#I love Heartstopper more than words can say
caprisunnydays · 2 days
Stardew Valley x Reader Bachelor Headcanons
Before you and Alex got together, you probably became long time friends
He was def like "damn they hot" but then when it became more than just that he was like "DAMN THEY'RE HOT"
It's been a bit since he's felt those silly little butterflies, it genuinely makes him nervous
Que him leaning against a wall like "Hey bbg" but he's sweating bullets
After his confession, he feels much better, and the nervous air that only you could really pick up on has disappeared
Very PDA, arm is always around you, probably not in the back pocket but if he's tipsy enough then boom it appears
Insists on going in the mines with you but saw a slime and wanted to dip so bad but you protected him <3
"Heh...I totally wasn't scared. Don't worry babe I'll protect you" nah boy
He feels his heart melt every time he sees you and Evelyn baking together, or her just acting like your grandma
Even George has become a grandpa figure, giving advice with alex or general things
Alex is secretly insecure about himself, but with you, he finds room to grow as a person and find that those worries are unwarranted
Though he doesn't say it often, you make him feel seen, and he truly appreciates that
(Personal fav right now so I'm about to go OFF)
If you picked romance for his book he's imagining you both as the main characters
Not a complete parallel because he's like "can't be creepy" but a teensy bit
Speaking of "can't be creepy" he has written multiple sonnets about you since realizing his feelings
Unlike some of the other bachelors, he embraces his feelings more, using his passion to inspire his writing and other endeavors
Heavy on the gifts and courting stuff
Gives you love poems at least once a week he has so many piled up but he doesn't wanna go overboard
Says the sappiest things all the time with this love struck look in his eyes
Words of affirmation kinda guy, he's poetic like that
Leah pokes at him for being a simp but mans could not care less he's proud
Picks out pretty sea shells that wash up on the shore and gives them to you, and they're always intact!
Big fan of the flower dance and looks forward to getting to dance with you in front of the entire town! maybe your worst nightmare but he's just happy to show you off (and his dancing skills lol)
Speaking of which, mans is gonna teach you how to waltz and a bunch of other old timey dances
At some point he WILL show up in the pouring rain to profess his love, or give you flowers, or both
You're like "Elliot we're literally dating was this necessary and he's like "OF COURSE MY DEAR"
He'd love heartstopper
Insert too sweet by Hozier
Silly little doctor guy tries to avoid you but can't help but be drawn to you
He sees you running around doing your daily tasks, and just watches you from afar from the window of the doctor's office
Maru notices and tells you to come in sometime cuz her boss ain't gonna get nowhere by himself
When you start coming in more often he can feel himself die of embarrassment when he fails to make interesting conversation
Is very worried about your health though and fusses when you pass out in the mines/street
He gets even more adamant about you taking care of yourself once he's confessed
Way less nervous though!
Looks at you with adoration eyes when you do anything
Tipsy Harvey is a cute Harvey because he starts spilling his guts on how often he thinks of you
Whenever you're not busy with work he appreciates you stopping by the office, just to talk about both of your days
He yaps to everyone about you btw
Doesn't mean to but when someone brings you up he's like "oh yes me and my partner love to-" or "my partner loves-" etc etc
I used to not be a fan but he's such a sweetiepie
"I just love a guy who plays guitar <3" - u @Sam
That's it
Originally he's like "hey come and hang out with me, Sebastian, and Abigail"
Then you start coming over and it's just you both alone
He's not creepy about it, just wants to spend time with you one on one
Loves showing you the songs he works on and if you want he'll show you how to play guitar too!
He's also happy with how well you get along with Jodi, always trying to get you both to bond, it makes him feel nice that you feel like you're apart of the family
Once y'all are together he does sneak you in anytime he gets the chance
He'll text you like "come over" You : I've gotta be up at 6am Him : "PLZPLZPLZPLZ-"
OG golden retriever bf
You both go shopping at Joja at 3am for fun and goof off
Or go run around in the forest taking aesthetically pleasing pintrest photos
You can't tell me he's not an arctic monkeys kinda guy so insert R U Mine? By Arctic Monkeys
It took him time to warm up to you
When he did you became one of the few people he could hang out with after a long day of socializing and not feel drained around
I can see him doing things that aren't always super platonic and thinking he wants to do them because
"Platonically" holding your hand, cuddling, etc
At town events he stands all close to you, complaining about how much he hates it, but showing disappointment when you mention leaving
Everyone's like are y'all dating and he goes NO way too fast
When you both finally ARE together though he's actually much less affectionate and public, but it doubles when you're in the comfort of his basement room
Finds the most joy in keeping you trapped in his bed with him until noon when you say you should be working on your farm
Especially in the colder months, then you can also share his mom's pumpkin soup
He's almost catlike with his affection
Another guy you run around and take aesthetically pleasing pintrest photos with, but his are more grunge esk
"Accidentally" leaves his hoodies at your place but he likes seeing you in em
I imagine that the characters have those closets filled with the same outfit, so when you try and give him his stuff back he goes "nah" and whips out his 100th hoodie
PACK IT UP SAVIOUR COMPLEX I mean what who said that
After you rescue him from the depths of his depressive alcoholism, he feels guilty for having feelings for you
Part of it is because he's like "fuck do I actually like them or is it just cuz they basically saved my life" and partly because it feels painfully stereotypical
Not a lot changes, though he is a lot more open to you then he is with other people, even with Marnie
Helps out with your chickens when he has free time
Talks to them about his problems and once you almost walked in on him ranting about his feelings for you (bro was shook)
But once he's confessed, well, he's still insecure about some things, but accepts your help with stride
Jealous easily, but tries not to show it
Acts of service kinda guy, so if you need him to run an errand while you're swamped with farm work? He's on it
Pulls up to your farm with a bunch of snacks and a bag full of movies for you to pick from
He sets it up while you take a shower to wash all the grime and dirt off from a days work so you can just come and cozy up on the couch with him
You're also basically besties with Jas, such a sweet girl, always asks you to play jump rope with her
You both go "say no to drugs" to her l o l
Marnie is also now your bestie so even when she's not working you can get stuff from the shop #WIN
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I loooooove stardew valley it's so cool so great
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Watching Heartstopper season 2 showed just how far I've come in a year.
Season 1 truly did so much for how comfortable I was in myself and my bisexuality, I changed so much in the year and half-ish since and now I'm so comfortable in who I am and have come so far that watching season 2 I felt like I was more so cheering Nick on and being so proud of him, instead of his experiences helping me like they did oh so much last year. Almost like I've come so far in the year that now I was waiting for him to catch up to me. And like I owe so much of that groundwork to Heartstopper and could never have been where I am now without it.
Like I'm sitting here so comfortable in myself that I can just be happy and emotional for him instead of happy and emotional WITH him and that realization showed just how much growth I have had. Like I owe a lot of things to Heartstopper but one thing I'm so so grateful for is that it has given me this support that led me here where I can be all "you can do it, baby" "you've got this" "you can do it!!" "Yayyyyyy :))" without one ounce of wishing I could do the same cause I KNOW I can all thanks to what it gave me a year ago.
Like I'm never going to get over how thankful I am for having this show and for everything Alice has done to make it this perfect lifeline of queerness.
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bairdthereader · 3 months
Charlie Spring, An Appreciation: Part 1, Courage
Nick Nelson gets a lot of love, and justifiably so; I'll be the first to admit that he's amazing (see my many Nick-related posts as evidence). But I hear all too often that Charlie is leveling up by being with Nick, or that Nick is too good for Charlie. I beg to differ—vehemently—and here's why, part 1 (of 3, maybe?).
I often find myself in awe of Charlie during some of the quietest and least dramatic parts of the Heartstopper show and comics, because his bravery, resilience, and tenacity are displayed in ways that seem inconsequential, but are actually incredibly meaningful and telling. This boy has a thread of steel running through him, whether it's obvious at first glance or not.
We see this almost from the very beginning, when Charlie is assigned to a new form and told that he'll be sitting next to Nick, "one of the rugby boys," and, "I'm sure you'll get along swimmingly." Here is not only Charlie's worst personal nightmare, but also a teacher who is blithely unaware of the terrible position he's just put Charlie in--being placed in close, daily proximity to the type of person Charlie associates with the darkest time of his life. But we don't see fear on his face, or even that much dread—this tells us so much about him in just a nanosecond. There's resignation and bitterness, yes, but Charlie knows he can withstand this, because he's been there before and survived. This is borne out in later conversations with Nick where Charlie assures him that "I'm used to it." This is a horrifying injustice, one Nick rightly calls out, and it shows Charlie's resilience in the face of a degree of cruelty that many people never experience.
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This little moment outside of the changing room is another revealing scene. Charlie knows exactly what he's walking into, exactly the kinds of comments and sly bullying he's going to experience in that room. He knows he will have to have his guard up every second, that he will have to prove himself to this group, even though he shouldn't have to. He also knows he'll be fighting his own self-doubt, and so this experience will be a battle on two fronts. (Three fronts, if you include trying to hide his feelings for Nick.) But he does it anyway. Sure, you could argue he's doing it solely to be near Nick, but I think this is also his way of making sure that those boys don't dictate his actions or his life. This is Charlie taking a stand. And this is just one example—he does this over and over and over again, in many different settings and situations.
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Case in point, calling it off with Ben. Charlie has been the victim of what is essentially brainwashing and abuse from Ben for months. Ben has told Charlie verbally and shown him physically that Charlie means less than nothing to Ben, and that Charlie can never expect anyone to ever want him or care for him. And Charlie often, tragically, believes him. That Charlie is able to break free of this vicious cycle and take the steps to distance himself from Ben shows his immense inner strength. You can see on Charlie's face (thanks to Joe Locke's inimitable talent) that he can't even believe he's done it. And we have to keep in mind that this happens long before Nick is a real possibility, so we can't say Charlie does this for Nick. He does it for himself.
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I do have to include one of the more iconic scenes, because this ⬇️is Charlie's clarion call, his hope, his banner, for the rest of this story. He knows he has a lot of problems to work through, that he's complicated and sometimes hard to interpret, so it's easy to see this scene and think Charlie's words come from a place of insecurity (and of course that is some of what's happening here). But he's strong enough to both acknowledge it and ask honestly that Nick not let those parts of Charlie become the focus of their relationship. He requests, even during this moment of almost brutal honesty and vulnerability, that Nick see him completely, as the whole person he can be, because Charlie knows that person is there inside himself. The self awareness and bravery this takes is enormous.
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There are a million other moments like this that I could write about, both big and small:
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But I'll end this already lengthy post with this: When one considers the amount of sheer courage Charlie has to exert just to live his daily life, it almost defies understanding. Charlie Spring is a gladiator of the mind and heart, completely worthy of any good thing.
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wheeboo · 1 year
08:25pm | yoon jeonghan
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SYNOPSIS. in which your fiancé comes back home tired after a meeting. PAIRING. yoon jeonghan x gn!reader GENRE. fluff, comfort, tiny bit suggestive, established relationship WARNINGS. kissing, terms of endearment (love, angel) WORD COUNT. 1.01k
notes: a jeonghan drabble because it's all i can write atm while struggling on this larger fic ;-; i'll try my best to have his meet cute out this upcoming week tho!! yes this is kinda inspired from that one scene in heartstopper because it was too cute
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It's easy for Jeonghan to get burnt out.
The moment he steps out of his car, he already feels the yawn bubbling out of his system and into the cool, evening air. He had just gotten home from a two-timed post-poned meeting that seemed to have wasted more hours of his time than he expected. The information could have been sent in a simple email.
He feels the tired smile creep up his face upon walking up to the front door of your home, grabbing the jangling keys from his pocket and unlocking the door. Stepping inside, he lets out a sigh of relief to the familiar comfort of your home wrapping around him, letting his gaze roam around the dimly lit house to notice its quietness.
Jeonghan slips off his shoes and places them neatly by the entrance, his steps almost soundless as he walks through the space. The soft ambiance of warm lighting and the subtle scent of your favourite candles greet him, instantly dissipating away some remnants of exhaustion (by exhaustion, he means sitting in a stupid seat for four hours straight) from his long day.
As he trails inside your shared bedroom, he's drawn to the soft glow coming from the cracked bathroom door, the pale light spilling out onto the room. Intrigued, he quietly approaches the bathroom, brows knitting together in curiosity. He stops just outside the door, the corners of his lips curling upward as he recognises the source of the sound that has been humming gently in the air. Hearing your voice puts his heart to ease instantly.
Deciding not to interrupt you, he steps back into the bedroom and lets himself fall on the bed, sinking into the comfort of the mattress. He leans his back against the headboard, legs crossed together and takes a deep, contented breath. He closes his eyes for a moment as he waits patiently for you to emerge from the bathroom.
It takes no longer than ten minutes later for you to finally come out of the bathroom. His ears catch the soft creak of the bathroom door opening, and his eyes flutter open, a fond smile tugging at his lips as he watches you enter.
You're wrapped in a plush robe that Jeonghan had gifted you a few months back, your hair slightly damp from the shower. The soft glow from the bathroom lights still lingers on your skin, and Jeonghan swears you take his breath away each time he sees you. You look up, your eyes meeting his, and a delighted smile spreads across your face as you see him waiting there for you.
"Hey," You greet him quietly. "I didn't hear you come in."
"I didn't want to disturb you," he replies softly, gaze filled with warmth as he watches you move gracefully towards your vanity.
"You know I would've offered you to join me, right?" You say, and you can already sense the faint smirk etching across his features at your words.
"Oh, I'm well aware of that," Jeonghan chuckles amusedly. "But I thought I'd let you have your moment to unwind. Perhaps, next time though..."
You turn to face him as you reach for your skincare products, a playful glint in your eyes matching his. "I'll be looking forward to it."
As you go about your skincare routine, you catch Jeonghan up with your day, and he quietly listens to all the words falling from your mouth. Then you listen to him go on a bit of tangent about the meeting he had attended and how much he'd rather spent the four hours of listening to nonsense being with you instead. The thought makes you laugh𑁋he's burnt out from the meeting and burnt out from being away from you for too long.
Finishing up the remains of your skincare routine, you hardly notice Jeonghan rising up from the bed from behind. His arms come to encircle around your waist, landing a kiss at the exposed skin of your shoulder where the robe had ridden down. A soft sigh leaves your mouth as his lips brush against your skin, the touch sending a shiver down your spine. You feel his warm breath against your neck as he nuzzles closer, his arms pulling you snugly against his chest, fingers toying aimlessly with the tie to your robe.
You bring your hand to meet his, the engagement ring on his finger caressing against your palm.
"Hannie, love..." You mutter out. "What are you doing?"
That was enough for him to pull back from trailing his kisses up your neck. He rests his head on top of your shoulder as he takes a moment to admire your form in the mirror, before letting his eyes close.
"Mmh..." he sighs. "I'm just... recharging."
Your heart swells at his words, feeling the gentle rise and fall of his chest against your back as he holds you close, and you let yourself relax in his embrace as well. His lips find your neck again, leaving soft, feather-light kisses that send a tingling sensation through your skin.
As the quietness lingers, a low rumble suddenly emanates from Jeonghan's stomach. Both of you pause, a moment of surprise passing between before you burst into laughter. His ears turn a faint red as he chuckles sheepishly, arms around you tightening as if to shield himself from embarrassment.
"Well, once you've recharged a bit," You turn around to face him, your arms looping around his neck as his hands come to rest on your hips. "How about I treat you at the ramen place across the street?"
All he does is peer his fluttering eyes into yours, answering your question with a sweet kiss to your lips. It's soft and lingering, enough to leave you yearning for more, but you know that can happen later on. Your fingers gently cup his cheeks as you pull away from him.
"I'll take that as a... yes?" You whisper, fingers kneading the fabric of his shirt.
Jeonghan's lips curve upwards lovingly, letting his hands slide from your hips to your lower back as he holds you close. "Of course, my angel. Ramen sounds perfect."
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @ylliris-hanniehae @icyminghao @slytherinshua @jeonride @lockburn-castle @vrnism @weird-bookworm @mhlsymlysn @ryuwonieebae
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justapoet · 5 months
Random dialogue prompt list
"Have you ever been in love?" "No. Why?" "I think I'm in love with you."
Distancing themself from the other because they start to think that there is definitely something wrong with them
"I missed you so much, I don't know why. But, I did."
"You look perfect in this outfit." "Oh."
“Tell me you did not go to a fight without me.” “I don’t need you to protect me.” “It’s not about protection-”
"Did you forget that it was your turn to grab the groceries today?" "Yeah, sorry. I thought I'd wait for you so we can go together?"
“The problem lies within the fact that I want more. That’s what scares me the most, because I don’t want to want more. But I can’t help it.” 
“You said you loved me last night.”
“So that confession…” “Didn’t mean shit ‘cause I was drunk. And I don’t want you accepting that. Let me confess to you, properly, at the least.”
“I swear I didn’t murder anyone.” 
"Who are you when you're not performing?" "Fuck. Marry me."
“You have the most beautiful smile, you know that?”
“I just want(ed) to make you smile.”
“I was just getting my coffee, but then I fell in love with you”
"I…I missed you." "Oh."
“I desperately want to kiss you.”
“Maybe it’s a good mood. Maybe it’s a manic episode.”
"Don't open your eyes"
"Goddammit, don't say that!"
“Fuck it. I’m in.” 
“Too late. I’m already yours.”
“Nothing - no matter how weird or dark - could ever change the way I feel about you.”
“For once, I’m completely serious.”
“I don´t believe that you know what the hell you are doing half of the time.” 
“There isn’t a single unit of thought behind your eyes.” “Of course, not. I’m looking at you. My brain doesn’t work when I’m looking at you.”
"Are we going to talk about it?"
“I’d tear down mountains and rewrite the stars just to see you smile.”
“You weren’t part of my life plan.”
“So, tell me, what do you feel for me?”
“I’m this close to resorting to physical violence if shit continues to not work out.”
“I don’t know what to do.” 
“Say another word and I´ll shove these fries down your throat.” 
“Could you even try to be nice to me today?”
“There are about thirty-five ways this could go wrong. I’d say that’s pretty good odds.”
"Are you seriously considering to go through with this complete absurd?"
"It's a miracle you're still alive." "Mom does say you're a miracle worker, yes."
"You're sick. Did the fever make you forget how to dial my number?"
"Just do it, you moron."
"My self-control is hanging by a thread right now. Please, don't do this to me."
“Hey, neighbour, I’ve never met you before but your dog just destroyed my garden."
“Well, I’m afraid that opinion’s going to change once you get to know me.”
"Ever thought of stepping outside, or have you become part of the furniture?"
"Can you just look at me? Please?"
"I needed to hear your voice."
“Just to clarify: We are in a relationship, right?”
"You're the only thing I should be afraid of, and that fear died off years ago."
“it’s a bit frustrating to how oblivious you are.”
“what do i have to do or say for you to notice that i’m in love with you?”
“Yeah, that wasn’t supposed to happen and I was not supposed to say that, I’m so sorry.” 
so, hi! this is just a silly prompt list, but I'd very much like to ask you to send me asks and resquest a fic from any of them!
I'll be writing for the following couples:
Buddie (9-1-1)
Percabeth (Percy Jackson)
Nick and Chalie (Heartstopper)
Aziracrow (Good Omens)
Polin (Bridgerton)
Kathony (Bridgerton)
If you have any other couples from these universes that you might want, you can send them to me, as well. Other than Buddie (that it's not canon just yet), I like best to only write canon couples.
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skys-archive · 3 months
Fandom Can't Handle Asexuality
I was watching this video and GOD this is so important. I haven't felt like making a post about everything that goes into shipping ace and around characters but this is really good to what I think. This is about Alastor from Hazbin Hotel but it's a really good watch even if you haven't watched it
Especially there's this one part, about loopholes. I fully love the idea of queer platonic relationships between fictional characters, but a lot of the fandom seems to be using it as a loophole to be romantic under the veil of qprs. A queer platonic relationship is NOT romantic. Depending on the people there might be affection of some kind but the whole point is that there's no romantic feeling.
I don't know, I don't have the energy to fully get into the aroace shipping discourse but please for the love of everything, us aroaces don't have a lot of representation, and when we do all everyone wants to do is try and use our words against us. Aces can be sexual, aros can be romantic. And yes that's true but not when these characters so clearly are NOT. Alastor is so clearly not interested in touch and and sex and romance, Isaac from Heartstopper is so clearly pained from the fact that he just doesn't want sex or romance AT ALL. I can't speak for other representation as I haven't watched it. Please stop doing this.
You don't want your gay characters in straight relationships, you don't want to take away representation it's what we've been saying forever so why are you taking it away from us?
I guess I got into it more than I meant to but really I could go on forever.
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I mean I realise that I probably should’ve done an intro ages ago seeing as I’ve been active for months but hey Ho hERE WE GO
I’m a minor
I’m queer
I’m pro Palestinian
and if you’ve got a problem with that, with all due respect, fuck off.
I aim to type in all lowercase or some weird combination of lower and upper case but I rarely use capital letters at the start of words, I don’t know why, it just seems aesthetically pleasing.
✨ interests✨
Musicals, especially Les Mis and Moulin Rouge, Hamilton and Six are awesome too
music? I suppose? it depends what’s happening with it
bothering the fuck out of my friends
being as gay as I possibly can
simping over people cause I can and cause they’re sO ATTRACTIVE LIKE WHAT WHO ALLOWED THEM TO BE LIKE THIS
les mis
enjolras, specifically.
more specifically, modern au enjoltaire fanfiction it’s beautiful and the epitome of perfection
cats. I love cats.
did I mention les mis
languages? I’m learning French and german in school, and according to my teachers I’m good at it, which I’m not so sure about, and I learn Swedish on duolingo
I mean my music taste moves around a lot but some of it is Madilyn Mei, EPIC the musical, musicals in general, Chappell Roan is cool, Leanna Firestone, but other than that it jumps around a bit
I do play instruments but I’m not too good at them I’ve managed to get to grade 7 on one of them and I think I died during the preparation for the exam and now I’m being slowly dragged up from hell it’s not fun
I love reading, and I used to read loads but something happened and I don’t read too much anymore which is quite sad but some of my favourite books/series are:
AGGGTM - Holly Jackson
The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
Harry Potter - that one blonde bitch who abuses her power constantly
Powerless - Lauren Roberts
Gwen and Art are not in love - Lex Croucher
Heartstopper - Alice Oseman
there more but I can’t remember, which probably isn’t great, and there were some gay books that I read for the gay but I can’t remember their titles or authors which is awesome but they were great
I mean just generally, I tend to be very opinionated and can go on about something for ages, maybe because I have a lot to say, or maybe because it takes me way too long to get to the point
If you’re a pedophile or a groomer or any of those other horrible things or discriminatory in any way whatsoever please stay away from me thank you kindly
I think that’s it I’m not sure
oh I really like making friends but I suck at doing it because according to my friend I have the “crippling inability to have a conversation” and I also have zero social skills and tend to not like people but making friends is great
most of my posts are either a lot of reblogs, having conversations with my mutuals, or les mis stuff that I thought was funny in the moment.
people who should be mentioned cause they’re great:
@unhingedyetstillhere this is Leyla she’s mentally disturbed and one of the gayest kids I’ve ever seen she’s also one of my kids but I have way too many of those
@noahher this is Noah Noah is great we have many conversations and he gave me a pet ferret that I have forgotten the name of I should go find that
@k-is-for-potassium I just met them but damn they’re awesome
@forever-bi-panic also just met but they’re so cool and really nice and goes hand in hand with @nu-get who’s also exceedingly awesome
@im-a-skeleton-in-your-closet is up here too, they’re great and they send asks that make me happy :D
@feernflower I tag them in every tag thing I get even though I’ve never interacted with them properly (I’m sorry you seem so cool) and they’re a marauders fan who posts cool stuff go look at it
@nothing-but-glitter-and-lashes HELLO this is my sister she’s great and her blog is cool (I’m in your walls)
@ladymoonstardust aux armies!!! vive les gays!!! the revolution must begin!!!!! exceedingly cool les mis person, and with whom one hath a number of enlightening conversation, more often than not to do with the wonderful beings in that one musical about the land of croissant
@sing-me-sweetly-to-my-doom 🫵🫢🫵😮🫢😮
tis my best friend irl <3
thanks for being here!
and as always, free Palestine
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katelynnwrites · 2 years
Somewhere In The Haze (Got A Sense I’d Been Betrayed) | Ona Batlle
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warnings: angst
word count: 2352
summary: your sweet dream with ona is over
chosen song: the great war by taylor swift
a/n: chapter 1/6 of you were bigger than the whole sky (you were more than just a short time)
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It was the start of the end really, when you’d proposed to Ona only to have her turn you down and leave shortly after.
It had been a last ditch, desperate attempt to give the love of your life, someone you had once known like the words to a favourite song, the something she’d been searching for. Only it wasn’t what she was searching for and it brought about the loss of well, pretty much everything you had ever known.
Just like that the sweet dream (that you once thought would be your reality) was over.
You had just stepped into a cafe when your past makes the most heartstopping of moments, in the form of a rather clumsy woman who bumps into you.
It takes you less than a second to recognise her, all too familiar chocolate brown eyes meeting yours.
Ona was always a heartstopper for you but now when it was least likely that you would see her again? It nearly makes you fall over.
Luckily (or unluckily) for you, Ona is there to catch you.
‘You okay am-?’
It’s only because of your sheer embarrassment that your fellow Spaniard’s slip of tongue goes unnoticed.
‘Y-yeah I’m fine.’ You stammer, twisting out of her hold and stepping back rapidly.
Her hand on your back was bringing back too many memories so you cast a glance back at her and run.
Millie is the first person you call, shaky sobs punctuating your words as you tell her who you had run into.
The English woman comes over immediately, enveloping you in a tight hug and letting you cry.
She rocks you back and forth, murmuring soothing words until you exhaust yourself.
There’s no more tears from you, just a question that you voice fragilely, ‘Why is she back?’
That question is answered when you wake in the morning and find a text from the one person who used to be your everything (it hurt you endlessly that she still is despite all she had done).
(Ona) 08:17
‘Hola. Can we talk please?’
Sighing, you rub your temple before typing out an answer. This was going to backfire, you just knew it.
(You) 09:23
Ellipses appear immediately and you frown, wondering if she had been glued to her phone and waiting for your answer.
(Ona) 09.23
‘Gracias. Will that cafe at 11am today be alright?’
(You) 09.24
Once upon a time, you would have replied to her texts with a lot more words and a lot more enthusiasm.
It’s in the middle of summer that your fourteen year old self checks your phone to see a message from your girlfriend.
(Ona) 15.07
‘Mi vida do you want to come over? I miss you.’
(You) 15.08
‘Oni we just saw each other this morning.’
‘But yes I miss you too.’
(Ona) 15.08
‘Does this mean you’re coming over now?’
(You) 15.09
‘Is the other reason you’re so excited for me to go over because you need help with your homework?’
(Ona) 15.09
(You) 15.09
‘You sure?’
(Ona) 15.10
‘Okay yes but it’s science and you know how much I don’t like it.’
‘I’ll bribe you with kisses?’
‘Please mi amor?’
(You) 15.11
‘I knew it. I’m already on my way :)’
(Ona) 15.11
‘Muchas gracias.’
Now thirteen years later, you don’t text Ona to let her know you’re on your way.
You simply show up at the Barcelona player’s requested timing and settle yourself at a small table in the corner. It would be a big lie on your part, if you were to say you weren’t nervous.
This cafe is around the corner from your place (the place that you and Ona used to share) and you have been a regular here for years.
It was purely an accident that you’d discovered the little cafe but the unassuming neutral decor, book shelves and square tables set with mismatched mason jars holding two or three wildflowers was an environment that you had felt at ease in immediately.
This was the place you and Ona used to eat brunch at, when you had the rare day off.
It pulls you out of your head, when you see her standing in front of you, an anxious smile on her face as she softly asks, ‘Is this seat taken?’
Ona’s face was once as familiar to you as your own. You had known every freckle, every dimple (had even pressed your lips onto each one of them, once upon a time) that she had called hers.
Now, you didn’t. You haven’t even properly seen her face in almost three years. It was part of your ‘No Ona’ rule.
The ‘No Ona’ rule had been brought into existence one night after you had broken down sobbing when an Instagram post featuring Ona from Barcelona had shown up on your feed.
In summary, the ‘No Ona’ rule meant that you unfollowed her, the Spanish national team and Barcelona on all your social medias to prevent more breakdowns on your part.
It included your teammates not mentioning Ona as long as you were within earshot. It had also resulted in you taking down every post that showed Ona from your social medias (there were a lot. and they now resided in your archive because deleting them was an unbearable idea).
This removal of photos was reflected in your apartment too (those photos were in a box hidden deep in your closet because like the digital photos, you could not bear to get rid of them permanently).
So having not seen Ona properly in years, it’s predictable that you stare speechless at her for a moment, a moment long enough that Ona begins to look unsure of herself.
Shaking your head quickly, you gesture for the fullback to take a seat, still not trusting yourself to form coherent sentences.
‘Thanks.’ Ona says.
It seems that Ona too, can’t look away, her brown eyes fixed on yours as she sits.
She fiddles with the strings of her cream hoodie until she awkwardly breaks the silence with a tiny, ‘Hi.’
If it were in the circumstances of before (there would only ever be one before for you), you would have laughed at her cuteness.
In the after, you respond in like, giving her a quiet, ‘Hola.’
The painful silence resumes and you silently thank the waiter that interrupts to take your coffee orders.
‘I’ll just take a hot chocolate please.’
Ona’s lips quirk up into a smile once the waiter leaves, ‘You still don’t drink coffee.’
You take her cue, smiling slightly as you answer, ‘I don’t.’
‘How are you?’
‘I’m good.’
‘How have you been?’
‘I’m good too.’
Ona’s smile falters and you know exactly what she’s thinking because you’re thinking it too.
Fuck this is painful.
Conversations with Ona are your favourite thing.
Sharing kisses with her is a close second and laying with your head in her lap as she plays with your hair is third.
At sixteen and having all three with her in this moment, you think you might just be about to float with happiness.
‘Mi amor did you know that raccoons have feet that can rotate 180°?’
‘No I didn’t, thank you for sharing that with me baby.’
Ona plants a little kiss on your lips and you grin.
No matter what either of you said, it was never awkward between both of you.
The former Manchester United player swallows hard. She reaches her hand across the table before remembering and stopping herself.
‘I’m sorry for bumping into you yesterday.’ She tries.
‘It’s fine.’ You answer but an emotion you can’t quite describe flashes across Ona’s face.
‘No. No it’s not.’
Ona shakes her head.
‘I’m sorry. I had this all rehearsed but it’s coming out all wrong.’
She looks close to tears and you reach out to grab her hand.
‘Take your time.’
The Spaniard flinches but quickly recovers, bringing her free hand up to cover yours.
‘Gracias.’ She whispers.
Withdrawing your hand, you wait patiently for her to compose herself.
‘It’s been a while.’ Ona starts.
You hum in acknowledgement. (a while was a gross understatement, it had been forever)
Being separated from Ona was something you hated.
From the moment you met, you had never once been separated for more than a day. Except for the time you went on a family holiday to Italy and after Ona suffered her ankle injury in the U20 World Cup.
For the first, you had called whenever you could and texted pretty much constantly, to the point where your parents had joked that they should have simply invited her along.
For the second, being separated from Ona for three weeks was agony. You missed her so badly that if it wasn’t for your dedication to your teammates and your determination to win it for your injured girlfriend, you would have gone home to her.
Those three weeks without her had been forever then.
If you’d told your nineteen year old self that you would have spent the last three years apart from Ona, she would have been absolutely sure you were crazy.
It’s your turn to almost cry, blinking at the table in an attempt to keep the tears at bay.
‘It’s been a while and I-I’ll be in England for a bit. More specifically, I’ll be in Manchester for a bit.’
‘Oh.’ You stare blankly at her, wondering what possible reason she could have to return. It certainly wasn’t for you because you weren’t enough for her all those years ago, so why would you be now?
‘Escúchame please. I won’t be in your way, I’ll make sure our paths never cross if you want so. If I meet up with your current teammates, my old United teammates, I’ll make sure it won’t concern you.’ Ona rushes out.
‘I promise.’ She swears, without waiting for you to finish.
‘Ona you don’t have to do that.’
‘My friends, they’re your friends too and it would be unfair of me to keep you from seeing them just because we broke up. I don’t want us to have to be the kind of exes that have to geographically divide the city.’
The woman sitting across from you stares in shock. She hadn’t expected you to be so nice to her. Then again Ona should never have doubted you, your kindness knew no limits, even when she knew she didn’t deserve it.
‘Want to share my granola bar? We can split it in half if you’re hungry?’
The offer startles the smaller girl sitting beside you (in the years to come, Ona shoots up to become taller than you).
She looks up, brown eyes wide as she questions, ‘Are you sure? I don’t want you to be hungry too.’
‘I’m sure. I won’t be, I promise.’ You nod at her rapidly, willing her to accept the snack. All your other new teammates were eating too and you didn’t want the pretty girl with freckles to feel left out (you might have been only twelve but she’s the prettiest girl you’ve ever seen).
‘Okay.’ She shyly agrees and you smile, breaking the granola bar in two so that she can have half.
‘Gracias.’ She smiles, gently taking it from you.
In between nibbles of the small snack, you get her to open up and learn that her name is Ona and that she loves cheetahs.
It’s that memory that has you shocking Ona further.
‘Can we go on a date?’
Your ex nearly spits out her mouthful of coffee.
‘W-What?’ She chokes out.
‘Friend dates Ona. You were my best friend before you were my girlfriend. I’ve missed that. I miss you and if you are going to be in Manchester…I’d like to get to know you again.’ You clarify.
This was definitely silly, reckless (and possibly astronomically stupid) of you but you needed to try. You needed to understand why she left you like she did.
Your heart rate increases as you wait for her to respond. Here you were, putting yourself out again, risking your already broken heart.
‘Ona? Please just come to bed.’ You beg.
Your twenty four year old girlfriend was curled on the couch, staring unblinkingly at the wall opposite.
It had been like this for weeks now. Ona had pulled away and stopped touching you. She stopped kissing you, stopped talking to you and now, wouldn’t share the same bed as you (in the days to come, she stops looking at you).
You couldn’t sleep without her but like with each previous development, you respected her space.
Despite how much pain you were in, you gave her what she wanted.
There was no warning, no indication that she would start pulling away. It was just one less thing every day. (until eventually there was nothing)
‘Mi amor please. Please.’
Your voice cracks on the last word. There are tears falling down your cheeks now but your girlfriend doesn’t respond. She doesn’t even look up.
As you let out a sob and walk back to your bedroom, you come to the heartbreaking realisation that you’d lost her.
That was the night you really knew you had lost her.
Ona scans your face, looking for any sign of the anger and resentment that should be there.
Instead, all she finds is resignation, sorrow and hurt, under the anxiety that you show as you wait for her answer.
Above all that though, she can see hope. Hope that maybe, just maybe you could get to know each other again.
In an instant, Ona’s mind is made up. She can’t find it in herself to inflict any more suffering on you and this olive branch that you were extending, it gave her the chance to attempt to make things up to you (she was determined to do everything she possibly could to try).
‘I’d like that.’
The soft words and the matching soft smile on her face makes that little glimmer of hope that you have, glow.
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Spanish Translations:
amor - love
hola - hi/hello
gracias - thank you
sí - yes
mi vida - my life
muchas gracias - thank you so much
escúchame - listen to me
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trumpkinhotboy · 9 months
Chronic protective brother syndrome
Pairing: big brother!nick nelson x little sister!reader
Type: Request (thank you so much!!)
Warnings: Mention of fainting, having a chronic illness, but nothing too intense
Word count: 1900
Requests: Open! For Heartstopper, twilight wolfpack, chronicles of narnia and harry potter
A/n: honestly… i dont have much to say except that i love writing for requests and that big brother nick makes me weak in the knees. Hope you enjoy angels xxx
*gif is not mine
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Summary: The reader has been living with diabetes her whole life. She's grown quite accustomed to it and manages it well with the help of her supportive family. Although sometimes, support can feel a little suffocating...
Through your 14 years of existence, you have grown quite accustomed to life with type 1 diabetes. As you grew up and became more conscious of what it meant to live with a chronic disease, you learned to accept and care for yourself quite well. 
Your mother, Sarah, was a real trooper and never let you down, always carrying you when you felt exhausted and done with your condition, which did happen more often than you care to admit. Luckily, you also had someone else in your corner: your older brother. 
Nick is known to be quite protective. Especially with the people he cares for. However, that aspect of his personality gained a new high when you were born, and your mother explained why you could never do everything just as he did. Of course, you would still be able to do most of them. You would simply need to be a little more careful. 
Sarah remembers very clearly the look in little Nick’s eyes when she explained why you were always sick. You were resting in bed after a substantial flare-up when his eyes welled up with tears. That's when he finally understood that there was something in your own body that would always try to fight and hurt itself. That’s also when he promised himself he would do everything to protect you. Your mum still tells that story with a few tears welling up in her eyes. 
Nick knew you could have a lot of complications from your disease. To avoid them, he always made sure you had everything you needed at all times. You usually didn't mind, seeing how your ADHD sometimes made it a little harder for you to remember to pack your stuff. Plus, the fatigue diabetes often fogged you with did not help in that department. 
The thing is you were now 14 years old, finally starting to make new friends and explore the jungle that is social life in high school. So when your 16-year-old brother comes over, and all your lady friends swoon over him, or worse, when he comes over to baby you, it gets a little irritating. Luckily, Nick was quite stubborn about that stuff and was not about to let you get hurt just because of the image you wanted to project.
That was until you made quite a scene in front of everyone.
You had been feeling particularly irritated and moody that day. So when you saw your brother walk over to you with a backup diabetes kit, which was his creation, you felt anger boil in your blood.
It did not help to hear some nasty year 10 make jokes from a picnic table near your friends and you. "Oh, would you look at that? Diabetes Nelson still needs her big brother to bring her her little drugs. I don't understand how someone like him could be related to her."
It was stupid. It wasn't even a good insult. Plus, the people who kept making comments were not something to be impressed with. Still, you couldn't help the shame from creeping on your cheeks.
So this time, when your big brother came to check on you and offered you your safety pouch, you refused.
"I already have the normal one. I don't need this one."
"I know, but I don't think you've put the new insulin shots in. I brought you the safety one just in case."
The snickers you heard from the people behind had you gritting your teeth. You couldn't understand their exact words, but you knew it wasn't positive. 
"Don't you have anything better to do than watch over me all day?" you hissed. "I'm not stupid Nick."
Your diabetes also made you prone to mood swings, mostly when your blood sugar levels were too high or low. That's why Nick usually did not make a big deal out of these outbursts, but this time felt different. Hurt flashed in his eyes, and briefly, you regretted the words.
"I never said that. I just want to make sure you have everything you need. You know the risks." His tone was soft, his gaze focused on you. He tried as much as he could not to make a big deal out of this, but your reaction had the exact opposite effect. He knew how the fear of being judged could make a person act in such a terrible way. 
"I don't need you to remind me how weak and useless my body is, okay? I'm the one living with diabetes, Nick. Not you." You whispered angrily.
You grabbed your bag and left him planted there without looking back. Nick and you were usually like two peas in a pod, and to leave him there hurt much more than you would care to admit. 
You got back in class, trying to act normal, but after an hour in, you felt queasy and feeble. You had indulged in some sweets some friends offered after your altercation with Nick, brushing off the risk with your ongoing anger. Subtly, you pricked your finger and couldn't help your eyes from growing two sizes when you saw the little numbers your tracker presented. You were in hyperglycemia and urgently needed to get a shot of insulin. Swiftly, you asked to be excused from the class and headed for the bathroom. The walls seemed to shake around you, and your vision kept warping up. Cursing yourself for being this dumb, you opened your bag with shaking hands, searching for your shots.
There was only one thing worse than fighting with Nick, and it was when you realized he had been right. You mumbled under your breath, trying to stay calm and figure out a quick solution because this was becoming urgent, and you needed the care right now. Calling Nick would do no good since he was at Truham anyway. You decided to head back to class to ask for your teacher's help, but once you tried climbing the stairs, a thousand little dots started dancing around. You were able to mutter an 'I feel kinda dizzy' before everything turned black.
You awoke to a commotion. Distorted sounds and everything around you moved too fast to register. Someone was holding your hand while you felt a pinch in your arm. 
"It's okay, it's okay Y/n. You're going to be okay. I'm here."
You knew that voice. You lifted your gaze with an effort and only saw a flash of red hair before darkness swallowed you once more.
This time, when you woke up, everything was silent and peaceful. You were lying in a bed, a hospital bed, with an IV drip set up in your arm. Nick was resting in the chair next to you, his worried eyes set on his phone as he quickly typed.
"Hey," you croaked. 
His head whipped up in surprise when he heard your voice. He immediately dropped his phone to come by your side. His hand flew to your forehead. The coolness of it felt incredibly refreshing as you leaned into the touch.
"Hey, kid," he whispered. He tried putting a smile on his face, but it couldn't hide the worry he was truly feeling.
"So, I'm guessing I fainted? And someone found me? And they panicked ?"
"Panicked is an understatement."
He explained that Imogen found you at the bottom of the stairs. She didn't know whether you had fallen from them or just fainted at the bottom, so she immediately called for help and texted him.
"I ran to Higgs faster than Charlie ever could," he added with a smirk, his joke stealing a chuckle from your chest.
"I'm sorry for causing such a commotion. I should wear a bracelet that says fainting is normal for me so people won't worry."
His gaze hardened at your comment. "Fainting is not normal for you. It's a bad sign, and you know it."
You sheepishly dropped your gaze. Okay, he wasn't ready to make jokes about it yet. Charlie would have laughed, you secretly thought.
"I don't understand why you pulled that crap. I just wanted to help you." 
You lay back in bed with a sigh and covered your eyes with your forearm. You did know Nick only wanted to help, but still. His kind gestures irritated you so much sometimes.
"It's already hard enough to be the sick kid. That was my only thing when I was in middle school. I thought now I could step away from it, that I could be someone else. Be known for other things than my messed up immune system." 
You noticed Nick's expression softened once you uncovered your eyes. 
"And I know you want to help and trust me, I appreciate it. It's just that sometimes it feels like you don't believe in me. Like you don't think I'm capable of doing stuff. Instead of helping me become stronger, you keep worrying me with your horror scenarios."
It was now Nick's turn to look all sheepish and guilty. You might have been right in saying he tended to get a little paranoid when you wanted to try new things. He only thought about protecting you. He never realized the effect it would have on your self-esteem. 
"I'm tired of being afraid. I've looked it up, and there are so many people with diabetes who are doing amazing things. I can stay healthy and still be a badass kid who tries new stuff."
He looked up, his eyes holding so much uncertainty and fear. Though through it all, love was the strongest thing in his gaze. He grabbed your hand once again with a tight smile.
"I hear you, I'm sorry. I never thought it would make you feel like this, or else I wouldn't have done it."
"Nick." You gave him a knowing look.
"Okay, okay. I might have still done it, but only because you're my baby sister, and I want you to be healthy and have a long, long life, okay?"
You nodded while tightening your grip on his hand. 
"I promise I will be less overbearing, and I will support you in whatever new thing you want to try."
"Thanks, Nick, and for school, could you maybe not come and do your big brother number in front of all my friends? I appreciate the gesture, but I'm over dealing with the dumbasses." 
He sighed heavily but still agreed to your request. "About that, just a piece of advice. I've learned that sometimes the thing we are afraid will show our weakness or vulnerability only does when we allow it to. Once you reclaim your power and own it, it all switches around. Anyone who has something to say about it will suddenly disappear, or you won't care what they have to say anymore."
You nodded sheepishly. You honestly didn't care about your diabetes. I mean, it could be a gigantic pain, and you would have to be careful for the rest of your life. But all in all, you were pretty lucky. You had your condition mostly under control when you weren't a sassy dumbass, and you had the best support system someone could wish for. 
"Look at me. You're going to be okay kiddo." Your brother squeezed your hand tighter in a reassuring motion. 
You lifted your head to meet his supportive gaze and smiled in return. Yes, you would be okay.
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ireadyabooks · 2 months
5 Books That NEED to Be in Your Beach Bag! 🏖️🌞
All year we have been dreaming about laying out on the beach reading a swoony romance that sets our heats ablaze and the time has finally come! Grab the sunscreen, your favorite pair of sunglasses, and the next book you’ll be raving about to all of your friends! Not sure what book to pack in your beach bag? No worries, we’ve put together our top five books that we’re relaxing in the sand with this summer! Happy reading!
Okay, Cupid by Mason Deaver
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From the bestselling author of I Wish You All the Best, the story of a cupid who thinks they know everything about love . . . until they fall in love themselves.
As a cupid, Jude thinks they understand love a little bit more than the average human. It makes sense -- Jude's been studying love their whole teen life. And, yes, there have been some bumps in the road, and they're currently on probation for doing something that they absolutely, definitely shouldn't have done . . . but they're ready to prove they can make matches without ever getting involved.
Only . . . Jude's next assignment isn't about setting up two adults. No, this time Jude has to go to high school, with kids their own age. And the assignment is a tough one: two best friends who are meant to be more than just best friends . . . but who aren't currently speaking to each other after a huge falling out.
Jude thinks they've got this one all under control, and that they won't get involved whatsoever.
Which proves that maybe Jude hasn't learned the first lesson of humans and love . . . It’s complicated.
Start reading Okay, Cupid now!
I Hope This Doesn’t Find You by Ann Liang
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Unforgettable, snarky, and romantic, I Hope This Doesn't Find You is Never Have I Ever meets To All the Boys I've Loved Before if Lara Jean wrote hate emails instead of love letters.
Sadie Wen is perfect on paper: school captain, valedictorian, and a "pleasure to have in class." It's not easy, but she has a trick to keep her model-student smile plastered on her face at all times: she channels all her frustrations into her email drafts. She'd never send them of course -- she'd rather die than hurt anyone's feelings -- but it's a relief to let loose on her power-hungry English teacher or a freeloading classmate taking credit for Sadie's work.
All her most vehemently worded emails are directed at her infuriating cocaptain, Julius Gong, whose arrogance and competitive streak have irked Sadie since they were kids. "You're attention starved and self-obsessed and unbearably vain . . . I really hope your comb breaks and you run out of whatever expensive hair products you've been using to make your hair appear deceptively soft . . ."
Sadie doesn't have to hold back in her emails, because nobody will ever read them . . . that is, until they're accidentally sent out.
Overnight, Sadie's carefully crafted, conflict-free life is turned upside down. It's her worst nightmare -- now everyone at school knows what she really thinks of them, and they're not afraid to tell her what they really think of her either. But amidst the chaos, there's one person growing to appreciate the "real" Sadie -- Julius, the only boy she's sworn to hate . . . 
Start reading I Hope This Doesn’t Find You now!
Heartstopper by Alice Oseman
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Boy meets boy. Boys become friends. Boys fall in love. A sweet and charming coming-of-age story that explores friendship, love, and coming out. Now streaming on Netflix!
Shy and softhearted Charlie Spring sits next to rugby player Nick Nelson in class one morning. A warm and intimate friendship follows, and that soon develops into something more for Charlie, who doesn't think he has a chance.
But Nick is struggling with feelings of his own, and as the two grow closer and take on the ups and downs of high school, they come to understand the surprising and delightful ways in which love works.
Start reading Heartstopper now!
Stepping Off by Jordan Sonnenblick
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Jesse Dienstag's favorite sweatshirt says, "The real world isn't real." That's the slogan of the vacation-home community in Pennsylvania where his family has always spent every vacation and weekend for as long as he can remember. In the summer of 2019, as Jesse is about to enter his junior year of high school in New York City, he desperately wants to believe the slogan is true. For one thing, the two girls he loves -- equally and desperately -- are in Pennsylvania, and all the stresses and pressures of his daily life and school are in New York.
But when his parents stop talking to each other, it gets harder and harder for Jesse to maintain his dream life in Pennsylvania. And when Covid shuts New York City down in March 2020 just days after Jesse’s mother leaves his father, Jesse's worlds collide.
Start reading Stepping Off now!
London On My Mind by Clara Alves
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Red, White & Royal Blue meets A Cuban Girl's Guide to Tea and Tomorrow in this unlikely London romance by debut author Clara Alves!
Sixteen-year-old Dayana has always dreamed of visiting London -- to walk along the Thames, take pictures outside Buckingham Palace, and maybe even get a glimpse of Arthur, Prince of Wales, whose marriage has been all over tabloids. But the trip of her dreams turns into a royal nightmare when her mother passes away. Now, Day must leave Rio de Janeiro to live with her estranged father and his new family in London.
As it turns out, the U.K. isn't exactly Day's cup of tea. She struggles to forgive her father for walking out on her and her mom all those years ago; fights with her stepsister constantly; detests her stepmother; and she can't even see One Direction in concert because they've been broken up for ages. All she wants to do is trade the rainy skies of London for the sun and beaches of Rio.
That's when she runs into the girl of her dreams -- literally: The coincidentally named Diana, a witty, funny, redhead who was in the middle of . . . escaping Buckingham Palace? Something isn't right here, but it makes Diana all the more alluring. As time passes, and the two girls grow closer, Day can't help but wonder if there is more than a little truth to the rumors surrounding Prince Arthur -- and if Diana might be involved somehow. Is it all in her head, or could Day be caught up in a real-life royal scandal?
Start reading London On My Mind now!
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stopper-my-heart · 1 month
Heartstopper library posters: Part 1/3
CW: Images and mentions of Ben Hope. No non-consensual physical touch is shown in the images but short descriptions of actions are given as part of describing the library meeting scene between Ben and Charlie in S1E1.
Yes, the library posters in Heartstopper are complicated enough to need multiple posts to attempt to unpack them.
How many layers are intentional? I can't say. All I can say is that the layers haven't stopped making sense yet.
Here in Part 1, we're taking a fairly straightforward approach to the quotations on the posters in S1E1 with a bit of cinematographic interpretation.
Let's get acquainted with the posters (text below, don't strain your eyes) --
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We have:
"I am no bird and no net ensnares me" -- from Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë (photo 1, left, above)
"To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance" -- from An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde (photo 2, middle, above)
"To thine own self be true" -- from Hamlet by William Shakespeare (photo 3, right, above)
Here's the context of when we first see these posters, at the very beginning of S1E1:
As Charlie walks into school and enters the library to meet Ben (who doesn't show up that time), he walks in between the first two posters to get to their meeting spot.
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The third poster ("To thine own self be true") remains out of focus during this trip to the library. It partially comes into view when Charlie arrives at his and Ben's meeting spot (photo 1, left, below).
After Charlie checks his phone and sees Ben's text ("actually can we meet up at break instead?"), when we then see him start to type his reply, a little bit more of the poster becomes visible (photo 2, middle, below).
The poster's quotation is only fully visible (but still out of focus) once Charlie has sent his text ("okay 😊❤️") (photo 3, right, below). Note that this also corresponds with the start of Headmaster Stephen Fry's announcement reminding students about the new vertical form groups.
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It seems like the poster is acknowledging that Charlie's not fully ready to admit to himself the truth of what's happening with Ben or to stand up for himself, but that he's maybe getting closer (or the poster's trying to help, anyway). If nothing else, the poster seems to be gently calling Charlie out, especially with the text he sent. We can see by Charlie's face (photo 3 above) that even he doesn't believe it's "okay 😊❤️".
(Maybe the poster is also indicating hope: hope for the new form group and a certain someone Charlie might meet there, someone who will want Charlie to be true to himself.)
When Charlie and Ben finally do meet in the library later in S1E1, we again see Charlie walk in between the first two posters. Charlie and the posters begin fuzzy and come into focus together. "I am no bird and no net ensnares me"* is especially prominent.
*Note that the full sentence this quotation comes from is: "I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will, which I now exert to leave you." More on this in future posts.
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This time the third poster ("To thine own self be true") is also in focus, though partially out of frame (photo 1, left, below). Ben's head moves to block some of it and then the camera angle shifts a bit so that the poster is fully obscured behind Charlie while his and Ben's index fingers are interlocked (photo 2, right, below).
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After Charlie looks at the smiley face Nick drew on his hand, a little bit of the text of the third poster is again visible in between Charlie and Ben, but it's in the background, out of focus. As Ben kisses Charlie, the words are once again blocked by Ben's head.
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Clearly these posters are trying harder and harder to Talk To Charlie -- they want him to love himself, believe he's worth more than how Ben is treating him, be honest with himself and act accordingly, and break free from Ben -- and they finally succeed. Seemingly later on the same day is when Charlie breaks up with Ben.
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mcrinmyhead · 4 months
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Hiya, my name's Dee or you can call me Dead! instead, cuz that's what my name is in Tumblr. I'm sixteen. I'm an Indian, racists better fck off. I like to draw, sing and write songs and poems. I mainly post my art here and I have two side blogs too, which are @mcrinmyheart (idk what I post there :D) and @shesacomplicatedpoet where... Er, you know it. And when I say "art" I usually draw My Chem, Fall Out Boy, Linkin Park, Bring Me The Horizon and a few other bands, but you can always leave a picture in the "Ask me?" box if you really want me to draw something that you like :). Just make sure it isn't something s!utty, cuz my parents like seeing my sketchbook sometimes, haha.
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About me...
Name: Dead! / Dee
Age: 16
Pronouns: she/they
Sexuality: Bisexual
Likes: listening to music, art, singing, music bands, food, sleeping (I'm a very eepy person), travelling, reading, etc.
What kind of art do I do? Fanarts mainly.
Dislikes: peanuts (yea I don't like 'em, so if you know me irl and try to feed me peanuts, I'm gonna fcking stab you, you little shit), pedos, homophobic fcks, MSI apologists, basic DNIs, etc.
Am I single? Yes, and that's because I don't want to date anyone. Nvm, I'm taken :]
Music bands/artists I like:
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+ twenty one pilots, p!atd, Bring Me The Horizon, Glass Animals, Bad Omens, Sleep Token, etc. I also liked The 1975, The Nbhd, Joji, Driver The Era, Arctic Monkeys and Chase Atlantic before, so I really don't mind if you wanna talk about them too. I'm basically a music addict who has listened to a whole lotta music genres throughout my life. But I'm currently into rock music rn. Yeah, I can't stop talking about music if I start.
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My favourites:
Books: Agatha Christie's books, Heartstopper, Five Feet Apart, The Fault in our Stars, Crime/Horror/Mystery books (there are many but I can't remember them), etc.
Movies: anything horror, mystery, crime, sci-fi, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, from the 2000s and 90s, etc. (How do people actually choose a favourite movie??)
Shows: Loki, Heartstopper, Young Royals, Marvel shows, etc. (I literally like all the shows I watch)
Albums: My top 10 rn (June 2024) are like- Three cheers for sweet revenge (my chem), POST HUMAN: NexGen (BMTH), XO (LeATHERMØUTH), The Black Parade (my chem), I brought you my bullets, you brought me your love (my chem), Clancy (Tøp), A Thousand Suns (Linkin Park), Danger Days (my chem), Folie a Deux (FOB), and Pretty. Odd. (P!ATD).
Colours: (Bury me in) Black, Blood Red and Lavender.
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Where else can you find me?
At home, in my room 95% of the time. Nah, just kidding.
Discord: mcrinmyhead
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Tags I use:
My art: #art
Asks: #asks #asks <3
Scroll down for more facts about me...
Or don't. I really don't care.
Fun facts about me ^^:
I'm a really joyful, chaotic, kind, funny and a sweet person! :D (according to my frens)
Until and unless you get me on my nerves. Trust me, That's when I go insane.
If you know me irl, hi... Uh, I know I don't talk much in person but I'm sorry. That's just who I am. But if you want to be my friend, you can start by texting me lol.
I'm a music addict who likes to annoy people by talking about music bands 24/7.
I have an unhealthy obsession over My Chem.
I'm a huge nerd (according to every person in my class) and I like Math and Science (but I don't really talk about it unless you are someone who is into math and science as much as me).
I'm also a sarcastic and sassy person. So if my words ever offend you, I'm so sorry bbg. Deal with it.
I'm a vampire (I have fangs and I will bite you to suck that blood your body holds, RAHHH).
Other than drawing and singing, my hobbies are fangirling, sleeping, reading books, travelling and sometimes even cooking.
I might be surrounded by many people who I call my "friends," but in the end it's just four people who are actually my friends.
I'm mostly an introvert, but I'm an extrovert when I'm with my friend.
Yikes, this list is still going on!
I lived in Germany for two months along with my parents, but we moved back to India because I couldn't handle the bullying and all. But it was fun there, ngl. Having a new name was the worst part though (it was Diana, which I still use sometimes, and my aunts pronouncing it... was er... shit).
I suck at socializing btw.
But I like to annoy people at the same time.
Wait, does Tumblr have a word limit on a post?
Ah, yeah, I forgot to mention this but I'm a really curious person. I like trying out or experimenting on stuff. It's fun, okay?
I can be smart and an idiot at the same time B)
I write poems but I don't like showing them to others cuz I feel like they're stupid. Any tips on poetry from the poets of Tumblr?
I love cats. Cats or get tf out.
Am I annoying rn?
This was fun.
Alright, that's enough fckery for today. Farewell my little kittens <333
So long and good night!
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noodle-shenaniganery · 7 months
Hello! You can call me Noodle. I have Fox to thank for that nickname.
If you know why @bear-owo and @mentallyillanimal deactivated their accounts, I would appreciate being told.
Here is a list of reasons to live, if you’re struggling to find some. I’m always here as a friendly stranger, if needed.
If you live in the U.S.A. and are eligible to vote, for the love of god please potentially grit your teeth and vote for Kamala Harris. Please. None of us can handle the wrinkly Cheeto any longer.
Please stop sending me Gaza aid asks and messages. I tried, but I do not have the resources to vet them all and it is negatively impacting my mental health. I have donated to several fundraisers and aid organizations, but I can’t do the ask thing anymore.
Do you feed your pet Blue Buffalo? Please don’t.
About Me
I am nonbinary and neptunic (or lesbian, if that makes more sense, though I’m also likely some flavor of aro/ace?), and go by he/they pronouns. Though, frankly, anything other than she/her pronouns are fine with me.
I am white, trilingual (Portuguese, Spanish, and English), and from Brazil. 🇧🇷 Oi, gente!
I am also autistic, and have *breathes in dramatically* social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, trichotillomania, dermatillomania, and maladaptive daydreaming issues (it isn’t officially a disorder yet). I am able-bodied and have relatively low support needs.
As you may be able to tell, I don’t really have that good of a sense of what is and isn’t private, so I’ll probably answer any questions you may have! Ask away if you feel like it!
My special interests are: snakes, atypical psychology, Greek mythology, and Egyptian mythology. I also like horror as a genre, as well as art in general.
Some more specific things I like, though, include The Owl House, Extraordinary Attorney Woo, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Five Nights At Freddy’s, Heartbreak High, Heartstopper, Young Royals, Gravity Falls, Red, White, And Royal Blue, Nimona, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Melanie Martinez, Sub Urban, Jack Stauber, and Evelyn Evelyn. Feel free to rant to me about any of these!
Since I am autistic, I struggle with social interactions and understanding things. I would appreciate patience.
If I make mistakes, please tell me! Also, I swear I am pretty much never trying to be rude, offensive, or insulting, even if it seems that way. If I say something wrong/bigoted/misleading, please let me know! If my blog isn’t accessible, please let me know how I can improve it (I try to include image descriptions on most of my own images, though unfortunately I struggle with adding them to others’). This is meant to be a safe space. :D
I love interacting with folks on here! If you ever want to send me a message, or an ask, or a vent, feel free to do so!
I reblog, like… a lot.
I swear occasionally. Not that often, though.
I don’t technically have much of a tagging system, though I do tag posts that involve someone needing help with “help help help” and asks with “ask ask ask ask”.
Terminology Stuff
To avoid misunderstandings, this is how I use certain terms (and honestly, the only ways they should be used):
Nonspeaking - Not able to reliably communicate through speech (long-term).
Nonverbal - Not able to reliably communicate through speech, and sometimes words (long-term).
A lot of people who cannot speak use this term, and it’s important to respect their preferences.
Important posts about these: https://www.tumblr.com/five-thousand-loaves-of-bread/712714609459593216/my-frustration-with-going-nonverbalnonspeaking
Delusion - A clinically recognisable belief held by an individual who cannot be convinced otherwise, even though the belief is objectively false.
Psychotic - Experiencing psychosis: experiencing things disconnected from reality on a clinical level.
Psychopath - Someone who has Anti-Social Personality Disorder (complex history, though).
Narcissist - Someone who has Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Do Not Interact List
I don’t really have a DNI list. Just like. Don’t be mean? If you send me something mean, I will likely not be significantly bothered by it.
I am not trying to start fights. If you are trying to start a fight, and not a genuine discussion, please leave.
I do not tolerate hate against my mutuals of any kind. If you are mean to them, respectfully, please get out.
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It​ is not a coincidence that in the last two decades of the 19th century, as the invert case study put gay lives into print for the first time, we begin to see the first novels that, rather than including gay characters within Zola-style social narratives, are instead about homosexuality, or, more accurately, about the condition of being a homosexual. There weren’t very many of these books, and most are long forgotten. But already, as Graham Robb observed in Strangers, his study of homosexuality in the 19th century, the trope of the ‘gay tragic ending’ was in evidence: ‘In twelve European and American novels (1875-1901) in which the main character is depicted, often sympathetically, as an adult homosexual man, six die (disease, unrequited love and three suicides), two are murdered, one goes mad, one is cured by marriage and two end happily (one after six months in prison and emigration to the US).’ As Robb says, it cannot only be that authors felt they had to inflict punishment on their characters, as a way of redeeming their text in the eyes of the censor. The tragic death was a strategy: by showing a doom to which gay men were fated, they were arguing against the society that made it inevitable. The case study underlies the major tradition of gay writing that developed after 1945 and that persists to the present day, the often melancholic or tragic novels of individual struggle, of childhood and adolescent experience, of attempted repression, of searching, of sexual experiment and release: from Gore Vidal’s The City and the Pillar to James Baldwin’s Giovanni’s Room, to Edmund White’s A Boy’s Own Story to Annie Proulx’s ‘Brokeback Mountain’ to Garth Greenwell’s What Belongs to You to Édouard Louis’s The End of Eddy to Alice Oseman’s Heartstopper. Those novels that largely or entirely concern themselves with gay male characters – such as Alan Hollinghurst’s The Swimming-Pool Library, which has no women in it – also have a relationship to the case study, which, especially once it concerns the subject’s adulthood, essentially limits itself to describing his interactions with men of his own kind. The requirement to lift our sights – to see gay lives as they interact with, to use Zola’s words, family, nation, humanity – is especially pressing if we are dealing with the past, when society was culturally and legally premised on heterosexuality to an extent no longer possible here (though still the case in many non-Western countries). To write about gay men in Britain in the 19th century, for example, should be to write about them as sons, brothers, friends, lovers, husbands, fathers, grandparents, members of a social class, employees, employers, thinkers, readers, politicians, imperialists and so on; as part of the world, not as apart from it. To return to Forster’s definitions, this would be to take gay men out of story and put them into plot; to turn them from ‘flat’ characters, with one dominating trait, into ‘round’ ones. This does not mean that we should minimise sexuality – rather, we would see its significance more clearly, as it disrupts, or perhaps doesn’t, in all areas of life; in so doing, we would see the society more clearly also. The same can be done in novels about the present: to live up to the full ambition of the idea of ‘queering’ – as disruption – we need to see a queer individual in the full spectrum of their relationships with people, places, institutions. To keep our exploration within the bounds of identity is to conspire in our own limitation. Full article: "Balzac didn't dare: Tom Crewe on the origins of the gay novel" [London Review of Books]
A rather thought-provoking article! The assertion about contemporary gay literature (the whole gay-related media, actually) still being centered on homosexuality itself is very true, and it's something I consider a crucial matter. And, of course, this also makes you raise questions over isolationist movements inside the LGBT+ community.
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nhasablogg · 1 year
Stupid tickle fight
Fandom: Heartstopper (season 2 so might contain a couple of spoilers)
Characters: Youssef Farouk/Nathan Ajayi
Summary: They spend the night together and Youssef might be overthinking, well, everything.
A/N: @ongodihopenooneirlfindsthis wanted some Mr Farouk/Mr Ajayi, so I complied!
Words: 960
Youssef didn’t tell Nathan that he was his first, although Nathan could probably guess it. It hadn’t been what he’d imagined when he’d pictured his love life, but to be fair Youssef had never seen a man in the picture anyway, being so far in the closet he’d not put the pieces together until his 28th birthday when he’d left the club having made out with a stranger. He’d been thinking of his lips all night and came out to his best friend in the morning.
He felt silly for even putting Nathan in the vicinity of the concept of a love life, when all they’d done was share the night together on a stupid school trip to Paris, mostly because a student had decided to barf all over Nathan’s bed. It had been courtesy to offer to share his bed. It had been something entirely else to let Nathan kiss him.
“Mr Farouk,” Nathan said with a smile, cupping his face in a way that made him feel safe, as ridiculous as that sounded. “You can stop me anytime.”
And Youssef, having spent most of the school year pretending he hadn’t seen Nathan’s glances and that he himself wasn’t loving every second of it, didn’t stop him.
“Never call me Mr Farouk in bed again,” he said later, poking at Nathan’s side. “Unless you want me to call you Mr Ajayi.”
Nathan grinned. “Who says I wouldn’t like that?”
Youssef huffed out a laugh. “It’s weird, isn’t it?”
“It’s a little weird, yes,” he agreed and they both laughed, stupid teenagers at heart and Youssef wondered if this is what it was like for their students, who were running around the hotel giggling and thinking they were getting away with it.
“Should we stop them?” Youssef had asked before Darcy had shown up much too drunk and solidified that, yes, maybe they should’ve stopped them.
“Let them have their fun,” Nathan had said, smiling in that way that he always did while he thought of those kids. It was one of Youssef’s favorite smiles of his and he would often bring their students up just to see it.
On one hand, had they not let them have their fun they probably wouldn’t have ended up in the same bed, so maybe Youssef should’ve been grateful for it. He poked Nathan again just to have an excuse to touch him, this time aiming for his ribs with the intention of moving upward, to see him laugh, although Nathan seemed to be laughing for different reasons now. Youssef poked him again just to make sure he wasn’t imagining it.
“You’re ticklish.” It wasn’t a question and Youssef wasn’t smiling. Somehow, despite everything they’d done that night, it was this which made Youssef realize he might’ve bitten off more than he could chew with this one, that he couldn’t keep it casual for the life of him, and that he would transfer schools if Nathan decided to change anything about the way he interacted with him.
“A little,” Nathan admitted. “Just the ribs though, don’t get any ideas.”
Youssef swallowed, tried for playfulness although it didn’t come naturally to him. “Well, you’ve got plenty of ribs.”
Nathan started laughing before Youssef started poking him again, and maybe he should’ve expected it but the hand on his own ribs surprised him anyway as Nathan tried to launch a counter attack, turning it into a stupid tickle fight that had Youssef giggling like a child. His tickle spots were definitely not limited to just his ribs, which Nathan discovered quickly. He was almost grateful, because it introduced him to a new smile which would compete with that fond one he was so, well, fond of: one of pure delight.
“Do you give up?” Nathan asked, having pinned him to the bed with a hand hovering over Youssef’s armpit, fingers wiggling so tauntingly it was nearly too much.
But Youssef found he wasn’t ready for it to stop, wasn’t ready for the touching and playfulness and teasing words to end, even if it meant he embarrassed himself with how giggly it turned him, how much he blushed each time Nathan paused to let him breathe.
He jutted his chin out. “Never.”
Nathan tilted his head. “Oh really? Suit yourself then.”
Youssef almost screamed when the fingers dug into his armpit again, gentle yet firm in how they curled into the skin. Nathan had his arm pinned with his other hand, having straddled his hips in a way that Youssef would think of for weeks to come. His own free hand was of little use, although he did use it to tickle Nathan’s ribs when he felt he couldn’t take it anymore, which promptly made him stop.
“Hey!” He covered the spot which Youssef had poked. “That’s cheating.”
“How is that cheating?” Youssef asked, his voice laced in a laugh. “You’re the one torturing me.”
“I didn’t hear you complaining.”
Maybe his words had carried too much truth, or maybe he’d seen the way Youssef had flushed, because Nathan was suddenly getting off of him and Youssef found he missed him already.
“I kind of fancy room service,” he said. “You reckon they’re still open?”
Youssef shifted on the bed, aware of how undressed he was. “You could check.”
Nathan grabbed the phone off the bedside table. “What do you want? My treat.”
Youssef shook his head. “I’m not hungry.”
“You sure?”
He nodded and said, trying to be funny, “Dinner usually tends to happen before nights like these, right?”
Nathan laughed. Youssef wished so badly that he would kiss him again.
Much later, after Youssef had been freaking out for several days straight, Nathan took him out to dinner and then kissed him all night.
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I finished the second episode of Heartstopper last night (wanted to post about it yesterday, but I was too tired from work), so here are some of my thoughts in no particular order for you now.
Good on Nick for checking up on Charlie after what happened. I found it odd, though, that he seemed more emotional about it than Charlie, but I guess they're in two very different places, mentally. One being 'why do I seem to like this guy way more than my other friends?' & the other being 'omg stop being so nice to me, your straight!' lol. Plus, I get that everyone deals with stuff in their own way & poor Charlie is probably so used to being mistreated that he might just be repressing the full weight of how his feeling as a copeing mechanism. It was also probably very cathartic to finally tell someone everything that happened between him & Ben (as I'm guessing he kept most if not all of it a secret from his friends & sister).
WE FINALLY MEET NELLIE!!!! And she is as cute as I'd hoped (though for some reason I expected her to be a different colour).
Sorry, Charlie, but Tori's right. Your hair looks exactly the same. Also, love that they kept the gag from the novel about her scaring him with her, always showing up suddenly without warning.
Nice to see that the outfits are on point for our boys so far with the plaid/black jeans (trying to impress someone, I see Charlie) & T-shirt/joggers (also what product is Miss Nelson using coz Nick's tops look soft as hell).
Wait, what season is it supposed to be because it looked really sunny when Charlie was walking to Nick's house (I know he was wearing a coat & hat but Charlie is always cold) but then suddenly it's snowing? Idk when Alice first came up with this story, but as a Brit, I haven't seen proper full on Snow since I was probably around eight years old. But hey, maybe in the Heartstopper universe, global warming doesn't exist.
I don’t care what anyone says, I will never get the fun of a snowball fight. If I go somewhere with a friend & they start throwing stuff at me, I'm leaving! Also, picking it up with your bare hands? One, it's been on the ground 🤢, and two, where are your gloves? Do you not feel the cold? Snow angles do look fun until I think about how my entire behind would be frozen/damp. Sorry if that makes me a "stick in the mud", I don't care 😝.
Damn, that is one photogenic dog & and aww, they already look like a couple. Also, give it up for Nick's freckles, the real star of the show 👏.
Omg, being in the same group as someone you hate must be so hard, but I get why Nick can't really say anything about what Ben did, at least not right now. Also, what is up with that Imogen girl? Mind your damn business.
I think it's good we get to see Elle longing for a bond with other girls that she just can't get from her male friend group. Makes her transition feel more fleshed out (for lack of a better word), you know?
Yay, we finally meet Tara & Darcy & they're exactly how I thought they'd be (except I imagined Darcy with brown hair for some reason). Ooh I didn't know Elle was artistic. I wanna decorate pencil cases now. Tara's pink puffa coat is so cute. What is up with adults dictating how long kids' hair can be? Like who gives a fuck! Also "gal pals" had me 😆.
Oh, thank god, it's just misinformation. For a second, I thought Tao was making shit up just to make Charlie get over his crush. Are kids really like that, though? I can't imagine kissing someone once & having people insist, I'm madly in love with them to this day, like move on already.
Ok, I officially really like the gay teacher, lol.
Love Charlie's sweater & Nick's coats are also very nice. Where are these kids getting their clothes? Coz I'm embarrassed by most of the stuff I wore as a teenager.
The big hoodie moment should be cute, but I just can't help thinking about how skinny Charlie is, which makes me ☹️.
Ok, so I didn't care much for the leaf animation in the first episode, but omg, the little fire crackles when Nick was trying to hold Charlie's hand? Screaming, crying, throwing up!!!!!!! & the hug before he left? Fucking crops watered for life, bitch!
Was digging Elle's outfit, very 70's vibes.
Ah, so their "secret" is out. Also obligatory: 🗣 LET'S GO LESBIANS LET'S GO 🗣
Can't wait for the next episode, but I practically passed out after watching episode 2 (manual labour is hard, kids 😭), so maybe I hallucinated, but did that Imogen girl ask Nick out? I thought she was daiting Ben? Or is that a different girl?
PS. I found out Aled won't be in the show, which I accept & the only reason I haven't talked about Isaac is because he hasn't really done much yet
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