#I just think calling him an old man is funny
chirpycloudyrobin · 17 hours
wei wuxian had barely dusted off the magma from the kiln off his person when he gets rudely yanked to mo village and mo xuanyu's side. he appears before mo xuanyu still in his bloodied yiling laozu set up and theyre both ??? confused as fuck because what the hell that wasnt supposed to happen !
turns out the whole sacrificial summon array didnt account for the possibility of summoning a ghost king. so there was no soul replacement, mo xuanyu is still alive, and wei wuxian once again walks with the living. ish. hes still dead. technically
now what ?
well mo xuanyu mustve been pretty desperate to unsubscribe from the reincarnation cycle just to get revenge on his family so wei wuxian hears him out ,,, and really really doesnt like the hand that mo xuanyu has been dealt with in his life so hes like welp time to tap into ye olde wuxian the helping hand. might as well bring in some justice now that hes back and better than ever !
but first wwx shldnt walk around looking like the entire cultivation world's worst nightmare so they brainstorm a new identity for him in that little shack.
they end up deciding that wwx will be a distant mo cousin. for wwx's disguise, he gave himself the birth name mo ling and the courtesy name mo shanxi. he is mo yi, courtesy name mo xuanyu's, other maternal cousin but like further down the family tree. a fourth son of a fourth son. parents dead, siblings dead. lots of fours, lots of death in the identity and the name. it's funni, cuz wwx is dead and hes a ghost and- you get the idea.
mo shanxi's an eccentric ex-rogue cultivator whose cultivating career ended early at the hands of the late core-melting hand. he has no sword because no core. hes friendly with crows because rogue cultivator things. he has a dizi because hes a traveler, a peasant, decidedly not gentry. an absolutely fool-proof disguise. no one would guess hes wei wuxian at all ! no one !
they still bust into the meeting between madam mo and the lan juniors and wwx helps mxy embarrass the entire family. they also still stay around to watch shit happen and it's during this time where wwx gives mxy practical lessons on fighting and cultivation. not demonic cultivation, mind, wwx doesnt want to damage mxy's fledgling golden core.
mxy is witness firsthand how wwx just bluescreens and takes A Minute to process seeing adult lan wangji. mxy knows that lwj is One Fine Ass Man and he, too, would undoubtedly climb lwj like a tree but wwx's reaction to lwj is just ,,, different.
hm, mxy thinks. interesting.
soon wwx snaps out of his "holy-shit-lwj" trance, grabs mxy's hand and skedaddles out of there. its funny, its camp, mxy has more questions than answers.
the entire mo family (besides mxy) is dead. the contract is complete. mxy is free.
"ykw," wwx thinks. "let's be rogue cultivators and ill teach you everything i know !" "i have absolutely nothing better to do," mxy says. "fuck it, lets go" "great ! for ur first lesson lets check out that story of a soul eating entity at dafan mountain" "what"
so ! dafan mountain. lessons going good, mxy has a good head on his shoulders. and then wwx accidentally insults his shijie's child. and then he and mxy are trapped between jc and lwj. and then they ,,, get out of it unscathed ? um
whatever, back to the lessons !
mxy was not having the best time in his life. shit got way out of hand way too quickly. he cant do anything to help in the fight so hes just trying to keep himself alive while wwx is trying to save everyone. theres too many crows and ravens yelling.
... why the fuck is wwx playing a dizi badly ?
mxy knows wwx is some kind of powerful ghost or whatever but now is not the time for a bad dizi concert ! senior wei please !!
mxy just feels really out of his depths right now as he watches everything unfold from his safe(ish) place high up a tree with a couple of wwx's creepy red-eyed crows.
he watches as the fucking ghost general answers wwx's dizi calls apparently ? (mxy may be half insane but he still knows the ghost stories they all tell about the yiling laozu and his ghost general)
he watches as wwx attempts to lead the ghost general to safety, and how his attempt is thwarted by none other than hanguang-jun himself. and then mxy is forced to watch the world's most awkward, most tense reunion in all the earth.
and then mxy sees sandu shengshou fucking whip wwx and attempt to do it a second time and he really, really cant just sit there and watch his saviour and senior be bullied.
so mxy jumps down, startles the living shit out of everyone, and proceeds to yell at them all. accuses jc of harrassment, of abuse of power, of weird kinks. wwx catches onto what mxy is doing and joins in the insanity, adding that lwj is more his type for good measure
senior wei, mxy thinks, watching lwj gaze at wwx with something in his eyes. what the actual fuck ?
if anyone asks how the hell they both ended up becoming guests at the cloud recesses, mxy will gladly tell them that it's all wwx's fault. at least mxy ended up being roomed at actual guest quarters. god knows what kind of shit is happening with wwx getting roomed in the jingshi of all places
Mò Yí (莫怡) — mo xuanyu's birthname in this au ! i like to think his mother gave him that birth name because she really wanted him to have a happy future :]
Mò Líng (莫玲) — 玲 is an onomatopoeia, referring to the sound jades make when they are hit. i like to think wwx chose this name on the spot absolutely not thinking about how a certain jade was doing lol
Mò Shànxì (莫善戲) — now this one is fun ! i took this from one of the poems in the Classic of Poetry aka Shijing aka the oldest existing collection of Chinese poetry and one of the Five Classics. it's taken from the third paragraph of the poem Qi Yu from the Odes of Wei (as in the state of Wey. unfortunately not the same wei in wwx's name. thats a diff state)
瞻彼淇奧、綠竹如簀。 有匪君子、如金如錫、如圭如璧。 寬兮綽兮、猗重較兮。 [善戲] 謔兮、不為虐兮。 Look at those recesses in the banks of the Qi, With their green bamboos, so dense together! There is our elegant and accomplished prince, - [Pure] as gold or as tin, [Soft and rich] as a sceptre of jade! How magnanimous is he and gentle! There he is in his chariot with its two high sides! Skilful is he at quips and jokes, But how does he keep from rudeness in them!
so 善戲 should translate to "good at theatrical shows" as in he's good at putting on a show ! since mo ling is essentially just a role wwx is playing and all lmao. BUT ALSO the last sentence where i took the characters describes wwx pretty well. the sentence describes the lord aka the subject of the poem as someone who is good at playing games, jokes etc. but his jokes would never be intended to harm or to be rude. so wwx :]
his disguise's courtesy name also has a nice though subtle common element w lan wangji's birth name since the zhan is thought to also be taken from the five classics uwu
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sleepyfireball · 2 days
I loved Season 3 so much (Violet Bridgerton Edition)
If you haven't guessed (God help you) Violet is my favourite character and I have a lot of thoughts about her storyline in Part 2.
First her storyline with John and Francesca. Something I really enjoy about Violet is that she is not perfect, and she actively learns from her past mistakes and tries to do better. That being said, she does still make mistakes. While she is significantly better this season at not pushing her children too hard in the marriage mart, she still does push Francesca a bit. I think she recognises that Francesca loves John, but she is not sure if she is in love with John. She is hesitant to speak to the Queen on their behalf, mostly because Agatha point blank tells her that the Queen will sniff out her doubts, even though Violet said her doubts do not matter in the face of Francesca's happiness. However, I do think Violet benefited from hearing that falling in love can look different, it does not always have to sudden and instantaneous and loud. Violet has a habit of expecting her children to experience love the way she did and it is important for her to recognise that her loved experience is not the only experience of true love. Also, Francesca forgave Violet, which I think was really important as well. An important part of growing up is realising that your parents are people too and as such, make mistakes. The scene of the two of them playing the piano together will live happily in my heart forever, as will John's acknowledgement of Violet's role in her children's lives.
I also found it quietly funny that Violet told Francesca she stumbled over her words the first time she met Edmund, then, not 5 minutes later, was stumbling over her words when speaking to Marcus. Not to mention that in part one, Violet had stumbled through her disastrous introduction to Marcus in the first place.
I love love loved seeing Violet and Marcus's story play out. Daniel Francis and Ruth Gemmell have amazing chemistry together and honestly were amazing in their scenes together. The way that he was constantly seeking her out at social events and he came to call on her was so sweet; even if Violet was so horny watching him eat that little dessert. I think Marcus should definitely be the one to tend her garden and I loved seeing them dance together. A romantic dance for the first time in 12 years for Violet. I enjoyed that she looked nervous but also excited to get to dance again. I also enjoyed that they put their relationship on the backburner to sort out their own issues. That's a really healthy outlook and I love that their communication is strong enough that they were comfortably able to talk about it. If I had my way, before season 4 we would get a prequel series about Young Violet and Edmund, paralleled with Violet and Marcus's proper courtship.
Marcus's scenes with Agatha were also top tier. Daniel Francis and Adjoa Andoh blew it out of the water, particularly in the scene where they both want to go after Violet when she's upset at the Mondrich ball. I feel like that scene hit really hard after watching QC:ABS and seeing just how miserable Agatha was in her arranged marriage. Also, seeing Agatha desperately trying to throw widows who are not Violet at her brother in the hopes that he would get distracted was hilarious, but I did appreciate that he did not waver in his feelings for Violet once. That is exactly what Violet deserves, not some wishy washy man who can't commit, like we were worried he would be, due to the rake comments from Part 1. I really appreciated that Marcus went and apologised, to resolve the matter almost as soon as he found out why Agatha was so angry at him. (her holding a grudge against a 10 year old is mildly hilarious, even if it leads to some pretty bad consequences) and that Agatha was willing to accept his apology and looked most pleased seeing him and Violet together after they had made up.
Now, Violet and Agatha's scenes. Oh my god, Ruth Gemmell and Adjoa Andoh give a master-class in acting because the two scenes they share, in Ep7 and Ep8 respectively are truly some of my favourite from across the whole show and spin off. This friendship between Violet and Agatha means so much and it is clear that neither of them want to jeopardise that friendship. The scene is Ep7 where Violet assures Agatha that their friendship is non-transactional is so important because all her life, Agatha has been told that in order to receive love, she has to provide something in return. Violet tells her, in no uncertain terms, that they will remain friends even after there are no more matches to make. For me as someone who struggled to make true friends for the longest time, seeing this relationship onscreen made me cry. And the scene in Ep8 where they finally actually talk about the discoveries made in QC:ABS is amazing as well. The cinematography in particular for this scene, I adored. The moment Agatha acknowledges that she loved Violet's dad, the camera hides away, behind the couch. When looking at Agatha, the camera is hidden away behind Violet's head. It feels like we are barely supposed to see that scene, because the two ladies are barely supposed to be talking about it. The filmography made the scene feel voyeuristic in a way, like the audience was not supposed to see it. This isn't even to mention the insane acting. I genuinely feel like I am just watching a conversation occur naturally between two people, not a scripted scene that is being acted out. The fact that they finally acknowledged everything from QC:ABS is also monumentsl as it means that Violet and Agatha are willing to move past that and continue their friendship, no matter what. Having Agatha say she will choose Violet over Marcus should he handle things wrong felt so wonderful as well, especially when you have the juxtaposition with Penelope and Eloise and Colin. And panning over to the hat at the end of that scene was wonderful. Not to mention the whole rest of that scene focused on Agatha reassuring Violet about Francesca and John as she had been doing all season.
If I could change anything about this I would add in two scenes. 1. Agatha consoling Violet after she runs out of the Mondrich Ball and 2. Getting Violet and Colin talking about the Whistledown reveal, because we were robbed of Ruth Gemmell's wonderful acting for that scene. I also want to know what was in that letter. I also would have liked to see Violet helping out a little more for Colin and Penelope, but I understand why she brought in Kate and Anthony to help him out.i would have loved more bonding scenes between Penelope and Violet and also Penelope and Agatha, but I was just glad we got the small crumbs of those relationships that we did. Three things I loved, when The Queen told everyone who was not a Bridgerton to leave, Agatha stayed right there and the Queen did not dare question her. And Anthony being overprotective over Violet and Kate telling him to chill. I do wanna see his reaction if we get Violet and Marcus seriously courting through. And the rest of her kids reactions to cluing onto Marcus was basically good for her, which I was very happy about and felt really healthy for their family dynamic.
I could talk about these three actors and these plot lines until the sun burns up, but that'll do for now
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Okay these are the head cannons I have so far, and yes I will always add more 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Herbert West headcanonnons:
a gay or unlabeled trans man
also aroace
Hates loud noises or bright lights specifically
Clenches his jaw or grates his teeth when he sleeps
Rarely ever remembers to shower but also needs everything around him to be clean
Despises coffee but if he had to drink it, he would either drink it purely black and probably like the bottle of the coffee pot or so much sugar it’s insane
He secretly has a sweet tooth (PLS HEAR ME OUT ON THIS)
Literally only wears suits and will sometimes sleep in them
Doesn’t remember to take care of himself like ever
he loves compression socks (once again just hear me out)
He wears sock garters
smells like either mold/corpses or hand sanitizer, no in between.
he has two different handwriting, one that is like a mix of cursive and his normal in pen, and really shitty writing in pencil.
Rarely would ever care for music but he would occasionally go with classical
LOVES the rain/thunderstorms
Wanted to study archeology when he was younger (I’m projecting)
will go through math equations when he gets bored or stressed
Definitely stims, but specifically hand taps, leg taps, facial movements, and scrunching his hands or opening and closing his hands into a fist shape, or swaying/pacing.
Either can’t sit still for hours or will be so silent/still you won’t notice he’s there.
Has a collection of encyclopedias that are really fucking old.
Will read fiction on very, and I mean VERY rare occasions. They will most likely be science fiction too.
Gruber was 100% a father figure for him.
Genuinely could give less of a fuck about your opinion on him unless you say something about his work.
did his own top surgery with perfect performance and had guidance from Gruber
Doesn’t drink much besides water or just well nothing, but will have some tea on occasion.
I also like the idea of him liking 7 up from the cut scene because it’s silly
used to wear socks with fun yet sophisticated designs on them in high school.
He definitely dressed like your average high school nerd when he was younger, suspenders and all.
Used to have glasses that would make his eyes look 10x bigger
His vision is absolute shit without his glasses, basically a male Velma.
also I think it’s silly to say he did ballet when he was younger (reference to the bride commentary)
used to have his hair a bit more shoulder length in high school
literally sleeps with one single pillow and a sheet. Also his bed feels like a rock when you lay on it. (He never fucking sleeps)
actually really enjoys nature and not just in the experimental environment way, but you would have to water board that info out of him.
Genuinely wants some kind of reptile as a pet.
he has so many random facts on the most niche things you could possibly not want know/hear about.
Genuinely likes the color green, but more of a forest green and not bright ass neon.
has gone camping ONCE.
has a specific routine for everything and will breakdown if it doesn’t go accordingly
never ever shows his meltdowns to anyone but himself
Has gone to the psych ward during his time in Switzerland after Grubers death
Doesn’t trust psychiatrists
this one I think is just funny to me but he has tried to read fiction with magic and shit and HATES IT. Read love craft and he had called that man out for his writing and bigotry so many times to Gruber and probably Dan.
Has the most manic laugh/giggle you’ve ever heard
smiles with his teeth if he’s being an asshole, almost like the Cheshire Cat, smiles with his mouth closed in a tight line when he’s sarcastic or annoyed, only has smiled genuinely like twice.
Hates showing emotions, even negative ones. He prefers to seem entirely neutral unless provoked
never looks himself in the mirror
hates going to the barber shop and prefers to cut his own hair
Literally cannot legally drive
Speed walks, he cannot walk at a normal pace ever.
Enjoys puns and jokes but only if he’s the one making them.
Death glares that could kill a man if it were possible.
thinks he’s very clever but sometimes he really is just stupid 🙁
thinks logically but not rationally
His morals are so fucking grey, like he has his lines he won’t ever cross but besides that, he does not give a fuck at all
He sits with his legs crossed or he sits like a bird perched on a branch, no in between
He either really loves or really hates small spaces
loves curling his body into himself or have his chested puffed out really proudly once again, no in between
He has SERIOUS back problems, and has kinda bad posture
He paces so much that it freaks Dan out sometimes
Talks to himself a LOT
If he lets himself relax, he often does crossword puzzles or just reads medical textbooks and highlights the misinformation in them
does actually care for Dan, just has a really hard and shitty way of showing it
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muzsmoux · 2 days
MHA headcanons because the show makes me happy: part 2
This turned out sort of Bakugou heavy, I don't even like him that much but alas he's an interesting little guy. Like last time, if you don't like them or it clashes with canon that's okay. I can be wrong about inconsequential things sometimes. As a treat :)
🌟 Tsuyu is autistic and does not mask at all. If you want a brutally honest opinion without aggression that comes from annoying Bakugou, Tsu is your gal.
🌟 Aizawa hates great danes. He's neutral about dogs in general, not his thing but people can like what they like. But great danes... They just don't sit right with his soul.
🌟 It does kind of bother Ojiro when Denki uses his tail as a fidget toy in class. But it seems to help him focus a bit so Ojiro doesn't have the heart to tell him to stop.
🌟 Thirteen has a program for troubled kids struggling with "villainous" quirks. They want to show people that if literal black holes can be used to do good in the world, so can any other ability.
🌟 Kirishima is a good singer but he only does it when he's alone. His singing voice is much softer than his speaking voice, and he thinks it's not manly enough. Bakugou knows this because he sometimes hears him practice Lemon Boy at night. He doesn't say anything about it though because he'd rather admit to Deku he considers him a good friend than jeopardize that experience.
- Welcome to the Bakugou interlude! One of these have a VERY brief mention of PAST domestic abuse, it's marked by this 💥 if you'd rather skip that. -
🌟 Bakugou got his passion for cooking from Auntie Inko. She'd always let him help with dinner when he stayed over, and taught him that cooking is a way to show love when putting it into words is too hard. Now he makes lunch for his friends every Saturday.
💥 Masaru is actually Katsuki's stepdad. Mitsuri managed to escape her abusive first marriage when Katsuki was four. After all the trauma, she found safety in the kind, gentle man that is now her husband. Masaru is endlessly patient with his son and Katsuki turned out to be 100% a papa's boy. And Mitsuki couldn't be any happier about that.
🌟 Not counting his boyfriend, Bakugou's closest friends are actually Ochaco and Denki. Besides Kirishima Ochaco is the only other student he considers a true equal. And Denki just kind of weaseled himself into his heart along the way.
🌟 When Bakugo is being particularly difficult Denki likes to call him a boomer.
🌟 Bakugou's worst enemies aren't the LoV or even Deku. It's Mina's neon pink and chartreuse zebra print faux fur collar dressing gown and Kirishima's 8-in-1 shampoo.
🌟 Pro hero Dynamight, famous for his smoky eye and sharp liner, has an alt skincare and makeup brand with violent names and edgy packaging but impeccable quality. His most recent release is the 3rd Degree palette, a collab with Shouto.
- That's it for the Bakugou interlude! -
🌟 Fatgum was VERY popular with both girls and boys in high school and all the "nice guys" were seething about it. He was a tall, funny, thick guy and the definition of a dad friend. He always had crackers or granola bars on him in case someone skipped breakfast.
🌟 Yaomomo takes commissions from her classmates if they want something made. She takes payment is in the form of chocolates equivalent to how much fat she has to burn to make the item, or based on how stupid she thinks it is. (She charged Denki 2 whole chocolate cakes for a maid dress.)
🌟 Hatsume is secretly working on a new hero costume for Momo. She overheard her confiding in Jirou that the outfit is cold and makes her feel exposed and vulnerable, so she stole some leftover scraps from Mirio's costume for studying and got to work immediately.
🌟 Even in his true form, Toshinori is freakishly tall. Endeavor, a full time beefcake of almost 2 meters, can just barely look the decrepit old man with turbo asthma in the eyes. And that drives him insane.
🌟 Toshinori thinks of his Allmight form as drag. When he lived in the US he explored all the things he'd missed out on living in a more conservative country and became a regular at the ballroom scene. The queens inspired him to camp up his hero persona to the MAX.
Thank you for reading!! If you liked this you can check out part 1 here.
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lukabitch · 1 year
Hiii, if you're still doing character x character headcanons, I would love to hear what you think about Bill overbeck x Ash Williams! Maybe focusing more on their potential dynamics?
Two old men kissing? Now that’s a diversity win! Sorry if it’s a bit weird it’s been a minute since I’ve done character x character. Thank you so much for the request Anon! :)
Tw: mentions of war other then that pure fluff and crack.
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When these two first met they had a rivals thing going on.
I mean Bill was the old wise guy but Ash swung in with crazy guy wisdom.
Their dynamic is mainly hyperactive and annoyed voice of reason.
Bill is constantly having to tell Ash to calm down or be quiet.
Literally pulled Ash away from fighting a killer once.
Ash has made Bill do some wild things.
He takes it as a compliment obviously but Bill doesn’t like it.
Bill sicks Ash on people.
If we’re talking about when they’re being sweet to each other.
They cuddle constantly. It’s nearly impossible to get one of them to leave the other.
In trials they try to protect the other.
They’ll get mad at the other for taking hits.
“Stop taking hits damn it!” “No you stop taking hits!”
Ash is the living embodiment of “no stop it.”
The “dates” they go on mainly involve getting back at the killers.
They have and will throw rocks at them and laugh at them. Mainly the ones that are hard on them.
They are the dads of the survivors so they have to practically keep the others on leashes.
They are both extremely tired constantly but Ash is the on that gets the burst of energy.
Imagine one very tired parent playing with the kids while the other sleeps in a rocking chair. That’s the new dynamic after they start dating.
Tbh they just vibe together in the ‘kids these days” way both positive and negative.
They need a nap at the end of the day. Please just let them sleep.
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skitskatdacat63 · 4 months
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His bullfighting days aren't over quite yet.
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#GET IT??? HIS *BULL*FIGHTING DAYS....hahah yeahhhh im so clever.....#suddenly had the urge to draw old man version matador nando bcs DC randomly called him a matador during quali#and im like oh my god....dc....youre so right....#hoping this piece works as some kind of blood sacrifice for his performance in about 7 hrs :)#get it blood sacrifice??? and hes cutting his hand in this piece???#thats supposed to represent two things.#1. hes doing a blood pact/sacrifice so his performance goes well#2. hes testing the sharpness so he can slay the bull!(and the...horse? 🤭🤭)#had a very interesting convo w Suzuki abt the implications of matador nando#based on a meme i made 😭 abt how our fantasy is that hes gonna be the bullfighter. hes gonna slay the bull#but the reality will be that he looks upon the bull from a distance#hes meant to kill the bull to overcome it. but he just ends up longing to be the bull. he fails.. hahaha get it....#lmao angst aside i think its kinda funny how i can have this reasoning for the matador au in two eras#thats long the old man has been here. has had two distinct periods of challenging the (red) bull#ANYWAYS!!!! hope ya like!!!!!! i think this is pretty relevant hopefully 🤭🤭#quite happy w this one even if it was less of an ordeal than most of my drawings#waaaahahhh hes so handsome!!!!! handsomest guy!!!!!!!#lol scheduling this like an hr before the race cause as i said. its an offering. its a sacrifice. i pray to the racing gods#tw blood#<- just a bit 🥰 he was originally just gonna be holding the sword but i realized ouch! sharp!!!#f1#formula 1#fernando alonso#catie.art.#fa14#f1 art#f1 fanart#matador au
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ratwithhands · 3 months
Hi, Viewer Discretion:
This AU is about a nonexistent fictional mental health condition. There is imagery of straitjackets and other restraints, as well as mention of discrimination based off of health conditions. If you are uncomfortable with this content then please feel free to click off and enjoy something else. Thank you.
Dressing Sketch
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Uniform Sketches
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League Party sketch
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Sketch dump for Battle Addict! This art has been gathering dust for a few months 😭 only just remembered to post it here.
These sketches are from Ver. 3 of Battle Addict, aka Battle Addict Twins, where both of them get the HCCM diagnosis.
The base idea for Battle Addict is that while most people enjoy Pokémon battling, there comes a certain point where one's love/obsession for battle starts bleeding into the rest of their life and becoming detrimental to their everyday life. This is usually called Combative Mania (CM), which is present in a large part of the population (40%-60%) hence why battling is so popular and so many different forms of it are made to keep people satisfied. The extreme form is Hyper-Competitive Combative Mania (HCCM), wherein a person spends so much time and energy for battles that it starts to affect their physical/mental health as well as their social life, since they neglect them in favour of their obsession.
Often what divides CM patients from HCCM patients is what they're willing to give up for battling and the extent of their knowledge regarding battles. CM patients usually only have a casual interest in battling or just enjoy the thrill of battling, but operate normally and have other interests outside of battle. They have basic to intermediate knowledge of battling, and can often partake in research or battles.
HCCM patients will often forgo food, water, sleep, school, work, and relationships in favour of researching and competing in battles. It is the only thing they find interest in and they devote most of their time towards it. Patients often memorize entire charts of statistics and different strategies and counterstrategies for battle, with different patients often having a certain subject they specialize in. Most patients with HCCM are unaware that they have it, they either assume that they have CM or that they are completely normal and just enjoy Pokémon battles. They often go into fields that work directly with researching Pokémon or battles, such as professors, scientists, gym leaders, elite four members, league workers, battle facility operators, and so on.
Ingo and Emmet do not know they have HCCM. They engage with battle and researching battle in a way that they think is typical for a hobbyist. Ingo tends to read on academic papers, textbooks, and study guides regarding the statistics and capabilities of Pokémon, whereas Emmet takes a more hands-on approach in studying Pokémon anatomy and battle strategy. Ingo often charts and studies natures, EVs, IVs, stat spreads, abilities, moves, and their properties. Emmet sketches anatomical diagrams and studies of Pokémon, including skeletal structure, musculature, organ systems, and physical appearance, highlighting pressure points in the body for executing the most damage and for keeping his own Pokémon protected. He also tends to read into psychological studies as well as conducting his own long term tests to predict a person's strategy in different situations. The two feed into each other's interests, teaching the other of their own discoveries and celebrating breakthroughs together. As a result, their total knowledge of battling is immense, which led to them becoming Subway Bosses straight out of college.
The two lived and worked fairly normally; they were very passionate about their work and it provided a way to sate their need for fighting on a regular basis, as well as giving them the space to experiment with different fighting styles and analyze others' strategies. Of course they still continue their studying outside of work, which often leads to them trying different methods or revisiting recorded battles to see how they could improve. The twins still believe their hours long discussions, piles of notes, and stacks of study materials littered around their house are perfectly fine, only stopping to reconsider after a comment from a coworker highlights how they must be crazy or incredibly disciplined to have as huge of a win : loss ratio as they do.
They end up taking the issue to a psychiatrist after dwelling on the idea for a few days, which is where they get diagnosed after a few tests and a description of their lifestyle and interests. Their case is considered moderate but could easily escalate into severe if left unchecked, though the main concern is whether this would make them a threat to other people due to their work and prominence. Obviously they don't want to lose their jobs, but this kind of thing could get them removed from the League Council if it got out, so they have to consider whether they share this information with their employers or not. Ingo thinks it'd be best to keep it under wraps, but Emmet fears that this could be used as blackmail and argues that they need to release this information themselves before someone else ruins their lives with it. Eventually they do take the diagnosis to the League Council and it gets out to the public.
Emmet takes the fall for Ingo, claiming his case is severe whereas Ingo's is mild so that the League Council will be more distracted with him to bother Ingo. That ends up with Emmet getting a new restraining uniform because the League no longer trusts him to handle himself in public based off his diagnosis. Neither of them are particularly pleased about this, but Emmet tells Ingo to look on the bright side. Emmet actually starts to find the jacket to be more of a little challenge than a hindrance, as it adds an extra level of difficulty to battles that he's been looking for, but Ingo still thinks it would be better if he hadn't had to wear it at all. This unfortunately extends to League parties where he has to be restrained to even be allowed entry, which he is much less happy about.
This post is getting ungodly long as it is but there's also a branch off of this concept where Ingo and Emmet land in Hisui together and Emmet's uniform looks like this. He deconstructed the uniform he was given to modify his jacket since by that point he had a bit of a sentimental connection to it and didn't want to just swap it out.
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(Bonus fun fact: Ingo and Emmet decided to pull the biggest gag on the Pearl Clan when they first land by pretending to be one person under the alias Eki. Ingo is the polite one in the dark coat by day, and Emmet is the energetic one in the white coat by night. "Day Eki" is more popular with other Wardens and older clan members, whereas "Night Eki" is more popular with the village children and insomniacs.
The whole Warden Eki concept is technically its own AU in the background but it did originate from Battle Addict. Also I already drew Emmet in the Pearl Strait I can't take that back)
Anyways uhhh there's more let me see if I can condense it:
The twins went to a University specifically focused on battle (Champion's University), where they ended up studying subjects in their specific interests. Emmet took psychology of battle and Pokémon anatomy to learn about the weak points in trainers and Pokémon, and Ingo took general statistics and study of moves which are exactly what they sound like
The twins use the Vs Recorder all the time, both to track their own progress and to observe how passengers fight. It's often stuck to the glass windows to catch the Pokémon in the middle of the car, though they have considered buying Rotom Drones expressly for this purpose
Emmet actually has a stack of different studies on weak points in the human body but he doesn't share that with anyone, not even Ingo
Emmet's study of trainer psych has led to him often predicting tactics before they happen and dodging/countering them with his Pokémon. He often challenges himself to predict a person's team, moveset, and strategy based on appearance, gait, and body language, sharing his guesses with Ingo in case he makes any useful observations
Ingo and Emmet are possibly the first instance of causing "learned HCCM" in their Pokémon because after the training that they do together, the Pokémon have developed their own independent bloodlust and have started memorizing the move strategies that the twins have them use
Sometimes to celebrate fully completing a study on a particular set of Pokémon, the twins will eat one. This is mostly as a treat and an inside joke, but they will research what's in season/allowed and go hunt for one. Ingo is usually the one to catch it, and Emmet is the one to cook it. There's some really goofy shitposts about them going after pseudo-legendaries overseas, or Palkia's leg in Hisui
The twins can perform full medical care on any Pokémon and can often grind for hours nonstop since they can heal their teams themselves. They also save a lot on healing items this way
After releasing their diagnosis, the perception of the twins have gone in wildly different directions. Some people treat them as subhuman or as monsters, some people don't care, some people call them psycho yandere boys on twitter. Emmet tends to get more of the negative connotations, Ingo tends to get the more "positive" ones. Emmet also tends to get a lot of stares due to his restraint and status as a crazed fighter, which he pretends doesn't get to him
I think that's everything, I'm going to go collapse. Hope you guys enjoy 👍
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waitineedaname · 7 days
i love the bingge extra because it's like
the horror of realizing you're the dark universe version of yourself. the injustice of seeing this other version of yourself be happy and loved, seeing him be treated with such gentle tenderness from a person who only ever treated you with cruelty
bad sex.
#svsss#julianno#the little glimpses into bingge's perspective when he's watching them are so rough!!#the sqq he knew was cruel and cold and abused him#and so he got his revenge and became powerful and should have everything he wanted#and then he goes into this other universe#and he sees himself being fussed over by an sqq that is gentle and kind and worries about his wellbeing#an sqq that drains himself of his spiritual energy just to tend his wounds#an sqq that brushes his hair and answers with an indulgent hm? whenever he calls out to him#and how unfair is that? he has everything#but this other version of him is loved#and maybe that's all he wanted this whole time#augh.#and then binghe coming back from pidw's universe and saying he looked everywhere but couldn't find shizun#he had so many people at his side but he didn't have the person who mattered most#GOD. anyway. I have so many thoughts on this extra and I haven't even gotten into the bad sex!#i love how sqq is like FUCK HE'S HUGE. NO WAY I'M TAKING THAT.#and binghe is like maybe shizun should top 🥺 <- definitely something he has fantasized for a long time#and sqq is like wait no what if i hurt him i wouldn't be able to bear it. so he ends up bottoming anyway#also the fact that he's so tired by the end lskdjflksd old man.#he claims it was awful and yet he came twice. you are a liar ❤#reading these books after reading mdzs is very funny#going from wangxian fucking like rabbits and having very enthusiastic kinky sex#to binghe crying in the middle of sex and sqq being like If He Puts That Thing In Me I Think I'll Die.
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themyscirah · 11 months
This is how this went right?
Parallax!Hal: I miss being a hero... wish I had my ring back
Kyle: oh well you can have mine then! That way you can have a second chance : )
Kyle, now ringless: .................huh. im gonna be honest here I really didn't see that coming
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alistairlowes · 6 months
You're not being gaslit. Different people have different tastes. If we didn't, the family tree would be a straight line. You're damn near 30 years old. Grow up and move on to people you like.
was it really that serious bff... was it
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rohirric-hunter · 1 year
There are definitely SOME parts of this site I won't miss.
Someone: Well, Tolkien never explicitly said that the Uruk-hai were half orc half human, probably because he didn't want to think too hard about how exactly that would happen.
Literally the same person, in literally the next paragraph: Anyway, here's a quote from Tolkien where he explicitly says that Saruman was breeding orcs and humans together to make bigger, stronger, more dangerous orcs.
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tamaharu · 7 months
okay thats interesting! in the SF try-outs during the song "legally blonde" she sings about how she cant be legally blonde, while in the official version AND THE DEMO she sings about letting her be legally blonde. which means that at some point they changed the lyrics around, and then changed them back! laurence o'keefe.... nell benjamin.... what occurs in your twisted minds
#covers mouth sorry so sorry guys#im a huge fan of beacon of positivity + good boy (elle puts a leash on emmett confirmed) + love and war (not in the demo but part of SF)#+ i liked some of the lyrics in the demo version of so much better (it called back to beacon of positivity!!! (i am insane)) such as:#I dream of your name next to my own but mine's looking fine up there alone#but i greatly prefer all the official songs we got. well. maybe good boy over ireland wouldve been fun (i think ireland is boring)#but itd play into the 'all men are dogs hurr hurr' joke that im glad they avoided. anyways. what was i saying.#right i havent listened to every version of everything yet (for example theres a SF version of chip on my shoulder i need to watch)#(and just the SF vers in general. shes hidden from me... why was emmett there before the remix... let me see their conversation)#but from what i have heard they made a lot of changes that were sorely needed. in take it like a man demo shes so much meaner??#it made me sad. it wasnt a duet + they wrung out the romantic tension (no subtext by calvin klein... sigh) + shes meaner!!!!#in the bway vers hes baffled but enjoys going along w it + she genuinely likes him even when hes wearing his regular clothes#but in the demo vers she keeps calling him stuff like ugly duckling and talking about how the geek is gone :( but she likes that geek..#the lines 'how much do you think i earn??' and 'kindly shut up :)' are funny but speak to a dynamic between the two that makes me sad...#follow me for more beautiful opinions on a fifteen year old musical#(heaves. do you know weird it is to see comments from 15yrs ago when this was actually showing. my brother is fifteen.)#god im so sorry i should be put down like a dog#lgb bootleggers are intense. i swear they got a bootleg every night or smth bc we got her shoe flying off + SF + kyle as understudy etc#go watch a so much better compilation sometime how did they take so many bootlegs?? how did you find them??#and its awesome cause these were filmed on 2007/2008 tech which means they have 15 pixels maximum#SORRRRYYYYYYYYYY
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
History Channel guys: So glad to have you onboard for our docudrama. Here's the script telling you everything you need to know to play Ulysses S. Grant.
Actor: This just says, "Stare off into the distance and take a long drag on a cigar."
History Channel guys: Yeah, we're pretty sure he ended 75% of his conversations that way, so this show is going to reflect that.
Actor: Okay, then. Throat cancer, here I come!
#history is awesome#presidential talk#there is more to the role but it's funny how many scenes end like that#they even mention that he was a pipe smoker before shiloh#it doesn't stop them from showing him with cigars through his whole life#i also find myself analyzing this the way i would a book adaptation#i couldn't watch it with anyone cuz i'd want to fill in all the cool stories they skip over#like his trip across panama or the washington potato fiasco#there's not nearly enough julia#and through the whole vicksburg sequence i'm just like 'where's fred???'#the man brought his twelve-year-old son to one of the most brutal theaters of the civil war!#i think this is worth portraying!#i was impressed that they dramatized the mexican war incident where grant brought ammunition through the active war zone#by clinging to the side of his galloping horse#but i was bummed they didn't show him setting the west point equestrian high jump record#that story is so cinematic in my head#it would be ideal for tv#show a couple other students doing their high jumps#suddenly the instructor raises the bar an entire foot and calls out 'cadet grant'#pause for murmurs of astonishment through the crowd#and then steely eyed and perfectly composed this kid takes the horse toward the jump and clears it#wild cheers and a small moment of satisfaction after earlier moments of instructors lamenting his poor schoolwork#it would be so cool!#as long as i'm talking about west point i should mention my shock that the show got his name wrong#they portray the 'u.s. grant was a clerical error' story#but grant objects 'my name is ulysses h grant'#even though his name was hiram ulysses grant#his initial were 'hug'!#it was a whole thing!#kids teased him for it which would have fit in perfectly with the rest of their 'people didn't appreciate him' thread
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dirt-str1der · 1 year
What ive learned about the yakuza community is that you guys are way too hung up over that scene in y4 where he pinned haruka to the ground then started panting really heavily , that didnt happen for me , that scene wasnt real to me i forgot about it.
#Yakuza loveblog#it literally didnt happen for me like the game could have been perfect without it so i took it out#like how could you not like saejima he... he would be the perfect man if not for that scene#but it WOULD be funny to make haruka have beef with both majima (kidnapped her) and saejima (lowkey assaulted her)#saejima wouldnt do that .. he loves kids ...#i adore saejima i think hes super cool and extremely hardcore. more hardcore than kiryu even and kiryu is extremely hardcore#saejima was the first to almost die in the snow but unlike kiryu he didnt even get frostbite#well he did a bit but it wasnt that bad ... kiryus fingers were one hard press from having the flesh slough right off#anyway HOW CAN ANYONE NOT LIKE SAEJIMA HES SO COOOOOOL#Hes so charismatic and you can tell the depths of his empathy are unfathomable ... he looks at someone with sorrow and you know his heart#is breaking. he always gets so serious and sombre when hes trying to convince someone not to go down a dark path#my stomach HURTS. see saejima could have given me medicine because he is so kind#you have got to forgive him for pinning haruka to the ground with his knee between her legs like you need to forgive him#that was a slipup he was never planning on doing anything and he was very sorry for it ... i swear to you he just froze up he wasnt planning#on touching her or anything ... you know whos truly to blame ? kiryu. for standing there once again like a stone starue and letting it happe#hey ‘suzuki’ (lol thats a good one i might steal it later) i know youre an escaped convict because of the animalistic look in yout eye when#you pinned my twelve year old daughter to the ground and slobbered on her. and not the other telltale signs like you wearing a prisoners#outfit when you washed up on shore (lol) no there were no other clues. that was what tipped me off#hated kiryu in y4 he is useless. i will never forgive him. see saejima was panicking because haruka was going to call an ambulance. kiryu#had a cool head and he still decided to do some stupid shit. too bad i badly want men who make bad decisions and want to fuck kiryu so much
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quibbs126 · 2 years
Something that Helluva Boss has just told us that I feel is hilarious is that Stolas is only in like, his mid 30s. Meanwhile, the Hazbin Hotel pilot (specifically the family portrait) tells us that Charlie is over 200 years old
This means that since Hazbin/Helluva takes place in modern day, Charlie is over 200 years older than Stolas
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magentagalaxies · 2 months
i really want to start making a table collecting statistics on the audience demographics i'll perform my aubrey material for (like what generation most of the audience is, whether i'm performing in a predominantly queer space, etc.) and how well the jokes land bc like. i need to collect more data points before i can properly present my findings but the results so far have been fascinating
#again i do not have enough performance experiences to make any definitive claims about who ''aubery's audience'' is#but i find it funny that any time i show my aubrey material one-on-one to a queer gen z person#they're always like ''i love it but straight people will definitely hate it or not get it''#and i get the inclination to be like. ''i like this thing so people like me will like this thing''#and cishet society seems so polarized w/r/t queer topics it's like. the assumption makes sense#however. whenever i've done an aubrey performance in front of an audience that's predominantly queer and gen z#i've actually received a primarily negative response!! and somehow straight people have never given me shit for my aubrey material#(''well straight allys don't count'' i told some of my aubrey jokes to a joe rogan dudebro and he enjoyed them)#(which yeah maybe could be a mark against my comedy but i like to think i opened his mind a bit at the very least)#i really want to test my aubrey monologues in front of a primarily gen x/boomer audience#bc so far i only have actual performance experience in front of gen z or millennials#and the older people i've told jokes to individually or shown videos of my stuff have really liked it#luckily paul has said a goal for when i'm in town this summer is to get me to perform my aubrey stuff in as many different places as possib#for both queer audiences and non-queer audiences so i can gauge reactions since i don't want to be confined to one demographic#so i'll get a lot of data points this summer#@ paul get me a performing slot at senior citizen pride lmao these are my people#(shoutout to paul going ''jess stop collecting the old homos!'' last time i was in town)#(and when i imitated him and was like ''old gay men are not your pokemon!'' bellini was like ''ok but they may be your audience'')#also one data point i really want to see the variation on is how my one specific joke plays in these different demographics#bc i have a joke that like. it's literally not even about AIDS and doesn't punch down at all#i literally say ''if you're gay and over the age of 50 you could violate the geneva convention and i'd still be like support our troops''#like obviously being like ''you have been through hell so i will let you get away with literal war crimes you deserve ultimate immunity''#BUT. in the line right before the quote i use the phrase ''AIDS generation'' not as a derogatory term but being like.#this horrible thing impacted the entire generation y'know? and bellini and scott and their friends call themselves that it's just the term#but when i said the phrase ''AIDS generation'' in front of my gen z audience i heard gasps and felt like they all hated me#and when i did the same line in front of millennials it wasn't quite as striking but their eyes did widen#like i was suddenly an ''edgy comedian''. but like this is a part of our history and it does inform the story i'm telling#the story i'm telling is comedic but it's grounded in this real world context#and i'm like. @ the audience who was offended: when was the last time any of y'all spoke to a gay man over the age of 50#bc bellini loves that section of the monologue and was offended that people would even take offense to that phrase
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