#I like Bernese mountain dogs <3
tofumaple · 1 year
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moominpopzz · 2 months
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Slightly odd angled floor time of Ashe and her dog:3
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funfactory-moved · 2 years
somehow my new thing is that i regularly get gigs as a petsitter and i dnt really know how it started but it’s fun :3
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azrakaban · 17 days
Mattheo Riddle Headcanons
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Just a few little headcanons I have about my husband, loml, Mattheo Thomas Riddle <3 Sidenote: if you're confused, Tom Riddle is fancasted as the son of Voldemort rather than as voldemort himself, because he is too fit to be a noseless vampire xx
- his favourite colour is gray. The reason behind this is he used to know this really sweet smoke coloured cat when he was little and he used to play with her, so isnce then he finds the colour relaxing
- him and Theodore Nott have been friends since they were really young. Like 3 or something.
- when he was younger, he found a copy of peter pan in a bin somewhere, picked it up and read it. He knew his father would kill him if he found out he was keeping a muggle book, so he hid it and it became his favourite book after reading
- when he was really young, Bellatrix (his mother) taught him and Tom occlumency, to be able to hide secrets from their father. She thought it was important for them to have some kind of privacy.
- he would be an arctic monkeys fan (yes I am aware they were not formed at the time he was at Hogwarts, but if he was gen z he'd love them.)
- he's a cat person, due to being bitten by a dog when he was little (no he does not have rabies and no he is not a furry) but he has a soft spot for bernese mountain dogs because Theo Nott has one)
- when I say he has only got eyes for you, I mean it. This man would rather gauge his eyes out than look at any other girl, he is so incredibly loyal.
- He believed Rodolphus Lestrange was his father up until he saw Rodolphus yell at Bellatrix when he was 11 about him not being his son. It broke him, as up until then he had been Mattheo Lestrange. From then on, he went by Mattheo Riddle.
- love language is physical touch, always with an arm around your waist, fiddling with your hair, kissing your cheek, forehead, temple, nose, lips, anywhere he can reach.
- possessive, but not in a controlling way. He has a fear of abandonment, so he likes to know that you're still his. Seeing other guys/girls look at you worries him a little, but he can't blame them because you are literally gorgeous. (and tbh, I don't think he's ever gonna have a problem with you looking at someone else, because he's perfection.)
- would give up anything for you, and gave up smoking immediately after starting to like you.
- absolutely in love with you. I cannot stress this enough, but this man is head over heels, for you, and only you.
- has a soft spot for you. When you first met/saw him, you thought he seemed emotionally unavailable (which he was, besides joking with friends tbh) but that changed for you, he was kind, and even vunerable when he asked you out, although still prefers to keep his emotions to himself.
- just a lil thing, but th Riddle family is RICH RICH so he is always buying you gifts even if you insist he shouldn't spend so much on you.
- when I say this guy would get a dog for you, I must make you understand how HUGE this is. He HATES dogs, so this is a huge thing for him. PLEASE APPRECIATE IT!!!
- would get into fights all the time (check out previous one shot No More Fights pleeeease x) over you, for you, and with you. If you got into a fight he'd be at the sidelines cheering you on like the supportive love he is >>>>
- nicknames. Oh my god, he has so many for you, muggle references are a speciality of his for some reason. Boojiboo, Darling, Angel, Princess, baby, and his person favourite: LOVE. Love this, love that, he uses it more than your actual name.
- he has reading glasses. he absolutely hates them, but you think they make him look cute and kinda smart (which he does, picture it, trust me)
- he reads a lot. Back at his house his room is next to their library so he can have easier access to it.
- he loves astrology. He knows all the constellations, the planets, and takes you on stargazing dates
- he smells like pinewood and fire. Just a really relaxing, wintery scent
- He HATES Summer. absolutely loves winter and autumn, but summer is just horrible to him. he hates the heat and bugs mostly, but he also hates the holidays because he's away from you and his friends
- went to a lot of pureblood balls/dances when he was young and is a very good dancer.
- doesn't have the closest relationship with Tom, who is two years older than him (same year as the Weasley twins), but he can go to Tom if he needs help with anything, whether it be homework to planned Arson :)
- he has a gorgeous morning voice. all gravely but still sounds beautiful
- he loves pretending to be asleep infront of you, and deliberately pretends to say your name in his sleep to see you smile when he "wakes up" and you tell him
- he's an early bird other than when he's really tired. If you wake up before him, you're not getting out of bed for hours, he's keeping you right there with him, hugging you tightly to him to prevent your escape. (not that you'd want to)
- if he sees you're nervous, he gives you his hand to fiddle with and you play with his fingers. if it doesn't help, he takes your hands in his and squeezes them gently.
- makes really good pancakes and waffles. He had them first at Theodore's house, and Theo's mum taught him how to make them.
- he's very good with kids, surprisingly. You once managed to snap a photo of him wearing a plastic tiara and now use it as leverage in arguments ;)
- he has big brother energy, and a lot of it. After the battle of Hogwarts, when Delphini was very little, he helped raise her to the best he could with help from Tom, the other Slytherins and Narcissa Malfoy. If you were comfortable with it, Delphini would be really close with you and see you as a big sister/brother/sibling <3 you guys would look after her and raise her to not carry out the events written in the cursed child.
- continuing with big brother stuff, he helps out the first years with homework and stuff when they need it.
- if people aren't listening when he's talking, he doesn't yell, just stops talking
- he's not agressive while drunk, like ever. Infact, total opposite. It. Is. Hilarious. He loosens up entirely. Trying to get you to ballroom dance with him, tripping over his feet. He'll go full on Shakira until you have to drag him out of the room. One time you gave him a hug while drunk but he didn't recognise you so he said "sorry, I have a girlfriend/boyfriend/partner" 😭 then realised it was you and pulled you back into the hug.
- he loves scary movies, naturally, but he's actually a sucker for a good rom com if it's actually good. I'm not talking boring predictable ones, genuinely good ones.
- if he was gen Z, he would be a huge marvel fan. don't try to convince me otherwise. not collecting merch and stuff, but seeing every movie within the week it comes out.
- before you two started dating he kept listening to Conan Gray (yes I'm a huge Conan fan so may be a little biased and I know conan was not singing then but anywayyyyy) his favourite song was Heather, because he didn't know if you reciprocated his feelings, but when you got together, he gave you his sweater on the third of December. I'm so proud of him.
- he's more of a cooker than a baker to be honest, he'd bake with you, but other than that he'd steer clear of sweet treats.
- he's fluent in French, Spanish and Italian as well as English. He wanted to learn Latin as well when he was younger, but didn't have time so is learning it now.
- he wears converse a lot. don't even argue with me please, I am right. (you can quote me on that to your family if needed guys)
- he loves photography and taking long walks in nature to get photos. If you were comfortable with it, he'd use you as his muse, styling you into his photos and capturing your beauty perfectly.
- He can play guitar. Simping.
- loves spicy food, literally obsessed with it.
- his biggest fear is getting the dark mark. he doesn't want anything to do with his father, and only took the name Riddle so as not to be an insult to rodolphus.
- anytime you say "I'm proud of you" he silently pulls you into a hug. he hasn't heard those words enough, so the fact that you have said it just completes him.
- drops anything for you if you need him.
- man child. he needs your attention at least five times a day.
- big spoon. You will never ever be big spoon, it is his role, he has assigned it to himself and is very protective of it.
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 2 months
Lost and Found ♧ | 3.
Leon S. Kennedy x reader (ft. Ashford Graham)
《A/N》: FINALLY THE LAST PART!! I really like how this one turned out. You can definitely tell that my writing has improved if you look at the first parts lol. I do plan on remastering parts 1 & 2 just to clean every up a little! Enjoy <3
~ Fi 🐝
《Warnings》: mild panic attack, PTSD, mentions of Raccoon City, R and Leon being huge fucking geeks/nerds (I love them) LADY the bernese mountain doggy <33 + Dot, the convenience store cashier.
《Word count》: 5.9k
Part 1 ♧ Part 2 ♧ Part 3 ♧
This series is a quick read with only a little over 10k words in total :)
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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The little bar hangout you had with Leon lifted your spirits beyond expectations. It had felt so good to see him again, not within your stressful line of work or distant and painful memories, but in normal surroundings, just like it used to be.
Despite the high emotional tension that lingered after you'd returned his police badge to him, the night lightened the heavy weight that rested on your soul, making it that much easier to get out of bed in the morning.
You'd now left your little apartment on more occasions, not only when you had to. When taking Lady out for her walks, you'd stop by a local Cafe and enjoy a warm drink or frequent the little antique shop that had always caught your eye. It felt like a fresh breath of air, a new start to a life you didn't think you'd be capable of having.
It's not like everything was magically fixed, not even Leon had such power, but things were better. And right now, better was more than enough for you. Certain things changed in your living space as well.
You'd open a curtain or two, and finally put up the new mirror you bought. Even things as little as letting the sun into your living room had improved your overall well being.
And there was someone that was ecstatic that you were doing better. Lady had really been your lifeline the past few years. She gave you a reason to keep going, to not give up and maybe even let the small flame of hope in your heart burn without extinguishing it immediately. She was your best friend, really, always keeping you company and distracting you if you ever got lost in your head.
She'd always be there if you woke up from a bad nightmare, by your side in the blink of an eye. Lady would whine and nudge at you with her nose or lick your cheeks that were tear stained from yet another excruciating replay of that night. She'd cuddle close to you and lay her head on your chest, something that helped you steady your frantic breaths.
In return, you did everything in your power to make her life as best as you could. She deserved that and so much more in your eyes. Dogs really were a blessing.
"I don't know when he's getting here, Deedee. I'm sorry." You cooed at your wiggly pup. She'd pace around the living room and sit in front of your door with her beloved stuffie tucked between her teeth. Lady looked back at you with big eyes and whined, though the wagging of her tail never stopped.
"C'mere. Come on." You softly called for her, patting the spot next to you on the couch. Lady trotted over, the quiet 'pat pat' of her paws on the floor accompanying her until she reached you and jumped onto the sofa. She laid her head in your lap and looked up at you expectantly.
"You're excited, huh? S'not often we get visitors. We'll just have to wait a little bit longer, okay-"
You were cut off by the sound of your doorbell. Lady perked up and let out a hearty bark before she was sprinting to the door.
"Alright, alright, calm down, sweet girl." You chuckled, leaving your cozy spot on the couch and taking a peak through the peephole. A smile etched onto your face when you spotted that familiar head of blonde hair and those lovely blue eyes. He was swaying slightly, hands in his pockets. He looked quite nervous. It cut into your heart just a little, knowing that the comfortable atmosphere that you two had around you was gone after everything that had happened.
To an extent, you were basically strangers, and you needed to start from scratch, building a new friendship. Both of you have changed, to no surprise, so what was, will never be again, though you were certain that you still fit together like you used to. Or at least that was what the ever growing sprout of hope inside you told you.
"Leon." You smiled gently when you opened the door, being met with a kind smile of his own.
"Hi." He replied softly, pulling you into a hug. You melted into eachother, craving that familiar and comfortable touch. "I missed you." He mumbled, followed by a relieved sigh.
"I missed you too, blondie," you giggled softly,
"has work been hard on you lately?"
Leon chuckled as he pulled away, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"How do you always know?" You gave him a nonchalant shrug with a small grin before stepping aside, beckoning him into your home. Lady was sitting by your feet with her tongue out and a wagging tail, waiting to finally meet this guest you'd been talking about for weeks. There was a smile on his face as he stepped onto your doormat and knelt down, holding his hand out for your pup to sniff.
"Hi there, Lady. I'm Leon." He spoke softly as you watched in awe, your heart beating faster at his gentleness. Leon's gentleness was nothing new to you, but you've missed it after Raccoon City. You craved it, that soft and warm tone that never failed to make any worries fade away.
Seeing him being so soft with your dog was a bittersweet sting in your chest when you realized you wanted him to be that gentle with you again. Lady nudge her wet nose against his palm a few times before the wagging of her tail picked up, gentle drumming against your leg, before she surged forward and whined, excitedly sticking her face wherever she could.
Leon shifted his weight backwards a little so Lady wouldn't tackle him and he laughed and cooed at her, petting her face and scratching behind her ears.
"Such a sweet girl, huh? Who's a good girl? You've been keeping her safe and happy for me?" He leaned in closer for the last phrase, as if telling her a secret and he chuckled when he was met with a series of barks and huffs.
"She's absolutely infatuated with you." You smirked, your arms crossing in front of your chest. 'And so am I' you tried not to entertain the thought for too long, but every refusal you made about loving Leon, really loving Leon, slowly drifted away, letting your shoulders slightly slack and just feel the warmth of your love for him in your heart.
So what if you were in love with him? It wasn't hard to fall for him, but instead of tripping and stumbling forward a little, you fell off the highest mountain peak and landed straight on your face. But who could blame you, with that cute smile, those ocean blue eyes and a heart so pure it hurt. You'd think about it more later, maybe talk to Ashley about it, too. Right now, you wanted to keep the promise you made in the bar and enjoy an evening with your best friend. A measly attempt to feel normal again. To forget all the things you've seen, to feel whole again.
There always was a lingering darkness that shuddered through you, and it only seemed to be bearable when you were with Leon. You imagined what it would be like to live with him and Lady, to share a bed and wake up every morning with him, with that lingering cloud of gloom getting smaller day by day.
The sound of Leon's voice slammed that drawer of dreams and fantasies shut and snapped you back into the moment. He softly called your name, a worried crease between his brows. "Hey, are you alright?"
"Yeah, sorry, I just kinda... space out sometimes." You chuckled awkwardly. He cracked a small smile. "I get that. You're not alone." He said quietly, placing a firm hand on your shoulder while his other was scratching your pup's head.
Lady was whining quietly, her stuffed toy hanging from her mouth, upset at the lack of attention she was getting from Leon.
"Neither are you." You spoke gently, but with a sincere firmness. Leon's hand slid down your arm until it reached the faint scar on your forearm. He took your arm into his hands and drew circles into the skin surrounding your scar.
The gesture made the butterflies in your stomach flutter uncontrollably and you cursed them in your mind for making your cheeks heat up.
"How's your arm, hm?"
"It's good, all healed. It doesn't hurt, it's just... hard to look at some days." You gave him a tight lipped smile.
"Scars make you a survivor. You made it out of that shithole with your life, and that's one hell of a thing to do."
"I hope you talk that kindly to yourself, too."
Leon's head tipped forward slightly, exhaling sharply before swinging one of his arms over your shoulders.
"I don't know about you but I'm starving. And if I remember correctly, I was promised cuddles." He grinned, making you roll your eyes with a smile.
"I don't have much in the fridge but we can go to the convenience store right around the corner, they have decent hot dogs."
Lady perked up and barked at the mention of hot dogs.
"Hot dogs it is, then." Leon grinned, petting Lady again.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
The walk to the little convenience store was quiet and pleasant, making casual small talk about your daily life and any hobbies that you'd both spend time on outside of work. Lady was happily walking on her leash between you and Leon, him being on the side closer to the road, of course.
He insisted, and there was no arguing with him. Not that you wanted to, but he couldn't know that, so you feigned push back until you 'relented' with a sigh, and you walked on with Leon having a triumphant smirk on his face.
Lady was excitedly looking around at all the colorful light up signs and street lamps. You never took her out this late, you never felt safe enough to do so, but with Leon by your side you've never felt safer.
There was a quiet splat sound as you stepped through a puddle, courtesy of a downpour earlier in the day.
You could spot the familiar sign of the store further down the street when Leon spoke up.
"What movie did you pick?" A small grin crept onto your face at his question.
"You know how you're such a big fan of the Lord of the Rings hexalogy?"
"Yeah..." his furrowed brows and the hesitancy in his voice almost made you chuckle.
"And you know how they made the books into movies a couple of years ago?"
"Wait, don't tell me-"
"Well," you interrupted him as his eyes widened, "I happen to have the entire trilogy at home. Extended editions. I figured we could watch the first one." You smiled, watching the light in his eyes grow.
"Are you serious?" He chuckled breathlessly.
"God, you're the best best friend."
"Right back at you, Lee."
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
The little bell attached to the top of the door frame jingled as you stepped inside, Leon and Lady in tow. Leon's eyes fell on the short, elderly woman that was seated behind the counter, glasses on the tip of her nose with a pencil in hand, seemingly solving a crossword puzzle or perhaps Sodoku.
She wore a pink cardigan, and there were a few rollers hidden in her short silver curls. She glared over the top of her glasses at the ring of the bell, but her forming scowl was replaced by a bright smile when she spotted your kind face. Leon smiled just a little at the observation.
Apparently, you had the habit of carving yourself a spot in others' hearts no matter how cold or grumpy they were.
"Why, hello, dear! It's so nice to see you. You've brought Lady, too, I presume?" She chuckled, being met with a proud bark from your dog.
The woman slightly stretched upwards to take a look at your pup that was hidden behind the counter and she wiggled her manicured hand in Lady's direction, a form of greeting, before she rummaged through a drawer, pulling out a treat. Lady tapped her paws on the linoleum floor excitedly, waiting for her to throw the treat. She did with a soft giggle, clapping when Lady caught it.
"Good to see you, too, Dot." You smiled, scratching Lady's cheek.
"And who's this, hm?" She gave you a smirk before letting her gaze run over Leon,
"have you finally got yourself a boyfriend? Oh, I thought the day would never come!" She sighed excitedly.
"Rude." You grumbled underneath your breath. Before you could answer her, Leon took the reigns of the conversation.
"I'm Leon, her best friend. Nice to meet you." He said with a kind smile, holding out his hand for Dot to shake. She glared suspiciously at his hand but decided to take it in the end.
"Best friend, huh? How come I've never seen you before? God help me if I find out you're only pretending to be her friend so you can take her to bed and break her heart like the rest of your generation-" she pointed a finger at Leon accusingly, stretching forward as much as she could, though never reaching for enough to jab at his chest.
"Dot, Dot!" You scolded with a small chuckled, taking her wrist and tugging it back at her side.
"He's not like that, I promise." You said gently, watching as Dot still glared at Leon.
"Ma'am, I can assure you, I have no intention of ever breaking her heart." He chuckled, placing a hand over his heart.
Dot sank back into her chair.
"Good." She said firmly.
"We lost touch a couple of years ago due to some... unfortunate circumstances in the town we lived in," Leon glanced at you briefly, "but we recently found eachother again on a work trip."
He explained, watching as Dot's judgemental facade slowly crumbled.
"Oh, alright. I suppose you do look like a nice boy." She relented with a sigh, making Leon grin.
"Quite handsome, too." She pondered before turning in your direction, "it's a shame he isn't your boyfriend, you know."
"What? You can't be alone forever. You've known him a longtime. Most boys are either pretty or decent, not both. He's the exception, it seems. Are you just going to waste that?"
You sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of your nose. You knew very well that Leon was smiling bashfully with a blush on his cheeks. He never knew how to deal with compliments.
"Dot. We've been over this so many times. And can you please not talk about him like he isn't here??" You whisper-yelled the last part, feeling a heat crawl up your spine when Leon chuckled.
"Fine, don't take my advice then." She brushed you off, turning to Leon.
"Maybe you should take her to bed-"
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You waved Dot goodbye, stepping into the cool chill of the night with some snacks you'd bought in your bag and the only thing warming your hands being that delectable looking hot dog.
You sat down on a nearby bench, Lady sitting patiently at your feet while you fed her a couple bits of the sausage.
"These are pretty good for convenience store hot dogs." Leon's voice came muffled from beside you, when you turned your head you broke into laughter seeing him basically inhale that hot dog.
"What? I'm hungry." He defended himself, still muffled and obstructed as he chewed on the bun. You took another bite of your hot dog and chuckled as Leon licked his fingers.
Your laughter was contagious to Leon, he couldn't help when the familiar rumble of laughter surged through his chest.
You sat giggling and laughing on that bench for a while, no real reason or purpose for your laughter other than the person beside you, a feeling the both of you had longed for for as long as you can remember.
The laughing didn't stop on your way home, watching fondly as Leon continously threw a stick for Lady who darted off before returning with said stick. The empty streets echoed of excited barks and heartfelt laughter.
And that carefree feeling that made you breath without a heavy weight on your chest was something you wanted to cling on for as long as you could.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Leon's eyes were glued to your TV as he attentively watched as the scenes of The Fellowship of the Ring ran across the screen.
The bright and lovely beginning of the movie with all the green hills and the Hobbithole made tears of joy sit on his lashline as he talked about how surreal it was to see the world he'd read of and imagined so many times before. Lady was asleep with her head in Leon's lap while he gently petted her, like it was second nature to him, his other arm resting on the back of the couch.
You watched as the colorful light of the movie ran over the handsome features of his profile.
Your mind drifted to a multitude of different scenarios. What if he was your boyfriend? Is that something he'd want? Is that something you'd want? That answer came to you quicker than you'd like to admit. You wouldn't mind if you were dating. No, you wanted to date him. You wondered, what if he had similar thoughts about you? Or were you just as foolish as the last times and end up having to pick the shards of your heart off the ground?
But how nice it would be.
Your own little life with Lady and Leon, your own little family. Your heart yearned for it, you could feel that aching pull in your chest. Before you knew it, the credits were rolling and you snapped out of your somewhat embarrassing daydreams.
You rested your chin on his shoulder.
"So, what did you think?" You asked softly. Leon smiled before trying to start a sentence a couple of times but failing.
"I... it was incredible. S'like my childhood came to life. I mean, it did every time I read the books, but... this is different. Thank you." He said quietly, taking your hand and giving it a squeeze.
"Anything for you."
It slipped out before you could stop it. But instead of taking it back in a scramble of haphazardly formulated excuses, you let it linger.
You let it linger between the two of you, reveling in the warmth of it. Leon's arm slowly slipped from the back of the couch, settling heavy on your shoulders.
You let out a quiet sighed and subconsciously shuffled yourself closer to him to the point where your noses were almost brushing against one another.
"I'm so glad that I have you. Life's only been getting better since you came back into my life, it's like... all the color returned." He whispered, drawing circles into the back of your neck, sending both a searing hot feeling and a chill up your spine.
You could feel his warm breath on your face, and his blue eyes had never shone this bright.
You inched closer with half lidded eyes, enveloped and dazed by his embrace, his touch, his warmth.
Your lips brushed for a mere second before a loud bark from Lady snapped the both of you out of it, and you scrambled away from each other. You were pressed to the other end of the couch with burning cheeks as you kept your gaze away from Leon.
Lady whine and tilted her head, nudging her toy closer to Leon.
"You... you want to play?" He asked gently, a hint of disappointment tarnishing his tone. He got his confirmation with yet another bark and a wagging tail.
"M'sorry, but it's late. I should.." he cleared his throat and briefly glanced at you, making you whip your head away, "I should go home."
Lady whimpered sadly but Leon just gave her a few consolation pets before he got up from the couch.
You followed behind him, being the good host you were, seeing him out the door. The tension that hung in the air was thick and uncomfortable. Instead of the usual warm hug, you opted for an awkward wave. And with a stumbled promise of calling you in the coming days, Leon was out the door.
When you heard the click of the lock, you slid down onto the floor, back pressed against the door as you groaned, laying your face in your hands.
Your cheeks were a raging inferno by this point, and your pounding heart didn't exactly help either. There were so many things going on in your head at once. It felt like your brain was about to explode.
You wanted to cry and yell in frustration for having such a perfect moment ruined, but there was slight relief because were you ready for a change that big? Were you ready to never have your newly built friendship with Leon be the same again? All these unanswered questions were making your head spin.
You felt Lady's wet nose nudge at your hands and you pulled your head back, letting it fall back against the door with a soft thump. You sighed and closed your eyes.
"I love you, DeeDee, but what the hell was that?" You glanced at her, your voice being laced with nothing but defeat.
Your pup laid down beside you and looked at you apologetically and let out a soft whine. You cracked a small, soft smile and stroked her head.
"It's okay. I guess. I don't know. I need to sleep on it." You said quietly, followed by a sigh.
You retreated to your bedroom, tossing and turning. You spent most of the night staring at your ceiling or watching Lady take gentle breaths beside you.
Sleep didn't come easily to you that night. Though, you were lucky sleep came to you at all.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Leon let his head hit the steering wheel of his car with a sigh. He was finally so close to expressing his feelings for you without having to actually say it when it was all ripped away from him.
"Lady is lucky she's cute." He mumbled, starting the car and driving off to his home.
The growing frustration in his chest didn't go away as he drove on, to his dismay. He laid awake all night, staring at the empty side of his bed, imagining what it would be like if you were there.
If his bed wouldn't feel so cold anymore, despite his thick blanket.
He wanted nothing more than to hold you, to kiss you, to love you. Leon was certain you'd died that day. He remembered his cracked voice after screaming for you until he was dragged away.
The emtpiness in his heart when it sunk in that he had failed to save you and would now have to live with the overwhelming guilt of your loss.
The day you two crossed paths in that Spanish village, Leon swore to himself that he would do anything in his power to never feel like that again. He wouldn't lose you this time. Not again.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
"I don't know what to do! It was so awkward." You sighed frustratedly, pulling at your hair.
"You guys almost kissed! A kiss is a two-sided thing. Usually. He's totally into you, too." Ashley beamed through the phone.
Your contact with Leon had been kept to a minimum these past few weeks. You didn't know how to even start a conversion now.
It was just that embarrassing and awkward almost-kiss moment running on loop in your mind whenever you thought of him.
"I just... I don't know. He might be? I mean, I want him to be... but I've been wrong before and I don't think I could handle getting my heart broken by him." You spoke, albeit somewhat dazed as you seemed to be lost in your thoughts.
"I think you should talk to him. I know it's awkward and uncomfortable, but it's only gonna get worse if you two keep avoiding each other like this." Ashley said softly, making you sigh and drag a hand down your face.
Not talking to Leon was eating you from the inside. You'd missed him terribly, but the thought of having to look him in the eyes after that incident made your skin crawl.
You looked outside of your window, the moonlit streets littered with bright neon signs reminded you of that you spent with him and Lady.
If talking to him meant you would experience something like that again and feel that intoxicating euphoria that was freedom and peace all over, you'd swallow your nerves and the twisting churn in your stomach and do it.
"I suppose.. you're right. It feels different now, you know? I guess now that I look back I've been in love with him for a while. Saying it out loud just... makes it real." You laughed half-heartedly, chewing on the inside of your cheek.
Lady was laying by your feet as you petted her absent-mindedly.
"It'll all work out, I promise! You gotta have more faith in yourself. You're a real catch." She giggled, making you crack a lopsided smile.
"Thanks, Ash. I'll... I'll talk to him. Soon. I'm... really tired right now, I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, no problem. Keep me updated!"
"I will, Bye-Bye." You chuckled.
"Talk soon!"
You let out a heavy sigh when the noise of the ended phone call hit your ears.
"What a mess, huh?" You asked Lady, smiling slightly when she gave you an affirmative huff.
Your thoughts were running wild, but you were exhausted. So, despite your brain screaming at you, you eventually fell asleep, a weird dread settling in your stomach as your eyes shut.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Your limbs felt leaden, your mind slowly waking up but your body refusing to as tears nipped at your lashline. Your muscles ached and quiet sobs slipped past your lips as the horrific pictures of that night ran behind your eyelids like a movie on a screen.
The blanket that would usually soothe your anxiety with its weight suddenly felt too heavy, all too much like the rubble you were buried under after the building collapsed on top of you. You could feel the sharp edges of concrete and rebar digging and cutting into your skin all over again. Your throat felt dry, just like when you breathed in all the dust and debris back then.
Your sobs grew louder, and they turned into pathetic wails as the memories continued to flood your mind. Still, your legs and arms refused to move, your breaths turning shallow as panic set in. All you could do was lay there like a wounded animal, trapped in the literal nightmare that were your memories.
Your door opened slightly, and Lady came rushing in, alarmed by your cries. She jumped up onto the bed and licked at your cheeks before nudging your arm with her nose. Your fingers twitched, and you gathered all your strength before you reached over to your nightstand and felt for your phone, all while Lady whimpered beside you.
You sagged back onto the bed once you've had a steady grasp on your cell. With trembling fingers, you clumsily tapped at the screen, hoping you'd somehow call Leon. Lady laid her head on your chest, hoping to help steady your breathing.
Sobs tore through you when that familiar pain in your chest set in, the one you felt when you thought Leon had you left you behind. You were angry and hurt, ready to chew him out the second you'd find him in all this mess.
But once you got out and ran from all the resident evil, and all you found was his bloodied badge, your anger evaporated and all that was left was the heart wrenching pain of having lost your best friend.
You grew frustrated with yourself when your numb fingers refused to his the right button, but eventually you managed to click on Leon's contact and your panic was soothed just a tiny bit when you hit the call button.
You cried through the rings of the phone, mentally begging for him to pick up. It was the middle of the night. You were all alone, but you hoped he'd pick up.
You felt like you were dying, the pain in your chest, the heaviness in your limbs, the lack of oxygen caused by your hurried breaths making you light headed.
"Please, please, please..." You sobbed, your hands shaking. A particular unpleasant wail left your throat when it went straight to his voice-mail. Lady softly barked at you, beckoning you to try again.
You could see the worry when you glanced down into ber big brown eyes. You tried again, feeling exhausted as all the crying and fast breathing sucked the strength from you. This time, he picked up at the first ring, making you sob in relief.
"It's the middle of the night, what- hey, hey, what's going on, are you okay?" His voice made the ache in your chest lessen, and you could even muster up the tiniest smile.
"L-Leon...'" You forced out between sobs and hiccups.
"What happened? Where are you?" He asked firmly, a rustling sound in the background.
"N-need you... please.."
"I'm coming, okay? Just breathe for me." There was worry and panic in his voice, but he kept it soft and soothing for you to help you calm down. You slightly nodded your head.
"Yeah, y-yeah, okay-" your trembling hand accidentally hit the red button, ending the called. Your arm gave out and your phone fell onto your bed, just out of reach.
The crying had drained more of your energy than you thought and you weeped as your phone lit up again and again, Leon calling you. You watched for what felt like forever as he called you continously and all you could do was watch with no strength left to move.
Lady whimpered and pushed your phone closer to you, but you couldn't even lift your finger to pick up.
You've never felt so helpless and pathetic in your life.
So, you continued sobbing as the memories still wouldn't stop as you waited for Leon, feeling a pouding headache setting in already.
Finally, after what felt like some excruciating hours to you, you heard your front door click. You thanked all of the gods above that you'd exchanged spare keys with Leon. Lady jumped off the bed and barked, running towards the front door.
"Where is she?" Leon heaved urgently, following your dog who pulled at his sleeve, leading him to you. His heart shattered at the sight of you. Red and puffy eyes with heavy bags under them, cracked lips, and a heaving chest.
Your complexion looked all wrong, as if you were sick, and to be honest, you did look like you were about to pass out any second.
He rushed to your side, pulling you close to him and slowly rubbing circles on your chest to help you get more air into your lungs.
Leon's jacket was shrugged off, same with his boots and he climbed in next to you and sat you upright. You felt so weak, like your bones were made of jelly, so you awkwardly slumped against him.
"What's going on with you?" He asked softy, gently wiping away your tears.
"Nightmare.. Raccoon City..." Your sobbing picked back up when you uttered the name of your once beloved city, and Leon swallowed thickly.
"I-I thought that you-you left me again.." You wailed, grabbing onto his shirt. Leon pulled you closer with tears glistening in his eyes and a deep ache in his heart.
"I never left you... I would've never ever left you. They made me, dragged me away, and I couldn't... I couldn't go back for you." His voice cracked halfway through, and you gently shifted your head back to look at him.
The heart broken look in his blue eyes almost made your own shatter. You pulled yourself up and into his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck in a tight hug. His arms tightened around you as he buried his face in your neck, rubbing between your shoulder blades to help you breathe deeper.
You cried in each other's arms, mourning the loss of the normal life you had before the incident and the pain of having been apart for 6 years. Lady watched from the foot of the bed, visibly relaxing as your sobs lessened. You pulled back and took his face in your hands, wiping his tears away. Leon melted into your touch, and the crease between his brows softened ever so slightly. You sniffled and took a deep breath.
"I love you. And not like a best friend. I'm in love with you, Leon Kennedy." His eyes shot open at your words and his jaw slacked slightly.
"I've loved you for so long it hurts. I was terrified, so I never said anything but when I thought I lost you I regretted never telling you. I love you so much." You sighed, stroking his cheek.
If you had any tears left to cry, you would be a mess right now. Or at least, more of a mess than you already were
"I just... you're the only one who... who can make it better, you know? Make it hurt less."
Leon's shocked eyes softened, and a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. You searched for anyhing; hatred, disgust, joy, reciprocation, anything.
"A-And it's fine if you don't feel the same but-"
You were cut off by Leon connecting your lips in a kiss so soft it made a tear roll down your cheek as you leaned into him. Cupping the back of your neck, he gently pulled you in closer in and sighed against your lips.
"I love you too. I never stopped, even when I thought you were gone. You... you make it hurt less, too." He spoke softly, a lopsided grin on his face. You chuckled softly and hugged him again, burning the feeling of his touch into your mind. Leon rested his forehead against yours and stole a few soft pecks from you.
"Will you stay?" You asked in a whisper, suddenly being hit with a wave of sleepiness.
"I'll always stay. Always, I promise." He said softly, kissing the tip of your nose. You smiled hazily and slowly slid down the headboard, dragging Leon with you under the covers. You realxed into his embrace, your face nuzzled against his chest as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
Lady, who had watched the whole thing with a slowly wagging tail, crawled up the bed between the two of you and nudged her nose against Leon's cheek repeatedly. He giggled, albeit with an exhausted undertone.
"I guess you finally have a Dad, DeeDee." You said quietly, earning a small huff from your pup and one last kiss from Leon along with an amused chuckle before you drifted off to pleasant dreams for the first time in years. He soothed your mind and kept all the bad memories away.
Your love acting like a shield, protecting you from nightmares. You'd been wandering in the dark for years, searching for all the pieces of yourself that you lost that night.
You were lost once, but with Leon, you were found again.
More Leon works here 💫
I have a lil something planned for 500 followers (we're almost there it's crazy!!) And it may involve my obsession with Victorian England, Bloodborne and AC Syndicate 👀
《Tag list》: (lmk if you wanna be added) @vampkennedy @k-fallingstar @dmitriene @valkyrurx
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skatesnstuff · 4 months
meet phe!
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-ophelia ‘phe’ hughes
-she's the oldest of the hughes siblings (eldest daughter core)
-birthday is july 10th, 1997
-favourite colours are lilac, buttercup yellow and navy blue
-passion is photography, specifically sports photography
-was constantly the photographer for the boys's teams growing up and had a contract with the university of michgan team in her freshman year
-nicknamed bug or buggy by her parents when she was a toddler because she constantly had the little camera she got for her second christmas and it made her look a little bug like
-got into the university of michigan on a photograhy scholarship
-beceame really good friends with matthew tkachuk when her and her family moved to michigan for quinn when she was 17
-moved to florida after she graduated from michigan in 2019 to work as the head of photography for the panthers
-loves animals!! rescues a bernese mountain puppy named luna immediately after she moves to florida :)
-cries so hard when animals (specifically dogs) die in movies
-her mother cries every time she goes home after her summers at the lake house because she knows phe won’t be back for a while :(
-played hockey all her childhood but always felt more comfortable on the sidelines
a.n. meet my main oc in the chucky x hughessister au!!! there’s some fics coming don’t worry, angst and drama as always 🫣 send in your thoughts about chucky and ophelia, or just her and her brothers growing up <3 happy valentine’s day my loves, you’re all beautiful to me and i hope you all have a wonderful weekend 💗💗
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littlehypnone · 1 month
could you do kitty dew, puppy mountain and otter rain sleepy cuddles maybe? just sleepy little guys?
THIS IS THE CUTEST!!! (I made them shapeshifters here so the three of them are literally little fluffy guys heheh)
also obligatory @sphylor tag for not only terrarium boys but little fluffy and cuddly terrarium boys ehehehe :3
Swiss has a lot on his hands.
He had chores planned for the day, something with Copia, but he never made it. In the morning he couldn’t find one of his hoodies and went to Dewdrop, assuming it was him who stole it. It wouldn't be surprising in the slightest, but what he found instead of the 5’7 fire ghoul was a small orange kitten curled up in a little ball on, indeed, his hoodie. The multi ghoul sighed and picked him up with one hand still sleeping—he’s so tiny he fits in his grasp perfectly.
Swiss wanted to take him to Rain’s room, knowing Dewdrop preferred the water ghoul to be the one caring for him like this, but there waited for them another surprise. In Rain’s bed was Rain, sure but he was in his otter form. A big otter at least. He started squeaking and wiggling happily at Swiss' presence and the multi ghoul had no choice but to pick him up with his other hand and take both of the little creatures to yet someone else.
Rain isn’t small enough to fit in his hand, though, and his wiggling definitely didn’t help, so he ended up hanging over Swiss’ shoulder and squeaking as the multi ghoul walked to another door. At that point he was definitely late for his chores already.
Mountain was the one Swiss was hoping would take care of Rain and Dewdrop, but it didn’t work either. He was already quite amused by the situation, and getting jumped by a cute little bernese mountain dog puppy made him burst out into a full body laugh and nearly drop Rain in the process.
Swiss figured he was getting no chores done today and so he let Copia know with a quick text before bending down to somehow grab Mountain, too, and doing his best to carry all three of them to the common room. He managed—even without waking Dewdrop up—and now the kitten and the otter are napping together on the couch while Swiss tries to keep Mountain from eating the edge of said couch.
"Mount, buddy, please," Swiss pleads, even though he's still very amused by the whole ordeal, and tries to pry the puppy away from the couch. His fangs catch on the damaged fabric, though, and Swiss would absolutely hate himself for hurting him by pulling forcefully. "Okay, puppy, here. Here!" the multi ghoul tutts at him and waves his fingers in front of his fluffy little face.
It succeeds in distracting Mountain from the couch and he lets out a happy little chuff, but Swiss regrets his methods as his exceptionally sharp puppy teeth latch onto his hand. "Ow!"
He sighs and shakes his head, still smiling through it all, and returns to the couch. Both Dewdrop and Rain respectfully chirp and squeak at the disturbance, but once Swiss settles with Mountain tucked under his arm, the otter and the kitten deem the multi ghoul's chest a more comfortable nap spot.
Dewdrop meowing crawls onto the middle of his chest first, and flops onto his side before immediately kicking up a loud purr. Rain squeaks some more as he follows his best friend and cuddles up to his back, right under Swiss' chin.
Faced with cuddles, all the excess energy Mountain had leaves him and he snuggles happily into Swiss' arm. The multi ghoul sighs and closes his own eyes, hoping that later it will be him who wakes up first; before any havoc that might go down with the three menaces well rested and ready for more mischief.
A few hours later—why did it take so long for someone to get to the commons?—Cumulus and Phantom take in the image that the four of them create on the couch.
Swiss is sprawled out flat on his back and snoring loudly, Mountain is drooling against his arm, Dewdrop is purring up a storm, and Rain is squeaking and huffing into his fur as they all sleep.
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morphodae · 22 hours
Herman Greenhill | Headcanons
Including: general & relationship (x reader)
cw: none (but... they are a bit short since I accidentally deleted the original post and was unable to recover my original draft. Apologies <3)
Read more P4 headcanons here: 🪻x ,🦉 x , 🌹x
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Passionate, loud, and sometimes impetuous, Herman is a young man who holds himself and others to very high standards. Much of this was formed in his childhood and upbringing. 
When he attends Weston College for the first time he’s shocked at the variation of personalities in his classes and on campus. Particularly: the eccentrics of Violet Wolf House sure do give him the utter shock of his life.
In time, he learns to be a bit more accepting of different personalities and beliefs; he only hopes that everyone is able to be the best that they can possibly be.
From the English nobility, Herman was raised to be proper, do daily lessons, and learn about etiquette, language, history, and arithmetic – much like any other well-off boy in England. Still, as a boy, he was known to prefer being outside in short-sleeves even in colder weather. Despite so many reprimands, Herman continued to pursue a favorite pastime that quickly turned into a passionate hobby and thus, his parents ceased to scold him for his rambunctious ways as a child.
Herman has a special connection with his mother since the two are rather alike in personality. Whereas his father is strict and helped Herman with his interest in sports and physical activities, his mother is headstrong and hot-tempered; never allowing her son to stray from his ideals or those he sets for others.
After his time at Weston, he finds himself drawn to a side hobby of cultivating small plants. He starts off small — as he’s no green thumb by any means — and finds subtle enjoyment in nurturing something from his own hands. He nearly sheds a tear when his very first tomato plant (despite it being tiny and only producing one) grows to its fullness.
He's quite fond of dogs; particularly, any of the hunting dog breeds. But, his favorite is easily the Golden Retriever for its loyalty, kindness, but of course... because it's cute, sweet, and fluffy lol. In a more modern au, Herman's favorite dog variates between the Golden and the Bernese Mountain Dog (since the latter wasn't introduced to America and the UK until about 1936).
Out of the Four Prefects, Herman is the easiest to get to know and court. Much like the other three of his friend group, he’s quite transparent in how he clearly pines after you. He might try to put on a façade, a stoic persona, and brush off his strong crush, but it’s painfully obvious to those around him.
It doesn’t take long for this gentleman to properly ask if you’d like to court him and, to his surprise, you agree and reciprocate his feelings.
He’s calm, proper, and collected on the outside, but on the inside he’s clicking his shoes and celebrating lol.
Even with his confidence in motivating others around him and himself, he’s (to no surprise) lost in the realm of romance. For all he knows, he has a very, very proper view of Victorian courtship and will do just that when you and he begin dating.
Herman is not a fan of public displays of affection. He prefers displays of affection with just you and him, but even during those rare times, he’s awkward and formal. If he ever feels like he’s made you uncomfortable in any way, he’s apologizing profusely. He will even do this if it’s a minor accident such as accidentally brushing your hand. He views you highly and it might take some patience to assuage him into relaxing a bit. 
Herman cherishes all those close to him in his life, and you’re no different in that regard. However, you are different in the fact that he is noticeably softer and quieter around you. He’s had maybe 1-3 crushes in his entire life but never has he dated. He is the type that dates to marry, so be prepared for a very dedicated man.
Not one to shy away from fairness, Herman does his hardest to be diplomatic and thoughtful towards you. He will listen to what you have to say and remember seemingly benign details about you. He will hand you a gift that he specially picked with slightly shaking hands, blossoming vermillion cheeks, and eye contact that seems drawn to that oh-so-interesting wallpaper across the room. He’s too nervous to meet your face in those moments but, god above, he’s trying. It goes back to dissuading his fears about his lack of experience and awkwardness, but, for the most part, his efforts to make you happy are always from a heartfelt place.
Overall, Herman is a massive green flag who wants nothing more than to make you happy. Confident and more open-minded as a young man due to his experiences with Weston College and eventually Sphere Music Hall, he sees you nearly as his equal — despite the rough patches (of awkwardness and sometimes miscommunication). 
He sees a bright future with you and will fight for that future even harder than his physical challenges he has put himself through. His heart is yours and if he has to repent, has to do ridiculous things to see you as a permanent fixture in his life, he’d walk through hell and back over and over; if only to see something as benign as your beaming smile.
Herman Greenhill may not feel he deserves it with all that happened at Weston, but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t make the most of his salvation with you by his side.
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heartstringsduet · 6 months
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Happy Sunday everyone. I hope you're all well <3 Making it 7 paragraphs lol. Thanks for kicking us off @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut Have the last snippet of 10 to 0 (working title) before it will be posted daily next weekend. 🎆🎇
“Who’s dog is this?” Carlos asks, bending a bit to see TK’s face behind the black and white fur. “And why is he the size of a pig?”
“This is Buttercup,” TK wheezes, pressed against the mattress. “He’s a Bernese Mountain dog and the best boy in the world. Aren’t you?” He starts scratching behind the dog’s’ ears with one of his pinned arms. 
Buttercup looks at TK like he’s the moon. Carlos gets it.
“Hi Buttercup.” Carlos slowly brings his hand forward, letting the dog sniff with his big snout. When Buttercup gives no indication that it’s unwanted, Carlos slowly pets his head and finds silky soft fur.
“He likes to be scratched under his chin,” TK puffs out, still squished under Buttercup's weight. “And he will drool on you if you do. But you will love it because - well, he’s the best boy in the world.”
Carlos finds the spot that makes Buttercup’s tail thump into TK’s chest and surely gets some wet drool on his palm.
“Buttercup,” he coos, “you’re squishing our poor friend, TK.”
I tag anyone who wants to join & @herefortarlos @paperstorm @ladytessa74 @lemonlyman-dotcom @freneticfloetry @lightningboltreader @rmd-writes @welcometololaland @carlos-tk @carlos-in-glasses @strandnreyes @reyesstrand @wandering-night19 @noxsoulmate @liminalmemories21 @thebumblecee @theghostofashton @inkweedandlizards @louis-ii-reyes-strand @bonheur-cafe @alrightbuckaroo @orchidscript
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asteria-argo · 5 months
Hey there! Was reading your teacher au fic (it's absolutely incredible btw) and was wondering about Fitzy's breed/appearance? I'm sorry if you've already specified it somewhere and I missed it, just curious if you had any pictures of what you imagined them to look like <3
not only do I have pictures I have an entire folder on my laptop dedicated to silly edits I've made in my free time (re: during class when I wasn't paying attention to my lectures)
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like I said in the fic, she's a mountain dog, but specifically a Bernese mountain dog. She's a big beautiful baby and also the literal only thing Jamie ever posts on his instagram these days.
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viviloveschilde · 11 months
What are your thoughts on childe with a clingy and affectionate reader?<3
(And congrats on 60 likes<33)
Aww thanks anon~ <333 Idk whether u want me to write a fic or not but since u asked abt my thoughts here u go, do tell me if u wanted a fic, I'll write one for u (≧∇≦)/
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𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬~
Childe would definitely have the same energy.
You two will be cuddling every single day when he gets home after his long hours working for the Tsaritsa
But sometimes he might get annoyed
Like if he needs to leave for work but you cling onto him like a cuddly koala (<3) he is probably gonna brush you away
He will also try to convince you to leave him alone and let him go to work
"Come on angel, I'll give you all the cuddles you want later after work but I need to go to work now... " Childe coos as if he is talking to his little brother Teucer
But when you pout and whine and act all cute and adorable he needs to give in
Besides, who in Teyvat could resist your cute antics
I feel like you would be evil laughing inside your mind that you got the 11th Fatui Harbinger , serving the Tsaritsa, to stay with you
Probably gonna just laze in bed and cuddle when he gives in, he can just shove the work to the other harbingers or to his right hand man
Plain adorable since Childe loves that your clingy
He loves physical touch like trust me, this man lives off the smallest, tiniest touches
Like the tiny touch of your hand brushing against his, he just got his daily dose of oxygen
But ngl, it's cute
Come on, a clingy couple clinging to each other all day, you guys were made for each other!
Hope u enjoyed it anon! If u wouldn't mind kindly leaving a like and offer a follow I would rlly appreciate it~ I swear anon, this is basically me like if this is u too, twins lmao
I'm rlly clingy and I need cuddles to live. Luckily I have my puppy who puts up with my clingy behaviour.( His name is Koda and he is a Bernedoodle, which is a Bernese mountain dog x poodle) Good luck finding a lover cuz we don't wanna be lonely single Pringles~( ;∀;)
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azrakaban · 3 days
Theodore nott fluffy dating head canons please 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Theodore Nott Headcanons <3
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Let's get right into it with some basic Theo headcanons, and then some dating ones too!
- Deffo has a Bernese Mountain dog back at home tbh, his mum loved them and got one before she died, and he loves that dog because it's all he really has left of her presence in his home
- Besties with Mattheo since they were both really little
- His mum died when he was eight, in childbirth, when giving birth to his little sister.
- his family is the Slytherin equivalent of the Weasleys, but reversed. He has four older sisters, and two younger sisters.
- Forces Mattheo to help him babysit his sisters
- Lapses into Italian when he gets tired
- Deffo sleeptalks in Italian, and when you first started dating you probably got so confused 😭
- He's really irritating when teaching you Italian, he'll throw in a word into his sentence and then make you look it up in a dictionary
- For sure loves dancing, whether or not you're good, if you're alone and there's music, call yourself Ginger Rogers
- Big fan of hand holding, he likes the feeling of having you that close.
- Hilarious when drunk, drunk words sober thoughts fr. He'll insult Draco's bleach, but then look at you and be like "Amore mio! guarda Matteo, guarda com'è bella! Aspetta, cosa stai facendo? Smettila di guardare la mia ragazza!" (My love! Look Mattheo, look how beautiful she is! Wait, stop looking at my girl!)
- Definitely a cat person besides his Bernese, and would adopt a black cat ASAP
- Would totally be an animagus, probably a black cat or a wolf
- If wolf, he'd maybe let you ride on his back. Only if he was in a good mood though.
- His music taste: Classical, specifically Beethoven, chase Atlantic, Coldplay. Guilty pleasure is Ariana Grande.
- Love language? Teaching you Italian for sure. Although does give presents randomly if he feels like it, but not too often.
- Definitely ambidextrous, and will help you write your homework. He learns how to mimic your handwriting so that if you don't feel good, he can do your homework for you
- convinced he sleeps with so many blankets that trying to find him in that MESS of a bed is impossible 😭
- actually apologises to your teddies if they fall of your bed
- reads poetry to calm down and will write it about you (you'll never see it though)
- definitely the designated driver most of the time 😭
- he's got snacks stashed all over the castle incase you two get hungry but you'll never know where he's hiding them 😭
- he has a resting bitch face until you're in the room
- queen of accidental photo bombs and there is not a single cute picture of you two no matter how
- pookie CANNOT swim. Don't even get him to try 🤡
- he's an ambivert, so mainly introverted with people he doesn't know, but is actually the clown of the group (him and Mattheo)
- He can play cello and double bass, but only plays for you if you ask
- actually the biggest hopeless romantic, Mr Darcy type shit
- Insanely good singer, and will sing to you in Italian
- good at herbology, took it for OWLS and NEWTs and became friends with Neville through it, they partner every day
- his favourite colour is navy
- Will speak Italian to Mattheo, who can speak it too, just to be funny. Like he'll be glaring at Draco and saying to Mattheo:
"So you think firewhiskey is worse than Muggle tequila?"
"Uh yeah, why are we glaring at Draco?"
"I want him to think we're shit talking him. So do you eat crackers when you drink or not?"
"No, gross. Nutella pancakes."
"Sounds... surprisingly good."
- He cannot wink, so he'll pass you a note in class and try but it looks like he's got something in his eye because both his eyes start twitching 😭
- He thinks pick up lines are shit, and won't use them. He will however ask you out politely and take you on a date or a few before he asks you to be his partner.
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Hope this is what you were looking for! Love and thanks for the request <3
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falseflair · 7 months
RvB Pets yap session
Alright so i've got a few of these down right. so this whole pet assigning thing started with me imagining sarge with a puppy, and naming that puppy warthog. ITS SO FUCKING UCTE urggg "get in the warthog" fucking dog trots over at the sound of his name "no! warthog stay! down boy." and then theres just a whole bit where hes tryna get warthog to back off or sum idk its silly. What breed of dog would this be though? See I was thinking toy poodle because while i feel like he wouldnt choose it, its cute as fuck so who gives a shit right? Bernese Mountain Dog. Think about it, I did. For a good like 10 minutes while leaving my friend on read because i was thinking so fucking hard. So we either have a toy poodle or bernese mountain dog and I cant get over it, the two are the most best guesses ive got. He walks into the shelter, donut or some1 bringing him there for wtv and he sees this tiny ass toy poodle chewing on a blue dog toy and boom, its his tactical toy poodle he has in his manly tactical purse. While bernese is like so insanely silly its great, the dog knocking sarge over in excitement and sarge trying to order him to attack grif but giving up with a nuetral grunt and saying. "maybe tmrw" or smth ITS SO FUCKING ISLLLY but also maybe beagle just trhowing that out theres would be so sfucking silly too OKAY and then after that we move on to donut right? i got this one almost immediately, parrot. no questions needed, parrot. I cant exactly see donut with parrot.
We get to grif right, Lizard. HEar me out, grif with a bearded dragon. not sure why not sure how but holy shit i fucking love it man.
Doc. See this ones a bit hrmmm not sure because it has to satisfy both doc and omalley and i for somereason think; golden retreiver. doc would have tried to suggest smaller dogs, hes likely looking for a dog ok to be like near people and maybe even like be atherapy dog and omalleys like fuck that these dogs r for pussies and then doc gets to golden retreiver and hes like, i mean sure and boom silly.
Simmons, bunny or guinea pig. feels right.
Tucker, like the legend this mother fucker is. has a snake, simmons kkeeps his distance as things have likely happened multiple times on purpose or not. chicks dig snakes. (im chicks(im a whole male))
caboose already had a pet. RIP.
Church honestly not sure with this dude, could also see him having a lizard or cat. confusing fella. OH MY GOD WAIT hedgehod im sorry it has to be done church with a hedgehog i need it.
Washington, cmon guys you see this shit coming. cat. obviously.
Now if lopez to able to have a pet, right? id like to think maybe a small dog, and he wouldnt out right look for it but he'd find it right, it would have 3 legs and probably be struggling a bit to get around and lopez would take him in and make like a little wheelchair thingy for the little dog and then they become best friends.
tex? not sure honestly, maybe she'd think having a pet is dumb? and i think carolina would just like not be into it really.
drgrey. lizard but not like bearded dragon but like maybe leopard gecko? or maybbe switch dr grey and grif? not sure im confused now but alright reptile awesome possum
Locus. Dove. Locus with a dove, hear me out. It was injured and he helped it out and now its his friend.
felix the bitch would have a snake not because they r evil or anything but felix thinks it makes him look badass, and it does.
give me more characters i want to do mor eof this NEOW
KAI TY TO WHOEVER SAID THIS honestly not sure for her hrmmm,, i feel like she'd have a parrot or a turt for some reason not exactly sure why but i do
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bonnie-the-mutt · 11 months
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hi, my names are bonnie and rot. you may call me either !
I'm agenderflux and my pronoun preference is any/grey/she. I'm 18, little age 2-7. I'm an age & pet dreamer/regressor ! I'm also a cg to my lovely boyfriend. my DMs are open if you wanna chat :3 !
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request info | closed
I post moodboards, stimboards, outfits/collages, and the occasional art piece or blog photo ! feel free to send me asks or requests :) <3
I LOVE getting requests, but you may want to specify things like gender, aesthetic, type of board, paci/no paci, ect !! you don't have to, but I have to assume otherwise. x) please read my DNI before sending me a request.
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-> mlp, fnaf, mc, atla, bluey, care bear, bats, lavender, studio ghibli, MHA, dogs, lalaloopsy & kuromi
-> my pronouns page
-> my friend's awesome agere discord server ( 15+ only ! ) I'm a mod here, come chat with me !
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banners by me ! flag credit ! Bernese mountain dog banner by @mamimikey
DNI & important info below ( don't read if regressed ! )
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DNI if you are a kink account, a NSFL/NSFW/DDLG/ABDL/ect account, a non trauamgenic system / endo or if you support them, anti-recovery or if you're a bigot. I don't condone hate or bullying.
my account/regression is strictly SFW. do not sexualize my content. also, don't baby talk in reblogs, asks or DMs. regression is my coping mechanism and safe space, pls respect my boundaries. thank you for reading !
also, I'm a stoner and I practice witchcraft. I don't think I'll post about it much, if at all, but if that makes you uncomfortable then you should probably dip
updated: 05/07/24
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kiki-is-writing · 11 months
wip re-intro: the beginning and end of everything
(more commonly referred to as tbaeoe)
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DISCLAIMER: this is my original work that i am choosing to share with my mutuals and the writing community. plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated.
playlist linked here
genre: new adult romcom/litfic-ish?
status: outlining draft 2, hopefully starting drafting in september
tag: #tbaeoe
summary: 22-year-old ty kassisieh has no direction. on his gap year between undergrad and grad school, he picks up a job at a library nearby, hoping it’ll provide him with a sense of passion. or, at the very least, money, so he can move out of his parents’ house. the library is where he meets jude, a seemingly emotionless stick-in-the-mud hellbent on ruining all of ty’s fun. little by little, ty makes it his mission to crack jude and become his friend. jude caves, and as their relationship blossoms, ty befriends a young library patron named madison who helps him not only to accept his sexuality, but to derive passion and ambition out of life. also there are dogs. 
the characters: 
ty kassisieh (he/him)
- messy enfp and all-around demon of chaos
- pretentious english major bitch with an achillean complex
- has a tattoo of a chair
jude olsen-jacobs (he/him)
- obsessively type-a intj who talks like he’s constantly running for office
- would definitely start a bar fight over the red sox
- lady gaga stan
ada kassisieh (she/her)
- ty��s genius, harvard grad, astrophysicist twin sister. also his only friend
- a true enigma of a woman
- has a panera problem
also featuring:
diane, ty’s mother who is bonkers in the way only a rich white middle-aged mom can be
omar, ty’s dad who is the stark opposite of his wife but they love each other so much
dorothy, ty and jude’s boss who is truly a crackpipe of a human being. words cannot capture.
madison, ty’s bestie from the library who is literally nine years old
uncle hubie, jude’s bernese mountain dog that is actively plotting murder (or so ty is convinced)
this book is my heart. my soul. my love. my everything. hope one day u guys can read it and love it as much as i do <3
taglist (dm to be +/-):
@dallonwrites @rataltouille @ghostsofmemories​ @jennawritesstories​ @smalltownwriter​ @phiwrites​ @lottieiswriting​ @writing-in-liminal-spaces​ @rowansghost​
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*trips* oh oops i heard we were talking about our a3! ocs
Name: Lemon
Age: 13 (year 1)
Flower: Water Lily
Quote: "I knew it! You're the one who murdered Mrs. Ingle... oh, wait. Sorry!"
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Citron's younger sister. She had a very sheltered upbringing due to being a princess so she can be a little naïve and airheaded. She learned how to play the Iranian barbat as a child, then later on guitar and ukelele, and has a video channel where she uploads covers of popular songs. LOVES murder mystery books and gets really into them to the point she forgets she's not actually in one sometimes.
Name: Moe Sakisaka
Age: 22 (year 1)
Flower: Primrose
Quote: "Don't be ridiculous, who *doesn't* carry around an industrial crowbar?"
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Muku's older cousin on his father's side of the family. She's an EMT, currently in training to be a paramedic, and crazy-prepared, carrying around a backpack that somehow always has what you need. When she's not working she likes rollerskating and learning how to do cool tricks.
Name: Shio Takuma
Age: 24 (year 3)
Flower: Aster
Quote: "Hey, you! Can you open this umbrella real quick? I wanna try something."
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Recently graduated from Veludo Arts University, where they majored in computer animation. Really big believer in occult-ish type stuff like healing crystals and used to ask Banri if they could "observe and study" his "luck-granting spiritual energy~". Post-graduation, now they're living in a one-room apartment downtown and trying to make a living running a blog documenting the existence of aliens. They have a hearing service dog named Rocket, a Bernese Mountain Dog that's best described as a 100-pound puppy whenever he's not working.
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