#I looked at my clock and it was almost 5am
zylphiacrowley · 5 months
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I may or may not have stole the idea to do this from @sae-mian Original template by @7thastralera
I've been wanting to explain X'vahl's relationship to each of the scions for a while now, and this template is such a good way to do so at-a-glance. Buuuuuut because I fail to keep even the shortest story short, of course I've provided details under the cut
Tataru Taru [close friends]: Tataru was the first among the scions who made X'vahl feel welcome as a friend and more importantly, as a person rather than a solution to their problems. They remain close friends and she is incredibly good at reading him when he tries to hide his true feelings about things... She's also good at spurring him to action when he needs it.
Y'shtola Rhul [close friends/sibling-like]: X'vahl and Y'shtola might act like they would like nothing more than to see the other trip and fall on their face, but anyone who knows them knows that they would also be among the first people to square up against anyone who would threaten the other.
Erenville [romantic/wants to be closer]: X'vahl did not mean to fall in love with Erenville. I mean... no, he's not in love. It would be foolish of him to give his heart away to someone only to have it inevitably shattered once again... He definitely doesn't feel at peace whenever Erenville is around him... He doesn't feel his stomach do flips whenever he hears his voice, or his heart beat ever so slightly faster whenever they touch... No, he's not in love... That would be reckless... but X'vahl has been known to act recklessly from time to time... and maybe... maybe he could give his heart to someone again... maybe this time... maybe this time things could be different...
Yda er... Lyse Hext [friends]: Oddly enough X'vahl felt closer to her when she was pretending to be Yda. It didn't help that heartbreaking news from his past suddenly resurfaced shortly after she revealed herself to be Lyse therefor intrinsically linking Lyse to that sinking feeling of loss and guilt. Logically, he knows she has nothing to do with it and therefor it's not her fault but he cannot help the feelings. For those reasons alone he has trouble becoming closer friends with her, but for the same reasons he also still considers her to be a friend. Besides, she is still one of the people that he feels the most comfortable reminiscing about Papalymo with.
Estinien Varlineau [distant/wants to be closer]: Estinien's recent induction to the Scions has meant that he and X'vahl have gotten a chance to get to know each other better as friends after that whole business with Nidhogg left them with a rather strained relationship previously. He still wouldn't consider Estinien to be more than a colleague, but he's open to a friendship with him. Estinien is also one of the people who is able to make him laugh so hard he cries... even if he doesn't mean to.
Thancred Waters [friends]: X'vahl was closer to Thancred before meeting up with him again on The First. They weren't best friends before by any means, but they shared a drink or two and friendly banter from time to time. However, seeing him acting so callously towards Ryne soured their relationship considerably. They have started repairing their friendship, but not before X'vahl lashed out at him about it first which may or may not have ended in an out-and-out fistfight.
Ryne Waters [familial]: Ryne is one of several people that immediately sets X'vahl to "dad mode". He feels especially protective of her after seeing how Thancred treated her when he first met up with them on The First. He saw a lot of himself when he first met the scions in how he thought she was being treated and he tried to pay extra care to make sure he wouldn't make her feel like she was only being used like he did before.
Minfilia Warde [distant/wanted to be closer]: Unfortunately, with her being the de facto leader of the Scions when he knew her, she also bore the brunt of X'vahl's resentment over being treated like a weapon to be thrown at any manner of problem that Eorzea faced at the time. Looking back at it, he realized that she was in a position not unlike his own. He wishes he could've gotten to know her better so he would've had someone to talk to about the echo, but more so because he knows now that she would never have asked more of him than she would've done herself if she could.
G'raha Tia [close friends/familial]: G'raha is the one among the scions that X'vahl trusts implicitly, but not before they sat down and had a serious conversation about never repeating the secret keeping and self-sacrificing stuff ever again. Truth be told, they would still both die for each other, or kill for each other if it came to it. Along with Tataru, G'raha is the only other person who can easily read X'vahl, though G'raha is much gentler about coaxing X'vahl to express his feelings. He is also the only one among the scions that X'vahl has had a legitimate breakdown in front of after he confided in him almost everything about his past.
Alphinaud Leveilleur [familial/close friends]: X'vahl has all but signed the adoption papers to legally adopt both the twins (had both their real parents actually disowned them, he would've). He and Alphinaud have been through so much together that it would be difficult for them not to be close. The whole business with the Crystal Braves did put some strain on their relationship but that have more than repaired that bridge now and, at least in his heart, X'vahl considers him to be his own son.
Alisiae Leveilleur [familial/close friends]: X'vahl considering Alisaie to be his own daughter in his heart is not helped by the fact that his own biological children also happen to be twins and he can't help but think about them whenever he's around the Leveilleur twins. Alisaie has been known to call him "dad" from time to time, whether or not it's on purpose or on accident is something only she knows. X'vahl admires Alisaie's unrelenting dedication to protecting her family. It's a trait he wishes he shared. He thinks that if he did, maybe he would've been able to be there to see his own kids grow up...
Urianger Augurelt [close friends]: Despite all Urianger's eccentricities and proclivity to keeping secrets, X'vahl trusts now that he has his best interests at heart. Even if Urianger isn't willing to divulge everything to him, X'vahl knows that there's nobody who can brew a better cup of tea, or spend a more stress-free and enlightening afternoon with.
Krile Baldesion [distant/wants to be closer]: For as long as they've now known each other, Krile and X'vahl still haven't gotten to spend much time actually getting to know one another. He admires her kindness and knows that she and G'raha are close, and since he trusts G'raha's judement so thoroughly, he's almost certain that he and Krile could be close friends if ever they got the chance to be. Maybe a trip to Tural will provide them that chance?
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mossyivy · 7 months
Life | '24 Alphabet Challenge
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Leon S. Kennedy x Fem!Reader
Summary: The morning before Leon gets shipped off to Spain.
Words: 1.6k
Content Warning: 18+ content, dry humping, pet name (sweetheart), language
Authors Note: Hi folks, if anyone recognizes this from somewhere, I'm the original creator of this bot of SpicyChat and I thought (since y'all liked my last thirist post) you'd appreciate this oldie sitting in a folder on my phone.
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He shifts to get comfortable again, lying on his side. He doesn't dare to take his eyes off the sleeping angel next to him. You curl into him so perfectly at any angle, it amazes him every time.
Reaching over, Leon strokes your cheek with his calloused hand, cradling your jaw. Careful not to wake you up at such an ungodly hour as it's almost 5am. Even though he knew he'd need to be up soon to start his normal morning routine. And to start prepping for his flight at 11am.
Glancing around the bedroom you two shared, he yawns softly, admiring your features in the soft glow of the soon-to-be morning sun. Moving in closer, he gives you a loving kiss on the forehead.
Just like everytime he woke up before you.
Looking down, he smiles, seeing you're still out like a light, completely unbothered by his touch in the slightest.
Leon chuckles, kissing your face a few times, admiring how beautiful you look, even when you're drooling on his trapped arm under you.
He was going to miss the hell out of you while he was gone, finding the President's daughter in Spain. Knowing full well, he wasn't allowed to come back until he found her, regardless of how long it took.
The loud buzzing of the alarm clock behind him breaks the silence of the room.
Shit, shit! Don't wake up!
He whips around, scrambling to reach behind him, his fingertips just missing the button. Tugging slightly on his arm under you, he hits the button. He felt a shifting on his arm as he lay on his back with a sigh.
You're awake.
Looking at your sleepy face, he sees you rubbing your eyes, yawning softly.
"What... Time is it?" You stammer out, wiping sleep from your eyes. He chuckles, always loving how sweet you looked when first waking up.
"It's 5am, sweetheart. Just go back to sleep." He leans over, kissing your forehead again. Groaning in response, you feel him move to get out of bed.
"Noooo..." Whining you cling to his arm, he freezes in his moving. "Stay, just a little bit more? I don't have you for much longer..."
He looks down, opening his mouth to try to protest about his routine. Then he sees the sleepy puppy eyes you're giving him and his heart melts. Getting back into his original position in bed, you giggle at your victory as you climb over, straddling him and pressing your bodies together.
"Happy now?" He grumbles in fake annoyance, wrapping his arms around your waist loosely as you get comfortable.
"I'm always happy in your arms." You smile, kissing the beauty mark under his left eye.
You always did love Leon's adorable marks. Leon's a beautiful man all together, but it's the little details about him you adore so much. The marks on his face, his jaw, neck...
You kiss along his left jawline, stopping a second to admire every part of his beautiful profile.
"What're you doing?" He questions with a quirked brow. Turning his head to look at you, you grab his chin, making him keep his head forward.
"I can't admire my beautiful boyfriend?" Squeezing slightly on his chin, he huffs, faking irritation as if he isn't used to your romantic doting by now.
"You love torturing me, don't you?" He asks, jokingly, as his grip gets tighter on you. Kissing along the lighter moles under his barely grown stubble, you make sure to ghost your lips a bit longer than necessary on each one. He feels your lips creeping along his jaw, letting out a soft moan, tightening his grip around your waist.
"I've always admired your beauty marks. Just as cute as the day we met. All your cute little features just drive me wild, y'know?"
"At this rate, I'm not gonna be able to get out of bed." You chuckle, kissing along his neck. He bites his lip, tilting his head and exposing his skin to you.
Kissing that one particular spot on his pulse that makes his toes curl, his eyes shut tight, and his knuckles turn white, you feel the slightest bit of a twitch under you.
"Fuck." Leon cursed under his breath.
"You like that?" You ask, teasing him as if you don't know exactly what you can do to this man. "It's always so sexy how responsive you are to me. Even the slightest touch can get you all riled up. It's adorable."
"You're such a little shit." He grumbles, making you smile and pull back to peck him on the lips. Moving your lips over to kiss the mark on the right side of his lip. Taking a few quick pecks, his eyes cracked back open, a smirk on his lips.
"You like that spot, huh?" His hand glides up your body, moving to the back of your neck. Gathering your hair in his hand, he pulls it out of the way, sitting up and pressing soft open mouth kisses along your neck.
He pulls your hips taut against his lap, starting to suck a hickey into your warm skin.
Eyes rolling back in your head, you feel him under you. Hard and in need of attention. Only his cotton boxers and your panties keep you from feeling that fullness you love so much.
Until it dawns on you, you were supposed to be appreciating him before he leaves you for God only knows how long. Your hand meets the middle of his bare chest, pressing him back into the pillows of your bed.
His eyes go wide, almost grinning at your reaction to his affection.
"I'm supposed to be appreciating my boyfriend, not the other way around."
"I can't kiss my girl now?" You leaned back, giving him a look. That looks that he immediately knows he'll be in trouble if he isn't careful with what he says.
"I'll shut up. Please continue, sweetheart." With a smug smirk, you lean back and kiss the mark above his lip one last time.
"That one's one of my favorites, but not my absolute favorite." His eyebrows raised. Lips parting with a soft smack of his lips.
"Oh? Well, now I need to know what your favorite one is. You can't make such a... Bold claim and then not share with me." His voice is playful, now barely above a whisper after kissing you lightly on the lips. "Enlighten me."
"Well, this little one right here." Leaning in, you kiss the mark in the middle of the right side of his jawline, nibbling gently for a second.
"This one used to be my favorite, because I noticed it the day we met. You looked so stressed, your jaw all clenched up and annoyed when you were in that stairwell at our old apartment building."
You move down from his jaw, kissing his neck, sucking another light red mark on his pale skin. He shivered slightly, eyes flickering closed. His hands wander at the bottom of his shirt that you're wearing, pulling it up past your hips, he rubs at your ass just poking out from the bottom of your panties.
"I thought you were so sexy even when you looked like you wanted to kill someone. Do you remember that day baby?" Letting out a shaky sigh, he nods in response, feeling you start to rock your clothed cunt against his hard on.
"You just looked so scared to talk to me, but you were the sweetest thing. Introducing yourself, all shy and so fucking pretty. You only got more and more irresistible whenever you get so much as smile at me." A slow roll of your hips on his cock made his voice break, a whiney moan slipping out of him.
"I remember you not being able to keep your eyes off me. Caught you staring at me more times than I could count before you finally just sucked it up and asked me out." You slowed your pace even further, grinding into Leon. His nails grabbing into the meat of your ass.
"Baby, it's getting really hard for me to not just... Throw you across the bed... You're gonna break me if you keep this up."
"Maybe that's the point. Make you nice and broken, so obsessed you can't stop thinking about me the entire time you're gone." Moving over you kiss him, rougher then any other kiss you've shared with him that morning. Pulling back, he follows your lips with a frustrated groan, opening his eyes to glare at you.
"Please baby, you're killing me. I need you." He damn near begs. You look down at him, grinning. Knowing you have most control over the situation.
"I never told you my favorite mark." You tease, running your nails lightly across his collar bone and up his neck to his jaw, making him shiver again.
"Do you want to know?"
"I'm sure... I know where it is."
"Oh, I'm positive you know." You move your nails along his jugular to his wind pipe. Caressing the mark just slightly to the right of his Adams apple. Licking your lips, you lean in kissing it, delicately, with a dreamy sigh.
"Oh fuck..." Leon melts under your lips, hands moving down to the crisp sheets, fisting them between his fingers. Trying his hardest to restrain himself as his face turned red. Biting his lip he lets out a shaky breath.
"So sensitive right here, I do love the sounds this one gets out of you. Always such a rough and tough big man until I so much as give you a little lick..."
Leaning in further, you give a kitten a lick, seeing his fingers tighten in the sheets out of the corner of your eye. You're honestly surprised he hasn't rip a hole in them yet.
"You're like putty in my hands."
In one swift movement, you were on your back. Breath jagged and rough as it blows over your face, Leon above you, his full weight pinning you to the bed.
"That's enough of your teasing, you fucking brat."
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jappleseedoree · 11 days
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it will always be you
han taesan x reader
academic rivals to lovers
genre: fluff
wc: 1,455
a/n: i was in a crazy writing mood so enjoy this!! i was planning on starting the anton smau but i felt like writing. this is my first au in a WHILE… so sorry if this has any typos or grammar mistakes since i didn’t proofread it. i don’t know if i’m really happy with this because i’m weirdly scared to publish this 😭 but nevertheless, enjoy reading 💕
You had a test tomorrow and you had been practicing for it for almost 2 weeks. You looked up from your book, checking the time on your digital clock, 2:47AM, it read. Your study session spanned for much longer than you hoped for. You sighed, closing your book and putting your pens back into the case. You tucked yourself into your warm bed, as you let your eyes close themselves.
You woke up four hours later, at the ripe hour of 6AM. You quickly checked your Instagram, seeing that your rival had posted a story, you clicked on it. It was a picture of his face at 5AM, oh how sweet he looked, from the way his hair was slightly disheveled but still kept tidily, his lips, the perfect shade of pink, so soft and kissable. Only if it wasn’t for his personality, only if he treated everyone like he treated you. The way he stupidly raised his eyebrows when his name was called as the top scorer instead of yours, a small smirk arising on the sides of his flawless lips. It provoked so many emotions in you, seeing his face so early in the morning. You put your phone down, took a quick shower, put on simple jewelry, and headed out the door.
You sat down in your seat, not long after, the boy of the hour joined you, weirdly enough, sat next to you. He made his existence more clear, as if you hadn’t been thinking about him the whole morning. The universe must be telling you something.
“You good?” he asked, oddly kind for his usual remarks. He snickered, “You don’t seem like you got enough sleep from the look of it.” His signature smirk plastered on his face. “Oh shut up, I was studying, Taesan.” you rolled your eyes back, thankful he hadn’t spoken about your attitude. “Dropped the last name?” he said, looking at you through the side of his eyes. You swear you heard him say a small “cute” under his breath. The small word made you burn up, why did you feel like this? Right next to him? He started to rummage through his bag, pulling out a little bottle, an energy boost. “I got it for myself, but, seems like you’ll need it more.” he says, propping it on your desk. “Thanks, I guess…” you were confused by the backhanded comment but grateful for the small act of kindness. You opened the bottle, taking the drink like a shot and feeling the taste flow through your throat. With that, you two kept quiet as more people bustled through the door.
You finished your test with a sigh. You made sure you put your name on it, as well as flicking through the papers to make sure you wrote an answer in all the questions and passed in your test. You packed your stuff back into your bag and left, but of course, not before Taesan caught up to you. “Hey, Y/n!” he smiled sweetly, him saying your name in such a way wasn’t good for you. You waited for him, standing still as he ran towards you. “How was the test?” he asked, passing you a candy while walking. A heart shaped candy. You couldn’t get your mind off of it, you thought about it while eating dinner, showering, you couldn’t even focus on your homework because your mind was busy, creating new ideas yet scrapping them, denying the thought of him liking you with a coincidence.
Your phone got a notification from an unknown number.
this is y/n, right?
yeah, who is this?
taesan :)
oh, how’d u get my number?
mmm a little bit of sneaking
kiddinggg i was looking at the board and it has the numbers of students who tutor
right. i forgot they did that… did u want tutoring?
nope, just wanted to talk to u, silly
wellllll i’m gonna study a bit so ttyl?
still studying? the test is over
i still wanna study for science, i’m not super familiar with the topic :(
i could help u
u wanna?
sureeee let’s call!!!
alright, but i look a bit weird so don’t judge
i’d never, ur too pretty
ok sorry let’s call
You and Taesan called. Something was so comforting about calling Taesan, maybe it was the way his voice sounded, his tone was gentle, much more different than when you two were bickering at school, or the way he helped you and made sure you understood everything well, it all made you feel so at home. Or maybe it was his perfectly sculpted face in juxtaposition with the oversized hoodie he seemed to wear. “Thank you, Taesan, and sorry for keeping you so long…” “No worries, Y/n, it was nice to keep you company. Well, goodnight Y/n, sleep well, yeah?” “Mhm, you too, Taesan.” you smiled at your phone, waving at Taesan as you ended your call, you closed your eyes with ease, smiling into your pillow as you recounted the moments you had with Taesan. Whatever happened to you hating him had somehow faded away, had it turned into love?
As you got into your seat, you saw Taesan comfortably sitting next to you. “Thank you for yesterday.” you smiled. “Hey, I told you, it’s no problem.” Your routine of staying quiet as more people entered the classroom resumed.
You got your math results back, your hands covered the results and in your head, counting down, you removed your hands to see your marks. 78%. 78%? You spent so long studying for your test for not even 80%? You held back tears, excusing yourself to the toilet.
The second you got outside of the school building, you sat on the benches outside, the tears started flowing. You couldn’t believe you spent so much time and energy, staying up for nothing. You felt so upset, how could you forgive yourself? Your moment was cutoff by a voice, Taesan’s voice. “Y/n? Are you okay?” he crouched down by your legs, looking up at you. “Taesan, I did so bad. I spent so long studying on this, for not even 80%? I seriously can’t believe myself.” you sobbed into your hands, as Taesan sat next to you, holding your shoulder. You looked at him, holding the silence as he fixed pieces of your hair, tucking them behind your ears. “Y/n, it’s okay. You did the best you could, and that’s all that matters. This one test won’t discard the work you’ve put in and will put in. Please, don’t worry.” he softly swiped away the tears that streamed down your cheek. He pulled you into a warm hug, his arms wrapping around you, as you rested your cheek on his shoulder, taking in his scent.
You spent a couple minutes with Taesan, walking together so that no one would know you were crying. You re-entered your classroom and took a deep breath. You couldn’t bear spending any more time in that classroom, but you’d do it for Taesan.
After school ended, you got another notification from the unknown number, namely, Taesan. Before you answered his message, you wanted to change him contact.
wait let me change ur contact
ooh, what r u changing it to?
what do u want it to be? because i don’t know honestlyyy
can i ask u a question first?
can i be ur boyfriend? i mean, i want to at least!! also, sorry i’m asking online and not irl but i couldn’t catch u after school :(
actually? THE han taesan asking to be my boyfriend? (yes)
i thought u hated me
i thought i did too, but i realized it’s probably because i wanted to deny my feelings for u. and i haven’t been able to get u out of my mind
cute. well anyway, u should save me as “super sexy and cute boyfriend”
cute? sure. sexy? hmm
come onnnn pleaseee :)
save me as ”super smart and pretty girlfriend” then
ofc baby
?? do u not like it
wait no
i mean i love it
i love u, my super smart and pretty girlfriend
i love u, my super sexy and cute boyfriend.
The next day, you immediately went to Taesan, though he wasn't aware of your being. You gave him a small peck on the cheek and that had him turning around. "Hey, my boyfriend." you giggled with a sweet smile that made Taesan's eyes fill with love for you. "Hey, my girlfriend." he said, holding his hand out, waiting for yours to be in it.
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findmeintheferns · 1 year
sweet dreams
fuck me like you missed me then
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𝓢𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂: y/n can’t sleep, how could she? she had gotten so used to ellie fcking her every night before bed. since ellie and cat were back together they can’t anymore. uno because that would be wrong, right? right???
𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰: angst, smut (oral sex, fingering), apologies if there is typos i got sick of rereading this lol
𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽: 1.5k
𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰: ellie williams (TLOU) x reader
You had tried everything, you mediated, downed 2 cups of chamomile tea, took a warm shower, read. Hell, you even counted sheep for a solid 15 minutes to no avail. You just could not sleep. Usually you wouldn’t really care that much, you enjoyed your quiet time and would spent the night finishing a book or watching whatever movie you could scavenge from crumbling houses. Nighttime was really the only time you could be alone. However tomorrow you had patrol at 5am and you didn’t really love the idea of no sleep before that. You stared at the clock as the hand crept closer and closer to the early hours of the morning.
“That’s it. Fuck it.” you groaned in frustration, pushing yourself off your couch and marching towards the door. You knew deep down this wasn’t a great idea, but you were desperate. It was freezing outside, you didn’t even bother to put on a jacket before making your way to Ellie’s. You see, the past few months between you and her had been kinda awkward. You were best friends since Ellie and Joel had returned from Salt Lake City. You met her during a rough time, and you bonded over that. She was the first person you ever did a patrol with, you know, without a group. You always knew there was something more there, you just didn’t act on it. However when Ellie and Cat went on their first ‘break’ you slipped up. The two of you had been drinking alone in her room, she couldn’t stop complaining about her ex and you were getting fed up of hearing about it. You didn’t like Cat in the first place, and the idea of making her jealous lit a fire in you, one didn’t know was there before. Ellie was mid sentence, saying something along the lines of, “And you know what fucking gets me? She says that I should cut YOU out of my life because you secretly want me blah blah blah yet she’s always with stupid Bailey, the one person I know for a fact wants to fuc-“ you cut her off, pressing your lips against hers and making her shut up. She pulled away, looking kinda shocked. That shock however didn’t last long because about 2 seconds later she was pulling you into her lap by your tank top and roughly kissing you back. After that incident you continued to fuck for a few weeks, spending almost every night in her bed or her in yours. The problem was you didn’t talk about it, probably because you knew it was wrong. You’d simply wait for one another the second it got dark out to show up at the door and then spend a solid chunk of the night having the best sex of your life. This was up until a week ago, which is when you noticed Cat desperately trying to fix things with Ellie.
“Wait- y/n, don’t go. I don’t understand?” Ellie quickly followed after you as you made your way to the door.
“Cat wants you back Ellie, come on we can’t keep doing this.” You grab the door handle but Ellie’s hand grabs yours, stopping you from being able to twist it. You make eye contact with her and sigh.
“Why does it matter if she wants me back?” she asks, confused.
You push her hand off yours, aggressively opening the door.
“You clearly want her too, you shouldn’t ruin your chances by continuing something that’s purely just sex.”
You don’t give her a chance to reply, you don’t even look at her face, scared that her expression will convince you she’s feeling something she’s not. You didn’t have the balls to tell her how you actually felt, like how you wish you were hers instead of Cat, or how you were scared to take it any further because you couldn’t risk losing her as a friend. From then on you had barely been talking, she seemed kinda pissed off at you actually. Plus her and Cat were back together, so yeah, you knew it was the wrong thing to do, but you no longer gave a fuck. You reach her door and gently knock three times, wondering if she’ll even be awake to hear it. Suddenly a sleepy, groggy Ellie opens the door, looking puzzled.
“Y/n? Is everything okay?” she mumbled staring at you with confusion. You don’t waste anytime making your way into her room and slamming the door shut.
“Y/n I don’t understa-“ You cut her off again, grabbing her face and pressing her lips to yours. You expect her to get angry at you but instead she returns the kiss even more rough then you were. Before you know it she has pushed you onto the bed, her lean but muscular body on top of yours. You moan at the sight of her, she’s wearing a singlet with with no bra, so you can see how hard her nipples are already. Her hair is a little messy, probably from sleep, but still looks good somehow. She practically tears your shirt off you and moves her kisses from your lips down your neck and to your breasts. You gasp at the feeling of her lips on your chest as she intently sucks your nipples, making your whole body tingle. You pull on her hair and she lets out a moan, moving back to your lips. You’ve made out for too long, you need more, you grind against her leg and she retaliates, pressing her thigh into your clit. You grab her singlet and pull it off without hesitating. You begin unbuttoning her pants however you’re interrupted by her raspy voice.
“Wait, wait, wait, Y/n. Are we really doing this?” she says, clearly out of breath.
“I mean, only if you want to” you shrug
“I want to. I really want to. But i’m confused, you told me to get back with Cat? You made it clear that what we had was just sex, are you just really horny because if that’s the cas-“
You press you finger to her lips.
“Ellie, come on did you really think this was just sex to me? I hate Cat, I envy her. I’ve wanted you since we were 15 but I couldn’t risk losing you. I just can’t pretend anymore.”
You watch Ellie’s face carefully, scared that what she’ll say next will cause you two to never speak again. Instead she softly rubs her fingers on against your cheek.
“I really wish you told me earlier, we wasted so much time. I missed you this last week, a lot.” she sighs.
You are so relieved you could actually cry, but now is not the time for that.
“Fuck me like you missed me then.” you don’t have time to say anything else, because the second you finished your sentence Ellie has lifted you up and roughly placed you on top of her hips so that you are straddling her as she lays down. Your lips reconnect and you grind down hard.
“I need you” you moan, drunk on the how good this feels.
“I’ve got you baby” she replies, flipping you over and pulling your pants down quicker than you thought was humanly possible. She unbuttons her pants so you are both naked, your pussy pulsing from the sight.
“So wet for me huh baby?” she hums, causing you to groan.
Wasting no time she presses her mouth against your clit, moaning at your reaction to her tongue. It isn’t long before you feel your stomach begin to grow warm, you’re not going to last long. You grab her hand that is tightly gripped against your thigh. She always does this so she can hold you in place while she licks and sucks in the perfect rhythm. You push her hand further down and she knows exactly what you want. She presses her fingers inside you and you throw your head against the pillow, making the headboard loudly hit the wall. She continues to finger you while using her magic mouth on your clit as you feel yourself begin to come undone. It makes you so fucking wet how much she loves eating your pussy.
“F-fuck, FUCK, Ellie i’m so close. I’m so so fucking close ughh” you moan worryingly loud but oh well, you couldn’t care less in this moment. Ellie moans into your pussy and you’re thrown over the edge, cumming arguably harder than you’ve ever cum in your life. Ellie rolls over, laying next to you, as you both try and catch your breath.
“Fuck.” You groan, thinking about how good she makes you feel. You roll over and look at her, sweaty and breathless.
“You okay?” you ask “You seem kinda out of breath.” She turns to look at you, her cheeks bright pink.
“I-I um, sorta”
“Spit it out Ellie” you say impatiently, worried something is wrong.
“Shut up” she retaliates “I came. When I was eating you out idk how but I finished”
You giggle, moving so that you are now on top of her.
“Naw don’t be embarrassed Els, wanna cum again?” you whisper in her ear causing her to groan,
“You know I fucking do”.
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tillthelandslide · 1 year
Insufferable Arsehole Part 8: When We Are Together - Matty Healy Series
A/N: sooo you may have seen my poll, you may not have, but I've come to the decision to post what I have written for this series and then take a little break from it... I love this series but recently have been feeling a bit stuck with it, I have so many ideas but I'm sure where they fit and whether there even is an end to this story. My goal is to eventually finish it so don't worry! I hope you guys are okay with that. The support has been amazing so thank you all so much.
In other news (for my Ross girlies) I will be posting the first chapter to my new series, entitled Pressure, very soon!
Warnings: bit long, probably spelling mistakes
Series Masterlist
Part 7
Lou's phone ringing on her bedside table is what stirs her from her peaceful slumber. The dozing man next to her awakens with a groan as she awkwardly untangles her limbs from him, apologising for the loud interference as she removes herself from the bed. His soft features find hers and he smiles before his eyes are drifting shut once more. She quickly throws on his shirt which rests on the ground amongst the rest of their clothes.
She stubs her toe on the bedside table as she grabs her phone, the name "Rose" lights up her screen, a picture of her and the drummer of her band can be seen.
"Fuck" she says attempting to shake of the pain, Matty mumbles a "you alright love?" His face now buried in his pillow.
"Yeah go back to sleep" she says, answering the phone, covering up the speaker until she's on their balcony. The morning breeze is far too cold and considering she's just wearing Matty's Tshirt, she'd be surprised if she didn't get frostbite.
"Lou, are you there?" She hears her friend say.
"Yes I'm here sorry" she looks at her phone seeing the clock said 5am, she puts the phone back to her ear 
"Rose I love you but it's 5 in the morning, what time is it there?" She asks, not keeping a track of what time it is in her home town like she usually would.
"That doesn't matter, what matters is that I've just seen pictures of you and Matty holding hands and cuddling. Last time we spoke you said you're seeing how things go" she explains. Shit  they did get caught she thinks , it's fine Matty said we will deal with the consequences together.
"That's exactly what I'm doing, Rose. Seeing how things go, I'm not filtering myself for anyone, I'll do what I want and that's exactly what Im doing" she explains. Rose chuckles on the other end of the line, Lou's words perfectly described herself, never one to filter herself for the sake of others.
"We respect that, you know we do. One of the things we love most about you... We're just worried you're going to get hurt" Rose explains, Rose was one of the most genuine people she had ever met, she was similar to Hann in the fact she would say it how it is although perhaps a little more carelessly and sometimes brutally than Hann.
"We? So you've spoken to Mia and Cami too... Great'' she says, eyes rolling. Mia was the band's bassist (and her sister) and Cami was their lead guitarist.
"I mean... Mia is blindly happy for you, you know what she's like" Rose says.
Mia is around 5 years younger than Lou (having joined the band reasonably late, a fact that Ross and Lou had jokingly argued about as the band didn't have a bassist for a while), they had always been close but one thing they loved about their relationship was they weren't dependent on each other. Despite spending all her time with the 1975 in her childhood, only George had met her band members, they weren't very interested in becoming friends with them, far too happy in doing their own thing.
Mia lived in London for almost all of their childhood, they'd only see each other during holidays or special occasions, something about that dynamic made them closer (which most people found odd). Mia had played bass since she was around 8 and she had joined the band 5 years after they got famous.
"I love her... She's my sister and all but she'd be happy if I found a penny on the floor" Lou says making Rose chuckle, knowing it was true. Despite having different Mum's, their families always encouraged the sisters to appreciate life intricacies, the small things.
"We're just looking out for you L" she says, the nickname only her band members gave her. She remembers the first time George visited the band on tour during one of the 75s breaks, he practically cringed at the nickname, she was and always would be his "Lou" and the fact others had different nicknames for her didn't sit too well at first.
"I know" she says, knowing they never did anything with less than pure intentions. "but listen... We're a family here, if anything happens they'll protect me" she says, not that she needed protecting. Rose finds her heart sinking slightly at her friend's words, as if their own band weren't a family. But she saw the way Lou was with the 75, how undoubtedly happy she was and she knew to push the selfish thought down.
"You seem really happy" Rose finally says and Lou smiles at that.
"I am..." She can't help but smile widely. She could easily go on to tell Rose how she's having the time of her life, how she's never felt this happy, how something feels different with the guys (something she has been struggling to explain), how Matty makes her feel seen and loved (something no guy has come close to before). But she doesn't, wanting it to be her secret for now.
"I'm also really fucking cold right now" she laughs, goosebumps rising to her skin as the wind makes Matty's shirt blow around her.
"Why?" Rose is laughing at her then.
"I'm on a balcony"
"why?" She's asking again, the two of them laughing.
"Matty's asleep... Like I said it's 5am" she says and she hears her friend sigh on the other end of the line, a happy sigh.
"Matty aye? Sharing a room are you?"
"Shut up" she chuckles. Her voice lowers and she whispers her next words "he told me he loved me Rose".
"Wow. That's big" she says and Lou's nodding even though Rose can't see her.
"Do you love him?" Rose asks, already suspecting the answer.
"Well shit... Guess we're coming to the next show then. Got to see what Matthew Healy is like nowadays. Can't be the same old Ratty you used to kick about with" she says making Lou laugh loudly.
"I miss you guys" she says, the 1975 were her family, everything was intense. But with her own band she had fun (not that she didn't with the boys) but it was different.
"Is George still as fit as the good old days?" She asks and Lou can't help but laugh again.
"Pack it in, you know he's in a happy, healthy relationship" Lou explains.
"Too bad, don't know how you didn't jump his bones every time you were with him"
"Ew... Just ew. He's like my brother"
"And that Ross.... Damn. And I hear hanns going to be a daddy? That's hot."
"Okay Rose I'm hanging up now" Lou says and with two I love yous, she's slipping back into their room, seeing Matty awake and scrolling through his phone, smiling down at the screen.
"You know we look quite cute in these pictures" he says, eyes meeting hers. She's quick to jump on the bed, chin hooking onto his shoulder to peek at his screen. They did look cute and more importantly they looked happy. She smiles as Matty screenshots the photos.
"Deal with the consequences together, yeah?" Matty says, Lou nods at him, smiling as his lips press against hers.
"The first of which will be a very angry Jamie... And probably Gregg too" she says, Matty scrunching up his nose in agreement.
"Yeah...." His voice trails off making her giggle.
"I don't care... I'm happy"
"Me too love" he says, another kiss being delivered to her mouth.
"Rose called, think her and the girls want to come to the next show" she explains and Matty nods, typing something on his phone to Jamie, asking him to sort out their travel and to save them three tickets.
"Thank you" she says.
"If I remember correctly... They don't like me all that much do they?" He says and she's the one furrowing her nose at him, shaking her head.
"Guess I'll have to prove them wrong" and she almost dies at those words, lips harshly pressing against his. He groans as he pushes against her, her back hitting the bed.
"You're insatiable" he says, making her nod as her hands pull him in by the hips, forcing them to come into contact with hers in a sharp grind. She quickly finds him hard and resting against his abdomen and it doesn't take long before he's inside her.
"Jesus Christ" he groans, throwing his head back as her hands interweave into his curls. He's never going to get used to this.
"You're supposed to tell me shit like this before you just decide to do it" Jamie says, his voice raised slightly, not shouting but firm and pointed.
Matty was standing in the centre of the room. George, Hann, Ross, John, and Jamie were all watching from the opposite side of the room, each of their arms crossed, ready to defend the pair if they needed to.
Carly (who had arrived this morning) and Polly were seated next to Lou on a large leather sofa.
"Come on man! It's not that big of a deal, we were holding hands, not making out" Matty says and Lou can't help but smirk.
"You know we have rules" Jamie says, making Matty (and all the boys scoff)
"I mean he's done worse" George says and Jamie whips around to see him, his finger pointing at the large man. Lou can't help but chuckle.
"Don't you start" and then he's turning to her now and her smile drops "and you"
"How am I supposed to explain this to your manager huh? How are we supposed to explain this to the fans?" Jamie asks. He was never really one to worry about these kinds of things, things were usually very chilled with him, it was one of the reasons the guys loved having him as their manager.
"Is it really that big of a deal?" Lou asks, Matty's eyes find hers and soften.
"Jamie listen" Lou says and the boy's manager finds her eyes and then soften, he had grown to have a soft spot for her "ignore Matty for a second" she says making everyone including the curly haired man laugh.
"When have I ever done anything problematic?" She asks and Jamie can't think of a single time, she was a saint (in the eyes of their fans anyway, Matty knew what she was truly like behind closed doors).
"We will do whatever you and Gregg want us to do... We just got caught up in the moment, okay?" Lou says and Jamie smiles at that, appreciating her words.
"You know what... Do whatever... We will deal with it" Jamie then says, almost completely giving in. The whole group smiled at that, the spirits lifted almost immediately. He goes to leave the room, turning back at the last minute.
"You're both serious about this right? This isn't some fuck around?" Jamie asks, already knowing the answer but wanting to confirm. They both share a look before looking at him again. They nod and he smiles.
"Well... Good" he says before leaving.
George hugs Matty as Lou is hugged by both Carly and Polly. She hadn't gotten much time to spend with the girls so when Matty's eyes found hers, although he wants nothing more than to spend time with her, he lets her have her own time with them.
"Look at you, you're glowing" Lou says, smiling at her friend. Carly smiles back at her thinking the same thing about Lou.
"How are you feeling? Can I get you anything?" Her words are rushed and Carly laughs, as does Poly.
"Lou calm down, I'm fine. Thank you though" she says sweetly. They continue talking and at some point Poly leaves them and soon after Hann joins, hooking a protective arm around his wife as his other hand toys with his wedding band. Lou always cries at the sight, feeling awfully sentimental today.
The couple stare at each other for a few seconds, smiles resting on their lips before they're both turning to look at her.
"Why are you both looking at me like that?" Lou asks, making them laugh.
"We've been meaning to ask you something" Adam says, words quiet so only the three of them could hear.
"We were wondering," Carly says, looking at her husband before looking at Lou again.
"When the baby is born... If you'd be godmother" Carly says and as skin as the words come out, tears are springing to Lou's eyes.
"Wh-what?" She stutters, completely unsure why they'd ask her of all people, she appreciates it nonetheless but is very confused.
"Truth is we wouldn't even be married if it wasn't for you" Adam says.
"That's not true" Lou says and Carly raises her eyebrows at her.
"Regardless... You've always been so welcoming of me, and so so supportive. And whenever I'm here, you're always the first to check up on me and the baby" Carly speaks, hands resting over her bunk as Adam nods next to her.
"You don't have to say yes. We'd just love it if you did.  You know what you mean to us" Hann says and Lou is pulling them both into a tight hug, careful of the bump resting between them.
"I'd be honoured"
The next evening Lou is pacing backstage at another venue, anxiously awaiting the arrival of her band of which included her baby sister (definitely not a baby but oh well). They had planned something special for this show, seeing as her bandmates were going to be there, the boys asked her to sing a song on her own, any song she liked.
"Lou you're making me anxious, stop pacing" George says, leisurely chilling on one of the sofas, Matty sitting next to him, a smirk resting on his face.
"Why are you smirking?" She quips at the man, who's curls have been tamed by an obscene amount of hair gel.
"Like seeing you like this, it's cute" he says, pulling her into his lap as she walks past them, stopping her pacing altogether.
"That's better" Matty says, making Lou giggle as he swarms her neck with light pecks.
"Absolutely disgusting" George says, standing to leave the pair of them.
"He's just jealous," Lou says, making Matty nod.
"Why are you anxious darling?" Matty says, nudging his nose lightly against hers.
"I haven't seen them in a while, I've missed them like crazy and I'm just.... I'm worried they're going to see what I'm like with you guys... And like hate me or something" Lou admits.
"You're crazy" Matty says, laughing at her "I don't know how many times I have to tell you love, but no one could hate you" he says, his words so simple but completely easing her thoughts.
"I love you" she says freely now, the man smiles widely down at her, pressing his mouth to hers sweetly.
"I love you more"
They hear a door open behind them, Lou jumping from her place in his lap, turning around to see three women standing in the hallway with Jamie. One of which runs towards her, screaming loudly, she jumps and Lou catches her as she laughs.
"Oh my god Mia you're not a child, I can't carry you anymore" Lou says, struggling to hold her sister up.
"I have fucking missed you bro" Mia says as she's placed back down, punching her older sister in the arm.
"Ouch" Lou says, all of the boys watch with their mouths open. Lou was talking to someone who looked almost identical to her, although her sister's hair was much lighter than hers and shorter too, her skin slightly paler, far less tattoos covering her body.
Rose and Cami are pulling her into a tight hug next, the four of them nattering like a bunch of mothers waiting to pick up their kids.
"Oh shit. Sorry" Lou turns to the guys who are still watching, mouth agape at the four of them. George is quick to stand up, pulling them all into hugs, muttering "long them no sees" to each of them.
"Of course you know George..." Lou says as she begins to introduce the guys. Every single one of them fawns over the man, making her roll her eyes, pointing her fingers at them, telling them to stop which makes George laugh. He knew they did it on purpose, to get under Lou's skin but he can't help but let it get to his ego too.
George wraps up Mia in a hug "how's my favourite sister doing?" He asks just to annoy Lou.
"Ha ha very funny" Lou says, pushing her best friend lightly as he wraps his arm around her too.
"This is Ross, Adam but we call him Hann, Carly: Adam's wife and mother of his unborn child" she says pointing to each of them, making everyone laugh at her words about Carly. She doesn't mention that she's going to be the child's godmother, wanting to savour that fact for a while.
"Penny, Jamie, John and... Matty" she's smiling at them and all the girls smile at everyone introduced, waving at them. The girls can't help but notice how Matty stares at her, his eyes set on no one else but her, a huge smile resting on his mouth. One look and they could see he was smitten.
"This is Rose our drummer, Cami our lead guitarist and my little sister Mia, who's our bassist" she smiles as she speaks, hooking her arm around Mia at the last instance.
"How did I not know you had a sister?" It's Matty who's speaking, almost all of the girls scowling at him, apart from Mia. He shares a look with the other guys, all of them shrugging, all of them knew she had a sister (although only George had met her) , how the fact had escaped the attention of Matty they did not know. He feels awful that he doesn't know, and wonders why he hadn't told her.
"Don't talk about me then sis? Oh how you wound me" her sister says, making her laugh and nudge her.
"Na, just kidding, it's all good. I lived in London, same dad, different mum" Mia explains, coming to pull Matty into a hug to properly introduce herself. Lou stands there watching them, finger in-between teeth as she watches how Matty freezes up awkwardly, the scene makes her chuckle.
"Mia stop being weird" she says, pulling her sister back from Matty.
The rest of them talk then, the girls talking to various people at scattered times. Mia stands with Matty and Lou, catching up about all sorts of things. Rose and Cami talk to Ross, Hann and Carly.
"Who's the one with the bun again?" Mia asks and Lou rolls her eyes as Matty smirks, knowing exactly why she's asking.
"That would be Ross, OUR bassist' ' Matty says, smirk clear on his face. His arm was wrapped tightly around Lou's waist, holding him to her. Mia thought they looked cute together and she couldn't help but smile at the huge smile resting on her older sister's face. She had never seen her this happy before.
"That's Ross?!" Mia almost shouts, catching the attention of the tall bearded man.
"Shut up" Lou says, Mia and her share a look, confusing Matty slightly. Mia was one of the only people that knew Lou and Ross shared a kiss when they were teenagers for they told each other everything.
"He's gotten a lot fitter than when you knocked about with them" Mia says, her London accent a lot more prominent as she speaks.
"You need to stop" Lou says, Matty and her laughing at the slightly smaller girl. Matty's eyes flick between them, eyebrows raising.
"Sorry I can't get over how similar you look, you seriously have different mum's? " Matty says, making them both groan.
"Oh god don't say that"  they say in unison, Matty holds his hands up in surrender at the daggers they shoot.
"Forget I mentioned it" he's being pulled away by someone else then. Leaving the two sisters alone.
"I mean... I like him" Mia says, grasping her sister by the shoulders. Rose joins their conversation.
"That's because you didn't see how completely unbearable he was when we were kids" Rose says, beer in hand that Lou is completely unsure how she got.
"Alright Rose we get it. Give the poor guy a chance, people change" Cami speaks and Lou is thankful to her.
"So tell us, are the rumours true?" Rose then asks.
"What rumours?" Lou asks, eyebrows furrowing at her bandmate.
"The rumours when we were kids.... That he's a good shag" rose says, always one to be forefront with her questions, something which often got them into trouble.
"You know what, you carry on mingling, I need a fag" Lou chuckles before finding her way out of one of the side doors, she hears them all laughing behind her.
The cigarette quickly finds its place in-between her lips, lighter sparking, the end burning as she breathes it in. She hears the door open and then shut behind her but she doesn't turn. She doesn't need to, she can smell two familiar scents: one of the man she loved and one of her life long best friend.
There's a silence for a few seconds as they light their own cigarettes, Matty's arm hooking around her waist when he sees her shiver.
"Sorry Lou but your sister is fitter than the last time I saw her" George says, making her cringe and making Matty chuckle.
"Ew. Just ew. And you have a girlfriend" Lou says simply, she doesn't miss how Matty leans in whispering a "you're fitter" into her ear. It's kind of a weird compliment, she never once compared herself to her sister, but she can't deny the way his words make her thighs tighten. She suppose it's because he's the one saying it and she's the one he wants when there's plenty of other beautiful girls, including the ones back inside, who he could easily get.
"They seem nice" Matty then says, loud enough for them both to hear.
"They are. But they're fucking mental though. Sorry if Rose is a bitch to you, her heart is in the right place" Lou explains, talking to Matty now, ignoring her best friend.
"It's okay, I get it. I was a dick remember?" Matty asks and Lou and George nod at him, all three of them laughing at his words.
"Cami is an absolute sweetheart so you don't have to worry about anything with her... Maybe just" she turns to Matty, placing a hand on her chest "watch what you say" this makes George laugh.
"And Mia... Keep her away from Ross will you? She's small but she will break that man" Lou says, her words shocking the two men, making them laugh anyway.
"Really?" George says, raising his eyebrows "maybe he needs to be broken" and Lou is groaning at his words.
"Don't you even try George" she says, the man flicking his fag to the floor, running back inside, giggling like an absolute child.
"George!" She shouts, giving in when the door swings back. She turns back to Matty then, who is smiling widely at her. His curls have once again been tamed by an unruly amount of hair gel, she almost frowns at the fact she can't run her fingers through the strands.
"Remind me why you didn't tell me you had a sister?" He asks and she frowns at him, thinking of an answer, not really having a definite one.
"Hmmm... I dunno. Guess I never thought to tell you before... And now... Think I was too wrapped up in you to tell you" she says, feeling a bit bad that she hadn't mentioned her own sister.
"As much as I love that... Told you I wanted to know everything about you" he says and she nods.
"I know... You'll get to know her now though, she loves you already so you definitely don't have to worry about her" she seals her words with a brief kiss.
"You seem different around them" Matty admits, making her eyebrows furrow, not knowing whether the meaning behind his words was a good or bad difference.
"How?" She asks, he smooths his hands over her waist, pulling her closer as his back leans against the concrete of the wall.
"You're like the leader of their pack, they all look to you, you shine" he admits and his eyes sparkle as he speaks "like seeing you shine". She doesn't quite know what to say but opts for the truth.
"I've actually been enjoying not being the frontman for a bit... Happy to be in the background and bask in your light" she says, his heart flutters at her words.
"Oh honey..." His fingers tucking a piece of hair behind her ear that had fallen, choosing to gently grip her chin instead of dropping back to his side.
"You've got your own light, even at the back... Everyone's looking at you" he says and she doesn't believe his words. She had a few of her own fans come to their gigs but the majority were there to see the boys and Matty, of course because it was their show, she was just there to help. She shakes her head at him, making him chuckle.
"Wish you could see yourself the way I see you... The way thousands of people see you. Trust me darling... You shine" he seals his lips against hers now, not letting her utter another word. His words had some truth to them that she didn't see, the guys often found themselves watching her even on that stage, she radiated something more than any of them could give.
And Matty especially couldn't take his eyes off her, she was everything, up on that stage, in a coffee shop, amongst friends, under the covers in their room: she shined.
Their lips move passionately against each other, neither able to get enough of each other. He's pulling her as she pulls him, trying to get closer even though it wasn't possible.
Neither of them had spoken about the fact that in two days they would be at the end of the first leg of their tour. They'd been setting off on a three week break, every single person had made plans except the two of them, too wrapped up in each other to have spoken about it.
The door creaks open next to them and they hear someone cough. They pull apart, both looking to see sweet Cami standing there.
"They're calling you on stage" Lou appreciates that she makes no crude comments, and doesn't groan at the sight of them.
They leave to play then, the crowd like no other tonight. She doesn't know if it's because she has her bandmates and her sister here or maybe because things are going so well with Matty, but the smile on her face never leaves. They play song after song, each one better than the last and when the second half rolls round and Matty introduces them, he surprises her.
"So we have two more shows after this one... And then we're on a three week break" he mentions it now and suddenly it dawns on her.
" I haven't made any plans... I've been a little distracted..." He says, looking over to her, making the crowd go mental "the truth is I've been having the time of my life with someone truly truly amazing and I'm the happiest I've ever been" he says. She thinks that his words are good enough for her for now, that's all the fans really need to know.
"This tour... We had someone amazing join us... I wasn't overjoyed at first, everyone on this stage right now would tell you that... Including her, especially her" he says and they all chuckle to themselves, Lou's eyes never wavering from his.
"But my god... George" he says turning around to face his best mate "thank you" he says, hands flat against each other, raising them to his chin as he tilts his head.
"Thank you to these boys right here" he says, pointing to Hann, George and then Ross "for making the best decision ever and bringing this wonderful person on tour with us" Matty says, finally pointing to her. Some fans may think he's just being sentimental, thanking her for joining them this far. Some will know the true meaning to his words, all but confirming what they were.
"Our wonderful Lou, would you come here for a second please?" He asks, and exactly as they planned she walks over to him, smiling as he pulls her into a tight hug before they pull back, his hand resting on her shoulder.
"Now you've got an absolute treat tonight" Matty says and someone passes her, her acoustic guitar. Matty moves from his stool and lets her sit there.
"The amazing Lou everyone" he says before he's leaving, everyone leaves the stage then, joining the girls backstage and watching from the sidelines.
"God this is daunting" she says into the microphone, making the crowd laugh "Yeah I know this is my job but I haven't been up here on my own for a hot minute" they laugh again.
She's shining again Matty thinks, god he loved how she shines.
"Boys please come back" she says, everyone laughing again.
"Okay okay" she says, shaking her nerves off as she begins checking if the guitar is in tune.
"I need to say a couple of things before I start, unplanned I know" she says, saying her last words to the guys on the side of the stage.
"Can't let Matty say all that without me saying anything" she laughs and she sees him smile at her.
"My band is here tonight" the crowd screams "my little sister"
"And I can't remember a time where I felt as happy as I do now. We're a family here at the 1975... I know that more than anything else" she says her words making the boy's eyes fill with tears.
"I guess I just want to say thank you to the whole team... And to my four boys, you know I'm not the best with words so I've been wanting to do something to show you guys how much you mean to me instead. So I thought I'd sing you a beautiful song. One which you wrote. This is for you" she says, beginning to play the beginning chords to "When We Are Together".
She plays a stripped back version of the song, somehow making it more sentimental, the boys find themselves hugging each other backstage.
Matty stares at her intently as she sings, the voice he loves so much filling the entire arena, he's in awe that the entire audience is silent, simply listening to her sing.
"You ask about the cows, wearin' my sweater
It's somethin' 'bout the weather that makes them lie down
The only time I feel I might get better is when we are together" she sings, her voice soft and sweet, undeniably beautiful.
She sings the song to the end, only then looking up at the audience. Her own eyes glisten with tears that are yet to fall but they do when she sees everyone holding up their phone, a few people crying their own tears. The boys are quick to join her on stage, hugging her tightly in a group hug before they return to their places on the stage.
"I love you" Matty mouths to her making her smile and mouth an "I love you too" back. Neither caring that thousands of people were watching them.
George somehow ropes them all into a night out. Explaining that they hadn't had one yet despite being nearly at the end of their first leg. It was a rare occurrence for the band not to have had one, but they had all agreed that until they were all settled they wouldn't have a crazy night out.
But as the first leg was coming to an end, they had all agreed it was much needed and well deserved. Plus, the addition of Lou's bandmates had them all in high spirits.
"Got to give the newbies a proper 75 welcome" Ross says, wrapping an arm around Lou, pulling her into his side.
"Hey I'm not a newbie anymore" she argues back, jokingly shoving the man above her, shrugging away from his grip.
"But you haven't been out with us losers since we were teenagers" he quips back and she can't argue with that.
So they all rushed back to their hotel, the girls taking up Lou's room which was yet to be touched. Matty frowns as she disappears between the doors, leaving him to get ready on his own. Lou quickly showers, slicks back her hair into a high pony and applies some make up, not too much on her face but a dark eye, before joining the girls back in her room, wrapped up in a white robe.
"Feel like seeing how much that man has the hots for you?" Cami says, making Lou laugh as she searches through her suitcase. The girls seemed to have come prepared, suspecting that a night out would be on the agenda.
"We're not going anywhere fancy Cami, George knows some dj at this club and they've got us a booth" she explains, failing to mention that it was in the VIP section, something she didn't like to brag about. Cami holds up a silk dress with a deep v and a high slit, Lou shakes her head "too fancy".
Cami mutters an "okay okay" before she proceeds to throw more things from her suitcase, a mischievous look on her face as she puts together a few items.
One of which is a skirt that is far too short even for Lou, she had thrown all sorts of items in there, some of which she hadn't worn in ages.
"Cami that skirt it so fucking short" Lou says, unsure about it, and the slit that revealed half her thigh. Cami proceeds to throw the skirt at her, along with a deep v lace bodysuit and a cropped blazer.
"Just try it on" she says, the other girls nodding. Lou sighs deeply.
"Don't encourage her" she says, pointing to the other girls.
She makes her way to the en-suite bathroom, removing her robe before putting on the assortment of clothes Cami had selected. She finds herself smirking at her reflection, her ego was far from big but she knew that one look from Matty and he'd be on his knees.
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She makes her way back into the room, her bandmates gasping at her.
"That's it. That's the one. I'm a genius" Cami says, placing a kiss on each of her cheeks.
"I'd do you" Rose says, making them all laugh, her fingertips pluck the "M" necklace that rests against the centre of her chest, just falling in-between her boobs. Rose smiles and lifts an eyebrow.
"Can't lie... That's undeniably cute" she says and Lou smiles.
"I know I give him shit... And I will continue to until I see fit" rose says making Lou laugh "but it's obvious he's madly in love with you... And you seem really happy" she says and Lou nods at her.
"I am... I don't even remember what it was like before... I hated him because I thought he hated me... As soon as I found out he didn't, everything kind of just fell in to place" Lou explains, mia standing up to hug her sister.
The other girls get ready after that, Lou helping them do their hair and make up, hearing the guys laughing from outside.
Rose wears a simple black dress that sits tightly on her body, Cami settles for a black pair of skinny jeans and a lace bralette, whilst Mia adorns leather trousers and black one shoulder bodysuit.
"You guys are going to give them heart attacks," Lou says, making all the girls laugh.
They then make their way into the main room, Lou the last to leave, before she does she hears George say "Was wondering why you took so long but now I understand. Look lovely girls" he says, his words fairly tame in comparison to what she'd thought he'd say.
"Where's the woman of the hour?" He jokes before she steps into the threshold. Her eyes find Mattys almost instantly and she can't help but smirk at him.
He was sitting on one of the sofas, legs spread wide almost as if he's ready for her to take her place in them. He shoots up as soon as he sees her, tugging at the shirt that rests almost uncomfortably around his neck now.
He's dressed in black suit trousers, a plain white T Shirt tucked in with a black shirt thrown over the top, the buttons almost all undone except two at the bottom, the shirt is sheer and she holds back moan as she sees him. His hair isn't tamed by gel now, unruly curls sat atop his head, ready to be tugged.
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"Damnnn" George says, hand reaching for hers and getting his best friend to do a twirl, which makes her laugh. She didn't notice Matty coming over to her but she sure as hell notices the look he gives George, one in which she had never seen before.
His eyes warned his best friend to watch his mouth and George instantly stepped away, he was being territorial and she was surprised with how much she liked the feeling.
"Baby..." He practically whispers, hands coming to find her waist, gently pulling her body to his, his touch is unsure, as if he thought he wasn't deserving of it. Behind them, everyone begins talking to each other, letting the couple be.
"You look..." He swallows deeply and the sight kills her. She's glad her outfit had the outcome she had desired but as his dark eyes find hers she finds herself lost for words. Her eyebrows raise up at him, begging him to finish his sentence.
"Devine..." He says, as if she's a meal to devour. She couldn't care in the slightest, she loved how he much he wanted her and how little he tried to hide it.
"Hmm" she says, hands flat against his chest, she doesn't even beginning to describe how good he looks before George is interrupting them.
"We should probably leave before these two start fucking" George says, making everyone chuckle.
The club is loud and George disappears the minute they arrive, talking to the DJ of the night who lets George take rein of the music for a bit. The others find themselves at their booth, drinks already waiting for them.
Matty's hand is firmly clasped on her thigh as his other arm hooks around the back of her. His hand comes to fit at the back of her neck and she finds herself loving the feel of it. His grasp wasn't too tight but wasn't exactly soft and she has to stop herself from pressing her lips against his.
Ross is sat opposite them talking to Mia, her hand rests on his knee as they talk over the loud music. Cami and Rose are already on the dance floor, laughing with each other as they danced and drank.
He leans into speak to her, having to place his mouth directly next to her ear for her to hear "saw about 6 different guys stare at you as we walked in love" he says, almost proud of the fact.
"Yeah?" She asks and he smirks.
"Don't blame them, you look fucking hot" he says, making her chuckle and lean into him.
"Bet it must feel nice knowing I'm yours huh?" She asks and his smirk falls, mouth agape for a beat before his lips find hers for a firm peck.
"You're not mine yet love, not really. You could go over to any one of them right now and do what you wanted" he speaks and she smiles at him, shaking her head at his words. His words which were just to test her. He wanted nothing more than for her to say his words weren't true.
"Its shame for them then isn't it?" She says making his eyebrows furrow, not knowing what she meant.
"Shame I want you and not them" she says, standing from the booth, hand finding his as she stands.
"Besides" she says, leaning down to him until her mouth grazes his ear, making him shiver "if I'm not yours... you should do something about that" she says before looking at Mia.
"Want to dance?" She asks and Mia smiles widely, standing almost instantly. Lou notices the clear frown on Ross' lips and she smiles, raising her eyebrows at the bearded man.
The two girls quickly make their way to the dance floor positioning themselves so they can be seen by the guys (who's eyes never leave them).
Ross and Cami are quick to find them, the four of them dancing with each other, laughing and drinking.
Lou feels a tap to her shoulder so she turns, looking up at a guy who she doesn't recognise, a 6 ft something guy who, if she wasnt completely smitten with Matty she would find attractive, he had curls too but they weren't the same as Matty's, he looks sweet, a we'll put together man who no doubt has a large sum to his name. She stands there awkwardly waiting for the man to speak.
"Sorry I saw you across the room and just had to say hi" he speaks the cliche line and she chuckles.
"Does that line usually work for you?" She shouts over the loud song that's playing, the girls behind her laughing.
"I don't know, it's the first time I'm using it, you tell me" he says smoothly and Lou chuckles again.
"Ah come on Lou, let him buy you a drink" Rose says and she knows she just wants to see Matty's reaction.
"Lou? Is that your name? A pretty name for a pretty girl" he says and she can't help but cringe a little.
"I'm actually here with-" she begins to say she's here with someone but is interrupted by rose again.
"No she's not, she's just being modest, buy her a drink, a martini" she says and Lou chuckles as they man smiles before leaving.
"I hate martinis" Lou says and rose smirks.
"I know, but I love them" she says leaning in to speak into her ear "turn around, it worked" rose says.
Lou turns and is suddenly flushed against Matty's chest, she stumbles but his hand quickly finds her waist, holding her against him.
"Hi" she smiles.
"Hi" he smiles back, looking down at her. His eyes flick to the bar where he sees the guy he was all but ready to pounce on if he made a single move. Lou turns her head to see who he's looking at and she smiles upon turnjng around to face him again.
Her hands rest against his shoulders as a slow beat plays, she steps towards him so they're closer.
"You don't have to worry about him" she whispers into his ear. His hands grip her hips as she begins to move against him.
"Hmm why's that?" He mumbles into her ear, lips finding their way to her neck.
"Think you already know Matty" she says, pulling back to look at him. Her eyes plead with him, begging him to just kiss her already.
"Because you're mine yeah?" He shouts smiling down at her. She simply nods and his eyes leave her for a second, flicking to someone behind her again.
"Sorry mate" he speaks to whoever is behind her, probably the guy from a minute ago, but Lou's eyes are training on the curly man holding her "she's my missus" the words leave his mouth before he even processes them.
She hears a grumble behind her and then Matty's eyes are on hers again.
"Your missus huh? Like the sound of that" she pulls his mouth to hers then, lips pressing against one another with fervour. Him using that word so casually awakens something in her (and seemingly him too).
He tries to speak through their kiss, eventually having to break away.
"Be my girlfriend? Like proper girlfriend" he asks, it was not the way he had intended on asking her but he was desperate now, not wanting to go another minute without asking her.
"Wanted to ask you in a better setting than this love but-" her lips are on his again, shutting him up. She goes to say yes but suddenly a lanky man is pulling the pair into a tight hug.
"Fucking love you guys" George says, making the two of them laugh loudly.
"How much have you had to drink?" She laughs and he smears a kiss to her cheek before doing the same to Matty.
"Question is... Why haven't you?" His words make no sense but they allow him to pull them back to the booth and allow him to make the whole group (save for Matty) do a few shots. Lou doesn't drink as much as the rest of the group, wanting to support Matty but also wanting to remember the night, for it was already an amazing one.
As the night progresses, Ross and Mia are dancing together, her hands flat against his chest as their bodies moved against one another.
Matty and Lou were flush against the wall in the corner of the room, hiding from everyone else, needing some time to be alone.
"You never answered my question" he says as his head tucks into her neck, lips pressing against the skin.
"Kind of got interrupted" she sighs, hands threading through the curls at the nape of his neck.
"Yeah George keeps fucking doing that tonight" He pulls back to look at her and she smiles.
"Yes I'll be your girlfriend" she says and he mirrors her, wide smiles adorning both of their faces.
"Yeah? Don't care that I asked you in the middle of some sweaty club" he asks and she shakes her head.
"No, because it's you. I'd of said yes no matter what Matty" and the confession has him blushing deeply, pulling her into him to place a loving kiss to her mouth.
"Didn't get to finish what you were saying to me earlier either... Some best friend g is" Matty says, needing to hear what she wanted to say.
"Yeah... Was going to say how good you looked" she says, smoothing her hands down his white Tshirt, fingertips pulling the shirt that rests either side of his frame, until their mouths meet again.
They break away a few moments later and his eyes wander to the centre of the dancefloor where Ross and Mia can be seen.
"Told George to keep her away from that man, she'll break his heart" Lou groans eyes finding where Matty was looking and he laughs at her words.
"You know I know about that night right" Matty says as his eyes snap back to hers, looking down at her as she frowns up at him, not knowing what she was talking about.
"What happened between you and Ross" Matty says, a smirk resting against his lips as Lou's mouth falls open.
"What- how?" She asks, mouth agape, lost for words.
"He's my best friend love, told me as soon as he knew I had feelings for you" he says, thumb drifting along her cheek.
"And? What do you think about it?" She asks, searching his face for any signs of him being annoyed at her.
"Well that depends..." He asks, a darkness to his words, lips pressing against hers, confusing her.
"Depends on what?" She murmurs against his mouth, pulling at his shirt, needing him closer to her.
"What was it like?" He asks, pressing his mouth to hers the moment he finished talking.
"Want the truth?" She asks and he nods against her mouth as his tongue finds hers. She allows them to fight for a moment until she lets his push harshly against hers, making her core flutter and letting him lead the kiss.
She pulls away from him for a second, dark eyes finding his and she smirks.
"It was hot... At the time" she says and she smirks down at her.
"Ross said the same thing" he says and Lou's eyebrows raise.
"Yeah?" Mattys hand drifts along her waist, landing against her hip, pulling her flush against him, moving their bodies to the beat of the music. Her arm hooks over his shoulder, clinging onto him as his hips ground down against hers.
He nods down at her and she finds herself confused as to why he's smirking still.
"If he told you that... Why are you smirking?" She asks, moaning into his mouth as his lips press against hers again.
"Because... It was a childhood makeout, doesn't mean anything... Fizzled out anyway" Matty says, repeating what Ross had explained to him. His lips find her neck again and she sighs.
"Hmm.. what if I said otherwise?" She says, purely teasing him. His head snaps away from her neck, finding her eyes, seriousness now covering his features.
"That's just mean love" he says, and she smirks up at him now, he doesn't find it funny and she's quick to drop the act. Softly playing with his hair as anger clouds his eyes.
"Baby I'm joking" she says, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, drifting them down to his neck and up to the shell of his ear.
"Doesn't mean anything... You're the one I want. My boyfriend" her last words are what gets him to snap back to how he was moments prior. It's what makes him press his mouth back to hers and grind his hips down to hers.
"Say it again" he murmurs into her mouth.
"My boyfriend"
"Fuck" his tongue roughly presses against hers and her hold on him tightens as pleasure increases throughout her body as she feels his hardened length pressing against her core.
"Want to get out of here?" He asks as he pulls away from her. She's quickly nodding up at him making him smirk.
"Good. Can't wait to get you out of this fucking skirt" he says, hand running along the hem of it, caressing her thigh. They quickly weave themselves out of the club, leaving their friends, leaving Lou's sister who is likely still with Ross.
Their naked bodies are sprawled out on the bed of their hotel room, Matty is lying on his front as Lou is at his side. Her fingers drift along the expanse of his back, the muscles contracting under her touch before she presses light kisses to the skin.
"We have a break in two days" he says, his voice quiet, looking over his shoulder to find his girlfriend, who's arms were resting against his back.
"Want to spend it with you" Matty says, turning onto his back, she allows him and then lies back down onto his stomach now.
"Id like that" she smiles, pressing a kiss against his stomach.
"Think we should go away for a bit... Just us" he says and she nods again.
"Need to go home too though, need to see my family... And G's" she says and Matty nods.
"My mum's been wanting to see you again. Hasnt seen you since we were kids" he says. A man of many confessions tonight it seems
"Id love that. She always loved me" she says and Matty nods.
"Yeah I know... Used to give me so much shit for treating you the way I did. Said I was a cruel boy" he admits, his words holding a certain sadness to them.
"It's okay, made up for it now" she says and she smiles slightly.
"I'm so sorry"
"Baby no. You don't have to apologise anymore. I forgive you" she says, lips pressing softly against his stomach again, moving upwards until pressing against his lips.
"I know... Just needed to say it" he says and she nods.
"Can't believe you're my girlfriend" he says, hands moving her hair from her face, wanting to truly see her.
"You know... I never really said sorry for how I was to you" she admits and he looks down at her.
"You weren't nearly as bad as me love"
"That's not the point though... I'm sorry Matty, truly I am. Things were so different back then, it's kind of crazy" she says and he nods.
"Why did you hate me?" He asks, looking down at her, she didn't mind being asked it, they hadn't actually spoken about it yet.
"Suppose at first I hated you because you hated me... I tried to get you to like me... But after a while I gave in... Hated you because despite everything the guys said about you, about you being this lovely guy who would do anything for his mates... You weren't that person with me and I desperately wanted you to be... So I hated you because you didn't allow me to have you that way" she admits, something she had never admitted aloud before.
"I never knew that" he says, frowning at her. She knows he's about to apologise again so she presses her mouth to his.
"I often saw the way you were with them, when you thought I wasn't looking and I felt jealous... You told me the guys got to have me in a way you didn't and it was the same for me" she says.
"God we really made a mess of things didn't we?" He says, chuckling at the whole messy situation. She smiles at him and nods.
"Think we've made up for it now don't you think?" She asks and he nods, kissing her sweetly.
"My girlfriend"
"Your girlfriend" she smiles.
"Think I'm ready to make it obvious were dating" he says and she nods.
"That sounds like a wonderful idea" she says lying down on his chest and listening to his heart beat until she falls asleep.
"I love you" he murmurs although she's asleep on his arms now.
"I've always loved you" he says before he feels himself drifting to sleep too.
Part 9
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raindropren · 4 months
going insane about pearlescentmoon again so here some fun facts of my AU version of her with little to no context!!!!! <3 <3
In Limited life her Moon pendent is replaced with a clock(With the moon cycle replacing the numbers) and she is so genuinely pissed when she realizes it's changed that She made a hole, covered it up, and Screamed until her voice was hoarse :)
She has a both surprisingly and unsurprisingly high kill count, it is in the 1000's. Most of which comprise of the same beings.
She doesn't scar easily other then when in the life 'games'(series) everyones scar's have to be coded differently so that they keep them after death, and such. they change back when the game ends.
In Double Life, Scars don't copy over to the soul bound, but any pain does. which makes the fact that Scott is constantly in just alittle bit of pain concerning(tho he doesn't think anything of it until after the game ends), Pearl has a super high pain tolerance, that pain tolerance does not copy over to scott. rip i guess LOL
She is actively Cursed. She has multiple different ones at this point. She keeps pissing off angry malevolent magical beings. I don't even know if she knows she's doing it at this point.
She was in a "fighting" club in highschool, she was the champ, it probably helped that she didn't stop even when she started bleeding.
She keeps finding magical/mythical artifacts.
She's had to "babysit" multiple gods. it's getting to her...
Got her first plushie in highschool, it was from sausage and she almost cried. Why she hadn't had one before then? Her parents didn't know that was a normal thing to do(Look they're REALLY old, i'm not kidding, nor are they mortal... hmm)
She was born with a dark sclera, she uses a type of magic/charm to make them white during highschool, so other then Grian, nobody really knew about it. that changed when during double life, she was too exhausted to make the charm work and just turned it off entirely to conserve energy, she scared the shit out of many. <3
I think she might be just alittle obsessed with helping the people she favors. It might become a problem(/pos) in the future but right now she's having the best time!
She doesn't technically have magic, but that doesn't mean people don't think she does. she uses a assortment of different things, most of which don't actually or technically come from magic but would probably be considered it if people did alittle more research into it.
I think that's it.
it's 5am and i am tired :)
Pearl :D
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charlesswife · 1 year
My Experience Working For The Formula One Miami Grand Prix 2023 (please read)
Hello dear readers,
In this post I will share with you about my experience working at the Formula One Miami Grand Prix of this year. As well as footage - just in case you don’t believe me. Trust me, I have NO reason to lie to you about the things I’m about to say. I want to bring this post into awareness because I think not a lot of people know what actually happens behind the scenes at all.
I would really appreciate if you guys take the time to read this. It would mean the world to me. Please reblog and share to your formula one friends so they can be aware of this.
You may or may not know, but I’m just getting into Formula One and although there is still some stuff to learn about this sport, it has grown into me and I love this sport as well as the drivers.
When you see videos of people working for the Formula One, you only get to see the good, pretty and wonderful side. You don’t see the nasty, horrendous and overall awful side. That’s why I’m here to tell you the actual truth of what I went through.
I work for this company (safety reason I won’t say which) as an usher, I work for different stadiums and I get to choose my own schedule. To work for F1 you need to fill an application and it’s just a very long process. Initially they only needed security for the job — I am not security, I’m usher so they almost didn’t take me until last minute. I’m a strong believer of manifestation.
My schedule was Friday 9:30am to 9:30pm, Saturday from 7:30am to 8:30pm and Sunday from 8:30 am to 9:30pm
When I got there on Friday at 9:30am I had to park so far and then walk to the Shuttle that was going to pick us up from the parking and take us to the stadium.
I picked up my credential and went looking where to clock in. Here are some of the pics I took
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When I finally found where to clock in, I was on hold until 11am trying to figure out where I’m supposed to work. Nobody knew where to go and it was just very disorganized on their part. Since nobody picked me I had to be taken to gate 8. The worker that was taking us got confused and I literally went through the whole place trying to find gate 8. This is what it looked like.
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Imagine having to walk all that, under the Miami heat. The sun literally burning in your back. I finally got to my spot at 12pm. They confused me as a security and they put me to work on something I wasn’t supposed to be at by mistake, but regardless I worked it because it was a good one. I was in turn 17, which I saw the drivers slowed down in the turn. I saw Alex Albon get of the grid twice during practice.
I met the flag marshalls there. They were so nice and caring as well.
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(I thought this was funny to add)
This is when they were taking Charles’ car out of the race.
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I was at this spot until 8pm, which is way later than when they told me I was going to leave the spot, and during the whole day I was surviving in water. Unfortunately that day I did not receive any food. One of the marshalls gave me an apple and another one gave me a vegetable wrap, but after a whole day of not eating; once you eat, your body rejects it. So I literally wanted to throw up at this point. I was very weak.
I was asked to come in at 5am the next day, to which I agreed (big mistake).
I did let my supervisor know that I didn’t eat and while he was worried and was trying to find a way for me to get lunch box, I never received one - so I was dehydrated, starved and lightheaded.
Once I clocked out, I had to walk for 40 minutes to get to the shuttle again and drive for 30 minutes to get into the parking and then a few more minutes to get to my car (since I was parked very far away) and THEN drive 30 minutes to get to my house. I got home at 10:40pm took a shower, set my alarms and went to sleep. I had to wake up and leave my house the next day at 4:10am — drive 30 minutes, get in the shuttle, another 30 minutes to the stadium and walk to clock in.
I’m surviving on 4 hours of sleep. They asked for my security card, which I told them I don’t have because I’m usher. Just then, they realize the mistake they made and told me I couldn’t work the same spot I did yesterday because that’s only for security. So they had me 2 hours earlier than the original time plan for absolutely no reason.
everybody got there in between 6:30am to 8:30am.
I got to work with a nice supervisor to which I worked before for another stadium, I talked to him about the lunch and he ensured me that he’ll make sure I’ll eat.
I was in Marina (big information to know, iykyk) bathroom duty - basically making sure only women were getting into the bathroom (you would think it’s common senses, but the about of men almost accidentally getting into the women’s bathroom and viceversa it’s insane)
I was able to see the practice and qualifying because of a big screen that was in front of me.
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I was there when Charles crashed again in the same section too.
Roll the clip!!
I watched the clip replay and saw myself running and also saw how close Charles was to my section. I really wanted to die when I saw the distance between us.
I have another video explaining the distance between us but tumblr only lets me post one video per post.
I really did enjoy myself. However, I was standing since 5:20am to 6:30pm, the whole day… standing up… and this my be tmi but I have thicc thighs so they rub with each other, my feet were sore and swollen and my pussy lips were HURTING, when I peed it felt like acid going down there.
I was drained and sunburned and overall this job is not for the weak. I had to cancel my shift for today because I would definitely not do it again.
I got paid 15/hour, which overall I don’t think it’s worth it at all. Housekeeping gets paid the same and they’re job is making sure the entire arena is clean for the guests. They should get paid more. The food voucher that I was given only covered for $15 so if I went over the limit I had to pay the remaining, which is fucking dumb because I am literally working there, the least they could do is give me a free meal, but they didn’t. They offer you the minimum but expect the best outcome from you. I was met with false advertisement left and right and for that reason I had to leave. You’re telling me that a multimillion dollar event in one of the biggest stadium in Florida is only paying their staff $15/h and can’t even cover their full meal? Please do better.
I cried to my friend after everything that I went through because I although had great memories, and I can brag to my friends and everyone I met that I went to F1, the day was pretty shitty tbh. There’s always a limit to something and I had a limit, that’s why I had to cancel my shift. I knew I couldn’t do this anymore. My love for this sport is big, but I passed my limit point.
I would’ve rather pay $5000 to with paddock pass and everything to see the race, than working in it. For those two days I think I only made $300, and to be honest. I didn’t see worth it.
I would much rather watch the race in the comfort of my house than working in it.
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Whenever you go to an event, game, concert, etc. please be kind to the staff you see, the staff that helps you get to your desired place. We do so much, we stand there for hours, sometimes we get breaks, sometimes we don’t— sometimes we get to eat and sometimes, unfortunately, we don’t.
This was definitely an experience, and I am a strong person that likes to work, but I would rather die than do that again.
With much love,
anyways new chapter coming up tomorrow!
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I know this might not be a post you guys had in mind, but I really wanted you guys to know what I went through. If you guys know about any other better ideas to work for Formula One pls let me know. Also please tell me what are your thoughts in this situation. I want to know your thoughts as well! If you have Formula 1 friends, please share this with them and let them know what actually happen to me.
Since I don't work today, I'm going to focus on watching the race, and writing the new chapter for you guys!!!
Thank you for supporting my writing. The main reason why I started this blog is because I love to write (I want to publish books) and I wanted to put my ideas out in the world and received feedback as well. I am very thankful for you guys! I can't believe I'm almost at 500 followers too! You guys are awesome, truly!
@fandomxs1 @teti-menchon0604 @moonclaine @AmsOffTrack @fandoms-stuff @mac-daddy-210 @bisexual-desi @miureiz @diasnohibng @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @im-just-here-toread @tyskills @rafaaoli @heavengirls111 @lighttsoutlewis @leclerc13 @c4ssi4-luv @livsans @ynbutbetter @marigoldgasly @vita-di-moda @sbrn0905 @leclercsbae @bhiees @empathypostsf1 @marauderlover22 @ushygushybaby @zendayabelova @lord_leclerc @itsmesofia @sebbybucky12 @notleclerc @dicaprio-leo @starkeyellow @spngi @mskeisha69 @prrttyposts @vex-et-soleil @dessxoxsworld @thesurielscheesecake @severenswife @67-angelofthelordme-67 @booksobsess @buckleyverse @mickslover @formula1-bichyslut16 @allgaslynobrakess @shyshva @rossy1080 @celestialcharles @glitterf1
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darling-i-read-it · 1 year
Her Laugh - Laugh Final Part
Part 1
Part 2
Any!Joker x fem!reader, slight Any!Bruce Wayne x fem!reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: so many things, reader slowly going insane, toxic relationship, Bruce and the reader continuing to argue, the reader is almost mugged, people are literally murdered (shot), insinuations to smut, let me know if I've missed any!
Author’s Note: I haven’t enjoyed writing something as much I enjoyed writing this in a long time! I hope you guys enjoy this, I would totally be down to write more in this little universe I’ve adjusted!! 
Tagging: @burningfanflowercash, @b4b3ttee, @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf, @dildoswagginsstuff, @russian-soft-bitch
Summary: The reader starts to slowly realize she has been between an age old fight and is choosing the wrong side. 
Song: I Started a Joke by ConfidentalMX
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
You woke up before the sun. It was cold in your room and it took you a long moment to realize your sheets had been tossed on the ground. You raised your head, hair falling in front of your face. You looked at the clock on your bedside table. 5am. Still night, essentially. You tried to figure out why you had woken up when there was movement on the bed beside you. 
Your head whipped around. 
For some reason you didn’t expect Bruce. Your initial reaction was Joker before your brain even caught up with the previous night's events. He was sitting up, bare back facing you. You moved your hair out of your face and reached onto the ground for a sheet. It was so cold. Had you left a window open? 
Joker turned his head on the side so you could see half his face. It was the half that was still healing from the night before. It was the broken part and the lack of a fake smile made it look even more menacing. It was like his features were falling off, melting in the night light. His makeup had smeared in his sleep. The indents of his soon to be scars illuminated in the moon.  He hadn’t left. You had expected him to leave. 
Bruce left. 
You dragged yourself and the sheet closer to him. You put your hand on his shoulder. His skin was like ice. 
“You’re freezing,” you whispered. You almost didn’t recognize your voice. It was so early and so surreal. The normalcy of your life went out the window the second he entered it. You wanted to put a blanket over him, warm him up, like a wet stray puppy. 
“I have to go,” he said. You hadn’t heard his voice so quiet. It was almost normal, like a regular man. You couldn’t think of him with his guard down but you thought this was as close as you were going to get. Even the night before his guard had been up, even as he hovered above you with that smile plastered on his lips. 
“Alright,” you whispered. He stood up, grabbing his clothes off the ground. You watched him. Any thoughts of Bruce had gone out the window as you waited, unsure if he was going to say goodbye, wondering if you wanted him to come back. You rested your head back on the pillow he had been laying on. It smelled like him. Gunpowder and clown makeup. You laughed gently at the thought, how random it was. He turned to you, a sly smile on his face. 
“My laugh,” he whispered. He came back to you, grabbing your chin to kiss you. It was almost like he was going off to work. “I’ll see you tonight.” 
You let him go and fell back asleep when he was gone, dreaming of his lips on yours, wondering when things had felt so special before. 
When you woke up again it was too harsh knocks on the door. You groaned, lifting your head. Had it been a dream? There was so little proof he had been here at all except your memory and the lack of clothes on your body. The knocking was coming more aggressively. 
“Hold on!” you called. You threw on a shirt and eventually found some sweats. Your mind lingered on the midmorning kiss. You could still taste it on your lips. 
When you entered your kitchen you saw the first aid kit was still there, half put away. There was still blood on the counter, his blood. He had been here after all. 
You opened the door without checking to see who it was. 
Bruce didn’t wait for you to invite him in. 
“Why didn’t you answer your phone last night?” You stared at him, still waking up. 
“I called. You didn’t answer.” You had never seen him so angry about your relationship. He was usually easygoing. You were the angry one. You were the one who fought for your supposed love, the one who asked where he had been, the one who called and never got an answer. You weren’t sure how to react to this. 
“I was busy.”
“Doing what?”
“Stuff.” You almost cringed at your own excuse. Your brain was still asleep. You were still half in bed, half with him. 
“I thought you were dead.”
“I was home.” 
“I can tell.” He gestured to the TV that was still on. The blanket on the couch that had never been folded. He turned to look at you, looking you up and down. Half dressed, makeup still on. “What were you doing?”
“I know you saw Batman the other night.” You stopped speaking completely. You were effectively shut up. “Didn’t think I knew that, did you?”
“Are you stalking me?” You had slept with the man who held you at gunpoint but at this point stalking was crossing the line. 
“No!” Bruce let out a heavy sigh. “I was coming home and I saw you. That’s why I called.” You furrowed your brows, trying to catch up here. He knew you were in danger that night? 
“And you didn’t come see me?” 
“I thought you were dead in the streets! You weren’t answering your phone!’
“It broke you asshole!” You backed up, shaking your head. “Wait wait. Let me get this straight. You saw me being attacked by the Joker, called me to see if I was okay, I was cut off and you thought ‘huh she must be fine!’?” 
“It wasn’t like that.”
“Sounds like it. You waited until the morning to see if I was here alive!” 
“What about you then? You didn’t tell me you had been attacked when I came here yesterday. You don’t come by the manor, you don’t call-”
“What are you accusing me of?” 
“I don’t know what I’m accusing you of but I know something is wrong!” You were both breathing heavily. He looked around, searching for something else to argue about. He walked to your kitchen, picking up the first aid kit. “Like what is this?”
“I cut myself,” you said. 
“You didn’t put it away?”
“I went to sleep. Sorry I don’t have a butler and a maid to clean up my goddamn messes Bruce!” You shook your head. “I want you out of my house. I want you gone.” 
“I want to know what happened that night,” he said, again, like you hadn’t heard him the first twenty times. 
“I ran home! I fell asleep out of exhaustion and terror! What else do you want me to say?!” Bruce and you stared at each other. He wanted to argue more. He wanted you to tell him from top to bottom how you got from lost in the streets to here. 
He had been scared for you. You were all he had that wasn’t attached to the Batman. You were the only real thing he had left. He couldn’t protect you when you needed to be protected. 
“Bruce. Get out.” 
He eyed you, up and down, still in your pajamas. 
“Who did you sleep with?” 
“Get out!” You opened the door for him, gesturing aggressively. You had moved on, he could tell. Whatever sympathy you had for him and your life together had passed in two nights and he had no idea how that had happened. He walked past you, defeated, shaking his head. How had he lost you that quickly? 
Waiting out in the streets of Gotham was not your brightest idea. You weren’t exactly promised a run in with the specific villain you were looking for. But you needed to get groceries and you left a little after dusk so that your chances were a bit higher. The bat sign was shining bright in the sky, warning everyone that the dark knight was lurking in the shadows. 
If the bat was out you had to assume Jay was as well. 
You followed underneath the streetlights. It was a dewey night, the rain having gone away but not left entirely. Its reminisce was still hanging from window shutters and the drainage that gurgled underneath you. You had gotten used to Gotham’s noises. You passed little people in the night but there were still some, keeping their heads down like you were the danger. 
You turned a corner past an alleyway and was halted by a voice in the shadows. 
“Dark night for a lady alone.” You didn’t recognize the cadence and gripped the knife in your pocket you never left home without. You had no idea who was out here at night. You tried to rush past without engaging but whatever was there reached out to grab your arm. 
You turned, coming face to face with the features of a strange man. Scary is the word you would use to describe him. Harsh eyes, a venomous smile on his face. 
He only lasted a moment when a bullet went from one ear to the other, causing a mock glasgow smile without the knife. His hand let go of you before he fell limp. You stared down at him, eyes wide, adrenaline still pumping.
“We’ve got to stop meeting like this!” There was a voice you recognized. You looked up to meet his gaze. He had redone his makeup, covering up the injuries from the night before but not well. You could still see the indents of the slashes. “What’re you doin out here doll?” 
“Getting groceries.” He reached into his shoe and pulled out another gun, though smaller. He handed it to you. 
“Need one of these. Scary place out here, scary characters.” You looked down at the man he had killed for you, the one who had God knows what intentions. He didn’t even blink. “Put it in that pretty waistband.” You did as you were told. “I was gonna come by later,” he whispered like it was a secret he didn’t want the other ghosts of the area to hear. 
“I told you, I needed groceries.” 
“You waited till it was dark to get oj and white bread?” 
“Batman’s out,” you teased, slowly regaining your sanity. Or maybe you were losing it the more you saw him. 
“We all know how fun he is.” Joker huffed a piece of hair out of his face. “I’ll pick up some milk sweets. Go home.” 
“You got plans you don’t me involved in?”
“I got places you don’t wanna be,” he promised. His voice was lower than usual and you knew there was truth behind that. You looked back down the street towards your apartment. You were closer to it then you were to the store. 
“I need eggs.” 
“Those are gonna break on the carry over but I’ll do my very best.” You rolled your eyes. “Get Batman to walk you home.” You were about to succeed to him when there was a noise above you. Like a woosh, subtle but still there. You looked up, eyes squinting in the dark. 
“You hear that?” you whispered. 
“Fun’s about to begin!” Joker grabbed your arm and pushed you to his chest. “I’m going to do something I’m known for. You just stand still huh?” You squinted at him and then there was a gun to your temple. You froze. “Come out, come out wherever you are!” 
Your breathing hitched and started to become ragged. He had just shot a man, his blood still on your shoes. You hadn’t even processed that yet and now there was a gun to your head, cold, calculated, terrifying. It wasn’t the first time he had held it to your head. You had a shocking feeling like it wouldn’t be the last. 
The murmur of movement came closer until there was someone just behind you. 
“Alone tonight Joker?” 
The voice was deep and menacing. It was distorted, like something you might hear on Halloween. But you knew who that voice belonged to. 
Joker wiped you around, gun still flush to your skin, a laughter bubbling from his lips. Batman stood there in all his glory, broad shouldered, eyes like daggers. 
“Not quite, Bats.” You tried to catch the Batman’s eyes but he was staring directly at the man holding you at gunpoint. He watched Joker’s every little moves, the staccato of his arms, the shiver of his stance. Joker dug the tip of the gun into your skull a little more. “Why don’t you let the nice lady and I go hm?”
“You know I can’t do that.” 
Joker’s hands around your other arm tightened. 
It was then you realized something startling but clear as day. You weren’t sure if it was the exaggeration of the gun against you for Batman’s sake or the demand that you stay still. 
Right then, right now, he had no intention of shooting you. 
You weren’t even sure if the safety on the gun was off. 
So what was he doing? 
“Don’t be a party pooper! It’d be a shame if I were to drop this pretty little thing in the middle of nowhere. Do you think she deserves that Bats?” 
“Never seemed to bother you before,” Batman argued. “Let her go before this gets violent.” 
“You know I love when it gets violent.” 
His other hand moved away from your arm, to the waistband behind you where your gun was. He grabbed it slowly. The smile on his face crept wider. Lightning fast he shot at the ground before the Bat’s feet and dropped you, shoving you towards the alleyway. It took you only a moment to regain your footing before you started to run away. 
You only got ten feet away when someone else grabbed your waist and scooped you up. You screamed, the first real scream of the night. Your feet were off the ground and you were going higher than you ever had on your own. 
The black cape moved against the wind, creating a foreign sensation in your legs. You were landed somewhere and your brain hadn’t even actually managed to figure out how you had got there. You gasped, unsteady on your feet when he let you go. Where were you? 
You cursed under your breath as you stumbled towards the edge of the roof. You looked down at the alleyway you had just been in. It seemed so far away. You turned around, wind wiping your hair into knots. You breathed out even more unsteady now as you used the edge of the building to steady yourself. 
Batman stood three feet in front of you. 
“What were you doing out here?”
The distortion was gone. His voice was like a man’s again, not a figures. You looked back down to the ground. Smoke was rising from where you had been, where Joker had been. Where had he run off to? You looked back to the masked man. His mystery stripped away as your brain racked for the voice’s source. 
“Getting groceries,” you promised. To your surprise, after you said the words you started to laugh. Your laughter carried into the night, louder as it went on, shocking the man in front of you. It went on too long. 
Bruce didn’t even recognize the sound. 
He knew your laugh, the one you gave him after a stupid joke or the one you had in the morning after he brought you breakfast in bed. He knew the giggles after kisses and he knew the fake ones you gave at party guests. This was none of that. What was this? 
“So this is where you were all those nights?” you questioned as your laughter fizzled out. You sat on the ledge, teetering back and forth. All of your fear had dissipated. It had been Bruce all along scaring the daylights out of you. Your fingers nimbly gripped the edge. You swang your legs back, pretending to fall. Bruce stepped forward to help, an uninterested look on his mostly covered face. 
“You shouldn’t be out this late,” he said as he walked up to you. 
“This is how you knew I ran into the Batman! You are the Batman!”
“No! This is miraculous! You ditched me for the crime in Gotham. Honestly, I kind of understand. The crime out here is just so fun.” You titled our head down, looking up at him with large eyes. “Better in bed too.” 
You had successfully silenced him for the moment. The sounds of Gotham surrounded the two of you, the sirens and the screams and the quick steps of running robbers. You pushed yourself off the edge and into his face. Your chests were flush. 
“Wanna know how I got home that night?” 
He looked down at you, scowling. He had started to shake from the anger of your words, the venom that dripped from then. How had he lost you? When had he lost you? When, in those quiet lonely nights, had you spilled your sanity and never bothered picking it back up? 
“We’re going home.” He grabbed your arm. You fought away from him. 
“No! I’m a grown woman and I can do as I please. You aren’t my keeper Bruce.” 
“Quiet your voice.”
“Oh nervous I’ll spill your secret?” You turned around, still stunned from his grip. “Batman is Bruce Wayne! Batman is B-” 
He put a hand over your mouth. You turned to him, an angry pout on your features. 
“Shut up.” You stood in silence together. He gripped your arm tighter, pulling you with him. You fought, even as he let your mouth go. You planted your feet. You wanted to be gone. You didn’t want to be with him anymore, you didn’t want to be stuck in the rut that was his trophy girlfriend. Being the superhero's girlfriend was not all it was cut out to be. Didn’t Spider-Man’s Mary-Jane always end up dead or depressed? 
“Let me g-” 
Something landed on the roof with a hollow metal clunk. You both turned to look at it. 
Smoke came from the canister behind him, seeping over the ground in spindles. Bruce let go of you, turning around to survey the area. 
In the mere second he had let go of you, someone behind you pushed you over the edge of the roof. You landed on your back on a fire escape. You cursed, adjusting your shoulders from the stark pain. You sat up and there was a hand in yours. 
It was fuzzy and you were running down the escape and you were down the alley and it was like you didn’t even feel like there was a lack of oxygen in your lungs. You ran quicker, trying to keep up with the person in front of you that was dragging you along. Miles felt like minutes. 
There was someone laughing. 
You started to realize it was you. 
The door to your apartment opened. You hadn’t locked it. Your lips were on his before the door even shut. It was combated by insane giggles and surefire cackles. He threw his arms around you, pushing you against the door.
“You think Bats know where we are?” he questioned against your lips. You hummed, putting your head against the door. 
“Bruce sure does.”
“Fun.” He kissed you again, deeper. Who would’ve thought he’d find out who Batman was through the girl he almost killed a couple days ago. He locked the door behind you and stumbled with you to the bedroom. 
He would dip you in a chemical plant or something tomorrow. He was almost positive you would ask how high if he asked you to jump. Right now he would keep you inside, enjoy the night. You would trace his scars and ask questions he didn’t know the answers to. 
He pushed you onto the bed, towering over you. 
You laughed.
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Part 6: Take things slow.
Larissa Weems x reader
Warnings: None.
You wake up to the sound of knocking in the morning, you sit up on your elbows, eyes barely open. You check your clock, 5am. Who the fuck is waking me up at 5am? You sigh and throw on your dressing gown before heading to the front door. You open the door slightly, to see Larissa stood there, in the same clothes from the night before, make up ruined from crying. Your heart sinks and your stomach turns.
‘’What do you want?’’ You ask, barely even being able to look at her.
‘’I was worried… I tried texting and calling you all night but you didn’t respond.’’ Larissa says softly, a lump in her throat.
‘’Didn’t you think that maybe I just didn’t want to respond?’’ You reply harshly.
‘’Please Y/N… let me in so we can talk about this.’’
‘’What is there to talk about? Richard? Our ruined ‘date’? You really hurt me, Larissa…’’ you look down at your feet, leaning against the door slightly. She swallows hard, and leans in further to lower her voice. ‘’I was a fool, Y/N. Richard means nothing to me anymore… to be honest he didn’t mean anything to me back then. But you… you mean everything to me. And I hate myself for hurting you. I promise you, it was never my intention.’’ She reaches through the crack of the door and tilts your head up to look at her. ‘’I can’t lose you, Y/N. Please, I’ll do anything to make this right.’’
Your mind was absolutely racing. All you wanted to do was pull her into your arms, kiss her, hold her and never let her go. But your heart was still broken, and your walls were way up. You think for a moment, before slowly opening the door fully. ‘’You can come in.’’ You say softly as you let Larissa walk past you. You both sit down on your couch, you pull your dressing gown around you tighter and keep your distance from her. Larissa breathes in sharply, clearly feeling anxious. You sigh and sit up, locking your eyes with hers.
‘’Why did you invite him to sit with us?’’
Larissa pauses for a moment, thinking. ‘’I… I don’t know. I suppose I just got caught up in the moment of seeing an old friend.’’
‘’But he wasn’t just an old friend, was he? Did you… did you sleep with him?’’ Your words taste sour leaving your mouth.
You can see the anxiety and upset in Larissa’s eyes, she looks at her feet and nods slowly. ‘’A few times… but it was just sex. There was absolutely no feelings involved.’’
You feel sick thinking of another person touching Larissa. It may have been selfish, but you wanted her all to yourself. You take a moment to compose yourself.
‘’Look, I’m willing to forgive you for what happened.’’ Larissa beams with a huge smile.
Her smile slowly fades.
‘’I need time. I have been hurt so much in the past and I can’t… I can’t go through that again.’’ Larissa replies with an understanding nod. ‘’So, if we’re to start seeing each other again… I want to take things slow, and to do it properly this time. You don’t get to just fuck me and then flirt with other people. If you’re in this… you’re in this with everything. Okay?’’ You’re almost shocked at how well you were able to set your boundaries, but you’re glad you did. Larissa smiles and takes your hand in hers.
‘’I promise.’’ She says. ‘’I’m all yours. We’ll take things as slow as you want, darling.’’
You can’t help but smile at how understanding she is. You move closer, and place your hand on her cheek. ‘’Let’s get this make up off shall we?’’ She nods and follows you to the bathroom. You take out some make up wipes and tell Larissa to sit on the bed in your bedroom. You follow her and gently start wiping away her tear stained make up. As you wipe away her lipstick, your eyes pause on her lips for a while longer than planned. You clear your through and move away. ‘’All better.’’ As you’re clearly away the make up wipes you can see that Larissa is tired, fighting sleep.
‘’Did you sleep at all last night?’’ You ask.
‘’No… I didn’t. I wouldn’t rest until I knew you were okay…’’ she looks at you with sleepy eyes and a tired smile. You tilt your head and smile at her. You check the clock, 6am. ‘’Let’s get some sleep, it’s still early, and I have nothing planned today.’’ You take off your dressing gown which reveals your oversized t shirt and underwear. You catch Larissa’s eyes wondering and you lift her chin up to look at you. ‘’my eyes are up here.’’ You both share a laugh and you kiss her forehead lightly. Larissa undresses herself and you find her a t shirt she can wear, it’s a little short on her, which you find adorable but won’t admit that right now. You lay down and open the covers for Larissa to slip in next to you. ‘’Can I hold you?’’ She asks, barely even awake. You simply lay in her arms, letting out a happy sigh. You knew this is where you belonged.
(Ahhh sorry this is a short one!! I’m moving house so don’t have much time at the moment 🙈)
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idv-harmonic-melody · 2 months
❛ Killernight Disco❜ - The first discovery
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"August X, 1988 Time: i think 5am? They don't have a clock here. Mood: i'm looking at two bodies, you probably know how i'm feeling.
Great, the ink of the pen is almost dried out. I swear if i knew i was gonna have to investigate a double murder, i would have gotten a better one before leaving my house. (tip for myself: go to a shop and buy a new pen if you survive)
Anyways, this is not important, what is important is that, just like i said at the start of this, there are currently two bodies in front of me, and just so i don't accidentaly forget anything important, i will just write what happened (also this might help me not freak out): i came to this club at around 10pm, had a rough day and decided to stay here until it closed at 6am. When i noticed most people had left, i was about to leave when i heard someone screaming, and this scream came from one of the bathrooms. I then decided to go see what it was, and when i came in, i saw a woman in a purple shirt looking at the corpses.
She seemed really nervous, so i told her to leave and go talk to one of the workers that i saw near the bar, which she did. I tried investigating the corpses, but again, i am not a forensic doctor - i'm a detective, and the best i have ever investigated was just someone's fiancee when they thought they were cheating. (ok, time to focus again on the most important part.)
From the ids i found in the purse near one of the corpses, the name of the victims are Xiao and Beth Anastazja. Beth was stabbed with something sharp and thin near her stomatch, and Xiao seems to have been killed by the same weapon, and that's it. I told you (myself?) that i didn't knew how to investigate this type of thing.
I should probably come out of this bathroom and talk with that guy i saw earlier, tell him "hey there are two corpses in the bathroom of your workplace" or maybe not, this would make me suspicious. (also that girl from before might have already told him that?)
Ok, i'm going out of here, i think my mind is clear enough."
"August X, 1988 Time: what Mood: what.
Hello again notebook, it is i, your owner, to tell you that i think i will die, what does that mean for you? Well. You might get covered in blood soon enough, and that pen i was thinking about earlier will not be bought. Ok, Orpheus, concentrate, no more jokes.
But i wasn't kidding when i said i think i'm about to die. Well, let's start: i actually came out of the bathroom some minutes after thinking, but, when i went to tell the bartender about it, i discovered two things: one was that the woman from before had told him about the corpses (great, no one will be pointings fingers at me.) and the second thing was actually more than one thing: the phone connection has been cut, and all doors or other escape routes of this place have been closed. If this club was not that big i would say i'm feeling quite claustrophobic.
Well, so, to revise all information i have gotten in this last minutes when i was not freaking out: there are nine people here (including me), one of us is most probably a murderer, we are trapped and don't know what is going on. What a way to spend my Friday. At least i'm not the only one freaking out, a girl with white hair was also really nervous when she got the news. Actually why am i wasting ink writing this?
Ok, so now before i do anything, let me write some stuff i need to do, maybe this will help me actually focus on what's important:
Maybe map this club, they have two floors in here and one of the areas is designed for vips only. (and i am not one of them.)
Talk with the rest of the people in here, maybe someone knows what is going on.
Try to find a way to escape or at least contact the police
Either way, i will see what i can do. I hope ideas come to me again to see what i can do next, until next time."
(OOC) And here we start the event! Welcome everyone to the essence event! I will explain how the event works down below! If you guys have any questions, please feel free to ask me in the dms or in the askbox!
In this event, you guys will be able to go into the askbox and ask each of the people trapped in the club different questions. How does this work in-universe?...I don't know, you guys will have to forgive me on this one, imagine you guys are like voices in their heads or smth/j if you guys don't remember each character, they are all listed here!
Every 2-3 days, a new murder will happen. I am putting this time so i am able to finish each of the drawings to post without having to rush and then give you guys something poorly made.
If you guys want to make questions not related to the murders or the investigation, please feel free to do so!
And that's it i think...If i have not forgotten anything else, these are all the things i had to say! All other info is in the essence main post!
Hope y'all have fun! Also as a lil bonus, here are the first sketches i made of both skins!
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robinismywifee · 2 years
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stargazing || e. williams
pairings ellie williams x fem!oc/reader carl grimes x oc x enid rhee (platonic bffs) daughter!oc x father!daryl dixon
summary TWD & TLOU crossover, takes place in alexandria basically if the group never met negan, daryl and aaron find joel and ellie and bring them in, 16 y/o ellie, mention of a not that important death in season 6 of TWD
warnings NSFW, dom!ellie, fingering, pet names (babe), smoking weed, mentions of drinking, ellie & oc are both virgins
a/n im mainly saying oc instead of reader because im using a name for her, (aimees/aime) cause i hate writing y/n but feel free to pretend its your name instead! any feedback & notes are appreciated, you may send requests but they have to be TWD or TLOU charaters x reader otherwise i wont do them, (no promises in general) this is my first tumblr post still trying to figure tumblr, out sorry if i fucked it up or something, i also dont proof read so theres probably a couple mistakes sorry 😭
wordcount 7.5k
carl placed down a red uno card, i smiled at that, placing down my red 5, "uno!" i shouted, holding the card close to my chest so they couldnt peek, my smile was soon dropped as enid placed down a green 2, i stood up placing my card down, revealing my red 4 to them, "i already lost" i mumbled, "rage quiter" carl called me, "im not a rage quitter! im just done playing with cheaters" i crossed my arms
"you so are a rage quitter aimees!" enid exclaimed, "and you so are a cheater!" i exclaimed back, "how are we cheating?" carl asked, "uh, cause you guys just are" i shrugged
"yeah right" carl scoffed jokingly
i watched them as they finished playing their uno game, enid ended up winning, "what time is it?" enid asked as she collected the messy cards around the table and placed them in the box
"uhhh.." i stood up, peeking my head in the kitchen to check the clock, "9:45" i yawned, i had woken up at 5am to go on a run and my eyes were getting heavy, ive been waiting for dad to get back but he hasnt yet.
"i think im gonna head back" i said, one thing about me is that even after being here for almost a year now, i still havent gotten use to sleeping in a real bed, at night in a real house, and i still have yet to call where i was staying, 'my home'
"yeah, me too" enid stood up aswell, "uhm.. enid?" i asked her, she knew what i was about to ask immediately, i hated sleeping alone, anytime my dad was out, i would ask enid to sleepover with me
enid gave me a sad-eyed look, "im sorry amiees, but i told maggie and glenn i'd be home for tonight" i shook my head with a small smile, "no worries, goodnight enid" i waves her off, she gave me a slight nod before she existed the house
i walked into the kicthen, carl was placing the snacks away, "hey" i said, he looked over his shoulder, his white eyepatch covering his old wound, "hey, i thought you weny home, whats up?" he asked, turning to face me
"could you please stay with me tonight? daryl hasnt gotten back yet, and enid needed to get home" i asked, "yea, let me just write my dad a note" he nodded with a smile
"hey, aimees" i heard a voice shake me awake, the sudden touch made me shot up and pull out my pocket knife that was under my pillow, but i immediately put it down when i realized it was just carl
"shit, you scared me" i panted, placing my knife back under my pillow, "sorry, i didnt mean to, but its almost 6:30 and im pretty sure your dads home" he said, his eye was tired and his hair was scruffy, meaning he had just woken up, but the topic of my dad made me shot out of bed, only in my socks, pajama plaid pants, and a thickstrap white tanktop without a bra, carl wore a grey hanley shirt and sweatpants
i opened up my door and ran down the steps, my dad was in the kicthen, talking to some other people but i didnt really care about them or have time to see who it was, i just ran up to my dad and hugged him which he of course hug back
"fuck you, you said you'd be back in a day!" i exclaimed as i pulled away, "i know, im sorry aimees, the storm slowed us down" he replied looking down at me, i knew the reason why he took an extra day was because of the rain storm but i couldnt care less, i still worried the worse possible thing
"i dont really care dad, you still said a day" i said with my head tilted, i wasnt actually mad, and he knew that, i was just annoyed that it took longer then normal and missed him
"yeah, i know, i missed you too" he rubbed my back gently, "can we have breakfast together? or are you gonna go back out again" i asked, "uh.." he hummed, i sighed, thinking he had to go back out again, but his gaze was around the room and not on me, i thought maybe he was looking at carl, but im always with either him or enid when he gets back
i turned my head to see what he was looking at, 2 people i've never seen before stood awkwardly a couple feet away from me, there was a man about the same age as my dad, and a girl about my age, the girl wore a white tanktop similar to mine with a white bandage around her right arm, with black skinny jeans, and converse. she had a side bang and her brown hair in a ponytail
"uh-" i stood there for a moment, before looking back to my dad, "are these the people?" i asked, he nodded slightly, i glanced back over to them, and back at my dad, "why are they here?" i asked, over the months, my dad and aaron have been bringing people and even a whole community back, they never once came to our house right, i mean maybe a few says after to stop by and say thanks or whatever, but they had just gotten here and were standing in our kicthen, dirt and sweat stuck to their skin
"ricks still out with michonne so i was tellin them the rules, and you're gonna give ellie some of your clothes" he pointed briefly at the girl, i turned back around, i nodded, i turned my head back to see carl standing there awkwardly too, "im ellie" the girl waved, her face was red, she. must be hot, i went to intruduce myself but the girl bumped her elbow into the man, motioning for him to intruduce himself, "im joel" he said, "hi.. im carl" carl said, standing behind me, "im aime" i smiled, i was actually quite happy dad brought home a girl my age, although carl and enid denied them dating, i still felt like i was always third wheeling
"aimees, why dont you go show them to their house next door, i havent slept in days" i didnt have time to reply as he walked off
"okay.." i mumbled, i looked down to my pajamas hanging over my socks, "uh, could you guys give us a second?" i asked, looking at joel and ellie, joel gave a stern nod, i looked over at carl, grabbing his wrist and led him away with me, i could feel the girls eyes on me as i left.
"i hated meeting new people before the dead started walking, and i hate it even more now" i whispered to carl as we walked up the steps, "yeah, i can tell" he said sarcastically, i shoved him as he hit the wall which made us both laugh
carl changed in my bathroom, as i changed in my room, putting on jeans, a bra, my shoes, and my holster with my gun and knife
"you coming with me to give them a tour right?" i asked carl, looking at him, "nah" he shrugged, i hit his shoulder, "yes you are" i yelled whispered, before we entered the kitchen, joel was in the same spot, while ellie was close up at an old family photo of me, my dad, and my mom
"sorry for the wait, we just woke up" i spoke, causing ellie and joel to look up from my sudden voice, "lets go" i nodded, as they followed me out my house
"uh, so, your guy's house is right next to mine" i said as i began to walk up the steps of the empty house, "hey aimees, im gonna go see if enid and maggie need help with the fence" he said from behind joel and ellie, ellie glanced at carl, but joels eyes stayed locked on ellie, i slowly died inside when he said that, i could tell ellie was looking at me but i still flipped off carl as he walked away with a smirk
"so where you guys from?" i asked, "houston" joel answered, that explains the accent, "boston" ellie answered, i looked at them confused, "oh you guys arent father and daughter? how do you know each other?" i asked, "long story" ellie answered, "okay, well, i mean.. this is your house, uhh, i dont think theres any blankets in your bedrooms and theres not any food, clothes or shower stuff, so you guys can like, i dont know, get situated? while i ran around alexandria and collect you guys a bunch of shit" i shrugged, unsure of what else to say
they both nodded, "ill try not to take to long, ill be back in maybe 30 minutes?" i said, unsure myself of how long it would take, "okay, thank you aime" joel nodded, "oh, uh, i know i introduced myself as aime but actually call me aimees, nobody calls me aime its actually kinda weird.. okay, see you" i said as i speed walked out the house
i walked in my house and let out the biggest sigh.
that was the most awkwardest thing ever.
i walked to my room, and took out about half my clothes for ellie, she only had a small school bookbag, so she probably only had a pair of underwear and some socks in there, if she was gonna live here now, she needed clothes
i folded them up, i was giving her my dark blue tanktop with spaghetti straps that was starting to fade, a grey tanktop with thick straps, a tan hanley that was too tight to fit me, a plaid flannel, light blue jeans, jean shorts, plaid pajama pants, 2 pairs of underwear, a black bra, and a pair of thick white socks. i hope thats good enough
i grabbed a basket and set everything in it, i opened the closet next to my bathroom, placing body washes, shampoos, and conditioners in the basket, along with 2 toothbrushes, 2 things of toothpaste, and a razor and tampons for ellie
i figured i'd drop what i had off right now since they we're probably dying for a shower, plus the basket was over flowing
i knocked on there door, but nobody came, i went to knock again but a voice from inside came- "COMING!" i could tell by the voice that it was ellie, as joels is 10 times deeper and has no emotion
i waited for a moment before the door opened, "hi ellie" i greeted, she stood there looking at me for a moment, she seemed she was deep in thought, "oh! sorry, come in" she said, opening the door wider, i smiled walking in, she shut the door behind me, "i- i dont have everything right i just brought clothes and shower stuff since i figured that was probably the first thing you would want to do, and while your showering i was gonna get the rest" i said, basket in hand
"oh- right- yeah, thank you" she said, taking the basket from me, "i didnt bring any clothes for joel cause i dont know where to get him any and my dad was asleep, but ill work on finding him stuff" i added, she nodded looking up at me, "hes passed out right now, and probably will be for the rest of the day" she shrugged, i laughed at her saying it so serious, she laughed with me, "okay, well, enjoy your shower.. im supposed to tell you to not use up too much hot water, but knock yourself out, i mean, i know on my first day i did" i said before i left her house
its been a 3 days since ellie and joel joined alexandria, ellie hasnt really gone outside at all, i havent really seen her since the first day of her being here, only through our windows, our rooms are both upstairs and our windows face eachother, they have blinds but i didnt realize her room was the one across from mine until i was about to sneak out of my window for a smoke the other night
joel been out a lot more then ellie, asking ways to help out, joel was scary, i avoided him, but to be fair, i avoided everyone who wasnt from the orginal group or who wasnt in alexandria when we got there
just like deanna had done for us way back at the start, carol was throwing a welcome party for ellie and joel, i knew carol didnt really care for them joining us, it was just her way of making herself seem like an innocent sweetheart. i admired her tactics, but i definitely was not looking forward to it.
"you guys are going to the party right?" i asked carl and enid, "my dads gonna make me" carl answered, i looked over to enid, she shrugged, "i dont know"
carl smiled, as we both looked at enid for an answer, "still don't know if ill go, i always thought it was stupid and weird when deanna had them and now carols having them?" enid said, "okay well, youll be missing out" i sighed
here i was, walking to the house with open doors and music pouring out of it, my dad was by my side, "you know, ellies also 16, you should try to be friends with her" he said, "yea, yea, yea, i know thats the only thing youve been telling me for the past 2 weeks, 'oh youll love her, you guys would be best friends, she annoys the shit out of this guy like how you annoy the shit out of me'" i mocked my dads deep voice, thinking back to how he would come back from spying on them to see if they were safe and tell me about ellie
"she hasnt come out of her shell yet, but i do really think you'd make a great pair" he said as we walked into the house, "im gonna go get a drink and find rick, go find ellie" he pushed me into the crowd, i scoffed, he acts like hes social when i know damn well the only people he'll be talking to is rick and carol.
i searched the crowd for carl, i couldnt find him but i did see ellie with her arms crossed talking with joel, she looked so uncomfortable and so did he, god do i feel bad
i walked through the crowd, making my way to them, while i was making my way to them, some people pulled joel away to get a drink- or whatever adults do
ellie looked clueless
"hey" i said, placing a hand on her shoulder to let her know i was there over the loud music, she jumped and looked at me, "oh, hi" she said, i could hear the nervousness in her voice, "im sorry about all this, you're practically being forced to go somewhere you dont want go to and forced to talk with people you dont know, i told rick and carol you guys werent the party type but they insisted it was the 'polite thing to do'" i explained, putting airquotes for my last words
ellie seemed to soften a bit at my words, "uh- yea, its just super weird going to a party when 5 days ago you were sweating your ass off trying to find a place to stay the night" she said, looking around, "yeah, trust me, i know how you feel, we didnt create this place, me and my group got taken in by aaron and his boyfriend, the leader at the time was named deanna, she threw a party for us too, and when she died, the leader of my group took over to be the leader of alexandria.. rick" i explained
"wheres your boyfriend?" ellie randomly asked, i furred my brows, "what?" i asked, "uh, the one with the long hair and eyepatch" she asked, "carl?" i asked in a high pitch questioning voics, "oh, yeah, carl" she nodded, "carl?" i asked again, she thinks im dating carl? "yeah?" she asked confused, "oh god, me and carl are like siblings, never in infinity years would we ever date! im gonna puke just thinking of that!" i exaggerated, "oh sorry, its just, my first day here, you guys came out of the same room together in your pajamas and stuff"
"oh! yea, he just slept over, i hate being alone" i explained, "me too" she said with a smile, "sorry, but can we please go somwhere else? i cant stand this crowd" i asked, she nodded, i took her hand in mine, dragging her through the crowd until i found carols bedroom, she wouldnt mind us being in here
"what do you like? any hobbies?" i asked, sitting on the edge of carols bed, ellie sat down next to me, "i love comics, joel somehow finds the best ones, and i have a notebook that i write and draw in" she said happily, "oh no shit? i love comics and drawing too!" i said back with a smile
"so have you and joel been with each other for awhile? he seems pretty protective over you" i asked, "just like, 3 years, but i cant imagine my life without him" she smiled, "i cant imagine my life without my dad, or without a lot of the orginal group, like rick, glenn, carl, carol, maggie, michonne, half the people here are my family"
i spent the whole night talking with ellie, she was actually really nice and funny, we told eachother a bunch of our crazy/scary stories from over the years, and what it was like for life before it
carl and enid never showed up, i told her a lot about them, more so carl since me and carl have been together since the start, we grew up together and i dont know what i would do if he died
but we had stayed after hours not realizing the party ended, still in carols room, she opened the door with an exhausted look, she didnt notice us, me and ellie side eyed eachother before we bursted out laughing
that seemed to be a reoccurring occurrence between the two of us, we both kept on bursting out laughing at stupid stuff
but at the sight of ellie, carol put on her sweetheart face again, "oh! girls, im sorry i didnt know you were in here" she said, bringing a hand to her chest, "the parties over?" i asked, after calming down from laughter, "yes, it just ended, and joel was looking for you ellie, you better get back home before he starts to worry more" carol said with a smile, "yeah, thanks for the party mrs.." ellie said as we stood up, "just call me carol, oh and you too aimees, daryl was wandering around for you" she smiled with a nod
and with that me and ellie left her house, as soon as we got out of her house i let out a giggle, "its the end of the world and you're still worried about manners?" i thought outloud, thinking back to how she tried to call carol mrs, "hey! you never know, some adults are really strict about that stuff" she defended
"okay, i guess ill see you tomorrow?" i asked, as we made it infront of her house, "yea sound-" ellie was interrupted with joel yelling her name, "ellie! i looked everywhere for you! where were you? i havent seen you since the party started-"
i just smiled at joels protectiveness and slipped myself away and went back to my house
"hey dad" i smiled, seeing him on the couch, "oh good, i was waiting for you to come back so i could sleep" he said getting up, "you seem happy?" he questioned, i hated parties, so this was weird that i was smiling a bunch after one, "yeah! i hung out with ellie the whole time, shes really funny! i really like her" i said with a hudge grin, "told you, you'd like her" he nodded, not supprised
"so was it just the two of you or was carl and enid there? i didnt see them tonight" he asked, now leaning against the kitchen counter, "just us, i have no idea where carl and enid are, which kind of sucks since i wanted ellie to meet them, but also its good because i really enjoyed hanging out with her alone" i said, my voice bright from talking with ellie for hours
"im glad you had fun" he nodded with a smile, "oh! do you wanna know what! now when i hangout with carl and enid, ellie will be there, so i dont have to third wheel, i mean they were always being so gross infront of me like complimenting each other and stuff, like ew, and now me and ellie can be grossed out together!" i said happily, my dad laughed, "im glad we found ellie and joel too, can you please tell me more in the morning over breakfast? im ready for bed"
"yea, of course, goodnight dad, i love you" i said, giving him a quick hug, "love you sweetheart, get to bed too, its way past when you should be asleep" he said, kissing me on my head, "yea.. yea, whatever" i mumbled sarcasticly as he walked to his bedroom
i turned off the lights and went to my bedroom, i unbuttoned my jeans and went to pull them off when i felt something in my pocket, i sighed, forgetting i had it, as i pulled out the bag of joints
this would have been perfect for me and ellie, would of been 10x funner.
but, i wasnt tired, and now that i was holding up the rolled up cannabis, i really, really wanted it.
i thought about carl and enid, enids never been high before, but me and carl have a few times, and i don't even know where they are. maybe i can have just one joint to myself..
another thing i do on nights when im not tired, is go to my roof and look at the stars, usually while i smoke cigarettes but weeds even better.
i looked out my window to see that the sky was clear, i smiled to myself, i walked over and turned off my lamp, okay, only one. i placed the other two joints in the bag in between my folded shirt in my dresser, letting the one joint hang in between my lips
i opened up my window, cringing at the squeeked noise, i stuck my legs out, letting myself fall onto the roof, i climbed to the back of my house still on the roof so i was facing the big fence and not out in the open, the only way people would be able to see me is if someone specifically looked in my direction through ellies window
i pulled out my lighter and lit the weed, sucking the toxins into my lungs before blowing out
i sat there for a couple minutes looking at the stars above me, they always fasanated me, i looked to the moon, it was a full moon tonight, of maybe it was a just a full waning or waxing gibbous, i dont know to be honest
the sound of a window opening drawed my attention, i shot my head to the sound, joint in between my lips, to see ellie climbing out of her window
i watched as she hopped onto her roof, shutting her window, and hopped from her roof to mine, as our houses were really close together, she let out a pant, from being out of breath
"hey" she said as she stood there above me, she had already changed into pajamas, wearing plaid baggy ones that were too long for her, ones that were previously mine, and she wore the grey thick strapped tanktop i had also given her
her hair was down, something ive never seen of ellie, some of her auburn hair was over shoulders while some was on her back, they reached a couple inches unde her shoulders and her eyes glistened in the moonlight
"uh, aimees? you barley smoked any of that, you good?" she asked with a smile on her face, "oh, yea, im-" i started saying, realizing i just stared at her, but i spoke really loud as i talked not realizing how loud i was being, "shh! come on, i dont want joel or your dad to wake up" she whisper shouted
"right, sorry" i whispered back, she came over to me and sat down, "can i?" she asked, reaching her hand out, i passed her the joint, and watched her as she looked up to the sky, while taking a long drag of it, she closed her eyes as she sucked it, enjoying the feeling
my eyes were beading onto her, watching every detail on her face, the way her eyebrows slightly scrunched as she sucked in, or how she squeezed her eyes, how her soft pink lips fitted against the rolling paper. i was so close to her our shoulders were brushing against each other, and i noticed things about her that i havent noticed before, she had beautiful green eyes, ive noticed her eyes being not brown before, but now i could actually see what color they were, and her freckles complimented her face so well, they danced all around her cheeks and the tip of her button nose. i even got to exaime her brown eyebrows, i could see the slit she had through it, her eyebrows were also pretty straight, but they looked so perfect on her. her side profile was honestly the best ive ever seen in my whole life. the way her lips moved out, how her adorable nose arched perfectly and how- wait are her lips moving?
"aimees?" she asked, okay yeah they were, "sorry, what?" i asked, looking into her eyes, "you zoned out on me again" she commented, "sorry its just, you look really pretty" i said, still mesmerizing her in a trance, she turned to me, i could see her cheeks turning a shade of pink, before she looked back infront of us
thats kind of weird, i mean, i was just saying she looked pretty, i say that to enid all the time and she just compliments me back or says thanks, but ellie got flustered for some reason and tried to hide her face with no comments
we passed the weed arond in silence for a moment, "you do this a lot?" she asked, "usually just with cigarettes, but i got lucky and found this on a run a few weeks ago.. i love the stars"
"i love the moon" she remarked, i looked to her with a smile on my face, "if i could anywhere i'd go there" she said, looking at the moon above her, "can i come with?" i asked, she turned to me, our faces inches apart, "yeah but.. be aware, joels coming too, and hes a big grump sometimes" she answered, i laughed at that, giggling as i rested my forehead on her shoulder to contain myself, i hear giggles come from her too
"okay, shh, shh we have to be quiet" i whispered, leaning back up to face her, "youre telling me to be quiet? youre the one who started laughing!" she said with a smile as the joint hung between her fingers, "urhg, give me that" i said, taking the joint from her and puffing a few
"its not my fault, you make me laugh more then like, anyone ive ever met" i said after a couple seconds in silence, "really?" she asked looking back to me, "mhm" i nodded, letting out another giggle at nothing, which caused ellie to giggle with me too, we fell onto eachother laughing up a storm, "oh! oh my god! i cant breath!" ellie said inbetween laughs, "stop!" i cried, gripping her thigh for support, trying to catch my breath
we kept on laughing like that for probably too long, after a few minutes, i ended up even closer then before, our laughter dying down but smiles still held on our faces
"whats your last name?" i asked her out of the blue, which caused us to laugh a little some more, "williams?" she sid in a questioning tone, "w-why did you say it like that? are you sure thats your last name or did you make it up because-"
"no! no! thats real, my last name is williams, i was just- cause you asked so randomly!" she explained, "okay, well, ellie williams, you-" i said, pointing at her and using a tone for the word you, "-are my new favorite person"
"and you- aime-" she stopped for a moment, "whats your last name?" she whispered, "dixon" i whispered back, "you! aime dixon, are my new favorite person" she said, usuing a tone and pointing at me for you like i did, but usuing a tone and pointing at herself for me
this caused us both to laugh again, i guess weed made us a bit giggly, we seemed to be eliciting laughter not matter what
"you know what we should do?" i asked, "hmm?" she hummed, i took a puff a weed, noticing it was almost all gone, "we should get married"
i noticed her cheeks start to turn red, "i mean, how could i not want to marry you! look how cute you are with your blushing" i said with a hudge smile, "i accept, mrs williams" ellie said to me with blush still wearing her face, "aime williams! hm, i like the sound of that!" i laughed
"hey, i have idea" i said, looking down at the blunt, "yea wife?" she asked, "my dear husband, we could finish this joint in one puff, shall i shotgun it to you?" i asked with a smirk, "first of all, wife, im your wife, secondly, i dont know what that is" she deadpanned, i let out a couple giggles from her
"okay, well if im the wife, how can you be the wife? anyways, why dont i just show you what a shotgun is?" i offered, still smirking, "hmm, okay fine" she said with a smile, unsure with what was to come
i smirked devilishly, i blew the rest of the joint into my mouth, before flicking it off the house, i brought my hands to ellies face, moving her face to mine, my eyes were closed but i could tell she was blushing
ellies mouth was slightly ajar in shock, so i blew the smoke into her mouth, the feeling of her warm, soft, silk lips, her nose tickling with mine and the way my stomach was attacking itself with a swarm of butterflies from us touching like this
the weed did something to me, because i couldnt help myself, and without any thoughts, only the feeling of want, i pressed my lips more firm to hers, and moved them onto hers, my lips were dancing on hers and she didnt move.
i lifted my lips up for a split second, releasing the smoke from our mouths, i pulled away, realizing what i had just done, my eyes started to feel with tears looking down at her, my hands still holding her face, only inches away. i was so goddamn embarrassed and mad at myself. why the fuck would i do that? i dont even like girls, im not gay, and i definitely dont like a girl i just met 4 days ago. it had to be the weed because im not a lesbian, and judged by the complete silence between us, and ellies face, she isnt eithe-
my angered thoughts were interrupted as ellie leaned into me, tilted her head as she pressed her blushed face to mine, now our lips danced together, i could smell her breath, it smelt of mint toothpaste and marijuana, but i wanted more of it, i wanted to taste it
as ellies hands gripped my shoulders, and mine gripped her face, i brushed my tongue against her lips, getting a slight taste of her, she didnt open her mouth, so i took my left hand from her cheek and placed it on her waist, rubbing her skin and plulling her closer to me, the sudden contact made her mouth open slightly, and i took that as an opportunity to slip my tongue into hers
not only was the smell of marijuana filling my nose, but the smell of the shampoo i gave her was lingering, i think the scent was lavander, either way, it smelt good, delicious, and i wanted even more
i honestly was starting to feel lightheaded and dizzy, so i pulled away for a moment, i sucked in the air to catch my breath, but my mouth was covered again by ellies lips
this time, her tongue filled my mouth, our tongues danced, as i started to fall backwards from her leaning on me, i felt so carried away and a feeling i never felt before filled my body
i pulled away from her, standing up and dragging her up with me, we had our foreheads pressed together, panting, "come on" i whispered, as i looked into her red eyes, i pulled away from our embrace, taking her hand in mind, pulling her to the side of my window, i climbed in first, helping her climb in too
once she got in, i shut the window and shut the blinds, our light pants cramming the room, i turned around to for a pair of hands pressing against my waist and shoving me against the wall, i was met once again with her lips
i couldn't help, from the sudden action, and melting deep into the kiss, and the feeling of her hands rubbing on me, i let out a small moan into her mouth, i hadnt realized it until it already left
my cheeks went red from embarrassment, hoping she didnt hear, but she pulled away, i couldnt bare to look her in her eyes, i stared at the ground, looking down at our socked feet on the carpet
ellies right hand moved off of my waist, i thought she was about to freak out and leave or something, but she placed a hand on my chin, and lifted it so my face was forced to meet hers, i expected her face to be filled with disgust, but she had a smirk on her face, her freckled cheeks bright red
"dont be shy, you have a pretty voice" she whispered, butterflies formed my heat. not my stomach, but below.
i looked at her dumbfounded, i never felt this way before. i didnt know what was going to happen after all this, what me and ellies relationship would be by tomorrow, i didnt know if i was gay- but i did know that i wanted more of her touch, i wanted to feel her touch, not only on me, but in me.
i pulled pulled the back of her neck onto my face to be met with mine, our kiss even more passionate then before, my knees felt so weak, like i could collapse at any moment, so my hands were balled into a fist gripping her tankop. her hands were squeezing my skin, i couldnt help it, i wanted to feel more of her skin
i lifted my left hand from her tanktop, and lowered them to the hem of it, before i stuck my hand underneath, trailing my hand against her skin, i stopped once my hand got to her bra, unsure of how far she wanted this to go, but her hand lifted from my waist and pulled my wrist up and underneath her bra, allowing me to feel her shape and soft skin
instead of ellies hand resting back on my waist, she snaked it under my jeans, and i felt her squeeze my ass, i had to pull away from our kiss as i let out a grunt, it would have probably came out a moan if i didnt keep my mouth squeezed shut and tried to hold it
we made out rubbing eachother for a few moments before ellies hand slid out of my jeans, i was disappointed until i felt her hands yank at the waist of my jeans, they were still unbuttoned so all she did was slid them off of me, i broke our kiss to step out of them
ellies hands went straight to the back of my bare theighs, "jump" she grunted, her voice deep and raspy, i did what she said, i jumped so my legs were wrapped around her waist as she still held me up by my theighs
as we shared a sloppy yet passionate kiss, i felt my back lift from the wall, ellie brough us across the room, and i felt myself get dropped into my bed
i could see ellie from the moon that lit our room, she crawled ontop of me, hovering over me as our hands and lips connected once again to eachother
she trailed her kiss to my jawline, i felt like i was to explode, i tilted my head so she could get more of my neck
i shouldnt be doing this, but i want to, but dads downstairs, hes asleep, but im high, we both are
my own thoughts fought eachother, i tried to bring myself to stop it, but i couldnt.
my fingertips rested on the fabric of ellies tanktop, i pulled her away for a moment, pulling off the grey top over her head, my eyes went straight to her body, and god did i feel faint.
she had a grey calvin klein sports bra on, my mouth was starting to water.
ellies hands went to my tanktop, i lifted my arms so that she could pull them over my head, i was nervous, especially since i didnt have a bra on, but i wanted it too much to stop
ellie and i stared at eachothers bodies for a moment, she leaned back in and connected her lips straight to my sweetspot of my neck, at the same time her hand went and messaged my boob, ellie was doing things to me because i couldn't even hold in my moans anymore
ellie left a trail of bruises down my neck as she went down more, and connected her lips to my nipple, my hand went to the back of her hair, squeezing her roots, right when i did so i could faintly hear ellie moan into my skin- she likes hair pulling, noted
ellie kissed my one breast and messaged my other, as i squirmed under her holding her hair
"ellie.." i whisper-moaned. "yea, babe?" she mumbled through her kisses, i felt hotter from her nickname, "please.." i whispered, i couldnt handle it anymore
ellie brought her hand and rested it between my legs, but it was inches away from my core, i squeezed my thighs together to try to make some sort of friction, but ellie moved her hands and pressed my knees away from eachother, "please what?" she asked in a dominant voicd, she obviously knew what i wanted, but wanted to hear me say it
"please-" i tried to get a full sentance out in one go, but that was near impossible, my fingertips rested on ellies pants, streching the fabric wanting them off, i was completely topless and had my pants off, yet ellie had a bra on and pants
ellie got off of me for a moment, taking her pants off, which i silently thanked her in my head for, "please what?" she asked again, her voice more raspy then before, "touch me" i moaned, she smirked, leaning in and kissing me again, i missed her lips and the taste of them
she rubbed her hand up slowly, her finger brushing against my cunt. without even thinking, my hand shot to ellies hand that was in between my theighs, and pushed it more towards it
as ellie grunted, she moved my underwear to the side, letting her fingers drag along my slit, "this wet for me baby?" she panted, "all for you" i replied, instantly connecting our lips after
ellie teased me, tracing her fingers up and down my wetness, i sunk my hips down more, trying to get more, ellie broke our kiss with a small laugh, she gave my lips another sweet kiss before she pulled away from my face, i looked up at her confused but my confused face was shortly changed to arousal, as she slipped her middle finger partly inside me
she slowly pumped her finger more into me, causing my head to go back on my pillow, ive touch myself before, but nobody had ever touched me, this was a complete new experience for me
as she pumped them in and out, i felt her start to grind her hips onto my theigh, all the fricton, i started to let out more and more moans, my mouth was closed so they werent as loud
i felt her add her ring finger in me, and curling them around my walls, her hips grinding with more pressure,i let my jaw fall, and furred my eyebrows as i moaned, ellies hand went straight to my mouth, covering any noises that escaped.. i realized for a split second that- oh that was really loud and could of easily woke up my dad- but the feeling of her fingers twirling around in me made me instantly forget about it
i couldnt help but start to grind onto her fingers, rocking my hips up and down. ellies hand slowly moved off of my mouth to grip on my hip, letting out a moans with me, her voice was so hot it made me even wetter. she then moved her hand down even more, i thought it couldnt get any better but she started to rub my clit
"mmfpph.. ell- ellie- i-" i screched, i felt my stomach tie into a tight knot, my body froze as i squeezed my eyes, while my hips stopped moving, ellies hands only sped up, and her hips started to move faster, practically jumping up and down on me, "ellie" i whinned, my eyes rolling back as i felt myself release, ellie grinded on me until her hips froze, "hh- hfphmhmm"ellie moaned, also coming to a finish, i watched her as she leaned her head back, mouth ajar, eyebrow's squishing together.
the room was filled with heavy pants- our chests going up and down as if we just had a near death experience
we stared at eachother trying to catch our breaths, ellies hair was clouding all around her face, her hair falling to her shoulders, really messy compared to how it was an hour ago, in which it was neatly brushed
ellie looked so beautiful, but there were two things i realized as i stared at her
1. we are still high as shit
2. ellie williams, a girl i met a few days ago, just fucked me
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Prayer Factory
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Word Count: 1.6k
Pairing: Jake x Reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt, ex!Jake
Synopsis: Jake hasn’t healed even months after his ex-girlfriend Y/N said ‘I do to another man. After one night of desperately trying to hold onto Y/N, will he get back the woman he loves, or was it all nothing but a mistake?
For a bit of context while I try and write what came before: Y/N is a super successful singer-songwriter although it’s not super relevant in this chapter. She has been close friends with the members of Greta Van Fleet, for several years. She had a tumultuous yet terribly passionate relationship with Jake that ended not very well (you’ll see), although they eventually figured out how to remain on good terms for everybody’s sake. But Jake was lightyears away from being ready to see her married to another man.
Disclaimer: English isn’t my native language, so I apologize in advance for mistakes and awkward wordings to come. Also, I guess this fic could be triggering for some because it’s kind of really sad and angsty.
Previous Track: The Bomb
Chapter soundtrack : Prayer Factory – Florence + the Machine
All the things that I ran from
I now bring as close to me as I can,
Ripping hotel sheets with gritted teeth,
My montage of lost things, my
Shining trinkets of grief.
Alright let’s get into this,
Y/N couldn’t seem to fall asleep. Instead, she just lay on her side, her wet eyes staring at the clock on the bedside table as every minute went by. One by one. The second the clock showed 5AM, she swiftly slipped out of Jake’s arms and got up, hissing at the sudden feeling of the cold air hitting her skin.
She turned around, only to feel a pang in her heart as she laid her eyes on his sleeping figure. He’d always looked like an angel when he was asleep, that hadn’t changed. She remembered, what felt like centuries ago, watching him sleep after intense nights like these, a smirk covering her face as she absent-mindedly brushed her fingertips across the purple marks on her collarbone, or the sensitive skin of her swollen nipples. He fell asleep first almost every time, but she’d never minded. Poor guy was always exhausted.
How did everything get so messed up? Truth is, she knew exactly how it did, and you will too, but she didn’t have time to take a trip down memory lane as she took in the gravity of her current situation.
There she stood, naked, in the middle of Jacob Kiszka’s disheveled hotel room, her skin still covered in a thin layer of sweat, and cum slowly dripping down her upper thighs. Like so many times before. Yet this time there was no smile on her lips, and no stars in her eyes as she looked down at him. No. There was nothing but a big fat lump in her throat telling her just how much she’d messed up.
She tip-toed to the bathroom and decided to spend a good 15 minutes in the shower, desperately trying to feel clean again. Thank God for 5-star water pressure, she thought. But all the water and soap in the world couldn’t have helped her scrub that sickening feeling of shame and disgust away.
She quickly dried herself and slipped her dress back on, before taking off in a whisper, heels in hand.
She avoided her reflection in the elevator, feeling bad enough already as it was. But as she walked through the hotel lobby, she felt everything crashing down on her and panic taking over. Yep, she was cracking, and she was cracking hard. With tears racing down her cheeks, she nervously pulled her phone out of her clutch and called the only person she could think of.
“Patty,” she stammered in between sobs, “I think I really messed up this time.”
“Jesus Christ, YN. How could you let that happen? I mean Jacob, I get it, the boy has no self-control when it comes to you but-
She was back in her own hotel room, packing her suitcase after having had breakfast. Actually, ‘having breakfast’ was a nice way to put it, since she had essentially spent all morning getting harshly lectured by her manager.
“I- I don’t know- He was crying, and he just- he looked at me with those damn eyes of his, and- and I don’t know, it just- happened”
“Dude, that is so fucked up, what’re you gonna do now, huh? What about Harry?”
“I have no idea… God, I’m such a fucking piece of shit”
“Damn right you are”
Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard someone open the door to her hotel room.
“I'll be out in just a minut-” she said, still focused on packing her things.
“It’s me,” she heard someone reply. And boy, she could’ve recognized this voice in a million.
“I looked for you this morning,” Jake said, stepping inside, “you were gone… What happened?
“You’re gonna have to grow some balls Y/N,” she remembered Patty telling her earlier, “and lay them on the goddamn table.”
“What happened?” she replied curtly, her back still facing him, “Jesus, I must have lost my edge if all it took for you to forget what happened was a few hours.”
“No, I- of course I remember that. Just-”
“What happened is,” she carried on, frantically stuffing clothes in her bag, “we’ve once again managed to mess everything up.”
“Now, come on,” he said calmly, reaching his hand out to her waist, “I didn’t really mean for it to happen this way but-”
“Don’t touch me” she spat, flinching away from him. The boy was speechless, this definitely wasn’t the reaction he’d expected. “I can’t believe it,” she continued, finally looking up to meet his gaze, “I mean, you don’t even have anything to say for yourself.”
“I- I want to be with the woman I love,” Jake sighed, feeling frustration rising in him. Sure, last night wasn’t his most chivalrous moment, but come on, it does take two to tango, “I’m not gonna apologize for that.”
“That’s not-”
“Please, let’s not pretend last night had anything to do with love,” she zipped her suitcase shut, “you just wanted to make sure you could still have me if you wanted to-”
“Well congratulations! You did have me. You proved your point,” she carried on, pushing past him towards the door, suitcase in hand, “now I’m leaving.”
“No, wait, hold on- I mean,” he stammered, grabbing the girl’s arm before she could walk out the door, “we can figure it out, we can talk-”
“I am married!” she snapped, turning around to meet his gaze once again. Jake froze at her words, “Yes, you may not have let me say it yesterday, but it doesn’t change the fact that I am! And I love my husband,” her shaky voice betrayed the fragility of the strong front she was trying to put up, but Jake hadn’t paid attention enough to notice. He’d taken a few steps back as soon as she’d mentioned the man she’d once chosen over him.
“Sure,” he scoffed, a bitter expression on his face, “so what was last night about, then? You just happened to fall on my dick?”
She immediately saw red at the crude comment, but all she managed to do was hurl her wallet at his face in an enraged gesture. Which he of course dodged with ease.
“How dare you!” she yelled before pausing, trying to catch her breath, “Yesterday? Y-You were a fucking mess, and you were crying, asking me for a favor and-
“Oh right, so it was a pity fuck then?” he cut her off, his back facing her, not noticing Y/N’s walls crumbling down as her eyes slowly filled with tears, “Well, I’m sorry you felt you just had to spread your legs to cheer me up but-”
“You really don’t get anything, do you?” he was surprised by the vulnerable tone of her voice, and turned around only to see her looking down at her feet, her bottom lip quivering, “I owe you,” she breathed, “I owe you so much more than I could ever repay. You, you were there for me throughout some of the darkest, most- painful times of my life and…” she placed a hand on her chest with a pained frown, “and it kills me to know that now, you’re the one who’s in pain, that- that I am causing you pain…”
“Y/N…” he sighed, taking a step forward, guilt suddenly invading his chest.
“And last night?” she hesitated, trying to figure out what to say, “It was- it was great, like it always was, but-” she paused, picking up her wallet from the floor. It opened in her hand to reveal the two pictures she carried around at all times. One was a group photo of her and the boys on a fishing trip back in Michigan. It dated back to the time her and Jake had just started dating, but since it was one of the rare pictures they had all together, she’d just kept it.  The other was a honeymoon picture of her and Harry. They looked so happy. Naïve, no doubt. But so blissfully happy. She felt her throat dry up and her stomach ache with guilt as she stared at her husband’s beaming face. She knew what she had to do.
“But it was a mistake,” she shoved the wallet in her purse and hurried back towards the exit, “and that’s all it’ll ever be,”
“You’re not being fair,” she heard Jake mutter as she was about to close the door behind her.
It was her turn to freeze, her fingers clenched around the door handle.
“You just- You just waltz right back into my life just so you can leave again?” his voice broke, “just so you can go back to him?” Her knees weakened as she took in the pain in his voice.
“I’m sorry,” she answered after a few seconds, a tear finally sliding down her cheek, “But of course I was always only going to go back home.”
He visibly flinched at the word, before sitting down on the bed, his head hanging low. Home. That stung. He used to be her home.
He felt so stupid. He would’ve giggled had it not been so tragic. He had seriously thought it would be that simple. Yet here she was, walking out on him again. And he couldn’t seem to find it in him to hold her back once more.
Y/N knew this must’ve hurt, but honestly, at this point, she was just tired of apologizing for moving on and didn’t have the strength to have that same argument all over again. Instead, she hesitantly walked towards the boy she loved dearly and planted a gentle kiss on his forehead, trying with all her might to ignore his soft sniffles, before walking away.
“Goodbye Jakey.”
Hope you like it!. Don't hesitate to send me whatever or leave comments I’m always happy to get feedback xxx
Next Track: River
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flowercrowns-n-punks · 10 months
This is an late almost 5am idea. That can be ignored.
For my dndads friends/moots mainly
But silly silly no brain offer of.
A campaign, a silly silly campaign. Semi dndads vibes semi based on whole campaign ideas i never got to do,etc:
Just an idea for a rp heavy campaign lvl by milestone most likely:
Theres a thin line between the normal world and the world of fantasy.
People often live blind to the strange oddities or even ignore them calling them myths or legends. Out of sight and out of mind.
But when a group find themselves forcefully exposed to the hidden truths of the world from a old prophecy.
Racing against the clock how will the group try to understand this prophecy they found themselves intertwined in?
Will they save this world or forever rewrite the future.
Note this is just an sleepless idea, an suggestion i aint no crazy dm i stumble and stutter but try my best lol xD
Also just a crave for more dnd games.[for both running & playing more lol]
Id be surprise if anyone would be looking to play but yea lol
Anyways imma hit the hayyyy[try to lol]
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luv-loo · 1 year
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Study Date & Kisses
Masterpost || Bones Masterlist
Vincent Nigel-Murray x Fem!reader
Summary: Y/N’s having trouble with their uni assignment, luckily the classes Fun-Facts guy has decided to help. The same guy Y/N may or may not have a crush on..
Warnings: Swearing, some of info may not be 100% accurate.
Notes/Anything Else: Another repost, I promise I’m gonna other stuff ! I really like this fic, but be warn that Y/N comes off pretty pissy in this fic, but for good reason ! I’m promise Y/N still nice. I love this series so expect some more fics of them in the future &lt;3
° Tagging — @topguncultleader
The times currently 9:30pm, your eyes check tiredly to the screen of your laptop. The library closes in an hour and you’ve barely gotten half way in your assignment that’s due tomorrow afternoon.
The idea of going home makes you smile, but you know well that once you shut the front door your heading straight for your bed and sleep for the next two days.
That’s why your pushing through, multiple sickly sweet energy drinks as your right hand companion and the will to past this last assignment for the month, but this is just tedious. You much rather work directly with bones and the now of technology, than the history of how scientists and doctors discovered and identify bone parts from the 17th century. A fact you’ll never dare tell Dr Brennan.
So you’ve been putting this off. A dumb idea on your end. Making more time at the Jeffersonian was great, but breaks should of been made for finishing off these rather than chatting with Hodgins or watching Angela reconstruct the victims face while she talks about what type of past they might of had. You look back to the clock. 9:45pm. “Just great.” You whisper to yourself. Seconds felt like minutes.
You looked around the library. Barely anyones there. It’s quiet, besides soft footsteps, paper flipping and tapping on keyboards from other students. Your screen went black, so you pressed the on button to re-type your password. Soft footsteps were coming closer behind you. Your head snapped towards the sneaky stepped behind you.
“Woah! Hey, Y/N, don’t give me that look.” A British voice said, his hands in a defensive pose.
You quickly, tried to, soften your face while you pinched your nose. You sighed and looked back at him.
“Sorry Vincent. I’m just tired..” you yawned and looked back at him. “Do you need anything? Do you wish to trade my shift with Dr Brennan again?”
“Uhh… did you know the timing of our need for sleep is based on two things. The first is how long we have been awake. The second is our bodies clock. If we stay awake all night we will feel more tired at 4am than at 10am.  Scientists call the time between 3am and 5am the ‘dead zone’. It’s when our body clock makes us ‘dead’ tired.” Vincent smiled, making a small pointing jester with his pointer finger.
You raised your eyebrow. It’s not that you hate his facts, knowing that is his way of communicating comfortably (for some reason), but it’s currently 9:52 and you feel like your eyes are getting darker by the second.
“Can we skip to your point, Vincent? If I’m not mistaken you are usually in bed at this hour.” It came out harsher than you wanted, making Vincent subconsciously grab onto his laptop cases strap. Twisting it in his hands, making you cringe a little.
“Um, well, you see.. I notice that you hadn’t completed the latest assignment—“
“—What gave that away?” ‘Stop being pissy’, you think to yourself.
Vincent bit his lip, and nodded.
“Yo-your laptop is open and your in the library at 9:59pm on a Thursday. Our Assignment, that we’ve had two weeks to complete, is due tomorrow.” You gave him a weary look.
“Right… you were being sarcastic.” It was almost like he was shrinking in his shoes at that point.
You’re about to punch yourself at this point. The Brit’s obviously here to help, but because your tired ass is deciding to be mean he’s melting from nerves. Vincent was always the one to ask questions on any part of the project he didn’t understand or just wanted extra info on. His hand is always up during lectures to the point where the teachers just tell him to write all the ones he has down and than hand them a list at the end.
After all the questions he asked got answered he would hand most of the class pieces of paper with those answers. “Just in case I had asked something that you wanted to know and you didn’t write it down quick enough!” His normal answer when you ask.
You sigh at those memories, and point towards to the seat next to you.
“You may help Mr Nigel-Murray.” You smile as his eye light up a bit. Vincent went to sit down, pulling out the chair when he stops.
“Are you sure you want me to help you, Y/N.” His cheeks are a bit rosey red, it stands out from his pale, British, skin.
You chuckle a bit and shake your head. “Your not only here to help, I’m about to lose my sanity with my fourth energy drink. I could use the company.”
“Alrighty, Mrs L/N. I’ll keep you the company you need.” Vincent sits down and puts his laptop case on top of the table, pulling his laptop out before placing it on his chair like a bag. You smirk as you turn back to your laptop and re-enter your password once again.
“How far have you gotten?”
“Up to when the Andean Villagers strung up their dead’s bones like some festival decorations. This part is really boring honestly—“
Vincent slaps down a piece of paper, louder with how quiet it was.
“You find them boring? I rather find them very knowledgeable in the history to those people.” Vincent says, taking out two papers, fill to the brim with writing, and set them besides you. You grin as you take hold of a half empty can of a strawberry energy drink and take a swift. Before taking it back from your lips and turning it a bit in your hand.
“You all enjoy those things, well maybe besides Colin, but I don’t really. I study criminology so I can work on the front lines of a case. I take this class to help better my understanding, but some of this stuff kind of ticks me off. You know?” You finish your tired speech and place your can back down, facing towards Vincent.
You look up to see him with red cheeks again, but he’s staring straight at you. Your own cheeks heat up a bit, because god those eyes. His bluish-grey tinted eyes are just cute.
You shake your head. ‘Not when I have work to be done, Y/N!’ You angrily thought to yourself. Crush later, work now. ‘God..’
“I completely understand! I have certain things I do not enjoy others may. But when it comes to work I believe it’s best you priorities it. Even if it’s to your distain.” He smiled, god that smile. And god that accent. You never thought an accent could suit someone, until you heard Vincent Niguel-Murray.
“Well, as you Brits would say, let’s crack on.” You say, placing your hands on your laptop.
Vincent laughed.
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It’s currently 10:47 pm on a Thursday night.
You and Vincent are packing up the paper, books and your laptops so you could leave quicker. You’ve completed the work, a little half-assed, but it’ll make sure you pass.
As you both start walking to the door Vincent turns towards you.
“Hey, um… Y/N, if you’ll like, I mean, if you have any more trouble, you can always send me an email. I wouldn’t mind helping you out more.” His voice goes up one octave as he asked. You internally scream as your heart starts picking up pace. You both reach the front door to the Library, Vincent opens it and lets you walk through first. God your cheeks must been bright.
“I could just give you my number, so if you just wanna hang out that’s alright with me.” You say as you turn and stop. Taking out your phone from your pocket.
“That’ll be alright.” Is that another octave higher?
Vincent shuts the door and takes out his own phone. Opening the message app, you gently go and take his phone. You quickly put in your number and text it to your phone and hand it back to him. He looks down and his face turns beet red in an instant.
“Uh, Y/N, why did you save your name as ‘Y/N: Needer of help’?” He laughs a little as he looks up. You smile and walk up to him, getting inches to his face, you’re about the same height, and give him a peck on the cheek before stepping back.
“Because I’ll call you whenever I need help with anything.” You give him a wink and turn to start walking away, smirking while your heart thumps like crazy.
Vincent watches as you walk away, your bag bouncy a bit and your ponytail swinging. He reaches up and touches the spot you kissed him and his face becomes redder than fresh blood on a corpse.
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bobalegsanji · 6 months
Thank you for loving me - Chapter 1
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Hii! I thought I might as well post my angsty Zosan fic on Tumblr!
You can also find this fic (and additional chapters) on AO3!
Summary: Sanji is going through a hard time. Zoro notices.
TW: panic attacks, depression, anxiety.
Sanji’s head hurts.
He lay in his bed, listening to the quarreling of his friends in the other rooms.
The clock on his nightstand reads 07:03.
He knows his housemates’ routine by heart. Zoro is getting breakfast before going to the gym. Nami is getting ready for her Friday morning class. Usopp and Luffy most likely just jumped into bed, a night full of imaginary adventures and alcohol behind them.
He sighs. Everything hurts.
He used to be able to do so much. He used to cook dinner every night. He’d occasionally join Zoro in one of his morning workouts (even though he could never keep up with him, he would always make him feel included and push him just the right amount). He would join everyone on their weekly Friday club night, usually going to the bar a couple streets down until they stumbled home at 5am, belly full of alcohol and heart full of laughter.
Sanji hasn’t joined in 3 weeks. The first week it was easy to come up with an excuse, an important project he had to finish before Monday hindering him from coming.
The second week was harder. He couldn’t use university as an excuse, not so close after last week. An excuse about a classmate's birthday party not entirely believable. In the end, he spent the evening at the library, only returning home when he was sure everyone had left for the club. Nami and Robin begged him to come, almost convincing him, but he refused. He wasn’t even sure why he did it. He could join them. Why go through the trouble of jumping through hoops to not hang out with his best friends?
Sanji isn’t sure. All he knows is that even thinking about the bright lights, dancing, alcohol and social contact makes his stomach turn.
The third week he faked an illness. Apparently, it was quite believable. Chopper, the sweet medical student he is, almost refused to go out in order to take care of Sanji. In the end, he managed to make them go. He needed a couple of hours of silence.
Sanji throws his hands over his eyes. His nails claw in his arms and tears prick at his eyes. Thinking about having to go out tonight stresses him out. He has no motivation to do anything. He could use university again as an excuse why he can’t go, even though he got dropped from his classes for not showing up. Not that he cared. He hadn’t told the others, not wanting to worry any of them. He was fine, he just needed some time alone and this would give him exactly that.
A knock at the door scared him away from his thoughts.
He quickly wiped his eyes to hide the few water droplets, hoping his voice didn't show any sign of emotion. ‘’Come in.’’
Zoro opens the door with a protein shake in his hand.
‘’Curly, you cooking tonight?’’
Sanji looks up at him. He used to cook daily, but in the last few weeks or so he hadn’t had enough energy. Last week he only cooked dinner for 3 days.
‘’What do you want, Marimo?’’
It puts a slight smile on his face. He’s been laying in bed dreading his whole existence, and all Zoro can think about is a potential dinner.
‘’Sure. You want salmon or tuna?’’
Zoro takes a swig of his protein shake before answering. ‘’Extra salmon.’’
Sanji puts his head down on the bed again, ready to go back to his morning rumination.
‘’Fine. Close the door on your way out.’’
He hears a humming sound before he hears footsteps coming closer and the door closes.
Sanji looks up, confused. Zoro usually doesn’t stay in his room any longer than he needs to.
‘’You want something else from me? I’m already making your favourite dinner tonight, leave me alone.’’
Zoro takes the last swig of his shake as he puts the empty bottle on Sanji’s desk and sits down in his chair.
Zoro looks at anything in the room but Sanji, slightly spinning in his chair as he speaks; ‘’Is something up?’’
Sanji almost laughs. Zoro and he are close. They’ve lived together for almost 4 years. He loves Zoro with his whole heart. But they don’t talk about feelings, ever.
He ends up staring at him.
‘’I’m great, thanks for asking. Shouldn’t you go to the gym? Don’t want your biceps to wait.’’
Zoro ends up staring right back.
‘’You haven’t been cooking lately, you love cooking.’’
Sanji awkwardly averts his eyes.
‘’I’ve been busy with university coursework. You know how it is.’’
‘’About that… You haven’t been to any classes this week, right?’’
Sanji stares at the ceiling. Zoro’s eyes are burning holes in him, yet he can’t make himself look back.
‘’Who told you that?’’
‘’Just noticed. Don’t think the others’ noticed.’’
Sanji sighs and hides his face behind his hands. What a mess he has created.
‘’Fine, I got dropped for this semester.’’
Zoro makes an acknowledging sound. If he wonders about anything else, he doesn’t ask.
‘’Want to come to the gym?’’
‘’I’m very content spending my Friday morning in bed, thank you very much. Please don’t tell the others about the… The dropped thing.’’
Zoro nods, ‘’as long as you’re fine I won’t.’’
‘’I am.’’
The two fall silent. It’s awkward. Sanji mentally curses Zoro for his good intentions. He just wants to be left alone.
‘’So you’re making onigiri then?’’
Sanji nods, looking up at Zoro for the first time since the start of their conversation.
‘’You should make something heavier as well. Only eating onigiri is going to give someone alcohol poisoning tonight.’’
Fuck. Now that Zoro knows, he can’t use university as an excuse out of the club night.
‘’I’ll make something else as well. Any recommendations?’’
Zoro shakes his head, ‘’I’m going if you won’t join me to the gym. You should come soon, or the progress you made will fade. Text me if you want anything from the store.’’
The door closes before Sanji can finish nodding.
He is tired.
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sholangagaga · 1 year
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A fraction of the asks I've seen in my inbox since my admittedly long absence from tumblr (life's been hard, mom has cancer, I've been struggling at work, I've also had a lot of awful personal things happen to me, it's been ROUGH!)
But I did actually get some time to, well, unwind! And right when I plopped my cute little tush onto my bed to get to work on some chapters and art, I saw a funny little notification on my Youtube.
Universal Studios Five Nights at Freddy's Official Teaser
I logged onto tumblr and saw my ask box FILLED and I knew right then and there I had to do a reaction of some sort! So, I did!
Full review (screenshots and thoughts) after the cut!
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Already loving the VHS/Analog horror vibes that I'm getting from these commercials. Something about obviously 80's-90's media just scratches the itch! And the uniforms!!! I love the little ties!! and the pins!!! Its so cute!!!!
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plus bonnies widdle head tilt!!!!!!
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The cut from the VHS to showing the pizzeria in the current time was beautiful. As a film buff who took WAY too many film courses in school, I LOVE beautiful shots and amazing camera work. The cut into this scenic shot made me almost feel nostalgic, like watching a documentary on like Chuck'e Cheese or something
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This part confused me??? Alot??????? Why do the normal animatronics have the saws and shit???? and why did they chain up Mike like he was in a Saw trap and Jigsaw just told him the rules for the game???
Still horrifying though! Thanks Universal and Blumhouse, I hate it!
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Imagine, you're sitting in your room on your computer. You're playing this horror game that's gotten popular for the very first time, and you're just learning the controls.
You're slamming down doors, checking hallways and cameras, eyes darting to the clock, it's already 5am! You can do this! Just another minute or so and. . .and then. . .the lights go out.
You think, "I was so close!! Do I lose?! I can't do anything!"
As you sit in the darkness and the silence, wondering what you can do now, you hear it. That tune in the music box style that rings in your ears.
Horrified, you whip your mouse to the right; nothing there.
Your cameras don't work, so checking those isn't possible.
You turn to the left and see them; Bright glowing eyes flickering in time with the tune. You gasp and clench your entire body, hoping, praying, that the clock turns and the night ends and you don't have to encounter whatever it is outside the door and then. . .
Silence returns.
This shot made me feel 8 years younger, like I was experiencing the horror all over again and it was euphoric. You can't get that kind of feel from a Fnaf property anymore and this movie replicated it in a single frame. Totally awestruck!
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Ah yes look at all these children that are definitely dead and haunting this poor man for totally not obvious reasons! Man I wonder what they could want! . . .
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P....peepaw?!??!?! You're....not a zombie bunny!!!! You look....so good!!!
I had my reservations over Matthew Lilliard in this role but god....he makes William look so friend-shaped. He looks like your grandpa who refuses to retire but always has time for you and takes you out to his job and lets you play with his stapler while he finishes up some paperwork before going home.
I need to see him in action (hehe) but as of right now, I've been sold. You win again Matthew. I am powerless to your acting prowess
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In short; this teaser was amazing, and I'm so excited for the movie. I know better than to judge a movie just on a 48 second teaser, but I can't help myself. I feel young again, I feel nostalgic, it all feels brand new and I can't help but think that something I love so much is getting the representation it deserves and that
that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside
it's enough to bring a grown woman to tears. . .
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