#I fucking love vore dude
shanedagoat · 1 month
Daily Sketches for April 11th - April 20th, 2024
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wonderful-bellies · 2 years
What kind of attitudes do you think our corpse man Mike, would have towards willing and unwilling prey?
Ooooh that's a good question! Personally I see Mikey as like tired and maybe fairly blunt and sarcastic. Maybe a bit of a lil shit. But at the same time genuinely empathetic and caring mostly stemming from trying to be a better person after well. His siblings.
So translating that into v/ore, I thiiink for willing prey he would be teasing. Mess around with them a bit, take his time. Be a little bit of an ass but you can tell he's genuinely thankful for the opportunity.
For unwilling I think he tries to be reassuring and gentle, weaving in some sarcastic comments or teases here and there but all the while making sure to check in on them. If we're talking like kicking and screaming and he can't seem to calm them down, I can see him starting to panic and freeze up. Maybe even getting a lil angry. The boi has been through a lot and probably already views himself as a monster. I think it'd be hard for him to see others be so deeply terrified of him.
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fabulouslygaybean · 4 months
HA. i knew my brother would like my ST song recs
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strangestcase · 6 days
bugs need their own Tumblr i think
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🐝​ sillywasp Follow
This humans house smells like flowers!! 🌸​🌼​🌷 yum!
🐝​ sillywasp Follow
Update: there are no flowers 😭​ I feel so robbed
🐝 sillywasp Follow
Update: they put me in a plastic cup ☹️​
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🦗​ crashopper Follow
my wife is mad at me :(
​🕷️ tinymeal Follow
Damn that's crazy. Have you tried talking to her.
🪰​​ d1ptteraaaaa Follow
Dude youre a black widow spider I dont think you're qualified to give love advice
🕷️ tinymeal Follow
Actually black widow females only eat the males in extremely stressful situations such as being kept in captivity, my wife and I live in a beautiful meadow and we're fine
🪲​ shiny-turd Follow
Then why is your blog full of vore
🕷️ tinymeal Follow
Can't a man have a fetish
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🐜​ cottagecore-gate Follow
Milking my beloved aphids! 💖​💓​💖​💓​💖​💓​
🐞​ godslittlecow Follow
🐜​ cottagecore-gate Follow
dont you FUCKIGN dare
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🕸️​ sneakyspidey Follow
*sees a mantis crawling overhead* Tsk... such a fool... *into the intercom* attack, mine simps
🦋​ bread-and-butter-fly Follow
Knowing OP is an ant mimic spider makes this a thousant times funnier
🦂​ pseudoabdomen Follow
why do you know so much about ants
🦋​ bread-and-butter-fly Follow
I tricked ants into raising me
🦟 bzz-bzz Follow
Isnt that a little exploitative?
🪳 thecrawlerrrrrr Follow
Ants love being exploited dont listen to the haters
🦟 bzz-bzz Follow
Youre a termite of course youd say that
🪳 thecrawlerrrrrr Follow
That's so fucking racist???
🐛 fluffyfellow Follow
lmao .You are both racist 🙄​
🦂​ pseudoabdomen Follow
🦋​ bread-and-butter-fly Follow
Relax it's my little brother. who's currently tricking ants into raising him
🕸️​ sneakyspidey Follow
​ What have you MANIACS done to my post
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bitterkarella · 2 months
Identifying furries by their fursonas
Fox- this is the default fursona for the default furry, namely a twink with a blown out fucked to death asshole
Vixen- Girl fox referred to as a vixen is an egg, girl fox just referred to as a fox is an out trans woman
Kistune - the same as above but weeb flavor
he-wolf - a greasy guy who weighs 12 pounds soaking wet and wears a fedora. republican.
she-wolf - the butchest bull dyke you ever saw
coyote - manic depressive. always on something. the drug connection at any furry party
Cat- always a woman
black cat - could be any gender but always goth
kitten/kitty - a trans sex worker, has an only fans they really want you to know about.
bobcat - older dude. wants people to think he's ex-military
Jaguar - an older black guy. will probably have the word "black" in his fursona's name
lion - just a huge asshole
tiger - another asshole. old. wants you to believe he's ex military or ex-police, probably a member of the dorsai irregulars. major grill dad vibes
jackal - a huge asshole and a slut. white gay racist, probably transphobic
cougar - either a trans woman or a terf. there's no in between
Horse - white woman who identifies as 2 Spirit or a guy who wants to be stomped on
Pony - gay nazi
unicorn - either the absolute gayest dude you can be or a 9 year old girl. sometimes a late in life transition
Tanuki - latino
badger - either a huge lesbian or an old avuncular straight guy. possible sex pest
Raccoon - nature's greatest mistake. too normie to be furry, too furry to be normie. dilf.
bat - either a goth or a real annoying shit (some overlap). invader zim fanboy. doesn't drink alcohol but claims to act crazy on "sugar highs." definitely has dabbled in webcomics
cow - a woman. maternal. mom friend or mommy dom. milf. possibly trans femme
steer - a big strong fat rough trade gay guy
sheep - mom vibes
pretty much any farm animal - mom vibes
domestic pig - wild card. might be a wet and messy fetish thing tho or a trash eating thing. loves to be stinky. loves to talk about being stinky.
wild pig - trans masc
skunk - either a fat beardy guy who has a tumblr blog about animation squash & stretch or a stoner gal. very straight. the straightest. a kinsey 0. has strong feelings about what the fandom used to be like before there were all these kids in it.
rat - is a huge asshole as a front, probably likes talking cigars
lemur - autistic
sloth - 420 blaze it. will never finish any commissions
chakat - an older cishet man who thinks the fandom is too political & refers to "anime" as "japanimation"
sergel - nazi
citra - the biggest dipshit you've ever met
procyon - furry equivalent of the thomas jefferson miku binder pic. you should not be talking to this person, this is a literal child
weasel - a girl with cluster b personality disorders
ferret - a person who has at least one pet ferret, but probably many
mole - this person thinks they're in a beatrix potter story
guinea pig/chinchilla/jerboa/gerbil/any kind of fat rodent you can keep as a pet - the sweetest person you will ever meet
armadillo/pangolin/anteater/aardvark - smug, contrarian. "i just wanna be different"
mouse - vore fetishist, prey. sub.
hyena - vore fetishist, pred. probably trans masc
otter - a dommy twink, possible enby
bear - gay
panda - absolutely a white person pretending to be asian. probably running a gofund me scam with a suspicious story about how they're a professional nintendo gamer who injured their hand or something
bullfrog - a huge fat hairy straight guy
any other frog - inflation or rubber fetishist
axolotl/newt/salamander - genderfluid enby
rabbit - trad wife trans woman
squirrel - autistic and gay
deer - gay
gazelle - zootopia megafan
monkey - punk DIY artist type, definitely loves weed
ape - absolutely baffling. nothing this person does or says makes any sense. you will be left wondering whether you're speaking to a child, a person with severe mental issues, or someone who doesn't have english as a first language
elephant - mom friend
hippo - a fat fetishist or a transformation fetishist
rhino - an older cishet dude who wants to project a curmudgeonly yet approachable aura
kangaroo - definitely not an australian person. extremely focused kinkster, usually feet or inflation. more STDs than should be possible to carry
koala - an asian woman
virginia opossum - anarchist/communist punk trans man who makes zines and/or comics
australian possum - just here to have fun. wants everyone else to be having fun too. wacky funster. (sugar gliders and flying squirrels fall under this category)
any other marsupial - poser
monotremes - extreme poser, don't even bother
doberman- gay dude who tops from the bottom or a cop (there is some overlap)
german shepherd - a nazi or a cop (there is substantial overlap). definitely a furry raider. he will wear his cop uniform to con and after con will post videos pretending that someone was rude to him
afghan - arch femme
basset hound - racist
puppy - sub, probably an egg. extremely draining. cries a lot
all other dogs - just dudes being bros (gender neutral)
dragon - the furries of furries. like to talk about eating "sammiches" and "chocklit." probably an adult baby lifestyler. they will send DMs that just say "hi." they like to RP and when they contact you about a potential commission they are actually just trying to trick you into RP
griffin - the same as above but also a brony
snake - sissy hypno fetishist
turtle - an old man, probably southern. an ironic grandpa.
other scalies - furry in denial. either a child or an old person from CYD. the world's last something awful goons
any fursona with latino vibes - white
any fursona with asian vibes - latino
any fursona with native american vibes - eastern european
avian - girl who's not like other girls. hippie. vegan.
raven/crow - agender voidgoth
chicken - mom vibes
dinosaur - the absolute biggest nerd. probably has an actual degree in paleontology. definitely dresses like miss frizzle.
any invertebrate - not a real furry, their girlfriend just made them get a furaffinity account before they could get ass. either that or they've never even heard of furry, they just came up with the idea of anthropomorphics from first principles. a biology teacher or weirdo (there is some overlap)
amoeba - this is a troll
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bigboipyromaniac · 1 year
Fuck it man im tired of not seeing any love for some of my favorite characters . (And also something that will help me with my english)
Here's some character that yall can request.
Doom slayer (doom)
Postal dude (postal)
Not important (hatred)
Albert Wesker ( resident evil )
Billy Coen (resident evil)
Luis sera (resident evil)
Eddie Gluskin (Outlast)
Walter Sullivan (silent hill)
Harry mason (silent hill)
James Sunderland ( silent hill)
Henry Townshend (silent hill)
James "Cash" Earl (Manhunt)
Hank J Wimbleton (madness combat)
Sanford (madness combat)
Deimos (madness combat)
Dante Sparda (Devil May Cry) (Reboot)
Vergil Sparda (Devil May Cry) (Reboot)
Nero Sparda (Devil May Cry)
V (Devil May Cry 5)
Would update if I get obsessed with another character
Here's some thing I won't do🚫
Incest (half siblings, full siblings, or not blood related but still siblings) ( or parents)
Ped0 (guy….)
Things I'm fine with
Literally anything
(Just keep it tame :) )
Love yall ❤️
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jorrated · 4 months
Some super stray thoughts I had while reading STCO so far:
Knuckles would NOT prioritize his past over Tikal’s suffering are you crazy in the head!!!!
Zak Simond-Hurn’s art is really charming, if it wasn't for the digital onomatopoeias, I wouldn’t mind having this style by a base for an official sonic comic! The design for the red echidna villain however… HM. Not pleasing to the eye.
I like that Ebony are having a bigger role on the fist few issues! But also Ebony’s constantly referring to Super as his friend and doing things to bring him back. Like I get it but also is this going to be her only trait now? Girl…
And porker is going on adventures again. Actually I don’t think they ever explained why Porker went back to being more adventurous in the og comic, participating in Chaos defeat and all. Not against it, and I like to see he still has a bit of bite and wasn't reduced to only a coward, tho it would’ve been cool to see at least a comment on how hes back on “adventuring”.
It’s cool to see Amy dealing with grief over Jhonny (I’ve given up trying to write his name correctly, too weird for me), but IDK. Amy probably was the best grounded character in that situation, so it feels weird to see her distressed over it? I don’t know how to explain it but in my eyes, Amy’s grief for Jhonny would definitively be more melancholic than scary/guilty. I’m glad they are trying to flesh out Amy more, but it doesn’t feel very cohesive with the comic to me. And Jhonny-zombie the killer… a bit tacky but in a funny way.
WHO…. Designed Vichama. I just want to talk. Tell me why you made him look that way. What is that. What went through your head. Dude. I get that Ebony has considerably more anthro body features than the other animal characters, but I feel like Vichama crosses the line into the “gross valley”. If he were drawn closer to how Zachary is I probably wouldn’t care, he probs would’ve looked like an Archie character. But the bulging muscles are kinda upsetting to look at. Cover up man.
So Shadow was created by some enemies of the echidnas. Noted.
Big and the Drakon prosecutor are actually really cute. I like them. Knuckles trying to break Ebony’s spell on Tikal is making me fume. HE WOULDN'T TRY TO DO THAT!!!!! He maybe would be a little desperate trying to trigger some memories but he wouldn't knowingly hurt someone to get information!!!! There is a pannel tho in this part of the comic that makes Knux ask “Where is Porker” and then “Where is the emeralds”. THAT is Knuckles to me, checking in on people before anything else.
Knuckles not being able to carry Big is bullshit. KNUCKLES PUNCHES ROCKS IN HALF LMAO. It’s fine I assume they need to be separated for a reason.
ROUGE STICK LEGS. Somebody please give my girl a double cheeseburger with extra fries and a big gulp of soda.
Actually I love that Rouge is a cunt here. Girlboss!!!! Stole this dudes emeralds AND left them to die, queen shit. Didn’t work but she did have the intent to kill them.
Big wouldn’t eat his friends….. He’d never eat Froggy, and DP (Drakon Prosecutor) even tho looks like a fish, Big considers a friend. BIG WOULDNT THINK ABOUT EATING HIS FRIENDS!!! HE IS A KIND BIG GUY!!!!!!!!!!!! ← most egregious mistake until now. Fucking funny tho can you imagine dying by vore They kept Mighty funny, that’s good.
MMMMN. I like that Sonic is consistently arachnophobic. Really nice continuity. How he first met Shadow tho… It felt underwhelming? Like yeah we know they were going to meet some time but IDK. The framing/pacing is weird to me. Either have them meet quickly at the start of the issue and Sonic is like “IDK WHO that guy is but I don’t like him!!!” or have them meet at the end of the issue, but only show Shadow in shadow (lol) to hook to the next issue. Shadow’s bland ass “I am Shadow” has the same energy as two kindergartners introducing themselves first day of school.
Shadow’s personality is interesting tho. I like him being a bit cocky but not too much, it’s a good take on him, plus he bounces off Sonic pretty well. I do wonder what the hell they’re going to do with him tho.
Awn… acknowledgment of some of the chaotix families… Blockhead Bill my dude
Tikal being given more of a spotlight is neat. It doesn’t give her much, but it’s refreshing to see her thoughts and intentions. However, I can’t help but think that she was mainly inserted to aid Knuckles and be a well of angst. Like IDK, Knuckles has moments mourning his past, or wondering if he will ever understand his ancestors, and Tikal well… She sees things rather than feel? If that makes sense? Like in this comic she is able to see a bit of the past and think “wow this is horrible! Must be a nightmare!” but she doesn’t feel despair? Or anything much? The only moment so far she felt despair was to make Knux Angst, like “ooooh shes suffering so we need to wipe her memories, that means Knuckles wont have his backstories :(“. Smells fishy.
Oh wow, Shadow has an actually interesting backstory here. It gives a reason to follow Robotnik, hate Sonic, not give a shit, aaaand its ambiguous enough you can probably pull off whatever. Fucking congrats STCO writers.
Fave image. What the fuck are they even doing here. Freaks.
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Hm. No thoughts on Shadows maybe death. Thematically it’s interesting and all, but we don’t get enough time with him to give a shit. Unless I’m reading it wrong it seems like Shadow is sacrificing himself to save Robotnik, but IDK.
Grimer develops a situatioship depression.
Bro what’s with this Knuckles characterization. He would NOT be mean to Tikal. If anything he’d probably be a bit overbearing, trying to give attention to her even if she didn’t want it. I get trying to tie him living his whole life alone being overwhelmed and feeling frustrated that Tikal can’t give him answers, but he wouldn't treat her like crap what is this. I like Porker’s and Knux bro moment, but that doesn’t make up for treating Tikal badly for no reason. Where’s her catharsis? She’s probably just as confused and desperate as Knuckles but she doesn't get any of these moments. Sigh. This idea could’ve definitely worked if Tikal was pushier or more imposing, but like she doesn’t do much, so Knuckles just snaps and it feels off. Knuckles’s stories are probably the issues with the biggest potential, but the writers for sure squander him the most, whomp whomp.
“One of Sonic’s fears is seeing Amy settle down with someone else” no it isn’t shut the fuck up. And the fact they put this on the same level of fear as Jhonny death is deranged.
The tonal whiplash between character comics is p funny honestly. You’ll have one really serious comic followed by a comedic one, lil bit of a mood killer. I guess STC also did this, but to me it at least wasn't jarring like this. Like how am I supposed to process Big getting shot, after Knux and Tikal experiencing the worst nightmare of their lives, living the trauma of seeing million of dead echidnas, after Vector put angel island as a security fund for his ship LMAO.
SONIC CHARACTERS HELPINH OUT THE POLICE SFAJHBJHBWRKJBJB??????!!!!!!!!????????????????????!!!!!!!!!????????11111111!!!!!!!111!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate this actually.
These Shorty and Tekno comics…… I don’t know what it is about them but god. I just don’t like them! Firstly that now it seems they are a completely separated duo from the rest of the team. Like They don’t interact with Sonic or Amy or whatever. Secondly.. Shortfuse is TOO nice. It doesn’t feel like him where is his tantrums??? And this isn’t a diss on the artstyle itself, cause I think it looks pretty nice and cute, but I don’t think it’s really fitting for the characters? Tekno and Shorty look like they’re in a shoujo manga.
I really like how Sonic is now a loser LOL. He got canceled to hell and back.
Finally Rouge makes and appearance. Kinda only realized how little she showed up during the SA2 adaptation.
Grimer destroying Sonic’s reputation is actually kinda nice. I like that they acknowledge his Robotnik situationship depression, tho I think it’s a bit over the top have him be behind EVERYTHING. Still like it tho. Go gross boy go! (Also the art in this issue is REALLY solid, wow, Zak Simond-Hurn really is my favorite artist from the STCO group).
At some point I think I need to stop complaining about Knux’s characterization. But I Do Not Like How They Write My Boy. Doc Zach is still serving cunt so that’s great. Go grandpa go!
It’s kinda awesome to see how the issues expanded through STCO’s run, but I think having so many stories at the same time kinda makes stuff bloated. Like I’m sure I’ll forget some parts of this, even if they are short bits. Like do we really need to follow 2 sonic stories and 2 amy stories at the same time? I think it would’ve been better to pace this with a limit of 3-4 stories MAX per issue. And then once a character story is done, release the next story with the same character. Sonic and Knuckles are kinda always going to be there, having the biggest pull on the comic’s lore and story, so the other ones could cycle out between amy, tekno, shorty, tails, sonic’s world, chaotix, and so on. I haven’t read some of the other non-sonic stories like decap n attack, but those could be thrown in the cycle too!
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Actually I love that DP is just hanging out in Big’s restaurant. It’s goofy I really love it.
I wonder how old Sonic’s gang is supposed to be here. Like in theory some years have passed in the comic, but how many. It’s not important at all but Amy is seen drinking wine with Chrysalis and it’s like?? Is she a kid?? Is she an adult?? Is she underage drinking? Again it’s not a big deal, and I don’t even think these characters need a specific age but IDK this was odd to me.
Oof the multiple stories at the same type problem came instantly. I like how Amy acknowledges the losses of the group, Sonic is “evil”, Jhonny is dead, Tekno is missing and stuff, Porker has PTSD and cant fight… But like. That feels so weird when you have a story right next to it with Amy and Tekno together!!! This is why the pacing and bloating feels whack, the comic has continuity with SOME of the stories but not all so its confusing. I know the OG comic had moments like these but because it had less stories per issue, it was way less noticeable, and usually were one-off stories I think.
And on the topic of Porker, I did mention before how he just kinda.. went back to being more adventurous? But know the comic insists that he can’t do it? Man this is kinda messy. I don’t mind Porker starting to become more adventurous again and then maybe regressing a bit in recovery, being too much for him, but it doesn’t feel like that is what it’s being intended here. It feels like someone read STC and maybe skimmed on STCO and then wrote this, so it feels out of place? Like you have porker in the first issue of STCO going on a mission no problems at all, but then on another issue he goes on a mission to blow up an eggman database or smth and hes freaking the fuck out being nervous all the time. Like which is it!!!!! I don’t mind him progressing and regressing on his trauma but at least acknowledge or be consistent with it! Is it because the underwater mission didn’t involve Robotnik? Is that it? Who knows.
I get that Knux and the crew planned to bait Zachary and shit, but like, then why did they act like that in the previous issue? Like the plan was to break the shield so why did Porker said to Knux be careful about it? Girl. This information is only given to bait and switch the audience and it doesn’t work. Porker and Knux have no reason to pretend to not have a plan when they are alone what.
Tails working with cops I’m going to kill myself.
Oh so like. The special zone is dead for real. Like for real FR. Jesus. Could’ve let the characters grieve a bit huh.
Really liked the #250 issue (Tho its funny that I complained about the number of stories per issue, and then #250 has ONE story LOL)! It’s awesome to see the different arts from the varied artists on the STCO team. And even with my complains and whining, it’s an impressive project full of love, good to see stuff like this!
The art on this issue is great but some of the flow of the dialogue is off, as in, sometimes I don’t know which speech bubble I’m supposed to read next, cause usually you go left to right, but it seems this story follows top to bottom for speech bubbles and left to right to panel. Not awful but it did throw me off, and it does fuck up the pacing.
um. hi shadow? ok.
(Only read until issue #250)
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groupiewhoreee · 1 year
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Motley Crue Headcanons !! (NSFW)
vince neil
okay, this dude loves thighs. he absolutely adores sticking his head between them and just eating you out.
loves ass and tits absolutely has no problem with sucking on ur tits and eating ass
he loves eating puss, 2
he can be submissive at times, but usually he will be the dominant one
when he is submissive, he loves when you call him good boy. and he loves calling you mommy.
he says you taste like cherry pie (warrant ref?)
he likes reverse cowgirl, or doggy style, but he's willing to try new positions
he doesn't mind public like under the table bizz, but if hes fucking you in public he doesn't want anybody to see how he uses your pretty body.
loves doing it on the bed, or on the couch or over the table
cums basically anywhere you want, usually on ur ass or on ur tits
when he gets rough, he chokes you, make you suck his fingers, and lightly slap ur face. or hes very sensual and soft if thats how u want it
this dude doesn't mind any kinks, but if its piss, anything like vore shit, just gross stuff he aint doing it
actually lives for ur body
nikki sixx
nikki has no chill. is a literal sex demon, which he calls himself.
he loves any kink to be honest, any kink you want to do or anything, he's willing
actually lives for eating ass. ass is his favorite thing. grabbing, smacking it as he walks by. has no problem with it. booty is booty
lives for boobies too and he loves every size of boobies
love seeing you in lingerie, has a photobook of you in it, and got mad when the boys looked thru it
loves public stuff, even when people see you
willing to share you with tommy, and tommy only. because terror twins?
can get submissive, loves calling you mommy/mistress. and he loves when u call him a good boy, absolutely. mostly the dominant guy
choking, spitting, spanking, any of that he loves. he absolutely adores topping you, hearing you pant, and scream his name. seeing you cry beneath him.
cums anywhere you want, usually on ass.
prefers doggy style cuz he can see ur ass. ass is ass, he loves it, ig. loves any position you'd want
he isn't very after care guy, he is used to banging groupies, although hes trying his best now.
lives for ur ass
tommy lee
hopeless romantic, always candles and chocolates with roses
literally never would hurt you during sex. when you asked him to choke you and all that he was surprised, but he then understood that you were into that stuff and decided doing it often
unless you want slow and sensual he likes that.
never intends to be submissive, loves being the dominant one. he likes to be on top, always.
loves reverse cowgirl. only position he'll let you top in. he also likes doggy style and missionary is also there. he loves pounding from behind.
also loves thighs, loves to grope, and trace them. he loves ur lips too, best place to kiss.
cums anywhere you'd like.
aftercare 🤩 he literally will take a bath with you, clean ur hair, and help you. he will cuddle and wrap his arms around you unless he just wants the entire bed to himself.
any kink is fine to him, hes gross, i know.
boobs. he loves boobs. he likes to grope them and touch them while he walks by.
also loves ass, he likes to smack it, and pound it. loves eating it too.
dude this guy lives for lingerie.
practically spends all his life savings on it.
lives for toys
mick marz
okay yes, mick is an old man. but, he still gets on the action.
he's a bit insecure about himself.
love's reverse cowgirl, because he doesn't have to do much work, but missionary if reverse cowgirl isn't what you want.
loves eating you out, and does it pretty well.
absolutely loves pussy. we all saw that photo with the guitar and the back it said, "I HEART PUSSY"
loves boobies too, gropes and touches them a lot. also likes ass? he smacks and grabs it as he walks by like its cake dude
tries to make sex satisfying for you
dude is up for anything, ask him and he'll try it.
loves to fuck you against walls, but its rare because it requires work for him.
he uses his hands a lot. choking you, making you suck his fingers, spanking you, fingering.
he cums basically wherever you want, on ur ass, anywhere
aftercare, he will help you wash, and try cuddling with you.
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higuchisora · 2 months
As mentioned before, I'll be sharing my top 10 anime characters that could solo my beloved sweet baby boy Binghe. This is both serious and not at all serious. Disclaimer: I love him, he's my good son, but he also needs some competition to keep his head nice and deflated. I'm sticking with 1 character per show to keep things fresh. Also "anime" is a... loosely used term here lmao. Also also, manga/LN spoilers ahead for some shows.
Without further ado (and in no particular order):
10. Uzumaki Naruto (and friends)
Definitely the most obvious so I'm putting it first. Honestly the Naruto cast could've had its own top 10, but rules are rules. That Talk No Jutsu is fucking lethal. If he couldn't TedTalk Binghe into a reluctant friendship, he'd rock his shit first and THEN befriend him. Without so much as a filler episode.
I'm of the mind that any Kage-level character could wipe the floor with my son, Mano y Mano. But even a solid jonin team would have some serious hands for him.
9. Saitama from One Punch Man
I haven't watched the full thing, but ending careers with 1 punch is literally his job, so I'm taking this one on good faith that he'd also be fast enough to catch Binghe at all.
8. Yoriichi from Demon Slayer
The only thing that could defeat this man was his own sadness. He'd clap TLJ and then come for Binghe without so much as a snack break.
7. Hua Cheng from TGCF (yes I know it's a donghua shut up)
Call me biased, I don't care. Hua Cheng would obliterate this man without even thinking about it. He'd laugh, too, because he's an asshole. And then go home to bang Xie Lian.
6. Rimuru from That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
I don't like this man or this show. But no one can tell me he wouldn't just. Eat Binghe. Like full vore, as is canon of his abilities. He's done it with physically larger targets and succeeded, he could do it for some pretty boy. Binghe wouldn't even be the first demon king he's fought.
5. Aang from The Last Airbender
I SAID WHAT I SAID. Specifically in his Avatar State, I firmly believe he'd clap Binghe if led to believe it was absolutely necessary. Like the literal world ending. He exorcised a man when he was 12, I think Aang at his peak could handle an emo boy in need of an exorcism.
4. Saiki Kusuo from the Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
He'd dust Binghe out of existence before homie even knew what hit him. Argue with the wall.
3. Yumiella Dolkness from Villainess Level 99
I don't even really like her, but considering she's taken on a demon king of her own before, and is capable of making black holes big enough to swallow cities without breaking a sweat, she'll at least be a worthy opponent.
2. Kumoko/D from So I'm a Spider, So What?
Literally a god. The world-ending kind, and that's when she's being chill about it. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up being in control of the System tormenting poor SQQ and SQH. She's not as advanced in the anime, but in the light novel ending a world is literally light work. She's done it before and she'll do it again.
1. Mash Burnedead from Mashle
I haven't even caught up 100% with this show but I don't care. It doesn't even matter that Mash can't do magic. Actually, it's precisely BECAUSE he can't do magic that I firmly believe he deserves a place on this list because that just means this human dude is just Built Different. Binghe would throw a bunch of spiritual/demonic energy attacks at him and Mash would just bitch slap it out of the way. And then bitch slap Binghe. Worst part is that he wouldn't even realize they're fighting for real, which would permanently ruin Binghe's self esteem, IMO.
Honorable mentions:
Gabimaru from Hell's Paradise
I don't think he COULDN'T take Binghe on, just that it's unlikely he'd survive, honestly. Cultivation is real in their world kinda, and from what I've watched he's not yet capable of taking one on by himself 100%. But he's tenacious and skilled, so he'd at least get a few good ones in before Binghe smokes him. With a good crew and a battle plan, he'd be able to lock an average Binghe under a mountain.
Sailor Moon
The only reason she isn't on top 10 is because I'm not confident in her ability to take hits. She's great at dishing them out, but in the event Binghe manages to get a good whack in, I feel like it'll be over for her. I don't think she's fast enough to reliably dodge the whole time either. Plus, I barely remember the OG show, so it's kind of odd to be comparing her to stuff like Naruto, which I know well.
Hina from Hinamatsuri
Just offer a lifetime supply of red caviar and Binghe's a dead man. That being said, I don't think she'd walk away unscathed. This battle would mostly be dictated by how it starts. If she has the element of surprise, he's dead. If Binghe is suitably enraged (say, Xin Mo possession style), Hina's a goner. Hence she isn't strong enough to be able to beat him soundly in all scenarios.
Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul
He's pretty cool. Also likes to eat flesh. I don't think he's as fast at it as Rimuru is, but then again I also gave up watching after the first season. Gets an honorable mention because he might actually be stronger than I think.
He's fucking Goku. I just have never watched this show so I didn't feel comfortable ranking him.
Kibutsuji Muzan + Upper moons from Demon Slayer
Any of them would be a solid threat. However, considering they get their asses handed to them by a bunch of human high schoolers and fold at the tiniest ray of sunlight, I figure the moons would be somewhat of a miniboss vs final boss in terms of power scaling.
Muzan probably would've gotten a place on the list if not for Yoriichi. Also, as said, anyone that gets clapped by a bunch of high schoolers in their own home gets a permanent L. Shine a lamp on him and it's over for bro.
Hashiras from Demon Slayer
Not a single one of them can 1v1 any upper moons. That being said, they still managed to body all of them. They go down with them though, so I'd say it would take all of the hashiras (maybe including pre-canon ones) to take down the average Binghe. And they'd all die doing it.
Hero of Time/Hero of the Wilds Link from Legend of Zelda
Is this an anime? No. Do I care? Not really. Fighting opponents wildly out of his league but ultimately winning anyway is literally his canon lore. All Link needs is a slingshot and an ocarina and he'll fight the fucking moon. He's no slouch in recent games either; a beef bowl and a stick is all it takes for him to take on the immortal demon king possessing the castle in nothing but his goddamn boxers.
This was my list!!! Very long, but a lot of fun. Let me know what your own lists are, I'm curious lol.
If I've not mentioned a show, it's probably because I've never watched it lol.
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thefanciestborrower · 8 months
i may or may not have a bit of a pred crush on kai. he's a fucking LOSER but honestly i think that's what's appealing. anyway. do you have any pred kai hcs
Dude you’re so valid for that tho he IS a cringefail little idiot who has one braincell on a good day, which is probably why I have a pred crush on him as well lmao. I absolutely have some pred headcannons for my beloved little moron here you go 
Kai is a disaster pred of the highest degree and I love that for him. He thinks his capacity is far bigger than it actually is and can and will make himself sick from eating too many people. He’s rather slim too, so you can usually tell when he’s eaten even one person since his stomach will swell. Just a slight roundness under his ribs. He’s pretty much the definition of protective pred and will bolt down Lloyd or Nya the second he thinks they might be in genuine danger and won’t be able to get themselves out of it. He trusts them of course, but he’s also a slightly overprotective older brother. 
He’s also a goof who loves playing competitive games that end in getting to eat someone and it’s not uncommon to see him booking it after a screaming Jay or cackling Lloyd. Kai is surprisingly good at aftercare and usually goes out of his way to wash his friends off after he spits them up, though he’s also not above actively drooling on someone if he thinks it would be funny. Jay is usually a victim of that. 
Kai is super big on mouthplay and likes to nibble and chew on people almost more than he likes swallowing them, but the one thing he loves most is the feeling of multiple prey wiggling around in his stomach. It makes him feel a little sick, but in that good overstuffed kind of way. 
Anyways that’s as much as I’m gonna write for now, but if you have any more asks you wanna send then please fill free! I should also have some more headcannons under my n.injago vore tag lol if you wanna go digging through my blog. Please tho I like Kai so much so fill free to yell about him in my inbox
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roydeezed · 5 months
Omfg its here! Dunmeshi episode 1!
The thing I love the most is how the inbetween moments of chilchuck, when hes not being chichuck from chapter 1, reflects his subtle charecterisation and who he is. Like he's clearly older than them outside of his stature and voice. It's such a great touch.
And omg Marcille is peak failgirl. She's such a fucking loser. I love her so much shes so pathetic.
And I totally forgot their first meal was out in the open, i totally thought they did it in a secluded space. Seeing Laios just about to boil mushroom and scorpian I wanted to reach in and just be like "fucking sautee that shit dude! Add some flavour! Season it!" So im glad Senshi did it for me. I totally forgot how Senshi rescued them from the depths of bland food hell
And @arandomlychosennamebytumbler when I saw Kabru in the credits I literally went
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And speaking of credits, Netflix please back the fuck off, let me enjoy the credits to my monster eating show without shoving your bullshit down my throat. Like, skip credits, the next thing will play in 6 5 4 3 fuck offfffff
Someone vore Ted Sarandos
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the-whumpening · 3 months
"Fuck It" Friday #1
In continuing my weekly themed posts, this is the best title I could come up with lol. This slot is for me to post whatever is on my mind--prompts, recommendations, drabbles, art, etc. Fuck it!
This week's post: Favorite Fics (as of late)
Moonflower (ongoing; slavery/fae/whumpee x caretaker) by @echo-goes-mmm
Great if you love: fantasy and royal settings, carewhumpers or unwilling whumpers, fae whumpee, super sweet friendship (or more??) between caretaker/carewhumper and whumpee
Part of You (oneshot; vore?? cannibalism? wlw?? amazing horror whump) by @sowhumpshaped
Great if you love: girlbosses getting shit done, disabled MC, lesbians, horror (especially body horror), obsessive love [I got to beta read this and it's incredible like holy shit dude] ALSO it's pretty intense so obligatory DEAD DOVE warning
Forged Divinity (completed; also DEAD DOVE but in a different way, nsfwhump, religious themes, post-apocalypse setting) by @whump-card
Great if you love: clever and manipulative whumpees, complex whumpers, political intrigue and scheming, multiple POV, open/downer endings [I am only through the first two arcs so far but I'm really enthralled with the worldbuilding and the whumpee]
That'll be it for this week! I had to really narrow things down to the few I loved and could find the links to quickly, so there are absolutely others I didn't get to shout out this time. But please, give these a look if they pique your interest, and show the authors some love!
See you on Monday for our next character intro!
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dzamie-oc · 8 months
Voretober 7 - Costume
A little illness can take me out for two days, but I persevere!
Length: 1800 words Vore type: Absorption, M/?, willing prey, prey POV Fandom: None Other info: slime griffon/human, endosoma, digestion mention Summary: Your griffon friend has a great idea on what to wear: him!
Today was not going well for you. Not only did you hit every single red going from and to your apartment, your costume for tonight's party apparently decided to go AWOL. You'd just finished checking even the kitchen when a familiar sloshing noise hits your ears.
"Hey, dude, something wrong?" Galleon pokes his head around the corner, the slime griffon's "ears" flicked forward with curiosity. "Figure it's either that or you're making the most intense cake of your life."
You let out a frustrated sigh and brace your arms against the counter. "Y'know that Halloween party tonight? My stupid fucking costume's gone. I don't wanna go in just a normal getup, not for Halloween."
Galleon flows around into the kitchen and leans against the fridge. "Flowing" being the operative word; it had been a little difficult to get used to when you told him he didn't need to act like his non-slime counterparts, but these days it felt more out-of-place seeing him bounce with each step as though he had bones. "Bummer. Have you checked-"
"Yes!" It'ss faster and angrier than you'd intended, but… you sigh. "Ugh, yes. Sorry, it's just that I've checked literally everywhere it could be. I mean, I'm looking in the KITCHEN, for crying out loud!"
He doesn't seem all that fazed by your outburst, instead calmly raising a claw. "You wanna wear me?"
The griffon shoots you a beaky grin and offers a slimy hand as he glides towards you. "If you don't mind the lack of privacy for the night, we'll be a double costume: predatory slime and unfortunate victim!"
You roll your eyes. "If I didn't know you so well, that would be unnerving. Anyway, I want to go to the party myself, not be trapped as you puppet me around."
Before you know it, his arm is around your shoulders, with his wing right behind it. For all his talk of how accomplished a hunter he is, subtlety sure isn't one of his strong points. "I figured, which is why you'd have control for most of the night. It's a lot of fun being an irresistible force on every inch of you, buuuuut I could just cling to you."
With a snicker, you pat his claw (relieved to pull it away dry this time) - but don't push it away. "Aren't you clingy enough already?"
"No such thing. So, yes or no?"
He's definitely pulling something. Not that Galleon's ever been very opaque about his love of being full of someone other than himself, but this is pretty forward, even for him - and especially around others. He initially chalked it up to having a better predatory advantage, but it's far more likely he's just shy when he's not around his close friends or imminent victims.
"If you wanted a friend to accompany you at the party, you can just say so. But alright, I'll wear you. What do I need to do?"
"Yes!" He quickly hugs you from behind, but you remain outside his body this time. "I mean, that's not necessary, but I'm glad to help with your costume issue. Um, go and get into some clothes you don't mind me ruining."
"…alright. Why, though? You've eaten me with clothes on before." He follows you as you push open the door to your room. "Probably more often on than off, even, and it's never been an issue."
"Tattered, acid-eaten clothes make a better prey-victim costume, no? …you can say "no" if you want," he adds after a moment.
It doesn't take long to find a shirt and pants that have already seen better days. To be perfectly honest, at this point, "acid-eaten" could well be a compliment. You grab them and hold them out to the slime griffon, who simply cocks his head at them. Confused, yourself, you gently push them against his chest until they and your hand sink into his admittedly comfortable, warm body. He still just stares down at them, floating unharmed in his eagle-colored slime.
Once he realizes you expect him to do something about them, he smiles and pats your shoulder. "I'm about to fuck these clothes up. There's a decent chance being in my slime will be key to keeping them together. So, unless you want to find out what putting on a shirt and pants while inside me is like…" His smile falters, and he glances away. "To be honest, I don't think I want to try that, actually."
You roll your eyes, but can't help but smile at the mental image of his body stretching to keep you contained while you dress. The outfit comes out as dry as you put it in, and it's not long to put it on. You take a breath - one of the last few breaths of air you'll get for most of the night - longer if you end up falling asleep in him again.
Galleon offers his hand, you take it, and he takes yours - in his case, drawing your fingers into his slimy talons, and then the rest. He drags you closer with superhuman strength, and with a turn of his wrist, the warm sense of wetness spreads quickly up your forearm. Like a dancer, the playful predator spins you into his embrace, and your back immediately sticks in his front. His beak presses against the top and back of your head as he pretends, just for a second, that that's how he eats. Another pull, this time along every inch of you stuck inside him, and your vision gains a light tint, with a couple patches colored more like his eyes. Gently, more of a suggestion, Galleon turns his head and yours with it, to look at yourselves in the mirror; the talons on his other hand interlace with your fingers, the last bit still free. With a careful squeeze, they join the rest of you, entirely submerged in griffon.
In the mirror, you float a few inches off the ground, suspended entirely in Galleon's body. You hear his hum all around you; he drops his and your arms to his sides, then forces yours further, against your consumed body. His slime swirls, a changing current against your body, until your feet nearly touch the floor and your head rests just under where his collarbone would be. Experimentally, you try to move your arms, and successfully do so, as long as you wouldn't stretch his body out too much - unfortunately, after just a few seconds, the slime making up his torso grips your wrists tightly.
"I'm going to run myself along your skin, okay? So I avoid burning you with your clothes." His voice doesn't originate from his beak above you, but rather from everywhere. You nod, and see his face in the mirror start to concentrate.
It starts at your hands, feet, and neck, a gentle pressure around each of them that slowly spreads inwards. Up your legs, along your arms, down against your collar. And then, he's under your clothes - not that he hadn't been, considering how these clothes certainly aren't waterproof, but this time you can feel his intent to be there, that he's focusing on sliding against you. Your pulse quickens, and you can just feel a rising blush as the griffon climbs your thighs and explores your crotch to lift away every wrinkle of fabric, while at the same time running down and around your back, over every inch of concealed skin. He goes no further than he has to, but it's more than enough to make you feel very naked, despite being able to see yourself clothed in front of you. And then, he starts.
You've never caught Galleon digesting anyone - the closest you'd come was a curious stare at a turkey sandwich fizzling into slime, or when, on a dare, he ate a chicken leg through his lion leg (bone and all). Not that you'd tried very hard, of course, and the sight in front of you reminds you why. A hissing sound fills your ears as, in the mirror, holes appear and grow on the sleeves, legs, and belly of your shirt and pants, and no matter how hard you try to avoid it, it fills you with the thought of those same burns and holes appearing on a person's body, or even your own. It doesn't take long at all, and Galleon soon stops the fizzing entirely, turning the well-worn clothes into veritable tatters - though thankfully leaving your modesty intact, at least visibly so.
With his work done, Galleon raises his arms over his head and arches his back as though stretching, and his hold on your body doesn't pull away so much as dissipates, a reminder that he's still there, should he choose to pay attention there. "Doesn't look half-bad!" he congratulates himself, "a much more unique costume than a mad scientist, if I do say so myself!"
You throw a punch at his chest from within - it won't hurt him, but it does earn his attention. "Yeah?"
"Treacherous little catbird, I never told you what I was dressing up as."
He freezes, the only movement being a slow current against your body. "…lucky guess?" Damn, even his beak stayed still.
Sighing always felt weird inside him, but times like this called for one. "Just ask, next time. And as long as it's safe…"
"Yeah, it's in the fridge."
"It's-!" The incredible duality of this slime, to be so clever and so stupid at once. "Alright, I got it more to hand out candy than for a party. Speaking of, what time is it?"
"About quarter to seven."
And that means time to go. You instinctively start walking towards the bedroom door as though Galleon wasn't surrounding you, but luckily, he moves with you, letting you lead. "Which of us is driving?"
"Both, I think." A slimy arm reaches out in front of you to pull open the front door. After stepping through, you hear a click, but see his keys in his other hand, and wisely decide to shelve that thought for later. "But you can. Lemme just get your arms back into mine once we sit down."
A few minutes later, the two of you cruise down the road, his head resting against the side of yours to let you see better. Galleon breaks the silence with a curious, "so… think we'll have the best costume there?"
You laugh. "If we aren't, I can't wait to see who does!"
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feathered-serpents · 2 years
Okay, I’m going to be cringe and transparently obvious about how much I love the writing of a 60-year-old white British guy. Because I don’t think I’ve ever stated, here anyway, why exactly I love Neil Gaiman’s writing as much as I do 
I love Neil Gaiman’s writing because it is just. SO fucking weird 
It’s so fucking weird and at no point does it try to justify its weirdness to you. It just is. It doesn’t care if it doesn’t make sense based on what you’re used to or what you’re expecting, it’s weird. It’s WEIRD 
I think a lot of fantasy authors, even the better ones, get tied up in trying to explain how their world is and how everything works. Which is something I DO understand because if you bust your ass making a magic system or cool gods for a world you made YOU know how it all works and you want OTHER people to know how it all works. So a lot of authors will waste a lot of time explaining that, but not Neil Gaiman. He’ll explain just enough that you have the general concept, and then. Go off the goddamn rails 
Neil Gaiman will write a book about a magic underground London where there’s giant snakes and a huge pig and literal goddamn angel and none of it seems as important as the people who can talk to rats who are DEFINITELY not as a important as the rats themselves. And you just have to ACCEPT all that because it WILL NOT be explained further 
He’ll write a book about how gods come to America in which one of those gods vores an entire man through her vagina and no that will NOT be addressed and by the way this is like the third thing to happen in the entire book. Anyways. All the gods are going to meet on the world’s biggest carrousel now. There’s a world’s biggest carrousel, did you know that? It’s in Wisconsin. Gods ride it 
He’ll write a book were a kid is raised by ghosts, a different book where a different kid pulls a kitten out of the earth like a potato and it’s not even CLOSE to the weirdest thing that happens, he’ll write a goddamn short story about a girl that uses SO MUCH artificial orange tanner she turns into an orange glow and summons aliens. And you just roll with it because it is presented so matter of fact and unapologetically that you don’t have a choice. That’s just How Things Are and you’re like “Okay” 
But it’s not just weird because fuck you, it’s weird because it trusts you. Neil Gaiman’s work presents you with all these weird concepts, and then trusts that you as the reader or otherwise consumer, can accept it. He doesn’t over explain or talk down to the reader because he doesn’t have to, his work trusts you, it trusts that you have an imagination and are willing and wanting to use it 
And like, I don’t have 0 criticisms of the dude. He’s Just A Dude and dudes make mistakes. I’ve read most of his body of work, some of which are from the 90s and guess what not all of it aged well. I have problems with how he writes women, ESPECIALLY how he writes women in American Gods, but y’know, you can learn just as much from your role model’s mistakes as you can from their successes. 
The thing that inspires me most about his writing is just that weirdness, and that bravery to do what I want, stretch my imagination as far, and as weird as it will go, and just trust that my readers will be there with me. Trust that they’re here because they want to be, and they have an imagination too 
So, that’s why I like Neil Gaiman 
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pampulonad · 11 months
ohmy god dude im getting so many of the Thoughts regarding a specific ship im so fucking vornyyy
god im. imagining the shorter one of the two being pred and the taller one being prey and after the short one swallows the tall one she just talks super fucking dirty to her while shes in her tummy like. "Mmm...~ You seem like you're having a fun time in there.~ How would you feel if I were to just... Melt you down?~" dirty talk is such a fucking huge thing for me and i just. 💕💕💕💕💕
tummy noises r a big thing for me too like what if they were just cuddlign and then one of their tummies lets out a rlly loud growl and theyre both super embarrassed/turned on by it. OR!! WHAT IF ONE IS LISTENING TO THE OTHER'S STOMACH CHURN SOMEONE/SOMETHING UP??? AND THEN THE ONE LISTENING JUST FUCKS THE OTHER RIGHT THEN AND THERE WHILE THEIR TUMMY GOES WILD ??????? god i love vore i love digestion i love tummy noises i love it all im dying of vorny rn lmao sorry for the big post
- 🦎☀️
i shouldve posted this sooner mfg hHNNGNGGHgnulugh my god
lil pred big prey is such a good dynamic. it’s never explored enough in vore tbh~
and also just being so turned on by a loud groan or some meat getting sloshed around inside of a powerful gut processing something all down~? hhhnuugh..~ and then the other getting so turned on that they need to fuck the other person senseless~?
god this is the best shit
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shifuto · 2 months
me: oh nooo I can feel the Vrains brainrot fading away...... what am I supposed to do noooooo 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
episode 47:
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☑ long haired introverted guy tormented by The Agonies ☑ the guy's hot older brother ☑ big bad monster ☑ indirect kiss 🥺👉👈 ☑ vore ☑ noncon (mind break, same thing different) ☑ you learn later that guy and monster have A Story Together TM and that's how the guy got fucked up ☑ monster dude is a sadist who tortured the guy since he was a kid ☑ monster spends the whole show controlling the guy's body
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oh my goodness I love this episode so much 😭💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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