#I introduced her to like 3 people at a party once. but that's it
howtobeamagicalgirl · 8 months
I might have to start living my life differently. Bc this sucks.
0 notes
astraystayyh · 1 year
In my dreams
Seungmin x reader. (fake) enemies to lovers. my interpretation of in my dreams by tearliner, love X stereo.
Seungmin has never liked you. You never understood why, but you were slowly coming to terms with it. However, you gradually come to learn that there is more to his feelings than what meets the eye.
skz song series
cw: reader has anxiety and deals with lots of self-doubt and insecurities.
a.n: the end of our skz song series!! and a pretty personal final fic, this one is based on my own experience with anxiety, so it might differ for everyone :) thank you for reading as always <3
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You watch, a soft smile on your face as two little girls play with one another in the playground. It reminds you of simpler times, when you could just walk up to another human and become friends with them instantly.
But reality is much more challenging, especially for someone like you, constantly plagued by their anxious thoughts.
Anxiety didn't tiptoe into your life, one drop at a time so you'd get accustomed to its overwhelming presence. Instead, you woke up one day and it barged into you, through cracks and dents you didn't even know existed in your being, and then it made itself a permanent home within the confines of your heart.
You never truly learned how to live with this parasite feeding off your soul, draining you completely until you became a mere shell of who you once were. You never fully adjusted to the invisible hands choking you from within, to the voice nagging you in the back of your mind, telling you that something horrible was bound to happen.
Because nothing ever went wrong, day after day, nothing bad happened. And yet, the feeling of dread persisted and lingered until you started to believe that the problem was you.
And once you opened the door to self-doubt, you could never fully close it again.
You're too overwhelmed, too nervous, too much of everything bad. Your conversations are scrutinized, down to every syllable you uttered, to the way you smiled and how you laughed. The interactions might differ but the regret that haunts you after is the same.
So, you diluted your being, in an effort to be more acceptable, easier in the lives of the people around you. You believed that if you pleased everyone you ever encoutered then at the end you must satisfy yourself too.
You sigh softly, drumming your fingers along your knee. You’re starting a new year in college tomorrow. Your first one wasn't exceptional by any means. Aileen, the girl who sat beside you from time to time was nice, and you grabbed coffee sometimes as you prepared for your exams together. But she had other friends, ones she's much closer to, ones she invited to her birthday party, ones who she didn't simply fill her free time with.
You shake your head, putting a stop to the thoughts in your head before they get too much once again, pushing you over an edge you don't want to be in right now. 
You'll try harder this year. You'll be okay, for once.
Your professor Lee is scribbling something on the large whiteboard, as he waits for the class to fill up. Someone sits next to you, and the smell of their cologne wafts to your nose- hints of vanilla and wood seemingly calming down your nerves. You quickly take a glance at them, to find a guy with long brown hair and freckles dusting his cheeks. He's taking out his notepad from his bag, and you smile at the chick keychain he has on it. He catches you looking and you quickly avert your gaze, heat creeping up your cheeks. 
"Hi, I'm Felix," he greets enthusiastically, and you turn your head slowly to be met with his wide grin. It softens his features, making his eyes turn into moon crescents. You envy his ability to smile without overthinking how he looks. 
"Yn," you introduce back, and he nods, the grin still etched on his face. "You were in my Economics class last year, no?" he asks and you tilt your head to the side, as you mull over his question.
"I was but I don't remember seeing you," you admit sheepishly and he waves a hand in the air, not bothered the least by your words. 
"It's okay, I just remembered your presentation on Inflation. I finally understood why we can't just print more money," he admits with a chuckle, and you giggle against your will. 
"I don't blame you, it sounds like an easy solution," you agree, and his eyes widen. 
"Right! when I tell my friends they just stare at me in disappointment."
You laugh at his adorable pout, an unfamiliar warmth stirring within your chest. He's nice. 
"I'm glad I helped you then, I was so nervous presenting it," you clear your throat as he smiles impressively at you. "Really? I couldn’t tell at all." 
Mr. Lee calls for your attention and you both turn your heads back to the board. You couldn’t really focus, Felix’s words echoing in your head like a broken mantra- he couldn’t tell you were nervous. A sudden relief dawns on you at the possibility that, maybe, not everyone is aware of the neverending storm raging within you, threatening to drown you at any giving moment.
"Movie night at my dorm?" Felix proposes as he packs up his bag, your two hours long class finally done.
"Will Seungmin be there?" you ask, a slight edge to your voice and Felix pauses, shaking his head at you.
"Yn, you're overreacting. I promise he doesn't hate you."
"Have you ever seen him smiling at me?" you ask, arching your eyebrow expectantly at him. He stays silent and you wiggle your finger in the air. "Exactly! Please tell me he won't be there."
"About that... He's helping me bake the cookies," Felix smiles sheepishly and you groan, falling dramatically on your seat.
"I’m not coming."
"But the cookies," Felix pouts, and the promise of the chewy baked goods is so enticing it makes you second-guess your decision.
"The cookies...," you whine, and Felix giggles grabbing your hand to pull you up.
"I’ll see you at 5?"
"Yes," you concede, a small smile on your lips. You wait until Felix bids you goodbye for it to finally slip from your face.
Seungmin has never liked you, from the moment Felix introduced you to him. You still remember it clear as day, the way his eyes slightly widened when they fell on you, before narrowing down. How he didn't utter a single word when Felix left you both alone to get your drinks. Your panic grew as an uncomfortable silence reigned on the both of you, and you racked your brain for something to say to cut through that eerie quiet.  
"Seungmin, right?" you asked, a bit too cheerfully, and you winced inwardly at your tone. He didn't reply, only humming back. It was so faint you wouldn't have caught it had you not been staring at him intently.
"What's your major?" Your voice cracked.
"Computer science." He replied curtly, and you waited patiently, expecting him to return the question. He didn't. And you shifted awkwardly from one foot to another. Maybe he just didn't do well with strangers. Maybe he wasn't a chatty person, to complement Felix's extroverted nature.
But you were wrong. You watched in complete astonishment as he teased Felix relentlessly, a wide smile on his face. It made his eyes soften, a newfound fondness itching itself on his expressions. He laughed and he joked and you felt yourself shrink more and more, this way he wouldn't notice you anymore, wouldn't glare at you as if you did something horribly wrong to him.
Felix tried to include you as best as he could in their conversation, but you tuned it out. It was hard to focus on their talk when there was a tumultuous one ongoing in your mind. Seungmin's behavior just further cemented every horrible idea you held about yourself. There is something wrong about you, and he can see it. You may have fooled Felix but you didn't fool Seungmin. If you were him you wouldn't talk to you either.
Every encounter with Seungmin since then left you feeling fifteen years old again, in a classroom full of unkind eyes zeroed on you. You tried to talk about his interests, to string along a normal conversation, one that would reassure that your first encounter was a wrongful impression.
But he did not like talking to you, only offering short replies in response. It’s as if his tongue was tied in your response, and in return it only magnified the knot in your stomach. You went through every conversation with him a million times in your head, trying to pinpoint what exactly went wrong. What warranted him to be so silent in your presence, and yours only, as if you weren’t worthy of a simple conversation. And the answer always tied back to you.
So, you’ve been avoiding him like the plague for the past month, sparing him the chore that is existing near you. It was particularly hard since Felix was his best friend and roommate, and surprisingly he actually enjoyed spending time with you. Still, you couldn’t help but think that it was only a matter of time before Felix started to hate you too.  
"You're moving too much," Seungmin chastises and you freeze in your place at his words. You are sitting on the couch of Felix’s dorm later on that day, a horror movie playing in the small TV before you. Felix decided to lay on the floor, buried in a pool of yellow blankets, and a long pillow that weirdly had the picture of one of their friends printed on it. "It's my safety net," he explained and you didn't question him any further.
For some reason, Seungmin decided to sit next to you, instead of the opposing couch. Granted, he can see the TV more clearly from here, still this is the first time he willingly went somewhere near you, let alone talked to you.
You decide to ignore him, too focused on predicting the next jump scare, your feet tapping the floor furiously. But still, it happens so abruptly, eliciting a startled gasp from you, anf you clutch the edge of the couch even tighter.  
"Close your eyes," Seungmin speaks suddenly and you raise an eyebrow at him, confused. 
"There is a jump scare coming soon," he clears his throat, "just... close your eyes if you don't want to see it." 
You comply without much thought and soon enough, you can hear a shrill scream coming from the screen. He was right. 
"It passed," he says softly, and you tentatively open your eyes once again. There is a foreign expression on Seungmin's face, one you haven't seen before, but it passes as quickly as it came, like a dream slipping between your fingers as soon as you wake up. 
"How did you know?" you ask, hugging your knees tightly to your chest. 
"I already watched this movie."
"Really? Why are you watching it again?"
"Because. I had nothing better to do," he says, almost defensively, his hand now covering his mouth as if he had to physically stop the words from spilling out. 
You don't reply, turning back to look at the screen. Seungmin doesn't tell you when a jump scare is coming next, he simply taps your arm, and you close your eyes on cue. 
His hand brushing against your bare skin feels weird, not uncomfortable by any means, but it still is a foreign sensation. You didn't know he had such soft hands, and you always imagined them to be cold. But they are warm, and you wonder what other things about Seungmin you've been wrong about.
"I'm so tired," Felix groans, laying his head on your shoulder and you giggle, patting his head in mock sympathy. It's been three months since the start of your year, which means that the assignments are starting to pile up on you all.
"Me too," you sigh, and Seungmin stays silent next to you. Felix dragged you both to this coffeeshop, a little outing to recharge his spirit, as he texted you. You're slowly getting used to Seungmin's brooding presence. He talks to you a little more, even cracking a few jokes here and there. But you’re still wary of him. You keep your guard up just in case he forcefully brings a mirror to your face once again, reminding you of everything you despise about yourself.
"I'll go order, it's my treat. Pick a place for us?" Felix says and you nod, walking ahead of Seungmin towards a table near the back.
You sit down first, and Seungmin follows second, sitting right across from you. You quickly bring out your phone, scrolling mindlessly through the apps to distract yourself from the man in front of you.
"You have a presentation tomorrow, right?" Seungmin speaks up, startling you, and you slowly put your phone down.
"Yes, how did you know?"
"Felix told me that it makes up 25% of your grade. Are you nervous?"
"A little," you admit, even though ‘a little’ didn't even begin to cover it.
"Don't be. You'll do well," he says, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. You almost feel as if you've imagined it before it dissipates.
"Thank you," you nod, as Felix brings the tray down your table.
"Is this for me?" you ask tentatively, pointing to the strawberry milkshake, a sore thumb sticking out between the iced americano, and the hazelnut Frappuccino, Seungmin’s and Felix’s respective go to orders.
"They got the order wrong. I got you an iced matcha," Felix pouts, double checking his receipt.
"It's okay," you smile slightly. There was nothing you despised more than having to change up your order.
"You don't want to drink this," Seungmin says, staring at you expectantly and you wave your hand in the air dismissively. "I don't mind."
Seungmin stands up, grabbing the drink from your hand before taking the receipt from the table. He goes to the counter and you watch in astonishment as he comes back, a green drink in hand this time.
"Here," he hands you your cup, before grabbing his own and sipping from it. Your drink is cold, but the warm tingles spreading through your being at his sweet gesture outweigh any other feeling.
Talking in front of 267 people never gets easier.
You memorized your presentation; you rehearsed it so much you could probably recite it with your eyes closed. Yet, the nerves still found a way to weave themselves inside you. Your hands were shaking, so much you couldn't even stare at the notes you prepared. Your palms were sweaty, blood rushing rapidly to your ears, tuning out your voice as you spoke.
You can’t even recall what you said exactly, it’s as if your body had a mind of its own, your mouth moving itself without you commanding it. You aren’t sure how it was, but someone smiled at you reassuringly from the first row, and the professor clapped, so you assume you did okay.
The class finally ends, your nerves slowly dissipating and leaving in their trail an excruciating exhaustion. You rub your eyes tiredly, as you slowly walk out of the door, before stopping in your tracks when you notice Seungmin leaning against the wall, hands buried in his varsity jacket.
His eyes are closed, a pair of earphones dangling across his chest. But then, as if he feels you looking at him, he opens his eyes, locking his gaze on you. You stay put in your place as he walks to you, his bag loosely hanging from his shoulder. He hooks his thumb underneath the strap, keeping it in place
"How was it?" he questions, and it takes you a few seconds to register what he was asking about. Your presentation. Was he waiting for you?
"I think I did well?" you reply, but it comes out more of a question to which he giggles softly.
"Are you asking me?" he teases and you roll your eyes playfully. "I did well," you repeat and he smiles, nodding a bit. "I’m sure you did. Here." He opens his bag, taking out your favorite chocolate bar from it- it had bits of caramelized pistachio and almonds in it. Seungmin doesn’t like it, he prefers plain milk chocolate, as Felix told you one day.
"Eat this, I ended up buying two by mistake, I still have an extra one at the dorm." You grab it from his hands, and he quickly leaves before you could properly thank him.
You always dread the days you'd wake up with a heavy weight crushing your chest.
You try to distract yourself, try to focus in class and take notes. You try to laugh at Felix's jokes and savor the brownies he just brought you. But you can't. It feels as if you're a cup filled to the brim, each passing second bringing you closer to when that fateful drop would finally make you overflow. And you could do nothing but watch yourself unravel.
Seungmin's eyes never leave you, and it only makes your anxiety spike. It feels as if he's peering inside your soul, witnessing how a cord ties itself around your throat, making it impossible for you to breathe. You can't speak anymore, every word you say threatening to make tears spill out of your eyes. You aren't sure you can make them stop if they ever start falling.
Nothing happened, nothing's happening, you try to remind yourself. But you are scratching your hand incessantly, and you feel an overwhelming need to flee. To run away, somewhere where only you would witness the display of your broken soul. So you sputter a meek excuse, and then you stand up and head to your dorm.
It's raining outside, and you don't have an umbrella. But you are grateful for it, since the rain mingles with your salty tears, shielding them from the curious eyes of the people passing by. You need to get home, you need to hide somewhere and you need to remember how to breathe-
"Yn," a hand grabs your forearm and you startle, instinctively taking two hurried steps back. It's Seungmin. He removed his blue hoodie and he's now placing it over both of your heads.
"What are you doing? You'll get sick," he sounds mad, and you can't take his disappointed tone anymore.
"I'm having a bad day and I don't need you to make it worse," you say, startling yourself with the raw emotion in your voice.
He physically recoils from your words, his arms faltering as he gazes at you, a wounded look in his eyes. "I make your days worse?" he asks quietly and his voice sounds so small, you can't help the regret that courses through you.
"Come on, Seungmin," you chuckle warily, "don't you hate me?"
"Hate is a strong word, okay. You dislike me."
"I don't. Why would you think that?"
"Because you never wanted to talk to me, from the moment we met. And it wouldn't matter if you were this way with everyone, but it's only me. And you make me feel so small each time I'm around you," you ramble angrily, as Seungmin's eyes widen with each passing second.
"Yn, yn, I don't- I didn't know you felt this way, but I don't hate you. I truly don't, I promise you," he's panicking, voice growing higher with each word, and you feel a sudden embarrassment flood your being for lashing out at him.
You don't know what to say and he sighs, looking up at the cloudy sky before meeting your eyes once again.
"This is embarrassing, God, um..." he places his hoodie on top of your head before running a hand through his face. "I don't talk to you because you make me nervous." 
"I do?"
"Yes. A lot," he chuckles, a pink hue tinting his cheeks. "I just... I find you very interesting, and funny, and I like watching you, not in a creepy way, my God what am I saying," he whines, hiding his face in his hands and you can't help the giggle that escapes your mouth.
"Don't laugh," he pouts and you nod, willing the smile to disappear from your face. 
"I like watching you exist. Just laugh and smile and talk. You look very pretty doing it. I just don't know how to deal with it. That's on me."
This time the smile is effectively gone from your face. The weight of his confession distracting you from the turmoil of emotions that swirled within you.
"I'm sorry, for making you feel that way. I never meant to. For what it's worth, you make me feel like a small kid again, as if I'm having a crush for the first time." 
A fresh wave of tears brims in your waterline, and Seungmin's eyes soften at the sight.
"Please don't cry," he says, gently wiping the rain droplets from your cheeks. "I don't hate you, I think I like you too much and that's the problem." 
I'm sorry I misjudged you, until you wiped my tears off away
"Okay," you say quietly, your mind not yet registering what he said, too busy focusing on his hands on your face. You can't believe you've ever felt invisible because of Seungmin, when he's looking at you like you're the most precious being in the world. 
"You had a bad day?" he asks, his knuckles brushing against your cheek tenderly, and you nod, silently. 
"Would you like a hug?" he asks, and you nod again. A hug sounded nice. 
He steps forward, wrapping his arms around you. His t-shirt is cold, clinging to his now wet skin. But a surprising warmth emanates from his chest, shielding you from the pouring rain- it travels from his body to yours, as if it's a familiar path, one it underwent a million times before. His hand finds your back, and he pats it gently, following a soothing rhythm, one you try to sync your breathing to. "You did well," he whispers, "you always do well," and his words feel like a patch of shade on a scorching day.
You exhale softly, tightening your arms around his waist. You think you can stay here, for a while. You could rest in Seungmin, now and tomorrow, and maybe for the following months. If he still likes you this much. 
"I'm ready," Seungmin says, his soft hair tickling your bare skin. He's laying on top of your stomach, black tie undone, a piece of crumpled paper in his hands. You can tell he's nervous, with the way he looks up at the ceiling, avoiding your gaze. You lean down, pressing a sweet kiss to the top of his head. He closes his eyes, his hold on the yellowed paper slightly faltering.
"I'm all ears," you whisper, and he smiles softly at you, before looking at his written vows- the ones you decided to read to each other after your wedding ceremony, just the two of you, in your personal bubble. It feels much more intimate this way, they are words meant for you only to hear, after all.
"My love," he starts, and he can already feel the tears welling up in his eyes. He blinks repeatedly, in a desperate attempt to keep them at bay. "If I'm reading this it means I finally married you, which is probably the best thing I've ever done in my life." You giggle and he can't help but smile at the sound of your laugh.
"I am writing these vows one year into our relationship, I haven't proposed yet, but I just know you're the one I want to marry. And I suppose I don't want to forget everything I want to say to you, when that day comes." His words make your breath hitch in your throat as realization dawns on you- he wrote this three years ago, and he kept it safe, till this day.
"I still remember when I saw you for the first time. I couldn't talk because you looked so pretty, and you were smiling at Felix and I felt an overwhelming need to be the one you were smiling at. I think you cast a spell on me because I couldn't even ask you about your major back, I couldn't believe how awestruck I was. But you already know this, don't you?" He looks up at you, pressing a quick kiss to your stomach and you smile widely. You still remember when Seungmin recounted the first time you met, from his perspective. Rosy cheeks and fumbling words as he explained how much he felt for you in that instant, and how little he could express it.
"But there are still things I haven't told you," he clears his throat. "Like how Felix told me what horror movie he was planning to watch with you, and I looked it up the night before, to memorize all the jump scares just in case you were afraid. And you were, and I'm glad I did. I don't even like horror movies, but it was worth watching it three times in a row, just for you."
"Also, how I had to run out of my class to yours, so I'd catch you after the end of your presentation. I bought that chocolate only for you. I kept a stack of fifteen bars hidden in my desk, just in case you were feeling down, and you ended up needing it. I kept asking Felix about everything you liked, and disliked, and he was probably sick of me at that time," he chuckles, as memories of begging his roommate for any bit of information about you flooded his mind.
"I don't know how far into the future it'll be when I'll finally read this to you. I don't know how I'll be, or where I'll be, but as long as you're with me then I must be okay. I used to overthink everything, plan every part of my life so it'd run smoothly. That is until you came into my life, so suddenly, and you flipped it upside down. I didn't care to plan my life anymore, all that mattered is that it revolved around you," he pauses, sucking in a deep breath.
"I knew I wanted to marry you when you took me stargazing. You talked about the stars and galaxies so excitedly. And then you brought up Saturn; how it was unique among the planets, adorned with thousands of ringlets. And I remember thinking that you're my saturn, you're the dazzling planet that everyone admires and I'm the ring spinning around you, the one you're keeping afloat. And as long as you're here, I have a purpose and I'm okay. So please..." his voice wavers, as silent tears slip out of his eyes.
"Don't leave me. I know we're married now, but still, don't leave me. I love you. I feel like I've loved you in different lifetimes, in different earths and timelines. Everything can come crashing down around us, but one thing that'll forever remain the same is my love for you. I was made to love you, after all. My eyes were made to look at you, and my hands to graze your cheeks. And my heart... My heart was made to beat for you. And I love you. I feel like I don't say it enough but I truly love you. As long as I'm breathing then I'm yours."
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amiableness · 24 days
Peonies ; part one
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Pairing: Theo Nott x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader is devastated when Mattheo gets a girlfriend and asks Theo to help her get over him.
Word Count: 5030
Warnings: Unrequited love & reader crying. Let me know if there's more; I probably forgot something.
A/N 💌 I am so excited about the first part of this series—it's been in my head for weeks! Big thank you to @moonpascal for reading and editing! I'm so excited to hear your thoughts!
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Against your better judgment, you’d fallen hard for Mattheo Riddle. And yet, you were fully aware that nothing would ever come of it. 
You’d grown up in the same circles, your families often crossing paths at dinners and parties, but you were never particularly close—barely acknowledging each other in those polished, formal settings. It wasn’t until you both started at Hogwarts that any real connection formed. Being eleven and navigating the overwhelming experience of a new school was daunting for anyone. When you both were sorted into Slytherin, the shared familiarity in an unfamiliar place naturally drew you together.
Over time, you’d been there for him more times than you could count. You were the one cleaning his cuts after a fight, always telling him it was the last time because you couldn’t bear to see him get hurt. Yet, each time he showed up, you let him in with an exasperated huff, carefully tending to his wounds. When he’d appear at your door late at night, eyes dark with whatever was haunting him, you’d silently walk with him, sitting together in the quiet of the common room until the tension in his shoulders finally eased. You’d pretend to be annoyed when he asked to copy your coursework, but in truth, you savored every moment he sat close to you—the way his arm would brush against yours as he scribbled down your notes, the warmth of him, the scent of his cologne lingering in the air—leaving you longing for him to stay close just a little longer, even though you knew he never would.
He moved from one fling to the next, a string of one-night stands that never seemed to reach his heart. While you’d never been one of them, you couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like if you were. A stubborn, hopeless part of you clung to the fantasy that maybe, just maybe, he’d one day let you be the one he trusted with more than just a night tangled in the sheets.
Your friends always joked that if Mattheo ever got serious about a girl, it would be you—but you knew the chances of that were painfully slim.
So you were caught off guard when you walked into the common room and saw a girl you barely recognized sitting with your friends. Cozied up in the same armchair as Mattheo. Your steps faltered as you approached, trying to piece together who she was and why she was sitting with your friends. It wasn’t that you were opposed to meeting new people, but your group had never once welcomed anyone new.
“Hey, love.” Enzo murmured, patting the cushion beside him on the couch. He’s the only one who’s noticed you so far; the rest are absorbed in their heated discussion about the latest Quidditch match. You slide onto the couch next to him, your gaze briefly flicking to the girl sitting directly across from you, trying to place her.
“Hey, Enz.” You say with a soft smile, setting your bag down as you settle onto the couch.
“What’s going on?” You tilt your head toward the girl, and Enzo glances in her direction. She’s not paying attention, her gaze fixed on Mattheo with a lovesick expression.
“I’m not sure,” Enzo replies quietly, ensuring his voice doesn’t carry. “Mattheo just introduced us, and we’re all a bit confused about it too I think.”
“Oh.” You murmur and Enzo watches you carefully. He knows about your feelings for Mattheo; he’d have to be blind not to notice.
Enzo leans in closer, and you shift your gaze to him. “Listen, love—”
Enzo doesn’t get to finish before a soft gasp of your name catches your attention. You look over, surprised to see the girl leaning forward with her hand extended. You notice that her other hand still has a grip on Mattheo.
“I’m Veronica,” she says warmly, her smile never wavering. “Mattheo’s girlfriend.”
The word hits you like a punch to the gut. You’re at a loss for words, unsure if you can even find any.
Girlfriend. Since when does Mattheo Riddle have a girlfriend? And why wasn’t he introducing her himself?
You want to question her about it, to find out when this happened and how she managed to get past his walls. Because you had been trying for years. Instead, you sit there in stunned silence, your eyes darting between her hand and her face. Your mind is racing, trying to process the truth you’ve been blindsided by. You’d known he’d never be yours, not in the way you wanted, but hearing it, seeing it so plainly in front of you, feels like a cruel twist of fate.
Forcing a smile, you finally take her hand, the gesture automatic and devoid of real warmth. “Nice to meet you.” You manage to say, though the words feel foreign on your tongue.
Her smile widens, and she shifts closer to Mattheo as if silently asserting her place by his side. Your eyes flicker to Mattheo, whose attention is pulled to Veronica as she presses closer into him. You study his face intently, searching for any hint of his feelings toward her, hoping to find anything that might betray his feelings.
But when you see the way he looks at her—eyes soft, filled with a tenderness you’ve never seen from him before—your stomach churns with a sickening mix of jealousy and heartache. 
His eyes meet yours, and he smiles, pressing a kiss to her hair. “Can’t wait for my two favorite girls to get to know each other better,” he says, the warmth in his voice making your chest tighten.
You glance at Veronica as she nods enthusiastically. “Me too, Matty,” she says, her voice dripping with sweetness. “I’m already so excited for the girls’ nights we’re going to have.”
You can’t tell if she’s genuinely that nice or just putting on a show for Mattheo. “Oh yeah. Can’t wait,” you say, forcing a smile that feels more like a grimace. Neither of them notices the unease behind it—they’re too wrapped up in each other, their attention locked in a gaze that makes you feel invisible.
You tear your gaze away, the sight of them together too painful to endure, and instead turn to Enzo. “What the hell?” you mutter, barely managing to keep your voice steady.
“I’m sorry, love, I wanted to tell you before they did,” Enzo whispers, wincing as he gives your hand a quick squeeze. You murmur a soft “It’s okay,” but inside, you’re far from feeling that way.
Desperately, you try to compose yourself, but the effort feels pointless. As your eyes wander, they lock with Theo's. He’s watching you, his expression unreadable. You muster a soft smile, hoping to mask the heartbreak inside, but he doesn’t return it; he just keeps watching, his gaze heavy with something you can't quite place.
You manage to stay for half an hour, offering the occasional nod and murmured agreement to feign interest in the conversation. But your mind is elsewhere, detached from the words being exchanged. No one seems to notice your distraction; they’re all too absorbed in their own banter to catch the distant look in your eyes.
Without realizing it, your gaze keeps drifting back to the couple. Veronica rests her head on Mattheo’s shoulder, and his hand is gently resting on her knee, his thumb brushing softly against her skin. You can’t help but notice how at ease he seems with this physical intimacy—something you’re surprised he’d be so comfortable with.
When Pansy casually asked how Mattheo and Veronica had met, you felt a surge of restless energy. Without thinking, you abruptly stood up, the couch creaking loudly at the force. The sudden noise drew the attention of everyone in the room. All eyes shifted to you, their expressions a mix of surprise and curiosity as they awaited your next move.
“Um,” you winced as the room's gaze fixed on you, feeling the heat of their attention. “I’m afraid I'm coming down with a migraine. I’m going to bed early tonight.”
Your friends’ voices fade into the background as they shout their goodnights, the words scarcely reaching your ears. You speed through the common room and down the cold, empty hallway, desperate for the seclusion of your dorm. Just as you’ve made it halfway to your room, a firm grip catches your hand. Startled, you spin around to find Theo standing there, his eyes searching yours with a mix of concern and hesitation.
“Dolcezza,” he says softly, his voice a gentle caress in the quiet hallway. His eyes follow the tears streaming down your cheeks, and you watch through blurry vision as he takes a tentative step closer. “What’s going on?”
You open your mouth to respond but find yourself unable to form the words. The lump in your throat feels insurmountable. Instead, you just shake your head slightly, your tears continuing to fall unchecked.
He releases a quiet sigh and says, “Come here.” Without a second thought, you step closer, encircling his waist with your arms while resting your head against his chest. His arms come up to settle around your shoulders, and he gently rests his head against yours. As you press your face into his chest, sniffling softly, he whispers soothing words in Italian, his voice a comforting murmur. 
You must have been standing in the cold corridor for fifteen minutes before the distant murmur of approaching students prompts Theo to gently pull himself from you. He takes your hand, his touch warm against the chill, guiding you away from the freezing corridor.
“It’s just you and Pansy, right?” He asks, using his hand to guide you in front of him to let you go ahead and enter your room first.
“Yeah, but she’ll probably stay with Blaise.” You say softly, the strain in your voice revealing that you’ve been crying. ​​Theo doesn’t say anything; he’s long since lost count of the times he’s told them off for leaving the curtains open or forgetting to cast a silencing spell. Instead, he follows you into your dorm, the door clicking softly behind him.
The walls are lined with polaroids of the group, and Theo’s gaze lingers on the numerous pictures of you and Mattheo. Your dark wood desk is topped with a silver lamp and a few textbooks, its surface cluttered with quills and scattered notes. Mattheo’s jersey is draped over the back of your chair, and Theo recalls all the times seeing you wear it at each game. Your teddy, a well-worn bear that Theo recognizes as the same one you bring every year, sits at the top of your desk. 
The room feels markedly warmer than the corridor outside, though it might just be because it’s your room.
“You can sit.” You offer. Theo’s eyes move to where you’re perched on the edge of your bed watching him.
You’ve kicked off your shoes and tossed your robes over your trunk. He swallows, his gaze lingering on you. Despite the tear stains on your cheeks, he finds it hard to look away, thinking how pretty you look.
It’s rare for him to spend time with you alone. Usually, when you’re together, it’s with the rest of your friends. Over the years, you’ve been paired up in classes a few times, but neither of you has ever gone out of your way to be alone together.
He sits down next to you on the bed, deliberately leaving some space between you. For a while, neither of you speaks. When Theo finally glances at you out of the corner of his eye, he notices you staring at a polaroid of you and Mattheo. It was taken at a party celebrating Slytherin’s win. In the photo, you’re perched on his lap, one arm casually draped around his shoulder, the other holding up a cup of whatever you were drinking. Your smile is bright, full of life, while Mattheo’s is more subdued, but there’s no mistaking the way he’s looking at you—content, almost in awe, as you laugh above him.
He was sure you two were going to get together that night.
“Dolcezza,” He murmurs. You hum to show you’re listening, but don’t look away from the picture. “You know I’m here for you. In any way you need me.”
You can’t tear your eyes away from the picture at first, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you stare at it. Finally, you let out a sigh and turn to him, “I appreciate that. But how fair would it be for me to vent about your best friend to you?”
It’s the first time he’s ever heard you say anything that hints at your feelings for Mattheo.
“I don’t care about him right now. I care about you.” He says, and you look a tad surprised at his words.
There’s a moment of quiet as you process Theo’s words. He’s always been Mattheo’s best friend, so hearing him dismiss Mattheo like that catches you off guard. You hesitate, not wanting to unload all your feelings onto him, especially since the mere thought of talking about Mattheo and Veronica makes your stomach turn.
“Theo,” you sigh, your voice tinged with vulnerability, on the verge of breaking. He can hear how close you are to tears. “Will you lie with me? If that’s weird, I understand—”
But before you can finish, Theo gently takes your hand, his grip warm and reassuring, leaving no room for doubt. He gives a small nod, silently gesturing for you to lie down, and you follow his lead. 
“Where do you want me, dolcezza?” he asks, his voice soft. You feel a momentary hesitation, your heart stuttering at the tenderness in his tone.
“Um,” you murmur, turning onto your side, feeling the vulnerability settling in your stomach. “Will you face me?”
Theo doesn’t hesitate. He moves effortlessly, sliding into place beside you. You watch as he slips off his shoes and sets them aside, then settles himself on the bed, positioning his body so he’s facing you. You find yourself holding your breath, acutely aware of how close he is—how you’re sharing the same pillow and could study every detail of his face if you wanted to.
“Thank you.” You say, and you cringe inwardly at the way your voice wavers. It’s as if your sadness is laid bare, impossible to mask.
His eyes gently trace your features, a soft concern evident in his expression as he takes in the sight of you, “For?”
“Laying with me. Coming to check on me,” Your voice drops to a whisper and your eyes well up in tears when you think about why you were upset in the first place. “It means a lot.”
Theo lets out a soft hum, his gaze tender as he lifts his hand to gently brush away a tear that slips from your eye. His touch lingers, the pad of his thumb making slow, deliberate strokes against your skin, as if taking his time. His eyes meet yours, and you watch him with your lips slightly parted, overwhelmed by the unexpected tenderness of his touch. The softness of his fingers against your face feels soothing; you’ve never had anyone touch you like this before.
You shift closer to Theo, and for a moment, he tenses, as if unsure of your proximity. The hesitation makes you wonder if this closeness is too much, but then he wraps his arm around you and draws you in, holding you firmly against him. You let your eyes flutter shut, inhaling his cologne—surprisingly more comforting to you than Mattheo’s—and feeling the warmth of his body through his shirt.
As his fingers move gently over your hair, a calming touch, you rest your head against his chest. The steady rhythm of his heartbeat becomes a soothing reminder that you aren’t alone, and soon you find yourself drifting off, wrapped in his quiet of your dorm.
When you wake up, Theo is gone, and you’re not sure if you’re more disappointed or relieved. Given how you feel, you’re leaning toward the latter. Your head throbs with a sharp, relentless ache, and your puffy eyes serve as a reminder of the tears you shed last night.
You’re nearly done getting ready when Pansy slips into the dorm, her brows knitting in surprise as she takes in the sight of you. 
Her gaze lingers on the dark circles under your eyes and the slight tremor in your hands as you fix your tie, “I didn’t think you’d be leaving the dorm today.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” You snap and Pansy raises an amused brow at the agitation in your voice.
“I didn’t think you’d be in the mood to see them.” She heads to her trunk, her current clothes rumpled and clearly in need of a fresh uniform. You don’t need her to spell it out—you know exactly who she’s talking about.
“I left because I had a migraine.” You grit out and she glances over her shoulder, obviously amused and doubtful at your answer.
“Really? A migraine after seeing those two?” Pansy hums, rummaging through her trunk with deliberate slowness, her eyes flicking to you as if gauging your reaction. “They were all over each other last night. Who’s to say they won’t be again today?”
You stiffen at the mention of Mattheo and his girlfriend, your fingers pausing on your tie. The events of last night rush back—Veronica’s hand on Mattheo, the way he looked at her. You feel a fresh wave of nausea but push it down, not wanting to give Pansy the satisfaction of seeing you upset.
“It doesn’t bother me.” You mutter, trying to sound indifferent, though your voice wavers slightly. You force your hands to finish with your tie, pulling it tighter than necessary.
Pansy glances over at you, a flicker of something like sympathy in her eyes, as she drops the amused smirk, “You know you can tell me, right? About how you feel about him.”
You study Pansy, debating whether to finally say what you’ve kept to yourself for so long. It’s only been hours since you basically admitted it to Theo, and now telling Pansy feels like too much—though you��re sure they’d suspected for a while. But voicing it out loud feels like stepping into territory you’re not ready to face.
“What difference does it make, Pans? He’s got a girlfriend now.” You sigh, the sadness from last night seeping into your words. She abandons her trunk, standing up to fully face you, her expression unreadable.
“If it helps, we were all surprised.” She says, her voice unexpectedly gentle. “None of us had a clue he was sleeping with anyone more than once.”
Your stomach churns further, “I don’t think that really helps, Pans.”
“Fuck, I’m sorry,” she says, her eyes scanning your face for any sign of comfort. “I could make her life a nightmare if you want. Perhaps then she’d decide it’s not worth it.”
“No,” you say, wincing as you stare at the wall, feeling the heaviness of the room. “I want him to be happy, and if she makes him happy, then I need to accept it. Even if it hurts.”
Pansy narrows her eyes, disbelief crossing her face. “Are you joking? You’d make him happy—”
“Pansy,” you cut her off, frustration making your voice sharper. “I don’t need you to fix this. I just need to figure out how to deal with it myself.”
Pansy falls silent, her gaze shifting as she takes in the raw pain on your face, a flicker of guilt passing over her expression. She heads off to change, leaving you on your bed, the weight of her offer hanging in the air. You sit there, lost in thought, waiting for her to finish getting ready. Despite her nights spent with Blaise, you both always made a point to walk to breakfast together.
When Pansy finally emerges, you both make your way to the Great Hall in quiet unison. The hum of conversation and the steady flow of students around you create a backdrop of normalcy.
“What did you do after you left last night?” Pansy asks, her gaze shifting from the bustling corridor to you.
“Had a good cry.” You reply, trying to keep your tone light despite the heaviness you feel.
Pansy’s brow furrows. “Darling, you shouldn’t have been alone.”
“I wasn’t.” You say, almost reluctantly.
“What do you mean?”
“Theo came back to the dorm with me,” you explain, your voice softer now. “He stayed with me, just… holding me, until I fell asleep.”
Pansy’s eyes widen slightly, and she falls quiet for a moment, “He did?”
You let out a soft hum, and Pansy grips at your hand, her touch both firm and reassuring. Her eyes reflect a mix of concern and guilt as she looks at you.
“I’m sorry,” she says, her voice softening with sincerity. “I should’ve come to check on you instead of leaving it to Theo. I didn’t realize your feelings for Mattheo were this strong.”
You shake your head slightly, your gaze dropping to where her fingers clasp yours. “It’s okay,” you murmur, trying to steady your voice. “Theo being there helped more than I thought it would. I’m glad I wasn’t alone.”
Pansy nods, her expression softening. “I wish I’d known,” she says quietly. “I would’ve gone with you immediately. I just thought you needed some space.”
You offer a small, appreciative smile, grateful for her concern. “Thanks, Pansy. It means a lot.”
Pansy pulls you into a warm hug, and despite the heaviness in your chest, you can’t help but chuckle at the unexpected show of affection. When she finally lets go, she takes your hand and leads you toward the Great Hall. 
As you make your way to the Slytherin table, your spirits, momentarily lifted by Pansy’s support, are quickly deflated when you see who’s occupying your usual spot.
A heavy weight settles in your stomach as you spot Veronica nestled against Mattheo’s side, her head tilted as she whispers something into his ear. His laughter, genuine and warm, makes your appetite vanish. You decide that you’re not very hungry anymore.
You swallow hard, struggling to keep your emotions in check. Pansy gives your hand a comforting squeeze and gestures toward an empty seat beside Theo. Usually, Theo would be across from Mattheo, but today he’s positioned next to Draco. You hesitate, not wanting to assume he saved the spot for you, but then Theo turns and offers you a gentle smile—a smile you’ve never seen him give anyone else. As you stand there, he reaches out with that soft smile, his hand extended to gently guide you into the seat beside him.
You settle into the seat beside Theo, and with a resigned sigh, you reach for some food to add to your plate. Even though your appetite is all but gone, you know it’s important to eat.
Theo leans in slightly, his voice a low murmur as he meets your gaze. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you woke up,” he says quietly. “I had something I needed to take care of.” “That’s alright,” You murmur, sending him a quick, soft smile. “Were you able to get any sleep last night?”
Theo hesitates, unsure whether to tell you that it was the best sleep he’s had in a while or simply agree. He settles for a nod, “Uh yeah. I slept pretty good. Did you?”
“As well as I could,” You shrug, “But it was nice having you there.” He can see how flustered you are to utter those words, your gaze fixed on the tea you're stirring, and he struggles to resist the urge to offer to stay the night with you again.
“I meant what I said. I’m here for you in anyway that you need me.” You turn towards him, your expression softening as you take in the genuine look on his face. Your lips part, but you can’t manage to get anything past them. The way he’s looking at you makes you nervous.
“Oi! What are you two whispering about?” Theo’s head snaps toward Draco, who is watching you both with a look of clear distaste at the way you were leaning into each other, gazing at one another so intently.
“Nothing.” Theo snaps out, and Draco raises an eyebrow at the sharpness in his tone. A sly grin begins to form on Draco’s face as he opens his mouth to speak, but Theo interrupts with a low murmur that you can’t quite make out. Draco doesn’t say anything, but faces his breakfast with a disgruntled look on his face.
Theo engages in a lively conversation with Enzo and Draco, leaving you content to eat in quiet. However, it’s not long before Veronica's giggles start to cut through the silence, growing louder with each passing moment. When you finally look up, your heart sinks. Mattheo’s arm is wrapped around her waist, pulling her close as he murmurs something into her ear. She glances up at him, still laughing, and Mattheo leans in, pressing a kiss to her lips.
Overwhelmed, you instinctively reach for Theo’s thigh, your hand gripping it tightly as you try to steady yourself. Theo looks at you, startled by your sudden reaction, but you’re not meeting his gaze. Instead, he follows your line of sight to where Mattheo and Veronica are entwined, lost in their own world. 
He drops his fork with a sigh, his hand immediately reaching out to grasp yours with a firm, reassuring grip. His touch is warm and steady as he gently pulls your focus from the scene before you. Theo's gaze lingers on the tear-brimmed edges of your eyes, his expression a mix of concern and quiet determination. He glances at your friends, still lost in their animated conversation, and feels a pang of relief that they’re oblivious to the devastation written across your face.
“C’mon,” he murmurs, rising from his seat while maintaining a firm hold on your hand. With a quick, reassuring glance, he leans down to grab your bag. “I’ll walk you to class a bit early.”
Without a word, you follow him, casting a glance back at Pansy. You silently mouth ‘class’ to her as she watches you with curiosity from over your shoulder. If your friends notice the way Theo’s hand is intertwined with yours, they make no sign of it.
The moment you're out in the hall, it feels like you can finally breathe again. A few tears slip down your cheeks, and you cling tightly to Theo’s hand as you walk, finding some comfort in the steady warmth of his touch. You appreciate how he doesn’t push you to talk or ask any questions, just quietly staying by your side. There's a comfort in knowing he’s there if you need him, without the pressure to say a word.
After a couple minutes of walking, you squeeze his hand and Theo glances over at you, “I’m not sure how I’m going to do this.”
He squeezes your hand back, “What do you mean?”
“Seeing them together,” You mumble. “It really hurts.”
“I’m sorry, dolcezza.” He speaks softly, wishing he had the right words to offer, some way to tell you how to get over someone. But the truth is, he’s still trying to figure it out himself.
“Will you help me get over him?” Theo's steps falter slightly at your question, his heart aching at the vulnerability in your voice. He swallows, the weight of your words sinking in. 
He glances at you, unease settling in his stomach, “How exactly?” He briefly considers the fact that whatever you ask of him could make him fall for you more. But as long as it meant you were happy.
You hesitate, your gaze dropping to the floor as you search for the right words. “I don’t know,” you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. “Just… be there, I guess. Help me forget about him. Distract me.”
Theo nods slowly, his mind racing. He wants to say something, to offer more than just his presence, but he knows that pushing too hard might make things worse. Instead, he gently squeezes your hand again, his thumb brushing over your knuckles in a comforting rhythm.
“I can do that,” he murmurs, his voice steady despite the nerves inside him. “I’ll be here for you, no matter what.”
You offer him a small, grateful smile, and he can see the hint of sadness still lingering in your eyes. It breaks his heart, but he pushes those feelings aside. Right now, what matters is helping you heal, even if it means hiding his own growing feelings for you.
As you continue walking, Theo keeps you close, his hand never leaving yours. And though he doesn’t say it out loud, he silently vows to do whatever it takes to make you smile again, even if it means keeping his own heartache hidden in the process.
By the time you reach your dorm, exhaustion weighs heavily on you. You’ve spent the entire day with your head down, avoiding any sight of Mattheo and Veronica. The silence between you and Mattheo feels foreign; it’s the first time you’ve gone a whole day without speaking to him, and you’re unsure if he even noticed your absence.
Unfortunately, you share several classes with both Mattheo and, evidently, Veronica. The sound of her laugh has become something you never want to hear again.
You kick off your shoes, fatigue weighing heavily on your limbs as you move towards your bed. As you pass your desk, something catches your eye—a bundle of red flowers sitting on top of your books. You pause, your curiosity piqued, and approach the desk. With a gentle touch, you lift the bundle, revealing vibrant red peonies. Their rich color stands out against the soft light filtering through the window, and their subtle, sweet fragrance fills the air.
Your eyes catch a note nestled among the flowers. You bite your lip to hide a smile as you read his messy handwriting: your name followed by a simple heart.
please consider reblogging or leaving a comment! it keeps me motivated to write! 💌
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avocado-writing · 7 months
Companions reacting to Tav telling them they love them right in the middle(or after) a fight?? Like Tav is just so in awe of seeing em in action<3
oh! So sweet! Absolutely, here you go anon - writing as if you’ve seen them do something magnificent in battle & are so overcome with love that you have no choice but to blurt it out! (some stuff under a cut for being a bit NSFW LMAO) plus mentions of blood & violence
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stabs someone attacking you from out of the darkness with such efficiency they’re dead before they hit the ground
you’re blown away by the bloodlust and fury in his eyes - how DARE someone try to hurt you?
”I love you,” you choke out, wide-eyed and trembling from fear and emotion.
he’s shocked, but reaches over to give you a quick and bloody kiss before stabbing someone approaching behind you and urging you to get back to the fight
tells you later it was very silly to be distracting yourselves like that… but he does appreciate it nonetheless 😌
we’ve seen the way he’s introduced in game, we know he’s a fan of some showmanship
you see him deal with three opponents at once, Eldritch Blasts in one hand and rapier in the other, and shout that you love him almost instinctively
when he finishes seeing them off he leaps across the battlefield, spins you, and gives you a fiery kiss before darting back up to block another sword
you feel like you’ve had the air stolen from your lungs but quickly manage to recalibrate yourself - you have a fight to win!
you can’t help stealing glances at his fine form for the rest of the battle though 😏
we know canonically he gets turned on from watching you fight.
you yell out that you love him after seeing him sling the coolest Fireball? he’s putty in your hands afterwards.
so desperate, kissing you, begging for your hands to be all over him
“you are so wonderful, my heart… to see you in battle… it set every inch of me aflame…”
gets you into a routine of quickies after battle bc the two of you are fired up. neither of you mind delaying your adventure to fuck rough and fast. the rest of the party… could do without that.
is busy raging and does NOT hear you lol
roars in response but that could just be a normal battle roar when it comes to her tbf
she finds you afterwards though, a little sheepish, and is like “oh erm did you say you loved me mid-battle?”
”yes! you looked so cool cleaving that dude in half karlach, I was a bit swept up…”
her face goes bright(er) red and she actually giggles before pulling you into a kiss
“things like that make this all worthwhile, solider. I love you too.”
you’re dying. she floods you with a cure wounds so powerful it starts your heart again and also cures, like, an unrelated ache in your hip too, lol
you look up at her, bathed in the blood of battle, and she is like an angel sent from the heavens
“I love you” you manage to croak out from cracked lips
“I know,” she says, utterly unfazed, and then pushes you to your feet to keep on fighting
does give you a sweet smooch after battle though, to let you know she appreciated it 😌
“tsk’va! there is a time and a place for this!”
she swings her sword and cuts a man’s head clean off, showering you both in a rain of warm blood, and you’re enchanted with her.
has to fight people off from wounding you because you’re so distracted oops
afterwards tells you that you cannot afford to be so absent-minded in battle… but does hold you close and rest her forehead to yours, allowing a moment of connected closeness between you ❤️
you confess it when you see him bear out and start ripping people into pieces.
he is just… incredible. all raw power and brilliance.
you shout your love over to him and the bear roars before taking the head off of a zombie in one bite
always fights nearby you anyway, but will make an effort to get closer so he can hear your words of affection better!
plods over to you in wildshape afterwards and nuzzles into you, huffing happily when you bury your hands in his fur and give him a scratch 💕
her blade is full of the might of her god, and she is going to use it to sunder her opponents.
you’re dazzled, in utter awe when she kills a fiend with a single blow from her sword
you can’t help the words falling from your lips.
she lifts her shield to block a blow from falling on you, and in its shade she gives you a kiss and says one word:
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girllblogging777 · 1 month
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↳ being friends with fem!reader
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
✩ the slytherin boys obviously have a lot of girl friends, but you’re the only one that managed to become a part of their friend group
✩ when you met draco and mattheo as a child, your parents both being from wealthy pureblood families, they immediately took you under their wing and introduced you to the others on your first day at hogwarts
✩ obviously it makes a lot of girls jealous of you at school, wondering what you had to do to become part of their inner circle. thanks merlin you’re confident and have them to protect you, because the rumours can be quite intense sometimes. “yeah, she’s probably good under the sheets and that’s why they keep her around”
✩ the most overprotective people ever. a random student could literally breathe near you and you’d need to convince the guys not to beat him up. “keep your eyes and hands off her if you wanna keep them, yeah ?”
✩ walk ‘em like a dog, girl. they’re your personal bodyguards and know better when it comes to saying “no” to you. everything you want from them, you get in a heartbeat. “yes ma’am”
✩ you also educate them when it comes to feminism and how to property treat a woman, since most of their mothers aren’t really there. now they try to act like gentlemen, knowing you’d kill them if you found out they didn’t treat a girl right. “yes, i didn’t let her walk back to her dorm alone. yes, i opened the door for her. flowers ? yeah, i bought her some”
✩ apart from acting like a mom 24/7, sometimes they’re the one taking care of you. they don’t really express their emotions with words but it shows through their actions. little acts of service like carrying your school bag, buying you your favourite snack from hogsmeade or taking care of you after parties.
✩ yes they’re all pretty fucked up, but when you all hang out together life isn’t so bad anymore. whether it’s chilling in the common room after classes, having a smoke in the courtyard or hanging out in the boys’ dorm, it’s always a good moment
✩ except when they take part in more boyish activities and you have to remind them that you’re a girl. “i don’t give two fucks about playing fight and video games, guys”. however, because of them you do play mario kart like a pro and know how to physically defend yourself if you ever get in trouble
✩ sometimes you’re the one teaching them things, like when you have a “girls night” with them and it ended up with you doing their skincare and trying to teach them how to do a full face makeup. enzo ends up having such pretty lashes with mascara that you get mad at him “what’s your lash routine ? what do you mean you don’t have one ?”
✩ they always come for you for dating advice, but when you do it’s a categorical no. “hey guys, so i’m going on this date tonight and-“ “what ? oh no you’re not” i swear they forget you’re their age sometimes (they think you don’t know how babies are made and all)
✩ none of them sees you as anything more than a sister, but if you do end up dating one of the boys then it’s quite literally the third world war. all of the others warn him “dude, we love you but if you hurt her you’re dead.”
✩ and then of course you earn a lot of teasing from everyone “so, are you two coming to movie night or have more important things to do ?” “please be careful, i don’t wanna be an uncle so soon”
✩ overall, despite their complex personalities and trauma, once you become a part of their lives i can assure you there’s no going back
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
a/n : got a bunch of requests for more slytherin boys headcanons so there you go ! please like, comment and reblog <3
@iris-qt @tateshifts @redeemingvillains @fluffycookies22 @larmesdevanille @reys-letters @moonlightreader649 @fbvreadingblog @shiftingwithmars @mattheosdior @deadghosy @yikesitslush @bellatrix-lestrange5 @jolly4holly @elsie-bells @helendeath @icantkeepmyplantsalive
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lizthewriter · 4 months
best believe i'm still bejeweled / theodore nott
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PAIRING  theodore nott x fem!reader
SUMMARY  you accept theodore nott's proposal to fake date each other and the two of you step foot into the ridiculously complicated world of fake dating. part 2 of the get him back! series PART 1 PART 3
QUOTE  "best believe i'm still bejeweled, / when i walk in the room, / i can still make the whole place shimmer," - bejeweled by taylor swift
WRITTEN  6.3.2024
"everyone." theodore had walked back into the room, you snuggled comfortably into his arms. he had tapped a fork against his glass, gathering the attention of his friends. mattheo's jaw dropped, the hand swung around some girl you had seen around slithering it's way back to his side. "i want to introduce you to my girlfriend."
that's right, you smug snake. i win.
some people in the room looked rather confused, most didn't seem to care. mattheo's eyes had a glint of murder and his new girlfriend was obviously displeased by the sudden lack of his arn around her waist. an umber-skinned boy you didn't recognized was watching theodore with only a curious expression, tilting his head as his eyes met yours. they were oddly piercing, as though he could read your every thought and deduce the scheme you and theodore had drunkly concocted in the kitchen of a random kid's mansion in under a minute.
mattheo stood up quickly and approached you with a furious expression. his eyes burned a hold into theodore's head as he addressed you (though nott seemed unfazed by the boy's anger). "can i speak with you? privately."
your eyes were dead as they gazed onto mattheo and as his eyes met yours, his expression fell from fury to something more shocked. you lazily dismissed him, glancing away as you responded with nothing but a simple, "no." he didn't deserve to waste a second of your time with his nonsense.
he fumed at his and pushed inbetween you and theodore, storming out of the mansion. his date gathered her things quickly and ran after him, shouting his name down towards the sounds of a booming bass.
"i thought you said you weren't dating, theodore?" daphne greengrass sat elegantly upon the loveseat, her legs crossed and a smirk painting her face something beautiful. she looked dignified. "didn't you once remark to me that no girl was good enough for you?"
you wanted to roll your eyes. yeah. that was the theodore nott you knew.
"if we want this to work, you're going to need to -" theodore glanced you up and down. "- change some things."
you narrowed your eyes at him, your arms crossed. "what exactly do you mean by that, nott?"
"i mean to say you need to have the sense of sophistication and upper class of princess diana. and currently you have nothing more than a sense - i apologize - a smell of alcohol about you and all the upper class of a weasley."
"so you're saying you want me to start looking and acting like a spoiled brat?" you asked sweetly, though it was snarlingly obvious your expression was distasteful and offended.
nott sighed as though he were being exhausted by a petulant child, his fingers holding the bridge of his nose between his fingers. "i meant no offense."
"it doesn't matter what you mean, what matters is what you do. i'm sorry i don't have the luxury of a wealthy father to worry about all of my problems. unfortunately i have to pay rent, buy clothes, food, and other necessities, as well as cover the costs of university myself. there's not enough wiggle room there for gucci sandals and a yearly vacation to bora bora."
"i'll pay for everything, all right? i shouldn't have said that the way i did." his tone was sorrowful enough that you forgave him with a sigh and a wave of your hand.
you hopped onto the kitchen counter top as nott began to wash the alcohol glassware. "so, why are we still here? the party is over, i'm sure the kid whose parents own this house would like us very much to leave."
he sent you a look. it took a moment for you to register that this was nott's father's mansion. "oh. well then . . . if we're going to make this work, we have to be more than believable, we have to be undeniably in love. that means people have to see us together, they have to look at us and think we're in love. that means spending time together, nott. are you sure you'll be able to tolerate time alone with someone so below your class?"
theodore gritted his teeth in annoyance and rolled his eyes. "yes, i'm quite certain that i will survive."
you grinned, hopping off from the counter and patting him on the back. "great. pick me up tommorow night at seven, we're getting dinner."
"i can't believe this, i can't believe you didn't tell me!"
"relax, blaise, it's not a big deal."
"big deal!? the girl you've had a massive crush on for the past two years is now your girlfriend and you say it's not a big deal, don't be ridiculous," blaise responds with a scoff.
"fake girlfriend - she's only doing this to get back at riddle. besides, i'm doing this to piss the twat off too," theodore responded in a rather defensive tone. blaise smirked at the faint blush that painted nott's cheeks.
"oh yeah? and that's the only reason? are you quite sure?" there was an embittered silence that made blaise laugh victoriously. he clapped theodore on the back in excitement. "come on, nott, even if you're fake dating right now, you've got to pretend, right? you have your chance, don't let it go to waste! you've got a date with her tonight, right? pull out the stops! buy her flowers, get a -"
"don't you have sports communications now, zabini?" theodore drawled, glaring at blaise with an icy expression. blaise only grinned in response - his friend would come round to listen to him.
theodore had thought good and long on what blaise had said to him. it was true - you both had a general education class first semester and from then on, he had been mad about you. he didn't really understand it fully himself, at least not in the beginning. he had never been interested in girls much before, but something about you in paticular struck him. perhaps your wittiness, your intelligence, the way you weren't afraid to speak your mind about issues that were important, your beauty. you weren't rich and to be honest, he didn't care - it was your personality, your beauty, that was rich. material wealth meant nothing.
well, material wealth meant a little something. it meant he had listened to blaise and bought you an extraordinarily large bouquet of red roses that would never be to expensive to him. he wore his finest suit, his hair slicked back carefully, a hint of cologne wafting off him. he stood at the door to your dorm (which took quite a bit of effort to hunt down, you hadn't even given him your number or where you lived.)
he knocked on your door and waited patiently, glancing up and down the hall. ans then the door opened, revealing a fiesty red-haired girl with a smirk on her face. but theodore wasn't looking at her, he was looking at you. the roses almost fell from his hand.
"erm - i hope i'm not late."
the shock was evident on your face. he was - well, you couldn't deny it, theodore looked astoundingly handsome. and that bouquet of flowers . . . . was it all for you?
"these are for you," theodore said, looking for more nervous than you would have expected him to. he handed you the bouquet, but the ginny snatched it from him immediately.
"i'll go put these in a jar!" she exclaimed, holding them under one arm. she shoved you out the door and towards theodore. "you two go have fun and you, bring her home before midnight or i'll have my older brothers on your arse!"
the door slammed in your faces and you were left unbearably close to theodore. you didn't know what to say - i mean, you knew you had to make it look as though you really were dating, but you didn't expect him to go to such an extreme. "you did really good with the flowers. very believably," you said in a rather constrained tone. part of you had been flattered by such a gorgeous bouquet, but the other half of you knew it was all for show. why did you feel so sad?
TAGS @rosieandthethorns @thaliasworld96 @lovelyygirl8 @moony-artemis @thesecretmansion @thecraziestcrayon @amongemeraldclouds @readingthingsonhere @darkenwolfie @jaxyy219 @empath-bunny @always-reading @xmadigurlx @mypolicemanharryyy @prettyb1tchsblog @hoeforvinniehackerrr @luckylzclerc @pandalovingcats @thyeb @annaisabookworm @starsval @niktwazny303
part 3 coming soon glizzies 😉
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zebuie · 4 months
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[𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒]; dealer!ellie x fem!reader
𓆩♡𓆪 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒:; your friend insists you join her in a party, and you go along not expecting much but little do u know….
[𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒]; thank u SMM for 100 <3, not proofread, 3k words woops, reader is sick 🤧 (I relate.), swearing, pet names, degrading, strap sucking (e receiving), strap sex (r receiving), eating out (e & r receiving), fingering (e receiving), cum eating (e & r receiving), Ellie calls the strap her dick/cock, aftercare.
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Dina was standing over you as you lay in bed, covered in used tissues. "Come onnnnn—You need to go to the party tonight. It's going to be so much fun, and you love parties! Plus, it's been days since you've gotten out of bed, and like I'm kinda worried about you y'know."
you looked at her, nose running and eyes watery. "But I'm so sick," u groaned.
Dina persisted, "Pleeeaaase? It's going to be a blast, nd you never know what could happen. You might even meet someone new or just have a great time! n' don't worry, I'll make sure you have the best time ever. Just say yes."
You sighed and thought for a moment. Despite your illness, you secretly wanted to go to the party. "Fine fuck, okay. I'll go," you mumbled weakly.
Dina's face lit up with excitement. "Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you! " she squealed happily. "I know you won't regret it. Let's get you all dolled up now cmon,"
You groaned inwardly, knowing that getting ready would be a challenge in your current condition. However, deep down, you couldn't help but feel a flicker of anticipation. Maybe, just maybe, this party could be the distraction you needed to lift your spirits.
Dina started gathering your clothes and makeup, while you reluctantly dragged yourself out of bed and wobbled to the bathroom to get ready. Despite feeling like death, you made an effort to look somewhat presentable.
As you stood in front of the mirror, applying makeup half-heartedly, Dina came in with your  party attire - a shimmering dress and sleek heels. And She helped you put them on.
Once you were finally ready to go, Dina practically dragged you out the door. The party was just a short walk away, and the sound of music and chatter grew louder with each step. The night air felt cool against your flushed skin, making you shiver slightly.
As you stepped inside the party venue, the vibrant energy hit you like a wave. Colorful lights flickered and danced, and people milled about, chatting and laughing. The music pulsed through the air, the bass making your heart thrum in your chest.
Dina suddenly leaned over to you and whispered, "hey, I'm gonna go get some weed, wanna come with?" You shrugged and nodded, secretly relieved for a chance to get away from the overwhelming party energy. 
As you both made your way to her dealer—Ellie, Dina introduced you. "Ellie heyyy, this is my friend-" and before she could even finish her sentence: "No no I know who she is." She responded quickly. "Hi." You said awkwardly. Ellie smiled at you and then turned back to Dina. "Soooo what's up.." Ellie asked Dina.
 "We need some weed. Hook us up, please?" Ellie gave you a friendly smile and when you smiled back at her she choked on her spit."uh yeah yeah sure—Let's get you sorted." She said avoiding eye contact with you.
Dina and you followed her to a secluded corner near a makeshift bar, where Ellie discreetly pulled out a small bag of weed from her pocket. "Here you go," she said, handing it to Dina with a casual wave. You noticed her stealing glances at you as she spoke, and you couldn't help but feel a flutter of attraction.
As Dina paid for the weed and left to get some drinks, you mustered up the courage to strike a conversation with Ellie. "So, you're the infamous weed dealer around here, hm?" you said playfully. Ellie chuckled and looked at you, a hint of shyness in her eyes.
"Guilty as charged." She replied, a small smile tugging at her lips.
Dina returned with the drinks and the three of you find solace on a cozy patio behind the bustling party. Ellie takes out a joint and lights it up with expert ease. The smoke swirls around you, filling the air with a musky yet sweet fragrance. As if by unspoken agreement, Ellie offers the joint to you first. You accept it gracefully, taking in the rich scent before taking a small drag and passing it to Dina.
As you pass around the joint, each of you taking turns to inhale and exhale, the tension between you and Ellie seems to ease. The weed adds a hazy yet enjoyable layer to the conversation, making even the simplest topics feel profound.
Ellie takes a hit and turns to you in between coughs, a cheeky grin playing on her lips. "So, what brings you to a party when you're sick, anyway?"
You chuckle, the weed making the memory of your illness feel distant and forgettable. "Dina dragged me here, actually. Said I should get out of my self-imposed exile." You glance at Dina, who nods enthusiastically, a grin plastered on her face.
Ellie takes another puff, her eyes gleaming with laughter. "Well, I for one am glad she did. I mean, look at us enjoying ourselves, weed and all."
The conversation flows effortlessly as you and Ellie exchange stories, each topic leading to another in a chain of stoner introspection.
As the joint makes its way round again, you and Ellie start to lose track of time. The weed has its full effects on you now, turning everything into a fuzzy, comfortable haze. Laughing and sharing stories, the conversation flows like a never-ending river. You notice Dina nodding off beside you, her eyes heavy with intoxication.
Suddenly, Ellie's fingers brushed against yours, sending tingles through your whole body. You look at her and share a smile. Maybe this party wasn't such a bad idea afterall.
"Hey, you alright?" Ellie asks as she notices your glazed eyes and slow speech. "You look absolutely baked."
You manage a lazy smile and a nod. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just feeling really damn relaxed. This weed is strong."
Ellie chuckles. "Well, it's not called weed because it makes you feel uptight."
You giggle, feeling a sudden wave of affection for her. It's as if the weed has lowered all your inhibitions, leaving only the raw, genuine emotions.
Dina stands up and stumbles a little, the mix of drinks and weed making her dizzy. "I think I'm gonna head home," she says, her words slightly slurred. "This weed has me feeling a bit too high."
You nod, understanding. "Be careful on your way home, alright?"
Dina waves a weak goodbye as she leaves to get an Uber. Now it's just you and Ellie, alone in the hazy aftermath of the joint.
You watch as Dina disappears into the night, then turn your attention back to Ellie. As if reading your mind, she suggests, "Wanna head back inside?"
You agree, and the two of you make your way back inside the party. The music is loud and throbbing, and the lights have turned into a dizzying, colorful display. You find a cozy couch and settle down, the weed still clinging to your senses.
You lean back into the cushions, enjoying the soft feel of the fabric against your skin. The buzz of the party fades into the background as you focus your attention on Ellie next to you. The world seems to slow down, and for a moment, it feels like it's just the two of you there, trapped in a private bubble.
"So," Ellie says, breaking the silence, "how long did it take Dina to convince you to actually come out tonight?"
You laugh softly, the memory floating to the forefront of your mind. "Oh, she started pleading about a week ago. She's been on my case for days, saying I've been living like a hermit."
Ellie grins, chuckling softly. "Yeah, sounds like Dina. She really doesn't want you to become a recluse." She pauses, seeming to choose her words carefully. "You know, I'm glad she did manage to drag you out tonight. Otherwise, I might not have gotten the chance to meet you."
For a brief moment, silence blankets the air between you. The world outside of the couch fades into insignificance. All you can focus on is Ellie, her eyes locked with yours. 
You can feel the weight of unspoken words hanging between you.
And then, without a word, you lean in, your lips meeting hers in a gentle, yet passionate kiss.
You pull away from Ellie, your heart racing as you gaze into her oh so beautiful eyes. 
A soft smile lingers on her lips as she breaks the silence. "We should probably head somewhere more private." She gestures towards a dimly lit corridor that leads to various rooms beyond the party hubbub.
Without a second thought, you nod enthusiastically, taking her hand and leading her towards the door closest to them. Inside, shadows envelope every corner with only moonlight seeping through the barely-there curtains casting eerie patterns on the walls. The cool air in here contrasts nicely with the warmth of Ellie's body pressed against yours; making everything feel intensely personal and intimate. 
Her scent fills your senses while you deepen their kisses; tangled hands carding softly through each other's hair. 
As you continue to kiss passionately, your hands start to wander; undoing each other's buttons and zips with eager fingers. Soon enough, clothes are discarded in a messy pile on the floor as you stand there—your bodies exposed and vulnerable before one another. 
Your eyes never leave each other's as Ellie reaches behind her back, unfastening the clasp of her belt. A soft chuckle escapes her lips when she sees the surprise etched across your face at what she reveals next: a strap on harness tucked under her pants all along.
Ellie grins, stepping closer and running her fingertips along the curves of your hips. "Wanted to catch you off guard." She teases gently. 
With a sudden movement, she slips out of her harness; revealing a thick dildo nestled between her legs. Her eyes sparkle with mischief as she beckons you forward with an inviting finger. 
Ellie runs her fingers through your hair, pressing down on your head just enough to guide you closer until your lips brush against the silky surface of her dick. "Get down," she murmurs huskily, her breath hot against your cheek. You obey without hesitation, leaning forward eagerly; closing your eyes as you take the dildo into your mouth. She moans softly at the sight and feeling of it; running her hands through your hair while slowly rocking her hips—pushing herself deeper into your waiting throat.
Your tongue swirls around the head of her dildo, teasing and flicking it with a tantalizing rhythm. Ellie's moans grow louder, becoming more urgent as you take pleasure in exploring every inch of her toy; making it glisten with your saliva. 
She begins to move faster, thrusting harder against your mouth—her hands tightening their grip on your hair. You can feel the tension building within her, each deep push bringing them closer to release.
As Ellie begins to move in time with your movements, the strap of her harness rubs against her sensitive clit with each thrust. 
The sensation sends a wave of pleasure coursing through her body; pushing her closer and closer towards climax. 
Her breath hitches in your ear as she whispers, "Suck harder." You comply without hesitation, increasing the suction and using your tongue to tease every inch of the silky shaft before you. 
Your actions have an immediate effect on Ellie; moans growing louder and more urgent as she nears release. With one final surge forward, she shudders violently—her orgasm crashing over her like a tidal wave while you continue to suck eagerly; savoring every drop of her sweet essence that seeps from between your lips.
Once Ellie's climax subsides, she gently pulls you away from her cock; guiding you to your feet. Her eyes glow with desire as she moves towards the headboard of the bed, sitting down and positioning herself for what comes next. "Get on top," she commands in a sultry voice that sets your pulse racing. You obey eagerly, straddling her lap; feeling the cool air against your wet folds before slowly lowering yourself onto her waiting dick. The sensation is intense but pleasurable—your body adjusting to accommodate its thickness and length within you.
Ellie's hands grip your hips, guiding you as you adjust to the size of her strap-on. Her voice is low and rough with desire when she speaks, "you love this u dirty slut..being filled by my dick hm? don't you?" She pumps gently into you—each thrust sending waves of pleasure through your body. You moan softly in response; lost in a haze of lustful submission. "Say it," she commands again, her tone more insistent now. 
"Tell me how much you want this cock."You gasp for breath as words tumble from your lips, fueled by the intense sensations coursing through every inch of your body. 
"I need this... I want your dick so-so bad.." Your voice is barely above a whisper; full of longing and degradation that only heightens their passion even further.
Ellie growls deep in her throat; loving the sound of your surrender. 
She begins to pick up speed, pounding into you harder with every thrust. Her hand snakes between your legs—playing with your clit while she ravages you.  "such a whore," she breathes out, her eyes locked on yours as he drives deeper into you.
 "A dirty cum-slut who needs my cock hm isn't that right?.. " The taboo words fuel the fire within both of you; making it impossible to hold back any longer.
Your body shudders as pleasure rushes through you; waves of bliss crashing over you like a tsunami. Ellie feels your muscles clamping down tightly around her dick, knowing that it's only a matter of seconds before she pushes you over the edge. She groans loudly—her own release close at hand as she continues to pound into your wet core.
"Cum for me," Ellie demands, her voice thick with desire. "Let me see you come on my cock." The words are like a match to gasoline—your body exploding in ecstasy as you shatter into pieces; waves of pleasure washing over you in an unstoppable tide. 
You scream out her name, your muscles clenching tightly around her strap-on as she pushes you further and further towards the brink of blissful oblivion.In the aftermath of your orgasm, Ellie slowly pulls out of you; leaving a trail of slickness behind as she stands up from the bed. 
She reaches down to help steady yourself before drawing you close into a tender embrace.
As you catch your breath in Ellie's arms, she gently pushes you away; guiding you down between her thighs. You eagerly bury your face against her wet folds, savoring the sweet taste of her arousal as you settle in for what comes next. 
Your fingers slip inside her while your tongue begins to dance around her clit—your actions making Ellie moan loudly and clutch at the sheets. "More," she whispers hoarsely—her body begging for relief from the intense sensations that are building deep within.
You lose yourself in the sensation of Ellie's heat and sweetness around your fingers, her flavors intensifying with each passing moment. Her breath hitches as she edges closer to release—your tongue tracing circles around her swollen clit while you pump your fingers inside her. It's not long before she lets out a loud moan, her body shaking with pleasure as she comes undone on your face.
You lose yourself in Ellie's warmth and flavor as you feast on her sweet pussy. One hand gripping her ass for better leverage, the other buried deep inside her wet folds. Her body trembles beneath you, nearing a climax that's been simmering just beneath the surface. She whimpers loudly, her legs wrapping around your head; holding you tight against her core.
You keep going at it, licking and fingering her like a woman possessed. Her moans get louder, and she's grinding against your face pretty hard now. You can feel her getting close, and you don't want to stop until she screams your name in pleasure. Your fingers move faster inside her while your tongue does its dance on her clit; making sure she feels every inch of attention you're giving her sweet pussy.
It doesn't take much longer now. Ellie's breathing turns erratic, and her body stiffens as waves of pleasure crash over her. You feel her pussy clamping down around your fingers, and she screams your name; flooding your mouth with her cum while you lap it up hungrily.
As Ellie comes down from her orgasm, she pulls you away gently; your mouth filled with her essence. She kisses you deeply—her fingers entwined with yours as she tastes herself on your lips. "God, that was amazing," she murmurs against your skin before running a tender caress down your cheek.
Ellie slowly sinks down between your thighs—her fingers running lightly along your swollen lips before dipping inside to clean you up. You shiver at her touch; lost in the pleasure of her soft tongue tracing every curve, gathering remnants of your cum and spreading them around for her to suck on. It doesn't take long before you're completely clean and she pulls away from you, a satisfied smile gracing her lips.
You cling to the sheets as she continues her tender torment, moaning loudly with each flick of her tongue against your sensitive bud. Her fingers intertwine with yours; pulling you closer until it's impossible to hold back any longer.
Ellie finally draws back; her lips swollen and wet from your taste. She kisses you softly, one hand trailing up to stroke your hair lovingly before she reaches over for a damp cloth. She gently cleans the remaining traces of cum from between your legs—her touch tender yet thorough.
Once you're clean, she presses a kiss to your inner thigh—her hands running soothingly over your body as she gazes up at you adoringly. "So beautiful," she murmurs softly before pulling you close for another embrace. Her soft lips brush against yours in a gentle caress that leaves you breathless; savoring the sweetness of her smile as happiness fills the air around you.
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im so bad at endings ahahsjsj buttttt i hope u guys enjoy thissss 😁😁😆😆
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tastesousweet · 9 months
⭒ the girl with the tattoo (ii) - pt 1 here!!
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matt sturniolo x fem!oc / reader
summary : matt is still a grumpy ass but y/n can't seem to get him off of her mind.
warnings : idk uhhh matt’s rude but in a love hate kinda way 😋! also alcohol/drinking (i headcannon everyone 21+!)
mickey speaks : shes finally hereeeee and shes kinda long. im hoping to post more consistently!! luv u guys enjoy <3 ignore the fact that the pic above has a yt girl in it this story is for everyone i promise !!!! i just liked the little green vibe ok? ok.
AND of course you see matt again.
only a month ago, you were introduced and forced to spend an hour of your time in close proximity to him, no matter his disinterest. yet, also, only a month ago, were you gifted with the cutest tiny tattoo that continues to surprise you a little whenever you lift your shirt before a warm shower.
it hasn’t bothered you nearly as much as you'd assumed - only disrupting your life with the caution you now take to avoid irritating the skin at your lower stomach. though some nights you grow lazy, you’ve maintained a very disciplined attitude of incorporating time in your morning and nightly rituals to ensure the tiny hello kitty inked on you is properly cared for.
contrary, your interactions with matt bothered you far more than you assumed. your sub-concious must've held onto your attempts to break past his careless attitude (that greatly opposed your own people-pleasing nature) just to pettily haunt you. but you've you forced yourself to get over it at this point. you just had to after one night, the week following your tattoo appointment (and after a long day of rude professors and pretentious customers blaming you for their own mistakes), you broke down to andrea:
you sniffle before your voice breaks again, "everyone's just mean. and- and i was so fucking annoying last saturday. it keeps playing over in my head. i'm so embarrassed and i just know he hated me, but i dont know why?! i thought i was nice enough. he could've just smiled or maybe just- i-"
andrea pauses from petting your head, "honey, you're not still talking about the guy who tatted you, right?" you look up at her from your head's soft spot in her lap with glossy eyes and a quivering lip.
"dre-" you choke.
"oh my god! no! y/n, you can't take shit like that personal. not everyone enjoys talking or happiness for that matter, you can't hold on to something like that. i promise he's not too hung up on it himself." she wipes away one of your pitiful tears.
and here he is, standing across the room from you at a party.
you definitely did not expect to see matt (who’s mild attitude was clearly fueled by socializing) in this scene but you guess that la parties are just like that. as long as you know someone who knows someone you’re easily in, that's how you tend to get into these events at least. though an insta stalk would tell you matt has enough clout to get himself in, he and his brothers have built quite the brand for themselves among la socialites.
once your eyes spot him over the shoulder of some guy who just introduced himself to you, they can’t seem to move. you watch as matt smiles for a photo with a few others. matt. smiles. okay, so maybe it was a you problem. he doesn’t hate everyone maybe just you.
though, your thoughts are denied as quickly as his face drops. he doesn’t even care to look at how the image may have turned out like the rest of the group. instead, his eyes opt to watching the people around him as he sips his weak drink.
great, now you’ve become the weirdo watching him watch other people.
until his eyes catch your cautious yet curious stare from across the room. your cheeks heat and you’re immediately shifting your eyes back to the man in front of you.
matt almost smirks at his luck. no fucking way the scared sweetheart he’d tattooed just a few weeks ago is here. he looks away when someone lays a hand on his shoulder to bring him back into the conversation. you're surprised that he continues to look back over to you after adding his input.
the guy finally acknowledges your disengagement with the story about his new motorcycle and turns to see what exactly you’re staring at. he sees matt and turns back to you, “you know him?”
“yeah. well not like know-know we only met once, he gave me a tattoo.”
“oh, cool,” he looks back over to matt and turns back to you once again, “is he bothering you?”
your face scrunches initially, “no, it’s fine.” you smile at him, not wanting to give him the impression that matt did anything but exist (which apparently is enough to capture your attention).
“good. wanna go grab another drink and tell me more about this tattoo?” a charming smile morphs on face and you nod your head easily, taking his hand and leading him towards the bar outside of this large home. and away from matt.
“two-” you look over to the man beside you, “wait is this an open bar?” you ask him genuinely and he laughs a little at your aloofness.
“yeah,” he nods.
“perfect, we’ll take two kamikaze shots pretty please!” you smile at the bartender who seems to be enjoying her night quite a bit and squeeze his hand when you realize it’s still in your own. he looks down at your attached hands then back to you.
you turn your body to face him more directly and lean up to his ear, cupping your hand and whispering, “i’m so sorry, i think i forgot your name.” you were starting to feel bad and just had to confess.
you lean back and bite your lip to hide an awkward smile, and he somehow smiles harder than he already was, “it’s-”
“ashton!” you hear a voice yell hurriedly and now some dark haired guy is pulling him away from you and repeatedly saying “code red!” in his face. and suddenly, without any indication he’d enjoyed your short lived time together, he’s gone.
you try not to sulk but he was an attractive guy with easy conversation, so you at least hoped to get his number by the end of the night.
instead, you’re left leaning against the bar hoping those shots come around soon. you decide to update your friends on your night:
cute guy lefttttt :(
noooooo he was so cute 😫
don’t remind me
where r you now???
outside bar, im waiting on shots
come find me💔💔
your head shoots up from your phone when three guys practically ram themselves into the bar near you, a few people around them laughing obnoxiously.
"god damnit, chris! we said we were going slowly!"
"shhhh. you are so loud, matt!"
“excuse me, can we get some water? none of the sparkles or bubbles and shit, just water, please.”
“next time i'm speaking for myself! what if i wanted the bubbles?”
you lean your head a little to get a full view of the three recognizable faces. chris, with his arms dangled over his two brothers’ shoulders clearly obliterated and slurring his words (but excited to be there nonetheless). a blonde one, you haven’t gotten the chance to meet yet, with two nose piercings and a commanding voice. and matt, with his signature pout, even poutier now that chris’ weight is causing him to hunch over slightly. you guess you were bound to run into them.
you wonder if andrea was right in saying matt hadn’t held onto your exchange. you wonder if when he saw you earlier he remembered you for your friendly smile rather than your annoying nagging. or did he even remember you at all? did he only look at you because you were staring him down first? okay, where the fuck are those shots?!
“no way!" you hear chris’ voice screech upon recognizing you from across the bar, "y/n!?”
you look over and see him shockingly excited to see your face again. you smile in an attempt to not allow your nerves about matt get to you. you are never one to deny a conversation after all.
“oh my god! hi!” you reply as chris unwraps himself from his brothers and moves closer to you.
“how’s your tat treatin’ you?” his eyes express so much excitement he reminds you of a little kid. you’re very flattered to see someone feel so much emotion due to your mere presence.
“oh, it’s still so cute, no regrets so far. i love it.” you smile and he nods while you’re speaking.
he turns around and sees his brothers and a few friends remaining in the other side of the bar talking amongst themselves. “yo, get the fuck over here! why are you guys so far?” he encourages them with a hand wave.
you wave as well, trying not to be a total stranger- even if you are.
the blonde guy leads them over and hands chris a glass of water that must’ve been waiting on him.
“cheers,” chris smirks and takes a sip before a disgusted look takes over his face, “gross. my god! why do they make this shit so bland?”
the blonde boy rolls his eyes in amusement, mumbling, "just drink it," before approaching you kindly. "hey, i’m nick by the way."
“y/n, nice to meet you! i met chris and matt when i got my tattoo done at your shop a while ago.” you explain kindly.
before nick can get another word in a female voice is squealing, “you’re y/n?! hi, i’m asha, i don't know if your remember but we talked on the phone that one time!” a tanned girl with soft cheeks and dark loose curls moves herself in front of the boys.
“of course i remember, how could i forget that insane frog story? it's so nice seeing you in person finally!” you gush.
suddenly chris is beaming, “aww wait guys this is so cute! i’m feeling like we should all hug!” he nods to his brothers who are quick to shake their heads no.
“i don’t think..” nick starts.
“nooo! let’s hug!” chris argues and opens his arms wide gesturing for everyone to hug him.
after sharing a very drunk and messy group hug you all continue to talk until chris finally blurts, "i gotta go pee so bad guys, " he laughs, "but i need people with me because if i walk in on someone puking, then what? i'll die from my severe" (its not severe at all) "emetophobia and no one will ever know?"
you and asha (who you've found is actually so similar to you) both laugh at his crisis.
matt just breathes a laugh.
"chris, there’s no reason to go further with the fear factor when no one said they wouldn't come with you. i’m coming, so you're not gonna die, let's go." nick shakes his head.
“you don’t understand, nick i would be dead and covered in- i can’t even say it, dude,” chris’ voice fades as they walk away.
"wait, i'll walk with you guys inside! 'm... getting cold out here!" asha suddenly says removing herself from your side and waving goodbye with a drunk smile.
"it's not cold at all, she's trippin'" matt speaks watching her run and practically jump onto nick, causing the three laugh while leaving the crowded yard.
you just shrug and lean onto the bar again, making eye contact with the bartender who looks as if she only just remembered your existence but also seems to mentally question where the other guy went and how you managed to replace him that quickly.
"are you always so nice about everything?" matt questions, leaning his forearms on the bar, still looking at you.
"what?" you look over to him now, feeling almost sick at his proximity.
he mocks you with a high tone in his voice, "'it's soooo nice to meet you! it's soooo nice seeing you!' it sounds exhausting, to be honest."
"didn't realize having manners got you jail time," you breathe.
"and i never said it did."
"well, i don't have to be nice to you if it bothers you so much," you shrug.
"aw, sunshine, you'd do that for me? you're too sweet." he almost laughs at his own sarcastic comment.
you lick your bottom lip out of habit, "why are you still here? don't you have friends you should be ignoring?" you hope he can't tell just how frustrated he's making you.
“you must think you know me.”
“i know you don’t like me.”
“wrong, again.” he smiles and points his finger at you.
“oh, you just don’t like anyone then?”
he glances away before responding, “what's the fun in telling you?”
you huff in defeat, wanting nothing more than those shots right now. though your subconcious hopes the bartender continues to prioritize her flirting customers over you just so you can continue this addicting back and forth with matt.
"you know, that’s the thing with people like you. you think everyone owes you everything." he shakes his head.
"people like me?” you scoff under your breath, “matt, why are you still here?"
he can pick out the offense in your tone, "oh shit, that was true? i was fucking with you, sunny!"
"you don't know anything about me," you laugh and shake your head.
"alright there are those kamikaze shots for you! so sorry about that major delay, honey!" the bartender sets the shots in front of the both of you and smiles at you apologetically.
"don't worry about it, thank you!" you hand her a spare five dollar bill from your back pocket.
when she's gone you finally notice matt's widened eyes.
"what's up with your face, now?"
"you gave her a tip for pouring you some rankydank, fuckin' low level shots after you've waited long enough for her to apologize?" he seems genuinely shocked.
"she only makes money off of tips," you roll your eyes, picking the shot up and gesturing towards the second shot for him to take.
"that's all you," he raises his hands towards his chest.
"oh my god, do it, matt."
he shakes his head and points to you, "you take your shot, sweetheart."
"i knew you wouldn't, pussy," you say under your breath before smirking as you down the alcohol you've been craving since you first saw his face.
upon your insult matt is immediately taking the shot along side you. and just as both of your faces adjust to the taste, matt's phone begins to vibrate.
he grabs it and you attempt to hide your own curiosity by asking the bartender for a lime to suck on (not daring to ask for alcohol again because you simply don't want to be hung up at this bar for any longer).
"yeah, yeah still here," matt plays with his bottom lip and looks down at you with your mouth full of lime. he thinks you look pretty adorable, especially under the blush pink fairy lights hanging above the bar. "'kay, i'll be quick. alright, nick. i will. bye."
he puts his phone away and wipes his mouth, "that shit was fucking vile, by the way."
"okay, drama queen."
"mhm," his face falters back into his usual pout, "well i gotta go, but, um, nick wanted me to invite you to this get together thing we host at the warehouse, it's in like a month but, you know, come if you want." he shrugs.
"tell him of course i will, but only because he asked." you smile sarcastically.
ANDREA - 12:39 AM
y/n where are you we are both so confused rn help
ANDREA - 12:45 AM
ANDREA - 12:47 AM
Y/N - 1:06 AM
Y/N - 1:06 AM
I WAS AT THE OTHER OITSIDE BAR IN THE FRONT(?) YARD!!!!! but its ok im gonba find u guys
a few days later matt comes across your instagram story, forgetting he had followed you in the first place. it was a picture of you and your friends from the same night he had seen you again. it's a simple mirror photo where you're all smiling but besides your soft skin and cute outfit, matt's attention focuses on frank ocean's pyramids playing over the story.
you see the notification later that day when you finally get time on your phone:
matthew.sturniolo liked your story
꩜⋆ ˚。⋆🎱˚
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artdcnaldson · 2 months
ok so like jumping back in time a bit, before they start fucking. but a little while ago we were talking about mean art pinching pats sisters nose closed while fucking her face, and you'd written something in the tags about her watching videos online to learn to give head. WOOF!!! got me thinking, thinking thoughts, brewing something up. i think art would be asking her how shes gotten so much better suddenly, while fucking her face of course. has she been slutting herself out or something? TIHI possessive art is so hot and sexy!!!!!
he nearly cums right there when she tells him shes been practicing for him, with the pink sparkly dildo he knows she has. the mere thought of her alone in her room sucking on a big piece of rubber for his sake? to make this feel better for him? oh shes such a slut for him, the sheer devotion makes his heart swell just a little bit, before hes groaning deeply and pushing her back down further. she tells him she's watched videos to learn what guys like, for inspiration. and it sparks something in him, an idea...
it started innocently enough considering the circumstances, a link sent to her one night when he was away for a match in a different city. she didnt even really consider reading the link before she had pressed on it. porn. he had sent her porn. surely a mistake? surely this was meant for patrick or something? weird as that was, it would make more sense than him sending it to her. she texts him back like, "upsie think you meant to send that to someone else!!, no worries tho <3". she doesnt want him to be embarrassed for mixing up conatcts!! he just replies, "no. for inspiration." shes confused for a minute before it clicks, he wants to do this with her, whatever the video is, its something they'll be doing together. which means he's thinking about her while hes gone :)
slowly it progresses from relatively tame, a girl with fingers stuffed so far down her throat shes gagging around them, girls bent over laps getting spanked, hands tied to headboards... further out there than they had been before, but still not anything too extreme. but slowly he sends her things that are always just a little more fucked up than the last. he for sure sends her stepcest porn... i will never forget the fauxcest moment, it was very special to me. people fucking in bathrooms of parties or restaurants. meanwhile shes thinking, "he wants to take me to a restaurant and have dinner with me". she just wants so badly to be wanted, and this feels like he is thinking about her all the time.
i do think this would also be before he fucks her anal and before the racket. maybe this is kind of how he introduces the ideas to her? manipulating her, normalizing it for her before he suggests it to her.
hhhmmm yummy...
Exactly like. You’re all pretty, laid out between his legs, sucking his cock to “celebrate” after he performed well in a tournament. His hand is in your hair but he’s not even having to really guide you at all, you’re not even gagging on him as much as you used to.
He groans as you take him down to the hilt, when he reaches down and feels the bulge of his cock in your throat. You blink, all half-lidded and hazy, small puffs of air expelling from your nose as you breathe. He feels your tongue slip from between your lips, feels you licking at his balls, and he has to pull you off of him by your hair so he doesn't cum immediately.
“How the fuck did you get so good at this, huh?” He asks once you’ve released him from your mouth with a wet plop. Your lips are so swollen, wet and shiny as they twitch into a tiny smile.
"I practiced," you say, almost shyly, if that's even possible anymore. "I have this, uh... toy, that I use. I wanted it to be good for you."
And christ, that mental imagine is fucking enough as is, isn't it? Pretty lips wrapped around a silicon cock like a popsicle, forcing it deeper and deeper until your eyes water and you gag, making yourself work through it until it's second nature. God, he wonders if you fuck yourself with it once you've wetted it with your mouth, if your poor little cunt gets weepy when you practice sucking cock for him.
He forces his cock into your throat, deeper and deeper as he listens to the sloppy pathetic noises as he fucks into the wet heat of your mouth. God, you must’ve watched so much porn to teach yourself how to give a good blowjob— he can see it in the way you keep your gaze locked on his, eyes half-lidded and darkened with lust. How he feels you moaning around his dick like you’re getting off on the way he’s using you.
He cums down your throat and you swallow everything he gives you with a pretty smile. Give a few soft licks to the sensitive head of his cock, then smile up at him like you’re pleased with yourself.
It’s literally that night that he sends you the first link. He just can’t stop thinking about you trying to find inspiration and guidance from shitty porn websites, he wants to give you some more <3 Stuff he likes. He likes thinking about you touching yourself to it, desensitizing yourself to kinkier things as he introduces you. The first video isn’t even that bad— just a bit of gagging on fingers, some guy fucking a girl with his fingers fishhooked in his mouth so she gets all drooly and sloppy.
You practice timidly— hooking your fingers in your cheek like he shows in the video while you’re playing with yourself. It aches a little, but it’s not crazy. You wouldn’t mind letting him do that. Sure enough, the next time you fuck, he has you on all fours with his fingers shoved in your mouth— messy and drooly and muffling your pathetic little moans as he bullies his cock into your tight little pussy. And god, he swears you’re tighter like this, when you’re submitting to what he wants, when you let him do whatever he wants to you.
So he ups the stakes a little. Shows you things that make you get all embarrassed about when you think about actually doing it. Spanking piques your interest, so does bondage, the total submission of it all. Maybe for things like that he’s there with you, and you’re laid against his chest, his fingers are playing with your pussy, getting you so, so wet while you watch. Making sure you take it all in before he has you act it all out for him.
You get so wet, grinding up against his fingers because you need more— because you’re greedy. You’re watching porn where the girls are treated like toys and you’re drooling for it— dripping messy and needy onto his fingers, onto the bedsheets. He kind of wants to push your limits, to see how far things could go, but he doesn’t… yet.
You do drip for him when he bends you over his lap, when he spanks your ass until it’s stinging and aches and your eyes are all teary when you tell him it hurts so bad. He stops, but he’s consumed by the desire to see how far he could take things, to see what your limits are. Maybe some other time, when you know what a safeword is and you understand the game he wants to play. But even then, the thought of having that much control over you is intoxicating— maybe he shouldn’t have it.
He rewards you for taking the spanking so well with his mouth on your pussy— lapping at your soaked, swollen cunt until you’re cumming onto his tongue. He could live between your thighs, spend his entire life chasing the taste of your juices, the feeling of your pussy pulsing around the intrusion of his tongue. You’re a mess of spit and cum by the time he’s finished with you— your poor little clit overstimulated and twitching. But still, you take his cock. Soft and warm and pliant for him, so fucking perfect.
And you love it, don’t you? You love pleasing him like this, keeping him happy by doing what he wants. He always wants you, there’s no other girl he’s doing this with, no one else he’s thinking about when he’s jerking off. You’re like a muse in that way. Besides, there’s nothing he could show you that you’d turn away from, nothing he would do that would ever hurt you. You trust him, so it’s okay. You love Art, and this is just his way of showing you he loves you back, because of course he can’t say it.
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gloryofdawn · 1 year
Pretty much everybody on Tumblr seems to look at Garrus and be like, "Hm, yes, the optimal love interest." And that's fair! Garrus is great. Date him if you want.
But goddamn, have I just always had brainrot for Shepard and Garrus platonically. Their dynamic is just so flawless. I have never believed a game more when it has told me "These two people are best friends." They are the most found family siblings I've ever seen.
Every party member in Mass Effect 1 (who lives) goes on to achieve greatness above and beyond pretty much any party member introduced in subsequent games (except that I do specifically think the human party members are outstripped by Mordin), but you get to watch it happen with Garrus and Tali because they never leave you. Garrus starts off as "That loose cannon cop who signed on to help get Saren." After Shepard dies, he decides he's just going to casually end organized crime and is alarmingly successful. When Shepard shows up again, Garrus' reaction is to fucking shoot them and then joke about it when they finally make it to him. Shepard deflects Garrus' near death experience by calling him ugly. During his loyalty mission, you have the opportunity to have some absolutely raw conversations with him about ethics and morality that you don't really ever see with another companion except Jack, and she basically completely ignores everything you say until you see her in 3. With Garrus, he'll resist what you're saying, but you can see him trying to find the line between justice and revenge, law and chaos. If you put him in charge of the second team during the suicide mission, you can see how much he's grown with you as he effortlessly coordinates his team with yours. And all that is just in Mass Effect 2.
Once you get to 3, you really start seeing it. Garrus has made his way up in the Hierarchy and is leading their efforts against the Reapers, just like Shepard. When you ask him about it, he immediately starts talking about it as the shared work you've had since the first game. No other companion identifies themselves with you through this struggle. Sure, other companions will mention the previous games and what you did with them, but there's always something else. Liara is the Shadow Broker now. Tali has the Geth to worry about. The Virmire Survivor is bound up in the Alliance and becoming a Spectre. Wrex has the Krogan. But Garrus? Garrus is here with you. He's standing right next to you, giving the Reapers his full attention. And as you go throughout the game, he's consistently the one there for you. When you're struggling to get the Council Races to work together, he's there. When things go tits up on Thessia, he's there. Even you're going into the final run, he's there. When the two of you die, if Turian heaven is the same as human heaven, he'll meet you at the bar.
There is no Vakarian without Shepard. There is no Shepard without Vakarian. These two soldiers are bound together with blood, sweat, and the sheer Terminator-grade determination to save the galaxy, no matter how much it kicks and screams. There is no fire they won't jump into for the other one, and they'll make fun of each other the whole way. There's no other relationship like it.
I'm Glory of Dawn, and this is my favorite platonic ship on the Citadel.
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agent-grey-fics · 10 months
Who we are | Paul Lahote | Part 1
Paired: Paul Lahote x reader Wordcount: 4782
Summary: Y/n had been friends with Jake as long as she could remember. Slowly she got integrated in his friend group from the rez. They all got a long, but one day Paul started to act out. Little did y/n know what they thruly were and that he imprinted on her.
Writers note: I’m sorry if there're error's. It's been a while since I've written something and I needed to get back into my flow.
You can read part 2 here, part 3 comming soon.
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The air was filled with laughter and chatter as the close friends hung out outside Sam’s place. The atmosphere was relaxed, they had just successfully teamed up with the Cullens clan to chase a rogue vampire off their territory. But the relaxed atmosphere changed when you walked up to the group. ‘Oh, look who decided to grace us with her presence.’ Paul’s voice was dripping with sarcasm as he spoke. You narrowed your eyes at him, irritation clearly written all over your face. Your friends exchanged knowing glances, clearly used to the constant bickering between you two. ‘Come sit over here, just ignore him.’ Jacob patted the empty spot next to him. The two of you used to get along perfectly fine but it all changed one day. He started acting like a total dick and you didn’t understand why. Without giving Paul a second glance you plopped down next to Jacob who immediately put an arm around your shoulders. ‘When did you come home? I thought you had classes until next weekend?’ You shook your head at Jake’s assumption. ‘I might be skipping classes to hang out with my favourite people.’ A smile spread across your lips as you spoke. One of the things you had promised yourself was to get out of Forks, you could not understand why people wanted to live there their whole lives. It was always cloudy and raining. So when the time came to apply to colleges you chose the ones as far away as possible where the sun was always shining. ‘I knew you would miss me, I told you so.’ He was teasing you, the two of you used to hang out all of the time during middle school and after a while, he introduced you to the guys from the rez. They became your closest friends and you basically spend every Friday night with them since you were thirteen. It was a big change when you moved across the country without them. ‘We literally went from seeing each other every day to once every four months.’ He pulled you closer to his side and pressed a quick kiss against your hair. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Paul ball his hands into fists and roll his eyes
‘So, are we partying tonight or what?’ You wiggled your eyebrows as you gave Embry a playful look. He was always up for a good party and you knew he could convince Sam. ‘I’m not up for it y/n, it has been a crazy week an-’. You pat Quil, who was sitting on your other side, on his thigh when he started to whine. ‘Come on, your favourite girl is back in town and you don’t want to celebrate?’ You gave him your best puppy eyes. ‘Favourite girl’ Paul mumbled under his breath. ‘Hey if you don’t wanna go you can stay home, Paul.’ you spat at him, ‘ I don’t care if you join us or not.’ He rolled his eyes and looked to the other side. Jake squeezed into your shoulder, signalling for you to quit. ‘We could go to that bar in Port Angeles?’ Embry suggested as he looked at Sam, ‘a couple of hours wouldn’t mind right? We can take the girls?’ You bit on the inside of your cheek to keep a grin from forming on your lips as you heard him. Like you said, Embry was your partner in crime when it came to parties. Emily nodded enthusiastically as she heard his proposal and gave you a wink. It was a bit weird in the beginning, you weren’t used to true girlfriends who weren’t toxic. But Emily was an angel, she was so sweet and wouldn’t hurt a fly.
Sam sighed. ‘Alright, but only for a couple of hours and I’m not driving.’ You threw your arms in the air as a victory sign. ‘Do you need to change or are you wearing these?’ Jake pointed towards your outfit. ‘Hey, don’t hate on the hoodie.’ A chuckle left his lips. ‘No, I’ve packed some things they’re still in my car. Is it ok that I change here real quick Sam?’ He nodded and pointed over his shoulder towards the house. ‘You know where the bathroom is.’ You jogged towards your car and took the bag you packed with extra clothes knowing you guys would end up going out and you were probably going to crash at Jake’s place. 
‘Em, what are you wearing?’ The two of you stood in their bathroom as you were hoisting yourself in a black skirt. She was coating her lashes with mascara. ‘I think that black dress I wore when we went clubbing in Phoenix last month.’ Emily was the only one who had visited you since you moved into your uni apartment. She had stayed for a couple of days and the two of you went partying with your roommate Alex. ‘I love that dress, it looks so good on you.’ It took about fifteen minutes until the two of you were done, and that was just when the boys' patience ran out. ‘You decent?’ Without waiting for your answer Embry marched into the bathroom, ‘cause we wanna get going.’ ‘Yeah yeah, let’s go.’ When you walked back onto the porch you noticed that Jared had left, something about Kim not feeling too well and he didn’t want to leave her home alone. So it was only Jake, you, Embry, Quil, Sam, Emily and Paul. Great. 
‘So, who’s driving?’
The drive had been fun, you ended up in Quil’s front seat with Jacob and Embry in the back. Paul was driving himself, Sam and Emily. ‘Next time we need to Uber there so that everyone can drink.’ You remarked as Quil parked his car in one of the empty parking spaces of the bar. ‘I checked but there were no availabilities for our number of people.’ Embry passed you a bottle of wine the two had been sharing during the ride. ‘Oh, well next time we can book one in advance.’ You downed the last gulp of wine before the four of you got out of the car. Paul pulled into the parking space on your side. As he got out he looked you up and down. You didn’t know if he was checking you out or if it was out of disgust. Before you could give him a remark he walked towards Jake, ignoring you completely. Embry swung his arm around your shoulders and pulled you towards the entrance. ‘We’re gonna get wasted.’ 
And wasted you were. It started with shots, Embry handing you one after another while he seemed to forget that you didn't have the same alcohol tolerance as the boys. After the fourth shot, a blissful feeling spreads across your body. The lights in combination with the rhythmic beats put you in a trance, the biggest smile on your lips as you move your body to the music. Jake decided to be ‘the responsible one’ tonight, which meant he wasn’t drinking so he could keep you from doing stupid things. ‘Dude I miss this.’ You had to shout to get over the music so he could hear you. ‘Me too girl, me too.’ Jake had a warm smile on his lips as he saw you having fun. There had been times when that smile was far gone, losing a parent had that effect on people. Jake had nursed you back to the girl you once were and he had sworn to protect you at all costs, he had almost lost you once and he for sure wasn’t going to lose you twice. ‘I’ll come visit you more in Phoenix, I’ve talked about it with Sam and they can miss me a couple of days.’ Your mouth fell open as you heard him speak. ‘Oh my god’ You jumped a little in excitement and threw your arms around his neck. ‘That’s awesome, I’ll plan us a fun weekend and I can show you around. You’ll love it.’ His chest vibrated as he laughed. Jake loved you, so much, but as a brother who loved his sister and nothing more. It took him a long time to convince the guys that there wasn’t anything more between the two of you but they finally understood the bond the two of you shared when he told them about you losing your mom when you were a teen and how it affected you. ‘We’ll plan it when you’re sober’ You took a step back and pointed at him with finger guns: ‘Good idea big boy, but before that’s the case I’m going to grab another drink. You want one?’ He shook his head and you made your way towards the bar. 
The dancefloor was packed with bodies grinding into each other, you had to squeeze yourself through the mass to get to the bar. Impatiently you tapped your nails on the counter. When it took too long, you bent a little over the bar using your cleavage to get the bartender's attention. They were watching anyway, so it was better to use it to your own advantage. ‘What can I get you?’. You quickly glanced over your shoulder to look for Embry. ‘Two tequila shots and a beer, but half beer half coke please.’ Using your most flirty smirk you ordered the drinks, it earned you a wink from the bartender. He wasn't bad-looking, quite the opposite. He had slightly longer hair, a nose ring and his arms were covered in tattoos. ‘Here’s my card to close the tab.’ You quickly pulled your card from your purse and gave it to him. When he stepped away to make your drinks you took a step back so you took your cleavage from display. Absent-minded you swayed to the beat of the music, not paying attention to your surroundings. Your mind wandered to Paul, you couldn't remember when the rivalry between the two of you had started. One day everything seemed fine, the next it wasn’t. He did his best to make you feel unwelcome, even though you had been part of the friend group for a long time. It bothered you, you couldn’t deny that. You always thought there was a certain chemistry between the two of you but that changed when he started acting like a total dick. The barman pulled you out of your thoughts as he placed the shot glasses in front of you, followed by the beer, a salt shaker and a slice of lemon. You wanted to remark that you needed a second slice when you saw that he had one wedged between his lips, it was that kind of bar. Mischief glinted in his eyes. 
The plan to take shots with Embry was taken off the table. You wet the back of your hand with your tongue so that some salt stuck to it. Then you licked up the salt, took the shot and pulled the barman towards you. Your lips just barely touched his as you took the slice from his mouth. As the sourness of the lemon wiped away the tart taste of the tequila, your timidity also disappeared. You placed the lemon slice on the bar and stood on your tippytoes so you could press your lips against his. He grinned, you could feel it. After a couple of seconds you pulled away, smile on your lips. ‘I’m y/n by the way.’ You extended your hand towards him. ‘Rafa.’ He shook your hand, ‘well, that was fun.’ You laughed. ‘Yeah, I guess I’m heading back to my friends over there.’ You pointed vaguely in the direction of Jake, ‘Maybe I’ll see you later.’ Before he could say anything else you grabbed the other shot of tequila and your beer and made your way through the crowd. 
‘Did you just make out with the bartender?’ It was Emily who asked you in disbelief, a big grin across her face. ‘Yeah, that was different.’ Laughing, you shook your head. ‘Anyway, here.’ You extended the shot glass topped with a lemon slice towards Embry. ‘Couldn’t bring the salt, sorry.’ He shrugged, downed the tequila and bit on the lemon as he pulled a sour face.’But you could put your tongue down the poor guy's throat?’ Your jaw dropped at his comeback. ‘At least I get to stick my tongue down someone’s throat Call.’ You flicked your hand against the back of his head which drew a laugh from Jake. You sipped from the beer you were holding in your hand, you preferred this over wine any day. This was your last shot, you would do things you would regret if you kept going knowing yourself. Tequila is nasty but after a few shots so am I, or how did it go? ‘The fuck are you drinking?’ You looked down at your glass and saw that the Coke and beer lumped together into a cloudy mess. ‘It’s Coke mixed with beer, it’s quite good.’ You looked up and didn’t realise it had been Paul who asked you. He wore a black round-necked shirt that stretched around his chest and biceps. Damn, he looked good. You lifted the glass towards him. ‘You can taste if you want?’ He shook his head, ‘I’m driving remember?’ You were surprised you had a civil conversation without making stupid remarks to each other. ‘Jake’s sober as well, and you won’t get drunk from one sip?’ You challenged him. An eyebrow raised as you looked at him. You knew he was going to give in, you knew him far too well for that. You would never push him if you knew he was still going to drive, but now that Jacob wasn’t drinking anyway, it didn't matter. He sighed. 'Why do you always want to get your way? It’s annoying you know.' There it was, it stung a bit. He knew well enough that comments like this annoyed you. ‘Never mind.’ It was a mumble that he couldn’t hear because of the blasting music, or so you thought. 
As the bass thrummed through the club, Paul's initial refusal lingered in the charged air between you. A sense of nostalgia tugged at both of you, overshadowed only by unspoken tensions. You still didn’t understand where it went wrong between the two of you. You used to be as close as you were with Embry, it annoyed him to see you giving him all your attention. Everything would be so much easier if you knew their secret, he sighted. He wasn’t planning on ruining your dream of getting out of that old town. You could never know. 
Paul watched the liquid swirl in your glass. He hesitated, battling the weight of pride against the allure of bridging the growing chasm between you. The music pulsed a synchronous rhythm to the unspoken conversation between old friends. He reached out, fingers brushing against hers as he took the cool glass.
‘Jake’s driving.’ Paul said, his voice a bit softer than before. A pause lingered, a shared understanding settling between you. With a slight grin, you let go of the glass. ‘One sip won't hurt, you can still drive if you want to.’ He took a sip of the strange mixture. The taste was a blend of bitterness and something sweet, mirroring the complexity of your relationship. ‘Where did you find this combination? This is gross’ He pulled a face when he handed you the pint back. ‘Probably in someone's living room a couple of years ago, I quite like it. Jake does so too.’ You pointed over your shoulder in the direction of your best friend. You looked over your shoulder to make sure he was still there. He made eye contact with Paul and gave him a grin which caused you some confusion. ‘oh yeah, I remember him drinking something strange but I didn’t know it was beer with coke.’
The tension ebbed away, replaced by a familiar feeling. You took another sip from you glass, not wanting to provoke him with something you said. Paul broke the silence. ‘So, Phoenix, huh? That's a big move.’ You nodded, a hint of sadness in your voice. ‘Yeah, it's a new chapter, barely any rain.’ You laughed,  ‘But I miss this place, well not the place but I miss the people and the Friday nights.’ You felt somewhat sober, too scared to say something wrong to him and lose the conversation. ‘They miss you too, Jake could only talk about you the first few weeks after you moved out. It was annoying as shit.’ He laughed, it was a roaring sound that came deep from his chest. ‘He’s coming to visit me in the next couple of weeks.’ You smiled proudly.  You could see how his eyes flickered to something behind you, the smile dropping from his face. 
When you followed his gaze you saw a figure emerge from the crowd, catching your eye. It was Rafa, the bartender from earlier, making his way through the sea of dancing bodies. His eyes locked onto yours, a determined expression etched across his face as he approached.
"Hey," Rafa called out over the music, flashing a charismatic smile. Startled, you turned to face him, your features displaying a mix of surprise and curiosity. ‘Didn’t think to see you again.’ You replied, the lingering effects of the tequila shots adding a hint of boldness to you tone. Paul observed the interaction with a tightness in his jaw, a knot forming in the pit of his stomach. His eyes followed Rafa's movement toward you, his presence unsettling the fragile peace you two found during the night.
Sensing Paul's gaze on you, you glanced briefly in his direction, noting the clench of his fists and the tension in his posture. A flicker of realization passed through you, though you chose to ignore it for the moment, focusing on Rafa's approach. You were about to say something when you felt a sudden presence beside you. Paul stood abruptly closer, a steely glint in his eyes as he interjected, his voice laced with an unexpected edge. ‘Hey, is there a problem here?’ His words came out sharper than he intended, a protective instinct surfacing within him. Rafa’s expression shifted slightly, registering the intrusion. ‘I was just having a conversation with y/n here. We’re good’ he replied, raising his hands in a placating gesture.
You turned your attention between Paul and Rafa, sensing the tension building around the three of you. ‘It's fine, Paul. Rafa was just asking me to go for a smoke,’ you explained, trying to diffuse the situation. Paul's jaw clenched further, a mixture of emotions swirling within him. ‘I can take you for a smoke, if that's what you want,’  he offered, his voice softer, tinged with a hint of vulnerability. As you contemplate your response, the underlying jealousy in Paul’s eyes doesn't escape your notice, a silent testament to the emotions simmering just beneath the surface. ‘Look mate, I don’t know who you are bu-’ You saw Paul step forward and you knew what was going to happen, having been in this situation before. Before you had time to react, Sam popped up next to you. With a stern 'Paul', he seemed to restrain him. He abruptly turned his head in Sam's direction, ignoring Rafa completely.  Rafa watched the situation with a disinterested look. ‘Y/n, could you take Paul outside he needs to calm the fuck down.’ Emily gave you a mysterious look, as if she was trying to tell you something but you were speaking a completely different language. 'Come on,' you said as you wrapped your hand around his wrist so you could pull him behind you. It looked ridiculous, Paul was 6’5’ and looked huge next to your 5’8’. He seemed to think the same and and took your hand in his. He led the way so you could easily navigate through the crowd to the exit. Why the fuck was he acting this way, ruining your evening. 
The cold night air hit you like a slap in the face as you stormed out of the bar, the door slamming shut behind you. The music and laughter inside became muffled, replaced by the harsh reality of the argument that had just unfolded. Paul followed you, his steps heavy and purposeful, a volatile energy emanating from him. ‘What the hell is your problem, Paul?’ you spat, turning to face him, your frustration boiling over. ‘You can't just waltz in and ruin everything because you're feeling possessive. Especially when you-’
Paul's jaw clenched, his eyes flashing with a mixture of anger and hurt. ‘Possessive? You think I'm being possessive? Maybe if you paid a bit more attention, you'd see that I'm just trying to look out for you!’ You scoffed, your voice dripping with sarcasm. ‘Look out for me? By intimidating every guy who dares to talk to me? That's not looking out for me, Paul, that's just being controlling.’
He took a step closer, his towering figure loomed over you. ‘I'm not trying to control you, y/n. I just can't stand seeing you with-,’ ’Get used to it!’ you yelled, your patience wearing thin. ‘I can talk to whoever I want, Paul. I don't need your permission.’
His hands balled into fists at his sides. ‘Permission? This isn't about permission. It's about you being reckless and not caring about who you're with. That guy could be dangerous, for all we know.’ ‘Stop acting like you know what's best for me!" you shot back, your voice rising. ‘I'm not a child, and I certainly don't need you playing the overprotective friend.’
The tension between you two was palpable, the air charged with resentment. Passersby glanced in your direction, drawn by the intensity of the argument. Paul's eyes bore into yours, his frustration reaching its peak.
‘You always do this!’ he shouted, the anger in his voice cutting through the night. ‘You act like you’re on top of the world, like you're invincible. But you're not, y/n. You're just as vulnerable as the rest of us, and I can't stand seeing you put yourself in stupid situations.’
Your temper flared, and you matched his intensity.  ‘Stupid situations? Me having fun in a bar is a stupid situation? Me, a twenty-six years old woman making out with a bartender is a stupid situation? Do you hear yourself? You can't ruin everything because you're feeling like acknowledging me for a night. Especially when you’re the one who casted me aside like old trash’ You were fuming, all the anger that was bottled up coming out all at once. ‘You’ve been fucking ignoring me for the last year and a half and God knows what I did wrong to get on your bad side but you’ve only been cruel towards me ever since.’ You could feel tears well up in your eyes but you were determined to not let him see you cry. 
The words hung heavy in the cold night air, the weight of the past year and a half of silence between you two finally surfacing. Paul's expression shifted from anger to a mix of guilt and regret. His hands slowly unclenched, a defeated look in his eyes.
‘I never wanted to hurt you,’ he muttered, the edge in his voice replaced by a tone of remorse. ‘I just... I couldn't be around you, y/n. It's complicated, and I never meant to cast you aside.’ You shook your head, a bitter laugh escaping your lips. ‘Complicated? You think giving me the cold shoulder for over a year without any explanation is complicated? Paul, we used to be friends, close friends. You can't just shut me out like that without a reason.’
He ran a hand through his hair, frustration etched on his face. ‘It's not that simple, okay? There are things you don't know, things I can't explain.’ ‘Try me!’ you shot back, your patience wearing thin. ‘I deserve to know why one of my best friends turned into a stranger. I deserve some damn honesty, Paul.’ He hesitated, his eyes searching yours for a moment before he spoke, ‘It's not just about us, y/n. It's about something bigger, something I can't control.’ Confusion knit your brows together. ‘What are you talking about?’
Paul took a deep breath, as if preparing himself for what he was about to say. "I... I can't explain it fully, but it has to do with what we are, with what I am. It's not just me; there are others, and it's complicated. I wish I could tell you more, but it's dangerous, and I can't risk dragging you into it.’
Your frustration shifted to a mix of confusion and concern. ‘What do you mean, what you are? Paul, you're not making any sense. Are you in some kind of trouble?’ He looked away, unable to meet your gaze. ‘It's a long story, and it's not something I can easily share. Just know that I never wanted to hurt you, and I'm sorry for pushing you away.’
The night air seemed to grow colder as the weight of his words settled in. You felt a mix of emotions – anger, hurt, confusion, but also a hint of understanding. Whatever secret Paul was harboring, it seemed to be beyond his control.  ‘I want to go home.’  He nodded, ‘I’ll take you home, Just... please be careful. I never wanted you to get caught up in this mess."
As Paul nodded in response to your desire to go home, you couldn't shake the intensity of the situation. The revelations left more questions than answers, and the air felt charged with an unspoken tension. The distance between you two seemed to grow with every step back to his car, the weight of the unknown settling heavily on your shoulders. The drive home was silent, the engine's hum the only sound accompanying the echoing thoughts in both your minds. Glancing at Paul, you noticed the conflict etched on his face, as if he was torn between revealing more and protecting you from the undisclosed danger.
As his car pulled into your driveway, the sense of relief mingled with the lingering unease. Paul turned off the engine, but neither of you moved for a moment. The night held an unusual stillness, the world outside your car encapsulated in a hushed suspense.
As Paul nodded in response to your desire to go home, you couldn't shake the intensity of the situation. The revelations left more questions than answers, and the air felt charged with an unspoken tension. The distance between you two seemed to grow with every step back to his car, the weight of the unknown settling heavily on your shoulders.
The drive home was silent, the engine's hum the only sound accompanying the echoing thoughts in both your minds. Glancing at Paul, you noticed the conflict etched on his face, as if he was torn between revealing more and protecting you from the undisclosed danger.
As his car pulled into your driveway, the sense of relief mingled with the lingering unease. Paul turned off the engine, but neither of you moved for a moment. The night held an unusual stillness, the world outside your car encapsulated in a hushed suspense. Breaking the silence, you spoke, your voice a mix of weariness and frustration. "Paul, I need more than apologies. I need answers. What's going on? What's this 'mess' you keep talking about?"
He sighed, his gaze fixed on the steering wheel. ‘It's complicated, y/n. It's about... a situation back home that's getting complicated since you’ve been gone. A lot of stuff is happening, and I've been trying to keep you out of it.’ Your eyes widened with disbelief. Jake never told me about this?’’ Paul hesitated before replying, ‘It's not up to him to tell you about it. Like I’ve said it’s complicated. It's not something I can easily explain,I didn't want you to get caught up in it.’
Your frustration shifted to a mix of confusion and concern. ‘What do you mean Paul, you're not making any sense. Are you in some kind of trouble?’ He looked away, unable to meet your gaze. ‘It's a long story, and it's not something I can easily share. Just know that I never wanted to hurt you, and I'm sorry for pushing you away.’
The air seemed to grow colder as the weight of his words settled in. You felt a mix of emotions – anger, hurt, confusion, but also a hint of understanding. Whatever secret Paul was harboring, it seemed to be beyond his control. 
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despairots · 11 months
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「 yuta okkotsu x male! reader 」
GENRE: fluff, just fluff :3 oh, and like a REALLY quick makeout but its really just fluff, i think a bit of angst tho?
CONTENT WARNING: swearing, violence, r! helps yuta with his injuries, i have no idea what the plot is anymore, r! is like kyouka from bsd and has her ability “demon snow”, rika doesnt like r! that much :,(, “demon snow” is somewhat like rika, so rika - yuta and “demon snow” - r!
AUTHORS: stop. changing. themes. *holds me by the throat and shakes me* no but seriously the more i change it the more i have to change my layout which i do NOT want anyways happy furina day!!! we luv u queen
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there’s something that makes people believe you just lack emotions. maybe it’s the you didn’t react to people’s insult, or maybe it’s the way it looks like you’re always in a daze. yeah, you don’t exactly have anything going on in your head and yes, you’re always in a daze but somewhat, you’ve always gave off this rebellious energy, like something was attached to you that’s radiating this energy off.
so when yuta saw a curse behind you while assisting him, he wondered if that was the thing that was radiating off the rebellious energy from your “jellyfish aura” that his other friends would call it. just knowing you hid something below the facade you upheld was admirable, you always had this look that made people think your mind was somewhere else when you are aware.
and the way your voice shouted commands for your curse while you still held that alluring look before you switched your attention to him and helped him up when the enemy was being distracted by your curse, all he could do was stare when you asked if he was injured.
he knew rika didn’t like you holding him so carefully and— oh? you’re so close — making sure he didn’t fall to the ground while the both of you ran from the area. now, he’s watching you patch up his wounds so delicate that he’s convinced you’re afraid that you might hurt him.
yuta doesn’t know if he should speak, ask if you’re okay when he’s the one clearly injured, ask about the ring that’s on a necklace and dangling around your neck. he wonders if you were almost like him, that explains why he was so drawn to you. maki, inumaki and panda (plus gojo) already picked up that you caused him to be rather flustered.
the first time you two met was when yuta was first introduced to you. you had officially came back from your trip and his friends had wanted to throw you a party since they haven’t seen you in awhile. his friends often described you to be somewhat like a jellyfish, he was a tad bit confused by the wording but he understood when you walked into the classroom.
“welcome back, [name]!”
you just had this look in your eyes when panda scooped you up and hugged you, the way one of your eyes closed when panda smushed your cheeks together and the small— and very unnoticeable — smile on your face when you realized you were missed made him blush.
“this is yuta, he’s new, so try not to overwhelm him. he’s delicate.” maybe when maki had said that, you started to treat him like some doll. always making sure your touches weren’t harming his already injured skin— and he could technically feel rika fuming — with the focused look on your face.
the one thing bugging him was the ring. were you already married or did you dedicate your life to someone else? although, he sounded awfully like a hypocrite right now. he was wearing the ring rika had given him.
“… what’re you thinking about?”
that was the first time he had heard you spoken in such a quiet, yet calm and alluring, tone towards him specifically. he was once told that you didn’t talk a lot and always kept to yourself, only allowing yourself to talk when on the battlefield.
he was shocked nonetheless, the tone of your face had caused him to jump a little and his cheeks to flare up. what should he say in this? should he tell the truth and ask if you were married? but you probably already figured that out by how hard he was staring at the ring.
“oh. um… are you married?” yuta asked timidly, averting his gaze to the ground, hearing the chair scrap and he’s wondering if the question was too insensitive. you only got up to dim the lights as a headache was starting to form before you sat back down infront of yuta.
you grabbed ahold of his cheek and turned to face it towards you, “are you?” you had shot the question back to him and let go of his cheeks, feeling his cheeks heat upon the hand on his cheek. yuta knew you were gesturing to the ring on his finger and he didn’t know how to respond.
he was married but at the same time he wasn’t, he’d seem unfaithful to rika but everytime you touched him, protected him, and now, talking to him, he blushed. and you had picked that up rather quickly.
you hummed, hands wrapping around the ring and looking down at your lap, “i was. he died though.” the way you said it so casually had caught him off guard, but your situation was similar to him aswell. yuta picked up the way your hand tightened around the ring as he stared down at his, fiddling it around his ring finger.
“the cursed spirit that’s always around you. what’s her name?” he looked back at you, blinking and suddenly, you just looked… too unrealistic? was that the right weird to describe you? “her name’s rika.” and you smiled. his heart started to pound against his rib cage when you held a soft smile, “you’d love her no matter what form, huh?”
he wondered if you were rika if she was a male and your sentence made sense to him. now, he wondered about your cursed spirit, “what about yours?” “yuta.” hearing his name come out your lips had him confused, were you trying to tell him that you didn’t wanna speak about it or—
“oh. oh!”
the cursed spirit was named yuta. you weren’t trying to call out his name, you were trying to tell him that the cursed spirt’s name was his name. you lightly smiled amusingly at his reactions, “i don’t think rika likes me very much… nor do i think yuta likes you.” it seemed that way. yuta could feel rika wanted to kill you and you could feel “yuta” glaring daggers at the boy infront of you.
turns out you two were the same.
you stood up from your chair before bending down to yuta’s height and placing a kiss on the corner of his lips. were you trying to die? did you want yuta to die?! no. honestly enough. like yuta, you would’ve loved your cursed spirit no matter the form aswell.
“i like you, yuta.” it was a simple confession yet yuta’s face blew up into red, hearing you walk away. “ah! w-wait!” he had grabbed your wrist and turned you around, wrapping his arms around you and buried his face into the crook of your neck before muttering words that made the tension from your shoulders to relax.
“i… i like you too, [name].” he pulled away and softly placed his lips onto yours. your hands reaching up to cradle his cheeks as yuta backed you up to a desk and helped you sit on top of it before going back to kissing you.
he was a good kisser considering the fact he has never kissed anyone before… well, technically, not a human being.
you pulled away, a string of saliva connecting the both of your lips until it disconnected when your hand was brought up to your mouth and oh, was that blush he saw? were blushing because of him? so cute.
“i don’t think they liked that very much..”
oh right!
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nhularin · 1 year
✉ -> invitation! ENHYPEN SOUR PROM
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CONTENT ! a collection of enhypen drabbles based on Olivia Rodrigo's sour album!
PAIRING ? enhypen x reader
!! GENRE angst (hurt no comfort), fluff-ish, ex non idol! AU, childhood friends to lovers to strangers, early 2000s AU
꩜ WARNINGS ! infidelity, insecurities, toxic enha, tba
⩇⩇:⩇⩇ XTRA slow updates, english is not my first language so i apologize for grammar mistakes
₊ ⊹ A/N dont get fooled by the synopses, im pretty bad at writing summaries, they will be rewritten most likely once i published the first installment of the series!
🕸️(5/7) completed
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DEJA VU !! so when you gonna tell her, that we did that too?
nothing hurts more than seeing lee heeseung doing the stuff you both used to do with another girl. Watching him wrap his jacket around her, playing the same song you both liked around her. everything, from the way he touches her, gives her gifts, was a carbon copy of your relationship. does he get deja vu when he’s with her?
-> interested? read here!
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1 STEP FORWARD 3 STEPS BACK will you walk me to my door or send me home crying?
if you had to describe your boyfriend park jongsaeng in one word, it'd be unpredictable. he was a gentleman, absolutely selfless when it came to his loved ones. somehow you seem to be the only exception. you didn't understand then, and you sure as hell don't understand now.
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DRIVERS LICENSE cause how could i ever love someone else?
everyone has warned you about the infamous playboy sim jaeyun, but you didnt pay attention to them. being childhood friends, you knew everything about each other. your flaws, insecurities, and aspirations, you thought that everything was perfect till it wasn't.
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ENOUGH FOR YOU dont you think i loved you too much to be used and discarded?
you tried everything, you really did. as the school's hottest student, park sunghoon was in constant spotlight, might it be with classmates or being the light of the party. and for that, you did your best at making your presence worthy in his life. but deep down, you knew you couldn't compete with the girls who seemed much better than you, people who are enough for him
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FAVORITE CRIME But I say that I hate you with a smile on my face
kim sunoo was the personification of sunlight . everyone knew that! so when your friend introduced you to him you were naturally drawn to his open and kind nature. life seemed to be on your side but all the time and sacrifices towards him, all for nothing.
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HAPPIER does she mean you forgot about me?
being the school president's girlfriend wasnt easy and hell, if you could go back in time you wouldn't have even bothered associating yourself with the club. you two were the dream couple of east high, always being the talk of the school. but when you broke up, pictures of yang jungwon and the new girl started circulating around school. you should be happy for him, right?
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GOOD 4 U maybe you never cared at all?
nishimura riki is an egoistical asshole. thats the first thing ringing in your head when you wake up. being from rivaling dance groups, you thought that being in a relationship with the ace was your version of romeo and juliette, minus the tragedy part. but god, how wrong you were
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( !? ) PERM TAGLIST @sngvhs @misokei @avocarua @essmarye
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halfbloodprill · 6 months
Some smut for Luke, he and the reader are exes, and at one of the bonfire parties, Luke sees the reader flirting with another guy, and he gets jealous, something with enemies to lovers. :)
authors note- hiii thank you for leaving this request i LOVEEE it. i’m so sorry it took me so long to get to it i have been crazy busy 😣 i hope u enjoy <3
smut below!!
Things with luke worked for exactly 8 months. it was great. you had picnics together, you trained together, and you always shared your evenings together at the bonfires. you laughed and loved each other, your energy feeding into the growing flames with embers flitting through the smoke. towards the end, things got rocky. luke became a more angry person. even if he wasn’t outwardly angry, you saw the scowl that had now seemed to permanently rest on his face when he was deep in thought. you never missed the acerbic comments he made about the gods every once in a while that you just chose to ignore for avoidance of sparking another debate about how awful the gods were at being parents. this tension left unhappiness tainting your relationship, so you called it quits. Luke was hesitant and when you finally got all your stuff back, he was angry at your decision to leave him. in complete disbelief. the camp’s golden boy was dumped? how?
it was quite the scandal at camp too. the seemingly happy couple decides to call it quits. people whispered for a few weeks but eventually it all died down. you missed him though and you knew he felt the same way too. you never missed his stares across the fields or during meals, and you never stopped yourself from searching for his familiar face during the day. but you knew this wasn’t healthy anymore. so you wanted to branch out more, and tonight’s celebration would be the perfect time to mingle as every cabin gathered around the bonfire.
you had set your eyes on a tall Ares kid. He seemed nice enough, a bit gruff at times but you were determined. you put your hair up in your best style and put on the slightest hint of makeup ( courtesy of the Aphrodite kids) and made your move. you left your seat from your friends and walked over to sit next to him instead. you settled between him and his sibling. he sat in a perplexed manner until you introduced yourself with your soft voice and extended a hand. He took your hand, engulfing it with his much bigger one, and you got to talking. everyone was engulfed in conversations. no one paid attention, except you could feel a pair of watchful eyes. you look across the flames as the Ares child talks of something Clarisse did recently and you see a pair of eyes, one lacerated with a scar, peering angrily back at you. you held eye contact firmly. you slowly peeled your eyes from luke and back to the ares boy, laughing at his remarks and placing your soft hand on his forearm. your knees were touching and he had a flush on his face that was not from the heat of the dancing flame.
luke felt anger boiling in his stomach. yes you two were over but there is no reason for you to be touching that ares boy like that. you were his. always his. he would show you. He continued to watch as you laughed and thoughtlessly played with his hands. he noticed that somehow you two were getting closer. he jumped from his own seat when he saw that you two were standing up and trying to retreat back to one of the cabins. He stormed over before you two could leave.
“Hey man. I’ll take it from here,” luke intervened.
You both stared at him in pure confusion.
“I’ve got her. We were gonna go somewhere more quiet,” the ares boy replied. you clung to his arm which furthered lukes anger.
“No I wouldn’t advise that. She can come with me now. Right, sweetheart?” luke looked at you and you firmly held his eye contact.
“No, luke. I wanna go with him,” you answered in a firm manner while looking at the ares boy.
“You don’t even know his name. He just wants a quick fuck. Some whore to help him do what his hand can’t do anymore. You’re coming with me. Now.” Luke’s voice was stronger and he grabbed your wrist tightly.
“Hey that’s not true. She can think for herself. this is why she dumped you,” the ares boy replied, now growing tired of Lukes interference. you winced at his unwise words.
“Are you still here? I told you to leave her the fuck alone. You can go now,” lukes eyes flashed with anger. He pulled your wrist and you towards him successfully. He continued to pull you along with him and back towards the cabins.
“Luke where the fuck are you taking me?” You questioned as you stumbled behind him.
“Shut your fucking mouth and just follow. You always have to ask your questions,” luke replied heatedly. so you continued to follow him until you saw a building in front of you.
“Why are we at the Ares cabin?” you questioned.
“Just shut the fuck up and go inside,” luke says annoyed and pulls you inside. he leads you to one of the bunks and pushes you on.
“did you forget you’re mine? i’ll have to remind you,” luke basically growls.
he kisses firmly. his teeth are clashing with yours. his tongue is swirling in your mouth. You can’t keep up with his pace.he’s ducking your tongue and searching every inch of your mouth with his own tongue. he missed the familiarity of your mouth. his hands are firmly in your hair and cradling your head. he can smell your shampoo on you. he’s still sucking at your mouth when he comes up for air, panting and a string of saliva connecting you two.
“missed you so much princess. need to remind you who you belong to,” he says before he started to attack your neck. he’s nipping at your neck, sure to leave marks on the column and side of your throat. you’re whining at the feeling of his teeth on your neck and hips wiggling from the stimulation. he’s kissing up your neck and to your chin and mouth again before he sloppily kisses you again. saliva coating his own mouth and chin from his attacks on your neck. your mind has already gone fuzzy. his hands are finding the button and zipper of your jean shorts and tugging them down as you kick off your shoes. he laughs at the eagerness of your movements and starts to grab the hem of your shirt. he makes eye contact with you in a way that asks if you’re sure that you want this.
of course you do.
he pulls the shirt over your head while you lay back onto your elbows. he’s spreading your legs and stares at your pussy in a tantalizing manner. He groans at the sight of your glistening folds. it’s quiet before you hear him and feel him spit on your cunt. he lays his tongue flat on you and your head is thrown back at the pleasure of his tongue on your heat. he’s attacking your cunt. his tongue goes from fucking inside your tight hole and sucking vigorously at your clit. the amount of pleasure has your grasping at the sheets and pulling at his hair, grinding your hips against his face. he pulls back, chin and mouth glistening before speaking. “Someone’s eager huh? do you think he could’ve fucked you this good?”
you shake your head dumbly and pray he goes back to his ministrations. he leans back down and you can feel the tip of his nose gliding against your wet clit. the pressure alone has you squirming so much he has to put a hand against your stomach to hold you down. before you can cum, he pulls away and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
“you’re ready now, right? you can take me? you’re lucky i even prepped you,” he says with a malicious glint. he pulls his cock out and you can only stare at it. it’s so pretty. so long and veiny. he holds his hand out expectantly before saying “spit.”
you gather spit and spit onto his hand before he rubs his length. he grabs it and measures it over your stomach to see how deep it will be reaching inside you. “It’s been too long without your pussy baby. you’re sure you can still take me?”
you nod quickly because you just are so needy and need him in you so badly. to feel him using and bruising your gummy walls with the head of his cock and every vein you feel so well.”
“I can take it. Swear I can. I’m your good girl still. wanna be good and warm for you please sir,” you start whining and begging in such a pathetic manner. luke coos at you for how pathetic you look. “my baby is so desperate yeah?” he says before he reaches down and cups for face with one hand. he slaps you a few times. “take it slut,” he growls before he plunges in fully without a warning. the air has been pushed from your lungs and you whine loudly at how quick he intruded.
he starts a brutal pace. his hands goes from your cheek to around your throat, the other one pushing down on your stomach.
“you feel me here right? so deep. you’re mine. all mine. gonna put a baby right here. show everyone,” he says while pushing harder to emphasize. your head is fuzzy because of the lack of air, from the pleasure and his words that turn your brain to goo.
“yesss i’m yours sir. i wanna be yours. always. give me a baby. bree- breed me,” you slur out.
“oh shit yeah. i’m gonna breed you. that’s all you are. a toy for me. gonna cum as many times as it takes for you to be round with my baby. fuc-fuckk,” he says as hr throws his head back.
he’s fucking you hard still. and you’re so brain dead until you hear voices growing closer and realize the bonfire has ended and campers are heading to the cabin.
“Luke! they’re coming back, stop!” you exclaim. your face painted in worry.
“Let them. Hope he sees who you belong to. only one who’s gonna come is you. right. now,” he punctuates those words with hard thrusts that have your eyes rolling back. you’re teetering on the edge and finally crash over, but see the light from outside as the cabin door opens.
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berryhobii · 3 months
Nerd Hunter (teaser)
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Pairing: nerd!Jeon Wonwoo x black!female!reader
Word Count: 596(teaser) 5.3K(full fic)
Warnings: Pining, kind of a slow burn, strangers to lovers, feelings, Smut(18+ but I don’t control what you consume), corruption kink, slight dom/sub undertones, a little girl on girl action, rough s*x, manhandling, fingering(f receiving), oral(m and f receiving), protected(do this) and unprotected s*x(don’t do this unless you’re sure), BACKSHOTS, mating press, dumbification, spit kink, creampies
𝓼𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂: he was supposed to be just another conquest—another notch in your studded belt, another victory to mount on your wall but when that bespectacled nerd with the cutest smile worms his way into your heart, your gun jams and now you’re caught in a stampede of feelings that you weren’t sure how to escape….did you even want to?
Release Date: TBD
Your hazel eyes wandered over the packed crowd of drunk college students, glossed lips leaving a sticky film on your straw as you sipped on whatever fruity concoction Kyla had poured into your cup.
The party was in full swing—drinks were flowing, the music was bumping with the greatest hits of the early 2000s, and there was no doubt there were about 7 people having sex upstairs. If you were lucky, you and another person would make 9 but that was proving to be more difficult than you thought. Despite all the friends that surrounded you, you were still so incredibly bored.
You needed something to do. You needed someone to do.
“Daddy’s home!” Mingyu bellowed once he reached your group, holding two cases of Twisted Tea in the air with his beefy arms. Cheers erupted at the sight of your group’s sunshine, Kyla jumping up from her seat next to you to run into his chest and whisk him into a kiss that got heated quicker than a Chick Fil A worker could say my pleasure.
Hoshi threw a cup at the pair, groaning loudly in disgust. “Get a room! I’d like to stay innocent, thank you.”
Seungcheol scoffed. “Innocent? You and Jasmine fuck so much, you could get a condom sponsorship. You do it at least 6 times a day.”
A chorus of laughter rang out at the expense of an embarrassed Jasmine, her hands flying up to cover her face whereas her boyfriend was smugly grinning, not at all ashamed of his sexual attraction to his girlfriend.
“Hey! We stopped using condoms a little while ago.” He revealed and Jasmine wanted nothing more than to fade into obscurity right now. “Besides, we only did it twice today, it would have been three if we didn’t get disrupted in the car on the way here-oof.” His words cut off when Jasmine hit him in the chest, her eyes screaming at him to shut the hell up but the damage was already done.
Seungcheol’s face dropped, the gears in his brain turning before he said, “wait but…..I drove us here.”
A pause of awkward silence followed as the realization washed over everyone; Kyla popped her lips as Mingyu coughed, Jihoon lifted his glass to look at the bottom of it for some reason, and your eyes went to that spot in the corner which became increasingly interesting at the moment.
Hoshi cleared his throat, checking the imaginary watch on his wrist. “Well would you look at the time? Come on, baby. We have to go volunteer at that otter daycare. Stay blessed, my brothers and sisters.” He rushed, ushering Jasmine off his lap and leading her away from the group.
“KWON SOONYOUNG! If I find nut in my car, you’re dead!” Seungcheol threatened lividly, closely following behind the scampering couple.
The remainder of you looked at one another before breaking out in laughter once again.
“Those 3 are ridiculous.” Mingyu commented with a shake of his head.
“For real.” Kyla agreed. “Anyway, baby. Do you want a drink?”
“Let me go put these in the kitchen first.” He motioned to the drinks he had brought. Then, his eyes lit up as he remembered something. “Oh yeah! I want to introduce you guys to my friend, Wonwoo.”
Moving to the side, Mingyu revealed a person standing right behind him who none of you noticed until now and suddenly your previous boredom hoped on a flight with Spirit Airlines because it just got drop kicked.
Dark jeans. Oversized hoodie. Glasses. Kind of slouched posture. Eyes shifting around nervously.
Target acquired.
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Delicos nursery!?! Fic requests!?! Please please~~
Dino classic marries a plus size woman who at first seems cold but is a total sweetheart and just doesn't understand why people are afraid of her husband? She adores her step son like her own and even call him teddy for short? I love the sunshine x grumpy trope!
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There were many things Dino liked about being an aristocrat. Power. The prestige. Being apart of the inner circle of their society.
The one thing he hated about being an aristocrat was the parties.
But, if you wanted to be apart of the inner circle, and get the power & prestige, there were a certain number of social events that were an unspoken mandatory for a man of his station. Particularly one with a new wife, whom he was obligated to introduce to society as such. What a bore.
Luckily, his new wife was much more adept at these kind of things than him. Bright and bubbly, with a family almost grievously overconnected, his new wife took to the party like a fish to water. Talking to everyone and making efforts to re-introduce herself to old friends & new as the current Lady Classico.
Dino entertained himself back in a corner. A position he had grown comfortable with since he was a young man forced onto these parties; until his mother made him come out and talk to people, as he was never going to get married rooted to the ground like a wallflower. He just liked to watch more than participate. He felt it was easier to gauge the situation, gather intel, from the sidelines than in the fray. Plus people being near him always seemed to make his skin crawl.
A while later he noticed his wife coming over to him. A noticeable, deep pout on her lips. One he had never seen; save for the pretend ones she threw at him when she wanted to get her way. This one seemed real though. “What’s the matter?”
“These people are rude.”
This shocked Dino. As he had also never heard his wife speak ill of anyone either. She always seemed to find the good in others. Found the good in him. “How so?”
“They make underhanded comments about you and seem to think I’m too stupid to understand them.” Dino frowned at that. His wife was not stupid. They could say what they wanted about him, some of it probably true, but they would not speak ill of his wife. “Would you…be terribly disappointed if we go? I do not want to make a bad impression, but I also do not think I can screw on a smile much longer?”
Disappointed? Dino thought. He’d jump up an’ click his heels, if only his back would ever forgive him. “Of course. I’ll have our coats and coach sent for.” His wife smiled. Seeming to want to kiss him in her enthusiasm, but remembering they were in public.
Dino instead took her hand in his and kissed her glove where his ring would be. “Could we also take some cakes home for Teddy?” She had taken to calling Theodore that. At first he tried to talk her out of it, but she commented that he was just so cute. Theodore didn’t seem to mind (in fact he seemed to enjoy it judging by his blush) so Dino let it go. “I know you don’t like him to have many sweets but…once in a while can’t hurt. They’ll just throw them away at the end of the night anyway.”
He glanced at the elaborate dessert table. Days of work for the host’s staff. Barely touched. All to go to waste as she predicted. “Take two. The two of you can have them after dinner tomorrow night.” His wife grinned and scurried off to the table to collect her sweets while he called for their coach.
When they arrive home it is late, but not too far gone. His staff greet their new lady and she made quick work to greet them back before running upstairs to try and catch Theodore before bed. He was likely up reading late anyway.
Dino stood there in the foyer, watching her go, before he looked down at the parcel of cakes suddenly in his hands. He opened the lid to see what she had picked and smiled. Not surprised to see 3 slices instead of 2. See, his wife was very clever. She seemed to have no end to surprising him.
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