#I just think it would be funny if they had Reality TV in hell-
l3viat8an · 1 year
*Fighting over something stupid*
Asmo: I hope you go bald!
Satan: I hope they cancel Devildoms next top model!!
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chukys-mouthguard · 3 months
8. “What are you wearing right now?” w/ Trevor Zegras
I love your work!!!
Prompt: “What are you wearing right now?”
Note: i actually got so excited to write this because i recently have watched a few videos with Trevor and his personality cracks me up, so i tried channeling it as best i could since im still not super familiar with him 😅🤞🏼thank you so much for the kind words, hopefully you love this as well!
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“I am desperate for this road trip to end, ohhh my gosh.”
Trevor playfully groaned as you heard him unlocking the door to his hotel room, laughing as you rolled over in bed to plug your phone in after placing the call on speaker.
“So you can get home to see me right?”
You joked as you bit your lip, Trevor agreeing as he set his wallet on the table before plopping down on the bed. “Well of course! That’s actually the only thing getting me through this road trip. I keep dreaming about your world famous pancakes, oh baby I can’t wait to get some of those when I get home.”
“Trev, you’re the only person who has ever eaten my pancakes, not sure they are world famous.”
He laughed as he protested, “Not true, I travel the world and tell people, so they are most definitely world famous.” “If you wanna count Canada and the United States as the world, then it sounds good to me babe.”
The two of you sighed, almost in unison, as you both lay in bed staring at the ceiling. This road trip had been one of the longest Trevor had been on in awhile, and you were definitely missing him. In more ways than one.
The bed felt colder, bigger, without him sleeping next to you. The dinner table was more lonely. Watching your favorite shared trashy reality tv definitely wasn’t the same. Though you two would check in after episodes to debrief and be sure you both stayed up to date on things.
As you laid in bed thinking of Trevor, one of his tshirts covering your body, engulfing you in the smell of his cologne. You were tempted to see how much fun you could have with him.
“Hey Trev?”
He hummed a response as he laid in bed with his eyes closed, enjoying the sound of your voice as he intently listened.
“What are you wearing right now?”
His eyes shot open at your words, not expecting that to come out of your mouth in a million years. “Uhhhhhh, ummm.”
You slightly smirked at how flustered he’d become, though you weren’t entirely surprised. This wasn’t something you’d ever tried with him before.
“See, there’s a really funny story about what I’ve got on. But, I just, I don’t know if I can confess to it right now.”
Rolling onto your side you stared at your phone confused, wondering what the hell your boyfriend had on. “Yeah no you’re definitely gonna have to explain because what?”
The two of you were laughing as Trevor was growing red with embarrassment. “Okay, fine. So..John thought it would be a great idea for us to do one of those t-shirt exchange things for our team dinner tonight. And, god mine is awful! I don’t even know if I can tell you babe.”
The idea of John Gibson coordinating a t-shirt exchange for the team dinner had you practically in tears. It was nothing surprising from this group of guys, but you could only imagine some of the shirts they’d bought for each other.
Trevor continued on, telling you some of the shirts the other guys were stuck wearing, but the ping of a new text distracted you as you opened up a message from the culprit John Gibson himself.
The text was simply a photo of Trevor smiling, with two thumbs up in his t-shirt that read “Appreciate the little things” with an arrow pointing down at his crotch.
“Oh my god, well, John beat you to it and told me himself.”
Trevor couldn’t hold in his laughter as he heard you cackling into your pillow.
“It’s so bad! Like I had one of the worst shirts tonight, imagine how embarrassing that was to wear out!”
He groaned as you were finally reeling in your amusement.
“Maybe they are just jealous, or they didn’t want people to know what you’ve really got going on down there, so it was like a fake out.”
“Who freaking knows, but I think I need to burn this shirt. And the pictures, gotta burn the pictures.”
“Well, it looks like Caufield got his hands on it, so I’m not sure your efforts will be worth anything.”
Trevor cursed to himself at the thought of his best friend having the photo. Knowing instantly that it would be sent out in every group chat and plastered everywhere for anyone to see.
“Well, it was nice knowing you. Because if Caufield has that photo I am officially retiring and entering the witness protection program.”
“Trevor, don't be so dramatic! I’m sure it’s all gonna be fine.”
Another groan escaped his lips as you assumed he’d gotten a text or someone had posted a picture of him, not bothering to ask as to not make him feel any worse than he already did. Just letting him continue being a little dramatic, promising him world famous pancakes when he got home to try and lift his spirits.
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What if it was Velvette or Vox that had Angel Dust's soul instead of Valentino? I'm curious! Would it have to do with social media, or tv shows?
OOOHHHH what a cool question!
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I think Velvette would be the best choice for Angel. She could transform him into an influencer and a fashion icon. Given that her brand is obviously more upscale than Valentino's, she would take significantly better care of Angel. Of course, it would still be oppressive in its own way because being an Instagram "it-boy" and the face of a brand in Hell is still exploitative, but it wouldn't involve the same level of abuse as being a sex slave. People would be encouraged to aspire to be like him, so Velvette wouldn't want him to be damaged.
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On the other hand, Vox would likely turn him into a reality TV star, reminiscent of the 00s. Angel is sexy, funny, entertaining, talented, and a bit dumb, so Vox would definitely capitalize on this by placing him in shows like Big Brother, Love Island, or even something akin to Keeping Up with the Kardashians Angel Dust if he felt generous. However, this scenario would also be a nightmare because, unfortunately, as we know, audiences love watching stars being put in difficult situations and humiliated on air. Vox wouldn't hesitate to push Angel to his limits, possibly pulling off scenarios like "Watch Angel Dust compete in trivia (haha, he's so dumb!), but if he gets anything wrong, he's electrocuted (haha, people suffering!)". Since sinners can't really die, I believe reality shows in Hell could get extremely vile. Consider how Mr. Beast locked people in glass cubes and made them compete for money, and he's considered a good guy on Earth. Just imagine what Vox would come up with.
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sseniita · 11 months
hero's new management
part 1 part 3
Villain would never admit it, but when they saw the Hero utter “I quit” on national television, they spat out their drink. 
The reality hit them like a ton of bricks. This was their fault. Right before Hero went up on the stage they had been on a phone call together and maybe the Villain was too flirty with the whole guestroom thing or maybe they had just found another way to subconsciously manipulate the poor hero. The Villain quickly spiraled to find a way on how to help the hero get their job back and save their public image. No way in Hell would they let Hero end their perfect career for them. Besides running away, Villain decided if they acted as if this life changing event wasn’t life changing then perhaps Hero would realise quitting and leaving behind their comfort and life’s work wouldn’t be worth it. 
Yes! Pushing Hero away is the best and healthiest solution to this! Thought the Villain. 
In the midst of all this, Henchman walked into their office unannounced. 
“What?!” seethed the Villain. 
“Um. It’s Hero. They’re here. Now.” 
“Um. Ok. Tell them I’m busy!” 
“They’re insistent…I think this is about the whole quitting thing…”
“Don’t! Don’t even mention it. Pretend you know nothing!” 
“Yes sir.”
“Bring them up…and get someone here quickly to clean up this mess.” 
While the sidekick cleaned the wine spill Villain was busy combing back their hair and refilling their glass and finally shooing the sidekick away. Hero should be here any second now. 
And in a few seconds they arrived. Villain- looking casually stunning drinking a glass of wine at their desk- leaned back and welcomed the hero. 
“Oh! Hero! I didn’t expect you. How’d the show go?” 
Hero, looking dejected at the assumption that Villain didn’t watch them on TV, was nervously pacing around the Villain’s office, twirling the end of their cape in their hands.
“Oh, um. It- it went well! Ya. I got a few claps, got a few…words in.” Villain immediately recognized that Hero was having second thoughts. The Villain spiraled even further. 
“Ah yes. I’m sure. I missed your big speech. Mind recreating it?” 
“Oh! Nah, you- you didn’t miss much. You probably have more important things to do anyway…” 
“Ah ya… you’re probably right.” The Villain cringed. “I’ll take an abridged version.” they suggested
The Hero flushed. “I…I um…funny story actually! I um…quit…my job…”
It killed Villain to see the Hero’s expectant demeanor. As if the Hero was expecting applause or even a hug. If it wasn’t for Villain’s guilty conscience they would have already swept Hero off their feet to finally pursue their happily ever after. But this wasn’t a fairy tale. And there were very real consequences to this. In the calmest manner Villain could muster, they stood up from their desk, took a sip of wine and began. 
“Care to explain, why?” And the Villain’s heart broke. Hero looked shattered at the question as they kneaded their cape in their knuckles. 
“Why? Um… Well it’s just… You were right. About Captain I mean. They’re not in it for the right reason. They…I deserve better. I think. I just- I think you were right about me too. I think I’m being held back and I think… I think!” Hero began to explain more enthusiastically- confidently. 
“I think that with your help we could do great things! I- I know you’re a villain. I know that's your business but we could work together! Like you said we could! I could be better! We could be better-” 
“I’ll stop you right there.” Villain sauntered to the front of their desk and leaned on it. For a split second he imagined taking the Hero and kissing them senselessly. Finally free from the constraints of the Captain and his stupid, ugly company. But the Villain knew better. They had gone too far with this play at romance or whatever this sick game was. It wasn’t fair to Hero. 
“What makes you think I want to work with a Hero to ‘be better’ or do you just want a new person to tell you what to do?” they gestured with quotations to hammer it in. Judging by Hero’s heart wrenching face, it worked. 
“Well. You said so…once.”
“You mean the night we went out drinking?” Villain raised an eyebrow. 
“I- yes. But-”
“Oh, baby.” The Villain was utterly sick by themselves. “You thought this was serious. Oh! And you went ahead and quit your job without thinking. Hmm. Leave it to heroes to not think things through.” They had never seen Hero so distraught. 
“Hero, honey. What did you think would happen? I would just let you live in the guestroom forever? What’ll you do now? You have no income, no family, no friends! If I were you, I’d go back and beg for my job back. Don’t worry though! You're still young and pretty, I’m sure they’ll be happy to take you back!” The Villain never wanted someone to kill them as much as they did now. They paced and moved their hands around like the well trained performer they were, but just under the surface, they could feel the self hatred growing into a ugly, evil thing. As much as they had hoped, they never thought Hero would actually do it. 
“I- I don’t understand…I thought-” 
“You thought what? You could tame the big, bad wolf?” The Hero’s cape dropped from their hands as they took a step back. 
“Hero, you’re forgetting who I am. Why would I ever give up what I have, for you.” Something Villain had always admired in their Hero was the absolute helplessness they had when trying to conceal emotions. Anger, sadness, or happiness could never be concealed under their gorgeous and round brown eyes. Rather, they seemed to be amplified. Every smile, wink and laugh they shared with the Villain was felt tenfold and Villain relished in it. This was no exception, the emotion sitting heavy on Hero right now was something so much worse than Villain ever thought themself capable of.
“We work well together- ya. In our fun little cat and mouse game, you chase me, I have fun! But that’s all, Hero. It’s all it ever was.” They attempted to lessen the blow, to perhaps make some sort of affection apparent between the Villain and Hero. And then something snapped. 
“Like a dog?” 
“Kind of an ugly way to look at it, Hero.” 
“Ya. I thought so too when you told me that’s how Captain saw me. I think your exact words were show dog.” 
“Hero, let's not get messy-”
“No- lets! I finally had the courage to do this and you’re acting so cocky! Why did you think me quitting was all for you?! Why has no one ever stopped to think I wasn’t happy? I’ll admit you were the inspiration but don’t give yourself too much credit! All you ever saw me as was something for you to have fun with? Something to marvel at? Well don’t worry I have experience. No one in my life has ever seen me as any more than that so if you think this’ll bring me down you’re wrong!” 
Villain was shocked. How did their plan possibly go this wrong?
“Hero. Stop being stupid. Go back to Captain. Apologize. And go back to how everything was. Trust me it’ll be much much better that way.” 
“No! I’m not ever going back!” Hero was beginning to lose their composure. They began stepping away from the Villain that was only getting closer. 
“Hero. I understand your point. But there are bigger dogs out there! Without help it's a dead mission. This won’t work. Whatever you’re thinking- it won’t work.” 
“Why not? I’m Hero. Captain wasn’t the one saving all those people! It was me! I can continue to do what I do on my own. Watch me.”  
“You’re just going to get yourself hurt-”
“Why do you care? Won’t have a plaything, huh?” 
“Hero, there are big guys out there. You need your sidekicks and other heroes.” Villain was getting desperate, their whole demeanor changed. From relaxed to reaching for something. Anything.  
“You’re going to get yourself killed.” The Villain tried to reason, the Hero fumed. 
“No friends, no family! Who cares!” They screamed at the Villain, tears welling up in their eyes. The Villain was all they had left. They were completely alone. 
“Hero! Listen! Quitting isn’t worth it!” Villain’s mask fell off, leaving a raw, desperate thing out. Far too late.
“I’m not going back! I can do this on my own!” Hero began to walk out of the office. Villain reached from their arm to stop them but were met with an aggressive push away. 
“Don’t touch me.” Hero seethed and with that Hero was quickly out of the fire and into the frying pan. The Villain ran to watch them fly off. 
It seemed Villain’s auto pilot kicked on because immediately they had their henchman research all major threats in the city, contact uncashed favors, and track down where Hero could have possibly gone. Villain had messed up big time and they had to fix this before Hero got themselves killed. 
pls read!
i wasn't trying to make this long but it kinda got away from me....i was ALSO hoping they'd get together in this one but idk what happened el o el,,, pt 3 me thinks hehe! also sorry abt the grammar, it's my first few times writing with non-specific gender and i'm still getting used to it, so, sorry if there are gender specific pronouns that I missed! it's also like 1 am so.... anyways thanks for the support!!! i recently got noticed by an acc ive loved for a long time and that's super exciting! hope u enjoyed love u byeeee :)
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alottodix · 10 days
if South Park was British (lmao) what would the main fours’ favourite insults be. I can so vividly imagine Kyle calling someone a pillock or a knobhead its so funny. I think Cartman
Okay, so. First, Stan Marsh. He’d definitely be more fond of the blunt ones, the ones that are so simple they’re reflexive for most of the nation – tosser, prick, twat, all of those fun ones. HOWEVER, I also see him having an awesome time with “bloody hell” to portray how fucking fed up he is, like when he does the pinch bridge of nose + look down + very defeated “Jesus Christ” combo in the show. I ALSO IMAGINE HIM BEING SUPER FOND OF HOW BLUNT STUFF LIKE “sod off” IS TO TELL PEOPLE TO LIVE HIM ALONE OR EVEN JUST TO REACT TO DUMB SHIT LIKE THE LITTLE CYNIC HE IS
Now, onto Kyle. Every single time I see the Jersey episode, I mentally have to compare the reality TV show element to shit like Geordie Shore, so if it was a show based in the UK I can only imagine him being Geordie – proper Ant and Dec style. Americans, if you haven’t already, go listen to the accent and tell me it doesn’t have Kyle vibes – it just does. SO, WITH THIS IN MIND, I can totally imagine him whipping out gobshite as an insult, or what a load of bollocks in response to Cartman being an asshole, fun clipped shit like that. There was also a moment of time where I sat down and started plotting a Hogwarts AU, in which I realised I’d have to make these guys vaguely British, and I had such a strong mental image of Kyle jokingly calling Stan a daft git so I feel like he’d love the ones like that – and I agree with anon I think he’d have a lot of fun with knobhead
I feel Kenny would enjoy basically all of them, but for the sake of this dude being muffled as fuck I think he’d get a real kick out of the backwards peace sign – like whenever possible. Also “get stuffed”, for vibes. LISTEN I FEEL I SHOULD BE MORE SCIENTIFIC IN MY METHODS BUT LEAVE ME ALONE LMAO WE GO OFF VIBES HERE
Now, when I think of a British Cartman, I can only imagine a younger Del Boy from ‘Only Fools & Horses’. This is both a blessing and a curse. It’s the shared entrepreneurial spirit and lack of dignity I think. Also the fur coats. And con-artist swagger. And also how well Del Boy takes the piss out of Rodney – if you were to replace Rodney with Butters or Kenny in their search for wealth; this is such a niche reference but somebody reading this is gonna be so fucking happy with it. Because of this, I can only imagine him with the strongest cockney accent known to man, and so, a list of ones I feel he would use:
“You jammy prick”
“Bleedin’ hell”
“You daft cow”
“Shut your cakehole”
“He’s a right tosser”
“You bleeding mug”
Also unrelated but with this guy being the gayest homophobe around, he’d totally be one of those guys to call everyone “babes” (the mental image is making me cackle, he fucking would don’t lie)
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tiannasfanfic · 1 year
Eddie Munson x Reader (Fluff)
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| Eddie & Steddie Masterlist | AO3 Link |
Summary: When the cast of a popular reality tv stunt show is hired to perform in Corroded Coffin’s new video, Eddie Munson finds himself an unwilling participant, as well as a new love interest.
Rating: General Audiences
Author Note: Gender neutral Reader, they/them pronouns, no Y/N. Strangers to lovers, Rockstar!Eddie x Jackass!Reader, early 2000’s setting. I’d like to give a huge shoutout to the Eddie’s Sluts Discord Server, particularly @strangerxperv and @kleenexwoman for their encouragement to turn this very stupid idea of mine into a fic. 🖤💜
CW: Slight Fuckboy!Eddie x Fuckgirl!Reader in the beginning; allusions of hooking up; surprise tazing; mention of a ankle injury (no details).
Word Count: 1,539
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WARNING! The following show features stunts performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, MTV and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any stunt or activity performed on this show.
One of the songs on Corroded Coffin’s latest album is a fun, upbeat rock song about doing stupid shit when you’re young. All four members contributed stories for it, as well as some of their friends, but while it was extremely fun to write, everyone just assumed it would fly under the radar.
We all know what they say about assuming.
The song quickly blew up upon the album’s release with audiences finding it funny and extremely relatable. The label quickly began promoting it as a single and a music video was ordered to be made.
While the guys had the initial idea of the video, which was to show each one of them taking turns doing the stupid stuff Eddie was singing about, the director took it a step further. The crew of MTV’s hit show Jackass are brought in both to ramp the situations up to ridiculous levels and execute them while Corroded Coffin performs in the background just slightly out of harm’s way.
Gareth, Jeff, and Grant are all hyped since they are big fans of the show, but it isn’t all that exciting for Eddie. He’s never seen it. The whole concept has always sounded stupid as hell to him, which is only reinforced every time someone makes him watch clips from it.
Even though you had consulted on a few technical aspects for the stunt choreography, you hadn’t been needed for the video initially. A frantic phone call from one of your producers changed that thought when they realized you had some of the safety gear they needed. Since this was vital equipment, the shoot had to be put on hold, so you quickly loaded it all up and high tailed it down there. You decided to stick around to help since they were a couple hours behind by the time you arrived.
Since you weren’t at the morning meeting when all the Jackass crew members were formally introduced to everyone on set, Eddie doesn’t recognize you and assumes you are just one of the few extras that recently arrived on set. But, regardless of who you are, he thinks you’re hot, and since performing always makes him horny, he decides you should be given the opportunity to help him relieve it.
But while Eddie doesn’t recognize you, you instantly recognize him as soon as he approaches you. You can hardly believe it when he immediately starts flirting with you. Though, calling it flirting is putting it mildly. Even though he’s being incredibly smooth about it, it’s obvious he has only one thing on his mind right now. You are perfectly okay with this, however. You weren’t about to turn down the opportunity to get railed by the lead singer of a band you really like, and so you return his advances. Once lunch is called, it doesn’t take long before the inevitable invitation slides from Eddie’s lips when you ask what his plans were.
“I usually go back to my trailer to eat,” he says, licking his lips at that last word as he lets his gaze slowly wander down your body again. “Care to keep me company?”
His voice dripped with honey, his tone making the warmth between your legs grow. You smiled, opened your mouth to accept his offer…
And then your friends struck.
It all happened extremely fast, and with all of Eddie’s attention on you, all he knew was, one minute, you were looking at him with the sort of bedroom eyes that had the blood flowing to his cock already, and then then next, your body lurched forward into his arms as you let out a bloodcurdling scream.
You immediately jumped away from the now stunned Eddie and whirled around. That’s when he saw a man running away from you both while laughing his ass off.
“Ryan, you motherfucker!” you roared before taking off after the man. “I’m gonna fuckin’ kill you!”
Confused, Eddie watched you running away until some wild, boisterous cheering caught his attention. He looked over to see a small group watching the whole fiasco that consisted of the other members of Corroded Coffin and a few of the guys from Jackass. They had a video camera out and were all roaring with laughter as they recorded you chasing the guy named Ryan around the video set.
“Sorry Eddie!” called Gareth through his laughter.
This drew everyone else’s attention to Eddie. The camera pivoted towards him as one of the guys, a man named Johnny, jogged over to him with a good natured, but cocky grin on his face.
“Yeah, sorry about cockblocking you back there, Eddie,” Johnny said, his voice sounding anything but sorry. “But, man, we owe you a big one for that, we’ve been trying to get them with the Taser Cam for MONTHS.”
The Taser Cam, as it turns out, was your idea initially and you oversaw the planning and execution. It was one of the most popular skits on the show and that’s because you were a sneaky little shit with it. Even though they all knew you could be packing a taser at any given moment, they all had a bad habit of letting their guard down around you.
Even though they’d been gunning for revenge for a while, all attempts to tase you in return had failed miserably. This wasn’t entirely a problem since you all had a healthy level of paranoia and distrust for each other by now, it was just highly annoying for them all. You always managed to work out when they were trying to set you up, even if it was at the last second.
So, when Gareth made an offhand comment to Jeff about Eddie trying to get his dick wet at work again, and drew Johnny’s attention, he saw how engrossed you were in the man, he couldn’t resist. This really was the perfect opportunity, your attention had been entirely on Eddie, and Johnny recognized this as their big chance.
Eddie was so dumbfounded by the whole thing, he wasn’t sure if he should be pissed or impressed.
In the end, he does get you stretched out on the couch of his trailer just like he wanted, only not in the way he expected. It was the closest place to lay you down at so the onsite EMTS could look at you. While you were perfectly fine from the tasing, you had tripped while running after Ryan and now you couldn’t put any weight on one of your feet.
“It doesn’t look like a break,” said one of the paramedics as she finished looking you over. “Probably just a bad sprain, but you should have some x-rays taken to be sure. Need us to take you?”
“Nah,” you said, shaking your head. “Tremaine will strangle me if I take an ambulance for a non-emergency again.”
Eddie blinked a few times in surprise while Johnny and Ryan laughed.
“Yeah, he’s already gonna explode when he hears about this,” Johnny said, taking off his sunglasses to wipe tears from his eyes. “You just got released yesterday.”
“Right?” you sighed as the paramedics let themselves out. “Wonder how much longer this is going to put me down for.”
The whole situation was so ridiculous that it had rendered Eddie speechless, thus he had been uncharacteristically quiet since your tasing. But the current conversation piqued his curiosity.
“Released?” he asked looking over at you.
“Yeah, by my doctor,” you said, nodding. “I’ve been off work for, what?” You looked over at Johnny. “Two months now?”
“Almost, yeah,” he said, nodding, then burst out laughing. “Man, Ehren’s gonna be pissed. This means you and Bam can’t do the boarding segment next week.”
You looked over at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Why would Ehren be pissed?” you asked, confused. “He’s not in that one.”
“No, he’s not,” said Johnny, and then a grin spread across his face that gave Eddie goosebumps. “But I think you being off with another injury is a good reason for all of us to be a little more safety conscious, wouldn’t you all agree?”
You and Ryan burst out laughing.
“Safety First!” the two of you then cried out in unison and Johnny clapped.
As badly as Eddie hated to admit it, you now fascinated him. Granted, he thought you were batshit insane at this point, but that only piqued his interest more. He ended up being thankful for the interruption.
With as thankful as he was for that, it didn’t compare to how thankful he was later when he found out exactly how close he came to getting tazed instead of you. Since they had to be so sneaky and quick about the whole thing, Ryan almost missed. One inch to the left and it would’ve been Eddie who received the jolt of electricity.
A few weeks later when Uncle Wayne found out who his nephew was dating now, he started going back to church.
Unlike Eddie, he actually does watch the show.
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usermischief · 4 months
I still think that post-season 3, Stiles should’ve gotten all sorts of little leftovers from the Nogitsune and been deeply unsettling, mostly for angsty reasons and also I cannot believe that everyone moved on perfectly fine after seeing their friend’s body crumble to dust in front of them and having their possessed friend as an enemy for a while before, but also because there is potential comedy of a visiting wolf/other supernatural person meeting everyone and then meeting Stiles, deeply unsettling and not quite breathing and still paler than he was pre-Nogitsune, playing a game of Go with Kira in a new interest that makes everyone else nauseous to think of the origins of, and going “what the hell is that?” The Beacon Hills gang, who’ve mostly adjusted to this by now, say that’s Stiles, he’s their friend. So there’s a banshee, a bunch of werewolves who apparently do not feel their skin crawl around their friend, maybe some Chimeras depending on if season 5 has happened, and the creepiest person in town, who is normally not doing anything particularly jarring but still makes people uncomfortable for no reason anyone can see. I think it would be a little funny after a while to watch new people meet Stiles and everyone else has either adjusted to this being their reality, did not know Stiles before everything, or is pretending to deal à la fake it til you make it, so they’re all “bro that’s just Stiles, calm down.” But I think there should also be angst throughout still, where they can remember a time when Stiles didn’t elicit this reaction or they think of when they had this reaction to him (Liam thought Stiles was the weird friend of his lacrosse captain who he vaguely recalls went missing once pre-bite, then had to resist the urge to shudder whenever he saw Stiles after his bite until he adjusted)
Oh, they dropped the ball hard with this one. They should've committed to being part "horror" TV show. Stiles could've had the ultimate uncanny valley effect - and it would've been even better if Stiles were aware of it.
But, you know, he tries to act like his normal self - hyper, loud, talks a lot. But then there are these moments where he forgets or doesn't have the energy, so he just doesn't move and he's just staring at them. Everyone is always super unsettled when that happens. His friends know that, technically, Stiles isn't a danger to him, but they can't help but be creeped out by that. People who don't know Stiles simply go "nope" and decide to turn the other way. Other packs are on high alert when the news spread, a human surviving a nogitsune? That doesn't sound right.
So they kind of want to snoop around. They see Stiles, and he looks like a gust of wind might break him apart, but there is something about him that's just not quite right. Nobody can put a finger on it, and they decide to leave them alone. It's better that way.
And Stiles is fully aware of all of that. Of fucking course, he uses it to his advantage. His intuition has always been spot on when it came to people. I mean, he even noticed that something was wrong with Matt. But like, thanks to the nogitsune it's not just his instincts anymore. Chaos, strife, pain. He gets a whiff of anything shady, and he's just... going full Derek, creeping around in the shadows, not even trying to hide that he's stalking them.
Everyone leaves. Nobody wants to fuck around and find out. Beacon Hills has never been this peaceful.
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yug0 · 9 months
Do you have any personal headcanons about the 31 Minutos characters? I sent some anonymous messages before cause i was shy but I wanna say again its so cool that you're into the series :'D
Oh, yes. I had to think about it for a while.
This comes from seeing all the "Patana's Refrigerator" segments: Patana likes to "attempt to grow life" by putting a bunch of gross rotted food scraps and stuff like blood/hair in bottles/jars together. (like those guys on youtube or reddit that try to make "homunculi" in jars) It never works and just turns in to nasty moldy science experiments. She knows it will never work but she thinks it's funny and gross so she keeps doing it. She's a strange lady, love her.
Everyone gets their funny drugs from the Tramoyas. Nobody knows how the hell they get their hands on the stuff but they've got it all.
Policarpo has a horrible criminal secret. It's not the hair thing. Look at him. There is something evil behind those eyes. (love him lol)
If Huachimingo and Maguito ever got together as a couple, the world would fucking end.
Tulio loves watching awful reality TV shit like 90 Day Fiancé and Love island
Juanín's house is infested with mice, but he thinks they're so cute that he can't bear to kick them out or get rid of them
Juanín LOVES spending his weekends dancing at gay nightclubs (I love whenever they make him dance on the show. I see the party animal within)
If Bodoque ever got his hands on an iPad he'd go broke in 2 hours flat thru in-app purchases on games
I have a lot of others, but alas I cannot share such things lol.
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accirax · 5 months
initial thoughts on DCAS episode 7
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very notable that this was within the context of being about "love" specifically. (at least) one-sided trevek canon? (i'm not even a huge trevek shipper i just think this whole plotline is funny)
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okay, so Yul's foot injury IS real. or at least, he's using it as an excuse to complain. still, the fact that it was brought up again an episode later makes me think that it's going to have SOME relevance to the plot.
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any time that Yul has to parrot something in Emily's "you go girlfriend ;D" manner of speaking i cackle. he didn't choose the home decor saying any time is wine time lifestyle, the home decor saying any time is wine time lifestyle chose him.
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Grett i am... genuinely confused. how can you possibly think that Yul is actually in love with you? did you really receive THAT little love in your home life? you have no ability to distinguish catty and fake praise for your accomplishments from real ones because your family gave you THAT little recognition? man. now i made myself sad :( ily Grett
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okay, confirming that 1) it was Tom's trap, 2) they are willing to eat squirrels, 3) Tom is serving as the provider for the Cyan tribe. all things to take into account for any upcoming Cyan eliminations.
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and how does said boyfriend feel about you kissing another man on television, Tom? this is a stupid lie.
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again, why? it's probably already apparent from my earlier comments, but i changed my mind; i'm fully with Jake in this argument now. sure, Jake is really insecure and overly emotional, but what the HELL is Tom doing? making up a boyfriend is a really shitty thing to do, whether Tom had a legit reason for not calling Jake these past two years or if he didn't contact Jake due to his own mixed feelings/indifference. in either case, he should have told Jake the truth. at least when Jake was acting immature in S1, he was 24. Tom is a nearly 30 year old man. ACT LIKE IT.
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Fiore slay
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this is a really interesting response due to how vague it is, including in the vocal performance. was he taken off guard by his boss being nice to him? does he believe that she's telling the truth? does he feel bad for Trevor, or will he come to believe that he IS way better than Trevor? i'm glad that they're continuing on with the concept of the hosts having a plotline, because imo that was one of the highlights of S2, but they aren't doing it in a way that eats up as much of the screentime as it did in S2.
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if Will was out of the picture i would be shipping these two so hard. who am I kidding, i kind of still am anyways.
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Ally's other gf is here :,) glad that they got to reconnect (and neither of them were eliminated for it)
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Fiore slay
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the confirmation that Aiden thinks that the idea of him having any attraction to Tom is laughable and disgusting is HILARIOUS to me. bro really said, "why the hell would i be into YOU when i have JAMES lmao" straight to Tom's face. tbf, James and Tom are like... opposites in terms of personality and appearance (beyond being generally handsome and athletic young men).
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"silly me, i keep forgetting that not everyone met their super cool and attractive boyfriend on reality TV. my bad!" (/pos)
(i tried to type "hubby" instead of boyfriend but i spared you all. it was too cringe even as the one subjecting others to the cringe.)
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okay this was very fitting for her. iconic.
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honestly, Alec and Riya's villainous alliance/friendship is really fun. leave it to Alec to always find himself in the least likely but most entertaining duos. Riya really benefits from being paired with a legitimate strategist, and someone who won't just let her totally get away with stuff.
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we had to get in one last Fiore taking unnecessary damage for the road :,(
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feeling like Jaiden is going to be winning the starting couples' survival roulette. and Wishley, to the extent they count.
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now i'm no physicist, but how did this work? shouldn't the ball be a fast and heavy enough object at this point that it would jump over the log, not ricochet off of it? i suppose if the ball is made of something more like wicker than yarn, it could be a bit more likely to do that. but then why is it going to the side? it hit the log straight on!
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... are you not allowed to help him anymore? what?
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ellie is going full villain mode fr. if her and gabby's relationship gets messed up, that would definitely be karma. but, i suppose she survives this episode...
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this is funny because nobody strikes me as the pizza and soda loving type. Alec, Grett, Yul, and Riya all seem like people who would want to eat something that's both fancier and healthier.
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communication W (for both of them)
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Fiore is such a best girl that she's not even a salty juror. she's not mad at them for so long that she can't use her final moments to throw a wrench in the works for everyone else. the grind never sleeps, clowns <3
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and she even conquered her greatest nemesis, the bus, this time. fly high, queen. i'll miss you.
well, as a Fiore stan, this episode was a bit sad for me. but, i do totally understand why Magenta would both vote for Fiore and lose the challenge. (damn you, Ellie...) Fiore already did super well in both S1 and the original Adventure Camp, so i understand why they wouldn't have her go super far again in this season, especially when everyone knows she's such a threat.
i just hope that we can still get a little more closure for her and Alec than we got already in this season. all it has to be is, like, him being sad at her elimination for reasons other than pure strategy and maybe a nice conversation at the finale. it doesn't have to be Alec finally adopting her... even if i did want that to happen... i'd just prefer to know that they leave things on good terms.
anyways, another really solid episode! i look forward to the next one. thanks for reading!
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casanovawrites · 11 months
random sentence prompts  ━ from various tv shows, part 4
surviving is a choice. make yours.
you can’t be afraid to kill. you understand?
i’m not afraid to kill. i’m just… afraid.
i was trying to save lives. i had to try. somebody had to.
if they slaughtered everyone once, what the hell makes this any different?
this sounds like a suicide mission.
we did terrible things in its name.
my honest advice would be that if you’re that miserable, you should break up with them and be with me instead.
you are remarkably resistant. it must be exhausting. 
how is it possible that this is the most scared i’ve been all day?
you don’t have to like what i did. i don’t. but just accept it.
we’ve all done the worst kinds of things just to stay alive. but we can still come back, we’re not too far gone.
this is why i like you. you just want to hold my hand.
when are you two going to make out already?
have you ever had to work for anything? 
bad things happened because i was scared. they didn’t need to. i didn’t need to be afraid.
i don’t have to be tough. i can run. i’m good at that.
my mom used to say, “everything works out the way it’s supposed to.”
have you been in love with me this whole time?
you start breathing, i’ll start you a shower, and we’ll go from there.
maybe we could catch our breath here for a while.
life isn’t a race. you taught me that. 
the whole world’s haunted now. there’s no getting out of that - not until we’re dead.
we’re supposed to be working together. 
this year would have been painful without you.
you were so self-obsessed, you never noticed your best friend needed you.
i don’t feel challenged. 
if this is where you want to be, then stay.
i need to know if you mean what i think you mean. do you still love me?
i’m with you. ’til the world explodes. 
if we’re going to do this, you need to be all in.
it’s funny how you don’t even notice the time go by. horrible shit just stacks up day after day.
you are not safe, no matter how many people are around.
we’re strong enough that we can still help people.
this is the nightmare, but nightmares end.
we ain’t dead. whatever happened, happened. let’s start over.
there’s nothing left in the world that isn’t hidden.
we’re friends. we have each other’s backs, that’s it. that’s how it works.
growing up is getting used to the world.
we do what we need to do, and then we get to live.
we don’t have to be friends. it just doesn’t have to be quiet.
people always die. you know that.
you don’t know yourself. that’s the big ah-ha for me here. i get you more than you get you.
i know that i love you, and i need you, and maybe you could love me too. and that’s okay.
all you do is hurt me.
oh, please, like you haven’t been waiting for me to screw up.
you’re no sheep. you’re a wolf. 
i actually thought you wanted to be my friend.
asshole, i don’t go to the gym every day. 
so, you’re leaving to fight ghosts? that’s the plan?
i don’t think any one place can be someone’s everything.
all i have is pain.
there are very few people in this world that make me feel the way you do.
can we just forget this ever happened, please?
you’re doing great. i promise.
it’s you and me against the world, okay?
friendship doesn’t matter. love doesn’t matter.
i’m superhuman, right? made of steel.
people will say almost anything to save their own life.
what if i hadn’t come home in time?
they think we’re guilty, so we are.
i’m grieving the loss of what we could have made this place.
tonight, even though we are in hell, i feel like i have another chance with you.
you and me are the way out.
i won’t let anything pull us apart again. you hear me?
i should've just skipped class, partied, had sex, have fun.
you smell like shit.
we need to get the fuck out of here now.
you are not defined by what happened to you. you are what you do.
fuck it. i’m dying tonight one way or another.
maybe you’re right. maybe shit is doomed. 
the reality is, i’m dying. i am dying. you have to face that. 
what happened to “me and you against the world, you’re all i need”?
stop crying where everyone can see you. it’s embarrassing.
all my days are bad.
tonight’s been the first time i’ve felt like myself in months. it’s been so long. i forgot what that felt like. 
you make me feel like… me.
you drive me crazy sometimes but we're in this together. you're not alone.
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kirby-the-gorb · 3 months
reply roundup!
man apparently these are still hard even when I'm not Literally Dying anymore :v
the sad sale went great, thank you for all the support everyone <3 I bought shelves and makeup and paper star papers and stickers and a new blanket, plus it's helping cover my allowance until my wife starts getting paid. I am already thinking I might do another sale in november just for fun lol
my wife has started orientation at her program and she's having a great time, our partner and I are gonna go down to visit her in a couple weeks :) I also finished rearranging all my furniture now that her furniture isn't here and it only made me terribly ill once!
I am really enjoying everyone singing along on [live and learm], I love enthusiasm <3
on [stars] @korattata said: HEY THATS WHAT I'VE BEEN DOING ALL DAY!!!!! i just started learning last night! its a nice break at work to stop looking at the computer screen. they all still look a bit wonky and i think one of the sheets of paper is too thick but i'm just using paper i got from the supply closet and cut with the paper cutter lol
aw that's so cool! the ones that are like actually packaged for making paper stars are usually a bit thinner than printer paper, like other origami paper, but that also means they tear a lot more easily in the first step if you're not careful, so it's always a tradeoff. what a fun coincidence :>
on [hallway] @thesilentpotato said: the first thing i thought of was the "da dee la da dee la da" krabby patty zoom in scene from spongebob
lol I hadn't thought of that until you said it but you're so right (she is referencing [this scene] from the krusty krab training video for anyone unfamiliar)
(side note thank you to folks who put pronouns in easily findable places so I can refer to you correctly even if I don't know you <3 )
on [birthday] @joekingv1 said: *asks baby what gifts they received and if they would like to read/watch Komi Can't Communicate*
I never really got into komi because one of the side characters really squicks me out, but I have a friend that really loves it, so maybe they've watched it with her! I think they probably got to go somewhere fun for their birthday like a theme park or a zoo, and get a souvenir plush while they were there -u-
on [sheep] @ceylonsilvergirl [added] a different line for kirby, which I still think about regularly lol
on [pills] @minty-spice said: op i hope your health improves and your empire of pills eventually shrinks
thank you <3 honestly I'd be happy with just the first one, I don't mind all the pills so much as long as they're actually helping.
on [crackers] @amatsuki said: made a bunch of cold noodles today with cucumber carrot chicken & sesame peanut soy sauce. the only actual cooking i had to do was boil water and steam chicken
oh hell yeah cold noodles are a fantastic example of a basic food to go feral over. now I want noodles too.........
on [thinking] @adrawrable said: hope you're cozy op
not right now as I type this because it is Computer Work Time, but in general I am So Cozy these days, I have a whole queen bed to myself so it's full of big stuffed animals and fluffy blankets :) (tbh even once my wife moves back here we may just all have individual beds we all seem very comfy this way lol)
on [slam] @jeaniechibi said: we'll be right back ➡️ shshgdtsudtdidh why is every bit of art with a blurr effect so damn funny 🤣
it truly is, I love a thoughtfully applied motion blur (or perspective blur can be funny too) (altho tbh I don't use the perspective blur tool for those I just use separate layers and gaussian blur) (for anyone unfamiliar this is a reference to the eric andre show meme)
on [beehive] @galacticnova3 said: me @ wasp nests minus the frowning, little fellas doing their little fella activities. sometimes they squabble. the thinking man’s reality tv drama
true, true, gotta love little fella activities. personally I feel better observing from a safe distance, but we had a lot of wasps around my childhood home and I didn't really know how to get friendlier than not actively making them mad lol
anonymous asked: That profile is amazing
for some reason I don't feel like I understand, but thank you!
on [sale] @milkymoon-ramblings said: gahh why do so many people have so many cool probducts, the queers are tempting me with their cool swag. however I need to save money for my own cool swag (digital art)
I just love the phrase "the queers are tempting me with their cool swag", so relatable lol (also no worries to anyone who couldn't or didn't want to buy anything, it's not like I needed it to pay bills I just wanted treats :v )
on [solstice] @jaune-chat said: Definitely, the sun can fuck right off. I break into a rash if I get too much sun, and I can't walk outside without full body coverage to some degree or be itching for WEEKS! In order of preference, is fall, winter, spring, summer.
oof yeah my mom gets a bad rash from sun exposure too! I'm fortunate to not have that specific symptom, but dang it seems so inconvenient, especially if you're also sensitive to heat so being covered up puts you at additional risk. personally I rate winter a little higher than fall but otherwise yeah total agreement lol
on [rollerskates] @nexus-nebulae said: @ prev tags i used to daydream constantly about being able to roller skate everywhere because i would constantly think 'rolling would be way easier than dragging my feet everywhere rn' and it took me two months of constantly thinking about that before i realised OH i need a ROLLATOR that would help (<- i am not smart) i haven't actually tried roller skating bc i don't own skates but i have used a skateboard briefly and that also feels better than walking. i wonder.... if the roller skating rink nearby would allow me to use a rollator in the rink with skates on........ probably not lmao
honestly it takes so much to actually realize like "oh a mobility aid might help with this" which is like, a bad thing, but we're just gonna focus on the funny part for now happy disability pride month :v and tbh I think maybe they might let you do it??? cuz like at ice skating rinks they usually have those little penguins or just straight up plastic lawn chairs for people to support themselves on, so I don't think it would be that crazy to go out on the rollarink with a rollator? but also that's just me and I do not run the place or get paid minimum wage to keep people from breaking the place sooo lol
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Sherwod Forest - a Malevolet Nonsense One-Shot
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Kayne has sent Arthur and John somewhere to find the black stone, and the stakes are high, and it's all very serious.
This is not that Arthur and John.
Spoilers for Intermezzo. I promise it'll all make sense if you read through to the end and last notes. With sugar on top. Dedicated to @spinning-logic because the wild fool gave me the idea.
“All right, boys! It’s been a blast.” Kayne snapped his fingers, and reality parted. Arthur (this particular one was even more verbal than most) gasped, a voiced sound that was honestly beautiful, and Kayne captured it in a crystal for some other time. Rain said hi, cold and shocking (and Arthur gasped again). “Watch your step, please. I think it’s 700 years ago, maybe, somewhere, around there. And look! You boys get to go to England after all!” And he laughed, because that was funny, and proved he’d been listening, and also, was cruel.
Kayne liked being cruel.
“England?” Arthur choked while John puffed and panted as if he had lungs (which he did not, but kinetic memory was a bitch).
“That’s right!” Kayne lied. “Welcome to thirteenth century England! I know, right!? Who would’ve thought? But this is where the Soldiers left off, so.”
Cue thunder. Cue… strangely artificial thunder, the kind one might create via judicious use of a mallet and suspended gong.
“Hold on!” Arthur’s voice broke, pleading, rising. “Please. We have no money, we—”
“Look, look, look, look, look,” said Kayne, who couldn’t worry about details. “Arthur! I can’t worry about the details, okay? Call me when you find my stone. Good luck!” Kayne took three steps back. And… as far as they could tell, he wasn’t there. 
“No!” Arthur cried, abandoned his self-ruined, half-a-bee god (not named Eric, and dear hell , Kayne knew it was time to be away from humans for a while because they were seeping into his thoughts like mold, and he would know). The comedy act resumed at once. “Kayne!” Arthur howled. 
He’s gone, Arthur, said John, sounding weary.
He’s gone. The gateway he opened—
And of course, Arthur turned on him, and probably would have hit him if he’d had a body to hit. “Shut up! You fucking… villain!"
Fuck, these two were hilarious. Oh, they’d work it out, and use their words , and end up even more entangled than they already were, but in the meantime, this was gonna be a blast. A reprieve, really, from the actual Arthur and John Kayne was following.
Those two… he had high hopes for those two.
These were not those two.
“After everything! After you tried to murder Oscar, and I forgave you, after lying to me about everything! You—"
Blah, blah, blah. They’d be at it for a while. And they’d stumble around, and run some couture monsters, and a few deeply confused method actors Kayne had yanked out of bed and thrown into the mix, and eventually, they’d realize where they were, and be even more confused than the actors, and it was going to be fucking grand.
This wasn’t England. Kayne didn’t need to take them to England. This Arthur had already blown his role, refusing to move toward the gray stone (Trust me one last time, said John, and what a performance it was). From now on, they would be comedy relief only. 
Such comedy. Kayne wondered if he should film and find a way to sell the rights. It’d make one hell of a TV show, even being black and white.
Fuck you, Arthur! You can’t tell me you wouldn’t have done the exact same thing! 
Ooh spicy.
"What? I absolutely would not have! We were supposed to be friends."
Tee-hee. Frönds for sure, forever and for life, no matter what the circumstances, and even when one of them fucking murdered the other, tears were shed, and it was all so beautiful.
You can brush me off again, just like you did with Oscar!
Jealousy always raised its ugly little head. Kayne made a note to feed it so it grew.
Refusing to peek at the right Arthur and John (not at all because he was invested in them, no, certainly not that , but more that if they couldn’t do this without his help, then they weren’t right), he took a bag of Gardetto’s, and a 1928 glass bottle of real-sugar Coca-Cola, and he settled in to watch.
SO! In 1927, Paramount studios decided it was too expensive to fly around the world and film on location, and instead, they made a new and exciting map of California:
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You might notice they actually have a medieval England area on that thing. Wild.
This Arthur and John may not have reached the gray stone, but they're not a total waste of resources. Yes, Kayne dropped them in California. Yes, he might have messed with things a bit more, so now there are monsters running around SoCal. He's a horrible person, but you know, I'm with him on this.
I, personally, would like to watch.
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no27-autonation-honda · 4 months
*gets hit with the f1 ask game beam*
tagged by both @oxygenpdf and @flyingcakeee!! Thanks <3
Who is your favorite driver?
I'm a new fan and I haven't begun properly my Summer Of Race Car Homework so it's all current drivers, but Alex Albon and Logan Sargeant are my faves.
Do you have any other favorite drivers?
I am new, and I honestly like a lot of them. My other faves are probably Zhou Guanyu (fascinated by that man), Yuki Tsunoda (fellow short king), and Oscar Piastri (April Aries Solidarity)
Who is your least favorite driver?
I don't really have a least favorite! I don't really know anything about either driver for Haas I guess. So maybe them by default? My sister went to a robotics meet this year sponsored by Haas and decided she will root against them forever because of that meet tho. (this is possibly one of her funniest choices. she does not pay attention to motorsports at all, and only glances over my shoulder to ask how bad things are going for Haas)
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?
I am definitely driver based, but I picked the Williams team (more on this later) because I managed to catch the portion of pre-season testing where Albon was in the commentary box doing his champagne bit and I like. immediately decided I was rooting for him and Williams by extension. But bc of how i engage with sports I definitely also like teams (sorta. race car homework will decide how much I do later maybe)
If you like teams, what team do you pull for?
Williams (Albon and Logan and then got hit with Lia Block in F1Academy. Lia Block I Would Kill For You) but also Sauber (I pick teams based on color frequently and that green matched my hair last year, and is my fave type of green)
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?
Please christ do not put me in any situation of leadership. Just make me be in charge of like. whatever fuckin weird challenges they make em do on grill the grid. That i would be okay at I think.
How long have you been in F1
Uhhhh....February this year? I was *aware* of it and had friends into it before, and I knew like Hamilton and Verstappen before this year, and I knew who Schumacher was (VAGUELY!) but uh yeah. New Entry. New As Hell Entry, Even.
What got you into F1?
This is actually very funny. A couple buddies of mine have joked that they were gonna get me into motorsports for AGES, because it is "the perfect sport for me" and our new year resolution was to begin that process with nascar, since its "my cultural heritage as a redneck." (this is DEEPLY true and I cannot deny my family ties to nascar, redneckery, and general car silliness) February rolls around and Hamilton to Ferrari gets announced and I, recognizing who Lewis Hamilton is and being deeply surprised by the tumblr news bulletin text my friends to check in on em.
Group response is, "JESUS CHRIST!"
The following response is something to the tune of: "We're changing it up actually. Gee, you love sketchy business practices, financial crime, adrenaline junkie tendencies, weird contract trivia, AND athletes who are weird as fuck, Gee. We're starting you with F1 instead. have fun, please enjoy white collar crime and car racing. we will give u homework when the semester's over" And they did.
So I started following blogs posting memes, binged a few seasons of dts and analyzed the editing bc im a reality tv scholar in my heart and also the editing in that show is FASCINATING TO ME, and started watching highlights and found ways to watch the races, and boy. its a lot of fun! I was really surprised how chatty everyone is/seems to be in the fandom (and in the sports fandoms I guess?) so that's definitely helped.
Do you enjoy fanfic/rpf?
I will read literally any kind of fanfiction if the AU pitch is wild enough and boy does athlete rpf give writers good stuff to work with. I'm a former fanfic editor/beta reader, if the concept compels me I am here for it. Also, I love enabling crazy aus (hi wiz! <3) even if im not an rpf writer myself.
How do you view new fans?
I *AM* a new fan! I try to be conscious of my relative newness, but I'm enthusiastic to be here and having fun. So. Hope that's working!
Are your friends and family into F1 as well?
No, but we're a nascar family and we used to always be on a little family trip to my grandparents' house during the same week as the Indy500, so growing up we'd all be very sunburned and therefore hiding out inside while that race was on, so I grew up watching the indy500 (very different from nascar but this is also my fams only interaction with indy). I'm working on getting into nascar for the family, and Indy just to be the family's indycar and f1 correspondent.
For the friends, I do have those friends into f1 and theyre all gems and some of the oddest people I've ever experienced (very much the lesbians/gays who watch all sports stereotype), however the Car Chatter has always gone over my head until this year, but ya know. you move away and get busy so keeping track of hobbies and sports is hard when you arent religiously blocking someone every time a rivalry match goes down lol
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?
Of course! I am a very extroverted and social person I love making friends <333
i'll be real i have no clue who has and hasnt been tagged yet so im just gonna throw some names out and hope at least one of yall hasnt gotten this notification already lmao and if u haven't been tagged yet but follow me and would like to answer questions, consider this me tagging u spiritually
@two-tyred-problems, @wisteriagoesvroom, @stockcarbaby24 and @kissingwalls
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succession finale thoughts!
i don’t know if any tv show has ever given me as much of a stomachache as this episode, oooooooooof!!! the STRESS. (but honestly, the stomachache was 100% just suspense over whether gerri and roman would ever interact again. everything else, i was very zen about.)
gerri in the video radiantly reciting a dirty limerick like a roman daydream come true and roman watching her fondly!!!!! ugh!!!!! that was so schmoopy, especially for this show!!! he still loves her (not that that’s news)!!!!! and him panicking and losing it at the very sight of her and really feeling the crushing weight of his potential that she so believed in because she could have got him there!!!!!!!!!!! she also gave him a couple little not-hateful looks that might have even been sort of nice or concerned or at least ... okay, and i will cling to those for the rest of my life. but i’m so, so sad we never got to see them talk to each other again. OOF.
i have the most hope for roman just because he wound up self-aware enough to see the reality of the situation. jesse armstrong might think you’ll be a sad guy in a bar forever, but to me, there is nowhere for you to go but up, bb. and into the arms of your woman.
i hate the idea of gerri sticking with the company with tom as the ceo just because her disdain for tom was so strong; putting up with logan was one thing, putting up with roman was another even, but TOM????? tom, getting his melancholy everywhere?? however, i think it’s probably too idealistic of me to suggest that she’d turn it down for that reason. but also, maybe she would? isn’t she tired of idiot men yet??? doesn’t she want to go to the g.d. south of france already???? like, the contrast of the old camaraderie in the video of the party with logan with, like, the stupid dudebro tech culture of mattson ... ugh, i just don’t want gerri to be up in that mess! i want her to reject tom! and stand in solidarity with karl & frank! GIRL, IT’S TIME TO RETIRE!!!!!!! in any case: gerri being un-fireable remains hilarious.
gerri not really having any lines in the actual events of the ep = thumbs down forever. NOPE!
roman martini-pining for gerri as his very last act onscreen.
dear GOD.
though i’m sure the intention of canon is for their relationship to be over forever, it was so wobbly in its over-ness that i’m pretty pleased. i do think it’s in a place where it can be very patched up in fanfic in a way that’s still canon-compliant. hell, she might roll up to that very bar and order another martini and keep him company and be like, “uh, babe, why is that cut on your forehead burst open???”! anything goes! forever! whoohoo, ao3!
i’m so relieved this is over!!!!!!!!!!
in my head they will make up tho. 💗 let the era of fix-it fics begin!
other stuff:
the sibling moments!!!!!! the rollercoaster!!!!! it’s funny how when they were getting along, i believed as much as they did that they HAD IT! and then watching them fall back into the old patterns ... it was that thing this show does best, condensed into one episode of agony. amazing acting, amazing chemistry!
ken starting to get physically abusive toward roman with the crushing hug and then smooshing his face!!!!! when before he stuck up for roman against their father’s abuse. jesus christ. :(
the contrast between the scene in the kitchen and the scene in the conference room ............... OOF!
tom and greg having their little bitchy slap fight in the bathroom, lol. tom putting his little sticker on greg’s forehead, lol.
tom really did marry up! jeez.
conwilla: the not-long-distance era, because democracy shall prevail
even beyond the flawless beauty of limerick gerri (obviously the highlight forever <3), that whole video and the kids watching it?? the emotions!!!!!!
this episode made me feel So Bad.
roman and gerri need a spinoff where they are just cute and silly. someone please get this happening for me.
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swearyshera · 1 year
As this blog's sweary adventures are coming to a close, it is a time to reflect. What I want to know is what you think is the most interesting or funny thing to have come out of Spop fandom, at least so far? I've just sort of been thinking about the power of the Internet to lead to some unexpected outcomes, things that occasionally affect someone's real life, real career. In one of my other major fandoms fairly recently - a person on the X-Birdsite with a fan account in parody of the name of a major character launched an unrelated, somewhat obscure science fiction novel to several bestseller lists by excitedly tweeting about it. If you're a Trigun-fan, you know of this. If you're into indie sci fi, you might also know of this viral story. If you're not, look up "Bigolas Dickolas Wolfwood" and prepare for a ride! It got me to thinking about how you've talked about getting into screen-writing / theater writing because of this blog? IIRC? "Spop launched a screenwriting / stage writing career" is a similar funny thing, the amazing Power of Fandom! "How did you get your start?" "I wrote a screencap comic of a popular cartoon to make the characters curse more and then things just snowballed." Best of luck!
I would absolutely be a hell of a story to have "Person who made Catra say fuck now writing TV show", and certainly something I would love to do. Obviously, I know it's a difficult industry to get into, so I'm under no illusions that I will definitely make anything of it, but that won't stop me trying!
That said, I've already had a little bit of success on the stage with a short play at Salford's Lowry Theatre last year. This year I've mostly been working on building up a portfolio of scripts - I've previously shared a draft of Hellspawn (the 'Sweary Frosta sitcom') which is reasonably decent. But I've more recently been working on something even better...
I've completed a pilot script for a comedy drama called 'Snowflakes', about four young trans people who want to bring their creativity to the stage whilst living in a world that often seems to be against them. I'm absolutely in love with these characters, and I've got a short series worked out. I think it's the perfect time for a story about trans joy overcoming hatred, right? If you're a production company who likes that idea, hmu.
Finally, I've also been toying with the idea recently of more Sweary or She-Ra related content. I've been looking to the likes of Big Finish with their Doctor Who audio dramas and pondering... what would a She-Ra audio drama look like? We may not ever get a movie, but could we get a feature-length story created by fans in an audio format? I'm up for writing it. So if you have thoughts/ideas, let me know.
But whatever happens, I'm going to do my best to make "creator of new TV show started off with a stupid tumblr blog" a reality! Dream big, right?
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I wrote another fic! This time, I think it’s short enough to just slap on here. I also want to thank @creativeskull95 for letting me use their OC, Maia! Please, give their stuff a look as well.
Without further ado, let’s begin.
A Dream Is A Wish Your Core Makes
"Lock down the whole building. We can't risk that thing getting in."
The overly sweaty humans on the screen started bickering between themselves, as Thad began to zone out for the 13th time tonight. He really was trying to keep up with the movie, but it bored him so much that he was genuinely starting to wonder if his motivator was malfunctioning. A quick hit on the pause button and a two minute full body-scan later revealed that, no, the flick was just that asinine. It didn't help that it was getting a little late, or that this was his third attempt at trying to watch the whole thing through. Horror was boring him, somehow. Living in an isolationist, paranoid society that was constructed from the fear of death made dramatized fiction like this feel artificial and numbing. At least, that's what he supposed. He rubbed his eyes and slumped back into the sofa, maybe he'll give it a fourth shot tomorrow.
His eyes went wide in surprise as the sound of a ventilation grid hitting the floor behind him brought him back to reality. When the initial shock passed, he looked over his shoulder and sighed in relief as a familiar, tall figure lowered herself into his hallway. Adjusting her hair, she then waved at him.
"Hey." Said V. "Pod got a little cramp and I got bored."
"That makes two of us." Said Thad, throwing a flabby hand up at the running TV. V chuckled, making herself at home by casually throwing herself on the sofa and putting her legs on the armrest.
"So what's on?" She asked, leaning up against his side.
"'The Instance,' or something. School assignment. We're supposed to watch horror movies to study how humans..." He picked up the paper laying on the table, digital eyes squinting to find a specific paragraph. "'...Use suspense and scares to engage their viewers.' This gotta be the worst movie in the world to show that. Thanks Teach." Thad threw the paper into the air and leaned back again, putting his hands behind his head.
"Dunno about all that, but I'm sure as hell entertained. Look at that guy's wig!" She cackled, pointing a stray claw at the screen. Thad rolled his eyes, but couldn't deny he was smirking. A wig that spiky did look a little out of place. He found himself earnestly smiling for the first time while watching this movie. Maybe it'd be easier to stay awake if he had someone to banter with.
As it turns out, it wasn't so bad if you just had company. They poke fun at the flimsy plot and all the oddities of humanity. V is especially snarky today, mockingly questioning every part of the movie from the character's illogical actions to their fashion choices. The former huntress exercised great comedic skill as she efficiently disassembled the poor Worker Drone's mask, leaving him gasping for air as she continued her assault on his Funny Code. They couldn't stop giggling.
As they finally managed to get past the 60-minute mark, the movie picked up considerably. It was at least interesting enough to make the two drones shift around in their seating and graduate from limp blobs to sitting normally. The characters had eventually gotten into a predicament interesting enough to get invested in. The guy with the spiky wig even got taken away. And then the movie's climactic horror scene happened. The movie's monster, some cloaked creature, had seemingly cornered a large group of characters in a foyer. Then, the carnage began. The monster lunged at the defenseless meat-bags and mercilessly culled them. Bodies were ripped apart, limbs were torn off, screams peaked and died out, and blood was splattered on the walls to such a gruesome degree that would almost be comical if it wasn't so disturbingly familiar. But it was with humans, so Thad could stomach it. He side-eyed V to gauge her reaction, she was being oddly quiet. V looked unnerved. The eyes on her visor had dilated into pupil-less circles. It was getting to her. It was too familiar. Same old horrors. It was too much.
The screen froze as two, grey vertical blocks stared back at her. Thad had paused the movie.
"Do you wanna watch something else?" He asked. V blinked, pupils returning.
"...Isn't this an assignment?"
"It can wait. I have the whole week." He didn't, but this felt more important. Stepping out of the sofa, he waved her over to a shelf with a bunch of plastic casings. DVDs, she realized. Thad began digging through them all, taking them out one by one and having increasingly indifferent reactions to the covers. Looking over the collection, V started to browse herself. Noticing an oddly fancy, glittery one, she took it out. 'Cinderella.'
"What's this?" V asked, staring at the cartoon woman on the cover with intensity, as if trying to gauge whether or not the woman may have the fire powers the title implied.
"Oh, that's my sister's. We can put it on though." He offered with an endorsing tone. V plucked the disc from its casing and threw the plastic over her shoulder, inserting it into the DVD player and hitting Play with her tail. Taking a seat next to Thad again, she waited with her hands resting on her lap. After a few seconds of unusually old static, the archaic sound of filtered horns filled the room.
If you give your heart a chance
Thad smiled. He couldn't remember the last time he had watched this with Maia, but the melody brought back many memories of his sister gleefully singing along to all the songs. V had nothing to say. She just watched unblinking as colorful graphics painted several pictures to a beautiful song. She said nothing as the pleasant narration introduced her to a nostalgic setting. She didn't question how the woman could converse with animals, or how they could help her shower. It was just a story about a servant girl dreaming of more, and that was enough for her to escape in.
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing...
When Maia woke up early in the morning, she was confused to find a metal grate on the floor in their hallway. Tip-toeing around it, she kept quiet as she sneaked into the living room, expecting to find her brother fast asleep on the sofa once again. Her hand flew up to her mouth to choke the gasp she nearly let out, as next to her brother slept a much larger, scarier girl. A Murder Drone, or, a 'Disassembly Drone,' as she had tried to learn, was cuddling up to Thad in a paradoxically sweet embrace. Looking over them, Maia could also see that the girl had wrapped her tail around Thad's leg. The drone had a big yellow SLEEP MODE sign on her visor, with text beneath reading 'DO NOT DISTURB' in threatening, bold letters. But even if she was really scary, Maia also thought she was really pretty. She was like a sleeping princess, but with big scary wings and teeth.
As silently as possible, Maia began tracing her steps backwards to leave, but was startled to hear her foot step into something crunchy. Panicked, she looked down. It was the casing to her Cinderella DVD. Why was that there? Looking back up, she gasped. Wide, terrified eyes met squinting, groggy ones. The murder princess was awake. With a surprisingly gentle smile, the big girl winked at her, quietly shushing her with a finger. More embarrassed than afraid, Maia turned around and quickly ran into her room.
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