#I have had some random person who followed me a while back (years ago now) find me at my job and like.
scarletfasinera · 9 months
I will tell you what I did today after I do it. See you soon.
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thoughtidtry · 5 months
Dress pt.1 - LN
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SUMMARY: Lando's best friend can't keep pretending he's not her everything. Not after missing seeing him in person for so long. PAIRING: Lando Norris X LongDistanceBestfriendfem!reader A/N: Inspired by Lando's race win and song Dress by Taylor Swift. First time publishing my fanfics so I’d love to hear what you think! Almost 2K..... I'll do a pt.2 cause I still have more thoughts on Lando with this song. Part: 1 2 3
"Our secret moments in a crowded room. They got no idea about me and you"
Lando couldn't stop smiling at his phone in the paddock, not when you were the one texting him. All the drivers knew about his best friend, who they never got to meet.
"She's a busy person"
He would declare anytime they teased him about meeting you or asked if you were coming to a race. It wasn't that he didn't want you to come or that he didn't want you to meet the other drivers, more he didn't want to share your time. He wasn't lying to them per se you were busy and had moved to America for university as soon as you both had graduated secondary school. It didn't matter he had never actually invited you to a race.
"I'm spilling wine in the bathtub. You kiss my face and we're both drunk"
He could remember the night or well day you left like it was yesterday. The night before your flight, he had stayed over to spend as much time with you as possible. The giggles you made sneaking back into your room after your parents had gone to bed were almost as intoxicating as the wine you had brought back. You both stayed up drinking and reminiscing over the years you had spent together.
Somehow you had both ended up in the bathroom attached to your room. Too drunk to sit let alone stand, you had made yourself comfortable in the bathtub while he was seated beside you leaning up against it. He doesn't remember what was said or how it happened, but he will never forget how soft your lips felt against his or how you sighed after the kiss with a dopey grin as if a weight had been lifted off your chest.
The next morning he woke up in your bed but you were nowhere to be seen. A note on the bedside table along with some pain meds was all that was left.
Tried to wake you to say bye before my flight, but you wouldn't wake up. I don't know how much we drank but I've got a killer headache and can't remember anything so thanks for that. Text me when you wake! Love, Y/N
You had always kept in contact but he never would tell you what happened that night. He didn't want to lose you even if that kiss would haunt him every time he closed his eyes. You managed the time difference well, never judging the other for being up or asleep at random times throughout the day.
Late-night calls when you wanted to tell him something funny between classes changed to funny things your friends had done once you graduated from university. Even the early morning drunken messages he'd get around the time he woke up were moments he cherished. He missed having you next to him. Wished you would come home, but you have your life now in America and found a good job after university.
"All of this silence and patience. Pinning and desperately waiting"
Little did Lando know, the other drivers had stolen his phone and gotten your number long ago just waiting for the right moment to use it. Daniel was the first to reach out and introduce himself explaining Lando had wanted to let you know his phone had died.
You had shrugged it off, with how much Lando talked about the other driver it didn't seem that surprising to you that Lando had given your number to him. It was no surprise to Daniel how friendly and kind you were, but how smart you were was a shock. He never would have imagined their little Lando was friends with a lawyer.
Carlos and Oscar followed soon after hearing more about you from Daniel. They both said they wanted to get some stories of Lando as a kid to make fun of him so they begged Daniel for your number and to not tell Lando. You had a laugh retelling stories to them both that you knew Lando would be embarrassed about.
Max and Charles on the other hand had respected Lando's privacy when it came to you until they were added to a group chat with you made by Oscar without Lando's knowledge.
You didn't speak to the other drivers much in the group chat so you had forgotten it existed most of the time. They would send you pictures of Lando doing goofy things every once in a while, but that was about it. Never once did you think to mention it to Lando, it was a little secret look into his world and the photos gave you a way to know he was having fun. They reminded you of all the good times you both had shared together.
"Flashback when you met me. Your buzzcut and my hair bleached. Even in my worst times, you could see the best in me."
Secondary school hadn't started out easily for you, having moved away from all of your primary school friends. As a farewell, you all decided to color each other's hair. You had ended up a platinum blonde which made you stand out even more on the first day of school. Making new friends was hard at first. Most of the time you felt alone in a sea of unfamiliar faces.
It was probably the worst time of your life looking back. At least until a boy with a cheeky grin and sassy comebacks made it his mission to befriend you. At first, you didn't know what to make of the boy. Turned out his friend group had done something similar to yours but had buzzed all their hair off instead of dyeing it. He saw the girl with good grades who sat alone every day not as a freak like everyone else but as someone worth taking a chance on. You had no right to fall as fast as you did, but you couldn't help it. He was funny, kind, and well perfect.
"Flashback to my mistakes. My rebounds, my earthquakes. Even in my worst lies, you saw the truth in me."
As secondary school went on, Lando changed, not as a person but physically. No longer was he the straggly, small, buzzcut kid. He got taller, grew his hair out, and even became charming in a way you would never have imagined. Looking back he could remember getting his first girlfriend and how excited he was only to have his heartbroken.
He dated around more from then on, never getting attached to another girl. By developing a confident and flirtatious appearance he could avoid being hurt again. It worked on everyone as he gained popularity, everyone except you. You saw him for who he really was, always there to catch him when the mask slipped off and he shattered on the ground. Something he would always appreciate you for.
"All of this silence and patience. Pinning and anticipation"
When the drivers had first approached you with their plan you were skeptical.
Would he even want to see me after all this time?
You thought. You two had always talked about meeting again but your schedules never aligned. He always had a race or you had a case that you couldn't miss. They talked about how Lando had seemed down the last couple of weeks while you had been busy with a case, how they thought he missed you, and that they had a race in America soon. Blowing care to the wind you agreed. How could you miss the chance to see him again?
Clutching the hem of your shirt as you walked into the paddock for the first time, Daniel was waiting past security to show you around. Oscar had been able to pull some strings and get you a Race Day VIP pass without Lando knowing. You texted in the group chat and Daniel had been sent to come get you so Lando wouldn't notice. He couldn't stop talking about how excited he was to see the look on Lando's face as you two walked.
"Say my name and everything just stops. I don't want you like a best friend."
Soon enough Lando's laughter fills the air as Carlos holds his shoulder while bending over in laughter as well. You stood still for a moment watching to carve this memory of him into your mind before moving closer.
You smiled a bit to yourself, he was always the life of the party, always finding a way to make everyone around him laugh, and as always oblivious to his surroundings. He was still the same Lando you had fallen for all those years ago.
"Hey, Lan."
You said once you were a few feet away. Lando froze for a moment before turning around to look at you in shock. He couldn't believe you were here. Really here standing in the paddock only a few feet away next to Daniel of all people. He decided he didn't care how it happened only that it did.
Your hands started to shake as he stared at you. You wanted to hug him, kiss him, do something, but you were stuck. Stuck looking at him with hope in your eyes that he would say something, do something. Anything.
Carlos chucked at Lando's state before patting him on the back.
"Well, are you just gonna stand there? You know it took a lot of planning to get her here."
Lando snapped out of his trance, looking in between Carlos and you before breaking out in a sprint straight for you with the biggest smile on his face. He lifted you up by the waist spinning around with you in his arms.
It felt so good to have you in his arms again after all this time. At that moment, he realized it didn't matter how long it had been you were his home and he wasn't gonna let you go again.
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espinosaurusrexex · 2 years
Hopelessly Devoted
BuckyBarnes x Reader
summary: It's so simple sometimes. You meet the right person, and it all falls into place. Bucky never imagined he'd get this lucky. So what better way to remember it than on the second-best day of his life?
a/n: Hi, this is me describing every Bucky fangirl’s experience ever… and then a little more. This might be a song imagine? I don’t know, it’s heavily inspired at least.
word count: 1.6k
warnings: none, really, none - everything is good here, stay as long as you like 💕 - fluff
・゚✫* 𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 。✭・゚
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consider listening to: Butterflies (feat. AURORA) - Tom Odell
“Hi, I’m Bucky.”
That was all it took. That was it. Three simple words and you were at a loss for yours. 
He had that charm hidden in the corner of his smile and still evident even now. A confident smugness is etched on his features when he flirts with you. But you have learned that it is not just there, in the dark edges of his lips. It is in the crinkles of his eyes when he laughs, too. It is in the touch of his fingertips when they stroke over your skin. And it is in the whisper of his voice when he mumbles sweet nothings into your ear. 
‘Follow me.’ He’d say, dragging you down alleyways in Brooklyn and telling you stories upon stories of his and Steve’s adventures a hundred years ago. And you would listen, hang onto his lips like sugar, eyes big and wondrous in childlike admiration. Bucky would tell you every little detail, simply because he loves seeing the expressions on your face turn. You listen to him - actually, listen. And while he’d been in positions like this in his life before, especially as a Sergeant, he has never experienced this kind of attention. Your listening is laced with adoration and love and respect and awe and so many more beautiful things that prevent him from ever stopping to tell you about his past. 
He is not that open, normally. Not towards many people, at least. And you know that, which is why you also have a tinge of gratefulness within your attention. It is also the reason you let him talk for hours. Even if sleep fights to overtake your mind, even if you have important things to do, even if the world would come crashing down, you’d listen to him. Because Bucky is special.
It didn’t take long for you to realize just how special he is to you. But it sure took some time for you to say something. 
Months of pining and watching him from corners of the room, wishing you were in his arms instead. They’re warm and strong, and the kisses that accompany them when he encases you in them hold so many promises. 
Now he’s yours. And he’s about to make that promise forever.
❁ ❁ ❁
Klick, klick... bam!
There, it happened.
He’s in love. Just like that - clicked into place like the puzzle piece he never knew he missed. 
It is a little scary, but who cares when it feels like that? Like thunder and warm tea, like cuts and soothing kisses, like... butterflies. But wild ones, the ones brave enough to fly out in the storm. He’s invincible when he’s with you. There is nothing holding him back from being on top of the world. And it's the strangest feeling, really. 
There are no more empty heartbeats pumping cool blood through a body he was sure has died many years ago. The second you look at him, all of him comes back to life. He is able to experience living again. And he wants to do it with you - over and over again. God, people have told him how incredible this feeling is, but experiencing it is like unlocking a different part of himself. Sometimes Bucky feels as though he’s watching someone else’s life. And he’s just a random passerby that gets to experience a glimpse of his dream. But then your fingers graze his skin, and he is reminded that this is in fact real. You are real. And there is nothing more amazing than that.
From the first day, you had that kind smile and those special eyes - the ones that can see through every wall he tries to put up. You can see his emotions with them, Bucky is sure. And for the first time in a long, long, time, he’s not scared of having his mind read. It feels natural to let you do it - it feels safe. He wants to share it with you - especially the things he can’t say because he simply doesn’t know how. He’s grateful you have that power. 
So, Bucky knew it the second he met you, that you are impossible to get over, even if he’d never get to have you. But when he’s watching those promising eyes stare up at him, he cannot keep himself from smiling.
Now you’re his. And you’re about to make that promise forever.
❁ ❁ ❁
The audience is watching you intently, but there’s only Bucky and you. Everything else is a blur of white and green in your peripherals. Bucky is holding your hand, and the heat spreading from his body to yours relaxes you. His fingers are trembling a little, but Bucky doesn’t care. He’s happy. Possibly the happiest he’s ever been, and at the same time not the happiest he’ll ever be - because that is to come, with every day adding on to this one.
Your name falls from his lips and you gasp at the raspiness in his voice. “From the moment I saw you, I knew it. I knew you were my happiness.” A smile breaks through his face - even wider than the one before. “Two years ago, I thought I was okay. I thought I had arrived in the life destined for me. It wasn’t a great one, but it was better than anything I could have hoped for. And then you happened - just stepped into my life with that sunshine smile of yours - and I realized that you could give me so much more than I thought I needed. I’ve gotten so used to your warmth by now, but I’ll never take it for granted. I just...” Bucky has to stop and catch his breath, but when he does he smiles at you again and his eyes are soft. “I don’t think I would survive without you now.”
He’s crying, and there’s something so wonderful about the tears leaving his eyes. They wash him clean of all the fear his old self holds. There is nothing scary as long as he can face it with you.
“I love you, so much.” A look at your fingers in his, and a tear settles on your skin, shooting a wave of goosebumps up your arm. “You don’t know it, but you saved my life.”
His eyes lock with yours again. Warm blue swimming in salty water - they’re happy. He’s happy. You have not realized that you have held your breath the whole time. There was no way to concentrate on breathing when you could feel every word of his stroking through your body in warm heaves. Bucky bites his lip as he watches your eyes shine with tears as well. There is so much more he could say. He could fill a week’s worth of hours talking about how much he appreciates you - but he settles for the few vulnerable words he released for everyone to hear. The rest is for you to read in his touch and stare, in his smile and the kiss he is about to share with you. He’s getting all giddy thinking about it. He’s done it a million times before, but this is it. The Kiss that settles it all.
You send an encouraging smile his way, and he slowly nods as his hands squeeze yours softly.
“When you touch me, I feel butterflies.” Oh, you hadn’t planned to just blurt it out like that. But it just happened. There was so much swirling in your head, the text you have rehearsed is suddenly not enough to do him justice. A small giggle rustles through the crowd, but you don’t care how childish it sounds. It’s true, and it’s the best feeling ever.
“I’ve known it for so long, I have. But feeling it every day anew surprises me. You are amazing, and kind and so incredibly thoughtful. Being with you feels like being myself. And I love that you can make me feel this way.” A tear rushes down your cheek, and Bucky struggles to keep his hand in yours instead of wiping it away. “I’m so lucky - I think it every time I think of you. And I thank the universe for gifting me your heart. Because, for whatever reason, I was worth it.” You have to pause for a moment to catch your breath, but his touch grounds you. There are too many things you want to say, and it would still not be enough. So you settle for the most important one. “I love you, Bucky. I love you so much it hurts sometimes. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
You share a shy look with him, letting all the feelings flow through your body. The room is listening in anticipation when you both say your ‘I-dos’ and even though you know there would not be any surprises, your chest feels freer in a way. Bucky struggles to let go of your hands to turn to Steve, who is handing him the ring. And as he slides the delicate metal on your finger, he can’t stop the small sob from escaping his lips. It’s too amazing, too overwhelming - but at the same time, a feeling he doesn’t want to let go of, either. Your hands tremble when they carefully trace over the gold carving on his vibranium finger. Whatever is said rushes by you in a blur and you can only register the smile on Bucky’s face brightening even more. His hands reach out to you and press you to his body until his nose touches yours and his thumb gently strokes over your cheek.
It’s the moment before the fireworks go off, the second before the sprint, the little shimmer of excited heart race before the confetti explodes in bright and vibrant colors.
“I’m gonna love you 'til the day I die,” you mouth in perfect unison before capturing that promise with a searing kiss, letting the explosion paint your love on the walls for everyone to see.
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@almosttoopizza @sociallyimpairedme @royalwritersoftheuniverses @i-l-y-3000 @mrsgweasley @prettylittlepluviophile @circe143 @valkyrie418 @mirikusashes @noideawhyimdoingthislol @nikkitc0703 @lethallyprotected @erynnnn @misshale21 @not-another-fangirl
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scarrletmoon · 7 months
About Powder Blue
This is going to be long. There are going to be discussions of suicide and trauma. This is going to be a bit of a jumbled mess because I can't tell a linear story to save my life. Don't feel like you need to read this, now or ever.
If you're wondering what the issues with PB were, and looking for what's next, read the indented text and skip the rest if you want!
I've had a bit of a...tumultuous relationship with the OFMD fandom. I've made close friends and lost them, made even closer friends who've very patiently reminded me of my worth when I needed that. I'm at a point where I'm still struggling, but I'm getting better. I'm still working on not being afraid. It's a bit of an uphill battle, but I'm still pushing my little boulder. I'm not alone this time, which is nice.
I entered the fandom as a nobody. I had almost 50 fics on AO3 and two had mildly popped off while I wasn't looking, but I wasn't really known for anything. I was a fandom ghost, posting my little fanfics and sharing them with the world because I just enjoyed the characters so much. Like a lot of people, I dreamed of being known for something. I thought that'd be neat.
I'm still in a state of shock and confusion that I've written anything in the past 2 years that people remember and even love. It's weird to be in a place where I never imagined myself to be. I can't stress enough how much I did not write explicit fic before this fandom; in high school, I would've welcomed a porn ban. I was afraid of my own sexuality, convinced it was some sort of monster I had to control. Convinced I was dirty. To other people my age, I was a prude, naive and childish for not being comfortable with it. So I feel for people who lash out now, who insist that attraction is actually fetishization, that if we set enough rules, maybe if we resist temptation, we'll be saved. I see you, and I feel for you. I personally don't think that's a healthy way to live, but if you'd told me that 2 years ago, I would've cussed you out. It's really a realization you have to come to (or not) on your own terms.
I know it's tacky to talk about your own success but it doesn't feel real. I go back and forth, reading other people's work -- and my god, there's some unbelievable talent in this fandom -- and thinking "shit, why would anyone read anything I've written? My stories are kindergarten finger paintings next to museum masterpieces". I am learning, slowly -- very slowly -- that I can't bully myself into a shape I like better. I'll never abuse myself into the kind of writer I think I want to be.
The first chapter of Powder Blue was written on a random day of the week after work. I was in a server -- the first fandom server I'd properly joined and talked in, watching a convo about how funnyt it would be for Ed to be a middle aged sugar baby -- when I pulled out my laptop and wrote for an hour and then posted that chapter to the server. I hadn't written for five years before OFMD. I had never finished a multi chapter fic. I posted that chapter and went to make dinner, and assumed the Google Docs link would get lost in that channel after a few likes.
That's not what happened.
The next few months were...a lot. My 7 year old Twitter account blew up from about 200 followers to 1000 in a matter of months. I was misinterpreted half a dozen times. Suddenly, people knew who I was and had Opinions. Some of those Opinions were Not Nice. I was told to grow a thick skin and get over it. So I figured my extreme reactions -- physical shaking, intense fear, a spiking heart rate, like I was being chased -- were just me being weak. I thought if I just sucked it up and laughed it off, it'd stop affecting me.
Turns out RSD is real and not an excuse I was using to be a baby, and it literally didn't get better until I was medicated! Wild
(This -- "I'm just overreacting and everyone else is secretly handling it better" -- has been a pretty consistent pattern my entire life, so figuring out I'm actually AuDHD has been mindblowing. If you've been wondering why you're so weak your whole life, I've got some screening tests you might be interested in).
Anyway my point is, a few things happened over the course of 2023 that brought me to a level of emotional pain I've never experienced.
At the start of the year, I was taking a self imposed internet break, after being forced to apologize for a tweet thread about Izzy, where I'd made the mistake of suggesting that fans of his should consider thinking about why they enjoy his character, but to only do this if they wanted to and ignore me if they didn't. This was taken as me being a hypocrite, and accusing Izzy fans of being terrible people. I apologized, vowed to never mention him again, and left Twitter for a month. Around the same time, a few things in a very close friend group went very wrong. I assumed it was entirely my fault for misbehaving, picked myself up, and tried to punish myself into a shape that would be acceptable for other people.
It didn't work.
Since I was now marked as an anti-Izzy bully, I couldn't say anything -- either on Twitter or in private -- that wouldn't be interpreted as me trying to start fights, as me being passive aggressive, as me trying to send covert messages for others to decipher so they could come and grovel for my forgiveness. Some of this is my fault -- it took a long time to learn than my private locked Twitter account isn't a diary. it took even longer for me to learn that maybe the people I was hanging out with weren't my people.
During all of this, I was posting Powder Blue after months of tears, pain, heartbreak, frustration and stress. I still don't understand why people write books for work or FUN. It was the most horrific experience of my life. It was valuable and so rewarding but jesus christ did writing PB take a lot out of me.
So as I felt less connected to my friends, as I was trying to hide how I felt because I thought I didn't deserve to be upset about anything (everything is always my fault, you see, and if I just behaved better, these things wouldn't happen to me), someone came to me and said they'd noticed some issues with Powder Blue. I'll refer to this person as the reader.
I was more than happy to hear them out. And it's true that I made some mistakes. The environment that I published PB in was not the one that I wrote it in. I didn't read any other sugar daddy/sex work fics as I was working on PB. PB was never a reaction to those fics. But because of those stories, which had handled things is harmful ways, there was suddenly a responsibility I'd never expected to have. I've never done sex work, I've just spent a lot of time listening to sex workers and trying to understand the legislation and environment as much as I can as a lay person. And since I don't have a personal experience with sex work, I shared my finished but rough draft with the reader, who did.
The problem, ultimately, is not something I could ever have fixed to their satisfaction. The fic doesn't involve dubious consent on a level that I think warrants an archive warning tag -- I tried to make it explicitly clear that Ed never does anything he doesn't want to, and that he's never coerced. The issue is that the nature of Ed and Stede's relationship is inherently uneven -- Stede is rich, and although he gives Ed money that's his to keep, Ed still isn't as obscenely wealthy as Stede is. Ed is poor and has been for a while. He's good at whatever he chooses to do, but he's struggling. That's a very uncomfortable spot to put Ed in. I also put Ed through some things that I've personally been through, as a way to work through my feelings and to try and better understand myself. If I was acting like Ed in real life, the reader is right that it would be concerning. But, importantly, Ed's not real. Nothing in this story is happening to a real person. Nothing in this story is an endorsement of any of his behaviours or unhealthy coping mechanisms.
I still believe the reader had good intentions -- the amount of effort they put into coming to me would be utterly bizarre for someone who was just looking to be cruel for no reason. But that also doesn't change the fact that being told I was having a trauma response and needed to stop working on the fic immediately, pushed me into the most suicidal period I've ever experienced.
That's not their fault. I'm sure that wasn't their intention. I've chosen to not try and find out who they are, or try to contact them again to respect their privacy. Some of the things people said to me, publicly dismissing the reader's pain, were so harrowing to read that it made me feel worse for ever writing PB in the first place. They were right to stay anonymous.
I'm sure the reader never meant for me to have such a massive breakdown that I took down the entire fic and left Twitter (and a few friend groups). It's been difficult to understand that just because someone didn't mean to hurt me, doesn't change the fact that I was hurt.
One silver lining is that I did go and find a new therapist. She's great! And she also thinks that how the reader tried to bring things up to me was wrong. As the reader obviously saw, I have a lot of Trauma, so I'm still not entirely convinced that I didn't deserve what happened to me. I'm not angry at them. I appreciate their concern. I just can't do what they asked of me. In the end, Powder Blue was not a story that was right for them. And that's okay.
My point in detailing all of this, is that I stayed quiet for a long time because I didn't think I deserved to tell my part of the story. I was scared that when people said they respected my choice to take down the fic, that they agreed I'd some something impossibly harmful. People trusted my judgement but I didn't trust myself. But people didn't know that I didn't trust myself.
Additionally, reader can't speak on this without revealing themself in some way. I'm terrified that they might read this and say something anyway. My biggest fear is becoming the kind of writer who sees negative criticism and pushes on anyway, or even blocks people who disagree with me. I don't want to hurt anyone the way I've been hurt.
BUT I've been holding onto this for months. I cannot write a perfect fic that will never trigger anyone. I will never write a meaningful story that won't hurt someone, no matter my intentions. There IS a way to admit you fucked up, or a way to listen and disagree, without turning into a raging asshole. I'm struggling to find that line. I'm hoping I'm making the right choice here.
And honestly, I'm just soft. I am so fucking soft. I talk a big game but I am so soft that a single person poking at my trauma caused me to break down so severely that my partner was legitimately afraid for me. I am learning that this softness doesn't mean I should become a crueler person to cope. But it's hard. There are going to be people who see this post and think I'm being a whiny crybaby looking for attention and pity. And I just have to deal with that.
Anyway. All previous chapters of PB will be up soon. Read them or don't. I will do my best to add more detailed trigger warnings. And I would personally suggest that if you're worried about any of the content in the fic, to run these worries past a friend who's read the fic, because they'll know you better than I ever will. Please don't read Powder Blue if you think it'll harm you. I would rather have fewer readers than triggered ones.
If there's anything I've missed that you think I need to address, know that my inbox is open, that anon is on, and that I'm not in the business of retaliating against people who come to me with an issue, even if they're a dick to me while they're doing it. I'm not going to dismiss someone because they weren't nice to me while they were upset. I'm a bitch but I'm not that kind of bitch.
So. Thank you for waiting for this fic. Thank you for waiting for me. We've got something like 16 chapters to go, and I can't tell you when they'll be up, or if they'll be up soon. But thank you for loving this story. I can't tell you how much that means to me, especially now.
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ageingfangirl2 · 1 year
A Little Goes A Long Way! Buggy (OPLA)
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SMUT! A week has passed since a drunken encounter between you and your captain occurred and he's all you have on your mind, little do you know your captain feels the same way. Buggy x Reader (Female)
Part 2
It had been a week since you'd gotten drunk with the crew after a successful raid that came with a lot of treasure. It had been a week since you drunkenly told your captain that you wanted him to fuck you and that you craved him, and the captain followed through fucking you beneath the deck. It had been a week since he left dark hickeys on your inner thighs, chest and neck that had only started to fade recently. It had been a week since your last interaction, and you weren't sure if he regretted that night because his orders came from other crew members.
There was one thing you were sure of and that was that you couldn't get him off your mind. He was like a drug and you were addicted. Maybe you'd been at sea too long and needed a release. You would fool around when you docked in a port with random guys, but the captain made those guys seem like boys and sex wouldn't be the same unless it was with him.
You weren't the only female crew member, but you'd been around the longest. Of course, Buggy had screwed them, and they had stories to tell that only piqued your interest. Alvida was the only one who didn't have an interest in him that way. The other crew were more feminine than you, but you could draw an eye or two, choosing to make men come to you and not the other way around. But here you were debating going to Buggy and begging for round two.
'y/n can you do me a favour?' Alvida asks, popping her head around the kitchen door.
You stop chopping vegetables and face her smiling, the two of you got along really well since she joined, 'Anything for you Alvida.'
She winks at you, 'I was asked to gather intel on our next target from a guy in town. Can you deliver it to the captain please, I'm going back into town.'
she slaps some documents down on a barrel and you roll your eyes, 'Of course, go get laid.'
She blows you a kiss, 'See you tomorrow beautiful, don't do anything I wouldn't do.'
You laugh at her antics as she vanishes. You finish chopping the vegetables before picking up the documents. It looked like you had an excuse to see Buggy, you just weren't sure what was going to happen.
Running a ship was hard work. Yes, we had a success last week but now we need to move on to the next target. Alvida should have something for me, though I wasn't quite sure where the damn woman was. Working also got my mind off y/n of all people. They'd been on the crew for a couple of years, mainly helping in the kitchen and showing impressive knife skills in shows. They put up with my rants, and flirting and took punishments like a champ. I never once pursued them, unlike other female crew members out of respect. So imagine my surprise when a week ago when they were drunk they came up to me and said they wanted to fuck and had been thinking about me for a while.
I'm a man and gave into my carnal desires, taking y/n in the shadows, pounding into them as they begged for more. I left marks all over their body, and they were beautiful in the light of day when they weren't covered. But for a week now I'd been ignoring them, assuming that once sober they had regrets.
'Captain can I come in?' y/n calls out, knocking on the door.
Well, this would be interesting. I take a deep breath, 'come in.'
y/n walks in smiling, they are always a happy person, and this makes it hard to read them, 'Alvida's a little busy and asked me to deliver this intel.'
y/n puts the folder on the desk but doesn't immediately leave. I sit back in my chair and smirk, 'something else on your mind?'
y/n closes their eyes and takes a deep breath before pointing an accusing finger my way, 'I'm all over the place and it's your fault.'
My smirk reaches my ears and I chuckle, 'Mmm, it's not all on me, you know y/n,' I say teasingly, 'I was minding my own business having a couple of drinks when you came onto me. Been thinking about me all week have you?'
y/n opens their eyes and a blush gives them away. I detach a hand and use it to pull them towards me, forcing them onto my lap which they straddle without any further prompting.
I unbutton their shorts and slip my fingers inside, shocked to find them not wearing any underwear, 'dirty girl.'
y/n bites their lip, 'I need to do laundry, this wasn't planned.'
I nod along, mischief in my eyes, 'You didn't lock the door. Do you want someone to walk in on us?'
This wasn't my first rodeo, I knew exactly where to touch, rub, pinch and how much pressure to apply to the clit to get certain responses. y/n was putty in my hands whimpering and trying to keep control, but this was my fight to win.
I lick my lips, 'answer me. Do you want to get caught with your captain? Do you want the crew to think you're another whore for my dick?'
y/n's whimpers were enough to get me hard, but they still kept eye contact which was hot, '...maybe...right now...I want you inside me...'
I don't give any warning before I move away from the clit and thrust two fingers inside their tight warm cunt, 'BUGGY!' they squeal loudly, and squirm on my lap.
'Tell me what you want,' I whisper, voice low, and y/n shudders beneath me.
'...faster...please...' they beg and a moan slips out.
I add a third finger and quicken the pace. Beads of sweat form on y/n's forehead as they come undone around me. y/n bucks their hips and grinds against me, 'FUCK!' I exclaim as y/n starts fucking themselves on my fingers matching my pace.
if anyone walked past my quarters right now all they'd hear were y/n's moans, 'You really are a dirty girl. So desperate and needy, I should have fucked you sooner,' I laugh.
With one more forceful thrust from me y/n cums on my fingers still inside them. They breathe heavily coming down from their high, the blissful look in their eyes turning me on even more, '...fuck...Buggy...'
I remove my slick fingers and bring them to my lips, licking them clean, 'so sweet. I didn't have to do much, you fucked yourself and it was hot.'
y/n's face turns a darker shade of red before they bury it in my chest in embarrassment at their slutty actions. I can't contain my laughter as I hold them against me and kiss the top of their head, 'next time I'm going to watch you finger fuck yourself y/n. You're captain's dirty girl now.
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eras-mus · 10 months
get this . everyone chilling at ramshackle dorm doing their own thing, yuu (and grimm by extension), ace and deuce sitting by the table talking about whatever crosses their mind
Eventually the conversation escalates to birthdays and holidays and ace asks how old Yuu is. Azul interjects with saying Yuu's age from the contract they signed a few months ago, but then Yuu pipes up and tells them that they're one year older than that.
Theres a small moment of confusion until it dawns onto Deuce that Yuy's birthday was a month or two ago and they never spoke a peep about it. Not even to grimm!! And when asked, Yuy makes an excuse like "that was when __ was kind of close to overblotting and I didn't want to make it about me because that'd be so nitpicky—"
It was based off an audio i heard and idk if i want to write it into a short drabble for myself i probably cant since im only on book 2 ueue). But like. its a fun prompt methinks. what would all of them do when they find out Yuu deliberately didn't say a thing about their birthday
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★Reader is Yuu and is 17 years old
★gender neutral
★takes place after the third book
Sorry it's short, hope you like it!
"Can we start yet!" Ace complained, head slamming onto the table.
"I told you we're waiting on a couple more people." The perfect told him "I invited Kalim and Azul to join us since Sebek and Jack couldn't make it"
Tonight was the Ramshackle dorms weekly game night, normally it was just the freshmen but Sebek said that Malleus 'needs' his protection and Jack was just to tired from Spell Drive practice.
"They outta hurry up" Epel started, country accent slightly showing through "don't they know it's rude to be late."
A awkward silence fell over the dorm for a moment before a knock echoes through the dorm.
When y/n opened the dorm they were greeted with a cheerful smile and a hug.
"Thank you so much for inviting me!" Kalim smiled "I hope you don't mind that I brought Jamil, I also brought food, well Jamil did, he made it!"
Y/n blinked for a moment, taking in all the words one guy manged to say so fast. They looked over Kalim's shoulder just in time to see Jamil face plant.
"Thank you for the food Jamil" They smiled, giving him a wave.
"If was the least I could do perfect" he stated, not returning the wave.
Luckily Azul showed up before y/n could shut the door.
Just a few minutes later the group was playing some sort of trivia card game where they would either have to answer a question about someone else playing, a question about themselves, or just a random fact. If they got it wrong the next person would answer the same card, whoever got the most questions right won.
"Who is the most followed person in Magi Cam?" Epel read, "That's easy, Neige"
He revealed the answer to show it was correct.
"Of course you would get that one right" Ace complained "Vil never stops going on about it"
Every one just ignoring him looked over at Deuce, who was next to pick a card.
"How old is the person sitting to your right?" He looked over at y/n. "I'm not sure...18?"
They just shook their head.
"I know this one" Azul butted in, ready to take another point "Our contract from a while ago said that they were 16."
One again y/n shook their head. "I just turn 17 last month"
The room went silent for what seemed like forever.
"WE MISSED YOUR BIRTHDAY!" They all shouted in union.
"Riddle is going to have a heart attack when he finds out" Deuce commented, Ace nodding in agreement.
"You should've said something, we could've had a huge party" Kalim whined.
Y/n scratch the back of their head, "It's not big deal, it was right after one of the overblots, plus where I'm from birthdays aren't that big of a deal."
"Jamil we need to plan a party right now" Kalim said, getting up from his seat.
"We have to too" Ace said "Or get Trey and Riddle to do it for us"
Soon everyone had said something similar and got up and left leaving a confused Ramshackle perfect.
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thebunnybabyblog · 4 months
7th year (18yr old) Snape and his girlfirend smut please ❤️
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In the soft grass (fluff/smut 18+)
Thank you so much for my first anon ask!! I was so happy to write this one! To me i totally think teen Severus is a shy guy. Fumbling hands but still there to hold yours when needed! I wanted to give him a first time that is filled with sunshine and laughter instead of keeping him in a dark dungeon like I would for adult Severus. He deserves a sweet first time and I hope that’s what I gave him! Anyway smut under the cut! Thank you again!!
Severus and reader are both 18!
Spring was in full swing and the halls that were usually buzzing with chatter and hurried feet rushing to classes now echoed as you made your way through them alone. This break was just like the many others before it, quiet. Holidays were never much to be celebrated since your arrival to Hogwarts those many years ago so you always opted to spend them here just to have some time for yourself. A time to feel as if you had free reign to explore and drift around without the chance of bumping into someone you knew. Though there was one person you never minded bumping into, Severus.
Most people around you had a weird and often false view of him so you were always met with bitterness when he would be brought up in conversation, but you knew it was all a lie. After the incident in fifth year with James Potter you couldn’t hide in the shadows anymore. Being a Hufflepuff made it difficult to be friendly with Slytherins because you felt as if you were worlds apart and honestly you were afraid that all the rumors would be true about him; but, seeing him in the air helpless and exposed something in you snapped. Ever since that day you never left his side.
At first he was not totally welcome to the idea of some random Hufflepuff following him around, part of you thought that he thought this was all some big joke and he'd end up as the punchline in the end. You knew that wasn’t the case and you tried your best to ease any worries and after fifth year ended and sixth started up you were still there waiting for him. He knew he at least had you to look out for in the crowded halls, someone to run to when the world got too dark. Now in your seventh year the love you had for him bubbled up and out your ears.
After fifth year Severus started staying back at Hogwarts over breaks, as his life at home wasn’t much easier back there either. You were honestly happy he started staying even if you knew the reason why wasn’t a pleasant thought. It would make tears peek their heads when it would fill your mind but it made it just that more important to make these breaks special.
Skipping along the halls you made your way to different spots you knew he could be hiding out at. Not that he was hiding from you but he was still a person who valued their alone time, and you respected that, but, you were getting bored. It made it a little fun game of hide and seek he didn’t know he was playing. You started with the usual places like the great hall and the library but you are met with empty rooms. After a while of normal search you started to look in the more hidden places around Hogwarts, your search still comes up empty.
“Ok sev where the hell did you run off too?” you say to yourself trying not to get annoyed but your legs were starting to get tired. You decide to make your way outside and have a look around the grounds and you finally see him laying out near the far side of the lake far from the castle's view . You didn’t notice at first but as you were running up to him you saw the book he had been reading sprawled open in the grass. You slowed yourself as you realized he had dozed off under the warm sun. A smile spread across your face as you looked down to his peaceful face. You slowly crept up beside him and sat down on the soft grass below.
The scowl that always seemed permanently plastered on his face was gone and he looked as if he was finally enjoying some sleep for once. He always complained about his lack of sleep and the nightmares that plagued his mind at night, so even though you were bored you wouldn’t dream of waking him up now. You weren’t bored now anyway as all you needed was to be in his presence. You laid back and looked up to the clouds as you listened to his breathing in your ear.
It was a perfect spring day, one of those days early into spring that's unusually warm and makes you crave summer just around the corner. You watched the clouds shift in and out of different images and watched birds play in the air. You had been laid there lost in thought for around 20 minutes when his breath became flustered beside you. Not wanting to startle him awake you slowly moved your head to look up to him only to be met with the most devious sight. Still fast asleep his chest heaved up and down, the scowl had returned to his face but it was different than normal. His pale cheeks were now flushed pink and his eyes were winced closed tightly. As your eyes moved down his body you couldn’t help but notice him straining tightly in his pants.
Embarrassed, your sight shot back up to the blue skies above you. You felt like your body had turned to stone as you were afraid any movement would wake him. You couldn’t lie seeing him like this was driving you crazy. There was no doubting you were absolutely in love with him but you had never managed to exactly tell him that. It wasn’t like it wasn’t blatantly obvious to everyone else, but Severus wasn’t exactly a master at people as he was about potions and spells.
Your heart beat fast as the thoughts of what he could be dreaming about that put him in such a... state. He was a guy who was hard to read so even after a few years of friendship you still didn’t know a whole bunch about him. You couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sadness when the thought of Lily being the reason behind it. You hated the way it made you jealous but it did, even though they haven’t spoken since fifth year it still was something you thought about more often than you'd like.
“Y/n...” Severus breathed out.
Your eyes moved without command, straining to look over without moving your body. You froze a moment to see if he was still asleep or he was waking up and had just noticed you. You were only met with more labored breathing and a soft moan that was hummed into the air. He was definitely still asleep and your heart was beating through you chest at the thought you were what he was dreaming about.
Something in you snapped when you heard your name slip through his lips once more. Like your body was possessed you shifted to your side so you could lay facing him as you propped your head up on your hand. Your elbow dug into the cool grass below as you gazed down to his sleeping face.
His sharp features looked as if they were carved out of ivory. Black hair sprawled out around his face like spilled ink. It was hard to believe that people looked at him and were able to think anything other than that he looked like a fallen angel from heaven. He was filled with so much mystery and it always intrigued you and right now your name rolling off his tongue intrigued you the most.
You watched his chest rise and fall as his breathing became more uneven. He stirred in his slumber and his body moved and now was facing you. Your face practically hovered over his and you couldn’t help but blush looking down at him. You would do anything to just lean down and kiss his soft lips that seemed to beg for the warmth of another.
Without thinking you began to lower your face to his and your lips grazed ever so gently across his. Just enough to feel him there but too shy to put your all into it. Even though you were as gentle as possible his brow furrowed and his eyes fluttered half open blinking a few times to regain his sight.
He looked up to your face not quite sure who he was looking at first as the sun was now directly behind your head but as he regained his conscious brain he was quick to see it was you who now towered over him. A blush spread across his cheeks as you smiled down to him.
“Good morning sleepyhead.” You chuckled down to him. “Oh y/n… how long have you been here?” He questioned as he shuffled to try and hide what was screaming for attention between his legs. “Oh a good while actually” you cooed down to him “you seemed like you were having such a great dream I didn’t want to disturb your restful slumber.” You could tell that Severus knew he was caught as you were not one to be able to hide when you knew something you probably shouldn’t.
“So what were ya dreaming about?” You questioned as innocently as you could. “Oh nothing.” He coughed out turning his head to look down at the grass he was now fiddling with between his fingers. “Hmm, it didn't seem like nothing but I guess if you don’t wanna tell me.” You replied, shocked with your boldness. He just seemed so shy and cute all of a sudden not quite knowing how to react to the situation.
You didn’t want to push him if he was uncomfortable so you sat up and supported yourself with both arms as you leaned and looked out to the lake. Severus was shy and normally you would like to poke him for it but you had never seen him aroused before and were afraid of how he’d react if you made a bold assumption.
“It’s so beautiful out here today,” you said to relieve the tension “spring is just filled with so much life. I feel so connected to the world around me. Like even the ground under me is alive and I’m alive with it.” Your fingers rubbed into the grass below as you took a deep breath in and looked up to the sky above.
Unbeknownst to you all Severus could even notice was you. He watched in awe as you glowed in a warm halo of sunshine, hair flowing freely in the light breeze. He always thought to himself how when you entered a room you filled it with the warmth of the summer sun but he was the chill of a winter's night. He imagined how if he touched you he would melt away instantly.
He looked down at your bare arm and his eyes traveled down and rested on your hand petting the grass close to his hand. His fingers inched closer at a snail's pace desperately aching for any form of physical touch. Just when he didn’t think you’d ever make contact, your fingers caressed the top of his longest fingers.
You both jumped a bit from the sudden contact, you turned your head to look down at him and saw his big black eyes looking up at you with so much neediness behind them. His cheeks blushed pink as he slightly invaded his fingers more into yours. Your fingers moved aside to allow his to mingle with yours and soon you were both intertwined.
Now that you were connected you felt more comfortable to ask the question that was already answered again. “Sev, what were you dreaming about?” You spoke just above a whisper. He looked away in embarrassment and muttered out, “well… you of course.”
“Of course” you screamed in your head. Like it was blatantly obvious and clear, as if he had hinted it many times before. You knew he liked you more than him just tolerating you but you never dreamed he would see you more than just a friend. “Of course?” Is all you could respond.
He just sighed and looked back up to you, a lock of hair falling into his line of view. Without thinking your free hand reached over and gently began to tuck it behind his ear, he pushed his cheek into your touch and fluttered his eyes closed. He savored in your soft touch and warmth. You couldn’t help but leave your hand atop his cheek and look down at this touch starved boy below you.
You’ve waited for a sign for so long that he was ready for you. Ready for you to give him all of your love, a way to sneak to a spot in his heart. You brushed his sharp cheekbone with your thumb slowly and lowered your face to his. You could feel each other's breaths on your skin as you breathed each other in. The smell of deep forests and herbs filled your nose and spring meadows and citrus filled his.
You don’t quite know if it was you that filled the gap between your lips or if it was him but before you knew it your lips were pressed down on his. The kiss was full of shy innocence but also overwhelming need and desire. His face was still cradled in your touch and your fingertips skimmed through his hair lightly as you deepened your kiss.
Without breaking contact you leaned yourself down to where you were now laying flat in the grass and he was positioned above you slightly. He broke the kiss to look at you sprawled out under him. Your cheeks flushed pink and lips plump and wet. You looked up with half open eyes and said,
“You know, I’ve been waiting for you to kiss me for ages now.” You chuckled at the shocked expression he wore. His hair had fallen back in his face so again you reached up and pushed it behind his left ear. “I love your hair but I love it more when I can get a clear view of your face. You are so handsome, Severus.” You whispered up to him with a smile.
He moaned into your touch as he heard your words escape your mouth. Without words he moved his way back down to your lips and melted into you. You could tell he was nervous but he was so needy. It felt as if he was trying to remember every single second that passed by, remember just exactly how your lips felt against his. Your right hand wandered through his hair as your left found itself gripping his arm that was holding him up slightly.
Your shyness had officially left the building by this point, you had waited so long for this and you were already past the point of no return so you crept your knee between his legs and pressed into him. He took a sharp breath in as you made contact with the ache behind his trousers. You smiled into his lips as he pushed himself forward into you more.
Slowly you rocked under him allowing a bit of friction to his member. A moan passed his lips and it shocked him. His eyes bolted open only to be met with yours looking back at him with hearts in your eyes. You pulled away from him and said “Sevvie, will you be my boyfriend?” Your question would have even shocked you if you weren’t so drunk with love.
He looked down at you in shock and awe. His face became even more flushed than it already was before. He gulped and you watched his prominent Adam’s apple move along his throat. For a moment you were afraid that his answer was no as he just stayed there looking down at you. You began to get flushed by the silence and blushed hard.
You opened your mouth to backtrack and tell him to forget you said anything but his forehead pressed against yours, “Of course you silly girl, I’ve wanted you ever since you came rushing up to me in fifth year.” You giggled at his response as you savored the warmth that filled your heart. His hair brushed against your face and it tickled as it slipped down your cheeks.
You looked lovingly into each other's eyes, the fresh spring breeze causing his hair to flutter in the wind. You looked up to him in awe, someone with such a damaged past but still filled with so much light and softness. Even if you were the only one who could see it, it didn’t matter, you knew it was there and was real, it didn't matter if others couldn’t seem to see it.
Slowly he brought his head down to yours and your lips met once more. You made out in the grass as the world seemed to stop around you both. Full of love and passion you both explored each other's bodies as your lips furiously fought with one another. Your knee still pressed into him; he slightly rocked himself against you.
You could tell he was nervous as he was touching you because everytime he seemed he was going to touch your chest his hand retreated in hesitation. After the fourth time of feeling his fingertips brush against the wire of your bra, you grabbed his hand and steadied him before he could make his retreat.
“It’s ok Severus, I want you to touch me.” You said as you broke away from your kiss. Eyes wide he looked down at your form, your flushed face, eyes full of drunken love, messy hair sprawled out around you like your aura was spilling out of you.
He couldn’t believe this Hufflepuff, that is so full of love and light, could look like this because of him. He couldn’t help but feel like this was a dream he was inevitably going to wake up from. You could tell he was becoming flustered and didn’t know how to process what was happening, so you took the lead.
You let go of his hand and smiled up at him as you slowly began to unbutton your blouse. He watched you as you slowly slipped the buttons from each hole until your top had fully fallen open on both sides, exposing the simple bra underneath. You had never done this before but you knew that you were ready and wanted it more than anything.
His hand trembled in yours as you grasped it again and gently placed it upon your breast. His eyes shot back up to your face and looked as if he needed confirmation once more. You met his worried eyes with a tender expression, “Severus, I promise it’s ok. I want you more than anything.” Your tender words filled his ears and he looked as if he were about to cry.
His lips came crashing back down to yours as his large hand began to knead into you. You couldn’t help but to moan into his mouth as he unknowingly tweaked your nipple between the fabric. His lips moved down to your neck and kissed a path from your ear to collarbone. Your arms wrapped around his broad shoulders, hands resting on his sharp shoulder blades.
You giggled out as his hair tickled against your bare skin. You could feel him smile against you. Oh how you wished he’d smiled more. He lit up more than just a room when he did, he lit up your heart more than anything. You giggled more to keep him smiling against you in his kisses and started to rolled around playfully in the grass.
Eventually in your roll in the grass you ended up on top of him. You were both laughing that you both momentarily forgot about your shirt open in front of him. Preached atop his lap you glowed like a goddess in the sunlight that was now on its course to start setting. The once blue skies now started to shift into soft oranges and pinks as the clouds shifted like cream in a sherbet sky.
You looked down to him with his raven hair a mess with a few blades of bright green grass planted in it from your tumble around. His face flushed with laughter and love he looked up to you with his nighttime eyes. His large crooked nose and plump just kissed lips begged to be kissed again. You just loved looking at him, he was like looking into space itself. So mysterious but breathtaking all at the same time.
It was in this moment you would give all of yourself to him, right here and right now. You had always held out hope he would be your first and right here alone by the lake under dreamsicle sky’s was the perfect time to do it. Without breaking eye contact you slowly slide your shirt down your shoulders and onto the ground below.
He watched in awe desperately trying to remain eye contact as your hands slid behind your back and unclasped your bra. The bra soon found its friend on the ground next to you both. There you were half exposed to your best friend both unable to move. His eyes scanned your body trying to memorize every single curve and detail.
Slowly his hands reached back to you and the tips of his finger grazed your skin. It sent shivers down your spine the way his cool skin touched your heated chest. You found yourself moving against his groin as his hands pressed in deeper. Soon his fingers found your nipples and he hesitantly took them into his grasp. Softly bringing them both between his fingers and rolling.
You moaned above him and your hands found a place on his chest. You quickly found his buttons and began to work your way down his chest. He chuckled at your shaky hands as they maneuvered down him. “You seem more excited than me all of a sudden.” He laughed up to you.
Seeing he was able to regain some of his sarcasm, you replied back “hmm I don’t think that’s possible.” And rolled your hips against his clothed member sharply and he let out a breathy moan as his head faced up to the sky. A devilish smile met your lips and you began to trace the marks on his ivory chest. Every ridge and scar was touched with love as you moved across his chest.
You were filled with so much lust looking at him react to your touch. Every furrow of his brow or twitch of his cock between your legs. You slid back enough to expose the waist of his pants. Fingers grazed his belt and found the metal buckle and undid it from his waist. Slowly bringing your fingertip to the button you suddenly found your steady hands shaking.
Severus noticed your sudden hesitations and placed his hands atop yours and just like you had done for him before said “y/n, it’s ok I want you to touch me.” You looked back up to him to see a soft smile gracing his usually stone face and you felt at ease. You undid his pants and slide both them and his underwear down releasing him from his prison.
He slapped hard against his stomach. You could tell his dream and your romp in the grass had really done a number on him already. His tip was blushed more than his cheeks and it leaked precum. He moaned under his breath as it hit his stomach. Now propped up on his elbows he looked at you as you sat there looking down at him.
You had never seen one like this up close. You had seen them before but only from stupid boys at parties drunk whipping them out at their friends, but never hard begging for attention, your attention. You couldn’t hide your wide eyes and blushed face looking down at him. His hand found your cheek and brought you back to his lips.
His kiss was tender and sweet, losing yourself in the moment your hand found itself gripping the base. He sucked in sharp, afraid you hurt him you pulled away from his lips. “Sev i… I’m sorry, did I do it wrong?!” You asked, before your hand could release him his hand held it in place. “Gods no, please y/n don’t stop please.”
His almost begging tone sent you into overdrive and your hand started moving on its own. You watched his head fall back and his face tighten as your hand moved up and down his length, spreading precum with each pump. His moans were deep in his throat. You had only pumped around 20 times when his hand made its way back to yours.
“I… if you don’t stop now I’ll cum. I want to touch you first before that.” He said shyly. You blushed at his words and stopped your hand. He leaned you back down in the grass and kissed your lips. “Is it ok if I take off your umm panties?” He asked not making eye contact this time. You shook your head nervously but full of excitement.
His fingers walked their way under your skirt and curled around the waist of your panties. He slowly slipped them down your legs and onto the pile of discarded clothes. Your skirt was pushed up around your stomach and he looked down to your fully exposed body. You swore you heard a whimper escape his lips as he soaked you in.
He looked back up to you with wanting eyes and you nodded back at him as permission. His finger found your wet folds and glided between them. You shivered once again to his touch and let out a small whine. This left hand met yours and you interlocked fingers as his right found your clit and made circles into you.
Your moans now had a mind of their own and freely slipped from you. Your sounds were driving him wild as his cock began to twitch on its own. His middle finger stopped its circles and found your entrance. Slowly dipping it past the gate he entered you. Your hips bucked into his hand as he began to move it in and out.
Soon you were a moaning mess under him as he started to pick up pace. Your enthusiastic moans gave him a sudden confidence boost as he began to stop second guessing every action he made. He brought another finger to your entrance and slowly slipped it in with the other. Your eyes winced together at the sudden change but were quickly reverted back to the flushed state you were in before.
“S…Severus, y..your fingers feel so g…good.” You choked out. He moaned to your words of encouragement. His hand became wet from your juices eagerly flowing out of you and into his palm. “P…please put it in me. I…I’m ready I need it.” You begged up to him.
His fingers halted and he looked back up to your face in amazement. “Are you sure y/n? I don’t want you to feel like you have to.” He said half expecting you to tell him “actually you’re right I’d rather die!” But you needed him more than anything else, you were so full of love for him that it was boiling over like an unattended potion. “Please.” Was all you were able to say.
He moved to now be directly in front of you and started to line himself up to you. “Before I umm do it y/n, I just want to tell you that I’ve never done this before so please tell me if I uh do anything wrong.” He said looking down ashamed. “Sevvie” you spoke softly “I haven’t done it either but there is no one on this earth I’d want to do it with more than you. You just wanting to be with me is enough.”
Leaning down to your lips he kissed you deeply in response. While not breaking the kiss he pushed into you slowly. Your tight pussy screamed as it stretched around his thick length despite to adjust to him. He held you tightly trying to comfort you through the pain but also trying not to cum right then and there.
He was all the way in and stopped to give you both a moment to compose yourself. “Gods y/n you’re so tight.” He gritted through his teeth. A whimper escaped you as his words met your ear. Arms holding him tight, you rolled your hips telling him he could move once again. Without hesitation his hips began to work and started to slide in and out of you.
You moaned into his shoulder as he picked up his pace above you. With each thrust he grunted low in his throat. Your pussy clenched hard around him and invited him in as deep as he could go. His fingers made their way back down to your clit and started rubbing circles into you. The faster his cock moved inside you the faster and sloppier his fingers became.
You could tell he was trying to keep it all together but as you looked up to him his once pale face looked as if he had just run 20 miles non stop. He couldn’t hold back his moans and they melted into yours. The once quiet lake was now filled with young love. “Sev please don’t stop.” You begged as you could now feel the heat rising up in your stomach.
This was nothing you had ever felt before. Of course you had done it alone in your bed at night most likely thinking of Severus above you just like this but this was something you never expected. You were fuller than your fingers had ever made you feel before and his big fingers against your clit working circles into you was about to tip you over the edge.
“C…lose sev!” You yelled out has his hips slapped hard against you. His lips found your neck and he sucked into your sensitive skin. You let out a scream as you came undone under him. Your hips push hard into his as you met his thrusts. The way you pulsed around him sent him over the edge and he bit into your neck as he filled you with his warmth.
Slowly his hips came to a halt as he rode out his orgasms inside you. You both lay there taking in the bliss of the moment. You looked up to the sky as your hands worked their way into his hair. Slowly petting and twisting his strands around your finger.
You couldn't believe that it had finally happened, better than you could have ever even hoped for. Tears couldn’t help but leave your eyes, when he pulled away from your embrace he noticed those tears. “Oh gods did I go too hard?! Are you ok? I’m so sorry! I… I didn’t mean too!” He sputtered out fast.
Laughter escaped your lips as you watched the frantic Severus above you. “You’re so stupid sometimes” you said to him “I’m not crying because I'm sad I’m crying because I’ve never been this happy!” You hand caressed his cheek, he smiled into your touch. “You silly girl, you scared me for a second.” He laughed in embarrassment.
He slipped out of you slowly and watched as his mess slid out of you. He couldn’t help his cock from twinging at the sight. You just looked so beautiful there all flushed for him and him alone. You both found your clothes and laid looking out to the sunset now casting colors across the lake.
“Do you wanna share a cigarette?” He asked you. You giggled at his plain words as if he wasn’t just deep in your guts only a moment ago. “Yeah I’d love to.” He reached into his pocket and pulled a pack out. Anytime Severus was outside his cigarettes were never far behind. He lit it with his wand and took a drag.
Smoke filled the air above you as he passed it over and into your hand. You brought it to your lips and let it fill your lungs, as you exhaled you asked “so how did that compare to the dream?” He chuckled at your question and said “well it’s nothing compared to that so I’d give it a solid 9/10 since it was still with you.” You both stayed there a while as you watched the world change around you filled with love and belonging.
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alannybunnue · 2 years
Ok, You asked for This: Aegon I and Maegor as your lovers/husbands
Alright, a while ago, while i still studying, a follower requested this from me and like the irresponsible b*tch that i am, I FORGOT 😃-
So now i am here to apologize for my fish memory and also, for not doing the completely writing your request. But honestly, i am not confident enough to write those characters (Especially Roose Bolton-)
And remember, this is a yandere imagine, so this can get dark.
Requested by: @gulnarsultan
Tags: @rosaryos
Aegon I:
Hear me out, Aegon the Conqueror, Valyrian mf who already has two wifes decides to add a new one to the party and that's you.
And for that sole fact, you also get to be around Visenya and Rhaenys, who for sharing blood with their crazy ass husband, also become infatuated with you.
As for your own person, it doesn't matter your origins, you could a random peasant or lady, or even another sister of his (Following up with the valyrian tradition everyone-), you are stuck with them.
So now Aegon has to share you with his sisters, but believe me when i say that he always finds a way to be with you more then your wifes. And yes, that caused a lot of discussions between them, especially with Aegon and Visenya, while Rhaenys escapes and goes to your chambers :)
Also, there times where they shared you...in bed- In which you had to endure Aegon and Visenya fighting so one of them could be on top, while Rhaenys was going down on you
You also got to meet Baby Aenys, his mother made sure that you had a bond with him so consequently she could spend more time with you (And Visenya uses that same method years later)
But unlike with Aenys, you didn't spend much time with Maegor as you wished, since his brother constantly wanted your attention, after all, he is motherless. Maegor hated him for this, that boy wanted attention too 😐
You are kept inside of your chambers whenever your lovers are out, you can walk are the castle of course, but being guarded by very trusted knights chosed by Visenya.
With all the Conquest happening, they still find a way to be with you, but they only let you go outside if it's by flying their dragons with your back pressed on their chests. Which also made the dragons very used to your presence.
You are spoiled to the core, affection and praises are tripled with these people and no one can curse at you or flirt with you...or even talk to you at all, if they value their lifes.
Believe me, when Maegor was a child, he heard a lord calling you names(Never specified whether they were good or bad) and as a good stepson, he told his mom.
That lord became Dragon food by the morning 😃
You may have a kid or two for Aegon, in which caused some drama, since he truly wanted your first born to be his heir, instead of Aenys.
But since he was the first son, Aegon had to give the title to Aenys.
I can only say this, Aegon is more clingy than he allows himself to be, especially when Rhaenys dies, now that man became glued to you, earning for your love and affection. And jokes on you if you think that there will be any force on the universe that can take him away.
Ok, let's try to imagine a day where you manage to escape from Dragonstone without someone noticing. Poor 7 kingdoms, may i say, cuz it be tormented by 2/3 dragons until they find you.
And when they do...well, Aegon may not hurt too much physically, he can't handle seeing you hurt , but he will make you feel guilt over your actions. Now, pray that Visenya won't be involved in the punishment, she is not the type to have mercy.
In case she is still alive in this moment, i picture Rhaenys taking care of your wounds once it's over and reminding you, none of that would have happened if you stayed, you broke their hearts, now it's your job to fix it.
Maegor I:
Oh boy
Now that's one tough cookie, that man is ruthless. You can't expect much from him.
First, you can't leave your chambers, only if he is by your side, and only him, not even the guards are trusted with this. But since he is barely available for the task, you are 99% of the time trapped.
You have no company, his other wifes are not allowed to interact with you (especially Tyanna) and your servants can solely do their job at the moment, then leave.
But don't worry, your husband will be by your side once the night comes, you just don't know whether that is a good thing or not, and honestly? Depends on his mood.
That also counts for whether he fucks you hard to point of almost breaking the bed (and you as well-), or normally, which is still hard, but at least you are not feeling like you body will be torn in half.
In which opens the topic of children, this man has a huge breeding kink that can become your nightmare, especially since you are the only one who successfully gave him healthy children.
In which said children are also trapped with you, so yeah, good luck on giving your babies attention. (Cuz they will grow with a lot of psychological problems)
I don't believe that Maegor would be a good father, too busy terrorizing his family and the 7 kingdoms.
I would give you guys an idea of what could happen if you escaped...if that's was possible. You are locked in your room with many guards surrounding the area of your chambers, they would never let you escape, everyone knows how special you are to Maegor and they value their lifes. So no chances of you trying to escape. 🙂
But Maegor would punish you solely for attempting, honestly, and he takes after his mother, no mercy. I am sorry-
Your children also would watch btw, they need to learn what happens when you disobey Father, and then you wouldn't see them for a while.
So yeah, being Maegor's wife is bad enough already, now being his obsession can be even worse. Luckily, 7 years later, he dies, so now you have to deal with your children without knowing what the rest of the world will do against you simply because of your (forced) relationship with Maegor, the Cruel.
A/N: I hope this was good enough, honestly i picked some things from my original Targaryens as yanderes post and added some little details, anyway, i hope you all liked it.
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years
Jungkook:Sugar & Spice (Intro)
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In which Jungkook really wants people to love you just as much as he does - or maybe not.
Tags/Warnings: Raccoon Hybrid!Reader x Idol!Jungkook, established relationship, opposites attract because I love that concept, are you tired of my hybrid stories yet because I'm not, fluff, romance, smut, jealous koo, slice of life, mild ddlg themes
Chapter length: short
Other content: Spoiled, Calm
"I forgot.." you mumble quietly, a little ashamed about your entire situation as you've just had to explain to your boyfriend that yes, you've just gotten your period, and yes- you've probably now stained his nice expensive little sofa in his studio.
"It's fine, see?" He mumbles before casually wiping the leather with a tissue before throwing it into the trashcan nearby. "Didn't even stain at all. Do you wanna go change?" He asks casually, looking at you - before he clicks his tongue, the clear waters in your eyes a telltale sign of your typically emotional reaction to things like these. "Come here, crybaby, everything's fine!" He laughs a little, letting you cling onto him as you hide in embarrassment.
"I don't feel good." You whine into his chest, and he chuckles.
"I know baby." He says, as he pats your head. "You wanna go wash up?"
"But I don't have anything to change.." you complain, now getting even more frustrated.
"Bullshit. I've got your pyjama pants here somewhere-" He says, parting from you to search for the clothing item before he crawls.. underneath his desk?
"What're you doing, Kookie?" You giggle a little, watching him pull out a simple black canvas bag that he opens the zipper of.
"Excuse me? You think after what- 4 years I wouldn't be prepared for shit like this?" He proudly claims, before holding up one of your period-slash-heat pull ups- something you've been horrified of telling him about the first two years of your relationship with him, too fearful of how he might react to it. But you've learned soon enough that while Jungkook does sometimes get a little mean in his fun with others around him, he's not a bad guy at all. He's just a bit clumsy at times.
"Why do you have them here?" You whine, grabbing after the pair he's got in his hand.
"Why not?" He shrugs. "Your heats can start random as shit, and your periods are even worse. Better safe than sorry." He simply answers, closing the bag and shoving it back underneath the desk. "Now go change, I'll prepare the couch so you can nap." He jokes, smacking your thigh as you get up to follow his word.
Pulling out a blanket, he puts everything he knows you'll appreciate where he thinks it'll be good, before he checks his phone.
Only recently, he's gone public. While fans knew you existed, they didn't know much about you, nor that you and Jungkook weren't just platonic but a genuine relationship. And while he'd been prepared for what surely was to come, he'd been surprised by the welcoming reaction of the fans, many already expecting it and others defending that he's a person who deserves a private life.
And so, he's been more open with you, company even allowing you to now be seen in behind the scenes footage, and even publishing professional photos from backstage of you. People became pretty much just as charmed as he himself had been years ago- happily accepting you as a part of it all now, and he couldn't have been luckier.
But at the same time, he starts feeling just a little upset at the comments some fans keep repeating.
"She's so cute, I wish I had a hybrid like her!"
"Honestly though, if hybrids were allowed to be idols, she'd definitely be the visual of the generation!"
"She kind of seems almost too nice for Jungkookie~!"
"You think she ever feels lonely at home? I mean, he's at work all the time.."
"Jungkookie?" You ask, and he snaps his head up from his phone, boiling emotions quickly forgotten at the sight of you holding your fluffy striped tail in your hands. "Can you take a nap with me?" You wonder quietly, and he internally swells with pride.
"Of course, baby bear." He chuckles before joining you on the couch, holding you close and tightly just how he knows you like it. Does he leave you alone too much? Do you feel lonely sometimes? He's interested in the answer, but scared of it just as much- so he won't ask the questions. He'll just hold you, love you, and care for you.
Because the love you have is special, and nothing will break you both apart. Not time, not work, and for sure, not his career.
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ponderingmoonlight · 1 year
Can I request geto suguru with prompt 29. After the last angst u wrote, I figured I want to be hurt more, maybe y/n confronts him again and tries to get him back (fails miserably) 😭😭 keep writing, ur writing is really good 👍
Thank you so much for that request, I just had to write that immediately! Hope I shatter your soul in a good way love, enjoy and let me know what you think ♡
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Dying ray of sunshine Part ll
Pairing: Geto x fem!reader
Word Count: 2,5k
Synopsis: After searching for your former boyfriend Suguru for 10 years, he finally shows himself again at the Night Parade. You try your best to convince him back into your open arms, but it seems like the man you love is gone forever.
Warnings: hurt (obviously), injury, lanuage, death
It’s been a while since you last saw him. 10 years, 6 months and 9 days to be exact. Somehow you managed to carry on, found a job in the center of Tokyo, cut your hair a little shorter, met up with Satoru from time to time. You’re a grown woman now, absolutely stunning as some might say. On the surface, everything is going great for you. Expect for the fact that you never let a single man touch your soul after Suguru.
Sorry, just doesn’t work I guess.
You block the number of the random man you’ve met last night without balling an eye and straighten your posture. No one seems to mesmerize you like Suguru did. Along with Satoru, you searched for him over the last years, still eager to find him and talk everything out. You know that he has a tender heart, that even after all this time you will manage to get him back, your Suguru. The promise you made will come true. Sooner or later, you will track down the traces of horror he leaves behind. Deep down you know that he would never hurt or let alone kill you. Just a few words, that’s all you need.
The ringing of your phone disturbs your peace rudely. A look at the screen reveals that in fact Satoru is calling.
“You know I have to leave for work soon, don’t you?”
“(y/n), he was here”, Satoro breathes out.
Immediately you jump out of your chair, blood rushing through your ears as your heart nearly pounds out of your chest. You know exactly who he’s talking about. Suguru was at Jujutsu High? Why? Maybe he wanted to sort things out, maybe he had a conversation with Satoru, maybe…Maybe he asked about you.
“What did he say? Is he still with you? Why was he there? Were you able to convince him to come back to us? How is he? Does he look fine?”, you babble out, mind racing faster than your mouth can follow.
“(y/n)…I think you should pay me a visit. Don’t expect anything positive though…”
Your heart sinks immediately, a wave of disappointment and foreboding rushes over you just like ten years ago. Nothing positive means something really bad must have happened. But still, this is the first personal contact the two of you had with Suguru since he left that day. This has to be a good sign, right?   
“I’m coming right now”, you response hastily, put on your high heels and sprint down the halls with your car keys tinkling in your hand.
Jujutsu High isn’t far away from your home, but still the empty road feels like an eternity this day. You press your foot on the gas, don’t give a shit about the rain that starts to poor and the bad sight. He was there. Suguru was finally seen again, alive and speaking. You can’t help but shed a tear of joy while cruising down the street with enormous tempo. At some point you thought about giving him up, to stop searching for someone who doesn’t want to be found and who last told you that he wants to see you dead. But you never had the heart to call it quit, to simply throw all the time you’ve had together into the trash. This is your chance.
“Satoru!”, you cry out, dashing down the wet sidewalk into the center of Jujutsu High.
There he stands along with his students, all of them wearing thoughtful, anxious and competitive expressions. You are alarmed immediately. Satoru warned you, it is written on their faces that something pretty bad has happened.
“What’s going on?”, you breathlessly inquire, trembling hands pressed against your figure in order to stop you from shivering.
Your whole body seems to be electrified, still in absolute shock at this sudden opportunity.
“He was here. Suguru was here to announce war”, Satoru explains briefly, his gaze pinned to the grey sky above him.
You can’t believe your ears. Is that the only reason he came here? To proclaim that he is going to take other innocent lives? You feel like fading, suddenly a breath-taking nausea overcomes you. This is not the Suguru you know, he’d never do that. Absolutely impossible.
“This has to be a misunderstanding, we both know that-“
“Sorry (y/n), it wasn’t. Apparently he doesn’t even stop at jujutsu sorcerers anymore…”
“B-But…This means he’ll come back, right? I will talk to him, I’m sure there’s a way to convince him to stop. After all, I was his girlfriend for so many years! I’m sure he’ll listen to me!”, you desperately try to convince Satoru.
“Ain’t no way I’ll take you to the battlefield. Forget that, (y/n). You’ll stay here, at Jujutsu High. I will talk to him first. Only when I can be sure that he won’t hurt you I will come and get you, understood? As a non-jujutsu sorcerer, you are completely at his mercy. I won’t lose you too.”
You can feel Satoru’s tense gaze eyeing you up and down while you urgently try to hold back tears. Of course he’s right, you know all too well that Suguru’s heart is clouded by grief and rage. He could kill you in a heartbeat before even recognizing that it’s you. But still, the thought of sitting here and waiting for Satoru’s call while your boyfriend is out there slaughters you from the inside. You waited 10 fucking years for this moment. How long do you have to wait until you can finally embrace him in your arms again, until you are reunited and get your well-deserved happy ending? It is so frustrating – hunting down the shell of the person you love most in this entire word and then not being able to talk this out.
“Did he ask about me?”
Your voice is a fade whisper, close to breaking like the finest glass. There is nothing you want more than to embrace him into your arms again, to feel his broad chest against your fingertips and let his delicious scent tingle your nose. Satoru’s heart breaks at the way you stare into the ground, the tears you try to hold back so badly glistering in your eyes. He can’t help but pull you into his arms, gently caressing your back just like he did on that fateful day that took your spark away.
“He asked me if you’re still around. I told him that you are searching for him”, Satoru whispers into your ear, making your heart shudder in hopefulness.
So he does care about you. After all the things that happened after the night ten years ago, you are still on his mind. Yes, this is a good sign. That means that he does in fact remember his feelings towards you, the beautiful moments you both shared.
“I will bring him back, Satoru.”
“See ya, watch out for the little ones, (y/n)!”
“You’ll probably have to watch out for me, I’m no use when it comes to curses. Hopefully I’m not in your way”, you admit towards Maki and Yuta.
The boy in front of you smiles kindly at you while shaking his head.
“Oh please, don’t be so hard on yourself! You are a very impressive and strong woman, Gojo-sensei talks only positively about you!”
“I’m not able to see curses either, don’t let that stop or bring you down.”
A kind smile is plastered on your face, heart warmed by their kind words. It seems like Satoru is doing his job very well, apparently. You definitely need to tell him that when all of this is over.
“I’ll go back inside”, the girl named Maki announces, turns on her heels and leaves.
“Do you want to join?”, Yuta asks friendly towards you.
“Oh no, thank you. I will wait here.”
And with that, you are alone. Only you and the soft breeze that strokes your hair on this quiet cold day like every other. You can’t keep your mind still, everything revolves around Suguru and the prospect of seeing him. How will it go? Will he even recognize you? Your curves got a little rounder, jawline a little sharper and hair a little shorter. But your eyes. He should be able to tell that it’s you by your eyes. After all, he spent hours getting lost in their sight. Oh, the beautiful old days. Waking up next to him still sleeping, letting your needy hands wander around his muscular body, caress every inch of his delicate skin. Suguru is your blessing of a lifetime and he told you over and over that you are his ray of sunshine. Surely it’s not too late. It is never too late to change your path.
“Who do we have here?”, a voice behind you jeers.
You quickly get up on your feet, courageous gaze set in the direction of the unknown male.
But he isn’t unknown. You’d be able to recognize his long black hair and mesmerizing orbs anywhere. It’s him. God, Suguru is here. Still as breathtaking as ten years ago, face matured in the most delicate way. And that striking smile that is plastered on his face.
“Is that really you, Suguru?”
Ten years, ten whole years of your life you’ve been searching for him. Ten years without letting any man touch you in the way he did, ten years of constantly thinking about him and the unconditional love you hold for him deep within your heart. And now he’s finally here. Standing right in front of you, only about ten feet away.
His eyes examine you up and down. Can this really be true? He thought he’d never see you again. After all, he told you to run away this one time, he spared your life once. Suguru never expected to set is eyes on you alive.
His voice grew stronger and sounds a little deeper than you remembered. Oh, how badly you want to bury your face in his arms, beg him to come with you and forget about this madness. Maybe you’ll be able to laugh about what happened in a few years together.
“Over the past 10 years I searched you everywhere. Remember that promise that I made? I told you I’ll come back. And now we’re finally able to talk this out.”
Your voice is shaking. It feels like a far away dream to see him standing there, safe and sound right in front of your very own eyes. The horror of the last few years isn’t noticeable on his lovely face. You can’t help but close the distance between your bodies, every step feels like a victory. Yes, you can do this. You will convert him back to his normal self, to the sweet and loving Suguru everyone knows and loves.
“Wow, you actually managed to grow up even though you are nothing but a defenseless monkey. Congrats, (y/n).”
The sound of his stone cold voice and venomous words makes the world around you turn black. He called you a monkey again. Just like he did back then. You shake your head, determination plastered on your surface. No, you won’t give up so easily. This isn’t him.
“Suguru, this isn’t you. I know you better than that. You are the gentlest, most caring and loving soul I know, a man that would never hurt an innocent soul. You don’t have to do this. Please, let me help you out of this vicious circle, let me give you the attention you needed ten years ago. We can still fix this. I never stopped loving you.”
“But I did, (y/n). You are nothing but a stranger I share memories with for me. I forgot about you a long time ago”, he replies dryly, cold gaze staring right through your soul.
You swallow heavily when his words hit you like a bullet. It’s like you never knew him, disgust is plastered on his face. No…no, it can’t be! Your heartbeat picks up, hands balling into fist while your whole body hardens in agony. You didn’t threw your life away for him to stab you in the back like this. You didn’t love him for noting all these years. This just can’t be true. He just doesn’t want to let you too close, a coping mechanism to defend his current way.
“Kill me right now then, I dare you!”
Your blood-curling scream hangs heavy in the thick air between both of you, waiting for any reaction, any words, any twitches. Only to be greeted by a small grin and his eyes filled with so much hatred that it leaves you completely motionless.
“Your wish is my command.”
In the split of a second you are torn into the hard ground beneath, multiple bones in your body cracking at the invisible force that seems to burry you alive. Your lungs are out of air, all you can do is stare at the grey sky above, heart completely shattered by the love of your life all over again. Salty tears mix with your blood, plastering your sight in crimson.
“You’re just fucking hilarious, don’t you think? Mark my words before you die, you mean absolutely nothing to me. (y/n), you are nothing but an insignificant shadow and embarrassment of my past, a freaking monkey that has no place in this world, not worth my time. And that is exactly how you will die today. I won’t give you another chance to escape.”
His words seem to slowly fade away. Every time you woke up you reached for him, but he was never there. You want to tell yourself that there’s still hope, that there’s a small chance to convince him to return back into your open arms.
But it’s too late.
He will never be the Suguru that loved you so dearly ten years ago. He will never be the Suguru that held you in his arms all night, that told you over and over again how much he loves every inch of your body. He will never be the Suguru that came home to you after an exhausting mission with a bouquet of flowers in his hands and a tired smile on his face. He will never be the Suguru you wanted so badly to bring back. No, this version of Suguru is dead. The man who’s bending over you right now with a satisfying grin decorating his features is a stranger, the shell of the man you used to know and love.
With a single tear escaping your eye, you steal one last glance of him and your past, present and future glistering in his emotionless orbs.
You failed him. And he will never be the same man again.
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Do u know the ”i chose my path you chose the way of a hero. And they found you amusing for a while…” etc tiktok sound. Or it’s from spiderman originally.
So. What if someone has a quirk that they can show the futute to class 1a and maybe all might. And they see y/n actually saying it to someone. Maybe deku?So he has turned to villain. What would class 1a/teachers think? And what would be the reason y/n did it?🫣
If you want to do character x reader you can choose who.
Interesting prompt! Hope this suits your needs:
[Class 1-A x reader (no romance)]
Warning: mentions of blood and injury.
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He was a mysterious villain that showed up out of no where years ago.
Many theorized that he was the man behind strange and sudden disappearances of random civilians. None of them had anything in common, but they were all killed in a similar fashion. Quick and painless.
More so you.
No one knew who he was or what kind of quirk he possessed, but what they did know was that he wanted Deku and you dead.
You were his main target.
You had to have body guards follow you around everywhere you went.
You were unable to attend your normal classes.
There had been multiple times in the last few weeks when you'd hear a loud bang and immediately duck to hide. You didn't wonder where the shooting was coming from, you knew it was Enigma, trying to take you out from wherever he hid.
The only person you had was Deku, as you two decided to stay close and support each other. It wasn't easy, but you both tried to be as positive as you could.
You'd often catch Deku muttering to himself possible theories as of to why you two could possibly be the main targets. If you had stopped villains that he had connections with, if there was something of yours he'd want...so many theories, not enough answers.
He never seemed to get anywhere.
Eventually, the pros caught Enigma. It was all over the news. Reporters immediately rushed to the scene to get answers. Everyone wanted an explanation.
Though students weren't authoritized to witness villain questioning, they made an exception for your class. You all stood safely behind pro heroes such as All Might, Aizawa, and Present Mic.
There he sat, tied up in a chair. Though he studied everyone in the room, he refused to make eye contact with you or Deku. Almost like he was disgusted by you.
Aizawa was the first one to speak, "Do you want to try to explain yourself?"
Enigma stayed silent.
Beside you, Iida stepped forward, "Are you not going to say anything? You can't back out now! Explain why you tried to kill my classmates!"
"It's not about what they've done." His voice was low and gravely. He spoke quietly, yet that one sentence alone managed to silence everyone.
Ochaco tried to calm Iida down, but all it did was fire him up more, "You've stalked them, terrorized them, and tried to murder them, yet when confronted you can't at least speak to them? Explain yourself villain! What could they possibly have done to deserve this?!"
"You are all doomed if you don't let me kill them...doomed, I tell you."
Enigma didn't respond.
"Why would we be doomed?" Aizawa's voice was calm. He didn't seem to take Enigma's words seriously.
"Yeah, is there something we don't know?" Present Mic pushed.
Aizawa tried a different approach, "What's your quirk?"
"Honest eye...whenever I look at someone, I know exactly who they are and what they'll become."
"Is that why you kill?"
"You should thank me. I cleared out the majority of potential future villains."
If Enigma only killed people who would grow to become terrible people, then...
A chill ran down your spine. Could it really have been true? Had this man been saving everyone?
There had been a popular question that had always been debated; If you could go back in time and kill an evil person while they were just a baby, would you?
The whole idea behind it was that there was no real right answer.
Some saying they would to save everyone.
Some saying they wouldn't because they fear the consequences it could bring.
Thankfully, no one ever had to think about it for too long because it was impossible to do. No one ever had to make that decision.
But Enigma did.
He faced that decision everytime he looked at someone.
You wondered what his victims would've grown up to do had he not stopped them.
Had he made the right choice?
As you wondered about his past targets, you began to wonder about yourself.
"You're doomed," Enigma sang, "doomed, doomed, doomed."
"What did you see in your vision?" Aizawa asked. For the first time during this whole questioning, your mentor actually seemed...slightly worried.
"Cities destroyed. Lives lost. All at the hands of two of your students."
"Young Y/N and Midoryia?" All Might gasped. "No, that's impossible."
A few chuckles were heard, followed by amused whispers.
"Oh please, as if Deku could do any of that." Bakugou scoffed, "He'd break all of his bones, blow up, and die before he'd ever get the chance to kill anyone."
"Very helpful, Kacchan." Deku muttered.
"Do you think this is a joke?"
Everyone went silent.
"Do you think this is funny? The sights I've seen? Oh yes, let's laugh at the crazy man. None of you ever listen." Enigma writhed in his seat, "Let's see if you all start laughing once you see this."
A giant eye materialized before you. Aizawa went to use his quirk, but All Might stopped him.
The eye blinked, and inside you could all see a vision. Enigma's vision.
You circled him, looking at him as if he were a kicked puppy, "Oh get up, Deku. Don't tell me you're already tapped out."
Crumbling buildings, foggy skies. At the center of this horror landscape, lied you and Deku.
Deku sat, his back rested against a rock. He held onto his side in pain, blood spilling from between his fingers as he tried to even out his breathing.
Deku tried to stand on his wobbly feet, his breaths short and shallow. "It's not too late to change. You don't have to keep doing this."
"I chose my path and you chose yours. There's no going back. Why do you even bother? Isn't it tiring always having to be the good guy?" You swept a foot underneath Deku's, and he fell to the floor. "Poor little hero...all alone... with no love or support. The people you're saving aren't even greatful."
"You don't know that."
"Oh but I do. I'm sure your fans found you amusing for awhile...but the one thing they love more than a hero, is to see a hero fall."
"That's not true–" You kicked him in the stomach.
"You've seen how quickly the crowd turns against the heroes. How easily their minds can be changed. What makes you the exception?" You kneeled down, grabbing a fistful of Deku's messy hair. You lifted his head, staring him dead in the eyes, "In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually they'll hate you. Remember that." You dropped his head, letting it land against the cement.
You stepped away, off to who knows where before Deku spoke up, "Will the League...really...make things better?"
You smiled, "Of course."
"I'm in."
The vision ended.
"Not so funny now, is it?" Enigma laughed. And he laughed. And he laughed. And he laughed so loud that it was all you could focus on.
You don't remember being pushed out of the room.
You don't remember all of your friends arguing about whether or not the vision was true.
You don't remember Deku avoiding you for the rest of the day.
You just remember Enigma's laughs,
And his promises of the inevitable doom you would bring.
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whiteboardartstudios · 3 months
Goodbye, Gendaen
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fan art for @mtqcomic
Thoughts and LONG ramble under the cut! (includes spoilers!!!)
A while ago (like last week maybe?) I realized that I've been following this comic for almost a year, and I still haven't drawn Mysta yet! I figured that with the recent end of Chapter 3 and that *huge* lore drop (I was NOT expecting that oh my goodness the theory wheels are turning in the void that is my brain) now would be a pretty good time to draw her! So that's where this came from! :D
I thought that it would be fun to draw Mysta looking sort of like a knight? Partially because it makes for cool posing and composition but also because I think that if she was in D&D she would be a paladin due to the whole "Hero sent by Destiny" thing (I considered sorcerer or warlock as well, but her moveset is mostly melee at the moment so I thought that paladin fits better. Plus this opens up the possibility of Gendaen being an Oathbreaker paladin, depending on how that whole situation with the Crimson went. (also now I kind of want to put the main cast of mtq in D&D even though I don't actually know a lot about D&D ToT. I think Eth would be a ranger maybe multiclassed into something magic-related, because rangers have a favored enemy mechanic that gives them advantages on fighting a certain type of enemy, which could be Crimson enemies for D&D Eth. Yele is (kind of obviously) a druid because of the whole dryad thing, and Zaïl is definitely giving rogue energy to me.)) Anyways, D&D-related sidetrack aside – hello??? End-of-chapter-3 lore drop? (/positive) I have SO many questions. First of all, what happened to convince Gendaen to switch sides? For someone who allegedly spent his entire life trying to cleanse the Crimson, it would've taken one heck of a worldview-upending revelation to get him to join it. With the information we currently have, it seems pretty clear that Gendaen isn't mind-controlled or corrupted or anything – not just because of the reasons Eth gave in page #169, but also because from all the interactions we've had with Nelun Soma'o/Gendaen, he seemed to be pretty chill? I pointed out in my first fan art post that it doesn't seem as if Nelun Soma'o is being built up to be a villain character and is instead more of an antagonist with a slight mentor role, and I think that still kind of holds up now. Gendaen definitely wants Mysta to help him and/or the Crimson with something, and as Yele said in that recent comic, things aren't really adding up. I'm still slightly suspicious of the Order of Learning as well (insert person pointing at conspiracy theory board meme here lol), since you would think that if Gendaen and Eth are really close then Gendaen might have told Eth about the whole Crimson situation, right? On Page #250 (which is marked as 150??? probably a typo but idk) Gendaen says that he didn't want Eth to be roped into this whole situation, which could be a reason for keeping him in the dark – though if he knew Eth really well then he might have suspected that Eth wouldn't just let him disappear and would go searching for him. Another possible reason (in my theory) if the Order is evil or something and Gendaen learned something that he shouldn't have learned, maybe he knew that Eth wouldn't believe him because of his loyalty to the Order? I may just be connecting random dots and calling it a picture here but *something* is going on and until we get more clues on what that may be, I'm sticking with this theory lol :P EDIT, I was rereading Gendaen's character sheet and it says there that he has a strong code of honor and fights for the underdogs (not the exact phrasing but it's close). 👀 does that mean the Crimson is in some sort of underdog position? 👀
Anyways back to the drawing a little, I gave both Gendaen and Mysta a sort of braid-like element in their designs to sort of tie them together a bit visually (Mysta's is on the sides of her head, which is kind of hard to see so I added a little ribbon to show that parts of her hair is tied back, and Gendaen's is in his golden hair accessory thingy). I think that there's definitely some sort of correlation between Gendaen's disappearance/switching to the Crimson and Mysta being sent to Sol Ybberia, and I also think that both of them are going to play an important role in whatever happens in the future, hence the braids (to show that their destinies are kind of intertwined, as the two Heroes of Sol Ybberia). I also thought that it would be fun to put Gendaen in a stained glass window instead of actually physically being present, because up until the Nelun Soma'o reveal, all the things we know about Gendaen are basically all from Eth's recollections of him, which for me definitely paints a bit of a "Character haunting the narrative" kind of vibe. I also think that with the Nelun Soma'o reveal, the somewhat glorified (for a lack of a better word – I think Eth might be a little biased when it comes to Gendaen, considering that Gendaen has been missing for about 5 years, if my math is correct? 5 years feels like a long time to me and I think that if a person important to me has been missing for that long then my impression of them would definitely start warping to how I want to remember them/who I wanted them to be and I might start unintentionally ignoring the things that doesn't quite match that image in my head. Speaking of/case in point, Eth's reaction to the Nelun Soma'o reveal!) image of Gendaen that we had got thrown in a metaphorical blender with our idea of the Crimson at the time, and it just makes things a whole lot more complicated in a very interesting way. (If you look at the bottom right of the image you can see Nelun Soma'o's cloak coming out of stained-glass Gendaen's cloak, which I thought would be a fun little detail to include). Hence, the stained glass is kind of the "perfect Hero who disappeared to advance the plot" Gendaen and we can see Mysta kind of splitting the glass with her Rotted Fork from a composition point of view, referencing that huge lore bomb she dropped a couple of pages ago and how that changes our (or at least my) perception of Gendaen as a character entirely. I really do like the plot twist, as I think it makes Gendaen a more 3-dimensional character with more complicated motivations and narrative significance, as before I mainly knew him as "predecessor to Mysta" and "one of Eth's sources of motivation", but now he my understanding of Gendaen also extends to things about Gendaen himself and not just about his role in relation to other characters (for example, "Gendaen is helping the Crimson for reasons currently unknown" or "Gendaen is planning something that involves Mysta??? and he's in the Void??? And apparently Mysta is supposed to jailbreak him out at some point in the future?" He definitely has something planned behind the scenes, I don't know what it is and I want to find out).
MORE THINGS about Gendaen (can you tell that he's my favorite character at the moment ToT), what's up with those last words? If I'm correct (and I think I am, I scrolled all the way back to the page where the gods were introduced just to check this ToT), Nomù is Compassion? How is compassion related to Gendaen's alliance with the Crimson? I mean, when you think of the Crimson, compassion definitely is NOT the first value that comes to mind. Right now it seems that to me, Gendaen's plan with Mysta and the Crimson and the Void is connected to Nomù somehow? (the "I won't disappoint you" is definitely interesting). I don't have a lot of thoughts or theories on where this might be going, I just thought that it was something interesting to metaphorically chew on for the next while. It definitely seems like it has some sort of narrative significance, at least.
There might be more things that I wanted to talk about, but I can't really think of them off the top of my head right now (it might be due to the fact that it's currently quite late in my time zone ToT I am sleepy) so that's all from me for now :D (Also dropping the version of the drawing with just the lineart here because I think it looks really cool)
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I hope you have a really nice day and/or night! :D
*a starry rift in space opens up in front of me and I faceplant into it like it is a mattress* (gotta make that dramatic exit!) [Image ID: The first image is a colored and rendered image of Mysta from the Mysta's Terrarian Quest webcomic standing in front of a stained glass window of Gendaen. She is holding the Rotted Fork spear from Terraria, and she has a determined expression on her face. The stained glass shows Gendaen with his back turned to the audience, and one closed eye is visible. His cloak is flowing to the right of the image, where it emerges out of the stained glass as it fades from green to dark grey. Crimson vines, green trees, and white clouds surrounds Gendaen in the stained glass. Outside of the glass portrait, real crimson vines are creeping along the stone walls that the portrait is on, framing the portrait and Mysta in the middle. A red light source is shining down from the upper right corner of the drawing. End ID.] [Image ID: The second image is a work-in-progress version of the first image without any color and only some minimal shading, with all shades being in monochrome. Mysta's lineart is noticeably darker compared to the line art of the background. End ID.]
EDIT: Forgot to add image ids, they're here now TwT
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chososchalupa · 5 months
wish that it was me
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The last person you wanted to see at this meeting was your older brother. The same brother who left you in the hands of Chuuya Nakahara and the Port Mafia years ago, but all you can see now are the pleading eyes of Osamu Dazai begging for forgiveness.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Chapter seven - Wish that it was me
wc - 1016
cw - none
chapter eight
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The following morning went exactly how you pictured it, Chuuya was in a rush to get to the meeting on time while you weren't even out of your pajamas. 
“Could you please hurry the fuck up?” Chuuya yelled down the hall
You rolled your eyes, not bothering to respond. You weren’t necessarily mad at Chuuya himself but you were mad about everything else and unfortunately for him, you were going to make it everyone else's problem too.
You finished getting ready and walked down the hall to see Chuuya standing by the door with his arms crossed, “About fuckin time” He mumbled before walking out the door with you following behind. 
The two of you arrived just as the meeting was about to begin, you glanced around the room as you entered and just like before, there was no sign of Dazai and luckily for you, there was no sign of Atsushi either. You sighed in relief and took a seat next to Chuuya while you listened to Kunikida begin the meeting. 
The meeting had seemed to go on for hours, you weren't even bothering to listen at this point knowing Chuuya would fill you in once it was over. It wasn’t until you heard the door slowly open that you looked up from your doodling, Atsushi walked into the room with a sheepish smile on his face.
“Sorry I’m late” He spoke towards Kunikida
“It’s fine. Where is Dazai?”
“Oh! Um, he told me to tell you that he wasn’t in the mood for a meeting so he won’t be coming”
Kunikida narrowed his eyes at Atsushi's words before beginning to mumble angrily to himself, “Well,” he began, “This meeting is in regards to a mission that directly involves him so if you don’t mind giving him an update once we finish”
“I’ll fill him in” Chuuya responded, “Gotta go to his house after this anyway”
You glanced at the man beside you with a questioning look but the only response Chuuya gave you was a look that made it clear not to argue or complain.
The meeting finished soon after that and the two of you made your way to the elevator, 
“Hey! Wait up!” Atsushi called as he ran towards the two of you, “If you’re going to Dazais, can I ride along? I figured since we’re all on this mission together it would make sense for us to get there at the same time”
“No” You responded quickly
Chuuya elbowed you in the side as he glanced back at Atsushi, “Sure, come on”
“So not only are you forcing me to go to Osamu's house, I also have to spend my whole day with him?” You complained, glaring at Atsushi.
“Will you cut it out already? I’m really not in the mood today” Chuuya responded, pinching the bridge of his nose.
You didn’t respond as you got into the car waiting for all of you. Once at Dazais, you were more angry than before. Dazai had greeted everyone else while he only offered you a smile and a slight wave, not that you wanted anything more but it still annoyed you for some reason. 
The four of you sat in the living room as Chuuya gave a brief summary of the meeting Dazai had skipped. While they talked, you sat silently looking around the room. Dazai had many framed photos scattered on his walls. Most of them were random pictures of the city or sunsets but there were a few of him with his friends. You recognized a picture of him, Oda, and Ango when they were younger which caused you to smile, you didn’t think he’d keep anything to remind him of his days in the Mafia. You continued studying the photos before you realized, there were none of you two together. The two of you had plenty of photos from childhood and even a few together as teenagers but he didn’t frame a single one. You swallowed hard, glancing down at your hands as you listened to Chuuya and Dazai continue speaking. 
“You okay?” Atsushi asked you, getting the attention of Chuuya and Dazai.
“I’m fine.” You responded, not bothering to look up at him.
Dazai cleared his throat as he glanced at Atsushi, “We should get something to eat before we go. Atsushi, how about you help me find something in the kitchen?”
Atsushi nodded, although he was clearly confused. 
Once they left, Chuuya looked at you and then around the room. “None from the past, right?”
You pointed at the photo on the wall, “Only one. Him, Oda and Ango.” 
Chuuya chuckled, “Should’ve guessed”
You gave a small smile before standing to get a better look at the other photos, Chuuya watched as you walked around the room before stopping in front of a specific photo. He got up from the couch and stood beside you to see what the photo was.
The photo was of Dazai and Atsushi, Dazai’s arm wrapped around his shoulder while they both had big smiles on their faces as they were laughing while the photo was being taken. 
“He doesn’t have any of us” You whispered to Chuuya, “I wish that it was me. This could’ve been us if he didn’t leave me” 
Chuuya sighed, wrapping his arm around you like Dazai had done with Atsushi in the photo before you, “He had his reasons. You’d understand if you’d hear him out”
“I don’t have to. He made his decision very clear”
And although you thought only Chuuya could hear your words, Atsushi and Dazai stood on the opposite side of the room, having come in to tell you they needed to go to the store but stopped once they heard the two of you talking. 
“We have nothing here” Dazai announced as you two had been in silence for a few moments now, “Chuuya’s coming to the store with me?”
Chuuya turned around with an annoyed expression, “let’s go then, asshole”
Dazai smiled before turning back around to lead Chuuya outside, leaving you and Atsushi sitting in an awkward silence alone.
@lacunaanonymoused @decaf-nosebleed @till-we-become-monsters
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wachtelspinat · 4 months
hi! i found your blog like an hour ago (though i've been familiar with your art for a /long/ time; when i read that ask you got earlier about you being THE tf2 artist, i thought to myself, "wow, really? the only tf2 art i can think of that's deserving of that description is [vividly pictures YOUR fanart]" -- so when i checked your art tag it was genuinely like encountering a celebrity, heh. all this to say, you really ARE The TF2 Artist. it's an honor to finally properly follow your blog :]). i've been reading your posts about your personal journeys (both physical and emotional/self-conceptual) and i've just been... really really moved by it all? your openness with feeling disconnected with your art, and then how you've slowly come to reconnect with it in a new way and restructure it back into your life... it just fills me with so much catharsis and hope. because life is hectic and things change so much and the way that one creates art as an adult is going to be different than how one created art as a teenager... so to see you acknowledge that fact and then share your own journey? ahh god like i said... it's really profound. i'm a lot younger than you (i turn 20 next month, actually!), so you've experienced so much more to life than me, and hearing how you've struggled with and then gotten out of so many of the fears that i have is just... deeply, deeply inspiring to me. especially your latest posts about your time in australia, and how it's always been something you've wanted to do but spent so many years stuck/anxious/stagnant... and how now you've finally actually *done it* and it's *real* and that you had the most amazing incredible time that exceeded all your expectations?!?! and not only that, but how finally achieving this thing you've always wanted changes the narrative of how you previously defined yourself... that now maybe you ARE the sort of person who can do the things you love and have the things that make you happy... maybe i'm projecting too much here heh god but my point is. it just made me very emotional and so VERY very utterly elated for you :'] and just augh. i am so glad you've had this incredible experience. and like i've said half a dozen times by now (because it's just so true) it is just. so inspiring to me. everything you've shared with such honesty and humanity has been just so profoundly moving to see and it fills me with so much hope. thank you for sharing your journey with us, and thank you as always, past and present and future, for your art. i hope this message isn't too terribly parasocial, and if it is, i apologize ;_; and i hope you're having a lovely day!!!
hey there !
this kind of hit me like a truck but in the most positive way, and i am not exaggerating when i say what you wrote also brought me to tears.
first of all thanks for your generous words regarding my art and sdkjfhkjas i still cannot wrap my head around the idea that you (and at least one other person) thinks about me as THE tf2 artist because... i like my art just fine, it's just there are other folks out there, with their almost god-like tf2 art, meanwhile i just spammed y'all with my sniperxspy art and some random silly stuff over the years... but i love it, so thank you so so much, the thought that you guys dig my art this much will always knock me right off my feet in the most positive way 🧡🧡🧡
ok so, the next part took me a while to formulate because how do i respond to such a heartfelt message in a way that shows my gratitude just right? like i want to thank you again for reaching out and writing all this, but also for taking your time and reading through my blog. i know that everything i post here is open to the internet and a lot of ppl, so sharing personal information (in form of updates in life) is not always the best idea. but i always admired ppl on here that were able to reflect on their lives and share what they've learned. even if it's just somethig as simple as "and after each day comes another and it will be different, for the worse or the better, but different at least", which, falling on the right ears at a specific time, can change perspective (it did for me on multiple occasions, this and other takes, because hearing from ppl who go through similar things is a sad reality, but also such a connecting experience). so in a way, sharing is caring, and so talking about life experiences, especially when they are kind of abstract, like art blocks, depressions, can really open some unexpected doors.
so what also happened after being open about vulnerable situations in life was ppl reaching out. and this was really something that left me so speechless. i had several ppl who took their time and wrote to me about their experiences and ways of coping strategies and other helpful actions. and sometimes they just acknowledged what i wrote which was such a warm gesture that made me feel seen. and i cannot put into words how much that meant to me when i felt at my lowest a few years back. let's be honest for a second, on here we hardly know each other, even if we are mutuals, but that doesn't stop us from reaching out to one another because that is such a big part of the human experience.
sorry for rambling but it is hard, at least for me, just trying to fully grasp it all. it makes me so happy to read that catching up on the things i wrote about my life resonated with you on a deeper level and that it gave you something back in exchange - catharsis and hope. i am deeply touched by your words and your ability to grasp the essence of what i tried to convey, it feels almost surreal to have it summarized and reflected so clearly when my original thoughts were scattered all over my blog over a span of multiple months, years even. like, really, thank you so much for all of this, the time and thoughts you put into your message, your genuine expression of your feelings and joy on my behalf, it means a lot and i fail to put my thanks into words, idk... i feel seen again. and no worries, i don't think this is too parasocial, after all i put my thoughts out there, and you just happened to read them 🧡
so again and again, thank you so much, and i also hope you have a lovely day <3
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kusagrasskusa · 11 months
An Eye for an Eye, 'Til the World goes Blind
Chapter 4- Meething Them Part 1
Intro, Cha1, Cha2, Cha3, Cha4, (Chapter Selections!)
Side Note, Toby is said to be 5’8 by the age of 25 and that’s gonna be the age I’m putting him at. And just for fun, Masky will be 6’ and Brain will be 6’2. Just saying, it was creepy af trying to find the actors’ heights (there’s no info for it btw) but the websites that have their info were getting too personal with it lmao
Summary- She wakes up to meet a man. Luckily she planned ahead.
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I just want to be yours, loved only by you. I can’t fucking breathe when I'm around you. You can hurt me, manipulate me, fucking break me, ruin me. Just give me your heart so I never have to worry again.
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The world spun all around as her eyes fluttered open to the dark space in the dimly lit room. Litten only by a small red light on the opposite wall next to a door. The smell was horrible- like the smell of a rotting body that had been there for far too long. Perhaps more than one body, too.
The air was cold and stung on her bare flesh, a familiar feeling from all those years ago. She remembers Martha locking her in the car on a cold winter day to take Mateo ice skating, and how the cold stung her like this. Martha died in jail for what she did to little Y/N by the other prisoners; mothers who would do anything to see their child or stepchild again. And these mothers didn’t like meeting a woman so cruel to her stepdaughter that she’d lock Y/N in the car on hot summer days until she couldn’t breathe anymore.
What drives a woman to do that? It’s no wonder Y/N always gets hot and nervous in a vehicle with a heavy heart each time. A fear of cars is something she may never get over.
Sometimes Y/N swore she could see her mother in this room. Sometimes, I say, as if she hadn’t been awake for only 5 minutes. Disillusioned and staring into space, flashing images of once was or can be popping in and out. Five minutes felt like forever for some reason. She was so cold in nothing but her undergarments; although the thought of where her clothes were never registered in her mind.
Chloroform doesn’t knock people out that fast unless it's laced. Whatever they used would remind her of how she felt after surgery when the anesthesia was wearing off. When she had surgery after trying to cut her arm off and nearly dying. Why did she do that again?
“Good morning, woo,” a masculine voice called out, followed by a random noise. A tic.
When did the large shadowed man lean in front of her? The room was too dark to see his face, but she could see his silhouette from the light shining behind him.
“Good morning,” her weak sound whispered back. “Where am I?”
“Somewhere nice, little Y/N, woo,” his voice ticed once more, “a nice little place of business. And me and you are gonna talk.”
“Oh, I’m not in the force yet,” Y/N smiled softly, cocking her head at the man as he chuckled. “You’ll have to talk with my brother about police business.”
“No silly, not about that. No… We have something more personal to talk about later,” he said kindly. “For now, I just wanna look at your beautiful face. You look so peaceful when you’re sleeping.”
“Hehe, how sweet,” she softly replied, not registering what he even said in her mind. She heard him say something else- although, her tiredness made it hard to pay attention and keep her eyes open.
“Not a thought going through your head- woo- then, and not a single damn thought now. That’s okay. Enjoy your high while you can, pretty girl.”
By the time her eyes looked back up at the man, he was gone. But she didn’t feel his presence leave.
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The back of her mind began to finally recognize the world around her. That she had slept enough for the day, that she wasn’t in her bed, and that she was hungry. Her mind trailed back to the thought of kissing her date the previous night, forcing a weak smile on her tired face as her head tilted to the side of the table she was lying on.
“Mmm,” she silently whimpered as her eyes registered the giant light looming above her, too bright to handle in a drugged state. Slowly observing the dark room, her mind was finally putting the pieces together of what was happening. What was happening…
“What the fuck…” Y/N grumbled as she lifted her head from the table, before halting when her shoulder muscles couldn’t move her forward. On top of that, she was barely clothed. Her breathing quickened alongside the beating of her heart as she looked around the dark room, slowly recalling the previous night’s events. Tim was taking her home, and then… then these two people came in, but one of them had Tim’s hair and build so-
“Tim! Tim you fucking asshole, where are you!” She screamed out, adrenaline filling her veins as she pulled against what was holding down her limbs. Ropes tied against her wrists made her wince in pain as she pulled; her arms were held above her head and tied against the legs of the table. Her legs were in the same state, tied against the table legs.
Her muscles fucking ached in pain after constant minutes of pulling and tugging at the ropes combined with heavy breathing. It just hurt so much more on the inside too because she was really starting to like that guy. The feelings of fear, betrayal, and rage burning into her skin more than the tightening ropes didn’t even hurt as much as the thought of what her brother must be thinking.
She was feeling far too mature to tell her brother where she was going to be. Fucking idiot mistake.
Y/N firmly placed her head against the table, overcome by the feeling of helplessness. She didn’t even notice the tears rolling down her face until now. Nor the light sweat that built up from when she was struggling, combined with the humidity of the room. Wasn’t she cold earlier? Why does she recall a different room? And why did she recall the voice that said-
-“woo, the first ten minutes are always my favorite. You see all five stages of grief in one sitting, hah hah.”
Her head turned to where she heard the voice, although her vision was too blurry to see the face of the man who just walked out of the shadows as if it were a 1940s horror film. “You,” she whispered, blinking away the tears the best she could, “who are you?”
“Shouldn’t I be asking the questions first?” He replied smugly as he walked over to the table, leaning over her. He brought his head uncomfortably close to her face, narrowing his eyes as he took in her look of pure horror.
He looked young, perhaps in his early 20s. Large orange goggles around his eyes and a mask pulled down to his chin, revealing his cocky grin and a giant hole on his cheek. Her eyes quickly went to stare at his teeth and flesh from the hole, making her shiver and grow uncomfortable. It reminded her of the uncomfortability of being nearly naked. Did he take off her clothes?
“That’s what I thought. Now, we got some things to talk about, pretty girl,” he chuckled maliciously as he brought a hand to her face, caressing her cheek and watching as she contemplated what to do. He knew what she was thinking: should I pull away from his hand, or will he get mad? What if he hurts me? Oh, but I just don’t wanna be touched by this scary man, but what could I do when I’m so helpless?
It made his grin grow wider as he pulled away, reaching for his pocket and pulling out her wallet. She gasped as she noticed it. “Why do you have that?”
“Well, woo, if you wait a minute, I’m about to get to that.” His hand twitched as he unzipped her wallet and looked through the many cards and hundreds of dollar bills she had stashed in there. “Are you Mr Ismael Ramirez? Or a Mrs. Jamie Burningham? Oh, or a lovely Danielle Iowa? Because, sweetie, you don’t look like any of these people.”
Y/N’s heart fucking dropped. She quietly gulped, feeling her palms get sweaty and the room seemed to be a little warmer. “I… I don’t-“
“Yeah, didn’t think so. And I don’t think they could’ve given you their cards after they died either, huh? I know that Danielle almost escaped me, but I think a hatchet in the heart then proceeding to rip her open a little more should keep her too dead to pay you, right?”
Danielle Iowa was the daughter of the family she saw two nights ago when her brother called her in for help. She was in her room on her back, bruises on her arms and a giant open hole in her chest.
Y/N’s eyes widened as stuttering out slowly, “You killed them?” Her body started to shake, her chest heaving as her mind wandered to what he could do to her if he had the stomach to do other awful things to people.
“Oh, come on now, don’t look so scared!” the man laughed with a hint of annoyance, “you’re no fucking better! You also have exactly $853 in here, exactly as much as- woo- she had in her little jar in the room. How are you any better than a killer if you’re gonna steal money from the dead right next to their bleeding fucking corpses?”
Sins in the form of goosebumps trailed up her skin all over, her head turning away from him as an escape from the situation. She felt embarrassed, weak, and most of all, guilty. Fucking guilty.
“Yeah, and that’s the first time you’re facing it, huh? Didn’t feel so bad earlier, right, when you went out and bought that coffee? Or when you went- woo- out shopping the night before? Why does it feel so dirty now, Y/N?” The man laughed, setting his knee on the table to lift himself up and set his arms on either side of her. He looked down at her, grabbing her chin and forcing her to look back at him from above.
“But hey, ‘ion gotta kill ya for your sins. I ain’t the devil or God. But I will make you work for your freedom.”
His neck snapped as he smiled down at her, ticking once more. Naturally, him being on top of her while she was barely clothed made her worry about what he could mean- what he was going to do to her. Rape her? Torture her like this was a Saw movie? Sell her into slavery?
“I-Is that so,” she said in a low voice, a shaky breath following.
He hummed in response, chuckling to himself. “If you wanna live and keep all your dirty money, well, I recommend you give me what info you got about the police force. Otherwise,” he paused as his neck snapped following a tic. A sudden cold metal pressed against her bare stomach, making her shudder. “I can cut you open for Mateo to see, pretty lady. And that cute little look of fear on your face would look so fucking ugly when it gets skinned off, right?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Y/N agreed, nodding her head with a quivering lip. “Or-”
“Or?” The man widened his eyes with mild shock, cocking his head as he placed the hatchet a little more firmly against her stomach, causing Y/N to suck in a little.
“Or, you let me willfully help you with all the data I can provide, and then some, in return for help,” she said softly, a small smile appearing on her face as if her fear had just vanished.
“Woah, woo,” he chuckled, his grin growing large on his face as he pulled away. He pressed his hatchet even harder against her skin, causing her breath to hitch. “I have never seen that before. I’mma have to let the other guys know about this, hah hah.”
He got off of her and stepped back down onto the floor, sticking his hatchet back into his little holder.
“Wait, so, what’s this “and then some” thing supposed to mean? And what makes ya think that whatever you can provide is worthy of not just your life, but also something more in return?” he asked rather threateningly as if he was annoyed. No, pissed off.
“You know, I’m not just some dirty detective or thief,” Y/N replied cautiously, furrowing her eyebrows. “You think I didn’t notice all the girls looked like me? You think I didn’t notice I could be next? What if I took extra steps in case something were to happen to me?”
“Attitude out of nowhere like ya have any power over the situation,” he replied aggressively, rolling his eyes. He doesn’t like it when things don’t go his way. He swiftly grabbed his hatchet back out and set it on her stomach, before crouching down and reaching for the ropes tying one of her hands down. Anxiety pulsed through her veins but… she knew what she was doing.
The rope burns hurt her wrists as it got free, her hand feeling better from the return of circulation. The man placed her arm down the table forcefully, holding it down as he grabbed his hatchet again, placing the blade on her fingers. Instinctively, she gasped and tensed.
“Okay, here’s the deal,” he said before ticcing, “you’re gonna give me a good counterdeal that’s just so much better than mine. And if you don’t, I’m cutting these off one by one. Got it? Or do you wanna just take my deal instead?”
Y/N quivered, narrowing her eyes at him before taking a deep breath. “Okay, listen… I could do two things. I won’t ever give you the police info if all I get is life and dirty money, and whatever happens to my brother. So you’d have to kill me and be left struggling to get the info yourself. And, let me promise you, it’s not easy.”
She took a quivering breath as the weight of the man’s eyes caused more anxiety to trail through her.
“However, I could also help you. Not just info given to you, but I can also lead the investigation in ways that would keep you and whoever you’re working with safe. I know the ins and outs of everything that goes on there, and I’ve tampered with info before on cases. That’s how I get away with stealing,” she says hesitantly, guilt in her words.
“I could give you info computer bases don’t have, I can steal, I can lie, and I’m very good at staying hidden. I know this might not seem like a lot, especially given that I don’t know your plan, but I can tell these aren’t your first murders or kidnappings. Surely having someone who can log into police bases across this country could be helpful to you, right?”
The man raised a brow, cracking his neck before huffing, “Yeah, yeah, so you can make things easier for me, I expected that. Coulda summed that up quickly, y’know. Now tell me what you wanted in return.” He tapped his hatchet against her fingers impatiently.
“I want to come with you guys,” she breathed out quickly, a look of desperation on her face. “I know you and whoever you work with have been across the country, possibly the world, and committed similar crimes. I’ve studied family murders that looked just like the ones here from other states- and I admire it! I would do anything to be a part of what you guys do.”
She bit her lip in embarrassment, realizing how stupid she must sound right now. The silence that followed made her recap how she was tied up, nearly naked, with a serial killer threatening to cut off her fingers after threatening her with death. She then boldly decided to reject his offer and made her own, and now just asked to be a part of a killer group as if she was trying to join a Fanclub.
“Interesting,” the man slowly replied awkwardly, squinting his eyes and cocking his head at her. “You’re weird.” His hatchet began to pierce the skin of her fingers, making her gasp and lift her head from the table defensively.
“Fuck, if you do that, you’re gonna fucking regret it!” she yelled out, her hand shaking. The man chuckled, pausing as her fingers began to bleed.
“How come?” he asked amusingly.
“Tim has a tracker in his truck, connected with a camera and audio. It picked up anything that happened around it- and the data will be sent to my brother unless I stop the message in time.” Sweat built up on her forehead from the extreme nervousness she felt. But damn, her reasoning worked.
“Ugh, you fucking would make this difficult,” he huffed, sticking his hatchet back in his holder. He ticked, pulling his mask back up to his face before leaning into hers, caressing her cheek, and whispering, “You’re pretty, but you’re nothing special. I’ve seen plenty like you before, so don’t think- woo- you got your way yet.”
With that, he ripped his hand away from her face and grabbed her arm to tie her wrist back to where it was. A long, deep sigh escaped her lips as she closed her eyes, placing her head back against the table. He mumbled things under his breath as he finished up, walking out of the room. The noise she heard indicated that he opened a door and walked out- leaving her alone in the room.
What a fucking experience.
Hey guys! Just btw, if you aren't satisfied with this chapter or wish it could have been a little different, feel free to let me know! I'm contemplating rewriting it since I'm not totally satisfied by it- but, if you guys feel it's good enough, I don't wanna waste time rewriting a whole new chapter that most people aren't going to reread.
...but! If you feel like I could touch up on this rather than rewriting the whole thing, do let me know as well. I just really need feedback 🤣
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sixties-girl · 7 months
Are you lonesome tonight in Vegas?
Plot: You are in a trip to las Vegas because Elvis was going to offer a few concerts the same days you were there. You were feeling kinda lonely but that night you would get some good company to your side.
(It is mostly a fluffy thing and I tried my best to keep it free of orthographic mistakes).
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--How fun! We will sure have a great time there.
-- Yeah, yeah, in special in casinos, hopefully I win some deal ‘cause then I could end up like Nicolas Cage in that movie.
--Damn Rodrick, if that is the case, we will better keep you far from those casinos- coments Joe giving a smooth elbow to his friend.
5 friends and one destination: Fabulous Vegas, or Sin City as it is use to be called. In fact, your friends wanted to go mostly to sin going to casinos wasting all their savings(in the best of the cases) in slots machines or russian roulettes while they already had a few cocktails.
Meanwhile you, you had nothing to do with that, you just were in their plan because Elvis Presley was going to have a few concerts in the International Hotel from las Vegas the same days you will be there.
It was summer of 1969 and he barely had cameback to stages a year ago with his Special Comeback TV special. You were in your twenties and you have been his fan since your teens thanks to some secondary school friends but you were excited to see him performe live after all that decade just recording some movies here and there.
The thing is that you were the only one of your friends who wanted to go to see him so you would go by yourself. Once in Vegas evening and with all your stuff already in your hotel rooms, your friends left you in the International Hotel and tell you to call them later.
You enter by yourself and wow, the space is all full of people, some smarter dressed than others. You are lucky enough to have a spot so close to the stage.
Lights turn off and there he is. He even looked more handsome in person, you were delighted by his physical appearence and the way he moved around that stage.
His black satin suit also helped to hug his torso perfectly fine while his singing live was incredibly good. He is now singing “Are you lonesome tonight?” which described perfectly how you were feeling that night.
You giggled because it seems as if he was pointing you while singing this sentence of the song and you would nod just in case he noticed it.
When the shows comes to an end, you are so excited and yet so sad it already ended this great time you had in his concert, not ready for going back outside to face Sin City but before you thought about it, a random man approaches and says:
--Hello young lady, before you leave, would you like to meet Mr.Presley more personally?.- you can’t believe him, is some kind of joke?
--If you are trying to get me I am sorry but I don’t have time for that.- before you turn around, he grabs you shoulder.
--I am being serious, he wants to meet you right behind the stage, just follow me!
You doubt but you don’t have nothing to lose after all so you follow him wherever he leads you.
You arrive in front of a door, it says “dressing room”. The guy knocks and the door opens, and yes, it is opened by Elvis Presley.
--E, here she is...what is your name?.- you are in shock right now, even trembling a little bit of meeting him that close.
--I-i am, y/n.
--You are a bit nervous, aren’t you? Don’t worry honey, I am sure that once you will know me better, you will really relax.- Elvis smiles right at you, gosh, he really knows how to captivate you.
He grabs you around your waist and invites you to enter inside. Once there, you just take sit on a random couch while you watch him lightining one of his characteristic cigars. He is staring right to you, directly to your soul:
--So y/n, I will ask you here and again, are you lonesome tonight?.- he does the last part singing it. You giggle at that.
--Yeah, I am, none of my friends wanted to come with me to watch you performe.
--Oh really? Where are they now?,- he sits right next to you, that makes your heart skip faster.
--I don’t know, probably all drunk and with all their savings wasted.
--That doesn’t sound very nice, I don’t think they are the best company for a sweet and beautiful girl like you, don’t you agree?.- he puts his arm around your shoulders, what is he doing?
--Well, to be honest, I didn’t like their plan since the beggining, I just wanted to go to your concert because I have been a fan of yours since I was a young teenager.- you give him a sweet smile that melts him inside.
--Very good girl, how old are you honey?
--I am 23.- you feel how he is getting closer and closer and you don’t know if to stay or walk away.
He nods and then takes your chin up for meeting those beautiful blue eyes of his.-- You know, since I saw you on stage I instantly wanted to meet you, you are not just a very pretty girl but also a sweet and smart one and you shouldn’t be around this city all by yourself, more now that it is all dark, so.--his face is very close to your ear and lowers his voice, almost like a whisper.-- Would you mind if I made you some company tonight?
You shiver at his suggestion, is he really meaning what you think he is meaning? Elvis had always this fame of womanizer having some affairs here and there, even now that he is married and recently became a dad.
Still, you actually needed some company, otherwhise you will have to manage to go to your hotel and you didn’t want to deal with your friends sequels of “living las Vegas”. He has been treating you good until now as well.
--What happens my girl? Don’t you want to spend some time with me? I won’t do nothing you don’t want to if that is what worries you.- he gets a bit apart for giving you some space but you grab his hand.
--No! It is okay Elvis, I would rather stay here tonight with you than anywhere else.- you get closer to him. This is actually a dream for you, you just felt a bit overwhelmed, that’s it.
--What a relieve to hear that, you really got me scared doll.- he hugs you tight.-- Maybe we should go somewhere else, to get some fresh air.
--You are right, but where we could go?
--I know a place that I am sure you will be amazed with but I have to ask you something first.- he looks attentively at you.-- Are you scared of heights baby?
--A bit, yes.- Elvis stands up of the couch and grabs your hand while you get up as well.
--Don’t worry, you can always hold on to me, I will catch ya’.
He seems very convinced to bring you wherever place he has in mind. You get out of dressing room, facing some glances, probably thinking you were another one-night stand of his.
You get inside an elevator from the International Hotel and Elvis presses the highest level button.
When the doors open, you find yourself in a huge terrace, quite crowded because there is some kind of event going on. You observe a little scenario with some band playing on the background as well as a large mini bar table on the right where people order their drinks.
On the left there is a balcony with beautiful and yet imposing views from las Vegas, and in the middle there is even a little swimming pool! You are so amazed that for a second you forgot that Elvis is talking right to you:
--Doll.- laughs a bit.-- That stunned are you by the place that you forgot about me?
--Maybe.- you say a bit teasing.-- But seriously, this is incredible Elvis, thank you for bringing me here.
--I suggest we get some drinks first, I think I haven’t drunk since I performed.
--Good idea.- and you both go to the mini bar. You order a piña colada for you while he takes a glass of cola. He looks at your drink curiosly:
--What is it?
--Piña colada, is one of my favorite cocktails ever, would you like to try some?.- you sip a bit of it.-- It tastes good, other times they would just put me too much alcohol.
--I don’t like alcohol in general but I will just try it for a bit.- he takes the drink and shows a surprised reaction in his face.-- Yeah, not bad, it is very sweet, now I understand why you have this sweet essence in you.
You blush at his answer while you sip more from your glass. He really knew how to make compliments, no wonder why women were in love with him.
Elvis takes your hand and brings you right in front of the balcony. While being there he pases one of his arms behind your back and holds you there:
--I told you that I would be holding you, remember sweet thing? I think I should call you my little piña colada.- he laughs at his own wisecrack.
--Why not piñita? Means little pineapple in Spanish.
--Really? It really suits you this nickname, so yeah, my sweet piñita that I just met today and made my night better.
You giggle with how cute he says the word piñita. He holds you closer with his arms and you look at him up while he takes your chin up. You can’t stop looking at those eyes of his and this time you don’t feel any nervous anymore as in the dressing room. He gets closer to your face and whispers:
--I would like to taste more of that pineapple and coconut flavors, could I get some more y/n?
You get shocked because it may be the first time he actually called you by your name after calling you by lots of nicknames. Suddenly you feel his lips on yours ones. Elvis starts kissing you in a gentle way, sweet you would say.
You close your eyes for feeling better that kiss of his that starts to be more passionate and needy, as if he had been waiting all night for this moment. You feel his tongue exploring your whole mouth while both your tongues weave together.
You start gasping a bit since you start feeling the lack of air but you can’t stop, this kiss may be the best one you ever had.
You notice how his hands go lower from your back, is he grabbing your ass in front of everyone else? Yes, he does.
You feel more the lack of air and you let him notice it, getting apart from you:
--Did you like it my darling? I dare you did looking at your face right now.- you feel your cheeks hot, hot because that piña colada was taking its effect, hot because that kiss left you wanting more and hot as well because some people were looking directly at you both.
--I did, you are a really good kisser Mr.Presley, and a naughty one as well.- you give him a flirty look.
--Naughty? Oh my lovely piña colada, you have barely seen the tip of the iceberg of how naughty I can actually be. I can show you a lot more than this y/n.
The situation was getting out of handle. Despite you were enjoying this flirting with Elvis, you knew that in whatever moment you could end up in his suite and the rest would come over.
At this point, you just were really tired after the whole journey to las Vegas and the concert and what came later after that. You yawn a bit and he notices it:
--Are you tired baby?.- you nod at his question.-- If you want, you can sleep at my place, the bed is huge so there’s enough space for both of us.
You look at him not trusting too much if it is a good idea to enter inside “his territory”.
--Plus where would you go anyways? I can’t leave such a sweetie like you in a place like this, all by yourself.- he looks at you with concerning eyes.- I promise I only have good intentions with you.
He is right though, you don’t have nowhere else to go and paying one night in this hotel is quite expensive for your own pocket.
You agree in going to his place after all since tiredness and the last effects of that cocktail weren’t helping you so you both go straight to the elevator.
You go down a few levels and walk through the long corridors from the building. He makes you stop in front of a door that opens and lets you enter first.
Wow, he wasn’t lying when he said that the bed was huge. And not just that but the whole room felt expensive.
But that was the least important thing. You quickly get off your shoes, that were killing you at this point, and lay down on that bed.
--Gosh y/n, you really were looking forward to lay down, didn't you?.- he laughs while approaching where you are lying:
--Hm, I wasn't lying when I told you, it has been a harsh day for me.- you yawn while you turn your face to the pillow.
--Oh no pretty baby, you can't hide that gorgeous face of yours yet.
--I can't keep my eyes opened anymore Elvis.- you murmur down the pillow.
He gets up for turning lights off and gets to lay next to you, hugging you from your back.
--Good night piñita , I hope you rest well and that you didn't feel lonesome tonight.- he whispers to you ear. You laugh softly since his whisper has given you tickles.
You wished him good night as well. He couldn't see it but you started smiling, not believing yet who was spooning you. Definetly you weren't feeling lonesome that night anymore.
I hope you enjoyed it! :)
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