#I hid in a basement all day to write this
happy-hermit · 2 years
Thank you everyone for your enthusiasm with this fic akdkjdh it really kept me going. ( @stiffyck this is still for you)( @hopepetal here’s the tag u asked for I love your writing by the way I’m so happy you like this fic alskjdjd)
Part One
A few days pass where nothing and everything happens in equal measurements. The returned hermits work on settling back into normal — well, relatively normal — life, and they tend to only see each other in passing. They get caught up in old and new projects, filled with an urgency that came from being away for so long.
Scar himself spends most of his time gathering items. It’s mindless, repetitive work. Time consuming. Calming, almost. It’s boring enough that he doesn’t think anyone will bother to bother him. (He ignores the way his chest pangs at the thought. It doesn’t matter. It can’t.)
Jellie follows him around most of the time, even if he can’t always see her. She’s a comforting presence, and he knows that she’s only there because she wants to be. He doesn’t have to write up a contract to convince her to stay. She’s there for him. It’s just… nice, is all. To know that.
Scar wanders around with shulker boxes full of wood and leaves and sand and he pretends that he’s not avoiding everyone. It’s not like he doesn’t see them at all, and in fact he always grins and waves when he happens to run into someone. He just — doesn’t stay long. Doesn’t want to overstay a welcome he isn’t sure he has.
Daytime is easier. He can be busy during the day. He can forget. At night, though, he lays in bed and he hurts. His chest aches, and he’s cold, and he’s alone, always. Jellie is there, sure, and she counts, of course, but—
Well. Jellie can’t hug him. She can’t talk to him. She doesn’t know why he’s sad.
More than once, he finds himself outside of a Boatem member’s base in the dead of night, hand poised to knock and heart tugging him forward. He can’t do it, though. He doesn’t really know why — doesn’t want to think about it for too long. He’s pretty sure his mind would lead him back to an isolated mountain with a single bed set haphazardly in a corner. Thinks he would only be reminded of the way people had only ever visited if they’d wanted something from him.
He never knocks, those nights. He instead demolishes frankly absurd amounts of land for resources he doesn’t yet have plans for. He doesn’t sleep at night. It’s fine.
He manages to believe that for two weeks before it all falls apart.
The nights have been getting colder, since they all got back. Maybe it’s the season changing, or maybe it’s whatever has started happening with the moon; either way, Scar is thankful that he’s wearing a jacket. The fact that he’s soaked through to the bone is a little less ideal.
It’s a well known side effect of glow squid hunting, though, so he can’t really blame it on anyone but himself. It certainly ensured that he wouldn’t be falling asleep on his feet anytime soon. Of which there was a very real danger, if the cotton stuffed into his head and the lead weighing down his eyelids is any indication. The glow ink splattered on his hands and sleeves is starting to look a little blurry, and he instead focuses on just making it back to the Swaggon without keeling over.
The universe has it out for him, though, so when the first phantom crashes talons-first into his back, all he can do is fall.
He hits the ground with a strangled yelp, his sack of hard-earned glow squid ink flying out of his hand and splattering across the grass. It’s pretty. And heartbreaking. He supposes he hadn’t really needed it for anything…
The phantoms screech angrily overhead, and his back throbs and he scrambles to roll over onto it anyway, because he can’t stand up just yet and he at least wants to be able to see what’s coming—
He lurches to the right as another phantom dives towards him, and the talons only connect with his upper arm as opposed to his chest. He’ll call that one a win.
“Oh geez— Ow, come on, you can’t kick a man when he’s down!” Scar scrambles backwards across the grass, voice high and eyes wide as he resorts to attempting to reason with things that don’t understand him.
There are three of them circling him, and he scrambles to his feet just in time to catch a set of razor-sharp teeth in his shoulder. He yells and swats at it blindly, somehow managing to hit its eyes and smear glow ink across its wildly flapping wing. The phantom detaches itself from him, and he doesn’t even have time to be relieved before another is diving towards him.
He runs.
His shoulder hurts and his arm hurts and his back hurts and he’s cold and wet and no one has touched him gently in months, and he runs.
He doesn’t mean to go to Grian’s house. He had wanted to go home. (Maybe it’s telling, that he’d ended up here instead.)
A phantom bites at his leg as he reaches the alleyway, fake stars shining above him and horrifying undead creatures punishing him for his insomnia close behind him. Pain ricochets up his calf and down his ankle and he frantically tries to shake it loose, crashing to the ground again and crying out when the impact aggravates his other wounds. He knows without looking that his health is getting low. Dangerously low. And he hates respawning, he doesn’t want to, and maybe it won’t even work, maybe he’s used up his last life and he’s going to die alone just like he lived alone, and all he’ll be is a ghost haunting a world that barely notices his absence.
(That’s maybe too dramatic, but he’s dying and he’s tired and every night he holds his own hand and pretends he’s not alone. He feels entitled to a breakdown.)
He curls up against the ground with his eyes shut tight, resigned to the fact that he’ll have to get up and pick up his scattered items in a few minutes, resigned to the body aches that will follow him around for the next few days, resigned to the jokes that will pop up in chat after his death message goes out.
All he can hear is his own heartbeat in his ears, phantoms screeching and injuries stinging in a way that feels distant. Any second now. Any moment.
A hand lands on his shoulder, distinctly and painfully human, and he gasps, eyes flying open as he scrambles into a sitting position. His leg throbs angrily and his arm sends shocks of pain throughout his entire body and Scar tries his best to stay quiet — no one can know he’s hurt, they’ll kill him, they’ll make him give up a life — but a high-pitched sound of pain escapes his throat anyway. The blurry shape of a person kneeling in front of him freezes.
“—an you hear me? Scar?” The voice sounds like it’s coming from underwater, but it’s familiar. It feels like safe and danger at the same time. It sounds worried. “You’re hurt, please—“
“‘m fine,” Scar manages to get out, strained and quiet and mostly on autopilot.
“Wha— Scar, you are not fine, you absolute…”
The voice trails off into grumbling and Scar blinks slowly, looking down at himself. He’s covered in glow ink and his own blood and torn clothes. The clothes don’t look like the right color. He’s pretty sure they’re supposed to be purple.
“Wrong…” Scar mumbles, poking at his clothes. It seems important.
“Maybe because you’re bleeding all over it, Scar, just—“ The figure huffs, just a blob of red and tan, and something is moving behind him. Scar squints. The person seems angry. His weak heart rate picks up.
“D’ you… want a life?” Scar asks, confused and hurt. He can’t think. “I won’t… not for free. Let’s… A deal?”
The blurry person makes some sort of noise that makes Scar think he said something wrong. It sounds like it was punched out of them. Something’s wrong, he said something wrong. Scar’s eyelids are starting to droop, but he forces them open with a whine. The person lurches forward a bit, like they’re trying to catch him, but he’s not falling. Is he?
“D… Don’t go,” Scar pleads, mind scrambling to put together a sales pitch on why they should stay. “I can… I have— if you…”
His vision goes darker around the edges, as his own voice starts to echo in his head. The figure is saying something again, sounding frantic, scared. He wonders why. He hadn’t meant to be scary. He doesn’t think he’s in a condition to even try to be.
The last thing he sees before the darkness takes hold is a hand reaching out.
The first thing he’s aware of, when he wakes up, is not pain. It’s the gentle touch of a hand on his arm, lifting it and wrapping something around it. It still stings, but less so; most likely he’d been given a health potion. He feels warm. Sleepy. He opens his eyes.
The last thing he remembers is phantoms chasing him into Grian’s alley, and then someone finding him. Now with a slightly clearer head, he can only assume it had been Grian himself.
Slowly, he turns his head against the pillow he’s resting on, and he blinks sluggishly at the person currently bandaging his arm. It is Grian, with lines of worry in his face and his wings folded right against his back in that way that meant he was scared. Scar’s brow furrowed.
“…G?” His voice is hoarse, quiet, but Grian’s head still snaps up as if he’d shouted. “What’s wrong?”
Grian’s wings fluff up a little, something like angry disbelief swirling in his eyes.
“What’s wrong?” Grian repeats, half-hysterical. He drops the roll of bandages onto the bed and gestures wildly at Scar’s body. “You keel over in my alley dying of blood loss and you’re asking me what’s wrong?”
“Well, you do seem to be taking it harder than I am,” Scar jokes half-heartedly, attempting to sit up. Grian immediately pushes him back down, and Scar is too shocked to protest.
“Nope, you don’t get to deflect,” Grian says, and somehow it’s as gentle as it is stern. “I know what phantoms mean, Scar, and — and you didn’t even know who I was when I found you. So— so get talking. I know you know how.”
Nerves flare in his stomach, and he breaks eye contact to stare at the wall, inspecting all the random knick knacks on the shelves. He doesn’t know what to say. Doesn’t know how to explain what he’s been feeling since the games, especially since everyone else seems to have moved on already. It feels silly, suddenly, for his biggest problem to be that he’s lonely. That he doesn’t think anyone wants him around.
“Scar,” Grian says, and it’s softer now. “I’m not going anywhere until you talk to me.”
There’s a lump in his throat and a burning in his eyes, and for just a moment Scar pretends that his heartbreak is anger. He sits up, ignoring Grian’s protesting, and he points an accusing finger at the avian.
“Now you want to stay?” Scar says, powering through even when his voice cracks. “Because last I checked, all— all you wanted to do was leave.”
“Scar, what—“
“No, you wanted me to talk! I’m talking!” Scar’s chest hurts, and his hands are cold, and something in him has been breaking for a very long time. “You— you couldn’t wait to tell me that any alliance from the last games were over. And then when I— When I thought I had Mumbo you came and took him away, too.” Scar cradles his shaking hands close to his stomach and looks away, anger slowly draining. “And then Joel— and then I had no one. And no one wanted to— I tried, Grian, but no one wanted to—“
He closes his eyes tightly, trying to stop the inevitable. “No one wanted to stay,” he finishes quietly. “I… I don’t know what I did. I don’t know why no one…”
Scar trails off, laughing a little and rubbing at his eyes, trying to stop the tears before they fall on Grian’s blanket. “I’m sorry. I don’t— I’m just tired.”
“Scar,” Grian says softly, and something about his voice is strange. “Please look at me.”
Scar looks. Grian has asked him, and he looks.
Grian is looking back at him — a small, sad smile on his face — and he’s crying. Scar blinks in surprise, staring, and Grian laughs quietly, reaching up to wipe at his eyes. Scar doesn’t know what’s happening anymore.
“Grian?” Scar says uncertainly.
“Scar,” Grian says, and he sounds both intensely fond and profoundly guilty. “There is nothing wrong with you.”
Scar’s heart skips a beat in his chest, and he swallows hard. Grian keeps going.
“And I’m so sorry,” Grian says, voice cracking. He reaches out a hand and grabs Scar’s, squeezing it tightly. Scar’s breath hitches, his fingers twitching. The touch feels foreign. It almost hurts. He never wants to let go. Grian tugs on his hand, gently, and Scar looks back up at him. Grian looks heartbroken, but focused. “I didn’t mean to leave you alone,” he says.
“Then why did you?” Scar blurts, unable to help it. He feels a little bit pathetic. He can’t care anymore. “Why did everyone—“
“I don’t know,” Grian says, sad and frustrated and desperate. “I know why I did, I— We didn’t end well the first time. Scar, I couldn’t— I couldn’t kill you again. I looked at you and all I could see was…”
(Bloody knuckles. Sandy clothes. Only one gets to win.)
“I know,” Scar says, quietly, both an apology and forgiveness. And then, softer, “I was alone.” His shoulders curl forwards a little. “Everyone had someone and I was…”
Grian puts his other hand on Scar’s uninjured shoulder, and Scar meets his gaze. The avian’s eyes are full of fire, intense determination mingling with stubborn care.
“Never again,” Grian says, like he’s stating a fact of the universe. Like he’s challenging some malevolent god. Then he softens. “You’re not alone, Scar. Not anymore. Not if I have anything to say about it.”
Scar opens his mouth to say something eloquent and thankful and graceful. Instead, he bursts into tears.
Grian pulls him into a hug by the hand he’s still holding, wings coming up to surround them, and for the first time in a long time Scar feels warm. The ache in his chest is fading. His hands aren’t cold. Grian is breathing shakily next to his ear, and he’s being so very careful as to avoid Scar’s injuries, and he’s hugging him.
Scar tucks his face into Grian’s shoulder and cries.
In the morning, Pearl busts down the door with soup and a vendetta against apparently unwelcomed emotions.
(“I heard someone was sad. I’m here to beat it up.” She’s grinning, and Scar can’t help but laugh.)
Impulse arrives a few minutes later and drops Jellie into his lap, smiling softly.
(“I think this one missed you somehow more than we did!” Jellie curls up by his injured leg, and if Scar tears up, no one mentions it.)
Mumbo bursts in last, the salvaged remains of the glow squid ink he’d collected gathered into a little bottle.
(“I tried to get you the fresh stuff, but there wasn’t really a way for them to— to ethically sacrifice themselves. Sorry, mate.” Mumbo is covered in glowing ink, looking genuinely apologetic, and Scar laughs until his ribs hurt.)
And he is not alone.
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Drabble: The Prefect's routine
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I wonder if Yuu's friends ever realize how awful their circumstances is, how innately lonely and scary it is to be far away from home, with a slim chance of returning?
Yuu has put effort Ramshackle dorm to make it livable. They expended time, effort, and their meager allowance to make a home out of it. It distracts them from thinking too much of their home.
Yuu can still remember the coldness of the night they first arrive. The aching of their body as they battled ghosts and the taste of dust in their tongue when they woke up. The wind blew open the window shutters, the hinges of the doors were groaning. There was no peace or comfort except from the warmth of Grim's body.
They found no rest the following days as they had to deal with the first overblot.
Then they had to deal with renovations. They had to fix the broken faucets, replace the waterpipes and throw away rusted metal or rotten wood. They had to clean every corner that they could. The cobwebs on the walls, in the corners and under the tables. One time they fell to the basement due to a rotten floorboard.
In the weekdays they had to study those they were unfamiliar with, alchemy, magic,flying, and history. They felt like a kindergartener as they knew nothing . At night instead of immediately resting they had to do their homework, which they do not understand . Then it was back to trying to fix the faucet to get some water. If the boiler wasn't working, they had to boil hot water in a kettle to take a soothing bath.
Grim and the Ghosts atleast offered them companionship. They had no phone so they take any interaction they get.
The only clothing they ever had with them were the clothes behind their back, which they used as pajamas. Crowley gave them 3 sets of wrinkly old school uniforms,one for class, one for Pe and one for ceremonies, they were ill fitting but atleast they could change . Alas, they had to sew it up together as the seams fell apart after one washing. It still smelled like dust and old mold.
They had nothing else to wear during the weekends, so they settled in sewing up old curtains into shirts. Ace and Deuce were kind enough to donate to them a pair of shorts each, taking pity when they saw Yuu struggling to fix an ancient sewing machine so they could sew more clothing.
Yuu has gotten pretty good at mending old clothes and making new shirts. They even patched up the couch and the curtains.
Then there was the roof. Oh the damn roof keeps leaking and the damn window shutters keeps banging! It drove them insane that they went and tried to fix it themselves, reading up on an old book to learn how to fix it.
That was the first time they fell off the roof.
Luckily they landed on a particularly strong branch. Their stomach was bruised the whole month, which they hid from their friends.They were resilient and stuborn to a fault.
Then theres the laundry that needs to be done. They do it all one friday night, so that if it ever rains by Sunday they'd have fresh clothes to go. The harder part was washing the beddings and the couach, the curtains and the carpets.
The worst was when the electricity turned off or the light bulb bursts. The nights were very cold and they had to huddle closer to Grim while they wait for the next day.
And let's not forget the garden, the trees needd trimming. The fence needed repainting. The gate needed replacing. The lawn needed mowing.
It was like that, day by day. Study, clean up ramshackle, find another broken thing in the dorm, fix it, do homework, do Crowley's errands, hang out with their friends.
Repeat.Repeat. Repeat.
If there was a moment of peace and quite, it never lasted long.
It surprises the others when Yuu doesn't keep a grudge against those who overblotted. The guys who were the reason Yuu had more on their plate. The persons who were the reason Crowley made Yuu write an entire report on the happenings.Alas, they still did it with no complaints.
Yuu makes sure that they do not have the time to be idle. If they hands are, their mind shouldn't .
Never ever EVER be alone with their own thoughts.
They cannot allow themselves to wallow in self pity. They had a dorm to maintain, a cat to take care of, friends to entertain and school work to be done.
Their hands have never felt rougher.Their shoulder never felt so stiffer.
But that's just the way things go.
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burstinn · 10 months
Obsessed! König x Male! Reader
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Warnings and notes:
You have been kidnapped
No proofreading again lazy writing
Bad German/ some words are translated
Mentioning that you are just an ordinary guy that works in a cafe. Lee mao
You had a breakdown and are now unresponsive to König. Though the breakdown is not mentioned you are unresponsive now.
"Du bist mein Mann"
König would whisper in your ear, slowly caressing your face lovingly. He didn't care if you cried or screamed, he didn't care if you denied your love for him.
You are his Husband.
And you would learn that soon, you better learn it soon.
He would leave you in his basement for God knows how long. He hid you down here ever since.. He took you..
You are a normal man really. You work at a small Cafe inthe suburbs as an asisstant manager. You go to the grocers every Friday. You would greet the old lady to help her with her chores everytime you could.
You had a routine, you had a normal life.
Until he came, König he called himself.
"Ahh.. E.. Es Tut.. Mer.. I'm sorry are you closed?"
Though he looked and sounded intimidating, His eyes looked very.. Meek and nervous when you first met him.
König was wearing all dark clothes that day, a hoodie and mask covering his face. His towering figure over the counter almost scared you off into saying 'yes we're closed'. Maybe you should've just said you were closed. So you wouldn't be in this situation. Locked up under this house.
"Oh! No no don't worry! You can order don't worry. You can be my last customer"
You could only see a small shine of happiness and relief in his eyes when you said you were still open. You should've just told him to fuck off..
It was already tiring to clean the equipment and floors and after making his order you had to reclean in again. Past work hours. You should've left hours ago. But you decided to be nice that day... Why.
"I'm sorry.. How much should I pay?"
"It's okay, it's on the house.. You can have your order for free"
You smiled at him.
And that's when he would come over to the cafe.. Every time. He almost became a regular.
But König had strange breaks in between.
It would be 2 weeks, 6 months, 3 months, and 1 year.
He would never explain why, but you shouldn't really ask.. It's none of your business anyway.
You would simply put on a smile at him everytime, cheerily greeting him and already asking him if he was gonna have his same order.
Hell, you even just saved a room for him. A corner in the store, it's obvious by his first meeting he was an anxious man. And you felt for him so everytime maybe to ease him a bit.
You would always strike up a conversation. Even if he doesn't answer, you would talk.
And he eventually did start engaging in conversations. Slowly but surely he would become more lively around you.
He would ask you would answer, you would ask he would answer as well. It was good.
You even had a reason why he had strange long breaks in between visits to the cafe. Apparently, he is a Colonel of a military. What an interesting man, knows how to shout orders but can't speak properly when ordering something?
It was good. Life was good.
You had known König for long enough that you have his number, know his address and know everything about his simple interest.
So does he, even something simple you mentioned he would know. Even if you didn't remember you said that. It impressed you.
He would send you gifts even when he was still in his job in the military. One time he walked in wearing his uniform. Imagine your surprise when it was König, all wide eyed and mouth agape.
"Oh.. Hi! Uhm.. What's your order?"
"Hallo! I'll have my usual, bitte"
"... ", " König..?"
"Ja? Ich bin König!"
It was funny, he would even do it at times.. But it was obvious he would only do it just to tease you or make fun of you or something.
You would visit his house at times, funnily he would still cover his face around you.. Even though you were friends for like 7 or 8 years?
He even taught you some German.
You'd hang out with each other out of work if König or you had matching schedules to even hang out.
So you guys both plan ahead, never missing any hang outs. Lest one of you got an emergency call.
It was nice.. Simple.
You got a new friend, and you had a routine life.
All of that stopped when you got a text from König that he would be gone to the military for a few months. Of course you were saddened by that of course you sent your sad faces and good lucks.
Making your way to work, getting bombarded with customers. And annoyingly, having to fix a machine by yourself while you tell the rest of the employees to go home for the night. Really it just decided to break when it was way past the time to get home? Having to stay over work time once again really ticks people off. Especially when you don't get paid for your overtime.
Atleast the whole place was clean. You just needed to fix the machine, and it took about... You stayed there for 1.5 hours trying to fix it. Fucking dammit, An angry smashing of the plates and tables was an order but you were to tired to do any of that. Instead you make sure everything is in check before closing the lights, getting your stuff and locking the place up.
Fucking finally. You can go home and rest..
Walking your way back should've been simple, you should've been safe this was a tight knit community. Everyone knew everyone, even new comers. No one would try anything but you had to be the one.
All was well til you felt gloved hands grab you from behind. Shoving you hard against the ground, covering your mouth as they blindfolded you and gagged your mouth
Someone should've heard you, especially when you managed to slip away and ran for a few miles before getting caught again. Being dragged back to the dark..
"Bitte, es tut mer leid.. It's okay"
Imagine the betrayal, you stop struggling looking behind you to see your friend. Dragging you to his car and shoving you inside.. Not before tying you up. All the while apologizing and trying to explain something.
Not like you were listening, all that mattered was the fact you were being kidnapped by your best friend.
"Leibing, I'm back"
2 clicks then loud thuds coming from the stairs as he makes his way down to the makeshift room König prepared for you. A bed, a small bathroom, a small kitchen with all the supplies you needed. No knives, König was smart enough to think you would try to kill him.. But worse yourself. He can defend himself easily from you.
Especially that one time you managed to break off a piece from the cabinet and trying to stab him.
He made sure to lock you down here longer.
He's not a monster though. He knows you have a system to do things so every twice a week he would bring you outside. Monitored.
If he was out on his job, he would just open a makeshift window for you to bask in the sun while he was away.
He would always stock your food, even giving you snacks.
He gave you a T. V, books, magazines, small toys and games to keep yourself entertained.
He bought you new clothes, he brought you gifts from his travels.
"Liebe? Are you hiding?"
Peek around the corner. There you are. You're curled up in a ball. Tired and emotionless as usual.
"You haven't been sleeping again, have you?"
He walks over to you, wrapping you in his arms
" Ich liebe dich so sehr.. You know that right?"
"It's why I did this.. es ist für dich"
You don't answer
You stopped answering just a few weeks ago
König missed your old personality, where was the cheerful you? The one who would strike up the conversation first.
But König knew why, He knew the consequences way back when he planned on doing this.
He planned this for so long to have you.
He could live with the changes, He could live with the fact that you probably hate him now.
Stockholm Syndrome was his hope of you loving him back, but he knew it would take a while. He can be patient, he waited long enough.
He cupped your face, lifting up his hood slightly to give you a loving kiss.
You stopped fighting back as well.
"Ich kann auf dich warten"
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ja3hwa · 11 months
♡ 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟕: 𝐒𝐮𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐛𝐮𝐬/𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐮𝐛𝐮𝐬 - 𝐂.𝐒 ♡
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You Make Me, Make Sense
【Synopsis】 : Halloween is filled with spooky ghost stories and haunted places. But what if you end up walking right into a nightmare that was hiding a dream?
『Word count』 : 3.50k
-> Genre: Dark Romance. Fluff. Suggestive.  
Paring: Human!San x Succubus!Reader
[Warnings] : Mention of rape. Non-con [doesn’t involve San.] nudity. Imprisonment. Slavery. Use of the name master. Swearing. Withc craft. Kissing, mention of sex. Kind of character death? Lots of heart aching romance. petnames.
Thank you, @sanniesbunnie, for requesting San for this day. ♡♡♡♡
Note : I'm really proud of this story arch even though there isn't any smut ehhe. I enjoyed writing this style so much, and I'm definitely making more in the future. ♡
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“Come on, please. Let’s just go home.” Seonghwa stated, hugging his chest with tight arms. Hongjoong was rubbing slow circles in his back trying to calm down the older male but in truth, he was just as scared as he was. The only ones in fact out of all the men who weren’t scared were Jongho and Yeosang. They all thought it would be a good idea,  instead of spending one of the spookiest nights of the year watching horror films, they picked one of the closest abandoned estates. It also happened to be a church just outside of the city. So here the eight of them were, exploring the eerie run-down building. At first, they poked fun, none of them believing in such myths of demons or the supernatural.
But as they went deeper into the church, heading down towards the basement. Something felt off. And they all started voicing their concerns. Well everyone but San. For once he went silent. No longer say how stupid this trip was and how he was the only one who didn’t want to be there. He stopped cracking jokes. No, he was as quiet as a mouse and it made everyone else worried. “Uhh, maybe we should go now before it gets dark.” Wooyoung tugged on San’s arm, but the male did not budged, almost hypnotized in a way.
“Hey, San. Let’s go.” Seonghwa yelled from the back of the group. But again, San did not respond, he just kept walking down the flight of stairs leading to the basement. He felt the sudden need to be in the dim room below. Like something was calling from him. The voices of his friends were muffled in the background of his mind, and a thick ball of saliva was cut in his throat. The others had stopped in their tracks hearing the wind whispers and whales. Something was wrong, something unworldly. All the guys felt like someone had walked over their graves. But San felt a pull like a siren was calling a pirate at sea. Comfort and safety that hid nothing but death.
Everyone looked at him again before bickering amongst themselves, trying to decide what to do. But it was too late, San had opened the door to the basement and walked right into it. “Wait San!” They all yelled, but it was useless. The door shut in their faces, locking them outside. The loud bang of the old oak door snapped San out of his hazed state, suddenly and frantically looking around in the pitch-black room. His breathing quickened and he yelled for his friends calling their names out one by one. But no one answered.
He was alone.
Or so he thought. A soft smell of rose petals and sage caught his attention, seeing a small flame appear on the other side of the room. He watched slowly as candles on the walls, tables and shelves began to light all on their own. The room was painted in an orange hue from the fire, letting him finally see his surroundings. There was a large old carpet in the middle of the room, around it was some tables with or sorts on them. Potion-making material maybe? San wasn’t very knowledgeable on the witchy arts but he’s seen enough movies to know what it looked like. “H-Hello?”
He called out, desperate to know why he was in this strange room by himself. The fear he felt moments ago was dissipating quickly, leaving an innocent-like curiosity. Why was he not fearing for his life? Why did he not want to run and find an exit? He couldn’t understand, letting his fingers rake over old books and instruments before making his way over to a lectern. It had an ancient textbook open on it, showing a key to the book. He flicked through it, feeling the old leathery-like paper under the pads of his fingertips.  But he had to stop on one page as if the book was calling for him to stop. There was that feeling again. The pull. The urge to do something? But what?
“By the forces of heaven and hell. Draw to us this woman fell. In dreams, she comes, but wake is stronger. Send thu an enchantress before the night ends to somber.” San had no idea what he just said aloud or what the language could be. Maybe Latin? He thought. Or some type of old ancient language. One that’s been dead longer than he was alive. He couldn’t explain to himself let alone to his friends once he finally managed to get out, why was he was here, nor why he was reading Latin. Nothing was making sense. Yet everything strangely felt right.
The next moment before San began to think, a shift in the floor caught his attention. Followed with a loud rumble, in the centre of the room it seemed to open a crack in the floor. San had to rub his eyes at what he was seeing, sure candles lighting by themselves might have been enough to convince him of magic or the supernatural but the large opening in the floor which seemingly looked as if hell broke through surely took the cake.
Blinking his eyes rapidly rubbing them in an attempt to see what was happening in front of him and then suddenly all the candles blew out and the light from the crack in the floor was gone. It was pitch black once again. Until a small pink hue illuminated his view. The soft light was pouring from what seemed to be two hard objects. Wait no, a person? “H-Hello?”
The creature that was laying on it’s knees jumped up, frightened from the noise. The creature was a mixture of pinks and black shades. Wings stretching out as if they had been curled up for centuries. And a tail, one so long it could wrap around the little demons body. It turned to face San and he had to hold his breath. You were the most gorgeous thing he had ever seen. Your bright glowing pink eyes were wide and almost innocent. While your roses hued skin fell contrast to the pitch black horns decorating your head. Your long black tail swayed curiously with the glowing peach pink catching San’s eyes. You weren’t human, yet you looked almost human. “M-Master?”
Your voice was sweet, like a siren. It was smooth, and somber, drawing him in just like the book had done prior. Were you the one calling him with the book? But why? “w-who are you?” San wanted to ask what are you but chose against it. You stood up with wobbly legs, wanting to get closer to your saviour but you ultimately fell back down onto the soft dusty carpet. San noticed your weakness, moving faster than his own thoughts he was in front of you in seconds, gabbing your hands as if that would hold you up in a way. You gulped at his touch, sending a shock wave of pleasure towards San without meaning to.
He felt hot, like a motion of a summer heat blared through his veins. Your skin felt so soft, smooth. Unlike any type of silk San had ever felt. Now that he was closer to you, he was able to take a lot more details, noticing tattered cloth around your bust and lower parts. The only thing humanly in nature on you was a collar, with a thick padlock on it. “Are you okay?” he had to ask feeling a sense of worry with the chain around your delicate neck.
You looked at him with warm eyes. You don’t recall anyone ever asking if you were okay. Then again you had been a slave, bound to the very book San had just read aloud for over many centuries. Stuck in a loop of waiting for another to summon you. None of them freed you or even wanted to know what, who or why you were bound and alone. Every single man that awoken you only wanted one thing. “I...I’m fine master.”
It felt like he was playing such a cruel game. Trying to trick you into thinking he cared. But from all the experience you’ve had with men you know, he would be just the same. So why not start it yourself? Hoping he’d be quick like the others. You gripped the knot on the rag you wore as a shirt and started to undo making San look down in confusion but before he could voice himself your lips locked on his making him gasp. Why on earth were you kissing him, or better yet, why would you undress yourself? Your lips were so soft, so plump, almost hypnotizing but San managed to snap out of it, frantically grabbing your hands so you’d stop undressing.
Pulling away he looked at you with worry making you scared that you might have done something wrong; “Why did you kiss me!?” he didn’t mean to sound aggressive but his deep voice made you flinch. Lowering your head you could feel a tightness in your throat and a groan in your gut.
“I-I’m so sorry master. I didn’t m-mean t―will you stop calling me that.” he cut you off. He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, trying to understand what was going on. He could see you playing with your fingers, not looking at him but only at the ground. For a demon, you were as human depicted. He would have thought of some scary soul-hungry beast that hated the human race. But you were completely different. You were cute, shy, and definitely not a beast of any kind. Using his fingers, he lifted your face up by your chin making you look at him. His eyes were soft making your watery ones shift between his features.
“I have no clue what I did to bring you here but I’m sorry if you got the wrong impression…” his words seemed genuine making you feel like a weight was lifted from your shoulders. He would have been the first person to look at you like a being and not something to use. Your pink cheeks grew hot tainting them a deep red from embarrassment. He cleared out his throat trying to find how to express why he was even there in this dark basement in the first place. “I felt like I needed to read the book. Even though I had no clue what I was saying or if I said it right.” he chuckles trying to lighten the mood but you stayed silent listening to him. He had a nice voice, a caring tone. You never knew how much you missed conversation until now.
“Hmm…” You didn’t know how to respond. He begins to ramble, hoping that if he opens up more it will somehow comfort you. He told about his friends and why none of them including him really wanted to go to the church but since it was Friday the 13th they all decided it would be a great idea to scar one another. You chuckled, lightly making San smile. He was glad he was able to make you smile, heck even laugh. He then decided to brave it and asked you some questions.
“oh, and I’m San by the way. I might be a bit rusty but I know demons don’t tell mortals their real name…but could I ask; what do you want me to call you? Can I ask why happened to you?” His voice was shaky, heart racing like a sports car. It was silent for a moment but San waited, finding patience for you.
“It’s a curse. I uh.. angered the men in my village. They thought I was a witch and killed the priests' son…”
“Oh…” San was not expecting that.
“To be fair I was a witch. But I didn’t kill that babe. He was a stillborn but he needed to blame someone for his genetic ‘sin’. the village witch would suffice…” you looked up at him, giving him a defeated look. He felt terrible that this all happened to you. “they used one of my demonology books I was studying at the time and turned me into a succubus. Forcing me to please the same men that damned me. I guess all men love this idea to taint a creature other than human.”
“I’m so sorry that happened to you. If I could time travel, I would go back in time to stop you from being imprisoned. Kill every man that tried to hurt you.” he doesn’t know where this protectiveness is coming from but it felt like he needed to. Protect you from men, protect you from anything. Keep you safe. Hold you close. Have you as his—
“I...Uh, is there a way to unbreak it?” His words made your heart stop. You never thought someone would ask you such a thing. Your eyes swelled, lip quivering. Jumping over to San to give him a big hug. He wrapped his arms around your bare waist without hesitation, bringing his face into the crook of your neck. You smelt like strawberries, and fresh cream, with a hint of fresh grass. Your body sat so perfectly against his and your skin was so soft. Your hair brushed slightly against his nose tickling him slightly. You were so perfect, no matter how “beast” like others would say you are. Everything went silent again but it was not awkward. He just slowly stroked your hair, letting you cry against his chest, wetting his shirt.
Once you calmed, you sat up but not moving off his lap. Looking around the room you see some red candles, sage and other ingredients for a curse-breaking spell. Your hands dug into his shoulders while his hands never left your hips. Your tail swayed slightly,  grazing against San’s hand. “Okay if I prepare the addictive’s then you can read the spell out…given I cannot touch the book.”
San quickly said yes, helping you stand. You wobbled over to one of the tables picking up things San couldn’t even begin to understand what they’d be used for. You directed him to take the objects to the floor where you were both sat. While you wrote down some scribbles, sigals? Defineifty sigals.
“Okay ready. Uh, if you go to the back of the book there will be reversing spells. Look for the one that says sex demon.” you said it so casually he had to stop for a moment, choking on his saliva.
“S-sex demon.” That’s what you were. He guessed that the men used you in, defiling ways. But the fact you were a sexual demonic being made his stomach turn. “I’m sorry…” was all he could say.
“hmm, it’s okay. It’s not your fault.” You stopped drawing the sigal, beginning to play with the chalk, feeling a sense of oddness from hearing San be so forgiving, so caring.
“Will you become human again…” He asks making you step back into your mind for a moment. “would you stay the age you were before you were a demon? Having lost no time. Or would you rapidly age…” you never thought about it like that, feeling so giddy about finally being able to get to be human and yet you had no idea what would truly happen if you completed the spell.
“I don’t know… but anything is better than being this thing I’ve been for centuries. If I do become human again and I do get to live.” you hiccuped a little. “I want to see the sun again.” a tear spills of your cheek. “I want to feel the grass on my toes. Sense the cool breeze on my cheeks.”
You sounded almost poetic in a way. You old tongue making language sound more elegant than it was today in modern society. “I’ll show you.” he smiled. “I’ll show you the world when we get you free. I promise.”
San sighed, gulping slightly at the thought his promise could be emptier than he would have wished. But he wanted to be hopeful, not just for him. But for you. He needed you to taste freedom, even if it was just for a moment. Everything was set quickly after, and you sat down in the circle you had drawn up. You were ready, looking at San to give him the all-clear. “Uh before we start could I ask for one thing.”
He had been humming and haring about this thought. It rattled in his brain for a good few minutes. If you were about to die he wanted to say something, even if he sounded like a fool for it. “Go on.”
“We just met and I don’t even know your name but I’m glad to have met you. For the first time in a long time, it felt like my world was making sense. Like life wasn’t on its own head. You…” he paused looking anywhere else in the room other then your cute figure. “you make me, make sense…”
He didn’t know if he knew to himself it was a confession of love, or friendship or anything. The words felt right and he needed you to hear them. And before he could take back anything playing it off as he was being stupid you whispered something catching his gaze. And then you spoke again, repeating a single name a loud;
“That’s my name…and you also make me feel like I make sense.” you both had to laugh at how ridiculous the meaning sounded. But it was now your meaning. The phrase you both could secretly share.
“Can I kiss you one more time…” His voice slipped off his tongue before he could say anything. You blushed again, but not out of embarrassment this time but bashfulness. You nodded your head letting San jump from his position at the lectern stepping carefully but quickly over the markings before cupping your face to kiss you. It was a kiss you’ve never experienced before. One of passion, not pure disgusting, lust or ownership. He kissed you as if you were a goddess in front of him, giving him the pleasure of sealing your lips against his own. Not like some pig looking for somewhere to put his tongue down.
He pulled away letting you catch a breath, your noses rubbing against one another and your breaths mixing like a perfect combination. “I swear, you live and I won’t let you go,” he promised.
You giggled, “deal.”
He finally let you go moving back to the lectern finding the page he needed to read. Once you gave the all clear he began to slowly read the foreign language out. You had to bite your tongue, finding it a little funny how even though he is getting the words right they sound so choppy coming off his non-Latin tongue. The wind started to whistle and the candles lit one by one, smoke drew around you and your heartbeat slowed, then slowed until your eyes grew heavy. San got to the end of the passage finally done with the incantation, looking up he saw you hunched over on the ground. Your palm flat on the cold concrete and your tail swaying had slowed. Your pink eyes soon faded, becoming grey. While your horns turned a pitch-coloured dusting away along with your tail.
The spell was working.
Your skin turned from a soft coral pink back to what it once was and your hair, too. Everything was working. Everything was going to plan. And then a gust of wind rawred towards San, punching him back against the book shelf behind him successfully knocking him out.
San groaned, sitting up slowly while rubbing the back of his neck. His hazy eyes glance at all the papers and books around him. Wait had the spell worked? He stood up fast, shaking off the sudden head rush looking to see a normal human girl lying unconscious in the middle of the room. It was you. “darling!”
He ran towards you, dropping down to his knees so he could place your head in his lap. You weren't breathing, and he couldn’t feel a pulse. “Nonononono. Come one!” he rambled laying you down he checked your vitals, seeing your heart was in fact beating. He got to work, thanking his parent for teaching him how to give CPR. Starting compressions he counted. And counted. And then some. But you weren't coming back…
“No….I… I was supposed to show you the sun.” Tears wet his cheeks, as he sat there for a second, minutes, hours. He did not know anymore. He promised to set you free and he had failed. “I’m sorry…I’m so.. so, sorry.”
He hugged you, held your lifeless body tightly, until a lone arm wrapped around his neck. “Why are you sorry?”
“Oh my god!” he pulled back just to kiss you, holding you once more. You laughed in the kiss, crying tears of relief, joy... He had helped you be who you once were and you would never have to see the grim basement you were forced to call home ever again.
You were free.
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angelbaby-fics · 11 months
Just saw my first picture of Ransom in the sweater during Autumn It has me thinking about Ransom where him being independent and less of a rich meanie, he is doing laundry and shrinks his sweater. THE sweater. So little gets a sweater just like cg Ransom. And he has to go buy another so they can match ♡ and they cuddle and eat cookies together ♡ that sounds like a nice day to me ♡
Sweater Weather
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Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: OMGGGGGGG anon this is such a cute idea!! i had to write it as a full fic & i even have some inklings of a part 2 in mind 😳 ahhh i'd give anything to hug him in that big comfy cozy sweater omg 🥺💕
Ransom could absolutely, one hundred percent do his own laundry. Seriously, how hard could it be? All he had to do was put the clothes in the machine, pour in some soap, and press start. Just because it took him until his forties to start doing this on his own didn’t mean you couldn’t teach an old dog new tricks. Ransom was committed to setting a good example for you, teaching you how to be self-sustaining and not just a spoiled brat like he’d once been. As a result of this decision, the maid now only came every two weeks instead of weekly, and Ransom was responsible for everything in between. 
Dragging the hamper down into the laundry room, Ransom sighed as he tossed handfuls of dirty clothes into the washing machine. He slammed the metal door shut with a roll of his eyes; just because he could do the laundry didn’t mean he had to enjoy it. As the water began to fill up the drum of the machine, Ransom went back upstairs, settling into his big armchair to enjoy a book while he waited for you to wake up. The coffee he’d made earlier that morning was already room temperature by now, but he decided he’d rather just bear it than get up and make a new one. One chore was enough to deal with right now. When less than five minutes remained on the wash cycle, Ransom heard you stirring in your room upstairs. 
He took the stairs two at a time, not wasting a second to get you into his arms. Lifting you out of your crib, he rocked you back and forth, patting your back to soothe away a sob that hadn’t yet come. Ransom bounced you on his hip for a few minutes as you adjusted to the new morning, whispering sweet affirmations as you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. He carried you over to the window, and you hid your face into his chest as he opened the curtains to let in the sunshine. Your daddy smelled like wood and cinnamon and love all wrapped up in one man.
The buzzer of the washing machine went off just as Ransom and you reached the bottom of the stairs. You looked up at him with wide eyes, frightened by the sudden noise, but he comforted you once more. “Shh baby, don’t worry,” Ransom soothed, “It's just the laundry.” He picked your blanket and pacifier up from the couch, adorning you with both. “Do you wanna help me put it all in the dryer?” You nodded, always eager for quality time with your daddy. He carried you back down to the basement where the laundry room was. You rarely saw this part of the house as you rarely needed to, aside from laundry it was mostly used for storage and guest accommodations if the upstairs guest rooms were taken. Curiously, you gazed all around you, taking in all the aspects of this new part of your daddy’s massive house. 
Ransom sat you on top of the dryer. Opening the doors of both machines, he began to take out damp clothes and hand them to you. It was your job to toss the clothes into the opening of the dryer below you. Finally, when all the clothes were loaded in, Ransom handed you a dryer sheet to put in with it all. It smelled like fresh lavender, the familiar scent of your sheets and blankets. You grinned behind your paci, so proud to be part of what made your house a home. Ransom picked you up off the dryer and set you down on the floor so you could push the door closed all by yourself, and you waved at your clothes through the clear window as they began to spin. 
To pass the time while the clothes dried, Ransom made you breakfast and helped you eat it at the kitchen table. He was just wiping off your face with the corner of your bib when he heard the buzzer on the dryer. This time you weren’t scared, you knew what the sound meant. 
“Is ready?” You asked with excitement.
“It sure is! Do you wanna help me organize it?” Ransom offered, happy to have his favorite little helper make the chores less boring.
Ransom removed your bib and lifted you back onto his hip. He put you back on top of the dryer and scooped all the warm, clean clothes into a hamper to take back upstairs.
“I’m sorry baby, but you gotta walk up with me.” He said with a sigh. “Daddy can’t hold you and the basket at the same time!”
But being the stubborn and spoiled little angel that you were, that wasn’t gonna happen. So Ransom carried you back upstairs, settled you into his big comfy bed, handed you a stuffy to watch you for the moment, and then retrieved the laundry on a second trip. When he got back upstairs, he dumped the warm clothes on top of you, making you giggle as the fresh laundry rained down on you in a flurry of cozy smells and soft textures. You emerged from the pile like a baby chicky from an egg. Ransom kissed your nose before starting to pick the clothes off of you one by one, folding each one as he went. One of your t-shirts, then another, a pair of his socks, and a cute little sweater of yours. 
Except… he couldn’t remember buying a sweater like this for you. In fact, it looked an awful lot like one of his sweaters but smaller.
“Oh, come on!” Ransom whined, dropping the shrunken sweater on the bed with frustrated force.
“What’s wrong, daddy?” You asked.
“I’m not sure,” Ransom replied, taking out his phone and furrowing his brows as he typed. 
Turns out, laundry was indeed more complicated than Ransom had assumed. If he’d been more careful, he would have known that some clothes needed special settings, or else the heat could warp the fibers and make them shrink. Thus, his favorite cream-colored cable knit sweater was now far too small for his giant frame.
It was perfect for you, however.
Thinking quickly, Ransom picked the sweater back up and held it up to you. Your eyes widened with glee. A new sweater just for you? And you’d be matching with daddy! You eagerly took the sweater out of his hands and put it on over your shirt. It fit you perfectly, the sleeves just slightly too long in the most perfectly cozy way. Wearing it felt like a constant hug from Ransom. Despite having just been washed, you could still smell him under the lavender scent. The threads of the knit were comfortably lived in, frayed around the hem from years of wear and anxious fiddling. That’s when you realized it was Ransom’s sweater all along, shrunken down to your size.
“But daddy…. It’s s’posed to be yours!” You said, looking up at him with a nervous look. 
As happy as you were to be the new owner of your favorite sweater, it saddened you to think you would never see him wear it again. Your eyes started to water, mourning the vision of your daddy as you always imagined him, snuggled up in the piece of clothing he’d owned the longest and worn most often. Change was hard for you to take, and Ransom understood that. “Hey, it's okay baby, you can have it now!” Ransom tried to cheer you up, gently wiping the tears from your face with his soft fingers.
“But I want you to have it!” You cried into the sleeves.
“It's too small for me, baby!” He laughed, a smile breaking through your sobs as you imagined Ransom squeezed into a tiny sweater. “But if you want, I can buy a new one for myself. Then we can match!”
You smiled, nodding leaning forward into his arms.
“Yeah? You like that idea?” Random asked, and you nodded again, killing two birds with one stone as you used the action to dry your tears on his shirt. “Alright baby, let's go out and buy a new sweater for daddy.”
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scenteddelusion5 · 7 months
can you write a zestial x reader where the reader is an angel and they have a secret relationship but the seraphim found out and b an ned her from heaven
A Daring Creature -Part 1
Zestial x angel fem reader
Note: AHHH!!! I LOVE this!! Also why don't we have yellow text colours! I also had to take a LOT of liberties writing Zestial because we don't know much about him.
Warning: inacurate middle English
Word count: 1880
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4
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Zestial was more than 400 years old, he lost the real count a LONG time ago. What he would never lose count of was how long he'd known her. To be fair it wasn't all THAT long ago, only 42 years ago, but he swore to himself he'd never forget that day.
He was hiding out in his mansion on his territory during extermination day when he heard a loud pang outside. Something must've hit the ground very hard, if it was a sinner they would probably already be dead by this point and if it was an exterminator, he didn't want to cross paths with them. So instead he hid deeper, in the basement of his mansion.
The day went on without a hitch and Zestial could leave his manor again to check what happened. While he was exploring his garden, he found a strange creature had crashed into the path, having destroyed the beautiful tiles. She had giant white wings and a yellow halo above her head. small wounds and bruises adorned her body with golden blood flowing out of them, they were, however, healing quickly. She wasn't dead.
Was this angel an exterminator? No, she didn't wear their uniform nor did she hold a black hallow like her military sisters, then why was she here. Zestial had many questions, but first he had to decide. Was it worth bringing in this angel to gain their favour even though she could become a threat later on?
She didn't seem to have any angelic weapons on her, she wouldn't be able to kill him... Zestial decided to bring her in and laid her down on a bed in one of his guest rooms. He designated one of his demon contracts to take care of her and warn him when she wakes up.
Y/n woke up with a headache, the last thing she remembered was falling face first into the ground and now she was in a bed? How did she get here. She slowly sat up, looking around the room, it was decorated with red, black and greenish yellow decor. Did this mean she made it to hell? Another look over her eyes landed on a man standing in the corner, he was short, wore a butler-like uniform and had a web in his hair. What she assumed to be a demon, had red skin and black horns.
"H-hello," she spoke but the demon stayed quiet. "Where am I?"
The demon looked at his watch. "Please put on this attire and wait here. I'll be informing master that you're awake." And with that the demon left without answering her question.
On the chair laid a simple black dress, nothing fancy but it also wasn't a rag. She slowly got out of bed, being careful with her headache, and changed out of her very badly damaged angel attire.
Who was this guy's master? The demon who lived there seemed to be very well of and thus powerful. What kind of mess did she get herself in now?
A knock came from the door, "lady, if you're finished changing please come out."
When she walked out, she saw the same demon waiting on her in the hallway.
"Follow me."
Looking around the hallways, the building looked like it was decorated by someone from th 17th century. Besides all the luxury paintings and dressers, what really stood out were the strange spiderweb motives all around the building, from the wallpapers to the candle chandeliers.
They ended up in front of a pair of doors that were at least 3 meters (10 feet) tall. The tops were arched and the handles looked like spiders.
The demon knocked on the giant doors. "She's here, sir."
"Thee can enter!"
The demon didn't react, so Y/n opened the door just enough to walk through. Inside was an office. The wooden walls as well as the furniture had flowery carvings in them, the fabric used for the cushiony parts of the furniture had web patterns in them and the candle light glowed green instead of yellow.
On the armchair behind the desk sat a tall figure, he had four green glowing eyes, a dark black cloak wrapped around his body, spider held the place of where his bowtie was supposed to be and a hat sat upon his head making his already tall figure even taller.
"Please, sitteth down." The man conjured up two cups of thee, one of which he took a sip from. "Now, wherefore is there an angel down here? Thee aren't an exterminator."
"I was just really curious about hell and kind off... Snuck down." Y/n awkwardly looked around the room avoiding eye contact with the demon in front of her. "What is an exterminator?"
Zestial choked on his tea hearing her question. "Does thou not knoweth?"
"No," she answered.
"Alloweth me to proposeth a deal." He got her attention again after she started to search around the room again. "I shall bid thee about the exterminations and hell, in turneth thee bid me in detaileth about how thee did get here." Zestial held out his hand, it became surrounded by glowing webs.
"Uhm sure, but we don't have to do the hand thingy." She laughed it off. "So when I first arrived in heaven three years ago, I started to wonder what hell was like. Nobody could give me a concrete answer, not even the seraphim. I made it my mission to find out what's it like. After two years, I realised a group of angels went down every year..."
"Hey lute!" Y/n ran up to the older angel. "Where were you yesterday?" "Work." "For a whole twenty four hours?" She asked. "Yes," Lute sighed, "what do you want Y/n?" "I was just curious." "Too curious, it's none of your business where and how I work."
"I knew I just had to follow them, so the next time they gathered, I snuck through the gates and jumped after them. On the way down, I had a bit of an accident, my wing got caught on the metal tip of a strange tower and it ripped through me. And that's how I ended up falling into the ground."
"I supposeth I shouldst hold up my own endeth. Every year, the heavens sendeth down an army of exterminators." As Zestial was telling her this Y/n's eyes widened. "Thy sisters cometh down to slaught'r."
"I... I know Lute and the others aren't model angels, but I doubt they would-"
"T's the thruth." Zestial stood up from his desk. "Anon, t's better thee leaveth. I wanteth not beest the targeteth of thy sisters."
He was about to snap his fingers when Y/n yelled, "WAIT!"
He stopped.
"How about another deal? No one of the angels know I'm here and I have a strong alibi. You seem like a powerful demon and I probably wouldn't survive the streets of hell. So, I stay with you for a year, you show me around and I'll give you... Whatever you want...?" Even though she talked a million miles a minute, he still understood her.
"I aught to want?" He considered it for a few seconds. "Dealeth." Zestial held out his hand and the glowing webs were back.
"You haven't said what yet..." But y/n didn't get an answer. "Fine, ONE thing you want."
Zestial nodded his head.
She shook his hand and for a slight second, his whole appearance seemed to change. The man became even taller, spiders crawled around his body and webs covered their intertwined hands. And then it was gone again, like it never happened.
"Edward shall be in chargeth of thy careth. I expecteth thee to never grise foor of these grounds unless thee has't mine own permission to doth so. Thee may taketh thy leave now." He shoed her away.
Y/n walked out of her office finally realising the gravity of the situation. She just gave a DEMON to make her do or get anything he wanted from her without any limits, except that he could only do so once of course. How stupid could she be? At least now she had a safe place to stay and a very intimidating tour guide.
A week went by and Y/n hadn't been able to explore hell at all. She was stuck in the manor, barely even allowed into the garden. At least she grew closer to the demon butler Edward.
At first the man was distant and cold but he slowly opened up to her. His wife and kids had gone to heaven while he was cast down for protecting them. Zestial had offered the safe and comfortable job as his butler and Edward accepted.
She also learned he was a lot more of a joker than he made himself out to be. When Y/n was helping him prepare dinner for only them two, which they decided was going to be pizza, she had tried to spin the dough and toss it in the air. It went horribly wrong, the dough landing on top of her face. Edward laughed so hard he started crying, after a while the man decided to try it too, only to end up in the same predicament.
Zestial was aware the two had grown closer, he didn’t mind, however. It meant that she wouldn’t bother him and go to Edward for everything. What he wasn't aware of was for the fact that Y/n had made it her mission to create fun activities in an otherwise boring mansion.
One day, Zestial was walking down the corridor to go and ask Ed to pick up an important package for him, only to find the strangest display in the hallway.
"This is going to go horribly wrong," the butler stated.
"It'll be fine, loosen up!" She laughed.
Edward sighed, "If you get hurt, I'm not patching up your wounds."
"I'll take that risk."
What Zestial saw was that the angel had tied sponges to her shoes and tried to skate around on the wet and soapy marble floor. He was just about to speak up when she slipped and fell back. Her back hit his waist, he quickly caught her.
"What art thee doing, î̷̟n̷̰͆͜s̴̢͍͒o̷̖͐l̷̟͇̂͠é̷͖n̶̙̫̑t̶̲̘̅͝ angel?" The overlord was glaring at her.
"I'm sorry sir, uh... Zestial sir." Y/n looked down at her soapy boots. "But you haven't showed me around all the fun stuff in hell, so I decided to make the fun!"
"I can't even but now," he explained, "Everything in doth timeth."
"Then I'll keep finding fun things to do."
Zestial sighed. Maybe this angel was more work than she was worth. "Fine, I shall taketh thee out tomorrow morning." He caved. "Doth not maketh me regreth it."
That nights Zestial was pondering about his angel guest while looking for a big robe. She was quite bothersome but then again, he had made the deal to show Y/n around. Although, the manor had been much more livelier in the week she had been there. Almost every day, he would walk through the hallways and hear laughter, which was a stark difference from before. The manor used to be eerily quiet, maybe she wasn't too bad after all.
Part 2
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goodomensjail · 1 year
GOOD OMENS SPOILERS BELOW if you reblog it TAG IT DAMMIT. Entire Job Sequence to the Best of my inebriated (thank you Bulleit Bourbon for sponsoring) memory:
It was not entirely clear at the  Brooklyn screening when episode 1 ended; there were no end credits but i think its fairly obvious that Job flashback is the cold open of Episode 2 because the entire audience was a bit surprised when Opening Credits played again right after the first Job scene. 
Also note that the Job story is INTERCUT at apparently key moments of the main/present day plot, but it will take a second viewing for me to see exactly what they were going for/getting at. So HERE i am going to try and write the Job minisode IN ORDER without the cuts to present day because it will help my memory. 
We open on Bearded (yes that bearded) Crowley about to sacrifice a herd of goats. (note that none of the dialogue is exact, even if i put it in quotes, its just what i can recall; the dialogue throughout is delightful and funny and theres no way i can remember it all nor would it be worth it without the performances). 
Aziraphale appears in a golden light from the sky in a “stay thy hand, demon!” type way, dramatic and biblical, before he realizes “o its just you Crawley”; Aziraphale says they have not seen one another since “the flood”. 
Crowley shows Aziraphale he has “a permit” to torment Job, God’s favorite human, because Satan and God have a bet to see if Job will curse God. Aziraphale is not happy. He takes the permit to heaven to show the Archangels who delightedly tell him YES, God is allowing blameless and good Job to be tormented by demons in a bet with Satan, but ITS OKAY because of course God will win the bet and reward Job three fold!
Aziraphale is at first glad, then stunned to hear that heaven does NOT intend to raise Job’s children from the dead, however. Job’s wife Sitis will have 7 NEW CHILDREN! Yay! (this is cute as well because Aziraphale appears to be the only angel who understands human birth and that maybe Sitis doesn't want to be pregnant and give birth 7 more times? as a mom with natural births i appreciate this, neil gaiman. the archangels are oblivious to this... they just think thats what humans do: they breed and multiply). 
As Crowley in stomping through Job’s courtyard to find his three children, Aziraphale appears to reason with him. Aziraphale appeals to knowing that Crowley doesn't want to harm Job’s children because he knew him as an Angel, to which Crowley is not impressed; he is not an angel anymore. So instead, Aziraphale pivots to “i know you” and references the flood and how Crowley was shocked that God intended to kill the children. Crowley tells Aziraphale, “you do not know me”. 
And then the pigeons in the courtyard start baa-ing. Aziraphale waves his hand and the pigeons transform into a herd of goats....Crowley didn't kill them at all, he hid them away. Aziraphale looks at Crowley smugly. 
They meet the three children of Job, Ty Tennant plays a flirtatious Ennon who comes on a bit to Aziraphale. Aziraphale explains they are in danger, but the kids are not impressed because “don't you know our father? Job? he is God’s favorite”. Crowley transports all of them to the basement while a storm rages and destroys the home above; Aziraphale realizes Crowley always intended to get to the kids first and protect them from the destruction. 
While they wait out the storm, Crowley tempts Aziraphale into eating human food for the first time. Aziraphale resists at first, but we then cut to him DIGGIN IN FORACIOUSLY to some meat, while a smiling Crowley lounges nearby watching him. The kids are annoying them both, and at some point Crowley turns them all into three small lizards. The two discuss how Crowley is not really bad and doesnt really listen to hell, and Aziraphale remarks it must be lonely living as Crowley does. Crowley tell him “not really”
God wins the bet, and give some rambling messages to Job as a prophet (which he doesn't understand or appreciate, he and Sitis just want to know where the children are). The angels, with Aziraphale in tow, arrive to announce Job will be rewarded with three times wealth, and NEW CHILDREN! Job and Sitis are horrified. 
Crowley bursts in; none of the angels recognize him, he claims to be a human cobbler (its a pun for some ancient city dont worry about it) and Aziraphale jumps in to call him DOCTOR, a famous obstetrician who delivers babies. The archangels have no idea where babies come from... Aziraphale flatters Gabriel by saying well YOU were there when Eve was “born” youve seen it before. 
Crowley understand the cue, and pretends to “deliver” Job and Sitis’ new children by having Sitis pull three ribs out of Job (the animal ribs from the meat Aziraphale was eating) and transforms them into three children (the lizards hidden in Jobs robes turn into his three children).
Michael is suspicious because arent humans supposed to have “babies”, but Aziraphale cues Gabriel to tell them about Eve being fully grown. The kids are confused and almost give away the bit, but Job and Sitis play along. Gabriel turns to Aziraphale and point blank asks : “Are these their old children?” to which a PAINED Aziraphale after a look to Crowley LIES to the angels and says “no these are their new children”
We cut to Aziraphale from afar and behind (the ocean and rock shot) and Crowley comes to join him. Aziraphale is crying. (DIALOGUE THAT FOLLOWS IS NO ACCURATE ITS THE GIST)
A: “Im ready for you to take me”
C:”Take you where?” or “Where are we going” something to that effect, he is amused in a bittersweet way
A: “I lied to the archangels and foiled the plans of God. Im ready to go to hell with you”
C: amused in such a kind way, tells him something to the effect of “Youre not going to hell. I wont tell if you wont”
A: sitting on the rock next to Crowley, still teary, “How can i keep on obeying heaven?”
C: “You will take it as far as you can take it, and youll do it your way when you need”
A: “You said it wasnt lonely”
C: “I’m a demon. I lied”
Gorgeous scene of them sitting together on the rock and cut to black 
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riveramorylunar · 1 year
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Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x Hydra Agent Reader & Yelena Belova x Reader (Platonic)
Warnings ⚠️: Strangers to Friends to Enemies, Major Death, Blood, Brainwash, Mentions Of Abuse, Mentions Of Drowning, Height Difference, Slight Age Difference, Murders, Weapons, Powers, Shooting, Angst & No Happy Ending
Pet Names/Nicknames: Darling & Natty
Word Count: 2,511
Italics = Past
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Y/N had been living in captivate for years. Forced to serve Hydra, a powerful organization led by a man named Baron Strucker, Y/N had been under their control since she was a child. Y/N was gifted with powers unlike any other, and Hydra had discovered this and had used her to complete their missions and succeed at their evil objectives. Her powers were Nanite Infusion, Retractable Claws, Amphibious, Technopathy and Acrobatic.
Before any of this stuff happened Y/N was a normal girl living in a normal town or that's what people thought. She had gotten all these powers when she was just 3 years old. Her parents had hid her away from the outside world to protect her and other people. Her room was in the basement when she had gotten the powers. Her parents moved her room down into the basement so the neighbors wouldn't hear stuff breaking or Y/N screaming.
It all changed though when a new family moved next door to Y/N's 3 years later. Y/N had watched from the basement window as two young girls helped their parents move stuff into the house. One had red hair and blue tips while the younger one had blonde hair. Y/N was confused cause the two girls looked nothing like their parents. She'd watch them everyday playing outside in the rain, splashing in the puddles or watch them swim in their pool when it was hot outside. She'd watch the two get in the yellow thing in the mornings and get off a yellow thing in the afternoon. She always wondered what that thing was that dropped the two girls off every day except for two.
It was summer again and the two girls were playing outside giggling and having fun as Y/N watched when someone landed in front of the window she was watching out of. Y/N tried reaching for it but the window stopped her from doing so. The older one of the two rushed over and kneeled down causing Y/N to freeze in place. Natasha looked up to see Y/N looking at her causing her to smile before waving. Y/N gasped before she fell off the boxes she was standing on. She landed on the couch before rolling off it and hiding in front of it. The blonde haired girl had rushed over and looked through the window.
The next day Y/N was sitting on the couch when there was a knock on the basement window causing her to jump. She turned around to see the redheaded girl waiting. Y/N was about to scramble off the couch and hide but the girl held a piece of paper up to the window. Y/N squinted her eyes before frowning causing the redheaded girl to frown as well. Y/N watched as the older girl wrote something down before putting it up to the window. Y/N just stared at the girl causing her to sigh before standing up and walking away. After a couple minutes Y/N heard the basement door open before quick footsteps. She looked up to see her parents and the two girls in front of them. Y/N looked at her parents before they left without saying a word. 
The blonde haired girl had run over and hugged Y/N tightly. Y/N squealed as she started pushing the younger girl off her. "You're even cuter up close" the younger girl shouted out as she giggled. "I'm Yelena by the way what's your name" the blonde said as she got off Y/N before sitting on the couch. Y/N looked between the two girls before frowning. "Can you not speak" the redheaded girl said and Y/N shook her head no. "I can teach you, my name's Natasha but my family and friends call me Natalia" the older girl said before walking over and sitting on the other side of Y/N.
The three spent every day together. Natasha and Yelena helped Y/N how to read, write and talk. Even though it took some time they got there. One night though when Natasha and Yelena were sleeping over people broke into the house and killed Y/N's parents before heading down to the basement. "Who has the powers" One of them muttered out and one of the others pointed in the middle of the bed. "Her she has the powers take the other two to dreykov he'll be glad to have fresh meat" The one said and the other nodded before walking over and injecting the three with something so they wouldn't wake up. The man with the red octopus patch on his right shoulder lifted Y/N up while the other two lifted Natasha and Yelena up.
Y/N had become an experiment for Hydra. Getting tested on so they know what powers she had and how they worked. They'd cut her up and watch as her wounds instantly heal up. When they looked closer they realized that they were nanites that flow through her blood repairing any damage done to the body, providing fast healing, and increasing strength and durability. They'd try to drown her but due to her Amphibious powers she was able to breathe just as much as she could above water. They'd force her to bring out her claw before chopping them off causing blood to seep out every time. She was made into a soldier at the age of 9  being brainwashed to not remember her past. The only  thing that remained with her from her past was a puzzle piece necklace that had the word friends engraved in it. Every time she asked about the necklace she'd always be brainwashed.
Y/N was sent on a mission to steal data from the Avengers Compound. "You better not mess this up or you'll regret it Y/N" Baron said and Y/N nodded her head. "I won't mess up I promise" Y/N said causing Baron to nod before handing her something. "What is this" Y/N questioned before looking back up at the man. "It's a USB it'll download every single file from the computer" he said and Y/N nodded before rushing off. Y/N grabbed hold of her necklace before breathing in and out.
Y/N had arrived at the Avengers compound at night. She had disarmed the security alarms and J.A.R.V.I.S before sneaking into the compound. She made her way through it using her flexibility to maneuver through the halls. Once she reached the computer room the snuck into it before heading to one of them. She took out the USB and stuck it into the computer. She watched as the computer started downloading stuff. As she waited the lights turned on causing her to shield her eyes. "Stop what you're doing" a female voice said and Y/N looked over to see a redheaded woman holding a gun up to her. "Step away from the computer and put your hands up" the woman said and Y/N looked between her and the computer to see it's almost done downloading. "Why don't you drop your gun first then I'll back away from the computer" Y/N said causing the woman to chuckle causing Y/N to shiver. Why did that chuckle sound so familiar she had thought before looking at the computer. She shook her thoughts away before yanking out the USB and running to the other side as the redhead started shooting at her. The woman cursed before rushing towards Y/N. The woman chased Y/N through the halls before taking a short cut. She tackled Y/N to the ground causing Y/N to wince. "Drop the USB now" the woman said and Y/N struggled before looking down at the gold necklace that was dangling from her neck. Y/N looked back up before her eyes widened in shock. "Natty" Y/N muttered out causing Natasha to freeze before loosening her grip on Y/N. Y/N took the chance to claw Natasha's arm causing Natasha to cry out in pain. Y/N got out from under Natasha's grip and darted out of the compound. Natasha looked down at her arm to see blood running down her arm from the claw mark before looking down at the ground to see the USB laying there broken.
Y/N made her way back to the Hydra hideout before reaching into her pocket. Her eyes widened in shock as she started to panic. "No no no no" Y/N said as she was about to turn around and rush back to the compound. "Y/N welcome back did you get the Data" One of the soldiers said causing her to look up in fear. "You lost it didn't you, Baron's not going to be happy" the soldier said as he grabbed Y/N's wrist. Y/N stood her ground causing the soldier to look at her. "Y/N" the soldier warned but Y/N screamed before slicing through the soldier's helmet and slicing his face up. "God damnit you bitch" the soldier shouted as he contacted more soldiers to come help him. The soldiers arrived and surrounded Y/N. "Y/N don't make this difficult on yourself" a voice said causing Y/N to freeze in place as she looked up to see Baron walking towards her.
"Did you bring it" he asked and Y/N looked down. Y/N heard him sigh before she was slapped across the face hard. "What did I tell you if you didn't bring it back" Baron said and Y/N felt tears roll down her face. "That I'd get punished" Y/N muttered out before she was knocked out.
Meanwhile at the compound Natasha was wrapping up her arm when Yelena came rushing in. "Natasha what happened" Yelena said and Natasha looked up. "Nothing I couldn't handle I'm fine" Natasha said and Yelena rolled her eyes. "Why are you always so stubborn" Yelena said and Natasha scoffed as she got off the medbay bed. "Please tell me what happened Natasha" Yelena pleaded as she followed her sister. Natasha stopped before turning around to face Yelena. She looked around before looking back at her younger sister. "I think I saw Y/N I think she was the one who broke into the compound" Natasha muttered out causing Yelena to frown. "But she's been gone for years how can you be so sure it was her who broke in" Yelena whispered out and Natasha frowned. "You're right guess it wasn't her my mind is just probably playing games on me" Natasha sighed out as she gripped her arm. "Come on let's go get some food" Yelena said and the two walked towards the kitchen.
Y/N woke up in a cell and winced as she looked down at her arms to see dry blood. Her eyes widened in shock realizing her powers to heal weren't working. "If you're wondering why you're not healing you have a power dampener around your neck. Baron said causing Y/N to reach up and feel a metal collar around her neck. She looked up to see Baron leaning against the metal bar door smirking. "Told you you'd regret it " he snickered before backing up. Y/N got up before rushing over just to be stopped by chains causing her to fall to the ground as she screamed out. "You'll be in here for a while so get used to it" he said before leaving as Y/N started crying.
It had been weeks since Y/N was in the cell. Y/N had suddenly woken up when there was an explosion. She looked up when she heard rapid footsteps. A few of the hydra soldiers rushed to her sell and unlocked the door. The one that was holding the keys rushed over and unlocked Y/N's chains and the collar around her neck. "Bad move asshole" Y/N muttered out as she wrapped her legs around his neck and broke it. She stood up and stumbled forward a bit but shook it off before rushing towards the others and killing them as well. She looked down at her arms to see them heal but not completely causing her to have scars all down her arms. She made her way out of the building before stopping to see the Avengers rushing in and fighting the hydra soldiers. Y/N turned around to see Baron glaring at her while in a helicopter that was about to fly away. "Kill them" he mouthed and Y/N smiled. "I'm done running" she mouthed back as she heard that voice again.
"Any last words" Natasha asked Y/N as she held her gun up towards Y/N who slowly turned around. Y/N smiled before dropping to her knees. "Thank you Natalia for being my best friend all those years ago" Y/N said causing Natasha's eyes to widen in shock before she dropped her gun causing the others to look at her. To Natasha it felt like time was moving slowly when she started running towards Y/N. Before she was even close to Y/N, Y/N was shot in the back of the head by one of the hydra soldiers. Natasha cried out before collapsing to the ground and catching Y/N. "Darling no wake up please please wake up I can't lose you again" Natasha cried out as Yelena dashed over and dropped down into the snow covered ground. "Y/N please you can't leave us" Yelena sobbed out as she grabbed hold of Y/N's face. Blood was slowly rolling down Y/N's face as her eyes were glazed over. The light in her eyes had disappeared and Yelena broke out into a sob. Natasha pulled Y/N up and held her against her chest as she rested her forehead on top of Y/N's head. Yelena looked up at her older sister who was silently crying. "I hate that I wasn't able to tell her how much I loved her Yelena I hate myself for not rescuing her, I hate myself for not realizing it was her sooner I could have helped her break free and tell her that I was in love with her" Natasha whispered out her voice cracking.
"Natasha we have to go" Steve said as he tried to grab Natasha's shoulder but Yelena stood up and shoved him away. "Stay away from them" Yelena growled out causing the others to look at her in shock. "Easy Yelena were not going to separate them" Tony said but Yelena glared at him. "Do what you're supposed to do and leave us alone" Yelena shouted before she threw all of her weapons and Natasha's to the ground in front of them. "We are done fighting we've lost everything and everyone we've loved we are done do you hear me" Yelena shouted before she turned around and walked back to her sister and friend.
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Taglist: @red1culous @natashaismylove @i-lov3-w0men
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sourtomatola · 1 year
Listen, I was a little too inspired by @xitsensunmoon Spooder Moom and @naffeclipse awesome drabble for it that I had to write my own
Something is not right at the pizzaplex.
Well, there’s always something wrong at the pizzaplex, but lately, it’s been worst than the usual angry parent or Monty breaking stuff.
Staffbots have been vanishing, just enough to be noticed before they begin to reappear. But there is always something wrong with them. It’s never the same, makes them act out, and is ALWAYS noticeable.
One came back painted in bright colors and kept crashing into light fixtures. Another came back appearing normal, but gave off a horrific stench that was impossible to get rid of despite not having any source of the smell.
Three came back joined at the hip.
They acted the same, but all talked at once in a frightening echo, it reminded you of Cerberus the guard of the underworld. Maybe that’s where these animatronic’s were vanishing, then getting chewed up and spit back out.
There was no camera footage of their disappearance, and the company was either too lazy or too cheap to fix these bots. They were either tossed or used for scrap.
There was a note in the basement that you noticed, saying how a box of parts had gone missing. You wondered if this evil scientist or whoever was taking these animatronic’s away had taken the box, possibly to build themselves a Frankenstein’s monster.
The next day, the daycare attendant went missing.
Your heart fell at the news of your dear friend going missing. He was one of the nicest animatronic’s in the plex, and the two of you really clicked as friends. The staffbots that went missing were only gone a day or two. You found yourself counting the days.
You were up to three when you decided to try to find them yourself. You doubted any of them have ever left the building. The staffbots, and Sun and Moon especially, stood out too much and couldn’t just be casually packed up in a car and driven off with.
You got out your flashlight and hid in the bathroom until you heard the overhead voice call for closing. Then you headed down to parts and service, deciding to start there. You never liked parts and service, and you knew Sun and Moon didn’t either. You’d bet they would be fighting to get out of there if they could. If they were awake. If they were okay.
You searched around the protective cylinder, the casing where the animatronic’s were put for repairs. All the tools here could be used by the evil scientist themselves. Almost no one was here at night, they could be storing Sun and Moon in a box, deactivated, and then work on them at night.
You never liked going into the protective cylinder, it reminded you too much of Loki’s prison from the avengers. You took a deep break and went inside. You wanted to be sure there weren’t any clues inside. Looking around, you didn’t see much out of the ordinary. That is, until, you looked at the chair where the animatronics sat. There were new scratches on it. MANY new scratches, all up and down the seat, as if there was many different sized animatronic’s who all clawed it up at once.
You looked down at the floor. There was more, leading out the door. You followed them out and to Monty’s door. You followed even as the scratches got lighter and lighter, barely visible, like they had been buffed out of the floor as much as possible.
Suddenly, the lights went out. Was it that time already? You got out your flashlight and tried to look for more scratching, but it was gone now. Completely buffed from the floor and too light to be seen by just a flashlight.
You sighed in frustration before realizing how quiet it was. Deadly silent in these dark back hallways. Except for one thing.
 A very light, very distant music box. You couldn’t tell what the tune was, but tried to follow it anyways. It wasn’t the mini-music man’s song, or the song so well known in the elevators, but a different kind of familiar.
It starts to get louder as you head down the other Hallway, the one where there were no scratch marks. As you got closer to the music, you finally was able to recognize the tune.
Itsy bitsy spider.
A chill went up your spine, but you began to recognize another sound, coming from the same source. A whirling of mechanics’, the creaking of metal joints, and the clicking of what sounded like clockwork. These sounds were very familiar.
“Moon?” You called in the dark, looking for his glowing red eyes. He scared you when you first met him, but you were on good terms now, friends even. If that is still him that is.
“Moon is that you? Are you okay??” You call again, shining your flashlight around, even looking up as you knew he loved to get an aerial view of everything. The light touched something on the ceiling that quickly moved away, making your heart jump at the sight.
“Moon is that you??” You called. A clawed blue hand slips into view, as if it was trying to stay on a slippery slope but couldn’t help but slide into sight. No other animatronic in this place had such elegant hands.
“Moon! Oh there you are, I’ve been so worried! Please come down and talk to me, where have you been??” You ask desperately.
The music box suddenly stops, the silence now chilling you. But not nearly as much as the words that broke the silence.
“Lights. Out.” You hear Moon’s voice rasp harshly.
“M-moon, I can’t see in the dark. I need to see you, I need to know you’re okay!” You insist.
You flinched at his screeching tone, wondering if it would be better to just wait for the lights to come back on and talk to Sun, but before you could entertain the thought, Moon took advantage of your distraction and skittered away, making you lose sight of him completely.
“Moon? Moon wait!” You called and shined your light around, looking for him again, and hoping to get  a better look at him.
A Thud came from behind you, but before you could turn to look. A hand snatched up your wrists, making you drop the flashlight.
You cried out from shock and fear before recognizing the hand once again. “Moon? Is that you?” You called and tried to turn, but froze as several more hands grappled you, keeping you from being able to turn and see him.
One hand holding your wrist, a second on your opposite shoulder. Another pare of hands held your hips in place, so that was four. Two more, holding your head to keep you from trying to turn your neck to see him. That’s six. You felt something else touching you, gently brushing around your body. Was that another set of hands?!
Your mind went to the deformed staff bots again, and your heart sank, realizing why the box of parts when missing.
“Oh Moon…” You say softly. The one free hand you had came up and gently touched the one on your hip. The hand flinched, but settled back in its place. You gently pried at it to link your fingers with it, cradling it comfortingly. You felt the fingers twitch slightly against your hand before holding yours back gently.
That’s when you noticed it was quivering.
“Moon…please let me see you.” You say softly.
You felt the other arms touching your boy start to quiver as well. They suddenly completely enclosed around you and held you tightly against Moon’s body. A completely foreign concept entered your mind.
Moon was scared.
“Moon…I won’t judge you…something terrible happened to you, didn’t it?” You asked softly.
“I’m fine.” He snaps, making you flinch.
“I’m here now Moon, you’re safe. You can help me find out who did this to you, right?” You asked gently.
The arms hugging you tightened, making you nervous. Even more so When a set of hand crept up your body and caressed your neck threateningly.
“No…I can’t…” He growled softly.
“They won’t hurt you again Moon, They’re going to get in huge trouble for damaging company property, they’ll probably go to jail so you’ll never-“
“ I. CAN’T! I don’t…”  His grip weakened. You were finally able to turn and see his clawed-up faceplate. The glass of one of his optic’s was scraped in several places, but not completely broke. There were several poked holes around his optic’s, making it appear like he had many eyes from the glow of his optics His ruffled collar was shredded and there were many small holes in his pants. His torso was now surrounded by 3 extra sets of arms, giving his 8 in total. They looked hacked on, like someone just sawed into him and shoved the arms in the poorly made sockets.
You looked up to Moon’s face again as he quivered. “Oh Moon…” You frown and touch his face gently. He leaned in, letting out the sound of a sob.
You kept whispering quiet assurance, making him seem okay with the lack of his control.
“I…didn’t see their face…” He admitted sadly.
Many hands came up to touch yours, making him pause, like he hadn't quite had control of them all yet and kept using too many at a time. The hands on your neck slid up and combed through your hair gently.
You kept whispering quiet assurance, making him seem okay with the lack of his control.
“That’s okay Moon…lets just focus on taking care of you.” You assured gently.
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Lil’ Nugget [Doom AU]
@raventroll80 has this amazing idea and story so far of a Troll!Slayer doom AU and allowed me to write a little thing... and in true Omie fashion the thing I tried to write turned into a large thing.
so have my nugget of a child's pov of meeting the Big Guy and them confusing each other for different reasons. Full story is here and under the cut n.n
Also the hidey-hole is DEFFENTLY just that good.
Story: Heather saw the big armored thing long before it (…him?) ever saw her. She had a really good hiding spot, because her mom had found it and put her inside. She was supposed to stay inside, and Heather was! She just found that she could pull a chair over to the big cabinet in the basement hiding spot and peek out from the big curtains mum had covered the window with. 
Heather could peer and peek very carefully, watching the things outside. Sometimes she could see a pretty spider walk by, or one of the big crocodiles would slowly march by. Sometimes one of the monsters would come close to the building they were hiding in. Sometimes her mom would see her and wave when coming back from her trips outside to look for supplies. 
She really liked it when her mom did that!
Her mom was so brave, and smart! And always found new coloring books and goodies. Before Heather’s mom left this last time, she had said they could leave the basement bunker soon. 
Mom had told Heather all about the boat she found and that still ran. She was so excited to go on the boat, Heather sort of remembered being on boats when her dad was still with her and Mom. It was before the monsters came, Heather missed her dad.
Heather missed her mom too.
Mom had been gone for days now, and Heather was trying really hard to save the soup cans that were her mom’s favorite. The girl had already eaten the pre-made meals her mom had left. Before she could open a tuna can and try to figure out how to make the yummmy tuna can noodle thing her mom would make, she felt the odd vibrations that meant that the Monsters were moving about. 
Heather had climbed on the chair, then onto the big dresser so she could reach the window. Heather had to be really slow as she peeked first, then climbed under the curtains, making sure it covered most of her head until she got used to the light outside. That’s when she saw the big thing.
It was a really Big Thing! 
She could see it… him? Him from all the way down the hill. She could not tell if he was making those odd vibrations like the Monsters did. Though the girl could tell that this new big thing did not like the monsters, or he did?
It almost looked like this strange armored big person was playing with the monsters at the distance. This was puzzling enough that Heather braced on the wall, so she could stay in spot better, though not lifting her head farther. Just watching as the Big One started uphill after one of the ‘smaller’ Monsters.
Were they playing chase?
The Big thing with the green and tan armor launched at the smaller monsters, tackling two and wrapping his arms around them. The monsters vanished into a swath of glowing, almost glittering stuff! 
That was cool! 
It was also really impressive when a bigger monster tackled this new big thing and they rolled onto one of the cars out there. Heather tilted her head and watched with wide eyes as part of the car- not the one her mom hid behind the building. 
Was her mom scared to come back because the monsters were playing with this new thing? Heather would be scared of being out there too, but then again, her mom could hear the monsters coming. 
Heather gasped as teh two rolled onto the yard of the building the bunker was under. Saw them wrestling and rolling over one after the other. Breaking apart and then launching back into the weird wrestling-tag game of theirs. But at one point the girl realized a big seeming difference between the new thing and the Monsters. 
Other than the new thing being the only one in full armor, he had a tail! 
It looked part metal, and Heather wondered if it… he… had lost part of the tail? Needed a new tail? Tails were important to animals she knew, was it just important to this person to keep balance?
Heather ducked down and looked behind her, not for the first time wondering why she could not have a tail like the cats or something pretty like with birds-? 
There was a massive thud and it had Heather yipping a bit and looking back up at the window. Brown eyes widening as she looked up through the window to see her reflection in the silver of this new person’s helmet. Heather reflexively ducked a bit from her nose just over the window still to just her eyes. 
Did the monster throw the big thing?
There was dirt up against the window and Heather gasped as the helmet tilted, and then who was inside seemed to focus on her. She was just able to see the basic outline of features of a face that was more human like then any of the monsters. There was a reflection of green, or so it seemed like under the visor. The girl watched as a just massive hand lifted- he was so much bigger then she had thought until right up close like this. 
He took up the whole window.
For a moment, a big hand lifted and touched the window that Heather was peering out of. Touching the glass between them and Heather reached up to touch the spot and then tapped the glass over one of the big finger pads. Two thick digits seemed as big if not bigger than her hand.
Then that bigger Monster was back, it seemed a lot more mad up close as its teeth sank into this bigger new person's shoulder and Heather yipped in fright. Just as she was dropping down she saw the Monster see her and she whined as she scrambled to climb down while the whole wall of the bunker seemed to vibrate and shiver.
Had Heather made the monster mad by distracting the big person from that weird game they were playing? 
She climbed down to the ground, almost missing the demonic arm reaching through the broken window. Just seeing the claws skimming close to her shoulder before it was jerked back and out. 
Heather grabbed the stuffed Easter bunny her mom gave her before all the monsters came. Running to the other side of the basement bunker and climbing under the big thick table that was in front of the cubby in the wall that her mom made for her. This was where Heather was supposed to hide if any of the monsters outside saw her.
Heather closed her eyes and pushed her face into her old easter bunny. Trying to use it to help control her breathing. She had to be quiet, no squeaking and had to make sure she did not feel herself making any sounds. 
Even when her legs twitched and tingled from being curled up in the hidey-hole. Even if it got cold, she had to be quiet and still, feeling the vibrations from above come and go until it did get cold from the broken window and Heather worried if she could fix it somehow. The bunker was supposed to be safe because the monsters could not smell them in here?
…could Heather stuff a blanket into the broken window once the monsters moved on if they got distracted?
It took a little longer than normal in this weird spot to recognize a certain vibration. The bunker door opening.
Was her mom back?
Heather stayed in her spot as something was off about the vibrations felt… odd. Not bad but still so odd that it confused her. When she was confused she was supposed to stay still and hide, or play dead.
If she was not so stiff and somewhat cramped Heather might have jumped as she felt the bigger vibrations then finally saw the big, metal foot being carefully placed. The air seemed to vibrate in that odd way it did with the invading monsters but… different. Not prickling a warning about something, like the all of you could be lost if those monsters found you. This was…
It felt like what rock slides seemed like they should sound like. Like the earth was grumbling at you but not mad at you… like the vibration the big crocodile mommas were supposed to make? She could feel it in her chest and behind her ears. It made Heather wonder if this was what sound was like?
It was not dark in the bunker, but not as bright as outside. She could see the green armor of the big new person, and as they…he? He was lowering himself down and rested one of those massive hands on the ground. The basement bunker was so big normally, but now seemed like it was almost as cramped to this Big Thing as the hidey-hole was to her.
It took a moment and Heather realized the tan was not the color of his armor but dirt or clay from outside. It looked like it had been scrapped off mostly before he came into the bunker. There was another hand bracing on the ground that Heather could see from her spot and she tilted her head, surprised again that this bigger-big person seemed even bigger then before at the window.
She could see the main body of him as he seemed to be moving slowly through the bunker. He was moving to the bed away from the two windows, where Heather and her mom slept. The girl watched what she could, taking note of the slow, almost gentle movement from her point of view near the floor.
Movement had the girl’s attention. She blinked before remembering that this bigger-big person had a tail! …monsters outside did not have tails, did that mean this was one of those safe people her mom talked about finding?
…had he already found her mom and got her safe?
Could Heather ask if he could find her mom if the safe people had not?
The tail slid closer to her then swayed away, then slowly back, as if feeling where the table was and the underside of it. Heather was not really sure how or why, but she let go of her easter bunny and reached. Her fingers brushed against the metal tail, and it froze midair. 
There was that low, rumbly feeling again before the bigger-big person slowly lowered and turned. Looking back, and then keeping the tail still before lowering it as if to press against her hand then forearm. Then he lowered even more and Heather saw the helmet tilting to look back and then moving back and forth as if they were not sure she was there.
Was her hiding spot that good?
Heather pulled her hand back from the tail and gave a small wave, still staying quiet as this stranger started to turn around. Her hidey-hole mush be really good after all, he was acting like he was not sure she was there. Even sitting back before the helmet was taken off and set down on the ground. Then this Bigger than big person was backing up and lowering himself onto the ground to look under the table.
There was green before, large, piercing green eyes that scanned under the table before settling on her. Heather tilted her head, watched as this new person did the same, both just as confused as the other at what they saw. This bigger then big person seemed human, or human ish?
Those green eyes seemed to almost glow, watching her as intently back. Studying the girl as much as she was him. There was just something a little… off about him? Not really wrong though but Heather could not place it. His face did not look like the monsters, nor like he was mad at her.
Heather gave another little wave around her easter bunny again. She looked around and back, then she watched as one massive hand- again it seemed a lot bigger than by the window, it slid forward. Under the table and towards her, Heather watched the big gloved hand until it stopped just shy of the hidey-hole. Then inched closer for two digits to touch her arm and curled up knees. 
The hand was… warm, and Heather found herself focusing on those massive digits before reaching over and touching the thick… thick…
Bigger than big, he had a tail, claws and glowing eyes?
Was… this not a human after all and one of those… the… what were they called? Heather remembered her mom trying to come up with a sign. Mountain man? Man of mountain? Mountain guard?
He definitely seemed as big as a mountain.
Those big claws were not hurting her, the big hand that was still edging closer was not snatching or grabbing but slid around her. Heather squeaked finally, saw the other finally blink before she was pulled out of the hidey-hole and then out from the table. This massive mountain of… big was moving, not dropping the girl as he sat back and upright. Both hands coming up and wrapping around Heather under her arms, holding her up between them and blinking slowly.
Wide brown eyes blinked back, the girl never looking away at first. Though looked really confused as this mountain person slowly brought her closer to and sniffed. He sniffed her? Her head and shoulder were definitely sniffed.
Heather tilted her head, and offered her easter bunny to the strange person for inspection next. It was the only thing she could think of doing. He could not have her easter bunny, but if he wanted he could sniff that too.
Those almost glowing green eyes did not seem as harsh as they did at first. The bigger than big man sniffed at the stuffed toy before shifting his hold. Heather was lowered into his lap and she looked around puzzled until one hand let go to awkwardly pat her hair and back. Heather shifted and still holding her easter bunny grabbed the other hand before it could leave. Just holding onto the top finger and then hid her face against his hand. She missed her mom, and all the hugs her mom would give Heather. 
This was not the same, but it was enough that the girl was willing to climb higher into the big lap and try to pat this nice mountain back on his closer wrist and thumb.
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purplebass · 9 months
I just wanted Lila to be silly and play hide and seek with Ren, so I wrote this short fic. It isn't my usual verbose writing because I realized I needed a break from long fics. I am a little burned out because of real life, and I just needed this. I have more light fics like this planned out and I hope to write and post them sooner or later. <3
Read on A03 💜 Words: 1,105 Rating: G
It was a lazy afternoon at the palace, and Lila was sprawled on the velvet sofa in Kell’s bedroom by herself. It was one of those rare times she didn’t have anything to do. At once, her senses became alert. Someone was about to approach the room, but it wasn’t Kell. No. He wouldn’t make all this noise, and would be more gentle with the handle. 
Lila turned her gaze to the door, and she wasn’t surprised to find little princess Ren behind the white wood. 
“Delilah, are you free?” she beamed.
“You shouldn’t be so abrupt,” the nurse chastised the kid, who nodded with understanding. Lila wanted to say she didn’t care, but the old woman prompted the child to greet her properly.
“I apologize for intruding, Delilah,” Ren said. “But are you free?”
Lila sat up, eyed the child with a grin. She was bored out of her mind, and the proposal was interesting. “What do you have in mind, princess?”
“Let’s play hide and seek!” Ren squealed, and Lila couldn’t say no.
The princess enlisted one of her fathers – the other was busy being a king – and her nurse to play with them. Lila shouldn’t have taken this too seriously, but she didn’t want to disappoint the child. This little game was the perfect distraction from the routine of the palace, and she just knew where to hide.
The wine cellar was in the basement, and it was only frequented by the servants. Lila wasn’t a servant, but she liked to visit the place from time to time. 
She glanced at the bottles lined on the shelves, neatly divided by flavor and type. White wine. Red wine. Champagne. Hard liquors. Juice. 
On another day, she would have taken her time to pick a bottle and would have hidden her prize in her trunk before someone would have come and would  have caught her red-handed. No one usually did. But today she was playing with a kid, she wasn’t choosing a bottle of expensive wine she would later share with her partner in the captain’s quarters of the Grey Barron. 
She found the alcove she was looking for, and tucked herself into the shadows. She wasn’t sure Ren would come down there, but she had kept her end of the bargain. 
She put her hands in her pockets. It was starting to get cold in there, and she couldn’t use her magic to summon a small fire. After a while, she glanced at her pocket watch, and realized she had been there for almost an hour. 
Would the kid ever find her? Well, she had tried to play.
She heard steps. Light steps. Then a glint of flame illuminated her face, and she held her breath. 
Someone had found her, but it wasn’t Ren. 
“Lila?” Kell’s soft voice echoed in the darkened cellar.
“What are you doing here?” she asked. “I thought you were with Rhy.”
“Indeed, I was. I’m sorry it took so long –” she put a finger on his mouth to silence him, and he shook his head questioningly. 
“I’m playing hide and seek,” she muttered. “Be quiet.”
“Is this another way to say someone is looking for you? What did you do?”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m playing with the princess.”
“Ah,” he frowned.
“Yes, ah,” she sighed. “I just love people coming after me, but not all of them are enemies.”
“You’re supposed to hide where she can find you. I doubt she’d come here.”
“Perhaps that’s why I hid here,” she shrugged. “And I’m quite good at hiding.”
“But I still found you,” he raised an eyebrow knowingly, and she felt giddy. He just knew her ways, just she knew his. “You shouldn’t be too sure of yourself.”
“You only found me because Rhy wanted you to choose a bottle of wine for dinner.”
He sighed. “And I still have to find the one I wanted. Care to help? I know you know how to pick good wine.”
She raised her eyebrows and glanced at her pocket watch. She’d been there for an hour, she doubted Ren would find her by now. Maybe she had stopped searching altogether. 
“Fine, I’ll help you,” she walked towards the back, when she knew Rhy and Alucard kept the good stuff, and picked a bottle with a golden label. “Here, this,” she grinned.
Kell took the bottle and looked at it skeptically, then he nodded. “Yes, this is okay,” he agreed. 
“How did you find me?” she asked curiously. 
“Your smell,” he whispered. 
She scrunched her nose at him and smelled her clothes. “Do I still smell like smoke?”
Kell put a hand on her forearm and leaned in, brushing his nose on the side of her neck. She felt his warm breath on her skin, and she tried not to lose her balance when he inhaled her scent. She was sure she smelled fine, but he still took his time perusing her jugular. He planted kisses over there until he found her lips, and she forgot where she was. 
By this point, she had probably won the game. She deserved a victory kiss.
“I found you, Delilah!” 
Ren’s voice made them jump, because none of them expected the child to appear out of nowhere, in the wine cellar of all places. 
Kell lost his hold on the bottle of red, and it fell on the stone floor and shattered. 
“I told you to wait until they would separate,” the nurse reprimanded the child, who was smiling despite herself. She looked apologetic, at least. 
“Are you hurt, princess?” Lila asked with concern. Rest in peace, good wine.
Ren shook her head. “I’m not hurt, Delilah,” she said. “And I am a winner! You were the last one I had to find.”
Lila sighed. “How did you wind up here?”
“Thanks to my papa,” she explained with a grin. “I saw uncle Kell leave papa’s study, and I wanted to follow him because maybe he knew where you were hiding,” Ren said. “But he walked away too fast so it was papa who told me to come here, because he said you like to practice magic in the wine cellar. And you like to make bottles disappear.”
“Ah,” she pretended to be surprised. She exchanged a look of understanding with Kell. He managed a grin. “Well, then. Tell your daddy Rhy that I’m not going to stop making bottles disappear in the wine cellar anytime soon.”
“Will you show me, Delilah?” the child asked, hung on her every word.
“Perhaps, when you are older,” she smirked. Kell just shrugged and rolled his eyes. 
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iycedrem · 6 months
How it's going:
Came home from work on the morming of the 16th and noticed that some things were moved around that I don't remember touching. (A shelf under my bed and some stuff on my coffee table)
I had a wedding that I was attending that afternoon, so didn't really have time to look into it and just kinda chalked it up to maybe I just like knocked them out of place by accident at some point and just didn't notice. Immediately went to bed.
Woke up and immediately left to go to the wedding. Had a wonderful time, drank a good bit, and got back home around 8pm.
Now noticing things aren't just moved. Somethings are missing. Snoop a bit further and find purposeful damage to a piece of furniture and signs of forced entry on my basement back door. Someone broke into my house.
Notably and weirdly nothing valuable was stolen. My PC, TVs, Switch, Monitors, Tablets, etc. were all fine. To the best of my knowledge they stole: A Bluetooth speaker (annoying but not the worst thing to lose), a knife my Grandad gave me before he died (the one thing i actually really hate that I lost), a half used pack of AAA batteries (rude, also why?), and a junk box I kept behind my computer monitor that was 90% full of old birthday/ Christmas cards that I just couldn't bring myself to throw away. (???)
After filling a police report, proceeded to order brackets to reinforce my basement door, better locks, and some outdoor security cameras.
The problem is, that stuff isn't showing up for a few days and I'm due back at work tonight for one last night shift before a long weekend and I'm worried this might have just been a casing break-in.
So the plan:
Step 1: reinforce basement door.
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Not a prefect solution, but trying to force the lock and deal with the wedged 2x4 isn't going to be easy, they'd have better luck breaking the glass, which I'm hopeful is too risky to try.
Step 2: Create the illusion that the house is occupied.
External lights and most internal lights are on. Ace up my sleeve though is the 11 hour VOD of Jerma playing Seaman on my living room TV. It's long enough to cover the entire duration of my shift and it's mostly just audio of someone talking with very few sound effects.
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(Note the damaged record console, spot that hid the sound bar was sliced open by whoever broke in)
Step 3: Call upon "The Boys"
My wonderful amazing friends agreed to help watch a livestream of my Webcam to keep an eye out for movement. (A special thanks to @nermish @cefpodoxime @admiralpickle among some other non tumblr mutuals)
Step 4: finishing touches.
A) Set up an alt account on discord so I could watch my own camera stream from work on my laptop.
(Shout-out to @cefpodoxime for this amazing alt pfp that he slammed out in record time for my new laptop account.)
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B) Since the camera doesn't have great view of the entire living room decided to rig a noise trap to alert the stream if some one comes up from the basement.
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Ended up adding another 4 or 5 cans after this pic was taken and stacked them taller to ensure a good clatter noise. Tested how it sounded on the stream and it was definitely distinctive.
And C) Nermish asked if we could rig up a mirror so the stream security could watch Jerma in the reflection.
So, I give you the final view:
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Note the absolutely miniscule reflection coming from the couch in the next room. There's your jerma stream. Combined with the muffled audio that accurately sounds like Jerma is in the next room. This is easily the worst best way to watch a jerma stream.
At time of writing I am 4ish hours into my 10 hour shift and so far no sign of trouble. Will update if something happens or not. But honestly the absurdity of this set up has made the entire ordeal easier to stomach.
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heiressofdoodles · 10 months
Journal of the Last Prophet (Part One)
April 16, 1611 - Dear diary,
Hello! This is the first time I'm writing in you, so I'm going to introduce myself! I am Aeon Caldera, I live in Tarot Town with my Mama, and I'm now five years old! Mama got me this for my birthday! She said "writing down your thoughts and feelings every day is a good habit to start early!" I’m so happy to start being like Mama now.
June 1, 1613 - Dear diary,
Mama and I left home to go to Underland today. I don't remember going there before, so I'm super excited for this! We left a bit later than the others, but maybe if we hurry we can catch up with the others before the Queen notices. We'll be going to the festival tomorrow! Wish us luck!
June 2, 1613
We got to Underland a bit late. The Queen seemed a bit upset, but not too upset, I guess. We were just enjoying the festival, and… Mama grabbed me and ran. I saw it. The Jabberwocky. I saw fire all around, and he seemed so angry. I wanted to help, but Mama didn’t let me go. She said that if you make the Jabberwocky angry, you won’t be able to see your friends or your family anymore. I was so scared, but we hid before the Jabberwocky got us. We hid for a long time, but when we came out, there was fire everywhere. Mama tried to hide it from me, but I think some of them aren’t okay. I hope they wake up soon. There were others that were okay, but when everyone got back to the gateway, someone came to us. He was huge and scary, and he was angry and sad. He said “you Wonderlanders left us behind! I won’t let you back here!” I think he was the King. Was one of his friends sleeping as well? We left to go home shortly after. I don’t think anyone knows what’s going to happen next year. I hope he’s going to be okay, though.
June 4, 1613.
We’re all still at the Queen’s Court. Apparently, she wants us to talk about what happened in Underland, and what it means for the Kingdom, or something like that. I didn’t hear a lot of it. Just boring people talking about boring things. Mama said to pay attention, but I couldn’t keep focused. It felt like hours before something actually happened. Someone had opened the doors. He seemed scared and hurt. He just ignored the guards trying to ask him to stay calm. But he didn’t. He was just more scared, asking for help. The Queen was angry at him when he got close to the throne. I didn’t see all of it; Mama covered my eyes. I think the Queen hurt him more, though. She started screaming at him things my mom said were bad to repeat. How could she be so mean to him? She’s an adult like Mama; she should know better than to hurt someone like that!
The Queen ordered her guards to “take him away from me”. If there weren’t so many people, I would’ve followed them. Why didn’t anyone try to stop her? Yeah, she’s scary, but I’ve had bullies before! And can’t we just help him anyways? If the Queen really is like this all the time, why hasn’t someone tried to stop her?
Mama said to stop writing things like this.
I’m scared.
June 5, 1613.
I snuck down to the basement in the middle of the night. It was dark and cold, but I don’t think anyone saw me. The Jailer had walked past while I was sneaking around, so I think I’m okay. I heard a few things in other rooms, but Mama said that there are things even she’s not allowed to see in the castle. Things she doesn’t want to see. I eventually found that boy. He looked like a boy, at least, but when I started talking to him, he was… sad. Much sadder than any kids I’ve talked to before, at least. He was confused why I was here, and I just wanted to cheer him up somehow. I asked his name, and he just said “my name is Shard. I’m the Bishop in Underland.” It… was weird. Why would an Underlander be here in Wonderland? And why would the Queen be so angry at him? I asked him, but he just said he didn’t know either. “The Jabberwocky grabbed me, and it brought me through the portal here. I was scared, but it dropped me, and we both fell to the ground. I’m lucky to have been okay,” he said to me. I still don’t understand why she would be so mean to him.
Mama told me to hide my journal. She said “If the Queen found this, you’ll be like the Underlander.”
June 10th. 1613.
We still haven’t gone home to Tarot Town yet. Mama said we were going to go home last week, but we’re still here. I’ve noticed a few people in the Court had gone missing since earlier this week. I think some of the people are the pretty dragon lady, the grey and blue rabbit girl, and the plum mouse lady. I tried asking what happened, but all the adults were scared of answering. And the Queen didn’t answer when I asked her either, even though I did everything Mama told me I should do when I go to ask the Queen for something. It was weird.
But I’ve been going to see Shard every night. He seemed hungry and thirsty, so I snuck to the basement with something for him. No one else ate it, and it was just left out in the open. Does the Queen not care that much? It’s all going to go to waste if someone doesn’t have it. I would’ve given him my blanket as well because it’s really cold down here, but he said it was too risky. He didn’t want me to get hurt. “You’ve already been so kind to me, even though I told you it was dangerous for you. But taking something like that would be a step too far.” I don’t know what he meant by that. This morning, Shard said something to me. “I don’t want you to come looking for me again. The Queen has been getting more angry the longer I’m here, and I think she’s going to kill me.” He told me to not try to reason with the Queen, and to not follow him if anything happens… I gave him a hug, or at least the best hug I could manage through the cell bars, and left and hid before the Jailer found me.
Shard was taken to the Court today. He looked even worse than when I last saw him. He had bruises, his clothes were ruined, and it looked like he was bleeding. What happened to him in such a small amount of time…? The Queen seemed calm; I was hoping Shard would be able to go home. But he didn’t. She said he was dangerous to her people, and that the sooner he was gone, the sooner Wonderland would be able to heal. That was wrong though! It was all wrong! Not even Shard wasn’t even trying to argue against it! She was lying to everyone, and no one tried to tell her that she was wrong! But who would listen to a little kid, anyways…
I followed Shard and the guards. I know I promised I wouldn’t, but I had to make sure he was okay. It seemed so weird, though. If she was this angry, why didn’t she do what Mama said she did to people that made her angry? I didn’t think that wall or that forest was there earlier, but there it was. The castle was really far away, but Tarot Town was closer. I could get myself and Shard there if something happened. But something did happen. I tried to follow them and stop them from hurting Shard, but the guards caught me at the gate. He seemed surprised that I followed, but when he came over to me, he… he didn’t try to run. He just told me to go, and that he’d be okay. He’d be okay with whatever happened as long as I was okay… I tried to tell him to not go, but one of the guards grabbed me and took me away. We just sat at the gate, waiting for something, anything. But Shard never came back. The group of guards came back, but… I hope my friend is okay.
The guards said they wouldn’t tell the Queen I stowed away, but they’d tell my Mama. I asked why they’d do that, and they just said “we’re afraid of what the Queen would do to us if we didn’t.” Why would they serve her if she made them scared? They didn’t answer me when I asked what they did to Shard. I hope he wasn’t hurt more. Mama was terrified that I’d come back to the castle with the guards. She said we’re going home tomorrow. I could hear her thank the guards before we left for our room.
Shard, please be okay in there.
June 2, 1614.
There wasn’t a celebration this year. Not even an invitation from Underland. I hope the King is okay. Still no word if Shard is okay, either. The blueberry looking man, Chaos as some of the adults call him, has also gone missing from Somnia’s court. I tried to go to the forest for what might be the millionth time again to see if Shard is okay, but there’s still no way to get inside. I hope he and everyone else that’s gone missing are okay…
March 7th, 1619.
I’ve been talking with some of the other townsfolk. It feels like Tarot Town isn’t as safe as it was when I was younger. Some of the other kids are going to school in groups, or asking their parents to go with them. The teachers and the Mayor said they’re doing the best they can to protect the town, but they aren’t doing enough. We’re stuck in a town that is slowly dying, while the Queen and her goons do nothing to help us. The Suits can’t save us, not like they’re trying. There’s been no word of the Diamond, the Club or the Spade. They’ve abandoned us to suffer Queen Somnia’s reign. Well… At least we have each other right now. Galacta, Kamenshi, Kaseki and I have been close before, but I think this is pulling us together. I enjoy their company, and even though we’re forced to live in such a lonely place, it’s something we’re going to live through together.
April 16, 1623.
It’s my sixteenth birthday today. I’m not too sure how I want to celebrate, honestly, other than having some cake and spending some time with my partners. Mom doesn’t seem to mind that Seki, G, Kam and I are actually together as a group, which is more than a relief. She even seems cheerful when I talk about them. I wish that was true of everyone here. But, since this is for writing down my thoughts, I guess I’d better start with something. I’ve never really left Tarot Town after the Jabberwocky incident in Underland. Any time I did, it was mainly to see if there was any way to meet the other Suits… Or get into that forest Queen Somnia had her guards drag that Underlander, Shard, to what was certainly his death. But there was just no getting over or under the wall, and the only gate keeping them in and myself out was locked up tight.
Another thing that I've had on my mind a bit more lately was… well, where I came from. I don't really know who my Dad was, and I thought today, I'd finally have some answers. Nope. Mama said he was an Underlander, but that was almost it, just like always. I asked her why he wasn't with us, or why we weren't with him, and she finally said something more, and told me that he wasn't ready for a family. That and their relationship was "a secret from the monarchs, both of whom would've been extremely displeased upon hearing there was an affair between them at all." Her words, not mine. The subject seemed way too touchy, so I just sorta dropped it after that. I'm curious about him, but if he really didn't care enough about me and my Mama, he probably isn't worth my speculation… I’m still curious about him anyway. I mostly wonder if he even survived the attack from the Jabberwocky. But with so many dead on both sides, I doubt it. 
June Seventh, 1629
Today was the happiest day of my life. I’m now the wife of my three wonderful spouses. Kaseki was worried and stressed about it, but I knew that it was going to be more than just decent. The only thing I wish we did was make it a more private event. Oh well. Galacta wore a long, feathered cape to hide his wings, but I believe all of us were beautiful today. Mama had several pictures taken, and she certainly cried the entire time. I’m certain that she’s overjoyed that I’m going to be with such loving and caring partners. I just wish that Kamenshi and Kaseki’s parents could’ve been here… It feels lonely for them to not be here, but… I suppose they’ll be here in memory. Oh, I’m sorry for turning this so negative. I just don’t really know how to describe how I feel, other than pure bliss and joy that this day has finally come.
We’re going to be so happy together, I can feel it.
May Second, 1631.
I’ve officially been sworn into office today. The other candidates are all more experienced than myself, but they say I can learn as I go. My spouses said that they were so happy for me. I’ve been writing in my journal more frequently, as there have been more and more on my mind. I just hope that I can do my best to serve and protect Tarot Town. From those who wish us harm, and from the wrath of the Queen. I haven’t forgotten what she did to that poor Underlander. And all the others that had somehow incurred her wrath. It’s strange. Today is one of the happiest days of my life, and yet, I’m dreading what might come of today.
May Third, 1631.
The Queen arrived in the town today. I was caught off guard, but when I tried to apologize to her, she… This is going to sound crazy, but she said there was nothing for her to get angry about, because she had arrived without warning. It was purposeful, even… I’m not sure how to think of her anymore. She seems so calm. Too calm, even… Her several royal guards, on the other hand… They seemed tense… Anxious, even. I tried to ask one of her guards, Ava I believe, but… The Queen had strictly ordered both of us to stop. And… That was when I really remembered again what she did. What she has the ability to do to anyone that crosses her. The two of us walked through the town, just quietly talking to each other. When we got to my new office, she just… asked me to sit.
We went over the different terms and agreements that came with me now being in office, and she seemed rather transparent about what she wanted of me and my town. I have to admit, I wasn’t expecting such transparency. It was… in a way… very disturbing… Was she this transparent with all of the other mayors? Or is this just a facade? I can’t tell. Regardless, she… she gave me a written contract. It glowed softly, and I could read over the terms and conditions they laid out. Of course, I read the contract over repeatedly, almost tuning her out. Every word, every letter, every single asterisk. But there was nothing. Not as far as I could see. So… I signed. Hoping those stories from my childhood to have been false. She left me a copy of the contract, and she left Tarot Town shortly after, but… I can’t help but dread the idea of what I might have missed on that contract.
December Twenty Third, 1631.
I've noticed that my powers seem to wax and wane with the sun and moon. I get stronger during winter, and they get weaker during summer. I think even my visions are at their most immersive and more accurate during the Winter Solstice. So much so that it becomes hard for me to distinguish what's actually happening around me. It's strange, but that's just how powerful this magic is. I've been preparing for today though, for quite some time. It's the Winter Solstice, the darkest day of the year, and the strongest my powers will get this year.
Mama said this power is something she's lived through similarly to myself, and it had given her wisdom and experience that was deeply needed by the historians and the Suits. The Club before they disappeared, the Heart before Somnia, the Spade before they were attacked by the Jabberwocky, and the Diamond before their banishment. Apparently, this power is genetic in some capacity. If I were to have a child of my own, this power will become theirs. I’m not sure if I’ll stop having visions if they were to start having them, but I don’t imagine so. Mama said the power might even follow the women better than the men of our family. I’m… sort of curious now, but not curious enough yet. The four of us will have a child when we’re ready for it.
I’ll just leave this here, and write any visions that I may have.
July Thirty First, 1632.
I’m writing this in between my tears, so if something looks wrong, that’s why. The Queen paid Tarot Town a surprise visit, and she seemed to be calm, even a little bit cheerful. I invited her to my office, and offered her a cup of hot chocolate. The conversation was civil and calm, even if her guards seemed a bit on edge… But today was just confirmation that I should never have trusted her. I… I asked too many questions. About her supposed kindness. About why her guards seem so afraid. About the Underlander that I saw when I was a child. She’d tried to deflect the answers, but Shard… Asking her about what she’d done to him was apparently a step too far.
She was furious, demanding to know how I knew where he was. She quickly calmed herself, but… I know it was false. I tried to change the subject, but I shouldn't have. Her guards tried to approach to passively separate us, but just a glare was all it took from her to force them away again. She said to me “You have lied to my face for decades on your true loyalties. You swore loyalty to me, all the while you conspired with them.” I tried to calm her, tried to make her think rationally, but nothing I did worked. She revealed the contract that the two of us had signed when I started my job as the Mayor. It was all the same but… it was terrifying what she had done.
With just a snap of her fingers, lines of invisible ink had become visible. She had hidden terms and conditions in that contract. She lied to me, and I was either going to tell her everything I had neglected to inform her of- things that vary from important to the town's health to deeply personal information that could endanger the Kingdom if it fell into her hands -or… I would be cursed. I'd heard several stories as a child of what she'd be able to do to people that angered her; the curses and fates worse than death she could inflict without a second thought. But, despite my fear, I put my foot down. I refused to bow down to her, refused to tell her anything that she demanded to know. She made it clear that it was the worst choice I could’ve made in my entire life. Just as worse as even thinking of helping Shard.
It felt horrible, being dragged outside like I was a criminal, and thrown to the dirt in front of the entire town. I saw Galacta and Kaseki try to run to my side, but when the guards approached me, their weapons at the ready, they just stopped. No one wanted to cross the Queen, and now that I’m writing this, I sincerely don’t blame them. I wouldn’t wish any of this upon anyone else. The Queen stood at the top of the stairs, trying to make herself intimidating and powerful compared to those she thought below her, including myself. She unraveled that golden contract again, holding it out to show to my people.
“Let this be a lesson to those who dare stand against me! In my hand, I hold the contract your Mayor has willfully signed when she took office! The contract she had intentionally violated!” I think she was stalling slightly to decide what to do with me. I prayed that she would have mercy, but I knew that there was nothing I could do anymore. None of us could do anything. Not even her own guards could stop her.
A pair of ghostly hands of pitch and scarlet appeared, and… the next moments, even now, are a complete blur. I don’t know what happened, but I knew that I… In that pain, that feeling of being lost and abandoned, that agony… I thought of my family, I thought of what would happen to me, and what lives we could’ve had if this never happened. And I thought of Shard… Did he go through something like this? This pain, this agony that I was living through at that moment? I… was unconscious for a moment. Again, what happened, I had no idea. It must’ve been so terrifying, so painful if I completely blocked it out, even now. The guards seemed deeply shaken, and the people seemed horrified, but the Queen… Kamenshi tried to help me up, and I saw that… that look on her face… She was so… so… How could she be so happy about this? She wasn’t just happy, she was fucking revelling in this horror show. She walked over to me, and just said to me, “This is just the start, prophet. So long as I hold the throne, you will never know a moment of peace.” She… left soon after…
The curse she placed on me, I don’t quite know how to describe it. I thought, at first, that she had stolen my voice, like the witch from one of those old stories. But she must’ve thought that was too cliche, because she didn’t steal my voice. Rather, she completely distorted my ability to speak normally ever again. Only speaking in riddles and confusing phrases. I.. still don’t know what I’m saying, compared to what I’m thinking of saying. I can’t even say “hello” or “I love you” without getting confused myself. While I so deeply wish I could make her take back this curse… I know that I did the right thing. What I know, the visions I’ve had, the lives I’ve helped, it could all be stolen away at just a moment’s notice if she had gotten her hands on my journals, and especially if I had told her everything she wanted to know.
Galacta is standing guard outside the room. I don’t think he’s going to sleep, and I don’t blame him. He blames himself for letting her even lay a hand on me. I think this is going to be the first in a long line of sleepless nights, with pillows soaked in tears.
January Fifth, 1634.
I was making my daily rounds through the town today, checking in on how everyone was (to the best of my ability with my spouses busy) when I had seen a pair of men wandering around. I hadn't seen them very often as a child, but I believe that they have been here before I was born… Actually, not even Mama is sure of how long they’ve been here. She said they were here before she moved here. Something interesting that she mentioned, however, was that they always took caution to hide themselves from the Queen during her surprise visits, and despite their mockery and joking, they usually keep to themselves. I don’t even think anyone knows their names.
When I greeted them, they said to not worry about apologising immediately about not having a translator or writing out my sentences on a piece of paper instead. “We can understand you even if others can’t,” they said to me. One of the twins walked heavily on the one side, and had to use a cane to relieve the pressure, but the other, despite looking in just as frail of a condition, was walking fine. It was odd to see them walking and moving; despite their movements being completely fluid, there were… moments in which it looked like they were fighting their own bodies in a way. Like they were moving slightly too far or slightly too little than they wanted to.
I didn’t want to be rude through my conversation, but… it was a bit difficult to properly phrase my questions and my answers to their own questions. They didn’t answer a lot of them, though. That was understandable; I was still a complete stranger to them, and if they thought I was still working with the Queen, it… would be more than understandable for them to ignore me. I won’t break my vow to protect my people, however. There is nothing she could do to make that happen. I hope that I can keep this courage I have at the time of writing this.
Fylass in Wonderland belongs to @george228732
Aeon and Cresunsa belong to me
Queen Somnia belongs to @stardustshimmer
Tenebra and Celesta Knight belongs to @lucent-nargacuga
Shard/Lucid and Buddy belongs to @lostsoulau-ask
Kurabe and Fettuccine belong to @kachikirby
Dero belongs to @monsterhatdoodles
Chaos belongs to @galakianexplosion
Ava belongs to @avathestarwarrior
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galaxywarp · 9 months
I’m getting a bit better at remembering my dreams. I want to write about the one I had last night.
I dreamt I was at my grandparents’ house and trying to get all of my cats into carriers so that I could take them home. But several of the carriers were broken and so the cats kept getting out and I was chasing them around trying to get them secure for us to go home. I remember I was very upset at the thought of only being able to take some of them but not everyone
And I knew I couldn’t afford to buy new cat carriers so I was begging my family (mom, sister, grandparents) for help. Help getting the cats in one area, help trying to figure out how to get them secure so I could go home
And everyone was mad at me and no one would help me. And eventually I got so overwhelmed and just started crying and I ran into the basement
The basement is significant to me because when I was a kid, I would hide from my abusive stepfather in the basement. He was mean and scary and drunk and I was home alone with him a lot so I just, hid in the basement to be safe from him. Hours upon hours upon days upon weeks of my childhood was spent hiding alone in the basement, listening to the sound of angry footsteps falling on the ceiling above me
Also, kin stuff happens a lot in my dreams, and Steven and I trade bodies a lot. And at this point in the dream, I was definitely Steven
And I ran into the basement and I was hiding down there crying. And I dreamt that Connie came down there after me
And she sat with me while I cried and she comforted me. She was so kind and sweet. And I felt better. And she leaned in closer to me. To kiss me, or just rest her forehead against mine, I don’t know. But I closed my eyes and leaned into her
And when I opened my eyes she was gone. I was alone. Only the cold empty space beside me
And I realized it was because, I don’t have a Connie
I don’t have someone who would follow me into the basement if I ran down there crying. I don’t have someone who would come after me, and sit with me and comfort me
I was alone down there. With no one but myself. The same as always.
And I tried to keep pretending even after she was gone. I tried to rest my forehead against someone else’s who wasn’t there. But now that the illusion was broken, I couldn’t go back.
All I could do was wipe away my own tears and go back upstairs, where my family was still arguing about me. Arguing about how I needed help.
And maybe that’s why when I woke up today and I needed to borrow ten dollars from my sister, I ended up sobbing in my closet for nearly an hour about it.
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lynaferns · 10 months
If you feel like it, I would love to hear any info you have for your Steampunk au 👉👈🧡
Mind a little info dump that I can't hold any longer?
In this story Freddy and Gregory would find out that the safe mode it's a small defense that protects animatronics from the virus when they electrocuted Moon by trowing him against a fuse box (in self defense). So they aliate to put the rest of the band in safe mode and find out what's going on with Vanessa/Vanny and the basement pizzeria.
That could work as a summary with minor spoilers.
(more under the cut, it got a little long)
I was planning for the story to happen in 5-7 days (like in the original games). They would have to find ways of hidding Gregory for the day while at night they would be saving the rest of the band from the virus and as a team find clues of who Vanny and Vanessa are, what is going on in the basement, how to get free from the virus, etc.
Vanessa was going to be more important for the plot, she would be the one moving strings in the background messing with the band and making them up against each others. And I don't know how this would turn out but there were planned action escenes with dart guns the animatronics are equiped with. (also to compensate the little screentime of the daycare attendant they were going to be much more important and helpful)
I started writing when there was no information about the mimic, so we all thought Afton was the one in the basement. My firts obstacle when writing this was Burntrap. It never felt like William Afton, I always felt like something was off but I didn't know why and that dificulted me writing him as the villain of the story.
Then we got the mimic revelation and that was a mix between "I FUCKING KNEW IT IT COULDN'T BE AFTON" and "I... have to rewrite very important points to the story... oh no" and that basically messed up my whole mental map of the story because I was trying to stay close to cannon. Now I'm think "fuck the cannon" and I'm going to make Burntrap as William because I think I have a more interesting story like this.
Here is the post where I reveal a few Ideas and interactions I have planned
There's not much but you can find the steampunk au stuff under the #fnaf steampunk au tag in my blog
I have a better idea now of what I want for this storie to be, so me getting the motivation back one day is not as crazy as it sounds, haha
('the safe mode can prevent viruses from acting up' is a real thing. I don't know much about computers but if I remenber correctly most computer viruses hide in your computer archives and/or programs and waits to be activated by the user accidentally starting them up or runs discreetly in the background (hiding under a name that can make you think is part of your computer, 'windows sofware security' for example). In safe mode your computer is limited to only the essencial to start up and work, the unesencial programs turned off untile you manualy start them up, this can prevent the virus from acting but it is not an infalible solution)
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metalobrukht · 2 months
According to the norms of international humanitarian law, taking civilians hostage during an armed conflict is a war crime, and their illegal imprisonment is a crime against humanity. Occupier continues to unlawfully detain Ukrainians in more than 100 places of captivity.
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Russian troops entered Kupiansk very quickly. Oleksandr didn't leave because he believed it would be liberated soon. Food prices spiked after occupation. Electricity, mobile communication, and internet disappeared. On April 13, 2023, he set out on his own. In Urazovo, russian border guards ordered him to enter the store where people were questioned.
“I open the door, and in front of me stands a man, a little taller than me, in a balaclava. And immediately – a blow to my nose. I fall back, and another guy pushes me from behind. They took me by the arms and dragged me to the basement.”
He was asked what he did during the occupation. If he mumbled, the russians beat him. They constantly interrogated him, used electroshock, a stun gun, beat him with a baton, hung him upside down. Then they brought pliers and threatened to pull out his teeth.
Later, Oleksandr was transferred to Stary Oskol. During the “welcome” Oleksandr was beaten with a stun gun, batons, feet and fists.
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“The russians would enter the cell without any warning and beat the Ukrainians until they hid under the beds. Such 're-education,' as they called it, lasted for a month or two for everyone who was brought in.”
After the solitary confinement for four days, they took Oleksandr for interrogation daily before and after lunch. When leading a prisoner through the corridors, they would make him bend and face the wall and beat him on the legs, kidneys, liver.
In solitary confinement, there was a peephole into the toilet, through which a guard constantly watched to prevent suicide.
In the general cell there were three other people – one civilian and two Azovstal plant defenders.
“They were in Olenivka. And from letter A to letter K, everyone was sent to Stary Oskol. (…) They abused the Azov fighters, tankers, and artillerymen severely. They chose the worst punishments for them.”
Facility representatives constantly used repressive methods: bursting into cells, mercilessly beating people, using a stun gun, setting dogs on them. After the morning roll call, the guards would tap the walls with a stick and inspect the beds.
“When I could not make my first report properly, the shift chief asked me: 'Don’t you know how to report? Step out!' And with my hands cuffed behind my back, the spetsnaz officer began to beat me on the ribs. And then he said, 'Make sure you learn it by tomorrow.' And I learned.”
In addition to beatings, the prison administration would place noncompliant people in the “rubber room.” It was one meter by two, the walls were covered with something soft. There was nothing there.
“They take you there naked for 16 hours. They come in and electroshock you… You can’t even go to the toilet. How long can you sit there? If they see that you don’t want to say anything… They send you there, to the rubber room. For two, three days. Some were there for a week. It’s terrifying…”
All prisoners were allowed to write letters home, but Oleksandrs letters never reached the recipient.
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One of the POWs held with Oleksandr had his right hand injured by shrapnel.
“His hand was cold, there was no circulation. Obviously, the nerve endings were affected. Some shrapnel was stuck in his hand, and the russian doctors said they would not remove it. They said, 'Once you get home, let them deal with you'.”
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