#I have an essay on this but like AGHH
undedkat · 1 year
Boys should be allowed to watch and enjoy media for girls. Encouraged even.
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genderqueeradrien · 2 years
the new ro ramdin video was very very good btw . she talks abt the wizard game, transphobia, neopronouns, video games, and the current political situation with transphobia happening in the us & uk. it’s very good & if ur in the headspace to watch it i highly recommend it just know that the end especially is A lot
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roostertuftart · 2 years
aside from your partners, who are some sp fanartists you can recommend? especially style since that's my favourite ship
Ahhh I love the excuse to make a rec list!!! This is gonna be bit long! I've collected as many names of people that I could think of that I feel relatively fond of in terms of their artwork and personalities, and I decided to include some fanfiction writers I find to be worth a follow as well!! Hope that's okay ^-^ Also I'll be including my partners anyway since I want this post to come of use to anyone else new to the fandom and looking for style creators here :3
@bbathsalts - AMAZING style artist but also general multishipper
@erratic-brainrot - great metawriter, creates a lot of headcanon related posts, multishipper but loves style, esp as a part of a poly
@pononoin - especially fond of their silly creatures and scene!Kyle x goth!Stan
@traitor-boyfriend - meta writer and amazing artist, and I love their style artwork so much.
@south-park-meta - Wonderful style artist and AMAZING meta writer. Super nice person too!!!
@emilyartstudio-s - I have to assume you already follow her because like- Who doesn't in this fandom??? And for good reason!! But yess, one of the most iconic style artists in the fandom!!
@foxydodo - Really talented style artist!!!
@stankyles - Beautiful artwork, makes some cute comics too!
@glitchygorge - SOOO many good ideas, talented artist, has awesome AUs and headcanons, and has a youtube channel where they post south park (including style!!) videos as well!! I know this is Tumblr recs but they have way too few subscribers tbh
@eatbabies0 - Very cute art close in style to the show's art!! Consistently adorable stuff!
@feralhoundbones - cute style artist!! Draws a lot of au stuff of them as monsters and doggos and stuff uwu
@rk-reikyo - GORGEOUS art, my god. It's so high quality, and they have such cute style stuff, some of it being fully rendered short comics!!
@rainyfroggy - Doesn't draw quite as much South Park as they used to but they still do occasionally!! Definitely check them out!! Their art is so adorable and they're a super sweet person!
@clint-eastworm - God, they are so talented- Their work is stunning and very sweet and warm!
@marshwayle - Their art style is adorable!
@kiritila - Gorgeous art style, it's so pretty, and he has a really amazing fanfiction you should check out that I'll just drop as well :)
@miraco - Really beautiful artwork!!!
@lozislaw - omg loz ilysm DEF follow her. Gorgeous artwork and AMAZING fanfictions- Writer of probably my fav fanfic ever that I'll just drop here as well :)
@cherrysleepover - Beautiful style artist and super friendly person!!!
@adriabun - Aghh, I love their art, it's so cute!!
@wormfan77 - Dude their work is STUNNING
@virgosfreckles - SO talented!! Makes a ton of little comics and has a really cute animatic!!! Beautiful art style :]
@stripen - Really cute art style, I love their comic for the stylezine!
@dusksmote - Really talented artist and writer!!
@chifrija - Really beautiful art style!! Aghh I love it
@maccha-1228 - Really beautiful art!! They do a lot of traditional stuff which is pretty rare online these days, and it's so good!!
@d00dlecj - Super pretty art, and has some cute style comics!! I actually just found them today for the first time and I cannot believe I have been missing out for so long
@bunytime - Very good style artists and (I think?) one of the people who ran the style zine.
And lastly, not an artist but an amazing writer, @fayoftheforest !! She's got some beautifully written fanfics, and just makes a lot of very good South Park (especially style) posts about headcanons and meta and all that fun stuff :3
Here's some AUs/ask blogs I also find worth checking out!
@ask-the-freedom-pals-au - Okay a bit of a self boost here but my AU with @erratic-brainrot
@shipstylennyman / @flippingyouoff - So this is a poly between the main four boys but technically still style!! Their main is worth following too!
@south-park-dimensions - Super cute art style and really neat AU that I need to catch up on lol
@wgo-southpark - I keep up with this over Instagram better and if you have one, I suggest following them there since they share a lot of extra stuff on their story- But anyway! Super well written South Park teenager AU, and they've got some style in there that is emotionally ruining me ahaha
And lastly, some style related blogs revolving around fandom events :)
@styleweek - Coming up in the next few weeks so follow them now!
@spstylezinestylezine - Just came out and full of very beautiful artwork from many of the people listed above as well as others I probably missed! Give it a look :)
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nicosraf · 10 months
Hii!! Sorry if someone already asked, but where do you get the inspiration and info about angels? I've always had an interest in learning about them but it's so hard!! I don't know where to look and I feel like there's so many sources and some of them are contradictory. If you have any recommendations, I'd welcome them <3
Hello!! Aghh it's hard to answer this for me because I don't have a good single source book/video, which is what I think you might be looking for.
It also depends on your interest in angels! Your interest could be more canon/theological or more mystic/mythological. You could be strict with what the Bible says or you can venture into angelogy by looking into the Celestial Hierarchy by Pseudo-Dionysius; me, personally, I lean toward sticking to the Bible.
I can tell you what not to do (!): Don't watch those short "Angels: Explained !!" Youtube video essays and tiktoks. Here is why: they'll say a sentence like, "There are angels that are cherubs, and they're at the second highest level of the hierarchy." What's the issue with this? The issue is that the first part is biblical (... mostly) and the second part is from Pseudo-Dionysius. It could be my academic brain, but not being clear about where certain "facts" come from leads to a lot of the contradictions that you might be seeing.
I do think the best course of action is to begin w what the Bible says. You can look up mentions of angels in the canon Bible and examime how they act/look. For me, that's where I got the majority of my inspo! I thought the Bible stories with angels were cute. I know it's a meme these days that angels are scary, but angels can be so sweet sometimes, like when an angel came with bread/cake for Elijah, which is depicted here :) :
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But yes, I recommend starting with angel Bible stories and then running wild. The "canon" for Christian angels is the Bible, and all the angelogy and more mystical leaning stuff built off from that canon, for the most part. (It gets influenced by other religions, after all)
I wish I had a good set of primary (the Bible, sorta) and secondary sources for you... Maybe I can put one together eventually, since a few people have asked!
Also, yes the information is all very contradicting, even in the Bible I think! So don't worry. Have fun with it! Take whatever you like about them and interpret them however you like!!!
Oh and I have to mention that I get a lot of inspo from Medieval and Renaissanc angel art, like the colorful wings. I just think they're neat !
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
Bad Buddy Rewatch Blogging
Gonna do a rewatch of my favourite BL hoho It won’t be like the regular live blogging cuz I don’t wanna record every thought (I have so many + I remember generally what happens in what ep cuz I’d watched it so many times) but just general ep thoughts, fave scenes etc.
Trickster Pran With Plans and Lies
1-4: Come up with way to get Wai to apologize and get Engineering to back off
1-4: tricks Pat into adding him on LINE first
2-1: The bus station is a truce~~ story
4-1: bus stop building but make it a competition
Ep 6: makes up a sob story about his first love and gets his friends drunk to stop them from beating up Pat
12-3: “A guy with dimples told me to pretend” - it was Pran’s idea to trick everyone bout the high school reunion
Because of this, I think Pran was also the one who came up with the scheme of hiding their relationship from everybody except InkPa, Korn, and Wai
General Thoughts
Ep 1 (Dec 4)
a generally meh first ep where it has intriguing characters and connections but just tooo much fighting
still don’t like how they treat Pa
Fave Scene: 1-4 where we get a P’Aof cameo + they’re sitting on the stairs and have a teasing chat
Ep 2
I’ve watched so many more Thai shows since I originally watched it and also started paying attention to Thai linguistics, so it’s fun to get things I didn’t before. When Pa tells Pat “What a prince!” she uses the word Khun Chai and now I understand Pat using -khab in kopunkhab and that indicating male instinctively rather than only knowing it bc of a reddit post explanation + the ‘jeeb’/flirt/dumpling pun
Pat’s friends heckling in front of Pran’s door, especially thinking it’s a girl, continues to be horrific
Dunk is Pat’s high school friend
Fave Scene: Pran realizing Pat is the guy next door on the rooftop, their little restaurant convo
Ep 3
the first episode where we really, really get to see just how much Pat’s willing to do for Pran (helping him present his idea, the bus design roleplay, keeping the guitar for him)
Fave Scene: last scene where Pat says “I like your face... when you lose!” and Pran has the most love-stricken expression full of longing on his face
Ep 4 (Dec 5)
The tragectory of this show is interesting cuz the first ep is intriguind but average, ep 2 and 3 are better and then ep 4 comes in and is just so fucking incredible 
I could write 3 essays on everything I love about the sleepover scene, from the characterization, the way it’s shot, the conversations, the acting choices, gosh, such a beautiful incredible scene
Fave Scene: of course the ending sleepover scene is unbeatable. though pat’s “hiya. i know you wanna let me innnn” through the doorhole after pran kicks him out in pt 1 is cute as hell. Part 3 when Pran joins Pat and Pran at the restaurant and he has glassy eyes the entire time. Part 3 when Pran cleans Pat’s face. Part 4 Pran and Ink’s convo on the bench and also I think it’s hilarious that Ink doesn’t know which should Pran hurt
Ep 4 (Dec 5/6)
Part 4 is just so incredible both downstairs and on the roof. The character motivations and actions, the acting, the narrative progression, the conversations, the music, the filming, everything is just so fucking good
Fave: is there anything more iconic than Ep 5 - 4? Fight on the ground and rooftop scene. But also love Pat’s “boo!” in part 1
Ep 6 (Dec 6)
During my first rewatch, this was just a meh episode (esp after coming from ep 5) but I wonder how I’ll feel about it now - esp after seeing so many Thai BLs with the beach episode
I think I liked it more rewatching it this time because I already have knowledge about what happens with Pat and Pran in my head whereas when I first watched it I was like aghh give me more happy PatPran not distant T.T
The random partners thing is so middle/high school lol like when they become partners for the games at the beginning and then when they get assigned rooms, they keep looking at each other hoping to be partners and then are like :< when they’re not
Fave Scene: Don’t have any, though the after credit finger licking scene is iconic. Pat just tryna bother the Architecture people is funny too
Ep 7 (Dec 6)
My fave episode !!! Let’s see if it holds up
I wish I could find what exactly Pat said in Thai when he was sending that pic of his car to Pran. Pran called him Hia when texting back though lol
the start of Ink/Pa as well
Fave Scene: the entirety of it fr but maybe especially the last scene when they’re just kissing each other and trying to get the other to open the door
Ep 8 (Dec 7)
Did Pa say kha or khab during 8-1 when speaking with Pat and Pran in the hall and 8-2 when speaking with Ink at the restaurant
Fave Scene: just the ways they compromise and are there for each other ig
Ep 9 (Dec 7/8)
here we go with ep 9 rip, prlly gonna be the ep where i skip a bunch
i remember reading about Korn calling Pat Nong when teasing about making Pran jealous all “nong pat~~” and I didn’t get it back then bc I didn’t really understand why that was cute or funny but now I get it even though I can’t explain why Korn using Nong when Pat’s not his Nong funny
this ep really is like awww cute cute cute PatPran and some InkPa and then here comes fuckass Wai and the dumbass gun plot and useless bastard cops
this is the ep where i skipped the most 
Fave Scene: them eating lunch together on the bench so cute. PatPran and Ink, Pa hotpot dinner fun cute. Pa jumping down and saying “anybody taller than me is fine”
Ep 10 (Dec 8)
oof, the beginning was so hopeful with the dad saying thanks to Pran for helping Pat before it all went to shit
the bar is on the floor but I do continue to enjoy how Pat didn’t “forbid” Wai from tryna pursue his sister because he feels some sort of ownership over her or due to his protectiveness (esp would’ve been weird when he’s going through disapproving parents) and also Wai also letting it go when he realized Pa likes someone else and they might become a thing and he doesn’t have much of a chance. shows will often have male characters (attempt to) control a female character’s love life as if they understand what’s good or bad for them better than the FMC herself does.
Pa getting teary eyed and so sad when talking with Ink and how Ink only sees her as a mentee T.T so cute
girl when I first watched the show I was like damn why’s Pat obsessed with being Pran’s older brother but Hia/Phi aren’t necessarily like that and he was also having fun calling Pran as Nong Pran
Ep 11 (Dec 8)
this ep is important narratively and does a lot for the characterization and relationship growth but is still boring to me
Ep 12 (Dec 8)
Parts 3 and 4 so good omg (even though Parts 1 and 2 don’t have much rewatch value for me tbh) honestly the whole time i was losing my mind and going ewwww they’re so annoyinggg as if i haven’t watched it already several times
One of the best things about the rewatch is truly just coming at it with the knowledge of Thai particle endings, titles and honorifics, and more of a cultural knowledge. 
Also can’t believe I rewatched so much of the show, usually I rewatch only parts I love. I only skipped ep 9 gunshot storyline, ep 11 some parts that were boring, ep 12 first half; watched nearly all other scenes.
I think my fave series of eps is Ep 4 - 8, just so good. 
Continues to be my favourite BL of the year, hope something comes along next year that takes over my brain just as much to be honest.
Rating: 9/10 (unchanged)
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morbidmeatbun · 2 years
Bound by Heart
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Just a little drawing I made between Mafuyu and Niigo Miku. I love this one so much—their dynamic is so heartwarming.
I've read the stories + convos and the fact Mafuyu actually looks out for Miku to the point asking others to checking in for her when she doesn't have time is just 🥺
AGHH, pls we need more Niigo Miku cards hello??? (I'm trying to save up for that one from the 1.5 anniversary banner 🤡)
It is also mentioned that from one of Mafuyu's card stories—I don't remember which, sorry—her SEKAI Miku is like a mirror to her own heart (this is my own opinion though).
It's when Mafuyu thought about her SEKAI not so empty and cold anymore (after N25 came along and other virtual singers joining in) plus lowkey glad Miku has company, then Miku came to her and said,
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That dialogue is why I have a headcanon about Miku being a representation of Mafuyu's heart/feelings.
Come on, when it first started Empty SEKAI is the only SEKAI to only have one virtual singer at the beginning—while other SEKAIs had at least 2-3 virtual singers.
It is canon that Empty SEKAI is born through Mafuyu's feelings ... (making her the owner I think?) and Miku is always listening to Mafuyu (even following Mafuyu's request to dispel Kanade, Ena, and Mizuki from her SEKAI on one of N25's main story episodes)
Mafuyu and Miku is bounded by heart.
I could just write a whole essay about them, but that's for another time 😔🤙
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goldfades · 4 months
im almost done with school i just need to complete an essay and then finish a project and then I HAVE SUMMERRR AGHH
THATS GOOD BABES!!!!!!!! yes i only have two more finals left next week and then graduation is the week after that but idk if i wanna go yet
IM NOT GRADUATING but like my friends are but like i also wanna go home???????
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techiekittie · 9 months
Day 3? Of studyblogging my progress:
Watched video essays on Macbeth, then got off topic and started watching David Tennant’s version and then started watching Good Omens
Anyways then I downloaded Notability and took like 5 pages of notes which is pretty good.
I also recommend Focus Plant which is basically a free, cartoony version of Forest. My ID is 2qwvg2 if you wanna add me!
Some of my notes below:
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Tmr is the last day I have for studying, then it’s mock exam time aghh (I will continue this tho)
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sealer-of-wenkamui · 2 years
Warning- discussion of sexual assault
I personally believe its implied that Mohg raped Miquella in addition to warping his body through the formless mother, and not only that, I believe it makes sense with his character, and is thematically appropriate, and not just “shock value” or something shallow or slapped on.
I’ve talked about this part before, but the fact that he was an unloved, unwanted child likely led to him desiring love, much like his brother, but the ways they go about obtaining that love are opposite to each other, since they serve as foils. Morgott trying to work hard to earn the love, Mohg seeing no other way but to take it for himself by force. So already, the idea of forcing himself on Miquella goes along with that idea of taking the love he desires for himself.
And furthermore, he is incredibly deluded. I think this is part of what makes him so terrifying. You have this man who never knew love as the head of a love-obsessed cult, and showering Miquella in his love. I get the impression that from his perspective, he would think Miquella would be grateful for it, after all, he’s giving him his undivided attention and love, something he never got. He is “blessing” him with the sacred blood of the formless mother. He is treating him like a lover, showing physical affection like one would expect of a married couple in their “bedchamber”. I don’t think he would even recognize it as rape.To him, it truly is a combination of the blessings of his god and a physical expression of his love.
And Miquella being a sleeping victim makes it all the easier to perpetuate those delusions. He thinks Miquella will return his love after all the effort he’s put in. He’s constantly by his side, showering him in the sacred gift of blood and pleasuring him. Miquella is not awake to voice any protest, so he can fool himself into thinking if he keeps it up, his advances will be returned and he will wake up and be his consort. (And personally I’m of the belief Miquella is choosing to stay asleep in defiance, to prevent that).
He has a blood form too, to fully be one with Miquella, and I absolutely think this could and would be used for sexual purposes. It feels like an especially intimate way to be with someone, so why wouldn’t someone who craves his love so badly use it that way? After all, in his mind, it is an expression of love, even if in truth, all he’s doing is violating him in every way possible.
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paddymayne · 4 years
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lavender-rosa · 2 years
resident evil or kny?
Im going to do kny since Resident Evil is such a huge, plot hole ridden franchise i don't even know where to begin and I was always a Silent Hill gal anyways lol
Favourite Male Characters: Akaza, Douma, Kokushibou, Gyutaro and Tanjiro (well for the first part of the series at least)
Favourite Female Characters: Shinobu, Mitsuri, Tamayo and Koyuki
Least Favourite Characters: I am going to exclude characters that are meant to be disliked so:
Ok rants incoming under read more
1) Kagaya: Others have written much more detailed essays on why his writing is bad. The thing about Kagaya that annoys me the most are not exactly his actions but the way the narrative unironically frames him as this pure, perfect figure that can do no wrong. His most questionable actions like his very uncomfortable relationship with Sanemi, encouraging Shinobu to basically kill herself, him killing his own children etc. are all swept under the rug in favour of an extremely boring character. Imagine if Kagaya was actually presented as a flawed, human being.
Like, he wants to kill Muzan for the greater good, but in order to reach this goal he is willing to manipulate, deceit, encourage self-destructive behaviours among the slayers and throw anyone under the bus, even his own family that would make a much more interesting character and actually humanize him . It would even make him a parallel to Muzan by how willing they both are to ruin lives to reach their own goals (this would also require to make Muzan not be pure evil, you know a bit of a ying yang symbolism) but well we are stuck with this I guess.
Also on a sidenote am i the only one that gets weird cult vibes when it comes to Kagaya's relationship with the pillars. Especially in his introduction, Sanemi's flashback and Rengoku Gaiden (where Sanemi acts like a literal dog around him, yikes man)
2) Nezuko: I do not hate Nezuko but I hate her writing if that makes sense. Despite being the deuteragonist she is treated more akin to a cute mascot. She is constantly sidelined, her agency always taken away from her, she is given the most contrived power ups, she acts like a puppy (and I know that we are given an excuse in the manga on why she acts like this but i do not find that reason sufficient) and she is almost never allowed to talk nor are we shown her thought process.
Nezuko could have been such an interesting character. Maybe let her talk and express her thoughts and feelings, act like a girl her age (maybe she wears the muzzle only when she is in crowd filled with people and when the pillars and slayers that distrust her are around but removes it and talks when the Kamaboko squad, Kanao, Genya,Mitsuri, Aoi, Giyuu or Shinobu are around)
Edit: After this paragraph I made a huge rewrite of Nezuko's personality but since this is an ask game and not a how you would rewrite kny game I decided to edit it out. On a final note Nezuko should be given the same agency as her male counterparts ok goodbye.
Prettiest Characters: All of them tbh. Kotoha, mother spider demon, Kanae, Koinatsu-oiran, Haganezuka and the Tsugikuni twins being my favourites.
Funniest Character: Douma no competition, his first instict upon coming across two dying children on the street is to tell them wazzup, he gets killed and the first word he tells his murderer is "sup" like they are old college buddies. Kny AU where Douma says a your mom joke to Inosuke.
Favourite Arc: Despite it's myriad of flaws the Infinity Fortess arc is definetely my fav.
Favourite Episode: My favourite episode is Season 1 Episode 16. Spider mother demon's assisted suicide is one of the most beautiful and bittersweet moments in the series, def in my top 5. It perfectly showcases Tanjiro's empathy, it greatly humanizes the antagonist and just the music, the colours, the voice acting aghh.
Favourite Chapter: Akaza's backstory and death (i think it was chapters 154-156?) Just *sighhhhhhhhhh*
Favourite romantic ships:
Canon Ships: Hakuji and Koyuki is the only romantic relationship that Gotouge didn't manage to fuck up and i love them for it. How Koyuki and Hakuji clearly adore eachother and you can see why. How Koyuki and Keizou represent Hakuji's ability to love and his humanity and when they are cruelly taken away from him from other humans (recalling back to an earlier time where demons were portrayed as man-made monsters) it completely destroys him. I love a well-written tragic romance and those two just hit the spot for me. My emotional support bi4bi couple if you will.
Non Canon Ships: Shinomitsu like the power this ship holds... and how well those two compliment and parallel eachother with Mitsuri being insecure on her physical strength and Shinobu being insecure on her physical weakness and how they can help each other overcome said insecurities. We should have seen those two interact more in canon.
I also like the Yoriichi× Sumiyoshi× Suyako polycule since Yoriichi deserves to be unconditionally loved, man went through a lot.
Favourite family ship: Gyutaro and Daki/Ume my beloveds. But like they are already related so idk what this question implies.
Favourite friendship: Kamaboko squad (when i say kamaboko squad, nezuko, genya, kanao,senjuro and aoi are always included the majority of their friendship is what i have written in my head but shh it's fine it's fine)
Worst Ships:
Canon Ships: Tanjiro × Kanao completely lacks any kind of romantic chemistry and it seems that they have been only paired up because she is girl and he is a boy,which, ughhhhh. Also the moment Kanae gives Kanao her coin and she implies Kanao will open up when she meets the boy she likes. Like babe, Kanao is so emotionally closed off due to trauma which was caused by being severely abused at home, the presence of a boy will not cut it.
Nezuko × Zenitsu is quite dreadful and it truly brings out the worst of Zenitsu's character. Not only does he act so obnoxiously and over possessive whenever he is near her but we also have no idea how Nezuko perceives him or if she is even able to comprehend his crush on her or if she can even form a romantic interest on her own since she acts like a kitten most of the time. Also the part where Zenitsu is frothing at the mouth because Sanemi pats Nezuko's head undermines his character development after his fight with Kaigaku. You are telling me the same manga that gave us this also gave us Hakuji and Koyuki? Like, okay.
Inosuke × Aoi: Aoi has more chemistry with the concrete wall in the Butterfly Estate than she does with Inosuke.
Non-Canon Ship:
Outside of the unmentioned gross shit like incest and pedophilia
Giyuu × Shinobu: I don't see it, i cannot see it, why is it such a popular ship ? (I mean we know why, that's rhetorical) I cannot perceive Shinobu and Giyuu as anything other than wlw×mlm solidarity/hostility. Like boys and girls can be friends with each other with no romantic motive, people.
Giyuu × Sabito: Someone described Sabito's and Giyuu's relationship as two 12 year old boys blowing raspberries at each other and...urmm...yeah...
Douma × Shinobu: No comment
Douma × Kotoha: heteronormativity is a disease
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aerequets · 3 years
can you give me some webtoon recommendations? name some of your favorites! :)
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i am here to answer folks ����
all of these webtoons can be found on webtoons.com! I'm not sure about the whole daily pass thing they've got going on (which sucks tbh) but like,,, you could probably find it online illegally. NOT THAT I CONDONE ILLEGAL ACTIVITY HAHAHAHA ᵖˢˢᵗ ⁱᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ˡᵒᵒᵏ ⁱᵗ'ˢ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ
I'll split these up between completed and in progress :) most are still in progress though
1) Gourmet Hound (166 chapters)
this is like, my all time favorite webtoon. it follows Lucy and her quest to find all the chefs that left her favorite restaurant, Dimanche! it’s a really heartfelt story and the food illustrations make you really hungry, so make sure you have a snack before you sit down to read it. each character’s name is also food-related, so that’s pretty cool too! and the diversity in this webtoon is AMAZING. it’s the only webtoon i’ve ever read that has a hijabi character in the main cast. the development is done really well and it explores themes of loving and letting go. all in all, it has a bit of everything. i personally love food-related things, and this centers around it, so i was set LOL
(also a bonus is that this webtoon has NOT succumbed to daily pass hell, so you can binge read the whole thing. legally.)
2) Hooky (200 chapters)
if you like stories of witches, this is the one! the summary and beginning chapters are deceptively lighthearted. DO NOT BE FOOLED! the story really develops further on and explores numerous conflicts, a big one being (if i remember correctly) witch vs. nonwitch. if you like to see struggles between two sides, not a good-and-evil but just people-who-want-the-best-for-themselves-and-their-loved-ones type of thing, this is good for that. also, sibling love! the two main characters are Dani and Dorian, and while there is someee romance, i like how this story centers around the siblings first and foremost. ALSO THE ART??? I LOVE HOW THE AUTHOR DRAWS SETTINGS SO MUCH and am unabashedly jealous because i am completely incapable of doing so   just like,,,, even if the story doesn’t pull you in, you can at least stare at each panel for long stretches of time.
(unfortunately succumbed to daily pass, but you can read it on mangaowl or manganelo!)
3) Spirit Fingers (167 chapters)
aww, this one is cute. Amy is 18 and lacking in self confidence (her family definitely doesn’t help). but HEY she joins a wacky art club!! without her parents knowing!! HECK YEAH!! unfortunately it takes more than joining an art club for her to learn to love herself (it is a long journey after all!). i love this webtoon because it explores the problems of multiple people, not just amy: her high achieving brothers, her mother who had to give up her dream, the different members in the art club, Amy’s girl friends. the art is unique and has a cool watercolor-y texture! and the main couple is just adorable, too. if you’re an artist especially, i recommend this because that’s a big theme and you get to see these characters expand their art styles! which is very cool!
(you can read this one fully on 1stkissmanga)
now here’s where the majority of my recs are:
IN PROGRESS (all can be read on webtoon.com)
1) The Makeup Remover (currently 71 chapters)
i look forward to this every tuesday and friday because oh man!!!!!!!!! idk about you guys, but i am thinking about beauty standards A Large Amount of the time, especially when i consume media. and this webtoon is all about beauty standards (specifically in Korea, but still applicable like. everywhere). Main character Yeseul ends up having to partake in this beauty competition and, with her experiences through it, she begins seeing makeup and beauty standards for the huge role they play in society. i said it already but i LOVE LOVE LOVE this webtoon because it really challenges you as a reader to think about your own perspectives. why do we find the things/people beautiful that we do? what shapes our perception? how much of it is marketing, and how much of it shows in our daily lives? what assumptions do you make about people based on how they look? AGHH im sounding like an essay prompt instead of a reviewer but man. if you like webtoons that examine society through a critical lens (gosh i sound like an english teacher), this is the one. 
2) Odd Girl out (currently 261 chapters; on season 2) 
okay, first and foremost: if you’re NOT into long winded drama, this probably isn’t it for you. i will admit im not a fan of long problems that get dragged out, especially in a school setting, but i did keep reading this webtoon and i am glad that i did! the character development here is amazing and ONE CRUCIAL THING is that the whole first season (which is many, many chapters. at least over 100) focuses on the friendship between our main 4 girls. if you don’t wanna wait for a romance storyline (which comes in season 2), then you’ve gotta have the patience of a saint. i loved this though because lots of romance webtoons cast friendships aside or use them to further the romantic plot. platonic relationships are great to read about and this one does it masterfully! main character nari is resilient and emotionally strong, and it’s great to see her ruin her enemies
3) Cursed Princess Club (currently 110 chapters; on break before the final season)
this is another one about beauty and societal expectations, but in a fantasy setting! it’s really funny and the cast of characters is heartwarming. Gwen is a princess, but she doesn’t look like the typical princess. she accidentally stumbles upon the Cursed Princess Club, which is exactly what it sounds like: a club for princesses that have been cursed and are trying to find their self worth despite not being conventional princesses! now that i think about it, this is like a lighthearted mixture of Makeup Remover and Spirit Fingers. although while i do say “lighthearted”, this webtoon has its fair share of mysteries and exploration of deeper topics. but its funny throughout
4) Brass & Sass (currently 83 chapters)
ahh this one is really cute and the art is cute, too! i also like how this has a diverse cast. high schooler Camilla kinda sucks at band, but dangit if she’s not passionate. Victor is some type of musical prodigy but he’s a brass-hole (hahaha get it. no that’s not original i ripped it from the summary). now i KNOW I KNOW, the whole “perky girl and asshole guy” is so overplayed BUT DON’T FRET! this isn’t the type of story where the girl “fixes” the guy, or where the guy is an asshole to everyone except the girl. believe me, the character development and relationship development in this story is SPLENDID. there’s no real antagonist. it’s just a bunch of high schoolers trying their best to make themselves and everyone else happy, and that’s hard! the story is carried more by the characters than by the plot, but it works well in this case since the characters are strong and each one has a presence. 
5) Surviving Romance (currently 10 chapters)
this one is relatively new compared to my other recs but it’s by the author of the Makeup Remover so yaknow i had to hop on it. BUT IT IS VERY DIFFERENT! first off, it’s a horror, so keep that in mind. the best way i can describe it is a mixture of the standard “girl falls into a story” genre, Groundhog Day, and zombies. Yeah. Bascially, Chaerin is our main girl and she’s in a romance story that’s she’s read a bajillion times, so she knows the day has come for her male lead to confess his love! except he doesn’t! because he becomes a zombie instead! hahaha well that sucks! it’s only got 10 chapters but i am very into it, and it seems to be taking an emphasis on platonic relationships, so i am very closely watching 👁👁
6) The Witch and the Bull (currently 60 chapters) 
another witch story! and the art is GORGEOUS. more witch + nonwitch conflict, too! our main dude, Tan, is the royal advisor and he’s hella bigoted against witches. our main girl, Aro, happens to be a witch. and Tan needs her help to make him into a human again (because he got turned into a bull. that is worth mentioning). this is a very barebones summary and there’s a lot more that goes on, but that’s the general gist of the beginning!
ANYWAYS. this got very long, predictably, and i rambled for each title, predictably. i’ve got more that i’m reading, but i really like these 9! i also made comments on the art for a lot of them, which might not matter to some people, but i feel like my art was very impacted by each webtoon i read. if you’re an artist i recommend finding a webtoon you like and studying the art; try implementing parts you like into your own style! 
anyways, i am FINALLY done talking. bye yall 
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running-with-kn1ves · 3 years
Hello I crawled out of my hole with more ideas. So nether mods I didn't touch them last night. Now I am now that it's earlier and I have more free time. So for the zombie piglins I'm thinking that they're a bit more nicer and kind of reluctant to even pursue the reader until like darling starts dating someone else. For the normal piglins they're kind of more aggressive but they get distracted easily. Like darling could probably throw something shiny and Runaway. The gast (idk how to spell it) are fucking needy like will throw so many rocks at your window until you notice them. The Blaze I just think they're really hot-headed due to their association with fire and also they're very very sadistic they like causing darling pain. Now for the Wither Skeleton I think they're kind of like the skeleton we're like you said they kind of hate darling but it's more intense like the wither skeletons have more of an obsessive hatred. They consistently hurt darling and only darling because they want them to suffer. Also you can use any of my ideas in your stories by the way I'm really cool with it.
The fact that some of these mobs are passive/neutral is so interesting too-- their yandere quirks are much different compared to the ones that are willing to hurt the second they see the player!!
I feel like the different categories of mobs (aka netherworld, underwater, and ender world) are all so different, their species coexist in strange ways, and don't even get me started on how they fight each other on the stupidest things.
You're right on the different types of the same mobs tho-- like zombie piglins are less aggressive than their counterpart, and wither skeletons the opposite.
Especially because they only exist in those areas-- darling would have to travel to the netherworld to interact with the mobs in there, which is just the perfect factor for manipulation. If you didn't want to be captured, why would you go in there in the first place? The mobs will convince their darling that they deserve it, that they wanted it. I feel like the nether mobs would be very good at manipulating their darling, threatening to toss them to another species if they dare to talk out of turn. It's so easy when a ghast or group of piglins are nearby, so eager to get their hands on something to tear.
Wither skeletons and blazes probably fit along the term 'sadodere' considering they are so willing to hurt their darling.
Ooh ooh I think that drowned zombies are probably a bit less-- jumpy if you know what I mean. Still very stupid, but more calm. They probably will be the best mob to be with, considering how easily manipulated they can be and won't hurt their darling as quickly considering their stupidity and lack of hostility.
Aghh I could write a whole essay on this. Anyway thank you so much for sharing these awesome ideas!! Wtf you have big brain. My tiny T-rex hands and smooth brain can't come up with this unique stuff yall are throwing at me!!
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twst-campos13 · 4 years
UwU welcome to the twst writing fandom~ Aha finally a blog that can write for male! mc,I haven't seen them for a while nor there are a lot of~ Can i request hc with the first years with a male crush reader~? Hope that you'll get many followers! ahehe~I dunno what to say. Hope that you have a great day, UwU -🍵🌱✨
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Hello there Tea Non! (can I call you that qq?) Sorry for the wait!! Jack’s part feels a bit too short and Sebek’s quite long,, ^^’’
Warnings: mild language! internalized homophobia (Epel’s part!) Tags: fluff, male!reader
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➸ Ace is a little shit bastard, but he (along with Deuce) practically became best friends. You're one of the people he would tease to death and annoy with but also he would stand by your side no matter what.
➸ You banter a lot together. You'd fight, argue, and even tease each other which is considered "too mean" to other people.
➸ Though your arguing turns to flirting sometimes. You didn't even realize it, Ace didn't even realize it, but your friends did and they're placing bets if you two are actually into each other or not. 
➸ How long did Ace figure out that this isn't just a normal bro-thing? Well, suddenly, seeing you scowl at him and swear at him is becoming more than amusing—it's becoming endearing. He likes the way you look at him or even gets hyped up in annoying you when you fire back with remarks.
➸ The fluttering feeling in his chest only grew when you two were play flirting. He grinned cheekily at you about maybe needing some company while doing library duty. You know what you said to him back? 
➸ "Awe, Ace. Do you want to be alone with me that much?"
➸ His brain tried what just happened and why that he was so red right after that whole exchange. You two always flirted and bickered, right? Why does it feel kinda different now?? What??? Hnajgejegegaeg????
➸ Then you started to do intimately nice things to him—like that one time you had to tend to his hand after burning himself during potions class—then oh, oh. Fuck. Oh fuck. He has a crush on you. Does that surprise him? To have a crush on a guy? Not particularly, because this isn't the first time it happened. 
➸ Before Ace met his ex-girlfriend, he already experienced what it's like to have a crush on a guy. He didn't understand why or why that feeling is the same feeling he has for a girl. 
➸ His brother found out first then he came out to his mom. She did call it a phase but in a way that she was supportive of him questioning his sexuality. His mom assured him that she wouldn't love him less if he's bisexual.  
➸ Ace just hopes this little crush of his doesn't develop. He doesn't want things to get awkward between the two of you! Just because he likes the way your cheeks reddens when he slings an arm around you and pinches your cheek, doesn't mean you can do the same to him...okay, maybe he'd like that a little bit
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➸ Deuce is a smart student. He's loyal, reliable, and diligent. However, sometimes he just comes off as dense. 
➸ He's comfortable with his sexuality. Whatever it is that is seen as too intimate for two bros to share is normal for him. After all, you're his best friend! Along with Ace and Grim. There's nothing weird about how he's treating you because he treats his friends the same way. 
➸ Said friends watch his imaginary ears and tail wag when you praise him or compliment him. Okay, who's gonna tell him? 
➸ It's like they were the ones who realize Deuce has a crush on you first than Deuce himself. They started placing bets on when he's going to realize it or if you'll be the one to find out and Deuce still hasn't realized what he's feeling is infatuation.
➸ It's rather cute, actually. Deuce is already cute but he became quite endearing when he smiles at you. How he's always making sure to see if you're comfortable, checking in on your wellbeing, and asking if you need help.
➸ He's a little protective of you, too. Granted he controls himself to not get into too many fights. He doesn't want you to get roped into the fights and get hurt. However, if some mob student even dares to mess with you when you aren't even doing anything, you got some backup. (Don't mess with the First Year Squad).
➸ Ace teases him about his little crush on you which leads to Deuce punching his arm all flustered. He's a little shit to Deuce about this too, always making kissy sounds when Deuce gets too cute around you.
➸ The funny thing is, Deuce doesn't even realize he's infatuated with you. Again, he thinks you just have a special place in his heart. You're his bro and he's willing to fight with you. 
➸ He finally realized when he talked to his mom about you and she commented how glad she is that her son found someone he can be happy with. She reminded him to take his crush as a motivation in his studies, and Deuce nodded at her advice.
➸ Wait WHAT—
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➸ Epel is by no means weak. This boy worked at a farm before he was in NRC. That pretty face doesn't mean a pretty heart (sometimes). 
➸ Though the urge to pick him up out of nowhere is tempting. No one in the squad tried to do it to catch him off guard (Ace attempted to while Deuce stopped him, Sebek doesn't think it's necessary, and Jack only picked him up because they were working out together). Besides, he isn't some damsel to be hoisted out of nowhere! He doesn't like it...or so he thought when you picked him up by the torso to move him out of the way. Epel didn't see Grim running at full speed on the ground because his tail got bitten by a live crab. Your first instinct was to just grab and lift him—you didn't mean to startle him, really. 
➸ Needless to say, Epel developed a new emotion. He doesn't know what to call it or if there's even a name for it. Is there a name for "brain shutting down for brief moments after being picked up with ease?"
➸ Does he like you? Does he actually have a crush on you?? He never had a crush on a guy before—he never had a crush on anyone. Does the fluttery feeling in his chest when you touch shoulders mean that he likes you?? ahufaeofaufea????!!
➸ He's just...lost. So lost about what he's feeling towards you. A lot of invasive and absurd thoughts flood his mind. Do you have a crush on him too? Will you like him? Would you find him weird? Who's gonna "wear the pants" in the relationship?? He doesn't want that! Liking a guy doesn't make him less manly, right? RIGHT??
➸ "Hey Epel are you—" | "I DON'T LIKE HIM." | "...dude I was just gonna ask if you're finished with your essay..."
➸ The squad (sans you) have to reassure Epel that his feelings for you are valid and that doesn't make him less manly than he already is (Jack and Deuce). Liking a guy is the same as liking anyone else (Sebek). Worrying about a certain role to play in a relationship between same-sexes is kinda homophobic (Ace). 
➸ That assured him, atleast. He isn't familiar with liking a guy. Plus, with where he came from, it's definitely uncommon. However...there is one thing that Epel is familiar with.
➸ He definitely fantasized about meeting someone to grow old with. Someone who will love him back and share dreams with. No one knows about this of course—what are you talking about? He's not a sappy, romantic person. Not at all!!
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➸ Jack would deny it 100% 
➸ There is no way he has a crush on you! He can't do that to you—no way. He respects you enough to keep your relationship as just friends. If you're bros, you're bros.
➸ Yeah, that doesn't really work out well for him.
➸ It's easy to tell if Jack likes you or not because he's good at hiding his emotions through defensive remarks (plus his resting face is a scowl). The Kouhai Squad would look at his ears and tail wagging when you even smile at him or congratulate him for a job well done. He's like a puppy,,,
➸ Whenever the Squad would point this out he will deny it. There is no way in Twisted Wonderland that he has a crush on you! He doesn't! Those are...just instinctive bodily reactions!
➸ "You held hands, dude." | "So? That isn't weird." | "Your tail is wagging." | "NO IT ISN'T!!"
➸ It's not like he doesn't like you, he's just...embarrassed. It's like you know what makes him flustered and that makes his heart do a little tap dance. He (somehow) wants to do the same to you. Make you flustered, embarrassed, happy...it's only fair! 
➸ He needs to get over this little crush of his...because you're starting to catch up on why he's acting weirdly. If he tells you how he feels about you, how would you take it? He doesn't want to ruin your relationship with each other...aghh why is this so hard?? Jack wishes working on his feelings is as easy as training in Magift...
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➸ Admiration and pride are something Sebek is familiar with, but infatuation is new.  
➸ Admiring someone and having a crush on them are two similar but different things. When your bond with him develops he...starts to get a little confused. 
➸ Has those feelings always been there? Are they different? He wasn't being this weird back then! A simple bump on the shoulders shouldn't spark so much electricity inside him to cause him to tense up! 
➸ Sebek was good to hide these new reactions towards you...somewhat. He has to atleast act like everything is normal so he can evaluate what kind of feelings he has towards you. Which works and kinda doesn't since when you do something a little intimate (like a shoulder pat, a cheeky smile, or even praise) he gets a little red. Red. Nevermind Deuce and Jack are asking if he's okay while Grim judges from afar. 
➸ He still doesn't understand why he feels so weird around you so he decided to ask someone who has experience—an adult if you will! A humble, wise, elder fae that surely has some explanation for the weird fluttery feeling in his stomach.  
➸ "You are infatuated—or to put it simply, you have a crush on the Prefect," Lilia explained to him. Sebek needed a few moments for that information to sink in. He has a crush on you. Okay, that's the mundane mystery solved. What is he gonna do with that information? Carry on with your friendship knowing things might get awkward around the both of you? 
➸ Luckily, Lilia gave him three questions to answer personally so he may evaluate his feelings for you. In that way, Sebek knows what the next steps to take without rushing in blindly. You consider him as your friend and he returns that sentiment! He wishes to respect you as you respect him. 
➸ Are you a distraction? Oh, definitely! Ever since he started to harbor feelings for you, his thoughts often lead up to you. When the young master is talking about you, he finds himself listening in, not just because Malleus is talking, but because he wonders about what kind of human is friends with his young master. This caused him to write a few words related to you in the essay he was supposed to be writing! When he and Silver are sparring, Silver has the audacity to throw your name into his comment which caught him off guard. In other words: you are despicably distracting!
➸ Are you a motivation? Well...yes. Sebek is proud to be a knight for the young master and he continues to strive in his position. He knows there is still much to learn as a knight and he is willing to develop his skills more to become better. Somehow, you acknowledge his diligence and even commend him for it. Yet you look after him, saying that he needs someone to fight for him. He laughs at that incredulous thought. Sebek prefers he do that to you along with his friends, instead. All of the squad are an odd bunch, including you. Sebek...wants to protect you as well. Somehow, knowing that you are safe urges him to make sure that you'll remain safe.
➸ Are you an inspiration? Sebek ponders on that question. Somehow it is related to the second, but he thinks carefully about it. He noticed how most of the poetry he makes is because of you—he needs an outlet for his feelings, don't take it weirdly—and although the theme varies, the subject of interest is you. 
➸ Now that he answered all three of those questions...shall he proceed with courting you? No, that's too fast. Lilia told him to enjoy his youth and don't dive into relationships quickly.
➸ However! He shall confess to you to rid of the constricting feeling in his chest! Sebek wants to talk to you normally again without any hidden feelings!
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namstruck · 4 years
REQUESTED BY: -rabbiteeth (wattpad)
“where jungkook and namjoon are roommates and their air conditioner breaks in early august, the heat getting to both of the horny boys and eventually one thing leads to another,”
WARNINGS; sub! jk, dom! joon!! non-idols! teasing!! oral! etc.
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the white mini fan spins around, flapping namjoon's research paper when it comes around to his desk. surprisingly, it wasn't even remotely cooling him down and it was far too hot that it couldn't possibly be controlled. so of course he was too naive to believe that tiny fan could work, even just a little. he harshly erases something on one of the papers, almost tearing it from frustration. sighing, he opens the folder containing his essays on his computer and continues with his draft.
he wondered what the point of them was anyways, there was too many that at this point, with the heat too, he wanted to sleep it off and take a zero. but of course his big brain would say otherwise and would continue on with them. what he needed was a break, he had been at it for hours without stopping, so he felt he deserved resting at least a little bit. but at the same time he was suddenly aroused, maybe it was due to the heat or maybe he was overly stressed. yet he again just wanted to sleep it off, so looking over to his side and spotting his small twin bed he can't help but stand up from his black rolling chair and letting his heavy body hit the soft mattress with a soft thud. his eyes close by themselves, his breathing slowed down.
namjoon's eyes shot open. of course jungkook was streaming as usual, why wasn't he surprised. he sits up, rubbing his tired, puffy eyes, the heat too was making him sweat, making it uncomfortable to sleep in, so the idea of resting was a big no no for now.
namjoon stands up deciding to go get a cold beverage. once at the fridge, he grabs two cold beers from the bottom drawer as he scratches his chest on top of his black, cotton tank top. he closes the door to the fridge and cracks open one of the cans, the other for his roommate. as he reaches the younger's room he could hear all the sound effects from his game and he himself talking. turning the door knob he could now see the chaos the streamer was in, namjoon sighs.
the older hands the shirtless younger his own can but taps it on his bare skin when he wasn't acknowledged, making jungkook jump from the coldness.
"oh hey," he slightly looks at his side and receives the can of beer from namjoon, "thanks." namjoon hums a response and takes a seat on the corner of jungkook's bed, watching him play. he watched as he jerked here and there as a power move adding to his mouse and keys, often taking a sip of his can, his back muscles flexing and sweat building on his forehead making his hair stick.
namjoon wasn't gonna lie; shit was making him horny again. the excitement and imagination of the younger beneath him, taking him all as cum built on his firm, built and exposed abdomen. his face blushed and lips swollen as he's moaning his name telling him to go deeper. namjoon lets out a shaky breath, his gym shorts tightening up from being half hard and from trying his best not to rub himself right now. feeling himself get harder by the second, he lets his lust get the best of him.
jungkook pressing hard on his keyboard, didn't hear or even see when namjoon got up from the bed and bent down near him. in the corner of his eye he could see him eventually, but thought he had dropped something until he felt his sweatpants being pulled down from the hem. startled, he removed his gaming headphones and instantly asked what the older was doing as he covered his mic. namjoon, on the other hand, just ignored him and continued, pulling down the grey sweats, seeing as he had no underwear underneath and taking out jungkook's limp cock and gradually making it harder when he began stroking it with his soft palm.
he then kitten licked the tip, making jungkook hiss from the sensation as he felt him run his tongue on his shaft. eventually, namjoon opened his mouth and made it wide enough to takes the precum-dripping cock in his mouth, rubbing it on his bumpy pallet and bobbing his head and slowly moving back and forth. the warmth felt good in his mouth, as well as the view from above. he was making the younger feel good too with his sloppy intake; maybe a little too good. jungkook tugged on his hair, pushing himself deeper into namjoon making it a fellatio.
namjoon, almost in ecstasy, rolls his eyes back from the pleasure of feeling him deeper. the groans and grunts coming from his roommate signified he was close to cumming, and after a few more thrusts he releases into his mouth, pushing himself some more to ride off his high. namjoon takes him out, his lips running on his base and kissing his tip again, and opens his wide to show off jungkook's mess. seeing his juices inside his wet mouth and tongue was erotic to the younger.
maybe it was lust or the alcohol or the heat making them both feel like this, but either way jungkook wanted more. namjoon stands up and kisses the boy, his kiss filled with sloppiness and making the boy shake. moaning into the kiss, jungkook reaches to take off the older's gym shorts only to have his hands pushed away.
"what's wrong? are you that desperate already?"
jungkook whines, bucking his hips up as his hard length feels the air. namjoon runs his fingers from his bare chest and slowly down near his member, yearning to tease him until he begged for it. but as much as he was tempted he also wanted it as much as he did. namjoon kisses his sweet lips again, this time deeper and more passionate, and bites down onto his shoulder leaving it bruised and marked with the imprint of his teeth. the younger's back arches from the pain with a quiet yelp following.
namjoon takes this time to remove the whiny bottom's sweats, leaving them to hang on the end of one of his legs as he teased at his entrance. jungkook couldn't help but whimper as he felt sensitive, both their bodies heating up. the amount of sweat that freshened the air had both roommates touching each other's cool bodies, yearning to rub on one another.
"do you like it when i tease you down here?" namjoon twists his wrists, hitting jungkook's certain spot, "curling my fingers in your tight hole, you begging for it like a bitch in heat?" the younger mewls as he gets penetrated faster and feeling himself cum on the three long digits. he huffs out a small whine from sensitivity, the chair sticking to his back from the sweat. grabbing his right thigh, namjoon centers himself with jungkook and gently rubs on him, sliding in easily and carefully.
the younger grips on the head of the chair, his knuckles turning white as he heard namjoon lowly groan as he's taking him in deeper. once in, the older slowly slides out and in teasingly until he starts making a rhythm and picking up his pace. skin against skin and leather being rubbed against echoed.
namjoon curses as jungkook reaches up and kissed and bit his lower lip, his abdomen already had a puddle of precum. and just how the older had imagined, jungkook was becoming a mess underneath him, flushed face, swollen lips and calling out his name as he swallowed him whole. as they both spilled out white ribbons of cum, namjoon tugged on the bottom's hand, leading and pushing him onto his mattress.
as jungkook laid on his chest, ass up and centered with namjoon's once again hard length, he shivers when the older spreads his cheeks and stretches his cum-filled, aching hole. and once again namjoon starts working on and pounding into the overstimulated baby, making him cry and whine cutely. he hated admitting how overly sensitive he was, but it just felt too damn good that it almost hurt when he tried holding back.
his head rests on top one of his lower arms as he hiccuped, gripping the sheets as he felt bites and wet kisses on his back. namjoon pushes the bottom's head into the mattress, thrusting hard and deep at and angle watching him cry and scream in ecstasy as he then gripped his locks, making his back lean onto his own chest. he moans into his as the heat increased, the knots in their chest and stomach building. the older pumps him a couple times. jungkook crying out a cute 'i'm cumming' as he watched namjoon kiss the back of his neck and the side in bliss.
jungkook's body drops, still in position, showing all the cum spilling and dripping out of him. panting tiredly, he turns his body around and passes out from exhaustion and the immense heat.
"maybe next time you should turn off your mic.." jungkook's ears flush red at the comment from his gamer friend.
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klarolinedrabbles · 5 years
What are some of the tvd to fandoms greatest hits so to speak... I was only in it for a short time and then jumped out because I couldn't stand to
Oh, well allow me to be your guide. This will be under a read more because I already know, I’m gonna write a whole essay. Shout out to my ride or die @hellsbellschime.
I don’t think any overtly crazy happened during the good!TVD years. No wait, I’m lying.
The year the spin-off got announced, I believe it was tvguide, that posted an article with like info tidbits for currently airing shows. And one of them, was that Hayley was pregnant with Klaus’ kid. I remember this shit so clearly, man. Everyone was so confused. And then they were like SURPRISE, APRIL FOOLS. Because it was in fact April 1st. So ha-ha we all had a laugh, great. Fastforward to what, late April? Episode 4x20 airs, and it’s exactly what happened???
That whole day btw, the day the backdoor pilot for TO aired was just insanity. I’ll say that about a lot of days in this answer, but that day was really just something else. Like we were delirious, that’s the only way I can explain what happened on here. It was a nightmare but also one of the funniest night’s I’ve ever spent on here. I gotta go back for old time’s sake and reblog some of the shit from that night because we all snapped. And not in the good way. 
The TVD 100th. Now, we knew Joseph was coming back for that episode so they hype was real. Because up until that point, we’d gotten a huge load of nothing in regards to Klaroline. They released a trailer, a short one, that’s still in my favorites folder on youtube to this day. I rewatch it all the time because it’s iconic. And there was literally .002 seconds of Klaroline. It’s Caroline standing and then Klaus says “hello, caroline” and everyone lost their shit so much when it dropped that ‘hello caroline’ trended ww on twitter. 
THE DAY THE NETWORK THAT AIRED TVD IN AUSTRALIA AIRED A PROMO WITH THE KLAROLINE KISS IN 5X11. ICONIC. I literally woke up, logged on at around 11 AM my time, and my dashboard was on fire. It was the BEST. We didn’t know wtf to do, it was amazing. 
Paleyfest. Ohhhh buddy, lemme tell ya. So TVD/TO got chosen to have the CW panel’s at Paleyfest that year. Everyone was on a bit of edge because TO to that point was what, almost done with S1 and Klaroline had been given the mega cold-shoulder despite being the very thing other than the Mikaelson’s that got used to lure people in? After the pregnancy plot from hell, everyone was ready to peace tf out, but we got halted because it was a ‘ohh of course it’s gonna continue’ then they tried to nip Klaroline in the bud with 5x11 and no one was having it. So Paleyfest was where we were gonna get some ANSWERS, DAMMIT. I live on the east coast and the festival was held in the west coast so I wasn’t awake when it was happening. I remember making a post about how ‘going to sleep, and hoping when I woke up the answers were good.’. So I went to sleep, woke up a few hours later like 2-3 AM my time, and checked my blog and the first message I had was ‘don’t wake up stephanie, everything is a mess, stay asleep where everything’s fine’ I—
The gist of that was, they basically set JoMo up to be the bad-cop in shutting down Klaroline. He gave this long answer that made absolutely zero sense. The girl who asked the question about Klaroline, who was like 13 at the time, got called a bully for even asking a question at an event she paid to be at. A mess. And JP was like NO CROSSOVERS, ORGANIC, BLAH BLAH. And Paul was sitting next to her going “why can’t the show’s just intersect”, he was right and he said it. 
I can’t remember if this was S1 or S2, but somebody tweeted something and Carina replied ‘when you’re found dead in your basement with klaroline written on you this is why’ or something like that, that was a ~fun~ night. And then like half an hour later she was like “I’m sorry, I’ll never tweet about Klaroline again just leave me alone” if you’ve ever seen this fandom refer to ourselves as basement dwellers, this night is why. 
NARDUCCI. Can’t forget him. Talk about a man who just didn’t get it. And I don’t mean Klaroline, he just didn’t get anything, nothing in his head has ever clicked, I’m convinced. He used to pick fights on twitter repeatedly. Admitted once that he missed his flight because he was on twitter…arguing with a fan. AND ONE DAY, he decided to just—snap. Went on this hours long tirade against the Klaroline fandom, essentially calling everyone stupid because no one was appreciating the ‘art’ of the show. So when I say it lasted hours, I mean that. Now, you’d think, that he would be done, right? WELL, apparently that wasn’t enough, so the next day, he continued. I remember because I was in this gc on whatsapp, and I remember Erika sending a message to the gc going “omg, Narducci vs KCers round 2″ when I tell you I screamed. The man went on a two-day rampage against this fandom and it was insane. 
S6/S2 of TVD/TO was not a fun time. I can genuinely say it was borderline a chore to come on here during that time. It wasn’t fun, every day someone was in argument with someone from production on twitter. Truly the worst year of the fandom, imo. So S7/S3 rolls around and that’s where shit went nuclear. 
Hillary and I, are minding our own damn business, when someone come’s to us with information regarding the new seasons. This was post-SDCC, so it’s like the lull of September, waiting for the seasons to start in October. And we get approached with information, talkin bout how Caroline’s gonna be pregnant with Alaric’s twins in S7. When I tell you we didn’t know wtf to do. And we had to like wait on confirmation about it but then we found out it was legit and we were pissed. Literally ask us if we wanted to be in the spoiler game, the answer is no tf we did not. And she and I basically spent two days complaining. LIKE UGHHHH WE DON’T WANNA DO THIS, BUT ALSO THIS IS DISGUSTING, WE CAN’T JUST LET THEM SPRING THIS ON EVERYONE, BUT AGHH WHY US. So we chose collectively, as a duo, because das my other half yo, to blab. 
That went over as best as anyone could hope for it to go. Now, flashforward yet again, this time to around late Novemeber/December. I had been sent word that something was going down. TVD/TO lost their Thursday slots and got bumped to Friday’s, so a plan was going on, and they made one. We’d heard that they were rearranging something mid-season because they were gonna make a crossover work, publicly we found out it would be Paul and JoMo that crossover back-to-back. THEN ONE NIGHT—I call it black friday bc  that day was a fucking mess—, a friend of mine was friends with an SCer, I wanna say, and she was hearing word that the crossover did have Klaus and Caroline interact via phone call, but that it was very definitively an ending. Because they spoke about Camille and Stefan, etc, etc. Like a closing of the book type thing. So okay, we were like devastated, everyone on twitter was losing their shit. Everyone was pissed, and @-ing the writers all these crazy, sad things, we were a wreck. Ask Hillary about this night because she, I remember, describes it as ‘logging on and reading what everyone else had and not understanding why tf everyone was mad about it’. It was the first and last time that our roles were reversed, and bless her for it. 
SO WE’RE SITTING THERE, it’s Saturday, and we kept getting more information and we were like…something isn’t right here. So we did a bit of digging, spoke to a few people and waited it out. LO AND BEHOLD, everything we’d heard about the phone call was false. There was a phone call but the CKers and SCers were so mad about what was actually said in it, that a few of em, ring leaders of the feeble minded, made up a version and passed it around their fandoms as legit till it eventually worked it’s way over to us. So we all jumped the gun on fake information, lmfskdnknsks. Rumor has it, you can still hear Hillary yelling ‘I told you so’ at me through our group chat. 
So all was well, I couldn’t tell everyone why not to panic, just that they didn’t need to. Until, this account popped up called tvdspoiler or something on twitter, also saying false information about the phone call. Sending everyone into a panic yet again. I remember this because I was at  kmart with my mom, and the kmart by my house was in a basement so I had no cell service. I was able to send like a couple of messages, and was basically like ‘tell everyone to chill, I’ll clear it up when I get home’ did that in like a couple of hours cause then I had to leave to the midnight showing of the force awakens with my friends. So that day was chaotic, but fun. It was the first time I reached 99+ messages on my inbox, lmao. 
So that all happened like a good while before we actually saw the episode. But cut to a few weeks later. I woke up at 1 AM my time to drink water, was on tumblr trying to go back to sleep. I checked my inbox and there was this bizarre message talking about ‘got some scoop’ and they were like ‘Finn dies in 3x17, Aurora gets put into some weird sleeping spell in 3x18, Camille and Davina die in 3x19, Lucien dies in 3x20′ and I quite literally laughed??? Literally who wouldn’t. Like who tf would ever believe TO had the balls to do all of that when they never killed anyone off. AND, WHO WOULD BELIEVE THAT SOMEONE WOULD JUST STOP BY, SHARE IT AND LEAVE. So I sent a screenshot to Hillary and was like ‘yo did you get this because wtf’. We often got duplicate messages. And we often got messages of people who were pissed about the two previous times we, from the klaroline fandom of all places, had legit info that wound up being true, that they were just waiting for us to fuck up. So we used to get messages of people pretending they were sharing info, and it was just antis trying to make us look stupid. 
SO, Hillary says ‘just answer it because it’s obviously fake’ top ten moments before disaster. I answer it and am like oh haha, and where did that info come from. And they came back like a minute later, saying ‘I have a source’ THEN THEY ELABORATED. They mentioned that Lucien drags Freya and Vincent to Mystic Falls to do this spell with some bullet and etc. So at that point we were like fUCK because that same day we’d found out was in 3x16, which ended with Lucien and this white-oak bullet, having kidnapped Freya. And that’s when we knew, that someone showed up in the middle of the night, spoiled the whole back-half of TO S3—and then left.
The back-half of S3 was so fun??? Every week the info just kept coming true. On the wikia everyone hated me, probably the most anti messages I ever had was during that time, honestly it was great, 10/10 would recommend. 
THEN, at some point in our blog history, Hillary had been getting quite a few messages about PT. And she had this fucking line in one of the messages about Phoebe’s pronunciation with her accent for the show, or lack thereof. And she said “weeches and woves will always have a place in my heart” SO THEM PHOEBE TWEETED IT. THAT EXACT LINE, and we were like was she...? So we shrugged off okay. A few days later, she tweeted “hellsbellschime enough, there’s plenty of other things to watch on tv, I hear mad men’s great.” And I—
THIS WAS ON SOME RANDOM ASS SUNDAY. Like I was lounging around, waiting for the new episode of game of thrones and then WHAM, chaos. AND AS IF THAT WASNT ENOUGH, Leah joined in too. Putting a target on my friends back...about her blog that no one was making them read. You can’t make that shit up. And Jenn actually replied to Phoebe’s tweet and got a reply back, and she was all “you’re right, I’m sorry” and then deleted the original tweet, which I still have a screenshot of btw. And then Leah showed up in Hillary’s inbox with this ridiculous three part ask about how she shouldn’t criticize women in the acting industry because of how hard it is for women in that industry which is true, but it doesn’t make you exempt from criticism??? So not sure where she meant to go with that one.
SO THERE WE HAVE IT, our fandom’s greatest hits. I’m sure I can elaborate and insert more, but I’ve been typing for a good 40 minutes. 
Told ya, I wrote a whole dissertation, lmaooo.
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