#I just want symbrock
bridoesotherjunk · 6 months
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I can't post a reply to this on twitter because they would never understand,
but VENOM 3 is the only one I care about at all
I nEED to see Eddie and the goo finally FUCK
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damndeacon · 2 years
We as a society were robbed
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bonkin · 11 months
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someone different!
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yourplaceinaugust · 2 months
making non tumblr user friends was a mistake bc i was ranting about symbrock to my friend and ended it by saying "the third movie needs to be rated r so they can fuck" and my friends only response was "what the fuck"
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cannibalhellhound · 24 days
heyhey! this is about the testimony segment of my Venom paper! can you tell me why the ship appeals to you? I know many enjoy the body horror, but not all, so I'd like to get your perspective! thanks for reaching out!
I have always empathized with non-human and monstrous characters.
It's partially because of being the weird neurodivergent queer kid. People think they're weird, their relationship is wrong, or something like that. Kinda hits a little too close to home.
Besides all that kinda sad part in which a lot of queer people relate to monsters
There is just. The trust. The knowledge of each other. The closeness.
I am seriously trying to explain it but I don't think I have words to express the yearning of a relationship like theirs causes.
Because they're different but they're the same. Two beings in one with separate thoughts but with knowledge of what each other is thinking.
The movies are more sarcastic in their relationship but if you look into the comics they call each other pet names all the time.
They LOVE each other
They have gone through trauma together and separately and work through it because they are partners.
They're endgame.
They are each other's souls in a world that didn't want them.
As for the physical part it's not even about the body horror and kinky stuff (which yes it has it's appeal)
It's about being able to rely on another being to take care of you in ways that only yourself would be able to
Comforting each other in secret because no one can see it but Eddie feels hugged because they share a body and Venom is just surrounding him enough to be felt but not noticed.
The compromise of eating only bad guys when necessary because tater tots and chocolate are good but brains
It's a relationship filled with love, with the bonus of being a badass vigilante.
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thiefbird · 29 days
Hey guys, I've decided to start taking writing prompts (read: please dear god send me writing prompts i love you all)!
Here are a list of prompt sets:
Unreal Unearth prompts
Smutty One-Liner prompts
Tarot Whump prompts
Angry Confession prompts
Sex Tropes prompts
Jealousy Dialogue starters
Breakup/Dramatic Dialogue prompts
Kiss prompts
Enemies To Lovers prompts
Boat Guy Shibari prompts
Or just send me lyrics to songs you like!
Things I'd love to write:
Jane Roland & Will Laurence or Jane/Laurence
Emily Roland & Will Laurence
John Granby/ Will Laurence
Tenzing Tharkay/Will Laurence
John Granby/Tenzing Tharkay (or Granby/Tharkay/Laurence)
Sir Edward Pellew/Horatio Hornblower
Hotspur Husbands
Renown Trio (platonic and/or romantic and/or sexual)
Horatio Hornblower & Maria maybe? I love complicated marriages
Jack Aubrey/Stephen Maturin (or Jack & Stephen)
Jack Aubrey/Sophie Williams
Stephen Maturin/Diana Villiers
Sophie Williams & Stephen Maturin
Diana Villiers & Jack Aubrey (or possibly Diana/Jack)
Diana/Stephen/Jack maybe?
General Aubrey-Maturin clan domesticity
Also someone suggested this in a thread I was reading and I am Intrigued: Horatio Hornblower/Stephen Maturin
And my other nonexistent rarepair, Jane Roland/Diana Villiers
Dragon Age
Anders/anyone (but especially Fenris, Justice, Karl, Nathaniel, or Hawke or the HoF, whether one of mine or one of yours)
Bull/Lavellan, Bull/Cadash, or Bull/Adaar
Send me your weird rarepairs! I will at least give them a shot
Mass Effect
Doctor Who extended universe
Ten/Rose or Tentoo/Rose
Also Hannigram and Symbrock!
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crepuscularqueens · 8 months
as a follow up to my previous poll
below are some works that i have available (you can also message me if there's a particular work of mine you would be interested in that you don't see here, i can only add ten at a time)
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*note: these are all physical watercolor paintings or sketches. once they are gone, i do not have the means or equipment to make/sell prints of them that i would find satisfactory.
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loservenom · 2 years
What is your personal opinion of the Venom comics by donny cates?
well. first thing you should know is that tumblr is very much a bubble. lots of people love donny cates irl (apparently, or he wouldn't be getting to write for venom so much). tumblr, however, is a) more into the queer relationship aspect of the comics (RIGHTLY SO. THEIR RELATIONSHIP IS WHAT MAKES THEM INTERESTING) and b) thus more critical of him.
i think his run had its moments (the three pages about eddie's grief were absolutely heart-wrenching, i think i have it on my blog somewhere, and the alternate anne can step on me anytime), but altogether it made zero sense- felt like he kept desperately piling on the superhero action tropes- and i really, really, REALLY hated the ending. like. maybe i'm being selfish, but i want just eddie and venom, hanging out. that makes me happy AND it's way more interesting. also he friendzoned them?? while doing the whole bit about heart wrenching grief?? so like?? mr cates what??
so: i don't like the cates run, i think he should stay FAR away from venom, costa run is better. if you're looking into the comics, i'd say read lethal protector (1993) if you can find it and then lethal protector (2022), which is ongoing, written by the same guy as 1993, and makes my heart very very happy.
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i-suggest-weed · 10 months
(being weird about my favourite guy) he looks so edible to me <3
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bridoesotherjunk · 7 months
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Stop it.
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You will never be Spider-Verse
You're not him. You're not Miles.
We can have these movies without making them all inter-connect. I'm TIRED of bad multiverse stories. If you're not on the same level as Spider-Verse, then I don't want it!!!!!!
I just want my gay alien with his sweaty loser husband to be HAPPY and NOT in the MCU, is that too much to ask!!?
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oflgtfol · 2 years
ppl on the starset reddit finally admitting symbiotic is similar to venom but only to call venom and eddie unhealthy . sigh
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luxlightly · 4 months
I need all GabV1el fans to be aware of the Symbrock pairing between Eddie Brock and the Venom Symbiote (who has no name and uses it/its pronouns in the comics) whose 100% real, canon origin is that Eddie, an EXTREMELY Catholic man, desperate for his father's approval, does some really stupid reporting that ends up backfiring and he becomes a laughing stock. His father disowns him and he becomes so angry and cold from it that his wife leaves him.
One day, as the pain grew too much to bear, he goes to church after church, praying at each one that God send him a reason to live, or permission to commit the cardinal sin of suicide.
Finally, he comes to the last church, Our Lady of Saints, and prays for God's forgiveness as he is going to kill himself, having lost all hope for any reason to go on.
But then, from the rafters, descends the symbiote, who had been waiting there to die, after the being it loved most tried to kill it for the crime of being alive. Having survived trying to sacrifice itself to save the very person who tried so hard to kill it, too heartbroken to go on, it had resigned itself to die without a host.
But, in Eddie, it senses someone as filled with the same pain, passion, and loneliness as it is, and reaches out to stop him from taking his own life.
They bond and Eddie enthusiastically welcomes it, considering it to be an angel sent directly from God in his hour of need.
He then pretty much immediately has it take the form of a priest outfit and tries to kill the person who tried to kill the symbiote with the very same bell while he shouts biblical allegory and extremely homoerotic threats. Eventually they swap the priest outfit for a fuck ton of teeth and claws and tongue because Eddie is into that, and run around trying to kill Spiderman until they decide they are bored of that and want to go focus on their relationship.
The symbiote feeds off of the brain chemical produced by Eddie's love for it and supplemments it with chocolate when needed.
Eddie calls it "my other", "my love", "my beloved", "my darling". The Symbiote, who was seen as a genetic abnormality and sentenced to death by its own people for its desire to live in harmony with its host instead of destroy it, learns through Eddie what it is to truly love and be loved, as opposed to just trying to be whatever someone else wants it to be.
They canonically have recreational sex and have 7 biological children (spawned agametically. Not from the sex. Can't stress enough that's just for them because they are married)
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itsluckystrikes · 10 months
i miss Venom and his bass boosted voice tryna convince his partner that is time to eat some heads, I miss this destructive alien asking for tater tots, chocolate and annoying the fuck outta his —loved— host.
I miss Eddie and his anxiety, I miss him and his —sometimes even tho it just last a few minutes— constant regret of letting this lethal alien staying inside his body, being annoyed at this voice talking to him constantly, I miss the journalist Eddie Brock being a complete mess but this smart human doing silly things, dangerous things.
I miss symbrock. I bloody miss them. I miss their stupid senseless fights and how they regret it seconds later, I miss Venom dissing Eddie but not letting anyone else do it, being overprotective of him, and caring. I miss Eddie being annoyed by this alien but still matching Venom's energy and proving they're, in fact, the perfect match.
I need more symbrock. I want them holding hands.
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letzoespoilyou · 7 months
Marvel thoughts!!
I will never move on from Tony Stark, I have and will always love him. Without him the MCU will never be the same for me.
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I will always ship Ironstrange, it's too beautiful and just makes me super happy.
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I will continue to hold out hope for Lokius even though I know marvel is queerbaiting me.
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I adore Loki as a character and want all their queer rep to be realised on screen but for now at least it got mentioned I suppose and we did get Vote Loki which I appreciated.
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I will always be upset that my hot monster Gorr the God Butcher wasn't as sexy in the film as the comics and he just wasn't done justice.
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I will be thankful for the hot mess that is the Venom movies and it's awakening of my symbrock loving monster fucker heart.
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I'm still disappointed that they didn't do Carnage right, looked great but not enough murder and villainous behaviour and too much random romance subplot.
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I'm still super happy that Spiderman gave me the wonderful hot and sexy Willem Dafoe as the Green Goblin and then he was even hotter and badass in the most recent film!
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reaperlight · 9 months
More Symbrock divorce arc
[*More Cletus and Frances trying to comfort Eddie, key word "trying"*]
Frances: Repeat after me, "I am strong, independent, and don't need no symbiote."
Eddie: I am-- [*breaks up for a fresh round of sobbing*]
Frances: Eddie...
Cletus: Stop crying because it's over. Start smiling because Venom is someone else's problem now.
Carnage: ...I'm not a problem am I?
Cletus: Uh...
Frances: No sweetie, you're a perfect angel. It wasn't your fault my shriek hurt you. We know you're gonna do better now, right?
Carnage: Yes, my Lady.
Cletus: Good job, buddy!
Carnage: *Preening at the praise, as the humans are gently petting their tentacles*
Eddie: What if... Venom could do better too?
Frances: Then he needs to decide he wants to do better. You can't do that work for him.
Eddie: But if I apologize--
Cletus: Eddie... buddy.... all you asked is that he control himself, not be so selfish, and tone down the murder. That's a completely reasonable request.
Frances: You just were trying to keep him from getting stuck in a lab. You have nothing to apologize for. He needs to apologize to you.
Cletus: Hell he should know this--didn't you say you guys met in a lab?
Eddie, [tearing up again while remembering the good times of biting off mercenary heads together]: Y-yeah.
Carnage: See? He's just being an idiot.
Eddie: Hey... that's still my idiot--
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CW: This chapter will contain suggestive themes/moments and mentions of death!
Please skip this chapter if you are at all uncomfortable with any of these topics!
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Written & illustrated by Megan Moonbear [moonbear-from-space]
Thank you so much for reading the last chapter of volume 1. It's been fun to work on it and I'm pretty happy with how the art looks now than previously. However, the reason why this took so long to come out is due to the more risky and suggestive tones this chapter has there were times I wanted to get rid of it altogether as I wasn't sure if they were worth keeping in and if it was too much. It's why it has the mature filter on just to keep me on the safe side of things. But then again I'm on Tumblr so people do enjoy the symbrock ship and all it's why I did it I love that ship a lot.
Another thing why it took so long was the re-writing it's gonna be longer but the pacing just felt too slow and get more straight to the point. I have been thinking a lot about how I write Eddie and Venom and notice they leaned too much at times to the recent movie counterparts. Nothing wrong with them, but I want to make sure that they are their own thing and not a copy trying to make sure that they are as close to how the portrayed in SM3. I hope by volume 2 I can fix that and improve on their characters more if I could go back and change the first two chapters and even the art I would, but I don't want to waste any time.
The art itself while I am happy with how it looks now, there is still a bit of inconsistency. I apologise on that behalf I'm not the best artist out there and I hope to keep improving each time as the comic carries on. Especially if I want to get good at dynamic poses for the action scenes I plan on drawing.
Until then this will be put on hold as I have other projects that I'm busy working on with other people too and so on. I hope to get back to it at some point and will be writing up the next script whenever I get time to do so, I was working on the volume 2 script a while back but looking at it I really need to change up a lot of it so it flows better overall.
Anyway, thank you once again for taking the time to read my rambly thoughts and the comic too, so take care as always.
part1 part2
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