#I love Bill the Professional Henchman
mortiferumsomnum · 1 year
six lines sunday, tagged by @bloustorm 💙 I don’t have anything in my drafts, recently, but i do have an idea that’s been bothering me during my review *wheeze* 
However, Bill couldn't shake off his apprehension for the little, cute fella; he still remembers Steve (RIP), and he still remembers the screams. He KNOWS that this little creature is luring him into a false sense of security.
And it seems that the little, green blob couldn't make him calm, because it stops purring and scooches away from Bill.
"Please... Don't you fucking dare..."
The little blob opened its little mouth...
*EXCESSIVELY LOUD CACKLING* Maybe I’ll continue this someday... XD
Tagging (if you want to uwu): @gilbirda , @stealingyourbones , @aro-screams-into-the-void , @messedupmoon , @tinybrie 
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shroudthecursedone · 2 months
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ThePandaRedd Appreciation Post: Bill and Ted
This is me screaming into the void that I think my two favorite characters in the comic scene are Ted and Bill from the Pandaverse (the comics universe created by ThePandaRedd's tiktok skits). I freaking love these two because they are hilarious and I gotta say it somewhere.
Consider this a ThePandaRedd appreciation post.
Bill is a very long running Pandaverse character and is a professional henchman in Gotham City. He has been henching long enough to see the formation of the goonion, have batman steal so many of his bones that they're kept ground up in a jar, see the rise and graduation of every robin, batgirl, or other, and become so tired that he can backtalk his most consistent employer---the Joker.
Bill is a jaded henchman, mostly in the job because it's the easiest way to get money in Gotham, and because he's kinda in too deep to quit now. He's one of the best advertisers the goonion has, strongly discourages other people from henching in Gotham, and has so many residual medical issues from getting brutally beaten up by the batfam that he just doesn't care anymore. While he is regularly employed by the Joker, he has also been seen working for the likes of Penguin, Black Mask, and Bane, presumably when the Joker is in Arkham. Most other characters treat him with some instinctive respect for having stayed in the Gotham henching game this long, and he could absolutely go toe to toe with Superman if not just easily secure some Kryptonite and whoop his ass. Fortunately for Superman, Bill sticks to the Gotham scene.
Ted, meanwhile, is a relatively new character, and he has recently moved to Gotham from Coast City (where the Green Lantern lives). Suffice it to say, he is not aware of all of Gotham's idiosyncrasies and is still learning the wheel. If Bill the henchman is to be believed, Ted dropped out of the high school they both attended and may or may not have moved to Gotham for ease of employment.
One of his first appearances was when he'd just joined the GCPD and was trying to covertly get some info on the villain scene by asking Bill about how to start a career in henching. While Bill did not discover that Ted was working for the GCPD, he also gave away pretty much no valuable information since he instead launched into a rant about why anybody would be so suicidal as to try to START henching in Gotham City. His most recent appearance has him presumably out of a job again and noting some of his findings about Gotham as a Coast City Transplant (batburger's overrated, gang territories are gerrymandered, Robins are scarier than Batman, you'll be gifted with a water filter a gas mask and a gun upon moving houses if you send advance notice, etc.)
So, why are these two gag characters from a comic book tik-tok creator my favorite comic book/comic adjacent characters? Because they do exactly what they are designed to and narrow in on the every day.
Comic Books are a sci-fi/fantasy genre that focus on impossible stuff happening, frequently at a pretty grand scale. And while it is super cool to read or hear about stuff like Batman and his adoption problem or Superman being a basically god while still being the most human ray of sunshine ever, that's not even close to my favorite stuff.
No, my favorite type of media to consume is the kind where we get a peek into the everyday of someone in a vastly different circumstance from ours, and feel just how normal they are. I find a lot of comfort and humor in recognizing that even in very unfamiliar circumstances, there will still be simple, everyday things that persist.
Bill might be a goon in a city with some of the most insane and terrifying vigilantes ever, working for some of the most insane and terrifying villains ever, and the city is explicitly a commentary on the general shittiness of urban environments like New York, but that's not what he cares about most of the time. Instead he's busy explaining why you shouldn't smoke to his fellow goons, or dealing with the fact that his employer won't keep a reliable schedule, or having a crisis that he regularly has to run away from a 12 year old dressed like a traffic light or else die trying, or trying to convince people to mask up during quarantine, or promoting that fellow goons "do bad shit safely." And I like to think that if I somehow ended up as an evil goon in someplace as nonsensical and dramatic as Gotham City, I might respond similar to Bill after a while. And that level of normalcy and sanity persisting in such a fantastical environment is both very funny and very comforting. Human nature will persist.
Ted is similar. Everybody who has experienced moving cities knows that it can be disorienting and confusing and even a little scary as you try to figure out how things work, but you'll figure it out regardless and probably have a fun(ish) time doing so. Ted shows that the same principle applies even when those differences get cranked up to 11 and include superpowered and/or impossibly determined and crazy people. He makes my own experience moving cities where I joke and complain about the differences feel validated and it's just so funny to see someone react so normally to such an abnormal situation.
Ted's experience is something that can actually he applied to my own life, like when I learned about Rural vs. Urban stupid zoning laws or trying fry sauce after moving to the mountain west and having to defend my stance that it is an abomination. So seeing someone like yourself doing the EXACT same thing in such an insane circumstance both strikes a chord of truth and makes me laugh myself to the floor.
I also really appreciate that the PandaVerse in general has connected lore for what is basically a gag series used to affectionately parody comics. Something about people actually caring about their jokes enough to make connected lore makes me so so happy.
So thank you ThePandaRedd for creating Ted and Bill, continuing along with them, and making me smile.
Seriously, all this was to say that ThePandaRedd is cool, you should go watch his stuff, and that Bill and Ted are hilarious.
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cinematicct · 5 months
Analyze This (1999)
Directed by Harold Ramis (Caddyshack), this mafia comedy film stars Robert De Niro and Billy Crystal as crisis-stricken mob boss Paul Vitti and reluctant psychiatrist Dr. Ben Sobel, respectively, in the story of a gangster who’s lost his nerve and is about to get in touch with his feelings.
The supporting cast includes: Lisa Kudrow as Ben’s fiancée Laura MacNamara, Joe Viterelli as Paul’s right-hand man Jelly and Chazz Palminteri as mafioso rival Primo Sindone. Special appearances include Molly Shannon as weepy patient Caroline and Tony Bennett as himself.
Robert De Niro and Billy Crystal make quite an excellent pair in terms of comedic timing and deft interplay. De Niro nails his character’s emotional breakdown in a tickling manner, while Crystal delves neatly into the intellectual yet agitated mindset of his character. Lisa Kudrow, funny as ever, delivers some great laughs just as well as the two leads. Joe Viterelli plays a menacing yet dumb henchman that you just grow to love. Chazz Palminteri excels in the role of an up-and-coming crime boss.
In terms of observing the psychological aspects of the main characters, Paul has been struggling with severe panic attacks whenever he’d engage in murder or other acts of violence. Meanwhile, Ben is disillusioned with his life: his patients are not interesting or challenging enough and he lives in the shadow of his successful psychiatrist father (played by Maude cast member Bill Macy). However, the moment Paul walks into Ben’s office, everything changes drastically.
The script (co-written by Harold Ramis) is cleverly written in the form of a literal situation comedy: a personal yet highly irregular dynamic unfolds between patient and doctor. Plot-wise, the story is technically a crossover between The Godfather (though the Mafia is not as powerful in this film) and What About Bob? (though Paul uses a no-nonsense approach to maintain a tough attitude).
This particular movie basically takes the gangster genre and puts it in a blender to create a fresh mobster story with a comedic twist. In other words, the unique yet rare blend of organized crime and therapy is all the more amusing.
Soundtrack-wise, the film contains some old-fashioned tunes from a list of veteran musicians ranging from Louis Prima to Tony Bennett.
Lastly, the film shows that even tough guys (tough as mobsters) can have neuroses and the strait-laced professionals treating them can be taken out of their comfort zones and learn a lot about themselves when treating high-profile wack jobs (pun intended). All in all, I strongly recommend this satisfyingly funny ‘90s classic that proves laughter is the best kind of therapy.
“You… YOU… You got a gift, my friend!”
-Paul Vitti
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skullman2033 · 1 year
A while back i had an idea about a DC version of the superior foes of spiderman about a bunch of Z-list gotham rogues teaming up to be more of a threat and becoming a found family of misfits, and i finally pushed myself to make summaries of the cast. Thanks @roolsilver for encouraging and helping with the idea
They’re called Z-List and they’re comprised of
Mary Louise Dahl. AKA Baby Doll. Former Child Actress diagnosed with Systemic Hypoplasia, making her have the appearance of an 8-10 year old even though she’s in her early thirties. Has suffered Two psychotic breaks involving her fallen stardom and treatment due to her condition but is now a sane if somewhat temperamental individual . Possesses keen planning skills and owns an apartment complex that she rents out as safehouses for criminals. Also dabbles as a voice actor.
Mitchell Mayo AKA (rather Begrudgingly) Condiment King. Contract killer that specializes in killing people via poisoned foods after salvaging a botched hit by drowning a target in hot sauce. Considers himself cursed with what criminal underworld calls “The Gothams”. Described as “When the stars align so terribly perfect that your entire life seems to point to you being a supervillain” often seen wearing a pickle Green Beanie and black Lennon shades. Also a professional food critic
Leonard “Lenny” Fiasco AKA Eraser. A perfectionist with obsessive compulsive disorder, Lenny grew up heavily bullied by his peers for constantly deliberating over small mistakes in his work to the point that he carried several erasers everywhere he went. Eventually Lenny would fall into crime and become a cleaner. Offering to remove evidence from criminal escapades for 20% of the take using a specialized helmet and pair of gloves inspired by his beloved erasers. He dresses like a goddamn number 2 pencil.
Drury Walker. AKA Cameron Van Cleer. AAKA Killer Moth. Devoted and loving single father to teenager/Spoiled Brat/social media “Villaingilante” Katherine “Kitten” Walker, Alias Pink X. Former long suffering Firefly henchman, and all around blundering criminal oaf. Still has a knack for invention (he invented most of his own gear. Including functioning wings. ) and an unintentional encounter with the occult giving him a “Were-moth” form whenever he’s under extreme stress.
And finally Delbert Billings Kieth Sherwood. AKA Spellbinder. Spellbinder WOULD find immense Success as one of the many villains to Employ mind control. If it werent for a few things. thing. He still has his morals, is emotionally open, and REALLY doesnt want the stigma that comes with the common things you associate with Mind control villains. Still, provided he isnt handicapped by his fear of being seen as a super-Creep he can be quite effective. Armed with custom made projectors in his gloves, mask, and a collection of orange and black spiral eye themed drones. This former school counselor (again, we must restate, he is NOT A CREEP.) is a formidable member of the team, though he often delegates himself to being the moral and emotional core of the group. He also hates teen titans villain Mad Mod. Like, he really. Really. Really hates Mad Mod. So much.
Other characters Include Kite-Man(hell yeah.) AKA Charles Brown. Who used to be a part of the friend group. But Semi-Ditched them when a Clerical Error put him into the Suicide Squad.
Harley Quinn, (because of course.) Big time Villain turned Vigilante (of which almost no one blames her. Nor holds any ill will.) who, while not part of the team is still friendly to them, because Harley is everyones friend TBH.
And really, any other Dc characters i think would be cool for this.
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impyssadobsessions · 2 years
uncle bill post- i did not know that bill was a dc character as my only knowledge comes from crossover fics for dc and i thought it was a gravity falls crossover for a minute i was like oh danny and bill have some sort of weird truce as they stay in the shack i still think that would be funny
ACTUALLY Bill the Henchmen... isn't DC character either. A Tiktok creator, ThePandaRedd created the character for his skits and everyone come to love him. So now the professional henchman Bill, is well known and sometimes added to fanfiction as he is a beloved fanon addition to the series. LOL Makes me think of Elderitch Danny and Bill just shaking hands, promising to keep out of each others way. =w=' Danny making sure to leave his just as vague as Bills. Both too powerful. Be a weird summer LOL
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Warnings: noncon sexual acts (sexual intercourse); tags to be added throughout series
This is dark!Bucky and dark! Loki and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your father was a bookie and taught you everything you know about numbers. After his death, you were taken on as a bookkeeper for Loki Laufeyson, resident crime boss in Manhattan. But can you keep your place in the background when a man from Brooklyn threatens to drag you to the forefront?
Note: I’m having fun with this and hoping to be able to re-center on my other work as well. We will take it a day at a time. You guys are awesome, thanks for all the asks and comments!
Hope you enjoy it. Thank you. Love you guys!
As always, if you can, please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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That morning was spent in an unbroken silence. You kept your nose in your ledger as Loki went about his own business, much of his time spent outside the office. When he was there, you felt his glances, his taunting smirks, but he said nothing. It was as if he was waiting for you to crack.
Just after three, he strode in and his lithe fingers unbuttoned his sleek jacket. He hung it from his chair and tugged his vest straight above his belt. He walked his fingers along the edge of his desk as he rounded it and neared yours. His hands framed your ledger as he loomed over you and his eyes skimmed the margins.
You didn’t bother to set down your phone as you remained reclined in your chair. His head quorked and his large hand covered your screen. You lowered it slowly and peered up at him. You fought to keep your irritation beneath the surface. His eyes sparked with knowing.
“Barnes will be here soon,” He announced. “Lose the stuffy little blazer, darling. I want him to see what’s mine.”
You scowled and pulled your phone away. You turned in your chair and went back to scrolling. He slapped it out of your hand before slamming his fist on your desk.
“Don’t make me tell you again,” He sneered. “Or I’ll have you greet him with much less than the blazer.”
You looked at him and pursed your lips. You stood, your eyes boring into his, and shed the blazer. You slung it over the desk before you bent to retrieve your phone. As you stood, he came around your small desk and kept you from sitting, his hands on your shoulders.
“Wait,” His hands slid down your sleeves. His eyes followed. He reached just beneath your chin and unhooked the top button, then the next, and the next. He pulled your collar open, the vee’s point just along your cleavage. “Hmm…” His thumbs trailed along the pressed fabric. “Not bad.”
“Are you done?” You asked.
“I don’t pay you pennies,” He mused as he drew away. “You should invest in some skirts, maybe a dress or two.”
“You really think he cares? I have no doubt he was not lonely last night. Nor will he be in those to come.” 
You sat and dropped your phone on your desk as he lifted your blazer. He shoved the tweed in his desk drawer as he sat.
“I’ll make him care,” Loki slithered. “He will expect his cut so please, I would have it ready for his arrival.”
He didn’t move as he leaned back with a metallic groan of the chair. You rolled your eyes and stood. You went to the safe and spun the dial without looking. You bent to grab a bundle of bills and Loki hummed. As you stood, he bent one leg over the other.
“If you can bend over just like that when he’s here,” He remarked. “Those trousers aren’t so bad.”
“Ugh,” You crossed the office to the machine and divided the stack in two. 
You dropped in half and listened to the flutter. You added a few more and returned the spare bills to the safe. A knock sounded as you collected the final take.
“In here,” Loki called but Lopez did not appear. 
Bucky pushed the door open himself and paused in the doorway as he peered inside. His henchman accompanied him but as before, did not break the threshold. He stepped further in and nodded at you as he neared Loki’s desk. He carefully sat in the empty chair, an elbow on the wooden arm.
“I heard you and Diablo had a little chat,” Bucky barely seemed bothered by your presence.
“And you as well,” Loki returned. “He is a sociable host.”
“Is that what you’d call him?” Bucky picked at the grooved curve of the arm with his thumb. “This little business you’re carrying on down at the docks., you know I have rights.”
“Oh yes, indeed I am aware,” Loki beckoned to you with two fingers. “You see that my… secretary has accounted for that in your cut.”
You neared and held out the money to Bucky. He glanced at you and his eyes strayed to your open collar. He made no effort to hide his wandering gaze as he reached for the bills. His fingers brushed yours and his lips curved slightly. He righted himself and began to count.
“Very well but if you are going to discuss matters which affect me, I’d like to be involved in said conversations,” Bucky intoned. “I know you think you’re big shit but your name don’t mean shit down in Brooklyn, you understand? You know what we do to Manhattan… types?”
“Oh, I imagine it’s similar to our own treatment of your type,” Loki grinned. “But I thought we were past all these petty threats.”
“Not a threat. You will know it when I am threatening you and you won’t be so arrogant,” Bucky warned. “I only want what I am owed. I have been polite to you. To your…” Bucky peeked over at you. “People.”
“If this is you being polite, I’d hate to see what you would deem as coarse,” Loki said. “I will have a copy of the expenses made for you…” He curled his finger as he motioned you over. You slipped around his desk and neared him. “When my bookkeeper has the chance.”
His hand went to the small of your back and you resisted a growl. You kept your face placid as Bucky took note of the touch. He chuckled softly and set the money on the desk.
“I am certain she has the time now to recount this,” He said. “It’s short.”
“Short?” Loki’s fingers hooked in your belt.
“Diablo showed me the figures. You’ve given me my share of the smack but the rest is unaccounted for.” 
“The rest?” Loki challenged.
“Don’t tell me I know your business better than you,” Bucky said.
Loki’s fingers slipped from your back and he brushed your ass as he leaned back.
“An oversight,” Loki said. “Do factor in the rest.”
You stepped away and went to your ledger. He had bid you to only tally the smack and not the other assortment of goods which had been secreted in. You hit the loud buttons of your calculator and fixed the margins. You lifted the book and presented it to Bucky. He took it and read it over, a small nod before he handed it back.
“Darling,” Loki waved you away.
You set the book on your desk and went to the safe. You hid the dial as you opened it once more and retrieved the rest of the stack. You heard a low, whispered breath as you bent. You glanced over and Loki smirked at you before you shot up straight. Shit.
You slammed the safe and crossed to Bucky again. You began to count allowed as you added the bills to his stack on the desk. His eyes followed your fingers and grew more and more intent. When you finished, he held out his hand expectantly. You gritted your teeth and moved the bills from the desk to his hand.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” He said and stood so suddenly your ankle wobbled as you retreated. “Sorted.”
“I hope so,” Loki smoothed his hand over his black hair.
“I like the digs,” Bucky hid the money inside his jacket as he looked around. “Manhattan’s not bad when there aren’t bullets flying but…” He buttoned his jacket. “I’d like to return the gesture. I would have our next meeting down at The She-Wolf.”
“The She-Wolf?” Loki almost recoiled at the word. “Forgive me, but it is not really a place I’d deign to frequent.”
“Not asking you to frequent, just asking for a little give in our accord.” Bucky pushed his shoulders back. “Even the playing field, meet me on my turf.”
“I suppose,” Loki said sharply.
“You might just see something you like,” Bucky said. “And you can bring the secretary along. Get her out of this damned stuffy place.”
“Until then, Barnes,” Loki intoned.
“‘Til then,” Bucky smirked and spun around, a wink sent your way before he left.
You waited, quietly, as the men departed. Loki rubbed his chin pensively and motioned for you to close the door. You did and turned back to him.
“You can’t go down to a place like that in a pantsuit,” Loki stood and swept his jacket off his chair. “And if you’ve shown me anything, it’s that you cannot follow orders.”
“Come on,” He checked his watch as he came around the desk. “I’m as eager as you to have this done with.”
You had grown used to Loki’s presence long ago; the silence, the iciness. What you’d never dealt with before was a tense car ride in which you floundered between confusion and irritation. He was a man to do as he pleased without explanation and so it was that he didn’t offer you one as he ushered you out of the antique store.
Only his smirk betrayed his content. This game he was playing amused him very much. He liked toying with you, more he enjoyed the reaction he’d drawn from his former enemy. Bucky had let just enough show for Loki to feel triumphant. And you had added to his zeal as you grumbled at him in turn.
You didn’t mind shopping. You were precise in your taste; clean cut; professional. Perhaps you were making up for your father’s reputation, or your mother’s, or perhaps you were acting as your own person. Whatever it was, you had little interest in the boutique which had no trace of a trouser or blazer in sight.
Loki strutted ahead of you and greeted the woman in the black turtleneck, a clunky golden necklace at her throat. Even if she didn’t recognize him, his attire betrayed a man of wealth, one of presume prestige. He looked over his shoulder and waved you forward.
“I hope you might help my… acquaintance,” He measured the word deliberately. “You see, we would like a more womanly look. Something which would actually suggest her to be a woman. More than suggest.”
“Loki,” You breathed. “Is this really--”
“Money is no issue,” He ignored you for the boutique associate who perked up at his statement. “I do expect a wardrobe’s worth. Within reason. She hasn’t a very big closet.”
You growled and shook your head. You looked around the place and cringed at the panoply of colours; of sparkle and sheen; of rich velvet and flowing silks. 
“I would prefer you could be finished within the hour but I would allow you longer if needed,” He took out his wallet and flipped a crisp hundred from the leather pocket. He slipped it to her swiftly before he turned his attention to you. “Darling, behave. Remember the price which has already been paid.”
Your heart sank and you nodded. You could have snarled at him but you averted your eyes. You hadn’t truly thought of yourself as being genuinely valuable to the man but to know he had bought you like some asset was vile. He touched our arm and left you with the woman.
“I am Ana,” She introduced herself. “Is there anything in particular you’d like to look for?”
“No,” You uttered. “Unless you have some tweed hidden in here? Perhaps some wool?”
“We have a lovely cashmere beret,” She offered. “You have a lovely complexion for rose, which is on trend. And lilac.”
“I prefer simplicity,” You said dully.
“Well, the simplest looks can be the most stylish,” She flitted past you and lifted a grey camisole with a hint of fur along the hem. “This would go well with a fitted skirt. And the colour, dainty but draws the eye.”
“Mmm,” You looked at it and touched the stringy strap. “I work in… an office, not a club.”
“You must at least try it on,” She grabbed a pencil skirt and lined it up beneath the top. “There is a powder blue dress, the most intricate work along the back. You would do wonderfully in it.” She led you around the shop and grabbed another hanger. “And I believe that generous man is not so concerned about office attire.”
“Generous?” You echoed. “That generous man, should you not do as he wishes, would break you fingers to get that little tip back in his pocket. It is the only reason I am going along with this ridiculous affair.”
Her eyes widened as she stopped beside a display of bell sleeved blouses. “Excuse me?”
You arched a brow and tilted your head.
“Don’t worry, you’re doing quite well. I do think you’ll go home with a healthy pocketbook.” You taunted. “Now, I will allow you to treat me as the doll he wishes me to be but this,” You touched a skirt beside you. “Nothing like it, you hear me? I like my ass to be covered.”
“Of course,” She hesitated but turned back to her course. 
She added to her armful as you left her and neared the little placard that read ‘fitting rooms’. You tucked your hands in your pockets and slipped through the curtain. The room was pristine; gentle pink walls and a rich fuschia carpet ;long white benches in the centre as booth lined the walls, mirrors on each door.
You sat and stared at your reflection. Your blouse was still undone and you buttoned it back to your chin. You listened to the metallic chime of hangers and the click of the sales associates heels. You leaned on your knee and fished your phone out of your pocket. You lit the screen up and a text from an unknown number topped your notifications.
‘See you soon, sweetheart.’
It wasn’t hard to guess who it was from and you didn’t trouble yourself to wonder how he’d gotten your number. You suspected the man had ways to get most things. That’s exactly what he wanted you to think. You sent it to your trash and tucked your phone away. Ana entered with an array of clothing.
“Whichever room you prefer,” She sang. 
You rose and sighed. You checked your watch. Fifteen minutes gone. Ana had a tall order to fill in a short time, but this wasn’t her fault. You went to the first stall and pulled open the door.
“Thank you,” You reached for the hangers. “I think I can handle it from here.”
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imaginesbymk · 4 years
“Sweet as Cherry Pie.”
Peaky Blinders One Shot
Summary: Y/n is Alfie Solomons’ younger sister who comes to Camden town & Small Heath. Why? She’s their secret weapon: sassy, unpredictable and insults their enemies to filth. Or maybe she’s just bored and needed the first enemy she sees to throw a comment at. Either way, Alfie couldn’t ask for a better sister.
Pairing: ---
Tags: swearing, mentions of violence, weapons, drug & alcohol use, smoking + s4 spoilers
Word Count: 1755 words
Author’s Note: sksmsksks this is based off a dream i had one night. it isn’t the best piece i’ve written but i love a sassy reader. one shots are not open, this is just a one shot for my 800 follower special - [milestone masterlist]
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“GOOD MORNING, Alfie.” Tommy said, walking down the distillery. Well, it wasn’t that much of a good morning for Tommy, really. In fact, even though he’s very productive and professional most times, this time the man wished he was back in bed where he could be exposed in his shirtless self, waking up to see his boy with that bright smile, sharing his eyes. 
Normally, he’d be drowning in family meetings back in Small Heath, but the atmosphere in Camden town begged to differ.
“Meh, not really,” Alfie Solomons glances up at the window- the dusty, stained window pane gave in the overcast weather. He turns back to Tommy. “Mate, I’m glad we’re right on schedule. I was starting to think you got shot in your own fucking office chair back home.”
Tommy stared at the Jewish-English man, knowing Alfie was from Camden Town, how outsiders would speak ill of such towns and vice versa.
Alfie shuffles over using his cane as support and hands Tommy the tickets. “Those are the tickets to the boxing match. And in that storage unit behind you is the gateway to the clouds.”
“Kind of you. But you know I have booze at home, stored neatly and safely. I can manage without your rum.” Tommy walked in, anyway.
“I’m not giving you my rum for free, Tommy. I’m not even selling it to you,” Tommy watched as Alfie made his way to the other room of his bakery, ready to check on the AM workers as they got to work right away.
Tommy read the front labels of the bottle he picked up from one of the barrels. This man has gone a long way in his business, he couldn’t deny that. Over a hundred barrels have been shipped to God knows how many speakeasies were in Europe and America, and when Alfie Solomons received his earnings, he holds it tightly and proudly, guarding it as he cherishes his success.
Taking a bottle wouldn’t hurt, it would please him knowing he is interested in buying his product. He could even smell it from the sealed caps. He could smell it from the barrels, residue on the floor, or even from one of the workers’ breaths. He could pop it open and take a quick sniff like playing in snow. Tommy dug in his coat pockets, pulling out a stack.
“Oh, so you are fucking loaded.” Tommy whipped around, his gun already pulled from his holster, gripped and pointed to the voice inches behind him. 
The person- the woman, didn’t react, not a small gasp at the sight of the barrel of the gun nearing her face. Boldly enough, she reached over and grabbed the stack of cash from Tommy’s hand and walked away, not even remotely thinking if the man she startled would pull the trigger with her back turned. 
“Thanks, Mr. Shelby. And Alfie thanks you!” the female voice calls out.
Con artist? Someone posing as a worker? An enemy? Tommy breathed heavily, swearing left and right in his mind that he could of at least stopped whoever that was from taking his money, or yelled at her the way he usually does to anyone who worked for him because he was the boss. He was loaded, but no one would just allow someone to take a loan like that without anything afterwards, unless they were a clerk in a bank robbery.
After feeling like he was glued to the floor in that tiny space, Tommy rushed out to find Alfie back in his office with his glasses on his face, jotting notes down on a piece of paper, noticing the stack of cash sitting near the cup holder.
“Who the fuck just walked inside that storage unit and grabbed the stash right out my fucking hands?”
Tommy’s outburst of his question didn’t send Alfie into a panic. “You mean my dearest sister y/n?” Alfie got up from his seat. “She gave me the cash so I didn’t have to do it, but she didn’t even bid me a goodbye afterwards. She just plopped it on my desk and went her way. It’s not like I died or anything. I’m not fucking invisible, Tommy. You can see me, right?” 
Tommy let out a long sigh, dreading that there’s not one but two migraine-stirring bastards named Solomons, it’s enough for one he already wishes to throw a beer bottle at some times, but now another one probably much worse than if described. “You have a sister, Alfie? You never said anything about having a sister.”
“Yeah. But don’t worry, she’s sweet as cherry pie,” Alfie nods. “I brought her here, but she’s pretty homesick, so I would bid her warm welcomes if I were you.”
“Why should I?” Tommy says, frowning. “She just took my fucking money.”
“Oh, for sure.” Alfie waves the loan in front of Tommy, reminding him that y/n is no thief. “And because she knows about the vendetta between you, the Peakys and the Italians. If they come to her, she’ll roar at them, literally.”
“WHO the fuck is this, now?” Arthur stared at the woman stood next to Tommy at the foot of the small dining room where old memories held of their past meetings and heartbreaks.
“This is Y/n Solomons. She’s our messenger.” Tommy wished he never had to say that. He wished she would stop touching his fucking stuff, too. “Y/n, put down my fucking frame.”
“Oh fuck,” Polly blew out smoke from her cigarette. “There’s two of them?”
“And what is wrong with my brother?” Y/n places the frame back down on the mantel. “He’s a successful businessman. He beat a man three fucking times his size to gravel after he called me fat.”
“Y/n Solomons is our messenger. She’s also helping with updates from Aberama Gold once we get Michael out of Birmingham for now, because Luca Changretta is still out there, and he’s fucking pissed.”
“You can very hot headed sometimes, Mr. Shelby.” Later the brief introduction of their newcomer in their recent meeting was long over, she stayed back even though she was dismissed to do her work. “It’s probably because you smoke so much cigarettes that you’re starting to look like an ashtray, or of that heavy out-dated coat you wear all the time just weighs you down that your back and shoulders must hurt like hell.”
“The fuck does that mean?” Tommy said, irritated by her presence, even her just standing there at the table.
“Nothing.” Y/n sighs and heads out the door. “You know where I’ll be!” she calls.
Sweet as cherry pie, my ass. Tommy grunts and lights a cigarette.
“WHAT’S the matter?” Luca Changretta asks. “I said we had a deal.”
“Ah, you just made a deal without negotiation, now did ya?” Y/n’s brother sat on the chair, staring up at the menacing mobster holding one of the rum bottles given as a gift. “Yeah, Tommy Shelby was right about you. You plan to kill us all.” He spoke in Yiddish, and he mocks a tsking sound.
Luca smirks down, even though he didn’t know what he said, at least they both were aware of one thing; Tommy knows what kind of man I am.
“Mr. Changretta, may I speak freely?” y/n chimes in.
The Italian shrugs. “Mr. Solomons, I checked my calendar earlier and I did not read anything about today being Take Your Kid to Work Day,” and he laughs, his cousin as his henchman behind laughing along with him.
“Mate, I’d choose my next words very carefully if I were you,” Alfie says, stifling a smile. “This is my baby sister you’re talking down to, and she won’t tolerate one bit of it.”
“And I should be afraid?”
“Perhaps less afraid, more self-conscious, Mr. Changretta,” y/n replies. “Just a few minutes ago I was sensing the stench of failure, but then I saw you and your men walk in.”
Luca chuckles sarcastically. “Ouch.”
“And it’s not like we’re having a showdown right here, you didn’t need to bring your men with you unless you’re doubling their pay for just standing silently. I mean, they’re as important as Tommy Shelby’s evening sous chef.”
“Who?” Alfie had to ask.
Y/n smirks. “Exactly. Anyways, I just need to tell you that my brother’s business isn’t for sale. Alfie has worked hard and I’m proud to be his sister, supporting him. I’ll drink his rum like it’s mother’s milk if I had to. So, let my brother handle your men at the match, and you’ll take care of the two hundred barrels to be shipped to New York. Simple.”
“What do you know about business, Miss Solomons?”
“What do you know about combat, Luca? If you didn’t lack the experience, Tommy Shelby’s blood would spill fresh on your hands as we speak. How are you a soldier for the mafia if you hadn’t accomplish the vendetta yet?”
“Actually, don’t answer that. I’ll fall asleep.” Y/n took a step forward, lowering her smile up as his height overpowered hers. “My brother isn’t asking for much. He’s a good friend of Tommy Shelby, yet he’s helping you. You should be kissing his feet, Mr. Changretta, not abusing his generosity.”
Luca chewed the matchstick in his mouth. “Is that so?” he looks back at his men. “Porca puttana.”
“Vaffanculo, right back at you, mate. You just earned yourself another tonne to your bill. Bring tissues for both your lawyer and accountant.” Y/n turns around and grins at her older brother, who smiled warmly at her the entire time, feeling as though he was proud. If the Peaky Blinders were here, they’d share the same reaction as Luca. 
“So you both know Italian?” Luca asked as he sighs in exhaustion.
Alfie nods at Luca, who was glaring down at him for an answer. You learn from your older sibling, you become as tough as bullets and the big help as the messenger, sending a telephone call or a letter mailed to Small Heath, saying Luca Changretta is six feet tall, but shrunk four feet down when y/n opened her mouth. 
“Take it or leave it, Signore.” The Italians didn’t even need to ask where this woman got her attitude from. If you’re a Solomon, there’s perks. Y/n smiles to herself, Tommy is gonna hate and love me.
“I warned you about my baby sister, mate.” Alfie says. “Sweet as cherry pie... but with broken glass once you bite into your first slice.”
tag list: @ladyxblake @lotsoffandomimagines @amirahiddleston @thethyri @woahitslucyylu @myriadimagines @fangirlsarah16 @your-pixels-are-showing @lucillethings @sirkekselord @kaetastic
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
 December 8, 1934
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Three Little Pigskins is a 1934 Columbia Pictures short subject directed by Raymond McCarey and starring slapstick comedy team The Three Stooges. It is the fourth entry in the series starring the comedians, who released 190 short films for the studio between 1934 and 1959.
Synopsis ~ Moe, Larry and Curly are hired to promote a university football team. They're soon mistaken for the school's famous star athletes, "The Three Horsemen." As the star athletes, they are hired by a gangster to secretly play on his professional team, but of course the boys know nothing about football.
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The Three Stooges were an American vaudeville and comedy team active from 1922 until 1970. Their hallmark was physical farce and slapstick. Six Stooges appeared over the act's run with only three active at any given time. In this film they are: 
Moe Howard (Moe) born Moses Horwitz in 1897. Died 1975. 
Larry Fine (Larry) born Larry Feinberg in 1902. Died 1975. 
Curly Howard (Curly) born Jerome Horwitz in 1903, Moe’s younger brother. Died in 1952. 
This short film is the only time the three worked with Lucille Ball. 
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Lucille Ball (Daisy Simms). This is Ball’s 17th film to be released since 1933. It is her 13th in 1934 alone. 
Gertie Green (Lulu Banks) makes the third of her four screen appearances.
Phyllis Crane (Molly Gray) was also seen with Lucille Ball in Broadway Bill and Men of the Night, both in 1934. 
UNCREDITED CAST (in alphabetical order)
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Harry Bowen (Boulder Dam PR Man) also appeared with Lucille Ball in The Whole Town’s Talking (1935) and Dummy Ache (1936). 
Lynton Brent (1st Man Panhandled by Moe) appeared with Lucille Ball in seven other films between 1934 and 1939. 
Bobby Burns (Man Panhandled by Larry) also appeared with Lucille Ball and Harry Bowen in Dummy Ache (1936). 
Charles Dorety (2nd Photographer) also appeared with Lucille Ball in His Old Flame (1935). 
Milton Douglas (Henchman) makes his only appearance with Lucille Ball. 
Oscar ‘Dutch’ Hendrian (Referee) did five other films with Lucille Ball between 1934 and 1935. 
William J. Irving (1st Photographer) did five other films with Lucille Ball between 1933 and 1935.
Johnny Kascier (Man Panhandled by Curly) makes his only appearance with Lucille Ball.
Walter Long (Joe Stacks) also appeared with Lucille Ball in The Whole Town’s Talking (1935).
Roger Moore (Pete, Joe’s Henchman) also appeared with Lucille Ball in Meet the People (1944) and The Fuller Brush Girl (1950). 
The role of Joe is sometimes attributed to Joseph Young.
Jimmy Phillips (2nd Man Panhandled by Moe) also appeared with Lucille Ball in The Whole Town’s Talking (1935)
Larry Wheat (3rd Man Panhandled by Moe) appeared with Lucille Ball in Thousands Cheer (1943).
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Three Little Pigskins was filmed from October 25 to 30, 1934 in and around Los Angeles.    
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The film's title is a multiple pun, derived from the children’s nursery rhyme the Three Little Pigs, along with ‘pigskin’ being a synonym for a football. 
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In 1924, Mermaid Comedies produced Pigskin, starring silent comedy short starring Lige Conley. 
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In 1936 a film titled Pigskin Parade premiered earning its leading man an Oscar nomination. 
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The second half of the film was shot at Gilmore Stadium, and its name on the scoreboard appears in several shots. The Los Angeles stadium was newly built in 1934 and had a seating capacity of 18,000. The football team the Stooges play against was from Loyola Marymount University, a regular tenant of Gilmore Stadium. 
The Cubs on the scoreboard refers to the Westwood Cubs, who had played at the stadium on the October 28, 1934. The Tigers refers to the Occidental Tigers, a college team from Los Angeles.  Neither team appears in the film. 
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Coincidentally, the stadium was demolished in 1952 to make way for CBS Television City, a production facility that was opened by Lucille Ball as the network’s reigning star, although “I Love Lucy” never filmed there. One of their major tenants was the Hollywood Stars Baseball team, which Fred Mertz mentions during “In Palm Springs” (ILL S4;E26) in March 1955. 
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There is also a shot that includes a billboard for Gilmore Oil, including its trademark symbol, a red lion. The Gilmore Oil Company was an independent oil company in California founded by Arthur Fremont Gilmore, whom the stadium was named for. At its peak, they operated over three thousand gas stations on the West Coast. In the 1940s, the company was acquired and then merged into a group which eventually became Mobil.
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The address 6317 Yucca Street on the poster behind Curly and Moe was the actual location of filming. Coincidentally, it  is about a quarter mile from the Stooges’ Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. the location is now the Los Angeles campus of The American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA).
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Boulder Dam College is a fictional school. Boulder Dam is located in Clark County, Nevada and was under construction at the time of filming. It named Boulder Dam in 1933 and dedicated in 1935 and opened in 1936. It was renamed Hoover Dam in 1946. 
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Beyond the stadium can be glimpsed the Fairfax Theatre sign. The Fairfax Theatre opened in 1930 as part of a larger retail complex.  The theatre was ‘triplexed’ in the 1980s but closed for good in 2010 after roof damage from heavy rains. The owner was unwilling to make repairs although the façade still remains.  
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Later in her career, Lucille Ball (apparently referring to the seltzer squirting scene) would remark, 
"The only thing I learned from The Three Stooges was how to duck. I still got wet!"
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While Lucille Ball was filming Three Little Pigskins, The Affairs of Cellini, in which she played an uncredited lady in waiting, was in wide release, having premiered in late August 1934. 
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Moe Howard once called Three Little Pigskins "a humdinger of bangs and bruises," as it marked the first time the Stooges flatly refused to perform a stunt. In the film, during the game the boys are stopped by photographers to pose for a picture, when the football players then tackle them. The team consisted of genuine college football players, and the Stooges were afraid of being hurt. Larry Fine, the smallest and lightest of the three, told director Raymond McCarey, “We've never used stunt doubles before but we certainly need them now." 
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The fact that both Curly and Larry had been hurt a few days earlier (Curly broke his leg riding down the dumbwaiter and Larry lost a tooth due to a mistimed punch) reinforced the trio's decision to opt out of the scene. Less than an hour after the exchange, the studio found three stunt doubles made up to look like the Stooges. Two of the three were seriously injured as were all four photographers.
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A planned concluding scene had the Stooges, years later, telling the story to their sons. It is unknown if this scene was ever filmed, but publicity photos exist of the Stooges, each with a young actor, all made up and dressed to resemble their older counterparts.
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In 1996, Exclusive Premiere created limited edition action figures of the Stooges in costumes from the film. 
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As a young model and actress, Lucille Ball didn’t just take film jobs. Here she poses with Billie Seward at Bovard Field in Los Angeles.
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In 1949, Lucille Ball and Victor Mature starred in a film about a professional football player, Easy Living.
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Ball’s radio show “My Favorite Husband” tackled gridiron gimmickry in 1950. 
For a further look at Lucy and the Gridiron, click here!  
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ifbrd · 4 years
Since the old villains in Word Up have been reformed, mind sharing what happened to them and how they turned their lives around? Do they play any part in Word Up?
Okay, so this time I was smart and decided to type this out in a word document!
Long post warning!
Before getting into each individual villain (or most villains, there’s just so dang many of them! I’m sure I’ll forget someone!) I want to talk about them as a whole.
All of them are reformed, and Tobey was basically the start of it all. He inspired several other villains, who inspired others, and over the years they all slowly gave up villain life. The last ones to quit (either BLHG and Invisi-Bill or Rhyme and Reason or both) did so after WordGirl retired from being a hero, because “everyone else did it and it’s not going to be any fun without WordGirl!”
After a few villains went good, Tobey and Dr. Two Brains co-founded the Anti-Villain Association (AVA), which was designed to be a place where villains, or even just minor criminals, who wanted to go good could go to discuss their struggles and experiences with switching sides (it’s kinda like a villain AA meeting). I don’t have many plans for each individual villain to play a major part in the story, again because there’s so many that would have been hard, but the AVA does play a part and so, by extension, the villains do play a bit of a role. However, I think most of this will go to Two Brains since he’s the co-founder and the other co-founder will be busy with all the other plans I have for him XD.
Many of their old weapons have been discarded, but also many of them are still around. For some, it’s to use in case of emergency (like a break-in), others have found other uses for their weapons (you better believe Chuck uses his condiment ray to make sandwiches!) others just couldn’t bear to destroy them (Tobey still has some surviving robots that were designed to crush the city, they’re happily living deep deep deep in the woods because Tobey didn’t feel right about destroying them for no reason), and some weapons are more difficult to destroy (like Mr. Big’s mind control, I’ll go into that a little more when I talk about him.)
Very few of them had kids, for a couple of reasons. 1. Many were too busy trying to turn their lives around to make a family life a priority 2. Many didn’t think they’d make good parents given their criminal history 3. There’s like 30 something villains and I wasn’t about to create children for each of them that’s just so many characters I would have had to make from scratch and I already had Theo, Julie, Emma, and Daisy, not to mention the new villains I had to make and I wanted everyone to have a little bit of depth so yeah… The ones who did have kids (and I might forget someone so sorry in advance if I did) are Tobey (obviously), Victoria, the unnamed henchman of Dr. Two Brains and The Butcher
Now let's get into them individually. Many of them I don’t have the story (at least not yet, if I get time I may start brainstorming that) of why they retired as villains, but for almost all of them I have ideas on what they’re up to now because I thought that was a little more important.
Dr. Two Brains- Was the second villain to retire. He saw Tobey doing such a great job and realized he missed that life for himself and said, “well if that little shit can do it, so can I!” He knew he could ignore the mouse brain’s evil desires, as long as he could fulfill its cheese desires, so his first step was to find a legal way to get a lot of cheese. So, he and his henchman started making cheese! And because Two Brains couldn’t wait, he decided to make a cheese aging ray. Suddenly he was able to produce quite a bit of cheese in record time. And actually, could make more than he could eat. He started selling his cheese and now is the main source of cheese in the city! The company slogan is “Evilly delicious!” And I was thinking about this today at work and realized he’s probably made a lot of money from this because with the aging process completely cut, he can probably charge less, but there’s something called “perceived value” where people think if something is super cheap then there must be something wrong with it, so you want to shoot a little higher when pricing products, so Two Brains probably has to have his cheese priced higher than he needs, so he probably has a pretty decent turn over rate! Anyway! As mentioned above, his unnamed henchman had a daughter, who Two Brains considers a granddaughter. She is aware of her interesting family’s criminal history and accepts it. She loves cheese but she’s not a fan of helping in the cheese-making process.
Chuck and the Butcher- (their stories are so linked it just made more sense to talk about them together) Were the third and fourth villains to go good and did so pretty much at the same time, for similar reasons, those reasons being “this isn’t fun anymore, I’m not getting anywhere with it, and look at what a great job Tobey and Two Brains are doing!” After retiring they partnered up and started a sandwich food truck, which today is a full-blown restaurant. Chuck does most of the sandwich making, but Butcher helps and he’s the meat supplier (guess where they get their cheese from!). I mentioned that the Butcher had a child. He has one son named Kale and a grandson named Baker. His son and grandson have powers like him, with Kale’s being vegetable related and Baker’s being bread-related (bread, not pastries! Important note! However, Baker does like to bake pastries, he’s about eight BTW). Kale and Butcher’s relationship will have a bit of focus in Word Up, and Kale will be a reoccurring character. Kale is very prideful and independent and will do just about anything for Baker. Kale is aware of his dad’s criminal past, Baker probably is aware too, but IDK maybe not. Chuck being close to the Butcher is naturally close with his family. Besides that, he still spends a lot of time with his mom and Brent, who he has a bit of a healthier relationship with now.
Granny May- The fifth villain to retire, and she basically just retired. She basically said “well I’m done! This is getting old and so am I!” She’s still alive, currently having the honor of being the oldest person in the city and is living in an assisted living facility. She’s pretty “together” mentally (how I describe residents at the assisted living facility I work at who haven’t been taken over by dementia yet). She uses a scooter now but carries a cane with her. Why? To whack people who need to have some sense knocked into them of course! Other AVA members are happy to pick her up for their weekly meetings and drive her back home, despite her claims that she could still drive fine “if they would let me!” (don’t let this woman go behind the wheel anymore, don’t listen to her!)
Mr. Big and Leslie- Mr. Big was inspired by the villains before him turning their lives around and claiming to be much happier. He tried this and struggled a lot. He eventually realized his issue was greed, it was too strong for him. So, he gave everything up, he gave his company to Leslie and basically became a minimalist hippie (again, my love for irony shines through!...also I thought the idea of Big being a hippie was HILARIOUS). Leslie has run the company ethically ever since. Today it’s essentially Amazon with morals. Mr. Big and Leslie are friends and talk all the time. Their mind control tech is still around, the reason I’ve decided is that some of the later tech was so powerful that destroying it might unintentionally send out a mind control signal. I’m open to better suggestions; I just need the mind control tech to still exist and be something someone could steal…hint hint….
Ms. Question- Eventually got a job as an interrogator for the police station! She’s the best interrogator there is! She doesn’t typically use her powers on people to get them to confess, usually, they just break from the mass amount of questions she asks, but in more extreme circumstances she is willing to use her powers.
Learnerer- Like Ms. Question, Learnerer found a better gig with the police force. He’s the city’s detective, and rocks at it with all his “learninging” skills. He looks for clues and learns how criminals commit crimes and uses that information to catch criminals in the act and stop them. He often works with Ms. Question.
Amazing Rope Guy- Actually got decent at rope tricks and is an entertainer now! I won’t say he’s incredible, but he’s alright! The other AVA members often hire him for entertainment events (he’s been to several of Theo’s birthday parties and Theo has politely asked his parents to not do that anymore, so now they’re gonna hire him for Julie’s parties) more to support him than because of his skills
Whammer- is a professional demolisher. You need an old building torn down? Call the Whammer! You need to gut the kitchen of a house you’re flipping? Call the Whammer! Need to clear an area of land for a project? Call the Whammer! Need snow off the street so people can get home? Call the Whammer. He loves his job
Lady Redundant Woman- She kept moving up in her job at the copy place, and eventually had learned to do every position there. With this knowledge and skills, she opened up her own copy place where she and her copies are the sole employees. Turns out your business can make a lot of money when you can have the exact right amount of employees at all times and don’t technically have to pay them because they’re technically you!
Hal Hardbargin- Sold his villain inventions and blueprints to the police station so they could have a better understanding of how certain villain gadgets work and therefore how to stop them. Also has made a few honest weapons for some heroes
Seymore- Hosts a self-made YouTube (or YouTube-like website) show called “Can You Spot the Scam?” where he helps innocent citizens learn how to spot scams
Big Left Hand Guy and Invisi-Bill-I never could think of what they’d be up to, so I decided they are still trying to figure out what they should do next. (because my favorite thing when I have a writing problem is to take advantage of it and turn it into a plot point! …something I did with a very important plot point in Word Up that will be revealed in Return to Fair City)
Rhyme and Reason- again I don’t have too much an idea of what they’re up too, but I like to think they are a QPR because I like platonic partnerships!
I talked about Victoria and Eileen here Thanks for the question! Feel free to ask more!
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hillnerd · 4 years
I read your fanfic The Wonderful Won Won and I really liked the christmas at the Burrow scene, and I am sorry for bugging you with all these questions but, what was going through Percy’s head during this all. And I literally just thought of this, but wouldn’t this be the first time Percy would see Ron’s brain scars? Ok i’m sorry i’m like hyper focused on Percy right now. I have a lot of questions. Again sorry for bugging you.
Oh I'm so glad you liked 'The Wonderful Won Won'! :) And I actually love it when people message me questions about fics or canon! Keep em coming! :)
So as far as Percy in this scene, Percy starts out being stiff and cold with his family when he arrives with Shacklebolt because it's the easiest thing to do. By being aloof and trying not to engage with them he can keep his standing with the Minister (remember he really wants to appear professional/competent at all times- and an emotional scene would very much undercut that.) He is feeling SO many emotions though. He's still angry at his father and family for a lot of things, he's a bit afraid that his mum hugging him and showing so much love might make him cave and just forgive them all and let bygones be bygones (which is partially why he's rejecting her all the time- he's in a prideful snit and definitely doesn't want his carefully built emotional walls tumbled by her.) 
But as for what he's feeling throughout the scene- let's take a took at it:
Mum was trying to give him another hug, but his brother twisted out of her outstretched arms without a glance at their mother. Percy’s eyes ignored the entire family, and were trained on the door he desperately wanted to flee through. He’d never particularly wanted to spend time with the family, but this was a whole new level of coldness.
“How dare you!” Dad exploded just seconds after the door closed. “Using us to hand Harry over to the Minister? We raised you better than this.”
“The hell, Percy?” “You’re a right prat!” cried the Twins. Ron didn’t care which said what.
He wanted an explanation from his brother. Even a glance of regret would suffice. Anything to justify selling out Harry the way he had. Percy remained perfectly still, his jaw clenched as he silently weathered their words.
He's always felt like an outsider with his family, and almost immediately it's clear that they are choosing Harry over him and that they have little respect for Percy. He is angry as hell, but trying his hardest to keep it under wraps so he can get out of there the moment the Minister says they can leave.
“Percy?” Remus' calm and soft-spoken voice broke the tension. “What does the Minister want with Harry?”
For the first time since he’d entered the Burrow, Percy made eye contact with someone.
“You’re not my professor anymore, Mr. Lupin, and I don’t have to answer any questions about this matter,” Percy let out rather succinctly.
Percy likes to think of himself as better than his brothers- and part of it is that he's polite, while they are not. Thus he answers Lupin-- as best as one can and in a very decorous and professional manner.
“And that’s all you have to say for yourself?” said Dad rising from the table, looking furious. “That’s the only explanation you’re giving us? I never thought I’d live to see my own son act like such a coward.”
“Now, Arthur!” Mum pleaded, trying to keep the peace, but she was too late.
Percy was staring Dad dead in the eye and the two were getting closer to each other with Mum in between.
“I’m no coward! I’m demonstrating my diligence and showing loyalty to the Ministry, which is much more than you’ve been doing!”
Saying 'coward' to a Gryffindor is like waving a red flag in front of a bull. The twins can try their best to get Percy angry- but NO ONE can pierce through it all better than his father. Percy has years of deep seated resentment with his dad, and the whole reason he left the family was his dad-- he truly hates that his dad is labelled a disloyal dumbledore follower.. He hates that he has to contend with his father's reputation and is worried it will destroy everything Percy's worked so hard for. And he hates that his father, whose opinion he once held so dear, truly has no pride in his son at all. 
“Loyalty?” said Dad. his ears going red, voice dropping to a frozen whisper.  “You’ve turned your back on every single value we’ve raised you with, and every single one of us. You can’t prioritize a job over the well-being of your family, as you have.”
“That’s big talk for a man that always put his job over his family’s well-being. We could barely afford new shoes and school supplies, but hey, Arthur Weasley got to have fun piddling about with Muggles. You never stop to think about the impact of that, do you? We were all in rags through Hogwarts, and Ron even had a broken wand for a year, but you didn’t even try to replace it--”
Here it is. That deepseated resentment hes been building since he was a kid. Of all the Weasley kids, Percy was the one who most resented the look and feel of being poor, who most resented the impact of it on himself and his siblings, and who most felt that their poverty was a CHOICE by Arthur. He saw his father's job as silly, and failed to see how important Arthur's job was for muggle-wizard relations- and how much respect his father DOES have in the Ministry. He failed to take in what was really important because he kept prioritizing 'rich people success'- that was prestigious, in fine robes, had power and money. He felt he could pursue it and remain morally superior to his father. You're SUPPOSED to be loyal to the ministry, you're SUPPOSED to have ambition, you're SUPPOSED to prioritize your own family over random people. 
And you know what? Percy isn't entirely in the wrong. At times Arthur wasn't as there for his family as he could have been. There are ways he could have prioritized his kids a bit more, and protected them more-- But in the end Arthur is FAR MORE in the right on this. And deep down Percy knows that. 
“Leave me out of this!” Ron cried out, but neither of them spared him a glance.
“You don’t know the first thing about loyalty to friends or family, Percy. You betrayed them every day you ignored our warnings about Voldemort for a year, and did little to check in with any of us when you knew our lives were in danger.”
“You know what? I was wrong to say you care most about your job,” Percy said so quietly, Ron could barely hear it. “I saw how little you cared about your job last year, with all the skulking about the Department of Mysteries for Dumbledore… And then, five months later, two of your kids nearly died there because they were following Harry around in that same place. I guess it goes Dumbledore, job, Harry Potter, then the welfare of your children?”
“Oh you suddenly care about your siblings, do you? Is that why you’ve not contacted any of them, even after your youngest nearly died?”
“At least I wasn’t involving them in dangerous business kids shouldn’t be involved in! What were you even doing for Dumbledore?”
“That is business for family to know about. Seeing as you don’t want to be a member of our family anymore, I will not answer any questions about this matter!” Dad seethed, his face quite red as he poked Percy in the chest. “Unless your attitude changes you are not welcome here.”
“Oh, believe me, I don’t want to be welcome in this crumbling antique of a pig’s pen. I don’t want to spend one more second with any of --”
Before Percy could finish his sentence mashed parsnips flew at him from several directions, some splattering his glasses. No one laughed as mash dripped down his face. Percy went purple.
“Fine! It’s all a great big joke to you all! I work as hard as I can to make something of myself, fighting off the horrible reputation Dad’s made for us, calling him out for things you’re all too cowardly to say. I work so damned hard, and none of you ever care or give an ounce of credit to me. You treat Potter more like family than you ever did me and eff off to piddle around with that Machiavellian Dumbledore. You’ll see how wrong you’ve been and you’re all going to be sor--”
^pretty self explanatory, that part ^
Percy’s words were cut off by a silencing spell. Bill was holding his wand aloft and looking as angry as Ron had ever seen him.
“You’re not going to say one more thing about this family,” Bill said with piercing deliberation. “Now shut it and wait for your boss to come get you.”
Mum let out a sob as Percy silently stomped out the door, not bothering to wipe the parsnip mash from himself. 
Being humiliated is Percy's worst fear, pretty much. And he's been very much humiliated- his father's words (calling percy coward, disloyal, not part of the family; choosing Harry over Percy etc) how his siblings were cursing at him and throwing food at him, and Bill (the eldest and most respected sibling) cutting him off and almost saying Percy isn't part of the family (while also making it clear that Percy isn't there for anything noble- he's being a henchman for his boss.)
After all this Percy has to wipe his face off next to his irrate boss- has to stand by and listen to Harry and his family get dragged through the mud- and his anger towards them no longer seems to bite at him the same. 
Somehow Percy feels sadness, loneliness, and a touch of self-loathing? But that’s nonsense of course! He was completely justified in everything he said and did... wasn’t he? 
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mortiferumsomnum · 2 years
Soup Kitchens and Runaway Ghosts (Part 3)
Part 1, Part 2
When your boss tells you to come to Apartment 304 in Schnapp Avenue along the Upper West Side of Gotham, you don’t question it. You especially don’t question the grocery list that your boss listed down for you, neither do you question the need for fluffy blankets, pillows and paper bags.
You have to gather up the things in a box, get into your (stolen) car, and drive to your second location.
It’s just something you do.
The less questions you ask, the less you have to deny. That’s what Bill had learned in his life as a professional henchman.
However, after a long career of being a henchman, none had ever compared to the experience of working under the Red Hood. Sure, the guy threatens you with his guns, and shoots and misses your feet as a joke, but the man had been changing the lower-class neighborhood for better with all the control he has in the Gotham Underworld.
Bill never had to fear for his life, either. He didn’t have to worry about living a new day, and he didn’t have to worry about what wacky idea his boss had just cooked up. Now, all he worried is what kind of soup they’ll be making for the next day at the soup kitchen, and what new recipe the Red Hood’s favorite person, Jason, was going to teach them.
Honestly, Bill didn’t feel like a henchman at all. Maybe a butler-in-training, even if there was no hope for him being employed as a butler.
(In the future, Bill would fondly look back at this moment as he serves tea to a graying Alfred, who is relaxing in his bed as Jason... well, Master Jason, retold his semi-mundane day to his grandfather.)
Finally, he arrives.
- ‘Congratulations! You killed someone! But not just someone! It’s multiple people!’ a voice in Tim’s head laughs. It sounds like a mix between murder-hungry Jason and that lunatic Joker. 
- There had been a time before he killed someone. Well, he thought he killed him. Johnny Warlock. Although in the end, the guy was actually alive the whole time, Tim remembers punching the guy’s fake until he couldn’t hear the fake’s grunts, until he couldn’t hear the fake’s heartbeats. Warlock hurt Spoiler, hurt Steph who he was in love with that time; he broke her leg and made her scream. He was so beat up over being a murderer, it took a while to get over it. (Source: Robin #123, Die Screaming, Boy Wonder!)
- It also doesn’t help that he even met a future version of himself who killed everyone, donned in a fucking Batsuit and acting like going far and killing your enemies was the norm. To be fair, in this future, every single teen titan were killing and taking things too far, but there is nothing more frightening than knowing that you have the potential to kill so efficiently without remorse. (Source: Teen Titans vol. 4 #17-19, Teen Titans of Tomorrow; Robin Today, Batman Tomorrow; Running Out of Time)
- Now, he killed people. On accident. Fuck.
- Before heading to the apartment, he decided to head to the scene, staking out in a shadowed area while observing what was going on. It wasn’t good. There were police everywhere. Jim Gordon was talking with a bunch of... investigators? Wait, they’re not Gotham-based investigators.
- He threw a tiny drone into the air, letting it catch wind before controlling it to fly closer to where the investigators were, planting a few bugs onto them and turning up the volume in his installed listening device. He was too far to lip-read. (I’d like people to know that in this au, he has some bugs on every officer in Gotham.)
- “Look,” that was Jim Gordon’s voice, “I get that you want to take over investigating this case, but I’m not handing it to you. You don’t understand the going-ons in this city. Red Hood is a crime-lord, yes. But this situation looks like the Red Hood was being chased for things not related to crime. Excessive how these ‘government based agents’ took to chasin’ after a single rogue without a single thought of avoiding civilians. It was the Red Hood leadin’ them to a civilian-less road, from how it looks like, rather than being chased into an environment where they could go all out. They didn’t hesitate to run-down a civilian, much less avoid children or seniors. In comparison to Red Hood who took great care to staying off of civilian roads and within GCPD territory.”
- “I don’t trust any of ‘ya folks who say yer from the government to keep my city safe.”
- “Like you have been keeping it safe for all the years you’ve been Commissioner?” one of the investigators scoffed. “Letting caped vigilantes beat up bad guys, and receiving weekly break-outs while your officers do nothing but sit pretty in their car with a gun?”
- Tim bristled. Jim Gordon is the only person who’s trying to do anything to make sure Gotham citizens stay safe, trying his best to weed out all the corrupt officers no matter how slow it had been going. Things ARE getting better. It’s not like Jim likes relying on vigilantes, either. The only time he relies on the Bat is when there is No Other Option. But he has mutual respect with all the Bats.
- Commissioner Gordon only raises an unimpressed brow, which looks so much like Barbara’s. “You’re still not getting it,” he said, turning around and doing a great impression of Batman walking away like a badass, letting his long coat billow in the wind. Unlike the Bats, however, he doesn’t disappear from sight and only enters his car, driving away.
- The investigators start talking to themselves. Here’s what Tim gathers: 35 men had been killed from his little accidental murder. (Breathe in, Tim. You can brood about it later...) They weren’t just chasing after Red Hood, but they were also after a ‘Daniel Fenton’ and an ‘unauthorized clone’ possibly made from Daniel’s genes. This ‘Daniel’ also can’t be brought back to his home, because his parents have also teamed up with them.
- They confirmed Jason’s claims about these people hunting down ghosts. But Tim finds out from them how they not only aim to hunt them down, they aim for complete extermination. It’s ‘Daniel’s’ parents who wants to conduct experiments, given that any findings will be reported to these people. 
- There’s... there’s just no way these people are actually from the government. If ghosts were real and the government were involved... wouldn’t that mean that there are actual laws on how ghosts are treated and dealt with?
- “Make sure to report to the boss about how much we need to spend to catch these ghosts.” Tim almost growls, clenching his fists. Because not only were they talking about getting rid of ghosts, but including the extermination of his definitely-not-but-totally-is-brother. He can’t let this happen. 
- Once these investigators were done talking, they went into their own car. Tim made sure that his bugs wouldn’t be tracked for at least the next 3 days. Then, he opened his comms to a private link to Oracle.
- “O, I need you to search something. Ectobiology laws.”
- “...What?”
- “Laws on how ghosts are dealt with.”
- “Tim... I... fine.”
- After a few moments, Oracle cursed. “This can’t be real. There are actual laws on--- Tim, how did you find out about this? Does Bruce know about this? What the actual--”
- “I don’t think even Harvey Dent knows about this, and he was an attorney. What did it say?”
- “In summary? It’s all ‘kill on sight’ for any ghost. They’re making reforms for some of them, though. None of them good. It mostly involves research.”
- “Are there any research on ghosts?”
- “That are not just narrative reports from Ghost Hunters? Yeah, from Madeline and Jack Fenton. They’ve written so many of them, they’re probably the only scientific source. Ectoplasm... it seems to be similar to the Lazarus Pits...”
- Tim pursed his lips. He doesn’t know how much Jason wants to share about Daniel and the clone. “O, these people want to catch Jason. He has the same ecto-signature as the ghosts that they seem to like tracking down.” He needs to update his safe-house to avoid Jason and his new wards from getting caught. But also, “We might want to see if Robin and Batman has some kind of ecto-signature on them... Maybe even Dick from how much time he spends with them. I’ll try to nab some of the gadgets from these vans and see if we can turn them into our own tech. 
- “You do that. I’ll update Batman on what’s going on.”
- Tim cuts the line off and sighs. His body suddenly feels heavy, and it’s not because of anything physical. It was a weight in his mind that refuses to lighten, only growing heavier and heavier. 
- But he remembers what he told Barbara, and he remembers that Jason is waiting for him with hot chocolate in the safe-house he needs to upgrade.
- He pushes his body forward. It’s probably thanks to his training that his body is able to do exactly he needs to do, staying out of the people’s eyes while snatching the tech before it could be loaded in some government trailer. his head felt foggy, and he couldn’t feel his hands and legs. But his body was moving. And the next thing he knows, he’s already changed out of his costume, headed to Jason on foot.
- The Doctor, Theodore “Teddy” Sturgeon (HEH. I named him after some author. Have you read To Marry Medusa? don’t remember much of the plot, but damn I remember loving it!), checked over Danny again. 
- Everything was healed. The vivisection and blaster wounds have healed into scars. Other parts of his body also showed some light scars, but the most dangerous ones have been healed.
- He sighed, rubbed a hand down in his face, and took a spare pillow. Then, he screamed into it.
- The smell of chocolate wafted around the apartment, making him feel nauseous, so he laid on the cold floor. Which, of course, made his nausea worse. 
- “Hey, Doctor Teddy! Do you want some hot chocolate?”
- No. Maybe some soup. But Teddy was too nauseous to talk. So, he only groaned back.
- “I’ll take that as a yes!”
- Of course groaning was a mistake.
- The Red Hood, who was now dressed like a civilian named Jason, came back inside with two mugs. He handed one of the mugs to Dani, who took it with a smile. Everyone in the room could tell how shaky her hands were, and that’s why ‘Jason’ led Dani to one of the smaller couches for her to sit down on.
- Then, Jason sat down at another couch and sipped from his own mug. Thank you Mr. Red Hood for thinking he was pathetic enough to not have any of his own hot chocolate.
- That was when there was a knock on the door. The Red Hood laid his mug on the wooden table that was also in the room, before getting up to answer the door, Dani doing the same thing and running right after him.
- [And I’d like everyone to know that Dani is smol. Like, she reaches until Jason’s hips smol.]
- He heard Dani gasp. “IT’S BILL!!!”
- He heard the Red Hood sigh. “Timmers, why are you burritoed and carried by my best chef?”
- “Hrrrrnnngggg...”
- “I’m not... I’m not that good, man.”
- Huh... that last voice sounds familiar. Doctor Teddy took a great effort to stand up, groaning and feeling his knees click. Then, finally, the people came back in, with Jason heading straight to the kitchen with a paper bag... probably full of groceries, and...
- “Oh, shit, Bill??”
- “Teddy??”
- Dani blinked at the both of them, sitting back down at the small couch while picking up her mug. “The two of you know each other?”
- Know each other? They used to work under the same bosses during the first Robin’s earlier years! Teddy was trying to get his degree while also getting paid doing all the easy stuff, y’know, like bandaging other henchmen up?? He was there when Bill had lost two of his femurs to Batman. He’s the one who brought him to Dr. Thompkins’ hospital.
- During those years, both he and Bill were so desperate to make a living, they refused to see exactly how deep in crime the both of them were getting. By the time the third Robin came into the picture, they drifted apart... well, it’s not like the two of them were close in the first place, but whichever boss Teddy was with, Bill was there too. It just felt weird not seeing the other whenever they were working under a new boss.
- Teddy got his degree, tried practicing in legal stuff, got too sentimental with some patients, and got arrested for doing unauthorized surgeries on people who definitely needed them. After being released, there was no hospital willing to accept him anymore... that’s when the Red Hood recruited him... and the rest was history.
- Bill chuckled. “Small world, huh?” he said. Then, gesturing to Danny with his chin, he smiled at Teddy. “Looks like we’re going back to old times, eh?”
- Teddy, who no longer felt the effects of nausea, only nodded. “Yeah,” he said, smiling back. Then, he gestured to the kid that Bill was carrying over his shoulder. “Does he need help?”
- Bill shook his head. “Nah. The kid just needs a cup of Jason’s hot chocolate. He looks like he’s been under the influence of Scarecrow’s fear toxin.”
- Teddy winced. “Yeah, okay,” he said, stepping aside so that Bill could place the kid wrapped in a fluffy blanket on the small couch the Red Hood was sitting on earlier. 
- Teddy squinted. “Is that... Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne?????”
- Bill nodded.
- Oh shit... he knew that the Red Hood, Jason, looked familiar. Does that mean that his name is actually, truthfully Jason?? THE Jason Peter Todd-Wayne??? Second adopted son of Bruce Wayne who died????? No... no... maybe they just look alike. And have the same name. Or the Red Hood chose that name specifically because he LOOKS like Jason.
- But that makes no sense! The Red Hood shoots anyone who disrespects the dead. He’d be a hypocrite if he wasn’t... Jason...
- Red Hood, who might also actually be known as Jason, walked into the room with a tray carrying three mugs. He handed one to Bill, then one to Timothy, who accepted it with a tired thank you, and then a mug towards Teddy. Upon accepting it (and no, Teddy did not squeak while he thanked him! *sobs* he didn’t!!), Teddy realizes that his mug was filled with good ol’ chicken soup.
- Okay, whatever. You don’t throw under the bus someone who feeds you well. Taking a sip, he inwardly cried at how good it was.
- “So, the kid sleeping on the couch is your brother?” Bill decided to ask, taking a seat on a chair he dragged from the kitchen.
- “Yeah... kinda... but we like thinking we’re siblings!”
- “Hm... how long has he been out?” Bill asked. 
- Here, the small girl seemed to become smaller. Her face turned sad, and it broke Teddy’s heart because no small child is supposed to look that sad. The Red Hood... Jason patted the girl’s back to comfort her.
- “He’s been out even before she took me to check on him, Bill,” said Jason. “He’s also never woke up when the Red Hood brought him over to Doc.”
- Oh, ohhhhhh, so we’re keeping Jason and the Red Hood being the same person a secret? Okay, yeah, Teddy could do that. Wait, he called him Doc, and only Doc. He doesn’t want Bill to misunderstand that he’s being legal in his Doctor stuff. He’s as much in crime as Bill probably is.
- But he doesn’t have time to point that out, because Timothy Drake-Wayne grunted, bringing out from his blanket a plastic bag full of tech, looking a bit more lively now that he’s drunk the hot chocolate.
- “Is everyone in this room in the know about who’s chasing after... the kids?” he was looking at Jason for confirmation, who nodded.
- “The official story,” said Timothy, “is that the ‘Government Investigation Ward’ or GIW is after the Red Hood, due to his constitution being similar to that of a ghost.”
- Bill blinked. “I’m sorry... what?”
- Timothy ignored him. “Ghost is just a general term for anything that has ectoplasm. The real story is that they’re after the kids AND Red Hood, because all three of them have ectoplasmic components in their body.”
- Bill looked to Teddy with a question in his eyes. Ectoplasm? his gaze seemed to ask. 
- “When I was treating Danny over here, he had some green substance in his blood,” he explained. “It both enhanced his healing and the infection, so his body was literally at war on the inside.” Turning his gaze to Timothy, he confirmed, “That green substance must be what you’re calling ectoplasm, right?”
- Timothy nodded. “It is. I don’t know the full description of what this ectoplasm does, but it seems that all three seem to naturally create ectoplasm in their bodies.”
- “When the Red Hood said to the Bats that the GIW seemed to follow him due to what he was, it mostly meant that the GIW was following them through their ectobiological signatures.” Timothy then shook the plastic to make all of their attention point to it. “The tech in this plastic bag? I took it directly from the vans before they were retrieved by the government. Once I figure out how they managed to sense ectoplasm with these things, I’m going to upgrade the security measures in this room... and then to the new safehouse we’re going to move into.”
- Bill whistled. “I knew that the Waynes were probably sponsoring the Bats behind the scenes, but to be the ones personally making their gadgets? That’s amazing.”
- Doc suddenly put the pieces together... techy... Timothy Drake-Wayne being Jason Todd-Wayne’s step-brother...
- Oh shit. That’s Red Robin, isn’t he?!?????
- “You okay, Doctor Teddy?? You’re looking a bit pale over there...” said Dani with worry on her face.
- “I’m... I’m fine.” NO I’M NOT!!! “I’m just... processing that the government... is using the people’s taxes to chase after people who are very clearly alive....”
- Dani snorted. “You don’t know the half of it! But, yeah! This IS where all the taxes are going. That’s why a whole bunch of people where me and Danny came from commit tax fraud!”
- Jason huffed. “Danny and I, Dani.”
- Dani gave Jason the stink-eye. 
- Jason then pointed a thumb to the kitchen while looking at Timothy. “The dining table is clean. You could do your stuff there. There’s also extra hot chocolate on the stove.”
- Timothy gave a small thanks. But before Timothy could pass Jason, Jason took him by the shoulders and whispered into his ears that the Doctor couldn’t hear.
(”Thanks, Tim... I’ll chat with you later, yeah?”
Tim shrugged. “Or we don’t have to talk about it.”
Jason pats his shoulder. “Whatever makes you comfortable...” What else would Dick say, Jason wondered. Then, he added, “Just know that I’m here to listen when you do wanna talk.” Because there’s no fucking way he’s letting Bruce talk to Tim about what happened.
Tim was quiet, eyes shining under the dim light of the living room. “Yeah... thanks.
Nailed it.)
- Timothy then briskly disappeared into the kitchen.
- The investigators, who are actually known as Operative J and Operative K, using the aliases John Jones and Keith Keys, stopped their car in front of Wayne Manor, their gadget blinking and beeping softly as they stood in front of the gates. “Two ectoplasmic signatures here, over,” Operative J, John Jones, said into his comms.
- Operatives L, M and N were in front of Arkham Asylum, their own gadgets beeping softly. “One in Arkham, over.”
- Operative O, who was staking out in Schnapp Avenue, put his binoculars down. “Three in Schnapp Avenue: Daniel, the clone and an unknown man. Apartme----”
- Operative O wasn’t able to complete his report, because he was thrown into a wall, wheezing as he slid down.
- Then, he felt an electric shock to his neck, putting him to unconsciousness.
- “Operative O. Operative O, respond!”
- The Operative’s comms were crushed. Then, Operative O received another electric shock, frying any trackers he may have on his body that may lead the other government freaks to his location.
- Nightwing turned on his own comms. “O. Message Hood and Red Robin. Tell them that their location has been compromised.”
- “On it.”
- Nightwing then walked up to the unconscious Operative, picking him up by the back of his collar, and dragging him out of the rooftop. Some interrogations were in order.
Taglist (holy fuck there’s a lot of you *wheeze* I’m stopping the requests for tags cuz *gestures*): @203moonysello @crimsonfreakshow @quirky-gardener @ultimatebluff @8000fangirl @ashoutinthedarkness @lady-time-lord- @deathssilentapproach-blog @slytherindemonqueen @akikoyuii @ depressed-bitchy-demon @ crazylittlemunchkin @ angelheartgamer @ spicyramenstuff @ cat-in-a-fedora @ kawaiikenna @ scaehime @ kotaleartzu @ blankliferain @ xarexraven @ roseunivers999 @ mysticalcomputerdetective @ icedoverdestiny @ mlpizza @ rhyme-is-sublime @ yurijay @ distractedducky @ rosiea184 @ tinybrie @ absol-01-blog @ crystaldrops20 @ emilytopaz @ ae-vixrose
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#ASLDGHASLGDKHLGHASLG NIGHTWING MY BELOVED AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH#dc x dp#dp x dc#bill the professional henchman#tim drake#barbara gordon#jim gordon#jason todd#dani fenton#danny fenton#danny phantom#dick grayson#DAMNNNNNN THIS GOT LONG HAHAHAHAHAHAHA#Danny needs to wake up soon cuz he's missing out on all the suffering#It would be so funny if Harvey Dent knew about the Ecto-laws but didn't bother too much on it because he didn't believe in ghosts#Yes the one ectoplasmic signature is Joker in Arkham#I REMEMBER SEEING A POST ABOUT JOKER HAVING ECTOPLASM TOO AND I REALLY LOVE THOSE POSTS#Maybe it's best if Danny stayed asleep bc he'll easily be able to defeat the joker#I really want to make a Tim Drake villain origin story in this au. I am SO gonna make Tim spiral in this.#It’s not even funny. I WANT JOKER JUNIOR DAMMIT. I NEED MORE JOKER JUNIOR CONTENT!#HOW JOKER JUNIOR WOULD BE FORMED IN THIS AU. Like Joker somehow manages to convince the GIW to put him among their ranks.#BUT we'll see how this story flows cuz like Joker Junior would be a whole different story from this#...nah. I'm keeping Joker Junior. I JUST NEED TO FIGURE OUT HOW *EVIL LAUGH*#Anyways if I keep Joker Junior Jason will be in for a whole lot of hurt#Because even if I'm not that good at imagery and shit I REALLY want Jason to gain Danny and Dani only to lose Tim#Is it going to be like in Batman beyond where instead of killing batman joker has JJ try to kill Jason instead?#And Jason has to watch how Tim who in this au hates the idea of killing who became scared of killing after his accidental murder#he watches Tim murder Joker who laughs loudly because FINALLY the FUNNIEST JOKE HAD BEEN MADE#HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YESSSSSSS YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS#but we'll see if joker junior fits this storyline (*sobs* i really hope it does)
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jimlingss · 5 years
Jungle Park [4]
Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 4.5 OR Chapter 5
➜ Words: 5.7k
➜ Genres: Fluff, Light Humour (?), Slice of Life, Workplace Romance!AU
➜ Summary: The equation is simple. Hoseok needs to hire someone. You need a job. Except like any actual equation, it’s not fucking simple at all! Not when you have to add the fact that he was forced to hire someone he doesn’t want in his office, he has little respect for your job in general, and oh yeah...once upon a time you might have—*CENSORED*.
➜ Warnings: swearing
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Right as things seem to be improving and you’re slowly being less ostracized by the others, it plummets all to hell again. It’s no wonder that so many people hate HR. You’re constantly going after the employees and you’re really beginning to feel like Hoseok’s personal henchman.   “Am I being fired?” Lisa cuts straight to the point, eyeing how the conference room door is closed and the shades have been drawn for the utmost privacy. She faces you from across the table and glances at Hoseok who’s behind you, chair against the wall, preoccupied with some work and flipping through a stack of papers.   “No, no, you’re not,” you try to reassure the female receptionist to no avail. You’re perfectly aware that out of everyone, Lisa has the most hostility towards you. It’s justified too, since you basically fired her best friend and now she thinks you have it out for the receptionists.   “Then what is it?”   “I would like to just brush up on the dress code with you.” You try your best to offer the kindest smile while damning Hoseok on why he made you do this. It’s your job, but still. “It’s not a huge deal, but the firm’s dress code is business professional and it applies to everyone. For men, it’s buttoned suits with ties or dress pants and sports jackets. And women can wear pencil skirts or dress pants with a top and jacket, or a dress or suit as well. Muted and neutral colours are generally encouraged, but there’s some flexibility there. Shoes can be opened toed or closed, as long as they’re not sandals or sneakers or boots...”   Your hands are clasped on the table and you continue, ���There are a lot of choices to choose from. But Jung and Park find it especially important for you to adhere to the dress code because you greet clients that come in. In a way, you’re the face of the entire firm—”   “So what you’re saying is you want me to button up my blouse more?” She interrupts you and her glare is directed towards Hoseok for a few seconds before she looks down at her own shirt.   “Yes.” You retain your reserved smile, keeping your voice light and trying your best to clearly deliver your message without misunderstandings. “It’s a bit revealing. You look fantastic! I really like your fashion sense! But maybe it’s more appropriate for an evening out with friends rather than a professional office setting.”   “Maybe people shouldn’t let their eyes wander,” she mutters passive aggressively and moves on before you can address her concern. “If the dress code is so important, then I’d like to tell you that Taehyung comes in his pajamas sometimes.”   “I will talk to him about it,” you promise her and she nods, already moving to do up two more buttons on her white blouse. “How is Dahyun? Is she doing alright with you?”   “She’s fine,” Lisa says in a curt tone. “If this is all, can I go now?”   “Uh...yes, you can go now. Thank you for this discussion.” It’s shorter and easier than what you were preparing for. In the next few seconds, the receptionist swiftly stood and opened the door, waltzing out. You’ve also stood up, shuffling your stack of papers. Hoseok continues to sit there without moving, flipping to his next page, but the corner of his mouth moves.   “You need to be more stern,” he mumbles, barely coherent.   “I’m doing fine,” you tell him and with that, you leave.   No one said your job would be easy. When Jimin told you this place was full of high conflict, he wasn’t kidding. It seems like office drama and gossip runs like the wild west here. But recently, the flood of complaints made against each other seemed to stop entirely. Maybe people didn’t want to file official complaints or they simply decided to band together against you and Hoseok. If it’s the latter reason, you’re happy that you at least got to lessen the tension around the office.   It takes teamwork to revolt against authority figures. And….well, even if no one wants to be your friend anymore, you still like your job.   It’s a lot better than driving a damn taxi around.   “Um, Y/N?” There’s a timid knock on your door and you bolt your head upright, tearing your eyes away from the computer screen. At the doorway, Sebin linger hesitantly, arms holding onto a thick file. “Do...do you have some time?’   “Of course!” You stand, perhaps a little too enthusiastically. Nonetheless, you welcome her in and when she takes a seat, you happily close the door for privacy. You just can’t believe that someone’s actually here, greeting you, asking for your help, and you’re about to pull out all stops. “What can I do for you?”   “I just need to talk to someone.” The girl brushes her long brunette hair until it’s behind her, draping her backside. Her eyes divert to her lap, fingers playing with the hem of her beige pencil skirt before she looks up at you. “I’ve been having a hard time recently.”   “Do you know what you’re having a hard time with? Is it your family or your personal life or is it because of someone in the office?”   She shakes her head with a modest smile. “No, no one’s been anything but nice to me here. I just feel stuck.”   You nod, actively listening and reading her expression. “Can you elaborate? What do you mean by stuck?”   “I just…” The legal assistant sighs, a heavy exhale squeezing from her lungs. “I wonder what I’m doing. I like my job. I think it’s easy and straightforward. It pays the bills too. I really love and adore everyone here. Jimin was the one who hired me and I feel like I owe it to him to stick this out...but I don’t know...I keep thinking about it and I can’t get rid of this feeling.”   “Sebin, you don’t owe it to anyone to stick it out.” You repeat her exact words and you reach across your desk to squeeze her hand. “There’s no one here who would understand better than Jimin.”   She smiles, thankful that you’re offering her comfort. “I don’t know if this is what I want for myself anymore. But if I leave this place, I don’t know where I will go, I don’t know where I would get money.”   “Do you have any savings?”   “I do. But what if I can’t find another job? What if no one’s hiring? I know the economy isn’t great.”   “At this point, I don’t think the economy will ever be good.” You grin and she laughs behind her hand, agreeing with you. “There are a lot of reasons why you shouldn't do something. Sometimes...you just gotta go for it, as stupid as that sounds.”   The girl is kind of surprised. She expected you to coerce her to stay and she wondered if you’d just turn around and tattle to Hoseok later. She wouldn’t be all that shocked if Hoseok chucked a cardboard box at her head and told her to clean out her desk before the end of the day for even thinking of leaving her job. But Sebin is pleased to hear your encouragements and a part of her thinks you won’t tell Hoseok. Your sincerity reaches her. “Can you be honest with me?”   “Of course,” you reassure, wondering when you’ve ever been dishonest.   “Do you think it’s dumb?” The paralegal makes wild gestures with her hands. “I mean...my job right now isn’t hard…”   “Just because it’s easy, it doesn’t mean you’ll like it.” You hum and begin to reminisce. “I’ve been at jobs for the sake of money before and I was miserable the entire time. Actually, I only have this position right now because I made the decision to quit my old job….for the same reasons as you.”   You continue, “And as hard as this job can be sometimes, I love it a lot. I don’t think there’s anything I’d rather do than be here and help people, get to know them and boost office morale while still being a part of the team.”   Sebin smiles warmly, in awe at how you speak so passionately even when you know HR is a mundane job. “I’m not even sure of what I want.”   “Well…” You lean back. “If money wasn’t a concern, what would you want to do?”   “I don’t know.” It’s a typical question, but the legal assistant considers it carefully. “I’d travel. I’d eat a lot. I...I always wanted to become a teacher, so maybe I’d do that. I had a job as a teacher’s aide before. I just never thought I could be an actual teacher. Somewhere along the way, I applied for this job...and then I stuck to it.”   “And now you’re really stuck,” you say lightheartedly and she nods. “I think you would be a great teacher, Sebin. You have the patience for it for sure and it’s never really too late to do anything. If you have savings, you could do it, return to school and see what you need to complete your degree. There’re tons of bursaries and scholarships for adult students as well. In fact, I may have something for you.”   You open your left drawer, thanking the heavens of your bad habit of taking brochures that you don’t need. In ten seconds, you’ve fished for the right one and you slide the pamphlet over to her. “You can also continue working while going to school. There’s a lot of options out there.”   The girl’s eyes are glazed over, holding back tears. “Thank you for this, Y/N. I really appreciate it. I had no one else to talk to and...this just means a lot to me.”   “No problem.” If you were happy before, now you were on a high. Why should people do drugs when helping people was for free? “If you want, you can keep me updated on what you decide, but you don’t have to. My door’s always open if you need to talk to someone.”   At the end of the conversation, the both of you are over the moon.   Sebin leaves while dabbing her eyes with the back of her hand and you’re ecstatic that you actually got to help someone in their career development. At this rate, you’re sure she’ll still be working while going to school part-time, eventually becoming a teacher, or maybe not. She’s promised to see where things go and to take steps to make herself happier. And you couldn’t be happier yourself.   Except, the next day, someone by the name of Jung Hoseok takes a big fat dump on your bliss.   “You called me?” You pop your head through the door and he motions you in. You’re forced to awkwardly shuffle, moving to stand in front of his desk like you’re an elementary student about to be scolded by the principal.   “Explain this to me.” He throws a letter onto his desk and he glares at you hard enough to set your skin aflame. “Sebin just handed me her two weeks notice.”   Oh shit. Turns out she won’t be working and going to school at the same time. Maybe it’s better that she fully focuses on achieving her goal. It’s a good decision either way.   But you don’t tell Hoseok any of your thoughts. Instead, you manage a skeptical expression. “And you called me because…?”   “Because she came in here talking about being stuck and her dreams and needing to take charge of her life. I was thinking about who could’ve fed her all this nonsense and I realized that it could only be you.”   There’s a murderous look in his eye and you begin to break a sweat. If Hoseok didn’t hate you before, now he definitely did. You scramble to reply, “That...that’s a big assumption. Aren’t lawyers supposed to avoid assumptions?”   “Do you realize that in this busy season, we cannot afford to lose an important member of staff?”   “Yes.”   “Do you know how much work it will take to hire another paralegal that will fulfill the correct requirements and fit the needs of this office?”   “Yes,” you mutter before adding on, “but isn’t it my job to find someone suitable?”   Jung Hoseok is not amused and from the way he glares at you dead in the eyes and his hands are clasped, it makes you ponder if this is what Satan looks like in hell. “Did she or did she not visit you in the past few days?”   “She did.”   “And what did you talk about?”   “That is confidential material.”   “I am your boss and it is your job to tell me,” he demands and your life flashes before your eyes. You wonder if this is the end, if he’ll toss his sharp scissors at your exposed neck and the rest of the lawyers will end up hiding your corpse and burning it in some forest. They’d get away with it too, considering they’re the top lawyers in the industry. Oh god. How would your mom even react if your death became an unsolved mystery? “Either way, you would’ve had to fill out a report, correct? I could always read it.”   “Sometimes reports are not necessary to fill out,” you mumble while scratching your hair and downcasting your head.   The lawyer seated across from you persists without missing a single beat. “Did you or did you not speak to Sebin about her professional goals?”   “Perhaps.”   “Did you at any point suggest that she should quit if she is feeling unhappy?”   You’ve watched enough law television shows to know how to respond. It might be ridiculous, but you don’t care. “I refuse to respond on the grounds that it may incriminate me.”   Hoseok’s frown deepens, but the corner of his mouth twitches. You’re not sure if he’s become slightly amused or absolutely furious with you. “Are you….are you pleading the fifth?” He asks it like he can’t believe his own ears.   You cringe in your spot, avoiding his glare. “Yes.”   “This is not an interrogation.”   “Then what am I doing here?”   The male is brought to a loss for words, so he simply scoffs. He pinches the bridge of his nose and waves you away with his other hand. “Get out of here before I toss my mug at you.”   “That’s a threat and verbally abusive, also highly inappropriate.” Despite your words, your legs bolt upwards and you’re on your toes again, collecting yourself as you slowly back away from his desk. “Just letting you know as HR.”   “You’re testing me,” he chimes and returns back to his work.   “Alright...goodbye.” You run for your life and Hoseok lifts his chin, staring at the space where you just occupied. The corner of his tilt mouth again and he lets out a hopeless puff of air through his parted lips before it stretches into the smallest of smiles.   //   If life at the office could be charted, it would be one of the craziest graphs you would need to draw. The line would currently dip and rise, like the drop and incline of a rollercoaster with no stops. Often times when you’re having the time of your life, it plummets to the bottom. And when you’re having the worst time, things improve so drastically, you remember why you wanted this job in the first place.   At the moment, it feels like things were at a standstill, half between the rise and fall of good and bad. While the employees of the firm aren’t exactly friendly with you anymore, they aren’t hostile or passive aggressive either. Sure, you’re almost certain Hoseok hates your guts and probably wants to throw you out of his window, Jimin has been nothing but understanding and kind.   Things are okay.   But it’s about to be a new low for you.   “Are you the one who fired my girlfriend?!”   “Pardon?” You frown in confusion, forced to a halt in front of the office building as the car pulls up on the curb. An unfamiliar man has his head popped out of the window, half his body hanging out as he angrily screams the question at you. It’s only nine a.m. in the morning and your mind is still numb without coffee.   “Are you the fucking HR bitch that fired my girlfriend?!” He repeats, shouting so loudly that it hurts your ears. What you don’t notice is who is sitting in the driver seat and the familiar lawyer that is walking down the street, noticing the commotion going on.   It happens too quickly.   The driver of the car moves the man out of the way to see out the window. You recognize the ex-receptionist immediately and she wastes no time to point an accusatory finger at you. Kei frowns and shrieks, “That’s her!”   The man in the passenger seat brings up a bucket from in-between his feet and then there’s a sudden stream that glistens in the morning sunshine. There is the sound of sloshing that follows. The beads glimmer against the light like stars and then it falls like a tsunami.   You’re doused in cold water.   It shocks your system, hair drenched and clothes dripping, doused from head to toe. There are gasps that surround you, people passing by that move out of the way to not get wet. The man shouts, “Drive, drive!” And then tires screech on pavement as it pulls off and zips down the road.   Hoseok runs over towards you and pulls out his phone, swiftly snapping a shot of the license plate before the car is too far gone. If you thought he was furious before, now he was completely livid.   “What the fuck!” His hands curl around your shoulders, firm yet still gentle, and he doesn’t notice when you flinch from his touch. “Are you okay??! Y/N?!” The man searches your face before he locks his eyes with yours.   “I...I’m fine.” You’re violently shivering, still shocked by the sudden change of temperature and also humiliated by people’s stares. “It’s just water, I’m fine. It’ll dry off.”   He doesn’t wait and takes off his suit jacket, draping it over you as if it could warm you up and shield you away from stranger’s gazes. The security guard of the building runs out while catching his breath and Hoseok casts one mere glance at him. “Give me the footage of that security camera.”   “You got it,” he responds and goes off again.   “Hoseok.”   “Do you have a change of clothes with you? Actually no, go home,” he says it quickly, nearly getting whiplash at how fast he turns to look at you again. You can’t imagine taking the subway in this state and he must read your expression well with the next question he asks. “Did you drive here or do you need me to drive you home? Wait, no, we need to file a police report as soon as possible. Okay, let me drive you home to change and then we can head to the police station and file a police report.”   “Wait…”   “We can get a restraining order by noon. See if we can press charges on grounds of harassment and assault and verbal abuse. From now on, I’m your attorney, understand?”   “Listen to me,” you say as calmly as possible whilst gazing into his eyes. “I don’t want to press charges or file a police report. I’m fine.”   His jaw clenches and the knit between his brows deepen. “No. You do not get to argue with me on this.”   “It was water. You’re making a big deal out of nothing.” You just want to go away from the prying eyes and pitiful stares. “I’ll dry off. And she was just upset, she lost her job.”   “That does not justify her actions. Why do you let this happen to you?! Are you really okay with it?!” Hoseok’s composure is completely lost and he steps away, running a frustrated hand through his hair. “Fine, you might not want to press charges, but I’m still going to get a restraining order for this office. I have a responsibility to protect my employees, do you understand? And you are my employee. No one is allowed to hurt you or put you in danger.”   You’re caught in a trance, staring into his brown irises that seems to catch light in all the right places. Eventually, you’re pulled back to attention when Sunyi comes rushing over, asking what happened. Miraculously, the lawyer has a change of clothing since she was planning to switch to more formal attire to meet an important client at two. She’s happy to let you borrow her clothes.   The ride up to the floor is uncomfortable and smothering. Everyone in the office stops to gawk, baffled out of their minds at the sight of you, considering you look like you went showering in your attire. But no one whispers or murmurs since Hoseok stomps into Jimin’s office and the door slams shut, hard enough to cause the hinges to break and the goddamn wall to crumble.   You change and Seulgi makes a cup of hot coffee to warm you up. Even Lisa lingers in the kitchen and asks if you’re alright.   Within the hour, Hoseok appears again, beelining from his partner’s office to yours. He seems much calmer now, vein no longer popping at his forehead, wrinkles no longer prominent and brows not furrowed. “I know you don’t want to press charges. Tell me if you change your mind, but the entire firm is getting a restraining order against both parties. She will not be allowed to be within five hundred meters of this office building.”   There’s an extended silence.   The lawyer nods, having nothing more to say and he turns to walk out. “Hoseok.” Your voice stops him. “Thank you.”   “It’s a given,” he murmurs in an oddly softer tone and then turns so you can see the profile of his visage. The edge of his mouth lifts. “You’re my responsibility, you know....even if you are a headache.”   You smile back at him and he leaves.
As usual, with the new low, comes a new high. And you can only hope naively that things stay this way forever. Rumours of what Kei did to you spread and they evolve to become wilder versions — ones where you threw yourself in front of Hoseok and protected him, or she had hired a hitman to harm people in the office, but you blocked the entrance and protected them. If anything, you’re amused over these stories.   But more importantly, the employees of the firm become more pleasant towards you, like when you first joined and won their trust. Maybe they turned a new leaf because they finally realized your job wasn’t as jolly and chummy as it seemed on the outside. Maybe they felt guilty since in the back of their minds, they knew you were being shunned. Maybe their kindness derives from pity.   Whatever the case may be, you don’t mind.   The others are surprised at how Sebin is close to you. She chooses to sit beside you during lunchtime in the break room and chatters on happily. She even tells you how she got accepted into the first post-secondary institution of her choosing and Hoseok wrote her one of the best recommendation letters that brought her to tears; it turns out the lawyer isn’t angry that she isn’t staying.   Before the paralegal leaves, everyone celebrates with cake in the conference room, bidding her goodbye and telling her to visit. You’re sad that one of your best friends have left, but it doesn’t last too long when Seulgi invites you out to lunch one afternoon and the two of you have a fun chat. Even Sunyi has returned to your office every other day to do her regular complaints about Yoongi.   Things are good.   For the most part.   “Good morning.”   “Morning.”   The elevator doors shut and the tension between you two and the small space is enough to suffocate you. You should’ve known he was close behind you and maybe you would’ve waited for another elevator or took the stairs. Sure, you probably would’ve ended up sticky with sweat, but it would be better than standing alone next to Jung Hoseok.   All you do is focus on the rising numbers flashing over the doors….   Until there’s a large ‘clack’, the floor jolting and causing you to grip the side bars. The overhead lights flash for a moment. The bulbs die off, engulfing you in darkness before flickering back on.   “That doesn’t sound good,” you mutter underneath your breath and Hoseok moves to spam the elevator buttons. They don’t light up. The elevator doesn’t move. The numbers stay the same.   He curses and hits the ‘call for help’ button.   “Not again.” He fishes out his phone and speed dials Jimin. At the same time, the intercom flares to life and he doesn’t wait for them. “We’re stuck in elevator two between floors seven and eight.”   The woman on the other side remains impassive. “We’re on our way.”   Jimin doesn’t pick up and he hangs up with a sigh. Wonderful. As if being in the same elevator with just Hoseok wasn’t painful enough, now you were trapped with him. Trapped. For god knows how long.   “Does….” You attempt to break the silence and you finally shift to look at him. “Does this happen often?”   “Often enough for it not to be surprising,” Hoseok mutters and sits on the ground. You decide to follow his lead, moving to lean up against the corner of the elevator with your legs out in front of you. There’s a moment of quiet before the lawyer speaks, “The last time this damn elevator did this, it was stuck for four hours.”   He pauses and looks at you, smooth timbre quieting, “We should designate a peeing corner. My bladder is beginning to hurt.”   Your eyes are full of horror. “Wh-what?”   “I’m kidding!” He laughs at your expression. The sound of his laughter is tinkling, foreign to your ears. It’s as if sunshine itself is emitting from his mouth. “In what world would I actually piss in the corner of an elevator? And we’ll probably get out here in ten minutes.”   “Oh.” It was a joke.   Hoseok’s little chuckles fade off and he looks at you with a smile. “Lighten up, you always act like I’m going to bite your head off.”   “Aren’t you?” Underneath your placid exterior, you’re shaken from his lightheartedness and teasing. At the moment, you’re not too sure who’s sitting next to you and if this is the same man who rules the office with an iron fist. But you know this is also a part of him he doesn’t show in the firm — though it painfully reminds you of something long ago.   “That would get me arrested and trust me, you don’t want to see prison version of Hoseok.”   You grin at how he refers to himself in third person. “What’s prison version of Hoseok?”   “Someone who tries to escape and fails and ends up crying pathetically on a cold prison floor with a tramp stamp tattoo of a red butterfly,” he drones on and ends up sounding completely done with his life. You can’t help the giggles that bubble up your throat and he smiles, able to make both your predicaments better.   The elevator suddenly creaks, sounding like nuts and bolts tumbling and you quirk your head to one side, grabbing the bar by your head tighter. “The elevator won’t suddenly fall, right? We won’t die, right?”   “Don’t worry. If we do, the building will be liable for our deaths and Jimin will sue them.”   “Great to know I’ll have a chunk of money in my coffin,” you deadpan and this time, he’s the one laughing. You watch the way his mouth draws up slightly into a heart shape when he’s grinning and how his eyes crinkle softly. The words spill before you can stop them. “Do you really not remember?”   His laughs slowly fade away, the last of them streaming from his chest before he looks over at you, tilting his chin towards you, lips together but still pulled into a smile. “Remember what?”   You stare at him for a moment before tearing your eyes to the closed silver doors. “Never mind.”   “No.” He won’t take no for an answer, not when his irises are sparkling with both mischief and curiosity. “What is it?”   “Nothing.” You shrug. “There’s no point if you don’t remember. It was like twelve years ago.”   “What? Did you do me wrong and now I don’t remember?”   “Not telling.”   “Tell,” he demands childishly and leans over like he’s going to crawl closer to you. You’d rather climb up the elevator shaft like Spiderman and end up dying because you’re not Spiderman than to have him close the already small distance between the two of you.   “Okay fine!” Luckily, he stops moving and you swallow hard. “I freeloaded off a group project with you.” You watch his reaction. “If you didn’t notice on my résumé, we went to the same university. But actually, we were also in the same finance class in our second year together. It was a long time ago.”   “That’s it?” An endeared expression appears on his features. “That’s what you were so worried about?”   “Of course, I’m worried! I freeloaded off of you! We were supposed to meet at a library, but I was in a board game club and I ditched you because I was winning at Monopoly.” As if it helps, you add on, “Which I ended up winning, by the way.”   “Really?” The little shit is grinning, finding your story all the too amusing, from how you were in a board game club to how you actually knew each other and not just by name.   “We failed.”   “Well, that’s not too bad.” He muses, “Thought there was something deeper or more important.”   “It was forty percent of our grade,” you counter.   There’s a bit of a pause and then he shrugs. “.....I still made it as a lawyer and you made it as an HR member.”   Since all of this is out and the open, you figure you might as well spill all the beans. “And you may or may not have asked me out to a coffee date, but I rejected you.” A part of you almost hopes that he’ll remember. Except, he doesn’t.   “Okay, now I’m just hurt.” He puts a hand over his chest where his heart should be, an over dramatic reaction and he gasps. “How could you?” You laugh and he smiles at the sound, arm dropping into his lap. “Sounded like we were friends back then.”   “Acquaintances,” you correct.   “Well, the past is the past and it’s not like I can even remember, so you can stop tiptoeing around me.”   “I’m not tiptoeing!” You defend, despite it being a complete lie. For the first time, you actually feel at ease being in Hoseok’s presence, like the weight of the past is no longer on your shoulders. It’s nice to talk to him like this, like the both of you are adults with no baggage or resentments.   “Yeah, you are.” His eyebrow is cocked. “I know the rest of them are scared of me, but they have reason to be. You don’t. You haven’t fucked up yet.”   You’re surprised. “I haven’t?”   “Annoying if anything, but no, you haven’t really.”   “I’m glad.” You smile to yourself, fiddling with your fingers and looking in your lap. There’s another thought that comes into your mind, but you wonder if you would be overstepping your boundaries. Still, you can’t imagine a better time than now. Your voice is a soft whisper when you speak, full of hesitancy, “Was your accident that bad that you can’t remember anything?”   “Hey!” He scoffs in offence. “I remember everything. Just not the small details like acquaintances and stuff. But yeah, I hit a lamp post on the highway and ended up in the hospital for a year of recovery. It was rough.”   “I’m sorry.”   “It’s fine. It actually worked out in the end since Jimin came to me and told me he had plans of opening a law firm one day and wanted me as a partner. That helped me get off my ass and I finished my third year of law school, did a year of articling for another divorce firm, and then Jimin and I started this place.”   “That’s really amazing.” The words spill out in awe.   “A lot of sleepless nights.”   “But you made it.”   “Sure did.” He turns to gaze at you. “You did too.”   “Yeah…”   The ten-minute estimate turns into twenty and with enough of Hoseok yelling over the intercom for what’s taking so long, you both eventually get freed from the elevator. The paralegals end up crowding you after, asking if being trapped with Hoseok for that long was as horrible as it seemed and if you wanted to hit your head on the walls and die, but you only shrug and keep your responses positive.   In reality, you enjoyed talking to him a lot. You missed it.   Hoseok disappears for the rest of the day for court proceedings, Yoongi and Taehyung following him and giving him a headache with their bickering. It’s almost as if the conversation and reconnection never happened and you’re a bit disappointed, but then the next day, you have him knocking on your door.   “Is there something wrong?”   “No.” He plops down his second coffee on your desk and takes a sip with the one in his right hand. You stare at the cup, not sure what he wants you to do with it or if he’s putting it down temporarily. “It’s yours.”   You hold it, looking up at him. “Mine?”   “It’s my offering of our truce.”   Truce. Hoseok ends up leaving without looking at you and your bright smile.   In your life, you’ve never had such delicious coffee before.
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blackkudos · 7 years
Leon Robinson
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Leon Preston Robinson IV (born March 8, 1962) usually credited as simply Leon, is an American actor and singer, who began his professional career as a film actor in the early-1980s. Robinson is best known for his roles as David Ruffin in the TV Movie The Temptations (1998), J.T. Matthews in the 1991 Robert Townsend film, The Five Heartbeats, Derice Bannock in the 1993 film, Cool Runnings, and as Shep in the 1994 basketball drama film, Above the Rim.
Robinson appeared in a 1989 episode of the NBC series Midnight Caller, in which he played an athlete who falls victim to crack cocaine. He also co-starred in the 1989 ABC miniseries The Women of Brewster Place, as the boyfriend of a suburbanite (played by Robin Givens). He was cast as Saint Martin de Porres in Madonna's controversial 1989 music video "Like a Prayer".
Robinson's early film roles included a football teammate of Tom Cruise in All the Right Moves (1983), as Shadow Nadeing, the Notre Dame-bound basketball playing co-worker of Matt Dillon, in The Flamingo Kid (1984). He costarred in the Michael Mann-produced Tri-Star Pictures film Band of The Handas well as the "Killer Bee" in the Dennis Hopper-directed gang film Colors, starring Sean Penn and Robert Duvall. After his exposure in the 1989 video for the song "Like a Prayer" by Madonna, he played a leading role in the 1993 Disney film Cool Runnings. That same year, he co-starred as John Lithgow's henchman in Renny Harlin's Cliffhanger and followed with a turn as a disillusioned ex-jock in New Line Cinema's Above the Rim (1994). Robinson also appeared as Lela Rochon's married lover in 1995's Waiting to Exhale directed by Forest Whitaker and starring Whitney Houston and a starring role in the Merchant/Ivory produced movie, Side Streets with Rosario Dawson. He produced as well as starred in the 1997 romantic drama The Price of Kissing with TV star Pauley Perrette. He also starred in the movie Once Upon a Time When We Were Colored, directed by Tim Reid and winner of Best Picture at the NAACP Image Awards.
Robinson has received critical acclaim for his portrayal of three singers: David Ruffin in the 1998 NBC miniseries The Temptations, Little Richard in the self-titled 2000 NBC movie biography, and JT in the 20th Century Fox movie,The Five Heartbeats directed by Robert Townsend. He received an Emmy nomination for his portrayal of Little Richard. During this period, Robinson joined the ensemble cast of two TV series, playing the popular Jefferson Keane on HBO's first series, Oz and as Lawrence Hill on Showtime's Resurrection Blvd., a costarring role as "Stoney" best friend of Joaquin Phoenix in Miramax' military drama Buffalo Soldiers, an uncredited role as "Joseph 13 X" in Michael Mann's award winning biopic, Ali starring Will Smith, in addition to briefly hosting his own late-night talk show, The L-Bow Room, on BET.
In 2008, Robinson starred in the 20th Century Fox thriller Cover, directed by Bill Duke, and starred alongside Danny Masterson and Dominique Swain in the indie comedy The Brooklyn Heist, directed by Julian Mark Kheel. In 2009, AOL Black Voices voted Robinson one of the Sexiest Actors of All-time. Between 2013 and 2014, he appeared in four movies, the romantic comedy I Really Hate My Ex, written and directed by Troy Beyer, the southern drama Soul Ties, based on the book by Tee Austin, the indie rock/drama 37 and the romantic drama, And Then There Was You with Garcelle Beauvais.
In theater, Robinson has headlined three national tours, with sold out performances at Hollywood's Kodak Theater, NYC's Beacon Theater, Detroit's Fox Theater, Washington, DC's Warner Theater and more in Friends and Lovers (2005), based on Eric Jerome Dickey's NY Times bestselling book. In 2009 and 2010 as a soldier returning from Iraq in 3 Ways to Get A Husband co-starring Billy Dee Williams and in 2012, the revival of Why Do Good Girls Like Bad Boys.
Robinson is the lead vocalist and songwriter of the band, Leon and the Peoples. In 2007, he received an International Reggae and World Music Award nomination for the band's debut CD The Road Less Traveled, winner of Best International Artist at the Joe Higgs Reggae Awards and completed a 36 city US tour with reggae greats Beres Hammond and Marcia Griffiths titled the "For The Love Of It Tour". He was a frequent guest on Beres Hammond’s 2008 and 2010 North American tours. He head-lined NYC's Central Park 2010 and 2013 AIDS Walk Concerts. Other performances include: 2011 Aspen Jazz Fest., 2012 Catalpa NYC Music Festival, New Orleans Music Festival, Chicago's Festival Of Life, Reggae on River, Jamaica's Rebel Salute, and BET's popular 106 & Park.
Leon and The Peoples' single, Love Is A Beautiful Thing was featured on the BET/Centric TV show Culture List, which premiered on July 21, 2013.
Sole Survivor...Gang Leader
All the Right Moves (1983)...Shadow Nadeing
The Flamingo Kid (1984).. Fortune Smith
Band of the Hand (1986).. Moss
The Father Clements Story (1987)...Ice
The Lawless Land (1988)...Road Kill
Colors (1988)...Killer Bee
The Women of Brewster Place (1989)...Abshu
A Mother's Courage (1989)...Michael Thomas
Like a Prayer (music video)...(1989)
The Five Heartbeats (1991)...J. T. Matthews
Cool Runnings (1993)...Derice Bannock
Cliffhanger (1993)...Kynette
Bad Attitude (1993)
Above the Rim (1994)...Shep
Waiting to Exhale (1995)...Russell
Pure Danger (1996)...Felix
Once Upon a Time... When We Were Colored (1996)...Uncle Melvin
Spirit Lost (1997)...John
B*A*P*S (1997)...Himself
The Price of Kissing (1997)...Larry
Runaway Car (1997)...Officer Isaiah 'Beau' Beaufort
The Temptations (1998)...David Ruffin
Side Streets (1999)...Errol Boyce
Friends & Lovers (1999)...Tyrell
Bats (1999)...Jimmy Sands
Little Richard (film) (2000)...Little Richard
Ali (2001)...Joe Simmons
Buffalo Soldiers (2001)...Stoney
Get Rich or Die Tryin' (2005)...Slim
Cover (2007)... Ryan Chambers
The Brooklyn Heist (aka Capers) (2009)...Ronald
Je'Caryous Johnson Presents: 3 Ways to Get a Husband (2009)
The Heart Specialist (2011)...Handsome Doctor
Soul Ties (2012)
Ex-Free (2012)
And Then There Was You (2013)
Against The Jab (2015)
Where Children Play (2015)
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