#I just know that she’s kind but stern at the same time
you should absolutely write the genderbent outsiders fic, it would be so interesting to see how many things get changed. often people genderbend one person and just turn them into someone everyone's attracted to rather than looking at character, or they do change everyone but it's still all surface level changes but from what i've seen you seem like you'd do something really interesting with it
(no pressure obviously but it's a really cool idea especially with the attitudes of the outsiders (how would the scene where they meet cherry and marcia play out for example?))
HI! Ok so I do love this idea but I dont have time to wrote a full fic with the nuance it deserves but I did write out two little scenes for it so I'll post them here! One is lifted almost directly from the book its just the genderben take on it :)
“Speaking of movies,” Dalia flicked away her cigarette butt, “I’m thinking of walkin’ over to the nightly double tomorrow night. Might find someone to fool around with. Anyone wanna come?”
Stella shook her head. “The boys are takin’ me and Soda to the game.”
She didn’t need to look at me the way she did then. I wasn’t gonna try and stick around or nothing. I liked Soda’s boy, James, well enough and sometimes they’d offer me and Dar to go with them when they went to do stuff, but I wasn’t gonna try and third wheel. I’d never admit it, because Soda really likes Stella a lot, but sometimes I hate her. She doesn’t need to be half so possessive as she is over everything all the time- and Soda is my sister.
Darlene sighed, just like I knew she would. Darlene never had time to do anything with us anymore. “I have a date tomorrow night.”
She sounded less than enthused at the prospect, and Soda and I shared a look. Ever since mom and dad died, Darlene had spent nearly every night she wasn’t working going on various dates, with each guy seemingly worse than the last- and much as she tried to hide it, it wasn’t hard for Soda and me to guess why. It kind of killed me that my once vivacious sister, who’d always been so fiercely independent, was throwing herself at every mediocre guy who looked her way trying to find someone to provide for her, for us. On her own, Darlene would never consider marriage, at twenty no less, but now she had Soda to support for another year and me for another four and we all knew her two jobs were barely covering bills already. Sometimes the guilt of it, what Dar had already given up and what she was further prepared to lose made me so guilty and sad I couldn’t stand it. I knew Soda felt the same way.
Dalia just rolled her eyes. She only went on dates when it suited her, and only to cause trouble. She didn’t get Dar’s obsession with finding a good man- or if she did, she clearly didn’t respect it. 
“What about the rest of y’all? Two-bit? Jennygirl? You an’ Pony wanna come?”
“Me’n Jenny’ll come,” I knew Jenny wouldn’t open her mouth unless she was forced to, “Okay Dar?”
“You make sure she gets her ass straight home, Soda,” Darlene says, “I mean it.”
I roll my eyes and she fixes me with an icy glare.
“Don’t get huffy with me, Ponygirl. You’re lucky you ain’t grounded. You know better than to be goin’ to the movie house alone.”
“No buts,” she fixes me with a stern glare. If it weren't for how cold her eyes are she could be real pretty with her tumble of smoky curls and delicate nose. Now though, she just looks mean, like Tamina Shepard or one of the other girls who date the gang leaders round town, “you ain’t a boy Pony, you gotta quit goin’ around actin’ like one.”
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eemamminy-art · 2 days
Extremely difficult top 5: Top 5 butches
I've sat on this for a long time because I wasn't sure how I wanted to approach it! Do I pick real life butches, butches that are expressly called as such in their medias, or characters that I interpret as butch?
Ultimately, I opted for the last option, because I think that will be the most fun in terms of me trying to argue my case lol
Faris Scherwiz — Final Fantasy V
"James Kidd" / Mary Read — Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Agrias Oaks — Final Fantasy Tactics
Vi — Arcane
Zero — Final Fantasy XIV
Further rambling and pictures under the read more cut because oh my goodness this is. Long.
Faris Scherwiz — Final Fantasy V
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This character awoke things in a young me, playing a fan translated ROM of FFV. Faris is this pirate captain, initially presented as a beautiful man, later revealed to be the lost princess who made a new life for herself after being lost at sea.
She thinks of herself in masculine terms, and has an honor among thieves sort of outlook. She does put herself, her crew, and her friends first, but she's not so cowardly as to run away when she sees the world is at stake and there is a higher calling for her as a warrior of light. She's very loyal and brave, but lacks the chivalry of a knight.
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She's fearful to go back to the life she had before as a princess, because she loves the person she is now. The only thing that really gives her pause is that her sister very deeply wants a relationship with her, and she has reservations about growing close to her and thus to the life she left behind.
"James Kidd" / Mary Read — Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
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I know Mary Read was a real person but stick with me here. We all know AC plays fast and loose with portrayals of real life figures so I'll be proceeding as if talking about the fictional character, not the real life pirate.
When in her persona as James Kidd, he is as smarmy as can be on the outside, but hints that there is a deeper complexity to him. He's deeply enigmatic and flirtatious. He's clever, and drips juuust enough temptation to guide Edward onto the path of the assassins.
When she reveals herself to be a woman, she keeps the same demeanor as always. It's a secret she keeps close to her chest, and reveals it only to use her body to her advantage to create a distraction. Her dedication to her friends and to her freedom matters far more to her than her presentation.
I'm grateful that even despite the era in which this game came out, there's not a total personality switch after the reveal. She's still so much herself, regardless of how she physically appears or which names or pronouns she uses. She makes it clear that she considers herself a woman, in spite of how she normally presents, and she's just bursting with so much confidence. Goals, honestly. She's a hugely inspirational character to me.
Plus I mean. Oh my gosh. She has this rumbling, sultry voice with a Yorkshire accent. Swoon.
Agrias Oaks — Final Fantasy Tactics
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I want to first preface with an anecdote, that the lesbian subtext between Agrias and Ovelia is so overt that while growing up, my brother's best friend refused to believe Agrias was a woman and headcanoned her as a male knight to justify it in his head (he also headcanoned Ramza as being a woman to justify the gay subtext between him and Delita.. 😂 lmao FFT is extremely gay please play it)
But onto Agrias herself: she is really the textbook definition of a knight. She would give everything for her kingdom and her princess. She is lawful good to a fault, which is not an easy feat in the world of Ivalice. Chivalrous, devoted, stern but kind when it comes to Her Highness... 🥺
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So normal about them... they are like THE yuri ship in final fantasy, but not a lot of people played FFT!! 😭
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They even mention it in FFXIV in Orbonne Monastery... love wins......
Vi — Arcane
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Going to first say I don't play league of legends, mobas give me hives lol but Vi was phenomenal in Arcane. I am missing a lot of context for the character because of that though, so my take on her is purely based on her portrayal in Arcane.
She's headstrong, she lets her emotions get the better of her, she gets into fights, she's scrappy as hell, she's protective and devoted. What stands out sooo much is that, these are traits you might find in a male protagonist in other media, but the way Vi goes about it is just so in touch with her womanhood. Just a more masculine womanhood.
All of the characters in Arcane are written so well, but I found it very very refreshing for there to be so many well written women with all sorts of personalities and archetypes, and not just the usual tropes you see for female characters.
Zero — Final Fantasy XIV
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I waffled a little bit on this pick, because the butch identity is very much about demeanor as much as it is appearance-- if not more so.
Zero is a little bit of an odd duck in that way. She has some very vulnerable, sensitive moments. She's sometimes downright meek. Overall she is cool, confident, business-like, and has her own sense of morality forged by her losses, her time spent bound in contract as a voidsent, and the harsh world of the Thirteenth.
I admit, I initially found her softer moments a little off-putting. Putting it into perspective though, butches do have these moments of vulnerability and softness. It's something really key in the dynamic of butch and femme, that where butches are strong and protective, they need stability and soothing from femmes. A feminine strength to heal the damage that the world has inflicted on the butch while she stands as a shield to herself and other women.
I don't think it was the writers' intentions for her to read that way, I'm pretty sure this is me seeing what I want to see lol. But I think it's still nice! I only didn't notice at first because I play as a gay male wol so her being vulnerable with him activated my fight or flight response. But outside the context of my own OC as the warrior of light, in the context of maybe a female wol (or better yet an experienced and no-nonsense femme like Y'shtola 👀) it's really nice to think about. I think also the pacing of the Endwalker patches didn't do her many favors, but when given time to reflect on her character arc, I think there's a lot of room there, especially when interpreting her in the context of a butch/femme relationship.
She is also pretty new to the whole human thing. She's like a baby butch, still very soft. She can bite and hit hard, but when things break through her shell, they cut deep. Which makes her worthwhile adding to this list, in contrast to the others who are much more experienced and able to protect themselves and others.
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bubblewater · 4 months
I remember watching a video of a snow leopard couple cuddling each other while they sleep and now I can’t stop thinking about Tai Lung leaving the spirit realm to do some soul searching to get a grip on his rage and struggles with perfectionism
To his surprise, he meets another snow leopard on his journey. And she’s just as recluse as he is, if not more so (snow leopards are pretty solitary creatures). She’s a cautious cat, a hermit, but has a deep kindness towards others.
Shenanigans ensue, and they begin to bond through their adventures together. And he sees how difficult it can be to be kind instead of being angry. Anger towards others, and himself. The anger that comes from needing to prove his worth.
And during their time together, he sees subtle displays of empathy, of kindness from her. A kindness that he can’t help but try to emulate, because she seems so certain of herself, with nothing to prove. She lives life for the joy of living, and it baffles him that he never thought that was an option. So he takes a page from her book, and tries to live for the sake of living. They part ways, and his heart pangs at the thought that he might not see her again.
Although Kung Fu is an art in its own right, it never felt quite cathartic for Tai Lung. There was always the push to be better, to stay the best. Getting to the point that ‘never enough’ was engrained in his brain. The anger grew from there, and the martial arts became an avenue for his rage.
He begins to try something different. He pursues another art form: painting. The limitless colors and shapes that he can make with his own paws, or with a paintbrush. The rush of joy that surges through him through creation, rather than the destruction that used to come from his (mal)practice of the martial arts.
It’s not something he’s a natural at, but it’s something that brings a smile to his face. Eventually, he gets better at it. The glee towards his painting progress feels much more rewarding than when he’d master multiple Kung Fu techniques. The snow leopard with a penchant for painting.
His artwork brings in the eye of a few potential customers. He sets up shop in a small town, doing a few commissions that earn him a name that isn’t spoken with fear: Tai Lung, the painter. The artist whose paintings feel alive.
Word travels, and the peaceful painter meets the kind hermit again. The hermit who happened to inspire him to live for himself.
She notices that he seems different, lighter. Content. He’s still grumpy, but the rough edges don’t cut. She smiles, telling him that painting suits him. The question that arises is: what happened?. Tai Lung has a simple answer for that. He wanted to be strong, like her.
That prompts a distinct eyebrow raise. Bewildered, she tells him that he was always strong, just scared. There was a fear to his anger.
She says, ”You don’t seem as scared anymore,” gently placing his hand in hers.
Tai Lung gives her a gentle smile. “Still sharp as ever, I see.”
That prompts a loud laugh out of her, and his smile grows in the little art shop.
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pretty-little-mind33 · 2 months
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James Potter x fem!girlfriend!reader
Summary: When your long-term boyfriend is slipped a love potion—he loses his memory of you.
Genre: Angsty Fluff (happy ending)
Warnings: intense swearing, violence, being drugged/spiking someone's drink, mentions of blood, vomiting, crying, a suggestive joke, James kinda has light trauma
~ again—to the kind anon that had this idea—thank you! ~
Everyone knew it was you and James. It has always been you and James. Ever since the third term of your second year when he'd stolen you an absurd amount of chocolates and candies from Honeydukes because you had failed an exam and were sobbing in your dorm, you knew he had you hooked around his pinky. Luckily, you had him wrapped around yours just as well.
He was yours as you were his. 
It didn't worry you that you hadn't seen your boyfriend all day because N.E.W.T's were coming up and as much as he pretends not to study or care, you've never met someone more desperate for success.
James had even left you a little note signed "only yours" telling you he'd be in the library today, so you used this time to spent the day with the girls instead. 
However, you didn't expect to see what you did when you walked into the Great Hall that evening.
Remus, Sirius, and Peter look just as dumbfounded as you when James stands from his usual seat, his arms outstretching towards another girl.
Your smile falters and you freeze up, your stomach sinking as his hands find the girl's waist and he spins her around.
"What the fuck?" Marlene mutters from next to you, her arms crossed. 
"Who is that?" Mary asks, unhooking her arm from Lily's as she sympathetically touches your shoulder. You blink, unable to look away from whatever nightmare is happening.
James would never cheat on you—especially in public like this.
"Amerie something, she's in my Potions class," Marlene whispers but her gaze is hard.
James's grin is wide and the girl—Amerie apparently—holds him closer. She's beaming as her manicured hands finds his cheeks and your entire world shatters when she presses her lips to his. James leans into her kiss, one hand at her waist while the other runs in her dark curls. 
Marlene breaks at the same time as Sirius does and they march up to the couple. You're stunned, your eyes watering as you replay how your beloved boyfriend kissed another girl in front of everyone. Including you. 
James would never cheat on you—right?
Lily takes your hand and guides you towards where everyone had gathered. Marlene is being held back by Mary, but she's furious as she screams at James and Amerie. Sirius stands next to James, his arms crossed as he stares at his best friend.
When his gaze flickers to you all calm crumbles. "James," Sirius says, interrupting Marlene's shrieks, as he sounds unusually serious, "This is wrong. What the bloody hell is wrong with you?"
James has never looked this confused in his life. "What are you talking about, Pads?" he asks innocently, his eyes scanning all his friends and their upset expressions.
They skim over you as if you were nothing to him— as if he hadn't held you close to his heart just yesterday and whispered how much he loved you into your hair. 
Amerie leans into James, her hand on his chest, and even Remus scoffs.
"You can't be serious, James?" Remus says. He stands and puts his hand on your other shoulder as Lily holds your other arm. He stands tall and looks stern, clearly unamused by whatever sick joke he thinks his best friend is playing. 
James's eyes widen but even Peter squeaks, "You have a girlfriend," as if to remind James.
"I know!!" James exclaims and turns to Amerie as he smiles like a love-sick fool. You feel like you're going to vomit all over your uniform. "Aren't I allowed to kiss my lovely girlfriend?" 
 Chaos ensues as Amerie holds James closer, her icy-blue eyes staring into yours with venom and malice as Marlene lunges for the two of them.
Marlene is pulled away by Mary and Lily and Sirius and Remus speak up with confusion as they jumble out accusations and disbelief.
You stand there, frozen, as your boyfriend looks right through you.
"She is your girlfriend, you dimwit!" Lily shouts and points to you. "Not this minger," Marlene adds with a hiss at Amerie, eyes dark. 
James finally looks at you and your breath hitches when you see the look in his eyes. There is no remorse or shame, just a blank expression as he looks you over.
"Who?" he asks as he turns to his friends with a genuine look of confusion on his face. His question brings silence to the group and you feel warm tears brim in your eyes.
Some part of you screams at you that the confusion is real. You know James and you know how he lies. But his voice rings in your ears as pain caves in your chest and you turn, breaking into an embarrassing jog as you run away. 
James would never cheat on you—right?
* * *
A few hours later, when Lily comes into the dorm with news that James is in the Hospital Wing, you don't want to care but you do. Just the mention of James in pain hurts you and Lily doesn't even have to convince you to come see him. 
You walk into the room and your eyes instantly widen. Dumbledore and Amerie stand in one corner. Amerie's eyes are bloodshot and she's pleading with Dumbledore—who looks absolutely furious.
Lily pulls you to the main dilemma and you see James sitting up in a bed, a bowl in his lap as he's encouraged to vomit. He's surrounded by Sirius, Remus, Peter, and Madame Pomfrey. 
Remus sees you and Lily and he walks up to you. 
"Is he okay?" you ask, your voice small and hoarse from your crying.
"Love potion," Remus doesn't waste time as he glances at Amerie in the corner, his jaw clenched, "she slipped it in his drink when we went to lunch. I lost him this afternoon after that but I thought he'd gone to find you. It's strong, well made, but Madame Pomfrey is convinced she can reverse the spell it has on him."
You let out a shaky breath, shoulders relaxing as you take in his words. A love potion? It had all been fake.
You turn to look at Amerie and anger swims through you. She'd drugged your boyfriend and taken him from you. You clench your fist.
If she wasn't with Dumbledore, you'd punch her. 
"But Y/n," Remus interrupts your violent fantasies and Lily takes your hand. Lily clearly knows the news Remus is about to break and it doesn't sound good. "The reason he didn't remember you is that the potions—well he was already in love with you so the potion messed up that chemistry and it was so strong it reversed all those emotions to Amerie. Erased any memory of you completely."
You feel like you can't breathe. 
"Madame Pomfrey doesn't think she can fully reverse his memory loss," Lily whispers and tightens her grip on your hand, "Obviously, he won't be in love with Amerie anymore but—we don't think he'll remember you either." 
You can barely hear her. Your eyes water as your eyes glaze over and you look behind Remus at James. Your James, who is puking his guts out and who doesn't have a clue who you are. He has no more memories of you. No more midnight secrets or scandalous touches. No more sweet confessions or fleeting arguments. Nothing.
And it's all her fault. 
You storm up to Amerie, ignoring the Headmaster's presence, as you see red. You grab her by the shoulder and punch her in the nose.
The sound resounds around the room as she falls back, a broken cry leaving her mouth as she holds her nose. Blood runs down her mouth and chin, her tears mixing with the crimson liquid as nurses rush to her. 
Your voice is unemotional when you snarl, "Stay away from him, you psycho cunt."
* * *
You sit in the common room, bandaging your bruised knuckles, as you let your tears fall freely. Your heart feels broken and crushed into absolutely nothing.
You don't even care about the detention Dumbledore was basically forced to assign you. "Violence, no matter how deserved, is never the answer," he had said and perhaps he had a point because breaking Amerie's nose didn't really make you feel any better.
She'd still taken your heart away from you. 
All you want is to reverse time and prevent James from leaving so early in the morning and slipping through your fingers. You hate yourself for not finding him in the library that afternoon. You should have studied with him—maybe then you could have prevented this. 
You unclench your fist and stare at James's crumbled note from a few hours earlier. 
Early morning for Quidditch then I'll be in the library studying. You can always join me, lovie, or go to Hogsmeade with the girls, I know they miss you. I can't always be selfish and have you all to myself, can I? 
I love you, my darling. 
Only yours,  
You choke on another sob and you resist the need to scream. 
"Hi," a familiar voice suddenly whispers from above you and you look up. Color has returned to James's cheeks and he's standing in front of you. He's so familiar and so different.
He doesn't look at you the same and you want to cry harder. He looks down at the note in your hand and holds out his hand when he sees a glimpse of his own chicken scratch. 
You hand it to him without a word, leaning back on the couch as you wipe your tears with your palms. You shut your eyes, feeling the cushions dip as James sits next to you and you can feel the tension in the air. You peek at him as he shakes the note and says, "So, this is real, hm? It's not some messed up nightmare? I- I don't even remember writing this. I remember this morning but—you aren't in the memory," his voice sounds shaky. 
"It's okay," you whisper, unable to say much more or you'll cry. 
James turns to you and shakes his head. "No. It isn't okay. I want to remember you," he whispers and takes your hand.
Your head snaps up, eyes widening at the sudden warmth of his touch. James puts the paper in your palm and closes it, squeezing your hand, "I obviously loved you a lot, and I think you loved me too—"
"Love," you whisper, looking him in the eyes, "I haven't stopped."
James makes a pained grimace and his hand loosens around yours. "I'm so sorry. I wish I could remember. I wish this never happened. I know I don't know you anymore or well, my brain doesn't know you but I still can't stand you being hurt because of this," he sighs, "Sirius told me everything. I have so many pictures of us in my room—my sheets smell like your perfume—I– I wish I could remember," he sounds so lost and your heart breaks.
You can't help yourself. You cup his cheek and lean your forehead onto his like you'd done a thousand times over the last years. James doesn't pull away. Instead he leans into you, as if your touch sparked a distant muscle memory.
"It's okay. It's not your fault. I-" you pause and then say, "I can help you remember, if you want?"
James doesn't hesitate and he nods, his breath unsteady, "I do. I don't understand why but my heart, well it misses you. I want to understand why." 
Your heart flutters at his words and you smile. You pull away and smile at him. His smile is weak and you know him all too well to let that slide. "What's wrong, James?" you ask and when his eyes shift, you can tell he's feeling guilty. 
"I'm sorry you lost your boyfriend. You didn't deserve that."
You sigh, "It's not your fault, okay?" you look him in the eyes and wait until he nods solemnly. "If we're meant to be, we'll figure this out, yeah?"
"Yeah," James whispers in agreement. 
* * * Six Months Later * * *
The snow falls around you as you and your friend return from The Three Broomsticks one Sunday evening. Sirius and Remus walk much faster than you and James as Sirius rambles wildly about this new muggle band Remus helped him discover, and Peter loiters behind you all as he hurries to finish reading his Transfiguration book due Monday morning—he seems quite discouraged considering the snow keeps ruining his pages. 
You are snuggled up against James, his arm wrapped around your shoulder as he adjusts your scarf and presses a kiss to your head. You sigh, continuing your conversation about how very clearly chocolate is the superior ice cream flavor, and James just listens even though he has no clue why you're talking about ice cream in the dead of winter. 
Suddenly, your voice dies down and you tense when you see who's walking towards you. She's with three of her best friends—snotty Ravenclaws with egos larger than their brains—and you feel sick as all those horrible feelings come bubbling up again.
Amerie had been suspended for six months after what she had done to James and while you and your friends insisted she be expelled, your outburst of violence had inevitably lightened her sentence.
Dumbledore didn't want a scandal on his hands and Amerie's parents were well off—surprisingly more so than the Potters. 
James senses your tension and he looks up too, his stomach sinking. Amerie is staring at you both and her friends are whispering. You look between her and James, sensing how uncomfortable he is with her presence and anger boils inside you. 
Six months. Six months of peace and time you had to rebuild your relationship with him. Six months you spent taking him to all your favorite places, reminding him of all those secrets he had already earned, and telling him stories he should remember.
Six months to catch up on six years, all because of her. 
You feel James's gloved hand find yours and he squeezes it, pressing his lips into your hair near your ear and he murmurs, "Ignore her, my love." His voice sounds a little strained and you look at him, the warmth of his hazel eyes calming you. 
You nod and press a kiss to his lips. You can feel Amerie's eyes on you as you pass but you just walk faster. Once she and her friends are behind you, you squeeze James's hand too. "Are you okay?" you whisper. 
James had been very open with you about how much what had happened scared him and still does. There were times he remembered snippets of you from before, but mostly nothing, and that scares him. I never want to lose you again, he had said three months into the six and you knew he meant it. 
When James Potter loved, he loved hard, and it became very obvious his feelings for you had returned even stronger than they had been. 
"Yeah," he whispers, his voice small. 
You pause, turning around and taking his cheeks in your hands, encouraging him to look at you. "Baby, it's okay if it made you feel uncomfortable to see her. It's normal," you say, kissing his forehead and leaning against it. 
James holds you close and kisses the crook of your neck, which causes you to giggle. 
"I love you," he mumbles and you grin.
"I love you," you say and kiss his lips again.
James runs a hand in your hair and sighs, lifting his head and watching Amerie and her friends disappear down the road. "As much as I hate her for what she did, I am sort of grateful," he whispers. 
"Oh?" I ask, caressing his cheek lovingly. 
"Mmhm—it was an absolute pleasure falling in love with you all over again," James says sincerely and your heart flutters at his words. 
You laugh and ruffle his messy hair. "You're such a dork," you chuckle. 
James laughs now too, "It's true!" 
Suddenly, you shriek lightly when you feel cold snow glide down your neck from inside your scarf. You and James spin around at the same time, catching Sirius as he makes another snowball and barks out a laugh, "Ooops."
Sirius smirks and as if on cue, James bends over and pats down his own snowball to throw at Sirius in your defense. 
"Keep your grubby snowballs away from my girl, Pads," James shouts in between his laughter as he runs after his best friend. You hear Sirius mumble something that sounds like, "Ooh, kinky," before James shoves snow into his mouth. 
You just smile, your heart feeling completely full.
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chvoswxtch · 6 months
slumber party
pairing: aaron hotchner x fem!reader x derek morgan x spencer reid
summary: while en route to a case, the four of you let off a little steam.
warnings: all of them. every single one of them. swearing, a lil angst, derek morgan's smile, explicit sexual content (minors dni)
word count: 3.3k
a/n: let's be real. you didn't come here for a plot, and I didn't write one. enjoy this slutty vision I had in the shower. as always, feedback is welcomed/appreciated!
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The jet was quiet apart from the sporadic sound of pages being flipped and Spencer’s occasional soft noises of either being intrigued or perplexed regarding details of the case, deciphered only by their volume and pitch. Hotch had read the same paragraph on the report at least seven times, and there seemed to be some kind of disconnect between his tired eyes and unresponsive brain. Letting out a quiet irritated exhale and diverting his attention to the top of the paragraph yet again, a soft noise caused his ears to perk up.
Finally looking up from the report for the first time in half an hour since he originally sat down, creases furrowed in the midst of his forehead when he glanced towards the other end of the jet and caught sight of you. From where he sat, all he could see was the back of your head since you seemed to be facing the back of the seat you were in, which he found extremely odd. But as he craned his neck, he noticed a familiar pair of hands on your hips and instantly clenched his jaw.
“Son of a bitch.”
The second Hotch shot up out of his chair, Spencer finally tore his own eyes away from the report and turned his head to follow Hotch’s angry march down the aisle of the jet with a mixture of curiosity and confusion. Now that there were no obstructions in his line of sight, Hotch had the full view of you sitting topless on Derek’s lap with your skirt bunched up around your waist, grinding your hips down in a slow but sensual rhythm. Derek’s hands were firmly grasped on your hips to help guide your movements, and his face was buried into your exposed chest.
“Morgan you greedy fucker.”
The sound of Hotch’s angry voice booming in the comfortable silence caused you to immediately tense up and stop moving, but Derek wasn’t having any of that. He gripped a little tighter onto your hip and gave your ass a light smack, pulling his head back to look at you with that dazzling smile of his that could make anyone weak in the knees.
“No no no no, keep goin’ baby girl. Don’t worry about him. You just keep doing what you’re doing…that’s it.”
Derek leaned his head back against the seat, looking over at Hotch with that same charming grin on his face. His warm chocolate brown eyes were glazed over with lust and had been eclipsed into half moons of pleasure. 
“Sorry Hotch, she just looked too goddamn good.”
“What’s going on back-oh.”
As Spencer took his place beside Hotch, his eyes immediately went wide at the sight he was met with. He seemed to be completely mesmerized by the erotic flow of your hips while you languidly rode Derek’s cock as you sat topless on his lap. While Spencer was bewitched by the spell of your hips, Hotch was furious. The stern look that seemed to be his default expression was unaffected by the show taking place before him.
“Morgan, you know the rules-”
“Come on, Hotch. We still got another hour before we land. Lighten up a little. You know, some stress relief would do you a whole lotta good.”
Before Hotch had a chance to respond, Spencer was already stepping forward and unbuttoning his cardigan.
“You could’ve at least asked us to join.”
Derek let out a soft chuckle, rubbing his hands up and down your smooth thighs as he flexed his hips upwards to match your pacing.
“Hey, you were the one more invested in exactly how many trees there are in the Acadia National Park than you were in the beautiful woman on the plane, pretty boy.”
“Well if I had known-”
Letting out a frustrated huff, you stopped moving and placed your hand over Derek’s mouth before turning to look at Spencer and Hotch over your shoulder.
“Boys, you know I hate it when you argue. It makes me dry up.”
Spencer dropped his forgotten cardigan on the chair behind himself, his attention solely fixed on you again. In the dim lighting of the plane, you could just barely see that the green flecks in his honey eyes had deepened into a wicked hue. He ran his fingers gently through your hair before cradling your face in one hand and starting to unbuckle his belt with the other, all while looking at you and dragging his tongue along his bottom lip.
“Don’t worry, we can get you wet again.”
“Not if you’re all standing around bickering instead of fucking me.”
Hotch wasn’t giving in, no matter how badly he wanted to. It was late, he was exhausted, he was beyond sexually frustrated, but above all he was fucking stubborn.
“There is one rule on this fucking plane. When we are en route to a case, we are focused on the case. Playtime is for after.”
Brushing Spencer’s hand away from his belt, a smirk tugged across your lips as you looked up at him and began to unbuckle it yourself, which only caused him to bite down on his bottom lip seductively. Throwing a glance over your shoulder at Hotch, you could visibly see just how pissed off he was, but as your gaze wandered down south, you could also see the outline of his impressive cock starting to strain against his pants. Sinking your teeth into your own bottom lip, you looked up at Hotch through your, flashing him a sultry smile while you teasingly unzipped Spencer’s pants slowly.
“Aw, come on, Aaron. If anyone needs some relief, it’s you. Just come have a little fun with us.”
The hardness in Hotch’s glare wavered only slightly at the provocative sound of your voice. It was an unrelenting struggle to keep his eyes focused directly on yours and to not let them roam over your body. If he let his gaze wander for even a split second to see the way your nipples were peaked from the cool air in the cabin, the way your soft hand was caressing Spencer’s cock through his pants, or the way your ass moved against Derek’s lap while you fucked him, he would break. While Derek began to flex his hips upwards a little harder to fuck up into you now that there was no longer a reason to stay quiet, you were pulling Spencer’s cock out of his briefs and leaning over to take him into your mouth.
Before he could watch you wrap your lips around Spencer’s tip, Hotch quickly looked away and stormed off towards the other end of the jet, dropping into his chair and loosening his tie with a hardened scowl on his face.
“You’re all getting written up.”
“For what?”
Derek's protest was only faintly heard since Hotch’s blood was now pounding in his ears like a high school marching band, and throbbing in other places. 
There was a slight growl to his voice as he barked back at Derek, not even bothering to look up as he angrily began to look through the case file again, but he couldn't focus. No matter how hard he tried, all he could hear was Derek and Spencer praising you in tandem as they each took an offering from your body, and the soft noises of gratitude that flowed from your lips. It was absolute fucking torture. He thought about palming himself through his pants, just to get a little reprieve without alerting any of you to his moment of weakness. But he was so fucking angry with all of you, he didn’t even want to give in.
His mind was a jumbled concoction of juxtaposed thoughts, none of which had anything to do with the case in front of him. Hotch wasn’t sure why he was so pissed off right now. It wouldn’t have been a big deal if he had joined in, it wasn’t like the four of you hadn’t done it before. It certainly would’ve put him in a better mood. But this was a big case, and Strauss had been on his ass more than usual lately, and things at the BAU had been so chaotic that the team was getting split up just to keep up with the influx of cases coming across JJ’s desk.
Maybe it was a mistake not to send you with Rossi, JJ, and Prentiss. The air always shifted when you were alone with him, Reid, and Morgan. It was inevitable. Maybe that’s why he ordered you to come with him, because even if he didn’t want to consciously admit it, subconsciously he knew that this was exactly what he needed. He needed you, and the peace that you brought him.
The sharp sound of a smack landing on flesh caught his attention, and Hotch looked up to see that the three of you had moved to the bench directly in his line of sight. Derek had his head thrown back as pounded into you from behind, occasionally smacking his hand against your ass while he grunted about how tight and wet you always were. Spencer held your hair back while he fucked your mouth, watching you as he moaned praises of what a good girl you were. Your face was obstructed by Spencer’s back, but Hotch could hear how much you were enjoying yourself, and he couldn’t look away.
As Derek and Spencer came in unison, Hotch gripped onto the edge of the table so tightly his knuckles turned stark white, and he inhaled a sharp breath that he let out slowly through his nose. Gritting his teeth, he glared down at the blur of black ink on the pages, listening to the sound of your angelic laughter and kisses being exchanged between the three of you. Why was he doing this to himself? Why hadn’t he just fucking given in and joined?
While Spencer was sitting on the couch with his pants around his ankles, head back against the window with a blissed out look on his face, Derek snaked his arm around your waist and pressed a soft kiss to your neck before whispering into your ear.
“Do me a favor, baby girl. Go take care of grumpy over there.”
Letting out a quiet giggle, you turned and brushed your nose against Derek’s before kissing him softly.
“Already ahead of you, D.”
Discarding your skirt completely, you dropped it in Spencer’s laugh and planted a quick kiss to his lips before sauntering down the aisle of the plane, completely naked. Hotch glanced up when he caught the smell of your familiar perfume and looked at you with a halfhearted glare. All you could do was smile at the sight of his thick brows furrowed and the permanent scowl that he always seemed to wear. You both knew he couldn’t stay mad at you, and he didn’t even put up a fight when you made him lean back against his seat so you could sit on his lap. 
“Why are you so mad baby, hm?”
Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, you ran one of your hands through his dark brown hair, giving a gentle tug at the root which earned a quiet grunt from him. As you leaned in to place featherlight kisses along his jaw, you could feel his body physically relax, as well as how much his hardened cock was straining against his pants. But despite the giveaways from his body, Hotch wouldn’t budge. He didn’t make a move to touch you, and he didn’t speak. He was always the hardest of the three to break, but you knew exactly where his weak points were.
“Oh, you don’t wanna talk, huh? That’s okay. I’d prefer to do something else with my mouth right now anyway.”
Gently biting down on his earlobe, you felt his thighs tense up beneath you and a quiet grunt sound from his chest, and you couldn’t help but laugh softly. As you got off his lap, you slowly got down onto your knees in front of Hotch and unbuckled his belt. Since he was already in a sour mood, you decided to skip the teasing, and honestly you were so turned on yourself that you didn’t have the patience for it.
He was trying so hard not to give in while you were pulling the leather of his belt out of the buckle, and even as you were unbuttoning his pants and tugging down the zipper, he was trying to appear completely unbothered while looking at the case files. But the second he felt your luscious lips wrap around the throbbing head of his cock that was slick with pre-cum, he completely lost it. 
Letting his head fall back against the seat, he closed his eyes and his lips parted as he focused solely on the warmth of your mouth and the wetness of your tongue sliding against the underside of his sensitive tip. In that moment he completely forgot whatever he was mad about. Every single coherent thought in his head vanished, and all that was  left was you.
You don’t mind when he slips his hand into your hair and grips at it roughly, or when he starts to push his hips upwards to seek out more. It was rare that Hotch ever gave in to his selfish desires, and you were all too eager to let him. The sight above you was one you wished you could frame. His dark brown hair was messy from you running your fingers through it and his eyes were peacefully screwed  shut. There was a twinge of heat covering his cheeks, and his lips were parted further as heavy pants and soft whimpers escaped. Those little noises only make you want to steal more of them from the man that was normally so stoic and closed off. 
All of a sudden, Hotch roughly pulled at your hair causing you to moan around him. He grunted while leaning down to slip his hands under your arms, pulling you up from your knees and shoving all the reports off the table in front of him carelessly onto the floor. He grabbed you by your hips and lifted you up onto the table, and you immediately spread your legs wide for him to slot through. Without wasting another second, Hotch pulled you towards the edge of the table and easily slipped his thick cock inside your drenched pussy. Both of you moaned simultaneously at the contact, and he only faltered for a second before he started to aggressively snap his hips against yours.
Faintly, you can hear Derek whistling from the other side of the plane and the sound of him clapping as he calls out to Hotch.
“There he is. Come on, Hotch. Give us a show.”
When you wrapped your legs tightly around his waist, Hotch wrapped one of his large hands around your throat and lightly squeezed. You can tell he’s still frustrated by the feral way he’s fucking you against the table, but you can feel just how badly he needs this release. Sneaking one of your hands down to play with your clit, you only get away with it for a few seconds before Hotch roughly smacks your hand away and tightens his grip on your throat. He replaces your hand with his own and starts to furiously rub quick circles over your sensitive clit, tearing a sharp moan from your chest. You can feel how close he is already by the way his rhythm starts to falter. When he speaks, his voice is so low and husky that it almost sounds like a growl.
“You insatiable little slut. You haven’t come enough already? You think you deserve to come again after the way you’ve been acting?”
“Shut up.”
The only thing you can hear over the obscene sound of Hotch’s thighs smacking against your ass with every powerful thrust and the lewd squelching of his cock disappearing over and over inside your tight cunt is the dark chuckle that sounded from Spencer before he spoke.
“Uh oh, someone pissed off Daddy.”
The way you moan Hotch’s name nearly has him combusting right there. When he starts to rub your clit harder, your jaw becomes unhinged and hangs open, but nothing comes out. You can’t speak, you can’t even make a sound. Hotch grunts as his pace becomes even more fervent and brutal. He was fucking you with everything he had, using your body to expel every ounce of pent up frustration, and you were already ascending into the clouds.
“You wanna come so fucking badly? Then do it.”
The tightening of your cunt around his cock sends both of you over the edge, and both of your moans seem to echo in the small space of the cabin. Hotch continues to fuck you wildly through his orgasm, gripping onto the edge of the table to steady himself. Once he starts to slow down after emptying himself inside of you completely, the blissed out smile that replaces the frown on his mouth makes you giggle, and it causes him to finally open his eyes and look down at you with an arch of his brow.
Hotch just stares down at you for a moment with slightly narrowed eyes before he finally gives in, his lips parting into that wide grin that you love so much but rarely get to see. Taking a moment to catch his breath, a light chuckle leaves him as he gazes down at you with softer eyes this time and brushes your hair away from your face gently.
“You know, the whole point of me being your boss is you’re supposed to actually listen to me.”
“You of all people know I listen very well.”
The sultry tone of your voice and the implications behind it caused Hotch to smirk, and you can feel the effect it has when you feel his cock twitch inside of you. Leaning in, he brushed his lips against your own and gave your ass a light smack.
“When you’re being a good girl and not such a brat.”
A soft noise of surprise left your lips when he smacked your ass, and you giggled while grabbing his face in your hands to pull him in for a soft and slow kiss.
“I don’t hear you complaining.”
Rolling his eyes, Hotch reluctantly pulled out of you with a soft hiss and helped you down from the table. He ran one of his hands through his hair and took another deep breath before tucking his softened cock back into his pants.
“Alright, everyone back to work.”
“Wait, everyone got to fuck her but me, that’s not fair.” 
Hotch glanced down at his watch on his wrist before looking over at Spencer, shooting him a pointed look when he caught the slight pout on Spencer’s lips.
“We’re landing in twenty minutes and we still need to prep.”
As Spencer began to protest, you walked over towards him and placed your hand on his chest, leaning up to press a soft kiss to his cheek with a mischievous grin.
“Don’t worry, Spence. I’ll share a room with you tonight, and you can fuck me all you want.”
Spencer’s face lit up like a kid on Christmas, but Derek and Hotch immediately began to protest as they shared a look before staring at the two of you with looks of frustration.
“Whoa whoa whoa-“
“That’s not-“
Spencer wrapped his arms around you to pull you in, bending down to kiss you deeply while grabbing a handful of your ass to squeeze tightly causing you to giggle. He nipped at your bottom lip before turning to look at Hotch and Derek with a smug smirk.
“Don’t worry. Unlike you two, I know how to share. Maybe we can all have a slumber party.”
tags: @mars-rants-a-lot @ninejlovebot @oscarisaacsleftknee @ameliaswife @vane28282 @kmc1989 @avencol
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galaxysgal · 7 months
𝐢 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 || 𝐥𝐢𝐩 𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐫
pairing: lip gallagher x fem!reader
summary: just lip being a cute bf + debbie and ian being little shits
warnings: lowercase on purpose. poorly written tbh. swearing but y’all know how it is. heavily unedited. gen said yolo so i’m posting
A/N: i’ve been on hiatus for god knows how long but my roommate and i started watching shameless and i can’t get this mfer out of my head. things w school and life are hard rn so i just wrote this comfy cozy little thing in my notes app. yolo asf.
wordcount: probably like 500 or less idk i wrote it in my notes app at 1am
— — — — — — — — — — —
you’re nestled in lip’s arms, high up on his rickety top bunk. somewhere between finishing your nails and kissing until you could barely breathe, you had fallen asleep right against his chest.
you stirred now, your cozy world interrupted a squeaky little voice. “are you in love with her?” debbie questions.
lip shushes his sister, “be quiet, she’s sleeping.”
you were wide awake now, but much too comfortable to move and make that little fact known. plus, you wanted to hear his answer.
“i asked you a question dummy. are you in love with her?”
lip stutters, “i-i dunno. i really like her, okay?”
you’re satisfied with that answer. “in love” was a little too much too quick. but “really like” was something that made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
“what d’ya like about her?” ian presses.
you can practically hear the gears turning in lip’s head as his siblings impatiently await a response.
“she’s- i dunno, she’s pretty?” lip replies. you hold back a scowl, annoyed at him for not having a better answer.
“yeah, great rack,” debbie comments.
“jesus, deb!” lip’s head falls back in frustration, one hand coming to cradle your head as not to wake you with the sudden motion.
“cut the shit lip,” ian interrupts. “tell us what you really think.”
you hold your breath as you wait for his response. his lips brush your hairline before he sighs. “she’s sweet, yeah? real kind.”
“a real woman of the people,” ian snorts, “princess diana type.” then “ow!” as you hear debbie shove him.
“and- and she’s real smart, too,” lip continues. “really, really fuckin’ smart. an’ she works hard. she just tires herself out sometimes.”
he strokes your hair gently, pressing a few more fleeting kisses to your forehead.
“you’re so whipped.”
you hear debbie shove her brother again, and this time ian fights back, the two making a ruckus as they push each other back and forth.
“come on guys, out. now.” lip orders his siblings around with that same stern voice you’ve heard plenty of times before.
debbie pouts. “but-“
“no buts. go on, she’s fuckin’ sleepin’ in here an’ you’re gonna wake her up. fuck off.”
“we were just-“
“fuck. off.”
“jesus,” you can practically hear ian roll his eyes. “alright, alright. we’re going.”
debbie yells for fiona as the two shuffle out of the room, not bothering to close the door behind them.
you smirk to yourself as lip groans above you, showing your cards. “you’re awake?”
you peer up at him through your lashes, a smirk planted on your lips that he’s just dying to kiss off. “can’t believe your little sister said i have a great rack,” you whisper.
lip laughs, loud and genuine. “yeah, she’s been stuffing fi’s old training bras. growin’ up an’ shit. i don’t like it.”
you’re quiet for a moment, admiring him. you know how important those kids are to him. he’d do just about anything for them, including the minor crimes you find him tangled up in on a weekly basis. he loves them like they’re his own kids, which honestly they kind of are. they may shove each other around, curse each other out, yell and scream at the top of their lungs, but at the end of the day lip has been more of a father to his siblings than frank ever was.
“you really meant all that?” you ask.
lip looks down at you, his blue eyes soft in the dim light. “yeah. yeah, i did. meant every word.”
you smile, leaning up to place a solid kiss on his lips. “for what it’s worth,” you murmur, “i really like you too.”
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casuallyawkardd · 1 year
Close Encounters of the Spiderkind
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Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x Single Mother!Reader
Summary: When reader refuses to go on a mission, Miguel decides to pay a home visit to figure out why 
Warnings: SLIGHT SPOILERS FOR ATSV! fluff, slight hurt/comfort and angst if you squint hard enough, Miguel is a softie around kids, it’s giving slow burn/platonic vibes, not fluent in Spanish so feel free to correct my wording/punctuation
A/N: This is kind of my way of dipping my toes back into the world of fanfiction writing, if ya’ll end up liking it I was planning on making it a little series of sorts. Not necessarily a multipart story, rather just little moments following the same general characters. I took the liberty of assigning a gender and name to the reader’s daughter since that sounded like it’d be easier in terms of writing, the rest is still like any Y/N story. Reader is also a spider person, but I’m not married to the idea for future oneshots? Drabbles? I don’t know what you kids call them nowadays...
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It had only been a couple months since you had joined Spider-Society and, while you were still trying to find your footing, things were going a lot better than expected. There was a comradery with being around other people with the same abilities, who had experienced the same losses, victories and all that came with wearing the mask. You had found some good friends among the other Spiders, particularly with Peter B and Jess, as there was a common ground there that you had yet to share with them; something that the three of you had in common.
That commonality was currently asleep in the other room, your daughter Vada. For once, it had been a day where the radios were quiet. No calls from HQ to go on missions, no worrying chatter on the police radios, so you had taken the day to spend time with your daughter. The three year old was going through a phase where she was having nightmares almost every night, so the day was spent at home relaxing. From watching movies, to cooking meals together, Vada had been your little shadow all day and you had enjoyed every second of it.  While your toddler had tuckered herself out, you were restless, curled up on the couch watching TV at a low enough volume that only you could hear, thanks to your heightened senses. It may have been almost midnight, but that was still considered an early night for you. Used to the regime of patrolling until early in the morning and crawling into bed to get a few hours asleep before Vada came in to ask for her breakfast. Just as you were starting to feel the pull of sleep on your eyelids, letting the quiet calm sink into your bones, the moment was then yanked from you. When the beeping started the first time, you had acted on instinct to silence the noise. Your hand practically slapped the Gizmo on your wrist, the same Gizmo given to you by Miguel when you had joined his Spider-Society.  Ugh, Miguel. It was a damn shame that such a pretty face was wasted on a sourpuss like him. While being the leader of an elite group of Spider-People sounded like no easy task, there were times the man definitely took it too seriously. Sure, he had a great work ethic and was a respectable leader, but that all came with the downside that you couldn’t stand being around him for more than five minutes. You two hadn’t gotten off on the right foot and it seemed like he wouldn’t let you live that down. Ever the stern, cold-hearted leader, barking orders and chewing your ass out if something went wrong. He hardly ever smiled and when he did it was condescending, almost smug as he questioned just how intelligent you actually were. A waste of a pretty face indeed.
That pretty face came to mind when you looked down at your Gizmo, which was beeping once more, finally processing that it was Miguel who was trying to contact you. Shit.
“Hello?” your voice is quiet, wary as you answer him finally; trying to keep quiet for the toddler sleeping in the other room. Also because of the worry that you’ve pissed him off once again.
“Why aren’t you answering?” his voice cuts through the silence, monotone and firm. “An anomaly was detected on Earth-616, go take care of it. Ben Reilly and Peter Parker from Earth-13122 are already en route.”
“I....can’t,” you cringe as the word leaves your mouth. The pregnant pause that follows feels like an eternity.
“What do you mean you ‘can’t’?” He spits the word back at you, like you offended him with just the one syllable. More silence follows, Miguel waiting for your answer and you not knowing what to say. “...Is something wrong?”
“I have to go,” you end the call, not even registering the concern that had slid its way into his tone. With a heavy sigh, you lay your head against the back of the couch, regretting how you handled the situation, but thankful it was dealt with. That is until the familiar sound of a portal opening and closing disturbs your precious quiet once more. 
It makes you almost jump out of your skin, physically lurching off the couch, the warm hues from the light of the portal filling your living room and disappearing as quickly as they came. In their place is Miguel, clad in his spidersuit from head to toe. A wave of emotions goes through you, the look of shock, confusion and anger crossing your face in less than a second. He doesn’t seem to have noticed you yet, glancing around the space and disengaging his mask when he doesn’t register any immediate threats.
“What are you doing here!?” it takes all you have not to shout the words at him, instead resorting to a sort of hiss to keep your voice down. Miguel doesn’t seem to take the hint.
“This is why you couldn’t come? Because you’re too busy lounging around and watching trash TV?” he isn’t shouting per se, rather his tone makes him sound louder. That and the quiet of your apartment probably amplified his voice even more. “I know the weight of keeping the multiverse intact might go over your head, but the least you could do is be there for your teammates. I don’t allow slackers in my-” “Shh!” you’re moving towards him without even realizing, motherly instinct telling you to silence the noise that dared try to wake your daughter. Your hand reaches to cover his loud mouth and Miguel takes a step back to avoid your touch, the frustration reflecting in his eyes turning into red, hot anger. 
“Did you just ‘shh’ me!?” he sounds as if he’s in disbelief, his voice now actually rising in volume. You stumble over your words, trying to apologize and explain yourself all at once. Now it’s his turn to step towards you, his imposing frame towering over you and you can’t help but shrink back, “I don’t know who you think you are, but if you don’t get your ass in your suit, I’ll-”
“Mama?” Vada’s little voice cuts through the air, both Miguel and you freezing. When you turn to look at your daughter, who’s standing in the doorway to her bedroom, it feels like everything around you fades away. The static of the TV, Miguel, everything until all you can focus on is Vada. She’s clearly distressed, as you come to kneel in front of her you can see the tears in her big round eyes, the redness around them and on her nose, the slight tremble in her bottom lip. You know what’s wrong before she even has to explain.
“Sweet girl, another one?” you ask calmly, a hand going to stroke her hair. Vada nods, confirming your suspicion that she had been roused by yet another nightmare. The creak of the floorboards alerts you of Miguel taking a step closer and you’re suddenly very much aware of his presence once again. However, your eyes don’t leave Vada’s crying face. “Let’s get you back into bed,” you try to coax her into heading back the way she came, your toddler only resisting and shaking her head firmly.
“I want Mama’s bed,” she demands, sounding groggy as the sleep she had just risen from had yet to fully leave her. Vada doesn’t even let you respond before her tiny arms wrap around your neck, face pressing into the junction of your neck and shoulder, “Want you,” she mutters against you, the exhaustion and distress in her voice making your heart ache for her. “Vada,” you sigh heavily, exhausted as well. Exhausted from the heavy workload of being Spider-Woman not just for your universe, but other universes as well. Exhausted from the fact your child couldn’t get a wink of sleep and seeing her frustrated made you frustrated as well. You cave, scooping your daughter up in your arms and standing. Her body molds to yours, relaxing against your frame like it had done so many times before. As you rub her back and kiss her temple, you’re forced to turn and deal with the elephant in the room. Or rather the spider. 
You expect Miguel to look annoyed, as usual, but he isn’t. In fact, the anger he was prepared to unleash on you moments ago seems to have vanished, replaced with a look of curiosity, intrigue and dare you say....awe? He’s looking at Vada, who’s about to pass out in your arms, with a softened expression, the sight of the small girl seeming to tug the corners of his mouth up just slightly.
Miguel seems to catch himself staring, shaking his head to clear the fog and meeting your gaze once more. “I...didn’t know,” is all he can say, not as confident in the way he stands.
“No one knows,” you reply in a much harsher tone than you intended. After a deep breath, you adjust how you speak, “I’ve only been on the team for a couple months. It’s not that I don’t trust the other spiders...I just want to be careful, yah know?” Miguel nods along with what you say and you can’t help but keep talking to fill the now awkward silence, “Usually I have someone to watch her, but it’s been so long since I’ve had a day to just give her all my attention- I promise, it won’t happen again. I know that I should answer if you call-”
“Cállate,” Miguel cuts you off and you’re almost grateful he’s saved you from rambling. There’s another moment of silence before he sighs, “You don’t have to explain yourself, really. If I had known,” he waves a hand to indicate to your daughter, “this was the reason you were ignoring my calls, I wouldn’t have been so hard on you. Your daughter comes first, I get it.”
His words hit harder than they should. Every Spider-Person had heard the story. How Miguel was willing to put his own duties aside to live in a universe where he had a daughter of his own. Replacing the him of that universe, who had died tragically, to live the life he had always wanted; only to have that universe crumble around him. Literally. It explained his cold demeanor, you’d probably be a bitch too if your daughter died in your arms, but that coldness you had become accustomed to seemed to melt away the longer he took in the sight of you holding your daughter.
“You said her name’s Vada?” he asks, stepping a little closer. Normally, you would probably keep your distance from him, maternal instincts in overdrive with an imposing figure like Miguel so close to Vada, but you stay in place. Not bothered by his presence for once. He’s looking at you, expecting an answer, and you nod your head. He hums, “How old?”
“Three,” you answer and he hums again. “...Is everything okay? Regarding the mission?”
“Huh? Oh,” he clears his throat, adjusting his stance and taking a small step back. When had he gotten so close to you? “I think those two should be fine on their own. Earth-13122′s Spider-Man knows what he’s doing and-”
“You know, you can just call him Lego Spider-Man. Everyone calls him Lego Spider-Man.”
“That’s not his correct title.”
“Uh-huh,” you smile, holding back a laugh at how serious Miguel seemed to be about the subject. “...Well, I think it’s time we go to bed.”
“Right, right,” Miguel moves like he’s about to walk out the front door, seeming to forget that he had come via portal and catching himself as his hand grasps the handle. Has he always been this socially awkward? He turns to look at you again, “Should I just...?”
“Yes, please open your noisy portal outside.”
“Claro que sí,” he nods in understanding, opening the door. Just as he’s about to leave, he pauses again, turning to look back at you, “Even if you’re busy, you should still answer when I call. I was worried about you.”
“Worried about me?” you repeat, a bit of teasing in your voice.
“Worried as in the normal amount of worried.”
“Sure, sure, O’Hara.”
“I’m leaving now,” he huffs, turning to leave again. Yet he can’t help but stop one more time, “Goodnight.”
He finally leaves, door shutting with a soft click. You go to the door to lock it, carrying Vada into your room for bed. It seems that she had managed to fall back asleep despite your little interaction with Miguel. As you lay down and pull the comforter over the two of you, Vada snuggling impossibly close to you once more, you lie there thinking about what had just transpired. 
Maybe his pretty face wasn’t a waste. 
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 days
Pillow Fight
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Magda comes home to war
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When Magda opens the door, she's greeted to giggling.
Your giggles and Pernille's.
Magda pops her head into the room just in time to see you smash one of her pillows right into Pernille's face.
There are pillows strewn around the room. Pillows from the sofa and pillows from your bed and the spare bed and the Big Bed.
Magda's pretty sure that all of the pillows in the house are in her living room as Pernille retaliates with her own pillow.
You fall sideways off her lap and safely onto the sofa, giggling ecstatically as Pernille instantly attacks you with tickles.
"Momma! Momma!" You say, laughing uncontrollably," Stop it! This isn't the game!"
"Oh? It isn't?" Pernille feigns oblivion, her fingers not letting up their assault on your sides. "Really? I could have sworn it was?"
"No, it isn't!" You shriek with laughter, legs lashing out to try and kick her away.
"No, no. It was hit the other person with a pillow and then tickle them. Those are the rules!"
"No! No!" You can't stop giggling though, your head moving wildly to get away, which is when you spot Magda. "Morsa! Tell Momma she's cheating!"
Magda pretends to think, tapping her bottom lip with a finger. "I don't know. Are you sure those aren't the rules?"
"They aren't! They aren't! Morsa, they aren't!"
"Oh, well I guess if they aren't the rules..." She goes teasingly stern, wagging a finger in Pernille's direction. "I guess you need to let her go, Pernille. It's rude to cheat, you know."
"It is!" You insist when Pernille stops tickling you and you've got the opportunity to catch your breath.
You grab a pillow and immediately whack it across Pernille's face while she's still off guard. You move in quickly, hitting her again and again in retaliation for her tickle attack.
Pernille could easily restrain you but she doesn't, pretending to be defeated by your admittedly weak pillow hits.
"Get her, princesse!" Magda says," Get her!"
You frown. "Morsa," You say," You pillow is flat."
Magda frowns too. "What?"
"It's not a fat pillow like Momma's."
You hit Pernille with the pillow to demonstrate the way it just kind of deflates against her face, the bottom flopping to the side from the impact.
"Momma's pillows are fat."
Pernille takes this moment to demonstrate, hitting your lightly on the body and Magda's treated to the way that Pernille's pillow doesn't flop about and stay firms.
"Do you eat the stuffing?" You ask, the only explanation your young mind can come up with.
"Then why's it so flat?"
"Because your Morsa sleeps on it weirdly," Pernille explains and you throw away Magda's pillow.
"Can I use yours please, Momma?"
"I don't know. My pillows are special. I can't give them to an enemy, can I?"
"No," You admit. You're silent for a moment before turning to look at Magda. "But Morsa's the enemy too! We can be on the same team now and beat her up!"
"Hey! Wait-"
"That's a good idea, Princesse."
"What?! No-"
Pernille sets you down on the floor, armed with a pillow and sends you off to attack.
Magda scrambles to grab her own, a random one off the floor that ends up being one the decorative cushions from the sofa.
You strike first, whacking her in the tummy a few times before Magda slams the pillow down onto your head.
Pernille's up as well with her own answering strike that hits Magda right in the nose.
"This isn't fair!" She says as Pernille keeps hitting her in the face and you get her body," It's two against one."
"Like on the pitch," You say," When you and Millie go up against Viv. That's not fair either but you still do it."
Magda doesn't really have an answer for that and she's toppled over onto the carpet by you, landing safely on top of another mountain of pillows.
You're quick to sit on her tummy, now in prime position to whack her in the face with one of Pernille's pillows.
"Say we've won!" You demand.
Your hits don't hurt and it doesn't stop Magda from laughing either.
"Say it or no more Momma kisses!"
"You can't do that! You're not Momma!"
"Only I get Momma kisses anymore! Say! We've! Won!" You punctuate each word with a hit from the pillow.
"Alright, alright! You win! I give up."
"Good." You get off Magda's tummy and hit her with the pillow once more for good measure. "Momma! Morsa said that we've won!"
Pernille laughs. "I guess that means Morsa should make us dinner!"
You pump your fist into the air in triumph. "Yes!"
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writersblockedx · 14 days
A Rekindled Kind of Love
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Pairing - Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader Summary - Spencer and Y/n hadn't talked since the Summer before college and then he sees her name as the only survivor in their latest serial killer case. Warning - violence, drinking Words - 3.6K
A/n - It's be a while! I've had a surge of inspiration lately since becoming a little obsessed with character ai lol and thought to write this one into a little one-shot.
Spencer was lying if he ever called any day at the BAU normal. Between serial killers, sadists, and everything else in between, the boy had a blurred definition of normal. So, he expected anything - or so he thought. When he entered the meeting room that morning, he hadn't expected the name of Y/N Y/L/N to pop up.
"We've got three victims and, weirdly, one survivor." Garcia started to explain, clicking through the victim's dead bodies, the woman squirming at just a glance of the photos. "Whoever this sicko is, he's going after journalists. His latest victim, Y/n Y/l/n, was actually able to get away before he had a chance to kill her."
Spencer stopped. His gaze snapped up as Garcia clicked once more and he caught sight of the girl he once knew. Only now was she older, and her expression was stern. The unsub had left her features tainted, early bruises and several cuts littering over her. "She's pretty distraught says doctors, but she's alive and well."
He couldn't stop staring at her, memories of high school, of that last summer, of their blissfully ignorant friendship fueling his feelings. This was not normal. None of what he felt was normal - not for him away. "He stabs them?" Emily observed, all of the team had yet to clock onto the haze Spencer had suddenly found himself in.
Garcia hummed, "Yep, as many times as it takes before they...you know...die."
"He's aggressive, he's got no remorse for these victims," JJ spoke, glancing between her file at the screen in front of her.
"Not only are they all journalists, but they're female journalists too." Rossi added. "There's got to be some reason for that too."
Hotch nodded, "Either way, we should take Y/n into our care. She's the first to get away, I doubt he's happy about that-"
The shaggy-haired boy couldn't seem to take it. The way Y/n had gotten herself mixed in like she was any other victim, like she wasn't once the most important person in Spencer's life. "Excuse me," The boy stood abruptly, not giving any reasoning to the team before he practically ran out, gasping for breath.
The team were left with nothing. Their expressions moulding into ones of confusion, and puzzlement, "What's up with him?" Morgan was the first to question. But it was only met with the same uncertain expressions and a shrug from Hotch.
Morgan took it upon himself to stand, following Spencer out into the adjacent hallway where Spencer was panic pacing. A hand swooped through his hair as his thoughts raced. "Hey, kid, slow down," Morgan soothed. He hadn't realised the arrival of Derek until he spoke. Spencer turned, swallowing the lump which had since grown in his throat. "The hells going on with you?"
He took a breath. He evened his lungs and took a moment before confiding, "I- erm- I know her, Y/n Y/l/n, the survivor." He explained and that was enough for Morgan to understand. "Well, I suppose I knew her, we lost contact when we went to college, but we had been friends."
Morgan gazed back into the meeting room, "Reid, it's okay. She's okay, you know? She survived."
His head shook, "It doesn't matter. You heard Hotch, she's still a target." She wasn't safe and that fact was only nagging at Spencer.
"Alright, alright, how about I talk to Hotch? We'll go to the hospital, you make sure she's okay yourself?" Reid had barely agreed before Morgan walked back into that meeting room.
Of course, he wanted to make sure she was okay. But that also meant seeing her, after all these years. Spencer didn't know what had changed - if anything had. And he didn't know which option was scarier. Either way, he soon found himself at the hospital, waiting at the reception desk as a doctor went to find her.
His feet were tapping, his nerves obvious to Morgan. "Reid, calm down, she's gonna be alright," He said, but no words from Morgan or a doctor was going to help. He needed to see her.
"It's not just that I'm worried about." What if everything had changed? What if nothing had? What if-
He turned and found his eyes on her. She still had that same look. That same smile, the same soft gaze, the same ease about her that Spencer craved. But this was the very moment he feared.
She wandered up to him, quickening her pace as much as she was able to considering her state. "Spencer," She said his name like a sigh of relief. Before he realised it, her arms were wrapped around his neck, melting into his touch as if no time had passed.
"Hi," He breathed into her ear; she was safe. The hug didn't last long enough. How could it? They had 12 years of missed hugs.
"I can't believe you're here, the doctor said a profiler and then said it was Doctor Reid and I-" She trailed on, "I don't know why I was so surprised. Of course, you made it big."
Spencer shrugged, "I wouldn't call this big." The boy became sheepish, almost flushed and Derek Morgan had certainly taken notice. "I'm sorry I stopped calling and I should have-"
"Oh, Spence, save it," She chuckled lightly, "I could have picked up that phone just as well as you had. I just wish we could have met under different circumstances."
He nodded, "Yeah, well about that," Spencer turned to bring Derek into the conversation, "This is Agent Morgan, he's erm gonna help."
Morgan sent his usual cheeky smirk as he did with any pretty lady, "It's good to meet you, sweetheart. Glad to hear you're feeling better too."
Spencer hadn't expected anything less from the man. "Look, I don't know if the doctor explained it to you, but we're under the belief that this unsub may still be targeting you."
"Unsub?" She reiterated.
"The killer that went after you." Morgan answered, "Unknown subject, unsub for short."
"We erm- we have to take you in, make sure you're safe kind of thing," Spencer explained, fidgeting with his fingers as she glanced between them and the girl in front of her.
Her pupils grew worrisome, "You think I'm still in danger?"
Spencer hated that word. Even the thought of Y/n in danger made his spine shiver. "You're the first to get away, we erm- we don't think he'll be very happy about it. He could lash out, many unsubs, new unsubs especially, a victim getting away could be like a double stressor, he could be on a rampage, he could be doing nothing but think about getting to you." He realised he was rambling and his words were only worrying the girl more, "Sorry, I just, I want to make sure you're safe."
But Y/n understood, "It's alright, Spence. I'll go grab my things."
With that, a rush filled the girl as she turned her back on the two agents, wandering back into the hospital room she had come from. Spencer's eyes hadn't left from where her figure was once standing. This was personal for him - even if he hadn't seen the girl for years now. "She's not just someone from high school, is she?" Morgan realised as he observed Spencer.
He turned to him as if he had just left the trail of thoughts in his mind, "Hm?" He turned back to look at Morgan.
His response had only made Morgan smile, "Y/n, she seems more to you than that."
"It was..." The boy thought back to it, to that Summer, he didn't know how else to describe it, what they had, her. "Complicated."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
12 Years Prior, Las Vegas
Y/n always had something Spener didn't: Popularity. Well, in a way. Spencer was cast away from many of his peers. A social reject. While, Y/n was a social butterfly of sorts. She took to a crowd with ease. The type of girl that could make friends with anyone.
The boy had certainly hit the jackpot when he was assigned to tutor her. Over the course of several sessions, they had bonded over literature, future college plans and, surprisingly, Y/n's distaste to certain 'jocks' - as the social hierarchy liked to describe them as.
She was the only reason Spencer turned up to the end of year house party. Crowds weren't his thing, drinking neither. But she...she was worth it.
"Spencer!" The girl gleamed as he wandered into the house. 
He didn't belong at all. His shoulders were stiff, his glasses at the edge of his nose. But, despite such, Y/n still took him into a longing hug. "H- Hi." He greeted, his eyes flickering all over the place. From the demolished kitchen to the living room where drunken teens were dancing on top of couches and coffee tables.
Her brow raised, "Come on, we'll get you a drink." Her hand slipped into his, bringing the boy back to his attention: her. "You do drink right?" She checked as she guided him towards said demolished kitchen.
"Erm, not a heavy drinker but, sure I can have one."
"You sure?" She spoke ever so softly, "You know you don't have to."
"Just one." He offered her a smile.
She grasped a few bottles: vodka, rum, tequila. "Pick your poison."
Spencer had simply shrugged, a chuckle at the tip of his tongue, "I'll have whatever you're having."
"Rum it is!"
She poured the two the same drink - almost half liquor, half mixer. Spencer coughed when he swallowed, causing the girl to giggle, "Too much?"
But Spencer simply shook his head, "Just perfect," He almost joked as he leaned onto the kitchen counter next to the girl, "I almost didn't come," He admitted.
"I don't blame you," He gazed down at her answer, his expression urging her to add some context. "Ashley James puked up after two drinks, Kacy and Liam broke up, now Liam's making out with Polly. It's just...a mess." Her eyes rolled. "But then again, what was I expecting?"
Spencer smiled at her. She was good at knowing like everything. While he was filled with facts and statistics, Y/n knew everything about everyone. Within one look, she knew your secrets. Maybe that's why she was so good with people. "We can go somewhere else if you want?" He suggested.
His question brought along an idea for the girl. With her free hand, she took Spencer's and led him out into the back garden. Whoever lived here was almost rich. Well, rich enough for a pool and a pretty big outdoor area. "Come on," Y/n urged him as she pulled the boy towards the edge of the pool.
She slipped her shoes off, sitting down and letting her legs dangle into the fresh water. Spencer watched her for a moment before joining her, the two sipping on their drinks. "Better?" She asked him.
He nodded, "Much."
"At least we've got Summer now, no more being forced to see them assholes." She joked.
Spencer's brows narrowed in thought, "You mean the assholes that you were friends with until you met me?"
"Well you got me there, Spence." She shrugged, "Social survival, that's what I call it. It's not as if there won't be similar people in college. I mean, fucking sororities, semi-pro football leagues, frats?"
"I'm sure you'll fit in amazingly at Princeton." His smile seemed to falter at his own words.
She gazed at the boy who seemed captivated by the slowly swaying water below them, "We'll still call you know, text, just cause we're in different places, doesn't mean anything, Spencer." Y/n attempted to comfort him.
"That's what everyone says but, I don't know." He shook his head, ignoring a thought.
But she noticed it; she noticed everything, "But what?"
He huffed and stared over at her, his eyes pooling in admiration. "You're one of the best things to have happened to me in a long time you know," He offered her a smile, "I couldn't even imagine losing you."
The girl bit her lip. Something was on her mind and Spencer had noticed. He too noticed everything about her. But he didn't ask. Partly, because he didn't have the chance to. Her eyes flickered to his lips. Then to his eyes. And before Spencer could realise, she had leant in, her lips at his. Without even realising, she had changed everything for the boy.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Spencer accompanied the woman towards a private, interview room. He would offer support and comfort but at the same time, he had a job to do. A part of that was questioning. She was the only person to know this unsub. As difficult as it would be for her, he would have to ask them questions.
"Hey," Emily spoke as he entered the room, two coffees in hand: one for Spencer and one for Y/n. "Coffee orders are here," She smiled as she placed them at the table between the two. "I'm Emily, Reid says you're an old friend."
Her eyes flickered to the man before she shook Emily's hand, "Something like that yeah."
"Well, we're here if you need anything, alright?" She said, "You're in good hands here, especially with our Doctor Reid."
With that, Emily left to join the rest of the team who were busy compiling a profile. Which left her and Spencer. This was the part he wasn't looking forward to. "I've erm, I've got to ask you some questions, it'll help us understand this unsub, help us find him." He explained. When she nodded, the boy continued, "I'm going to ask you to close your eyes, alright? And then I'm just going to go through the night you were attacked. Is that okay?"
She swallowed the lump which had grown in her throat, "Yeah," She muttered.
Y/n followed the instructions and let her eyelids close before Spencer started the exercise, "Okay, just go back to that night. You were on 9th Street, correct?"
"It was getting late, but it was summer, think about the air, was it still warm? What sort of things could hear, anything?"
She thought back to it. Y/n had just finished her work week, she was walking home from the Subway. "There's a group of girls on the other side of the road, they're giggling. Drunk, I assume."
"That's good, that's really good." Spencer praised, "Then when did you realise something was off?"
Her brows furrowed and she thought about it, the pit in her stomach growing, "Someone- someone was yelling. A man. I thought he was like bible bashing so I wasn't paying much attention to what he was saying."
"Think." Spencer jumped in, "Listen to him, pick any words, any phrases that stick out to you."
And she did so. Her mind ran through the memory, "Something, something about an agenda, the- the snowflake agenda? It's ruining America it's-" She cut herself off as the memory reached the worst part. "That's when he grabbed me." Her voice quickened, her breaths soon becoming uneven. "He had a knife to my neck- he pulled me to an ally. I- Spencer."
Her hand reached out over the table instinctively, "It's okay," He too had become panicked just seeing her's. "I'm here, it's over, you can open your eyes."
When she finally did, she took one breath. A sigh of relief that she was okay. And then, a single tear dropped from her eyeline. Spencer couldn't take it. He stood and she followed suit, "Come here," He spoke before taking her into a tight hug. "You're safe, I promise." 
She pulled away just slightly but never dared to break touch, "The only reason I got away was because I had pepper spray in my bag," She explained. 
Spencer thought on that and then an idea came to mind. "Come with me," The boy took a hold of her hand, guiding the girl through the bullpen towards the meeting room where the rest of the team had been.
The round table was scattered with files and papers. Garcia typed away at her laptop while the rest were debriefing. At the entrance of the pair, they glanced up. 
Before they could ask any questions, Spencer started rambling, never daring to let go of Y/n's hand. "The unsub was protesting on the street, he's some kind of right-wing enthusiast. He was going on about the left-wing 'agenda', about how it's ruining America." He explained. "Not only that, but Y/n used pepper spray on him."
Like that, they had something, "He would have had to go to the hospital?" JJ thought.
"Or at least bought some kind of medical supplies."
"Yeah, saline wipes or there's a nasal spray that helps the pain." Spencer went on to explain.
From there, Hotch turned to Garcia, "Cross check avid right-wing protesters in the D.C. areas, men with low criminal offences, things like hate crime. Then look at anyone whose been admitted for treatment of pepper spray or has bought any medical supplies to treat it."
Like that, the aggressive typing ensued. The team were all waiting, Y/n still at Spencer's side, anxious for the name of her attacker to be revealed. "I've got it, Tony Jones."
When Hotch stood from his chair, the rest of the team started to follow. "Send us the address, Garcia."
"Already done it, Sir."
Each of the team members stood, one by one walking passed Y/n. That was apart from Garcia who was still glued to her laptop, sending the address to the rest of the team. Spencer was about to turn when Y/n reached for the boy's hand once again. Her eyes filled with nothing but worry. "Do you have to go?"
Her question had made his heart ache. His eyes flickered to Garcia who was already glancing at the two, "I- I probably should but, but Garcia will stay with you." He offered.
Y/n looked back at the extravagant woman who was smiling, "Of course, I've got loads of things I can show you in my office!" She gleamed.
Y/n returned the smile before turning back to Spencer, "You'll be careful, right?"
The boy nodded, "Of course," He replied before taking her in his arms once again. But this time, when he pulled away ever so slightly, it was to place a gentle kiss to her forehead.
And like that, a soft smile, a goodbye, was passed between the two before Spencer turned away to join the rest of the team. She stared out the door of the conference room until Spencer slipped away. From there, she turned, a weak smile given to Garcia as she came to join her at the round table.
The other woman had watched the interaction and, while she wasn't a profiler, she wasn't oblivious to the world of loving. "He really cares about you, doesn't he?" She asked. Though, Garcia already knew the answer.
"I care about him just as much," Even after all this time, a piece of her heart still belonged to Spencer Reid - it always would.
"You're not just an old friend, are you?"
Y/n swallowed, glimmers of that high school Summer filling her brain. "It was, complicated." She described. "We erm, only really had a Summer as..." How could she describe it? "More than friends, I guess. And then we were both shipped off to college. And I mean, we lost contact. As a lot of people do." And 12 years later here she was.
Garcia offered her a smile, "You still love him, don't you?"
The girl giggled but gave a nod, "I don't think I ever stopped."
"Well, if my time with Doctor Reid has taught me anything, the way he is with you, I mean it's like no other." Her hand brushed at her shoulder gently, "I don't think your feeling is one-sided."
That would stick in her head for the next hour. While Spencer and the rest of the team were arresting Tony Jones, Garcia was giving the girl a tour of her office. Everything wonderful and weird. And while she tried her best to pay attention, her mind kept being dragged over to Spencer. If he was safe, if he was coming back...if, once again, everything had changed.
She knew one thing: she would make sure they didn't lose contact this time around.
When the boy finally returned, he practically rushed through the BAU to find her. She was at Garcia's side as they exited her office, "Y/n," He called.
The girl's head snapped to him, her pace quickening as she came to reach him, "Did you?"
He nodded, "He's at the station, don't worry." He assured.
"Oh, good, yeah," She spoke before a sigh fell from her lips. "So, I mean, what happens now? Do I just go home?" The idea of such, while stupid to think so, was almost disappointing. Going home meant she wasn't in Spencer's company any longer. And that wasn't something she wasn't to lose just yet.
But Spencer's reaction was a similar one, "I can walk you home, if you want of course."
Her smile grew, "I'd like that."
"I'll just erm," He gestured to his FBI vest, "I'll only be a second."
And so she watched him leave for barely a minute, coming back in his shirt. He took her hand, led her into the lift and pressed for the ground floor. A moment of silence. A moment of thought. One of which was urgring Y/n on.
She glanced over at the boy, "You know I always think everything happens for a reason." Her nerves suddenly flooded her body as she realised what she was about to admit, "And as much as getting jumped was not fun, I'm glad it brought me back to you, Spencer."
Y/n turned to face him, barely any space between them, "I missed you."
"I missed you too, Spence."
With that, Y/n made the leap. She closed that gap, their lips meeting every so soft, ever so longing. Like they had both been waiting for this moment for 12 years. And when they pulled away, her hands cupping his face and his placed at her waist, it was like they were 18 again. "Promise we'll keep in contact now?" He almost joked.
And she chuckled, "Promise."
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heizlut · 4 months
Okay, this thing has been in my mind lately... But could you do Semi-Dragon Zhongli and Full legacy Childe with afab!reader? Like dude with their size?? I would die of it and love it at the same time (your writing is so good btw i really love it ngl)
rip to reader because there’s no way she’s getting out of this without being pregnant 💀 also wanted to add little something and make zhongli have two cocks since he IS part dragon during this hehe
Beasts Within
cw: size difference, rough sex, monster cock obvs, forked tongue (zhongli), monster tongue (childe), two cocks (zhongli), anal/vaginal fucking at the same time, throat fucking, honestly rip reader
tags: sub!afab reader, semi dragon!zhongli, foul legacy!childe, dom!chars, mostly proofread, they/them pronouns for reader
nsfw under the cut
m!list here
⁎⁺˳✧༚🐋 ⋆ᨒ 𓐬⁎⁺˳✧༚🐋 ⋆ᨒ 𓐬⁎⁺
You got yourself in quite the situation here. After challenging your boyfriends stating you could handle the both of them at the same time in their inhuman forms, you found yourself sprawled out naked on your large bed.
Childe looms over you in his foul legacy form, eager at the idea presented to him. Zhongli stands with his arms crossed, giving you a stern look, “This is ridiculous. I do not want you to be harmed. You know how different we are when we are not fully human…”
You pout at him, “Come onnn… Don’t ruin the fun. I’ll be just fine.” Childe looks to Zhongli, taking on the same pouty tone you had, “You know you wanna fuck them in your other form. Just do it!” Zhongli huffs, dropping his arms, “Do not say that I did not warn you…” And with that, two curved horns adorn his head, his amber eyes and markings glow, and his fingers become pointed at the tips.
You were obsessed with seeing your men in these forms. Yes, of course you loved them when they looked their usual selves, but something about their otherworldly forms made you ache for them. Zhongli’s narrowed gaze makes you shiver, “There’s no going back from this.”
Childe was the first to make a move as he leaned over you, “Give me a kiss.” You knew the drill, you opened your mouth as his slimy tongue made an appearance. It always felt strange as it licked at your lips, tangling with your own tongue, then forcing it’s way down your throat. You gag from the feeling and tears prick your eyes, but he doesn’t remove his tongue from your throat.
Zhongli moves towards you, taking in the way you looked as you did your best with Childe’s “kissing”. His lips form a smirk as he positions his mouth in front of your soaking pussy. His eyes flit to yours and without a word, his forked tongue licks a stripe through your folds and to your clit.
You buck your hips, wanting more but without the ability to say so. Both men chuckle at this, but Childe is the one who speaks up, “Aww does the needy slut wanna say something?” Your eyebrows scrunch together, unable to make a retort with his long tongue still exploring your mouth. Zhongli spreads your folds carefully with his thumbs, watching as your home clenches around nothing, “It appears you’re in need of more stimulation. I can fix that…”
His forked tongue gathers your arousal and begins to relentlessly flick at your clit. He leans closer, sucking your clit into his mouth and gently nibbling. You whimper and sputter around Childe’s tongue and Childe is kind enough to retreat it. He grasps your jaw in his own pointed fingers, making you look down at Zhongli, “Look closely at what he’s doing to you…” You couldn’t look away even if you wanted to. The way Zhongli’s forked tongue moved so skilfully made your legs shake.
Childe huffs, annoyed at the lack of attention when he was the one who made you look at Zhongli. His grip tightens on you and tilts your head up harshly to look at him, “It’s not fair you’re getting all the pleasure here… Get my cock out.” He releases his grip and allows you do what he demanded all while you were letting out delicious moans from Zhongli’s ministrations.
Once Childe’s cock was freed, you ran your thumb over the slit, gathering pre cum on your fingertip. A groan comes from deep in his chest, the sound deeper than usual in this form. He laced his fingers through your hair, “Suck it. I wanna feel good too.” You fought back from telling him how whiny he was being, knowing that provoking him in this state would not be the brightest idea.
The slutty moan that came from Childe’s mouth pleased you, as you wrapped your mouth around his cock, swirling your tongue around the tip and teasing the slit. The vibrations Zhongli’s dark chuckle went straight to your clit, making you moan around Childe’s length. Zhongli pulls away from your dripping cunt and looks to Childe, “I hate to interrupt but our dear here would be better on her hands and knees, wouldn’t you agree?”
If Childe could glare at him through his mask, he would. He pulls your head away from his cock, grumbling the whole time. You do your best not to laugh as you adjust your position to your hands and knees on the bed. Your amused thoughts were quickly interrupted by Zhongli’s hand making contact with your ass and you gasp. “I do hope you are ready for this…”, his voice deep and laced with a threat.
Before you can ask what he meant, Childe grips your hair yet again, pushing the tip of his dick against your lips, “Get back to it. I’m hardly finished yet.” You obediently open your mouth and he’s quick to shove his dick back down your throat. Distracted by this, you startle when you feel not one, but two cocks behind you. So that’s what Zhongli meant….
Your eyes roll back when you feel Zhongli slip inside your pussy first, but you nearly choke on Childe’s length when you feel Zhongli’s second cock prod at the tight rim of muscle as well. The noises of concern you made around Childe’s thick member didn’t do anything to stop Zhongli from slowly pushing into your ass. Zhongli’s fingertips dig into your hips as he buried himself to the bases of both cocks.
His head tilts back and his eyes squeeze shut, the feeling of being in both holes at once was unreal, “I apologize, but you did ask for this…” Zhongli pulls back then thrusts hard into both just as Childe forces himself deeper down your throat. Both men grunting and groaning in pleasure while you were filled up in every hole. Drool drips down your chin and onto the bed as your mind goes completely blank.
Both men thrust in tandem, causing you to cum uncontrollably on one of Zhongli’s cocks, while your tight asshole squeezed his other cock so tight he was sure it would fall off. He lands another smack to your ass as he growls, “Loosen up or I will not be able to continue.” You do your best to try to relax your body, but it doesn’t help that Childe was throat fucking you now. His large cock slipping down your throat as it tightened around his length involuntarily, “Swallowing my cock like a good little whore. Keep it up and I’ll reward you with my cum.”
You try so hard to keep up with Childe’s forceful pace as Zhongli decides he can move again. It didn’t take long for them to get back into the same rhythm they held before; each cock in and out and the same time. Zhongli’s glowing eyes shoot to Childe in a look that told him he was about to cum. Childe gives a single nod and with a final thrust from both men, loud growls and moans fill the room. Childe’s cum spills down your throat and Zhongli’s shoots into both holes. Never have you been filled to the point of feeling this ridiculously full.
All three cocks begin to soften and slip from your body to which you effectively collapse face first on the bed. Cum leaked from your pussy and ass, a sight that made both of them want to go again. Childe almost suggested it, but when he tilted his head to see your face, you had passed out from exhaustion, making him chuckle as he transformed back into his human form. Zhongli raised a brow, transforming as well, “Are they sleeping?” Childe nods and Zhongli sighs, “Go retrieve the wash cloths, please. Let’s clean them up.”
Hours later, you awoke sandwiched between the two of them. You sigh to yourself with a content smile and snuggle even further into the bed.
⁎⁺˳✧༚🐋 ⋆ᨒ 𓐬⁎⁺˳✧༚🐋 ⋆ᨒ 𓐬⁎⁺
a/n: i loved writing this and i hope you enjoy this anon!!
taglist: @stygianoir
926 notes · View notes
disneyprincemuke · 3 months
hot laps * fem!driver
the fact of the matter is that she's got the reputation of being a reckless driver on the road, but they didn't know the extent until they had to join her for a hot lap around the track
pairings: bother figures x fem!driver, 4lyfers x fem!driver, macky
notes: hi i got bored at work and this is what i did instead of my dissertation
(series masterlist) | (📂 the sophomore year)
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-> max verstappen, #1
literally cannot stop screaming the entire time
he knew she was a reckless driver by some degree on the road
but not like this
she takes him on an extra lap and goes faster, almost clips the wall and almost loses the car
is kinda impressed that she recovered it somehow
stumbles out the car a sputtering mess at how hard she’d gone in the car
“remind me not to anger you”
-> logan sargeant, #2
unfortunately is used to his life being in grave danger at her hands
lowkey still has a heart attack even though he knew she’s been driving like this since he taught her how to drive a road car at 16
holds onto the handles for dear life
disappointed but not surprised
“i almost got murdered trying to do content with rocky”
-> lando norris, #4
is silent most of the time
wide eyed though
is kinda traumatised at how fast she was going
because she seems to be having a lot of fun
just walks away the minute she parks the car at the grid
"doesn't seem normal to be giggling and humming songs when you're driving at 200km/h"
-> alex albon, #23
a little impressed
not sure what logan’s deal is about her driving
her driving reminds him a lot of george’s recklessness behind a wheel
isn’t as bad as george so that’s a win to him
“she’s a close second to george on the list of people i wouldn’t let drive me around”
-> liam lawson, #30
cussing her entire bloodline the minute she accelerated
apologises for every time he’s angered and pissed her off
his eyes were closed half the time, only ever peeking through an eye every couple seconds
terrified for his life
“have you ever considered operating a rocketship instead of a race car”
-> mick schumacher, #47
kinda enjoys it actually
she’s driven his car on the road before
asks her for a second lap because he literally doesn’t have the time to go to an amusement park
she says no
says she'll do it if he pays her money and the rates are $5/km/h
“it’s like getting on a roller coaster except it’s not nearly as scary”
-> george russell, #63
screams half the time she’s driving
literally tries to be a backseat driver
could feel his stomach left behind at sharp turns and his lifespan decreasing
actually saw his life flash before his eyes
“i need to apologise to alex for my driving behaviour”
-> oscar piastri, #81
would rather be anywhere than in a moving car with her
tries everything in his power not to get in the car with her
is unfortunately dragged in by lando because “if i had to go through it, so do you”
“i’ve lived with her, i’ve BEEN through it”
doesn’t feel much during the lap
feels kinda nice actually
better driver than he remembers her to be
“perhaps my expectations were low, but you weren’t as bad as i remembered so good job”
— bonus
-> sebastian vettel, #5
doesn’t even blink
sits there and takes it
kind of wonders why he allowed himself to be the target of the socmed’s team
from a race car driver perspective: good, but as a human: it’s absolutely foul
jelly legs when he came out of the car
“whoever let you have a license should have a stern talking to”
-> matt cornett (boyfriend!)
is praying for his safety the minute she approached him with bright eyes and a hopeful smile that he’d join her for a hot lap
literally thinks she’s going to kill him
isn’t as bad as he thinks
still thinks the rate she went at was too fast for his personal preference
she shrugs and admits that she went slower than she did with everyone else she's taken
is offended and asks her to give him the same treatment
literally regrets it
“i literally thought i was going to die at your hands”
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @vellicora @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @33-81 @darleneslane @nikfigueiredo @happy-nico @namgification @localwhoore @notawc @sadg3 @kazuha-pista-badam @mellowarcadefun @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @woozarts @meadhbhcavanagh @2bormaybenot @a-disturbing-self-reflection @inejismywife @love4lando @louvrepool
721 notes · View notes
megalony · 3 months
Just In Time
This is an Evan Buckley imagine, based on a request by anon. I hope you will all like it, let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii  @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
Evan Buckley Masterlist
Summary: While Buck is at work during a storm, (Y/n) goes to spend the day with Athena. And subsequently ends up going into labour.
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(Y/n) slumped her left arm on the kitchen counter and turned the kitchen stool to the side when she heard loud footsteps approaching. Her eyes set on her husband and she did a quick sweep up and down his frame and bit down on the corner of her lip.
"You're leaving me?" Her lips curved into a pout and her head tilted to the side, causing Evan's heart to soften yet speed up at the same time.
He jogged down the last of the stairs and advanced across the apartment towards her with his arms stretched out in front of him.
As soon as he was within reach, Evan clamped his hands down on (Y/n)'s hips and moved to stand between her legs. He felt her knees pressing into his hips and her arms looped around his torso while her chin pressed into his chest so she could look up at him.
"Sorry baby, I gotta go to work." Evan leaned down and captured her lips in a kiss as his hands gave her hips a loving squeeze.
If he had the choice, he would stay home with her. Somehow, it didn't feel the same going to work without (Y/n) being there with him.
Evan was used to his wife working alongside him. He was so used to turning to her when he had a patient that needed transporting to the hospital and Evan loved those times when he got to ride in the ambulance and see (Y/n) at work as a paramedic.
The 118 really was a family-run unit, with (Y/n) being both Bobby's daughter and Evan's wife.
But she was on maternity leave now.
"Hmm, that's not fair, leaving me all alone." (Y/n) tilted her head down so she could press her face into his shirt and breathe in his scent and cologne.
(Y/n) didn't like being home alone, she didn't know what to do with herself and if Evan wasn't here to monitor her, she seemed to end up doing a lot more than she should recently.
"Sorry baby." He pecked the top of her head and rested his chin on her head for a few moments while he grazed his fingers up and down her side. "Promise me you're not gonna go out today, there's a storm and the last thing I need is a call saying you've had an accident or got stuck in this weather."
Evan panicked, he was a worrier by heart. But he knew his wife like the back of his hand. He knew she was becoming restless and didn't know what to do with herself when the nursery was already set up and they had everything ready for when their boy arrived. He didn't want (Y/n) going out when the storm was already rolling in and making itself known. Evan couldn't deal with that kind of phone call today.
He was on a double shift, he wouldn't be home until tomorrow afternoon and he dreaded to think what (Y/n) would get up to in that time.
"We get bored-"
"And I get worried. Please?"
A groan tumbled past (Y/n)'s lips and she looked up at Evan, feeling a shiver roll down her spine when she was met with his stern expression. Her hands grazed up and down his back and she leaned back on the bar stool until she was leant against the kitchen counter.
"Can you drop me at mums then? So I don't go crazy sitting on my own in here."
She watched Evan's expression soften into a warm smile and he nodded, pecking her temple again before he looked down at his watch.
If he was leaving her, (Y/n) would rather go somewhere and be with family so she wasn't alone. And she knew Athena wasn't at work today. They could have a catch up or watch some movies and just spend the day together. It would only be two weeks until (Y/n)'s due date and then there would be a baby in the mix, stealing all the attention.
(Y/n) and Evan had only been married three months before (Y/n) announced she was pregnant. As thrilled as everyone had been, they also took it as an opportunity to tease Evan. Telling him he didn't waste much time or asking if it was a shotgun wedding. The whole team loved to wind him up, but he didn't care.
He had his girl and now they were having a baby, Evan was going to be the happiest man at the station.
"Sure. Come on then, baby."
Evan slowly walked back so he was no longer stood between her legs and he held his hands out for her. He took her hands and helped (Y/n) slide down off the kitchen stool. He turned, about to walk towards the hall but he stopped when (Y/n) latched her fingers around his wrist and gave a sharp tug.
She pulled his arm close and pressed his hand against the side of her stomach so he could feel the baby wriggling. The movement made Evan's lips quirk into a lopsided smile and he brushed his thumb across her skin, waiting for another movement or a kick in his direction.
"Someone's happy today." He murmured softly and leaned down so he could press a kiss to her stomach.
(Y/n) held onto Evan's hand and followed him into the hall and she grinned, leaning against his back and his arm as she found her shoes. Evan had recently become her leaning post when she found it harder to lean over to bend down. It was why (Y/n) had gotten a pair of flat shoes that were easy to slip on and off so she didn't have to bend or pull them on.
She slipped her phone in her bag and hooked it on her shoulder, but both hands moved to grab the cabinet in front of her and she took a sharp breath when her back twinged.
"My back twinged," Her fingers dug into the cabinet and her upper body arched forward to see if it would relieve the sudden twinge in her lower spine.
Her lips curved into a tight smile when she felt Evan's hand move along her back in slow, deep circles that did something for the pain and made her feel a little better.
"Maybe it's a sign you should take it easy," Evan murmured into the top of her hair. His hand continued to move along her back and his other hand moved to hold her arm for added support. He waited patiently for (Y/n) to take a deep breath and lean off the counter again but he could see the pain flicker across her face when she straightened up.
"It's a sign your son is a menace."
"Oh, so he's mine now, not ours?"
(Y/n) ignored his comment and tilted her head back to look up at Evan with a pleading glimmer in her eyes. "Tell him to be good?" She moved Evan's hand from her back to the lower side of her stomach and she waited as Evan leaned down to hover his lips over her bump.
"Behave, mister. Or else."
A crack of thunder broke through the sky and rattled the windows and the patio doors until it sounded like they were going to shatter. The rain beat down on the patio outside and a steady stream trickled over the stones and down onto the grass that was going to be flooded, come tomorrow morning.
(Y/n) shuddered at the thought of going out in this weather.
Her eyes glanced over at the clock on the kitchen wall. Seven o'clock. She had been here all afternoon and thankfully, the afternoon had gone by in a flash with Athena. They ate tea together, watched some movies and went through a few magazines and sorted through some things the station had got for when the baby arrived.
(Y/n) finished making two cups of hot chocolate and held one in each hand, but her eyes focused on staring out the kitchen window when she turned around. It looked like it was midnight with how black and dead the sky looked and all the white flashes rippling across the sky. The sheets of rain pouring down from the heavens didn't look much better, either.
She took slow steps back through to the living room but ended up shuffling her feet to see if it would dull the aching in her back and her lower stomach. The baby had shifted around again and now he was weighing heavy on (Y/n)'s abdomen to the point it was hurting every now and then.
"Thank you," Athena murmured as she placed down a bag of baby clothes near the coffee table and took her seat on the sofa.
Her hand moved to (Y/n)'s lower back and she watched cautiously as (Y/n) slowly sat down with a wince. She stayed sitting upright instead of slouching back into the sofa like before to see if it would do anything to help her discomfort.
"Well, I think you'll be spending the night with me, hun."
"Is that okay?"
"Oh, it's more than okay, you keep me company and I've had my instructions from Buck. We're not to go out in this weather, he said he'd come pick you up after work. And your dad would have my head if we drove out in this storm."
Athena didn't have a problem with (Y/n) staying over, it was the reason why they had the spare room here for friends and family to stay over. Although there was a lot of things packed into the spare room. Bobby was getting ready for his first grandchild and he was already planning ahead to the weekends when he could have his grandson stay over with them.
Leaning forward, (Y/n) took a sip of her hot chocolate and looked beyond the tv at the back garden. They hadn't drawn the blinds yet as both women rather liked watching the storm take hold and seeing the rain splatter down on the glass and sprinkle across the garden.
She looked over at the tv when Athena started searching for a new movie to watch, but she had to set down her mug when her stomach clenched. Her hand drifted beneath her shirt and she covered her grimace by biting down on her bottom lip.
When the baby started wriggling and hurting like this, it was when (Y/n) wished Evan was home with her. He had a knack for distracting her or giving a massage and the baby seemed to love the sound of Evan's voice.
"You okay?"
"Hm, he keeps moving." (Y/n) straightened up to click her spine back into place. And when she noticed Athena looking at her stomach, she smiled and gently took her hand, pressing it to the base of her abdomen.
They shared a smile between them and Athena danced her fingertips along (Y/n)'s stomach for a few moments before she turned to reach for the bag she brought in. She placed it on the floor between them so they could go through the garments together and decide which ones (Y/n) wanted.
It had been lovely that from the moment they told the team, everyone was overjoyed and wanted to be involved. (Y/n) and Evan got so many baby clothes and gifts from everyone that they had items coming out their ears now.
They started going through some items and had a movie on in the background, but (Y/n) could barely pay attention to anything.
Everything hurt.
Her back was twinging and felt like each column of her spine had weights pressed down on it like the bone was about to break. Her stomach was weighing heavy and every time she felt a twinge, she was starting to feel sick.
Maybe she needed to try and relax and get comfy to see if dozing off would take away the pain. God knows she had fallen asleep during enough movie nights with Evan this last month.
She heard Athena mutter something about finding them some snacks and she nodded, forcing herself to smile as she watched Athena head towards the kitchen. But (Y/n) moved her hand back to her stomach and started making slow circles beneath her shirt to see if it would help at all.
But then she felt it. A steady trickle of water between her thighs and a very sharp, tightening pain in her pelvis.
"Mum… ooh, mum!"
"Honey, what's wrong?" Athena set down the bag of goodies on the kitchen side and rushed back into the living room, skidding on the rug on the way.
She wedged herself between the arm of the sofa and the coffee table and knelt down at (Y/n)'s side. She placed one hand on (Y/n)'s knee and the other on her back, wondering if she had suddenly got back pains. Evan mentioned earlier that she had been having pains all week but that was normal.
(Y/n) couldn't bring herself to say anything. She just looked between her parted thighs, the floor, and Athena until her stepmum suddenly got the message and realised what had happened.
Her waters had broken. The pains she had been having all day were actually contractions. She was going into labour during a storm, without Evan here by her side like he promised to be.
"Okay… this is okay, give me a minute I'll go and call Buck."
Athena wasn't stupid. This was not the weather to be driving her daughter down to the materntiy ward at the hospital. She was a good driver, she was safe, she had to be since she was a seargent in the police. But that didn't mean Athena had been trained to drive during storms. It was too dangerous and if she crashed, they might not get help in time. Evan and Bobby might not find them or know what was going on if they crashed.
Staying here and getting help to come to them was by far the better and safer option and they both silently agreed on this.
Shuffling back a little, (Y/n) slumped back into the sofa and let herself sink into the cushions. She moved both her hands to cradle her stomach and began glaring daggers into her bump towards her baby. Why was he choosing to be born now? Why did he think this was a good time? It was two weeks early, right in the middle of a storm. Without Evan.
(Y/n) was expecting to go into labour any time from next week. Evan was supposed to be on shorter shifts as of next week so if this happened and he wasn't home, he could easily find his way back to (Y/n) and be there for her.
Her eyes looked up at Athena as she stood beside the sofa, one hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder and the other holding her phone to her ear.
Evan didn't answer.
"Buck, call me back please. (Y/n)'s gone into labour." She hung up after leaving a message and tried to ring Bobby instead.
He didn't answer either.
"Bobby, honey you and Buck need to come home when you get this message. (Y/n)'s with me and she's gone into labour. Call me."
Tears began to trace down (Y/n)'s face. She was afraid of this, it was her worst nightmare coming true. She knew the job was hectic and unpredictable, but she wanted Evan to be home when she went into labour, not out at work. She didn't want to be doing this by herself. Her only saving grace was she had decided to come here to be with Athena. She wouldn't have been able to do this on her own, at home.
Her eyes focused on Athena as she tried to smile and dialled for the emergency services instead. They would need to take (Y/n) to hospital soon and Athena wouldn't be able to do that. She would need medical help too if they had to wait a while for an ambulance to arrive.
"911, what's your emergency?"
"This is seargent Grant, I need an ambulance to my address. My daughter's gone into labour and she's thirty-eight weeks pregnant."
"How advanced is labour?"
"Her water just broke."
"Then can you keep her comfortable? With the storm, we have a backlog of emergencies and limited teams to dispatch. The current wait is almost two hours."
Panic struck a cord in Athena's chest and her hand tightened around (Y/n)'s shoulder. What were they supposed to do? Was Athena supposed to deliver her own grandson because they couldn't put this as a priority call? This was a woman going into labour, anything could happen or go wrong, they needed help and transport to the hospital.
"Make this a priority." Was Athena's response. They could wait a while, they might be able to wait an hour, but they needed help.
"Mum?" (Y/n) tilted her head back on the sofa and looked up at Athena. She wasn't sure she wanted to know what the dispatcher was saying. Why couldn't Maddie have been on shift today and answered their call? She could have talked them through this and got through to the team and sorted everything out. Maddie was calm during a crisis.
"Help will be here soon, honey."
They needed the team. They needed Evan and Bobby.
Tears traced down (Y/n)'s face almost as badly as the storm raging outside. Her hands clenched down on the back of the armchair and when a contraction tore through her stomach, she bit down on her lip so hard she drew blood. Her shaking arms pressed down on the chair and she leaned forward, burrowing her face into her arms.
Her back arched out and her legs began to shake from how tense they were straining to keep herself upright.
She felt Athena's hand rub up and down her back, but it wasn't the touch she wanted. It wasn't Evan. The thought made her tears fall faster and a lump formed in her throat. She shifted her weight from foot to foot and let out a scream when another pain tore her pelvis to shreds.
With a muffled scream, (Y/n) leaned over the back of the chair and scrambled around until she found her phone. She wasn't doing this alone. She wasn't having this baby without Evan. Someone was going to get the word through to him that he needed to come home. Now.
"911, what's your emergency?"
"I n- I need you to contact the 118." She gruffed, breathing through clenched teeth as her head started to go fuzzy.
"I'm sorry?"
"LAFD 118, get Buckley on the line- oow!" (Y/n) dug her nails so tightly into her phone she worried she was going to crack the screen. Her forehead pressed back down into the armchair while Athena moved her hands to hold her shoulders.
"Miss, what's your name and the nature of your emergency-"
"Get Buckley!" (Y/n) all but screamed before she held the phone to her left to try and get Athena to make the man understand.
She needed Evan. She knew dispatch could get on the radio frequency and contact the team because clearly they were out on a call. None of the team were answering their phones and (Y/n) was getting closer and closer to giving birth. If she had to do this without Evan she was never going to get over it. She wanted him here.
"Sir, you need to contact the 118 fire station and tell them that firefighter Buckley's wife is in labour. We called over an hour ago and we still haven't received any medical help. Tell Mr Buckley and Captain Nash the situation, now."
"Dispatch to Captain Nash?"
"Go ahead dispatch." Bobby gripped the radio on his shoulder but he could barely feel his fingers despite the thick gloves he was wearing. The cold from the storm was seeping into his bones by now and the rain had thoroughly soaked through his uniform to the point he felt like he was swimming.
"Is Buckley with you?"
A frown pulled on Bobby's face and he waved his hand over at Evan, shouting his name through the howling wind that was screaming at them all to go home.
"I have Buckley with me, what's the problem dispatch?" He wasn't sure why he needed his son in law here for whatever message they were about to receive. But something deep in his gut told him this wasn't going to be for anything good.
"We have Mr Buckley's wife on the line, she says she's in labour."
All the blood drained down to Evan's toes and his eyes locked with Bobby but neither of them could find words.
He shouldn't have come on shift this afternoon. He shouldn't have left (Y/n) at all this week to go to work, he should have stayed with her. He knew she hadn't seemed herself this morning when he dropped her off at Athena's. Thank God he took her there and didn't leave her home alone.
"Is she okay? Is she at the hospital?!" Evan shouted down the radio and leaned as close as he could to try and listen for the crackling response. The storm was creating a vivid distraction, he could barely see and now he could barely hear the dispatcher.
"We haven't managed to get a unit to her address yet-"
"Then don't. We're on our way."
"Oh God, mum…" (Y/n) lowered herself down to her knees and meshed her face into the back of the chair. Her fingers were about to dig through the top of the chair and her knees began to quake and cause friction against the carpet.
She barely managed to lift her head up to look to the side when she heard footsteps, but a sob bubbled up at the back of her throat when she looked over at Athena.
She was hurrying back into the living room with a bowl of hot water. There were towels, a few old blankets, gloves and scissors on the coffee table and the sight made (Y/n) want to be sick. She couldn't do this. She couldn't give birth here, at her parent's home, in the middle of a raging hurricane storm. This wasn't how it was supposed to go.
"Okay honey, I need to check how far along you are-"
"No, I c- I can't… hospital. We have t-to go," Her lips rolled together as she tilted her head back to look up at Athena with pleading eyes.
"Let me see how far dilated you are, then we can worry about the team tranferring you. This is just a precaution, okay honey?" Athena needed to be prepared. She had a gut feeling that (Y/n) had been in labour for a few hours now. The constant back pain all day and the twinges and pains she had been having which she could have mistook for general pains instead of the beginning of labour.
She might be too far dilated for anyone to move her once help arrived. The 118 were leaving their latest call and diverting straight over here which meant Evan knew what was happening. And he would be here soon for the birth of his son. But Athena needed to know if she had to step in or if they would have enough time to get her in the ambulance and down to the hospital.
Shifting to the right, (Y/n) let Athena grip her arms and carefully help her up to her feet. She held onto Athena's shoulders and tucked her chin down into her chest, wheezing through crackling breaths when another contraction hit.
Her hands gripped the arm of the sofa and she doubled over, arching her lower back out.
A strangled wheeze spluttered through her lips and she tried not to cry out while Athena laid a few blankets over the sofa.
When she sat down, (Y/n) slumped down as much as she could until her thighs were barely on the sofa and she felt like she was going to slide right down to the floor. Her hands pressed into the sofa to steady herself and she let her head tilt back into the cushion.
Her lips formed a broken smile and she huffed, feeling a laugh mixing in with her broken cry.
"You're s-supposed to be my- my birthing partner, not my midwife."
Athena's smile made her heart soften somewhat, but she couldn't help but feel uneasy and angry at the same time. This wasn't fair. She was supposed to go into labour at home with Evan right next to her. They were meant to ring Bobby and Athena, all meet at the hospital and she wanted Athena and Evan in the room with her.
But not like this. Athena wasn't supposed to be acting as midwife, delivering her baby during a storm with no help and no Evan in sight.
"And why can't I be both, at least until help arrives?" Athena patted (Y/n)'s knee, but when she turned around and grabbed a pair of gloves from the table, (Y/n) tensed up.
"Honey, your dilated already, but it's okay. Buck will be right through that door in no time."
She grimaced and sank back on her heels when (Y/n) screamed, and not from the pain. Her hands moved to her stomach and she pressed down like she was trying to keep the baby right where he was and prevent him from moving.
She wasn't doing this without Evan. He had to be here, this was the part he was most excited about. Evan had been expecting to be with (Y/n) when she got the first pains and when her water broke. He thought he would be driving her to the hospital, not travelling through the rain to reach her in time.
Another scream broke past (Y/n)'s lips and she shrank back into the sofa when a horrible bang shot through the house.
The front door swung so far that the door handle crashed into the wall and created a dent in the plaster. Evan planted his hand down on the door to prevent it from swinging back at him and he barged inside, followed swiftly by his father in law.
"LAFD!" Bobby called out at the same time, his breathing ragged and a trace of a smile on his lips as the team followed him inside his home.
Evan shook his head from side to side and he dragged a hand over his eyes and nose, clearing away the sheen of water cascading down his face, blocking his vision.
"Evan- oow, Evan!"
Flinging himself around the corner, Evan skidded on the carpet and catapulted over to the sofa wedged in the corner of the room beside the fireplace. He practically jumped down on the sofa, bashing his shoulder into the back frame which sent a jolt running down to his fingertips.
"I- are we- I haven't missed it?!" Terror and dread flooded his voice as he shed his gloves so he could take (Y/n)'s hand in his.
"You're just in time. Where's Hen? She's too far gone to move her, this baby's coming now." Athena waved her hand towards the top of the stairs where Hen, Chimney and Eddie were following inside with medic bags and a gurney between them. They slammed the door shut, keeping out the raging storm that sent frozen chills throughout the air and had them all shivering at the temperature change.
"Thank fuck! Oh baby, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
When Evan leaned across and pressed his frozen lips to her temple, (Y/n) cried out and reeled back as his helmet smashed into the top of her head.
"Evan." She snapped, giving his helmet a rough shove and she dragged her eyes up and down his overalls. She could feel the rain seeping into her shirt and soaking through the blanket laid out on the sofa beneath them.
"Oh," A sheepish smile pulled at his lips and he wrenched up from the sofa, tossing his helmet down to the floor. The helmet had saved him from getting his head caved in outside from the storm.
His arms flung out behind him and he tore off his overcoat and unhooked his suspenders. In one fell swoop, he shoved down his overalls that were drenched through and through and stumbled out of them so he was in his cotton shirt and trousers. He kicked his uniform to the side, grateful when Bobby moved them out the way as he shed his own jacket and helmet now they were inside.
His trousers and shirt were damp, they were almost as drenched as his overalls, but he was at least a bit dryer like this and a lot more comfortable. Once he shed his second skin, Evan slumped back down on the sofa.
He curled one leg up beneath him and shuffled across until he could loop his left arm around the back of (Y/n)'s shoulders. Her head fell on his shoulder so he could feel each harsh, gasping breath she took fan against his neck. And he held his right hand out in front of her so (Y/n) could put his fist in her grip and cling tightly to him.
"Hen, she's crowning." Athena snapped off her gloves and moved to sit on (Y/n)'s other side on the sofa so Hen could take her place.
"I leave you for one day and look what you do… trying to have him without me, hm?" Evan muttered the words quietly against her temple and he ran his hand up and down her arm.
He felt (Y/n) try to laugh but she broke off into a groan when her stomach tightened. She shifted her weight from her heels to her toes to try and steady herself so she didn't slump forward, but all she wanted to do was crumple down to the floor and fold in on herself.
"I thought y-you wouldn't make it," (Y/n) closed her eyes and leaned further into Evan, pulling his hand up to her chest as she screamed.
"I know, I know baby but I'm here now. We're all here,"
"Really big push (Y/n), and the head will be born." Hen snapped on a pair of gloves, shed her jacket and helmet and grabbed one of the towels from the table. She laid it over her lap as she knelt down on the floor. She could feel Bobby hovering on her left near Evan while Chimney and Eddie hung back at the stairs. They didn't want to overpower (Y/n) and flood her with people when that would be the last thing she needed.
"Here we go," Evan murmured into her hair, giving her hand a squeeze, although he could barely feel his hand anymore from how tightly she was gripping him.
The moment Hen announced the head was out, (Y/n) opened her eyes as Evan leaned forward to take a look which in turn made (Y/n) lean over a little. She kept his hand held to her chest and moved her free hand to hold his thigh, steadying herself on the edge of the sofa.
"Small pushes, panting breaths, you're almost done now (Y/n)."
(Y/n) could see stars dancing across her eyes when that last push finally worked. Her head slumped against Evan's neck and she could feel him laughing into her hair as he let go of her hand to cup the back of her neck.
"That's my girl." He spoke against her temple, brushing his thumb up and down the side of her neck as he suddenly realised he was swaying them both back and forth.
"Buck, you wanna do the honours?" Hen held out a pair of scissors after she's clamped the cord and her cheesy smile made Evan laugh.
He carefully unwound his arms from (Y/n) and eased her back into Athena's embrace who held her tight and kissed the back of her head. He shuffled to the edge of the sofa and leaned over, trying to stop his hands from shaking when he leaned down to cut the cord.
"Here's your beautiful boy." Hen praised, lifting up the wriggling newborn who had no trouble taking his first breath and using it to scream and announce his presence.
(Y/n) could feel herself shaking against Athena when her baby boy was delicately laid on her chest. She tightened the towel around him and tried to hold him as carefully as she could. His tiny fist wormed beneath the collar of her shirt and rested on her chest while his cheek pressed down beneath her shoulder.
Her eyes sparkled when Evan's hand curled on top of her own, cradling the back of their son's head while he perched his chin on (Y/n)'s shoulder. He pressed an open-mouthed kiss against her neck and glued his chest up into her shoulder, smiling down at the little boy that brought tears to his eyes.
"Do we have a name?" Athena spoke quietly, rubbing her hand up and down (Y/n)'s arm.
When she looked up, she smiled at Bobby who sat down on the arm of the sofa just behind Evan. He leaned over for a first look at his grandson, the person he had been waiting months to meet. And the sight had him smiling from ear to ear.
"Yeah, uh… Bobby."
"What?" Reaching out, Bobby planted his hand on Evan's shoulder but he couldn't tear his eyes away from his grandson to look at his son in law and see what he wanted. Did he want Bobby to pick a name? Was he asking him something and he just couldn't concentrate?
"No," A wide grin broke out on Evan's face as he lifted his chin from (Y/n)'s shoulder to look behind him at his captain. "That's his name, Bobby. After you."
Tilting her head to the right, (Y/n) leaned her temple against Evan's cheek and tiredly smiled up at her dad. They had already agreed as soon as they thought about boy names that their boy would be named after Bobby. He was one of the most important people in (Y/n)'s life, he was her dad and they had been through so much together.
And he was more than just a Captain to Evan. He had become a father figure to him, he looked out for him and took him under his wing. Bobby loved and cared for Evan better than his own parents did, and that was the kind of parent Evan wanted to be to his boy.
"You… you're naming him after me?"
(Y/n) nodded and smiled back down at her little baby as she tucked herself more into Evan's side. She could see her dad grinning through his tears. He was happy. He was proud.
"Baby Bobby."
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worksby-d · 14 days
Getting Attached
Pairing: dilf!Andy Barber x babysitter!Reader
Summary: Your friend finds out you've been hooking up with Andy and reminds you that if he's not in it for the long haul, you need to cut it off before you get hurt. Lucky for you, Andy might just be on the same page.
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Warnings: Age gap, starting to admit feelingssss, flashback in italics
Word count: ~1,100
a/n: *taps mic* is anyone still out there? 👁️👁️
part one • part two
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Andy hums against your lips when he feels you move your hands from his face and gently push them against his chest. “Hm?” 
Not breaking the kiss to respond, your words come out mumbled. “Let me be on top.” 
But he understands you perfectly. His breath is warm against your cheek as he pulls away slightly, laughing before rolling over and bringing you with him so you're straddling his waist, hovering above him. 
Your lips return to his like a magnet. You've hooked up with him enough times now that neither of you are in a desperate rush this time, just sharing slow kisses as you press your hips closer to his. 
His warm hands running up and down your exposed back send a wave of goosebumps across your skin. 
“Why am I always the first one with my shirt off?” You whisper. 
Your fingers fumble with the buttons on his, groaning in frustration when you can't get the third one undone. 
“You gotta stop wearing these button-ups.” 
“Bossy tonight,” he tsks, moving his kisses toward your neck as he takes over unbuttoning his shirt for you. 
When he nips playfully at your skin, his teeth graze against a spot that's sensitive from the other night. 
It reminds you of the conversation you had with your friend yesterday… She found out you’ve been doing more than just babysitting at Andy’s house. 
You moan softly, but pull away. 
There's a pause when you look in his eyes. 
His smile falters a bit. “What's wrong?” 
“I need to talk to you about something.” Your voice is quiet until you try to be stern with your next sentence. “And I need you not to laugh at me.” 
He chuckles, moving to sit up a bit so you don't have to awkwardly talk looking down at him. 
“My best friend found out I've been seeing you…” 
Your voice trails off as you think back to it. 
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“Why are you still wearing that?” She teasingly tugged at the winter scarf you hadn't taken off yet as you sat down to eat lunch with her. “It's like a sauna in here–” 
She gasped, bringing a hand up over her mouth when she saw the mark on your neck and put the scarf back in place. 
“Who gave that to you?” She whisper yelled. “Fuck, don't tell me you got back with–” 
“No,” you said quickly, glaring at her for thinking you'd ever go back to the guy whose name you knew she was gonna say. 
When that wasn't it, it wasn't hard for her to figure it out by process of elimination. 
“All you do is work and babysit… Who could you possibly–” 
Another gasp had you rolling your eyes, but you couldn't help but look guilty.
“The dad?!” 
“Shhhh,” You looked around to make sure no one was listening. “So what?” 
“So what?” She scoffed. “He's married.” 
“Separated,” you corrected her. 
It was her turn to roll her eyes. “What about the fact he's basically old enough to be your dad?” 
You shrugged, shaking your head at her. “It's not like I set out to get with him. It just kind of happened.” 
She looked amused by you trying to defend yourself. 
“What, you just accidentally stumbled into his bed?”
“If you must know, the first time wasn't even in his bed, so,” you shrugged again, taking a sip of your coffee. 
“Ew,” she chuckled. “I don't even want to know.” Her look of disgust faded and she got more serious. “May I remind you that you don't do hookups? You get attached.” 
“I do not,” you scoffed.
She didn't bother arguing. She knew she was right and that you knew she was too. 
“You're gonna get hurt if he's just using you as a temporary bed buddy.” 
She knew she got through to you when a moment of silence washed over the two of you. 
Your mind was wandering when she decided to cut the tension instead of make you feel any worse. 
“So the dick is that good?” 
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His hand squeezing your thigh pulls you out of your daydream. 
“It's okay…” He assures, thinking at first that you're nervous because someone knows. “I'm not actively trying to hide you.” 
“No, I know,” you chuckle. “I know. But she reminded me that I don't just hook up with people. I get attached and I get hurt. And I can feel myself liking you more every time we see each other. So as much fun as I'm having with you doing… whatever it is we're going, I can't keep doing it if you're only interested in me when we're in bed together.” 
He tries to get a word in, but you're rambling at this point. 
“And this is so embarrassing if that is how you feel–” 
You miss the smirk on his face in your pursuit of avoiding his gaze.
“How do you know how I feel if you won't let me talk?” He teases. 
“Sorry,” you laugh. “The floor is yours, Mr. Barber.” 
“I like you.” He says it slowly to make sure you're listening and it's as if your body physically relaxes hearing him. “I didn't wanna come on too strong and assume you wanted anything more than…” He gestures at the position you two are in and repeats your words. “Whatever we've been doing.” 
“Really,” he nods, holding your face to give you a quick kiss. 
"So you'd take me on a date?" You raise an eyebrow, gauging whether you really are on the same page.
"I would love to take you on a date," he whispers against your lips.
Wordlessly, you sit up and climb off of him to gather your discarded shirt and the rest of your stuff. 
He lets out a short laugh, confused about if he said something wrong all of a sudden.
“Where are you going?” 
“Don't you listen?” You kneel back on the bed, getting teasingly close to him. “I don't sleep with guys I'm not dating.” 
“We're way past that, sweetheart,” he reminds you. 
You roll your eyes, getting back up. “Let me know when that first date is.” 
“Then you'll sleep with me again?” He jokes. 
“Depends on how good the date is,” you wink. 
He tries to quickly grab you and pull you back in bed, but you're skipping out of his room yelling good night! before he can get you. 
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“Brat,” is what his text reads when you get home and look at your phone. 
You don't think your smile can get any bigger until you see the message that follows. 
“Tomorrow. 5 p.m. I'll pick you up.”
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Tag list: @patzammit @thummbelina @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc @astheskycries @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @turtoix @harrysthiccthighss @mrspeacem1nusone @geminievans1 @doozywoozy @americasass91 @dwights-new-plague @wwwmarissa92 @redhairedfeistynerd @whxre4cevans @aubreeskailynn @melchills-j @xoxabs88xox @before-we-get-started @christowhore @ice-dtae @mariestark @rogersbarber @dilfbarber @payperhearts @vintagestarlight @miss-ariella @bemysugarbean @t-stark35 @seitmai @reginaphalange2403 @raelorns21 @mrsgweasley @pandaxnienke @brandycranby @cutedisneygrl
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idyllicidols · 6 months
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A/N: Tumblr tells me I've been on here for a year already. Time really flies! Just a quick one for Happy self anniversary and Merry Christmas.
Nayeon calls out as she enters your apartment, closing and locking the front door behind her. There's an eerie silence as she walks through the hall. Your door is slightly open, just a crack. Nayeon gives it a light nudge and pokes her head inside.
"Merry Christm-"
Nayeon drops her duffle bag by the foot of the bed, her breath quick and heavy. Her heart almost stops beating. Her body freezes, rigid with shock.
She hears groaning, coming from a figure laying on your bed in the center of the room. Your cock in your hand, your phone in the other, frozen in place while your best friend looks at you in disbelief.
You can't take your eyes off her, quickly placing your phone back onto the nightstand.
You didn't even think. The content of your phone remaining visible until the screen falls asleep: a photo of her - nothing even scandalous about it, just a photo of her, smiling at the camera with her cute bunny teeth and gummy smile—making a dumb cute little peace sign and acting like a goof. The screen finally goes dark, but the image is burned into her mind. A photo of her. You were jerking off to a photo of her. Your best friend.
Nayeon stumbles forwards, her mouth agape and her brain still failing to comprehend any of the shit that's happening.
It's like an out-of-body experience. Nothing makes sense anymore, everything is wrong. All the air seems to escape from her lungs, and all her thoughts melt out of her ears.
You lay there silently, your cock sitting on your stomach, covered with your own precum. Your heart is about to burst out of your chest, sweat sticks your hair to your forehead, heat emanates from every inch of your body. You should have heard her outside.
"Nayeon, it's not what you think."
"Oh yeah? What is it? Because this seems pretty fucking obvious to me."
"I don't know! I mean, I do, but...shit."
Nayeon fumbles through the photos. More images of her, from different angles, of different clothing, none particularly pornographic or inappropriate. A few shots that highlight the curve of her body, one that is focused on the swell of her firm ass, one from the front where you can see how snug her yoga pants are.
"So this is what you're into then, huh, jerk?"
Nayeon sits down on the bed with a thud. You're at a loss for words, laying next to her awkwardly, cock awkwardly hanging against your stomach. Nayeon doesn't speak at all. You can practically hear her think, processing this information, unsure what it means, uncertain whether she should feel flattered, used, hurt, betrayed, disgusted.
Without another word, or any kind of warning…
Nayeon starts to undress, her shirt thrown behind her. Her basic pink bra cups her petite breasts, a small layer of flesh rises up over the cup, but it's hard to make out. The top half of her torso, from her clavicle to her abdomen, is toned muscle, lithe and defined, feminine and sexy. You can't tear your gaze away from the taut curves of her shoulders, her arms, her hands, which start working on taking her jeans off.
"Keep going jerk. Touch yourself."
You look at her quizzically. Nayeon has never talked to you so harshly, especially about this kind of stuff, and even less while she was slowly stripping out of her clothes in your bed. This is a new side to her, your best friend still has the same looks to her, only now she's half-naked, stern and intense and almost angry as she watches you slowly jacking yourself, holding your member at a gentle but eager pace.
"Is this what you like? Pervert. Thinking about me while you jerk yourself off? Is the real thing better?"
Her barrage of questions makes your head hurt. Or perhaps it's just the amount of blood that seems to be going to your cock, as your mind fills with a haze of lust and desire. This condescending tone. The humiliation. Is this really what you're into?
Your thumb glides over your swollen, sensitive tip, a quiet moan escapes you as Nayeon lays next to you on her side, watching.
"Disgusting. Tch."
With each disparaging comment from her lips, the greater the pit forms in your stomach.
"You wanna see them?" Nayeon teases, letting one of her straps fall down her shoulder.
Your throat is dry. So fucking dry that it's hard to talk. So you nod your head in the most shameful and guilty way imaginable. It's Nayeon. Your Nayeon. There are boundaries that aren't supposed to be crossed and lines that shouldn't be crossed, and here you are, crossing them both.
She lets the other strap slip off her shoulder. Nayeon plays around with you a bit, letting just a hint of tit flesh spill out of the side before sliding the cups up again. After letting your pathetic begging whines linger for a minute, she undoes the hook of her bra in one smooth, single-handed motion and slowly takes it off.
"Well better or worse than what's in that fucked up head of yours?"
"Better..." You groan out, your hand instinctively reaching out towards her chest.
She slaps your hand away, pinning your wrist down into the mattress.
"Perv. Fucking touch me and I'll tear off your dick, got it?"
Nayeon said no touching, but she did nothing to stop you from jerking off in front of her. Actually, quite the opposite: Nayeon leans in even closer, her fingers trailing down the sides of her small perky tits. She lifts the small handfuls and gives them a playful shake, grinning at how desperately your mouth hangs open, lust clouding over your eyes, completely entranced. She knows full well she doesn't have a spectacular pair of melons, but in this case, she's fairly confident in them and what they're able to accomplish. And accomplishing a whole lot right now, it seems like.
You're mesmerized and enamored and lost and whatever the fuck else the synonyms for obsessed are. You want her. God do you ever want her, your arousal building more and more as Nayeon trails down the waistband of her underwear. Down, past her soft curving hips, exposing the tight pink slit underneath.
"You're not gonna cum already are you?" Nayeon mocks. "Look into my eyes" she orders, taking her thumb and giving your bottom lip a tug, forcing your drooling face to stare into her smoldering eyes, her tone still berating.
"Focus. Don't you look away, okay?"
A whimper and a nod. "Okay Nayeon." You're willing to do anything at this point, if only she allows you to keep staring at those brown bedroom eyes of hers. You are so fucking screwed.
"Good. Follow my fingers now. But remember, no touching." With that her hand slides down: down to neck, hovering over perfect handful of tits, gently pinching her rock hard nipples, a blissful smile washing over Nayeon as she does. Fingers trace around her navel, delicate and lovingly, teasing your poor erection with an agonizing display of sexuality and intimacy, torturous enough to make you beg for it, but never doing. Your balls feel so tight. Your entire pelvis feels like one massive tight knot.
"Keep watching..." Nayeon notices your blanked out expression, snapping her fingers to draw your attention back to her. Finally, finally! Her hands slither under the waistband of her underwear, and with a devious smirk, finally pulls her panties off and throws them to the floor. Nayeon presses a couple fingers to her nether lips, feeling the wetness, then showing off her slick coated finger to you.
"Wanna sniff?"
You want to so badly. It would only take a moment, it'd be so easy to cross over those inches. Her beautiful eyes. The girl you've known for so many years. Your best friend. You pathetically pant, like a dog who knows he shouldn't be begging his owner, but still hoping against hope to get the treats she has locked away.
Nayeon thrusts out her fingers again, rubbing them directly against your nose—smearing the honey across your upper lip. That heavenly sweet aroma. An explosion of alluring femininity that hits you like a brick, a thick waft of her womanly smell so strong and enticing.
And yet you can't touch, unable to do anything but pathetically touch yourself , like some kind of fugitive prisoner denied everything but the cruelest of tortures. You want to run. Escape from the intoxication and humiliation. To say 'let's just not ever bring this up again, be friends like we always were.'
But that'll never happen, not when Nayeon holds her hand over yours.
"Why don't you cum already eh? I'm waiting to see what a worthless perv like you looks like when he orgasms. Look at your gross, needy face."
If only you weren't so damn excited. A warm, burning sensation coils in your chest, pooling downwards. Nayeon isn't even touching it—there's no skin on skin contact with your cock. Instead she's using your hand like a puppet, pumping faster and faster, bringing yourself right to the brink, watching with wicked glee at the pitiful state you're in.
"Thinking about your best friend. After all we've been through. How the fuck do you even live with yourself? Pathetic."
A shudder goes through your body, as if you are absorbing the verbal abuse she gives you, making you even more aroused than before, feeling ashamed and dirty and alive. It's sick, perverted, and horrible, yet you revel in it, taking pleasure in feeling inferior, seeing her act with superiority and indifference to you and your pleas.
Her hand is over yours, her soft skin so close to your cock, yet so far—forcing your hand up and down, the head throbbing and swelling, unable to hold on any longer. Your entire focus is on Nayeon and her lithe touch. How her tiny tits jiggle ever so slightly when she moves. How her dark locks drift about her frame, flowing past her slim arms.
Before you even know it, you're blowing your load, feeling like a teenager in your own body, humiliated as it happens, almost falling backwards from the force, completely submitting to the control of another, spraying all over yourself, as Nayeon stares at you with disgust and contempt in her eyes. "You already came? God damn, that was even faster than I expected."
You can't stand the fact that you orgasmed within seconds of Nayeon touching you, even if it was over your hand. So easily able to dominate you, you are overtaken by desire, need and lust. By shame and embarrassment, your cock in your hand with jizz all over you.
She picks up her clothes and walks away, leaving you with a mix of shame and indignation, getting dressed while ignoring you.
As she is about to leave she turns back and faces you.
"See you tomorrow, pervert. Coffee. Yea?"
You're left alone, covered in jizz, looking down and watching yourself go soft and your member drip onto your lower belly. Your head is cloudy with afterglow, unhinged and confused feelings settle over you; part guilt, part exhilaration, all humiliation. Your body feels exhausted. The cold December air cools the sticky substance, drying it against you, you feel it, that's your shame, a shame that Nayeon exuded upon you and that you took pleasure in.
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ellastone-olsen · 5 months
can you write a smut story where reader had to wait the entire ceremony (Golden globes) before she could take the gorgeous dress off of Lizzie. And Lizzie’s been just teasing her so when they get home reader rips the dress and takes Lizzie please 🙏🏻 I love your writing <3
Wicked game | Elizabeth Olsen
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★Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x fem!reader
Summary: your girlfriend has gone too far with her teasing. that's what it says in the request
★Warnings: SMUT 18+, teasing, dirty talk, overstimulation, sex toys, strap on usage, praise, aftercare, fluff
★Word count: 1.8k
★AN: I have some kind of creative block, but I'm alive. I spent 5 days on this little thing instead of the usual 1.
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The car slowly cut through the road, drifting between streams of the same iron boxes on wheels. The interior of the black SUV was spacious, but you and Elizabeth still sat shoulder to shoulder as the pad of your thumb stroked her knee through the fabric of snow-white dress. "Am I look good?" such a simple question with an obvious answer, but she still needed your confirmation. You cupped her cheek with your hand and turned her head towards you. “You are always beautiful my love” You give her a quick kiss on the lips and then look into her big green eyes. An idea just came into her sweet head, otherwise you can’t explain the sudden change in mood. She takes your hand and places it on her chest. “Then can you show me how much?”
A shiver runs down your spine and you nervously look at the driver's seat, noticing how the man is looking at you through the rearview mirror. As soon as your gazes intersect, he immediately turns his eyes back to the road. “Oh don’t worry dear, he will have to pay dearly if he spills the beans about what he saw.” Elizabeth whispers in your ear, you hope that by pay she means money. She moves your hand further, under her dress so that you touch her bare breasts and moans softly in your ear, making your core begin to pulsate. "Babe." You're warning her not to start something she can't finish. Her teeth bite your earlobe and you want to pull her away by hair, but you remember about styling. "Elizabeth." Your stern tone and the full form of her name still have an effect and she moves away. You don’t respond to her sweet smile, the car is just stopping.
The Golden Globes look spectacular, but boring. You are absolutely not interested in the speeches all these people make when they receive an award. People you don't know say words of gratitude to people you don't know again. The waiters obligingly drift back and forth, serving glasses of champagne and appetizers that are inedible to your taste. You just stand on the side and look around while your girlfriend talks to other celebrities or gives interviews. When you finally sit down in your seats, you cross your legs and lean back, unable to sit up straight. Elizabeth sits in such a way that the Queen of England would envy her if she were alive.
Time passes and you drink your second glass of champagne when it seems to you that something is touching your leg under the table. You don't pay attention to it until the action is repeated. The head turns to your girlfriend, but it looks like Robert Downey Jr.'s award ceremony is the most interesting thing she's ever seen. However, where her hands are says otherwise. Elizabeth's right hand triples on your thigh, red nails lightly scratching through the thin fabric of your pants, sending shivers down your spine. You stare at her, but the older woman doesn’t even think of turning her head. "Stop it." Your irritated, harsh whisper flies past her. As a sign from above, the bell rings, signaling a break, and without wasting any time, you grab Elizabeth’s hand and drag her away towards the toilets.
She sighs when she suddenly finds herself pressed against the wall, of course you can be rude, but first cover the back of her head with your hand so that she doesn’t get hurt from the blow. “What games are you playing today?” A hot whisper near her ear makes the woman hold her breath for a couple of seconds. Her answer doesn't keep you waiting. “But you like it, don’t you?” Elizabeth puts her hands on your waist, touching you through your thin shirt and tilting her head to leave small, light bites on your neck. “If you continue, I’ll push you into the toilet, lock the common door, bend you over the counter and...” You lose your breath from the stronger bite. “And what, dear?” The bell rings again, signaling everyone to return to their seats. You stand pressed against her for a few seconds, then push yourself off the wall with your hands and rub your neck where Elizabeth’s lips were, erasing non-existent traces of lipstick. The two of you go to your seats and no one seems to notice your disheveled state.
The ride home is quick and quiet, for two reasons. The older woman realized that you would ruin her for all her antics as soon as she set foot on the threshold of the house. She was in anticipation and silently looked out the window, imagining all the options for the development of events. The second reason is what you said to the poor driver when you got into the car. “You have 10 minutes to take us back, Elizabeth is terribly tired.” The black car brought you home in exactly 10 minutes. You gave the driver a tip for being in a hurry, even though it was not customary. When the front door closed behind you, what the older woman expected and desired happened. You grabbed her hand and quickly led her to your bedroom. When the door to the room closed, in one motion you threw Elizabeth onto her stomach on the plush blanket of your large bed.
Your hands pushed her hair back, exposing her slender neck so you could kiss and bite it. The woman's hips shot up, but you blocked the movement by straddling her. “If you think that you will get what you want quickly, don’t hope.” The zipper of the white dress was pulled down, almost breaking the zipper. Her dress and panties disappeared from her in record time, and you somehow managed not to tear them.
When you took a few steps back admiring the picture in front of you, your gaze caught on her wet shiny folds. She had definitely been looking forward to this all day. Elizabeth turned her head to the lack of action on your part to check the situation and saw you taking out from the nightstand the black compact vibrator that she loved so much. There were two scenarios in her head: either now she would get the best orgasm of her life, or she would die from overstimulation, but she really hoped for the first.
You returned to your girlfriend and moved her hips closer to the edge of the bed so that she rested her knees on the plush pile of the carpet and exposed her ass to your view. Your hands stroked her soft thighs, you couldn’t resist and leaned towards her dripping center to run your tongue along the entire length, tasting her. A shaky sigh escaped the woman's mouth above you and you repeated the action, gripping her hips even harder (there might be bruises there later). A mixture of pleasure and slight pain made her unconsciously lean back for closer contact. In what seemed like such a simple and innocent action, your palm landed on her ass with a loud slap. "No, no, don't you dare move." There was the first warning, which caused a groan of pain to escape from the older woman.
After you were satisfied with her taste, two fingers slipped inside her so easily, stretching the velvet walls. The second hand pressed the toy’s power button and you set the speed to medium, bringing it to her pulsating clit. "Hold it." Elizabeth reached underneath her and grabbed the silicone object, holding it in place. “If you disobey me, an even worse punishment will follow. You understood?" The older woman's mind was clouded with pleasure, but she hummed in agreement anyway. Her thoughts were confused by the way you moved inside her, pressing on a sensitive spot. Another slap to her ass. "Use your words." Her back arched and she was ready to swear that she would cum from such rough treatment. “Yes, I understand...please Y/N.” With every thrust, you felt her walls squeezing tighter around you. Elizabeth could no longer find words and shouted curses into the emptiness of your house. “Fuck...I'm going to cum...please can I?...” You cut her off. "No. Take it away."
She obediently removed the toy from her throbbing clit, stopping any stimulation. You were still moving inside her, but it wasn't enough to make her fall over the edge. “Oh fuck...fuck...so good...please can I continue?” You were silent for a minute before you gave her permission, making sure she didn't cum instantly. The woman's hips jumped as the stimulation began again. You pounded into her at a fast pace and after a couple of minutes you felt your orgasm approaching again. "Elizabeth stop." Oh how she didn’t like it when you called her by her full name, it never meant anything good. She put the toy away again and you pulled out.
The woman heard the chest of drawers open again behind her, the sounds of the harness, and then the cold tip of the faux cock pressed into her dripping entrance. You spread her natural lub along entire length and pushed the thick toy into her in one motion. Your girlfriend’s mouth opened in a silent scream, her hands grabbed the sheets as if they would tear them. "OH FUCK ." You returned her hand with the vibrator to the right place and pounding at her at a fast pace. “Do you like my cock baby? Mmm? Is this what you wanted all this time? So that I could fuck you like the whore?” Your dirty words turned her on even more. "Yes! Yes! Y/N can...can I cum?” She was ready to cry from overstimulation and you took pity on her. You leaned down to leave a kiss behind her ear and whispered. “Cum for me baby.”
Almost immediately, the woman fell over the edge, screaming your name mixed with curses into the softness of the mattress. You continued to fuck her through her orgasm until a small whine was heard from her. You pulled out and took off the strap, throwing it somewhere deep in the room, thinking that you would take care of it later.
Your arms grabbed Elizabeth and you helped her climb onto the bed, lying on her back. Her knees were red from standing on them for a long time and you gently rubbed the skin in the hope of relieving the pain. "My good girl, Lizzie." The lips began to pass everywhere you could reach, starting from the neck and ending with her cute tummy that you loved so much. When you looked up at her again, you noticed that the woman had begun to fall asleep.
“Baby, don’t sleep, you need to take off your makeup.” A hand covered her cheek and the pad of her thumb gently rubbed her cheekbone. “Mmmmm but I’m so tired, it can wait a couple of hours.” She mumbled sleepily. You gave in and covered her naked body with a plush blanket, setting the alarm for 3 hours. When the light in the room went out, Elizabeth had already fallen asleep and hugged you, breathing steadily into your neck.
Your fingers played with her blonde hair until you fell into the realm of Morpheus after her.
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hyperactively-me · 27 days
regency era!ghost x reader au (part 1)
oops my fingers slipped oh nooo. I just watched Pride and Prejudice (2005 of course) and finished the first half of Bridgerton season 3, and this just fell out of my head sooo here ya go
In the heart of debutante season, the grand halls of the manor glittered with an optimistic opulence. Crystal chandeliers hung in every room, and the laughter of the ton mingled with the notes of lively waltzes and invigorating English country dances. Simon Riley, the newly titled Duke, stood at the edge of the ballroom, a stern figure amidst the merrymaking. His eyes scanned the room, but they held no warmth; they were as cold and unyielding as the battles he had once fought in wars. 
Duke Simon Riley had gained his title through his distinguished military service, a feat that made him both revered and feared. His demeanor was hardened, his interactions brusque, and he regarded social gathering and balls with a thinly veiled disdain. He considered balls and galas a different kind of battle, one he navigated with nearly the same stoic resolve as he had the warfront.
Across the room, you move with effortless grace, the hem of your gown bustling around your feet. You are the embodiment of elegance and propriety, your every movement reflecting your strict upbringing. You were popular amongst the ton, your dance card nearly always full. You didn’t really mind, to a certain extent; yet, you’ve never had a dance partner who went past superficial conversation. It was something that irked you, but you had resigned yourself to it a long time ago.
Your father, a Lord, had made it a point earlier in the night to introduce you to the Duke. You glide through the sea of silk and satin, approaching your father’s proud smile in the corner of the ballroom. Next to him was the Duke; a tall, broad man. Quite handsome, you thought to yourself.
“Ah, here she is,” your father said warmly, taking your hand and leading you towards the Duke. “Allow me to introduce Duke Simon Riley. Your Grace, may I present my daughter.” 
You curtsy deeply as your father announces your title and name, your eyes fluttering open to meet the Duke as you offer a polite smile. 
Simon turns his steely gaze upon you, dipping his head slightly in acknowledgement. “My lady,” he said, his voice as cold and formal as his expression.  
“Your Grace, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I have heard much about your service.”
“Indeed,” Simon replies, his tone clipped. “I hope the reality does not disappoint.” 
You tilt your head slightly, maintaining your composure at his bluntness. “On the contrary, Your Grace, I find the tales of your exploits quite fascinating. It must have required immense strength and courage.” 
“It required duty,” he said forthrightly, his eyes narrowing slightly. “And an ability to see through distractions.” 
Something in his tone struck you, a subtle but clear implication that left you momentarily speechless. You clear your throat, smoothing out of the front of your dress. “Well, we are all very fortunate that you were not distracted, Your Grace. Otherwise, who knows where we might be?”
Simon’s lips twitched, standing straighter than ever, but his eyes remained hard. “Yes, distractions can be dangerous. Such as a ballroom, where idle chatter and trivial pursuits often mask the true nature of one’s character.”
He eyed you up and down as he spoke, and you feel as though the wind has been knocked out of your lungs. You feel your cheeks heat up with anger at his veiled insult. 
“Your Grace, I must respectfully disagree. A ballroom is where one’s true character is often revealed; most often through grace, kindness, and the ability to navigate society with dignity.”
Simon raises an eyebrow, his expression unmoved. “It is easy to speak of ‘grace and kindness’ when one has never faced true adversity, my Lady. Perhaps your perspective would be different if you had seen the world as it truly is.”
Your temper flares at his condescension, your grip tightening on the skirts of your dress as you step closer. “And perhaps, Your Grace,” you hiss, “if you had ever taken the time to understand the world beyond the battlefield, you might see that strength and bravery comes in many forms. It doesn’t give you the right to belittle the lives and joys of others.” 
Your father steps forward, sensing the need to intervene. “Now, now,” he says, his tone conciliator. “Let not a misunderstanding spoil the evening.”
But the damage had already been done. Simon’s eyes remained fixed on you, eyebrows pinched and eyes cold. He had offended you greatly, swiping at your character even though he knows nothing of you. 
With a final cursory glance at him, you excuse yourself with as much dignity as you could muster, your heart pounding with anger and hurt.
As you walk away, you could feel Simon’s gaze boring into your back. You do your best to shake off your emotions, trying to regain your composure. An evening that had started with hope and lightness had turned bitter. And while the Duke might have won many wars, he would find that you were not one to back down easily. You were determined to show him that in the realm of society, you were just as formidable an opponent as he was in war.
> part 2
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