#I got very preoccupied with orange and purple and yellow
illegiblewords · 2 years
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Female Warriors of Light: Design Comparison 1
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thecrystalquill · 3 months
Hi again!
after a lot of thinking, i would like to ask you to write for Percy Jackson. Like a cute winter day or something where Reader and Percy just do cute stuff together.
maybe they cook/bake together, idk. if you need more to this you can tell me and i'll try to think of something more to add.
I went with Apollo!reader bc I’m biased. Hope you like it :) also very excited for my first post in the pjo fandom!
Also I’d like to thank my adhd for allowing me to write about my favourite demigods more accurately lmao (bless uncle Rick for making them like me 🥲)
(Book) Percy Jackson x Apollo!reader fluff
It was December. Persephone had been long reunited with her husband, and her mother - still bitter about their arrangement - let the world know of her sadness.
There was snow at Camp Halfblood, and the demigods who remained were enjoying it fantastically. All except the remaining children of cabin seven. With the sun weak and the weather cold, they seemed to slump about with low energy, no matter how they tried. Seasonal depression was often a little worse for children of the sun.
Which was why (Y/N) was glad to have Percy.
“What’s going on? Where’re we going?” She asked, letting him drag her by the arm through the snowy paths.
“Well, if I told you it kinda wouldn’t be a surprise.” He grinned that big stupid smile he reserved for occasions like this. He pulled her towards the kitchen, eager to see her reaction.
They entered the kitchens and (Y/N) saw before her a table arranged with bowls, utensils, and more ingredients than she could imagine using in a single recipe, along with three cook books all open at different pages. “We’re…baking?” She asked, kicking off the snow from her boots before she approached the display.
Percy rolled his eyes. “Oh, actually it’s a science experiment - I thought we’d have a try at making a bomb.” He sassed, ignoring the light slap to his arm and instead opted to help his girlfriend out of her coat. “I thought we could make a pie?” He explained, though it sounded more like a question.
(Y/N) smiled; it was times like this that she felt so lucky to have someone like him. “What kind?”
Turning to the pantry, Percy rummaged through for options, coming up with a bag of apples, a sack of peanuts, three oranges, and a black banana. “Uh… apple and cinnamon?”
At that moment, it could be a mud pie for all she cared. “Sounds perfect.”
Within ten minutes, they’d gotten everything together and started on the dough. Flour, water, salt, sugar, and butter. Easy.
“Why is it so… gooey?” Said Percy with dough stuck all around his fingers. “Am I not kneading it enough?”
(Y/N) looked into the bowl to assess the problem. The consistency was definitely off. “Maybe just add some more flour?” She suggested, grabbing a handful from the paper bag at her side to throw in the bowl. Only, she also threw about half of it all over his jeans.
“Hey!” He exclaimed, jumping back and almost dropping the bowl. He pushed as much of the sticky dough off his hands and grabbed some flour to throw back before she could defend herself.
“What’re you doing? Stop!” She squeezed, but laughed despite the powder on her shirt.
He did as she said, but the mischievous spark in his eye remained.
When the crust dough looked… good enough, they split it in half and rolled it to the size of the pie dish. They chopped and sugared the apples as the recipe said in the blue (or was it the red?) cook book, and Percy added the cinnamon until his heart told him to stop. (Y/N) mixed the filling while he preoccupied himself with decorating the edges of the crust. Her eye wandered as she stirred and listened to Percy talk about fun words he’d heard of in German (how did they get onto that topic, anyway?), until she saw an open cupboard with a tub of food dyes. Curiosity got the better of her, and she snuck a peak while her boyfriend was distracted. Red, purple, yellow, pink, green… why did they even have so many?
She grabbed two and sneakily poured them in - maybe a little too much, but Percy wouldn’t be distracted for much longer - and took her chance while Percy adjusted the oven. In the filling went, and she hurriedly covered it with the pie top.
“Hey, that was fast.” Percy complimented, unaware of the sly adjustment to the mix. “Just gotta put some holes in it and glaze the top with milk and sugar.” He smiled and picked up a fork.
“I’ll do it.” (Y/N) said, and Percy was more than willing to let her, happy to see the beautiful smile on her lips.
When the pie was finally in the oven, they let out a breath and leaned against the messy table. “Do you have a timer?” She asked.
Percy looked around but came up empty handed. “Nope. But it’s fine, the book says thirty minutes. We’ll remember.”
Famous last words.
Forty-eight minutes later, they scrambled to open the door and hoped with fingers crossed that it wasn’t burnt. Fortunately, luck was on their side; the edges were too brown and the top had started to darken more than the recommended golden colour, but it was salvageable.
The pie was sat on a wooden serving tray in front of them, and the couple pulled up some chairs. They’d worked up quite the appetite.
(Y/N) pulled out a knife from a draw and handed it over. “Would you do the honours?” She asked, and Percy bowed his head as he took it.
He licked his lips a little as the knife cut through the crumbling crust, and proudly pulled back the slice to see its sweet appley insides, chunky and sugary and… brown? “What the hell? Why’s it look like that?!”
(Y/N) looked around to see from his view and groaned. “Aw dam,” she sighed loudly, “I tried to make it blue.”
“You did?” Percy asked, and smiled anyway when he saw the frown on her lips. “That’s okay, it’s the thought that counts. Let’s just try it.” He said as he reached for some forks and handed one over.
They tapped their forks together and tried it at the same time. For a moment, it tasted pretty good.
And then that moment ended.
“Why does it taste like that?” (Y/N) said with a scrunched face.
“I don’t know! We followed the recipe…” Percy reached for the book and checked the ingredients. “See - five cups of flour, a pinch of sugar, two teaspoons of salt—“
“Woah, how much?” (Y/N) interrupted.
Percy held up the green book in his hands. “That’s what it says. Page thirty-one, ingredients—“
He was right, (Y/N) realised, the book did say that. Only, it was the wrong book. “Oh, Percy, that book’s green.” She said, and Percy looked at her in clear confusion, until she held up the book in front of them and one to her right “The ones we were comparing was the blue one and the red.”
Percy’s eyes widened comically large and he gasped. “Then what did I…” he flicked back a page to read the description. “Aw man, this is for a sea salt bread!”
“Yeah, ew!” He groaned and banged his head on the table in a clear display of hopelessness. “I’m sorry.” Percy grumbled weakly, sounding beyond disappointed.
(Y/N) sympathetically placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a little squeeze. “Why’re you sorry?”
“I just wanted to do something nice for you.” Percy muttered, still with his head on the wooden surface.
“Hey,” she said, easing him to lift his head up and look up at her with his big, sad eyes. He had flour smeared on his forehead from the still messy table, and she giggled while dusting it off. “You did. We had fun.”
Percy rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I guess. But the pie sucks.”
Pausing for a second, (Y/N) opted to pick up her fork and take another bite, ignoring his protests. “It’s not so bad the second time.” She said. Sure, the crust was salty and crumbly, and a little burnt, and the filling was an unappealing green-brown, but she’d had worse. She scooped up another forkful and put it to Percy’s lips, waiting for him to take a bite.
He wrapped his lips around the offering, and tried not to think about the salt or the strong cinnamon flavour. “I guess it’s… okay.” He said, and he smiled at her gesture.
He hasn’t expected her to laugh at him, though.
“What?” He asked, frowning in confusion yet again, only making her laugh more. “What?”
The sight of a clueless Percy Jackson, with flour on his face and brown-coated teeth, was one she’d give a fortune to have on camera. “Y-you- you look like you ate sh—“ she managed before she was cut off by more laughter. If she wasn’t already sat down, she would have collapsed already from the near violent laughs taking over her body. Tears streamed down her face, and her stomach hurt like she’d done a minute-long plank, and she’d started laughing so hard that no sound even came out anymore.
Percy couldn’t help but laugh too, harder and harder each minute, until they were both exhausted and heavily meaning in the table for support. “This whole day was a disaster.” He chuckled and shook his head.
(Y/N) moved forward to cup his floury face in her hands. “Not at all - it was perfect.” She swore, and thanked him with a sweet, cinnamon flavoured kiss.
It was the best date they’d had in a while - sweet kisses were the perfect ending - and the clean up could wait until after. They’d remember.
The camp’s snowman building contest was interrupted an hour before dinner by a scream from the kitchen.
It might be best to skip dinner that night…
Thank you for requesting :) what did you think?
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thelampisaflashlight · 3 months
Cryptid Biology Season 2: Litha
[Previous entry: Here. Edit: I legitimately forgot to write the easiest part of this entire thing, the description. Rain helps Bea set up for the abbey's summer solstice bonfire party and reaps the rewards of a hard day's work. I don't know how Rain wound up the way he is, but he's not changing anytime soon.] Below the cut.
It's hot as Satan's balls out -a misnomer, considering the Morningstar's junk is stuck in a frozen lake for all of eternity, or at least until the end of days- and Rain wishes more than anything that he was in the lake instead of lugging tables and chairs across the sandy shore, but at the very least he can use his magic to keep himself cool.
Bea, on the other hand, is positively drenched in sweat despite having stripped down to what is absolutely necessary... which Rain has to say is a LOT more clothing than he expected to see the groundskeeper in on a day like this.
She's dressed in a bright, electric yellow work shirt with "MINISTRY STAFF" emblazoned on the back.
It's supposed to protect her skin from UV rays, as is the floppy bucket hat she has on, but Rain can't help but find the whole get-up a little silly.
The shorts she's wearing doesn't make it much better either, to be honest; A pair of white swim trucks with multi-colored flowers splattered across them without any real rhyme or reason to the pattern.
It makes him feel a little nauseous trying to make sense of it.
Does blue come after orange and blue? Is red and yellow before purple and brown?
Why are some of the flowers brown?
Are there brown flowers?
...He files that question away for later, when he has his phone with him... or Mountain.
He'll ask Mountain later.
Then again...
"Are there brown flowers?" he asks, eliciting a grunt from the groundskeeper, who is preoccupied trying to make sure that the tables are level.
"Are there brown flowers?" he asks again, setting down another one of the folding tables, "Or is that just not a thing?"
Bea pauses, thinking.
"Ya know, I'm not sure." she says after a moment, reaching into the pocket of her shorts before clicking her tongue and looking across the lake at her cabin, "A question for later... or Mountain. Just ask Mountain. He knows more about flowers than I do."
Rain snorts.
"Glad to know the gardens are in your capable hands." he jokes, and Bea flips him the bird, crouching back down to lock the legs of the table in place, "So..."
"Are you going to come to the party with anyone special tonight? You know, since it's the solstice and all."
Bea looks over her shoulder at him.
"Huh? Why would I do that?" she questions, turning back to the stubborn latch, "No, I'm staying in my cabin with the curtains drawn, and pretending y'all aren't out here throwing a rager..."
Rain blinks.
"...You're not going to come to the bonfire at all? Even though you're setting everything up?"
The groundskeeper shakes her head.
"I plan on being in my bed by the time things kick off tonight," she says, "sorry to disappoint."
"Mountain doesn't mind?" he wonders aloud, causing Bea to make a choking sound and look at him like he's sprouted another head, "What? I just figured, since you guys have something going on-"
"I dunno who said what about what, but Mountain and I aren't..." she throws her hands in the air, "...We don't have 'something going on', unless you count having a couple, uh, adult sleepovers, but it's not like that... We're just friends who fuck occasionally."
"Oh." Rain lets this information sink in, "And... And, again, Mountain doesn't mind? Just being friends? 'Cause he... You know how he is."
Bea turns to face him head on, arms crossed.
"You're asking a lot of bold questions here, water boy, you wanna cease the inquisition for a minute?" she huffs, "Look... Mount and me, we're both adults, and we've talked about 'us' before, enough to know that's not how either of us feel about what we've got going on. If he and I did have something going on, I wouldn't have fucked you that time."
Rain's ears twitch, and his face heats up.
"I... I mean, here... we're all pretty open and..." he mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck, "I just assumed..."
"You know that they say about assuming things, Rainy, it makes an ass out of you and me." Bea chastises, then sighs, "I'm... just not looking for that sort of thing right now, and, like I told Mountain, I don't want to tie anyone down if I don't know if that's actually what I... what I want."
"It's... It's complicated, and I..." she frowns, crossing her arms, "I don't want to jump into a relationship on a whim, or because we had sex one time... I like Mountain, don't get me wrong, he's a good guy and he makes a lot of people happy, he's a loving and devoted partner from what I've seen, and a very attentive lover... but I'm not ready for that kind of thing."
"...Romance?" Rain asks.
"Love in general." she says, sticking her hands in her pockets, "Look, I really don't know how to... words. I'm not good at articulating this shit, I just know I don't like Mount like that. He's got a fuckin' good heart and a ten out of ten dick, but he's not for me."
Rain snorts.
"Ten out of ten dick."
Bea rolls her eyes.
"You've seen it, you know what I mean."
"I do, I do..." the ghoul places a hand on his chest and stares out over the water wistfully, before turning back to the woman in front of him, "Still though, you should come to the party. You could just post up by the fire and play around with it. That's what all the fire elementals will be doing, might as well have someone around to supervise them and make sure they don't go ham..."
"Nah, I don't need more work..." Bea waves her hand dismissively, then looks at the ground, toeing a rock with her shoe, "...But, ya know, I might need a little help falling asleep, wat with all the noise and shit..."
Rain stands up a little straighter, taken off guard, "O-Oh?"
"The party starts in two hours, and the siblings are going to be swinging by any minute now to take care of the decorations, so..."
"Miss. Milne, are you propositioning this humble servant of the lord?" Rain raises his eyebrows, putting on a posh accent, laughing when Bea swats at him, "Okay, okay, I won't tease... We should hurry though, because if I have to endure another second seeing you in that outfit, I'm going to throw myself in the lake."
"I guess we could try that hole this time."
Bea takes her hat off and hits him with it.
"Ow! Ow! I'll behave, I promise!"
"I have no idea why everyone thinks you're such a sweet, shy man, you're honestly the worst." Bea pouts, putting her hat back on.
"Who says that?" Rain asks, following Bea along the trail leading around the lake towards her cabin, "...Don't tell me you've been looking things up about us online, haven't you?"
"Not really, no." she says, "I mean, I looked up Sister Imperator once."
"You did??"
She nods.
"Obviously, I didn't find more than what anyone else already knows, but, I mean... Look at me." she gestures at herself, "Look at where I am. Do I look like I deserve to be here? Clearly, that woman has other plans for me, and, fuck, if I get to keep living like this in the meantime, I think I'll be okay if she... ya know..."
Rain bites his cheek.
"No, I don't know." he furrows his brow, "Bea, are you... Is anyone... How should I say this...? Is someone keeping you here against your will? Are you in danger?"
Without hesitation, Bea parts her lips and says a single, "No."
And for a moment, Rain wants to believe that's true.
But even as they ascend the porch, leaving their shoes outside the door as they slip inside the cabin, hands peeling away more clothing, Rain can't help but feel like he's trailing after a ghost.
Bea seems... weirdly resigned to her fate.
He tries not to dwell on it, not right now, not when she's pulling him towards her bed, tugging at his belt like a leash.
She bumps the mattress and tumbles backwards, giving a soft gasp as Rain takes advantage of the undignified pose to slide her shorts off, revealing pink lace.
Her shirt comes off with a bit more of a challenge, the long sleeves catch as he tries to free her from it, and he growls his frustrations into her lips the moment its gone.
"You don't make this easy, do you?" he pouts, purring when she crooks her fingers under his chin, scratching at his beard for a moment before running her fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp a bit, "...I'll forgive you just this once."
Sitting upright, Rain straddles Bea's hips before kneeling down to kiss between her breasts; They're small, less than a handful, but they're soft and have little freckles dusted across them that are fun to trace with his eyes...
He's peeked at them more than he should probably admit to, even before he got to see them up close and personal, but given the harried nature of their encounter in the lake, Rain hadn't had much time to admire them.
He gives them a tender squeeze, bunching up the baby pink bralette in his hands, and watches as Bea bites her lip to contain a squeak.
"I like this." he says, thumbing over her nipples through the fabric, "Your fashion sense might be questionable at best, but you do know how to pick out some lovely lingerie..."
"I didn't..." Bea arches into his touch, "...I didn't pick it out."
"Oh~? A gift then? From who?" he gives a slightly harsher press, "Who should I be thanking for this?"
Bea writhes beneath him.
"...Don't wanna say..."
"A secret admirer then?" he lowers his head back down, licking one of the rosy buds, "Not Mountain then..."
Bea shakes her head, whining when Rain nips at her chest.
"N-Not Mountain..."
"He is more of a natural sort..." Rain hums, blowing a puff of air out of his mouth, making her shiver as his unnaturally cold breath wicks the saliva he's left behind, "He likes a bit of hair..."
Bea shifts her legs and Rain raises himself up so she can slide them out from beneath him, moving so that she can sit up in his lap.
"So do I..." she admits, gliding her hand over the trail of coarse hair that runs down his stomach, pawing at the soft pudge there, "...Well?"
"Well?" Rain repeats.
"Are you going to fuck me or what?"
Rain grins devilishly.
"Oh, Honey Bea, I'm going to ruin you."
"Anyone know where Rain got to?" Dew asks, looking around at the gathered partygoers, "He sent me a text, like, ten minutes ago saying he needed five more minutes, and then another one that looks like a keysma-...Well, well, well, look who it is."
Rain lowers his head apologetically, still in the process of redressing himself as he strolls up to the other ghouls, shoes untied and his fly undone, "Sorry, sorry... Got carried away with... stuff."
Dew hands him a cup of cider, "Does 'stuff' have a name, or are you going to keep us in suspense?"
"My lips are sealed." he draws a line across his mouth.
"Yeah, but your pants aren't."
"Aw, fishsticks..."
"More like, fishdick, bro, I can see your pubes!" Swiss chortles from nearby, "You going commando, or did you leave your panties with 'stuff'??"
Rain does a little hop as he buttons his fly.
"You guys can tease me all you want, I got what I wanted out of the evening, here's to you maybe, MAYBE, getting the same, my friends." he raises his cup in a toast and downs his drink in one go, "Guh, fuck..."
"Gentleman," he salutes, "I bid you adieu."
Dew and Swiss watch Rain saunter away, scoffing as he plops himself down in one of the chairs on the beach overlooking the lake.
"He's always so weird post nut, I swear to fucking Satan..." Dew mutters, "...He seems like he had a good time with whoever stuff was though."
"Yeup." Swiss sips his beer, "...Where do you suppose Mountain is?"
"Huh, now that you mention it, he's missing, too... I guess he's hooking up with someone, too... Man, it seems like everyone's getting laid but us."
"...I might have a solution to that." Swiss says, side eyeing Dew before sliding his hand down his back.
"What are you-Oh. Oh-ho-ho~"
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critter-core · 11 months
Quick Chips Lore Infodump
This is thrown together on a google doc and now I'm smacking it onto tumblr so I'm sorry if it seems messy. That's cause it is lol
Not gonna tag anything cause I'm lazy so whatever lol
Eh, actually, I'll at least put the foodie tags ig lol
So Chips’ general story has always been that he inherited his ship from his parents in their will when they passed away due to the sea.
To go into more detail, Chips was on the ship with them when they died, so it’s kind of traumatizing to him a bit. They were sailing the seas, delivering an important package to Big Mama.
Let’s go back a bit though. 
Chips’ parents were mutated when the oozesquitos were released, and although they were both rather terrified, especially because they were being illegally sold as exotic pets, they did manage to escape. 
The two parents were a family before, and even had their own kid (who was like 15 when he got mutated, just so that he stays around the mad dogs’ ages), but were being sold to different owners. They were carried on the same ship though, so when the oozesquitos struck, with many different exotic sea creatures fleeing, they ran into each other during the chase, and it was true love at first sight.
For simplicity’s sake, the mom is Sea Salt, and the Dad is Vinegar (I’ll come up with better names later but I like chip jokes so this is the name for now). Sea Salt was a lighter pastel yellow color, and Vinegar was a darker orange color. I’ll make refs later.
So yeah, anyways, they escaped, and when they learned of the Yokai world, they chose to live in the Hidden City instead, since it’d be safer for them and their kid, who they managed to find despite the chaos.
The parents took transport jobs for Big Mama, in hopes that they’d be able to eventually leave her business and sail the seas when they had money they could spend without worry. The parents often delivered packages or people who were to fight in the Battle Nexus…
It hadn’t been much time before Chips’ parents died.
He was still 15. It was a heavy storm, but they had to deliver a very expensive package to Big Mama, as usual. Chips didn’t know what the package was, though, and he had never really wondered until now. He did sneak a look to see it was a cage with a wild animal of some sorts.
The animal scared him, and when his mother caught him, she told him to never go near that cage again, and so he didn’t. But out of nowhere, a big storm brewed up, and the waves were shaking the boat back and forth. Eventually, some large waves crashed into the boat.
One wave too big, and the whole ship was shaken to its side. Chips and his parents all got separated in the waves, and he found himself washed up on the shores of the Hidden City. His parents weren’t there. It was a miracle that he survived, but he was terrified nonetheless.
A tall purple lady walked up, and it was then that he understood what the package was. There stood Big Mama, a very rich lady who was very popular in the Hidden City, both for her gold and her show.
She told him she never got her package from his parents. She did so through strange words he didn’t quite understand, but it began to make sense when he broke it down. She wasn’t happy. 
“You’ll do, turtley-boo,” She said, before ordering her henchmen to grab him. He fought and fought, but before he knew it, he was in their dungeons. He did manage to break out though, when there was sudden chaos. It was something about some mutant turtles breaking into Big Mama’s vault for some stuff she supposedly stole from them.
Chips would have been more curious about it if it weren’t for the fact that he was too preoccupied trying to escape while he could.
When he did, he was at first lost.
He didn’t know what to do. 
But then some strange frantic seagull yokai ran up to him squawking about something. (I headcanon a bullhop esc voice lol)
“You! You there! Oh thank goodness! I’ve been runnin around with my head cut off tryin to find you!” He snapped suddenly, before searching his pouch. “You are the child of Sea Salt and Vinegar, yes?” Chips nodded. “Ah, good. Firstly, I am sorry for your loss. Secondly, in your parents’ last will and testament, it states that they grant you their ship and all of the money they had amassed at the time of death.”
Chips was frankly speechless…
But this seagull wasn’t. He proceeded to drag Chips to a large Hidden City Bank (no, like, that was literally what it was called), and took him to a vault. Chips was greeted to a large pile of gold. Chips hadn’t realized his parents had amassed so much, and he wondered why they were still working for Big Mama when they didn’t need the money…
Nonetheless, Chips knew that even if it was a lot of money, he shouldn’t spend it all immediately. So instead, he leaves it in the vault. He was about to buy a new ship, since he lost the one they rode in the tsunami, but the seagull who had been accompanying him informed him that for his 16th birthday, his parents had a ship ready to give.
The two decide to ‘open’ the 16th birthday present early, and Chips is presented with a new ship. A large ship. A ship just for him. It’s a perfect ship, reflecting the older regal pirate ships that Chips had always dreamed of. It even had a wooden sea serpent figurehead carved to wrap around the front wood panel.
Needless to say, Chips immediately forgot about the whole Big Mama fiasco. He saw this ship and he declared that he would sail the seven seas, just as his parents have once dreamed of. Although the seagull (who’s name was revealed to be Peter) had a job as a messenger, they still continue to be friends and talk occasionally.
From here, Chips began to sail the seas, just as he wished. He even built a crew! Though the only ‘crew’ he’s collected were animals he saved from ships that were bringing over illegal exotic pets like him and his family, along with other stray pets that he just adopted. Any exotic animals in his crew were ones that chose to stay with him rather than return back to their native habitats.
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afterthelastreset · 4 years
Rules Of One’s Soul Ch24 A Final Understanding
( Warning: Past abuse mentioned. Also the part about souls is not relationship advice, this is just my headcannons for how monster souls work. Mak belongs to @alois-toussaint )​
A clock ticked off in the corner of the home, showing the hours as they ticked by. But neither of the two men had slept for that time, two busy preoccupied with the situation at hand. A calm soft paw, ran through shiny white hair. It shimmered brighter than the light of the fireplace that crackled in front of the three, as they all laid their on the old couch. ...But only two were really awake, one being the owner of the paw that gently soothed the unconscious worm monster. Seam was staring blankly into the fireplace, button eye spinning and humming a lullaby of all things. Strange but it was better than the silence or ticking of the clock, and it helped to ease the nerves of the other awake man who was curled up very similar to a cat. Half laying on the chest of the unconscious man and half leaning against Seam, Jevil's face a mix of worry and determination as he pressed his ear to Rouxls's rising and falling chest. Listening very carefully to the calm breathing of his lungs, and the thumping of his soul. Making sure that both had a smooth rythme and his ear constantly twitched, listening for any signs his soul mate might've been in danger in anyway. Even as he slept, the duke looked worried about something, but so far nothing else had happened.
Until Seam stopped the lullaby and took a giant intake. Taking a moment to look back to the two people he held in his lap, and sighed. This was not what he was expecting when he closed up shop today, when Jevil burst into the sheap store front with an unconscious worm monster dragging across the floor. He had been just finishing up repatching his old magician cloak. It had been a little over a hundred years since he wore the thing, and it had been in rough shape, but with his expert skills in repatching himself, he was able to fix it up back to it's almost former glory. Just sewed the last stitch, too. Until a loud bang sound went off,like a gunshot, he flinched hard and his fur stood on end. Whirling around to the front of the sheap entrance just as the first shouts came thorugh.....But that wasn't what was so scary about it.
It was the calling.
A wave of energy pumped out, and his soul thumped hard against his chest. The energy wave he felt from other two entities were the exact same as his, and the emotions with the waves of energy made him stand to his feet. Ever have that feeling when you watch someone perform something dangerous you get that weird light feeling in your feet and your body tenses up, fearing the worst and on edge even if nothing happens? That was what he felt but way stronger. Jevil had felt it in a similar fashion. After the wave of rage that he had be confronted with by the duke, he was left absolutely stunned. Not being able to do so more than just blankly stare when everyone slowly got back into their position of cooking, when it hit him. His soul had reacted first. He had actually given a yelp when his own soul crashed against his ribcage and began beating a mile a minute. A wave of fear made his body freeze and his yellow pupils shrank down to those pinpricks.....Rouxls was calling for him. It was like someone shocked him and made a serge of energy shocked through him, everyone was taken aback at the purple blur that bulleted out of the doors with a bang and down the hall. Eyes darting around, lungs heaving, and every nerve stood on end. He didn't know what purpaled him to his office, but he didn't hesitate with the energy waves hitting his ribcage harder and harder, so he didn't hesitate to bullet his way in there and found the duke. Bent over his desk. Sobbing hard and messily into the papers on his desk ....A blue light emanated from under his hunched over form and his stomach dropped at what he was seeing. Immediately he had yanked the duke up to him and once the two made actual physical contact, it only got worse. The two souls pulsated upon meeting a third of the requirement needed for the entire triangle. And Jevil new full on well what that meant when panic shot through him and both souls now began thumping hard. The beats ringing in his ears and the fear and sorrow radiating off of the worm became too much as both went calling out for the third.
He didn't know whether or not the sobbing duke heard him as he could barely hear himself with the intensity of the feelings and energy waves. But he forced himself to summon magic when he sucked in a breath and the familiar spinning feeling engulfed the two of them fully. The worm completely went limp in his arms, most likely passed out from the feeling of being teleported, so when they landed, they slammed down hard onto the sheap's musty smelling floor and Jevil ended up under his top half. Fear and panic still spiking in him.
The adrenaline still pumping in his veins as he crawled out from under the duke's completely limp body and stood onto shaking legs. The waves were still coming and their souls were not letting up on the assault of beats and energy waves. Seam came immediately, but froze in the doorway when he saw the small shape of Jevil heaving Rouxls across the floor towards him. Absolute panicked expression on his face. Immediately the cat made his way over. Jevil could easily feel the final and third piece of the calling finally make his way to them souls thumping in anticipation for his. And when the shocked and wide eyed cat immediately bent down and placed a paw on Rouxls's chest, Jevil's hands grabbing and sinking into his soft fur.....It stopped. The calling. The energy waves. The hit of emotions and thumping of souls against rib cages....It all stopped. Like it never happened. Jevil was heaving. Blinking and holding onto Seam for dear life as his body shook and shivered. Blinking as his soul slowly began to go back to thumping at a normal pace. With what strength he had left, his ears went back against his head as he forced his shaking head to look at the unconscious duke on the floor...No more calling came from him.
"Jevil." He flinched and whipped up to Seam who turned his one good orange and black eye to him. ".....What happened?"
"...." Seam stared at him, scared expression still present on his face. "...Yes. I can feel the past effects from it."
"Will he.." He glanced back down to the scared man. "Will he be alright?"
Seam didn't answer at first. His eye staring down at the unconscious worm under his paw, Rouxls's heart and soul were beating at a normal pace for someone sleeping and his cool body didn't look any worse for ware. They were lucky Jevil found him so soon. Jevil watched as Seam shifted to both his knees, leaning over the duke and using his arms, carefully shifted them under his lump body. The imp watched as Seam carefully brought Rouxls up into his hold and ever so slowly, stood. Looking over Rouxls one last time before turning to the room in the back and began walking.
"Yes. But he'll need plenty of rest, and we need to be right next to him. His soul wants that, but for now let him sleep."
Which finally brought them to this situation. Like stated earlier, Seam's strange but soothing lullaby had stopped and the stuffed cat had opted to looking at the frail blue man in his hold. His stare studying and his button spinning. Paw gently rubbing his head. As one would hold and treat a child, but it seemed appropriate for the situation none the less and so it was done. But Jevil didn't seem to notice as he still kept a watchful ear on their soulmate......Until a voice broke the silence.
"This can't be continuing on like this." Jevil jumped and momentarily blinked up to the cat from his laid position, just as Seam slowly turned his one eyes gaze to him. Blank as a bourd. "He can't keep having emotions that get this bad of a reaction out of him." The paw that wasn't rubbing his head shifted and came up to gently touch the middle of the rising and falling chest, the steady beats of his soul greeted him as a welcome. "...Like I asked before-" His one eye narrowed into an almost scowl. "What. Happened?" Jevil didn't answer. Just stared at the large cat with that same small pupil scared look, until Seam shook him. "Jevil. This is not a time for games."
His harsh tone was something that made the imp wince. He hadn't heard Seam use a tone like that since-....Since he was subdued and ....locked away. His body shook at the memories. Seam's disapproving face when he stared down at the crying imp. The key in his hand giving off a shiny glint before he came to hold it in both hands. The sounds of crunching when it was destroyed and the pieces falling to his feet. The very, very blank face he gave when he turned around and began walking back towards the stairs and elevator. Disappearing into the darkness. The absolute sobbing and sounds of Jevil as he continuously rammed his small body against the bars trying to get out, arms desperately reaching for someone who wasn't there anymore. The pleading of his voice begging for Seam to come back. The constant ramming of the soul in his chest calling out for the warm embrace of the cat who was not coming back. ....Yes. He knew the last thing Seam ever said to him before he disappeared for the next hundred years.
"No more games, Jevil."
And that had sealed the deal for his soul's heartbroken silence for nearly a hundred years, always coping by smiling and filling the cracks in his soul with games which no one wanted to play with until the lightner and second prince of darkness came and they had wore him down enough to fall into a deep sleep. By the time he woke back up, the guards had already resecured his cell door back and he was once again alone in his little freedom. But the excitement and hope his three visitors brought still reinstated hope in him that someone would come back and play again. Until that fateful day Rouxls came. And everything changed. And now it just might all crumble into tiny pieces shattering their souls once more. And the way Seam was still staring at him...The imp curled in on himself.
"...Rage, rage filled his soul before I found him." His eyes glancing back to Rouxls still asleep. "...B-B-Before he was calling, calling. Crying, crying a-as he did so."
The scowl lightly lifted from the stuffed face, "Rage you say?" Jevil nodded and he hummed. " I wonder what could've triggered that."
"He was very upset, upset when Lancer did not receive his share of breakfast." Seam blinked back to Jevil as he finally sat up against him. "He kept going on about him starving, starving. Not much sense."
Really?" Jevil nodded again. Coming from someone like Jevil who barely made sense as it was, this was very surprising. As he stared back to the unconcious man, he made a choice. It wasn't one he was very fond of, and these two wouldn't be too fond of it either, but with what information Jevil had told him from a couple days ago, and his constant reactions....It had to be done. "When he awakens, he must tell us about his past. Whether he likes it or not."
Jevil stared at Seam like the cat had just smacked Rouxls while he was down. "...WHAT, WHAT?! Seam. We must not push him so soon, so soon!"
"And then what?" His face now slightly angry as he stared down Jevil. "What for the next time he faints or collapse from shock again? Put him through so much confusion until he calls us again and we would still not know why? Jevil, maybe you are alright with not knowing but I for one rather get to the bottem of this. Better to know the cause of the problem and try to fix it then let it go on."
Jevil went quiet after that and stared at Seam for a moment. Before frowning and going back into his position of laying like a cat on the rising and falling chest, not arguing but not fighting against the choice made either. Good. That meant he was silently agreeing whether he liked it or not. Seam was always the more patient and rational thinker when it came to these things. But now..All they could do was wait. Wait and sit there with nothing but the crackling fire and the ticking clock for sound, not that soothing lulluaby because it seemed Seam's attention was just the same as Jevil's for the moment. Laser focused on the sleeping worm, and not knowing when the blue man would wake up from his uneasy slumber.
"One, One hour, two hours, three hours, four- ...P-Please not five hours, six hours, seven hours, eight or more, more."
Ironic to be softly singing a nursery rhyme to yourself to replace the silence, but everyone had different ways of coping with the stress of what happens to them. For him, it was peaceful meditation. For Jevil...It was singing, that's why he had been humming that old lullaby like he always did back when he was worried for stage performances or something scared him. And to be fair this was a pretty scary situation for anyone to go through. So he didn't say anything as the jester sat there shaking and singing to himself...until his eye reopened at the sounds of crying and he couldn't help but frown at the sight before him. The imp was sobbing and clutching the Duke's fancy coat shirt in his clawed hands, placing his face into the soft fabric and proceeding to shake and quiver as that song ended. Seam looked at him but didn't make a move to stop him.
"My fault...MY FAULT!! ALWAYS MY FAULT!! MY FAULT!!" He wailed out. Hiccuping and pushing his forehead more into the shirt's soft fabric. "I-I-IT'S ALWAYS M-M-MY FAULT, SEAM!!"
"....what art thou rambling out now?"
Both froze and while Seam didn't make a move at first, Jevil's head slowly lifted from it's fabric prison and shakily looked up towards the front, yellow crying eyes met mitch matched confused ones as giant white eye lashes blinked slowly and tiredly at them. The worm was still exhausted, but not tired enough to go back to sleep. Imagine his confusion when his body had first started to wake up and the first thing to hit him was the feeling of something warm and soft hugging his body, the second thing was the incredible strong sent of cotton and musty smelling dust. Which made him give a little cough...Before those eyes slowly opened from the darkness and peered out into this strange new place of senses. Now that his body no longer held the numb feelings from before, he was able to feel the weight on his chest shaking and making his shirt soaked with tears, and the giant paw still soothingly rubbing his head.....Utter confusion was his first thought, before his ears winced back from the lou shouting of "My Fault!!" coming from the small purple jester on his chest. Wha-...Was that...Jevil??...What was the fool crying about now? So he uttered the question. And now he noticed there were two darkners staring at him...What were they looking at? What was he doing here?
"R-Rouxls, Rouxls!!" He barely had time to react before the same purple blur tackled the blue man's chest. Making Rouxls yelp and become fully awake now. Eyes blinking wildly and staring down as Jevil shoved his head into the crook of hos neck and those limbs wrapped around him! The worm man blinked in surprise before that familiar small scowl came over him. But the continued sobbing stopped him from yelling at him to get off. "SO SORRY!! SO SORRY AM I!! MY FAULT YOU CALLED AND SLIPPED FROM ME, FROM ME!! *hic* FORGIVE, FORGIVENESS YOU SHOULDN'T GIVE!!"
Rouxls winced lightly from being yelled practically in his ear, but stopped when Jevil's sobs and hiccups formed a said song to his ears. ".....*sigh*" His arms slowly reached up and patted his back. Making Jevil's shakes stop. "....T-Tis not thou's f-fault..." He looked up to Seam who was still silently staring at them both. "But exactly whateth happened?" Both other men froze....Seam rose a brow and Jevil turned his head just enough to look from Rouxls shoulder to peer up at him...Another hiccup escaping him before he went back into his position of burrying his face into the cool Blue shoulder. Rouxls looked to Jevil for a moment before scowling up to Seam again with a raised brow. "...Why art thou acting l-liketh this? What happened?"
"....You fainted. Don't you remember?" His face tilted curiously as Rouxls stared away in thought, button spinning.
The worm looked straight at nothing in thought. His mind a sold blank white slat before he shook his head. The last thing he remembered was being unable to move and feeling so numb. Worried yelling. And small paws tugging on his pants, small whimpers escaping the pup's mouth as his stomach rumbled, and that spade whole in his face scrunched up in worry.
"Im hungry, Lesser Dad-"
He flinched and it all came crashing back to him at lightning speed. Lancer was hungry and no one had bothered to feed him. A rage stronger than he ever felt came over him. He yelled at Jevil. His surprisingly scared face and the sudden feelings of emotions shocking through him. The weird pulsation of energy from his soul attack-....His hand went from Jevil's back and worriedly patted his chest a few times...He didn't feel like his body was turning into dust and his soul from what he felt only beated faster from his spike up from fear...Before he sighed and relaxed back into Seam's hold. Everything still felt the same but there was a strange rock feeling in his stomach...How'd he end up in Seam's lap?
"I-....T-Tis a soul attack." He blinked up at the large cat. "Why art I not in thine healer's courters?...Lancer!!" A sudden flinch came over him and tried to jump up but his wobbly body combined with Jevil and Seam still holding onto him didn't let up. "W-Where is mine son?!"
"He's fine! Jevil left him in the kings' care." Seam answered calmly before looking back at him. "But Im afraid your 'soul attack' wasn't an actual soul attack....Your soul was calling out for us Im afraid."
Rouxls just stared at him with a blank face. Oh my. This is what he was afraid of, he was completely ready to start calming the duke when the next few words tumbled out of his mouth. "N-Nah. I nah calledeth out. I don'tst remember sending for either of thou!" ....Jevil slowly pulled his face away from Rouxls's shoulder and blinked up so confused at the Duke's now confused face. " Why art I in thine shoppe after mine soul attack!? I needst a healer after a tremendous threat like that!" Jevil was about ready to argue with Rouxls if he thought he was gonna pretend Jevil wasn't scared for him and tried to help him, he had another thing coming-..But stopped when the words tumbled out of his mouth. The three stood there watching each other for a long moment, Rouxls raising a brow when Jevil and Seam exchanged a look with each other. "....What?"
"..You really, really don't know what your soul has done?"
"...What art thou spewing out? Of courseth I know what a soul attack tis."..He gave a confused look. "Though I ponder whyeth mineself was not shatttered into tiny peices and mine dust scattered about."
"...You really do know nothing about souls." Both gave each other another look and the duke rose his brow even further. What was with those faces they were giving each other? He went to say something but before he even had the chance Seam shifted and with a grunt, stood to his feet. Rouxls giving a small whine of surprise when he did and latch onto him when the giant stuffed cat turned around and, with Jevil still latched onto him like some monkey, carefully set Rouxls and jevil onto the couch. He unslipped his arms from around him and leaned back up to his full height with a sigh. Orange and black eye looking at the confused look on the Blue sparkling face as those eyes blinked up at the cat. "....I shall explain what you should've already known. But first I'll fetch some tea, it'd be rude not to offer you anything to help your nerves." Rouxls only watched silently as Seam sat down in the couch across from them, with a snap of his paws, the teakettle over the fireplace slowly began to shake and stir and with another three teacups materialized out of thin air and landed on the table with a few small clatters. Jevil finally clambered off of him and sat down beside him on the couch, the purple menace wasn't even floating, just...sitting down and giving him a guilty look every few seconds. "Now." He jumped and looked back to Seam who leaned back into the oppodite chair and sighed. "A watched pot never boils, so while we wait, Duke. I have a few questions that I rather have answers too if you don't mind."
The duke stared at him, before crossing his legs and arms over his chest. "I nay see what I haveth to say to thou. Thou has not even answered mine questions."
Seam hummed. "Fair enough. You're here because Jevil brought you here." He pointed a paw at the downcasted gremlin. "And we didn't get a healer because a healer can't fix what Im about to explain to you." Rouxls went to speak again but the kettle that was already making weird noises gave a high pitched whistle at that moment and grabbed Seam's attention. With another flick of his wrist, the kettle lifted to the air and flew over to them, steam rising out of the little spout. Once it was above the small coffee table Seam flicked his paw pointing downwards and expertly guilded the dark liquid down into the awaiting cups. Familiar smell of sweet marshmallow filled the air, must've been darke candy tea. Once they were all filled, back onto the fire the kettle went and Seam reached down to take his cup into his much larger paws. Fixing Rouxls with a look. "Now. Tell me what you do know about souls specifically?"
Rouxls's brow could not get higher on his confused face even if he tried, before he slowly bent forward and picked up his own drink. "I...knowest that they art thine life source, and once thine shatter dust mine body will become. Simple as calligraphy."
"And what do you know about the topic of soulmates?"
Rouxls paused cup inches from his lips and gave another confused look at Seam sipping his tea. "...Tis a figure of speech to describe one's love of corseth. Likest when one calls their beloved thee love of thine life." He finally was able to bring the cup to his lips and drink the WAY too sweet marshmallow drink, but he didn't want to be rude. He was raised better than that.
The two men looked at him with different expressions. Jevil's being confused and Seam's being interested with a raised brow. "And exactly who taught you all this?"
He scoffed that famous scoff. "Mine parents. Who else? They taught mineself well..." His eyes glanced off slightly. "..even if some things were...questionable."
Jevil's body stilled and those eyes blinked. His scattered mind suddenly going on blast through his memories as soon as those words left Rouxls's mouth, back days ago on their date. Which seemed strange for the occasion but one line from that day vibrated and bounced back and forth in his mind like a boomerang: "T-They wereth very...traditional of ye olde ways. I guesseth olde habits nay die hard."....That line. THAT ONE LINE!! Made him blink and slowly look up to Rouxls who was still drinking that too sweet drink for his taste buds out of politeness, but soon the worm's eyes looked back down to Jevil once he felt the eyes of the imp on him. The two looked at each other for a moment before his brow rose again.
"How tradional, traditional was your family?"
That question caught the other two off guard especially the worm who choked and pounded on his chest. Coughing and gagging before looking back to the smaller jevil. "W-What?!"
His eyes narrowed. "What were they like, like?" He just stared at him for the longest time before looking away and going back to his- Jevil's purple arm grabbed his. H A R D. And those yellow eyes went back to the serious angry pinpricks he first saw when they first met. " Rouxls. I want, want you to tell me. Im not taking, taking no for an answer."
Rouxls...looked slightly horrified and if it wasn't for Seam he might've fainted again. "Jevil! You could've worded it differently...But I also want to know." Rouxls looked to the cat in question as he set down his drink and gave him the same stare as jevil. "Now, then. Perhaps if we explain the REAL reasoning of a soul mate, you'll see why we're so concerned about you."....The worm didn't respond, so he continued. "I'm...not sure where to start, so I'll start from the very beginning you should have been told from the beginning." He loomed over the worm, but when he noticed Rouxls gulp his features softened a lot. And a paw gently placed itself on his chest. Feeling the soft beats of his soul under him. "Your soul is much more than just a second heart. It's a person's very lifesource. Their ...everything." His button spun a few moments thinking. "It's..hard to explain, but that's basically what it is. It's a second us in a sense. It holds one's memories, emotions, life energy-..A whole lot of you that you sometimes don't even know was there." A thought came over him and he pulled his paw away, but still leaned forward to face him. "Sometimes even folks refer to it as their concious. Tell me, have you been, as strange as it sounds, fighting with yourself? Or maybe heard your own inner voice shouting at you?"
Rouxls was staring at him like he had just uncovered all his secrets and laid them on the small coffee table to be examinated for the whole dark world to see. Inner...voices?- Yes...YES!! He had been having those, but he just thought it was his thoughts from his subconcious...Well, with how Seam just described them, they just as well might've been. It was always as this strange part of him was telling him thoughts he was thinking without actually thinking them? Or realizing he was thinking them? If that made any sense. But if he was going on by what he was being told....Was- Was this all true? Could one's soul really follow such mind blowing rules like this?!
He shook his head and looked up at him. "I-...Y-Yes. I-I-I h-havest made contact with such a t-t-thing." His hand was shaking as he pointed to himself. "Twas t-that...m-mineself?"
Seam calmly nodded. "Yes. Your 'concious' as many call it. It's usually that little voice that tells us or makes us feel certain things such as whether they're good, bad, suspicious, or otherwise. And that would seem to explain your sudden outburst and some actions around us." He leaned all the way back into the couch. "But that brings us to the second part of one's soul. They're also your magical source. Letting magic flow throughout your body and letting you do the certain magic is provides depending on the lineage of parent souls that passed down those traits. The more powerful the parents' souls the more unique the magic. Like so-" He snapped one of his paws and a small flame appeared in it. He snapped the other one and defense sewing needles appeared for him to battle. Rouxls gulped again seeing them. The needles glinting from the close flame and making the orange pupil of Seam's one good eye glow bright, giving him a menacing look Rouxls didn't think was possible for him. ...Before Seam willed away all the flames and needles into thin air to give back his calm appearance. "Remember when I explained to you Jevil's magic was soley based on his feelings and it depended on what power that emotion gave him? Well that appiles to everyone in a way. Jevil just happens to be more in tune to that connection because of the amount of power he holds. For everyone it's different. It's what's known as a ESC. Which stands for Emotional Soul Connections. Everyone has their's show up in different ways. For Jevil his ESC shows itself through his powers abilities and his eyes." Jevil gave a small smile before Seam gestured to himself. "My ESC is lied within my very fur. Not much affects me and I can easily repair myself using the calm reassuraces my creator left me behind with. Your's however...." Seam tiltes his head more, button eye spinning wildly. "Your ESC seems to make itself known in the form of your emotional outbursts. I've never met a person who so care freely speaks their mind, especially to someone who could come off as intimidating as Jevil. Which means your soul and your emotions are very strongly connected...A rare thing to find."
"......" Rouxls blinked. Not quite beleiving what he was hearing. "What...W-What haseth that have to doth with soulmates?"
He smiled. "Ah! Im glad you asked. Souls have a strange way of conveying our emotions, because of our ESC's it's also different for everyone. But one of the more important and power emotions is love, but before I get into that I must explain Soul Bonding."
"Soul...bonding?," The worm repeated back confused and curious.
Seam nodded. "It's exactly how it sounds. Soul bonding is when your soul bonds with others you are most compatible with. But all of them are based around the concept of love. The actual feeling. It's the most powerful emotion and therefore Soul Bonds are broken down in three simple catagories." He held up his paw. Three fingers. Each one popping up with each bond as he explained. "Platonic Soul Bonds are the most common. They're the ones that can fade over time or grow into either a Family Soul Bond or a Romantic Soul Bond. Platonic Bonds are for people you geneuinely care about but are people you're not fairly close too or just know. Maybe a boss, an old friend, distant family member- Something like that, and if you get to know the person it has the chance to grow into one of the other two. It's also the only one that truely fades if you and the person drifts apart. Do you understand all I have explained so far?" Rouxls...nodded. All this ESC and soul bonding was...actually starting to make sense. It was still confusing as all light! But...peices were all starting to fall into place as he thought more and more about it, and the more Seam spoke it helped. Seam however nodded and continued. "Ok. Moving on. Family Bonds are just what they sound like and the simplest one to explain. It's basically the love and connections you make with the loved ones you see as family. Mothers, fathers, close friends-.." He tilted his head. "And for you perhaps a certain little King."
Rouxls jumped up and blinked at him, and Jevil seemed to be mirroring his thoughts exactly. So this...ESC thing? It was the reason he was...acting the way he was all the time? His outbursts? His overly high senses of paranoia and feelings?? But then-
"The why art these...f-feelings starting now?"
"Well, to be fair, they were always there. Souls adapt to the different situations and environment that might change the way you feel and see things. But I believe it started when you and Jevil first sparked a long time ago-"
"It what we call the reaction when someone meets their one..or our case two soulmates. Which brings me to my last bond." He settled back with a sigh and scratched at mane of orange fur around his neck. "Romantic Soul Bonds are...also exactly how they sound. They're the romatic feelings you feel for someone. Which also is the only one of the three bonds that have three catagories. Tempo- Romantic Bonds, None-Bond Romantics, and the more well known ones known as Soul Mates." He once again held up fingers as he named off the catagories and explained. "You see-...Tempo stands for temporarily, so Tempo-Romatic bonds are basically like small crushes or flings you develope for someone then fall apart over time. This can appily for divorced couples as well. None-Bond Romantics are fairly more common, you see. Not everyone has a one..or two true love. And it's perfectly possible for someone to have a soulmate but fall in love and marry someone who isn't their soul mate." Rouxls gave an obviously confused look. "I'll explain in a moment. But None-Bond Romantics are also appiled to those who have trouble developing those emotions because they have absolutely no bond or desire to fall within love. Now the power of lust and love should not be confused with ANY of these bonds. Remember that."
"....Wouldst thou pleaseth get to thine point?"
He chuckled. "But of course. Soul Mates are what I can only describe as a calling of sorts." He shrugged. "Research has found that souls can call out to another soul they have a particularly strong bond with. Doesn't nessacarily have to be romantic. But souls call out to one another all the time even when we don't feel it most of the time. When the romantic compatability of two souls are a perfect match for each other and the owner of those souls make contact, it triggers what's known as a spark. Now like I was saying-" He shrugged back into the seat again and peered at him. " The 'spark' as we call it, happens when the two souls make contact and trigger the approprete response to the romantic bond you two share. Which basically means you will start falling in love with the person you sparked with no matter what....It's a sort of sad fact, but it's something beyond our control as souls are complicated and dangerous to mess with."..Rouxls gulped remembering the many pink hearts tossed at him from Jevil's cell that night- "Which brings me back as to why your soul called out for us." Rouxls blinked back into reality and Seam's face was very, VERY serious. "Like I said. Not everyone has a soulmate, and even if one does have a perfect soulmate they can just as easily fall in love ans be happy without the person being their perfect match. But a few studies have been documented that ignoring these feelings once you do meet your soulmate could become dangerous. And I think that's EXACTLY what you've been doing, Rouxls."
Rouxls froze. Shocked at what Seam had just said to him, and Seam even said his full name, which meant he must've been serious. But looked down in shame as Seam continued.
"Souls are smarter than we give credit for. They hold the feelings we might not even know we have, but that being said, a soul only calls out for another when it's in danger or requires some other form of serious help. You've been forcing yourself to push down these feelings and I think something in your past, by what Jevil explained to me and what you've told us, is causing you to veiw all this in a very serious way.....Will you please tell us why? Duke. We are very concerned for you."
Rouxls just sat there for the seconds ticking by. He could feel the former emotions of guilt and regret coming back at him full speed and his hands gripped the cup in their hold. He couldn't....He COULDN'T tell them about her!! His soul thumped hard. YES! You can..Just tell them! It's WHAT you WANT most! To TELL someone and have them listen and these two WILL listen!! It'll make you feel better!! Just MAN UP AND TELL THEN YOU FOOL!!! I CAN'T!! His eyes slammed shut! I can't tell them about her! I can't say it!! She wouldn't want it!! She would!! She would've wanted you to be happy!! She still cared about you!! Maybe not love you, but she definately didn't not care about you!! Even if it's hard, you HAVE to do this! To get better!! For Lancer!!....His eyes slowly opened half way. ....Lancer? Whar would he do without his father?! You promised her you would look after him, therefore by extintion YOU! You dummy!! Do it for him! Do it for yourself! You won't get hurt this time....They promise-
He jumped and nearly dropped the teacup he was holding when a small purple hand gently grabbed onto his hand and he looked down to see the very..VERY surprising face of Jevil...only it wasn't yellow eyes staring back at him. It was Blue pupils...Which was dripping with sadness in the form of black tears and the shaking lips on his face. Rouxls could only watch as Jevil leaned his head foreward and pressed his forehead against him arm, as a silent plee for him to say something..And he flinched again when a giant soft paw gripped his shoulder and soon he was looking to the worried but calm face of the cat.
"....I promise we will help you any way we can. We really do care for you. Do you trust us?"
His soul throbbed and he knew the answer before it left his mouth. "Yes." He blinked surprised and sighed. Glancing to the small hiccuping imp before layinf back..Jevil still attached to him...."Where doth I start?"
"Anywhere you want. Just tell us everything." Seam sat back into the seat and tried to look composed for these two's sake. "And don't be afraid to hold back any feelings."
Don't hold back huh? Oh boy where does he start with all this free rein he has? TELL. Them. About. HER!! "Alrighteth!!" He shouted making them both jump and stare at him in surprise before he again took a big inhale and let it out shakily. Looking back to the cup in his hands in thought. ".....I...I-I-" GOD!!! He was pathetic. Every fiber wa screaming at him not to say it while at the same time it did. Tell them!! Go on! SAY IT!! DO IT!! N-no...I c-cant. They'll hate me! White tears stung his eyes now as they slammed shut with his screaming body- SAY!! IT!! " M-M-My Queen!! I LOVED HER!!"
************************************************************************************************ The usual blurs of red and pink swirled around and the halls and into the minds of the common and wealthy around the dark world. Infecting their very consciousness on the drunken ecstacy of love so would it seem. The pheromones of roses and fine chocolates seemed endless wafing through the air as an endless stream of love poisoning. It was the grand reason for this very holiday.
Love can be a powerful thing can it not? He's seen people go to war for the ones they loved. He's seen people do terrible, horrible things in the name of love. It's a powerful emotion. So powerful they had a king named after it after all. But it wasn't just bad things. Good things came from it as well. He'd happily smile at the many happy couples and happy laughter of children running around throwing paper hearts at one another along the halls or happy squeals from the occasional hathy when they receive a love letter or confession from their lovers. It was a beautiful sight he wouldn't deny, but perhaps it might've been a bit much for him sometimes. But on the other hand-
He flipped his hair back and looked back into his mirror. Who could deny his looks? He was rather good looking compared to all the other darkners. Who else had flowing white glowing hair that delicately draped around his perfect eyes and fluttering lashes? Who else could say they had many admires willing to buy something they don't need just to be near him?....Perhaps King Diamonds, but respectfully he was a marvel in his own way. His scales usually sparkled brightly and being the richest of the four kings of course meant he'd have a fair amount of suitors himself hoping to get a piece of his riches and royal status. But the king couldn't compare to the likes of him in other ways. He didn't have the charm or grace he posessed surely. He didn't have the charisma or confidence, or the romantical know-how to woo the lady of his dreams.~ And he had chosen the perfect one to court. Sure. There a few.....difficulties.
One being that she was already courted and dare say.....already married to someone. In technicality he had already lost before he even began, which should've been enough of a red flag for him to stop while he was ahead. To stop himself from doing something stupid- But we all know how the saying goes.
Love is blind.
He had to tell her. Even if she never returned his affections. He could live with the rejection, but he couldn't just keep his emotions about this whole thing up any longer. But he didn't see the consequences to his actions. As he wondered the castle, he found her where exactly he'd thought she'd be. On the balcony looking at the garden below, she really did love the peaceful veiw did she not? So with a deep dreath, he stepped forward. She heard the sounds of arrpouching footsteps and turned to him. Perfect waves of Blue and white curls around her face, plump blue lips, and a golden crown sitting perfectly upon her head. Even though the female darkner wa easily taller than himself by a long shot, she still resembled a fragile procilain doll. So danty and perfect.
He smiled up at her. "G-Greetings, Mine Majesty. I c-cometh with a ...token of mine gratitude towards thee." He smiled and did an elegant bow when he presented the rose bouquet to her. He felt her slowly take them from him and he smiled.
Her face was surprised when he turned up with an assortment of roses he knew she would like. Smile on his features....A frown on her face and worry in her voice. ""Rouxls. You have to stop this. You don't understand what this could do."
He blinked up from his graceful bow to peer up at her. "B-But..Your Highness, I-"
"Rouxls. I know." He blinked and she still frowned at him. "Rouxls. I'm so flattered you think of me so highly, but I love him." He froze..this was not what he had thought through. "And it's mad to be doing this. So I don't want you to do this anymore. Do you understand me?"
A large shadow suddenly fell over the two and he looked up into the black void of anger that was the giant spade. "What is the meaning of this!?" His head tilted from the frozen duke to the flowers his beloved wife held. And it was like adding gas to the fire. "WHAT IS THAT?!" His gaze snapped back to the smaller duke. "ROUXLS KAARD!! YOU TRAITOROUS SCUM!! HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY WIFE WITH SUCH VULGARITY!?"
He stomped forward and the worm could only scramble back as his pupils shrank.
The teacup fell to the floor, thankfully not breaking but what was left of the drink spilt out onto the floor by his feet. Those blue hands gripped his hair as the worm leaned forward. The tears finally escaping and pretty white raindrops finally spilt again from those storm cloud eyes. Sobbing and hiccups spilling out in a torment of thunder and lightning to match the rain tears and the storm cloud eyes. Becoming one whole storm like the one that shook the dark lands a few weeks ago. The shaking and noises of his mess making the other two look at him with mixes of shock and sorrow. They could feel the sadness that vibrated within his soul as he cried out and leaned over, Seam had his hands outstretched already in case the worm fainted again or called out, but these emotions as strong as they were, were no where near the literal storm that was the calling of his soul out to their own. Jevil just continued to sit there and watch as the black tears dried, leaving black lines across his cheeks as he watched.
"I-I..I waseth so *hic* stupid!!" He managed to croak out between chokes. It felt like his whole throat was clenching and he didn't want to speak anymore. ...No. Go on! Keep going. It's ok now. You're ok. "I t-t-thought he might've-..W-We could've been-...But NAY! She still loved him even after mineself was p-p-punished for emine crime!! I-I...*HIC* I NEVER wanted to feeleth like that again!! L-Love never again!!"
So...It finally came out. His scars. His fear of them getting near. His outbursts. His promise to look after Lancer. His buried of feelings...All of it came back to his loyaty and devotion to a Queen who had already found her soulmate. And he paid the preprocations of a secret admirer and a jealous husband. He had fallen in love with one who didn't share his feelings. All those buried feelings fighting his own new ones until it all came to a head now. Seam's paws slowly came to place themselves on his shoulders and Rouxls jumped.
"Im...very sorry for your loss. It's quite obvious you must've loved her very much, and beleive me I respect that fully. "
"...*sniff*" His eyes slowly opened half way and he hiccuped again. "Yeah?...W-W-Well I n-n-nay feel like thou does!!" He finally ungripped his head and shakily looked up at the two with a scowl. "A-All this...these...g-g-games to win me over l-likest Im some prize to be..*hic* won at thine fair tis most d-disrespectful of mineself!!" He looked back to his own hands. "I feelest like Im nay anything but a silly e-enternatinment for thou's pleasure and a-as soon as one of thee win..I-I'll best left again with NOTHING!! All this is just a silly game for you two and n-neither haveth never asked how I feel about it!!...H-How doth I knoweth that thou willst n-not...*hic* endest up the same way."
Both of them froze under the accusations of the duke suddenly thrown at them and ...a feeling of guilt settled in. Seam gave a sigh through his nose and slowly removed his paws from the worm. He no longer felt worthy to comfort him like this. " I....*sigh* You are right." Jevil looked to Seam as a frown came over him. "I won't pretend you were wrong and dance around the topic. And for that, we cannot apologise enough. We should have been more considerate." He bowed slightly while giving Jevil a small frown...
And the imp gave a frown as well. "..Y-Yes, yes. " He gave a sad look very similar to a kicked puppy up to Rouxls . "S-S-So sorry..*hic* So sorry."
A small silence fell upon the three, the only noises being the crackling of the fire and the ticking of the clock again. The three of them just sat there for the longest time, before Seam tilted his head back up, looking down at the small mess on the floor from the spilt tea. With a sigh, he leaned back into his chair and lifted his paw, with a flick of the wrist the cup flew into the air and back onto the bed, while out of nowhere a sponge flew over and began to wipe the mess of what tea was spilt to the floor. Rouxls finally moved and leaned back into his own seat and shifted his legs to avoid the working sponge cleaning up. Them all still silent as the sponge flew back to whereever Seam summoned it from and the familar smell of marshmallow hit him. Those eyes blinked and looked up just as the hot kettle floated back over the table, expertly tipping and again filling his cup with the purple, too sweet smelling drink.
"Its..r-rude to give your guest an empty cup."
....Rouxls slowly leaned foreward and reached his shaky hand out. Slowly taking the warm cup in his hands. "T-Thank thee." It was also rude to deny an offered cup of tea given to you, so even if it was too sweet and gave him a less than pleasant after taste, he drank it.
"...But, excuse my bluntness." He leaned forward a little again, crossing his arms. "But I must ask one more thing. Why did you not know anything of this beforehand? It's basic knowlwdge every school teaches every children. It's valuable knowledge to have."
ROuxls once again stopped mid sip,...and a sad look as he looked back down to the cup. "...M-Mine family waseth..tradional-"
"Yes, yes. I remember you saying that in our truth game, game," Jevil piped up blinking at him, "Old fashioned, fashioned they were with their speech you were taught, taught. But now I wonder, wonder if that's all the old ways they taught."
His blue eyes blink to him in confusion and rose a brow. "What doth thou mean?"
Jevil shrugged. "By the way they sound, sound they were not very fond of you making your own choices, choices."
Amother pause from the worm. "....Y-Yes. Yes they were." He sighed and held the warm cup closer. "They ...w-were against any choices of choosing thou's own..w-wife."
That's all they needed to hear. And it sure explained a LOT!! And well....finally...that was it. It was all out in the open. All understood. All said and over. And now the question remains...What now? Now that they all had the puzzle complete, how were they going to start the scrambled peiced of the new one? Which path shall they choose to build with, the three wondered.....Until Jevil spoke up.
"....Would you still, still be against us...being with you?" Both Rouxls and Seam looked surprised to the still upset looking Jester sitting there and staring up at the duke with a knowing look in his eyes. "...I-I..D-Dont want to be , want to be alone again..again. My soul shattered, shattered. Heartbroken, heart broken. Once by my hands..My fault once a-a-again..Please give me a second chance, chance." He begged lightly tugging on his sleeve.
ROuxls rose a brow. "Heartbroken once?...T-Thou hast been i-in love beforeth as w-well?"
''With me." Rouxls brought his attention back to te sad looking Seam who sighed. "Jevil and I...sparked before the knight had come and the king's iron rule. Our..souls were quite shaken by what happened between us long ago." He hummed and reached a paw to rub his chin. "I recken it might be because of that incident we acted the way we did all excited. But it's that still no excuse beleive me. But..perhaps if we were given the chance to start over-..Of course that's entirely up to you. And we promise not to pressure you into any descions. Right Jevil?" The imp egarly nodded.
The worm's eyes went back to the cup in his hands in thought. Starting over? As in a second chance? ...He would like that actually. And..they did make you happy. He blinked..They did now didn't they? Jevil was..admittedly funny, but frustrating. He liked the way he was determined and ..interesting. He's never been so fascinated by anyone's abilities before. Despite being nearly polar opposites, the two shared more in common than he thought . And Seam...Well he was one thing he always asked for in a person. Patient. Someone who would be patient and listen to him, and unlike Jevil who at times completely blew him off, Seam..Never did once. He would chuckle and not make a big deal of what he said..But he always listened, and tried his best to understand and give his advice when he needed it..And he acually went out of his way to help him. He was the complete opposite of himself-....Actually. Now that he thought about it, all three of them were pretty much opposites of each other. Each one having something else to balance them out. They were...almost a perfect set to rebound off one another...He chuckled. Oh how funny fate could be. The other two men heard that chuckle and watched in anticipation as Rouxls finally looked up at them..A small smile on his face.
"I...wouldst liketh to start over very much."...Jevil's face to the regular Jevil fashion broke out in that typical happy grin and his tail thumped against the bed. Rouxls gulped down the rest of his tea and placed the tea cup back down before Jevil latched onto him in his typical hug fashion and burried his face into his side..Rouxls stared at him for a moment before slowly patting his back. Before looking to Seam. "..But..p-perhaps we shall begin a bit more...s-slowly this time?"
...Seam chuckled. Becoming more happy looking and smiling. "But of course. Im glad we could all come to an agreement we all like. And in return we promise not to step over any lines before asking you."
"Agreed, agreed!!"
"But..Duke." Seam gave a small frown again. "Perhaps..You should take the next few days off to relax. You went through quite a lot."
"What?! N-Nay! I still haveth thine ball to helpest with and..and everything else!"
"Topchef, Topchef is a professional." Jevil looked up from his side smiling. "He has cooked in rush, rush jobs before and has succeeded. Why do you think, think I sent you to him in the first place? Trust him. Let him, him perform his work, work."
His brow rose. "And Lancer?"
"Leave him in the care of me for one more day. I promise I shall take care of him."
"But..thou a-also needs rest-"
"My magic supplies me with endless energy. And resting even for a small bit replenishes it fast, fast. Trust me."
"Jevil has a point." Seam waved his hand and the three cups from before disappeared in thin air. "And you must rest before it is my turn to spend sometime with you. Surely you have not forgotten."
"Of course not-"
"Then it's settled. You shall rest tomorrow, and Jevil shall take over tomorrow. Do not worry. Everything will be fine."
Rouxls still looked uncertain..but sucked in a deep breath before letting it out and sighing. He was right. He just had to relax and stop worrying now. See? You feel much better now that you talked about it. You did it. No more cowering or painful burried secrets. And you're ok. His smile became must more prouder and he would've gone to thank himself too-...If a screech hadn't suddenly rang out causing him to jump and look around wildly for the source of the sound. A small blur came sliding in from the opposite shop room and stopped just in front of them!...Oh...It was just Mak. The small child was well groomed and their suit was very neatly tucked in and arranged. Much better from the last time he saw them wear it. Seam chuckled and clapped his paws again at their little pose as Rouxls breathed a sigh of releif. But Jevil blinked...before pointing at them.
"Is..Is that, that my suit?"
"Oh, yes. I forgot to tell you. I fixed it but it shrank in the wash. So I let Mak have it."
"You WHAT?!"
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fandumb-thoughts · 3 years
Chapter 1 - Cerasi, Brown
The first time Obi-Wan saw color was hardly dramatic, much less as dramatic as the holodramas tried to make it out to be.
It was only the one color that he had gained, at that moment, and it took him a bit to realize. In his defense it wasn’t anything easily recognizable or shockingly different, like blue or red might be. It was only slightly different from the normal black and white that he already saw, and rather rare to gain from a soulmate anyways, usually coming along with some other similar color. He had also been rather preoccupied with Master Tahl being as injured as she was, and the blasters shooting at them, and the girl and boy who were firing back.
Obi-Wan had seen brown.
Brown like the mud and the day-old blood mixed into it. Brown like Tahl’s skin even as it waned closer to an unhealthy, waxy pallor. Brown like the dirt smudged on Cerasi’s hand as she reached out in a plea for him to help them.
Qui-Gon forbade him to stay but Obi-Wan couldn’t leave Cerasi or Nield or the other orphans of war that were currently participating in said war in a desperate attempt to try and end it. Not for Qui-Gon. Not for Tahl. Not even for his life—his lightsaber and all he had ever wanted as a Jedi padawan both.
He was on Melida/Daan for nearly an entire year after Qui-Gon left him there. A year that got him very familiarized with brown through dirt and mud and old blood stains.
Cerasi told him that he had given her the sunrise—red and orange and yellow that all blurred together at the horizon. 
“Not the sunset?” he had asked her, one cool morning as they sat staked-out together and she remarked upon his gift to her once more.
“The sunset has a lot of blues and purples,” she said. She could already see those, thanks to Nield. He had given her green, too. “Reds and oranges and yellows, too, but not so much. The sunset is all your colors.”
He confessed to her, months later, that he felt terrible that all she had given him was brown. It had been very late or very early and he felt half dead from a blow to the head. He, Nield, and Cerasi were technically supposed to be strategizing but he couldn’t focus and Nield hadn’t slept in three days so had nodded off and Cerasi was barely coping since the heavy losses they had taken a few hours before.
“Maybe it is because I will live a peaceful life after all of this, and you will go back to being a Jedi with all sorts of exciting new people to meet,” she told him. Her smile turned a touch watery and thin. “Or maybe you will just live longer than I will.”
She had turned out to be right.
Nield blamed Obi-Wan. He blamed himself, too. He had been a Jedi padawan, even if he hadn’t been any more. What use was he if he couldn’t stop someone as brilliant as Cerasi from dying? But Nield didn’t want him there anymore and Obi-Wan didn’t think he could stand to stay anyways, so he called Qui-Gon and pleaded that he had made a mistake.
Obi-Wan didn’t really think the staying part was the mistake, but he’d tell the lie if it took him away from the miserable planet made up of dirt and mud and old blood stains.
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sadienita · 4 years
As Sure As Fate - Part 5
Han Dong x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.1k
Genre: Fluff, Reincarnation
Note: @flyingsculptures it’s finally done! This part is actually just sweet I promise it ends happy! I hope you enjoyed it and I’m sorry it took me like 5 months to finish your gift haha! I love you so very much and I hope you know that I’m so lucky to have found you this time around! I’m very blessed to have you in my life.
2023 - Chicago, US
The fifth time I met you I knew you before you knew me. I found you, knowing more and more that you were wonderful, and yet, I didn’t expect it to be you. So much history tied us together and drew us closer. Like the string of fate...
You suppressed a groan as you glanced at your phone. Why was it that your body insisted on waking up this early, before the sun was fully up? You glanced outside at the dark blue of the sky, getting brighter little by little and you sighed. It was bound to be chilly out this time of year and you were tired but you couldn’t sleep.
You rolled out of the bed and shuffled around, throwing on something warm and glancing back at the warm, comfy bed where your friend was still fast asleep. At least she was getting some rest. You would rather be in her place, especially when you knew this would just make you tired for the concert later tonight.
But as you slipped on your shoes you knew you couldn’t help it. You were restless and your mind was stuck on the idea of taking a walk.
The air was as crisp as you expected it to be, though at least the sky was clear. You stuffed your hands in your pockets as you wandered down the sidewalk towards the water. A starbucks caught your eye and you dipped inside, away from the chill for a moment. The hot coffee that ended up in your hand warmed you from the inside out, seeming to thaw you a bit when you headed back out into the morning.
Your feet carried you towards the water and you didn’t mind. It was something to do and you could rest when you got back to the airbnb, maybe then sufficiently tired to sleep, though the coffee in your hand might have ended up proving otherwise.
You were rarely up this early and though it was quiet, the city didn’t seem to sleep. Cars still whizzed past, maybe on their way to work, maybe on their way home. Taxi cabs sat along the street near the park, idling and waiting for someone to need a ride.
You headed into the quiet park, a jogger passing you, a man out with his dog. A small smile tugged at your lips as you took in the sun starting to peek over the horizon and you found a comfy spot along the railing to watch it. When was the last time you had been awake to see the sun come up? When was the last time you had stopped to watch it?
Something in the moment felt so right, as if it was almost picture perfect. But a strange feeling stirred in your stomach, like something was missing from it all. You’d been feeling that more and more recently, just a thought in the back of your mind, like something important wasn’t there. You tried to ignore it most days but now you were pondering it as the sun inched its way up, little by little showing itself.
Footsteps came closer to you, someone else out for a morning walk. You listened absentmindedly as they moved in your direction, no doubt coming to look at the water as well. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed someone lean on the railing a little ways away from you, sighing contentedly as she gazed out at the same sight you did.
The sun climbed slowly and it drew a smile across your face as yellows and oranges faded to purples and pinks across the horizon, the sky getting brighter bit by bit. The sight was truly stunning and you heard the woman next to you let out a small gasp.
“It’s beautiful,” the words slipped past your lips before you even realized as if drawn from you. You felt heat rise to the surface of your skin in the cold morning as you clamped your mouth shut, hoping she would ignore your intrusion on the quiet moment.
“It is,” she spoke with an accent and it was then that you finally looked at her and felt the gasp leave your lips.
It was early, maybe you were still in bed, dreaming. Maybe Handong wasn’t standing in front of you. That would be more likely. Though you supposed if she was going to be out the day of the concert, it would be earlier in the day, in the morning before she had to be anywhere. And somehow out of everywhere in this city, you had both ended up here.
“Hi,” your tired brain struggled for words as you processed this information.
“Hi,” she giggled.
“I’m a fan,” you mumbled.
“Ahh,” a smile broke across her face as she processed your words. Her happy energy was infectious and it had you smiling just as easily. She stepped a little closer and you tried to do the same but found yourself caught on the railing.
Handong let out a soft “oh” as she spied the problem while you tugged at your jacket. She moved closer and reached for the caught part of your clothes, fingers brushing over yours as she did so.
Both of you froze.
A strange feeling rushed through you, one you couldn’t explain. You felt warmer, more comforted in an instant. Your gaze shifted to meet hers and strong emotions overtook you, a lump forming in your throat and eyes welling with tears as you tried to make sense of the sudden feelings, realizing she was growing teary as well.
“Are you okay?” she sniffled.
You nodded quickly as she stood properly. “Are you?”
She let out a nervous giggle that made your heart flutter and you clasped your hands in front of you, trying to steady yourself and stop them from shaking.
“Oh, you’re…” Handong shook her hands and pointed to yours and you looked down at them, letting out a quiet chuckle at it all, your brain still preoccupied with wrapping your head around it, your brain still sleepy. Her hand’s wrapped around yours gently and your gaze snapped up to meet her.
There were no words to explain the feeling that overcame you. Like a rush of nostalgia. You looked at her as if you had known her all your life, you felt like you must have. Something inside of you snapped and tears started to stream down your face at what felt so strongly like a reunion you couldn’t explain. Handong squeezed your hands in a way she had done a thousand times before and you threw your arms around her, engulfing her in a tight hug as she did the same to you.
“I missed you,” her voice was weak from crying as she spoke.
“I missed you, too.” you hummed, sure you never wanted to let her go again.
… drawing us together. I’ve missed you, my love.
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uci-fanfic-requests · 4 years
Idk if u already wrote this but uh how about a mp100 crossover? Like maybe the escorts end up crossing paths with Regien and mob, and mob tries to exercise them. Do u think exorcisms would work on the escorts?!?!?
Admin Notes: Get ready, wake your psyche up, MOB! Ever since I read the bonus chapter for the UCI manga, I’m not actually sure exorcisms wouldn’t work on the escorts. With them calling themselves “bakemono” and all... anyways! -Admin Hirahara
“Now listen, Mob,” Reigen said, giving his signature suit one last dust off as the two entered an amusement park that had cleared out for the day. “This should just be a small fry poltergeist, but don’t be too distracted just because we’re at an amusement park, okay?” When Reigen first heard of the job to exorcise something haunting a roller coaster, he didn’t really want to take it. It sounded... well. Lame. And the pay wasn’t all that great either, but Mob, being the middle schooler that he was, seemed to really look forward to it. I want to go to an amusement park, his eyes seemed to say. So Reigen decided to be a good guy and take the job, asking for some tickets instead.
Mob, who was just thrilled to see an amusement park, really wasn’t entirely focused on the exorcism part of the job. If he did a good job, he and his friends could hang out the rest of the day to play some amusement park games and ride some amusement park rides. I’m going to do a good job today. Besides, Reigen said that the poltergeist here was just a little one.
The first stop in the amusement park search was the fun house. Reigen explained it that when it came to places like this, the cliche thing would be for the ghosts to hide in a house of mirrors or some clown house. But before Mob even set foot in the place, he thought he felt a strong presences elsewhere - two strong presences elsewhere. He would question Reigen about his decision, but his teacher knew best about these things. So he followed inside, despite his instincts telling him he should have stuck around outside.
“I always thought fun houses were kind of over the top,” Reigen began saying, as the two ventured through the twisty hallways and down some slides. “We’re already in an amusement park, so you would think the thrill comes from the rides. Oh well.” The man talked pretty nonchalantly, and Mob could understand why. The presence he was sensing within the colorful labyrinth was much weaker than the ones that were still roaming outside. Their first glimpse of the purple ghost was when Mob fell into one of the ball pits and grabbed onto the first thing in his reach - the ghost’s tail.
“Hey, you caught it, look at that,” Reigen whistled, putting his hands on his hips. It would be pretty easy for Mob to exorcise, since he already had a grip. But just as he was about to increase his power to perform a fatal blow, the ghost slipped away and immediately flew outside the fun house. “After it!” Reigen declared, first pulling Mob out of the ball pit before starting the chase.
The good news was that, with the park empty and the purple ghost standing out, Mob was very clearly able to follow the poltergeist with his vision. The bad news was now he was convinced that there was definitely two other... ghosts. Or something. Also in the park, and that meant if he lost sight of this little one, it might hide it’s energy and go undetected against the strong ones.
The pair of exorcists chased after the ghost through a lot of the rides - around a merry-go-round, along the tracks of a train ride, and even up on a ferris wheel. But Reigen and Mob finally managed to get it cornered at the entrance of a roller coaster ride. The ghost, who was clearly panicking, suddenly turned to Mob and began speaking.
“Listen, you have to help me out here!” It suddenly exclaimed, surprising both Mob and Reigen. “I know I did some bad stuff, but they really set the top brass out for me!”
“Oh, we’re top brass?” Reigen asked, looking pretty proud of himself. He was clearly thinking of a way to slap that on his website as a marketable point. But the ghost immediately shot him down.
“No, not you two,” the ghost groaned. “They sent people from Enma’s special branch-” but the ghost didn’t exactly get a chance to finish.
“Found it!!” A yell came from the top of the roller coaster arch. When looking up, Mob could see there were two figures standing there - the two stronger presence that he had felt. One of them suddenly leapt down from the tracks, swinging what looked like a shovel downward. The impact of the sharp edge hitting the ghost square on the head made it... well, explode. The person, despite having jumped from such a high point, got to his feet like it was nothing, wiping some of the purple slime off himself. 
“Ha ha ha! What’s this stuff? It totally blew up!” Mob observed this man to have a green military uniform and strikingly yellow eyes. He was unlike any ghost the boy had ever seen, and yet he was still unconvinced that this militant man was actually human. The other figure jumped down as well, this one swinging a pickaxe around.
“...You made a mess,” the other man - this one with lazy orange eyes - stated, looking at the ground. “We were supposed to ‘capture’ it, not destroy it.”
“Yeah, but it was up to no good,” the yellow eyed man replied with a laugh. The other just mumbled something about ‘this is going in the reports’ before giving a sign and staring Mob directly in the eyes. From the expression, it would appear that these two strangers were, for the first time, seeing that Mob and Reigen were right there.
“...” Mob stared back, not exactly sure what he should say. First off, they weren’t humans. So should he exorcise them? But they did take care of the other ghost, so maybe they weren’t bad ghosts. But... if something was haunting the amusement park, wouldn’t it have been more probable that it was these two? While he was thinking all of this, though, the other two seemed to  be having a conversation all of their own.
“Humans can’t see us, so what’s he staring at?”
“Dunno, maybe something cool in the sky.”
“He is a brat, maybe he’s staring at the clouds.”
“Um,” Mob finally opened his mouth to speak. “I’m actually staring at you two.” That pretty much shut up the two uniformed men. They both seemed pretty taken aback by Mob’s very true statement.
“That’s not normal,” the man with orange eyes finally stated. He rubbed the back of his head, as if he was trying to think of what to do. “This is too bothersome to deal with. Let’s just go, Hirahara.”
“Eh, really?” the man with yellow eyes whined. “But Tagami, we’re at an amusement park! An amusement park!!” Despite the whining, though, the other man was already walking away, so the yellow eyed man had no choice but to follow after.
Mob, however, was left there, still staring at them as they walked away. Reigen, who at the time was more preoccupied by the fact that he’d have to clean the ghost off him, didn’t seem like he saw these two at all. So what could those two have been? Mob wondered as even their shadows disappeared in the distance.
“Come on, Mob,” Reigen’s voice suddenly cut through the boy’s thoughts. “Let’s go home and claim those tickets. Oh, and next time, try not to make such a mess when you do the exorcisms.” He thinks I beat the ghost, Mob blinked. He wanted to correct Reigen, but he wasn’t exactly sure how to explain the two strangers.
“Okay,” was the boy’s answer as he followed after Reigen. I wonder if I’ll ever see those two again, Mob thought to himself. Secretly, he hoped he wouldn’t have to. Because things that were hard to explain really made him confused. And he would rather not find out what 100% confusion would be like.
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tsuki-chibi · 4 years
Blackberries (Adrinette April) Day 16: Rejected Heroes
Or see it on AO3: Blackberries 
Zombizou wasn't difficult to find. The Eiffel Tower had collapsed, taking several buildings with it, but Zombizou had not left its location. Instead, she'd taken to standing on top of the collapsed tower and laughing to herself. Just seeing her mirth at the situation was enough to make Tromper twitch, but he controlled the urge to punch the akuma in the face with a reminder that this wasn't technically Zombizou's fault. Their anger should be reserved for Hawkmoth; the occasional purple outline that flashed over Zombizou's face was enough to tell Tromper that Hawkmoth was still in control.
He glanced over at Miel, who was crouched down and staring at the situation with narrowed eyes. Her suit was mostly yellow, with black stripes from her hips to her calves. Her black ankle boots were striped with white, but her wrist-length gloves were solid black. Her mask was all yellow and the antennae on her head were black. Tromper actually thought the antennae were pretty cute, but when he reached out it was to touch the end of Miel's hair. It was gathered back in a low ponytail, not her usual pigtails - perhaps out of a desire to make sure people didn't recognize her as Ladybug.
'I miss your pigtails,' he thought.
'I'll have them back soon,' Miel thought, flashing him a smile that faded all too quickly. This moment was bittersweet for both of them: they’d spent the last few days broken hearted after being rejected as heroes, yet here they were again.
'Not soon enough,' Tromper thought, forcing himself to look away and back down at Zombizou.
"So... what's the plan?" Coccinelle said, a little too loudly. Tromper quickly shushed her. The element of surprise was going to be a huge factor here.
"You need to cast your Lucky Charm. We won't be able to figure out a plan without it," Miel said, backing away from the ledge. She only straightened up once she was out of view. "And we'll have to move fast once you have, because you've only got five minutes until you detransform."
"Then shouldn't we wait until we're already down there?" Lynx said.
"A Lucky Charm can totally change a plan on the fly, and we can't risk that right now. It needs to be now," Miel said decisively.
Coccinelle didn't look convinced. "What if I detransform mid-battle?"
"You'll have your warning system," Tromper said. He tapped his ear when she looked at him blankly. "Your earrings will start a countdown. Five spots for five minutes." Just how little had Tikki actually told her?
"Just throw your yoyo overhead and say Lucky Charm," Miel instructed.
"Alright, cool. I can do that," Coccinelle muttered. "Lucky Charm!" One dull flash of red light later and Coccinelle was yelping in alarm and ducking away from the sizeable object that fell, leaving Lynx to leap forward and catch it before it hit the ground.
"What is it?" Lynx said, holding the red, black-spotted object at arm's length.
"It's a boombox," Tromper said, eyebrows furrowed. Sometimes the Lucky Charms gave out the strangest objects. They all looked expectantly at Coccinelle, who blinked.
"What?" she said.
"You're supposed to figure out what to do with it," Tromper told her.
"It's a boombox? It plays music?” she said uncertainly. "What else would you do with it?"
"It's supposed to help us beat the akuma," Tromper said, his exasperation deepening. Ladybug had figured out her first Lucky Charm in a matter of seconds, saving Chat Noir from being crushed in the process.
"So what, we're supposed to turn it on and hope Zombizou starts dancing?" Coccinelle said, putting her hands on her hips. “That doesn’t sound very likely…”
"No, it sounds flat out stupid," Lynx interjected.
Miel was glancing around with that look in her eyes that meant her brain was moving fast. "No, she's right," she said suddenly. "Not about the dancing part, but about turning it on. I think I know what we have to do. Tromper, you need to cast mirage so that Zombizou is confused. Create a bunch of copies of Lynx and me if you can to cover us. Coccinelle, you have to turn on the boombox to cover up the sounds of us moving. Zombizou has good hearing and she might be able to hear us coming otherwise. Then I'll sneak up behind her and paralyze her, giving Lynx the chance to grab her lipstick and use Cataclysm."
“Wow,” Coccinelle said. “How did you get all of that out of a boombox?”
Tromper felt a rush of pride. "That's my lady,” he said. “She always comes up with the most un-bee-lievable plans."
Said lady shot him a look. "Obviously, you're feeling better if you're back to making puns," she said, but her tone was at odds with the soft relief coming through their bond.
"But wait, what happens once I use Cataclysm?" Lynx said.
"Then Coccinelle has to catch the akuma in her yoyo and purify it. Once she does that, she can cast the miraculous cure. It will put everything that happened back to normal." Miel turned to Coccinelle. "That is incredibly important. You must not let the akuma get away, or Ma - er, the victim could be reakumatized."
"Right," Coccinelle said, wrinkling her nose in concentration. "Catch it, purify... got it." She swung her yoyo too hard to be casual, looking sideways at Miel as she did.
Tromper wasn't at all sure that she did, but there was a bright, excited look in Coccinelle's eyes that suggested his doubts were wrong. At any rate, they didn't have much more time to stand around talking about it. They needed to stop Zombizou as quickly as possible before the whole city fell under her, and by extension Hawkmoth's, control. He took his flute off his back, running his fingers along the length of the instrument. He was far more versed in piano than any other instrument, but he had played the flute a handful of times just for fun.
"Let's do this," he said grimly.
'Good luck,' Miel thought, beckoning to Lynx. The two of them leaped off the building just as Coccinelle's miraculous gave its first beep. She jumped and clasped a hand to her ear.
"I've still got four minutes, right?" she said anxiously.
"That's right," Tromper said. And sometimes he thought even that was nebulous. The five-minute countdown sometimes seemed to pass by in a flash, while at other times it could drag on for twice that length of time.
"Okay," Coccinelle said, her expression smoothing out into determination. She grabbed the boombox and hefted it. Tromper took that as a sign that she was ready. As soon as he received word that Miel and Lynx were in position, he put the flute to his lips and blew several notes that came to him like magic. A shivery feeling ran through him as the flute glowed with orange light.
"Mirage!" Tromper called out, snapping the flute out and down. The light followed the flute, forming into a ball that continued in the flute's trajectory. It hit the ground in front of Zombizou and exploded, forming at least a dozen Lynx's and Miel's. Zombizou looked utterly baffled.
Coccinelle hit the button on her boombox and extremely loud rock music rattled out of it, loud enough that Tromper winced. His fox ears lowered, but he tried to ignore the loud music in favor of watching what was happening below. He could see Miel - the real Miel - stealthily making her way towards Zombizou, who was preoccupied with the illusions. Every illusion that Zombizou touched faded away, but there was a lot of them. Miel came right up behind her without her notice and took her spinning top into her hand.
"Venom!" she shouted, stabbing the tip of her top into Zombizou's thigh. Zombizou screeched in surprise and froze, then toppled forward onto her face. Her lipstick flew out of her hand and went spinning across the pavement. Tromper tracked its progress, watching as it rolled under some debris. Lynx ran after it but lost it, looking around frantically.
"Lynx, there!" Tromper shouted, pointing. "Beneath the concrete, Lynx, hurry!"
Lynx fell to his knees and looked beneath the debris. Then he stretched a hand underneath and said, "Cataclysm!"
The debris dissolved, along with the lipstick. A purple akuma fluttered free, flying up into the sky.
"Now, Coccinelle!" Miel shouted, looking up at them.
"Uh - I purify you!" Coccinelle shouted, throwing her yoyo out. Nothing happened.
"You have to open it first!" Tromper said.
"Oh!" Coccinelle quickly reeled her yoyo in and ran her finger over the back of it, then threw it out again. Tromper didn't dare breathe until the yoyo had snapped shut around the akuma; she pulled her yoyo in again, then touched the back to open it again. A white butterfly fluttered past her fingers.
'It worked,' Tromper thought, his knees weak with relief. Below them, Miel visibly sagged.
'Thank god,' she thought. 'Now tell her to do the miraculous cure.'
"Right. Now throw your Charm up and say, Miraculous Ladybug," Tromper ordered.
And Coccinelle grabbed the boombox and threw it up in the air as hard as she could, shouting, "Miraculous Ladybug!"
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Those Who Fall: “APTF” Story (Modern Domestic Stucky AU)
By the following Wednesday, the family had a new schedule. Despite Steve and Bucky both telling Wanda that she didn't have to, she insisted on making breakfast and dinner. Claiming that she liked to cook. And considering the pair didn't want to ruin this bond they were creating with her, they let her. If she got there first, of course.
That morning, however, Wanda was preoccupied helping Sophia with her hair. Since it was Homecoming Spirit Week for the entire school district, even the younger kids got to participate. Which Steve preferred after the years where the younger foster kids were deeply upset that the older kids got to dress silly while they didn't.
While Bucky made French toast, Wanda stood behind Sophia while she sat at the island. Having twisted the front of her hair into a cone shape and pulled the rest of it into a high ponytail, Wanda secured it with an elastic. Picking up the Little Mermaid brush, she started teasing it.
"You're good at that," Steve commented, watching the pair while he toasted a couple of marshmallows.
Wanda blushed, "I was in cosmetology school."
"Was?" Bucky questioned, flipping a slice of browned bread.
Focusing even further on Sophia's hair, Wanda didn't say anything. Steve and Bucky exchanged a look. Similar to the one they shared when they found out that she had dropped out of high school when she was sixteen and gotten her GED instead. But neither were going to comment on it.
"Do we have clothes pins?"
Steve took the golden mallows off the flame and turned to look over at Luke. Brows furrowed as he answered, "They should be in the laundry room. Why?"
Without answering, the older boy rushed through the house and headed down the stairs to the lower level. Steve was even more confused, but he decided not to dwell on it. Easily redirecting his attention to the sweets in his hands. Making sure that they were cool to touch, Steve walked around the island to Ethan.
The six year old's white-blond hair had been colored red, orange, and yellow with some wash-out hair color sprays. Wanda had already shaped it into a mohawk and now all Steve needed to do was to clip in the hair clips that they had glued twigs to. Four hair clips all together and Steve tried make it seem more organic in their placement.
"Breakfast's done," Bucky declared, setting a plate with a large mound of French toast. Making a silly face for Holly to laugh at, Bucky said, "I'm gonna hop in the shower now."
"Alright, honey," Steve said, studying Ethan's wacky hair.
"Whoa!" Steve heard Bucky say from the living room.
Glancing that way, Steve's brows arched high on his forehead as he spotted Luke. With colorful plastic clothes pins latched onto the defined curls created from the sponge, Luke reminded Steve of a porcupine. A very cute porcupine that any girl would be lucky to date, but a porcupine.
"Okay," Wanda said, setting the brush down. Helping Sophia off the stool, she led her out to the deck where she could use the washable dyes on Sophia's hair.
Steve watched the two for a moment. Wanda had the eight year old cover her face with her tiny hands. After shaking the cans, Wanda sprayed. Not too much, just enough. Making sure that Sophia's hair was just lightly colored pink, purple, and white. Once those were done, she went around with the glitter spray.
As it turned out, Wanda was more than just good at hair, she was good with the kids in general. Even if she had only been there for a week -- tomorrow -- Steve had a feeling that she was there to stay. Or at least he really, really, hoped.
"Do you know how to get hairspray paint stains out of clothes?" Wanda asked as soon as they returned inside the house.
"Um," Steve made a face, "I don't. I usually just have paint colored clothes."
Wanda chewed on her lip as she looked at her protruding 20 week baby bump. Although Steve had taken her shopping, and she had picked out a couple of cute outfits, she still preferred to sleep in the sweats that she borrowed that first night. Not that either Steve or Bucky minded. Steve doubted that Bucky would mind that an old sweatshirt suddenly had paint stains. After all, he had plenty of them to thank Steve for.
"Don't worry about it," Steve assured.
"Wanda, do you want syrup or powdered sugar?" Luke asked, divvying up the breakfast stack.
Wanda tapped her fingers against her small bump and answered, "Both."
Ethan looked up at Wanda like she was a revelation as he asked, "You can do that?" Then he turned his gaze on Steve. As though betrayed, he said, "I want both."
"Oh, no," Steve shut that down immediately.
Personally offended, Ethan slapped his hands on the island counter, "How come Wanda gets both?"
"Because," Steve started and paused. Trying to think of a good enough excuse, he explained, "It's a vote from both Wanda and the baby."
"That sucks!"
"Hey, little man," Steve reprimanded while Sophia's jaw dropped so far that her half-chewed slice of French toast nearly tumbled out of it. "That's a No-No Phrase, and you know it."
Ethan slumped in his seat and pushed the slices of French toast covered in powdered sugar around. Steve took in a deep breath and gave Luke a look. Especially when the older boy was attempted to refrain from laughing. Shaking his head, Steve walked over to the high chair and started feeding Holly.
"Babe!" Bucky called out.
"Honey!" Steve replied, opening his mouth wide and getting the ten month old to mimic him.
"Have you seen that green tie?" Bucky asked, returning to the kitchen.
Continuing feeding the baby he said, "Gonna need you to be just a little more specific there, Buck."
"The light one," Bucky barely clarified. When Steve quirked a brow, Bucky said, "Not the mint green, but the brighter one. The one that Sophia always calls my, 'Happy Tie.'"
Steve paused his feeding to glance back at the eight year old, "Daddy's tie is missing, you have any clue where it is?"
Sophia ducked her chin down to her chest, "Barbie and her friends were having a fashion show."
"Missy, we're going to have a long sit down later. Ya got me?" Bucky said, arching his brows and waiting for a moment until Sophia looked up at him.
"I got ya," Sophia finally answered.
"Good," Bucky sweetly smiled at her before turning to head upstairs to her bedroom.
"Sophia Rose," Steve sighed, gaining her attention. "We just talked about how it's not nice to take things that aren't yours without asking."
"But Barbie needed a --"
"No," Steve shook his head. Exasperated, he reminded, "We just bought Barbie some more accessories a couple of weeks ago." Before Sophia could defend herself further, Steve continued, "Let's make a deal. If you don't take anyone's things for two weeks, we'll go and pick out some holiday accessories. How's that sound?"
Sophia's eyes lit up and she eagerly agreed. Steve smiled, pleased with himself and happy for making his daughter happy. When Holly started getting fussy, Steve got back to feeding her. Having added some mushed up blueberries was a hit. Usually, Holly tapped out of eating her baby cereal by now. So, Steve definitely had to remember this, and wondered how she'd feel about pumpkin.
"Okay," Bucky announced his presence as he entered the kitchen. Tightening the tie's knot at his neck, Bucky asked, "How do I look?"
"So handsome," Steve answered, not looking at his husband as he used the spoon to gather the mush from Holly's face. Her cute little tongue peeking out of her mouth to lick the food from around her mouth.
"Steve," Bucky whined, resting his chin on the top of Steve's head, "You didn't even look."
For a moment, Bucky held Holly's attention as he must've been making silly faces because she started giggling. Her happy laughter making her face red as she kicked her legs in glee. Once it turned into squealing, Steve decided they should get back to breakfast.
"So, ask the kids," Steve teased, earning a poke to his side that made him playfully flinch.
Bucky removed his chin from where it was resting and took a step back, "Well?"
"You look nice," Wanda kindly answered while Luke dismissively said, "Good? I guess?"
"Thank you," Bucky accepted.
"I like your tie, daddy!" Ethan cheerfully replied with a full mouth.
Steve looked over his shoulder at that. Playfully, narrowing his eyes at the little boy and pointing accusingly at him. Ethan's mouth snapped shut, and Steve smiled at the little boy while Bucky said, "Thanks, bub."
"You look handsome, daddy! Like a Ken doll," Sophia complimented.
"Like a Ken doll," Bucky repeated, walking around the island with a small stack of French toast for himself. Sitting down between Sophia and Steve, Bucky avoided the sticky top of the little girl's currently colorful head and kissed her cheek as he said, "Thank you, sweetheart."
Steve glanced back over his shoulder to his husband. Allowing his gaze to run over his broad shoulders, down his chest, and to his lap before traveling back up to Bucky's face. The attractive bastard had the audacity to have a smug smirk on his face with his brows arched amusedly on his forehead.
"You look good, honey," Steve leaned in, so only the brunet would hear, "Real good."
Bucky kissed his temple and whispered, "Tease."
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‘Kiss from a Rose’
"Come on, Rubles! It'll be super fun!" Yang encouraged, trying relentlessly to get Ruby to come to the upcoming sleepover. Ruby rolled her silver eyes for what seemed like the hundredth time. She'd rolled her eyes so much they were starting to hurt.
"Yeah, for you! They're all your friends, after all! I'm not gonna know anyone at the party!" Ruby clapped back. She wasn't much for large parties or gatherings.
"Neither will I. A bunch of them will be Blake's friends, and I've hardly met any of them. But really, Ruby, you should make the scene. There will be tons of cute girls in their pajamas for you to look at. Huh? HUH?" Ruby shook her head at Yang. "Come on! You don't want to visit Blake, even? She'll be disappointed if you aren't there."
It was tough to argue with that. Blake was one of Ruby's favorite people since she and Yang had gotten together, and she made Ruby's sister remarkably happier. Could Ruby really stand to disappoint her favorite faunus?
"Fine... but only because Blake invited me herself. I'm not here to pick up girls. I'm not even sure if I like girls."
"Well, I know you don't like boys. What are you into, then?"
"Video games, weapons, Gurren Lagann, y'know. Cool junk." Ruby beamed as she mentioned her favorite anime. Yang grinned at her kid sister.
"Maybe you'll meet up with someone who likes giant robots and weapons and stuff as much as you do, sis. Blake knows some interesting people." Yang encouraged again. Ruby shrugged as she leaned into her closet to grab some pajamas. She settled for her usual rose-print pants and a top with a Beowolf printed on it. "You'll nab yourself a sweetheart for sure in those jam-jams!"
"Shut up." Ruby blushed brightly, her face turning ten shades of red. "I just want to visit Blake. I'm sure she misses her favorite gemstone." Ruby smirked at her own comment.
Ruby and Yang entered Blake's pajama party in their sleepiest clothes. Yang wore an orange tank top with a yellow flame print and some small black shorts. Blake greeted them at the door, looking stunning in a black yukata shirt and a matching skirt. Her purple undershirt had a Gengar on it, one of her favorite Pokemon.
"Ooh, you brought the kid!" Blake joked as she hugged her girlfriend. She gave Ruby a tight hug as well, grinning at her favorite gemstone. "Speaking of gemstones, my friend Emerald is here. She's adorable, so you should maybe chat her up," The catgirl told Ruby with a grin. Ruby rolled her eyes.
"Geez, you sound like Yang!" Ruby complained, but she smiled through it. She knew Blake meant well, just as Yang did. Ruby just didn't care about dating or anything of that sort. She never really noticed people that much, as she was always preoccupied with weapons or video games. She tried to talk to a girl or two and got along well enough.
Ilia, Blake's chameleon friend, chatted Ruby up for a moment before Yang spooked her as a joke and her entire body changed color. "Cripes! Blondie, I'm gonna wreck you!"
"Come on with it, Scale Face!" Yang yelled as she ran. Ilia gave chase, and then suddenly all of Ruby's progress was gone. The chameleon girl was definitely pretty, especially wearing that rainbow-colored pajama suit. She'd worn an undershirt that read 'No One Knows I'm A Chameleon' also.
Ruby caught up with Blake's friend Emerald, an absolute knockout with a sea green bob haircut. Her pajamas were a silk suit as red as her eyes. There wasn't much for Ruby to talk with her about, though, so Ruby waited for something else to catch the green-haired girl's attention and made a swift escape.
She was just about ready to find Yang and start complaining when she saw a goddess made flesh. Short and petit in a soft blue gown that fell to her knees, this beauty had long white hair tied back into an off-centered ponytail. Her bright blue eyes mesmerized Ruby. She suddenly had a mighty need to be in this girl's presence.
She sidled up to the white queen as subtly as possible... which is to say, as subtle as a brick through a window. The girl noticed her, pausing for a long moment to stare. Could she feel the same? Surely she hadn't been thoroughly hypnotized by Ruby... right?
"Excuse me... have you seen Blake? I need to let her know I'm here." The girl spoke. Ruby's soul left her body for a moment. She had the voice of an angel. Ruby almost forgot her own name for a moment.
"Sure, I can take you to Blake. She's probably near my sister..." Ruby replied once she remembered how to function. She took the girl by the hand, an involuntary action, but one she did not regret. Her left hand was soft and cool, and very comforting. Ruby nudged her way through the crowd of girls until she saw Yang.
"Hey, sis! OH!" Yang instantly assumed something. Ruby shook her head.
"A new arrival looking for Blake," Ruby replied, Blake turning her head at the sound of her name.
"Welcome to the party, Weiss. I see you're making friends fast." Blake told the white angel. Ruby's heart melted at the name. She swiped her hand away when she realized she was still holding Weiss's hand.
"You didn't have to stop..." Weiss told her. "What's your name?"
"I'm... gay." She hiccuped as she realized what she'd said. "I'm Ruby! Ruby Rose! Ruby is my name, not 'Gay', although that's a pretty cool name too, I suppose." Ruby stammered. Yang chortled at her sister, and Ruby rolled her eyes at Yang for delighting in her suffering. "My sister is dating Blake."
"Yeah, that blonde is all Blake ever talks about these days. If it weren't so cute it'd be disgusting." Blake laughed as Yang stuck out her tongue. "So, are you here with anyone, Ruby?"
"Not really. I sort of only came to see Blake... Are you meeting a girl here?"
The angel blushed at the question, as Ruby had blushed while asking it.
"Well, if I might be so bold, I think I just did," Weiss replied, her pupils slightly widening as she looked at Ruby more and more.
"Well, I bet she's pretty great." Ruby winked. The two girls clasped hands and found a quiet area to talk.
The next morning, Ruby opened her eyes as she felt a slight pressure on her chest. She looked around for a moment and saw piles and piles of sleeping girls. Gods, how many girls did Blake know? Two redheads that were sleeping close by stood up and found their way to the nearest bathroom. One had a short orange bob while the other had flowing scarlet locks.
Ruby looked down at her chest to discover a white-haired girl was laying on top of her.
YIKES! Had she and Weiss gotten that close so quickly? Ruby could remember talking with her for hours, and even getting a small kiss. Wow, Ruby was smooth as all get out... or so she wished.
"Hey there, Flower Pot," Weiss told her, yawning and smiling at Ruby.
"Good morning, Snow Angel."
"I'm thinking of going to grab breakfast. There's a small diner across the street. Do you know if it's any good?"
"It's great! Blake's friend Neo works there. She must have had work this morning because she was here last night but I don't see her now." Ruby mused as she gazed out into the sea of sleeping girls. "Wow, Blake must make friends with every girl she meets."
"Yeah, people love her. She's the coolest. So... you wanna have breakfast with me?" Weiss asked, blushing all the while. Ruby nodded, and the two girls tiptoed their way through the mass of sleeping girls. Once outside they let their eyes adjust to the sun before crossing the street and entering the diner.
A girl with pink and brown hair addressed them with a wave. She came to the table and signed them a greeting.
"Good morning, Neo! Wasn't that party crazy fun?" Ruby asked. Neo signed rapidly. Weiss could hardly catch any of it, but Ruby seemed to keep up well enough.
"Uh, I don't think anybody paired off and did... the thing. I mean, I know Yang jumped on Blake the second they were alone together, but I'm not sure about anyone else."
Neo signed more and more, Ruby nodding and laughing. "Oh, Ilia and Emerald were here? Maybe they will be a thing now."
"So, are we going to order breakfast or just chat up this adorable server all morning?" Weiss asked. Neo looked at her sharply, signing the letters 'G' and 'F' at Ruby with a curious face. "Uh..."
"Um..." Ruby and Weiss thought for a long time. "Sure." They said simultaneously. "JINX!" Neo smiled at them. Weiss ordered a coffee while she perused the menu, and Ruby asked Neo for 'a coffee as black as her soul'. Neo brought her a glass of milk, much to Weiss's amusement.
Day 10: Professor or Headmaster FORGET PROMPTS IT’S WHITE ROSE WEEK!
Nah, since I was behind and sorta did a two-in-one for ‘yesterday’ I figured I’d do one for WRW. 
Day 1: First Date / Coffee
Idk if I’ll go the rest of White Rose Week but I decided to do at least one.
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andrewmoocow · 5 years
Steven Universe: The Fantastic Mutants Chapter 1: Fantastically Uncanny (originally posted on January 1, 2020)
AN: After going back to the past to explore the history of Thanos, we finally jump back to the future with this latest and long-awaited installment of the Marvel Gems Universe in the all-new Heavy Metal Trilogy! I'm your darling author Lightyearpig, and we're finally back in business baby! Just as a disclaimer, this takes place a few weeks after Change your Mind which unfortunately means no references to the movie or Spinel. Tragic, I know. But without further ado, let the return of the Crystal Gems commence!
"So nice of you to take us in professor." Rose Quartz thanked a young Charles Xavier as they, along with Garnet, Amethyst & Pearl strolled through his mansion home in Westchester County, New York during the year 1963. "I empathize so deeply with your desires for harmony between humans and mutants. Both your kinds are just so intriguing to me." "And I find Gems a peculiar topic as well." Xavier remarked with a smile. "I have to admit, I find myself endearing to your plights against those Diamonds thousands of years ago. Do you believe they could strike again?" he asked. "I don't think so. Ever since the end of the rebellion, Earth has been in relative peace for millenniums." Garnet responded adjusting her shades. "However, they could strike again if any deeper knowledge of the Crystal Gems reach them." "So Xy, got any cool stuff to show us? Or are we just gonna keep walking around and talking about junk?" Amethyst asked casually. "Amethyst, be polite!" Pearl gently scolded the smaller Gem, but Charles laughed warmly. "No need to be so concerned Pearl." the professor stated. "But there is one thing I've been working on for the past few years. Please, follow me." Xavier lead the Gems to his office, where he pressed a button hidden inside a bust of Martin Luther King Jr. and opened a secret elevator hidden behind a bookshelf. "Right this way now girls." he commanded stepping into the elevator and the Gems followed. The lift slowly creeped down the passageway and then finally stopped at a sub-basement inhabited solely by a helmet and computer-like device, both connected to a large electronic brain hovering above them. "This is what I call Cerebro." Xavier explained. "It's still a work in progress, but one day I can use this to search for mutants around the world and take them in as both my students & future heroes." "Mind if you give us a demonstration?" Rose asked. "I never thought you'd ask." Charles proclaimed sitting down at the computer and putting on the helmet. -- Years later, a far older, wheelchair-bound Xavier took off the helmet in a more modern looking Cerebro room while Wolverine and Mister Fantastic stood by him. "You sure this is still the one Logan?" Professor X asked the Canadian mutant. "I'm sure of it Chuck." Logan replied. "Just say the word and we'll all be there in a jiff." "I would like to research this boy sometime." Reed Richards commented gazing at a video image of Steven Universe conjured up by Xavier's machine. With a press of his temple, the professor telepathically gave out his orders. "To me, my X-Men!"
-- "So what was that Universe child like Logan?" the field leader of the X-Men Scott Summers, aka Cyclops asked Wolverine while the mutant team flew out to Beach City on the Blackbird. "Real energetic little squirt who sees the good in a ton of people, even Thanos." Wolverine answered. "Got a bunch of crazy friends too, like this big square lady who's literally just a pair of tiny girlfriends in a trenchcoat, a purple midget with a whip, some bird woman who had the hots for his dead mom when she was alive, etc." "My stars and garters, what an interesting bunch." the beastly researcher Hank McCoy commented. "Heads up gang, we should be landing in Beach City any moment now." their current pilot Angel, aka Warren Worthington III, announced as the jet got closer. "Please keep arms and legs within your seats as we begin touchdown. Okay Wolvie, where to?" "Just be on the lookout for a beach house jammed into the big statue of a giant woman near the beach, that's all." Logan ordered sitting down in his seat and looking out the window. "See, there it is!" he exclaimed pointing at that very beach house in the distance, only it was very different from when he last saw it. Since he last departed Beach City after the battle with Thanos, the house now had a second floor in construction process connecting to a barely-finished crystal dome, larger windows at the front and two flags outside of it. When the X-Men touched down on the beach close to the beach house, he got a better look at the flags to discover that one of them symbolized Earth while the other was colored yellow, blue, white and pink. "Whew, talk about a chic place!" the cryokinetic Bobby Drake, better known as Iceman, whistled while gazing at the house. "You told us he was just some kid with crazy alien powers!" "Bob, there's so much you don't know about these Gems yet." Logan declared placing a hand on his comrade's cold shoulder when the door opened and out of it came Steven himself. "Hi Wolverine! We weren't expecting you to come back after helping us stop Thanos!" the half-Gem boy greeted the savage mutant. "And are those the X-Men?! Awesome!" "We just need to talk squirt!" Logan hollered back from below the front porch. "And also, WHAT THE F-" -- "You're just worried that I can survive that." Wolverine snarled while hand soap slowly dripped out his mouth. "So you were saying that your dead mom was secretly a space warlord who ditched her home planet for Earth because she was sick of the other Diamonds treating her like shit?" "That's basically it, yeah." Amethyst commented. Also since Wolverine first left Beach City, the Crystal Gems had changed in appearance as well. Garnet's visor had turned orange while the top part resembled a star, the bottom part of her torso was split between red & blue and had copper & tin wedding rings on her fingers. Amethyst now had a black top exposing her gemstone, jean shorts with black stars on them and her boots were white. And Pearl had gained a cyan blazer with shoulder-pads over a teal blue top, indigo leggings and pink flats. But it was the newer members of Crystal Gems that changed the most. Peridot's visor was now a larger butterfly shape, she proudly wore her stars on her chest & knees and her socks were now chartreuse yellow boots. Lapis had doffed a skirt entirely in favor of dark-blue sweatpants held up by a gold ribbon, her top had the upper portion of a star on it and she now had golden sandals on. And Bismuth was now clad in a black vest-like garment over a strapless red apron while her boots & pants remained unchanged. "Well, good to know." Cyclops stated standing at attention before Steven. "Greetings young Mr. Universe. I am Scott Summers, also known as X-Men leader Cyclops." Scott introduced himself. "My team and I have arrived at your homestead with an offer to better your skills under the tutelage of our superior Professor Charles Xavier." "Wait, you mean Chuck?!" Amethyst exclaimed. "Aw, it's been ages since we last saw him! How's he been?" she asked. "Since he last met you Crystal Gems, he took us in as his students before becoming paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair." Cyclops's lover & second in command Jean Grey responded. "I'm Jean Grey." she introduced herself as well. "These are the rest of our graduating class; Iceman, Angel and Beast. And I'm sure you're already familiar with Wolverine." "Anyone wanna tell me who this newbie is?" Logan asked standing next to a green one-eyed Gem with white hair and a pink diamond on her chest dressed in light green coattails. "Forgive me sir, my name is Nephrite." the new Gem introduced herself. "Honorary member of the Crystal Gems at your service!" "She was the first corrupted Gem we fought and as such, one of the first we fully healed." Garnet briefed Howlett. "She's here today because we're in the process of building a place for all former Gem monsters to call home, just like her." "So kind of like our headquarters, where we train mutants from across the globe to become the next generation of heroes." Jean stated. "Wait, there's more of you?" Bismuth asked the telepath quizzically. "I suppose you must've been unaware for some reason." the scarlet-locked mutant guessed correctly while using her mutant powers to read the blacksmith's mind. "Oh you bet I was!" Bismuth replied. "Just a simple case of being bubbled and stuck in a lion's mane due to...disagreements, shall we say." "You mean this creature?" Beast asked observing Lion as he sniffed his blue fur. "How can it be possible? Surely the mane of a normal lion cannot contain anything at maximum length!" Steven however answered Dr. McCoy's questions by sticking his hand inside the mane. "My word, I must learn more!" "Hey Steven, just came by today to help with construct-" Connie announced stepping into the beach house expecting the Gems to accept her help. They were present, but were too preoccupied by a group of mutants investigating them including a blue-furred man holding Lion by the sides. "Not even going to ask." "Am I the only one getting some weird deja vu?" Lapis pondered. "Oh you bet! All we need now is a black hole bomb made out of kitchen things!" Peridot replied with a snicker. "Oh hey Connie, I'd like you to meet the X-Men." Steven introduced his swordfighting friend to the merry mutants. "You must be the friend of Steven I've heard Logan talk about." Cyclops commented shaking the girl's hand. "I am Cyclops. Me and my teammates are here today to test Steven and see if he's got what it takes to be a student of Xavier." "Oh cool! Let me guess, you have a flying machine outside on the beach to take us to your HQ?" Connie asked. "That's how the last few superheroes came to see us." "You are very spot-on young lady." Beast declared opening the door for everyone to leave. "Come now, we have much to discuss in Westchester!" The Crystal Gems exited the beach house where the Blackbird awaited them on the sand outside. "Oh my gosh, your ship looks so cool!" Steven cried out in excitement. "Can I sit in the front?" "Surely. Anything Steven." Scott kindly accepted when they boarded the X-Men's jet and allowed the boy to take one of the front seats closest to the pilot's section while the other Crystal Gems, plus Lion, simply stood around. "Well aren't you just a lucky boy?" Amethyst quipped while leaning against Iceman's seat. "Getting to ride shotgun with the big cheese of the X-Men." "Though I'm not sure if we're ready to let Steven leave Beach City to better his powers." Pearl stated with concern when Beast put a hand on her shoulder. "Do not worry my dear, he's in good hands." Hank declared. "Or maybe not." Garnet announced adjusting her shades. "I fear something bad could happen to him while at your mansion." "Yeesh, Captain Ominous here. Am I right?" Angel snarked as the Blackbird finally took off, heading towards Westchester and zooming away from Beach City. Down below, Greg was ready to drive up to the Temple in his van when he saw the Blackbird flying overhead. "I wonder what bizarre adventures Steven is getting into this time?" he muttered as the jet vanished from sight. -- "And that, children, is how you land a fastball special." the metal-skinned Russian mutant Piotr Rasputin, aka Colossus, declared to a classroom full of young mutants in the Xavier Institute of Higher Learning for Gifted Youngsters. The school was established by the genius to better the skills of the young mutants, build them to be the next generation of heroes and inspire his motto of peace between humans & mutants within them. When the X-Men were not fighting the forces of evil, many of them spent time teaching classes, and Colossus, the leader of the Gold team of X-Men, was no different. "Now then, any questions?" Piotr asked his pupils when one of them raised his hand. "Yes, Mr. Collins?" he stated. "Have you noticed that Kitty's head is poking out of the board?" Russell Collins asked, bringing attention to Rasputin's fellow X-Man Kitty Pryde popping her head out with her phasing abilities, inciting giggles from the class. "Bozhe moy!" Colossus exclaimed in surprise. "I didn't see you there Kitty! What brings you here?" "I came because Emma told me to tell you that Cyclops and the others are coming back." Kitty announced. "Uzhe?!" Piotr muttered before turning to his class. "My apologies students, I have other matters to attend to." he apologized to his pupils as he walked out the door. "Be sure to keep studying everyone!" -- In the foyer of the mansion, the X-Men assembled to welcome back their six famous teammates and gemlike guests. On one side were the Blue Team of mutants. Aside from Cyclops, Jean, Hank, Angel, Iceman & Wolverine, they included the weather-wielding Storm, power-stealing Southern belle Rogue, charming card-tosser Gambit, implike teleporting Nightcrawler, fireworks-tossing Jubilee, the disappearing Shadowcat & her pet dragon Lockheed and the tracker Warpath. On the other side was the Gold Team led by Colossus. By his side were the beautiful telepath Emma Frost, Wolverine's clone daughter X-23, Colossus's younger sister Magik, the fire-wielder Firestar, solar-powered Sunspot, pop singer Dazzler, wisecracking shapeshifter Morph, living rocket Cannonball, lava-generating Magma and the other teleporter Blink. Professor Xavier psychically lifted his wheelchair down the stairs and planted himself on the floor to look at the Crystal Gems. "Today my fellow mutants, we welcome some old friends of mine into our school." he announced. "I'd like to thank Logan here for pointing us in their direction." Wolverine simply rolled his eyes before lighting up a cigarette to smoke. "Without Wolverine, our eyes wouldn't have been opened to the potential of young Steven Universe here as both a student of my school and a potential X-Man as well." Xavier finished his speech with a grin. "Now then everyone, introduce yourselves." "Yo Chuck, it's been ages! How ya been?!" Amethyst excitedly greeted the professor. "Why Amethyst, so good to see you again too." Xavier replied tousling the smaller Gem's hair. "It seems that all three of you have changed quite a bit since we last met." he added looking at Garnet and Pearl. "Along with new additions to your ranks as well." "Astounding! Some humans can choose not to use their gravity connectors!" Peridot exclaimed gazing at the mutant's wheelchair. "And they can also choose to not have hair as well!" Xavier gave a warm chuckle and patted Peridot on her three-sided head. "Quite an observant one, isn't she?" "So what's up with the whole no-hair business?" Lapis asked Charles. "It's just old age my dear." the professor stated while gazing at Steven and Connie meeting the rest of the X-Men. "So you're basically Wolverine's clone?" Connie asked X-23. "Yeah, pretty much." Laura replied deadpan. "And I'm also sort of his daughter as well." "Whoa, you have a pet dragon?!" Steven gasped in amazement while Lockheed perched himself on his shoulder. "Well, Lockheed is more of a weird alien dragon, but you get the point." Kitty replied earnestly. "Which reminds me, can I get a look at your lion?" Without Steven even asking him to, Lion walked towards Kitty Pryde and stared at her for a few moments before bowing his head, allowing her to pet him. "Aw, he's a real cutie." she cooed at Lion. "When and where did you get him?" "It was when I was starting to go on missions with the Gems, I found him in a desert one time." Steven explained. "Ah, sometimes I miss the simpler days when I was just an excitable tagalong to them. Just a new monster with no drama related to my dead mom or other Gems in sight." "Kinda reminds me of when I started out as an X-Man." Kitty regaled. "I was just another student of theirs until I happened to save their lives from the Hellfire Club and that's how I became a full member with both Storm & Wolverine having my back." "Wow, you two are surprisingly pretty similar." Connie observed. "You mean like how we were once eager young sidekicks to more experienced heroes who soon grew into our own?" Kitty responded. "Yeah, that's basically it." Connie replied. "So what can all of you do?" "That's just what I needed to hear young lady." Professor X stated. "I want to see how skilled you and Steven are on the battlefield. Come now, to the Danger Room everyone! Reed and company should be down there waiting for us." "What's that?" Steven asked Wolverine. "It's what we call our training room. Able to simulate any situation that requires any of our abilities." Logan explained. "It's been rebuilt God knows how many times, but it's still the same old room through and through." As the Crystal Gems were led by the X-Men, a female student of the Academy watched them depart and her eyes turned yellow as she eyed Lapis in particular. "Ah, she seems easy to replace." she muttered to herself while her skin slowly turned blue. "Let the mission proceed." -- Happy New Year everyone! I sincerely hope 2020 and beyond brings us more fond memories together, and I also hope I don't procrastinate on every chapter like what happened towards the end of both Secret Wars & Gravity Soul. With that said, just who is that mysterious student and what does she want with Lapis Lazuli?! Well if you know your Marvel, then I suppose the yellow eyes and blue skin should give it away. Anyways, be sure to leave a review and I'll see you next time!
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herteardrop · 6 years
| Fealty | Chapter  1
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[A/N] Hi, this is my first fan fiction that I have published onto Tumblr. I wrote this because of the ever increasing numbers of people who have a special thirst for the purple space daddy. So for all of those thirsty hoes out there, this is for you <3 To start of, this chapter doesn’t have much fluff or love, since I’m going to be writing the background scenario concept..whatever, in which it will lead to all the fluffy smutty stuff later on. Btw if you are one of those Marvel fans who absolutely HATE Thanos, then can you be so kind and just scroll past this. I don’t need your kink shaming here thanks. I would appreciate it. :3
Pairing: Thanos x Reader
Summary: You had always thought that you were born a meaningless birth, you would live a meaningless life, and would die a meaningless death. Being born poor in a rich world is one of the greatest curse in the Universe. For you, it was a fight for survival everyday of your life. The hassles you have endured throughout your life turned you into a merciless being capable of killing without a second thought. It was the only way to ensure your survival until you met the King titan himself. He gave you a preposition to a better life, you would stand by his side and his cause. But only at a price. 
Warning(s): If your sensitive to written violence, than this chapter has a lot of violence. If you’re not, some violence. 
Word count: 1,508
“Now I have become death, the destroyer of worlds.”
The words escaped your lips, barely audible to yourself. Out in the distance was a neighboring planet of your own. What was once a planet, is now just a cloud of debris, hurdling its way to your world. The sky had turned a blood orange, the meteors burning a bright yellow in the sky as it entered the atmosphere.
You thought this was the end; if the huge chunk of what used to be a planet, hit your own, it was all done for. Civilizations and people would vanish. It would become a barren land. You wouldn’t miss your life, it wasn’t the greatest. You spent your life searching for scraps of food in an otherwise rich planet. You fought for your life every single day from passerby harassers, you stole to survive. But you never sold your dignity or self-respect. You swore to yourself that you would rather die of starvation with dignity rather than sell yourself.
You glanced around yourself; there was no difference between the rich and the poor as of now. It was every man for themselves. People’s primal instincts have kicked into overdrive. Death was approaching, and it did not care whether you were rich or poor.
You wished you could tell yourself that this was all natural, that the planets core was just unstable, and it collapsed on itself. You wished you could tell yourself that beautiful lie, but you knew what the real reason was. Rather, who the real culprit was.
It was him.
You’ve heard ghost stories about him throughout your life. They called him the Mad Titan, the destroyer of worlds.
Now you have witnessed, how powerful he really is. What one man could do to this galaxy alone.
Albeit how powerful he was, you were not afraid. You have witnessed true horrors throughout your life, this was nothing. You did not fear death, you embraced it.
You observed the dread among the people, the shrill screams of women and children. The cry for help. It was the end times, you were sure of it. Even the mad titan could not save everyone. Not that he wanted to save them anyway.
“Hey, you!” You squinted at the voice, it was the same men who always hassled you on the streets. They assumed it would be hilarious to pick on the helpless and underprivileged every day. But not today.
They ran at you, only to abruptly stop in close perimeter of you. Deliberately, they started to surround you.
“Give us everything you have!”
You slightly touched your pocket to check if you still had your knife. The man in front of you grew increasingly impatient, he grabbed your collar pulling you towards him.
“Look girlie, I ain’t got much patience left. Now give me your stuff or you’re gonna regret it.” He growled.
“Try me.” You spat at him, he let go of you then stumbled back, wiping your spit from his face. He pulled out a knife, a shiny one at that.
“Shouldn’t have done that. Boys!”
Two of his men seized you from the side, holding you in place. You struggled against their hold as much as you could, but to no avail. The leader of this pathetic group, who you spat on, approached you slowly. The silver knife glinted in his hand. He held the knife up to your throat.
“I’m going to really enjoy this.” A deranged smile crept up on his features.
Your heart raced, the blade slowly dug in your throat, breaking the barrier of the skin. You hissed at the stinging pain. However, the men were preoccupied with watching you squirm, so much that they softened their grip on you a bit.
You took your chance. In one quick move, you brought your legs up and with both your legs, kicked the man in front of you. You then went for the men on the side. You kicked one of them between the legs, sending him to his knees. With one arm free now, you grabbed your knife from your pocket, rapidly stabbing the second guy multiple times in the gut. You then sliced his throat open in one swift swing.
The blood gushed all over you.
You turned to the other men, they were readying their stance to fight you. One had a knife, the other did not. You were not exactly trained in combat, but you were clever enough to now the weak points in combat.
You tried to shake off the giddiness that was slowly creeping up on you. This was taking all the energy out of you.
The man with the knife came forth first, haphazardly swinging his knife at you, in which you were able to predict his swings and accurately dodge the attacks. When you ducked, you took one swing at his knee cap, the skin breaking easily. He fell forward in a haste. You immediately dug your knife into the base of his skull, killing him.
You looked at the other man, your breathing becoming rapid. He stood there shocked for a few seconds before tackling you to the ground. He then proceeded tighten his hands around your throat, you felt the painful squeeze around your windpipe. Your eyes started to water, and your vision started to blur.
Your arms unconsciously searched the area around you for your knife. Once you felt the familiar material of your combat knife, you gripped the handle, pushing your arm out in front of you. The knife dug deep in his neck. The blood seeped through the cut, down your hands and dripped onto your face. The mans body went limp against you.
With all your remaining energy, you pushed the mans corpse off you.
You laid there, in the pool of someone else’s blood. Your heart raced against your chest as your breathing became shallow. You felt the energy leaving your body with each breath you took.
The last thing you saw before you had fallen unconscious was the looming presence of a circular space vessel above you.
 You blinked back at thunderstorms swarming in your mind, the disjointed haze receding to the point where you could make sense of the world around you. Though the edges of your vision flickered and danced, the center merged into a dark metal room. A few lights seeped through from the gaps of what seemed to be the exit door. The dense air inside the room made you woozy, you stumbled with every second step, but you had to reach that door.
Prior to reaching the door, you were pushed back by an unseemly force. You stumbled back, hitting your back to the cold metal wall. The sudden chill jolted you away from the wall. The blinding light crept into the room, reaching the corners of the dark metal chamber, lightening it up.
You looked towards the door and saw a quaint alien, with little to no hair on his head, and no nose. His movements were graceful and elegant. It was quite unusual, but natural at the same time. He reminded you of a frail old man with decades of wisdom imbedded within him.
“Child…” he strolled slowly towards you, he held a small cup in his hands, “Drink this, you will feel much better.”
You took the cup and glanced at the questionable liquid inside. It was a weird dark liquid which seemed to move on its own accord as you tilted the cup from side to side.
The man in front of you stood, waiting for you to drink the liquid.
You took a deep breath, calming your nerves then took a quick swig of the liquid. You almost barfed when the taste hit your tongue. You gave the cup back to the strange man.
“Who are you?” your voice sounded alien to your own ears. It was deeper and more hoarse than usual. “Where did you bring me?”
He took the cup, silently. “Follow me.” he ushered.
You hesitantly followed his lead. Walking out of the room, you started to take everything in. The hallways were somewhat curved, and the colour would have been completely black were it not for the glint of purple every now and then. Upon closer inspection, there seemed to be wires stuck inside the walls, as if the actual material of the wall itself was translucent. The wall itself looked glossy, maybe it felt glossy too.
“Please do not touch the walls.”
You pulled your hand back then made your way back to the man, resuming the escort.
Soon enough, the man led you to a closed double door. He opened the giant double doors, leading you into a great hall.
The very fact that you were sent into a gigantic hall made of rare metals and gems was not what caught your attention. It was the large panels of glass at the end of said hall. And what was outside.
Outside the windows, was nothing but space. You were in outer space. In a spaceship.
The man led you deeper into the great hall, until you stood no further than 5 feet away from a levitating chair. Which resembled more to a throne come to think of it.
Your eyes were focused on the windows, until the throne moved to turn around.
You then realized you were face to face with none other than the Mad Titan himself. And you were in his ship.
[A/N] Ha :D I left it on that note. I might be able to finish the next part fairly soon. Because we’re just getting started. I hope I can get the word count at least over 2000 for you guys till then. Btw my writing sucks, so if you have made it all the way down to here now that you are reading these black bold letters, I just want to say that I love you. And thank you for reading my first published fanfic! <3
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strawbrrysun287 · 3 years
Stupid Candles
It was a daily occurrence. Okay not daily, but it seemed to be happening at least four or five days a week.
A loud knock would echo through the living room before Jungkook would rush to get it. They may live in a nice apartment building but that didn’t mean that some of the kids here didn’t like to snatch packages up in some game.
Before they actually moved in together Jungkook would still grab packages when Yoongi was preoccupied or out but he had no idea it was of this caliber.
What was his tiny hyung even ordering so much of? Some packages felt like there was just air in them and others felt like they were filled with bricks encased in cement. Then of course all the in-between packages.
As Jungkook started to drift off into daydreams there was a knock on the door and immediately his head hung between his shoulders.
Damn Amazon. They always had the worst timing and this wasn’t even the first time they interrupted something. Even if just now he was only daydreaming.
One time he had Yoongi in such a nice pliant state ready to devour him for hours only for a package to be delivered. Yoongi ended up snapping right out of that pliant state cause he was so excited about the arrival of his package, and of course, Jungkook ended up lying naked, face down on their bed for hours listening to Yoongi coo over his cute new stuffed animal set.
With a sigh, Jungkook gave up on his daydreaming and instead made his way to the front door of the apartment. Opening the door he questioned how heavy the package would be this time only to find himself staring blankly down at the nine boxes stacked precariously all the same size.
Tongue poking at his cheek, Jungkook bent down to pick them up carrying the wobbly stack to the small kitchen island.
As he stared at the packages the curiosity got the best of him. He knew Yoongi wouldn’t mind him opening them up because he had before with no qualms from the smaller. And he had to admit, he wanted to know why there were nine different packages instead of just one.
After starring for five minutes he finally decided to go for it. Grabbing a kitchen knife cause he didn’t want to waste time he sliced the tape open on the first box before eagerly opening the cardboard flaps.
An entire box full of short thick white candles. Candles?
Okay, that was a bit anti-climatic.
On to the next box.
A couple of slices and cardboard flaps out of the way and…
Black candles?
There was no way. There was no possible way Yoongi ordered nine boxes of candles…
At his astonishment and confusion, he didn’t even hear the door opening. What he did hear was the squeal of excitement that every package received. Big or little, Amazon or a small business Yoongi fell in love with. Each package always received the same excited squeal and happiness.
“They came in! I was wondering if they would come in while I was out! Hurry and take your banana milk so I can open the rest pleeease?”
“Please tell me you didn’t order nine boxes of just candles…”
Even at his words he still took the bag filled with banana milk and started putting them in the fridge along with the iced coffees.
“It’s not just candles bun. Each box has different colored candles. I got white, black, red, orange, brown, yellow, green, gray, and purple!”
Within seconds all nine boxes of candles were opened spread across the kitchen island with a gleeful Yoongi looking over them all.
“So nine boxes of colored candles? What is the reason hyung? I know you love candles and you have your own business but NINE different colors?”
With a roll of his eyes, Yoongi put the candles down and made his way over to Jungkook who just shut the fridge and wrapped his arms around the taller’s waist.
“Each candle color has a different meaning and use for what I do with them. However, a white candle can actually replace any other color candle in any kind of spell or creation. Just like rosemary can be used as a replacement for any kind of herb. White and rosemary are both used all around.”
The dumbfounded look on Jungkook’s face made Yoongi laugh softly. He loved seeing Jungkook so confused when it came to this stuff because he looked so adorable.
“You know Kook, I could always give you a lesson on these things~ Then you could help me in the office?”
“You know very well if I was in that office with you we would get nothing done. I would be like a bull in one of those shops that only sell little glass trinkets that cost more than my monthly pay. Then you would yell at me to sit down, I would get turned on and grab you, then we would have sex in your office, and that’s a no-sex zone as you have told me countless times… Unless… maybe you changed your mind hyung?”
“Your libido is higher than a literal bunny rabbit you know that, Bun? And no, I did not change my mind. The office is still a no-sex zone because I have too many fragile things in there.”
“You’re the most fragile thing in there, baby”
At his sappy nature, Yoongi shoved playfully at Jungkook’s chest before rolling his eyes and going back over to his boxes of candles.
“And at that, you dork, I am going to go play with my new candles and maybe carve some. I’ve been waiting on these for weeks because there was a shortage on the purple ones and I wanted them all shipped together.”
“Aw come on! I have something even better you can play with?”
“Nah, I think I would get more fun out of playing with my new candles~”
And with that the office door shut behind Yoongi leaving a baffled and pouty Jungkook behind.
Maybe laying naked face down on their bed for hours would become his new normal…
Stupid candles.
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vorepizza · 7 years
Splat Bios!
I went ahead and wrote up some bios for my splatoon OCs! I may rewrite them at some point but I think they're good for the time being. Give em a read and send in some asks!
Malibu: A timid navy blue inkling who moved in with her city cousins alongside her little sister. A step down a wrong alley during her first week in Inkopolis got her captured by octolings and taken to Octo Valley, where she was rescued by Agents 1 and 2, and conscripted as Agent 3. To help maintain their mutual cover, Callie and Marie hired Mali as their assistant. After the great zapfish was rescued and the Squid Sisters went their separate ways, Off The Hook took her for themselves.
Lily: A short inkling with light blue coloration, Lily is very excitable, especially when it comes to turf wars. She met Coral her very first day in the city, when Jaz brought her, Malibu, and Amy to her favorite café, and begged to join the team the tall orange inkling was making, along with Amy to come along with her. Jaz was reluctant to allow it, but Coral welcomed them with open arms and started training them the very next day.
Amy: Amaranth is Jaz’s little sister, with pink hair that she styles up in spikes. She has a giant crush on Annie, but Moe always runs her off before she can make a move. Amy used to be more concerned about keeping her clothes clean in a battle than actually winning it, but grew to accept the messiness after some convincing from her team. Most of the time anyways.
Jaz: Jasmine is a tall, purple, catlike inkling who adores her sister and cousins, and loves to dote on them whenever she gets the chance. Lily loves it, but Amy and Mali always get embarrassed by her excessive affection. She's earned a reputation on the squinternet by climbing or super jumping to hard-to-reach places during battles, as well as sneaking behind enemy team members and taking them out.
Nami: An amateur archaeologist with a treasure trove of human artifacts, Nami is Coral's room- and teammate. Coral loves teasing her about her collection and turning her yellow tentacles red. She used to see herself as the second in command, but always jumps at the chance to go Salmon Running whenever they start hiring, which has put Coral on the lookout for a new member to fill her slot.
Coral: Coral is a tall, charismatic, and semi-popular inkling with orange tentacles. She's earned fame on the squinternet from her montage videos and snapshots, but always makes sure to include her team, even if they're preoccupied with things like winning the battle they're in the middle of. She's rumored to have been seen with an octoling in various spots around town.
Enigma: A former spy and commander in the Octarian army, Enigma is a mimic octopus octoling who led a small squad of octolings to rebel against the Octarians and integrate with Inkling society. They have the ability to perfectly replicate any other Inkling or Octoling in both appearance and voice, but are quiet and a bit raspy as themself. When the Great Zapfish went missing again, they knew it was the Octarian menace, and set out to investigate and put things right, inadvertently becoming Agent 4 in the process.
Maple: A flapjack octopus octoling who served under Enigma and still occasionally translates for her, Maple used to pilot various robots for the Octarians, but after crashing each one they put her in, she was demoted to an octostamp suit. She loves watching all the different kinds of battles the inklings have, but fell down into the subway while scrounging for a spectation snack in an old octarian dead drop.
Iris: An alluring jellyfishling with see-through skin, and rainbow lights throughout her body. Iris can't speak a wish of Squiddish or Octoling, and nobody can understand her dialect of Jelly. Even so, she manages to understand what others are saying, at least most of the time. She used to spend her time in the underground subway system, but stuck with Maple after the octoling fell down on her. Iris is often subject to one-sided conversations from the excitable octoling as they explore the city and the metro.
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facadesmiled · 7 years
A REALLY LONG CHARACTER  SURVEY. RULES.  repost , don’t  reblog  ! tag  10  ! good  luck  ! TAGGED.  @maxabre​ ( thank you mate ! ! ♥ ) TAGGING. Imma tag some of my new followers, so @suitshinigami​, @hackinggod​, @pareidae​, @animaltamerbeast​, @bcwtruckled​, @hypnohatter​ and also @kniifethrower​, @godschose​, @solisnumen​, @moanaialiki​, and... oh heck, whoever feels like it. You go guys. *thumbs up*
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❤ FULL NAME :  Edmund John Clemence Taylor NICKNAME : Joker ( technically his name / alias, since his real one is unknown. ) AGE : 25 BIRTHDAY : April 2nd, 1863 ETHNIC GROUP : English NATIONALITY : English LANGUAGE / S : English, some French and German. Learning Spanish currently. SEXUAL ORIENTATION : Asexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION : Panromantic. Has no preference to either women or men. Basically swings every which way. RELATIONSHIP STATUS : Is normally single, though is mainly dating Beast or Clopin ( @pitroi​ ). CLASS : Circuses don’t really have a set class. Though, as he was adopted by Baron Kelvin, he technically is from a high class. HOME TOWN / AREA : London, England, specifically the East End. CURRENT HOME : the grounds of the Noah’s Ark Circus. Secondary home is the manor of Baron Kelvin.  PROFESSION : Ringmaster and part time clown of the Noah’s Ark Circus, Joker leads his family and enjoys making their audience laugh. Behind the vibrant curtains, however, he’s a kidnapper for Baron Kelvin; he kidnaps children and kills anyone who gets in his way. In the Alive!AU, he works tech and backstage in general at an Opera House in London.
❤ PHYSICAL. HAIR : Ginger, hangs down a little bit past his ears when not pulled up. Tied into little braids at the back, which are bleached at the end and hang down to the top of his back. EYES : A vibrant purple colour. FACE : Very soft and gentle, with little lines around his eyes and corners of his mouth from where he’s been smiling all the time. He also normally wears makeup, though it’s mostly around his eyes. A light blue teardrop made of facepaint droops down from his left eye. LIPS : Average sized, though occasionally covered in some kind of clear gloss. A little snaggletooth can be seen peeking out from the side. COMPLEXION : Not exactly pale, but not exactly a normal white skin tone either. He’s somewhere in between. BLEMISHES : Not really considered a blemish, but he has freckles that he hides with makeup on his face, and is also peppered with them on his shoulders and upper back. SCARS : Generally all around his body. Joker has a missing right arm, obviously. Though other than that, he has a bullet hole scar in his upper left shoulder on his back from where he was shot once on a kidnapping mission. There’s also some cuts on his forearm from mishaps with his swordcane or a knife. On his back as well are general scars from where he’s been beaten, both by Kelvin and by people on the East End. And finally, there’s a small burn mark on his butt from where Jumbo’s fire got.... a little too close to him during a show. TATTOOS : N/A HEIGHT : 6′1″ WEIGHT :  Not entirely sure. BUILD : Average body size, but curvy. He’s stronger than he looks, even with a missing arm. Most of his muscles are in his legs. FEATURES : A skeleton-shaped prosthetic right arm. ALLERGIES : N/A USUAL HAIR STYLE : Pulled back by pins until it looks something like a lion’s mane. A small but hangs over his left eye, directly over his teardrop facepaint feature. The longer, bleached pieces of hair are in small braids and cascade down his back. In the Alive!AU, it’s all short and down ( a little bit past his ears, like in canon ) and the longer pieces have been cut off, though occasionally he clips back his bangs when he’s working. USUAL FACE LOOK : Smirk, casual smile, or a full blown ( often fake ) performer's smile. USUAL CLOTHING : His circus outfit, which consists of a white dress shirt, a ruffled elastic belt that hangs loose a little at the end, a grey and black diamond vest, big yellow bow, black poofy pants with grey diamonds on the side hem, black and white curly toed boots, and a purple coat that adorns his shoulders that has gold trim and diamonds on the ends of the sleeves and bottom. For a full reference, see here and here. When not in his circus outfit, he wears a normal Victorian style suit, as his other job is a butler. The only circus-y thing about this suit is a black and grey diamond bow at his neck- it’s not as big as the one on his circus outfit though.
❤ PSYCHOLOGY. FEAR / S : Loosing those he loves, being abandoned, death, life after death, heights, people finding out what he really is, his family receiving a terrible fate of some kind. ASPIRATION / S : Getting his family ‘ over the hills and far away. ‘ Nothing else matters. POSITIVE TRAITS : Caring, cheerful, joking, helpful, consoling, sympathetic, encouraging, positive in general, complimentary, passionate. NEGATIVE TRAITS : Liar, stoic, full of self-hatred, rarely lets people in, negative in mentality, strict, oblivious, basically a living, breathing, walking facade of a human being. ZODIAC : Aries
TEMPERAMENT : Melancholic: The melancholic temperament is fundamentally introverted and thoughtful. Melancholic people often were perceived as very (or overly) pondering and considerate, getting rather worried when they could not be on time for events. Melancholics can be highly creative in activities such as poetry and art - and can become preoccupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world. Often they are perfectionists. They are self-reliant and independent; one negative part of being a melancholic is that they can get so involved in what they are doing they forget to think of others. SOUL TYPE / S : Caregiver: If you recognize yourself as a Caregiver, you may already have noticed the tendency to put others’ needs ahead of your own. This trait makes it essential that you go out of your way to take care of yourself as well as those around you. Remember that you’re no use to others if you’re not healthy or fit enough to help them. You are loyal to the extreme, and you guard those who are entrusted to your care with your life. Fighting another person’s battles can be important if that individual is unable to stand up for themselves, though you should be cautious not to disempower those in your care by not allowing them to do things for themselves. Your empathy allows you to understand nonverbal emotional signals. This ability will tell you when someone needs your help, and how best to assist them. It is common for Caregiver types to intuitively know what someone needs at any given time. VICE HABIT / S : Drinking ‘til drunk, spiraling into numb depression, holding in emotions. VIRTUES / VICES: Charity, diligence, kindness, patience. / Pride, sorrow, wrath. FAITH : Believes in God, Jesus, Angels, the Devil, ect. No set religion though, just general beliefs.   GHOSTS ? : Definitely. He believes in all manner of the supernatural. AFTERLIFE ? : Yes- and he’s scared of it. REINCARNATION ? : Yes. He feels like a spirit can choose to be reincarnated, if they so wish to be. ALIENS ? :  Maybe? In a modern verse, he probably would. EDUCATION LEVEL : Just basics- how to read and write. He wasn’t taught much else at Kelvin’s manor. Performance style education is high, obviously. He knows his way around the arts.
❤ FAMILY. FATHER : Unknown birth father / Baron Kelvin MOTHER : Karen Taylor SIBLINGS : The first tier of the Noah’s Ark Circus, and the circus in general really. Also, the children at Renbourn Workhouse. EXTENDED FAMILY : N/A. NAME MEANING / S :  The name Edmund is derived from the Old English elements ēad, meaning "prosperity" or "riches", and mund, meaning "protector". HISTORICAL CONNECTION ? : N/A. ( Thanks Yana T. :/ No I’m kidding. Really. I swear. )
❤ FAVORITES. HOLIDAY : Christmas! He loves the joy and cheer, and also giving out gifts. MONTH : November. SEASON : Autumn. PLACE :  London, since that is and always will be his home. Though, he also like Paris! WEATHER : Snow, or a brisk fall day. SOUND :  The bustle as the audience dims down to silence, in anticipation for a show. SCENT / S : Anything that reminds him of a stage. TASTE / S : Caramel! Also cheese. FEEL / S : Being warm when it’s cold outside, the slight heat from stage lights, getting tingly from excitement, joy, fluffy things. ANIMAL / S :  Any and all! COLORS :  Purple, orange, and yellow!
❤ EXTRA. TALENTS :  Juggling, cracking jokes, leading, preforming, singing, playing a few instruments- he can do a lot.  BAD AT : Opening up to people, high wire/tightrope ( he did it once- never again ), thinking things through. TURN ONS : N/A. Asexual, and doesn’t really care for it, regardless. TURN OFFS :  See above. HOBBIES : Attending all kinds of shows ( operas, orchestras, musicals, other circuses, ect. ), reading, practicing his skills, writing small poems or short stories. TROPES : Above Good and Evil: He didn’t care what he had to do, as long as he thought it would save the other children.
All For Nothing: He believed he was protecting his “brothers and sisters” back at the Renbon Workhouse by obeying Kelvin. After he and all the first-tier members of the circus die because of it, Ciel and Sebastian find the Renbon Workhouse abandoned. They assume Kelvin allowed Doctor to kill the children for his experiments with artificial limbs. Joker and the rest died for nothing.
Knight Templar Big Brother: He will do anything for his foster siblings, even kidnap children because his demented “father” makes him believe he’s protecting his brothers and sisters back at the Renbon Workhouse by doing so (although there are actually no children there anymore).
My Master, Right or Wrong: No matter how much he hates to kidnap innocent children and force them to perform in dangerous shows in which they die gruesomely; if that is what his “father” wants he will do it, since he’s still the man who saved him and his “siblings”, and the one supposedly protecting the other children at the Renbon Workhouse.
Not So Different: To Ciel. When he begs Ciel to not kill Kelvin he states that the man is the one who saved them and is helping all their friends at the orphanage. Even if Joker and the others had to do commit horrible actions to further their cause, he still feels it’s right if it gives all the abandoned children a better future. Ciel’s response shows that he understands their need to better themselves, even if it’s at the expense of other people, and replies: “To save your own skins, you obeyed him and sacrificed others… You fought to protect your world. What’s wrong with that? In the end, "justice” is just an official line taken by those in power to serve their own ends. No one’s looking out for others. If you’re careless, you’ll be robbed. There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who steal, and those who are stolen from. And today, I steal your futures. That’s all this is.“ AESTHETIC TAGS : circuses, stages, blood over flowers,  fairy lights, autumn leaves, warm colours.
❤ FC INFO. MAIN FC: Himself ALT FC / S : N/A OLDER FC / S : N/A YOUNGER FC / S : Also himself VOICE CLAIM: Mathew Mercer ( see the BOC dub, here. ) Singing voice claim, Miura Ryosuke ( see the Noah’s Ark Circus musical, here. ) GENDERBENT  FC / S : N/A
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