#i may have gotten very emotional over this realization in the difference of my reactions
Watching Heartstopper season 2 showed just how far I've come in a year.
Season 1 truly did so much for how comfortable I was in myself and my bisexuality, I changed so much in the year and half-ish since and now I'm so comfortable in who I am and have come so far that watching season 2 I felt like I was more so cheering Nick on and being so proud of him, instead of his experiences helping me like they did oh so much last year. Almost like I've come so far in the year that now I was waiting for him to catch up to me. And like I owe so much of that groundwork to Heartstopper and could never have been where I am now without it.
Like I'm sitting here so comfortable in myself that I can just be happy and emotional for him instead of happy and emotional WITH him and that realization showed just how much growth I have had. Like I owe a lot of things to Heartstopper but one thing I'm so so grateful for is that it has given me this support that led me here where I can be all "you can do it, baby" "you've got this" "you can do it!!" "Yayyyyyy :))" without one ounce of wishing I could do the same cause I KNOW I can all thanks to what it gave me a year ago.
Like I'm never going to get over how thankful I am for having this show and for everything Alice has done to make it this perfect lifeline of queerness.
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siren-nate · 28 days
The AvA crew are masters of body language
It might seem obvious, given how emotional the stories are despite being told with characters that don't have facial expressions or dialogue, but I never realized just how incredible the body language is in these animations until a recent rewatch with a friend (@butchpeabody) who really pointed it out and emphasized it to me.
I want to talk about it a bit using what may be my favorite scene across the entire series, that being the scene of King in the void during the climax of Season 3.
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Even after the point in the story where we learned his sympathetic backstory, King is a character that lives up to his crown by being a villain of imposing presence and even an appreciation for finery. But after the moment where he cracks and tries to save Purple in the middle of a full-blown PTSD attack, this is the very next scene we see of him. He's haggard, hunched over, walking listlessly with none of the intimidation or class we've gotten used to seeing from him. For an antagonist defined by his determination and refusal to stop or slow down for even a moment, this is already striking even before he finds the memory of his house.
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It's an incredibly subtle thing that lasts less than a second, but I love how he has to duck his head down to fit under the doorway due to his crown. It's symbolic of something important: this place was once his home, but now that he's finally returning to it with his descent into obsessive villainy completed, it feels alien and uncomfortable. He's no longer the man that lived here as long as that crown sits on his head.
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The first thing in this entire scene that gets some spark of emotion out of him and breaks his listless walk is the chalk appearing on the wall.
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And when that vision continues, reminding him of how this alien world took his child away from him, he doesn't move. His lack of reaction IS a reaction; you can imagine the stony look on his face as he silently agrees with his past actions to destroy an entire universe just to get revenge for Gold.
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But then that finally changes when he sees all of the living beings that the drawing of himself is hurting. His head raises in shock, and you can imagine his eyes widening as he has to grapple with his actions for the first time. The moment his empathy cracks through, that crown is completely off-screen, reminding us of the caring man smothered underneath it.
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And then, Gold appears. It makes sense that seeing the child he lost enter the vision gets the biggest reaction out of him yet...
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...and that reaction gets even bigger when he sees what "King" is doing to his child's memory.
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For the first time since he started on his revenge quest, his composure shatters. He starts beating on the wall, desperate to make the vision stop, to undo all of the harm he's caused, to take back all of the mistakes he's made wielding his memory of his child like a cudgel. He only becomes ever more frantic and desperate when Gold turns into Purple, and it fully sinks in for him that he's become the evil force he imagined in his head just to have something to take revenge on. He never wanted to cause anybody the same pain he went through, but not only did he dehumanize all the residents of this universe in his mind, his endless rage has even started hurting people that come from the same dimension as him.
The imagery of King desperately beating on a wall with everything he has is absolutely vital to this episode; it shows up twice in his backstory, and for the third and final time here. The first time, it represents how he couldn't save Gold. The second time, it represents how pointless his mission to avenge them is.
But the third time is different.
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Because the third time...
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The wall finally breaks.
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You can see him standing there in shock. He expected it to be just as indestructible as every other time, expected his struggle to be just as futile as always. Because that's always been King's fatal flaw: short-sightedness. An inability to consider "And then what?", or to look at what he's doing and ask himself if it's worth it, or to think of something better he could do.
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But when he raises his head and looks, he finally gets it. Now, the wall is breakable - because he does have something better he can do with himself.
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It takes a second for him to get over his shock and put it all together, but once he does, he's not walking anymore. He's running like his life depends on it.
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Purple's screentime in this scene is much shorter, but it's no less impactful or brilliant in its execution. They raise their head as they hear footsteps, but just like King seeing a false vision meant to show him the truth, Purple doesn't see him running at them - they see Indigo.
They stand up, but it's just as slow as how King walked earlier. They don't care that Indigo is back, not really - they've moved on from how their parent abandoned them. But they still care enough to stand up to find out what the hell Indigo wants.
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At first, Purple almost seems like they expect to be attacked and hurt again. In which case, it's extremely powerful that they don't move to defend themself...
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...and even moreso that because of that split-second vulnerability, King is able to practically tackle-hug them unimpeded.
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Again, purely through body language, you can see so clearly how Purple has absolutely no idea how to react. Being held so tightly by someone who cares about them so much is something they haven't experienced in years.
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But just as King can let go of his painful past to make a better life in the present...
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So can Purple.
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I suspect I know the answer but. AITA for "disappearing" from my online accounts pretty regularly?
I (22) have been fairly active in online fandom culture since I was ~13. Most of that has been on tumblr, some on twitter/tiktok/discord. I bounce around between different fandoms-- there's not really any one fandom that has stuck since I was a kid-- and I'm not a big creator. I don't do art, I occasionally write fanfic but never anything that's gotten super famous (which I'm cool with, I write for the enjoyment of myself and the like 5 other freaks who like the same things I do. it would honestly really bother me if I got too much attention.)
I also have some issues with paranoia and social detachment. I dealt with rather severe childhood abuse, which I'm not going to discuss, but which basically means I'm very emotionally detached. I have solo hobbies i really enjoy, and I like discussing common interests (like fandom stuff) with people, but I've never really had friends/romantic interests, and have zero interest in either of those things. The only people I'm really close to are my siblings. I'm definitely not an introvert, not shy/socially anxious, and not lonely. I have morals and care about society in a general sense, and I want the best for people, so I try to be polite and a Good Person as much as possible-- but ultimately I don't feel any kind of attachment to other people. I really don't want to hurt people, I just want to be left alone.
I really try to politely communicate this to people, since I've had quite a few incidents where I've been told I "lead people on", or people thinking we're friends and then getting upset when they realize I really don't care that much about them. It does make me feel bad to hurt others like that (and is also frustrating to deal with), but I can't exactly force myself to have emotions. I get along well with my irl coworkers/classmates/roommates, since they understand I just need a lot of space. Where I may be TA is with online friends.
About once every 6-12 months, I delete my entire online presence and start over. I orphan my ao3 fics, delete any and all accounts, and make sure my new accounts don't in any way link back to my old accounts. Usually when I do this it's because 1 I've changed interests and don't care about my old fandom, or 2 I feel like the people I know online start getting too close and emotionally attached to me. I usually post an explanation a few days before so people don't think something bad happened, saying that I'm going to be taking a break from social media for a while, and if anyone asks me for another way to contact me I just say I'm going to be completely offline. Then I just.... wipe everything and start over. I don't really know what my old mutuals are doing and don't particularly care? Like obviously I wish all the best for them, but I just don't think about them at all.
I've been doing this since I was a young teenager, but I was discussing fandom/social media presence with some irl classmates recently and brought it up. The reactions ranged from "weird but harmless" to "super mean and hurtful to the people you abandoned".
So: tumblr, AITA for disappearing?
What are these acronyms?
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aida-sparks · 6 months
Buddie Season 7 Hype and "Brothers" Rumor
I know some of us may have seen the "brother" rumors floating around, hinting that an upcoming Buck and Eddie scene this season might officially cast their relationship as strictly platonic.
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Some fans just want to live in the buddie moment and be happy after the stills and 7x04 synopsis dropped. I get it. It's fun being on the buddie train. But some are worried now that they've gotten their hopes up. I get that too. So I just wanted to talk about it here on my little buddie blog. If you're unbothered by it, definitely scroll past this post.
Firstly, we don't know yet if they will actually call each other brothers or not. It's just rumors at this point, from what I can tell. And if even if they do, we don't know the full context of it or either character's reaction to it. Secondly, just the way the show has stirred up the buddie hype this season makes me want to believe the "brother" dialogue that may or may not even happen would NOT be meant to shut down buddie canon hope once and for all.
While I don't think we're getting a clear and true, full out buddie-feelings-realization in these next couple episodes, it would be very cruel if the show instead went in the extreme opposite direction and defined their relationship as "like brothers" at the end of this particular storyline that has fans so hyped up, if their intention in doing so is meant to cement their relationship in the general audience's eyes as brotherly only. Let's be real: the show has ramped up the marketing attention on Buck and Eddie this season like never before. From pre-releasing a ton of Buck-and-Eddie-centric stills to the decision of pairing Ryan and Oliver together so damn much for promotions … all actions not seen on this level in any previous seasons.
To me, that demonstrates the show's intentions to build hope for buddie rather than dash it.
Especially because we know the show KNOWS their audience. I think the show knows how to market to the buddie fandom, even when they're marketing differently to the rest of the general audience and other potential viewers. They are acutely aware that the buddie fans tend to be dialed in, always seeing the episode stills the instant they're released, waiting on pins and needles for the next synopsis to drop, theorizing, reading each article, devouring every interview, examining bts details, etc. They tend to be highly engaged fans.
The showrunners and powers-that-be know how this promotional content is perceived and are aware of the fandom's dedication, and so have fed into the fervor with strategically released content for calculated engagement. And now we have the carefully worded synopsis for 7x04, where we've been told Eddie will form a close bond with someone else, and Buck will be envious over it. It's obvious how buddie fans will perceive this. So for them to pivot so sharply and end up defining Buck and Eddie's relationship as nothing more than brotherly after such a known buildup would not only be a massive letdown but might also be perceived as an uncaring bait-and-switch tactic. And I really don't they would do that to their fans.
They wouldn't hype us up to the top of a cliff knowing they're only going to throw us off it, right?
I don't want to get into if it would be queer baiting or not; the situation isn't black and white, and I don't think it's blatant enough to be considered anything like that. It's more about the emotional investment the fans have made, based on the carefully crafted cues the show has provided them with. The ethical route, if the showrunner's intention this season was always to solidify buddie as a brotherly bond with no romantic potential, would have been to firmly manage expectations from the start rather than amplifying them to the point of no return going into this network change and new season. To sum up here, the buildup we've been given around Buck and Eddie lately leads me to hope we're moving in an optimistic direction that will eventually culminate in the chance for a buddie romance at some point in the series. At the very least, I hope it means we're not going to have our hopes crushed entirely and see Buck and Eddie be officially friend-zoned. (Even though we can certainly still ship them to eternity and beyond regardless, it means so much if them going canon remain a possibility.)
To officially redefine Buck and Eddie's pairing in strictly platonic terms now, after all these seasons, would not only be a disservice to an incredibly invested fanbase but also a hell of a missed opportunity to go on and explore a rich relationship in a more dynamic way, especially as buddie has captivated viewers for so long in a slow-burn sense already.
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galebrainrot2024 · 8 months
Gale Seeking Godhood Part 6 Paths 2 & 3
Bear with me because after this part, paths 2 and 3 will diverge thus this one is shorter than usual. Hope you enjoy!
Gale POV
“See you soon.” Raphael's words spun in an endless web, muddling Gale’s mind. Now, more than ever, Gale was at a crossroads. What did Raphael mean when he said that celestial would quake? That he had presumed every possible outcome - that ambition was a delicious sin… and a dreadful weapon. Spewing useless nonsense, as always, Gale thought. 
Gale had come this far and he didn’t intend to let an insignificant fool of a devil dissuade him. When he went to sit, he noted the parchment that was left on his desk resting atop the Annuals of Karsus. He fingered the page, the paper heavier than expected. It read: 
It is a great paradox among wizards who so value the art of learning, that we believe ourselves ever cannier than the ones who came before. If envy is the disease of the artist, hubris, is that of the wizard. Though I fear my warning will fall on deaf ears, I will say it again: the closer, a wizard creeps to the domain of the divine, the closer oblivion creeps with him. 
I thought myself an equal to Mystra and devised a plan to make myself her equal. I would pluck one strand of Weave and contain it within an amulet I spent the better portion of the years devising. How regret instantly heaved itself upon my head. I was trapped within the amulet instantaneously, and passed around from collector to curio-hall for the better part of a millennium. Only now that I am freed, with barely the strength to hold my quill, can I leave this final warning as a testimony. 
Gale snorted and rolled his eyes. The drama of it all was starting to grate at his nerves. A wiser mind perhaps would have recognized the clear warnings, despite the message being delivered by a devil. A more sensible person may have heard the concerns of their loved ones at least if not that of the cambion. Gale did not realize that within Raphael’s words there was truth yet to be heeded. 
Gale sat at the desk, putting the parchment to the side and ran his fingers over The Annals of Karsus. Within these pages was the preamble to Netheril's downfall, committed to parchment by the very hand that wrought its destruction. He had gotten to know the pages intimately, perhaps more so than himself. 
As he felt the rough pages a memory returned to him, the moment that you and he entered the vaults at Sorceries Sundries, the moment you handed the book to him. He had been filled with awe, curiosity, and an intense need for the Crown when he held it in his hands. He allowed himself to fall into the memory.
“That devil Raphael was telling the truth. There is no doubt – the Crown of Karsus is what’s controlling the elder brain. And this – this is no mere journal. It contains the original plans for the crowns construction. His designs for godhood.”
He remembered you asking, “A design you can follow?” He tried to picture your face, tried to attune to the emotions that flashed before him, but that was lost to time. He was so enthralled by the possibility the crown offered he had paid little attention to your reaction. This realization sends a pang of regret through him as the memory unravels.
“Not from scratch – unless you happen to have several pounds of the purest Netherese metals in the pack of yours?” Gale had said cheekily, “What’s called for here is something altogether different. If we can collect the Crown’s setting, the three Netherstones, and with the correct invocation of certain spells and gestures, detailed in these notes… I think I could reforge it. It could be the best thing that ever happened to me.” Gale quickly amended, “To us. Just think of it… the power of the Gods in mortal hands at last. We’d be free of doctrine and dogma, confined only by the limits of our imaginations. We must discuss this further. Privately. Find me later and I will show you something truly divine.”
Gale held his head in his hands, his elbows resting on the desk at present. As the memory continued, he was wrought with the worry he should have done something different. Had you meant it? Had he pushed you too far, projecting his wishes onto you? Had he been so blind? His stomach churned as he thought of the moment he shared the outer planes with you, searching for your trust. Ensuring your belief in him. Declaring his love and devotion for you. 
“Few mortals ever glimpse what you’re about to see - but don’t be alarmed. I’m here with you. Open your eyes.” Gale remembered how your hands lithely pulled at the strings of the celestial planes, the vibrant and surreal colors swirling around you. How lovely you had looked as you both marveled at the abyss. Gale was beaming, his eyes fixed on you. 
“The outer plans… this is where the Gods dwell. Where they observe us from afar. Where they make play things of us. They would keep all of this from us – the power, the possibilities. They only want us to serve them, pray to them… and ultimately die for them. But what if we didn’t need them? What if we wielded their power instead and helped ourselves in all the ways they refused to. I could make that happen. I could make this illusion a reality, with you by my side.” He remembered holding your hands in his, how you both seemed to shake and buzz from the adrenaline of it all. How bewildered you appeared and how beautiful in the realms above. He had never been so in love with you. 
“Claim Godhood?” He remembered the uncertainty when you said this so he quickly reassured you.  
“I don’t want to join them, I want to better them. A Gods power paired with a mortal conscious, a mortal heart. The tadpoles, the orb - these threats to our existence – the gods could aid us if they wished, but instead they cower behind Ao. So let us act ourselves. With the power of the crown, any foe would be rendered impotent. Any obstacle would be dwarfed by our mite. I used to believe Mystra’s forgiveness was worth dying for. But I was wrong. You showed me just how much I have to live for.” Gale had pulled you closer, his brown eyes pleading you to understand. To accept him. “With you, I forget my goddess. I love you. Tell me you feel the same way. Tell me you want what I want. Please.”
His heart had sunk, your next words stung: “That power will corrupt you even if you can seize it.” 
Gale had insisted, “I won’t, I swear to you. It’s merely a tool – a means to an end. You told me once to choose you, the one who loved me. That’s what this is all about. Do you doubt me?” 
“If you believe this can be done.. then I believe in you.” Relief had flooded him then as you leaned in to kiss him, your lips crashing towards one another. Yet now, as he reminisced, your warning rang more clearly.
The power will corrupt you.
Gale scoffed, standing so abruptly that his chair nearly fell back. He felt betrayed - more than betrayed. He felt abandoned, left to lick his wounds like an animal despite sharing in that intimacy together. Despite you saying this is what you wanted, too. Did you have so little faith in him? The feeling was somehow worse than when Mystra cast him out. It felt more visceral. Human. 
Gale sighed, rubbing his face with his hand anxiously. He was second-guessing things. This was the trouble with being clever - he had to be right, probe all avenues, consider all possibilities. He knew when he overindulged in impulsivity the results were often catastrophic. Yet, when you walked this path beside him he was confident in his actions - confident seizing the power of the crown was in your best interests. 
Now, he was not so sure. 
He once thought himself someone of reasonably sound moral judgement, his entire purpose of reforging the crown to behold a new kind of God. A better God. As he sat alone in his study with nothing but his thoughts for company, he wondered whether or not he was making the right decision. At the precipice of Godhood and he was sweatier than a bugbears armpit. He had never felt more alone.
He chewed on his lip, mulling over the memories and over what Raphael said. All of it would be irrelevant if he couldn’t decode the final markings in the text and Raphael would eventually find the stones if he didn’t act. Sighing, he sat back down and opened the heavy book to try again. 
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zuzsenpai · 22 days
Deep dive into my personal thoughts on determining if I am autistic. Feel free to read or not read, but please refrain from dismissive language. I'm just trying to get this stuff written down and posted, because often that's cathartic for me. TW for negativity, mentions of mental illness, and verbal/emotional abuse.
I’ve been seriously considering the idea that I’m autistic for a little over a year now (probably longer if I’m being honest), though a conversation with a good friend yesterday sparked an interest in putting everything into writing. This past year was exceptionally bad as far as mental health is concerned, and I generally assumed depression and anxiety were responsible for a lot of my issues getting worse. And that’s definitely true. But as I thought about myself and became more aware of certain traits I have and things I do and say and think outside of just a depression standpoint, I kept wondering if I’ve been framing some things wrong for years. I had always assumed that certain things I do are “wrong” and “bad” because they’re caused by depression. When in fact they might be features of myself that can be reframed and understood better and I can learn to accept them. I’ve been wondering if getting screened for autism might be useful for me. I still don’t know. A lot of the things I’m about to list sound really negative. But I want to learn how to love myself and take care of myself so that positivity can come out of this.
So anyway, here are some things I do or think that, if I get screened for autism or at least dip my toes into the community, I might be able to understand more clearly. Not all of these are signs of autism, and some can absolutely be attributed to depression or self esteem issues, which I do have. But I want to get all of this down anyway.
Social anxiety. I have a lot of it. Always have, though I tended to mask it better in school. In my 30s, I’m not forced to interact with people outside of work, so my social anxiety has only gotten worse. I’m god awful at social interactions with almost everyone. Especially in-person social interactions (online is easier, though I tend to not have much to say in online conversations). Very close friends and immediate family are the only people I feel I can speak to properly, but even then I get nervous and have to really think before I say something. I think very carefully before every social interaction, and ponder them constantly afterwards. I tend to cancel plans VERY frequently if I feel like I can’t handle being around more people than just my close friends or immediate family. And when I am with new people, I fret constantly about being perceived as awkward. Which brings me to…
I have a deep fear of being perceived as awkward or weird. Of being recognized as someone who can’t communicate normally. I feel like an alien wandering around at all times. Everything I say sounds awkward coming from my mouth. Speaking leads to embarrassment. I sit in a room filled with extended family and all I can think of is how I can seem “normal” without having to talk to them. Because of this, I have become hyperaware of visual cues/facial cues/reactions of other people around me when I’m near them or speaking to them. I always thought that “recognizing social cues” meant that I couldn’t have autism. But I think in this case, I may have just worked extra hard to notice people’s reactions because of the fear of being perceived as different. I trained myself, if that makes sense. Though sometimes I realize too late that I actually said something weird, and I stress about it for weeks. Which brings me to…
I vocal stim. Because of my horrible fear of being perceived as awkward, I tend to replay social interactions in my head over and over for days and weeks after they happen. My brain does this thing where the moment I start to think about an awkward interaction, I immediately and involuntarily say a specific word out loud. It doesn’t happen in public while I’m in the situations, but it does happen every time I think about them afterwards, usually when I’m alone. This is a frequent, daily occurrence. I think of the vocal stim as trying to help me stop thinking about the thing, or reminding me that I’m thinking about it in the first place. When I hear myself say the word, I inwardly cringe for a moment, then try to refocus on something else. The word has changed a couple times over the years, but it’s usually the name of a fictional character I really like at the time.
I know this one will sound more like severe depression, but… My executive dysfunction is bad. REAL BAD. I have entire rooms of my house filled with garbage and junk because I can’t take a single step to clean and sort. Even the idea of taking a small step is stressful for me. Organization is a huge challenge. Starting any kind of task that involves cleaning or organizing gets me confused and anxious. And often even fun hobby tasks seem impossible to start or do, because my brain constantly tells me I don’t actually want to do them.
Also I space out and can’t focus when someone, like my mom, is talking to me. She complains that I don’t listen to details when she’s talking and she claims I “do it on purpose to spite her”. When in reality, I do it without thinking. It causes poor memory issues. One specific and horrible example is from last Christmas. My mom said she wanted new pot holders for Christmas— a specific kind that aren’t “mittens” and don’t include silicone grips, but instead are made of really thick fabric. She told me this a couple times, but for some reason I couldn’t process the details, or I immediately forgot them because I didn’t write them down. I eventually told my sibling that she could get the pot holders for my mom and I would get her something else on her list. But I neglected to tell my sibling any of the details of what my mom wanted. So my sibling got her really nice, big silicone grip oven mitts. When my mom opened them, she immediately said: “this isn’t what I wanted. Kristin I told you exactly what I wanted a dozen times. Did you seriously not listen? Why don’t you listen to me?” So in essence, I had completely ruined my sibling’s gift to my mom. I broke down and started sobbing. On Christmas. In front of my family. At age 35. My mom got really angry and told me I was crying on purpose to get sympathy, and that there’s no excuse for not listening to her, and that I’m being spiteful. I tried to explain to my family that lately I’ve been feeling like my brain doesn’t work properly. I don’t know if they really “got it”. It was AWFUL. I’m tearing up just thinking about it. Anyway… on to other things…
When I get a new project at work, I have to ask a lot of questions and talk it out for a while with my manager (who is very patient), pretty much every time. Just takes a while to process things. I spiral a little if I don’t have all the facts of a project right away. And speaking of not processing, please do not ask me to play a card or board game with a zillion rules. My brain shuts down. I get overwhelmed just thinking about it and I get stressed when someone invites me to play a game I’ve never played before.
I often take things people say too seriously, or it takes me a while to process what they are joking about with enough time to respond properly. I work extremely hard to mask this. I do understand sarcasm and jokes, but often I don’t know how to react to them. For instance, I have an uncle (Uncle Mike) who is notorious for saying incomprehensible shit and making inscrutable jokes about people (I’m sure you can guess that he is NOT my favorite relative). I was with him the other day, along with another uncle (Uncle Dave) who I hadn’t seen in years. My dad said something like “oh everybody’s gone through a lot of dog drama this year”. Which is true, though I personally don’t have a dog and did not have “dog drama”. Uncle Mike turned to Uncle Dave and just said offhandedly “Oh don’t bring the dog drama up around Kristin.” The comment made zero sense and I didn’t recognize it as a bizarre joke right away (he didn’t even know my cat was sick). So I felt the need to defend myself to my other uncle. I turned to Uncle Dave and said “well no, I don’t have dog drama but I do have cat drama. My cat was sick and had surgery, but he’s doing a lot better now.” Then I kind of went off on a tangent explaining the cat’s surgery. My Uncle in turn had no idea how to react to this. So I felt extremely awkward afterwards and sat there quietly contemplating how fucking awkward I am and how I can’t take a joke (even when the jokes are inscrutable). Anyway.
I get VERY overstimulated and anxious when my parents force me to come with them to local hockey games (they love going). I despise it. The competitiveness, the angry fans, the tension, the fighting on the ice… it’s awful. It sounds weird and counterintuitive, but I’m able to distract myself with the advertisements on the digital screens and the Jumbotron. But actually watching the game? Can’t do it. Serious overstimulation.
I have physical tics. I’ve cycled through different ones over the years— digging my fingernail into my palm, licking my lips, torso and neck twisting… etc.
I eat the same food every day. Takes A LOT to get me to branch out. I’m really picky. There are foods (like cheese, garlic, and fish) that just the idea of eating them makes me physically ill. I’ve actually puked from smelling mac & cheese and garlic pretzels cooking in the oven. I don’t have food texture issues, but I’m hypersensitive to taste and smell. I gag ALL the time when trying new foods, so I tend to avoid them.
I do hyperfixate on occasion. It’s not particularly extreme, but it does occur. Especially when I am too burnt out to do anything else, I find a single thing I really like doing at the time and become consumed by doing that one thing that makes me happy. Whether it’s writing fanfic for days on end or editing Digimon BGM or identifying bugs, I tend to ignore other tasks in favor of that one thing.
And finally, the suspected autistic burnout, which I am experiencing right now. I went through a VERY stressful August with my cat needing emergency surgery and his anxiety-inducing recovery. During that time and since then, my brain has been completely unable to start or focus on ANY task. I mindlessly scroll tumblr wishing I could do anything other than that, but feeling anxiety when I try. I’m exhausted. Everything makes me exhausted. Existing makes me mentally and physically exhausted. I’ve been really withdrawn.
Anyway, in general, I’ve always felt that I didn’t have traits that would get me diagnosed as autistic. And there’s a good chance I won’t be diagnosed. But I do have some traits. Maybe? My problem is fear of not being accepted and understood, because people in my life will think I’m “too old to be diagnosed” or “exaggerating” or “just have depression”. I have a childhood friend who got diagnosed a few years ago. When she told her mom she had autism, her mom was insulted, angry, and dismissive. Her mom brought out the “is it my fault? Was I a bad mother? There’s no way my child has autism” cards. Knowing my own mother and how she reacts to anything I tell her about myself, she would do the same thing. She would tell me I’m over-exaggerating and making stuff up in my head. And having my mom be insulted by my autism is a deep fear, because when she says dismissive things, they tend to burn into my mind for eternity. Like when I was 21 and she told me “don’t think you’re gay just because your friends are gay.” GOD that was a bad one. That one line held me back from understanding my sexuality for well over a decade, and it still haunts the back of my mind. I can’t imagine what her dismissing me as neurodivergent would do. The fight and guilt tripping and dismissiveness it would cause would be outrageously terrible for my mental health. My mom is staunchly anti-psychiatry, so I guess I will never EVER tell her. Maybe her acceptance wouldn’t make me feel better anyway.
But other people’s acceptances— the people who truly matter— might be what I’m looking for. I don’t know what to make of anything I just wrote down. I said a lot of things about myself… and it would be nice to frame some of them more positively, and to work on certain things with a better knowledge of who I am.
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childabusesurvivor · 2 years
Living in Survival Mode
New Post has been published on https://www.childabusesurvivor.net/reviews/2023/01/09/living-in-survival-mode/
Living in Survival Mode
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I found this description of what it’s like to live in survival mode by Chaitali Gursahani very fitting:
It turns out, I wasn’t overreactive or sensitive at all. I was in survival mode, and my body and mind perceived everything as a threat. My body tried to keep me safe from anything remotely different by putting me into a fight, flight, or freeze state. My mind was generally hyper vigilant of others’ moods and reactions. So, my body didn’t know how to relax, and it was exhausted over the years.
As I have gotten older and healthier, I find myself “overreacting” much less. (Yes, I’m putting quotes around it because while it may seem like an overreaction to an outsider, in our heads as survivors, there’s nothing over about any of it.) As I pondered that description, I realized there are places where the idea of having a sensitive or strong reaction seems very unlikely, and yet there are places where it still happens today. You may ask, what’s the difference between those places?
In a word, it’s safety. When I feel safe, I am not living in survival mode. When I do not feel safe, I am constantly in survival mode. At home with my wife, I feel safe. I don’t overreact, we rarely argue, and I rarely have a strong emotional fight, flight, or freeze reaction. I exist safely without the need for that.
The same thing happens at work when I feel safe, secure in my role, and confident about my abilities. However, when I don’t feel safe, feel like my job is at risk, or feel less confident about my abilities, I am more likely to react from my survival mode.
Maybe, instead of blaming people for overreacting, we should consider for a moment why they do not feel safe. And instead of beating ourselves up for overreacting, we consider how to ground ourselves and remind ourselves of our safety when the need arises.
As survivors, our healing depends on our ability to create a life where we feel safe. That means both being in a safe place and learning to recognize that safety to get out of this constant survival mode. That mode is not sustainable. It was never meant to be a constant state of being.
  #Emotion, #Healing, #Survivors
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I was thinking about my reaction to the latest chapter of Floornight again
First, I had to realize I'm still really confused about what is going on here, even though I've read at least four more chapters since yesterday's. The narrative voice has become increasingly detached from the narrative events and the reader increasingly comes to understand things from outside perspectives, so much so that in the last chapter's narration it seemed like a different author (or perhaps an entirely different person) was writing the story
Second, as in my reaction to the most recent Floornight chapter, what I have been feeling about that story over the last couple of weeks was "this is too weird not to be worth reading"
(That is, reading further and reading carefully, there is a huge amount of plot content and ideas and character interaction, even though there are so many ways I could read that plot content and the whole thing seems very much "the sum of its parts," as though what they are putting down is already familiar enough in the way that people write stories, and only their own particular style is new and distinctive)
It occurred to me that what I'm having in my reaction to the story – in particular, the feeling that the weirdness is worth reading – is actually a sort of affective reading of the story
I guess I'm getting at a level of narrative immersion which depends on emotional connection with the characters. There are some stories where I read them more slowly for that reason, because they require me to care more about the characters to really get their feel, but where they do manage to do that it really works, and the whole thing flows more smoothly. Sometimes I have felt this way about relatively light reading of certain short stories, too – not ones like "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas" or "Poe's Law," but ones like "The Eye," where I found myself liking the characters so much that for a while I was willing to sit and "read" the story for that feeling alone.
I suspect there are some stories where this is what is happening with my reaction, but that that is not the norm for the audience, and that that is one of those "stories where the audience has gotten to a point that they would rather not do it." That may not be what is happening at all! Maybe the author is not putting down a new story that the readers have never heard or read before in their lives. Maybe they are trying something very different, something that I wouldn't necessarily expect, and maybe that is why it seems so unfamiliar. But I think there might be other cases where people read it a certain way, and a lot of those cases will have to do with the characters and their emotional reactions. Maybe that has to do with the fact that our experience of narrative (and "media") is filtered through our emotional connection to our audience members and the audience members' emotional response, even when they are "reading for plot," because they are more immersed in the story that way.
This is an interesting and frustrating idea, but I think I need to put some thought into it before I'm able to put it into practice, which is why I'm writing it out here. I hope that posting it will help me figure something out later
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mossy-rainfrog · 3 years
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[Image ID: A digital drawing of Martin and Jon in season 1 of the Magnus Archives. Martin is seen out in the archives hallway, through the doorway to Jon’s office. Martin a fat Black man with short coily hair, round glasses, and snake bite lip piercings. He wears a blue sweater over a white collared shirt, and carries a brown satchel with him. Martin is looking over his shoulder with interest as he walks into work, and in a smaller panel to the side, we see Jon watching him with wide eyes. Jon is a thin Persian person with long greying hair tied back in a low bun, and rectangular glasses. He wears a red button down underneath a brown jacket, and is seated at the desk in his office. He stares out at Martin, looking flustered. There are small lines by Martin’s mouth indicating the piercings, and there are exclamation marks by Jon’s head indicating his reaction. End ID.]
I found an old fic in my notes about Martin dressing alt/punk outside of work and accidentally leaving on a small indicator of his usual fashion when he comes into the archives and I just. had to bring it back. Also, because I am still fond of it, please enjoy the aforementioned fic🥰:
Jon is having a difficult morning, to say the least. He had believed that coming into work an entire hour early would provide him with ample time to get a head start on today’s organizing, but that has decidedly not been case. He’s already had to take the statements of two utterly ridiculous liars who could barely keep the grins off of their faces as they recounted their ludicrous tale, and then listen to Elias subsequently dress down his so-called ‘attitude towards patrons’ for nearly half an hour, and suffice it to say, he would really like to get started on something that is actually worth his time.
He dislikes settling down with the more... difficult statements before all of his colleagues arrive, an attempt to keep them from interrupting his recordings to greet him, so once he’s finished his other menial tasks, he finds himself simply sitting and waiting for the ensemble of his assistants to arrive.
Tim and Sasha are the first - entering together as usual after having stopped for coffee on the way in - but Martin is slow to follow, taking nearly another fifteen minutes to arrive. It’s nearly ten past seven at that point, and once Jon hears Martin’s steps coming towards his office, he has half a mind to give the man yet another lecture on punctuality and work ethic. He gets as far enough as bracing his hands on the table to stand up, and then Martin appears in the doorway to his office, and he realizes something strikingly different about his appearance.
That is to say, Jon’s whole world narrows down very suddenly to the little black studs decorating the space underneath his bottom lip.
He’s staring, he knows he is, but Martin is busy looking down the hall for the moment, so Jon doesn’t force himself to tear his eyes away just yet. How long has he had his lip pierced, Jon wonders? Has it been there the whole time he’s known him? Has he only recently gotten it done? How? Why?
It’s hard to imagine Martin - soft, unassuming Martin who is far too large for the amount of space he crams himself into, always slouching, always pulling himself inwards as if he can make himself disappear - dressing in any way other than soft sweaters and slacks, but if Jon’s honest, he’s never actually seen the man outside of work. He has no idea how Martin chooses to dress himself when out from under the Institute’s rigid dress code, and this tiny window he’s been provided with is making him maddeningly curious.
He’s not... he doesn’t have feelings for Martin, aside from a general annoyance, occasionally marked with curiosity. He’s a professional, for God’s sake, not to mention that Martin’s very existence as a given is like a grain of sand in his eye, rubbing and irritating. Now he cuts clean through without even noticing. Jon itches to know more.
“Jon?” Martin’s voice tears him from his thoughts. “Is something wrong?”
Oh, shit. Jon can feel his gaze heat up as if he’s done something horribly wrong - how embarrassing that he can’t even keep a blush off of his face - but he still forces himself to open his mouth and stutter out an excuse. He means to remark on one of Martin’s missing reports, or the fact that he’s coming in nine minutes late, but what ends up leaving his mouth is; “Your lip is pierced.”
Just a sentence, not a question. He thinks he’s positively beet red. Martin freezes, the tips of his ears darkening visibly against his brown skin as his hand shoots to his mouth and his eyes widen.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry, I must have forgotten to take them out,” the poor man looks like he’s about to panic as he whips his gaze around as if to see if anyone else has noticed. “Don’t tell Elias, please, I’ve seen how he gets after Tim for the dress code, and there is no way, I mean no way—”
“Oh, n-no, it’s- I- it’s fine, really,” Jon raises his hands in defense as Martin rambles, for some reason inclined to reassure the man. “I won’t- I’m not- I’m not going to tell him.”
Martin hesitates, wringing his hands, apologies visible on every pore of his face. “I- Thank you. I’ll- I’ll go take it off. Christ, that’s embarrassing.”
“Only if you want,” Jon shrugs, which is definitely not the correct thing for him to say as a boss, and it definitely comes out a little gentler than he intends it to, and Jon is three seconds from screaming if he can’t figure out how to make himself react normally to this. It’s a non-traditional piercing in an academic institute of research; it’s against the rules, however dated they may be, and further than that, there is no reason for it to completely undo his composure the way that it has. He tries to get a hold of himself. “I-I mean, that’s likely for the best.”
Martin is giving him a funny look - probably a response to seeing the whole spectrum of human emotions flash across Jon’s face in a millisecond - but he still nods and says: “Sorry again. Thank you,” and then disappears down the corridor.
Jon immediately buries his face in his hands and sighs.
What is wrong with him? For God’s sake, he’s just seen Martin with a lip piercing, it’s not like he’s witnessed the man undressed. Besides, he works in an archive where he has to read statements about the intricacies of monsters that rip off people’s skin and suchlike every day, he should know how to keep his composure better than this. He should just move on with his day and focus without a problem, just like he does every morning.
Except, his mind keeps wandering back to it; the way the little studs had followed the shape of his mouth, the way they had quirked up when he flashed one of his nervous smiles, the way Jon is still desperately curious about what brought him to get them done, and also what it might feel like to brush a thumb, or perhaps even his lips over them.
Jon sits up so fast his head actually smacks against an open filing cabinet behind him. His mind is too busy reeling to notice the ache that fills his head, and he stares straight ahead with wide eyes and utterly scorching cheeks. Absolutely not. He absolutely did not just think about kissing Martin Blackwood. that was- that would be...
He blinks hard, clears his throat. It doesn’t matter what that was. He’s decidedly not interested in Martin Blackwood romantically, or in any other capacity given his truly ridiculous academic competence and his obnoxious habit of interrupting seemingly every stable thing Jon has in his life. He crushes the feeling down hard, locks it up in a box, stuffs it down under his lowest two ribs, and resolves himself never to open it again.
He is not going to keep thinking about this all day. He has work to do, and if something as simple as a pair of metal studs can distract him this badly, then he needs to make absolutely certain it doesn’t happen again.
He tells himself he’s not disappointed when he sees Martin without the piercings later that day.
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angelkurenai · 3 years
Oh baby dear - Chris Evans x Reader
Title: Oh baby dear
Pairing: Chris Evans x Surrogate!Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: After a trip that gives the chance to Chris to take a long-overdue break from his job, he comes back home with his mind made up to change his life. And even if it weren’t for the trip itself or meeting you, even though he had no idea if he’d ever see you again, he was determined to not wait any longer. Feeling ready to become a father he starts looking for a surrogate mother, only to end up finding you of all people.
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“Son of a guy. You meant it.” brown eyes were wide, and for the first couple seconds no other sound could be heard in the room. It almost felt like the words could echo in the room.
“You're really doing this.” the man's voice was filled with just as much shock as was painted all over his face. At least the woman behind him was more calm, sipping on her drink with an ease that would have been troubling, especially in such a case, if it wasn't known that she had long ago heard the news.
“I wouldn't have brought it up in the first place if I wasn't seriously considering it.” the other man in the room couldn't take his eyes off his friend, trying to gauge his reaction the second it came through. It was bound to be the most honest one, no second thoughts, and he only needed his friends' honest thoughts. Not that, and he was sure of it, the other man would intentionally tell him anything but the truth.
“You- wow.” the shocked expression was still there but there was no mistaking the smile that was slowly but surely appearing on his face “Seems like Evans is finally joining the club, who'd have thought? That's what I call one heck of a year, quickly Scarlett note the date down! It's going to go down in the history books, I tell you. Oh you're in for one hell of a ride, buddy! Wait you knew about this, didn't you?” he turned to the woman but shook his head soon enough “Never mind. You're gonna have to look for a godmother but I do get to be the godfather, right? I really need to start making preparations, nine months are not even remotely enough. I gotta-”
“Take a deep breath and calm down, Robert. That's what you gotta do. Otherwise this kid won't get to meet its one-of-a-kind godfather. And we would never want that to happen, would we?” the woman interrupted his rambling, a teasing smile on her own lips as she noticed Chris himself chuckle.
“Oh goodness forbid that could ever happen.” Chris laughed some more, his chest feeling lighter than it had in the past couple days “And besides that, there has not been a surrogate found just yet. Papers got approved only a day ago, it will take more time than that.”
“You say that as if the second every woman finds out you're on that kind of market, won't volunteer to have your baby. Heck, I know most of them would gladly volunteer to do it the old-fashioned way! You'll see, you will be getting news very soon.” Robert brushed his friend off and got up from his seat, making his way to the mini bar to grab a drink for himself “Which means, I really gotta start preparing everything because a) this is Evans' kid and b) I'm the godfather and it'll get only the best!”
Scarlett couldn't help but laugh, while Chris shook his head with a chuckle, before she added “As you can see, he is going to be more trouble than the kid.” she ignored the look that was shot at her from Robert and kept going “But, speaking of it, I never asked: Did you never really consider adoption?”
“For most of the time that's what I had in mind, yes, but-” he sighed, easing back in his seat “I asked about it and my chances were sadly very low, given my job and everything, not to mention how lengthy of a process it all was. Sebastian was actually the one to suggest it and you know I haven't been able to stop thinking about it ever since. Granted, it is just as hard to find a surrogate who is also willing to be the biological mother but I feel like I have more to hope for this way.”
“You have every reason to be hopeful, I'm sure this will work out just fine. Besides-” she offered her friend a warm smile “There is no other man that I can think of that could be a better father than you. This child will be very lucky.”
“...The part of Robert being the godfather excluded?” Chris added with a smirk, eyeing his friend who narrowed his eyes at him, before both Chris and Scarlett burst into laughter.
“Life isn't perfect, what can you do?” she grinned as she took a sip of her drink.
“I'll try to be the better man, as always, and not comment on any spiteful comments against me. You're just jealous I am going to be the world's best godfather. Anyway, that wasn't what I was going to comment on.” he plopped back on his seat and gave the blue-eyed man a sly smile “Sebastian you say but I'm wondering: was it him or that summer trip to Italy that really prompted you to become a dad? Maybe a certain someone you met there? What was her name...”
“Don't-” it was all he had time to get out, his eyes wide and voice very warning; but there was never any stopping the man when he wanted to speak his mind.
“Ah yes.” Robert grinned widely “(Y/n).”
“What- Who?” Scarlett frowned, tilting her head to the side “How come I haven't heard of her before? I thought you told me everything about Italy.”
“She's nobod-”
“Probably the love of his life. Something like his soulmate. One he talks about a lot in his sleep, hence why I should hold more parties and have you guys over. The info I get is golden. Anyway, think of it as the star-crossed lovers but one where he isn't the Lana Del Rey young and beautiful, you know? Heard she's something like a med or psych graduate or something. So come to think of it all, Italy, soulmates and age difference, this is like another version of Call me by your-”
“And that's it for you. Enough words spoken for one day.” Scarlett said, not hesitating a second to place a hand over the man's mouth who admittedly didn't give up even if his words were only an incoherent mumble after that.
Chris' eyes were wide and there was no mistaking the way he wanted to not talk about it, as if there was some unparalleled sadness that came with the mention of your name, a deep ache and at the same time yearning perhaps because he missed you, just like there was no mistaking the tint of pink that was on his cheeks.
“That's-” he cleared his throat, avoiding looking at his friends in the eyes because he knew how easy it would be to tell that even so many months later the feelings were fresh as much as the day he had to leave, the day he left a part of himself on the airport with you – a part he knew real well he wouldn't get back again, certainly not from any other woman he got to meet. That missing part of him, even if the rest held all the beautiful memories dearly to itself and felt truly blessed, he knew was obvious. It was all on his face that he was missing something, even if he'd gotten so much. And he knew she would see it, it all became so obvious when he thought of you.
He shook his head when he realized he had taken longer than needed to reply “It was way too long ago, I can hardly remember it now. Hell, as if barely anything happened to begin with. She was just-” a lump in his throat, too painful “I made a good friend, a really good friend yes, who helped me see my life in a different way. Helped me make my choice and see the things that really matter. Couldn't keep in contact and yes that's a bit sad but- That's all there is to it, nothing more nothing less.”
Scarlett regarded him for a couple seconds, even as he tried to keep himself busy with getting another drink, before she finally spoke “If you say so.” she nodded her head “At least we now know who we owe this to and who to thank for our family growing, don't we?”
“Then-” Robert's smile was softer, yet also sad, as he raised his glass a bit “Let's drink to that, if not your baby just yet. To (Y/n)?”
“To (Y/n).” Scarlett nodded her head “For helping you make the best decision of your life, wherever she may be now.”
Chris hesitated, the unspoken truth of you not only being the one to help him make the decision but also be part of that decision, part of the family he wanted to build, was ready to break free from his lips but he held it back “Wherever she may be.” he said in a low hoarse voice, raising his glass as well “To (Y/n).”
He had not allowed himself to say your name in a long time and thinking back to it, the effect had been evident not only in his chest, in his heartbeat, but also in his lips, how painfully strange it felt when all he had been doing was think about it for months to no end, down to his throat that closed up with emotion. And he had allowed himself to say it not only so that he would make sure his friends would drop the subject but also because it had been a long time, he felt the need to and he knew that he wouldn't get the chance to do so, not anytime soon for sure.
And yet, only seconds ago, the name had left his lips for the second time in barely a couple days.
His brain could barely keep up with the fact, all the information he had to currently process seemed to make things even harder. Saying your name this time certainly had the same effect, his throat closed up and his heart leaped to his throat, but it felt like it was for an entirely different reason. He blinked several times, trying to make sure that what he was seeing was also true, to make sure that it wasn't wishful thinking and that him holding his breath had not reduced the levels of oxygen to a point where he couldn't even see straight. Truth be told, he felt pretty lightheaded.
“(Y/n) (Y/l/n).” he repeated your name for the third time, the third time in only a couple days his mind nearly screamed at him, but it didn't feel the same this time.
“Yes, I would say she seems like one of the most, if not the most, suitable candidate for you case.” the woman behind the desk gave him a warm smile but his brain was still currently stuck on the word 'candidate'.
“I'm sorry. There seems to be some misunderstanding here and I- I don't know whose part it is on, but-” he licked his lips, trying to swallow over the lump in his throat “When you say- What you're trying to say- I'm sorry.” he shook his head and let a couple seconds to pass in silence; he knew she wouldn't ask before him.
Taking a deep breath he decided to speak, even if his voice was hoarse he hoped she could make out the words “Candidate for what?”
The woman frowned a bit but it was gone faster than it could register, as she spoke in a calm voice “Your case. To be not only the surrogate you are looking for. See, her current, and according to her permanent from now on, residence is in New York City and very close to the residence you have listed as your permanent one. It is important, you understand, if we take into consideration that she will be the biological mother of the child. You might want the child to be able to stay in touch with her, and vice versa, so the close proximity does help. Of course that is always up to you, but in most cases we've seen it hap-”
“When did she sign up for this?” he asked, barely able to keep himself to wait for her to finish her sentence.
“Pardon?” she blinked and only then he realized how he might have sounded.
“You're right. I apologize, that came out as wrong.” he cleared his throat again “What I mean is... does she know who I am? That she- she's signing up to be a surrogate for my child.”
“Every surrogate must be informed, of course, of you as you are informed of her. She too must know whose child she will carry, don't you think it's fitting? But if you are uhm-” she hesitated “Concerned about other children, then, you need not worry. It's not my place to say this but it seems like-” she smiled a bit, almost knowingly “That you have already chosen, so I believe it wouldn't really be against any rule to say this. Consider it an extra bit of information.”
'Seems like you have already chosen.' would be a vast understatement. It was like every cell in his body was screaming 'Yes', chanting it over and over again that he was seriously worried he might have projected it somehow. He could barely control the words that came out of his lips anyway. If anything, the second he had come across the file with your name he had been glued to it, his eyes and all of his attention orbiting around the single file as if he was Earth and you were his Sun. Not far from the truth either.
But it also must have shown- No scratch that. He was sure it had shown because he had done no effort to hide it, too stunned and happy and eager and giddy and blessed and so many other things, to try to hide it. And she had clearly noticed.
“So, no, she has not mothered another child. As a matter of fact, Miss (Y/l/n) is doing this for the first time.” the woman leaned back in her chair “She came to us with the belief that there was too much sadness out there and, amongst other things, she decided to do this little one thing to help someone out. To make someone happy. I believe she didn't really have any further expectations out of this, no further plans, other than wanting to do some good. We only informed her of your case and she said she'd like to help, nothing else.” she shrugged softly “For any further reasons behind her choice you could ask her, I suppose. If you do think she could be the right choice to be the mother of your child, then-”
“She is.” he said, maybe a little too fast, but he didn't care. He didn't find a single part of him that cared for how eager he looked at the prospect of you being the mother of his child. Granted, it wasn't exactly how he'd imagined it but it was so much more than he ever thought he'd get, of what he thought he deserved, when he had told you goodbye that summer.
He cleared his throat again, trying to straighten his back and look as formal as he should in the suit he was wearing. He offered her a small smile “She is the right one. I think I've decided. I-” he paused, glancing at the pile of files and therefore other candidates which he had absolutely not even taken a glimpse at and he hoped she wouldn't comment on it “I've thought things through, yes.” because no man could make such a decision so hastily, he knew, and yet he looked like he just had “I'm glad for all the candidates it means a lot but uhm Miss (Y/l/n) seems to be indeed the right one. I think she will do just fine yes.”
“Wonderful.” she smiled more, nodding her head “If it means anything, she seemed happy when she was presented with your case.” oh if only she knew just how much it really meant to him, ask his wildly-beating heart and everyone would know just how much “Now, you understand that while you seem pretty sure and confident with your choice, you will have to give it some more time, more than anything to get in touch with the surrogate herself and discuss through any specific terms you might have. We will be the ones to set a meeting. Of course there are legal issues that need to be taken care of, but you're a lawyer yourself so you probably know that better than anybody else already.”
“Y-yes uh of course, yes, legal terms. Mr Wilson will represent me on the matter of course. But you said-” he folded his hands over his lap and threaded his fingers and it was either that or let his nerves show “Meeting her? Will I get to meet her in person soon or...?”
“That, Mr Evans, is completely up to you, how ready and sure you are, how much time you need and how fast you want things to progress.” she said as if she'd had this conversation many times over and she probably had “It could be within a week, a month, or, if you have no doubts, within three days the soonest possible. So, do you need time to think over-”
“The soonest possible. I'd like-” he nodded his head, straightening his suit's jacket “I think it would be best if I could meet with her the soonest possible. She's just what I was looking for.”
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sucker for pain ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 1494
request?: yes!
“can you please do a colson one where the reader is getting their first tattoo and he’s by her side then he realizing they have a pain kink and yeah”
description: in which he finds out his girlfriend has a kink he’d never imagine she’d have
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
*i changed it from the reader getting their first tattoo because i missed the “first” part when writing for some reason i’m sorry i hope you still like it!*
gif credit to @poppy-in-the-woods !
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“Are you sure you want to get a tattoo on your ribs?” Colson asked as you waited in the lobby for your next tattoo. “You know how much that hurts, right?”
“It’s one of the more painful places,” you said. “I know that. Have some faith in me, baby, I’ll be fine.”
Colson still looked skeptical, but decided to drop it. You were stubborn and you were set on getting this tattoo, he knew he wasn’t about to talk you out of it.
You had decided a week or so back that you wanted to get a tattoo in honor of Colson. Instead of something small, like his initials or his name or something, you decided to get your favorite of his lyrics tattooed on your ribcage. You even had him write the lyrics out so you could get his writing as the font for it.
It was a bit big of a tattoo, and you were getting it in a very painful place, so Colson was worried you weren’t going to be able to handle it when the tattoo started. He insisted he wanted to come with you to be your emotional support if nothing else.
“Hey (Y/N)!” your tattoo artist, Mack, said as he walked into the parlor. “You’re early! Wanna get started now?”
You shrugged. “Yeah, why not?”
“Okay! Follow me in.”
You followed him into his area and he pulled the curtain across to block the view of anyone from outside. He turned back to you and Colson, eyeing your famous boyfriend for just a moment. “So, he does realize you’re going to be shirtless for this entire thing, right?”
Colson chuckled and nodded. “I’m aware you’re going to be starring at my girlfriend in just a sports bra for like an hour or more. Don’t worry, I’m cool with it.”
You could see Mack’s shoulders slump as he sighed with relief. “Okay good. You would not believe how many boyfriends lose their minds over their girlfriends having to take their shirt off for a tattoo, even if their tits aren’t actually out. If (Y/N) wasn’t a regular, I probably would’ve turned her down for this one just for my own safety.”
You laughed as you began to unbutton the blouse you had decided to wear - much easier to get back on once the tattoo was done. You laid down on the table and Mac started to line up your tattoo on your ribs.
“Last chance to back out,” Colson said as he sat down next to you.
You shot him a look. “Why are you so intent on me giving up on this because of pain?”
“She’s a tough chick, man,” Mack agreed. “I don’t think she’s ever flinched while I’ve given her a tattoo. It’s like she gets off on the pain or something.”
You shot a glare at Mack that he didn’t see as he was back on to you before relaxing your head back on the table. Colson looked at your curiously, making a mental note of what Mack had said.
The tattoo began and Colson took your hand in his. You looked over and smiled at him for a moment, wincing slightly when the needle touched your skin first. The pain suddenly radiated through your ribcage, but it didn’t bother you the way Colson had expected it would. You would wince every now and then, but you still had a light hold on his hand.
When Mack was finally finish, the black letters were bolded by the red of your irritate skin. Mack cleaned it and placed the bandage over the fresh tattoo. “I won’t give you the spiel on how to take care of this thing for the next few days.”
“You’ve said it so many times I think I know it word for word at this point,” you teased. You winced as you sat up from the table, both from the pain from the tattoo and from the stiffness of your back. “God, you guys need more comfortable tables. Feels like I was lying on the floor for an hour.”
“You’ve been there before, you know how uncomfortable it is.”
You playfully stuck your tongue out at him before turning to Colson. “What do you think, babe?”
Colson’s eyes studied the tattoo for a moment, still processing the fact that you got a major tattoo on your ribcage and barley flinched the entire time. “It looks really good. Is it what you wanted?”
You smiled. “Of course it is! I have something to remind me of you forever now, which means please don’t break up with me. It’ll cost so much to get this removed or covered.”
Colson chuckled and also rose from his seat. “I promise babe.”
You pulled your button up back on and headed to the front to pay for the tattoo. You couldn’t help pulling your shirt up to look at the tattoo once more as you and Colson started walking towards the door.
“Mack is probably the best tattoo artist I’ve ever been to,” you said. “He’s just phenomenal. I don’t think I’d trust anyone else the way I trust him.”
“He seems to know you pretty well,” Colson commented. “Like the fact that you seem to be into the pain that comes from getting a tattoo.”
You felt your face heat up as you tried to look away from Colson. You kept your voice as light as possible as you said, “Yeah, well, I’ve gotten a few tattoos at this point. I’m just used to the pain of the needle I guess.”
“I’m literally covered in tattoos and sometimes the pain is still unbearable for me,” Colson pointed out.
“We’re different people, Colson. Different people handle pain differently.”
Colson looked over at you as you tried to avoid his eyes. You wished you had been the one to drive so that you could get out of this awkward situation a lot sooner.
“Babe,” Colson said. You sighed and finally turned your head to look at him. “You know I am the last person to judge you on your kinks, right?”
You nodded. “I know, but...I’m just worried what your reaction would be if I straight up told you that I have a pain kink.”
“Well, for starters, I’d tell you that you’re dating the right guy since all I do is hurt myself.” You chuckled at this. “When did you realize you got off on pain?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know. I was a teenager I think. It might’ve been when I got my first stick and poke tattoo. All my friends hated the pain and complained for days, but I found myself kind of liking it. When I started having sex, I’d ask my boyfriend at the time to choke me or spank me, basically anything that caused the slightest bit of pain.”
Colson shuffled in his seat, a bulge beginning to grow in his pants that he was hoping you wouldn’t notice.
“Not all guys are into the idea, weirdly enough,” you continued. “I’ve been with some guys that consider it a deal breaker. I even had a one night stand just completely stop having sex with me because I kept telling him he wasn’t being rough enough. I guess I just associated that negative reaction with the kink in my mind and never wanted to tell you in case you thought the same way.”
Colson chuckled. “(Y/N), I have a foot fetish. I am literally the last person you have to worry about thinking your pain kink is weird.”
You smiled. “Yeah, you have a point. I just don’t wanna scare you off. I like you a lot, Colson.”
Colson reached over and took your hand in his, giving it a slight squeeze. “You won’t scare me off. I wanna know what you’re into, and what will make you feel good when we’re having sex.”
“You make me feel good anyways,” you assured him. “But, if you’re really interested in getting to know that side of me more, I could show you exactly what I’m into.”
"Even though you just got a new tattoo.” You gave him a look, which caused him to laugh. “Okay, fair enough. I’d love to learn, although it may take me a long time, fair warning.”
“I’ll give you all the time you need.”
Colson smirked and leaned over to kiss you passionately. You turned as much as you could in your seat to cup his face and deepen the kiss, slipping your tongue into his mouth for a short while. When you pulled away, Colson nipped at your bottom lip, which caused you to clench your thighs together in anticipated pleasure.
“Get us home before I climb on your lap in this parking lot,” you told him.
Colson didn’t have to be told twice. Within seconds, he had the car started and was racing out of the parking lot and back towards his house.
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skellebonez · 3 years
Could you write 22 “Oh, you’re just grumpy” with Monkie King and a deage MK?
OOOOH coming back to this? Yeah, I am totally up for giving this another go! MK is having a not so great time, nothing warning worthy but I do HC him not being the healthiest kid. Mild spoilers for season 2 episodes 1 and 2.
Oh, you're just grumpy.
"Noooooooo!" MK shouted, stomping his foot on the ground in anger. "I'm not grumpy, I'm mad! You can't let them leave me behind! Take me back! I'm the Monkie Kid! I have to do this myself! I-"
"You are currently physically 4 years old with all the control over your powers of that age," Sun Wukong rebutted with a soft sigh, frowning and wincing at the high pitched angered scream in reaction he received at that. That was... not the best way to go about this... He needed a different tactic.
He knelt down to be at eye level with his now even younger protégé, holding out his hand. When MK stared at it he chanced putting it on his shoulder and continued when MK didn’t shrug it off or start yelling again. “Bud, MK, it’s ok. I know you’re frustrated. You have every right to be! But we just want to make sure you’re safe until we can get you back to normal.”
This was not the kind of trouble the Monkey King expected to happen immediately before... well, put a cork on that for now. But this wasn't the kind of trouble be expected to happen regardless of time frame. How in the world anyone managed to not only curse an object in this way but find a way to slip it on his student was anyone's guess. But the fact of the matter was that MK, the Monkie Kid himself, was now physically 4 years old. Mentally, he was still the same age he was before the curse, personality and memories still completely intact... for the most part, it became clear to them very quickly that being physically a kid again came with more than just a smaller body. It came with the mood swings and heightened emotions of “kid brain” as Mei called it, when MK immediately burst into tears at just the mention of being left behind so Mei and the others could go after the demon. And then he couldn’t figure out why he was crying, whether from frustration or worry or both or why he even started, which lead to more crying out of sheer confusion, which made everyone feel very bad.
They’d managed to calm him down long enough for the Monkey King get him on his cloud and bring him to Flower Fruit Mountain in case the demon attempted to go after him like this, but that was short lived once they actually made landfall.
"But I can do this!" MK continued, pouting and tears of frustration starting to peak at the corners of his eyes once again, albeit calmer frustration. "I-I beat the Spider Queen! I can handle one demon who had to slap a bracelet on me to make me a kid to beat me, even if I'm tiny! I can kick his butt!"
"I know you can, Bud," Wukong said evenly, offering him an understanding smile. "And normally I'd let you go in guns blazing and know you could handle everything no problem now! You've more than proven you can handle stuff even I couldn't. If you were just shrunk I wouldn’t dare think you couldn’t handle this." He reached out a hand, ruffling his hair far more gently that he normally would. But still rough, rough enough to let him know he wasn't going to just treat him like glass now. "But this is a bit different. Remember what I said when Macaque was having you use your full power?” MK scowled for a second before nodding. “Using your powers like this? Could hurt you. And I don’t want to see you get hurt like that. Heck, even I would have trouble controlling my powers and probably get hurt if I was turned into a little kid monkey man, and if this happened to me I would trust you if you told me to stay safe."
"... you would?" MK asked softly, and Wukong nodded. Maybe it was a... bit of a stretch of the truth. Sun Wukong would probably need some convincing too (Great Sage title leading to Great Misjudgement sometimes, the previously mentioned Spider Queen fight a key example), but that's just one more thing he and MK had in common.
"Course I would,” Wukong said, and given said convincing that was the truth. “I trust you, MK, and-AGH!" He may be the Great Sage Equal to Heaven, but nothing prepared him for the barreling rocket that was a 4 year old launching themselves at him to hug him with all the strength of... well, himself!
"I trust you too!" MK yelled right in his ear and oh if he thought his student had a loud yell before. But that only lasted for a second before he pulled back from the hug, body limp and head rested on his shoulder as the energy seemed to sap a bit from him as Wukong stood back up and he held him on his hip instead of setting him down when he saw the bright red rings around his eyes and how tired he seemed already... Tang had mentioned that he knew MK wasn’t exactly the healthiest as a child... "But... I feel bad not doing anything..."
"Then we can do something, that's an easy fix!" Wukong laughed, and his chest warmed as he was reminded of the few children he had helped take care of or play with while on the long journey centuries ago. He was a softie, really. "No training though, I am not going to body slam you when you come up to my knees."
This apparently was the magic joke to make, making MK devolve into a fit of giggles. A testament to how this cursed object affected him, he never would have giggled at that without it. Probably... MK had an odd sense of humor sometimes. But then again, so did he!
"Actually... I think I have just the thing for us to try."
All things considered, Wukong probably should have expected something like this. He did tell MK that he probably didn’t have much control over his powers. And that using his powers was a bad idea. And Tang did warn him he wasn’t a healthy child. The three together were a bad combo when his powers activated with MK’s unconscious reactions to certain things...
“How you feeling, Bud?” Wukong whispered softly, rubbing his back as he laid face down on his couch. He’d barely used his powers at all, just activated his true sight to find ingredients when they were cooking without even thinking about it, but that was enough to make the kid’s head feel like it was splitting open (in symptoms that sounded like a migraine, which... yeah, he felt really bad for him, and the jolt of worry and fear that shot through him surprised him less than he felt it should). “Still bad?”
There were a few of Wukong’s monkeys hanging out on the couch, one in particular was curled up next to MK’s head. Perhaps they were keeping him company while he wasn’t feeling well and nodded off in the process.
“I think I’m ok now,” MK answered, sitting back up and leaning into the Monkey King’s side (he seemed to seek out contact a lot more like this, letting Wukong carry him to the house, leaning on his shoulder when he showed him how to prepare the snacks they were making, now this... it made him wonder just how much physical affection he got as a kid). He looked leagues better than he had just 40 minutes ago, thankfully not nearly as exhausted as he had looked before he laid down. “Headache went away... I dunno, a while ago. But I didn’t wanna get up.”
“Completely understandable,” Wukong nodded in approval, glad that he’d gotten some form of rest. He needed it after everything he had been through. “You feel like getting up now, though? I made us some lunch... dinner... not desert food! Just like I promised.”
“Yeah!” MK exclaimed, immediately jumping off the couch and making his way to the kitchen like a rocket. “How about our snacks, how much longer do they have? Do you think we did ok? Do you think the others are gonna like em!?”
“They still have well over an hour of sitting in the fridge,” Wukong laughed, following him and watching him scramble to sit on one of the chairs at the table. “But I think we did a pretty good job of making annin tofu for the first time. They already look pretty darn delicious.” The almond jelly dish wasn’t as hard as he believed it would be, and using agar even he would be able to enjoy it... once he added some peaches on top, of course! “But that’s for later, for now what do you think of your meal?” MK looked up from his bowl, a spoonful of rice and vegetables already in his mouth. Wukong couldn’t help but laugh. “I think I’ll take that as a job well done.”
The two ate their respective lunches, rice and steamed vegetables for MK and rice and fruits for Wukong, talking about what dishes they could try making together in the future. Being a monkey Wukong had a very limited pallet for what he could (and would, given other circumstances) actually eat, so brainstorming workaround for that was a great way to pass the time before moving back to the couch. They played some, shockingly not Sun Wukong related, games that he had stashed away (and he was very offended by MK’s disbelief that he had media not related to himself in his house, totally offended). The game was one of those ones with a motion controller that you had to move around to play, and MK was having a blast with it.
The monkeys also seemed to be enjoying the show quite a lot.
Before the two knew it the sun had begun to set, MK’s grip on his controller starting to weaken as he sat down on the couch and attempted to keep his eyes open. Even with his rest earlier he was exhausted.
“Did anyone... tell you anything yet?” He asked softly, once again leaning into Wukong’s side with a yawn.
“Not yet,” Wukong admitted, looking at MK’s phone for the fourth time in he hour. “Not since they told me they found out where the demon went. But that probably means they’re focused on catching him! They’re gonna get the guy, I have a good feeling about it.”
“If you say so...” MK mumbled out, the controller slipping from his grasp as he closed his eyes.
“UH.. Bud? MK?” Wukong gently nudged his student, smiling softly when he realized that he’d just fallen asleep. “OK, that game clearly did it’s job a little too well.” He made to stand up, stopping short when something tugged on his clothing. MK had an iron grip on him, holding tight to his side and not looking like he was going to be letting go any time soon.
Well... Wukong didn’t have the heart to make him let go or chance waking him up to move him... so instead he took a hair and poofed up a blanket to lay over top of MK as he made himself comfortable on the side of the couch. It didn’t take long, and it took even less time for the monkeys around the house to curl up around and on top of the duo.
It was nice... Wukong didn’t want to admit it, but he was going to miss this. Not just when MK was changed back to his normal age, but when he had to... “go on vacation”.
He felt bad, lying to his student. His kid, now that he realized he couldn’t keep from admitting that to himself. But he trusted MK, genuinely trusted him in this regard, to keep everyone in the city safe while he was gone and he didn’t want the extra stress of knowing just what Wukong was really doing to weigh him down. He knew how much MK worried, seen how much anxiety he had after Macaque and the fight with the Spider Queen, how hard it would be to keep him from following him into places that were too dangerous for him to traverse without training they hadn’t completed yet.
He... really regretted not training him more in the beginning. Regretted it more than most things he had lately. Maybe if he had he could have explained things to him better. Known that if he did sneakily follow him he would at least be in much less danger.
He couldn’t let himself be too close after this. He’d have to go back to normal, aloof, jokey, “ah you’re fine cool beans good luck bud I believe in you!” Monkey King. For MK’s sake.
As he looked down at the sleeping child curled into his side he had to make himself believe it was for MK’s sake.
Why did that feel like it was a lie?
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sendyefrogs · 3 years
wish you cared
a/n: this was a rollercoaster to write, and through tears, all i say is, osamu big himbo :/  tw: swearing  word count: 3.9K (lot of word ;-;)  pairing: osamu x gn!reader  genre: angst (if it’s not very good, pls forgiveness, internet person)
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The late nights with the light breathy words, whispered discussions, the iridescent illumination of the screen on you face, exchanging words that would have neither rhyme nor reason when the next day greeted you. But not a day went by that you didn’t giggle to yourself, alone in your room, as your eyes skimming over the words that Osamu’s fingers carelessly typed out. And you knew, before you realized, you knew in the deepest of hearts that you were gradually falling for the inane spiker, that this was your middle school infatuation. Little did you realize that this was not, in fact, an infatuation but rather something that would plague you for years, building up for years, overwhelming you, pouring out, resulting in meaningless words and broken hearts.
But for now, it was no different than normal, your heart skipping a beat as he replied to every message of yours, head whirling with possibilities of what he would say next, feeling slightly giddy if you were to describe the emotion you experienced.
The truth was that talking to Osamu Miya, it was like being intoxicated. Not that you truly knew what it meant to be in such a state, but this was what you imagined it to be like. Always waiting for more, desiring to keep going, for the night to just still right then so you may converse endlessly, not having to worry about your mundane duties as the moonlight that shone through your windows left you feeling light-headed and weightless.
But the moon always set to give way to a new day, where you could see him in real time, but none of it felt as ethereal as the late-night talks, as intimate as it was when it was just the two of you alone, as scandalous as it felt spending hours mindlessly revealing the tiniest details of yourself to him.
You’d hoped, of course, that things wouldn’t change when time came for high school; the time, most say, is when old relationships are forgotten, the path to the future is forged, a future you hoped still entailed the time you spent with the Miya twins and Suna. You weren’t ready to move on from Osamu yet, you’d never really gotten to know if he returned the emotions you experienced. And so, you ended up a freshman at Inarizaki High, manager for the volleyball team, an integral part of the group.
You were content. Or so you thought.
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Y/n was not someone who forgot easily. This was a thought that occasionally graced the train of thought that ran across Osamu Miya’s mind. They hadn’t forgotten when he said he preferred citrus drinks over plain water, hadn’t forgotten the day he’d mentioned that onigiris were his favorite, or the time he’d wished someone would make him a playlist for when he cooked.
A thought that sprang to mind as he sipped on his lemon water every practice, you beside him, mocking Atsumu, or having sarcastically enthusiastic conversations with Sunarin, or tilting your head upwards to smile at him and telling him about your day while he chuckled lightly.
A thought that crossed his mind every time you cheerfully called out his name during lunch, plopping your pale blue lunchbox on the table, bringing out an onigiri for him every other day, leading to much whining by Atsumu, but he liked it; he was special to you, not his brother, not Sunarin, it was him.
A thought that occurred to him as he put on his headphones, clicking on the song queue you made for him, one that was admittedly perfect for his cooking, calming enough for him to know what he doing, yet passionate enough for him to feel inspired. He never told anyone, but each dish he procured after a day’s cooking, was modelled after a particular song you spent day picking out to put in his playlist; one that was just for him.
He liked being special in your eyes. It made him feel like he was at the top of the world. He noticed, even if you didn’t realize, he noticed everything you did for him. Your encouragement for him at volleyball matches slightly louder than for the rest, not enough for anyone to realize but enough for him to spike the ball down stronger as your voice drowned out the crowds’ cheers for him. The sound of happiness you made eating his food, always motivating him, telling him that he was the best chef you’d ever met. The subtle blush that spread across your face as he patted your head, ruffled your hair. How a simple smile from him could light up your face, no matter how bad you’d been feeling before that.
And how could he ever forget the conversations you had under the covers of darkness? The night only rejuvenated his hope that you were only his, your gentle words and stupid memes, the quiet chuckling under his blankets that made Atsumu throw a pillow at him, yelling at him to take his ‘lover boy’ talks elsewhere.
That was the part he disliked. He was fond of you, of everything you did for him, of how you made him feel like he could do anything when you smiled at him. But it wasn’t a crush. You were his friend. Not everything was about romance. Just because your face made every day, and night, of his better, it did not mean he had to be in love with you. You weren’t exceptionally attractive or anywhere close to the type he preferred, so why did people assume he was in love with you?
For some reason, however, he couldn’t utter those words to you. He knew, that you liked him, else why would you do so much for him? But he chose to ignore it, because if the truth came out and you decided to part ways with him seeing as nothing would ever come out of your efforts, he couldn’t bear it. He needed you. He wanted you.
But not in the way you wanted him. So, he kept you around, no matter how selfish that was.
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“Good work, captain!” You smile at Kita-san, handing him a water bottle, quickly moving down the line. “Good work, dipshit.” You toss the bottle to Atsumu who stuck his tongue out at you. “Work, Suna,” you teased and received an eyeroll in response. Handing out all the bottle and murmuring ‘good work’, you finally moved to Osamu.
You loved the whole team and spending time with all of them was something that you adored, but you always saved the last bottle for Osamu. You were sure to keep it separate from the other ones, tucked in the pocket of the basket you carried so you didn’t mistake it for another bottle.
“Here ya go Osamu, good work today! You’re getting so much better.” You face away from him, towards the pair that were walking towards you now that they had a small break.
“Thanks y/n. So, did you decide who you would like as your partner for the English project the teacher assigned us? I mean Sunarin and Atsumu would be glad to have you as their partner too, seeing as you’re the genius among us.” He brought his face down closer, attempting a mocking tone, but it came out as a genuine whisper, directly sounding in your ear, that made a shiver run down your spine.
“W-well, I h-haven’t really decided yet, but I-I was thinking we could work together.” His proximity had flustered you. Your face tilted slightly upwards to him, and only then did you realize that god fucking dammit he’s too close, I can’t think like this. The thumping of your heart against your chest didn’t help either, or the fact that he, apparently, didn’t understand how much you affected him.
You collected yourself before you stuttered anymore. However, barely a word passed your lips that you were interrupted. “Ay lovebirds. This is still a public place. Yer too close to them, ‘Samu. Do you not see how red they’re turning?” You blink twice and throw a punch at the blond, missing completely in your embarrassed state, end up crossing your arms while the two laughed.
“Aw did I say something wrong though? Are you upset I exposed you to your knight in shining covers? Ya talk way too much with him at night. Do you even get any sleep?”
“Just shut up, ‘Tsumu.” Gathering up all the bottles, you walk away, too discomposed to face Osamu after what his twin said. It was probably already obvious to him, but you didn’t want to be humiliated like this in front of someone you held so dear. At the water cooler, you realize you’ve forgotten to bring Osamu’s bottle in your hurry to get as far away from him at that moment as possible. “Fuck.”
You turn back towards the gym.
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The three boys watched y/n almost sprint away, laughing lightly. He can feel two sets of eyes on him, and the question echoes in his head. When are you confessing ‘Samu? He wasn’t. How could he when it would just be a lie? He didn’t want to be unfair with you, you deserved a shot at true love. But then again, he wasn’t exactly giving you a chance here was he? Keeping you bound to him, avoiding conversations about admitting romantic intentions, flustering you just for a reaction when he knows, he knows what he does to you.
“You should confess ‘Samu.” His brother’s voice sounded out, unusually soft and serious. Sunarin eyed him, seemingly thinking the same words, but not uttering them. This was the last straw. He had grown tired of people asking him about his affection for y/n, he didn’t realize how or when, but he had. He didn’t want to keep having to repeat the same tactics over and over, dodge and deflect. He was done talking about you in his free time, time he would much rather spend with you than about you, and people just didn’t seem to get it.
“Can you shut the fuck up?” The words came out as a snarl, his temper rising too high too fast. “I don’t fucking like y/n, they’re not my type. I just keep them around because I know they care.” He inhaled, avoiding all the staring eyes of his teammates. The words had come out unintentionally hostile, but he was glad he’d said them. “I mean, have you seen them? They’re not really attractive or interesting at all. It’s just because they make me feel special that they still hang around with us, that I let them hang with us.” His secret came spilling out and he didn’t regret it; he was glad to finally get it off his chest.
Atsumu and Suna, however, weren’t listening to him anymore. They were both staring past him, at the sight behind him, which Osamu whirled around to see. You were standing completely still, arms trembling at your sides, basket of bottles at your feet, eyes glassy.
The whole team followed you with their gaze as you quietly walk to the captain, bow without opening your eyes, murmur out an apology and exit the gymnasium as fast as you could. It was not a swift recognition of what had happened, but Osamu understood eventually that it was his words that had caused this. His brother and Suna merely stood there, shock evident in their eyes. “So, you were just taking advantage of them?” Osamu’s head whipped up at the soft voice of his captain. His words were calm but his expression was one of silent fury. “Do you truly realize how much you broke them with those few sentences? You may not have understood it but, we can all see it. They don’t just care for you, they love you. More than you’ve ever loved anything in your life.”
Osamu was overwhelmed, to say the least. He never intended to hurt you like that, but it had happened. Now, what of all those late-night talks and secret shared smiles? What of the playlists you made for him and the encouraging words you whispered to him before a game? What of his onigiri supply that you procured for him from your little blue lunchbox and the motivating comments you gave him on his cooking?
Before he could stop it, the stinging behind his eyes gave way to tears. Not because he loved you, he still didn’t harbor any romantic intentions towards you, he didn’t want to. But because his heart ached at the thought of being away from you, at the idea of losing you to another group of people, at the realization that you belonged with him.
Belonged with him, just as friends.
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Your legs couldn’t carry you away fast enough. It was bad enough that you learnt that someone you’d been in love with for years now, had just been using you, but it was worse that he admitted clearly it in front of a group of people that you adored. The shattering of your heart as he spoke masked the quiet chatter of his teammates at the display. The humiliation seeped through you, the pitying glances of the team piercing you as Osamu’s words echoed in your ears - have you seen them … not my type … let them hang with us … keep them around … not attractive or interesting.
If that was what he really thought, then why did he let you make those advances? Why did he let you make a laughing stock out of yourself by doing so much for him? Why did he make you believe that he was equally interested, staying up late with you, returning the same energy you exuded?
You knew why now – he wanted to be special. He wanted to bask in the passion that you showed towards him without having to reciprocate any of the emotions. And you gave him that every day, didn’t you? Making him a separate water bottle, bringing him an onigiri, compiling playlists for him, asking him to work with you on the project even if it usually ends up with you doing all the work so you can keep up your grades?
Everything you did, you did for him. What hurt most was that he had been there for you too. He was, in all truth, your best friend. He knew every insecurity, every desire.
The time when your grades plummeted because you stayed up too late, he was there to comfort you, hold your hand and let you lean on his shoulder, cry in fear of what your parents would say, murmuring in low voices about things he did that day to distract you. The time you had refused to leave your room for days after watching that terribly sad anime, he was there to knock some sense into you, but he also laid gentle kisses on your forehead and let you explain ‘everything that was wrong with the world’. The time that he snuck into your bedroom at night just because you mentioned that you were bored and wanted to meet him; cuddling with him until he fell asleep, so you let him stay the night, waking up with his arm around your waist.
And yet, he had absolutely no hesitation in bad-mouthing you in front of everyone you were close with. Did none of that mean anything to him?
Even as the tears streamed down your face, the anger built up slowly, creeping out of you, staying with you long after your face was dry and eyes were left red. And that’s when you decided – Miya Osamu wasn’t special to you anymore. First things first, you had to sort out a few things; your life revolved around the gray-haired spiker. Well, no more.
Pulling out your phone, a text message is sent just a quickly as it is typed out.
y/n [13:25] hey tsumu, I need a partner for the English project. Do it with me or you suck. You were deflecting your emotions with humor, and yet if his face came to mind, you would breakdown right where you stood.
tsum-tsum [13:27] y/n! oh god, where are you????
y/n [13:30] um, home? Where else would I be?
tsum-tsum [13:31] are you okay? I think you should let ‘Samu explain himself. I’m sure he didn’t mean any of that. It was probably all just a lie, just so he didn’t have to answer us.
y/n [13:40] Atsumu I know yer his brother but you don’t have to cover for him like this. He said what he said. We all heard him loud and clear. It’s alright, each to their own ig.
tsum-tsum [13:42] y/n I know what he did is wrong but hes locked himself in his room and he needs to process his feelings. Yer the only one who can talk to him, so please please im begging, help him out.
y/n [13:50] I appreciate the offer but I will have to decline. It’s not often you find out yer being used by someone you love, and you rarely want to see their face after.
tsum-tsum [13:51] love? tsum-tsum [13:51] you actually love him?
y/n [13:52] ah fuck. don’t tell him I said that, I don’t want him to know this now, after he told us how he feels. y/n [13:53] Tsumu? Hello?? y/n [13:53] please don’t do it.
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Osamu felt… empty. It was like he couldn’t breathe, couldn’t blink, couldn’t think. He was sat on his bed, staring at his phone. He tried to contact you, but none of his calls went through and his texts were undelivered. Was this how it was going to be? No more midnight conversations, no more spontaneous gifts, no more affection or encouragement? He had never implied that he wanted a relationship with you, then why were you so broken?
He never intended anything romantic… did he?
He was a fucking liar and he knew it. He knew what he was doing when he snuck into your room to spend the night with you. He knew what he does when he puts his arms around you and buries his face in the crook of your neck, seeking comfort. He knew how you felt every time he stood behind you, your breathing slightly faster, a faint blush running down your neck, struggling not to stutter over your words.
Osamu wanted to scream. Everything about you was adorable. When you weren’t with him, it ached. His arms itched to wrap themselves around you, forehead leaning against yours, your lips moving against his ears, telling him that it would be okay when the coach yelled at him; calming him down when Atsumu got on his nerves; making him smile when nothing went his way. You were there, since middle school, and he never got tired of being around you.
You were his as he was yours. And he…
He loved you.
The tears finally came. Messy and fast, moans escaping his lips through the suppressed sound of hiccups, tears welling up and spilling over no matter how hard he tired to wipe them away. The door slammed open and a furious Atsumu grabbed him by his collar. Osamu could barely fight back, much too devasted as the words he said in the gymnasium came echoing back to him. He loathed himself, for saying all that, even as he knew, you were the light in his life.
Atsumu was yelling at him but the words fazed past him. Out of the blue, his face stung, a slap landed squarely on his face. “Yer so stupid, ‘Samu. They loved you. They loved you and this is how you respond?” Only at Osamu’s sobbing calls for you did Atsumu realize that maybe, maybe his brother had finally understood his own emotions. “Are ya- are ya okay?” The blond wrapped an arm around his twin, pulling him in close while the latter wept, for minutes, hours. It was his own fault, for not seeing all the signs and now he had lost you forever. “It’s not forever ‘Samu. Not if you fix it right now. Do you really want to give them up?”
Cries slipped past Osamu’s lips. No, no he didn’t.
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The fervent knocks on your door gave way to the shaking figure of Miya Osamu, his hands balled up in fists, head aimed downwards as quiet sobs escaped his mouth. “Y- y/n.” His arm wiped across his face, failing miserably to compose him. “Pl-please talk to me. I can’t stay away from you any longer.”
Merely the sight alone was almost enough for you to reach out to him; almost. “Go away Miya. I would like to retain my dignity, thank you very much.” You reached to swing the door shut, only to be blocked by a trembling arm. There were no words but you could see it in his eyes – something, something had changed. It was saddening, watching the strong, self-confident spiker fall to his knees at your bedroom door, no longer able to hold it open.
You’d tried all your life to pry open the door between the two of you, making every effort to keep you both close, getting along with his friends, cutting off ties with anyone he didn’t deem fit to interact with you. You did it for him – but you were tired; holding the door open this long, it hurt, a deep ache that pulled on your heart strings; binding you to him but at what cost?
“I wish-,” your voice came out quivering, your lips carefully trying to form words around the lump in your throat. Osamu glanced up, gazing at your through watery eyes, hopeful, longing. “I wish you would have told me, before I invested so much of myself. But then again, I should have realized, that when something seems too good to be true, Miya, it usually is.”
He gets up slowly and reaches to you, with shivering fingers, but you step back and his fingers clench into a loose fist, eyes showing emotions that have never graced his face before. Atsumu promised, it’s probably not too late yet. You can still convince them. But behind your stained face, was resignation. You were no longer his. He had lost you, the ground underneath him crumbling away, the thread that you had so carefully woven the only thing connecting the both of you.
A thread, that could not bear anymore weight. Before he could say anything to bring back what you had before, you spoke. “I’m sorry – I’m sorry I wasn’t everything you wanted. But I’m done. My heart is tired of being played with.” You glanced at him with determination clear in your eyes.
“N-no, no please y/n. Let me explain.”
“I think, I think this is goodbye Miya Osamu. I hope you find someone who made the moon seem as beautiful to you, as you did for me.” With that, you gave him a forlorn smile, shutting off the door that connected you to him, snapping any threads surrounding you. Not another word was exchanged ever.
And yet, at that moment, you were tied, sitting on either of your mahogany bedroom door, weeping for someone you would never have.
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otakusheep15 · 3 years
SFW Alphabet - Solomon
This is for my best friend/mother as she is the biggest Solomon simp I’ve ever seen lol. Also, this is gonna be angsty cause I love writing angsty Solomon
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He pretends to not like affection, but he’s a softie and we all know it. Really, all he needs is a hug and he’ll just melt on the spot. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
One word: chaos. You two as best friends cause untold destruction and cause Lucifer several migraines per day. Being besties with him also means being besties with Asmo, so be prepared for that as well.  
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He loves cuddles. Maybe it��s just the fact that he hasn’t had much physical contact in who knows how long, but he loves any form of contact. His favorite ways to cuddle is him on his back with you either laying on top of him, or on the side of him with your head on his chest. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I can’t see him as the type to settle down, be he’d consider it depending on the person. And while he’s a terrible cook, he’s not half bad at cleaning and other household chores. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He’d be super blunt about it. Honestly, he’s scared to get with anyone to begin with since, ya know, immortality and all, so it’s been a while since he’s actually had to break it off. His main goal when breaking up with someone is to get them away from him, so he wants to make sure the way he breaks up with them will make them want to stay away. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Afraid of commitment. I imagine the last time he tried to commit to someone was before he became immortal, so having to watch them die made him vow to never get that close to anyone again. Then he met you, and all of that has been thrown out the window. He might try and rush things a bit, but he just wants as much time with you as possible. So, while he is afraid to commit, he’ll do it for you. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s bad at human interaction, so he might not know if he accidentally hurts you, but he’ll be quick to apologize once he realizes. Honestly, he’s better at being physically gentle since he can control that better than emotions.  
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Loves hugs. They’re one of his favorite things ever. He just finds such comfort in them, and they’re great for stress relief. His hugs are a bit on the aggressive side, but they’re still very enjoyable. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He’d say it on accident. And then he’d try to play it off to hide how embarrassed he is. It is pretty early on, but he does mean it with all his heart. Please say it back, he hasn’t heard it in a while. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He gets extremely jealous. Like, you spend so much time with the brothers and he can’t stand that. Of course, he would never admit it, but he would try everything he can think of to get you away from them. Once, he almost resorted to food poisoning out of sheer desperation. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses differ depending on his mood, but they’re usually soft and full of passion. His favorite place to kiss you is your neck because it gets a nice reaction out of you. His favorite place to be kissed is the top of his head cause he’s secretly a big softy who wants to be babied.  
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He’s not the most fond of kids, but he’ll tolerate them. They’re are fun to tease though, especially Luke. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
he’s either waking you up at the crack of dawn to work on some new potion, or he’s sleeping in until past noon and refuses to get up. Regardless, you are not leaving his side. If he gets up, he’ll drag you up with him. If he wants to stay in, he’ll hold you there until he’s satisfied. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
He’ll usually be up late working on something or other, but he’s never up for too long. He jins you in bed when he’s done, and he’ll cuddle the crap out of you an an apology for keeping you waiting. He’s also fond of talking to you about random stuff that happened throughout the day until one or both of you fall asleep. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
This man is one of the most secretive people to ever exist. He wants to open up to you, honestly he does, but he just can’t. he’s so worried that all of his emotional baggage will drive you away, and he couldn’t stand losing another person he cares about. So, he keeps everything hidden. With time, he’ll start opening up if you push enough buttons. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He’s really good at pretending he’s patient. On the outside he’s his same-old self, but on the inside he’s fuming. His patience tends to wear especially thin around the brothers (except Asmo). It’s a mixture of jealousy for how much time they spend with you, and anger that they refuse to make a pact with him. But he keeps it all under wraps. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He does remember a good bit of information, but he sucks at remembering small details. For example, he may know what month your birthday is in, but he cannot remember the actual date. Or, he would remember your favorite movie genre, but not your favorite movie in said genre. He tries his best though. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
He loves this one time where you tried to help him cook something. You were tired of dealing with the mess that is his cooking skills, and you wanted him to make something that wouldn’t kill you. Everything started out fine until you accidentally get some flour on him. It wasn’t much, but still. He just turns to you without saying anything before launching some flour right back at you. And then the casual baking session turns into an all-out food war. The kitchen is a mess and you two end up getting scolded by Simeon later, but it was totally worth it.  
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Oh he’s very protective. I mean, you’re a defenseless human surrounded by powerful demons who want to eat you, of course he’d be protective. He would never mean to over-bearing, but he can come off that way sometimes. He used to protect those he cared about before he became immortal, so the habit comes back with you now. He doesn’t need protecting for obvious reasons, so it’s all the more reason to focus on protecting you. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Surprisingly, he prefers more lowkey dates. Maybe it’s because he rarely gets any alone time with you, but he loves just chilling out together practicing magic. if you did want to go out, he would take you somewhere in the Human World to get away from all the chaos of the Devildom. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Obviously, his cooking could kill a man, but we’re gonna move past that since it’s low hanging fruit. Besides that, he has a tendency to by pretty cunning and he’s always planning some kind of prank. He also has a tendency to get jealous of the brothers a lot, and that can make him salty when you guys can finally hang out. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He used to be pretty concerned with his looks, but he’s gotten over it. He still tries to look decent since he is in the presence of some powerful demons, but it isn’t at the forefront of his mind. Although, since becoming besties with Asmo, his vanity has started picking up again.  
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Maybe yes, maybe no. He’s had to deal with loss several times over, so he could probably learn to deal with it like he did before, but you could be different. It really just depends on what kind of impact you have on him during your time together. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
We all know that it’s basically canon that he and Asmo have hooked up before lol. But I also lowkey think he’s hooked up with both Barb and Satan. I have no real reason as to why I think this, but I do and I’m sticking to it. I don't even ship it that much, I just think he would do something like that. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He actually doesn’t like someone he knows he’d get attached to. He doesn't want to go through that pain again, so he wants to remain distant. Also, he doesn’t like someone who doesn’t understand or accept what he’s been through and what he’ll continue going through. He wants someone who understands and who he can talk to about it. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He gets very clingy in his sleep. If he’s sleeping with someone, they can expect to be trapped in his arms until he wakes up. And if you try to escape, he just hugs you even tighter. 
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
Hi!!! I'm not a fan of x readers that are romantic, but could you maybe do headcanons for Hanako, Kou, and Mitsuba with a close friend who has mental illness that gives them emotional control issues and is often alienated and treated like an insane freak by their classmates because of having outbursts/meltdowns/screaming fits/panic attacks in class and is currently crying on the ground clawing at their face and calling themself a monster after a particularly bad one of these incidents?? If that sounds concerning specific, erm..... I'm fine, don't worry.
(platonic) hanako and gn!reader, kou minamoto and gn!reader, mitsuba sousuke and gn!reader
a/n: of course!! I know you said not to worry, but I do hope you’re doing alright <3!!! Thank you so much for requesting!! (i also feel the need to say, this is my first mitsuba request,,, i love him so much, so i'm not complaining- i just realized it and was like "huh. wonder why i haven't gotten one before")
warnings: self harm, panic attacks, self hatred (is that what I’d put it as,,? I’m not sure-)
word count: collectively, 1,355
Hanako ☆
Hanako considered himself lucky that he was sitting alongside your class that day. He probably sat behind you, not even paying attention to the lesson- just enjoying trying to replicate the feeling of being alive. Should you start to panic a bit, he’ll pick up on it, sitting up and giving you a concerned glance.
“(Y/N)? Are you alright?”
You gave him some sort of response, earning glances from your classmates that definitely didn’t help the situation. No matter how harshly Hanako glared at their stares, the others couldn’t see him silently telling them to mind their business. 
Hanako felt bad for pestering, watching the reactions from your classmates grow even more negatively. Several murmurs, as your teacher asked if you needed to excuse yourself. Once you got up, Hanako followed you into the hallway, watching as you slumped to the ground and began to cry. 
Hanako was already in “protect my friend at all costs” mode, but seeing you like that only made his worry heighten, as he sat in front of you. He’d make sure that you knew he was in front of you by gently saying your name, or even just greeting you. He didn’t want to send you any further into panic with loud noises, so he was really trying to be as caring as he could.
He noticed you bringing your hands to your face as you began to speak, and felt himself freeze up a bit. After a moment of processing your actions, he grabbed your hands, holding them carefully as you called yourself a monster. He knew personally what it was like to hate yourself, hate your actions like that- the moment those words left your mouth, his heart felt like it was stabbed.
“You’re not a monster, (Y/N).” Hanako told you. Despite telling you it firmly, the care and concern was laced in his voice. Even if you continued to call yourself a monster, trying to free your hands from his grip, he wouldn’t give in. Deep down he was aware that restraining you like that probably wasn’t the best option, but all he knew was that he didn’t want you to hurt yourself.
Hanako would sit there with you as long as you needed. Any time a negative word left your mouth, he’d correct you- even when you began to calm down, he’d continue telling you that you weren’t a monster. You couldn’t help the hand you’d been dealt in life. You weren’t the one at fault. He cares for you deeply. You’re an amazing friend. Even as a ghost, just having you around made his lifeless heart feel warm.
Kou Minamoto ☆
I feel like Kou is very perceptive of others, all while being the least judgmental person you may have met in your life. Once he noticed you growing anxious, he felt himself growing anxious- he’d glance at you, trying to get your attention so that he could ask if you were alright. It probably didn’t work, and things soon escalated.
In a matter of minutes, you were rushing outside the class, leaving the rest of your classmates muttering and giving each other glances. Kou felt himself growing annoyed at the comments, and he quickly stood up, excusing himself to the teacher before shouting at his classmates to leave you alone. He then would also walk into the hall, and nervously rush to find you. 
Once he spotted you on the ground, he’d feel a bit relieved that he didn’t have to search too hard. However, once he noticed your hands clawing at your face, as you called yourself a monster, his heart rate went up once again. Kou would quickly go over to you, sitting in front of you and pulling your hands from your face.
In times like these, you can’t convince me that Kou doesn’t try and copy what Teru would do- he looks up to his brother so much, and assumes that whatever Teru would do must be the right thing. That being said, he’ll gently hold your hands, his face as gentle as ever, but still serious. He’s instantly ready to listen to whatever you have to say and to encourage his friend.
Once you muttered the word monster again, Kou would interrupt you, saying that you weren’t a monster. “You’re an amazing friend, and person, (Y/N). You aren’t a monster.”
Even if you tried to explain to him why you were a monster, giving excuses in between shaky breaths and tears, he wouldn’t give in. “No matter what. You aren’t a monster. You’re an amazing human being. You can’t help your actions. It’s no excuse for others to see you any less- anyone who does isn’t worth your emotions. You’re perfect, (Y/N). You’re just as you’re supposed to be.”
Kou will still listen if you decide to vent. He’ll let you pour your heart out to him if you want, all while still giving you the best encouragement he can. If you don’t want to vent, that’s fine too. Kou is still there, telling you how amazing you are. Kou sits there with you until you’ve completely calmed down- and, even then, he keeps a careful eye on you for the rest of the day (if you even decide to stay at school. Kou will definitely encourage you to go home, as he knows how tiring crying is. He doesn’t want you to exhaust yourself, but the decision is still yours.)
Mitsuba Sousuke ☆
I feel like Mitsuba is… very poor at encouraging others. His specialty is insults- pointing out people’s flaws. However, all that time spent pointing out the flaws of others, he’s been able to pick up on a few good things about people. Heck, that's probably how the two of you became friends- noticing good things about you, and a mix of interest in your personality. 
Mitsuba isn’t one for sitting in on classes, especially after losing his memories and practically becoming a different person. With a lack of sense of self, he’s not going to bother with a sense of being alive for a while. In fact, it probably makes him uncomfortable-
Almost as uncomfortable as the feeling he gets when he sees you on the floor in hysterics. Mitsuba isn’t the expert when it comes to emotions but, nonetheless, at seeing a friend cry he barely has to think before rushing over to you. 
He was about to ask whether or not you were alright, before noticing as you clawed your face. “(Y/N)?” He questioned, quickly squatting to your level. He grabbed your hands, yanking them somewhat harshly away from your face as he heard you begin to call yourself a monster.
Mitsuba is honestly about ready to go off, but he stops himself at realizing that- hey. Maybe yelling at someone who’s in the middle of what is apparently a pretty rough panic attack is not a good idea? Yeah. Good choice, Mitsuba- nice thinking.
“You’re not a monster, (Y/N). Even if you were, there are plenty of monsters around. Sitting right in front of you is a monster, so don’t insult us.”
If you tried to explain what happened, or why you call yourself a monster, Mitsuba will listen and give his two cents. To him, things like that are purely, innately, unfortunately part of existing. “Some people handle things differently than others. It makes you no more a monster than it does anyone else. I’m sure you’re scared, I’m sure you don’t mean to lash out, but it’s not like it’s your choice.”
He’ll sit there as long as you cry, probably gently hushing you- not in a mean or degrading way, but like you’d do a child that’s crying. Once you calmed down, he’d stand up, telling you that you’d better not go anywhere. “I’m going out of my way to get something for you, so don’t do anything.” After being gone for a minute or so, he’d return with tissues and would hand them to you casually. He really wants to seem like he doesn’t care, but you should know that he genuinely does.
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Hi! Im new to your page and i love your writing 💕 i have a request for demon brothers headcanons on how they treat MC after realizing they get anxiety from things like yelling/loud abrupt noises/ things like that? For example, they flinch, get quiet, or start fidgeting? Thank you!!!
Aww, thank you so much. That means a lot to me and I’m really glad you like my writing considering I have such a chaotic style lmao. Also, welcome to this mess of a blog. We give off ‘cult’ vibes but at least we have hot, fictional demons to make up for that.This was super sweet because I know for a fact every single one of them would be very understanding of MC’s anxiety of anything.
The Brothers with an MC that gets anxiety from loud/abrupt noises:
-He may not get anxiety from it, but Lucifer definitely prefers a quiet atmosphere/environment where he can focus on his work
-Which makes living with his brothers a living nightmare because they don’t have the capability to shut the fuck up
-That being said, he catches on rather quickly that you do not feel comfortable around loud noises in general
-There’s a limit to what he can do but every time you feel like you need a bit of peace and quiet, know that you are more than welcomed into his office at any time of the day. Even if he isn’t there
-He definitely prioritises your mental as well as your physical well being seeing as living with demons can have a massive effect on your sanity
-He’s not judgemental about it either because, while he doesn’t understand why loud noises may cause you to be so anxious, he understands that humans are built differently to demons
-Lucifer has no chill at times and will tell all of his brothers off every time they make a big scene, whether in public or private
-He can be a tad overprotective at times but he means really well, especially if he sees you’ve gotten oddly silent for the past few minutes or has caught wind of you fidgeting during dinner
-I don’t know how much I stressed so far about the observation skills this man has but I will keep doing, he can spot you flinching at loud noises from a mile away
-I believe that he can read people really well and can recognise when a person is feeling a certain way
-But he’s still a complete dumbass so he might still miss a few clues hidden in your mannerisms
-Like, he realises you’re uncomfortable but he doesn’t understand the degree of it or why it exists
-You’ll have to be blunt about it and tell him about your deal with loud noises because otherwise he will be stressing about it for weeks on end
-Dating him as a result of your anxiety over loud noises can prove to be...difficult
-He’s a very boisterous and obnoxious being, everytime a particular emotion of his flares up, he gets significantly noisier
-Whenever he enters the room you happen to be in, you’re forced to cover your ears and flinch because he has a way of announcing his presence
-But he tries so incredibly hard to act calmer around you and he so hates it when he fails to do so because he knows how uncomfortable you get as a result of him screaming like an idiot
-His brothers usually blame him when you start fidgeting because they assume he’s the cause of your rising anxiety and he started to believe it as well
-He sees that look on your face and he is just gutted
-He is ready to get on his knees and start apologising profusely until you forgive him for being such a noisy bastard
-The times other things/people are the cause of you going weirdly quiet, he will use his threatening tactics
-“Listen ‘ere, you’re makin’ my human uncomfortable so if you don’t shut the fuck up, I won’t let you see the light of day again. Do ya hear me?!?!”
-He says to the godfather clock when the sound of it striking midnight startled you
-He 100% understands
-He hates loud noises as well and they usually make him scamper back to his room lol a rat in hiding
-Levi is slightly more immune to them however seeing as his brothers do have a habit of raising their voices all the time
-But do not worry, human, for he will protect his Henry from the annoying sounds people in general make at the cost of his life
-Take shelter in his room, please
-He loves having you in there and usually you only have the noise of video games in the background
-If you’re there and an anime he’s watching is getting too loud, he will turn it down for you ahead of time
-Sometimes, he can be as noisy as his brothers, especially when he rages at one of his games
-Bu he’s so quick to shut up once he realises you’re there
-And then, like Mammon, would start apologising for being not only an ugly otaku but an obnoxious one at that
-So y’all end up comforting and cuddling each other because.....uh....mutual hatred for loud things?
-Also, he would decapitate his brothers for you if they crossed a line (like he’s not really a Yandere but he’s a demon with demonic instincts to protect I guess)
-Much like his father eldest brother, Satan also prefers silence in general
-After all, it’s a lot easier to read when his brothers aren’t there to muck about the place and make too much noise
-Humans are very different to demons, especially psychologically speaking and he understand that
-That’s why he doesn’t question it when you follow him into the library to seek refugee from his siblings
-If anything, he’s rather happy he gets to spend some time with you so the two of you sit in silence, each of you doing your own separate thing
-He knows if something is bothering you again, he can probably notice you suddenly start fidgeting in public
-He’s very cautious with you when you are in this state as he deems you are at your most vulnerable
-One time, a teacher at RAD raised his voice too high while scolding you for not paying attention and that earned an involuntary flinch from you
-That guy was officially on Satan’s shit list from then on, just so ya know
-Overall, he’s very sweet and patient with you and absolutely does not mind spending an entire day with you indoors away from loud noises
-He has no problem with loud noises whatsoever
-If anything, he loves being in crowded public places like The Fall, since partying and socialising is one of his many talents
-Not to mention, he’s so used to own family being so loud it just doesn’t affect him that much
-However, when you first arrived and he noticed just how badly you reacted to loud noises, he started avoiding things like clubbing as if it were the plague every time he hanged out with you
-Asmo needs social contact but he is more than willing to spend time indoors with you if it makes you feel better
-Or going out shopping in a relatively quiet shopping centre
-I mean, getting his nails done with you by his side sounds absolutely amazing to him
-So as much as he loves making noises and spending time in rowdy places, he’s always going to make an exception with you
-Beel is unbothered by noise
-Sure, he does like it better when his brothers aren’t fighting and things are peaceful around the house
-But, he’s not fazed by yelling, loud music, heavy things falling and thudding against the ground etc.
-He picks up on your anxiety riddled gestures the first time Lucifer has a go at his brothers in front of you
-Because you started fidgeting like crazy and in that moment he was the only one that saw it
-So Beel grabbed your hand and led you outside of the room and Lucifer was so caught up in the moment he didn’t even realise it
-Probably, maybe he just let it go
-Basically, Beel decides that he shall protect you, the tiny human in comparison with him, from any loud noises that might startle you
-He will do it, do not test him
-One time, Mammon was screaming because he was chased by the witches and it made you flinch enough for Beel to see
-A couple hours later, Mammon disappears completely and shows up at your door, looking absolutely traumatised but genuinely apologetic and says sorry
-Sometimes people forget Beel is a demon
-I’m gonna make a wild assumption and presume that if you are vulnerable to loud noises, you are very likely a light sleeper
-If that is the case, (apologies if you’re not) then Belphie would be very quick to notice because a lot of shit goes down at night time and most of the time, it’s loud
-Belphie doesn’t have a problem with it, he can sleep through anything, even his brothers and especially Lucifer
-But he definitely notices if you aren’t cuddled up to him any more, even if he was asleep, because you sat up in bed suddenly at a random noise at 3am
-Note: That was Asmo sneaking back into the house trying to be as quite as possible but tripping and breaking a window
-“You’ll have to get used to that. My brothers are idiots, they don’t know when to be silent.”
-He prefers quiet places like the attic so he can actually sleep, but again, could do so either way so it doesn’t matter to him
-But he is going to be...let’s say ...upset.... if you were to wake up from a nap session because of someone something
-“Make one more sound and I’ll rip your tongue out.”
-Even when you aren’t napping, he gets very angry when people get unnecessarily loud, especially with you reaction
-But that just gives him an opportunity to bring you to the attic or something so the two of you can actually chill by yourselves for a chance
-Beel is invited obviously, but Belphie is just as happy to be left by himself with you
-Ironic how much his feelings for you have changed, huh?
So I really finished this by the end of the week. Hope this is actually some good because I spent all of my brain cells on an another giant request I’m working and the rest were used to write this. Thank you for sending me requests though guys! Now every time I get bored I can just answer your asks. Have a nice Monday!
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