#I know that I need to get a masters but like. damn. for real šŸ˜­
good-night-space-kid Ā· 7 months
I cannot wait to be done with school. Iā€™m so sick of spending 12 hours a day in class, working, or leading club stuff then having to come back and spend another 4+ hours on homework. I hate this actually. I want a 9-5 so bad.
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kanmom51 Ā· 1 month
Jikook in bed - Part 1
I am pissed and in a not good way.
Worked over 4 hours writing this post, saved to drafts only for the whole damn thing to just disappear.
Did I mention I am pissed?
Cause I am.
Ok, let me take a breath and try to put down on paper my thoughts, hopefully I will remember some of them.Ā  Sob sob.
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Jikook in bed.Ā 
Who would have thought that I would be writing a post about Jikook in bed?Ā 
Please don't answer my rhetorical question, lol.
Who thought after the Jikook drought we got in 2023 that we would be getting this, eh?Ā  And yet, here we are.Ā  Me losing count of the number of posts Iā€™ve already written about episodes 1 and 2 alone of Are you sure?! And Iā€™m not done yet.Ā  And another episode is coming today!!!
Did I mention just how overwhelmed I am?Ā  In the very best way.Ā  Well, other than being pissed at Tumblr for throwing away my hard work.Ā šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
Iā€™ll be breaking this down into 2 parts because damn it, there is so much to say about these two short clips we get of the two in bed.Ā  Both playful.Ā  Both sus as shit.Ā  If shit is sus ā€“ I guess we can ask JM on his thoughts about that ā€“ yes I did go there.Ā  Poor man is not going to live this down, and now I understand why he kept asking if this could air ā€“ not because he was worried about their flirty handsy moments.Ā  NOPE.Ā  But because of the shit, lol.
Ok, so part 1 will be focusing on the brushing teeth in bed, while part 2 will focus on the handsy cuddly butt wacky master bedroom action.
When watching the whole brushing teeth in bed I had to ask myself a multiple whyā€™s?
Why brush teeth in the bedroom?Ā 
Or more so, why in that bedroom?
Why not in the bathroom?
Perhaps because we would see they are both using the master bedroom ensuite?
Itā€™s not that we couldnā€™t deduce that from the footage, but that would take more looking into, which letā€™s be real, most army donā€™t do.Ā  They watch it once or twice and many donā€™t pay attention to the details.Ā  A lot of details need us to view the footage multiple times something that most army are not into ā€“ they donā€™t care to find out more.Ā  They see the surface, JK and JM being cute, and thatā€™s enough for them to say ā€œoh, they are so brotherlyā€¦. Such brotherly loveā€¦ā€ without wanting to see anything else.
But if you do look closer you see A LOT.
You see that JM does the tour of the house, showing us 4 bedrooms, first one being a master bedroom with a king size bed and an ensuite he shows us.
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An ensuite we later see JK in while preparing to go out shopping.
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So yes.Ā  They were both using the same bathroom in that huge modern fancy house with 4 bedrooms and obviously more than one bathroom that happened to be the ensuite to the master bedroom.
And perhaps they didnā€™t want it to be too obvious.Ā  Because why use that same bathroom?Ā 
*side note: at this point, when JM goes to check on JK there is clearly a staff member in there with them. The way the camera moves the angle of filming changes, it's clear that is not a static camera, unlike the ones we got from the bedrooms and hallway at night and in the morning. It looks like the staff member is using JM's go pro to film that and as JM walks out of the bathroom the camera changes hands and JM has it. And I state this because most of the time there wasn't staff in the house with them. For a lot of the time they had the house to themselves. My educated guess would be that just like we saw they had control over the cameras in the house, could easily turn them on and off (JK with the hallway camera), they were the ones to decide when the staff can join them in the house to film or resume filming.
Another possible reason why we got the bedroom scene would be that they didnā€™t want to place a camera in the bathroom, which they obviously didnā€™t. I mean, that bathroom was rather small ā€“ you know, as ensuites usually are, and having them both stand there and brush their teeth would be cramped and uncomfortable (we saw that in Sapporo we did have them place that camera for us to see them brush their teeth side by side).Ā  Also, obviously they wouldnā€™t want permanent cameras placed in the bathroom for privacy reasons ā€“ duh. Ā Even if they did have control over turning the cameras on and off. In Sapporo itā€™s clearly a camera they set up themselves, one they could just pick up and take away. They placed it there for the purpose of filming themselves brushing their teeth side by side.Ā 
So basically, imo, this whole brushing teeth in the bedroom JK was supposedly sleeping in was a combination of it all.
They wanted us to see them brush their teeth prior to going to sleep.Ā  They didnā€™t want us to see that they were sharing the ensuite bathroom (the bathroom connected to the room JM was sleeping in).
And the cherry to top it all is showing us this is where JK is going to spend the night.
Because that was somehow something they needed to show us.
Unlike the cabin with the one bed, that didnā€™t ā€˜allowā€™ for another option, the two spending the night in the same bed while there are another 3 lovely empty rooms available, would be too much perhaps.
You know, deniability and all.Ā 
Makes even more sense seeing this was filmed in July 2023, and the two did not know just yet what lies ahead of them when it comes to their enlistment.
Letā€™s talk about that for a sec, why donā€™t we?
Those cameras in the house, they were placed ahead of time.Ā  Before the two arrived.Ā  Iā€™m talking about the permanent cameras ā€“ the ones downstairs, the one in the hallway, the one in JKā€™s bedroom, the one in the master bedroom.
This was decided ahead of time ā€“ that they will not be sharing a bedroom.Ā  Not on camera anyway. And this wasnā€™t their decision!
I donā€™t think that JM asking while standing in that room whether to sleep together with JK, adding a comment about getting hit was an actual contemplation on his part.Ā  I think it was him signalling that itā€™s definitely an option and perhaps the reason why he wonā€™t be is because of not wanting to get hit.Ā  Him doing all of that when JK is there in the room with him (probably going through his luggage which was probably there too ā€“ we donā€™t get to see, but it makes sense seeing how small the other room was and the fact that JK was using the ensuite).Ā  We also see JK throw something onto the bed ā€“ perhaps a heat pack he took out of that luggage?Ā  But heā€™s there and they leave the room together shortly after.
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"Should I sleep next to Jungkook tonight? Will he hit me again?"...
Again, let me be clear here with what Iā€™m saying.Ā  JM asking this was a mute question, and he knew it, seeing that they were both well aware of the fact that cameras were already placed in the two bedrooms expecting them not to be sharing that bed.Ā  At least not on camera.
And you know where else you see that bemusement about the separate beds?
In the trailer where we get them in Sapporo the two standing in the hotel room JK asking JM which bed he wants to choose.Ā  JMā€™s reaction super telling.Ā 
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And what about the house in Jeju?Ā  Clearly that second bed was brought up from the room downstairs (we know that from the original layout of the house). Ā Yes, Tae was joining.Ā  But wouldnā€™t that be less sus them sharing a bed?Ā  Weā€™ve seen them all share beds in previous content.Ā  Tae literally shared one with his mates back in 2022.Ā  I guess that the idea was to show us that when there is an option they wonā€™t share a bed?Ā  That the CT cabin was a ā€˜mustā€™ as there was only one bed and there was no choice?Ā  Strange, seeing that there were other options for cabins that were not 1 shared bed.Ā  Well, never mind that.Ā  In any case I guess there was need for the deniability, seeing as to how cozy those two were the next day in that one bed in the master bedroom.Ā 
Seeing that plus knowing they shared a bed could be construed as too much perhaps.
Btw, you know what that whole scene in bed reminded me of?
Remember that time JK was asked what his favourite memory from their trip to Tokyo?
Remember his answer?
JM staying up until 5 am on his phone and sleeping in the next morning?
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Sorry, but that constant smirk on JM's face... to die...
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Yes Jeon. "He" didn't sleep at night. That's why both of you overslept the next day.
*Side note: at the end of the interview/sit down JM won a gift which guess who was given straight away?
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Well, them in bed together there in CT, seeing those few seconds we were allowed to see (with the many cuts) ā€“ that is how I picture them in Tokyo on that trip.Ā  Those calm almost boring moments in bed together.Ā  On their phones.Ā  Snuggling.Ā  Playing.Ā  Just enjoying being next to each other, just the two of them, outside world be damned.Ā 
That is what JK loved most in Tokyo. That is what was most memorable to him (our introvert sweetie).
And he got that here as well.
You could argue: "what's the difference here from the two spending time together in bed in Seoul at either of their palaces?" And my answer to that would be:
How can you even compare? Being back in Seoul, with all the playing around their schedules and stress and pressures and anxiety that still linger even when you are home, even when you are together with your loved one. You can't compare it to this. JM taking the time off to be with him. JK taking the couple of days off during his promotions for his first solo debut. Getting away from it all. Spending those 3 days together alone. No work. No stress. No pressure. Even with JK feeling physically off and JM's diarrhea. Just the two of them, away. Away from everything and everyone. Having those tiny every so important soft moments.
Or in layman's words: having a cuddle at home is not the same as having that cuddle when away, taking that time to spend together as a couple. It's just not the same. It's so much more. And that is also why it was so memorable for JK back in 2017.
Iā€™m getting kind of emotional here folks.Ā  Donā€™t mind me.
Letā€™s get back to the brushing teeth in bed, shall we?
Again, in the second bedroom and not the master, even though itā€™s the master ensuite they are using as a bathroom!!
Why not see them brush their teeth on the master bed?Ā  Yeah, I think I answered that one already.Ā  We werenā€™t supposed to deduct that JK was using the master ensuite.
We were to know that JK was sleeping in that room, we even got to see him go to sleep and wake up there.Ā  It was very important that we see that.Ā  Not make a mistake that maybe, just maybe, they spent the night together.
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What do I think, you ask?Ā  I will tell you, even if you didnā€™t ask, lol.
I think that JK probably did sleep in that bed for a bit.Ā  A BIT.Ā  Like a really really short bit.
I also think that they spent much time together in that one bed in the master bedroom. Ā They got the pre-sleep cuddles (that we didnā€™t get to see) and they got the post-sleep cuddles (that we also didnā€™t get to see ā€“ and Iā€™ll get into that in the next post ā€“ just saying that JK walking into the room and out of it after he woke up ā€“ the first time he goes in and out ā€“ there was a HUGE chunk cut out of the footage).
Oh, and they got the post-JK eating crap for breakfast- cuddles too.
This isnā€™t going the way I wanted it to, lol.Ā  Iā€™m talking too much about stuff that is meant for part 2 of Jikook in bed.Ā  You see, this is why it is all intertwined and if there wasnā€™t an issue with image limits or readers losing focus with too long posts this would all be one post.Ā  But 'tis what 'tis and I have to stop talking about the master bedroom!!!
So, back to the toothbrushing.
This was them:
JK literally pulling JM down to lie on the bed.
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The giggles (oh, what I want to say now and am holding myself back).
Their playfulness is on another level.
Add the legs over shoulder.
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After JM laying his legs on JK's shoulders, JK grabbing the legs and pulling JM even closer in.
I love how with Jikook we live on moments that remind us of other moments. And this one kind of reminds me of another moment back from 2019 during rehearsal for the LY concerts, JM coming in behind JK to hold him and JK pulling JM's arm in for an even closer hug.
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And we have cuts, of course.
So many of them.
Including this one.
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And this one.
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The cuts.Ā  We should talk about them for a sec.Ā 
There is hours and hours of footage, and obviously there are things that are deemed to end up on the editing room floor.Ā  Footage that might be boring or irrelevant to whatever it is they want to be showing us.Ā  There is also a time constrict that needs to be kept.Ā  Understandably not everything can be left in.
But itā€™s some decisions that make you raise an eyebrow.Ā  Some of those editing decisions that make you think ā€“ why cut this?Ā  Why not leave the flow?Ā 
And these moments are exactly those type of moments.
Obviously the fans will go crazy for seeing them be so playful and mucking around.Ā  They are brushing their teeth and itā€™s clear this isnā€™t something that is going on for too long of a time.Ā  So, why not allow us to see the FULL interaction?Ā  I think we know the answer to that, donā€™t we?Ā  Once again itā€™s those two being too much.Ā  Too obvious. Ā Too handsy. Too couplie.
How exactly does JK end up with his back to us?
Why is he with his back to us?
Why is the whole scene with JMā€™s legs hanging over JKā€™s shoulders cut short?
And why does JK continue to be with his back to us after this has clearly ended and JM is sitting on the edge of the bed?
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I kind of think that I know why JK was sitting with his back to us, and why itā€™s cut at that point and we never get to see them get out of that bed.
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Great time to sign off.
See you for part 2 of Jikook in bed.
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uncouth-the-fifth Ā· 5 months
good morning, charlie - Leon Kennedy/Reader
read it on Ao3.
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Pairing: Agent!Leon/Detective!Wife!Reader Tags: domestic fluff with the tiniest dustings of background angst, married life, hugging, kissing, and snuggling. Words: 3k (yes, I'm capable of keeping something this short) Notes: read this in a WWE announcer voice: THAT'S RIGHT! UNCOUTH HAS COME CRASHING BACK INTO THE RING AFTER YET ANOTHER MONTHS-LONG HIATUS. i'm magical, truly. here is the first Leon fic I promised last month! There's so much I want to say about this little drabble, but I'll save that for my curious ppl on Ao3. this is going to be a big 180 from my spn content, and I sincerely hope that's okay with the public šŸ˜­ for my RE people: enjoy domestic Leon bullshit!
At two in the morning, Washington D.C. is pouring everything it has into crafting the coziest atmosphere of all time. A pleasant window-tapping storm had rolled in right around when you resolved to stay up working. Some late-night radio host is making soft, fizzing chatter in the next room, and coupled with a stellar view of the city from fancy floor-to-ceiling windows, you have a prime opportunity to pass the fuck out.
Unfortunately, you have made some spectacular life choices that donā€™t mix well with a full nightā€™s rest. Nope, no sleep for you. Despite all of fateā€™s attempts to stop you from being a cop, (including throwing a city-wide outbreak at you on your first day), you are still here, gripping your job with both hands. At two in the damn morning.
Since scrubbing your eyes hadnā€™t woken you up the first five times you tried it, you give it another shot as you pace the length of your living room rugā€”from the coffee table youā€™ve stacked with files, then back to the whiteboard pasted top-to-bottom with pictures of missing young women. The whiteboard had been Leonā€™s idea. After the fourth time youā€™d transformed a flattened cardboard box into a morbid case-board for work, heā€™d cajoled you into letting him buy one for the apartment.
But I wonā€™t be able to stab the tacks into it, youā€™d pouted.
Oh, the agony, your husband had drawled. He was a master of delivering a good, dry look.
Youā€™d propped your fists on your hips and tried your best to look serious. The red yarn connecting everything isnā€™t just a detective-movie thing, yā€™know! Itā€™s actually really useful. And I need my tacks to stick the yarn inā€”
Leon had cut cleanly through your building sass with another look, this time one glimmering with humor. Then Iā€™ll get you magnetic ones, detective. Donā€™t you use whiteboards at the precinct anyway?
Youā€™d grumbled. Because, yes, you did use whiteboards at the station, and they did have the little tacks with the magnets on the bottom. But youā€™d refused to deal with Leon being all smug (he was unbearable pretty when he was right), and had teased back instead, Whatever, nerd. Why donā€™t you and the other two angels go call Charlie already?
The reference had gone clean over Leonā€™s head. Of course, he hated being left out of a joke, so heā€™d roped you over by your wrist and pinched an explanation out of you until you were squealing with giggles.
Summarizing Charlieā€™s Angels to Leon had been a lot like offering a paper rocketship to an aerospace engineer. But, hey, picturing him running around in skimpy outfits and escaping action movie explosions on a motorcycle is a whole lot more fun thanā€¦ than the real deal.
You donā€™t want to think about what his missions are really like. Not that youā€™re even allowed to know in the first place. Being Leonā€™s wife permits you a government-issued phone with his handlerā€™s number, and on antsy days you can push Ingrid for details if you want. But after so long youā€™ve learned it only hurts both of youā€”for her, in the inability to answer, and for you, in the excruciating pain of being unable to know. Where is he? Thatā€™s classified.
She canā€™t always tell you when heā€™s coming home, either. So much of your life is hinged on her check-ins, and even more is forced to live off a simple, Heā€™s okay.
For the seventh time, you scrub at your tired eyes and suck in a deep breath. Youā€™d gotten that fabled text from Hunniganā€”heā€™s okayā€”earlier today, and like always you crawled through the rest of your shift roiling with anticipation, waiting for Leon to materialize back into your life.
You force your gaze back to the whiteboard, littered with notes and pictures hung up with magnetic tacks. The faces of five missing women bore back. The ten-ton weight of your caseload slams down in full, and again, you scold yourself for floating back into comforting memories of your husband. These girls have lost all comfort in the world since they were taken. Your Captain gave you the responsibility of finding them, and after all youā€™ve been through, after all the other cases youā€™ve closed, there canā€™t be any room for failure. Think.
Your legs ache from being on your feet all day, chasing leads, but dropping into Leonā€™s armchair for even an instant will just have you nodding off again. More pacing it is, then. This is your pattern for the next half-hour: pace, re-read witness statements, turn, sip your coffee, pace, cross-reference alibis. Heā€™s okay. Two of the girls were taken from Queenā€™s Chapel, two from Takoma, one from Woodridge. Heā€™s fine. The last victim breaks the profile. Whatā€™s different about her? Why take her? Think think thinkā€” You know what Leon would do. He was the kind of person you could put in front of a problem, and no matter what he would find a way to shoulder his way through. With physical force, sure, but mental force too. He would sit and just look at the puzzle, and sheer willpower would lead him to some kind of answer. But youā€™d been pushing and pushing for days now, pursuing every lead, pressing every witness, yet nothing will give. The whole thing feels like a punching bag youā€™re beating at over and over again, knuckles raw and bloodyā€”
Keys rattle just outside the front door.
First the big deadbolt scrapes open, unlatching with a heavy thud, and that sound alone is enough to shock you awake. More than any coffee could. Then comes the doorknob. Leon hasnā€™t even turned his key before youā€™ve twisted the lock open, yanked the door out of your way, and sent it whipping into the jamb with his keyring still swinging from its slot. You give him one full blink to register that itā€™s you before youā€™re throwing yourself on him without a single lick of shame, legs and all.
Of course, Leon bears your weight with grace. He grunts out an oof! when you come in for landing, and the living, breathing sound drains into one gruff laugh. Youā€™re scooped up under the thighs and teddy bear squeezed against him. He reeks of cheap motel soap and something faintly copperyā€”then mint, a whole world of plush, wet spearmint when he nudges your face up with his nose and lays a hello kiss on you. The taste of his gum and the scratch of his stubble on your chin make your skin feel like itā€™s fizzing, inside-burning-out, every inch of you stood on end by his static charge. Jesus, this guy. He feels like fucking magic, and youā€™re confident that the laws of physics donā€™t quite apply around him. Everything in the room, in the too-big apartment thatā€™s painfully empty without him in it, tilts toward Leon.
You shove your face nose-first into his neck and clutch the back of his jacket in both fists. Swallowing hard, you manage, ā€œHey, angel.ā€
ā€œGood morning, Charlie,ā€ Leon says.
If you had any resolve for today left in you at all, the wash of his sizzling butter voice would squash the last of it. Youā€™d been trying to be sweet, but your husband has to be funny about fucking everything, of course. Even after weeks spent apart. You love him so fucking much.
ā€œDonā€™t tell me you found time to watch that stupid movie.ā€ Your voice is muffled by his coat, and youā€™re grateful for an excuse to hide.
Youā€™re moving. Leon carries you inside, his wedding band pressing into your leg and his other big, warm hand spooned around your back. ā€œBoring plane ride. I wanted to get your jokes.ā€
Your front door is toed shut, and with all the efficient maneuvering of a proper agent, Leon gets the place locked up behind you. Somewhere in all the commotion heā€™d dropped his go-bag by the welcome mat, and you hear the dramatic thunk, thunk, of his fancy work loafers being kicked off beside it. Only then does he slip you onto your own feet again.
Your hands slide down his arms as you make contact with the floor. Somewhere in the back of your mind youā€™re aware that heā€™s damp from the rain, but that fact hangs in the little alternate universe heā€™s made in your front hall. Standing there and being able to look at him straight-on, Leon doesnā€™t feel real. Itā€™s like your constant thoughts of him have manifested a ghost in his shape, mimicking the smiley rookie you remember.
He greets you with a quiet, beaten-down smile, and you understand immediately that the world has thrown its fair share of punches at him, too. Youā€™ve both had a shit week. The Kennedy surname just brims with good luck, huh?
Your hands work on autopilot as you take him in, slipping under the fabric of his jacket and lingering over his thudding heart. His warm blue gaze swims over your face, and you can almost hear the clicking mechanisms in his head as he forces himself out of operative mode and into home mode by looking at you.
ā€œItā€™s a really bad movie,ā€ you say, choked up.
Leonā€™s jacket hits the floor with his shoes. Thereā€™s a swath of ugly, purpling bruises crawling up his bare arm, old enough to be greening at the edges, and your stomach churns when you see it.
He taps your chin up, pulling you away from the damage and back on him. His voice rolls over you like bourbon in a glass. ā€œAbsolutely. So-bad-itā€™s-good, even. We should watch it, make fun of it together. Like, why the hell doesā€¦ā€
Leon flawlessly falls into an analysis of the movieā€™s poorly-written espionage elements. The movie you made one offhand joke about several weeks ago, mind you. Heā€™s pulling at straws, saying whatever the hell comes to mind to make you laugh, so exhausted heā€™s literally swaying on his feet. You canā€™t believe heā€™s trying to distract you with something so trivial, but this is your husband. One flash of that weary closed-mouth smile, one brush of those callused hands down your wrists, and your whole world resumes its orbit around him.
You laugh at the jokes heā€™s obviously crafted for your benefit, a weak chuckle your heart isnā€™t in. With his hands looped around your wrists, he guides your arms around his neck and welcomes you back into the toasty bubble of his touch. Leonā€™s even warmer from being tucked underneath his coat. Pure goodness and safety glows off him like a fucking nuclear reactor, and it dawns on you that you havenā€™t felt safe at all since he left. Anyone can be plucked off the streets here.
One more scratchy kiss and then heā€™s leading you deeper into your apartment. No one on Earth would believe that heā€™s a chatty guy, but he talks the whole way through. Too often heā€™s left to sit in his own mind on missions, and youā€™re treated to two weekā€™s worth of his backlog in the next ten minutes. All the little things he wanted to say to you. The streams of smart-mouth commentary he was famous for at the academy are all inner monologue now, but youā€™re confident the Leon radio show still runs twenty four hours a day. He chatters so much in his head that it slips out of him like water sometimesā€”
ā€œā€¦that close to an explosion would disintegrate you, but fuck physics I guessā€”ā€œ Leon interrupts his own flow of thought to squint at you. ā€œQuit looking at me like that. Itā€™s unfair how pretty you are when youā€™re tired. What was Iā€”not like the laws of physics apply to that movie anyway, butā€¦ā€
ā€”and youā€™re stupidly charmed by it. He talks to comfort himself, and because the two of you are one unit, one person to him, he does the same for you.
With your hand tethered in his, he clicks off the radio in the kitchen. One of Leonā€™s side-stories replaces the random late-night station thatā€™d been playing, floating over the din of the rain like bass over relaxing drums. He pours out the dregs of your coffee. He closes the files full of gruesome crime scene photos on your coffee table, and you watch, barely able to keep your head up, as he flips your whiteboard over to its blank side. Youā€™ll get his second opinion on the case tomorrow.
Leon sweeps the place with you in tow, and once the security systemā€™s armed and youā€™re almost sagging against him, the lights come off. Though youā€™ve had plenty of time to adjust to the Leon that returned home from training, youā€™ll never get used to the little alien ticks itā€™s given him. He navigates to your bedroom in complete blackness. He avoids the creaky floorboard just outside your door without seeing, deathly silent. The broad presence of him looms in the dark.
One wall of the bedroom is nothing but paneled glass, throwing a long square of dark blue moonlight over your rumpled comforter. While the view of the Potomac and Capital Hill is stellar from up here, youā€™ve always felt out of place among the things Leonā€™s generous salary has earned the two of you: a flat with a private elevator in the nice part of town, fresh-off-the-press sports cars, a getaway cabin up north. So much of it you end up enjoying by yourself. It only ever feels worth it when heā€™s here, smacking his elbow into the digital wall-panel that controls your A/C.
ā€œā€”sā€™ supposed to be a touch screen,ā€ he sidebars himself for the tenth time. Softer, Leon adds, ā€œBrush your teeth. Iā€™ll be right there.ā€
You rope your arms around his middle and press your face into the heart of his back, careful of the bruises heā€™s doing his best to hide. ā€œWanna wait for you.ā€
Leon doesnā€™t protest. Thereā€™s more little beeps as he screws with the temperature of your mattress or something, deciding, ā€œWe live in a damn spaceship. Are we too good for plain old-fashioned buttons now?ā€
Apparently you are, since old man Leon fails to figure out how to crank the heat up. You let him play with it for a little while longer (itā€™s not his fault heā€™s rarely home), and then intervene with a few quick taps when things get dire. The heater hums to life under the floor a beat later, and he turns in your grip to scoff, mystified by your vast and incredible knowledge.
ā€œMy smart girl,ā€ he hums.
Just that is enough to chip off a piece of your strength. Had he said that to you over the phone, a million miles away in god-knows-where, your knees would buckle. He is the only one who talks to you like thatā€”with so much simple, uncomplicated love. Too tired to put your thoughts into words, you flatten a hand over his heart and kiss the sun-freckled nape of his neck.
ā€œClingy,ā€ Leon mutters. Youā€™re pretty sure itā€™s supposed to sound dry and funny, another one of his jokes. But then heā€™s smoothing both of his palms down your arms in two long handsy swaths, and the gesture tells you everything about just how clingy heā€™s feeling, too.
His stories make getting ready for bed an even slower affair. You couldnā€™t mind if you wanted to. As you help him out of his starchy dress-shirt button by button, he surprises you with a rare explanation of where heā€™s been for the last weeks. The UK. Truly, your husband is the special secret agent to end all special secret agents: he talks around his job as if it was a bump heā€™d hit on the way home, entertaining you instead with his Leon-ified vision of London. Touristy as shit. Loud as shit. Smelled like shit.
ā€œJust like DC,ā€ he chuckles, and then a second time when your fluffy head pops through the collar of the sleep shirt heā€™s dressing you in.
Itā€™s too much rough, cinnamon spice laughter for one woman to stand. You duck away to brush your teeth and groan into your palms like a schoolgirl over him, but sure enough, Leon trails you, fingers chasing the hem of your shirt (his shirt) in a sleepy daze. He always keeps you in view. Nervous, maybe, to have you out of his sight.
This tradition continues when the two of you crawl into bed. Your eyes have adjusted to the darkness, and so has your body, able to sense him on the stupidly expensive mattress beside you. He thinks you canā€™t tell, but his gaze roves over you again and againā€”down your back when you flop face-first into the plush bedding, over the slope of your shoulder when you wiggle under the covers. Leon draws you into the glorious halo of his body heat with a gentle hand on your belly. If you could bottle this feeling, the whole world would be sick and stupid for him in hours. Minutes even.
You feel so safe that the word doesnā€™t even come to mind. Just vague, peaceful shapes of things you know, home, sleep, cologne, cozy. His work-rough palm with his body-warm wedding band slips under your tee to sweep over your ribs. Then comes Leonā€™s face, just on the right side of stubbly as he shoves it between your shoulder blades without a single lick of shame. The breath he takes of you is so heavy that his whole frame shudders with it, top to bottom.
You remember how youā€™d burrowed into his jacket the second he got home and think, You are me and I am you. Weā€™re always on the same page.
With that, the stage is set. DCā€™s faraway glittering cityscape lights up all the raindrops on your window, and you watch them run as the two of you melt into one another. Leonā€™s warm breaths slow across your neck. Time for you to deliver your line.
You wet your lips and murmur into your pillow, ā€œDo you want to talk about your mission?ā€
Legally, he canā€™t say yes. Government secrets, bureaucracy, yadda yadda. Leon isnā€™t always emotionally ready to crack open a coffin heā€™s just finished sealing, either, but while it is his job to close your case files for the night, youā€™re his wife. Youā€™re the only person who can knock on that door. With how little choice he has left in his life, you try to give him options whenever you can. Regardless, you know the man you marriedā€”strong-willed on a mythical fucking level, and just as self-sacrificing. Heā€™ll always try to spare you.
Sure enough, Leon says, ā€œTomorrow. Do you want to talk about your case?ā€
You shake your head at him, exhausted to the point of dizziness. ā€œTomorrow.ā€
A tender kiss is pressed to the nape of your neck, and the whole world goes silent for the perfect, husky whisper youā€™ve ached to hear. You feel his wry smile against your skin. ā€œWeā€™re always on the same page, baby.ā€
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kiirotoao Ā· 4 months
Season 3 rewatch notes
Wait a minute, I just realized that Mike and Will are the only ones in The Party whoā€™ve canonically been dungeon masters. Idk what that means for them, but, yeah. Another exclusive detail of theirs
Oh, lord. Mikeā€™s arm being torn off in the D&D game better not be a prophecy. If those s5 notes are accurate about Mike being seriously injuredā€¦ Iā€™m scared.
GOD Iā€™ve never noticed how hard Will breathes in the rain scene. Poor baby he was so stunned šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
The thing that I love most about Jonathan and Nancy is that theyā€™ve been through the real shit. Arguments and hardship through the supernatural and the struggles of discrimination and privilege.
I love how Max is usually the one who speaks after Will. Itā€™s like sheā€™s the only one brave enough to answer after he says something profound or important. I need more of Max and Willā€™s friendship and them having well-thought out arguments I swear
Omg I love Ericaā€™s little green star on her cheek. Itā€™s so cute šŸ˜­šŸ©·
After watching The Princess Bride, I am fangirling so much over Cary Elwes - itā€™s so crazy to me that he got him to play such a character! I wonder if they thought of him because of all the physical stunts lmao
As much as Karen isnā€™t in the know of much of anything in the supernatural story, I love how sheā€™s a picture of raw strength in the Wheeler family, the true head of the household. She takes charge. Stops at nothing to help. Not even in the face of temptation. Go Karen.
DAMN I forgot that Billy dropped an f bomb! I thought that the closest that the show got was when Max got cut off in the hospital, but nope. There it was
Shit, Iā€™m tearing up at that scene when El collapses into Mikeā€™s arms because I know that that was real exhaustion. Poor Millie šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ©·. She did such a phenomenal job there.
I LOVE whenever Joyce is angry this season. Now thatā€™s how you demand. Straight to the point, justified in her worry, and cutting past any unnecessary bs while still including the cherry on top ā€œpleaseā€ or ā€œgood dayā€ of politeness out of basic decency. I want to be her when Iā€™m upset.
Iā€™m always so blown away by Mayaā€™s performance when she comes out to Steve. Straight (haha) through the heart, so good. And I always, always smile at Steveā€™s reaction. So in character, so accepting. No questioning if sheā€™s being honest, just immediately questioning her type and believing that sheā€™s into girls. So, so important.
Oh, no. Holly saw the trees moving in the woods. Thus far, sheā€™s noticed the demogorgon coming out of the wall, and now this. Sheā€™s definitely a target next season.
When El tells Billy the memory of his mom, I teared up a little! Something about the way that El says, ā€œyou were happyā€ breaks me, dude. Millie and Dacre did so well.
Also, thinking in foresight of s4, Maxā€™s letter is so heartbreaking. The Mind Flayer made a huge show of killing Billy slowly and painfully. I donā€™t blame her for being too horrified to move. It really wasnā€™t her fault. That was traumatic. Sadie did amazing there, too. Ouch.
Iā€™m never getting over the helicopter lights being blue, yellow, and red. Were starboard and port always blue and red? And isnā€™t starboard supposed to be green? Itā€™s all intentional, Iā€™m telling you
I love how Max and Lucas are supposed to be ā€œbutcheringā€ Never Ending Story but those two theater kids actually sound amazing. I just wish they harmonized šŸ˜†
Oh my gosh Jonathan did the Byers hold to Nancy šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I am not okay šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I never noticed that
Okay wait. This is kinda horrible. I feel bad for saying this. But yā€™know how Mike has a Will voice? Well I just noticed that Mike definitely does not have a soft voice for El. I swear, heā€™s always so loud around her like nothingā€™s different about her šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ Any time heā€™s sweet with her heā€™s just like YEAH. COOL. and itā€™s kinda hilarious.
Jancy is WRECKING me this season wtf. Charlie and Natalia are so cute šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
Oh my gosh Davidā€™s voice kinda breaks at ā€œdoze off.ā€ Fuck.
Erica has blue, yellow, and pink balloons plus a rainbow drawing on her door. I now headcanon Erica as pansexual/panromantic, thank you.
AHHHGHH I canā€™t wait for the original version of Heroes to play next season over Byler kissing when everyone thinks that they might be dead but theyā€™re just surviving in the Upside Down, clinging to each other and having the highest moment of their lives!!!!!!!
This has been my s3 thoughts for the 6-8th time watching? I forget? And I missed a number of moments because I got too absorbed so, oops. Anyway, I love Jancy, I love Jopper, I love the Scoops Troop, I love Suzie, I miss Alexi, Byler is endgame, and this season was way more fun than I remembered and it always makes me laugh. My list of favorite seasons has been shaken expertly.
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sp-by-april Ā· 1 month
April, you've done so many characters, but will you write for Tolkien? If you will, hear me out on this silly idea;
The reader is dating Clyde, but Tolkien feels like he could be better for her, and she loves Tolkien more then Clyde, so he invites her over for a "tutoring" session. It starts off normal until Tolkien puts his hand on the reader's thigh and kisses her. They naturally start fucking because ofc and Tolkien finishes inside of the reader so she leaves Clyde because of the possibility that she's having a child. The last part with her leaving Clyde isn't necessary to write, I just wanna write a little bonus at the end of my explanation,,
Also, if you don't wanna write this, it's okayy!! Not a lot of ppl write for Tolkien so I get it lol
I love this ask so much!!! I am so happy someone asked for Tolkien! He gets so neglected. šŸ˜­ Also I love when people know what they want and get detailed! And you are so polite? Omg girl, I hope this is close enough to what you had in mind. šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°
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Tolkien x F!Reader
[Submit a prompt!] [South Park Master Lists]
I had been dating Clyde for awhile. I liked him a lot, but he had a real wandering eye. Sometimes he made me feel more like a referee than a girlfriend, and I was exhausted from blowing the whistle too many times.
Then I started studying with Tolkien. I always kind of loved him; He was funny, thoughtful, smart, self-assured but not arrogantā€¦ Most importantly, he really cared. Tolkien and Clyde had been friends for years, but he and I sort of formed a friendship of our own. He was the only guy I knew who could make studying fun.
Then everything changed.
Tolkien and I were studying together as usual. We were in his living room on the floor with our textbooks and notebooks scattered around in front of us. Tolkien had just got the fireplace going when he sat back down next to me.
I gave him an inquisitive glance, ā€œAre you trying to tell me something?ā€
ā€œYeah,ā€ He chuckled, ā€œThat you need to invest in a sweater. Youā€™re obviously cold. Itā€™s winter and look at what youā€™re wearing,ā€
My bottom lip pushed out into a pout. I was in my favorite little black dress. It may not be appropriate for winter in Colorado, but I had this study date with Tolkien and a date-date with Clyde later that evening. I wanted to look really good, and I did. Maybe too good.
ā€œIā€™m not cold,ā€ I lied.
Tolkien leaned in towards me and slid his hand over my thigh, ā€œYou have goosebumps,ā€
If I didnā€™t have them before, I did after he touched me. It felt like a spark that ignited an ember inside of me.
Then he kissed me and the ember grew into a flame. Tolkien was an amazing kisser. He lightly brushed his tongue over my bottom lip and I felt warmth building between my legs. I parted my lips for him and melted completely as his tongue slid into my mouth.
His hand ran up my thigh as our tongues turned over each other and his breath hitched as his fingertips revealed to him a confidential secret: I wasnā€™t wearing any panties. My boyfriend hated them, he thought they got in the way. Since we had a date later, I was accommodating.
We kept kissing like magnets, our mouths always drawn to each other by an incredible force.
Tolkien leaned over me as we kissed and eventually I was on my back with him on top of me. I could feel his hard-on push against my thigh and I completely ached for him. He felt so big and thick as he throbbed against me, I wanted to confirm it for myself more than anything.
His fingers rubbed along my slit, spreading around my desire, and the anticipation was killing me.
ā€œYouā€™re so wet,ā€ Tolkien murmured softly against my lips, ā€œDamn, I want you so bad,ā€
I shouldā€™ve fought it, but I truly couldnā€™t. It was like I was being controlled by a force greater than myself.
ā€œI want you too,ā€ I said in a whisper.
He pushed inside of me and our breaths hitched together as his fingers explored the most secluded part of me. They curled and I began to moan as he massaged my sweet spot expertly. I could feel him throb against my thigh as he listened to how lost I was in the pleasure he was giving me.
I had one of the best orgasms of my life, Iā€™ll never forget it. My eyes rolled back and my muscles tensed up as all bliss overtook me. He groaned into my mouth as I tightened up and held onto his fingers and I could feel him throb hard.
He kissed my ear and his hot breath melted over my skin like warm honey, ā€œYou look so fucking sexy when you come,ā€
As I came down from my high, the only thing I could think about was how badly I needed him inside me.
He was thinking the same.
We continued to kiss with our magnetic mouths as he unbuckled, unbuttoned, and unzipped his pants. He finally broke our kiss as he pushed his clothes down to his thighs and I almost drooled when I saw his dick spring up. It was even better than I imagined. He was thick, glistening with precum and it looked so gorgeous that I wanted to run my tongue over every vein.
He slid the wet head of his cock over my clit and the hot precum sent a jolt through my core. He moved along my slit, collecting my arousal and sealed his mouth onto mine.
He pushed into the heart of me and I gasped sharply into his mouth while he groaned into mine. I couldnā€™t believe how good he felt as his hips started to shift into me.
I never moaned more in my life. I couldnā€™t believe the noises that came out, I didnā€™t think I had anything like that in me.
His hand found mine and our fingers intertwined as he pinned it down near my head.
His mouth drifted over my ear, ā€œYou make me feel so damn good,ā€
ā€œI wanna feel you come for me,ā€ I whined as his cock thrust into me harder.
ā€œYeah?ā€ He nipped at my earlobe, ā€œYou first,ā€
Before I knew it, Tolkien was driving into me harder and faster. I could barely handle it, Iā€™d never been that overwhelmed during sex before. He was so fucking big that even when he was going slow, his dick was testing the limits of my core. This new intensity became too much to bear. Our moans dissolved with the wet, salacious sounds of our bodies coming together and it all echoed throughout the large living room.
My back arched sharply as my muscles seized up and all the pleasure in my body swelled, crested, and completely overtook me. My toes curled and a loud, trembling moan spilled out from my lips. My soft, silky walls fastened up around his generous cock, and gripped him tight like a vise.
Suddenly, Tolkienā€™s hips jerked into me and a loud, shuddering moan poured out his mouth. God, I could feel him pulse so intensely, as he pumped me full of hot, sticky spurts.
His mouth locked back onto mine and as our tongues rolled over each other, I knew that he was everything I ever wanted. No guy in the world had ever made me feel the way he did.
Then a heavy cloud hung over me. I had my date with Clyde in an hour. How was I supposed to tell him that one of his friends came inside of me with no condom or birth control?
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I feel like you have made such a safe space and I really need to tell you my IRL Erik moment after reading about my girl with fairytale ending with her bestie <3
Um.. I thought I gave pretty good head y'all. Truly I did. But then last week I came face to face with a man who humbled the fuck out of me and my knees are still so weak still from his presence. šŸ« 
Ok so boom! I was on my period and we had been flirting for awhile so although we agreed to hang out my master plan was originally to come in the door looking good, charm him with my wit, and give him some bomb sloppy toppy to blow his mind and make him really be feenin for wanting to fuck me later on.... I know, I know. I was trying to be on my femme fatale Charlie's Angel shit and failed miserably šŸ™„
Hunny did I ever get humbled so quickly. I'll keep it short but BABY let me tell you the shock in my soul when I saw it...he has the longest dick I've ever seen in person. Like I seriously had my two hands cranking at the base and still had a mouth full of dick at the top. It was insane.
I walked in with confidence and walked out as happy and broken woman lmfao. We were kissing and touching and I told him I wanted to take care of him. He asked how and when he realized what I wanted to do he was like "ok ma but if u want that ur gonna have to pull him out" so me being me went straight to pull that shit out. No going back.
I was feeling myself at first. In my head like go meeeee mini superhead!! I got this boo.
I think he was amused by my attempts to swallow him y'all I could tell he was enjoying it but my deep throat was leaving some dick unsucked and he wanted more from me
Next thing I know this man is standing on the bed. One hand on the ceiling and the other is gently on the back of my head guiding me so he can fuck my mouth. TRAINING MY THROAT. šŸ˜­ He was sticking it down my throat until I gasped for air and he pulled out and then he did it over and over again.... šŸ˜« It worked too cuz when he laid me back on the bed and told me to try again baby I was down on that thang further than I knew I could handle. I knew at that moment I fucked up and this man was not there to play with me and also that I must be a real freak cuz I loved every minute of that shit. I felt myself getting creamy from getting him off. Lord.
He really claimed my mouth and I'm not even mad about it. Then he has the nerve to be able to stop himself from cumming WELL so I was getting my throat fucked for like 40 mins šŸ„“ so yeah mission failed but he did nut and I sucked that shit down like it was the sweetest prize I've ever won! I worked hard for that!!! It felt so powerful to see him submit to me for even a second. This powerful man gave me some of his power in that moment and it tasted so sweet too lol
THE ICING ON THE CAKE? When we were done he takes a towel and gets some warm water on it and starts cleaning my face GENTLY.... INTIMATELY.... Staring me in my eyes while he slowly wiped my mouth, eyebrows, bridge of nose šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
So yeah I'm in lust now. This is how stalkers are created I just know it....smfh
We are on opposite schedules so idk when I'll see him again. He tried to hit me up yesterday but I couldn't get to him and I was kicking myself. I'm off myself and ready to get dicked down šŸ˜­ I feel like such a stalker though cuz this man has me in an actual chokehold just from that.
Sorry I didn't edit this!! Thank you for letting me get this off my chest. I feel better now šŸ„¹
Y'all please pray I get some help soon lmao
ā€œOkay ma but if you want that youā€™re gonna have to pull him out.ā€
Bruh!!!!!!! And the after care while staring you in the eyes on some ā€œthatā€™s my good girl.ā€ Shit?!!!!!ā€™
This was too damn good!!!!!
Thanks for sharing!
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youuuimeanmee Ā· 9 months
Noragami Final Chapter Thoughts
You know what? I'm used to it.
I'm used to have exceptionally well-written manga get cut off or deadline-d to finish at certain point of time (usually by the publisher's order) when the authors still have so, so, SO much more left to give, so in the end they have no choice but to rush the final chapter.
Shingeki no Kyojin, Promised Neverland, Nisekoi, other mangas I forgot to name. And this manga. For such a long-running series with deep lore, they all could use a special volume (200+ pages) as an epilogue, not a 45-pages speedrun of everyone's everafter. I wish more series could follow Mob Psycho's example. Some say Mob Pycho Season 3 is too long, it needs to be more compact etc, but I don't think so at all. I think it's perfect the way it is -- it's a fulfilling send-off for all the characters we love so much. I wish more series would get their ending like that, but what can I say about Japanese manga industry.
And there's also Adachitoka's health to consider too. In which case, I'd say they did their best, and I'm really thankful for them for being able to deliver this series safely.
In short, I already expected this chapter to be a speedrun. Because of that, my experience when I read this chapter is better than I expected.
Maybe because I've learned my lessons for not making theory too much, so I don't have certain expectations that'd cloud my judgement.
With no deep thoughts when reading, let's go dive in.
The PUNS it still gets me. Yukine's sister calling Haruki's name while watching a tree that blossoms in spring is šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
Ayoo he can change to a dog still? My poor baby šŸ˜­
I guess this is his punishment for wrecking havoc in the human world and disturbing the Heaven? But like, he was clearly under the influence of trashdad?? He's not really at fault?? Is this author's message that we shouldn't justify his action just because we understood his reasons?? But still. That's too cruel for doing it for your own main character.
I know shinkis that were left behind by their master would retain their name after the master's death, but still. To think Izanami's power is still working on Yukine after the Kotonoha is destroyed. This is tragedy.
Daww that's nicee. Hiyori as an intern!
Damn, she really forgot everything. This is for the best though, she already died once when she got too close with the far shore; I'm already prepared for this much. Maybe Yato had finally severed her ties with him and that (along with the cpr) is what allowed Hiyori to return.
Wdym "intense cpr," it's more than intense. It's hella long too. Nobody could perform intense cpr for hours nonstop, unless that person is non-human.
Good to know Yato broke her ribs though, nice work!
Hiyori's missing notebook? Prob taken by Yato or something.
Dafuq. Move along with your "it's me!" wishy-boy. No. This time it's not you who kissed her. You were delirious in some random abandoned building in some random city when Hiyori was dying.
See, this is my nightmare. To have the real Fujisaki Koto as Hiyori's future love interest. Because I know for sure, for so long, that they could bonded with their out-of-body experience when they both lost their memory.
Sorry Koto, 'nothing against the real you, but your alter ego has kinda ruined your image.
Damn, Father's longing for Kaya runs deep in Koto's veins.
BAHAHA, Nice one Coophone. Or Yato. Or Yukine. Or whatever tf Hiyori's guardian is.
Aww man I didn't see Nana. She'd love to have a picnic with both Bishamon and Arahabaki! Is it because she was infected with GGS, or is it simply her turn to watch over the house? I hope it's the latter.
I wish the Gods would talk more about Yato's miracles, including about Hiyori. She is literally the glue that help stick these guys together. Without her, they wouldn't even know about Father's Liberation ability.
Heck, forget about Yatori. I wanna hear the Gods reminscing about their situations & conditions after the incident. But alas.
Oh well. This is something I've learned to let go.
Woow Kunimi looks young! Does he finally have a vacation?? Lol
Ebisu's voice got deeper? He still looks like a baby to me. Is he a baby 12-yo?
It's real nice to see the 3 reincarnated gods! Though I coulnd't care less abt them,even tho i know they have main character energy
Oh. my God. TakeKiun is really sailingg Look at dem. Matching clothes and soft smiles and all dat shit šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ
Um, okay. It's good and all that each mortal has their own version about what happened at that time, but like,
Weren't people DIED???
I thought many people died!! Getting slashed by Gods!! Why is it not covered on the national news-
(myb when Father's "nation" returned to the underworld, the souls who were lost were also returned to its vessel somehow?)
Nope, nevermind. Just don't think too deeply about it. Moving on.
BISHAAA it's good to see her in great health!
Though I really wanna know, how is her relationship with the Heaven and the other Gods after that fiasco, how she feels abt Father's defeat, etc--
NOPE. Don't thinkabout it. Just moveon.
Here I thought Yato was gonna get a reward from Amaterasu for slaying "something that doesn't belong on this Earth." Oh well. Guess Amaterasu is hella stingy like that.
Why Yukine seems like he got even smaller though. Is it the changing art style? He looks more baby than ever.
Wait, they got a whole proper room to sleep? Is this their old room in Kofuku's house?? I thought since Yukine is infected by GGS, Kofuku stayed the hell away from Yukine, but that doesn't seem like the case?
Maybe Kofuku-Daikoku are the one who abandoned the shop; leaving it for Yato and Yukine to stay in? We'll never know.
(Now where is Kofuku's new address, I need to know)
Since Yukine is infected by GGS and always in constant nightmare, I'd like to believe Kazuma is experiencing the same thing; in order to separate him from the rest of the clan, now Kazuma sleeps with Bishamon every night. Lucky bastard.
That is so touching of Yato for comforting his sobbing child every night, but I wish we got a glimpse of his reminisce with his now-gone Father.
Oh wooww the dude finally stopped playing around. I thought he didn't have the guts to cut Hiyori's ties, turns out he really cut itt. No wonder Hiyori forgot about him for 10 years.
(Though I don't think she forgot completely either. Yato might not be in her head anymore, but he's still in her heart)
Adachitoka-san. Are you trying to tell ME this teke-teke thing is way more viral than the mass of unnatural, unknown deaths???
Is it because there's no death at all???
*sighs.* Anyways.
Aww Nora is now staying at Iki's household, happier than ever šŸ„ŗ
Oh so that's where Hiyori's notebook goes.
Wait, Iki household creeps Hiyori out? Why? Is it because she was traumatized by her grandma's death? (Does she even remember that?) Is it because she faintly remembered the way Nora broke her house's windows? Or is it because she could sense Nora's presence and it icks her? I hope it's not the latter ā˜¹ļø
I'm happy Nora is finally a happy child, but, Yukine? What about my son Yukine, who is no longer a pure soul, who could no longer sleep peacefully every night. Where is Nora's apology for leading Yukine to Father huh? Where is her apology for (indirectly) turning Yukine into who he is today? I guess it happens off-screen, we'll never know.
Wdym "the night has a scent."
"Night" is using the same kanji as Yato's name, 夜. She is remembering his smell from the nightt, peoplee
(The night when he kissed her prob)
The power of the match-matching ema hunged by Ookuninushi is really strong, huh. Hiyori managed to remember Yato again, despite her already-severed-ties with Yato.
(or maybe not. I guess their fate really IS intertwined, knowing their first meeting)
I kinda wish Hiyori would remember Yato much later, like, in her 40s when she already has kids on her own, but hey, the sooner she remembers him, the longer he'd stay on this Earth so I'd still consider it a win!
Tbh, a part of me don't want her to get involved with far shore like she did in the past, but a part of me also wants her to snuggle between Yato and Yukine's arms after her work hours end. Dilemma.
Now I need Hiyori's journey to become one hell of a rich doctor so she could build a proper shrine for Yato so she and her family could pray together every morning, because she claimed it's Yatogami who saved her life that day. She'd make dinner for Yato and Yukine and eat with them every evening while her family acknowledge it as her night-praying-time. She'd tell her family, her future husband, and her future children about the legend of Yato (she'd exaggerate it a lot) and the next thing she knows, Yato have already has a devoted followers. Oh, and she'd often visited Bisha's shrine, Kofuku's, Ebisu's, all gods associated with Yato.
That's it folks. I rarely do my thoughts about Noragami, but I do read it religiously regularly each month. This manga has already become my comfort manga no matter how angsty it is, so it's gonna be hard to part with it, after all this time. Maybe for next month I'm gonna restart from chapter 1, one chapter per month.
I do have to say though, usually when I read a series with unsatisfactory ending, it leaves a bad taste in mouth. Somehow this chapter don't feel like that at all. I don't know why. I still look at this chapter and all the previous ones with fondness.
I wanna dream that 1-2 years from now, Adachitoka would release a 200-pages of Noragami epilogue -- which I know it's impossible, but hey, let the girl dream. I'm also looking forward for the extra komas, if there's any.
It's been a good time with you all šŸ¤—šŸ‘‹
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mochimouiemarty Ā· 1 month
I need your headcanons I donā€™t care which character which fandom I need headcanons because you seem awesome now give them to me /affectionate
ARGHHHH IM SORRY THAT THIS TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER?!?!? i was drawing the pookies to go with these hcs
i jumbled all my favs together and yeah have some silly hcs (thisll prolly be rlly short, or not) not in a set order so good luck finding the characters from fandoms you know šŸ˜ˆ/hj
CHARACTERS MENTIONED IN THIS!! Idia Shroud, Cater diamond, Mime Bomb, Weeping Clown
- Cater once played this dress up game for fun (or to make some content out of it), got some HARSH constructive criticism, never played again (person who insulted gave him advice was idia)
- Weepy often puts wax on the hair in front of his face to keep it out of his eyes while performing. (totally not based on an oc x canon thing i thought of.)
- Mime Bomb often has makeup residue around his eyes, making him look more tired than he already is. He struggles to get it out and also doesnt see the point bcs 9 times out of 10 hes gonna be hopping on another flight anyway!!!!
- Idia is half filipino. dont try and change my mind YOU CANNOT
- Cater has freckles and used to cover them up around highschool - year one in NRC. maybe because of insecurity or to follow the current "trends". maybe both!!!!!1!1!1!1! probably still does it to this even better if no one actually knows if his freckles are real or nah
- Mime Bomb knows how to draw! always uses himself as a reference when he can. loves drawing hands
- weepy is a jack of all trades, master of none. he'd observe and learn other peoples crafts silently from other people at the circus! even if he's not that good at most of them, he knows the basic stuff.. maybe.
- Cater often puts white eyeliner on to brighten up his eyes!!
- i think idia likes watching those process videos on sculpting and carving, just traditional art in general.
- cater probably likes to deconstruct a bunch of stuff, mainly content-making related things and especially music! I saw someone mention how passionate he seems about music based on the details in his room (might sound like a total idiot rn if those details were disclosed in one of the vignettes or something) so in my heart it seems like something he'd totes do. he's also a very detail oriented person so !1!1!1!1!1
- Joker dislikes popcorn, also smells like stale buttered popcorn(/hj)
- mime bombs skin is either hella sensitive or the complete opposite. I can see him either hoarding this one brand of makeup cuz it's the only one he can use, or his skin is THAT ok with any product that he's fine with using VILE products šŸ˜­
- I like to believe that Jokers hair is either a wig (or he dyed it) and he's a brunette. or he's just silly like that yk (the most likely possibility)
- Cater has an old list of piercings he wanted/wants, idk which ones he'd want but yuh!!! maybe he got a piercing when he was younger but got caught soooo
- Idia hates oily foods
this is probably it
also have the drawings that took TOO DAMN LONG.
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"one is not like the other!!!!!" ahh favs šŸ˜­šŸ™
these are sort of my hcs on how they'd look? or at least a reference for myself for when I draw them again, I'm too inconsistent
random, but idias hair being so expressive is my most favorite detail about his character
ok these took too long thank you bye
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sebadztian Ā· 3 months
Watching the episode now, but no screenshot because CR doesn't allow screenshots.
The P4's obsession with 'tradition' is mental. Even Ciel recognized that. I understand why they killed Arden (guy was annoying af), but the way their reason with it is kinda crazy... For tradition? But then again, they cried because they were allowed to step on the grass, so this school is pretty fucked up... I guess, anything to make them feel better about committing a mass murder...
Sebas' eyes change colour in different shots and it's driving me crazy! My god... This is probably my biggest gripe with his new design.
BUT his teeth are so fine! They're fairly generous with it and he's so fangy & teefy this season! So happy šŸ„°
In all honesty, I don't quite understand UT's concept for Bizarre Dolls. How did he attach those 'future' to the cinematic record? Like, where did he get those 'future record' from? Does it mean that ambitious people makes the best BDs?
Shoutout to UT's eyes!! Honestly, how did he see through that fringe of his?
And the battle begins...
No, wait... Sebastian, Sebastian... Just kick the guy already! Why are you playing some odd version of arm wresting with him?
Oh, great... Now they're hugging... Damnit, Sebastian!
Why do the BDs sound like Transformer robots?
My god... Harcourt really peed his pants...
Big talk, Seb. You just stood there the whole time... Have you not learned your lesson? When it comes to UT, you can't take your damn sweet time...
Okay, okay... So, I need to digest this...
The imagined fight sequence in Sebas' head is actually cooler than the reality of what happened next. UT even gave him a haircut. Maybe that's why Seb changed course. He didn't want a haircut...
Speaking of change, they changed the text! Instead of "protecting my contractor", they changed it to "protecting my young master" (he did say 'bocchan') šŸ„¹ So domesticated!
And UT's knowing smirk... And his words, "That's our butler"? Sounds like some sort of an approval to me. And he knows that the demon has been domesticated!
The parting booty shake tho!!
Ahhh... The scene that I've been waiting for... It's so intense, even Harcourt fainted from the intensity of it!
This poor boy is the real victim here... First, he found out his crush is actually a butler, then he peed his pants, and then, he had his heart broken all over again because Seb & Ciel are being so gay... He's like the butt of every single joke...
I hate that Sebstian's eyes are not glow-y anymore though... šŸ˜­
Edward, you're a good man. Just keep that up, yeah?
So good to see Ciel & Seb in their 'normal' attire & roles. Don't get me wrong, I do love Professor Michaelis, but Sebastian the butler is much better.
Snake šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
Well, I'm hoping this is not the last episode. Aren't we getting 12 episodes? Or was it 10? Assuming we do get 12 epsiodes, then the next one should be the shopping trip. So fun! šŸ˜„ But then... What would be the 12th episode? šŸ¤”
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the-roo-too Ā· 1 year
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absence -> sith! oh haewon
-as a soon-to-be jedi, you have a lot to learn about the real world, away from the safety of your master. one of the first things you should look into is not getting close to any dark force users.
warnings: blood; death; nonsense fight descriptions; most of this stuff is made up and probably wouldnā€™t make sense in canon star wars universe šŸ˜­
genre: angst; fluff
notes: highly inspired by a jedi jihyo fic i read some time ago šŸ™ praise the author; thank you for 200 followers šŸ‘¹šŸ‘¹šŸ‘¹
ā†¶*ą³ƒāœ§Ėš. āƒ ā†·
everyone started out as a padawan. thatā€™s what you were taught. youā€™ve heard that during the clone wars, it was a little more interesting- being apprentice. at least thatā€™s what your jedi claimed, and she was one of the few that survived the clones turning on the jedi order.
seulgi chose you when sheā€™s just saw the crowd. as the rule says, a jedi was meant to chose the padawan they will train. you could consider yourself pretty damn lucky it was the kang master who had her eye on you. seulgi had fought in the clone wars, although she herself was only a padawan back then. thatā€™s why she liked to push you so much, make sure your training is at least half as good as hers was.
she also pushed you harder, because your jedi trials were soon to happen. even though seulgi was a powerful jedi, you could swear she was more nervous for the end of your training than you were. the final day before youā€™d meditate in the tranquility spire, she organised you a sparring session with apprentices of every other jedi that was present at the scene. maybe later in life, as a knight, youā€™d thank her for the suffering sheā€™s put you through to make sure you grow up to become a great warrior. for now, youā€™d settle on glaring at her every time she laughed after forcing you to the ground.
ā†¶*ą³ƒāœ§Ėš. āƒ ā†·
ā€œyou think youā€™re ready?ā€ you looked up at your master. seulgiā€™s just entered your sleeping space, where you were busy meditating in the afternoon. when you you met eyes with the jedi, you made sure to stay focused and not le your nerves break through. if youā€™d slip up, the master could postpone your trials.
ā€œi am, master kang.ā€ she quirked a brow. her eyes scanned your posture before she slouched down to her knees, sitting next to you with a sigh.
ā€œthey grow up so fastā€¦ā€ seulgi pouted. it was fun and playful now, but you knew that was a important moment. if you didnā€™t pass the trials, youā€™d get the chance to do them later on. you were just scared to fail your master. she chose you, which by itself was an honour. if you were to fail as master kangā€™s apprenticeā€¦
you glanced at the jedi, who seemed deep in thought. she was fiddling with the saber at her belt. back when you were still a uneducated little child (when you first met master kang and tried not to seem intimidated by her), you thought it was unprofessional to play with your weapon. after a particular hard sparring session, she said she itā€™s not a nervous habit, she just likes the closeness of the weapon.
it was always clear seulgi was proud of her saber, and she had reasons to do so. her weapon was reconstructed after the clone wars, and itā€™s light was yellow. the colour representing the power of sun and hope for the future. the previous yellow saber user was the leader during the clone wars, and the kangā€™s master, back when she was a padawan herself.
ā€œyou know that as you are my apprentice, i wonā€™t be allowed in during the trials.ā€ a rare thing happened when seulgi took your hands in hers. ā€œyou will need all of your skill. do not fail me, padawan.ā€
with that, the master stood up. she gave you a light bow and turned around to leave your sleeping arena.
you glanced at your own saber, which laid near your mattress. you couldnā€™t fail.
ā†¶*ą³ƒāœ§Ėš. āƒ ā†·
to be fair, trial of skill was probably the easiest. it concluded of usually three parts: physical, mental and combat challenge. the first one went by quick, just some climbing, endurance and that kinds. while mental part of the trial was mostly about levitation, you were thankful that master kang put so much attention on that part of your training.
the worse was the combat part. the council had the most freedom at the last challenge, so they naturally used it. not to get too much into the bloody details, but you had to break a couple hundreds of little laser shooting drones.
when you finished cutting last one of them up, you draw back your saber and waited for the council. you had a couple seconds to stabilise your breath before the doors to the chamber opened and the elders arrived. to your surprise, amongst the figures you could clearly recognise your masterā€™s figure, although her face was covered by her hood.
you were expecting the council to lead you to the next chamber, but instead one of the great masters stepped to the front. ā€œthe trail of courage shall take place outside of the temple.ā€
your eyes widened. while that did sometimes happen, you couldnā€™t remember the last time a padawan had a outside mission. every council order was not to be question. with a stiff nod of your head, you asked. ā€œwhere, master?ā€
on cue, seulgi stepped out. you could feel her worry, although her face remained stone cold. ā€œyou will go to the cave of the evil, padawan.ā€
ā†¶*ą³ƒāœ§Ėš. āƒ ā†·
cave of the evil was a famous force source after it became master yodaā€™s hide. dagobah, the planet where the dark side cave was located, wasnā€™t the best tourist spot, but both jedis and siths liked to visit the place. the dark side of the cave was that entering it challenged the perceptions of people.
hearing the stories about the dark side cave was nerving enough, but standing a couple hours later near the opening- absolutely terrifying.
you glanced at master kang. she stood on your side, staring at the cave without a word. you didnā€™t know how much time you had exactly, but it was ticking away while you stood and did nothing.
ā€œgood luck, l/n.ā€ you nodded your head. it was rare for seulgi to call you anything but padawan.
ā€œthank you, master kang.ā€
ā€œgo now. donā€™t let me stop you any longer.ā€ you could hear her steps getting quieter.
as you took a step into the cave, you could quickly tell why it wasnā€™t a tourism spot. the inside was dark and gloomy. the air felt heavy, which made it harder to breathe. the ground under your feet was soft and muddy, but you couldnā€™t exactly see what it looked like.
your hand on instinct stayed on your belt, where your saber was placed. you pondered a bit using itā€™s light, but you still werenā€™t sure what was awaiting you in the cave. drawing your saber and lighting up the room could be a big mistake if you had to fight someone.
you tried to focus on your surroundings instead of what could happen in the cave. after a couple minutes of walking straight, you encountered a wall. as you decided to walk along it, you heard something. it was coming from somewhere deeper in the cave.
your breath hitched in your throat. that was it. whatever was awaiting you in the cave was close. you were aware of something being there with you. question was, did that something know you were there too.
ā†¶*ą³ƒāœ§Ėš. āƒ ā†·
seulgi liked overhearing, especially about her past. you werenā€™t ever sure what the sith training had to do with anything, but she knew awfully lot about it.
like how the sacrifice was the most important part if a candidate was nearing the end of their training. she explained the whole thing once.
the sacrifice was a test of dedication. the initiate needed to kill a loved one. the history knew a couple cases where the ā€˜loved oneā€™ survived the test without the initiate failing it, thought master kang hasnā€™t said much about those.
you never knew why she told you that stories, but with the distant look she had every time, you didnā€™t bother asking questions. she wouldnā€™t answer anyway.
now you were glad she liked to overshare so much, because the scene you were seeing in front of you matched the description of the sacrifice.
a girl- your age, maybe a little older- was holding a red saber to a manā€™s neck. on the first glance, you could sort her a a dark force user. sith in training was the right name.
you could only make out the shapes with the light coming from her blade. the man was clearly in pain, although he looked up proudly at the girl. you could only see her side profile, but she seemed to be looking down at him emotionlessly.
he opened his mouth to speak something, but before he could, the red saber went down his torso. he quickly went limp, his head falling to the side and his lifeless eyes met yours. a shiver went down your spine.
ā€œi apologise, master.ā€ your eyes fell on the figure. the sacrifice was a finishing part of the training. whoever this was, she became a sith right in front of your eyes.
it didnā€™t cross your mind that the council couldnā€™t possibly plan for you to fight a soon-to-be sith. not even when you stood up straighter and held out your hand, planning to take the dead manā€™s saber.
it shouldā€™ve. and you shouldā€™ve just called master kang.
ā†¶*ą³ƒāœ§Ėš. āƒ ā†·
you made many mistakes in that cave. first one was trying to take the saber. if the girl did the sacrifice, she was a sith. she called the man ā€˜masterā€™, and as such, he was a sith too.
when you tried to force grab his saber, you drew the sithā€™s attention to yourself. she caught the weapon, her face turning in your direction.
ā€œa jediā€¦?ā€ you heard her whisper. her taking you as a knight was putting you in good position. you drew your saber, the light falling on your face.
ā€œa sith.ā€
ā€œa green saber, huh? nothing above the average.ā€ the sith teased.
ā€œred ones are also common.ā€ you ran to attack her.
the light sabers clashed, buzzing with every strike. you had to admit, the sith was strong. your training with seulgi taught you a lot, so you were able to keep up for most of the time. no matter that, a particular hit from the side surprised you, and you didnā€™t get to move away fully from the upcoming blade.
just a light scrape on your arm, as you managed to dodge some of the momentum. the hit made you wince and clench your teeth, but the pained expression that appeared on the siths face surprised you more.
the girl halted her attacks and glared straight at you. ā€œdamned jedis.ā€
she caught her masters blade and did a last turn, throwing your saber out as you lost the grip on the weapon. the green light disappeared and you saw a ghost of a smirk cross her lips before her red light darkened too, leaving you in darkness.
before you could muster up enough mental force to try and locate her in the darkness, you were alone again in the cave, with the body of the late sith getting colder and colder.
ā†¶*ą³ƒāœ§Ėš. āƒ ā†·
there is a special rule with the jedi trials. if the padawan has shown great skill, courage and dedication to the order, they could be spared from the formal trials. as your master, seulgi decided creating a force bond with a sith and fighting them matched all of the rules.
when you stepped out of the cave, she was ready to go to your aid. except, you basically passed out in her arms. when you woke up, you were back in the tower, being a witness to the kangā€™s fight with the council. had it not been for her achievements during the clone war, nothing she asked for would probably be done.
alas, you finished the trials like that. you went from a padawan to a jedi knight. thatā€™s what seulgi told you when you were back in your sleeping area. she sat cross legged next to you as she handed you some herbs for the saber wound.
ā€œwhat about the force bond?ā€ you asked her when she finally ended her story about how you became a jedi.
ā€œbetween you and the sith?ā€ silence overcame the room. seulgi brought up her hand to her brow. you felt something warm on your face, exactly where the master held her hand. ā€œitā€™s similar to ours. most force bonds form between teacher and their apprentice.ā€
then, the kang took out her saber. ā€œkyber crystals also use force bond, with us. what you have with that sith is a common occurrence, except it hadnā€™t happened between a jedi and a dark jedi since the first order-resistance war.ā€
ā€œis that bad news for me, master kang?ā€
the jedi glanced to the side. ā€œi donā€™t know yet.ā€
ā†¶*ą³ƒāœ§Ėš. āƒ ā†·
when your padawan training ended, it only got harder. seulgi wasnā€™t as much above you as she used to be, but she was still wiser.
the kang told you to embrace the force bond, try to understand it. you could clearly remember how working on your bond with seulgi looked like, but she was a jedi. the knight you were bonded with was a sith, which ultimately made the task much harder.
it took you days of meditation before you got the first result. it mightā€™ve been because of the sith forcing you out of her mind. about two weeks after your expedition to the cave of the evil, you woke up in unfamiliar setting.
ā€˜woke upā€™ wasnā€™t exactly the accurate phrase, as youā€™ve never fallen asleep. during your meditation, you felt something change around you, and when you opened your eyes, you were sitting in front of the sith.
even though back in the cave, the only light source were your sabers, you could clearly remember her face. it slipped past your mind that she was even more beautiful up close.
you sat crosslegged in front of her to the point that your knees were almost touching. her eyes were closed, so you could only assume she was doing what you were previously.
you considered your options. this couldā€™ve been a dream, you kept that in mind. but if it wasnā€™t, you had a sting force bond with the jedi. you could attack her now, while she seemed unaware of your presence, but you already learned that the pain you caused her, you caused yourself too.
there was also one theory left you had to check. you slowly raised your hand with the intention to touch her face.
the now alerted sith came back to her senses suddenly. she held up her hand, stopping yours midway.
your eyes widened, as did hers. you both looked at your hands, which were touching. you had a physical contact with the sith, even though you were supposed to be back in your sleeping headquarters.
ā€œā€¦a force dyad. two that are one.ā€ the sith spoke. she was staring at your connected hands. you both shouldā€™ve attacked the other, but something was keeping you in place.
ā€œhow is that possible?ā€ the sithā€™s eyes finally darted away and met your own.
ā€œi wish i knew.ā€ she slowly lowered her hand. ā€œyouā€™re a jedi.ā€
ā€œand youā€™re a sith.ā€
ā€œwhat is your name then, jedi?ā€
ā€œy/n.ā€ you could feel something pushing you mind. almost like the force was throwing you out.
ā€œhaewon. remember that, jedi.ā€ in that moment, light flashed before your eyes and you were suddenly back in your sleeping headquarters. the sith had pushed you out of her mind again, but you confirmed what you wanted to know.
ā€œi need to catch seulgiā€¦ā€ you muttered, standing up from your crosslegged position and running out of the room.
ā†¶*ą³ƒāœ§Ėš. āƒ ā†·
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richeeduvie Ā· 3 months
the princesaā€™s bullying anon again šŸ˜­
thank you soooo much for doing the drabble. you r doing gods work for real for reallll. ever since i started reading madman and following you i keep acting like saul in the first season doing magic to my phone hoping that we will get new princesa and lalo contents (ABSOLUTELY NO PRESSURE if u have to take a break and or dont feel comfortable with it anymore please do. i just want you to know that i really love it and enjoy every thing to the fullest)
re-reading madman and lalo master list again because i want it to be semi-canon to the show and your series so i can come up with more scenarios to bully princesa.
and im starting to think that if i come up with sth lalo will personally appear in my dream and choke me for keeping thinking sick thoughts about his princesa (not gonna complain tho).
THAT being said heres another thought, yk how some tvshow/anime will have a filler beach episode. i think they need that. a hope-to-god-relaxing trip to the beach.
they already see each other body butt naked and have nonstop freaky sex but come onnnnnn the bikini, the pastel yellow floral bikini is a bit too small/revealing still makes princesa shy and conscious abt her body and lalo is staring too long at her ,with dark eyes and she cant see any thoughts, when she ask him to help her put on some sunscreen (hes actually one minute away to cancel this trip and take her home because instinct) (and sometimes in the corner of her eyes nacho is looking at her too - i dont know why the hell they need nacho there maybe extra body guard i just want nacho to see how beautiful she is and cant do nothing about it im sooooo sorry baby šŸ˜­)
but princesa ayyyy she in the bikini and she has this red hibiscus behind her ear, a seashells necklace. oh my shes sooooo pretty and cute. lalo watching her drawing on the sand a big heart and then their initials in it, picking every shells that she finds beautiful and put it close to her ear and lalos and say ā€œcan you hear the wavesā€ and giggle. the sun the breeze the sea everything seems like making her even more beautiful. (sorry for not mention anything abt me, lalo, im obsessed with my girl. but she also about to climb him the moment they walk out of the changing room. and nacho have to witness all of it)
and something super dumb and very stereotypical happens like shes waist deep in the sea and ohhh noooo the waves are too strongggg and arghhhh herā€¦..her top slips awayyyy. someone please help princesa. but shes just standing there panicking because nacho just tell lalo that he has a phone call from lets say eladio bcs that is someone will make him to go up to the shore and nacho is keeping an eye on her.
sooooo she has to wave him over and ask him to tell lalo abt her ā€œlittle problemā€ while she feels like theres smoke coming out of her head.
the rest is lalo style teasing and also instinct but its something really funnyā€¦hilarious to him too because he doesnt think it will actually happen.
Anon, this is REALLY showing just how much of a crush you have on Princesa. I was getting hot for her while reading this like damn. I love this. I love this so much.
Lalo and Princesa have seen the other extremely naked and in many, many sexual positions and scenarios, but every time Princesa's in a pretty bikini or swim dress that's downed in florals and a mesh cover-up? It's a new, fire-like sight for Lalo. But he'll have to handle. There's that snaps and sharpens at the idea of taking her in front of Nacho, but something like instinct comes down harsh at the idea of Nacho seeing Princesa while she's at her most...open.
Nacho watches the ocean as best as he can, it's a better visual than Lalo massaging sunscreen into Princesa's skin. And her ass. You can't leave no spot at risk for sunburn, right?
Of course, the man who never sleeps, is very, very close to knocking out when Princesa comes over him to lather his back and legs with sunscreen.
"It's a great day for a swim, right, Lalo? Lalo?"
"...What you said, yeah...I think you missed my ankles, sweet girl."
Princesa offers to help Nacho out with his application with a great amount of shyness, as if they're back to square one in terms of friendship because she'd be touching him bare, but sunscreen is important.
Nacho struggles to get his back by himself. Lalo snorts.
Lalo bullies Princesa for her love of pretty things, a tourist at heart. But he buys her everything. Shell necklaces that are too expensive. Trinkets. He'll make sure she wears it all the time and too much. She'll make him wear it and he'll call it girly, but keep it tucked inside his shirt.
Their initials wash away in the white sloshing of water, but Princesa just draws in again, feeling the wet, tight sand under her nails. She feels like a teenager with how she writes her and Lalo's name over and over, but she also draws hearts. And she tries to draw a bird.
Lalo smokes over the ocean, knees bent beside Princesa.
"Lalo, the ash."
He blows smoke. "It's not like the I set the sea on fire, Princesa. Don't be so worried. Now, help me draw this gun."
He dashes the Salamanca name under the sand-doodled handgun. Nacho might be asleep under the sun.
Lalo's not listening to the waves when Princesa puts the cold shell to his ear because Princesa. Just that. Just her. He'd rather listen to her breathe and watch her try to find the ocean in the shell. Their faces press together and Lalo doesn't smile in how he watches her, not in the blacked-out stare.
He presses his wet toes into hers, deepening their feet in the sand.
Nacho's woken by the screaming and the chasing, Lalo yelling out with throaty laughs when he throws Princesa over his shoulder.
Swimming is calmer, and he can't see her body or the way she moves when they're both in the water.
"You okay?"
Lalo's watching them from the shore, because business. Always the family career he's so proud of getting in the way of things. He's expecting a call, so he just gets started on lunch with a sandwich stuffed in his mouth.
The phone rings, the waves crashes. Princesa struggles.
"I know how to swim."
"I would hope so, kid."
"It's just-these waves are not making it easy. You must think it looks so embarrassing."
Nacho blinks up, then down. "You're fine-"
Waves crash.
"No. No!"
A top slips away. Or...more like floats off into the waves, and Nacho barely realizes what's happening until the blood rushes to his head and face.
"Oh...fuck. Fuck. Hold on, don't move."
Princesa sinks herself in the water, cheeks aflame while she watches Lalo busy on the phone. Watching Ignacio try to swim for her bikini top is the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to her, and almost everything is embarrassing.
It's already off into the sea and Nacho would rather not be pulled away with it. He curses hot under his breath, wiping his face with salt water.
"I-I'm sorry."
"...Why are you sorry? It's just...don't move. Fuck. Lalo better find this funny."
Princesa can already hear his teases and feel his nipple pinches.
Lalo's brows curve when he sees Nacho coming out of the water looking odd, more than how the guy usually is. Just in time with the phone call ending.
"What's that out there?"
He feels like he needs those damn...the things you look through, glasses. Damn. What is it?"
"She...she lost her top. I think you should-" Nacho closes his eyes, as if a stutter will reveal something to Lalo. He starts over. "I think you should help her."
Lalo doesn't blink.
"...Did you see anything?"
They forget the one time Nacho saw anything.
"No, no. I didn't try anything but to get her top but that is gone with the water...so, it should be you?"
His mouth is thin, eyes dark before he smiles brightly. He slaps Nacho's shoulder.
"Yeah. That girl. Always something, look at the little top in the sea. Princesa! You cold?"
Princesa feels like steam and streams of tears. Her hugs herself more, breast pressing on her arms.
Lalo walks off. "Get to the car, eh, Nachito? Good man."
He jogs into the water, laughing with every wave.
"Don't laugh, plea-please. I didn't mean to-it is cold."
Lalo coos. "Aw, poor Princesa. My poor, poor Princesa. Don't let your nipples swim away too. What would I do without them?"
It's a long, soft whine that makes Lalo laugh. He pulls her in and kisses her head.
He squeezes her a bit too tightly, and not out of choice, just something that happens with his arms when he sees Princesa like this.
"I'll warm you up, huh?"
"I should get a towel."
"In a bit."
Princesa's head slumps. "Lalo-"
"Don't whine, nipples. This is what happens when you pick something so small for the waves."
"You said you liked them."
It's high, almost cracking. Lalo coos again.
"Sure, Princesa. Sure."
Princesa accepts his tight, instinctual hold on her better than she accept his continuous bullying in the cold waves. Nacho dries off in the car for ten minutes.
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wetcatspellcaster Ā· 5 months
Hello, dear writer, thank you for tearing my heart apart once again šŸ˜­
No, seriously, thank you. It was painful in all the best ways. I hope you know how beautiful it is when writing elicit so much feelings.
I want to smack Astarion for how he hurts Rose, but I understand where it all comes from, and it still makes me want to shake him and yell "don't you love her?!" because damn. That's so manipulative, and so in character. Every time I go through that part of the game Astarion makes me furious with the same words, while I know why he wants it so badly, it just... Yeah. You captured so well the devastation and helplessness of someone who loves him deeply and wants what is the best for him, while he is blinded by the bleak prospect of possible power that was absent in his un-life... It hurts so good. Like the words Rose said were very similar to my own thinking when Astarion brought it up in act 3, and that brought me so much deja vu I had to step away and breathe out of frustration and need to scream how dumb he truly is. I mean, I love you, stupid fanged elf, but my god you are stupid.
It's so devastating. And so unfair to poor Rosalie. I mean, yeah, there is some truth to Astarion's words, about her not knowing much hardship, but as once I've read - you don't need to live through things to know about them. At some point it felt like Astarion wanted Rose to live through the things he lived through, and just... Ugh. I hope he will see how fucked up this was. He already gets it, once the haze of his anger fades I see. I have tears in my eyes as I think just how hurtful those words must feel for Rose. It was so cruel, but so Astarion. Bite where it hurts, and keep tearing it apart before they hurt you? Yeah. I understand that, but condemn it.
It was such a good chapter. After so long of fluff, I knew there will be something that will hurt me, and I wasn't wrong. As much as I want them to be happy, I know there will be a long, long journey to get there for both of them. And I'm here for it. Thank you.
bonjour anon, thank you so much for such a lovely message!!
I've had a lot of fun with actually thinking about An Honest Lie going forward, and what I want to do with it, because obviously I wrote A Bleeding Heart first in Early Access, and I was really pleased with it at the time, but it also has a three-act structure where a conflict is resolved, and then I just... continue on into Full Access gameplay lmao. Where problems get worse.
So what I decided was that, A Bleeding Heart doesn't fix Astarion, but Rosalie thinks it has. This is why it doesn't occur to her that he would want to do the ritual. Like yes, she has that autism justice sensitivity in her, but she meant it when she said 'we've literally done this before at Ethel's'. Astarion has started doing nice things for her specifically, so she thinks the problem and his worldview is fixed. But of course, when that kind of belief is so deeply ingrained in a person, it isn't a 'one conversation and it's done' kinda deal. Also, being nice to your girlfriend isn't the same as being lawful good lmao (not that Astarion will ever be lawful good, that is not the aim of the fic).
So A Bleeding Heart was 'I think I fixed him' and An Honest Lie is, 'well now the real work begins, and it's not going to be as easy as one sexy argument in a field' lol.
And thank you!! I know there's a tendency in fandom to either make Astarion wilfully awful or never having done anything wrong in his life, but neither of those are for me. I think he's just well-mastered in knowing how to hurt someone, and it's a cultivated skill rather than a predilection, because he's been hurt a lot so that's all he's been taught. And I think someone being incessantly nice to him but also not being able to empathise with either the temptation of power or the darker thoughts he will inevitably have, would trigger his desire to bring her down to his level. Not because he actually wants Rosalie to suffer, or know what it's like to feel that way, but he just wants her to actually know him properly, and be able to understand.
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epickiya722 Ā· 2 years
It's the usual biz, genuine "at that moment reactions", some jokes here and there and me appreciating Miruko and my other faves.
Just knowing the chapters this episode will possibly cover and I'm ready to freak out!
Staring off with a recap, starring Miruko!
X-Less, it was nice knowing you.
Okay, I'll admit it was a little funny Miruko just laid back down after Endeavor to stay still. Like, queen, you have done enough. LAY DOWN PLEASE!! I'M WORRIED FOR YOU!!!
Oh my gosh, Backdraft?!
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That little exchange between Present Mic and Eraserhead.
Maybe it's just me but Eraser Head is pretty here.
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I'll be honest... I do not like that cape on Shigaraki. He just never felt like a cape guy for me.
On the topic of the cape, why didn't it turn to ash when X-Less did? Shigaraki's quirk can spread now! Oh, what, he can control it like that now?! I NEED ANSWERS!!
"It's cold." Yes, it would be after you spent so long in a large vial of pretty purple liquid.
Fatgum really tried holding Tokoyami down. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
How he just dropped Kaminari, Honenuki and Komori out his fat!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
Dark Shadow sounded so sad. I want to hug Dark Shadow.
They... they didn't have to show Twice now. I do not want to cry right now. Unfair.
Mt. Lady just destroying walls while Dabi monologs. Hee hee, that's golden right there.
"Think about it, you BBQ'ed birbs." Oh wow, okay. You got jokes? šŸ¤£
Also, thanks, Geten, for unintentionally saving Tokoyami, Dark Shadow and Hawks.
Oh, he's pretty! Like ice prince pretty! Look at his lashes!!! Awww!!!
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Look, real quick, I know some of you don't like Hawks, but I swear if I see bad talk about Tokoyami I'll riot. He is just a KID who is unaware of Twice's backstory. He just knows Twice is a villain and right now the villains have to be dealt with for the sake of society. He's going to be concerned for his teacher, alright? You can't fault him for it and I'm so tired of this fandom for not understanding that. The characters are not going to know the other's backstories, alright? It ain't hard to understand. The villains and heroes just see each other as enemies. It is nothing new in the superhero genre. šŸ™„ So if you're gonna get mad at Tokoyami for being concerned for Hawks, if you're gonna get mad at Tokoyami for being SCARED, then I'm gonna need you to not come this way.
Now back to our scheduled program!
Ah, shit, Gigantomachia is standing up!
"I smell my master. He's... awake." That is actually creepy you know that.
MY GOTH BIRD SON GOT HIS TITLE CARD!! I gotta use those purples.
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Okay, Bakugou yelling at the old lady about the chocolate bun IS in the manga. That is not a new scene.
"You just want a chocolate bun, don't you?" Well, one, yes same! Two, the fact that he is aware of that is amusing and cute. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
I will never get tired of Iida's arm chopping motions. So precious!! šŸ’™
Aaaaw, Koda evacuating the kitties!! HE IS JUST TOO CUTE, THAT IS MY BABY!! MY SUNSHINE!!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ§”šŸ§”šŸ§”šŸ§”
Who... who is the airplane head guy?
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*Midoriya stops* Ah, shit. It's happening!!!
Pixie-Bob, you tried.
Garaki, do you ever want to like... NOT TALK?!
ST. LOUIS SMASH AIR FORCE!! I'm sorry, but I love it when my green boy does his moves. He's great.
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Okay, I like the evacuation scenes. Todoroki with his ice, Tsu doing her thing, Uraraka doing hers, Bakugou doing that, MIDORIYA PULLING A BUS.
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"Overhaul wouldn't be happy to see this." WHO CARES?!
*Shigaraki calls Machia* And the madness really begins!!
Overall, again, I don't have much to say about this episode. I liked it and now I shall go mourn Crust because he deserves it. He was gone too soon. šŸ„²
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otrtbs Ā· 2 years
hello, nat!
Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m advance for all the rambling Iā€™m about to unleash on you! šŸ˜­ļæ¼
Iā€™ve tried reading AHB exactly 3 times. it was a lie at fist sight really, from the first time james and remus had their back and forth I was sold. and then regulus appeared. oh, I was grinning so hard and giggling like a maniac, truly. so Iā€™ve read till their ā€˜date not dateā€™ at the museum and when regulus went in about aivazovskyā€™s ā€˜gathering stormā€™ and how he loves paintings of bodies of water, I was on the floor because all I could think about was ā€˜heā€™s just like me, my soulmate, ohā€™ because my all time favorite art is vasilyevā€™s ā€˜mountains and seaā€™ which is not technically a painting of water BUT Iā€™ve always thought more about the importance of it than the landscape, so it counts (?) I guess (?)
and then oh boy, I made a mistake in the name of anxiety. when I fall for characters, I just need to know they will be happy in the end or, scratch that, I just need to know the ending or else I canā€™t function. NEEDLESS TO SAY I WAA NOT READY. OH MY. i was confused and hurt and in complete denial but also understanding that itā€™s very much real, so I was crying and said ā€˜no, weā€™re not doing that if I love them all so much after 6 chapters, what will happen when I read it all and it ends like thatā€™. naturally, my resolve had faded in two days because I just needed more of that amazing story, and hey! i! can! do! this! I couldnā€™t and they second I went on, my phone met the marble floor and didnā€™t like it one bit. NATURALLY it didnā€™t stop me. so the third time was the charm and oh it hurts. but it was so good. i canā€™t express it in words just how amazing this work of art is. absolutely incredible, everything about it is spectacular. the characters, the themes, the plans, the art talks, the development. youā€™re such a masterful crafter, truly! every character is unique and interesting, so beautifully written and developed. with reg taking the cake because heā€™s just. wow. everything to me. just thereā€™s something about him that calls to you the second he appears. heā€™s like a force of nature, the see itself, so alluring and mysterious, calling and calling. damn. Iā€™m losing the plot here. SO! i really just wanted to pop up here and tell you that youā€™re an incredible artist and your work mightā€™ve given my emotional damage the side of the Pacific ocean but this is what art is all about ā€¦ right (?) * pretending not to cry * AHB is truly a masterpiece and something very, very beautiful and inspiring and emotional and just completely captivating. šŸ¤
hello friend!
never apologize for rambling!
ahh !! vasilyevā€™s mountains and sea is such a gorgeous painting!!! oil realism >>> i love the mountains in it!! they're so green !! and it totally counts !!! also i get needing to know the ending, that's very fair and valid of you! asjkghdg i very much admire your commitment to continue the story even after knowing the ending!!
oh my goodness, i cannot thank you enough for your kind words about art heist! they mean the world to me! i am so glad you enjoyed my story and connected with regulus !! :,))) and thank you for taking the time to send me this thoughtful message !! <333
I hope you have a wonderful end to your year and i'm sending you all the best!!
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f1nalboys Ā· 2 years
Peacemaker S1 Ep3 Better Goff Dead live watch
tagging @tinalbion in the subsequent posts for this <3333 thank u for convincing me to finally start it šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø
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-ā€œwe know who she is we donā€™t need to know how much she enjoyed having sex with youā€ ā€œwhat if itā€™s a clue?ā€ ā€œitā€™s notā€ ā€œfair. i was just trying to slip it into conversation. hope nobody noticed. my badā€ JFKWODNKWD stop bc why do i enjoy christopher sm rn šŸ˜­
-heā€™s just funny!!
-theM YELLING AT VIGILANTE FRIM BEHIDN THE TRASHCAN AND HES LIKE ā€œwhy do i have to leave iā€™m just looking from behind a trashcanā€ IDKSKJD
-ur honorā€¦ heā€™s perfect
-ā€œare u a psychiatrist?ā€ ā€œWHAT?ā€ ā€œthen donā€™t tell me whatā€™s normal!ā€
-vigilante wants to be chrisā€™ best friend :3
-ā€œeven tho i mostly kill white people soā€¦catch ya guys later :Dā€
-lets kill a senator baby
-goff is a little butterfly
-him laughing so god damn hard at her stop
-a butt baby šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
-judomasters little suit
-ā€œany questions?ā€ ā€œyesā€¦is scissoring real i keep getting contradictory reportsā€ ā€œi always suspected u were a butt baby from the beginningā€ STOPPPPP bffs
-ā€œwhat? iā€™m an ally!ā€ ā€œhaving a lesbian haircut doesnā€™t make you an allyā€ I LOVE HER
-letā€™s see if he can draw the dove of peace
-nope yeah looks like a ghost
-ā€œthere. thereā€™s a feeling of mineā€ murn is just like me
-murn is so funny actually hehe
-sheā€™s sharing her trail mix w him and heā€™s putting everything thatā€™s empty calories back šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
-not the berenstain va berenstien bears fight šŸ˜­
-judo master eating cheetos heā€™s just like me
-ā€œiā€™m not a fucking drawer >:(ā€œ
-them shit talking amanda in front of her daughter D:
-the way he is sitting on the ground JDNWOJDIS
-anyways. christopher and emilia weirdly flirting and bonding over their shitty fathers and childhood >>
-iā€™m glad he doesnā€™t want to kill kids anymore and is like,,,, becoming a better person
-vigilante-mobile šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
-ā€œdude they know ur here get out of the bushesā€ ā€œi donā€™t know what ur talking abtā€ JFKWOFNKWF
-them STILL fighting abt the berenstain bears JDJEKDJJE
-what is this goop
-their butterfly mouths
-is he gonna be able to do it
-heā€™s :( guys heā€™s making me sad
-is vigilante gonna do it for him :3
-damn all 4
-here comes murn šŸ—£ļø
-ā€œobviously he feels anger -_-ā€œ JFMWODNWK
-judo master kicking adrianā€™s ass šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
-harcourt getting mad that leota didnā€™t want to kill the secret service guy but this whole time sheā€™s been talking abt how they donā€™t kill innocents and then killed an innocent so šŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø whatā€™s the truth
-i am forever in the leota defense squad
-judo master w the cheetos once again <3
-ā€œur fucking adorable i wanna put u in my pocket. i wanna take u home and play with u with my gi joesā€
-ā€œremember when i fucked you up?ā€ period
-the senator is kind of ā€¦ SORRY
-the soundtrack is so good
- torture time šŸ—£ļø
-JUDWJIDND judomasfwr flipping peacemaker off like exactly
-they pulled adriens mask and heā€™s changing his facial expressions šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
-fuck you christopher.
-james better stop judomaster from leaving
-ā€œuhā€¦maybe you could just give him a littleā€ no fr
-ā€œWHAT? my pinky? why me again???ā€ :( STOP BEING MESN TO HIMMM
-the way his face dropped when christopher said to cut off all his toes he deadass went šŸ˜¦
-can these bitch hurry up and blow the fucking door down AND SAVE HIM
-murn getting blown up
-blew his head off <3
-damn knocked him out of the car and everything šŸ˜­
-him laughing šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ ā€œECONOMOUS MOTHER FUCKERā€
-adrian :3
-economous dancing like exactly
-the butterfly design is cool
-OH DAMN thereā€™s a lot of suspected butterflyā€™s
-like a LOT
-ok end credit scene
-ā€œbut if you just be chris smith people might actually like youā€ šŸ„¹šŸ„¹
-ok iā€™m excited for episode 4 bc uhm. adrian in his little prison jumpsuitā€¦..gulp
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imsorryithurts Ā· 2 years
im torn between writing essays on what the symbolism on disco elysium means to me and writing fics in which i shake the shit out of those middle aged men in a jar until they threw up. i can not choose both im swamped with work and other junk šŸ˜­
anyway, glad to see another DE whump enjoyers, if you had any fic recs please please please tell me (esp if its kim centric, i really like the caretaking reversal trope)
I FEEL YOU. DE is such a deep and beautiful game but also. I want Kim's picture framed on my wall like that one person in the news.
I remember thinking "I'm not going to fandom-fy this. I will enjoy this like a normal adult person". Which is pretty good, but then you have the writers posting stuff like "yeah, I think Jean and Harry fucked", and fan artists posting the characters as c.alico critters, and fanfiction writers writing literal novels as fan sequels, how can I resist??
But then someone comes and does a deep analysis of themes, characters and motifs and I'm like "damn. should I be poor meow meowing these men?"
Anyway, I guess the conclusion I came to was:
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DE is such an amazing game and it leaves space for both brain rot and intellectual reading. It's not often I get this involved with media that tackles complex and real issues and criticisms, with characters that are not really great people but they are so incredibly charismatic you forget, and at the same time makes silly jokes, has an idle animation of them cracking each other's backs and makes you want to pet these greasy/balding middle aged men. So I'm managing to balance both Fandom Brain and Enjoyer of the Actual Game and it's Brilliance Brain so far. I guess what I'm trying to say is that most fandoms I'm in I don't take the media so seriously, but I absolutely would submerge myself in a pool of DE source material and be serious about it.
I don't know. I'm not rusty with words. All I know is DE good, and I want to see them hurt.
I'll rec some fics under the cut so this doesn't get too long!
So, you might have already filtered AO3 by "whump" and "hurt/comfort" and found these. But here are some I really enjoyed and have saved:
Tenth of a Second by SupposedtobeWriting
AU where Kim gets shot after the tribunal and Harry is the one that takes care of him. One of the first fics I came across when I first searched the fandom tag. One of my favorites, I remember having to pace myself while reading it to make it last longer!
Small Light in a Dark City by SupposedToBeWriting
Kim has a nightmare after the case. More psychological whump.
An Impression of Smoke by nicpic
I'm just going to copy the tags: kim is sick, jean is soft, That's it, that's the fic
Also really like this one :) The Day After comes before in the series, and it's also fun, just short and lighter on the whump.
nicpic also has Blood on Snow, it's a bit more heavy on the hurt, and Jean is the hurt one. Plus, they seem to have some really cool fics I havent gotten around to reading yet.
In sync by DistressPlop
Tribunal aftermath, Harry whump, with some Kim psychological whump. I remember reading this, but I must have read it in bed before sleeping because I don't remember much about it lol. Guess I'll get to enjoy it fresh one more time.
sans sommeil by narramin
Kim, who was undercover until then, shows up hurt at Jean's door. Now that I think about it, this one might have been one of the first fics I read. I was finishing up this list and my brain went "wait what about that undercover Kim one?" and I had to search for it, because I read it before making my ao3 account. I don't remember much about it, except that I really liked the whump in it.
Ace's (All-Time) Low by new_career_in_business
Kim shows up hurt at Harry's door. TW for homophobia
I believe Ace's (All-Time) Low was the last one I read before deciding to not pick up new ones because I really need to focus on studying for the admittance test of the master's program I want to get in. So now I only have a bunch marked for later, both whump and non-whump. Maybe I'll do an updated list in the future, I'd like to have a neat little list so I can revisit them easily :).
Happy reading, and feel free to rec back! Here's to more DE whump in our lives! *raises glass*
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