#I had a lot of fun answering this question Jas
emry-stars-art · 1 year
Question: how long does medusa neil takes to grow?
Like, taking the hands as Andrew's, is it more of a "whiplash because I was petting this baby a month ago and it's now Big" situation or "wait what you're telling this hot mer is that tiny cute thingy I'd found around as a teen?" one
Ok ok so I had just put out “Andrew finding baby jelly neil would be really cute” as like a fun little side thought but now I REALLY LIKE IT AND I WANT TO PUT IT IN THE TIMELINE
so to answer this question: physically? A Sea Nettle mer like Neil I’m going to say takes about 17-19 years to reach physical maturity/full size (which in jellies is pretty far removed from mental and emotional maturity, jelly brains take a good while to develop because they start with so little)
So this. This is what I’m deciding thank you so much @snazzy-jas-z-is-a-fan-of (which counts as your second option, dear galacticvampire)
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And it looks like this:
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@exy-is-sexy medusa admirer 🥰
So Andrew always comes back to the beach (fisherman’s son, they’re there a lot) and always gets distracted going to a specific tide pool housing this little thing he found. Aaron thinks it’s really cool too, their dad is too busy with work down the beach and is happy his kids are entertaining themselves while he gets ready for the day. Of course, yes, he tells them. Very good, finding such a mer in these waters. (He thinks it’s kids being kids. No one’s seen a jelly mer, they’re kind of believed to be extinct if not simply legends. But a little imagination is healthy.)
Then one day, Andrew checks the tide pool and finds it empty of the tiny jelly. It’s nowhere in sight, he looks all over the nearby waters and in any grass or rocks it could have gotten caught in. Nothing at all.
Maybe by the time he’s taken over his family’s fishing business, Andrew has convinced himself it really was in his imagination. His memory serves him well but if he’d convinced himself it was real back then, that would be what he remembered now.
Until he finds a monster washed up on his beach.
(A shot of the process under the cut)
IT DOESNT COME ACROSS IN THE PANEL. BUT I CANNOT PROPERLY EXPRESS TO YOU HOW TINY THAT SECOND NEIL IS. literally I think that is the single smallest thing I’ve ever drawn. Look at this
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That’s me sharpening my 0.3 mechanical pencil to get it small enough to draw the eyes. I just need everyone to know this because I think it’s so stupid and funny. And we all love tiny baby jelly Neil and it doesn’t get ANY tinier than this folks
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justjensenanddean · 2 years
Jensen Ackles Solo Panel | JIBCon 2023 (February 26, 2023)
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‘Happy early birthday’ Jensen: wait is that happening again… oh right it happens every year! (x)
Danneel kept Jensen up last night (x)
JA: I just want to tell fun, different stories with fun, different characters and I hope I am lucky to do this with great people (x)
Jensen was a “serial sneak-outer” as a kid, even did the thing where he’d fluff up a pillow under the bedclothes, then be out all night. For his kids, he’s joking he’ll have a high tech perimeter set up w motion detectors. “and they’ll probably just override the system!” (x)  Jensen, more seriously: I’ll tell them honestly the bad things that can happen, but also that I’ll be there for them always. And yeah I’ll put tracking devices on them  (miming shooting them with a dart gun with a GPS tag ) (x)
Q: where did the name Radio Company come from? JA: we were just thinking that we want to make the kind of music that can keep you company on the radio. And then we were like, whoa, that’s it, write that down!” (x)
Q about new projects. Jensen: Soldier Boy *might* be back (huge whoop from crowd - I don’t think the crowd [or Jensen] realize that Kripke’s already publicly stated that Soldier Boy will be back!) & I just signed a deal for a thing that will be announced next week   (x)
1 new detail re Soldier Boy: Jensen mentioned it as a possibility for “this year”. Could conceivably mean SB pops up in very late S4. The consensus in the Boys fandom has been that SB will return S5, but there’s speculation JA might be involved in S4 finale (just wild rumor tho) (x)
Future projects? Jensen: well if you noticed, at the end of season 3 of #TheBoys, Soldier Boy didn't die Also a new, secret project being announced probably next week (around Jensen's bday) (x)
JA, on new projects: Soldier Boy didn’t die, so that’s an option. I also have an announcement for a project coming next week, but it’ll leave you with more questions (x)
Q: What's next on his agenda? Answer: he basically confirmed soldier boy will be back and then he said he signed the deal (that we leave more questions) recently and announcment should happen NEXT WEEK !! (x)
JA: I’d love to work with Paul Newman, he was a great actor and had a great reputation (x)
Q: what past actor would you like to have worked with? Jensen: Paul Neumann. Great actor, I grew up watching his stuff, supposed to be a good guy (x)
A about fave US cities. Jensen: New Orleans for sure. San Fran. “LA’s just LA”  And there’s a lot of great small towns (x)
Jensen’s supposed to leave but he wants to spin the wheel. It is clearly going to land on Sing so he gives it a not very subtle nudge to land it on Drink (x)
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tobyfoxmademeascaly · 2 months
Dawntrail Postscript: What Do I Think Of It All, Anyways?
So, in the order of “whatever comes to my head first:
1. The new zones: the Yok Tural zones? No notes, they’re beautiful. The only complaint I can come up with is that upper Yak T’el might look a bit too similar to Kozama’uka. Xak Tural is, similarly, very distinct and nice to look at! (Even when its ugly on purpose i.e. Heritage Found)
Living Memory on the other hand… the thematic weight of it being shut down and all the lights going out are undeniable, but I really wish that the shut down state was less uniform. Why is everything made of electrope, with the exact same texture on most of the floors? The volcano island and the nature island still look decent while still holding that thematic weight, so they’d be decent middle grounds to look to. The water island in particular though suffers IMMENSELY from the depowered state just being like. The same few monochromatic electrope textures repeated across a large area.
2. The dungeons: despite only having one death across all the dungeons, hoo BOY was I feeling that increased difficulty. I had a great deal of fun with it, but I do wonder if this is quite the right move, since I’ve seen other people suffer a lot.
On the presentation level though, they’re pretty good! Some great setpieces, especially in Alexandria. Oh god, Alexandria. The gimmick of us running through basically the same place between each boss, as the beautiful Disney-Fantasyland town is reduced to ruins in apocalyptic lightning, is fantastic. And the creepy, mechanical voice getting more and more incoherent as Sphene erases her memories is such a great touch.
3. The scions: honestly. Hot take. I think the twins should have sat this one out. They’re very cute. I know. And its unbelievable for me, the number one leveilleur twins stan, to come to this conclusion. I know.
… But, well. How much do they do, really? Krile is obviously finally promoted to main character, G’raha is there to be Sphene’s character foil, Thancred and Urianger are there to be our rivals and aid Koana in his character development, and Y’shtola MUST enter the plot whenever a hint of the topic of the reflections come up. Estinien’s current role is perfect in its absurdity and I wouldn’t change it for the world.
Yeah, they say they’re here to gain experiences and knowledge that could help in the Garlemald restoration, but, well. Do they really? We don’t hear much of their opinions on how plot events inspire them. Maybe this will change in the patches. I hope so. As it currently stands, the twins feel like they’re in the sour spot between background character and main character.
Zoraal Ja: his post-heel-turn design is SUCH a glow-down. His first design is decked in shining gold and bold green and orange accents and it makes SUCH a good palette against his blue scales. To say nothing of that voluminous feathered crown. So it feels disappointing that he was changed to just various shades of purple with usb sticks stuck to his head.
He made a good enough villain for the second act, but there’s just a bit missing from his character to really make it a Great instead of the Pretty Good it is. Namely, why did he have Gulool Ja? (And also how. He’s the only mamool ja we see in all of Alexandria. My bets are still on either “mamool ja can do parthenogenesis” or “some mad science cloning”). Its a big question that I’m surprised we don’t already have an answer to.
Queen Sphene: This woman has caused me physical harm and I’m only joking a little bit. When I first got into Heritage Found, I was so suspicious of her that I managed to give myself nausea. And to see everybody in the Outskirts seem so happy, despite their entire world being replaced by a dystopian-looking lightning-blasted landscape well within living memory…
Well, I felt like I was going nuts.
(Maybe that’s Alisaie’s ultimate role in the expansion. To make me feel less like I was being gaslit.)
I’m… still not sure what to make of her, actually. She’s obviously quite similar to Emet-Selch and Meteion in terms of story role. Maybe a bit too similar. (We even have the opportunity to make a BACK IN THE DAYS OF PARADISE joke again.) It feels like she tries and fails to meet those lofty standards rather than getting to stand on her own as an antagonist.
Wuk Lamat: oh that’s The Big One, isn’t it. Opinions seem very mixed. Sometimes for understandable reasons, often for absolutely bullshit ones. As for where I stand?
I like her! I was admittedly charmed at first because she reminded me of my own cat, Spooky (she’s got big ol’ eyes, a bigger stomach, and, initially, a fraidy-cat disposition). Her Power Of Friendship antics are great, her exuberance and earnestness charm me, and her and Namikka’s scene in Living Memory legit got me tearing up. She’s silly, she’s pretty, I love her.
Closing thoughts: I won’t lie. This expansion doesn’t live up to the shadowbringers/endwalker duology for me. But, like, of course it doesn’t. I didn’t expect it to. The last two expansions were lightning-in-a-bottle levels of blow-me-away! Nobody bats a hundred, and I think this is a decent enough start to the next major arc. Though there’s one thing bugging me majorly. The first half of the expansion, we have so much focus on the cultures of Tural. How they work together, how important it is to preserve them and their histories. Then, in the second half, we have a whole town subsumed by Alexandria’s displacement via dimensional fusion, needing to change rapidly to not perish in the lightning-blasted landscape. They’ve changed massively, but nobody seems to care. Everyone just says that all the changes made to the town were willing, and that’s the end of it.
Meanwhile, Solution Nine shows no signs of adopting any aspects of the Turalis’ culture except maybe that bit of environmental graffiti depicting a two-headed mamool ja. There’s not even cyber-future taco shops.
i’m praying that this gets expanded on in sidequests and the patches, because otherwise that feels like a BIG thematic hole.
… wait hold on we went the whole expansion without krile teasing alphinaud about her getting to be a pictomancer instead of him. 0/10 (joke)
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bone-evidence · 15 days
Here it is, the first of my PruCan minifics based off of sentences (or prompts) folks gave me! This one was from @the-heaminator, prompt was "COME HERE, YOU DRUNK LITTLE SHIT!"
So here's the thing about chasing an inebriated moose: you're still chasing a moose. 
Instead of through a forest, though, Gilbert was running after his dear boyfriend Matthew through a sea of their partying peers. World meetings were where fun and enjoyment went to die. But the gathering afterwards was a show of what making merry meant to those who were functionally immortal.  
Gilbert would worry about the copious amounts of drugs and alcohol with his name on them in a little bit. For now, there was a stumbling, giggling Canadian sprinting as fast as his tree trunks could take him while he was no doubt seeing triple. Held high over his head was the reason for the chase. 
Matthew had somehow managed to steal Gilbert's chicken-patterned tie, and was now holding it over his stupidly-tall head like a flag of victory. 
"C'mere, you drunk little shit!" Gilbert called after him, jumping over a Lars who was either too high to move or simply not breathing. Frankly, that was someone else's problem. "How the fuck are you still conscious? You were doing shots with Ivan!"
The only response he got was slurred laughter and a spectacular view of Matthew bowling into (and then over) Francis. The full-body tackle did nothing to slow him down as he burst through the fire exit and into the night, with Gilbert hot on his trail. 
Matthew finally stopped in the parking lot to catch his breath. A thin sheen of sweat reflected the strobing neon lights coming through the window, sweat that no doubt had soaked the precious item he'd stolen. Gilbert (who was a little more winded than he cared to admit) attempted to seize the moment of rest and snatch it out of his hand. 
"N-nuh uh. You gotta gimme what I want firssst, Gillybear." Matthew said with a giggle. He straightened up and held the tie higher, high enough that Gilbert couldn't reach it even if he jumped. He wasn't above climbing Matthew to get it, but he uh… he'd need a minute first. Negotiations seemed like the easier option here. 
"Ja, ja, fine. What do you want?"
"A kiss. …Please?"
If that 'please' didn't sound so genuine, Gilbert might have burst out laughing. Matthew, of all people, should have known that all he had to do was ask and Gilbert would give him so much more than a kiss! But, perhaps those shots with Ivan were getting to him after all. Gilbert pulled his face down and peppered it with kisses. He planted his final one right on his lover's grinning lips, and pulled back with a grin to match. 
"There! A few extra, even! Now, are you going to give me back my cock tie?"
Gilbert thought for sure that Matthew had been placated. Surely he was tired from all the running! Maybe he wouldn't be opposed to finding a nice stall in the bathroom to do unholy things in, maybe he could be convinced to flex long enough for Gilbert to do a line off of his bicep… right? 
The pleased grin on Matthew's face turned shit-eating in a hurry. He bolted again, towards the front door of the venue that was open and barely hanging on it's hinges. The answer to the question of how many people it took to break through the door with Alfred holding it closed was 25, by the way. 
"Only if you can catch me first, Gil! Don't think I'm giving up that easy!
"Oh, for Christ's sake- Matthew fucking Williams, get back here!" 
And thus, the wild moose chase began anew.
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glazedsnail · 4 days
We're closing in to the end (not yet there's like at least 4 parts left lmao)
Misery Loved Company
ShanexOCFarmer (♀️) 18+ / swear words/substance misuse/explicit/suicide ideation/mention of abuse/Blood/injury
I know a good fanfic writer links her parts but I don't feel like it tonight I dribbled tea on my chest and that's tea that'll never end up in my belly.
Look at my family waiting for the jellyfishes. I'm taking Jas with me and there's nothing you can do about it.
Look at us all purple fresh and then there's goober with brown hair smh.
(I have a full folder of screenshots that can last me until I actually play the game again) (I had purple hair/green eyes combo before even knowing the existence of Shane this was truly meant to be)
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‘Ok she’s back. Thank you Maru.’
‘I’m back?’
‘The hematoma isn’t new, do you recall when it might have happened?’
‘What do you mean I’m back?’
‘You dozed off a little, Maru got the blood needed. Fern, do you remember anything?’
‘Yes, I mean, yes. I fell face first. What’s this? How do you know my blood type?’
Harvey sighs, I’m obviously being difficult. Maru is softly laughing, removing the empty perfusion bag from the stent in my arm.
‘We have your medical records, on top of having a bank of universal donors if you want to know everything. Now can you answer MY questions? Fern?’
‘My medical records?’
‘When did you fall? Was that before the cut? Do you feel nauseous?’
‘Last night, or early this morning I’m not sure. I’m sorry.’
‘You are in a safe space, alright? Maru thank you again for the stitches. If anyone’s still outside let them know she’s fine.’
The young nurse starts walking towards the door.
‘But no one is allowed in until I say so, is that clear?’
She nods, getting herself ready. 
‘Ok Fern’ Harvey starts ‘I’ll keep you in tonight for observation. But tomorrow we’ll have to send you to Zuzu city for an MRI, alright?’
‘What about my arm?’
‘It was deep, but the shards missed any major arteries or tendons. You’ll get some blisters from the boiling water but’
‘Wait a minute, how do you know?’
He chuckles.
‘Wow you were really out weren’t you? You told us about the glasses and the tea and all.’
‘And all?’
‘Actually that was pretty much it. Do you want to keep the pieces of glass Maru extracted?’
He casually hands me a porcelain bowl with glistening small bits of glass, bloodied gauze, and a pair of tweezers. 
‘I, huh.’
‘I’m joking’ he adds, replacing the bowl on its tray. ‘There’s a bell if you need anything during the night. Anything urgent that is. I’ll phone Gus, see if Emily can deliver you some dinner. Craving anything in particular?’
‘I’m not hungry.’
‘The fusspot special then. Fern you’ve lost a lot of blood, you need to eat. I’ll be upstairs, ok?’
He disappears behind the curtains and I hear the door closing. It’s odd to have a friend turn on their bedside manners…
I feel so silly. Everything hurts so much. And I’m terrified of the town speculations.
Marnie did see it happen, she’d be able to help me dismiss any rumours. Then again, this is the perfect opportunity for her to confirm her narrative. That I’m way too unstable for Shane. 
What a thing to say. Coming to my house, waste my tea, drink my juice. Question my sanity. Forbid me to see her nephew. Nephew who made it clear he didn’t want to see me anyway.
I fall back on the large pillow with a sigh. The stitches are already itchy. The hospital gown is thin like toilet paper. The duvet is too thick. The perfusion stent is uncomfortable. Wait, hospital gown? How long was I out? Where are my clothes?
I’m too upset.
And hungry.
I pass my hand on my tired face. I try to remember what happened and what was said during the panic. I think about Vincent and Jas. Way to traumatise a generation. I carefully touch the bump on my forehead. “I’ll take you to Harvey’s in the morning.” He said. I scoff. Right. I didn’t believe a word he said anyway. That whole date was an absolute disaster. I had no fun, no laugh. Nothing. I faked through the whole ordeal. Comfortable arms? Soft lips? Warm smile? Kind eyes? … I slap myself. Left hand against my forehead.
‘Ow, ouch, oh what a fucking idiot’ I wince, folding myself over in pain. I never want to see him ever again.
Someone knocks on the door and doesn’t even wait for an answer to open. I assume it’s Emily with my food. ‘Ugh Emily I’m so happy to see you. I hope you brought something good, I’m starving. I have so much to tell you, you’re… Oh. It’s you.’
The curtain opened and out appeared Shane, holding a box.
‘What are you doing here?’ I ask, crawling back under the duvet.
‘Emily told me she had to deliver this to the hospital. I knew it was for you, so…’
‘Very professional of Emily I see…’
He puts the box on the bedside table and grabs a chair.
‘I’m not going to beat around the bush, Fern. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I left so abruptly last night.’
‘It’s ok, no sweat.’ I lie.
‘It’s absolutely not ok. It’s never ok. Especially after… the time we spent together.’
My thighs tense up at the reminder. I try really hard not to look at him, lest I see his lustful eyes and sleazy smile on top of me, his sweaty body all over my naked skin.
I shiver.
Well that was an exercise in futility.
‘What do you want.’ I say in the coldest tone I can while my brain showers me with millions of images of me and Shane completely naked. 
Hardly appropriate. ‘I mainly came to see how you’re doing.’
‘I’m fine.’ I cut short
‘Do you mind telling me what happened?’
‘Ask your aunt.’
‘Excuse me?’
‘You heard me.’ I’m bitter. Who wouldn’t? ‘I have no idea what you’re talking about, Fern. Did Marnie come to visit you?’
I scoff. How dare he?
‘Shane, please, don’t piss on me and tell me it’s raining, ok?
‘At least look at me.’
‘Fern, I’m sorry I hurt you. Leaving you there, in the chicken coop I… Well I panicked. I simply panicked. I don’t have any excuses other than I fucking panicked. Remembered how and why I was being so… rude to you in the first place, and seeing how we were now, it just…What if in the end I’m just… reverting back to that jerk… Fern, look at me!’
‘You know there’s a bell I can tug at to get Harvey down.’ 
‘You wouldn’t do that.’
‘Try me’
‘You wouldn’t bother anyone to get rid of me, one, you’re too polite, and self conscious. And two, for some reason I can’t understand you.. Like me? Still?’
‘So you came here to insult me, I see.’
He carefully grabs my heavily bandaged arm.
‘Did you… do that yourself?’
‘I said ask your aunt.’
‘Did SHE do that?’
I chuckle, what an idiot.
‘Yes, actually. She came in and said “if you touch my nephew again I’ll cut your arm, worthless farmer!” and did this to show me she wasn’t kidding.’
He laughs, the bastard.
‘It’s not that far from the truth, you know.’
He stays silent, dumbfounded.
‘W-what?’ He stutters after a moment. I finally look at him. He’s out of his Joja uniform, making me realise how long I did pass out. He looks even more tired than usual. And worried. His cold hands are cradling mine, softly rubbing it with his thumbs. He brings it to his lips and kisses it. His other hand reaches my hair he tucks behind my ear.
‘Nasty bump there.’
‘See, I ended up at Harvey’s without your help’
He bites into his lip and looks down. We stay silent for a while, his hand rubbing mine, and I feel terrible to play with him like that. I, probably, didn’t need to bring Marnie in the conversation, when he’s already confused. ‘I broke a glass, in…Hum, in anger. And instead of, you know, doing the sensible thing like going to the hospital, I spend too long trying to fix it myself…’’ 
He softly kisses the bandages. I remember him seeing the wound and asking what I did, in the panic of it all. I kinda see where he’s coming from. But I’ll never admit it.
‘So’ I start ‘ What did Gus prepare for me?’
‘I actually don’t know, I just grabbed the box and left.’ He hands me the warm lunch box.
‘No notes this time?’ He dares say, in a laugh.
‘Like you’re in a position to make jokes. Aw! Some fried mushrooms and eggplant parmesan. Nice.’
‘So, does he know your favourite too then?’
‘Only one of them is my favourite’ I say, biting into a mushroom. ‘I’ll let you guess which one.’
‘I’m a terrible cook but I’m willing to try.’
I almost choke on my mushroom bite. Who said anything about cooking what for who now. I sigh.
‘He also packed some cookies. Do you, erm. Do you want to join me and grab some?’
‘You don’t want me to leave you alone? You won’t ring on Harvey?’
I laugh.
‘If anything happens, know that I have the power to make him come down in an instant!’
‘What pyjamas do you think he wears?’
‘I can ring to find out.’ I joke, extending my arm to the chord.
He laughs, timidly, and smiles at me. I smile back. I can’t fight it. I shuffle slowly to the side and pat the bed.
‘Come on. Let’s have a cookie sleepover.’
He chuckles and joins me.
‘Aren’t you cold in that gown?’ He asks, looking at me out of the cover, before lifting it for himself. ‘Oh shit that’s heavy duty stuff.’
‘Yeah I barely need the gown at all, it’ll make me sweaty.’
He laughs, locking his eyes into mine. I feel myself breathing heavily, looking back at him. He softly caresses my cheek, my neck, reaches my shoulder and undo the first knot of the hospital  gown. He sighs, breathing heavily too.
‘Harvey could hear us’ I say in one whisper, helping him put the box of food aside and get rid of his belt.
‘I’ll have to keep you quiet’ he says in my ear. I shiver, let him devour my neck, climb slowly, delicately, on top of me.
‘Watch for the stent.’
‘I’ll be very careful, the softest.’ He slowly inserts himself inside of me with incredible ease. He tries to conceal a groan as he feels my wet inside surrounding him, ready for him.
He breathes heavily against my neck. I grab him, letting him fall completely into me. He moves ever so slowly, making me taste every inch of him in a delicious soft dance, punctuated by his breathing and low growl.
‘You ok baby? I’m not hurting you?’
I shiver.
‘N-no’ I whisper back ‘This feels..Ah..Great.’
I fail at concealing a moan. Shane softly covers my mouth with his hand.
‘Shh. You’re gonna get us caught.’ he whispers directly in my ear, moving with the only goal of making me explicitly squeal.
He’s enjoying it. This is outrageous. I’ve never been so turned on in my life. 
‘That’s my good girl.’ He looks at me, still covering my mouth, moving his hips to overwhelm me, forcing me to stay silent. I try to keep my muffled whimpers as down as possible.
He kisses me with such intense softness. I grab the back of his head, kissing him back. My eyes are getting wet from the multiple sensations, the edges of pleasures Shane is balancing me on. The risk of getting caught, the self-inflicted restriction of making any kind of noise, while subjected to the creaking of the bed, the wet sound of our bodies merging, and his slow breathing against my skin. 
I lift my bandaged arm to him.
‘Ha shit.’
‘Are you ok?’
‘Yeah I’m sorry ah.. No, don’t stop… It’s only my arm. I almost forgot why I was there.’
‘Almost?’ He replies, kissing all the free skin he can find. ‘Then I’m not doing a good job.’ he laughs, moving inside me, making me yelp.
‘You certainly are enjoying yourself’ I say between gasps and heavy breathings. ‘Are you not?’ He asks, attacking me with a stronger thrust.
‘Fuck, Shane!’
‘I said: “are you not?”’ I yield, like I’m able to do anything else. ‘I am…’ I grab him by the back of his head, locking him with my legs. ‘ I love feeling your hard cock inside my warm pussy.’ I feel him try to conceal a spasm. Despite it all, it seems I know how to get the upper hand.
I’m overstimulated by his slow passionate fuck, the low sound of his whispering voice.
‘F-Fern.’ he repeats, slowly moving between my legs.
He buries his head in my neck. I bite into his shoulder. Tears fall down my temples as I conceal a scream, barely. I hear him growl, feel him tremble, feel his warmth covering my walls. 
‘Fuck Fern I’m sorry.’
‘It’s ok… It’s ok, don’t worry. No please stay… stay inside of me…’ 
‘I couldn’t…Control anything I’
I laugh
‘Shane it’s fine. Come don’t worry.’ I grab him back to let him fall on me, give him some rest. He works on getting his breathing back to normal, I play with his hair, feeling my heart pumping in my chest. I try to process how we came at the same time, like two stupid romance protagonists. I laugh to myself. After a while, disappointingly, he slips down next to me.
‘Are you gonna leave?’ I try to sound completely disinterested whatever he chooses. After all, about an hour ago I said I didn’t want to see him ever again. Then I saw him again, and invited him on my hospital bed, made him comfortable in between my legs, cried at the overwhelming pleasure he inflicted on me I… I need to stop and reevaluate my convictions. ‘No, unless you want me to.’
‘I guess you got what you came for.’
‘Fern’ He shuffles against me, moving his fingers delicately on my tender skin. ‘I know you don’t believe that of me.’
‘There’s been precedent.’
‘I had no clue this would happen’ he simply says, now kissing my chest ‘It’s certainly not why I came here.’
‘Then why?’
‘I still haven’t had any of those cookies for starters’
I slap his shoulder, failing to push him off the bed. He has no right to make me laugh.
He gains back his composure and sits up. ‘First of all, I wanted to check on you.’ He grabs me in his arms, making himself more comfortable on the hospital bed. He accidentally pushes his shorts, all with belt and set of keys, off the mattress. It all falls in a loud repeating clink of noises. We both brace ourselves, keeping an ear out for “old man Harv’” running down the stairs. Nothing. Fortunately. We both sigh and he continues. ‘When Caroline ran into Joja she was white as a sheet. She was shouting for Harvey. I was trying to calm her down and help her find the doc but then she said your name.  I let her there, and took off. As stupid as it was of me. She was panic stricken, about something that happened to you. I was so scared.’ I see his eyes shifting left and right. The memories of this afternoon are mixing with distant ones. Distant memories of hurt loved ones he’ll never be able to process. He wasn’t there. He couldn’t be there. It haunts him. I grab his shaking hand.
‘And then I saw everyone outside the clinic. Jas ran to me, crying. Penny’s hands covered in blood. I tried to ask what happened, Jas was crying on my shoulder. I got no answers. I had to run in. This.. rush overrode every sense in me, telling me I had to see you now, just in case.’  He’s trembling. I realise he’s having some sort of PTSD episode. I catch him, pulling him towards me.
‘Take a deep breath, Shane. You’re fine. I’m fine. It’s ok.’ I cradle him in my arms, swaying side to side, softly humming. ‘I did tell you about Jas’ parents.’
I nod, feeling the tears gathering in my eyes.
‘And you did the best you could. For her, and for yourself.’
I tightens my arms around him as much as my injury and this stupid stent allow me. ‘I’m fine, Shane. Look at me. All I’ll get is a stupid scar. We’re all fine, ok?’
He removes himself from my arms.
‘I’m sorry, I…I’m not sure what happened.’ He says, wiping his wet eyes.
‘You’ve had to process so much on your own, to keep strong for others, on your own.’ I recall Marnie’s words from this afternoon, asking me to leave Shane alone, for his own sake. Is she right? Would I bring him down? I’m in such a better place than ever before, that’s got to count for something, right? I don’t want to die anymore.
‘I said “how’s your arm?” You’re rubbing it.’ I didn’t even realise I’ve been doing that.
‘It’s ok. Harvey said it looked fine. He even asked if I wanted to keep the shards but he was joking.’
He laughs ‘That’d be kinda cool.’
‘Right? And he just threw them away.’
‘What if he actually keeps everything and has a collection box or something.’
‘Shane that’s so gross’
‘I know but imagine, everything that’s been inside someone’s body! A Pelican Town time capsule, a keepsake of some sort.’
‘So, he’s got shards of glass from me, what else?’
‘Well, I’m not sure how well pumped stomach content would keep.’
‘Oh of course, that night…’ 
I look to the side, to the empty bed in the corner Shane was occupying that night I stumbled upon him on the cliff. Harvey had done a great job preventing Shane from falling to alcohol poisoning. I shudder at the idea of what could’ve happened.
Shane grabs my chin, turning my head to him instead of the empty bed full of bad memories.
‘I’m fine.’ he says, knowing exactly what I was thinking about. ‘I mean, not…”fine”, but, I’m ok.’ he quickly adds, laughing. 
‘Can you stay with me a little longer?’ I ask, nuzzling into his chest. ‘I don’t want to be alone in this room.’
‘You can always ring for Harvey to come down’ he answers with a grin. ‘Yeah, you know what. I might. He seems like a good cuddler. Good night, Shane.’ I reply, turning my back on him and covering myself with the heavy blanket. ‘Don’t forget your pants on the way out.’
He laughs, I feel him shuffling down, lying next to me. He passes his arm under my neck and intertwines his fingers with mine. I’m too stunned to say anything. His other arm is resting on my waist, his hand on my chest. His leg pushes mines to insert himself in between.  I hear him sigh, and he kisses the top of my head.
‘G’night, baby’ he says in a soft whisper.
I’m, err, surprised? Pleasantly surprised that is.
I can’t help but feel bitter. I should have told about Marnie, about what she wants, what she knows, from his own mouth.
I didn’t say anything, I let him make love to me. Ha! Let him. Like I didn’t want it as much, if not more. I let him weaken me, make me laugh, remind me that I fell in love with him. He genuinely seems to not know about Marnie’s little visit. It wouldn’t be his choice. If he didn’t want me around he wouldn’t be spooning me right now.
But perhaps Marnie’s right. I can be a bad influence on him. All my talks about trying to be together and see, were they just to serve me? I don’t know properly why I fell for him. The only certain thing is that I want him happy. Do I want it enough to let him be happy without me? What if his happiness is kept at bay because of me? Every day he’d look at me and know that I tried to kill myself once. I can’t possibly bring him any good.
I can’t choose for him.
He holds me closer, as if to calm my troubled thoughts.
‘Good night, Shane.’ I finally whisper back.
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gingiesworld · 1 year
The Woods (2/?)
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Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader
Warnings : Angst. Violence. Death. Horror. Reader has a penis
A little over a year ago
As everyone had settled into their rooms, Tony and Clint decided to go out for some fire wood. Wanda remained glued to Y/N's side throughout the day.
"Can't we leave yet?" Wanda questioned shyly as Y/N smiled softly.
"If you aren't comfortable by morning, we will leave and find a hotel." Y/N told her softly. The girls all sat beside the fire that was dying out as they waited for the boys who soon came running inside.
"You guys need to see this." Tony said as Clint nodded. "It's so fucking freaky."
Everyone followed Tony and Clint outside. Wanda held on tightly to Y/N's arm, following them into what looked like a log shed. When they entered, they saw a bloodied table and a lot of hunting knives and other sharp objects.
"Who did you hear about this place from again?" Wanda questioned as Tony smiled.
"It doesn't matter but this is cool." He told them.
"Tony, this isn't cool." Y/N pointed out as they brought Wanda closer to them.
"It was probably only ever used to kill animals Y/N." He shrugged as Y/N shook their head.
"Did your friend tell you more about this house?" Y/N asked him as he shrugged. Looking at the different blades, picking up an axe and pretending to weild it.
"No." He said as he swung it. "It's quite heavy." He told them as everyone started to leave the cabin.
"We should leave here Tony." Y/N told him as Wanda went with Nat and Maria.
"Come on Y/N, we just got here." He told them. "Besides, you were the one who said to give it a chance."
"That was before I saw this." They gestured to the weapons on the wall. "I didn't expect to find a slaughter room."
"Come on." He said as he wrapped his arm around their shoulder. "Let's have a fun weekend." He led them back out and towards the cabin. Everyone waited for the two before they went inside.
"Should we make some dinner?" Laura questioned as Wanda nodded.
"Yes. I need something to distract me from this place." She told her as the two headed to the kitchen. Y/N stood with Nat as the others argued with Tony about this place.
"Wanda wants to leave." Y/N told her as she nodded.
"I don't blame her. This place gives me the creeps." Nat answered. "Maria will also be tearing Tony a new one."
"I told her to give it one night." Y/N informed her. "Then we will go to a hotel tomorrow."
"I think we will join you." Nat said as they watched Maria grab Tony by the scruff of his collar.
"I'm going to have a look around. Would you watch out for Wanda?" Y/N asked her as Nat nodded. She watched curiously as Y/N walked passed everyone up the stairs. Walking in every room, the decor was the same. Stained log walls, a deer or bear head on the walls above the bed. It wasn't until they felt an uneasy breeze in the master bedroom. Looking around, checking the window which was shut. It wasn't until they moved the dresser that Tony came up.
"What are you doing?" He asked them as they just shushed him.
"There is a breeze coming from here." They whispered as they felt around the wood, seeing hinges on a small door. It opened inwards, Tony watched as Y/N crawled through it, followed by Tony. The two used the torches on their phones to look around.
"This is just like that outhouse." Tony whispered. Except there were more weapons up here, different kind of old torture equipment.
"We should leave Tony." Y/N told him.
"Come on Y/N. You said it yourself, give it a chance." He reminded them.
"No." They yelled. "Wanda is pregnant and I wouldn't chance losing her or the baby for nothing."
"You won't Y/N. I promise." Tony told them softly.
"Don't make promises you can't keep." They said before they crawled back through the door, heading straight to Wanda. "Where's Maria?" Y/N asked both Wanda and Nat who were in the kitchen.
"She went upstairs for a nap." Nat told them.
Tony remained in the other room, running his finger along the blade of a jagged knife.
"Fuck." He hissed as the knife sliced his skin. Bringing his finger to his mouth, he started to suck on the wound, hoping it would stop bleeding. Not really paying attention to the humming sound and the tingly feeling within him. Completely disregarding the evil aura that now surrounded him.
Wanda was sat in her room, she only had another six months left of being here then she can go home. Her thoughts always drifted back to that weekend. The screams of her friends. The cries of the love of her life.
"You have visitors." The nurse told Wanda with a gentle smile. Wanda followed her out to the family room, it was like a living room, giving off a homely aura. Wanda smiled when she saw the twins and Pietro.
"Mama!" The two squealed as they ran to her, wrapping their arms around her.
"Hi." Wanda smiled as she kissed their heads. Listening as they told her about school.
"How have you been?" Pietro asked her as a nurse took the twins for some snacks.
"I'm getting better." Wanda told him. "I still have the nightmares but not as much."
"That's great." He smiled at her. "So it shouldn't be much longer until you come home?"
"When I'm 100% ready." She told him. "I miss them so much and." She took a deep breath. "I just hate that they're always in my nightmares. Before all of this, I used to have wonderful dreams about them. What our future would be like, but now all I see is their death, hear their screams and I hate it."
A little over a year ago
Wanda and Laura both set the table as Y/N came downstairs. Checking their watch before heading to Wanda.
"First thing tomorrow, we are leaving." They told her as she just nodded.
"Why?" Laura questioned as Y/N explained to her what they had found in the master bedroom.
"We should just leave now." Pepper told them as everyone agreed.
"It is dark out now Pepper. It will be dangerous to attempt to drive through the woods right now." Y/N told her.
"Why don't we just sleep on it." Tony said as he stood at the foot of the stairs. A distant look in his eyes.
"Yeah, we can leave at sunrise." Y/N agreed as everyone nodded.
"Someone needs to wake Maria." Clint said as Nat nodded. Walking upstairs to the room and sitting down on the bed.
"Baby, dinner's ready." She told her, shaking her lightly. In the dark room, she couldn't see Maria's glossy eyes wide with fear. The pale greying skin or the blood. "Maria." She tried again, resting her hand on her stomach. When she noticed that there was some sort of liquid there, she fumbled for the light, screaming at the sight.
Y/N grabbed Wanda and made their way up the stairs with Clint. The three stopped in the doorway, Wanda immediately nuzzled her face into Y/N as Clint went to Nat. Wrapping his arms around her as she screamed and cried out for Maria.
Nat still had the nightmares too, but she never really had anyone to talk to. She would send letters to Wanda, hoping to bring a bit of comfort. The two friends had lost a lot that weekend. Not just their spouses, but their beliefs changed, they saw something that no one had ever seen before. An evil so dark, that no one deserves to find out even exists.
"So, you still get the dreams?" Steve asked her as she nodded.
"I still see her blood on my hands." Nat whispered. "I just, I want to go back in time and stop everyone from ever agreeing to go there."
"I know Nat." He spoke tenderly. "Also, Bucky and Sam are looking into that cabin. We're going to clear your name." He told her as she just nodded. "We will get you out of here."
"Is Wanda still in that place?" She questioned.
"She is." He confirmed. "She is getting better though, it's been almost a year since she checked herself in there."
"Good." Nat smiled softly. "I'm happy she's getting the help she needs. She has lost a lot."
"Both of you have." Steve told her as she nodded. He was right, the two of them lost their loved ones, best friends. Just a lot of people they had considered to be family.
Taglist :@justyourwritter69
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yanderelovlies · 2 years
What about the chubby y/n, who performs on a children's show, performing two roles? A funny clown for young children, who teaches safety to have fun, and the second show, where the sad clown y/n for teenagers, helps them with their experiences and the restructuring of the body, and so on. I will hope that you will answer , this is my own old fantasy, so I will be grateful if you don't ignore it (although do as you want, I like everything you write :)).
Mmmm so like two roles on the same show?? Let me take a Crack hun! I made this more fluffy comforting and with Joseph embracing the role of Jack a little too well in mind.
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When you were first hired to The SunnyTime Crew Show you were supposed to be childrens entertainer. You were a beautiful colorful clown named Tiny Tatters. You knew of the irony of your name, but you couldn't complain when they were signing those pretty checks you needed to survive…..not they would listen to you anyway. Despite that little hiccup you quite enjoyed your job. You taught kids how to safely do tie dye art, and other fun crafts with clothes
However as the show progressed it oddly enough attracted a teenage audience along with a children audience. So as an experiment they made you play the side role of Patches. Patches was the twin of Tiny Tatters, and they never seemed to fit in with the others. So they were often alone, and were only spotted in Tiny Tatters Tailored Emporium when tiny wasn't there. The teens were quick to attach themselves to this character, and through little crafts, and hobbies they were able to teach the Teens good ways to handle emotions, body image, and acceptance. 
They children and teens were not the only ones attached to you it seemed. As some of your female coworkers have pointed out how Joseph likes to watch both of your bits off stage, a smile adoring his features. It was hard to believe those rumors until you caught him yourself one day. During your Patches role you had to look off to the side to grab one of your materials when you saw him. His eyes met yours shamelessly before looking away a blush dusted his cheeks as he chuckled. 
Your head was still spinning from that interaction as you undressed and washed off make-up. The day was long over and yet you could get the way he looked at you out of your head. He looked at you as if you were the prettiest thing he had ever seen. You've never had someone look at you like that. Did he mean it? Or was it another sick joke? Honestly you were scared to find out.
Seemed fate other plans as you sat in front of your mirror in your little dressing room brushing out your hair when a knock came from your door.
“Who is it?”
“Ja-Joseph.” you could feel your breath catch in your throat. You don't know if you can face him so soon. You knew he would give you the answers to the scary question that has been haunting you all day.
However, you also knew you didn't have it in you to keep him standing out there. So shaky sigh you called him in. He was hesitant at first, but he eventually walked into your dressing room. Upon entering he couldn't help but smile. The room was entirely you from the decor to the smell. He liked it a lot. His eyes traveled down to you, and he watched your fidget with your hair for a bit. Seeing as nervous as he was put him to ease as he sat in one of the chairs behind you.
“D-did you need me for something?” making eye contact with him through the mirror was easier than looking directly at him. 
He watched you for a bit longer before he finally responded “yes actually.” He reached over and put his hand on your shoulder indicating he wanted to look at you directly. Nervously you turned to him as he left your shoulder. “I need you for this date I've been planning for the two of us….this saturday.” 
You could feel your jaw drop to the floor. He was interested in…actually into you. You wanted to accept, and throw yourself into his arms, but instead what came out of your mouth hurt both of you. “Are you sure….?”
You watch as his eyebrows scrunch, and his look goes from hope to worry “What do you mean?”
You look down as you feel your face burn with shame. “I'm nothing like some of our other coworkers….or the moms who come to visit you on occasion…surely you could do better?” You hear Joseph stand from his seat as he closes the gap between the two of you. He knelt down in front of you taking your face in his hands as his thumbs rubbing soothingly across your cheeks 
“You know sunshine you should listen to your own advice you give the kids….I think you're beautiful the way you are, and you're the one i want to woo and make mine.” he titled his head down so his red eyes met yours “If you let me.”
You weren't sure what came over you, but you pulled him into a hug and held him tight. This was real. He really wanted to go on a date with you….and possibly more. How could you say no?
“I would love to go out with you…” you mumbled into his shoulder hoping he heard you. He did and he could help but hold you a little tighter.
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graciehart · 4 months
Top 5 Jisbon scenes from each season !! 💚💙
fkdajf;ja;fa thanks for asking me this 😭 I've been so excited about this and I love that you gave me 35 chances LOL (and I'll still agonize over leaving out some)
it's going under a read more because this is gonna be loooooong hehe
——————————————————— 🍦
Season One
1x04 Lisbon teasing Jane — EPISODE!! FOUR!!!!!! I love how she teases him and he just looks back with such a soft smile and she's looking at him and fdkjakf;ja;a gaaaaaahhhhh
1x10 the Truth — This scene is so so so so personal (the whole episode, really) because of my own experience being hospitalized. And all the emotions! The way they look at each other! AAAAH!
1x17 trust fall — I've tried doing trust falls before and have never been able to do it, so the fact that Jane and Lisbon/Simon and Robin can do it? The TRUST!! But also it's the way he's so upset she doesn't trust him and the way he lowers himself to look her in the eye and she can see it's so important to him that she do the trust fall so she gives in!!
1x19 what are you thinking? — This has always been one of my favorite scenes because they just make eyes at each other for literally 30 seconds???? 30 seconds is a significant amount of time for a show!! And she finally gives in and asks him what he's thinking and 😭
1x23 choosing life — Lisbon telling Jane that people need him, Jane saying he should've been dead so that they could get Red John AND THEN SHOOTING THEIR ONLY LEAD to save Lisbon. All of it. SOOOO important. He chooses life, over and over and over. And he chooses her life, over and over and over.
also I just have to mention them in the rain. they are holding. hands. come ON.
Season Two
2x03 tears — Honestly all of this episode, but it's so heartbreaking the way she's trying to hide it and he notices and you see him soften. Like he's always loving with Lisbon but he becomes so gentle when he sees how upset she is. Also the end scene is so cute ("hush!" and Jane peeking back in 😭)
2x06 prison visit — The "I can just hit you with my chair" "I think you'll find it's bolted to the flooooor" exchange is just so them and I really love it LOL
2x09 tiara — Another scene that is just so them. The way she just ignores him, the way he dresses her up... it's such a sweet little moment.
2x11 dance — Listen. I've danced with people before and I have never wanted to be that close to them. It is so unnecessary how tight she's holding him AND YET!!!! Like she's fully resting on him!! GOD!!!! (Also the Caskett parallel 😭)
2x16 if I were dying... — Okay, I have mixed feelings on the whole situation because yeah, he shouldn't have lied, but the way she's so surprised and touched that he wanted to call her (whereas it's obvious to literally everyone else). I wish he had been able to answer and tell her what he would've said... although it probably wouldn't have been the truth
Season Three
3x01 sheep dip — Everything about this little clip. The way Jane turns the tv on over and over. The way Lisbon gets frustrated with him. The way Jane mimics her. It's just so good and I always laugh when I see it.
3x08 crime scene — When Lisbon makes that comment about "if Jane were here, he'd make some snarky remark." Like... the way they influence each other! The way she knows what he'd be doing! The way you know she's missing him and worried about him! Also Lisbon knowing they're his family.
3x12 IT WAS A RHETORICAL QUESTION — Idk why but this has always been one of my favorites, like her exasperation just makes me laugh so much! But this whole episode is so fun, like when he makes fun of the rhyming/rhythm 😂
3x19 ...she was — I love Lisbon watching Jane's tape. I love that it's something I'd expect Jane to do and not necessarily Lisbon and I love the way it can apply to Lisbon as well... but also the "she was" absolutely destroys me every time.
3x23 bomb — There are lots of moments in this episode I want to mention (the dress!!!! angry little princess!!!!) but I think Jane finding Lisbon is my favorite because it shows how much she trusts him. And I love that she tells him she doesn't need him to come but he eventually needs to check on her 🥺
also I just have to shoutout the pocket rocket introduction because it's just sooooo funny the way he says that right after introducing Rigsby so plainly
Season Four
I've basically decided I'm not stopping at five because season four is one of my favorites lolol
4x01 picking Jane up — I just... I love that Lisbon is waiting for him. I love the way they look at each other. I love that Lisbon is literally injured and still picks him up.
4x09 ice cream — they're so 😭
4x10 saving Jane — This is honestly one of my favorite scenes of the whole series. The way she drops the flashlight and just sprints in (think about how FREEZING she must have been, the water was cold and then after she was wet and it was night), the way she's crying, the way she's saying "please..." and the fact that she's his most important person, the person they ask these questions to... AAAGH (also the way he tugs on her jacket when he asks what her name is in the hospital)
4x10 other scenes — Her calling him Paddy 😭 Sitting by the lake 😭 The hospital scenes and then when she challenges him and says "take a drive with me" (also it literally made me spiral thinking about how many places they drive together because I know how far apart these cities are and like... THEY SPEND SO MUCH TIME TOGETHER)
4x15 in the car — I laugh EVERY. TIME. At how she can't just let them go, she has to get in herself, how she just shoves Jane to the side... I love that scene. I love jealous Lisbon so much (I love jealousy in my characters, it's just so funny...)
4x17 I missed you — ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! (also that one tmsource set that is like them after being apart for like... a day)
4x18 tiger — It's just such a cute moment, I can't not mention it.
4x20 pervy perv perv — the way she's called to pick him up, then the way he says pervy perv perv, the way she says that is "profoundly" illegal, and then at the end when he wants to keep it quiet and in the most petty way possible, Lisbon goes, "no." I love this whole episode, it's so funny. I love that she's amused by him joining the play. She's come to just adore all those annoying, pain-in-the-ass things about him <3
4x20 ending — Lisbon is the only one who hears the pain in Jane's voice and she looks up and watches him walk away and I just 😭
4x24 — I'm not even gonna specify for the heading lol this whole episode is insane!! HAND. HOLDING. HAND HOLDING!!!! "Love you." ???? But mainly the church scene. It's so beautiful and also so funny ("I hate you Jane. I HATE YOU." and "okay we are in a church."). When Lisbon says "I have not been sleeping, I've been—" like you can tell how much she cares about him and how worried she is and I love how the rest of the team knows too and are careful about it with her.
Season Five
this has devolved into me not narrowing down... makes me want to go back and add to the other sections... but I won't... lol I truly am trying to keep it to five but some I just have to do more.
5x01 car ride — Okay, I say car ride, but this whole episode I love. I love how jealous Lisbon is. I forgot how mad she is until I went back and rewatched it and it's just... so funny how angry she is. I love her so much, she's so unaware 😭 Also the car conversation. Them dancing around the topic and Jane making fun when she hints at it. GAH
5x02 hospital — it's the way she just automatically goes with Jane. But also them being silly together 😭
5x08 car crash — Lisbon is SO. SOFT. The way you can see how worried she is. The way her voice is so gentle and soft. The way she comforts him. GOD I DIE
5x12 Lisbon's office — The way Jane just automatically sits down and stays with her and helps. The way they know each other so well.
5x13 partners — Another all-time favorite. The way he pulls her in and the way she's so upset and the way he has such a soft spot for her 😭
5x14 poker — I love the way Jane teases her (and that it's Simon and Robin playing). I love these moments of their friendship and all the time they spend together.
5x17 Kansas City — fkjda;fja I just. They're so. I can't. The way Jane smiles at Lisbon as she's singing and how Lisbon forgets herself for a moment. I can't!!!!
5x20 I need you — It's the way he hears it and immediately comes. The way she admits it. How happy and reassured she is when he comes because she knows that she's important, she's his person. (Also I know you love this episode so I don't need to tell you why I think of so many other scenes to include too!)
Season Six
6x02 cleaning Lisbon's face — I mean, the whole thing, but the way he just runs out and is shouting that he needs water, that's the most important thing, and then he cleans up her face... knowing what that must have been like for him... fjdajf;a my heart is exploding.
6x06 saying goodbye — This one's pretty self-explanatory. It's painful but also so important.
6x07 in the hospital — Her saying she wants to stay with Jane 😭 The fact that she would never be anywhere else. GAH
6x08 phone call — Again, all of the episode, but especially the phone call. I love that she has the recording, I love that all he wants is to talk to her (if I were dying I'd want to call you...) and I just... gahhhh.
6x09 Jane's letters — It hurts my heart, but it's so important to me. The fact that he writes her all those letters. That she has a special box for them. That she takes it out like a treat and reads it and is comforted by it. Lisbon's life is so clearly lonely in 6x09 and it breaks my heart and I just love her so much... and it truly does not seem like she dates anyone or anything like that in those two years. She reads the letters and holds onto them and she can't send anything back but the fact that he sees so many things to remind him of her... I could go on and on.
6x09 hug — Her voice is soooo soft when she says "I missed you too" and also she's literally smushed into him!!!! The "nice beard" comment!! The way they hold each other so tight!!! GAH!!!!
6x16 blanket — I have such mixed feelings about 6x16... but I love so much of it. I love that she looks at him and smiles and puts the blanket over him.
literally all of Blue Bird, of course.
Season Seven
I'm excluding "White Orchids" because I'm pretty sure it would be my whole top five. And I'm going to try to keep it to five... gaaaah.
7x06 gift — She kept the pieces. She. Kept. The. Pieces. She put it back together. I think she looked at it and held it and maybe even used it when she missed Jane. She held onto it until it was right to give it back to him. His love language is gifts too so you can see it means so much to him. (Also, again, my love language, so I melt)
7x07 — I know it's cheating but... like... all of their scenes. I love that he asks her if she wants him to come and I love that she wants him to come. I love that her first "I love you" is so her. I love that Jane immediately goes to her old room. I love their talk in the trailer.
7x08 come to bed — I mean. As much as I wish we had like ooooone bedroom scene, I love that we see them in bed together multiple times. It's just so sweet and so significant that Jane is in pajamas and in a bed. Ugh. I can't.
7x09 conversation — I love that this is Lisbon's first casual "I love you." I love that she's stroking his arm the whole time. I love how hard it is for him to say what's going on but that he does it anyway. I just love it so much.
7x12 ring — I love that Lisbon asks about the ring because she's the only person who really can ask about it, but then she apologizes later because she realizes she shouldn't have asked about it (which is exactly why she's the one who's allowed to ask). I love how Tork's comment is what makes her apologize, and I love how protective she is. The way she instinctively straightens up when he starts talking, the way she angrily goes after him and says "yeah, the wife and kid." The way it sort of stops her in her tracks when she thinks about what the wedding ring means for Jane. And then I have to just mention the way she says "don't you ever do that to me again ever" after she got so mad at Jane for not wanting to lose her/interfering with her job. The way she interrogates and says "I don't think you understand how important this is to me" and how much you can see Jane has influenced her. How Jane is more important to her. How fiercely she loves him and is afraid of losing him, the way you just see it so plainly.
okay... that was a lot and I know I left out a bunch, but I really did try to keep it to 5 (mostly). Anyway. I look forward to your comments as always! <3 Thanks for letting me cry about them! (also I think I literally spent over an hour writing this fkjdkal;fj;)
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beachyserasims · 8 months
♡ Intimate Moments | Jasmine & Justin Final Date | GENEVA ISLAND
Part 2 of 2
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* Jasmine and Justin are done with the table of goodies, so they head outside to a pair of easels where they start to paint and chat together.* 
Justin: So Jas, are you happy we are here together in the end like this? Is it anything like you expected it would be?
Jasmine: Well, coming here I didn’t really expect much, but I am really happy that I met you and we ended up together. Did you see us together in the end?
Justin: If I’m honest, I definitely did see us together in the end when we first coupled up, but being here with you now seems kind of like a miracle…
Jasmine: What do you mean by that?
Justin: Well, when I first came to the villa I was completely overwhelmed by our chemistry together. It was so powerful that you even broke up with Blakes for us... But then it seemed like things cooled off a lot after he left.
Jasmine: You’re right… Our passion was intense. I couldn’t deny it, and it scared me a lot… Before you came, I was a indulging on my every selfish whim… But I hurt myself doing that, and worst of all, other people that I care about. I didn’t want to do that again, I still don’t… I wanted to give us a shot at being better.
Justin: But what about Rowan and Sean? If you needed to go slow we could have gone as slow as you wanted… [to himself: We were perfect…]
Jasmine: Its hard to explain, but, it wasn’t just for me. I wanted you to get the chance to get to know other people too so that you would know for sure if I was right for you… And I mean… you obviously needed it cause you had your fun with Judi…
Justin: Jas, you pushed us together –
Jasmine: [interrupting] And Samora?
Justin: [upset] It was never serious with her, and would you care if it were? [flustered] Its just, it’s been so hard being here with you and not really being with you… Waiting for the day that you come back and we could be like we were when I first arrived…
Jasmine: To answer your question, I would care. It stung me a lot to hear you were into her… [sincere] -and I’m sorry for pushing you away. I’m trying to conquer my jealousy issues, but instead I just ran away from something special…
Justin: [sigh] It’s ok Jas… Life is full of lessons, all we can do is try to learn from them.
Jasmine: You always know the right thing to say to make me feel better…
* They hug *
Jasmine: - But I am done running. If you’re willing to try this in the real world, then I am too. I hope that you will be, even after all this…Justin: Thanks Jasmine, that means a lot to me.
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charlottedabookworm · 2 months
Dawntrail Day 2
spoilers up to: lvl 93 msq (including first two dungeons and first trial)
original draft date: 29/6/24
scheduled release for: 27/7/24
time for more msq! only passively leveling picto atm - i ain't dealing with those dps queues - so i'm hoping to reach the first dungeon and trial at least today!
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sorry wuk lamat but you did tell erenville you’d take any way that was available
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awww Thancred’s embarrassing koana
….i stopped literally ten minutes before the dungeon unlock last night
ten minutes
question (that isn’t gonna be answered for a month lol): does who the cutscene mentions staying behijd change? cos i’m on drg and ali is staying behind but if i was a healer would it be alphi? or can alphi or wuk lamat switch out for dps on this trust dungeon?
…they probably just flex wuk lamat or alphi thinking about it
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okay wow hi i hate that
sorry wuk lamat we’ll get you a rest soon let me just drive all over the zone collecting aether currents first
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yeah but neither do your brothers
you heard even koana: he doesn’t see rhe point or ihih’hana when there are simpler ways to revitalise the soils aether. why care about tradition when you can have efficiency?
you want to learn wuk lamat and that’s the important part
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the boy is just so damn pretty
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i don’t care how villainous you are you do not take a seat at a cafe for your top secret villain meeting and then not at least order drinks
fucks sake support local businesses damn it
“As long as you cover my teleportation fees”
“…what is a teleportation?”
I’m dying-
time to get my arse handed to me in a spar with gulool ja ja!
fucking hell i was not expecting that active time maneuver to go so hard
fun fight tho not really hard but definitely has you bouncing around a lot
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that none of them are ready for the throne?
yeah clocked that
but then that’s what this rite is for yeah? to teach them and see who will be ready
sareel ja is giving me major mad scientist vibes ngl
i am very worried about what he’s gonna get up to
maybe the true villain? he’s almost certainly gonna end up tossing aside zoraal ja at some point
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damn she missed
i hate follow quests
doesn’t matter what game just hate
there’s a second one?!?!?!
oh hey! nice!
we haven’t had a race speak a different language since the dragons iirc!
i mean these guys can speak both and are gonna try and kill us almost certainly but! own language!
wait what-
another dungeon already?
i know they do them on odd quests but still it hardly feels like any time has passed since the last dungeon esp when i played eight hours yesterday without hitting the first one
okay i’m digging the music in worqor zormor
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rdm confirmed as a healer class square said it first
annnd valigarmanda is free
i’m not saying i’m blaming bakool ja ja despite having no evidence but
i were fucking right
that has to disqualify them right?
like bakool ja ja has to be disqualified from the rite for freeing valigarmanda right?
koana’s back!
i’d say they were gonna let us do trust for the trial but alphi isn’t here-
zoraal ja? huh
really expected him to have left tbh
maybe trust is back on the table then? but still no second healer (except for healer rdm ali who doesn’t steal the lb)
duty support yes!
i love it when they do this for trials!
….how tf did we get onto this platform? I see no way up in the slightest
yes i am typing this while standing in front of valigarmanda i’m on trust they’ll wait
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no idea if this is a trust trial thing? so you have a chance to learn from your mistakes? or if it’s supposed to be for everyone and it’s only showing on me cos of trusts
but also the trial was fun and can’t wait to see how the extreme ends up
i do appreciate that wuk lamat is basically the only one makinh friends so she’s (seemingly) the only one getting all these golden city lore dumps
flying unlocked for urqopacha and kozama’uka!
so i've been thinking aobut it for an hour or so (dog walk) and it's occurred to me what i found odd about this part of the msq
dawntraal bucks a trend that's been in every ffxiv expansion
we've had at least a single split zone since heavensward (sea of clouds) and two in every expansion since: the peaks and the fringes for stormblood, kholusia and amh areng in shadowbringers, and labyrinthos and thavnair in endwalker
dawntrail doesn't buck the trend here with urqopacha and kozama'uka
but in every previous expansion, those split zones were some of the first, usually the first, zones we visited. we explored half of them. we left and the msq continued on, we visited 1-3 other zones, and then we return once more late into the expansion to explore the other half of the zones. it has been this way in every expansion
except for dawntrail
dawntrail starts exactly were you expect, esp after shb and ew, you start the msq. the msq splits along two paths. those paths introduce the split zones. the msq remerges and continues
only instead of taking you to the third zone, as anyone who'd played the previous expansions would except, dawntrail immediately takes you back
urqopacha and kozama'uka are the two first zones you visit and then you go back and explore the other half and there are still four zones left to visit and i-
i'm really curious as to how this will change things. usually split zones are both beginning and almost endgame zones (usually place directly before the final zone in more recent expansions) so now that they are fully beginning zones what does that mean?
will this be the new trend now or is are they gonna change it up every expansion? is this just something for dawntrail?
idk and it probably means absolutely nothing but it's interesting
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leasthaunted · 2 years
Unanswered Ouija Questions. 
Chances are, that you know what a Ouija Board is, or that you possibly have had a Ouija Board experience. For many people it probably involves a sleep over at a friend's house. Everyone has been up far later than they may have ever been up before. Caffeinated soda courses through their veins, and tiny little youthful powerhouse pancreases pump out enough insulin to counteract the near criminal doses of processed sugars and junk foods.
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"Look Upon my works ye mighty, and get the insulin."
At some point, possibly after the youngest and weakest has passed out, and their hand has been placed in a bowl of tepid water, someone will suggest busting out the Ouija Board to try and "talk to a ghost".
What follows is a lot of laughing, giggling, accusations of "moving it", and at least one kid getting a story about that time the spirit of a sixteen year old pioneer boy told them that they would definitely marry JTT someday and live on a horse ranch.
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He's so dreamy...
Or maybe, your dead grandma comes through to tell you that she is burning in hell, and that all of your dead relatives are very disappointed in your unhealthy obsession with JTT, and could you just let the whole "horse thing" go?
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Neigh, Grandma. Neigh.
Anyway, The Ouija Board, or Spirit Board, is a parlor novelty game that came out of the Spiritualist Movement in the late 1800's, with the first "Talking Board" being marketed on July 1st 1890 by businessmen Elijah Bond. In 1901 it would be marketed under the name Ouija, which is a portmanteau of the French Word Oui (yes), and the German Ja (Yes). So a "Yes-Yes" Board basically. It was a painted board of wood.
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I've got wood, YES! YES!
Although it would not be until around the time of World War I that it would be directly linked with the occult. Up until then it was regarded as just a fun party game. Eventually, the rights to the game would fall into the hands of Hasbro. As does everything...
For me, my first real encounter with the Ouija was probably around the year 1999. My older sister, who was eighteen at the time, had just moved into what would become known as "Spooky House" (Least Haunted Podcast Episode 03: Spooky House) And it was around this time that she really got into spiritual stuff and "The Craft"
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The film that helped launch a million goth chick "Wiccans"
But this isn't really about that per se. It is about the specific Ouija Board that she bought for herself at that time, and which she would eventually leave behind when she moved out. The Ouija board that I inherited when I moved into the house after her. The Glow in The Dark Ouija Board released by Parker Brothers in 1998.
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Bought from a regular old non-haunted Toys 'R' Us!
And also I lied again. This isn't really about that board at all. It's actually about the TV Commercial that advertised that board. Specifically it is about the questions left hanging by that commercial, and my quest to finally get some god damned answers.
All of the power of the eldritch occult universe. All the questions of a bunch of stupid horny preteens.
To accomplish this I dug the old board out of storage. Admittedly it could have been stowed with a little bit more care for an allegedly evil object, if those in the religious right are to be believed. What came out of the cardboard box 23 years ago was a flat piece of printed cardboard. What I dug out of storage was a slightly warped, and rat piss stained rectangle of moldering cardboard. But it still glowed!
I realized that in order to keep to the spirit of the endeavor, it was only right to use the actual item advertised in solving the mysteries of its own marketing campaign.
I got some apropri.... I mean, some thematically relevant dribbly candles. I made sure to leave the board under my table lamp for a good twenty minutes to charge it up, then turned off the lights, lit the candles, scootched in close, and nervously put my hands on the planchette.
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FYI it's called a Planchette.
"Are there any spirits here with me now?" I asked. For about twenty seconds I kept my fingers on the planchette waiting for something to happen. And just as I was about ready to give up, I felt the subtle tug as the planchette began to glide on felt tipped feet toward the green-glow illuminated word YES. Holy Shit. Contact!
I won't bore you with the details of getting to know my new spirit familiar. Long story short, they claimed to be the spirit of a former school teacher from rural Nebraska named Gina who tragically died when their car rolled over in a tornado in 1918, blah, blah, blah...
"Look, Gina, I didn't come here for your life story! I came here for answers!" I said, "Have you seen the 1998 commercial for the glow in the dark Ouija board?" The planchette circled the board uncertainly for a few seconds... NO.
What followed was me educating a ghost about what a Ouija board was, what television was, who JTT was, and eventually explaining the idea of Youtube. I played the above commercial to the seemingly empty room, and then placed my fingers back to the Planchette,
"Okay, now that we are on the same page, I have some questions about that commercial I want Answered!". The plastic glowing thing that looks like a spade slowly started to move... O....K...
QUESTION ONE: Is Jake going to ask me to the dance?
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So, the commercial starts with this girl here. We'll call her "Tina", and she wants to know if "Jake" is going to ask her to the dance. Already the commercial pulls us in with drama and romance. It gets us invested in the first two seconds. And I want to know,
"Gina, did Jake ask her to the dance?"
Oh thank god. I let out a sigh of relief. That's really good to know, "Did they have a good time?"
What a dick! I can't believe he would do that to her!
QUESTION 2: How old will I be when I get a car?
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We'll call this one Sheila, and she wants to know how old she will be when she gets a car. Now, some might think that using a literal necronomic device of untold power such as a Ouija board to ask such a frivolous question would be a waste of time, and that is exactly what Gina told me too. But I came here for answers damn it! Not to listen to the logical reasonings of a ghost lady who didn't have enough sense to not be driving around in a tornado, so...
Sweet deal! What happened to it?
Was Doug okay?
QUESTION 3: Will I go out with Adam?
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Adam better watch out, because this gal is gonna get him! Or will she?
That's too bad.
I was delighted at the happy ending, the cleaver pun, and surprised at the fact that although I had to explain what television and Youtube were, Gina apparently knew what Etsy was?
QUESTION 4: Get a tattoo?
The next question didn't have a face to pair it with, but a voice asks if they should "get a tattoo?" So I asked Gina,
Should I get a tattoo?
Cool. Cool. Cool. What should it be?
This can happen sometimes with Ouija boards. The spirits can get confused and give you seemingly nonsensical answers. But just to be on the safe side, I'm going to get a Donkey tattooed on one ass cheek, and a Tiger on the other. That should appease the spirits. Just in case.
QUESTION 5: Eat bacon?
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Alright this question pulls us back into the drama filled narrative of these hopeless children's lives. This girl asks the seemingly innocent question of, "Should I eat bacon?" And that seems like a silly question on the surface. But for all we know this child is struggling with some deep rooted existential dread shit. Maybe she was raised Kosher, or Halal? Maybe she is questioning her whole identity and place in a family and world to which she feels increasingly disconnected from more and more each day?
Every morning she gets up, and gets ready for school. She numbly picks out her clothes, and goes through the motions. Inside she is a ball of turmoil, hormones, and self doubt. She brushes her teeth mechanically as dead eyes stare back at her in the mirror. You used to be so happy, she mentally tells her self, what happened? She spits out the toothpaste into the sink, and watches it swirl down the drain in a metaphor for her life. Quickly she wipes away an unshed tear before it can ruin what little makeup she has put on. The small amount of makeup that she puts on just so she can feel like she fits in amongst her so called "friends".
Lately she has been looking for any small way to claim some control of her life. Some small token act of rebellion that she can partake in, to scream in a silent way to the universe, I am here! I am my own person! I don't have to be what they tell me to be!
She decides that going against her family's strict dietary tyranny would be an adequate first step. But she is still a little unsure of herself. Mayhaps the illustrious Parker Brothers and their magic divination board can help her decide?
Should she eat bacon?
Another happy ending!
QUESTION 6: Will our parents ever let us stay up past ten O'clock?
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Well this question is just ridiculous! And honestly the question I care least about having answered. But I ask anyway,
"Gina, did their parents ever let them stay up past ten?"
And with that the planchet goes unresponsive. My sojourn into the world of the paranormal and TV commercials had come to an end. I turn the lights back on and blow out the candles. I look at the warped piece of cardboard in my hands and think about all of life'e unanswered questions.
It is fun to think about the "what if" questions that permeate our lives. Everyday we are presented with countless little questions which will never be answered. Some are more important that others, but that seeming importance doesn't mean that they are anymore likely to be answered than the more frivolous questions. Life doesn't work that way.
I can't lie and say it wouldn't be great if I could actually use a simple piece of cardboard to get the answers I seek or want. And If the board really could be used to communicate with the dead, I wouldn't actually use it to explore the world of a TV commercial selling a stupid party game in the late 90's.
No, I would probably use it to talk to the sister who bought the board in the first place. To once again have a conversation with my missing best friend and role model. I'd want her to tell me about how excited she was when her "Jake" asked her to the dance, and if she had a good time?
I'd want to know all about how she felt when she got to drive her first car? It wasn't a Nissan Stanza, it was a 1986 Ford Mustang. And I want to know what kinds of thoughts went through her head as she experienced the freedom of the open road at 16.
I'd want to hear the story of her first tattoo again. I can remember the Celtic knot work design of it on her back in vivid detail. But I can't remember where she got it done. Or when. Why can't I remember that anymore?
I'd use it to talk to her about the feelings she had when she first started to distinguish herself as a young adult, and to find an identity of her own. Not by eating bacon, but by moving out of the family home, and furnishing her own place. The way she sought out new fashions, and identities based on the crappy movies she loved.
The Ouija Board is a toy. It does not connect you to the spirits of the dead. It won't allow a long since deceased school teacher from Nebraska to shed light on a TV Commercial. And it won't let you talk to a dead sibling. It is for fun. A toy for the all night junk food fests of our youth.
Even still, I wish I had kept that old glow in the dark Ouija Board after all. It may very well actually be in storage, or it may have been thrown away long ago. An artifact of a life once lived by a young woman full of questions, hopes, and dreams. If I still had it, would I feel any better or closer to her?
Some questions will never be answered.
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pulaasul · 1 year
Freeloaders or Squatters C4 - Ziin
Ziin reacts to the absurdity that is Beroba and Kekera squatting in the Sakurai household.
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A/N:  A/N: Shoutout to @narashikari​ @askrikkaiandhyotei​ for coining the term “Berobaa-san” that I am using in this fic XD. Also shout out to @flaim-ita​ , @chancellorxofxtrash​ , @rainixdra​ , @tokuteasings​ and @maou-the-tree​ because a lot of their responses have contributed to this idea XD
C1 C2 C3
"Eeh, so this is where Kekera wants to meet?"
Ziin looked around him as if he was a kid in a toy store.
"If I remember right, this was where Tycoon lives." He mused to himself as he tried to find the door with green and red marks.
Eventually, he found the said door and knocked on it.
The person who answered was someone who expected but did not expect at the same time.
"Ziin-san." Tycoon opened his palm in front of him. "Your Rise Cartridge, please."
"Kekera warned me about this, you're getting interesting by the minute, Tycoon," Ziin grinned as he gave the man his trinket. "But I'm more focused on Geats if you know what I mean."
Tycoon rolled his eyes, and that act alone made Ziin even giddier.
Why didn't he think about living in the same house as Geats?
"Fair warning, Berobaa-san is also here."
"Ah, so that's how Kekera was able to revive you." Ziin nodded in understanding. "Question now is, why did she agree?"
"Beats me," Tycoon shrugged. "Probably want to see anyone other than Neon-chan suffer."
Tycoon let Ziin enter as soon as he was given Ziin's Raise Cartridge.
"Ziin, how do you like the place?"
"It's homey if that makes sense."
"Hello, Ziin."
"Aww, Tycoon, you shouldn't have warned him, you won't let me have any fun." Beroba pouted.
"And risk everything falling down with his gravity powers? No thank you, we had to save for everything that we have in this house."
"How would he have used his gravity powers without his Rise Cartridge that you so diligently confiscate when people visit," Beroba continued pouting.
"How was I supposed to know that, Berobaa-san?"
"Tycoon, you've become so interesting!" Ziin remarked. "Even in the presence of us supporters, one that has given all of you emotional turmoil, you're unfazed!"
"Once you've died once you won't find anything interesting, Ziin-san." Tycoon shrugged. "What would you like to eat?"
Ziin looked at his fellow supporters, then at Tycoon, a few times as he processed what was happening.
"Let's have some kitsune-udon, Tycoon." Beroba called out.
"Ki-kitsune udon?!"
"Do you want some, Ziin-san?"
Tycoon continued to cook as Ziin looked around the house.
"Eh, so that's how small the televisions are in this era."
"Aren't the ones in the audience area much smaller?" Tycoon pointed out. "There's just a small viewable screen while the rest mimics an eye?"
"An eye?" Kekera asked.
"Now that you mention it…" Ziin hummed.
"I didn't realize that the DGP had a sense of humor," Beroba giggled. "Of all the shapes, it had to be an eye!"
"Learning what I know now, it is morbid that they chose the shape of an eye as cameras and as television screens."
"Baah, they just chose it just for aesthetics." Kekera dismissed everyone's thoughts. "It's not like this is exclusive to the people of our era."
"True," Tycoon nodded.
The supporters began to talk amongst themselves, with Tycoon chiming in here and there, they were mostly bragging about the Riders they're supporting.
"I did not know that supporting Kamen Riders would bring me so much fun." Beroba thought out loud.
"That's because you've only supported the Jamato until now." Ziin pointed out.
"True, had I known I would be treated to so much misery from the very start I would have supported both the Riders and the Jamato at the same time."
"Hai, Kitsune Udon for everyone else."
Tycoon served the huge bowl of Kitsune Udon at the center of the table before placing four empty bowls right by the edge.
"Ja, Itadakimasu!" Tycoon prayed
Everyone started eating as soon as Tycoon said his prayers but Ziin just looked at Tycoon with fascinated eyes.
"You really are amazing, Tycoon," Ziin praised. "You even cook for your supporter and the woman who has caused this world so much misery."
Tycoon merely shrugged at Ziin's fascination with him.
"Like I said, once you're dead, nothing is surprising or fascinating anymore."
"That's why he and his sister have become so boring lately," Beroba pouted as she set her bowl on the table. "They've become so blasé about everything."
"It's just a testament to the Sakurais' adaptability." Kekera praised.
"I couldn't agree more!" Ziin seconded.
Normally, Tycoon would have been embarrassed by the praise, or at least that's how Ziin judged Kekera's Rider.
Now, he just merely rolled his eyes and continued eating the dish he cooked.
Tycoon has really become fascinating to watch, not as fascinating as Geats, but fascinating nonetheless.
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pudding-parade · 2 years
I had a wonderment (which is what I call strange questions that pop into my head out of nowhere sometimes) while in the shower just now. Showering seems to trigger wonderments for me. It’s weird, but I love them because it prompts me to go learn something new, and I love learning new things. Anyway, this one was “Why do we call Japan ‘Japan’ in English instead of Nippon?” Nippon is the Japanese word for Japan, so it occurred to me that it’s weird to call it Japan, because “Japan” sounds completely different, and it’s not as if "Nippon” is a hard word for English-speakers to say. So, once out of the shower, off to Duck Duck Go I...uh, go.
And this...
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...was the second autofill option as soon as I had gotten to typing in “why do we call ja”. Which I can only assume means that this question gets asked often, because what I typed wasn’t a whole lot to go on. Which makes me feel good because maybe it means other people have strange wonderments, too. 
I’M NOT ALONE! ....Maybe.
(And also? The answer seems to be that no one knows for sure, but there are a few theories. Fun!) 
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ourlordapollo · 4 months
Stumbled across this Fanfic Tag Game and nobody tagged me in it but I thought it looked fun, so here we are
As such, I will also not be tagging anyone. Be free! You can do whatever you want forever!
1: How many fics do you have on AO3?
2: What’s your total AO3 word count?
347,001 :0
3: What fandoms do you write for?
Pokémon (games), Ace Attorney, Sanders Sides, Black Butler, Welcome to Hell
4: What are your top five fics by kudos?
I Love You (Just in Case You Didn't Know) (Pkmn)
Seek, and Ye Shall Find (W2H)
Soft-Shoe Shuffle (TSS)
Intertwined (TSS)
A Place Where I Can Breathe (TSS)
5: Do you respond to comments?
I try to! If someone leaves a whole bunch on a multichap then I usually just reply to the last one.
The only comments I absolutely don't respond to are ones speculating on what will happen next. No hate, and I'm truly flattered people are invested enough to guess, but they make me uncomfortable because them I start to wonder "does my version not make sense? Will they be disappointed if the story doesn't go that way?? Am I gonna get a bad grade in fanfic??????"
I am very normal :)
6: What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Down Comes the Night. It's a W2H fic that ends with a break up so bad one of the parties literally invents Hell. (Yes it's Proveles lmao)
7: What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
ILY(JICYDK). I write a LOT of happy endings, but there's this concept in music theory where something loud sounds loud, but something equally loud preceeded by something quiet sounds REALLY LOUD. By that metric, many of my endings are roughly the same, but this one is preceded by something tragic.
8: Do you get hate on fics?
No lmao. I don't really write anything controversial.
9: Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nah. Maybe in the future, but it's not really the kind of thing I'm interested in on its own? I can see p0rn having a place in some future stories, but it's not something I'd prioritize.
10: Do you write crossovers?
Nah. Apparently what I write are called "fusions."
11: Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
12: Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I have toyed with the idea of translating my own fics into German
13: Have you ever co-written a fic?
Good LORD, no. I'm too much of a control freak to ever consider that
14: What’s your all time favorite ship?
Apparently it's SnazzyShipping. Don't ask.
15: What’s a fic you’d like to finish but don’t think you ever will?
You never know with me. I could finish anything at any time.
16: What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, weird displays of love and intimacy that ride the line between platonic and romantic, dialogue, pastiche, and dialogue
17: What are your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes I get a little caught up in adjectives so I'll use two (or more) redundant ones in a way that really doesn't serve the story, but frees me of having to choose lmao. Occasionally you'll get a sentence like "her voice was soft, gentle, crawling along his skin like a drop of water" or some bullshit. It purples up my prose needlessly.
18: Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I think it works best as little interjections; I think it can really humanize characters who learned English as a second language. For example, in all my years studying German, no one in my class EVER answered a question with "ja." It was ALWAYS "yeah" or "yes," even when we were doing total immersion. There are just always things that are gonna come out of your mouth in your native tongue unless you're being REALLY careful. So I think interjections, expressions of pain, yes and no answers, and swears/oaths do REALLY well when written out in the target language.
That being said, I don't think it works for most other scenarios. Maybe in a story with an omniscient narrator. Because in deep POV, if your character doesn't speak the target language, "he mumbled something in German" works better than "'küssen verboten,' he said, whatever that meant" because there's no reason the POV character would be able to identify those words without also understanding them.
There is one niche usage of the above that I've found works, and it's used in The Secret History, the OG dark academia novel by Donna Tartt. A character speaks Latin at the POV character. He understands enough Latin to pick out and identify the words that are being said to him, but he doesn't know what they mean.
*deep inhale*
HOWEVER you do have the problem of the POV character speaking the target language with someone else, and they both understand each other. There's no elegant solution to this. "'Kissing forbidden," he said in German. / "Strongly forbidden," I agreed in kind' can only do so much, especially if it's a long conversation. It's not strictly grammatically correct, but back in my Hetalia days, people used to use «guillemets» to indicate sentences spoken in the target language and I have borrowed that from time to time because I find it the most elegant solution, even if it necessitates explanation in the author's note
19: First fandom you wrote for?
Pokémon! But the anime; I used to almost exclusively read and write RocketShipping fanfic
20: Favorite fic you’ve written?
When I weed my garden, I don't pick out a favorite weed as I'm throwing them all in the compost lmao. For me, writing is like weeding my brain. I think my fics are good, and I re-read them, but I wouldn't use the words "like," "dislike," favorite," "least favorite," etc to describe my relationship with them
Wait no just kidding it's Hitsuzen.
Hitsuzen is my favorite work.
0 notes
backslashdelta · 3 years
What do you like about Puck?
First, I just want to say... I always feel a bit nervous talking about how much I like Puck's character. A lot of people don't like him because of who he is portrayed by (which is understandable), and a lot of people don't like him because he has done some pretty questionable/problematic things in canon (also understandable). I'm not trying to say that people are wrong to dislike him; he's a fictional character, everybody is allowed to like who they like and dislike who they dislike. But I'm also not interested in arguing with anybody about why I shouldn't like him.
Now, on to the things I like about Noah Puckerman!
The first thing is easy; dude's got a great voice. I'm a sucker for a nice voice, so... that definitely doesn't hurt.
I think he shows a lot of character growth throughout the series. When we first meet him, he's this popular jock tossing other kids into dumpsters. By the end of the show (and long before that, really), he's not that person anymore. My Noah Puckerman is the guy who has no issue dressing in drag for Glee club without even being asked because he doesn't care what other people think, he just wants to help his friends.
He genuinely tries to be a good dad. Does he go about it in the best way all the time? No, definitely not. But he's still a kid, so I don't expect him to. He tries to step up and be like the father he never had, and I really respect him for that, especially because he really didn't know what he was doing but tried anyway.
I really like his storyline with Lauren. It's not perfect (nothing in Glee is), but I love that he's so clearly into her and that he's not ashamed of that. As someone who is also fat, I relate to her in a lot of ways, and seeing how obvious and direct he is in expressing his feelings for her is really meaningful and impactful for me.
I love the prom moments with Becky (unfortunately not me, but I wish). I think Puck is a really kind person, and this is a really good example of that.
I'll be honest in that I don't know very much about Judaism (or religion in general), but I have heard people say that he is, in general, a good example of a Jewish character, so I think that's good representation to have.
I think he has a lot of mental health issues that were literally never addressed in canon, and because people just don't like him, nobody thinks about that. His father left and only comes around (very rarely) when he needs something. It was played as a joke constantly that he had a thing for older women, but that's not funny. He is a kid, these women are taking advantage of him. And it wasn't a one time thing, it was frequent enough to basically be a running joke? And especially what went on with Shelby, none of that was okay. My boy deserved better. I think there have been a lot of things in his life that have probably kinda fucked him up emotionally, but nobody takes the time to notice because he's Puck, he's this tough guy who solves his problems with his fists, but I just think there's a lot more to him than that.
I'm sure there are more, but these are the things that come to mind right away. Essentially what it comes down to, though, is that I think Puck has a genuinely good heart, I think he is a genuinely kind person, and I think a lot of that is overlooked because of how he comes off on the surface.
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joealwyndaily · 2 years
Joe Alwyn interview with Arena HOMME+
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Lenny Abrahamson: In Conversations with Friends your character, Nick, is an actor. And there's a scene where Frances asks him about his work and Nick says that the thing he likes about acting, as opposed to real life, is 'knowing what to say, what comes next.' Is there anything in this that chimes with your own relationship with what you do?
Joe Alwyn: I find that very hard to answer, so thanks for starting there Lenny!... But I guess one: it means I don't have to be myself, and two, it means I do get to be myself! That sounds really unclear, I know, but what I mean is I like playing other people because you get to step out of your own shoes, and there's a part of me that has always liked that removal. But at the same time, in pretending to be someone else, in totally unrelated and ridiculous circumstances, there's an odd kind of catharsis. You can funnel yourself through other people and express things that you might otherwise put a lid on and bury as 'you'. And so there can be this great feeling of release. Jesus, I don't know if that makes any sense?? But with my character Nick... Well, I don't think it's as crippling for me, Joe, as it is for Nick, with regards to knowing what to say, or what comes next. I certainly like the structure of the job in general, once you have it. A few months of knowing where you're going to be and what you're going to work on, that's a nice luxury before the panic of not knowing what's next kicks in.
LA: After a day's filming, can you let it go or do you rethink and critique what you've done? How do you get along with yourself when you're working?
JA: I'm British, so I think it's in my nature to second-guess and rethink what I've done. I'd love to have a bit more of that American self-belief, but it just seems to built into our bones to question everything we do. I do it more at the start of a shoot when I'm still finding my feet and wondering why on earth I've been trusted to do the job. It gets easier as it goes on, but I suppose I'm harder on myself more often than kind, which is something I'm trying to work on and change. I feel like working on this show taught me a huge amount. And to be clear, I had so, so much fun making this. It was a dream job and in many ways I could not have been happier. I feel ridiculously lucky. So, thank you, Lenny...
LA: Do you remember how you felt when you first read Conversations with Friends? What excited you about it? Now that you've seen what we made together, do you think we've captured the things you admired about the book?
JA: I loved it when I read it. I loved how human they all were, Sally's characters. And I loved how it was funny and moving and extraordinary and had these huge shifts but actually always in quite a subtle way. It just felt very real. I've not seen all of our episodes yet but I do think we held onto those qualities. At least I hope we have. And really that starts with you, Lenny! The way that you approached the material, you seem to interrogate every line and moment in such detail, looking at all the possibilities of what each beat could be. Your knack for building a world that just feels really, really genuine — complex and intricate and alive and subtle — is amazing. It's there in a lot of your work — obviously most recently in Normal People. An attention to detail (without ever being overbearing) that creates these very real worlds and people, and watching how you track each of us within that… it's incredible to see. I also think that to accept the complexity of what Sally is talking about you have to see both positives and negatives in all the characters. It's not as simple as having good and bad. There's a joy in accepting the complexity of it all, and so you can't really ever know exactly who you're fully ‘rooting’ for. There can't be an outright villain or anything. I think that feels well done here.  it's messy and complicated in the right way.
LA: Forgive me for this, but what's it like being so handsome? I promise this is a straight up and very serious question!
JA: If it helps, I'm incredibly stupid.
LA: One of the great pleasures for me in making this show was watching how you and the other actors formed such strong bonds and how much fun you had. How would you describe the dynamic between you all?
JA: We got lucky there! When you spend five months with a group of people you cross your fingers that you'll get along. And we all really did. We were shooting in a time of partial lockdown, so we had no choice but to hang out with each other on the weekends. Luckily, everyone just clicked. And I think that really fed into the work on screen too. we all weirdly morphed into our characters a bit but maybe that's inevitable. It was great though — it was a job, but it was also a really special life experience with a special group. We'd be filming on the beach in Croatia during the week, only to all go back to the same spot at the weekend. It was just so much fun.
LA: Most of your big scenes are with the wonderful Alison Oliver who plays Frances. How was it working with her?
JA: It's incredible that this is her first role out of drama school. She's wonderful in the show. I don't think that there could have been a better Frances. She brings so much to the role and worked so hard, and you could see that each day on set. Beyond her being so talented, she was just the most joyful, genuinely excited person to have around; completely positive and willing to jump in and try anything. It was inspiring to see that positivity and enthusiasm each day.
LA: What was it like playing a middle-class South Dubliner? How did you work on the accent and get a sense of that very specific world?
JA: I remember you when I chatting right after being cast and wondering whether we wanted to do this British or Irish. the South Dublin voice we landed on isn't too far from home, really. In some ways I find that trickier, when there isn't a huge departure from how you normally sound. It really is quite light and almost anglicized. We also decided that this was someone who had spent a number of years in London, and was married to a Brit… so his accent was at a place where it come a lot softer than it could be. I listen to a lot of people like Andrew Scott and Tom Vaughn-Lawlor, worked a lot with the wonderful coaches — Neil Swain and Judith McSpadden — and luckily, you and Ed [Guiney] we're never too far out of earshot! I didn't want it too twangy, which I noticed it can sometimes be. That didn't feel right for Nick. It was useful talking to you about that very particular world and upbringing. And although in some ways it's very different, it was useful to get a flavour of some of those types of schools and boys and backgrounds from What Richard Did.
LA: I think it's hard for people in our industry who gets a lot of attention not to let it go to their heads. You manage to be open, generous and kind to everyone that you're working with. How do you guard against becoming disconnected from other people?
JA: Well, thanks for saying that but I make sure my days include plenty of crippling insecurity, impostor syndrome, and self-doubt. Plus, I'm awful to people behind their backs! No, I guess because why wouldn't you be? it makes me frustrated, the rare times that you see people treat others unkindly on set. Who do you think you are?! I don't know. you don't see it often, and I'm lucky that I've never worked with a real tyrant, but I've seen flavours of that kind of behaviour and it doesn't help anyone. I honestly think I'd find it harder to work if I ostracized myself from people in that way. it's also literally our job to stay very connected and empathize with others… not to disconnect altogether and stand on some higher ground.
LA: Now that you worked with me, does it feel like you've peaked? Joking aside — I'm not joking — who are the film makers you'd be most excited to collaborate with?
JA: During these past few months that you've been in postproduction, I finally managed to process and (just about) come to terms with the fact that you were indeed my peak, my everything, my summit. My perfect pint of Guinness on a warm, sunny day. Where do I go from here? In all honesty, I have an overly long list of people I'd love to work with. Brace yourself… Off the top of my head… Chloé Zhao, Rob Eggers, Sean Durkin, Lynne Ramsey, the Coens, Luca Guadagnino, Debra Granik, Eliza Hittman, PTA, Francis Lee, Barry Jenkins, Martin McDonagh, Guillermo Del Toro, Chris Nolan, Andrea Arnold, Ruben Östlund, László Nemes, Greta Gerwig, Craig Gillespie… Okay enough! But it goes on…
LA: I love The Souvenir Part 2. Joanna Hogg is a brilliant filmmaker with a particular way of working with script. How was that experience for you?
JA: I loved being a part of that film! Joanna doesn't, to my knowledge, ever give a script to the actors, so everything is improvised. You have no idea what the full story is, and only a few directions are given as to the shape of the scene. I found the improvisation scary but oddly liberating, and really refreshing. There's nowhere to hide. You can't not listen to whoever you're talking to. There is no incoming queue. It feels real and alive. And Joanna will curate the scene after each take, honing in on the bits that worked well. I only popped in for a couple of days on the film but I'm so happy to have been a part of it and I'd love to work with Joanna again. Yes, she's a brilliant filmmaker.
LA: Now that we are close to broadcasting the show, do you feel nervous about how it will be received, particularly in light of the success of Normal People?
JA: I don't think it's hit me at the people will actually see it. it still feels like we're in this bubble of making it, maybe because the turn around was so fast and we only finished a few months ago… or maybe because it was created in the pandemic. Inevitably, as with anything, there are nerves about people seeing it. I do feel that it's very different to normal people though. it shares similar qualities, but it does feel very much its own thing. it isn't 'Normal People Part II,’ and I think that separation helps. I'm happy that people will see the show soon. I hope it will at least spark some conversations… with… well, I don't know, perhaps, their friends? Alright, enough for me! thanks so much for taking the time to ask me these questions, Lenny. I appreciate it. See you soon for a pint.  
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