#I like ramen but i think I like cold noodles even more
cherryapparition · 8 months
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Bedtober Day 14: Ramen
Prompt List by OceanInSpace
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etoiile · 7 months
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starring chigiri hyoma!
synopsis: after being your roommate for a little over half a year, chigiri can say without a doubt that he's never met someone like you. you're sweet, funny, and just a great friend. but what happens when he wants to be more than that?
warning(s): not proofread but im p sure i didnt grammar correctly, mild swearing, gender neutral reader
notes: i want him your honor
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"im back.." you mumbled, kicking off your shoes and practically throwing yourself onto the couch.
"well, dont you sound energetic." he joked as he turned off his phone and sat down next to you. "rough day?"
"ugh you cant even begin to imagine." you grumbled. "shit day. start talking. distract me."
"hmm..." he thought. "my day was pretty uneventful. i got let out early and just caught up on some stuff."
"who were you texting earlier? got any tea?" you questioned sleepily with a yawn. gossip sessions with chigiri were your absolute favorite. whenever he texted someone, there was usually some sort of news. plus, he gossiped like a girl and you were here for it. (sorry but chi is just so freaking canonically girlypop)
"nah. i wish, though. just talking to my older sister about some... stuff." he trailed off, racking his brain for a new subject.
"you hungry?" he asked, motioning towards the kitchen.
"yeah. will you carry me?" you asked tiredly, giving him your best puppy dog eyes. you were too tired to move on your own.
chigiri rolled his eyes at you, but still let you climb onto his back regardless.
as he carried you to the kitchen, he couldn't help the way his heart would leap out of his chest every time you left out a sleepy groan or would shift a little in his hold before nuzzling into his back. he couldn't help but imagine being here with you, in this apartment, though not as roommates or even friends, but lovers. he couldn't help how he could never be mad at you, despite what he'd say. he couldn't help how every time you did literally anything, he could feel himself falling deeper in love with you.
"well, think about it this way, chi." his sister had texted. "you've got two choices before you. confess or dont. correct?"
"WRONG. there's only one choice. by doing nothing, youre doing nothing but self torture. you'll always be thinking about how much you want to hold her but cant, and you'll have to watch her go on dates and even get ready for them. obvi, thats no fun. imo, just go for it, honestly. gotta be brave, yk?"
at the time, chigiri said something along the lines of, "maybe i will, maybe i wont. we'll see." before turning off his phone to greet you.
now, as he thinks about his feelings, he's never been more sure. he's never felt this way about anybody else before. its not like his past relationship where it was thrilling and exciting but exhausting. the way he feels with you is different. you feel safe. warm. comforting. you feel like a warm, sunny breeze after a cold rain. you feel like home. you feel like warmth. you feel like love.
he gently set you down at the kitchen counter before heading to the fridge.
"we dont have much food because SOMEBODY forgot to buy groceries." he teased. "we have fruit, eggs, bread, tobiko roe, rice, and instant ramen."
"yeah, yeah. anyways.." you then started batting your lashes at him like a maniac. "would you mind making me some ramen, my dear, sweet chichi?"
chigiri's heart leapt at the use of the word "my." he could feel his cheeks start to heat up and he quickly turned around.
"yeah, yeah, as you command." he rolled his eyes (for the 349348th time) and got to work.
"dont forget the eggs!"
"just be brave," his sister had said.
pfft. "just be brave?" give him a break! it just wasn't that simple. he couldn't risk the friendship most beloved to him. he just couldn't!
he watched as the seasoning gently bubbled with the noodles as he gently stirred the pot with a pair of wooden chopsticks, humming along to a tune he'd heard on your playlist absentmindedly.
"CHIGIRI?!" you suddenly yelped, clearly taken aback.
"what? is something wrong?" he asked calmly but concerned, praying that you weren't hurt as he set down the chopsticks and ran to you.
his cheeks were met by your palms as you squished his face together. "you're humming "cruel summer" by taylor swift! ive done it! youre a swiftie!" you let go as you squealed and leaped for joy, jumping about.
"chigiri's a swiftie! chichi is a swiftie!"
he chuckled as he watched your antics when suddenly, you crashed into him as you jumped.
you looked up from his chest and were met with his gorgeous pink orbs. it stunned you for a moment. they were so captivating, like they were gently chorusing a beautiful melody. you felt yourself sinking into them when suddenly, you realized the position you were in.
there was maybe an inch or two separating your lips from his. flustered, you quickly drew back, though you didnt exactly want to.
"sorry! um, my bad. i was just thinking! about how your eyes? uh... about how taylor swift has... uh... actually, what am i saying I WAS ACTUALLY-" you stammered as you tried to find an excuse for lingering much too long in his arms. staring into his beautiful eyes. on his chest. his muscular, toned, delicious... STOP.
suddenly, chigiri felt something. it wasn't embarrassment, it wasn't anxiety, it was... bravery.
gently gliding over to your flustered and still stammering figure, chigiri took your hands and looked you in the eye, freezing you.
"y/n, youre my one of my best friends." he said, his melodic voice gently wafting through the air. he then gently leaned down to your ear and in a low whisper, said:
"the thing is though, i dont want you like a best friend."
you were left frozen.
"a lyric from "dress." not bad, am i right?" he asked with a sly grin.
as the great taylor swift said, (in "its time to go") when the words of a sister come back in whisper, he realized that his sister was, as much as he hated to admit it, right. all he needed was to be brave.
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𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐈𝐈𝐋𝐄 ©𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 please do not copy or repost my work on any other site. interactions appreciated! 🤍
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fillinforlater · 6 months
Blonde: Chapter III
Female Reader x Kim Gaeul
Length: 2500 words
Tags: angst/fluff, another bad day, losing your dignity, illness, someone who cares, there is a fever dream, Gaeul's relationship, struggling with your identity, we got a twist at the end
Inspiration: "Why Am I Like This?" by Orla Gartland
(A/N: Finally, another chapter to this slowly developing plot. I jope you enjoy it. @firagaarmor for obvious reasons)
"Didn't you say 108,000?"
"No, sir, it's 180,500 won."
"Oh, I see."
The old, fragile fingers of this confused, bald man creep back into his purse, trying to find another bill in what is probably a maze of money and plastic cards for him. You wouldn’t mind it one bit, you get paid either way and on usual nights, traffic is so little that barely anyone else gets inconvenienced. However, tonight is rather unusual. Apparently everyone forgot something and is now in a haste to buy said something. There is a long line of impatient stressed moms, annoyed teenagers and everything in between or beyond showing or voicing their disapproval.
It’s not you, you’re not the cause for their stress and discomfort, yet the customer’s toxicity still flies to you like you’re some kind of magnet. It all comes back to stab you, with passive-aggressive remarks or the glances up and down your small frame. Doesn’t really help that you only had cold ramen noodles, sweets and a little bit of bread in the past five days and that the ice cold showers make your nose itch with an impending cold. God, you must look pathetically miserable, even for your standards.
After the man finally gets his cash together, the checkouts are fast, heartless, and your heart aches for her to be at the end of the line. Gaeul—with her bright hair and even brighter smile to greet you when she is out buying drinks again—she could really save this evening. You yearn for her encouragement and presence more than for the next hot meal. Maybe even more than for the next two hot meals. 
But there is no blonde angel to save you tonight. With the last customer buying their groceries, the lights die one by one, leaving you in a mostly empty store, alone with thousands and thousands of tasty and not-so-tasty products you’d love to put into a pan and fry. The thuds of your sneakers on the floor almost drown out the grumble in your stomach or the sniffling of your nose as you walk into yet another cold night with nothing to look forward to. 
I fucking hate this shit. 
You want to vomit, throw yourself off your bed, tear every single strand of your dark hair out as you dial your mother's number again. You hope it’s over quickly, but one can never know with her, especially if she still stubbornly refuses to help you. Take deep breaths, try to keep your head straight though thinking has become more and more exhaustive with every calorie you’re missing. 
“What is it?” your mother groans, though you find her tone to be a lot more amused than last time. Someone is cheering and laughing in the background, drowning out even the loud TV. 
“The bills, mom. I still have no electricity, no hot water, no heater.”
“Oh right.”
A response colder than your room. You try to straighten your back to speak to her loud and clear, with at least some authority, but you feel yourself crumble when the clanking of bottles loudly booms through the speaker.
“Did… did your boss finally pay you?” you carefully ask, earning an immediate response.
“Yes, he did.”
“Then why didn’t you pay the bills?”
Silence, except for the crime drama running in the back, finding all the suspects and then the killer, as they always do. This case right here is totally clear, no one needs to investigate for more than five minutes to find out that she is at fault, yet it feels like you're on trial, awaiting your parole, which for some reason is still in the balance.
“You know, sweetheart,” your mother cheekily responds, her saliva loudly flopping around in her mouth, mixed with the disgusting flavor of cigarettes and beer. “I really worked hard for that money. It’s my money. In the end I can decide what happens with it.”
Oh God, don’t do that, please for the love of—and don’t call me sweetheart.
“You can’t be serious,” you barely chirp out, your heart throbbing, crumbling like your entire body as you can see your entire foundation, the fragile remains of your fake stability finally falter. You can never cover all of your expenses with this one job and you can’t quit school now, not after getting so close to finally finishing it. You need her money and she seems to finally use it against you.
“It’s just the truth,” she responds nonchalantly, her voice a lot lighter and higher in pitch than usual. You hear someone cackle in the background.
Don’t call me that.
“How about you—
Don’t do this.
“—start begging for my money. C’mon! Get on your knees and beg for it! I’m tired of funding your lazy, incompetent lifestyle. You should be so grateful for my throwing money at you all these years. 
“I didn’t hear you! Get your lazy ass out of your bed now, and on your damn knees.
“Beg for it.”
Laughter from behind her. It's not the TV.
A hot shower, warm noodles, a cozy bed—they never felt so wrong, so disgusting. Even as your life objectively improves, it feels horrible, like you had to sell yourself and your soul for it to happen.
Your knees are still drawn to the floor. You might sit in a chair, listen to teachers all day or sit at the checkout, pulling items over the scanner, your knees still feel like they should get on the floor and beg.
Please let me pass.
Please give me more money.
Please leave me alone.
Please ignore my embarrassing existence.
"Uhhh, good evening, ma'a—Gaeul?"
Gaeul's dainty fingers catch your shoulders as you slump forward, against the checkout counter and almost fold over. Your body, devoid of energy, loses all tension.
“Hey, hey,” Gaeul calls out to you, and like the caring mother you never had, the warm palm of her hand cups your forehead. “Oh lord, you’re so hot! You’re definitely sick, what are you doing here?”
“I-I have to work,” you respond, a wave of something hot and heavy pressing down on your brain. This lava burns itself into you and makes every thought process excruciatingly hard. You haven’t even noticed it until now. “I’m not sick, every-thing is fine.”
Your smile is weak, dozy and fake, it cannot fool Gaeul a bit. Her beautiful face falls into deep wrinkles of worry as you can barely lift yourself out of her supporting arms. There is an awkward pause between the two of you, only interrupted by another customer clearing their throat. You try to get back to scanning, but one of Gaeul’s cans slips through your fingers a couple of times.
“I don’t think you should do this,” Gaeul says quietly, softly. “You don’t need to prove your toughness, it’s okay to be sick for a few days. I think your boss will understand.”
“Really, Gaeul, I’m okay.” The final can, straight into the blonde’s bag. Through your blurry eyes you can barely make out the color of her jacket, or sweater, or whatever it is—either way, it definitely suits her. “Thanks for worrying though.”
Why did I push her away like this? Why didn’t I listen to her? Why am I always like this?
Everything is hot and everything is cold. You need another jacket or the cold will get worse, but it simultaneously feels like you could die from overheating if you don’t start throwing away layer after layer of clothes. The way your body feels is close to how the inner mechanisms in your brain work in this fever haze. There is nothing, no thought, no conclusion, nothing that matters—yet everything is suddenly relevant.
Objects and details you’ve never actively released before come into focus of your decreasing sight, that one tile in the corner, just as dirty and unspecial as the rest, the second package of gum, purple and pink, the spooky hum when the door opens that never appears when it closes. So you stumble out of the store, tripping over your feet until the fever finally strikes you down.
The concrete, its gray color, is darker the colder it gets. It’s also harder, torturous to lay upon, scorching hot skin on freezing tarmac. Suddenly, brand new sneakers, black and white, small feet, about as small as your own, though they could be—
“Oh my God!”
—a bit bigger, judging by the length of the stockings covered legs that—
“Here, I’ll help you”
—disappear in a plaid skirt, above a combo of thick winter jacket and—
“I knew this was bad. Taxi!”
—a girl, whose hair is both silver and golden, a blonde close to whiteness, nonetheless it looks like a crown adorning and framing her perfectly formed features.
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You’re lost in a dream. A school full of students, their ages varying drastically and you do not recognize a single face. The teachers seem a lot more familiar, though they float through the room carelessly, gravity not applying to them. In fact, gravity only applies to you, as the rest of the students fly around the room with their chairs and desks.
A frame of an angel, her hands brushing your cheek, scorching hot, so she puts a wet towel on your face. That’s so nice of her, you must be sick. Sick or not, you cannot miss the day you go to the zoo with the floating class.
The zoo is filled with people, nothing but people. People that look at odd people. Those that have to stand on one leg, those that can’t talk properly, those who like weird things. You can hear your whole class laugh hysterically at all of them, so weird, so wrong, nothing better than to laugh at sickos and be glad that you’re not one of them.
“Uhm, hi.” A voice in the far background, damp, behind a shut door. “Care to explain why you have another girl in your bed?”
You feel like you have to explain yourself, but words are nothing more than concepts in your head, also the zoo is calling, you have to watch the lively corpses float through the water tanks. Luckily, someone speaks for you. The angel.
“She’s a friend and she is sick. That’s all there is to it, Yujin.”
"Oh, really?" The other voice is skeptical, eyebrows raised and she looks for a clever response. “I guess she got sick while laying in your bed? Gaeul, don’t lie to me, okay? Just be straightforward with me.”
“I—” the angel stutters and falls silent. You however found a new enclosure in this zoo which stretches in all directions. This one is rather empty and the enclosure is also no enclosure, just a mirror with a writing above it: ‘Sicko girls that like other girls’.
The reflection is you, of course, in all your—
“What am I going to do with you, hm?” The other voice, now a tall woman of incredible beauty, twirls a couple of golden strands of the angel and tugs them behind her ear with a weak—dishonest, you feel—smile. “The long hair suited you better. I really liked that.”
“I know, Yujin.”
The reflection is you, in all your fault and imperfection, far from perfection and any heavenly being. You are no angel, just a sicko girl that likes girls—and the whole class is laughing.
You open your eyes, but the aching, hot pain in your temple and a heavy, wet towel on top of it make actually seeing, realizing anything a pain in the ass. Just the outline of a small face looking down on you, very familiar, very pretty—oh, what a relief to have Gaeul be the first thing you see.
“Wh-where am I?” you ask past dry lips.
“Oh, you’re awake.” Gaeul turns around and quickly reaches for a bottle of water. “Here, drink this, your body needs a lot of water now. You’re in my—my friend's apartment.”
“Damn, then it must have been real fucking bad—”
You cover your mouth, realizing your loud curse in a foreign room, foreign bed, where are your manners, they might have foreign customs. Gaeul’s eyes fall shut when she begins to lightly chuckle. 
“Don’t worry, she’s not here right now,” Gaeul says. “You’re all good. B-but you can’t stay here forever. Just rest up and—you have somewhere to stay, right?”
You carefully remove the towel from your face, catching all the drops running down your forehead as you think about home, your home, finally warm because you threw away your dignity. You’d love to not go there, tear up the contract for rent and run away to something new—into independence.
“Yeah, yup, I—I have a place, don’t worry. Sorry for all the trouble, fuck, I don’t even remember what—I did it again.”
Now Gaeul is holding her stomach, laughing, hitting the blanket that covers your legs and you join her. Though you might sit upright, you feel like falling over, the dizziness, Gaeul’s laugh, they make you feel like you’re still in that dream with the angel. The angel, so ethereal, but made fragile by this voice. A woman.
Suddenly, yours and Gaeul’s face are almost touching, her arms are on your shoulders, yours on her side, her petite frame is in your palm. The laughs have faded, smiles remain but you feel your heart racing. The smile fades and you’re tense. Gaeul is right there and she is so, so pretty.
“You sure you’re alright?” Gaeul asks as she sees your blush. You blush even more and avert your eyes.
“Y-yeah, thank you. You helped a lot. But—
“—are you okay too, Gaeul?”
That’s a smile full of uncertainty, a hint of anger, a glow of hurt. Gaeul’s eyes sparkle and you’d love to blow some life into them. Even better, all the love you have for her, you want to pour it into her and give her power. But no, you have no idea nor any plan to do such a thing. So it’s Gaeul who helps you out of the bed and hands you one of her sweatshirts that isn’t drenched in sweat.
“You are the one with a fever, I’m as healthy as ever!” Gaeul is so bright and her smile shines like a star. In a different universe, she is already a celebrity with a perfect red carpet smile. Fake.
“I didn’t mean that.” In a surge of confidence and worry, you reach for Gaeul’s hand and everything's in slow motion. “I-I’m scared that you’re not happy, that something isn’t right, that—Gaeul, I heard you talk to your friend and she seemed—”
“Look, I—she isn’t my friend.”
Gaeul looks at you. 
“She is my girlfriend.”
Gaeul still looks at you. Now it’s your turn to fake a smile and get it over with.
(A/N2: Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more chapters, though it will take time until the next release)
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rius-cave · 2 months
I know quite a lot about prison life for someone who's never been to jail.
The best way to gain power in prison is, ironically, through making deals (like demons in hell). If you keep your word enough, you become known as someone reliable and trustworthy to those that used to have power outside (like mafia bosses).
So, in prison, the most powerful people are (a) The Store Man, (b) bookies, (c) anyone who has connections to the outside, or (d) scholars.
Luci could rise to power from being a scholar or an outside connection. Like someone who could help you get a lawyer to re-examine your case or help you study your own case (there is a surprising number of self-made lawyers who get their law education in prison).
MOST likely though, Luci could be a Store Man: someone who runs a small store in his cell and makes deals (like: for the price of three Ramen noodles, I could get you a pack of cigarettes, but you'll owe me four Ramen next time due to interest). They may seem harmless at first, but they know everyone's debts and will make the rest of your sentence hell if you don't pay up. Plus, they are untouchable because they've anchored themselves as a pillar of the community. They don't even have to hire bodyguards, because the whole prison knows that if anything happens to the Store Man, the small pleasures of the outside world (like candy or nerdy socks or even drugs) will be gone forever. And the amount of brains, business know-how, and client history they have are irreplaceable. Once you lose a Store Man, he's gone. I think he would be known throughout the prison as the guy that can get you a cool rubber duck. It's a little taste of home that you can't get anywhere else that just brings a little spark of joy in such a hopeless place, and all the inmates are absolutely feral for them.
I like the idea that Luci gains power in prison from just being a nice, helpful guy. (Apparently, nice guys do very, very well in prison, as long as they treat everyone with a certain level of kindness and respect. Kinda like what Charlie is trying to to accomplish with the Hotel.)
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Holy shit. You have no idea how awesome this is, actually! I really wish I knew more about prisons now tbh LMAO but this actually helps a lot!
I definitely agree with your idea about this being the way that Lucifer gained power! So I think that, taking this into consideration, I think there's three main things that made people respect him and fear him
1: like you said, he is actually a pretty nice dude, he's kind and even tends to respect the most vulnerable in prison. I'd like to think that it's actually thanks to him that the rate of assaults in that prison are so somewhat low. He brings a certain order to the place, and is also in control of the whole "inside economy" so to speak.
2: He is rich, so he actually DOES have incredible power outside of prison. Charlie is able to visit him a lot because he has great lawyers. I'd imagine he is also able to hook up some people with lawyers and reduce their sentences a little bit.
3: he is actually REALLY strong, and maybe most of the inmates have never witnessed it with their own two eyes, and not a lot of people really know why everyone fears him, but there are rumors going around that Lucifer is there because he killed 10 people on his own, cold-blooded. This is of course, an exaggeration, he only killed 1 person and it was to protect his daughter, but it the rumor got out of his hands and he doesn't care to correct it. It is especially believable because of that one time Lucifer sent an inmate to the hospital for 6 months for having made a... Let's say, poor in taste comment about Charlie. Nobody saw that guy again.
Lastly, that one DEFINITELY sounds like Angel! We know Angel is hyper sexual, but he IS also part of a mafia family (which is why he's in prison) so he'd definitely have those kinds of tricks up his sleeve!
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writingmingyu · 3 months
This with Mingyu 😩
I'm sorry this has been sitting in my inbox for a while! I've just been so busy with work that I haven't thought about writing BUT I totally see this.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
It would be like you and Mingyu were in the same friendship group in high school but you would never hang out one on one. Not because you couldn't, I mean you'd known each other for YEARS. But it would just be a bit weird? You didn't really have common interests, you were both brought into the group as friends of friends and while you got along in a group setting, being alone you feel like you'd not have much to say to one another.
It wasn't until you both went to college that the group dispersed. And you found yourself in the same dorm as him. 
It was kind of funny, out of all of your friendship group that you'd both be there. Mingyu saw you struggling with some boxes when trying to move in and offered to help. You were relieved to see at least one familiar face around. Even if it was him.
Despite the fact you hadn't talked much in the past, you did find yourself talking to Mingyu more and more. At first it was just in passing in the hallway or at fresher events. And then it was him inviting you out to parties and introducing you to new people. That was something Mingyu was always good at while you had struggled so you were thankful to have him. 
A year or so later, you found yourself in the shared dorm kitchen late at night. Mingyu was there cooking some ramen and offered you some so you hung out and got to talking. 
This was a normal occurrence, at first by accident and then more and more you found yourself in the kitchen when you discovered Mingyu was the king of making instant ramen noodles. 
It was weird but something about knowing Mingyu for so long made it easy to talk to him. Maybe it was because you didn't care what he thought or you didn't think he'd remember but you had started confiding in him. 
Tonight though, something felt different. The actions were the same, Mingyu standing by the stove and you sitting on the counter, sharing how your days went. Then as you sat down to eat the topic changed and instead of you confiding in Mingyu, he had decided to open up to you. 
The realisation came slowly, as you were watching him talk, your eyes focusing in on features on his face you'd never noticed before. Your body involuntarily leaning closer to his to feel his warmth and breathe him in. It was as if time had stood still and it was just you and him, the last people on earth in this crappy kitchen eating instant noodles. 
“Sorry, I'm boring you aren't I?” Mingyu said, feeling his cheeks heat up in embarrassment. 
“No!” You rushed to say, “I was just thinking about how much I like this.”
“Me too,” he smiled. “You better start eating or your food will be cold!”
You pick up your chopsticks and begin eating as Mingyu continues with his story. So you might be falling in love with this idiot, or at least starting to see him as more than that guy you knew in high school. Normally that idea would freak you out, but being here with him, a sense of calmness and serenity washed over you. And you knew that if this was the rest of your life it wouldn’t be so bad.
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n4giism · 9 months
⇢ ˗ˏˋ romanticist by yves tumor ࿐ྂ
reo mikage x fem!reader
content: you fell sick and reo spoils you with acts of service, helping you with every little thing - feeding you, cooking for you, etc. mentions of nagi a bit cause what is reo without nagi and vice versa :3
ari's note: plsplspls man's so in love w u that he wants nothing but ur comfort and safety. he prioritises you over anyone, himself included :( he's so cute omd i love him sm
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waking up from your slumber, you felt feverish. your body feeling hot but cold at the same time. shuffling around your bed, you reached for your phone on your bedside table, it was already 11am.
that explains the hundreds of messages from your beloved boyfriend, reo mikage.
"y/n??? whr r u?? r u ok?? not coming to school?" were some of his texts.
you were so sick, that you didn't even wake up for school despite the hundreds of alarms you had set the night before. groaning in pain, you sat up and texted back.
"sick, i overslept. not coming to school :,) sorry reo ily"
you hit send and used all your strength to get up and go to the kitchen to find a thermometer and medicine. the floor was cold, the sun was shining in through your windows. as you were searching the kitchen cabinets, your phone pinged multiple times. they were all texts from reo.
"omg ok :( i miss u alr im pretty sure nagi misses u too lolol i'll come over after school to look after u mkay" he texted.
after a few hours of loneliness and quiet, there was a knock on your door. you were cuddled up alone on your couch, watching a movie. medicine, water and other snacks were on the coffee table in front of you within your reach. you didn't move much, only getting up throughout the day to go to the bathroom or to get more snacks from the kitchen.
keys jingled and your door opened, revealing your lovely purple-haired boyfriend. with him was some plastic bags full of food and other items he deemed necessary for your recovery.
"helloooo, my looove! i missed you so much! how are you feeling?" he asked, cheering as he kicked his shoes off and placed them neatly on the shoe rack. he made his way over to you, dropping the bags on the floor and cupping your face, leaning down to press a soft kiss on your nose - to which you scrunched your nose at.
reo loved to kiss your nose, he thinks it's so cute and intimate.
you leaned into his touch, happy that he's finally here to pamper you.
"i missed you too, reo. i'm still a little sick, but i already ate some medicine so the fever is dying down. i've just been resting here."
he let go of your face and grabbed the plastic bags he had dropped earlier, then proceeding to sit beside you on the couch, "i brought you your favourites! and some of my old clothes for you to wear since i know you love to wear my clothes. you even choose to wear my clothes over expensive designer clothes!"
it was true, reo loved to buy you expensive clothes, perfumes, shoes, bags, and whatnot. he loved to spoil you. and you were beyond thankful for it, but you ultimately loved his clothes because, well, they were his, and they smelled like him.
your eyes brightened at the snacks he brought. but more importantly, you were happy your boyfriend was so caring.
reo's eyes directed to the ramen cup noodles in front of you on the coffee table. his eyes widened in horror.
"have you only been eating ramen noodles since you woke up?" he glanced at the clock, "it's already 6pm. you've been eating noodles for the past 6 hours?!" he gasped.
you giggled at his dramatic reaction.
"no, this won't do. i'll cook something for you, okay? what do you feel like eating?" he asked urgently. he was truly like a mother.
"hmm, ramen." you teased and he pouted, "noooo, my love. you need food, not instant noodles."
"i'll cook you some curry and rice. i saw a recipe online recently, i can try making it for you.” he pondered to himself.
reo gave you a kiss on the nose again before getting up to cook the curry in your kitchen. he practically lived here, he knew where all the ingredients are and where the pots and pans are. he lived in an expensive home with his parents, a lovely house that many people dreamed of living in - but at the end of the day, to him, home is wherever you are.
and right now, he felt so domestic, cooking for his sick girlfriend and doing her chores like washing dishes. the tv show you were watching was blaring in the background as reo cooked in your open theme kitchen which was conveniently placed next to the living room where you were. the layout of the room allowed him to keep an eye on you as he cooked.
soon, the aroma of curry filled the house and you perked up from your seat on the couch, seeing reo’s back facing you as he washed the pots and spoons he used.
he looked so manly. his shoulders were broad, and he was very tall. his hair was tied back into a bun, and the black shirt he wore was almost a size too small for his toned body. his clothes and demeanour completely opposed the silly pink apron he had tied around his waist. you found yourself staring in awe at his back. your heart fluttered.
you found yourself unconsciously getting up from your seat on the couch. the blanket that wrapped your body long discarded. you made your way over to where he was standing in the kitchen and slowly wrapped your hands around his waist. he jolted in surprise.
“woah, you scared me. you okay?” he asked after realising it was you. he resumed washing the dishes and continued to let you embrace him.
“i’m okay. i just wanted your warmth.” you mumbled against his back. reo’s breath hitched a little at the sudden confession, but he secretly liked it - he liked everything that’s going on right now. you hugging him, inhaling his scent, arms wrapped around his waist. having you so close to him where he can practically hear how loud your heart was beating from this intimacy you shared.
the two of you stayed like that until reo was done with washing the dishes. he dried his hands on a dry cloth and turned around to face you.
your hands were still locked around his waist. he looked down at you, with a dreamy look on his face. you looked up, chin resting against his chest and he couldn’t help but giggle at how cute you looked right now in his eyes.
“eat, okay? while the curry is still warm.” he flashed a smile at you and your heart fluttered.
reo is so handsome, you thought.
he instructed you to sit on the couch while he prepared you a portion of the food he had cooked. soon, he walked to you with one bowl in hand and took a seat on the couch.
“here. aaaaahhh,” he said as he took a spoonful of rice and curry, bringing it to your lips.
“reo? what are you doing? i can feed myself.” you giggled, leaning away from his hand. he raised an eyebrow, as if what he was doing is obvious. like you should know what he’s doing.
“what else am i doing? i’m feeding my lovely beautiful girlfriend who’s sick and needs my attention, of course!” he answered, “now c’mon! open up!” he insisted raising the spook to your lips again.
you chuckled and let him feed you. it wasn’t rare for reo to feed you - even when you’re in the pink of health, he always insisted on feeding you.
“at least let me feed you the first bite, then you can eat on your own.” he would say everytime he cooked for you.
now, you were focused on the present moment, treasuring this time when he fed you, cooing at you like you’re a baby - his baby. he just loved taking care of you.
after you had finished your meal, he put the bowl in the sink and cleared up the table in front of you - even sweeping the floor and taking out the trash.
“alright, my love. it’s 9pm, time to go to sleep.” he mumbled, seeing you nod off to sleep on the couch.
he picked you up bridal style and carried you to your bedroom, where he gently placed you down. he kissed your forehead and your nose, whispering “good night” and was about to leave the room to clean the kitchen some more until he felt you tug on the hem of his shirt.
“reo… please stay..” you muttered, half asleep but still wary of your surroundings.
“love, i need to clean the kitchen and wash up. i’ll join you when i’m done, ‘kay?” he replied softly, to which you whined at.
“hm, if you really insist,” he said, trying to act nonchalant - but it was no secret he enjoyed being needed by you, it was evident by the blush on his face. but of course, you didn’t need to know that. it’s not like you’ll know anyway, the room was dark. the only source of light was from the hallway that creeped into your room through the gap, and from the moonlight that seeped in through the window. you weren’t even conscious enough to notice the red on his cheeks and ears.
reo found himself tangled in bed with you, feeling you curl up against him. he found himself patting your back rhythmically, almost like patting a baby to sleep. well, you were his baby either way. he felt so ecstatic now, cherishing this moment with you. the soft snores that escaped your lips, the sound of your breathing, your hair that tickled his face and neck, everything about you, he absolutely cherished and loved.
in the comfort of the night, reo couldn’t help but fall asleep with you. you are his home, after all.
reo felt so incredibly lucky to have the honours of taking care of you. but the truth is, you felt even luckier to have a caring and kind boyfriend like him.
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silenttale22 · 11 months
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Idol!BestFriend!Jungkook x Reader Genre: Fluff, Friends to Lovers, hurt/comfort Warnings: Only Swearing Note: Hi sweetheart, thank You for being here! Let's celebrate for our lovely clingy bf Jungkook and his new song (stream SEVEN btw) Mv made me even more delulu than I was… Damnn, okay, hope u will enjoy! Both - my shot and song ;)
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“She broke up with me. I just can't fucking believe it,” you jumped on the couch at the sudden voice filling semi dark flat.
Your eyes widen, as you raise your head above a bowl full of ramen to see your best friend drop - he literally drops his leather jacket on the floor and heads toward the kitchen. You could have heard the boy slam the door of YOUR fridge right before the sound of the can opening reached your ears. You scoffed to yourself, knowing it was probably the last pear beer left that was so rare to get, perfect for those evenings after hard hours at work. And for a while, you could think about when and where you are going to buy the next one.
You got up from the sofa, still holding the bowl, tears pouring into the corners of your eyes from too much spicy noodles. You approached the intruder in the kitchen, scrubbing your slippers on the floor and muttering countless curses under your breath. As soon as you stepped through the door, you noticed black hair on the table. The white shirt contrasted with the hair color, and the hands covering his head with rolled-up sleeves emphasized the tattoos, almost every one of which you could easily recall from memory.
You'd be making eyes at him if it weren't for the mixture of wrath and irritation running through your veins right now. You always thought he was lovely on the inside as well as the outside. Even though many people believed he was just a pretty face, yet how much he did for you, made you think otherwise. And it irritates you not once how the "fans" objectify him. Jungkook appeared in your life pretty out of the blue and it wasn't a friend from childhood or something like that.
You bumped into him about five years ago while looking for your high school journey group. The trip to London was one of the best you've ever experienced, and who'd have thought you'd accidentally fall into someone's chest - especially someone famous - in the middle of Trafalgar Square when you walked out of The National Museum, terrified of being late. That day, you thought one of his bodyguards, who almost seized you by the collar of jacket, would literally toss you to the ground, but Jeongguk stepped in and helped you, and it was the first time when seeing him made your heart beat faster.
He quietly asked for your phone number, saying he'd undoubtedly get in trouble but doesn't care. That was the first time you heard him laugh, and you saw a lovely smile. Yeah, the one where his nose wrinkles with joy, has been your favorite ever since then. From then on, despite multiple fights, you never even thought of leaving him on his own. You both promised to stay by each other side.
Jeongguk in fact showed up at one of your toughest moments. A trip to London was meant to provide brief comfort and let your hair down but it brought you an extra angel with you. Yes, even though the boy hated this word as it always led to an argument - if I'm an angel, you're mine as well - but you couldn't call him anything else. Your family life was a disaster, and the funeral of the most important person in your life, along with a failed effort to save him, drove you to despair. The days were filled with void, so you became cold and distant as a result.
After disappointing everyone, you believed that no one needed you anymore, that your existence was so miserable that it didn't deserve to be continued. Boy made you feel far more comfortable, and you could even say he made you feel loved. Thanks to his support, the dark fog that wrapped around your eyes slowly disappeared into thin air, allowing you to see again - see how colorful the world is, how much is still ahead of you, and, most importantly, how much you deserve.
That's what it was about him. He would help everyone around him, support whomever he could, only to eventually lock himself away with all his problems alone. After a whole day of smiling at everyone and extending a helping hand, boy would end up on the couch in his apartment - often crying because he was afraid to ask for support. He considered it somehow weak, however, just for his own sake.
You had a tough task explaining to him that there was nothing wrong with seeking help. He couldn't understand at first that more drinks or beers drank wouldn't suddenly make all problems disappear. You were one of the few people - besides, the members of the group he belonged to - who knew how boy's life was outside the curtains and bright lights. Sometimes you also had the impression that the fans forgot he was only human just like them, forget that he also deserved rest and, most importantly, privacy.
There were already too many times when boy hid panicked with spasms of crying in your arms, saying that again thousands of pictures were taken of him when he was at the gym, or that it's hard for him to leave the studio because he's surrounded by crowds. And yes - he's famous, he should realize that this is how it's going to be - but there are limits.
Boundaries that are too often crossed, often threatening his life.
From one conversation, when you told your boy that you were always there for him and he could come to you with any problem, the visits became more frequent than you could have imagined. He was able to come at different times of the day, in different moods, more than once dragging you out of bed and begging you to make him something to eat. The number of times you wanted to curse your friend for feeling too comfortable is now uncountable.
The moment when he just so happened to start taking the extra keys so he wouldn't have to wake you up or distract you because of the fact that you were working from home, was pretty groundbreaking, and you probably wouldn't have found out it if not for the one time you broke your key in the lock trying to lock it down from the inside. The other pair wasn't on the permanent hanger so you started to panic and called none other than Jungkook, who turned out to have the key with him - announcing it to you as if nothing ever happened.
You had a fight with him that day and maybe you were selfish, or maybe not because you are also entitled to a moment of peace, the silence between you lasted a week. A sense of guilt began to eat you alive inside, but nevertheless, your inner struggle continued - it would have been different if he had asked for those keys, but no - he had just taken them like that, without permission. It was a whole long week when you focused on nothing else but Jeongguk, yet you were prideful enough not to call or ask if he was okay. Only one day he came alone, sobbing, breaking your heart into millions of pieces. He apologized to you then, promising not to do it again.
And you believed him, because, after all, he is your friend.
“You must be fucking kidding me right now” you grunted, seeing on the counter already opened packages of jellies, which were for worse of worst occasions “When did you take my second pair of keys to the apartment - again. I thought I clearly told you to not take them and burst here whenever you want ”
“Yeah, yeah” quiet murmur gets to your ears making you even more mad. You threw the bowl on the counter, and with frustration painted on your face, you looked at the boy.
“Jeon Jeongguk stop acting like a child - again. What's happening to you? What was that with the jacket? There was only one day, one freaking day when you weren't here over the past two weeks - and it was because your mom called to meet with Bam! And I'll make sure you buy back everything you've eaten out of my fridge this week.” He groaned , got up from his chair and out of spite poked you with his shoulder, to get walked past you.
You were about to speak again when boy picked up his jacket from the ground to place it on hangers, but his heavy body falling on yours and his arms wrapped around your waist immediately took your speech away. The gentle cologne got into your nostrils, and boy's nose snip made you sigh softly and embrace him. Jeongguk curled up in your arms, appearing tiny - if that's possible for someone who's almost 1.80 and has steel musculature.
And that was it, his arms that could turn the greatest anger into blissful silence and peace. You could have started arguing again, however, what was the point? He would come here anyway, and you could only wonder why.
Yes, you offered it to him when he needed support or a break from the world without being left alone, but boy almost lived with you. You had already thought more than once about renovating the second room, which theoretically stands empty, to make a bedroom for him. Jeongguk, however, would insist on sleeping on the couch in the living room, or on a chair in your bedroom when he was afraid of being left alone, but still not invading your space. You adored him, you could say you even loved him. But his behavior wasn't the behavior of an ordinary friend, especially a friend who has a girlfriend - had a girlfriend.
“You better have an amazing explanation for all of this Jeon Jeongguk” The boy groaned frustratedly burying his head strongly in the crook of your neck.
“Stop calling me by my whole name. It makes me feel even worse,” you roll your eyes at his words and tried to pull him away from you to look at his face but he stuck to you again, not letting you free from his grasp. “…please stay, I'm sorry, I shouldn't but I have nowhere to go. You're my only safe place. I'm sorry” You stopped wiggling and sighed quietly, hugging the boy back. Stroking him reassuringly, you felt his body relax in your arms
“What happened Googie…” you could feel his small smile at the nickname, but you just rolled your eyes again waiting for the story.
“I had a fight with her. As always happened anyway.”
“We're fighting too yet I never kicked you out - maybe I should?”
“NO! It was…kind of different type of fight. I mean, you, we, ugh…when you usually start a fight it's because you want what's good for me and for you, it's like - you're always right, but with her I dunno. She said I don't have time for her.” and now you groaned because uh, he's an idol, he's not going to spend every second with you…
“But she knows how tight your schedule can be…” he hummed and there was a moment of silence “And you met with her pretty often these days”
“Yeah, but she said that I talk too much, too much about you, I mean, But…I don't think it's true, tho. I mentioned once or twice about our going outs and about how you always play with Bam, and how you sing with me when no one wants to, and this when you get up at night to run and help me in slippers when I called that my apartment is on fire - you remember? When I was drunk then and it was only the projector with fireplace. And how you always put my favorite move when I'm sad, also how you cooked for me every time in the middle of the night - not kicking me out because I woke you up and I know you just like Yoongi hyung when someone wake you up - but you never even shouted at me, never when I needed you.” you listened to him and your heart just beating faster
“Kook, that's definitely more than once or twice”
“She said that she knew from the beginning.” You furrowed your eyebrows and looked at the boy, brushing his hair away from his face to finally look into his doe sparkling eyes. His cheeks were flushed, dark brown irises shimmered like the night sky and you felt like you were looking at the entire universe. “That I always think about you. That I never imagined her when it was necessary. But I didn't, you know, think she, she would just break up with me like that. I expected I don't know…something, different. And when I came here downright, filled with wrath I couldn't understand why - because she broke up with me or because she was right. ”
Your heart once again pounded faster when Jeongguk's gaze wandered over your face, still supporting you steadily with his hands. You, however, fled with your eyes, and for the first time in his presence, you felt so flustered.
You never acted differently in his company, most of the things boy mentioned you often did impulsively - but he was right, you didn't do that towards everyone.
Sometimes you had a hard time getting out of bed to do something easy for your own family yet you were able to make a plate of pancakes for him at three in the morning. You never paid attention to how well you filled each other out, how many things you had in common, or how often you understood each other without words - this was your Jeongguk - your stupid bunny friend who got on your nerves like no one else, but just that - he was yours. Always was.
“Listen, I don't know what should I say…” you started but still flustered in your words, you shut down
“And that's something new, let me admire it for a while” he chuckled quietly when you send him a death glare, and again pull you closer to him.
“Oh, shut up rabbit or I'll kick your ass already” you huffed but he only laughed again, and smiled at you wider - if that's even possible. The wrinkles on his nose were visible, which made you smile as well. That meant he was happy. “As for someone who just get the brush from his girlfriend, you're pretty happy”
“Fuck the girlfriend when I have my whole universe in hands now” You could feel your cheeks turning hot and thousands of thoughts running through your head. You melted under his touch, his voice calmed you like no one else, and his scent was addictive like the best drug.
“Stop it!” You slapped his shoulder when again tried to snuggle into the crook of your neck, which only boggle him and by the expression on his surprised face you almost burst out laughing.
“Who gave you the right to slap me?” He sent you a puzzled look, which turned into a sneaky smirk a moment later. Not a second passed when the boy picked you up to carry you out of the kitchen and attack you by tickling you on the living room couch.
“Naa-haa, Koo, stop, shit…” you laughed along with him, trying to fight, coming up with the idea already to attack him with the fluffy pillow “Revenge bitch!” you shouted and smacked him again, making him die with giggles until he grabbed his own pillow to hit you back.
“Thought you could win pretty one” he smiled down at you when you lay tired on the couch.
Messed up and tangled hair was sticking a bit to your forehead through sweat, but for Jungkook it apparently didn't change anything when, with the same softness and love in his eyes, he gently brushed it away so that he could look into your eyes and moments later nuzzled his nose against yours making your heart leap with joy.
You couldn't count the number of times you mentioned to Jeongguk that the love of your life should do that with you once you managed to find that someone.
And here you found, as it turned out, five years ago, only you yourself didn't realize how much affection grew inside your chest every time you saw him. Only now you were thinking back to how happy you were, still living in your hometown, when he would text you every moment or how you spend hours on video calls when your boy's schedule wasn't so busy. At first, you didn't even hope that this friendship could last - such a long distance between you looked like a challenge, but when you managed to move to Seoul after 2 years of finding a job, things might have seemed easier. And indeed it was at first, but when you start spending a lot of time together and arguments started because one wanted better for the other. Now you could have thanked those fights because they nevertheless showed that you both cared.
“Lost in words again, what am I doing to you, hm?” The boy squeezed in next to you on the couch, trying to arrange himself so that you were both comfortable. You, however, only rolled your eyes and looked at him again, looked into your private universe, and almost stopped yourself from sighing - he was right, what was he doing with you…
“I think you exactly know what you are doing - wishing for death from my hands”
“From yours? Sure I can take that, as long as it's you, then fine”
“Koo we cannot do this” you murmured, making the boy groan
“Why not? We know each other for so long.” yeah, of course, you do but it's weird for you, the longing for him and being scared to lose him was ripping your chest apart.
“We were friends for so long it's…it's weird” boy hummed with agreement, but it didn't stop him from stroking your hair gently “And it's not I, I don't feel anything, I'm just scared. What will everyone think?”
“They will think that you are the best girl ever. Because you are.” you gasped, reaching out your hand to stroke Jeongguk`s cheek "And we will take it slow, I promise. Not that everyone around us didn't already love you."
“Fine. But slowly.” He send you the prettiest smile in the entire world again and with his nodding head hugged you tighter.
“My family is thinking that we are together anyway” he whispered, making your eyes widen
“Jeon Jeongguk!”
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The quiet music played from the small radio standing on the countertop as you were swinging with your hips, mixing the ingredients while making the lunch. Humming quietly the sounds from the speakers, you were about to grab some seasonings when a sudden loud bang echoed through the apartment, making you jump and burn slightly your hand that was still stirring the soup.
A hiss left your lips, and you tried to rub down your hurting palm, as you made your way to the living room from where the sound was heard. And all you saw was one of your plants lying on the floor, all together with the dotted dirt and parts of the pot. Now it was a crying whine that left your lips, as you quickly came back to the kitchen to grab the small broom.
“Jeon Jeongguk you are fucking dead to me!” you screamed, as you came back to the living room and popped a squad to sweep off the residue of your lovely plant.
But firstly, as an answer, the muffled bark came to your ears altogether with the subtle tapping of paws. It took seconds as the long tail was wigging next to you, hitting you slightly and the wet nose start to tickle your face. You sighed quietly, knowing that Bam is always the first one to calm you down or protect you whenever you were together but this time even this couldn't help.
“I'm fine baby, your dad is just driving me mad today.” you huffed, petting the dog's head as he let a muffled bark again. “Jeon Jeongguk!” you yelled again, as whole dirt was on the spatula. This wasn't the first time singer got a smack in the head, as he unusually gets into trouble from hour to hour since morning, starting by kicking you out of bed and a while before that hitting your face while sleeping.
“Oh for fuck sake, it wasn't me!” he yelled back, coming back to the room but as soon as he appeared, Bam let out a growl standing right next to you. You patted the dog with your free hand, but it did nothing as he still was sizing Jungkook as if he could do something more than leaning on the doorframe.
“Yeah, then who this time? Because if I'm not mistaken you were the only one playing here and jumping around when you couldn't shoot the right one point in game.” you squinted your eyes, putting a hard expression on your face.
“It was Bam,” the boy said confidently, and when you looked up at him and then at the dog who was constantly walking around you, still protecting you from getting hurt, you come back with your glare at the boy and snorted as you knew perfectly well that the dog was lying on his bolster, observing you, until you left the kitchen.
“It was you, my baby wouldn't do that.”
“Did you just choose my dog over me?” you scoffed at his words and as the boy was trying to come closer, Bam barked making Jungkook stop immediately with confusion drawn over his face
“Didn't I a long time ago? Besides, he was with me the whole time, you liar.” you looked with a raised eyebrow, to which the boy just rolled his eyes
“Then maybe marry him and not me” he snapped suddenly with a groan which only made you scoff again
“I'll think about it and you better look for the same pot to buy it back” you added leaving the kitchen with the spatula and Bam, who escorted you to the kitchen and took his place again on his bolster.
“I've always known this dog likes you better than me, but to growl and bark at me?” Jungkook said, walking into the kitchen and leaning against the countertop right next to you, when, after throwing away the dirt and the remains of the plant, you returned to cooking the soup “Unbelievable” he snorted, sending a death glare to Bam, to only meet with another bark.
“If you had been nicer and more careful then maybe this wouldn't have happened, but you decided to kill my Felix” you tempted, pushing him slightly to get some seasoning that was stored in the cupboard behind his back
“You should stop getting your plant's names”
“You should stop playing your games unless you tie down your ass to the couch”
“You should…” he stopped suddenly, which made you look at him but it took a second when your hand was in his, closely looked out “When did that happen?” Boy pointed to a burn covering the whole side of your palm, making you just roll your eyes
“I get startled when the plant has been knocked down, I was taking some ingredients and my hand just touched the pot” you recalled with a shrug of the shoulders, though, the boy didn't take it so lightly and quickly disappeared behind the doorframe to return with an entire first aid kit filled with all sorts of medicines and supplies “Kook I don-…”
“Nah, shut up and give me your hand” he interrupted you right away, pushing you gently away from the stove and turning down the gas after which he sat you on a chair and began to apply some kind of burn lotion on your hand, then wrapping it in a bandage. “You should be more careful”
“Said who” he groaned at your words, but said nothing more
“I'm sorry okay” he mumbled, putting the supplies back into the first kit after a long silence
“Still want my pot back” he pouted but you only chuckled and get from the chair to pinch his cheek “But I love you, you ass”
“I love you too” he answered, hugging you from behind as you get back to the stove again and stealing a quick peck from your lips
“But blame our baby one more time, and you'll get your head snapped off” he groaned something under his breath again, keeping his head hidden onto the crook of your neck which muffled his words, but apologized at the end
As an apology Jungkook helped you also with finishing the meal, proposing meanwhile to spend together the whole evening watching tv series, and as at first, you weren't so up to it knowing how many books is waiting for you to read, you agreed at the end being a sucker for his doe eyes.
And now you've been watching him, hiding behind the frame door as he was getting ready the couch with thousand of pillows and some plushies he get from your shared bedroom. Head leaned gently against the wood, and your eyes followed every move with adoration while listening to the popcorn in the microwave burst out with more grains. It was not long after Jungkook's throwing of plushies was joined by Bam trying to grab flying objects in his teeth, and you just laughed at every shout from the boy who approached the dog to pick up a toy or pillow he caught but only ended up wrestling with him on the floor. These were the carefree moments you loved so much.
Your gaze dropped down onto your right hand, and the ring resting on one of the fingers brought tears to your eyes. You never expected that you could end up in this place. Engaged to your best friend, on top of that, an idol you couldn't get rid of for years to come. A smile painted itself on your face, but the sudden silence in the room, which only moments ago had been filled with screams and the occasional woof of a dog, forced you to raise your eyes to meet it with Jungkook, who was still grabbing the pillow held by Bam with one hand.
You sent him a brief smile, which he was probably planning to return if not for the stronger pull of the Doberman, that caused boy to land on the ground, and an uncontrollable laugh escaped your lips, to which only your boy groaned, and the dog happily ran towards you dropping the pillow under your feet.
"Of course. You guys are always laughing at me, betrayers." Jungkook muttered under his breath, which made you laugh again and pick up a pillow from the ground to toss it in the boy's direction but you didn't think that Bam would run right after it, crashing impetuously into the sufferer sitting on the ground "For fuck sake Bam, could you move your ass from my face please" you just nodded in disbelief at the howled words and disappeared into the kitchen to put the already made popcorn into the bowl.
You came back into the room a moment later, seeing Jungkook still fussing with the dog like two children on the floor, but the moment you set the bowl on the table and your body slumped on the couch, hardly a second had passed when Bam curled up next to you, leaving no space for the boy what was a reason of a loud whine escaping his lips.
“You must be kidding me right now. This is my wife, not yours!” he complained, trying to push the dog from the bed
“Not wife yet”
“Shut up Mrs. Jeon, that's an argument between me and our child.” you rolled your eyes and took the tv remote to choose something to watch, completely ignoring the wrestling happening right next to you, as it is your everyday life for years.
In the end, Jungkook made it and squeezed in next to you, holding your waist tightly and sticking out his tongue which made the dog bark at him. And you only rolled your eyes, shushing them both down as you already put the series on the tv.
“Come here baby” You patted the small space that was between you and the backrest of the couch, and couldn't even wait long to Bam take his spot, half on your legs.
“I swear, you love this dog more than me” Jungkook mumbled, tightening his grip on your waist but you left a sigh, and with one hand now you were petting Bam, and the other one was stroking the boy's hair.
“And what with that? You both behave like big babies I have to look after.” you said quietly, hearing how both of them let out a loud huff “That's what I'm talking about, but I guess like father like son”
“But we are always there for you, loving you, and caring as well, so don't complain and watch what you choose” You let out another sigh, but agreed quietly to the boy's words, and leaned your head against his, listening to how his steady breathing with his arm still wrapped around you brought a sense of safety. A warmth you thought you would never experience was filling your chest with each passing moment.
And before you met Jungkook, you always wondered about what love actually means. Watching all those relationships shown in books or movies, they seemed literally unreal to you. You never thought something similar could happen in real life, and sometimes you even hoped they didn't happen. Love may be beautiful, though never simple. It's not just a feeling, if you find that other soul coming on the same frequencies, it's something much bigger. And before your boy, you thought that something like destiny simply couldn't exist, that nothing can be written in the stars, and that a happy ending doesn't really happen. Yet, it all hides in different corners and shows up at the right time, as it turns out, and love itself keeps trying multiple times, if not this time then the next.
Jeongguk came into your life at a moment when you did not expect it to happen at all, but that is how it goes. He appears out of nowhere, slowly filling your inner being with warmth, wrapping you in stable arms of security and endless trust. And how could you have known that your heart would choose this person and not another? You couldn't, because you never know who will show up for you at the right time. We never know with whom our soul, lost in the vast world, is connected.
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muertawrites · 2 years
eddie munson and food
this man lives on cup noodles and cereal. he doesn't know what a vegetable is and thinks black pepper is a fancy spice. the most complicated things he knows how to make are grilled cheese and kraft dinner (she says like she's not american), and those are rare. if you can cook or like to cook, though, he'll eat whatever you serve him - he's really not as picky as he seems.
grocery shopping with him is always an adventure. it's almost like shopping with a kid; if he had his way, your weekly meals would consist of doritos and pizza rolls. you're constantly having to tell him to put things back, keeping an eye on the cart to make sure he doesn't sneak in as much junk food as he can. he's also super chaotic in a grocery store - hanging off the end of the cart while you push it, drumming his knuckles on everything he passes, kicking random boxes off the shelves to see if he can catch them before they hit the floor.
"can you be chill for like five seconds?" you plead as a fifth box of instant mashed potatoes smacks down at his feet.
"no. absolutely not."
asking him to get things for you to keep him occupied is also a disaster.
"baby, we need lettuce."
"... yeah?"
"you brought me spinach."
"it's green and leafy. it's lettuce."
he thinks the fact that you can make things from scratch, no matter what it is or how simple the process, is magic. he'll lean over the counter and just watch you cook, never absorbing anything but always amazed by your ability. even if you can only make something as elaborate as spaghetti with canned sauce, it's like a gourmet meal to him.
if there are any comfort or ethnic foods you make often, he wants to hear all about them; they're also his favorites, purely because they're yours and he loves listening to you talk about them.
for the hispanic babes: he's mesmerized by tortillas. will hover in the kitchen just to watch you make them.
"so that's how you're so friggin strong. rolling those things out and making them your bitch."
"you flip those things with your hands? babe, that's so fuckin metal!"
(i love making tortillas from scratch store bought tortillas ain't shit)
he's a habitual stealer of your food - anything you have, he'll sneak a bite or a sip of it, no matter what he has to eat. once he finishes his fries, he'll take a couple of yours. he regularly leans over your shoulder to drink from your straw. if he comes home and you're already eating dinner, he'll grab a fork or a spoon and poke it into your dish instead of getting his own; chinese and indian food are common in your house because of this.
was surprised to find out there was more than one kind of cheese.
his favorite thing to cook for you is butter noodles. if you're feeling lazy or are a little short on cash, he'll pop open two packs of instant ramen and slather the plain noodles in butter and black pepper. bone apple teeth.
you help him make baked goods for his side business. he loves everything you bake (if you bake), and whether you like to partake in the ganja or not, he appreciates you taking the extra time to add it to his favorite recipes.
(this is just me projecting) it actually started because you don't smoke. you're sensitive to pot and get really bad paranoia and anxiety, even from a contact high. eddie, being the loving and protective man he is, refuses to smoke in the house / apartment / trailer / whatever because of this. you felt bad in winter when he had to suffer the cold, so you did a little research and figured out how to baste some of his stash in butter to add to cookies and brownies. he proposed to you after taking the first bite (and was actually kind of serious about it).
he started sharing your special baked goods with some of his more well-liked clients just because he was so proud of you and wanted to show off your skill, but they became super popular. now you make batches just for him to sell from time to time; they're regularly gone within a day.
hates fish; it makes him nauseous. big fan of red licorice.
likes to feed you. instead of offering you things to try, he'll hold his hand or fork / spoon up to your lips for you to bite from. gets a little turned on when his fingers "accidentally" slip into your mouth. loves it when you lick things off his fingers.
will sometimes belch in your face just to gross you out and annoy you. he thinks the way you scrunch your face up when he does it is cute. always kisses your nose immediately after. he's a little shit.
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k-marzolf · 2 months
+Northern Lights
//meet cute in a convenience store, implied smoking, poor!reader, kissing, fem!reader.
//tagging; @e-dubbc11 @terry2227 @snowkestrel @oops89 @aoi-targaryen @firequeensposts @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @vaguekayla @danzer8705 @rosaleenablack @firexfate @idaofinfinity @thejanecampaign
//I posted this earlier. I’m having trouble with the tags. Hopefully this time is the charm. Based on a good memory. Also, Billy is living in Maine here on the run from someone. x
//604 words.
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You were barefoot as you ran across the parking lot of your apartment complex that morning with money you had found between the couch cushions in your living room. The pebbles dug into your feet, sharp and unyielding, but you didn’t care.
No thoughts about running around on your own as a woman in the early dawn, fingers clutching money obviously in your hand, or the eyes that could be following you.
The light of the convenience store was bright that evening, as you approached, and you pulled open the heavy door, noticing a handsome man buying cigarettes. His dark hair was slicked back, and he wore a red sweater, his beard neatly trimmed.
He was tall and lithe, and you immediately thought of a panther.
His eyes caught yours, and you looked down, face hot. You moved to the drink refrigerator, and found your frappuccino, caramel macchiato. The last one.
You closed the door, and grabbed a bag of Doritos. Something different than stale tap water, and ramen noodles. You could barely keep them down aymore, but still, you tried to be grateful for what you had.
You thought of homeless people, but you couldn’t help but think that just because you were only drowning in an inch of water, didn’t mean you weren’t drowning at all.
But when you moved up to the cashier, and he ran your items up, you were a dollar short. He looked unsympathetic as you counted and recounted, and dug around in your pockets. Maybe you’d missed something.
“I got it,” a soft New York accent said from behind you, making your insides feel warm.
You turned. It was the handsome man again. He was what Lucifer probably looked like before the fall, beautiful in the way the night sky was. “It’s okay, sir.” You said frowning, and about to take just the Doritos.
He put some money down, and the cashier bagged your stuff up while the man appraised you, a cigarette rolling between his lips. “No shoes?”
You shrugged, feeling excitement in your gut, “Wanted coffee.” You said, taking the bag, you couldn’t wait to get home and have your breakfast.
He hummed. “That isn’t coffee, that’s sugar.” He teased you.
“Okay, coffee snob.” You said, a smile playing at your lips. “And don’t you know cigarettes will kill you?”
He huffed a laugh, following you outside into the chilly and damp autumn air. “We all gotta die sometime, might as well enjoy the ride.”
You hummed, stepping over the curve. “Thank you…”
“Billy,” he supplied, eyes darker outside, almost looking like chipped onyx, and you wondered how you could repay him.
“Can I repay you in some way?”
He paused, still playing with the unlit cigarette between his long fingers.
After a beat of silence, you said; “I could split the bag of chips with you—“ He leaned in, pressed a kiss to your mouth, and could taste your lip balm, something sweet and warm like you. “That’ll do,” he said, sticking the cigarette back in his mouth, his cheeks flushed, fishing for his lighter in the pockets of his jeans.
Somehow you felt like you’d gotten even more out of it than he had. “Can I keep you?” You asked breathlessly.
“Yeah, frappe girl. You can keep me.” He husked, wiping your smudged lip balm on the corner of your lip, not missing how your eyes lit up. The way you leaned into his touch, your feet probably numb from the cold and gravel.
So he kissed you again, and there in that parking lot on a cold autumn morning, he was yours.
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moonbeamwritings · 1 year
for @touyangel ♡
wc: 910
pairing: yuuji itadori x gn!reader
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"I'm really glad you could make it," Yuuji tells you, helping you out of your coat before watching you carefully shuffle into the booth. Once you're settled, he hangs it up with his own and rounds the table, plopping down in the chair across from you. Nobara had told him that you should always let your partner sit on the comfier side of the table, and he's more than happy to oblige. A grin stretches the corners of his mouth, and a little dimple is revealed when it reaches its peak. His eyes crinkle when he says, "Megumi said this place is really good, and I wanted to try it with you."
Your cheeks warm at his words, and you fiddle with the place setting in front of you. "I can never pass up an opportunity to see you, Yuuji." You eye the menu and smile. "And besides, I can't say no to good food, either."
His face brightens, nodding earnestly. "Ya got that right!"
The food comes quickly, and after the first bite, Yuuji practically dances in his seat, tilting his head left and right and bouncing his shoulders along to an imaginary beat. When you giggle, he stops to fix his attention on you, a lovesick expression on his face. "Sorry, I've never really dated someone before, so going out with you like this is exciting."
He shrugs when you don't reply, an earnest smile pulling up the corners of his mouth. "It's nice."
The shocked look on your face gives Yuuji pause, a big bite of oyakodon limply hanging from his chopsticks for a second before he finally scarfs it down, a stray piece of rice sticking to his cheek. All he'd said was that he's never had a significant other before. It really wasn't that big a deal. Was it? Should he be embarrassed or something? He certainly didn't think so, but your confusion seemed to tell him otherwise.
You grin softly, swiping at the bit of rice on his cheek with your thumb. Disbelief overtakes your expression once it's gone. "You're telling me you've never dated anyone before? Ever?"
"Nope," Yuuji replies with a pop of the "p," stopping to take a sip from his glass. "Never."
"But you're so-" You struggle to conjure the words, and Yuuji watches as you move your hand through the air, chopsticks pressed between your fingers and brows furrowed. He can't help but chuckle, leaning back a bit in his chair as he watches you flounder. When your hand stops, you finally say, "You're so... you."
His head tilts in confusion, chin dropping to rest in his hand. "What does that mean?"
"You just-" You interrupt yourself to scoop up some noodles. "You're so sweet and handsome, and you're such a good listener, and you-"
The list goes on to include a host of all the green flags you see in him. When you're on the sidewalk, he walks between you and the street. He remembers the little things, and always shares his food with you (As if on cue, he pushes his bowl to you and lets you pluck a piece of chicken from the rice before the words even have a chance to pass your lips). He gave you his gloves one time last week, even though his fingers ended up turning red from the cold. In your eyes, Yuuji Itadori is perfect, and you don't hesitate to tell him as much.
The compliments send a burst of rosy pink hues to his cheeks, and they continue to bloom down his neck and to the tips of his ears. With the color of his hair and the way his cheeks are stuffed with food, he reminds you of strawberry mochi — pink and round and so sweet. He swallows around his food, and you watch as he grins bashfully, a hand rubbing at the back of his head. He's so damn cute.
Your rant finally comes to an end with a huff and a soft slurp of ramen. "Allll of that, and no one has ever tried to snatch you up before?" He hums, unsure of what to say as you study his features with a twinkle in your eye. "That's ridiculous."
He shrugs, looking almost embarrassed. "Nobara said I'm not exactly a hit with the ladies."
You're entirely offended by the information, face curling into staunch disagreement. "Nobara's a liar. And besides," you click your tongue, eyes rolling. "She knew I liked you, like, practically all of last year, so I don't know who she was kidding."
Yuuji blinks at you owlishly. "You- you did?"
"Oh, yeah," you reply through a mouthful of noodles. "Big time."
"We could've been dating this whole time?"
"You liked me then, too?"
Yuuji couldn't be more obvious in his agreement, using practically his whole body to nod, his hair rustling with the force of it. "Mhm." He smiles as he mimics your words, "Big time."
"We're a mess."
"We are," he agrees, shoving another serving of rice in his mouth. "But, we're together now! And that's what counts, right?"
You eat in silence for a minute, and then another before mischievous twinkle alights in your eyes. Yuuji catches it despite you trying to shield your growing smile behind your hand.
“What?” He asks curiously, smiling at your amusement. “What is it?”
“If I’m your first significant other, does that mean I get to be your first kiss, too?”
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swiftfootedachilles · 3 months
Asking again because I'm feeling a bit under the weather so here it is: How do you think Gallavich act whenever Mickey is sick?
Also, sending virtual hug with consent because I just read your recent post. Hope you feel better soon 🫂
hiii finally getting to this ask i hope youre feeling better now!!!
mickey would try to hide being sick and say its not a big deal. of course he ignores it and the sickness keeps festering until hes obviously very ill. ian rolls his eyes because this happens every damn time mickey gets sick. and mickey doesnt need to be sneezing all over their customers! so he has to stay home! mickey reluctantly takes cold medicine (he hates the taste soooo much and he has a couple negative memories attached to the medicine) and ian kisses the top of his head once he shows he swallowed everything even tho he didnt want to :(
ian and iggy (mickey swears hes just a temp he doesnt trust him to handle so much money without stealing a least some of it) are out doing their lil job while mickey stays at home napping, watching instagram reels of car crashes, sending ian random emojis to annoy him, and making ramen noodles using the keurig (he doesnt wanna wait for water to boil like a normal person). chicken ramen noodles. bc theyre the classic flavor and best for when youre feeling sick
ian comes home and does some cleaning while mickey takes his 7th nap for the day, then he wakes mick up to take more medicine. mickey doesnt wannaaaaaa it tastes bad and drinking water right after swallowing still doesnt get rid of the icky mouthfeel :( but he does it anyway and then sits in the living room talk-yelling to ian while he cooks dinner (more ramen but he adds some leftover chicken and frozen vegetables to it for substance.) mickey uses up all the hot water but ian doesnt even complain because the steam is good for opening up the sinuses
they lay in bed together, fingers twirling in damp hair, and mumble to each other about liam staying over next weekend. ian cant help himself and has to give his husband a goodnight kiss or two (or three or four or...) naturally, he wakes up the next morning with a sore throat
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moa-broke-me · 1 year
I was tired.
I gripped my arms tighter around myself, shivering against the freezing pelts of rain, protected only by my baggy shirt. As I passed a store window, I caught a reflection of myself. My lips were blue.
I ducked into the 24 hour drugstore and gas station next to me, and tried to warm myself up a little by the coffee machine. The smell made me nauseated with hunger, so once i wasn't freezing to death, I left to grab the cough syrup off of the shelf, and a cup of instant ramen. Closest thing I could find to chicken noodle soup, and all it needed was a little hot water. We had that at the house, at least. I knew I'd get hungry again feeding her, so I snatched some cigarettes too, just to dull down the urgent pangs that had been growing in my stomach the last two weeks.
I tucked both of the items tight against my arms, and was about to leave, when the automatic doors opened.
Oh no. Was that... Batman?
I fell onto the floor and curled into a ball, begging him not to beat me up. But I knew it was no use; he hated criminals, and I was a criminal.
When I forced one of my eyes open, he was kneeling beside me, with the cough syrup and he noodle cup tucked into his arms. "How old are you?" He demanded gruffly.
I tried desperately not to cry, not to appear any weaker and more vulnerable than I already did. "Um..." I couldn't think of a lie, so I figured I should answer honestly. "... E-eight. I'll be nine in January."
"Yeah, I'm not beating up an eight year old. Not even if they kill someone."
I curled into myself. "A-aren't you mad at me? For... T-trying to steal?"
"I'm mad that you feel the need to." He answered. "The fact that you're out here at all, when it's this late. The fact that it's November and you don't even have a jacket on." He unsnapped his cape with one hand and draped it over me.
I hesitantly snapped it over me. It felt like that waterproof fabric umbrellas were made of, at least on the outside. The inside was fluffy and fleece-lined. "Th-thank you." I forced myself to stand up, legs shaking underneath me. "So, if you weren't looking for criminals to beat up, why were you here?"
"I was just getting some snacks for my driver and I. Running low on gas." Despite his intimidating cowel, I felt I had no choice but to believe him. "What were you doing here?"
I sighed shakily. "M-my little sister has a cold, a really bad one. I just need that medicine and soup for her, and then I'll be home again."
"I see... And why were you the one to go on this fetch quest? Where are your parents, or whoever's responsible for you?"
"My d-daddy's at home, but he... He doesn't do that kind of thing."
The man sighed. "I see. What does he do, then?"
"Um... Works, sometimes. Sleeps on the couch. Punishes us when we're bad."
His expression was hard to read with the mask on. "... What counts as 'bad'?"
I shrugged, holding myself. "I-I'm not sure. Being too loud, too quiet. Crying. Eating too much, not eating what he tells us to. Or..." I felt a chill run down my spine. "O-or telling anybody." I would be in a world of trouble when I got home.
His posture was stiff as he reached out to me. I didn't want to flinch when his hand reached my back, but I did. I didn't want to cry, but I was crying anyway.
He gently prodded me closer, and I stepped until my cheek was laying on his waist.
Eventually, he spoke again. "Would you like to come live with me?" He asked.
I did. No matter how scary he was, I'd take him over my dad any day. He seemed like he cared about me.
"... I don't wanna leave her behind." I sniffled.
"You can bring her too. We'll stop at your address and let you get her, and anything else you'd like to take."
I nodded.
"There. Now, is there anything else you need from here? And please don't say cigarettes, I'm not buying an eight year old cigarettes."
I thought for a moment, before nodding. "Um, can I get a cup of hot chocolate?"
He nodded and went over to the coffee stand, which had a station for hot chocolate. I went out and picked up a lemon poppyseed muffin. It was bigger than my fist, and I silently went up to the hero I'd just met, and slipped it in with everything else.
He paid with cash, I guess to keep his secret identity a... Well... Secret, and as soon as everything was paid for, I started eating my muffin, only pausing to lift the cape over my head as we went to the parking lot. I slid into the backseat of the batmobile, my hot chocolate already in the drink holder.
"Alfred, I went ahead and got you werther's again." He held out a bag of caramel candy. "I know you like those."
"Thank you, Master Wayne." He replied. "Who's that in the backseat? Did you find yet another troubled little boy to call your own?"
"Guilty. What's your name, by the way? I never caught it."
"N-Nico." I answered. "Nico diAngelo."
"Right. Where's your old address, Nico? You said you had a sister to pick up."
I told him before shoving the last of the muffin in my mouth and sipping on the hot chocolate. "Do you have a baby seat?" I asked. "Sh-she's only two."
I watched Alfred's face scrunch in thought for a moment in the rear view mirror. "I believe so. Hold on."
He pressed a button, and suddenly, the center seat flipped out into a baby seat, built into the car. "Wow... I knew you had gadgets, but... Wow."
"Alfred?" He asked. "When did we get that installed?"
"I figured it was only a matter of time before you'd need it."
It wasn't long before we were at my dad's house. I quickly ducked out and snuck inside, making sure to avoid any of the floorboards that creak. Soon, I was back at my bed, where Hazel was sleeping, wrapped in my jacket. It was the closest thing she had to a baby blanket.
"baba?" She asked weakly, coughing.
I smiled. "I'm here, Hazel." I picked her up, still bundled in the jacket, and tried not to trip over the cape as I went back out again, covering both of us with Batman's waterproof cape.
I slipped in and sat her in the baby seat, pouring the little cup full of cough syrup and holding it to her mouth, but she wasn't having any of it. She fussed and cried and shook her head, but I pleaded with her anyway. "Hazy, please. It'll make you feel better."
She smacked the little cup out of my hand, crying her little lungs out.
And cough syrup splattered everywhere.
I froze. I didn't know what to say, I was horrified.
I began to hyperventilate. "Oh my god I'm so sorry! I'm so, so sorry, I ruined everything! The floor and the seats and... And your cape! Oh, I messed up your cape, it must've been so expensive, everything must've been so expensive and I got cough syrup all over it- I'm so sorry, please don't take us back to dad, please don't leave us in the woods, I'm sorry, I'll make up for it I promise! I-I..." I stopped talking when I heard the words 'pull over, and just curled up into myself, shaking and crying. It was no use, this was it, I've crossed the line-
"Breathe, Nico." His mask was off now, and I thought I recognized him from a magazine somewhere. "Breathe in for four seconds, alright?"
I tried to follow along, but it was hard working around the tightness in my chest.
"Alright, you're doing good. Hold it for seven seconds, can you do that?"
That was easier. I held my breath and counted to seven, looking to him for the next step.
"Now, out for eight seconds, ok kid?"
I nodded, and slowly let my breath out.
"There we go, just keep doing that until you feel better."
I looked up at him. "... How did you...?"
"Picked it up from Dr. Quinzell before she went with the circus. She was my grief counsellor way back when. I don't have panic attacks like that nearly as often anymore, but it still helps."
"Panic attack?"
"Yeah. Y'know, when you're so scared you can't breathe, or talk, or move? It feels like you're just... Frozen."
I considered his words for a moment. "... I thought that's just what being scared felt like." He looked incredibly sad just then, and I didn't understand why, but I felt like I'd done something wrong. "I'm sorry-"
"You don't have anything to apologize for. And I mean anything."
"N... N-not even spilling all the cough syrup?" I asked.
"Hey, accidents happen. That's why I have Alfred."
"And that's why I deserve a raise." He added.
"Yeah, you're getting one. Just like you got one with Grayson, and Cassie, and all the others."
He closed the door again, and went back to his seat. I began tending to Hazel, who was crying a little. I held her hand. "There we go, Hazy." I kissed her cheek. "My little hazelnut."
She cooed a little.
I kissed her chubby little baby hand, before turning back to the man who rescued me. "Who are they?" I asked.
"Hm? Oh, Cassie and Grayson? Just two of the kids I took in. My name's Bruce, by the way."
I hummed. "... How many have you taken in?" I asked.
Bruce shrugged. "Total of... Six. Or, I suppose eight now, counting you two. I'm sure you and them'll get along just fine, but we can hold off the meet and greet until you're ready. It's been a long night for you, hasn't it?"
I sighed. "Kinda, yeah."
We started moving again. I picked up my cup of hot chocolate, which was more like warm chocolate by now, and drank the last swig or so. I was lucky the syrup didn't end up inside.
When we reached the manor, Alfred picked Hazel up from her baby seat, and I felt my anxiety spike.
He must've noticed. "I'll make sure Madam Hazel is well taken care of." He assured me. "Trust me, I'm a professional."
I smiled a little bit. "Thank you, sir."
I got out and let him lead me to the front. He walked me down the hall, and showed me to my new room.
I laid down and sunk into the plush pillows and comforter, and I was out like a light.
@via-rant I've started this thing for real! You can add onto it if you want <3 We could even move it to AO3, I'll put you down as a co-creator
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eggtartz · 2 years
Angry/Souya meeting the reader who always smiles all the time just like Shinobu, (not a Shinobu reader, just a example :D) Like she's smiling everytime, the smile never leaves her face😭
but when she got Angry she literally has veins popping out of her face and she's REALLY strong. And she started to catch Souya eyes but other members also are into her, AND SMILEY IS TOO😲🤭
Things are about to get spicy 👀🔥
a/n : forgive me this might not be as good as my other writings, i wrote this while crying. thankyou anon for requesting and enjoy 🫶🏻
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summary : "she's.. just like anikii" - souya kawata
you met souya first time when he was at the local shop, picking up stuff for the toman gathering that evening. he couldn't choose between the soba noodles or ramen noodles for that night and you said from behind him.
"soba tastes better cold, ramen tastes better hot. if you're expecting someone to like come right away, ramen might taste better. but the night is gonna be chilly tonight so soba is better then right?" you said while taking the same soba and ramen packaging from the shelf and grinned at him. bizzare for a woman, especially a sweet woman like you to talk to him considering he's nowhere attractive.
"yeah, uh. soba might be better" he stuttered a bit that made you smile more. you then pushed your trolley and walked pass him. as he was about to pay, he saw you and you accidentally met his eyes too. you instantly bloomed a smile at him and waving him goodbye as you exited the store.
back at the shrine, toman was having a barbeque and a simple gathering between divisions. that night, souya was sitting in a circle with the other captain and vice divisions. the other members were chatty but his thought went to think about you. your smile was really pretty, he thinks that's the first time a girl smiled so sweetly at him. girls never looked at him as he always looked angry, giving more attention to nahoya instead.
"anikii, i saw a girl today" he blurted. the members went silent.
"oooo he has a girlfriend now? ooo.."
"i knew souya would have a girlfriend one day, good job souya kun!"
"who's the girl? who is it c'mon spill spill!"
the members interrogated him when he doesn't know much about you. just your smile was charming and he loves your smile so much.
"let's go back to the store then maybe she'll be there, then we all can meet her!" mikey said with a grin but draken frowned. "the girl would be terrified. let them settle down first and make everything official then we could introduce ourselves"
the members agreed and everyone went to the store souya mentioned. they were parked at the furthest spot, where no one could see them if they don't squint enough. "okay souya kun, signal us when she's here okay?" mitsuya talked through the phone while waving a thumb at souya who was standing at the entrance.
souya gave a thumbs back. in a second thought, he actually wanted to back out thinking it was rash of him to do this just to meet her again. but he stayed there and waited for you. any sign of you. he saw cars speeding up and parked but the passenger or the driver wasn't you. he kept waiting but grew hesitant again. he was worried he was going to make a fool out of himself.
he heard an engine sound that died down nearby and saw the rider had a helmet with a tinted visor. "wait it's you! hi stranger!" the person behind the helmet exclaimed. he recognized that voice, it was you. taking off the helmet, you ruffled your hair and switched off the motorcycle engine. "uh hi. i wanted to uh see you again so yeah" you thought he was really cute, veins popping but no sign he was angry at all. his facial expressions like he's furious but no tense energy at all from him. pulling his hand, you grabbed him inside the store.
"so i didn't catch your name? my name's y/n! and you are..?" you prolonged the question, extending your hand to shake his. "souya, kawata souya" he said while shaking hands with your soft hands. "nice meeting you souya, now i do think you're here not just to see me no? is there any else specific reason why you wanted to see me?" you teased him, making his veins bulge even more and him blushing even harder.
"well, i wanna bring you to eat somewhere sometime if you want?"
"but you don't have to if- what?"
"you heard me. let's go grab something to eat now souya kun!" you smiled at him and pulled him to the parking lot and wore your helmet while climbing the bike. you giggled a lot on your way there, souya behind you struggling to place his hands. you two were about to enter when a girl rudely bumped into your shoulder. "what the hell? what's wrong with you" the girl raised your voice.
"excuse me? you're the one who bumped into me"
"huh? now you're blaming me? you wanna fight or something?" the girl challenged you but you deeply sighed and smiled at souya as a signal for him to go in first. souya went inside but was concerned until he saw the trash lid being thrown. you were still smiling but this time the smile holds a different meaning as you slap the girl's face with the trash lid. the glass that blocked the restaurant from outside muffled the sound but souya could hear the girls cries.
"she's.. just like anikii" souya said to himself.
"oh! look at her, beating up the girl" pah said while trying not to gawk at you. "the girl's fault, shouldn't have touched her first" draken said, who was too in awe. nahoya didn't watch much but kept an eye on his brother so his brother won't cry or do anything drastic. nahoya was impressed with your strength no doubt, who knew behind those smiles was a person with a bad temper too?
"oh she's finally going in, can we go inside too there's ice cream there" mikey asked with sparkly eyes. the other members sighed and tried entering the restaurant subtlety. you noticed though, who wouldn't when pehyan was staring right at your soul?
you sent souya back home that late evening and said you had a great time. "i hope i can see you again y/n"
"of course. you have my number, just call me okay?" you said behind the helmet. but then you took it off and pulled him close to you, then cupped his cheeks. you pecked his cheek, his forehead and his nose before releasing him. "goodbye souya, see you again!" you said while speeding up on the bike, disappearing on the streets.
souya couldn't move. nahoya shaked his shoulder. he couldn't move either. souya was a blushing mess, going in the house covering his face while his ear caught a lot of teasing from his brother.
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meetmyothersouls · 1 year
How are you darling? I have a request from Santa here, if you like it and want to do it. The reader finds a very cute Tim/ Santa putting her presents under the tree. But she doesn't have cookies for him, so she treats him to some dirty fun.🎄💚 And he's so busy all night, he needs to relax…..Merry Christmas dear!
Ahhh a Christmas request! I'm so excited! I'm not sure if I went the way you were expecting, but I hope you like it anyway!
The Man in Red
Warnings: smut, tit fucking, holiday themed, reader who doesn’t like Christmas, not proof read
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It's finally almost over.
After months of hearing the same monotonous songs, dealing with people that are either overly jolly or horrendously rude, and seeing the same annual annoying decorations, your least favorite holiday is almost over.
Christmas. In case you need any further clarification.
You aren't sure why you dislike it so much.
It could be because you've spent every Christmas alone for the last ten years. Loneliness does tend to make one grow bitter...and ten years of it has made you detrimentally so. That, at the fact that Halloween has always been more your speed when it comes to holidays. Either way, it's Christmas Eve, and after tomorrow, you won't have to worry about hearing another Christmas song until next November.
Fuck yes.
You take a long shower after work, throw on your favorite oversized, old band t-shirt you got from 2009 Warped Tour and climb into your bed with a cup of spicy chicken ramen you've been waiting for all day, and attempt to find something on TV that isn't a Christmas movie, special or cheesy episode from a series. The task proves easier said than done when pretty much everything on TV tonight is, of course, Christmas related. 
You fall asleep with your half-eaten cup of ramen in hand. A gentle thud in the far corner of your apartment wakes you. You jump in your bed; the remainder of your ramen spills out onto the floor as you hear heavy footsteps travel across your floor. 
“Fuck,” you whisper. 
The footsteps stop. 
They’ve heard you. 
You slide out of your bed, careful not to slip on the now cold noodles pooling on your floor and grab the bat you keep underneath your bed. You never know when you might need to beat the shit out of an intruder. 
Enough time and silence go by for the footsteps to pick up once more, assuming you have fallen back asleep. You creep down the hall, bat in hand, and poke your head around the corner. It doesn’t take long to catch a glimpse of your burglar. He’s tall and skinny and wearing all red. 
Aren’t criminals and burglars supposed to be concealed? Don’t they usually wear like camo or black? This dude has got on a full red ensemble. Complete with skintight red satin pants and a matching red top that leaves little to the imagination. At least form the back. And he’s carrying something...something that resembles a sack. 
The not so inconspicuous stranger looks around your apartment in search of something. He sets the sack down and it clatters loudly. It’s filled with many items, by the looks of it. He scratches his head and it’s almost comical. You start to relax, thinking this dude is obviously not a threat, but you catch yourself. Maybe that’s what he wants you to think? Luckily, you aren’t that much of an idiot to fall into traps set up by men who want to do you harm. Harmless men don’t sneak into people’s houses in the middle of the night...with giant sacks. 
You sneak up behind him, your bat in the ready position, and just when you go for the swing, he speaks. 
“So, you mean to tell me, not only did you not put up a Christmas tree, but you’re also going to beat me with a bat?”
You freeze. He’s not even turned around how does he know-
The man in red turns around and your heart stops as well as your breathing...and your thoughts. Holy shit he’s hot. Your mouth hangs open and your arms go limp, sending the bat to the floor. He catches the bat with one hand before it lands and uses the index finger of the other to close your open mouth. 
“So...what you don’t celebrate Christmas?” 
“Huh?” You ask, half dazed in all of his glory, half genuinely confused. 
“Christmas, you know the holiday? Put up a tree, Santa comes. You know! Christmas!” 
Your eyes travel up and down this man’s body. The red outfit...the sack...he doesn’t have a beard or white hair...but...
“Are-are you...S-Santa?”
He stares at you. Stone faced and arms crossed before buckling over and laughing. You feel embarrassed, so much so you want to run into your room and hide. You cannot believe you just asked such a stupid--
“No, no. Santa’s my father,” he says, collecting himself to answer your question. 
“Santa’s my father. I’m his son, Timothee, buuuuut you know he’s getting a little old and needs help so. Here I am,” Santa’s son spins, showing off his bare back. “But what I’m trying to figure out is, why there’s not freaking tree here? I’m supposed to leave you these presents, and I’m legally not allowed to place them here without a tree.” 
You open your mouth, but he keeps talking. 
“You see apparently Christmas trees are like a ‘hey it’s okay to leave me a bunch of shit in my house and I won’t call the cops’ but if you don’t have a tree then...why do you look so confused?”
“I....because I am. What the fuck is happening?”
Timothee stands up straight, pulling his feet together and holding out a hand. 
“Hi, I’m Timothee. You can call me Tim, Timmy, the elves call me Lil Timmy Tim. I’m Santa’s son. I’m here to bring you your presents.” 
It’s at this time, you see his eyes travel down your body and you remember the only thing you’re wearing is an oversized t-shirt. You pull it down further, attempting to stretch the fabric to your knees. You only look back up when you hear his black boots clunk against the floors again. 
“Actually, by the looks of it. Maybe you don’t celebrate Christmas.” He pulls out a chair from your dining room and sits in it. “Maybe I should show you how this Christmas thing works, hmm?” He pats his lap with a single hand. “Come. Come tell me what you want for Christmas.” 
Your face his hot--no--your entire body is hot. And Timothee’s words are igniting something deep within your core. Then, you’re walking toward him, even though everything in you would normally run the other way and lock yourself in your room. You turn your body and sit on his lap, like a child would sit on the actual Santa’s lap. You’ve seen it a million times in malls and did it at least 10 times in your life as a child. 
You feel his leathery gloved hands on your waist followed by his voice. 
“Mmmm. Now, I can’t see you when you sit that way, now can I? Be a good girl and turn around for me.” 
You stand, and Timothee’s hands stay on your waist, helping you turn to face him. 
“You want me to sit facing you?” 
He nods and pulls them hem of your shirt until your straddling his waist on your dining room chair. Timothee shifts in the chair, adjusting himself beneath you. You can feel him firm underneath you. 
“Now, tell me, have you been a good girl or a bad girl this year?” 
You feel yourself grow damper with each word that falls from his mouth. 
“I...I don’t know,” you whisper. 
Timothee smirks and hikes your shirt up around your waist, exposing your panties. 
“By the looks of it,” Timothee whispers back. “You’ve been a bad girl. Do you think it feels that way too?” 
You nod.
“Should we find out?” His words come out like as sultry as the satin he’s wearing. 
You nod again.
His fingers fumble with the hem of your panties until he’s able to slide a finger along your core, earning a small whimper from you. He pulls it out and it glistens with your arousal. You watch him intently. You watch him as he takes the finger he dipped into you with and slides it into his mouth, sucking it clean. 
“Mmmm,” Timothee groans. “You taste like one too.” His hands go to your thighs, moving you against the hard form under his pants. “Do you know what I want for Christmas?” He asks. 
“Wh-what?” You whisper. 
“To hear what you sound like when you cum.”
You moan softly as he continues to grind you against him. Your clit pressing against your panties with each motion. Sex with strangers isn’t normally your thing, but this feels so right and good in this moment, and he smells like a delicious mixture of hot chocolate and peppermint. You can’t help but give in. 
“So what are you waiting for?” You say, shocked at how confidently it came out. 
It takes less than a minute for Timothee to pull his cock out from his pants and you wonder how many women he’s whipped it out for tonight. You shove the thought aside as he tears your panties off of your body and pulls your shirt off. He groans in almost a whine as your tits bounce free. 
“Fuuuuck,” he groans, wasting no time as he guides his cock into your entrance. He inches himself inside of you and every inch you take stretches you gloriously. Timothee’s eyes close and he grips your waist as you slowly start to ride his cock. You use a number of motions; you roll your hips against him, feeling him hit you in the right place with each forward motion. You bounce on his cock in various speeds and judging by the way his mouth hangs open, he really likes it. You feel yourself tighten around him when he brings a finger to your clit and rubs it in slow, steady circles. Your body shakes as you cum around him a pool of wetness covering his cock. 
“I’m cumming. I’m cumming,” you whine, making sure to throw in a few extra whines and moans as you do, just so he can get his Christmas wish. 
Once you come down from your orgasm, you slide off of his cock. He watches every move you make as you get on your knees in front of him. 
“Lemme give you one more gift,” you say as you press your tits together. His cock is glistening with your cum and it’s just the right amount for you to do this for him. You slide his cock between your tits and bounce on your knees, fucking him with your boobs. Timothee throws his head back, bucking his hips as your tits work his cock. He looks down at you, letting out a guttural groan as he his cock twitches twice and shoots your neck with cum. 
“Okay,” Timothee says, breathless, “I think I can forgive you for the tree.” He tucks his half flaccid dick back into his pants. He steps into the kitchen and looks around. “But I’m not sure I can forgive you for the lack of cookies.” 
Tags: @imnotoverlyobsessive @dayafied @soulofendlessbook @fashphotolife @chicchanelcigs @scentedkittenperfection @weasleytwinscumslut @timotheel0ver @mxciscastleintheair @marvelmaniac2000 @lovelyrocker @divine-1 @louievr @love-poems-only @starberry-cake @inlovewithphantasy @alexagirlie @misswestfall @softhecreator @livresjaunes @timmymyluv @inannamoon @harrys-thick-thighs @s-we-e-t-t-ea @timolaurence @its-schmackin-dude @justagirlwhoneedshelp
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punsmaster69 · 7 months
"We're not getting ANYWHERE like this!"
"you look like you need a hand."
"I don't!"
"I REALLY don't!!"
"alphys, stop grabbing me."
"It's only fair."
"c'mon. we're not getting 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 like this."
"Oh, shut UP!!"
i'm at undyne and alphys' place, playing co-op games.
(i'm really helpful, as you can tell.)
papyrus was playing with us, but he apparently made plans with flowey.
sorry, 'flowery'.
that's what paps calls him.
must be a nickname of sorts,
'cuz when paps is real serious, he'll say 'flowey'.
..which is to say, almost never.
that weed's got a big soft spot for papyrus.
and tori.
and despite the squabbles, i think he really cares about frisk, too.
"Let me-"
"I'm gonna make this jump by myself if it's the last thing I do!!"
"Y-you're losing all your lives.."
"I'm GONNA make it!"
she did not.
i'm already out myself, after undyne got pissed and threw me into a pit a few times.
now it's just alphys vs. the clock.
"GO, Alphy, GO!!"
i whispered, "(epic dub.)"
alphys slowly turned to me with a look of disgust.
"(You are... so cringe.)"
"(you're just jealous of my hip-ness. i'm totally epic.)"
"Yo, Sans."
"Wanna have one with us before you leave?"
undyne shook a cup noodle.
been a while since i had ramen for dinner, since paps usually cooks. stopped having them as often because they're not really substantial enough for me anymore.
oh, to go back to being a teen who could live off noodles forever.
sometime while we were eating, it really started coming down.
"When'd it start raining THIS hard?"
"You might have to stay here until it clears, Sans."
"if i pull my hood up i'll be fine getting home."
"Dude, no way we're letting you go out like that."
alphys squinted out the window.
"It's getting dark, too. You're not gonna be able to see a thing!"
they've got a point, but paps is gonna be worried.
"i am"
"did you get home before the rain?"
"looks like it might be all night."
"guess so"
"lemme ask"
"one pillow"
"but no sheets"
"good enough"
"how's it for you at tori's?"
"cup noodles"
he took a long time to respond.
"survived off the stuff before"
"if that was all i'd eaten"
"the cereal and coffee this morning"
"corn flakes are substantial"
"i'll lie"
"fuzzy vision+hands stuff"
"maybe i stared too hard at the screen or somethin"
"you still there?"
"what's going on?"
oh my god.
really papyrus, what the hell?
now you're worrying 𝘮𝘦.
he marched through that storm out there just to bring me home?
"Not even an umbrella..?"
"Like hell you are!!"
"you're soaked, paps..."
the weather eventually let up enough for us to borrow umbrellas and walk home.
i'm still worried about him, though. he sat in those cold, soaked clothes for a while.
says he feels fine...
but he's been trembling a little since he came in.
"paps, you are-"
"i'm only going if you do."
"goodnight, bro."
"throw on a couple more blankets tonight, ok? maybe put on a sweater."
he shivered.
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crystalsnow95z · 8 months
Part 2 to my Taejin story. So..it's gonna need a part 3. I cut a lot from it.
Jin takes a break from taking care of Taehyung boiling some water to make himself a quick meal. His nose started developing an itch, similar to Taehyung's a quiet sneeze escaping him. "Hehtigh.."
I sure hope that's the only one..
Jin poured the boiled water into the instant Ramen cup. I should try to give Taehyungie a steamy shower when his fever lowers a bit. It should help with his clogged nose.
Jin continued to think of ways to help the younger vocalist while he tried to eat his noodles as quietly as possible, trying not to wake him. He only makes it halfway through the cup before his stomach feels uncomfortably full.
"Heh..Hah...heitchi..!" Taehyung wakes himself up with his own sneezes, the itch building up again. "He'itxchi!"
"Aiish..You scared me.." Jin places his hand over his racing heart.
Sorry Hyung..
Taehyung texts with a sniffle.
"It's okay. I didn't expect you to be up so soon.. are you hungry? I made some ramen, but I can't finish it.." Jin offers the half eaten ramen, but Taehyung shakes his head searching for his phone.
I'm not hungry.. my stomach still hurts..
"That's okay, Voo.. I'll make you some tea for now. We have to do something for your voice.." Jin uses some leftover water from the pot pouring into a cup adding ginger teabags. "Namjoon got you gingseng, so it might be a little bitter.."
"heh'tixhti!" Taehyung sneezes into the blanket, sniffling, trying to rub away the itch, but without success "HEHTICHIH! Heh..he..Heitchis!"
I don't want bitter..
Taehyung types with a frown, wiping his nose with the back if his hand.
"Tete, please just try for me?" Jin asks gently, steeping the tea. "I'll even drink some with you."
But you don't mind it..
Taehyung pouts, but takes the cup Jin offers him, but as soon as the steam reaches his nose it triggers a series of sneezes quickly shoving it back into Jin's hands.
"Heh'tixhi.. Heh'itch..HEH'TICHI!" Taehyung whimpers with the last one wiping his nose with the side of his hand.
"Aiigo, use a tissue.." Seokjin tuts at him, cleaning off his hand with the wash cloth. "What am I going to do with you? You're like a little baby." He smiles fondly, getting him a tissue.
"Sorry..habit.." Taehyung whispers, trying to clear his nose once more facing away from Jin. More thick mucus comes out, giving him momentary relief, but he knew it'll only be minutes until it's right back where it started. He went to complain to Jin, but when he tried talking again, only a cough came.
"No talking Tae. Okay?" Jin takes a seat next to him tapping Taehyung's phone.
I hate this.. I can't make up my mind if I'm hot or cold, I can't breathe, my head hurts, I keep feeling dizzy, and I can't even talk.. There's no point of using a tissue..it just comes back a minute later.. how am I going to perform?
Taehyung types up his frustrations, feeling tears trying to form with the last sentence. He blinks quickly, looking up to try to stop them, but one still rolls down his cheek.
"Vuu, come here.. don't cry. We'll figure this out.." Jin pulls him close, gently scratching his nails across his back, clenching his jaw when he feels the sweat soaking his shirt. "You can't stress yourself out baby, you'll only make yourself worse.."
Taehyung wraps around Seokjin, burying his face in his shoulder. He tries to fight off the tears by closing his eyes tightly, but they still find their way out, landing on Jin's shoulder.
"Shh..it's okay baby..it's okay.." Jin pulls Taehyung closer, trying to calm the sick vocalist. I need to distract him..
"Hey Taehyungie, do you want to watch something together? We can watch a Ghibli movie like old times. Would you like that?"
Taehyung nods slightly, slowly letting go of Jin so he can get up.
Jin feels the itch in his nose, pursing his lips together as he fights off the urge to sneeze scruching up his nose. I can't sneeze with Taehyung already being so sensitive..
"Hang on, Vuu, I gotta go wash my hands, okay?" Jin dismisses himself to the bathroom, turning on the water to try to mask his sneezes.
"Hehitch!" Jin covers his face with both hands. "Hehitcgh!" He takes some toliet paper to blow his nose. "This isn't good.." Jin speaks to himself, looking at the cloudy white goo in the tissue before folding it up and throwing it away, pushing it to the bottom of the trash can.
"Heh'tixhich!" Taehyung's sneeze is heard over the water, Jin quickly washing his hands and turning it off to go to the sick dongsaeng. "Heh'heh..Heh.HEHTITCGHDH.." Taehyung tried to stop it from coming by pinching the bridge of his nose, but it came anyway. "Ugh.."
"Are you okay, Vuu?" Jin offers him the tea cup.
Taehyung shakes his head, pressing his palms into his forehead. His head was throbbing, making him feel dizzy. "Spinning.." He whispers.
"Come here, baby, let me try help.."Jin comes behind Taehyung, gently moving him to lean against his chest, finding his temples and rubbing his thumbs across with small circles.
Taehyung relaxes underneath Jin's touch, ebbing away some of the pain, the dizziness fading. "Than-" Taehyung coughs, being reminded about how raw his throat was.
"Shh.. you don't have to thank me Tae-yah. Move for a minute, I'm going to go get the tea. At least try to drink a little for me?"
Taehyung sits up, moving off of Jin. "Okay.."
Jin gets the tea, handing it to his dongsaeng. "Here Vuu."
Taehyung sips it, face distorting at the bitter taste. "Hyung.." He tries to shove it back into Jin's hands, but he doesn't accept it.
"I know, I know. I'll ask for sugar next time, just drink as much as you can." Jin puts his hand on Taehyungs head, giving him an applogetic smile. "Just a bit?"
Taehyung drinks a quarter of it before the annoying itch returns. "I gotta sneeze.." he whispers hoarsely, barely getting it into Jin's hand before a wet sneeze comes. "HEHTICHIH!"
"Bless you, Tae. Here. Wipe your nose." Jin gets him a tissue.
"Heh..tichizh..!" Taehyung sneezes quickly grabbing the tissue to try to clean up the snot that leaked down his face.
"The medicine should've kicked in.." Jin says softly, heart tightening when he hears Taehyung coughing again. He didn't seem any better than before he took it, besides his cheeks looking less flushed than before.
"I'm feeling better, I am.. my head doesn't hurt as much.." Taehyung tries to reassure Jin, but his voice doesn't come out louder than a whisper, sniffling as another sneeze tries to come.
"Voo, you don't need to lie to me." Jin says, gently rubbing Taehyung's back before getting up to set up his laptop. "It's okay.. we'll figure this out. Let's watch that movie. After we'll get you in the shower."
Taehyung cuddles up to Jin as soon as he sits down again, nodding. He's warm.. Was he always this warm, or am I just running a fever still?
Taehyung quickly types on his phone.
If my fever is gone by practice can I go?
"Practice? Oh Vuu I don't think that's a good idea." Jin's jaw clenched when he sees Taehyung's shiny eyes, not wanting to upset him. "If you do go, you wouldn't be able to sing and you'd have to take it easy."
We usually take it easy during practices close to a concert. I'll be okay..
"I'll ask the others when it's closer to that time. Right now we all need to focus on resting up." Jin gently runs his fingers through Taehyung's hair. "You're still sweating, baby.. Try to sleep a little more. I'll text Namjoon-ah about practice okay?"
Taehyung nods, nuzzling into Jin's neck, the older man wrapping his arms around him watching the brightly colored movie on the screen. He only made it halfway through before drifting to sleep.
"Kim Taehyung, Kim Taehyung!" Army cheered for him, laying flat on the set bed, the music to Stigma playing in his in-ear.
Taehyung goes to sing, but he can't make a sound. The more he tried, the more pain it caused, only coughing.
No..no I have to sing..I have to..
Taehyung sat up to try to make it easier to sing, but the coughing didn't stop scarlet droplets spraying out. He covers his face, trying to stand to leave the stage, but his knees collapse underneath him. He could hear all the voices of Army crying to see him that way hurt even more than his throat, that felt like it was being ripped from the inside.
"Vuu!" Jin runs to the stage to his side, but as soon as he touches Taehyung, he starts coughing, his skin losing all its color. "I..i.."
No.. no Hyung... Taehyung reached to touch Jin, feeling the blistering fever that made him unbearable to touch. He'll die if i don't bring it down..
Taehyung forces himself to endure Jin's body heat. It felt like he was hugging fire to his chest. His blood ran cold when he saw the others rushing to help him.
He tried to scream, but no sound came. No, no please don't touch, you'll get sick too..
Taehyung's silent scream filled the hotel room.
"Woah, Woah Taehyungie, Taehyung it's okay, it's okay!" Jin hugs Taehyung closer to his chest, cursing himself for falling asleep. "Vuu wake up.."
Taehyung's eyes fly open, clinging to the oldest member tears flooding down his cheeks. "Hyung.. I'm sorry..I'm so 'ry..I din nt mean..." Coughs cut off his incoherent sobbing, Jin stroking his hair.
"Shh, its okay, its okay it was only a dream.. Taehyung please you need to breathe. Deep breaths Vuu." Jin strokes his hand down his back. "Y-your making your fever worse.."
Taehyung holds his breath to try to stop himself from coughing, trying to shake the memory of the dream away, cuddling into Jin's cold clammy collarbone.
He's in a cold sweat because I scared him.. he's not burning up, he's fine.. it was just a dream.. only a dream.. Taehyung takes deep shaky breaths.
"That's it..Good.." Jin takes deep breaths along with him. "It was only a dream.. everything is fine except that you're not well.. Vuu we need to cool you down. We need to get you in the bath."
"Will you bathe with me?" Taehyung mouths the words.
"Of course Voo." Jin gently gets him to his feet, letting him lead on him. "Slowly, slowly.." he takes a few steps before Taehyung stops moving. "What's wrong?"
"I..ah..heh'itch! HETHIXH!" Taehyung sneezes, making them fall forward, Jin helping them to their knees. "Hah..hah..etichiff!" He tries to muffle them.
"Don't try to stop them, you'll only feel worse.." Jin scolds him.
"I don't want you to get sick.." Taehyung whispers.
It's too late for that. I'm feeling too weak to even help support your full weight..
"Don't worry about me.. just worry about getting better." Jin helps Taehyung back to his feet, making him to the bathroom. "I'll fill the tub, you get.." Jin felt the itch of a sneeze come, relieved to have his back to Taehyung as he forced the sneeze away.
Taehyung looks at him with confusion.
"Just get undressed. I'll find us clothes." He quickly leaves the room, hoping the running bathtub will cover the sneezes that built up again. "Hehtichih! Heh..itchish!" He sniffles, using a tissue to try to blow his nose as quietly as possible.
Taehyung couldn't hear Jin over his own coughing, filling up a cup of water to try to soothe the pain in his throat. I need to get better. Jin.. he looks so tired, I'm keeping him up..
Jin quickly returns to the room. "Tae I told you to get undressed. What am I going to do with you?"
Taehyung pouts. "Couldn't.."
"It's okay, I know. I'm only teasing you. Let me help." Jin gently pulls the shirt over Taehyung's head. "You're doing your best. Come on, pants.." Jin coughs. "Ah, I'm really thirsty.." he quickly gets a cup of water.
I'm sorry.. you've been too busy with me. I'll try to be easier.
"Don't be sorry. I chose to do this. Get in the bath honey.." Jin gently leads him into the water, getting undressed himself.
Taehyung whines when he gets in the water, curling up into a ball. Jin gets a wash cloth and joins him, wrapping around him. "Cold.." He whispers.
"I know, I know.. its cold for me too.." Jin admits, gently rubbing the wet cloth over Taehyung's body. "We won't stay in too long okay? Just enough to wash you up a bit." He rubs the bar of soap in the cloth, creating a white lather. "Lean against me while I wash your back, okay?"
Taehyung nods, wrapping his arms around Jin's waist as he rubs the cloth down his spine, leaning against his chest, suppressing a cough. His heart is racing.. I'm stressing him out..
Jin washes him quickly, wanting to get out of the water as soon as possible. "Now your hair. Keep your eyes closed tigh..heh'tichi!"
Taehyung quickly picks up his head, giving Jin a concerned look.
"It was only a sneeze, don't worry. I'll be fine. Head down, I have to wet your hair." Jin pushes his head back down, not wanting their eyes to meet.
Jin hummed softly as he washes Taehyung's hair, trying to keep the mood light. "There all...Aiish Taehyung-ah!" He shouts in surprise when the younger member poured water on his head. "What was that for?"
Taehyung smiles softly, taking some shampoo and squeezing it into his palm.
"You don't have to wash me Vuu.."
Taehyung nods, continuing to massage the lather into Jin's hair. It's the least I can do..
The two boys finish washing up, Jin takes Taehyung back to bed. "Here.. you can have your phone back so you can talk."
Taehyung shakes his head, eyes watering.
"Are you feeling okay Tae-yah?" Jin asks, towel drying his hair. "Are you crying?"
Taehyung quickly wipes his eyes,nodding. He takes the phone from Jin, quickly typing.
don't want to miss the concert hyung, but I can hardly talk.. how will I sing..?
"I know, i know. I don’t want you to miss it either.. Don't cry Taehyung, please?" Jin panicks, quickly trying to think of a new distraction. "Oh! Taehyungie..the movie,it reminds me of a fanart I saw of you. You want to see?" Jin quickly searches his phone, pulling up a photo of Taehyung drawn as blonde haired Howl. "I also saw one of Gukkie. See?" Jin tries drawing his attention. Taehyung looks with a sad smile.
Army are super talented. They show us so much love, that's why I want to get better so I can put on a good show..
Taehyung sniffles, wiping his eyes. He's trying his best to cheer me up.. I can't cry about it..I have to be srrong..
"I'll get you well enough by the concert, but you'll probably have to sit. Okay? Even if I have to carry you to a doctor."
Taehyung nods, taking the phone to scroll through the photos, showing him his favorites.
"I love you.." Taehyung whispers, sounding clear."Thank you.."
Thank you for trying to cheer me up. I'm sorry you're missing your exploration time..
"You're sounding a bit better Tae." Jin smiles, ignoring his apology. "I can't find as many for me. Jungkookie says it's because I'm too old to be Howl." Jin says with mock offense, getting a giggle out of his ailing teammate.
"I'll draw you as Howl."Taehyung whispers, coughing out the words.
"Vuu shh, don't push it and no drawing me. Your art is weird." Jin teases, stifling a cough, quickly laughing to cover it up.
Are you laughing at my art style? I know I'm not good like Jungkook, but I'll try really hard.
Jin smiles. "I like your art, anyway. I still have a picture you made me in my room."
I didn't see it in your room.
"That's because it's in a memory box, along with other precious gifts."
Taehyung goes to type a response, scolding him for not putting it in a frame, but the sneezes build up again. "He..heh'tichi! Heh'itchugh...HEH'TICHIUGH..augh..hurts.." He whines, covering his face.
"Aiigo, I jinxed it.. I'm sorry.." Jin checks the time. "It's been four hours since the last time I gave you medicine, I'll get you some.. after you need to try to sleep okay?"
Taehyung nods slightly, hiding his face underneath the blanket to cough. Jin looks back at him, taking the opportunity to quickly take a dose of medicine himself, quickly pouring another cup and bringing it to the bed.
Taehyung accepts it with a hiss at the awful taste.
"I know, here, drink some tea." Jin offers, Taehyung looking offended, laughing. "Fine, fine I'll get you water, but after, you should go to sleep.. I'll restart the movie, since we both fell asleep halfway through." Jin sets the laptop back up,gently rubbing his hand down Taehyung's side, suppressing a cough as he gets up to get some water.
He doesn't allow himself to show any signs of sickness until he the was sure he was asleep, getting him a drink of water. "Sleep well Tae.." He whispers, wrapping around him. Jin waits a few minutes to hear Taehyung's soft snores before texting Namjoon.
Me and Taehyung won't be going to practice..I'm not feeling well either..
(To be continued... sorry I didn't edit this.)
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