#I have a list of things I want answered cause as far as I’ve seen they were never elaborated on
tip-top-cloud-surfer · 9 months
The Danger Zone (Part 14) - Hangman
Pairing: Hangman / Fem!Bradshaw!Reader | OC
Word Count: 4.8k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog are 18+ ONLY.
Warnings: Unplanned Pregnancy; Military Inaccuracies; Daddy and Mommy Issues Galore; Arguing; Crying; Angst; Screwed Up (Seresin) Family Dynamics Discussed; Use of "You," No Use of Y/N, No Set Physical Description
Summary: You and Jake spend some time apart. Maverick offers his help.
Series Master List
Master List
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You called out of work the next day, knowing that you were in no shape to go. Closer to lunch time, after you'd wallowed for a time, Maverick drove you over to Jake’s apartment and packed up a few things while Jake was out. You didn’t take everything, just a few days' worth of clothes and necessities, before heading back to Maverick’s house to wallow some more.
Burying your face into your pregnancy pillow, you looked up when the door to your room opened. You sat up when you saw Penny standing there. And when she walked over and sat on the edge of your bed, you couldn’t help but latch onto her.
Penny pulled you close and rubbed your back as you cried, sharing a worried look with Maverick. He leaned against the doorframe, looking like he didn’t know what to do. Penny gave him a look, glancing down at you, before returning the same look to Maverick.
He nodded and walked away to make a call.
While Penny led you outside, Maverick stood on the front steps with his phone to his ear. He knew that it was the middle of the day, but he was still hoping that there was a chance.
“Hey, Mav, what’s up?” Javy answered calmly after a few rings.
“I’m assuming that you’ve heard,” Maverick stated bluntly, causing Javy to sigh.
“Yeah, I’m putting out my own fires over here,” Javy stated, glancing over at Jake’s office.
Jake was furiously writing away at forms and typing paperwork into his computer, barely taking a moment to blink. He looked like he hadn’t slept all night and hadn’t eaten anything, save for three cups of coffee. He was in no shape to do anything. Javy would tackle him to the floor himself before letting him into a plane in this state.
“How’s she doing?” Javy asked Maverick.
“I haven’t seen her like this in a long time. And I don’t ever want to see her like this again.” Maverick glanced back at the house before turning back to the street. “What happened, Coyote?”
“His mom wrote him a letter.”
“And?” Maverick pressed a bit more, not seeing the connection.
“Jake doesn’t really have a traditional relationship with his parents. And for good reason on his part. And he needs to tell her about it, but he’s not exactly the most emotionally intelligent guy.”
Javy gestured for Fanboy to carry in another stack of files into Jake’s office. Jake didn’t look up, working through the paperwork in front of him like a robot on rocket fuel. Fanboy hesitated for a moment but with another sharp look from Coyote, Fanboy turned to Jake.
“Hey, Hangman, we’re kind of falling behind, so I was wondering—”
“—Just put it on the pile, Fanboy,” Jake stated, not even looking up.
Fanboy dropped the stack and walked out, shooting Javy a thumbs up that Javy returned. Glancing worriedly at Jake again, Javy turned away to continue his conversation with Maverick.
“He’s not anywhere near a plane right now, right?”
“No, I’m making sure of that," Javy promised him.
“It might be a good idea to keep Rooster away from him too.”
“Already on it,” Javy replied, watching his wife march Rooster down the hall to go and teach lessons today. Far away from Jake. “I’ve got it handled here but I’m worried about him when he gets off.”
“I should warn you that we went over, and she took her stuff.”
“She’s already decided to move out?” Javy asked, starting to panic.
“No, she just needed some time and some of her things for now. But I'm worried that if he sees her stuff gone, it might set him off.”
“Alright, I’ll drag him home with me and Phoenix.”
“Actually, Coyote, I was wondering if you think that Jake would come with me for a drive tonight?” Maverick suggested, causing Coyote to pause for a moment. “If you think that he needs more time, he needs more time. I trust your judgment.”
“Tomorrow,” Coyote decided after a moment. “Come to my house in the morning. Before he has a chance to get worked up.”
“Alright. Keep me updated, Coyote.”
“You too, Mav.”
Hanging up the call, Maverick walked back inside the house and paused when he saw you and Penny out on the back porch. You seemed to have stopped crying, but you looked so broken that it felt like a direct punch to Maverick’s gut.
You were the little girl that Goose and Carole hoped and begged for. You were the little girl that Goose continually sobbed over when he got a photo of you from the hospital, having missed your birth. You were the little girl that he then proceeded to sob over at the airport in Miramar when he got to hold you for the first time. You were the little girl that Goose swore up and down that he’d protect and love and definitely not let you anywhere near naval aviators.
And when Goose died, Maverick took up that mantle in his place. And he wasn’t going to let you, or Goose, or Carole down.
They were going to fix this. Someway. Somehow.
Bradley, as soon as he saw that something was off with Hangman, knew that something was probably off with you too. And when you didn’t answer his call, he went looking for you after work. He drove by your apartment and after a quick scan of the parking lot, moved on.
And when he saw your car parked in Maverick’s driveway, he pulled in. Getting out of the Bronco, he walked around the back and entered through the side door. Rooster spotted you standing in the kitchen, pouring yourself a drink. You looked up at the sound of footsteps before looking right back down, defeat written all over your features.
“Where’s Mav?” Bradley asked, looking around.
“He went out to grab dinner. Did you need him for something?”
“No, I came to check on you.”
“Why would you do that?” you asked, adding some ice cubes.
“Well, Hangman seemed off today.”
“Did he?” you questioned quietly.
“Yeah.” Bradley waited a moment before asking, “What happened between you guys?”
“Why? So that you can run off and yell at him?” you scoffed haughtily. “Or make some comment to him tomorrow in front of everyone and watch him bite his tongue? Or finally explode?”
“Are you okay?” Bradley asked you worriedly.
“Yeah, Brad. I’m really fucking peachy,” you snapped, causing him to wince. “Look at how okay I am. I’m living out of a bag in Mav’s house after having a massive fight with my boyfriend while I’m nearly six months pregnant with his baby. And one of the things that we were fighting about just so happened to be about how hard my family was on him. Comparing him to my ex. Making him feel like he wasn’t good enough to be with me. Telling him that he was going to be a shit dad.” Placing your hands on your hips, you glared at your brother. “Does any of that sound familiar, Bradley?”
When he didn’t respond, you grabbed the paper towel roll off the holder and threw it at Bradley’s head. And when that bounced off his arm, you reached over and yanked the dish towels off the oven and chucked them at him too. Bradley walked around the cabinets and grabbed the loaf of bread before you could throw it at him too.
“Just put the bread down,” Bradley tried to coax you, worried that you’d grab a knife next.
“Why the fuck did you say that shit to him!?” you yelled, pushing your brother in the chest.
Bradley called your name softly, but you kept pushing him away or trying to hit him. And when he grabbed your wrists gently, you finally broke down. Bradley, not sure what to say, just pulled you in for a hug. You didn’t fight him on that one.
“I love him, Bradley,” you sobbed, your whole body shaking. “Why’d you say that to him?”
“I’m sorry,” Bradley replied a few moments later.
“Are you? You wanted us to break up and now he’s probably shut down completely and is packing up the rest of my stuff in his apartment as we speak.”
“No, he’s not.”
“How do you know? Do the two of you talk now?”
“After your last appointment, he showed the whole squad and about half of the department the ultrasound. I had several people ask me if he had an identical twin brother playing a prank on everyone because he wasn’t acting like his usual asshole self.” Bradley paused for a moment before adding, “A man who’s that excited about his baby isn’t just going to walk away after a little fight.”
You slowly stopped crying, but you didn’t let go of your brother. And he didn’t let go of you. It kind of reminded you of when he came back home to grab some more of his stuff after his fight with Maverick. You were home and tossed everything but the kitchen sink at him for not calling you to tell you that he was alright.
“Everyone has fights. Emma kicked my ass out onto the couch before. We got through it. You’ll get through it too.”
Maverick walked in with a bag of food, not surprised to see Bradley standing there with you. You and Bradley slowly released each other, and you reached to grab a tissue, but paused when they weren’t at their usual spot. You must have thrown them at Bradley.
“I found them,” Maverick called, grabbing the box from behind the kitchen table.
Jake stared at the ceiling of Javy and Nat’s guest room. He hadn’t slept for more than three hours before the nightmares woke him up. You still hadn’t reached out to him, and he took that to mean that you decided to break up with him and the next time that he’d get to see you was in court about child support.
Well, at least he wasn’t crazy to assume that it could all blow up.
Getting out of bed, Jake got dressed. He usually went for a run after he woke up, but he didn’t even care anymore. He just wanted a coffee. But with his current streak, he’d fuck that up too. Not even bothering to shave, Jake headed out to the kitchen. He heard Phoenix and Javy already up and talking.
But when he turned the corner, Jake was surprised to see Maverick standing there.
“Morning, Jake,” Javy greeted him, placing a cup of coffee down.
Jake walked over quietly, reaching for the coffee. He didn’t respond verbally and simply stared down Maverick, waiting for him to explain his presence.
“Morning, Jake,” Maverick repeated in greeting.
“What are you doing here, Mav?” Jake asked, a bit defensive, but mostly exhausted.
“I came to ask if you were free for a chat,” Maverick replied calmly.
“Do I have a choice?”
“Of course, you have a choice, Jake.”
“Should I bring my photo ID? Or would you prefer to make it a little difficult for whoever drags my body out of the ditch to identify me?”
“You can bring whatever you want.” Maverick glanced between Jake, Javy, and Phoenix before moving to leave. “I’ll wait out in the car.”
Jake turned to Javy and Phoenix, who stared at him with encouraging looks as Maverick walked out of the house. Jake took a sip of his coffee before setting the cup down.
“Did you call him?” Jake grumbled, causing Javy to sigh.
“He called me because he’s worried about her.”
“What do you mean? Is she hurt? Is the baby hurt?” Jake asked urgently, but Phoenix quickly shut it down.
“No, just emotionally.”
“You talked to her?” Jake asked her.
“I texted her,” Phoenix answered honestly. “She responded, but not much.” After sharing a look with her husband, Phoenix added, “And she asked me about you. So, if you want to repair your relationship with her, go for the drive with Maverick.”
“You have nothing to lose by doing it,” Coyote added, causing Jake to look to where Maverick’s car was parked in the driveway.
Jake didn’t know what to think about Maverick taking him for a drive. He just sat and stared. Maverick started driving up the coast, letting Jake stew in the silence, before pulling off the coastal road. It was a random barren pull off with a stretch of sand beyond the pavement that wasn’t even a body length wide.
Jake guessed that Maverick wanted him to swim with the fishes.
They walked to the edge of the lot together, though they made no move to break the silence. Jake stared down at the dark waves, waiting for Maverick to speak. But Maverick was too busy staring off into the distance.
“What is this place?” Jake asked quietly.
“It’s the closest point to where my accident happened. The one that ended the life of my best friend. And the maternal grandfather of your child.”
“Why’d you bring me here?” Jake questioned quietly, sounding like he was walking on eggshells. “Do you even bring them here?”
“I brought Bradley here once. Not long after their mom died. But I never brought her here. I’m sure that Bradley mentioned it to her, but she never asked me to take her here.” A breath of silence passed between them before Maverick added, “I come out here to reflect. I guess it’s a type of therapy for me.”
“Why did you bring me here?” Jake asked again.
“You’re having a baby with my goddaughter. That means that you’re part of our unconventional family now. And despite what you may think about us, we know that we’re not perfect. We’re far from it.”
Maverick stared out at the waves, lost in his thoughts for a moment.
“My father died in Vietnam. He was a pilot and crashed after a dogfight. The State Department ran his name through the mud and sent my mother into a downward spiral. She died less than a year after my father. And then I went into foster care.”
Maverick turned to look at Jake out of the corner of his eye, though Jake did not return his stare.
“The only point that I’m trying to prove to you is that whatever you’re worried about sharing with her about your past, she’s not going to care. Your parents don’t define you. Their lives don’t define yours. And they’re not going to change how she feels about you.”
Maverick turned to Jake, his serious expression hidden by his sunglasses. Jake didn’t return his gaze directly, but his body did tilt more towards Maverick to show that he was listening.
“But she mentioned that you told her that you were trying to ‘protect’ her from your parents, which, as her godfather, raises some concerns.” Maverick folded his arms behind his back. “I don’t need any specifics. All I need to know is whether my goddaughter and her child are in any kind of physical danger.”
“They're not”
“Then what are you referring to?”
“My parents, the type of bullshit that they would try to pull would be financial. They would try to stop the transfer of any of my assets to her and the baby. At least ones that I inherited. They’re not the mafia, just some old money assholes trying to keep their wealth.”
“And the baby? They wouldn’t try any bullshit with the baby, right?” Maverick asked seriously.
“They wouldn't fight for custody. We’re not married and she’s not a choice that they would have ever made for me. They’d probably try to prove that the baby isn’t mine or do something else to cut off any sort of inheritance or child support from me or my estate. They wouldn’t want anything to do with the baby beyond that.”
“We can work with that,” Maverick stated calmly. “But you need to tell her what you told me and even more. If the two of you are going to raise a baby together and deal with whatever your parents throw at you, you need to be on the same page. And we’ll support you through it. All three of you.”
Jake nodded slowly, staring out at the waves in the distance before he looked down at his shoes.
You sat out on Maverick’s back porch in the shade, reading a book when you heard a car pull into the driveway. You assumed that it was just Maverick.
But when Jake came walking around the corner, you completely forgot about your book. Jake slowly walked over to you, stepping up onto the deck, and slowly sat down in the seat across from you. The two of you stared at each other for a moment in silence until Jake finally bucked up the courage to speak.
“Can we talk?” Jake asked softly.
“Yeah,” you returned quietly, shifting in your seat. “Of course, Jake.”
“How are you feeling today?” he awkwardly asked.
“Can we please cut past the small talk?” you inquired, causing Jake to pause, looking a bit surprised. A bit embarrassed, you rephrased your sentiment. “Sorry. I just really want to talk about our fight. It’s been eating away at me since I left.”
“I get it.”
Jake pulled out the envelope that set off a bomb in your relationship. He stared down at it for a moment before leaning over and holding it out to you. You started to reach out but hesitated.
“Read it,” Jake insisted, leaning further forward.
“Are you sure?” you asked quietly, gently taking the envelope from him.
“I want you to read it.”
You slowly opened the envelope and pulled out the card. It started out as a normal card would. But there were a few lines that jumped out at you that were distinctly odd. And by the end of it, you were more confused than you were when you started. You looked up at Jake and handed the card back to him. He placed it on the table between you and stared down at it, getting ready to begin his speech.
“I haven’t talked to my mom in five years. I wasn’t lying about that. But she has sent me a few cards, usually for my birthday, since then. Similar to this one. I’ve ignored them because I was happier without them in my life.” Jake slowly turned back to you. “And the reason why I stopped talking to my mom is because she is an extension of my father.”
Jake looked away for a moment, thinking over his next words carefully, before turning back to you. You were sitting calmly across from him, hands folded in front of your bump.
“My father is the type of guy to make his own kid call him ‘sir’ around the house. He wasn’t caring. He wasn’t ever there for me, except when I won an award or did well. And I caught him cheating on my mom at least three times myself.”
“Does she know that he’s cheating on her?” you asked softly.
“She’s known since the first affair. He’s not exactly a discreet guy. But she’s stayed with him for three reasons—her image in their community, her religion that preaches that divorce is a sin and a bunch of other bullcrap, and because he’s manipulated her into thinking that she owes him.”
“What does she owe him for?” you asked, growing more confused and concerned.
Jake paused, rubbing his hands together. He turned back to you and straightened up.
“Because she could never give him the biological son that he wanted more than anything else in the world,” Jake stated, causing you to blink rapidly.
“But . . . you . . .”
Jake let you fumble for a moment before finally dropping the bomb that he had held inside of him pretty much every day since he found out the news himself all those years ago.
“I’m adopted,” Jake explained calmly. “And you’re only the second person that I’ve ever told.”
“Jake, I never would have cared if you were adopted or not,” you reassured him. “And if I ever did, I’m sorry.”
“You never did. And I wasn’t scared to tell you that I was adopted. I was worried about explaining the story that comes along with it.”
Jake rubbed the back of his neck slowly, trying to figure out the best way to tell you.
“My parents tried to have a baby naturally for three years to no success. My father threatened to divorce my mother because she couldn’t give him a baby. And the bastard never stopped to consider the fact that he might be the problem.”
You sat back quietly, hearing the anger build in Jake’s tone and giving him the space to let those thoughts out.
“He never got any of his mistresses pregnant. If he did, he would have divorced her in a heartbeat and claimed that kid as his true son. And he could have easily pulled it off with a paternity test on me. No one else knew that I was adopted. He would have claimed that my mom got pregnant with another man’s baby and he probably would have gotten away with it. Maternity tests aren’t exactly common outside of adopted children and my mom was never going to expose the secret to the world.”
“There wasn’t any paperwork to say that you were adopted? Nothing?” you asked curiously.
“No, because my manipulative father and desperate mother did it all under the table. They found a woman who was unexpectedly pregnant. Vulnerable. Desperate. Apparently, she couldn’t tell her family about the baby and the father was gone. My mother took her to a doctor and paid for an ultrasound. Discovered that the woman was pregnant with a boy. And so began the sham.”
He couldn’t bear to look at you, afraid of what he would see in your eyes. But now that he had started, he wasn’t sure that he could stop until it was all out there and in the open.
“They took her in until she had the baby. They hid her away with my mother away from everyone for months to build up the story. And after I was born . . . they coerced her into giving me up. They told her that they would give me a better future than she ever would. They offered her money for her troubles and to write a letter to sell whatever story she told her family. And two weeks after I was born, she left.”
Jake stared at the ground for a long moment and only looked up when he heard you move. Picking his head up, Jake watched you as you slowly walked over to him. You hesitated when you drew close, but Jake didn’t pause when he reached out for you. Finding your seat in his lap, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders.
“The only thing that I can think to say . . . is I’m sorry,” you whispered, causing Jake to pull you closer. “That’s awful, that’s-that’s . . . psychotic. Criminal. Absolutely disgusting. I—” You cut yourself off, focusing on Jake in your arms again. “I’m so sorry, Jake.”
The two of you sat there for a long moment, just processing your conversation. You focused on rubbing Jake’s back and slowly combing your hand through his hair to try and soothe him. You could feel how tense he was and had to wonder how much he had worked himself up to tell you those dark secrets.
Jake didn’t say anything, keeping his face buried in the juncture of your neck. His arm was solid on your back, keeping you supported and close with his hand curled protectively around your bump.
Feeling Jake pick his head up, you turned to meet his gaze, letting him set the tone. He took another breath, leaning back and pulling you further into his lap and you had no qualms about curling up against his chest. You didn’t even realize how much you missed the simplest details about him.
“I don’t plan on ever inviting them back into my life,” Jake began, causing you to nod supportively. His voice cracked a bit as he continued, “And I know that you pictured a life with a guy who didn’t have such a fucked up family and past and—”
“—Jake,” you cut in, tears building in your own eyes. Cupping his cheeks with your hands as a tear slipped down Jake’s cheek, you let a few fall yourself. “I don’t care about any of that. It doesn’t matter what I pictured before I met you. You’re my baby’s father and you’re the man that I love and I don’t care about how your family is. I just care about you.”
“You love me?” Jake asked you softly.
“I love you, Jake Seresin,” you repeated with more confidence in your tone.
“You’re not going to leave me for being a complete asshole to you?” Jake added, his voice breaking again. “Because I hate myself for that. I hated that I said that the second that those words left my mouth.”
“Of course, I’m not leaving you, Jake,” you practically sobbed, tears quickly streaming down your cheeks. “I love you. I don’t want to leave you.”
“I love you too,” Jake returned softly, surprised by the amount of emotion in his voice. “I love you. I love our baby. And I don’t want to do anything else to jeopardize it and risk losing you. Because I can’t lose you. I can’t lose either of you.”
“You’re not,” you promised him, pulling him in for a tight hug again. “We’re not going anywhere.”
“I was stressed and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I just—when Cyclone told me about my promotion, he told me that there was a higher chance that I could get deployed over the next few weeks or months.”
“Jake,” you whimpered softly, drawing your fingers down his cheek. “It wouldn’t be your fault.”
“It would feel that way.”
“But it wouldn’t be,” you told him firmly. “I know that you want to be there, Jake. I’m not going to hold that against you. I knew that was a possibility. And I don’t want you to hold that against yourself, alright?”
“—Alright,” you pressed more.
The two of you latched onto each other, letting your tears dry and fade. You felt Jake press a kiss to your neck and leaned into the touch when you suddenly jolted in his lap.
“What? What’s wrong?” Jake asked you quickly, causing you to smile.
“Nothing’s wrong. They’re just moving again. They scared me.” Moving Jake’s hand to rest over the side of your bump that your child was active around, even though he wouldn’t be able to actually feel them, you rested your head on his chest. “They weren’t moving around as much when I was here.”
“Do you need to go to the doctor?” Jake asked, staring worriedly down at your bump.
“I called yesterday. They said just to monitor them and to relax a little bit more. And they were right because now our child’s moving around again.” You leaned back against him as he curled his arm around your bump. “They’re going to be a handful? Aren’t they?”
“More than likely,” Jake agreed, sharing a smile with you before turning back to your bump. “But stop scaring your mom. Do you hear me?” After a moment, Jake turned back to you. “Can they hear me?”
“I think so. At my last appointment, they said that the baby should be responding to sound soon.”
Leaning down more so that he could speak directly to your bump, Jake repeated his earlier message, causing you to laugh. He picked his head back up and turned to you, smiling softly. You leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek. He, in turn, pressed a kiss to your lips that you happily accepted.
“Do you think that you’re ready to come home with me?” Jake asked, causing you to nod quickly. “Then let’s get you packed.”
Jake got you packed in about ten minutes and as you pulled your snacks out of the cupboards, Maverick came walking back inside. He paused by the door, hanging up his keys, before walking over.
“You’re heading home?”
“Yeah. Thanks for taking me in for a little bit,” you replied softly.
“You’re always welcome.”
You pulled Maverick in for a hug and whispered your thanks again. Maverick gave you a squeeze and looked up when Jake came walking around the corner with your bag. Releasing you, Maverick stepped aside and let the two of you out the door.
“Drive safe.”
“We will,” you promised him, smiling over your shoulder at your godfather.
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chelseasdagger · 9 months
Teacher - Chapter III
Frank Castle x Inexperienced F!Reader
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Summary: Frank invites you to hang out with him at a bar on the outskirts of town. After some good food, and lots of teasing, you get invited back to his place to take care of the problem you caused him.
Warnings: age gap (reader is in her early 20s), mentions of drinking and smoking, cursing, grinding, detailed handjob sorry, slight praise kink
Author's Note: I am so incredibly sorry for how long it took for this chapter to come out!! I had a lot of life issues that delayed this, but I'm pretty happy with how this turned out so please accept this super long chapter as my apology/holiday gift!! And if you want to be added to the tag list just let me know. As always, reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated :) Leave a comment or shoot me an ask!! I'd love to hear what you think!
Word Count: 9k
Previous Chapters: I, II
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“So I was thinkin’… Said you didn’t get many experiences even after high school, right?” Frank asks. His voice slightly muffled through the phone, which is wedged between your ear and your shoulder as you drag the spatula over the food you’re cooking on the stove. He had randomly rang you out of the blue and, after attempting to control your breathing, you answered the call. This was what he chose to greet you with and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t confused by the topic of conversation.
“Good morning to you too,” you tease, the food sizzling as you flip it in the pan. “But no, I haven’t. Why? What’s up?” you question.
“There’s this bar on the edge of town,” he begins his offer. “Little bit of a drive but they got good food,” he explains. 
“Tempting…” you trail off, trying not to immediately agree just because it’s Frank. “Who all is coming?”
“Just me,” he replies. “That alright?”
“Yeah!” Your answer is too loud and far too fast to be playing it cool. After cursing yourself mentally, you try again. “Yeah, I was just wondering if it was a whole… get-together thing.” Your voice grows quiet at the end, not wanting to plant the idea in his head that you’d prefer it if there were more people.
Honestly, you were surprised he was reaching out this soon after the bonfire. It was one of the best nights of your life. Whenever you think about it, there’s this warmth that rushes through you; you’re not sure if the heat was from the big flames or his strong chest you laid against all night.
“Nah, just me. Just thought it would be somethin’ you might like,” you push the spatula around in the teflon pan as he speaks. “Plus it’s another thing off the list, right?”
“Yeah, it is! Thanks, Frank,” you say cheerily as you turn the burner off and open the cupboards to grab two plates.
“No problem, kid. Just thought about you, y’know?” You sink your teeth in your lower lip to calm yourself down before another thought comes to mind.
“Oh! When are we going?”
“Tonight,” he answers nonchalantly and your eyes grow wide. “If you’re free.”
You seriously weren’t expecting him to want to see you only two days since you two were last together. In your head, Frank is so calm and collected and you’re practically certain that this… thing you two have going on isn’t as big of a deal to him as it is to you. Still, you try not to question too much why he actually seems to enjoy having you around. Instead, you decide to just take the good as it comes.
“I am, I can do tonight. But I’m not sure I have something to wear. Is it like a club? Should I dress up or is it more jeans and—?” You don’t even realize when your voice picks up in speed and the questions fly out faster than you intend for them to, but Frank is quick to center you out of the beginning of your spiral.
“Just wear somethin’ cute, alright? I’ve seen some of your outfits, sweetheart, you’ll be fine.” You bite the inside of your cheek at his comment and inhale deeply before sighing. “I’ll pick you up at six, okay?” You hum an agreement as he confirms the time and say a goodbye before hanging up.
As you pull the phone away from your ear, you see an incoming text from your best friend drop down from the top of the screen.
“I’m two minutes away! I can’t wait to hear everything.”
That night when you got home from the bonfire, she had sent many texts in hopes of finding out the reasoning behind the newfound closeness between you and Frank. In your exhausted and slightly inebriated state, you told her that you would have her over Saturday morning to explain it all to her. You were much too tired to string the words together and you also know how she can tend to put her own emotions onto words; the last thing you needed was for her to hear the little arrangement you and Frank have and blow it out of proportion.
You set the table as you wait for her, making sure to leave a mug beside her plate for her tea that tends to be the staple of her breakfast. By the time the food is divvied up for each of you, there’s an impatient knock at the door. You shake your head with a smile as you open the door and she’s pushing past you as the questions immediately begin to roll off her tongue.
After guiding her to the small dining table in the kitchen, you watch her sit down and her eyes never stray from you. Her voice continues to fill the air as she talks over herself; there’s no distinct end to one sentence and the beginning of the next. By the time you’re sitting beside her and about to dig into your meal she finally covers her mouth, stopping all the enthusiastic queries she desperately wants to know.
“I’m gonna let you talk,” she mumbles behind her palms. You laugh at her attempts to force herself to be quiet and pick up a forkful of your food.
“I promise you it’s not as exciting as you think it is,” you warn her before popping the food in your mouth.
You start at the beginning—trying to skim over the details of your not-so-controlled crush on Frank as well as the more heated parts of the things you two have done together. Excited gasps fill the space surrounding the dining table and you watch as her eyes go wide when you mention it was his idea. Her mouth gets the better of her though and she begins to ask more questions while you speak. You make sure to answer all of them in time, save for a few chuckles here and there, before finishing your last bite.
“I actually have a question for you now,” you start again, watching as confusion washes over her features. “Frank called me this morning and he wants to take me out to this bar he likes. I just don’t know what to wear and I was hoping… you could help me?” You hesitantly look up to face her and you’re met with a beaming grin.
“Is this a date?! Is this the first one? Are you going back to his place after?” You shake your head once again as the sudden influx of questions fill the air.
“No, it’s not a date. I mean… I don’t think it is?” you let your thought process be shown aloud and watch as her giddy expression comes back to the surface. “It’s not! We’re just friends and he’s doing me a favor. I’m sure of it.” You decide then and there that you can’t afford to hold out hope and expect more than what he’s given you—which is already so much.
She raises her eyebrows up from behind the rim of her mug and you scoff at her knowing look. You brush your hand through your hair and try your hardest to not let your anxiety creep in about the idea of being on a proper date with Frank Castle.
And so together the two of you spend the afternoon diving through your closet together for something that could fit. It felt similar to a movie montage where the teenage girls toss different colorful fabrics through the air. With a growing pile on the floor of your bedroom, she gasps once you stand in the completed outfit.
“That’s the one!” she says excitedly before tugging you towards the bathroom. “Time for makeup!” She eagerly pats for you to sit on the counter while searching through your, admittedly limited, makeup bag. Doing the best with what she’s got, she gets to work on the eyeshadows and blush, finishing up with a curl of your eyelashes and combing mascara through them. You always loved how focused she got when it was time for something special; her tongue pokes past her lips as she concentrates, her eyes squinting to get the very last detail to sit right.
Once she’s satisfied, she spins you around to see yourself in the mirror and you’re actually surprised at how nice it all came together. You’re wearing an oversized, comfy jumper, tights that line your legs, and a black skirt that accentuates your frame. It’s not too fancy, but the black tights make your outfit more sleek and you silently hope that Frank will like it. As you fluff your hair up to give it some more volume, you thank her behind a wide smile.
A buzz of excitement rushes through you as you wait by the front door and hear the heavy revving from the engine of Frank’s van. You physically shake your arms in an attempt to let go of some of the nerves that built up and your friend gives you a quick hug.
“You got it, baby!” she encourages sweetly. “Have fun!” she calls out as you slip past the door. Making your way down your porch steps, you hear her shout something else from behind you. “Don’t do anything stupid!”
You chuckle at her warnings and make your way to the big, black van. You open the door and find Frank sitting with his elbow on his armrest and his head in his palm as he turns to face you. You stand there for a moment and await his initial reaction to your outfit. His eyes widen slightly before they rake over your boy, his lips parting as he takes it all in.
He brushes his thumb along the defined line of his jaw before sinking his teeth into his lower lip. His eyes settle on the small slit of the skirt that rests high on your thigh. There’s a pause for a moment before he finally speaks up.
“Told you you’d find somethin’ cute.” He fixes his posture and gives you a smile as you roll your eyes and sit in the passenger seat. Being with him felt easy now—of course there’s still the butterflies, which you’re expecting to make a permanent home in your stomach any day now, but it’s mostly when you’re about to see him. When you’re actually in his presence, it all fades away and you love how comfortable he makes you feel.
If you had told yourself a few weeks ago that you’d be on a half hour car ride with Frank Castle to the outskirts of town, she probably would’ve brushed it off as some sick joke. But here you are, sitting beside him and watching as he flips through radio stations until he settles on a classic rock song. You enjoyed getting to discover little pieces of him the more time you spent with him.
As he drives under the lamp posts longing the winding roads, you watch as the passing lights illuminate his face before it’s cloaked in shadows of the night once again. Each time you move underneath them, light showcases his features in a warm glow for mere moments at a time. You think your new favorite thing might be when the gleam seeps into the small dip in the bridge of his nose. That small highlight makes you smile and he catches it as he turns to look at you once you’re stopped at a red light.
“What is it?” he questions, his eyes squinting slightly as he looks at you. With a shake of your head, you face back to the light strung up in the air. His gaze doesn’t leave the side of your face though, and you know he’ll want an answer.
“This is just nice,” you shrug your shoulders. “Thank you for thinking of me,” you add. You want to make sure he knew how happy you were to be doing this, despite your quiet nature due to your fear of somehow screwing this up with your words.
“Haven’t even done anything,” he laughs softly.
“Well, I’m still enjoying myself,” you reply in a gentle tone. Frank doesn’t say anything more as he continues to look at you. The light changes and a green glow washes over your face, queuing him to face the open road once again. You glance down as his hand moves to the gear shift, trying not to focus too long on how the veins in his hand are accentuated as he curls his fingers around the knob.
Frank speaks up again after a moment and you quickly recenter your attention. He engages you in some light conversation and pretty soon you’re laughing along to his comedic storytelling. You don’t even realize you’ve arrived until he’s put the car in park and turns the key off in the ignition. Looking out from behind the glass in front of you, you see the neon lights surrounding the big, bold letters of the name of the bar. It shines brightly in the night sky and acts as a small beacon in the dark parking lot.
You look up at the sound of the driver side door closing and realize Frank has left the car. You reach for your bag that’s resting on the floor between your feet and by the time you move for the handle, he’s opening your door for you. It’s the first time you’re able to truly take him in. He’s wearing a pair of nicely fitting blue jeans and a grey jacket, complete with the black boots you’ve never seen him without. You can’t tell what he’s wearing under the thick material that conceals his chest though, and you find yourself hoping it’s something tighter and hugs his torso.
“You ready?” he asks, and you nod in response. “Alright, watch your step,” he warns and you feel his hand bracing your upper arm as you hop out from the slightly lifted van. Once you’re secure on the ground, the two of you begin making your way towards the entrance. As you pass by the cars parked in organized rows under dim lamplights, you begin to make out the few scattered people smoking and even spot a couple sharing a cigarette just outside the main doors.
Once inside the building, he shrugs off the jacket and you can finally piece together his outfit. Frank’s broad shoulders stretch the fabric of the dark blue button up shirt. It’s tucked into his denim pants and secured with a black belt. He fits the attire of everyone else here in the bar, but still stands over a head taller than the rest—not to mention infinitely more attractive. You try desperately to rip your eyes away from him, and in doing so, take in the scenery of the pub.
The bar is crowded but not so occupied that you can’t move. The loud, overlapping voices meld to create a soft droning that accompanies the background. It doesn’t stand a chance to the band though, whose loud amplifiers cause a shake in your chest with each note they strum. Polished wood lines the walls and there’s photographs of smiling people decorating them, forever cherished behind glass frames. It feels oddly homey, admittedly impressive for a place you’ve never stepped foot into before tonight.
You accidentally bump into Frank and he steadies you with his large hands on your waist. He’s staring down at you with a subtle smile on his face. He begins to talk but you don’t have the slightest clue what he’s saying; the song that’s playing is far too loud to hear the lower tone of his voice. Shaking your head with a frown, you let him know you can’t understand him and his smile grows wider. He then leans down, his fingers brushing your hair away from your ear before he speaks.
“Asked if you wanted to eat,” he starts, his breath immediately warming the side of your neck. With just those few words, it feels like all the other noise falls away. All you can focus on is the rumble in his voice and how the words feel as if they dance down your spine. “I’m starving,” he adds, and you’re certain your new headspace gave his words a different context than he intended.
He pulls away for your response and all you can muster up is a slow blink and a delayed nod. There’s no cocky smirk at your expression and you wonder if maybe he decided to spare you the embarrassment this time. He promptly turns and you fall in line beside him, letting him guide you around the crowd. His palm finds its way to your lower back as he leads you and just like that, your heart picks up in pace once more.
You’ve only seen the same small movement depicted in movies and you can now safely say that experiencing it is so much more exhilarating. Part of you is frustrated that such an insignificant touch can make you this excited, but Frank’s charm has a tremendous effect on you. Still, you tell yourself it’s the anticipation of his hand being elsewhere on your body that riles you up.
His hand stays put until the two of you reach a booth lining the back wall. There’s a small lamp that bathes the whole table in a warm glow and you and Frank place your things down before sliding into the long seats. As you stare at him from across the table, you watch as his eyes scan the crowd and then the main stage as he focuses on the band. They’re currently playing a cover of a classic rock song and Frank smiles as he nods his head to the music.
“This place is nice,” you raise your voice slightly to be heard over the music. He turns to face you and his smile grows wider.
“Yeah? You like it?” His question is accompanied by your own nod and he continues. “I’m sure there’s fancier ones close to town, but I’ve been coming here for years and they’ve always been good.”
He raises his hand in the air, tilting his head up and leaning to the side as if to catch someone’s attention. You follow his line of sight and look over your shoulder to see a woman with a black apron tied around her waist. She looks slightly past you as a grin covers her face and walks over to your table quicker than you expected.
“Frank?! What are you doing here?” Her voice is already grating and she’s only said a handful of words. Her tone is drawn out, almost flirtatiously, and she stands closer to him than you would’ve liked.
“Just showing her around,” he answers simply. He looks at you and when the waitress does the same, her face falls. You muster up an awkward smile and try to shake off the weird look she gives you. “She’s never been here before, you think we could get some menus?”
“Sure thing,” she mumbles, stepping away only to return a moment later with two long, laminated sheets of paper. She drops them to the table and you spare yourself the trouble of looking at her again.
“She sure seems to like you,” you speak up once she’s left. Frank scoffs before grabbing a menu and shaking his head. “Did you see the way she looked at me? What did I do?” You ask with a frown, wondering if you did something unintentionally.
“She’s probably just pissed cause you’re sitting with me and she’s not,” he answers with a sigh. He flips the paper around and you notice the way his eyes dart around the page. His answer wasn’t very reassuring though, and you still feel the tension in your body. As you scan the small print of the menu in your hands, you can feel his gaze on you. You try to shake the disappointment and to make it less obvious that what she said affected you, but you’re not certain how good of an actress you are.
“Y’know what?” he speaks up after a few seconds. You raise your face to him as he continues, “I know this place a couple of blocks down? Best god damn beer I’ve had.” His hand disappears under the table and a moment later you see his fingers curled around his jacket. “It’s German! You haven’t tried that one before.” He leans across the table before whispering, “You’re gonna hate it.”
His attempts at distracting you work well and you can’t help the laughter escaping you at the final thing he said. Frank’s own crooked smile returns at your reaction and a softness settles into his brown eyes.
“There she is,” he mumbles once he sees your regular self bubble back up to the surface. You bring in a deep breath and choose to shake off any residual awkwardness you felt from before.
“No, no it’s okay. We can stay here.” You finish your sentence and look back towards the music before facing him. His hands are empty now as he continues to stare at you and you feel confident in your choice to stay.
After looking over the endless list of drinks, burgers, and other appetizers, you read a description of a sandwich that makes your stomach rumble to life. You immediately decide on it without a second thought and smile up at Frank, watching him run his finger across the page between two options and looking quite indecisive.
Before long, the ill behaved waitress is back to take down your order. You pick your sandwich, remembering to take off the toppings you aren’t too fond of, add in an order of fries, and your usual favorite drink to top it off. With a hesitant glance up, you see her scribbling down your order on the small notepad in her hand. Her expression is twisted up as if she smelled something foul and you feel that uneasy feeling settling in once more.
“I’ll have the same as my date here,” Frank answers before she can ask about his meal. He gently taps the two menus on the tabletop before handing them over to her. His lips part as his eyes drag over your features and you notice the way they stop for a little longer than they should when they reach your mouth.
To say you were shocked was an understatement. You weren’t sure if he said it just to get under her skin or not but part of you didn’t really care. He said it regardless and that made a smile carve its way onto your face. An annoyed scoff is heard from above and you see a hand come into view to snatch the menus away from Frank. He never looked away from you once.
The moment the food arrives, you’re excitedly grabbing your sandwich and lifting it to your mouth. As your teeth sink into the toasted bread, the flavor hits your tongue and a satisfied moan escapes you. Frank is quick to lift his eyes at the sound, his eyebrows raising as he takes in the scene in front of him. You raise your hand to your mouth and begin to grow bashful at the look on his face.
“Sorry!” You apologize, your voice muffled behind your palm. “It was just really good,” you explain once you swallow your food down.
“Don’t gotta apologize for that, kid,” he replies through his own raspy chuckle. You bite your lip and tuck a strand of hair behind your ear before reaching for the fries in your basket next.
The two of you dig into your identical meals and make some easy conversation in between bites here and there. You’re honestly impressed with how good the sandwich is and you’re glad you picked it out of the infinite number of items on the menu. Frank wasn’t lying when he said he loved this place. You watch him look up from his meal every now and then with a big smile on his face as he moves his head to the beat of the music. His energy was infectious and you found yourself tapping your toes along too. 
“Y’know,” he speaks up after finishing the last bite of his sandwich. At the sound of his voice, you begin to look up to his face, but your eyes latch on to something else. Frank sucks his fingers clean of the salt from his fries, his lips pursing as his cheeks hollow, and you immediately lose any grip you had on controlling your thoughts around him.
“When we ordered I saw your beer on the menu.” You hear his words but they have absolutely no meaning, no way of stringing them together to make a continuous thought as you watch him suck the seasonings from his thumb. You begin to feel a sense of injustice at the fact that those fingers weren’t where you desperately wanted them to be. With a pout, you look back to his gaze and see the confusion clear in his eyes.
“What?” you blurt out, finally remembering he had spoken and that you hadn’t processed anything he had said. He scoffs before shaking his head, his smirk spreading wide across his face before he speaks again.
“Said they have the beer you like here,” he repeats himself, his cocky grin a clear indicator that he saw how you froze up at sight just moments ago.
“I’m actually good tonight,” you say confidently. Reaching for your glass, you take a sip of your drink and hold his gaze as you stare at him from under your eyelashes. He sits back against the cushion of the booth and his eyebrows pull together as he thinks about what you said.
“Yeah?” he asks, squinting his eyes at you.
“Mhm, not letting a few beers stop me from what I wanna do after this,” you explain. You’ve never felt more frustrated than when he stopped you from kissing on his neck. You understood why he did it, and are actually very thankful he didn’t want it to go further, but the disappointment coursed through you all the same.
“Hmm? And what exactly is that?” he questions as the band finishes up the song they had been playing. Your eyes follow the noise as the crowd erupts into whistles and claps, applauding the musicians. When you finally look back over, Frank’s in the same position. It’s like he never looked away from you—hell, you’re not sure if he even blinked.
You don’t answer him though and make up your mind to keep him on the edge of his seat. Instead, you smile sweetly before picking up a fry from your basket and popping it past your lips. 
He gives you a knowing look, but doesn’t pry. Perhaps he was looking forward to the surprise of it all. You only hope you can remain as confident as you feel now so you can properly act out your plan. Before long, he swallows down his last french fry and Frank speaks up with a question.
“You wanna go dance?” Your whole body freezes at the mere thought of attempting to dance, not to mention the added nerves of doing it in a crowded room with Frank Castle standing witness. But as you look out onto the dance floor full of moving bodies, you realize most of them are probably far too intoxicated to really pay attention to you. Deciding to push past the initial fear, and wanting to be fully present with him and have fun, you nod and scoot out of the booth.
Frank stands in front of you and his hand soon comes into view of your eyeline. You place your hand in his and feel his fingers curl around your palm as you brace your weight on him and rise to your feet. You stand on your toes and motion for him to come closer so you can speak into his ear.
“Just so you know, I’m a terrible dancer,” you say after he’s tilted his head towards you.
“What part of me screams that I’m a good one?” he asks, and you chuckle at his joke. He smiles down at your laughter and nods his head behind him, letting you know he’s going to the dancefloor.
Frank keeps a hold of your hand as he leads you through the crowd. His broad body splits the sea of bodies as he walks and you follow close enough behind him to squeeze past them as well. There’s blue hues from the dim lights that shine over the people, but other than that you can’t see much beside their moving feet. He must’ve gotten to a clearing where there’s not as many people bumping into one another, because he stops walking and turns to you.
You’re sort of frozen still for a moment as the reality of it is beginning to creep in. But then Frank starts to shimmy his shoulders and you can’t help but break into a wide grin. Just like that, you’re thawed. The awkwardness you felt is starting to leave you as you begin to loosen up in front of him.
The band plays a fun, upbeat song that you don’t recognize, but he seems to be making the moves up as he goes along. You follow his direction, copying him but still keep some distance, trying to slowly shake off those nerves that are still lingering around. Suddenly, Frank does a move that you can’t even begin to describe with words alone and you burst into laughter as you watch him. Holding your stomach, you shake your head at him and he begins to laugh too. 
The band then retires from the stage, saying their farewells as the crowd applauds and whistles. Frank claps along with the rest of them and you cup your hands around your mouth to give a small cheer. You really enjoyed their set and wouldn’t mind coming back here again to watch them play once more.
Once the stage is clear, music begins to play over the speakers and Frank’s face lights up. His excitement is clear after just the first few notes.
“God, this takes me back,” his wide grin causes his eyes to squint up. You smile up at him, happy at his enjoyment, but you can’t help your head from tilting to the side confusedly.
“You haven’t heard this before?” he asks incredulously and you shake your head. “It’s literally my favorite song, how do you not know this?”
“When did it come out?” you ask, and watch him look up as he starts to think.
“Must’ve been… right after graduation, I think?” He does the math for a moment longer before answering with the year it was released. The answer has you fighting back a giggle as you stare at him awkwardly.
“Frank, I wasn’t born until two years later,” you answer honestly, and the look on his face is priceless.
“Jesus Christ…” he replies, dragging his hand down his face. You begin to worry now, wondering if you shouldn’t have brought up that point. He must’ve caught a glance at your anxious frown because he’s quick to explain himself.
“You’re fine just… my back hurt when you said that.” His hand comes to the back of his neck to emphasize his point and your smile finds its way back to your lips.
Despite the initial embarrassment you ran into after being reminded again of the gap in age between you and Frank, you found yourself really enjoying the song. He was honest when he said it was one of his favorites. You’ve never seen him this lively before and you love being able to soak up every minute of it. He’s so animated as he dances, holding you close to him with his hand secured at your back. The lines to the song fall past his lips like muscle memory as his forehead presses to yours.
You can’t stand being this close to him. Your whole body feels like it’s been shot with a current of electricity and you’re desperately wanting him to stop singing and put his mouth to yours. He might have a sixth sense—or simply just picked up on the timing—because his lips are on yours a second later. He kisses you deeply, his tongue brushing your lower lip for a moment before you eagerly let him in. Your head tilts to the side as you kiss him back and your arm wraps around his wide shoulders to ensure you’ll have your fill.
All too soon he’s breaking the kiss and you immediately suck your bottom lip behind your teeth to savor the feeling of him. He suddenly lifts his arm into the air and cues you to spin. You twirl under his hand with a huge grin and then he yanks you in for the finish, timing it so that your back is to his chest when you land against him. His same palm immediately finds your hip and tightens to keep you flush to him. His opposite hand travels down the length of your torso, his index finger tracing your side as he moves.
He begins to whisper the lyrics against your ear and you can’t bring yourself to focus on their meaning. He’s all over you and it’s making you feel dizzy, as if you’re drunk on his scent alone. Each pass of his finger along your ribs alights a fire at your side and you try to keep up as he begins rocking you from side to side to the rhythm of the song. His breath warms the entire side of your face and neck with each word he whispers. You fall under his spell and roll your head to the side at the feeling of his warmth all over.
When the song starts to fade and a new one begins overlapping it, you’re left with a bittersweet feeling; part of you never wanted to leave that moment and would gladly listen to that song on loop for the rest of your life, but the other half of you was almost frightened at how easily you turned to putty in his hands. You felt the need to have a better grasp on yourself, especially if you wanted to stay courageous for what you had planned for tonight.
The mix of two songs smoothen down into one and you instantly recognize the slow, sexy bassline that’s pumping through the speakers overhead. You’re not sure what came over you. Perhaps you wanted to prove to someone that you’re not that same timid, little girl. Whatever it was that coursed through your veins, you’re thankful that it gave you the strength to grab his large palm and put it back into place at your hip. You use the extra support to push your ass back into him, making sure to press hard enough until you feel the bulge in his jeans.
Frank doesn’t show any reaction except for his fingers tightening into your skin as if you were a lifeline. You smile as you continue to grind into him, your hips following the similar movements he taught you just a few days prior. Facing away from him gives you the extra boost of confidence needed to perform this act, but you’d be lying if you said you wouldn’t kill to see the look on his face right now.
With each push of your ass against the denim fabric, you feel the heat of his bulge so close to where your own warmth had started to pool. This felt good and you felt pride surging through your chest once you realized exactly what you were doing.
And then his arm crosses your chest and pulls you flat against him once more. His forearm is pressed against your collarbones and you feel your breath hitch at the hold he has you in. With a shaky inhale, you swallow down the lump in your throat and wait for him to speak.
“Look at you, sweetheart,” the tip of his nose brushes the curve of your ear and you try your damndest to not let your body double over. “Someone’s getting confident, huh?” His arm begins to slowly drop from across your chest, and instead reaches your lower stomach. From there, he applies pressure until you’re as close as you could be to him.
“You feel that? Hmm?” There’s an undeniable hardness under the thick layers of fabric. It doesn't feel as big as the last time he got turned on from you, but it’s still noticeable. “That’s all you,” he finishes with a lower tone of voice before taking half a step back and leaving you to sit with his words.
It takes you a moment to wrap your head around this entire situation. It’s abundantly clear that the mood has changed from light laughter and awful dance moves to something more sultry. You can feel the warmth slowly spreading between your legs and it leaves you with a buzz that makes you feel like your movements are slowed. When you turn around to finally face him, he’s already staring down at you expectedly.
“Why don’t we get outta here?” he asks, deep voice blending in with the booming bass. You nod at him and it feels like you’re moving in molasses. The dull, blue light from above catches his face for a moment. There’s something deeper to his unreadable expression; his jaw is clenched as if he’s trying to hold something back.
Once the two of you make it back to the table, Frank reaches into his back pocket for his wallet. He thumbs through the notes before tossing a few bills onto the table. He reaches into the booth seat for his jacket and shakes it out before draping it over your shoulders.
“Thank you,” you mumble in a quiet voice.
“Don’t gotta thank me for that, sweetheart,” he shakes his head, insisting that your gratitude isn’t needed. He begins to walk towards the door with his hand in its designated spot at your lower back to help guide you once again. The chill of the night air hits you the second you step out of the building and you find yourself curling his jacket snugger around your body. His scent is stuck to the collar and it helps lessen your shivering from the cold breeze.
He walks you to your side of the van and opens the door for you to climb in. Even after he gets in and begins driving down the same winding roads, there’s not much conversation between the two of you. The tension in the car is thick and incredibly palpable. You’re indecisive about whether to break the silence or leave it untouched so as to not make it worse.
Eventually Frank pulls into his parking spot that faces the front door of his apartment. After putting the van in park and walking around to open your door once more, you take his hand and carefully step down. He unlocks the door and gets you inside quickly, trying to shield you from the chilly air. Once he flicks the lights on, you’re greeted by the familiar sight of his living room and feel that desire to touch him creep back in. Your name falls from his lips and you turn your head at the sound.
“I’m sorry if I went too far back there. I shouldn’t have—,” he begins to apologize, but you’re quick to interrupt by pressing your lips to his. A surprised grunt comes from him and you smirk into the kiss, pleased to have caught him off guard. He wastes no time in wrapping his arms around you and begins leading you towards the couch. When you feel the back of your knees hit the curve of the cushion, you angle yourself in front of Frank and push him into the sofa below.
He looks up at you with his lips parted and his chest is noticeably bringing in deeper breaths each time he inhales. His usually soft, brown eyes have a darkened glint to them and you’re certain you’ve never seen this emotion on him before. Your pulse is racing through your own body and you swiftly straddle him with your knees on either side of his hips.
His impatient fingers grab hold of you in a way no one ever has before. The action causes a surprised gasp to fall past your lips, but it’s swallowed down by Frank who can’t seem to keep his mouth off of yours. The light stubble decorating his jaw scratches at your skin and the rough feeling does nothing but spur you on further. You begin to roll your hips into his as you fall into a familiar pattern and he uses his hold to help guide you into moving faster.
His movements are rushed and needy and it makes you feel reassured that he wants this—he wants you. That little boost to your ego has your hands tracing down his body, your palms rubbing down his strong chest, before finally reaching his belt. Your fingers search blindly for the leather and the sound of the buckle clinking sounds out in between the wet noises of your kisses.
“Woah, easy,” Frank breaks the kiss the second the sound reaches his ears. “Let’s just, uh…” he trails off and you feel his fingers gently prying yours away. “Let’s take it slow, alright?” His tone is so soft and the concern is written clearly across his features.
“Frank, please,” you try to reason with him. “I didn’t even drink tonight! And I just… last time I was all worked up and I really want to do this.” You finish with a pout as you glance up at him with pleading eyes. He swallows hard as he stares at you for a moment, probably battling something internally.
“What do you wanna do?” he asks slowly, trying to make his words clear. The question is so simple but admitting it to him makes you feel small again.
“I… I want to touch you,” you mumble, silently hoping he doesn’t ask you to be more explicit than that.
“You sure you want this?” His eyes never leave yours as he confirms your consent.
“I really do,” you reply, bringing your hand up and cupping his cheek. You brush your thumb over his skin and watch as he begins to shut his eyes and breathe deeply. “Please?”
You’re not sure if it’s the quiet plea, his own craving that’s swaying his decision, or some combination of the two, but he slowly uncurls his fingers from your wrist. You beam brightly at him and whisper a thanks as you peck him on the cheek.
“You’re still gonna have to walk me through it, Frank,” you say through a small chuckle.
He nods with an equally quiet, “I know.”
From there, he doesn’t try to deter your movements any longer. He lets you continue as you slide his belt past the metal buckle. You look up at him for reassurance and he nods his head with a smile. He takes your hand in his and pulls it to his bulge, letting you feel it properly for the first time. Excitement races through you and settles in your lower stomach as you watch your hand touch him over the denim.
“Can I take your jeans off?” Your question is met with another nod as he lets go of you. Slipping the button past the slit, you then lower the zipper past the teeth and the sound feels so loud in the otherwise silent room. You move to sit beside him and Frank helps you tug his pants down, raising his hips to lower them some more until they fall past his knees. He’s wearing a pair of dark grey boxer briefs and your eyes linger far too long on how they hug his thighs.
The thick outline stretching the fabric is enough to recenter your attention though. You start to feel the nerves coming back once you register just how big he is as he lies against his hip. You always had a feeling, given the sheer size of the man, but seeing it is a whole other experience. Thankfully, Frank doesn’t rush you as he lets you take this all in. You hesitantly move your hand over the length of him, brushing your fingers over the defined line underneath the head of his cock.
The next thing you reach for is the waistband of his boxers. You curl your fingers over the edge and tug them down, watching as more and more of his happy trail becomes exposed. He once again helps you pull them past his legs and now that he’s bare in front of you, you can’t help your eyes from widening. You had thought the bulge was big, but it was misleading; Frank is actually much larger than you had anticipated.
“What? You’ve never seen—?” He starts but you’re quick to cut him off.
“I have. I’ve seen, like, porn before but…” you find your voice leaving you as you stare between his legs. “It’s just bigger in person.” His chuckle sounds out and you raise your head to the noise only to be met by an amused smirk at your confession.
“S’not just cause it’s in person, kid,” he laughs through his words and you roll your eyes at his cockiness. You like that you can still crack jokes during a time like this and you find yourself thankful that you get to have Frank as your first introduction to sex. Feeling more relaxed, you reach forward and gently curl your fingers around his thick base.
“You can hold it tighter than that,” he speaks up after a second.
“I know,” you respond, tightening your hold on him a little more. He snorts lightly at the, apparently, subtle increase in pressure and you feel his larger hand curling around your own. His long fingers squeeze over yours, adjusting your grip on his length as he begins to move your hand up and down. He’s warm and heavy in your hand, two things you hadn’t given much thought of before now. Frank lifts your hand once more and a satisfied sigh leaves him.
The sound stirs something in your stomach and you try to swallow down your own growing arousal at the noise he’s making. He loosens his hold on you and you watch as his hands find the hem of his shirt before bunching it up and exposing the lower half of his stomach. There’s so much to look at and it’s pulling your attention in too many ways. You try to focus on him in your hand though and begin speeding up your movements.
“You can spit on it,” he speaks up after a few seconds. You turn to face him and feel your eyebrows pull together at his words.
“Like just… spit on it?” The confusion is more than likely obvious in your tone but you want to ensure that you don’t embarrass yourself with him. Not now when you’ve made it this far.
“Yeah, go for it,” he encourages gently. With one last glance at him, you lean forward and lower your head over his length. You purse your lips and part them as you let the split slowly drip until it’s sliding over his head. You watch as it runs down past the tip and Frank clears his throat.
“Shit, yeah that…” he trails off as he raises his hips slightly. “That works too.” You smile at his words and wonder if his movement was an instinctual reaction to the warmth running along the smooth skin of his cock.
With the help of the extra slick added to his length, you begin to work your hand faster on him. You know from what you’ve heard that the tip is more sensitive, so you raise your hand right underneath his head and tighten your grip. A grunt immediately falls from him and you impulsively let go of him. You face him with a worried expression and watch as he brings in a deep breath before swallowing thickly.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. Just felt real damn good.” The praise in his words immediately rushes to your heart and you feel yourself swell with pride. You can’t believe you made him feel that good, but now you’re determined to see what other sounds you can pull from his pretty lips. As you focus your attention back to his cock, you see a few beads of precum beginning to bubble up at his swollen tip. You rub your thumb in circles over the slit, spreading around the proof of his pleasure, and you feel him twitch in your hold.
“Shiiiiiit,” the drawn out curse sounds raspy and you don’t stop your movements as you check once again to see his reaction. Frank’s head is tilted back slightly against the couch cushion, his mouth is parted, and his eyes are scrunched up slightly. You try your hardest to memorize this version of him. You wish you could ingrain this memory so you’ll never forget how good he looks when he’s succumbing to his pleasure.
Twisting your hand as you move it over his length, you notice the way his adam's apple bobs as he swallows down presumably another groan. You can’t resist the urge to feel even more of him, and press your lips against his neck. Lazy kisses are littered across his skin while you work your hand faster, intermittently tightening your hold on his thickness. His throat tightens as he feels the wet marks of your affection, and the next thing you feel is his fingers tangling in your hair. He pulls gently as he tugs your head up to his and he kisses down your surprised gasp, his tongue slipping into your mouth.
You’re having trouble keeping up with his movements and you realize this must be what it’s like to be kissed breathlessly. Any moment you get, you’re greedily gulping down air before he continues his ravenous attack on your lips. You never slow the speed of your hand and press yourself against his side, trying to feel more of him to satiate your need. Frank tries to break the kiss but you push against him harder, not wanting to let go for a second. But he tries again, grabbing your wrist gently and you immediately pull away with a frown.
“What did I do?” you ask in a worried tone. He’s quick to lock his eyes with yours and speaks clearly.
“You’re okay. You’re doing so good, sweetheart,” he starts, and then nods down towards his lap. “I’m almost there, kid. Just wanted to warn you before it happens.” And just like that, a wide grin splits across your face. I’m making him feel that good?!
“I really wanna make you come, Frank,” you tell him honestly and you notice his cock twitch slightly as he registers your words.
“You keep talking like that and you will,” he grumbles in a low voice. His tone almost seems as if it was meant as a warning, but all it does is add to the fire in the pit of your stomach. You’re quick to reach for him again and fall back into the rhythm you established just seconds ago. With each pass of your hand you feel the veins protruding slightly through his skin and make sure to add slightly more pressure to the ring underneath his tip—he seemed to like that in particular.
“Just like that—fuck, attagirl,” he breathes through gritted teeth while he stares down at your smaller fingers wrapped snugly around him. The praise courses through you and you hide your face in his neck. You place sloppy kisses under his jaw and listen as more grunts start to fall from his parted lips. They slowly twist into a new sound and it takes you a second to realize it’s your name that’s coming out in a twisted groan. You glance down and watch as he raises his hips for a moment to chase after the feeling of you, his orgasm following soon after.
One long moan falls from him as warmth spills over your hands. You make sure not to miss a single second and don’t dare slow down or pull away. You want Frank to feel as good as possible and so you’ll drag this out for as long as you can. White begins to coat his head and the rest of his length as you continue moving over him. It isn’t until he reaches for your wrist that you take notice of the way his thigh is tense and you let go to give him some relief.
“T…That’s enough,” he pants as he speaks through uneven breathing. You mumble an apology as you snuggle into his side again, leaving the remainder of your kisses on his collarbone. His hand rubs at your back while he regains his breath and you feel him press his lips to your forehead. 
“Jesus Christ,” he whispers, and you follow his gaze to the mess in his lap. His cock lies on his hip, all spent and giving a weak twitch once or twice. You don’t even try to hide the smile that grows on your face at the sight.
“Oh, you proud of yourself, huh?” he asks through a fit of chuckles. “You should be,” he holds you to his side again. “Did so fuckin’ good.” You feel another long kiss to the side of your head. Pride isn’t even a strong enough word to describe how you feel at this moment.
“Thank you, Frank,” you smile up at him.
“Thank me? Nah, you did all that,” he brushes it off just like last time. “Thank you for making me feel good, kid. You were absolutely perfect.” The warmth spreading to your cheeks makes you hide your face in his chest again. You weren’t really sure how a scene like this was supposed to normally end, but Frank doesn’t say anything more. He keeps you close in his arms and you can still hear his pulse attempting to slow in his chest. For now, you don’t want to question what comes next; for once, you’re comfortable exactly where you are.
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Taglist: @chellestrash @avengerstower-houseplant @musicals-and-mermaids @castle-of-ruin @justalittlepickle @boo8008 @doublevirgogirl @xxdrixx @yaminax @nabiiturner @imwaytoolazyforthis @vechkinfan @himesuedi @0-goblin-0 @soleilcastle @innebulae @punishersmainchick @eddiemunsonsbelover @tea-drinking-nerd
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impishjesters · 11 months
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Time out for Jax
warning(s): Jax, temper/anger issues, inappropriate reaction, unhealthy coping methods, suggestive/implied sexual content, cursing note(s): I'm at a loss for the correct words I wanted to use in the tags, but Jax's anger is a little overkill and the reader admits to him not having great coping methods when he's really pissed off and at a breaking point. I'm in no way saying that type of coping/behaviour is acceptable, just that it exists. I also want to state that the sexual implications at the end are completely consensual! A/N: I don't know why this popped into my head but the idea of Caine putting Jax in time out only for it to not really be effective is absolutely hilarious. Plus I told my mom about it and she agreed it'd be something Caine would do and fail at.
“That’s it!” Caine shouted. He raised a hand and gave a quick snap, summoning thick iron bars from the ground that formed a small jail cell around Jax. “You sir, are in time out!”
You and a few others let out a surprised gasp. Caine had never gone so far as to actually do something to punish Jax for his behaviour, if you could even really call it a punishment.
Even Jax seemed surprised if you could get past the obvious miffed expression coupled with a few censored curses being thrown at the AI. Caine did nothing in response to the words except fix his clothes that had seemingly gone astray amidst his anger.
If you could call it that.
Caine turned to the rest of you and rushed through a more dramatic rendition of what was basically I Spy meets hide and seek, the activity he initially had started explaining before Jax’s little stunt. As soon as he finished explaining he let out a huff and disappeared with a poof of smoke.
“God dammit Jax!”
“Holy shit, I’ve never seen Caine so upset.”
“Oh, that’s worrying…”
“He didn’t give us a list of what we’re looking for…”
“Oh, maybe this thing?”
Everyone spoke over one another the moment he left, except for Jax who was still irked at being put in time out like a child of all things. “Oh c’mon this is bullshit, he’s the one who wants to keep us entertained.”
“You tried to pants him, baby.” You approached the bars with arms crossed, staring up at your idiot of a boyfriend. “I don’t even think you can pants him.”
He scoffed and copied your stance, crossing his arms. “It’s his fault we’re stuck here, he wants to entertain us then that would’ve been fucking hilariously entertaining.”
Of course, Jax didn’t feel guilt for literally taunting the entity that was likely your captor. He barely found himself feeling guilty when you did something stupid enough to make him laugh. Entertainment was entertainment, no discrimination there.
“How long do you think Caine will keep you in there?” Gangle asked, slowly approaching the two of you.
“Knowing that bastard? Who knows.” he shrugged.
“Hold on a second..” You took a step back and let your eyes roam the little makeshift prison before letting out a laugh. The whole thing was as tall as Jax and had at least enough room for him to stretch, but that wasn’t what made it so hilarious.
“What? What’s so funny?” Jax sneered, this whole thing wasn’t funny in the slightest. Weren’t you supposed to be on his side, as his partner? He was fucking stuck in this thing until you guys either finished this dumb little activity or got his attention to let him out.
The laughter caught the attention of the rest, causing them to slowly inch closer. “What’re they laughing at?” Ragatha asked.
“Heck if I know.” Jax threw his arms up and stared you down. “You gonna tell the rest of the class angel?”
It took a few moments to compose yourself, but the faint giggle never left you. Rather than answer them out loud you simply walked closer to the cage before slipping yourself between the bars, joining Jax. Caine had been so focused on putting Jax in a cage that he didn’t even take into consideration the spacing between the bars. Sure the bars were thick but they were spaced too far to really matter.
“Baby, you were never trapped.”
You walked back through the bars with little difficulty and Jax’s eye twitched with irritation. “You’ve gotta be shitting me…” He slapped a hand over his face and growled, stepping between the bars and finding himself outside the very useless prison. “I’ll kill him…”
“No, you won’t.” A sigh left you, the giggle dying down completely. At least for you, the others were still varying levels of laughter and giggles accompanied by Kinger’s slightly confusing questioning as to what everyone was laughing about. You could hear someone try to explain it to him but focus your attention on the man before you.
Jax was still agitated and like this, he would be nothing but bad company for the others. You turned to Ragatha and asked if they’d be able to handle the activity for now. She agreed, telling the two of you to return before they finished and got Caine back. Who knew how he’d respond to finding Jax outside of his time out punishment?
The others left and you turned back to Jax before offering an open palm. “How about we go to our room and let the others handle the game? I’ll even help you plan a few pranks.” If only to make sure that none of the others suffered too harshly at Jax’s irritation.
Sometimes his outbursts could get particularly nasty and would often result in some less-than-ideal words or pranks aimed at others. You’ve been on the receiving end a few times and while the first few times hurt, you knew it wasn’t anything to take personally over time.
It wasn’t healthy but it beat letting him keep everything pent up. Plus it had its rewards, Jax would always make it up to you in some way or another when that happened. The worse it was, the better the reward, and boy were those rewards worth it.
“Oh angel I’ve already got a list of pranks planned, but what I want to do is blow off this steam in other ways.” He jabbed a thumb behind himself. “Get walkin’ sweetie.”
Oh, this kind of blowing off steam was your favourite. Double reward in your book.
“Yes sir.”
Jax let out a low growl before following close behind. He’d definitely make it up to you for getting him out of that, his own anger clouded his judgment, and had it not been for you he’d still be stuck there. No, he was going to blow your back out and then reward you with a long, tender round two.
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mzxixi · 2 months
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𓍯𓂃Sakusa Kiyoomi x model!Reader
after years of being outshined by his teammates Sakusa Kiyoomi needed a solution. The solution? Its you. Y/n L/n a model who is gaining popularity daily is just the perfect opportunity for him to get his name on the headlines. Will she be the root to his success or will she be the cause of his down fall?!
Tags/warnings: nothing much other than drinking
Note: this took so long cuz I’ve been rlly busy lately. Don’t mind any grammar mistakes English is not my first language🥹.Let me know if you want to be added into the tag list
──────────────────────Masterlist ~ next chapter ──────────────────────
It wasn’t new to him. Seeing his teammates on the news and all over social media except for him. It’s not like he has never received any attention but compared to his teammates he felt out of place. What can he do to get his name out there? Why do they get most of the attention?. Sighing as he put his phone down. “Hey Omi-omi you’re still here?” A blond setter sat next to him which irritated him even more. He thought he could finally be alone in the locker room but no.
“When’s your flight?” The blond asks. Sakusa did not want to answer him or even talk to him he let out a sigh “ 4 in the morning” his tone of voice was enough to let the other man know he wasn’t in the mood for a conversation. Atsumu got up grabbing his things from his locker before leaving Sakusa alone. “Have fun in new york”
“Thanks” he knew it was going to be the opposite of fun
What was there to like about bunch of models walking down the runway probably half naked
5 in the morning. It was too early for him to be waking up but there he was boarding his plane half awake and was reading to sleep throughout the whole flight. Luckily his seat was comfortable enough.
5 hours into the flight. He woke up to see his cousin reading a Magazine. Why did Komori had to follow him and why were they on the same flight. “I can’t believe this chick lives in Japan?” Noticing Sakusa was awake he tried to make conversation. “I don’t even see her on the front cover of our magazines” Sakusa hummed before closing his eyes again.
11 hours. They landed in New York . After arriving at their hotel all Sakusa wanted to do was rest but komori had other plans. “Let’s go grab dinner”. Right he wasn’t alone on this trip. Thankfully he doesn’t have to share a room. Feeling hungry himself he agreed.
They did not make reservations beforehand. They were told They had to wait 20 minutes before they were seated. Waiting outside Sakusa was getting impatient. He was about to leave until he was cameras flashing. They were all pointed towards a black sedan. Exiting the car was a face he had never seen before. The cameras flashed rapidly with some paparazzi desperate trying to get her attention. “She’s even prettier up close” he heard his cousin whispered. “That’s the girl I saw on the magazine. The one I showed you”
“Y/n can I take a photo with you?” a girl beside him asked. He wasn’t exactly judging her but why does she have to be so excited about meeting some unknown celebrity on the streets of New York . He did not notice he was eyeing the both of you until your gaze met his smiling at him.He did not even return your smile.
What’s so interesting about this girl?
To say you were nervous was an understatement. You were excited and anxious. This is your first fashion show outside of Japan who would’ve thought you’ve made it this far. Certainly not you. But with your parents being highly respected individuals you weren’t surprised they probably bribe someone to get your name out there. But it doesn’t really matter to you because as far as you know today you will be a model for Dior.
“I met a guy yesterday” you said to your manager. “Y/n sit still and let emmy do her job” your manager pointed at your hairstylist. Emmy chuckled “no it’s ok. Continue miss y/n”. Your manager rolled her eyes before letting you continue. “I did not actually meet up with him” you started “we just crossed path and he happens to be standing right next to a fan I was taking photos with” you couldn’t really remember much other than his attractiveness. “But I smiled at him and he doesn’t seem to like me much” you express.
“So he’s a total stranger” your hairdresser spoke up before Akiko could. You were sure you are not going to see him again so you brushed it off and changed the topic. “I wonder what dress I am going to wear” you haven’t seen your outfit yet and you were excited to see it. “It’s beautiful” your manager says as she took a sip of her coffee. “So beautiful it’ll make that guy wish he had smiled at you back” you let out a laugh at your manager words.
She wasn’t lying when she said the dress you were wearing is beautiful. The dress you are wearing is a black lace dress that will surely capture the eyes of your audience. “Am I old enough to wear a dress this short?” The dress was surely too short but who cares.
You were beyond nervous Scared that you will mess up and ruin your whole career. In a few seconds you were about to make a name for yourself.
Walking down the runway wasn’t so bad. You just had to mind your step and make yourself look presentable. You could tell the audience loved your dress looking at each one of them you were happy they were pleased by how you looked but one particular audience caught you off guard.
It was him. The guy you saw the other night. Same curly hair and stoic expression.
You nearly messed up when you saw him. Who was he? Was he some kind of celebrity you don’t know off? What ever it is you were surely going to find out who he is.
“You did so good out there darling” your mom greeted you with a hug. “Be more careful next time I saw you nearly mess things up” she said strictly. Did she come here to praise you or lecture you. You messed up because of a guy but you weren’t going to tell her that.You weren’t in the mood to deal with all her lectures “it’s my first time and I got nervous” you cleared things up. Your mom had always been strict with you. Always wanted you to be a model and even having a strict diet for you which you had to obey majority of your life. She always find a way to push you way past your limits and you were growing tired of her
“Whatever I’ll see you at the hotel” she kissed ur cheeks before leaving.
New York felt like a dream come true you couldn’t believe how this city can be so bright and full of life even during the late hours. You wanted to have some fun here but the problem is your mother. You hated how she won’t even let you have some time for yourself here.
You couldn’t believe you were here with someone like your mother. Dragging your feet along the hotel lobby you stumble upon someone familiar. A model who you met earlier. Amelia Martinez. “Y/n,surprised to see you here” you were surprised too. Surprised she even noticed you. Amelia was a senior with much more experience than you. She was tall,beautiful and had the perfect characteristics to be a model. Who wouldn’t be jealous of her.
“Amelia” you forced yourself to greet her. To tired to even deal with anyone right now. You noticed that she was all dressed up ready to go out. Out of curiosity you gathered up the courage to ask her which to your surprised she answered excitedly “I’m just heading to the club down the street” she answered cheerfully “do you want to come with me? It’ll be lonely if I go there by myself” was she really inviting you to hand out with her?
This was the perfect opportunity to enjoy your time here in new York and to get away from your mother for at least a couple of hours. Without thinking twice you went with her in what ever clothes you were wearing.
Amelia turned out to be better than you expected. She was open minded and out going. “And that’s how I became a model” her story made you feel a wave of jealousy rush over you. She had always wanted to become a model and had all of her familys support while you never had anyone’s support and all you got was a pushy mother who wanted “the best” for you. “You’re off to a great start y/n” her words sounded genuine and you liked how she praises you. As the night goes on you and her were having the time of your lives. You will admit that you were a bit drunk.
Heading over to the bar. You noticed a familiar figure sitting all alone in the corner away from all the people. You had to look at him twice to finally remember who that person is.
It was him. The one you saw at the restaurant and during your show. Without thinking twice you approached him in your drunken state.
“Usually the prince is the one who goes searching for his princess but in this universe the princess is the one searching for her prince”
Tag list: @miliondollagirl
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alohaasaloevera · 9 months
KL post-canon sorta fwb/situationship AU where they rile each other up!!!!!!1!1!!1!
Lance is so fucking annoying. Keith has decided that his mindset from when he was 18 (and sexually confused—actually, maybe just repressed?) is now superior.
Keith hates how Lance flirts with anything that even remotely looks like a woman. He hates how he jokes around too much. He hates how extensive his skin routine is. He hates how he can’t decide whether he wants to punch Lance or kiss him senseless every single time he wiggles his eyebrows as an attempt to flirt or recites a crappy one-liner at him.
His Things I Hate About Lance list is about to be updated, because they’re at yet another diplomatic party on earth (which is actually more of a “celebrating the fact that the universe didn’t get destroyed” party) and Lance is wearing a navy blue button-down shirt which is very much accentuating his muscles, and it’s causing his brain to malfunction. I guess the constant labor at the farm paid off, Keith thinks.
He’s also flirting with a lady who also seems to be extremely appreciative of Lance’s outfit choice. They look like they’re about to decimate each other in the middle of the room with how their eyes are focused solely on the other. Lance’s eyes flick over to him for a second before he just smirks at Keith—the smug fuck—then he focuses back on the girl in front of him before settling his hand on her hip and leaning closer, his voice a hushed whisper against the shell of her ear.
Keith just rolls his eyes. Not that he cares about who Lance sleeps with anyways.
“You’re drooling.” Shiro says, which earns him a moderately hard slap from Keith on his non-prosthetic arm. “You look mad, too.”
“Shut up.” Keith grumbles, because apparently his 14 year old self’s attitude is now the best way to go, “Go away.”
“Jeez, looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”
“I said, shut it! Or else telling Adam you made out with Curtis.”
“Please, they’re probably making out with each other as of this moment.”
“What are you, 12?”
Keith does not go ahead and answer that question, mostly because he doesn’t want to admit that he’s acting more and more immature as the seconds that he stares at Lance and the woman go by.
Shiro, who has been a spectator of Keith pining over the Red Paladin since the early days of Voltron, sighs, before ruffling Keith’s hair, “Please just try and talk out whatever this weird sexual tension between you and him is. For me, please? I’ve already constructed a customized shovel talk for him if you ever do get with him, and let’s just say updating it over the years—”
“Alright, alright! I’ll do it!”
“Thanks, child.”
“Child? Is that what we’re doing now?”
“Just go!”
Keith, both fortunately and unfortunately, does not get to talk to Lance until after the party. He walks around the ballroom, and multiple people tell him Lance was last seen walking out eagerly with a girl, so he waits until the next day to talk to him.
What feels unsettling is that how most of the people who let him know about where Lance has gone were talking in an almost…disappointed manner; like they had expected better from him. Which is ridiculous, because for starters, Lance doesn’t need to be all serious and on guard all of the time, especially since they’re celebrating the fact that they had won the war—in fact, it would be out of character for Loverboy Lance to not flirt with at least one person at a party. Secondly, Lance is basically still a kid. Sure, he’s been through some stuff, but he’s still 20 years old. He wouldn’t even have graduated college by now!
Keith gets that they are the Paladins of Voltron, and their duty is to protect the universe, but sometimes the expectations people have for them make them look like flawless, error-free machines who never make mistakes or miss a beat, when it’s far from that. They’re human too. They mess up plans like half the time (maybe not half, but you get the point)!
When he’s walking to Lance’s house—somewhere about a 5 minute walk away from the city and a 10 minute walk from his own house—he stops in his tracks.
What is he even going to say to him?
He can’t be flat-out, outright straightforward with Lance and say, “Oh, I’m kinda in love with you, and have been for the past 5 or so years, so could we stop this friends-with-benefits situationship we have going on and just cut to the real deal?”, but he also can’t be too vague with it.
Though, if there’s anything that Voltron has taught him, one of the things would be, without a doubt, is that you always have to be prepared to improvise.
He knocks on the cold wood, and just when Keith is about to reconsider even coming here, the door opens.
In the course of 5 seconds, Keith goes from knocking on a door to being slammed against that same door. Not that he’s going to complain.
“Sorry—” Lance manages in between kisses, “—about—” a kiss on his forehead, “—yesterday.” He kisses Keith gently on the lips, adding more pressure when the smaller’s arms come to wrap around his neck.
Just as Keith relaxes, he breaks the kiss, genuinely confused, “Wait, what?”
“It’s just that you seemed genuinely sad when I was flirting with her, and—” Lance attempts to explain, only for Keith to cut him off.
“Hey, don’t apologize to me for that.” Keith protests. “I was just jealous that you looked fucking amazing in that dress shirt and she was the one who got to have you. Besides, we aren’t exclusive.”
He expects Lance to loosen up—maybe brag about how he wooed Keith with his dazzling looks, but he sure as Zarkon and Honerva themselves does not expect him say this:
“But what if I want to be exclusive?”
Keith’s heart catches in his throat, eyes widening like saucers, “What?”
“I said,” Lance looks straight at Keith, his gaze piercing,
“What if I want to be exclusive?”
Oh, fuck.
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 6 months
What are your opinions on each of the songs? (you can answer with as much or as little detail as you'd like)
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Big shocker that the songs from the 2 good episodes are in S and the only one that isn’t is still B tier/sar
The first 2 songs in S made me either tear up/shake violently or cry, and therefore they deserve to be up there IMO. Out for love is also just genuinely catchy and had actual build up to it. Also God “Ready for This” just. OOUGGGHHH IT SCRATCHES MY BRAIN SO GOOD LIKE A WARRIOR CATS MAP. I like it a lot. You cant have multiple characters sing about working together and expect me to NOT cry.
“Stayed Gone” isn’t one I listen to often but it’s so peppy and fast and full of hatred I can’t help but enjoy it. Also everytime the song starts my brain does this
I dont know anything about Welcome Home
I have. Issues. With “Loser, Baby” but aside from those the song holds a lot more weight to it than I usually give it credit for. And for as cheesy as the start if it is, the line before of Angel talking about self destructing resonates with me a lot. Also Husk lays down in a puddle of vomit and no one talks about that ever.
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I think the first song in B is “Happy Day in Hell” and I’m adding it there 1. Because it is the first song 2. It gets a reprise thing 3. Charlie almost gets hit by a truck. Other than that it’s not really my favourite but I respect the impact it has.
“Hell is Forever” just fucks. End of story. Alex Brightman killed it.
“Respectless” is good I love Velvette’s VA, but the sudden start of the song and the ending are so out of left field the first time me and my friends watched this show we had to pause cause we lost our fucking minds. Could’ve been better but I’d listen to it again, yeah.
“Hell’s Greatest Dad” is silly and funny and maybe I’m biased as a violin player and jazz enjoyer but a lot of the instrumental tickles my brain so nicely. I will say though it confuses me so much because why does Alastor care about being seen as a father figure?? My mom said it could just be him wanting to show up Lucifer and that’s it but I dunno.
“More than Anything (Reprise)” AKA “Charlie and Veggie Kiss Scene - Hazbin Hotel”
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This song sounds like it’s straight out of Barbie & Th Diamond Castle and I’m honestly pissed the girls in the movie didn’t kiss so I’m coping with this. ALSO THE FACT ITS A REPRISED SONG ABOUT LOVE MAKES ME A BIT CRAZY. I never noticed this was the same song Lucifer sang to Charlie SOMEHOW but that’s actually really cute.
“It Starts With Sorry” Has a big part in Sir Pentious’s character growth and just his character in general. I’ve been working on this in my Pentious rant but I never see people mention how much this song probably meant to him. Yeah it’s super corny, but he was fully expecting to be killed and had just been told to kill himself. This was definitely huge for him and I’m not gonna be convinced otherwise.
“You Didn’t Know” is really good but Lute’s part is by far the best and I pray to GOD she gets her own song in S2 her voice actor can SING. GODDAMN! I am very interested in Lute’s character development and I love seeing what people do with close-minded characters like that and hopefully Vivzie doesn’t condemn her to Vivziepop Woman Syndrome. If she isn’t important in S2 I’m going to be pissed but I dunno maybe S3 if we get one.
“More Than Anything” Wish my dad was like this! This song is incredibly sweet and I appreciate it a lot. Honestly might go way higher on the list if I keep thinking about it.
“Whatever It Takes” Sorry you will never be Imagine Dragons. Vaggie doesn’t sound anything like herself cause her VA is making her voice so much more gruff for her character, which is fine! I like her voice (the voice direction is not very good but I digress) it’s just her voice is so high in this I can’t even tell it’s Vaggie.
“Welcome to Heaven” is boring, but we got a Molly cameo!
“Poison”. Read this and this and this. -10/10. I’d rather make out violently with Elon Musk.
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romanovthinkver · 3 months
Do you have a Twitter/X account?
I'm asking because I'm that anon that agreed with you about wanting scarlett to speak up about palestine, the main reason being that there have been viral tweets saying she's a zionist/supports isnotreal because of the whole sodastream situation, I saw a tweet yesterday where someone LIED and said she didn't want to work with a company because they asked her to boycott isnotreal and she refused, and multiple scarlett stans have said that it isn't true.
Idk I just feel like all of this misinformation could be avoided if she said something. it's really starting to irritate me, I know she's busy but a simple "free palestine" statement would be nice.
hello sweet thank you for this ask. yes i have twitter. to be honest i didn’t know about these things you mentioned, but i went on the app and looked up.
as far as i can see from simply their bios, they’re bot pages and mostly israel supporters so they’re probably trying to catch some likes, bring other people to their side using a powerhouse like scarlett to attract them. and it works, you can see it from the comments. this is why speak up matters, right? no false speculations and no more people supporting a genocide.
it’s fake. it has been confirmed by journalists, some of her big fan-pages and scarlett doesn’t even talk like that so, as you mentioned, it’s a spread of misinformation. i personally tagged one of her fan page and she confirmed herself. however the posts doesn’t have any community notes despite all the posts going viral since days. i can’t explain this to you, but i have a thought.
the acc used a real happened fact, talking about something that happened 10yrs ago. it’s the oxfam (palestine) and sodastream (israel) dispute that involved scarlett personally.
i kindly recommend you to go and read it to have a better opinion on it maybe with some deep digging. i’m gonna link up some resources a friend of mine (that i personally thank) helped me find so you know i’m not lying or distorting the reality. (i know for sure i’m gonna have asks flooded with anons accusing me of being a liar and i don’t have patience for that).
misinformation sometimes is a good thing in these situations, for celebrities. it’s strategic. unload people of their responsibilities because it leads people to defend you, forget the main reason because you’ve been dragged into something you didn’t said.
after you learn about the story maybe you’ll have a clear answer that explains a lot on the silence she’s being holding, on why colin hosted the white house correspondent dinner this year.
what can in say tho it’s that she has become a influent figure in the US politics, with the president, and has been invited to speak there for convincing everyone to vote for the AI law. she has donated for causes, spoke up, i can make a big list on the enormous work she put out there to help people.
you guys have been telling me she isn’t political, she can’t expose herself nor she can’t talk about political issues then explain to me what’s the difference on talking about a genocide and being invited at the US parliament to address a speech. the matter? you say, well both are important matter that requires attention.
as i said in previous answer asks she isn’t gonna lose her job because she’s her own boss. have you seen artists big as her lose their jobs? they gained more.
i have been restless. i contacted all of her big and small fan-pages (both twitter and instagram) to ask them to at least speak up about the genocide if they didn’t want to call her out. nobody answered me. i’ve contacted her publicist, marcel pariseau, who always answers her fans. no answer. i’ve contacted kate foster, the outset team. nothing. everyone has been silent. why?
it’s hard to ask if that’s a few of us against millions of people who think she can’t act. that’s pointless despite trying and take all the people shit that hides behind anonymous.
this isn’t religious or political nor about losing jobs neither being busy. it’s human and if you are silent in front of beheaded babies, burned unborn babies, (taking this floor for calling out all the anti abortion shits) decomposed bodies and starved people; well that goes behind every moral of this world.
as this being said my hopes are always here. what i can say is that speculation and hate aren’t the answers only peace is. so be kind and continue to spread your voice, let's fight for the end of the genocide and liberation of palestine. history will make it course, as always have been, and we'll be proud to tell we have been on the right side.
disclaimer: it’s a 10 years ago thing so we don’t know if the situation or her opinione are changed . maybe it is, maybe it’s not.
the guardian.
il post. (for my italians followers).
bbc news.
buzzfeed news.
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cocogrrrl · 1 year
waiting list
“do you even love me?” the question floated stale in the air. (or you and stan talk things out)
stan marsh x gn!reader cw: angsty, neglectful (i think?) relationships, implied self destructive stan, big-hearted yn :( wc: 777
an: stangst season!!! i love this a lot its very personal heart heart heart let a silly guy be silly
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“Do you even love me?” The question floated stale in the air.
Deep down, you trusted within yourself that he did love you, yet you also felt like it could very much be otherwise. If he wanted to, he would. What exactly does it mean for someone like Stan to love you? What would it look like? Cause you’re sure as hell it wouldn’t look like this.
“I do,” his words felt incomplete. It felt like there was a but. However, whether it’d be an explanation or an excuse, it was buried within his throat.
“Then why do I have to question if you even like me?”
You knew he was beside you, but god you’re so far away from him that you could’ve sworn that two feet felt like two thousand. If you reached your hand out for him to hold, it’ll never meet his, even if he wanted to hold your hand. It’s because he might never see your hand extending out to him.
You wondered if any of your words even registered in his head at a distance like this.
“I’m sorry…” He sighed, relieving pressure by rubbing the back of his neck.
“I don’t want a sorry, Stan. I want us to be happy again. An apology isn't going fix everything.”
You swore that this is like your hundredth time repeating this. Maybe you’ll never be able to reach him—no matter what you do. When the vinyl has a divot in it, it usually skips sections or repeats it. To him, whenever you have these conversations, you are just like a broken record.
“Well, what should I do then?”
“I don’t know? I just want us to go back to how it was when we started dating. I want everything to go back to ‘normal.’”
“What exactly is normal?”
“...I wouldn’t know, I guess.”
You didn’t like this side of him. The side that seemed to be always so skeptical of everything. You learned how to love it, though. You’ve always stuck to the rule that if you love someone, you should love them a hundred percent. Anything else is just an idealized version of them.
“Do you feel even a little bit bad, Stan? For either one of us?
“Of course I do.” Finally, his gaze is turned to yours. “I feel bad that I keep trying to push everything away. It’s hurting both of us.” His tone was sympathetic, guilty even.
“Then why don’t you do anything to fix it?”
Because it’s all he knows. Because it is his second nature. Because it’s the only language that he’s been taught to speak.
You already knew the answer. Why did you even bother?
“It’s hard, dear. You know it is.” He took a long exhale. It almost felt dragged to piss you off. You knew you were looking a bit too into the lines, but everything right now seemed to either tick you off or make you upset.
“I know, but I’ve never even seen you try.” Or at least fully commit to it.
“I really have tried. I just… It’s really difficult.”
“Can’t I do anything to help? Please, I want to help you. I want us to go back to how it was.”
That, perhaps, is your greatest weakness. Your inability to let go of the past. You are a hoarder of memories. Ones you could throw out, you don’t. You keep them in your palms and will cling to them to make you feel fulfilled.
The collection of memories you hold are reminders that you have been happy. The present is here to pull you down. The future is a reminder of doom, but can also be a beacon of hope. As of now, things for you are bleak.
“How long will it take? Stan, I can’t keep waiting forever for something I’m not sure will ever come.”
You weren’t sure if that was a lie or the truth.
On one hand, you constantly lie restless, waiting for any semblance of a healthy life between the two of you. It was like watching the bottom of a large hourglass, unsure when will the sand run out. All you had and were left to do was watch and wait—hoping that the end will come while you were present.
On the other hand, you had a big heart. If your heart had a bouncer, Stan would have no issue with that. His name is tattooed on the waiting list. You knew deep in yourself he’s left a big dent in you, but scars make you beautiful, right?
One beat.
Two beats.
Three beats.
“Why don’t you wait for someone else then?”
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lyrakanefanatic · 2 months
hey pookie!!! i dont think we've talked one on one before but heyyy. love your page, but i wanted to know what are you most excited to see in tgg and why? for me you already know - LYRASON!!!!
1. LYRASON. yes, i know it sounds basic, but i’ve been rooting for them for TOO LONG to give up now! 😡 plus their scenes so far have had me SCREAMING so i just can’t wait!!
2. what ever happened to lyra’s father. this has been on my mind forever and i can’t stop thinking about what he knew or what happened that was so irreversible that he had to ki// himself. (if that’s the situation) i also wanna find out what kind of relationship he had with tobias! like was thomas just one of his “people” that wronged him, were they friends, or was it even a mentor/mentee scenario?? also ANOTHER thing that’s been on my mind, but what if it wasn’t tobias?? what if it was toby?? i mean, his memory did get wiped. maybe he caused thomas to shoot himself and just doesn’t remember it (although this theory is kind of a stretch)
3: the whole david golding being related to one of the contestants theory. i just KNOW that what happened to david is going to get explored in tgg bc 1. the game is on hawthorne island and 2. he’s the only person who died in the fire that we know close to nothing about. kylies related to avery and hannah, toby was hannahs lover, colin is related to the grayson family, but what about david?? he’s the only loose end from all of them. i’ve also seen plenty of people theorizing that he could be related to lyra, but there is another possibility that he could be related to one of the other contestants too. although its most likely lyra he’s related to, since that could also deal into the whole her-father-shooting-himself-and-then-dying-with-the-hawthorne-name-on-his-lips thing! 😃
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yuckie-obsessive · 1 year
Idea yandere septiceyes x dead Reader and all of them work together to bring back reader from the after life. And reader tries to escape all the septiceyes and all of them working together to get reader back "home"
I’ve never really considered any of the other egos other than Chase and Anti. I guess I can make some HC lists for this.
Guys, I totally went overboard on this so I really hope you enjoy xD
Note: I’m only gonna cover Anti, Chase, Henrik, Jackieboy, JJ and Marvin, respectively. The latter four being a tentative take on the yandere side of these characters. I don’t know much about their fleshed out personalities or what is widely accepted in the community. So… please be kind 😅
Back From The Dead
Gonna clean the set up a little: the egos are trying their best to bring back dead!reader, with or without help. When reader is brought back, they understandably cannot comprehend their situation. They are scared out of their mind at the reality of being revived. Each ego reacts in their own way and pursue reader to bring them “home”.
- cause of death is up to your imagination
Tw: death (obviously), obsessive/possessive behavior (yandere), implied nudity, blood, use of restraints, abuse mention, kidnapping, gaslighting, stalking, drugging, alcoholism, non-consensual medical procedure, mind control, physical possession (body control), isolation, mental breakdown, anxiety
Jacksepticeye Egos x Reader (gender neutral)
Okay let’s get into it.
Words: 4,928
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Anti: possessive yandere
How he finds & feels about (y/n):
He met you through Chase, and though he was initially annoyed with yet another person to keep track of, a devilish plan formed in his mind.
A being as soft as you, so incredibly soft, would be easy to manipulate to his own wishes.
Don’t expect to have privacy ever around him after this.
Especially online.
He has immense control over all things electric, of course, and will use that to know what your habits are.
Even peeping through your phone’s camera and mic to monitor you.
He wouldn’t really call this being obsessive until he got in far too deep.
He isolates you and eventually lures you into a home he had “renovated” for his needs.
Then begins the long process of reprogramming your mind.
Though, he starts growing soft.
You are kind, no one had ever really been this kind to him before.
He doesn’t allow you to talk to the other egos anymore.
He’s not sharing you with anyone.
Hating when people mess with what’s his.
And you’ve become his most prized treasure.
All your attention belongs to him.
What happens when you die:
You can’t be gone.
You shouldn’t have had the opportunity to encounter anything dangerous under his watchful eye.
This shouldn’t have happened.
His emotions are manic and volatile at any provocation.
Exploding and lashing out at anyone and everything that slightly inconveniences him.
You are the only thing that kept him calm.
And he’d do almost anything to bring you back.
Would he reach out for help?:
Absolutely tf not.
He doesn’t want to be seen as weak.
Reaching out to any other ego would be a huge hit to his own supersized pride.
You were already removed from them and he would never put you in a position to be taken away.
They would just fuck it all up anyway.
He wants to bring you back and prove to himself that he can overpower death itself.
How he would bring you back:
His range of control is vast within the online sphere.
He will quickly scan through billions of lines of text and code to search for answers.
Anti is precise in executing this plan to bring you back.
Using knowledge of human anatomy and various texts about the human consciousness, he would use a mix of both science and magic.
He is basically a demon after all.
He uses dark forces to pull you back to reality.
Wherever you ended up, he forcefully pulls you back into the waking world.
And he will ensure everything falls into place perfectly.
Reactions after he brings you back:
Your eyes flutter open and his pride is reinforced.
He can do anything, even bringing the dead back to life.
Then the rush of relief hits.
You were back with him.
He envelopes you in a tight embrace.
Possessively so.
This wasn’t going to happen again, he would make sure of it.
You’re frightened, naturally.
It’s an expected human response.
He wouldn’t be surprised.
But he’s still a little hurt when you wrestle yourself out of his hold and bolt for the door.
How do you escape?:
Oh, darling… you won’t.
This house you resided in had every inch connected to a mainframe.
He could detect every movement, controlling every working aspect from a single point.
So when you grab the handle to the front door, you shouldn’t be shocked to find it locked.
You also shouldn’t be surprised to find every exit suddenly blocked by shutters.
How he reacts to your escape:
He knows this is a terrifying process.
You just died and were revived. You must still remember the pain.
But he put in all that work and wasn’t going to let you go so easily.
No no no, he wouldn’t allow it.
Fight and reject him?
He’ll just laugh in your face.
Never admitting that it hurt him.
Everyone made his life so goddamn difficult.
He gave you affection, resurrected you and THIS is how you thank him?
Now he keeps you locked in your room 24/7.
Strapping you down to your bed, you have as much time as you need to reflect and accept how kind he’s been.
He provides you with everything you need to barely survive, of course
And watches you break down enough in order to return you to the normal life you shared.
By force.
“Do you think I want to do this? I’m NOT letting you get hurt again! You understand don’t you? I’m keeping you safe from yourself.”
Accept him?
He’ll hold you and calm you down with back rubs and sweet words of reassurance.
Treating you to all of your favorite things.
You might be treated like a porcelain doll from now on, but he does so lovingly.
The thought of going out was a long forgotten dream.
At least not without him practically glued to your side.
His form distorts and his expression shifts wildly at the idea of letting you out to get hurt again.
Though he hides it from you as best he can.
He just can’t stand the thought of letting you put yourself in ANY situation where you could get hurt.
So he’s all too happy to keep you at his side permanently.
His sweet, sweet (y/n).
You’ve already shared so much together after all.
He knows you better than you know yourself.
“I’m so glad we can be together forever. I’ll keep a better eye on you from now on, I promise… You’re my everything~”
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Chase Brody: protective yandere
How he finds & feels about (y/n):
after his family had… disappeared, you became his new family.
He relied on you.
You distracted him from everything else.
You listened and were there when he would break down.
You were comforting.
You knew how to handle his depressive episodes.
He decided he wouldn’t lose you like he lost everyone else.
Understand, he has to study anyone that comes into your life.
To keep you safe.
People can take you away.
They could hurt you.
It’s why he kept you distant from the other egos.
Knowing all too well the dangers of a few notable figures…
So he asked you to move in with him- as a roommate.
He needed your stability.
You even helped him out of his alcoholism when you moved in.
He could finally see the silver lining.
What happens when you die:
Panic and denial.
Not again not again not again.
You were his everything!
He NEEDED you!
How was he going to survive when everyone in his life died before him?
He’s willing to do anything to bring you back.
Would he reach out for help?: 
Though a little hesitant, he reaches out to Marvin first as he was seen as the most trustworthy.
Marvin suggests getting Henrik involved.
He’s nervous to ask Henrik. He’s eccentric at the best of times.
But they get him involved and start a plan to bring you back.
How he would bring you back:
They use both Marvin’s magical abilities and Henrik’s extensive medical knowledge.
Reviving your body and calling your consciousness back to the living world.
Reactions after they bring you back:
Literally crying from happiness and relief.
It didn’t seem possible.
He always held out hope though.
Your confused and frightened and at first Chase didn’t understand why.
Henrik explains how you probably remember the pain of dying.
Marvin counters that you could’ve had a metaphysical experience and you weren’t ready to return.
Regardless, you run as a result of your frightened state.
How do you escape?:
Simply running.
None of them were expecting this outcome, leaving them unprepared.
You could get hurt again!
Chase can’t go through another instance of this- it might actually break him fully he lets that happen.
How he reacts to your escape:
He’s frantic and enlists the help of the other two egos to track you down and bring you back to safety.
Reject and fight him?
He’s devastated.
His closest friend, his family, no longer wants anything to do with him?
Wait, he can change your mind!
So he stalks you.
You can’t get anywhere without him knowing.
He sends care packages of your favorite things.
Writes letters about how much he misses you and how he wants to talk.
Apologize for whatever he did wrong.
Not admitting that he started drinking again.
He moves to whatever city you relocated to.
Asks you questions about your new life.
Eventually he thinks you prefer things this way.
Okay, he can keep his distance.
But he’s never going to fully leave you.
Until you let your guard down enough for him to take you back home.
“You know I’ll always be lookin’ out for ya. Though, it’s starting to get hard to protect you when you keep running around so much… (Y/n), can we go home now?”
If you come willingly?
Chase is still an anxious wreck, but your presence is reliably calming.
He sticks close to your side for months until he’s able to even remotely relax.
Don’t think you’ll be able to return to an independent life.
He needs to know everything you’re doing at all times.
You can hardly do anything without him over your shoulder.
He would rather spend the rest of his days glued to you rather than risk you being hurt again.
“Babe, I-I know I haven’t been the greatest person to be around. Actually I’m straight up terrible- especially for letting this happen. You’ll forgive me wont you? Please! You’re all I have left… and you know I’m always here for you right?”
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Henrik Schneeplestien: controlling yandere
How he finds & feels about (y/n):
Initially a doctor/patient relationship.
Purely professional.
He gets to see you regularly.
From simple colds to mental struggles.
He wouldn’t say this to a patient, but you were the saddest little thing he’s seen in ages.
Regularly wondering how you’re clumsily drifting through life.
How were you still alive with all this misfortune?
It was amusing at first.
Then a bubbling worry began to grow.
You were always kindhearted, treating staff with high respect. 
Including himself.
If not a bit quiet and shy.
Looking at your hands anxiously or really anywhere else when discussing your issues.
God, you really were just an absolute wreck.
Was no one looking after you?
Surely someone had to be.
The tipping point was seeing you covered with various bruises during a physical.
It reminded him of the abuse victims he would occasionally encounter.
You waved them all off as not being the most coordinated at work or at home.
Making him felt anxious…
Something worse could happen.
He had to take action before you got even more hurt.
Henrik wasn’t above slowing drugging you into slowly depending on him.
So your visits became more frequent
Until you broke down in his office from the stress of this “new ailment”
You could hardly work your job and these constant visits were draining your wallet.
He was reassuring and comforting.
Everything will be much better from now on, he promised that.
Then preparing another injection of medication “to ease the pain and stress”.
It was too easy.
You fell unconscious.
As it was an impromptu visit after hours, no one was around to see him carry you off in his car.
Stealing you away from everyone else.
What happens when you die:
He knew someday something like this might happen.
So he already has a plan to bring you back.
He’s thought of this in advance after all.
He had a solution for every medical possibility.
You were the most important thing to him, so he needed some way to revive you should an accident like this occur.
Would he reach out for help?: 
Everything is under control and an emotional ego would only get in the way.
They never met you anyway.
You essentially didn’t exist to the outside world so letting others know where you are would only bring more trouble.
How he would bring you back:
He is a medical expert.
Multiple times he has mapped your brain and nervous system.
Without your knowledge…
An invasive surgery and a large cocktail of drugs made in-house would reawaken your system.
Much time passed with this procedure.
But sure enough, you’re body awoke with a gasp and heavy coughing.
Like being born anew.
Reactions after he brings you back:
He had conditioned you at this point to feel comfort with his presence.
And is expecting you to be delighted with his god-like abilities.
But this situation was one never experienced for you.
It frightened you to your core.
Enough for you to blindly rush forward, trying to run away from the awful pain.
How do you escape?:
You run out of his makeshift operating room and out into the open.
Ripping open all the stitching from your life-giving operation.
You obviously didn’t make it far.
Warm blood rushing down your limbs.
Once the pain set in, you drop and nearly fainted from seeing so much red.
How he reacts to your escape:
Genuinely surprised to see you run off like that.
Concerned something could go wrong as you left his sight.
You needed rest.
You needed to heal.
Now you were exposing your injured self to the rot of the world.
When he finds you, he’s distraught but moves with purpose.
Coming to rescue his favorite patient.
Fight him?
He has a sedative ready.
Then carries your unconscious body back inside.
Oh how he wishes you didn’t fight.
Those legs would be a problem in the future…
Another surgery.
That pesky little problem is taken care of.
Now you wouldn’t run away.
Another surgery would fix that inner voice telling you to run.
Maybe remove some of those problematic memories too.
Working you back to that precious little darling he sculpted you into.
“Libeling, I do this out of love you see. Can you imagine what else could happen if I wasn’t here to save you?”
Accept his help?
He is more than forgiving.
Of course your emotions had overtaken logic.
The human condition is hard to predict, but he is patient with you.
He gently carries you back inside to tend to your wounds.
He is careful and every movement executed with precision.
Your gentle soul settled in an even more delicate body.
He worships your form.
While you heal, you are forbidden from moving until the stitches can be removed.
Maybe even longer…
He acts as your hands from now on.
He’s already seen everything so there was nothing to be bashful about.
He washes your body.
Cleans your teeth.
Hand feeds you.
Dresses you everyday.
You may not have independence, but he would give you anything you wanted.
As long as it had nothing to do with the outside world.
And you never had to leave his sight.
“Shatz, DON’T- please don’t get up. Let me get that for you. You could get hurt again! I’m your doctor (y/n), and I know what’s best for you.”
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Jackieboy Man: paranoid yandere
How he finds & feels about (y/n):
Casually sees you in a specific part of town on this routine checks around town.
For some reason he felt a pull to you.
Making a small habit of observing you from different vantage points.
Small turned into regular occurrences.
He found where you lived.
Turning into a full blown obsession.
Needing to know everything you liked, what you did, where you worked.
He slipped up on his responsibilities to the common people.
But you became far more important in his eyes.
He enjoyed sneaking into your home undetected.
Watching you sleep…
You had never been this safe in your life.
Until you fell under his constant watch.
He introduced himself by “random chance”.
You knew of this hometown hero and were naturally excited.
It became common to “run into” him from this point.
Well, you might as well get to know each other over coffee in the mornings,
And lunches,
And dinners.
After a time, you invited him into your home.
Seems he was already comfortable, but you simply waved it off as his nonchalant attitude and usually chipper disposition.
He showed you his face.
An intense display of trust.
You were his after this.
He was paranoid someone would catch on to your relationship.
So he whisked you away to an undisclosed location.
To protect you.
His job brought too much danger to your life.
Now all those bad people can’t possibly hurt you anymore.
What happens when you die:
He wasn’t protective enough.
This was his fault.
He owed it to you to bring you back.
You didn’t deserve this.
You are the most precious thing in his world.
Would he reach out for help?:
As long as he trusted them enough.
Which is an extremely short list.
Marvin would team up with him on occasion so he sought his help and expertise.
How he would bring you back:
Closely supervising Marvin as he conducts his rituals.
Being caught breathing down his neck and rightfully walked back to let him work.
Jackie is just nervous to whether this will even work.
Or that he might worsen the situation more than it is now.
That changes when Marvin succeeds.
Reactions after he brings you back:
Jackie can’t believe his eyes at first.
But there you were.
Bright eyed and alive.
But… something’s wrong.
Your breathing is fast and you look panicked.
Wait- why are you running?
You can’t leave!
Not now!
Not when he just got you back!
How do you escape?:
Trying to flee into the isolated landscape.
You end up lost and more disoriented than when you woke up.
Having a panic attack when you finally tire out.
How he reacts to your escape:
Using any ability to track you down.
Nothing would stop him from finding you.
And eventually.
He does.
Seeing you distraught causes him to quickly take you into his arms.
Resist him?
Now he’s hurt.
Why did you have this sudden change of heart?
What did Marvin do to you?
He has to practically drag you back to the base.
You weren’t in your right mind.
Even if he has to restrain you, he’s going to break you out of whatever mind control you had to be under.
He excommunicates Marvin and everyone else.
“Don’t be upset! The bad man is gone now-“
Moving you to another country.
Deeply isolating the both of you.
He just can’t find the missing piece to bring you back to him.
But he’d never give up on you.
Everyday he loves you, you know he does.
And he knows somewhere deep inside, you love him back.
One day these effects will wear off and you two will be happily back in each others arms.
He just has to wait.
“Baby I know you’re in there somewhere. I’m nothing if I can’t be your hero… I will wait until the end of time for you to come back to me. I love you (y/n).”
Return to him?
He’s relieved, but nervous why you panicked in the first place.
Maybe you shouldn’t interact with anyone else from now on.
24/7 you have his attention.
On the occasion he needs more supplies, he lovingly locks you in the safest room in your home.
Where nothing can bring you harm.
Don’t worry, he always returns in quick fashion.
Knowing you shouldn’t be left alone for too long.
He’s had to essentially safety proof the entire base.
You will never again encounter anything sharp.
That means all meals are prepared by him.
Everything you do is closely monitored.
You won’t even toss in your sleep without him knowing.
Should you stray into potentially dangerous behavior?
He will make sure to correct and lead you away from it.
Sometimes a little too harshly.
He makes up for it with constant (maybe slightly overbearing) affection.
He loves to love, and will overcorrect if he thinks something he does is lacking.
But all in all he wants is you to be safe, happy and healthy.
“I’m here for you always. Don’t you ever worry about a thing. Ol’ Jackieboy is gonna keep you real safe. There’s nothing to fear when your hero is here.”
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Jameson Jackson: controlling yandere
How he finds & feels about (y/n):
A random encounter that turned into regular meetings in a public space.
He was intriguing and you drew his attention.
No one ever wanted to sit with him and take the time to have a proper conversation.
He was mute after all.
But you still wanted to develop a friendship.
He started teaching you sign language.
Wonderful memories were made.
He could listen to your voice for hours.
Your laugh sent him over the edge.
You were the one.
Maybe he could rearrange a few things to get a little closer with you.
Perhaps, you encounter a few unruly individuals to seek his help and comfort.
And maybe your friends and family start avoiding you, for reasons unknown to you.
He pulled some strings to get you fired from your job.
You came crying into his arms, scared you would lose your home.
Over all stressed out of your poor little mind.
He would pick up the pieces for you.
He lets you move in to balance out the lack of income.
He likes the control he has over your life.
And in his home he has the most control.
You were caught in a web he had no intention of letting you escape from.
Everything from how you spoke to him, to how you carried yourself were molded into his ideal version of you.
He saw your true self and was helping you achieve personal perfection.
What happens when you die:
Panic and denial.
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
He didn’t understand how this could’ve happened.
Nothing fell out of place.
He quickly shook himself out the shocked trance and moved towards a solution.
Would he reach out for help?: 
Only as a last resort.
He’s grown clingy and the others always found him unnerving.
Not to the point of excommunication.
But enough to keep distance.
Eventually though, after many failed attempts, he reaches out to Henrik.
How he would bring you back:
The doctor make quick work in restoring your body.
Excited to practice a new experiment he had in progress
With success you wake.
Reactions after he brings you back:
If he could shout for joy he would.
All he can do is pull you into a tight hug.
Quickly shooing Henrik away, he gets ready to resume his perfect life with you.
How do you escape?:
Dashing out a window while JJ was busy dealing with Henrik.
Of course he immediately knows something went wrong when he returned
Not hearing the slightest movement from the room you were left in.
How he reacts to your escape: 
More panic-
Even more exhausting than the first time.
He just wanted things to go back to normal.
You hadn’t even made it off the property before a cascade of wires and strings halted your escape.
You couldn’t move but you could hear him approaching fast.
Struggle and fight?
He’s disappointed.
He though he taught you better.
Were you faking your affection?
This thought made him more upset.
He needed to make you see things from his perspective.
With his talent of strings he can take control of your body.
Puppeting your limbs to walk,
Conduct daily tasks,
Holding you back from fighting his affection.
You love him.
And he will show you the best way how.
(In sign) “There now (y/n), you see? You are much more suited for this kind of life. Don’t give me that look. I know what’s best and I’m going to make you perfect.”
Relax and let him take you back?
You must’ve simply misunderstood when you woke.
He still doesn’t want you running away again.
Attaching light, nearly invisible wires to your body in order to detect your movements.
So light you wouldn’t feel a thing.
He gently sways and builds you back to living in his perfect life.
Of course, he was going to be more careful.
More aware.
Sectioning off several rooms that hold objects of possible danger.
You never entered the kitchen again.
But that’s fine.
Everything is under control.
His control.
Letting you have enough distractions to miss the intricate processes behind the curtain.
(In sign) “Too many dangerous things out there for you to be toying with. How delicate and sweet you are… life is better when you can stay by my side isn't it?”
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Marvin the Magnificent: clingy yandere
How he feels about (y/n):
Love at first sight.
He could feel that you two were meant to be together.
It was practically written in the stars.
He grabs your attention with flashy parlor tricks.
No need to worry about any other pests.
They were all such a bad influence.
And he couldn't stand when you gave your attention to anyone else.
He lured you in with wonder.
Finally showing you some true magic once he has you all to himself.
Sure you didn’t know where you were after that last flash.
You actually didn’t mind.
The sweet incense lacing the air was incredibly relaxing.
He showed you images beyond your wildest fantasies.
And beamed when your eyes sparkled with delight.
A captive audience.
Illusions that weaved into your subconscious.
Whispering to your mind that you were exactly where you needed to be.
That your destiny was with him.
What happens when you die:
Intense panic.
Though he is quick to start looking for a solution.
He frantically flips through pages upon pages in mystic tomes and scattered scrolls.
Trying to find that one spell.
That one incantation that will bring you back.
Would he reach out for help?: 
By all that is and ever will be, no.
The thought might’ve briefly crossed his mind, but was waved as soon as it came.
He is a Master of Magic.
His power is unmatched.
He alone would be enough to bring you back.
How he would bring you back:
Eventually landing on the sought after collection of texts listing castings and provocations… of necromancy.
Using the most rare artifacts and ingredients he could get his hands on.
He starts a multi hour ritual to retrieve your soul from the beyond.
Reactions after he brings you back:
This cast left him exhausted to his core.
Barely able to stand when he is finished.
But with fruitful results.
With a flash in your eyes, you quickly sat up.
Finally awake and lucid.
Too lucid.
His spells and influence had disappeared once you died.
Now you saw the gravity of the situation in front of you and bolted.
Him being too tired to run after, let’s you go.
You won’t get far.
How do you escape?:
You try to run.
After a while of turning random corners and dashing through long halls, you feel like you’ve traveled a far distance.
You stop for a breath.
A bright flash at your feet makes you gasp and the floor softens to consume your legs.
You’re caught up to your thighs when the floor hardens again.
Marvin rounds the corner and closes in.
How he reacts to your escape:
He’s not concerned about where your going, but your state of mind.
This domain bended to his will.
You could be running for hours and he could still pinpoint your location.
So he lets you drain your energy as he regains his.
Catching you once you had tired out.
Fight him?
Not for long.
A dizzying miasma fills the air and causes your body to feel heavy and weak.
He carries you around the corner he appeared from, back to your “home”.
With a drop in your stomach, you realize you were nowhere near freedom.
Your body refuses to move after he places you down on a table.
Silent and stoic, he moves to collect different potions and light several bundles of exotic herbs.
The air grew sweet.
Your mind focused on the alluring aroma as he began reciting a new spell.
One that would lock your mind into his influence for good.
Your own good.
Anything that existed beyond his wonderland is a long forgotten fantasy.
“This is for the best, (y/n). You won’t have to worry anymore. Sleep well, starlight, and be reborn to the life of your dreams.”
Resign to your fate?
He realizes why you fled and takes caution.
Not showing his cards fully.
You both know you can’t escape.
He wont let on that he’s aware of this.
He eases you back to the warmth of your shared home.
Calming you from the adrenaline high with some of your favorite foods.
He performs a small light trick that always delighted you.
You hardly reacted.
No, this wouldn’t do.
He wanted to reawaken the brightness of your soul that attracted him.
To reinvigorate the gravity in your aligned stars.
A slower approach perhaps.
Instead of the immediate stunning performance that brought you to his abode, he drums up a soft consistent rhythm to ease your nerves.
The halls seemed to still catch your wonder, if even a little.
Small distractions lead you away from problematic thought.
A few extra ingredients in your food would help you relax and readjust to everyday living.
His consistent calm, collected demeanor- if not a bit overbearing, did eventually convince you of your safety.
He’s always gentle towards you, after all.
Maybe this wasn’t so bad…
“Will you allow me one lifetime? I always strive to amaze, but I’ve never replicated anything close to your beauty. The show must go on, my startlight, won’t you join me in the encore?”
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justkending · 2 years
Finding Memories. Chapter 9.
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Summary: Waking up with little to no memory of her past, and being saved by a group of individuals who call themselves heroes, sends a long time captive for a whirlwind trying to find some form of grounding in this world she quickly learns runs on chaos. But she’s not the only one trying to figure out her forgotten backstory. Bucky Barnes, along with the other Avengers, can’t help but sense that there is a lot more to the whole situation than a diagnosis of amnesia. Her background slowly starts to come forward in pieces of her past and hidden information discovered. Who is she? And why was she in the room they were meant to destroy?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader 
Word Count: 3400+
TW: Torture, cussing, and blood. 
A/N: OMG we reacher over 3,000 followers the other day! I’m just now seeing cause I haven’t had time to write or post and am so excited for the milestone!! I promise to write a one-shot or drabble as a gift from me to you once I have an idea spark;) You all are amazing and so super supportive in my writing journey and I don’t know how to thank you for it. Truly. You’ve all helped me grown and stayed by my side as my writing skills develop. Love love love you!!! xoxoxo
Chapter 9:
"Hey," Steve nodded Bucky's way once he walked into the hallway of the med bay.
In front of them was the small window that peered into the assailant Y/N had put in this hospital bed. She was awake and had a nurse next to her checking her vitals and doing some tests.
"Hey," Bucky nodded back, joining his friend as they watched from the outside. "What has she said so far?"
"Not as much as you think," Steve sighed, his arms across his chest rising and falling with his breath. "She was a little freaked out when she woke up. Couldn't remember much at the moment."
"But it started coming back to her," Bucky put together. "She panic?"
"To put it lightly," Steve nodded. "Nurses had to sedate her some to calm her down. But she did rush out saying that she didn't mean to do it. She didn't want to do it. It was part of their plan."
"I'm going to assume we don't know who they are," he replied with a small hint of annoyance.
"We are 99% sure that it has to do with Y/N's previous captors, but we haven't got a real confirmation on that just yet." Steve hung his head before turning to Bucky finally. "I've seen fear and regret in more ways than one. I can say that whatever that girl did, there's a good chance it wasn't by her own will."
"Mind control? Manipulation?" Bucky listed. "Pure terror? What pushed her to ambush us at the museum?"
"That's what I hope we can figure out," Steve answered. "From what I gathered, I don't think she wanted to do anything she did."
"She was the muscle. If you saw the hold she had on Y/N then, you wouldn't think it wasn't intentional."
"The things mind control and threatening someone's life can do to a person's free will," Steve added, giving Bucky a look.
Bucky rolled his eyes and never looked his friend's way knowing he would have a look about him that showed he had to go into this without any biases.
He knew Bucky was a little close to the case with Y/N being the one attacked, but he also knew they weren't going to get answers if they didn't take a step away from the prejudice he held.
"When can we go in?" Bucky asked, sidestepping his intense stare.
"As soon as they finish the test," he answered. "Where did you end up finding Y/N?"
Bucky was happy about the change of topic, especially since he was trying to figure out the strange occurrence.
"She was in the gym with Romanoff and Maximoff," he answered, turning and giving him a confused look.
"Is that shocking?" Steve asked, confused why it would be.
"She was practicing self-defense with them," Bucky added. Again he waited for a reaction and Steve just blinked.
"And that's bad because..."
"It's not bad," Bucky groaned. "It's just surprising."
"Yeah maybe, but it makes sense that she would want to learn a few ways to feel safer after the surprise she encountered the other night. And wouldn't you prefer she knew how to keep herself safe if the situation was to present itself," Steve shrugged.
"I never said I didn't think it was a good idea, I'm just surprised it was her idea." He ran a hand through his beard, still staring at the glass window. "I guess the idea of putting herself in the same space where Nat would be throwing punches, just never occurred to me to be a situation she would want to put herself in."
Steve nodded, seeing where he was coming from, but like the friend he was, he knew how to make Bucky see both sides when he was struggling to.
"There is still a lot we don't know about her though, Buck. We don't even know what she did to make this woman forget whatever headspace she was in before," he motioned to the distressed woman in the hospital bed. "There are a lot of things we still have to figure out about her. A little over a week doesn't give us nearly as much information as we think."
He wasn't wrong. A part of Bucky felt like because he was her first ally in the group, he had learned behaviors and details about her most didn't know. But it really had only been a week and 5 days. There were still so many things he didn't know about her. Things she was trying to figure out herself.
Maybe her idea with Nat and Wanda wasn't as far-fetched as he thought.
Quickly after hearing the knock at her door, Y/N let Nat come in.
"Where's Wanda?"
"She said she got a call from Bruce and was going to come after that."
The two quickly got situated in the bathroom. Y/N leaned her back on the counter and Nat sat on top of the closed toilet.
They were going to just talk on the bed, but the likelihood of a certain super soldier hearing their conversation through the one-door panel wasn't unlikely.
Y/N rehashed the early morning practice and what could have caused her power to trigger.
"So what I'm hearing is anything that gives you flashbacks has the possibility to bring your secret second power out," Nat concluded. "And what you want to do is keep practicing until more answers come forward."
"But you don't want to practice with me because you're afraid you'll hurt me," Nat sent a raised eyebrow her way.
"Yes," Y/N nodded, more sure of her answer to that question. "Whatever happened in there was more than just a good punch and far from a calculated attack. I don't want to risk something even stronger than that coming out, knowing it would be my fault if you were to get hurt."
"You'd be shocked at what I can handle," Natasha smirked. "However, I may be tough, but I'm not stupid. We don't know the boundaries of where your enhancements start and begin. I think someone who could actually counter with something as powerful, or similar, would be a better opponent to you."
"Who were you thinking about?"
"How much of Wanda's powers have you seen?" she smirked.
"Um, she helped me go to sleep the other night," Y/N answered. "I know she has a thing that she can do with mind control."
"Oh, wow. So you only know a fraction of what she can do."
"What do you mean?" Y/N asked with a new spark of interest.
"Yeah, I'm not even going to try and explain that. She can tell you when she gets back," Nat waved off. "But are you sure this is what you want to do?"
"Do I have much else of a choice?" she asked.
"There's always a choice," Nat smiled empathetically. "But if this is how you want to go about it. Do it."
Y/N sat silently thinking through her next step. It was the one she wanted to take. A small part of her was curious to know what she was capable of, but the bigger part of her was worried about what could come out of it.
Either way, she wanted to figure it out and she was willing to try anything that could help.
"Now quick question," Nat hummed, looking at Y/N. "Have you by chance considered bangs? I think with that look, you could totally pull it off."
"You have pictures?" she asked.
"Let's see them."
After the nurse ran all the tests, she gave the men the go-ahead for visitors.
Beforehand, the detainee had been questioned by a few agents who were with her when she woke up. Now Captain America and The Winter Soldier were standing in front of her, in a stance that showed they came for answers.
Which explained why all of a sudden she had gone quiet and looked like she was going to pass out at the thought of being questioned by the two Avengers.
"Just to clarify, no one is here to hurt you. We just want answers to some questions we have," Steve started out.
Though the softer one of the two, he still had a look that was intimidating and showed he was there for business.
She nodded in response, still not trusting her voice at the moment.
"Our agents told us that you said you never meant any harm to the girl you attacked that night," Bucky stated. "Is that true?"
She looked back and forth between both broad structures of men in fear but eventually nodded.
"If you didn't mean harm, what do you call trapping her in a bathroom and trying to pin her down to inject her with date rape drugs on steroids?" he added with an unreadable expression.
Though his posture and facial expression never strayed from his intimidating look, she could tell the question was one that touched a nerve.
"I was told I had to. I didn't have much of an option," she replied meekly.
"Why's that?" Steve jumped in.
She looked quickly back to him and shifted in her bed uncomfortably.
"Listen, everything I'm about to say is going to sound like I'm trying to cover my ass and come up with some excuse that will keep me from dying in this place," she rushed out. "But please trust me when I say, I didn't want to do anything I was asked to. It was like I didn't have control over my own actions."
Steve and Bucky both listened to her heart rate and from the consistency of it, she wasn't lying. So the question now was, how?
"I still haven't pieced together the how of it all," she continued, making Bucky and Steve share a look. "All I know is, I had the assignment to capture her and bring her back to a disclosed location. I wouldn't know where to until the first part of the mission was complete."
Well, there goes that valuable piece of information...
"You said you didn't want to do any of the things you did and that you had no control over your actions. Break that down for us," Bucky asked after a second of silence.
She turned to the solemn soldier and nodded slowly in a nervous manner.
"I wish I could tell you more, but the majority of the information on how they go about manipulating us is kept away from us. If you educate your captives on how you control them, that piece of control is no longer able to be manipulated." 
She answered that last part with the tone of an agent telling a mission report. Straight, with no emotion, and a practiced speech.
Steve and Bucky sent another gaze but with more confusion this time around.
"Is that what they told you?" Steve asked.
She seemed to snap out of what was probably a flashback and she blinked a few times before answering.
"It was a rough translation of the things they told us," she mumbled.
The pieces of her memories much like Y/N were piecing back to her, but clearly at a much faster rate. Bucky frowned at this, putting clues and hints together quickly while Steve continued to question her.
"What about the girl you went after? Do you know her or anything about her?"
Her eyes closed, having to think back to specifics she wasn't sure if she could remember yet.
"She was dangerous. That's why we had the injections that we had," she answered. "We were told our only chance against her would be if she was unconscious." The corner of her eyes crinkled some as she thought back to her mission.
"Why was she dangerous?" Steve continued.
She didn't answer immediately. A face of pure confusion appeared and it was like the question came out of the left field.
"I don't... know?" she said. "I truly couldn't tell you why she was dangerous."
The boys had a small look of defeat and mainly frustration at the answer. And she could see on their face that wasn't the answer they were hoping for.
"I'm sorry. Truly... It may come back to me, but a majority of the people like me, sent to kidnap or finish a mission, are never told details. It's part of their operation," she explained, when Bucky gave her a confused look, she took it as a note to continue. "Whatever handling they have done on us makes all the work on their end easy. They hand us a paper with someone's identity, address, passwords, whereabouts, and everything we need, and we're told to follow the mission. Each time without a single question asked."
"How many others are there like you?" Steve asked.
"I don't know the answer to that either..." she replied with her eyes showing anxiety at no longer being a help to the two. But then she remembered something. "But I can tell you that some are hired. Not raised and trained in the facility."
"If they're outside help, are they manipulated as well?" Steve followed up.
"Depends on the person I think. I know some people whose only form of income is these types of missions. They don't have to worry about them asking questions and telling secrets. They get the job done and go about their life afterward... But if it's an inside job, then they have an insider handle it for extra security."
"So you're from the inside of the facility?" Bucky stood up. She nodded. "And you don't remember anything outside of your assignment?"
"Not at the moment, no. But things have been coming back to me a lot more since I've woken up," she replied sheepishly. "I promise I can be of help if you guys give me the chance."
Steve and Bucky picked up on the terror in her voice of the possibility of going back to where she just escaped. If it was anything like Y/N, it was a cold dark cell with doctors and scientists who had horrible bedside manners.
Her offer of help wasn't for them. It was for her own safety and freedom.
"It's ok. You've helped with what you've given us. A little more rest and hopefully you'll remember more details," Steve replied, giving her some form of peace. "But you will be under constant supervision as will your friend."
"My friend?" she asked with furrowed eyebrows.
"Your partner," Bucky said.
"Oh, right," she nodded before starting to fidget with her hands. "How is she?"
"She'll be ok. Needs rest like you," Steve answered.
Steve and Bucky asked their final questions and left to give her rest.
"Seems genuine," Bucky sighed, placing his hands on his hips. "But definitely not what I was expecting to hear."
"Feels like we have more to sort through than what we started with," Steve crossed his arms. "But we did confirm their intentions. The only thing that would help outside of that was why Y/N is labeled as dangerous."
"Question of the hour," Bucky hung his head in defeat. "The only form of danger I can associate her with would be her fighting back against her captors. I mean I would label someone dangerous too if they fought back and held the potential power Y/N supposedly holds."
Steve could feel the irritation from all the unanswered questions bubbling with each new problem they had to solve. But he could also tell that the brand of being the dangerous target that Y/N was, was one that could never add up in his friend's head. Thus making it hard to see different aspects of the case they were trying to solve.
"Listen, I'm going to go fill some people in on what we got from that conversation. Why don't you go make some dinner and call it an early night for yourself?" Steve offered. "Or you can go and find Y/N and fill her in if you think she's ready."
Bucky considered both options and without telling him which one he was going to follow through with, he waved Steve bye as they went separate ways.
He did end up making dinner and was lucky enough to hear the shuffles of Y/N's sock-covered feet make their way to the kitchen just as he turned the stove to a low setting for the soup to simmer.
"Hey, how was your nap-," he cut himself off when he looked up at her and saw the newest transformation to her hair since this morning. "Whoa," he smiled at her. "You changed your hair again."
She smiled softly at his comment and shook her head out, still trying to get a feel for the bangs laying on her forehead.
"Nat's idea. I can't say it was a bad one though," she replied, tucking her hair behind one ear and letting the rest frame her face nicely. The cut really was a good fit for her.
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"I would have to agree," he smiled as she sat on the barstool in front of him. "Hungry?"
She rested her head in her hand and nodded before yawning.
"As for the nap question from earlier," she let out a breath through her nose as she got comfortable in her seat. "I ended up falling down a bottomless pit of Buzzfeed quizzes." Of course after her meeting with Natasha, but he didn't need to know that yet.
"Really?" Bucky couldn't hold back the chuckle while he moved to get the bowls and silverware for them. "Who introduced you to that black hole?"
"Peter," she smiled. "It was actually sweet. He said it was a good way to figure out some things about myself and to also learn some pop culture references."
"Well, based on the dream home I built, my aura color is purple. I learned I would be tomato and basil soup based on the Disney princesses I listed from most to least favorite. The obscure pet I should own based on my TV show likes and dislikes is a caracal. Which I did have to look up because I've never heard of them, but they're cute little wild cats that were highlighted in animals you should NOT have as a pet," she had a look at the irony. "Oh and if I were to move anywhere, I apparently should move to Greece at some point in my life because it goes hand in hand with the type of plants I could name in a thirty-second time frame."
He gave her a blank look beside a raised eyebrow.
"Sounds..." he didn't know how to finish that.
"Promising? Yeah, for sure," she laughed, shaking her head. "Can't say it would be the best place to make life decisions on, but I can't say Peter was wrong about the pop-culture aspect. There was probably more research going on than quiz taking."
"Added bonus, I guess," Bucky nodded, pouring a bowl of soup and handing it over to her. "Now it isn't tomato basil soup, but it is an old family recipe. My mom used to make it on cold mornings like this."
Y/N carefully took the bowl and stirred the liquid with her spoon seeing the steam rise. She took a whiff of it and noticed all kinds of chunked ingredients.
"It smells really good," she hummed. "What is it?"
"It's a stew of sorts. Basically whatever was about to go bad in the fridge at the time was thrown into a pot with complimentary seasonings. It somehow always ended up better than any measured recipe."
Chopped potatoes, rotisserie chicken, some carrots, basil, and loads of other random ingredients and seasonings make it the stew of comfort foods.
She took a careful bite not to burn herself and looked up at Bucky with a grin.
"This is really good," she said, covering her mouth.
"I'm glad to hear it," he chuckled, pouring his own bowl and moving to sit next to her.
The two sat for a while and ate in between conversations. Mainly just casual talk as Bucky wanted to continue to get to know her as a person and not just a case number.
But the time would soon come when he needed to update her on everything they were slowly learning.
She deserved to know about the people who attacked them and what their intentions were. She deserved to know that the people who were looking for her, probably wouldn't stop anytime soon. She deserved to know who she was and what she was capable of.
But some of those things were pieces to the puzzle no one had found out yet...
If you would like to be tagged in this series, please send an ask here.Thank you:)
Finding Memories Taglist: (some would not let me tag. so if you see your name but didn’t get the notification, double check if your blog allows tags:)
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Marvel Tags:
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Bucky Barnes Tags:
@chloe-skywalker​​​​ @charmedbysarge​​​​ @jbarness​​​​ @bellamy-barnes​​​​ @katiaw2​​​​ @aikeia​​​​ @stopjustlovethemcu​​​​ @enchantedbarnes​​
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monkeydluffy19920 · 10 months
Hi, Do you really believe the direction Oda will follow regarding shipping is sanami over lunami? If so, what is your take on the lunami scenes in movies (strong world/ gold) considering Oda himself orchestrated them?
Hi Nonny and thanks for the ask~!
First of all sorry that it’s taken plenty of time to answer. It’s been a long time since I’ve last seen these movies (so wanted to rewatch both of them before replying and stuff) but anyways here are some thoughts. It’s going to be a long post so you have been warned :)
Before the actual reply I want to say my ponders are leaning mostly on the manga since it's my opinion the "most" canon when it comes down to materials and sources.
What makes it tricky to consider whether Strong World is canon or not is that Shiki-guy because he was indeed briefly mentioned in chapter 530 and 957 but that’s all for the manga.  What is problematic is thath Shiki was a strong pirate of Roger's time and the first to escape from Impel Down. So Luffy beating Shiki down in their duel should’ve been affecting his next bounty but it didn’t. 
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Same goes with the film Gold actually. Tesoro mentioned in the beginning that Luffy has beaten Doflamingo (so now he doesn’t have to) but so far it’s really hard to place the happenings to the canon’s timeline. Why? Because the crew split into parts in the beginning of the Dressrosa arc and reunited completely in Wano and It’s been published in 2016, around Zou arc.
So according to this the Film Gold should be placed somewhere after Wano (because they split already around Dressrosa) so Film Gold is a filler movie and most likely also Strong World although Oda-sensei participated in the production and made manga version of Strong World as well.
What comes to the shipping point of view, both movies offers scenes that can be interpreted for one’s OTPs and as long as the debates about shipping goes respectful I think there is no problem of talking about it but if it’s just bashing each other and disrespect then it’s insanity and waste of time. After all, we're supposed to enjoy the show, not to rip the fandom apart.
Anyway in this post down below are listed some moments that Nonny might’ve referenced and trying to dig into these lot debated scenes Nonny mentioned as neutral as possible :)
Shiki takes Nami
Tone dial is one of the key elements of the movie and Strawhats get it in the beginning of the movie. Luffy tosses is to Nami for some reason although dials are more Usopp’s and Franky’s speciality.
Let's not forget that Nami was really good with Skypiea technology too though and she is in general intelligent so maybe that was the reason Luffy trusted that thing for her or maybe it was a random toss, who knows?
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Luffy’s reaction to Nami’s choice  and the message on the tone dial
From the shipping perspective probably the most debated detail in Strong World movie is what Nami left there for her crew after Shiki practically forced her to join his crew by threatening her hometown although Usopp tried to stop her by reasoning but Nami had no choice especially after Usopp was silenced. 
At least she was able to leave a message to the tone dial which the crew listens after their reunion and Luffy reacts strongest to this message. He is in disbelief that his comrade would say such things and goes further to unbox the anger while the rest of the crew decides to re-listen the message.
Luffy is usually around where the most stuff happens but he usually skips the backstory-kinda moments and he has even told that the backstories don't matter if he has decided to trust someone. For him his comrades are still friends, no matter how much they'd share different personalities or different points of views.
Luffy's strong reaction is easily explained by his nature: he is a guy who jumps quickly to action. He can be impulsive and sometimes he just picks a few words he hears and has already decided the next step. So this is just a cause of a misunderstanding, if Luffy would've listened to the whole message the outcome would've been different for sure.
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The whole message revealed in the ending
So, they managed to save Nami and kick Shiki’s ass for good. She is recovering of the poison and everyone are happy to see her getting better. Luffy however is still a bit mad and upset about that tone dial until the rest of the crew revealed that there was still something left when the captain let his emotions go over intuition.
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Even Nami admitted that it was mostly adressed to the captain but it was nothing personal. Like she would ever really doubt her friends’ skills.
And although it was meant for everybody, the main reason why she she added that extra sentence and directed it especially for Luffy is that just like written earlier, the captain tends to take sometimes things  literally so direct directions are best for him.
Why Nami didn’t ask for help in the first sentence?  Probably because of the movies drama tension and because she probably had a feeling Shiki would stalk her while sending a sos. So the message caused a big misunderstanding between her and Luffy because the captain was too filled up with emotions to listen the message for the second time.
Anyway, the whole message Nami left was:
Please, just let me leave you in peace and walk away I've decided to join Shiki's crew to be his navigator Shiki is a legendary pirate. If you fight him, you won't stand a chance Even if you come after me you'll only end up losing your lives That's all I have to say.... So please, come and save me
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The turtle race
In the beginning of the movie Luffy and his pals join for this race car thingy and Nami is seen blushing after seeing that Luffy, Chopper and Usopp are back in the race.
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It’s understandable that people see Nami’s blush and sigh of relieve as shippy but then again before the race Luffy just grabbed a handful of those betting chips (or whatever the are called) and rushed into first thing that looked interesting for them without debating first.
The whole crew is used to their captains randomness but sometimes get irritated by it (as a running gag) so the turtle race wasn’t nothin new tbh but the thing is there was huge money on bet so definitely seeing your nakama (almost) falling out of the race is worrisome but when you see them doing a comeback and realizing there is a chance to win big money and that they are ok it’s a huge relief. 
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Luffy gambling in the high risk area
Once they win the Turtle race they are invited to the VIP area where they get the high risk, high reward-challenge with the dices. First they are again annoyed by Luffy betting without asking his crew but once they see Luffy is loaded with luck Nami and Usopp go next to their captain to admire his luck.
This is a nice little moment for both LuNami and LUsopp fans and quite usual actually in One Piece that some of the Straw Hat are more physical towards each other than the others, not necessarly in romantic way though, can be platonic too.
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When Baccarat uses he Lucky Lucky fruit abilities the whole crew gets immediately worried when seeing Luffy being unlucky and they all realize they were just fooled  by them.
Like always in tense situations, the whole crew goes on defense mode if they see their nakama in trouble.
Introducing Carina
What I like about Film Gold is that it gives another sneak peak to one of my favorite characters, Nami’s past. It was already mentioned in the Heart of Gold but  they were competitors and ended up in the same trouble and in the previous movie Nami was still mad about what happened and when they reunited they still had this frenemies-way to approach each other.
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Luffy's attention was paid for a short moment because it was a friend’s friend and Nami’s expression after Luffy’s question could be interpreted as on something like she’d don’t want Carina to but from the neutral point of view it’s probably more that she is still dealing with conflicted feelings about what happened with her and Carina in the past and meeting her after all those years (the whole story of them robbing  Mad Treasure was opened later in Film Gold).
Also like always the captain isn’t much interested on his nakamas’ pasts. So, instead of watching Nami and Carina quarrelling he interrupted the thing so they could focus on the main thing eating before saving Zoro.
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Luffy’s and Franky’s suuuuperrr comeback
So Tesoro thought he’d fool the Strawhat Pirates but actually they trolled him with help of Carina (and I must say, it was so cool that the whole crew had matching outfits!).
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Nami was first to congratulate Luffy for their plan and Luffy’s response as a semi-confused “ah, a plan?". It is usually Nami who rushes up to him after seeing him appearing. That's completely natural and even explained with Nami's caring nature.
Not only Luffy but also she usually is the first ones to rush when their mates are in trouble. Out of all Strawhats Luffy happens to be the guy who causes his crew mates loads of worries eith his shenanigans and worry-free and impulsive nature so no wonder she needs to check him most if he is ok. Even Robin mentioned just before their arrival that they “hid” art  of plan from Luffy because they knew their captain would go with his instincts instead of a rock solid plan, crew knows their captain so well *laughs* )
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Luffy saving Nami and Carina from Tesoro
Tesoro went to that golden mode and tried to kill Carina but Nami saved her and we get the rest of their story revealed. That Carina actually saved Nami back then although watchers were first led to believe that it was a betrayal.
Naturally touching moment is disturbed by the tension so Tesoro manages to catch Nami to his grip which pisses Luffy off. Another potential ship moment but then again Luffy would do the same no matter whose of his nakama were in the same situation.
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Then he tosses Nami and Carina to a safer place from the battle arena and screams her name. Clever move from him if so because the whole place was a mess but again this showed how much trust Luffy has for his whole crew. He knew that although he’d toss them someone would be able to catch them.
One thing that is probably a running gag by the way but Luffy has the tendency to carry people like sack of potatoes, no matter what the gender or the situation is (and somehow they still manage to keep up with him, at least I don't remember whether anyone has fallen from his arms while being carried *laughs*)
Now to think about this is a common thing i.e Luffy has not only carried Nami numerous time like this (for example in Water 7) or Law in Dressrosa and Robin in Alabasta like that but also Zoro has done this for fainted Usopp in Alabasta and even Usopp carries Robin (as Sogeking) in Enies Lobby.
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In other words no matter how nice shippy moments there are in fillers /movies/ specials etc. between two characters  have it still doesn't guarantee it would lead to canon romance. Like fellow fans, I also enjoy those shippy moments (especially the filler where they are placed in historical Japan) but still think that when it’s about canon, only manga counts because it's 100% written ad planned by Oda-sensei. Yes Oda has taken parts to production of some movies BUT he isn't in charge of everything there so the production can slip a bit from the canon.
What comes to the panel you used to demonstrate their discussion about the marriage I agree with you, Luffy isn't currently interested in getting married and he prioritizes adventures over the thought of marriage (Thriller Bark). On top of that, Luffy also said "no" to Hancock which for me indicates that he really doesn't want any romantic relationship at this point and frankly spoken it all just makes sense.
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After all, he "only" 19-years old and craves for adventures. So I think at some perspectives Luffy's view of romantical romance is still "lacking" and he isn't bothered about it because he has his priorities and determination in other stuff such as chasing his lifelong dream to find the legendary One Piece.
I bet after finding that Luffy might start to ponder more about his future but he wants to keep his focus at one thing at the time instead of big picture. Now he wants to feel the freedom and probably even if he didn't find One Piece (he will for sure though), for him the whole adventure matters more than the treasures. That's simply the way he is.
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To your original question Nonny, I've been reading One Piece years and focused on chemistry between Sanji and Nami because I see in them foreshadowing and moments and common chemistry that could potentially lead them as a pair.
Then on the other hand, I too love Luffy as a character a lot, and also do enjoy Luffy's and Nami's chemistry a lo. However, the difference is that compared to SaNami, for me Luffy's and Nami's interactions are much more platonic and sibling-like. The same way I feel Usopp's and Nami's interactions are (and they do share close nakamaship and I like that too, they're like besties and stuff!).
Maybe it's the way the cook and the navigator started by flirting and did proceed to WCI where they split apart with an emotional slap and tears or maybe as a SaNami-fan I feel they've had more development compared to Luffy's and Nami's nakamaship.
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This series is about to reach it's ending chapters and it's still all open what Oda has prepared for us. It might be that he drops a random plot bomb and ships some Straw Hats together but on the other hand he could also decide not to add any romance and give the story a very open ending when it comes down to shippings.
Frankly spoken the only canon pair that includes a main character Oda would reveal 100% is Usopp x Kaya, the did pair them even in the live-action but apart from that it's a complete mystery whether SaNami or LuNami any of the most shipped pairs will ever become canon, all we can do is wait ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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whumptober · 2 years
Hi there, I’ve sent in a similar ask before on anon and never received an answer, I’m hoping it got eaten by tumblr, but in the future can you try to avoid making prompts that are heavily tied to disabilities (examples from this year include seizures, crutches, allergic reaction, and panic attack among others)?
The nature of this event means that a lot of the time these topics end up not being handled with the care and respect they deserve, as completionists will often spend a day or two per prompt and don’t factor the time in to properly research the topic in order to be able to handle it respectfully.
I would also advise against promoting prompt fills that are ableist or romanticize/trivialize disabilities in the future as well, an example from this year being the gifsets for the prompt seizures. I am asking you this as someone who has epilepsy and has historically seen a lot of offensive and sometimes potentially dangerously misinformed prompt fills come from Whumptober both this year and in years past where seizures has been a prompt, and from input I’ve gotten when discussing this and conversations I’ve seen and been a part of, while I am not as familiar with ableist tropes that apply to some of the other prompts, I know that other disabilities are similarly poorly handled when they’re given as a prompt by this and similar events.
I don’t think that the mods or most of the community are being intentionally ableist, but there’s a lot of unintentional ableism in the prompt fills and the prompts being chosen. I understand that this event is a lot of work to run and is intended to be fun, but by allowing even unintentional ableism to be as rampant as it is in this event, there are a lot of people who are either being alienated from the event or finding it a lot less fun.
Hi there, thank you very much for this ask and for bringing this issue to our attention. Unfortunately it seems as though Tumblr ate your last ask. Firstly, we would like to sincerely apologise for any harm which is has been caused by these prompts. In creating this prompt list we tried to avoid using ones which could cause offence - and avoid a repeat of the "blindness" issue. But what we're learning is that we didn't go far enough in our efforts. And we apologise for that.
We did make an effort to fix the issue with the prompt "seizures" by changing the tag in order to avoid that tag being filled with fills when it could be used by people to have real life discussions. While that worked to an extent, it is clear that the message didn't reach everyone. We made an announcement post, but it seems like it wasn't seen as much as it could have been. We can't blame people for that - we have a tagging system we use and have encouraged people to use, so of course we couldn't expect every participant to see that we had announced an exception. This was a learning experience for us.
In terms of reblogging, we have a team of volunteers who generally run the archive, but for the prompt day including seizures I was in charge of reblogging. I wasn't sure about reblogging gifs, but I realised that I had reblogged some by accident. That was my bad, and apologies for that. One thing we would like to say though is that we can't ask our volunteers to look through every post that they reblog. With how many creations which are made everyday too, we just don't have the resources or capacity to check every piece of work. But we also don't want to get rid of archiving altogether. So in this step at least, there's very little we can do.
We'd like to improve. We're aware of the stretch of Whumptober and the number of participants. We can't tell everyone they must do their research- there's just no way to enforce that. However we can encourage people to be mindful and thoughtful in regards to what they're writing if they're publicising it, and this is something we'll try to do moving forwards. We can't control what people make, but we can encourage thoughtfulness and mindfulness.
I saw in a mention after reading this ask that someone had pulled us up for being more considerate of AI art and the artists participating in Whumptober than we were of this issue. It made me really uncomfortable reading that because I realised it was right. So thank you for pulling us up on this.
We obviously can't stop the unintentional ableism or tell people they cannot participate if they don't have time to research. But we can limit it by being responsible ourselves and working on what we can control.
I hope you can see that we're going to work on this. We'll be more mindful of prompts, we'll encourage our participants to be thoughtful and mindful and we'll try to avoid using tags like seizures in the future. We're also actively discussing what else we can do.
Whumptober is for everyone, and the last thing we want to do is exclude people with our own lack of understanding.
- mod claire
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blizzardfluffykpop · 3 months
Hello, ‘tis I. As my primary resident The Boyz stan mutual, I am humbly asking for some suggestions about getting to know them since I’m seeing them at the end of July. I like, know their names but couldn’t put them to faces really. I know Ju Haknyeon because P101 s2, but he was like 16 or 17 at that point so I’m sure he’s pretty different now. Anyway, I’ve already gotten some info from others but I know that if anyone has lots of knowledge about The Boyz, it’s you.
Hello 🤭💖 good to know I earned that title~ I have many suggestions- But I think I'll do a thorough answer beneath this paragraph- and base them on content and things~ But omg you're seeing them at the end of July!? I'm seeing them in New York in the middle of July! That's so cool that we're both getting to see them this year! I absolutely understand- Oh heck yeah- I only have seen clips of that but I'm glad you already have a slight start~ I wonder what you've learned so far 👀 But it's so sweet to know that you turned to me for this 🥺💖(this is gonna get really long and it's just because I cannot shut up about them even if I tried- I really hope this helps).
For me I really like Idol Human Theaters and always enjoy them. And I think that's a good place to start they helped me get to know them- It really shows you how funny they are. I really suggest going in order and I'll link that here ~ Personally my favorites are their Athletic one (Killing both the stage & Cloth P.E. Students) and their drinking one (What Happens On Daytime Get-Together).
Now if you lean more into scary content I def suggest Wings of Escape ep 1, & Episode 2 (tbh as a person who really can't take scares- it's only scary for the 1st 5 minutes) I spend the rest laughing- it's so silly- I go back to watch it all the time. For me, I really like knowing who the cowards are- as a coward myself :) (how I ended up biasing 2 noncowards idk-at least I bias one that is) Like Q- man is giddy over the scares and is so excited to go in- (His team is my favorite) But Ju Haknyeon is the coolest- he's the type of friend you want if you're going somewhere scary. Sunwoo is my representative in that escape room.
Now if you love mafia content (they have several) but like "high quality" The Boyz (1): The Convoyz (2) is sososo good- You get to see how they lie and trick and figure each other out. (I've never seen a group with no sense for mafia before them 😭 I love them sm) And then in the second episode you see them play by teams against each other and it really shows their team efforts!
Now this will be a longer one but The Boyz Come On! God Saeng 😭🥺 holds such a big and special place in my heart- it made me fall for each of their personalities even harder. Like Jacob drives so much like me and has sm fun and takes care of "the kiddos" while Sangyeon's car- everyone falls asleep cause he drives so gently. And when they all went to go to bed how they each talked 😭😭 It's so gentle- they have sm fun- (there is a part I hate just because of the producers but tbz themselves... oh yeah that's my soft spot) I really could go on about each member- but the way Juyeon volunteers for dishes- and how they cheer on each other for bowling (even on opposite teams)... Oh yeah I bawled my eyes out :)
My favorite content is one of the first contents of their own that watched was Deobi University (1): Vacation (2) ! It's so funny, but it's one of those contents when you watch it again with more knowledge about them that it truly becomes hilarious, so that's why it's at the bottom of the list. But the way they play around in the water, and everyone enjoys themselves- and the game they play inside the house!? (These little weirdos 🥺💖)
Now for regular content that isn't "funny" I really suggest if you want to know more about their hard work and dedication- (other than their kingdom & all that) there is Off The Boyz their behinds- I have one that I always watch and it's 2023 SBS performance behind one. It really shows their talents and there is a vv funny moment with Kevin (he looks like humpty dumpty for a second). The performance from that: Intro + Watch It 2023 Gayodaejeon (am I little salty about Juyeon not getting the spotlight when he prepared so hard for his part of the intro dance... yes, but that's besides the point- it is still beyond amazing) But there's also their Zeneration preparation for their tour last year- and you'll see how much hard work they put into it- like seeing Hyunjae trust the rest of them to catch him- and nail the Only One move after not doing it for so long was just incredible. And then Younghoon is the thumbnail with the kitty~
If you wish to cry your eyes out, I got just the content for you it is very long but it really digs into their dynamics one on and one. Dear.THE BOYZ (which "Dear." also a song they produced for their fans that they all partook in 🥺) Here's the encore concert version of the song
[I have an older deobi friend from insta and if you'd like I can grab some of her suggestions (they're on my phone and she always makes me little playlists to catch up on haha) And she also has given me little introductory twitter threads of "The Boyz and their animals" and whatnot so if you'd like any of that kind of content pls lmk~]
I won't lie ik this is prolly a lot and if you want different suggestions- or more narrowed down suggestions pls lmk! I'll be happy to provide- say you want really cool stages Shine Shine + The Stealer or their solo stages feel free to ask again~ I wasn't too sure what kind of content would help you get to know them better- but I tried my best and I hope you enjoy at least one of these! (If you like interviews more so I do know a few good ones too)
And I also have live performances suggestions~ And if you figure out your bias I can prolly give you more personalized suggestions that way too~
One LAST thing: If you wish to talk about them/the concert and any of their content- I'm all ears~
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polyamorouspunk · 5 months
Happy Friday!!
I have so many projects going on man I'm going crazy lol. I think some of the projects need put on hold until I save up for a decent sewing machine though.
But I've got my garden going again, and my coworkers gave me a deadline to write a childrens book based on doodles, and Im working on my zine that for some reason I can only open in chrome(???), and I wanna do a little research with my punk 101 posts, and also I need to do research that Im not really in the mood for so I can make that music map.
Oh and also I'm going to see Radium Girls (a play) tomorrow with a friend, and I'm debating if I'm going back to my college sunday for my friends graduation, but I dont really want to cause its gonna be raining. And also also, Some (different) co-workers wanna play dnd with me, but I dont think I'd like playing with them just from knowing them for a few months but I dont know how to be like 'no', but also Im on a HUGE dnd kick (I got new converse I need to show off btw) but have no one to play with and that makes me sad, but I dont want to play with people who will make it not fun for me :(
But how are you? How was your week? Any fun plans??? (side note: do you like dnd, just out of curiousity?)
I ain’t making people scroll though this
My week has been… better. Better than last week. Monday I took a day trip to Virginia Beach by myself to kind of clear my head and my soul, purge some of that pain and negative energy. Last night when you sent this though it kind of just… came back… which is why I didn’t answer this then.
Tomorrow I’m going out with my family to some botanical garden that only opens like 4 times a year or something to the public. We’re bringing lunch with us so I guess we’ll be eating together somewhere, maybe at the gardens.
I’m counting down the days until I fly back to CT to go see Electric Callboy with my friends, and then hopefully go to the aquarium with my gf + friends. Other than that I don’t have any plans for that trip. I still have to tell my brother + my other friend when I’ll be up, I just feel like any spare moment I have I use to recover some psychological HP.
I’m going from working 30+ hours a week to only 3 days a week soon because we’re getting self checkout on Monday. Hopefully I can use that time to work on some things for @prideful-things-shop, mainly the snowglobe tumblers (don’t worry, you’re getting one of the Eeveelution ones).
I’m still waiting to hear back if we can go to that concert and trying to book my tattoo appointment for that Friday.
I LOVE Radium Girls, I read the book, it’s one of my favorite books. I know they turned it into a play and a movie, but I haven’t seen either of them. I actually grew up near one of the locations in the book. They put a mall right next to it, so that’s where I used to go to the mall. I’ve never been to the clock factory, but it’s a museum now. Maybe I can add that to the list of things to do when I go back home. It’s also right across the highway from one of those defunct Jesus theme parks. I’ve wanted to visit that too.
I’ve never played DnD, but my friends made a game that’s similar and I was part of the pilot test group for that, and apparently they’re still playing all these years later. It’s been almost a decade.
My mom wants to make raised beds but we haven’t gotten that far yet. She wants a saw, just hasn’t been able to spare the money for it yet. I’ve offered to get it for her but she declined. We were looking at them while I was looking for the drill I bought for the tumblers. She has a lot of potted plants though lining the porch, including some herbs, and I think she’s planning on some carrots and cherry tomatoes.
I’ve been studying the sub-genres of metal music for a while, basically so that I can ID a song/band by it’s genre and guide people towards recommendations based on what they already listen to (country, pop, rap, etc.). The idea of making a music map sounds really exciting, I would love to do some research for something like that (like I said, I’m already using spare time to do that on my own anyway).
I’m really hoping once I have more free time I can also go back to working on my patch pants. My grandma bought us a sewing machine from the thrift store she works at, and she taught my mom how to use it, and my mom has used it to make pillow cases for outside pillows, but she didn’t buy outdoor fabric and they faded quickly. This year I paid for some outdoor fabric we picked out together along with some more fabric for my patches, so I’m turning our front porch into a fruit-themed area, which my mom isn’t really thrilled about but I’m the one paying for everything, so…
The other day there was a big snake on the front porch and my mom had to kill it. It was a pretty rough experience for both of us. We have a cat that lives on our front porch which is who found it, and then our neighbor has a cat who lives on her front porch, and we’ve had snakes get in the house before, and now we have indoor cats, so it’s just a risk we can’t take. It made me reflect a lot about city vs country life and a lot of things tied to that (poverty, race, queerness, etc.).
Here’s to hoping we can both have a relaxing but productive summer, and I’ll see you soon xoxo
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cybuuorg · 2 years
Overwatch Interaction Requests!
Over on twitter I asked if folks wanted to see what a spawn interaction between Reaper and any given character would be like, and I would write one for each person! I may do more in future as it was super fun! Some lines I wrote are below the cut! Disclaimer: these voice lines are purely fictional and are not official ones in game, simply writing requests fulfilled by myself. I have official voicelines listed elsewhere. Interactions under the cut!
ASHE Ashe: You here for the halloween party? Sorry to tell you, you're about half a year too late. Reaper: This isn't a costume. Ashe: Keep tellin' yourself that. BRIGITTE Reaper: The Crusader's getting old, just how long are you going to enable him? Brigitte: Enable him? Fighting was his choice. Reaper: Then you should prepare yourself. Reaper: What's that puny shield supposed to do? Brigitte: You'd be surprised. (And in OW1, Reaper certainly was.) Reaper: Why bother fighting, didn't you learn from your father's mistakes? Brigitte: I've learned plenty. Besides, someone has to protect the people. Reaper: How noble. CASSIDY Reaper: Took me being out of the picture for you to get a promotion, figures. Cassidy: Heh... never would have gotten one if I was still under you. Cassidy: Ain't the ghost motif taking things a tad too far? Reaper: Some people deserve to be haunted. Cassidy: Always knew it was you behind that mask, from a mile off. Reaper: What gave me away? Cassidy: Heh, where do I begin... DOOMFIST Doomfist: I need you to keep your eyes on the mission, Reyes. Stay focused. Reaper: I know the mission brief, it's Sombra you should be worried about. ECHO Echo: I've observed your methods, they are quite... Reaper: Effective. Echo: That's not the definition I would use. Reaper: I'm not wrong. GENJI Genji: I... don't understand. I changed and found healing, you... only seem more broken. Reaper: No. I grew stronger, while you grew weaker. Genji: I should have known... you had accepted the way of the assassin long before you wore the mask. Reaper: I do what's necessary, unlike some. HANZO Reaper: Always heard you were a good shot with that bow, could still be useful. Hanzo: No matter what you and your people say, I stand by my decision - the answer is 'no'. JUNKERQUEEN Reaper: Tell that rat to stay away from me. Junkerqueen: ...what, you mean Jamison? (snorts) He's not our problem anymore. Reaper: He better not become my problem. Junkerqueen: What's with the grim getup? Bet you'd sizzle in the Wasteland sun. Reaper: What's with Junkers and not being able to keep their mouths shut? LUCIO Reaper: Shut that racket down, before I shut it down for you. Lucio: Or... you could embrace the joy of music. Reaper: Off. MEI Reaper: Nice drone, bet it's good target practice. Mei: (gasp) You stay away from Snowball! Mei: You think you can just hurt whoever you want and get away with it? Reaper: You're not the first to ask me that, and you won't be the last. Mei: I've heard all about you. They say wherever you appear, disaster follows... Reaper: That's called an omen. And they'd be right. MERCY Mercy: Can't you see O'Deorain has only caused you further damage, Reyes? Yet you continue to associate with her... that isn't healthy. Reaper: If only we all had a choice, doc. Mercy: That necrosis you caused with Jack... that's unlike anything I've seen. Reaper: Just another medical enigma. Mercy: Do you even require healing? Reaper: That's the least of what you owe me. MOIRA Moira: How are we fairing today, Gabriel? Anything out of the ordinary? Reaper: Why bother asking? You already know. Moira: Still working on decorum, I see. Reaper: I can't feel my hands, doc. Moira: There we go again, always a complaint with you. Reaper: If there weren't so many problems, things may be different. PHARAH Reaper: Ex-Helix... what a joke. Pharah: At least I was protecting something. REINHARDT Reinhardt: Reyes... what has become of you? I thought... Reaper: Don't sound so surprised. Ana didn't stay dead, either. SIGMA Sigma: (humming) Reaper: ...doctor, you're doing the thing. Sigma: ...ah? Hm? Oh! I'm so sorry. Won't happen again. Reaper: Mn. Don't make promises you can't keep. Sigma: If something is considered 'indescribable', isn't that a description in itself? Reaper: I am this close to returning you to that facility we dragged you out of. SOLDIER 76 Reaper: Aren't you getting tired of this, Jack? You can't chase me forever. Soldier 76: Someone's got to keep an eye on you, and it looks like you're slowing down. Reaper: (grunts) Reaper: Why don't you just retire already? Soldier 76: (chuckles) A guy I knew once said to me: 'I'll retire when I'm dead.' Turns out he was a liar, and a bad one at that. Reaper: I meant it back then. SOMBRA Reaper: ...Sombra. Why are you staring like that?   Sombra: Oh, I'm just waiting for the usual pre-mission lecture. Reaper: ... (frustrated noise) Sombra: What, that it this time? Good talk, Gabe! TRACER Tracer: You again! Give it up already, Talon's a sinking ship. Reaper: And Overwatch was reformed by a monkey. I wonder what's worse. ZARYA Zarya: Don't be a coward, it's time to show your true face to the world. Reaper: And in death, I would see yours. Zarya: If I hear you step foot in my home again, you will answer to me. Reaper: (dry) I'm quaking in my boots.
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