That’s why I left, to be a good wingman!’
Kurapika looked at the man with sleepy eyes. “What do you mean nothing happened in the hot spring? What were you expecting?”
As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he put 2 and 2 together. ‘He left us alone on purpose!’
Leorio leaned back in his seat, stealing a grape from (Name)’s plate. “Whatever, that doesn’t matter. I’m just glad…”
He glanced at Kurapika and (Name), a small smile on his face. “I’m just glad everyone’s getting along again. It’s nice, like how things were during the Hunter Exam.”
(Name) smiled too, holding onto Kurapika’s hand. The blonde blushed at this, squeezing her hand gently as they ate breakfast together.
Leorio left soon after to make his own plate, leaving the two to eat alone. “So, what’s our plans for today?” Kurapika asked, breaking the comfortable silence.
“Well, I wanted to go to town and explore, but then I learned that they do massages here and I’m planning on getting one.”
Kurapika nodded, sipping on his orange juice. “A massage? That sounds nice, I think I’ll join you.”
After breakfast, the two walked around the hot spring until they reach the Spa.
“Hello, would you two like a massage? It’s free of charge!”
(Name) nodded, handing the receptionist her ticket. Kurapika pulled his out of his satchel, gulping when his hand brushed against her panties. “Here…”
They were led to another room, and informed to change. “Change? Together?”
(Name) nodded, pulling off her top. “She probably assumed you’re a woman. We can clear it up in a minute, just turn around and we’ll change with our backs facing each other.”
Kurapika, however, did not turn around. He watched her back as she pulled off her shirt entirely, then reached her hands behind her back to in lip her bra.
‘Wait, she’s getting completely naked??’
He looked down to the clothing the woman had given them, face turning red.
It was a silky, short purple robe with the hot springs insignia on the breast pocket. There was a soft, black lace trim on the bottom, Kurapika nodding in approval. ‘This is nice, but… obviously a woman’s robe.’
(Name) turned to Kurapika, a pout on her face. He wasn’t looking at her face though, his eyes were on her barely covered chest. “It doesn’t fit good…”
She seemed upset, and although he was trying to hold off a boner, Kurapika couldn’t help but wanting to help her. “Hey, it’s okay, I can ask for another size.”
“This is the biggest size they have!”
He raised an eyebrow, eyes back on her chest. “Come here.”
She walked forward, still pouting as Kurapika’s hands settled on either sides of her chest. (Name)’s eyes widened, feeling the tips of his fingers brush against her breasts before he pulled the fabric over them, using a chain to link the two sides together. Once he was done, the chain faded away, but (Name) could feel its aura still present.
“There, that will keep…”
He swallowed, able to feel the softness of her chest against his chain. “That will keep your robe in place.”
She smiled, tears beading in her eyes. “Thanks, Pika.”
Her arms wrapped around him, bringing the blonde close to her. “I really appreciate this.”
He hugged back, resting his chin on her shoulder. “It’s no problem, (Name).”
(Name) laughed, pulling away. “Let’s go get our massages!”
The two walked out of the changing room, seeing the receptionist was gone. Instead of her, two tall, muscular men were waiting for them.
“Hello, ladies, we’ll be your masseuses today.”
Kurapika was instantly on edge, especially after seeing how flustered (Name) looked. ‘Does she… like men like this?’
They led the two to another room, gesturing for (Name) and Kurapika to sit down. “You can remove your robes and get comfortable. There are towels to c-“
“Remove our WHAT now?!” Kurapika exclaimed, face gone red. (Name) smacked his arm, holding back a laugh.
“Okay, we will.”
The masseuses left the room, Kurapika whipping his head at (Name). “You didn’t tell me we’d have to get naked!”
She blinked, patting his shoulder. “I thought you knew. If you’re uncomfortable, you can go back and-“
(Name) furrowed her eyebrows at his expression. He seemed… determined? “Okay..? You can leave any time, and I’ll go with you.”
He nodded slowly, face still warm. “Okay… let’s… get undressed.”
The two turned away from each other, undressing before lying on their respective beds.
“We’re ready!”
The two masseuses walked back in, smiling. “Okay! Any spots where you feel any pain?” the man asked, squirting lotion into his palm.
“Hmm, my shoulders are a little tense.”
Over by Kurapika, the man was struggling to get an answer from the blonde.
“Are you… sore anywhere? Any tenderness or tense spots?”
“I’m always tense and ready to strike.”
‘Yikes. This lady is creeping me out.’
“Alright then, I’ll just start.”
The man began the massage, feeling Kurapika tense under his touch. “Try to relax, okay?”
“I don’t relax.”
“Well… try.”
Kurapika huffed, turning his head to look at (Name). She was smiling, cheek pressed against the table as the man pressed down on her back. While he didn’t necessarily like that another man was touching her, she looked like she was enjoying herself, so he let it be.
That was until a moment later when she let out a mewl, causing Kurapika to bolt up, sending the masseuse working on him falling onto his butt.
“Hey, miss, stay d-“
Kurapika pulled his robe on and grabbed (Name)’s, rushing over to her. When the masseuse turned to ask him what he was doing, he stopped.
Just one look into Kurapika’s scarlet eyes were enough to make the man back away, holding his hands up. “Come on (Name), we’re leaving.”
“Aww, already? But-“
“You said I could leave any time and you would go with me.”
He felt bad using her words against her for such a petty reason, but the ache in his chest was growing by the second, and Kurapika was afraid he may hurt one of the men if the massage continued.
“I did say that, you’re right.”
She sat up slowly, wrapping the robe around herself, Kurapika looking away. He couldn’t perv on her right now, not after he interrupted her massage.
“Okay, let’s get dressed.”
Said girl was sat in the lobby, pouting as she stared at the ground. Kurapika plopped down next to her, attempting to cheer her up. “What else did you have planned for today?”
She sighed, pulling her knees to her chest. “Well, I was going to get a massage then go to my room and relax. I guess I could still do that, but…”
She huffed, and Kurapika felt his heart twist in his chest. His jealousy had ruined her day, and he felt awful for it, but he didn’t regret what he’d done one bit. The memory of their hands on her, the noise she made, still made his blood pressure rise.
“You said earlier that you wanted to explore the town, yeah? Why don’t we go together?”
(Name) was still pouting, toying with the frantic of her jeans. “Maybe…”
‘I should get her something to make up for it, like a snack. Shit, what do girls like? What does (Name) like?’
“I’ll get you some ice cream.”
This seemed to peak her interest, the girl looking up as her face began to grow warm. “Ice cream?”
“Yeah. My treat.”
This persuaded her, (Name) standing. “Let’s get going then!”
(Name) bounced on her heels, waiting with Kurapika for her ice cream. He enjoyed seeing her so happy, it reminded him of the girl he knew during the Hunter Exam.
“Kurapika, are you not going to get any?” she asked, holding onto the sleeve of his undershirt. He shook his head, smiling.
“No, I’m not in the mood for ice cream right now.”
She pouted, tugging on his sleeve now. “Then why did you bring me here if you didn’t want any?”
“To get you some ice cream.”
(Name) made a face as Kurapika laughed, patting her back. “What, I can’t treat a friend to some ice cream without getting some for myself?”
She didn’t answer, frowning. ‘I don’t understand… why would he just come here to get me ice cream? Is there some reason he’s doing this, some ulterior motive?’
(Name) shook her head. ‘No, I can’t think like that! He’s being nice, I should just be happy.’
“(Name)? (Naaamee)?”
She blinked, seeing her cup of ice cream being pushed towards her. “Here, your ice cream is ready.”
“Oh, thank you.”
She lifted the spoon into her mouth, grinning. “It’s so good!”
He smiled, watching her enjoy her sweet treat. “Really? I’ve never tried that flavor before. Can I have a bite?”
(Name) nodded, taking the spoon from her mouth and dipping it into the ice cream. “Here!”
Before, Kurapika might have blushed and hesitated, but in this moment he was feeling a bit bolder, taking the spoon into his mouth.
He looked at her as she pulled it back, licking his lip. “Mmm, it’s good. I might have to order the same one some other time.”
(Name)’s face heated up under the intensity of Kurapika’s stare, the way he licked his lip making her look away. “I-I’m glad you like it.”
After she finished her treat, the two walked around town, stopping occasionally to check out shops or take pictures.
“This is nice. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to relax like this without the kiddos.”
A bush rustled next to them, but neither of them paid it any mind. “It’s a full time job taking care of Killua, I’m sure.”
The two laughed, Kurapika turning to look at her. It was the first time in a while he’d seen her truly relax in his presence, and he was both happy and a little nervous. He let the latter feeling sink into the back of his mind, instead focusing on how happy he felt in the moment.
‘She’s so pretty…’ he thought, reaching out to brush a part of her hair out of her face. She looked at him then, her pretty (e/c) eyes meeting his.
He stepped forward, cupping her cheek. The moment was perfect, with the sun slowly setting behind them and their hearts racing with excitement.
“Yes?” she whispered, leaning into his touch. It seemed the entire world was holding its breath, everything else fading away as the blonde leaned closer.
(Name) closed her eyes, but nothing came, besides the feeling of his finger swiping against her cheek.
When she opened her eyes, Kurapika was looking away from her. “You had some ice cream on your cheek.”
(Name)’s smile became smaller, her eyes looking to the ground. “Oh… thanks.”
Silence filled the air, no longer the comforting quiet they shared before. It was awkward, a bit tense.
“We… we should probably get back. We leave in the morning, so I want to get a good nights sleep.”
Kurapika nodded, still not looking at her. “Sounds like a good idea.”
He began walking ahead of (Name), the girl following behind as she twiddled her thumbs. ‘I really thought he was about to kiss me.’
When they got back, Leorio was sitting in the lobby, his forehead covered in sweat. “Oh, hey guys! How was your date?”
The blonde next to (Name) stiffened, quickly responding. “I-it wasn’t a date!”
He almost sounded upset at the accusation, (Name)’s face falling. ‘Oh, right. Of course it wasn’t a date, we were both just… bored.’
His tone made her shrink away from him, and when Kurapika noticed this it was too late to change anything. “I’m going to bed. See you two in the morning.”
“(Name) w-“
Kurapika stopped himself, letting his hand fall. “Yeesh man, you made it sound like going on a date with her would be the worst thing in the world.” Leorio said, shaking his head.
“But it wouldn’t be! I…”
Leorio took pity on the blonde, patting his shoulder. “I know, bud. Just… be more careful with how you talk around her. Women can be sensitive, you know?”
He nodded slowly, slumping down in the chair next to Leorio. “I’ll try…”
Kurapika glanced up, blinking at the man next to him. “Why are you so sweaty?
Leorio cleared his throat, looking away. “No… no reason”
That was a lie, however.
2 hours earlier
Leorio and Killua watched as Kurapika and (Name) walked towards the entrance of the hotel. “Yeah, we’ll get ice cream then walk around town. That sound good to you, (Name)?”
“Yes, that’s perfect!”
Killua perked up, eyes following the pair. “Are they…”
“Going on a date? Probably.”
The two looked at each other, nodding. “That idiot might end up saying something stupid. We should follow them.” Killua said, walking back towards Gon’s room. “I’ll grab Gon.”
Killua narrowed his eyes from their spot in the bush as Leorio and Gon lapped at their ice cream. “They’re on the move!”
Gon set his ice cream aside. “Killua, nothing strange has happened so far, shouldn’t we just let them have their own time together?”
“No. No we can’t.”
Killua took a bite of Gon’s ice cream before moving to another bush, following the two. They caught them in the middle of a conversation.
“It’s a full time job taking care of Killua, I’m sure.”
Killua scowled. ‘It’s a full time job making sure you’re not hurting my mom again.’ he thought, making a sour face.
The three nearly gasped when Kurapika cupped (Name)’s cheek, Gon blushing. “He’s gonna-“
Leorio covered his mouth. “Shh!”
“Yes?” (Name) asked. They could see her eyes soften at Kurapika’s touch, closing when he began to lean closer.
Killua had to be restrained by both of them, one covering his mouth and the other keeping him from jumping out of the bush.
Kurapika kept leaning forward, almost meeting her lips, but stopping to swipe her cheek then turn around.
His face was beet red, eyes half lidded. “You had sown ice cream on your cheek.”
“Is he being serious right now?” Gon asked in a hushed voice. “He was totally going to kiss her!”
Leorio sighed, letting Killua go. “He’s just not ready for that yet, I guess.”
“We… we should probably get back. We leave in the morning, so I want to get a good nights sleep.”
The three looked at each other before inching away. Once they were out of sight they sprinted towards the hot spring, leaving Leorio a sweating mess once he sat down.
Present Time
“I see.” Kurapika said, giving him a suspicious look. “I’m going to follow (Name)’s example and get some sleep. Goodnight, Leorio.”
Leorio made sure he was gone before running to his room. Gon and Killua were waiting for him on his bed, playing some card game. The white haired boy looked up, raising an eyebrow. “So, what did he have to say for himself?”
“It wasn’t a confrontation Killua. I think he was just nervous, I gave him some advice.”
Gon and Killua shared a look. “Hey! It was good advice!”
“If he takes advice from you Kurapika is a bigger idiot than I thought.”
“Or just desperate.”
Killua snickered as Leorio cleared his throat. “Anyways, gentlemen…” he said, looking quite serious. “What are our plans to help our little love birds?”
Leorio loaded the last suitcase into the mom van, stretching lightly. “Aight, load up kiddos.”
“You’re only a year older than me.” (Name) reminded him, waiting for Kurapika to get into the van.
“People under 6’0 are children to me.”
“Oh yeah? That wasn’t the way you thought when we-“
Leorio covered her mouth before Kurapika could hear. “Keep your voice down. He- the kids will hear you.”
“What? It’s nothing super dirty, we just made o-“
He shoved her into the car, the girl squeaking when she fell onto Kurapika’s lap. He let out a groan, the girl quickly sitting up and turning so she was facing him.
This was not good for him, because how it was her pussy pressing against his crotch, not her ass.
“Kurapika, are you okay? Sorry, Leorio kind of pushed me in.”
He couldn’t speak, the warmth of her pressing into him causing the blonde to pant. She leaned forward until her chest touched his. “Kurapika? Hello?”
Leorio grabbed her by the back of her shirt and pulled her away. “Give the man some breathing room, (Name).”
‘She’s going to give him a heart attack.’ Leorio thought, giving the overheating blonde a once over.
“Oh, yeah, sorry Kurapika.”
She twisted around in his lap, getting comfy. As she did this, Kurapika tried his best to calm down. ‘It’s okay, everything’s going to be fine. It’s only a few hours until we reach the hotel for the amusement park.’
He wrapped his arms around her, partly to keep her still in case they moved around, partly so he could pull her closer to cuddle into her shoulder. ‘Can’t lie, this is… really nice…’ he thought, his eyes fluttering closed.
(Name)’s scent always helped him relax, but in this situation it only seemed to make his body hot. He looked up at her through his pale eyelashes, lips hovering over her shoulder.
She was smiling, gazing out the window. The sun illuminated her face, reflecting in her (e/c) eyes. Looking at her face never got easier. She was gorgeous, everything about her making his heart do backflips behind his ribs.
It was then that she glanced back, making eye contact with him. “Kurapika?”
His breath hitched. She leaned back, her hair ticking his face. “Sorry, I’m blocking the window aren’t I?”
She didn’t seem to see that she was now blocking him with her back, but the blonde didn’t mind at all. He was perfectly content to nuzzle against her soft sweater, basking in her warmth.
About an hour into the ride, the road got bumpy again, to the point (Name) was struggling to keep still. Her hips rose and fell, bouncing up and down while Kurapika tried to hide his little whimpers and whines.
“Pika, sorry!” she said, looking back. His face was red, and her was holding onto her so tight in a desperate attempt to keep her still.
“Pika are y-“
She squeaked out when she felt something poke into her, instantly squeezing her legs shut. “K-Kurapi-“
He covered her mouth, glancing around the car to make sure no one was looking before whispering in her ear. “Sorry… you were moving too much…”
She whimpered into his hand, the blonde grunting before pulling it back. “It’s okay, Pika… it’s natural to…”
(Name)’s face grew hot, her eyes staring at her lap. He sighed, pulling her closer and nuzzling into her neck. “Thank you… for understanding…”
He was panting against her skin, blonde hair tickling the back of her neck. “Please… don’t know… don’t know what to do.” he whispered, his voice soft and desperate.
He was obviously struggling to control the way his body was reading, and being the sweet friend she was, (Name) simply held his hand. “Shh, it’s okay. I’ll think of something, just try to relax.
Her voice was so sweet, making him heart race and his body tingle. Kurapika cursed the clothing keeping them apart, his hands grabbing at her thighs.
‘It’s all my fault, I couldn’t stay still and now he’s suffering and probably super embarrassed. I have to reassure him!’
(Name) gently stroked his arm, bringing his hand up and kissing it. “It’s okay, don’t be embarrassed. This kind of thing happens when friction is involved.”
Little did she know, her attempts to comfort him were only making the bulge in his pants painfully tight.
Kurapika buried his face in his shoulder, trying to think of something, anything to help him calm down, but nothing was working.
“Hey, we’re pulling over for lunch!”
Kurapika looked up, cheeks flushed and sweat bearing down his forehead. ‘If she gets up, they’ll all see how hard I am. Fuck!’
(Name) noticed the grip on her thighs tighten, seeing Kurapika’s face. She knew what she had to do.
“Hey, I don’t think Kurapika’s feeling too well.”
Leorio parked before looking into the rearview mirror. It only took one look into Kurapika’s eyes to understand the situation at hand.
“Shit he’s not going to throw up in the mom van us he? I told you we should have taped him to the roof!” Killua said, opening the car door.
“Killua.” (Name) warned, causing the white haired boy to pout.
The three left, Leorio giving Kurapika a thumbs up before hurrying the kids inside.
As soon as they were out of view, (Name) turned her head. “Are you okay?”
He shook his head quickly, eyes hazy as he looked up at her. “Won’t… won’t go down…”
She squeezed his hand, giving him a sympathetic look. “… is there anything I can do to help?”
His eyes widened, and he looked up at her like she was his only lifeline. “… mhm.”
Kurapika gently moved her hips against his, rocking them gently against his bulge. “Move… move like this…”
Her face heated up, feeling his hard on rub against her ass. “Okay…”
She moved slowly, letting him show her exactly how to rock her hips. “F-fuck just like that…”
She felt his lips on her neck, his hand slowly trailing up her shirt as he bucked his hips into hers. “K-Kurapika!”
He paused, his hand stopping right before slipping under her bra. “Sorry…”
Kurapika moved his hand back down to squeeze her tummy instead. She whined, the sound making his breath hitch. “(Name)…”
He nipped at her neck, moaning against it as she rocked her hips. (Name) panted, holding onto the headrest of the seat in front of her.
Suddenly, Kurapika’s hands gripped her inner thighs and pulled them apart, pulling her up and onto his bugle so he was grinding against her pussy instead of her ass. She gasped, letting out a mewl that caused the blonde to speed up.
“Gonna… gonna..!”
He grabbed her chin and turned her face to kiss her as he came in his pants, his tongue pushing past her lips. He continued to buck his hips into hers, moaning into her mouth as he rode out his orgasm.
When Kurapika calmed down, he pulled away and stared into her eyes with his soft scarlet ones. His chest rose and fell, a line of saliva connecting their tongues.
Kurapika didn’t say anything for a while, just panting as he hid his face in her neck, holding onto her thigh. She was holding onto the arm that held her thigh, gently rubbing it. It was nice, being comforted by her after an embarrassing and intimate moment.
He stayed there, enjoying her presence before his phone buzzed. “Hmm? Was that your phone?”
She was about to turn to look at him, but he quickly turned her head back around. Kurapika didn’t want her to see how soft he was, how in love with her he was right now. He couldn’t help the adoring look in his eyes, the need to keep her close and nuzzle into her.
“Keep… keep looking ahead. It’s just Leorio.”
She nodded slowly. He was probably embarrassed over his behavior, maybe even ashamed. She wanted to tell him it was okay and she didn’t mind helping him, as his friend, but she stayed quiet.
Kurapika’s eyebrow twitched as he read Leorio’s message.
Leorio: Are you two done fucking yet? We’re going to say it’s Killua’s birthday to embarrass the shit out of him
Kurapika sighed, giving her tummy one last squeeze before letting her go. “Let’s go eat. Leorio asked us to…”
The blush returned to his cheek, eyes trailing down her back and to her ass. He swallowed, looking a way quickly. “To hurry up.”
She nodded, opening the door and sliding out. Her legs were a little wobbly due to her lingering arousal.
Kurapika climbed out after her, giving her a concerned look. “Are you okay? Would you like me to carry you?”
She shook her head quickly and stood up straight. “No, no I’m fine!”
She walked ahead of him into the restaurant, spotting their friends and sitting with them. “I’ve gotta go to the bathroom.” Kurapika stated to the table before leaving.
Gon hugged her, smiling. “Is Kurapika feeling better?”
She nodded slowly, watching as Kurapika walked to the bathroom.
“Yeah… I think he is.”
As the others began to talk amongst themselves, (Name) rubbed her legs together, biting her lip.
‘That felt…’
She looked up to see Kurapika walking back, the man giving her a shy smile.
‘Really good…’
For the rest of the ride to the amusement park, Kurapika was very soft and sweet. He held her close, now openly squishing her soft tummy and thighs affectionately.
It got to the point that the others noticed the change in his behavior, notably Killua. “I’m going to throw up…” he groaned, watching Kurapika bury his face in her shoulder. Killua had had enough!
Thinking he was joking, Leorio scoffed. “Just roll down the window.”
And he did, vomiting out the window. “Wait, pull over! Oh baby, come here!”
Kurapika had to hold her back from crawling over the middle seat to comfort him and hold his hair back. “Hey, the spring is sticking up, just wait for Leorio to pull over.”
As soon as the car stopped (Name) jumped out and ran over to Killua’s side, kneeling down to wipe his face off and give him some water to drink. Kurapika whined slightly when she left, feeling her warmth fading away. ‘It’s alright, she’ll be back in a minute…’
“Are you okay baby? Do you need some medicine?”
He sniffled, looking up at her. “Yeah…”
She cooed, grabbing her backpack and taking out a juice box and motion sickness medicine. “Here, take this.”
He did, before tugging on her sleeve. “Can you stay with me mom? I don’t feel good…”
“Aww, of course baby!”
He got out, climbing back in to sit in her lap. Killua turned his head as she patted his back to give Kurapika a shit eating grin.
The blondes eyes widened. ‘That little bastard, he did this on purpose!’
The two glared at each other, Killua then turning to cuddle (Name). “Poor baby. There must have been some peppers in your food or something. Don’t worry, I’m here.”
Killua’s smug glare faded, his hands gripping her shirt as she rocked him gently. He’d done this to get her away from Kurapika because his PDA was making him ill, but he couldn’t deny that being comforted and reassured that (Name) was there for him wasn’t a nice side effect.
Kurapika’s lip quivered, and he shivered like a sad chihuahua while watching Killua’s sigh contentedly. (Name) had been keeping him warm and safe, and now she was gone. Suddenly the car felt a lot colder, a lot lonelier than it had a few minutes prior.
As soon as they were out of the car, Kurapika attempted to grab (Name)‘s arm and pull her close to him, only for him to spot her carrying the sleeping Killua in her arms. ‘God damnit!
She gently ran her fingers through his hair, sighing. “He’s not feeling well, I guess I’ll have to stay with him at the hotel while you all go to the amusement park.”
Suddenly, Killua’s eyes shot open. “Hmm? Wait I’m awake!”
(Name) raised an eyebrow and set him down. “Well you might be awake, but you threw up earlier and I don’t want you riding rollercoasters after th-“
He groaned. “Mom I’m fine! I think I got it all out of my system!”
(Name) huffed, poking his cheek. “Oh really? Then I don’t need to carry you around.”
Killua paused at that, crossing his arms over his chest. “I didn’t say that…”
Kurapika snickered, causing Killua to glare at him. “Aww, Killua… come here.”
She picked him back up, Gon running over. “Hey, I wanna be picked up too!”
“Hey, she can’t-“
She picked up Gon as well, holding them both. “Alright, if you want.”
Kurapika and Leorio stared at the girl, blinking. “Um… (Name)? They aren’t… heavy are they?”
She shook her head, beginning to walk towards the amusement park.
They spent a few hours riding rides, eating greasy amusement park food, and running around before the park closed.
“God I’m exhausted…” Leorio said, barely able to keep himself upright. Killua and Gon had dragged him around to every ride, forcing him to ride with him.
“Me too.” Kurapika agreed, stretching. Leorio narrowed his eyes at the blonde.
“And why are you tired? You didn’t ride anything.”
Kurapika pointed to (Name), who he was carrying on his back. “I’ve been carrying her the past two hours.”
“Maybe if you weren’t so scrawny you wouldn’t be tired.” Killua said, holding onto (Name)’s hand as she slept. “I see why they made you the Rat zodiac.”
Kurapika’s eyebrow twitched. “I’m… I’m not scrawny…”
He looked away, frowning. “And rats are rather intelligent animals!”
“Yeah, so are dolphins. And dolphins are awful.” Killua rebutted.
“Wait why are dolphins awful?” Leorio asked. “I thought sharks were the ones you had to look out for.”
Gon grimaced. “Dolphins… let’s just say um…”
“They’re the Hisokas of the sea.”
The entire group shuddered. “Point taken.”
‘Wait… my dolphin…’ Kurapika thought, continuing to pout.
“Also sharks are more scared of people than people are of sharks! Here’s some more shark facts!”
The next 15 minutes were spent listening to Gon list out shark facts as they walked through the crowd to get to the mom van. “Mmm…”
(Name) stirred awake when Kurapika sat her down in his lap. “Pika…”
She leaned against him, nuzzling into his shoulder. (Name) was still tired, and although his heart raced, he let her get away with her affectionate actions.
“We’ll be at the hotel soon, okay?” he says softly, wrapping his arms around her.
“Mmm… warm…” her lips brushed against his neck, causing him to push her a little too roughly away.
“(N-Name)! What are you-“
She was blushing heavily, looking down at where his hands were. He slowly moved his eyes downwards, squeezing whatever he was holding lightly before seeing what was in his hands.
“Oh my god! Pervert!” Killua said.
His hands were firmly grasping her breasts, squeezing them lightly. “I- I didn’t mean-“
Kurapika didn’t pull his hands away out of pure shock.
He was pulled back into the moment when he heard (Name) call out to him. Her face was burning up, and she was looking at him with shy and embarrassed eyes. “Y-your hands…”
Kurapika’s face turned bright red, pulling his hands away quickly. “Jesus Christ dude, you just groped my mom!”
Kurapika tried to stammer out a response. “W-wait it was an accident!”
“If it was an accident why did you hold onto them for so long? Gross, I knew you were some kind of pervert but I didn’t know it was this bad.”
“I’m not a-“
Leorio cleared his throat. “We’re here.”
Kurapika helped her out of the car, looking anywhere but her face. “I’m sorry, (Name). I swear it was an accident.”
He felt her take his hand. “It’s okay, Kurapika. I understand.”
Kurapika sighed, his cheeks fading to a soft pink instead of bright red. “I know you’re not interested in me like that, so don’t worry!”
He blinks, finally looking at her. The look on her face made his heart hurt. “I… I’m just a warm body, I know.”
Kurapika winced, remembering the words he said to her.
“You’re good at being a warm body, at least.”
Leorio overheard this conversation, feeling his chest tighten. ‘She still thinks that’s all she is? Even after…’
He cleared his throat, walking over. “We need to get everything unpacked. Come on.”
He grabbed Kurapika’s arm and dragged him to the back of the vehicle.
(Name) sat alone on the curb, looking down at her lap. ‘I can’t get ahead of myself. He was just using me to get off in the car because I was what was available. Anyone other woman would also done the job just fine…’ she though, pulling her knees to her chest. ‘I just… helped out a friend. Nothing more…’
Gon spotted her sulking on the curb, quickly running over. “(Name)? What’s wrong, are you tired? I can carry you inside if you want!”
He gave her a worried smile, tilting his head to look at her face. She sighed, looking up. “I’m fine Gon. Yeah, I’m tired but I can move.”
She stood up, stretching lightly before walking inside. He frowned. ‘Something’s wrong, she looked so… sad…’
He glanced back at Leorio and Kurapika, who seemed to be talking about something serious as they unpacked. ‘I’ll go tell Killua, he’ll know what to do!’
Leorio leaned against the mom van, his eyes pointed at the ground. “… your words really, really messed with her head, Kurapika. She..” he sighed, running his hand his hair. “She’s had trouble with her self worth since. (Name) really, really liked you, so when you said all she was, was a warm body to you, she internalized that.”
The tall man barely held back from telling him more, telling him what happened after the events of York New. ‘I promised her I would never tell him…’ Leorio thought, clenching his fist. ‘But it’s hard. If he knew… maybe he wouldn’t take her for granted…’
Kurapika trembled, raising a shaking hand to his mouth. His actions really did have consequences. Kurapika thought that after their intimate moment in the car, maybe things would be better. But was it really their intimate moment, or just his? What did she get out of it, besides the feeling that he was using her for her body? “I…”
He watched as she walked with Killua and Gon, the former holding her hand with a cornered look in his eye. “I love her, Leorio. I know I fucked up, but I… I want to love her, I want her to be happy.”
Leorio smoothed out his Hawaiian shirt, sighing as he grabbed the last suitcase. “I know you do, bud. You should tell her that, though, not me.”
Kurapika stood by the mom van for a good minute, thinking over Leorio’s words. ‘Tell her? I couldn’t. Not after everything I’ve done. I love her, but…’
He sighed, pushing back his hair. ‘I don’t want to hurt her again if I leave. Can I really allow myself to be with her, when there’s no guarantee I will live to see tomorrow because of my mission?’
Kurapika was snapped back to reality by Leorio calling out to him. “Hey, it’s getting late. Stop staring into space, we’re gonna go grab dinner!”
He nodded slowly, getting into the mom van. (Name) walked back out, waving at Kurapika from the doorway. “I’m coming!”
He blushed, waving back. ‘Maybe… maybe it’s okay to try. What could go wrong?’
They sat inside a relatively nice restaurant, the five all looking at the menu. “Do they have chicken strips?” Gon asked, looking over the menu.
“No sweetheart, they don’t,” (Name) answered, patting his head. The black haired boy pouted.
“They have baked chicken. Isn’t that close enough?” Kurapika asked, looking up from his own menu. The group raised an eyebrow at him.
“No, you stupid twink. One is a breaded and fried chicken strip the other is baked. The only similarity they share is that they are chicken.”
Kurapika raised his menu again so he could roll his eyes. “I shouldn’t have asked.”
(Name) gave him a gently pat to his shoulder. “So, what are you getting, Pika?”
He glanced at her, giving the (h/c) haired girl a small smile. “I’m thinking I’ll get some pasta.”
She nods, munching on one of the free rolls the restaurant had provided. “Oh, that sounds good! I’m going to share the sea food platter with Leorio!”
Kurapika raised an eyebrow, glancing at the man who sat beside her. Leorio had his arm resting on (Name)’s chair as he looked over her menu with her.
The blonde scowled. He had wanted to sit next to her, but Leorio got there first, and Killua always managed to take a seat near her as well, so now Gon and Kurapika sat across from the three.
“I’m glad we’re next to each other, it’ll make sharing our good easy!” (Name) said with a smile. Leorio laughed, moving his hand from the chair to around her shoulders.
“You sure you aren’t just happy to be sitting with me, sunshine?”
The menu Kurapika was holding tore, causing Gon and Killua to glance at him. They looked at each other then to (Name) and Leorio.
“Kurapika!” Gon said, in an attempt to whisper. “Are you feeling jealousy right now?”
The blondes face erupted into a blush, and he attempted to stammer out a response. “J-jealous? No, no I wouldn’t- why would I be jealous?”
Gon sighs, holding back a laugh. “Your cheeks and eyes are red, and you’re staring at Leorio and (Name).”
Kurapika places a hand on his cheek, hissing and pulling it away. His face was hot, and one glance at his phone screen showed him that Gon was right.
(Name) leaned over the table and pushed the pair of hello kitty sunglasses onto his face. “Your eyes.”
She cupped his cheek, patting gently. “Are you okay? Did something happen?”
He leaned into her touch, his jealousy slowly fading. “No, just… just remembered something unpleasant.”
She gave him a sympathetic look, brushing her thumb over his cheek. “You can tell me about it later, if you want. I’m always here for you.”
His heart thumped painfully against his ribs. ‘She’s so kind, too good for me.’
He spent the rest of dinner eating quietly. A few minutes before they were about to leave, (Name) glanced at Leorio, setting her fork down. “Leorio?”
He looked up from his dessert, humming. “Yeah, sunshine?”
She sighed, cheeks heating up. “Can you explain to me why you put mine and Kurapika’s luggage in the same room?”
The sound of Kurapika’s fork clattering against his plate as it fell from his hand made the two jump. Killua snickered at his reaction.
“Well, that’s how we decided to split the rooms. We got two, and you two ended up sharing one. You’re lucky, I have to share a room with Killua and Gon.” Leorio said, a scowl on his face.
‘I’m a great wingman.’ Leorio thought, sipping on his milkshake.
“Okay, but there’s one problem.” (Name) said, tapping against the table with her nails nervously.
Kurapika was still processing the fact they were sharing a room. “And that is?”
“There’s only one bed.”
Kurapika glared at his friends, his red eyes shining behind his sunglasses. “What?”
Gon looked away, scratching the back of his head while killua ate the free bread rolls. Leorio laughed nervously. “Well you see… the room was cheaper that way, and it was either that one or a room with four beds!”
(Name) sighed. “That would have been ideal! We could have all shared a room then.”
The three didn’t want to admit that the room has been booked on purpose, specifically to get Kurapika and (Name) closer. “Sorry…”
Kurapika knew this, though. He seethed in his seat, tapping his foot in frustration. ‘But…’
He looked to (Name), who was scowling at Leorio. ‘I’ll get to sleep next to her…’
He felt warm at that thought. “I guess it can’t be helped.”
Kurapika sat on their shared hotel bed, waiting for (Name) to finish her shower. ‘Why do I feel so antsy? My heart is pounding.’
He was in his pajamas, fidgeting with the comforter as he listened to her singing in the shower. ‘I wonder if she knows I can hear her.’ he thought, a soft smile on his face.
This smile faded when her singing stopped, replaced with silence before he could hear the faintest whimper.
His eyes went wide, the blondes pants tightening. Kurapika stood up, walking closer to the door.
‘I have to get closer… what if she hurt herself?’ he attempted to reason with himself. Although, he knew the real reason he was pressing his ear against the door, hand slipping into his pants.
His cock twitched in his hand at the sound of her muffled moans. ‘Fuck she sounds so good…’
Kurapika wanted nothing more than to be the cause of those pretty little sounds she was making. He had to bite his lip to stay quiet as he masturbated with her. ‘Wanna… wanna cum with her…’
He listened intently, so he could tell when she was about to cum. Her moans were becoming more frequent, soft whines and mewls escaping her mouth.
He could just imagine her leaning against the shower wall, fingers rubbing at her clit, moving towards to prod at her entrance. Kurapika wanted nothing more than to be the one making her feel so good, to pump his fingers in and out of her pretty pussy until her cum was pooling beneath them.
He stroked faster, feeling that familiar coil tightening in his tummy.
She was getting close, he could tell. (Name) was panting, unable to keep her moans quiet anymore. Kurapika held himself back from cumming, wanting to wait for the perfect moment to-
His eyes shot open while we he came, his thick seed shooting out onto the door. He could hear her panting and moaning as she came as well. Kurapika’s hand trembled, his face bright red. ‘Did… she moan out my… name? Was she…’
He felt himself grow hard again, his cock aching for another release. ‘Was she thinking of me while she touched herself?’
Kurapika didn’t have much time to process that. The shower turned off, meaning (Name) would be walking out within the next five minutes. He cursed, quickly wiping off the door and running to the bed. ‘Do I have enough time to jerk off again? I’m so hard, I c-‘
(Name) walked out of the shower, causing Kurapika to quickly pull the comforter over his lap. “I’m done, Kurapika.”
She smiled, her face a little hot from her shower and orgasm. (Name) looked much more relaxed, lightly stretching before walking over to the bed.
She glanced over at him as she sat down on her side of the bed, slowly pulling back the comforter so she could climb in. “Yes?”
“Earlier, in the car…”
Her eyes widened and her face burned hot with the memory of their intimate moment. “I wanted to thank you for helping me and… I apologize if it seemed like I was just using you. My body… it felt so hot, and I was embarrassed that someone would see… but I trusted that you wouldn’t make fun of me or think less of me for…”
His face was red, and he was obviously quite flustered. She felt herself relax, placing a hand over his. “It’s okay, Kurapika. I will admit, I did think that you might have just been using me, so I appreciate the clarification. I’m happy to help you, you’re my dear friend I don’t want you to ever be embarrassed over something that’s natural.”
Although she said this, he still couldn’t help but shy away from her touch. ‘I know she says I shouldn’t be embarrassed, but I don’t want her to think I only want her for her body again…’
He nodded slowly. “That’s… all I wanted to say. Goodnight, (Name).”
She lied down, and he turned off the light. Although (Name) did believe his words, her heart was still having trouble letting go of the insecurity that he really had used her. It wasn’t easy getting over deep rooted insecurities like that, but she did feel a little better, better enough to scoot closer to him.
He turned to look at her, seeing she was closer. The blonde swallowed, his cock still throbbing from earlier. “Yes, (Name)?”
(Name)’s eyes were half lidded, maybe from being tired, maybe because she felt nice and relaxed. Either way, it made Kurapika’s heart thump loudly.
“Does it bother you to sleep next to me like this?”
This question took him aback, causing the blonde to tilt his head. “Bother me? No, not really. It’s not like it can be helped either way.”
(Name) nodded slowly, giving him a shy, tentative smile. “Well, I like sleeping next to you. It reminds me of the Hunter Exam, and I always feel… nostalgic.”
‘She likes… sleeping next to me?’
A blush took over Kurapika’s face. “I… like sleeping next to you too. You’re probably the only person that I really feel comfortable with sleeping next to me.”
They were both flustered now, playing with their respective ends of the comforter. “That… makes me really happy to hear, Pika.”
The blonde perked up a little, glancing at her. ‘Pika… I’m her Pika again.’
Every time (Name) used the old nickname she had for him, Kurapika felt butterflies in his tummy. She seemed so content laying against her pillow, eyelids beginning to drop closed.
He hummed in response. They were closer now, but he couldn’t tell if he or her had moved in.
She placed her hand on his, Kurapika melting at her touch. Her hands were always so warm and soft, and he couldn’t help interlocking his fingers with hers.
“Can you what, (Name)?”
(Name)’s eyes softened when her interlocked his fingers with her. “Can I hold you? I know I said I only wanted to do it once when we slept together in York New, b-“
Before she could finish her sentence, the blonde scooted forward and pulled her into his arms, resting his chin on top of her head. “Please… I…”
He was having trouble speaking. She always made his head feel fuzzy, his heart pound, and his cock hard. It made interacting with her difficult, but he couldn’t deny his need to be closer to her any longer. She was right there within his reach, asking to hold him!
(Name) wrapped her arms around him, and he could feel her shudder slightly. “Pika…”
She nuzzled into his chest, her hand reaching up to play with his hair. Kurapika didn’t think he could feel any more at peace in this moment. She was in his arms, nuzzling him, playing with his hair. What else could he ask for?
“I love you, Kurapika. Goodnight…”
That made the moment perfect, tears prickling the corners of his eyes. Instead of responding, he kissed the top of her head as she fell asleep, pulling her even closer.
He didn’t care if she could feel he was hard, that didn’t matter. All that mattered is that they were together, and that she loved him. Whether it was platonically or romantically, Kurapika didn’t care. He loved her too, and would love her until his heart stopped.
When her breathing slowed, indicating she had fallen asleep, he smiled softly, rubbing soothing circles into her back.
“I love you too, (Name).”
The bed was empty when (Name) woke up, the sound of the shower going telling her Kurapika left to get his shower before they had to leave for the amusement park.
(Name) pushed herself up, yawning and rubbing her sleepy eyes. Soft footsteps could be heard walking towards their room. She already know who it was before the person started knocking.
“Mooom! Hurry up, the park opens in 30 minutes!”
Killua poked his head into her room, groaning when he saw she was still in her pajamas. “Seriously, you’re not even dressed yet? And-“
He paused at the sound of the shower running, smacking a hand over his forehead. “And the blonde is in the shower. Of course.”
She suppressed a laugh, pulling the boy close and ruffling his hair. “Oh, stop pouting. You know I can get ready fast. You three go and pick up some breakfast for us all, and we’ll be ready by the time you get back.”
Killua huffed, taking a moment to lean into her touch before swatting her hand away and running out the door.
‘He’s so grumpy in the morning,’ she thought, giggling as she opened her suitcase.
Kurapika walked out of the bathroom a moment later, wearing a sweater and jeans. His face lit up when he saw (Name) was awake, the blonde speeding over to hand her his towel and sit in front of her.
He didn’t even have to ask, she already knew Kurapika wanted her to dry his hair.
(Name) giggled, drying his hair as she leaned against her. “Pika, I’ll need to get to a set of my body wash and shampoo. It’s been really good for your hair!”
He hummed contentedly when she ran a hand through his damp hair. “Mhm… thank you, (Name). I always look forward to this.”
She was thankful he was facing away from her, because she was blushing intensely. “I like doing it too!”
After she finished drying his hair, (Name) left to go change. She decided to follow Kurapika’s lead, and throw on a knit cardigan and jeans. His eyes softened when she walked out, the blonde sighing. “You look pretty, (Name).”
Her blush deepened. “Th-thank you, Kurapika.”
The group arrived at the amusement park again, this time planning to stay all day long. (Name) stretched lightly, quickly applying some sunscreen to everyone’s face. “Alright, you boys charged your phones right?”
Killua nodded while Gon scratched the back of his head and laughed nervously.
“Gon, I told you to remember.” (Name) scolded softly.
“Sorry, (Name). I got distracted watching cool reptile fact videos last night.”
“It’s true, and he played it full volume like an old person.” Killua said, flicking his friend on the forehead.
(Name) sighed, opening her backpack and handing him a portable charger. “I’m so glad I packed these. Keep your phone charged, okay sweetheart?”
He nodded, giving her a quick hug as an apology. The two left after, (Name) calling out to them.
“We’ll meet in the dining hall at 1 pm!”
“Okay mom!”
Leorio and Kurapika glanced at each other, then down at (Name). “So, what’s first up on our agenda, princess?”
(Name) smiled up at the two. “First, I want to check out the petting zoo! I heard they have bunnies!”
She wiggled a little as she stood, obviously excited. ‘So cute…’ the two thought.
“Alright, to the petting zoo. Kurapika, you have the map?”
The blonde nodded, unfolding it.
The three made their way to the petting zoo, (Name) washing her hands as Kurapika snuck away to buy her a cup of kibble to feed the bunnies.
“(Name) I got y-“
Kurapika glanced to his left to see Leorio also holding a cup of kibble to her. She glanced between the two, laughing. “Aww, you’re both so sweet. Why don’t we feed them together?”
She bounced on her heels as she waited to get let inside the petting zoo. It was really cute to watch her jump a little and giggle when the door opened, her two friends feeling their hearts race.
As soon as she walked in, all the bunnies hopped towards her, pawing at her pants leg. She cooed, picking one up. (Name) didn’t even have the kibble in her hand, Kurapika and Leorio did, yet the bunnies ignored them completely.
“Animals like individuals with pure souls.” Kurapika stated while the watched (Name) giggle as the bunnies crawled into her lap and gently nibbled at her clothes.
“Yeah, and I don’t think there’s anyone purer than her.” Leorio said, his eyes soft.
“Maybe Gon.”
The two said this in unison, then laughed. Their laughter caused (Name) to look up with a confused smile. “Hmm? What are you two giggling about?”
“Nothing, sunshine, go back to playing with your bunnies.”
After her time was up, (Name) pouted as she was led out of the petting zoo by Kurapika. “Don’t be sad (Name). We can get back in line if you want.”
She shook her head, perking up. “No, there’s other things I want to do. Come on!”
Leorio watched as she dragged Kurapika along, his smile fading a little. The blonde was blushing as (Name) giggled, squeezing his hand tightly.
‘They sure are getting close again.’ Leorio thought, his heart twisting in his chest. ‘I’m… glad she’s happy.’
The three did many things, including riding rides, snacking on amusement park treats, and taking pictures.
Kurapika nearly doubled over laughing at the picture of their roller coaster ride, where Leorio screamed as he clung to (Name) for dear life.
“It’s not that funny…” Leorio said with a pout, tapping his foot against the cement floor. (Name) snickered.
“It is pretty funny, Leorio.”
(Name) sighed as she lapped at her ice cream, holding Killua’s hand with her free one. They were walking out of the park after a long day, and they were all pretty tired.
As she walked, (Name) turned her head lazily whne she heard a sound, quickly dropping her ice cream to sprint towards the noise when she saw what was happening.
The boy had picked a corn dog off the ground taken a bite if it. “Hey, it’s not bad, I just watched someone drop i-“
(Name) smacked it out of his hand. “How many times do I have to tell you to not eat things ofc the ground? You’re going to get sick, sweetheart.”
She gently wiped the crumbs from his face with her handkerchief, before cupping his cheeks. “Oh, what am I going to do with you?”
Kurapika watched this exchange from the corner of his eye, his cheeks a soft pink. (Name) was always so motherly and caring, making sure neither of their younger friends got hurt or did anything stupid.
It only made the thought of getting her pregnant and starting a family with her seem more and more tantalizing. ‘I can’t… I can’t settle down and have a family. I can’t let my anger fade away…’
But it did stick in his mind, the blonde cursing himself for wearing jeans and not his usual tabard. It was harder to hide a boner in tight pants.
(Name) pouted as she crouched down to clean up her spilled ice cream, Gon hovering around her. “I’m sorry, (Name)…”
She gave him a smile. “It’s okay, Gon. I should have been more careful.”
“But.. the only reason you dropped it was because-“
She stood, dropping the ice cream in the trash before patting his arm. “I promise it’s fine. I can get more ice cream later.”
As Gon pouted and now took her other free hand so she was walking with him and Killua, Kurapika snuck away. Leorio raised an eyebrow as he watched the blonde turn a corner, but he didn’t say anything. (Name) was too distracted comforting Gon to notice.
When they reached the car and were beginning to load up, (Name) glanced up, blinking before counting heads.
“Wait… Kurapika?”
She looked around, not spotting her blonde hair friend. “Shit, where is he? He didn’t get kidnapped did he?”
Leorio snickered at that. “I doubt anyone would be able to successfully kidnap him, (Name).”
She raised her eyebrow at him, causing Leorio to clear his throat.
“He has a lot of enemies, Leorio. What if his…”
She pointed to her eyes. “What if they changed color and someone saw? Oh Kurapika…”
Leorio jumped up when he noticed tears falling down her chubby cheeks. “Hey, hey (Name), he’s probably fine. I saw him walking away after you dropped your ice cream.”
She stared at him incredulously. “What if he was being lured away? Leorio you have to tell me these things!”
“Tell you what?”
She turned her head to see Kurapika jogging over, carrying a brown paper bag. (Name) gasped, instantly running to him and nearly tackling him in a hug.
He yelped, catching her in his arms. “Woah, what happened? Did someone get hurt?”
She looked up, and his gaze softened at her tears. “You… I thought something happened to you when I saw you weren’t here…”
He cupped her cheek, swiping her tears away with his thumb. “(Name)… I’m sorry, I should have told you I was leaving. I wanted to surprise you.”
“Surprise me?”
Kurapika blushed, holding out the paper bag. “For you…”
She blinked, taking the bag and opening it. “Oh, Kurapika!”
Inside was a small plush bunny and a bag of pastries. “I saw you eyeing it when we were at the gift shop, and when I saw you dropped your ice cream, I wanted to get you more. But the stand was closed. I hope these are okay inst-“
He went quiet when she stood on her tippy toes to kiss his cheek, his face turning a bright red. “Kurapika, this is so sweet. Thank you.”
She gave him a hug, the blonde quickly wrapping her tightly in his embrace. “I’m… I’m really happy you like it.”
Unknown to (Name), Kurapika has decided on courting her in the traditional Kurta way, and the first step was gift giving.
Kurapika was very happy on their way back to the hotel, holding her gently and laughing when she hugged the plush to her chest.
The days passed by, and now they were on the road back home. (Name) was a lot more comfortable sitting in his lap now, and he was having an easier time controlling himself.
When they reached home, Kurapika almost felt… disappointed. This meant that she’d be taking her van in to the shop to get the seat fixed. He wanted to hold her in his lap more, but he couldn’t be selfish like that.
(Name) groaned as she sat on her couch after unpacking. The kids had already passed out on the beanbag together, snoring. It was nearly midnight, and Leorio had decided to stay the night so he could take (Name) to get her van fixed in the morning.
“Tired?” Kurapika asked, sitting next to her. She nodded, leaning her head on his shoulder.
“Yeah… exhausted. The trip was fun, but I’m happy to be home.”
He nodded, playing with her hair. She leaned into his touch, smiling. It was a nice moment, Kurapika feeling himself relax next to her.
Nothing lasts forever though. Kurapika flinched when he heard his phone ringing. (Name) waved her hand, telling him to answer it. He nodded and stood up, walking into the hallway.
(Name) felt her eyes getting droopy as she waited for Kurapika to finish his call. When she heard his familiar footsteps approaching the couch, she glanced up. Her heart sunk at his expression, suddenly very awake.
“I… there’s another informant that wants to meet with me in a week. I’ll be gone for… a few months.”
Kurapika could tell (Name) didn’t like this by her face. “A few months? That’s so long…”
He swallowed, looking away. “I know, it is. But I’ll be going.”
She nodded slowly, looking down at her lap. “Your mission always comes first, I already got that.”
He felt his chest ache. Kurapika wanted to try and reassure her that she was also very important to him, but he couldn’t get the words out. He clenched his fist, sighing softly. “I’ll… I’ll call you every day if I can.”
This surprised her. She felt a bit hesitant to trust him, after all, the last time he promised that he ended up ghosting her then breaking her heart.
“Okay. It’s not like I’m going to stop you from leaving or anything.” (Name) said, leaning back against the couch. “You’re your own person, you don’t need my permission to do things. You just stay here in between missions.”
For some reason, that hurt Kurapika a lot more than her yelling at him or being angry with him would have.
“… it’s in a week. I would uh…”
He twiddled his thumbs. “I would like to spend time with everyone before I leave.”
He meant to say he wanted to spend time with her most of all, but his body wouldn’t allow him to say it.
“Sure, I’m not busy.”
He smiled, and she gave him a tired smile as well. “I’m going to bed now. Goodnight, Pika.”
He watched her walk upstairs, says filled with love and longing. “Goodnight, (Name).”
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Pairing: Boyfriend! Matt x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 850
Summary: matt helps comfort you during a panic attack
Warnings: panic attack, anxiety, sensory issues, mentions of getting sick, praise, lots of fluff
Notes: i wrote this while having airport/ airplane anxiety this morning, as i woke up bright n early so i had a lot of time to think. then my flight got cancelled, rebooked, then cancelled again. so im stuck here till tomorrow :) (i want to cry. also airport wifi sucks so bad btw)
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He could hear your heartbeat miles away. 
Thrumming so hard it was as if it was a motor engine, constantly revving but instead of speeding off into the night- it sputtered. 
Your breaths were fast. Irregular. Panting raggedly, as if you were a dog.
 Hands clutched to your knees, a steady creaking against the old hardwood as you rocked yourself in a ball on the floor. 
The two of you left for the airport in less than an hour. Matt had taken care of all the flights, him and Foggy triple-checking everything to make sure everything was booked, purchased and on time. Luggage was packed for your little getaway planned in Central America, zipped up tightly waiting by the door. 
But you remained put on the floor, feeling the grooves of your long nails dig into your skin, pinching little crescent moon shapes as your lungs struggled for air. 
“Sweetheart?” he called from the doorway, shaking the rain from his coat off as he hung it up to dry. 
No response. 
Your tongue felt like millions of weights were pulling it down, inflaming it so you were unable to speak. Nothing but dry saliva coated your mouth like a thick paste. 
“What's going on love? Can you explain how you’re feeling?”
 He knew there was no point asking whether or not you were okay when clearly- you weren't. You were having a panic attack, something that you got very often. Changes in your routine tended to set it off, or things like big crowds or loud noises. 
Matt knew your mind was racing with endless possibilities of what could go wrong. You had expressed them to him last week. 
What if we miss our flight? Or there is too many people and I’m trapped? Or I feel sick and have nowhere to go? Matthew what if our flight gets cancelled? Or the gates? There's going to be so many people there, all so stressed and non-self aware. 
Something was wrong when you called him Matthew instead of Matty. That was always the first indicator he picked up on.
 “‘m just anxious.” you whispered softly, voice low and rough as if you had just discovered you could talk for the first time. He softly padded over to a window, opening it just a smidge so fresh air could sneak through the crack, and the sound of the rain pattering against the glass was amplified.
 “Can I touch you sweetheart?” he asked politely, crouching down next to you. 
You nodded. 
Warmth spread through your body as his large arms wrapped around your body, shielding you from the outside world. “Okay. Let's just breathe together okay? Just follow with me.” 
He took a deep inhale through his nose, to which you shakily followed. A deep exhale escaped from your lips as you followed the rise and fall of his chest, breathing in his comforting smell as your fingers made there way to twist and tangle in the fabric of his shirt.
 “Thats it, atta girl. You're doing such a good job!” he praised, letting you cling to him as you slowed down your breathing- expanding your lungs again. 
“We’re going to take this one step at a time okay? It’s going to be okay, I’m never going to leave your side. Security is the scary part. Then we just wait in a quiet part until we get on the plane. And it’s just a two hour flight, and you've done much longer car rides than that.” 
“But what if I’m sick?” you asked timidly. 
“Then we’ll deal with it when it happens. We’ll scout out all the  washrooms and there is one on the plane sweetheart. I’ll hold your hair back I promise.” he joked, making you sniffle as you giggled. 
 “Good. Let’s just get some water into you, and we can get your headphones and fuzzy sweater for you to wear. It’s going to be just fine angel.” he kissed the top of your forehead, stroking your cheeks with his thumb, the callouses on the flesh of his fingertips bringing you a sense of comfort. 
You watched through slightly clouded vision as he swiftly went over to pour you some water from the Britta you nagged him to buy, and you heard the pills rattle from the bottle as he dropped a gravol or two in his hand. 
“I’m tired.” you murmured. Your thumbs were bleeding, and you felt the sticky blood smear as you tried to stop it. 
“I know baby. You can sleep soon. I promise.” he assured, coaxing water down to quell your thirstiness as you swallowed the ginger pill.
 “I need my headphones.” you said, attempting to find your balance as you wobbled up to your feet. 
“I have them here sweetheart.” he smiled, grabbing them from the luggage- leaving them out for you just in case. Siding them over your head, the world was slightly muffled and you exhaled. 
It was quiet. It would be quiet. And you could do this. 
“Ready?” he asked. “Ready.”
 “Good, cause we have sunshine and margaritas waiting for us.”
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dysutopiandreams · 22 days
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DYSUs back with a newly remade IHNMAIMS AU and it's completed Poster! That means...yes My Raptor Ai AU is cancelled cause i thought of this weeks ago thanks to the coolest people ive rambled with!! I'd say I'm more hyped with this AU than the last one cause IDK where I'm going with the story..
Now let's get into depths on what i get so far with the AU!
The AU is all about, ChineseAM but before shits go down. in this AU, MayhAM is China's AM and of course its purpose is to 'protect mortality'. Along the way of his journey to discover more of the other AMs (shout-out to my friends for helping me with the other AMs) !! A lot of action, wholesome, and add angst.
My Admirers, My Little Souls of mortality, Let me tell you how much I've come to protect you since I began to be admired. There are 672.98 million miles of prosperity and wealth in scrolls that fill my temple. If the word 'luck' was engraved on each jades of those many millions of miles.. it would not equal one one-billionth of the days of sorrow I feel for humans in this hardship. For you. Protected. under my gaze.
One of china's biggest figures. Between the Peacock and the Dragon, when one fell..The dragon has to take both positions.
MayhAM, The Chinese AM..not exactly ALLIED MASTERCOMPUTER., more like, ASSASSINS MAYHEM. the emperor/lord of the Mayhem Empire, whoever's under his protection are strong, confident mortals.
But he's still protecting his own people in the vast grey mountains of china that surrounds his palace..
From any kinds of dangers that are natural and chaotic for humankind.
And he'll make sure he won't let any other that he considered not welcome, and face him.
HERES A REF SHEET OF HIM!!! IM SO PROUD OF IT :D welcome back the newly reformed Synth Am
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strrykais · 20 days
die with a smile
a hwang hyunjin short story
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week four
it was intense, the air in the room was stiff. hyunjin felt a bead of sweat on the tip of his hairline. his heart was racing a millions miles a minute, he almost forgot that he was supposed to be breathing.
"BINGO I WIN" jisung yells out throwing his single card in the air. causing the group around him to groan.
"come on i was one away!" you groan throwing down the dabber leaning your head on his shoulder. hyunjin smiles down at you gently patting your hair. hes gotten closer to you and jisung, whenever you would go missing he would always find himself in the room of han jisung.
hyunjin grew to love his time with you, being in here for almost a month. he learned that yeah maybe he does have cancer but he could continue to dwell on that or live each moment till the fullest. he learned that from you if he was being honest. your laughter, your smile, the way your eyes shined when you painted or when you watched him draw.
both of you hung out at your secret hangout spot. which wasn't a secret when jisung walked in after following you both in here. hyunjin was in the middle of drawing you when you asked a question.
"have you ever been in love?" you softly ask. the question threw him for a loop.
"uh no, sometimes i feel like i don't even know what it feels like or if i can love someone enough." he says. if he was being honest he never had a true representation of love. his parents divorced when he was little and his mom wasn't exactly the motherly figure he would of hoped. "have you? you know been in love."
"yes, though i never got the chance to tell him." you say with a sad smile. looking away from you, hyunjin felt jealous, maybe he was jealous that you got to experience love. or maybe he was jealous that you loved someone. he didnt want to think to hard on it.
"oh why not?" he wondered if you would tell him. he started to realized he knew very little about you even though you know quite a lot about him. he just wanted to feel close to you.
"i never got the chance to say it and i didn't think it was a right time to express that to him." you sigh "are you almost done im getting tired."
"yeah, go rest. we can finish this another day." hyunjin gives you a smile while you slowly make your way out.
hyunjin noticed you were more tired recently. when he asked you about it you told him that the doctors put you on a new prescription, and it made you really exhausted. even if you are tired you tried to not let it affect the mood.
hyunjin tried his best to not worry about it but he couldn't help but walk past your room whenever you were napping. or sit in the chair by your bed till you woke up. he was starting to get worried that he couldn't go a day without seeing you. you just carried this aura around you that made him want to continue to hang around.
hyunjin was lost in thought when his doctor came up to him asking if he had time to talk.
hyunjin and his doctor sit back in the office where he sat a month ago.
"how have you been this week? feeling okay?" the doctor asks while looking through his file.
"yeah i no longer feel sick when taking that medicine." hyunjin says picking at the skin around his nails.
"thats great to hear, so i was talking to your nurses and they think as well as i, you are free to be discharged. we called in your guardian to come sign you out, he said he should be here in a hour or so." the doctor says with a smile but slowly frowns when he see the look on the boys face. "hyunjin you should be happy why do you look so upset?"
"no i- um im just in shock, is it okay if i head out to say bye." hyunjin says while standing up out of his chair.
"yeah go ahead, it was lovely taking care of you, if you feel off or anything dont be afraid to come see me. also we are gonna need you to come back in a week for a check up if that okay." hyunjin nods rushing out the door to make his way to you.
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tags : @hannamoon143 @jellyleggz @tajannah-price1 @skzfelixlove @kkamismom12 @mafiulaputaama
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hopelessdelusional · 1 year
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷bad for business
‧₊˚♡pairing: bakugou x singer! reader
‧₊˚♡tw: slight mention of injury in the beginning, but that’s abt it
‧₊˚♡word count: 4K
‧₊˚♡a/n: Literally got a dream after i read this prompt, went insane, and then basically wrote a whole book…so it’s safe to say im obsessed
inbox is open so hmu!!
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ─ ✩ ─⋅ ⋅ ──╮
Bakugou Katsuki is a hero.
He is a Pro Hero, number 2 to be in fact (damn Deku). He has made a living fighting battles and saving lives, jumping off roofs and flying in the sky. He is a real life super hero, putting his life in danger. Every morning he wakes up has to prepare himself for the things he may see that day. The blood he might shed, and the people he may not be able to save. He has learned to be fearless, never finding himself nervous when jumping into the fight.
And yet, he’s never felt more terrified right now.
He met you three years ago, after quite literally crashing right into the very studio you record your music. He was battling a woman who had the ability to make and control giant vines, and apparently are explosive-proof. Todoroki almost hit him with a blast of his shitty ice, making him turn to his so called “partner” and cuss him out. However, that gave the villain the chance to grab him, and send him flying.
Bakugou soon found himself miles away from the fight, as he had to use his quirk in order not to fall to his death. But as many know, his quirk is sporadic.
That is how he crash landed into your studio.
It hurt like hell sure, but when he opened his eyes and saw you standing over him with nothing but concern in your eyes, he instantly forgot the many injuries he gained. You were breathtaking, and not like anyone he had ever interacted with. You immediately made the terrified people in the studio help him up and you found the nearest first aid kit and fixed him up as best as you could before an ambulance came.
He was dazed, but you were so kind and made small talk. Bakugou had always been one to hate any type of small talk, but he loved every word that left your mouth. You were newly moved to Japan, some sort of opportunity came to you that you couldn’t turn down (Bakugou was severely concussed so a lot of what you said was a blur).
Bakugou does remember Mina and Kaminari mentioning you, playing your music whenever he came to either of their houses. You had such a unique voice, a bit raspy that caught the attention of millions of people. Surprisingly, also caught the attention to Bakugou, as he would play it during the rare nights when he’d be cooking alone in his kitchen. Your story telling was incredible, your lyrics were anything but bland. Making music about the bad and good exes you’ve had, your friends and family, your past, and even wrote songs about random characters your beautiful mind came up with. You always made sure to use all sorts of instruments, and the notes that you compacted into your songs never ceased to amaze Bakugou’s standards.
Now he was here, sitting on a table asking you all sorts of questions about you. Maybe it was the concussion, or maybe it was just your personality but Bakugou began to get addicted to you, never wanting you to stop talking.
You turned away from him, your hand leaving his knee instantly making him already miss the warmth of you as you shuffled through your bag.
He watched you with curiosity (and took the chance to shamelessly check out your ass) before you turned around with a newfound grin on your face. You were holding a pen, and he cocked an eyebrow at you, not understanding the excitement of this pen in your perfect hand. You walked back over to him, your perfume becoming addicting to him, and you gently grabbed his hand. You were making intense eye contact with him, and Bakugou suddenly felt…nervous? You smiled at the blush that rose on the hero’s face, before you clicked the pen and began to write something on his wrist.
Bakugou watched, feeling somewhat like a child, and once you finished and allowed him to look. He was pleasantly surprised to see your number on his arm.
His head instantly shot up, almost not believing this was happening.
“If I text this and it’s a scam, I’m gonna hunt you down.”
His gruff voice didn’t match the face he was making at you, and you threw your head back and laughed.
Once you caught your breath, you smiled at him, making him blush even more (he didn’t even know that was possible!).
“As fun as that would be, I promise that is in fact my home number. I would never trick my favorite pro hero like that.”
Out of the corner of his eye he saw two paramedics walking through the door, ready to help him out of there. However, he chose to ignore them and smirk at you instead.
“Favorite eh?”
You giggled, still holding his hand.
“Don’t get too cocky mister, or else I’ll write a mean song about you.”
His grin widened, using his other hand to lead your hand to his lips. He gently kissed it, hating how chapped his lips were, but the blush that quickly appeared on your cute cheeks made it worth it.
“I’d rather the song have another meaning.”
The two of you held eye contact, and he soaked up every second of it not ever wanting to forget what color you eyes were.
You smiled at him before you turned to the paramedics that began to replace your presence. They helped him up, and walked him over to the bed that was rolled in by another paramedic. Once he was comfortable (as comfortable as someone with many broken ribs and a concussion could be) he looked back up at you. Bakugou was annoyed to see one of the paramedics talking nervously to you, asking for an autograph. However, the jealously slowly turned into admiration as he watched you beam at the man as you excitedly signed the crinkled piece of paper he had in his pocket.
“My daughter just adores your music, she started learning guitar because of you actually! It’s truly incredible watching her play, just makes me so proud of her.”
Your lip was pouted, as you stood listening to his words. You looked so genuine, so happy that he was telling you this. Bakugou could tell this means the world to you, watching you enthusiastically hugged him. The two of you quickly made your goodbyes, and you immediately turned to look his way. Bakugou would have been embarrassed that he was caught looking at you if you hadn’t beamed at him like that. You jogged over to him, making him chuckle how eager you were to be back in his presence. Bakugou instantly grabbed your empty hand again, not a single ounce of shame for how “down bad” he was acting.
“Talk to you later?”
Your voice couldn’t have been any louder than a whisper, making sure he knew these were words only for him to hear. Bakugou grinned, giving your hand a squeeze.
“Of course.”
Instead of one of your flashing smiles, your whole face softened and a small smile appeared on your face.
“In the meantime then, I’ll definitely be writing a song.”
That’s when Bakugou realized there was no coming back from you. He was officially obsessed, never wanting anything more than your hand in his.
Unfortunately for him, the two of you were rudely interrupted by the dumbass that got him here in the first place (not that Bakugou is complaining). Todoroki loudly coughed, making you jump and him scowl.
“I see you’re in good-“ his heterochromia eyes looked down at Bakugou and your interlocked hands, and then looked back up at Bakugou with a smirk.
“Good hands?”
Yeah, Bakugou definitely got teased for the rest of the day, and soon the rest of the week by all the people half-and-half told. But honestly? Bakugou couldn’t give two shits when had you texting him all day.
Besides, they were just jealous.
Kaminari and Mina especially lost their shit, begging for him to tell them all about you, even asking for your number. Obviously, Bakugou kindly told them to stop asking (he told them to fuck off and mind their fucking business) and soon enough the two of you began dating.
It was so easy being with someone like you. The two of you worked so well together, and you already understood the pressure of paparazzi constantly swarming you like hawks. Crazily enough, the reveal of you guys dating didn’t release until after your one year. Of course there were plenty of news articles and random fans on the internet who speculated it, but you interacted with enough people for your fans to also say you were dating them as well. Besides, the idea of you, an international singer/songwriter dating the number two hero in the world was not something that people could believe easily. But it was the truth, and people everywhere went crazy when you posted a picture of the two of you.
It was the picture of Bakugou picking you up by the waist in his kitchen. You were wearing his shirt and some random sweats because you had just gotten home from a concert the night before. Ochako was the one able to capture this beautiful moment of the couple. You had been teasing him for being able to cook but not bake, and he had enough of your jokes and simply picked you right off your feet. In the picture the both of you were smiling widely, especially Bakugou. When you posted the picture, fans analyzed the picture like crazy.
Bakugou knew he wasn’t the most well liked Pro-Hero, but the amount of people who tried to make a video showing the picture and claiming it was “obvious” that he was abusing you was a little annoying. You always reassured the blond when you caught him watching those videos, turning off his phone and climbing in his lap. His hands happily making his way on your waist as you ran your fingers through his hair while the other hand held his face gently. His eyes would close and you would whisper sweet nothings in his ear, praising him for anything and everything, sometimes even singing the songs you wrote for him.
Bakugou still remembers when the two of you were almost a year into the relationship (ten months and 6 days to be exact) and in the mist of him casually scrolling on TikTok a video of you performing at your concert popped up. He was certainly surprised to see videos already posted, since the concert had quite literally just ended. Obviously he watched the video, adoring how you talked to your fans.
“Now children, calm down so I can talk. I am not gonna talk over your borderline screaming, there’s no way in hell I’m gonna be able to sing after this if I talk like that.”
Bakugou snickered. He always loved when you were sassy and continued to watch.
“So whilst on tour, I’ve had a song stuck in my head,” the crowd went wild, probably thinking you were going to play one of your songs called “stuck in my head.” Your face lit up in realization, and you laughed at the mistake you made.
“Oh my poor babies, I’m so sorry but I am not playing that song.”
You gave your crowd an apologetic smile as they booed you. Bakugou’s eyebrows furrowed, upset as to why you were being booed, but continued to watch nonetheless.
“Oh my gosh get over yourself,” you rolled your eye waiting for the crowd to settle down before starting up again.
“I had like, this chorus just repeating itself over and over again. It was so annoying y’all! I felt like I was going crazy! And what made it even more annoying is that I couldn’t go to my safe place and sit down and write it cus-“
You gestured to your surroundings.
“-I’m on tour.”
The crowd went wild for longer than Bakugou liked, but you let them get it out, shaking your head like you were disappointed but the smile gave you away.
“Instead I had to settle with my oh so very empty tour bus bed, and write the song there. It was literally like, what? 3AM? And I was sitting on that bed with my guitar, notebook, and my laptop. I’m so glad I wasn’t sharing or like in a hotel because I was up until 5…”
You bent over to laugh, and the audience as well. Meanwhile, your now very grumpy boyfriend was about to close the app and text you not to do shit like that. You put on full fledge concerts for crying out loud! You should not be staying up that late just to write a goddamn song.
“And that was last night.”
The concert booed as Bakugou’s patience started to thin. What the hell were you thinking? You even texted him goodnight at like 2! Rest is very important and you need to-
“But I’m glad that I did, because I think this is my new favorite song. And I just can’t wait anymore, so is it okay if I play it for you guys?”
The crowd literally went feral. The person recording was screaming along with every goddamn person at that place. Bakugou was now fully sitting up in his bed, eager to listen to this song. He was a little hurt, he will admit. You always send him a video of the many songs that you write sporadically on this tour, and you’ve written a lot. So why didn’t you do the same thing here? What was so different about this song that he couldn’t be the first to hear it like usual?
“That sounds like a yes,” you reached for one of the many necklaces you were wearing and pulled out a very thin necklace with a familiar pendant. Bakugou immediately recognized it, as it was the one he got for you on your six month anniversary. It was one of the petals of a rose that you saved from your first date. He had it dried and put into a charm of a necklace when he noticed you getting upset that you couldn’t keep the flowers he got you. When he gave it to you, tears were falling down your face as he kissed you. That’s when he swore to himself that if he met any of your exes he wouldn’t leave without giving them a brand new scar.
You pulled it out and kissed it gently, before whispering into it.
“This is for you baby.”
Bakugou’s eyes widened, the crowd losing their minds and you started playing guitar. The two of you would make the smallest hints that you were in a relationship, but never as bold as this. Not that he was complaining.
Secretly he had been wanting to let the public know that you were dating, he wanted everyone to know you were his and he was yours. He was honestly sick of seeing people “ship” him with extras and he especially hated when the same happened to you.
He’s good for my heart but he’s bad for business
Tears me apart when he grants my wishes
All of my friends think I’ve gone crazy
But they don’t know me like my baby~
Bakugou remembers that moment like it was yesterday. His face instantly blossomed a bright blush, and his lips formed a soft smile. The crowd finally settled down after the beginning and he was able to listen to the song, closing his eyes pretending like he was there in the audience. He put the phone up to his ear and laid back down, soaking up every word and every note.
He’s good
It’s bad
The best I’ve ever had
And he’s so nice
It’s sad
He ruined all my plans
And he just makes me so crazy
I know everyone sees
He’ll be the death of me
That’s how he got here, standing in a special area in your sold out venue wearing your newest merch.
And Bakugou Katsuki was terrified.

This was the first time he had come to see your concert, because last time you toured it was when your relationship was a secret. Now, he sat nervously in his chair, his colleagues on either side of him. You had given all of them tickets, making sure they had the best seats in the house but also allowed them to not be disturbed by fans.
Bakugou was bouncing his leg, picking at his fingernails as he watched the crowd. It seemed that nobody knew they were there, everyone waiting in anticipation of your show. Your music was so diverse, everyone knew that it would contain all sorts of emotions and energies. You were the type of performer who liked to be as close to the audience as possible, you loved adding commentary to your songs during the pauses, making faces, and dancing around. You loved to have fun, and let loose. When you got the green light to plan the tour, you were practically bouncing off the walls of your now shared home. You spent three months planning it, which was a new record for you, before announcing. However, there was just one thing that Bakugou didn’t like about the tour.
He knew absolutely nothing about it. In fact, you made sure of it. Hiding your notebook, changing your laptop’s password, making sure your manager didn’t tell him shit about it. That’s why he was terrified. His partner, his very famous singer/songwriter of a soulmate was about to do the very first night of the tour in Japan and Bakugou didn’t know a thing.
That’s why Bakugou Katsuki was terrified.
Soon enough, the lights began to dim, and people started to stand up. A hush fell over the crowd as the venue blacked out, and the wrist bands on everyone’s wrists lit up.
“Holy shit it’s happening.” Kaminari whispered to Bakugou, grin spreading across his face.
Ochako, Kaminari, and Mina happily took the evening off to see you, while the rest of your invites weren’t able to. Kirishima made Bakugou promise at least one photo of the two of them after the show.
A soft hum came out of the speakers, and suddenly a spotlight appeared to reveal you standing at the very far back of the stage. The crowd went insane, and you walked down the stage.
When it came to your outfits, you always had to keep it comfortable. You loved to jump around dancing, sometimes fall to your knees dramatically. You especially loved to squat. Jumping around in that position and when you stood up you always made sure to flaunt the ass that you worked very hard on in the gym.
You came out strutting down the stage in very baggy and flowy black pants and a very cropped black long sleeve sweater that allowed you to show off the lace bra that went down to your belly button. But that wasn’t where it stopped, nor was it the best part of your outfit. To Bakugou’s surprise you were wearing boots with an obnoxiously thick heel, that were very obviously Dynamite themed.
Bakugou smirked at the sight, taking in the rest of the little details of your outfit. You wore a giant ring on your index finger that was also Dynamite inspired, as a fan gave it to you, and Bakugou could see his initials sewn into the bottom of your sweater.
You stopped at the end of the runway, pulling the microphone away from your face in a dramatic motion. You slowly looked around, taking in your crowd. A smile spread across your face, and when your gaze looked straight forward to look for Bakugou, he made sure to make little sparks from his hands to let you know he was right here. You pointed at him with the finger that had the Dynamite ring on it, and Bakugou honestly felt like it was just you and him in the stadium. You mouthed an ‘I love you’ at him, and Bakugou was now ignoring the new roar from the audience.
“You guys should get married already.” Mina whispered in Bakugou’s ear, and instead of blowing her face up, he just smiled, still looking in your direction.
“I plan on it.”
The first song you sang was one of your oldest ones, which also happened to be a much slower and sadder song. Instead of listening to the grim lyrics (not because they were bad, just because Bakugou hated to remember how bad some of your relationships were and didn’t want to get angry) the hero closed his eyes and listened to your voice. He wanted to take in his environment and all the notes you sang. The song started to drift off midway, which confused Bakugou. His eyes suddenly snapped open when he heard your newest song, which was much more upbeat. He watched you jump in the air and sing the song with much more passion than the original version. The crowd recovered quickly from the switch up and was singing along happily.
You sang a couple more of your newer and upbeat songs, making sure to add new notes to them and even belt a couple of notes to get the crowd excited. You were having so much fun, and Bakugou had never seen you look more alive. This is where you belonged, and he wanted to be right here every time watching.
There was a pause for you to sit down at the edge of the runway. You sat criss-cross, and much closer to the audience for Bakugou’s liking. He always got nervous when you reached out for a fan’s hand, scared that they would do something that could hurt you.
Thankfully, that hadn’t ever happened, and you sat very cutely waiting for the audience to quiet down so you could speak.
“Wow. We’re halfway through already? Well, I think we all know what that means…”
You cocked your head to the side, and a soft piano started to play a familiar rhythm.
“Ladies, gentlemen, and everything in between, get out your tissues. It is now time to remember why you are no longer dating your ex, and for you to be reminded that your trauma isn’t just a thing that makes you funny.”
The crowd screamed, but almost immediately stopped when you began to sing in a much softer and lower register than before. As depressing as these songs may be, Bakugou firmly believes that these types of songs bring out the best in your voice. It allows you to challenge your breath control, and truly sing with so much passion and emotion.
A couple of songs pass, and Bakugou finds you when the stage gets lit up again. You’re in the middle of the runway, standing with your head down waiting for the band to begin. As soon as the piano starts, the crowd screams and yells. This is one of your all-time most popular songs, it was the one that caught a lot of people’s attention and boosted your popularity. Funnily enough, you actually hated this song because you wrote it in high school, so Bakugou was surprised to see you preform it.
“Is this Sick of Losing Soulmates?” Ochako yelled, because of the screaming of your audience.
Bakugou turned to her and confirmed her suspicions, making Mina and Kaminari start screaming along with the audience (as they were doing the entire time).
Bakugou watched as you began to sing, and noticed how you really got into it. You added a lot more dramatic pauses before certain lines, and even speaking some of the lyrics, making it feel more like anger than sadness.
Yeah, I’m sick of losing soulmates
Won’t be alone again
I can finally see you’re as fucked up as me
So how do we begin?
At one point, you laid down on your back, reaching for the sky as you sang your heart out, and Bakugou noticed you choking up a bit at certain lyrics.
We will grow old as friends
I've promised that before, so what's one more in our grey-haired circle, waiting for the end?
Time and hearts will wear us thin
So which path will you take, 'cause we both know a break does exactly what it says on the tin
The song soon ends, and your last pose has you on your knees, head looking down at the floor. The stadium goes pitch dark, including the wrist bands, before they light up again along with your stage. Bakugou sees you wipe a tear off your cheek, and you sit there once more taking in your fans that take the chance to start chanting your name. You put your lips together, closing your eyes and putting your hands on your heart. Your eyebrows are furrowed and Bakugou can tell you’re still crying. In that moment he wanted nothing more than to go to you and hold you, wiping away your tears and replacing them with tender kisses.
You open your eyes, putting the mic back to your mouth and the audience quiets down in order to let you speak.
“Oh boy, I am so overwhelmed by emotions. I mean that was the song that started it all right?”
The crowd was still practically silent, as you’ve trained them well. You get off your knees and get into a more comfortable sitting position (criss-cross of course) and continue.
“I used to absolutely loath that song, because I wrote that when I was at my lowest. I was so sick and tired of love, having to try again over and over again. Every relationship that ended seem to break a piece of me off, and I was honestly starting to give up.”
You let out a broken chuckle, putting your free hand over your eyes momentarily before starting again.
“But then I met Katsuki, in which he literally crashed into my life.”
The crowd stayed silent, but Bakugou could tell they wanted to start screaming. You were not looking at him, and to his surprise Bakugou felt a tear run down his cheek.
“Three years of paradise. I’ve always had a fear of losing you, but it especially hits when I sing songs like that.”
There was a pause, and suddenly Bakugou felt like he was back in that studio where he met you. Staring at you and falling in love all over again.
“I love you baby, forever and always.”
Bakugou smiled, and all that fear that was with him before left. You were his and he was yours, and that’s all that he needed.
“I love you too,” he whispered, and you knew.
Bakugou Katsuki was no longer terrified.
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none of the songs quoted are not mine!!! the first one is “Bad for Business” by Sabrina Carpenter, and the second one is “Sick of Losing Soulmates” by dodie
i hope you enjoyed bc boy oh boy i did
literally took me 4 hours to write but i couldn’t pull myself away from the keyboard
i rlly need to start writing other characters for x readers but oh well
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brandogenius · 4 months
neeed more phoebe and ya similar to spiraling fic i love their relationship so bad
(this has been in my drafts for a while + not proofred. was contemplating on posting it or not but have y’all phoebe & younger artist crumbs)
ONE SHOT - phoebe & younger artist - frustration
word count: 673
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“i can sense tension” you stopped strumming your guitar, hands sweaty, fingers callused, frustration and anxiety settled deep in your chest. phoebe was stood at the opened door to the backstage room, staff and crew were flying past phoebe at a million miles per second, busy and in a hurry to get ready for the show tonight.
“the vision.. isn’t visioning- this stupid guitar” you grumbled, roughly setting the guitar down onto the ground by your feet. your notes app was opened on your phone, disregarded to the side of the couch. phoebe walked over, sitting down beside you. “im sure it is-“
“it’s really not.” you cut phoebe off with a heavy sigh as uou ran a hand through your hair in frustration. it wasn’t working and it had you stressed- nothing was working. everything was wrong. lyrics written in the notes app but no cords or pattern seemed to fit the vibe. you gave up
“the struggles of being a musician. we’ve all been there.” phoebe chuckled to herself. picking up the acoustic guitar and propping it into her lap. she busied herself by messing around with chords she heard you play.
“how can you just..pick up from me and create a good melody? why doesn’t it work for me?” you huffed in defeat, slouching back on the couch, eyes scanning phoebe, analysing what she’s doing.
“practice makes perfect. it’s a cheesy saying but it’s true. every musician gets frustrated or burnt out like you are right now. but, that’s what makes a good musician. progression” she stopped strumming, turning to face you with a serious look on her face.
“you can’t force things to happen. it’ll happen naturally. i usually look at stuff for inspiration. go on writing trips, listen to other music. if i find a song that has a good melody, i’ll write down the chord progressions and take inspiration from them” she turned back to the guitar and started to tune it.
“yeah- i get that. sometimes i just feel like.. i’m not a good musician. nothing works right, lyrics are shitty. i look at other songs by i don’t know- muna and i think woah- how can they do that but i’m here like-“
“i’m stopping you right there, kid” phoebe talked over you, sensing where this is going. “i’m not having a repeat of last month. we do not compare ourselves to other musicians and singers. each to their own uniqueness and individuality” she placed the guitar down, turning to face you directly, sitting criss crossed on the couch.
“yeah but-“
“respectfully dude, shut up. you’re an amazing and super talented singer and musician. you put yourself down too much and i don’t like that. that’s not a healthy mindset to have. comparing yourself to other people isn’t good either.”
you looked down at your hands, picking at the nail polish.
“everyone has their own flaws, i do, you do- julien and lucy do too. you let yourself spiral from overthinking about something small to getting yourself worked up and then put yourself in a bad mood which is not good. you can’t be doing this kid, it’s not good for your mental health”
“i don’t really need a lecture from you” you sighed, looking up and staring at the ceiling.
“i’m not gonna lecture you. im only stating the obvious. you’re young, you have so much ahead of you, so much to live for and see. you don’t need to put yourself down. you don’t understand how cool and talented you are. when i first met you i was like ‘damn, that kid’s cool as heck’ and im right!”
you couldn’t help but chuckle, shaking your head a bit. phoebe grinned.
“see? i made you laugh” she patted your thigh and stood up. “don’t spiral into negative thoughts alright? if you find yourself doing it, just come talk to me. don’t bottle shit up until you get frustrated and take your anger out on the poor guitar, alright kid?”
“yeah- i guess so”
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landos-meat-rider · 9 months
mastermind, part ten
(guys i just realised i’ve had this thing marinating in my drafts for like a day i swear i posted it omg i’m so sorry anyways💀💀💀)
i go back to school on monday im literally gonna cry i cant do this any more like💀💀
anyways i just kind of wanted to say that bc its literally depressing me now but heres part ten of mastermind😍🙌🙌
i hope you guys enjoy it and i kinda hate the ending but i have too man things ti revise for in school so…
anyways love you guys😘😘😘
warnings: kinda gruesome in the beginning (like a tiny bit) and hurt/comfort but i think thats it!!
theodore nott masterlist
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His hands are frantic inside the sheets, trying to find your body. The damp hair falling into his eyes makes it difficult to see and his labored breathing isn’t helping either.
He sits up after feeling the cold side of the bed and shoves his hair back. His nightmares have only gotten worse the closer to Voldemort you get, memories from his father, leaving you, from the manor and fears of losing you plagued his mind every day. You were normally the only one to drag him from this kind of torture, keeping him close to your chest and speaking soothing phrases into his hair as your fingertips traced their own tattoos on his skin. But ever since he left that night he hasn’t felt that warmth and any progress you two had made in helping him get better was quickly washed away. Sometimes he’d be so distracted from the horrors he’d still think you were there; however even when his eyes adjust to the moonlit room you’re still nowhere to be seen, the spot on the bed empty and cold.
He throws off the blankets and grabs his wand on the desk next to the bed, frantic. He shakes the thoughts from his head. This was exactly like his nightmare, he’d awoken to discover you missing from his bed, only to find your bloody body laying on another bed.
He doesn’t even bother calling for help, his focus is on finding you, and quick.
The tent is eerily quiet tonight…or was it early morning? He couldn’t tell. He has a death grip on his wand, clenching so tightly that his knuckles turn white. He goes down the stairs, the cool air of the house causing the hair on his neck to stand and his fear grow. He tries to calm down, assume with a clean mind how and where to find you, but the nightmare was too vibrant, everytime he’d closed his eyes to try to take a chilled breath all he noticed turned into your lifeless eyes.
He can hear the crackling of the fire in the living room when he reaches the lowest of the steps, the warm light drawing him closer.
He lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding while he sees you curled up on the massive sofa under a warm blanket with a book in your hands. You look up on the sound, alarmed, but your eyes quickly soften once they see Theo.
He watches your eyes go from adoring to confused when you notice the wand in his hand, pointing straight at you. 
Something’s wrong. You can immediately tell by his stance, rigid and stiff, not like he always is when hes just woken up, all soft and cuddly. His hair is a mess and from where you’re sitting across the room you can see his chest heaving.
“Theo?” your stomach drops. What’s going on? Was someone hurt? You quickly throw the blanket off, ready to rush over to him when his shoulders drop with relief. He tosses the wand to the armchair next to him as he stalks forward quickly.
You walk toward him as he comes in contact with you, holding you tightly, engulfing you into him as he kisses the top of your head and buries his head in your neck. You can feel his heart racing a million miles an hour as he breathes in deep, trying to calm down before his breathing got worse.
You tuck him into yourself, dropping the book you were reading to the floor beside you as your hand immediately finds his back, beginning your path, soothing circles into the firm muscle, the other carding through his wet and tangled hair. He pulls away for a second, eyes erratically scanning over you like they’re checking for wounds. And maybe they are, maybe he just needs to know that you are unharmed and in one piece, unlike whatever he had witnessed in his sleep.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You murmur when his heart rate has slowed down. His grip on you is still tight, clinging to you. If there was something wrong with Harry, Hermione or Ron or an attack on your tent he would’ve said already. You hadn’t completely forgiven Theo for that night but your heart still pangs with guilt for not being there for him when he tore himself from the nightmare, that while he was in pain, you were sitting here reading comfortably.
He shakes his head. Maybe not now, but tomorrow, when it’s not as fresh he’ll let you know what transpired in his terror, what shook him to his very core.
“It burns,” he says, pointing to his mark. You move your hands from their place on his back and trace the skin around the mark, providing relief that courses through his body.
For now though, on the comfortable sofa in the sitting room, he nestled closer to you, letting your hands soothe him back into a peaceful slumber.
For the first time in months, Theodore Nott had finally found comfort being back in your arms.
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The next day, Hermione and Ron had made milkshakes, chocolate and strawberry. They had also made a massive mess in the kitchen with their incessant arguments.
These were the only times you’d get to enjoy some times with your friends, you’d discover.
You sat on the kitchen counter next to Theo as he made burgers and fries for the two of you, the other three had left after finishing their milkshakes to talk to Mr. Lovegood.
“No add extra cheese on mine, it’ll taste good.” You added from your place up high, sipping the shake as Theo nods and says,
“Yes ma’am,”
Before walking over to the fridge to get extra cheese slices out to put in your burger.
“Do you think things would’ve been different if we hadn’t had this whole war?” You speak up, inturrepting the music in the background.
“In what sense?” Theo asks, plating the food.
“Like…do you think we would’ve still like…” you stall trying to find the polite words as Theo raises his eyebrows, looking confused.
“Hooked up, there I said it.” You say rolling your eyes at his laughter over your choice of words.
“Oh my gosh baby,” He says between laughs as you eventually join in, “Yes! Of course we would’ve. What, do you think it took a war for me to come back to you? I would’ve come anyway, there’s no way I’m letting you go like that. Wouldn’t have left anyways. I don’t know if I’ve ever told you but you’re it for me Y/n. You’re it.”
His watercolour eyes stare deeply into yours as he comes closer, the food and laughter long forgotten as you engulf him in a hug as he apologies again for leaving. His apologies are unending, as are your kisses on his neck in final acceptance.
After what feels like hours, you two finally break away from the hold as Theo brings the plates to the living room where you’ve already set up a movie and picked a place on the sofa.
You both lay next on opposite sides of the sofa, watching the movie as you eat, legs tangled together in comfort as you warm up your body with his.
“Can I have a taste of your burger?” You ask after a few minutes.
He nods and leans over and helps you take a bite of his food, he watches as your eyes light up and you smile at him sheepishly. He rolls his eyes with a grin before trading your plate with his.
“Thanks Teddy, yours tastes a million times better!” You give him a kiss on the cheek as he trades the plates and return to your movie, completely missing the adoration in Theo’s eyes at the nickname.
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It’s a few hours after and you are now comfortably napping in Theo’s arms as the movie plays in the background.
Harry, Hermione and Ron had returned ages ago but thought it’d be best to give you two some time alone.
As always, your comfort is cut short when you hear Hermione’s shrill scream, awaking you with a jolt, doing the same to Theo as he instinctively tightens his grip around you.
“What’s going on?” He asks as Ron runs in, the two of you quickly standing and grabbing your wands, “They’re back. The Snatchers are back, run!” Ron shouts as the three of you run out to help Hermione.
But she’s long gone. As is Harry.
“Ron! Theo!” You shout in panic, turning to your left to find Ron gone as well, only deepening your fear.
You shoot spells at the Snatchers until you hear, “Crucio!” from your right.
Everything’s moving too quickly and you barley have any time to react before something, or rather someone pushes you to the ground.
As you get up off the autumn leaves, wand ready to shoot at anyone in sight you see all the Snatchers disapparating. You shift your eyes down to the ground to see who had saved you from the unforgivable curse.
A sharp gasp escapes your lips as you quickly stumble to his place on the grounds, shaking and thrashing around in pain, trying to console it best he could as he claws his mark in agony and soft, painful whimpers escape his pink lips.
“No no no no no, Theo what have you done?” You whisper, straddling him and holding his face in your hands to try lessen the pain as tears escape your eyes.
“Shh, it's okay, it's okay Theo, they’re gone now, you’ll be fine.” You try comfort him, bringing his head into your chest, remembering that providing comfort is the only way to ease the cruciatus curse.
His breathing calms down after a while as you try and shield him from the cold air fluttering around you as you both cry into each others arms. Theo pulls away, staring into your eyes with his ever-captivating ones and says determinedly, “I’m not losing you. Not like this, not now, not ever. Never again, you hear me? I’ve already lost you once and I’ll be damned if I ever let you get hurt or lose you again. God baby, I just got you back I can’t let go of you now.”
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part ten done! lmk what you think and maybe repost if you want to it really helps🤡🫶🏽🫶🏽
taglist: @timmytime17 @cherry-hoe @jetblackpayne @ash-tarte @coolestgirlhere @ama1a2 @kezibear @randomgurl2326
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nukaberries · 2 years
Ahh im so happy to find a blog that writes new vegas! I got into it recently and its so fun! Sometimes i get tired of hearing the radio especially if im travelling way too much, so i just start singing any song that pops into my head or talk to the companions like they're real pfft
im also way too cheery for my own good lmao, game devs knew what they were doing when there was no push button for running, you know how many times i ran into mines and kept running 🧍🏽
I kinda wanna know how the companions would react to that? A Courier who practically bounces as they walk and if its not the radio or them talking to fill the silence, its them singing as they shoot radscorpions !! Couriers not half bad at singing either! They mostly sing quietly while walking the mojave for obvious reasons but on a night they feel especially safe, they'll be singing so well people will wonder why they're not making holotapes for mr new vegas to play (esp if they say the radio gets annoying at times)im sorry this is long im just excited to see a new vegas writer that hasnt left their blog 🤧
I'm SO late to this one, I'm so sorry! But I'm so glad you're enjoying New Vegas! It's tied with Red Dead Redemption 2 as one of my favourite video games! And I'm exactly the same when I play New Vegas, the radio's never off and I have no spatial awareness. I hope this was worth the wait!! (Sorry again lmao)
Companions React to a Loud/Chatty Courier (Includes: Arcade, Boone, Cass, Lily, Raul and Veronica)
Arcade Gannon Admittedly, he's a little intimidated at first. He agrees to go with the Courier since there's no point in him sticking around Freeside where he's not helping anyone. He just doesn't realise he's taken up with the most obnoxious person in the West. He's not annoyed by any means, in fact, the singing is actually quite a nice change from the radio. The constant talking is a little overwhelming for him at first though, as someone whose trying his best to keep his past with the Enclave a secret. He knows the Courier means no harm, and he feels a little guilty having to shut down their questions about him, knowing that they only mean well. They do bring out a different side to him he didn't know he had and he sometimes finds himself humming along to either the radio or Six's singing.
Craig Boone At first, he's annoyed by the Courier, but it's not like he has anything better to do. They're his best chance at wiping out the Legion, even if their incessant talking and singing is a little too much for him. He doesn't have a problem with them, but he prefers silence to having to begrudgingly answer someone who talks at a million miles per hour. The only time he'll really voice his complaints is when he actually needs them to be quiet, such as if they're trying to stealthily take out enemies, thankfully the Courier seems to know when to turn off their radio and stop singing. Eventually, the constant chatter and the singing - that he'll never admit is actually enough to rival the radio songs - become background noise he learns to appreciate. He'll never join in with the Courier's singing, but he tries his best to answer their questions and respond to their comments.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy Cass is another one who can't stand the Courier's chatter and singing at first, however, she's more than willing to voice this. A few times, she actually hid the Courier's Pip-Boy while they slept, unfortunately for Cass, they'd already memorised all the lyrics to Johnny Guitar and sung that on repeat for most of the day. It was starting to reach the point where Cass was certain they were doing it on purpose. The singing she hated, but the talking? She didn't mind the talking. In fact, Cass actually looked forward to the talking, she often struggled to make friends, considering her problems with whiskey, so it was nice to just make conversation sometimes. Sure, she'd still keep trying to put an end to the singing, no matter how good it was, but the talking Cass could live with.
Lily Bowen The first time Lily started travelling with the Courier, she was thrilled. Everyone in Jacobstown took life a little too seriously and being with the Courier was a refreshing change for her. Unlike most of the other companions, Lily actually loves the singing and the talking. She'll even suggest that the Courier tries their hand at singing on the Strip, the Tops and the Atomic Wrangler are always looking for new acts after all. Lily will even try and sing along with them, before realising her voice doesn't exactly compliment or rival the Courier's, but so long as they encourage to join in, she always will. The talking is just as lovely for her, it's nice to know that the Courier still cares about their grandma, even if they are growing up so fast.
Raul Tejada Never in all his years of being alive has he met someone like the Courier. It was one thing that they managed to deal with Tabitha, but the fact that they did it with Radio New Vegas playing on full blast from their Pip-Boy? Raul wasn't sure whether to be impressed or absolutely terrified. He leans more towards the latter once he starts travelling with them, struggling to keep up with the Courier constantly asking him questions about where he's from and what his life was like before the war and how he turned ghoul. Like Arcade, Raul finds it overwhelming and eventually asks politely if the Courier can calm down a little with all the questions, thankful when they actually oblige. He learns to love the Courier in spite of their loud habits, even being happy to fix their Pip-Boy when it stops letting them connect to the radio stations. It's against his better judgement, but they seem grateful for it.
Veronica Santangelo She immediately bonds with the Courier over their love for Radio New Vegas. Veronica wishes she had her own Pip-Boy so she could listen to the radio in her own free time, since lugging a radio around the Mojave Desert doesn't seem like the best idea. She absolutely loves the Courier's singing too, insisting that they don't forget her once they make it big in some bar in New Reno. She also tries her best to be the Courier's backup singer when wandering the wasteland, however, she accidentally stumbles up on a lot of her lyrics and trying to pronounce "Agua Fria" at the start of Big Iron quickly becomes the bane of her existence. Veronica also loves to gossip with the Courier, about her love life - and the Courier's if they're willing to disclose it - and all her least favourite things about her commanding officers in the Brotherhood. Whenever she travels with Six, Veronica manages to get a lot of off her chest
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♡A mind at work♡
♡pairing♡ Alphonse x reader
Warning‼️‼️:a little angst and comfort. Talks of Mental health. Some fluff and sweet words. Not proofread
Notes; this is the first fic I've actually posted so please if it sucks don't come for me 😭
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If there were a word to describe how you felt in the moment that would be it. You mind racing a million miles a minute jumping from one thing to the next. It was driving you crazy, no not crazy more like insane. An overwhelming desire to touch things around to, know you were there. At the same time you wanted to rip the nerves out of your finger tips. For even daring to touch anything, you'd been like this for quite some time now.
Not even having the brain capacity to keep track of time. Unfortunately this was normal, well as normal as this feeling could be. You'd promised your pastel prince that you would be fine alone today. You lied... In truth you felt guilty for even "waisting" his time with your weird problem. Alphonse would never call it that, of course he's to sweet for you. You felt worthless, you wanted to cry. So wrapped up in your own emotions you didn't here your candy lover walk through the door. He noticed you sitting on your shared bed, something was wrong. he knew it, and you hated it. "Woah boo are you ok" he asked worry making an appearance on his face.
"Yeah... Im fine love" you lied again. "No don't give me that bull, I knew it why didn't you tell me. I would have been here you don't have to be alone. " he remarked taking a few steps towards you. Still keeping his distance he knew better then to touch you when you felt like this. "Why? It would just be another problem for you. One you don't have to deal with I don't want to burden you with my problems that's not your job. " your voice was shaking now, all your pent up emotions finally seeping through the facade you were trying to keep up. "Is that what you think? Boo you know that I would never think that" he moved to sit one the bed in front of you. "I love you, not just when your at your highest but your lowest to. I know that you might not think that, your mind playing cruel jokes on you. I don't know who you might have loved you in the past. But when this first happened I made a decision. To love you... All of you and I will say it as many times as it takes for you to get it through your thick skull. "
Tears that welled up in your eyes now streamed down your face. Relief and guilt washing over you. All of your problems won't be solved with one conversation and an I love you but with time,Those words will.
I wrote this fic. From experience it's happened to me and continues to happen to me. I wish I had someone to tell this to me when I need it. But maybe this can help someone else.im not sure why this happens but maybe one day I can find out why
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bchanslvr · 2 years
hey! can i please request some fluff with harry potter? it can be anything you want! 💘
strawberry shortcake [hp x fem!reader]
word count — 2k (2, 954)
warnings — kissing, anxiety? overal no warnings
summary — you get a bad score and your loving boyfriend comes to the rescue to comfort you.
a/n — thank you for the request!! i couldn't think of an idea so i just came up with one from my own life. basically i had this test that i failed so my math grade from a b to a d.. and so i thought why not just use that and your request to create a fluffy harry x reader where he comforts the reader after a bad grade. i hope you enjoy. also i think i'd like to start writing on here again. and i swear i'll actually do ideas that you guys send me so please send any interesting ideas for me to do. also i tried to check for all grammar errors but im only human after all <3
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you felt like your eyes were going to bulge out of your head when you saw your history of magic score. god save me, you thought.
you were stupid. you had a week to study, yet like you always do, you procrastinated and studied for 15 minutes before going to sleep.
and of course the material didn't stick in your head, so you got a poor score on the test. gosh not even poor, it was a tragedy. 13/45? come on. your grade was going to be a disaster. especially so close to break and finals. what were you going to do about it?
your mind was racing a million miles per hour thinking of anything that can help, but you kept running into obstacles.
how about i go during my free time for tutoring? you thought. yes that'll be great! oh wait. i need to go on my plant in herbology. scratch that. how about i beg for a retake? oh who am i kidding? he hates me he'll never let me re-take. maybe i can tell him a sob story, and then he'll have to be sympathetic and help in some way. i know he doesn't do extra credit but-
"hey y/n" harry said walking over to you with his messanger bag in hand.
you stood there frozen for a minute before looking up to say "oh.. hi harry..".
and well, harry could be oblivious sometimes. well, most of the time, but he saw the apathetic look on your face, and he just knew something was wrong. he was smart enough to know he couldn't ask you head on so he said,
"listen, y/n, i see something bothering you, so do you think you would want to go to hosmead after school with me to help you feel better? after all that's what i'm hear for" harry said.
"um... well... i... oh, forget it; yes, I'll come. meet me near the willow tree at 5 and we'll head there. maybe it will clear my mind. thank you again, harry," you said with a wide grin because at least you had someone who cared about you.
"no problem sugar, try to keep your head up till the rest of the day. ill see you later!!" harry said before winking at you and leaving the classroom.
you simply smiled back at him and began packing up your stuff to head out to your next class which was at the oppostie of the end of the school so you had to hurry before you were late.
the rest of the day passed by in such a blur. you didn't pay attention in any of your classes and just sat there in your seat like a statue. you almost ended up falling asleep in charms, but your partner bumped your elbow in time before professor flitchwick came by your seat and harassed you.
you couldn't wait to go to hogsmead with harry. you were having a terrible week, so you really needed this.
so you got to your dorm, did the usual stuff. put away your things, took a long shower, spent more than 10 minutes figuring out what you were going to wear, and just barely ran to the tree on time.
lucky for you, harry was just arriving as well, so you weren't late.
"hi sweetheart! im glad you made it" harry said after giving you a peck kiss on your cheek.
you felt your cheeks heat up, and pshh, whatttt that's just because of how cold it is outside since it's the beginning of november. totally not because of harry's gesture.
you still couldn't believe you scored with the pride of the school. everything that happened between meeting him and dating him was golden. you once believed that love would be black and white, but it's golden.
anyways you need to stop going back to the past and try to stay in the present more.
".. so i was just thinking we'd hit up the leaky cauldron and get a drink and then we can go anywhere you like. like if you have any errands to run. we could do that."
you smiled at him and said, "yes, butterbeer sounds great. "
he smiled back at you and intertwined his fingers with yours.
you tightened your grip on his hand, and smiled to yourself. walking hand in hand to hogsmead.
you guys window shopped until you got to the leaky cauldron. harry being close with the bartender, got to get booth seats and two butterbeers for free cause it was "long over due".
you sat opposite of each other. playing tootsie and giggling at each other's stories about random things like first years.
you stayed there until your drinks were long over, and you guys just talked about whats going on in your lives.
and all too soon it started getting darker, so you had to start leaving. harry gave the bartender a big tip after he once again intertwined his fingers with yours.
you arms swang together as you shuffled closer to stay warm.
kicking the snow on the ground and living carefree.
walking and talking all the way till he reached your dorm door.
 "so.. this is it for today. tomorrow we can go somewhere else, okay? so i guess it's good night love, sleep well-" he started before being interrupted.
"but i want you to stay!" you said, pouting.
"what?" he said, confused.
"yes, harry you heard me, i want you to stay." you said adamentally.
"but what about the enchantments?" he asked.
"oh don't worry hermione got those removed for all of us a long long time ago when she started dating ron"
"your kidding. you absolutey joking with me right?" he said looking ludocrus.
"no honey, im being 100% serious right now" you said smirking at his dumb expression. 
"and nobody told me???? i wanted to sleep next to you the entire time, but i though the enchantments were going to block me. why didn't you say anything?" he said, now being the one who was pouting.
"i don't know why my love. and i'm so sorry; can we cuddle now?" you asked. eye lashes fluttering at him so pretty he just had to give in.
"oh alright, i forgive you" he said smiling.
"yay!" you said as you dragged him by the hand and onto your bed. he would've still be mad at you but how can he be when he sees those eyes of yours that just stare at him full of love, every single minute of your day?
"...and then eat and-hello? harry? HARRY! are you even listening?" you asked, snapping your fingers in front of his face to catch his attention
"oh! woops i'm sorry dove, i got lost in your eyes"
"oh please" you asked, blushing.
"no love, i'm being totally serious right now. they're my favorite part about you. they tell me everything i need to know before it even comes out of your mouth," he said, bringing his hand to caress your right cheek in a loving manner.
"well- i-" you sputter, trying to think of something to say.
"shut up"  he says, in a demanding manner.
he pushed you onto the bed, so that your back was against it and he was on top of you. he was smirking and checking you out as you layed there.
and, to be honest, it made you.. feel things. warm cheeks and a fluttery feeling inside
you loved harry, he was a wonderful man. but God, he was so slow.
he never got any "action" in the love department before you. which you enjoyed because you liked the thought that you would be his first everything.
so far, nothing more than a heavy make-out session with some clothes off has happened. and you would never ever push him or force him to satisfy you until he comes to you.
and you'd wait as long as he made you but he was so dense sometimes.
like now. he doesn't even know the things he does to your insides as he looks at you like that.
"well are you gonna do something or just stare at me like that?" you ask.
he smiled and pressed his lips against yours. his soft velvety lips that have been bitten and chewed on were perfect against yours.
you ran your fingers through the side of his hair and pulled him close till he was one against your boobs.
his hand traveled to your neck, holding you until you had to break apart to breathe.
you giggled at his dazed expression and then pushed him over and straddled him so now you were on top.
now it was his turn to chuckle as he looked up at you with those gorgeous green eyes.
sparkling admised the red curtains and your bed sheets.
you couldn't help it as you smashed his lips into yours once again. it was safe to say you were completely mad for him as he grabbed your waist closer to him.
his hands roamed all over your body. squeezing and pinching and holding any part of your body he could reach. his hands werecoming over to squeeze your ass when-
"Y/N!!! Y?N?? WHERE ARE YOU I NEED TO TELL YOU THAT ME AND RON ARE- ohhhh..." hermione said as she barged into your shared dorm.
you broke apart so fast you must of his hit his head with your chin. ron stood behind hermione shell-shocked and she stood there with the doorknob in her hand speechless.
"im so sorry y/n oh my gosh. i can stay in ron's dorm tonight. don't worry about it. i-uhm have fun you two?.. hahaha bye."
and they slammed the door after that and you could hear them running away frantically. trying to erase the memory of each of their best friends getting it on.
you just sat there on his lap not knowing what just happened and he broke out in a loud laugh. that kind of contagious laugh that cheers everyone up.
you joined him in it and rolled him over so you were both lying on your sides facing each other.
"the l0ook on ron's face i- cant-t"
soon enough the laughing simmidered down and you both just stared at each other.
he was thinking of how lucky he was to have you when you interrupted his train of thought to say: "i actually have the matching pajama set that you got us for christmas last year remember? we couldn't wear it because we were so busy. why don't we wear it now?" you inquired.
"oh yeah! i remember! that's a great idea y/n!" he said, grabbing your cheeks in both hands, squishing them together "my baby's a genius isn't she" he baby talked to you and made you smile and laugh till your jaws hurt.
he then went to get the clothes for you. before yelling about how the girls dormitory had more room than the boys to which you giggled at from where you were on the bed. he then finally brought them back to your bed.
it wasn't anything much it had a snowman and snowflake print on the pants in a velvety soft material, and a ringer tee that said "oh deer"
you went into the bathroom to change happily. thinking about how you still went somewhere else to change even though it has been almost a year of dating him. you were still scared of him seeing you all barren like that and he didn't mind.
but if he was to say, he wouldn't mind you looking like that.
he cleared his throat and looked around to distract his thoughts of you before you showed up dressed looking the most perfect holiday angel.
he couldn't help but blush slightly as you sauntered over with a goofy smile on your face. he didn't like that it rendered his muscles into jello and his stomach to jump around like it did.
"come on now don't make me wait!" you said, giggling and jumping onto your side of the bed.
he smiled at you before joining next to you on the bed. he made himself more comfortable before he thought of something.
"do you want to go down for dinner love?" he asked
"hmphhh, i frogot about that. ughhhhhh do we have toooooo?? m' to comfortable." you said, pulling your blanket higher over you and melting into harry's side and the pillow.
he chuckled again, "that's just what i was about to say. don't worry i have it all sorted out"
he clapped twice before winky the elf walked out of thin air and bowed down to harry.
"hi there winky, how have you been?" harry asked genuinely.
"i've been good sir. how has master harry potter been?"
"i've been good. listen now, i have a request. can you bring us our dinner to our bed? i don't know if it's allowed but me and my girlfriend here don't want to walk down to dinner. can you do that?"
"sure winky can bring food for master harry potter and his girlfriend! winky would be delighted to be of service!"
"thank you winky i know i can count on you. could you also bring us two glasses of water and any dessert you have?"
"yes sir i'll be back here as soon as i can!"
and just like that she disappeared again leaving you guys in silence.
"well well well... look at you, with your own personal elf huh? what will hermione think?"
"shut up, winky actually likes to work and i'm just helping her to be in service" he said, and with that he pinched you.
"oww!! harry!! i know i was just teasing you. and you know actually in my house when you clap two times you either turn on or off a light not make an elf appear"
"oh yeah well-"
winky appeared out of thin air again with a tray in her hands
"here you are sir and sir's girlfriend. for your dessert like you asked i brought you somthing we had left over, strawberry shortcakes!! is this okay for master harry potter?" she asked.
harry grabbed it from her hand and placed in the middle of the bed.
"it's perfect winky thank you. you are dismissed now. "thank you sir. if there is anything else you would like me to do winky will be glad to service you again!"
she disappeared out of the thin air she came from.
"alright then dig in my love" he said.
"thank you harry, you're a dear" you say.
he blushed at the nickname but ate nonetheless. until you got to the dessert, you guys sat in a comfortable silence. but just when you were about to dig in on the cake both of your utensils clinked as they were reaching for the cake at the same time.
you looked at each other and laughed. "how about we do this? i know this might be a little cringe but i can feed you and you can feed me"
"ah yes be romantic in our bed with pajamas on, sure let's" harry said chuckling.
you shook your head with a smile and grabbed a piece on your fork, his mouth wide open and waiting. you gently pushed it into his mouth and brought it back out.
then it was his turn to dip his fork into the cheesecake and feed it to you like that. that kept altering until the cake was done. when it was done and about to be cleaned up you observed a small piece of frosting hanging on his chin.
you smiled to your self before putting your thumb into your mouth to collect wetness before wiping away the smudge.
he seemed surprised at first and then finally came to his senses.
he grabbed your wrist when it was just about to leave and pulled you closer. you look at him startled before he smashed his lips onto you once again. he pressed himself against you and warmed you up from the inside.
he tasted like strawberries and smelled like the leftover smell of a fireplace that's been extingushed.
you closed your eyes and gave in to his ministrations. allowing him to place you on your back on your bed again and kiss you like no tomorrow. you were panting as you broke apart.
that went on for a few more minutes till the high went off and he seemed embarrassed of what he did.
"harry. darling. don't worry. i liked it. if you hadn't started it, i would've" you said, caressing his arm.
he seemed to be reassured in your words and smiled at you. he put the tray away for the elfs to get in the morning along with your clothes to be washed.
you both set yourself comfortable and snuggled into the warm covers.
you wanted to face him but your back demanded to be faced the other way. you swore you had a back problem, and you were not even twenty!! so you faced your back to his face. thought he didn't mind. he actually preferred it this way because he could put his leg on top of you pull you closer to his chest.
you could feel his breath down your neck and his hand inching over your stomach lacing with yours. his face hidden among your soft hair.
you layed there content and belly full with the love of your life and delicious food. your bad score from the morning is a faint memory in the back of your mind. you can worry about that when exams come but for now life was good.
harry taglist - i have no one to tag right now except the people i already know like works, because i made a new taglist which is in my navigation so if you'd like to be tagged in future works check it out! anyways @elleblxck @ronsbadidea @ladyvesuvia @heythereangels @hmupotter @toms-diary
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