#I know I posted thumbnails months ago
arengnera · 1 year
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Oh my god he’s headed for the orphanage!
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goatsandgangsters · 1 year
how to find literally any post on a blog in seconds (on desktop)
there are so many posts about ~tumblr is so broken, you can’t find any post on your own blog, it’s impossible, bluhrblub~
I am here to tell you otherwise! it is in fact INCREDIBLY easy to find a post on a blog if you’re on desktop/browser and you know what you’re doing:
url.tumblr.com/tagged/croissant will bring up EVERY post on the blog tagged with the specific and exact phrase #croissant. every single post, every single time. in chronological order starting with the most recent post. note: it will not find #croissants or that time you made the typo #croidnssants. for a tag with multiple words, it’s just /tagged/my-croissant and it will show you everything with the exact phrase #my croissant
url.tumblr.com/tagged/croissant/chrono will bring up EVERY post on the blog tagged with the exact phrase #croissant, but it will show them in reverse order with the oldest first 
url.tumblr.com/search/croissant isn’t as perfect at finding everything, but it’s generally loads better than the search on mobile. it will find a good array of posts that have the word croissant in them somewhere. could be in the body of the post (op captioned it “look at my croissant”) or in the tags (#man I want a croissant). it won’t necessarily find EVERYTHING like /tagged/ does, but I find it’s still more reliable than search on mobile. you can sometimes even find posts by a specific user by searching their url. also, unlike whatever random assortment tumblr mobile pulls up, it will still show them in a more logically chronological order
url.tumblr.com/day/2020/11/05 will show you every post on the blog from november 5th, 2020, in case you’re taking a break from croissants to look for destiel election memes 
url.tumblr.com/archive/ is search paradise. easily go to a particular month and see all posts as thumbnails! search by post type! search by tags but as thumbnails now
url.tumblr.com/archive/filter-by/audio will show you every audio post on your blog (you can also filter by other post types). sometimes a little imperfect if you’re looking for a video when the op embedded the video in a text post instead of posting as a video post, etc
url.tumblr.com/archive/tagged/croissant will show you EVERY post on the blog tagged with the specific and exact phrase #croissant, but it will show you them in the archive thumbnail view divided by months. very useful if you’re looking for a specific picture of a croissant that was reblogged 6 months ago and want to be able to scan for it quickly 
url.tumblr.com/archive/filter-by/audio/tagged/croissant will show you every audio post tagged with the specific phrase #croissant (you can also filter by photo or text instead, because I don’t know why you have audio posts tagged croissant) 
the tag system on desktop tumblr is GENUINELY amazing for searching within a specific blog! 
caveat: this assumes a person HAS a desktop theme (or “custom theme”) enabled. a “custom theme” is url.tumblr.com, as opposed to tumblr.com/url. I’ve heard you have to opt-into the former now, when it used to be the default, so not everyone HAS a custom theme where you can use all those neat url tricks. 
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if the person doesn’t have a “custom theme” enabled, you’re beholden to the search bar. still, I’ve found the search bar on tumblr.com/url is WAY more reliable than search on mobile. for starters, it tends to bring posts up in a sensible order, instead of dredging up random posts from 2013 before anything else
if you’re on mobile, I’m sorry. godspeed and good luck finding anything. (my one tip is that if you’re able to click ON a tag rather than go through the search bar, you’ll have better luck. if your mutual has recently reblogged a post tagged #croissant, you can click #croissant and it’ll bring up everything tagged #croissant just like /tagged/croissant. but if there’s no readily available tag to click on, you have to rely on the mobile search bar and its weird bizarre whims) 
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soaricarus · 4 days
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EVERY SLUGCAT. IN THE HISTORY OF RAIN WORLD. THAT WE KNOW OF. inspired by @hourglass-meadow's original post from ~9 months ago because haha. hah. theres SO MANY MORE. HERE'S ALL OF THEM BABY.
symbols next to the slugcats and what they mean:
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slugcat sources under cut vvvv it gets a bit long!
first two are from runnMaze2.rar
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next five are from kickstarter art:
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first & second art, third art, fourth art
I DO NOT HAVE A SOURCE FOR THIS ONE IF SOMEONE HAS IT PLEASE LINK ME IT. i've heard its on the devlog but i never found it oops. these were original arena slugcat designs!
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as for the slugcat pups...
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from here
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from here
the gang(tm) are from in-game. the green slugcat however was the original fourth arena slugcat!
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image posted by james on the rain world discord!
the next five slugcats are from survivor's intro cutscene. interesting note that monk was not added at this time! monk and hunter were added ~4 months after rain world released, so assumedly these cutscenes weren't made in mind with monk.
the remaining slugcats in the second row are all from basegame projections that you can find in your own files, with the path
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Rain World\RainWorld_Data\StreamingAssets\projections
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and we all know where the downpour slugcats are from ;) these are all from ingame. the slugpups next to gourmand are colorpicked from gourmand's non-food quest ending art!
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the next few slugcats are from gourmand's ending, excluding gourmand themself, of course!
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the next three are judge and the two beta spearmasters!
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i do not have a source from where judge is from - but the beta spearmasters were posted by faeling :]
the next slugcats are from gourmand's scrapped ending, which you can find on the wiki!
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the yellow and blue slugcats were two slugcats added in a projection with remix enabled. i didn't add the white slugcat from this one because... look do you see how many white slugcats there are already. also i forgot
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the rest are all from the coop thumbnail, wip coop thumbnail, devtools [surv, monk and hunter also feature and this is nightcat but i included it due to the color difference from in-game] and remix thumbnail [probably survivor, but again, color difference! even if its stylistic i still think its neat to include :]] and the coop manual!
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you can find the wip coop thumbnail on the wiki!
you. Could argue the white and yellow ones from the manual are surv and monk, But ! color difference. also the yellow pup that looks like monk actually matches perfectly with the yellow slugcat pup from alpha
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seokgyuu · 6 months
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your boyfriend has been telling you he wants to bring someone else into the bedroom for a while. the thought only started to sound good when a certain boyfriend's best friend posts gym pictures on insta.
pairing: sung hanbin x fem!reader x seok matthew
genre: established relationship (hanbin x fem!reader) , smut MDNI!
smut warnings: cuckold, thigh riding, blowjobs, penetrative sex, dirty talk, usage of the words "princess", "baby", unprotected sex, creampie
wordcount: 4.4k
a/n: happy happy birthday @cheolism!!!!! see, i told you i would whip something up!! you probably didn't believe me, did you? ha! got you there. anyway. happiest birthday, my dear! i hope you enjoy this little piece of filth i made in your honour. one turns 22 only once you know!! in german we say: Schnappszahl! i love you loads, babes, have a wonderful day <3 (ps. it's been your birthday in germany for one hour already so theoretically i am not posting early!!)
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“When did Matthew start working out like this?” 
You’re laying on your stomach on Hanbin’s bed, biting down on your thumbnail. 
“Like… a month ago? He’s been going to the gym forever, but only recently going every day.”
You nod. Yeah, he definitely looks like he hits the gym every day. Gosh, you still remember him as a small (he’s still relatively small), lanky pre-teen with braces and glasses that were too big for his face. None of that is left. Glasses are ditched unless he’s at home playing video games for no one to see. Braces have been gone a long time, leaving him with two rows of perfectly straight white teeth. And last but not least the lankiness has turned into buffness you couldn’t stop staring at on your phone.
“Why do you ask?” Hanbin now rolls over with his chair, eyebrows raised as he looks at your phone screen. You’re not quick enough to move, leading Hanbin to snicker as he places his legs on top of his bed, arms crossed.
“I can explain,” you say now, sitting up, but your boyfriend just grins at you.
“Can you now, princess?” He tilts his head and you bite your lip, suddenly forgetting all the explanations you could possibly come up with. You know your boyfriend - he isn’t the jealous type. If anything… he is the opposite. How many nights had he whispered into your ear that he would love to watch you get fucked by someone else, how he got hard just imagining you on someone else’s cock. All you had done when he said that was turn bright red and let him fuck you senseless after - with his own cock, not anyone else’s. 
And now, here you are. Looking at pictures of his best friend (really? out of everyone it had to be Hanbin’s best fucking friend?!) with Hanbin’s eyes sparkling mischievously. It’s obvious what he’s thinking. You clear your throat.
“I don’t- I don’t think you want him to get involved, do you?” You ask carefully and Hanbin leans forward now, smiling.
“Why not? Because he’s been my best friend for years?” He wants to know. When you nod, Hanbin climbs onto the bed, catching you off guard when he wraps his arms around you and brings his lips to your forehead, kissing it softly before looking down at you with yet another one of his beautiful smiles.
“I don’t think there is anyone I’d rather see you getting fucked by, my love.” He says it in such a soft and innocent tone, you can’t help but laugh, burying your head in his chest.
“You’re horrible,” you mumble and Hanbin laughs, bringing one of his hands to the back of your head, patting it lovingly. 
“I love you, you know that right? And if you’re really interested in Matt… I am sure I could arrange something.”
The thing is: you say no. Because why would you want to sleep with someone else when you have your perfect boyfriend right there? Your perfect boyfriend that has always cared more about your pleasure than his? That has made you cum more times than you can count? That perfect boyfriend that has never once let you down. 
You’re in the cafeteria with your bottle of water and a tray full of food but you can’t eat. Your leg is bouncing up and down and your eyes are focused on one of the trash cans at the far end of the room. Not because they are particularly interesting, but because Matthew sat down just a few tables further from you in nothing but a flimsy muscle shirt and ripped jeans and you really, really can’t look at him. So, the trash can it is. 
“Did you see a ghost?” Hao is suddenly next to you, making you flinch and almost knock over the bottle of water.
“Jesus Christ, Hao, next time whistle or something,” you say, frowning at your friend who just shrugs and instead begins eating his food. 
“You didn’t answer my question. Why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost? Is the cafeteria poltergeist back?” 
“What? No. No, I am fine. Totally fine. No ghosts.” You clear your throat and catch yourself sneaking a glance at Matthew after all, regretting it immediately. Because why is he flexing right then and there, laughing his cute laugh after when Gyuvin throws a napkin at him. This is torture. 
“Ah, right. Matthew,” Hao nods and your head swirls around, eyes wide. 
“Matthew, what?” You ask even though you already know. God fucking dammit Sung Hanbin! 
“Bin told me,” Hao confirms and you roll your eyes with a groan, “even though I was kind of offended you didn’t want me to be the first to join you two in the bedroom, Y/N.”
“If I were to ever let that happen I’d be single and you and Hanbin happily married with seven children in no time,” you mumble and Hao chuckles, shaking his head and pulling a hand through his hair.
“At least you’re aware I’m actually his favorite,” he hums at you and the desire to copy Gyuvin and throw a napkin at your friend is extremely tempting. 
“Whatever.” You try to focus back on your food, but your stomach is rumbling and your brain is somewhere totally different, meaning hunger was the last thing on your mind - at least hunger for actual food. 
Hao snickers and watches you, a piece of meat landing on his tongue.
“I think you should do it, Y/N. Hanbin has been dreaming of this moment. Honestly, no idea what he finds so appealing about watching his girlfriend getting fucked by another man, but believe me, you’d make him the happiest man on this earth if you were to bring Matthew into your bedroom.”
The words do more than either of you probably thought. They continue to linger in your mind even hours after Hao had said them, you now being in your dorm with your pen stuck between your teeth, eyes unfocused on the words you’ve been trying to read.
Bring Matthew into your bedroom. Have him be a part of your sex life with Hanbin. Make Hanbin the happiest man on this earth. 
It’s official: You’d be lying if you said the whole thing didn’t turn you on. Imagining Hanbin sitting on the little armchair in his apartment with his cock in his hands as you sat on Matthews stiff length, his strong arms wrapped around you as he thrusted up into your needy pussy…
The pen falls down and you are back in reality, flinching and shaking your head. This is crazy. You couldn’t possibly… a groan escapes you and you let your head fall on top of your desk, slamming your forehead against it a few times, before sitting back up and leaning against your chair, letting your thoughts roam free. Hanbin had literally asked you about this several times. He wanted to bring someone else into the bedroom and he even said that he wouldn’t mind it being Matthew. So, what was stopping you? 
“Fucking hell,” you curse as you pull both hands through your hair and get up, opening the door of your room to walk into the living space, where you are met with none other than Hanbin walking in… Matthew right behind him. You freeze mid step. 
“Hi, I called you, but you didn’t pick up, I hope it’s okay I brought Matt over, we were at the gym and the showers are broken and, well, your apartment is closer.” 
Yes, you can clearly see where those two have been. They are sweaty, hair slightly wet, muscle shirts clinging onto their chests. The tattoo on Matthew’s biceps pops out deliciously when he raises his arm to wave at you. Your eyes wander to your boyfriend, a knowing glint in his eyes. 
“That’s okay,” you croak out, looking back at Matthew and somehow you just cannot stop yourself from checking him out unapologetically. His defined arms, the defined chest, the sweatpants on his strong legs. Your tongue slips out of your mouth and runs over your dried up bottom lip and Matthew can’t help but stare at you, feeling his cheeks heat up at the way you’re looking at him. 
He remembers Hanbin’s words and feels his knees go weak.
“She definitely wants you to fuck her, Matt. She just needs a little… nudge.”
Never had he ever thought his best friend’s girlfriend would ever want him to… do that. He swallows down whatever lump has formed in his throat and looks at Hanbin, unsure. Hanbin, who now walks over to you, his hand softly grabbing your chin, moving your head to look at him.
“I think I should hit the shower first, be a good girl and show Matthew the rest of the apartment, hm?” He kisses your lips softly after that, well aware of what his words just caused. Your eyes flicker up to him, wide and unsure and when he winks at you, squeezing your hand as he slowly makes his way to the door leading into the bathroom, you know that all you can do now is follow your gut. 
There is a certain kind of silence between Matthew and you once the door shuts behind Hanbin, a silence filled with tension so thick it takes your breath away. You watch as Matthew slowly drops his bag onto the floor, his shoes vacant next to it. His legs carry him over to you and with every step he takes, your heart picks up speed while the heat between your legs begins to feel almost unbearable. His eyes say much more than words ever could and when he comes to a stop, he lets them linger on your lips long enough for you to almost lose your mind. 
“So, what’s behind this door?” He asks, nodding in the direction of the bedroom door. The heat is about to make you pass out.
“B-bedroom,” you stutter back. Matthew grins.
“Well, what did Hanbin hyung say? Be a good girl and show me.”
Oh. Oh. A Wave of desire washes over you as you nod, your hand shaking when you push the door open, following Matthew’s hand movement and walking inside, his body right behind yours. He doesn’t close the door behind him, instead he settles on walking through the room, looking around. You try to steady your breathing, failing miserably.
“It’s a nice bedroom,” he says, nodding to himself, “I like the pictures on your wall. Did you take them?” 
When you nod, he smiles at you, obviously impressed.
“You’ve got a good eye.” 
As much as you appreciate the compliment - you can’t really focus on anything else but the way he looks in the dim light coming through the window. His arms, his slowly heaving chest. Your eyes roam over his body and you feel hot all over, wondering what it would feel like to touch him, to feel his muscles tighten around you. 
He notices, of course he does. It’s not hard to miss - the way you eye him up and down, the way your eyes linger a little too long on his chest, his arms. He feels his blood rush down, feels his dick getting hard at the mere idea of you checking him out, wanting him. 
“Maybe,” you begin, not sure where the confidence to speak is coming from but you accept it with open arms, “maybe you should change out of your sweaty clothes.”
His eyebrows shoot up for just a second before they settle back down. He can’t stop the smug smile creeping on his lips, not taking his eyes off you when he starts moving. 
“Yeah? Hm, I think you might be right.” His voice is deep and dripping in cockyness that has your pussy clenching. To make matters worse, he comes to a stop in front of you and immediately moves his hands to the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head the next second to reveal a perfectly sculpted torso - abs and chest and collarbones that make your fingers itch to touch them. 
“Fuck,” you breathe out, stepping closer to him with your hands stretched out, hands that he now grabs with his, pulling you right into him. While he should smell bad, courtesy of working out, he doesn’t. He looks sweaty, he is sweaty, but he smells heavenly. His cologne mixed with his own scent, musky and sweet at the same time, it lingers in your nose, gets your knees weak and Matt has to wrap an arm around your waist to stop you from actually falling to your knees. The smug smile seems to get even more smug. His eyes are on yours and his arm around you seems to squeeze every ounce of self respect you have left right out of you.
“Careful, darling.” His voice is merely a whisper. His breath hits your face and you can’t stop the whimper escaping your lips now even if you tried. That does it for him. He forgets all about his worries and crashes his lips onto yours, free hand now cupping your cheek, meaning both of your hands were free to find their own place to settle on. 
First, you let your right hand feel up his biceps, a moan slipping between your lips when he flexes his arm underneath your grip. The other hand is on his chest, nails digging into his warm skin, causing him to hiss. His teeth sink into your bottom lip and you feel like you could come undone on the spot. 
Matthew deepens the kiss, tongue now inside your mouth, wet and hot and perfect and you let both arms wrap around his neck now, his strong arm carrying you over to the bed, where he puts you down, his body now on yours, one of his thighs slipping between yours - giving you the friction you so desperately needed. His lips move fast and rough and you feel like your whole body is on fire when you begin to move your core against his thick thigh, embarrassingly already feeling a climax approaching. 
“God, you’re so pretty,” his breathy voice against your ear gets you even closer to the edge. You bite down on your lip, arching your back against him and he begins to kiss your neck, kiss it, lick it, bite down on your sensitive skin, one hand now under your shirt, grabbing your braless tits and squeezing them hard. 
“Fuck, Matthew-,” you cry out, nails back to digging into his skin, this time his shoulders. Your hips move uncontrollably against his hard thigh, his tongue now wandering down and finally flicking against your nipple after shoving your top up far enough. Everything inside of you is burning by now. Your clothes feel too hot and you sit up for a second to get rid of your shirt, the wild look in Matthew’s eyes as he watches you is intoxicating. You are quick to wrap your arms around him again when your upper body is freed and he is quick to kiss you again, just as rough as before. 
In no time you feel your first orgasm rush over you, a series of whimpers and moans landing in his mouth, against his lips, down his throat as he swallows them.
“Yeah, baby, so pretty when you cum for me, fucking hell, I bet you’re so fucking wet.”
The orgasm is mindblowing. It’s hot and feels forbidden even though you know it’s not. You know Hanbin is probably standing under the stream of water having to restrict himself from touching his cock, from getting off to the thought of you and Matthew alone in your bedroom. There is no time for you to come down from your high, not with Matthew parting from you only to shove you further up the bed with your newest obsession in the form of his arms. Your mouth waters and your eyes widen when you see the clear outline of his arousal between his legs and you can’t stop yourself from sitting back up.
“Can I suck you off?” You ask him.
He groans and nods, pulling his sweatpants down, leaving almost nothing to imagination anymore. His gray briefs are tight around his cock, a cock you can’t wait to taste on your lips and feel its weight on your tongue. You get on all fours, looking up at him and seeing his eyebrow twitch, a smile on your lips when you finally reach him, fingers in the waistband of his underwear, dragging it down his legs next, his thick cock springing free and smacking against his stomach, leaving a small stain right there on his skin. Moving forward, you grab his cock and lick over his stomach, the stain gone in no time, Matthew’s eyes wide and his mouth hanging open. 
“Fuck.” He breathes out, one hand now on the back of your head, watching you as you begin to pump his cock with one hand, the other helping you keep steady on the mattress. You eye his cock, tongue soon licking his tip clean and Matthew is sure he is about to pass out. His hips buck and you giggle, opening your mouth fully for him to slip inside, easily taking him down your throat, Matthew’s composure about to break. His hand fists your hair, head thrown back as he continues to fuck your mouth. Spit is dripping down onto the bed, spit mixed with his pre and you press your tongue against his shaft, letting him use your throat as much as he likes. 
“So, so good for me, baby, taking me so well, fuck.” 
His raspy voice has your eyes rolling back and your core starting to throb again. It won’t be long until you need a cock stuffing you full. 
“I see you are already acquainted with my princess’ ability to take a cock down her throat no problem.”
Hanbin entered the room with neither of you taking notice. Your heart does a flip, eyes opening and flicking over to your beautiful boyfriend who stands in the door frame, nothing but a towel around his slim body, the tattoo right underneath his neck as well as his v-line on full display for you to drool on Matt’s cock over. Your boyfriend comes closer to you now, Matthew not even taking real notice, too far into his desire. Hanbin stops next to Matthew, smiling to himself as he watches his most beloved girlfriend getting throat fucked by his best friend. The towel does little to hide how much he enjoys the view. 
“My perfect girl, I bet you’re so wet, aren’t you?” He pats your cheek softly, eyes warm but sharp. You want to tell him to get behind you, to fuck you as Matthew fucks your mouth, but you know that’s not what he wants.
“Matt, I think it’s time for you to give our little baby here what she needs.” Shit. You moan around Matt’s cock, dizzy from the way Hanbin seems to lose himself in authority in the best way. He’s confident and secure and you don’t think he’s ever been sexier to you. Finally, Matt lets his cock drop from your lips and you wipe over your mouth with the back of your hand, looking from Matt to Hanbin.
“You did so well, baby, ‘am so proud of you.” Hanbin leans forward, kissing your lips and then your cheeks and finally your forehead before looking back at Matthew and giving him the go with a nod. 
A few seconds later you’re on your back, Matthew’s cock deep inside you, wrapped in a condom Hanbin had handed him (“The only one cumming inside her is me, sorry bud,” he had said and Matthew had only nodded, too horny to even really care), fucking into you like a madman. Your back was arched and your fingers were wrapped around his biceps that were all nice and hard as he held himself up above you, his hips working at godspeed. 
Watching all of this from your desk chair, Hanbin had discarded the towel on the floor, his hand around his leaking cock, watching his best friend fuck his girlfriend just the way she liked it. His eyes are glued to your face, the way it is contoured in nothing but pleasure - your eyes closed shut and your mouth dropped open, the sounds coming out of it more than just music to his ears. You sound like heaven to him - like something no one could ever compare to. He licks over his lips, stroking his cock a little quicker as he lets his eyes roam over the rest of you; your tits as they bounce up and down, your legs crossed around Matthew’s waist. Everything about you is perfect and he can’t believe he got to finally see your pleasure from this point of view.
“G-gonna cum, fuck, sh-shit,” Matthew feels himself tumbling over the edge, his head dipping down to kiss your neck and lick up to your lips, pulling you into a kiss that takes your already harbored breath away. He moves faster, with less control and finally, when he feels you clench around his cock over and over - hot cum shoots out of his exhausted cock and into the condom, for a split second wishing there wasn’t one. 
He rides out his orgasm, kissing your lips and cheeks and moving down to your neck, your hands in his hair now, enjoying the way he twitches inside of you. When he rolls off your body, he is still trying to catch his breath, even more sweaty than before. With all of the tension and arousal gone, he now starts to feel blood rush to his cheeks, slowly looking over at you only to see you fondly smiling at him.
“Thanks,” you giggle, letting your fingers brush through his wet bangs. He smiles, showing his rows of white teeth.
“Right back at you,” he says, looking at Hanbin then, who has gotten up. He exchanges glances and nods, knowing that this next part is not for his eyes.
“Guess I’ll finally hit the shower then.” Matthew chuckles, getting off the bed and hurrying to the door that he ends up closing this time.
Hanbin is on top of you a second later, his lips devouring yours, hands on your face, cock pressing against the inside of your thigh. You sigh into his mouth, hands on his nape as you kiss him back, butterflies everywhere, your stomach feeling like you’re flying. 
“You did so well, baby, made me so happy, so horny, god, I love you,” he kisses you between every word and you giggle, wrapping your legs around him.
“I love you too, need you, too, please fill me up, Hannie.”
He nods, kissing the corner of your mouth before skillfully turning you around, slipping into your pussy through your legs flat on the mattress. Fuck. You love it when he fucks you like this. His mouth is right by your ear, his cock easily slipping into you, the moan he lets out making your pussy flutter.
“So wet baby, did he fuck you well, hm? Liked his cock in your mouth? Your pussy?” He whispers into your ear, his hips beginning to fuck you into the mattress hard. You cry out, hands gripping the bed sheets.
“Y-Yes! Liked it a lot.”
“Hm, bet you did. Bet you would have loved it if I had fucked you when you had his cock in your mouth, isn’t that right, baby?” His hips are so skilled, know exactly how to move to make you lose your mind, forget all your words. So, all you can do is nod your head yes.
Hanbin chuckles, kissing the back of your neck.
“I am so lucky to have you.” 
His speed triples after this. He ruts into you like it’s his life goal to have you coming undone on his cock, to have his seed spill into you and claim you as his. Your cries of pleasure make him go even harder, the sound of his cock slipping in and out of your wet pussy so lewd it has both of your heads spinning. When you feel your second climax approaching, you clench around him, Hanbin biting into your shoulder as he continues his thrusts. Neither of you will hold out any longer and so, when he gives you permission with a sweet kiss and a “cum for me, princess”, you can’t help yourself. Pleasure runs through every inch of your body, pulsating around Hanbin’s cock and taking him over the edge with you.
“Yeah, baby, that’s it, shit,” Hanbin empties inside you, hot cum filling your spent pussy and you cry out his name over and over again, just as he does yours. All through getting down from his high, he showers your back with kisses, hands caressing your sides. When he slips out of you and helps turn you on your back, you feel his release dripping out too and he is quick to stuff it back in with his slim fingers, your pussy clenching as you whimper in overstimulation.
“Bin!” Your hands both move to his wrist, eyes wide and he grins, the wrinkles under his eyes making you all soft inside. 
“Sorry, baby. Just making sure what’s yours stays in there.” He kisses the top of your nose and you roll your eyes at him, swatting at his shoulder.
“You’ve got a dirty mouth.”
Your boyfriend just laughs, kissing you lovingly, free hand caressing your cheek. 
Someone clearing their throat in the door makes you part again. There stands Matthew, his eyes glued to the both of you with something like uncertainty in his gaze.
“I just- uh, I just wanted to know where, uh, where you kept the towels.”
You can see clearly that he’s been watching you longer than a few seconds. You and Hanbin share a look before you burst out laughing.
“Maybe we should take a shower together. All three of us,” You say, grinning from Hanbin to Matthew. They both are visibly surprised at your proposal, Matthew looking a little unsure when his and Hanbin’s gaze meet. 
“Sounds like a wonderful plan to me, sweetheart. I could definitely use another shower after this.” Hanbin grins happily. And Matthew thinks that maybe he could get used to this. 
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ohcorny · 3 months
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so! it's been a year since i put never satisfied on hiatus, and 9 years since i started posting it, and rather than make you read everything if all you want to know is "when's it coming back?" the answer is still: don't know! but the answer has also shifted closer to "it isn't" the longer i've spent on break, and i think it's worth being up front about that.
i talked about it a little here a few weeks ago, but the long and short of it is that between taking on better paying work, writing better stories, and looking back at what i'd already done for never satisfied... i just don't think i want to continue it? the year off has been incredibly good for my mental health, and i can't see myself wanting to go back after the two-three years still ahead of me on my current project. that's not to say i never want to return to the characters or the concept, but if i did, i imagine it would be with something completely new, in a different form. after all, i started this comic when i was 21 years old, a lesbian, and a sophomore in college. i am now just shy of 30, a bi man, and overall a completely different person than i was, back when i was writing without a plan and putting all of my insecurities into the comic--insecurities i don't identify with anymore. lord i'm closer to rothart's age than i am to lucy's. hate that
anyway. you have all been extraordinarily kind for following never satisfied for as long as you have, for supporting it as much as you have, and being as patient as you have. whatever form never satisfied takes in the future (god willing, with a more cohesive story structure and A PLAN FOR THE ENDING, WHICH BY THE WAY I NEVER, EVER HAD) i hope to see you there!
in the meantime, as an update on where i'm at with the thing that made me stop working on NS: i finished it! all the pages for Hunger's Bite (if you remember it with a different title: no you don't) have been turned in and now it's just revisions and covers and then........ waiting a year until it can come out. because that's how it is in traditionally published graphic novels! nothing releases for a full year after you finished it! and you're even getting it earlier than was originally planned, because i'm a creature and finished it like three months ahead of schedule. i've also already started thumbnailing the sequel book which i can't talk about whatsoever and will now be working on that for the next two years and then HOPEFULLY the first book will have done well enough that i can sell a third! so you better buy it when it comes out next february!!!!!!
to ease you all into it, i wanted to do a little crossover to introduce the main characters. we have emery, whose design is fully and unintentionally just Seiji Again down to his color palette (but seiji would bully him if they met. like so hard. he's a wimp). then we have neeta, a girl who dreams of travel and cares deeply about worker's rights, and wick, a vampire agent investigating the mysterious and sinister new owner of the 1910s ocean liner emery and neeta call home. he's also gay. but sorry lucy, you aren't his type. you're not mean enough.
the best place to keep up with me these days is probably here, as this first book gets closer to release, i will probably be posting about it a lot. and i will certainly post about it here when there's an official release date and cover reveal! i hope you'll go read it. i really think if you liked never satisfied and its themes, you'll like hunger's bite!
thank you again for reading!!
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btbigelow · 11 months
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And here's the final version of that thumbnail I posted a while back! I finished this a couple of months ago, but I wanted to wait until I had my Etsy sorted so that way I could let people know that you can buy your own physical version if you so choose RIGHT DOWN THERE!!! Link to this poster on Etsy This was a fun experiment in style, color, texture, and halftones, and it is very obviously based on old punk venue posters for bands like Sex Pistols and Blondie.
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rollo-rolls · 2 months
Hi!! I hope your having a good day! I wanna say so sorry in advanced if this is going to sound so annoying already. I’m so sorry lol but I was the anon that first asked about the winter holidays prima Donna hairstyle a couple months ago. I know your not obligated but I was just wondering will you be releasing it soon? Been dying to have that vintage hairstyle on my sims :3 such beautiful hair! Thank you! Again sorry lol
Hello! Yes, today was a good day, haha. Hope you're doing okay!
Don't be sorry, you're not annoying. Actually, I remember about you everytime I go in CAS and see that hair... The reason I still didn't share it, is because I simply don't have any model to wear that hair xD All my sims are huge wips right now. I'll tell you what. I'll upload that hair for you in this ask. It won't have any thumbnail or anything, but once I'll make officiall post, you can replace the files.
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Polycount is 24,5k.
Credits for the original hair and picture goes to @aurumsims.
Happy simming! :D
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pixelchills · 2 years
A tracer is making money with our works
Hello guys, this is a bit different post than what I usually do but please spread the word of awareness for the FNAF, Genshin Impact, Undertale and MHA communities.
A YouTuber named Suitor LP and his thumbnail artist Tanabearchan (minors do not click this link it's an 18+ acc) have been using a lot of other people's art, traced, on the thumbnails of his videos. A lot of the thumbnails included multiple different FNAF, Genshin Impact, Undertale and MHA/BNHA fanworks, and after talking with Suitor LP himself he has apparently been the one to find these artworks from pinterest and then paid Tanabear to trace/edit them, paying her $200 a month for it.
Example, my own work:
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Most of his videos are apparently NSFW audios, so your art might have been used in that sort of video. I have screenshots of all the original thumbnails from the past 8 or 9 months with the stolen artworks saved. He has, in a matter of panic, tried to save his and Tanabear's reputations, by trying to BRIBE me with money to keep my mouth shut while he and Tanabear remove all the evidence of the tracing from his discord server and YouTube.
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I am not completely sure what the real reason behind all of this is, and who is the bigger criminal here, because Suitor's story changed the narrative multiple times during our chats in discord yesterday. At first, I assumed he was a victim of a scam, so I took my own strike down but told him to fire his thumbnail artist and that I'd call her out for scamming. He didn't seem to want me to do that, and then his story started to change from him "not knowing his artist was tracing" to "I was the one who found the pictures from Pinterest and told her to trace them"
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He was constantly changing the story around about everything, and tried to reason with me not to do this callout from everything from "Other YouTubers do it too" to tragic 'pity me' stories of his youtube career to eventually raising his bribe to $100.
He promised to change, and replace all the thumbnails, but the damage is already done, and judging his constantly changing story I would not believe anything he says at this point. I will add all the screenshots of the video thumbnails I took under the cut. He has now taken down all the thumbnails but I really don't trust he is going to change, he literally said to me when I first started chatting with him that he "learned his lesson 2 years ago" (to not use stolen artwork) but it really seems like he didn't.
I recognised one of the artworks of DJMM to belong to @ballpitbee and one of the Moon drawings to belong to another 18+ artist I follow on Twitter.
Suitor LP has gained money from his videos by using the artworks to lure people to his videos. Some of the arts might have been done by minors, and they've been used in NSFW audio videos. Tanabearchan has gained $200 per month to trace and edit these artworks for him for probably over a year now.
I do not usually call people out publicly. This situation is just so unfair and I think people need to be aware of this. Idk what we can do at this point, but I just don't want these people to be let go without facing at least some sort of consequences. So I'm spreading awareness to not support his channel and to not support the artist who traces others' work for money.
Here are the thumbnails, please reblog this to the other fandoms as well so this post can reach out to all the possible artists affected.
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elitadream · 10 months
🎆 Sing for Absolution: behind the scenes 🎆
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Hello everyone, and welcome to this summary on how the story was visually built! If you happen to come across this post and would like to read (or reread) the collab @drones-of-innocence and I have created together, just click on the title above and it will take you right to it! 🤗
With that said, let's begin! :D
As some of you already know, this was an idea that Drones had for a long time. It was brought up during one of our many conversations a few months ago, in which she briefly described the plot and sent me a condensed version. I- immediately and completely fell in love with the concept, so much so that I couldn't keep still. 😂💘 I practically begged Drones to let me draw a few frames for it, and she happily gave me permission. At first, what I intended to do was make about 3 or 4 thumbnails, like I had done with One Step Closer.
I returned with 22.
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And from there, we both decided "Okay. Yeah. Let's make this official. 🙌💯" LOL
What's interesting here is that, as you can see, some frames didn't make it to the final cut! 🤓 And inversely, new frames were eventually added as the collab progressed. Out of all the sketches that were either abandoned or later deemed superfluous, my personal favorite would probably have to be this shot of Kamek. 😈
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From the rough thumbnails I had presented, Drones helped me select the best and most eloquent ones, and I also changed a few other things along the way. For example, one panel that was entirely redone was frame 3 (where Mario enters Peach's room), because the initial composition didn't allow for the reader to see the setting very clearly, and I felt that the establishing shot needed to be wider.
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Many of the drawings were also ultimately flipped to give the visuals a more coherent direction and better flow, including this one!
I decided pretty early on that the palette should be made of cold hues, seeing as these events happen to take place at night and that a warm overlay wouldn't adequately have conveyed the more ominous and solemn tone of the story in my opinion. 🤔💁‍♀️
Oh! And I almost forgot: using cold colors for the backgrounds and characters was also very convenient because it helped make the magical effects (the fire, the spells, etc- all the bright, warm and/or complementary nuances) really stand out, which resulted in a more interesting and visually striking contrast overall. 😌🎨
As I do with all my illustrations, I started by cleaning the sketches and adding a unifying background filler for all the frames. Then, I selected the colors I wanted to use (a gradient made of a mix of navy blue and purple) and worked on each drawing individually. Even with simple tones, we can observe the sheer difference that shading makes! 👀😉
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There's a visual element that appears in the story and which I had borrowed from Drones before, and that would be Peach's healing magic.^^ ✨ I remember I was fascinated by the idea when I first discovered it in Un Fiore Per Te, which had prompted me to ask her if I could feature it in a piece where the Princess is seen using said power while at Mario's bedside in one of my other tangents. 💞
I kept the effect similar on purpose in Sing for Absolution, so that the slight reference would be easier to catch! 😊
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And last but not least, there's that cheeky little Fire Flower! 🤭🔥
As mentioned in a previous ask, the flower actually signifies a lot in this case as it somewhat embodies the deeply affectionate bond between Mario and Peach, glowing brighter and closing its eyes in happiness when the two are close. 💖
While admittedly not the first drawing I made in which a Fire Flower appears, the one that actually inspired both Drones and I to include this symbolic power-up in the story was one that I made all the way back in February for Valentine's Day. 🥰 The subtle yet direct reference can be spotted twice in the text, linking this piece to the collab and establishing a bit of a chronology as well. I was very honored that Drones added this small detail, and I very much look forward to working on more ideas with her in the future! 😁🤝
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Big thanks once again to all of you dear friends and followers who have commented and given their thoughts on this projects. Drones and I can't thank you guys enough for your interest and enthusiasm!! 😇💗
ALSO ALSO- I have shared here my visual side of the collab's progression, but Drones intends to give her own side of the story's development soon (explaining some of the themes and narrative elements a little more in depth), so make sure to stay tuned and check her blog as well! ^-^ 💫
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van-yangyin · 2 months
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Following Custom Content I shared the other day, here is EyeTree Head Set that contain a EyeTree head and Eyes of Tree Accessory for all ages. Hope you enjoy this one! 💗
Short brief when this post is published: I'm currently without pc because it's being repaired since it was failing me, so I leave you this publication that I left prepared. Until I have it back, it's possible that I won't be much on my social medias. When I return I'll answer to your lovely asks and replies. @lea-heartscxiv will probably lend me his, but it will only be for occasional times like posting things we've worked on together or new CC if pc takes too long to repair. Thank you for your patience with me ❤
They look at you, they judge you, they discriminate against you. From a planet far away from Sixam, called Lerighett, reside these tree-headed beings with eyes. They're said to be of many varieties and species, though residents of the hidden lands of Heyadee are one of the most frowned upon for being so perceptive and judgmental. If they have more eyes around them, they may be even more judgmental for being able to see beyond your soul. 👁️🌳
Download under keep reading ↓
If you download my CC it means your agree with my T.O.U (English/Español/日本語).
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EyeTree Head
General Info:
13 swatches
Base game compatible
Located on Detail Skin, Forehead
all ages
disable for werewolves (don't show good on them)
all LOD's
All Maps (Diffuse, Normal, Specular)
Mesh and texture made from scratch by me
Custom Thumbnails
Compatible with higher and lower game sliders
Known problems: Some parts of the trunk may go deeper into the skin. Since is placed in Skin Details, Forehead, both packages are shown, no matter the gender, but they're written as Male Frame and Female Frame on thumbnail so that they can be easily recognized. Try to use them properly so they don't look bad unless that is the result you want to achieve.
LOD Information: LOD0: 7232 poly | LOD1: 3615 poly | LOD2: 1806 poly | LOD3: 903 poly
※Choose download the one/ones you want the most or only download Merged: "_T-E_Merged" or "_AllMerged" where all the files are together.※
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly) [Same link]
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (SFS ~ Always free, no adfly)
Photo in CAS and in-game photo without shaders:
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Eyes of Tree Accessory
General Info:
1 swatch, since use eye texture
Base game compatible
Located on Detail Skin, Crease
all ages
all LOD's
Mesh made from scratch by me
Custom Thumbnails
LOD Information: LOD0: 2880 poly | LOD1: 1440 poly | LOD2: 720 poly | LOD3: 360 poly
Do you want to know what else I'll be releasing this month and on what day? You can support me on Patreon or Ko-Fi and find out in this posts, here (Patreon) and here (Ko-Fi).
※Choose download the one/ones you want the most or only download Merged: "_T-E_Merged" or "_AllMerged" where all the files are together.※
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly) [Same link]
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (SFS ~ Always free, no adfly)
Photo in CAS:
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Compatible with LightHead/EyeHead and without LightHead:
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Btw, do you saw my last CC post? ⬇️
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This CC is made in part in honor of the fucking eyes (the big one and the little ones) of Arc the Lad the Twilight of Spirits, who gave me and Lea a hard time many many years ago to defeat them. They aren't the same, but every time I was doing it I was thinking about them. Has anyone else played this game? I loved it and I love it!
Let me know if you find any problem. 🙏❣️ Also if you use this or any of my CC, feel free to tag me so I can see your sims, it will make me very happy to see it!
Happy simming! 🍀
🛹 You can find me also on Patreon | Pinterest | Ko-Fi | Blogger (Shared with Lea) | Instagram | X (Twitter) | My F.A.Q. | My T.O.U. | MORE DOWNLOADS 🛹
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co-reborn · 1 year
WYR-0525: Good Little Student Wang Yiren Is Secret Porno Slut! Couldn't Resist Fuck During Office Hours With Teacher, Multiple Orgasms Spanking Doggy Style Sex Party!
Yiren x Male Reader
view in AFF
4,246 Words
A/N: Powered through writing this for @praeluxius​ and special thanks to him and @sinswithpleasure​ for helping beta-read this fic. 
A/N2: Potential TW in terms of dubious consent for a certain part of the fic. I do not condone doing it IRL.
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Funny how Wang Yiren has such a strong passion for the camera. The shot of her face when you take her attendance always reminds you of the many times you’ve seen her on the internet long before she became your student. You didn’t want to believe it at first but everything about her felt so familiar. You try to ignore her online persona as much as you can. She distracts you enough outside of class and you can’t have her be a distraction in class too. 
Your eyes linger a little too long after you mark her as present. An hour and a half ago, she was dressed all prim and proper. Now at the end of class, Yiren looks like a complete mess. Her top is haphazardly buttoned and her face is flushed with stray hairs sticking to her forehead. You know that look. You can tell what she has been doing during your online class.
Block out any stray thoughts and focus on what’s on hand right now. You finish class with final reminders about other assignments and soon after, your students begin to leave the call. Only one remains. Yiren doesn’t say anything, just navigating her screen before she makes eye contact with you through the screen. 
Immediately, your phone receives a notification. The website icon gives you a hint on what it’s about and you tense up for a second. When you look back at your monitor, you’re alone in the online classroom. You heave a sigh and close the app. Your next lesson is a while away so you busy yourself with some emails and marking of assignments. However, the universe has another plan for you. The notification of your phone stares at you. Ignore it.
You can’t. 
You pick your phone up to read it proper—WYR uploaded a new video. 
Your monitor cursor automatically finds its way to the bookmark bar and clicks the oh-so familiar webpage. Right at the top of the page it shows the latest video—“Class Time Sex Video For Teacher To Watch!”. You check the video length. Thirty minutes. Lunch break ends in an hour. You can finish lunch in fifteen minutes, you have time to spare. Your cursor hovers over the thumbnail. Just click away.
You almost give in to that voice in your head. The video preview starts playing. It shows Wang Yiren’s near-naked body. She has posted several intimate videos on this blog from months prior to being in your class and you hate to admit that you watched every single one of them. Your fingers tremble and ultimately, you go against your morals and get ready to watch the latest release.
The video starts off simple as always—an up-close image of her cute face smiling at her viewers. You’re thinking to yourself, ‘Fuck, she’s so goddamn pretty’. Yiren is easily the cutest student you have come across and if you were her classmate, you’d die to date her. 
However, when she takes a step back and you see the manner she’s dressed in, your thoughts change to ‘Fuck, she’s so goddamn hot’. Her uniform top, the same one she was wearing earlier in your class, is halfway undone and she’s giving you a peek down to her cleavage. That sight remains on your screen for the next few minutes, you aren’t exactly sure how long. She stayed in the position for some time, undoing the rest of the buttons and pulling the top open repeatedly in a teasing fashion, plus you couldn’t resist rewinding those few seconds several times. 
Then, Yiren takes another step back and turns around. When she leans forward, her skirt lifts just enough for you to see her cheeks peek from below it. Her hands reach for the side of the skirt and an audible zip later, it drops to reveal her skimpy pink panties. You pause the video to take the moment to properly admire her half-clothed ass, even spotting the outline of her pussy. Letting the video continue playing, you watch Yiren pull her panties down her legs. She’s already wet and definitely needy for some action. She follows up by teasing the camera with shakes of her ass mixed with her hands running all over the pristine white skin.
Meanwhile, you’re obsessed with the thought of what it would be like if you were next to her. Digging your fingers into her fine little ass would send you into a frenzy. You wouldn’t stop there. There’s more to enjoy than groping her. You want to spank that ass and ruin the perfect white with red hand marks. That will truly drive you insane.
As if she can predict your thoughts, what comes next is a series of soft slaps accompanied by her soft yelps. Yiren is slapping her own ass, although you would be rougher than that if you had the chance, and the first few moans of the video already have you twitching and leaking. This continues for the next minute or so, her slaps gradually increasing in strength, causing her ass to grow redder.
Yiren then turns back to the camera and smiles as she takes a seat. Slowly, she spreads her legs and your eyes are glued to the screen. You want to get a proper look at her crotch but her hands are covering the view, as if she knows exactly what you want. Keeping up the painfully slow movement, her fingers run across her soaking pussy lips before she fully exposes herself to the camera.
Yiren picks up a dildo off her desk and she winks when she presses the dildo against her entrance. Anticipation is at its peak. You’re staring intently at the screen and waiting for your student to begin fucking herself. Unfortunately, she draws out the moment further by circling the toy around her clit.
You do not have the time nor the patience to watch Yiren tease herself so you spam the arrow key to skip ahead. One click too many and you barely catch the sight of her inserting the last inch of the toy into her pussy. She then pulls it out and her juices staining the toy causes it to glisten. A split second later, the dildo is buried deep inside her one more. In and out the toy goes, a seemingly endless cycle that you’re so accustomed to watching such that you can “watch” with your eyes closed.
You stroke yourself at the same pace as Yiren fucking herself. You wish to be the one fucking her and your mental image slowly shifts. 
She’s lying on her back and already spreading her legs. She’s wearing that same “fuck me” look she loves to put on in her videos and beckoning you to get closer to her. You’re pounding her fast and hard and the next thing you know, Yiren has her arms and legs wrapped around your neck and waist. She pulls you into her and you hear her every gasp and moan.
“Faster. Harder.”
You’re fully unaware of how long the video has been going for and eventually, the moaning comes to a temporary pause. You slow your strokes down as well, not wanting to blow your load too early. An abrupt cut later, you’re presented with a new angle.
The dildo is now placed on her chair and Yiren has repositioned herself to face the backrest of the chair. While you’re denied vision to her front, you have the privilege to watch her ass. Her hand steadies herself against the backrest while the other pulls her cheeks apart just enough for the camera to catch the erotic scene. Yiren looks over her shoulder and bites her lips as she sinks downwards onto the toy. 
As soon as the dildo is fully in her body, she begins to ride it fervently, not hesitating to vocalise her pleasure. You wish you could watch her face contort in pleasure but you’ll settle for the sight of her ass rippling as she bounces on the chair over and over. If only you get to watch that in the flesh or even experience it for yourself.
You always suppress the thought of fucking her when in class or on campus but in the privacy of your home, your inhibitions no longer hold you back. It would be heaven for Yiren to be on top of your lying figure and riding you. You want to grip her hips and bounce her hard against your cock. You want to fucking use your hot student’s body in any way possible. While your imagination continues to go wild, the pressure in your loins grows as you inch closer to your orgasm.
You snap your attention back to the screen when Yiren’s moans grow in volume and frequency. Your eyes are glued to the screen just in time to watch her cum. Her back arches and her head tosses back. Even after she has came, she never stops riding the toy despite the struggle.
By now, you’re more than 20 minutes into the video. You have been edging closer and closer to your peak. Rewind the last few seconds over and over. Watching the sight of Yiren cumming repeatedly is just what sets you off. You cum all over yourself and make a mess of your hands and your crotch. Your eyes shut while the pleasure of your orgasm courses through you and all you can hear is Yiren’s skin slapping on the now-wet chair.
Gently maintain your strokes even when you have stopped leaking while you grab nearby tissue to wipe yourself up. By now, Yiren is facing the camera and is holding her stained dildo. Her tongue circles the girth of the toy as she begins to suck it. If not for the time constraint, you would consider going for a second round.
After you finish cleaning yourself, you look at the video again. The glint in her eyes as she sucks her juices clean off the toy tells you something—she’s not done yet.
Before the video ends, she leans closer to the camera and whispers, “Aren’t I a good little student?”
“Yes, Yiren. Yes you are.”
An unexpected knock on the door causes you to snap out of your trance and pause the video you were engrossed in.
“Come in.” You shut your laptop and look up.
Oh. It’s her. 
Yiren steps into your office. Seeing that she’s wearing the same outfit as that video from days ago, your mind replays clips of her stripping herself, spanking herself, fucking herself. You shake your head and clear the images away. 
Standing across the desk from you, she exclaims, “Do you like me?”
You raise your eyebrow, unsure of what she means. She shifts your laptop to the side of your table and lays her bag carefully on it. You frown, confused by her actions. Moving towards your side of the table, Yiren crosses her arms and leans on the edge of your desk, “I mean, sir, do you like watching my videos?”
There’s nothing you can do but sit in confused silence.
“Oh please, I recognise that website icon on your bookmark bar any day of the week.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. In fact, I’m flattered that you watch my videos.” Yiren then places her hands on your shoulders and leans closer to you. “Sir, did you know I started filming myself in the middle of your online classes before?”
You gulp. Of course you remember the times when notifications go off minutes after your class ends and when you watch the videos, she is wearing the very same clothes as during the attendance check. “Y-Yes Yiren.”
“I did that not because I was bored, but because I get so wet whenever I hear your voice. I touch myself thinking about you. I fuck myself imagining it’s your cock I’m riding.” 
Your eyes widen at the revelation. Your student lusting after you? This can’t be right.
“I want you, Sir, and I know you want me too. This will be our little secret.”
She finally plants her lips on yours and you immediately reciprocate.
You shut your eyes as you melt into the kiss. Her lips taste so sweet and addictive that it makes you yearn for much more. This isn’t right. 
It feels like a match made in heaven. Yiren straddles you and pushes into you to deepen the kiss. Her tongue probes against your lips and you accept it. Immediately, it swirls around yours and explores your mouth. This is wrong.
Your hands roam her body, starting from her thighs up to her waist. So, so wrong. 
They continue moving up to her shoulders. You want to wrap your arms around her and pull her tight. Stop now!
Your eyes widen and you push her away instead, trembling while the dilemma of what’s right or wrong sets in. Your last bit of conscience begs you to draw the line and walk away before you make any mistake. Yet where was it all those times when you jerked off to your student’s porn videos and streams and fantasised about fucking her in any conceivable way?
Deep in thought, you don’t even notice that your top is removed. Your body doesn’t register the sudden cold when heat is built up between your legs. The devil is now on her knees. Yiren does everything in her power to tempt you. Her lust-filled eyes are fixated on you and hold yours in place. You feel her hands unbuckling your belt and pulling down your pants but you’re completely powerless to react. Maybe you don’t want to.
Her first touch on your exposed shaft sends shivers up your spine. When she spits on your cock and begins to stroke it, you’re pulled back closer to sin and your rational thoughts are pushed further away. Yiren doesn’t stop there, especially when there’s so much more she can do. She dips her head lower and begins to pepper your balls with light kisses. It becomes so much easier to give in to your primal desires when she lightly sucks them. You manage to hold back a moan but your resistance is crumbling fast.
Your eyes dart up and look at the door. It isn’t locked. In a final attempt to stop, you mumble, “Someone might come in and catch us.” 
As if being caught is the only problem with this.
Yiren licks your cock from the base to the tip before she looks into your eyes. “So let them watch.” You twitch in her hands and elicit a smirk from her. “Let them watch how good you fuck your good little student.”
You take a step across the line once again. When she wraps her lips around your girth, you hold her hair and push her lower onto your dick. Taking her time, Yiren takes you into her mouth inch by inch until your full length is in. She keeps you there and loudly gags on your cock, making a mess on your crotch with her saliva. Then, as slowly as she took you in, she peels off you, her lips still maintaining their tight seal around your girth. 
Your hands clutch onto your chair, trying to ground yourself into reality. You’re a teacher. Yiren’s your student. She’s sucking you off. She’s giving you the best blowjob you’ve ever had.
“Fuck, your cock tastes so good, Sir.” Yiren continues to lick your slit and leaking precum. “You like my mouth on your cock?”
A groan will suffice. You don’t need any other answer. You only need her skilful mouth pleasuring you. 
“Shut up and fucking suck my dick.” 
She takes you in her mouth once again, this time letting the tip hit the back of her throat. Her hand rubs your balls and she alternates between deepthroating you and stroking you quickly. 
The room is filled with the sounds of Yiren’s sloppy blowjob and your deep breaths. If anyone were to walk by your office, surely you’ll be in deep trouble. However, the fear of getting caught has long slipped your mind, replaced by the ever-growing lust for your student.
You yank her off your cock by the hair and pull her onto her feet. Hastily undo all her shirt buttons and rid her of the top, followed by her bra. You barely get any time to admire her bare chest before she turns around, so your hands roam her body instead, feeling up her waist and her tummy, fondling her breasts and pinching her nipples. This perfect body that thousands watch and dream about touching that only you get the honour of doing so.
Yiren leans against your chest and unzips her skirt. It drops to the floor and leaves her in her panties. You wish to reach into it and finger her but she pushes off you and supports herself on the desk. She repeatedly shakes her ass and pushes it back to you, her clothed ass occasionally brushes against your swollen tip.
Her teasing got to you and you’re too impatient for that at this point. You bend down and peel her panties off her, ridding Yiren of her last article of clothing. You finally get to see her naked in the flesh and even get a close up view. Your forefinger rubs her lower lips to find that she’s utterly wet. Curiosity got to you and you get a quick taste of her essence. Fuck, she’s so delectable. 
You wish to bury yourself between her thighs and drown in her juices but you have a better prize instead—your hottest student is aching and desperate for you to fuck her. Having perfectly positioned yourself behind Yiren, you press your tip against her pussy. She looks over her shoulder and bites her lips. 
Your heart pounds. You’re about to do it. You’re about to fuck your student. You’re about to fuck the Wang Yiren. Fully entering her body in one go, you're quickly overwhelmed. You want nothing other than to fuck this girl over and over. 
“God, you have no clue how long I’ve wanted this.”
“If you had asked, I would let you fucked me earlier.”
“Then we have a lot of lost time to make up.” You kiss her cheek. “I’ll need to schedule more meetings with you.”
Yiren giggles in response and you feel her clench around you even further. As you continue to indulge in her body, more sinful thoughts fill your head, particularly all the things you want to do to Yiren. 
Raise your hand and land a slap on her butt. Immediately, there is a reaction—her body tenses up and her pussy clenches around you. Yiren drags out a moan before she turns to you. The glint in her eyes tells you that she wants more. You time your next few slaps with your thrusts. Partially withdraw your cock from her, then land a spank on her. When her body jolts forward, hold her hips and pull her back to yours, thrusting your dick in at the same time. Upon establishing this rhythm, your strength gradually increases and you spank and fuck Yiren harder.
This is addictive. You’ve been “using” her to relieve yourself for months now, watching her put on provocative performances on the internet, but now, you’re truly using her as an outlet for your pleasure without a care about hers, although there is no doubt she’s enjoying herself too. You can’t go back from here. There’s no return to just jerking off to her videos. You need her. 
Soon after, you press onto her back to slam her onto your desk and pin her waist against the edge, keeping her writhing body still while you continue to have your way with her. Caught off guard, Yiren yelps in pain. Her walls tighten around you as she gets closer to her peak. She’s so snug, so wet, and you take it as a signal to give her the final push. Digging your heels into the floor, you put more energy into your hips, forgoing strength for speed, all the while not letting up on your spanks. Tug her hair and lean straight into her ear, “Cum.”
Yiren instantly melts into her orgasm and loudly moans as pleasure washes over her. You remain buried deep in her throughout it, her pussy pulsating around your cock and bringing you a step closer to cumming. 
Moments later, you pull out of her and fall back onto your chair, your slick-coated shaft still erect and aching for your own orgasm. Yiren remains bent over the table while recovering and you note the shade of red on her ass. It’s even redder than any of the other times she spanked herself on her videos.
Still, you can’t resist giving one last slap to her ass and watching her flesh ripple. She turns around and giggles before leaning over you. Her left hand holds your cheek and pulls you in for a kiss while her right wraps itself around your cock and briefly strokes you.
“Yiren, I want to watch you fuck yourself on my cock.”
“Anything for you, Sir.”
Yiren straddles you and inserts you back into her wet pussy. She holds onto your shoulder and rides you with the sole purpose of milking your cum. She tosses her head back and moans at the sheer pleasure of fucking you. 
Your senses are in overdrive. Days ago, the video only showed her riding the toy from the back and you were satisfied already. Now, you get to watch her pretty face contort in pleasure and nothing can beat this view anymore. The feel of her tight pussy is out of the world as her snug walls pulsating around you brings you more pleasure than all her videos combined. Her moans are mixed with your deep groans as well as the repeated sounds of skin slapping, surely anyone who passes by will know what’s going on. The musky scent that fills the enclosed room is one that you wish to keep permanently in your office. Her taste still lingers on your tongue that makes you seek for more.
When she leans further into you, you kiss her neck and down to her chest. Her breasts are a perfect size, all the times she teases her nipples makes you want to nibble on them and now you have the perfect opportunity to do so.
Yiren digs into your skin with each passing second and she picks up the rhythm. You try your best to hold back as you want to prolong this session but her body is just too hot. You don’t know how long it has been since she first entered your office and you don’t know how you have lasted this long.
“Are you going to cum in me Sir?”
“Of course.”
“Good. Fill me up. Fulfil your dreams of cumming in your good little student’s pussy.”
Your willpower has been chipped away and your body starts to crumble and give in. Holding her butt and slamming her petite body harder onto your lap, you thrust your hips up as much as you can. 
You hold her tight as you do just that. Spurts of cum are shot into Yiren as you experience an orgasmic high like never before. She gently grinds on you throughout, ensuring every drop of cum leaves your body and is buried inside hers. 
You sigh after you recover and bits of your conscience come flowing back. You shouldn’t have done that. It felt amazing, but you shouldn’t have fucked Yiren. When she lifts herself off your cock, you struggle to keep a moan in out of the fear that she pulls you in for another session.
She hastily puts on her clothes, leaving her bra and panties in your possession. You follow right after, haphazardly dressing yourself as fear of getting caught begins to seep in. While you’re doing so, Yiren leans against your desk and dips her fingers under her skirt. She scoops some of your cum out of her pussy and licks it clean. “You taste good.”
She then grabs her bag and heads out of your office but not before stopping at the door and turning back to you.
“See you soon, Sir.”
The rest of the day goes by with your mind wandering about this afternoon’s events. You’re back home and by your desk. Why are you here again?
Your laptop is open. The website is loading. You’re preparing to undress yourself and to watch Yiren’s videos once again. Now knowing how Yiren’s petite body feels under your touch surely makes watching her videos much more enjoyable. The voice in your head quickly gives up and is suppressed. The sinful thoughts prevail once again.
At the top of the blog is her latest release—“Couldn't Resist Fuck During Office Hours With Teacher, Multiple Orgasms Spanking Doggy Style Sex Party!”. Your hand shivers as you click onto it. Eyes widen as you realise she has somehow recorded the session from earlier, capturing the action from multiple angles. Distraught, betrayal and anger fills you. You’d never expect to be set up like that.
But while your blood continues to boil, another feeling resurfaces. An extremely familiar one. 
You pull down your shorts and boxers. The video plays and you stroke yourself with each frame triggering memories of her touch. 
Maybe Yiren isn’t a good little student after all.
A/N3: Thanks for reading :) Please don’t record your sexual acts without your partner’s consent IRL
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sheikfangirl · 2 months
Tbh considering the whole eternal reincarnation cycle thing, it wouldn’t surprise me if Link did fall for Zelda at first sight Pre-Calamity? Something like his soul recognizing hers right away? Because of the whole “Hero chosen by the Goddess” thing? Idk it’d make sense to me 🤔
P.S.: Ignore this idea if it sounds overwhelming but… have you ever considered making something like a comic filling in the blanks about how you think Zelink happened in their BOTW/TOTK incarnation? I think it’d look really cool in your style (and I’m curious about how you imagine it happening tbh, especially the confession part lol though I kinda get an idea based on your fanarts)
Yup, i 1000% agree with you: the eternal reincarnation cycle is the obvious culprit. AGSJSG I just LOVE this corny "Hero chosen by the Goddess " gimmick hahaha Forever soulmates yaaas!!
So...about your comic suggestion, i might already be on it ....  😉
I shared a page WIP a couple of weeks ago. This was an excerpt of "The Message", my Post-BotW fan comic focusing on a major Zelink relationship milestone. Its all written, can be read from start to finish but i am still in the process of cleaning the art. This comic is 15 pages long and its gonna kill me lol It will be available hopefully by the end of the summer because I have so many professional projects going on at the same time...plus life, obviously. Just so you know I'm not answering you generic bullshit, here is some visibility on my PC's folder 😅:
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Maybe this is not a good idea to reveal how obsessed and insane I actually am cuz.... i have rough pages and thumbnails for a bunch of scenes... I also have fan cutscenes storyboards that i could turn into animatics, i just need to kick my ass and subscribe to after effect for a month lol😅 Oh yeah, and this is just about the BotW/TotK era...cuz i got an OoT folder....... GDJS looking at all these incomplete PSDs are driving me nuts. I wish i could just draw Zelda stuff full time haha
Thank you so much for your enthusiam for my humble headcanons!
Cheers and have a great one!! 🤜💥🤛
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greyyson-but-no · 1 year
tell the world
genre | fluff
warnings | one kiss (not detailed), tiny mention of lockdown, use of y/n, she/her pronouns used, unedited
pairings | tommyinnit x editor!fem!reader; platonic!wilbur soot x reader
word count | around 1.1K
a/n | first tommy fic! promise I'm getting around to those requests I have the beginnings of them in my drafts!
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the title of the video would just be “announcement” in all caps. it was dramatic, it was enticing and with both you and tommy in the thumbnail, everyone would know it was important and everyone would click on the video. the message would get to everyone that was a fan of either of you - or at least it had to get to as many people as possible. there was no point in hiding it anymore, now was the time.
you had met tommy a while ago. years and years ago, you had been a childhood friend of will’s, having grown up around him and his family and been a few years below him in secondary and primary. when he had started youtube and twitch, you had come to him about being his editor, and he had been more than happy to hire you. all throughout lockdown the two of you lived together, him streaming and filming and then you editing the vods and videos ready to post. you were easily best friend, and were around him all throughout the dream smp, when he met tommy.
it was around this time that you met tommy, too. him and wilbur’s characters were close and so they were drawn together which naturally meant you were too. both of you were similar ages and easily had a lot in common. then there was the first time the crimeboys met in real life, and of course, you were there. tommy han’t really seen you before, but was completely smitten around you. it was so out of character for him that you couldn’t- wouldn’t believe it was true when wilbur told you. (there were also behind the scenes clips of wilbur teasing tommy about being so smitten, but he would never let them see the light of day).
when tommy started filming so much that he didn’t have the time to edit his videos well enough for the viewer count he was getting each time, you happily stepped up. wilbur was slowly filming less and less with lovejoy starting and you needed something to do, and this was the perfect way to pass your time and make a bit of money (and spend more time with your crush)
then sorry boys started. they needed an editor and there you were. by now you were comfortable enough to put your face out onto the internet and so naturally had cameos in the videos, as well as being in the behind the scenes clips that were put together for the other sorry boys channels. it was also just before this that tommy had made a move. finally. wilbur and the rest of them had had enough of the flirting and the refusal to accept feelings from both parties, forcing tommy to just tell you already. which he did. it was sweet but its a story for another time.
that was about six months ago. you had managed to join them on all their escapades; amsterdam, france, hiring out a trampoline and water park, the whole lot. it was brilliant, all apart from one thing: trying to keep your relationship from being too obvious.
you were in every video. so was tommy. both of you were extremely touchy in the worst of times, let alone when you were having fun and there was only so much you could cut out of videos. somehow the two of you had to restrain from going too near each other otherwise the entire twitch and youtube community would blow up. it was so difficult. which was why you and tommy had given open. today was the day.
the camera was rolling. for now you were out of frame but in a few minutes you would be in the frame and by the evening, everyone would know about tommy and you. it was about damn time, though.
“i have a girlfriend!” tommy spoke, as soon as the camera started recording.
immediately, you burst into laughter at his words. he turned and looked at you with a questioning look, but you just shook your head, unable to speak. “i-” you paused, slowing down your breathing so you could speak, the laughter dying down. “i didn’t expect you to just say it so outwardly. i thought you would at least build up to it.”
he shrugged, still looking confused. “do you want me to build up to it?”
“no, no, just do it however you want, it was just sudden. that’ll be a good clip though.”
“‘course it will.” he grinned, shaking his head at you and turning back to the camera. “yes it’s true! it’s official! she’s actually right here next to me, and you do all know her. or at least, you should.”
he paused a moment. but then he didn’t start talking again, so you spoke up. “you going to continue?”
“no i don’t think so.”
you stood up from his bed, still staying out of frame but resting a hand on the back of his chair so he had to look up at you. “tommy, you might as well. i’ve spoke so much now that they almost definitely know it's me.”
he laughed softly, looking swiftly between you and the camera. and then suddenly he grabbed your wrist, pulling you down into his lap. well, now you were in the frame for sure. and sitting in tommy's lap for the whole world to see. you couldn't blame him, though, having gone so long without being able to show the world how much he loved you, of course he wasn't going to let go of you when the two of you finally told everyone.
"well now they know." tommy laughed, clutching your hand and looking one last time at you, then towards the camera. "boys, this is my girlfriend. the wonderful y/n."
you started laughing yet again, unable to contain your simple joy at his announcement. no more hiding, no more having to drop his hand in public or standing away from him so people didn't get suspicious. your head automatically fell into the comfort of the crook of his neck, smiling into the skin.
"what? everything alright?" he asked, squeezing your hand ever so slightly. "do you want me to turn the camera off?"
bringing your head out of his neck, you shook your head. "no no, i'm fine. continue explaining."
you only had to reassure him one more time that you were fine before he turned back towards the camera, grinning again with the same joy that was running through your veins, too. "this is more of a serious video than usual, I know, but neither of us could keep it in for much longer! we've been wanting to tell you all for so long but held back and now it's finally out there! anything you wanted to say?"
for a moment you thought, then when the correct words came into your head you spoke: "this video wasn't really because we wanted to be more transparent and open, but more so because we wanted to feel more comfortable on camera, which means being able to act like we would off camera. that in itself wouldn't be possible without telling the world we're together."
"yeah." tommy agreed.
"and we've both spoken about this for long time, weighing up the pros and cons of it, and overall- actually, there was a list wasn't there."
tommy laughed slightly, nodding. "there was a list, yes. i think it's downstairs, though."
you shrugged, resting your cheek on his head as you started speaking again. "oh well, it's for another time. basically, telling all of you guys wasn't a random decision that we made this morning. we've been actual adults and thought about this for a while now."
"yeah, exactly." he spoke. "anyway, i think that's it. if you've got anything else you wanted to say?" lastly, you thought for a little longer before shaking your head, smiling and tommy started speaking. "see you all later boys." he said goodbye and leaned forward a little, turning the camera off to stop recording.
almost immediately you shimmied into him more. waiting for him to tightly wrap his arms around your waist, and you were not disappointed when he did. quickly, you brought a hand up to his cheek, softly pressing your lips against his, eyes fluttering closed.
oh god how you loved this man. and now the world new it.
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spacecolonie · 10 months
i adore your paintings so muchhh would you happen to have any other tips or tutorials for your process? anything from thumbnailing all the way to final render
Thank you 😭♥ I appreciate that a lot!! To start with I've got my advice tag (both new and veeery old stuff lol), & my youtube has a couple of speedpaints on it, one with commentary including process, brushes etc
In terms of general stuff about how I approach painting, I tend to tailor the method to the desired outcome. I talk about it more in depth on this post here, I also link to some references & tutorials that I really enjoy/recommend!
Besides that though, I guess I can do a little walkthrough of the Whisper & Tangle painting I uploaded a few months ago, since I tried something new with it that I pseudo integrated into my workflow & could be fun to talk about? 🤔
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SO yes, I do always thumbnail when I'm doing a bigger painting, and they're definitely not pretty LOL. I usually use the colour fill lasso just to block in basic shapes and values with a gradient map slapped on the top -- I ended up swapping the values around in the end because it let me use the fireflies as the sole light source, making it more character focused! Then it's the usual process of resketching it all & flatting in the base colours (I also added Whisper's wisps hehe), then adding shading:
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This is how I usually approach it, w/ all the shading layers clipped to the original flats to preserve editing. Multiply, screen & overlay are the most common layer modes I use while doing this, and if I'm ever struggling I'll sometimes add a gradient map too in order to unify awkward colours etc. The new thing I tried for this painting was doing what's often nicknamed as a 'clown pass' -- which is using hard edged shapes to create an easily-accessible selection mask for each part:
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It looks Super funny but I actually found it very helpful, and I ended up using it to select & cut out all of their body parts onto seperate layers, which were then alpha locked. It meant I could go ham w/ large or textured brushes, smudges etc without worrying about losing those edges, or accidentally over-rendering and screwing up the anatomy in the process!!
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I've kept doing something similar since, though it's a bit more dialed back; mainly using the lasso select to chop it up directly and preserve specific/necessary edges, grouping up similar body parts on a single layer etc.
After doing all that, I sat down and started rendering. The background was all blocked in & detailed with a hard round brush and these amazing brushes from Devin Elle Kurtz. There isn't anything super insightful that I think I could type on how I render, but I do have that speedpaint I mentioned earlier that'll probably shed more light. It's just a lot of eyedropping & painting, rinse and repeat
When rendering is done I usually add a concoction of adjustment layers, as well as an overlay w/ a noise texture on it. I also sharpen it all after doing so! These are the ones that I ended up adding for this painting:
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The dupe & blur is a fun thing that doesn't always work, but it looks super neat when the painting itself calls for it, especially when paired w/ that noise texture. It can make stuff look like an old/low quality photograph or recording -- here's another example w/ a shadow and amy doodle I posted a few months ago:
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That's about it for this painting, the majority of the time spent on it was honestly me rendering those damn leaves 🥲 Very tedious but worth it & it was a really good learning experience. I'm not sure if any of this will prove useful but thank you so much for sending in the ask, & if you (or anyone else reading this) wants a similar breakdown for a different painting of mine, please do let me know and I'll try my best to do one!! 🥺💞
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silentglassbreak · 5 months
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Noah Sebastian x OFC
I had the 2nd part in my head already, so I started writing it. This post may go up pretty darn quick. If you've read so far, THANK YOU. Again, if you like it, and want to be tagged, Just lemme know.
Warnings: Alcohol abuse, overall abuse, mild violence (ie. bar fights), smut, swearing, and altogether just a lot of fuckery.
+It goes without saying. This is a work of fiction. My words are mine. Plagiarism is a crime.
Part 2 - Running in Circles
Syd looked so much brighter today. It was refreshing. She had her makeup on, she was clear, like she had been sleeping and eating regularly. Sometimes, that in and of itself was the simplest of answers. It was the key some days.
She finished telling us about how she had put in sixteen applications at various employers since the last meeting, had been to the gym each day, and finally finished a 2000 piece puzzle she started three months ago. It was fabulous news, earning her a huge applause from everyone, including Noah, who I was halfway surprised to see again today. It had only been two days, but showing up again was a 50/50 shot with newcomers. Usually, if they made it to 5 meetings, they were in it for the long haul. I was extremely pleased.
He was also a lot different today, sitting back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest the majority of the meeting, but still more open than his last visit. Reading body language was crucial in this field, so I may have read a book or two on it in my spare time. His face also looked fuller, the dark circles now just shadows slightly casting his light skin and deep color eyes. He wore a white T-shirt with a red beanie, showing the tattoos off on his long arms.
His turn came rather quickly, and he sighed heavily when all eyes turned to him.
Before he could start, I chimed in. "Guys?" Everyone looked over to me. "Before Noah shares today, can we give him a huge round of applause for showing up to his second meeting?" This was met with fierce applause and a few hoots and hollers from our more spirited members.
"Great job!" Seth smiled brightly. Abel nodded his head pointedly.
"One of the hardest parts is coming back. Good for you, bud." I could see Noah's cheeks tinge pink, but he smiled, a smile bigger than I had seen so far. He was slightly embarrassed, but I could see his appreciation. Maybe even a sparkle of moisture in his eyes? He definitely pushed that down.
He reached behind his head nervously and chuckled shyly as the clapping died down.
"Thanks guys." He folded his hands in his lap, looking at the floor. "I was in the neighborhood, so..." He threw his hands up in a casual manner, causing some laughing from the group, including myself.
"How was the last few days for you?" I crossed my legs, eyes pointed in his direction. He didn't return my gaze.
"It was different. I haven't exactly talked to anyone about it." I only nodded. I wanted to encourage him to keep sharing, but I didn't want to pry too hard. "I don't know how to bring it up to anyone."
"That's fair. I think we all went through that."
He nodded, idly picking at his thumbnail. "I have a gig this weekend, and things usually get pretty wild after. I'm nervous." His eyes then looked up at me. I felt as though he was speaking directly to me, rather than to the group. Maybe he was?
Most people look around, avoid eye contact, and talk mostly just out loud. That's the purpose. Noah, however, was holding a conversation with me, and everyone else just happened to be within earshot. That was clear.
I would allow it, for now. If it eased him in, I was game for almost anything.
"Can I ask what kind of gig?" He sucked his teeth, a smirk creeping in.
"I'm in a band." I smiled now, because he was telling us (me) something personal.
"Oh nice! What do you play? Guitar?" His eyes snapped to Syd, who had chimed in. I could see this broke his concentration bubble, and I watched as his shoulders slightly drew in.
Although, he did not stop speaking. His tone did die down a little.
"I can play guitar, but in this band, I just sing." He cleared his throat, squirming slightly in his chair. "We were on tour earlier this year, and once it was over, I realized I needed help, so I'm hoping to make good progress before the next tour starts this fall. This gig is just opening for a bigger band."
"Must be some band." I added with a smile. This brought his attention back to me.
"What's it called?" Syd's voice was bouncy, breaking through the cool calm I had manufactured. I watched him almost visibly flinch.
"I'd rather not say." And with that, I could see he was done for today.
After the meeting, I caught Noah booking for the exit. I ran after him, donut in my hand.
"Hey Noah!" I caught him right before he slid into the driver's seat of his Navigator. "You didn't get a snack!"
He waved a hand at me. I still jogged up to his car. "I'm good Leena, thanks though." I sighed, stopping in front of him.
"Can we chat for a sec?" I saw him look down, likely questioning his decision to come back, but still shut his door and walked over to where I stood by the hood of the truck.
"What's up?"
"Did you get a chance to find a sponsor?" His beanie was pulled down low toward his eyes. He avoided my gaze.
"Yeah, uh, I actually didn't. Turns out everyone I know is into drinking, and I don't think that'll change anytime soon." I nodded knowingly.
"We've got great sponsors here, you know? Abel is a great resource, so is Rodger. They've both been in active recovery for more than five years." He narrowed his eyes, visibly stressed by the conversation.
"Yeah, I uh...don't really know them very well."
I couldn't tell you what possessed me to say what I did next, whether it was empathy, the sugar high from the donuts, the caffeine, or something else entirely, but I still opened my mouth.
"Do you want me to be your sponsor?" I watched his eyes widen at that, his head snapping to me quickly.
"You'd do that? You don't even know me."
I smiled my bright smile, and nodded. "Absolutely, at least until you can find another or get comfortable with one of the other members. I don't mind at all."
For the first time since we'd met, which wasn't long ago, admittedly, I saw a smile touch his eyes. Something told me that Noah hadn't seen genuine human kindness in a while.
"I mean, only if you want to. Maybe just to get me to the meeting next week?" I nodded.
"Of course. Happy to." He looked around, watching the people trickle out of the building around us and waved at Seth, who smiled at him before getting in his car.
"I do think we should take some time to work out a plan for your gig. These first few weeks in recovery are crucial."
He leaned against his car, chewing his lip. "You think so?"
I handed him the donut. He skeptically accepted it, and took a small bite.
"How long has it been?" He looked down then, a sign of shame.
"Five days." I nodded.
"And when is your gig?"
"Tomorrow night." I shrugged. I had work to do.
"You busy tonight?"
Noah sat back in the booth, sighing heavily, his plate clear. I continued shoveling pasta into my mouth, the carbs and the donuts being my only food sources today. Work had, once again, been hectic. I could see him looking around the restaurant, people watching.
Without warning, he leaned over the table. "You know, my girlfriend would kill me if she knew I was at dinner with another woman."
His statement gave me pause for a moment. Girlfriend. I hadn't even considered that. Ignoring the small, sinking feeling in my gut, I slurped my noodle and felt a twinge of guilt. I had no interest in getting him in trouble.
He must have seen the look on my face, because he smiled then. "I didn't tell her. It's no big deal, really."
I wiped my mouth on my napkin and swallowed a large gulp of water.
"Does she know you've started coming to AA?" He shook his head feverishly.
"No, not yet." This made me furrow my brow, suspicious.
"Where does she think you are, then?"
He leaned back, perusing. "Probably figures I'm out with the guys, shitfaced already."
It took me a second to realize, I didn't know a lot about Noah. I had no idea who the man was that I just shared a meal with, agreed to be his sponsor, and unknowingly risked his relationship.
"You know, if we're going to be working on your recovery, there's some things we may need to know about each other." He signaled the waiter.
"Well, for one," I smiled at the waiter as Noah politely asked for a dessert menu. Then, keeping my voice low, I leaned over the table. "I don't even know your last name."
I caught the way his eyes drifted over me, my chest now slightly exposed at this angle, my black hair flowing over my shoulder.
"You don't?" He seemed unfazed, but I did catch the bob of the bulge on his throat when he dry swallowed. I leaned back. This was not the game to play.
"No." I laughed. "You always sign in as 'Noah S.' What does the S stand for? Skynard?" This made him laugh loudly.
Through his chuckles, he choked out "Sebastian." He caught his breath. "My last name is Sebastian."
I nodded, satisfied with that. It was enough to Google if I felt so inclined.
"And you?" This made me stop for a second mid-bite.
"What about me?"
"Is your name just Leena? Like Cher?" This made me drop my fork, a hard laugh echoing between us from my chest. I saw his amused smile, which almost embarrassed me.
"Mileena. Mileena Richards."
He lifted an eyebrow. "Like, from Mortal Kombat?"
I nodded proudly. "Same spelling, different origin."
"That's fucking cool."
The waiter then came back, a large slice of multi-layered chocolate cake covered in a hot chocolate sauce set down on the table, two large scoops of vanilla ice cream and two spoons set down on the plate with it.
Noah shrugged sheepishly. "I heard sugar helps with the cravings."
We walked out of the restaurant, the night nice and chilly in the February air. We stood between our trucks, full and exhausted.
"So, we didn't come up with a game plan."
I nodded, leaning my head back on the door of my Tahoe. "I'm sorry. I was starving."
He returned it with a rub of his stomach. "Same. It's fine."
"You said in group that the usual thing is to go out and party after the show, right?" He nodded. "What's the chance of just heading home afterwards? Claiming you're tired?"
"Slim. We have the show. Then meet and greet. Then we all typically hang out in the green room. Do some shots. Then hit a bar." I watched his face downturn, as if he was admitting to a crime.
"Okay. And being in a bar is a big no no for right now." He sighed, covering his face with his hands.
"I'm not ready to tell them." I reached over, putting a hand on his shoulder. I felt his body slightly lean into the affection, only for a second.
"That's okay, Noah. We can make it work." I wracked my brain for ideas, but was sincerely lost for ideas. "Can you tell them you don't feel well?"
He put his hands down and leaned back against the door, looking defeated. "Maybe? It would need to be a pretty good disease to get me out of the after party."
This made me smirk. "You ever had the stomach flu?"
This made him chuckle. "You want me to vomit onstage?!" He feigned shock and disgust.
I laughed. "No, it doesn't need to be that dramatic. After the meet and greet, you just tell everyone you have to use the restroom, spend way too long in it, and then tell them you need to go home. Pull at the skin on your face a little, make yourself look flush. Make sure you're sweaty."
"That's a given after a show."
"You never did tell me the name of your band."
He smiled wickedly. "It's probably not your vibe?"
I lifted my chin proudly. "Try me."
"Architects? Falling in Reverse? Ice Nine Kills? Bring Me The Horizon?" I began listing them on my fingers.
He pointed at the name of the last band. "We're touring with them some time next year."
My jaw dropped. "You've met Oli Sykes?!"
He shook his head. "Not yet, but I hear he's a really cool dude."
"Noah, how big is this band you're in?"
"Not too big, just me and three other guys."
I rolled my eyes. "Not what I meant." He laughed then, acknowledging his smartass.
"Maybe you should come tomorrow?" This took me back. The idea hadn't even crossed my mind.
His tone became excited. "Yeah! Why not? You can make sure I get out of there afterward, you can see us play, too. Maybe you'll hear something you recognize."
"Maybe I'd know if you just told me the name of the band." He laughed again, but my amusement was fading.
"C'mon, you can be my getaway driver."
"How am I going to get in, when your band is apparently a pretty big deal? I bet there aren't even tickets left."
He shook his head. "Nah, I can get you a VIP suite. So you don't have to do the mosh pits and all that."
This started to sound not so terrible after all. It had been a while since I had gone to a good rock concert. Life had been so busy.
"Can I bring a friend?" He smirked.
For whatever reason, I felt the inherent need to deny this immediately. "Nope. But I have a best friend who is really into metal. She just saw Bad Omens a few months ago."
His eyebrows rose, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Oh, definitely bring her. If she's into that, she may like us."
I nodded. "Alright. Where is it?" He pulled his phone out and unlocked it, swiping away multiple text notifications before opening a fresh contact and handing it to me.
"Put in your number. I'll text you all the details in the morning, when I get them." I nodded and added myself in under Leena H. He nodded in satisfaction.
Then came this sudden awkward silence. I could tell he didn't know what to do next. Handshake? Hug? Salute?
This made me chuckle, when I turned and opened my car door.
"Goodnight, Noah. See you tomorrow." I got a sheepish wave in return.
Back at home, after a much needed shower and settled into my bed, I pulled out my laptop.
My curiosity was too strong now. Who was this band?
My Google search took less than a second to load.
Noah Sebastian: Lead Singer of Bad Omens.
I stared at my screen for a long time. I wasn't reading this correctly was I? There it was, in black and white on my screen. It was a joke, right? Noah wasn't...he couldn't be...right?
But there it was, his photograph plastered on my screen. That was definitely in technicolor.
I didn't know much by Bad Omens, but I knew their song Just Pretend. It was one of the most played in my shower, on my drives to work. It was one of those songs that resonated with you. I heard it first on TikTok, and was hooked on that verse. That voice.
No fucking way.
I pulled out my phone, completely ignoring the fact that it was clear after midnight by now.
It took about three minutes, in which I was absolutely not staring at the screen the entire time, before I saw the typing bubble.
Noah: LOL Bad Omens? Never heard of them.
This motherfucker.
Me: Noah! Why didn't you say something?!
Noah: I don't get to have fun once in a while? Wow. AA's kind of a bummer.
Me: Laura's going to lose her shit.
Noah: That'll be fun for you. Talk to you tomorrow!
With that, the conversation was over. I chucked my phone to the foot of the bed, stunning a curious glance from my hound Angel. I petted a silent apology on his head and he laid back down.
What the fuck. What the fuck?!
I'm sponsoring a fucking rockstar.
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bedlamsbard · 4 months
Some Yonderverse concept writing! This is for a potential sequel to The Horizon Line, set about four years before On Yonder Hill (a.k.a. eleven months post-Snap, four months after the end of Horizon).
About 4.3K below the break.
“How is he?”
There was only one he anyone even remotely associated with the Avengers meant these days.  Six months ago it would have been Loki; since the Tower, it had been Steve Rogers.
Natasha chewed on a fingernail and shot a glance at the Quinjet’s closed hatch, even though she was alone in the vessel and the only people visible through the viewport were a couple of Asgardian teenagers carefully coaxing a dozen strayed miniature sheep back in the direction of the flocks.  She had no doubt that they knew she was there, but the Asgardians were pretty good about not bothering anyone other than Loki, who after almost a year was still their first go-to for anything and everything.
“Natasha?” Rhodey prompted when she didn’t say anything.
“Not good,” she said finally.  “Not – not good.”
There was a long silence on the other end of the call, then Rhodey asked carefully, “How bad is it?”
It was a question whose answer varied from day to day, though sometimes it was hard to tell with Steve, since the worse he was doing the more he shut down.  She couldn’t tell if being in New Asgard was making it worse or better, since everyone there was already traumatized and depressed to the point of daily tears and nightmares.  At least the Asgardians had some kind of cultural context for what had happened to Steve, which did seem to help.
“Well,” Natasha said, “I think Loki is the most emotionally stable person here, so that might be your answer.”  Or at least that he was the best at pushing through the absurdity of daily life post-Snap, which these days amounted to the same thing.  She was aware that it might end in him having a messy breakdown with a body count later on, which was evidently what had happened seven years prior, but that was a problem Natasha and the Avengers would deal with when and if it happened.  At this point she didn’t think it would, or at least that if it did Loki would go off and do it on some other planet instead of on Earth, which Natasha probably should have been more concerned about but which she didn’t have the energy to deal with now.
She took a deep breath, then asked, “Does the President want us back in the States?  Or is Secretary Ross –”
He’d wanted to put Steve back in a lab as soon as he had come out of the Red Room, ostensibly on the grounds of replicating the serum; Natasha was certain that if he’d gotten his way, it would have resulted in a lot of dead scientists.  Steve hadn’t even been able to go into the laboratory wing of Avengers Compound.
“No,” Rhodey said swiftly.  “No, nothing like that.  Just –”  He took a deep breath of his own, then asked, “Is he anywhere nearby?  Anywhere that he can hear?”
Natasha shook her head, remembered that he couldn’t see her, and said, “No, he’s out with Loki looking at some field with the harvest goddesses.  I’m in the Quinjet with the hatch closed.  What is it?”
“I’ll leave it up to you whether to tell him or not, but –” Rhodey sighed heavily.  “Bruce and I just confirmed that Samuel Sterns survived.”
Natasha went absolutely still.
“Natasha?” Rhodey said after a minute of silence.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah.  We’ve got footage and eyewitness confirmation.  Bruce and Betty are back at the compound now going through it all.”
“We don’t know, but he’s a Hulk mutate, so…”
“Hard to kill,” Natasha said bitterly.  She bit down on her thumbnail, worrying a little strip of it free before she bit it off and spat it aside.  “God, I can’t tell Steve, he’ll never sleep again, and he doesn’t sleep through the night now.  I have to tell Loki – where was he?  America?”
Which was at least on the other side of an ocean from New Asgard, though with planes that didn’t mean much.
“God,” Natasha whispered again. “Son of a bitch.  Why won’t he just die?”
“It gets worse,” Rhodey said after a moment.  “Ross knows.”
“Son of a bitch!”  Ross would want Sterns alive and working for him.  Worse, if he got his hands on Sterns, he would find out what he had done to Steve.  In all likelihood Ross had guessed some of what had happened to Steve in the Tower, but guessing was one thing; knowing was another.  And he couldn’t be allowed to know if there was any way around it.
Natasha shut her eyes and slumped against the back of the pilot’s seat. “I can’t keep this from Steve,” she admitted.  “He’ll never forgive me.  But I can’t – Rhodey, he’s terrified of Sterns.  The man drugged him, stuck him in a glass box, implanted a chip in his brain stem, spent a month cutting off bits and watching them grow back, and tried to peel his mind like an onion and got closer that anyone will admit.”
“I know,” Rhodey said grimly.
“Did you tell Tony?”
“Yeah.  We’re using the SI satellites to try and find him.”  He sighed.  “Ross is probably going to want you two – maybe you three – back here sooner rather than later, but not if he can get his hands on Sterns first.  He has to know that we won’t let him take Sterns alive.”
“Preferably mashed into a fine paste,” Natasha muttered.  Louder: “How much time do you think we have?”
“Couple weeks?”
Natasha massaged her forehead.  “I’ll tell Steve and Loki.  If nothing else, Loki will probably want to up the security on New Asgard, which will make me feel better and might make Steve feel better.”  Though at this point she suspected nothing was going to make Steve feel better.  “Keep me updated.”
“Will do.  Take care of yourselves.”
“You too.”  She ended the call and tossed her cell phone onto the jet’s dashboard, staring bleakly out the viewport.  The little sheep were still frolicking gleefully on top of the snow, ignoring the Asgardians’ patient attempts to herd them back towards the flocks.  Unlike nearly every other animal in New Asgard, most of which tended to be half-again as large as their Earth equivalents and some of which were even bigger, the sheep only came up to Natasha’s knees and looked outright comical next to Steve and Loki.
“God damn it,” she whispered, and thumped her closed fist down on top of her thigh.  “God damn it!”
All she could think about as she trudged back along the path to the settlement was how frightened Steve had been when they had taken him out of the Tower, away from Samuel Sterns and the Red Room.  It had been the first time in her life that she had ever seen Steve Rogers afraid.  In the four months since, he hadn’t slept through the night once; on his worst days he didn’t sleep at all and he couldn’t be touched.  He didn’t react violently to it, he just froze, his eyes huge and terrified as he waited miserably for whatever was going to come next.  Since Natasha was both the most likely person to touch him and the only person in New Asgard who might have been seriously hurt if he lashed out, that was probably for the best, but on the whole she thought she would have preferred violence.  The unthinking resignation was worse.
Despite the construction of several houses in New Asgard, most of the Asgardians still slept either in Gimlé or Iðavoll.  Natasha passed the great meeting-hall with its gilded rafter-ends, Ullr’s forge, the recently-completed loom-house, and the public baths, all of which were already lit up from within.  Iðavoll’s elaborately carved doors were closed against the cold of a Norwegian March, but they opened easily at her touch, letting out a blast of warm air from the firepit that ran down the center of the great hall.  At this hour the big room was mostly deserted except for the usual assortment of dogs and cats, but Loki and Steve were sitting at the long table at the back of the room, Steve working in his sketchbook and Loki going through his mail.  Natasha still wasn’t sure how the mail was arriving in New Asgard and was afraid to ask.
They both looked up as she came in.  Natasha paused just inside the door to scuff the snow off her boots, then went to join them.  She touched a brief kiss to Steve’s lips as she sat down next to him, relieved when he put his arm around her; that meant he was having one of his good days.
Loki was frowning at what seemed to be an enormous scale the size of two cupped hands.  When Natasha leaned over to peer at, she saw that one side of it was covered in dense runic writing in gold-colored ink.  It was glowing faintly.  After a moment he tossed the scale down with a clatter and picked up an ordinary envelope, slitting it open with a dagger.  He read the contents, rolled his eyes, and stuck envelope and letter together into the nearest candle flame.
“More hate mail?” Natasha asked.  There was already a dusting of ash on the table.
“More hate mail,” Loki agreed.  He let the letter burn down to his fingers, then dropped it into a bowl and picked up a roll of parchment, leaving sooty fingerprints behind as he pried the wax seal off with the tip of his dagger and flipped it aside.
Steve had a small pile of opened mail set to one side of him, and another pile for Natasha.  As he went back to sketching, Natasha began to sort through her own mail.  Most of it was either hate mail or fan mail; some of the fan mail probably qualified as hate mail too.  There were a couple of advertisements and a letter from Alexei, which she set aside to read later.
She jumped as Loki snarled a curse in Asgardian, the Nordic syllables harsh, and slapped a hand down on the table.  Natasha grabbed for the candle as it started to fall, getting drops of hot wax on the back of her palm before she righted it.
“Kin-slaying be damned, I knew I should have had that son of a níðingr whore killed,” Loki said through clenched teeth.  He snapped his fingers with a glitter of green-gold magic and said, “Forseti, Ullr, I need you now.  Brunnhilde and Eir if you can be spared.”
Steve and Natasha stared at him as he tossed the parchment down onto the table and flattened his palms on top of the planed wood, flexing them as if he would have preferred to wrap them around someone’s neck.
“What’s wrong?” Steve asked.
“Family disagreement,” Loki said.
Natasha blinked. “I thought –” she started to say, then stopped herself.
“That everyone was dead?” Loki finished for her.  “I could be so lucky.  That bastard would never have done this to Thor.”  He slapped his hand against the table again, furious.
The great hall’s door opened to admit the Valkyrie and Ullr, with Forseti and Eir just behind them.  As soon as they were within earshot, Loki wadded the parchment up into a ball and tossed it to Ullr, who caught it and straightened it out as Loki slumped back in his chair.
“Is he mad?” the blacksmith demanded, then passed the letter to Forseti.
“Well, given that side of the family, I certainly wouldn’t be surprised to hear it,” Loki said.
Forseti handed the letter to Eir; the Valkyrie leaned around her shoulder to read it too, then blinked and looked up at Loki. “Who the hell is this?”
“My cousin,” Loki said bluntly. “Or Thor’s cousin if we’re going to be exact about it, as he’s being – on my father’s side,” he added for Steve’s and Natasha’s benefits, and presumably the Valkyrie’s.  “Son of my father’s younger brother Vili.  And an ass.  He always has been, ever since we were children.”
“What does he want?” Steve asked.
“Asgard,” Loki said bluntly.  He sat clenching his fist on top of the table, white-knuckled and clench-jawed with fury.  “He wants Asgard.”
Natasha and Steve exchanged a puzzled look.  She would have expected Loki to just dismiss the possibility, but his reaction suggested that there was something else going on. “Can he do that?”
“Yes,” Loki said through clenched teeth. “I do not have time for this nonsense and the Conclave will treat it seriously for the sheer pleasure of dragging Asgard through the mud.  Thor or my father could have gotten away with ignoring it, I can’t.  Not now, at least.  I should have had him killed years ago.”
“The…Conclave?” Natasha said.
“Of the Nine Realms.  Get off, greedy one,” Loki added as Freki jumped up onto the table and sniffed at the remaining mail.  She ignored him and batted a paw at the candle flame, then sat down on some of the opened mail and stared at him.
“Why can’t you ignore the Conclave?” the Valkyrie demanded.  “They’ve never had any real power – not over Asgard, anyway.”
“Because I’m not Asgardian,” Loki said through his teeth. “As dear cousin Baldur takes such care to point out, I’m defiling our people by planting my Jotun-born arse on Hliðskálf, though I don’t think he knows Hliðskálf didn’t survive Ragnarok.  Idiot.  And if I ignore him, some of our people might start listening to him – the Realms might anyway, the House of Odin hasn’t exactly endeared itself to most of them over the course of the past few millennia.  I’m not letting him have the last word.”
“So you’re just going to take him seriously?” the Valkyrie demanded, at the same time that Ullr said, “If the Conclave and the vǫlur decide against you –”
“And have to deal with Baldur for the next six thousand years?” Loki scoffed. “Even they’re not that stupid.”
“What are you talking about?” Steve said.
“My cousin is suing for rule of Asgard,” Loki said. “On the grounds that I’m not Asgardian enough to have a right to the throne.  I’m not sure he knows how few of us there are or if he just wants the prestige of it.  He’s already called it up before the Conclave of the Nine Realms, the rulers of the Nine and some of the protectorate worlds, as well as the vǫlur.  They deal with inter-realm disputes and certain issues of inheritance at the highest levels, or at least they’re supposed to; my father used to rule them with an iron fist.”
Steve and Natasha stared at him.  After a moment, Natasha said, “You’re getting sued?”
“Yes,” Loki said. “Isn’t civilization lovely?  I should have stayed evil.”
Loki was so furious that Natasha didn’t have a chance to bring up Sterns’ survival to him and Steve until late that evening.  By then rumor had already spread through the settlement and New Asgard was in a state of high panic over the possibility that Loki might be deposed; Natasha wouldn’t give a fig for his cousin’s life if he ever came within spitting distance of New Asgard.  Every Asgardian there had crowded into the great hall for dinner and there was a buzz of sound throughout the building, all of them watching Loki, who slouched in the high seat on the dais and worked his way through two bottles of wine without blinking or looking noticeably inebriated.  He did get increasingly sarcastic as the night went on, though without the sharp-edged cruelty that Natasha remembered from the helicarrier.
“Didn’t the coronation put an end to this?” Natasha asked Forseti quietly at one point, while Loki was busy adjudicating some sort of disagreement over a goat.  “He’s already been crowned king, hasn’t he?”
“Yes,” Forseti said. “He’s been elected by the Althing, acclaimed by the Aesir and recognized by the Æsir, but Baldur’s challenging that he has no legal right to stand for election or to hold the throne.”
“But he already has the throne,” Natasha said, puzzled. “And he’s Thor’s brother and Odin’s son, isn’t he?”
“By law-right, yes, and by kin-right,” Forseti said, as Steve leaned in to listen.  The Valkyrie was sitting on Loki’s other side, but she turned her head too, clearly using her superior Asgardian hearing to eavesdrop on the conversation.  “But not by blood, which was never public knowledge.  We won’t know for sure until we stand up in front of the Conclave –”  Natasha took that to mean that she was expecting to act as Loki’s lawyer or whatever the Asgardian equivalent was. “– but my guess is that Baldur Vilison is arguing that because His Majesty isn’t born-Aesir he has no right to the throne.”
“Baldur,” Steve said thoughtfully.  “Isn’t he the one in the myths who…”  He let the words trail off, exchanging a look with Natasha.
She glanced at the wall behind the dais, where Mistilteinn hung along with one of the ulfheðnar’s wolf-headed shields and a pair of short swords, all ready for Loki to snatch up at need.  She had read the same myths as Steve.  On the other hand, they all knew how accurate those myths could be, which usually wasn’t very.
Forseti waved that aside. “They were children.  Eir can tell you the story; she was there.”
“That doesn’t sound good,” Steve said, his eyebrows going up.
“Oh, please, he was fine,” Loki said, glancing at him. “It was barely a scratch a thousand years ago.  It’s not my fault he and Höd hold grudges.”
“This isn’t sounding better,” the Valkyrie pointed out.
“What is he the god of?” Natasha asked.
“Light,” Forseti said.
Natasha had no idea what that meant on a practical level, though even after nearly a year she still didn’t quite understand what Asgardian godheads entailed.
Loki scoffed. “He’s barely Aesir, that hardly counts.  I wouldn’t be surprised if what’s left of the Triumvirate talked him into this, I’m not sure he’s smart enough for it on his own.”
“His mother is Rind, younger sister of Freyja and Frey from the Ruling Triumvirate of the Vanir,” Forseti interpreted for Natasha and Steve.  “Odin arranged the marriage soon after he became king.  Vé’s too – that’s Vili’s twin; he married twice on Ria, but there were no children from those.  He has three bastard daughters, all with different mothers.”
“Does Baldur actually have a claim to the throne?” Natasha asked curiously.
“Kin-right, not law-right,” Loki said, scowling. “My father made certain of that when he married off his brothers.  None of my cousins even have a vote in the Althing; they’re not Asgardian by law.”
One thing that Natasha had figured out over the past eleven months was that Asgardian law was insanely complicated and got more so when it intersected with the laws of the other worlds in the Nine Realms.  There was no overreaching law in the Nine Realms; Asgardian law applied to a certain sector of the population on the planets ruled directly by Asgard, but otherwise local laws dominated.  There were ways to argue that one set of laws should apply over another, several cases of which Loki had already adjudicated, since the King of Asgard was the highest authority in any law case that involved Asgardians.
Loki knocked back his wine glass and picked up the bottle again, shaking it experimentally before setting it back down with a sigh; apparently it was empty.  He turned his attention to another Asgardian standing in front of the high table, saying something to her that Natasha didn’t catch.
Natasha sat back in her chair, thinking about what it might mean for Earth if Loki did lose the Asgardian throne.  The Asgardians were on Earth because Thor had wanted them to be and Loki was determined to follow his brother’s last wishes; knowing the general Asgardian opinion of Earth, she doubted that anyone else would be all that interested in carrying on with the New Asgard experiment.  Most human politicians would find removing the Asgardians from Earth a preferable option to keeping them here.  On the other hand, unlike Loki, Baldur had no reason to want to keep on Earth’s good side, and the last thing they needed was another inter-planetary war.
There were more Asgardians bedding down in the great hall than there had been lately by the time Loki finally pulled himself free and retreated to the room in the back of the building that he shared with Steve and Natasha.  It was a long room that ran behind the great hall, divided by folding screens and warmed by braziers filled with magically heated stones.  Loki sat down heavily on the futon-like quilted mat he slept on and rubbed his hands over his face, some of his anger and frustration dropping away.  When he looked up again, his expression was weary.
“Is it actually serious?” Natasha asked him.
He nodded.  “The Conclave doesn’t have any real ability to enforce anything it decides, but Baldur has close ties to the Ruling Triumvirate of the Vanir, and Freyja and Idunn could decide to enforce it if the Conclave decides in his favor.  That would mean war, since I doubt my people would simply accept Baldur’s claim even if I did.  Traditionally Asgard has never given much weight to the Conclave, since for many millennia we were the only ones who enforced anything across the Nine.”  He drew his knees up and rested his folded arms over the top of them.  “Baldur would very likely take my people to Vanaheim as well.  It would have been different if there was still an Asgard, but…”  He shook his head.  “In half a century, they wouldn’t be Asgardian anymore, they’d be Vanir, and Vanaheim would have the Protectorate, not Asgard.”
“What would it mean for you?” Steve asked, sounding worried.
Loki lifted a shoulder in a shrug.  “I could go to Vanaheim with the rest of my people, I suppose, if Baldur didn’t have me outlawed.  I could go elsewhere in the Nine; Eitri would probably take me in.  I could stay here.  Or I could leave the Nine.  Or, well, there’s the lovely and more likely option of civil war.  I don’t know that the Vanaheim garrison would side with Baldur over me – Thor, certainly, but to them he’s just another Vanr, not an Ás.  Though I’m not sure they’re convinced I’m an Ás, though they wouldn’t be wrong there.  Of course, they don’t get a vote, so what they think doesn’t really matter unless we do get that lovely civil war.”
He held out a hand to Freki as the cat walked in through the closed door, which never failed to disturb Natasha.  Freki butted her head against his fingers, then curled up against his left ankle as he stroked her back.
“So basically the Conclave is the space UN,” Natasha said thoughtfully. “Or the World Security Council.”  Before Alexander Pierce had blown the World Security Council to hell.
Since Loki had spent the better part of a month arguing with the UN, he couldn’t fall back on his usual tactic of pretending he didn’t know how Earth governments worked.  All he said was, “Roughly,” and rubbed at his face with the hand not involved in petting Freki.
Natasha bit her lip, not wanting to make Loki’s day worse, but if she put this off any longer then it would go worse for everyone involved.  She caught Steve’s eye as he started to move towards the opposite side of the room where they usually slept – they slept with Loki occasionally, but not that often – and he stopped, looking at her inquisitively.  “What is it?”
Loki looked up again.  “I take it that I’m not the only one who got bad news today.”
“No,” Natasha said.  “I got a call from Rhodey earlier.”
“I cannot go to America right now, even if it’s being attacked by robots again –” Loki began.
“It’s not about that,” Natasha said.  She took a deep breath, then said, “He and Bruce just confirmed that Samuel Sterns is still alive.”
Steve went dead white.  He took a step away from Natasha, his shoulders bunching up as if he expected to be hit and he was trying to brace himself for the blow.
Loki cursed wearily in Nordic-sounding Asgardian syllables that made Freki sit up and hiss.  “How?”
“They don’t know,” Natasha said. “They’re trying to find him before –”
“Before he finds me?” Steve said. “I’m not exactly hard to find.”
“He can’t cross the land-wards,” Loki said. “And if he tries, the Valkyrie will dismember him.”  Freki hissed again and Loki glanced down at her, smiling wryly. “Assuming the greedy one here doesn’t get him first.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Steve said blankly. “Ross will call us back, or he’ll use it as an excuse to –”  He had started to shake again, but when Natasha put out a hand to him, he pulled away.
Loki chewed his lower lip, then shrugged suddenly and said, “Then don’t be here.  Come to Nornheim with me; Midgard does technically have a seat on the Conclave and you might as well remind the rest of the Nine exactly who put an end to Thanos.  They could use the reminder that humanity is no longer Yggdrasil’s plaything.”
Natasha looked at him in surprise. “Nornheim?”
“The vǫlur host the Conclave at the ruins of Urðarbrunnr on Nornheim,” Loki explained.  “It’s considered neutral by all Nine Realms and the rest of the Protectorate.”  He frowned thoughtfully.  “The vǫlur might side with me; my mother was patroness to them.  On the other hand, I’m fairly certain that my sister is the reason Urðarbrunnr is in ruins, so perhaps not.”  His gaze flickered upwards again. “Regardless, there’s no way that Sterns will be able to reach it.”
Natasha glanced at Steve.  After a moment he nodded and she said, “I guess we’re going to Nornheim.”
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