#I live for the uncertainty
here's the thing about being an older sister, would I kill and die for my younger sister? yes. would i stand up to my parents in important discussions for her? yes. but if theres a small argument between my sister and my parents, would I defend my parents just to be a little shit? yes. at those times its not a question of whose right, its just a question of who i want to annoy.
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mishoru · 6 months
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Don't you think I look pretty curled up on this bathroom floor?
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warchord · 1 month
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this was supposed to be a doodle so i stopped after i added minimal color.
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pulchrasilva · 2 months
Thinking about William as a metaphor for disability again. Thinking about how William got into an accident and suddenly he's watching his body rot and fall apart. How does he cope with that? How do his family and friends cope with that? Thinking about how he died, and in a way he and the people around him have to mourn that. How when you're recently disabled you might mourn the ability you've lost, and people around you might mourn because they believe they've lost something too even though you're still RIGHT THERE. Thinking about the monsters in Deadwood being attracted to the wisps and ultimately forcing him to leave home and how that reflects the world suddenly becoming inhospitable and hostile towards you overnight. How rather than making Deadwood safer for William, he had to just leave. How often the way the world treats disabled people forces them to retreat from it in some way. How William was just arguing that the Lich didn't have rights because it wasn't alive, and then finding out he's dead too. How disabled people have their personhood stripped from them by people who think they'll never be disabled so why should they care. Are you listening to me
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mystery-box-gifs · 2 years
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+ Bonus
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sofipitch · 1 year
Gothic fiction is when there is an old mansion, that's it
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rinaforreal · 8 months
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I love this moment specially because you can see how safe they feel with each other, how at ease they feel with each other. Gina just showed Ricky the very first song she has ever written for him about them and she feels so safe and secure being that vulnerable with him, and he is such a pillar for her such a grounding presence such a reassuring presence. She knows that he is her right person and now she gets to reap the benefits of that. And for him to be so wanted by another person so valued and thought of so highly. Like being loved and loving the right person just feels good and you can see it written all over there faces.
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jeanmoreaux · 7 months
if nora really releases a jerejean novel in 2023/24 i might have to kill someone
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jasontoddenthusiastt · 5 months
Jason never got to be 16. makes me sad.
Not to deny that Jason not being able to make it to 16 in his first life is sad, but I mean he did technically end up making it, and he made it to 17 and 18 and 21 and so on and so forth, it just happened "in round two" so to speak.
What I think is sadder though, is that depending on whether he was 15 or 14 years old when this happened:
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There are one of two ways he would've spent his sixteenth year.
Option 1 (if he was 15 at the time of his ressurection):
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(This is 1 year post initial hospitalization)
Or Option 2 (if he was 14 at the time of his ressurection):
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(And this is 2 years post initial hospitalization, 1 year post escape from that facility)
Happy sweet 16th, Jason John Doe #265 :)
Batman Annual (1961-) #25
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decisiontostay · 1 month
default durge is and will forever be my fave durgetash choice but then I try to imagine them kissing and like, is gortash constantly in danger of having his head chomped right off his neck does durge just lick his face clean
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soldier-poet-king · 8 months
"but what if?" thinking is a life ruining compulsion and obsession with OCD and it just fuels spirals and it's turtles all the way down and if I could remove it from my thought patterns I would.
But also. But what if the 'but what if?' was good and kind? What if things work out? What if something good is just around the corner? What if love and joy and peace find you? What if all shall be well at the end of all things? What if there is goodness and kindness and love and beauty not just despite, but because of, the horrors? What if the uncertainty is a gift?
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anervousmirrorball · 3 months
why is it easier for some people to think they're good at what they do and harder for other people to believe they have something of value to offer? im struggling and i don't know why
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tordenvejr · 4 months
i think that if you have ocd you should get to choose between erp therapy and a little glittery potion that instantly de-coo coo bananas you... and i am taking the potion thanks very much
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notholaenas · 6 months
question: how does society expect me to have a full-time job when my tummy aches all the time?
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selectedthoughts · 18 days
The path is uncertain, but always a reality. Every truth has a reason, and reason does not meddle in falsehoods. Between our truth or a false one, our path is clear.
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stargazerdaisy · 6 months
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Muz has Covid. On the literal anniversary of having it last year. The older two kids are symptomatic and presumed positive, even though they tested negative. Tonight, Ducky has an orchestra concert. And I am once again flying solo just before Christmas. I DO NOT LIKE THIS REPEAT OF LAST YEAR, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
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