#I just find the contrast funny idk
heyassbuttlmao · 2 years
I find it so funny how with dean it's like. destiel. maybe dean/jo if you're really attached to the early seasons. and then sam gets shipped with like every other imaginable person on the show. everywhere I look there is a new ship for sam. every time I think I have seen everything I possibly can I turn around and someone has found someone new to ship sam with
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moeblob · 1 year
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Today.............. has genuinely. Been. A Day.
Have some OC doodles I started yesterday before tragedy struck and are like the bare minimum effort for today to finish. Since the two princes were originally not /in canon/ for another plot but rather made for a mafia AU as cousins to one of the main characters for the base plot. I was like. Huh let's give them a happier life. So here they're just princes and instead of the police department/detectives that most of the main cast is in base plot, those are the royal guards around the twins' castle.
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danielhowellscurls · 8 months
been rewatching old videos all day
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ambreiiigns · 1 year
i wanna be someone who listens to misfits full time again wtf is ghost
#i used to be so cool. i used to be my brother's inspirations and goals. now he sees me and cringes and he's right#hsnckajdja joking. but also no#i feel like i finished the main game (cool iconique music) and now i'm doing the silly but way funnier side quests (ghost)#i mean ghost is not a bad band by all means. but they are so silly. i for one cannot take them seriously. never could#i thot they'd sound like repugnant back in the day then i heard like ritual and dance macabre and pissed my pants at the contrast between#the sound and the look and the purpose of the contrast. i respect them and love them but God they are so funny#i don't know how to phrase this. i don't even know what point i'm trying to make#but i do miss the music i listened to in high school. i lost so many songs#<- cons of only listening to music by downloading it to my phone is that sometimes when changing phones or sd cards you mess up#bc you're stupid and useless w technology and lose 500000000 songs and the thought of having to find them again is#anxiety inducing so you kinda give up on listening to them ever again. lol#like i was listening to so much guns n roses... misfits.... iron maiden..... metallica.... tool.... idk just those cool person bands#and now i hardly ever hear them and i actually miss them a lot :(#thankfully my brother has been following my footsteps so far and he's currently in his pink floyd tool era so i'm re-living those days#thru him but. i just miss it. i need to download everything again someday#the only bitch who survived the changing phone & sd card purge was alice cooper. i went and downloaded everything again#i will NEVER give up on that old man he's my favorite music guy in the world#i also was just starting out w him when it happened tho so i didn't have a lot of catching back up to do but STILL. alice cooper forever#and ever 100 years alice cooper love that guy to death and hell#oh nay#ignore this. i've been feeling nostalgic
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v-iv-rusty · 2 years
if I had a nickel for every time a character I really liked died on the shore of a huge underground lake, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's kind of weird that it's happened twice
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boowritess · 3 months
bonus part 2
simon can't cook-
okay no he CAN. okay? but it's very much- chop up whatever the fuck is in the fridge throw it in a pot, add as much meat he can find. then he's sorted. creating some sort of stew. but if not that. he thrives off 2 minute noodles.
listen, he's a working man. he can't be fucked thinking about what to make.
and if he needs to eat while not deployed and wants something, he'll get takeaways so he doesn't have to think about it.
and if ya'll are together - whatever you make... motherfucker eats that shit up like he's in a 5-star fucking reasturant.
you made scrambled eggs with bacon??? he's astounded. absolutely in love. has never been more satisfied in his life.
but oh lord. when he retires..
retired!simon fucking riley finds his fucking calling in cooking.
you no longer have to worry about cooking. nah-uh. not with this man who has all the time in the world to hone in on this new culinary world.
idk i just think it's so cute to think about simon going from beans on toast for breakfast to fluffy buttermilk pancakes or french toast with bacon a berry compote.
then for dinner; it's suddenly a whole line of sushi with all your favourites, dumplings to follow and a beef udon recipe dish. or maybe it's a simple roast - however, a perfectly seasoned meat has been sitting for a while in the oven for so long that when you cut into it, it's juicy and tender. and simon fucking beams at the faces you make.
dessert is a whole other game that simon fucking mastered. seriously. because he's placing down a skillet brownie, topped with ice cream and cream. And when you put a spoon into it, it fucking drips with chocolate ya'll.
just rahhhh retired!simon that turns into chef!simon. who just spoils you day and night with food. who gains the ability to make whatever dish you want, whenever you want. 3am and you want a grilled cheese? he can whip it up in seconds and it'll taste like the most gourmet grilled cheese you have EVER had.
btw, i'm torn between making him a gordon ramsay in the kitchen or him being the complete opposite and being so sweet and patient with you when you want to help him.
WAIT- speaks like gordon ramsay but treats you softly. like, you're not cutting with the knife correctly you fucking donkey. but instead of taking it off you, he presses up behind you, gently cups your hands with his and shows you how to do it safely. and he's speaking so sweetly and softly. a stark contrast to when he called you a fucking donkey - but hey you'll get your bite back. ;)
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a/n: i can't fucking breathe this was so funny to write. i'm sorry idk why he called u a donkey. i'm fucking hungry if it wasn't obvious with this post.
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lunarheslwt · 2 years
*plays classical piano music*
*proceeds to write out filthy smut*
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I've seen a lot of people comparing Huskerdust to a healthy version of Stolitz and it's kinda got me thinking... Staticmoth as the evil fucked up version of Fizzmodeus.
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THINK ABOUT IT!!!!! The parallels between Val and Ozzie are obvious. Like that man wants to be Ozzie so bad it's insane, from the way he dresses to the way he decorates to straight up OWNING A ROBO FIZZ, Val clearly wishes he was the embodiment of Lust. But are there parallels between Vox and Fizz? Actually, surprisingly yeah. They're both showmen, like aggressively so. They're very public figures, with their face all over every product in Hell(albeit Vox is doing it a lot more purposefully then Fizz). Fizz's antagonism towards Blitzø is actually pretty reminiscent of Vox's towards Alastor(except Fizz and Blitzø have a lot more baggage lmao), and they even share some aesthetic similarities! Specifically the colors of Fizz's robotic limbs matching Vox's overall color scheme. Which speaking of robots, that's probably their biggest similarity overall: they're both partially made of technology. I hesitate to say cyborg because Idk how much that applies to Vox, since object heads aren't typically classified as cyborgs as far as I know, and we don't actually know how much of Vox is organic(also cyborg is just one of those words I have an inexplicable dislike of Idk-), but like. Think cyborg I guess. Like Vox is a LOT more of a dick and probably doesn't have a very tragic backstory? Maybe? Unclear. But the similarities are undeniable.
Okay, now that individual parallels are out of the way, how could their relationship to eachother parallel Fizzmodeus? Starting with baseline aesthetics: they got the height difference. It's not as dramatic as Fizz and Ozzie's but TO BE FAIR, Huskerdust are the same way(their height difference is obvious, but not as massive as Blitzø and Stolas'). Staticmoth is also very buisness-partners-with-benefits and some hints at deeper feelings, which is how we were introduced to Fizzmodeus. I don't think Val and Vox feel the need to hide their romantic feelings? But tbh it could go either way we haven't seen much of their dynamic yet. That's kinda where the similarities I could spot find because see previous sentence, so let's move onto the differences!
I think a good way to breakdown what makes Staticmoth toxic Fizzmodeus is actually by bringing Alastor and Blitzø back in to compare and contrast how Val handles Vox's rivalry with how Ozzie handles Fizz's. In Radio Killed the Video Star, the only reason Val tells Vox that Alastor is at the hotel is to piss him off. He clearly enjoys Vox's reaction, and keeps egging him on. Teasing him about it. Which like, friendly teasing between partners is well and good, but Val is clearly just doing it cause he wants to see a fight and doesn't care about how distressed Vox is about this. Vox goes off on his own and sings a fuckin banger, gets publically humiliated, causes a massive blackout. Val doesn't really do shit to help him out, just kinda sits there and. Idk watches? Unclear what the other Vees are actually doing because most of Stayed Gone takes place in funny TV land where Vox is capable of bending reality to his whim for the sake of visual interest. But what Val is actively doing during the musical number isn't important so who cares. What's important is that he egged Vox on, convinced him that confronting Alastor right then was a good idea, and then just sat back as Vox got so pissed off he had a meltdown. Which I SWEAR I'm not trying to dramatize this scene it just sounds really fucking bad when you write it all down from this perspective. I think it's also worth noting that all of this is DIRECTLY AFTER Vox did the exact opposite for Val, calming him down so he doesn't make a fool of himself in public.
Meanwhile compare that to how Ozzie handles Fizz and Blitzø's relationship. During House of Asmodeus, once Fizz realizes Blitzø is there, he starts publically roasting him about how shitty his love life is. Ozzie encourages him, and even gives him a little congratualtions in the background when Verosika joins in for changing the subject, but the difference here is that House of Asmodeus takes place in a much more controlled environment, so it's less likely either of them will have to face consequences for being assholes. There's also how Ozzie's encouragement is just a lot more genuine. Like "yeah babe, go insult that guy who traumatized and abandoned you whoo!" rather then "hey hey look there's that guy you hate. You should go fight with him lmao show him who's boss." Then there's the ending. At the end of both Stayed Gone and House of Asmodeus, Vox and Fizz eat shit and die. Don't worry they're both fine like immediately after, but while in House of Asmodeus Ozzie immediately rushes over to Fizz to make sure okay, we uh. Do not see Vox interact with anybody but Alastor in the direct aftermath of his eating shit and dying, which is fair because he's in his weird little gamer cave. Then we skip straight to the Vees having a meeting to decide what they're gonna do about Alastor, and we don't really know what any of them were doing in the interim between the end of Stayed Gone and the meeting, so uh this part of the comparison kinda falls flat. But again something worth noting is that Val just straight up. Does not care about Alastor during the meeting scene. He's sitting there bedazzling his fucking gun BY HAND with school glue and rhinestones, not even paying attention to the meeting, despite being the one to get Vox all riled up about Alastor IN THE FIRST PLACE.
In short: Val encourages Vox to fight Alastor without thinking it through, doesn't bother to help out during the actual fight, and then immediately stops caring the moment the fights over. Meanwhile Ozzie, while encouraging Fizz to pick on Blitzø, backs him up the whole time, and while still supportive of his boyfriend, doesn't actively encourage Fizz to do things that would get him hurt. Ozzie also supports Fizz by refusing to let Blitzø have an Asmodean crystal because he knows Fizz wouldn't like it! Which is the exact opposite of pissing your partner off on purpose so you can watch a fight!!! And if that isn't enough evidence for you, then uh. I guess you could compare how Val treats... just everybody around him, really, with how Ozzie does(but that's more individual character analysis than relationship analysis). Or you could talk about how fed up with Val's shit Vox clearly is in comparison to the mutual support of Fizzmodeus. Or how. Val throws a glass at Vox. And breaks his phone. And then Vox has to scream in his face to get him to listen-
Idk how to end this so uh. DEMON ATTACK RAH!!! 👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹
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cloudcountry · 1 year
Hi! It’s me Mario again 😅
So, I was watching Disney movie clips, and I remembered something... I look a lot like Snow White... And it's kind of ironic that I always preferred the Evil Queen..
And I was thinking... Maybe Vil dating mc who looks like Snow White? Maybe mc and Neige are siblings, but mc aren’t like him (personality) and went to NRC ‘cause it’s better...?
Idk what I just said :v
(mc can be gn, so everyone can identify <3)
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SUMMARY: Vil Schoenheit and Rook Hunt with a S/O that's Neige's sibling.
COMMENTS: omg this is so funny. but!! for the sake of making sure it's as inclusive as possible, i'll just be doing a s/o that's in the same family as neige!! ^^ no physical traits will be described!! apologies that this isn't exactly what you wanted but i want to make sure a lot of people can enjoy this ^^
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Vil thinks you’re absolutely lovely, albeit a bit soft. You’re too kind and spoil the people you know too much, which prevents them from growing as people most of the time, but that’s just how you roll.
He very obviously doesn’t like your brother. Neige tries so hard to connect with Vil that you almost feel bad, but you remind your brother to respect Vil’s wishes as well.
It will definitely cause some tension in the relationship, especially during competitions. It will take a lot for him to open up to you about why he feels the way he does, but with enough patience and care, he will.
Seeing you talking about laughing with Rook does make him a bit bitter if you’re talking about your brother. Vil has been working so hard for perfection and this boy is so effortlessly perfect.
It’s going to take a while. I won’t lie to you, and neither will he. But after the events of Book Five, you’ll notice him being a lot more relaxed, even if most of Pomfiore doesn’t see the same.
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Rook obviously knows Neige has a sibling. Though, that’s not exactly a surprise considering he talks about you all the time in interviews. He dotes on you relentlessly, even though many of Neige’s fans are put off by your sneakiness. The contrast between the two LeBlanche siblings didn’t matter though, and Rook was enamored with your loveliness when he first saw you.
He composes poems in your honor and leaves them at your desk. Neige’s sibling at NRC has certainly stirred up commotion in his fan circles, but Rook makes it his mission to make sure you’re never uncomfortable with the attention. (Mostly by hanging around you himself because, well...it’s not like many would come near him anyway.)
Eventually, you find yourself charmed by his love for all things beautiful. He’s delighted when you tell him so, swooning. Cue a speech about how beautiful and tender young love is!!
Truly, he adores you. If there is a puddle on the sidewalk, Rook will take off his jacket and lay it down so you don’t have to dirty your shoes. There is not a day where you will feel unloved with him around!!
He’s simply delighted that you chose NRC instead of RSA. Truly, he doubts he would have met you so soon as he did if you hadn’t made that choice! Besides, with your unexpected deviousness, you definitely fit into NRC more anyways ^^
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andradrawsstuff · 2 months
An in-depth character analysis of Skipper: pt 2
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So, tv Skipper is a bit of a contrast to movie Skipper, as I stated in my MASSIVE ramble in part 1 💀 Even though he’s so different, he does have his quirks and some decent character development. It’s also great to see how much Tom’s voice acting evolves over the seasons and I thank him so much for putting his heart into it 🥺
This is also going to be a long one I am so sorry, I tried
This version of Skipper started off pretty similar to his movie counterpart as the show was finding its footing, but soon evolved into his own version of himself as the series went on. In early season 1, we see Skipper be somewhat down to earth and have quite an honourable attitude. He’s not super shouty-screamy and we see him being pretty domestic, which is probably because season 1 is pretty slice-of-life compared to the other two seasons.
I think the main points to mention here are in Happy King Julien Day and Assault and Batteries - in hkjd, despite all sorts of interruptions Skipper gets a little angry, but doesn’t really act upon it, he just minds his own business. Eventually he confronts Julien, but remains civil throughout the entire thing. In Assault and Batteries, he takes the batteries but does so sneakily to minimise confrontation. And when Julien chases him, he doesn’t fight. Throughout the entire episode (and a good bit of the show), he remains somewhat civil and tries to minimise confrontation with Julien. He’s also pretty sweet at the end when he offers a high five like bro that’s adorable I can’t-
We also get to see some decent character development for him in season 1, as there’s a lot of Skipper-centric episodes. In Needle Point, Skipper realises he should take the shot so that Private doesn’t get sick - he takes accountability for his actions, and his conversation with Private is pretty sweet. I love that you get to see Skipper being sweet (especially with Private) in the series, since they’ve had the time to show a bit of his vulnerable side here and there.
But I think that the most important character development point in Skipper’s story is Miss Understanding - Since the start of season 1, Skipper was pretty sexist and it gets so bad that he thinks he can’t do anything he did before because he’s a girl. He eventually saves the guys and the episode comes to a resolution.
But here’s the thing, not once is he sexist after that (Unless I’ve missed a few things here and there but I think he genuinely learns his lesson) which makes me think that his sexism is intentional on the writers part bc they do make it a point that it’s wrong, so w tpom and it’s pretty neat and rare for an early 2000s show to cover. This is why I love love love season 1 Skipper - he’s flawed but in a realistic way and he usually makes an effort to fix his mistakes. He’s also quite nonchalantly chaotic like in the movies, whereas in later seasons he’s more aggressively chaotic if you catch my drift? Idk how to explain well lmao.
As for his other traits, he’s pretty paranoid and egocentric, but still as suave, sassy and sarcastic as movie Skipper. He’s defo got a lot more of an “I’m right and you’re wrong” attitude than his counterpart and is a fair bit grumpier which is pretty funny. He’s got a bit of a hero complex here (eg. Treasure of the Golden Squirrel) and at first he’s arguably more chaotic good than neutral compared to the movies, but it’s not such a big change that it makes it bad in any way. I mean, he still kinda has it out for the humans and chooses violence without a second thought which is hilarious to me 💀
As the series progresses, Skipper starts to get increasingly paranoid and aggressive, and a lot of his negative traits start to show more. In early season 2 he’s fine but you can tell when the writers were starting to lose the plot both with the characters and stories in late season 2. It kinda feels like his character took a 180 turn and went backwards, but honestly it’s not that noticeable and I just happen to love analysing these things. I mean, it also happens to Kowalski, who around the same time starts becoming a bit of an asshole and gets worse in season 3 - in Snowmageddon, he’s rlly dismissive of Private and Fred.
I think Skipper also ends up suffering what I like to call the “Sabrina Spellman treatment” because he starts making mistakes and refusing to take accountability, usually pinning the blame on someone else without repercussions. I guess it’s the only real “problem” I have with his character in the series but honestly it’s just something that tends to happen as shows go on for a long time and it’s not all that bothersome. But the thing is, he starts getting better again in season 3 and he gets more character development (eg. Snowmageddon where him and Marlene work rlly well as a team and Antics on Ice where he’s pretty much doing everything for Private 🥺) so idk what happened there 💀
Overall, tv Skipper is still a loveable little guy and I find it so funny when he gets angry out of nowhere, my fav crazy Skipper moment being the one where he swears he’s never gonna end up in Hoboken and starts screaming his lungs out 💀 (absolutely top-notch voice acting as always ofc).
But with this, I hope that you’ve enjoyed my ridiculously long character analysis and feel free to tell me your thoughts, this is all just my opinion after all :)
If you’re somehow still reading this I congratulate you, you get a gold star ⭐️
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hueningshaped · 2 years
★ limelight | c.yj
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▰ genre: fluff and angst (sorta) - there’s a lot and nothing going on at the same time
▰ word count: 4.4k
▰ synopsis: you show up to one of yeonjun’s grand parties at his grand estate and you find you’re the only one who actually showed up + yeonjun is a big softie but has a bad reputation </3
a/n: i started writing this bc i saw this interview and it got away from me… i feel like a bad person for writing this but anyways im getting worse and worse with titling these things idk what to do hhhh also i realized too late that i made him to be like gatsby and i was too lazy to fix or elaborate that i apologize for this ! this sat in my drafts for far too long and well i just wanted something published >_&lt;
When the school year began, kicking off your first semester at this brand new university, you knew little to nothing about Choi Yeonjun and his reputation, let alone where your classes were.
From the chatter that always seemed to filter around you, no matter where you were in the campus, talk about this guy would range from little compliments to extreme accusations of things you’d never even dream of knowing.
You hadn’t planned on making friends or hanging out with said friends, so these internal affairs didn’t appeal to you. This was how your school career here was supposed to go.
Things changed when your schedule suddenly could no longer afford a certain class at a certain time, so last minute, almost two weeks in, you were thrust into an entire new class for this one elective.
Things further remixed when your professor practically forced you to partner up and form groups with those around you, much to your dissatisfaction. (You struggled to socialize, even if the matters at hand were merely for school.)
To your astonishment, Yeonjun was by far amongst the popular, or in high demand of other students wanting to partner up. You knew little about him, but it seemed even then he was a magnet for popularity. The situation just made you feel like a child again,
That day, when he and you made eye contact, you realized he was also remarkably beautiful. Tall, handsome, proportionate, pretty, bright, and surprisingly pretty funny. He had it all. He was friends with everyone. It just seemed that he was a star, the star.
Professor Kwon seemed to have had enough of these childish antics and decided to take matters into her own hands.
“Y/N,” she called, earning the eyes of other students. It seemed as though that had been the first time anyone had registered your presence. And not with open arms, might you add. “I see that you’re unfortunately running a bit behind, since you just transferred in, and that’s okay! To get you caught up and for extra help and guidance, I’d like you to partner up with Yeonjun. Yeonjun?”
If anything could be made from the way his eyes found and trained on you, you knew for a fact that Yeonjun stared.
He blinked owlishly before being met with your back once you turned away from him.
That had been the first chance meeting; class had ended before he could assume a seat beside you, the one where your backpack had been. Nonetheless, you had seemed adamant about spending as little time as possible with Yeonjun.
Life’s deck of cards did not fold in your favor.
He sat beside you everyday. Not only that, you realized that he was the type of person to reach out constantly; he initiated conversations, hangouts, discussion, complimented your nails or jewelry, even your stationary. The stark contrast between him and you left you with an odd taste in your mouth.
Weeks blurred into canvases of months, and you noticed more that he remained firm in his role to show you around campus, ensure that you were caught up, or that you were doing well, even if he would miss more questions on a test or quiz than you. It was puzzling, but a part of you welcomed it, even if you were set on not getting attached, especially to the guy that was everywhere—fashion club (in which he would model for the others quite often, for the arranged fashion shows, and if you could count how often he made you meet him there for group work, you’d be comfortably wealthy), pottery club, dance classes, culinary classes, etc.
It seemed inevitable that you’d come across him. A part of that was why you hadn’t been unable to turn down the party invitation he himself handed to you along with a humble bouquet of flowers and gift card for a cafe you had mentioned you enjoyed.
Despite the grandeur of the building before you, the bass of the music vibrating the walls, the stringlike straps of the gift bag in your hand weighing and drawing pained lines into your palm, the grip of an uncomfortably dressy outfit, you find yourself shocked at the revelation that you can’t bring yourself to leave. It would just take a few steps to perfectly turn away and start your descent. In fact, it would require an insanely less amount of effort to come down as you had come up.
Yet, the excuses that you’ve had kept in your pockets in use for lack of attendance were out. You’d lived your entire life this way, and it amazed you that even now, you were under the impression you were able to recycle the excuses that have kept you the way that you are: home-bodied, comfortable.
But at the same time, you wondered, if you were to quickly zip off into the sunset and just text him that something had come up, what exactly would you be missing?
A buzz from the elevator tethered and pulled you back down to earth. You could make a break for it, if you really wanted to. There was a cute cafe just down the street that you’d passed that seemed worth visiting; you could catch a seat in the far corner, so there wouldn’t be a chance in hell anyone could prove you were even in the area.
A tumble and click of the door’s locks whipped your head back to the now open door where you saw your beautiful classmate. The usual features jumped out to you: his height, piercings, luscious lips, that unnervingly gorgeous twinkle of the mole below his eye, and his heavy but welcoming cologne.
“Y/N,” Yeonjun called your name so cheerfully it took you by surprise. “You came.”
Now, with a change of setting, lighting, and proximity, there was more to meet your eye: he did his hair, the eyeshadow around his eyes was a brilliant idea, the subtle lines of his neck, the twitch of his now widening smile, the blush settling over the tips of his ears — since when did his Adam’s apple bob so much?
Reality settled enough now for you to see the surprising amount of illumination from behind his figure.
“Y/N,” he said again, a little weaker but still rich in enthusiasm, which made you laugh. That seemed to sober him up, too. “You came.”
There was something in his tone, in the lilt, in the almost hushed descent of volume that raised a nebulous implication. You opened your mouth to speak, but only for all words to elude you with his next statement.
“Hey, it’s like the first time seeing you in this color or something,” you looked down at your near-uncomfortable outfit with a frown itching your features.
“What makes you say that?” You asked aloud, unaware that your back was now to the closed door, and you were inside. A place that felt like what the second home of a millionaire must look like with the high ceilings, echo of your voices, and the shine of every surface possible.
He tilted his head, letting a few strands of hair fall over his brow before regaining composure.
“It really suits you. You’re really good looking,” your mouth went dry at that. Even if you could form a sentence, you weren’t sure of what to say. Who in their right mind said that so easily?
“Oh! Let me take that from you,” when he reached down to take the gift bag, your fingers jostled beside his, and it shocked you enough to shiver. “Wow, really sweet of you to have brought something.”
He said it more to himself, eyes twinkling and the apples of his cheeks so high.
As you followed and tried to keep the staring to a minimum, there was a pressing weight that wouldn’t leave you be. Even when a maid, you assumed, had helped you into a nice set of slippers (which you were going to definitely replace your other pair with), there was something off that you couldn’t quite your finger on. Not in a skin crawling way. Just something amiss, but you paid it no heed.
The music had significantly lowered from when you were at the front step, when the very beat had intervened your own heart’s, down to the minimal volume stemming still from the room you walked closer and closer to.
As you entered the kitchen, which overlooked what you assumed to be the living room and a living space that was about the same size as your own apartment, it all came to you. A little shudder itched down from your ears to your ankles.
There was no one else here.
Maybe you were too early. Maybe you got the dates mixed up. Maybe everyone just left, and you, by some chance, missed a large crowd going the opposite way you came. But, it didn’t change the fact that there wasn’t a soul in the suite.
Shuffling resonated behind you, along with a defeated, almost tired sigh. You turned to it, your heart stumbling at the means of the situation.
Yeonjun leaned his body against the marble counter. It lifted his cardigan off his body, so you could catch the gleam of his luxurious looking belt. Gucci, maybe? Something expensive, that was all you knew. Despite his fancy outfit, and the runway-ready look of makeup that was set on his remarkably beautiful face, it couldn’t shake the fact that his expression was downcast due to the matter at hand.
What a beautiful person. It seemed futile to even consider or humor the idea that no one appreciated Yeonjun—more than the objectively, unbiased charm of his appearance; his obvious abyss of money; his sportsmanship; personality that had to have been molded from a mother and father who loved their only son with all of their hearts.
Of course, people had to see beyond his pretty face, right?
“Yeah, I know,” he let out halfheartedly, chuckling with a pained smile: the sardonic tone was in reference to the lack of guests.
You weren’t sure what to say, really. It was clear he hadn’t an idea either, only choosing to state the obvious. There were dozens of pathways that could be taken on dozens of things that could be said in this moment. So, you opted for —
“What did you have in mind to do tonight?”
His smile only blossomed from there.
Aside from the buffet of food readied and arranged in a beautiful way on the table, which became of the object of most your stolen glances for the night, the fun for the night seemed never ending. There were drinks available due to a bar within the pool house, which was, of course, behind the actual pool, but that was hardly the beginning of all that was available to you.
You learned a lot about Yeonjun throughout the games and eating.
However, you felt that the starkest revelations about your classmate were made when the sun had officially taken its place beneath the clouds that were practically high tide. The moon was full enough that you could see its dimples and craters; this observation was enough of a distraction from the fact that the proximity between you two was nearly too close for comfort.
You and Yeonjun now sat at the edge of the pool with your feet in, a gentle breeze wading through the air and erupting ripples that would make the water lift a little higher up your legs.
The light chatter that had been resonating from the height of the games you had played or when you had snacked had settled into complete silence. Surprisingly, it wasn’t uncomfortable; this was something you’d come to put two and two together. Even when you both would study together, the bouts of quietude never felt unnerving to you. It felt natural.
Despite the serenity of it all, Yeonjun’s constant fiddling with his fingers gave you the impression he had something on his mind.
“This doesn’t always happen if you’re wondering,” he laughed cynically, kicking at the water. “I’m just surprised it was you that showed up.”
The longer you wait to assemble all that you wish to convey, it became easier to see how far his heart was traveling south.
“You didn’t think I was going to show up?” You asked and he choked lightly on one of his little laughs. It was moreso out of the fact you didn’t want to say anything he didn’t want to say.
“No, no… well, I thought you’d be the last person to ever show up for me. It means a lot,” he sighed again, and the air just became so taut you couldn’t ignore it.
“Yeonjun, is it okay if I ask why no one showed up. I mean, you invited the upperclassmen, too. And those guys practically worship you… You always go to their parties, but the one time you throw one and…”
Your words died in your throat. He craned his neck, stretching his neck as he leaned his head back. What a beautiful person.
He tilted his head to meet eyes with you, lids relaxed, but there was that smile dry of any hope. A drought.
“Oh, come on. Don’t tell me you fall for that act, too,” he sighed, like it exhausted him.
“What ‘act’? Is-do you mean…” your words died in your throat, and at that moment, he glanced up towards you again, eyes unwavering in their almost cautious gaze. You cleared your throat. “What? They just use you?”
Your tone was a blunt pierce into his back. It could be seen in his wince that squeezed at his eyes. He nodded.
“I felt like you knew by now. I mean, everyone does,” he exhaled, kicking his legs around. A chill wracked his body. “Still doesn’t stop me from hoping, which I see now is pathetic.”
You stared hard at his cuffed jeans, chest filling endlessly with something as heavy as dread but as dense as remorse. You weren’t sure.
“That’s why you were surprised I came?”
A part of you cracked, like a glass of fine china getting nicked.
“I don’t mean to appeal to you for pity. I realize, again, I’m hosting my own literal pity party, and you’re the only guest,” he leaned forward, elbows settling on his knees to keel forward. “You must be so miserable.”
“Not entirely.” You tried to joke, but as soon as the last syllable left your mouth, you were hit with the piping hot revelation that you are not very funny. He looked up to you, face half hidden by his hair. Eyes dark with possible shock and dejection of your statement.
“I’m kidding, Yeonjun, I’m kidding,” you panicked. He deflated at that.
“It’s just that I honestly had the most fun I’ve had since I got to this school today. Pool party, food, games-I mean, literal games; like are you kidding me?” It was the truth. He sat up pretty quickly. “You said that this doesn’t always happen—what do you mean by that?”
Yeonjun lifted his hand to brush back his hair away from his face.
“Yeah,” he sniffed. “It was when I didn’t have the reputation I have now.”
He nodded again but more sullenly. His full lip jutted out, and you curbed the urge to almost coo.
“There’s lots of rumors, some are false. Rarely are they true. But, at the end of the day, when people see me, all they see is a pretty face, maybe, but they see a judgmental, opinionated snob with a lot of money,” Yeonjun paused and you looked at him again. “But, when you get to know me, you’ll just find that I’m a fool, innocent and afraid of a lot of things.”
By now, since the sun had officially taken its place beneath the horizon, his pool lights flipped on and bathed you both from underneath. Distantly, nightingales chirped their twenty something repertoires, unfurling their sweet notes to the darkened sky.
A moment passed before you felt like the song wasn’t in your throat anymore.
“You really are beautiful, you know that?” To your astonishment, he breathed a broken inhale, and he shuffled his posture and eyes around, as if shy from your statement.
“Do you really see me that way?” He asked, tone lifting in something close to hope. When Yeonjun looked at someone, and truly looked, you noticed his eyes shimmer, even by a twinkle at the least.
You nodded with a smile. He mirrored your response.
Another breeze nestled its way past your thin layers of clothes, which ignited a shiver from you. He blinked a few times soberly before immediately rising, water crashing and pouring down his legs over the edge. He now stood, hunched over with an extended arm towards you. Yeonjun looked to you expectantly.
“You must be freezing and uncomfortable. Come, let’s get out and get you in some warm, comfortable clothes.” If anyone else, in any other circumstances, had said that to you, they would have been met with hesitance; this time, you slid your palm into his and allowed him to pull you up and guide you to warmth, even if he himself radiated it in waves.
He knew how to take care of a guest, the way a great host would, even if he had maids, housekeepers, people looking after him. They allowed him to do as he pleased, and he was definitely pleased by taking care of you and helping you around the house as if you lived here.
After the initial shock of the most luxurious shower you have ever taken in your life, you found that there was a change of fresh, warm clothes for you folded neatly on the marble bathroom counter. Somehow, you didn’t hate it; it was just cotton sweats and a cotton t-shirt—both plain and gray, but you could tell they were new. Had you lived in luxury your entire life, you had a feeling these would be purchased straight from the mall, probably priced with triple digits, including taxes.
There was a hairdryer ready at your disposal, but you opted out, almost a little overwhelmed at the fact that every possible need or even want could be met so easily here.
When you found your way back to the main room (you were surprised that you hadn’t gotten lost), Yeonjun was in the living room, scrolling through Netflix mindlessly. Until he perked up at the staccato sliding of your slippers against his pristine floor.
He jumped and smiled as soon as he turned to you, full lips stretched welcomingly. Yeonjun had also changed attire—monochromed flannel over the exact same outfit you had on. The realization that you were matching made your ears and cheeks burn.
“Welcome back,” his tone was quite soft, said in a manner as if he had rehearsed it in his head a few times. “Was everything to your liking? And the clothes?”
You blinked at him a few times, returning a smile to ease his worries.
“Yeah, it was all perfect, Yeonjun. Thank you,” you walked around the couch to take a spot on the other side of the sofa, despite countless other sofas present around you. He immediately relaxed into the cushions at that. “Are you looking for something in particular to watch?”
He gave a short, little laugh: one that made you jump with how genuinely cute you found it. What an adorable guy. Yeah, that was what he was to you.
Apparently, he was looking for a film not on Netflix, so you spent a while looking on almost every streaming service. When it came down to watching the movie, he made sure you were comfortable and hopped off the couch to turn the lights off, even though the nearest butler had offered to do so.
Halfway through, even if the movie had you both confused, one of his many butlers had come in, crouched down to his level in between you to mutter a hushed, “Mr. and Mrs. Choi wanted me to notify you that they will be returning home in half an hour.”
His eyes twinkled again as he gave a little node, lips parting in understanding.
“Oh, okay. Thank you. Was there anything else they wanted to say?”
“No, sir. They had only called to give you notice, so as to not startle you.”
“Okay, thank you!”
He grinned at the butler, watching him walk out. When Yeonjun turned back towards you, you had lowered the volume by a lot and were beaming at him without realizing.
“What?” He asked curiously, and you snickered, losing the fastest staring contest you’d played in your whole life.
“That’s really kind of your parents to do that.” You said with a sigh, one that was done with your whole body. He tilted his head, quickly pausing the movie.
“Yeah, it’s no big deal. They might, um, ask you to stay for dinner or something. I don’t know. Don’t feel obligated to do anything, though. It’s just that - well - they encourage me to throw these parties. After all, it doesn’t hurt anyone.”
You couldn’t help but frown, furrowing your eyebrows.
“Well, that’s…” It was hard to find the words. “Again, that’s really kind. But, it does hurt someone in the end. It hurts you, doesn’t it?”
He laughed again gently, leaning his weight on an elbow and pushing his bangs back from his face.
“It does, but only because no one else has been coming since rumors spread and my reputation got worse. I think one day, things might turn around for me.”
You let out a scoff and leaned on the arm rest to which he perked, eyes shimmering warily.
“I don’t get it. I don’t get how you’re still a nice, good person, no matter how unfairly treated—“
It was his turn to scoff, though there was no venom detected.
“I’m not that unfairly treated. I’m an incredibly privileged person, really—“
“Yeonjun, you deserve the world!” You raised your voice a little, and his eyes translated clearly the awestricken feeling that hit him straight in the face.
“No, don’t be sorry. Please,” he played with a button on his flannel before looking back up to you hesitantly. “It’s the nicest thing anyone’s said to me — who meant it.”
The movie was quickly progressing, but you had hit mute, so the colors and light from the expansive television washed over you. It was a quiet moment, but it was nice. The two of you smiled at each other, and you weren’t sure for how long, but it had to have been quite some time, considering that that same butler entered again, this time turning a lamp on with him.
“Sir, your mother and father have called to notify you they will be entering within five minutes.”
Yeonjun bid his thanks, watching him walk away and returning his cat eyed gaze to you, to see that you were standing up.
“I should probably get going. I’ve overstayed my welcome.”
He stood with you, shaking his head with that ever present smile on his face.
“No, that’s… I promise that’s not true,” he cleared his throat, swinging one of his arms a little awkwardly. “I can walk you out to your car.”
Halfway to the door, he had even asked, “Are you sure you don’t want my chauffeur to take you home and someone else to drop off your vehicle?”
Of course, he was met with resistance to his question. Yeonjun noted to himself that despite all the silent fights and walls you put up with him, throughout your shared class and the last few months of school you shared with him, you were the one to tear down a few for him.
When you both reached your car, your heart quickened its pace and the ripples of its beat paced heavily in your ears, and you couldn’t figure out why.
Instead of the uncomfortable bag and clothes from before, you held a new gift bag with your belongings in it, but besides that, you felt you also carried a new attitude moreso towards your classmate.
“Well, um… Thank you for having me, Yeonjun.” You grinned at him, sweetly showed your teeth, to which he dimpled shyly, as if he felt sheepish about the red creeping on the tips of his ears.
After a brief beat of silence, his eyes confronted yours and he outstretched a hand to you.
Without thinking, which was probably a good thing, you slipped your hand into his, admiring the warmth and placement of his lines, the lengths of his digits, when he brought the backside of your palm to his mouth shakily. His full lips pressed a tender kiss that surged and electrified all the wires in your brain that made you shiver. He let go with another shy but sure smile.
“Thank you for showing up for me, Y/N.”
He watched you open your door after you had hesitated and struggled with the lock, but you hadn’t stepped in yet. Yeonjun arched an eyebrow.
“We should do this more often. Would you want to hang out again?” You asked, and his face dropped. What were those eyes thinking?
“Yeah,” he cleared his throat and nodded. Nodded again and another time after that.
“Sounds good. And since you have my number, we can text, too,” you smiled, and he also noted that it showed in your eyes this time. “Well, I’ll see you in class tomorrow, Jun.”
Even if the surface seemed as simple as a pavement, Yeonjun felt stunned, seeing the dirt, the ants, the roots of earth, the mantle of the world beneath his feet.
“Please text me when you get home safely, okay?”
You nodded, chest blossoming.
“I will,” Tonight would be the beginning of your real friendship with Yeonjun, who was now more than just your classmate. You vowed to remain by his side, to protect him, to cherish him, to put yourself out there for him in ways he did so naturally for you, to introduce new things to him, but most importantly, to be there for him.
Maybe you would finally be able to tell him how you feel since you don’t think you can imagine the next semester without him in one of your classes, but for tonight, and foremost, you would be his (first) friend.
“I promise.”
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horsegirlwarcrimes · 2 months
what’s ur fav pairing involving sqh and please elaborate in as much detail as humanly possible 🙏🏽🙏🏽 personally im all for js abt anyone / sqh because i believe he’s just a guy and yet..every relationship he has is meaningful to me
omg a great question 👀👀👀
i have to admit i am a basic moshang lover at heart, they are just the perfect combo of angst/genuine emotions/beautiful themes and very funny that i love. shang qinghua is mr. boop and also mobei-jun's god and the jaken to his sesshomaru. mobei jun is his blorbo and his abuser and his annoying boss. they have a 20-30 year age difference. they dont even get together at the end of the moshang extras they just continue to have a weird boss/employee relationship and someday get their shit together off-screen. its everything to me
when writing moshang, i think the best things for me are the available tension of mobei jun's treatment of shang qinghua, contrasted against the genuine softness i think mobei jun feels for him and shang qinghua's deeply ingrained self worth issues. its just such a delicious cocktail for both drama and sweetness! and for some reason when together, they give me that very solid 'married couple who can basically psychically communicate' vibe, compared to bingqiu's messy freudian college girl energy (also beloved to me)
THAT SAID. i do think there are other very fun or funny pairings for sqh that i would love to see more of tbh.
A) SQH/YQY. this is mostly just because i love @tossawary's hey, share the weight a little, which is so cute and honestly mostly comes down to 'two great tastes that taste great together' for me. not my fav for either of them but deserves honorable mention for being the main non-moshang sqh pairing with a fic i love
B) SQH/LQG. i think that shang qinghua gets him. he COULD fix him, by which in this case i mean use his mildly conniving nature, excellent planning skills, and sneakiness to improve liu qingge's quality of life through trickery. and i think that shang qinghua could really benefit from a loving and devoted partner who doesn't have that much more emotional intelligence than him, but who would make him eat full meals, sleep, and get some fresh air.
C) SQH/TLJ - SQH/TLJ/SXY - SQH/SXY... its just so funny. i think they could be enchanted by his weird little man swag. his mildly evil heart and his big brown eyes. and i think he'd find them mildly unsettling which is also funny
D) MQF/SQH. i have never seen or written any content for this but i kind of want it very badly now that ive thought of it. sqh can get rare and weird information for him, mqf would be 'i can fix him' for sqh's crippling anxiety and tendency to get injured by demons, they are both workaholics... this would be a magical combo
i do sometimes read cumplane and think they can be very fun and/or cute, but its not really a fav sqh pairing of mine, nor is sqh/og!sqq, altho ik those are probably the other two most popular pairings for him. i just think he should be w someone who appreciates how smart he is and idk that either of them do that for me... they, in turn, seem to me like guys who want to be the smart one in a relationship 😂
anyways i really took 'in as much detail as possible' and ran with it so i hope this answers your question hahaha. many thoughts about this man that live in my brain 😌
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hey!! if you are taking requests, i wanted to request the tmnt mm! boys having a crush on a fem! reader who’s EXACTLY like raph. she loves fighting, may or may not have anger issues, cursed with resting bitch face, BUT, she’s actually really sweet and outgoing. never afraid to speak her mind, so, she may come across as rude sometimes, but, she never really means to be. (lowkey a biased request but SSSHH, we’re not gonna talk about that)
(this is cute and of course! Enjoy!)
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You guys have such contrast in your relationship
He can be hyper, but sometimes quiet and mostly calm
He just wants to have fun, and basically be there to vibe
While you're there and ready to fight and down for anything
He tries to help you manage your anger but he sometimes finds it funny and entertaining
Not in an assholey way, just letting you be and the shit you say can actually be pretty funny
He doesn't really like when you get into fights when you don't need to
But when someone says something about you, him or his brothers?
He lets you rain hell
He really loves that you cut bullshit and speak your mind
He needs help deciding something and he knows to go to you because you can actually give an honest answer
He doesn't mind your RBF
At first it did make him think you were a mean person before he got to know you
But now you're so sweet and happy and outgoing and he loves you very much!
He knows you don't mean to be rude, you're just speaking and don't mean to
He lets you know that what you say can be rude, but he isn't mean about it
He just helps you correct it, lmao
(I wrote sm for Donnie and you can tell who I grew up crushing on just by this)
He def uses your angry and RBF to scare ppl messing with him off
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He tries to get you to calm down a lot
But usually he is also one to let you be
He's always getting you out of trouble
You remind him a bit TOO much of Raph
He does love you though
At first he was very hesitant to get to know you because of your angry energy and because of the RBF
But now he is very glad that he did and that you're his friend…crush-
Sometimes the stuff you do, especially defending him, gets him so blushy it's not even funny
The fact you love to fight actually made him worry a bit
He didn't want you getting hurt
But he is always glad to scold you while patching your dumbass up
The anger issues he tries to help you manage and give you little tips to help
But those like breathing exercises just hypes you up even more so he kinda gave up
He now just lets you have at something like a punching bag or letting you run free and rampant as he sits and lets you do your thing
When you turned out to be very sweet and caring he was pleasantly surprised
He's very glad that you guys match on that level at least
He is sorta surprised on how freely you speak your mind
He is the one to constantly be watching what he says while you say the most rancid and random shit
He has to cover your mouth a lot lmao
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The anger issues sometimes surprise him especially at random times but he is the one to be able to also get on your level to an extent
He's very funny and he's always hyping you up
Especially when you're in a more fighting move
You could be beating the shit out of someone and just have him yelling and hyping you up and ready to run outta there with you
You guys are constantly sneaking off and on rooftops as you're pretending to mimic a fight and he's just eating pizza
He helps you get your energy out a lot
He smack talks you just for you to get mad and show off them skills bae
Oddly finds it cute? A bit idk how to explain it
He says it fits you better than it fits Raph
He really likes being around you, especially because of the RBF and how you sometimes tend to look mean
He acts like he has them scary dog privileges where he gets to hang out with the "Bad Kid" and he's basically protected
He loves your energy because of how outgoing, caring and sweet you can be
He loves that you can go from angry and upset and fighting to sweet, caring and helping some old guy in his shop just because you want to
You're just like him when speaking your mind
You guys say some loud and rancid shit and don't care at this point
When you're mean and don't know, at first he thought you were mean on purpose and got quite sad
It wasn't until you or someone else noticed and you apologized a lot
But now he thinks it was kinda funny
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Raphael has met his soulmate and match
You guys are constantly talking smack and shit to each other but dare someone else do it about the other
You guys have both a RBF at times but more you
He is constantly pointing it out and teasing you about it and how mean you look
He thinks it's pretty cool though
The fact that you get him on a level nobody else can just makes the crush feelings even more stronger
He loves how he can relax and just have fun with you to be angry, punch and fight something
He loves when you guys go out and just are on a rooftop, probably fighting with each other or wrestling to get the energy out
The anger issues also he doesn't mind
He doesn't think he has them, and doesn't really think you have them
He just blames others for making y'all mad and calls it a day
But due to these anger issues when you guys argue it gets heated
But somehow turns into a major joke like 20 minutes later idk how
He finds it funny how you can go from an RBF, angry and fighting t sweet and caring to him in a matter of seconds
You guys have a lot of competition going on it's not even funny at this point
Shit is serious and he's going to die because of it
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pix3lplays · 11 months
🫛 Anon back with another request/idea (whatever floats your boat there) but..reader whose first reaction to something is either laugh, or just fight. Like it can literally be a bug and reader just starts throwing hands because it flew past her in a weird way-
I have to many ideas and idk why..hope you don’t mind the double request/idea today!!
I don’t mind at all! Let’s do it!
-Reader has extreme reactions to things-
Dan Heng: Dan Heng is a very calm individual. So pairing him with you is very…interesting haha. He doesn’t mind your explosive reactions to things, but he’s typically able to calm you down with his own calm demeanor, it’s really incredible. You’ll be freaking out over a bug, and Dan Heng will calmly tell you to: relax. And suddenly you’re calm again. It’s amazing!
Jing Yuan: Jing Yuan thinks your expressiveness is adorable. Watching you freak out because a bug flew by your face…amazing, so entertaining. He doesn’t really know what to do about it beyond enjoy your extreme reactions to things, which is honestly good enough for him.
Gepard Landau: doesn’t really know what to think. You’re very…expressive. He guesses he just has to support you and all your quirky glory. He doesn’t necessarily mind your extreme reactions, he just doesn’t know how to react to them himself haha.
Luocha: Luocha also finds your emotional-ness very endearing. He finds it kinda charming to see you just sorta…freak out over a bug. He’s always calm, the contrast between the two of you is almost funny. You’ll be freaking out, and he’ll be standing calmly next to you just sweetly asking you to “please calm down, dear.”
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wily-art · 1 year
Been meaning to say this (if I have already said some of this in some form, I am sorry, hahaha), but I absolutely love ur portrayal of so many characters! Esp. Sans and Paps (Sans who is my favorite in the game, and Paps who is another one from the game I love very, very much. Though UT characters are generally just so good), Gaster, Frisk, Chara, and Alphys (been liking the stuff between her and Sans too)! U do them all so well!!
I also love Sans and Paps GB's and how they have personalities and stuff! Even though Sans seems to just think they are his magic and nothing else, while Paps, doesn't. Which is an interesting contrast between them.
The skelebros dynamic is also just so funny and on point. Frisk and Chara's dynamic is quite interesting (and the dynamic between Chara and Gaster puts me on edge. And the one between Chara and Asriel is just tragic like always). And Sans (both younger and present) and Gaster's dynamic is probably one of my favorite Sans and Gaster relationships portrayals I have seen so far. Like, they are such coworkers, and trust each other (to some extent), but there is also seems to be some tension going on w/ them. And Gaster is just terrorizing present Sans basically, lol.
And one of the most interesting dynamics to me, is the one between younger and present Sans. Idk, it is just so interesting and weird to see them interact. And it will always stand out to me younger Sans saying to older Sans that just because he stopped being him, doesn't mean he isn't Sans, in reply to older Sans wanting to give him another name. Idk, I just found that line interesting. And makes me wonder if older Sans will ever be more like younger Sans again.
On the topic of younger Sans. It is kind of heartbreaking to see how happy? (I say with a question mark, because like I said, Sans seems to kind of helping keep Gaster sane in some form, and I don't know how good that is for either of them, even though I love their relationship in this), and outgoing and just actually more enjoying life, to his present self, that is just so more worn down and tired, and depressed. It just makes me sad. Though it is also so interesting.
Saying that, I don't know if it is because younger Sans seems so happy and stuff; even more so in contrast to older Sans, but like, I don't trust him for some reason. I do actually trust older Sans; guarded and secretive as he is, but younger Sans, something about him. I just don't trust (I don't really trust Gaster either though). I love younger Sans, like I do older Sans, but he is suspicious to me for some reason.
Also, in reply to to another ask you did, I am very curious about Sans' yellow eye, and why that gets weird/messed up/whatever.
Last of all, ur animation looks great! Paps looks so awesome and expressive and badass so far in it. Though, it looks like in one of the frames, there is some geno stuff going on; which, oh no.
It is cool to see this comic; which already looks great, get an awesome animation like this. It is always cool to see gifs, animations, animatics, etc., sometimes like this with comics and/or etc.! Though, I also know they can take a lot of time, so take ur time and rest and stuff okay! Really excited for more of this series, but I can also wait!!
Oh man this gave me all sorts of warm feelings. It really hits me in the feelings when people enjoy my work especially the relationship exploration because its one of my favorite things to explore. Trying to find some key things about a character and see how they react and interact with scenarios and people that you haven't before.
For example the younger intern version of sans is, at his core, pretty much the same person. Just a version that hasn't "gone through" the same things yet.
And it sort of is an exploration of the relationship a person has with themselves and the people around them especially after they have gone through things and change.
But anyways thank you so much!
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agaypanic · 1 year
Stanley barber x reader where he’s very handsy and just can’t be away from reader for more then 5 minutes. doesn’t have to be smut maybe just a heated make out session or smth idk (sorry if this is to vague)
Handsy (Stanley Barber X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Stanley Barber just can’t get enough of his girlfriend.
A/N: this is pretty short and honestly not that good bc idk how to write steamy scenes lmao
It wasn’t unusual to find Stanley’s hands on you in some way. Even before you two started dating, you’d hold hands and be cuddly all the time. But now, there would also be kisses wherever he could reach, and an ass or boob grab every now and then. Of course, a lot of that would be saved for in private.
Sometimes, Stanley couldn’t help himself around you. It would get to the point where you were very thankful his dad was rarely home, and your parents didn’t seem to care about your whereabouts.
“Oh, Stanley.” You moaned as he sucked on your neck from his place beneath you. You don’t really know how you ended up like this. One minute you were writing an essay while your boyfriend danced around his room to his Bloodwitch record; the next, you were straddling him on his couch while he seemed to try to suck the life out of you. He groaned as you yanked him away from your neck by his curls and put your mouth on his.
“Baby, please.” He pleaded against your lips. He didn’t really know what he was asking for; he just knew he wanted more. He wanted whatever you were willing to give him.
“My paper’s due tomorrow.” You murmured. “I’ve barely even started it.” Yet you were doing nothing to stop this.
“Just five minutes, Baby, that’s all I need.” You smiled, pulling away despite his protests.
“You’re such a horndog.” With all your willpower, you slipped off his lap and ignored his pouting to go back to your paper.
“And you’re mean,” Stanley whined, moving your laptop to lay himself across your lap. Shaking your head, you rested the computer on his upper back, ignoring his hand that started rubbing your knee.
“Yes, I’m so evil, Stanny.” You laughed when he agreed and went back to writing. He was silent for a while, the only noise in the room being typing and Bloodwitch. When the record had finished, you let him get up to change it. He came back to stand before you, some obscure artist you didn’t recognize playing behind him.
“Y/n?” He sounded like a shy child, a stark contrast to how he sounded ten minutes ago.
“Yes, Stanley?” You asked, giving him a quick glance before looking back down at your computer.
“Can I…” He sighed, annoyed that you weren’t paying him any attention. “Can I just lay on your boobs?” That caught your attention.
“No funny business, I promise. Please, Y/n.” You sighed. The look he gave you was so endearing you wouldn’t have guessed that he was asking to use your boobs as a pillow. You got up, moved to Stanley’s bed, set your computer to the side, and waited for him. He eagerly followed you, climbing on top of your body. You didn’t expect him to put his head under your shirt to rest his head on you, but you weren’t opposed to it.
You set the computer back on your boyfriend and resumed your promise. Every now and then, you take a pause to stroke your fingers along Stanley’s spine.
“Watcha doin’?” You asked as you started planning out your conclusion. You felt kisses against your chest, and it seemed like Stanley was losing his resolve to keep his promise of no funny business.
“Nothing.” He muttered before giving you a few more kisses. “Just focus on your paper.” You nodded, ready to do just that, when one of the hands that was wrapped around your torso slid down to your thigh, giving it a tight squeeze. You sighed, trying to ignore it. But the more you resisted him, the more intoxicating Stanley became.
You closed your laptop and put it on the floor beside the bed. Lifting your shirt enough to pull Stanley off of your chest, you flipped the two of you over so he was on his back. You pulled your shirt off and grabbed his face, bringing his lips to yours.
“Five minutes.”
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